Keeley 2007

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Reducing the risk of ventilator-

acquired pneumonia through
head of bed elevation
Libby Keeley

Background: It has been suggested that placing critically ill ventilated patients in a semirecumbent position minimizes the
likelihood of nosocomial pneumonia.
Aim: This pilot study explores whether the incidence of ventilator-acquired pneumonia (VAP) can be reduced by elevating the head of
the bed to 45.
Methods: The design is quantitative in nature, using a randomized controlled trial. The method involves adult ventilated patients
being randomly assigned to one of two positions, i.e. 45 raised head of bed (treatment group) or 25 raised head of bed (control group).
Data collection relied upon the diagnosis of clinically suspected and microbiologically confirmed pneumonia defined by the Consensus
Conference on VAP.
Results: Thirty patients were included in the study – 17 in the treatment group and 13 in the control group. Results showed that 29%
(five) in the treatment group and 54% (seven) in the control group contracted VAP (P < 0176).
Conclusions: There was a trend towards a reduction in VAP in the patients nursed at 45. However, because of the sample size this
difference did not reach statistical significance.
Key words: Aspiration pneumonia • Care bundle • Gastric aspiration • Head of bed elevation • Ventilator-acquired pneumonia

INTRODUCTION 1996). Strikingly, VAP adds an estimated cost of

Ventilator-acquired pneumonia (VAP) is defined by the $40 000 to a typical hospital admission (Tablan et al.,
American Thoracic Society (1996) as ‘. the specified 2004).
type of nosocomial pneumonia that occurs after the Organisms causing VAP generally fall into two
first 48 h of initiating mechanical ventilation’. groups: those causing early-onset VAP (<4 days of
VAP occurs in a high percentage (5–25%) of ven- mechanical ventilation) and those causing late-onset
tilated patients (Ibrahim et al., 2001; Michalopoulos and VAP (>4 days of mechanical ventilation) (Craven and
Geroulanos, 2003). Those adults who die of acute Steger, 1996; George et al., 1998). Early-onset organisms
respiratory distress syndrome have a very high in- are typically antibiotic-susceptible, community-acquired
cidence (70%) of VAP. Moreover, VAP is the leading bacteria, while late-onset organisms are commonly
cause of death among hospital-acquired infections, antibiotic-resistant, hospital-acquired organisms.
exceeding the rate of death as the result of central line Ventilated patients have numerous factors that
infections, severe sepsis and respiratory tract infections increase their susceptibility to VAP, which have been
in the non-intubated patient. summarized by Cook et al. (1998). Aspiration of
VAP also prolongs time spent on the ventilator, infected oral and gastric secretions has been proposed
length of intensive care unit (ICU) stay and length of as a major factor in the aetiology of VAP (Torres et al.,
hospital stay after discharge from the ICU (Rello et al., 1992). Mechanical ventilation is associated with high
rates of hospital-acquired pneumonia because the
endotracheal tube bypasses upper respiratory tract
Author: L Keeley, RGN, DPP, BSc, MSc, Sister Critical Care, Critical Care, defences, allows for pooling of oropharyngeal secre-
Level 7, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton, East tions, prevents effective cough and can be a source
Sussex, UK
of infection. In addition, several authors have shown
Address for correspondence: Critical Care, Level 7, Royal Sussex
County Hospital, Eastern Road, Brighton, East Sussex BN2 5BE, UK that colonization of the oropharynx and stomach with
E-mail: [email protected] potentially pathogenic organisms may precede the

ª 2007 The Author. Journal Compilation ª 2007 British Association of Critical Care Nurses, Nursing in Critical Care 2007 • Vol 12 No 6 287
Reducing the risk of ventilator-acquired pneumonia

development of VAP (Craven and Steger, 1996; Centre 10 in the control group). There was no difference in the
for Disease Control and Prevention, 1997; George et al., incidence of VAP.
1998). A number of other studies have demonstrated the
The use of histamine-2 receptor blockers for the difficulty in achieving the 45 head-up positioning
prevention of gastrointestinal bleeding may also suggested by Drakulovic et al. (1999). These studies
increase the incidence of VAP (Cook et al., 1998). These consistently demonstrate that patients are routinely
raise the intragastric pH, which in turn enhances nursed at between 20 and 30 head up despite guide-
gastric colonization with pathogens that commonly lines recommending more extreme head up position-
cause pneumonia. Placement of nasogastric feeding ing (Evans, 1994; Grap et al., 1999, 2003; Cook et al.,
tubes may facilitate the reflux of bacteria from the gut. 2002). Indeed, the current mean bed head elevation at
The nasogastric tube does impair the closure to the the author’s institution was found to be 25 in a random
upper oesophageal sphincter and prevents lower selection of patients prior to commencing the current
oesophageal sphincter closure (Hardy, 1988). However, study. It is not known whether there is any benefit in
Satiani et al. (1978) found a reduction of gastro- increasing the degree of bed head elevation from 25 to
oesophageal reflux during surgery when nasogastric 45 recommended by Drakulovic.
tubes were in place as a result of the venting This study aims to compare the effect of the current
mechanism reducing the volume of intragastric con- standard degree of bed head elevation (25) with 45
tents and gastric pressure. bed head elevation on the incidence of VAP.
It has been suggested that patient position may
influence reflux and microaspiration of infected gastric
contents and thus the incidence of VAP. A number of
Spanish groups (Ibanez et al., 1992; Torres et al., 1992; METHODS
Orozco-Levi et al., 1995) have evaluated the efficacy of The degree of bed head elevation to be used in the
a semirecumbent position in relation to aspiration. control group was established by measuring the cur-
These small studies all reported a decreased frequency rent degree of bed head elevation on the trial ICU.
of gastro-oesophageal reflux and aspiration with The angle of the head of the bed was measured on a
semirecumbent positioning. random selection of patients using a protractor and
There have been two larger randomized controlled plumb line.
trials of the semirecumbent position on the incidence Adult ventilated patients who met the inclusion
of VAP. The first study by Drakulovic et al. (1999) criteria were placed in two groups and randomly
randomized participants by a computer-generated list assigned to one of two positions, i.e. 45 raised head of
into two patient groups: one supine (control) and the bed (treatment group) or for the control group, 25
other 45 head up (treatment). The incidence of VAP raised head of bed (current practice within the ICU).
(the primary outcome) was reduced from 27/47 (57%)
in the control group to 5/39 (13%) in the treatment
Exclusion criteria:
group (P = 0003). The authors of this well-conducted
study conclude ‘Placing critically ill ventilated patients • Previous intubation within the last 30 days.
in a semi-recumbent position minimizes the likelihood • Recent abdominal surgery with vacuum dressing
of nosocomial pneumonia. Reducing the incidence of that requires changes of patient position to either
nosocomial pneumonia leads to decrease in antibiotic gain a seal or renew the dressing.
costs and length of stay in the Intensive Care and • Severely obese patients who are unable to tolerate
hospital’. This study is widely quoted in systematic head elevation of 45.
reviews of the prevention of VAP and has resulted in • Haemodynamic instability (i.e. mean arterial
45 head of bed elevation being included in increas- pressure below 60 mmHg for more than
ingly popular ventilation care bundles (Ferrer and 30 min) refractory to colloid therapy or inotropic
Artigas, 2001; Collard et al., 2003; American Thoracic support.
Society, 2005). • Patients receiving renal replacement therapy
The second trial (Van Nieuwenhoven et al., 2006) whose body position results in insufficient flow
attempted to replicate the Drakovic study and ran- to continue therapy.
domized ventilated patients to supine position (10 • Pregnancy.
head up) or semirecumbent position (45 head up). • Spinal surgery or trauma that necessitates nurs-
Although 221 patients were randomized, the target ing the patient flat.
elevation in the treatment group was not achieved, the • Patients intubated for more than 12 h prior to
average head of bed elevation being only 28 (versus admission to ICU.

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Reducing the risk of ventilator-acquired pneumonia

Inclusion Criteria who had a history of gastric ulceration or who were

The necessary ethical permission was gained from both considered ‘high risk’ and who were not established on
the Trust and the Local Research Ethics Committee. nasogastric feed received omeprazole according to
Consent was obtained from patients (where possible) normal practice on the ICU based on the ventilation
or assent from next of kin in the case of the unconscious care bundle.
patients. This permission was gained by the nurse All patients were nursed with one pillow beneath
caring for the patient within 24 h of inclusion. The their head in an effort to nurse all patients with the
patients (if conscious) or relative (if the patient was same angle of neck flexion. Ventilator tubing was not
unconscious) were given an information sheet and changed during the trial period. Closed-circuit suction
allowed time to read and digest the information. They was used and changed every 24 h as per the manu-
were then asked to sign consent (in the case of the facturer’s instruction.
patient) or assent (in the case of the relative) for Pressure area care continued as normal protocol for
inclusion into the study. If the relatives were particu- the ICU, i.e. every 2–4 h repositioning, either side lying
larly distressed by the circumstances relating to the or supine, always maintaining the required angle of
patient’s admission, or they were not available within bed head elevation.
24 h of inclusion, they were not approached and the Mean arterial pressure was recorded to track the use
patient was not included in the study. Of the 57 patients of inotropic therapy, ensuring that those patients
or relatives who were approached for inclusion into the nursed at 45 were not requiring increased support
study, three (all relatives) declined. Reasons for (requirement of ethics committee).
declining were previous poor experience with research Other variables recorded at the end of the study
trials (one), unwilling to take responsibility for protocol were sex, diagnosis (medical or surgical),
decision that may affect care of loved one (one) and white cell count <4  109/L or >12  109/L, temper-
unwilling to take part in any discussion/information ature >383C, antibiotics, ventilation, sedation score or
exchange regarding the study (one). Glasgow Coma Score, age and Acute Physiology and
All critical care patients intubated within 12 h were Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II score.
eligible for inclusion. All patients were routinely
subjected to standard ICU practices likely to influence
Randomization to treatment (45) or control
the incidence of nosocomial pneumonia in the me-
(25) group
chanically ventilated patient, including the following:
Patients were randomized to treatment (45) or con-
trol (25) groups by taking a sealed opaque envelope
from a box of identical shuffled envelopes. The
Nasogastric tubes used were Ryles, size 12 (Pennine
random selection was made by the nurse recruiting
Health Care, London Road, Derby, UK, product code
the patient to the trial. These envelopes were prepared
RT-2012) or size 14 (product code RT-2014). Fine-bore
by an independent person at the start of the trial in
tubes were not used during the trial period because
batches of 50 and were in equal numbers for each
normal practice was to insert them once the patients
group. The envelopes contained instruction to nurse
were conscious and managing continuous positive
the patient at either 45 or 25 raised head. The in-
airway pressure (CPAP). Where enteral feeding was
structions within the envelopes were then attached to the
not established, parenteral nutrition and glutamine
patient’s bedside monitor so that the nurse was aware of
were used. (This was at the decision of the physician in
which position to nurse their patient in. The patient
charge). Patients who were receiving parenteral nutri-
position was also entered onto the observation chart on
tion had a nasogastric tube in situ as continued trials of
the clinical information system in a tick box format.
enteral nutrition were repeated unless surgery dictated
End of the study protocol:
otherwise. While enteral feed was not being delivered,
the nasogastric tube remained on free drainage. Gut • patient extubation (or decannulation in the
decontamination was given to trauma patients who tracheostomy patients);
were not established on enteral feed. This selective • death;
decontamination was ceased when enteral feed was • first successful weaning trial, i.e. first trial (of at
established, with the exception of the selective diges- least 1 h) on CPAP.
tive-tract decontamination (SDD) gel.
Withdrawal from the protocol:

Gastric ulceration prophylaxis • at the request of the patient or the next of kin;
Ranitidine was administered to those patients who • change in the patient’s condition, which meant
were not established on enteral feed. Those patients that they fulfilled the exclusion criteria;

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Reducing the risk of ventilator-acquired pneumonia

• transfer of the patient to another critical care imen brush were done in the areas most prominently
department; affected on chest radiograph or in one segment of the
• increase in ventilatory requirements requiring lower lobes in cases with diffuse infiltrates. Bronchoal-
the patient to be nursed prone to improve veolar lavage was done by instillation of three 50-mL
oxygenation; aliquots of saline, and the first aspirated portion was
• change in the patient’s position, which meant that discarded.
they were out of their randomized position for The results from this study were analysed with the
more than 6 h in 24 h. assistance of a statistician using the Minitab computer
package. The statistical hypothesis testing and estima-
Follow-up period tion procedures used from this statistical package were
In surviving patients, follow-up was continued for the chi-squared test for association and the two-sample
72 h after a study end-point had been reached. Final t-test and confidence interval.
study outcome was documented at 72 h after the study The mean results were calculated and the data
end-point had been reached. checked for normal distribution to ensure that the
Chest radiography was only interpreted as an subsequent measures of central tendency and signifi-
outcome in the follow-up period if a chest X-ray had cance test methods were mathematically valid. Where
been ordered by the physician. If there were no chest X- data was normally distributed, the mean results were
rays during this period, it was assumed that the patient calculated. Both parametric and non-parametric meth-
did not clinically require one, and thus it was unlikely ods of statistical analysis were required because the
that the patient had developed VAP (although other data comprised nominal, ordinal and interval and
outcomes were still collected). were both symmetrical and skewed.
Pneumonia was diagnosed as either clinically The controlled variable of body position was
suspected or microbiologically confirmed according analysed using the chi-squared test. This was used to
to the criteria defined by the Consensus Conference on determine whether there was any association between
Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia (Rello et al., 2001): the two nominal variables of body position and
Clinical suspicion of pneumonia: incidence of VAP. The chi-squared test was used
because the data are nominal and not of an interval/
• New and persistent infiltrates on chest radiogra-
ratio level of measurement.
phy most likely to be associated with pulmonary
infection and at least two of the following three
• fever (temperature >383C unmasked by RESULTS
paracetamol); Data were collected over a period of 35 months from
• leucopenia or leucocytosis (white blood cell 18 April 2005 to 1 August 2005. This resulted in a sample
count <4  109/L or >12  109/L); size of 54 patients. Following randomization, 29 patients
• purulent tracheal secretions. were allocated to the 45 (treatment) group and 25
patients were allocated to the 25 (control) group.
Microbiologically confirmed pneumonia:
Patient enrolment and allocation are summarized in
• The presence of clinical suspicion of pneumonia. Figure 1. The baseline characteristics of the enrolled
• At least one pathogenic microorganism in tra- patients are listed in Table 1. There were no significant
cheobronchial aspirate, bronchoalveolar lavage or differences between the groups at randomization.
protected specimen brush, with bacterial growth
above the defined thresholds for positive cultures Incidence of VAP
of blood or pleural fluid or both. Five of the treatment group (29%) developed VAP, four
confirmed and one suspected.
Tracheobronchial aspirate was obtained without
Seven of the control group (54%) developed VAP,
prior administration of saline in a standard sputum
five confirmed and two suspected. This 25% reduction
trap (Pennine product code MST-3070). For fibre-
in the incidence of VAP did not reach statistical
optic bronchoscopic examinations (Olympus, Keymed,
significance (P = 0176).
Southend On Sea, Essex, Model no. BF IT240), patients
Of those patients that developed VAP, the diagnosis
were premedicated with propofol or midazolam (they
was made on the following days:
may already have been receiving either of these agents
as continuous sedation while being ventilated). No • day 2, one patient;.
local anaesthetics were administered, and suction was • day 3, one patient;.
avoided. Bronchoalveolar lavage and protected spec- • day 4, two patients;.

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Reducing the risk of ventilator-acquired pneumonia

Assessed for eligibility (71)

Exclusions (15)
• No assent sought (12)
• Too unstable (3)

Randomized (56)

Treatment group (29) Control group (27)

Withdrawn (12) Withdrawn (14)

• < 24 h ventilation (5) • < 24 h ventilation (9)

• Proned (2) • Transferred to

another ICU (1)
• Uncomfortable (5)
• Uncomfortable (4)

Treatment group (17) Control group (13)

Developed VAP (5) Developed VAP (7)

Died (5) Died (4)

Figure 1 Patient enrolment and allocation. ICU, intensive care unit; VAP, ventilator-acquired pneumonia.

• day 5, four patients;. • 1725 h in the control group.

• day 6, two patients;. • 160 h for the treatment group.
• day 7, two patients.
Of the 12 patients with VAP, three were suspected, Tracheostomy
i.e. there was no positive microbiology, and nine were Of the 12 patients who developed VAP, 11 had
confirmed with positive microbiology. Of these con- tracheostomies.
firmed cases, four had methicillin-resistant Staphylo- In five of these instances, the tracheostomy was
coccus aureus, two had Pseudomonas aeruginosa, one had performed before the diagnosis of VAP was made, on
Candida albicans and two had coliforms. day 3, 4 or 5 of the patient’s stay. In six of these
instances, the tracheostomy was performed after the
diagnosis of VAP was made, between days 3 and 8 of
Ventilator hours
the patient’s stay.
The average number of hours ventilated for those
patients without VAP was as follows:
Mortality of VAP patients
• 631 h in the control group;
Of the 12 patients who developed VAP, eight died.
• 615 h in the treatment group;
From the treatment group of five patients who
The average number of hours ventilated for those developed VAP, four died (three in ICU and one
patients with VAP was as follows: following discharge to the ward). From the control

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Reducing the risk of ventilator-acquired pneumonia

Table 1 Baseline characteristics

Treatment (45) group (n = 17) Control (25) group (n = 13) P value

Female sex 9 (53) 8 (62) 0638

Mean age 64 68 0354
Mean APACHE II score 20 20 0479
WCC <4  109/L or >12  109/L 7 (41) 8 (62) 0269
Temperature >383C 4 (23) 3 (23) 0977
Antibiotics 13 (76) 10 (76) 0977
Oral endotracheal tube 15 (88) 12 (92) 0713
NG feed 6 (35) 6 (46) 0547
Ranitidine gut prophylaxis 9 (75) 0141

APACHE, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation; NG, naso-gastric; WCC, white cell count.
Percentages in parentheses. No patient received selective digestive-tract decontamination gel.

group of seven patients who developed VAP, four died current results suggests that a study of 130 patients
(all in ICU). Thus, the ICU mortality rate of those would be required to detect a 25% reduction in VAP
patients who developed VAP was 50%, with a hospital with a power of 08 (Lenth, 2006).
mortality rate of 58%. If this study is to produce reliable outcomes, the
proportional differences in occurrence of VAP must be
shown to be because of the treatment difference that
DISCUSSION was instigated (the angle of the bed head) and not
The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis because of the confounding variables in the patient’s
that there is a reduction in VAP when ventilated premorbid state or in the treatment they received
patients are nursed with the head of the bed elevated unrelated to the study. In the case of all confounding
to 45 compared with 25. Data were collected over variables tested, there was no significant difference
a period of 35 months, resulting in a sample size of between the treatment and control groups. Therefore,
30 patients. none of the attributes discussed showed any difference
From the available data, it is clear that there are between the two groups.
numerous factors that may contribute to the occur- The limitations of sample size could have been
rence of VAP, of which failing to elevate the head of the overcome by prolonging the length of the study to
bed of the ventilated patient sufficiently may be one. capture a larger sample or by making the study
Studies of prevention of VAP are notoriously difficult multicentre. The large number of patients who were
because of the numerous confounding variables and withdrawn (14) because of less than 24 h ventilation
the difficulty in accurately defining the occurrence of also contributed to the small sample size. Nine patients
VAP. Hubmayr (2002) states that ‘There are major were withdrawn who expressed discomfort or who
limitations to the existing studies of the epidemiology wished to be nursed in positions other than those to
of ICU acquired pneumonias. Some fail to distinguish which they were randomized. When gaining assent
between nosocomial pneumonia and VAP’. This view from the relatives, they were reassured that if the
is supported by Guyatt et al. (1995) who found that ‘. patient asked for a position change to increase their
terminology and definitions may significantly affect comfort, it would be done. Thus, a significant number
the epidemiology of VAP’. of the samples was withdrawn. As this was a small
This study found a clinically relevant difference in hypothesis, generating study intention to treat analysis
VAP rates between the two groups, although this was not performed, but similar numbers were with-
difference was not statistically significant. Unfortu- drawn in the treatment and control groups.
nately, the small sample size of this study may have According to Hubmayr (2002) ‘The duration of
resulted in a type 2 error (failure to detect a difference mechanical ventilation and antibiotic exposure prior
where one exists). Lowe (1993) discussed the problems to the onset of VAP are considered the most important
of overconcern with probability values in that results, factors in the incidence, microbiology and severity’.
which might look interesting might be dismissed as These two factors were not outcome measures of this
unimportant because of a ‘statistical non-significant’ study, although it is possible from the data collected to
test of significance, which does not relate to the likely comment on the length of ventilation prior to diagno-
size of that effect. A power calculation based on the sis. The majority of those patients with VAP were

292 ª 2007 The Author. Journal Compilation ª 2007 British Association of Critical Care Nurses
Reducing the risk of ventilator-acquired pneumonia

diagnosed on day 5, i.e. approximately 120 h after may be less acceptable to the patient who is not heavily
ventilation. Thus, four patients (33%) were ventilated sedated and may hamper positioning the patient
for 120 h before developing VAP. This is supported by on their side. This was evidenced by the number of
Cook et al. (1998) who found that the risk of VAP peaks patients withdrawn/not enrolled because of difficul-
around day 5 of mechanical ventilation. ties in achieving the 45 position. Whether ventilation
Although the causative organisms were identified, was impaired by this inability to turn the patients fully
the choice of antibiotic and length of therapy were not is not demonstrated by this study and remains unclear.
discussed. Antibiotics may eradicate susceptible or-
ganisms early in a patient’s stay or encourage the
emergence of resistant organisms later in the patient’s CONCLUSIONS
stay. In systematic reviews (D’Amico et al., 1998; The findings of this pilot study do not provide sufficient
Nathens and Marshall, 1999), strategies including evidence to support changing clinical practice. How-
intravenous antibiotics showed a beneficial effect on ever, the observed trend towards a reduction in the
survival. Data on the use of systemic antibiotics alone incidence of VAP by increasing the angle of bed head
to prevent VAP are conflicting (Mendelli et al., 1989; elevation from 25 to 45 warrants further investigation.
Sirvent et al., 1997). An adequately powered study to assess the effect of
The ventilator care bundle suggests elevating the different degrees of bed head elevation on VAP rates,
patient’s bed head to greater then 30. This is a low- mortality and patient comfort is certainly required.
risk intervention that may reduce the incidence of
VAP compared with the supine position. This work
has also shown that to implement this angle of bed ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
head elevation, constant and careful measurement is The author thanks patients and relatives of the critical
required because, as indicated by the head of bed care unit; the nurses and all the staff who were in-
survey and supported by the two studies by Grap et al. volved in the data collection on critical care at Royal
(1999, 2003), nurses overestimate the degree of bed Sussex County Hospital Brighton; Dr Steve Drage for
head elevation. help with writing for publication and Dr Martin Street
Whether 30 head elevation is sufficient to reduce the for acting as clinical supervisor and Dympna Copley
risk of VAP remains unclear. Elevation in excess of 30 for her statistical input.


• VAP prolonges ventilator days and is the leading cause of death among hospital acquired infections. Studies suggest
that bed head elevation may be a measure to reduce the incidence of VAP. Bed head elevation has been included as
an element in ventilation care Bundles.
• It is possible to nurse the ventilated patient at 45 head of bed elevation. Some awake patients may find this
degree of elevation uncomfortable Nurses overestimate the angle of bed head elevation.
• The exclusion of those patients ventilated for less than 24 hours meant that a large number of the sample were lost.
• Elevating the head of the bed to 45 for ventilated patients may reduce the incidence of VAP.

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