CSWIP 3.0 - Visual Welding Inspector 2015

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0 – Visual Welding Inspector

Level 1

Training and Examination Services

Granta Park, Great Abington
Cambridge CB21 6AL
United Kingdom
Copyright © TWI Ltd
CSWIP 3.0 – Visual Welding Inspector –
Level 1

Section Subject

1 Terms and Definitions

Types of weld
Types of joints (see BS EN ISO 15607)
Weld preparation
Size of butt welds
Fillet weld
Welding position, weld slope and weld rotation
2 Visual Inspection and Typical Duties of a Welding Inspector
3 Welding Imperfections
Solid inclusions
Lack of fusion and penetration
Imperfect shape and dimensions
Miscellaneous imperfections
Acceptance standards
4 Practical Visual Inspection
Good eyesight
5 Basic Introduction to Welding Processes
Welding parameters
Manual metal arc welding
Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding
Metal inert gas/metal active gas (MIG/MAG) welding
Submerged arc welding (SAW)
6 Materials Inspection
Material types and weldability
Material traceability
Material condition and dimensions
7 Welding Consumables
Cellulosic electrodes
Rutile electrodes
Classification of electrodes
TIG filler wires
MIG/MAG filler wires
SAW filler wires

Contents Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
8 Non-Destructive Examination of Welds – Appreciation of the
Common Methods
Radiographic methods
Ultrasonic methods
Ultrasonic testing vs radiography
Magnetic particle testing
Dye penetrant testing
Magnetic particle vs dye penetrant testing
9 Welding Procedure Qualification and Welder Qualification
Qualified welding procedure specifications
Relationships between a WPQR and a WPS
Welder qualification
10 Application and Control of Preheat
Application of preheat
Control of preheat and interpass temperature
Temperature indicating/measuring equipment
11 Arc Welding Safety
Electric shock
Heat and light
Fumes and gases
12 Weld Repairs
Production repairs
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Appendix 4

Contents Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Section 1

Terms and Definitions

1 Terms and Definitions
The following definitions are taken from BS 499-1: Welding terms and symbols
– Glossary for welding, brazing and thermal cutting.

Operation in which two or more parts are united by means of heat or pressure
or both, in such a way that there is continuity in the nature of the metal
between these parts.

Process of joining generally applied to metals in which, during or after heating,
molten filler metal is drawn into or retained in the space between closely
adjacent surfaces of the parts to be joined by capillary attraction. In general,
the melting point of the filler metal is above 450C but always below the
melting temperature of the parent material.

Braze welding
Joining of metals using a technique similar to fusion welding and a filler metal
with a lower melting point than the parent metal, but neither using capillary
action as in brazing nor intentionally melting the parent metal.

Union of pieces of metal made by welding.

Connection where the individual components, suitably prepared and assembled,
are joined by welding or brazing.

Terms and Definitions 1-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Table 1.1 Joint types, sketches and definitions.

Type of Sketch Definition

Butt joint A connection between the ends or
edges of two parts making an angle to
one another of 135-180 inclusive in
the region of the joint.
T joint A connection between the end or edge
of one part and the face of the other
part, the parts making an angle to one
another of more than 5 up to and
including 90 in the region of the joint.

Corner A connection between the ends or

joint edges of two parts making an angle to
one another of more than 30 but less
than 135 in the region of the joint.

Edge joint A connection between the edges of two

parts making an angle to one another
of 0-30 inclusive in the region of the

Cruciform A connection in which two flat plates or

joint two bars are welded to another flat
plate at right angles and on the same

Lap joint A connection between two overlapping

parts making an angle to one another
of 0-5 inclusive in the region of the
weld or welds.

Terms and Definitions 1-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
1.1 Types of weld
1.1.1 From configuration point of view

Figure 1.1 Butt weld. Figure 1.2 Fillet weld.

In a butt joint

Butt weld In a T joint

In a corner joint

Figure 1.3 Configurations of a butt weld.

Autogenous weld
Fusion weld made without filler metal, can be achieved by TIG, plasma electron
beam, laser or oxy-fuel gas welding.

Slot weld
Joint between two overlapping components made by depositing a fillet weld
round the periphery of a hole in one component so as to join it to the surface of
the other component exposed through the hole.

Figure 1.4 Slot weld.

Terms and Definitions 1-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Plug weld
Weld made by filling a hole in one component of a workpiece with filler metal so
as to join it to the surface of an overlapping component exposed through the
hole (the hole can be circular or oval).

Figure 1.5 A plug weld.

1.1.2 From the penetration point of view

Full penetration weld
Welded joint where the weld metal fully penetrates the joint with complete root
fusion. In US the preferred term is complete joint penetration weld or CJP for
short (see AWS D1.1.)

Figure 1.6 A Full penetration weld.

Partial penetration weld

Welded joint without full penetration. In the US the preferred term is partial
joint penetration weld or PJP for short.

Figure 1.7 A partial penetration weld.

1.2 Types of joints (see BS EN ISO 15607)

Weld metal and parent material have no significant differences in mechanical
properties and/or chemical composition. Example: Two carbon steel plates
welded with a matching carbon steel electrode.

Weld metal and parent material have significant differences in mechanical
properties and/or chemical composition. Example: Repair weld of a cast iron
item performed with a nickel based electrode.

Terms and Definitions 1-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Parent materials have significant differences in mechanical properties and/or
chemical composition. Example: Carbon steel lifting lug welded onto an
austenitic stainless steel pressure vessel.

1.2.1 Features of the completed weld

 Parent metal
Metal to be joined or surfaced by welding, braze welding or brazing.

 Filler metal
Metal added during welding; braze welding, brazing or surfacing.

 Weld metal
All metal melted during the making of a weld and retained in the weld.

 Heat affected zone (HAZ)

The part of the parent metal that is metallurgically affected by the heat of
welding or thermal cutting, but not melted.

 Fusion line
Boundary between the weld metal and the HAZ in a fusion weld. Non-
standard term for weld junction.

 Weld zone
Zone containing the weld metal and the HAZ.

 Weld face
Surface of a fusion weld exposed on the side from which the weld has been

 Root
Zone on the side of the first run furthest from the welder.

 Toe
Boundary between a weld face and the parent metal or between runs. This
is a very important feature of a weld since toes are points of high stress
concentration and often they are initiation points for different types of
cracks (eg fatigue cracks, cold cracks). In order to reduce the stress
concentration, toes must blend smoothly into the parent metal surface.

 Excess weld metal

Weld metal lying outside the plane joining the toes. Other non-standard
terms for this feature: reinforcement, overfill.

Terms and Definitions 1-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Parent metal

Excess weld
metal Weld

Fusion line

Weld face

Figure 1.8 Labelled features of a fillet weld.

1.3 Weld preparation

Preparation for making a connection where the individual components, suitably
prepared and assembled, are joined by welding or brazing.

1.3.1 Features of the weld preparation

Angle of bevel
Angle at which the edge of a component is prepared for making a weld. In the
case of a V preparation for a MMA weld on carbon steel plates, this angle is
between 60-70°. In the case of a U preparation for a MMA weld on carbon steel
plates, this angle is between 8-12°.

In case of a single bevel preparation for a MMA weld on carbon steel plates, this
angle is between 30-35°. In the case of a single J preparation for a MMA weld
on carbon steel plates, this angle is between 10-20°.

Included angle
Angle between the planes of the fusion faces of parts to be welded. In case of
single V, single U, double V and double U this angle is twice the bevel angle. In
case of single bevel, single J, double bevel and double J, the included angle is
equal to the bevel angle.

Root face
Portion of a fusion face at the root that is not bevelled or grooved. Its value
depends on the welding process used, parent material to be welded and
application; for a full penetration weld on carbon steel plates, it has a value
between 1-2mm (for the common welding processes).

Minimum distance at any cross section between edges ends or surfaces to be
joined. Its value depends on the welding process used and application; for a full
penetration weld on carbon steel plates, it has a value between 1-4mm.

Terms and Definitions 1-6 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Root radius
The radius of the curved portion of the fusion face in a component prepared for
a single J, single U, double J or double U weld. In case of MMA, MIG/MAG and
oxy-fuel gas welding on carbon steel plates, the root radius has a value of 6mm
for single and double U preparations and 8mm for single and double J

The straight portion of a fusion face between the root face and the curved part
of a J or U preparation can be 0. Usually present in weld preparations for MIG
welding of aluminium alloys.

1.3.2 Types of preparation

Open square butt preparation
This preparation is used for welding thin components, either from one or both
sides. If the root gap is zero (ie if components are in contact), this preparation
becomes a closed square butt preparation (not recommended due to the lack of
penetration problems)!

Figure 1.9 Open square butt preparation.

Single V preparation
The V preparation is one of the most common preparations used in welding; it
can be produced using flame or plasma cutting (cheap and fast). For thicker
plates a double V preparation is preferred since it requires less filler material to
complete the joint and the residual stresses can be balanced on both sides of
the joint resulting in lower angular distortion.

Included angle

Angle of

Root face

Root gap

Figure 1.10 Single V preparation.

Terms and Definitions 1-7 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Double V preparation
The depth of preparation can be the same on both sides (symmetric double V
preparation) or the depth of preparation can be deeper on one side compared
with the opposite side (asymmetric double V preparation).

Usually, in this situation the depth of preparation is distributed as 2/3 of the

thickness of the plate on the first side with the remaining 1/3 on the backside.
This asymmetric preparation allows for a balanced welding sequence with root
back gouging, giving lower angular distortions.

Whilst single V preparation allows welding from one side, double V preparation
requires access to both sides (the same applies for all double side

Figure 1.11 Symmetric double V preparation.

Single U preparation
U preparation can be produced only by machining (slow and expensive).
However, tighter tolerances obtained in this case provide for a better fit-up than
in the case of V preparations.

Usually it is applied for thicker plates compared with single V preparation

(requires less filler material to complete the joint and this leads to lower
residual stresses and distortions).

Included angle

Angle of


Root face

Root gap


Figure 1.12 Single U preparation.

Terms and Definitions 1-8 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Similar to the V preparation, in the case of very thick sections a double U
preparation can be used.

Figure 1.13 Double U preparation.

Single V preparation with backing strip

Backing strips allow the production of full penetration welds with increased
current and hence increased deposition rates/productivity without the danger of
burn-through. Backing strips can be permanent or temporary.

Permanent types are of the same material being joined and are tack welded in
place. The main problems related with this type of weld are poor fatigue
resistance and the probability of crevice corrosion between the parent metal
and the backing strip.

It is also difficult to examine by NDT due to the built-in crevice at the root of
the joint. Temporary types include copper strips, ceramic tiles and fluxes.

Figure 1.14 Single V preparation with backing strip.

Terms and Definitions 1-9 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 1.15 Single bevel preparation.

Figure 1.16 Double bevel preparation.

Figure 1.17 Single J preparation.

Figure 1.18 Double J preparation.

Terms and Definitions 1-10 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
All these preparations (single/double bevel and single/double J) can be used on
T joints as well. Double preparations are recommended in the case of thick
sections. The main advantage of these preparations is that only one component
is prepared (cheap, can allow for small misalignments).

For further details regarding weld preparations, please refer to Standard BS EN

ISO 9692.

1.4 Size of butt welds

Actual throat Design throat

thickness thickness

Figure 1.19 Full penetration butt weld.

Actual throat Design throat

thickness thickness

Figure 1.20 Partial penetration butt weld.

As a general rule:

Actual throat thickness = design throat thickness + excess weld metal.

Actual throat thickness =

design throat thickness

Figure 1.21 Full penetration butt weld ground flush.

Design throat
Actual throat thickness = maximum thickness =
thickness through the joint thickness of the
thinner plate

Figure 1.22 Butt weld between two plates of different thickness.

Terms and Definitions 1-11 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Run (pass): metal melted or deposited during one passage of an electrode,
torch or blowpipe.

Figure 1.23 Single run weld. Figure 1.24 Multi run weld.

Stratum of weld metal consisting of one or more runs.

Types of butt weld (from accessibility point of view)

Figure 1.25 Single side weld. Figure 1.26 Double side weld.

1.5 Fillet weld

Fusion weld, other than butt, edge or fusion spot weld, which is approximately
triangular in transverse cross section.

1.5.1 Size of fillet welds

Unlike butt welds, fillet welds can be defined using several dimensions:

 Actual throat thickness

Perpendicular distance between two lines, each parallel to a line joining the
outer toes, one being a tangent at the weld face and the other being
through the furthermost point of fusion penetration.

 Design throat thickness

Minimum dimension of throat thickness used for purposes of design. Also
known as effective throat thickness. Symbolised on the drawing with a.

 Leg length
Distance from the actual or projected intersection of the fusion faces and
the toe of a fillet weld, measured across the fusion face. Symbolised on the
drawing with z.

Terms and Definitions 1-12 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Actual throat


Leg length

Design throat

Figure 1.27 Fillet weld.

1.5.2 Shape of fillet welds

Mitre fillet weld: Flat face fillet weld in which the leg lengths are equal within
the agreed tolerance. The cross section area of this type of weld is considered
to be a right angle isosceles triangle with a design throat thickness a and leg
length z. The relation between design throat thickness and leg length is:

a = 0.707  z. or z = 1.41  a.

Figure 1.28 Mitre fillet weld.

Convex fillet weld

Fillet weld in which the weld face is convex. The above relation between the leg
length and the design throat thickness written for mitre fillet welds is also valid
for this type of weld. Since there is an excess weld metal present in this case,
the actual throat thickness is bigger than the design throat thickness.

Terms and Definitions 1-13 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 1.29 Convex fillet weld.

Concave fillet weld

Fillet weld in which the weld face is concave. The relation between the leg
length and the design throat thickness specified for mitre fillet welds is not valid
for this type of weld. Also, the design throat thickness is equal to the actual
throat thickness.

Due to the smooth blending between the weld face and the surrounding parent
material, the stress concentration effect at the toes of the weld is reduced
compared with the previous type. This is why this type of weld is highly desired
in case of applications subjected to cyclic loads where fatigue phenomena might
be a major cause for failure.

Figure 1.30 Concave fillet weld.

Asymmetrical fillet weld

Fillet weld in which the vertical leg length is not equal to the horizontal leg
length. The relation between the leg length and the design throat thickness is
no longer valid for this type of weld because the cross section is not an
isosceles triangle.
Horizontal leg

Vertical leg

Throat size

Figure 1.31 Asymmetrical fillet weld.

Terms and Definitions 1-14 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Deep penetration fillet weld
Fillet weld with a deeper than normal penetration. It is produced using high
heat input welding processes (ie SAW or MAG with spray transfer). This type of
weld uses the benefits of greater arc penetration to obtain the required throat
thickness whilst reducing the amount of deposited metal needed, thus leading
to a reduction in residual stress level.

In order to produce a consistent and constant penetration, the travel speed

must be kept constant, at a high value. As a consequence, this type of weld is
usually produced using mechanised or automatic welding processes. Also, the
high depth-to-width ratio increases the probability of solidification centreline
cracking. In order to differentiate this type of weld from the previous types, the
throat thickness is symbolised with s instead of ‘a’.

Figure 1.32 Deep penetration fillet weld.

1.5.3 Compound of butt and fillet welds

Combination of butt and fillet welds used for T joints with full or partial
penetration or butt joints between two plates with different thickness. Fillet
welds added on top of the groove welds improve the blending of weld face
towards parent metal surface and reduce the stress concentration at the toes of
the weld.

Butt weld
Fillet weld

Figure 1.33 Double bevel compound weld.

1.6 Welding position, weld slope and weld rotation

Welding position
Orientation of a weld expressed in terms of working position, weld slope and
weld rotation (for further details, see ISO 6947).

Weld slope
Angle between root line and the positive X axis of the horizontal reference
plane, measured in mathematically positive direction (ie counter-clockwise).

Terms and Definitions 1-15 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Table 1.2 Welding position, sketches and definition.

Welding Sketch Definition

Flat A welding position in which the
welding is horizontal, with the
centreline of the weld vertical.
Symbol according to ISO 6947
– PA.

Horizontal- A welding position in which the

vertical welding is horizontal (applicable
in case of fillet welds). Symbol
according to ISO 6947 – PB.

Horizontal A welding position in which the

welding is horizontal, with the
centreline of the weld
horizontal. Symbol according
ISO 6947 – PC.

Vertical up A welding position in which the

welding is upwards. Symbol
according to ISO 6947 – PF.

Vertical down A welding position in which the

welding is downwards. Symbol
PG according to ISO 6947 – PG.


Overhead A welding position in which the

welding is horizontal and
overhead (applicable in case of
fillet welds). Symbol according
to ISO 6947 – PE.
Horizontal- A welding position in which the
overhead welding is horizontal and
overhead, with the centreline of
the weld vertical. Symbol
according to ISO 6947 – PD.

Terms and Definitions 1-16 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 1.35 Tolerances for the welding positions.

1.7 Weaving
This is transverse oscillation of an electrode or blowpipe nozzle during the
deposition of weld metal, generally used in vertical up welds.

Figure 1.36 Weaving.

Stringer bead
Run of weld metal made with little or no weaving motion.

Figure 1.37 Stringer bead.

Terms and Definitions 1-17 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Section 2

Visual Inspection and Typical Duties

of a Welding Inspector
2 Visual Inspection and Typical Duties of a Welding Inspector
2.1 General
Welding Inspectors are employed to assist with the quality control (QC)
activities necessary to ensure that welded items will meet specified
requirements and be fit for their application.

For employers to have confidence in their work, Welding Inspectors need to

have the ability to understand/interpret the various QC procedures and also
have sound knowledge of welding technology.

Visual inspection is one of the non–destructive examination (NDE) disciplines

and for some applications may be the only form of NDE.

For more demanding service conditions, visual inspection is usually followed by

one or more of the other non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques – surface
crack detection and volumetric inspection of butt welds.

Application standards/codes usually specify (or refer to other standards) the

acceptance criteria for weld inspection and may be very specific about the
particular techniques to be used for surface crack detection and volumetric
inspection, they do not usually give any guidance about basic requirements for
visual inspection.

Guidance and basic requirements for visual inspection are given by:

BS EN 17637 (Non-destructive Examination of Fusion Welds – Visual

2.1.1 Basic requirements for visual inspection (to BS EN 17637)
BS EN 17637 provides the following:

 Requirements for welding inspection personnel.

 Recommendations about conditions suitable for visual examination.
 Use of gauges/inspection aids that may be needed/helpful for inspection.
 Guidance about when inspection may be required during the stages of
 Guidance about information that may need to be included in the inspection

A summary of each of these topics is given in the following sections.

2.1.2 Welding inspection personnel

Before starting work on a particular contract, BS EN 17637 states that Welding
Inspectors should:

 Be familiar with relevant standards*, rules and specifications for the

fabrication work that is to be undertaken.
 Be informed about the welding procedure(s) to be used.
 Have good vision – in accordance with EN ISO 97R and should be checked
every 12 months.

(*Standards may be national or client.)

Visual Inspection
and Typical Duties of a Welding Inspector 2-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
BS EN 17637 does not give or make any recommendation about a formal
qualification for visual inspection of welds. However, it has become industry
practice for inspectors to have practical experience of welding inspection
together with a recognised qualification in Welding Inspection – such as a
CSWIP Qualification.

2.1.3 Conditions for visual inspection

BS EN 17637 states that the minimum illumination shall be 350 lux but
recommends a minimum of 500 lux*.

*Normal shop or office lighting.

Access to the surface, for direct inspection, should enable the eye to be:

 Within 600mm of the surface being inspected.

 In a position to give a viewing angle of not less than 30°.

600mm (maximum)

30° (minimum)

Figure 2.1 Access for visual inspection.

2.1.4 Aids to visual inspection

Where access is restricted for direct visual inspection, the use of a mirrored
borescope, or a fibre optic viewing system, are options that may be used –
usually by agreement between the contracting parties.

It may also be necessary to provide auxiliary lighting to give suitable contrast

and relief effect between surface imperfections and the background.

Other items of equipment that may be appropriate, to facilitate visual

examination, are:

 Welding gauges (for checking bevel angles and weld profile, fillet sizing,
measuring undercut depth).
 Dedicated weld gap gauges and linear misalignment (high-low) gauges.
 Straight edges and measuring tapes.
 Magnifying lens (if magnification lens used to aid visual examination it
should be X2-X5).

BS 17637 shows a range of welding gauges together with details of what they
can be used for and the precision of the measurements that can be made.

Visual Inspection
and Typical Duties of a Welding Inspector 2-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
2.1.5 Stages when inspection may be required
BS EN 17637 states that examination is normally performed on welds in the as-
welded condition. This means that visual inspection of the finished weld is a
minimum requirement.

However, BS EN 17637 goes on to say that the extent of examination and the
stages when some inspection activity is required, should be specified by the
Application Standard or by agreement between client and fabricator.

For fabricated items that must have high integrity, such as pressure vessels and
piping or large structures inspection activity will usually be required throughout
the fabrication process, namely:

 Before welding.
 During welding.
 After welding.

Inspection activities at each of these stages of fabrication can be considered to

be the Duties of the Welding Inspector and typical inspection checks that
may be required are described in the following section.

2.1.6 Typical duties of a Welding Inspector

The relevant standards, rules and specifications that a Welding Inspector should
be familiar with at the start of a new contract are all the documents he will
need to refer to during the fabrication sequence in order to make judgements
about particular details.

Typical documents that may need to be referred to are:

 Application standard (or code).

(For visual acceptance criteria – see note below*)

 Quality plans or inspection check lists.

(For the type and extent of inspection)

 Drawings.
(For assembly/fit-up details and dimensional requirements)

 QC procedures.
(Company QC/QA Procedures such as those for document control, material
handling, electrode storage and issue, WPSs, etc)

*Note: Although most of the requirements for the fabricated item should be
specified by national standards, client standards or various QC procedures,
some features are not easy to define precisely and the requirement may be
given as to good workmanship standard.

Examples of requirements that are difficult to define precisely are some shape
tolerances, distortion, surface damage or the amount of weld spatter.

Good workmanship is the standard that a competent worker should be able to

achieve without difficulty when using the correct tools in a particular working

Visual Inspection
and Typical Duties of a Welding Inspector 2-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
In practice the application of the fabricated item will be the main factor that
influences what is judged to be good workmanship or the relevant client
specification will determine what the acceptable level of workmanship is.

Reference samples are sometimes needed to give guidance about the

acceptance standard for details such as weld surface finish and toe blend, weld
root profile and finish required for welds that need to be dressed – by grinding
or finishing.

A Welding Inspector should also ensure that any inspection aids that will be
needed are:

 In good condition.
 Calibrated – as appropriate/as specified by QC procedures.

Safety consciousness is a duty of all employees and a Welding Inspector


 Be aware of all safety regulations for the workplace.

 Ensure that safety equipment that will be needed is available and in suitable

Duties before welding

Check Action

Material In accordance with drawing / WPS.

Identified and can be traced to a test certificate.
In suitable condition (free from damage and contamination.

WPSs Have been approved and are available to welders (and


Welding equipment In suitable condition and calibrated as appropriate.

Weld preparations In accordance with WPS (and/or drawings).

Welder qualifications Identification of welders qualified for each WPS to be used.

All welder qualification certificates are valid (in date).

Welding consumables Those to be used are as specified by the WPSs are being
stored/controlled as specified by the QC procedure.

Joint fit-ups In accordance with WPS/drawings.

Tack welds are to good workmanship standard and to

Weld faces Free from defects, contamination and damage.

Preheat (if required) Minimum temperature is in accordance with WPS.

Visual Inspection
and Typical Duties of a Welding Inspector 2-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Duties during welding
Check Action

Site/field welding Ensure weather conditions are suitable/comply with code

(conditions will not affect welding).

Welding process In accordance with WPS.

Preheat (if required) Minimum temperature is being maintained in accordance with


Interpass temperature Maximum temperature is in accordance with WPS.

Welding consumables Are in accordance with WPS and being controlled as


Welding parameters Current, volts, travel speed are in accordance with WPS.

Root run Visually acceptable to Code (before filling the joint)

(for single sided welds).

Gouging/grinding Is by an approved method and to good workmanship


Inter-run cleaning To good workmanship standard.

Welder On the approval register/qualified for the WPS being used.

Duties after welding

Check Action

Weld identification Each weld is marked with the welder's identification.

Each weld is identified in accordance with drawing weld map.

Weld appearance Ensure welds are suitable for all NDT (profile, cleanness, etc).
Visually inspect welds and sentence in accordance with code.

Dimensional survey Check dimensions are in accordance with drawing/code.

Drawings Ensure any modifications are included on 'as-built’ drawings.

NDT Ensure all NDT is complete and reports are available for

Repairs Monitor in accordance with the procedure.

PWHT (if required) Monitor for compliance with procedure (check chart record.

Pressure/load test Ensure test equipment is calibrated.

(if required) Monitor test to ensure compliance with procedure/
code ensure reports/records are available.

Documentation Ensure all reports/records are completed and collated as

records required.

Visual Inspection
and Typical Duties of a Welding Inspector 2-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
2.1.7 Examination records
The requirement for examination records/inspection reports will vary according
to contract and type of fabrication and there is frequently no requirement for a
formal record.

When an inspection record is required it may be necessary to show that items

have been checked at the specified stages and that they have satisfied the
acceptance criteria.

The form of this record will vary – possibly a signature against an activity on an
inspection checklist or on a quality plan, or it may be an individual inspection
report for each item.

For individual inspection reports, BS EN 17637 lists typical details for inclusion
such as:

 Name of manufacturer/fabricator.
 Identification of item examined.
 Material type and thickness.
 Type of joint.
 Welding process.
 Acceptance standard/acceptance criteria.
 Locations and types of all imperfections not acceptable.
 (When specified, it may be necessary to include an accurate sketch or
 Name of examiner/inspector and date of examination.

Visual Inspection
and Typical Duties of a Welding Inspector 2-6 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Section 3

Welding Imperfections
3 Welding Imperfections
3.1 Definitions
Definitions: (see BS EN ISO 6520-1).
Imperfection: Any deviation from the ideal weld.
Defect: An unacceptable imperfection.

Classification of imperfections according to BS EN ISO 6520-1:

This standard classifies the geometric imperfections in case of fusion welding,

dividing them into six groups:

1 Cracks.
2 Cavities.
3 Solid inclusions.
4 Lack of fusion and penetration.
5 Imperfect shape and dimension.
6 Miscellaneous imperfections.

It is important that an imperfection is correctly identified thus allowing for the

cause to be identified and actions taken to prevent further occurrence.

3.2 Cracks
Imperfection produced by a local rupture in the solid state, which may arise
from the effect of cooling or stresses. Cracks are more significant than other
types of imperfection, as their geometry produces a very large stress
concentration at the crack tip, making them more likely to cause fracture.

Types of crack:
 Longitudinal cracks.
 Transverse cracks.
 Radiating cracks (cracks radiating from a common point).
 Crater cracks.
 Branching cracks (a group of connected cracks originating from a common

These cracks can be situated in the:

 Weld metal.
 HAZ.
 Parent metal.

Crater cracks are found only in the weld metal.

Depending on their nature, these cracks can be:

 Hot cracks (ie solidification cracks liquation cracks).

 Precipitation induced cracks (ie reheat cracks, present in creep resisting
 Cold cracks (ie hydrogen induced cracks).
 Lamellar tearing.

Welding Imperfections 3-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
3.2.1 Hot cracks
Depending on their location and mode of occurrence, hot cracks can be:

 Solidification cracks
Occur in the weld metal (usually along the centreline of the weld) as a result
of the solidification process.
 Liquation cracks
Occur in the coarse grain HAZ, in the near vicinity of the fusion line as a
result of heating the material to an elevated temperature, high enough to
produce liquation of the low melting point constituents placed on grain

3.2.2 Solidification cracks

Figure 3.1 Solidification crack.

Generally, solidification cracking can occur when:

 The weld metal has a high carbon or impurity (sulphur, etc) element
 The depth-to-width ratio of the solidifying weld bead is large (deep and
 Disruption of the heat flow condition occurs, eg stop/start condition.

The cracks can be wide and open to the surface like shrinkage voids or sub-
surface and possibly narrow.

Solidification cracking is most likely to occur in compositions, which result in a

wide freezing temperature range. In steels this is commonly created by a higher
than normal content of carbon and impurity elements such as sulphur and

These elements segregate during solidification, so that intergranular liquid films

remain after the bulk of the weld has solidified. The thermal shrinkage of the
cooling weld bead can cause these to rupture and form a crack.

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Figure 3.2 Diagram of a solidification crack.

It is important that the welding fabricator does not weld on or near metal
surfaces covered with scale or which have been contaminated with oil or

Scale can have a high sulphur content and oil and grease can supply both
carbon and sulphur. Contamination with low melting point metals such as
copper, tin, lead and zinc should also be avoided.

Hydrogen induced cracks

Figure 3.3 Root (underbead) crack. Figure 3.4 Toe crack.

Hydrogen induced cracking occurs primarily in the grain-coarsened region of the

HAZ and is also known as cold, delayed or underbead/toe cracking. Underbead
cracking lies parallel to the fusion boundary and its path is usually a
combination of intergranular and transgranular cracking.

The direction of the principal residual tensile stress can, for toe cracks, cause
the crack path to grow progressively away from the fusion boundary towards a
region of lower sensitivity to hydrogen cracking, when this happens, the crack
growth rate decreases and eventually arrests.

Welding Imperfections 3-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
A combination of four factors is necessary to cause HAZ hydrogen cracking:

Figure 3.5 Factors susceptibility to hydrogen cracking.

In addition, the weld must cool down to near normal ambient temperature,
where the effect of hydrogen is at its maximum. If any one factor is not
satisfied, cracking is prevented. Therefore, cracking can be avoided through
control of one or more of these factors:

 Apply preheat (to slow down the cooling rate and thus avoid the formation
of susceptible microstructures).
 Maintain a specific interpass temperature (same effect as preheat).
 Postheat on completion of welding (to reduce the hydrogen content by
allowing hydrogen to effuse from the weld area).
 Apply PWHT (to reduce residual stress and eliminate susceptible
 Reduce weld metal hydrogen by proper selection of welding process/
consumable (eg use TIG welding instead MMA, use basic covered electrodes
instead cellulose ones).
 Use multi-run instead of single-run technique (eliminates susceptible
microstructures by means of self-tempering effect, reduce the hydrogen
content by allowing hydrogen to effuse from the weld area).
 Use a temper bead or hot pass technique (same effect as above).
 Use austenitic or nickel filler (avoid susceptible microstructure formation
and allow hydrogen diffusion out of critical areas).
 Use dry shielding gases (reduce hydrogen content).
 Clean rust from joint (avoid hydrogen contamination from moisture present
in the rust).
 Reduce residual stress.
 Blend the weld profile (reduce stress concentration at the toes of the weld).

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Lamellar tearing

Figure 3.6 Lamellar tearing.

Lamellar tearing occurs only in rolled steel products (primarily plates) and its
main distinguishing feature is that the cracking has a terraced appearance.

Cracking occurs in joints where:

 A thermal contraction strain occurs in the through-thickness direction of

steel plate.
 Non-metallic inclusions are present as very thin platelets, with their
principal planes parallel to the plate surface.

Figure 3.7 Diagram of lamellar tearing.

Contraction strain imposed on the planar non-metallic inclusions results in

progressive decohesion to form the roughly rectangular holes which are the
horizontal parts of the cracking, parallel to the plate surface. With further
strain, the vertical parts of the cracking are produced, generally by ductile
shear cracking. These two stages create the terraced appearance of these

Welding Imperfections 3-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Two main options are available to control the problem in welded joints liable to
lamellar tearing:

1 Use a clean steel with guaranteed through-thickness properties (Z grade).

2 A combination of joint design, restraint control and welding sequence to
minimise the risk of cracking.

3.3 Cavities


Gas cavity: Shrinkage cavity:

formed by Caused by shrinkage
entrapped gas during solidification

Gas pore Interdendritic

Uniformly distributed
Crater pipe

Clustered (localised)
porosity Microshrinkage

Linear porosity

Elongated cavity
Interdendritic Transgranular
microshrinkage microshrinkage

Surface pore

3.3.1 Gas pore

Figure 3.8 Gas pores.

A gas cavity of essentially spherical shape trapped within the weld metal.

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This gas cavity can be present in various forms:

 Isolated.
 Uniformly distributed porosity.
 Clustered (localised) porosity.
 Linear porosity.
 Elongated cavity.
 Surface pore.

Causes Prevention

Damp fluxes/corroded electrode (MMA). Use dry electrodes in good condition.

Grease/hydrocarbon/water Clean prepared surface.

contamination of prepared surface.

Air entrapment in gas shield (MIG/MAG Check hose connections.


Incorrect/insufficient deoxidant in Use electrode with sufficient deoxidation

electrode, filler or parent metal. activity.

Too high arc voltage or length. Reduce voltage and arc length.

Gas evolution from priming Identify risk of reaction before surface

paints/surface treatment. treatment is applied.

Too high a shielding gas flow rate which Optimise gas flow rate.
results in turbulence (MIG/MAG TIG).

Note that porosity can either be localised or finely dispersed voids throughout
the weld metal.

3.3.2 Worm holes

Figure 3.9 worm holes.

Elongated or tubular cavities formed by entrapped gas during the solidification
of the weld metal; they can occur singly or in groups.

Welding Imperfections 3-7 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Causes Prevention

Gross contaminated of preparation Introduce preweld cleaning procedures.


Laminated work surface. Replace parent material with an

unlaminated piece.

Crevices in work surface due to joint Eliminate joint shapes which produce
geometry. crevices.

Worm holes are caused by the progressive entrapment of gas between the
solidifying metal crystals (dendrites) producing characteristic elongated pores of
circular cross-section. These elongated pores can appear as a herring-bone
array on a radiograph. Some of them may break the surface of the weld.

3.3.3 Surface porosity

Figure 3.10 Surface porosity.

A gas pore that breaks the surface of the weld.

Causes Prevention

Damp or contaminated surface or Clean surface and dry electrodes.


Low fluxing activity (MIG/MAG). Use a high activity flux.

Excess sulphur (particularly free- Use high manganese electrode to produce

cutting steels) producing sulphur MnS, note free-cutting steels (high
dioxide. sulphur) should not normally be welded.

Loss of shielding gas due to long arc or Improve screening against draughts and
high breezes (MIG/MAG). reduce arc length.

Too high shielding gas flow rate Optimise gas flow rate.
resulting in turbulence (MIG/MAG TIG).

Welding Imperfections 3-8 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
The origins of surface porosity are similar to those for uniform porosity.

3.3.4 Crater pipe

Figure 3.11 Crater pipe.

A shrinkage cavity at the end of a weld run. The main cause is shrinkage during

Causes Prevention

Lack of welder skill due to using Retrain welder.

processes with too high a current.

Inoperative crater filler (slope out) Use correct crater filling techniques.

Crater filling is a particular problem in TIG welding due to its low heat input. To
fill the crater for this process it is necessary to reduce the weld current (slope
out) in a series of descending steps until the arc is extinguished.

3.4 Solid inclusions

Solid foreign substances entrapped in the weld metal.


Slag Flux Oxide Metallic

inclusion inclusion inclusion inclusion



Linear Isolated Clustered Other metal

Welding Imperfections 3-9 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
3.4.1 Slag inclusions

Figure 3.12 Slag inclusions.

Slag trapped during welding. The imperfection is an irregular shape and thus
differs in appearance from a gas pore.

Causes Prevention

Incomplete slag removal from underlying Improve inter-run slag removal.

surface of multipass weld.

Slag flooding ahead of arc. Position work to gain control of slag.

Welder needs to correct electrode angle.

Entrapment of slag in work surface. Dress work surface smooth.

A fine dispersion of inclusions may be present within the weld metal,
particularly if the MMA process is used. These only become a problem when
large or sharp-edged inclusions are produced.

3.4.2 Flux inclusions

Flux trapped during welding. The imperfection is of an irregular shape and thus
differs in appearance from a gas pore. Appear only in case of flux associated
welding processes (ie MMA, SAW and FCAW).

Causes Prevention

Unfused flux due to damaged coating. Use electrodes in good condition.

Flux fails to melt and becomes trapped in Change the flux/wire. Adjust welding
the weld (SAW or FCAW). parameters ie current, voltage etc to
produce satisfactory welding conditions.

Welding Imperfections 3-10 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
3.4.3 Oxide inclusions
Oxides trapped during welding. The imperfection is of an irregular shape and
thus differs in appearance from a gas pore.

Cause Prevention

Heavy mill scale/rust on work surface. Grind surface prior to welding.

A special type of oxide inclusion is puckering. This type of defect occurs
especially in the case of aluminium alloys. Gross oxide film enfoldment can
occur due to a combination of unsatisfactory protection from atmospheric
contamination and turbulence in the weld pool.

3.4.4 Tungsten Inclusions

Figure 3.13 Tungsten inclusions.

Particles of tungsten can become embedded during TIG welding. This
imperfection appears as a light area on radiographs due to the fact that
tungsten is denser than the surrounding metal and absorbs larger amounts of
X/gamma radiation.

Welding Imperfections 3-11 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Causes Prevention

Contact of electrode tip with weld pool. Keep tungsten out of weld pool; use HF

Contact of filler metal with hot tip of Avoid contact between electrode and filler
electrode. metal.

Contamination of the electrode tip by Reduce welding current; adjust shielding

spatter from the weld pool. gas flow rate.

Exceeding the current limit for a given Reduce welding current; replace electrode
electrode size or type. with a larger diameter one.

Extension of electrode beyond the normal Reduce electrode extension and/or

distance from the collet, resulting in welding current.
overheating of the electrode.

Inadequate tightening of the collet. Tighten the collet.

Inadequate shielding gas flow rate or Adjust the shielding gas flow rate; protect
excessive wind draughts resulting in the weld area; ensure that the post gas
oxidation of the electrode tip. flow after stopping the arc continues for at
least 5 seconds.

Splits or cracks in the electrode. Change the electrode, ensure the correct
size tungsten is selected for the given
welding current used.

Inadequate shielding gas (eg use of Change to correct gas composition.

argon-oxygen or argon-carbon dioxide
mixtures that are used for MAG welding).

3.5 Lack of fusion and penetration

3.5.1 Lack of fusion
Lack of union between the weld metal and the parent metal or between the
successive layers of weld metal.

Lack of

Lack of Lack of Lack of root

sidewall fusion inter-run fusion fusion

Welding Imperfections 3-12 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Lack of sidewall fusion

Figure 3.14 Lack of sidewall fusion.

Lack of union between the weld and parent metal at one or both sides of the

Causes Prevention

Low heat input to weld. Increase arc voltage and/or welding

current; decrease travel speed.

Molten metal flooding ahead of arc. Improve electrode angle and work
position; increase travel speed.

Oxide or scale on weld preparation. Improve edge preparation procedure.

Excessive inductance in MAG dip transfer Reduce inductance, even if this increases
welding. spatter.

During welding sufficient heat must be available at the edge of the weld pool to
produce fusion with the parent metal.

3.5.2 Lack of Inter-run fusion

Figure 3.15 Lack of inter-run fusion.

Welding Imperfections 3-13 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
A lack of union along the fusion line, between the weld beads.

Causes Prevention

Low arc current resulting in low fluidity Increase current.

of weld pool.

Too high a travel speed. Reduce travel speed.

Inaccurate bead placement. Retrain welder.

Lack of inter-run fusion produces crevices between the weld beads and causes
local entrapment of slag.

Lack of root fusion

Figure 3.16 Lack of root fusion.

Lack of fusion between the weld and parent metal at the root of a weld.

Causes Prevention

Low heat input. Increase welding current and/or arc

voltage; decrease travel speed.

Excessive inductance in MAG dip transfer Use correct induction setting for the
welding. parent metal thickness.

MMA electrode too large Reduce electrode size.

(low current density).

Use of vertical down welding. Switch to vertical up procedure.

Large root face. Reduce root face.

Small root gap. Ensure correct root opening.

Incorrect angle or incorrect electrode Use correct electrode angle.

manipulation. Ensure welder is fully qualified and

Excessive misalignment at root. Ensure correct alignment.

Welding Imperfections 3-14 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Lack of penetration

Lack of

Incomplete Incomplete root

penetration penetration

Incomplete penetration

Figure 3.17 Incomplete penetration.

The difference between the actual and nominal penetration.

Causes Prevention

Excessively thick root face, insufficient Improve back gouging technique and
root gap or failure to cut back to sound ensure the edge preparation is as per
metal in a back gouging operation. approved WPS.

Low heat input. Increase welding current and/or arc

voltage; decrease travel speed.

Excessive inductance in MAG dip transfer Improve electrical settings and possibly
welding, pool flooding ahead of arc. switch to spray arc transfer.

MMA electrode too large Reduce electrode size.

(low current density).

Use of vertical down welding. Switch to vertical up procedure.

Welding Imperfections 3-15 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
If the weld joint is not of a critical nature, ie the required strength is low and
the area is not prone to fatigue cracking, it is possible to produce a partial
penetration weld. In this case incomplete root penetration is considered part of
this structure and is not an imperfection (this would normally be determined by
the design or code requirement).

Incomplete root penetration

Figure 3.18 Incomplete root penetration.

One or both fusion faces of the root are not melted. When examined from the
root side, you can clearly see one or both of the root edges unmelted.

Causes and prevention

Same as for lack of root fusion.

3.6 Imperfect shape and dimensions

3.6.1 Undercut

Figure 3.19 Undercut.

Irregular groove at the toe of a run in the parent metal or in a previously
deposited weld metal due to welding. It is characterised by its depth, length
and sharpness.

Welding Imperfections 3-16 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Continuous Intermittent Inter-run

undercut undercut undercut

Causes Prevention

Melting of top edge due to high welding Reduce power input, especially
current (especially at free edge) or high approaching a free edge where
travel speed. overheating can occur.

Attempting a fillet weld in horizontal Weld in the flat position or use multirun
vertical position (PB) with leg techniques.

Excessive/incorrect weaving. Reduce weaving width or switch to


Incorrect electrode angle. Direct arc towards thicker member.

Incorrect shielding gas selection (MAG). Ensure correct gas mixture for material
type and thickness (MAG).

Care must be taken during weld repairs of undercut to control the heat input. If
the bead of a repair weld is too small, the cooling rate following welding will be
excessive and the parent metal may have an increased hardness and the weld
may be susceptible to hydrogen cracking.

3.6.2 Excess weld metal

Figure 3.20 Excess weld metal.

Welding Imperfections 3-17 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Excess weld metal is the extra metal that produces excessive convexity in fillet
welds and a weld thickness greater than the parent metal plate in butt welds.
This feature of a weld is regarded as an imperfection only when the height of
the excess weld metal is greater than a specified limit.

Causes Prevention

Excess arc energy (MAG, SAW). Reduction of heat input.

Shallow edge preparation. Deepen edge preparation.

Faulty electrode manipulation or build- Improve welder skill.

up sequence.

Incorrect electrode size. Reduce electrode size.

Too slow a travel speed. Ensure correct travel speed is used.

Incorrect electrode angle. Ensure correct electrode angle is used.

Wrong polarity used (electrode Ensure correct polarity ie DC+ve

polarity DC-ve (MMA, SAW). Note DC-VE must be used for TIG.

The term reinforcement used to designate this feature of the weld is misleading
since the excess metal does not normally produce a stronger weld in a butt
joint in ordinary steel. This imperfection can become a problem, as the angle of
the weld toe can be sharp, leading to an increased stress concentration at the
toes of the weld and fatigue cracking.

3.6.3 Excess penetration

Figure 3.21 Excess penetration.

Projection of the root penetration bead beyond a specified limit can be local or

Welding Imperfections 3-18 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Causes Prevention

Weld heat input too high. Reduce arc voltage and/or welding
current; increase welding speed.

Incorrect weld preparation ie excessive Improve workpiece preparation.

root gap, thin edge preparation, lack of

Use of electrode unsuited to welding Use correct electrode for position.


Lack of welder skill. Retrain welder.

Note that the maintenance of a penetration bead having uniform dimensions
requires a great deal of skill, particularly in pipe butt welding. This can be made
more difficult if there is restricted access to the weld or a narrow preparation.
Permanent or temporary backing bars can be used to assist in the control of

3.6.4 Overlap

Figure 3.22 Overlap.

Imperfection at the toe of a weld caused by metal flowing on to the surface of
the parent metal without fusing to it.

Causes Prevention

Poor electrode manipulation (MMA). Retrain welder.

High heat input/low travel speed causing Reduce heat input or limit leg size to
surface flow of fillet welds 9mm max leg size for single pass fillets.
Incorrect positioning of weld. Change to flat position.

Wrong electrode coating type resulting in Change electrode coating type to a more
too high a fluidity. suitable fast freezing type which is less

Welding Imperfections 3-19 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
For a fillet weld overlap is often associated with undercut, as if the weld pool is
too fluid the top of the weld will flow away to produce undercut at the top and
overlap at the base. If the volume of the weld pool is too large in case of a fillet
weld in horizontal-vertical position (PB), weld metal will collapse due to gravity,
producing both defects (undercut at the top and overlap at the base). This
defect is called sagging.

3.6.5 Linear misalignment

Figure 3.23 Linear misalignment.

Misalignment between two welded pieces such that while their surface planes
are parallel, they are not in the required same plane.

Causes Prevention

Inaccuracies in assembly procedures or Adequate checking of alignment prior to

distortion from other welds. welding coupled with the use of clamps
and wedges.

Excessive out of flatness in hot rolled Check accuracy of rolled section prior to
plates or sections. welding.

Not really a weld imperfection, but a structural preparation problem. Even a
small amount of misalignment can drastically increase the local shear stress at
a joint and induce bending stress.

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3.6.6 Angular distortion

Figure 3.24 Angular distortion.

Misalignment between two welded pieces such that their surface planes are not
parallel or at the intended angle.

Causes and prevention

Same as for linear misalignment.

3.6.7 Incompletely filled groove

Figure 3.25 Incompletely filled groove.

Continuous or intermittent channel in the surface of a weld due to insufficient
deposition of weld filler metal.

Causes Prevention

Insufficient weld metal. Increase the number of weld runs.

Irregular weld bead surface. Retrain welder.

This imperfection differs from undercut, as incompletely filled groove reduces
the load-bearing capacity of a weld, whereas undercut produces a sharp stress-
raising notch at the edge of a weld.

Welding Imperfections 3-21 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Irregular width

Figure 3.26 Irregular width.

Excessive variation in width of the weld.

Causes Prevention

Severe arc blow. Switch from DC to AC, keep arc length

as short as possible.

Irregular weld bead surface. Retrain welder.


Although this imperfection may not affect the integrity of completed weld, it can
affect the width of HAZ and reduce the load carrying capacity of the joint (in
case of fine-grained structural steels) or impair corrosion resistance (in case of
duplex stainless steels).

3.6.8 Root concavity

Figure 3.27 Root concavity.

A shallow groove that occurs due to shrinkage at the root of a butt weld.

Welding Imperfections 3-22 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Causes Prevention

Insufficient arc power to produce Raise arc energy.

positive bead.

Incorrect prep/fit-up. Work to WPS.

Excessive backing gas pressure (TIG). Reduce gas pressure.

Lack of welder skill. Retrain welder.

Slag flooding in backing bar groove. Tilt work to prevent slag flooding.

The use of a backing strip can be used to control the extent of the root bead.

3.6.9 Burn-through

Figure 3.28 Burn-through.

A collapse of the weld pool resulting in a hole in the weld.

Causes Prevention

Insufficient travel speed. Increase the travel speed.

Excessive welding current. Reduce welding current.

Lack of welder skill. Retrain welder.

Excessive grinding of root face. More care taken, retrain welder.

Excessive root gap. Ensure correct fit up.

Gross imperfection, which occurs basically due to lack of welder skill. It can be
repaired by bridging the gap formed into the joint, but requires a great deal of

Welding Imperfections 3-23 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
3.7 Miscellaneous imperfections
3.7.1 Stray arc

Figure 3.29 Stray arc.

Local damage to parent metal surface adjacent to the weld, resulting from
arcing or striking the arc outside the weld groove, resulting in random areas of
fused metal where the electrode, holder, or current return clamp has
accidentally touched the work.

Causes Prevention

Poor access to the work. Improve access (modify assembly


Missing insulation on electrode holder or Institute a regular inspection scheme for

torch. electrode holders and torches.

Failure to provide an insulated resting Provide an insulated resting place.

place for the electrode holder or torch
when not in use.

Loose current return clamp. Regularly maintain current return clamps.

Adjusting wire feed (MAG welding) Retrain welder.

without isolating welding current.

An arc strike can produce a hard heat-affected zone, which may contain cracks.
These can lead to serious cracking in service. It is better to remove an arc
strike by grinding than weld repair.

Welding Imperfections 3-24 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
3.7.2 Spatter

Figure 3.30 Spatter.

Globules of weld or filler metal expelled during welding and adhering to the
surface of parent metal or solidified weld metal.

Causes Prevention

High arc current. Reduce arc current.

Long arc length. Reduce arc length.

Magnetic arc blow. Reduce arc length or switch to AC power.

Incorrect settings for GMAW process. Modify electrical settings (but be careful
to maintain full fusion!).

Damp electrodes. Use dry electrodes.

Wrong selection of shielding gas Increase argon content if possible,

(100% CO2). however too high a % of argon may lead
to lack of penetration.

Spatter in itself is a cosmetic imperfection and does not affect the integrity of
the weld. However as it is usually caused by an excessive welding current, it is
a sign that the welding conditions are not ideal and so there are usually other
associated problems within the structure ie high heat input.

Note: That some spatter is always produced by open arc consumable electrode
welding processes. Anti-spatter compounds can be used on the parent metal to
reduce sticking and the spatter can then be scraped off.

Welding Imperfections 3-25 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
3.7.3 Torn surface
Surface damage due to the removal by fracture of temporary welded
attachments. The area should be ground off, then subjected to a dye penetrant
or magnetic particle examination and then restored to its original shape by
welding using a qualified procedure.

NOTE: Some applications do not allow the presence of any overlay weld on the
surface of the parent material.

3.7.4 Additional imperfections

Grinding mark
Local damage due to grinding.

Chipping mark
Local damage due to the use of a chisel or other tools.

Lack of thickness of the workpiece due to excessive grinding.

Misalignment of opposite runs

Difference between the centrelines of two runs made from opposite sides of the

Temper colour (visible oxide film)

Lightly oxidised surface in the weld zone. Usually occurs in case of stainless

Figure 3.31 Temper colour of stainless steel.

Welding Imperfections 3-26 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
3.8 Acceptance standards
Weld imperfections can seriously reduce the integrity of a welded structure.
Therefore, prior to service of a welded joint, it is necessary to locate them using
NDE techniques assess their significance and take action to avoid their

The acceptance of a certain size and type of defect for a given structure is
normally expressed as the defect acceptance standard, usually incorporated in
application standards or specifications.

All normal weld imperfection acceptance standards totally reject cracks.

However, in exceptional circumstances and subject to the agreement of all
parties, cracks may be allowed to remain if it can be demonstrated beyond
doubt that they will not lead to failure. This can be difficult to establish and
usually involves fracture mechanics measurements and calculations.

It is important to note that the levels of acceptability vary between different

applications and in most cases vary between different standards for the same
application. Consequently, when inspecting different jobs it is important to use
the applicable standard or specification quoted in the contract.

Once unacceptable weld imperfections have been found, they have to be

removed. If the weld imperfection is at the surface, the first consideration is
whether it is of a type, which is normally shallow enough to be repaired by
superficial dressing. Superficial implies that, after removal of the defect, the
remaining material thickness is sufficient not to require the addition of further
weld metal.

If the defect is too deep, it must be removed by some means and new weld
metal added to ensure a minimum design throat thickness.

Replacing removed metal or weld repair (as in filling an excavation or re-

making a weld joint) has to be done in accordance with an approved procedure.
The rigor with which this procedure is qualified will depend on the application
standard for the job.

In some cases it will be acceptable to use a procedure qualified for making new
joints whether filling an excavation or making a complete joint. If the level of
reassurance required is higher, the qualification will have to be made using an
exact simulation of a welded joint, which is excavated and then refilled using a
specified method. In either case, qualification inspection and testing will be
required in accordance with the application standard.

Welding Imperfections 3-27 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Section 4

Practical Visual Inspection

4 Practical Visual Inspection
The practical visual inspection part of the CSWIP examination consists of the
following categories:

CSWIP 3.0 Welding Inspector

Exam: Time allowed

Practical butt welded plate (code provided) 90 minutes
Practical fillet welded T joint (code provided) 60 minutes

4.1 Good eyesight

To effectively carry out your scope of work as a CSWIP qualified Welding
Inspector it is important that you have a current eyesight certificate for close
vision and a colour blindness test is also required. This must be provided before
your CSWIP Welding Inspection examination, as per the CSWIP–WI-6-92

All candidates for CSWIP examinations must be tested by a qualified optician.

Alternatively tests may be conducted by qualified personnel available at most
TWI examination centres.

Holders of CSWIP Welding Inspection certificates should make every effort to

have their vision professionally tested twice yearly.

It is important to maintain this level of eyesight.

Note: Your close vision ability may decay over time.

4.1.1 Specialist gauges

A number of specialist gauges are available to measure the various elements
that need to be measured in a welded fabrication including:

 Hi–lo gauges, for measuring mismatch and root gap.

 Fillet weld profile gauges, for measuring fillet weld face profile and sizes.
 Angle gauges, for measuring weld preparation angles.
 Multi-functional weld gauges, for measuring many different weld

Practical Visual Inspection 4-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015


Figure 4.1 Hi-lo gauge used to measure linear misalignment.

Figure 4.2 Hi-lo gauge can also be used to measure the root gap.

Practical Visual Inspection 4-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Adjustable fillet gauge
Measures fillet welds from 3-25mm
(⅛-1 inch) with ± 0.8mm (1/32 inch)
accuracy. It uses an offset arm, which
slides, at a 45° to make fillet weld
length measurements. This gauge also
measures weld throat thickness to
1.5mm (1/16 inch).

Fillet weld gauge

Measures weld sizes from 3mm (⅛ inch)
up to 25mm (1 inch).

Multi-purpose welding gauge

This rugged stainless steel gauge will
measure the important dimensions of
weld preparations and of completed butt
and fillet welds. Intended for general
fabrication work and rapidly measures
angle of preparation, excess weld metal,
fillet weld leg length and throat size and
misalignment in both metric and
imperial ranges.

Digital multi-purpose welding gauge

Will measure the important dimensions
of weld preparations and of completed
butt and fillet welds. Intended for
general fabrication work and rapidly
measures angle of preparation, excess
weld metal, fillet weld leg length and
throat size in both metric and imperial

Practical Visual Inspection 4-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
TWI Cambridge multi-purpose welding gauge

Angle of preparation
This scale reads 0-60o in 5o steps.

The angle is read against the chamfered

edge of the plate or pipe.

Linear misalignment
The gauge can measure misalignment of
members by placing the edge of the
gauge on the lower member and
rotating the segment until the pointed
finger contacts the higher member.

Excess weld metal/root penetration

The scale is used to measure excess
weld metal height or root penetration
bead height of single-sided butt welds,
by placing the edge of the gauge on the
plate and rotating the segment until the
pointed finger contacts the excess weld
metal or root bead at its highest point.

Pitting/mechanical damage, etc

The gauge can measure defects by
placing the edge of the gauge on the
plate and rotating the segment until the
pointed finger contacts the lowest depth.

The reading is taken on the scale to the

left of the zero mark in mm or inches.

Practical Visual Inspection 4-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Fillet weld actual throat thickness
The small sliding pointer reads up to
20mm or ¾ inch. When measuring the
throat it is supposed that the fillet weld
has a nominal design throat
thickness, as an effective design
throat thickness cannot be measured in
this manner.

Fillet weld leg length

The gauge may be used to measure fillet
weld leg lengths up to 25mm, as shown
on the left.

Excess weld metal can be easily calculated by measuring the leg length, and
multiplying it by 0.7 this value is then subtracted from the measured throat
thickness = excess weld metal.

Example: For a measured leg length of 10mm and a throat thickness of 8mm
10 x 0.7 = 7 (throat thickness 8) - 7 = 1mm of excess weld metal.

Practical Visual Inspection 4-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Section 5

Basic Introduction to Welding Processes

5 Basic Introduction to Welding Processes
5.1 General
Common characteristics of the four main arc-welding processes, MMA, TIG,
MIG/MAG and SAW are:

 An arc is created when an electrical discharge occurs across the gap

between an electrode and parent metal.
 The discharge causes a spark to form and the spark causes the surrounding
gas to ionise.
 The ionised gas enables a current to flow across the gap between electrode
and base metal thereby creating an arc.
 The arc generates heat for fusion of the base metal.
 With the exception of TIG welding, the heat generated by the arc also
causes the electrode surface to melt and molten droplets can transfer to the
weld pool to form a weld bead or weld run.
 Heat input to the fusion zone depends on the arc voltage, arc current and
welding/travel speed.

If the items to be welded can be manipulated, so that welding can be done in
the flat position, higher rates of metal deposition can be used which will
increase productivity.

For consumable electrode welding processes, the rate of transfer of molten

metal to the weld pool is directly related to the welding current density (the
ratio of the current to the diameter of the electrode).

For TIG welding, the higher the current, the more energy there is for fusion and
thus the higher the rate at which the filler wire can be added to the weld pool.

5.2 Welding parameters

Arc voltage
Arc voltage is related to the arc length. For processes where the arc voltage is
controlled by the power source (SAW, MIG/MAG and FCAW) and can be varied
independently from the current, the voltage setting will affect the profile of the

As welding current is raised, the voltage also needs to be raised to spread the
weld metal and produce a wider and flatter deposit.

For MIG/MAG, arc voltage has a major influence on droplet transfer across the

Welding current
Welding current has a major influence on the depth of fusion/penetration of into
the base metal and adjacent weld runs. As a general rule the higher the current
the greater the depth of penetration.

Penetration depth affects dilution of the weld deposit by the parent metal and it
is particularly important to control this when dissimilar metals are joined.

Polarity determines whether most of the arc energy (the heat) is concentrated
at the electrode surface or at the surface of the parent material.

Basic Introduction to Welding Processes 5-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
The location of the heat with respect to polarity is not the same for all
processes and the affects/options/benefits for each of the main arc welding
processes are summarised in the table below:

Table 5.1 Effects, options and benefits for each of the main arc welding

DC+ve DC-ve AC
MMA Best penetration Less penetration but higher Only suitable for
deposition rate (used for some electrodes
root passes and weld and when arc
overlaying) blow is a problem

TIG Rarely used due Used for all metals Required for Al/Al
to tungsten - except Al/Al alloys alloys to break-up
overheating (and Mg/Mg alloys) the refractory
oxide film

GMAW Used for all Not used Not used

Solid wires metals and
(MIG/MAG) virtually all

FCAW/MCAW Most common Some positional basic Not used

Gas- and fluxed wires are designed
self-shielded to run on -ve; some metal
cored wires cored wires may also be
used on -VE, particularly
for positional welding

SAW Best penetration Less penetration but higher Used to avoid arc
deposition rate (used for blow – particularly
root passes and overlaying) for multi-electrode

5.2.1 The process

Manual metal arc (MMA) welding was invented in Russia in 1888. It involved a
bare metal rod with no flux coating to give a protective gas shield. The
development of coated electrodes did not occur until the early 1900s when the
Kjellberg process was invented in Sweden and the Quasi-arc method was
introduced in the UK.

In MMA welding, an arc is initiated and maintained between the end of a

consumable electrode (the filler metal) and the workpiece. Intense heat from
the arc causes the surface of the workpiece to melt and form a weld pool. At
the same time, the tip of the electrode melts and small globules of filler metal
travel across the arc into the molten weld pool to form a weld.

To initiate the arc, the welder momentarily touches the electrode tip on the
workpiece, causing current to flow: The electrode is immediately retracted to
give a gap of around 3mm between the electrode tip and workpiece: current
continues to flow across the gap, initially in the form of a small spark. This
spark rapidly ionises the air in the gap, forming an intense welding arc.

The electrode has a pre-coated, dense layer of dry flux over most of its surface:
a short length is left uncoated where it fits into the electrode holder and at the
opposite end, the tip where it makes contact with the workpiece to initiate the
arc is also bare.

Basic Introduction to Welding Processes 5-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
As soon as the arc starts, the rapidly heated flux forms both a slag and gaseous
shield to protect the weld from atmospheric contamination. Liquid slag, which
appears brighter than the molten metal and is more free-running, forms on top
of the solidifying weld metal and the gaseous shield protects the weld pool, hot
electrode tip and globules of filler metal from atmospheric contamination.

Direction of travel
Electrode angle 75-80˚ to
the horizontal

Consumable electrode

Evolved gas shield Flux covering

Weld Metal Core Wire

Weld Pool

Parent metal

Figure 5.1 Manual metal arc welding.

As globules of filler metal transfer to the weld pool, the electrode becomes
shorter. The welder continuously compensates for this and keeps the arc length
constant by feeding the electrode towards the weld using a carefully controlled
hand movement.

Most MMA electrodes are fairly short (around 350-450mm in length) which
means that relatively short lengths of weld are made before having to install a
new electrode, which is a quick and simple job.

Although the flux coating around the electrode clearly has significant benefits,
including helping to stabilise the arc, it has some disadvantages too. As the
weld cools, the slag cools and solidifies and must be chipped off the weld bead
once the weld run is complete (or before the next weld pass is deposited),
suitable eye protection, eg safety glasses, is essential.

This cleaning process is especially important in multi-pass welding where slag

may become entrapped, resulting in inclusions, which can weaken the weld.

5.2.2 Types of flux/electrodes

Arc stability, depth of penetration, metal deposition rate and positional
capability are greatly influenced by the chemical composition of the flux coating
on the electrode. Electrodes can be divided into three main groups:

 Cellulosic.
 Rutile.
 Basic.

Basic Introduction to Welding Processes 5-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Cellulosic electrodes
Contain a high proportion of cellulose in the coating and are characterised by a
deeply penetrating arc and a rapid burn-off rate giving high welding speeds.
Weld deposit can be coarse and with fluid slag, deslagging can be difficult.
These electrodes are easy to use in any position and are noted for their use in
the stovepipe welding technique.

 Deep penetration in all positions.
 Suitability for vertical down welding.
 Reasonably good mechanical properties.
 High level of hydrogen generated - risk of cracking in the heat affected zone

Rutile electrodes
Contain a high proportion of titanium oxide (rutile) in the coating, which
promotes easy arc ignition, smooth arc operation and low spatter. General
purpose electrodes with good welding properties and can be used with AC and
DC power sources, in all positions, especially suitable for welding fillet joints in
the horizontal/vertical (H/V) position.

 Moderate weld metal mechanical properties.
 Good bead profile produced through the viscous slag.
 Positional welding possible with a fluid slag (containing fluoride).
 Easily removable slag.

Basic electrodes
Contain a high proportion of calcium carbonate (limestone) and calcium fluoride
(fluorspar) in the coating. This makes their slag coating more fluid than rutile
coatings - this is also fast-freezing which assists welding in the vertical and
overhead position. Are used for welding medium and heavy section fabrications
where higher weld quality, good mechanical properties and resistance to
cracking (due to high restraint) are required.

 Low hydrogen weld metal.
 Require high welding currents/speeds.
 Poor bead profile (convex and coarse surface profile).
 Slag removal difficult.

5.2.3 Power source

Electrodes can be operated with AC and DC power supplies. Not all DC
electrodes can be operated on AC power sources; however AC electrodes are
normally used on DC.

Welding current
Welding current level is determined by the size of electrode, the normal
operating range and current are recommended by manufacturers. As a rule of
thumb when selecting a suitable current level, an electrode will require about
40A per millimetre (diameter). Therefore, the preferred current level for a 4mm
diameter electrode would be 160A, but the acceptable operating range is 140-

Basic Introduction to Welding Processes 5-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
5.3 Tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding
5.3.1 The process
Known in the USA as gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), TIG welding is a
process where melting is produced by heating with an arc struck between a
non-consumable tungsten electrode and the workpiece. Inert shielding of the
electrode and weld zone is necessary to prevent oxidation of the tungsten
electrode and atmospheric contamination of the weld/hot filler metal (see

Filler metal may or may not be needed – autogenous welds are possible.
Tungsten is used because its melting point is 3370°C, well above any other
common metal.


Welding torch Shielding gas in

Gas nozzle Contact tube

Non consumable
tungsten electrode

Welding wire Gaseous shield

Optional copper backing bar

Weld metal

Figure 5.2 Manual TIG welding.

5.3.2 Advantages of the TIG process

 Produces superior quality welds, with very low levels of diffusible hydrogen
– less danger of cold cracking.
 Generally it is free of spatter. Also, there is no slag formation during this
process which makes TIG particularly suited for applications that require a
high degree of cleanliness (eg brewing industry, semiconductors
manufacturing, etc).
 Can be used with or without filler metal (autogenuos welds). In case of
autogenuos welds, TIG can produce inexpensive welds at high speeds.
 Allows precise control of the welding variables, consequently provides
excellent control of root pass weld penetration – the danger of burn-through
is reduced. Also, it allows for out-of-position welds.
 Can be used to weld almost all metals, including dissimilar joints, but is not
generally used for those with low melting points such as lead and tin. The
method is especially useful in welding the reactive metals with very stable
oxides such as aluminium, magnesium, titanium and zirconium.
 Allows the heat source and filler metal additions to be controlled
independently and thus it is very good for joining thin base metals.

Basic Introduction to Welding Processes 5-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
5.3.3 Disadvantages of the TIG process
 Low deposition rates compared with other arc welding processes.
 Need for high dexterity and welder co-ordination than with MIG/MAG or
MMA welding.
 Less economical than MMA or MIG/MAG for sections thicker than 10mm.
 Difficult to shield properly the weld zone in draughty conditions – usually it
is not used for site works.
 Tungsten inclusions can occur if the electrode is allowed to contact the weld
pool. To prevent this, a high frequency current is used to initiate the arc
which gives problems with RF interference, increases equipment cost and
requires special cable insulation.
 Low tolerance for contaminants on filler or base metals.
 Possible contamination or porosity by coolant leakage from water cooled

Common applications for the TIG process include welding longitudinal seams in
thin walled pressure pipes and tubes on continuous forming mills usually in
alloy and stainless steel without filler metals. Using filler metals produce heavier
gauge pipe and tubing for the chemical, petroleum and power generating
industries and in the aircraft industry for airframes, jet engines and rocket
motor cases.

5.3.4 Process variables

Primary variables in TIG welding are:

 Welding current.
 Current type and polarity.
 Travel speed.
 Shape of tungsten electrode tip and vertex angle.
 Shielding gas flow rate.
 Electrode extension.
 Torch tilt angle.

5.4 Metal inert gas/metal active gas (MIG/MAG) welding

5.4.1 The process
Known in the USA as gas metal arc welding (GMAW), MIG/MAG welding is a
versatile technique suitable for both thin sheet and thick section components in
most metallic materials. An arc is struck between the end of a wire electrode
and the workpiece, melting both to form a weld pool. The wire serves as the
source of heat (via the arc at the wire tip) and filler metal for the joint.

Wire is fed through a copper contact tube (also called a contact tip) which
conducts welding current into the wire. The weld pool is protected from the
surrounding atmosphere by a shielding gas fed through a nozzle surrounding
the wire.

Shielding gas selection depends on the material being welded and the
application. The wire is fed from a reel by a motor drive, and the welder or
machine moves the welding gun or torch along the joint line. The process offers
high productivity and is economical because the consumable wire is
continuously fed. The process is shown in Figure 5.3.

Basic Introduction to Welding Processes 5-6 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Contact tube

Consumable electrode

Gas nozzle
Gas shield


Workpiece Weld pool Weld metal

Figure 5.3 MIG/MAG welding.

The MIG/MAG process uses semi-automatic, mechanised, or automatic

equipment. In semi-automatic welding, the wire feed rate and arc length are
controlled automatically, but the travel speed and wire position are under
manual control.

In mechanised welding, all parameters are under automatic control, but they
can be varied manually during welding, eg steering of the welding head and
adjustment of wire feed speed and arc voltage. With automatic equipment,
there is no manual intervention during welding. Figure 5.4 shows the equipment
required for the MIG/MAG process.

Figure 5.4 MIG/MAG welding equipment.

Basic Introduction to Welding Processes 5-7 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
5.4.2 Advantages of the MIG/MAG process
 Continuous wire feed.
 Automatic self-regulation of the arc length.
 High deposition rate and minimal number of stop/start locations.
 High consumable efficiency.
 Heat inputs in the range 0.1-2kJ/mm.
 Low hydrogen potential process.
 Welder has good visibility of weld pool and joint line.
 Little or no post-weld cleaning.
 Can be used in all positions (dip transfer).
 Good process control possibilities.
 Wide range of application.

5.4.3 Disadvantages
 No independent control of filler addition.
 Difficult to set up optimum parameters to minimise spatter levels.
 Risk of lack of fusion when using dip transfer on thicker weldments.
 High level of equipment maintenance.
 Lower heat input can lead to high hardness values.
 Higher equipment cost than manual metal arc welding.
 Site welding requires special precautions to exclude draughts which may
disturb the gas shield.
 Joint and part access is not as good as MMA or tungsten inert gas welding.
 Cleanliness of base metal - slag processes can tolerate greater

5.4.4 Process variables

The primary variables in MIG/MAG welding are:

 Welding current/wire feed speed.

 Voltage.
 Gases.
 Travel speed and electrode orientation.
 Inductance.
 Contact tip to work distance.
 Nozzle to work distance.
 Shielding gas nozzle.
 Type of metal transfer.

5.5 Submerged arc welding (SAW)

5.5.1 The process
Welding process where an arc is struck between a continuous bare wire and the
parent plate. The arc, electrode end and molten pool are submerged in an
agglomerated or fused powdered flux, which turns into a slag in its lower layers
when subjected to the heat of the arc, thus protecting the weld from

The wire electrode is fed continuously by a feed unit of motor-driven rollers,

which usually are voltage-controlled to ensure an arc of constant length. The
flux is fed from a hopper fixed to the welding head, and a tube from the hopper
spreads the flux in a continuous elongated mound in front of the arc along the
line of the intended weld and of sufficient depth to submerge the arc completely
so that there is no spatter, the weld is shielded from the atmosphere, and there
are no ultraviolet or infrared radiation effects (see below).

Basic Introduction to Welding Processes 5-8 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Unmelted flux is reclaimed for use. Use of powdered flux restricts the process to
the flat and HV welding positions.

To automatic
wire feed
To power To flux
source hopper

Solid slag Run-off
Weld metal

Base connection
Welding metal
Run-on plate

Figure 5.5 SAW equipment.

Submerged arc welding is noted for its ability to employ high weld currents
owing to the properties and functions of the flux. Such currents give deep
penetration and high dilution where twice as much parent metal as wire
electrode is melted.

Generally a DC electrode positive polarity is used up to about 1000 amps

because it produces a deep penetration. On some applications (ie cladding
operations) DC electrode negative is used due to the shallower penetration and
reduced dilution.

At higher currents or in case of multiple electrode systems, AC is often

preferred to avoid the problem of arc blow (when used with multiple electrode
systems, DC electrode positive is used for the lead arc and AC is used for the
trail arc).


Figure 5.6 Effect of polarity on penetration and bead shape.

Basic Introduction to Welding Processes 5-9 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Difficulties sometimes arise in ensuring conformity of the weld with a
predetermined line owing to the obscuring effect of the flux. Where possible, a
guide wheel to run in the joint preparation is positioned in front of the welding
head and flux hoppers.

Submerged arc welding is widely used in the fabrication of ships, pressure

vessels, line pipe, railway carriages and anywhere where long welds are
required and it can weld thicknesses from 1,5mm upwards.

5.5.2 Materials joined

 Welding of carbon steels.
 Welding low alloy steels (eg fine grained and creep resisting).
 Welding stainless steels.
 Welding nickel alloys.
 Cladding to base metals to improve wear and corrosion resistance.

Basic Introduction to Welding Processes 5-10 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Section 6

Materials Inspection
6 Materials Inspection
6.1 General
One of the duties of the Visual/Welding Inspector is to carry out materials
inspection. There are a number of situations where the inspector will be
required to do this:

 At the plate or pipe mill.

 During fabrication or construction of the material.
 After installation of material, usually during a planned maintenance
programme, outage or shutdown.

A wide range of materials is available that can be used in fabrication and

welding, these include, but are not limited to:

 Steels.
 Stainless steels.
 Aluminium and its alloys.
 Nickel and its alloys.
 Copper and its alloys.
 Titanium and its alloys.
 Cast iron.

These materials are all widely used in fabrication, welding and construction to
meet the requirements of a diverse range of applications and industry sectors.

There are three essential aspects to material inspection that the Inspector
should consider material:

1 Type and weldability.

2 Traceability/certification.
3 Condition and dimensions.

6.2 Material types and weldability

A Welding Inspector must be able to understand and interpret the material
designation in order to check compliance with relevant normative documents.
For example materials standards such as BS EN, API, ASTM, the Welding
Procedure Specification (WPS), the purchase order, fabrication drawings, the
quality plan/the contract specification and client requirements.

A commonly used material standard for steel designation is BS EN 10025 –

Hot rolled products of non-alloy structural steels.

Materials Inspection 6-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
A typical steel designation to this standard, S355J2G3, would be classified as

S Structural steel.
355 Minimum yield strength: N/mm² at t 16mm.
J2 Longitudinal Charpy, 27Joules 6-20°C.
G3 Normalised or normalised rolled.

In terms of material type and weldability, commonly used materials and most
alloys of these materials can be fusion welded using various welding processes,
in a wide range of thickness and, where applicable, diameters.

Reference to other standards such as ISO 15608 Welding - Guidelines for a

metallic material grouping system, steel producer and welding consumable data
books can also provide the Inspector with guidance on the suitability of a
material and consumable type for a given application.

6.3 Material traceability

Traceability is defined as the ability to trace the history, application or location
of that which is under consideration. In the case of a welded product,
traceability may require the Inspector to consider:

 Origin of the materials – both parent and filler material.

 Processing history – for example before or after PWHT.
 Location of the product – this would usually refer to a specific part or sub-

To trace the history of the material, reference to the inspection documents

must be made. BS EN 10204 Metallic products – types of inspection documents
is the standard, which provides guidance on these types of document. Under BS
EN 10204 inspection documents fall into two types:

Non-specific inspection
Inspection carried out by the manufacturer in accordance with his own
procedures to assess whether products defined by the same product
specification and made by the same manufacturing process, are in compliance
with the requirements of the order or not.

Type 2.1 are documents in which the manufacturer declares that the products
supplied are in compliance with the requirements of the order without inclusion
of test results.

Type 2.2 are documents in which the manufacturer declares that the products
supplied are in compliance with the requirements of the order and in which test
results based on non-specific inspection are supplied.

Specific inspection
Inspection carried out before delivery according to the product specification, on
the products to be supplied or on test units of which the products supplied are
part, in order to verify that these products are in compliance with the
requirements of the order.

Materials Inspection 6-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Type 3.1 are documents in which the manufacturer declares that the products
supplied are in compliance with the requirements of the order and in which test
results are supplied.

Type 3.2 are documents prepared by both the manufacturer’s authorised

inspection representative independent of the manufacturing department, and
either the purchaser’s authorised representative or the inspector designated by
the official regulations, and in which they declare that the products supplied are
in compliance with the requirements of the order and in which test
results are supplied.

Application or location of a particular material can be carried out through a

review of the Welding Procedure Specification (WPS), the fabrication drawings,
the quality plan or by physical inspection of the material at the point of use.

In certain circumstances the Inspector may have to witness the transfer of cast
numbers from the original plate to pieces to be used in production.

On pipeline work it is a requirement that the inspector records all the relevant
information for each piece of linepipe. On large diameter pipes this information
is usually stencilled on the inside of the pipe. On smaller diameter pipes the
information may be stencilled along the outside of the pipe.

Materials Inspection 6-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
BS EN 10204: Metallic materials
Types of inspection documents summary

1 Non-specific inspection*

Inspection document Type 2.1 Inspection document Type 2.2

Declaration of compliance with the order Test report
Statement of compliance with the order. Statement of compliance with the
Validated by the manufacturer. order, with indication of results of
non-specific inspection.
Validated by the manufacturer.

1 Non-specific inspection may be replaced by specific inspection if specified in

the material standard or the order.

2 Specific inspection

Inspection certificate Type 3.1 Inspection certificate Type 3.2

 Statement of compliance with the
 Statement of compliance with
order, with indication of results of
the order, with indication of
specific inspection.
results of specific inspection
 Validated by the manufacturer’s
 Validated by the manufacturer’s
authorised inspection representative
authorised inspection
independent of the manufacturing
representative independent of
department and either the purchaser’s
the manufacturing department.
authorised inspection representative or
the inspector designated by the official

2 Quality management system of the material manufacturer certified by a

competent body established within the community and having undergone a
specific assessment for materials.

Materials Inspection 6-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
6.4 Material condition and dimensions
The condition of the material could have an adverse effect on the service life of
the component; it is therefore an important inspection point. The points for
inspection must include:

General inspection, visible imperfections, dimensions and surface condition.

General inspection
This takes account of storage conditions, methods of handling, the number of
plates or pipes and distortion tolerances.

Visible imperfections
Typical visible imperfections are usually attributable to the manufacturing
process and would include laps, which break the surface or laminations if they
appear at the edge of the plate. For laminations, which may be present in the
body of the material, ultrasonic testing using a compression probe may be

Figure 6.1 Lap. Figure 6.2 Plate lamination.

For plates this would include length, width and thickness.

For pipes, this would not only include length and wall thickness, but would also
cover inspection of diameter and ovality. At this stage of the inspection the
material cast or heat number may also be recorded for validation against the
material certificate.

Surface condition
The surface condition of the material is important, it must not show excessive
mill scale or rust, must not be badly pitted, or have unacceptable mechanical

Materials Inspection 6-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
There are four grades of rusting which the inspector may have to consider:

Figure 6.3 Rust Grade A.

Steel surface largely covered with adherent mill scale with little or no rust.

Figure 6.4 Rust Grade B.

Steel surface which has begun to rust and from which mill scale has begun to

Figure 6.5 Rust Grade C.

Steel surface on which the mill scale has rusted away or from which it can be
scraped. Slight pitting visible under normal vision.

Figure 6.6 Rust Grade D.

Steel surface on which mill scale has rusted away. General pitting visible under
normal vision.

Materials Inspection 6-6 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
6.5 Summary
Material inspection is an important part of the Inspector’s duties and an
understanding of the documentation involved is the key to success.

Material inspection must be approached in a logical and precise manner if

material verification and traceability is to be achieved. This can be difficult if the
material is not readily accessible, access may have to be provided, safety
precautions observed and authorisation obtained before material inspection can
be carried out.

Reference to the quality plan should identify the level of inspection required and
the point at which inspection takes place. Reference to a fabrication drawing
should provide information on the type and location of the material.

If material type cannot be determined from the inspection documents available

or if the inspection document is missing, other methods of identifying the
material may need to be used.

These methods may include but are not limited to: spark test, spectroscopic
analysis, chemical analysis, scleroscope hardness test, etc. These types of tests
are normally conducted by an approved test house, but sometimes on site and
the Inspector may be required to witness these tests in order to verify
compliance with the purchase order or appropriate standard(s).

*EN ISO 9000 Quality management systems – fundamentals and vocabulary.

Materials Inspection 6-7 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Section 7

Welding Consumables
7 Welding Consumables
7.1 Introduction
Welding consumables are defined as all those things used up in the production
of a weld.

This list could include many things including electrical energy; however we
normally refer to welding consumables as those things used up by a particular
welding process.

7.1.1 MMA electrodes

MMA electrodes can be categorised according to the type of covering and
consequently the characteristics it confers.

For C-Mn and low alloy steels there are three generic types of electrodes:

 Cellulosic electrodes.
 Rutile electrode.
 Basic electrodes.

These generic names indicate the type of mineral/compound dominant in the


7.1.2 Covered electrode manufacture

Electrode manufacturers produce electrodes by:

 Straightening and cutting core wire to standard lengths (typically 300, 350
and 450mm depending on electrode classification and diameter).
 Making a dry mix of powdered compounds/minerals (precise levels of
additions depend on individual manufacturer’s formulations).
 Making a wet mix by adding the dry powders to a liquid binder.
 Extruding the covering (concentrically) on to the core wire.
 Hardening the covering by drying the electrodes.
 Carrying out batch tests - as required for electrode certification.
 Packing the electrodes into suitable containers.

For low hydrogen electrodes this is a high temperature bake - ≥ ~350°C.

Vacuum packed electrodes are packed in small quantities into packaging that
is immediately vacuum sealed to ensure no moisture pick-up.

Electrodes that need to be re-baked are packed into standard packets (this may
be some time after baking) and the packaging may not be sealed so they do
not reach the end-user in a guaranteed low hydrogen condition, therefore they
require re-baking at a typical temperature of 350°C for approximately 2 hours.

Note: You should always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.

For individual batch certification this will require the manufacture of a test pad
for chemical analysis and may require manufacture of a test weld from which a
tensile test and Charpy V notch test pieces are tested.

Welding Consumables 7-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
7.1.3 Electrode coverings
Core wire used for most C-Mn electrodes, and some low alloy steel electrodes,
is a very low C steel* and it is the formulation of the covering that determines
the composition of the deposited weld metal and the operating characteristics of
the electrode.

(* Typically ~ 0.06%C, ~0.5%Mn)

The flux covering on an electrode is formulated to aid the manufacturing

process and to provide a number of functions during welding.

The major welding functions are to:

 Facilitate arc ignition/re-ignition and give arc stabilisation.

 Generate gas for shielding the arc and molten metal from contamination by
 Interact with the molten weld metal to give de-oxidation and flux impurities
into the slag to cleanse/refine the molten weld metal.
 Form a slag for protection of the hot weld metal from air contamination.
 Provide elements to give the weld metal the required mechanical properties.
 Enable positional welding by means of slag formers that freeze at
temperatures above the solidification temperature range of the weld metal.

7.1.4 Inspection points for MMA consumables

1 Size: Wire diameter and length.

2 Condition: Cracks, chips and concentricity.

3 Type (specification): Correct specification/code.

E 46 3 B

Welding Consumables 7-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Checks should also be made to ensure that basic electrodes have been through
the correct pre-use procedure. Having been baked to the correct temperature
(typically 300-350C) for 1 hour and then held in a holding oven at 150C
before being issued to the welders in heated quivers.

Most electrode flux coatings will deteriorate rapidly when damp and care should
be taken to inspect storage facilities to ensure that they are adequately dry,
and that all electrodes are stored in conditions of controlled temperature and

7.2 Cellulosic electrodes

Cellulose is the principal substance in this type of electrode, comprising typically
~40% of the flux constituents.

Cellulose is an organic (naturally occurring) material such as cotton and wood,

but wood pulp that is the principal source of cellulose used in the manufacture
of electrode coverings.

The main characteristics of cellulosic electrodes are:

 Cellulose breaks down during welding and produces carbon monoxide and
dioxide and hydrogen.
 Hydrogen provides part of the gas shielding function and gives a relatively
high arc voltage.
 High arc voltage gives the electrode a hard and forceful arc with good
penetration/fusion ability.
 Volume of slag formed is relatively small.
 Cellulosic electrodes cannot be baked during manufacture or before welding
because this would destroy the cellulose; the manufacturing procedure is to
harden the coating by drying (typically at 70 to 100ºC).
 Because of the high hydrogen levels there is always some risk of hydrogen
cracking which requires control measures such as hot-pass welding to
facilitate the rapid escape of hydrogen.
 Because of the risk of hydrogen cracking there are limits on the
strength/composition and thickness of steels on which they can be used
(electrodes are manufactured in classes E60xx, E70xx, E80xx and E90xx
but both lower strength grades tend to be the most commonly used).
 High toughness at low temperatures cannot be consistently achieved from
this type of electrode (typically only down to about -20ºC).

7.2.1 Applications of cellulosic electrodes

Cellulosic electrodes have characteristics that enable them to be used for
vertical-down welding at fast travel speed but with low risk of lack of fusion
because of their forceful arc.

The niche application for this type of electrode is girth seam welding of large
diameter steel pipes for overland pipelines (National Grid (BGAS) P2, BS 4515
and API 1104 applications). No other type of electrode has the ability to allow
root pass welding at high speed and still give good root penetration when the
root gap is less than ideal.

Because of their penetration ability these electrodes have also found application
on oil storage tanks – for vertical and circumferential seam welding of the
upper/thinner courses for which preparations with large root faces or square
edge preparations are used.

Welding Consumables 7-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
7.3 Rutile electrodes
Rutile is a mineral that consists of about 90% titanium dioxide (TiO2) and is
present in C and C-Mn steel rutile electrodes at typically ~50%.

Characteristics of rutile electrodes are:

1 Have a very smooth and stable arc and produce a relatively thin slag
covering that is easy to remove.
2 Give a smooth weld profile.
3 Regarded as the most user-friendly of the various electrode types.
4 Relatively high combined moisture content and because they contain
typically up to ~10% cellulose they cannot be baked and consequently they
do not give a low hydrogen weld deposit.
5 Because of the risk of cracking they are not designed for welding high
strength or thick section steel (although electrodes are manufactured in
classes E60xx, E70xx, E80xx the E60xx grade is by far the most commonly
6 They do not give high toughness at low temperatures (typically only down to
about -20°C).

The above listed characteristics mean that this type of electrode is used for
general-purpose fabrication of unalloyed, low strength steels in relatively thin
sections (typically ≤ ~13mm).

7.3.1 Rutile electrode variants

By adding iron powder to the covering a range of thick coated electrodes have
been produced in order to enhance productivity.

Such electrodes give weld deposits that weigh between ~135 and 190% of their
core wire weight and so referred to as high recovery electrodes, or more
specifically for example a 170% recovery electrode.

The weld deposit from such electrodes can be relatively large and fluid and
restricts welding to the flat position and for standing fillets for electrodes with
the highest recovery rates.

In all other respects these electrodes have the characteristics listed for standard
rutile electrodes.

7.3.2 Basic electrodes

Basic electrodes are so named because the covering is made with a high
proportion of basic minerals/compounds (alkaline compounds), such as calcium
carbonate (CaCO3), magnesium carbonate (MgCO3) and calcium fluoride

A fully basic electrode covering will be made up with about 60% of these basic

Welding Consumables 7-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Characteristics of basic electrodes are:

 Basic slag forms when the covering melts reacts with impurities, such as
sulphur and phosphorus and also reduces the oxygen content of the weld
metal by de-oxidation.
 Relatively clean weld metal that is deposited gives a very significant
improvement in weld metal toughness (C-Mn electrodes with Ni additions
can give good toughness down to -90°C).
 Can be baked at relatively high temperatures without any of the compounds
present in the covering being destroyed, thereby giving low moisture
content in the covering and low hydrogen levels in weld metal.
 To maintain the electrodes in a low hydrogen condition they need to be
protected from moisture pick-up by:

Baking before use (typically at ~350°C), transferring to a holding oven

(typically at ~120°C) and issued in small quantities and/or using heated
quivers (portable ovens) at the work station (typically ~70°C).

Use of vacuum packed electrodes that do not need to be re-baked before

 Basic slag is relatively viscous and thick which means that electrode
manipulation requires more skill and should be used with a short arc to
minimise the risk of porosity.
 Surface profile of weld deposits from basic electrodes tends to be convex
and slag removal requires more effort.

7.3.3 Metal powder electrodes

Contain an addition of metal powder to the flux coating to increase the
maximum permissible welding current level. Thus, for a given electrode size,
the metal deposition rate and efficiency (percentage of the metal deposited) are
increased compared with an electrode containing no iron powder in the coating.
The slag is normally easily removed. Iron powder electrodes are mainly used in
the flat and H/V positions to take advantage of the higher deposition rates.
Efficiencies as high as 130-140% can be achieved for rutile and basic electrodes
without marked deterioration of the arcing characteristics but the arc tends to
be less forceful which reduces bead penetration.

7.3.4 Applications of basic electrodes

Basic electrodes have to be used for all applications that require good fracture
toughness at temperatures below -20°C.

To avoid the risk of hydrogen cracking basic electrodes have to be used for
welding hardenable steels (most C-Mn and all low alloy steels) and for most
steels when the joint thickness is greater than about 15mm.

7.4 Classification of electrodes

National standards for electrodes that are used for welding are:

EN 2560 Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-

alloy and fine grain steels.

AWS A5.1 Specification for carbon steel electrodes for shielded metal
arc welding.

AWS A5.5 Specification for low-alloy steel electrodes for shielded metal
arc welding.

Welding Consumables 7-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Electrode classification is based on tests specified by the standard on weld
deposits made with each type of covered electrode. The standards require
chemical analysis and mechanical tests and electrode manufacturers tend to
dual certify electrodes, wherever possible, to both the European and American

7.4.1 EN 2560
EN 2560 - Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy and
fine grain steels (see Figure 7.2).

This is the designation that manufacturers print on to each electrode so that it

can be easily identified. The classification is split into two sections:

Compulsory section - this includes the symbols for:

 Type of product.
 Strength.
 Impact properties.
 Chemical composition.
 Type of electrode covering.

Optional section - this includes the symbols for:

 Weld metal recovery.

 Type of current.
 Welding positions.
 Hydrogen content.

The designation, compulsory (strength, toughness and coating including any

light alloying elements) must be identified on the electrode, however the
optional (position, hydrogen levels, etc are not mandatory and may not be
shown on all electrodes.

Figure 7.1 Covered electrode with manufacturers designation.

Welding Consumables 7-6 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 7.2 Electrode classification system of EN 2560.

7.4.2 AWS A5.1/5.1M: 2003

AWS A5.1/5.1M: 2003 - Specification for carbon steel electrodes for shielded
metal arc welding (see Figure 7.3).

This specification establishes the requirements for classification of covered

electrodes with carbon steel cores for MMA welding. Requirements include
mechanical properties of weld metal; weld metal soundness; and usability of

Requirements for chemical composition of the weld metal, moisture content of

low hydrogen electrodes, standard sizes and lengths, marking, manufacturing
and packaging are also included.

A guide to the use of the standard is given in an appendix. Optional

supplementary requirements include improved toughness and ductility, lower
moisture contents and diffusible hydrogen limits.

Welding Consumables 7-7 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
The AWS classification system has mandatory and optional designators and
requires that both the mandatory classification designators and any optional
designators be printed on each electrode.

The last two digits of the mandatory part of the classification are used to
designate the type of electrode coating/covering and examples of some of the
more widely used electrodes are shown in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1 Examples of some of the commonly used AWS A5.1 electrodes.

AWS A5.1 Tensile strength, Type

classification N/mm2 of coating

E6010 Cellulosic
E6011 Cellulosic

E6012 Rutile

E6013 Rutile

E7014 Rutile, iron powder

E7015 Basic

E7016 Basic

E7018 Basic, iron powder

E7024 Rutile high recovery

Typical electrode to AWS A5.1

Designates: An Designates: The tensile Designates: The welding

electrode strength (minimum) in position the type of covering
ksi of the weld metal the kind of current

Figure 7.3 Mandatory classification designators.

Welding Consumables 7-8 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Table 7.2 Common electrodes that classified to BS EN 2560 and
AWS A5.1 / 5.5.

General description EN 2560 AWS A5.1 / 5.5

Cellulosic electrodes E 38 3 C 21 E6010

(For vertical-down welding
Stovepipe welding E 42 3 Z C 21 E7010-G
of pipeline girth welds)
E 46 3 Z C 21 E8010-G

E 42 3 C 25 E7010-P 1 *

E 46 4 1Ni C 25 E8010-P 1 *

* P = specially designated piping


Rutile electrodes E 38 2 R 12 E6013

(For general purpose fabrication of low
strength steels – can be used for all E 42 0 R 12 E6013
positions except vertical-down)

Heavy coated rutile electrodes E 42 0 RR 13 E6013

(Iron-powder electrodes)
E 42 0 RR 74 E7024
(For higher productivity welding for
general fabrication of low strength steels –
can generally only be used for downhand
or standing fillet welding)

Basic electrodes E 42 2 B 12 H10 E7016

(For higher strength steels, thicker section
steels where there is risk of hydrogen E 42 4 B 32 H5 E7018
cracking; for all applications requiring
good fracture toughness) E 46 6 Mn1Ni B 12 H5 E 7016-G

E 55 6 Mn1Ni B 32 H5 E8018-C1

E 46 5 1Ni B 45 H5* E8018-G

E 55 5 Z 2Ni B 45 H5* E9018-G

E 62 5 Z 2Ni B 45 H5* E10018-G

* Vertical-down low hydrogen electrodes

Welding Consumables 7-9 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
7.5 TIG filler wires
Filler wires manufactured for TIG welding have compositions very similar to
base material compositions. However, they may contain very small additions of
elements that will combine with oxygen and nitrogen as a means of scavenging
any contaminants from the surface of the base material or from the

For manual TIG, the wires are manufactured to BS EN 440 and are provided in
1m lengths (typically 1.2, 1.6 and 2.4mm diameter and for identification have
flattened ends on which is stamped the wire designation (in accordance with a
particular standard) and, for some grades, a batch number.

Figure 7.4 TIG filler wire.

TIG consumable identification is stamped at the end of the wire.

For making precision root runs for pipe butt welds (particularly for automated
TIG welding) consumable inserts can be used, made from material the same as
the base material, or are compatible with it.

For small diameter pipe, the insert may be a ring but for larger diameter pipe
an insert of the appropriate diameter is made from shaped strip/wire, examples
of which are shown below.

Figure 7.5 Examples of shaped strip/wire.

7.5.1 TIG shielding gases

Pure argon is the shielding gas used for most applications and is the preferred
gas for TIG welding of steel and gas flow rates are typically ~8-12 litres/minute
for shielding.

The shielding gas not only protects the arc and weld pool but also is the
medium required to establish a stable arc by being easy to ionise. A stable arc
cannot be established in air and hence the welder would not be able to weld if
the shielding gas were not switched on.

Argon with a helium addition – typically ~30% may be used when a hotter arc
is needed such as when welding metals with high thermal conductivity, such as
copper/copper alloys or thicker section aluminium/aluminium alloys.

Welding Consumables 7-10 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
There are some circumstances when special shielding gases are beneficial:

 Ar + 3 to 5%H for austenitic stainless steels and Cu-Ni alloys.

 Ar + ~3%N for duplex stainless steels.

7.5.2 TIG back-purging

For most materials, the underside of a weld root bead needs to be protected by
an inert gas (a back-purge) – typically 6-8 litres/minute during welding.

For carbon steels and low alloy steels with total alloying additions ≤ 2.5% it
may not always be necessary to use a back-purge but for higher alloyed steels
and most other materials there may be excessive oxidation and risk of lack of
fusion if a back-purge is not used.

7.6 MIG/MAG filler wires

Solid filler wires manufactured for MIG/MAG generally have chemical
compositions that have been formulated for particular base materials and the
wires have compositions similar to these base materials. Solid wires for welding
steels with active shielding gases are deoxidised with manganese and silicon to
avoid porosity. There may also be titanium and aluminium additions.

Mild steel filler wires are available with different levels of deoxidants, known as
double or triple de-oxidised wires. More highly deoxidised wires are more
expensive but are more tolerant of the plate surface condition, eg mill scale,
surface rust, oil, paint and dust. There may, therefore, be a reduction in the
amount of cleaning of the steel before welding.

These deoxidiser additions yield a small amount of glassy slag on the surface of
the weld deposit, commonly referred to as silica deposits. These small pockets
of slag are easily removed with light brushing; but when galvanising or painting
after welding, it is necessary to use shot blasting.

During welding, it is common practice to weld over these small islands since
they do not represent a thick slag, and they usually spall off during the
contraction of the weld bead. However, when multipass welding, the slag level
may build up to an unacceptable level causing weld defects and unreliable arc

Steel wires usually have a flash coating of copper to improve current pick-up
and to extend the shelf life of the wire. However, the copper coating can
sometimes flake off and be drawn into the liner and wire feed mechanism,
particularly if there is misalignment in the wire feed system.

This may cause clogging and erratic wire feed. Uncoated wires are available as
an alternative, although electrical contact may not be as good as with copper-
coated wires and contact tip operating temperatures may be higher.

Some typical standards for specification of steel wire consumables are:

EN 440: Welding consumables - wire electrodes and deposits for gas shielded
metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels - Classification.

EN ISO 16834: Welding consumables - wire electrodes, wires, rods and

deposits for gas shielded metal arc welding of high strength steels -

Welding Consumables 7-11 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Wire sizes are typically in the range 0.6-2.4mm diameter but the most
commonly used sizes are 0.8, 1.0, 1.2 and 1.6mm and provided on layer wound
spools for consistent feeding.

Spools should be labelled to show the classification of the wire and its’

Flux- and metal-cored wires are also used extensively although the process is
then referred to as FCAW (flux cored arc welding) and MCAW (metal cored arc

7.6.1 MIG/MAG gas shielding

For non-ferrous metals and their alloys (such as Al, Ni and Cu) an inert
shielding gas must be used. This is usually either pure argon or an argon rich
gas with a helium addition.

The use of a fully inert gas is the reason why the process is also called MIG
welding (metal inert gas) and for precise use of terminology this name should
only be used when referring to the welding of non-ferrous metals.

The addition of some helium to argon gives a more uniform heat concentration
within the arc plasma and this affects the shape of the weld bead profile.

Argon-helium mixtures effectively give a hotter arc and so are beneficial for
welding thicker base materials those with higher thermal conductivity eg copper
or aluminium.

For welding of steels, all grades, including stainless steels, there needs to be a
controlled addition of oxygen or carbon dioxide in order to generate a stable arc
and give good droplet wetting. Because these additions react with the molten
metal they are referred to as active gases and hence the name MAG welding
(metal active gas) is the technical term that is use when referring to the
welding of steels.

The percentage of carbon dioxide (CO2) or oxygen depends on the type of steel
being welded and the mode of metal transfer being used – as indicated below: -

 100%CO2.
For low carbon steel to give deeper penetration (Figure 7.6) and faster
welding, this gas promotes globular droplet transfer and gives high levels of
spatter and welding fume.

 Argon + 15-25%CO2.
Widely used for carbon and some low alloy steels (and FCAW of stainless

 Argon + 1-5%O2.
Widely used for stainless steels and some low alloy steels.

Welding Consumables 7-12 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 7.6 Effects of shielding gas composition on weld penetration and profile.

Figure 7.7 Active shielding gas mixtures for MAG welding of carbon, carbon-
manganese and low alloy steels. Blue is a cooler gas mixture; red is a hotter

Gas mixtures, helium in place of argon gives a hotter arc, more fluid weld pool
and better weld profile. These quaternary mixtures permit higher welding
speeds, but may not be suitable for thin sections.

7.6.2 Stainless steels

Austenitic stainless steels are typically welded with argon-CO2/O2 mixtures for
spray transfer, or argon-helium-CO2 mixtures for all modes of transfer. The
oxidising potential of the mixtures are kept to a minimum (2-2.5% maximum
CO2 content) in order to stabilise the arc, but with minimum effect on corrosion

Because austenitic steels have a high thermal conductivity, the addition of

helium helps to avoid lack of fusion defects and overcome the high heat
dissipation into the material. Helium additions are up to 85%, compared with
~25% for mixtures used for carbon and low alloy steels. CO2 -containing
mixtures are sometimes avoided to eliminate potential carbon pick-up.

Welding Consumables 7-13 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 7.8 Active shielding gas mixtures for MAG welding of stainless steels.
Blue is a cooler gas mixture; red is a hotter mixture.

For martensitic and duplex stainless steels, specialist advice should be sought.
Some Ar-He mixtures containing up to 2.5%N2 are available for welding duplex
stainless steels.

7.6.3 Light alloys, eg aluminium, magnesium, copper and nickel and their
Inert gases are used for light alloys and alloys that are sensitive to oxidation.
Welding grade inert gases should be purchased rather than commercial purity
to ensure good weld quality.

7.6.4 Argon
Can be used for aluminium because there is sufficient surface oxide available to
stabilise the arc. For materials that are sensitive to oxygen, such as titanium
and nickel alloys, arc stability may be difficult to achieve with inert gases in
some applications.

The density of argon is approximately 1.4 times that of air. Therefore, in the
downhand position, the relatively heavy argon is very effective at displacing air.
A disadvantage is that when working in confined spaces, there is a risk of argon
building up to dangerous levels and asphyxiating the welder.

7.6.5 Argon-helium mixtures

Argon is most commonly used for MIG welding of light alloys, but some
advantage can be gained by the use of helium and argon/helium mixtures.
Helium possesses a higher thermal conductivity than argon; the hotter weld
pool produces improved penetration and/or an increase in welding speed.

High helium contents give a deep broad penetration profile, but produce high
spatter levels. With less than 80% argon, a true spray transfer is not possible.
With globular-type transfer, the welder should use a buried arc to minimise

Arc stability can be problematic in helium and argon-helium mixtures, since

helium raises the arc voltage, and therefore there is a larger change in arc
voltage with respect to arc length. Helium mixtures require higher flow rates
than argon shielding in order to provide the same gas protection.

There is a reduced risk of lack of fusion defects when using argon-helium

mixtures, particularly on thick section aluminium. Ar-He gas mixtures will offset
the high heat dissipation in material over about 3mm thickness.

Welding Consumables 7-14 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 7.9 Inert shielding gas mixtures for MIG welding of aluminium,
magnesium, titanium, nickel and copper alloys. Blue is a cooler gas mixture;
red is a hotter mixture.

A summary table of shielding gases and mixtures used for different base
materials is given in Table 7.3.

Welding Consumables 7-15 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Table 7.3 Shielding gas mixtures for MIG/MAG welding – summary.

Metal Shielding Reaction Characteristics

gas behaviour

Carbon Argon-CO2 Slightly Increasing CO2 content gives hotter arc,

steel oxidising improved arc stability, deeper
penetration, transition from finger-type
to bowl-shaped penetration profile, more
fluid weld pool giving flatter weld bead
with good wetting, increased spatter
levels, better toughness than CO2.
Minimum 80% argon for axial spray
transfer. General purpose mixture:
Argon-10-15% CO2.

Argon-O2 Slightly Stiffer arc than Ar-CO2 mixtures,

oxidising minimises undercutting, suited to spray
transfer mode, lower penetration than
Ar- CO2 mixtures, finger-type weld bead
penetration at high current levels.
General purpose mixture: Argon-3%

Argon- Slightly Substitution of helium for argon gives

helium-CO2 oxidising hotter arc, higher arc voltage, more fluid
weld pool, flatter bead profile, more
bowl-shaped and deeper penetration
profile and higher welding speeds,
compared with
Ar- CO2 mixtures. High cost.

CO2 Oxidising Arc voltages 2-3V higher than Ar-CO2

mixtures, best penetration, higher
welding speeds, dip transfer or buried arc
technique only, narrow working range,
high spatter levels, low cost.

Stainless He-Ar-CO2 Slightly Good arc stability with minimum effect

steels oxidising on corrosion resistance (carbon pick-up),
higher helium contents designed for dip
transfer, lower helium contents designed
for pulse and spray transfer. General
purpose gas:

Argon-O2 Slightly Spray transfer only, minimises

oxidising undercutting on heavier sections, good
bead profile.

Aluminium, Argon Inert Good arc stability, low spatter general

copper, purpose gas. Titanium alloys require
nickel, inert gas backing and trailing shields to
titanium prevent air contamination.
Argon- Inert Higher heat input offsets high heat
helium dissipation on thick sections, lower risk of
lack of fusion defects, higher spatter,
higher cost than argon.

Welding Consumables 7-16 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
7.7 SAW filler wires
Filler wires for SAW are made to AWS and EN standards and the most
commonly used sizes are 2.4, 3.2, 4 and 5mm diameter and are available for
welding a wide range of steels and some non-ferrous applications, they have
compositions similar to the base material but for certification standards require
flux/wire weld metal deposits to be made for analysis and testing as required.

7.7.1 SAW flux types

Fluxes can be categorised into two types, namely fused and agglomerated.
(Agglomerated fluxes are sometimes called bonded fluxes particularly in the

7.7.2 Fused flux

Manufactured by mixing certain suitable minerals/compounds, fusing them
together, crushing the solid mass and then sieving the crushed mass to recover
granules within a particular size range.

Fused fluxes have the following characteristics/properties:

 Contain a high proportion of silica (up to ~60%) so the flux granules have
similar appearance to crushed glass – irregular shaped and hard - and a
smooth slightly shiny, surface.
 During re-circulation they have good resistance to breaking down into fine
particles – referred to as fines.
 Very low moisture content as manufactured and do not absorb moisture
during exposure and so they should always give low hydrogen weld metal.
 Give welds beads with good surface finish and profile and de-slag easily.

The main disadvantage of fused fluxes is that the compounds that give de-
oxidation cannot be added so that welds have high oxygen content and so steel
weld metal does not have good toughness at sub-zero temperatures.

Figure 7.10 Fused flux.

Welding Consumables 7-17 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
7.7.3 Agglomerated flux
Manufactured by mixing fine powdered minerals/compounds, adding a wet
binder and further mixing to form flux granules of the required size, these are
dried/baked to remove moisture, sieved and packaged in sealed containers to
ensure they are in low hydrogen condition when supplied to the user.

Some of the minerals/compounds used in these fluxes cannot be subjected to

the high temperatures required to make fused fluxes because they would break
down and lose the properties that are needed during welding.

Agglomerated fluxes have the following characteristics:

 Granules tend to be more spherical and have a dull/matt finish.

 Granules consist of fine powders, weakly held together so are quite soft and
easily be broken down into fine powders during handling/re-circulation.
 Some of the compounds, and the binder itself, will tend to absorb moisture
from the atmosphere if left exposed and a controlled handling procedure* is
 The slag is less fluid than those generated by fused fluxes and the weld
bead profile tends to be more convex and more effort is required to remove
the slag.

* Agglomerated fluxes are similar to fluxes used for basic covered electrodes
and susceptible to moisture pick-up when they are cold and left exposed.

A typical controlled handling practice is to transfer flux from the manufacturer’s

drum/bag to a heated silo (120-150°C). This acts like the holding oven for basic

Warm flux is transferred to the flux hopper on the machine (usually unheated)
and at the end of a shift or when there is to be an interruption in welding, the
hopper flux should be transferred to the silo.

The particular advantage of agglomerated fluxes is there ability to give weld

metals with low oxygen content and this enables steel weld metal to be
produced with good sub-zero toughness.

Figure 7.11 Agglomerated flux.

Welding Consumables 7-18 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
7.7.4 SAW flux basicity index
Fluxes are often referred to as having a certain basicity or basicity index (BI).

The BI indicates the flux formulation according to the ratio of basic compounds
to acid compounds and is used to give an indication of flux/weld reaction and
can be interpreted as follows:

 Flux with a BI = 1 has an equal ratio of basic AND acid compounds and thus
is neither basic nor acid but said to be neutral*.
 Flux with BI > 1 has basic characteristics; fully basic fluxes have BI of ~3 to
 Flux with BI < 1 has acid characteristics.
 Fused and agglomerated fluxes are mixed to produce fluxes referred to as

* In the US it is customary to use the terms neutral to indicate that the flux has
no significant influence on the composition by transfer of elements from flux to
weld pool and active to indicate that the flux does transfer some elements.

Fused fluxes have acid characteristics and agglomerated fluxes have basic

Although there are EN and AWS standards for flux classification, it is common
UK practice to order fluxes by manufacturer name and use this name on WPSs.

Welding Consumables 7-19 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Section 8

Non-Destructive Examination of Welds –

Appreciation of the Common Methods
8 Non-Destructive Examination of Welds – Appreciation of the
Common Methods
8.1 Introduction
Radiographic, ultrasonic, dye penetrant and magnetic particle methods are
briefly described below. The relative advantages and limitations of the methods
are discussed in terms of their applicability to the examination of welds.

8.2 Radiographic methods

In all cases radiographic methods as applied to welds involve passing a beam of
penetrating radiation through the test object. The transmitted radiation is
collected by some form of sensor, which is capable of measuring the relative
intensities of penetrating radiations impinging upon it.

In most cases this sensor will be a radiographic film; however the use of
various electronic devices is on the increase. These devices facilitate so-called
real time radiography and examples may be seen in the security check area at
airports. Digital technology has enabled the storing of radiographs using
computers. The present discussion is confined to film radiography since this is
still by far the most common method applied to welds.

8.2.1 Sources of penetrating radiation

Penetrating radiations may be generated from high-energy electron beams, in
which case they are termed X-rays, or from nuclear disintegrations (atomic
fission), in which case they are termed gamma-rays. Other forms of penetrating
radiation exist but they are of limited interest in weld radiography.

8.3 X-rays
X-rays used in the industrial radiography of welds generally have photon
energies in the range 30keV up to 20MeV. Up to 400keV they are generated by
conventional X-ray tubes which dependant upon output may be suitable for
portable or fixed installations.

Portability falls off rapidly with increasing kilovoltage and radiation output.
Above 400keV X-rays are produced using devices such as betatrons and linear
accelerators, not generally suitable for use outside fixed installations.

All sources of X-rays produce a continuous spectrum of radiation, reflecting the

spread of kinetic energies of electrons within the electron beam. Low energy
radiations are more easily absorbed and the presence of low energy radiations,
within the X-ray beam, gives rise to better radiographic contrast and therefore
better radiographic sensitivity than is the case with gamma-rays.

Conventional X-ray units are capable of performing high quality radiography on

steel of up to 60mm thickness, betatrons and linear accelerators are capable of
penetrating in excess of 300mm of steel.

Non-Destructive Examination of Welds
- Appreciation of the Common Methods 8-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
8.3.1 Gamma-rays
The early gamma-rays used in industrial radiography were in general composed
of naturally occurring radium. The activity of these sources was not very high,
therefore they were physically rather large by modern standards even for quite
modest outputs of radiation and the radiographs produced by them were not of
a particularly high standard.

Radium sources were also extremely hazardous to the user due to the
production of radioactive radon gas as a product of the fission reaction. Since
the advent of the nuclear age it has been possible to artificially produce
isotopes of much higher specific activity than those occurring naturally and
which do not produce hazardous fission products.

Unlike the X-ray sources gamma-sources do not produce a continuous

distribution of quantum energies. Gamma-sources produce a number of specific
quantum energies which are unique for any particular isotope. Four isotopes are
in common use for the radiography of welds; they are in ascending order of
radiation energy: thulium 90, ytterbium 169, iridium 192 and cobalt 60.

In terms of steel thulium 90 is useful up to a thickness of 7mm or so, its energy

is similar to that of 90keV X-rays and due to it’s high specific activity useful
sources can be produced with physical dimensions of less than 0.5mm.

Ytterbium 169 has only fairly recently become available as an isotope for
industrial use, its energy is similar to that of 120keV X-rays and it is useful for
the radiography of steel up to approximately 12mm thickness.

Iridium 192 is probably the most commonly encountered isotopic source of

radiation used in the radiographic examination of welds, it has a relatively high
specific activity and high output sources with physical dimensions of 2-3mm are
in common usage, its energy is approximately equivalent to that of 500 keV X-
rays and it is useful for the radiography of steel in the thickness range 10-

Cobalt 60 has an energy approximating to that of 1.2MeV X-rays, due to this

relatively high energy suitable source containers are large and rather heavy.
Cobalt 60 sources are for this reason not fully portable. They are useful for the
radiography of steel in the thickness range 40-150mm.

The major advantages of using isotopic sources over X-rays are:

 Increased portability.
 No need for a power source.
 Lower initial equipment costs.

The quality of radiographs produced by gamma-ray techniques is inferior to that

produced by X-ray techniques, the hazards to personnel may be increased (if
the equipment is not properly maintained, or if the operating personnel have
insufficient training), and due to their limited useful lifespan new isotopes have
to be purchased on a regular basis (so that the operating costs of a gamma-ray
source may exceed those of an X-ray source).

Non-Destructive Examination of Welds
- Appreciation of the Common Methods 8-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
8.3.2 Radiography of welds
Radiographic techniques depend upon detecting differences in absorption of the
beam ie changes in the effective thickness of the test object, in order to reveal
defective areas. Volumetric weld defects such as slag inclusions (except in some
special cases where the slag absorbs radiation to a greater extent than does the
weld metal) and various forms of gas porosity are easily detected by
radiographic techniques due to the large negative absorption difference
between the parent metal and the slag or gas.

Planar defects such as cracks or lack of sidewall or inter-run fusion are much
less likely to be detected by radiography since such defects may cause little or
no change in the penetrated thickness. Where defects of this type are likely to
occur other NDE techniques such as ultrasonic testing are preferable to

This lack of sensitivity to planar defects makes radiography an unsuitable

technique where a fitness-for-purpose approach is taken when assessing the
acceptability of a weld. However, film radiography produces a permanent record
of the weld condition, which can be archived for future reference; it also
provides an excellent means of assessing the welder’s performance and for
these reasons it is often still the preferred method for new construction.

Figure 8.1 X-ray equipment. Figure 8.2 Gamma-ray equipment.

Non-Destructive Examination of Welds
- Appreciation of the Common Methods 8-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 8.3 X-ray of a welded seam showing porosity.

8.4 Ultrasonic methods

The velocity of ultrasound in any given material is a constant for that material
and ultrasonic beams travel in straight lines in homogeneous materials. When
ultrasonic waves pass from a given material with a given sound velocity to a
second material with different velocity refraction and reflection of the sound
beam will occur at the boundary between the two materials. The same laws of
physics apply equally to ultrasonic waves as they do to light waves.

Ultrasonic waves are refracted at a boundary between two materials having

different acoustic properties, so probes may be constructed which can beam
sound into a material at (within certain limits) any given angle. As sound is
reflected at a boundary between two materials having different acoustic
properties ultrasound is a useful tool for the detection of weld defects.

As the velocity is a constant for any given material and sound travels in a
straight line (with the right equipment) ultrasound can also be used to give
accurate positional information about a given reflector.

Careful observation of the echo pattern of a given reflector and its behaviour as
the ultrasonic probe is moved together with the positional information obtained
above and knowledge of the component history enables the experienced
ultrasonic operator to classify the reflector as say slag lack of fusion or a crack.

Non-Destructive Examination of Welds
- Appreciation of the Common Methods 8-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
8.4.1 Equipment for ultrasonic testing
Equipment for manual ultrasonic testing consists of:

a A flaw detector of:

1 Pulse generator.
2 Adjustable time base generator with an adjustable delay control.
3 Cathode ray tube with fully rectified display.
4 Calibrated amplifier with a graduated gain control or attenuator).

b An ultrasonic probe:
1 Piezo-electric crystal element capable of converting electrical vibrations
to mechanical vibrations and vice-versa.
2 Probe shoe, normally a Perspex block to which the crystal is firmly
attached using a suitable adhesive.
3 Electrical and/or mechanical crystal damping facilities to prevent
excessive ringing.

Such equipment is lightweight and extremely portable. Automated or semi-

automated systems for ultrasonic testing use the same basic equipment
although since in general this will be multi-channel equipment it is bulkier and
less portable.

Probes for automated systems are set in arrays and some form of manipulator
is necessary to feed positional information about the probes to the computer.
Automated systems generate very large amounts of data and make large
demands upon the RAM of the computer. Recent advances in automated UT
have led to a reduced amount of data being recorded for a given length of weld.

Simplified probe arrays have greatly reduced the complexity of setting up the
automated system to carry out a particular task. Automated UT systems now
provide a serious alternative to radiography on such constructions as pipelines
where a large number of similar inspections allow the unit cost of system
development to be reduced to a competitive level.

Figure 8.4 Ultrasonic equipment.

Non-Destructive Examination of Welds
- Appreciation of the Common Methods 8-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 8.5 Compression and shear wave probes.

Figure 8.6 Scanning technique with a shear wave probe.

Figure 8.7 Typical screen display when using a shear wave probe.

Non-Destructive Examination of Welds
- Appreciation of the Common Methods 8-6 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
8.5 Ultrasonic testing vs radiography
Radiography Ultrasonic testing

Hazardous to personnel: causes Non-hazardous.

interruptions to production.

Requires access to two sides of a Requires access to only a single surface.

component in order to carry out a test.

Not suitable for use on welds with Suitable for use on virtually all weld
complicated geometry eg nozzle welds, geometries.
node welds, structural T joints, etc.

Relatively expensive Normally cheaper than radiography.

Requires medium level of personnel Requires higher level of operator training

training and capability. and capability.

Produces a permanent record, which Manual UT provides no direct permanent

reduces the need for operator integrity. record and is heavily dependent on
operator integrity.

Radiographs are relatively easy to Records produced by automated systems

interpret. may not be straightforward to interpret.

High sensitivity to volumetric defects. Reasonable sensitivity to volumetric


Variable sensitivity to planar defects. High sensitivity to planar defects.

Gives only two-dimensional information Gives accurate (to within 0.5mm for
about defect size and position. some automated systems) three-
dimensional information about defect size
and position.

Applicable to all metals and alloys. Applicable to metals and alloys having a
fine grain structure and which are
homogeneous. Welds in wrought ferritic
steel are easy to test, weld in for instance
stainless steel are not easily tested.

Does not normally require a high degree Test surfaces must be smooth and free
of surface preparation. from loose materials.

Can test up to 300mm of ferritic steel. Can test 10.000mm or more of ferritic

Non-Destructive Examination of Welds
- Appreciation of the Common Methods 8-7 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
8.6 Magnetic particle testing
Surface breaking or very near surface discontinuities in ferromagnetic materials
give rise to leakage fields when high levels of magnetic flux are applied. These
leakage fields will attract magnetic particles (finely divided magnetite) to
themselves and this process leads to the formation of an indication.

The magnetic particles may be visibly or fluorescently pigmented in order to

provide contrast with the substrate or conversely the substrate may be lightly
coated with a white background lacquer in order to contrast with the particles.

Fluorescent magnetic particles provide the greatest sensitivity. The particles will
normally be in a liquid suspension and usually applied by spraying. In certain
cases dry particles may be applied by a gentle jet of air. The technique is
applicable only to ferromagnetic materials, which are at a temperature below
the curie point (about 650°C).

The leakage field will be greatest for linear discontinuities lying at right angles
to the magnetic field. This means that for a comprehensive test the magnetic
field must normally be applied in two directions, which are mutually
perpendicular. The test is economical to carry out both in terms of equipment
costs and rapidity of inspection. The level of operator training required is
relatively low.

Figure 8.8 Magnetic particle inspection using a yoke.

Figure 8.9 Crack found using magnetic particle inspection.

Non-Destructive Examination of Welds
- Appreciation of the Common Methods 8-8 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
8.7 Dye penetrant testing
Any liquid that has good wetting properties will act as a penetrant. Penetrants
are attracted into surface-breaking discontinuities by capillary forces. Penetrant,
which has entered a tight discontinuity, will remain even when the excess
penetrant is removed.

Application of a suitable developer will encourage the penetrant within such

discontinuities to bleed out. If there is a suitable contrast between the
penetrant and the developer an indication visible to the eye will be formed. This
contrast may be provided by either visible or fluorescent dyes.

Fluorescent dyes considerably increase the sensitivity of the technique. The

technique is not applicable at extremes of temperature. At low temperatures
(below 5°C) the penetrant vehicle, normally oil will become excessively viscous
and this will cause an increase in the penetration time with a consequent
decrease in sensitivity.

At high temperatures (above 60°C) the penetrant will dry out and the technique
will not work.

Figure 8.10 Methods of applying the red dye during dye penetrant inspection.

Figure 8.11 Crack found using dye penetrant inspection.

Non-Destructive Examination of Welds
- Appreciation of the Common Methods 8-9 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
8.8 Magnetic particle vs dye penetrant testing
Magnetic particle Dye penetrant

Low equipment costs, rapid inspection Lower equipment costs slightly more
rate. time consuming.

Applicable only to ferromagnetic Applicable to all metals and alloys.


On ferromagnetic materials, very good Reasonable sensitivity for small defects

sensitivity to small defects. in all non-porous materials.

Capable of defecting surface breaking Capable of defecting only surface

and near surface (within 3mm) of breaking defects.

Requires only a moderate level of The test surface must be perfectly clean
surface preparation and also fairly smooth.

Applicable over a wide range of Applicable over a limited temperature

temperature (eg 0-3000C). range (eg 5-600C).

8.8.1 Surface crack detection (magnetic particle/dye penetrant): general

When considering the relative value of NDE techniques it should not be
forgotten that most catastrophic failures initiate from the surface of a
component, therefore the value of the magnetic particle and dye penetrant
techniques should not be under-estimated.

Ultrasonic inspection may not detect near-surface defects easily since the
indications may be masked by echoes arising from the component geometry
and should therefore be supplemented by an appropriate surface crack
detection technique for maximum test confidence.

Non-Destructive Examination of Welds
- Appreciation of the Common Methods 8-10 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Section 9

Welder Procedure Qualification and

Welder Qualification
9 Welder Procedure Qualification and Welder Qualification
9.1 General
When structures and pressurised items are fabricated by welding, it is essential
that all the welded joints are sound and have suitable properties for their

Control of welding is achieved by means of Welding Procedure Specifications

(WPSs) that give detailed written instructions about the welding conditions that
must be used to ensure that welded joints have the required properties.

Although WPSs are shop floor documents to instruct welders welding inspectors
also need to be familiar with them because they will need to refer to WPSs
when they are checking that welders are working in accordance with the
specified requirements.

Welders need to be able to understand WPSs have the skill to make welds that
are not defective and demonstrate these abilities before being allowed to make
production welds.

9.2 Qualified welding procedure specifications

It is industry practice to use qualified WPSs for most applications. A welding
procedure is usually qualified by making a test weld to demonstrate that the
properties of the joint satisfy the requirements specified by the application
standard (and the client/end user).

Demonstrating the mechanical properties of the joint is the principal purpose of

qualification tests but showing that a defect-free weld can be produced is also
very important.

Production welds made in accordance with welding conditions similar to those

used for a test weld should have similar properties and therefore be fit for their
intended purpose.

Figure 9.4 is an example of a typical WPS written in accordance with the

European Welding Standard format giving details of all the welding conditions
that need to be specified.

9.2.1 Welding standards for procedure qualification

European and American Standards have been developed to give comprehensive
details about:

 How a welded test piece must be made to demonstrate joint properties.

 How the test piece must be tested.
 What welding details need to be included in a WPS.
 Range of production welding allowed by a particular qualification test weld.

Welder Procedure Qualification and
Welder Qualification 9-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
The principal European Standards that specify these requirements are:

EN ISO 15614
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials –
Welding procedure test:

Part 1 Arc and gas welding of steels and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys.
Part 2 Arc welding of aluminium and its alloys.

The principal American Standards for procedure qualification are:

ASME Section IX
For pressurised systems (vessels and pipework).

AWS D1.1
For structural welding of steels.

AWS D1.2
For structural welding of aluminium.

9.2.2 Qualification process for welding procedures

Although qualified WPSs are usually based on test welds made to demonstrate
weld joint properties; welding standards also allow qualified WPSs to be written
based on other data (for some applications).

Some alternative ways that can be used for writing qualified WPSs for some
applications are:

 Qualification by adoption of a standard welding procedure

Test welds previously qualified and documented by other manufacturers.
 Qualification based on previous welding experience
Weld joints that have been repeatedly made and proved to have suitable
properties by their service record.

Procedure qualification to European Standards by means of a test weld (and

similar in ASME Section IX and AWS) requires a sequence of actions that is
typified by those shown by Table 9.1.

A successful procedure qualification test is completed by the production of a

Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR), an example of which is shown
by Figure 9.1.

Welder Procedure Qualification and
Welder Qualification 9-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
9.3 Relationship between a WPQR and a WPS
Once a WPQR has been produced, the welding engineer is able to write
qualified WPSs for the various production weld joints that need to be made.

The welding conditions that are allowed to be written on a qualified WPS are
referred to as the qualification range and this range depends on the welding
conditions that were used for the test piece (the as-run details) and form part
of the WPQR.

Welding conditions are referred to as welding variables by European and

American Welding Standards and are classified as either essential or non-
essential variables.

These variables can be defined as:

 Essential variable
Variable that has an effect on the mechanical properties of the weldment
(and if changed beyond the limits specified by the standard will require the
WPS to be re-qualified).
 Non-essential variable
Variable that must be specified on a WPS but does not have a significant
effect on the mechanical properties of the weldment (and can be changed
without need for re-qualification but will require a new WPS to be
Because essential variables can have a significant effect on mechanical
properties that they are the controlling variables that govern the qualification
range and determine what can be written into a WPS.

If a welder makes a production weld using conditions outside the qualification

range given on a particular WPS, there is danger that the welded joint will not
have the required properties and there are then two options:

1 Make another test weld using similar welding conditions to those used for
the affected weld and subject this to the same tests used for the relevant
WPQR to demonstrate that the properties still satisfy specified
2 Remove the affected weld and re-weld the joint strictly in accordance with
the designated WPS.

Most of the welding variables that are classed as essential are the same in both
the European and American Welding Standards but their qualification ranges
may differ.

Some application standards specify their own essential variables and it is

necessary to ensure that these are taken into consideration when procedures
are qualified and WPSs are written.

Examples of essential variables (according to European Welding Standards) are

given in Table 9.2.

Welder Procedure Qualification and
Welder Qualification 9-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
9.4 Welder qualification
The use of qualified WPSs is the accepted method for controlling production
welding but will only be successful if the welders have the ability to understand
and work in accordance with them. Welders also need to have the skill to
consistently produce sound welds (free from defects).

Welding standards have been developed to give guidance on what particular

test welds are required in order to show that welders have the required skills to
make particular types of production welds in particular materials.

9.4.1 Welding standards for welder qualification

The principal European Standards that specify requirements are:

EN 287-1 Qualification test of welders – Fusion welding.

Part 1: Steels.

EN ISO 9606-2 Qualification test of welders – Fusion welding.

Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium alloys.

EN 1418 Welding personnel – Approval testing of welding

operators for fusion welding and resistance weld setters
for fully mechanised and automatic welding of metallic

The principal American Standards that specify requirements for welder

qualification are:

ASME Section IX Pressurised systems (vessels & pipework).

AWS D1.1 Structural welding of steels.

AWS D1.2 Structural welding of aluminium.

9.4.2 The qualification process for welders

Qualification testing of welders to European Standards requires test welds to be
made and subjected to specified tests to demonstrate that the welder is able to
understand the WPS and to produce a sound weld.

For manual and semi-automatic welding the emphasis of the tests is to

demonstrate ability to manipulate the electrode or welding torch.

For mechanised and automatic welding the emphasis is on demonstrating that

welding operators have the ability to control particular types of welding

American Standards allow welders to demonstrate that they can produce sound
welds by subjecting their first production weld to non-destructive testing.

Table 9.3 shows the steps required for qualifying welders in accordance with
European Standards.

Welder Procedure Qualification and
Welder Qualification 9-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
9.4.3 Welder qualification and production welding allowed
The welder is allowed to make production welds within the range of qualification
recorded on his Welder Qualification Certificate. The range is based on the limits
specified by the Welding Standard for welder qualification essential
variables - defined as:

A variable that if changed beyond the limits specified by the Welding

Standard may require greater skill than has been demonstrated by the
test weld.

Some welding variables that are classed as essential for welder qualification are
the same types as those classified as essential for welding procedure
qualification, but the range of qualification may be significantly wider.

Some essential variables are specific to welder qualification.

Examples of welder qualification essential variables are given in Table 9.4.

9.4.4 Period of validity for a welder qualification certificate

A welder’s qualification begins from the date of welding of the test piece.

The European Standard allows a qualification certificate to remain valid for a

period of two years, provided that:

 The welding co-ordinator, or other responsible person, can confirm that the
welder has been working within the initial range of qualification.
 Working within the initial qualification range is confirmed every six months.

9.4.5 Prolongation of welder qualification

A welder’s qualification certificate can be prolonged every two years by an
examiner/examining body but before prolongation is allowed certain conditions
need to be satisfied:

 Records/evidence is available that can be traced to the welder and the WPSs
that have been used for production welding.
 The supporting evidence must relate to volumetric examination of the
welder’s production welds (RT or UT) on two welds made during the six
months prior to the prolongation date.
 The supporting evidence welds must satisfy the acceptance levels for
imperfections specified by the European welding standard and have been
made under the same conditions as the original test weld.

Welder Procedure Qualification and
Welder Qualification 9-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Table 9.1 Typical sequence for welding procedure qualification by means of a
test weld.

The welding engineer writes a preliminary Welding Procedure Specification

(pWPS) for each test coupon to be welded.

 Welder makes the test coupon in accordance with the WPS.

 Welding inspector records all the welding conditions used to make the
test coupon (called the as-run conditions).

Independent Examiner/Examining Body/Third Party Inspector may be

requested to monitor the procedure qualification.

Test coupon is subjected to NDT in accordance with the methods specified

by the Standard – visual inspection, MT or PT and RT or UT.

 Test coupon is destructively tested (tensile, bend, macro tests).

 Code/application standard/client may require additional tests such as

hardness, impact or corrosion tests – depending on material and

 A Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR) is prepared by

the welding engineer giving details of:

 As-run welding conditions.

 Results of the NDT.
 Results of the destructive tests.
 Welding conditions allowed for production welding.

 If a Third Party Inspector is involved he will be requested to sign

the WPQR as a true record of the test.

Welder Procedure Qualification and
Welder Qualification 9-6 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Table 9.2 Typical examples of WPS essential variables according to European
Welding Standards.

Variable Range for procedure qualification

Welding No range – process qualified is process that must be used in

process production.

PWHT Joints tested after PWHT and only qualify PWHT production joints.

Joints tested as-welded only qualify as-welded production joints.

Parent Parent materials of similar composition and mechanical properties

material type are allocated the same Material Group No; qualification only allows
production welding of materials with the same Group No.

Welding Consumables for production welding must have the same European
consumables designation – as a general rule.

Material A thickness range is allowed – below and above the test coupon
thickness thickness.

Type of AC only qualifies for AC; DC polarity (+ve or -ve) cannot be

current changed; pulsed current only qualifies for pulsed current production

Preheat The preheat temperature used for the test is the minimum that
temperature must be applied.

Interpass The highest interpass temperature reached in the test is the

temperature maximum allowed

Heat input When impact requirements apply maximum HI allowed is 25%

(HI) above test HI.

When hardness requirements apply minimum HI allowed is 25%

below test HI.

Welder Procedure Qualification and
Welder Qualification 9-7 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Table 9.3 The stages for qualification of a welder.

Welding engineer writes a WPS for welder qualification test piece.

 Welder makes the test weld in accordance with the WPS.

 Welding inspector monitors the welding to ensure that the welder is

working in accordance the WPS.

An Independent Examiner/Examining Body/Third Party Inspector may be

requested to monitor the test.

 Test coupon is subjected to NDT in accordance with the methods

specified by the Standard (visual inspection, MT or PT and RT or UT).

 For certain materials, and welding processes, some destructive testing

may be required (bends or macros).

 Welder’s Qualification Certificate is prepared showing the welding

conditions used for the test piece and the range of qualification allowed
by the Standard for production welding.

 If a Third Party is involved, the Qualification Certificate would be

endorsed as a true record of the test.

Welder Procedure Qualification and
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Table 9.4 Typical examples of welder qualification essential variables according
to European Welding Standards.

Variable Range for welder qualification

Welding No range – process qualified is process that a welder can use in

process production.

Type of weld Butt welds cover any type of joint except branch welds.
Fillet welds only qualify fillets.

Parent Parent materials of similar composition and mechanical properties are

material allocated the same Material Group No; qualification only allows
type production welding of materials with the same Group No. but the
Groups allow much wider composition ranges than the procedure

Filler Electrodes and filler wires for production welding must be of the same
material form as the test (solid wire, flux cored etc); for MMA coating type is

Material A thickness range is allowed; for test pieces above 12mm allow
thickness  5mm.

Pipe Essential and very restricted for small diameters:

diameter Test pieces above 25mm allow  0.5 x diameter used (minimum

Welding Position of welding very important; H-L045 allows all positions (except
positions PG).

Welder Procedure Qualification and
Welder Qualification 9-9 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 9.1 Example of a WPQR document qualification range to EN 15614

Welder Procedure Qualification and
Welder Qualification 9-10 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 9.2 Example of a WPQR document (test weld details) to EN 15614

Welder Procedure Qualification and
Welder Qualification 9-11 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 9.3 Example of WPQR document to EN 15614 format.

Welder Procedure Qualification and
Welder Qualification 9-12 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 9.4 Example of welding procedure specification (WPS) to EN 15614

Welder Procedure Qualification and
Welder Qualification 9-13 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
9.5 Example of welder qualification test certificate to EN 297 format.

Figure 9.5 Example of welder qualification test certificate to EN 297 format.

Welder Procedure Qualification and
Welder Qualification 9-14 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Section 10

Application and Control of Preheat

10 Application and Control of Preheat
10.1 General
Preheat is the application of heat to a joint immediately prior to welding and is
usually applied by either a gas torch or induction system, although other
methods can be used.

Preheat is used when welding steels for a number of reasons and it helps to
understand why it is often specified. One of the main reasons preheat is used is
to assist in removing hydrogen from the weld.

Preheat temperatures for steel structures and pipe work are calculated by
taking into account the carbon equivalent (CEV) of the material, the thickness
of the material and the arc energy or heat input (kJ/mm) of the welding

Reference may be made to standards such as BS EN 1011 recommendations for

welding of metallic materials for guidance on selection of preheat temperature
ranges based on CEV, material thickness and arc energy/heat input, and the
lowest level of diffusible hydrogen required.

The Visual/Welding Inspector would normally find the preheat temperature to

be used for a particular application from the relevant WPS.

In general, thicker materials require higher preheat temperatures, but for a

given CEV and arc energy/heat input, preheat temperatures are likely to remain
similar for wall thickness up to approximately 20mm.

10.2 Definitions
Preheat temperature
 Temperature of the workpiece in the weld zone immediately before any
welding operation (including tack welding!).
 Normally expressed as a minimum, but can also be specified as a range.

Interpass temperature
 Temperature of the weld during welding and between passes in a multi-run
weld and adjacent parent metal immediately prior to the application of the
next run.
 Normally expressed as a maximum, but should not drop below the minimum
preheat temperature.

Preheat maintenance temperature

 Minimum temperature in the weld zone which should be maintained if
welding is interrupted.
 Should be monitored during interruption.

Application and Control of Preheat 10-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
10.3 Application of preheat

Local Global

 Less energy  More energy

required. required.
 Possible stresses  Uniform heating. –
due to non-uniform Preheat no additional
heating. stresses.

Gas/electric Resistive heating HF heating

oven elements elements

Flame applied

Application and Control of Preheat 10-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Gas/electric ovens
Generally used for PWHT but can be used for large sections of material to give a
controlled and uniform preheat.

Resistive heating elements

Method of heating using electric current flowing through resistance coils.

High frequency heating elements

Process in which the heating effect is produced electrostatically, providing
uniform heating through a mass of material. Heat is generated by the agitation
of the molecules in the material when subjected to a high frequency field.

Flame applied preheat

Probably the most common method of applying preheat which can be applied by
either torches or burners. Oxygen is an essential part of the preheating flame,
as it supports combustion, but the fuel gases can be acetylene, propane and
methane (natural gas).

With flame applied preheating sufficient time must be allowed for the
temperature to equalise throughout the thickness of the components to be
welded, otherwise only the surface temperature will be measured. The time
lapse will vary depending on the specification requirements.

10.4 Control of preheat and interpass temperature

Immediately before passage of the arc:


Work piece thickness (t)

t  50mm t > 50mm

 A = 4 x t but maximum  A = minimum 75mm

50mm.  Where practicable,
 Temperature shall be temperature is measured
measured on the surface on the face opposite that
of the workpiece facing being heated.
the welder.  Allow 2min per 25mm of
parent metal thickness for
temperature equalisation.

Application and Control of Preheat 10-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 10.1 HAZ on the weld metal and parent metal.

Interpass temperature is measured on the weld metal or the immediately

adjacent parent metal.

Applying preheat has the following advantages:

 Slows down the cooling rate of the weld and HAZ; reducing the risk of
hardened microstructures forming; allowing absorbed hydrogen more
opportunity of diffusing out, thus reducing the potential for cracking.
 Removes moisture from the region of the weld preparation.
 Improves overall fusion characteristics during welding.
 Ensures more uniform expansion and contraction; lowering stresses
between weld and parent material.

Application and Control of Preheat 10-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Heat flow

Heat flow

Figure 10.2 Two dimensional heat flow Figure 10.3 Three dimensional heat flow

Heat flow

Figure 10.4 Heat flow.

Application and Control of Preheat 10-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
10.5 Temperature indicating/measuring equipment
10.5.1 Temperature sensitive materials
 Made of a special wax that melts at a specific temperature (Tempilstik) or
irreversible change of colour (Thermochrome).
 Cheap, easy to use.
 Doesn’t measure the actual temperature.

Figure 10.5 Examples of temperature indicating crayons and paste.

10.5.2 Contact thermometer

 Uses either a bimetallic strip or a thermistor (ie temperature-sensitive
resistor whose resistance varies inversely with temperature).
 Accurate, gives the actual temperature.
 Needs calibration.
 Used for moderate temperatures (up to 350C).

Figure 10.6 Examples of a contact thermometer.

Application and Control of Preheat 10-6 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
10.5.3 Thermocouple
 Based on measuring the thermoelectric potential difference between a hot
junction (placed on the weld) and a cold junction (reference junction).
 Measures wide range of temperature.
 Accurate, gives the actual temperature.
 Can be used for continuous monitoring.
 Needs calibration.

Figure 10.7 Examples of thermocouples.

10.5.4 Optical or electrical devices for contactless measurement

 Can be infrared or optical pyrometers.
 Measure the radiant energy emitted by the hot body.
 Contactless method means it can be used for remote measurements.
 Very complex and expensive equipment.
 Normally used for measuring high temperatures.

Figure 10.8 Example of contactless temperature measuring equipment.

Application and Control of Preheat 10-7 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
10.6 Summary
The Visual/Welding Inspector should refer to the WPS for both preheat and
interpass temperature requirements. If in any doubt as to where the
temperature measurements are to be taken, the Senior Welding Inspector or
Welding Engineer should be consulted for guidance.

Both preheat and interpass temperatures are applied to slow down the cooling
rate during welding, avoiding the formation of brittle microstructures (ie
martensite) and thus preventing cold cracking.

Preheat temperatures can be calculated using different methods as described in

various standards (eg BS EN 1011-2, AWS D1.1, etc) and are validated during
the qualification of the welding procedure.

According to BS EN ISO 15614 and ASME IX both preheat and interpass

temperatures are considered essential variables, hence any change outside the
range of qualification requires a new procedure qualification.

Application and Control of Preheat 10-8 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Section 11

Arc Welding Safety

11 Arc Welding Safety
11.1 General
Working in a safe manner, whether in the workshop or on site, is an important
consideration in any welding operation. The responsibility for safety is on the
individuals, not only for their own safety, but also for other people’s safety. The
Visual/Welding Inspector has an important function in ensuring that safe
working legislation is in place and safe working practices implemented.

The Inspector may be required to carry out safety audits of welding equipment
prior to welding, implement risk assessment/permit to work requirements or
monitor the safe working operations for a particular task, during welding.

There are a number of documents that the inspector may refer to for guidance:

 Government legislation – The Health & Safety at Work Act.

 Health & Safety Executive – COSHH regulations, statutory instruments.
 Work or site instructions – permits to work, risk assessment documents,
 Local authority requirements.

There are four aspects of arc welding safety that the Visual/Welding Inspector
needs to consider:

1 Electric shock.
2 Heat and light.
3 Fumes and gases.
4 Noise.

11.2 Electric shock

The hazard of electric shock is one of the most serious and immediate risks
facing personnel involved in the welding operation.

Contact with metal parts, which are electrically hot can cause injury or death
because of the effect of the shock upon the body or because of a fall as a result
of the reaction to electric shock.

The electric shock hazard associated with arc welding may be divided into two

1 Primary voltage shock - 230 or 460 volts.

2 Secondary voltage shock – 60-100 volts.

Primary voltage shock is very hazardous because it is much greater than the
secondary voltage of the welding equipment. Electric shock from the primary
(input) voltage can occur by touching a lead inside the welding equipment with
the power to the welder switched on while the body or hand touches the
welding equipment case or other earthed metal.

Residual circuit devices (RCDs) connected to circuit breakers of sufficient

capacity will help to protect the welder and other personnel from the danger of
primary electric shock.

Secondary voltage shock occurs when touching a part of the electrode circuit -
perhaps a damaged area on the electrode cable - and another part of the body
touches both sides of the welding circuit (electrode and work, or welding earth)
at the same time.

Arc Welding Safety 11-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Most welding equipment is unlikely to exceed open circuit voltages of 100V.
Electric shock, even at this level can be serious, so the welding circuit should be
fitted with low voltage safety devices, to minimise the potential of secondary
electric shock.

A correctly wired welding circuit should contain three leads:

1 Welding lead, from one terminal of the power source to the electrode holder
or welding torch.
2 Welding return lead to complete the circuit, from the work to the other
terminal of the power source.
3 Earth lead, from the work to an earth point. The power source should also
be earthed.

All three leads should be capable of carrying the highest welding current

To establish whether the capacity of any piece of current carrying equipment is

adequate for the job, the Visual/Welding Inspector can refer to the duty cycle of
the equipment.

All current carrying welding equipment is rated in terms of duty cycle.

All current carrying conductors heat up when welding current is passed through
them. Duty cycle is essentially a measure of the capability of the welding
equipment in terms of the ratio of welding time to total time, which can be
expressed as:

Welding time
Dutycycle  x 100
Total time

By observing this ratio the current carrying conductors will not be heated above
their rated temperature. Duty cycles are based on a total time of 10 minutes.

A power source has a rated output of 350A at 60% duty cycle.

This means that this particular power source will deliver 350A (it’s rated output)
for six minutes out of every ten minutes without overheating.

Failure to carefully observe the duty cycle of a piece of equipment can over
stress the part and in the case of welding equipment cause overheating leading
to instability and the potential for electric shock.

11.3 Heat and light

11.3.1 Heat
In arc welding, electrical energy is converted into heat energy and light energy,
both of which can have serious health consequences.

The welding arc creates sparks, which could cause flammable materials near
the welding area to ignite and cause fires. The welding area should be clear of
all combustible materials and it is good essential practice for the Inspector to
know where the nearest fire extinguishers are situated and know the correct
type to use if a fire does break out.

Arc Welding Safety 11-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Welding sparks can cause serious burns, so protective clothing, such as welding
gloves, flame retardant coveralls and leathers must be worn around any
welding operation in order to protect against heat and sparks.

11.3.2 Light
Light radiation is emitted by the welding arc in three principal ranges:

Type Wavelength, nanometres

1 Infrared (heat) >700

2 Visible light 400-700

3 Ultraviolet radiation <400

Ultraviolet radiation (UV)

All arc processes generate UV. Excess exposure causes skin inflammation, and
possibly even skin cancer or permanent eye damage. However the main risk
amongst welders and Inspectors is for inflammation of the cornea and
conjunctiva, commonly known as arc eye or flash.

Arc eye is caused by UV radiation which damages the outmost protective layer
of cells in the cornea. Gradually the damaged cells die and fall off the cornea
exposing highly sensitive nerves in the underlying cornea to the comparatively
rough inner part of the eyelid. This causes intense pain, usually described as
sand in the eye, which becomes even more acute if the eye is then exposed to
bright light.

Arc eye develops some hours after exposure, which may not even have been
noticed. The sand in the eye symptom and pain usually lasts for 12-24 hours,
but can be longer in more severe cases. Fortunately, arc eye is almost always a
temporary condition. In the unlikely event of prolonged and frequently repeated
exposures, permanent damage can occur.

Treatment of arc eye is simple: Rest in a dark room. A qualified person or

hospital casualty departments can administer various soothing anaesthetic eye
drops. These can provide almost instantaneous relief. Prevention is better than
cure and wearing safety glasses with side shields considerably reduces the risk
of this condition.

Ultraviolet effects on the skin

UV from arc processes does not produce the browning effect of sunburn but
results in reddening and irritation caused by changes in the minute surface
blood vessels. In extreme cases, the skin may be severely burned and blisters
may form. The reddened skin may die and flake off in a day or so. Where there
has been intense prolonged or frequent exposure, skin cancers can develop.

Visible light
Intense visible light particularly approaching UV or blue light wavelengths
passes through the cornea and lens and can dazzle and, in extreme cases,
damage the network of optically sensitive nerves on the retina. Wavelengths of
visible light approaching the infrared have slightly different effects but can
produce similar symptoms.

Arc Welding Safety 11-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Effects depend on the duration and intensity of exposure and to some extent,
upon the individual's natural reflex action to close the eye and exclude the
incident light. Normally this dazzling does not produce a long-term effect.

Infrared radiation
Infrared radiation is of longer wavelength than the visible light frequencies, and
is perceptible as heat. The main hazard to the eyes is that prolonged exposure
(over a matter of years) causes a gradual but irreversible opacity of the lens.

Fortunately, the infrared radiation emitted by normal welding arcs causes

damage only within a comparatively short distance from the arc. There is an
immediate burning sensation in the skin surrounding the eyes should they be
exposed to arc heat. The natural human reaction is to move or cover up to
prevent the skin heating, which also reduces eye exposure.

BS EN 169 specifies a range of permanent filter shades of gradually increasing

optical density which limit exposure to radiation emitted by different processes
at different currents. It must be stressed that shade numbers indicated in the
standard and the corresponding current ranges are for guidance only.

11.4 Fumes and gases

11.4.1 Fumes
Because of the variables involved in fume generation from arc welding and
allied processes (such as the welding process and electrode, the base metal,
coatings on the base metal and other possible contaminants in the air), the
dangers of welding fume can be considered in a general way. Although health
considerations vary according to the type of fume composition and individual
reactions, the following holds true for most welding fume.

The fume plume contains solid particles from the consumables, base metal and
base metal coating. Depending on the length of exposure to these fumes, most
acute effects are temporary and include symptoms of burning eyes and skin,
dizziness, nausea and fever.

For example, zinc fumes can cause metal fume fever, a temporary illness
similar to the flu. Chronic, long-term exposure to welding fumes can lead to
siderosis (iron deposits in the lungs) and may affect pulmonary function.

Cadmium is a toxic metal which can be found on steel as a coating or in silver

solder. Cadmium fumes can be fatal even with brief exposure, with symptoms
much like those of metal fume fever. These two should not be confused. Twenty
minutes of welding in the presence of cadmium can be enough to cause
fatalities, with symptoms appearing within an hour and death five days later.

11.4.2 Gases
The gases that result from an arc welding process also present a potential
hazard. Most of the shielding gases (argon, helium and carbon dioxide) are
non-toxic. When released, however, these gases displace oxygen in the
breathing air, causing dizziness, unconsciousness and death the longer the
brain is denied oxygen.

Some degreasing compounds such as trichlorethylene and perchlorethylene can

decompose from the heat and ultraviolet radiation to produce toxic gases.
Ozone and nitrogen oxides are produced when UV radiation hits the air. These
gases cause headaches, chest pains, irritation of the eyes and itchiness in the
nose and throat.

Arc Welding Safety 11-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
To reduce the risk of hazardous fumes and gases, keep the head out of the
fume plume - a common cause of fume and gas overexposure because the
concentration of fumes and gases is greatest in the plume.

In addition, use mechanical ventilation or local exhaust at the arc to direct the
fume plume away from the face. If this is not sufficient, use fixed or moveable
exhaust hoods to draw the fume from the general area. Finally, it may be
necessary to wear an approved respiratory device if sufficient ventilation cannot
be provided.

As a rule of thumb, if the air is visibly clear and the welder is comfortable, the
ventilation is probably adequate.

To identify hazardous substances, first read the material safety data sheet for
the consumable to see what fumes can be reasonably expected from use of the

Refer to the occupational exposure limit (OEL) as defined in the COSHH

regulations which gives maximum concentrations to which a healthy adult can
be exposed to any one substance.

Second, know the base metal and determine if a paint or coating would cause
toxic fumes or gases.

Particular attention should also be paid to the dangers of asphyxiation when

welding in confined spaces. Risk assessment, permits to work and gas testing
are some of the necessary actions required to ensure the safety of all

11.5 Noise
Exposure to loud noise can permanently damage hearing and can also cause
stress and increase blood pressure. Working in a noisy environment for long
periods can contribute to tiredness, nervousness and irritability. If the noise
exposure is greater than 85 decibels averaged over an 8 hour period then
hearing protection must be worn and hearing tested annually.

Normal welding operations are not associated with noise level problems with
two exceptions: Plasma arc welding and air carbon arc cutting. If either is to be
performed then hearing protectors must be worn. The noise associated with
welding is usually due to ancillary operations such as chipping, grinding and
hammering. Hearing protection must be worn when carrying out or working in
the vicinity of these operations.

Arc Welding Safety 11-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
11.6 Summary
The best way to manage the risks associated with welding is by implementing
risk management programmes. Risk management requires the identification of
hazards, assessment of the risks and implementation of suitable controls to
reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

It is essential to evaluate and review a risk management programme.

Evaluation involves ensuring that control measures have eliminated or reduced
the risks and review aims to check that the process is working effectively to
identify hazards and manage risks.

It is likely that the Visual/Welding Inspector would be involved in managing the

risks associated with welding as part of their duties.

Arc Welding Safety 11-6 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Section 12

Weld Repairs
12 Weld Repairs
12.1 Production
The reasons for making a repair are many and varied, from the removal of weld
defects induced during manufacture to a quick and temporary running-repair to
an item of production plant.

The manually controlled welding processes are the easiest to use, particularly if
it is a local repair or one to be carried out on site. Probably the most frequently
used of these processes is MMA as this is versatile, portable and readily
applicable to many alloys because of the wide range of off-the-shelf

There are a number of key factors that need to be considered before

undertaking any repair. The most important being a judgement as to whether it
is financially worthwhile. Before this judgement can be made, the fabricator
needs to answer the following questions:

 Can structural integrity be achieved if the item is repaired?

 Are there any alternatives to welding?
 What caused the defect and is it likely to happen again?
 How is the defect to be removed and what welding process is to be used?
 Which NDT method is required to ensure complete removal of the defect?
 Will the welding procedures require approval/re-approval?
 What will be the effect of welding distortion and residual stress?
 Will heat treatment be required?
 What NDT is required and how can acceptability of the repair be
 Will approval of the repair be required – if yes, how and by whom?

It is recommended that ongoing analysis of the types of defect is carried out by

the QC department to discover the likely reason for their occurrence
(material/process or skill related).

In general terms, a welding repair involves:

 A detailed assessment to find out the extremity of the defect. This may
involve the use of a surface or sub-surface NDT method.
 Cleaning the repair area, (removal of paint grease, etc).
 Once established the excavation site must be clearly identified and marked
 An excavation procedure may be required (method used ie grinding, arc/air
gouging, preheat requirements, etc).
 Inspection of the excavation area to ensure a good smooth transition for
 NDT to locate the defect and confirm its removal.
 A welding repair procedure/method statement with the appropriate* welding
process, consumable, technique, controlled heat input and interpass
temperatures, etc will need to be approved.
 Use of approved welders.
 Dressing the weld and final visual.
 NDT procedure/technique prepared and carried out to ensure that the defect
has been successfully removed and repaired.
 Any post repair heat treatment requirements.
 Final NDT procedure/technique prepared and carried out after heat
treatment requirements.
 Applying protective treatments (painting, etc as required).

Weld Repairs 12-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
*Suitable for the alloys being repaired and may not apply in specific situations.

12.2 Production repairs

Repairs are usually identified during production inspection. Evaluation of the
reports is carried out by the Welding Inspector or NDT operator. Discontinuities
in the welds are only classed as defects when they are outside the range
permitted by the applied code or standard.

Before the repair can commence, a number of elements need to be fulfilled.

As this defect is surface-breaking and has occurred at the fusion face the
problem could be cracking or lack of sidewall fusion. If the defect is found to be
cracking the cause may be associated with the material or the welding
procedure, however if it is lack of sidewall fusion this is due to the lack of skill
of the welder.

In this particular case as the defect is open to the surface, magnetic particle
inspection (MPI) or dye penetrant inspection (DPI) may be used to gauge the
length of the defect and ultrasonic testing (UT) used to gauge the depth.

Figure 12.1 Typical defect.

Figure 12.2 Plan view of defect.

If a thermal method of excavation is used ie arc/air gouging it may be a
requirement to qualify a procedure as the heat generated may have an effect
on the metallurgical structure, resulting in the risk of cracking in the weld or
parent material.

Weld Repairs 12-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Figure 12.3 Thermal excavation using arc/air gouging.

To prevent cracking it may be necessary to apply a preheat.

The depth to width ratio shall not be less than 1 (depth) to 1 (width), ideally 1
(depth) to 1.5 (width).

Figure 12.4 Side view of excavation for slight sub-surface defect.

Figure 12.5 Side view of excavation for deep defect.

Figure 12.6 Side view of excavation for full root repair.

Weld Repairs 12-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Cleaning of the excavation
At this stage grinding the repair area is important due to the risk of carbon
becoming impregnated into the weld metal/parent material.

It should be ground back, typically 3-4mm to bright metal.

Figure 12.7 Cleaned excavations.

Confirmation of excavation
At this stage NDT should be used to confirm that the defect has been
completely excavated from the area.

Re-welding of the excavation

Prior to re-welding of the excavation a detailed repair welding procedure/
method statement must be approved.

Weld Repairs 12-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Typical side view of weld repair

Figure 12.8 Weld repair and typical side view.

NDT confirmation of successful repair

After the excavation has been filled the weldment should then undergo a
complete retest using the same NDT techniques used to establish the original
repair to ensure no further defects have been introduced by the repair welding
process. NDT may also need to be further applied after any additional postweld
heat treatment has been carried out.

Weld Repairs 12-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
CSWIP 3.0 fillet welded T joint

F 123

Part of the CSWIP 3.0 examination is to assess a fillet welded T joint for size
and visual acceptance of the weld and joint.

Both fillet weld leg lengths are measured to find both maximum and minimum
leg lengths in both vertical and horizontal legs. These values are entered in the
boxes on the report sheet. Use the gauge as shown below:

Fillet weld leg length

The gauge measure fillet weld leg lengths
up to 25mm, as shown on the left.

The maximum and minimum throat thickness is measured and entered in the
boxes on the report sheet. These values are measured as shown below:

Fillet weld actual throat thickness

The small sliding pointer reads up to
20mm, or ¾ inch. When measuring the
throat it is supposed that the fillet weld
has a nominal throat thickness, as an
effective throat thickness cannot be
measured in this manner.

Appendix 1 A1-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Having made all the above measurements they can be assessed to a set of
values that can be calculated from the plate thickness:

a Minimum leg length is the plate thickness.

b Maximum leg length is the plate thickness + 3mm.
c Minimum throat thickness is the plate thickness x 0.7.
d Maximum throat thickness is the plate thickness + 0.5mm.

For example if the plate thickness is 6mm then the following will apply:


F 123

a Minimum leg length is 6mm (plate thickness).

b Maximum leg length is the 9mm (plate thickness + 3mm).
c Minimum throat thickness is the 4.2mm (plate thickness x 0.7).
d Maximum throat thickness is the 6.5mm (plate thickness + 0.5mm.

So the measurements taken must fall inside the two tolerances calculated, ie:

1 Leg lengths must be between 6 and 9mm.

2 Throat thickness must be between 4.2 and 6.5mm.

If all the values are within these tolerances they are acceptable. If any of the
values fall outside of the calculated tolerances then it becomes unacceptable.

Appendix 1 A1-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
It is important to remember that any change in thickness will change the
acceptance values calculated above.

When completing the report sheets from a sample it should appear as follows:

Example of practical exam

Actual throat thickness
 Lowest throat
measurement 4.5mm.
 Highest throat
measurement 8mm.

F 123

Vertical leg length Horizontal leg length

 Lowest leg  Lowest leg
measurement 7mm. measurement 5mm.
 Highest leg  Highest leg
measurement 8mm. measurement 10mm.

Specimen Number: F123 Material thickness: 6mm

1 Measure and record the following details:

Vertical leg length (max & min) = max 8mm min 7mm.
Horizontal leg length ( “ “ ) = max 10mm min 5mm.
Design throat thickness ( “ “ ) = max 8mm min 4.5 mm.

2 Sentence the fillet weld dimensions using the following design criteria:

Minimum leg length: Material thickness (6mm).

Maximum leg length: Material thickness + 3mm (9mm).

Minimum throat thickness: Material thickness x 0.7 (4.2mm).

Maximum throat thickness: Material thickness + 0.5mm (6.5mm).

3 Answer the 14 multi choice questions and base your accept and reject on
the acceptance criteria provided.

Appendix 1 A1-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
TWI Acceptance Levels for Plate and Fillet
D = depth L = length H = height t = thickness
Defect type Acceptance
Acceptance levels plate levels

Remarks Maximum allowance Remarks

Throat thickness
At no point shall the excess
Min t x 0.7mm
weld metal fall below the Excess weld metal will not exceed H =
Excess weld Max t + 0.5mm
1 outside surface of the 2mm in any area on the parent material,
metal Leg length
parent material. All weld showing smooth transition at weld toes.
Min = t
runs shall blend smoothly.
Max t = + 3mm
Non-metallic inclusions
The length of the slag inclusion shall not
Slag/silica trapped in the weld metal or L = 12 mm Max
2 exceed 50mm continuous or intermittent.
inclusions between the weld metal and Accumulative
Accumulative totals shall not exceed 50mm
the parent material.
No sharp indications Smooth blend
Undercut is defined as a
required. The length of any undercut shall Depth 10% of t
groove melted into the
not exceed 50mm continuous or Length 50mm
3 Undercut parent metal, at the toes of
intermittent. Accumulative totals shall not continuous or
the weld excess metal, root
exceed 50mm. Max D = 1mm for the cap intermittent
or adjacent weld metal.
weld metal. Root undercut not permitted.
Trapped gas, in weld metal, Individual pores 1.5 max. Cluster porosity
Porosity or elongated, individual pores, maximum 502mm total area. Elongated,
4 As for plate
Gas Cavities cluster porosity, piping or piping or wormholes 15mm max. L
wormhole porosity. continuous or intermittent.
Cracks or Transverse, longitudinal,
5 Not permitted Not permitted
Laminations star or crater cracks.
Incomplete fusion between Surface breaking lack of side wall fusion,
Lack of fusion the weld metal and base lack of inter-run fusion continuous or
6 Laps material, incomplete fusion intermittent not to exceed 15mm. As for plate
Cold lap between weld metal. (lack Accumulative totals not to exceed 15mm
of inter-run fusion) over a 300mm length of weld.
Damage to the parent
material or weld metal, from
an unintentional touch down
7 Arc strikes Not permitted Not permitted
of the electrode or arcing
from poor connections in the
welding circuit.
Damage to the parent No stray tack welds permitted
Mechanical material or weld metal, Parent material must be smoothly blended
8 As for plate
damage internal or external resulting General corrosion permitted. Max. D =
from any activities. 1.5mm. Only 1 location allowed
Mismatch between the
9 Misalignment Max H = 1.5mm N/A
welded or unwelded joint.
Excess weld metal, above
10 Penetration the base material in the root Max H ≤ 3mm N/A
of the joint.
The absence of weld metal
Lack of root
11 in the root both faces Not permitted N/A

Lack of root Inadequate cross Lack of root fusion, not to exceed 50mm
12 N/A
fusion penetration of one root face. total continuous or accumulative.

Excessive penetration,
13 Burn through Not permitted N/A
collapse of the weld root
Angular Distortion due to weld
14 5mm max. Plate only N/A
distortion contraction
Weld metal below the
Root 50mm maximum length
15 surface of both parent N/A
concavity 3mm maximum depth

Appendix 2 A2-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
* When linear misalignment is present the following shall be applied.

Excess weld metal

Maximum height to be measured from a direct line from the lowest plate across

Excess penetration
Maximum height to be measured from lowest plate.

Appendix 2 A2-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
CSWIP 3.0 Training Questions for fillet Weld T11

1 In regards to the maximum vertical leg length, which of the answers best matches
your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 6-7mm.
b 4-5mm.
c 2-3mm.
d 10-11mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

2 In regards to the minimum vertical leg length, which of the answers best matches
your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 3-4mm.
b 6.5-7.5mm.
c 8-9.5mm.
d 2-3mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

3 In regards to the maximum horizontal leg length, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 6-7mm.
b 4-5mm.
c 9-10mm.
d 11-12mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

4 In regards to the minimum horizontal leg length, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 3.5-4.5mm.
b 2-3mm.
c 5-6mm.
d 9-10mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

5 In regards to the maximum actual throat thickness, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 2-3 mm.
b 4-5mm.
c 6-7mm.
d 8-9mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 3 A3-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
6 In regards to the minimum actual throat thickness, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 2-3mm.
b 1-2mm.
c 4-5mm.
d 6-7mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

7 With reference to lack of fusion, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the total accumulative length and would you accept or reject your
findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 10-15mm accumulative total.

b 20-30mm accumulative total.
c None observed.
d 1-10mm accumulative total.
e Accept.
f Reject.

8 With reference to arc strikes, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the total number and would you accept or reject your findings to the
given acceptance levels?

a 3 total.
b 4 total.
c None observed.
d 1 total.
e Accept.
f Reject.

9 With reference to mechanical damage (Excluding Hard Stamping), which of the

following answers best matches your assessment of the total number and would
you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 4 Areas.
b 1 Area.
c None observed.
d 3 Areas.
e Accept.
f Reject.

10 With reference to undercut, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the maximum value and would you accept or reject your findings to
the given acceptance levels?

a 1-2mm depth.
b 0.1-0.5mm depth.
c None observed.
d 3-4mm depth.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 3 A3-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
11 With reference to undercut, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the total accumulative length and would you accept or reject your
findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 65-75mm in length.
b 10-16mm in length.
c None.
d 20-25mm in length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

12 With reference to cluster porosity, which of the following answers best matches
your assessment of the square area and would you accept or reject your findings to
the given acceptance levels?

a 10-14mm2.
b 70-90mm2.
c None observed.
d 120-150mm2.
e Accept.
f Reject

13 With reference to cracks, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings
to the given acceptance levels?

a 28-35mm total length

b 22-27mm total length.
c None observed.
d 5-10mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

14 With reference to slag inclusions which of the answers best matches your
assessment to the accumulative total length and would you accept or reject your
findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 10-15mm total length.

b 18-22mm total length.
c None observed.
d 1-5mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 3 A3-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
CSWIP 3.0 Training Questions for fillet Weld T12

1 In regards to the maximum vertical leg length, which of the answers best matches
your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 6-7mm.
b 11-12mm.
c 4-5mm.
d 9-10mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

2 In regards to the minimum vertical leg length, which of the answers best matches
your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 3-4mm.
b 5-6mm.
c 7-8mm.
d 9-10mm.
e Accept.
f Reject

3 In regards to the maximum horizontal leg length, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 6-7mm.
b 7.5-8.5mm.
c 9-10mm.
d 12-13mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

4 In regards to the minimum horizontal leg length, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 3-4mm.
b 5-6mm.
c 7-8mm.
d 9-10mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

5 In regards to the maximum actual throat thickness, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 10-11mm.
b 5-6mm.
c 3-4mm.
d 8-9mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 3 A3-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
6 In regards to the minimum actual throat thickness, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 3-4mm.
b 8-9mm.
c 4.5-5.5mm.
d 6-7mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

7 With reference to lack of fusion, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the total accumulative length and would you accept or reject your
findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 10-15 accumulative total.

b 20-30mm accumulative total.
c None observed.
d 1-9mm accumulative total.
e Accept.
f Reject.

8 With reference to arc strikes, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the total number and would you accept or reject your findings to the
given acceptance levels?

a 3 total.
b 4 total.
c None observed.
d 1 total.
e Accept.
f Reject.

9 With reference to mechanical damage (Excluding Hard Stamping and pop marks),
which of the following answers best matches your assessment of the total number
and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 4 Areas.
b 1 Area.
c None observed.
d 3 Areas.
e Accept.
f Reject.

10 With reference to undercut, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the maximum value and would you accept or reject your findings to
the given acceptance levels?

a 1-2mm depth.
b 0.1-0.5mm depth.
c None observed.
d 3-4mm depth.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 3 A3-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
11 With reference to the accumulative length of undercut, which of the following
answers best matches your assessment of the maximum value and would you
accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 50-70mm in length.
b 10-16mm in length.
c None.
d 20-25mm in length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

12 With reference to cluster porosity, which of the following answers best matches
your assessment of the square area and would you accept or reject your findings to
the given acceptance levels?

a 10-14mm2.
b 20-60mm2.
c None observed.
d 61-87mm2.
e Accept.
f Reject.

13 With reference to cracks, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings
to the given acceptance levels?

a 28-35mm total length.

b 22-27mm total length.
c None observed.
d 5-10mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

14 With reference to slag inclusions which of the answers best matches your
assessment of the accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings
to the given acceptance levels?

a 14-17mm total length.

b 18-22mm total length.
c None observed.
d 1-12mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 3 A3-6 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
CSWIP 3.0 Training Questions for fillet Weld T13

1 In regards to the maximum vertical leg length, which of the answers best matches
your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 10-11mm.
b 7-8mm.
c 4-5mm.
d 12-13mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

2 In regards to the minimum vertical leg length, which of the answers best matches
your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 3-4mm.
b 5-6mm.
c 7-8mm.
d 9-10mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

3 In regards to the maximum horizontal leg length, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 6-7mm.
b 8-9mm.
c 4-5mm.
d 11-12mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

4 In regards to the minimum horizontal leg length, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 3-4mm.
b 5-6mm.
c 7-8mm.
d 9-10mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

5 In regards to the maximum actual throat thickness, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 4.5-5.5mm.
b 6.5-7.5mm.
c 3-4mm.
d 8-9.5mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 3 A3-7 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
6 In regards to the minimum actual throat thickness, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 1-2mm.
b 8-9mm.
c 3-4mm.
d 6-7mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

7 With reference to lack of fusion, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the total accumulative length and would you accept or reject your
findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 10-15 accumulative total.

b 20-30mm accumulative total.
c None observed.
d 1-9mm accumulative total.
e Accept.
f Reject.

8 With reference to arc strikes, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the total number and would you accept or reject your findings to the
given acceptance levels?

a 3 total.
b 4 total.
c None observed.
d 1 total.
e Accept.
f Reject.

9 With reference to mechanical damage (Excluding Hard Stamping and pop marks),
which of the following answers best matches your assessment of the total number
and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 2 Areas.
b 1 Area.
c None observed.
d 3 Areas.
e Accept.
f Reject.

10 With reference to undercut, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the maximum value and would you accept or reject your findings to
the given acceptance levels?

a 1-2mm depth.
b 0-0.5mm depth.
c None observed.
d 3-4mm depth.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 3 A3-8 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
11 With reference to the total accumulative length of undercut, which of the following
answers best matches your assessment of the maximum value and would you
accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 55-100mm in length.
b 10-16mm in length.
c None.
d 20-25mm in length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

12 With reference to porosity, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the largest pore and would you accept or reject your findings to the
given acceptance levels?

a 2-2.5mm diameter.
b 0.5mm diameter.
c None observed.
d 1-1.5mm diameter.
e Accept.
f Reject.

13 With reference to cracks, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings
to the given acceptance levels?

a 28-35mm total length.

b 22-27mm total length.
c None observed.
d 5-10mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

14 With reference to slag inclusions which of the answers best matches your
assessment to the accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings
to the given acceptance levels?

a 10-15mm total length.

b 18-22mm total length
c None observed.
d 1-5mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 3 A3-9 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
CSWIP 3.0 Training Questions for fillet Weld T15

1 In regards to the maximum vertical leg length, which of the answers best matches
your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 6-7mm.
b 10-11mm.
c 4-5mm.
d 8-9mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

2 In regards to the minimum vertical leg length, which of the answers best matches
your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 3-4mm.
b 6-7mm.
c 1-2mm.
d 9-10mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

3 In regards to the maximum horizontal leg length, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 9.5-10mm.
b 4-5mm.
c 10-11.5mm.
d 12-12.5mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

4 In regards to the minimum horizontal leg length, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 4-5mm.
b 6-7mm.
c 2-3mm.
d 9-10mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

5 In regards to the maximum actual throat thickness, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 1-2mm.
b 5-6mm.
c 3-4mm.
d 8-9mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 3 A3-10 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
6 In regards to the minimum actual throat thickness, which of the answers best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 1-2mm.
b 8-9mm.
c 3-4mm.
d 6-7mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

7 With reference to lack of fusion, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the total accumulative length and would you accept or reject your
findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 10-15mm accumulative total.

b 20-30mm accumulative total.
c None observed.
d 1-9mm accumulative total.
e Accept.
f Reject.

8 With reference to arc strikes, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the total number and would you accept or reject your findings to the
given acceptance levels?

a 3 total.
b 4 total.
c None observed.
d 1 total.
e Accept.
f Reject.

9 With reference to mechanical damage (Excluding Hard Stamping and pop marks),
which of the following answers best matches your assessment of the total number
and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 4 Areas.
b 1 Area.
c None observed.
d 3 Areas.
e Accept.
f Reject.

10 With reference to undercut, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the maximum value and would you accept or reject your findings to
the given acceptance levels?

a 0.5-1mm depth.
b 0-0.5mm depth.
c None observed.
d 2-3mm depth.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 3 A3-11 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
11 With reference to the total accumulative length of undercut, which of the following
answers best matches your assessment of the maximum value and would you
accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 65-135mm in length.
b 10-16mm in length.
c None.
d 20-25mm in length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

12 With reference to porosity, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the largest pore and would you accept or reject your findings to the
given acceptance levels?

a 2-2.5mm diameter.
b 0.5mm diameter.
c None observed.
d 1-1.5mm diameter.
e Accept.
f Reject.

13 With reference to cracks, which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings
to the given acceptance levels?

a 28-35mm total length.

b 22-27mm total length.
c None observed.
d 5-10mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

14 With reference to slag inclusions which of the answers best matches your
assessment to the accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings
to the given acceptance levels?

a 10-15mm total length.

b 18-22mm total length.
c None observed.
d 1-5mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 3 A3-12 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
CSWIP 3.0 Training Questions for Plate Butt Weld 1

Answers to be indicated on the Candidate Answer Sheet under the heading of Plate
Butt Weld The Weld Face.

Weld Face

1 Maximum excess weld metal height (The highest individual point measured): Which
answer best matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your
findings to the given acceptance levels?

a Equal to or less than 0mm.

b 1-4mm.
c 5-6mm.
d 7-8mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

2 Incomplete fill: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total
accumulative length and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a None observed.
b 50-70mm.
c 10-30mm.
d 80-110mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

3 Slag inclusions: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total
accumulative length and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 50-65mm.
b 22-35mm.
c None observed.
d 8-18mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

4 Undercut: Which answer best matches your assessment of the imperfection and
would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a Smooth intermittent.
b Sharp but less than 1mm deep.
c None observed.
d Sharp but more than 1mm deep.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-1 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
5 Cluster porosity in the weld: Which of the following answers best matches your
assessment of the weld and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a The area is between 10-15mm2.

b The area is between 100-150mm2.
c None observed.
d The area is between 16-70mm2.
e Accept.
f Reject.

6 Cracks: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total accumulative
length and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 2-3mm transverse crack.

b 15mm longitudinal crack.
c None observed.
d 9-14mm longitudinal crack.
e Accept.
f Reject.

7 Lack of fusion: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total
accumulative length and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 70-90mm accumulative total.

b 30-60mm accumulative total.
c None observed.
d 5-10mm accumulative total.
e Accept.
f Reject.

8 Arc strikes: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total number and
would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 3 total.
b 4 total.
c None observed.
d 1 total.
e Accept.
f Reject.

9 Sharp indications of mechanical damage (excluding hard stamping and pop

marks): Which answer best matches your assessment of the total number and
would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 4 areas.
b 1 area.
c None observed.
d 3 areas.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-2 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Weld Root

10 Misalignment: Which answer best matches your assessment of the maximum value
and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 1-2mm.
b 3-4mm.
c None observed.
d Greater than 5mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

11 Root penetration height (highest individual point measured): Which answer best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 3-5mm.
b 1-2mm.
c None.
d Greater than 5mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

12 Lack of root penetration: Which answer best matches your assessment of the
accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 35-40mm total length.

b 20-25mm total length.
c None observed.
d 1-10mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

13 Lack of root fusion: Which answer best matches your assessment of the
accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 28-35mm total length.

b 1-10mm total length.
c None observed.
d 15-23mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

14 Root concavity: Which answer best matches your assessment to the accumulative
total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 31-39mm total length.

b 18-22mm total length.
c None observed.
d 40-60mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-3 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
15 Root undercut: Which answer best matches your assessment of the accumulative
total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 15-30mm total length.

b 5-8mm total length.
c None observed.
d 1-2mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

16 Cracks in the root: Which answer best matches your assessment of the
accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 10-17mm total length.

b 1-4mm total length.
c None observed.
d 5-8mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

17 With reference to mechanical damage in the root area weld and parent material
(excluding hard stamping): Which of the answers best matches your assessment of
the accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 2 items observed.
b 1 item observed.
c None observed.
d 3 or more items observed.
e Accept.
f Reject.

18 Cluster porosity in the weld root area: Which of the following answers best matches
your assessment of the accumulative total area and would you accept or reject
your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a The area is between 10-15mm2.

b The area is between 18-40mm2.
c None observed.
d The area is between 45-90mm2.
e Accept.
f Reject.

19 With reference to burn through in the root area: Which of the following answers
best matches your assessment of the accumulative total and would you accept or
reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 1 area.
b 2 areas.
c None observed.
d 3 areas.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-4 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
20 With reference to angular distortion: Which of the following answers best matches
your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels? (measure from the weld centreline to the plate edge)

a 3-5mm.
b 6-8mm.
c None observed.
d 1-2mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-5 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Visual Inspection Plate Report – Weld Face

Appendix 4
Name [Block capitals) Signature Test piece identification

Code/Specification used Welding process SMAW Joint type Single V
Welding position PA Length and thickness of plate Date






Notes: Excess weld metal = Linear misalignment = Toe blend = Weld width =

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Visual Plate Report
Weld Root

Appendix 4
e A B





Note: Excess weld metal = Toe blend = Weld width=

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

CSWIP 3.0 Training Questions for Plate Butt Weld 2

Answers to be indicated on the Candidate Answer Sheet under the heading of Plate
Butt Weld The Weld Face.

Weld Face

1 Maximum excess weld metal height (highest individual point measured): Which
answer best matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your
findings to the given acceptance levels?

a Equal to or less than 0mm.

b 1-4mm.
c 5-6mm.
d 7-8mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

2 Incomplete fill: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total
accumulative length and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a None observed.
b 45-80mm.
c 1-40mm.
d 100-120mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

3 Slag inclusions: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total
accumulative length and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 60-70mm.
b 15-24mm.
c None observed.
d 5-10mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

4 Undercut: Which answer best matches your assessment of the imperfection and
would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 60mm in length.
b Sharp but less than 1mm deep.
c None observed.
d Sharp but more than 1mm deep.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-8 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
5 Cluster porosity in the weld: Which answer best matches your assessment of the
total accumulative area and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a The area is between 10-15mm2.

b The area is greater than 100mm2.
c None observed.
d The area is between 70-90mm2.
e Accept.
f Reject.

6 Cracks: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total accumulative
length and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 2-3mm transverse crack.

b 15mm longitudinal crack.
c None observed.
d 9-14mm longitudinal crack.
e Accept.
f Reject.

7 Lack of fusion: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total
accumulative length and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 35-45mm accumulative total.

b 15-25mm accumulative total.
c None observed.
d 5-10mm accumulative total.
e Accept.
f Reject.

8 Arc strikes: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total number and
would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 3 total.
b 4 total.
c None observed.
d 1 total.
e Accept.
f Reject.

9 Mechanical damage (excluding hard stamping and pop marks): Which answer best
matches your assessment of the total number and would you accept or reject your
findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 4 areas.
b 1 area.
c None observed.
d 3 areas.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-9 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Weld Root

10 Misalignment: Which answer best matches your assessment of the maximum value
and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 1.5-2mm.
b 3-4mm.
c 0-1mm.
d Greater than 5mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

11 Root penetration height (highest individual point measured): Which answer best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 4-5mm.
b 2-3mm.
c None.
d Greater than 5mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

12 Lack of root penetration: Which answer best matches your assessment of the
accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 35-40mm total length.

b 15-25mm total length.
c None observed.
d 1-10mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

13 Lack of root fusion: Which answer best matches your assessment of the
accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 28-35mm total length.

b 1-10mm total length.
c None observed.
d 13-20mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

14 Root concavity: Which answer best matches your assessment of the accumulative
total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels.

a 31-39mm total length.

b 18-22mm total length.
c None observed.
d 40-60mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-10 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
15 Root undercut: Which answer best matches your assessment of the accumulative
total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 15-30mm total length.

b 5-8mm total length.
c None observed.
d 1-2mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

16 Cracks in the root: Which answer best matches your assessment of the
accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 10-17mm total length.

b 1-4mm total length.
c None observed.
d 5-8mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

17 Mechanical damage in the root area weld and parent material (excluding hard
stamping): Which answer best matches your assessment of the accumulative total
and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 3 or more items observed.

b 1 item observed.
c None observed.
d 2 items observed.
e Accept.
f Reject.

18 Cluster porosity in the weld root area: Which answer best matches your
assessment of the accumulative total area and would you accept or reject your
findings to the given acceptance levels?

a The area is between 1-5mm2.

b The area is between 25-45mm2.
c None observed.
d The area is between 10-15mm2.
e Accept.
f Reject.

19 Burn-through in the root area: Which answer best matches your assessment of the
accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 1 area.
b 2 areas.
c None observed.
d 3 areas.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-11 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
20 Angular distortion: Which answer best matches your assessment and would you
accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels? (Measure from the
weld centreline to the plate edge.)

a 3-5mm.
b 6-8mm.
c None observed.
d 1-2mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-12 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Visual Inspection Plate Report – Weld Face

Appendix 4
Name [Block capitals) Signature Test piece identification

Code/Specification used Welding process SMAW Joint type Single V
Welding position PA Length and thickness of plate Date

s A B





Notes: Excess weld metal = Linear misalignment = Toe blend = Weld width =

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Visual Plate Report
Weld Root

Appendix 4
e A B






Note: Excess weld metal = Toe blend = Weld width=

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

CSWIP 3.0 Training Questions for Plate Butt Weld 3

Answers to be indicated on the Candidate Answer Sheet under the heading of Plate
Butt Weld The Weld Face.

Weld Face

1 Maximum excess weld metal height (highest individual point measured): Which
answer best matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your
findings to the given acceptance levels?

a Equal to or less than 0mm.

b 1-4mm.
c 5-6mm.
d 7-8mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

2 Incomplete fill: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total
accumulative length and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a None observed.
b 45-65mm.
c 1-30mm.
d 75-100mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

3 Slag inclusions: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total
accumulative length and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 60-70mm.
b 24-39mm.
c None observed.
d 5-23mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

4 Undercut: Which answer best matches your assessment of the imperfection and
would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 50mm in length.
b Sharp but less than 1mm deep.
c None observed.
d Sharp but more than 1mm deep.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-15 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
5 Cluster porosity in the weld: Which answer best matches your assessment of the
total accumulative area and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a The area is between 15-25mm2.

b The area is greater than 100mm2.
c None observed.
d The area is between 70-90mm2.
e Accept.
f Reject.

6 Cracks: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total accumulative
length and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 2-3mm transverse crack.

b 15mm longitudinal crack.
c None observed.
d 9-14mm longitudinal crack.
e Accept.
f Reject.

7 Lack of fusion: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total
accumulative length and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 70-90mm accumulative total.

b 30-60mm accumulative total.
c None observed.
d 91-100mm accumulative total.
e Accept.
f Reject.

8 Arc strikes: Which answer best matches your assessment of the total number and
would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 3 total.
b 4 total.
c None observed.
d 1 total.
e Accept.
f Reject.

9 Mechanical damage (excluding hard stamping and pop marks): Which answer best
matches your assessment of the total number and would you accept or reject your
findings to the given acceptance levels?

a More than 2 areas.

b 1 Area.
c None observed.
d 2 Areas.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-16 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Weld Root

10 Misalignment: Which answer best matches your assessment of the maximum value
and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 2-3mm.
b 4-5mm.
c 0-1mm.
d Greater than 5mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

11 Root penetration height (highest individual point measured): Which answer best
matches your assessment and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 2-3mm.
b 1-1.5mm.
c None.
d Greater than 5mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

12 Lack of root penetration: Which answer best matches your assessment of the
accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 40-55mm total length.

b 25-35mm total length.
c None observed.
d 1-10mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

13 Lack of root fusion: Which answer best matches your assessment of the
accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 30-45mm total length.

b 1-15mm total length.
c None observed.
d 16-29mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

14 Root concavity: Which answer best matches your assessment of the accumulative
total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels.

a 31-39mm total length.

b 18-22mm total length.
c None observed.
d 40-60mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-17 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
15 Root undercut: Which answer best matches your assessment of the accumulative
total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 40-60mm total length.

b 5-8mm total length.
c None observed.
d 2-4mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

16 Cracks in the root: Which answer best matches your assessment of the
accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 10-17mm total length.

b 1-4mm total length.
c None observed.
d 5-8mm total length.
e Accept.
f Reject.

17 Mechanical damage in the root area weld and parent material (excluding hard
stamping): Which answer best matches your assessment of the accumulative total
and would you accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 2 items observed.
b 1 item observed.
c None observed.
d 3 or more items observed.
e Accept.
f Reject.

18 Cluster porosity in the weld root area: Which answer best matches your
assessment of the accumulative total area and would you accept or reject your
findings to the given acceptance levels?

a The area is between 2-3mm2.

b The area is between 10-20mm2.
c None observed.
d The area is between 4-8mm2.
e Accept.
f Reject.

19 Burn-through in the root area: Which answer best matches your assessment of the
accumulative total and would you accept or reject your findings to the given
acceptance levels?

a 1 area.
b 2 areas.
c None observed.
d 3 areas.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-18 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
20 Pore dimensions: Which answer best matches your assessment and would you
accept or reject your findings to the given acceptance levels?

a 3-4mm.
b 5-6mm.
c None observed.
d 1-2mm.
e Accept.
f Reject.

Appendix 4 A4-19 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Visual Inspection Plate Report – Weld Face

Appendix 4
Name [Block capitals) Signature Test piece identification

Code/Specification used Welding process SMAW Joint type Single V
Welding position PA Length and thickness of plate Date

s A B





Notes: Excess weld metal = Linear misalignment = Toe blend = Weld width =

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Visual Plate Report
Weld Root

Appendix 4
e A B






Note: Excess weld metal = Toe blend = Weld width=

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015


WELD INSPECTION 3.0 Answer grid  EXAM DATE: EXAMINATION NUMBER:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VERSION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(training) CANDIDATE NAME:

I agree with the terms and  Tick  Date of Birth

conditions of this examination Box D D M M Y Y
PLATE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
CANDIDATE SIGNATURE:                                    O O O O O O O O O O
A B C D E F _
1 O O O O O O O O O O
2 O O O O O O O O O O

6 A B C D E F
7 1
8 2
9 3 EXAM
12 6 FILLET E3
13 7

16 10 FILLET E5
17 11
18 12
19 13
20 14

WELD INSPECTION 3.0 Answer grid  EXAM DATE: EXAMINATION NUMBER:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VERSION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(training) CANDIDATE NAME:

I agree with the terms and  Tick  Date of Birth

conditions of this examination Box D D M M Y Y
PLATE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
CANDIDATE SIGNATURE:                                    O O O O O O O O O O
A B C D E F _
1 O O O O O O O O O O
2 O O O O O O O O O O

6 A B C D E F
7 1
8 2
9 3 EXAM
12 6 FILLET E3
13 7

16 10 FILLET E5
17 11
18 12
19 13
20 14

WELD INSPECTION 3.0 Answer grid  EXAM DATE: EXAMINATION NUMBER:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VERSION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(training) CANDIDATE NAME:

I agree with the terms and  Tick  Date of Birth

conditions of this examination Box D D M M Y Y
PLATE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
CANDIDATE SIGNATURE:                                    O O O O O O O O O O
A B C D E F _
1 O O O O O O O O O O
2 O O O O O O O O O O

6 A B C D E F
7 1
8 2
9 3 EXAM
12 6 FILLET E3
13 7

16 10 FILLET E5
17 11
18 12
19 13
20 14

WELD INSPECTION 3.0 Answer grid  EXAM DATE: EXAMINATION NUMBER:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VERSION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(training) CANDIDATE NAME:

I agree with the terms and  Tick  Date of Birth

conditions of this examination Box D D M M Y Y
PLATE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
CANDIDATE SIGNATURE:                                    O O O O O O O O O O
A B C D E F _
1 O O O O O O O O O O
2 O O O O O O O O O O

6 A B C D E F
7 1
8 2
9 3 EXAM
12 6 FILLET E3
13 7

16 10 FILLET E5
17 11
18 12
19 13
20 14

WELD INSPECTION 3.0 Answer grid  EXAM DATE: EXAMINATION NUMBER:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 VERSION: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(training) CANDIDATE NAME:

I agree with the terms and  Tick  Date of Birth

conditions of this examination Box D D M M Y Y
PLATE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
CANDIDATE SIGNATURE:                                    O O O O O O O O O O
A B C D E F _
1 O O O O O O O O O O
2 O O O O O O O O O O

6 A B C D E F
7 1
8 2
9 3 EXAM
12 6 FILLET E3
13 7

16 10 FILLET E5
17 11
18 12
19 13
20 14
CSWIP 3.0 Visual Welding Inspector

CSWIP 3.0 Visual Welding Inspector Introduction

Level 1

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Rev 3 October 2014 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Course Objectives Course Objectives

 To identify various weld imperfections (defects).  To carry out inspection of parent materials and
 To understand the relevant welding technology consumables.
related to visual inspection.  To carry out visual inspection of welds, report
 To understand the need for documentation in on them and assess their compliance with
welding. specified acceptance criteria.
 To be aware of codes and standards related to  To pass the CSWIP 3.0 Visual Welding Inspector
inspection requirements. qualification.

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Welcome Health and Safety

Getting the most out of the course Evacuation in the event of fire
 Leave by the nearest exit.
Please  Do not stop to pick up your possessions.
 Switch off mobile phones.  Go directly to the fire assembly point.
 Do not smoke in the building.
 Ask questions.

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

The Course The Course

The Visual Welding Inspector course provides an The main objective of the course is to prepare
introduction to practical inspection practices and for the CSWIP Visual Welding Inspection
procedures. examination.

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

CSWIP Certificate Scheme CSWIP Certificate Scheme

Certificate Scheme for Personnel The reference document

for the CSWIP scheme is:

Document No.
(12th Edition May 2012).

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

CSWIP Certificate Scheme CSWIP Certificate Scheme

Document No. CSWIP-WI-6-92  Level 1: 3.0 Visual Welding Inspector.

 Provides terms of reference for the three
levels of Inspector grade.  Level 2: 3.1 Welding Inspector.
 Provides guidance on the knowledge required
for each level of Inspector grade.  Level 3: 3.2 Senior Welding Inspector.
 Sets out the examination format and provides
guidance on questions.

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

CSWIP 3.0 Examination Requirements The CSWIP 3.0 Examination

1. Two passport size photographs, with your

name and signature on reverse side.
2. Eye test certificate, the certificate must
show near vision and colour tests.
3. Completed examination form, you can Practical Examination Only
print from the website www.twi.co.uk

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

The CSWIP 3.0 Examination The CSWIP 3.0 Examination

Practical part A1 Practical plate examination

Inspection of a plate butt weld to a code provided  There will be twenty multi choice questions, ie
by the Test Centre. identify the defect, size etc and also an accept
or reject to the acceptance criteria.
 In addition, a plan will be required detailing
where the defects are, their type and size.

1 Hour
30 Minutes

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

The CSWIP 3.0 Examination Notification of Examination Results

Practical fillet weld examination

 There will be fourteen multi choice questions,
the maximum and minimum weld leg lengths 70%
and throat thicknesses, identify other defects,
Pass mark
their size etc and accept or reject in
accordance with the acceptance criteria.

For every section to be

awarded the certificate
2 copies of certificates and an identity card sent
to delegates’ sponsor.

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Certification Scheme for

Recognised Worldwide

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

TWI Visual Welding Inspection TWI Visual
CSWIP 3.0 Welding Inspection
Visual Welding Inspector

CSWIP 3.0 Visual Welding Inspector Terminology: Types of joints and welds
Level 1

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015


Terminology Terminology

A joint A weld
A configuration of members. A union between materials caused by heat, and
or pressure.

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Types of Joint Butt Joints

T Edge Cruciform Square edged

Closed Open

Single sided butt

V Bevel

Double sided butt

V Bevel
Butt Lap Corner

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Types of Joint Types of Joint
Single V and Single U Single Bevel and Single J
Included angle Included angle Angle of bevel Angle of bevel
Angle Angle
of bevel of bevel

Land Root
(optional) radius

Root Root face Root face

Root face Root face Root gap Root gap
Root gap Root gap Land

Single V butt Single U butt Single bevel butt Single J butt

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Types of Weld Types of Weld

Two commonly used welds types Fillet weld Edge weld Compound weld

Butt weld

Fillet weld
Butt weld Plug weld Spot weld

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CSWIP 3.0 Visual Welding Inspector Weld Toes

The toes of the weld can be defined as the

junction of the weld face and the base metal.

Can be a serious stress raiser.

Terminology: Features of the weld

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Weld Toes Excess Weld Metal

Weld metal lying

A B outside the plane
joining the toes.

BS499 -1

Also known as weld

overfill, crown.


Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Toe Blend Toe Blend

a Stress Concentration Stress Reduced

80° 6mm 20° 3mm

Excessive height = acute angle Excess height = lower angle

Acute angle = stress concentration Lower angle = reduced stress concentration
Excessive height + acute angle = Poor toe blend Excess height + lower angle = Good toe blend

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Importance of Toe Blend Features of the Weld

The higher the toe blend angle the greater the Weld zone
concentration of stress.
Weld face

Excess weld metal height of 3mm max will give Weld

metal Fusion
a toe blend angle of 20°-30° approximately. boundary/line


Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Plate Butt Weld Features
Features of the Weld
Parent metal Toe Weld face Features of a Fillet weld on plate


Root HAZ Root HAZ

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

CSWIP 3.0 Visual Welding Inspector Fillet Welds

Fillet welds
 Cheapest form of arc welded joint.
 Used extensively in many types of structure.
 The external shape and size can be measured.
Terminology: Types of weld  The internal quality is dependant on joint fit-up
and the use of a qualified WPS.

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Fillet Weld Dimensions

Fillet Weld Profiles
Leg Length

Mitre fillet The leg length of a fillet weld is the distance from
the root to the toe of the fillet weld.
Also called the fusion face.

Concave fillet
Vertical leg length

Convex fillet

Horizontal leg length

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Fillet Weld Dimensions Fillet Weld Dimensions
Throat Thickness Throat Thickness
The throat thickness of a fillet weld is the The throat thickness can be expressed in
perpendicular distance from the root to the face terms of either:
centre of the fillet weld.  Design throat thickness.
 Actual throat thickness.

Throat thickness

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Throat Thickness Throat Thickness

Convex Fillet Weld Concave Fillet Weld

Actual throat Actual throat Design throat =

Actual throat

Design throat Design throat

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Throat and Leg Terminology

The Ratio Types of Weld
Based on the right
angled triangle
Leg length
LL TT a = Horizontal leg length.
b b = Vertical leg length.
1.414 1

1 0.707
6 x 0.707 = 4.242 or 4.2mm a

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Terminology Terminology
Types of Weld Types of Weld
Butt welds Partial Penetration Butt welds
t2 t2
t1 t1

t2 t1
t1 – Design throat t2 – Actual throat t1 t’1= Design throat thickness
thickness thickness t 2 t’2= Actual throat thickness
Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Welding Inspector Duties

Any questions?

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

TWI Visual Welding Inspection CSWIP 3.0 Visual Welding Inspection

CSWIP 3.0 Visual Welding Inspection Inspection Equipment

Level 1

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015


Why Measure? Inspection Considerations

The purposes  When to carry out inspections?

of measuring  How to carry out inspections?
 What equipment will be required?
Demonstration Welding process
 What is the quality of welding required?
of conformance control
to specified  How to interpret the code or standard
requirements requirements?

 Welding current  Shielding gas flow rate

arc voltage preheat/inter-pass
travel speed temperature, humidity

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Three Monitoring Stages Inspection Equipment

1. Before welding.  Steel rule.  Contour gauge.

 Flexible tape measure.  Torch or other light
2. During welding.  Bevel angle gauge. source.
 Root gap gauge.  Mirror.
3. After welding.  Misalignment gauge.  Magnifying glass - 5x
 Fillet gauge. magnification.
 Height/depth gauge.  Paint stick/marking
 Voltmeter.
 Pea shooter type flow
 Ammeter. meter.
 Temp indicating  Stop watch.

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Inspection Equipment Multi Purpose Inspection Gauge

Inspection of welds
using the Cambridge
multi purpose welding

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Temperature Indicating Crayons Digital Thermometers

Temperature sensitive  Are temperature-sensitive

materials resistors whose resistance
varies inversely with
 Crayons, paints and temperature.
pills.  Used when high sensitivity
 Cheap and convenient, is required.
easy to use.  Gives the actual
Doesn’t measure the  Need calibration.
actual temperature!

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Contactless Temperature
Inspection Equipment
 IR radiation and optical
 Measure the radiant
energy emitted by the
hot body.
Any questions?
 Contactless method,
can be used for remote
 Very complex.
 For measuring high

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

CSWIP 3.0 Welding Inspection

CSWIP 3.0 Visual Welding Inspector Welding Imperfections and

Level 1 Materials Inspection


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Features to Consider Features to Consider

Butt welds - Size Butt welds - Profile

Weld cap width
Excess weld
metal height

Root bead width

Root penetration x x
Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Features to Consider Features to Consider

Butt welds - Toe blend Butt welds - Weld width

x x
Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015
Welding Defects Welding Defects

Incomplete root penetration a. Excessively thick

root face.

b. Too small a root
 Too small a root gap.
 Arc too long.
 Wrong polarity. c. Misplaced welds.
 Electrode too large for joint
preparation. d. Lack of cross
 Incorrect electrode angle. penetration.
 Too fast a speed of travel for

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Welding Defects Welding Defects

Incomplete root fusion Root concavity

 Too small a root gap. Causes
 Arc too long.  Root gap too large.
 Wrong polarity.  Excessive grinding.
 Excessive back purge TIG.
 Electrode too large for joint
 Incorrect electrode angle.
 Too fast a speed of travel for
 Linear misalignment.

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Welding Defects Welding Defects

Excess root penetration Root undercut

Causes Causes
 Excessive amperage  Root gap too large.
during welding of root.  Excessive current/arc
 Excessive root gap. energy.
 Insufficient root face.  Small or no root face.
 Poor fit up.
 Excessive root grinding.
 Improper welding

Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015 Copyright © TWI Ltd 2015

Welding Defects Welding Defects

Cap undercut


 Excessive welding current.
 Welding speed too high. Excess weld metal
 Incorrect electrode angle.
 Excessive weave.
 Electrode too large.

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Welding Defects Welding Defects

Lack of fusion Incompletely filled groove

and lack of side wall fusion

 Contaminated weld
 Amperage too low.
 Amperage too high
(welder increases
speed of travel). Causes
 Dip transfer MIG/MAG.  Insufficient weld metal deposited.
 Improper welding technique.

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Welding Defects Welding Defects

Inter run Incompletely Filled Groove/ Incompletely filled groove

Lack on inter-run fusion

 Insufficient weld
metal deposited.
 Improper welding

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Welding Defects Welding Defects

Gas pores/porosity Gas pores/porosity

 Excessive moisture in
flux or preparation.
 Contaminated preparation.
 Low welding current.
 Arc length too long.
 Damaged electrode flux.
 Loss of gas shield.

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Welding Defects Welding Defects

Inclusions - Slag Inclusions - Slag

Causes Causes
 Insufficient cleaning  Insufficient cleaning
between passes. between passes.
 Contaminated weld preparation.  Contaminated weld
 Welding over irregular profile. preparation.
 Incorrect welding speed.  Welding over irregular profile.
 Arc length too long.  Incorrect welding speed.
 Arc length too long.

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Welding Defects Welding Defects

Inclusions - Tungsten Burn through

 Excessive amperage
during welding of
 Contamination of weld Caused by tungsten
touching weld metal or parent metal during
 Excessive root grinding.
welding using the TIG welding process.
 Improper welding technique.
 Excessive current.

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Welding Defects Welding Defects

Spatter Arc strikes

 Electrode straying onto
parent metal.
Causes  Electrode holder with
 Excessive arc energy/ poor insulation.
current.  Poor contact of earth
 Excessive arc length. clamp.
 Damp electrodes.  Striking outside the
 Arc blow. joint preparation.

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Welding Defects Welding Defects

Mechanical damage Excess weld metal height
Lowest plate to highest point
Chisel Marks
Marks Pitting Corrosion Grinding Marks


Excess penetration
Lowest plate to highest point
Linear misalignment measured in mm.


Angular misalignment measured in mm.

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Welding Defects Welding Defects

Non-alignment of two abutting edges



Angular distortion.
Measure the distance to the edge of the plate (50mm).
Use a straight edge (rule) to find the amount of distortion then
2mm measure the space (3mm).
This reported as Angular distortion 3mm in 50mm.
Also known as: Hi low, mismatch or misalignment.

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Welding Imperfections and
Materials Inspection

Any questions?

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TWI Welding Inspection

CSWIP 3.0 Visual Welding Inspector Introduction to Welding Processes

Level 1

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Welding Processes Factors for Fusion Welding

Fusion welding Welding with pressure  A high intensity heat source.

 Protection from the atmosphere.
Resistance Solid state  Protection from surface contaminants.
welding welding
 Adequate properties – physical, metallurgical
and mechanical.
Arc Oxy fuel Electroslag Thermit Power
welding welding welding welding beam



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Heat Source Atmosphere

 Local application of heat in order for fusion to Protection from oxygen and nitrogen
 ARC – a low voltage high energy spark across Fluxes - MMA/SAW.
an air gap. Gases - TIG, MIG/MAG, FCAW.
 Typical temperature range for steels Vacuum - Lasers, electron beam.
approximately 1400-1500°C.
 Average temperature in the arc approximately

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Contamination Properties

Mechanical cleaning The completed weld must have adequate

 eg MMA, TIG, MIG, MAG properties
 Material selection.
 Consumable selection and control.
Chemical cleaning  Control of heat input.
 eg TIG, MIG, MAG  Add alloying elements.
 Heat treatments.


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Four Factors Welding Variables

All welding processes must comply with these 1. Amperage

four factors in order to produce an acceptable  Flow of electrical current through a conductor.
weld.  Measured in Amperes (I).
 Controls burn off rate and depth of penetration.
 Electrical pressure required to cause current to flow
through a circuit.

2. Voltage
 Volt (E) is the unit of electrical pressure.
 Controls weld pool fluidity.

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Welding Variables Constant Current Characteristic

3. Polarity Drooping characteristic

 Determines heat distribution at the arc.
 Direct current (DC), can be either DC+ or DC-.
 Alternating current (AC). OCV
Operating Work Point
 Current flow alternates between the positive

and negative poles.

 The rate of weld progression. Increase arc
4. Travel speed
 Affects heat input and affects metallurgical and arc gap
mechanical properties.

120 Amps

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Constant Current Characteristic Summary

Flat characteristic Constant current Constant voltage

(drooping) characteristic (flat) characteristic




SAW < 1000 AMPS

200 Amps

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Welding Inspection Manual Metal Arc (MMA) Welding

Manual Metal Arc Welding

(MMA) Consumable electrode
Evolved gas shield Flux covering

Shielded Metal Arc Welding Weld Metal Core Wire

Slag Arc
(SMAW) Weld Pool
Parent metal

MMA – Principle of operation

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Manual Metal Arc (MMA) Welding MMA

Power source.
Power control
Advantages: Disadvantages:

Electrode oven  Field or shop use.  High skill factor.

Heated quiver
 Range of  Slag inclusions.
consumables.  Low operating factor.
Electrodes  All positional.  High level of fume.
Inverter power
Power return
source  Very portable.  Hydrogen control.
 Simple equipment.
Safety visor
(with dark lens) Power cable

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MMA Defects Welding Process

Typical defects Main features

1. Slag inclusions.  Shielding provided by decomposition of flux
2. Arc strikes. covering.
3. Porosity.  Electrode consumable.
4. Undercut.
 Manual process.
5. Shape defects (overlap, excessive root
penetration, etc). Welder controls
 Arc length.
Most welding defects in MMA are caused by a lack of  Angle of electrode.
welder skill (not an easily controlled process), the  Speed of travel.
incorrect settings of the equipment or the incorrect
use and treatment of electrodes.  Amperage settings.

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Metal Inert Gas (MIG)-

Metal Active Gas (MAG) External wire
feed unit Transformer/

Internal wire

Gas Metal Arc Welding

feed system

(GMAW) Power control

Power cable
and hose

15kg wire spool

Liner for wire
Power return
cable Welding gun

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MIG/MAG Torch Assembly MIG/MAG Wire Drive System

Torch body
Internal wire drive system Plain top roller
On/Off switch
Torch head assembly
(less nozzle)

Nozzles or Spot welding

shrouds spacer

Contact tips Half grooved Wire guide

Gas diffuser bottom roller

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MAG/GMAW MIG/MAG - Principle of Operation

MIG-Metal Inert Gas 100% Argon

9% nickels

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MIG/MAG - Principle of Operation MIG/MAG Principle of Operation

MAG - Metal Active Gas 100% CO2 Effect of shielding gas on weld bead shape

80% Argon + 20% CO2

Carbon steels,
low alloy steels
De oxidisers: Silicon,
100% CO2 80% ARGON/20% CO2
manganese and
aluminium Wire formulation EN 439:M21

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MIG/MAG Variables MIG/MAG Metal Transfer

Three process variables MIG/MAG (GMAW) Transfer Modes

1. Wire stick out/extension.
Pulse Transfer
2. Arc voltage.

3. Wire feed speed.

Cold Metal Dip Transfer
Surface Tension Transfer
Dip Transfer
<200 A Amps

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MIG/MAG Synergic Systems MIG/MAG Synergic Systems

Example: Synergic pulsed MIG/MAG welding

A form of pulsed welding using electronic control
logic to determine the value of the pulse
parameters and pulse frequency, according to the
selected value of wire feed speed.

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MIG/MAG Pulsed Transfer Pulsed Transfer

Peak current - Spray Transfer

AMPS: 107–220
VOLTS: 22.8
WFS: 3.3m/min
Wire dia: 1.2mm

Background current - Dip Transfer


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MIG/MAG Pulsed Transfer MIG/MAG Digital systems

Peak Current =
Spray Transfer

Background Current =
Dip Transfer


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MIG/MAG MIG/MAG Flux Cored Arc Welding

Advantages: Disadvantages:
 Lower skill required.  Lack of sidewall FCAW
fusion. methods
 Easily automated.
 All positional dip and  Range of
 Thick/thin materials. consumables.
 Continuous  Loss of gas
electrode. shield/site.
With gas shielding Without gas With metal
 Complex equipment. - gas shielded shielding – self powder - Metal
 High ozone levels. shielded core

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Gas Shielded – Principle of Operation Shielded - Principle of Operation

Gas nozzle Gas nozzle

Consumable flux/metal cored Consumable flux-cored wire

wire electrode electrode

Gas shield Contact Tube Evolved Gas shield Contact Tube

Weld Pool Arc Weld Metal Arc

Slag Slag Weld Pool

Parent Metal Weld Metal Parent Metal

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Advantages/Disadvantages Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG)

Advantages: Disadvantages:
 Field or shop use.  High skill factor. Gas Tungsten Arc Welding
 High productivity.  Slag inclusions. (GTAW)
 All positional.  Cored wire is
 Slag supports and expensive.
shapes the weld  High level of fume
bead.  (self shielded).
 No need for shielding  Limited to steels and
gas. nickel alloys.

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TIG - Principle of Operation TIG Torch

Gas nozzle housing Tungsten

Non-consumable tungsten
Fitted ceramic
electrode Ceramic
shielding cup
shield cup
Gas shield

Filler Rod
Weld Pool Gas lens
On/Off switch
Weld Metal
Parent Metal Split collet

Gas diffuser

Torch body
Spare ceramic
shielding cup

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Manual TIG Automatic TIG

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Advantage and Disadvantages

Advantages: Disadvantages:
 High quality.  Very high skill factor.
 Good control.  Range of
 All positional. consumable.
 Lowest H2 arc  Loss of gas Submerged Arc Welding
process. shield/site.
 No slag.  Complex equipment.
 High ozone levels.
 Low output.

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SAW SAW Fluxes

Contact tube Baked at high temperature, glossy, hard and
Flux recovery
black in colour, cannot add ferro-manganese,
Weld Pool non moisture absorbent and tends to be of the
electrode Flux Feed
acidic type.
Weld Metal Arc Parent Metal

Slag Agglomerated
Baked at a lower temperature, dull, irregularly
shaped, friable, (easily crushed) can easily add
alloying elements, moisture absorbent and tend
to be of the basic type.

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SAW Fluxes SAW Fluxes

Fused SAW flux Agglomerated SAW Flux

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SAW Fluxes Introduction to Welding Processes

Fluxes for SAW may be classified as

Type of Flux Improving quality

general purpose
Any questions?


High basic
Maximum toughness Agglomerated

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CSWIP 3.0 Visual Welding Inspection

CSWIP 3.0 Visual Welding Inspection Material Inspection

Level 1

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Material Inspection Pipe Inspection

All materials arriving on site should be Condition

inspected for: (Corrosion, damage, wall thickness ovality, laminations and seam)

 Size/dimensions.
 Condition.
 Type/specification.
Welded seam
 In addition other elements may need to be
considered depending on the materials form or

Other checks may need to be made such as:

Distortion tolerance, number of pipes and storage*.

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Plate Inspection Rolling Imperfections

(Corrosion, mechanical damage, laps, bands and laminations)
Direction of rolling

Specification Laps*

Lamination Segregation
Other checks may need to be made such as:
Distortion tolerance, number of plates and storage.

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Material Imperfections Lapping
Mechanical damage Lap


Segregation line
Laminations are caused in the parent plate by the steel
making process, originating from ingot casting defects.
Segregation bands occur in the centre of the plate and
are low melting point impurities such as sulphur and
Laps are caused during rolling when overlapping metal
does not fuse to the base material.

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Lapping Lapping

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Lamination Lamination

Plate lamination

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Material Inspection

Any questions?

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TWI Mission


To provide our Members
with authoritative and
impartial expert advice,
INTRODUCTION TO TWI knowhow and safety
assurance through
engineering, materials
and joining technologies


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Profile Serving multiple industrial sectors

Construction Aerospace Energy and Electronics, Oil, Gas and Equipment,
 Five UK technology and and Environment Photonics Chemical Consumables
Engineering Automotive and Medical and Materials
 14 international training
 £75m of R&D in materials
joining, structural integrity
and NDT.
 700 Industrial Members
in 4500 locations
 Over 800 staff.

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Products and Services Benefits of Industrial Membership

Technical development
helpdesk times
consultancy Avoidance
Failure and Enhanced of costly
investigation manufacturing safety remedial
support action

Welding, Training and

inspection Increased Reduced
and testing
manufacturing Value- environmental
efficiency Added impact

Software Information
packages and services
development Cross-
Competent sectoral
Workforce technology
Technology Technical
Online transfer / and
technical supply chain commercial
knowledge support reduction of

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Industrial Membership

As an Industrial Member of TWI, you will be entitled to

expert technical support with a response guaranteed within You will be allocated a pre-paid consultancy budget and
one working day. Through our “who knows?” service, you receive a 10% discount on TWI training courses. You will
will be able to find the relevant expert with exactly the also be able to draw on TWI’s authority and impartiality if
knowledge you need. you require an expert witness in arbitration.

Your company will be able to commission TWI to undertake On top of this you will be given access to expert technical
substantial confidential research and consultancy projects knowledge, comprising the Weldasearch alert service from
on your company’s behalf – TWI conducts 800 such projects our welding and joining information database, technical
for its member companies each year. You will also benefit literature reviews, a technical journal archive and 200
from access to the outcomes of TWI’s core research best practice guides.
programme, a series of research endeavours with an annual
budget in excess of £3 million.

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Professional or Associate Membership Professional or Associate Membership

Membership of The Welding Institute  Associate Membership is open for everyone who
has an active interest in welding and materials
Aspirations towards rewarding careers in the joining. Associate Membership provides a
welding and joining industry: springboard to those in the engineering
 Membership of The Welding Institute as either a community, particularly those in joining and
Professional Member or an Associate provides a welding engineering, who aspire to professional
clear demonstration of your commitment to excellence
by affiliating yourself with the leading international
membership and Engineering Council
membership body for welding and joining personnel. registration.

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Professional or Associate Membership Weldasearch

Professional Membership in addition gives you industrial Weldasearch - The Materials Joining Database
recognition by your peers and most importantly, personal
and professional prestige. Whether you want a practical article on how to apply a
welding process, or detailed information on research into
Recognition throughout your career takes a number of the background of a particular subject, you'll find the
distinct steps. Each of these steps marks a demonstration answer in Weldasearch. Produced by TWI Information
of competence. Whether you are an Associate, Technician, Services, Weldasearch is a database of short abstracts of
Member or Fellow - these are rungs on the professional over 200,000 articles on welding, joining and allied
ladder to acceptance of ability. They also constitute the technologies (sample abstracts).
route to professional registration with the UK body of
chartered institutions - the Engineering Council. –
Use of Weldasearch is free for TWI Industrial Members,
WJS Members and TWI Professional Members.
See more at:

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Weldasearch Weldasearch

Comprehensive coverage Keep up to date

 Covering metals, plastics and ceramics, Weldasearch aims to be a
comprehensive record of appropriate world-wide literature
published since 1968.  You can use Weldasearch to set up monthly
 Source material includes journals, conference proceedings, books, alerts on subjects of interest to you (a free
patents, standards and theses. List of core journals abstracted by service for TWI Industrial Members, WJS
 Welding, brazing and soldering, microjoining, diffusion bonding,
Members and TWI Professional Members).
thermal cutting, surfacing and hardfacing, thermal spraying.  Recent abstracts of articles particularly
 Aerospace, automotive, electronics, shipbuilding and power relevant to several major industry
generation industries; fabrication of bridges, pipelines, offshore
structures and pressure vessels, process plant. sectors, which were added to the
 Robotics, automation, repair and maintenance, inspection, quality Weldasearch database at the last monthly
control, non-destructive testing, fatigue and fracture, corrosion, upload, are available as PDF files to download.
metallurgy and materials science, health and safety.

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For more information

Please contact Weldasearch Services, TWI,

Granta Park, Great Abington, Cambridge, CB21
Phone: +44 (0)1223 899000
Fax: +44 (0)1223 892588
E-mail: [email protected]

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