Job Advertisement 2019
Job Advertisement 2019
Job Advertisement 2019
No. 1/2019
We are looking for aspiring and suitable candidates to join our dedicated team
towards achieving our vision in making Miri Port the Port Of Choice In The Region. If
you are the person, we invite you to apply for any of the following post as below:
Job scope:
Responsible for the planning, analysing, executing and monitoring of repair &
maintenance of mechanical & structural works and ability to give technical advice.
2. Post : Juruaudit, Gred W41
Classification : Finance
Service Group : Management & Professional
Post Status : Contract
Salary Matrix : Minimum: RM2,094.00 Maximum: RM9,585.00
Job scope:
Responsible for the performance of full internal audit cycle including risk management
and control management over operations’ effectiveness, financial reliability and
compliance with all applicable directives and regulations. Determining internal audit
scope and developing annual audit plans.
Job scope:
Responsible for the performance of security and surveillance works not limited to
coordination of security related training, courses and carry out security checks,
investigation works and other security and safety related works.
Responsible for the execution, system supervision and operation related to salary
payment, revenue collection and classification, receivables, payments, maintenance of
cashflow, deposits, investment, financial reports and other related matters.
Job scope:
Responsible to assist the Engineer in the planning and coordination of engineering and
technical, mechanical & electronic works, maintenance of inventory records, site works
inspection, compilation of technical and mechanical reports and other related matters.
Job scope:
Job scope:
Job scope:
1. Responsible for the issuance of various invoices, monitor and approval of ‘ship call
numbers’, update of vessel movement, creditors account, payments and collections;
2. Responsible for the cargo data entry, verification of cargo manifest, update of ‘bank
guarantee’ and maintenance of finance related despatch record; or
3. Responsible for the maintenance of supplier payment records, purchases, salaries,
update of receival & issuance of invoices, document movement records,
maintenance of creditors files, issuance of payment receipts, bank-in of daily
collection, issuance of journal vouchers, maintenance of tenancy agreement, tender
& quotation contract, bank guarantee and other related matters.
9. Post : Pembantu Tadbir (Perkeranian/Operasi), Gred N19
Job scope:
1. Responsible for the effective service delivery through the tally of cargo
loading/unloading during ships operations, planning and management of storage
space for import and export cargoes; or
2. Responsible for the efficient and effective vessel discharging and loading activities in
accordance with the safety and quality standards and procedures; or
3. Responsible for the coordination of training and development programmes and
maintenance of training records; or
4. Responsible for the execution of ICT work plans related to help desk, networking and
communication services; or
5. Responsible for the execution of works related to Quality Occupational Safety Health
and Environmental system implementation.
Job scope:
Job scope:
Responsible for the execution of general works including landscaping (pruning and
cutting of trees or plants) and gardening.
Job scope:
How to apply:
1. Application forms can be obtained from Customer Service Counter, Ground Floor, Admin
Building, Miri Port Authority, Jalan Miriport, Kuala Baram Industrial Estate, Kuala Baram,
98000 Miri, Sarawak during office hours or from Miri Port Authority’s official website,
2. Government serving officers, application must be made through your Head of Department
in accordance with the requirements Para 18 of the P.U. (A) 1/2012, together with your
updated Service Record including the last 3 years’ performance appraisal.
3. To write the name of post applied at the bottom right corner of the envelope.
4. Closing date: 20 June 2019, Thursday, 5:00 pm;
5. Application with incomplete information shall be rejected.
6. To facilitate in the response of application, please enclose in your application a self-
addressed envelope with stamp.
7. All application must be addressed properly and sent to:
Pengurus Besar,
Lembaga Pelabuhan Miri,
Bahagian Pentadbiran, Aras 4, Bangunan Pentadbiran,
Jalan Miriport, Kuala Baram Industrial Estate,
Kuala Baram,
98000 Miri,
Sarawak, Malaysia
8. For further information, please contact the Admin Manager, Mr. Louies Lawai, at telephone
no. 085-609003 during office hours.