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1.1 Effects of inclusion of Rice husk ash on fresh and hardened properties of concrete:
Fresh properties of mortar/concrete:

Usually exemplary special mixtures enclose too much join moiré because of two account: Firstly,
the water demand and workability are way ascendency by particle size dispersion, conjunction
gasket manifestation, and unsupplied propitious in the solid system. Typical particular mixtures do
not have an optimal interjection six classification, and this recital for the undesirably hie-moiré
necessary to achieve unhesitating workability. Secondly, to plasticize a cement paste for perform an
canny congruence, much larger totality of irrigate than inevitable for the hydration of lime have to
be utility long Portland cement particles, due to the presence of thermoelectric impeach on the
exterior, expect to figure flocs that trap volumes of the intermix moire (Mehta 1997, 1999).
fly ashen particular mixtures, up to 20% reduction in weaken requirements can be complete.
However, there is the option of irrigate subjugation higher than 20% in the presence of RHA. This is
as nice particles of rice husk ash get intent on the adversely command surfaces of glue particles and
anticipate them from flocculation. The cement particles are thus powerfully scattered and will trap
ample totality of calender meaning that the system will have a conquer water prerequisite to
achieve a given congruity. The preposition packing effect is also amenable for the lower extend
imposition in plasticizing the system (Mehta 2004). Laskar et al. (2007) examined the consequence
of RHA on the rheological behavior of proud exploit compound. In their ponder RHA was
application to restore cement on sum base at rates of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. Based on their test
proceed, plastic viscosity increases tremendously with the wax in substitute level of RHA.

coagulation time

Initial and final planting measure touchstone were shown to furnish different results on artless

lime yesterday and heretofore goods rice hull cinerary (Dakroury et al., 2008). The studies by

Ganesan et al. (2008), Cook (1986), and Bhanumathidas etal. (2004) disclose that RHA grow the

setting time of foretime. Just like other hydraulic cement, the reactivity of rice rind cinerary

cement hang very much upon the discriminating superficies range or particle size. The rice

glume ash tree conglutinate with finer particles show suzerain congelation time demeanor.

Research has shown the increase in the initial congelation delay by raising the RHA direct in the

conglutinate mingle-mangle over those of simple cement beyond. Dakroury et al. (2008)
satisfied that this may be due to the slower pace of heated induced evaporation of moire from the


Properties of hardened mortar/concrete:

Pore size distribution:

There is a agreement among several researchers that with partial substitute of putty by

pozzolans, porosity

loss in tabby. Blended (or pozzolanic) cements are being usefulness cosmopolitan to exhibit

more homogenetic hydration products by filling and segmentation of the filamentous devoid and

propagate at the end of the day more denser and impermeable composite (Guneyisi et al.,

2006). Figure 3 bestow the expression of RHA please on the total porosity of

RHA-hard lute gone. When the percent of the

RHA is increased, the total hold is reduced.

Water absorption and sorptivity:

One of the vast fountain of taint of compound in construction is moiré preoccupation which


lastingness of the concrete and also has the chance of alkali aggregate reactions (Ithuralde 1992).

The more

impenetrable the compound, the greater will be its resistance to deterioration. The incorporation

of pozzolan such as fly

ashen reduces the average consider bigness and results in a less pervious bye (Poon et al.,

1997; Chindaprasirt et al.,2005). Literature contemplation have recognized that commonly

permeability of blended cohere concrete is less than plain lute by-past. It was observed that the

synthesis of RHA in the decomposite could mainspring an expanded consider

civilization in the matrix and in the interface layer, thereby diminishing weaken permeability

(Rodrigues et al., 2006).

The divergent expansion of Portland glue hydration products in pozzolanic particles would have a

modification effect therefore reduces the interconnection among hole (Cook et al., 1987).

This event can be coupled with perfect on the interfacial leap zonula among the cement array

and total (Toutanji et al., 2004). The permeability will loss tite with the proceed of the hydration.

The presence of pozzolan precedence to greater precipitation of glue gel products (Feng et al.,

2004) than occurs in Portland tar alone, which more completely wall the hole helping to impair

permeability. Saraswathy et al. (2007) designed the effect of biased replacement of lime with RHA

at dissimilar replacement horizontal on the hold and hydraulic absorption of tabby and

describe that the coefficient of water absorption for rice rind ash replaced béton at all levels was

less than control concrete.

Compressive strength:

Inclusion of RHA as biased substitute of tar advanced the compressive robustness of ferro-

concrete, but the optimal substitute steady of OPC by RHA to give limit extended-limit

authority augmentation has been story between 10% up to 30%. All these substitute even of

RHA are in backwardation by power of the whole band materialize. Mahmud et al. (1996)

recital 15% mortar substitute by RHA as an optimum even for realize highest validity.

Zhang et al. (1996) refer to 10% RHA substitute show off higher brawniness than restraint

OPC at all seniority. Ganesan et al. (2007) comprehend that special hold 15% of RHA explain

an greatest compressive stoutness and privation at uplifted capacity more than 15%. Dakroury

et al. (2008) detail that worn 30% RHA as a substitute of part of lime could be contemplate

optimal for all gratify of W/C ratios in perscrutate mortars ask of its violent appraise of

compressive validity.

Tensile and Flexural Strength

Habeeb et al. (2009) indagate the consequence of béton associated 20% RHA as biased

substitute of solder at three distinct suffix swell. In their muse the ductile stoutness of

béton increased methodically with crescive RHA substitute

Effects of inclusion of Metakaolin on fresh and hardened properties of concrete:
Mix-proportioning system:
According to the Japanese SCC-designing method, suggested by Okamura et al. (2000), the mix
proportions are determined as follows:

1. Air extent is set at 2%, unless intelligence entrainment is ask when freeze-thaw resis-

tant compound is to be purpose.

2. The coarse total content in concrete, Vg, is limited to 50% of the dry rodded content

(Vg,lim) expel air book.

3. The elegant heap up volume, Vs, answer to 40% of the mortar book (Vm).

4. The aquatic to farina volume rate, Vw/Vp, is determined on the base of gone and

mortar proof.

5. The dosage of superplasticizer Sp/p (% of powder heaviness) is adjusted by a

experience on fresh conglomerate, to ensure very-compactability.

6. Finally, distinction are achieve on trial run of special to settle the mixture proportions.

There are also some essential conditions on ply this method (Takadaetal. 1998):

• The limit collect gauge is 20mm.

• The border magnitude between delicate and gross collective is 5mm.

• The particles ocire than 0,09mm are not study as aggregate but as powder.

Trials for Mix Design

For designing the concrete mix proportions, quantities were for casting the specimens for
different tests. As per the SCC method of design, by varying the mix proportions the results
are obtained. The results are not obtained satisfactory in first trial but it obtained after some
changes in proportions.


The tests of strong properties like Slump melt criterion, V-funnel criterion, L-box test, U-present
test are effect and unimpaired properties of béton mixes are studied with the biased replacement
of mortar with metakaolin (5%, 10%, 15% and 20%). When the percentage of metakaolin
extension then slump melt width decreases and slump flow season increases. Due to the
supercilious chemical energy and superficies scope water demand also be advance.

Mechanical properties:
Compressive strength:

The execution of biased substitute of paste with metakaolin (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) were
carried out in compressive strength. The cubes specimens of greatness 150mm x 150mm x 150mm
was trial on compressive testing machine at the epoch of 7 days, 28 days and 90 days of curing.
The moire- farina rate was kept constant at 0.36. The experience rise of 5% to 20%
replacement of cement with metakaolin fetters more support at both brief and thirst age.

Compressive strength of SCC with metakaolin

Tensile strength test:
The effects of partial replacement of cement with metakaolin (5%, 10%, 15%, and 20%) were also
carried out in tensile strength. The cylinder specimens of size 150mm x 300mm was tested at the
ages of 7 days, 28 days and 90 days of curing.

Question No. B3

Solution to Question No. B3:

1. Testing on aggregates:
Specific gravity of GGBS
Weight of GGBS(W5) =25g
Weight of bottle(W1) =27g
Bottle + Water(W2) =81g
Bottle + Kerosene(W3) =68g
Bottle + Kerosene + GGBS(W4) =86g

𝑊 −𝑊
SG of kerosene=𝑊3 −𝑊1=0.75
2 1

𝑊 (𝑊 −𝑊 )
SG of Cement=(𝑊 +𝑊5 −𝑊3 )(𝑊1 −𝑊 )=2.7
5 3 4 2 1

Specific gravity of cement:

Weight of cement (W5) =25g
Weight of bottle(W1) =27g
Bottle + Water(W2) =81g
Bottle + Kerosene(W3) =67g
Bottle + Kerosene+ cement (W4) =86g

𝑊 −𝑊
SG of kerosene=𝑊3 −𝑊1=0.74
2 1

𝑊 (𝑊 −𝑊 )
SG of cement=(𝑊 +𝑊5 −𝑊3 )(𝑊1 −𝑊 )=3.08
5 3 4 2 1

Specific gravity of Coarse aggregate

Sample weight=5kg
Empty weight of bottle(W1) =592g
Bottle + of aggregate(W2) =932g
Bottle + of aggregate + Water(W3) =1698g

Bottle + Water(W4) =1485g

(𝑊 −𝑊 )
SG=(𝑊 −𝑊2)(𝑊1 −𝑊 )=2.6
4 1 3 2

Sieve analysis of coarse aggregate

Sieve size(mm) Weight % weight Cumulative % % finer
retained(g) retained weight retained
63 - - - 100%
50 - - - 100%
40 - - - 100%
25 - - - 100%
20 1730 34.6% 34.6% 65.4%
16 2040 40.8% 75.4% 24.6%
12.5 1100 22% 97.4% 2.6%
10 100 2% 99.4% 0.6%
6.3 30 0.6% 100% 0%
Total 5kg
Sieve analysis of coarse aggregate
% finer

40% % finer
0 20 40 60 80
Sieve size

Specific gravity of fine aggregate

Sample weight=1kg
Empty weight of bottle(W1) =592g
Bottle+3of aggregate(W2) =928g
Bottle + of aggregate + Water(W3) =1694g

Bottle + Water(W4) =1485g

(𝑊 −𝑊 )
SG=(𝑊 −𝑊2)(𝑊1 −𝑊 )=2.6
4 1 3 2

Sieve analysis of fine aggregate

Sieve size(mm) Weight % weight Cumulative % % finer
retained(g) retained weight retained
4.75 99.6 4 0.4% 0.4% 99.6%
2.36 87.3 125 12.5% 12.9% 87.1%
1.18 71.2 161 16.1% 29% 71%
600µ 55 162 16.2% 45.2% 54.8%
300 µ 37.3 177 17.7% 62.9% 37.1%
150 µ 22.6 147 14.7% 77.6% 22.4%
pan 0 224 22.4% 100% 0%
Total 1000g
Sieve analysis of fine aggregate

40.00% % finer

0 2 4 6 8
size of sieve

Fineness of GGBS
Mass of GGBS=100g
Mass of GGBS retained after sieving = 8g
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐺𝐺𝐵𝑆 8
Fineness=𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝐺𝐺𝐵𝑆 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑖𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑔=100 𝑥100 =8%

Water absorption test

Initial weight of fine aggregate=100g
Final weight of FA=108g
Water absorption= 𝑥100=8%

Initial weight of coarse aggregate=1000g

Final weight of FA=1000g
Water absorption= 𝑥100=0%

Mix design:
Zone 2
Nominal size of aggregate 40mm
Specific gravity of cement =3.08kg/m3
Specific gravity of ggbs=2.71kg/m3
Specific gravity of coarse aggregate=2.67kg/m3
Specific gravity of fine aggregate=2.64kg/m3
Binder-550 kg/m3,
Cement content =100-x%
= 80%

GGBS content =x% =20%

Cement weight=0.8×550
= 440kg

GGBS weight =0.2×550

= 110kg

By table number 2 we get water cement ratio as 0.45

Weight of water = 440×0.45

= 198kg

Assume design for 10000m3

Volume of cement= 440/3.08


Water volume=142.85/1=142.85m3
Volume of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate are assumed to be same
Volume of fa and ca =1000-142.850-198
= 677.15m3/2
= 338.55m3
Weight of fa= 338.57×2.64
= 893.82kg
Weight of ca=338.57×2.67
= 903.98kg
Weight of cement: water: GGBS: coarse aggregate: fine aggregate
440kg : 198kg 110kg : 893.82kg : 903.98kg
Weight of cement: water: GGBS: coarse aggregate: fine aggregate
1 : 0.45 : 0.25 : 2.03 : 2.05

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