IBM Integration Bus V9 Application Development II: WM675 (Classroom)

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IBM Software - WebSphere

IBM Integration Bus

V9 Application
Development II

WM675 (Classroom)
Course description
This 4-day course provides an intermediate-level continuation of course WM665, IBM Integration
Bus V9 Application Development I, which introduced the concepts necessary to successfully
create and support IBM Integration Bus message flow applications.
This course completes your knowledge of the IBM Integration Bus product, focusing on using IBM
Integration Bus to develop, deploy, and support platform-independent message flow applications.
These applications use various messaging topologies to transport messages between service
requesters and service providers, and also allow the messages to be routed, transformed, and
enriched during processing.
Topics in this course include writing message flows that use web services, integration services,
working with JMS transports, and aggregating messages from multiple sources. You also learn
how to use Data Format Description Language (DFDL) to model complex data and how to define


 Intermediate training for

application developers
 Learn how to define and
implement integration,
database, and WebSphere
MQ services
 Covers the use of record
and replay to capture and
review processed

and implement a database service and a WebSphere MQ service. You learn how to develop, test,
and deploy user-defined patterns and use event monitoring and the record and replay facility to
capture and view messages during processing.
Extensive labs throughout the course enable you to practice your new skills.
For information about other related courses, visit the IBM Training website:

General information
Delivery method


Course level

ERC 1.0

Product and version

IBM Integration Bus version 9.0


This course is designed for integration specialists and senior-level developers with experience in
IBM Integration Bus application development.

Learning objectives

After completing this course, you should be able to:

 Aggregate messages in a message flow
 Control the sequence of messages in a message flow
 Transform messages with Microsoft .NET and Common Language Runtime facilities, the PHP
scripting language, and XML style sheets
 Extend DFDL message models
 Use message sets and the Message Repository Manager (MRM) parser
 Provide a message flow as a web service
 Request a web service from within a message flow
 Generate Web Services Description Language (WSDL) files from a message model
 Describe how to implement WS-Addressing and WS-Security standards in IBM Integration Bus
 Create an integration service
 Create and implement a WebSphere MQ request and response service definition
 Create and implement a database service definition
 Use Java Message Services (JMS) as a transport protocol within IBM Integration Bus
 Implement publish and subscribe with IBM Integration Bus
 Configure security-enabled message processing nodes
 Record and replay messages that a message flow processes
 Analyze and filter information in complex XML documents
 Construct and extend a user-defined pattern


Before taking this course, you should successfully complete IBM Integration Bus V9 Application
Development I (course WM665 or VM665), which introduces IBM Integration Bus development
topics that are necessary for success in this course.


4 days

Skill level


Classroom (ILT) setup requirements

Processor 2.5 GHz or faster Duo Core


GB free disk space 60 GB

Network None

Other None

The following unit and exercise durations are estimates, and might not reflect every class
experience. If the course is customized or abbreviated, the duration of unchanged units will
probably increase.
This course is a new course.

Course agenda

Course introduction
Duration: 30 minutes

Unit 1. Aggregating and controlling message sequence
Duration: 1 hour

Overview In this unit, you learn how to aggregate and control the sequence of messages
in a message flow. You also learn how to control the flow path order in which
a message flow processes a message.

Learning After completing this unit, you should be able to:

objectives  Aggregate messages in a message flow
 Sequence and resequence messages in a message flow
 Use the FlowOrder node to control the flow path order in which a message
is processed through a message flow

Exercise 1. Implementing message aggregation

Duration: 30 minutes

Overview In this exercise, you send four requests to a back-end system and aggregate
the replies into a single output message.

Learning After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

objectives  Use the AggregateControl node and the AggregateRequest node to
generate and concurrently fan-out related requests
 Use the AggregateReply node to aggregate messages into a single output

Unit 2. Transforming messages with PHP, XSL, and Microsoft .NET

Duration: 1 hour

Overview In this unit, you learn how to use the PHP scripting language, XSL style
sheets, and Microsoft .NET framework to transform messages.

Learning After completing this unit, you should be able to:

objectives  Transform messages with the PHP scripting language
 Transform messages with an XSL style sheet
 Transform messages with Microsoft .NET

Unit 3. Modeling complex data with DFDL
Duration: 45 minutes

Overview In this unit, you learn how to use DFDL to model complex data that includes
multiple record types, length prefixes, choice groups, optional elements, and
variable array elements.

Learning After completing this unit, you should be able to:

objectives  Reuse a DFDL model to create a more complex model
 Define length prefixes in a DFDL model
 Define a DFDL model to make parsing decisions that are based on the
content of other elements in a message

Exercise 2. Extending a DFDL model

Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Overview In this exercise, you learn how to model complex data in DFDL. Complex data
includes data with multiple record types, choice groups, and optional
components. You also learn how to use discriminators in a DFDL model to
optimize message parsing.

Learning After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

objectives  Extend a DFDL message model to add header and trailer records
 Reference a DFDL message model in a new DFDL message model
 Use discriminators in a DFDL model so that the parser can conditionally
process elements and optimize message parsing

Unit 4. Working with message sets and the MRM parser

Duration: 1 hour

Overview A message set is the original container for WebSphere Message Broker
message models. In IBM Integration Bus, DFDL schema files are the preferred
way to model messages for most data formats. Message sets continue to be
supported, and are required if you use the MRM or IDOC domains in a message
In this unit, you learn how to create a message set to define a message and
use the MRM parser.

Learning After completing this unit, you should be able to:

objectives  Describe the physical message formats that can be defined with an MRM
message set
 Configure the logical and physical message properties
 Reference an MRM model in ESQL

Exercise 3. Implementing an MRM message set
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Overview In this exercise, you create a message set to define a message. You also use a
Compute node or JavaCompute node to propagate multiple physical messages
by referencing a single message set.

Learning After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

objectives  Create a message set
 Configure the logical and physical properties of the message
 Propagate multiple messages with different physical formats from a
single compute node

Unit 5. Implementing web services

Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Overview This unit describes the use of web services transport and WSDL generation
from message definitions. It also covers handling messages with SOAP

Learning After completing this unit, you should be able to:

objectives  Explain the concept of web services
 Provide a message flow as a web service
 Request a web service from within a message flow
 Describe the major functions of HTTP and SOAP nodes
 Generate WSDL files from MRM message definitions
 Describe the SOAP message tree
 Explain how WS-Addressing and WS-Security standards can be
implemented in IBM Integration Bus

Exercise 4. Implementing web services with IBM Integration Bus

Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Overview In this exercise, you use the SOAP nodes to implement web services. You
implement message flows to act as both a provider and a consumer of web

Learning After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

objectives  Import a WSDL file
 Provide a message flow as a web service that uses SOAP/HTTP
 Start a SOAP/HTTP web service asynchronously
 Test a SOAP/HTTP message flow
 Implement WS-Addressing
 Use the TCP/IP Monitor to monitor message traffic

Unit 6. Integration services
Duration: 45 minutes

Overview In this unit, you learn how to develop, deploy, and test integration services. An
integration service is a specialized application that acts as a container for a
web service solution. You can follow a top-down or bottom-up model to design
and implement web service operations, and deploy and test integration
services with IBM Integration Toolkit.

Learning After completing this unit, you should be able to:

objectives  Explain the role of an integration service
 Design a service interface
 Implement web service operations as message flows
 Compare and contrast integration services with SOAP-enabled message
 Deploy integration services
 Test integration services

Exercise 5. Creating and testing an integration service

Duration: 1 hour

Overview In this exercise, you design, implement, and test an integration service.

Learning After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

objectives  Create a container for an integration service
 Design the operations, bindings, and messages for a web service
interface in a graphical editor
 Implement a web service operation with a database SQL call
 Test a web service with the IBM Integration Toolkit
 Review service invocation statistics with the IBM Integration Explorer

Unit 7. WebSphere MQ and database service discovery

Duration: 1 hour

Overview In this unit, you learn how to define and implement a database service and a
WebSphere MQ service. You also learn how to publish the WebSphere MQ
service in the IBM Integration Bus Integration Registry.

Learning After completing this unit, you should be able to:

objectives  Create a database service
 Create a WebSphere MQ request and response service
 Publish the WebSphere MQ services in an Integration Registry

Exercise 6. Discovering WebSphere MQ and database services
Duration: 1 hour and 30 minutes

Overview In this exercise, you create a WebSphere MQ request and response service
and a database service. You also use the services to define message flow
node properties and extend applications.

Learning After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

objectives  Create a WebSphere MQ request and response service definition
 Publish the WebSphere MQ services in an Integration Registry
 Import previously stored WebSphere MQ services into a developers
 Create a database service
 Extend an existing database service by adding more operations
 Use the WebSphere MQ and database services to define message flow
node properties
 Use the WebSphere MQ and database services to create and extend

Unit 8. Using JMS for message transport

Duration: 45 minutes

Overview This unit describes how to design message flows that use Java Message
Service (JMS) as a message transport.

Learning After completing this unit, you should be able to:

objectives  Use JMS as a transport protocol with IBM Integration Bus
 Describe the nodes that are used to implement JMS processing in a
message flow

Exercise 7. Implementing a message flow that uses JMS

Duration: 1 hour

Overview In this exercise, you implement and test a message flow that uses JMS as the

Learning After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

objectives  Import a message flow that uses JMS message processing nodes
 Review the JMS configuration parameters in the message flow
 Configure the message flow to use the Trace node to log messages
 Test the message flow and interpret the trace results

Unit 9. Implementing publish/subscribe
Duration: 30 minutes

Overview This unit describes IBM Integration Bus support for publish/subscribe.

Learning After completing this unit, you should be able to:

objectives  Implement publish/subscribe with IBM Integration Bus

Unit 10. Implementing message security

Duration: 45 minutes

Overview In this unit, you learn about the various types of security considerations in
IBM Integration Bus, and how to configure message security.

Learning After completing this unit, you should be able to:

objectives  Implement message-level security in a message flow
 Define the differences between administration security, application
security, and message transport security
 Use the runtime security manager, security profiles, and policy sets
 Use the SecurityPEP node to implement security in a message flow

Exercise 8. Implementing IBM Integration Bus runtime security

Duration: 1 hour

Overview In this exercise, you implement the IBM Integration Bus runtime security to
allow security credentials to be propagated in a message flow.

Learning After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

objectives  Propagate security credentials within a message flow
 Configure message flow nodes to enable secure message processing
 List the types of security tokens
 Use a Compute node to simulate the actions of an external security

Unit 11. Analyzing data and message flows
Duration: 2 hours

Overview This unit describes the IBM Integration Bus tools that are available for
capturing and analyzing message data. It also describes workload
management and policies and tools for analyzing the impact of changes to
message applications.

Learning After completing this unit, you should be able to:

objectives  Analyze the impact of application changes
 Use the Data Analysis Perspective to analyze and filter information in
complex XML documents
 Define monitoring events in the message flow
 Use the record and replay function to capture and review processed
 Use the IBM Integration Toolkit to examine workload management policies

Exercise 9. Recording and replaying message flow data

Duration: 1 hour

Overview In this exercise, you define monitoring events and then record and replay
messages. You also capture and report failed events.

Learning After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

objectives  Define monitoring events
 Activate flow monitoring
 View event messages in the IBM Integration web console
 Replay messages
 Capture and report failed events

Unit 12. Creating patterns for reusability

Duration: 1 hour

Overview This unit describes how to create and test user-defined message flow
patterns in the IBM Integration Toolkit.

Learning After completing this unit, you should be able to:

objectives  Construct and extend a user-defined pattern
 Create a pattern authoring project
 Build pattern plug-ins
 Package and distribute pattern plug-ins
 Install a pattern archive

Exercise 10. Creating and implementing a user-defined pattern
Duration: 1 hour and 15 minutes

Overview In this exercise, you create and customize a user-defined pattern, and
package it for deployment.

Learning After completing this exercise, you should be able to:

objectives  Create an exemplar message flow
 Create a pattern authoring project
 Configure the pattern authoring project to specify which elements of the
project are customizable by the user when the pattern is used
 Test a user-defined pattern
 Package pattern plug-ins for distribution to users

Unit 13. Course summary

Duration: 30 minutes

Overview This unit summarizes the course and provides information for future study.

Learning After completing this unit, you should be able to:

objectives  Explain how the course met its learning objectives
 Access the IBM Training website
 Identify other IBM Training courses that are related to this topic
 Locate appropriate resources for further study

For more information

To learn more about this course and other related offerings, and to schedule training, visit
To learn more about validating your technical skills with IBM certification, visit
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