ILAC G20 2002 Guidelines On Grading of Non-Conformities

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Guidelines on Grading of


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Guidelines on Grading of Non-conformities


PREAMBLE ......................................................................................................................................... 4

PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................. 4

AUTHORSHIP ..................................................................................................................................... 4

1 NATURE OF NON-CONFORMITIES ................................................................................... 4


OF NON-CONFORMITIES ..................................................................................................... 5

3 GRADING THE NON-CONFORMITIES .............................................................................. 7


ISSUING OF CORRECTIVE ACTION REQUESTS............................................................ 8

APPENDIX: Examples of Non-Conformities which may be Allocated to the

Various Gradings........................................................................................................ 9

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Guidelines on Grading of Non-conformities


A new work item, which was approved at the 1998 ILAC General Assembly, was to investigate the
question of the grading of non-conformities of laboratories by accreditation bodies. Dr Max
Robertson was asked to lead the enquiry that was to be aimed at determining the degree of
consistency amongst accreditation bodies and, if necessary due to lack of consistency, to prepare an
ILAC guidance document on the subject.

A questionnaire was prepared and approved at the ILAC Technical Accreditation Issues Committee
(TAIC) meeting in mid 1999 and was sent out to ILAC members. All those that replied except one
had some form of grading although many grading systems related to the various actions that the
accreditation body would take to correct the various non-conformities rather than clearly defined
categories of grading. Only one accreditation body had clearly defined A, B, C etc grading categories.
There was no obvious consistency in grading amongst the various replies. The one without any
grading considered that all nonconformities were serious.

At the October 1999 meeting of the TAIC the decision was, “Given the responses to the enquiry, it is
clear that this subject needs attention. It is concluded that a guidance paper should be prepared with
the aim of harmonising the grading of nonconformities. The 1999 ILAC General Assembly decided,
“TAIC is requested to further develop guidelines for dealing with non-conformities.”

The guidance in this document is based on the methods of grading of the majority of accreditation
bodies. However, when judging whether an individual laboratory or its staff members are competent,
the personal professional judgement of the technical assessors, supported by quality control results
such as reference material results or proficiency testing results, will determine the seriousness of any
particular non-conformity and the actions which the accredited laboratory should take.


This document outlines one approach to grading non-conformities, from more to less serious, through
linking the seriousness of the nonconformity with the actions that the accreditation body may need to
take. Some examples of the various gradings are listed.


This document has been produced by the ILAC Technical Accreditation Issues Committee.


For quality management system certification, the specified standard defines what is required. If
during an audit, requirements in the standard are found to be not in place in the documentation,
then non-conformity has occurred and a corrective action request will be raised. Further, if the
laboratory staff members are not performing their tasks in accordance with the documented
procedures this will also be regarded as a non-conformity. These decisions are usually quite

For accreditation of laboratories, one aspect of the assessment is to ensure, as with certification,
that the management system is in conformance with the standard and that staff members are
following the procedures. However, the key aspect of the assessment is the determination of

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Guidelines on Grading of Non-conformities

competence of staff and the technical validity of the operations. This assessment (not audit)
process requires the professional judgement of the technical assessors and / or experts. Where it
is considered that key technical managers or other key staff are not competent or where the
technical validity of the testing or calibration work is in question, a non-conformity with one or
more of the technical elements of the standard (ISO/IEC 17025) will need to be raised.

For accredited laboratories there is another type of non-conformity that must also be
considered. The accreditation body will have rules and requirements that its accredited
laboratories must follow. These rules may include, inter alia, claims of accreditation status or
use of the accreditation mark. Where these rules have been broken, the accreditation body will
also raise a nonconformity.

Thus for accreditation the nature of nonconformity may be:

 documentation not conforming with the requirements of the standard
 staff are not following documented procedures
 technical managers or other key staff not demonstrating competence in the work they are
 operational procedures such as test or measurement methods, traceability, etc., lacking
technical validity
 a breakdown in the operation of the quality management system of the laboratory
 the laboratory not conforming to the rules of the accreditation body.

In deciding which non-conformities are so serious as to require immediate suspension, which

are serious enough to require prompt attention and the presentation of objective evidence to the
accreditation body, and which are minor and may be checked out at the next assessment, the
accreditation body will need to take into account the nature of those non-conformities.

Because accreditation is primarily concerned with providing assurance to the customers of

laboratories that their staff are competent and their procedures and results are technically valid,
then non-conformities related to technical activities would normally be viewed as more serious
than nonconformities related to the management requirements where the validity of results may
not be in question (note that some elements in section 4 of ISO/IEC 17025 are technical
elements). However, management requirement non-conformities that jeopardise the whole
quality system of the laboratory would also need to be regarded as serious.

The following outlines one approach to grading non-conformities, from more to less serious,
through linking the seriousness of the non-conformity with the actions that the accreditation
body may need to take. Some examples of the various gradings are listed.



Laboratory assessors will all be aware that following an assessment, a significant percentage of
laboratories fall short of (do not conform with) accreditation requirements. These laboratories
are issued with Non-conformity Notices or Corrective Action Requests (CARs) which define
the nature of the non-conformity and which request / require corrective action by a specified

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Guidelines on Grading of Non-conformities

For non-accredited laboratories undergoing their initial assessment it is normal to delay

accreditation until corrective actions have been effectively implemented to the full satisfaction
of the assessment team. However the assessment team may propose that CARs based on minor
non-conformities may be cleared after the accreditation. Corrective actions based on serious
nonconformities must be done before accreditation.

For laboratories already accredited, the question of seriousness of non-conformity will arise.
For example, should a date left off one page of a document (nonconformity in document
control) be regarded in the same light as a series of significant outliers in the proficiency-
testing programme, which have not been followed up, or as the loss of the only staff member
(signatory) who was found to be competent by the accreditation body to do that particular

The accreditation body may require that some non-conformities are corrected more urgently
than others and that objective evidence of the laboratory’s corrective actions are provided and
that clients are advised where results are in question. If non-conformities are really serious,
accreditation may need to be suspended immediately.

These varying consequential actions of the accreditation body amount to grading of non-

A typical grading of the seriousness of nonconformities, based on the actions taken by the
accreditation body, may be:

1) Where non-conformity is “very serious indeed” and the credibility of the accreditation
programme is seriously threatened, the accreditation of the laboratory or the affected
tests / measurements is suspended immediately.

2) Where non-conformity is “quite significant”, corrective action must be completed

within the specified time interval to avoid suspension. Such non-conformities may well
need a follow-up on-site assessment to ensure they have been effectively corrected
especially if the validity of results or the integrity of the accreditation body is
threatened. However, if the assessment team agrees that the laboratory understands the
issues, written assurance of corrective action and the provision of objective evidence of
the measures taken, may be acceptable.

3) Where the non-conformity is minor or isolated and does not affect test or calibration
results or certificates, requiring corrective action would not improve the operations of
the laboratory and could seriously damage the relationship between the laboratory and
the accreditation body. In such cases the non-conformity could be noted in the
assessment notes, for checking at the next assessment but no request for corrective
action should be made.

By starting with the actions that the accreditation body requires of the laboratory, when it
identifies a non-conformity, we have defined three grading categories for nonconformities.

Forms of grading similar to this but with various numbers of categories were the most common
for accreditation bodies that replied to the ILAC enquiry.

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Guidelines on Grading of Non-conformities


During the private analysis meeting of the assessment team, they may have identified a number
of non-conformities and their nature as described in Section 2.

Identifying the nature of a particular nonconformity may be helpful in deciding the most
appropriate grading from Section 3.

For example, technical requirements nonconformities that are threatening the validity of test or
measurement results would usually be regarded as at least “quite significant” and possibly
“very serious indeed” (grades 1 or 2 above). Similarly, a serious breakdown in the quality
management system, such as many complaints being received but none actioned, may be in the
serious category.

Apparently intentional breaching of the rules for the use of accreditation body logo or mark
may also be regarded as “very serious indeed”. This would be the case particularly if the
integrity of the accreditation body or unfair competitive advantage against properly accredited
organisations had resulted.

Some management system element nonconformities may be graded as 2 or 3 depending on the

situation. A 3 grading may result if the validity of results were not in question and the
management system was not in jeopardy. However, there are cases where failures in elements
of the management system may be serious and warrant a 1 grading.

In some cases a series of non-conformities, each in them selves being minor, may add up in
combination to what is considered a serious overall problem in the laboratory.

Regardless of the nature of the nonconformities, each one should be evaluated within the
circumstances presented so that a fair grading may be established and the actions taken against
the laboratory will be appropriate.

To maximise the usefulness of this document, ILAC members have provided examples of non-
conformities that may lead to each particular grading. These are presented in the appendix. The
suggested gradings are for guidance only. Had the full circumstances been presented, a
different grading may have been more appropriate.

It must be emphasised that apparently similar situations may result in different gradings. This is
because no two circumstances are exactly the same and the consequences of the particular non-
conformity may be very different.

Because the evaluation of staff competence or technical validity is not entirely objective,
different gradings may result in similar situations. The accreditation body should take all steps
possible to minimise these inconsistent outcomes.

Where a grading decision is marginal, the track record of the laboratory with its accreditation
and the degree to which the accreditation body trusts the body to take prompt and effective
corrective action may result in the downgrading of the seriousness of the non-conformity.

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Guidelines on Grading of Non-conformities



Grading of non-conformities should be based only on the findings recorded during the

Grading decisions should be made by the assessor and lead assessor who were on site. They
should be made at or soon after the visit.

A finding should be sufficiently detailed to be able to confirm whether it was a onetime event
or a general statement whose corrective action should be implemented throughout the
laboratory. It is the responsibility of the laboratory to determine, through its corrective action
procedure, if a one-time event may have wider implications. A corrective action request may
ask the laboratory to itself determine if the finding indicates a chronic problem.

Minor non-conformities, which are to be checked at the next assessment, may be reported
verbally to the laboratory, may perhaps be included in the report and should be recorded in the
assessment notes, so that the laboratory manager understands that they will be checked during
the next assessment.

Minor non-conformities have a tendency to grow into significant non-conformities if not

addressed appropriately at the time.

Where a non-conformity is found, the assessor(s) should evaluate its affect on the quality of the
results of the laboratory. For example, an uncorrected error from the calibration of a
thermometer used in a testing laboratory may have little effect on the results if that test is not
particularly temperature sensitive.

In all cases of non-conformity, assessors must resist “approving” proposed corrective actions
presented on the day of the assessment without a proper corrective action investigation by the
laboratory. Such approvals may lead to the embarrassment of having to issue another CAR at
the next assessment because the “approved” corrective action was not adequate.

Findings should be evaluated together with the general picture / history of the laboratory e.g.
trust, ongoing improvement, staff competence, repetitive nature (from previous assessments),

Where urgent suspension of a laboratory is indicated after the identification of very serious
non-conformities, procedures for immediate suspension are necessary rather than awaiting the
next meeting of a committee.

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Guidelines on Grading of Non-conformities

APPENDIX: Examples of Non-conformities which may be Allocated to the Various Gradings

It must be emphasised that had more detailed information been available to the authors of this paper
about the real situation, a different grading may well have been given.

Many quality management system deficiencies are possible but these are usually addressed during the
initial assessment and must be corrected and closed out prior to accreditation being granted. Such
nonconformities are not included in the examples below as they are seldom an issue for a laboratory
already accredited.

1 Non-conformities that could lead to immediate suspension of accreditation or of the affected

scope of accreditation.

1.1 The laboratory has lost its key technical manager(s) for particular work and no longer
has competent staff doing that work. They continue to issue test / calibration reports
in that field. They did not advise the accreditation body nor did they self suspend
their accreditation.

Result: Suspension for that particular work until a new technical manager has been
found to be competent by the accreditation body e.g. interviewed by a technical

1.2 After two previous warnings the laboratory is still issuing test / calibration reports
endorsed with the accreditation body logo with results (not marked accordingly)
which are outside the scope of its accreditation.

Result: Withdrawal or general suspension until there is a serious commitment to

following accreditation rules and a procedure and monitoring are implemented, which
convince the accreditation body that it will not happen again. (see ILAC G 14:2000
on use of accreditation body logos)

1.3 Key equipment for particular work has failed and cannot be fixed or replaced in the
immediate future. The laboratory is not subcontracting the work to another acceptable
laboratory and is issuing test / calibration reports even though the alternative
equipment being used is not technically valid.

Result: Suspension for that particular work until suitable equipment is commissioned
to the satisfaction of the accreditation body or the work is temporarily sub-contracted
to another laboratory accredited for such work.

1.4 The accommodation is such that it is impossible for laboratory staff to prevent serious
cross contamination of samples.

Result: Suspension of that testing until an on-site visit confirms that accommodation
has been altered to resolve the problem and a monitoring programme has been
established to demonstrate that its facilities remain under control.

1.5 The laboratory has identified a serious error in a calibration record that impacts on
test results. This has not been corrected and clients have not been notified of
erroneous results, which they have received.

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Guidelines on Grading of Non-conformities

Result: This part of the laboratory’s work is suspended until the equipment has been
properly recalibrated and commissioned and earlier work that was affected has been
recalled and dealt with. (If the error can be corrected directly, suspension may not be
necessary but a cause analysis would be appropriate to prevent recurrence.)

1.6 There are no current dates of calibration of equipment in the equipment records and
therefore it is impossible to verify the calibration status of the equipment. Further, the
maintenance programme and maintenance records cannot be located. In addition there
are no records of which reference materials / standards were used for particular
equipment calibrations.

Result: The laboratory would be suspended immediately. Such a situation would

indicate that something had gone seriously wrong since the last assessment.

1.7 There are no records of action taken on an outlying result of a proficiency test. There
are no records of any corrective actions. There was speculation amongst laboratory
staff that an incorrect standard was used but this was not followed through. It appears
that other QC data is not monitored or acted upon.

Result: The laboratory is immediately suspended for this particular work until a
proper investigation has been completed and suitable corrective action taken to
demonstrate that the test is under control, and records of this properly kept.

1.8 The laboratory has no uncertainty budget for a particular calibration, which it has
implemented since the last assessment and has been claiming accreditation for.

Result: This work would be suspended immediately until the accreditation body was
satisfied that a proper uncertainty budget has been presented. The laboratory would
also receive a serious warning about the misuse of its accreditation status.

1.9 The results of a calibration inter laboratory comparison shows an En value greater
than 1 and there is no record or explanation of the laboratory having followed up on
this potential problem.

Result: The laboratory is immediately suspended for this particular calibration work
until effective follow-up action has been demonstrated.

1.10 The calibration / testing laboratory cannot locate its list of its reference standards and
it is not clear which items are being used as reference standards.

Result: The laboratory is suspended until evidence is forthcoming that it has sorted
out its reference items and has proper records of the whole measurement traceability

1.11 A new in-house procedure has been developed for one particular accredited test. The
procedure has not been validated and there is no evidence that it is giving the same
results as the reference method. The laboratory is claiming accreditation for this

Result: The accreditation for that test is immediately suspended until full method
validation is completed to the satisfaction of the accreditation body.

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Guidelines on Grading of Non-conformities

1.12 There is significant evidence that the quality management system is seriously failing.
The laboratory has not conducted an internal audit for over 18 months (just before the
last assessment, which is not according its own procedure. Also staff members
indicate that many customer complaints are being received by telephone and sent to
the appropriate person by e-mail but there are none recorded in the complaints file,
and they are not acted upon.

Result: The laboratory’s accreditation is suspended until there has been an internal
audit and a management review and a further on-site assessment indicates that the
system is again in effective operation.

2 Non-conformities that would require proof of implementation of corrective action within a

specified time interval.

2.1 Some critical equipment has passed its scheduled calibration date and has not been
recalibrated. Daily or as used checks indicate that the equipment continues to meet

2.2 A recent Proficiency Testing result was an outlier and corrective action has not yet
identified or effectively corrected the problem.

2.3 A standard method has been altered without the client’s prior approval and without
validation of the alteration. (More information would be needed to determine the
significance of this which may be more serious than indicated)

2.4 The accommodation is not being kept sufficiently clean and tidy for the detailed or
trace or micro work being done. However, quality control data or environmental
monitoring indicate that test results should not have been affected to date.

2.5 An advertisement is implying accreditation for a wider range of work than is covered
in the scope.

2.6 The internal auditing programme is two months overdue. Two items from the most
recent one have not been followed up or closed out.

2.7 This year’s management review has not been done.

2.8 Some items of volumetric glassware and one thermometer have not been calibrated.
(The significance of this will depend on the contribution these measurements make to
the uncertainty of the results).

2.9 There are some errors in the transcription of the standard method to the laboratory
methods manual.

2.10 Competency records of some technical staff do not confirm that they are competent to
do what they are doing in relation to accredited work. (If this is more than a records
problem it may be more serious than indicated.)

2.11 There is no procedure for control of nonconforming work (or recall of incorrect

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Guidelines on Grading of Non-conformities

2.12 Some of the procedures or operations for document control, for updating the quality
manual, for distribution of changed test and calibration methods or amending
documents are not complete and/or are not being followed.

2.13 The laboratory has no record of delivery of last year’s training programme. Also,
there is no evidence of last year’s performance appraisals and training needs
identification. The internal audit did not identify these problems.

2.14 The uncertainty budget is not fully in line with EA 4/02 or GUM or equivalent but the
calculated values of the measurement uncertainty are not smaller than expected

2.15 In one procedure there was a requirement for the engineer to visually check the cubes
for defects but no criteria were given for rejecting them.

3 Minor non-conformities that:

 are reported as such and will be followed up at the next assessment or
 are indicated to the laboratory and are not reported in the written report but they are noted
in the files for checking at the next assessment.

Some of the following examples, although apparently minor, may indicate wider underlying
problems, which need to be addressed.

3.1 A photocopy of an obsolete procedure was found in the drawer of one of the analysts.

3.2 One customer complaint had been acted upon but not been closed out.

3.3 One staff member had no job personal description although there was a generic
description for those in that position in the manual.

3.4 The document control procedure of the laboratory requires that every page of each
procedure manual is to be signed off by the technical manager. The team finds two
pages of one procedure that have not been signed off. Other pages appear to have
been correctly signed.

3.5 A new technician tells an assessor that she had one customer complain about the fact
that a report was one day late. She told her supervisor but did not fill out the
appropriate corrective action form as she considered the complaint to be frivolous.
Other complaints seem to be recorded and acted upon properly.

3.6 In the back of a cupboard full of volumetric glassware, an assessor finds one standard
flask that has not been calibrated. It has dust on it indicating that it has not been used
for some time as others nearer the front are all sparkling clean. Other volumetric
glassware in the laboratory appears to be in order.

3.7 A label has fallen of a standard stock solution and is lying beside the bottle in the
cupboard. The record of its standardisation is in order assuming that the label matches
the bottle. Other labels are intact.

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Guidelines on Grading of Non-conformities

3.8 One of the dates in the sample reception notebook was incomplete in that only the
month and year were recorded.

3.9 A reference standard was not calibrated by the due date but no calibrations had been
performed based on this item, after that date and until it was again recalibrated.

3.10 Additional equipment, that does not significantly influence the measurement results
or the uncertainty, is being used but is not listed in the equipment records of the

3.11 The value of a measurement uncertainty is written using “ppm” rather than 10-6 in
the calibration records (but not in the calibration certificate).

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