ps1 Evaluation
ps1 Evaluation
ps1 Evaluation
' This is a summative report of the student teacher's performance at the end of the PSt practicum, based on expectatlons for'
that stage of teacher development.
' For each practicum outcome below select the student teacher's level of performance: either Nof Me eting Expectafions for the
PSI level, Meeting Expectations, or Exceeding Expectations. (Most students will fall into the Meeting Expectations category,
trrless there is clear evidence for Nof Meeting Expectations or Exceeding Expectations.) For students within the Meeting
Expectations category, please select level of performance
' Some outcomes may not be applicable to your pa(icular educational situation. Leave the space blank.
. At the end of each section of the form, lease comments in reference to the relevant KSAs and practicum outcomes.
1 . Demcnstrates knowledge and skills in the subject matter of the lesson. r'
2. Incorporaies a variety of appropriate resources and instructional and assessment
ies into lesson 1/
3. Translates learning outcomes from the Alberta Program of Studies
learnin for the lessons in ht.
relevant an
li I: t:
4. Takes into account students' prior learning, learning needs, interests, and backgrounds 1/
5. organizes content into appropriate components and sequences for instruction. r'
6. Plans relevant content and activities sufficient for the time allotted r'
7. Prepares lesson plans for all lessons taught, using a well-defined structure which
includes learning objective(s), an introduction and closure, detailed procedures and
instructions, key questions, teaching strategies and student activities, and assessment
8. lntegrates information and communications technology into instruction where
!: il r
:: r' f*, i-:
9. Obtains and organizes equipment and materials for instruction. r'
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1. Uses clear, fluent, and grammatically correct spoken and written language t/
2. Uses vocabulary appropriate to students' age, background and interests. t: ll 1/
&. Explains and proceeds in small steps at an appropriate pace to suit the activity and
student response. t ll m f-:
7. Demonstrates subject matter competence during instrucr.ion r* r: r' t:
8 Organizes and directs learning for individuals, small groups, and whole classes {-: 1/
i:rlili rr.i: 'ir' , l:r:
18. Circulates in the classroom, intervening whe n necessary, ohecking on individual and
li r'
group understanding of activity/content.
19. Recognizes and responds appropriately to individual differences and group learning
20. Reinforces student learning, building on previous learning, reviewing, and re-teaching
{:; r N".l ll ,/
21. Achieves closure for each lesson, consolidating concepts through summaries,
reviews, etc. I NJ r:
22. Provides homework when appropriate and explains assignments fully r'
6. Accurately assesses and documents the effectiveness of lessons, identifies strengths and weaknesses and
makes approp[ate suggestions for improvements. I't"*J t/
7. Uses the results of student assessment and feedback to improve teaching practices and guide professional
growth. l:
8. Responds appropriately to feedback from others by listening, interpreting, and implementing suggestions. I
12. Respects the dignity and rights of all persons without prejudice as to race, religious beliefs, colour, gender,
sexual orientation, gender identity, physical characteristics, disability, marital status, age, ancestry, place of
origin, place of residence, socioeconomic background or linquistic background. ff
13. Treats students with dignity and respect and is considerate of their circumstances
'l 4. Does not divulge information about a student received in confidence or in the course of professional duties
fi r'
except as required by law or where to do so is in the best interest of the student. I
15. Does not undermine the confidence of students in teachers or other student teachers r'
16 Does not criticize the professional competence or professional reputation of teachers or other student
teachers unless the criticism is communicated in confidence to proper officials after first informing the t/
individual concerned of the criticism.
17. Acts in a manner that maintains the honour and dignity of the profession r'
18. Does not speak on behalf of the Faculty of Education, the University of Lethbridge, the school, or the {"*:
profession unless authorized to do so. l.r
Areas for further growth:
Note: The Teacher Associate is responsible for completing this document, in consultation
with the Student Teacher and the Un iversity Consultant.
Assoclafe Date
University Consultant
Please submitthe completed oriqinal siqned report to University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Education,
Field Experiences. Please provide siqned copie_s for the Student Teacher, the UC and the TA.