Millennium Post Delhi 9.11.2018

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PUBLISHED FROM DELHI & KOLKATA VOL. 13, ISSUE 310 | Friday, 9 November 2018 | New Delhi | Pages 16 | Rs 3.00 NO HALF TRUTHS




Day after Diwali,
Govt, Oppn spar over note ban
MPOST BUREAU elling, he said.
Delhi gasps for air
Due to rampant bursting of crackers
Small and medium businesses that
NEW DELHI: Finance Minister are the cornerstone of India’s economy
Arun Jaitley Thursday said demon- are yet to recover from the demoneti-
etisation resulted in the formalisa- sation shock, Singh asserted.
tion of the economy and increased Congress chief Rahul Gandhi on
tax base, prompting the government Thursday alleged that demonetisation
to earmark more resources for the was a planned “brutal conspiracy”
poor and infrastructure development. and a “shrewd scheme” to convert the
In a Facebook post on the sec- black money of Prime Minister Nar-
ond anniversary of Demonetisation, The number of endra Modi’s “suit-booted friends”.
Jaitley said in first four years of the West Bengal Chief Minister
National Democratic Alliance (NDA) income tax returns Mamata Banerjee called it a ‘dark day’. Commuters drive through heavy smog a day after Diwali celebrations PTI
government, the number of income filers has gone up to “From the moment it was
tax returns filers has gone up to 6.86 announced; I said so. Renowned SAYANTAN GHOSH led to the formation of a smoky
crore from 3.8 crore in May 2014. 6.86 crore from 3.8 economists, ordinary people and all layer across the national capital
By the time the first five years of crore in May 2014 experts now all agree. NEW DELHI: Delhi recorded and drastically reduced visibil-
this government are over, we will be “The government cheated our its worst air quality of the year ity, the authorities said.
close to doubling the assessee base, nation with this big demonetisation the morning after Diwali as A ‘severe plus emergency’
he said in the post titled “Impact Of almost the entire cash money got versary is a day to remember how havoc it unleashed on the Indian scam. It ruined the economy and the the pollution level entered air quality index (AQI) means
Demonetisation”. deposited in the banks post demon- “economic misadventures” can roil economy and society is now evident lives of millions. People will punish “severe-plus emergency” cat- that even healthy people may
He further said with the imple- etisation, as ill-informed, Jaitley said the nation. to everyone. those who did this,” she said. egory due to the rampant suffer from respiratory ill-
mentation of the goods and ser- confiscation of currency was not an The senior Congress leader asked “Notebandi impacted every sin- Aam Aadmi Party head and bursting of toxic firecrackers, nesses on prolonged expo-
vices tax (GST), it is now becoming objective of demonetisation. the government to not resort to fur- gle person, regardless of age, gen- Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejri- authorities said on Thursday. sure to such air. This air will
increasingly difficult to evade the tax In a scathing assessment of the ther unorthodox, short-term eco- der, religion, occupation or creed,” wal also called it a “deep wound on In a gross violation of a seriously affect those with ail-
system, and the indirect tax to gross demonetisation exercise, former nomic measures that can cause any Singh said. the Indian economy”. Supreme Court order, people ments, according to the advi-
domestic product (GDP) ratio has prime minister Manmohan Singh on more uncertainty in the economy. Beyond the “steep drop” in head- CPI(M) General Secretary Sita- in several cities burst firecrack- sory issued by SAFAR.
gone up to 5.4 per cent post-GST, Thursday said the “scars and wounds” Describing demonetisation as an line GDP growth numbers after ram Yechury blamed Modi for ers until at least midnight, two The Supreme Court had
from 4.4 per cent in 2014-15. it caused are getting more visible with “ill-fated” and “ill-thought” exercise, demonetisation, the broader ramifi- destroying “the economy, lives and hours after the 10 PM dead- allowed people to burst fire-
Terming the criticism, that time and the decision’s second anni- Singh said in a statement that the cations of ‘notebandi’ are still unrav- livelihoods”. line. Loud bangs rent the air in crackers from 8 pm to 10 pm
New Delhi. only on Diwali and other fes-

Congress doesn’t Naidu meets Four civilians, one CISF jawan killed in IED blast in C’garh Partly as a result of smoke
from the firecrackers, the over-
tivals. The Supreme Court also
permitted the manufacture

need a chief ministerial Deve Gowda, MPOST BUREAU state, police said. dalpur district, about 100 km
all air quality index in Delhi
jumped to 574 which falls in
and sale of just “green crack-
ers” which have a low emission

face in Madhya Pradesh Kumaraswamy RAIPUR: Four civilians and a CISF

Two personnel of the Central
Industrial Security Force (CISF)
from Dantewada, to campaign
for the BJP.
the “severe-plus emergency”
category, according to data by
of light, sound and harmful
jawan were killed when suspected were also injured in the explosion, Those killed in the blast were the Centre-run SAFAR (Sys- Over 550 cases were regis-
JYOTIRADITYA SCINDIA MPOST BUREAU Naxals detonated a bus with an the third Naxal attack in 15 days in identified as CISF Head Consta- tem of Air Quality and Weather tered and more than 300 peo-
improvised explosive device (IED) the poll-bound state. ble D Mukhopadhyay, bus driver Forecasting And Research). ple arrested on Diwali night
BENGALURU: TDP supremo in Chhattisgarh’s Dantewada dis- The attack comes before Ramesh Patkar, helpers Roshan The sharp spike in pollution for violating the Supreme

In today’s
and Andhra Pradesh Chief Min- trict on Thursday, four days ahead Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Kumar Sahu and Johan Nayak, and is caused by the uncontrolled Court’s order, officials said
ister N Chandrababu Naidu, of the first phase of elections in the scheduled visit on Friday to Jag- a truck driver, Sushil Banjare. See P6 burning of firecrackers that has on Thursday.  See P3
who is trying to unite opposi-
paper tion parties to take on the BJP
in the Lok Sabha elections next
... year, Thursday met his counter-
part H D Kumaraswamy and
CITY former Prime Minister H D
Deve Gowda.
NO ENTRY OF TRUCKS TILL NOV 113 Setting the stage for the
revival of a united front against
NATION the BJP, Naidu claimed the
J&K: DAY CURFEW LIFTED IN KISHTWAR6 mood of the nation was against
the BJP-led NDA, and soon an
EDIT alliance would be formed with
various regional parties.
BLUE-WATER POWERHOUSE 8 Speaking to reporters after
meeting Deve Gowda and
INTERNATIONAL Kumaraswamy, Naidu said the
DATING APPS USE AI 10 initial steps for the formation
of the alliance were yet to be
BUSINESS finalised.
Once the modalities were
H1 BOND VOLUMES CRIMP 26% 12 fixed, programmes would be
chalked out later, he said.
SPORT “I have spoken to May-
SENSATIONAL SAURABH CLAIMS GOLD14 awati, Akhilesh Yadav. I have
met everybody. Tomorrow I
am meeting Stalin (DMK pres-
ident). We will decide how to
FOR ADVERTISING take forward the alliance with
kindly contact at 9810195709 It is an initial exercise. After
or that we will work together,” he
[email protected] said.
Naidu, who had been a
FOR SUBSCRIPTION staunch critic of Congress, was
kindly contact at 8800854665 not averse to taking it along for
the “grand alliance.”
or However, he ducked ques-
[email protected] tions on their prime ministerial
candidate.  See P5


CBI top 2 meet CVC

NEW DELHI: CBI Director Alok
Verma Thursday met Central Vigilance
Commissioner K V Chowdary and is
understood to have refuted corruption
charges levelled against him by his dep-
uty and special director in the probe
agency Rakesh Asthana, officials said.
Verma came to the CVC office
around 1 pm and met Chowdary
and Vigilance Commissioner Sharad
Kumar, they said, without citing any and their versions recorded before a
other details. senior CVC official.
The Supreme Court had on October These officials, who had recorded
26 asked the Central Vigilance Commis- their statements included those who
sion to complete within two weeks its had handled the Moin Qureshi bribery
inquiry into allegations against Verma case, the IRCTC scam, involving former
levelled by Asthana. railway minister Lalu Prasad Yadav, the
Verma and Asthana have been sent cattle smuggling case in which a senior
on leave by the government. BSF officer was caught with wads of
Officials said Asthana also met cash in Kerala.
Chowdary and Kumar, the officials said. The Supreme Court had directed
The Commission had recently exam- that the CVC’s inquiry into the allega-
ined some CBI officials probing impor- tions against Verma, who has challenged
tant cases which figured in Asthana’s the government’s decision divesting him
complaint of corruption against the of his duties and sending him on leave,
probe agency’s chief Verma, they said. would be conducted under the supervi-
The officials said CBI personnel sion of retired apex court judge Justice
from the rank of inspector up to the A K Patnaik and this was a “one-time
superintendent of police were called exception”.
2 mp around town MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018

Winter outfits Aamir Khan steals the show


to stir your wardrobe THUGS OF HINDOSTAN

Director: Vijay Krishna Acharya;
Cast: Amitabh Bachchan, Aamir Khan, Katrina Kaif,
Fatima Sana Shaikh, Ronit Roy, Mohammad Zeeshan
Ayyub, Sharat Saxena and Lloyd Owen;

Finding new ways to layer, stay warm and still look chic during straight-laced fiction mounted in after his repeated
winters is not an easy task. Here is a fashion lover’s guide to a historical set-up, director Vijay
Krishna Acharya’s Thugs of Hind-
cycle of smarts and
ostan is a sprawling, ambitious Amitabh Bach-
surviving chilling weather while making a fashion statement 164-minute epic action adventure.
The story begins Circa 1795 when the
chan as Khuda-
baksh, a loyal guard-cum-protector of Zafira,
British East India Company tries to annex is a character we have seen in some of his ear-
belt. 4Shades of brown: Despite being You can simply layer a shirt or jacket the princely state of Ronakpur. When lier films too. Luckily for him, his character
4Pagoda shoulders: Everybody shunned by many for some years, over a fine black roll-neck and you’ve negotiations fail, they assassinate its ruler stands out due to his sheer personality.
knows that shoulder pads are mak- this Fall-Winter season, Brown has nailed. Mirza (Ronit Roy) and his son Aslam. Mir- Katrina Kaif as Suraiya the dancer, is fabu-
ing a huge comeback this year. But become the most dominant shade. 4New way of layering: There are za’s trusted Lieutenant Khudabaksh Azaad lous. She impresses us with her graceful and
another trend brewing within is that of From trench coat to jumpsuit to zip some pretty interesting layering ideas (Amitabh Bachchan) escapes from the Brit- elegant dance moves, especially in the song
pagoda shoulders. This style had fallen coat, all styles have gone wild for brown going on in the fashion industry. Few ish’s bullets, taking along with him Mirza’s “Suraiya jaan”.
out of fashion, but now they are mak- in all its hues. simple styles can be incorporated in our young daughter Zafira. Fatima Sana Shaikh as the warrior Zaf-
ing a resurgence. Pagoda Shoulder has daily life like a new way to fasten your Khudabaksh aka Azaad along with his ira is impressive. So is Mohammad Zeeshan
a convex line with an elevated outer old scarf and trench coat together. band of Thugs, give a tough time to the for- Ayyub, who plays Firangi Mallah’s friend
edge. We have seen them on sweaters, For a more elegant yet a chic look eigners as they aspire to free the country. Shanichar and Lloyd Owen as John Clive, the
dresses, jackets and dresses, basically, you can layer a wool coat on top Threatened by Azaad’s growing popular- head of the British East India Company. They
everywhere. of a denim jacket. ity, the British engage Firangi Mallah (Aamir all leave an impact with their acting chops.
4Leather on leather: After the 4Scarf prints: The trend Khan), a small-time but ambitious con man, Visually, the film is magnificently
success of denim on denim, now the of turning a classic silk fou- to locate and capture Azaad. mounted with visual and special effects.
fashion trends are all about leather on lards into slinky dresses Everything about this film is in capital let- Manush Nandan’s cinematography captures
leather. Let go of pairing a leather jacket and tops has picked up ters preceded by articles; the story befitting the era created by Sumit Basu’s production
with jeans or a leather skirt with a satin really fast. You no lon- the intertextual clash of the good against evil, design, costumes and locales to perfection.

top. This fall-winter fashion, wearing ger need to tie down the mounting on the massive scale and cast- Each frame is a masterpiece, be it the wide
ake your wardrobe win- head-to-toe leather outfits will be in a scarf to your neck, ing of the leads. angle shots or the close-ups.
ter ready with some of vogue. You can even mix colours, the trend is mak- While the two legendary icons of the The live action shots are seamlessly
the smart choices that will like pairing black with burgundy ing its way to Indian screen are pitted against each other, meshed with the computer generated images
never go out of trend. or brown. shirts, skirts Aamir Khan steals the show with his flam- by editor Ritesh Soni. The action sequences
4Animal print: This winter and dress. boyance. He is the pulsating heart of the nar- along with the stunts and dances are all
Stylists are sharing some tips on winter there is no escaping from an ani-  IANS rative. He brings his character to life with astutely choreographed. The songs ‘Vash-
outfits to stir your wardrobe. mal-inspired pattern. The leop- his energetic on-screen presence, priceless malle’, ‘Suraiya jaan’ and ‘Manzoor-e-Khuda’,
4Tucked in a sweater: This win- ard print has always been the expressions on his visage, flawless dancing blend into the narrative flawlessly.
ter you can flaunt your fit and toned hero and hailed by many. The and agility during the action scenes. While the first half is racy, the second
tummy even through sweaters. Keep- brown sporty patterns are While he is charming and convincing as half especially the climax and denouement
ing the fitness factor aside, this trend considered to be very versa- an actor, his lines are bogged down by the drags a bit.
is quite adorable. The tucked-in and tile. Those who want more superficiality of the character that makes Overall, this film is worth a watch for
belted sweater style give a more mod- of ‘wear it whole day piece’, him seem forced and a bit hollow, especially Aamir Khan’s performance. IANS
ern and a clean look. You can tuck them then invest in a leopard
into jeans, skirts, trousers print midi skirt and
or even under a skinny you will not regret it. 
What’s on Around Town
THREADS OF NIZAMUDDIN off on November 6 and 7 on dishes like
A discussion on ‘Threads and Flavours Classic La Reine, Doppio, New Calabrese
of Nizamuddin’ to share the history, and many more.
journey, challenges, aspirations and WHEN: Until November 11
stories of Insha-e-Noor and Zaika-e- WHERE: PizzaExpress outlets (Delhi-
Nizamuddin of the Aga will be held at NCR) TIMINGS: 11:30 am – 11:30 pm
IIC. The speaker will be Jyotsna Lall, FLAVOURFUL MILLET MENU
Director Programmes for the Aga Khan To share the health benefits of millets
Development Network’s Nizamuddin (the traditional cereal of India), Punjab
Urban Renewal Initiative project. Grill is offering an array of innovative
WHEN: November 12 and drool-worthy offerings with jowar,
WHERE: Kamladevi complex, India quinoa and bajra with dishes like ‘quinoa
International Centre bean chaat’, multigrain sev puri with
TIMINGS: 6:30 pm onwards avocado chutney’, ‘jwaar aur tamatar
THE FESTIVE DELIGHT cheela’ among others. To complete your
Embrace the spirit of the festival, healthy meal, don’t miss out on delicious
sampling some Indian delights with some desserts such as ‘bajra malpua naal
amazing and fun offers at PizzaExpress, kesar rabdi’ and ‘ragi da halwa’.
which will be hosting Diwali Special WHEN: Until November 30
Menu for the festive season. The outlet WHERE: Punjab Grill, Khan Market
will have special price offers of 50% TIMINGS: 11:00 am – 10:00 pm

Refresh your hair with shikakai masks

erbal care is one of the fool proof methods healthy and nourished especially when blended hair with cold water. Continue this mask routine on
to protect hairs natural texture and sheen. together with few other Indian ayurvedic ingredients. a weekly basis to restore your scalp health.
While a plethora of homegrown ingredi- Experts share insights on four hair masks that 4Shikakai and coconut oil: Who wouldn’t love
ents and herbs are available to make your can be curated at home to protect and nourish a hot oil massage followed by refreshing hair wash?
mane lustrous, one specific herb that has been passed your hair. While the sounds of it is soothing and relaxing, there
on from generation to generation is Shikakai. 4Shikakai and amla powder: Breakage and split are plenty of health benefits that oil bath has. How-
Shikakai is rich in antioxidants and numerous vita- ends are an everyday concern. Thanks to the stress ever, most of us tend to skip the routine owing to
mins that helps keep hair and pollution that our hectic work schedule exposes paucity of time. A quick solution to this is a coconut
us to. These harsh damages make one’s hair lifeless oil shikakai hair mask that can replenish your hair.
and dull. A go to solution to protect your hair from Mix together one tablespoon each of shikakai
root to end is a blend of ayurveda’s two best ingredi- powder and amla powder along with two table-
ents – shikakai and amla. While both the ingredients spoons of heated coconut oil and leave the mixture
are rich in anti-oxidants, amla helps keep hair healthy for 3 hours. Post warming the mixture, strain the oil
by fighting off the damage. and massage it directly

People relate body shapes to

Blend together half a cup onto your scalp and leave
of shikakai and amla powder it for 30 minutes before
with luke warm water to make rinsing it with normal

a paste. Let the paste sit on your water. The mask rou-
hair for 30 minutes and wash it tine can be followed on
off with cold water. This when a weekly basis to main-
repeated every alternate day tain the health of scalp
NEW YORK: When we meet new people, logical Science, highlighted that stereotypes helps improve overall health of and texture of your hair.
our first impressions of their personality may based on body shape can contribute to how we the hair and is an excellent rem- 4Wholesome
depend, at least in part, on their body shape, judge and interact with new acquaintances and edy for dry hair. shikakai mask: We all
according to a new research. strangers. For the study, the team created 140 4Shikakai and curd: Curd love a little bit of sugar,
The findings showed that people perceived realistic body models, among which 70 were is truly a miracle potion when it spice and everything
classically feminine (pear-shaped) and classi- female and 70 male. comes to hair care. Curd helps nice when it comes to
cally masculine (broad-shouldered) bodies as The three-dimensional renderings were protect your hair and soothes your scalp against not hair and skin care. Herbal hair care is all about blend-
being associated with “active” traits, such as generated from random values along 10 dif- one but many problems – common one ing a balance of ingredients that addresses specific
being quarrelsome, extraverted, and irritable. ferent body dimensions, using data from laser being, dandruff and itchy scalp. But it concerns while also protecting your hair from future
In addition, male and female bodies that scans of actual human bodies. Using these simply cannot do the trick in isola- damage. One such culmination of ayurveda’s hand-
were more rectangular, were associated with models allowed the researchers to know the tion. Curd when blended together picked ingredients for an overall protection is the
relatively passive traits, such as being trust- precise physical measurements of each body. with a variety of powerful ingredi- wholesome shikakai mask infused with Tulsi, neem
worthy, shy, dependable, and warm. A total of 76 undergraduate participants ents like fenugreek, shikakai, amla powder, shikakai powder, rose petal powder, fenu-
“Our research shows that people infer a saw each body from two angles and indicated and olive/argan oil makes the per- greek powder, olive oil and curd. Tulsi, a vital and
wide range of personality traits just by look- whether 30 trait words shown on a screen fect mask to fight against dandruff. central herb in Ayurveda helps stimulate scalp circu-
ing at the physical features of a particular body. applied to that body. The results showed that Curd contains healthy bacteria lation owing to its antioxidant properties.
Understanding these biases is important for participants judged heavier bodies as being that helps fight dandruff causing On the other hand, neem is a great detoxifier that
considering how we form first impressions,” associated with more negative traits, such as yeast. Mix together 1 tablespoon speeds up the removal of toxins from scalp. To pre-
said lead researcher Ying Hu from the Uni- being lazy and careless and judged lighter bod- of fenugreek powder, 1 tablespoon pare this mask, mix together a tablespoon of shikakai,
versity of Texas. ies as having more positive traits, such as being of shikakai, 1 tablespoon of amla half a table spoon of each neem powder, tulsi powder,
“We wanted to know whether we could link self-confident and enthusiastic. The research- powder, 1 tablespoon of argan/olive rose petal powder, fenugreek powder with one cup of
personality descriptor words to body shape in ers also found that they could reliably predict oil with a cup of curd. Let the mix- curd and a spoon of olive oil. Allow the mixture to sit
predictable ways,” Hu added. personality trait judgments from specific com- ture rest for 2-3 hours and apply it for 30 minutes and apply mask onto your scalp. Post
The study, published in the journal Psycho- binations of different body shape features.IANS on your scalp working towards the a 30 minutes rest, wash your hair with normal water
ends. After 30 minutes, rinse your and shikakai powder. IANS

Although every possible care and caution has been taken to avoid errors or omissions, this publication is being sold on the condition and understanding that information given in this publication is merely for reference and must not be taken as having authority of or binding in any way on the writers, editors,
publishers, and printers and sellers who do not owe any responsibility for any damage or loss to any person, a purchaser of this publication or not for the result of any action taken on the basis of this work. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent court and forums in Delhi/New Delhi only

Printed and Published by Jaiyendra Kumar Sharma on behalf of Front Row Media Pvt. Ltd. and printed at The Indian Express Pvt. Ltd., A-8, Sector-7, Noida-201 301 (U.P.) and published from First Floor, Pratap Bhawan, 5 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New
Delhi 110 002. Editor: Durbar Ganguly, Executive Editor: Arya Rudra. Email: [email protected], Tel. No. 011-47777500
MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018
mp city 3
Entry of trucks into Capital Higher wind speed only hope
for improvement, say experts
banned till November 11 SAYANTAN GHOSH
NEW DELHI: Any change in Delhi’s weather is
Sources confirmed that Odd-Even is ready to be implemented if EPCA recommends the only hope that citizens can now have to get
rid of the thick smog and the ‘severe-plus emer-
SAYANTAN GHOSH Meanwhile, the System of gency’ level of pollution, officials of the Central
Air Quality and Weather Fore- Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and experts
NEW DELHI: The Delhi gov- casting (SAFAR) had warned have observed.
ernment on Thursday ordered that even if partially toxic fire- However, if the weather deteriorates, the
a ban on the entry of trucks in crackers – compared to last Capital’s air quality will also deteriorate.
the national Capital, as recom- year’s – were burnt, the air “The pollution has increased, but the wind
mended by the Supreme Court- quality would fall to the ‘severe’ speed is good. Hence there is a chance the city
appointed pollution watchdog category. will recover from the situation soon. However,
EPCA. The ban started from An AQI between 0 and 50 if wind speed decreases, then the situation will A woman walks past a digital board displaying the
late night on November 8 and is considered ‘good’, 51-100 worsen. Hence, the EPCA has already asked to Air Quality Index on the compound wall of a weather
will continue till 11 pm on ‘satisfactory’, 101-200 ‘mod- ban all the truck to enter Delhi,” said Anumita
observatory, at Lodhi Road on Thursday PIC/MPOST
November 11. erate’, 201-300 ‘poor’, 301-400 Roychowdhury, executive director, research and
Government sources also ‘very poor’, 401-500 ‘severe’ and advocacy, Centre for Science and Environment. low fog in the morning would impact AQI in
confirmed that the Odd-Even above 500 falls in ‘severe-plus’ Meanwhile, a statement by SAFAR said, “Sur- one of two ways.
scheme to control movement category. face winds continue to play a major role. The Officials said if fireworks were high, “smoke
of private vehicles is also ready On Thursday night, the Air speed has increased overnight from three kmph will suddenly get trapped, forcing overnight lev-
and the government may The ban started from late night on November 8 and will continue till 11 pm on November 11 PIC/PTI Quality Index (AQI) of Delhi to five kmph and continued to disperse pollution els of particles in the air to make significantly
implement it whenever the was recorded at 574. as predicted. However, wind speed is expected to higher than they would be natural to ‘severe’
Environment Pollution Pre- The letter also calls for ordered all the authorities to pm on November 8 to 11 pm “The AQI entered the reduce by evening. If the smoke layer is formed level, and will stick that way until sunrise or
vention and Control Authority users of private diesel cars to coordinate on the matter and on November 11 keeping in ‘severe’ category at 2 am and which may also bring down inversion layer to breeze mixes it.”
(EPCA) recommends. refrain from using them. “You to impose the ban. This will view the deteriorating level of will continue to remain in the trap pollutants.” In case of negligible fireworks, AQI would be
The Authority also directed are also requested to take out help the city to come out of air pollution.” severe category until evening,” It added that a large number of stubble burn- in ‘very poor’ range, they had forecast.
state governments of the notices requesting people not the pollution situation,” said “The EPCA communica- a senior official said. ing incidents have been reported, but it is a com- Stubble burning induced impact is expected
National Capital Region to to use diesel private cars in this an official. tions addressed to Delhi Gov- A ‘severe plus emergency’ bination of stubble burning and widespread to decline and if no additional emissions from
stop the entry of trucks into period.” Reacting on the order ernment has been forwarded AQI essentially means that bursting of firecrackers in the region that has firecrackers are added, air quality will improve,
the Capital. Diesel emissions are an official from South Delhi to the MCDs and Delhi Police even healthy people may suffer caused the problem. the officials had earlier said.
“You are requested to direct extremely toxic and add to Municipal Corporation for strict compliance. Trucks from respiratory illnesses on a It is to be noted that the contribution of However, even if 50 per cent of the total load
all authorities, particularly the the severity of air pollution in (SDMC) said, “As per instruc- carrying essential commodi- prolonged exposure to such air. PM2.5 and PM10 emissions to air quality dete- of toxic firecrackers as compared to last year’s
police, to coordinate action on Delhi-NCR. “The Delhi gov- tions issued by the EPCA, entry ties such as fruit, vegetables, This air will seriously affect rioration has not increased much compared to Diwali is added, the prevailing weather condi-
this so that trucks are turned ernment has ordered a com- of trucks carrying essential milk, medicines etc will not be those with ailments, accord- last year. Earlier, forecasting adverse weather tions will aggravate the high smoke level and
around before entry into plete ban on the entry of trucks commodities in Delhi will not affected with the instructions of ing to the advisory issued by conditions for Diwali, i.e. November 8, officials make air quality to persist in ‘severe’ range for
Delhi,” the EPCA letter read. till November 11. We have be allowed with effect from 11 the EPCA,” the official added. SAFAR. of SAFAR had noted that calm winds and shal- at least two days, they had added.

Level of pollutants rose after Morning after Diwali disappoints
SDMC issues fireworks started: Delhi govt activists, residents of Delhi-NCR
248 challans OUR CORRESPONDENT observed at 1.00 am.”
“The location wise min-
Diwali has become a trend.
It’s high time we understand
NEW DELHI: A day after Diwali, there
was anguish and some searching ques-
stand green or red crackers. What we know
is that it is a symbol of the festival for us
OUR CORRESPONDENT NEW DELHI: Delhi Environ- imum concentration was that issues such as firecrack- tions as a hazy morning dawned over and we will continue doing it,” said Himan-
ment Minister Imran Hussain observed at Najafgarh (143 µg/ ers bursting and stubble burn- Delhi-NCR, with many residents voic- shu Bhalla, a Gurugram resident.
NEW DELHI: Intensifying its on Thursday stated that the m3) and maximum concentra- ing only contribute to episodic ing their helplessness at the violation of Environmental activists said the police
anti-pollution measures post- level of air-borne pollutants tion was observed at Ashok peaks and it has little to do with the Supreme Court’s 8-10 pm deadline of needed to be supported by governments to
Diwali, South Delhi Munici- showed an increase on Diwali Vihar (1,252 µg/m3),” it fur- other sources contributing to bursting firecrackers. strictly enforce the ban.
pal Corporation (SDMC) on day and data showed that the ther said. air pollution for the most part The city recorded its worst air quality in “The judiciary has given our execu-
Thursday issued 248 challans major changes were observed It added that the level of of the year.” the year on Thursday morning, with the air tive the necessary tools. We request our
across its fours zones. after 8.00 pm when the fire- pollutants showed an increase He added that despite quality index jumping to 574, which falls lawmakers to support our executive and
A view of a market littered with burnt
In West Zone, 24 challans works started. on Diwali day, with data show- being aware of the polluting in the ‘severe-plus emergency’ category all three arms of our democracy to work
have been issued under the However, environmen- ing that the major changes sources like coal power plants, – meaning that even healthy people may crackers and other waste on Thursday PIC/PTI together to protect citizens health at this
NGT Act for burning of leaves tal bodies in the Capital have observed after 8.00 pm when industries, transport systems suffer from respiratory illnesses on a pro- last year due to this hazardous pollution. time of national health emergency,” said
and garbage, while 60 chal- noted that poor implementa- the fireworks started. or episodic events like Diwali, longed exposure to such air. “My mother was not a smoker or drinker, Jyoti Pande Lavakare, co-founder, Care
lans have been issued under tion of rules has caused the pol- The data also observed that biomass burning, adherence to “Delhi is a gas chamber for TB patients but yes, she was guilty of living in Delhi.” for Air NGO.
the DMC Act. Four mechan- lution to rise. the cumulative effect of exist- policy implementation remains like me. We are caught in a bind. If we Sharma wonders how people cannot “We would like our leadership and our
ical sweepers were deployed A statement from the Delhi ing pollution load and pollut- a big challenge. escape TB, then we will die of pollution,” understand the repercussions of burst- prime minister to acknowledge this health
to clean the roads, whereas government noted, “On Diwali ants released due to the use “The guardian of air around Hasmukh Rai, a elderly resident of Mayur ing crackers. “I understand they want to emergency and encourage implementation
52 tankers were deployed for day, the average concentration of fireworks, as well as mete- us should behave responsibly Vihar. celebrate, but at the cost of digging ones of solutions,” she added.
sprinkling water with an aim to (for 24 hours) for PM 2.5 (par- orological conditions like and start acting on pollution “In this season, when everybody is talk- own grave!” Ravina Kohli, member of #MyRight-
settle down the dust. The total ticles in the air with diameter calm condition with signifi- sources in a more responsible ing of bringing ordinances on variety of Even as the police launched a crack- ToBreathe campaign, said people were
number of challans is 84. smaller than 2.5 microme- cant humidity, attributed to the way by building confidence in issues, why can’t politicians join hands down the violators and made multiple in denial of the health impact of burning
Six challans have been tre) ranged from 69 µg/m3 to present situation. public as well for stronger com- and bring ordinance to ban stubble burn- arrests, several people said, for them, firecrackers of their health. “The police
issued in Central Zone under 1,560 µg/m3. The minimum Meanwhile, environment pliance and cooperation on the ing?” he asked. Diwali meant bursting firecrackers. could have been helped by the politicians
the NGT Act for burning leaves value was observed at 3.00 pm, activist Sunil Dahiya said, sources under their control,” South Delhi resident Sagarika Sharma “Since childhood, we have been burst- and local authorities for strictly enforcing
and garbage. Moreover, 14 gen- and the maximum value was “Analysing Delhi’s smog post- Dahiya further said. said she had lost her mother to lung cancer ing crackers on Diwali. We do not under- the order.” MPOST

PM2.5 reaches hazardous levels in Ggn Smog brings AQI in Noida,

eral challans and four mobile
challans have been issued
under the DMC Act. Overall,
24 challans have been issued.
Two challans have been
issued in Najafgarh Zone under
the NGT Act for burning leaves
and garbage. Additionally, 18
GURUGRAM: Despite the
and evening, when PM2.5 was
recorded at 350 µg/m3.
Around 9.00 am on Thurs-
like nitrogen dioxide and sul-
phur dioxide, mostly emitted
by vehicles, were also reported.
National Highway-8.
“There is a need for sus-
tained and committed effort
Gzb to ‘very poor’ levels
general challans and 14 chal- turnout being lower than what day, poor visibility levels of less To save costs, many vehicles in dealing with such a major OUR CORRESPONDENT trol Board (CPCB) for Noida, hour later and by 11 pm, it was
lans have been issued under the it was last year, a sizeable num- than 300 m were recorded in especially – three-wheelers – challenge. Unfortunately, a few at 10.00 am on Thursday, the shockingly 793,” said a senior
DMC Act and SWM by laws. ber of Gurugram residents the city. use low quality diesel as fuel, days of favourable weather con- NOIDA/GHAZIABAD: Despite concentration of PM2.5 pollut- officer of Uttar Pradesh Pollu-
In all, 34 challans have been came out to celebrate Diwali Meanwhile, this Diwali saw which further pollutes the air. ditions cannot help us escape several restrictions and two- ant was 389 µg/m3, while that f tion Control Board.
issued. by bursting firecrackers on fewer crackers being burst than Large scale construction from the big challenge that hour window to burst only PM10 was 317 µg/m3. Ghaziabad too witnessed
In South Zone, 19 challans Wednesday. in previous years. On Wednes- activities and receding green surrounds us,” said Shweta “green crackers” ordered by the Compared to Noida, ‘very poor’ air quality, with the
have been issued for construc- This, invariably, dete- day, 18 calls regarding fire inci- cover has resulted in dust being Narang, a Gurugram resident. Supreme Court, a thick layer Greater Noida witnessed a AQI recorded at 379 at 10 am
tion activities, while 13 have riorated the air quality, with dents were reported, unlike 42 the major contributor of pollu- “The citizens and the gov- of smog engulfed the Noida minor improvement in the AQI on Thursday.
been issued for burning leaves the harmful PM2.5 pollutant that were reported last year. tion in the Millennium City. ernment must collaborate and Ghaziabad of the National at 356 on Thursday morning, For the rest of the day, air
and garbage under NGT Act. reaching levels as hazardous Even as the unfavourable Even as strict orders have together to fight this menace. Capital Region on Thursday but it was also in the ‘very poor’ quality remained constantly in
Furthermore, 74 general chal- as 434 microgram per cubic weather made the air unhealthy been issued by the National Unfortunately, even though morning, with the Air Qual- category. the ‘very poor’ category in both
lans have been issued DMC metre (µg/m3) at 11.00 pm on to breathe, matters were made Green Tribunal to not allow the awareness about pollution ity Index falling into the ‘very “The air quality began Noida and Ghaziabad.
Act and SWM by laws. In all Diwali night. worse by dust and vehicular burning of waste, many can be has improved, the proactive- poor’ category. to deteriorate from 7 pm on However, the AQI level
106 challans have been issued The situation improved pollution in the city. High con- seen brazenly burning garbage ness about it has not changed As per data provided by Diwali evening. The AQI rose was slightly worsened in the
so far. subsequently in the afternoon centration of poisonous gases in the open in crowded areas of much,” she added. the Central Pollution Con- from 286 at 7 pm to 405 an evening.

MCG pulls up socks, For Gurugram expats, Diwali is a Pay Rs 10L to parents Kerala CM
thanks Delhi
ramps up crackdown time to take the long weekend of electrocuted minor: MLAs for
against pollution OUR CORRESPONDENT HC tells North MCD flood relief
AQI from 134 of expatriates working in Guru- Court has directed the North The child’s parents
GURUGRAM: Two days of gram’s MNCs, Diwali becomes Delhi Municipal Corporation approached the high court NEW DELHI: Kerala Chief
reasonably breathable air was to 366 within few a reason to leave the city tem- (North MCD) to pay Rs 10 lakh seeking compensation for their Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on
squandered away in Gurugram hours. Accusations all porarily and take a long Christ- as compensation to the par- son’s death. Thursday expressed his grat-
on Thursday, due to Diwali mas break or go for outdoor ents of a 13-year-old boy, who They had claimed that itude to the members of the
being celebrated by bursting around, compliance assignments. was electrocuted in a park after the civic body was responsi- Delhi Legislative Assembly for
firecrackers. zero! Need to respect Needless to say, this is due receiving shock from a metallic ble for maintaining the park their contribution to Kerala’s
The abysmal situated to the poor air quality in the fencing erected around a high and was liable to pay them Disaster Relief Fund in the
resulted in Yashpal Yadav, com-
Hon’ble SC directions Millennium City. mast pole in 2010. compensation. wake of floods in August.
missioner of Municipal Corpo- at least To make sure that the pre- Justice JR Midha directed Allowing the plea of the In a letter to Assembly
ration of Gurugram (MCG), to vailing air quality does not the municipal body to deposit parents, the court said North Speaker Ram Niwas Goel,
lash out on Twitter. Yashpal Yadav on Twitter adversely affect the health of the amount along with interest MCD was held primary liable Vijayan thanked the MLAs for
For thousands of expatriates working in Gurugram’s MNCs, Diwali is a
“AQI from 134 to 366 their employees, most compa- reason to leave the city temporarily due to the poor air quality PIC/PTI with the high court’s registrar to pay the compensation in the showing empathy towards the
within few hours. Accusations tion caused by dust, challenges nies are also allowing expats to general within six weeks and first instance to the family. flood victims.
all around, compliance zero! remain aplenty for the public work from home, if necessary. like Maruti Suzuki and Honda, In addition to Gurugram, listed the matter for December It said that after depositing “I would like to express my
Need to respect Hon’ble SC agencies like MCG. The expat population of but also in various Japanese areas like Manesar, Bawal and for disbursement of the money the compensation amount, the gratitude on behalf of the peo-
directions at least,” Yadav said Dearth of mechanised Gurugram includes Japanese, construction and auto ancil- Neemrana also house a signifi- to the child’s parents. North MCD would be at lib- ple of Kerala for the contribu-
on his official Twitter handle. sweeping has resulted in roads Koreans, Americans and Ger- lary firms that have set their cant Japanese population. The incident took place on erty to initiate appropriate legal tion of Rs 32,28,000 made by
On Thursday, teams from being sweeped with brooms, mans, most of whom work in base in the city. However, the low number July 12, 2010 when the minor proceedings against the Delhi the Members of Delhi Assem-
MCG continued their crack- which has to be proved to be multinational companies. “The air quality is bad and of expatriate employees does was playing in the park near Urban Shelter Improvement bly towards the Chief Minis-
down on construction firms counterproductive. There is also a spike in the we are finding it difficult. Even affect the functioning of many his residence in Anand Par- Board (DUSIB), BSES Yamuna ter’s Disaster Relief Fund. The
that are flouting pollution The challenges for the number of air purifiers being though certain services are companies. The high cost of liv- bat area. Power Ltd and or any other extent of compassion and care
norms and those who were Corporation increase due to bought by these offices as well being provided to make sure ing of most Japanese expats is A case was lodged and agency, in accordance with law. shown by the government and
found burning garbage in the inadequate infrastructure, as guesthouses. that the air around is breath- borne by these company. charge sheet was filed against The civic body had said that the people of Delhi in the hour
open. Moreover, sprinkling of which included lack of park- An estimated 8,000 Japa- able, it is not proving to be that Moreover, the fewer expa- an municipal body official for the accident might have taken of crisis and calamity is heart-
water was seen on a large scale ing spaces, pollution under nese people presently live in useful,” said Horiuchi Ryou, triate employees turn up to the alleged offences of causing place due to the accumulation ening,” Vijayan wrote.
on major city roads. control (PUC) centres, public and around Gurugram. Japa- whose husband is an engineer work, the lower are the pro- death by negligence and caus- of rain water in the park and Aam Aadmi Party MLAs
Inspite of specific measures transport and effective waste nese professionals are not only and is employed in Japanese ductivity levels of the particu- ing hurt by act endangering leakage in earthing of the main had donated a month’s salary
introduced to tackle air pollu- segregation system. employed in automobile giants construction firm in the city. lar company. life or personal safety of others lines. PTI to flood-hit Kerala.
4 mp city MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018

SC’s direction on bursting of Hospitals report One dies,

several injured

firecrackers goes up in smoke cases of burn, eye in separate fire

310 people arrested while 562 cases were registered against violators
injuries on Diwali NOIDA/ GREATER NOIDA:
One person has died while
around seven persons suffered
serious burn injuries in over
OUR CORRESPONDENT half a dozen incidents of fire

NEW DELHI: The Delhi Police made

47 held in Noida NEW DELHI: Over 250 cases
of burn injuries were reported
Safdarjung hospital
received around
reported from various parts of
twin cities Noida and Greater
it very clear from the beginning that NOIDA: The Gautam Buddh Nagar dis- by various hospitals in the 104 cases In first incident which was
any violations of the Supreme court’s trict administration has arrested 47 per- national Capital this Diwali. reported on Diwali morning,
order on firecrackers would have seri- sons from various police station areas of The five government hospitals than 20 percent burns, said Dr from sector 22 area of Noida,
ous repercussions. On Diwali night, Noida and registered FIR against them - Safdarjung, Ram Manohar VK Tiwari, Medical Superin- a 45-year-old man who runs
the Delhi police of all district was out for violating the Supreme Court’s guide- Lohia (RML), Guru Teg Baha- tendent of the hospital. a grocery in the area allegedly
on patrolling and making arrests who- lines of bursting firecrackers for a fixed dur (GTB), Deen Dayal Upad- The Dr RP Centre for Oph- died while four other persons
soever was found bursting firecrackers time. The drive was undertaken by city hyay (DDU) and Lok Nayak thalmic Sciences at the AIIMS suffered severe burn injuries
post 10 pm. In all, 562 cases were reg- magistrate of Noida Shailendra Mishra (LN), reported majority of the also received patients who had when the building they reside
istered under section 188 IPC against along with other administrative officials. burn injuries and firecracker- sustained burns in eyes or other caught fire. Police officials said
violators in general and 310 people were “Despite the guidelines issued by related accidents. ocular injuries during Diwali that they were refilling a cylin-
arrested, legal action was taken against Supreme Court of India, fixing the time The Centre-run Safdar- festivities. Consultant Plastic der when a blast occurred and
24 violating juveniles under the pro- limit of bursting firecrackers on Diwali jung hospital, which has larg- Surgeon at the Lok Nayak hos- the building caught fire.
vision of the Juvenile Justice Act, for between 8 pm to 10 pm, people kept on est burns unit in the country, pital, Dr PS Bhandari, said, "21 In other incidents of fire,
not abiding by the Supreme Court’s bursting firecrackers till late night. The received around 104 cases, persons with burn injuries were a house in sector Alpha-II
directions. administration acted strict upon them including 22 admissions related attended to at our hospital, out of Greater Noida caught fire
“Besides, 72 cases were also regis- A man looks at fireworks on Diwali, in New Delhi on Wednesday night  PIC/NAVEEN SHARMA and arrested a total of 47 persons from to major burn injuries, from 9 of which five were admitted." while bursting crackers on
tered under provisions of Explosive Act various parts of Noida” said Mishra. am on Wednesday to 9 am on "This year we had antici- Diwali evening. The residents
and 87 persons arrested for illegal sale Many residents and activists voiced Police, Delhi Fire service too had a busy The officer said that a total of 19 per- Thursday. pated that the cases will go alleged that their neighbours
of firecrackers. As much as 1,705 kgs of their helplessness at the violation of night. The fire tenders responded to sons from sector 20 police station area, "While 22 patients were down on Diwali as lot of efforts have tried to set them ablaze
non-green, non-certified firecrackers the Supreme Court's 8 pm to 10 pm various calls on Diwali night across the 11 persons were arrested from sector admitted, rest were treated as have been made to sensitise the and intentionally directed a
were recovered. The Supreme Court time limit of bursting firecrackers and city. “Received 271 calls on the night 24 police station area, 4 persons from out patients," said Dr Shalabh public. But then people started flying firecracker into their
had fixed 8 pm -10 pm as the time for expressed anguish both by complain- of Diwali. Between 8 pm to 12 am we Expressway area, 6 persons were arrested Kumar, Professor and Consul- pouring in since last evening house. However, no causality
bursting crackers. Anyone found vio- ing to concerned authorities and also received 125 calls. Between 6 pm to from sector 49 police station area while tant, Plastic Surgery Depart- and continued till Thursday was reported in the incident
lating was seriously dealt with,” said venting out their anger on Twitter and 6 am we received 226 calls. It means 7 persons were arrested from phase-2 ment, Safdarjung Hospital. Of morning," Bhandari added. but goods worth lakhs was
Madhur Verma, PRO Delhi Police. As Facebook. crackers were burst till morning. Num- police station area of Noida. the total 104 patients, 26 were Around 35 patients were charred in the incident.
much as 10 thousand police personnel The Supreme Court had allowed ber of calls this Diwali was more than “All these persons have been booked children. sent back home after first aid at Another incident was
were deployed on Diwali night to meet people to burst firecrackers from 8 pm last year,” said a senior fire official. under IPC section 188 (disobedience At the RML Hospital, the Deen Dayal Upadhyay Hos- reported from Mahagun
any untoward incident. The Delhi Police to 10 pm only on Diwali and other fes- A DFS official said that though the of order promulgated by a public ser- located in central Delhi, 25 pital. The Guru Teg Bahadur Mywood society of Greater
commissioner Amulya Patnaik was out tivals. The top court also allowed manu- number of fire-related calls was more as vant). Furthermore actions will be taken people came to the casualty Hospital received 45 patients Noida West where an apart-
too supervising the security arrange- facture and sale of just “green crackers” compared to previous years, there has and FIR will be registered if anyone is wards with burn injuries, out for bodily injuries from fire- ment caught fire. Police officials
ments and distributing sweets to police- which have low emission of light, sound been a decline in cases of fire triggered found violating the guidelines,” the offi- of whom, six patients had to related incidents and saw two said that the reason why the fire
men deployed. and harmful chemicals. Just like Delhi by burning of firecrackers. cer added.  MPOST be admitted as they had more admissions this Diwali. broke out is still not clear. M POST

19-year-old Two children die as SPREADING SWEETNESS

Two boys die in
stabbed to death
in Jahangir Puri fire engulfs shanty Noida road accident
NEW DELHI: A 19-year- OUR CORRESPONDENT to RML hospital by ERV, of OUR CORRESPONDENT ily after getting the postmortem
old man was stabbed to death police station DBG Road. The done,” said Manoj Pant, SHO,
allegedly by his neighbour on NEW DELHI: In the fatal inci- first floor of the resident was NOIDA: Two boys, aged 18 sector 20 police station.
Thursday after a scuffle broke dent in a slum near Filmistan engulfed in fire due to fire in and 19 years, died after the Police officials said that they
out between the two over a Cinema in the Sadar Bazar the cylinder. Firefighters and scooter they were travelling received no complaint in the
petty issue in northwest Del- area, two children Ganesh, 10 electricity department were collided with a tree at Noida- matter while the reason behind
hi's Jahangir Puri, police said. years, and Swati, 5 years, were quickly informed and they Greater Noida Expressway near the accident appears to be low
The deceased, Dipak, alias killed. Their mother Suman arrived at the spot. The fire was sector 15A on late Wednesday visibility. “Both the victims
Balli, was a resident of the area (28) and brother Dhruv, 7 finally extinguished. night. According to police, were traveling on a scooter and
and the accused, Yogesh, has years, suffered 55 per cent “Two dead burnt bodies the deceased were identified were going to Noida from Delhi
been arrested, they said. and 70 per cent burn injuries were found and shifted to RML as Rahul (18) and Pratap (19), when the vehicle collided with
"When police reached the respectively and were admitted emergency. Upon enquiry, it both natives of Laxmi Nagar a tree. Prima facie it appears
spot, they learnt that Dipak to a hospital. “The fire report- was revealed that Suman was area of New Delhi. Police said that low visibility in night was
was stabbed with a knife by his edly started from an LPG cylin- living on the address along that dense smog causing low the reason behind the accident
neighbour Yogesh (19). Dur- der and spread to their shanty with her family members, her visibility seems to the reason however we will investigate the
ing investigation, police found around 2.18 am,” said a fire husband - Kishan, her 2 sons- behind the accident. matter if a complaint is given to
that a minor scuffle broke out officer. Ganesh (10 yrs), Dhruv (7 yrs), “The incident took place us,” added Pant.
between Dipak and Yogesh last The police and the fire ser- and one daughter Swati (5 yrs). near gate number 5 of Dalit A dense layer of smog
night over a petty issue which vice received a call from the Ganesh and Swati got burnt Prerna Sthal on the Expressway. engulfed the city on late
was later settled," Deputy Com- place of incident C-62/16, Tibia in fire and expired,” said DCP Police teams reached the spot Wednesday night with the
missioner of Police (northwest) College, Karol Bagh, Delhi. A Central, MS Randhawa. While and took the victims to hospi- rise in number of suspended
Aslam Khan said. However, at lady named as Suman and Suman and her son Dhruv are tal where they were declared particulate materials in the
around 11.40 am on Thursday, her son named as Dhruv hav- undergoing treatment in RML Delhi Police Commissioner Amulya Patnaik distributes sweets to policemen on duty on Diwali night dead on arrival. Their bodies air shrinking the visibility on
the accused allegedly attacked ing burn injuries were rushed hospital. have been handed over to fam- roads to just few meters.
the victim and stabbed him in
the chest with a knife and fled
from the spot, he said. Dipak
was rushed to the Babu Jagji- Delhi HC awards life term to two men for Video of burning car goes viral,
van Ram Memorial Hospital,
where he succumbed to inju-
ries, the officer added.  AGENCIES abducting, murdering youth for ransom driver escapes unhurt
A bench of justices S Muralidhar and
Ghaziabad, it said.

alleges rape by NEW DELHI: The Delhi High

Court has awarded life impris-
Vinod Goel upheld the verdict of a trial
The high court has also
upheld the trial court’s order
directing Joginder and Chaud-
GURUGRAM: A video of a
burning car speeding away on a
flyover in Haryana's Gurugram
property dealer onment to two persons for
abducting a youth for ransom
court sentencing Joginder and Vikas
Chaudhary to life term, which would
hary to pay a compensation of
Rs four lakh each to the vic-
has gone viral. The video shows
a Honda City moving at a fast
and strangulating him to death tim’s family. speed despite bursting into the
NEW DELHI: A woman has 15 years ago. mean incarceration till their natural life The three men had chal- flames. The incident recorded
alleged that she was raped by A bench of justices S lenged the trial court’s order in the viral video took place
a man in Anand Vihar. A rape Muralidhar and Vinod Goel benefit of doubt. shared a common intention of of November last year. at Gurugram's Rajiv Chowk
case has been registered on the upheld the verdict of a trial “While the involvement of first abducting the deceased for According to the prosecu- flyover on Wednesday, when
complaint of the woman. court sentencing Joginder and accused no. 1 (Joginder) and ransom and then murdering tion, on January 18, 2003, the the car's driver Rakesh was
According to the police, the Vikas Chaudhary to life term, accused no. 2 (Chaudhary) him,” the bench said. accused persons had conspired out to distribute Diwali gifts to
accused works as a property which would mean incarcera- stands conclusively established It said it has been con- and abducted Chadha, a resi- friends and family.
dealer in Noida. He had called tion till their natural life, and by the matching of their spec- clusively proved by the pros- dent of Ashok Vihar in north "I heard a weird sound in the
her to Anand Vihar on the pre- that they would not be enti- imen voices with the ques- ecution that Joginder and west Delhi, for a ransom of Rs car as soon as I started ascend-
text of providing her with a job. tled to “any parole, remis- tioned voices in the recorded Chaudhary entered into a 35 lakh. ing the flyover when I checked into a ball of fire, still speeding the rickshaw out of the way and
The woman came there and sion or any furlough before 30 ransom calls, there is no such criminal conspiracy and They killed him the same the source of the sound the car away on the busy road. tried to stop the burning car
alleged that the accused raped years of imprisonment” for the evidence as far as accused no. abducted 20-year-old Parakh night by strangulating him burst out in flames," Rakesh As Rakesh tried and failed by putting bricks on its path,
her. The woman gave a com- offences. 3 (Sidhu) is concerned,” the Chadha for ransom. They mur- and threw the burnt body in said, adding that he jumped out to stop the vehicle, it hit an but they failed too. Ultimately,
plaint alleging rape, soon police The bench, however, bench said dered him and concealed the the ditch to screen themselves of the car after he failed to apply autorickshaw on the road and the car stopped when it hit the
teams were formed to arrest the acquitted Vikas Sidhu, who “Therefore, he cannot be evidence of the crime by burn- from prosecution, it said, add- the breaks. Although Rakesh started dragging the three- divider. The fire brigade later
accused. The accused was later was also awarded life term by said to have been part of any ing the body and threw it in a ing that one of the accused was escaped unhurt, his 2015 wheeler along with it. The doused the flames, but the car
arrested by Delhi Police. MPOST the trial court, by giving him criminal conspiracy or even ditch near the Hindon river in known to the victim. model Honda City soon turned bystanders somehow pushed had been fully burnt by then.

Two years on, workers in Ggn still High Court directs police to refrain from
prefer cash payment over digital filing status report in ‘casual’ manner
OUR CORRESPONDENT process has turned back to Presently working in a con- OUR CORRESPONDENT Vihar Police Station in East alleged objectionable material
square one with most of the dominium society in the posh Delhi by a single judge of the posted on its website.
NEW DELHI: Two years after workers claiming that there Golf Course road, Panna Lal NEW DELHI: The Delhi High high court for allegedly making The single judge then made
the demonetization, cash is still has not been much of change from Satna Madhya Pradesh Court has directed Delhi Police a wrong statement in a status a reference to the division
the preferred form of transac- in the working conditions. said, "I still prefer getting officials to refrain from filing report filed in the court. bench for initiating appropriate
tion among the city's menial The labourers further paid by the cash as I do not status reports in a “casual” and The bench observed that action for criminal contempt
force. Most of the labourers added that even though know what will I be cheated “cavalier” manner. officials of Delhi Police are against the SHO concerned.
who congregate at the Bris- they realize that they may be in using digital transactions A division bench of justices required to be held to the high The SHO expressed uncon-
tol Chowk mention that how cheated by the contractors on or not. Even though there were Siddharth Mridul and Sangita standards by which they pro- ditional regret and apology
transactions in cash are still the pretext of paying them assurances that were given that Dhingra directed the officials fess their conduct to be judged. for the language error that
being preferred by them due to less, they do not have enough we will be trained by using to exercise caution, care and “In view of the foregoing, occurred on his behalf.
their lack of knowledge in dig- choices. digital transaction it did not diligence while responding to the notice of criminal contempt The division bench in its
ital transactions and the secu- According to the labour- happen.” proceedings pending before issued to the concerned SHO seeking directions to remove Delhi to remove the contents/ order said,”however, in our
rity which they feel in having ers, the adverse effects of lower Lal further added," Nor- the court. is hereby discharged, whilst derogatory remarks made photographs uploaded on the considered view, although the
cash in hand. earnings is not only being mally I work for around four “The officers of the Delhi directing him to exercise due against her and her commu- site in connection with the peti- expression employed by the
Most of the workers also faced by them but also their months, accrue a certain Police are directed to eschew caution, henceforth. The offi- nity by a post on a social net- tioner (woman).” concerned SHO in the subject
claim that even though they families back home who are amount and go back to my from filing status reports in a cers of the Delhi Police are working site. However, the single judge status report could be said to
have installed certain pay- dependent upon their income. village. I have a large family casual and cavalier manner,” directed to eschew from filing On court’s direction, a later came to know that at the misdirect the proceedings, the
ment, Apps they rarely use Citing some more difficulties, and income earned here in it said. status reports in a casual and status report was filed by the time of filing of status report, same in our view does not con-
them as their service concerns the labourers add that there Gurugram help us to sustain. The bench’s observations cavalier manner,” the bench SHO concerned in which it was no communication had been stitute a deliberate and wilful
are not being addressed are also situations where they At present, I fear that there will came while discharging a crim- said. stated that “a letter has been addressed to the social net- attempt to mislead the court
What was believed to be are deliberately being given the not be enough income that inal contempt notice issued to a The single judge was hear- sent to .... (social networking working site by the competent or interfere in the administra-
the process of reforming the old notes by the contractors. will be saved for, my family." station house officer of Mayur ing a petition by a woman site) through Cyber Cell East authority for removing the tion of justice”.
MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018
mp nation 5
‘2019 will see repeat of 1996’: Why you find merit in protesting every
anti-corruption measure? BJP to Cong
Naidu meets Gowda, HDK
OUR CORRESPONDENT parties. Speaking to report- to join hands for the elections.
Thursday fired off 10 ques-
tions to the Congress on
widened the tax base, it asked.
The ruling party fur-
ther queried if the Congress
can name even one strin-
gent measure aimed at elimi-
last two years has seen an
increase of more than two crore
tax returns. “Is this why you
were opposed to demonetisa-
tion?” it asked.
ers after the meeting, Naidu “It is the responsibility of second anniversary of demon- nating corruption and black Countering the Congress’
BENGALURU/KOLKATA: said the initial steps for the all secular parties including etisation, asking why its finds money it took during the UPA charge that demonetisation
Stepping up his efforts for an formation of the alliance was Congress to come together to merit in protesting every “anti- government. harmed informal economy, the
anti-BJP front in the 2019 Lok underway and that once the replace NDA govt, he said. corruption” measure of the “Is the Congress living in a BJP said the move in fact led to
Sabha polls, TDP supremo and modalities were fixed, pro- Kumaraswamy expressed Narendra Modi government state of denial that it cannot see formalisation of the economy,
Andhra Pradesh Chief Min- grammes would be chalked out confidence that the 2019 polls and accusing it of “living in the surge in GDP numbers, the which has empowered the poor
ister N Chandrababu Naidu later. “I have spoken to May- will see a repeat of the 1996 denial” despite a surge in GDP ‘Ease of Doing Business Rank- and marginalised, who were
on Thursday met his Karna- awati, Akhilesh Yadav. I have result, when a united opposi- numbers. ings’ and Global Competi- mostly involved in the informal
taka counterpart HD Kuma- met everybody. Tomorrow I tion had formed the govern- The Bharatiya Janata Party’s tiveness Index? Why are they economy, many of whom came
raswamy after which he said am meeting Stalin (DMK presi- ment and Gowda had become counter-attack came after for- unhappy that India’s economic from lower middle class.
a grand alliance of various dent). We will decide how to the prime minister mer prime minister Manmo- prowess is being recognized “The Congress now remem-
regional parties would be take forward the alliance with I think 1996 will be repeated han Singh led the Congress’ world over?” the BJP asked. bers small business but did the
forged soon in which the Con- consensus. It is an initial exer- in 2019 elections.,” he said, add- charge against demonetisation, The saffron party also took UPA think of this sector even
gress will be a “main anchor”. cise. After that we will work ing Gowda and Naidu are old as he dubbed it an economic a dig at the former finance once? Except tax terror, raid
Naidu’s meeting with the together,” he said. friends and their arithmetic is misadventure which roiled the minister P Chidambaram over raj and arbitrary policies, what
top brass of the JD(S)--Kuma- Naidu also said the Con- good. nation and whose “scars and his criticism of the govern- did Congress do for small busi-
raswamy and his father and for- gress will be a main anchor in BJP’s estranged ally Shiv wounds” are getting more vis- ment’s economic policy, say- nesses?” the BJP asked.
mer prime minister H D Deve any “grand alliance” of opposi- PM candidate we will be ances should be formed in dif- Sena, meanwhile, took a dig ible with time. ing he is himself under radar Why is it that whenever
Gowda--came two days after tion parties. decided later, first we will save ferent states,” Chidambaram at its senior coalition partner “Why does the Congress of investigating agencies for India’s standing in the world
the JD(S)-Congress coalition “Congress is a major oppo- the nation, he said. told reporters in Kolkata. over the Karnataka result, say- find merit in protesting against “massive corruption” involv- increases the Congress takes
candidates defeated the BJP sition party,” he said, pointing The comments by Naidu The electoral sweep by the ing it indicated that “acche din” every anti-corruption measure ing land, cash and foreign bank to defaming India and creat-
4-1 in three Lok Sabha and two out that Deve Gowda became came on a day when senior ruling coalition in Karnataka (good days) will return for the of the Government of India? accounts. In its chargesheet in ing an atmosphere of gloom
assembly seats in the bypolls. prime minister with support Congress leader P Chidam- came as a boost to opposition Congress in 2019. What do they fear? Why is it the Aircel-Maxis case of money to “mislead” the people, it said.
Setting the stage for the of the Congress from outside baram said state-wise alliances unity as the bypolls were seen The Uddhav Thackeray-led that wherever black money is laundering, the Enforcement At a press conference, Congress
revival of an united front in 1996. would benefit the party and as a barometer of the public party also said the BJP’s defeat there, the Congress is not far Directorate has named Chi- spokesperson Anand Sharma
against the BJP, Naidu claimed “... Congress is a main was the best way to defeat the mood ahead of the 2019 polls. in a string of Lok Sabha and behind?” the BJP posted on dambaram as an accused. alleged that demonetisation
the mood of the nation was anchor,” Naidu added. BJP. Gowda said the meeting assembly bypolls in the coun- twitter. What sort of politics The former finance minister was a “big money laundering
against the BJP-led NDA and However, he ducked ques- “The kind of alliance that was called to work out further try would infuse a “fresh lease and “anti-development mind- has said he would contest the project” while slamming the
soon an alliance would be tions on the alliance’s prime was formed in Karnataka strategy on forming the alliance of life” in the Congress ahead of set” the Congress has that charge in court. government for its handling of
formed with various regional ministerial candidate. yielded results. Similar alli- and urged like-minded parties the Lok Sabha elections. opposes a bold move that has The BJP said India in the the economy.

MP elections: Snubbed Mizoram polls: Debutant 2ND ANNIVERSARY OF DEMONETISATION

senior BJP leader joins Apologise for loss of jobs: Cong to Modi NPP to contest in 8 seats
DHIRENDRA KUMAR ment if any faults appear in his

Congress, gets ticket NEW DELHI: As ruling party

were busy in celebrating the
intentions, deputy leader of the
Congress in the Rajya Sabha
Anand Sharma asked, “Has he
AIZAWL: The National Peo-
retired Indian Forest Service
(IFS) officer, B Suanzalang,
will try his electoral luck from
second anniversary of demon- accepted any chauraha (corner) ple’s Party (NPP) will contest Champhai North seat.
etisation, the Congress orches- to receive the punishment?” eight seats in the Mizoram elec- Former president of the
trated a blistering attack against Sharma further alleged that tions on November 28, party erstwhile underground Hmar
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Modi was guilty of breaking the national secretary Lalrina said People’s Convention (HPC),
and asked the PM to apologise confidence of people in savings, on Thursday. Hmingchungnunga, would be
to the people of the country for in the banking system and in The NPP was launched in the NPP’s nominee in the Serlui
the loss of jobs and setback to the economic institutions of Mizoram by its president and seat, while Kapliana Pachuau, a
the economy due to the deci- the country. “This decision did Meghalaya chief minister, journalist and a fresher, would
sion to demonetise high-value not only wreck the economy, it Conrad Sangma, on Septem- contest from the prestigious
notes in November 2016. took away millions of jobs from ber 29. Serchhip seat against giants like
In a tweet, Congress presi- the people,” he said. Lalrina said that the NPP chief minister Lal Thanhawla
dent Rahul Gandhi on Thurs- The government data itself candidates would be fil- and Zoram People’s Movement
day alleged that it was a ‘cruel reflected a loss of 1.5 million ing their nominations either (ZPM) chief ministerial nomi-
conspiracy’ under which black In this undated photo, a PM Narendra Modi look alike campaigns for jobs in the organised sector, on Thursday or Friday, nee Lalduhoma.
money of Prime Minister Nar- Congress party in Dantewada district of Chhattisgarh  PTI but the situation is worse in the which is the last date of filing First timers -- John Lal-
endra Modi’s ‘suit-boot bud- unorganised sector, he added. nominations. remruata, Lalhuliana and
dies’ was converted into white. tried to hurt us, but demoneti- sary of the PM’s ‘monumen- The Congress leader fur- “Former parliamentary D D Chakma -- will contest
MP CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan and his wife Sadhna Singh offer food to Gandhi also said that in this sation is a unique one in the tal blunder’, the government’s ther said 92.8 per cent of the secretary Hmingdailova Khi- from Kolasib, Thorang and
cows during 'Govardhan Puja' at his residence, in Bhopal, Thursday  PTI ‘scandal’ everything was history of tragedies as it was spin-doctors, including our allocated funds for various angte, who recently resigned Tuichawng seats, respectively.
thoughtfully done and apart a self-inflicted, suicidal attack ‘incompetent’ Finance Minis- departments have already been from the state legislature after In Meghalaya, the NPP is
OUR CORRESPONDENT Congress sources said the from this some other meaning that destroyed millions of lives ter, have the unenviable task used by August 31. “It is now being denied ticket by the rul- the major partner of the rul-
party is looking for a strong of note ban was an insult to the and ruined thousands of India’s of defending and indefensible, impossible to cross October- ing Congress, would be NPP’s ing MDA alliance, while in
BHOPAL: Senior BJP leader candidate for Budhni to “con- understanding of the country. small businesses.” criminal policy. November,” he claimed. Call- candidate for Tuirial seat in Nagaland and Manipur it is
and former Union minis- fine” MP Chief Minister Shivraj Condemning the note-ban “Modi’s demonetisation Recalling the November 14 ing the PM a “megalomaniac”, Kolasib district, located on the also part of the ruling alli-
ter Sartaj Singh on Thursday Singh Chouhan there. The BJP decision of the government, cost India over one and a half speech of Prime Minister Nar- the former Commerce Minister border with Assam,” Lalrina ance. It is part of the BJP-led
switched over to the Congress Thursday released its third list the Congress president said, million jobs and wiped out at endra Modi in which he had asked: “What is the economic said. NDA government at the Centre
after his name did not figure of 32 candidates, leaving only “Demonetisation was a tragedy. least one per cent from our announced that he was ready wisdom behind this reckless NPP state unit convener and a constituent of the North
in the ruling party’s third list six seats, in the 230-member India has faced many tragedies GDP,” Gandhi said, adding to appear in any corner of the decision and how can this be Lianzuala will contest from the East Democratic Alliance
for the November 28 Madhya MP House, for which no names in its past as external enemies that on the second anniver- country to receive punish- justified?” Dampa constituency, while a (NEDA).
Pradesh Assembly polls. have been declared so far.
Singh, two-time MLA from
Seoni-Malwa who wept openly
after the BJP snub, was imme-
These are Seoni-Malwa,
from which Singh was a sitting
MLA, Panna, Lakhnadoun,
TDP to finalise its candidates Cong leader Chaturvedi’s son Cong announces
5th list for MP
diately named as the Congress’
nominee for the Hoshangabad
Bhopal North, Mahidpur and
Garoth. Sitting among his sup- for Telangana polls soon to contest on SP ticket elections
Assembly seat in the opposi- porters earlier Thursday, the
tion party’s fifth list compris- Sikh leader tried to conceal his OUR CORRESPONDENT ful. So my son took the decision
ing 16 candidates. Singh holds tears by covering his face for a OUR CORRESPONDENT December 7 polls. to go to the people’s court,” he NEW DELHI: The Congress
sway in the Hoshangabad few moments. People lost faith in TRS CHHATARPUR (MP): Nitin said. “It was Nitin’s own deci- Thursday released its fifth list of
region and had defeated late State BJP spokesperson AMARAVATI (AP): The and (Chief Minister) K Chan- Chaturvedi, son of senior Con- sion to contest on SP ticket. 16 candidates for the Madhya
Congress stalwart Arjun Singh Anil Soumitra, who had earlier Telugu Desam Party will drasekhar Rao. The grand alli- gress leader and former MP He is adult and a father of two Pradesh Assembly polls, taking
from there in 1998. in the day called Singh’s teary finalise its candidates for the ance has been formed to teach a Satyavrat Chaturvedi, filed children, so he can take deci- the total number of declared
“I am grateful to the Con- reaction to his exclusion from coming assembly elections in lesson to KCR, he added. nomination as a Samajwadi sion on his own. I will help him candidatures to 229.
gress for nominating me from the party’s list as “unbecoming”, neighbouring Telangana in a To a question on seat-shar- Party (SP) candidate Thursday as much as I can,” Satyavrata The announcement came a
Hoshangabad. I had been with later in the evening said the day or two, state unit president ing among the alliance part- from Rajnagar in Bundelkhand Chaturvedi added. day after the Congress released
the saffron family for 58 long veteran MLA’s exit would not L Ramana said Thursday. ners, the TDP leader said region of Madhya Pradesh. Nitin Chaturvedi alleged its fourth list of 29 candidates
years. The BJP denied me a harm the BJP. “Will the Con- As part of the ‘grand alli- the number of seats. We will everything would be sorted out Assembly elections will be that the Congress has ignored for elections to the 230-mem-
ticket. I want to be in the midst gress workers accept him? Is ance’ with Congress and other touch double-digit in the sec- soon and a statement issued in held in the BJP-ruled state on its ground-level workers. ber Assembly. The Congress
of the people so I am contesting this trend of nursing personal parties, the TDP is expected ond Telangana Assembly and a couple of days. November 28. The party has fielded announced its first list of 155
elections,” Singh said. political ambitions right? If he to be allotted 14 out of the play a crucial role, Ramana said AICC in-charge of Telan- Nitin Chaturvedi filed Vikram Singh Natiraja, a three- candidates on November 3 in
“I don’t want to sit at home was such a big leader, why he 119 seats in the Telangana replying to a question. gana affairs R C Khuntia has his papers in the presence time MLA, from this seat. which it renominated 46 MLAs.
and confine myself to counting did not run as an Independent Assembly. Party sources indicated said the seat-sharing had of his father and a group of Defending the decision to A day after, it announced the
prayer beads,” he added. candidate,” Soumitra said. Talking to reporters after a TDP was concentrating only been finalised and it would supporters. give ticket to Natiraja, Con- second list of 16 candidates.
With the fifth list, released Earlier in the day, asked meeting with party supremo on seats where it has a possi- announced after approval by Satyavrata Chaturvedi, gress spokesperson Pankaj On Monday night, the Con-
Thursday evening, the Con- for a comment, Soumitra and Andhra Pradesh Chief bility of victory. Congress President Rahul a former Congress national Chaturvedi cited his record. gress announced a third list of
gress has now announced said,” The BJP has valued him Minister N Chandrababu Claiming that the ruling Gandhi. spokesperson, said he himself “Natiraja is a three-time 13 candidates. With Thursday’s
names for 225 seats in the immensely. The party has made Naidu here Thursday after- Telangana Rashtra Samiti had Earlier, Ramana accom- was still with the Congress. MLA from here. He won two announcement, the name of
230-member MP Assembly. him Union minister, twice MP noon, Ramana said a list of lost the confidence of the peo- panied by other Telangana “I am still a Congress consecutive elections, in 2008 just one Congress candidate for
The Congress is yet to Minister, MP and MLA. What proposed candidates had ple, Ramana expressed confi- TDP leaders, including Ravula member. Congress has been and 2013, on Congress ticket. the Manpur seat is awaited. In
announce its contestants from more does he want? Instead of been submitted to Naidu for dence that the Maha Kutami Chandrasekhar Reddy, con- repeating the same mistake (of He was elected as MLA on the current assembly, the Con-
Budhni (Sehore), Manpur Vanaprashta (retirement in for- approval. (grand alliance of Congress, ferred with Naidu at his riv- ignoring his son) for 15 years. SP’s ticket in 2003. How can gress has 57 MLAs.
(Dhar), Indore-2, Indore-5 and est), he wants to stay put in Gri- Our main objective is vic- TDP, Telangana Jana Samiti erfront residence here and Doing injustice is sin, and tol- Congress ignore ground The Congress has been out
Jatara (Tikamgarh) seats. hastha (household).” tory (in polls) rather than and CPI) would win the discussed the poll strategies. erating injustice is equally sin- reports,” he said. of power in MP since 2003. PTI

Case registered against Ker BJP State-wise alliances to benefit BJP’s defeat in bypolls signals
chief over Sabarimala remarks Congress, says Chidambaram ‘acche din’ for Cong, says Sena
NEW DELHI: A case under 4, but the audio clip emerged had only discussed the mat-
non-bailable charges was reg- on Monday, the day the shrine ter with senior members of the MUMBAI: Taking a dig at its ing some other agenda”. when so much good is happen-
istered on Thursday against opened for the ‘Chithira Aat- ‘tantri’ family and did not talk ally BJP over the recent debacle Mocking the BJP, the edit ing in the country and revo-
Kerala BJP chief PS Sreed- taviseshom’ festival. to the BJP chief. in Karnataka bypolls, the Shiv said the party should think why lutionary changes are taking
haran Pillai after he was caught In the audio clip, Pillai is During the agitation last Sena on Thursday said the poll its “losing streak” is continuing place according to the ruling
on video telling party work- heard saying: “Everyone fol- month, the tantri had warned outcome indicates that “acche unabated even as some “revo- party, then why its losing streak
ers that last month’s agitation lowed the agenda we had put that he would shut the temple din” (good days) will return lutionary changes” are taking is not stopping?
at the Sabarimala temple over forward. doors if women between the for the Congress in 2019, when place in the country under the “The defeat of the BJP (in
the entry of women of all ages One after another, every- ages of 10 and 50 entered the general elections are due. BJP-led government by its own various bypolls) would give a
was “almost planned” by the one exited the scene after sur- premises despite a Supreme KOLKATA: Senior Congress results. Similar alliances should The Uddhav Thackeray-led admission. In a major setback fresh lease of life to the Con-
saffron party. rendering before us… the Court order allowing them to leader P Chidambaram on be formed in different states,” party also said the BJP’s defeat to the BJP, the JD(S)-Congress gress,” the Sena said. The BJP
Pillai has been booked agitation in the Malayalam do so. Thursday said state-wise alli- he told a press meet at the Con- in a string of Lok Sabha and coalition candidates Tuesday had suffered a stunning elec-
under Section 505 1(b) of the month was almost planned by Defending his remarks, ances would benefit the party gress office here. assembly bypolls in the coun- won four of five constituen- toral upset in the bypolls for
Indian Penal Code, which the BJP.” Pillai said, “There is nothing and was the best way to defeat Asked about the party’s alli- try would infuse a “fresh lease cies--three Lok Sabha and two Kairana Lok Sabha and Noor-
refers to comments that can Pillai is also heard claiming wrong in giving advice”. How- the BJP. ance in West Bengal, the for- of life” in the Congress ahead of assembly seats--that went to pur assembly constituencies in
cause fear or alarm in the pub- that he had advised the tem- ever, Kerala Chief Minister Apparently emboldened by mer finance minister avoided the Lok Sabha elections. polls last week. Uttar Pradesh earlier this year,
lic and disturb peace, after a ple’s tantri (head priest), Kan- Pinarayi Vijayan lashed out at the victory of the ruling Con- a direct reply, saying, “The In an editorial laced with The defeat was more sting- months after it lost bypolls for
complaint was filed by a jour- daru Rajeevaru, that “locking” the saffron party, saying that gress-Janata Dal (Secular) alli- AICC will take a decision in sarcasm in the party mouth- ing for the BJP as the party lost Gorakhpur and Phulpur Lok
nalist for his inflammatory the shrine’s nada, or doors to the “odious politics and perfidi- ance in the recent Karnataka this regard.” piece “Saamana”, the Sena also its bastion Ballari Lok Sabha sabha seats, also in UP. While
speech. sanctum sanctorum, would ous ways of BJP stand exposed”. bypolls, Chidambaram said Chidambaram also alleged said the Bhartiya Janata Party seat to the Congress. Rashtriya Lok Dal’s Tabassum
Pilllai made the remarks “not amount to contempt of CPM state secretary Kodi- similar alliances should be that the Narendra Modi gov- (BJP) probably lost in Karna- “The BJP would study and Hasan won the Kairana seat,
during a meeting of the court”. yeri Balakrishnan demanded formed in other states as well. ernment has completely failed taka for ignoring poll promises introspect its losses in the Naeemul Hasan of the Sama-
Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha However, Rajeevaru had a “high-level probe” into the “The kind of alliance and the BJP has gone back to like construction of a Ram tem- bypolls, starting from Uttar jwadi Party bagged the Noor-
in Kozhikode on November refuted Pillai’s claim, saying he remarks.  AGENCIES formed in Karnataka, it yielded its Hindutva agenda.  MPOST ple in Ayodhya and for “impos- Pradesh, in its own way. But, pur Assembly seat.  MPOST
6 mp nation MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018

4 civilians, 1 jawan killed as Sabarimala: HC terms protests

against SC order ‘unjustifiable’
Naxals blow up bus in C’garh OUR CORRESPONDENT
KOCHI: The Kerala High Court
OUR CORRESPONDENT Dantewada for election duty. Thursday termed as “unjustifi-
The company has been able” agitations launched by var-
RAIPUR: Four civilians and a deployed in the iron ore deposit ious groups against the Supreme
CISF jawan were killed when no.10 area on the Bailadila hills. Court verdict permitting entry
suspected Naxals blew up a bus The CISF has been guard- of women of all age groups into
with an improvised explosive ing iron ore facilities of the the Lord Ayyappa temple in
device (IED) in Chhattisgarh’s National Mining Development Sabarimala.
Dantewada district on Thurs- Corporation in the Bailadila Justice Sunil Thomas agreed Ayyappa temple in the past. to the agitation against the
day, four days ahead of the first hills of Dantewada. with the state government’s con- However, the entry of women Supreme Court verdict.
phase of Assembly polls in the On October 30, three police tention that the protests and the of all age groups has become a Meanwhile, a division bench
state, police said. personnel and a cameraman of violence that occurred recently sensitive issue after the Septem- refused to entertain a plea filed
Two personnel of the Cen- national broadcaster Doordar- at the hill shrine and its key ber 28 apex court verdict. by former Travancore Devas-
tral Industrial Security Force shan were killed in a Maoist entry points were against the Several journalists were wom Board (TDB) president
(CISF) were also injured in attack in Dantewada’s Aranpur apex court’s directives. attacked by devotees when the Prayar Gopalakrishnan against
the explosion, the third Naxal area. Before that, on October “Agitations are unjustifiable,” temple was opened for six days board member K P Sankardas,
attack in 15 days in the poll- 27, four Central Reserve Police the court said while dismiss- on October 17 for the first time who, the petitioner alleged, had
bound state. Force (CRPF) personnel were ing a bail application filed by after the SC order. violated the hill temple’s custom.
The attack comes before killed and two others injured Govind Madhusoodan of Attempts by around a dozen The bench of justices P R
Prime Minister Narendra after Maoists blew up their bul- Thrippunithura, who was women, including activists and Ramachandra Menon and N
Modi’s scheduled visit on Fri- letproof bunker vehicle in Bija- arrested in connection with journalists in the 10-50 age Anil Kumar said the petitioner
day to Jagdalpur district, about pur district. clashes with police at Nilackal, group, to script history came could approach a proper forum
100 km from Dantewada, to Naxalites have asked voters near Pamba, when the temple to nought as protests by devo- to seek relief. Gopalakrishnan
campaign for the BJP. to boycott the upcoming state doors were opened for monthly tees forced them to retreat. had moved the court Wednes-
The IED explosion took The mangled remains of a CISF minibus after an IED blast, allegedly triggered by the Maoist rebels, in Assembly polls, being held in puja last month. On November 6, around day, seeking removal of Sankar-
place in a hilly area in Bach- Bacheli area of Dantewad, Chhattisgarh on Thursday PTI
two phases on November 12 “Agitations caused serious 200 devotees tried to prevent a das, alleging that he had violated
eli, about 450 km from here, and November 20. hardships to the devotees. If woman pilgrim from entering the customs of the Sabarimala
when the CISF personnel, on the hills, he said. lift in the bus, another police local hospital, he said. The first phase is to be held bail is granted in such cases, the hilltop shrine, suspecting temple recently.
belonging to 502nd battalion, Those killed in the blast official said. Security forces have in 18 Naxal-affected constit- that may lead to repetition of her to be of menstrual age, and In his plea, Gopalakrishnan
were returning to their camp were identified as CISF Head Two CISF constables - launched a combing operation uencies of Madhya Pradesh’s similar incidents,” the court said. allegedly attacked a cameraman had alleged that on November 5,
in Akashnagar area after pur- Constable D Mukhopadhyay, Pathare Satish and Pishal in the area to trace the ultras, Bastar region, that falls in the He was arrested for allegedly of a Malayalam television news Sankardas climbed the holy 18
chasing groceries from a local bus driver Ramesh Patkar, Suresh - were injured in the the officer added. southern part of the central blocking vehicles at Nilackal and channel. steps (sacred steps) without the
market, Dantewada Superin- helpers Roshan Kumar Sahu attack, Pallava said. According to another Indian state. attempting to assault women Both the Congress, the main “Irumudikettu” (offerings car-
tendent of Police Abhishek Pal- and Johan Nayak, and a truck Reinforcements were police official, the CISF per- The remaining 72 constitu- devotees. opposition party in Kerala, and ried by devotees for the deity)
lava said. driver, Sushil Banjare, the SP rushed to the spot and the sonnel were from the ‘B’ com- encies will go to the polls on Girls below 10 years and the BJP, which is desperately in violation of temple customs.
The Naxals triggered a pow- said. injured personnel and bod- pany of 502nd battalion, which November 20 and the votes will women above 50 have fre- seeking to expand its footprint The TDB manages the
erful IED blast near curve no.6 The truck driver had taken ies of the deceased shifted to a had arrived from Kolkata to be counted on December 11. quently prayed at the Lord in the state, have lent support Sabarimala shrine.

LS Secretary J&K: Day curfew lifted in Kishtwar Renaming Ahmedabad as Karnavati

General gets
one-year Advisor to Guv BB Vyas meets families of deceased being considered, says Vijay Rupani
extension OUR CORRESPONDENT tial commodities and celebrate
Later, the representatives
of the Sanatan Dharma Sabha Deputy CM Nitin Patel says name is ‘symbol of slavery’
JAMMU: Day curfew has been Advisor to Governor B B and the Majlis Shoura Commit-
lifted in Jammu and Kash- Vyas Thursday visited the fam- tee, Kishtwar, also called on the
mir’s Kishtwar district follow- ilies of Anil Parihar and Ajeet advisor and urged for speedy OUR CORRESPONDENT will seek “guidance” from the
ing improvement in situation, Parihar. probe into the matter. government before bringing a
though night curfew will remain While interacting with Vyas lauded the people of AHMEDABAD: The Gujarat resolution for renaming the city.
in force as a precautionary mea- the bereaved families, Vyas Kishtwar for maintaining peace government said Thursday that “Certainly the demand to
sure, authorities said Thursday. expressed deep sympathies and and communal harmony. it was considering renaming change the name of the city is
Curfew was imposed in the condolences to them on behalf The government has con- Ahmedabad as Karnavati. there. But we will take guidance
district last Thursday following stituted a Special Investigation Speaking to reporters in from the state as well as the Cen-
the killing of BJP state secretary BJP LEADER’S Team (SIT) to probe the killing state capital Gandhinagar, Chief tral government of the BJP for
OUR CORRESPONDENT Anil Parihar, 52, and his brother and directed it to expedite the Minister Vijay Rupani said the bringing any such resolution
Ajeet Parihar, 55, by suspected KILLING investigation. name change could be effected in the Ahmedabad Municipal
NEW DELHI: The tenure of militants. Malik had termed the attack before the Lok Sabha elections. Corporation (AMC),” Patel said.
Snehlata Shrivastava, the first “We have lifted the day cur- of Governor Satya Pal Malik and as a militancy act and said the Rupani’s statement comes As per the AMC website,
woman Secretary General few in Kishtwar, but the night on his own.  killers of the duo have been days after the BJP government step,” the chief minister said. a symbol of our slavery, while King Karandev I, a Solanki clan
of the Lok Sabha, has been curfew continues to remain He directed the district identified.  in Uttar Pradesh announced Asked if it could happen the name Karnavati represents ruler, established the city of Kar-
extended by Speaker Sumitra imposed in the town as a pre- administration to process the On November 1, Anil Par- renaming of Allahabad and before Lok Sabha elections or our pride, our self-respect, our navati on the banks of Sabar-
Mahajan for one year.  cautionary measure,” Deputy case for employment and finan- ihar and Ajeet Parihar were Faizabad as Prayagraj and Ayod- after, he said, “Before the elec- culture, our autonomy,” he said. mati river in 11th century after
The 1982-batch retired IAS Commissioner Angrez Singh cial assistance to the kin of the returning home after closing hya, respectively. tions.” Deputy Chief Minis- On Tuesday, the day Uttar defeating Bhil King Ashapall.
officer of the Madhya Pradesh Rana said. deceased for appropriate and their stationery shop when the “People have been demand- ter Nitin Patel said the name Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Gujarat was conquered by
cadre who was appointed last He has the situation has immediate consideration of the gunmen fired at them in the ing for long that Ahmedabad Ahmedabad is a “symbol of slav- Adityanath announced renam- the Sultanate of Delhi at the
year in rank and status of a improved and there was no government. Tappal Gali area. be renamed as Karnavati. The ery” and needs to be changed. ing of Faizabad as Ayodhya, end of thirteenth century, and
Cabinet Secretary was sched- report of any untoward inci- Vyas assured that the gov- Their killing triggered mas- government is considering this “We have started the pro- Patel had said the BJP-ruled in 1411 Ahmed Shah, who had
uled to retire on November 30. dent in the district. ernor’s administration will take sive protests across the Jammu demand. Consultation process cess of getting legal and other Gujarat too can change the rebelled against his overlords
According to a Lok Sabha The authorities had on all necessary steps to address region following which authori- has been started (to find out) if approvals like the nod of the name of Ahmedabad to Karna- in Delhi, founded Ahmedabad
secretariat notification, “The Wednesday lifted the day curfew the concerns of the bereaved ties imposed curfew in Kishtwar legally we can do it. After con- Centre,” Patel said. vati “if everything falls in place”. next to the old city of Ashval
speaker is pleased to extend to allow people to buy essen- families. and Doda districts.  sultations we will take a concrete “The name (Ahmedabad) is Mayor Bijal Patel said she or Karnavati, says the website.
the tenure of Snehlata Shriv-
astava... in the rank and sta-
tus of Cabinet Secretary for a
period of one year with effect
37 flights delayed as AI ground handling NATION BRIEFS
from December 1, 2018 up to
November 30, 2019.” 
Shrivastava, with 35 years
employees go on strike at Mum airport UP: MINOR FOUND RAPED, MURDERED
ETAH (UP): A four-year-old girl was found raped
of rich and varied administra-
tive experience, has held sev- MUMBAI: As many as 37 day and Thursday, demand- on strike since Wednesday- and murdered in the Nidhauli Kalan area here,
eral important positions in the Air India flights, includ- ing payment of Diwali bonus Thursday (intervening) night police said Thursday. The girl was alone at her house
Madhya Pradesh government ing some international ones, and reinstatement of three of over non-payment of Diwali when the incident took place Wednesday night, they
as well as at the Centre.  were affected Thursday after their colleagues whose con- Bonus and reinstatement of the said. The matter is being probed, police said, adding
She has served as Secretary a section of employees of the tracts were not renewed by the services of some of their for- no arrests have been made so far. The body has
in the Ministry of Law and Jus- national carrier’s ground han- company, he said. mer colleagues. This stand-off
tice and as Special/Additional dling subsidiary, AIATSL, went AIATSL, a wholly-owned has resulted in flight operations been sent for postmortem, police said.
Secretary in the Ministry of
on a flash strike against non-
payment of Diwali bonus and
subsidiary of the national car-
rier, provides ground handling
getting hampered,” the official
She has also held several other issues, an official said. services to Air India across He said around 37 flights, JAMMU: Three drug peddlers were arrested and
senior positions in the Madhya The employees of the Air airports in the country. It has including international ones, drugs seized from their possession in Udhampur and
Pradesh government, includ- India Air Transport Services about 5,000 employees, includ- were delayed by 2.5 hours-3 Rajouri districts of Jammu and Kashmir, police said
ing Principal Secretary in the Bihar CM Nitish Kumar, Deputy CM Sushil Kumar Modi review the Ltd (AIATSL) struck work at ing those on contract. hours till 1500 hours Thursday. Thursday. Imran Khan and Mohammad Mukhtar were
departments of Culture and preparations for ‘Chhath’ festival on the ghats of River Ganga  PTI the Mumbai airport from the “Some AIATSL employ- However, no flight has been apprehended at a checkpoint at Muradpur village in
Parliamentary Affairs. intervening night of Wednes- ees at the Mumbai airport are cancelled so far, he added.MPOST
Rajouri. Drugs and a vehicle were seized, they said.

Mumbai records high noise level on Diwali, 7 26 held in Chandigarh for

In another incident, Akhilesh Sharma was nabbed
with six grams of heroin at Kali Mata Mandir in Ud-
hampur, SSP Rayees Mohammad Bhat said.

held for flouting SC directive on firecrackers breaching SC time frame MAN STABBED TO DEATH IN JAMMU
JAMMU: A 59-year-old man has been allegedly

MUMBAI: Mumbai wit-

on bursting fire crackers
pm for bursting them on Diwali
and other festivals.
Abdulali’s team conducted
The seven people were
detained by police at the
Marine Drive in south Mum-
firecrackers and to ensure action
against those violating it,” Mum-
bai Police spokesperson Man-
stabbed to death by unidentified youths in Jammu, a
day before the marriage of his daughter, police said
Thursday. Dilip Langar objected to a fight between
nessed a noisy Diwali this year noise level tests at several places bai Wednesday late night for junath Singe said. OUR CORRESPONDENT The pollution-regulating two groups of men in the parking space of KK Re-
despite the Supreme Court put- in the city, including Bandra, bursting firecrackers beyond the Mani Kumar Iyer, a resident authorities, however, said the sorts, where several other people were staying for
ting restrictions on bursting of Worli, Juhu and Santacruz, on permissible time limits, senior of suburban Ghatkopar, com- CHANDIGARH: Twenty-six air quality after this Diwali the marriage of Langar’s daughter the next day, the
firecrackers. Wednesday night. police inspector Vilas Ganga- plained that some people con- people were arrested in Chandi- remained better than what it police said. Some of them stabbed him and escaped
Some residential areas in “At some places, noise up wane said. tinued bursting crackers even garh as revellers in cities across was last year. from the spot. Langar was rushed to a hospital,
the city recorded “high” noise to 114.1 decibels was recorded They were taken to the past midnight. “There were no Punjab and Haryana flouted We have registered 14 cases
levels Wednesday night against against the permissible limit of police station concerned and one to check them,” he said. the Supreme Court order that so far against unknown per- where he was declared brought dead, a police of-
the permissible limits, said envi- 55 decibels in residential areas,” fined as per provisions of the Another resident from the limited the bursting of crackers sons in connection with the ficial said. Three persons have been identified and
ronment activist Sumaira Abdu- she said. Bombay Police Act before being area, who burst crackers till only between 8 pm and 10 pm violation (of the Supreme Court one of them has been arrested, while a hunt to track
lali, the founder of NGO Awaaz “All I can say is that the let off, he said. around midnight, was pointed on Diwali, police said Thursday. order), Ludhiana Deputy Com- down two others has been launched, officials said.
Foundation, which has been Supreme Court’s guidelines Besides, offences were reg- out the SC guidelines. However, In Ludhiana, one of the most missioner of Police Ashwani
campaigning for bringing down were flouted, but the state gov- istered against two unidentified he said, “I have been doing this polluted city in the country, 14 Kapoor said Thursday. MAN FOUND DEAD IN PHAGWARA
noise levels. ernment and its machinery tried persons in suburban Mankhurd (bursting crackers) since I was cases were registered for flout- He said the police had PHAGWARA: A 55-year-old man was found dead
Seven people were detained their best to check people and for flouting the apex court’s a child and would keep doing ing the apex court’s time frame appealed to the people before Thursday in a field of Bhullarai village near here,
for allegedly flouting the apex adhere to the permissible time directive, another police offi- this. Is this a crime?”  on bursting crackers. Diwali to adhere to the apex
court’s guidelines and bursting limit. Since the last few years, cial said. The Mumbai Police’s Santosh Kumar Singh, a resi- In Chandigarh, altogether court’s 8-to-10 pm time frame
police said. Phagwara Superintendent of Police Man-
crackers beyond the permissible the noise level is coming down,” Twitter handle also saw a flurry dent of the neighbouring Pune 28 cases were registered for vio- for bursting crackers, adding as deep Singh Gill said the deceased was identified as
time limit, police said Thursday. she said. of complaints from across the district, said had there been an lation of the apex court order. soon as the violators are veri- Nirmal Kumar, a resident of local Moti Bazaar and a
In gross violation of the apex Abdulali said the Awaaz city of violation of the Supreme advisory instead of a ban cou- The cases were registered fied, their names will be added tailor by profession. The body was sent to Phagwara
court’s order, people in some Foundation’s report indicates Court’s directives on bursting of pled with the state government’s under section 188 of the Indian in the FIR. Civil Hospital for autopsy, said Gill He said Kumar’s
parts of the megacity burst fire- that all firecrackers tested by firecrackers. positive campaigning, it would Penal Code for disobedience of The order was flouted at brother Madan Lal told police that the victim was
crackers even after the 10 pm it are unsafe for human health The complainants were have worked better. an order promulgated by public many places in the two states in the habit of drinking and had been missing since
deadline. The Supreme Court and that none of them could be asked to approach their area The state government had authorities. as people started bursting crack-
had last month permitted sale classified as ‘green’. police station concerned, an earlier issued directives to senior The Air Quality Index (AQI) ers well before 8 pm and con- last night. He also told police that he suspected his
and manufacture of low emis- She reiterated her demand official said. officials to ensure compliance at several places in the two states tinued beyond 10 pm. brother had been murdered, said Gill, adding that
sion “green” firecrackers coun- for the state government’s inter- “We have asked all police with the Supreme Court’s order was recorded as ‘poor’ and ‘very The pollution level rose at the police have registered a case of murder and
trywide and fixed a two-hour vention to facilitate a proper stations to follow the Supreme putting restrictions on sale and poor’ on Thursday morning several places in two states on investigating it.
time period from 8 pm to 10 chemical analysis of firecrackers. Court’s guidelines on bursting bursting of firecrackers. after Diwali night.  Thursday morning.
MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018
mp nation 7
K9 Vajra, M777 howitzers to Indian & Chinese troops meet `250-cr heroin
seized from
at Arunachal border on Diwali truck in J&K
be inducted today in Nashik
ITANAGAR: Indian and Chi-
nese troops met and exchanged
cordial atmosphere, a sign of
improving military-to-military
ties at ground level, it said.
The programme at Anjaw
der personnel meeting to com-
memorate joint celebrations of
Diwali organised by the Indian
Army at Bum-La in Tawang
JAMMU: The Narcotics Con-
trol Bureau (NCB) has seized 50
kilograms of heroin, worth Rs
250 crore in the international
market, from a truck in Jammu
and Kashmir’s Ramban district,

NEW DELHI: Defence Min- MoD enhances financial power greetings on the occasion of
Diwali at Wacha in Arunachal
was marked by its friendly and
cordial atmosphere and cul-
district, the communique said.
At Tawang the Indian dele-
an officer said Thursday.
Acting on a tip-off, a Delhi-

of vice chiefs of armed forces

ister Nirmala Sitharaman will Pradeshs Anjaw district and tural programmes were pre- gation was led by Colonel Pra- bound truck coming from north
attend a ceremony on Friday to at Bum-La in Tawang dis- sented by the Indian Army senjit Kar, while Colonel Yang Kashmir’s Kupwara district was
induct new artillery guns and trict, a defence communique personnel and students of Zi Ming headed the PLA team. intercepted by the NCB sleuths
equipment, including K9 Vajra NEW DELHI: The Defence from Rs 100 crore to Rs 500 informed here on Thursday. Kibithu Government Middle Both sides highlighted the at a toll plaza near Jammu on
and M777 howitzers, at Deo- Ministry has enhanced the crore, thus effecting a five- The two sides met on School, it said. importance of maintaining Monday, said NCB Zonal Direc-
lali artillery centre in Nashik, financial powers of the three time increase for augment- Wednesday and exchanged The event was aimed at peace along border areas. tor Virender Yadav. Fifty drug
a ministry spokesperson said. vice chiefs of the armed forces ing procurement of arms and gifts and sweets at Anjaw and enhancing the mutual trust The highlight of the bor- pouches stuffed under apple
Induction of 100 K9 Vajra by five times, giving a fillip to ammunition and upgrade of the Chinese side included and friendship between the two der personnel meeting was crates were found. The truck
at a cost of Rs 4,366 crore is to procurement of arms and defence preparedness,” Defence women and children, the com- border guarding forces. the colourful and impres- driver has been arrested, Yadav
complete by November 2020. ammunition and upgrade of Ministry Spokesperson Col. munique said. The Indian Army and Chi- sive performances by cultural said, adding that the seized her-
The first batch of 10 guns Defence Minister defence preparedness. Aman Anand told reporters The two sides interacted nas Peoples Liberation Army troupes showcasing Real India’, oin’s value was Rs 250 crore in
will be delivered this month,
Defence Ministry spokesper-
Sitharaman to In March, the vice chiefs
were granted additional pow-
on Thursday.
A number of initiatives
and exchanged greetings in a conducted a ceremonial bor- it added. the international market. MPOST

son Colonel Aman Anand told

reporters on Thursday.
The next 40 guns will be
attend event
rounds in three minutes and
ers to carry out specific pro-
curement to ensure operational
have been taken by the Defence
Ministry in the recent past to
simplify and streamline the
EC rejects BJP request for extending nomination dates
delivered in November 2019, sustained firing of 60 rounds “The ministry has procedures and decentralise NEW DELHI: The Election ing the removal of the state’s state”. The last date for nom-
and another 50 in November in 60 minutes, he said. enhanced the financial pow- the decision-making through Commission (EC) has shot Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) ination remains the same –
2020, he said. The Army is also going to ers of the three vice chiefs delegation of powers.  MPOST down BJP’s request for extend- SB Shashank. The protests, November 9.
The first regiment of K9 raise seven regiments of 145 ing the last date for filing nomi- however, have been called off Mizoram goes to poll
Vajra, first-ever artillery gun M777 howitzers. The gun, having a range It is fitted with a crane that can nation in Mizoram. BJP state temporarily after the CEO was along with Chhattisgarh, Raj-
manufactured by the Indian Five guns each will be deliv- of 30 km, can be moved to a handle ammunition weighing president JV Hluna, in a let- summoned to Delhi by the EC asthan, Telangana and Mad-
private sector, is expected to ered to the Army beginning desired location using helicop- two tons. ter submitted to the Commis- for a meeting on Thursday. hya Pradesh.
complete by July 2019. August 2019 and the entire pro- ters and service aircraft. Maximum speed of the sion on Wednesday, had sought Replying to his letter on The state will vote in a sin-
The gun has a maximum cess will complete in following Compact gun tractor to tow vehicle without a tow is 80 km an extension on account of the Thursday, the EC informed gle phase on November 28 and
range of 28-38 km. It is capable 24 months. The first regiment 130 MM and 155 MM artillery per hour which comes down unrest in the state. Hluna that his request “has its results will be announced
of burst firing three rounds in will complete by October next guns will also inducted during to 50 km per hour with a gun Civil society groups in not been acceded to on account together with the four states on
30 seconds, intense firing of 15 year, the spokesperson said. the ceremony, the officer said. attached to it, he added. Mizoram have been demand- of peace and normalcy in the December 11.  AGENCIES

No illegal mining in 115.34 hectares PM GREETS ADVANI ON HIS 91ST B’DAY

Mizoram CM
land in Aravalli: Rajasthan tells SC files nomination

NEW DELH: The Rajast-

mentioned in our order dated
October 23, 2018,” a bench
headed by Justice Madan B
mining activities in Aravalli, it
cannot endanger the lives of
lakhs of people in Delhi as dis-
from two seats
han government has told the Lokur noted in its October appearance of hills there could OUR CORRESPONDENT ally appeared before the return-
Supreme Court that no illegal 29 order. In the affidavit, the be one of reasons for rise in ing officer in Champhai on
mining was going on in 115.34 chief secretary has also said pollution level in the national AIZAWL: Mizoram Chief Thursday, his representative
hectares of land in Aravalli area that approximately 27 per cent capital region (NCR). Minister Lal Thanhawla on filed the papers on his behalf
of the state. ground truthing of the area has The court had also referred Thursday filed nominations to in Serchhip, the officials said.
The chief secretary of Rajas- been done and serious efforts to a report of the central contest the November 28 state The five-time chief minister
than has filed an affidavit in the would be made to complete the empowered committee (CEC) polls from Champhai South would be pitted against Zoram
apex court which had on Octo- entire exercise within a period which had said that out of 128 and Serchhip assembly seats, People’s Movement’s (ZPM)
ber 23 expressed shock over 31 of three months as per direc- samples taken by the Forest officials said. chief ministerial candidate
“vanished” hills or hillocks in tions of the top court. Survey of India (FSI), as many The last day for filing of Lalduhoma, Mizo National
Aravalli area and had asked the Ground truthing is an exer- as 31 hills or hillocks have nominations is Friday. Front (MNF) nominee C Lal-
state government to stop illegal cise conducted to ascertain the vanished. The Congress leader would ramzauva, a senior advocate,
mining in 115.34-hectare area empirical evidence at the actual The state’s counsel had then be contesting from his home and People’s Representation for
there within 48 hours. site. The apex court posted the told the apex court that all the turf Serchhip as well as the Identity and Status of Mizoram
“It is stated on affidavit filed matter for further hearing after government departments con- Champhai South constituency (PRISM) party chief Vanlalru-
by D B Gupta who is chief sec- three months. cerned in Rajasthan were “on located on Mizoram’s border ata, among others, in the Ser-
retary of the government of On October 23, the top the job” to stop illegal mining. with Myanmar. chhip seat.
Rajasthan that there is no ille- court had observed that though The court is dealing with a He could not file his nomi- Thanhawla would contest
gal mining going on in respect Rajasthan was earning a royalty matter related to illegal mining Prime Minister Narendra Modi greets BJP senior leader L K Advani on his birthday at his residence  PTI nation papers from Serchhip gainst another lawyer T J Lal-
of 115.34 hectares of land, as of around Rs 5,000 crore from activities in the Aravalli range. on Tuesday due to a massive nuntluanga of the MNF, and C
protest for removal of the state’s Lalremliana of the ZPM, both

Man cheated of `9.4 lakh J&K crime branch presses perjury Chief Electoral Officer (CEO)
SB Shashank. The agitation was
held in front of the office of the
first-timers, in the Champhai
South seat.
Mizoram is the only State in

by social media ‘friend’ charges against Kathua case witness returning officer.
While Thanhawla person-
the north-east where the Con-
gress is in power.

MUMBAI: A 65-year-old man
and urgently needed Rs 24,000
to get clearance, Amit told the
OUR CORRESPONDENT tion 164-A (evidence of mate-
rial witnesses to be recorded
against you.” 
“You may appear before
the case.
The charge sheet has been
HP: Army shell lands on
was allegedly duped of Rs 9.4
lakh by an unidentified woman
who had befriended him on
If the complainant deposited
money in her account she will
return it in due course, Amit
JAMMU: The Jammu and
Kashmir crime branch has
initiated the process of press-
by Magistrate in certain cases).
Kumar had recorded his
statement before a judicial
this court in person or be
represented by a counsel on
12.11.2018,” the notice from
filed against Sanji Ram and his
juvenile nephew, his son Vishal,
special police officers Deepak
a house, no one injured
social media and her accom- said. The complainant deposited ing perjury charges against magistrate in Jammu on Feb- the sessions court of Pathankot Khajuria and Surender Verma
plice, police said. the money. But he kept receiving a witness in the case of rape ruary 27 this year in which said. The session judge is hold- and friend Parvesh Kumar alias SHIMLA: Panic gripped street, she added.
The man, resident of sub- calls over the next three months and murder of an eight-year- he had claimed that Parvesh ing trial for the gruesome Mannu. Amarpur locality in Himachal “The shell is from 84 mm
urban Kandivali here, filed a with request to deposit more old girl after he had retracted Kumar alias ‘Mannu’ had given Kathua rape-and-murder case The charge sheet also names Pradesh’s Sirmaur district on rocket launcher bearing Gus-
complaint Wednesday, a police money on various pretexts, from a “confessional statement” a graphical description about on directions of the Supreme head constable Tilak Raj and Diwali night when an Army taf mark and weighs about two
official said. The complainant, police said. recorded in front of a magis- the rape and subsequent mur- Court. The trial was assigned to sub-inspector Anand Dutta -- shell landed on the rooftop of kilograms. It fell in a thickly
who runs coaching classes, The complainant ended up trate, officials said Thursday. der of the girl belonging to a the district and sessions court who allegedly took Rs 4 lakh a house. populated area. Luckily it did
was befriended by a woman paying Rs 9.4 lakh before he A show-cause notice has nomadic minority community. in Pathankot by the Supreme from Sanji Ram and destroyed The shell landed on the not explode. Had it exploded,
on social media in August this realised that something was been served to Ajay Kumar The notice served on Court earlier this year after the crucial evidence. The district rooftop of the residence of one it would have wreaked havoc
year. The woman said her name wrong, he told police. alias ‘Ajju’ by the sessions Kumar says “whereas an appli- victim’s family approached with and sessions court in Pathankot Durgesh Sharma at around 7 in area up to at least 5 kilome-
was Leonie and she ran a salon He tried to contact the judge of Pathankot, Tejwinder cation has been filed by pros- a plea to transfer the case from framed charges of rape and pm, police said. ters,” Rana said.
in Jordan, he told police. woman as well as Amit, but Singh, asking him to explain ecution for initiating action Kathua. murder against the seven “We got information at An Army firing range is
The complainant received their numbers were switched off, on Monday “why an action against you for voluntary and The eight-year-old girl, accused in the case on June 8. around 7.30 pm that an explo- near the locality where the shell
a call some days later, and the police said. Finally he decided under section 479-B of Jammu knowingly retracting from belonging to a nomadic tribe, Sanji Ram, considered the sive had fallen on the rooftop was found.
caller, who identified himself to lodge a complaint. and Kashmir Criminal Proce- your statement under section was allegedly kidnapped main accused, is alleged to have of a house in Amarpur,” Sir- “Prima facie, it seems that
as Amit, said he was speaking Police have registered a case dure Code may not be initiated 164-A CrPC during your depo- on January 10 and her body hatched the conspiracy with maur Deputy Superintendent the shell fell from an aerial dis-
on behalf of Leonie who was at under IPC section 420 (cheat- against him”. sition as a prosecution witness was found on January 17. It the other accused for kidnap- of Police (headquarter) Babita tance of 1,600 meters due to
the Delhi International Airport. ing) and under the Informa- This section provides sum- before court, a show-cause is alleged that she was gang- ping the girl as part of a strat- Rana said. negligence of Army personnel,”
She was carrying USD tion Technology Act against mary procedure for trial of wit- notice is issued to you as to why raped and later murdered. The egy to remove the minority The shell first fell on the the DSP said. She said a let-
70,000 and had been stopped unidentified persons and fur- nesses deposing contrary to an action under section 479-B crime branch has arrested eight nomadic community from the rooftop and damaged the roof. ter had been sent to the Army
by immigration authorities, ther probe is on. statements recorded under Sec- of CrPC may not be initiated people, including a juvenile in area. Then it fell near a man in the authorities. MPOST

DGCA asks Jet Airways, SpiceJet to take action on India to participate in Moscow talks Goa mining: CM
holds meeting to
sensor-related issues with Boeing 737 MAX planes with Taliban at ‘non-official level’ resolve issue
OUR CORRESPONDENT unity and plurality, and bring sent to Afghanistan, India, Iran, PANAJI: Goa Chief Minister
NEW DELHI: Aviation regula- guests and crew is of paramount security, stability and prosperity China, Pakistan, the US and Manohar Parrikar Thursday
tor DGCA has asked Jet Airways importance at Jet Airways,” an NEW DELHI: India on Thurs- to the country, he said. some other countries. held a meeting with officials
and SpiceJet to take corrective airline spokesperson said. day said it will participate in the “India’s consistent policy has The meeting comes after and stakeholders to explore
action to address possible issues Comments from Spice- meeting being hosted by Russia been that such efforts should be Prime Minister Narendra Modi ways to restart mining opera-
with their Boeing 737 MAX Jet was awaited. Together, the on Afghanistan at a “non-official Afghan-led, Afghan-owned, and and Russian President Vladi- tions in the coastal state.
planes that could lead to “signifi- two airlines have placed orders level” in Moscow where repre- Afghan-controlled and with mir Putin held talks a host of Mining in Goa came to a
cant altitude loss” of the aircraft, for more than 400 Boeing 737 sentatives of the Taliban will participation of the govern- global issues. standstill in March after the
a senior official said Thursday. MAX aircraft. On November be present. ment of Afghanistan,” Kumar After the talks, in a joint Supreme Court quashed 88
The latest directive fol- 6, Boeing said it had issued an The Moscow-format meet- asserted. statement, the two sides leases and banned the extrac-
lows advisories issued by the Operations Manual Bulletin ing on Afghanistan will be held According to Russian news declared their support to the tion of fresh iron ore.
US watchdog Federal Aviation (OMB) directing operators to on November 9 and representa- agency TASS, this is for the sec- Afghan government’s efforts “Chief Minister @mano-
Administration (FAA) and Boe- dition is not addressed, it could for procedures which have to be existing flight crew procedures tives of the Afghan Taliban radi- ond time, Russia is attempt- towards the realisation of an harparrikar holds immediate
ing after the crash of a Boeing cause the flight crew to have followed by flight crew. to address circumstances where cal movement will take part in ing to bring regional powers Afghan-led, and Afghan-owned meetings with senior gov-
737 MAX plane operated by difficulty in controlling the air- “The DGCA has ensured there is erroneous input from an it, the Russian Foreign Ministry together while discovering ways national peace reconciliation ernment officials and other
Indonesia’s Lion Air last month. plane. The condition can even that all Indian operators are AOA sensor. had said last week. for establishing peace in war- process. stakeholders to explore all pos-
Currently, Jet Airways and lead to “excessive nose-down aware of the FAA AD and have On October 30, Civil Avia- In response to queries torn Afghanistan. Both sides had called sible options to resume mining
SpiceJet fly Boeing 737 MAX attitude, significant altitude loss, taken appropriate corrective tion Minister Suresh Prabhu regarding India’s participa- The first such meeting, pro- upon the international commu- operations in Goa at the earli-
planes in India. Together, there and possible impact with ter- action,” he added. said the DGCA had been asked tion in the meeting, Ministry posed for September 4 of this nity to join efforts to thwart any est,” the Chief Ministers Office
are at least six such aircraft with rain,” the official noted. Jet Airways, which has at to look at engines and other of External Affairs Spokesper- year, was called off at the last external interference in Afghan- (CMO) tweeted this evening.
the two carriers. Based on initial investiga- least five MAX planes in its fleet, issues related to airlines follow- son Raveesh Kumar said, “We moment after the Afghan gov- istan, to restore its economy, Parrikar had earlier writ-
“Both the documents tion of Lion Air aircraft acci- said these planes continue to ing the plane crash in Indonesia. are aware that the Russian Fed- ernment pulled out, describing contribute to sustaining peace ten to the Centre in Septem-
address erroneous high ‘angle of dent, the FAA issued emergency fly in compliance with the AD The DGCA had reviewed eration is hosting a meeting in its involvement in the Moscow and security, economic and ber seeking legislative means,
attack’ (AOA) sensor input and airworthiness directive (AD) on issued by the manufacturer and the performance of Boeing Moscow on 9 November on meeting as “unnecessary” as the political development of a sta- including amending existing
corrective action for the same November 7. Boeing released the regulatory authorities. 737 MAX 8 planes operated Afghanistan.” Taliban had “disrespected inter- ble, secure, united, prosperous mining laws. to resolve the
as it has potential for repeated a bulletin about the issue on “The airline is in contact by Jet Airways and SpiceJet. The “Our participation at the nationally-sanctioned princi- and independent Afghanistan. issue. Parrikar, who is suffer-
nose-down trim commands of November 6. with them and committed to review came a day after a Boe- meeting will be at the non-offi- ples and rejected the message of India and Russia had ing from a pancreatic ailment,
horizontal stabiliser,” a senior The DGCA official said that implement all directives or ing 737 MAX 8 aircraft oper- cial level,” he said. peace and direct negotiations.” resolved to direct their activities returned to the state on Octo-
Directorate General of Civil Avi- within three days after receipt advisories that may be pub- ated by Lion Air crashed into India supports all efforts According to the Russian towards launching joint devel- ber 14 after being admitted in
ation (DGCA) official told PTI. of FAA AD, changes to airplane lished by either the manufac- the sea shortly after taking off at peace and reconciliation in Foreign Ministry, invitations to opment and capacity building the All India Institute of Medi-
The official said if the con- flight manual have to be done, turer or DGCA as the safety of from Jakarta.  PTI Afghanistan that will preserve take part in the event had been projects in Afghanistan. cal Sciences in New Delhi. MPOST
8 mp editorial MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018


Blue-water powerhouse
With China rising as a key player in the Indian Ocean Region, India’s
gone amiss growing Naval strength augurs its stronghold in home waters

n the second anniversary of the controversial note
ban, the ruling and opposition parties are once again oil shipments. Besides, India’s Exclusive
locked in an acrimonious debate if the decision to Economic Zone is 2.4 million square
suddenly ban high-denomination currency notes kilometres and 90 per cent of India’s
in a televised address was right or wrong. Going by the hard- BARUN DAS GUPTA trade by volume and almost the entire
ships that common people had to face because of the decision, oil imports come through the seas.
which was apparently made by the PM alone, the move was As China’s challenge in the Indian
unpopular and uncalled for. The stated objective of the exer- Ocean grew and Beijing tried to encircle
cise – to eradicate the huge amount of black money stashed India through its ‘String of Pearls’ policy,
in cash, an impression shared by almost everybody from the India had to respond to the emerging
common people to the economic pundits occupying high threat. The response came in the form
positions in the country’s well-entrenched institutions that of an attempt to increase cooperation
regulate the economy and financial affairs, met with unbeliev- and coordination between the littoral
able outcomes that there existed no such black money at all states. The project was called SAGAR,
in the country. The government was of the opinion that the short for “Security And Growth for All
existence of black money is fuelling terror activities in Jammu in the Region”.
and Kashmir as well as in the Maoist-Naxal stronghold was China has already set up its first over-
also found to be baseless. The idea that the disruption caused seas naval base in Djibouti on the Horn
by the sudden removal of high-value currency notes will lead Chinese Navy is of Africa. It has also secured its presence
the country to a cashless economy was faulty in the very con- in the western flank of India by acquir-
ception as the informal sector that constitutes nearly 50 per definitely larger ing Pakistan’s Gwadar port. It is now
cent of the economy and provides employment to the majority than India’s trying ting to set up another naval base
of the people is run on cash and there was no need to change at Jiwani, next to Gwadar.
this overnight. In defence of the government’s move, Finance but its main There are nine important ‘choke
Minister Arun Jaitley on Thursday said that the decision has disadvantage is points’ in the Indian Ocean Region.
forced the people to put their cash in the banks and explain These are the Suez Canal, the Strait of
why they did not pay tax even when they had taxable money. that to engage Hormuz, the Mozambique Channel,
The tax base has almost doubled after the decision of the note-
ban in 2016, he said.
the Indian Navy the Cape of Good Hope, the Straits of
Malacca and Singapore, the Sunda Strait,
Two years on, the country has chosen to move on and in the IOR — it Indian Navy must dominate the Indian Ocean Region not just for its own security, but for smaller littoral nations as well the Lombok Strait and the Ombai and

there is little rancour or hard feeling left about the govern- has to travel Wetar Straits. Some of these, like the
ment or its decision to put the people in an unchartered ter- n the first week of this month, the the Indian navy from the present 137 craft carrier, Vikramaditya, which is a Suez Canal, are very important routes of
ritory where they had the money both in hand and in the about 3000 miles Prime Minister broke the news to ships to 200 by 2027. India plans to build renovated version of the Russian ship maritime trade and must be prevented
banks but they could not use it. Disruption is an important while Indian the nation that India’s first indig- five more N-subs. Along with Arihant, Admiral Goroshkov. India’s first indig- from being blocked.
management tool frequently used by new-age private business enously built nuclear submarine these will increase Indian’s nuclear sub- enously built aircraft carrier, INS Vikrant All these developments pose a chal-
firms to discover the real potential of an enterprise stuck in Navy will have Arihant had successfully completed its marine fleet to six. Once these subs are is expected to be commissioned by the lenge to the Indian Navy. It has to main-
a cycle of average performance and static growth. But so far, the advantage first ‘deterrence patrol’. Though the PM commissioned, India can truly claim to end of next year. In this field, till now the tain its domination in the Indian Ocean
only small companies and start-ups have been using this tech- did not make such a claim, a section of have its nuclear triad put in place. Then Chinese are not ahead of us. The Chi- not only for its own security but for the
nique. In big companies, time-tested fundamental principles of operating in the media claimed that the submarine- there are the diesel-electric conventional nese navy did not have the technology to security of all other smaller littoral coun-
of management are still considered the best bet. The question home waters. launched ballistic missiles or SLBMs submarines. build an aircraft carrier from a scratch. tries too. The growing cooperation in the
is whether a government should resort to such disruption to Arihant is equipped with have brought Last year it was reported that India’s So they did the next best thing. They defence field by India, Japan, Indonesia,
provide fresh impetus to the economy. An answer to this could Replenishment of both Pakistan and China within their second indigenously built N-sub, Ari- acquired an abandoned aircraft carrier and Vietnam is an encouraging devel-
be that the government has the moral right and the duty to supplies will be striking range. daman, will join the navy by the end of from Russia and by reverse engineering opment. Avoiding involvement of West-
explore all possible means in its bid to set the economy right From the information available in 2017. However, nothing has been heard built their first indigenous aircraft car- ern powers like the US in any military
that has not lived up to the people’s aspirations and failed to
far quicker and public domain, Arihant is equipped with of since then. It was also learnt that the rier Liaoning. conflict with China in the Indian Ocean
lift the poor from an unending cycle of poverty and misery. prove decisive 12 K15 SLBMs, which have a range of fourth nuclear submarine will be a big- Strategic experts believe that should Region will be in the best interest of all.
In the last 70 years since the Independence, India has made 750 kilometres. The K15 missile can be ger one with a stronger weapons con- there be an armed conflict between India The Chinese Navy is definitely larger
some noticeable progress in eradicating hunger and home- used for retaliatory strikes against Paki- figuration. The main advantage of the and China, the arena of the conflict is than India’s but its main disadvantage
lessness besides fighting illiteracy and school drop-out rates stan but it cannot be used against China. nuclear subs is that they can remain more likely to be the Indian Ocean rather is that to engage the Indian navy in the
with innovative schemes like mid-day meal and distribution For Arihant to hit China, it must have underwater for a far longer time than than the high Himalayas. The reason is Indian Ocean, it has to come from a
of books, uniforms, and bicycles to poor students enrolling in the K4 SLBM with a range of 3,500 kilo- the conventional subs. obvious. The importance of the Indian distance of about three thousand miles.
government schools. But that is certainly not enough as the metres and can carry a nuclear or con- Along with the N-subs, indigenously Ocean was succinctly summed up by Indian Navy will have the advantage of
divide between the poor and the rich has only grown. How- ventional payload of 2,000 kg. India has built Kamorta class “stealth” Corvettes External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj operating in its home waters. Replen-
ever, the present day economy is as much about the poor as reportedly test-fired the K4 twice but for detecting and destroying enemy while addressing the second Indian ishment of supplies, from food to fuel
it is about globally-linked financial markets, the needs of big there is no official confirmation yet that submarines are a force multiplier for Ocean Conference at Colombo in August to ammunition, will be far quicker. The
and small businesses and the autonomy of regulatory bodies it has been inducted by the Indian Navy. naval operations. Then there are the last year. She reminded the delegates that navy will have to play a far important role
that we have. Making a sense of this labyrinth is an exclusive India has undertaken an ambitious deadly guided missile destroyers like almost a hundred thousand ships pass in India’s defence in the coming years.
domain of top-rated economists and management graduates expansion plan for the Navy to coun- Mormugao, built by the Mazgaon Docks. through the Indian Ocean every year, The Indian Navy should become a true
who mostly come from high-profile elite universities and their ter the growing presence of the Chi- It is a huge boat that has a crew of 50 carrying about half of the world’s con- Blue Water Navy at the earliest.  IPA
knowledge about the ground situation is only theoretical. Can nese Navy in the Indian Ocean. The officers and 250 sailors. tainer shipments, one-third of the world’s (The views expressed
the economy be left entirely to them? Should the government plan seeks to raise the fleet strength of At present, India has only one air- bulk cargo traffic and two-thirds of the are strictly personal)
and its Finance Minister, who are accountable to the people,
be subservient to them? Dear
One of the most vociferous critics of the demonetisation, SPORTSMANSHIP? Editor
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee left nothing to Quote martial
the imagination when it came to spelling out what she thought The bizarre reaction of Virat Kohli to cricket enthusiast was unbecoming and
of the government’s controversial move two years ago. Like The highest inappropriate. While he was reading out mean messages addressed to him by fans and
Log on to write letters to the
everybody else in the country, she was also crestfallen when editor or send them to
she saw people standing in the queue for hours for a paltry result of responding to them, one of them said that Kohli is an overrated batsman and he prefers [email protected]
sum of Rs 2,000. The elderly, the workers at tea gardens, the
daily wagers, the domestic help and the like suddenly ran out
education is to watch Australian and English batsmen to which he replied: "I don’t think you should You can also send your
of money that can buy them essential items. She termed the tolerance live in India then". He has been the megastar of Indian cricket, but is glamour making comments to The Editor,
government’s move a financial emergency. Or did she call it
super-emergency? From the day she began her political journey him less humble? Such comments don't suit his stardom. It is immaturity that every Millennium Post,
as a student leader, the poor, the distressed, the marginalised,
Indian has to be a fan of the Indian cricket team. He should be tolerant enough and open Pratap Bhawan, 5 Bahadur Shah
the minority has been at the core of her politics — everybody
knows about it. It is in the government’s interest that her opin- enough to listen to other voices. QEYAMUDDIN Via email Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002
ions are taken seriously as she is among the few politicians in
the country who has first-hand experience of what the reali-
ties are at the grassroots.

The unpresidential
Opportunities in a dynamic world
As e-commerce remains significant, what is the scope of retail market in India?
s the retail indus- landscape.
resident Donald Trump was anything but presiden- try story unfolds The decades to come might
tial in his first news conference since the Mid Term in India, new strat- also herald the creation of retail
elections late last night (IST). The Republicans had egies come to the platform businesses that “cor-
lost the House to the Democrats but just managed to fore. Recent news of Amazon poratise” a portfolio of Indian
hold on to the Senate. He offered outward optimism, a cheeri- TAPONEEL MUKHERJEE acquiring a stake in Future brands. The likes of Kering,
ness that was later belied by surly, combative exchanges with Retail is an indication that the Richemont and LVMH are
reporters over the dark tone he adopted in the midterms’ clos- strategy will be differentiated examples of hugely successful
ing days. He shrugged off new threats from Democrats, who given the nature of the market global retail platforms that have
will assume control of the House with new investigative power. and consumption trends. delivered value. While Indian
But when the questions started coming, the President’s sunny Amazon’s acquisition of beauty products, jewellry and
outlook melted away. He lashed out at questions about his a stake in Future Retail is in fragrances have been marketed
fear-mongering and race-baiting rhetoric against immigrants addition to the stake it took in to some extent, now is the time
and demanded a reporter inquiring about voter suppression Shoppers Stop and the earlier to create large scalable plat-
take her seat. He went back and forth on his opinion of the Aditya Birla-backed “More” forms that can combine front-
newly powerful Democrats, alternately vowing to find areas The decades chain. These acquisitions are an to-back retail operations with
of cooperation and threatening them with investigations of indication that large retail play- global scalability for Indian
his own. He vowed a “warlike posture” should he find himself to come might ers think that, to gain a greater brands. The ability to match
barraged with subpoenas. Republicans held onto seats in the also herald market share, the online strat- Indian entrepreneurship with
Senate but saw their House majority slip away, setting up the egy will have to be comple- global capital and distribution
likelihood the White House will be dogged by investigations the creation of mented with an offline route will be the vital driver to cre-
as Trump prepares to fight for his own re-election. Even as he retail platform as well. ate sustainable retail platforms.
warned against the incoming Democratic House leadership Online retail sales as a The retail market in India is expected to cross $1 trillion in the next three years (Representational Image) There are many “markets”
from being too aggressive in their investigations of his admin-
businesses that percentage of total sales have that offer opportunities in the
istration, Trump said he was optimistic about the opportu- “corporatise” shown a tremendous rise, going The key for new players is not per cent of growth for the com- nesses such as “Seed Beauty” Indian retail space. Therefore,
nity for bipartisanship. “I’d like to see bipartisanship, I’d like a portfolio of from 0.8 per cent in 2014 to necessarily the disruption of the panies was driven by growth and “Hatch Beauty” are rede- while online mass retailers will
to see unity,” he said, repeatedly praising House Democratic 3.6 per cent of total retail sales unorganised sector but having in the industry segments and fining the retail landscape. look to create an offline pres-
Leader Nancy Pelosi, who he effectively endorsed as the next Indian brands. in 2017. While the growth has access to retail stores that pro- successful mergers and acqui- Given the creation of “digital ence, online “digital first” niche
House speaker. Trump had already cast the results as a victory, The ability to been enormous and will con- vide organised players with the sition strategies while only 20 first” brands driven especially brands, backed by specialised
tweeting earlier that candidates who followed his lead during a tinue to be fast, the fact that 95 same distribution networks and per cent was through gaining by social media influencers, manufacturing businesses, also
dark and divisive campaign “did very well.” But Trump’s verbal match Indian per cent of the market is still concomitant advantages. Quite market share. The key learn- businesses such as Seed and hold value. It is vital to realise
assaults on reporters revealed a stormier mood. He lambasted entrepreneurship with the offline sector drives often discussions focus on the ing for Indian retail players is Hatch have been able to speed that given the diverse customer
CNN’s Jim Acosta as “a rude, terrible person,” told American home a few important points. market share of online versus that while market share mat- up product research, develop- segments, different pockets of
Urban Radio Network correspondent April Ryan repeatedly with global Access to offline stores provides offline retail. While it is a rel- ters, being a direct beneficiary ment, and fulfilment. opportunities will require an
to “sit down,” and deemed a query about white nationalism,
posed by PBS Newshour reporter Yamiche Alcindor, a “such
capital and a vast distribution network and
brand accessibility, especially
evant topic, the more pertinent
discussion is the overall retail
of rising incomes in India is a
lot more advantageous.
The division between
manufacturing and brand-
agile approach.
In India, access to the online
a racist question.” Trump’s three most recent predecessors distribution beyond the Tier 1 cities. There- market growth rate. The retail Given the industry dynam- ing businesses is what Poorn- world has happened synony-
all lost House majorities in the course of their tenures. In will be vital fore, for a player interested in a market in India is expected ics in the last decade, retail ima Vardhan, CEO of 335th, mously with rising incomes
post-election news conferences, all three took some form of higher market share, an offline to cross $1 trillion in the next e-commerce has dominated a luxury-focused platform, while the developed countries
responsibility. Trump and his aides have projected a differ- in creating presence is non-negotiable. three years. The greatest value headlines. While e-commerce describes as the “delineation had significantly higher income
ent attitude, shrugging off the possibility the next two years sustainable retail Additionally, besides the generation for retail businesses will continue to be a significant of product development and levels when they got access to
could be pocked by subpoenas or oversight hearings. Trump offline versus online demar- is in capturing market growth sector, the question is: What manufacturing from the brand- the internet. Therefore, a busi-
refused to speculate on an upcoming cabinet shuffle, even as platforms cation, it is essential to under- as greater cash is generated by other exciting opportunities ing and marketing”. In com- ness strategy that deals with
it later transpired he had already fired Attorney General Jeff stand that 90 per cent of all retail retail consumption. exist in Indian retail? mon parlance, separation of local dynamics and trends will
Sessions. So he did claim he had the power to short-circuit in India is in the unorganised A 2007 analysis by McK- The creation of niche, sec- the R&D and product develop- determine the eventual win-
Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian meddling, which is sector. The unorganised sec- insey titled “The Granularity tor-focused “digital first” busi- ment from branding creates the ners.  IANS
expected to ramp up now that the midterms have concluded. tor – primarily, physical stores of Growth” had some inter- nesses backed by consolidated potential for business opportu- (The author heads Develop-
“I could fire everybody right now,” Trump said. “It’s a disgrace, — thrives due to an extensive esting lessons. A study of 200 research-driven manufacturing nities through specialisation. ment Tracks, an infrastruc-
it should have never been started because there was no crime.” last-mile distribution network large companies around the and distribution platforms hold Such focused businesses hold ture advisory firm. The views
and long-term relationships. world showed that almost 80 potential. In the West, busi- promise in the Indian retail expressed are strictly personal)
MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018
mp in focus 9

Creating rainbow behind bars

Incarcerated with long sentences, women are keen to bring change – in
themselves and the confines of prison space
amla Rekha Pan- In India, more than 370
VARTIKA NANDA dey, lodged in Bilas- women convicts with their
pur Jail, Chattisgarh, 450 children and 1,149 women
was instrumental in undertrials with their 1,310
getting 14 inmates released children were lodged in various
from jail with her timely guid- prisons by the end of 2015. In
ance and intervention. She the year 2013, over 1800 chil-
herself is a convict under sec- dren spent their childhood in
tion 302 IPC and has been in prisons in India. These children
prison with her sisters for over are permitted to accompany
12 years. Now, she is an active their mothers to the prisons till
member of the legal cell in jail. six years of age. Since prisons
54-year-old Femida Hanif were never designed with the
Saiyad, lodged in Nagpur jail, perspective of accommodat-
Prisons are Maharashtra, has been helping ing the aspect of womanhood
intended to inmates learn new skills and and also childhood, needs of
has also been active in support- women prisoners generally
be institutions ing the prison administration. go unnoticed. Children stay-
built to execute Imprisoned since 2012, she has
been awarded death sentence.
ing with their mothers live in a
shadow of fear and uncertainty.
punishments She is currently pursuing B.A. They become undeclared crim-
and reprisals. second year through IGNOU. inals who are forced to spend
Both of them were amongst the most important time of
Sadly, concerns the women who received Tinka their lives behind bars even
of custody and Tinka Bandini Award for the without committing any crime.
year 2017 and 2018. These Policy makers rarely realise
control take women were chosen because that there is a vast vacuum and
precedence of their undying spirit to help major reforms are required for
other women who were in sit- these innocent souls.
and matters uations similar as themselves. Women like Kamla and
of correctional All these inmates are serv- Femida can be a source of
ing long sentences and they inspiration for every female
measures take are keen to bring a change – in inmate because of their desire
the backseat. themselves and also at the place to contribute despite living in
confined within the four walls. difficult circumstances. There
If inmates are Month after month, Tinka is no dearth of women inmates
provided with Tinka Foundation has been who have been contributing
the opportunity travelling to different prisons to prison life. Prison author-
across India to understand ities who have encouraged
to explore the the realities of prison life. It Policy overhaul is imperative to make better the living of female inmates and their innocent children who survive a difficult environment  (Representational Image) them and provided them the
inner side of their is not less than a shock to see atmosphere to rewrite the sto-
that despite having different tration is trained to exercise data released by the National the Prisons Act 1894 and the Needless to say, art and creativ- tant thing is to ensure that nei- ries of their lives also deserve
personality, they agencies to look at the issues of the habits of mental and phys- Crime Records Bureau, there prison manuals of the respec- ity, certainly, is not a priority. ther any of them escape nor die respect and appreciation. It is to
will emerge as human rights, we are far behind ical discipline, honest living, are almost 1400 prisons in tive state governments. In this The recent intervention by within those four walls. Rest be noted that it is not only the
because of lack of commitment, making inmates understand India, out of which only 18 are light, all the states have the pri- the Supreme Court of India is not that important. Prisons inmate who lives a restricted
better human honesty and also the desire to the value of hard work and also women-specific, the first hav- mary role, responsibility, and has brought out the concerns are not assigned any specific life inside the prisons but on
beings work for the welfare of those
who are completely unheard of.
work towards reforming their
thought process. Sadly, con-
ing been established in Maha-
rashtra at Yeravada. In other
authority to change the cur-
rent prison laws, rules and reg-
related to the inhuman condi-
tions of inmates in 1384 prisons
funds for encouraging creative
skills and thus, art, literature or
many occasions, it is also the
prison staff that has an equally
It is also noteworthy that pris- cerns of custody and control jails, women’s jail is at most a ulations. Although the Union of India. Despite the number of music are not considered to be difficult time by being com-
ons attract media glare because take precedence while mat- unit of the main jail. This fact government is not directly notices being sent to all these of utmost importance. In most pletely cut-off from society and
of all the wrong reasons. Add- ters of correctional measures itself speaks in volumes on the responsible for several issues states and union territories, of the prisons across India, the normal life. When both work
ing to it is the glamour quotient take the backseat. What gen- importance that is given to the pertaining to the functioning not much change has emerged. position of the teacher for fine together zealously and with
that is sometimes attached to erally remains ignored is the issues of women inmates. of prisons, they do share the Unfortunately, the system that arts is not even advertised. complete honesty, they create
it by Bollywood. Sadly, none inescapable fact that after the In India, prisons are a State responsibility to provide assis- runs the prison and the policy- Authorities very conve- new music altogether.
of them reveal the real picture. initial phase of loss and repen- subject, covered by Item No. tance to the states on issues makers who decide upon the niently forget that those who (Dr. Vartika Nanda is a
Undoubtedly, prisons arouse tance, they struggle against 4 under the State List in the like repair and renovation of framework are guided by their have been sent behind bars prison reformer and is the
curiosity. Across the globe, time and look for moments Schedule VII of the Consti- old prisons, vocational train- own preconceived notions. will also come back someday, founder of TINKA TINKA,
in all countries, prisons are of some hope. In this search, tution of India. The manage- ing, modernisation of prison Generally, the state is more and if they are provided with a unique initiative for prison
intended to be institutions built sometimes even a possibility ment and administration of industries, training of prison concerned about the head- the opportunity to explore the reforms. She was given Stri
to execute punishments and of creativity becomes the rea- prisons come under the exclu- personnel, and for creation of count rather than the creative inner side of their personal- Shakti Award by the President
reprisals. Apart from custody son for their life. sive domain of the state gov- high-security enclosures and side of the inmates. For a prison ity, they will emerge as better of India in 2014. The views
and control, prison adminis- According to the latest ernments and is governed by improving security in prisons. administrator, the most impor- human beings. expressed are strictly personal)

Ozone: On the path of replenishment tweet


One of the most successful multilateral agreements in history has NARENDRA MODI
made the world safer than in 1980s @narendramodi

ead this: “The world Montreal Protocol, it would
is falling apart. The now engage itself in the efforts Best wishes to Shri LK Advani Ji on his
RAJENDRA SHENDE future of humanity to phase-out of HFCs, power- birthday. Advani Ji’s contribution towards
is hanging on a cliff, ful global warming/greenhouse India’s development is monumental. His
on the edge of catastrophe. But gases (GHGs), introduced to
there still is hope and a window implement the “successful” ministerial tenures are applauded for
of opportunity to take action.” Protocol. futuristic decision making and people-
That sounds like a stereotyp- In a way, the Montreal Pro- friendly policies. His wisdom is admired
ical UN moralising rhetoric tocol transformed itself from across the political spectrum.
on climate change or loss of being an ozone-specific treaty
biodiversity. to a climate treaty. Even there
Now read this: “We have too, it is slated to contribute
successfully overcome the chal- immensely to the Paris Climate
lenge on the long-term basis, Agreement of 2016. MARKANDEY KATJU
but we have to now build on Full compliance to the @mkatju
Actions under that success and stay put to gain Kigali Amendment would
Montreal Protocol more benefits.” This sounds like reduce future global warming
a private sector CEO’s state- due to HFCs by about 50 per
over the past 30 ment at a shareholder’s meet- cent between now and 2050 There is no law fixing time limit on bursting
years have led ing. But that’s exactly what
happened at a UN meeting on
compared to a scenario with-
out any HFC controls.
crackers on Diwali or permitting only green
to sustainable crackers. Making law is job of legislature,
November 5. A rare declaration This is critically impor-
not judiciary (see SC judgment Div Mngr
decreases in coming from any UN meeting. tant when the world is strug-
Aravali Golf Course vs Chander Haas online).
A press note on that day gling from the shock with a
the atmospheric said: “The findings of a new stark warning from the Inter- In its judgment on crackers SC made law,
abundance of UN-backed report released A successful recovery of the ozone layer demands continued efforts by all countries to comply with the Montreal governmental Panel on Cli- which was wrong
today revealed the ongoing mate Change (IPCC) which
ozone-depleting healing of the ozone layer are
Protocol  (Representational Image)
found that just 12 years (which
substances being hailed as a demonstration cooling and refrigeration sys- globe have clearly divulged cessful multilateral agreements coincides with 2030 — an end
of what global environmental tems, and many other items that the world is now safer in history for a reason i.e. the point for SDGs) remain to RAHUL RAJ
like CFCs. At agreements can achieve, and an — were piercing a hole in the than what it was in 1980s — at careful mix of authoritative sci- limit global warming to 1.5 @bhak_sala
projected rates, inspiration for more ambitious ozone layer and allowing life least from a deadly attack of the ence and collaborative action degrees Celsius beyond which
climate action to halt a cata- threatening ultraviolet (UV) UV rays. Recovery of the ozone that has defined the Protocol the impact of a further rise in
the Northern strophic rise in world tempera- radiation to flood through on layer has been up to three per for more than 30 years, was set global temperatures will begin
and Southern tures.” The report warned that a the earth. The consequences cent per decade since the start to heal our ozone layer.” That to have an increasingly extreme When Modi started wishing country heads
Hemispheres full recovery of the ozone layer of such high-energy UV rays of the 21st century. said it all. impact on human society and in their languages, many intelligent critics
demands continued efforts by included higher incidences of Indeed, this good news At projected rates, the ecosystems. and comedians made fun of Modi. Now
are scheduled to all countries to comply with the skin cancers, cataracts, loss of amidst global turmoil in envi- Northern Hemisphere and The IPCC report offered heads of different nations have started
completely heal Montreal Protocol. immune systems and lower ronmental degradation is more mid-latitude ozone layer is the clearest evidence to date of
The ozone layer, a thin production of food on land and than simply encouraging. It is scheduled to completely heal the drastic difference between wishing Diwali to Indians in Hindi. Modi
by 2030s and shield 15-45 km above the fish in the oceans. the singularly successful out- by the 2030s followed by the the 1.5 degrees Celsius and 2 has the last laugh.
2050s, and the earth, protects life on earth. It Good news came from a come of the unique interna- Southern Hemisphere in the degrees Celsius scenarios. The
was put on the path of recov- place nearer the stratosphere, tional agreement, that may 2050s and polar regions by Montreal Protocol may as well
Poles by 2060 ery due to the globally-agreed 10,000 feet above sea-level in inspire to take action on cli- 2060. turn out to be master saviour of
actions that did not remain Quito, the capital of Ecuador. mate change. The global com- The CFCs and other the world from climate change. RAJYAVARDHAN RATHORE
on paper as in case of climate A quadrennial scientific assess- munity has worked collectively phased-out ODS are now part The recovery of the ozone @Ra_THORe
change but were implemented ment jointly done by United to achieve this result. Actions of the history book. The prin- layer heralds a message
as per the agreed schedule Nations Environment (UNE) under the Montreal Proto- ciples deployed in implementa- that collective action to dis-
under the historic Multilateral and the World Meteorological col over last more than 30 tion of the Montreal Protocol charge the common but differ-
Environmental Agreement Organisation (WMO) emphat- years have led to sustainable are now part of the guidelines entiated responsibilities could A detailed report on action
called the Montreal Protocol. ically reported the continued decreases in the atmospheric for future sustainability. successfully face the climate against corruption and black
The agreement was carved healing of the ozone hole. abundance of ozone-depleting On January 1, 2019, rid- challenge. IANS money by the govt, of which
out over 30 years ago in Satellite and ground-level substances (ODSs) like CFCs. ing on the white horse of suc- (Rajendra Shende is
response to the revelation that observations by NASA, the In the inspiring words of cess, the Montreal Protocol Chairman, TERRE Policy #Demonetisation was a vital part.
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) NOAA, the European Space Erik Solheim, head of UN will enter in the arena of cli- Centre and a former UNEP #CorruptCongressFearsDemo
and other ozone-depleting Agency and scores of the Environment: “The Montreal mate change. Called the Kigali Director. The views expressed
substances — used in aerosols, weather stations around the Protocol is one of the most suc- Amendment of 2016 to the are strictly personal)
10 mp world MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018

Novel 'bionic mushrooms' that

Scientists make artificial sensor
may lend robots touch sense
can produce green power SEOUL: Scientists have devel-
oped a sensor that mimics the
ability of human skin to 'feel'
surfaces -- paving the way for
electronic devices and robots
WASHINGTON DC: Scien- "We showed for the first bacterial photosynthesis, gen- to perceive sensations such as
tists, including those of Indian time that a hybrid system can erating a photocurrent. roughness and smoothness.
origin, have created a bionic incorporate an artificial col- In addition to the cya- "Mimicking the human
device that generates green laboration, or engineered sym- nobacteria living longer in a senses is one of the most pop-
power by 3D-printing clusters biosis, between two different state of engineered symbio- ular areas of engineering, but
of cyanobacteria on an ordi- microbiological kingdoms," sis, researchers showed that the sense of touch is notori-
nary white button mushroom. he added. Researchers used a the amount of electricity these ously difficult to replicate,"
The research, by Stevens robotic arm-based 3D printer bacteria produce can vary said Kwonsik Shin, engineer
Institute of Technology in to first print an "electronic depending on the density and at Daegu Gyeongbuk Insti-
the US are part of a broader ink" containing the graphene alignment with which they are tute of Science and Technol-
effort to better improve our nanoribbons. packed, such that the more ogy (DGIST) in South Korea.
understanding of cells bio- This printed branched net- densely packed together they Not only do humans simul-
logical machinery and how to work serves as an electricity- are, the more electricity they taneously sense multiple fea- The new sensor has several surface.
use those intricate molecular collecting network atop the produce. tures of their environment, advantages over existing artifi- They also added soft mate-
gears and levers to fabricate mushroom's cap by acting like With 3D printing, it was such as pressure, temperature, cial sensors. First, it can detect rial to the sensor to see if it
new technologies and useful a nano-probe -- to access bio- possible to assemble them so vibration, tension and shear signals through both touch could measure depth, thus
systems for defense, healthcare we were able to better access not cyanobacteria specifically, electrons generated inside the as to boost their electricity-pro- force, but we also detect psy- and sliding. This mimics the sensing in three dimensions.
and the environment. the unique properties of both, could provide the right envi- cyanobacterial cells. ducing activity eight-fold more chological parameters such as two ways humans sense sur- The sensor produced differ-
The researchers took an augment them, and create an ronment -- nutrients, moisture, Imagine needles stick- than the casted cyanobacteria roughness, smoothness, hard- face characteristics: by poking ent voltages depending on the
ordinary white button mush- entirely new functional bionic pH and temperature -- for the ing into a single cell to access using a laboratory pipette. ness and pain. it or running our fingers over it. shape of the stamp. The results
room from a grocery store and system," he said. cyanobacteria to produce elec- electrical signals inside it, said "With this work, we can Detecting precise surface Most artificial sensors use show that the sensor has high
made it bionic, supercharging Cyanobacteria's ability tricity for a longer period. Mannoor. imagine enormous oppor- information is a crucial first a single method. Second, it spatial resolution and can rep-
it with clusters of cyanobacteria to produce electricity is well They showed that the cya- Next, they printed a "bio- tunities for next-generation step towards replicating psy- consists of an array of multiple resent the surface characteris-
that create electricity and swirls known. However, research- nobacterial cells lasted sev- ink" containing cyanobacteria bio-hybrid applications. For chological sensations of touch. receptors, meaning that sliding tics of certain objects, such as
of graphene nanoribbons that ers have been limited in using eral days longer when placed onto the mushroom's cap in a example, some bacteria can To tackle this challenge, speed can be calculated using the width and pitch, with high
can collect the current. these microbes in bioengi- on the cap of a white button spiral pattern intersecting with glow, while others sense tox- researchers developed a device the time interval between two accuracy.
"In this case, our system -- neered systems because cya- mushroom versus a silicone the electronic ink at multiple ins or produce fuel," Mannoor capable of measuring surface receptor signals and the dis- However, at present, the
this bionic mushroom -- pro- nobacteria do not survive long and dead mushroom as suit- contact points. said. "By seamlessly integrat- textures with high accuracy. tance between them. sensor cannot distinguish
duces electricity," said Manu on artificial bio-compatible able controls. At these locations, electrons ing these microbes with nano- The sensor is made from Most robot fingers use a between shapes perfectly in 3D.
Mannoor, an assistant profes- surfaces. "The mushrooms essentially could transfer through the materials, we could potentially piezoelectric materials -- single receptor, requiring an In the future, the sen-
sor at Stevens. Mannoor and Sudeep serve as a suitable environmen- outer membranes of the cyano- realise many other amazing highly sensitive materials that external speedometer. sor could be incorporated
"By integrating cyanobacte- Joshi, a postdoctoral fellow in tal substrate with advanced bacteria to the conductive net- designer bio-hybrids for the can generate electrical power The researchers tested their into electronic devices, such
ria that can produce electricity, his lab, wondered if white but- functionality of nourishing the work of graphene nanoribbons. environment, defense, health- as a response to applied stress. sensor by pressing stamps as robots or smart phones, to
with nanoscale materials capa- ton mushrooms, which natu- energy producing cyanobacte- Shining a light on the care and many other fields," he These materials have similar shaped like a square, triangle improve their ability to detect
ble of collecting the current, rally host a rich microbiota but ria," said Joshi. mushrooms activated cyano- said.  AGENCIES properties to skin. or dome against the sensor surface textures.  AGENCIES

Oil tanker and Britain seeks to soothe Brexit White House suspends CNN journalist’s
frigate collide off Press credentials after spat with Trump
Norway, 7 injured tensions with France
PARIS: Britain's foreign min- WASHINGTON DC: In an not an invasion."
OSLO: A Norwegian navy frig- ister will seek to ease tensions unprecedented move, the White "You know what? I think you
ate and a Maltese oil tanker with France caused by Brexit House has suspended the cre- should," Trump started to say,
collided in a fjord in west- on Thursday with a speech that dentials of a senior CNN jour- pointing at Acosta. "Honestly,
ern Norway on Thursday, will pay tribute to the "bonds nalist for his "disgusting and I think you should let me run
local authorities said, with of friendship and commerce" outrageous" behaviour, hours the country. You run CNN. And
seven people receiving minor between the countries, his after he had a testy exchange if you did it well, your ratings
injuries. office said. with President Donald Trump would be much better."
The KNM Helge Ingstad France has taken a hard line during a marathon news "Okay, that's enough," a
frigate, which was returning in the Brexit negotiations, with conference. visibly angry Trump said as
from NATO's Trident Juncture President Emmanuel Macron The move came just hours Acosta tried to ask another
exercises, was evacuated after insistent that Britain should not after CNN's chief White House question. Then a White House
the collision with the Sola TS be allowed to negotiate advan- correspondent Jim Acosta drew intern unsuccessfully tried to
tanker, Norway's army said. tages for itself as it withdraws the ire of Trump by persisting take the microphone from the
"It took on a lot of water from the European Union. with questions about his views CNN correspondent. Trump
and there is a real danger that British Foreign Secretary set to emphasise the historic Hopes that a deal could on a caravan of Central Ameri- "Thank you, Mr. President," he acterise it as such?" "Because I backed away from the podium
it sinks where it is," an official Jeremy Hunt also raised hack- Franco-British partnership. finally be sealed at a Novem- can migrants making its way to said. "I want to challenge you consider it an invasion. You and for a moment, signalling he was
for the Sola rescue centre said. les in Paris last month when he "It was a war in which our ber summit meeting have faded the US border and refused to the on one of the statements that I have a difference of opinion." done, while Acosta asked the
An image published by compared the EU to the Soviet destinies as nations were yoked in recent days. President's orders to sit down you made in the tail end of the "But do you think that you question again and then let go
Norwegian broadcaster NRK Union and suggested its mem- together -- in which we fought The issue is set to be dis- and clung to the microphone. campaign." Trump leaned into demonised immigrants?" of the microphone.
showed that water had almost bers were trying to punish Brit- and bled side by side for over cussed between Macron and The removal of Acosta's pass the microphone and said, "Here "No, not at all. I want them Defending Acosta, the CNN
reached the level of the frigate's ain for leaving. four years -- and in which, in British Prime Minister Theresa is a sharp escalation of tensions we go" seemingly relishing the to come into the country. But said the Trump administra-
helicopter platform. But in Thursday's speech the end, we prevailed," accord- May on Friday when they meet between the Trump administra- confrontation. they have to come in legally," tion's decision was "a threat to
A total of 137 people were at the British embassy in Paris, ing to a transcript. in northern France for a cere- tion and the media. "As you know, Mr. Presi- Trump said. democracy". Describing Acos-
on board the frigate while 23 Hunt will tell the audience -- in "It is a relationship of com- mony to mark the World War At the news conference, dent, the caravan is not an inva- That's what the migrants are ta's behaviour as "disgusting and
were on the tanker, which was French -- that the neighbours petition and cooperation, sim- I Armistice. which lasted 1 hour and 26 sion," Acosta said. "It's a group trying to do they say they intend outrageous", the White House
flying the Maltese flag, the offi- will "remain tied by bonds of ilarity and difference," he will Hunt's speech reflects Brit- minutes, Trump snapped at of migrants moving up from to seek asylum, he said. Press Secretary Sarah Sanders,
cial said. friendship and commerce for add. ain's desire -- reciprocated the press corps, called report- Central America towards the Acosta called out the mis- in a statement on Wednesday
The 62,000-tonne tanker decades to come." Britain is due to leave the in Paris -- to maintain close ers "rude" for asking questions, border with the US." leading ad released by the said, "As a result of today's inci-
received only slight damage Three days ahead of the 28-nation bloc on March 29 ties with France after Brexit and made baseless claims about Trump, sarcastically, replied, Republican Party and said: dent, the White House is sus-
and is waiting to be towed to a 100th anniversary of World next year, but details of its despite the tricky negotiations political polling. "Thank you for telling me that, "They're hundreds of miles away, pending the hard pass of the
nearby oil terminal, the rescue War I, when Britain and France withdrawal treaty have yet to and sometimes over-heated Acosta was one of the first I appreciate it." though. They're hundreds and reporter involved until further
centre official said.  AGENCIES allied against Germany, he is be agreed. rhetoric.  AGENCIES reporters Trump called on. Acosta: "Why did you char- hundreds of miles away. That's notice."  AGENCIES

Police detain two students Diwali a special opportunity to reflect Nasa’s Ralph probe set to visit
Jupiter's Trojan asteroids
outside Beijing Apple store on India-America friendship: Trump WASHINGTON DC: NASA's Ralph -- a space instru-
BEIJING: Police detained two cation cards, the police took ment that has travelled as far as Pluto -- is set to
students in Beijing on Thurs- two students away, she said. explore Jupiter's Trojan asteroids, which are remnants
day who were part of a group Beijing police did not WASHINGTON DC: Greet- Indian-Americans in the devel- industry, public service, edu- triumph of light over darkness
protesting outside an Apple immediately respond to AFP's ing people on the occasion of opment of the United States. cation, scientific research, and and good over evil. Republican from the early days of the solar system. Ralph was
store about alleged worker request for comment. Diwali, US President Don- "Diwali is a special oppor- other fields continue to repre- National Committee (RNC) first launched aboard the New Horizons spacecraft in
exploitation, according to one According to photos shared ald Trump said the festival of tunity to reflect on the bond of sent the very best of our Ameri- chairperson Ronna McDaniel 2006m and obtained stunning flyby images of Jupi-
of the demonstrators. on Twitter by eyewitness Zhifan lights is a special opportunity to friendship between the United can virtues and the spirit of the also greeted people celebrating ter and its moons. This was followed by a visit to Pluto
The students were protest- Liu, a French freelance jour- reflect on the bond of friendship States and India," Trump said in Diwali season," he said. Diwali. "We wish you and your where Ralph took the first high-definition pictures of
ing in response to allegations nalist based in Beijing, the stu- between India and America. a special Diwali message issued Asserting that Diwali is family and friends a meaningful the iconic minor planet. In 2021, Ralph is set to jour-
made last month that one of dents were holding signs that Trump said First Lady Mela- on Wednesday. a joyous and spiritual time celebration of the victory of light
the US company's suppliers was said "Protesting illegal student nia joins him in sending their "We recognise the extraor- marked by Hindus, Sikhs, over darkness. We at the RNC
ney with the Lucy mission to Jupiter's Trojan asteroids.
exploiting student workers in employment at an Apple fac- best wishes for a very happy and dinary contributions of Indian- Jains, and Buddhists, Trump will continue to honour the tra- The instrumet will fly by another Kuiper Belt object
southwest China. tory, supporting workers to cre- memorable Diwali. Americans to the strength and said lighting of lamps on the ditions of diverse communities called 2014 MU69 -- nicknamed Ultima Thule -- in
The two students detained ate their own unions", before He also recognised the success of our nation. Their occasion symbolises the true that enrich and strengthen our January 2019.  AGENCIES
were from Renmin University police dispersed the protest. "extraordinary" contributions of achievements in business and meaning of Diwali, which is country," she said.  AGENCIES
and Peking University -- two The students had planned
schools that have seen a surge
of student-led labour activ-
ism this year. One of the other
to take photos and shoot
a video to raise awareness
around the alleged exploitation
Dating apps use artificial intelligence to help search for love
protesters, a 21-year-old from of student workers at an Apple
Renmin University, said that a Watch factory in Chongqing LISBON: Forget swiping Online dating pioneer you would like to meet, the app looks like anyone at all, includ-
group of police ordered the stu- municipality. through endless profiles. Dat- eHarmony announced it is tells you about them. ing their ex or celebrity crush.
dents to show their IDs shortly According to a report pub- ing apps are using artificial developing an AI-enabled fea- After several days the app Users can upload a picture
after they finished taking pho- lished last month by Hong intelligence to suggest where ture which nudges users to sug- will help set up a time for a of someone and the app will
tos in front of the Apple store. Kong-based labour rights to go on a first date, recom- gest meeting in person after phone call between you and find lookalikes among Badoo's
A total of 10 students par- group Students and Scholars mend what to say and even find they have been chatting in the your match -- and give advice more than 400 million users
ticipated in the protest. Against Corporate Misbehav- a partner who looks like your app for a while. for your first date based on worldwide.
"They said we were disrupt- iour (SACOM), students from favourite celebrity. "There is a lot of activity on what it knows about the other Reality TV star Kim Kar-
ing the order, disrupting law a vocational school had to work Until recently smartphone dating apps but by and large person. dashian, Oscar-winning
and order, and asked to check punishing hours at the factory, dating apps -- such as Tinder there is not a lot of dates," eHar- "It will say things like 'based actress Emma Stone and singer
our IDs," said the student, who assembling Apple Watches -- which lets you see in real time mony CEO Grant Langston on her personality inclination Beyonce are the most searched
requested anonymity. under the guise of "internships" who is available and "swipe" if told the annual tech gathering. she is a traditional person, I for celebrities globally since
After the protesters initially -- or else their graduate degrees you wish to meet someone -- "Guys don't know how to would recommend dinner and Badoo introduced the feature --
refused to show their identifi- would be withheld.  AGENCIES left it up to users to ask some- ask, it's astounding really how a walk'," said Kevin Teman, the dubbed Lookalikes -- last year.
one out and then make the date many people need help and we app's developer. However not everyone is
go well. think we can do that in an auto- The app also reminds you to convinced that AI can aid the
APPEAL FOR IDENTIFICATION But to fight growing fatigue mated way." ask questions "about the things search for love.
A girl namely Karina Kumar D/o Balko R/o North 24 from searching through pro- British dating app Love- ple's homes using information An entirely voice operated that are important to you" dur- Among the doubters at
Pargana, sex- female, aged- about 18 years, height- files in vain, the online dating flutter plans to use AI to anal- from Foursquare, an app that dating app called AIMM which ing the date, he added. the Web Summit was UN
5 feet, complexion- dark wheatish, face- round, built- sector is turning to artificial yse chats between its users to helps smartphone users find uses AI to mirror a human After the date, the app Secretary-General Antonio
medium who worked as a domestic help at 5/24A, West intelligence (AI) to help arrange determine their compatibility nearby restaurants, bars and matchmaking service is already checks in with both people to Guterres, who said he was "a
Patel Nagar (placed by Ajay from Guru Nanak Placement meetings in real life and act as a and suggest when they should clubs. being tested in Denver where it see how it went and recom- little bit sceptical" it could help
Service) was reported dead due to illness at Dr BL Kapur
dating coach. meet. "It kind of takes the pressure has about 1,000 users. mend whether they should "people chose their soul mates".
Hospital on 29/10/18 on mlc no. 539/18. information
is lodged at PS Patel Nagar vide dd no. 27A. The dead These new uses for AI -- the "We will ping a message off organising that first date," When you open the app, a continue to see each other or "I'm very happy I have cho-
body has been preserved at RML mortuary for 72 hours. The parents or science of programming com- saying 'You are getting along said Smith. soothing voice asks questions keep looking. Teman hopes sen my soulmate by traditional
family of deceased could not be traced due to incomplete address. Search puters to reproduce human really well, why don't you go on Tinder founder Sean Rad about what you like to do on to make it available across the methods," said the former Por-
be made and if any clue/information is found, SHO/Patel Nagar, Delhi processes like thinking and your first date'," said Loveflutter said AI will "create better user a date or where you would like United States early next year. tuguese prime minister, who
may please be informed accordingly on Telephone No. 011-25872637 decision making -- by dating co-founder Daigo Smith. experiences" and predicted to travel. Badoo, a London-based is married to a Lisbon city
and 011-25874034.  SHO apps were highlighted at the Loveflutter already suggests iPhone's Siri Voice assistant It then suggests suitable dating app, is now using AI and councillor, in his opening
P.S. Patel Nagar Delhi-08 four-day Web Summit which places to go on a first date that would in the future act as a matches based on your person- facial recognition technology address to the gathering on
wraps up Thursday in Lisbon. are equidistant from both peo- matchmaker. ality. Once you have picked one to let users find a match that Monday.  AGENCIES
MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018
mp world 11
12 dead in California bar Lanka: Massive pro-Ranil rally
paralyses streets of Colombo
shooting; gunman killed COLOMBO: A rally of hun-
dreds of cars carrying sup-
porters of Sri Lanka's deposed
prime minister brought chaos
to Colombo streets on Thurs-
WASHINGTON DC/LOS of the victims and families of investigations and that informa- day as they demanded that par-
ANGELES: A gunman dressed the victims. Thank you to Law tion will come out as soon as we liament be reopened.
in black sprayed bullets inside Enforcement," Trump said in a are able to determine exactly A noisy cavalcade of motor-
a crowded dance bar popular series of tweets. who the suspect was and what cycles, auto-rickshaws, cars and
with college students Wednes- The hooded gunman burst motive he might have had for vans took loyalists of ousted
day night, killing at least 12 peo- into the bar around 11:20 p.m. this horrific event," Dean added. prime minister Ranil Wick-
ple, including a police officer, (local time) dressed entirely in Citing witnesses, the paper remesinghe to a rally to hear
in California's Thousand Oaks black. said that people ran for cover speeches slamming the presi-
city in one of the "horrific" mass Ventura County Sheriff 's when shooting started. Some dent for sacking the head of
shooting incidents in the US. Department Sgt. Ron Helus and people tried to break win- government last month.
The gunman, who also a California Highway Patrol dows using chairs to escape President Maithripala Siris- rally was staged at Indepen- both sides of the dispute.
injured nearly a dozen others, officer entered the bar first and the building while some hid in ena named former president dence Square. Rajapakse is reportedly try-
was found dead inside the Bor- were met with gunfire from the bathrooms. Mahinda Rajapakse as the The motorists displayed ing to engineer defections to
derline Bar and Grill on the out- suspect, the Los Angeles Times The FBI's Joint Terrorism new prime minister in a shock posters of Wickremesinghe ensure he has a majority in the
skirts of Los Angeles although reported, citing officials. Task Force has been rushed move on October 26, and sus- and carried banners which read 225 member assembly which
it was not immediately clear if Helus was shot several times to the scene, according to an pended parliament so neither "People Power". Sirisena has said can only
he was killed by officers or shot investigators had not found any ing in California." and succumbed to his injuries agency spokeswoman. Repre- has won a vote of confidence. The US embassy in reopen on November 14.
himself. type of assault rifle within the "Law Enforcement and First at a hospital. sentatives from the US Bureau The rival prime ministers have Colombo issued a security alert Sirisena has filled only 22
Ventura County Sheriff bar. Responders, together with the He was planning to retire of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & now spent nearly two weeks warning of traffic hold ups. of 30 cabinet positions -- pur-
Geoff Dean described the inci- "Right now as far as we know FBI, are on scene. 13 people, at next year after a 29-year stint Explosives were also dispatched. at loggerheads, and the move "The embassy reminds citi- posefully keeping some jobs
dent as "horrific." there was only one handgun, but this time, have been reported with the sheriff 's department, According to bar's website, -- which has been described zens that even events intended vacant to tempt legislators of
"It's a horrific scene in there, that could certainly change as dead. Likewise, the shooter is Dean said. Wednesday nights are college- as illegal by opponents -- has to be peaceful can turn con- Wickremesinghe's party to
there is blood everywhere and we do a more thorough search dead, along with the first police Helus, who died "a hero", is themed nights open to students triggered a constitutional crisis. frontational and escalate into defect to Rajapakse's side.
the suspect is part of that, and of the building," he said. officer to enter the bar.... survived by a son and his wife, as young as 18. Quoting wit- Protestors had initially violence," it said. According to latest counts,
I didn't want to get that close It was not immediately clear "Great bravery shown by whom he called before entering nesses, the paper said the event planned to drive to the resi- One man was killed and Wickremesinghe has 103 MPs
and disturb the scene and pos- how the suspect died and the police. California Highway the bar, Dean added. is popular with Moorpark col- dence of parliament speaker two others wounded in a shoot- after gaining a defector on
sibly disturb the investigation," identities of the victims were Patrol was on scene within 3 It was the second mass lege students, and the Pepper- Karu Jayasuriya to urge him to ing linked to the constitutional Tuesday, while Rajapakse and
he said. not immediately released. minutes, with first officer to shooting in the US within two dine student newspaper tweeted defy the president and lift the crisis last month. Sirisena have 101.
He said the motive of the President Donald Trump enter shot numerous times. weeks. "We have no idea if there that students from its campus assembly suspension. The power struggle has par- Most of the remaining 21
shooter - whose identify was said that he has been "fully That Sheriff 's Sergeant died is a terrorism link to this or not. were also inside at the time of But amid traffic chaos, the alysed much of the administra- MPs are set to oppose Raj-
not known - is still unclear and briefed on the terrible shoot- in the hospital. God bless all As you know, these are ongoing the shooting.  AGENCIES route was shortened and the tion, according to legislators on apakse, observers say.  AGENCIES

Colorado moves
Left... elects
Trump sacks US A-G Sessions, B’desh PM Hasina to seek re-election on December 23
USA’s first takes control of Russia probe DHAKA: Bangladesh's Chief
Election Commissioner said on
Thursday that the South Asian
violence and shunned by inter-
national observers as flawed.
Following Huda's

gay governor WASHINGTON DC: Presi-

dent Donald Trump Wednes-
nation would hold a general
election on Dec. 23, and vowed
that the Election Commission
announcement, BNP secretary
general Mirza Fakhrul Islam
Alamgir told Reuters that his
day sacked US Attorney would ensure a free and fair party and its allies were still
DENVER: Colorado Demo- General Jeff Sessions, virtu- election. deliberating whether to par-
crats have flipped control of ally taking operational control K.M. Nurul Huda, the ticipate. He said the BNP had
the state Senate, giving the of a sensitive probe into for- head of the Election Commis- asked the commission to defer
party a trifecta of Statehouse eign interference in the 2016 sion, said he hoped all parties the vote, but that its wishes
control with the historic vic- election and the possibility of will participate in the elec- had not been met. "There is no
tory of US Rep. Jared Polis as collusion between the Trump tion, in which Prime Minister reflection of public wishes and
the nation's first openly gay campaign and Russia. Sheikh Hasina is seeking to get expectations in the schedule
governor and a sweep of top For months, Trump pub- re-elected. authoritarian rule, the gov- that a caretaker government is and it is moving toward a uni-
statewide offices. licly attacked Sessions for "A favourable situation pre- ernment's handling of student essential for free and fair polls, lateral election," he said.
With key wins by five recusing himself from over- vails in the country to hold a protests this year and its crack- but the ruling party says the The BNP, which is in dis-
women in toughly contested seeing the probe in 2017, and free and fair election," Huda down on free speech. demand is unconstitutional. array following the jailing of
state Senate races in Denver's blamed his decision for allow- said during a nationwide Huda said there would be "I urge political parties its chief, former prime minis-
suburbs, Tuesday's election ing Deputy Attorney General that Mueller's probe should be Attorney General Jeff Sessions address aired by state-run 40,000 voting centres across the to participate in the election ter Khaleda Zia, on corruption
will produce a renewed Dem- Rod Rosenstein to appoint a reined in. at the Department of Justice, television and radio stations, nation, and more than 600,000 to make it meaningful," said charges, had also pressed for
ocratic push to strengthen for- special counsel. CBS News reported that will become our new Acting adding almost all preparations law enforcement personnel Huda, adding that if parties a caretaker government at the
mer President Barack Obama's Trump said Sessions will Deputy Attorney General Attorney General of the United for an election were already would be deployed to ensure a have any differences of opin- 2014 election and boycotted it
healthcare law, adopt gun be temporarily replaced by Rosenstein is no longer lead- States. He will serve our Coun- complete. free and fair election. ion they should resolve these after the demand was not met.
control legislation, increase his chief of staff, Matthew ing the Mueller inquiry, and try well (sic)." While Hasina's government Bangladesh's ruling Awami via talks, but not boycott the Hasina and Khaleda, who
funding for public educa- Whitaker, who is a Republi- that Whitaker will now assume "We thank Attorney Gen- has won widespread global League party on Wednesday elections. between them have ruled Ban-
tion and stress environmental can loyalist. control. eral Jeff Sessions for his ser- plaudits for letting in hundreds rejected an opposition party's It is still not immediately gladesh for decades, are bit-
protections. Now, with Whitaker at the In a tweet on Wednesday vice, and wish him well! A of thousands of Rohingya ref- demand for a caretaker gov- clear whether the BNP plans ter rivals and the BNP says
"It's straightforward where helm, Trump has someone Trump said, "We are pleased permanent replacement will ugees who fled persecution ernment ahead of the election. to contest the elections. BNP its leader has been jailed on
I intend to start: Equal pay for leading the Justice Department to announce that Matthew be nominated at a later date," in Myanmar, its critics have The opposition Bangladesh boycotted the last election in trumped-up charges to keep
equal work. Paid family leave. who has already suggested G. Whitaker, Chief of Staff to he tweeted.  AGENCIES decried Hasina's increasingly Nationalist Party (BNP) says 2014 that was marred by deadly her out of politics.  AGENCIES
Closing the wage gap between
men and women. It's about
equality and an economy that
works for everyone," said Rep.
Weapons enthusiast detained for threats to kill Spain PM Pak delegation leaves for China to
Jesse Danielson, who won one
of the key Senate races in sub-
urban Jefferson County.
BARCELONA: A man who
owned an "arsenal of weap-
The man, who "wanted
to kill the President of the
weapons, munitions and
explosives," and of a hate
security "had never been
compromised." Sanchez has
discuss quantum of bailout package
Results were still trickling ons" was arrested in Septem- Spanish Government", was crime. made exhuming Franco's
in, but Democrats were poised ber for threatening online to detained in the northeast- A spokeswoman for the embalmed body from the ISLAMABAD: A high-level package, but officials have said The Pakistani delegation that
to take a two-seat majority in kill Spanish Prime Minister ern city of Terrassa in Cata- court told AFP the man had grandiose Valley of the Fallen Pakistani delegation left for it is not enough, and the coun- left for Beijing includes secretar-
the state Senate, erasing a one- Pedro Sanchez, officials said lonia, the region's Mossos made threats online and was basilica where he currently China on Thursday to final- try still plans to seek a bailout ies of finance, trade and plan-
vote GOP edge. In the state Thursday. d'Esquadra police force said detained in mid-September. rests near Madrid one of his ise the quantum of a potential from the International Mon- ning, as well as the governor of
House, Democrats looked to The Publico daily, which on Twitter. "When his home was priorities since he came to financial aid package for the etary Fund (IMF). the State Bank of Pakistan, Geo
increase their comfortable broke the story, said the man "The arrested, who had an searched to check if the threats power in June. cash-strapped country, even as a On Saturday, China said it News reported. The delegation
majority. was 63 and among his weap- arsenal of weapons at home, is were real... an arsenal was The issue has taken cen- team of officials from the IMF is will provide the "necessary sup- will hold talks with Chinese offi-
Democrats also captured ons were sniper rifles and a in prison," it added. found, which reinforces the tre stage in Spain and the gov- here for talks on a bailout plan. port" to Pakistan to tide over the cials to finalise a possible eco-
the GOP-held positions of sec- submachine gun. Catalonia's high court said credibility of the threats," she ernment is due to announce The government of Prime present financial crisis after talks nomic package, in a follow-up to
retary of state, attorney general It said he had apparently he is suspected of "conspir- said, adding there were a lot Thursday its final arrange- Minister Imran Khan is facing between Prime Minister Khan Prime Minister Khan's maiden
and state treasurer. made the threats against San- ing to wage an attack against of weapons. ments to move the body. grave economic challenges as it and his Chinese counterpart Li visit to China, it said. Discus-
National LGBTQ advo- chez because he was furious at authorities using weapons", She said he did not have an Sanchez wants to move the struggles to avoid a financial cri- Keqiang in Beijing. sions will also be held pertain-
cates hailed Polis becom- the prime minister's move to without identifying him. arms licence. former dictator's remains to sis and keep the economy afloat. China has not yet revealed ing to Pakistan-made products'
ing the first openly gay man exhume late dictator Francisco The man is also accused The Spanish govern- a more discreet spot where it Last month, Saudi Arabia how much it would dole out to access to the Chinese markets,
elected governor in the United Franco from his high-profile of making "serious threats," ment said in a statement will be harder for Franco fol- said it would provide Pakistan its all-weather ally Pakistan to the report quoted sources as
States.  AGENCIES resting place near Madrid. illegally owning a "cache of that the prime minister's lowers to pay homage.  AGENCIES with a USD 6 billion rescue address its financial woes. saying.  AGENCIES

Nasa’s Parker probe healthy after Japanese passengers now tend to prefer bullet
closest ever approach to Sun train network over air travel for short routes
Parker Solar Probe -- man- FUKUOKA (Japan): Japan's last five years. During financial of 618 km in 2008 between
kind's mission to touch the Sun bullet train network, which 2016, the number of air pas- Madrid and Barcelona, Spain's
-- is alive and well after its first seems to have won the battle sengers grew by 15 per cent, most popular high-speed train
close encounter with our star's for passengers against the air- whereas the number of pas- route, air travel was down 27
surface. lines operating on short routes, sengers in the four rail upper per cent compared with the
The probe skimmed by the will benefit countries like India classes actually declined. previous year, according to the
Sun at just 15 million miles building high-speed corridors, "We have recognised the International Union of Rail-
from its surface, breaking the according to a top Japanese fact that the high speed cor- ways (UIC).
previous record was set by official. ridors would be specially ben- Similarly, the journey of
Helios B in 1976. The high speed railways eficial in shorter routes like around 477.95 km between
The manoeuvre exposed have completely taken over Delhi-Chandigarh. While Milan and Rome served by the
the spacecraft to intense heat from airlines in the 553-km we are currently studying the 320km/h Frecciarossa, Italy's
and solar radiation in a com- route between Tokyo to Osaka, golden quadrilateral for a high fastest trains, has become the
plex solar wind environment, the 366-km route between speed corridor, shorter routes favourite among tourists as it
NASA said in a statement. standing of our universe," said November 5, called perihelion, Tokyo and Nagoya, where the are definitely on the anvil," takes an hour less than flying
"Parker Solar Probe was Zurbuchen. Parker Solar Probe reached a Tokaido Shinkansen has 85 Rajesh Agarwal, Member, Roll- there.
designed to take care of itself Mission controllers at the top speed of 213,200 miles per per cent of the market share, railways is around 10 per cent develop wayside communities, ing Stock told PTI. Shukuri also points out
and its precious payload dur- Johns Hopkins University hour, setting a new record for according to statistics of the as against the airlines' 90 per urban planning. High speed The Golden Quadrilateral that high speed railways has
ing this close approach, with no Applied Physics Lab received spacecraft speed. International High Speed Rail cent. rail networks can only be suc- is a national highway network also gained in certain sectors
control from us on Earth and the status beacon from the Along with new records Association (IHRA). "No matter in which coun- cessful if there is high reliabil- connecting many of the major over airlines because travelling
now we know it succeeded," spacecraft on November 7, for the closest approach to The Shinkansen, collo- try, high-speed railways have ity," said Shukuri. industrial, agricultural and cul- by air is time consuming and
said Thomas Zurbuchen, asso- 2018. the Sun, Parker Solar Probe quially known in English as found a sweet spot in the 300 The success of these lines tural centres of India. It forms entails many hours of actual
ciate administrator of NASA's The beacon indicates sta- will repeatedly break its own the bullet train, is a network km-900 km route. Of course would come as good news for a quadrilateral connecting travel than merely the flight
Science Mission Directorate tus "A" -- the best of all four speed record as its orbit draws of high-speed railway lines in the punctuality of the trains the Indian Railways which has the four major metro cities of time. "Flying means travelling
at the agency headquarters in possible status signals, mean- closer to the star and the space- Japan. and the comfort of the train begun land acquisition for its India, viz., Delhi (north), Kol- from home to so airport, time
Washington. ing that Parker Solar Probe is craft travels faster and faster at In the Tokyo-Hiroshima also matters," said Masafumi 508-km high speed network kata (east), Mumbai (west) and taken for check-in and security,
"Parker is the culmina- operating well with all instru- perihelion. route comprising of 894 km, Shukuri, Chairman IHRA. between Mumbai and Ahmed- Chennai (south). as well as additional time in
tion of six decades of scien- ments running and collecting At this distance, the intense 67 per cent market share is with "Countries like India abad, a 50 km stretch of which In other countries too transport and baggage pickup.
tific progress. Now, we have science data and, if there were sunlight heated the Sun-fac- Shinkansen. which are building such high is scheduled to be opened by shorter routes have given air- So over all, despite flying time
realised humanity's first close any minor issues, they were ing side of Parker Solar Probe's In contrast, in longer routes speed networks would find 2022. line companies a run for their being less, on shorter routes
visit to our star, which will have resolved autonomously by the heat shield, called the Thermal like the 1175-km Tokyo- this model extremely benefi- The number of air passen- money. passenger prefer the hassle-
implications not just here on spacecraft. Protection System, to about 437 Fukoaka Shinkansen, the mar- cial. However, along with high gers has been growing in the Within a year of the launch free high speed train travel," he
Earth, but for a deeper under- At its closest approach on degrees Celsius.  AGENCIES ket share for the high speed speed, countries also need to country in double digits in the of the high speed railway rote said.  AGENCIES
12 mp business MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018

US Visa, Mastercard losing market 10 out of 15 newly listed

companies trade below
to India’s own RuPay card, UPI: FM IPO price this fiscal
NEW DELHI: More than half
UPI and RuPay card share has reached 65% of payments done through debit and credit cards of 15 companies that made their
stock market debut this fiscal
NEW DELHI: Finance Minis- Besides, the Bharat Inter- Pune — said approximately 9 has pushed up online payments are trading below their issue
ter Arun Jaitley said Thursday face for Money (BHIM) app out of every 10 e-wallet trans- significantly, moving the econ- price, plunging as much as 53
global payment gateways like developed by National Pay- actions are used to do mobile omy into a “less-cash and trans- per cent.
Mastercard and Visa are los- ments Corporation of India recharges, followed by paying parent state. A total of 15 companies
ing market share to indigenous for quick payment transactions the utility bills (8 out of 10). “Significant investments have been listed on the bourses
RuPay card and UPI payment using UPI, is currently being It added that apart from in the form of cash back and this fiscal after completing their
system. used by 1.25 crore people. e-wallets, consumers also pre- innovations, like one-click respective initial public offers.
In a Facebook post mark- The value of BHIM trans- fer using debit/credit cards, payments, pay anytime any- Dinesh Engineers, a pas-
ing the second anniversary of actions has gone up from Rs 2 internet banking, etc as a where have helped merchants sive communication infra-
demonetisation, the minister crore in September 2016 to Rs mode of payment for digital and customers to adopt mobile structure provider, withdrew Shares of these
said note ban has increased 7,060 crore in September 2018. transactions. wallets to save costs as com- its initial public offer early last
digital transactions. The share of BHIM transac- “The usage of credit cards, pared to other digital payment month due to sluggish inves- 10 firms have
"Today, Visa and Master- tions in overall UPI transac- 3 out of every 4 is observed methods. With the push from tors' response. declined in range
card are losing market share tions is at about 48 per cent in to be the highest among the government and innovations, Out of the 15 newly-listed
in India to indigenously devel- June 2017. people who have monthly per- mobile wallets are expected to companies, shares of 10 firms
of 0.5-53%
oped payment system of UPI RuPay card transactions sonal income between Rs 1.5 grow further in near to mid- are trading below their IPO till the latest
and RuPay card whose share have increased from Rs 800 to 2 lakh, whereas people hav- term,” he said. price, tumbling as much as 53 trading session
has reached 65 per cent of the crore before demonetisation ing a monthly personal income He pointed out that per cent, an analysis of the new
payments done through debit to Rs 5,730 crore in September Meanwhile, a study shows that a around Rs 75,000 mostly pre- mobile digital payments have market entrants showed. (November 7)
and credit cards," Jaitley said. 2018 for transaction through fer to use debit cards...” said increased rapidly post demon- Shares of these 10 firms
Unified Payment Interface Point of Sale (PoS) . For e-com- majority of transactions on e-wallets the study, which coincides etization and mobile wallets have declined in the range of tries has given a smart return
(UPI) was launched in 2016 merce purchases, it has gone up in the country are used for mobile with the second anniversary of have contributed immensely 0.5-53 per cent till the latest of 42.91 per cent from its IPO
involving real time payments from Rs 300 crore to Rs 2,700 demonetisation. in this direction. trading session (November 7). price of Rs 783.
between two sets of mobile crore. recharges and paying utility bills According to Velocity MR The government had on Shares of ICICI Securities The broader market has seen
holders. Its transactions have Meanwhile, a study by Managing Director and CEO November 8, 2016, announced have been the worst hit, plung- severe volatility recently, with
grown from Rs 50 crore in market research firm Veloc- the country are used for mobile based on a sample size of 2,455 Jasal Shah, smartphone growth a ban on old 500 and 1000 ing 53.20 per cent from its issue the BSE benchmark Sensex fall-
October 2016 to Rs 59,800 ity MR shows that a majority recharges and paying utility respondents from cities like wave and the favourable regu- rupee notes, to curb black price of Rs 520 per share. ing sharply by 3,407.39 points,
crore in September 2018. of transactions on e-wallets in bills. The study — which was Delhi, Kolkata, Bengaluru and latory environment from RBI money in the system.  AGENCIES ICICI Securities, which got or 8.81 per cent, since August
listed in April, had to reduce this year.

Fortis Healthcare CEO Bhavdeep Singh quits Raw sugar exports from India
to China from early next year
the size of its initial public offer
after the sale elicited a sluggish
response, especially from high
net-worth individuals.
The key index had in April
gained 1,905 points or 5.72 per
cent, while in May it was up
162.02 points or 0.46 per cent
NEW DELHI: Fortis Healthcare said The company said its board has The scrip of IndoStar Capi- and in June it rose by 101.1
Thursday its CEO Bhavdeep Singh has expressed ''deep appreciation'' for Singh's NEW DELHI: India will start exporting raw sugar tal Finance has tumbled 45.39 points or 0.28 per cent.
resigned but will continue in his current leadership "in particular, during the past to China from early next year, a move which will per cent against its IPO price of Also, in July it was up
capacity till a successor is found. two years of high turbulence, his tenacity help to bridge the widening trade deficit with Rs 572 a share. 2,183.1 points or 6.16 per cent,
Singh has resigned from his position by and perseverance have been instrumental Weak trading performance and the index surged 1,038.49
communication dated November 8, 2018. in keeping the organisation steady through China, the commerce ministry said Thursday. "A by these firms came amid vola- points or 2.76 per cent in
The Board of Directors of the company has a very challenging period in the compa- contract for exporting 15,000 tonnes of raw sugar tile market conditions and slug- August.
considered and accepted his resignation, ny's history". has been entered to by the Indian Sugar Mills gish investor sentiment. The rally in stocks, how-
Fortis Healthcare said in a regulatory filing. In July this year, IHH Healthcare won Association and COFCO, a Government of China Of the 15 companies, five ever, came to a halt from Sep-
"At the request of the board, Singh has the race to take control of cash-strapped run public sector company," it said in a state- have, however, managed to stay tember onwards. In September
agreed to continue in his current capacity Fortis beating rivals TPG-Manipal consor- afloat, giving returns of up to the 30-share index tumbled
till such time his succession planning is tium in final round of bidding. ment. It said India plans to export two million 46 per cent. 2,417.93 points or 6.25 per
crystallised," the filing added. care, which agreed to invest Rs 4,000 crore Other suitors, Munjals-Burmans com- tonnes of raw sugar to China beginning next year. Shares of railways consul- cent and in October it fell by
The development comes nearly four in it by way of preferential allotment of bines, which had earlier become the pre- “Raw sugar is the second product after non- tancy firm RITES have surged 1,785.09 points or 4.92 per cent.
months after the crisis-hit healthcare chain shares. Singh has steered the organisation ferred bidder, and Radiant Life Care had basmati rice that China will import from India. It 45.94 per cent over its issue In the fiscal gone by, a total
was acquired by Malaysia's IHH Health- over the past three and a half years. backed out of the final round.  PTI
is a move to reduce the $60 billion trade deficit price of Rs 185. of 45 companies came out with
Besides, chemical manu- their IPOs raising a record of
China's exports JSW Steel crude output grows
that China has with India,” the ministry added.  PTI facturer Fine Organic Indus- over Rs 82,000 crore.  PTI

hold up despite
8% to 14.4 lt during October
Flipkart, Amazon
not violating
India keen to locally manufacture
America tariffs competition and export bullet train coaches
BEIJING: China's exports
to the United States and the
Thursday said its crude steel norms, says CCI FUKUOKA (Japan): India has
rest of the world grew more output grew 7.7 per cent to proposed to Japan that it is keen
than expected in October, offi- 14.47 lakh tonne during Octo- NEW DELHI: Fair trade to manufacture and export the
cial data showed Thursday, as ber 2018. watchdog CCI has concluded bullet train coaches which could
its traders apparently rushed The Sajjan Jindal-led com- that the business practices of bring down the cost of operat-
shipments across the Pacific pany had produced 13.43 LT Flipkart and Amazon are not ing the Shinkansen trains in
ahead of higher tariffs. crude steel in October 2017, it in violation of competition the country, a senior official
Relations between the said. During last month, there norms and rejected allegations of the Indian Railways said on
world's top two economies was a rise of 3.4 per cent in pro- of abuse of market dominance Thursday.
have soured sharply this duction of flat rolled products made by a grouping of online India is building the coun-
year as US President Donald at 10.11 LT as against 9.77 LT vendors. try's first high speed rail cor-
Trump slapped roughly half of in October 2017, it said. Amid concerns expressed in ridor between Mumbai to
Chinese imports with higher The company also regis- various quarters about alleged Ahmedabad which is expected
taxes. tered 34.1 per cent growth in unfair business ways in the fast- to be operational by 2022. Ini-
Still, in October export- the output of its long rolled growing online market place, tially, India is set to buy 18 such
ers continued to hurry goods products at 3.46 LT as com- the Competition Commission Shinkansen trains from Japan
across the Pacific, with China's pared to the year-ago month, of India in its ruling also made for Rs 7,000 crore.
exports to the US surging 13.2 it added. JSW Steel is a part of It is the leading inte- plant at Vijayanagar in Karna- it clear that any intervention in "We have proposed to the
per cent from the same period the diversified $13 billion JSW grated steel company with an taka is the largest single loca- the evolving e-commerce mar- Japanese side that they help us
last year, according to the data Group, which has a presence installed steel-making capacity tion steel producing facility in ket place needs to be "carefully with the technology to make
released by China's customs in steel, energy, infrastructure, of 18 million tonne per annum the country with a capacity of crafted" to ensure that innova- the bullet train coaches locally. The Ambassador of Japan to using our manufacturing units.
administration.  PTI cement, ventures and sports. (MTPA) in India. JSW Steel's 12 MTPA.  PTI tions are not stifled.  PTI Once we do that, we can build India Kenji Hiramatsu said that That will be a big takeaway," said
the coaches at a much lower the discussions over manufac- Agarwal. The 508-km long bul-

Modi govt trying to capture RBI: Chidambaram cost. In fact they would be the turing the Shinkansen coaches
cheapest in the world," Rajesh locally were going on.
Agarwal, Member, Rolling "The discussions on this is
let train corridor in India will
have 12 stations, with about 350-
km of it in Gujarat and 150-km
Stock, Railway Board said on going on. I believe it's best to in Maharashtra.
KOLKATA: Senior Congress stands his ground, the Centre the government. "In my view, ernment had invoked a never- the sidelines of a conference manufacture locally and we The bullet trains with 10
leader P Chidambaram on is planning to issue a direction whichever option is taken by before-used provision of the law here on high speed are seriously thinking coaches each, will have one
Thursday accused the Naren- under Section 7 of the RBI Act, the governor, it will damage the — Section 7 of the RBI Act — to railways. MAKE IN about it," he told this business class coach and nine
dra Modi government of trying 1934, directing the apex bank credibility and image of the RBI. ease NPA norms so that banks "Then we can INDIA reporter. If the move standard coaches each.
to capture the Reserve Bank of to transfer Rs 1 lakh crore to It also means capture of RBI. can kickstart lending and sup- take them across the works out, it will also The lowest fare is expected
India to tide over its fiscal cri- the government's account, he One more crucial institution port growth, and transfer more world. Many countries would open a new business opportu- to be Rs 250 and the maximum
sis, warning that any such move claimed. Section 7 of the RBI will fall from grace," he added. dividend to boost liquidity -- rather buy it from us rather than nity for the state owned organ- Rs 3,000. Land acquisition is
would be catastrophic. Act gives special powers to the The RBI and the govern- issues which the central bank China. Be it countries in South- isation which is reeling under underway for the project.
"The government stares at government to issue directions ment have not been on the same thinks cannot be relented. East Asia, even Europe and the high operating costs. The government has already
a fiscal-deficit crisis. The gov- to the RBI governor on issues of page on different issues for some Without acknowledging that USA," he said. The scope for high speed started getting funds from the
ernment wants to step up the public interest. months now. The disagreements the notices have been sent to the He said that the Modern railways across the globe has Japanese International Coop-
expenditure in an election year. Chidambaram alleged that government or the RBI gover- came out in open when RBI RBI, the Union Finance Min- Coach Factory, Raebareli in huge potential. It is currently eration Agency, which is pro-
Finding all avenues closed, in the government had packed nor resigns, in either events, Deputy Governor Viral Acha- istry had said the "autonomy Uttar Pradesh is well equipped in different stages in the USA, viding a soft loan of Rs 88,000
desperation, the government the central bank's board with the consequence will be cata- rya, in a hard-hitting speech, for the central bank, within the to produce the coaches. Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, crore for the project over 50
has demanded Rs 1 lakh crore handpicked nominees and was strophic," he said. said failure to defend the cen- framework of the RBI Act, is "Add to this around 150,000 Thailand and Indonesia. years at an annual interest rate
from the reserves of RBI," the making every attempt to push In this situation, the senior tral bank's independence would an essential and accepted gov- skilled workers, 50 railway "The idea is to get Japan to of 0.1 per cent. Repayments
former Union finance minister through its proposals at the RBI Congress leader said, there were "incur the wrath of the financial ernance requirement. Govern- workshops and around six pro- produce not just the rolling will start after a moratorium of
said at a press conference here. board meeting on November only two options for Patel: either markets". ments in India have nurtured duction units that railway has stock for railways in India but 15 years from the date the loan
If RBI Governor Urjit Patel 19. "If the RBI either defies the resign or transfer the amount to It later emerged that the gov- and respected this".  PTI at it's disposal," Agarwal said. also other sectors like defence was released.  PTI

H1 bond volumes crimp 26% to `2.5 trillion on rising interest rates

MUMBAI: Rising interest rate of September. shadow banking entities to scale The report also noted that The continuing liquidity erate to 9-10 percent for FY19
has seen a 26 percent de-growth Call money rates have been down their credit growth." after the crisis of confidence tightness will also have a nega- as nearly half the public sector
in fresh corporate bond issu- on an upwsing for a while and NBFCs and HFCs accounted in the NBFC sector following tive impact on deposit growth banks which control 51 percent
ances at Rs 2.5 trillion in the is trading at 9.5 percent and for 55-60 percent of bond issu- the IL&FS crisis, the liquidity of banks at 7-8 percent for the of the system as a whole are pre-
first half of FY19 from a high above. ances during the last two-three have tightened in the system full year against 6.7 percent in vented from lending after being
Rs 3.4 trillion in the year-ago But as investors shifted to years and around 41 percent of which as of October 22 was FY18. Banks are seen netting placed under the prompt cor-
period, and may remain sub- short-term debt instruments, commercial papers outstanding Rs 1.37 trillion, and improved only an incremental deposit rective action framework. These
dued in the remaining part of outstanding volume of com- as of end September. thereafter as the Reserve Bank build-up of Rs 5-6 trillion dur- 11 banks alone control around
the year as well, says a report. mercial papers rose to Rs 5.5 "We expect commercial announced OMOs of Rs 36,000 ing H2, which was Rs 3.3 tril- 20 percent of the system credit
With such a de-growth, the trillion as of September 30, clip- paper sales to decline by at least crore in October and Rs 40,000 lion in H1 and Rs 5.1 trillion in and deposits.
volume of bond outstanding ping at 41.5 percent, says Icra. Rs 1 trillion during the second crore in November, taking the H2 of FY18. "Capital constraints of pub-
stood at low Rs 28.4 crore at the Karthik Srinivasan, group half, which will still translate overall OMO purchases to Rs The annual bank credit lic sector banks and deposit
end of September, recording a head for financial sector rat- in a growth of 20-22 percent 1.26 trillion so far this year. growth remains strong at 12.9 constraints of private sector
growth of 9.7 percent as against ing at the agency warned that in outstanding CP volume for However, given the expecta- percent as of September par- banks will continue to impact
14 percent in March 2018, says the increased risk aversion the year. tions of more liquidity crunch, tially supported by a low base the overall bank credit growth,"
domestic rating agency Icra in towards non-banking finance "Further, assuming bond the agency expects the overall in H1 of FY18. he warns, and forecasts that
a report. companies (NBFCs) and hous- issuances of Rs 3-3.4 trillion OMO purchases to be at least Assuming an incremental the overall credit growth from
However, a shift in credit ing finance companies (HFCs), for H2 against Rs 2.5 trillion Rs 1.6 trillion by the end of the credit of Rs 4.5-5.4 trillion in H2 all these three sources—CPs,
demand to banks and a low base bond and commercial paper in H1 and Rs 3.4 trillion in H2 5.9 trillion, (a decline of 15-20 growth of bond outstanding December, as against OMO against Rs 3.3 trillion in H1 and bonds and banks—is expected
effect resulted in a 12.6 per- sale is likely to moderate in of FY18, bond issuances are percent) in FY19. With such a shall decline to 7-8 percent for sales of Rs 90,000 crore during Rs 6.7 trillion in H2 of FY18, to moderate to 9-10 percent for
cent growth in bank credit as the H2 as well, pushing these estimated to decline to Rs 5.5- decline in bond issues, annual the year," says Srinivasan. the entire FY18. bank credit is expected to mod- the year. PTI
MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018
mp business 13
GAIL fast-tracks North-East Expert panel seeks comments
on easing petrol pump norms
feeder gas pipeline project NEW DELHI: An expert com-
mittee set up to recommend
relaxing norms for setting up
petrol pumps and retailing ATF
in India has sought public com-
NEW DELHI: State-owned gas December 2021," it said. ments on the issue before final-
utility GAIL (India) Ltd Thurs- Work on 729-km Tripathi said, GAIL is con- ising its views.
day said it has purchased steel pipeline, which currently executing over 5,500 The Oil Ministry had last
pipes worth Rs 1,100 crore for kilometers of gas transmission month set up a five-member
laying the Barauni-Guwahati will act as a network at an estimated outlay expert committee to recom-
gas pipeline, putting on fast
track the implementation of
branch line from of Rs 25,000 crore.
"In spite of recent impact
mend easing of fuel retailing
licensing rules.
the project that will connect the prestigious to on-going project work due "The first meeting of the
the north-east with the national Pradhan Mantri to calamitous floods, construc- committee was held on Novem-
gas grid. tion of natural gas pipelines in ber 2, and the Committee
Work on the 729-km pipe- Urja Ganga Kerala and Karnataka are fast- desired to have the views/sug-
line, which will act as a branch pipeline project, tracked for completion by the gestions of all the stakeholders/
line from the prestigious Prad- end of current fiscal year as general public," a notice issued
han Mantri Urja Ganga pipe- will commence more than 85 per cent physi- by the ministry said. existing architecture and extent with 27,325 petrol pumps in
line project, will commence from December cal progress has been achieved It asked for comments on of private sector participation the country, followed by HPCL
from December, the company under the Kochi to Mangalore the subject within two weeks. in retail marketing of major with 15,255 outlets and BPCL
said in a statement here. gressing as per schedule, it said. ligarh Refineries Ltd (NRL) GAIL said work on the pipeline project," he said. At present, to obtain a transportation fuels in the at 14,565 fuel stations.
GAIL said it has awarded GAIL Chairman and Man- and Oil and Natural Gas Corp pipeline originating from Jag- The pipelines will not just fuel retailing license in India, country," the order said. The expert committee will
"contract for the purchase of aging Director B C Tripathi (ONGC) to provide uninter- adishpur in Uttar Pradesh to supply CNG to automobiles a company needs to invest Rs It will "identify entry bar- "assess the need, if any, to fur-
616 km of line pipe worth Rs said the award of the tenders rupted supply of natural gas Haldia in West Bengal and and cooking gas to house- 2,000 crore in either hydro- riers, if any, for expansion of ther liberalise the existing
1,100 crore for the Barauni- supports 'Make in India' efforts across all the North Eastern branch lines to Bokaro in hold kitchens in cities along carbon exploration and pro- retail outlets for private mar- guidelines for authorisation of
Guwahati pipeline, putting on of steel pipe manufacturers and states. Jharkhand and Dhamra in Odi- the route, but also to industries duction, refining, pipelines or keting companies." private sector marketing com-
fast-track project execution suppliers in the country and "The Pradhan Mantri Urja sha is in full swing. to meet their feedstock or fuel liquefied natural gas (LNG) State-owned oil marketing panies," the order said.
of the crucial 729 km feeder marks the completion of main- Ganga project endeavours to "Physical progress under requirement. terminals. companies - Indian Oil Corp A senior oil ministry official
line linking North East India line ordering for the entire 729 connect East and the North phase-1 of the flagship proj- "City gas distribution at The expert committee has (IOC), Bharat Petroleum Corp said the government is keen on
with the Pradhan Mantri Urja km section. East States of India with the ect is 92 per cent complete Varanasi, Bhubaneshwar, and been asked to "look at various Ltd (BPCL) and Hindustan getting more private players in
Ganga pipeline network." The Barauni-Guwahati existing gas pipeline grid to and it is expected to be com- Cuttack have commenced issues related to the implemen- Petroleum Corp Ltd (HPCL), the arena and is willing to relax
Work across India's single pipeline will connect to the ensure access of clean energy pleted within next two months, operations. Given the steady tation of existing guidelines for currently own most of 63,498 investment norms as well as the
largest pipeline spanning 3,400 'Indradhanush' gas grid net- solutions for household, trans- whereas the balance phases progress achieved so far, the grant of marketing authorisa- petrol pumps in the country. number of permissions needed
km under Jagadishpur-Haldia- work, which is being developed port, industrial and commer- including the additional sec- city gas projects could soon tion of market fuels - petrol, Reliance Industries, Nayara for setting up a petrol pump.
Bokaro-Dhamra project - also by GAIL along with joint ven- cial applications in the energy tion under Barauni-Guwa- be rolled-out at Patna, Ranchi, diesel, and aviation turbine fuel Energy - formerly Essar Oil and The expert group would
known as Pradhan Mantri Urja ture partners Indian Oil Corp deprived region," the statement hati spur lines are lined up Jamshedpur, and Kolkata," he (ATF)," the separate ministry Royal Dutch Shell are the pri- make specific recommenda-
Ganga, is in full swing and pro- (IOC), Oil India Ltd, Numa- said. for sequential completion by added.  MPOST order constituting the panel vate players in the market but tions on the nature of amend-
said. with limited presence. Reliance, ments required to the existing

India pips US to become 2nd largest BSNL has alternate digital KYC
process for new connections
The panel
renowned economist Kirit

Parikh, former oil secretary G

which operates the world's larg-
est oil refining complex, has
less than 1,400 outlets.
guidelines for grant of a license
to private retailers.
The official said more com-

smartphone market in July-Sept

C Chaturvedi, former Indian Nayara has 4,833 while petition would improve ser-
Oil Corp (IOC) chairman M Shell has just 114 pumps. vices as well as give customer
NEW DELHI: State-owned Bharat Sanchar A Pathan, IIM Ahmedabad BP plc of UK had a cou- choice. It may also lead to
Nigam Ltd (BSNL) has launched an alternate Director Errot D'souza and ple of years back secured a retailers vying with each other
NEW DELHI: India has over- digital KYC process for issuing new connections Ashutosh Jindal, joint secre- license to set up 3,500 pumps to offer the best price.
taken the US to become the tary in the ministry of petro- but hasn't yet started doing so. Currently, the three oil mar-
second largest smartphone across various circles, a top official has said. leum and natural gas. Last week, French energy giant keting companies are follow-
market in the July-September The telecom PSU has informed the Department The panel has to fur- Total in a joint venture with ing the same methodology for
2018 quarter, according to a of Telecom (DoT) about the new system which nish its report within 60 days Adani Group announced plans fixing retail prices, which on
report by research firm Canalys. has been rolled out, Chairman and Managing after due consultations with to set up 1,500 petrol pumps in almost all occasions are in sync
India -- which saw a ship- Director Anupam Shrivastava said.  PTI stakeholders. the next 10 years. with one another and prices
ment of 40.4 million units The panel will "review the IOC is the market leader vary by just a few paise.  PTI
during the third quarter -- was
second to China where 100.6
million smartphones were
shipped, the data showed.
Smartphone shipment in
Illicit products
hurting Indian
NBFC crisis poses more growth headwinds
the US was at 40 million units
in the July-September 2018 industry, says MUMBAI: The ongoing crisis
of confidence in non-banking
to get repriced more than assets
particularly shorter-tenor bor-
"India overtook the US this Ficci arm report financial companies (NBFCs)
may prove to be a drag on eco-
rowings, posing refinancing
quarter to be the second largest India, which saw aggregate shipments nomic growth, as balance sheet Though larger NBFCs can
market, though both countries NEW DELHI: Illicit prod- constraints and higher funding still manage their costs by tap-
were hit by weaker seasonal of 40.4 million units during the quarter, ucts are adversely affecting the costs may prompt these shadow ping public issues, smaller ones
performance compared with was way behind China where 100.6 Indian industry, risking millions banks to slowdown lending, will find it a challenge to seek
last year," it said. of legitimate jobs and result- warns a report. alternate sources of funding,
Worldwide smartphone million smartphones were shipped ing in an estimated loss of Rs But this will come as a which will impact their mar-
shipments fell by 7.2 per cent 1,05,381 crore in just seven sec- growth booster for banks, which gins, forcing them to restrain
year-on-year to 348.9 million the top 10) that registered quarter, followed by Huawei tors, according to industry body for long have been ceding credit balance sheet expansion.
units during July-September growth were Indonesia (13.2 (14.9 per cent), Apple (13.4 per FICCI CASCADE. market share to NBFCs, which credit flow to pockets where ments on the other. At the same time, banks will
2018, a fourth consecutive per cent increase y-o-y to 8.9 cent), Xiaomi (9.6 per cent), Citing latest figures, FICCI had accounted for 12-15 per banks have not been able to This has resulted in higher not be able to meet all the dis-
quarter of decline, Canalys said. million units), Russia (11.5 per and Oppo (8.9 per cent). CASCADE said illicit trade is cent of the total credit generated operate, poses a "downside risk" credit disbursal by banks in placed funding demand because
"This was also the worst cent jump y-o-y to 8.8 million "The worldwide smartphone also affecting the government in the past two fiscals. to DBS' FY19 GDP growth esti- October to 14.4 percent from at least half of the public-sector
third quarter performance units), and Germany (2.4 per market faces an unprecedented revenue and loss to the exche- Warning that lower credit mates of 7.4 per cent and 7.8 12.5 percent in September. banks are ring-fenced under the
since 2015...Seven of the top cent rise y-o-y to 5.5 million challenge, while its dynamics quer in these industries is Rs availability from NBFCs will per cent the fiscal later, she said. This is because many NBFCs prompt corrective action frame-
10 markets recorded year-on- units). are changing rapidly at both the 39,239 crore. hurt growth, Singaporean lender The other headwinds for have been shifting from capital/ work by the RBI, which restricts
year declines, caused by length- China's smartphone ship- vendor and country level. This The trade in illicit goods is DBS' economist Radhika Rao growth include higher rates, money market borrowings to them form fresh loans, crimping
ening smartphone replacement ment declined 15.2 per cent is providing growth opportuni- highly pervasive across coun- said, "the likelihood of stricter lower fiscal headroom and sub- bank borrowings, particularly overall credit availability.
cycles, worsening international y-o-y, India by 1.1 per cent and ties for aggressive vendors with tries and sectors. It is estimated lending controls on NBFCs par private sector spending. those with unutilised/undrawn Secondly, NBFCs, par-
trading conditions and compe- the US by 0.4 per cent in the the speed to respond quickly that 8-15 per cent of global GDP and tougher operating envi- Share of NBFCs in financing credit lines. ticularly those specialised in
tition from major Chinese ven- September 2018 quarter. Sam- to market changes," Canalys is impacted due to illicit trade ronment is likely to impinge mciro, small and medium enter- On the other hand, NBFCs microfinance, housing, auto
dors," it added. sung led the vendor tally with Research Manager Rushabh and criminal activities, FICCI on their ability to expand their prises has risen to 11.3 percent have also sought more credit finance, rural etc, have thrived
The three markets (among 20.4 per cent share in the said Doshi said. PTI CASCADE said in a statement. books, prompting them to scale as of mid-2018 against 8.4 per- line from banks as cost of mar- in pockets where traditional
"Illicit products are adversely back their aggressive growth cent two years prior. By compar- kets-based borrowings ticked banks face limited geographi-
More EU nations Telcos inform DoT on proof affecting Indian industry, risk-
ing millions of legitimate jobs," a result overall credit
availability is likely to moder-
ison, public sector banks' share
came down massively during
up, leading to a 44 percent spike
in such loans since August, she
cal reach, lower appetite and
ability of mainstream banks to
favour faster it said. Citing a report prepared ate, which in turn will be hurt- this time to 51 percent in June said. reach such borrowers.

system to boost of concept sites for by it, the industry body said
the estimated "total loss to the
industry in just seven sectors
ing growth."
However, the slower growth
can reduce the asset quality con-
2018 against 60 percent two
years ago.
Non-banking finance com-
"We continue to look for
banks to increase their market
share as a primary source of
According to Sidbi, share
of NBFCs in MSME financ-
ing has risen to 11.3 percent

India investments alternate digital KYC process auto components, alcoholic

beverages, computer hardware,
FMCG packaged goods, FMCG
cerns, if incremental funding is
deployed in quality loans rather
than high risk loans.
panies have been hit badly fol-
lowing the defaults by IL&FS
since September, leading to a
funding to commercial sector,
as balance sheet constraints and
higher funding costs prompt
as of mid-2018 against 8.4 per-
cent two years prior, leading to
lower market share of public
NEW DELHI: Taking cues NEW DELHI: Telecom oper- personal goods, tobacco and The difficulties faced by deep funding squeeze by banks NBFCs to slow lending activ- sector banks to 51 percent in
from the success of fast track ators, including Bharti Airtel, mobile phones is Rs 1,05,381 NBFCs, which for long have on one hand and lack of investor ity," Rao said. As funding costs June 2018 against 60 percent
system being set up by India Reliance Jio and Vodafone Idea crore".  PTI been credited for deepening appetite for their debt instru- rise, NBFCs' liabilities are likely two years ago.  PTI
with the UK and Germany to Ltd, have informed the telecom
promote investments, more
European countries have
shown interest in entering sim-
department about their readi-
ness to conduct proof of concept
for the new 'alternate digital
Robyn Denholm to succeed Musk as Tesla chairperson
ilar arrangements with New KYC process' at two locations, PALO ALTO (California): ing the company private were as investors called for stron- leave her role as CFO and head
Delhi, an official said. as stipulated. tions in Telangana for the same. Tesla Inc said board member fraudulent and that the billion- ger oversight of Musk, whose of strategy at Telstra once her
This system enables to iden- DoT has also issued the "The proof of concept of Robyn Denholm will replace aire should quit as chairman but erratic public behavior raised six-month notice period with
tify and solve problems faced details of the procedure and the....alternate digital KYC pro- Elon Musk as its chair, more could retain his role as CEO. concerns about his ability to the company is complete, Tesla
by companies and investors in modalities to be followed by cess is to be done at two loca- than a month after the billion- Musk, who has been on Tes- steer the company through a said on Wednesday. She was
their operations in India. telecom operators for issuing tions (rural and urban) by each aire had to step down as the la's board since 2004, tweeted rocky phase of growth. appointed as Telstra's CFO in
Fast track system is already new mobile connections using licencee," DoT said. electric-car maker's chairman as in August he was consider- Denholm is currently chief July.
in place separately with the UK the alternate digital KYC pro- Reliance Jio Infocomm has part of a settlement with US reg- ing taking the company pri- financial officer at Australian Tesla said Denholm, one of
and Germany to resolve issues cess. According to a DoT cir- ensured its readiness to conduct ulators. Tesla had until Novem- vate for $420 per share and had telecoms operator Telstra Corp the two women on its board,
of companies having invest- cular dated November 6, Bharti PoC at two locations in Navi ber 13 to name an independent secured funding for a deal that Ltd and has been an indepen- will serve as chair on a full-time
ments in India. Airtel has ensured "readiness to Mumbai, while Vodafone Idea board chairman under its agree- was later scuttled but attracted dent director on Tesla's nine- basis and will temporarily step
India is also in the process conduct PoC (proof of concept)" Ltd has listed Delhi and Bara- ment with the Securities and scrutiny from several govern- member board since 2014. down as chair of the company's
of establishing this system with in Delhi and Meerut, while mati in Pune District, accord- Exchange Commission, which ment agencies. holm caps months of turbulence Denholm takes over as Tes- audit committee until she leaves
Italy and Holland.  PTI BSNL has identified two loca- ing to the DoT.  PTI said Musk's tweets about tak- The appointment of Den- for the company and its stock la's chair immediately and will Telstra.  AGENCIES

Japan’s Toshiba sheds 7,000 jobs, lowers profit outlook RITES ON VIGILANCE

Canadian Bombardier to cut

TOKYO: The boss of struggling ing reform effort to revive itself
Toshiba said Thursday he would following its disastrous acquisi-
cut 7,000 jobs over the next five
years as the Japanese engineer-
ing firm pulled out of foreign
tion of US nuclear energy firm
Westinghouse, which racked
up billions of dollars in losses
5,000 jobs in ‘restructuring’
investments and downgraded before being placed under bank- MONTREAL: Canadian aerospace and transpor-
its annual profit forecasts. ruptcy protection.
"Over the next five years, For the year to March 2019, tation manufacturer Bombardier on Thursday
we expect a reduction of 7,000 the firm said it expected a net announced 5,000 global job cuts over the next
jobs," many coming from early profit of 920 billion yen ($8.1 year to 18 months in a bid to "streamline" the
retirement, CEO Nobuaki Kuru- billion), down from an earlier struggling firm. In a press release, the Montreal-
matani told reporters in Tokyo. projection of 1,070 billion yen. based group also announced the sale of "non-
In addition, efficiency gains Annual operating profit out- RITES Ltd observed Vigilance Awareness Week (October 29 to
from improved IT and the Toshiba also expects to scrap uid natural gas business and the look is now 60 billion yen, down core assets" totaling around 900 million, includ- November 3, 2018) in pursuance of directives of Central Vigilance
planned retirement of about or consolidate some factories liquidation of NuGen, a nuclear from a previous 70 billion yen ing the Q Series aircraft program and the de Commission on the theme Eradicate Corruption: Build a New India.
3,000 employees every year and reduce its subsidiaries by subsidiary in Britain. forecast, while the sales esti- Havilland trademark, sold for some 300 million A pledge prescribed by the Central Vigilance Commission was
will contribute to the job cuts, 25 per cent — announcing the The former Japanese behe- mates were kept at 3,600 billion to a Canadian investment fund.  PTI administered to the employees by the CMD of RITES on October 29
he said. withdrawal from a US-based liq- moth is going through a sweep- yen.  PTI
14 mp sport MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018

GALLE: England paceman James Anderson has received an offi- PARIS: The Paris Court of Appeal rejected the annulment of an KHANTY MANSIYSK: Grandmaster Dronavalli Harika ad-
cial reprimand and one demerit point for breaching the code of investigation into Real Madrid forward Karim Benzema for his vanced to the pre-quarterfinals, crushing Bela Khotenashvili of
conduct during the ongoing Galle test against Sri Lanka, the ICC alleged blackmailing of fellow France teammate Mathieu Val- Georgia in the second game of the rapid tiebreaker in round
said on Thursday. During the 39th over of the Sri Lanka innings, buena. Investigators accused the Real Madrid forward and three two of the world women’s chess championship here. Earlier,
Anderson first complained when the umpire warned him for run- others to release an alleged sexually explicit video of Valbuena Humpy’s campaign came to an end after she lost to Jolanta Za-
ning on the wicket, and then threw the ball in resentment. and his wife unless the player handed over money, reports Efe. wadzka of Poland in the second game of the second round here.

Australia drop
Starc, Marsh,
Let people judge whether
Lyon for T20Is this is best travelling
against India team: CoA tells Shastri
NEW DELHI: “India’s best assertion, Kohli snapped back,
travelling team in last 15 “That’s your opinion, thank
years,” said Ravi Shastri. “Let you.”
people be the judge,” retorted “When Ravi went on about
the Committee of Administra- how great this current team
tors when the national cricket is, one of the CoA members
coach spoke of the criticism just cut him short,” the official
that his team faces, a top BCCI recollected.
official has said. “The CoA member told
MELBOURNE: Australia have At a recent meeting between him, ‘Let’s stick to the agenda
named a 13-member squad for the team management and the of the meeting and discuss Aus-
the upcoming T20 Internation- CoA in Hyderabad, Shastri tralia tour policies. You don’t
als against South Africa and reiterated his much-publicised decide if the team is the best
India without the experienced comments that drew sharp travelling side in the world. Let
trio of Mitchell Starc, Mitchell reactions from former cricket- people be the judge’,” the offi-
Marsh and Nathan Lyon. ers such as Sunil Gavaskar and cial said.
Pacer Peter Siddle, who was McLaren driver Fernando Alonso of Spain (left) makes a toast with teammate Stoffel Vandoorne of Belgium, during a promotion event made by one of his sponsors, in Sao Sourav Ganguly. Shastri and Kohli were
named as cover for Starc in the Paulo, Brazil. Alonso and Vandoorne will compete on Sunday in the Brazilian Formula One Grand Prix at Sao Paulo’s Interlagos circuit  AP/PTI “Ravi initially started off by told that the Indian team is
recent overseas T20I series saying that the Indian media being provided each and every
against Pakistan, has also been always criticises its own play- facility that it has sought and

Sensational Saurabh claims gold

dropped while the other front- ers and how this is one of the its performances on the field
line quicks — Josh Hazlewood best ever teams in the last 15 should match that input.
and Pat Cummins — continue years,” an official present in the “One of the senior mem-
to be left out too, despite being meeting said. bers attending the meeting told
fit, according to an International Shastri’s reference to crit- the Kohli-Shastri duo that there

at Asian Airgun Championships

Cricket Council (ICC) release. icism was related to a verbal is nothing wrong if BCCI wants
“While I know all four (Starc, altercation that Kohli had with them to perform well overseas.
Siddle, Lyon and Marsh) have a a journalist in England after the “The official told them, ‘You
desire to be playing cricket for team lost the Test series 1-3. have been given everything --
Australia in every format, with The skipper, when ques- from hefty central contracts
a really tough Test series against tioned about Shastri’s com- to practice facilities, support
India coming up, we believe KUWAIT CITY: India’s teen- 239.8 in the eight-man individ- Junior record by a mere point. ment in England, asked for the staff, whatever you guys have
their best preparation is to go age shooting sensation Sau- ual final to finish with two gold Earlier, the Indians domi- journalist’s view on it. When wanted, so it’s only fair that
back and get some really good rabh Chaudhary continued his medals. Saurabh won the gold nated the qualifying stages the scribe said he wasn’t quite your performances are put in
cricket under their belts in the incredible run by claiming his medal at the Asian Games in with Arjun topping the stand- convinced about the coach’s perspective’.”  AGENCIES
Sheffield Shield,” Australia head fourth individual gold medal in August, besides bagging golds ings with a score of 578 after 60
coach Justin Langer said. as many months with a top fin- at the World Shooting Cham- shots. Anmol was second with
Meanwhile, left-arm quick ish in the 10m air pistol junior pionships in September and 577 while Saurabh was placed
Jason Behrendorff and all- men’s event of the Asian Air- the Youth Olympic Games in third with a score of 576 and all
rounder Marcus Stoinis have gun Championship here on Argentina last month. Arjun three made it to the eight-man
been added to the squad. Thursday. (237.7) secured the silver medal final. This takes India’s tally in
The Aaron Finch-led squad The 16-year-old, son of a after finishing second, while the ongoing event to 10 medals,
will look to put an end to Aus- farmer based in Meerut, first Chinese Taipei’s Huang Wei-Te including three gold, five silver
tralia’s T20I woes, especially combined with compatri- clinched the bronze with a score and two bronze medals.
after being drubbed 0-3 in ots Arjun Singh Cheema and of 218.0 to deny India a clean Manu Bhaker and Abhidnya
the recent three-match rubber Anmol Jain to log a total of sweep. Anmol finished fourth Patil are also slated to feature in
against Pakistan in the United 1731 to win the team gold and with a score of 195.1. The Indian the junior women’s 10m air pis-
Arab Emirates.  AGENCIES fetched the individual gold with trio missed the World and Asian tol final later in the day.  AGENCIES

India bank on Kaur’s form in opening clash Cricket

Australia chaos
GUYANA: India will open their ICC
Women’s World Cup T20I campaign
India will also look to bank on their
spinning bowlers, who appear to be
the Women’s T20 World Cup in 2016,
will boost the confidence of the young distracting
against New Zealand on Friday at Guy-
ana in the West Indies. The Indian eves,
thriving under the newly-appointed
head coach Ramesh Powar. Against
Indian side. New Zealand still have a
few members from the same team – players: Finch
who will be led by skipper Harmanpreet England, right-arm spinner Poonam including Suzie Bates, Sophie Devine
Kaur, will be dependent on their solid Yadav took three wickets, while Radha and Leigh Kasperek. Though this time, ADELAIDE: Disarray within
batting line-up comprising of the cap- Yadav and Deepti Sharma took two they will be under the leadership of Cricket Australia has distracted
tain herself, along with Mithali Raj and wickets each to restrict England at 133 Amy Satterthwaite, with Bates giving up the Australian team, one-day
Smriti Mandhana, to give them a solid for 8 in 20 overs. her captaincy duties two months before skipper Aaron Finch said on
start in the tournament. Powar expressed his happiness on the start of the tournament. Thursday as he urged his players
Kaur has been in brilliant form, the bowling performance after the For India, it will be Bates who will to keep their focus on the field.
which she displayed in the warm-up warm-up game: “Where we were three- pose the biggest threat, with the right- The embattled governing
match against England on Wednesday. four months back and where we are They bowled into the wicket and pro- hand batswoman displaying glori- body has been under intense
The right-handed batswoman ham- now, we are happy what we are doing. tected the short boundary. We bowled ous form in recent times. She scored pressure after a scathing review
mered 62 runs in 32 balls, with 6 fours It takes time, I hope they understand all the length and got hit, gave the batter multiple centuries for Hampshire in said its “arrogant” culture con-
and 3 sixes in her innings to take India this. We try and dominate every situa- a chance to hit over somebody’s head, the domestic season and was also the tributed to players cheating in
to a competitive total. The fans will tion, that is what we are looking for,” he which you can’t do in these conditions.” Player-of-the-match in the IPL exhibi- the pursuit of victory.
hope Kaur, who will be in charge of her was quoted as saying by ICC website. A win against the Kiwis in the open- tion match. Kaur will hope India can It has led to an overhaul of
first World T20 tournament, can con- England coach Mark Robinson ing match, who reached the semifi- restrict Bates to a low-total if they want the organisation.
tinue her form to take India to a win. added: “Their spinners outbowled us. nal stage in the previous edition of to push for a win.  AGENCIES Chairman David Peever last
week followed chief executive

Kohli reacts after backlash James Sutherland out the door,

director Mark Taylor quit this
week and team performance
boss Pat Howard is also leaving.
NEW DELHI: Having faced Earlier, the India skipper lian batsmen more than these “When there are changes,
the wrath of social media users was trolled on social media Indians,” the fan wrote. and there are things being said
for a couple of days after pub- after he asked a fan to leave Kohli admitted that he was and written, I think it’s hard not
licly lashing out at a fan, India the country if he did not like not personally affected by the to read it sometimes when it’s
skipper Virat Kohli tried to tone to watch Indian cricketers in criticism but pointed out that everywhere,” Finch said in Ade-
down the issue somewhat on action. if someone does not like Indian laide ahead of the second ODI
Thursday, saying he is “all for Kohli, who launched the players while living in India against South Africa.
freedom of choice”. ‘Virat Kohli Official App’ on his then they should not be living “You might spend a little bit
“I guess trolling isn’t for me 30th birthday on Monday, faced in the country. of time reading it, and putting
guys, I’ll stick to getting trolled! the backlash after his reaction “I don’t think you should some kind of doubts in your
I spoke about how “these Indi- to a fan, who confessed his pref- live in India. Go and live some- mind.” Cricketers Steve Smith,
ans” was mentioned in the erence for English and Aus- where else. Why are you living David Warner and Cameron
comment and that’s all. I’m all tralian cricketers over Kohli’s in our country and loving other Bancroft were banned for trying
for freedom of choice. Keep it blue brigade. countries? I don’t mind you not to alter the ball with sandpaper
light guys and enjoy the festive “He (Virat) is an overrated liking me. I don’t think you in South Africa in March. Since
season. Love and peace to all,” batsman. Nothing seems spe- should live in our country and then Australia’s form has been
Kohli said in a message on his cial in his batting. I enjoy like other things. Get your pri- dire, particularly with the bat.
official Twitter handle. watching English and Austra- orities right,” he replied. AGENCIES They go into Friday’s clash
against the Proteas with 17

Undeterred by cancer, Malaysian defeats in their last 19 one-

dayers, including a six wicket
thrashing in the tour opener

badminton legend vows comeback

in Perth. Finch said confidence
was low and it was important
that the players focused on the
basics. “It’s about getting back
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian take things slowly.... I have March and to participate in the to the basics of partnerships and
badminton legend Lee Chong started some light training at qualifying for the Olympics to making sure you connect with
Wei pledged on Thursday to try home,” he said. The 36-year- begin in May. your partner when you first get
his best to continue his career old explained he was cur- Lee seemed to be back in out there,” he said.
for “the love of the sport”. rently training three times a top form this year, when he “When we talk about con-
Speaking at his first press week instead of the previous ended Japanese shuttler Kento fidence in the batting group it’s
conference since seeking treat- six times. Momota’s winning streak and about not letting outside dis-
ment for nose cancer abroad, The three-time Olympic sil- clinched his 12th Malaysia tractions affect your game.
Lee said he loves the sport too ver medallist said he still aims Open title and rose to second “If you can... really make
much to quit but would not at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, place in the world rankings. sure that you’re committed to
compromise on his health, but he wanted to make sure he But then he withdrew from watching the ball and being
reports Xinhua news agency. remains competitive. the World Championships 100 percent committed to your
“I love this sport and I want “Of course the Olympic and the Asian Games citing partnership, I think that’ll go
to be back soon and prepare for gold is still my dream and “respiratory-related disorder” a long way towards turning
upcoming tournaments, but my target. All Malaysians before Badminton Associa- things around quickly.” Finch
how quickly I will return will want this,” he said. Lee also tion of Malaysia confirmed in knows he needs to lead from
depend on my condition,” he expressed hope that he would September that he “has been the front and has turned to mas-
said. “My doctors have advised be able to make his comeback diagnosed with early stage nose ter technician Greg Chappell,
me to take things slowly and next year for the All England cancer” and was recovering an exceptional all-rounder, for
I will listen to their advice to Open which is scheduled for well after treatment.  AGENCIES guidance.  AGENCIES
MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018
mp sport 15
Hockey India
announce World
Cup squad
United fight back to snatch unlikely late win TURIN: Manchester United ball appearing to go into the net to have two finals to play. Now two European greats, which was
NEW DELHI: Hockey India snatched an extraordinary and off Alex Sandro after a knock- we have one final. A win against also reflected in their respective
on Thursday named the barely-deserved 2-1 win at Juven- down from Fellaini. Young Boys could do it. Let’s domestic results: Juve are riding
18-member Indian squad tus in the Champions League on Competition organis- hope we can qualify,” Mourinho high, six points clear at the top of
for the Odisha Hockey Men’s Wednesday with a late free kick ers UEFA later credited Juve told reporters. Serie A, while United are seventh
World Cup 2018 which is from Juan Mata and a scrappy defender Leonardo Bonucci with Despite the fact Juventus had in the Premier League.
scheduled to begin on Novem- own goal reviving their hopes of the goal, which meant United squandered so many chances to Juve began strongly and
ber 28 at the Kalinga Stadium reaching the last 16. became the first English team to score, the coach also insisted his almost went ahead when Sami
in Bhuvaneshwar. Cristiano Ronaldo looked beat Juventus away from home in side had played well. Khedira side-footed a cross from
The team will be led by to have haunted the club which 15 years, when a previous United “I’m really proud of my boys Ronaldo against the far post.
Manpreet Singh while the vice- turned him into a global super- team, inspired by Ryan Giggs, because their performance was The Italian champions again
captain is Chinglensana Singh star when he volleyed in the won 3-0 at the old Stadio dello really good. Juventus had one struck the woodwork in the sec-
Kangujam. opening goal in the 65th min- Alpi in 2003. opportunity in the first half, ond half when Paulo Dybala
The Indian squad, who are ute after Juventus had domi- The stunning finale prevented but everything was under con- clipped the crossbar from out-
scheduled to begin their cam- nated proceedings and struck Juventus from sealing their place trol,” he said. “Even if we had side the area, and there was
paign against South Africa on the woodwork twice. in the last 16. They still lead not been handed victory in the more than an air of inevitabil-
the opening day, features P.R. Jose Mourinho’s side had Group H with nine points but end I would have been pleased, ity about Ronaldo’s deadly vol-
Sreejesh and Krishan Bahadur looked toothless in attack but United are second on seven, two because we played very well.” ley, created by a classy chipped
Pathak as goalkeepers. after the Portuguese threw on ahead of Valencia in third place, Juve manager Massimiliano pass from Bonucci, which broke
Experienced defender Mata, Marouane Fellaini and while Young Boys are bottom of Allegri cursed his side’s inability the deadlock.
Birendra Lakra, who makes a Marcus Rashford late in the game the group and can no longer fin- to see out the game. This time there was to be
comeback into the team after they staged the most unlikely of ish in the top two. “It’s a disappointing defeat, no muted celebration from the
missing out the Asian Cham- comebacks to revive memories Defeat would have likely because the team played well. We Portuguese who lifted his shirt
pions Trophy in Muscat last of their epic 3-2 win from two obliged United to beat Young need to improve our finishing, to flex his chest muscles before
month due to rehabilitation, goals down in Turin in the 1999 Boys at home and Valencia away because we never manage to fin- high-fiving team mates. He could
will be joined by Amit Rohi- semi-finals. to qualify. Now they can seal ish games off when we’re in con- hardly have envisaged the stir-
das, Surender Kumar, Kothajit Spaniard Mata equalised with qualification for the last-16 with trol,” he said. ring comeback his old side would
Singh and 2016 Junior World a perfectly-executed free kick a victory against the Swiss side if Juve’s dominant performance later conjure, which ended with
Cup winners Harmanpreet in the 86th minute and United Valencia fail to beat Juventus in at Old Trafford two weeks ago Mourinho being booed off the
Singh, Varun Kumar. caused bedlam in the Juve area their next fixture. appeared to underline the cur- pitch after appearing to taunt the
The midfield will see the with another set-piece, with the “We thought we were going rent gulf in class between the home fans.  AGENCIES
dynamic Manpreet Singh who
played a pivotal role in India’s
campaign as defending cham- NorthEast aim to boost playoff chances Brandon, Edu on Rest fast bowlers in IPL: Franchises
pions at the Asian Champions
Trophy. Chinglensana Singh target as FC Goa unlikely to support Kohli’s proposal
Kangujam will add to the expe-
rience in the centre along with
young guns Sumit, Nilakanta
United FC have put up more
than just a decent performance
of this as Jorge Costa looks to
make a statement of intent.
“They (NorthEast United)
edge out Delhi Virat
NEW DELHI: Indian skipper present in the meeting, told PTI
Kohli wants World Cup- on Thursday.
Sharma also of the Junior
World Cup team and Hardik
so far and they will be keen to
boost their playoff probabili-
had a good start to the sea-
son. For the last two-to-three
Dynamos 3-2 bound fast bowlers to be rested In fact, limited-overs vice-
from next year’s IPL but the idea captain Rohit Sharma, who was
Singh, who made his Interna- ties when they host Mumbai days I was watching NorthEast MARGAO: FC Goa struck mooted at a meeting with the present in the meeting, also had
tional debut last month. City FC at the Indira Gan- United and they are very good. twice late in the game to eke out Committee of Administrators a different take.
The forward line will see the dhi Athletic Stadium here on In terms of organisation a 3-2 victory over Delhi Dyna- (CoA) is unlikely to find favour “When Kohli mooted the
experienced Akashdeep Singh, Friday. during the 90 minutes, they are mos in an Indian Super League with the franchises. idea, CoA chief Vinod Rai
Dilpreet Singh, Lalit Upadhyay Only one point separates really good. This means that encounter here on Thursday. During a recent meeting of asked Rohit about his take. Rohit
and Junior World Cup winners third-placed NorthEast United we have a very difficult job, but Bikramjit Singh’s long-range the CoA in Hyderabad, Kohli apparently said, ‘If Mumbai Indi-
Mandeep Singh and Simran- and fifth-placed Mumbai City, tomorrow it’s 11 against 11 on strike put the visitors in the lead suggested resting pacers, espe- ans reach Play Offs or finals and
jeet Singh. though the hosts have a game the field. We can also do very as early as the sixth minute. It cially Jasprit Bumrah and Bhu- if Bumrah happens to be fit, then
India are grouped in Pool in hand. The Highlanders are Ogbeche and Fernando Gal- assist chart with four assists good things. Our wish is to took almost 50 minutes and a vneshwar Kumar, from the entire I cannot afford to rest him’,” the
C along with World No. 3 heading into the fixture with lego in NorthEast’s attack will from five games. go back home with the three change of ends for Goa to find IPL to keep them fresh for the official said.
Belgium, Canada and South 11 points from five matches pose a serious challenge for While Schattorie’s men points,” expressed Costa. the equalizer through Edu Bedia World Cup. Another official, who was
Africa. They will need to fin- while the visitors have notched opposition’s defenders. have a perfect away record After a 5-0 hammering at at 54th minute. However, the India captain present in the meeting, said
ish on top of the pool to secure 10 points from six games. Ogbeche leads the goal- with three wins out of three, the hands of FC Goa, Mumbai However, Delhi breached didn’t find too many backers for it was “weird” that the Indian
a place in the quarter-finals. NorthEast United have scoring chart alongside FC they are yet to pick up a win have fought back into conten- the host defence to go 2-1 up his proposal as Board officials skipper was asking for all the
“We have chosen the best had a good start to the season Goa’s Ferran Corominas, hav- at home. tion with back-to-back wins with a Lallianzuala Chhangte said franchises are unlikely to key pacers to be rested from the
available combinations for the under Eelco Schattorie. The ing scored six goals from five An inconsistent Mumbai against Delhi Dynamos and goal in 70th minute. However agree. IPL.
Odisha Hockey Men’s World combination of Bartholomew matches. Gallego is top of the side will look to make full use Chennaiyin FC.  AGENCIES Brandon Fernandes and Edu “The IPL is starting on March “It has been a convention for
Cup Bhubaneswar 2018. We found the back of the net in the 29 and will finish on May 19. In the past few years that IPL train-
had to make some tough deci-
sions to select 18 out of a very
strong pool of 34 players,” chief
Anand takes on Wesley So in Tata Steel Chess India 82nd and 89th minute respec-
tively to log full points for Gaurs.
Dynamos drew first blood when
any case, there will be a 15-day
gap before India play their first
World Cup game against South
ers and physios work with the
Indian team’s support staff on
workload management. That will
coach Harendra Singh said in a KOLKATA: Five-time world champion ceremony. The top board will see India Bikramjit received Adria Car- Africa on June 5. So there is no be followed next year as well and
statement. Viswanathan Anand will begin his cam- number two and former world junior mona’s pass on the edge of the chance that pacers can be rested in any case, fast bowlers don’t
“The final 18 are a mix paign against Filipino-American Wesley champion Pentala Harikrishna against box and curled in a magnificent for the entire duration of the play all the games” the official
of experienced and youth So in the star-studded Tata Steel Chess local challenger Surya Sekhar Ganguly. shot into the top left corner, IPL,” a senior official, who was said.  AGENCIES
and they have been selected India 2018 beginning here on Friday. A former second of Anand during leaving custodian Mohammad
on the basis of their current The 48-year-old Indian chess wizard three World Championship matches, Nawaz helpless. Ferran Coromi-
form and fitness. These players last played in the country at his hometown Ganguly is looking forward to face Anand nas looked hungry to score as
have consistently shown their in 2013 when he lost the World Champi- for the first time in his life. “I remember he forced Francisco Dorron-
potential in the lead up to the onship title to Magnus Carlsen of Norway. making the demo board during Anand’s soro to a good low save to his
showpiece event and I am con- Anand termed it an emotional match here in 1992. It’s strange but for the right. Jackichand Singh
fident India will put up a fight- moment returning to Kolkata where he first time I’ll take him on a real board. I’m Viswanathan Anand speaks during the draw crossed the ball into the box
ing performance,” he added. lost his final GM norm by a whisker in absolutely honoured,” an excited Ganguly of Chess India 2018 tournament, in Kolkata, from the left and Goa’s leading
The core group of 34 will con- 1986. “It’s a very nice feeling to be back said. Anand started 2018 on a rousing goalscorer skipped past defend-
on Thursday  PTI
tinue to train in Bhubaneswar in Kolkata. I’ve got a lot of memories note, winning the Tal Memorial Rapid ers inside the box before pulling
till 23 November 2018 after here. I’m really excited,” Anand, who last title in Moscow. However, he has been the most number of rapid titles among the trigger.  AGENCIES
which the team will finalise played here at the 3rd Goodricke Open off colour in his last three rapid events in current players, the Indian will be a strong
their preparations.  AGENCIES in 1992, said on the sidelines of the draw Leuven, Paris and St Louis. Having won challenger.  AGENCIES

Benzema brace helps Barca train for La Liga game vs


Real Betis without Dembele CHANGE OF NAME

Solari’s Real thump Plzen BARCELONA: Barcelona forward Ousmane Dem-

bele of France did not attend Thursday’s training
I, Ramparvesh Kushwaha
S/o Sh. Swaminath R/o
H.No-56 Kh. No-265/173
Gali No.2 Samta Vihar,
PLZEN: Karim Benzema’s that matters,” he said, with a The 18-year-old Brazil- session held in preparation for La Liga clash Mukundpur, Delhi-110042
first-half brace propelled Real trip to Celta Vigo on Sunday ian, signed from Flamengo for
45 million euros in the close against Real Betis. He missed the session, led by
Madrid to a 5-0 thrashing of next up for Real.
have changed my name to
Viktoria Plzen in the Champi- Benzema struck first in season, made his Champions head coach Ernesto Valverde, as he suffered from Ramparvesh for all future
ons League, putting the holders the 21st minute on Wednes- League debut after scoring his gastroenteritis, reports Efe.  AGENCIES purposes.
one win from the last 16 after day, weaving his way through maiden La Liga goal against
a third straight victory under
Santiago Solari.
the Plzen defence and beating
goalkeeper Ales Hruska with
Valladolid at the weekend.
Real are now level with Ronaldo left out
Former Real midfielder
Solari took over from the
sacked Julen Lopetegui as
a low shot.
Casemiro made it two
shortly afterwards by nodding
Roma at the top of Group G
on nine points, after the Ital-
ians’ 2-1 win at CSKA Moscow
again by Portugal
interim coach on October 29, in a Toni Kroos corner, and earlier on Wednesday. CSKA LISBON: Portugal again left out Cris-
and has now seen his side score Benzema headed home himself are third with four points, while tiano Ronaldo, their all-time record scorer
11 times without reply follow- in the 37th minute after Gareth Plzen sit at the bottom and are and most capped player, as coach Fernando
ing wins over Melilla and Real Bale had found him unmarked out of contention to progress. Santos named the squad for this month’s
Valladolid. “I think we played just yards out. Real were without the Nations League matches against Italy and
a very nice game today, we Bale scored five min- injured Marcelo and fellow Poland on Thursday.
scored wonderful goals,” Solari utes before half-time, beating defenders Raphael Varane and Santos previously omitted Ronaldo from
told reporters. Hruska with a low left-footed Dani Carvajal, who did not the squad in September and October, saying
“A 5-0 win in the Cham- shot at his far post following travel to Plzen, a western Czech the decision was taken by mutual consent as
pions League — I can only be Benzema’s flick-on header. city famous for its lager beer. the 33-year-old was still adapting following his
happy with that.” The 42-year- Kroos rounded off the scor- Real overcame an early move from Real Madrid to Juventus.
old Argentinian dismissed ing in the 68th minute, curl- scare when Nacho cleared “The only thing I will say about Ronaldo is
questions about his possible ing a sumptuous lob over the a low cross against his own that I hope he wins the Ballon d’Or award,” said
future as Real’s head coach. stranded Hruska following a crossbar, while Plzen mid- Santos, referring to France Football magazine’s
“I only think about the next pass from rising star Vinicius fielder Roman Prochazka annual player of the year award.
game. Football is about the Junior, who came on as a sec- curled a shot just past Thibaut “He deserves it and it would be an injustice
present and it’s the next game ond-half substitute. Courtois’ goal.  AGENCIES if he didn’t win.”  AGENCIES

Shuttlers Sindhu, Srikanth advance

FUZHOU (CHINA): Star Indian gle to register a come-from-behind
shuttlers P V Sindhu and Kidambi victory.
Srikanth entered the quarter-finals, Third seed Sindhu will face
defeating their opponents in the eighth seed He Bingjiao of China
China Open tournament here on while fifth seed Srikanth will face
Thursday. fourth seed Chou Tien Chen of
It was a cake walk for World Chinese Taipei in the next round.
No. 2 Sindhu as she won her wom- In the men’s doubles category,
en’s singles tie against Thailand’s Satwiksairaj Rankireddy and Chi-
Busanan Ongbamrungphan 21-12, rag Shetty defeated Wahyu Nayaka
21-15 in straight games. Arya Pangkaryanira and Ade Yusuf
Srikanth beat Indonesia’s Santoso of Indonesia 16-21, 21-14,
Tommy Sugiarto 10-21, 21-9, 21-9 21-15 in an hour-long match.
in a match which lasted 45 min- After losing the first game,
utes. the Indian pair bounced back in
Sindhu had no problems in out- style and wrapped up the issue to
playing her opponent. Her swift advance.
court movements and smashes The Indian pair will now face
saw her overpowering Ongbam- Mohammad Ahsan and Hendra
rungphan in just 37 minutes of Setaiwan of Indonesia in the next
play while Srikanth had to strug- round.  AGENCIES
16 mp Entertainment MILLENNIUM POST | New Delhi | Friday, 9 November, 2018

‘Ralph Breaks the Internet’ experience
It’s a wrap for Ranveer,
Sara’s Simmba

ctor Gal Gadot says she loved working on Disney’s upcoming ani-
mated film Ralph Breaks the Internet, which is a sequel to Wreck-
It Ralph. “Shank is amazing at driving cars and has this bad-girl
Gadot has lent vibe to her,” Gadot said in a statement.
“But as the movie goes on you realise how fun, wise and warm she
her voice to really is on the inside, which is what I like most about her,” she added.
In the Walt Disney Animation Studios’ project, Gadot has lent her
the character voice to the character of Shank, a tough and talented driver in an
intense and gritty online racing game called Slaughter Race. It will
of Shank, a release in India on November 23.
Directed by Rich Moore and Phil Johnston, Ralph Breaks the
tough and Internet brings back Ralph and his fellow misfit Vanellope
von Schweetz. This time the digital duo go on a journey to MUMBAI: Director Rohit Shetty has completed the
talented driver explore the world of internet, where they hope to find
a replacement steering wheel for Vanellope’s own
shooting of his upcoming film Simmba – a remake of
the Telugu hit Temper. On the last day of the sched-
in an intense racing game, the arcade classic Sugar Rush.
“Ralph and Vanellope are imperfect
ule, the cast and crew including Rohit and actor Sara
Ali Khan became emotional and penned the heartfelt
and gritty characters,” said Academy Award-win-
ning director Moore, who directed
posts on Instagram.
Thanking her “advisor” Rohit and co-actor Ranveer
online racing the original film as well. “But we
love them because of their
Singh, Sara wrote: “And that’s a picture wrap. Thank you
so much Rohit Shetty sir for all your warmth, patience,
game called flaws. Their friendship is
so genuine,” Moore
advice, direction, concern, compassion and lots more.
Working with you has been a total blast. And Ranveer
Slaughter Race added. IANS Singh you truly a star. Your energy is contagious, your
passion is palpable and your positivity is incompara-
ble. Seeing you two work with laser sharp focus
and undying dedication made me realise
why and how you both are where you
you both are..” While sharing a
picture with Ranveer, Rohit
praised him and said that
no one else could have
performed the role
of Simmba better
As the movie goes on, you realise than him. Movie
will release on
how fun, wise and warm she (Shank) December
28. IANS
really is on the inside, which is what I
like most about her

NEW DELHI: Actor Saqib Saleem had to grow a
Petition against Shah Rukh for
nd s
moustache for his maiden digital project. He says

Saqib fi t
since he had never sported one before, it was inter-

‘hurting’ religious sentiments in

esting to have the facial hair. The Race 3 actor

g ’ to s p will play a “dark but honest” character in ZEE5’s

‘interestin tache ‘Zero’ trailer

show ‘Rangbaaz’.
“To be honest, I
have never had a mous- The Race 3
tache in my life. So just actor will be
to have that, was
very interesting. seen playing a
I couldn’t recog- dark but honest
nise myself for
a few days. I
think as an
actor, it did
in ZEE5’s Robin Wright initially
put me
in a dif-
refused ‘House of Cards’
space,” said. Talking more about his SINGAPORE: Actor Robin
character, he shared: “Although Wright recently revealed that
the process was very interesting, she was initially sceptical to
I made sure that I stopped work- star as Claire Underwood,
ing out because my charac- a Lady Macbeth-like char-
ter wasn’t supposed to look acter, in Netflix’s hit series
very muscular. I did a lot of ‘House of Cards’.
cardio because there are The actor recalled being
different phases in the approached by filmmaker
show.”  IANS David Fincher, who directed
the first two episodes of the
political drama for the pilot
of the project.
“I remember when David
Fincher proposed the idea to
me and said, ‘Do you wanna
MUMBAI: A petition has
been filed in the Bombay High
Court seeking action against The actor recalled
actor Shah Rukh Khan and being approached
makers of the film Zero for
allegedly hurting sentiments by filmmaker David
of the Sikh community. Fincher for the
Petitioner Amritpal trailer in which Shah Rukh is In his petition, Khalsa said
Singh Khalsa, an advocate, seen wearing a vest and shorts, a kirpan is worn after taking Netflix drama
has sought action against the with a garland of Rs 500 notes ‘rehat maryada’ (conversion
actor and the film’s produc- around his neck and a ‘kirpan’ to Sikhism). The petition do a television show?’ and I
ers Gauri Khan and Karuna in gatra tied diagonally across has sought a direction to the said no. I had been on day-
Badwal, director Aanand L his body. Khalsa took excep- police to initiate action against time soap opera for so many
Rai, Red Chillies Entertain- tion to this scene and referred Shah Rukh and years when I was younger
ment Pvt Ltd and the Central to the historical and cultural others. PTI and I thought ‘I wanna be in
Board for Film Certification’s importance of kirpan (a films’. They were two sepa-
(CBFC) chairperson and CEO. sword or small dagger rate entries in 2013.
The petition refers to the film’s carried by Sikhs). “You never really flip to
the right side of your brain
and say, ‘Oh! We can have
the same content. Same in-

depth content on TV’. He
We have no idea ho basically educated me to
say ‘yes we can’ and this is
, but
successful it will be te of the going to be a basically new
irrespective of the you all for
movement.”  IANS

has been special, memorable: Aamir Khan k

film, I want to than ars
a very fulfilling tw
o ye

ollywood star Aamir
Khan says whatever
may be the fate of
Thugs Of Hindostan,
he is satisfied with the feeling
that the team has given the film
its best and that it has been a
joyride to work on it. Reach-
ing out to the audience, he said:
“We have made the film with a
lot of love and effort, and we
hope that you enjoy it.” ble for me. Each one of you has given it our best,” the actor
The message was a part of a done such a mind blowing job, added. Thugs Of Hindostan,
lengthy post sent out via social and I am so happy to be a part directed by Vijay Krishna
media wherein Aamir person- of this team,” Aamir wrote. Acharya, marks the first time
ally expressed gratitude to all “We have no idea how suc- that Aamir has worked with
key team members – actors, cessful it will be, but irrespec- megastar Amitabh Bachchan.
producer, director and techni- tive of the fate of the film, I Besides them, Katrina Kaif and
cians – for “a wonderful jour- want to thank you all for a very Fatima Sana Shaikh complete
ney”. “A journey which has fulfilling two years. I think we the primary cast of the period
been so special and memora- can all be satisfied that we have drama.  IANS

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