History and Philosophy of Science
History and Philosophy of Science
History and Philosophy of Science
The novelty of the presented curriculum for the History and Philosophy of Science course:
- master the ways of building an individual trajectory of an academic career and promoting the
research activity outputs:
- introduce active forms of learning, training technologies related to the creation, discussion,
correction, design and presentation by future scientists of the results of their own research
- focus on the research work (analysis of the historical formation of the scientific problem under
study; writing a research paper based on the course);
- focus on developing the student’s professional qualities and encouraging his/her intellectual
- address the scientific activity ethics not only with respect to its results and outputs (technical
inventions, scientific concepts) but also the intellectual culture in general, scientific values and
traditions as well as the scholar’s self-awareness.
The purpose of the History and Philosophy of Science course is to enable an assigned person
to create an integrated image of the essence of science, the main stages of the history of science and
the philosophical foundations of its historical consideration, the structural elements of scientific
methodology and the philosophical interpretation of its problems.
Course Objectives:
- study the main sections of Philosophy of Science;
- get acquainted with the basic modern concepts of science;
- acquire skills of independent scientific and philosophical analysis and assessment of the content of
scientific problems.
Code of the
and the Section, topic of the course Contents
8.2.1. Resources of UrFU AMCS for conducting the test check within the framework of the current
and intermediate certification
Not applicable
8.2.2. Resources of the Federal Exam in Vocational Education for conducting the independent test
Not applicable
8.2.3. Internet simulators
Not applicable
1. David Coghlan. Teresa Brannick Doing Action Research in Your Own Organisation. Sage
Publications Ltd; Third Edition. 2009.
2. Mats ALVESSON. Jorgen SANDBERG Generating Research Questions Through
Problematization Academy of Management Review. 201 1. Vol. 36. No. 2. 247-271
3. Cohen, M,.F. Nagel. E. and M.R. Cohen An introduction to Logic and Scientific Method. Hughes
Press, 2008.
4. Cresswell, .1. Research Design: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, Sage Publications, Inc:
Third Edition 2008.
5. Dunbar. R. The Trouble with Science. Faber and Fabe. London 1996.
6. Gill, J. And Johnson, P. Research Methods for Managers. Sage Publications. Inc: 4th edition, 2010.
7. Kuhn, T. The structure of Scientific Revolutions: 50th Anniversary Edition, University of Chicago
Press. 2012.
8. Lawler, E.E. (ed) Doing research which is useful in theory and practice, Lexington Books, 1999.
9. Phillips. E.M. and Pugh. D.S. How to get a PhD, Open University Press. Milton Keynes. 3 edition.
10. Silverman. D. Doing Qualitative Research: A Practical Handbook. Sage. London, 1999.
11. Singer. P. Practical Ethics. Cambridge University Press: 3 edition. 2011.
12. Wayne С Booth. Gregory G Colomb, Joseph M Williams The Craft of Research (Chicago Guides to
Writing. Editing and Publishing). Publisher: University of Chicago Press; 2nd Revised edition,
2003. ISBN-10: 0226065685
9.2. Databases, information and reference systems and search systems
1. Philosophy of Science: a scientific periodical // Available at
1. http://vvvvv.philosophy.nsc.ru/journals/journals.html
2. Digital Library on Philosophy: Philosophy of Science and Technology // Available at
3. Library// Available at hlip://philosophy.ru/library/lib2.htm
4. Philosophy of Science for Post-Graduate Students // Available at hap://wwvv.filosofmm.ru/
5. Journal of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences Epistemology and
Philosophy of Science // Available at http://journal.iph.ras.ru/
6. Internet Library of the Institute of Philosophy of the RAS // Available at
7. История становления науки и техники // Available at
8. The Stanford Philosophical Encyclopedia // Available at http://рlato-stanford.edu/
9. Philosophy of Science and Information Technology: http://www.brint.com/kuhn.htm
10. The Karl Popper Web // Available at http://www.eeng.dcu.ie/~tkpw/
11. 1 1. Толковые словари. Образовательный ресурс. Методология науки // Available at