59 Comparison Study of Congo Red Dye Degradation Process Using Fenton's Reagent and Tio2

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VOL. 11, NO.

9, MAY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608

ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.



Wan Farahiyah Wan Kamarudin1, Muhammad Nasri Abdul Rahman2, Zildawarni Irwan1 and Afifah Afnani
1Faculty of Applied Science, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Dungun, Terengganu, Malaysia
2Faculty of Applied Science, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Jengka, Pahang, Malaysia
E-Mail: [email protected]

Wastewater treatment is one of the major problems faced by textile manufacturers as they produce large volumes
of wastewater. The main pollution in textile wastewater come from dyeing and finishing process. The effluent that comes
from textile industries not only causes coloration of water, but also give potential to human health hazard and a threat to
aquatic life. The main objective of the study was to evaluate and to compare the efficiency of degradation of Congo Red
(CR) dye using Fenton reagent and TiO2. The study also comprises the influence of different experimental conditions
which are the concentration of CR dye used, the concentration of FeSO4 as catalyst in Fenton reagent, the concentration of
hydrogen peroxides (H2O2), the mass of TiO2 and the value of the pH of the experimental solutions in CR dye degradation.
The results indicated that the photo-degradation efficiency of the CR solution of dye was more effective when it is being
treated by Fenton reagent than the TiO2. For photo-Fenton reagent, the result showed that the operated condition for Fenton
reagent was pH under 3 (pH < 3). As for the concentration of FeSO4 as catalyst, the optimum concentration was at 4 x 10-5
M and the maximum removal of the CR dye for H2O2 concentration was at 2.9 x 10-2 M with the initial dye and pH value.
As for the TiO2, the result showed less efficiency of degradation occurred compared with the Fenton reagent in this
experimental value. The higher percentage removal of dye CR was at 0.4g of TiO2 dose and at the pH 7 in this
heterogeneous process. Additionally, the Fenton reagent was the efficient method for pollutant removal due to the addition
of the catalyst FeSO4 where the Fe3+ ion will undergo reduction under the ultraviolet (UV) light and through the photolysis
of the H2O2 itself.

Keywords: fenton’s reagent, AZO dyes, congo red (CR), titanium oxide, advanced oxidation processes.

1. INTRODUCTION the human such as mutagenic problem [15]. Dyes are not
The environmental pollution has nowadays only dangerous due to its colors, but because of their
become crucial and major factors, especially the water breakdown compound are toxic [13]. The removal of dye
pollution. The most contributors in water pollution include color has been concern matter due to its visibility in
textile industries instead of oil and gases, factories and any recipient water, which not only because of their potential
other industries. Wastewater from textile industries toxicity [2].
produces sludge which is difficult to dispose of water The chemical reaction that occurs in wastewater
polluted [13]. It is difficult to treat wastewater from textile produce toxic metabolizes which make it toxicity. The
industries because of its contain. Also, it is estimated that impact was adverse effect to animal and also human [1]. It
60% of dyes used rising great environmental concern is also raises several concerns because its high level of
especially in water [6]. Textile industry wastewater coloration and high organic compound which not easily
releases a very problematic effluent to aquatic life and eliminated by conventional treatment [7]. It causes the
human where the effluent contains a variety of dyes and mutagenic action to human and aquatic life because of the
other toxic contaminants [5]. The effluent that come from effluent associated with the types of dyes used [15]. Thus,
textile industries not only causes coloration of water, but the waste water that contributes to water pollutant mostly
also give potential to human health hazard and a threat to come from textile industries [7].
aquatic life [3]. Because of that, the wastewater of textile The conventional processes such as coagulation,
industries is rated as the most polluting of all industrial flocculation and biological methods adopted for
sectors [4]. decoloration of effluent containing reactive dyes are no
As world moving forward, the use of natural longer able to achieve adequate removal of the color.
resources as dye nowadays is not reliable. The scientist From all the treatments available, advanced oxidation
already found about synthetic dyes to change with natural process such as oxidation using Fenton’s reagent has
resources which is cheaper, brighter, more colorfast and proved to effectively decolorizes almost all dyes [12] as
also easy to apply to fabric. Synthetic dyes that used in well as for the destruction of a large number of hazardous
fabric nowadays are very problematic to human and and organic pollutants [9]. When conventional water
environment. It causes environment pollutant, especially treatment processes are incompetent remove persistent
in water pollutant because of their colors, chemical pollutants, advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are a
compound and their effluent. It is already known that the promising option to remove the pollutant from the
effluent that produce from textile industries may affect to contaminated water. AOPs are based on the initiation of a

VOL. 11, NO. 9, MAY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


very reactive species such as hydroxyl radicals that can of CR was chosen in the degradation experiment with
oxidize an extensive range of dyes [10]. TiO2 and Fenton reagent. For TiO2 experiment, about 100
This study focused on chemical advanced mL of the CR solution was transferred into 250 mL beaker
oxidation processes using Fenton’s reagent and TiO2 in the without any scavengers or any metal. Then, the sample
photo degradation process of Congo red (CR) under was analyzed by using UV light and dark condition. The
ultraviolet (UV) light. Fenton reagent is widely used as an irradiation time was 2 hours and was recorded in a certain
oxidizing agent in degradation process as it is the strongest time interval within 2 hours which are 30, 60, 90 and 120
oxidizing agent [5]. Several ways of degradation process minutes. The sample was filtered through filter paper
using Fenton reagent that mostly done with dye. It is before analyzing under a UV lamp to avoid any TiO2
proven that Fenton process of treatment is the best way powder inside the crucible when analyzed under UV-Vis
and more efficient in degradation process of organic spectrometer. The sample was analyzed under UV-Vis
pollutant of dyes in wastewater [2]. The reaction of Fenton spectrophotometer with 497 nm wavelength. The rate of
process from Fenton reagent are they are oxidative decreased of color with time was continuously monitored.
degraded by hydroxyl radicals generate from H2O2 with The TiO2 photo-degradation experiment was conducted in
the presence of Fe2+ [8]. TiO2 is plentiful, inexpensive, different parameters which are samples with different TiO2
powerful and environmental friendly as a catalyst for the mass, samples with TiO2 but different in pH value and
photo-oxidation of organic compounds [4]. It is also stated samples with different concentration with TiO2.
that TiO2 is considered an increasingly attractive approach
for degradation process of organic dye [1]. TiO2 is as To study photo-degradation process by Fenton reagent
predominant factors that influence decolorization and As for Fenton reagent experiment, about 100 mL
mineralization of organic compound by UV/TiO2 process of 5 ppm dye solution was poured into 250 mL beaker.
[2]. The pH of the dye solution was controlled by adjusting the
The main objective of the study was to evaluate pH with 0.05 M of HCl and 0.05 M of NaOH to make sure
and to compare the efficiency of degradation of CR dye that the pH of the CR solution was under pH 3.5. After the
using Fenton reagent and TiO2. The influence of different pH of CR was adjusted, quickly added FeSO4 solution and
experimental conditions which are the concentration of CR H2O2 with the amount of FeSO4 and H2O2 was 1:5 in ratio.
dye used, the concentration of photo catalysts (Fenton The sample was analyzed under UV-Vis
reagent and titanium dioxide), the concentration of spectrophotometer with 497 nm wavelength with time
hydrogen peroxides (H2O2) and the value of the pH of the interval. The rate of color decreased was monitored. The
experimental solutions in CR dye degradation were step of the degradation process was conducted in different
investigated. parameters which are different concentration of samples
with FeSO4 and H2O2, samples with different value of pH
2. MATERIALS AND METHODS with FeSO4 and H2O2, samples with variation of FeSO4
concentration and samples with a variation of H2O2
Materials concentration.
All materials in the experiment were prepared in
the laboratory and of analytical grade. The model dye of 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
CR was purchased from its manufacturing company
(SIGMA Chemical). The stock solution of the dye was Congo red degradation under Fenton reagent
prepared in deionized water and be used throughout the The experiment of CR under Fenton reagent was
experiment. The instruments used in the experiment were carried out with the presence of UV light, H2O2 and
UV-Vis spectrophotometer (UV 1800 Shimadzu) and UV FeSO4. The decolorization of dye occurred when it was
light instrument (UVGL-58 handheld UV lamp). analyzed under the UV light and the presence of the H2O2
in the production of the hydroxyl radical to react with the
Methods dye molecule. The H2O2 alone can produce hydroxyl
The degradation process methodology was radicals as shown below:
followed according to [11], where the sample used is CR
H2O2 + hv 2O H∙ (1)
which has 65% purity. The other chemical used is TiO2
that used in TiO2 degradation experiment which has 79.90 The hydroxyl radical can react with dye as
g/mol MW. H2O2 was used in a Fenton reagent experiment shown:
which has 35% purity and FeSO4 as the catalyst to ∙
OH + dye ∙Dye + H2O (2)
enhance the Fenton reaction process.
Another reaction took place in the overall scheme
To Study Photo-Degradation Process by TiO2

Before the experiment was started, several Dye + O2 Dye--O∙2 (3)
concentrations of CR were prepared from 1000 ppm stock
2Dye--O∙2 2Dye--O∙ + O2 (4)
solution of CR. The standard of CR sample from 1 ppm to
5 ppm was analyzed under UV-Vis spectrometer with 497 Dye--O∙ + O2 HO∙2 + products (5)
nm wavelength. From the result of standardization, 5 ppm

VOL. 11, NO. 9, MAY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Peroxy radical can react with dyes as follows: the generation of ∙OH getting slower due to the formation
∙ ∙ of the ferric hydroxo complexes.
HO 2 + Dye  Dye + H2O2 (6)
Effect of Variation in CR Concentration
It is known that Fenton reaction is one of the
The percentage degradation efficiency in
most effective methods of degradation process. The
variation of CR concentration is shown in Figure-2.
organic pollutant is oxidatively degraded by hydroxyl
radicals which generated from the H2O2 in the presence of
the Fe2+ as the catalyst
Fe2+ + H2O2 OH∙ + OH- (7)
Rapid reaction occurs between ferrous ion and
hydrogen peroxide as shown in Eqn. (1) when the ferrous
salt is used and hydroxyl radical is produced. Eqn. (2)
showed the rapid reaction between ferrous ion and
hydrogen peroxide
Fe3+ + H2O2 Fe2+ + HO2- + H+ (8)
But, the efficiency of the Fenton reagent depends
on the concentration of Fe2+ and H2O2, and the pH value
[8]. The degradation efficiency was calculated by using Figure-2. Effect of variation in CR concentration.
the following formula:
It was shown respectively that 5 ppm
Degradation Efficiency (%) = [(C0 - Ct) / C0] x 100 (9) concentration has a less percentage of degradation
between 1 ppm, 2 ppm, 3 ppm and 4 ppm concentration of
Effect of variation in pH by Fenton Reagent dye with the initial concentration of FeSO4 and H2O2 with
The percentage degradation efficiency of CR dye the pH was maintained. As the 1 ppm concentration has
in variation of pH by Fenton reagent is shown in Figure-1. the higher percentage which is 128.21% where the dye
was perfectly decolorized because it is more than 100%
degradation. However, the 5 ppm concentration has the
lowest percentage which is 86.1% but has almost nearly to
100% degradation efficiency. It means that the photo-
degradation of dye decrease as the increases of the
concentration of dye. From the result, it can be explained
that the increases of the concentration of the dyes lies in
the consistency of the hydroxyl radical’s concentration of
dye molecules so that the rate of decolorization decreased.
It also means that with constant pH, H2O2 and FeSO4
value more hydrogen peroxide need to be consumed
because of higher concentration, but the amount of
Figure-1. Effect of variation in pH by Fenton reagent. hydrogen peroxide available becomes smaller as the
concentration increased [8].
According to the Figure-1, the sample that has the
value of pH 1 has the higher percentage of degradation. It Effect of Variation in Concentration of FeSO4
was followed by sample that has a value of pH 2, which The percentage degradation efficiency of
has the second highest percentage of degradation. The CR variation in concentration of FeSO4 is shown in Figure-3.
dye started to degrade as soon as the pH was adjusted by
the 0.05 HCl acids this may due to more hydrogen ion acts
as ∙OH. As the percentage of the photo catalytic bleaching
process increases with an increase of pH, but has an
adverse effect on increasing pH. The data on the
percentage also shown that percentage of degradation,
which started to decrease up from pH 3 to pH 5. The
degradation efficiency dropped at high pH values may due
to the precipitation of Fe(OH)3. On this form, the iron is
decomposed H2O2 into oxygen and water and the
oxidation rate decreased consequently because of less
hydroxyl radical are available [8]. At high pH (pH > 3),

VOL. 11, NO. 9, MAY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


Figure-3. Effect of variation in concentration of FeSO4.

In order to study the function of different

concentration of Fe2+ on the degradation of CR by the
Fenton process, a variation of the concentration of FeSO4
experiment was conducted from 1 x 10-5 M to 5 x 10-5 M
and the result was presented in Figure-3. The degradation
efficiency of CR was increased with increasing the value
of FeSO4. The highest percentage efficiency was recorded
at 5 x 10-5M values of FeSO4 after 120 minutes irradiation
time as the lowest was recorded at 1 x 10-5 M of FeSO4.
Many studies have revealed that the higher used of Fe2+
could lead to self-scavenging of ∙OH radical by Fe2+ and
induced the decreased in degradation rate of pollutants [8].
Figure-5. Effect of variation of pH for TiO2.
Effect of variation in hydrogen peroxide concentration
The percentage degradation efficiency of The result shown that there is an increased of
variation in hydrogen peroxide concentration is shown in decolorization percentage of dye from pH 6 to pH 7, but
Figure-4. has an adverse reaction on the decolorization after pH 7 as
the pH increased. It is known that increasing the value pH
will actively increase the number of OH- ions.
Furthermore, the OH- ion generated more ∙OH radicals to
react with the dye molecule. It is shown that pH 7 has a
high percentage value of degradation process which is
88.04%, and the lowest is at pH 10 where the value is
16.32%. It is known that, increasing degradation
efficiency through pH is when the organic dye contains the
negatively charged sulfonate group in structure, acidic
solution favors adsorption of dye into the TiO2 surface,
where it is an explanation of low decolorization at pH > 8
Figure-4. Effect of variation in H2O2 concentration. that obtained.

The experiment of varying concentration of H2O2 Effect of different concentration of dye in TiO2
values was conducted to study the effect of H2O2 The percentage degradation efficiency of CR dye
concentration on degradation of CR dye. The range of in the presence of different concentration of TiO2 is shown
H2O2 concentration was studied in a range of from 2.1 x in Figure-6.
10-2 M to 3.1 x 10-2 M. The higher percentage of
degradation was at 3.1 x 10-2 M, which is 75.3% as the
lowest percentage was at 2.1x 10-2 M. As expected, the
higher the value of concentration H2O2, the higher
percentage of degradation occur because the higher
concentration of H2O2, the more hydroxyl radicals produce
which degrade more dye molecule. It is known that the
addition of H2O2 was to increase the rate of dye to degrade
by the formation of hydroxyl radical that react with the
dye molecule compound. H2O2 play important role in
degradation process as the hydroxyl radical ∙OH because
the radical will attacked the Fe2+ and the decolorization of
CR dye occur. The amount of H2O2 must be more than
FeSO4 amounts in the dye solution. As the more hydroxyl
will attack the Fe2+, the degradation process becomes Figure-6. Effect of different concentration of dye.
better and faster.
It was observed from the results obtained that the
Effect of variation of pH for TiO2 percent degradation of dye decreased with the increase of
The percentage degradation efficiency of pH for concentration of CR dye. The result was obtained from
TiO2 is shown in Figure-5. this experiment with the constant amount of TiO2 for each
sample, also the irradiation time was the same. The higher
percentage of degradation in TiO2 process is at 1 ppm
concentration, which has 69.58% and the lowest was at 5

VOL. 11, NO. 9, MAY 2016 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2016 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.


ppm concentration 24.19%. The plausible explanation for of the catalyst FeSO4 where the Fe3+ ion will undergo
this result is given by [11]. The amount of dye adsorbed reduction under the UV light and through the photolysis of
on catalytic surfaces increased when initial dye the H2O2 itself. As for the TiO2, the result showed less
concentration increased. This situation reduces the light efficiency of degradation occurred compared with the
adsorption of catalyst and lowering the activity. It is also Fenton reagent is this experimental value. The higher
stated that the increasing dye concentration decreasing the percentage removal of dye CR was at 0.4g of TiO2 dose
solution transparency. Thus, the path length of the photon and at the pH 7 in this heterogeneous process. The
that entering the dye solution also decreased [2]. The degradation of CR is less efficient in this TiO2 experiment
higher concentration of dye the higher unabsorbed dye in process as there is no addition of H2O2 in this degradation
solution, thus it will lead to lesser penetration of light process, even though H2O2 itself does not enough for
within solution on the surface of TiO2. complete reaction degradation. The process of degradation
can be faster and can achieve more percentage of removal
Effect on different mass of TiO2 by adding catalyst in the process.
The percentage degradation efficiency of CR dye
in the presence of different mass of TiO2 is shown in REFERENCES
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