VDMA Roadmap Battery Production Equipment 2030 PDF

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The document discusses a roadmap for battery production equipment from 2013 to 2030 created by an industry group in cooperation with research institutions.

It is a multi-industry group under an electromobility forum that works to advance battery production through cooperation between manufacturers, machine builders, and researchers.

It conducts research on production processes for lithium-ion cells and battery pack assembly with a focus on integrated product and process development to optimize cost and quality.

VDMA Battery Production

Battery Production

Lyoner Str. 18
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49 69 6603-1592
Fax +49 69 6603-2592
E-Mail [email protected]
Internet http://battprod.vdma.org

Battery Production Equipment


150831VDMA_Roadmap_TI_RT_K1.indd 2-4 26.09.14 12:08

The VDMA "Battery Production" Industry Circle is a The Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility The Fraunhofer Institute of System and Innovation
multi-industry-segment activity under the auspices Components (PEM) of the RWTH Aachen Research ISI analyses the development and effects
of the VDMA Electromobility Forum E-MOTIVE, in University is a synonym for successful and future- of innovations. We research the short- and long-
which users, manufacturers, machine builders and oriented research and innovation in the field of e- term development of innovation processes and the
researchers work together. In view of the synergy mobility production. The Battery Production group social effects of new technologies and services.
effects with electronics and photovoltaic within Professor Kampker's department is Based on this, we offer our clients from the worlds
production, the VDMA Productronic Association concerned with production processes for lithium- of industry, politics and science recommendations
(Electronics Production) acts as the leader of the ion cells and the assembly processes for battery for action and information to assist with important
Industry Circle. The members of this Industry Circle packs. The focus is on approaches which will allow decision-making. Our expertise is in our solidly-
include 15 industry segments and six German integrated product and process development in founded scientific competency and our
regional VDMA associations; these contribute the order to optimise the cost and quality drivers in interdisciplinary and systematic approach to
specific know-how of their members and thus help the manufacturing and assembly process. Thanks research.
to maximise synergy effects. to its participation in a number of international
industrial projects and its central position in well- http://www.isi.fraunhofer.de
http://battprod.vdma.org known research projects, the PEM of the RWTH
http://elektromobilitaet.vdma.org Aachen University offers a broad-based expertise
in the areas of battery cells and battery packs.


About this book

VDMA Battery Production
Lyoner Str. 18
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49 69 6603-1592
Fax +49 69 6603-2592
E-mail [email protected]
Website http://battprod.vdma.org

VDMA Batterieproduktion Dr. Eric Maiser, Dr. Sarah Michaelis, Daniel Müller
PEM der RWTH Aachen Prof. Dr. Achim Kampker, Dr. Christoph Deutskens, Heiner Heimes, Nemanja Sarovic, Niklas Klusmann
Fraunhofer ISI Dr. Axel Thielmann, Andreas Sauer

Dr. Eric Maiser, Dr. Sarah Michaelis, Daniel Müller
Peter Haan, Paul Merz, Volker Eberlein, Dr. Stefan Jakschik, Dr. Florian Schott, Christian Werner

Publishing house and production

VDMA Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt am Main

h. reuffurth gmbh, Mühlheim am Main

Copyright 2014
This work and all parts of it are protected by copyright law.

Picture credits
Cover picture © jaflippo bei Fotolia.com
“All the signals are at green“:
German manufacturers of battery production equipment aim to be the leaders of the industry..
Other pictures See individual picture credits
Battery Production

Production Equipment

In cooperation with

Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components (PEM)

Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI



Executive Summary 3

Introduction 4
Roadmapping: The whole picture 4
Technology roadmapping in the production equipment industry 4
Methodology 6

The biggest challenges 9

Red brick walls: an overview 9
Grand Challenges 11

Roadmap for battery production equipment 13

User markets 13
The demand for electrical energy storage devices up to 2030 15
Lithium ion technology as a reference scenario 19
Product requirements and specifications 21
The requirements placed on battery manufacturers 25
Solutions offered by machinery and production equipment builders today 26
Where technological breakthroughs are required in the future –
red brick walls in detail 28
Beyond lithium ion technology 48

Conclusion and recommendations for action 56

Conclusion 56
Recommendations for action 58

Appendix 60
References 60
Participants 64

Executive Summary

Electrical energy storage devices are the key and above all enhanced quality together with a
components for the success of electromobility simultaneous reduction of costs.
and stationary applications, such as the
buffering of energy from renewable supplies. The following recommendations for action were
Worldwide, the battery industry is now looking made: the need for research which has been
for reliable estimates of market and technologi- revealed should be met in a targeted way
cal factors. Up to now, discussions have centred through cooperation between industrial
on the reduction of costs and the choice of partners and research organisations. Pilot lines
battery technology. are important platforms for machinery and
production equipment builders, since these
This present roadmap is focusing on production allow innovations to be tested in production
technology for the first time. It is the result of a environments which are very similar to genuine
broad-based objective-oriented dialogue production lines and refined to make them
between German machinery and production suitable for volume production. At the same
equipment builders and battery producers, user time, the German players require access to large
industries and production researchers. This was projects in order to gain experience directly in
initiated by VDMA Battery Production and high-volume production. They should aim at
moderated by this together with members and being able to offer customers complete
partners from the field of research. The aim was production lines. It will be possible to make
to formulate solutions to be offered by German significant progress towards this aim through
players in the field of battery production cooperation between players in consortiums or
equipment for the large-scale production of associations and by accompanying measures
high-capacity energy storage devices in the such as line integration, life-cycle cost studies
period up to 2030. and joint publicity work. This will allow the
battery production equipment industry to
In five workshops, with contributions from 240 achieve international competitiveness across a
experts from the entire field of battery produc- broad front. It is also important in general to
tion, the present situation in the industry was conduct positive public relations work in order
analysed and technological alternatives for to encourage investment in battery production.
production technology were evaluated and Finally, the roadmapping process which has
projected forward for the period up to 2030. This been initiated should be continued.
was carried out using the roadmapping
methodology of the semiconductor industry. Activities have already begun in all these areas
The main focus was on large-sized lithium ion within the VDMA. VDMA Battery Production will
batteries. A comparison of the solutions offered continue to actively drive forward the
by machinery and production equipment roadmapping process which has been initiated
builders with the requirements of battery and the implementation of this.
manufacturers underlined the necessity for
technological breakthroughs, breaking down the
so-called "red brick walls". On this basis, a list
was compiled of the areas of production
technology requiring concrete research. This
present roadmap describes research needs for
15 core areas. The biggest challenges proved to
be process stability coupled with a simultaneous
increase in production throughput, scalability
with regard to volume production, sustainability


Electromobility and renewable energy have technologies to be deployed ("know how") and
become megatrends. This has in recent times the required research and development
generated new interest in electrical energy programmes over a defined period of time. This
storage devices. The worlds of industry, politics generates separate "travel routes" which can be
and research are looking worldwide for considered in each case with separate but
strategies which will allow them to position related roadmaps2: requirements are formulated
themselves successfully in this field. Roadmaps by working from top to bottom, while solutions
are a well-proved method of creating clarity: are created working from bottom to top. The
they provide a coherent picture of a future overall roadmapping process accordingly leads
vision, represent in ideal cases a consensus from an overarching scenario through to
across a broad industrial front, act as an invest- products and feasibility and on to concrete
ment guide and facilitate pre-competition needs for research, which can be visualised in a
collaboration between all the players concerned milestone chart3 [Phaal2003b].
within the roadmapping process.
If we adapt this to our present case, the
following picture emerges: electro mobility and
Roadmapping: The whole picture stationary energy storage devices represent the
blue route "Market", while the green route
Technology roadmapping is a strategic tool used "Product" is the battery, the yellow route
by innovation management. It links scenarios specifies the production technology, and the red
describing technological developments and route designates battery or production research
capacity to the implementation of these in as appropriate.
terms of corporate objectives and market
opportunities. Forecasts of future megatrends
and markets1 ("know why") can benefit everyone Technology roadmapping in the
who is able to generate concrete requirements production equipment industry
[Phaal2003a] for products ("know what"), the
The development of user markets and research
Timeline into battery technologies has already been
studied worldwide in numerous roadmaps. In
Germany, too, roadmaps with details of market-
related and technological factors have been
Market M1 M2 published within the NPE4 and in projects
(know-why) organised by the innovation alliance LiB20155 of
P1 P2 P3 the Federal German Ministry of Education and
Purpose Product
Research (BMBF) [LiB 2015].
(know-what) P4

Purpose T1 T2
T3 T4 2
Identified by different colours in the milestone chart
Implemen- RD1 RD2 RD4 RD6 3
R&D Strictly speaking, our roadmapping follows the development
programmes RD3 RD5
paths shown in the milestone chart in reverse
The National Platform for Electromobility (NPE) is a German
Roadmapping: from an overarching scenario through to products and feasibility and on to concrete needs Government advisory committee.
for research. Development paths in a milestone chart [Phaal2003b] http://www.bmub.bund.de/themen/luft-laerm-
Popular examples include theageing society, shortages of
raw materials, sustainability, climate change, etc. http://www.lib2015.de

There have as yet been no roadmaps available starting point with good prospects for
which focus on battery production beyond the success.
horizon of the internal plans of individual
companies. VDMA Battery Production began The roadmapping process should therefore aim
already in 2011 to initiate a broad public to achieve the following:
objective -oriented dialogue between battery
producers, production researchers and • Determination of the position of German
machinery and production equipment builders machinery and production equipment
and to encourage exchanges of ideas between builders in the field of battery production and
suppliers. This present study describes the technological further development through
results of this process. collaboration with production research. The
result will provide both a coherent picture for
a shared development vision and also a
Starting point, objectives and target groups comprehensive catalogue of solutions for
customers and will enhance the international
VDMA Battery Production conducts roadmap- competitiveness of the suppliers concerned.
ping from the point of view of machinery and
production equipment builders. A previous study • Gain in know-how for new suppliers among
[Schlick2011] has already described the machinery and production equipment
strengths and weaknesses of the industry with builders by illustrating the interrelationships
regard to battery production. The major throughout the process chain. This will make
conclusions of the study were as follows: it possible for participating companies to
position their own product portfolios
• German machinery and production appropriately. Benchmarks will be created
equipment builders offer solutions applicable allowing comparison with (international)
to the entire process chain of battery competitors, resulting in opportunities to
manufacturing. Individual companies have expand companies' own product portfolios.
already offered complete solutions,
particularly in the field of module production. • Research needs of production technology will
be identified. The aim should be to identify
• Asian players have a lead over German not only the required machine solutions but
companies in experience, due to the many also the points in time at which these must
years in which they have equipped factories be available. This will result in a guideline for
for consumer batteries. They are currently public and private finance providers.
dominant as suppliers of production
equipment. In view, however, of the necessity • Recommendations for action for all players
for new concepts for high-capacity energy will be derived from the results. These will be
storage devices, opportunities are emerging aimed both at the manufacturers of
to make good this lead. production equipment and at research
service providers, the world of politics and
• Experience from related industries, such as investors. They will also form a guideline for
semiconductor, photovoltaics and the work of associations in the VDMA.
automobile production, and also the food and
packaging industry, has already been This present roadmap in itself can represent only
successfully applied. The excellent German a part of the results which emerged from the
position in the automation industry creates a dialogue initiated within the roadmapping
process between production equipment

whole industry. The basic principles and para-

meters are described in detail in [Garcia1997]. In
this study, we describe the basic pillars support-
ing the method to which we have orientated

VDMA roadmapping workshop: dialogue between production equipment manufacturers, battery The concept of separate roadmaps for
producers, users and research organisations. Photo: VDMA
customers and production equipment builders

manufacturers, battery producers, users and One of the most important conclusions of the
research organisations. As a general principle, ITRS process is: "Technology roadmapping is
those who will benefit the most will be the driven by needs, not by solutions" [Garcia1998].
participants in this dialogue [Groenveld1997, In roadmapping workshops in the past, we often
Phaal2009]. It is important to involve all the observed the following attitudes: producers
relevant players in the dialogue and proceed in a made the formulation of requirements placed
structured way. on machine builders dependent on the feasibil-
ity (as imagined at the present time) of process
technology for volume production. This did not
Methodology lead to the ambitious objectives which should
have resulted from the product requirements of
The VDMA's experience with roadmapping the end customers. On the contrary, technology
[adria2005, VDMA-PV2010] has underlined the suppliers felt able to make statements on the
importance of clearly specified methodology for development of new process solutions only
the roadmapping process. Particularly with new when there were prospects of high-volume
technologies, there is a wide range of possible production. This in turn did not lead to the
paths. As with previous activities, we adapted generation of proactive innovative machine
the roadmapping process used in the semi- solutions. In cases of this kind, no fruitful discus-
conductor industry to the needs of battery sion takes place. It is possible to achieve a break-
production: through here only if the two sides – producers
and machine builders – each formulate separate
Roadmapping in the semiconductor industry
Manufacturers analyse critical system
One of the best-known technology roadmapping parameters and define specifications for their
methods is the ITRS1. The global semiconductor products, in our case batteries. This results in
industry uses this to coordinate the wide range "non-negotiable" requirements placed on the
of development work aimed at increasing manufacturers of production equipment.
performance and cutting costs in chip produc- Parallel to and independently of this step, the
tion. Over 1,200 experts worldwide are manufacturers of production equipment
participating in the creation of this method extrapolate the process technologies available
today. It is to a very high degree binding for the today, develop technological alternatives and in
this way formulate future feasibility from their
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors point of view. In this way, a wide range of
http://www.itrs.net possible ideas for machine solutions is created.
Milestones are referred to here as “Technology Nodes”.
Only after this are the individual roadmaps
combined together. It is important in this

process to define a harmonising time grid. In our unknown in several process steps required to
dialogue, we have defined the following time meet a manufacturer requirement, then in
grid in order to obtain comparability: metaphorical terms a so-called "red brick wall"
(1) „State of Art“, (2) Up to 2015, arises. This indicates that technological
(3) Up to 2020, (4) Up to 2030. breakthroughs are necessary.

Research efforts must now be targeted at

The importance of "red brick walls" overcoming the "red brick walls" in order to fulfil
the manufacturers' requirements. The
The bringing-together of the requirements identification of red brick walls is thus a core
placed on battery manufacturers and on task within the roadmapping process. From this
feasibility from the point of view of process it is possible to derive clearly stated concrete
development within the defined time grid research requirements.
reveals the following for each individual process
step: (1) Process solutions which are already
available in the field, (2) Process solutions which Multi-dimensional roadmaps – focus on the
are available only at a pilot stage (3) Process production equipment industry
solutions which have been demonstrated or
exist as part-solutions, and (4) Process solutions A holistic roadmapping approach "from the
which are unknown from the present-day point overarching scenario through products and
of view. Cases of this last kind are marked in the feasibility and down to concrete research
tables in red ("red brick"). If solutions are requirements" as shown in the milestone chart
above would have been too complex for our
Value chain
purposes. We wished to focus explicitly on
Lead acid machinery and production equipment builders.
Ni-MH We have thus interpreted "research" to mean
"production research". Continuing to think in
terms of the milestone chart, a separate chart
Future prospects Li-air
for other battery results for each battery technology, creating a
markets and multidimensional roadmap.

To allow an intensive study of the process chain,

we have accordingly focused on the battery
technology which appears most promising at
the present time, lithium ion technology. In view
of the competitive environment for German
companies, we shall furthermore limit ourselves
to considering large-sized cells for high-capacity
mechanical Today 2030 Time applications. In conclusion, we shall take a look
roadmap, lithium ahead at the market and product prospects for
ion technology
Battery future alternative battery technologies, which in
certain cases exist today only at the
If we regard a milestone chart as roadmapping for production technology, further charts emerge demonstration stage.
for each battery technology. This present book is concerned with the challenges associated with
the volume production of lithium ion technology. We do however also consider the future market
and product prospects of alternative battery technologies.
Source: VDMA

Workshops at the VDMA times – one of the critical factors for high-
quality roadmaps [Kostoff2001]3. The EXCEL
For the dialogue, we selected an expert-based tables could also be filled out by members
approach [Kostoff2001], featuring five work- outside of the workshops.
shops in which first the manufacturers of
production equipment discussed issues with The tables were then validated, consolidated4
each other, to be joined in the last workshop by and discussed with customers and researchers.
representatives of companies in client indus- The results of these discussions were used to
tries. Among those participating right from the define the red brick walls which form the basis
start were experts from the PEM of the RWTH for this roadmap.
Aachen (production technology research) and
the Fraunhofer-Institute of System and
Innovation Research ISI (customer roadmaps,
particularly LiB 2015 roadmapping). The To sum up: this present roadmap formulates
compilation of this present roadmap was a joint solutions offered by German machinery and
activity. production equipment builders and describes
the need for research for the high-volume
In the discussion of the production technology production of high-capacity lithium ion energy
solutions offered and the evaluation of these, storage devices in the period up to 2030.
we pursued a strictly systematic approach:
standardised EXCEL tables were used to examine
production methods with a high degree of detail
for their suitability for large-scale production1.
For this purpose, the competency fields of the
participating machine builders were evaluated
and, on this basis, four task forces were formed
along the process chain2. The participants in the
task forces compiled ideas for solutions in
separate workshops, using this systematic
approach. This ensured comparability at all

Multi-dimensional matrix for the evaluation of solutions for
machines, production equipment and components with the
following criteria:
Degree of maturity: Demonstrator, prototype, pilot
production, volume production.
When will the solution be ready for volume production? "State
of the art", 2020, 2030
Relevance for volume production: Seven evaluation criteria,
including costs, quality, time. Data related to the process step
under consideration compared with the present-day standard
Obstacles to introduction?
Who is driving the introduction? Seven further evaluation
What customer need is being met? Evaluation according to
type and measured variables
TF1: Front end cell production: from mixing to calendaring [Kostoff2001] defines further critical factors for the creation
TF2: Back end cell production: from separation to formation of high-quality roadmaps, which we also considered.
and clean room technology 4
The details were known only to participants in the
TF3: Module and pack assembly
roadmapping workshops and the people who contributed to
TF4: Overarching topics: measuring and testing, automation,
the contents of the tables.
software, safety technology

The biggest challenges

Red brick walls: an overview The area of module and pack assembly requires
considerably less investment. There are not as
A large part of the added value of a battery pack many process alternatives [Kampker2012b] and
is created in the production of the battery cells. line suppliers are already enjoying success,
It is this area that requires the most investment including suppliers from Germany. There are,
[Kampker2012a], offers the greatest potential however, a number of decisions to be taken and
for reducing costs [Schlick2012] and ultimately challenges to be met, resulting from the
presents the biggest opportunities and risks different form factors and the absence of
with regard to business success. At the same standards [Maiser2014], but solutions are
time, a number of different technological already available today in certain cases.
alternatives are available today for cell produc- Nonetheless, a red brick wall was identified in
tion, which means that battery manufacturers the workshops in the area of pack assembly
are faced with a bewildering choice of options whose core concern was to replace the
for the equipment of a cell line. On the other laboriously welded aluminium housings.
hand, there are only a few production equip-
ment manufacturers which are able to offer Above and beyond this, there are five further red
complete cell lines. In our roadmapping brick walls which relate to non-process-specific
workshops, too, we found that the biggest topics. These include, for example, the high
challenges and potentials from the point of view operating costs of clean rooms and drying
of German machinery and production rooms, recycling processes and standardisation.
equipment builders lie in the production of
battery cells. We thus attached particular The presentation of the red brick walls is
importance to the identification of possible red oriented to the sequence of the main process
brick walls for the production technology of steps. A total of 15 red brick walls (RBW) were
lithium ion foil cells. A total of nine red brick identified:
walls were found in this area alone.
• RBW 1: Mixing - continuous process
The production process of a battery cell is operation
divided into three main processes: the
production of electrodes, cell assembly, and • RBW 2: Coating - increasing speed and
formation and testing [Kampker2012a]. width

In the area of electrode production, three red • RBW 3: Coating – double sided and
brick walls were identified. These are associated simultaneous
with the mixing of slurry and the challenges of
the coating process. Five red brick walls relate to • RBW 4 Separating – contamination
the area of cell-assembly. Here, we found that during process step
special requirements apply to the separation
and stacking of the electrode sheets. We also • RBW 5: Stacking – increasing speed
found red brick walls relating to the production
and sealing of the cell housings. Filling with • RBW 6: Cell assembly - deep-drawing
liquid electrolyte was the subject of a further red more than 11 mm
brick wall. In the last main process, two red brick
walls were identified. These are concerned with • RBW 7: Cell assembly - sealing of foil
ways of speeding up the formation process and cells
forecasting the service life of individual cells.

• RBW 8: Filling - increasing speed • RBW 15: Overarching topic – relevant

parameters for process control
• RBW 9: Formation – a more reliable
and faster process In the chapters which follow, these 15 red brick
walls relating to future battery production will
• RBW 10: Long-term forecast – be discussed in depth. Basic principles and
statements concerning service life challenges will be analysed in detail and
approaches proposed to overcome the various
• RBW 11: Pack assembly – plastic pack red brick walls.
Notwithstanding that it is important all in all for
• RBW 12 Overarching topic – clean the success of process technology that all the
rooms and drying rooms red brick walls should be addressed at the
correct point in time, there is always the
• RBW 13: Overarching topic – recycling question for the individual suppliers of
production equipment of the cost and benefits
• RBW 14: Overarching topic – associated with the development of a solution.
standardisation This applies in particular to new entrants. In
order to visualise the individual red brick walls,
these have been shown and evaluated in a new
reference system, the portfolio matrix1. The
RBW RBW knowledge of the existence of red brick walls is
9 14
valuable in itself. However, the discussion above

RBW RBW has also shown that the implementation of

15 10
measures to counteract each red brick wall
RBW RBW involves a high level of research costs.
13 5
Notwithstanding this, the portfolio matrix
RBW RBW allows the 15 red brick walls which we have
1 3
derived to be related to each other - from 'low

hanging fruits' (upper right corner) to 'hard to
handle' (lower left corner). This results in a
qualitative representation of attractiveness
2 11
from the point of view of the suppliers of
production technology.

12 4


high medium low 1

Benefits and costs were evaluated by awarding points from
Cost 1-9 (low being 1…3 and high being 7…9). The values for
benefits and costs are inversely related to the attractiveness of
Key: 2020 2030 each red brick wall. For benefits, values which are as high as
possible are advantageous, while for costs, the value should be
Portfolio matrix: comparison of time horizons, cost and benefit for the as low as possible. This is the reason why the value 1 for
overcoming of the identified red brick walls. benefits and 9 for costs lie at the origin of the matrix. At the
Source: RWTH Aachen top right-hand corner of the matrix are the so-called low-
hanging fruits – challenges which offer high benefits and can
be achieved at acceptable cost.

Grand Challenges
this is processed further to form part of a
Increasing quality while simultaneously reducing costs module and battery pack, this represents a
significant cost driver. A simple increase in
process speed has a negative effect on
Process stability
Scale up of process stability. Wider process windows or
with higher Sustainability
throughput production more precise control systems allow higher
process speeds with the same process
stability as before and lower reject rates.
RBW 7 RBW 3 • The third grand challenge is sustainability in
RBW 1 RBW 13
RBW 10 RBW 9 RBW 5
RBW 8 battery production. The phrase "green
RBW 12 RBW 6
RBW 11
RBW 15 RBW 14 production" relates both to environmental
friendliness and the safe processing of the
The Grand Challenges for battery production and their relationship to the identified red brick raw materials in a product and to the
walls. Source: RWTH Aachen, VDMA materials and solvents used in the process: a
further important factor is also energy and
resource efficiency in production. An
important aspect of recycling, however, is
closed-loop production: this ensures that as
Grand Challenges much of battery raw material as possible is
fed back into battery production after
We have described the biggest challenges facing recycling and not converted into other waste
battery production on the basis of the "Grand products which are left to decay.
Challenges" defined for the semiconductor
industry. All the red brick walls which have been • The fourth overarching grand challenge for
identified can be correlated to four overarching battery production is achieving higher quality
grand challenges. while at the same time reducing costs. This is
the core challenge by which the
• The first grand challenge is the scaling-up of manufacturers and suppliers of production
production solutions from the demonstrator technology must measure themselves in the
level through to pilot lines and volume long term. For one thing, the success of
production. Many working steps are not yet electromobility depends crucially on this.
ready for volume production and have a high Related industries such as the semiconductor,
potential for automation. Particular attention display and photovoltaic industries have
must be paid to scalability in the case of new succeeded in meeting this challenge over a
process steps. In order to be able to meet the period of decades. The aim is to achieve this
increased future demand for batteries, the for battery production, too.
throughput time must be significantly

• The second grand challenge is process

stability with a simultaneous increase in
production throughput. In comparison with
related industries, present-day battery
production lines have a very high reject rate.
Against the background of the high material
costs of a battery cell, which are multiplied as

Coating technology is an important process technology for battery production. Seen here: a pilot
production line at the RWTH Aachen. This coating machine was selected as an example in the
VDMA workshop series entitled "Total Cost of Ownership for Battery Production." Source: PEM of
RWTH Aachen

Cost evaluation facilitates cost reduction

A reduction of the costs of battery production

demands knowledge of the individual cost
components. Only through a holistic evaluation
is it possible to identify and eliminate cost
drivers. More and more manufacturers are
asking their suppliers for details of the
consequential costs of an investment.
Understanding costs fully requires an evaluation
over the complete life-cycle1 of products
(development, operation and recycling).
Differences in manufacturers' cost models,
however, make it difficult to obtain an overview.
The VDMA publication 34160:2006 provides a
standard for uniform calculation which is
matched to the needs of battery machine
builders. Since this would have exceeded the
limits of the roadmapping workshops, VDMA
Battery Production initiated a series of
workshops entitled "Total Cost of Ownership for
Battery Production" in 2012. This series will
shortly be completed. The results will be
published separately.

Also referred to as "Total Cost of Ownership".

Roadmap for battery production equipment

In this section, we will now describe the results electromobility and stationary energy storage
of the roadmapping process in detail. As a becomes smaller, as does the speed of market
starting point, it was necessary to answer the diffusion
following: is our involvement justified by the
expected size of the battery market? Which
battery technology will be dominant in the Developments in the electric car market
coming decades and will represent the biggest
demand for production solutions? What is the In the electric car market, there is a particular
driving factor behind the requirements placed focus on the development of plug-in hybrid
by battery manufacturers on their suppliers? vehicles (PHEVs) and battery-driven electric
vehicles (BEVs), with the automobile industry,
These questions can be answered by studying both in Germany and elsewhere, acting as the
markets and the product specifications on the driver for the development of other applications,
user side. The user applications determine the such as small commercial vehicles.
requirements placed on battery manufacturers.
From this, it is possible to derive and understand The time at which this market will take off
the requirements placed by battery manufactur- depends very heavily on the development of
ers on the suppliers of production technologies. external variables acting on cost/benefit
For this purpose, we made reference to existing calculations, for example the prices of crude oil
roadmaps. or generated electricity [Plötz2013]. An equally
critical factor is the need for cost-reduction
targets to be met with regard to vehicle
User markets batteries and for broader social acceptance to be
built up through positive experiences with
The possible applications of electrical energy electromobility in the population at large. In
storage technologies lie not only in the area of general, all present-day forecasts include a high
electromobility but also in many forms in the level of elements of uncertainty.
field of stationary energy storage [Schlick2012,
Thielmann2012a]. Small electric vehicles The sales figures for more heavily electrified
demand storage devices of a few kilowatt hours electric vehicles (PHEVs and BEVs) have exhib-
(kWh) capacity, while large electric vehicles ited very promising growth in recent years, from
require ratings of up to 25 kWh and more1. The 45,000 vehicles in the year 2011 to 113,000
available range of stationary storage devices, for vehicles in 2012 [IEA2013] and more than
example for use as buffers with renewable 210,000 vehicles in 2013 [ICCT2013]. This
energy supplies or for mobile phone masts, runs means, however, that the total number of
from small (<100 kWh) decentralised systems to electric vehicles in operation worldwide is still
large (>100 kWh) centralised systems. Stationary well below half a million and thus below the
electrical energy storage devices with capacities global target figures specified in [IEA2013]. This
up to the megawatt hour range are already represents far less than 1% of all cars world-
commercially available. As applications become wide. Nonetheless, optimists believe that the
larger, the level of distribution in both high rate of growth will continue [King2013].

The range of available devices is varied, including everything
from bicycles already available in the mass-market, small
guided conveyor vehicles, boats, electric vehicles and buses
through to hybrid rail vehicles, various working machines and
even ships.

The market share of PHEVs and BEVs in 2030 will

lie between low single-digit values and
approximately 50% of all new-vehicle
registrations in the countries included in the

If we consider the entire worldwide pool of

vehicles, there is a giant market potential for
electromobility. In the year 2012, internationally
Target values for regional market shares for electric vehicles (PHEVs and BEVs) in the world's major
a total of around 77 million vehicles were sold,
markets 2010-2020[IEA2013].
which represents an increase of 6% over the
previous year [ICCT2013]. This figure includes 50
One of the current challenges is the lack of million cars. The three largest markets in terms
diversity among the vehicle models available of numbers of sold vehicles in 2012 were China
with regard to different price classes and (19 million), the USA (15 million) and the EU 27
functionality. The present products on offer are (14 million).
very far from being able to cover all customer
segments and their special requirements. The expectation for electromobility is also that
the most important markets will be in Asia, the
As the result of the dominance of hybrid cars USA and the EU.
(HEVs), the lion's share of all electric vehicles is
currently being produced in Japan, followed by
Year EU-27 U.S. China
the USA. Much further back in the field are
Korea, France and Germany [Marklines2014].
2020 7% 10% 9%

Estimates published by research institutions and 2030 30% 35% 40%

corporate consultants as to the size of the Forecast market shares for electric vehicles (PHEVs and BEVs)
in the most important markets. Quelle: [ICCT2013, IEA2013]
market for electric vehicles in the year 2020
often seem to be characterised by the optimism
described above [Martin2013, Frost2014].1 In
One very large potential is predicted to be
general, however, all studies are based on a
electric vehicles deployed in large fleets (for
number of assumptions regarding influential
example, car sharing providers or large
variables and the development of these, for
companies). These vehicles account for 30% of
example the price of crude oil or batteries. This
annual new-vehicle registrations in Germany.
then results in a considerable bandwidth of
Similar values are reported from other European
possible market development scenarios. The
results may accordingly deviate sharply from
one another. The forecasts generally do not
attempt to describe the most probable
development scenario.

The innovation report "Electromobility and its Importance for
Industry, Society and the Environment" (Working Report No.
153), [Peters2012] includes an overview and comparison of
current studies which are concerned with the future market
penetration of electric and hybrid vehicles.


44 bn 43 bn

36 bn
Developments in the market for stationary
13 bn 32 bn applications

11.4 bn 19.9 bn In this field, the popular discussion is of products

as buffers for energy from renewable sources
11 bn [Hollinger2013, Fürstenwerth2014]. This market
8 bn ranges from photovoltaic installations for
private users to large containers for wind power
2.9 3 4 bn
generators or companies with production facili-
bn bn 1.6 bn ty. Mobile phone masts represent a further mar-
878 m ket for batteries which is less often discussed in
public. The position with stationary applications
of electrical energy storage devices is similar to
that for electromobility: smaller concepts such
The wide bandwidth of forecasts for the worldwide development of the market for lithium ion batteries in unit as solar power storage devices are already avail-
sales [Thielmann2012a]. able on the market [Märtel2013b]. However, the
larger an electrochemical storage medium for a
given application is, the lower the expected unit
sales and the further away such devices are from
Development in the market for heavy-duty their market launch, not to mention mass-
hybrid (commercial) vehicles market success. However, demonstration pro-
jects already exist for all kinds of applications.
In addition to the particularly promising pas-
senger car applications, there are further
applications which have begun to be adopted The demand for electrical energy
but are as yet far less significant in terms of unit storage devices up to 2030
sales. These are generally summarised under the
heading "Heavy-duty hybrid (commercial) For a number of years, numerous new sales
vehicles". forecasts have been appearing from time to
time relating to the development of the
While, for example, there is a relatively large worldwide market volume for electrical energy
market potential for electrified buses and trucks, storage devices in general and lithium ion
non-road mobile machinery generally involves batteries in particular. Notwithstanding that
niche applications with comparatively low unit there are significant differences between these
sales.1 The market for heavy-duty hybrid in terms of absolute values, all forecasts predict
(commercial) vehicles has progressed beyond healthy growth. The market for lithium ion
the prototype phase and is now, particularly in batteries worldwide is predicted to grow by
the case of buses and trucks, either at the several multiples, the exact number depending
demonstration stage or just about to undergo on the source, driven both by a wider choice of
successful commercialisation. products on the market and falling production

One exception is, for example, fork-lift trucks, which continue
to use lead acid batteries as before.

The market for rechargeable batteries from 2000 to 2025 in MWh



HEVs will gradually be replaced by PHEVs

[Anderman2013, Pillot2013, Global2013]. The
lithium ion battery market for electric vehicles
will grow more strongly in future years than the
60000 market for other applications, such as consumer
goods or the industrial sector (see graphic on

A particularly important role will be played by

the expected development in battery prices –
0 the production capacities of large battery manu-
2000 2010 2020 2025
facturers, which have been built up worldwide
Ni-Cd Ni-MH without cars LIB without cars Ni-MH for HEV
LIB for HEV LIB for P-HEV LIB for EV and are not currently fully utilised, have already
in recent months led to a significant fall in bat-
The market for rechargeable batteries from 2000 to 2025 in MWh according to battery
technologies, including beyond lithium ion technology. The average annual growth rate is 12 tery prices and may in the medium term lead to
percent. Data taken from [Pillot2013] a pronounced amalgamation process among
suppliers [Anderman2013]. While battery prices
remain low, the market will grow faster and the
It is estimated that the value of the global remaining manufacturers will be able to make
lithium ion battery market in 2013 was approxi- healthy profits even with low profit margins.
mately US$18 billion [Sapru2014, Frost2010,
Yano11]. The estimates for the period up to
2020 vary from US$15 bn [Statista2014] to over Size of market for consumer batteries and other
US$70 bn. As, however, the latter figure is based small and medium-sized batteries
on estimates from the years 2008 to 2011 (see
graphic on previous page) and is quoted The value of the market for batteries for por-
increasingly frequently, it can be assumed that table consumer goods, such as mobile tools and
the size of the market of the future will be communication devices1, in 2014 will be bet-
subject to an upward trend [Oyama2011, ween US$9bn [Yano2011] and US$12bn [Frost
Trans2013, Pillot2013]. 2010]. Then there are the small and medium-
sized batteries which are not used directly by
As described in the previous chapter, this growth consumers but are used, for example, in medical
will be a consequence of the forecast rising de- technology. The size of this market was approxy-
mand in all areas in which lithium ion batteries mately US$3bn in 2014 [Yano2011]. The ex-
are used, namely in stationary applications as pectations for the year 2020 are that the market
buffers for energy from renewable sources, in for consumer batteries will grow to a value of
electric vehicles, and also as before in numerous between US$12 bn and US$19 bn, while the
types of consumer goods (mobile communica- market for other small and medium-sized
tions and tools) and in the industrial sector (elec- batteries will have a value of approximately
tric tools and accessories). A further factor is US$5 billion.
that all assumptions are that lithium ion bat-
teries will gradually take the place of nickel
metal hydride batteries, which were the main
type previously used in HEVs. In the period up to
2030, it can be expected that nickel metal
hydride batteries will have completely disap-
peared from the market – linked to the fact that 1
Referred to in the following as "consumer batteries"

Global LiB markets (consumer batteries) in bn. $ Global LiB markets (vehicle batteries) in bn. $

20 40

15 30
0 2015 2020
2015 2020 AAB - Anderman (2013) Avicenne (2013) Navigant (2014)
Avicenne (2013) Yano (2011) Frost&Sullivan (2012) Frost&Sullivan (2014) Yano (2011)
Frost&Sullivan (2010) Frost&Sullivan (2014) Frost&Sullivan (2010) Global Data (2013) Navigant (2012)

Global LiB markets (industrial batteries) in bn. $ Global LiB markets (stationary energy storage) in bn. $

10 20


5 10

0 0
2015 2020 2015 2020

Yano (2011) Frost&Sullivan (2010) Frost&Sullivan (2014) iSupply (2011) Pike (2010) Frost&Sullivan (2014)

Global markets for lithium ion batteries (LIB) in total and according to applications. Sources: see individual graphics

• [Anderman2013] forecasts a world-

The size of the market for lithium ion batteries wide market for large-sized lithium ion
for electromobility applications batteries for HEVs, PHEVs and BEVs at
pack level of just under US$4 billion as
Particularly in the next several years, electric ve- early as 2014. The prediction is that
hicles will represent a central application for this market will be worth over US$9
large-sized lithium ion batteries in the mass billion in the year 2020. If we consider
market. Since, in addition to this, various de- the statements made at cell level,
grees of electrification of the vehicle drivetrains these agree closely with [Pillot2013].
are possible, the question must always be con-
sidered in studying the market as a whole as to • [Pillot2013] forecasts a value for the
the size of the market shares of the individual market at cell level of just under US$3
degrees of electrification (HEVs, PHEVs, BEVs). billion for the year 2014. The forecast
This information will allow statements to be for the year 2020 is over US$7 billion.
made regarding the market development of the Both these figures agree with [Ander-
various lithium ion cells chemistries1. Further man2013].
details on the battery technologies used will be
given in the chapter "Product requirements and • [Global2013] goes well beyond this and
specifications". forecasts a market size of over US$12
billion for the year 2014 and US$36 bil-
The figures for the market volume for lithium lion for the year 2020.
ion batteries for electromobility in the years
2014 and 2020 vary widely in the currently- • [Frost2010] as an older publication is
available studies: more conservative than [Global2013]
regarding the market size in the year
2014 at just under $7 billion but fore-
casts the same figure of US$37 billion
The various vehicle types require different types of lithium
for the year 2020.
ion batteries, among other things with different cell chemis-
tries. The growth rates of the various degrees of electrification
therefore have an influence on the market for the various
types of lithium ion batteries. Market data is, however, not
usually broken down on the basis of cell chemistries.

As already mentioned, there are also a number lars worldwide for on- and off-grid applications.
of further estimates and forecasts [Navigant The applications of lithium ion batteries in the
2013, Navigant2014, Yano2011, Roland 2011]. field of stationary storage devices are however
many and various and it is expected that a va-
riety of business models will be developed in the
The size of the market for industrial batteries coming years. A dependable estimate of market
developments in this as yet young field of the
With regard to the batteries used in the indus- future, even beyond photovoltaics, is barely pos-
trial sector, and thus, for example, in electrical sible at the present time. There is however no
tools and accessories, the expectation is that the doubt, that lithium ion batteries will also play a
market in 2014 will have been worth approxi- significant role in this field.
mately US$3 billion [Frost2010]. This market is
also expected to grow, to a value of US$7 billion. It is as a general principle interesting to see how
the market for batteries can be estimated for a
given customer sector. One example: the deve-
The size of the market for stationary energy lopment of the worldwide sales figures for elec-
storage devices tric vehicles varies between conservative esti-
mates of around 1 million PHEVs/BEVs up to
There have as yet been few market analyses for 2020 [Anderman 2013, Pillot2013] and the tar-
stationary electrochemical storage devices. At get values which may be achieved by this time
the transmission network level, demand for this of around 5 - 6 million vehicles [IEA 2013]. This
type of storage device is expected to develop translates directly via the relevant assumptions
only in the long term together with the wide- regarding battery sizes (e.g. 8 - 12 kWh for typ-
spread expansion of fluctuating energy supplies ical PHEVs or 20 - 25 kWh for typical BEVs) into
from renewable sources as part of the changing demand for batteries and via assumptions re-
energy policy in Germany [Fürstenwerth2014]. garding price developments with PHEV/BEV bat-
Energy balancing and/or other more economic teries (in US$/kWh, PHEV batteries are more
types of storage devices will also prevent or at expensive than BEV batteries, typical assump-
least limit the adoption of lithium ion batteries tions for the period up to 2020 are 200 - 300
as electrical energy storage devices at trans- US$/kWh at cell level) into the billion-dollar
mission network level in the coming decades, markets described in the market studies. These
since they will then be economically viable only studies reflect bandwidths varying from US$6 -
in special cases such as island solutions [VDE 9 bn for vehicle batteries up to 5 times this
2012]. At the distribution network level, lithium value. The position is similar with regard to esti-
ion batteries may have a part to play in photo- mates for other sub-markets for lithium ion bat-
voltaics or in the storage of solar energy in pri- teries, such as the still young area of stationary
vate households, photovoltaics or wind energy electrical energy storage devices.
parks and network stabilisation systems
[Younicos2013]. The prediction for the market All these figures show clearly that while in
volume of electrical energy storage devices in general exceptionally high growth is expected,
photovoltaic or home solar applications up to the precise magnitude of this up to a certain
2020 is for a value of €2.4 billion, with lithium point in time fluctuates within the broad
ion batteries expected to be preferred to lead bandwidth covering the various estimates.
acid batteries through standardisation on the
basis of calculations of total cost of ownership.
Further studies also predict markets for lithium
ion batteries up to 2020 of several billion US dol-

Lithium ion technology as a 4-volt lithium ion batteries as a current

reference scenario reference technology

As consumer batteries, they are a vital part of The current reference system of "classic" lithium
our daily lives, but lithium ion batteries do not ion batteries for use both in electromobility and
as yet have the same degree of technological stationary applications is the already very highly
maturity as conventional lead acid or nickel developed four-volt lithium ion battery with an
metal hydride batteries. Depending on the di- energy density of over 110 Wh/kg (gravimetric)
mensioning of the cells, however, they can offer or 179 Wh/l (volumetric), a service life of more
significantly higher energy and power densities than 5000 cycles, equivalent to 10 - 15 years, re-
and are thus regarded mainly for this reason as liability at a maximum of EUCAR level 42 and
the battery systems of choice for mobile and costs which at the moment, depending on the
stationary applications. In the following, there- quantities produced, lie between 300-400
fore, we will describe the current state of the art, €/kWh.3 In electrochemical terms, the current
using the present-day reference system. This reference system is based on a cathode made of
firstly represents the starting point for our focus nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) or lithium iron
area of production technology and secondly phosphate (LFP) and an anode made of graphite.
serves as a basis for a look ahead into the further Lithium titanate is also suitable as an alternative
development of battery technology overall (see anode material, particularly for use in large-
chapter "Beyond lithium ion technology") [Peters sized stationary storage devices or energy stor-
2012, Thielmann2012b].1 The progress which age devices for HEVs in the field of electromo-
has been achieved in the field of electromobility bility [Korthauer2013].
is also the driver for the development of energy
storage devices for stationary applications. The declared aim of the industry is to lower the
Since, however, these must in certain cases meet cost of this system, realistic forecasts name a
significantly different performance require- figure of 250€/kWh for the year 20204. This ob-
ments; we will at various points deal explicitly jective was also the main motivation for this
and separately with these two areas of applica- present book. Among the tools for reducing
tions. costs are not only industrial volume production
and the associated learning-curve effect and
Rechargeable batteries differ one from another economies of scale [Schlick2011] but also pro-
in the choice of chemical storage system, the gress in the production of materials and an im-
cathode and anode material, electrolyte and provement in quality [Roland2011]. The increa-
separators used and various other characteristic singly tough competition between global bat-
features, such as operating temperature. tery producers and the current production

European Council for Automotive R&D (EUCAR); This is an
association of interested parties, including Europe's major car
and commercial vehicle manufacturers, which defines hazard
levels for electrical energy storage technologies, based on the
resistance of a technology to abuse. Manufacturers and
suppliers must develop and test their batteries accordingly in
1 order to be sure of achieving the necessary EUCAR level.
Our remarks are based on the technological overview
contained in the innovation report "Electromobility and its 3
Importance for Business, Society and the Environment" All parameter specifications at system level and for use in
(Working Report No. 153)“ [Peters2012] and on the BEVs
"Technology Roadmap: Energy Storage Devices for
Electromobility 2030“ [Thielmann2012b] See chapter entitled "Developments to be expected in central
performance parameters".

overcapacity1 in large-sized cells [Andermann basis, thus gradually closing the gap in energy
2013] have caused prices to fall and have increa- density relative to consumer batteries (250
sed the cost pressure on manufacturers. The Wh/kg). Within the next 10 years, it is likely that
latitude for the improvement of system para- no fundamentally different battery technologies
meters, such as an increase in energy density, is will be available on a commercial scale, which is
intrinsically limited by the system itself. Break- why the upcoming rise in the market for electric
throughs can be expected not in the current vehicles (particularly BEVs) up to the year 2020
generation but the next generation of lithium- and beyond will be based on the current lithium
based batteries (see chapter entitled "beyond ion battery generation. For the period after 2025
lithium ion technology"). Nonetheless, we have and beyond 2030, lithium sulphur batteries can
in the VDMA roadmapping process focused on be considered as the most promising battery
lithium ion technology. technology for use in electromobility, together
with completely different energy storage solu-
tions such as fuel cells, which may possibly de-
Large-sized lithium ion batteries as a suitable liver decisive advantages with regard to energy
reference system for the introduction of volume density and thus to the working range of BEVs.
production These however, have not yet been sufficiently
evaluated and made available in the market. For
As has been shown in the preceding chapters, use in stationary applications requiring small to
lithium ion technology has reached an advanced medium storage capacities and cycles, the cur-
stage of development and an adequate degree rent lithium ion battery generation will continue
of penetration of mass markets. Large-sized cells for many years to represent the reference
for high energy and high-capacity applications system, due to the dimensioning breadth and
are already available in the market. It can be the consequent wide variety of applications
assumed that areas which are currently domi- which it offers.
nated by other technologies such as lead acid or
nickel metal hydride2 will be taken over by For large-sized cells, however, lithium ion tech-
lithium ion technology. Current cell chemistries nology has not yet succeeded in making the leap
and packaging allow sufficient latitude for the into volume production. Quality must be in-
various requirements of electromobility and creased and costs must be reduced. This is the
stationary energy storage devices. great challenge for production technology. We
have accordingly decided to focus the VDMA
The overall picture in battery technology re- roadmapping process on lithium ion technology.
search and development shows that the current
generation of "classic" large-sized lithium ion
batteries is being improved on an evolutionary

The production overcapacity should be regarded as tempo-
rary, since the markets mentioned above have not yet "come
alive" and the expected demand is not yet present. Falling pri-
ces will activate the market. As the rate of growth increases,
overcapacity will soon be eliminated and, due to the lead time
in the building of factors, production bottlenecks will result.
There has been experience of this in numerous industries, par-
ticularly the semiconductor and photovoltaic cell industries.
Lead acid in the stationary energy storage market or as
traction batteries in mobile machinery, nickel metal hydride
especially for use in HEVs. This is discussed in more detail in
the chapter entitled "beyond lithium ion technology".

Product requirements and voltage stability during discharge, the duration

specifications of a charging operation and degradation effects
which lead to a reduction in calendar service life.
The investment costs for electrical energy stor-
age devices are a crucial factor in gaining accep- In addition to fulfilling technical specifications,
tance by end customers and are accordingly at modern battery systems are expected to be
centre stage from the point of view of the sup- capable of being produced in an environmen-
pliers of electric vehicles and stationary storage tally-friendly way and allowing inexpensive and
systems. In the case of electromobility, further environmentally-friendly disposal. Linkage at an
important factors include a large working range, early point in time between product develop-
fast acceleration and fast charging. For station- ment and later battery recycling will allow the
ary applications, the crucial factors are a long logical design of a sustainable and ecological
service life and low total cost of ownership battery technology. What is more, the develop-
throughout the battery life cycle. These and ment of processes for the reclamation of lithium
other requirements mean that it is important to and cobalt is of strategic importance for the
select the right electrical energy storage device safeguarding of suppliers of raw materials for
for a specific application. They ultimately lead to battery production in Germany [Peters2012].
concrete requirements for the performance
parameters of batteries. A comparison of the performance data listed
above is useful in deriving the requirements
which are to be placed on machinery and pro-
Central performance parameters duction equipment builders and on which the
roadmapping process is based. It should, how-
The most important technical performance ever, be noted that different priorities should be
parameters are listed below: defined for electromobility and stationary
• Energy density, gravimetrically in
Wh/kg and volumetrically in Wh/l,
Performance parameters for electromobility
• Power density, gravimetrically in W/kg applications
and volumetrically in W/l,
In the case of the electric bicycles and scooters
• Service life, operating service life in already available on the mass market, the most
cycles and calendar service life in years, important factors with regard to acceptance and
cost-effectiveness are calendar service life,
• Environmental conditions or accept- safety and investment and operating costs.
able maximum and minimum temp- HEVs are subject to stringent requirements
eratures in °C, regarding power density, service life and safety.
The importance of lower costs will increase as
• Safety expressed by a EUCAR level, market diffusion becomes more widespread.
This trend can also be observed with PHEVs,
• Costs in €/kWh, however here the explicit emphasis is on
volumetric energy and power density rather
• Efficiency in percent. than calendar service life and safety. In the case
of BEVs and small commercial vehicles, the
Further criteria for the selection of the most emphasis is on energy density instead of power
suitable battery system are charging capacity, density. The various performance parameters

Cell Energy Specific

Chemistry Capacity Form Voltage Weight Volume Used in:
manufacturer density energy

Anode/ Modell
Ah V kg l Wh/l WH/kg Firma


33 Pouch 3,75 0,80 0,40 309 155 Nissan
LG Chem G/NMC- Zoe
36 Pouch 3,75 0,86 0,49 275 157 Renault
Li-Tec G/NMC 52 Pouch 3,65 1,25 0,60 316 152 Daimler Smart
Li Energy G/LMO-
50 Prismatic 3,7 1,70 0,85 218 109 Mitsubishi i-MiEV
Japan NMC
Samsung G/LMO- 500
64 Prismatic 3,7 1,80 0,97 243 132 Fiat
Lishen Tianjin G-LFP 16 Prismatic 3,25 0,45 0,23 226 116 Coda EV
Toshiba LTO-NMC 20 Prismatic 2,3 0,52 0,23 200 89 Honda Fit
Panasonic G/NCA 3,1 Cylindrical 3,6 0,045 0,018 630 248 Tesla Model S

Performance parameters of lithium ion battery cells used in commercially available BEVs, including cell chemistries [Andermann 2013].

can be considerably influenced by the choice of cathode. The difference is due to compromises
cell chemistry. The following cell chemistries are made in favour of greater safety, reliability, ser-
the most important ones for battery cells which vice life and energy density and lower costs [An-
are used in BEVs such as the Nissan Leaf, Tesla derman2013]. The result is, however, also by far
Model S and Renault Zoë (see table above): the highest energy density.
graphite anodes are in certain cases mixed with
LMO or NMC and combined with cathodes made For battery cells used in PHEV models such as
of NCA, LMO or NMC in prismatic or pouch cells. the Chevy Volt, Toyota Prius PHEV and Mitsubi-
Lishen Tianjin battery cells have an LFP cathode, shi Outlander PHEV, similar cell chemistries play
which results in a cell chemistry with low energy a dominant role – notwithstanding that signifi-
density, which is still installed today, particularly cantly lower capacity can be expected (see
by Chinese companies, due to its safety advan- graphic on left).
tages. Toshiba uses cells with an LTO anode and
NMC cathode, which results in a lower specific In the case of hybrid buses, there are stringent
energy density in comparison with other cell requirements regarding power density and
chemistries. The cylindrical 18650 battery cell costs. The reason for this latter requirement is
from Panasonic uses an extremely low capacity that these buses are ordered in the main by
cell design with a graphite anode and an NCA public and private transportation companies
and therefore need to be cost-effective both as
Cell Chemistry Capacity Form Voltage Weight Specific investments and in operation. Coupled with this
manufacturer energy
is a requirement for long service life and a high
Anode/ Ah V kg Wh/kg level of safety.
Sanyo 112
NMC 22 Prismatic 3,68 0,73
Performance parameters for stationary
Samsung NMC- 113 applications
26 Prismatic 3,7 0,85
LEJ 21 Prismatic 3,3 0,64 108 Even when dealing with individual segments of
the stationary storage device market, such as
LG LMO- 148
15 Pouch 3,7 0,38 large cyclically operated storage devices, it is
important to know what specific application is
A123 135
LFP 20 Pouch 3,3 0,49 concerned. It is generally assumed that the re-
quirements regarding service life and costs will
AESC 151
LMO-NCA 23 Pouch 3,75 0,57 be stringent and will need to be studied in
calculations of total cost of ownership through-
Performance parameters for lithium ion cells installed in commercially-available PHEVs, including cell out the service life of the product in question.
chemistries [Andermann 2013].

The objectives of the world's Energy density in Wh/kg

leading countries with regard to
energy densities (Wh/kg) for
large-sized LIB cells of the third
battery generation (use in

Cost in €/kWh
The objectives of the world's
leading countries with regard to An approach other than the further develop-
the costs (€/kWh) for large-sized
LIB cells of the third battery ment of large-sized cells is being adopted by
generation (use in BEVs/PHEVs)
Tesla Motors Inc. with the use of conventional
18650 round cells in its electric vehicles. These
cells are used, for example, in laptops and are
already being produced in large quantities. Auto-
makers can benefit in this way from the per-
formance parameters already achieved (e.g.
Japan (NEDO) energy density) and economies of scale. In this
South Korea (MKE)
China (MOST/MIT)
case, the need for innovations shifts in particular
In certain cases, different definitions of market maturity and quantities
USA (DOE) have been taken as a basis (e.g. differences such as prototypes with low to battery management systems and system
Germany (BMBF/ISI) volume and market launch/short production runs with high volume).

Target values based on roadmaps of governments and industrial associations worldwide

In the case of stationary applications, lithium-
based batteries are in competition in particular
with lead acid, redox flow and sodium sulphur
The level of investment and operating costs will batteries with capacities in the kWh to MWh
be influenced very strongly by the way in which range (and possibly also the rechargeable zinc
the requirements for long cycle life of energy air batteries of the future). In addition to these
storage device technologies are fulfilled. The electrochemical storage systems, mechanical
efficiency of electrical energy storage systems is energy storage technologies such as compressed
also an important factor. air reservoirs may offer alternatives to lithium
ion technology, particularly in the field of home
solar systems
Performance parameters of battery
technologies which appear promising for the Since the main emphasis regarding require-
future ments is completely different in stationary
application fields compared with electro-
Lithium high-energy and high voltage batteries mobility, cell chemistries other than lithium ion
are planned for use in electromobility applica- technology are used, see the chapter "Beyond
tions in the medium and long term as an evolu- lithium ion technology“.
tionary further development of current lithium
ion batteries. For the distant future the concept
of lithium sulphur batteries can also be regarded Developments which can be expected in central
as highly promising for the period after 2020 performance parameters
due to the high possible energy density of these
batteries, particularly for BEVs. In addition to A comparison of the roadmaps of different
lithium-based batteries, however, fuel cell tech- governments worldwide provides a good over-
nology can also be considered as relevant to view of the different philosophies which apply
electromobility, in particular proton exchange to individual technical parameters, such as
membrane fuel cells (PEM-FC, hydrogen-based). energy density and costs. It can be seen that the
Particularly for large vehicles and long working USA has had very ambitious objectives even up
ranges, these cells offer good technological pro- to 2015, as reflected in the government's
perties, fast tank filling and an easy means of generally risk-loving attitude and promotional
providing air-conditioning for passenger cells. policy, which is based on research into and
development of potentially disruptive
technologies. While South Korea orientates itself

very closely to the target values specified by the service life and in particular numbers of cycles
Japanese NEDO, China intends to achieve more, will decide if and when lithium sulphur battery
particularly in the long term. The roadmaps technology will be ripe for market launch. The
published by the NDEO in 2006, 2008, 2010 and use of conventional 18650 consumer cells in
2013 are at the centre of all published strategy electric vehicles in the case of Tesla Motors Inc.
documents and provide orientation for the results even today in a significantly higher
entire battery community worldwide, due to, energy density of approximately 250 Wh/kg. The
among other things, traditional reasons associ- gap between the 160 Wh/kg of present-day
ated with Japan's role as the longstanding large-sized lithium ion batteries and the 250
technological leader in electrical energy storage Wh/kg of consumer cells must be closed in order
devices. The German roadmap for the NPE to allow future use of electric energy storage
[NPE2010] adopts a significantly more conserva- devices in electromobility applications. With
tive attitude (see graphic), with data stated for regard to stationary applications, the emphasis
the system level. is on other performance parameters. Here, even
within the current generation of large-sized
With regard to energy density, there has indeed lithium ion batteries, there is great potential for
been a gradual rise in recent years by approxi- improvement, since there are high losses at all
mately 10 to 15% to the present values of 150 - points from the materials/components used
160 Wh/kg at cell level and 110 - 120 Wh/kg at through to the cells and fully developed systems
system level. While this evolutionary develop- [Köhler2013].
ment will continue, lithium sulphur batteries
could allow three times more energy density Given a continuous reduction of costs, lithium
[Thielmann2012b]. Progress with regards to ion batteries could gradually replace lead acid
batteries completely in home solar applications.
The falling battery prices which can be expected,
Volumetric energy (Wh/l)
together with longer service life, should result in
significant advantages for lithium ion batteries
Gravimetric energy Peak power (Wh/l) over their total life cycle [Schlick2011].

Quality (failure rates

in % as average per
(EUCAR level)
year over 10 years)

Costs > 250,000

Cold start power
Euros/year (Euro/kWh

Service life (years)

The development of major parameters for a BEV from the point of view of the NPE om the point of
view of the NPE[Peters2012]

The requirements placed on battery cleanly, quickly and gently should make it
manufacturers possible to achieve a stacking speed of one
second per sheet.
While we were able to obtain product require-
ments, and the performance parameters derived As regards filling with electrolyte, the crucial
from these, for high-energy and high-capacity factor is good wetting of the surface. This must
applications from existing sources and incorpo- be achieved in future even with higher filling
rate these into the roadmapping process, we speeds.
were not able to obtain battery manufacturers'
specifications. We have therefore incorporated There is considerable potential in the formation
the battery manufacturers into the roadmap- and ageing process for saving time and money.
ping process and, in this way, compiled a list of The target is formation times of two hours
the requirements placed on machinery and instead of 24 hours and a significant reduction
production equipment builders. The highest in the ageing time, which currently takes several
priorities are for the following areas: weeks. It is vitally important here to avoid
affecting service life and quality adversely.
The requirements placed by battery manufactur-
ers on machine builders are based first and For customers, a further crucial factor is to be
foremost on the objective of achieving a signifi- able to predict service life correctly both at cell
cant reduction in the costs of lithium ion level and system level. The obstacle to be
batteries. The aim is to increase the degree of overcome here is the reduction of reject rates by
automation, exploit economies of scale and using non-destructive test methods while
avoid rejects. At the same time, the field of simultaneously reducing the test duration.
stationary and electromobility applications
demands high quality standards. In view of this, In addition to increasing process speeds,
stable processes are essential if quantities to be customers have other wishes, aimed at reducing
increased. costs. One of these wishes is concerned with
larger cells, together with an increased level of
Continuous process operation in a mixed pro- standardisation of interfaces. Further ad-
cess would save time and money. It is, however, vantages can be achieved by reducing drying
first necessary to develop better concepts for rooms to mini environments. In the medium
changes to processes. High-quality slurry must term, battery manufacturers expect that
also be ensured for the purposes of continuous machines and production equipment can also be
process operation. adapted to changes in the materials used to
manufacture products. It would be conceivable
As regards the coating process, the aim is to to use plastic housings instead of aluminium.
increase speed from the current value of With all processes, it is important to take into
30 m/min. to 70 to 100 m/min. A further in- account the recycling factor. It is possible to save
crease in output can be obtained by imple- money here if cells are designed right from the
menting simultaneous double-sided coating. start for recycling ("design for recyclability"). In
There must be no loss of quality as the result of this way, the recycling of the raw materials used
either a speed increase or simultaneous double- can generate a financial return even at an early
sided coating. stage.

The stacking process is regarded as one of the

most time-critical steps in the process chain.
Here, the use of reliable grippers which operate

The general wish of manufacturers is that stable Solutions offered by machinery and
processes should make quality checks superflu- production equipment builders
ous. Furthermore, for a higher degree of auto- today
mation, it is important to guarantee fail-safe
operation. Only under these conditions is it The disruptive change from conventional to
meaningful to fully interlink the individual electrified drive trains [Kampker2014] is creating
process steps. In order to meet this customer attractive opportunities in the newly-emerging
wish, it is first necessary to achieve an adequate electromobility market. Growing markets are
understanding of the processes. By no means all also expected for stationary energy storage
the parameters are known which may have an devices, due among other things to changes in
effect on the quality of the end product. It is energy sources. In addition to battery manufac-
thus all the more important to get to grips with turers, a number of machinery and production
known process-critical parameters. For the equipment builders are attempting to gain a
separation process, this means dealing success- share of the value creation process in these new
fully with the particle contamination which can markets. The industry is focusing on the most
impair quality. It is also necessary to avoid promising battery technology, lithium ion
leakages during the cell sealing process. technology. By providing intelligent production
technology, machinery and production
equipment industry is offering a major tool with
Supplier of cell production equipment which to achieve urgently-needed cost
Machine and plant manufacturer reductions. German players offer solutions for
all points along the process chain. Competencies
Process steps

in the industry cover a broad front, the main

distinction being between cell production on the
one hand and module and pack assembly on the

Experts High Potentials

Particularly in the case of module production,
Supplier of module and pack assembly equipment individual German companies are already
offering complete solutions. A few of them have
Machine and plant manufacturer
even succeeded in winning out against estab-
lished process technologies with new solutions.
Process steps

In cell production, on the other hand, there is a

heavily sub-divided value creation structure.
Experience from related industries, such as the
semiconductor and photovoltaic industries and
Experts High Potentials automobile production, and also the food and
packaging industries [Schlick2011], is already
Competencies of the German suppliers of production technology for lithium ion
batteries. Particularly in cell manufacturing, the structure of the value chain is being successfully applied in both areas. The
heavily sub-divided. Source: Heimes, PEM of RWTH Aachen. solid foundation of the German industry and the
future prospects in the automation industry
(Industry 4.01) provide German companies with
an excellent starting point.

The next step in automation technology, under the heading
"Industry 4.0", is being actively driven forward, particularly by
German companies. Production operations increasingly

Mixing principle Intensive mixer Classic mixer


Tempering With air conditiong system Without air conditioning system

Batch system
chart of
Chargierung Continuous Discontinuous

Atmosphäre Vaccuum Shielding gas Normal atmosphere

Application tool
Auftragswerkzeug Commabar Slot nizzle Roller application battery production

Track position
Bahnlage Longitudial Transverse Strips

Type of coating
Beschichtungsart Normal atmosphere Shielding gas
Cleaning Surface Edges None

Atmosphäre Cutting principle Stamping Wedge Laser

Layering method Z-folding (one sided) Z-folding (two sided) Individual

Type of conveyor

Bahnführung Roller conveyor Suction jet dryer Floating Gripper technology Contactless (ultrasound) Vacuum

Welding Laser welding Friction welding Induction roller plating Pulse joining Ultrasound welding

Type of process
Verfahrensart Single sided Double sided

Layering method Deep drawn foil Folded foil Foil bag

Cleaning of joints Chlorine Laser None

Heating principle
Erwärmungsprinzip Circulating air Fresh air HeatedmetauscherFoil seal Pulse sealing Contact sealing Hot sealing

Filling technology Injection Cell stack insertion

Overall length
Gesamtlänge Short Long
Type of olive Narrow Wide Fan nozzle

Metering method Fixed quantity Metering pump

Kühlen Cooling roller Colling zone
Position of cells Horizontal Vertical

Contact making Connection to cell Cell to connection

Type of contact Gripper Spring contact pins

Pre-treatment Cleaning Charge dissipation Tempering Ohne

Damage allowed Yes No

Feedback Cell to cell To network None

Number of rollerpairs 1 2 Current intensity 25 A 50 A

Connection of cells Individual circuits Cell dropout system

Line pressure 300 kN 500 kN Process temperature Low High

Piercing principle Laser Needle

Track widths
Bahnbreite 300 mm 500 mm Rolling of cells With Without

Position of cells Horizontal Vertical

Roller material
Walzenmaterial Cast iron Chromed steel chromed Storage zone temperature High Low Time-variable

Ageing period Two weeks Four weeks

Drying room
Trockenraum Installed Not installed Weight measurement Comparative measurement Absolute measurement

Dimensions Coordinate measuring device Gauges Laser measurement

Slitting Blade Laser beam
Density measurement Gas outflow Weight differences Pressure differences

Capacitance measurement High current discharge Standard current discharge

Morphological chart for battery production. Numerous technological alternatives are available today for each individual process step. Source: PEM of RWTH Aachen

Asian players have a lead in experience over number of interfaces. German machinery and
German companies thanks to the fact that they production equipment builders will, however, be
have for many years equipped factories produc- able to master this challenge through close
ing consumer batteries. They are currently domi- corporation and will be able to offer holistic
nant as providers of production equipment. solutions.
However, the requirements for the production of
large-sized the batteries are also a challenge for The heterogeneous competency profile of
these players. Accordingly, German suppliers of machinery and production equipment builders
production equipment have a realistic opportu- has led to a wide bandwidth of alternative
nity of catching up the Asian lead [Schlick2011]. solutions or technical implementations (e.g.
single-sheet stacking or Z folding, ultrasound
Lithium ion battery cells are of special impor- welding or laser welding, stamping or laser
tance in view of their major influence on the cutting) [Kampker2013c]. It is a characteristic
cost of complete systems [Kampker2013a]. It is feature of cell production that reference needs
therefore on these that the world is focusing to be made to a variety of technological
with regard to production technology. By draw- production processes. These include not only
ing on the existing competencies gained in other coating and cutting but also shaping, joining
industries, German machinery and production and the modification of materials characteris-
equipment builders are also in a position to tics. As a result, cell manufacturers have a
make a valuable contribution within the pro- variety of solutions at their disposal which can
duction process for lithium ion battery cells. The be implemented in various production resour-
investment costs for battery cells are due to the ces. This is both a blessing and a curse. For
sub-divided value creation structure in the manufacturers, the selection of processes for a
machinery and production equipment industry complete line is very complex. Each of these
[Kampker2012a]. An analysis of more than 200 alternative solutions is, however, characterised
national and international machinery and by individual advantages. A study showed that it
production equipment builders has shown that, was possible to identify over 100 alternative
within cell production, these companies focus production resources in the area of cell produc-
on selected sub-process steps according to their tion and classify these in the morphological
existing competencies. This means a challenge charts shown above [Kampker2012c].
when it comes to the formation of technology
chains. This is made more difficult by the large

control themselves through a network of machines and

workpieces. For further information, see

Production resources vary in terms of their Where technological breakthroughs

performance characteristics (time, costs, quality, are required in the future – red brick
flexibility and degree of maturity). Cell manu- walls in detail
facturers therefore need to take the perfor-
mance characteristics of an overall process into In the following, the 15 identified red brick walls
account when selecting production resources. In are discussed in detail on the basis of milestone
addition to this, so manufacturers must ensure charts adapted for our purposes.
that the selected production resources are able
both to deliver the required product character-
istics (e.g. the required layer thickness) and also Visualisation in a milestone chart
to harmonise together in a process chain
[Kampker2013b]. The selection of alternative As described in the introduction, we use mile-
production resources is thus particularly impor- stone charts with parallel "routes" to visualise
tant within the production planning for lithium and analyse forecast technological development
ion battery cells. paths. The green route contains critical system
parameters for the battery and symbolises the
The preceding description of the present requirements of the battery manufacturers. The
situation shows clearly that it will be possible to yellow route represents production technology
offer a holistic technologically harmonised and stands for the solutions offered by machin-
production concept at the present time only by ery and production equipment builders. Finally,
drawing on the products offered by a number of the red route represents battery production re-
different companies. A core challenge for cell search. The milestone charts show the network-
manufacturers is thus to integrate different ing of the individual routes. From top to bottom,
production resources to form a single overall requirements are formulated, while from bot-
process. "Operators of production facilities for tom to top solutions are shown.
lithium ion cells are thus confronted with the
challenge of identifying a suitable machinery The charts which follow show only battery
and production equipment builders for each manufacturer requirements for which no pro-
process step." [Kampker2013c] duction solutions as yet exist – by definition,
these are the red brick walls. In the interests of
Our task is to change this situation by deploying clarity, a milestone chart has been produced for
existing and newly-developed know-how in the each red brick wall. In view of the fact that the
field of battery production equipment in a discussion did not reveal any short-term red
targeted way and further developing this. brick walls (time horizon 2015); we have limited
ourselves to medium- to long-term time
horizons. The present state of the art in
production technology for volume production
has been discussed in the preceding check and is
the starting point "Today" in the milestone

In the roadmapping workshops, 2012 was defined as "today".
Here, we have taken as a basis the situation which developed
in the course of the roadmapping process 2011 – 2013.

RBW 1: Mixing – Continuous process operation Target system

The development of a continuous mixer will increase the degree of
automation in the process. Changes in the mixing ratio of active and
passive material will be necessary.
Quality Costs

Requirements of Continuous
mixing process

Batch Industrial
by continuous
Engineering batch mixing

Alternative Continuous
mixers mixing in labo-
ratory operation
R&D Water-based
programs solvents

Reduced binder Extruders


Today 2020 2025 2030

Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

Four symbols are used to represent the

milestones in the development path. The circle RBW 1 Mixing: Continuous process operation
represents the process technology currently
used. The hexagon stands for the need for Challenges and basic principles
research or research properties. The rectangles Mixing is the first process step in battery pro-
with rounded corners represent pilot production duction, and in this step active material, carbon,
lines or demonstrated approaches to solutions, binder, solvents and additives are used to pro-
while technologies suitable for mass production duce a slurry. The input of energy, the process
are identified by a rectangle with sharp corners1. temperature and also the order in which active
and passive materials are added (dry mixing,
wet mixing) considerably influence the charac-
Potential for improvement in the target system teristics of the slurry. The challenges on the
process side are to avoid air enclosures and to
The milestone chart is supplemented by a ensure consistent physical properties across the
graphic showing the potential for improvement individual fractions. The viscometry in particular,
for volume production which would result from to which the subsequent coating process is
overcoming the red brick wall2. This is a simpli- matched, must be kept constant. Above and
fied representation of the assessment criteria by beyond this, it is crucial to avoid the formation
which each process technology was measured in of agglomerates and to ensure that further pro-
the roadmapping workshop. In this present cessing of the slurry takes place immediately, in
roadmap, we have limited ourselves to three order to avoid sedimentation effects.
categories which cover the target system. "Time"
designates an increase in process speed, i.e. a After as little as an hour, de-mixing of the binder
faster throughput time. "Quality" stands for an and the rest of the slurry can occur. Currently-
improvement of the product, e.g. the perfor- used mixing technologies operate with batch
mance parameters or the service life of batter- production. These include planetary mixing
ies, or a reduction in the reject rate. "Costs" systems and single- or multi-shaft mixing sys-
represent investment and/or operating costs. tems with and without vacuum extraction. The
aim is to develop a continuous mixing process in
the laboratory by 2020 and to be able by 2030 to
Graphic: Design RWTH Aachen based on [Phaal2003b]. offer machine solutions for stable large-scale
Improvement of process steps – in the case of overarching
topics, improvement of an entire production phase.

Continuous process operation, which has al- However, even without a ban on use, there are
ready been practised in other industries for incentives to change to water-based systems.
many years, allows a significantly higher degree The use of these is not only cheaper but also
of automation of the process. It makes it possi- speeds up the drying time, as they evaporate
ble to significantly reduce costs, since the more quickly (see also RBW 12) [Guerfi2007]. It
throughput time is reduced, the need for human will also be necessary to develop valid high-
labour is reduced and susceptibility to faults is speed tests for the slurry. At the present time, it
minimised. Moreover, with this type of process is possible to detect incorrect parameter settings
operation, it is possible to produce slurry in ac- only later in the process chain. With batch-by-
cordance with the needs of the downstream batch mixing operation, this would lead to a dis-
processes and feed this in an ideal way directly crete quantity of reject material. Incorrect para-
to the coating machine. This allows the occur- meter settings must be regarded significantly
rence of inhomogeneities due to long waiting more critically in a continuous mixing process.
times to be avoided. At the present time, the
quality losses with regard resulting from a It has already been possible to achieve progress
changeover of the mixing principle are too high. in the production of anodes. It is possible here to
What is more, the required engineering work for significantly reduce the proportion of binder by
continuous process operation is considerably adding a fluid. The exploitation of capillary
more complex. Any necessary interventions and effects allows the adhesion properties of the
corrections can be made only at the end of the slurry on the collector foil to be improved. The
process. In continuous operation, the demands fluid evaporates completely during the drying
on the instrumentation and control equipment process [Bitsch2014]. In the Asian region, the
to be used are therefore higher. There is a need use of a water-based solvent is already the state
for research so that continuous mixing technolo- of the art. On the cathode side, it is more diffi-
gies for battery operation with consistent slurry cult to implement the use of water-based sol-
quality can be developed. vents, since the lithium which is present must
be prevented from reacting with the water
Possible solutions [Mossbauer2010]. For the production of lithium
The requirements for a continuous mixer are ion phosphate batteries (LFP), progress has al-
based on the current mixing process. This means ready been achieved by using a water-soluble
that allowance must be made for developments elastomer as a binder. No solutions are as yet
directly in the mixing process. In order to in- available for the further permutations of lithium
crease the power density of the electrodes, it is ion batteries (NMC, NCA).
an attractive idea to reduce the use of passive
materials, in particular binder (generally poly- Research in this area is focusing primarily on
vinylidene fluoride, or PVDF). It would also be de- materials. Since this work in the main involves
sirable to replace the use of the toxic and explo- internal company developments and patented
sive solvent n-methyl pyrrolidone (NMP) by applications, machinery and production equip-
cheaper water-based solutions. Research efforts ment builders have only limited information
are also being driven by the current discussion of available. In order to ensure the necessary
a possible general ban of NMP as a solvent. This quality and reproducibility for a water-based
may become even more necessary, since NMP electrode production process using production
appears on the ECHA list of materials giving par- technology relevant to industrial needs, it is
ticular cause for concern. It is therefore possible necessary to design production equipment tech-
that a general ban on use may be imposed nology and processes specifically for the use of
through the REACH decree [ECHA2014]. water as a solvent.

RBW 2: Coating – Increasing speed and width Target system

It will be possible to increase production throughput by a step-by-step
increase in belt speed to 100 m/min and by increasing the width of the
foil to 2 m. Process must be maintained after every increase.
Quality Costs

Requirements of Coating
100m/min 2m
manufacturer width

Coating Coating
Coating 70-100m/min 70-100m/min
Engineering 30m/min 1,3m width 2m width
0,6m width

Coating Coating Coating

30m/min 70-100m/min 70-100m/min
1,3m width 1,3m width 2m width
R&D New coating
programs Laser drying

Production of a
foil wider than 2m

Today 2020 2025 2030

Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

A complete abandonment of solvents would fur- differences in the porosity of the material and
ther reduce costs and make the subsequent dry- thus to a loss of quality. Projecting edges can
ing process, and possibly the calendaring pro- produce the same effect in intermediate opera-
cess, obsolete. It will be possible to use a mixer tion. Edge sharpness is a further quality crite-
based on the functional principle of an extruder rion. Moreover, a crucial factor for cyclical service
for this purpose. Due to the physical working life and subsequent battery performance is the
principle of an extruder, it would seem possible adhesion of the coating to the substrate foil.
in general to dispense with the use of solvents.
There has, however, as yet been no concrete ex- In order to exploit economies of scale and meet
pression of this development direction. rising demand, future coating machines in the
period up to 2030 must be capable of stable
operation in the order of magnitude of 100
RBW 2 Coating: Increasing speed and width m/min across a width of 2 m. At the same
time, it must be ensured that the increase in
Challenges and basic principles width and conveyor belt speed is not at the
During the coating process, the slurry is applied expense of electrode quality.
either continuously or intermittently to a sub-
strate for made of copper (for the anode) or alu- Possible solutions
minium (for the cathode) using an applicator An initial pilot production lines with a slot nozzle
system and to a thickness of 50 - 300 µm, de- operates at a speed of 30 m/min. over a doubled
pending on the cell type and variant. Among the width of 1.2 m. However, it is not yet possible to
coating technologies used are slot nozzles, guarantee stability of the even lateral distribu-
comma wipers and gridded rollers, with slot tion of the coating thickness. Only when this has
nozzles offering the greatest advantages. been achieved by adapting process parameters
will it then be possible to increase the speed. An
Present-day coating machines operate at a increase in speed would have a direct effect on
speed of 30 m/min. and a width of approxi- the length of the drying machine, since the two
mately 0.6 m. The critical factors for quality are processes are directly coupled. New drying tech-
precise metering of the slurry in the applicator nologies such as laser drying deliver faster re-
tool and an even coating thickness across the sults than conventional machines. However, it
width of the foil. An uneven coating thickness remains to be determined to what extent the
will lead to differing line pressures in the new drying technologies will influence coating
calendaring process. These will in turn lead to

RBW 3: Coating – Double-sided and simultaneous Target system

A double-sided, simultaneous coating system halves the throughput time Time

compared with serially operating machines. There are further positive

effects on the subsequent drying process, through only one pass is
Quality Costs

Requirements of Double-sided coating

and drying
manufacturer simultaneously

Serial Industrial
coating double-sided
Engineering and process line
solutions drying

New coating
Pilot facility for
R&D double-sided
New job tools coating and
programs drying
Non-contact Extruder

Today 2020 2025 2030

Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

compositions (keyword "de-mixing") and surface thin to store the necessary energy density.
quality. Depending on the application, a coating thick-
ness of 200 µm is applied to the cathode of foil.
An increase in width from 1.2 to 2.0 m using a The graphic at bottom left illustrates the devel-
slot nozzle as an applicator system should be opment in the speed and width of the collector
regarded as critical. The formation of a meniscus foil in the coating process.
is necessary for the application process. It should
be determined whether it is possible to coat In order to increase width, it is necessary to
across a width of 2.0 m with existing nozzle sys- adapt the relevant substrate foils. It is currently
tems or whether this technology is at its limit not possible to produce 10 - 20 µm thick foils
even with a lesser width. It is necessary to de- with a width of 2.0 m in an adequate quality.
velop new coating systems. The following coat- Here, too, appropriate development is required.
ing methods have already been considered but
had to be rejected: sputtering, CVD coating, eva-
poration, ink-jet printing and powder coating. RBW 3 Coating: Double-sided and simultaneous
The coating thicknesses produced are in this
case in the nanometre range and are thus too Challenges and basic principles
A double-sided simultaneous coating machine
[m/min] [m] would halve throughput time compared with
100 2,0
Speed serially-operating machines. There are further
positive effects on the subsequent drying pro-
cess, through which only one pass is required. In
this process, one electrode side passes through
the drying process twice. With simultaneous
70 1,2
double-sided coating, there is no second pass,
resulting in time and cost advantages. A suitable
coating machine should be ready for market
launch by 2020.
Coating width
30 0,6
In addition to the existing challenges presented
Status quo 2020 2025 2030
by the coating process, such as achieving even
Development in speed and width of collector foil in the coating process. Source: PEM of RWTH lateral distribution of the slurry (see RBW 2), it is

RBW 4: Separation – Contamination in process step Target system

The particle contamination resulting from the separation process may cause
short-circuits in the cells. The particle size varies, depending on the separation
technology used.
Quality Costs

Requirements of No damaging
manufacturer contamination

Engineering Integration of Avoidance of
particles, with
quality assurance
solutions Laser into process detection if

Extraction of
particles (silver
Particle detection
Further devel- Pilot plants for new
opment of existing separation
technology technologies

Today 2020 2025 2030

Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

also necessary to avoid running of the slurry Asian machinery and production equipment
after application due to the effect of gravity. builders has already shown a double-sided
coating machine at a trade fair. It was not
Possible solutions possible to determine whether this machine
In order to implement double-sided simultane- meets quality requirements and is suitable for
ous coating, there must be developments in industrial operation.
various areas. New coating machines will re-
quire an alternative routing of the foil in order to
prevent running of the slurry. It would also be RBW 4 Separation: Contamination in process
possible to introduce innovative applicator step
systems which are designed for double-sided
coating and can operate independently of the Challenges and basic principles
effects of gravity. During separation, the electrode coils are cut
into sheets. A critical quality factor is particle
The drying technology must also be changed to contamination of the sheets resulting from the
allow double-sided simultaneous operation. One cut, which may damage the separator and lead
possible solution is contactless drying machines. to a short-circuit. The objective is to stabilise the
Floating dryers are a commonly-use system for process sufficiently by 2030 so that quality-
contactless drying. With this solution, the foil damaging particle contamination is avoided.
floats over air cushions in a sinusoidal shape
created by air cushions. It will be necessary to The state of the art is represented by two
identify a suitable design, providing non- separation technologies – stamping and laser
damaging floating and drying characteristics, in cutting. In the case of stamping, the quality of
order to meet the high quality requirements of the cut edges depends on tool wear. The quality
electrode coating. of the cut edges decreases over time, which
means that particle contamination increases. In
Slurries which are able to operate without the case of laser cutting, the tool does not wear
solvent cannot run, which has a positive effect and no change in quality therefore takes place.
on the development of simultaneous double- Furthermore, changing the geometry involves
sided coating. Possible solutions include the only low additional cost [Kronthaler2012].
extruder already described in connection with
RBW 1 or a form of powder pressing. There have
as yet been no concrete implementations. An

RBW 5: Stacking – Increasing speed Target system

The stacking process is a bottleneck in foil cell production, due to the
lower speeds involved. The process involves a trade-off between speed,
positioning accuracy, cleanliness and gentle material handling.
Quality Costs

Requirements of Stacking
operation << 1
manufacturer second

Engineering Industrial
solutions technology

New gripper
technologies Generation of
R&D Alternatives stacking solutions
without handling
programs operations
Stacking solid
Z-folding electrolyte

Today 2020 2025 2030

Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

Stamping tools allow a very clean cut edge to be particle contamination is no longer necessary.
achieved. With laser cutting, the electrode is The trend towards increasing coating thick-
heated locally. Since the coating vaporises with a nesses, in the interests of higher energy density,
lower input of energy than the support foil, the is impeding the development process of laser
collector foil is exposed in a certain vicinity of cutting in particular. As coating thicknesses
the cut edge. This may then cause a short circuit increase, more energy is required, which means
[Schmitz2014]. In the opinion of experts, the that more coating material evaporates at the cut
intensity of the contamination produced with edges.
both technologies is identical, varying only in the
size of the particles created.
RBW 5 Stacking: Increasing speed
Possible solutions
In the short term, it will be possible to integrate Challenges and basic principles
quality assurance systems into the separation In the production of foil cells, electrodes and
process. For the laser cutting method, suction of separator sheets are stacked alternately. The
the vaporised material is meaningful, as already stacking process is time-critical and represents a
practised in certain cases after slitting. This bottleneck within the cell production process as
prevents the sublimation of particles. Suitable a whole. The process involves a trade-off be-
filter technology, with adaptation to the particle tween speed, positioning accuracy, cleanliness
sizes generated, is commercially available. and gentle material handling. Any increase in
Furthermore, light optical systems can be used speed is always at the expense of the other
to inspect the cleaning quality. As the quality of parameters. The challenge of the process is to
the cut edges obtained by stamping decreases achieve precise positioning of the non-rigid
with time, these measures are also relevant to sheets without damaging these. The separator
this technology. Moreover, consideration should sheets are particularly sensitive. The positioning
also be given to inspection of the separator, accuracy is necessary because the separator is
using the same light optical technologies. Small required to isolate the electrodes at all points.
pinholes or variations in porosity also affect the Contact between the cathode and anode will
risk of a short circuit. lead to a short-circuit in the cell. Since the
stacking process is carried out in the drying
In the long term, the technologies using the room, electrostatic charges on all surfaces are an
separation process should be developed further inherent problem. This may lead to several
and stabilised to the degree that monitoring for sheets being stacked at once or remaining

RBW 6: Cell assembly – Deep drawing more than 11 mm Target system

The reason for the trend towards larger cells is customers' desire for a Time

doubling of the capacity of foil cells to at least 50 Ah by 2020. To allow

this, the base of the aluminium packing foil must be drawn to a greater
depth, more than 11 mm compared with the present 5 - 6 mm.
Quality Costs

Requirements of Deep drawing

> 11 mm

Engineering Deep
drawing industrial deep-
solutions 5 - 6 mm process

R&D Deep drawing Improvement

expertise of material
programs properties

Today 2020 2025 2030

Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

hanging on the gripper (see RBW 12). The Z-folding as a technology is currently at the pilot
objective is to significantly speed up the stacking phase. This avoids the problem of the precise
process by 2020 and achieve a speed of well positioning of separators by dealing with these
below one second per sheet. not singly but as a strip folded between the
electrodes. The electrodes are transported by a
The present state of the art is vacuum grippers gripper, just as before. There is an overall gain in
in combination with a camera system to align process speed compared with the conventional
the sheets one to another. Alternative grippers, stacking process.
such as ultrasound grippers, allow contactless
stacking. This solves the problem of possible In view of the bottleneck effect in the
damage. On the other hand, the problems of low production process as a whole, it is important to
process speed and the need for a camera system generate innovative stacking solutions from the
remain. It is not possible to achieve an increase available alternatives. The development in bat-
in speed with ultrasound grippers. At higher tery technology towards so-called solid-state
speeds, these would lose their grip on the batteries allows liquid electrolytes to be
sheets. It is questionable whether the desired replaced by a solid (e.g. a polymer membrane).
objective can be achieved with gripper systems, The stacking process will in the future need to
since high grippers speeds increase the risk of be expanded to include the insertion of an
damage to the sheets. electrolyte sheet.

Possible solutions
Better scalability of process speed can be RBW 6 Cell assembly: Deep drawing more than
achieved by the use of stacking systems without 11 mm
handling operations. In order to do this, a
substitute must be found for the gripping Challenges and basic principles
process. Furthermore, future systems must Foil cells have a packing made of aluminium foil.
include the alignment of sheets and must The underside of the packing is produced by
operate without camera systems. One possibility deep drawing. In order to accommodate a stack
could be to develop intelligent magazine with the usual capacity of 20 Ah, the packing foil
systems in which the sheets are transported on must be drawn to a depth of 5 - 6 mm. The
conveyor belts. There has as yet been no desire to exploit economies of scale has
concrete implementation of this. generated a trend towards larger and thicker
cells. In both automotive and stationary

RBW 7: Cell assembly – Sealing the foil cells Target system

The sealing process for foil cells (in the vicinity of the contact lugs) is
process critical. If the packing is not 100% hermetically sealed, this may
result in premature ageing of the cell or in leakage of the electrolyte.
Quality Costs

Requirements of 100%
manufacturer housing

Engineering Integration into

Sealing bar mass production

R&D New sealing Study of leakage

methods in laboratory
programs experiments

Today 2020 2025 2030

Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

applications, there is a desire to be able to buy

cells larger than 50 Ah from 2020 onwards. This RBW 7 Cell assembly: Sealing of foil cells
will have effects on the thickness of current foil
cells, which will need to be enlarged to at least Challenges and basic principles
11 mm. Deep drawing of the packing foil to this After the electrode stack has been inserted into
extent is regarded by producers as critical, since the packing housing, the foil cell is hermetically
it may lead to more base cracks and creases sealed to prevent leakage of the liquid electro-
[Dietrich2013]. lyte. This process is particularly important, since
an escape of electrolyte would make the cell
Possible solutions unfit for further use. Moreover, the electrolyte is
This topic appears trivial, which is precisely why environmentally damaging. The sealing around
there is the risk that deep drawing may become the area of the contact lugs is critical for the
an inhibiting factor of the trend towards larger process. Leaks are more likely to occur here due
cells. Additional expertise in this area must be to the change in geometry. Developments on
gathered as quickly as possible in order to the process side must be carried out in the
express the problem in concrete terms. Deep period up to 2020 in order to reduce the occur-
drawing is a production process which has rence of leaks and the resulting wastage of
proved itself over decades. Improvements could material.
be achieved in various ways, including varying
the parameters controlling the forces acting on At the present time, a sealing bar is used to heat
blank workpieces and also at the level of and seal the foil of the cell. In the opinion of
materials. A prerequisite for the use of new experts, the heating which occurs does not
materials is that the costs of packing should not result in a significant loss of quality, since firstly
increase. Research should be conducted into the process is short and secondly it is to the edge
appropriate modification of material properties of the cell that heat is applied.
in order to be able to produce an industrialised
stable deep drawing process for depths greater Possible solutions
than 11 mm by 2020. In order to prevent leakages in general, the seal
must have a minimum width. According to a
rule of thumb, service life increases by one year
for each additional millimetre of seal width. A
wide seal seam at the same time has an
influence on the geometry of the cell and makes

RBW 8: Filling – Increasing speed Target system

By 2030, the electrolyte filling process should be speeded up from the current Time

30 seconds to 5 seconds. Foam formation and the even wetting of the material
are quality-critical factors. The development of solid electrolytes will simplify
the process.
Quality Costs

Requirements of Filling
in < 5
manufacturer seconds

Engineering Filling in Filling in Filling in Filling in

30 seconds. 20 seconds 10 seconds 5 seconds

filling technology
R&D Filling in 20 Filling in 10 Filling in 5
seconds seconds seconds
programs Alternatives
cell design
Supportive Further Further
measurement research research
Today 2020 2025 2030
Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

this more awkward to handle. As with other Currently, the vacuum filling method is com-
process steps, it is necessary to accept a monly used. In a first step, air is completely
compromise. Sealing around the contact lugs is extracted from the cell. This prevents subse-
more complex. Here, pastes are also used in quent reaction between the moisture in the air
order to prevent leakage. In the same way as and the electrolyte. Following this, part of the
with the separation process, the future trend electrolyte liquid is poured into the cell. The
towards thicker cells and thus thicker contact process is interrupted to allow the foam which is
lugs will make the problem worse. In addition to generated to die away. Wetting of the cell takes
further development of new sealing methods, it place at this time, by capillary force from bottom
would be possible to use innovative adhesives to to top [Schmalz2012]. This step is repeated until
seal the cells and eliminate the use of sealing the cell is completely wetted up to the top and
pastes. there is sufficient electrolyte liquid in the cell.

Possible solutions
RBW 8 Filling: Increasing speed The two most important tools to increase the
speed of electrolyte filling are the avoidance of
Challenges and basic principles the formation of foam and faster wetting of the
Filling liquid electrolyte into the cells is a time- stack. The problem of foam formation can be
consuming and quality-critical process. Standard mitigated by developments in the area of new
electrolyte containing LiPF6 as a conducting salt filling technologies and innovative cell designs.
forms hydrofluoric acid in reaction with water, For example, consideration could be given to
which significantly reduces cell service life filling foil cells lying horizontally from the side.
[Hartnig2013]. What is more, the electrolytes The electrolyte would be poured in from a lower
which are used are highly flammable. Due to height and would therefore foam less. Moreover,
their porosity, electrodes have a large area additives in the electrolyte could be used to
which must be completely wetted by the reduce foam formation. A further approach for
electrolyte liquid. Unwetted areas are unable to better wetting would be changes to the surface
exchange charges and are inactive. The foam structure of the electrodes. A number of
which forms during the filling operation is the research institutes are currently examining
main reason for the long process time. In the these topics and have developed a promising
period up to 2030, the filling operation must be approaches for solutions [Schinarakis2011].
significantly speeded up from the current 30 Quality assurance systems will in future be able
seconds to less than 5 seconds. to support the process. Impedance spectroscopy

RBW 9: Formation – A more reliable and faster process Target system

Various approaches are available as a means of shortening formation Time

times. These must not have a negative effect on service life. Problems
with process operation may lead to whole batches of the cells becoming
Quality Costs

Requirements of Formation time

< 2 hours

Mechanical Chemical Reduction of Shorter formation

Engineering process – process – wastage in industrial process in volume
a few process production
solutions minutes.
24 hours.

RRT rule Pilot plant for

Improved experiments
R&D flowchart
programs Alternative pro-
Pilot plant to test all
cess operation
Software stability

Today 2020 2025 2030

Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

can be considered as a means of monitoring the the purposes of the charging process, formation
degree of wetting, while precision weighing cables are connected to the cells. Several cells
could be used to verify that the filling volume of are formed simultaneously via a charging
electrolyte liquid is correct. There is a need for station. Due to the explosion hazard present, the
further research in these areas before industrial entire formation machine is subject to strict
implementation is possible. safety instructions and a regulation of room
The requirements regarding the electrode are
being driven not only on the process side but Current practice is to attach the formation
also on the product side. In order to develop cables to the cells. The cables are subject to
high-voltage cells with a voltage of 5 V, it is heavy wear as the result of this. In order to
necessary to carry out adaptations with regard reduce the contact resistance, high contact
to electrochemical stability. Current electrolyte pressures are required between the contact lugs
liquids are stable only up to a voltage of 4.3 V and the formation cables. This results in
[Graf2013]. Further developments, such as solid- cosmetic damage to the contact lugs, which is
state batteries, do not have a liquid electrolyte undesirable from the customer's point of view. If
but instead a polymer membrane or other solid a channel failure occurs with a cell due to
body. A solid electrolyte of this kind can either be contacting problems or unstable software, there
coated onto the electrodes or integrated into the is the danger that an entire batch of battery cells
stacking process. will become unusable. The chemical formation
process is, among other things, responsible for
the formation of the SEI and is thus a crucial
RBW 9 Formation: A more reliable and faster factor in governing the service life of the cells.
process The chemical formation process currently takes
approximately 24 hours.
Challenges and basic principles
During the formation process, the battery cells The objective in the short term is to improve the
are charged and discharged for the first time mechanical process with a view to reducing the
cyclically with an increasing current intensity. number of reject cells and by 2030 to speed up
This causes a protective layer, the so-called solid the chemical process to a total time of 2 hours.
electrolyte interface (SEI), to form from the
electrolyte on the graphite anode. The parame-
ters for the cycles are recorded in flow charts. For

Possible solutions rate/temperature (RRT) rule which states that

Possible solutions for the mechanical process chemical processes take place overproportion-
offer an alternative means of process operation ally faster as temperature increases. At the same
in which cells are transported to a permanently- time, it is necessary to ensure the thermal stabil-
installed contacting unit by means of workpiece ity of the cells (in particular the electrolyte and
carriers. Connections are no longer brought to electrodes). Thermal stability is a multi-disciplin-
the cell, rather, the cells are transported to a ary topic into which research is already being
fixed connection. This avoids the problem of carried out with regard to new active materials
cable wear. There must also be new formation and high-voltage electrolytes. There are as yet
systems which ensure that any problems which no research projects aimed in concrete terms at
occur do not affect several cells at the same speeding up formation time, and consideration
time. There must be improvements in software should be given to initiating projects of this kind.
stability and the contacting method used. The
contact lugs can be kept longer during the pro- While formation takes approximately 24 hours,
duction process. After the formation operation, the longest process step is ageing, which takes
the damaged parts of the lugs can be cut off to several weeks. Only after this process is it pos-
give the cells a perfect cosmetic appearance. sible to determine the parameters for each cell.
The long process time ties up a great deal of
The chemical formation process is very largely capital, since storage space and carriers are
under-researched. In the opinion of experts, it is required for the cells. There is great interest in
probable that present-day flowcharts and stan- reducing the length of the ageing process. How-
dards incorporate an excessive safety factor. ever, the relevant chemical processes are very
This causes unnecessary costs and lengthens the largely under-researched. Experts hope that an
throughput time. A result of equal quality can be increase in room temperature will make it
achieved by adapting the parameters (number possible to speed up the process. There is also
of cycles, magnitude of increase of current in- the idea of turning the cells at certain intervals
tensity, etc.). Pre-formation of the cells would or exposing them to different pressures.
also be possible. There is a need for research
with regard to the generation of new flowcharts
based on simulations and/or experiments. It RBW 10 Long-term forecasts: Statements
would also be possible to significantly reduce regarding service life
the formation time by increasing the room tem-
perature. This would exploit the reaction Challenges and basic principles
Long-term guarantees go beyond legal require-
ments and are a service provided voluntarily by
manufacturers in order to offer customers in-
creased benefits. In order to ensure that
guarantee promises do not mean higher costs
for manufacturers, stochastically supported
estimates of service life are required. It is
planned to develop new test methods by 2030
which will allow a certificated forecast of the
Connection brought to cell Cell brought to connection
service life of cells to be made.
Variants of cell connection in formation process. Technological
alternative as a possible solution to avoid wear of contact lugs. Source:
RWTH Aachen

RBW 10: Long-term forecasts – Statements regarding service life Target system
In order to give a guarantee for cells, it is necessary to estimate service Time

life reliably. The test methods currently used are very time-consuming
and of a destructive type. It will be necessary to develop new non-
destructive testing methods.
Quality Costs

Requirements of Guaranteed
service life
manufacturer statement

Soak test,
100% solution
Engineering cycle test
(destructive) suitable for volume
solutions production

experiments Laboratory
R&D Research into experiments and
parameters which extrapolation of
programs influence ageing measured values
Test methods

Today 2020 2025 2030

Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

Service life can be specified in both cyclical and influential factors is long, starting with the
calendar form. It is possible at the present time porosity of the electrodes, the thickness of the
to examine these two types of ageing effects SEI, the degree of wetting of the stack or the
separately in a cycle test or storage test. Despite electrolytes used and continuing with operating
accelerating ageing of the cells through the use conditions, including, for example, average
of increased temperatures in a climatic cham- discharge depths, ambient temperatures,
ber, the storage test takes several months. What mechanical effects and vibration. Intensive
is more, both these test methods are destruc- studies of degradation could help to derive the
tive. Due to the wide variation between cells, a most important parameters required for the
guarantee promise based on tests with determination of service life. It would then be
individual cells is risky. possible to develop new test methods for the
recording of these parameters. It would, for
In addition to cell chemistry, the type of connec- example, be conceivable to measure the internal
tions used at cell and module level also plays a resistance of cells or to record the degree of
crucial role in studies of service life. Here, it is wetting by means of thermography. The main
important to guarantee that no reduction in emphasis should be on the development of a
efficiency or a safety risk will occur. Particularly model which is able to extrapolate measured
in the case of traction batteries, which are values to arrive at a prediction of service life. For
subject to high levels of mechanical stress, this this purpose, heuristic approaches are more
must be ensured even after years of use. pragmatic than lengthy calculations, due to the
complexity involved. A link to quality assurance
Possible solutions (see RBW 15) would also be conceivable. The
Non-destructive test methods permit 100% test- data recorded for this purpose could be used not
ing of cells and allow individual statements to only to distinguish between good workpieces
be made regarding probable service life. There and rejects but also as raw data for the
have already been similar developments in the determination of service life.
photovoltaic industry with the flasher test for PV
modules and in the automotive industry with As yet, no concrete efforts have been made to
pulse tests for airbags. develop non-destructive individual tests; this
work should be started as soon as possible.
The service life of a battery cell is determined by
a complex network of internal cell parameters
and external factors. The list of possible

RBW 11: Pack assembly – Plastic pack housing Target system

A major cost factor in the pack assembly is th complex welded Time

construction of the aluminium pack housing. Less expensive housings

made of plastic could be used if the pack is sufficiently protected in the
overall system.
Quality Costs

Requirements of Plastic pack


Engineering Aluminium Integration of

component into
solutions housings vehicle design

Need for crash

safety design work Cell safety
Plastic pack

Today 2020 2025 2030

Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

housing safety depend on the placement in the

RBW 11 Pack assembly: Plastic pack housing vehicle. The space which becomes free through
the omission of an internal combustion engine
Challenges and principles under the vehicle bonnet is unsuitable for this
Vehicle safety is a central concern for the auto- purpose. At the present time, most electric
motive industry. Battery cells may suffer thermal vehicles are conversions of previous designs.
overload and catch fire due to short-circuits or New vehicle concepts and designs will offer new
mechanical damage. Furthermore, battery packs installation space and allow an interaction of
are required to generate high currents and volt- vehicle and battery safety at the design stage.
ages for the operation of electric motors. Pack The sub-division of battery packs into smaller
housings have the task of protecting the battery standardised module units results in higher
cells and other electronics against external in- flexibility and adaptability to the various
fluences, stabilising the packs and suppressing installation spaces available in the many
vibration. In regular operation, pack housings different types of vehicles. At the same time,
prevent the penetration of moisture into the standardised series production will allow a
packs. The cell contacting is particularly sensitive reduction of the costs of production equipment
and will corrode in a humid environment. In the [Schlick2012].
case of an accident, the housings protect the
cells against mechanical deformation. Pack The development of solid-state batteries will
housings represent a significant materials cost increase cell safety, since there is no liquid
factor in module and pack assembly. Currently, electrolyte to escape. This will have a positive
pack housings are produced as complex welded effect on pack safety. There will, however, still be
aluminium constructions. The objective for the the danger of externally induced short-circuits
period up to 2020 is to significantly reduce the via the contacting, which means that pack
material costs of the housings. safety is not determined exclusively by cell
safety. A further safety factor relating to the use
Possible solutions of plastic housings is equipotential bonding.
The aluminium construction could be replaced
by lighter and less expensive plastic housings. The earthing of packs requires greater design
Production methods such as thermal moulding effort in the case of plastic housings.
could be used for these. The requirements for

RBW 12: Overarching – Clean and drying rooms Target system


Many process steps require clean and drying rooms. The previously high
operating costs can be reduced through the use of mini-environments.

Quality Costs

Requirements of Cost reduction for

clean and drying
manufacturer rooms

Engineering Standardised Integration into

Clean and interfaces
drying all necessary
solutions rooms between mini- process steps

programs Pilot facility for
Influence of dew impact analysis
point on quality of different dew

Today 2020 2025 2030

Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

calendaring) and cell assembly, including the

RBW 12 Overarching: Clean and drying rooms sealing of cells [Rudolf2013].

Challenges and basic principles In the case of drying rooms, moisture is ex-
Virtually all the steps in the production of lith- tracted from the ambient air in order to prevent
ium ion batteries require monitoring and control a reaction between this and the materials used.
of the ambient parameters. Only after the cells Since air humidity always depends on room tem-
have been sealed do less strict environmental perature, drying rooms are characterised by
requirements apply. The operation of large clean means of their dew points. This is necessary be-
and drying rooms is a cost driver, since it re- cause even the smallest quantities of moisture
quires an enormous amount of technology and in the air will have an influence on quality and
building features. The objective is to reduce the long-term stability. The lowest dew points, -40
general costs resulting from the operation of to -70°C, are needed in the cell assembly and
these rooms by 2020. electrolyte filling stages. Standard electrolyte
will react with even the smallest quantities of
Clean rooms are required in production in order water and will form hydrochloric acid, which will
to prevent cross-contamination in the running significantly reduce the service life of cells (see
process and thus to maintain product quality. In RBW 8). An inherent problem of drying rooms is
the battery production, clean rooms are used their electrostatic charges, due to the fact that
with a classification of ISO 6 in the vicinity of the conductivity of the dry air is too low. This can
electrode manufacturing (coating, drying, lead to problems with the use of a gripper in the
stacking process, since the sheets stick to one
Classic clean room Mini environment another. This problem can be resolved by mak-
ing all surfaces electrically conductive.

Possible solutions
The introduction of small encapsulated clean
and drying rooms, so-called mini environments,
can help reduce operating costs. These can be
Clean room boundary Clean room boundary
integrated into the various machines. In order to
Mini environments help to reduce costs. Source: RWTH Aachen achieve this, it will be necessary to standardise
dimensions and adapt machines appropriately.
It will also be necessary to standardise the

RBW 13: Overarching - Recycling Target system

An increase in large-scale recycling is expected only when the first EV Time

batteries come to the end of their service life (~2020). Technical

processes must be available which allow almost 100% recycling of
Quality Costs

Requirements of Recyclability

Engineering Chemical
recycling plants
solutions methods methods

Further deve- Pilot plant for

New materials lopment of recycling closed-loop
R&D process recycling

programs Design for


Today 2020 2025 2030

Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

interfaces between machines in order to ensure recycling strategies. The first larger quantities of
a protected transition to the next process step EOL (End of Life) batteries from the field of
(see RBW 14). The costs of drying rooms rise electromobility are expected to appear from
overproportionally as the requirements placed 2020 onwards. Forecasts estimate that from
on the ambient air become more stringent and 2035 onwards sufficient lithium will be in
are a particularly significant factor with large circulation to meet a large part of demand from
rooms The use of mini environments allows a secondary sources [Kleine2012]. The objective is
higher-quality atmosphere to be created with to develop a complete recycling concept by 2030
comparatively low additional costs. New which will allow most of the materials used to
methods for electrolyte filling, such as the be fed back into the battery production loop.
vacuum method, already use encapsulated
systems (see RBW 8). The replacement The recycling of lithium ion batteries is not only
mentioned in RBW 1 of the solvent NMP by an economic question but also a political one.
water-based solvents also reduces the costs of The EU Directive 2006/66/EC stipulates that at
controlling air humidity in electrode production. least 50% of battery waste, without regard to
the area of application, must be recycled [Beer-
A further approach to costs reduction would be mann2010]. Moreover, Germany has no primary
to precisely investigate the relationships sources and could become less dependent on
between ambient parameters and the cell these by making use of secondary sources. The
performance. Depending on the product shortage of resources affects cobalt in particular.
segment concerned (high-tech batteries versus The production of 1 million electric vehicles
costs leadership), excessive air preparation may based on lithium cobalt oxide (LCO) battery
lead to the generation of reactive power, while technology corresponds to 117% of the annual
at other points quality assurance measures may production of cobalt worldwide. In the case of
be inadequate (see also RBW 15). lithium, an assured supply would theoretically
be possible without recycling until 2050.

RBW 13 Overarching: Recycling Possible Solutions

The data mentioned above indicates two central
Challenges and basic principles tasks for future development work. Firstly, the
It will be possible to achieve the principal aim of use of cobalt must be reduced or replaced by
a sustainable future energy supply provided by other active materials. Secondly, cell design
batteries only by developing appropriate must support an efficient recycling process.

European countries are in a leading position production technologies and a fragmented value
with their recycling concept for lithium ion and creation structure mean a large number of
nickel metal hydride batteries from consumer interfaces in the overall process chain. It is
goods. This allows reclamation of the valuable extremely important to standardise these
metals cobalt, nickel and copper. Lithium, on the interfaces. The economic return of the recycling
other hand, is bound into slag and recycled as a process depends on the battery type concerned.
building material. This corresponds to the An NMC cathode has 50% more lithium than an
definition of recycling in the EU Directive. Better, LFP cathode. Moreover, an LFP cathode contains
however, is a recycling concept in the form of a no cobalt. An LCO cathode, on the other hand,
closed loop, in which all materials can be fed has 300% more cobalt than an NMC cathode.
back into the battery process. In the case of the
recycling of large battery modules, there are "Design for recyclability" is a central research
additional costs, for example, for discharging the topic in this context and will simplify the
batteries before opening them. reclamation of materials by adapting the cell
design. This topic includes aspects such as
Current projects in Germany are working on a modularisation, the identification of substitutes
promising method of implementation. In this for all glued joints and composite materials and
case, the recycling process consists of seven a reduction in the battery module voltage
steps with mechanical and chemical separation, [Treffer2011]. These requirements in certain
as shown in the figure on the left. The objective cases stand in contradiction to the current
is to achieve overall reclamation rates of 60% for developments in battery technology.
lithium and 85% for cobalt [Konietzko2011].
The service life of a battery is regarded as ended
At the present time there are a variety of when it still has 70 - 80% of its original capacity.
permutations of lithium ion batteries, which Subsequent use for stationary applications
differ in their metal content. A wide variety of (second use) is also worthy of consideration1. A
decision on this could be taken on the basis of a
calculation of the total cost of ownership (see
chapter "Grand challenges").
Battery Dismanting Discharging

Mechanical Electrolyte
separation reclamation

Hydro- Synthesis of New battery

metallurgy active material cell

A further approach would be to use "worn out" batteries and
cells from vehicles further as stationary energy storage
Recycling chain for lithium ion batteries in closed-loop configuration - old batteries are turned into devices, since here the requirements and loads are lower,
new ones. Source: LITHOREC which means that batteries of this kind can continue to be
used. However, opinions regarding the prospects of success
with this "second use" recycling concept vary widely.

RBW 14: Overarching - Standardisation Target system

The variety of production technologies as well as a fragmented value
chain lead to many interfaces in the overall process chain.
Standardization of these interfaces is absolutely necessary.
Quality Costs

Requirements of Standard-

Engineering Individual
equipment Standardization
solutions of all facilities

Comparison of
various process Pilot line with
R&D technologies useful Development of
technology Line integration technological
programs chain standard
Setting cell size

Today 2020 2025 2030

Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

Possible solutions
RBW 14 Overarching: Standardisation It is necessary, given the variety of production
alternatives mentioned above, to select a mean-
Challenges and basic principles ingful technology chain in accordance with pro-
The production of lithium ion cells is character- duct requirements which offers a technological
ised by a variety of production technologies and standard in each process step. At the present
the heterogeneous distribution of competencies. time, ways of doing this are being studied at
For this reason, production lines consist of ma- various points at cell and module level. For ex-
chines from various different manufacturers. ample, coating machines can operate with a slot
Even in the future, it appears unlikely that a nozzle, wiper or gridded roller as an applicator
single manufacturer will be able to provide a tool. The first of these offers the greatest advan-
complete production line. A large number of cell tages with regard to battery production and can
shapes and sizes and module variants are therefore be defined as a technological stand-
currently available in the modern energy storage ard. The second important point is to define cell
market. This variety, combined with the low sizes. This will require discussions on meaning-
level of demand and the large number of market ful values. By defining these parameters, it will
players, increases the number of individual be possible to reduce the need for expensive in-
solutions for machines. Specialised machinery dividual solutions, and machine manufacturers
and production equipment technology and will be able to offer standard machines.
assembly processes which are adapted to
specific products and are thus expensive are A similar standardisation process has already
designed to deal with the generally heavily taken place with regard to wafer diameters in
fluctuating volumes of products. In the interests the field of semiconductor technology. It is also
of facilitating the installation of a production possible to carry out standardisation on the
line, there is an increased need for the product side [Schlick2012].
adaptation of interfaces with regard to software
and the physical transport of workpieces. The A standardised battery module can be used
standardisation of interfaces would allow universally. This would allow one production
process costs to be reduced significantly. The location to be used for the production of battery
objective is to eliminate excess process costs to modules for different end users. This would lead
the greatest possible extent by 2030 and to a better degree of utilisation of the produc-
concentrate on value-creating processes. tion line and thus to lower product costs.

RBW 15: Overarching - Relevant parameters for process control Target system
The amount of process parameters as well as an insufficient Time

understanding of the consequences of single processes on quality

(“effects od defects”) complicates the development of new measuring
technologies for quality assurance.
Quality Costs

Requirements of Relevant process


Engineering Existing
solutions metrology

Adapting of

R&D Known critical

programs parameters
Preselection Validation in
Adopting process of critical
knowledge parameters pilot lines

Today 2020 2025 2030

Key: State of the art Research projects Pilot facilities, demonstrators Technology suitable for volume production

As an alternative to standardisation, the use of been a similar development in the field of pho-
flexible assembly concepts is another way to tovoltaics, for which the VDMA has already run a
avoid expensive highly specialised machinery workshop with the subject of "Line integration".
and production equipment technology.

Standardisation at interfaces can be imple- RBW 15 Overarching: Relevant parameters for

mented through line integration. It is necessary process control
here to consider the interfaces "machine to
machine" and "machine to SCADA and MES".1 Challenges and basic principles
The physical interface between machines can be The value creation chain in cell production
improved through horizontal line integration. passes through many stations, from the mixing
Here, for example, it would be possible to use of the electrode materials through to ageing and
generic workpiece carriers which simplify the final testing. Each production step in the chain
transfer of products through standardisation. includes critical process parameters which may
The use of the mini environments described in affect overall quality in different ways. The
RBW 12 also requires adaptation in this area. differences in the effect and magnitude of effect
The second and larger interface is located verti- of all individual processes on overall quality
cally between the machine and the master con- (effects of defects) are very largely unknown.
trol centre software. Vertical line integration is The result of this is that too few quality
meaningful between all machines, even if these assurance units are deployed in production
are not physically linked together [Haan2014]. operations, since there is a lack of knowledge
This includes, for example, the standardisation concerning the relevant process parameters and
of transfer protocols from the machine to the their tolerances, and already-known influential
master control system. It is currently necessary parameters cannot be detected reliably.
for both machine manufacturers and master
control system manufacturers to implement this For example, it is essential in the mixing process
interface. This high level of additional cost for to be able to detect agglomerates in order to
both sides is generally not paid for by cell manu- determine the quality and service life of
facturers and represents waste which can be electrodes. Due to the fact that electrode slurries
eliminated by standardisation. There has already are highly-absorbing black suspensions, there
are as yet no in-line-capable methods available
Abbreviations: SCADA = Supervisory Control and Data
for the detection of possible agglomerates,
Acquisition, MES = Manufacturing Execution System particles or bubbles. Only on the finished

electrodes is it possible to detect the resulting lines. This knowledge would make it possible to
faults by optical methods. It is frequently the update the list.
case that the majority of reject components are
detected only during formation or in the final This iterative process would provide an
testing after ageing. This increases production optimum means of generating a Pareto
costs, since even reject components are sequence of relevant parameters, from which
processed further up to a certain point. the most important measuring points and
pieces of measuring equipment could be
There is a variety of measuring equipment derived.
available in the market which allows virtually all
the process parameters to be measured. The On the technical side, the available measuring
challenge is to identify which parameters and technology must adapt to the needs of cell
tolerances need to be measured. Process production with regard to measuring speed and
knowledge should be expanded in the period up accuracy. The corresponding need for research
to 2030 to allow integrated measuring technol- should, however, not be a deal-breaker for this
ogy to be offered on an individual basis in RBW.
accordance with the quality demands of cell
manufacturers. The last step would be implementation in a
form suitable for a volume production
Currently, the effects of individual processes on environment. The relevant measuring technolo-
overall quality are a matter of guesswork. gies must be capable of being integrated in line
Process knowledge of critical parameters is at into production operations, with data streams in
best a by-product of production operations and real-time and a manageable format. The use of
is "paid for" at a high price through high reject measuring technology inevitably involves a
rates. In the preceding descriptions of RBWs, we trade-off between operating costs and the
have already mentioned a number of these resulting benefits. The priorities of cell manu-
critical parameters, for example homogeneity facturers differ with regard to product require-
and viscosity in the mixing process or particle ments and price categories. The deployment of
contamination and burrs in the separating measuring technology must be flexible and
process. must be aligned on an individual basis to the
requirements of cell manufacturers.
Possible solutions
The interrelationships between all parameters
and their effects are highly complex and can be
represented theoretically only to a limited
degree. A practical approach in the form of a
pilot production line is more appropriate in this
area. This would require as comprehensive a list
as possible of possible relevant parameters. The
list of critical parameters already described in
this book does not claim to be complete but can
serve as the basis for a database to be expanded
further in the future. Experts could exchange
views in suitable workshops and expand the list
appropriately with further parameters. The
validation and actual generation of process
knowledge would take place via pilot production

Beyond lithium ion technology used to the full within a limited temperature
range. Further disadvantages are associated not
This study1 also considers other relevant only with a costs comparison with lithium ion
technologies besides lithium-ion batteries. They batteries (because of the use of nickel, among
are discussed divided into age and degree of other reasons) but also with the noticeably
maturity in the following. worse environmental balance.

For use in stationary applications, there are not

Already launched in market technologies only lead acid and lithium ion batteries but also
a whole spectrum of different energy storage
Lead acid batteries technologies. Particularly in decentralised
In foreign markets, particularly those of stationary energy storage applications with
emerging nations, lead acid batteries will strong links to photovoltaic systems or wind
continue to be used as before to produce low- turbines, possible choices for small to medium-
cost vehicles and ensure widely available low- sized storage facilities and cycles also include
cost mobility for society. As far as the German or high-temperature storage devices such as
European market goes, these batteries are sodium nickel chloride batteries, sodium sulphur
regarded as not particularly promising for batteries and redox flow energy storage devices.
traction purposes in the automotive sector. In In the following, we will first concentrate on the
these markets, they are considered as state of further developments in lithium-based systems
the art in particular for use as starter batteries. and the resulting necessary adaptations of the
Lead acid traction batteries will continue to be production process before we move on to
used widely in logistics applications, such as fork consider these other technologies.
lift trucks and micro hybrids.

The significantly lower performance or energy Further development of lithium-based battery

density of lead acid batteries compared with technologies
lithium ion technology is less critical in these
areas than in the automotive sector. The same Even at the present time, lithium ion technology
applies for stationary applications, for which has gained a footing in the application areas
lead acid batteries are also the first choice under consideration. In the future, however, this
[Schlick2012]. Only after the costs of lithium ion technology must be improved for use in both
batteries have been significantly reduced will the stationary storage sector and for electric
these batteries be able to take the place of lead vehicles beyond the reference system presented
acid technology in these markets. above of 4 V lithium ion batteries. In particular,
systems must achieve higher energy densities
Nickel metal hydride batteries while offering at least as good service life and
Nickel metal hydride batteries will still be safety as before. Costs savings will be achievable
relevant for a certain transitional period in the not only by the economies of scale in volume
automotive sector, especially with regard to production but also if the system voltage or
HEVs. In the long term, however, they offer only energy storage density can be increased, which
low potential for the automotive industry, since would mean a reduction in the number of cells
nickel and the supply situation with this raw in systems. On the basis of the reference system
material is itself a problem. Nickel metal hydride described previously, it will be possible to
batteries are very sensitive to handling and react continuously improve high-voltage cells without
irreversibly to incorrect polarity, deep discharge specification of a particular cell chemistry and
or overcharging. Moreover, they can only be develop these further to form high-energy

systems, moving via 4.3 V lithium ion batteries, Lithium alloy/carbon composite batteries
which already exist at cell level, and 4.4 V The cathode material of these battery cells
systems, which will be ready for integration into remains unchanged compared with the
electric vehicles around the year 2025, to 5 V reference system, but improved anode material
lithium ion batteries, whose commercial use can will result in 30 to 50% more specific energy.
be expected only after the year 2030. The precise This will raise the energy density both gravi-
development path with regard to cell chemistry metrically and volumetrically by 15% at system
is however as yet an open question. level. With these systems, service life may well
be a key parameter, and a longer development
Lithium polymer batteries time may be necessary in order to meet the
Lithium polymer battery cells differ from normal mark of a service life of around 2500 cycles or 10
lithium ion batteries in the form of their electro- years. It should be possible with this system to
lyte. They offer improvements in terms of energy achieve safety at a EUCAR level of less than or
density of between 15 and 20% over the refer- equal to 4, but this is not a critical parameter.
ence system, at system level their advantage is Both cell and system costs will probably be
around 10%. Service life in terms of numbers of slightly higher than the costs of the reference
cycles can be expected to be less than 1000 system. In a way similar to the granularity of
cycles, and the calendar service life is difficult to electrolytes according to voltage in high-energy
predict at present. Safety can be regarded as the system, it would also be possible to achieve
key parameter, since it would appear that it will granularity with anode materials, for example in
be possible to use this system only if a signifi- accordance with specific capacity in systems
cantly higher safety level (EUCAR level less than with lithium alloy/carbon composites.
or equal to 2) can be reached. Costs cannot at
present be estimated accurately but will be With regard to the production process, elec-
higher than those of the reference system, trodes for lithium alloys/carbon composite
which is why lithium polymer batteries have not batteries must be produced in a water- and
yet been able to gain widespread acceptance oxygen-free environment as soon as lithium is
despite their somewhat higher energy densities. used as an alloy component or electrode metal.
Lithium polymer systems are expected to be This is generally not the case today. Further
available in the period after 2020 and will processing of finished electrodes, on the other
probably go into mass production only after the hand, could be carried out without any major
year 2025. They are, however, not considered further changes.
attractive for use in electromobility but rather
for stationary applications, due to the fact that Lithium sulphur batteries
their only advantage of safety can also be pro- Rapid progress is being made at present in the
vided by other battery technologies, in particular research and development of lithium sulphur
improved "classic" lithium ion batteries. batteries. In the case of energy density, there is
still some uncertainty as to what development
Lithium polymer batteries will change the has actually been achieved, but an improvement
production process to the extent that, due to the factor of 1.5 (volumetric) to 3 (gravimetric) for
different type of electrolyte, it will be possible the cells and system when these are used in
one day to eliminate the electrolyte filling electric vehicles seems realistic. With the best
process. In contrast to the foil separators used at possible cells, the energy density of the system
present, the installation of separators/electro- can even be larger than in the reference system
lyte will be more difficult with this battery by a factor of as much as 4. However, this does
technology, since the polymer film is not as not make these batteries automatically suitable
robust mechanically. for use in electric vehicles. In terms of service

life, 500 to 600 cycles are already being achieved Solid state lithium and lithium metal batteries
at cell level in a laboratory environment, which With these systems, there is the question of
indicates development and improvement by a whether and how lithium-conductive solid
factor of three within the last 2 to 3 years. materials such as polymers, glass or ceramics
and lithium metal can be used in the future.
Availability of these systems is expected by the Solid state lithium batteries are especially heat
year 2020, with use in BEVs between the years resistant, particularly when ceramics are used,
2025 and 2030. While the achievable number of and can operate even at temperatures around
cycles by the year 2020 is estimated at around 100°C. Lithium ion batteries or lithium polymer
1000, and is a key parameter, it is barely possible batteries start to burn at these temperatures or
at present to produce a serious estimate of the their liquid components begin to boil. Solid state
calendar service life of the system. In view of the lithium batteries thus not only eliminate the
anode material used, safety also represents a need for complex cooling measures and reduce
major problem and a key parameter and is also space requirements while delivering the same or
difficult to estimate. A costs estimate for the higher power but also meet the requirement for
system indicates a large potential for savings, electric vehicles of a high level of safety. Solid
which can, however, not be expressed precisely state lithium systems will complete develop-
in figures at the present time due to the major ment from the year 2020 onwards, however
persisting safety problem. Estimates lead us to integration into electromobility applications can
expect a halving in comparison with the be expected only after the year 2030.1
reference system to less than 200 €/kWh at cell
level and 250 €/kWh at system level. It would be Solid state lithium batteries will give rise to
possible to complete the process of integrating major changes in the production process, since
the systems into electromobility applications (in the technology involved here is completely
particular, BEVs due to the reduced number of different from that of lithium ion batteries. The
cycles) in the period between 2025 and 2030. batteries are assembled in successive layers
using all kinds of different methods (for exam-
With regard to lithium sulphur batteries, there is ple, sputtering). In the case of lithium metal
little that can be said at present concerning the batteries, the production of anodes using
possibly necessary changes to the production lithium as the electrode metal must be carried
process. Technological developments and out in a water- and oxygen-free environment.
materials research and the design of battery
cells are as yet not concrete enough or too 5 V lithium ion batteries
diverse for general statements to be made. Lithium ion batteries with a 5 V cell voltage
Efforts are naturally being made to change the increase energy density by approximately 20%
production process as little as possible and to compared with the reference system both at cell
conduct research and development to this end. and system level. The number of cycles should
For use in stationary applications, this system be of the order of magnitude of 1500. One of the
represents an alternative only if power density critical parameters, on the other hand, is the
comparable with the reference system (a further calendar service life, since it has not as yet been
key parameter) can be achieved. clarified which electrolyte will be used and how
far this will be developed by the year 2020. This
is the greatest challenge associated with 5V
lithium ion battery systems. A further key

For further estimates of the status of research and
development and a look into the future, see [Burkert2014]

parameter is the required level of safety (EUCAR The position with lithium air batteries is that,
less than or equal to 4). It should be possible to due to the immense uncertainty as to the
achieve a costs reduction to 320 €/kWh at cell ultimate form which lithium air battery cells will
level and 400 €/kWh at system level. All in all, take, it is also possible to say only very little at
the system will represent an alternative only if present concerning the changes to the pro-
levels of service life and safety comparable to duction system which may possibly be neces-
those of the reference system can be achieved. sary. Once again, since the anodes are produced
with lithium as the electrode metal, the produc-
5V lithium ion batteries will probably not tion process must be water- and oxygen-free
generate any changes relative to today's right from the beginning. The position is com-
production process. pletely different as regards the cathode, which
will probably similar to that of a fuel cell, but
Lithium air batteries otherwise many questions remain open.
Rechargeable lithium air batteries are not
expected even at cell level until after the year
2030, and the question is still open as to Developments in the remainder of the battery
whether rechargeable systems can be produced environment and their relevance
at all for use in electric vehicles. The concept is,
however, very attractive. Since air can be In the far future, it may also be possible to
obtained from the environment, the capacity produce non-lithium-based battery
would be limited only by the anode size. The technologies. A common feature of these new
expected energy density available for commer- concepts is the desire to develop batteries with a
cial applications is accordingly very high (by a considerably higher energy density and thus
factor of approximately 7 to 10 compared with make possible electric vehicles with working
today's reference system). In comparison with ranges which exceed those of present-day
the concepts described previously, lithium air vehicles with internal combustion engines.
batteries represent the optimum in lithium- Moreover, there are, in addition to lithium ion
based systems in terms of energy density. batteries, further technologies (e.g. with solid
electrolytes, so-called solid-state batteries),
Despite the intensive discussions concerning which it may be possible to implement in the
lithium air batteries as a potential energy medium term (perhaps by 2020) and which
storage technology, no definite technological would in particular significantly increase the
concept or prototype capable of functioning over safety of batteries for use in electric vehicles.
numerous charging cycles has as yet emerged.
The technological challenges are very large, and
current research is still at the basic level. From
today's point of view, it is therefore not possible
to estimate any reliable performance data. Due
to the long development times required to
produce a system and introduce this into appli-
cations, technologies of this kind will not play a
part for the foreseeable future in traction
applications and stationary storage.

Nickel zinc batteries long term, it will be necessary to distinguish

Nickel zinc cells will be relevant to electromobil- between water-based and non-water-based
ity in the long term but are not yet sufficiently storage devices. Non-water-based batteries can
technologically mature. They will probably be be expected only after 2030, particularly – if at
available for applications only after 2020. Up to all – for mobile applications. In the period up to
the present time, despite long years of research 2030, the discussion will be principally of water-
and development, no nickel zinc cell has achiev- based redox flow batteries.
ed a service life of more than 100 cycles. For this
reason, these cells would appear at present to be Redox flow batteries will pass through a produc-
unsuitable for use as the main power source in tion process which will be completely different
PHEVs or BEVs. from that used at the present time for lithium
ion batteries and which is currently under
They are already commercially available today in development.
the MWh range for use as auxiliary power
sources. This shows that it is entirely possible Metal air batteries
that nickel zinc cells will in future be used for The non-lithium-based battery technologies in
specific stationary applications [Power2014]. this category have only limited relevance to
electromobility. They offer the highest
The production process for nickel zinc batteries achievable energy densities of all battery tech-
is based on the process for nickel cadmium or nologies but are as a rule primary batteries and
nickel metal hydride batteries. If this battery are thus not rechargeable. While the mechanical
technology is used for large-sized battery cells in replacement of metal, similar to the principle of
stationary applications, this will probably be in the fuel cell but with a solid fuel, would be pos-
the plate-type designs familiar from lead acid or sible, metal air systems for use in electric ve-
nickel cadmium batteries. hicles should, however, be electrically recharge-
able. We expect to see a competitive mechani-
Redox flow batteries cally rechargeable zinc air battery before the
Redox flow energy storage devices with two year 2020. The disadvantages are the absence of
liquid electrolytes in various loops, for example an infrastructure and the resulting high trans-
vanadium based, are already commercially port costs for recycling. Electrically rechargeable
available today in low rating classes. For electro- zinc air batteries are expected at the earliest in
mobile applications, these batteries would the period after 2020. At the present time, the
admittedly offer the advantage of simple charg- number of charging cycles which can be
ing by re-filling the electrolyte and would thus achieved is, however, still far too low.
simplify the process of infrastructure develop-
ment, but the energy density is significantly
worse than "classic" lithium ion batteries. Due to
their high power density, redox flow batteries
are far more suitable for large stationary
applications. With improved energy density and
calendar service life in comparison to the
systems already commercially available today,
redox flow energy storage devices could
represent a good alternative in the future. In the

Other metal air batteries are also subject to the prolongs their service life. They are thus a good
same challenges as lithium air batteries. The complement to batteries with high energy
technical prerequisites for magnesium air density. Fuel cells are a further popular
batteries will probably be fulfilled by the year technology.
2030, and sufficient quantities of magnesium
are available as a raw material. However, we do Other hybrid technology concepts, such as a
not expect to see mechanically rechargeable combination of lithium and fuel cell technology
magnesium air batteries in electromobility for stationary applications, also have promise for
applications. Both with these batteries and the future, since they allow the advantages of
aluminium air batteries, there is the question as the different technologies to be exploited. With
to whether they can be produced at all without a regard to their development and use, it is
solid electrolyte. The physical reasons already naturally necessary in each case to weigh the
known today make this seem improbable. High achievable cost-effectiveness and the necessary
operating temperatures will be necessary, and, parameters against applications of existing
for example, for aluminium-based batteries, no technology.
workable concept is available which is able to
withstand these high temperatures. If these Supercaps
systems are to be at all relevant to electromo- High-capacity double-layer capacitors, or
bility, this will be well after the year 2030. supercaps, offer high power density for a short
time both to absorb high short-term charging
Metal air batteries require a similar production currents resulting from sudden braking events in
process to lithium air batteries: the persistent electromobility and to cover demand peaks with
and high level of uncertainty regarding the type stationary energy storage systems and are thus
of battery cells to be produced means that no a good complement to batteries with high
genuinely reliable statements can be made energy density. At present, supercaps are used
regarding possible changes in the production only in individual HEV models. In general, how-
process. In contrast to anodes with lithium as ever, they can be excluded as energy storage
the electrode material, electrodes for zinc air, devices with high power density, since the focus
magnesium air or aluminium air batteries do not in electromobility is on high long-term energy
necessarily have to be produced under water- density. In the automotive industry, however,
and oxygen-free conditions. supercaps can continue to be considered for use
in on-board networks and for microsystems (less
than 60 V). In order for the technology to be
Supplementary technology concepts used more widely in stationary applications, it
would be essential to increase efficiency, signifi-
In certain cases, electric vehicles make cantly improve manufacturing quality and
performance demands on electrical storage reliability and drastically reduce manufacturing
devices which cannot be met in an ideal way costs.
with batteries. For example, high-capacity
double-layer capacitors (supercaps) offer high
power density which is available for a brief
period. Use of these smooths the power input
into or drawn from batteries and therefore

Furthermore, efficiency as revealed by a well-to-

wheel analysis [Wietschel2010b] is approxi-
mately 35%, which means that the energy
balance of fuel cell vehicles is not so good as
that of battery vehicles.

With regard to performance parameters, the

energy density of proton exchange membrane
fuel cells lies in the range of 450 – 500 Wh/l or
1100 Wh/kg, well above the energy densities
achievable either today or in the foreseeable
future with lithium-based battery systems. With
a reference vehicle, such as a medium-sized
automobile with a working range of 400 – 500
Battery production at GM. Picture source: GM, John F. Martin km built in small-scale series production of more
than 5000 vehicles/year, a total distance
covered of 250,000 km is possible. The
automobile would be designed for a service life
of 10 years. Even today, vehicle manufacturers
guarantee a service life of 2000 operating hours
[Wietschel2010a], corresponding to a distance
covered of approximately 100,000 kilometres.

System costs today are around 150 €/kWh, it

being necessary for a comparison between
reference systems to convert the costs for the
Proton exchange membrane fuel cells fuel cell on the basis of the reference vehicle
While lithium-based technologies are most described above into euros per kilowatt-hour.
suitable for short working ranges and smaller With 100,000 units/year, the costs fall to 100
vehicles, fuel cells offer arguably the best €/kWh, a value which can be expected to be
technological characteristics for larger vehicles achieved around the year 2020.
and long working ranges. As, however, fuel cells
cannot stand alone as energy converters, we
normally, for use in electromobility applications,
speak of proton exchange membrane fuel cells
as low-temperature fuel cells with a stack and
hydrogen tank [Peters2012]. There are no
generally practical alternative fuel cell
technologies for electromobility
[Thielmann2012b]. The improvement of the
storage of hydrogen in gas form does, however,
represent a technical challenge – the mass of
suitable tanks is large relative to the quantity of
energy to be transported, which also limits the
working range of the vehicles [Kaiser2008].

"Groundbreaking" technological developments

and "miracle" batteries

Claims of new "groundbreaking" technological

developments appear regularly, even in scientific
publications, and also from time to time cause a
certain amount of excitement among the public
at large. At least in the early stages, these claims
are very difficult to assess, since the basic
research mentioned is not described to a suffi-
cient degree. Attempts to apply new knowledge
to the cell and system level and to industrial
mass production show that the technological
development in question is far from ready for
commercial marketing. The same applies to
press releases from individual companies
concerning new prototypes of products, for
which frequently no data sheets or detailed
explanations are available for the key parame-
ters involved. It is not possible in these cases to
conduct a realistic assessment. Reports of new
"miracle" batteries appear with fanfares of
publicity from time to time, but recent history
shows that there have been no relevant break-
throughs since the introduction of lithium ion
batteries by the Sony Corporation in the early
1990s. It has therefore proved to be a correct
decision for VDMA roadmapping activities to
focus on the lithium ion battery system
described in the reference scenario.

Conclusion and recommendations for action

Conclusion cells for high-capacity applications. Without

this focus, there would have been the danger
Even though the expectations for growth in the that a discussion of production technology
two user markets of electromobility and would have been constantly shifting to
stationary storage devices differ widely, it is reflect rapidly-changing standpoints regard-
clear that, at least in the medium to long term, ing battery technologies which are in certain
there will be a great demand for high-capacity cases still at an early stage of development.
energy storage devices worldwide. Battery Lithium ion technology has been sufficiently
investors – whether private or public – are trying demonstrated to be viable and is already
desperately to identify the correct point in time commonly found in the market in consumer
at which to enter the market and thus have a goods such as laptops or mobile phones. The
great deal of interest in future scenarios with various available cell chemistries and form
details of market-related and technological factors meant that there were no resulting
factors. To supply these, a number of roadmaps limitations for high-capacity applications.
have already been produced, but these have
essentially been concerned with developments • Focus on production technology, starting
in user markets or research into battery technol- with a thorough review of the state of the art
ogies. Roadmaps which focus on battery produc- and a study of the complete process chain,
tion have as a rule being produced only from the preparation of material through to
internally within companies. A broad public pack assembly. There was still room in the
objective-oriented dialogue between battery discussion for consideration of unusual and
producers, production research and machinery disruptive battery production technologies. A
and production equipment builders has not until further important factor was the objective of
now been available, nor have there been any evaluating all production solutions with
exchanges between machine builders. It is regard to their relevance for volume
therefore important that VDMA Battery production.
Production has initiated this dialogue and
moderated it together with partners from • Use of a strictly-defined roadmapping
industry and research. process: We took the roadmapping process
commonly used in the semiconductor
industry and applied this to battery produc-
Precisely-defined parameters tion. The requirements of producers define
fixed target corridors for which machine
The different requirements from the user side as builders attempt to formulate solutions. In
well as the differences in the development stage cases where solutions do not exist from
of electrical energy storage technologies on the today's point of view, this process identifies
one hand and the wide variety of process technological barriers, the so-called "red brick
technologies on the other hand mean that the walls". From these, it is possible to identify
field to be covered is wide. It was therefore of clearly delineated concrete needs for
crucial importance to arrive at precisely-defined research.
parameters for the "Roadmap for Battery
Production Equipment 2030": • Definition of the study period as being the
years up to 2030 in order to ensure
• Focus on lithium ion technology, the most comparability with other roadmaps.
promising battery technology from today's
point of view, with a limitation to large-sized

Involvement of all players marketing alternative process technologies.

Experience gained in related industries, such as
The results of the present roadmapping process semiconductor, photovoltaic and automotive
are based on the discussions held in five VDMA production and also in the food and packaging
workshops, to which 240 experts from the entire industry, has already been applied to battery
field of battery production contributed. In addi- production. Moreover, the excellent basis and
tion to this, we conducted thorough research of the future prospects of the automation industry
existing works and made efforts to ensure ("Industry 4.0") provide German companies with
complementarity and congruence with current a promising starting basis.
activities. Even though the roadmapping
methodology calls initially for a separate discus-
sion of the different "routes" (users, battery The need of research has been concretised
producers, machinery and production
equipment builders and researchers), it was Our objective was to clearly map out the future
nonetheless essential in the course of the prospects of a battery production technology for
discussions to bring all the players to a single high-capacity applications. This present
table. Another reason why this was necessary roadmap now for the first time describes the
was that precise specifications for production concrete need for research in the machinery and
parameters were not publicly available. This was production equipment industry for 15 core areas
discussed with manufacturers and research in order to meet the requirements of battery
institutes to form a starting basis. manufacturers in the period up to 2030. The
biggest challenges which emerged were process
stability coupled with a simultaneous increase in
Starting basis for German machinery and production throughput, scalability up to volume
production equipment builders production, sustainability and above all an
increase in quality together at the same time
Machinery and production equipment builders with a reduction of costs.
are able with intelligent production technology
to offer an important means of achieving the
urgently-required reduction of costs associated
with batteries. Asian players have a lead in
experience over their German counterparts due
to the fact that they have for many years
equipped factories producing consumer
batteries. They are currently dominant as
suppliers of production equipment. The
requirements for the production of large-sized
batteries are, however, also high for Asian
players. The obstacles to be overcome which are
formulated in the roadmap apply to everybody.
In other words, the cards have been re-mixed.

German machinery and production equipment

builders offer solutions for all points along the
process chain. In module production in
particular, individual companies are already
offering complete solutions and successfully

Recommendations for action basis, but the fact is that successful players must
also be active at an international level. The
Purposeful approach to need for research proportion of output exported is more than 75%
The task now is to take a purposeful approach to for the German mechanical engineering industry
the defined need for research through coopera- as a whole and is in certain cases significantly
tion between industrial partners and research higher than this in areas related to battery
organisations. This will require a broad-based production. How can this increase in
increasing of awareness on the part of all competitiveness be achieved?
players throughout the battery production value
chain and among possible private and public Cooperation, line integration, cost awareness,
investors. A foundation has been created in the publicity
form of the national programmes of the NPE A considerable competitive advantage is created
and the pilot line approach as part of the key by the ability to act as a system supplier and
enabling technologies of the umbrella program offer customers complete production lines. This
"Horizon 2020" of the EU Commission. The has been shown by the success of the German
successful networks for pre-competition manufacturers of photovoltaic production
cooperation with the automotive industry, such equipment, who are currently the world market
as E-MOTIVE in the VDMA, will make it possible leaders. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to
even for smaller machine builders to develop strengthen cooperation between process
new technologies further. A large number of suppliers. A further step is the ability to combine
research institutes are able to provide specific machines, machine components and production
know-how for industrial projects of this kind. equipment with one other and with automation
systems (key phrase "line integration"). At the
Pilot lines in Germany as platforms for present time, this has hardly been achieved
machinery and production equipment anywhere in the world in battery production. In
In Germany there are a number of publicly- order to be able to offer cost-effective solutions,
supported pilot production lines which map the there must be increased awareness of the costs
process chain in a complementary way. These of individual process steps and throughout
are an excellent means of establishing new product life cycles. Finally, the competencies of
process technologies and new materials and the industry must be advertised, particularly to
optimising batteries for practical applications. overseas customers. VDMA Battery Production
For machine builders, it is important to be able has developed activities for its members
to test individual processes and their effects on covering each of these points.
production lines in research environments
which closely resemble actual production Creating access to large projects
conditions, drive forward modularisation and Manufacturers of production equipment can
automation and make provision for the gain experience of volume production only
scalability of processes. It is easier to obtain through direct participation in major projects.
access to field data in projects of this kind than Large factories are currently being built in the
in customer projects. USA and Asia. German machinery and
production equipment builders should also learn
Strengthening international competitiveness from overseas projects and further develop this
German machinery and production equipment know-how. A number of German companies are
builders will enjoy a lucrative market in the field already enjoying success here. The objective
of battery production if they are able to must be to expand this involvement.
strengthen their international competitiveness.
National pilot lines form an excellent starting

Participants in the fifth "Roadmapping" workshop for machinery and production equipment builders. Photo: VDMA

Encouraging investments Activities have already been started within the

The ultimate objective must be to create a VDMA in all these areas. VDMA Battery
positive public climate for battery production. A Production will continue to actively drive
reduction in costs can be achieved only through forward the roadmapping process which has
volume production. In the semiconductor, been started and the implementation of this.
display and photovoltaic industries, we have
seen how dynamically markets can develop.
With regard to electromobility and the storage
of energy from renewable sources, we are right
at the start of the development process. With
this roadmap, we have illustrated ways in which
investment in production capacity could be
made more attractive.

Continuing the roadmapping process

Roadmapping is a dynamic and iterative process.
It is therefore important to revive the dialogue
after a certain time and adapt it to new realities.
In related industries such as the semiconductor
industry, this is carried out at intervals of 1 to 2


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The following companies and organisations took part in the five roadmapping workshops organised by
VDMA Battery Production. We thank them for the fruitful discussions!

ABB Automation GmbH ACI Group KUKA Systems GmbH

Adam Opel AG Leybold Optics GmbH
AIS Automation Dresden GmbH M+W Group GmbH
ASM Assembly Systems GmbH & Co. KG Mahr GmbH
ASYS Automatisierungssysteme GmbH Manz AG
Bernd Münstermann GmbH & Co. KG Maschinenbau GEROLD GmbH & Co. KG
Bosch Rexroth AG Maschinenfabrik Gustav Eirich GmbH & Co. KG
Brückner Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG mfk GmbH
camLINE GmbH NETZSCH-Feinmahltechnik GmbH
centrotherm photovoltaics AG CHEMETALL GmbH OBE Ohnmacht & Baumgärtner GmbH & Co. KG
Deutsche Mechatronics GmbH Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum GmbH
Dispatch Energy Innovations GmbH Oskar Frech GmbH + Co. KG
Dorst Technologies GmbH & Co. KG Lapmaster Wolters GmbH
EKATO HOLDING GmbH Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH
ERSA GmbH Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)
Evonik Litarion GmbH PVA TePla AG
F&K Delvotec Bondtechnik GmbH RCT-Solutions GmbH
Festo AG & Co. KG Rehm Thermal Systems GmbH
FIX Maschinenbau GmbH Reis GmbH & Co. KG Maschinenfabrik
Fraunhofer-Institut für Siliziumtechnologie (ISIT) Rittal GmbH & Co. KG
Fraunhofer-Institut für keramische Technologien und Systeme Robert Bosch Battery Systems GmbH
(IKTS) Robert Bürkle GmbH
Fraunhofer-Institut für Physikalische Messtechnik (IPM) ROFIN-SINAR Technologies, Inc
Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung (ISI) Roth & Rau AG
Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionstechnik und Intertek Holding Deutschland GmbH
Automatisierung (IPA) RWTH Aachen, PEM
Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme (ISE) SCHILLER AUTOMATION GmbH & Co. KG
Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik SCHUNK GmbH & Co. KG
(ITWM) Siemens AG
Fraunhofer-Institut für Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik (IWS) Singulus Technologies AG
Gebrüder Lödige Maschinenbau GmbH SITEC Industrietechnologie GmbH
GOEBEL Schneid- und Wickelsysteme GmbH GP Solar GmbH SMC Pneumatik AG
Grenzebach Maschinenbau GmbH Groz-Beckert KG Sterling SIHI GmbH
H&T ProduktionsTechnologie GmbH teamtechnik Maschinen und Anlagen GmbH
Hammermeister Sondermaschinenentwicklung GmbH ThyssenKrupp System Engineering GmbH
Harmonic Drive AG TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH
Harro Höfliger Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH Technische Universität Braunschweig
Henkel AG & Co. KGaA ULT AG
Herding GmbH Filtertechnik Verband der Chemischen Industrie e.V. (VCI)
HNP Mikrosysteme GmbH VDMA Battery Production
Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Landshut VDMA Photovoltaik-Produktionsmittel
Hydro Aluminium Rolled Products GmbH VDMA Forum Elektromobiltät E-MOTIVE
Intertek Holding Deutschland GmbH Viscom AG
ISRA VISION AG VITRONIC Dr.-Ing. Stein Bildverarbeitungssysteme GmbH
Jonas & Redmann Group GmbH WITTENSTEIN AG
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), competence-e Zeppelin Systems GmbH
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), wbk, Institut für Zimmer GmbH
Produktionstechnik ZS-Handling GmbH
KMS Automation GmbH Zentrum für Solarenergie und Wasserstoffforschung ZSW
KROENERT GmbH & Co. KG Weiterbildungszentrum für innovative Energietechnologien
KUKA Roboter GmbH der Handwerkskammer Ulm (WBZU)
This work would not have been possible without the involvement of numerous experts from the battery production equipment
industry and beyond. The VDMA Battery Production team would like to express its grateful thanks for this, particularly with regard to
the following groups :

We thank Prof. Kampker and Mr. Deutskens of PEM at the RWTH Aachen, who contributed their great technical understanding in all
matters relating to production technology and their high level of professionalism. We benefited in particular from their support during
the moderation of the workshops, their continuous participation and the discussion and preparation of the red brick walls illustrations.
As a representative of all the participating experts of the RWTH Aachen, we would like to thank Mr. Heimes, who provided us with
excellent support right from the start of our roadmapping workshops in October 2011. In particular, his knowledge concerning the
present state of development of battery production technology and process alternatives – the subject of his doctoral thesis – formed a
solid foundation and a starting point for our dialogue with the future. The preparatory work to illustrate the process chain in cell and
module production brought all workshop participants up to a high level of knowledge right from the beginning and quickly made clear
the opportunities offered by the networking of battery competencies in machinery and production equipment building. The efforts to
estimate investment costs on the basis of this work culminated in our workshop "Total Cost of Ownership", which the RWTH Aachen
also supported. Many thanks for your cooperation and your exceptional commitment!

Our grateful thanks also go to Dr. Thielmann and Mr. Sauer of the Fraunhofer Institute of System and Innovation Research ISI, which
contributed its comprehensive know-how of customer markets and research into battery technologies. Thanks to the product and
technology roadmaps produced by the Fraunhofer ISI, in certain cases as part of projects associated with the innovation alliance LiB
2015, we were able to conduct discussions of customers' requirements in a purposeful way, answering questions such as: What
requirements are placed on battery manufacturers as the result of the different applications in the field of electromobility and
stationary systems? What battery markets are attractive from the production point of view? The work of Dr. Thielmann and Mr. Sauer
also supplied a basis for estimates as to whether new battery technologies are ready for production. We thank you, too, for your
valuable contribution to our joint project.

The members of the VDMA Battery Production Steering Committee were able to provide us with support on the basis of their
comprehensive background of experience of industrial practice. Our special thanks go to Mr. Haan (SIEMENS), who as the spokesman
of the Steering Committee was able again and again to generate crucial new impetuses. His enthusiasm for line integration and
control technology was a crucial factor in the further development of roadmapping activities in the direction of interface standards.
We also thank in particular Mr. Merz (Reis Robotics) for his work as spokesman of the Roadmapping Working Group. He was also able
to contribute a great deal of experience with international production lines and automation. Particularly in the final phase, the experts
from the Steering Committee subjected the roadmap to a thorough review in their specialist areas. We are very grateful for this!

We also thank our colleagues in the VDMA Electromobility Forum, particularly Mr. Hagemann. He and his team made a particularly
valuable contribution to the discussions of battery functions and the needs of user industries. Also of crucial importance was the work
on standardisation and module level and the reflection of our activities in the Working Group for "Electrical Energy Storage Devices". A
link to project work was provided by the joint industrial research conducted by the E-MOTIVE group of the Drive Technology Research
Association (FVA), for which our special thanks go to Mr. Arnold. Our sincere thanks also go to all our colleagues in the relevant VDMA
technical and German regional associations.

Finally, we thank all the participants in our roadmapping activities for their interest and their contributions during and after our
workshops. We look forward to the "next round"!

Frankfurt am Main, 06.10.2014.

VDMA Battery Production
Battery Production

Lyoner Str. 18
60528 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49 69 6603-1592
Fax +49 69 6603-2592
E-Mail [email protected]
Internet http://battprod.vdma.org

Battery Production Equipment


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