WATER Therapy

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Water therapy can also be used internally i.e.b having intake of water inernally into the
body in different ways.

1)ENEMA: =Rectal irrigation.

This consists of injection of water fluid into the rectum. It is
one of the most useful n effective tool of nature cure . But in
naturopathy only lukewarm (95 to 100 F.) water is used for
cleaning bowels. Enema-nozzle lubricated is inserted in the
rectum of a person, lying on left side stretching straight his
left leg n bending his right leg slightly in to the /towards
stomach. Then enema cane containing lukewarm water is
raised n 2-4 pints of water is allowed to enter into the
rectum. Patient can rest /walk f-or 5-10 minutes retaining
water. After that water is ejected along with accumulated
morbid matter. This is safe& useful in constipation.

A cold water enema (55-65 F) is useful for inflammatory

condition of colon, especially dysentery, diarrhea, ulcerative
colitis, haemorrhoids n fever.

Different AYURVEDIC elements are also used to give

enema called BASTI in indigenous language.

2) yogic kriyas: In yoga therapy water is used in yogic

kriyas-cleansing processThere are six such cleansing
processes( ) OR TECHNIQUES of which two
are using water.
(A) Jal Neti: Jalneti is a process of cleansing passage
of nostrils n throat by using/washing them with tepid
saline water.
Process; Take a special type of small metal/china
metal/plastic Jalneti pot with a long nozzle available
in the market. Put half teaspoonful of salt in the pot &
fill it with lukewarm drinking water. Stand up tilting
your head slightly to the right insert the nozzle of the
pot in left nostril & left water flow into it. Inhale &
exhale through mouth, thereby allowing water to flow
out through the right nostril. Reverse the process by
tilting head to the left and lifting water flow from right
to left nostril.
It should be practiced in the morning once in a
month. This relieves most of diseases of nose & throat
caused by the accumulation of impurities in the nasal
passage such as sore throat, old cough cold, sinusitis,
migraine, headache, inflammation of nasal membrane
& even poor vision syndrome as it keeps head cool &
improves vision. Marjarasan or kapalbhati performed
after jalneti to drain out any residual water from nose.
Jalneti is best, easiest, cheapest & economic
technique of relieving many elements.
Jalneti be practiced with empty stomach.
This is process of cleansing stomach, drink 4 to 8
glasses of tepid salt water early morning empty
stomach. Then stand up, bend forward, insert the
middle and index fingers of right hand into mouth
until they touch uvula. Tickle it till you fill vomiting
sensation & eject the saline water along with toxins
repeat till stomach is emptied. Should be done once a
week or when needed.

Cleansing stomach in cases piles, constipation &
gastric troubles, hyperacidity (Kunjal be practiced
with unsalt water here), headach, nervous weakness,
cronic cold, cough and asthama, heart & BPpatients
should keep away from kunjal.


Even through intake of water 100ml to 250ml in
the morning keeps away many diseases such as BP
diabetes, heart problems, acidity, et el…..
Water can be normal water. But water kept in
copper vessel for 24 hrs gives still good results & more
results. If such water is sterilized then still better. If
while sterilizing the water through boiling process if a
gold ring is put in water till boiling point. Such a water
gives best results. Result & returns can be maximized
if water is magnetized. It helps resolving constipation
stomach problems, liver spleen problems, kidney
problems. It keeps one young and fit. If same water is
taken through nostrils results are better.

Thus water therapy is one of the best, cheapest, easiest

therapy which can be used at varied levels, varied
ways & in varied degrees of temperature. It is versatile
and adaptable substance. It is not without vindication
that it is said.
“ In confrontation between river (water) and rock
river always succeed not through its strength but
through its adaptability and determination.”

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