Varidesk v. Qidong Vision Mounts - Complaint

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Plaintiff, §
§ CIVIL ACTION NO. __________
v. §
Defendants. §

Plaintiff Varidesk LLC (“Varidesk”) files this complaint for utility and design patent

infringement against Qidong Vision Mounts Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Vision

Mounts”), Nantong Jon Ergonomic Office Co., Ltd. (“Nantong Jon”), Hangzhou Grandix

Electronics Co., Ltd. (“Grandix”), and Hangzhou Kexiang Technology Co., Ltd. (“Kexiang”),

collectively “Defendants,” alleging on its own knowledge and on information and belief as



1. Varidesk is a Texas limited liability corporation having its headquarters at 1221

South Belt Line Road #500, Coppell, Texas 75019. Varidesk is a pioneer and leader in the field

of height-adjustable desk technology.

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2. Upon information and belief, Vision Mounts is a company organized under the

laws of the People’s Republic of China, with its principal place of business at No. 899 Lingfeng

Road, HaiHong Industry Park, Qidong, Jiangsu, China 226220.

3. Upon information and belief, Nantong Jon is a company organized under the laws

of the People’s Republic of China, with its principal place of business at Building D, Jingyang

Square, Chongchuan District, Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, China 226001.

4. Upon information and belief, Grandix is a company organized under the laws of

the People’s Republic of China, with its principal place of business and headquarters at 1-1804,

New Youth Plaza, Gongshu District, Hangzhou, Zhejian, China.

5. Upon information and belief, Kexiang is a company organized under the laws of

the People’s Republic of China, with its principal place of business and headquarters at Binjiang

Qu Changhe Jeidao Binhe Lu 1174, Hangzhou, China 310052.


6. This is an action for patent infringement arising under the patent laws of the

United States, Title 35 of the United States Code § 1, et seq.

7. This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to 28 U.S.C.

§§ 1331 and 1338(a).

8. Defendants are subject to this Court’s specific and general personal jurisdiction

under due process and/or the Texas Long Arm Statute due at least to Defendants’ substantial

business in this forum, including: (i) at least a portion of the infringements alleged herein; and

(ii) regularly doing or soliciting business, engaging in other persistent courses of conduct, and/or

deriving substantial revenue from goods and services provided to individuals in Texas and in this


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9. Venue is appropriate in this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1391(b) and (c),

and/or 28 U.S.C. § 1400(b). Upon information and belief, Defendants have transacted business

in this District and have committed acts of patent infringement in this District.


10. Varidesk’s claims are based on Defendants’ unlawful and unauthorized direct and

indirect infringement of the following utility and design patents for height-adjustable desk

platforms and components thereof: U.S. Patent No. 9,113,703 (“the ’703 Patent”), U.S. Patent

No. 9,277,809 (“the ’809 Patent”), U.S. Patent No. 9,554,644 (“the ’644 Patent”), U.S. Patent

No. 9,924,793 (“the ’793 Patent”), and U.S. Patent No. D832,623 (“the ’623 Patent”),

collectively the “Asserted Patents.” Copies of the Asserted Patents are attached hereto as

Exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

11. Varidesk is the owner by assignment of the entire right, title, and interest to the

Asserted Patents, including the sole and exclusive right to prosecute this action, enforce the

Asserted Patents against infringers, and to collect damages on the Asserted Patents for all

relevant times.


12. Upon information and belief, Defendants develop, manufacture, and/or sell

height-adjustable desk platforms and components thereof, which are sold in competition with

Plaintiff Varidesk.

13. Upon information and belief, Defendants have made, used, sold, offered for sale,

and/or imported into the United States at least the following models of infringing height-

adjustable desk platforms reflected in Defendant Vision Mounts’ product catalog: VM-LD02,

VM-LD04, VM-LD07, VM-SD07, VM-SD08, VM-LD08, and all sub-models thereof

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(collectively, the “Accused Products”). An excerpt from Defendant Vision Mounts’ catalog

showing the Accused Products is attached as Exhibit 6.

14. Upon information and belief, either directly or through distributors and resellers,

Defendants make, use, offer to sell, sell, and/or import some or all of the Accused Products in the

United States.

15. In addition, upon information and belief, either directly or through distributors

and resellers, Defendants knowingly and intentionally make, use, offer to sell, and sell some or

all of the Accused Products to others for importation into the United States.

16. The Accused Products are sold within the United States under various brand

names, including Fezibo, Vivo, Songmics, Voyadesk, and SITA-Office.

17. Defendants offer their products for sale in the United States through websites

directed to U.S. consumers and at exhibitions in the United States. For example, Defendants

Vision Mounts, Nantong Jon, and Grandix market and sell their products through,

where they list the prices of the Accused Products in U.S. dollars and offer “Ocean Shipping

Service from China to U.S.” See Exhibits 7, 8, 9. Defendant Kexiang offers its products for sale

to U.S. consumers on See Exhibit 10. In addition, certain Defendants, including

Defendant Vision Mounts, exhibit their products at trade shows in the United States, including

the CES Conference in Las Vegas, where upon information and belief Defendant Vision Mounts

plans to market and exhibit Accused Products in January 2019. See Exhibit 11. Defendant

Vision Mounts also touts on its website ( that its products are “widely

exported” to the United States and lists North America as a “major market[ ]served” by


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18. The Accused Products are currently the subject of an Investigation commenced by

the U.S. International Trade Commission (“ITC”) into violations of Section 337 of the Tariff Act

of 1930, as amended, 19 U.S.C. § 1337 (“ITC Investigation”), for infringement of the utility

patents asserted herein. (The design patent asserted herein, the ’623 Patent, is not asserted in or

otherwise part of the ITC Investigation.) The ITC’s Notice of Institution of Investigation is

attached hereto as Exhibit 12. The Defendants are named Respondents in the ITC Investigation.

19. The Defendants have had notice of Varidesk’s patent rights since at least the time

they learned of Varidesk’s ITC complaint, filed on June 22, 2018, yet continue to infringe

Varidesk’s patent rights through their continued sale, offer for sale, and importation of the

Accused Products.

20. Defendants’ conduct alleged herein constitutes knowing and intentional direct and

indirect infringement of the Asserted Patents.


21. Varidesk restates and incorporates by reference the paragraphs above as if stated

fully herein.

22. Upon information and belief, in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Defendants have,

literally and under the doctrine of equivalents, directly infringed the ’703 Patent by, among other

things, making, using, offering for sale, and/or selling the Accused Products, and will continue to

do so unless such infringing activities are enjoined by this Court. A sample claim chart showing

infringement of the ’703 Patent by an Accused Product is attached as Exhibit 13.

23. Upon information and belief, in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(b), Defendants have

actively induced infringement of the ’703 Patent by knowingly and specifically intending that

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others directly infringe the ’703 Patent, including by encouraging others to purchase the Accused

Products for importation and sale in the United States.

24. Varidesk has suffered, and continues to suffer, damages and irreparable harm as a

result of Defendants’ past and ongoing infringement.

25. Unless Defendants’ infringement is enjoined, Varidesk will continue to be

damaged and irreparably harmed.

26. Varidesk meets the criteria for, and is entitled to, a permanent injunction.

27. Defendants had knowledge of the ’703 Patent at least as of the date they were

notified of Varidesk’s complaint leading to the ITC Investigation.

28. Upon information and belief, Defendants’ ongoing infringement of the ’703

Patent has been willful and deliberate, making this an exceptional case and entitling Varidesk to

recover enhanced damages and attorneys’ fees pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §§ 284, 285.


29. Varidesk restates and incorporates by reference the paragraphs above as if stated

fully herein.

30. Upon information and belief, in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Defendants have,

literally and under the doctrine of equivalents, directly infringed the ’809 Patent by, among other

things, making, using, offering for sale, and/or selling the Accused Products, and will continue to

do so unless such infringing activities are enjoined by this Court. A sample claim chart showing

infringement of the ’809 Patent by an Accused Product is attached as Exhibit 14.

31. Upon information and belief, in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(b), Defendants have

actively induced infringement of the ’809 Patent by knowingly and specifically intending that

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others directly infringe the ’809 Patent, including by encouraging others to purchase the Accused

Products for importation and sale in the United States.

32. Varidesk has suffered, and continues to suffer, damages and irreparable harm as a

result of Defendants’ past and ongoing infringement.

33. Unless Defendants’ infringement is enjoined, Varidesk will continue to be

damaged and irreparably harmed.

34. Varidesk meets the criteria for, and is entitled to, a permanent injunction.

35. Defendants had knowledge of the ’809 Patent at least as of the date they were

notified of Varidesk’s complaint leading to the ITC Investigation.

36. Upon information and belief, Defendants’ ongoing infringement of the ’809

Patent has been willful and deliberate, making this an exceptional case and entitling Varidesk to

recover enhanced damages and attorneys’ fees pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §§ 284, 285.


37. Varidesk restates and incorporates by reference the paragraphs above as if stated

fully herein.

38. Upon information and belief, in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Defendants have,

literally and under the doctrine of equivalents, directly infringed the ’644 Patent by, among other

things, making, using, offering for sale, and/or selling the Accused Products, and will continue to

do so unless such infringing activities are enjoined by this Court. A sample claim chart showing

infringement of the ’644 Patent by an Accused Product is attached as Exhibit 15.

39. Upon information and belief, in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(b), Defendants have

actively induced infringement of the ’644 Patent by knowingly and specifically intending that

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others directly infringe the ’644 Patent, including by encouraging others to purchase the Accused

Products for importation and sale in the United States.

40. Varidesk has suffered, and continues to suffer, damages and irreparable harm as a

result of Defendants’ past and ongoing infringement.

41. Unless Defendants’ infringement is enjoined, Varidesk will continue to be

damaged and irreparably harmed.

42. Varidesk meets the criteria for, and is entitled to, a permanent injunction.

43. Defendants had knowledge of the ’644 Patent at least as of the date they were

notified of Varidesk’s complaint leading to the ITC Investigation.

44. Upon information and belief, Defendants’ ongoing infringement of the ’644

Patent has been willful and deliberate, making this an exceptional case and entitling Varidesk to

recover enhanced damages and attorneys’ fees pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §§ 284, 285.


45. Varidesk restates and incorporates by reference the paragraphs above as if stated

fully herein.

46. Upon information and belief, in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Defendants have,

literally and under the doctrine of equivalents, directly infringed the ’793 Patent by, among other

things, making, using, offering for sale, and/or selling the Accused Products, and will continue to

do so unless such infringing activities are enjoined by this Court. A sample claim chart showing

infringement of the ’793 Patent by an Accused Product is attached as Exhibit 16.

47. Upon information and belief, in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(b), Defendants have

actively induced infringement of the ’793 Patent by knowingly and specifically intending that

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others directly infringe the ’793 Patent, including by encouraging others to purchase the Accused

Products for importation and sale in the United States.

48. Varidesk has suffered, and continues to suffer, damages and irreparable harm as a

result of Defendants’ past and ongoing infringement.

49. Unless Defendants’ infringement is enjoined, Varidesk will continue to be

damaged and irreparably harmed.

50. Varidesk meets the criteria for, and is entitled to, a permanent injunction.

51. Defendants had knowledge of the ’793 Patent at least as of the date they were

notified of Varidesk’s complaint leading to the ITC Investigation.

52. Upon information and belief, Defendants’ ongoing infringement of the ’793

Patent has been willful and deliberate, making this an exceptional case and entitling Varidesk to

recover enhanced damages and attorneys’ fees pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §§ 284, 285.


53. Varidesk restates and incorporates by reference the paragraphs above as if stated

fully herein.

54. Upon information and belief, in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(a), Defendants have

directly infringed the ’623 Patent by, among other things, making, using, offering for sale, and/or

selling an Accused Product, model VM-LD02T (pictured below), that embodies, or is a colorable

imitation of, the innovative ornamental design covered by the ’623 Patent. In the eye of an

ordinary observer, the design of the Accused Product and the patented design are substantially

the same by comparison to the prior art as can be seen by a side-by-side comparison of the

Accused Product and patented design:

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’623 Patent Accused Product (VM-LD02T)

55. Upon information and belief, in violation of 35 U.S.C. § 271(b), Defendants have

actively induced infringement of the ’623 Patent by knowingly and specifically intending that

others directly infringe the ’623 Patent, including by encouraging others to purchase the Accused

Products for importation and sale in the United States.

56. Varidesk has suffered, and continues to suffer, damages and irreparable harm as a

result of Defendants’ past and ongoing infringement. Varidesk is entitled to all available

remedies, including Defendants’ total profits pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 289.

57. Unless Defendants’ infringement is enjoined, Varidesk will continue to be

damaged and irreparably harmed.

58. Varidesk meets the criteria for, and is entitled to, a permanent injunction.

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59. Defendants had knowledge of the ’623 Patent at least as of the date they learned

of this complaint.

60. Upon information and belief, Defendants’ ongoing infringement of the ’623

Patent has been willful and deliberate, making this an exceptional case and entitling Varidesk to

recover enhanced damages and attorneys’ fees pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §§ 284, 285.


Varidesk hereby requests a trial by jury on all issues so triable.


Varidesk requests that the Court find in its favor and against Defendants and grant

Varidesk the following relief:

a. Judgment be entered that Defendants have infringed one or more claims of the

Asserted Patents, literally and/or under the doctrine of equivalents;

b. Judgment be entered that Defendants’ infringement of the Asserted Patents was


c. An accounting be had for the damages resulting from Defendants’ infringement of

the Asserted Patents, including, without limitation, lost profits caused by Defendants’ infringing

activities and/or a reasonable royalty for the infringement pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §§ 284, 289, and

that the damages so ascertained be trebled pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 284 and awarded together

with interests and costs;

d. An injunction be issued, restraining and enjoining Defendants and their respective

officers, directors, agents, servants, affiliates, employees, divisions, branches, subsidiaries,

parents, and all others acting in privity or in concert with them, from engaging in the commercial

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manufacture, use, offer for sale, or sale within the United States, or importation into the United

States, of products infringing the Asserted Patents;

e. Judgment be entered that this is an exceptional case, and that Varidesk is entitled

to its reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs in accordance with 35 U.S.C. § 285; and

f. The Court award such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and

proper under the circumstances.

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Dated: December 12, 2018 Respectfully submitted,

By: /s/_Michael C. Smith________.

Michael C. Smith
State Bar No. 18650410
Siebman, Forrest, Burg & Smith, LLP
113 E Austin
Marshall, Texas 75671
Telephone: (903) 938-8900
[email protected]

Adam R. Hess
[email protected]
Andrew F. Pratt
[email protected]
Martin L. Saad
[email protected]
Tamatane J. Aga
[email protected]
600 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20001
Telephone: (202) 344-4389
Facsimile: (202) 344-8300

Alper T. Ertas
[email protected]
101 California Street, Suite 3800
San Francisco, CA 94111
Telephone: (415) 343-3214
Facsimile: (415) 653-3755

Counsel for Plaintiff Varidesk LLC

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United States Patent and Trademark Office




U.S PATENT 9924793

ISSUE DATE March 27 2018


By Authority of the

Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property

and Director of the United State aent and Trademark Office

Certifyin Officer



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ill II

1011111 III IlI III


12 United States Patent 10 Patent No US 9924793 B2

Flaherty et al 45 Date of Patent Mar 27 2018


71 Applicant Varidesk LLC Coppell TX US U.S PATENT DOCUMENTS

72 Inventors Daniel Flaherty Irving TX US 210031 11/1878 Hawthorn

David Patton Flower Mound 226053 3/1880 Finnegan A47B 21/0314

US Sheng Wang Taichung TW


73 Assignee Varidesk LLC Coppell TX US
Notice Subject to any disclaimer the term of this

AU 2014216002 Al 3/2015
patent is or adjusted under 35
CN 1231146 10/1999
U.S.C 154b by days
This patent is subject to terminal dis

21 Appl No 15/378736 Petition for Post Grant Review of Claims 21-23 25 and 33-36 of

TJ.S Pat No 9554644 under 35 U.S.C 321-28 and 37

22 Filed Dec 14 2016
C.F.R 42.200 Et Seq

65 Prior Publication Data Continued

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30 31


_________ 51\
54110\0 ______

HG 10

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2O 541 321

FIG 11

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FIG 12

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FIG 13

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FIG 14

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FIG 15

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\\ 913






FIG 16

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9O 9OA9

FIG 17

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FIG 25


FIG 26

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ADJUSTABLE DESK PLATFORM planar work surface base located beneath the upper
the base bottom surface without
platform defining legs
CROSS .REFERENCE TO RELATED that is adapted to sit on an desk first and second sets
APPLICATIONS of arms coupling the upper platform to the base wherein the

first and second sets of arms are adapted for movement of

This application is continuation of applicant co
the in with the base
pending U.S application Ser 15/014730 filed Feb No upper platform substantially parallel

between fully raised position and lowered position

2016 which is continuation of applicants co-pending U.S fully

application Ser No 14/714682 filed May 18 2015 U.S and user-operable locking mechanism associated with the

Pat No 9277809 which is

continuation-in-part of upper platform the locking mechanism adapted to releas

applicants U.S application Ser 14/183052 No filed on ably lock the upper platform in the fully raised position and
Feb 18 2014 U.S Pat No 9055810 which is con- in at least one intermediate position between the fully raised

tinuation-in-part of applicants U.S application Ser No position and the fully lowered position
14/013285 U.S Pat No 9113703 filed on Aug 29 to another embodiment the desk
According adjustable
2013 which is
continuation-in-part of applicants U.S
platform can include an upper platform defining substan
application Ser No 13/642 651 U.S Pat No
671 853 15

tially planar work surface base located beneath the upper

filed on Oct 22 2012 which in turn is the national stage of
the base bottom surface without
International Application No PCT/US2012/48775 filed on platform defining legs

Jul that is adapted to sit on an existing desk and first and second
30 2012 which in turn claims the priority of U.S
Provisional Application No 61/651101 filed on May 24 sets of arms coupling the upper platform to the base wherein
2012 The entire contents of the foregoing applications are 20 the first and second sets of arms are adapted for movement
incorporated herein by reference of the upper platform substantially in parallel with the base
between fully raised position and fully lowered position
TECHNICAL FIELD wherein the moves with to
upper platform laterally respect
the base when moved from the fully lowered position to the
This application relates generally to ergonomic workplace 25 raised position and the base includes
fully counterweight
environments and more particularly to an adjustable desk
adapted to offset weight of the upper platform when in the
platform or desk
raised position

another the
BACKGROUND According to embodiment adjustable desk

platform can include an upper platform defining substan

for of time during the work day 30 tially planar work surface base located beneath the upper
Sitting long periods is

not ones and wellness Medical platform the base defining bottom surface without legs
generally good for health

studies show that sitting increases the rate of all-cause that is adapted to sit on an existing desk first and second sets

mortality especially from cardiovascular disease diabetes of arms coupling the upper platform to the base wherein the

and obesity for example People who sit for most of the day first and second sets of arms are adapted for movement of
are 50 percent more likely to die of heart attacks Even if
35 the upper platform substantially in parallel with the base
exercise the longer you sit the greater the chances you will between fully raised position and fully lowered position
die Sitting shuts down the circulation of the fat-absorbing and biasing mechanism associated with at least one of the

enzyme lipase while standing up engages muscles and first and second sets of arms wherein moving the upper
promotes the distribution of lipase which prompts the body platform toward the fully raised position loads the biasing
to process fat and cholesterol independent of the amount of 40 mechanism
time spent exercising According to another embodiment the adjustable desk
There are desks available to be used while standing and platform can include an upper platform defining substan
even desks adapted for use while user is on treadmill tially planar work surface the upper platform having first

However standing for very long periods of time to work is and second hand apertures extending therethrough base
more tiring dramatically increases the risks of carotid 45 located beneath the upper platform the base defining
atherosclerosis because of the additional load on the circu- bottom surface without legs that is adapted to sit on an
latory system and increases the risks of varicose veins existing desk first and second sets of arms coupling the

Taking regular breaks from sitting for prolonged periods upper platform to the base wherein the first and second sets

of time can have several positive outcomes For example of arms are adapted for movement of the upper platform
standing can provide more energy during the work day In 50 substantially in parallel with the base between fully raised

addition because standing burns more calories than sitting position and fully lowered position and first and second

standing can also result in weight loss without changes in user-operable locking mechanisms associated with the upper
diet or exercise It is also harder to become more tired or lose platform each of the first and second locking mechanisms
focus when to lock the
standing adapted releasably upper platform in the fully
Because regular breaks from sitting are beneficial and 55 raised position wherein the first and second locking mecha
because many people during the work day want to remain nism each include user operable handle mounted to an
productive while taking breaks from sitting and because underside of the upper platform substantially adjacent to one
everyone will sit and stand for different lengths of time at of the hand apertures
different times during the day there exists need to create Other features and advantages will become apparent from
work environment that is ergonomic for someone standing 60 the following description taken in connection with the

as well as sitting and allows the transition to be easy quick accompanying drawings wherein by way of illustration and
and simple example embodiments of the invention are disclosed



According to embodiments an adjustable desk platform The features and advantages of the invention will be
can include an upper platform defining substantially apparent from the following description as illustrated in the

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accompanying drawings wherein like reference numbers FIG 26 is similar to FIG 25 but shows the users hands

generally indicate identical functionally similar and/or moving the locking mechanism
structurally similar elements

FIG is perspective view of an embodiment of an DETAILED DESCRIPTION

adjustable desk platform

FIG is another perspective view of the adjustable desk Embodiments of the invention are discussed in detail

platform of FIG below In describing embodiments specific terminology is

of for the of
FIG is side view the adjustable desk platform of employed sake clarity However the invention is

FIG not intended to be limited to the specific terminology so

FIG is front view of the adjustable desk of selected While specific embodiments are discussed it
FIG should be understood that this is done for illustration pur
FIG is perspective view of parts of an embodiment of poses only person skilled in the relevant art will recognize

locking mechanism of the desk of FIG that other components and configurations can be used with-
adjustable platform
out departing from the spirit and scope of the invention

FIG is an exploded view of the locking mechanism of Embodiments of the adjustable desk platform described

FIG herein can transition between lower operating position and

FIG is perspective view of an embodiment of an upper operating position quickly easily and simply This

biasing mechanism of the adjustable desk platfonn of FIG may be useful for example to provide height adjustability

to conventional fixed desktop workspaces

20 Alternatively

FIG is side view of an embodiment of the embodiments of the adjustable desk platform can include

mechanism of the adjustable desk platform of FIG their own support legs

showing the handle in the locked position Referring to FIGS ito the adjustable desk platform can
FIG is side view of the locking mechanism of FIG generally include an upper platform 10 lower platform 20
handle in theun-locked position and and
showing the 25 left right pivot arm 30 which can connect
sets the

FIG 10 is side view of the adjustable desk platform of upper platform 10 and lower platform 20 According to

FIG showing an example of directional movement of the embodiments the upper platform 10 and/or the lower plat

upper platform relative to the lower platform and the pivot form 20 can include substantially planar top surface that

arms can serve as working surface for the user for example to

FIG 11 is side view of an embodiment of the biasing 30 support reading materials papers computers other elec
mechanism tronic devices and the like The adjustable desk platform
FIG 12 is perspective view of an embodiment of the can include one or more locking mechanisms 40 for

adjustable desk platform showing the tray example one associated with each of the left and right pivot

FIG 13 is bottom view of an embodiment of the arm sets 30 The adjustable desk platform can also include

adjustable desk platform showing the tray and counter 35 one or more biasing mechanisms 50 see FIG for

weights example each associated with the left and right pivot arm
FIG 14 is
perspective view of an embodiment of the sets 30 The adjustable desk platform can also include

adjustable desk platform including keyboard tray reinforcement member 60 visible in FIGS and
FIG 15 is an enlarged perspective view of the pivot arms Referring to FIG and FIGS to lower mounting
of an embodiment of the adjustable desk platform 40 brackets ii can be located on upper platform 10 for

FIG 16 is
perspective view of an embodiment of the example secured thereto or formed integrally therewith As
adjustable desk platform including legs shown in the figures two lower mounting brackets 11 can be
FIG 17 is partially exploded perspective view of the secured to the underside of the upper platform 10 at opposite

adjustable desk platform with legs of FIG 16 sides of the upper platform 10 As shown in FIG to FIG
FIG 18 is view of another embodiment of 45 lower 20 located below the 10
perspective platform is
upper platform
the adjustable desk platform shown in frilly lowered and the pivot arm sets selectively adjust the height of the

position upper platform 10 with respect the lower platform 20 for

FIG 19 is perspective view of the adjustable desk example with the upper platform 10 and the lower platform
platformof FIG 18 shown in fully raised position 20 remaining substantially parallel to one another during
FIG 20 is side view of the adjustable desk platform of 50 movement
FIG 18 shown in the fully lowered position Lower platform 20 can include two upper mounting
FIG 21 is side view of the adjustable desk platform of brackets 21 for example one located near each side of the

FIG 18 shown in the fully raised position lower platform 20 The can be
upper mounting brackets
FIG 22 is partially-exploded perspective view of formed integrally with the lower platform 20 or altema
another embodiment of the adjustable desk platform shown 55 tively can be secured thereto using fasteners or other means
in partially raised position known Lower platform 20 can also include one or
in the art

FIG 23 is
partially-exploded side view of the adjust- more counter weights 22 and housing 23 near each upper
able desk platform of FIG 22 shown in the partially raised mounting bracket 21

Referring to FIGS
position and the upper mounting brackets

FIG 24 is partially-exploded rear view of the adjustable 60 21 can be located on the top surface of the lower platform
desk platform of FIG 22 shown in the partially raised 20 for example at opposite sides thereof and the lower

position mounting brackets 11 can be located on the bottom surface

FIG 25 is side view of another embodiment of the of the upper platform 10 for example in registry with the

adjustable desk platform as seen from user standing behind upper mounting brackets 21 Each upper mounting bracket
the desk platform with the desk in partially raised position 65 21 can include an arc slot 211 shown in FIGS and One
The users hands are shown resting on the locking mecha- of the housings 23 can be located adjacent the outer side of
nism each of the upper mounting brackets 21 As shown in FIG

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one or more counter weights 22 can be located on the booster spring 53 and pivot point 54 One side of spring
bottom surface of lower platform 20 51 can be connected with the 52 and the other side
As shown in FIGS and each arm set 30 can form with the arm
pivot is pivot joint secondary 32 for

connected to the respective lower mounting bracket 11 on example by attaching to the boss 321 Each support 52 and
the 10 and to the booster 53 of biasing mechanism 50 can be connected
upper platform respective upper mounting spring
bracket 21 on the lower platform 20 As shown each pivot with lower platform 20 Arc slot 211 can be selectively
arm set 30 can include main pivot arm 31 and secondary connected with the respective arm 32 on the
secondary pivot

pivot arm 32 The pivot arms 31 32 can be pivotably other side of the respective upper mounting bracket 21 Pivot

connected to the lower mounting bracket 11 at one end and point 54 can be located against the bottom side of booster

to upper mounting bracket 21 at the other end using for 10 spring 53 Each biasing mechanism 50 can be located

example rivets fasteners or other structures known in the between the respective bracket 21 and
upper mounting
art The main pivot arm 31 and secondary pivot arm 32 can housing 23 thereby concealing the biasing mechanism 50
be connected to the lower mounting bracket 11 and upper As shown in FIG reinforcement member 60 may
mounting bracket 21 at different locations as shown in the extend between the left and right pivot arm sets 30 Accord-

figures The pivot arm sets 30 can be connected to the upper 15 ing to embodiment reinforcement member may include
mounting bracket 21 the side of the supporting rod 61 and separate reinforcement 62 how-
at opposite respective

housing 23 For example the pivot arm sets 30 can connect ever other single-member and multi-member embodiments
to the interior side of the
upper mounting brackets 21 while are possible According to an embodiment rod
the housings 23 can connect to the exterior sides of the upper 61 can be connected with the primary pivot ann 31 of each

mounting brackets 21 20 pivot arm set 30 and reinforcement 62 can be connected

Referring to FIGS and the upper end of each primary with the secondary pivot arm 32 of each pivot arm set 30
pivot arm 31 can include locking part 311 including According to embodiments the reinforcement member can
plurality of perforations 3111 The plurality of perforations fix the side-to-side distance between the pivot arms and add
3111 can include at least one perforation that is
selectively stability avoiding side-to-side movement when or
movable into alignment with hole iii in the 25 lowering upper platform 10 from lower
respective platform 20 and can
lower mounting bracket 11 Referring to FIGS and each make the adjustable platform smoothly
secondary pivot arm 32 can include boss 321 that slides When in use the user can place the adjustable desk
within the arc slot 211 of the upper mounting platform on to desktop and items on
respective may place the upper
bracket 21 platform 10 as desired such as without corn-

Referring to FIGS and one or more locking sets 30 puter documents desk lamps instruments and supplies
40 can be located on the bottom of the upper platform 10 The user can adjust the height between the 10
upper platform
For example each locking set 40 can be fixed on the and the lower platform 20 according to their working
respective lower mounting bracket 11 however other loca- and/or other needs
tions are possible Referring to FIG each locking set 42 FIG depicts the adjustable desk platform in fully
can include anchors 41 Each anchor 41 can selectively 35 raised position Referring to FIGS 8-10 and 12 in order

engage one of the perforations 3111 of locking part 311 and to lower the adjustable desk platform the user can pull
can also hole of lower mounting handle which
engage through the 111 42 in turn displaces the first linkage 431
bracket 11 thereby fixing the main pivot arm 31 in position second linkage 432 and third linkage 433 This can in turn
with respect to the respective lower mounting bracket 11 retract the anchor 41 and cause the anchor to withdrawal
Furthermore as shown in FIGS and each locking set 40 40 from the perforations 3111 of the primary arm 31 As
can include handle 42 and linkage mechanism 43 result the arm 31 is released from
pivot substantially

Referring to FIGS and each linkage set 43 can fixed position allowing primary pivot arm 31 and secondary
include first linkage 431 second linkage 432 and third pivot arm 32 to move consequently allowing the upper

linkage 433 which according to an embodiment are piv- platform 10 to move with respect to the lower platform 20

otably connected to one another in sequence Each first 45 Accordingly the distance between 10 and
upper platform
linkage 431 can be located underneath the bottom of the lower platform 20 can be reduced for example to the fully

upper platform 10 and can have pivot joint with handle 42 lowered position shown in FIG 11 or to some position
Each third linkage 433 can be connected with the respective between the fully raised position and the lowered
anchor 41 for example by rivets pins or other structures position This allows the distance between the upper plat
extending through the third linkage 433 and anchors 41 as 50 form 10 and lower platform 20 to be easily set and adjusted
shown in FIGS and 10 Each locking set 40 can contain As shown In FIGS and 8-11 when the user moves the

spring 44 adapting piece 45 and housing 46 Each platform 10 and lower platform 20 to desired height
piece 45 of set 40 can be secured on the relative to each other the can
adapting locking user release the handles of
bottom of upper platform 10 and can include pivot joint locking sets 40 As result the retraction force of springs
with second linkage 432 One end of spring 44 can be 55 44 of each locking set 40 can move the second 432
connected with adapting piece 45 and the other end of spring causing first linkage 431 and third linkage 433 to move
44 can be connected with second linkage 432 in proximity sequentially anchors 41 to lock through the
thereby causing
to the first linkage 431 Each locking set 40 can include hole 111 of the lower mounting bracket and the correspond-
housing 46 that can cover at least the second linkage 432 ing perforations 3111 on primary pivot arm 31 This in turn
third linkage 433 spring 44 adapting piece 45 and anchor 60 locks the position of the upper platform 10 relative to the
41 The housing 46 can be connected to the underside of the lower platform 20
upper platform 10 As shown in FIGS 10 and 11 as the primary and
As shown in FIGS and each biasing mechanism 50 secondary pivot arms 31 32 pivot with to the
can be located on lower platform 20 and can be connected respective upper mounting bracket 21 the boss 321 slides

with pivot arm sets 30 to assist the upper platform 10 in 65 within arc slot 211 of the upper mounting bracket 21 and
raising/lowering with respect to the lower platform 20 Each accordingly stretches or relaxes the compression spring 51
biasing mechanism 50 can include spring 51 support 52 of the corresponding biasing mechanism 50 to

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FIG 11 since pivot point 54 leans against the bottom side tively the joint components 72 can be drilled in the housing
of booster spring 53 when upper platform 10 and lower 23 of lower platform 20 The joint components are not

platform 20 are moved toward the fully lowered position limited to the embodiments shown and other connectors
boss 321 can press laterally against the booster springs 53 known in the art can be used as alternatives

thereby causing booster spring 53 to bend Thus in embodi- When desired the keyboard tray 70 can be attached to
ments the booster springs 53 can provide additional upward lower platform 20 and items can be placed on it such as
bias when the upper platform 10 is in or near the fully keyboard According to 70 can be located
embodiments tray
lowered position at an adjustable distance from the lower platform 20
As shown in FIGS when the user desires to Referring to an alternative embodiment shown in FIG 14
increase the distance between the lower platform 20 and the 10 the keyboard 70A can be attached
tray to the bottom side of

upper platform 10 the user can pull the handles of the the upper platform 10 For example joint component 72A
locking sets 40 to impact locking set 40 springs 44 and can connect the tray portion 71A to the underside of the

anchors 41 causing anchors 41 to retract from the perfora- lower platform10 When in use keyboard tray 70A may
tion 3111 and hole 111 releasing the primary and secondary move up and down with upper platform 10 thereby making
pivot arms 31 32 so the spacing between the upper platform 15 it more convenient to access items placed on keyboard tray
10 and the lower platform 20 can be increased 70 such as keyboard
As shown in FIGS 10 and 11 lowering the upper Referring to FIG 15 the main pivot arm 31 and/or

platform 10 causes the pivot arm sets 30 to pivot with secondary pivot arm 32 can be cladded with 80

respect to the upper mounting brackets 21 The resultant According to an embodiment the protector 80 is made with
rotation of the secondary pivot arms 32 causes the respective 20 EVA foam ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer however
bosses 321 to slide within the respective arc slots 211 other materials are possible Protector 80 can help prevent
thereby stretching the respective compression springs 51 of jammed fingers due to an reaching between
operator pivot
the biasing mechanisms 50 providing measure of resis- arm 30 and upper mounting brackets 21

Referring to FIGS 16 and 17 embodiments of

tance lowering of the 10 When the
against upper platform the adjust-

distance between the upper platform 10 and the lower 25 able desk platform can include legs that the adjust-
platform 20 is gradually increased from the fully lowered able desk platform above the ground For example the

position bosses 321 slowly pull away from the respective adjustable desk platform can include four 90 extending
booster springs 53 and allows the booster springs 53 to from its as shown however more or less than four
retract to their natural unbent state legs are possible The legs 90 can be fixed in length or

Increasing the weight on upper platform 10 e.g by 30 alternatively can be adjustable in length using structures

placing an item on the upper platform 10 can increase the known in the art For example according to embodiments
difficulty of raising the upper platform 10 from the lower the legsmay telescope to adjust their length For example
platform 20 Due to the configuration of the biasing mecha- as shown in FIG 16 each leg 90 can include first portion
nism 50 booster spring 53 and pivot 54 when upper
point 90A and second portion 90B that telescopes within the first
platform 10 is raised from the lower platform 20 the elastic 35 portion 9OAto adjust the leg length Conventional structures
force of booster spring 53 and spring 51 can influence the can be utilized to lock the position of the second 90B
boss 321 of each secondary pivot arm 32 causing secondary with respect to the first portion 90A One of ordinary skill in

pivot arm 32 to generate an upward liffing force reducing the art will understand based on this disclosure that other

the amount of effort required from the user to raise the upper configurations of telescoping 90 can be
legs provided
platform 10 40 Moreover one of ordinary skill in the art will understand
When lifting upper platform 10 the overall center of based on this disclosure that other configuration of legs

gravity of the adjustable desk platform can shift between besides telescoping legs can be used to provide adjustable
lower platform 20 and upper platform 10 especially when leg lengths
various items are placed on top of upper platform 10 The legs 90 whether fixed or adjustable in length can
Because items located on the upper platform create addi- 45 allow the adjustable desk platform to be self-supported
tional weight the overall center of gravity of the adjustable above the ground Casters rollers wheels or other stnic
desk platform will quickly shift to the upper platform 10 tures not shown can be provided at the bottom of the legs
and potentially make the adjustable desk platform unstable 90 to facilitate movement of the adjustable desk platform

Accordingly the counterweights 22 can increase the Except for the provision of legs and the related structures

weight of lower platform 20 thereby helping to counterbal- 50 embodiments of the adjustable desk platform shown in

ance the weight of the upper platform 10 when in the raised FIGS 16 and 17 can be substantially the same as described

position and/or when weighted with items in connection with FIGS 1-15

According to embodiments the housings 23 of upper Referring to FIG 17 the adjustable desk platform can
platform 10 and the housings 46 of locking set 40 can help include frame member 91 that attaches for example to the

the users fingers or other foreign matter from being

protect 55 upper mounting brackets 21 lower platform not shown or
caught in the locking sets 40 the pivot arm sets 30 and/or other part of the adjustable desk platform For example
inside of the biasing mechanisms 50 Housings 23 and fasteners such as bolts or rivets welding bonding or other

housings 46 can also add to the aesthetic appearance of the attachment techniques used The
can be legs 90 can in turn

adjustable desk platform be attached to the frame member 91 for example using

Referring to FIGS and the adjustable desk platform 60 fasteners such as bolts or rivets welding bonding or other

can include keyboard tray 70 The keyboard tray 70 can be attachment techniques As shown in FIG 17 an embodi
connected with lower platform 20 Keyboard ment can end caps 92 extend
detachably include that into open ends of
tray 70 includes tray portion 71 and one more releasable
or the frame member 91 however other configurations are
joint components 72 According to an embodiment two possible Referring back to FIG 16 embodiments can
joint components 72 can be connected on opposed sides of 65 include cover portion 93 that extends over and conceals all

tray portion 71 The joint components 72 can be slidably or portion of the frame member 91 thereby improving the

mounted on the lower platform 20 Additionally or alterna- safety and/or of the adjustable desk platform

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Although not shown lateral supports can extend between other techniques known in the art Alternatively all or part
one more the legs 90
of of the members 106 108 can be integral e.g
pairs support

Referring FIGS 18-21 another embodiment of the

to monolithic with the upper platform 10 and/or keyboard tray

adjustable desk platform is shown The embodiment of 70A According to the embodiment shown the support

FIGS 18-21 is substantially the same as shown and members 106 108 can have cutouts e.g forming an
described in connection with FIGS 1-15 For example the X-shape in order to decrease weight and material however
adjustable desk platform of FIGS 18-21 can include the other configurations are possible
same or similar pivot mm sets 30 sets 40 biasing
locking Referring to FIGS 22-24 another embodiment of the

mechanisms 50 reinforcement members 60 counter- adjustable desk platform is shown The embodiment of

weight legs and/or other features of previously-described to FIGS 22-24 is substantially the same as shown and
embodiments Accordingly only additions or differences described in connection with FIGS 18-21 For example the

from previous embodiments are described below adjustable desk platform of FIGS 22-24 can include the

Generally similar to the embodiment of FIG 14 the same or similar pivot arm sets 30 lockingsets 40 biasing
adjustable desk platform of FIGS 18-21 can include mechanisms 50 reinforcement members 60 counter-
tray 70A suspended below the upper platform 10 weight legs and/or other
keyboard ts features of previously-described

The keyboard tray 70A can be adapted to support computer embodiments Accordingly only additions or differences

keyboard mouse tablet computer or other device For from previous embodiments are described below

example the keyboard tray 70A can be substantially planar According to an aspect of the embodiment of FIGS
and can have size equal to or greater than conventional 22-24 the adjustable desk platform can include plate 110

computer keyboard According to an embodiment the sur- 20 that serves as common mounting point for various com
face area of the keyboard tray 70A is between about one half ponents such as the upper platform 10 the pivot ann sets 30
and about one quarter of the surface area of the upper the locking sets 40 the keyboard tray 70A etc and related

platform According to an embodiment the surface area of instead of mounting these parts to
components Accordingly
the keyboard tray IOA is about one third of the surface area the upper platform 10 itself they can mount to the plate 110
of the upper platform 10 In order to provide sufficient space 25 to which the upper platform 10 can also be mounted This
for the keyboard tray 70A according to embodiments the configuration can facilitate easier assembly and/or transpor

pivot arm sets 30 can be lengthened as compared to embodi- Cation of the adjustable desk platform as the upper platform
ments without the keyboard tray for example to increase 10 may no longer need to provide mounting support for the

distance between the upper platform 10 and lower platform various components Additionally or alternatively the plate

20 For example the pivot arms sets 30 may be increased 30 110 can facilitate replacement of the upperplatform lOin the

lengthwise by between about and about as compared event the upper platform 10 becomes damaged According
to embodiments without the tray more specifically by about to embodiments the plate 110 can be formed from metal

to about such as steel however other materials including wood

As best seen in FiGS 18 and 19 the keyboard tray 70A plastics and composites are also possible
can be generally T-shaped in that it can define relatively 35 Referring to FIG 22 according to embodiments the

narrow portion 100 joined to relatively wide portion 102 support members 106 108 for the keyboard tray 70A can be
to define shape The narrow portion 100 and wide secured to the plate 110 for example to the underside

portion 102 are shown separated by an imaginary dashed thereof by rivets screws welding bonding or other fas

line in FIG 18 for illustration purposes only The edge of the tening techniques known in the art Referring to FIG 23 the

upper platform 10 adjacent the keyboard tray 70A can also 40 pivot arm sets 30 can additionally or alternatively be secured

define recess 104 such as generally shaped recess to the plate 110 e.g by the respective mounting brackets

The width of the recess 104 can be the same or similar to the located on the underside of the plate 110 for example by
width of the narrow portion 100 of the keyboard tray 70A rivets screws welding bonding or other fastening tech-

As result the narrow portion 100 of the keyboard tray 70A niques known in the art As best shown FIG 24 the

in registry with the recess

can be positioned generally 104 45 locking sets 40 and/or related components e.g handles 42
for example for ergonomic reasons can additionally or alternatively be secured to the plate 110

Referring to FiGS 18 and 21 first and second support using similar fastening techniques The upper platform 10

members 106 108 can connect the keyboard tray 70A to the can in turn attach to the plate 110 for example using screws
upper platform 10 According to embodiments the first and extending through the plate and into the upper platform 10

second support members 106 108 can be located adjacent 50 from below Alternatively bonding staples or other fasten-

opposite sides of the generally U-shaped recess 104 Addi- ing techniques known in the art can be used to attach the

tionally or alternatively the first and second support mem- upper platform 10 to the plate 110
hers 106 108 can be located adjacent opposite ends of the In the embodiment of FIGS 22-24 as well as prior

narrow portion 100 of the T-shaped keyboard tray 70A embodiments upper platform 10 and/or keyboard
the tray

According embodiment the narrow portion 100 of the

to this 55 70A can be formed of substrate such as wood e.g particle

keyboard tray 70A can fit the keyboard and the wide portion board plastic composite or other material decorative

102 of the keyboard tray 70A can provide additional support layer can be applied over the substrate for example such as

for the users hands or wrists however other uses are by painting powder coating or wrapping in film such as

possible One of ordinary skill in the art will understand nylon film One of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate

based on this disclosure that the upper platform 10 and 60 based on this disclosure however that other techniques can

keyboard tray 70A are not limited to the specific shapes and be employed to provide decorative and/or protective finish

appearances shown in FIGS 18-21 to the upper platform 10 and/or keyboard tray 70A
Still referring to FIGS 18 and 21 the support members Although the keyboard tray 70A is shown substantially

108 can metal brackets such fixed in position in FIGS 22-24 embodi
106 comprise as stamped and proceeding
metal brackets that are connected to the keyboard tray 70A 65 meats alternative embodiments can include keyboard
and to the upper platform 10 on opposite ends for example tray 70A that is adjustable in position For example accord-

using fasteners such as screws nails rivets or bonding or big to embodiments the keyboard tray 70A can adjust

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11 12
up/down left/right forward/rearward and/or can pivot therefore to be understood that within the scope of the

about various axes with to the 10 and

respect upper platform claims their equivalents the invention may be practiced
One of ordinary skill in the art will appreciate based on this otherwise than as described
disclosure that various adjustment and/or pivoting structures The invention claimed is

can be utilized to provide the aforementioned movements to An adjustable desk platform comprising
the keyboard tray 70A an upper platform defining substantially planar work
Referring to FIGS 22 and 23 an elastic member 120 such surface
as spring can be secured between the arms of each pivot base located beneath the the base
upper platform
arm set 30 For example the elastic member 120 can be defining bottom that is adapted to sit on an existing
secured at each end to one of the arms using known 10 desk
fastening techniques such as screws bolts rivets bonding first and second sets of anus coupling the upper platform
welding members 120 and/or pivot arm sets
etc The elastic to the base wherein the first and second of arms are

30 can be configured for the elastic members 120 to relax as adapted for movement of the upper platform substan
the upper platform 10 is moved upward toward the fully tially in parallel with the base between raised position

raised position thus offsetting some of the force required for 15 and lowered position
user to raise the upper 10 According to other
platform reinforcement member extending between the first set of
embodiments the elastic member 120 can comprise multiple arms and the second set of arms
springs or other elastic devices keyboard tray suspended below the upper platform
FIGS 24 and 25 depict another embodiment of the wherein the keyboard defines first and second

adjustable desk platform that includes hand apertures 130 20 lateral edges
extending through the upper platform 10 in the vicinity of first bracket extending between the
support upper plat
the handles 42 of the locking mechanisms 40 Each of the form and the first lateral edge of the keyboard tray
apertures 130 can be shaped and configured to permit second bracket extending between the upper

passage of all or portion of the users hand therethrough platform and the second lateral edge of the keyboard
For example each aperture 130 can be shaped and config- 25 tray wherein the surface area of the keyboard is
ured for passage of least the four fingers of the users hand than of upper platform and
at less the surface area the

as shown According to embodiments the apertures 130 locking mechanism adapted to releasably lock the upper
can be substantially oval-shaped or can have the shape of an platform in the raised position and in at least one
elongated slot however other embodiments are possible intermediate position between the raised position and
Each aperture 130 can be located next to or substantially 30 the lowered position the locking mechanism compris
next to the respective handle 42 such that when user ing
extends his fingers into the aperture 130 from above his or first member biased into locked position to immo
her fingertips can touch and manipulate the handle 42 bilize the first set of arms
According to embodiments the lateral centerpoint of each first handle extending under the platform the
aperture 130 can be offset from the lateral center of the 35 first handle user-operable to move member
the first

handle 42 e.g an unlocked

respective the central pivot point in the into position to permit movement of the
embodiment shown by lateral distance W3 of between first set of arms and
about and about inches however other embodiments are first
linkage extending between the first handle and

possible FIG 25 depicts the handles 42 after the user as the first member
moved them from the locked position toward the unlocked 40 The adjustable desk platform of claim wherein the

position locking mechanism further comprises

The arrangement of the apertures and handle 42 can be second member biased into locked position to immo
used any of on the embodiments of adjustable desk plat- bilize the second set of arms
forms described herein The arrangement of apertures 130 second handle under the the
extending upper platform
and handles 42 can be useful in embodiments having wide 45 second handle user-operable to move the second mem
upper platform 10 for example and without limitation those ber into an unlocked position to permit movement of
with width Wi of about 48 inches or greater For example the second set of arms and
with embodiments having an upper platform 10 of this size second linkage between the second handle
it may be difficult or uncomfortable for the user to reach and the second member
around the lateral ends of the platform to reach the handles 50 The adjustable desk platform of claim wherein the

42 e.g due to limited wingspan Accordingly the aper- member comprises

first first anchor and the second
lures 130 can allow the handles 42 to be separated by member comprises second anchor
comfortable width W2 of between about 18 and about 36 The adjustable desk platform of claim further com
inches for example between about 28 and 32 inches while prising
the upper platform 10 has larger overall width Wi 55 first mounting bracket extending under the upper plat
The embodiments illustrated and discussed in this speci- form wherein the first set of arms is connected to the

fication are intended only to teach those skilled in the art the first
mounting bracket and
best way known to the inventors to make and use the second mounting bracket extending under the upper
invention Nothing in this specification should be considered platform wherein the second set of arms is connected
as limiting the scope of the present invention For example 60 to the second mounting bracket
of features with The desk platform of claim
the arrangement respect to the upper plat- adjustable further com
form and the lower platform such as e.g the locking prising

mechanism can be reversed All examples presented are first elastic member connected to the first set of arms the

representative and non-limiting The above-described first elastic member adapted to bias the upper platform
embodiments of the invention may be modified or varied 65 toward the raised position
without departing from the invention as appreciated by The adjustable desk platform of claim further corn
those skilled in the art in light of the above teachings It is pri sing

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US 9924793 B2
13 14
second elastic member connected to the second set of second mounting bracket extending under the upper
arms the second elastic member adapted to bias the platform wherein the second set of arms is connected

upper platform toward the raised position to the second mounting bracket
The adjustable desk platform of claim wherein the 14 The adjustable desk platform of claim 12 further

keyboard tray is
generally T-shaped comprising reinforcement member extending between the

The adjustable desk platform of claim wherein the first set of arms and the second set of arms
first member comprises first anchor 15 The adjustable desk platform of claim 12 further

The adjustable desk platform of claim wherein comprising keyboard tray suspended below the upper
the upper platform defines bottom surface platform
the first handle is located underneath the upper platform 16 The adjustable desk platform of claim 15 wherein the

and includes first end pivotally connected to the keyboard tray is

generally T-shaped
bottom surface of the upper platform and second end 17 The adjustable desk platform of claim 12 further

opposite the first

end and comprising keyboard tray suspended below the upper
the second end of the first handle is pivotable by user platform wherein the keyboard tray is detachably connected
about the first end of the first handle toward the bottom with the upper platform
surface of the upper platform to move the first member 18 The adjustable desk of claim 12 wherein
into the unlocked position and to permit movement of the upper platform defines bottom surface
the first set of arms the first handle is located underneath the upper platform
10 The adjustable desk platform of claim the locking 20 and includes first end connected to the
mechanism further comprising bottom of
surface the upper platform and second end
second member biased into locked position to immo- opposite the first
bilize the second set of arms and the second end of the first handle is
pivotable by user

second handle extending under the upper platform the about the first end of the first handle toward the bottom
second handle user-operable to move the second mem- 25
surface of the upper platform to move the first member

ber into an unlocked position to permit movement of into the unlocked position and to permit movement of
the second set of arms the set of
wherein the second handle is located underneath the upper the second handle is located underneath the upper plat
platform and includes first end pivotally connected to form and includes first end pivotally connected to the
the bottom surface of the upper platform and second bottom surface of the upper platform and second end
end opposite the first end and the second end of the opposite the first end and
second handle is pivotable by user about the first end the second end of the second handle is pivotable by user
of the second handle toward the bottom surface of the about the first end of the second handle toward the

upper platform to move the second member into the bottom surface of the upper platform to move the

unlocked position and to permit movement of the second member into the unlocked position and to

second set of arms permit movement of the second set of arms

11 The adjustable desk platform of claim 10 wherein 19 The adjustable desk platform of claim 18 wherein
the upper platform includes first and second lateral ends the upper platform includes first and second lateral ends
the first handle is located between the first set of arms and 40 the first handle is located between the first set of arms and
the first lateral end of the upper platform and the first lateral end of the upper platform and
the second handle is located between the second set of the second handle is located between the second set of
arms and the second lateral end of the upper platform arms and the second lateral end of the upper platform
12 An adjustable desk platform comprising 20 An adjustable desk platform comprising
an upper platform defining work surface 45 an upper platform defining work surface
base located beneath the upper platform the base base located beneath the platform the base
defining bottom that is adapted to sit on an existing defining bottom that is adapted to sit on an existing

desk desk
first and second sets of arms coupling the upper platform first and second sets of arms coupling the upper platform
to the base wherein the first and second sets of arms are 50 to the base wherein the first and second sets of arms are

adapted for movement of the

upper platform substan- movement of
adapted for upper platform substan

tially in parallel with the base between raised position tially in parallel with the base between raised position

and lowered position and and lowered position and

locking mechanism adapted to retain the upper platform locking mechanism adapted to retain the upper platform
in the raised position and in at least one intermediate 55 in the raised position and in at least one intermediate

position between the raised position and the lowered position between the raised position and the lowered
the mechanism the mechanism
position locking including first position locking including fust

handle extending under

upper platform and the handle extending under the platform the first
second handle extending under the upper platform the handle user-operable to permit movement of the upper
first handle and the second handle user-operable to to platform with to the base and
unlock the first and second locking mechanisms keyboard suspended below the
tray upper platform
respectively wherein
13 The adjustable desk platform of claim 12 further the upper platform defines recess having first and second
comprising lateral sides and third side substantially transverse to

first mounting bracket extending under the

upper plat- 65 the first and second lateral sides and
form wherein the first set of arms is connected to the the keyboard tray defines first and second lateral edges
first mounting bracket and the adjustable desk platform further comprising

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US 9924793 B2
15 16
support bracket extending between the upper 30 The adjustable desk platform of claim 29 further

platform and the first lateral edge of the keyboard comprising

tray and second member adapted to releasably lock the second

second support bracket extending between the upper set of arms in position with respect to the second

platform and the second lateral edge of the keyboard mounting bracket and second handle connected to

tray the lower surface of the upper platform the second

21 The adjustable desk platform of claim 20 wherein the handle user-operable to unlock the second set of arms

keyboard tray is
generally T-shaped to
permit movement of the upper platform between the

22 An adjustable desk platform comprising raised and the lowered positions

an upper platform defining substantially planar work wherein the second handle is located underneath the upper

surface and lower surface opposite the work surface platform and includes first end pivotally connected to

first and second mounting brackets extending below the the lower surface of the upper platform and second

upper platform the first and second mounting brackets end opposite the first end and the second end of the

laterally spaced apart from one another second handle is pivotable by user about the first end

base located beneath the upper platform the base of the second handle toward the lower surface of the

defining bottom that is adapted to sit on an existing upper platform to move the second member into the

desk unlocked position and to permit movement of the

first and second sets of arms connecting the base to the second set of arms
first and second mounting brackets the first and second 20 31 The adjustable desk platform of claim 30 wherein
arms adapted to move the upper platform substantially the upper platform includes first and second lateral ends
in parallel with the base between raised position and the first handle is located between the first set of arms and

lowered position and the first lateral end of the upper platform and
first member adapted to releasably lock the first set of the second handle is located between the second set of

arms in position with respect to the first mounting 25 arms and the second lateral end of the upper platform
bracket first handle connected to the lower surface of 32 An adjustable desk platform comprising
the upper platform the first handle user-operable to an upper platform defining substantially planar work

unlock the first set of arms to permit movement of the surface and lower surface opposite the work surface
upper platform between the raised and the lowered first and second mounting brackets extending below the

positions and extending between

linkage the first 30 lower surface of the upper platform the first and second

handle and the first member mounting brackets laterally spaced apart from one
23 The adjustable desk platform of claim 22 wherein the another
first member comprises an anchor resiliently biased toward base located beneath the upper platform the base having

position that locks the first set of arms into position with bottom that is adapted to sit on an existing desk
to the first
mounting bracket 35 first and second sets of arms connecting the base to the
24 The adjustable desk platform of claim 22 further first and second mounting brackets respectively the

comprising keyboard tray attached to the

upper platform first and second sets of arms adapted to move the
25 The adjustable desk platform of claim 22 further platform substantially in parallel with the base between

comprising raised position and lowered position and

first spring wherein movement of the upper platform 40 first

locking mechanism associated with the first set of
toward the fully lowered position extends the first arms and adapted to releasably lock the first set of arms

spring in position with respect to the first mounting bracket

26 The adjustable desk platform of claim 25 further the first locking mechanism comprising first member
comprising biased into position that locks the first set of arms into

second spring wherein movement of the upper platfonn 45 position and first handle mounted to the lower
toward the fully lowered position extends the second surface of the upper platform the first handle user

spring operable to unlock the first set of arms

27 The adjustable desk platform of claim 22 further 33 The adjustable desk platform of claim 32 further

comprising comprising second locking mechanism associated with the

keyboard tray suspended below the upper platform and 50 second set of arms and adapted to releasably lock the first set

first bracket extending between the keyboard tray and of arms in position with respect to the second mounting
the upper platform bracket

28 The adjustable desk platform of claim 22 further 34 The adjustable desk platform of claim 32 wherein the
comprising firstmember comprises first anchor resiliently biased

second member adapted to releasably lock the second 55 toward position that locks the first set of arms into position

set of arms in position with respect to the second with respect to the first mounting bracket

mounting bracket 35 The adjustable desk platform of claim 34 further

29 The adjustable desk platform of claim 22 wherein comprising

the first handle is located underneath the upper platform first
linkage extending between the first handle and the

and includes first end pivotally connected to the lower 60 first member
surface of the upper platform and second end oppo- 36 The adjustable desk platform of claim 32 wherein the

site the first end and first locking mechanism comprises

the second end of the first handle is

pivotable by user plurality of perforations located in the first set of arms
about the first end of the first handle toward the lower locking set fixed with respect to the upper platform the

surface of upper platform to move the first member

the 65
locking set including the first member comprising
position and to permit movement of
into the unlocked first anchor that is
adapted to selectively engage at least

the first set of arms one of the plurality of perforations and

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US 9924793 B2
17 18
linkage connecting the first anchor and the first
handle second locking mechanism adapted to releasably lock

wherein the first handle is adapted to selectively move the second set of arms in position with respect to the

the first anchor out of engagement with the at least one upper platform the second locking mechanism includ

of the plurality of perforations ing second handle located underneath the upper
37 The adjustable desk platform of claim 32 wherein the platform and second member biased into locked
first handle is located underneath the upper platform and position to immobilize the second set of arms the

includes first end pivotally connected to the lower surface second handle including first end pivotally connected
of the platform and second end the the lower surface of the
upper platform and second
upper opposite to

end and end opposite the first end

wherein the second end of the first handle is pivotable by wherein the second end of the second handle is

user about the first end of the first handle toward the by user about the first end of the second handle
lower surface of the upper platform to move the first toward the lower surface of the upper platform to move
member into the unlocked position the second member into an unlocked position to permit
38 The adjustable desk platform of claim 37 further movement of the second set of arms with to the

comprising second locking mechanism adapted to releas- upper platform

ably lock the second set of arms in position with respect to 43 The adjustable desk platform of claim 42 wherein
the second mounting bracket the second locking mechanism the upper platform includes first and second lateral ends
comprising second handle mounted to the lower surface of the first handle is located between the first set of arms and
the upper platform the second handle user-operable to 20 the first lateral end of the upper platform and
unlock the second set of arms the second handle is located between the second set of

wherein the second handle is located underneath the arms and the second lateral end of the
upper upper platform
platform and includes first end pivotally connected to 44 The adjustable desk platform of claim 40 further
the lower surface of the upper platform and second comprising keyboard tray suspended below the upper
end opposite the first end and the second end of the 25 platform
second handle is pivotable by user about the first end 45 An adjustable desk platform comprising
of the second handle toward the lower surface of the an upper platform defining work surface and lower

upper platform to move the second member into the surface opposite the work surface
unlocked position base located beneath the upper platform the base
39 The adjustable desk platform of claim
38 wherein 30 defining bottom that is adapted to sit on an existing

the upper platform includes first and second lateral ends desk
the first handle is located between the first set of arms and first and second sets of arms coupling the upper platform
the first lateral end of the upper platform and to the base wherein the first and second setsof arms are

the second handle is located between the second set of adapted for movement of the upper platform substan
arms and the second lateral end of the upper platform 35 tially in parallel with the base between raised position

40 An adjustable desk platform comprising and lowered position

an upper platform defining work surface and lower first handle located below the and
upper platform
surface opposite the work surface user-operable to move between locked position to

base located beneath the upper platform the base immobilize the first set of arms relative to the upper
defining bottom that is adapted to sit on an existing 40 platform and an unlocked position to permit movement
desk of the first set of arms relative to the upper platform
first and second sets of arms coupling the upper platform wherein the first handle is located between the first set of
to the base wherein the first and second sets of arms are arms and first edge of the upper platform and is
adapted for movement of the upper platform substan- pivotally connected to the lower surface of the
tially in parallel with the base between raised position 45 platform wherein the first handle is pivotable toward

and lowered position and the lower surface of the upper platform by user having
first locking mechanism adapted to releasably lock the thumb from first hand located on the work surface

first set of arms in position with respect to the upper and one or more fingers from the first hand located on
platform the first locking mechanism including first the first handle

handle located underneath the upper platform and first 50 46 The adjustable desk platform of claim 45 further

member biased into locked position to immobilize the comprising

first set of arms the first handle including first end second handle located below the upper platform and

pivotally connected to the lower surface of the upper user-operable to move between locked position to

platform and second end opposite the first end immobilize the second set of arms relative to the upper
wherein the second end of the first handle is pivotable by 55 platform and an unlocked position to permit movement
user about the first end of the first handle toward the of the second set of arms relative to the upper platform
lower surface of the upper platform to move the first wherein the second handle is located between the second

member into an unlocked position to permit movement set of anns and second edge of the upper platform and
of the first set of arms with respect to the upper is pivotally connected to the lower surface of the upper

platform so platform wherein the second handle is

41 The adjustable desk platform of claim 40 wherein toward the lower surface of the upper platform by
the upper platform includes first and second lateral ends user having thumb from second hand located on the

and work surface and one or more fingers from the second
the first handle is located between the first set of arms and hand located on the second handle

the first lateral end of the upper platform 65 47 The adjustable desk platform of claim 46 wherein the

42 The adjustable desk platform of claim 40 further first and second edges are located at opposite sides of the

comprising upper platform

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19 20
48 The adjustable desk platform of claim 46 wherein the

first and second handles pivot away from each other

49 The adjustable desk platform of claim 46 wherein the

first and second handles are spaced laterally from each other
50 The adjustable desk platform of claim 45 further

comprising keyboard tray suspended below the upper

platform wherein at least portion of the keyboard tray is

located laterally between side portions of the base when the

upper platform is in the lowered position


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(12 ) Flaherty
Design Patent ( 10) Patent No.: US D832 ,623 S
(45) Date of Patent: * * Nov. 6 , 2018
(54 ) DESK 3,474,743 A * 10 /1969 Blevins ................. DO5B10875/ 129
(71) Applicant: Varidesk , LLC , Coppell, TX (US) D267,374 S * 12/ 1982 Karson D6 /675
4 ,515,086 A * 5 / 1985 Kwiecinski ........ A47B 21/0314
(72 ) Inventors: Daniel G . Flaherty, Irving, TX (US); 108 / 104
D280 ,478 S * 9 /1985 Stephens .. D6 /641
David Patton , Flower Mound , TX (US ) D286 , 353 S * 10 / 1986 Robolin .. D6 /641
D288, 876 S * 3/ 1987 Goetz D6 /675
(73 ) Assignee: Varidesk , LLC , Coppell, TX (US) 4 ,781,126 A * 11/ 1988 Lochridge . ............ A47B 21/03
108 / 39
(* * ) Term : 15 Years D303 , 187 S * 9/1989 Mickelsen ................... D19/113
(Continued )
(21 ) Appl. No.: 29 /603,055
(22 ) Filed : May 5, 2017 OTHER PUBLICATIONS
Quayle Action issued Jul. 5 , 2017 in Design U .S . Appl. No.
Related U .S . Application Data 29/533, 490 .
(63) Continuation of application No. 29/512 ,926 , filed on (Continued )
Dec. 23 , 2014 , now Pat. No. Des. 785 ,989. Primary Examiner — John Windmuller
(51) LOC (11) CI. ... **.. ......................... 06 -03 Assistant Examiner — Steven J Czyz
(52) U .S . CI. (74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Venable LLP ; Michele
USPC .... ............. D6 /655 V . Frank ; Elizabeth C . Gitlin
( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
USPC ........... D6 /641 , 642, 696 , 696 . 3 , 696 .5 , 697 , (57) CLAIM
D6 /697 . 1, 698 , 704 , 705. 1 , 707 . 15 , 685 ,
D6 /686 , 655, 662, 653. 1, 653 . 14 The ornamental design for a desk , as shown and described.
CPC ........... A47B 1 /03 ; A47B 23 /002; A47B 5 /06 ; DESCRIPTION
A47B 21/00 ; A47B 1/00 ; A47B 1/ 04 ;
A47B 21 /06 ; A47B 17 /00 ; A47B 11 /00 ;
A47B 21/ 0314 ; A47B 2021/0321 FIG . 1 is a front-right perspective of a desk according to the
See application file for complete search history. claimed design shown in a lowered position ;
FIG . 2 is a front view of the desk of FIG . 1;
(56 ) References Cited FIG . 3 is a rear view of the desk of FIG . 1 ;
FIG . 4 is a left side view of the desk of FIG . 1 ;
U .S . PATENT DOCUMENTS FIG . 5 is a right side view of the desk of FIG . 1 ;
FIG . 6 is a top view of the desk of FIG . 1 ; and ,
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U . S . Patent Nov. 6, 2018 Sheet 7 of 7 US D832 ,623 S


alv ww

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Home > All Industries > Consumer Electronics > Home Audio, Video & Accessories > TV Mount (66805069) Subscribe to Trade Alert ♁ English 

VM-LD07 B-02 New arrival Sit Standing Desktop Laptop Mount Qidong Vision
FOB Reference Price: Get Latest Price Manufacturing Co.,
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US $130-150 / Pieces | 50 Piece/Pieces (Min. Order)
13 YRS CN Browsing
Manufacturer, Trading Company
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• Factory inspection reports
Payment: More • Verified production lines

Shipping: Transaction Level:

2 Transactions $ 20,000+ Ocean Shipping Service from China to U.S
Get shipping quote Response Time  24h-48h
View larger image 69%
Response Rate 

Top 3 Markets:
North America 39.30%

Add to Compare Share Domestic Market 21.40%

Oceania 9.60%

Key Company Capacity View Company Profile

Production Capacity > Research & Design > Trade Capacity >
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Employees: 201 - 300 People No.of R&D Engineer: 11 - 20 People Export Mode: Using an agent Have Own Export
Factory Size: 5,000-10,000 square meters Production Certification: 9 License VM-LD02-A3 B-02
No. of Production Lines: 7 Trademark: 1 Export Percentage: 78.60% Height adjustable sit
No. of Employees inTrade Department: 6-10 US $105 - 125 / Piece
People 50 Pieces

VM-XP601 F-06
Aluminum arms and
Product Details Company Profile Report Suspicious Activity
US $1 - 20 / Piece
50 Pieces

Aluminum Tilt Swivel
19 inch LCD TV Mount
Quick Details
US $5 - 20 / Piece
Brand Name: Vision Mounts Model Number: VM-LD07 50 Pieces
Place of Origin: Jiangsu, China (Mainland) Max load: 20kg/44lbs
Usage: work station Type: Laptop desk Electrical Vertical Sit-
Delivery time: 15-35 days MOQ: 50pcs for neutral box, 100… stand Desktop VM-
US $130 - 150 / Piece
50 Pieces
Supply Ability
Supply Ability: 100000 Piece/Pieces per Month VM-LD07T F-06 height
adjustable desk frame
US $105 - 110 / Piece
Packaging & Delivery 50 Pieces

Packaging Details neutral gift box or customer's packaging

Port Shanghai/Ningbo/Shenzhen ergonomic Height
adjustable laptop table
Lead Time : 15~35 days after the receipt of pre-payment
US $130 - 150 / Piece
50 Pieces

Features of New arrival Sit Standing Desktop Laptop Mount Corner design office
*One touch sit and stand function sit stand laptop desk

*Durable gas spring for easy adjustment US $120 - 140 / Piece

50 Pieces
*Straight height adjustment for easy use 12/11/2018
Vm-ld07 B-02 New Arrival Sit Standing Desktop Laptop Moun... Page 2 of 8
Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-7 Filed 12/12/18 Page 2 of 8 PageID 171

*Keyboard tray can be used at any comfortable position Ergonomic Desktop Sit
*Keyboard tray can be raised to the same level of desktop Stand Workstation for
US $77 - 84 / Piece
50 Pieces
Details of New arrival Sit Stand Desktop Laptop Mount
Specifications Packing information
load 20kg Neutral gift box
Qty/Carton 1pcs

Carton Size(cm) 105x67.5x23cm Contact

NW(kgs) 21kgs

GW(kgs) 25kgs

Qty/20' 153pcs Chat Now

Qty/40' 337pcs


Manager 12/11/2018
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Manager 12/11/2018
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Manager 12/11/2018
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Manager 12/11/2018
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Manager 12/11/2018
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Manager 12/11/2018
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Home > All Industries > Furniture > Commercial Furniture > Hospital Furniture > Hospital Tables (76102788) Subscribe to Trade Alert ♁

High Quality Ergonomic Height Adjustable Sit Standing Desk Riser Supplier
Desktop (JN-LD02 A1)
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50 - 171 Sets >=172 Sets
US $130.00 US $78.00 2 YRS CN

• Center
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Seller Support: Trade Assurance Transaction Level:

– To protect your orders from payment to delivery 5 Transactions

Response Time
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Payment: More
Response Rate
Shipping: Ocean Shipping Service from China to U.S Top 3 Markets:
Get shipping quote North America
Add to Compare Share Western Europe


Key Company Capacity

Production Capacity > Research & Design > Quality Control > Trade Capacity >
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Employees: 201 - 300 People No.of R&D Engineer: 21 - 30 No. of In-line QC/QA: 015 Export Mode: Have Own Export
Factory Size: 5,000-10,000 square People License
meters Production Certification: 2 Export Percentage: 95.00%
No. of Production Lines: 3 No. of Employees inTrade
Department: 6-10 People

Product Details Company Profile Report Suspicious Activity


50 Sets


Quick Details
Type: Office Furniture Specific Use: Office Desks 50
General Use: Commercial Furniture Material: Metal
Metal Type: Iron Appearance: Modern
Size: 920*560 mm Place of Origin: Jiangsu, China (Mainland)
Brand Name: JEO Model Number: JN-LD02 A1
50 Sets
Product Name: Mordern Office Height Adj… Lifting type: Gas spring
Height range: 165-415mm Load capacity: 4-15kg
Keyboard Tray load: 0-2kg Color: White/Black
Supply Ability
Supply Ability: 100000 Set/Sets per Month

Packaging & Delivery 50 Sets 12/11/2018
High Quality Ergonomic Height Adjustable Sit Standing Desk ... Page 2 of 8
Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-8 Filed 12/12/18 Page 2 of 8 PageID 179
Packaging Details JN-LD02A2 office adjustable stand up desk
Packing size:105*67.5*23 cm 2018 New Design
N.W.: 21.9 kg Height Adjustable Sit
G.W.: 24.7 kg US $80.0 - 130.0 /
40HQ Loading: 420pcs Piece
50 Pieces
Port Shanghai
Lead Time : 35-45 days after deposit

Video Description


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00:00 00:33


High Quality Ergonomic Height Adjustable Sit Standing Desk Riser Desktop (JN-
LD02 A1)

High Quality Ergonomic Height Adjustable Sit Standing Desk Riser Desktop
(JN-LD02 A1) 12/11/2018
High Quality Ergonomic Height Adjustable Sit Standing Desk ... Page 3 of 8
Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-8 Filed 12/12/18 Page 3 of 8 PageID 180

*Weight for this desk is 25 kg, performs good in stability and adjustment
compared with other products (15 kgs) in market.
*Material for desk leg is cold-rolled steel, the sturdy structure with no wiggling
when height adjusted.
*Innovative one touch height lock mechanism
*Double gas spring provides smooth height adjustment, easily and smoothly for
a girl to operate.
*Space well management both above and under the desktop Supplier

*Size: S/M/L available

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*Both Gas spring / Electric version available



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Modern Office Height Adjustable Sit Standing Desk Riser (JN-LD02 A2) Manager


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Nantong Jon Ergonomic Office


Nantong Jon Ergonomic Office corporation, is a main manufacturer specialized

in designing and producing a comprehensive line of ergonomic sit stand desks, Trade
standing desks, adjustable table,monitor mounts, TV brackets, TV carts, etc for
applications in home or office. Dedicate to providing integrated office system.

Why Jon Ergonomic Office corporation?

* The direct-to-factory business model offers dual benefits of increased margin
and reduced lead time of a factory.
* We have a 40-persons R&D team, including engineers in Consumer
Electronics and ergonomic furniture fields. To support our customers, we
develop and launch more than 50 new models annually, keeping them having
strong competitive capability & always at the forefront of the market trends.
* We have implemented the total quality assurance system from raw material
inspection, production processing control, to final inspection and packing. We
are committed to delivering the highest quality products that are easy to install
and maintain with a competitive cost saving solutions. Benefits from
guaranteed quality: Old customer retention rate-90%.
* Supermatic workshop and over 330 workers which ensure the lead time about
35-45 days.
* Support OEM/ODM & Customized.
Modern Office Height Adjustable Sit Standing Desk Riser (JN-LD02 A2) 12/11/2018
High Quality Ergonomic Height Adjustable Sit Standing Desk ... Page 6 of 8
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Manager 12/11/2018
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Q1. Can I have a sample order?

A: Yes, we welcome sample order to test and check quality. Mixed samples are Supplier
Chat Now
Q2. What about the lead time of office adjustable stand up desk?
A:Sample needs 3-5 days, mass production time needs 35-45 days

Q3. Do you have any MOQ limit for office adjustable stand up desk order?
A: Low MOQ, but we will take $250 operation charge for order amount under Message
$5000 (except sample order)
Q4. How do you ship the goods and how long does it take to arrive? Manager

A: We usually ship by DHL, UPS, FedEx or TNT. It usually takes 3-5 days to arrive.
Airline and sea shipping also optional.


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JEO Computer Acces… JEO 2017 LD08E Ger… Fashion Gas Spring Si… SD02 Ergonomic anti
US $68.9 - 75.8 / Pie… US $80 - 130 / Piece US $72.0 - 120.0 / Pi… US $85.0 - 130.0 / Set
50 Pieces 50 Pieces 50 Pieces 50 Sets

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Home > All Industries > Furniture > Commercial Furniture > Office Furniture > Office Desks (69377316) Subscribe to Trade Alert ♁

Height-Adjustable Custom-Made Standing Work Tables Up Sit Stand Supplier
Desks Converter Standup Workstation Fits Big Monitors 36" Wide

FOB Reference Price: Get Latest Price 10 YRS CN Messages

US $70-110 / Pieces | 1 Piece/Pieces (Min. Order)

Gold Supplier
Trade Assurance
Size: Custom Made
Onsite Check Message
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24 Transactions
Response Time Manager
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Seller Support: Trade Assurance

– To protect your orders from payment to delivery
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Payment: More

Shipping: You May Like Ocean Shipping Service from China to U.S

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1 Piece

Key Company Capacity

Production Capacity > Research & Design > Trade Capacity > 20

Employees: 101 - 200 People No.of R&D Engineer: 5 - 10 People Export Mode: Have Own Export License
Factory Size: 10,000-30,000 square meters Production Certification: 3 Export Percentage: 91% - 100%
No. of Production Lines: 3 Patent: 1 No. of Employees inTrade Department: 11-20
Trademark: 1 People
1 Piece

Product Details Company Profile Report Suspicious Activity

Similar Products Product Description Packaging Certifications Company Information Exhibition Our Services 1 Piece

FAQ --computer desk

1 Piece


Quick Details
Type: Office Furniture Specific Use: Office Desks 1 Piece
General Use: Commercial Furniture Material: MDF & STEEL, MDF,steel,G…
Appearance: Modern Place of Origin: Zhejiang, China (Mainland)
Brand Name: OEM Model Number: MF-007B
Item Name: Height-Adjustable Work Ta… Color: Black
1 Piece
Usage: office/Home/schlool Product size: 36.2*22*6.5-16.3inches
Brown Box: 40*25.20*10inches Package: Brwon Box
Use: Universal HS CODE: 9403100000

Supply Ability
Supply Ability: 100000 Piece/Pieces per Month

Packaging & Delivery 12/11/2018
Height-Adjustable Custom-Made Standing Work Tables Up Sit ... Page 2 of 9
Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-9 Filed 12/12/18 Page 2 of 9 PageID 187
Packaging Details Height-Adjustable Custom-Made Standing Work Tables Up Sit Stand Desks Converter Standup Workstation Fits Big Monitors 36" Wide
*Brown Package for each one
*Pcs/Carton: 1PCS.
*Brown box :40*25.20*10inches ,53/48lbs



The product with a larger work-surface and higher weight capacity to more easily accommodate
your work set-up. The freestanding mount is compatible with almost any fixed-height desk, and the Message
smooth gas spring adjustment allows you to quickly go from sitting to standing, enjoying all the
health and productivity benefits of changing positions throughout the day. Trade
Similar Products

More Items of similar product:

If you are interested in any belowing items,pls mention MODEL NUMBER in your enquiry or you
can click the picture to realize more

Product Description

Height-Adjustable Standing Work Tables Up Sit Stand Desks

Converter Standup Workstation Fits Big Monitors 36" Wide

Product size:36.20*22*6.5-16inches
Material:Steel +MDF + Gas spring
Holds monitor screen size up to 30”
Weight load: 8.8-33lbs(4-15kgs), keyboard load:4.4lbs(2kgs|)
8height adjustment 12/11/2018
Height-Adjustable Custom-Made Standing Work Tables Up Sit ... Page 3 of 9
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Manager 12/11/2018
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1, Sit and stand using experience
2, Sturdy structure with no wiggling when height adjusted and used
3, Durable double gas spring provides smooth height adjustment
4, Innovative one touch height lock mechanism
5, Can be used as monitor riser at lowest position
6, Space well management both above and under the desktop 12/11/2018
Height-Adjustable Custom-Made Standing Work Tables Up Sit ... Page 5 of 9
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Certifications 12/11/2018
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Company Information 12/11/2018
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Exhibition 12/11/2018
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Our Services

Should you have any question or concern, please feel free to contact us in 24hours :

FAQ --computer desk

Q1: Is there any patent issue on this product ?

A1.: This product don't have patent issue ,you can sell in United States ,Europe,Canada,south America
and son on .
Q2. Is the package fit for sell by e-commerce?
A2 : Yes ,large foam inside and 5plyers master carton

Q3: Can I get an sample to test? how long it will takes?

A3: Yes, samples preparing for this sit to stand desk needs 3 days and the delievery time is 5-7days.So
totally is 8-10 days.
Q4. Can I put my company logo and model number on package?
A4: Of course you can.
Usual package is Brown Box without logo.
Offering carton with customized LOGO for free if the Quantity more than50 pcs.
Q5: Can I change the size/material as i prefer?
A5: Yes, Size and material can be changed as required 12/11/2018
Height-Adjustable Custom-Made Standing Work Tables Up Sit ... Page 9 of 9
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Q6: Are you a manufacturer or a trading company?

A6: We are a manufacturer.
Q7: Payment?
A7: 30%deposit,the rest against BL copy.
Q8:Date of delivery for mass order?
A8: 35days after receipt the pre-payment.

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Desk Height Adjustable
Qty: 1
Sit Stand Up Desk Riser
Stand Fits Dual Monitors
Adjustable Standing Desk
Converter Topper Black
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Color: 1 Sets 36'' X 31''
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• SIT TO STAND - Adjustable

workstation allows you to find that
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Sita Office's gas spring hovering
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standing with just a light squeeze of
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having to always look up or look
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Product description
Color:1 Sets 36'' X 31''

OFFICE PRODUCT SUPPLIER- SITA-OFFICE is a professional office product supplier, has been supplying
many top 500 companies in Europe and America for more than 20 years
Desktop length: 36 inches
Desktop width: 31 inches
Keyboard desktop length: 36inches
Keyboard desktop width: 13 inches
Desktop adjustment:From 6 inches (Min height) to 20 inches (Max height)
Desktop weight: 51.4 lbs
Desktop maximum load: 45 lbs

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Color:1 Sets 36'' X 31''

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Item Weight 58.2 pounds Customer Reviews Be the first to review this item
0.0 out of 5 stars
Package Dimensions 39.8 x 27.9 x 8.7 inches
Best Sellers Rank #159,902 in Office Products (See
Item model number 0P0031 top 100)
#216 in Office Products > Office
Color 1 Sets 36'' X 31'' Furniture & Accessories > Desks
& Workstations > Desks > Office
Manufacturer Part Number 0P002900-17-00

Shipping Weight 58.2 pounds (View shipping rates

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Date First Available July 12, 2018

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Item Dimensions — 31.5 x 17.7 x 23.6 in 35.63 x 16.93 x 16.14 in 31.5 x 20.48 x 6.7 in

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Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-13 Filed 12/12/18 Page 1 of 4 PageID 209

U.S. Patent No. 9,113,703

Claim ‘703 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

1 An adjustable desk platform Each Accused Product is a height adjustable desk platform.

1[a] an upper platform defining a first Each Accused Product includes an upper platform defining a
substantially planar work surface, first substantially planar work surface, and a lower surface
and a lower surface opposite the opposite the work surface.
work surface;

1[b] first and second lower mounting Each Accused Product includes first and second lower
brackets extending below the upper mounting brackets extending below the upper platform, the
platform, the first and second lower first and second lower mounting brackets laterally spaced
mounting brackets laterally spaced apart from one another.
apart from one another;

Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-13 Filed 12/12/18 Page 2 of 4 PageID 210

Claim ‘703 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

1[c] a base located beneath the upper Each Accused Product includes a base located beneath the
platform, the base defining a bottom upper platform, the base defining a bottom surface without
surface without legs that is adapted legs that is adapted to sit on an existing desk.
to sit on an existing desk;

1[d] first and second upper mounting Each Accused Product includes first and second upper
brackets extending upward from the mounting brackets extending upward from the base, the first
base, the first and second upper and second upper mounting brackets laterally spaced apart
mounting brackets laterally spaced from one another.
apart from one another;

Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-13 Filed 12/12/18 Page 3 of 4 PageID 211

Claim ‘703 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

1[e] first and second sets of arms Each Accused Product includes first and second sets of arms
connecting the first and second lower connecting the first and second lower mounting brackets to
mounting brackets to the first and the first and second upper mounting brackets, respectively,
second upper mounting brackets, the first and second sets of arms adapted to move the upper
respectively, the first and second platform substantially in parallel with the base between a fully
sets of arms adapted to move the raised position and a fully lowered position.
upper platform substantially in
parallel with the base between a fully
raised position and a fully lowered
position; and

Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-13 Filed 12/12/18 Page 4 of 4 PageID 212

Claim ‘703 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

1[f] a first locking mechanism associated Each Accused Product includes a first locking mechanism
with the first set of arms, the first associated with the first set of arms, the first locking
locking mechanism comprising a mechanism comprising a first anchor coupled to the first
first anchor coupled to the first lower lower mounting bracket, the first anchor adapted to releasably
mounting bracket, the first anchor lock the first set of arms in position with respect to the first
adapted to releasably lock the first lower mounting bracket, and a first handle connected to the
set of arms in position with respect lower surface of the upper platform, the first handle user-
to the first lower mounting bracket, operable to unlock the first set of arms to permit movement of
and a first handle connected to the the upper platform between the fully raised and the fully
lower surface of the upper platform, lowered positions.
the first handle user-operable to
unlock the first set of arms to permit
movement of the upper platform
between the fully raised and the fully
lowered positions.

Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-14 Filed 12/12/18 Page 1 of 4 PageID 213

U.S. Patent No. 9,277,809

Claim ‘809 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

22 An adjustable desk platform Each Accused Product is a height adjustable desk platform.

22[a] an upper platform defining a Each Accused Product includes an upper platform defining a
substantially planar work substantially planar work surface, and a lower surface
surface, and a lower surface opposite the work surface.
opposite the work surface;

22[b] first and second mounting Each Accused Product includes first and second mounting
brackets extending below the brackets extending below the lower surface of the upper
lower surface of the upper platform, the first and second mounting brackets laterally
platform, the first and second spaced apart from one another.
mounting brackets laterally
spaced apart from one another;

Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-14 Filed 12/12/18 Page 2 of 4 PageID 214

Claim ‘809 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

22[c] a base located beneath the Each Accused Product includes a base located beneath the
upper platform, the base upper platform, the base having a bottom that is adapted to
having a bottom that is sit on an existing desk.
adapted to sit on an existing

22[d] first and second sets of arms Each Accused Product includes first and second sets of arms
connecting the base to the first connecting the base to the first and second mounting
and second mounting brackets, brackets, respectively, the first and second sets of arms
respectively, the first and adapted to move the upper platform substantially in parallel
second sets of arms adapted to
move the upper platform
substantially in parallel with the

Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-14 Filed 12/12/18 Page 3 of 4 PageID 215

Claim ‘809 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

base between a raised position with the base between a raised position and a lowered
and a lowered position; and position.

22[e] a first locking mechanism Each Accused Product includes a first locking mechanism
associated with the first set of associated with the first set of arms, the first locking
arms, the first locking mechanism comprising a first anchor coupled to the first
mechanism comprising a first mounting bracket, the first anchor adapted to releasably lock
anchor coupled to the first the first set of arms in position with respect to the first
mounting bracket, the first mounting bracket, and a first handle mounted to the lower
anchor adapted to releasably surface of the upper platform, the first handle user-operable
lock the first set of arms in to unlock the first set of arms.
position with respect to the first
mounting bracket, and a first

Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-14 Filed 12/12/18 Page 4 of 4 PageID 216

Claim ‘809 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

handle mounted to the lower

surface of the upper platform,
the first handle user-operable
to unlock the first set of arms.

Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-15 Filed 12/12/18 Page 1 of 4 PageID 217

U.S. Patent No. 9,554,644

Claim ‘644 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

33 An adjustable desk platform Each Accused Product is a height adjustable desk platform.

33[a] an upper platform defining a work Each Accused Product includes an upper platform defining a
surface; work surface.

33[b] a base located beneath the upper Each Accused Product includes a base located beneath the
platform, the base defining a upper platform, the base defining a bottom that is adapted to
bottom that is adapted to sit on an sit on an existing desk.
existing desk;

Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-15 Filed 12/12/18 Page 2 of 4 PageID 218

Claim ‘644 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

33[c] first and second sets of arms Each Accused Product includes first and second sets of arms
coupling the upper platform to the coupling the upper platform to the base, wherein the first and
base, wherein the first and second second sets of arms are adapted for movement of the upper
sets of arms are adapted for platform substantially in parallel with the base between a raised
movement of the upper platform position and a lowered position.
substantially in parallel with the
base between a raised position
and a lowered position;

Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-15 Filed 12/12/18 Page 3 of 4 PageID 219

Claim ‘644 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

33[d] a locking mechanism adapted to Each Accused Product includes a locking mechanism adapted to
retain the upper platform in the retain the upper platform in the raised position and in at least
raised position and in at least one one intermediate position between the raised position and the
intermediate position between the lowered position, the locking mechanism including first and
raised position and the lowered second handles extending below the upper platform, the first
position, the locking mechanism and second handles user-operable to permit movement of the
including first and second handles upper platform with respect to the base.
extending below the upper
platform, the first and second
handles user-operable to permit
movement of the upper platform
with respect to the base.

Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-15 Filed 12/12/18 Page 4 of 4 PageID 220

Claim ‘644 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-16 Filed 12/12/18 Page 1 of 3 PageID 221

U.S. Patent No. 9,924,793

Claim ‘793 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

45 An adjustable desk platform Each Accused Product is an adjustable desk platform.


45[a] an upper platform defining a work Each Accused Product includes an upper platform defining a
surface and a lower surface work surface and a lower surface opposite the work surface.
opposite the work surface;

45[b] a base located beneath the upper Each Accused Product includes a base located beneath the
platform, the base defining a upper platform, the base defining a bottom that is adapted to
bottom that is adapted to sit on an sit on an existing desk.
existing desk;

Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-16 Filed 12/12/18 Page 2 of 3 PageID 222

Claim ‘793 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

45[c] first and second sets of arms Each Accused Product includes first and second sets of arms
coupling the upper platform to the coupling the upper platform to the base, wherein the first and
base, wherein the first and second second sets of arms are adapted for movement of the upper
sets of arms are adapted for platform substantially in parallel with the base between a raised
movement of the upper platform position and a lowered position.
substantially in parallel with the
base between a raised position
and a lowered position;

45[d] a first handle located below the Each Accused Product includes a first handle located below the
upper platform and user-operable upper platform and user-operable to move between a locked
to move between a locked position position to immobilize the first set of arms relative to the upper
to immobilize the first set of arms platform and an unlocked position to permit movement of the
relative to the upper platform and first set of arms relative to the upper platform.
an unlocked position to permit
movement of the first set of arms
relative to the upper platform,

Case 3:18-cv-03263-B Document 1-16 Filed 12/12/18 Page 3 of 3 PageID 223

Claim ‘793 Patent Claim Text Representative Product: VM-LD07

45[e] wherein the first handle is located Each Accused Product includes wherein the first handle is
between the first set of arms and a located between the first set of arms and a first edge of the
first edge of the upper platform upper platform and is pivotally connected to the lower surface
and is pivotally connected to the of the upper platform, wherein the first handle is pivotable
lower surface of the upper toward the lower surface of the upper platform by a user having
platform, wherein the first handle a thumb from a first hand located on the work surface and one
is pivotable toward the lower or more fingers from the first hand located on the first handle.
surface of the upper platform by a
user having a thumb from a first
hand located on the work surface
and one or more fingers from the
first hand located on the first

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