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Health and Environmental Impacts of Dyes: Mini Review

Article · May 2017

DOI: 10.11648/j.ajese.20170103.11


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2 authors:

Mohamed Hassaan Ahmed El Nemr

National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries


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American Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering
2017; 1(3): 64-67
doi: 10.11648/j.ajese.20170103.11

Review Article
Health and Environmental Impacts of Dyes: Mini Review
Mohamed A. Hassaan*, Ahmed El Nemr
Marine Environment Division, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Alexandria, Egypt

Email address:
[email protected] (M. A. Hassaan)
Corresponding author

To cite this article:

Mohamed A. Hassaan, Ahmed El Nemr. Health and Environmental Impacts of Dyes: Mini Review. American Journal of Environmental
Science and Engineering. Vol. 1, No. 3, 2017, pp. 64-67. doi: 10.11648/j.ajese.20170103.11

Received: March 10, 2017; Accepted: April 8, 2017; Published: May 18, 2017

Abstract: The textile industry is one of the important industries which generates large amount of industrial effluents each year
causing the main source of water pollution which is not only harmful for aquatic life but also mutagenic to human. The aim of this
work is to give an overview on the health and environmental impact of dyes as pollutants as well as; the most recent treatment
techniques of textile effluents wastewater.
Keywords: Dyes Production, Textile Industry, Environmental Impacts, Health Impacts, Treatment Techniques

1. Introduction
The dye manufacturing industry represents a relatively chemicals must consequently be treated with care. The most
small part of the overall chemical industries. In the common hazard of reactive dyes is respiratory problems due
world-wide production of dyes is nearly 800,000 tons per year. to the inhalation of dye particles. Sometimes they can affect a
About 10-15% of synthetic dyes are lost during different person’s immune system and in extreme cases this can mean
processes of textile industry. Synthetic dyes are valuable in that when the person next inhales the dye their body can react
numerous industries such as textile, paper printing, food, dramatically. This is called respiratory sensitization and
pharmaceutical, leather and cosmetics. It is classified into acid, symptoms include itching, watery eyes, sneezing and
reactive, direct, basic, vat, disperse, metal complex, mordant symptoms of asthma such as coughing and wheezing [1].
and sulphur dyes. There are more than 10,000 dyes used in Perhaps the most predominant health problems related to
textile Manufacturing alone nearly 70% being azo dyes which dyeing and finishing processes arise from exposure to
is complex in structure and synthetic in nature [1-5]. A major chemicals acting as irritants. These may cause skin irritation,
source of colour release into the environment is associated itchy or blocked noses, sneezing and sore eyes. They include
with the incomplete exhaustion of dyes onto textile fibre from formaldehyde-based resins, ammonia, acetic acid, some
an aqueous dyeing process and the need to reduce the amount shrink-resist chemicals, some optical whiteners, soda ash,
of residual dye in textile effluent has become a major concern caustic soda and bleach. Certain reactive, vat and disperse
in recent years. [1-5]. dyes are also recognized as skin sensitive [2].
Textile industries produce large amounts of liquid wastes.
2. Health and Environmental Impact of These textile effluents contain organic and inorganic
compounds [3]. During the dyeing processes, not all dyes that
Dyes are applied to the fabrics are fixed on them and there is always
There is no proof to suggest that most of the dyestuffs at a portion of these dyes that remains unfixed to the fabrics and
present used in textile dyeing and finishing are risky to human gets washed out. These unfixed dyes are found to be in high
health at the levels of exposure that workers generally face in concentrations in textile effluents [4].
the factories. However, with long-term or accidental over The amount of water consumed and released also varies
exposure, there can be likely health hazards and all dyes and depending on the type of fabrics produced [5]. Almost 0.08 –
65 Mohamed A. Hassaan and Ahmed El Nemr: Health and Environmental Impacts of Dyes: Mini Review

0.15 m3 of water is used to produce 1 kg of fabrics. It is 3. AOPs of Wastewater Treatment

estimated that about 1,000 – 3,000 m3 of water is let out after
processing about 12 – 20 tons of textiles per day [6]. These The necessity to restore water for new uses makes
effluents are rich in dyes and chemicals, some of which are purification of wastewater almost crucial to attain a preferred
non-biodegradable and carcinogenic and pose a major threat degree of quality. To this end, other suitable wastewater
to health and the environment. Several primary, secondary and treatment technologies have to be studied. Hence, removing
tertiary treatment processes like flocculation, trickling filters the dye contents from effluents before disposal is paramount.
and electrodialysis have been used to treat these effluents. There are several techniques for the treatment of effluents,
However these treatments are not found effective against such as incineration, biological treatment, absorption onto
the removal of all dyes and chemicals used [7, 8]. The solid matrices, etc. However, these techniques have their
effluents do not only contain high concentration of dyes used drawbacks, such as the formation of dioxins and furans,
in the industry, but also contain the chemicals used in the caused by incomplete combustion during incineration; long
various processing stages. Some trace metals such as Cr, As, periods for biological treatment to have an effect, as also the
Cu and Zn are present in these effluents and are capable of adsorptive process, that is based on the phase transfer of
causing several health problems including haemorrhage, contaminants without actually destroying them [27, 28]. An
ulceration of skin, nausea, severe irritation of skin and important class of technologies named Advanced Oxidation
dermatitis. Textile effluents are also found to contain other Processes (AOPs) has emerged as suitable for accelerating
organic and microbial impurities [9, 10]. the oxidation and destruction of a wide range of organic
The usage of cotton has been increasing constantly contaminants in polluted water [29]. Advanced oxidation
throughout the past century [11]. Cotton fibres are mainly processes (AOPs) were developed to generate hydroxyl free
dyed using azo dyes which are one of the largest groups of radicals using different oxidants under different combinations
synthetic colorants used in the industry [12]. Azo dyes are and these radicals were found to destroy components that are
difficult to degrade by the current conventional treatment not destroyed under conventional oxidation processes [6, 30].
processes. They are characterized by the presence of the AOP using ozone (O3), ultra violet (UV), TiO2, fenton,
nitrogen-nitrogen bond (-N=N-) in the center and hence they photo-fenton, hydrogen peroxides (H2O2) and ultrasonic (US)
are highly electron deficient [13]. can be used to treat dyes. The main advantage of AOPs over
These azo dyes are found to be complex in nature and have the other treatment processes is its pronounced destructive
been found to show carcinogenic evidences on reductive nature which results in the mineralization of organic
cleavage. These dyes are capable of altering the physical and contaminants present in wastewater [6]. Also, AOPs are
chemical properties of soil, deteriorating water bodies and considered as a low or non-waste generation technology,
causing harm to the flora and fauna in the environment [14-21]. which destroys the complex structures using short lived
It was observed that the toxic nature of dyes causes death to chemical species with a high oxidation power. The hydroxyl
the soil microorganisms which in turn affect the agricultural radical (.OH) is the main oxidative power of AOPs [30, 31].
productivity [22]. The .OH radicals can be generated by chemical, electrical,
The presence of very small amount of Azo dyes in water mechanical or radiation energy. Therefore, AOPs are
(<1ppm) are highly visible [23]. This affects aesthetic merit, classified under chemical, catalytic, photochemical,
transparency and water-gas solubility. Reducing light photocatalytic, mechanical and electrical processes [32].
penetration through water decreases photosynthetic activity,
causing oxygen deficiency and de-regulating the biological 4. Conclusion
cycles of aquatic biota [24]. Many Azo dyes are also highly
poisonous to the ecosystem and mutagens, meaning they can It was reported that the synthetic textile dyes exhibited a
have acute to chronic effects upon organisms, depending on great group of organic compounds that could have detrimental
exposure time and Azo dye concentration. impacts on the environment, as well as, some of them can
1,4-diamino benezene is an aromatic amine whose parent cause hazards to humans. The growing complication and
azo dyes can cause skin irritation, contact dermatitis, chemosis, struggles in treating textile wastes has led to a continuous
lacrimation, exopthamlmose, permanent blindness, examination for new approaches that are applicable and
rhabdomyolysis, acute tubular necrosis supervene, vomiting economically feasible. However, till now, there is no very
gastritis, hypertension, vertigo and, upon ingestion, oedema of highly effective technique capable of complete removal of
the face, neck, pharynx, tongue and larynx along with both the color and the toxic properties of the dyes released into
respiratory distress [25]. Aromatic amines can be mobilised the environment.
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