Exercises 7

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176 Electron–proton elastic scattering

Consequently, due to the finite size of the proton, the elastic scattering process
becomes increasingly unlikely for interactions where the virtual photon has large
Q2 . If the inelastic scattering process, where the proton breaks up, also involved
a coherent interaction of the virtual photon with the charge and magnetic moment
distribution of the proton as a whole, a similar high-Q2 suppression of the cross
section would be expected. In practice, no such suppression of the inelastic e− p
cross section is observed. This implies that the interaction takes place with the
constituent parts of the proton rather than the proton as a whole. This process of
high-energy deep inelastic scattering ⎛ 2is the main topic of next chapter.⎞
dσ α 2 E3 ⎜⎜⎜ G E + τ G M
θ θ ⎟⎟
= ⎜⎝ cos2 + 2τ G2M sin2 ⎟⎟⎠ ,
2 4
dΩ 4E sin (θ/2) E1 (1 + τ) 2 2
where the form factors G E (Q2 )
and G M (Q2 ) describe the charge and magnetic
moment distributions of the proton. The techniques used to measure the form fac-
In this
tors werechapter, the in
described process of e− pIt→is eimportant
some detail.
− p elastic scattering has been described in
that you understand the concepts;
some detail. In general, the differential elastic scattering cross section is given by
they will be used again in the following chapter.
the Rosenbluth formula
Because of the finite size of the proton, both G E (Q2 ) and G M (Q2 ) become small
at high Q2 and the elastic scattering cross section falls rapidly with increasing
Q2 . Consequently, high-energy electron–proton scattering is dominated by inelas-
tic processes where the virtual photon interacts with the quarks inside the proton,
rather than the proton as a coherent whole.


7.1 The derivation of (7.8) used the algebraic relation

(γ + 1)2 (1 − κ2 )2 = 4,
κ= and (1 − β2 )γ2 = 1.
Show that this holds.
177 Problems

7.2 By considering momentum and energy conservation in e− p elastic scattering from a proton at rest, find an
expression for the fractional energy loss of the scattered electron (E1 − E3 )/E1 in terms of the scattering angle
and the parameter
p βγ
κ= ≡ .
E1 + me γ + 1
7.3 In an e− p scattering experiment, the incident electron has energy E1 = 529.5 MeV and the scattered electrons
are detected at an angle of θ = 75◦ relative to the incoming beam.
(a) At this angle, almost all of the scattered electrons are measured to have an energy of E3 ≈ 373 MeV.
What can be concluded from this observation?
(b) Find the corresponding value of Q2 .
7.4 For a spherically symmetric charge distribution ρ(r), where

ρ(r) d3 r = 1,

show that the form factor can be expressed as


F(q2 ) = r sin(qr)ρ(r) dr,
q 0
 1 − q2 R2 + · · · ,
where R2 is the mean square charge radius. Hence show that
dF(q2 )
R2 = −6 .
dq2 q2 =0

7.5 Using the answer to the previous question and the data in Figure 7.8a, estimate the root-mean-squared charge
radius of the proton.
7.6 From the slope and intercept of the right plot of Figure 7.7, obtain values for GM (0.292 GeV2 ) and
GE (0.292 GeV2 ).
7.7 Use the data of Figure 7.7 to estimate GE (Q2 ) at Q2 = 0.500 GeV2 .
7.8 The experimental data of Figure 7.8 can be described by the form factor
G(Q2 ) = ,
(1 + Q2 /Q20 )2
with Q0 = 0.71 GeV. Taking Q2 ≈ q2 , show that this implies that proton has an exponential charge distri-
bution of the form
ρ(r) = ρ0 e−r/a ,
and find the value of a.

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