Grading Rubric Discussion Board 20 Points
Grading Rubric Discussion Board 20 Points
Grading Rubric Discussion Board 20 Points
Frequency Student posts at least 1 Most of posts are made on One or more posts are One post is not One or more posts
and main post by Thursday at time. Posts may have late. Posts have completed or all posts are not completed.
Writing midnight of each week, minor errors in noticeable errors in are late. The frequency The errors in
Mechanics and responds to 2 organization or mechanics, organization and/or of errors in organization organization and
classmates by Sunday at but the errors do not mechanics. (3) and mechanics disrupts mechanics are
midnight. Posts are impact the understanding flow and clarity of ideas. significant and
organized, use formal of ideas. (4) (2) reflect a lack of
English, proper grammar, effort. (0-1)
and have no spelling or
punctuation errors. (5)