Quarter 2 Teacher's Guide Week 6 I. Objectives A. Expressive Objectives

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Teacher’s Guide


A. Expressive Objectives
1. Observe politeness at all times.
2. Show tactfulness when communicating with others

B. Instructional Objectives

Oral Language

Provide evidence to support opinion/ fact.

Vocabulary Development

Identify different meanings of content specific words (denotation and connotation)


Reading Comprehension

Distinguish text – types according to purpose

- To explain

Oral Reading Fluency

Read with automatically grade level frequently occurring content area words

Study Strategy Research

Gather relevant information from various sources

- Online references


Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical


- Order of adjectives

Writing / Composition

Write paragraphs showing

- Comparison and contrast

Determine images/ ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers.


Observe politeness at all times

Show tactfulness when communicating with others


A. Topics
1. Literature/ The Little Prince
2. Fact or Opinion
3. Order of Adjectives
4. On line references
5. Text type according to purpose
6. Compare and Contrast
B. Materials
Curriculum Guide
English Expressways Language 5

Day 1

I. Objectives
1. Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures;
Order of adjectives
2. Observe politeness at all times.
3. Show tactfulness when communicating with others
II. Subject Matter
4. Topics: Composing clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
Order of adjectives

References: Curriculum Guide EN5G – Iif – 5.5/ EN5A – Iif- 16/ EN5 – Iif – 17
English Expressways Language 5 pp. 206 – 207
Focused Skill: Writing/ Composing
Value: Politeness
III. Procedure
A. Setting the stage.
Look at the picture. Describe it.

B. Explaining the Student What to Do?

Say: Class our lesson for today is about ordering adjectives in a series. Let us read
the selection about a mother preparing a birthday party for her daughter. Try to find out
the adjectives used in the selection.
C. Modeling
Read the paragraph below and learn how to write two or more adjectives
before a noun. Answer the questions after the paragraph.

Mother is getting ready for the birthday of her pretty little daughter, Sonia. She
will buy Sonia a new yellow dress and will bake two big round brown cakes. Sonia’s
mother will also prepare five delicious dishes for visitors, classmates and friends.

1. Who is going to have a birthday party?
2. What will mother buy for her?
3. What will mother bake for her?
4. What will mother prepare for her?

Read the answers you gave.

1. Pretty little Sonia will have birthday party.

2. Mother will buy her a new yellow dress.
3. Mother will bake two big round brown cakes.
4. She will prepare five delicious dishes.

In using adjectives in a series we must follow the pattern below.

pretty Little Sonia
A new yellow dress
Two Big round brown cakes
Five delicious dishes

D. Guided Practice
Exercise1. Use the following phrases in sentences.
1. The three big baskets
2. The five pretty tall girls
3. Two white horses
4. Five ripe yellow mangoes
5. Six new thick red books

Exercise II. For each of the following sentences, choose the correct order of adjectives to fill in
the blank.

1. I was thrilled to receive a __________________ book with my order.

a. big, beautiful, leather-bound
b. leather-bound, big, beautiful
c. beautiful big leather-bound
2. His clown costume consists of a red nose, oversized shoes, and a ________________
a. Size 4X polka-dotted silk smoking
b. polka-dotted silk smoking size 4X
c. polka dotted size 4x silk smoking
3. I’ve been shopping for the perfect _______________ chopsticks.
a. Japanese long sushi
b. long Japanese sushi
c. long sushi Japanese
4. He was wearing a ________ shirt.
a. dirty old flannel
b. flannel old dirty
c. old dirty flannel
5. Pass me the ________ cups.
a. plastic big blue
b. big blue plastic
c. big plastic blue
E. Independent Practice
Exercise I. Arrange the adjectives in order to complete the sentence.
1. All the girls fell in love with the ________ teacher.
(Handsome new American)
2. I used to drive ________ car.
(An old German blue)
3. He recently married a ________ woman.
(Young beautiful Greek)
4. This is a ________ movie.
(New Italian wonderful)
5. She is a ________ supermodel.
(Beautiful slim Brazilian)

Exercise II. Give as many adjectives as you can to describe the following nouns.
The first one is done for you.
1. Cabbages – two fresh green cabbages
2. Grass - ___________________________
3. Lamp - ___________________________
4. Sun - _____________________________
5. Fairy - ____________________________

Exercise III. Write sentences from the phrases that you’ve done in exercise II.

F. Closure

Two or more one – word adjectives used to describe a noun are said to be in a
series. This series of adjectives follow a certain order: number – quality – size –
shape – color – origin - noun.

G. Evaluation
Arrange the following adjectives in order. Then write a sentence using your
1. Japanese, big, sweet, yellow, corn
2. Red, beautiful, one, rose
3. Long , two, sharp, pencils
4. Young, pretty, lady
5. White, big, round, pillow
Day 2

I. Objectives
1. Distinguish text – types according to purpose
- To explain
2. Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words.

II. Subject Matter

1. Distinguishing text – types according to purpose
- To explain
2. Reading with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area

References: Curriculum Guide EN5RC –II f – 3.2.3/ EN5F – Ii f – 1.8.1

Focused Skill: Reading / Distinguishing

III. Procedure
A. Setting the stage
Observe the picture.
What is the importance of tree?
B. Explaining the Student What to Do?
Say: Class our lesson for today is about The Tree and how does it prevents
flooding. Before we read the selection let us read the following words.

Vocabulary Words


C. Modeling
Trees help prevent flooding
When plants grow in an area, the roots of plants dig deep in to the soil and
create space between soil particles. When it rains in highlands, water that flows downhill
gets drained into the space created by the root system of plants. Due to this, chance of
flooding is greatly reduced. When plants are absent, especially in rocky areas, rocks
prevent water from seeping into the ground. This phenomenon is also observed in
paved roads. Since there is no room for water to seep, flooding occurs in nearby water
bodies. When a layer of water runs off a rocky surface, it reduces friction and the
following layers of water will run more freely as there is less friction. If more water is
dumped into rivers and lakes than they can handle, these water bodies tend to overflow
and the banks burst and cause flooding. If there are more trees in an area that is prone
to water runoffs, the root system of trees can create space between these rocks and
hence reduce the amount of water being dumped into lakes and rivers.


1. What particular part of the tree helps prevent flooding?

2. Where does the water in highlands flow when it rains?
3. How do trees in an area that is prone to water runoffs help in flooding?
4. Explain what is the purpose of the selection?

Say. Class this type of text – types is what we call “Explanation because it shows how roots
of the tree works and why does tree prevent flooding. Explanation is the kind of text- type
that shows how things work and why things happen.
D. Guided Practice
Draw a happy face if it is an explanation and sad face if it is not an explanation.
1. Press and hold to select a word, and then drag the selection handle.
2. In the nineteenth century, which was dark and inflationary age in typography and text
designs may compositors were encouraged to stuff extra space between sentences.
3. A rock crystal is formed by volcano. The lava from volcano comes down through the
valleys tumbling rocks and minerals to a flat land……
4. The reason why crystal has different colors is because of its mineral content.
5. Crystals grow in different shape because of their atoms.

E. Independent Practice
Distinguish if the following selection aims to explain something. Write down 5 sentences
from the selection that expresses explanations.

What is an earthquake?

An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another.
The surface where they slip is called the fault or fault plane. The location below the earth’s
surface where the earthquake starts is called the hypocenter, and the location directly above it
on the surface of the earth is called the epicenter.

Sometimes an earthquake has foreshocks. These are smaller earthquakes that happen in the
same place as the larger earthquake that follows. Scientists can’t tell that an earthquake is a
foreshock until the larger earthquake happens. The largest, main earthquake is called the main
shock. Main shocks always have aftershocks that follow. These are smaller earthquakes that
occur afterwards in the same place as the main shock. Depending on the size of the main
shock, aftershocks can continue for weeks, months, and even years after the main shock!


Explanation is the kind of text- type that shows how things work and why things happen.
F. Evaluation
Distinguish if it is an explanation. Why?
Day 3

I. Objectives

1. Gather relevant information from various sources

- Online references
2. Write paragraphs showing comparison and contrast.
II. Subject Matter
1. Gathering relevant information from various sources
- Online references
2. Writing paragraphs showing comparison and contrast.

References: Curriculum Guide EN5SS – II f – 1.7/ EN5WC – II f – 2.2.6


Focused Skill: Writing / Gathering

Value: Politeness

III. Procedures
A. Setting the stage
Observe the picture below.

1. What can you say about the picture?
2. If you will do your assignment which between books or computer will you use? Why?
3. What are their similarities? Differences?
B. Explaining the Student What to Do?
Say: Class our lesson for today is about gathering information from “Online
References” it means through a commercial electronic information service or the
Internet. We will gather information about comparison and contrast. How to write
paragraphs using comparison and contrast.

C. Modeling
Look at the following diagram. This information came from

1. What is comparing? Contrasting?
2. What are the signal words that we used in comparing? In contrasting?


From online reference we gather the following information:

1. Comparing is citing the similarities and contrasting is citing the differences.

2. In comparison we use the signal words like; similar to, alike, same as, not only, but
also, as well as both.
3. In contrast we use the signal words; different from, however, although, on the other
hand, as opposed, to more than, less than.
Figure2. Study the pattern on writing a paragraph showing comparison and

Base on the pattern let us write a paragraph about this illustration.

( www.readingquest.org )
Apples or Oranges

Apples and oranges are both fruits. They have similar shapes. Apples have
seeds as well as the oranges. They are not only sweet but also nutritious. They are both
growing from trees.

However, apples and oranges differ in their skin. Apples have thin, smooth
and most often we eat their skin while oranges have thick and bumpy skin. They are also
differ in color. Apples have red, green, yellow or even multi – colored on the other hand
oranges has only one color, orange. Not only that, apples are crispy but oranges are

D. Guided Practice
Write a paragraph showing comparison and contrast in the given illustration.
E. Independent Practice

Write a paragraph showing comparison and contrast about “On line references or
Books” Use the illustration to guide you.

F. Closure

1. Gathering information from “Online References” means collecting data

through a commercial electronic information service or the Internet.
2. Comparing is citing the similarities and contrasting is citing the differences.
3. In comparison we use the signal words like; similar to, alike, same as, not only,
but also, as well as both.
4. In contrast we use the signal words; different from, however, although, on the
other hand, as opposed, to more than, less than.
5. In writing a paragraph showing comparison and contrast you must make
diagram A for the similarities and B for the differences.

I. Objectives
1. Provide evidence to support opinion/ fact.
2. Determine images/ ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers
- Stereotypes
- Point of view
- Propagandas
II. Subject Matter
1. Providing evidence to support opinion/ fact.
2. Determining images/ ideas that are explicitly used to influence viewers/ Movie:
The Little Prince by; Antoine de Saint Exupery
- Stereotypes
- Point of view
- Propagandas

References: Curriculum Guide EN5OL – II f – 3.5.1/ EN5VC – II f – 7, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3

English Expressways Language 5 pp. 242 – 243

Focused Skill: Viewing/ Determining/ Providing

A. Setting the stage.
Read the following sentences.
1. Philippines is an archipelago.
2. Philippines is a beautiful country.

Ask: Which sentence maybe fact? Opinion?

B. Explaining the Student What to Do?

Look at the picture. Then read the sentences that follow.
1. Antoine de Saint Exupery is the author of the story “The Little Prince”.
2. The Little Prince is a beautiful movie that touches everyone’s heart.

Say: Class our lesson for today is about facts and opinion. We will also watch a movie
entitled “The Little Prince”

C. Modeling

I. Read the following phrases.

A fact is a statement that can be verified or proven true by objective means.

We use records, experimentations or observation to verify the statement.

An opinion is a statement that cannot be verified by objective means. It can

express a person’s feelings about an idea or situation. It can also express a
judgment or a prediction based on facts. However, an opinion is valid only if
facts are stated to support it.

Say: Let’s go back to the sentences under the picture.

1. Antoine de Saint Exupery is the author of the story “The Little Prince”.( fact)
2. The Little Prince is a beautiful movie that touches everyone’s heart.(opinion)

III. Let us watch the movie “The Little Prince”. Then answer the following
1. What is the story of the Little Prince all about?
2. Is “The Little Prince a children's movie”? Why?
3. What is the meaning of the line” what is essential is invisible to the eye”?
4. How does the author portray the character of the little prince?
5. What is the moral lesson of the movie?
6. How will you use the lesson that you’ve learned in your real life?
7. As a child how will you appreciate your life? Cite evidences.

The teacher will say the following:

Sometimes ideas from the movie influence us viewers. It is our obligation to choose what
we should adopt and what we should reject.
D. Guided Practice
Exercise I. Here are some lines from the movie. Write Fact or Opinion then
provide evidence to prove your answer.
1. Grown – ups are really very odd.
2. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to
the eye.
3. Antoine de Saint Exupery was a French writer, poet, aristocrat, journalist and
pioneering aviator.
4. Most asteroid lie in a vast ring between Mars and Jupiter.
5. Asteroids are small rocky worlds revolving around the sun that are too small to
be called planet.

Exercise II. Complete the lines to get the ideas being implied from the quote
below. ( “The Little Prince”.)

Before you criticize __________ reflects about your ________ actions.

E. Independent Practice

Exercise I. Choose the statements that are Opinions. Write it on your notebook. Then
explain your answer.

1. Scientists are still looking for dinosaur bones.

2. Lifting the bones must be hard work
3. Scientist who study dinosaurs are all very smart.
4. The bones indicate the size of dinosaurs.
5. I think that dinosaurs were greenish gray.

Exercise II. Write something about the quote. ( The Little Prince)
F. Closure

A fact is a statement that can be verified or proven true by objective means.

We use records, experimentations or observation to verify the statement.

An opinion is a statement that cannot be verified by objective means. It can

express a person’s feelings about an idea or situation. It can also express a
judgment or a prediction based on facts. However, an opinion is valid only if
facts are stated to support it.

Sometimes ideas from the movie influence us viewers. It is our obligation to

choose what we should adopt and what we should reject.

I. Objective
Identify different meaning of content specific words (denotation and connotation)

II. Subject Matter

Identifying different meaning of content specific words (denotation and connotation)

References: Curriculum Guide EN5V–I If – 20. 1.2

Focused Skill: Reading/ Vocabulary Development/ Identifying


A. Setting the stage

Read the sentence below.
'And on a day we meet to walk the line”

Ask. 1. In Mathematics what is the meaning of the word “line”?

2. If we are going to use the sentence above, what is the meaning of line?
Say: Class in Mathematics the word line is a geometric figure formed by a point
moving along a fixed direction and the reverse direction.
In the sentence above line means following the rules and doing what is accepted.

B. Explaining the Student What to Do?

Say: Class our lesson for today is about identifying different meaning of content
specific words (denotation and connotation) Mathematics.

Ask the pupils to give some Mathematics words.

Expected words are:
C. Modeling

Read the meaning of connotation and denotation.

Let us go back to the word that you have given.

Mathematics Words Denotation Connotation

Addition Process of combining two or Furthermore explanation,
more numbers. ideas etc.
Subtraction Process of deducting numbers Withdrawal, deduction
from another numbers
Multiplication Is an abbreviated process of Increase, becoming greater in
adding an integer to itself a numbers
specified number of times
Division Process of dividing numbers Separating, disagreement
into equal parts. between two or more groups
Sum Answer in addition Totality, whole

Say. Denotation is the literal meaning while connotation is the meaning involving
feelings or emotions.

D. Guided Practice

Exercise I. Choose the denotative meaning of the following Mathematical words inside
the box.

1. Difference
2. Fraction
3. Ratio
4. Congruence
5. Factor

 A number that will divide into another number

 Two geometrical figure of the same size and shape
 Number that can be express also in fraction or decimals
 In the form of numerator over denominator
 Answer in subtraction

Exercise II. Give the connotative meaning of the following Mathematical words. Choose your
answer inside the box.

1. Difference
2. Fraction
3. Ratio
4. Congruence
5. Factor

 Of the same value

 Not the same, in contrast
 Aspect that affects something
 Being the part of something
 Measuring the relationship

E. Independent Practice

Complete the table below by giving the denotative and connotative meaning of the
Mathematical words.

Words Connotative Denotative

1. Abstract
2. Numbers
3. Base
4. Identity
5. Logic
F. Closure

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