The Karmic Numbers:: Ankakshr Miracless अंकाक्षर मिरेकल्स
The Karmic Numbers:: Ankakshr Miracless अंकाक्षर मिरेकल्स
The Karmic Numbers:: Ankakshr Miracless अंकाक्षर मिरेकल्स
Karmic Debt nos. 13, 14, 16 & 19 – Past life challenges (पिछले जन्मों का कममफल)
I also assume it Karmic Debt No. but like 19. Because both are having same sum no.10
Karmic Numbers 13,14,16,19 that I mentioned here are Karmic Debt Numbers
Karmic Debt numbers represent the karmic baggage that you carry with you in this life fulltime.
It could be something that you missed doing in your previous lifetimes. (पिछले जन्म)
Karmic Lessons – area to improve, what should you do and don’t do. Advise
Diverted energy, not focused one area, Start one act but not finish and jumped on second
It is about the scattered energy that you must learn to channelize & focus towards a particular
goal. It indicates that there is a constant and steady stream of unavoidable hurdles and blocks
which can make a person frustrated, irritated, desperate..
Lesson - Don't give up so soon, stop being lazy and pessimistic as often the greater challenge
brings greater reward. Be optimistic as you have great potential for success simply by moving
forward with focus and determination.
Make routine to focus on your goal to get success. Multitasking is good but when you finish your
one work before you start another or make sense to finish all works.
Determination is necessary.
© Abhishaik Chitraans
Ankakshr Miracless अंकाक्षर मिरे कल्स
Misuse of freedom and love, unknown circumstances, Ups & downs, surprising,
It is about all the good & bad past lifetime karmas that your soul has decided to experience in
this lifetime. It is an indication of abuse of right of freedom and faithfulness in the past. There
can be restlessness and a native can be tempted to indulge in abuse of drugs, alcohol, sensual
Lesson - Maintain a balance between your logical & emotional side. Be committed in your
relationships, be clear modest and stable. Keep your goals and desires high. Do not go for short
term illusive happiness.
To follow your routine, discipline, committed peace of mind, make balance in your life and day.
Leave your bad habits Drug, Alchohal etc.
Do exercise to maintain your activeness and for keeping away your lazyness
False ego breaking, blind believe heart, to go on higher source, spiritual path following,
It is about learning lessons through the people you have trusted in life. They may hurt you and
that breaks your false or superficial layer of ego. It is number which is about breaking your false
ego/ illusions.
Lesson - Stay grounded & connect yourself to the higher self. The struggle is between the ego
and divine path. It requires a person to follow the path the of humility, faith and gratitude. A
number which can connect a person to higher source/ spiritual path towards inner journey.
Connect more people is good for life. Minimize your ego, Try to be a good human being.
© Abhishaik Chitraans
Ankakshr Miracless अंकाक्षर मिरे कल्स
Don’t think you are the one only. Everyone has its qualities
It is about learning to be part of a team. You may believe this that anything can be achieved by
your own self & you don't need the support of others. It is an indication of misuse of one's
powers in the past. A person sees opportunities but is unable to encash them due to personal
Lesson - You must value others and appreciate teamwork. They need to understand that inter-
dependence, support and mutual need of love is important in Life. The native is required to learn
to be independent and stand for oneself. Maintain your Brotherhood
Give valued to other also, you are not only the boss, don’t misuse of your power
No carried forward, do good and feel good, don’t misuse your freedom
Like no. 19
© Abhishaik Chitraans