Pana v. Heirs of Juanite (2012)

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Topic Property Relations Between Husband and Wife  moral damages of 50,000 each; and

Case No. G.R. No. 164201 | December 10, 2012  actual damages of 150,000
Case Name Pana v Heirs of Juanite, Sr.
Full Case EFREN PANA, Petitioner, On May 24, 2001, on appeal, the judgement was affirmed with
Name vs. modifications. The penalty imposed is now reclusion perpetua. In addition,
HEIRS OF JOSE JUANITE, SR. and JOSE the guilty parties are ordered to pay the following to same heirs:
JUANITE, JR., Respondents.  civil indemnity of 50,000; [same]
Ponente ABAD, J.  moral damages of 50,000 each; [same]
Doctrines The Family Code does not intend to automatically  [actual damages deleted for lack of evidentiary basis]
convert the property regime of spouses to one of  temperate damages of 15,000 each; and
absolute community.  exemplary damages of 50,000 each. [to be paid solidarily]
Since under the Civil Code, the default property
regime is conjugal partnership of gains, it shall remain The decision became final on October 1, 2001.
as that absent evidence to the contrary. Spouses are In 2002, the judgement was moved for execution. The spouses refused,
not allowed to change their property regime post- claiming that the levied properties were conjugal assets, not paraphernal
marriage, save in cases provided by the Family Code. assets of Melecia. Both the RTC and CA denied the spouses motions.
The provisions of the Family Code shall govern
conjugal partnership of gains established prior to its Hence the present case:
enactment. Thus, the conjugal assets of the spouses
may be held to answer for fines (or in this case, civil ISSUES – RULING – DOCTRINE
liabilities arising from a criminal case) imposed upon
one of the spouses, for as long as the responsibilities 1. What regime governs that property relations of spouses Efren and
enumerated in Art. 121 of the FC are not impaired, Melecia?
and subject to other conditions provided by the
Nature Determination of the propriety of levy and execution CONJUGAL PARTNERHSIP OF GAINS, under the Civil Code.
on conjugal properties where one of the spouses has
been found guilty of a crime and ordered to pay civil
a. The marriage of the spouses is governed by the Civil Code, given
indemnities to the victims' heirs.
- it was celebrated prior to the enactment of the Family Code;
- they have no pre-nuptial agreement.
Surigao RTC charged spouses Efren and Melecia Pana and others of
murder. On July 9, 1997, the RTC found Melecia and others guilty as
charged while acquitting Efren. The penalty imposed is death. In addition,
the guilty parties are ordered to pay the heirs of the victims, jointly and
 civil indemnity of 50,000;
b. Art. 256 of the FC [on retroactivity] did not intend to automatically v. However, the CGP will now be governed by the Family Code
convert the property relation of spouses to one of absolute provisions pursuant to Art. 105. So the Court looked at FC
community. provisions in determining whether the conjugal assets may be
i. Art. 76 of the FC provided that marriage settlements cannot held to answer Melecia’s civil liabilities. [there are transitory
be modified except (1) prior to marriage; and (2) subject to the provisions on CPG under the FC, so this is not eliminated]
provisions of Articles 66, 67, 128, 135 and 136.
ii. Thus, post marriage modification of the settlement can only be 2. Can the conjugal assets be made to answer the civil liabilities imposed
made where: on Melecia in the murder case?
 Art. 66, the absolute community or conjugal
partnership was dissolved and liquidated upon a decree YES. But only insofar as it is not prejudicial to the responsibilities
of legal separation; under Art. 121 of the Family Code.
 Art. 67, the spouses who were legally separated
reconciled and agreed to revive their former property a. As provided under Art. 122, the general rule is the conjugal assets
regime; cannot be held liable for debts contracted prior to or during the
 Art. 128, judicial separation of property had been had marriage, the following are the exceptions:
on the ground that a spouse abandons the other i. those which redounded to the benefit of the family; and
without just cause or fails to comply with his ii. (1) debts prior to the marriage; (2) fines and indemnities
obligations to the family; imposed upon the spouses; and (3) support of illegitimate
 Art. 135, there was judicial separation of property children, subject to the ff conditions:
under Article 135 - the spouse charged has no exclusive properties or it is
 Art. 136, the spouses jointly filed a petition for the insufficient;
voluntary dissolution of their absolute community or - upon liquidation, the spouse for whose benefit payment
conjugal partnership of gains. was made shall be charged for the amount paid out of the
None of these circumstances exists in the case of Efren
and Melecia. So converting their property relations from Since Efren did not contend that Melecia has no exclusive
CPG to ACP post-marriage is not justified. properties, Art. 122 shall apply. The conjugal assets shall
answer for the civil liabilities after determining that the
iii. Such conversion will impair the spouses vested rights over responsibilities under Art. 121 were covered:
their separate properties.
(1) The support of the spouse and children;
 Art. 142, only the (1) fruits of their separate property;
(2) Debts contracted during the marriage for the benefit of the
and (2) incomes from their work or industry, goes to
CPG or with consent of the spouses;
the common fund. The spouses retain ownership over
(3) Debts contracted by one without the consent of the other
their separate properties.
if beneficial to the family;
iv. The presumption that the spouses’ property relations is that of
(4) Taxes and other charges upon the CPG;
CPG stands absent evidence to the contrary, under Art. 119 of
(5) Taxes and expenses for mere preservation during the
the Civil Code.
marriage upon the separate property of either spouse;
(6) Expenses for the professional, vocational, or other activity
for self-improvement of the spouses;
(7) Ante-nuptial debts of either spouse beneficial to the family;
(8) Donated or promise by both spouses in favor of their
common legitimate children for the exclusive purpose of
commencing or completing a professional or vocational
course or other activity for self-improvement; and
(9) Expenses of litigation between the spouses unless the suit
is found to be groundless.

b. No prior liquidation of the partnership is required under Art. 122.

This is not unfair given that the offending spouse shall be charged
of the amount paid out of the conjugal asset in case there should
be liquidation.



Resolutions of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. SP 77198 dated January
29, 2004 and May 14, 2004. The Regional Trial Court of Surigao City,
Branch 30, shall first ascertain that, in enforcing the writ of execution on
the conjugal properties of spouses Efren and Melecia Pana for the
satisfaction of the indemnities imposed by final judgment on the latter
accused in Criminal Cases 4232 and 4233, the responsibilities enumerated
in Article 121 of the Family Code have been covered.


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