Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 4

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The key takeaways from the lesson are finding the area of different shapes such as triangles, parallelograms, and rectangles. It also teaches students to work cooperatively in groups.

The lesson is about teaching students how to find the area of a triangle by deriving the formula and applying it to example problems.

The formula used to find the area of a triangle is A = 1/2 * base * height.

Detailed lesson plan in Mathematics 4

By: Ivie M. Abe

1. Objectives:
In the end of the discussion, the pupils should be able to:
A. Find the area of triangle
B. Apply the formula in order to find the area of triangle
C. Cooperate actively in doing the activities.
2. Subject matter
A. Topic: Finding the Area of Triangle
B. References: TG. pp.272, LM. p.
C. Materials: power point presentation, cut-outs, colour wheel, flag and learning
activity sheet.
D. Values: perseverance and cooperation
3. Procedure:
Teacher’s activity Pupil’s activity
A. Prayer
Everyone, please stand. Are you ready to pray classmate?
Jessa, Kindly lead the prayer. Yes we are.

B. Greetings Good morning ma’am

Good morning class.

Okay, you may now take your sit. Thank you ma’am

C. Attendance
(the teacher will call the secretary to report
the absent for the day) (the secretary will report the absent for
the day)
Jasmine, is there any absent today?

Okay, thank you! How are you today class? We are good, we are great, we are very
I’m glad to hear that. well today!
(teacher will show a figure using the

D. Preparatory Activity
1. Mental exercise
Children, I have here some flashcards. I want
you to tell me what you can see in the

( student will answer the question of the

 What is the shape that Ma’am, it’s a triangle
you can see in this
 How many triangles Ma’am, there are 2 triangles
are these on the
 How about in this 5 triangles
figure? How many
different triangles can
you see?
 How about in this 13 triangles

Very good class! Let’s give them an excellent


4. Review
Before we proceed to our new lesson,
let’s have a review. Who can still (pupils will raise their hands)
remember our past lesson?

Yes, student A. Ma’am our past lesson was about finding

the area of parallelogram.

What is the formula to find the area of

parallelogram? The formula to find the area of
parallelogram is A=bxh
Very good! Student A.

Let us try to answer this.

24 cm2

4 cm

6 cm

3m 21 m 2


Class, don’t forget the unit.

What is the unit that we use when we find the

area? Ma’am, the unit that we use to find the
area is square unit.
It’s seems that you learned from our last
topic, so now let’s proceed to our new lesson.
5. Motivation

Class, look around. What can you observe in Ma’am, It looks like fiesta
our classroom?
Ma’am because there’s a lot of
Why did you say so? banderitas

Ma’am, when I saw banderitas I feel the

When you saw banderitas, what comes into celebration of fiesta
your mind?


Let’s assume that next week is the fiesta of

our patron saint.
Our patron saint is Saint Andrew (San
Who is our barangay patron saint? Andres)

Ma’am, we celebrate our barangay

But when do we celebrate our feast day here fiesta every 30th day of November
in San Andres?

Okay, Very Good! Give yourselves a very

Kris Aquino clap!

What is the common shape of banderitas? Ma’am, triangle.

We shall explore more about that shape.

E. Developmental activities

6. Presentation

Okay, very good! Since we’ve done to

finding the area of parallelogram now,
what do you think is our finding for
today? Finding for today is area of triangle.

Class, let sing a song

(what is the finding, finding for today?
What is the finding, finding for today)

(The teacher and the pupils will sing (What is the finding, finding for today?
a song to open the magic cards.) FINDING THE AREA OF TRIANGLE)

Our topic for today is finding the area

of Triangle.

Thank you children, I think you are all

good in singing.

So, in preparation for our fiesta I’m

going to make a banderitas. And
these are the materials that I’m going
to use.
(coloured paper and scissor)

(teacher will present the problem)

I have here a rectangular and
parallelogram coloured paper it has a
length of 10 cm and a width of 6 cm. I
want to make 2 pieces out of these
papers with triangular shape. We will
find out the area of these two pieces.

(teacher will show her cut outs)

What is the shape of these paper Rectangle and parallelogram


Since I cut it diagonally. What shape was Ma’am, the shape now is triangle.

Very good! So now, this is the half part of

the paper.
(pupils will raise their hand)
When we solve the area of rectangle. What
is the formula that we use? Ma’am the formula in finding the area of
rectangle is A=Lxw

In parallelogram, what is the formula that we

use? Ma’am, the formula in finding the area of
parallelogram is A= bxh
But, in the problem I want to know the area of
these triangular shape.

What do you think is the formula that we need (if the student’s answer is correct, she/
to use, since we cut it and it divided by two? he will explain)
A=lxw/2 or A=bxh/2
Excellent! Let’s try it in our problem.

Who want to solve on the board?

(the teacher will call pupil to answer) (pupils will solve on the board)

Okay, Very good! Give her/him an Excellent


Class, but this is the formula of triangle

A= ½ (B X H)= or B x H/ 2=

7. Fixing skills
(the pupils will response)
Okay class, it seems that you really know
how to derive the formula in finding the area
of triangle. I want you to work with pairs.

Kindly pick a piece of paper under your desk

and you’re going to find your partners
according to the colour that you get.

I will play the song MATHDALI. Before the

song end I want that all of you are with your
(teacher will present a given figure)
10 cm
The area of these figure is 15 cm2

3 cm

And the area of this figure is 21m2



8. Application (through station game)

Group Activity- Punta ka dito bes!

Take them as a group to have a

station activity outside of the room.
They will go in every station to
accomplish their task.
Before the pupils go outside. Teacher
will give an envelope in every group.
It contains the materials that they can
use in every station.

Station 1- the figure by group is given.

Station 2- they use ruler to measure

the figure that they get.

Station 3- they are going to write their

work in the clean paper and solve it.

Station 4- they make a yell

Station 5- (in the classroom) they will

present their work.

Very good class, Give yourselves a good job


9. Generalization

Class, based on our discussion and

on the activity that we had, what is the
formula in finding the area of triangle?

How did we get the formula for finding

the area of triangle?

Okay very good!

10. Evaluation
Find the area of the given figure.

Find the area of the given figure. Show your




9 cm


10 cm

5 cm

4 cm
4 cm


Answer the following

1. A triangular garden has a base of 12m and

a height of 7m. Find the area of the garden.
2. A field is in the shape of a right triangle with
a base of 15 m and a height of 9 m. What is
the area?

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