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(WBJEE) 2018

Date: 22 April, 2018 | Duration: 2 Hours | Max. Marks: 100


1. This question paper contains all objective questions divided into three categories. Each question has four answer options
2. Category-I : Carry 1 marks each and only one option is correct. In case of incorrect answer or any combination of more
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3. Category-II : Carry 2 marks each and only one option is correct. In case of incorrect answer or any combination of more
than one answer ½ marks will be deducted.
4. Category-III : Carry 2 marks each and one or more option(s) is/are correct. If all correct answers are not marked and also
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there is no negative marking for the same and zero marks will be awarded.
5. Questions must be answered on, OMR sheet by darkening the appropriate bubble marked (A), (B), (C) or (D).
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West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) 2018 | Maths | 22-04-2018 | CODE-A

Category – I (Q.1 to Q.50)
Carry 1 marks each and only one option is correct. In case of incorrect answer or any combination of more than
one answer, ¼ marks will be deducted.

1. If (2  r  n), then nCr + 2.nCr+ 1 + nCr + 2 is equal to

(A) 2. nCr + 2 (B) n+1Cr + 1 (C) n+2C
r+2 (D) n+1Cr
Ans. (C)
Sol. nC + nCr+1 + nCr+1 + nCr+2 = n+1Cr+1 + n+1Cr+2 = n+2Cr+2

2. The number (101)100 – 1 is divisible by

(A) 104 (B) 106 (C) 108 (D) 1012
Ans. (A)
Sol. (101)100 – 1
= (100 + 1)100 – 1
= 100C0 . 100100 + 100C1 . 10099 + ..... + 100C
99 . 100 + 100C100 . 1 – 1
= 104 (100C0 . 10096 + ...... + 1)

3. If n is even positive integer, then the condition that the greatest term in the expansion of (1 + x)n may also have
the greatest coefficient is
n n2 n n 1 n 1 n2 n2 n3
(A) x (B) x (C) x (D) x
n2 n n 1 n n2 n 1 n3 n2
Ans. (A)
Sol. For greatest term we have
n n 1 n
<  +1
2 1 | x | 2

n n 1 n 1 n
 < and  +1
2 1 x 1 | x | 2

n 1 n 1
1+x< and –1x
n/2 n
n n
n  1– n  1– – 1
x< 2 and 2 x
n n2
2 2
n2 n
x< and x
n n2
n n2
 <x<
n2 n

Resonance Eduventures Limited

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–1 7 0 13 –11 5
4. If 2 1 –3 = A, then –7 –1 25 is
3 4 1 –21 –3 –15
(A) A2 (B) A2 – A + 3 (C) A2 – 3A + 3 (D) 3A2 + 5A – 43
3 denotes the det of the identity matrix of order 3
Ans. (A)
1 7 0
Sol. A= 2 1 3 = –1(1 + 12) – 7(2 + 9) = –13 – 77 = –90
3 4 1
13 11 5 13 11 1 13 11 1
B = 7 1 25 = 15 7 1 5 = 15 7 1 5 = 15(0 – 0 – 6(–13 – 77)) = 90 × 90
21 3 15 7 1 1 0 0 6

ai a2 a3
5. If ar = (cos2r + isin2r)1/9 , then the value of a4 a5 a6 is
a7 a8 a9
(A) 1 (B) –1 (C) 0 (D) 2
Ans. (C)
a1 a2 a3 2r iˆ
Sol. a4 a5 a6 , ar = e 9
a7 a8 a9

2 ˆi 4 ˆi 6 ˆi 2 ˆi 4 ˆi

9 9 9 9 9
e e e 1 e e
8 ˆi 10 ˆi 12 ˆi 2  ˆi 8  ˆi 2 ˆi 2 ˆi
9 9 9 9 9 9 9
= e e e =e ×e 1 e e =0
14 ˆi 16 ˆi 18 ˆi ... ... ...
9 9 9
e e e

2r x n(n  1) n
6. If Sr = 6r 2 – 1 y n2 (2n  3) , then the value of S
r 1
r is independent of
4r 3 – 2nr z n3 (n  1)
(A) x only (B) y only (C) n only (D) x, y, z and n
Ans. (D)
2r x n(n  1)
Sol. Sr = 6r 2 – 1 y n2 (2n  3)
4r 3 – 2nr z n3 (n 1)
2 r x n(n  1)
r 1
n n
n(n 1) x n(n  1)
 S r 1
r =  (6r
r 1
– 1) y n (2n 3) = n (2n  3) y n (2n  3) = 0
2 2

n3 (n 1) z n3 (n  1)
 (4r
r 1
– 2nr) z n3 (n 1)

Resonance Eduventures Limited

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7. If the following three linear equations have a non-trivial solution, then

x + 4ay + az = 0
x + 3by + bz = 0
x + 2cy + cz = 0
(A) a,b,c are in A.P. (B) a,b,c are in G.P.
(C) a,b,c are in H.P. (D) a + b + c = 0
Ans. (C)
Sol. For non trivial solution
1 4a a
1 3b b = 0
1 2c c

 1(3bc – 2bc) – 1(4ac – 2ac) + (4ab – 3ab) = 0

bc – 2ac + ab = 0
bc + ab = 2ac
b= H.P.

8. On R, a relation  is defined by xy if and only if x – y is zero or irrational. Then

(A)  is equivalence relation
(B)  is reflexive but neither symmetric nor transitive
(C)  is reflexive & symmetric but not transitive
(D)  is symmetric & transitive but not reflexive
Ans. (C)
Sol. xRy  x – y is zero or irrational
xRx  0  reflective
if xRy  x – y is zero or irrational
 y – x is zero or irrational
 yRx symmetric
xRy  x – y is 0 or irrational
yRz  y – z is 0 or irrational
then (x – y) + (y – z) = x – z may be rational
it is not transitive

9. On the set R of real numbers, the relation  is defined by xy, (x,y)  R.

(A) if |x – y| < 2 then  is reflexive but neither symmetric nor transitive
(B) if x – y < 2 then  is reflexive and symmetric but not transitive
(C) if |x|  y then  is reflexive and transitive but not symmetric
(D) if x > |y| then  is transitive but neither reflexive nor symmetric
Ans. (D)
Sol. (x, x)  R  x > |x| false
not reflexive
(x, y)  R  x > |y| 
 y > |x|

Resonance Eduventures Limited

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Tel.No.: 0744-6607777, 3012100, 3012222, 6635555 | Fax: +91-022-39167222 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
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 not symmetric
(x, y)  R x > |y|, (y, z)  R y > |z|
x > |z|  (x, z)  R
 Transitive

10. If f : R  R be defined by f(x) = ex and g : R  R be defined by g(x) = x2. The mapping gof : R  R be defined
by (gof)(x) = g[f(x)]  x  R, Then
(A) gof is bijective but f is not injective
(B) gof is injective and g is injective
(C) gof is injective but g is not bijective
(D) gof is surjective and g is surjective
Ans. (C)
Sol. f(x) = ex : R  R
g(x) = x2 : R  R
g(f(x)) = g(ex) = (ex)2 = e2x  x  R
clearly g(f(x)) is injective and g(x) is not injective

11. In order to get a head at least once with probability  0.9, the minimum number of times a unbiased coin needs
to be tossed is
(A) 3 (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 6
Ans. (B)
1 1
Sol. P(H) = , P(T) =
2 2
P = 1– n  0.9
9 1 1 1
1–   n 
10 2n 2 10
 10  2n

12. A student appears for tests ,  and . The student is successful if he passes in tests ,  or , . The
probabilities of the student passing in tests ,  and  are respectively p, q and . If the probability of the
student to be successful is . Then
1 1
(A) p(1 + q) = 1 (B) q(1 + p) = 1 (C) pq = 1 (D)   1
p q
Ans. (A)
Sol.  P()P()P( ')  P()P( ')P()  P    P    P   
 1 1 1
= p.q.  1    P. 1  q·  p.q·
 2 2 2
1 = pq + p – pq + pq  1 = pq + p = p(q + 1)

Resonance Eduventures Limited

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Tel.No.: 0744-6607777, 3012100, 3012222, 6635555 | Fax: +91-022-39167222 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
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13. If sin6 + sin4 + sin2 = 0, then general value of  is

n  n  n  n 
(A) ,n  (B) ,n  (C) ,2n  (D) ,2n 
4 3 4 6 4 3 4 6
(n is integer)
Ans. (A)
Sol. sin 6 + sin 4 + sin2 = 0
sin 4 + 2 sin4 cos2 = 0
sin4 (1 + 2 cos2) = 0
1 2
sin4 = 0 or cos2 = – = cos
2 3
4 = n or 2 = 2n ±
n 
= or  = n ±
4 3

 1 
14. If 0  A  , then tan–1  tan2A  + tan–1 (cotA) + tan–1(cot3A) is equal to
4 2 
 
(A) (B)  (C) 0 (D)
4 2
Ans. (B)

1 

tan1  tan2A   tan1  cot A   tan1 cot3 A
2 

1   cot A  cot 3A 
= tan1  tan2A   tan1  
 1  cot A 
2 
 1 2 tan A  1  tan A 
= tan1  ·   tan  
 2 1  tan2
A   tan2
A  1
= 

15. Without changing the direction of the axes, the origin is transferred to the point (2, 3). Then the equation
x2 + y2 – 4x – 6y + 9 = 0 changes to
(A) x2 + y2 + 4 = 0 (B) x2 + y2 = 4
(C) x2 + y2 – 8x – 12y + 48 = 0 (D) x2 + y2 = 9
Ans. (B)
Sol. x  x + 2, y  y + 3
 (x + 2)2 + (y + 3)2 – 4(x + 2) – 6(y + 3) + 9 = 0
 x2 + 4x + 4 + y2 + 6y + 9 – 4x – 8 – 6y – 18 + 9 = 0
 x2 + y2 – 4 = 0

16. The angle between a pair of tangents drawn from a point P to the circle
x2 + y2 + 4x – 6y + 9sin2 + 13cos2 = 0 is 2. The equation of the locus of the point P is
(A) x2 + y2 + 4x + 6y + 9 = 0 (B) x2 + y2 – 4x + 6y + 9 = 0
(C) x + y – 4x – 6y + 9 = 0
2 2 (D) x2 + y2 + 4x – 6y + 9 = 0
Ans. (D)
Sol. x2 + y2 + 4x – 6y + 9sin2 + 13cos2 = 0
C(–2, 3), r = 4  9  9sin2   13cos2  = 13sin2   9sin2  = 2sin 

Resonance Eduventures Limited

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Tel.No.: 0744-6607777, 3012100, 3012222, 6635555 | Fax: +91-022-39167222 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
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P(h, k) ) ) C

sin =
PC2sin2 = 4sin2
(h + 2)2 + (k – 3)2 = 4  locus of P is x2 + y2 + 4x – 6y + 9 = 0

17. The point Q is the image of the point P(1, 5) about the line y = x and R is the image of the point Q about the line
y = – x. The circumcenter of the PQR is
(A) (5, 1) (B) (–5, 1) (C) (1, – 5) (D) (0, 0)
Ans. (D)
Sol. Clearly P(1, 5)
Q(5, 1) R(–1, –5)

 1 1 5  5 
 circumcentre of PQR is  , = (0, 0)
 2 2 

18. The angular points of a triangle are A(–1, –7), B(5, 1) and C(1, 4). The equation of the bisector of the angle
ABC is
(A) x = 7y + 2 (B) 7y = x + 2 (C) y = 7x + 2 (D) 7x = y + 2
Ans. (B)
A(–1, –7)

D 1

B(5, 1) 5 C(1, 4)
AB = 36  64 = 10, BC = 16  9 = 5
 –1  2 –7  8   1 1
D ,  = D , 
 3 3  3 3
 Equation of BD is y – 1 = 3 (x – 5)
y–1= (x – 5)
7y – 7 = x – 5  x – 7y + 2 = 0 x + 2 = 7y

Resonance Eduventures Limited

Registered & Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Tel.No.: 0744-6607777, 3012100, 3012222, 6635555 | Fax: +91-022-39167222 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
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19. If one the diameters of the circle, given by the equation x2 + y2 + 4x + 6y – 12 = 0, is a chord of a circle S,
whose centre is (2, –3), the radius of S is
(A) 41 unit (B) 3 5 unit (C) 5 2 unit (D) 2 5 unit
Ans. (A)
Sol. x2 + y2 + 4x + 6y – 12 = 0

G(2, –3)

C(2, –3)

C(–2, –3), r = 4  9  12 = 5
CG = 16  0 = 4
GP2 = CG2 + CP2
= 16 + 25
CiP = 41

20. A chord AB is drawn from the point A(0, 3) on the circle x2 + 4x + (y – 3)2 = 0, and is extended to M such that
AM = 2AB. The locus of M is
(A) x2 + y2 – 8x – 6y + 9 = 0 (B) x2 + y2 + 8x + 6y + 9 = 0
(C) x2 + y2 + 8x – 6y + 9 = 0 (D) x2 + y2 – 8x + 6y + 9 = 0
Ans. (C)

M(h, k)
A(0, 3)
B(h/2, (k+3)/2)

h2 k 3 
 2h   – 3  0
4  2 
h2 k 2 – 6k  9
 2h  =0
4 4
 locus of M is x2 + y2 + 8x – 6y + 9 = 0

Resonance Eduventures Limited

Registered & Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Tel.No.: 0744-6607777, 3012100, 3012222, 6635555 | Fax: +91-022-39167222 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
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x2 y2
21. Let the eccentricity of the hyperbola –  1 be reciprocal to that of the ellipse x2 + 9y2 = 9, then the ratio
a2 b2
a2 : b2 equals
(A) 8 : 1 (B) 1 : 8 (C) 9 : 1 (D) 1 : 9
Ans. (A)
1 8
Sol. Eccentricity of ellipse e = 1  =
9 9
eccentricity of hyperbola =
b2 9
1+ 
a2 8
b2 1

a2 8
a2 : b2 = 8 : 1 Ans. (A)

22. Let A,B be two distinct points on the parabola y2 = 4x. If the axis of the parabola touches a circle of radius r
having AB as diameter, the slope of the line AB is
1 1 2 2
(A) – (B) (C) (D) –
r r r r
Ans. (CD)
B(t2 , 2t2)
 t12  t 22 
(t1 , 2t) A  ,(t1  t 2 ) 
 2 

radius of circle = |t1 + t2| = r

2 2
slope of line AB = = Ans. (C, D)
t1  t 2 r

23. Let P(at2, 2at), Q(ar2, 2ar) be three points on a parabola y2 = 4ax. If PQ is the focal chord and PK, QR are
parallel where the co-ordinates of K is (2a, 0), then the value of r is
t 1– t 2 t2  1 t2 – 1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1– t 2 t t t
Ans. (D)
Sol. mPK = mQR
2at – 0 2at ' – 2ar

at – 2a a(t ')2 – ar 2

t t' r
t  2 (t ')2  r 2

– t – tr2 = – t – rt2 – 2t + 2r , tt = –1

t – tr2 = – t + 2r – rt2
–tr2 + r(t2 – 2) + t + t = 0

Resonance Eduventures Limited

Registered & Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Tel.No.: 0744-6607777, 3012100, 3012222, 6635555 | Fax: +91-022-39167222 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
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 2 – t   t    = 2 – t  
2 2
–2  4 –1 t 2 2
t4 2 – t2  t2
= =
–2t –2t –2t
r =– It is not possible as the R & Q will be one same.
t2 – 1
or r = (D) Ans.


F K(2a,0)

x2 y2
24. Let P be a point on the ellipse  = 1 and the line through P parallel to the y-axis meets the circle
9 4
PR 1
x2 + y2 = 9 at Q, where P, Q are on the same side of the x-axis. If R is a point on PQ such that  , then
RQ 2
the locus of R is
x 2 9y 2 x2 y2 x2 y2 9x 2 y 2
(A)  1 (B)  1 (C)  1 (D)  1
9 49 49 9 9 49 49 49
Ans. (A)
Sol. P(3cos, 2sin)
Q(3cos, 3sin)
1 2
P R(h,k) Q
(3cos, 2sin (3cos, 3sin
3cos   6cos  3sin   4sin 
h= ,k
3 3
h = 3cos, k = sin.
 sin2 + cos2 = 1
h2 9k 2
 1
9 49
x 2 9y 2
locus is  1
9 49

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x y z
25. A point P lies on a line through Q(1, –2, 3) and is parallel to the line   . If P lies on the plane
1 4 5
2x + 3y – 4z + 22 = 0, then segment PQ equals to
(A) 42 units (B) 32 units (C) 4 unit (D) 5 units
Ans. (A)
x 1 y  2 z  3
Sol. Equation line   
1 4 5
P( + 1, 4 – 2, 5 + 3)
P lies on 2x + 3y – 4z + 22 = 0
2( + 1) + 3(4 – 2) – 4(5 + 3) + 22 = 0
–6 + 6 = 0
P(2, 2, 8)
PQ = 1  16  25  42 Ans. (A)

26. The foot of the perpendicular drawn from the point (1, 8, 4) on the line joining the points (0, –11, 4) and (2, – 3,
1) is
(A) (4, 5, 2) (B) (–4, 5, 2) (C) (4, –5, 2) (D) (4, 5, –2)
Ans. (D)
Sol. Equation of line joining points (0, –11, 4) and (2, –3, 1)
x  2 y  3 z 1
  
2 8 3
DR's of PQ 2 + 1, 8 – 11, –3 – 3
Now (2 + 1)2 + (8 – 11)8 + (–3 – 3)(–3) = 0
77 – 77 = 0  =1
Q(4, 5, –2) Ans. (D)

27. The approximate value of sin31º is

(A) > 0.5 (B) > 0.6 (C) < 0.5 (D) < 0.4
Ans. (A)
Sol. sin30° =
sinx is increasing function  sin31° >

28. Let f1(x) = ex, f2(x) = ef1( x) ,...., fn+1(x) = efn ( x) for all n 1. The for any fixed n, fn(x) is
(A) fn(x) (B) fn(x) fn – 1(x) (C) fn(x) fn – 1(x)...f1(x) (D) fn(x).....f1(x) ex
Ans. (C)
Sol. fn(x) = fn(x) . fn–1(x).......... f1(x)

Resonance Eduventures Limited

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29. The domain of definition of f(x) = is
2 –| x |
(A) (–, –1) (2, ) (B) [–1, 1] (2, )  (–, – 2)
(C) (–, 1) (2, ) (D) [–1, 1] (2, )
Here (a, b)  {x : a < x < b} & [a, b]  {x : a  x  b}
Ans. (B)
1 | x |
Sol. f(x) =
2 | x |
1 | x |
 0  |x|  1 or |x| > 2  x  [–1, 1] or x  (–, –2 ) (2, ) Ans. (B)
2 | x |

30. Let f : [a, b]  R be differentiable on [a, b] and k  R. Let f(a) = 0 = f(b). Also let J(x) = f (x) + kf(x). Then
(A) J(x) > 0 for all x [a, b] (B) J(x) < 0 for all x [a, b]
(C) J(x) = 0 has atleast one root in (a, b) (D) J(x) = 0 through (a, b)
Ans. (C)
Sol. Let g(x) = ekx f(x)
f(a) = 0 = f(b)
by rolles theorem
g(c) = 0, c  (a, b)
g(x) = ekx f (x) + kekx f(x)
g(c) = 0
ekc(f(c) + kf(c) = 0
 f(c) + kf(c) = 0 for atleast one c in (a, b)
Ans. C

f(1– h) – f(1)
31. Let f(x) = 3x10 – 7x8 + 5x6 – 21x3 + 3x2 – 7. Then
h3  3h
50 53 22
(A) does not exist (B) is (C) is (D) is
3 3 3
Ans. (C)
f(1  h)  f(1)  0 
Sol. lim  0 form 
h 0 h3  3h  
f '(1  h) f '(1)
lim =
h  0 3h2  3 3
f'(x) = 30x9 – 56x7 + 30x5 – 63x2 + 6x
f'(1) = 30 – 56 + 30 – 63 + 6 = –53 Ans. (C)

32. Let f : [a, b]  R be such that f is differentiable in (a, b), f is continuous at x = a and x = b and moreover f(a) = 0
= f(b). Then
(A) there exists atleast one point c in (a, b) such that f (c) = f(c)
(B) f (x) = f(x) does not hold at any point in (a, b)
(C) at every point of (a, b), f (x) > f(x)
(D) at every point of (a, b), f (x) < f(x)
Ans. (A)
Sol. Let h(x) = e–xf(x)
h(a) = 0, h(b) = 0
h(x) is continuous and diff.
by rolles theorem

Resonance Eduventures Limited

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h'(c) = 0, c  (a, b)
e–xf(x) + (–e–x)f(x) = 0
e–c f '(c) = e–cf(c)
f '(c) = f(c)

33. Let f : R  R be a twice continuously differentiable function such that f(0) = f(1) = f (0) = 0. Then
(A) f (0) = 0 (B) f (c) = 0 for some c  R
(C) if c  0, then f (c)  0 (D) f (x) > 0 for all x  0
Ans. (B)
Sol. f(x) is continuous and differentiable
f(0) = f(1) = 0  by rolles theorem
f (a) = 0 , a (0, 1)
given f (0) = 0
by rolles theorem f(0) = 0 for some c, c  (0, a)
Ans. B

 x cos3 x – sin x 
34. If  esin x  2  dx  e f(x)  c where c is constant of integration, then f(x) =
sin x

 cos x 
(A) secx – x (B) x – secx (C) tanx – x (D) x – tanx
Ans. (B)
sin x  x cos x – sin x 
Sol.  e  cos2 x  dx
=  esinx  xcosx – tanxsec x dx

= (xe sinx – esinx )– esinx sec x – e sinx dx  + c
 
= e (x – sec x) c

Ans. B

35. If  f(x)sin x cos xdx  2(b 2
– a2 )
logf(x)  c , where c is the constant of integration, then f(x) =

2 2 2 2
(A) (B) (C) 2 (D)
(b2 – a2 )sin2x ab sin2x (b – a2 )cos2x abcos2x
Ans. (C)
Sol. check by option

/2 / 4
cos x sin x cos x
36. If M = 
dx, N = 
0 (x  1)2
dx, then the value of M – N is

 2 2
(A)  (B) (C) (D)
4 4 4
Ans. (D)
 /4
Sol. N=  2(x  1)

Let 2x = t
2dx = dt

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 /2  /2
sin t sin t
N=  t 
dt =   t  2 2
4   1 0

2 
 /2
 1  cos t
= sint  –
 t  2 
+ 
 /2
  1 
N =  – sin t    M
  t  2  0
M–N= Ans. D

tan1 x
37. The value of the integral I =  x dx is

  1
(A) log 2014 (B) log 2014 (C)  log 2014 (D) log 2014
4 2 2
Ans. (B)

tan1 x
Sol. I= 
1 x
dx .........(1)

Let x=

dx =  dt

 1
tan1  
 t    1  dt
1/ 2014
I=  
 1  t2 


 

cot 1 t
I=  t dt
1/ 2014

from (1) + (2)

2I = 
1/ 2014

 n t 1/ 2014

  1 
n2014 – log
4  2014 

 
= (2 n 2014) = n 2014
4 2

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sin x
38. Let I = 
/ 4
dx . Then

1 3 2 2 3
(A) I1 (B) 4  I  2 30 (C)  I  (D) 1  I 
2 8 6 2
Ans. (C)
 /3
sin x
Sol. = 
 /4

sin x
 is a decreasing function
 sin  / 3  sin  / 4
so    
12 /3 12 /4

3 2
 
8 6
Ans. C

5 / 2 1
etan (sin x)
39. The value of I =
 etan
(sin x)
 etan
(cos x)
dx , is

(A) 1 (B)  (C) e (D) /2

Ans. (B)
5  /2 –1
etan (sin x)
Sol. = 
 /2 etan
(sin x)
 etan
(cos x)

 –1 5  /2 –1
etan (sin x)
etan (sin x)
= e
 /2
tan–1 (sin x)
 etan
(cos x)
dx + 
 etan
(sin x)
 etan
(cos x)
dx ...... (1)

 –1 5  /2 –1 b b
e– tan (sin x)
e– tan (sin x)
= e
 /2
– tan–1 (sin x)
 e– tan
(cos x)
dx + 
 e– tan
(sin x)
 e– tan
(cos x)
by  f(x)dx  f(a  b – x)dx
a a

 –1 5  /2 –1
etan (cos x)
etan (cos x)
= e
 /2
tan–1 (sin x)
 etan
(cos x)
dx + 
 etan
(sin x)
 etan
(cos x)
dx ...... (2)

from (1) + (2)

 5 /2
2I = 
 /2
1 dx +  1dx

2 = (x)5/2/2 = 2

 = 

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40. The value of

1  2 n 
lim sec 2  sec 2  ........  sec 2  is
nn 4n 4n 4n 
 4
(A) logc2 (B) (C) (D) e
2 
Ans. (C)

 sec
Sol. dx
 x 
 tan 4  4
  =
   
 4 0

41. The differential equation representing the family of curves y2 = 2d(x + d ) where d is a parameter, is of
(A) order 2 (B) degree 2 (C) degree 3 (D) degree 4
Ans. (C)
dy ydy
Sol. 2y  2d  d=
dx dx

dy  dy 
y2 = 2y  x  y 
dx  dx 
3/ 2
dy  dy 
y2 = 2y + 2y 3/ 2  
dx  dx 
dy 2  dy 
(y2 – 2xy ) = 4y3  
dx  dx 
Degree three

42. Let y(x) be a solution of (1 + x2) + 2xy – 4x2 = 0 and y(0) = – 1. Then y(1) is equal to
1 1 1
(A) (B) (C) (D) –1
2 3 6
Ans. (C)
Sol. I.F. = (1 + x 2)
4x 3
y(1 + x2) =  4x 2 dx  y(1 + x2) = 1 (as y(0) = –1)
y(1) =

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43. The law of motion of a body moving along a straight line is x = vt, x being its distance from a fixed point on
the line at time t and v is its velocity there. Then
(A) acceleration f varies directly with x (B) acceleration f varies inversely with x
(C) acceleration f is constant (D) acceleration f varies directly with t
Ans. (C)
Sol. x= vt
1 dx
x= . .t
2 dt
2dt dx
t x

nc + 2nt = nx

x = t2c
= 2tc

d2 x
= 2c
dt 2
Hence acceleration is constant

44. Number of common tangents of y = x2 and y = –x2 + 4x – 4 is

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
Ans. (B)
Sol. y = x2 ; y = – (x – 2)2

2  (  2)2
= 2 = – 2( – 2)

 =2–=2

2  2 22
= 2a  = 2
2 2  2
2 = (2 – 2)
 2 = 22 – 2
2 = 2   = 0, 2
=0 =2
=2 =0
Hence two common tangent

Resonance Eduventures Limited

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(–( – 2)2)

45. Given that n numbers of A.Ms are inserted between two sets of numbers a, 2b and 2a, b where a, b  R.
Suppose further that the mth means between these sets of numbers are same, then the ratio a : b equals
(A) n – m + 1 : m (B) n – m + 1 : n (C) n : n – m + 1 (D) m : n – m + 1
Ans. (D)
Sol. a.............n A.M's ................2b

2b  a
n 1

 2b  a 
Am = a + m   ..........(1)
 n 1 
2a.....................n A.M's ...................b
b  2a
n 1

 b  2a 
Am = 2a + m   .......(2)
 n 1 
equating (1) & (2)
a= (b + a)
n 1
a m
 =
b n  m 1

46. If x + log10(1 + 2x) = x log105 + log106 then the value of x is

1 1
(A) (B) (C) 1 (D) 2
2 3
Ans. (C)

Sol. log10(1 + 2x) = log105x + log106 - log1010x

6.5 x 6
1 + 2x = x
10 2x
t(1 + t) = 6  t2 + t – 6 = 0
(t + 3) (t – 2) = 0
2x = 2  x = 1

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2r 2r 10
47. If Zr = sin
– icos
then Z
r 0
r 

(A) –1 (B) 0 (C) i (D) –i

2r 2r  10 i2r 
Sol. –i 
r 0
 isin
 –i   e 11  = - i [0] = 0
 r 0 

z1 z2
48. If z1 and z2 be two non zero complex numbers such that  = 1, then the origin and the points
z2 z1
represented by z1 and z2
(A) lie on a straight line (B) form a right angled triangle
(C) form an equilateral triangle (D) form an isosceles triangle

0 z2
z1 = z2ei/3
2z1 = z2 (1  i 3)
2z1 – z2  i 3z2
 4z12  z 22 – 4z 1z 2  –3z 22  4z12  4z22  4z1z2 Hence form equilateral triangle.

49. If b1b2 = 2(c1 + c2) and b1, b2, c1, c2 are all real numbers, then at least one of the equations x2 + b1x + c1 = 0 and
x2 + b2x + c2 = 0 has
(A) real roots (B) purely imaginary roots
(C) roots of the form a + ib (a, b  R, ab  0) (D) rational roots
Sol. D1 + D2 = (b1 – b2)2  0
Hence real roots

50. The number of selection of n objects from 2n objects of which n are identical and the rest are different is
(A) 2n (B) 2n – 1 (C) 2n – 1 (D) 2n –1 + 1
Sol. nC + nC + nC …… + nC
0 1 2 n
= 2n

Category – II (Q.51 to Q.65)

Carry 2 marks each and only one option is correct. In case of incorrect answer or any combination of more than
one answer ½ marks will be deducted.

51. Let A be the centre of the circle x2 + y2 – 2x – 4y – 20 = 0. Let B(1, 7) and D(4, – 2) be two points on the circle
such that tangents at B and D meet at C. The area of the quadrilateral ABCD is
(A) 150 sq. units (B) 50 sq. units (C) 75 sq. units (D) 70 sq. units
Ans. (C)

Resonance Eduventures Limited

Registered & Corporate Office: CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.)-324005
Tel.No.: 0744-6607777, 3012100, 3012222, 6635555 | Fax: +91-022-39167222 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
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(1, 7)
B C(16, 7)
tangent at B, y = 7
tangent at D, x = 16
so BC = 15  area o quadilateral = 2 × × 5 × 15 = 75
 
 2sin x, if x  

  
52. Let f(x) =  A sin x  B, If   x  . Then
 2 2
 
 cos x, if x 
 2

(A) f is discontinuous for all A and B

(B) f is continuous for all A = – 1 and B = 1
(C) f is continuous for all A = 1 and B = –1
(D) f is continuous for all real values of A, B
Ans. (B)
 
Sol. for continuity at x = and x = –
2 2
= –A + B and A + B = 0
A = –1 and B = 1
53. The normals to the curve y = x2 – x + 1, drawn at the points with the abscissa x1 = 0, x2 = –1 and x3 =
(A) are parallel to each other (B) are pair wise perpendicular
(C) are concurrent (D) are not concurrent
Ans. (C)
dy 1
Sol. = 2x – 1, mN =
dx 1– 2x
mx1 = 1 point (0, 1)
y – 1 = 1(x) , x – y + 1 = 0 ....(1)
mx2 = point (–1, 3)
y – 3 = (x + 1)  3y – 9 = x + 1
x – 3y + 10 = 0 ........(2)
5  5 19 
x3 = ,  ,
2  2 4 
m x3 = –

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19 1  5
y– =–  x– 
4 4  2
 x + 4y = .........(3)
7 9 
Intersection point of (1) & (2)  ,  passes (3)
 2 12 
Hence normal are concurrent.

54. The equation x log x = 3 – x

(A) has no root in (1, 3) (B) has exactly one root in (1, 3 )
(C) x log x – (3 – x) > 0 in [1, 3] (D) x log x – (3 – x) < 0 in [1, 3]
Ans. (B)
Sol. f(x) = xlogx – 3 + x
f'(x) = 1 + logx + 1
– +
0 10

f(1) f(3) = –2(3log3) = –ve

Hence one roots in (1, 3)

55. Consider the parabola y2 = 4x. Let P and Q be points on the parabola where P(4, –4) & Q(9, 6). Let R be a
point on the arc of the parabola between P & Q. Then the area of PQR is largest when

1   1
(A) PQR = 90° (B) R(4, 4) (C) R  , 1 (D) R  1, 
4   4
Ans. (C)

Q y = 4x
2 (9, 6)
(t , 2t)

P(4, –4)
PQ  2x – y = 12
(2t 2  2t  12)2
 distance RL2 =
2 1
for maximum t = =
22 2
1 
R   , 1
4 

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56. A ladder 20 ft long leans against a vertical wall. The top end slides downwards at the rate of 2 ft per second.
The rate at which the lower end moves on a horizontal floor when it is 12 ft from the wall is
8 6 3 17
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 5 2 4
Ans. (A)


x2 + y2 = 400 given = 2 ft/sec

x = 12  y = 16

dx dy
x = –y
dt dt

 dx 
12   = – 16 × 2
 dt 

dx 8
dt 3

57. For 0  p  1 and for any positive a, b; let I(p) = (a + b)p, J(p) = ap + bp, then

(A) I(p) > J(p)

(B) I(p)  J(p)

 p p 
(C) I(p) < J(p) in 0, & I(p) > J(p) in  ,  
 2  2 

p   p
(D) I(p) < J(p) in  ,   & J(p) < I(p) in 0, 
2   2
Ans. (B)
Sol. a = 9, b = 16
(P) = 5 and J(P) = 7
J(P) > (P)
1 1
Now a = and b =
9 16
5 7
(P) = J(P) =
12 12
J(P) > (P) )

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58. Let   ˆi  ˆj  kˆ ,   ˆi  ˆj  kˆ and   ˆi  ˆj  kˆ be three vectors. A vector  , in the plane of  and  , whose

projection on  is , is given by

(A) ˆi  3ˆj  3kˆ (B) ˆi  3ˆj  3kˆ (C) ˆi  3ˆj  3kˆ (D) ˆi  3ˆj  3kˆ

Ans. (ABC)

Sol.   
    n = ˆi  ˆj  kˆ  ˆi  ˆj  kˆ 
  1  n ˆi  1  n ˆj  1  n kˆ
. 1 1  n  1  n  1  n 1
  
 3 3 3
| n + 1| = 1 n+1n=0
or n = –2
  ˆi  3jˆ  3kˆ

59. Let , ,  be three unit vectors such that .   .  and the angle between  and  is 30°. Then  is

(A) 2(    ) (B) 2(    ) (C) 2(    ) (D) (    )

Ans. (C)

Sol. 
  n   
1 = |n| × 1 × 1 × sin 30° n=±2

z1  z2
60. Let z1 and z2 be complex numbers such that z1  z2 and |z1| = |z2|. If Re(z1) > 0 and Im(z2) < 0, then is
z1  z2

(A) one (B) real and positive (C) real and negative (D) purely imaginary
Ans. (D)
Sol. z1 = x1 + iy1 and z2 = x2 + iy2
Re(z1) > 0  x1 > 0 and Im(z2) < 0  y2 < 0
|z1| = |z2|  |z1|2 = |z2|2  z1 z 1 = z2 z 2

 z  z2   z1  z2 
Now  1  +  

 z1 – z2   z1 – z2 

 z1  z2   z1  z2  z1z1  z2 z1 – z1z2 – z 2z 2 z 1z1 z 1z 2 – z 2z 1 – z 2z 2

  +  =
 z1 – z2   z1 – z2  (z1 – z 2 )(z 1 – z 2)

2(| z1 |2 – | z2 |2 )
= = 0 ( |z1|2 = |z2|2)
(z1 – z2 )(z1 – z2 )

z1  z2
 is purely imaginary
z1 – z2

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61. From a collection of 20 consecutive natural numbers, four are selected such that they are not consecutive. The
number of such selections is
(A) 284 × 17 (B) 285 × 17 (C) 284 × 16 (D) 285 × 16
Ans. (A)
Sol. 1, 2, 3, 4, .................. 20
there are 17 way for four consecutive number
number ways = 20C4 – 17
= 285 × 17 – 17
= 284 × 17
  
 cos 4 sin 4 
62. The least positive integer n such that   is an identity matrix of order 2 is
  sin  cos  
 
 4 4
(A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 12 (D) 16
Ans. (B)
 1 1 
 
Sol.  2 2
 1 1 
 
 2 2
   1
Let A =   Where  =
    2
       0 2 2 
A2 =     =  
         2 2 0 
 0 2 2   0 2 2   4 4 0   1 0 
A4 =     =   =  
 2
0   2 2 0   0 4 4   0 1
 1 0   1 0   1 0
A8 =     = 0 1
 0 1  0 1  
Ans. (B)

63. Let  be a relation defined on N, the set of natural numbers, as

 = {(x, y)  N × N : 2x + y = 41} Then
(A)  is an equivalence relation (B)  is only reflexive relation
(C)  is only symmetric relation (D)  is not transitive
Ans. (D)
Sol.  = {(x, y)  N × N, 2x + y = 41}
for reflexive relation x R x  2x + x = 41  x = N
for symmetric  x R y  2x + y = 41  y R x (Not symmetric)
for transitive x R y  2x + y = 41 and y R z  2y + z = 41, x R z (not transitive ) Ans. (D)

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(1  x)a (2  x)b 1
64. If the polynomial f(x) = 1 (1  x)a (2  x)b , then the constant term of f(x) is
(2  x)b 1 (1  x)a

(A) 2 – 3.2b + 23b (B) 2 + 3.2b + 23b (C) 2 + 3.2b – 23b (D) 2 – 3.2b – 23b
Ans. (A)
Sol. For constant term [put x = 0]

1 2b 1
f(x) = 1 1 2b = 1(1 – 2b) – 2b(1 – 22b) + 1 (1 – 2b)
2 1 1

= 1 –2b – 2b + 23b + 1 – 2b = 2 – 3.2b + 23b

65. A line cuts the x-axis at A(5, 0) and the y-axis at B(0, –3). A variable line PQ is drawn perpendicular to AB
cutting the x-axis at P and the y-axis at Q. If AQ and BP meet at R, then the locus of R is
(A) x2 + y2 – 5x + 3y = 0 (B) x2 + y2 + 5x + 3y = 0
(C) x2 + y2 + 5x – 3y = 0 (D) x2 + y2 – 5x – 3y = 0
Ans. (A)

P A(5,0)
Sol. x

B(0, –3)

x y
Line AB is + = 1  3x – 5y = 15
5 –3
Any perpendicular line to AB
   
5x + 3y = So P  ,0  , Q  0, 
5   3
x y 3y x 1 1  x
AQ is + =1 = 1–  = 1–  ........ (1)
5 /3  5  3y  5
x y 5x y 1 1  y
and BP is – =1 =1+  = 1  ......... (2)
/5 3  3  5x  3
1  x 1  y
 1–  =  1 
3y  5 5x  3
 x  y
 5x  1–  = 3y  1    5x – x2 = 3y + y2  x2 + y2 – 5x + 3y = 0
 5  3

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Category – III (Q.66 to Q.75)

Carry 2 marks each and one or more option(s) is/are correct. If all correct answers are not marked and also
no incorrect answer is marked then score = 2 × number of correct answers marked  actual number of
correct answers. If any wrong option is marked or if any combination including a wrong option is marked, the
answer will considered wrong but there is no negative marking for the same and zero marks will be awarded.

66. In a third order matrix A, aij denotes the element in the i-th row and j-th column.
If aij = 0 for i = j
= 1 for i > j
= –1 for i < j
Then the matrix is
(A) skew symmetric (B) symmetric (C) not invertible (D) non-singular
Ans. (AC)
0 –1 –1
 
Sol. A =  1 0 –1 skew symmetric
 1 1 0 

0 –1 –1
|A| = 1 0 –1 = 0 + 1(0 + 1) – 1(1 – 0)
1 1 0

|A| = 0  non invertible

67. The area of the triangle formed by the intersection of a line parallel to x-axis and passing through P(h, k), with
the lines y = x and x + y = 2 is h2. The locus of the point P is
(A) x = y – 1 (B) x = –(y – 1) (C) x = 1 + y (D) x = –(1 + y)
Ans. (AB)

C P(h,k)
(2–k, k)


x+y= 2

Resonance Eduventures Limited

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1 1 1
1 k k = ± h2
1 2–k k

 1(k2 –k(2 –k)) – 1(k – k) + 1(2 –k – k) = ±2h2

 k2 – 2k + k2 + 2 – 2k = ± 2h2
 2k2 – 4k + 2 = ± 2h2
locus is (k – 1)2 = h2  y – 1 = ± x
x–y+1=0 or x+y=1
x=y–1 x = – (y – 1)

68. A hyperbola, having the transverse axis of length 2 sin is confocal with the ellipse 3x2 + 4y2 = 12. Its equation
(A) x2 sin2  – y2 cos2  = 1 (B) x2 cosec2  – y2 sec2  = 1
(C) (x2 + y2) sin2  = 1 + y2 (D) x2 cosec2  x2 + y2 + sin2 
Ans. (B)

2A = 2sin
A = sin
3x2 + 4y2 = 12
x2 y2
 + = 1, (a = 2, b = 3)
4 3
 b2 = a2(1 – e2)
3 = 4(1 – e2)
3 1 1
 e2 = 1 – =  e =
4 4 2
S(ae, 0)  S(1, 0)
for hyperbola foci are same
Ae1 = ae = 1
 (sin)e1 = 1  e1 = cosec

and B2 = A2( e12 – 1) = (Ae1)2 – A2

 B2 = 1 – sin2 = cos2
x2 y2 x2 y2
– = 1  – =1   x2 cosec2 – y2sec2 = 1
A2 B2 sin2  cos2 

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69. Let f(x) = cos   , x  0 then assuming k as an integer,

 1 1  1 1
(A) f(x) increases in the interval  ,  (B) f(x) decreases in the interval  , 
 2k  1 2k   2k  1 2k 

 1 1   1 1 
(C) f(x) decreases in the interval  ,  (D) f(x) increases in the interval  , 
 2k  2 2k  1   2k  2 2k  1 
Ans. (AC)

Sol. f(x) = cos  

    
f '(x) = – sin    –  = 2 sin   > 0
x  x x x
for increasing function f'(x) > 0

 sin   > 0

(2k)   (2k 1)
1 1
2k (2k 1)
for decreasing function f '(x) < 0

sin   < 0

  1 1 
  ((2k + 1), (2k + 2))  x   , 
x  2k  2 2k  1 

70. Consider the function y = loga x  

x 2  1 , a > 0, a  1. The inverse of the function

(A) does not exist 

(B) is x = log1/a y  y 2  1
 1
(C) is x = sinh (y ln a) (D) is x = cosh   y ln 
 a
Ans. (C)
Sol. 
ay = x  x 2  1 
 a–y = x2  1 – x  ay – a–y = 2x
y –y
a –a ey na – e–y na
 f–1(y) = x = = = sin h(y na)
2 2
 ex – e– x 
 since sinh(x)  
 2 

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x3 cos3x
71. Let  = 0 2  x2 dx . Then

1 1 1 1 3 3
(A)   (B)   (C) – 1 <  < 1 (D)  
2 2 3 3 2 2

Ans. (ABCD)

Sol. –1 < cos3x < 1

– x3 < x3 cos 3x < x3

–x 3 x3 –x 3 x3 cos3x x3 x3 x3
< – < < < < <
x2 x 2  x2 2  x2 2  x2 x x2

taking integration from 0 to 1

1 1
  –x dx <  < x
2 2
0 0

1 1
 –x 3   x3  1 1
  <  <   – <<
 3 0 3
 0 3 3

So, (ABCD)

72. A particle is in motion along a curve 12y – x3. The rate of change of its ordinate exceeds that of abscissa in

(A) – 2 < x < 2 (B) x = ±2 (C) x < – 2 (D) x > 2

Ans. (CD)

dy dx
Sol. Given  ......(i)
dt dt

and 12y = x3

dy dx
 12  3x 2 ......(ii)
dt dt

dx dx
from (1) 3x2 > 12
dt dt

 x2 – 4 > 0  x  (–, –2)  (2, )

Ans. (CD)

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73. The area of the region lying above x-axis, and included between the circle x2 + y2 = 2ax & the parabola y2 = ax,
a > 0 is

  2 16a2  27 
(A) 8a2 (B) a2    (C) (D)    3a2 
4 3 9  8 
Ans. (B)

(a, 0)

(x – a)2 + y2 = a2
 x2 + y2 = 2ax and y2 = ax
 x2 + ax = 2ax  x2 = ax
x = 0, x = a
(0, 0), (a, a)
1  x3 / 2  a2 2a2   2
Area = (Area of circle) –
4  0
axdx = (a2) –
a   =
 3 / 2 0 4

= a2   
4 3
Ans. (B)

74. If the equation x – cx + d = 0 has roots equal to the fourth powers of the roots of x2 + ax + b = 0, where a2 > 4b,
then the roots of x2 – 4bx + 2b2 – c = 0 will be
(A) both real (B) both negative
(C) both positive (D) one positive and one negative
Ans. (AD)
Sol. Let x2 + ax + b = 0 has roots  and 
x2 – cx + d = 0, roots are 4 and 4
 +  = – a,  = b and 4 + 4 = c, ()4 = d
 b4 = d and 4 + 4 = c
(2 + 2)2 – 2()2 = c
 (( + )2 – 2)2 – 2()2 = c
 (a2 – 2b)2 – 2b2 = c  2b2 + c = (a2 – 2b)2
2b2 – c = 4a2b – a2
= a2(4b – a2)
Now for equation
x2 – 4bx + 2b2 – c = 0

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West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) 2018 | Maths | 22-04-2018 | CODE-A

D = (4b)2 – 4(1) (2b2 – c)

= 16b2 – 8b2 + 4c
= 8b2 + 4c
= 4(2b2 + c)
= 4(a2 – 2b)2 > 0  real roots
Now f(0) = 2b2 – c
= a2(4b – a2)
<0 (since a2 > 4b)
Roots are opposite in sign.

75. On the occasion of Dipawali festival each student of a class sends greeting cards to others. If there are 20
students in the class, the number of cards send by students is
(A) 20C2 (B) 20P2 (C) 2 × 20C2 (D) 2 × 20P2
Ans. (BC)
Sol. Number of ways = 20C2 × 2!
= 20P2

Resonance Eduventures Limited

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Tel.No.: 0744-6607777, 3012100, 3012222, 6635555 | Fax: +91-022-39167222 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
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