Shallow Pile

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The document analyzes soil properties and performs calculations to design a foundation and column for a structure. It examines properties like soil type, moisture content, density and shear strength. It then calculates the soil bearing capacity and performs structural design checks for the foundation, column and reinforcement.

The soil properties analyzed include soil type, moisture content, bulk density, shear strength parameters like internal friction angle, cohesion, and deformation modulus across different soil layers.

The document modifies bearing capacity equations for a water table and calculates the net ultimate bearing capacity using Meyerhof's and Vesic's methods. It considers the effects of surcharge, depth and soil unit weights.



Date 3/3/2017 Lecturer A.Professor Le Van Canh

Layer No. f 1 2a 2
Soil type Đất san lSét dẻo lẫn cát mịnSét dẻo/
Depth h 0-1.5 1.5-11.3 11.3-16.16.5-25.6
Water content ω 28.15 24.62 25.11
Bulk density (natural) ρ 1.9 1.87 1.95
Dry density ρd 1.48 1.5 1.56
Specific Gravity Gs 2.7 2.68 2.71
Degree of saturation S 45 84 92
10º31' 16º08' 17º20'
Internal Friction φ' 10.51667 16.1333 17.3333
0.18355 0.28158 0.30252
Cohesion c' 0.155 0.151 0.298
Void Ratio e0 0.819 0.786 0.735
Soil porosity n 45 44 42
Liquid Limit LL 37.3 29.9 49.6
Plastic Limit PL 17.7 16.6 20.8
Deformaton modulus E1-2 119.1 120.4 207.4

a. Force and Moment data c. Design data
Horizontal load Fu 79.5 kN Shape of foundation
Axial load Pu 314 kN Type of foundation
the moment and soil
footing (concrete) (Mu 61 kN.m Shape of column
) are equal Thickness of foundation
Design axial load N 511 kN Width of foundation
Design overturning moment M 180.014 kN.m Length of foudation
Load eccentricity e 0.3524 Area of footing
Factor of safety F.S 3 (min 3) Effective Width of foundation
Effective Length of foudation
Effective Area of footing
b. Soil data Size of column
Depth of embedment Df 1.5 m Concrete unit weight
Ground water table Dw 1.2 m
Natural unit weight g 18.64 kN/m3
Dry unit weight gd 14.52 kN/m3
Cohesion c' 15.21 kN/m2
Water unit weight gw 9.81 kN/m3
Saturated unit weight g sat 18.98 kN/m3
Effective unit weight (Buoyant) g' 9.17 kN/m3
0 ≤�1 ≤��
0 ≤𝑑 ≤�
𝑑 ≥�


Case 1: D1=Dw Case 1 q = 25.1173
Case 2: Case 2 g ̅ = 8.1535 q = 12.23
Case 3: Case 3 q = 27.9585
Result: Case 1
Effective surcharge q= 25.12 kN/m2
g= 18.64 kN/m2
ud = 2.94 kN/m2
Replacing q andg into (1).


1. Check soil bearing capacity by Meyerhof's method:
1.1. Bearing capacity factors:
Nc = 8.58
Nq = 2.59
Ny = 1.33

1.2. Shape, Depth, Inclination factors:

1.2.1. Shape:
Fcs = 1.23
Fqs = 1.14
Fys = 0.70

1.2.2. Depth: Fcd

Conditions: Df / B = 0.535714 <=1 Df / B <=1
Df / B > 1
f' = 17º20' >0 f ' = 0 1.21429 1.19672
Fcd = 1.22 f ' > 0 1.21642 1.21642
Fqd = 1.13 Fqd
Fyd = 1 Df / B <=1
Df / B > 1
f' = 0 1 1
1.2.3. Inclination: f ' > 0 1.13292 1.12203
Fci = 1
Fqi = 1
Fyi = 1

1.3. The general bearing capacity equation :

Ultimate (Gross) bearing capacqu = 296.73 kN/m2 (1)
Net ultimate bearing capacity qnet(u) = 271.61 kN/m2
qall,net = 90.54 kN/m2

qmax = 70.28 kN/m2

qmin = 9.81 kN/m2
B/6 = 0.47 OK
qmax <= qall,net OK
2. By Vesis's method:
Gs = 7266.41 kN/m2
q' = 37.95 kN/m2
Ir = 268.62
Ir(cr) = 24.09
CHECKING: Foundation does not exist local shear failure mode
Fqc = Fyc = 1.00
Fcc = 1.00
qu = 345.79 kN/m2
qnet(u) = 307.84 kN/m2
qall = 102.61 kN/m2
〖 (𝑃𝑢+6𝑀𝑢/ 2
qmax =((�−𝑐−2𝑑)/�)√( 70.28 kN/m
(�^′ 〖
�) � 〖
� ^2〗)

2. Check Structural Design:

1. Selection of materials:
Strength of concrete f'c 20000 kN/m2
Yielding strength of steel〖 (𝑐+𝑑) 〗 ^2)/�^2 )
(�^2− fy 365000 kN/m2

((�− 〖 (𝑐+𝑑) 〗 ^2)/�^2 )√( 〖 (𝑃�/4) 〗 ^2+( 〖

〖�� /2) 〗 ^2 )
2. Size
1/3 of calculation:
�0�√ (�^′ �)
Nominal diameter of the steel reinforcing bars db 20 mm
Cross-Sectional Area of steel bars As 314.2 mm2
Cover concrete thickness c' 70 mm
Thickness of footing T 0.4 m
Average effective depth d 0.31 m

3. Designing for Shear:

3.1. One way shear:
Vuc = Vuc 294.96 kN

=𝑢/(0,9�𝑦(0,95𝑑)) Vnc 646.97 kN
Resistance factor for shear F 0.75
F*Vnc 485.23 kN

3.2. Two way shear:

Vuc(moment) = Vuc(moment) 161.15 kN

Vuc(shear) = Vuc(shear) 83.08 kN

Vnc = Vnc 305.00 kN

Resistance factor for shear F 0.75
F*Vnc 228.75 kN

4. Designing for Flexural:

y= 1.23 m
Mu(1) = 20.60 kN.m
Mu(2) = 71.46 kN.m
Mu(3) = 74.11 kN.m
Mu(total) = 166.17 kN.m
Mu(cantilever) = 137.34 kN.m
Total area of steel bars:
As = As ### mm2

For Grade 420 Steel, the minimum area of steel bars required:
As >= 2240 mm2

Number of bars:
n= 8 bars
9/10 �𝑦/√(�^′ 𝑐) 1/(𝑐/𝑑𝑏)
Provided reinforcement area
As = 2513.6 mm2

Spacing between bars

s= 380.00 mm
Chosen: 380 mm
Re-calculate the distance from the edge of bar
c' = 70.0 mm
Steel ratio in concrete section:
ρ� =
=∑_(�=1)^� � � 0.003
� ▒〖 �/ 𝑜�
�𝑧�𝑔�ℎ� 〗
Compressive depth of concrete:
a= 19.27 mm

Nominal moment resistance:

Mn = Mn 275.57 kN.m
Resistance factor for moment F 0.9
F*Mn 248.01 kN.m
CHECKING �𝑜�≥5�𝑧� OK

5. Development of Length:
c'/db = 3.50
Chosen: 2.5

ld(supplied) = 1155 mm

Required development of length:

ld(required) = ld(required) 587.64 mm


3. Check Settlement:
Effective stress at the bottom of foundation s bt 28.21 kN/m2
Effective stress which cause settlement (at Point 0) s gl 11.83 kN/m2

To estimate the settlement at bottom of spread foundation, deviding the lower soil layer into many
smaller layers which thickness is
hi 0.56 m
Ratio of length and width of homogeneous spread foundation L/B 1
Total settlement can be canculated by using the formula

s zigl s zibt
zi (m) 2zi/B Es (kN/m2) Ko Bi Si (cm)
(kN/m2) (kN/m2)
0 0.00 20345.94 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? 0.80 #NAME?
0.56 0.40 20345.94 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? 0.80 #NAME?
1.12 0.80 20345.94 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? 0.80 #NAME?
2.24 1.60 20345.94 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? 0.80 #NAME?
4.48 3.20 20345.94 #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? 0.80 #NAME?
å Si #NAME?
Determine effective depth due to settlement base on Hnc #NAME? m
condition for limited settlement #NAME?
The limited settlement based on TCVN 205-1998 Sgh 8 cm

7. Summary Footing Design:

Width of foundation B 2.8 m
Length of foudation L 2.8 m
Cover thickness c' 70 mm
Steel bar diameter db 20 mm
Number of steel bar n 8 bars
Steel bar spacing s 380.00 mm
3 (w) 4 5(w)
Cát hạt m
Sét dẻo lCát mịn đến trung lẫn sét (SC-SM)
50.7-62.5 m
18.55 19.03 16.55 %
1.9 2.06 1.93 g/cm3
1.6 1.73 1.66 g/cm3
2.66 2.7 2.66
75 91 73 %
23º32' 19º38' 26º33' deg.
23.5333 19.6333 26.55
0.41073 0.34267 0.46338 rad.
0.099 0.429 0.095 kg/cm2
0.661 0.564 0.607
40 36 38 %
22.2 42.8 21.4 %
15.7 21.2 15.1 %
192.1 253.3 240.8 kg/cm2

Shallow foundation (depth < width or depth <3m)

of foundation Square
foundation Spread
of column Square
ess of foundation T 1.1 m
f foundation B 2.8 m B<L e<B/6
of foudation L 2.8 m
A 7.84 m2
e Width of foundation B' 2.0952 m
e Length of foudation L' 2.8 m
e Area of footing A' 5.8666 m2
c 0.35 m
te unit weight g con 25 kN/m3

Df / B > 1
Df / B > 1

failure mode

Layer No. 1 (clay) 2(clay) 3(sand) 4(clay)
Depth 0=>23 23=>33.4 33.4=>98.3 98.3=>100 m
∆L 23 10.4 64.9 1.7 m
Water content w 89 64.23 19.17 17.88 %
Moist unit weight γ 14.64 15.9 20.03 20.6 Kn/m3
Saturated unit weight γsat 14.63 15.97 20.44 21.02 Kn/m3
Dry unit weight γdry 7.7 9.7 16.8 17.5 Kn/m3
Specific Gravity Gs 26.2 26.83 26.71 27.25
Internal Friction 3.50 4.78 24.20 17.00 deg.
Angle f'
0.06 0.08 0.42 0.30 rad.
Cohesion c' 9.60 17.80 32.00 Kn/m2
Void Ratio e0 2.40 1.77 0.59 0.56

CASE 1: Pile embedment length is 28m, located in layer 2
Type of foundation Pile
Shape of pile Circle
Factor of overloading n= 1.15
Horizontal load design Qu = 797 kN
Axial load design Nu = 13950 kN
Design moment Mu= 1196 kN.m
Pile embedment length L= 28 m
Ground water table D w= 1.1 m
Size of pile Dp = 3 m
Cross-section Area of pile Ap = 7.0685835 m2
Perimeter of pile p= 9.424778 m
Factor of safety F.S= 2.5
Concrete unit weight gc= 25 kN/m3
Using concrete grade M300 f'c = 30000 kN/m2
Tensile strength of concrete Rbt= 12748 kN/m2
Compressive strength of conrete Rb = 1078 kN/m2
Anchor length between pile and pile cap lanchor = 0.5 m
Actual length L= 28.9 m
A. Estimating Qp
1. By Meyerhof's method:
Qp = 9∗cu∗Ap Qp= 1132.39 kN

2. By Vesic's method:

Ir = Irr =−33+347×cu/pa I r= 28.77

Check Ir>300 OK

Nc* = 4/3 (ln�𝑟𝑟+1)+1+�/2 Nc*= 8.38

Qp = Nc∗cu∗Ap Qp= 1704.57 kN

Qp(avg)= 1418.48 kN

B. Estimating Qs
1. Qs for Clay layer
a. Byl method
Water table D w= 1.1 m

cu(avg) = (𝐶𝑢(1)∗23+𝐶𝑢(2)∗5)/28 cu(avg)= 11.06 kN/m2

layer1a layer1b layer2

dáy lon 16.104 121.6 152.394
A 8.8572 1507.9 684.99

σ'o=(�1+�2+�3)/� σ'o= 78.63 kN/m2

fav= 17.43 kN/m2

Qs= pLfav Qs= 4600.13 kN

b. By α method
α= 1.17

Qs= α*cu*p*∆L Qs= 3418.51 kN

Qs(avg)= 4009.32 kN

C. Estimating Pile Capacity Qu

Point Bearing Capacity Qp = 1418.48 kN
Fritional Resistance in Clay Qs(clay)= 4009.32 kN
Ultimate load-carrying Pile Capacity Qu = 5427.80 kN
Allowable Load-carrying Pile Capacity Qall = 2171.12 kN
D. Calculating the number of pile
To find the number of pile, we use the formular:
np=� �𝑢/�𝑎�� np= 10 piles

b the effective factor due to moment (choose b = 1.5)
Nu axial applied load
Qall allowable load-carrying capacity

CASE 2: Pile embedment length is 35m, located in layer 3

Type of foundation Pile
Shape of column Square
Factor of overloading n= 1.15
Horizontal load design Vu = 797 kN
Axial load design Qu = 13950 kN
Design moment Mu= 1196 kN.m
Pile embedment length L= 36 m
Ground water table D w= 1.1 m
Size of pile Dp = 0.5 m
Cross-section Area of pile Ap = 0.25 m2
Perimeter of pile p= 12 m
Factor of safety F.S= 2.5
Concrete unit weight gc= 25 kN/m3
Using concrete grade M300 f'c = 30000 kN/m2
Tensile strength of concrete Rbt= 12748 kN/m2
Compressive strength of conrete Rb = 1078 kN/m2
Anchor length between pile and pile cap lanchor = 0.5 m
Actual length L= 36.9 m
A. Estimating Qp
1. By Meyerhof's method:
Qp = 9∗cu∗Ap Qp= 72.00 kN

2. By Vesis's method:
Ir = Irr =−33+347×cu/pa Ir= 78.04

Check Ir<300 : OK
Nc* = 4/3 (ln�𝑟𝑟+1)+1+�/2 Nc*= 9.71

Qp = Nc∗cu∗Ap Qp= 77.71 kN


Qp(avg)= 74.86 kN

B. Estimating Qs
1. Qs for Clay layer
a. Byl method
Water table D w= 1.1 m

cu(avg) = (𝐶𝑢(1)∗23+𝐶𝑢(2)∗10.4)/(23+10.4) cu(avg)= 15.14 kN/m2

layer1a layer1b layer2 layer3

đáy lớn 16.10 121.6 185.65 213.288
A 8.8572 1507.9 1597.71 518.62

σ'o=(�1+�2+�3+�4)/� σ'o= 93.24684 kN/m2

fav= 13.96 kN/m2

Qs(clayer)= p*L*fav Qs(clayer)= 5594.81 kN

b. By α method
α= 1.13

Qs=∑ αcup∆L Qs= 5953.77 kN

Qs(avg)= 5774.29 kN
1. Qs for Sand layer
L'=15D L'= 7.5 m

At z=33.4m effective stress is σ'o(33.4m)= 185.64999 kN/m2

At z=L' effective stress is σ'o(L')= 265.38 kN/m2

Choose the value of d' = 0.8f' d' = 0.34 rad

The effective earth pressure coefficient for concrete piles K= 1.5

�𝑧=33.4=��𝑜^′ �𝑎�𝛿′ fz=33.4m= 97.848057 kN/m2

�𝑧=�′=��𝑜^′ �𝑎�𝛿′ fz=L'= 139.86839 kN/m2

�𝑧>�^′=�𝑧=�′ f= 139.86839 kN/m2

��(�𝑎�𝑑)=((�𝑧=33.4+�𝑧=�′))/2 ��^′+�𝑧=�′ �(∆L−L^′) Qs(sand)= 3708.38 kN

C. Estimating Pile Capacity Qu

Point Bearing Capacity Qp = 74.86 kN
Fritional Resistance in Clay Qs(clay)= 5774.29 kN
Fritional Resistance in Sand Qs(sand)= 3708.38 kN
Ultimate load-carrying Pile Capacity Qu = 9557.52 kN
Allowable Load-carrying Pile Capacity Qall= 3823.01 kN
D. Calculating the number of pile
To find the number of pile, we use the formular:
np=� �𝑢/�𝑎�� np= 6 piles

b the effective factor due to moment (choose b = 1.5)
Nu axial applied load
Qall allowable load-carrying capacity

E. Comparision
Case I Case II
Layer 2 3
Pipe length 28 36
Qall 2171.12 3823.01
np 10 6
Choose Case II
1. Pile cap design
Number of piles in 1 group n 6 piles
Spacing of piles in group sp=3D= 9.0 m
Spacing from the center of pile to the edge of pile cap ep=1.5D= 0.3 m
Width of pile cap Bcap 9.6 m
Length of pile cap Lcap 9.6 m
Height of pile cap Hcap=4D= 1.4 m
Area of pile cap Acap 92.2 m2
Condition for depth of pile cap hcap (min) 1.291 m

Place the pile cap in the layer 2 hcap 3 m

2. Checking pile bearing capacity of individual pile

Height of soil layer above pile cap hs 1.6 m
Weight of soil above it Wsoil 2156.88 kN
Pile cap self-weight Wpile-cap 3225.6 kN
Total axial load Ptotal 19332.48 kN
Total moment Mtotal 3587 kN.m
Maximum distance from central of pile cap to farthest pile xmax 4.5 m
The maximum and minimun loading acting to 1 pile Pmax 3421.3571 kN
𝑃= (∑▒���)/� ± Pmin 3022.8015 kN
CHECKING: Qall ≥ Pmax OK
Pmin > 0 OK

3. Checking the bearing capacity of group pile

q 0.32 rad.
13.17 deg.
Number of piles in 1 row n1 2
Number of piles in 1 column n2 2
Piles group effect coefficient h 0.8536667

Ultimate Bearing capacity of group pile Qgroup 19581.451 kN

Qgroup = h×n×�𝑎��
CHECKING Qgroup ≥ Ntotal OK

4. Checking the stability below the tip of the pile

Average internal friction angle
∅𝑎𝑣𝑔=(∑_(�=1)^�▒ favg 23.045089 deg.
〖∅�ℎ�〗 )/�
〖∅�ℎ�〗 )/� 0.4022127 rad.
Aperture angle
�=(∅𝑎𝑣𝑔)/ a 0.1005532 rad.
Distance of outer piles in both direction bg 12.000 m
lg 12.0 m
Width of conventional group piles Bg 17.650033 m
Length of conventional group piles Lg 17.650033 m
Area of conventional group piles Ag 311.52365 m2
Average effective density of soil layers from the pile tip to the
bottom surface of pile cap
�𝑎𝑣𝑔(1)=(∑▒�ℎ)/ gavg(1) 30.367234 kN/m3
Weight of piles in group Wg 34141.258 kN
Weight of soil layers from the pile tip to bottom surface of Ws 230741.87 kN
pile cap
Total vertical load ƩP 284215.60 kN
Total moment ƩM 3587 kN.m
e= 0.0126207 m
Maximum pressure at the bottom of pile group
�𝑚𝑎�=Ʃ𝑃/�𝑔 (1+6�/�𝑔)
smax= 916.25459 kN/m2

Minimum pressure at the bottom of pile group

�𝑚��=Ʃ𝑃/�𝑔 (1−6�/�𝑔)
smin= 908.42613 kN/m2

Average pressure savg 912.34036 kN/m2

Rated strength of soil layer at pile tip R #DIV/0! kN/m2
�=(𝑚1×𝑚2)/𝑘 ((�×�𝑔×�′)+(�×(��+ℎ𝑐𝑎�)×�𝑎𝑣𝑔(2))+(�×𝑐^′))

Where: m1 1.2
m2 1.1
Pile tip located at layer 5 with f' = 16.18 deg. A 0.36
B 2.43
D 5
c' #REF! kN/m2
gavg(2) 30.367234 kN/m3
g' 10.63 kN/m3
Thus, the lower soil layers of the homegeneous group pile is enough stable

5. Checking the settlement

Effective stress at the bottom of pile group sbt 1153.95 kN/m2
Effective stress which cause settlement (at Point 0) sgl -241.61 kN/m2
To estimate the settlement at bottom of pile group, deviding the lower soil layer into many
smaller layers which thickness is
ℎ�=0.2�cap hi 1.92 m
Ratio of length and width of homogeneous group pile L g
/B g 1
Total settlement can be canculated by using the formula
��=∑_(�=1)^�▒ 〖�� /�𝑜�
�𝑧�𝑔�ℎ� 〗

zi (m) 2zi/Bg Es (kN/m2) Ko s zigl (kN/m2) Bi Si (cm)
0 0.00 #REF! 1.00 -241.61 1395.57 0.80 #REF!
1.92 0.22 #REF! #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? 0.80 #NAME?
3.84 0.44 #REF! #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? 0.80 #NAME?
7.68 0.87 #REF! #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? 0.80 #NAME?
15.36 1.74 #REF! #NAME? #NAME? #NAME? 0.80 #NAME?
å Si #REF!
Determine effective depth due to settlement base on Hnc -5.78 m
condition for limited settlement �𝑜�≥5�𝑧� NOT OK
The limited settlement based on TCVN 205-1998 Sgh 8 cm

6. Design structural of pile cap

Design load acting on pile cap due to P1 and P2 Pc 6842.7141 kN
Design moment acting on pile cap due to P1 and P2 MI-I 3934.5606 kN.m
Effective heigh of pile cap h0 1.3 m
Area of steel bars As 6593.8673 mm2
Area of ø25 steel bar A25 490.87385 mm2
Number of steel bars m 13 bars
Spacing of steel bars s 164.16667 mm
Chosen s 180 mm
Depth is more than three times its breadth
< than 10 m depth .... 3 x diameter
10 -25 m .... 4 x diameter
>25 m .... 5 x diameter
Angle Nc Nq Ny Nc' Nq' Ny'
0 5.7 1 0 5.7 1 0 Angle Nc
1 6 1.1 0.01 5.9 1.07 0.005 17º20' #NAME?
2 6.3 1.22 0.04 6.1 1.14 0.02
3 6.62 1.35 0.06 6.3 1.22 0.04
4 6.97 1.49 0.1 6.51 1.3 0.055
5 7.34 1.64 0.14 6.74 1.39 0.074
6 7.73 1.81 0.2 6.97 1.49 0.1
7 8.15 2 0.27 7.22 1.59 0.128
8 8.6 2.21 0.35 7.47 1.7 0.16
9 9.09 2.44 0.44 7.74 1.82 0.2
10 9.61 2.69 0.56 8.02 1.94 0.24
11 10.16 2.98 0.69 8.32 2.08 0.3
12 10.76 3.29 0.85 8.63 2.22 0.35
13 11.41 3.63 1.04 8.96 2.38 0.42
14 12.11 4.02 1.26 9.31 2.55 0.48
15 12.86 4.45 1.52 9.67 2.73 0.57
16 13.68 4.92 1.82 10.06 2.92 0.67
17 14.6 5.45 2.18 10.47 3.13 0.76
18 15.12 6.04 2.59 10.9 3.36 0.88
19 16.56 6.7 3.07 11.36 3.61 1.03
20 17.69 7.44 3.64 11.85 3.88 1.12
21 18.92 8.26 4.31 12.37 4.17 1.35
22 20.27 9.19 5.09 12.92 4.48 1.55
23 21.75 10.23 6 13.51 4.82 1.74
24 23.36 11.4 7.08 14.14 5.2 1.97
25 25.13 12.72 8.34 14.8 5.6 2.25

Angle Nc Nq Ny
0 5.14 1 0 Angle Nc Nq
1 5.38 1.09 0.07 17º20' #NAME? #NAME?
2 5.63 1.2 0.15
3 5.9 1.31 0.24
4 6.19 1.43 0.34
5 6.49 1.57 0.45
6 6.81 1.72 0.57
7 7.16 1.88 0.71
8 7.53 2.06 0.86
9 7.92 2.25 1.03
10 8.35 2.47 1.22
11 8.8 2.71 1.44
12 9.28 2.97 1.69
13 9.81 3.26 1.97
14 10.37 3.59 2.29
15 10.98 3.94 2.65
16 11.63 4.34 3.06
17 12.34 4.77 3.53
18 13.1 5.26 4.07
19 13.93 5.8 4.68
20 14.83 6.4 5.39
21 15.82 7.07 6.2
22 16.88 7.82 7.13
23 18.05 8.66 8.2
24 19.32 9.6 9.44
25 20.72 10.66 10.88

Table 11.9
L l
0 0.5
5 0.336 L l
10 0.245 2,3 28 #NAME?
15 0.2 Err:509 #NAME?
20 0.173
25 0.15
30 0.136
35 0.132
40 0.127
50 0.118
60 0.113
70 0.11
80 0.11
90 0.11

Table 11.10
cu/pa α Layer cu/pa α
0.1 1 2 Err:509 #NAME?
0.2 0.92 2
0.3 0.82 3 Qs= #NAME?
0.4 0.74 4 0 #NAME?
0.6 0.62 5 Err:509 #NAME?
0.8 0.54
1 0.48
1.2 0.42
1.4 0.4
1.6 0.38
1.8 0.36
2 0.35
2.4 0.34
2.8 0.34

2zi/Bg 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0.4 0.96 0.968 0.972 0.947 0.975 0.976 0.976 0.977
0.8 0.8 0.83 0.848 0.859 0.866 0.87 0.875 0.878
1.2 0.606 0.654 0.682 0.703 0.717 0.727 0.74 0.74
1.6 0.449 0.496 0.532 0.558 0.578 0.593 0.612 0.623
2 0.336 0.397 0.414 0.441 0.463 0.481 0.505 0.52
2.4 0.257 0.294 0.325 0.352 0.304 0.3952 0.419 0.437
2.8 0.201 0.232 0.26 0.284 0.374 0.321 0.35 0.369
3.2 0.16 0.187 0.21 0.252 0.251 0.267 0.294 0.0314
3.6 0.13 0.153 0.173 0.192 0.209 0.224 0.25 0.27
4 0.108 0.127 0.145 0.161 0.17 0.19 0.214 0.233
4.4 0.091 0.107 0.122 0.137 0.15 0.163 0.187 0.17
4.8 0.077 0.092 0.105 0.118 0.13 0.141 0.161 0.157
5.2 0.066 0.079 0.091 0.102 0.112 0.123 0.141 0.139
5.6 0.058 0.069 0.079 0.089 0.099 0.108 0.124 0.124
6 0.051 0.06 0.07 0.078 0.087 0.095 0.11 0.111
Nq Ny Nc' Nq' Ny'

l/b 1
2zi/Bg 0.217563 0.435127 0.870253 1.740507

2zi/Bg 0.00 0.40 0.80 1.60 3.20

Depth below the ground surface (m) N value
2.0 13
4.0 11
6.0 10
8.0 14
10.0 14
12.0 14
14.0 17
16.0 18
18.0 20
20.0 14
22.0 15
24.0 13
26.0 20
28.0 22
30.0 22
32.0 22
34.0 24
36.0 24
38.0 22
40.0 25
42.0 28
44.0 31
45.0 31

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