John Deere and Complex Parts, Inc.: Company Backgrounds

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The document discusses John Deere's supplier evaluation program and process. It evaluates the performance of supplier Complex Parts over the past year in key areas like quality, delivery, cost, and technical support.

Complex Parts has performed well in quality but poorly in delivery, meeting cost targets, and response time. Their performance has been mixed.

The team could consider continuing the relationship with performance improvements, transitioning some business to other suppliers, or ending the relationship altogether.

5 J o h n D e e r e an d C o m p l e x

Parts, Inc.1

On Friday, November 22, 2006, Blake Roberts, Hayley Marie, Stan Eakins and John
Pearson, members of one of John Deere’s supplier evaluation teams, were discussing
the performance of Complex Parts. Complex Parts had provided questionable service to
John Deere’s Moline unit over the past year, and they were wondering if this merited
giving their business to a different supplier. They needed to recommend a course of
action to their project manager the next week.

Company Backgrounds
Deere & Company, headquartered in Moline, Illinois, was founded in 1837, and in 2007,
they conducted business in over 110 countries and employed approximately 47,000 people
worldwide. They are the world’s leading manufacturer of farm and forestry equipment, and
also produce construction, commercial and consumer equipment. Other products and ser-
vices produced by Deere included equipment financing, power systems, special technolo-
gies and healthcare. Net sales in 2006 were over U.S. $19 billion with total assets of more
than U.S. $34 billion. Cost of goods sold in 2006 was approximately U.S. $15 billion.
Complex Parts, Inc. had been a supplier of John Deere for the past 10 years with annual
sales to their Moline unit of approximately U.S. $3.5 million. They supplied Deere with a
key manufactured part requiring significant engineering input and testing. Two other
Deere suppliers were capable of supplying this part; however, Complex Parts was provid-
ing all of Deere’s needs at the time. They had always taken a proactive approach to their
dealings with John Deere, with sales engineers visiting weekly, participating in Deere’s cost
reduction strategies, staying up with Deere’s design changes, and internalizing the Deere
Product Quality Plan. Complex Parts was interested in increasing their sales to Deere.

John Deere’s Achieving Excellence Program

The Achieving Excellence Program (AEP) was a dynamic supply management strat-
egy aimed at giving Deere and its suppliers the competitive advantage necessary to
deliver world class equipment to customers. The AEP strived to develop long-lasting
supplier relationships through use of a supplier evaluation process that promoted com-
munication, trust, cooperation and continuous improvement. Suppliers were evaluated
in five key areas by teams of Deere personnel from supply management, operations,
quality engineering and product development. These evaluation areas were quality,
delivery, cost management, wavelength, and technical support.

1. Reprinted with permission from the publisher, the Institute for Supply ManagementTM. “John Deere
and Complex Parts, Inc.” by Joel Wisner, PhD, C.P.M., University of Nevada, Las Vegas
([email protected]). This case was prepared solely to provide material for class discussion. The author
does not intend to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a managerial situation. The author
has disguised names and other identifying information to protect confidentiality.
24 Part 2 Supply Issues

The quality rating was a quantitative measure calculated as:

(# rejects/unit of supplied product) ×1,000,000.
Thus, a quality rating of 1,000 would be equivalent to one reject per 1,000 units deliv-
ered. The delivery rating provided a measure of how well a supplier met Deere’s specified
delivery dates and purchase quantities. The delivery rating was calculated as:
[(# early + late + over deliveries)/(delivery instance)] × 1,000,000.
Thus, a delivery rating of 75,000 would be equivalent to 75 delivery “defects” per
1,000 deliveries. The cost management rating was a composite rating derived by the
evaluation team, based on performance in five areas: cost management initiative, cost
reduction activity, cost index performance, performance during new programs, and
global market competitiveness. A consensus cost management rating of 1 to 5 was
eventually reached by the evaluation team. The wavelength rating was a composite
analysis of the supplier’s initiative, attitude, responsiveness, attention to detail, and
communication performance. In general, good performance in this area meant the sup-
plier was customer focused with a continuous commitment to improvement in quality,
technical support, delivery, cost, lead time, inventory turnover and EDI capability. The
technical support rating was also a 5-point consensus composite rating comprised of
the group’s assessment of the supplier’s performance in the areas of assembly line sup-
port, design and process change information, manufacturing and design improvements,
field problem resolution, test support, environmental responsibility, and supply man-
agement support.
Recognition of supplier performance was an integral part of Deere’s AEP. Suppliers
were classified as Conditional, Approved, Key or Partner, based on their overall perfor-
mance in the five rating categories (although the weakest category tended to heavily
influence the overall evaluation). These classifications, with their required performance
levels for each rating category, are shown in Exhibit 1. Performance-level cutoffs were
revised annually by Deere. Suppliers were given a Supplier Performance Summary each
quarter, providing suppliers with their performance information as well as the cutoff
information. Conditional suppliers did not receive any formal recognition or training
from Deere, and were in danger of losing future Deere business. Approved suppliers
were eligible to participate in Deere training programs. Key suppliers received a special
Deere plaque and training benefits, while Partners received the training benefits and
were also honored at a Deere awards banquet.

Complex Parts’ Performance Information

Complex Parts had achieved a quality rating of 666 for the past year, and a delivery
rating of 8650. Blake Roberts, the strategic member of the evaluation team with eight
years experience as a Deere buyer, thought some of Complex Parts’ subjective category
performances were showing signs of weakness. For instance, he thought they should be
making more suggestions for cost reductions and eliminating more of the problems that
had resulted in a number of late deliveries over the past year. Some requested price
quotes had also not reached Deere on time. They had been doing a good job, though,
of following through on suggestions for quality improvement offered by Deere. He con-
sidered their business approach with Deere to be very proactive.
Hayley Marie, a manufacturing planner for 23 years with Deere, was in charge of the
team’s technical evaluation. Hayley noted that Complex Parts had taken an active role in
Case 5 John Deere and Complex Parts, Inc. 25

Exhibit 1 Supplier Classification Criteria

Quality Delivery Wavelength Technical Cost Mgt.

Partner <1000 <30,000 >4.6 >4.6 >4.6

Key <2500 <80,000 >4.0 >4.0 >4.0

Approved <5000 <150,000 >3.0 >3.0 >3.0

Conditional 5000+ 150,000+ <3.0 <3.0 <3.0

keeping up with Deere’s required specification changes, but was very concerned with
their frequent inability to return phone calls to Complex Parts’ customer service group.
An increasing number of deliveries had to be expedited over the past year, costing Deere
in the process. It seemed as though expediting had recently become a weekly require-
ment. Over the past quarter, their delivery rating was a dismal 155,000.
Stan Eakins, the team’s quality advisor, had been a quality engineer for Deere for over
20 years. He thought Complex Parts had done an excellent job internalizing the Deere
Quality Plan elements, and took a lead role in getting the elements implemented. Their
quality performance had improved significantly over the past year. Recently, they had
also become ISO certified. The one area of concern noted by Greg was that they had fallen
behind in implementing the Deere Quality Plan at their new facility, which had been
operational since June. This was beginning to concern him.
John Pearson was the assessment team’s design/engineering advisor and had been an
engineer at Deere for 12 years. He was impressed with Complex Parts’ R&D department,
noting that several suggestions from them had resulted in successful Deere, new product
programs. Unfortunately, though, a number of the items supplied by Complex Parts for
these products had not met Deere’s cost targets, effectively reducing Deere’s projected
profits on these products. There had also been a troubling problem over this past quar-
ter, getting quotes for some of these new parts in a timely fashion.

The team was faced with evaluating a long-term supplier for Deere who was perform-
ing impressively in several areas. Unfortunately, there were also some areas of concern in
the minds of all four members of the evaluation team. Reaching a consensus was going
to require all of the team members to be very thorough in their evaluations of Complex
Parts. The evaluation group had to reach a consensus quickly to meet the required dead-
line of their project manager.

Discussion Questions
1. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of John Deere’s Achieving Excellence Program.
Consider and discuss other criteria to include in the analysis.
26 Part 2 Supply Issues

2. Do you think Complex Parts has performed adequately over the past year? Why or
why not? Which of the Deere supplier assessment classifications should be assigned
to Complex Parts?
3. If you were a member of the supplier evaluation team, what alternative courses of
action would you consider for Complex Parts? What recommendation should the
team make to the project manager?
4. What are the short-term and long-term implications of your recommendation?

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