110 Slip With 112 Slip Traces in BCC Tungsten 2013
110 Slip With 112 Slip Traces in BCC Tungsten 2013
110 Slip With 112 Slip Traces in BCC Tungsten 2013
MECHANICAL Cecile Marichal1,2, Helena Van Swygenhoven1,2, Steven Van Petegem1 & Camelia Borca3
ANALYTICAL Materials Science and Simulation, NUM/ASQ, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland, 2Neutrons and X-rays for
TECHNIQUES Mechanics of Materials, IMX, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH-1012 Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Beamline MicroXAS,
Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland.
24 July 2013 While propagation of dislocations in body centered cubic metals at low temperature is understood in terms
of elementary steps on {110} planes, slip traces correspond often with other crystallographic or
Accepted non-crystallographic planes. In the past, characterization of slip was limited to post-mortem electron
1 August 2013 microscopy and slip trace analysis on the sample surface. Here with in-situ Laue diffraction experiments
during micro-compression we demonstrate that when two {110} planes containing the same slip direction
Published experience the same resolved shear stress, sharp slip traces are observed on a {112} plane. When however the
30 August 2013 {110} planes are slightly differently stressed, macroscopic strain is measured on the individual planes and
collective cross-slip is used to fulfill mechanical boundary conditions, resulting in a zig-zag or broad slip
trace on the sample surface. We anticipate that such dynamics can occur in polycrystalline metals due to
Correspondence and local inhomogeneous stress distributions and can cause unusual slip transfer among grains.
requests for materials
should be addressed to islocations are line defects in a crystal characterized by their slip plane, their Burgers vector and the
H.V.S. (helena. orientation of the Burgers vector relative to the dislocation line. In metals with a face centered crystal
vanswygenhoven@psi. lattice (fcc) the strain field of dislocations is confined in a {111} plane and the resistance to glide, the
ch) Peierls-Nabarro resistance1,2, is small. Dislocation response to stress is easy predictable and usually controlled by
the resolved shear stress on the slip plane as described by Schmid’s law3. That is why computational models for fcc
plasticity experienced enormous progress in the last decennia.
The body-centered cubic crystal lattice (bcc) has no real closed packed planes and the strain field of screw
dislocations is non-planar4. Dislocation slip depends on the loading axis and the sense of shearing in the
crystallographic plane. The nature of this anisotropy is still under debate. Slip has been reported in pure metals
on {110} and {112} planes5–8. Many particular aspects of the deformation characteristics in bcc metals are ascribed
to the 3-dimensional core structure of screw dislocations, which is consequently anchored in the lattice9,10. Most of
the details on the core structure of screw and on the slip mechanisms are obtained from atomistic simulations4,11–15
revealing aspects such as the role of stresses other than the resolved shear stress that break the symmetry of the
core structure16 or the role of other particular orientations corresponding with a high Peierls stress17. These new
aspects form important input for higher-lengthscale models such as discrete dislocation simulation models used to
investigate the yield and plastic behavior of a bcc single crystal17–22. So far, these computational efforts have
provided much more details than what currently has been validated experimentally, but the extrapolation towards
larger lengthscales remains difficult because of a lack in understanding of the full dynamic picture of dislocation
It is now generally believed that a screw dislocation moves in the lattice potential by thermal activated
nucleation of a pair of kinks in {110} crystal planes23, bringing a segment of the dislocation over the potential
hill of the lattice. The kinks can rapidly propagate in the ,111. direction along the dislocation line advancing the
whole dislocation to the next equilibrium Peierls valley9,10. An open questions is whether a {112} slip trace on the
surface of a crystal results from a composition of slip on several{110} planes.
For instance, consider uniaxial compression performed at room temperature along a crystallographic direction
[155]. Figure 1a shows the compression axis in stereographic projection together with some crystallographic
directions and the projections of the normal of crystallographic planes of interest. In this orientation, the Schmid
factor m, which relates the resolved shear stress for a particular slip system to the applied stress, equals its maximal
value of 0.5 for slip on the (211) plane in the [1-1-1] direction, meaning that the resolved shear stress is highest on
the (211) plane. The (101) and (110) planes are the planes of the {110} family that have the highest Schmid values,
for both m 5 0.43, in the same [1-1-1] direction. Assuming that elementary slip occurs on {110} planes, screw
dislocations will propagate in this loading direction with equal amounts of elementary steps on the (101) and
a b
010 d
Figure 1 | Presentation of the [155] and [256] compression axis in stereographic projection (a); schematic presentation of elementary slip steps on
(110) and (101) in equal portions (b), in elementary steps proportional to the resolved shear stress (c) and producing macroscopic slip on the
individual (110) and (101) planes (d).
Figure 2 | In-situ results of W single crystal with [155] compression axis. (a) Stress-strain curve (b) Two dimensional representation of the (-3-10)
diffraction spot plotted together with the lines corresponding to rotation directions for slip on particular planes. (c) Zoom-in and path followed by the
(-3-10) spot during the compression, the numbers correspond to the stress stages in (a); (d) Slip trace visible on a SEM picture taken after deformation
corresponding with (211) plane indicated in red. The green and blue lines correspond with (110) and (101) plane orientation on which no traces
are observed.
So far the Laue results confirm that in the athermal regime slip can 35), the (101) Laue peak moves slightly in a direction that does not
be described as composed of elementary steps on {110} planes. This is correspond with any crystallographic slip.
however not the case in orientations for which the Schmid factors on Taking into account all other reflections and using the Taylor
the most stressed {110] planes differ slightly. The character of slip model, the movement of the Laue spots corresponds with a rotation
changes drastically when a [256] oriented pillar is compressed. of 0.75 degree around an axis in between the [110] and the [211]
Figure 3a shows the stress-strain curve of such a pillar, Figure 3b direction. Such a small rotation does not change the values of the
the (101) Laue reflection as well as the possible rotation directions Schmid factors (only the third decimal). Loading till 900 MPa (pat-
plotted with white lines. A zoom-in of the orange square is shown on tern 45) causes the Laue spot to follow the line for rotation according
Figure 3c, where the path followed by the (101) spot during loading is to slip on the (110) plane. From pattern 45 to 48, the path of the Laue
presented by the yellow line. The numbers along the Laue path spot changes direction suggesting equal slip on the (110) and (101)
correspond with the numbers shown on the stress-strain curve. plane resulting in a rotation along the (211) line. Upon further load-
During initial loading till 650 MPa (corresponding with pattern ing the (101) spot jumps discontinuously and some of the directions
Figure 3 | In-situ results of a W single crystal with [256] compression axis. (a) Stress-strain curve (b) Two dimensional representation of the (101)
diffraction spot. The white lines present the expected rotation direction for slip on the indicated planes. (c) Zoom-in on the path followed by the (101)
spot during the compression, the pattern numbers correspond to the stress values shown in (a). (d) Zoom-in of the very jerky part of the spot path
surrounded in green on (c). (e) this back and forward movement of the peak along the rotation direction for (101) and (110) slip is shown in more detail
for the (013) diffraction spot and with a different viewing angle. (f) Two views of the slip trace visible on SEM pictures taken after deformation.
Figure 4 | In-situ result of a second W micro-pillar with a compression axis along [256]. (a) Stress-strain curve (b) Two dimensional representation of
the (101) diffraction spot. The white lines present the expected rotation direction for slip on the indicated planes. (c) Zoom-in on the path followed
by the (101) spot during the compression, the numbers correspond to the stress values shown in (a); (d) Two views on the slip trace visible on SEM
pictures taken after deformation.
correspond with slip on (110) others with slip on (101) as for instance combined slip on (110) and (101). Note that at pattern 85, the global
the strain produced between pattern 52 and pattern 54. The latter can rotation evidenced by Laue corresponds to a rotation along the (211)
be viewed in more detail in the further zoom-in region of Figure 3d line.
(green frame). This back and forward movement of the peak along The load sequence ends with an important strain burst appearing
the rotation direction for (101) and (110) slip is shown in more detail at 1800 MPa during which only a minor additional rotation along
in Figure 3e for the (013) Laue reflection. Here the viewing angle is the (211) line is observed. Inspection of the surface of the sample after
perpendicular to the rotation direction for slip on (110). At the end of deformation revealed one very broad slip trace corresponding with a
the loading path a moderate burst is recorded at 1550 MPa, which (211) plane, visible on Figure 4d. In this case, no substructure can be
corresponds in the Laue patterns with a rotation for slip on (110). observed.
The SEM pictures in Figure 3f show a broad unsharp slip trace with It needs to be remarked that the differences in flow stress between
an envelope that corresponds with a (211) plane. The amount of the discussed pillars at a same strain value can be assigned to the
strain accommodated by the slip trace is higher than the strain pro- differences in size (for details see Table 1), a phenomenon that is well
duced in the strain burst. When zooming in on the slip trace, it is known30 but no matter of interest in this paper.
clear that this broad trace consists of several smaller traces which
together form wavy substructures. The direction of the substructures Discussion
reflects slip traces produced by the (101) and (110) slip planes as The Laue diffraction experiments on W at room temperature show
suggested by the colored lines on the SEM picture. In other words, that dislocation slip occurs on {110} planes. This is in line with the
slip trace and the Laue analysis demonstrate slip to occur on the two double kink model for the propagation of screw dislocations in the
(110) planes with highest Schmid factor, however macroscopic strain bcc lattice in the athermal regime (i.e. below the critical temperature).
is produced on the individual slip planes. The important jumps of the In an orientation where two {110} planes have the same resolved
Laue reflections together with the zig-zag slip trace suggest collective shear stress, slip can be described by alternating elementary steps
cross-slip used as mechanism to fulfill the mechanical boundary on both planes so that the overall rotation is similar to effective slip
conditions imposed by compression along [256]. on (211). This is also reflected in the (211) slip trace on the sample
Among the pillars studied, other combinations of collective cross- surface. The situation is however different when the resolved shear
slip have been observed. Figure 4a shows the stress-strain curve of stress on the {110} planes is non-equal. Our experiments dem-
another [256] oriented pillar together with numbers of correspond- onstrate that slip does not occur anymore by frequent alternation
ing Laue patterns. The path of the (101) diffraction spot is shown in of elementary steps proportional to the resolved shear stress of the
Figure 4b together with a projection of the possible rotation direc- two most stressed {110} planes. Instead dislocations can propagate
tions. The region of interest is zoomed in Figure 4c. Till pattern 32 on one of the highly stressed {110} planes, produce macroscopic
corresponding with 600 MPa Laue spots broaden and simulta- strain and cross-slip collectively as schematically represented in
neously rotate about 0.36u degree this time in the direction corres- Figure 1d. Collective cross-slip is the mechanism that allows fulfilling
ponding to slip in the (110) plane. Between pattern 30 and 40 there is the mechanical boundary conditions here represented by a highest
a discontinuous change of rotation direction indicating a rotation resolved shear stress on the (211) plane. The slip trace corresponds to
corresponding with (211) i.e. resulting from composed slip on the the plane expected according to the mechanical boundary condi-
(110) and (101) planes. Between pattern 40 and 60 the Laue peak tions, loses however its sharpness revealing eventual substructures
moves predominantly according to slip on (110) after which the spot that reflect the individual slip systems.
clearly changes direction and rotates predominantly according to slip In a micro-compression experiment the single crystal sample usu-
on (101), suggesting collective cross-slip. At pattern 83 until the end ally experiences an inhomogeneous stress distribution. This is also
of the load, the peak changes again and follows a direction suggesting the case in our experiments. During elastic compression, the Laue
Figure 5 | Overview of the properties of the tungsten pillars under investigation, including pillar geometry and Schmid factors of relevant slip systems.
The last column provides SEM images of the pillars prior to deformation.
peaks do not always rotate along the predicted direction for the composed slip. Instead of progressing with elementary steps using
particular reflection but often rotate in a non-crystallographic dir- frequent cross-slip, slip continues on the chosen {110} plane and
ection. This rotation is minor and in most cases less then 0.75u so that produces macroscopic strain. Our experiments suggest that strain
it has no major influence on the ratio of the resolved shear stresses. It is produced on this system as long as mechanical compatibility
is however an indication for local inhomogeneous stresses as was requirements allow, after which collective cross-slip operates and
already reported earlier31. The role played by these inhomogeneous slip on the secondary {110} system provides the mechanically
stresses in bcc metals is observed to have much more important required crystal rotation.
consequences than in fcc single crystals. Misalignments up to 2u What are the important consequences of these observations?
induce initial slip activity of geometrically less favorable slip systems Inhomogeneous stress distributions within a plastifying volume are
in fcc pillars31 but already after 1 to 2% macroscopic strain slip is unavoidable. In a single crystal, this can occur as a result of, for
taken over fully as expected and predicted by Schmid rules. In bcc instance, boundary constraints of the experimental setup such as
crystals this is also the case for the [155] orientation where the two here in a compression experiment31, or thermal or elastic mismatch
{110} planes are equally stressed however in the [256] orientation the between a thin film and its substrate32. In single-phase polycrystals
small difference in resolved shear stress combined with the presence the interplay between individual grain orientation, size and shape,
of heterogeneous stress distribution disturbs the mechanism of and deformation properties such as elastic-plastic anisotropy and
Figure 6 | Schematic view of the in situ Laue microdiffraction setup installed at the MicroXAS beam line of the Swiss Light Source. The inset displays
the custom-built micro-compression device, consisting of various translation, tilting and rotation stages for alignment and a 1D Hysitron transducer to
perform the actual compression experiment.
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