Lecture 33: Normal Coordinate Analysis

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04, Principles of Inorganic Chemistry II

MIT Department of Chemistry
Lecture 33: Normal Coordinate Analysis

Normal coordinates are obtained from the solution of the eigenvalue problem,

(T ) geometry force constant ( V)

|G F – E | = 0  solution of Schrödinger’s equation in terms

of internal coordinates

where G is the matrix representation for kinetic energy, F is the matrix

representation for the potential energy and E is the unit matrix.  is the
eigenvalue and equal to 42c2  2 . The unit matrix is needed to eliminate cross
terms in the secular determinant… this is required since normal modes of
vibration are completely independent from each other (and hence their KE
and PE can not depend on each other).

The KE and PE may be expressed in terms of the internal coordinates. For

our H2O example, these are the r1, r2 and  basis:


r1 r2
z1 z2

y1 y2

By choosing this basis, translational and rotational coordinates are eliminated

from the outset. Defining the force constants as follows:

f11 = f22 = stretching�

f12 = f21 = stretching-stretching�

f13 = f31 = f23 = f32 = stretching-bending�

f33 = bending �

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The PE(v) is defined by an F-matrix:

2V = f11(r1)2 + f22(r2)2 + f23r2()2 + f12(r1)(r2) + f21(r1)(r2) +

f13(r1)()r + f31(r1)()r + f23(r2)()r + f32(r2)()r

where r = r1 = r2 , which is the equilibrium distance (needed to make terms

dimensionally similar)

where appropriate substitutions have been made

In matrix notation, (i.e. f11 = f22; f13 = f31 ; f23 = f32)

 f11 f12 rf13   r1 

2V = [ r1 r2  ]� f12 f11 rf13 r2 = R  F  R�
rf13 rf13 r2f33     �

This type of potential is called a Generalized Valence Force (GVF) field,

including all force constants. For large molecules, there is insufficient
experimental data that allows for the determination of all force constants. For
this case, other force fields have been defined (e.g. Urey - Bradley)

The KE(T) is defined by a G-matrix,

• T •
2T = R  G R

where R is the time derivative of the internal coordinates… the G matrix is
therefore a matrix of mass - weighted vector displacements of the atoms
with elements
Gtt  = μ s  t s t 

where st is oriented in the direction in which atom is moving along internal
coordinate st over a unit distance. Thus, the time derivative taken twice of
atom , of reduced mass μ, displacing a distance st yields the KE.

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for H2O, the -matrix is,

st’ displacement of atom 2  to
internal coordinate
p31  p32

1 2
e31 e32
st displacement of atom 2 along
the internal coordinate

The internal coordinates r1, r2 and  in terms of above vector

displacements are:

unit displacement vectors

r1 = e311 – e313
indicates motion of atom 3 (O) in opposite
r2 = e322 – e323 direction to atom 1 (H)

 = [311 + 322 – (31 + 32)3] / r
p31 p31

Thus p311 – p313

 r1   e31 0 e31 1 
r2 =  0 e32 e32 2
r3  p31 p32 (p31 + p32 ) 3 
r r

the S-matrix

Must maintain the center of gravity in molecule during vector displacements…

this criterion defines the G-matrix
G = S  M1  S

inverse masses of atoms

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 e31 0 e31  μ1   e31 0 p31 r 

G =  0 e32 e32  μ2  0 e32 p32 r 
p31 r p32 r  (p31 + p32 ) r  μ3  e31 e32  (p31 + p32 ) r

multiplying out,

 μ1 μ 
(μ3 + μ1 )e31  e31 μ3e31  e32 r
e31  p31 + 3 e32  (p31 + p32 )

•  μ1 μ 
G =  (μ3 + μ1 )e32  e32 e32  p32 + 3 e32  (p31 + p32 ) 
 r r 
 μ1 μ1 μ3 2

p31  p31 + 2 p32  p32 +
r r
(p31 + p32 ) 

a symmetric matrix

But the following relations hold

e31  e31 = e32  e32 = p32  p32 = p31  p31 = 1 unit displacements

e31  e32 = cos A

A  B = AB cos 
e31  p31 = e32  p32 = 0
e31  p31 = e32  p32 = cos( + 90) = -sin cos(a+b) = cosacosb – sinasinb

(p31 + p32)2 = 2(1 – cos)

Substituting these vector products into the above matrix gives

μ3 + μ1 μ3 cos   sin  
r μ1 and μ3 are the
G =  μ3 + μ1  3 sin   reciprocal masses of H
 r  and O, respectively.
 2μ1 2μ3
+ 2 (1  cos  )
 r2 r 

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The F and G matrices are not diagonalized in the internal coordinates… this
has already been determined - these are the symmetry coordinates.
Expressed as a matrix representation,

 s1 (a1 )  1 1
0  r1 
 �  2 2 
s3 (a1 ) = 0 0 2 r2 �
s2 (b2 )  1 
0    �
 2 2

this is a μ matrix�

The symmetry coordinate matrix (the μ matrix) provides the similarity�

transform for F and G

Fsym = μ-1  F  μ

Gsym = μ-1  G  μ

Performing the operation,

f + f r 2f13 0 
 11 12

F sym =  r 2f13 r2f33 0 
 0 0 f11  f22 

μ3 (1 + cos  ) + μ1 μ3 sin 
2 2μ1 2μ
Gsym =   μ3 sin  + 23 (1  cos  ) 0 
 r r2 r 
 0 0 μ3 (1  cos  ) + μ1 

Have a 2 x 2 determinant for the a1 coordinates (which needs to be solved

for eigenvalue) and a 1 x 1 determinant for b1.

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For the b2 term,

G33 F 33  E 3 = 0

  3 = G33F33 = [μ3 (1  cos  ) + μ1 ]  [f11  f22 ]

for the a1 terms,

G11 F11 + G12 F12   G11 F12 + G12 F 22

GF  E = = 0
G21 F11 + G22 F 21 G21 F12 + G22 F 22  

2 2
2  (G11 F11 + G22 F 22 + 2G12 F12 ) + G11 G22  G12 )(F 11 F12  F12 )=0

for H2O,

μ1 = μH = = 0.99206
μ3 = μ0 = = 0.06252

r = 0.96 �

 = 105�

Assume a set of force constants (determined from experiment)

f11 = 8.4280, f12 = -0.1050, f13 = 0.2625, f33 = 0.7680

Numerically solving the above eigenvalue equations,

 + = 8.61475  1 = 3824 cm1 1 (exp) = 3825 cm1

  = 1.60914  2 = 1653 cm1 2 (exp) = 1654 cm1

 3 = 9.13681  3 = 3938 cm1 3 (exp) = 3936 cm1

 = 42c2  2

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