Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: History

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Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

The specialty of oral and maxillofacial surgery is unique in requiring a dual qualification
in medicine and dentistry and is a recognised international specialty which within Europe
is defined under the medical directives.

The scope of the specialty is extensive and includes the diagnosis and management of
facial injuries, head and neck cancers, salivary gland diseases, facial disproportion,
facial pain, temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, impacted teeth, cysts and tumours
of the jaws as well as numerous problems affecting the oral mucosa such as mouth
ulcers and infections.

The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAOMS) has produced
specialty specific criteria, standards and evidence for the practice of oral and
maxillofacial surgery in the UK.

The website can be found at www.baoms.org


The British Association of Oral Surgeons was formed in February 1962 by resolution of a
Steering Committee under the Chairmanship of Norman Rowe. The inaugural meeting
was held at the Royal College of Surgeons of England in April 1962. The first President,
Terrence Ward, and the first Council were elected by the 75 founder members. The
Honorary Secretary was Norman Rowe and the Honorary Editor, John Hovell, all three
at the leading edge of the specialty internationally. Later that year the Presidential Badge
of Office was presented by the sister American Association (American Association of
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons - web site http://www.aaoms.org/).

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery originated in this country as the surgical specialty of
dentistry, developing from the need for specialist services to treat jaw injuries sustained
by servicemen during the two world wars. It soon became clear that the prevalence of
civilian facial injuries in peace time was at least as great, largely due to the increasing
use of motor cars and motor cycles. The specialty of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
evolved to meet the clear demand for treatment of an increasingly large range of
pathological conditions of the face, jaws and teeth. The complexity of the specialty was
reflected by a change of title from The British Association of Oral Surgeons to The British
Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons in 1985/6.

As a hospital-based, surgical specialty it became logical that both dental and medical
qualifications were required. Dual qualification became mandatory in the late 1980's.
Likewise, the requirement of basic general surgical training, assessed by a surgical
Fellowship examination, was developed in conjunction with the Royal Surgical Colleges.
The specialty, whilst always retaining its dental base, was formally established as one of
the nine surgical specialties in 1994 and has membership of the Senate of Surgery and
its Committees.
The International Scene

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery exists as a surgical specialty in most countries of the world.
The specialty in the United Kingdom is structured and defined in harmony with other
countries in the EEC to ensure that accredited specialists have the right to practice in
other member states.

European Law highlights the difference between Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and the
other surgical specialties, a difference based on its unique association with dentistry.
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (surgery of the mouth, jaws and face) is therefore defined
under the Medical Directives as a specialty requiring both medical and dental

However, surgery of the mouth (oral surgery) has always been part of dentistry and
remains defined as a dental specialty in the separate Dental Directives.

Training Requirements

The majority of Consultants in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery in the United Kingdom
qualified in dentistry before qualifying in medicine. The specialty is, however, open to
trainees qualifying first in medicine and then obtaining a qualification in dentistry. An
increasing number of trainees are following this route.

The majority of dental graduates will obtain an MFDS/MJDF before or during their
medical training. However, an MFDS/MJDS is not a requirement for entry into specialist

The requirement for entry into specialist training (ST3 to ST7) is completion of core
competencies and the MRCS examination. Specialist training is competency based but
is usually a continuum lasting five years with an exit FRCS examination taken towards
the completion of specialist training. This, together with successful RITA/ARCP
outcomes, allows the Specialist Registrar to be awarded a Certificate of Completion
of Training (CCT) in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and, therefore, be eligible for
appointment as a Consultant in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, and with registration with
the GMC and GDC appear in the specialist list in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery held by
the GMC.

Interface groups in relation to aesthetic, cleft lip and palate and head and neck
surgery have developed competitive entry fellowships in these sub-specialty interests.

The Relationship of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with other Specialties

Oral & Maxillofacial (OMF) Surgeons have specific expertise relating to the mouth, jaws,
face and neck; we diagnose and treat symptoms, pathology, deformity and trauma
affecting these areas. As a result of treating diseases located in this anatomical region,
OMF Surgeons can provide advice on multi-system pathology where this affects the
head and neck. Furthermore, advice is provided for specialties such as clinical oncology
to minimise and treat complications in the head and neck, following therapies provided
by these other specialty groups. A large number of medical and dental specialties,
therefore, have a strong relationship with Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery as follows :
Accident & Emergency - OMF Surgeons provide major support to all hospital A & E
Departments, for soft and hard tissue injuries to the face, scalp and neck and for
infections in this region.

Sport injuries - Clinicians specialising in sports injuries seek OMFS advice in relation to
facial injuries sustained during sporting activities.

Neurosurgery & Neurosciences - OMF Surgeons collaborate on surgery for trauma,

deformity and oncology, which straddles the face, skull and skull base. We are involved
in the diagnosis of facial symptoms indicative of neural pathology. This is particularly
important in the diagnosis and treatment of cervico-facial pain.

OMF Surgeons conduct facial disassembly procedures for intra-cranial and spinal
access surgery and provide skull base reconstruction for neurosurgeons, fulfilling an
important role in Craniofacial Surgical Units.

Ophthalmology - OMF Surgeons collaborate in the treatment of orbital trauma, oncology

and deformity, and carry out orbital decompression in thyroid eye disease.

Dental Specialties - OMF Surgeons have a close relationship with orthodontists and
restorative dental surgeons in relation to prosthetics, periodontal disease and advanced
restorative procedures for dental implants. There is an important collaborative role in the
preparation of oral oncology patients prior to, during and after radiotherapy. OMF
Surgeons work closely with oral medicine consultants in the diagnosis and management
of oral mucosal disease, and dental hygienists have an important role in Maxillofacial
Units. OMF surgeons send tissue to oral pathologists who have specialist diagnostic
skills in the orofacial region.

Dermatology - OMF Surgeons consult with dermatologists in the treatment of patients

with vesicular bullous disease, oral mucosal disease and connective tissue disorders,
such as systemic sclerosis, and provide an important surgical service for facial skin

Clinical Genetics - OMF Surgeons seek advice from geneticists for the families of
children with severe facial deformity and other head and neck syndromes.

Clinical Oncology and Radiotherapy - OMF Surgeons have a leading role in the
management of head and neck neoplasia, working as part of multi-disciplinary teams
with a special relationship with oncology and radiotherapy. The specialty provides a
surgical service in the diagnosis and management of these conditions and can advise
and manage problems arising in the oral cavity in patients with other neoplasms, who
become immuno-suppressed.

Anaesthetics - OMF Surgeons liaise closely with this specialty in patients with upper
airway problems, and anaesthetists are a vital member of the team treating surgical
disease in the oro-facial region, developing special expertise in this field.

Endocrinology - OMF Surgeons can provide a surgical service to reduce the size of
prominent jaws in patients with acromegaly and Paget's disease and have the technical
expertise to provide a surgical service for thyroid and para-thyroid disease.
Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery - OMF Surgeons advise on the oral and dental
status of patients with valvular heart disease and coronary heart disease.

Paediatrics - OMF Surgeons collaborate with paediatricians in the diagnosis and

treatment of cervical and oro-facial infections and neoplasia, and provide treatment for
neonates with craniofacial deformity, as part of the multi-disciplinary approach in cleft lip
and palate and craniofacial units.

Orthopaedics - OMF Surgeons provide vital expertise in the combined treatment of

trauma patients.

ENT - There is often a close relationship between OMF Surgeons and their ENT
colleagues, with significant anatomical overlap in the areas of practice. The evolution of
head and neck cancer teams with cross specialty (interface) fellowships has resulted in
even closer working relationships to the benefit of patients.

Psychiatry - OMF Surgeons request psychiatric assessments on some patients, prior to

facial deformity surgery, and collaborate in the management of patients with facial pain.

Rheumatology - OMF Surgeons collaborate in the management of patients with joint and
connective tissue diseases, where they affect the temporomandibular joint, face and
mouth. They also provide a surgical service for those patients with Sjögren's disease,
who have problems or develop lymphoma in their salivary glands. They provide a
diagnostic surgical service in suspected giant cell arteritis.

Intensive Care - OMF Surgeons are trained to provide a surgical tracheostomy service
for those patients requiring prolonged endotracheal intubation

Respiratory Medicine - OMF Surgeons liaise with respiratory physicians and

orthodontists for the provision of intra-oral devices to control obstructive sleep apnoea
and surgically enlarge micrognathic mandibles by conducting jaw osteotomies in a select
group of these patients. They also provide a surgical service for neck node biopsy in
suspected cases of tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, and other conditions.
We seek advice from these specialties in our patients with compromised respiratory
efficiency prior to their surgery.

Gastroenterology - OMF Surgeons often see patients whose first manifestation of a

gastroenterological disease is in the mouth and liaise with gastroenterologists over the
management of these patients. The specialties have a close relationship in the provision
of pericutaneous endoscopic gastrostomies (PEG) in major head and neck procedures.

Renal Medicine - Following immuno-suppression, renal transplant patients are at risk of

skin and oral cancer. We help with the management of these patients where the disease
affects the face and mouth.

Professions allied to Medicine - OMF Surgeons have close relationships with speech
therapy, dieticians, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, audiology and other specialties
allied to medicine in the management of a large range of patients requiring support and
rehabilitation during and after treatment of conditions affecting the mouth, face, jaws and
The above list is an indication of the important role that the specialty has in the
management of a vast range of clinical conditions with individual consultants developing
subspecialty interests within oral and maxillofacial surgery.

The British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

The Journal is published by Elsevier Limited (Journal Web Page) There are eight issues
per year.

With support from editorial representatives in India and China, the Journal is flourishing
in those countries. The aim of the Journal is to provide a leading edge scientific basis
for the full spectrum of the specialty to stimulate further research, and to appeal to
colleagues in ENT, plastic surgery, ophthalmology, dermatology, neurosurgery and other

The British Journal continues to receive excellent manuscripts and the standard is
improving yearly. The impact factor of the Journal has been increasing year on year,
maintaining its position as a leading maxillofacial journal.

Research in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Research has an essential role in the development of any industry and health is no
exception. Apart from allowing medical horizons to be widened, health economists are
now keenly aware of the need to refine the application of past discoveries through
service research and to identify the most cost-effective method of providing treatment,
resulting in evidence-based medical practice.

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery is well placed to meet these needs as the discipline has a
strong academic base within the Dental Schools in the United Kingdom. Close links with
the Universities provides access to laboratories and inter-action with complementary
disciplines (oral pathology, virology, molecular biology, material sciences, etc.) that
produce both the appropriate environment and critical mass that is fundamental to
effective research. The future potential of maxillofacial surgery is readily found in its
research portfolio.

There are active research projects in head & neck cancer, craniofacial trauma, day case
and high volume surgery, facial deformity and salivary lithotripsy.

The research activities within academic departments of oral & maxillofacial surgery are
reported in a regular newsletter "Cutting Edge" and many presentations at scientific
meetings and papers in a range of journals.

The Medical Students and Basic Surgical Trainees Group

This group formed in 1999 from the well established medical students group, combining
with basic surgical trainees.

There has been concern in the past that there are declining numbers of doubly-qualified
trainees returning to the specialty and it was felt that isolation from the specialty during
the years in basic surgical training (pre-registration and SHO posts) was a contributing
factor. With the advent of Foundation training and the inclusion of OMFS in core training,
there is renewed interest in specialty, not least from medical graduates who return to
dental school to complete the training requirements for entry into the specialty.

In support of this group, the BAOMS allows students undergoing their second degree
(medicine or dentistry) in pursuit of training in oral & maxillofacial surgery to have their
fees to the Association waived upon request to the Association, provided that they have
been a paying Member of the Association for at least one year.

Maxillofacial Trauma

Maxillofacial trauma is injury to the facial soft tissues, facial skeleton and associated
specialised soft tissues within the head and neck as a result of wounding or external
violence. The Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon is an essential part of comprehensive
Accident & Emergency Services in the management of these injuries, both primary and
secondary. In the more severe injuries, the OMF Surgeon works in close collaboration
with many other specialties, in particular neurosurgical and ophthalmological colleagues.


A population of 500,000 yields in excess of 4,000 facial injuries per year, of which 250
will be facial fractures, excluding simple nasal fractures. The incidence of facial fractures
continues to rise. In the United Kingdom, the major cause of trauma to the facial area is
inter-personal violence, with the incidence of injuries from road traffic accidents showing
a decline in recent years. This may be a reflection of the effectiveness of seatbelt
legislation, improved car design and safety equipment, and improvements in pre-hospital
care and rapid patient transfer to trauma-accredited hospitals. This has lead to an
increase in the number of patients arriving at hospital with multi-system trauma and
severe facial injuries.

A national facial injury survey, conducted by BAOMS in 163 Accident & Emergency
Departments across the United Kingdom, identified in one week 6,114 patients who
presented with facial injuries. This study found that :
nearly a quarter of facial injuries in all age groups were associated with
alcohol consumption
one in three of these had serious facial injuries requiring specialist treatment or
hospital admission
at least half a million facial injuries occur in the United Kingdom annually and
180,000 are of a serious nature
assault was the cause of 25% of facial injuries, i.e. at least 125,000 facial
injuries per year are caused by assault
40% of assaults caused serious facial injuries
51% of assault victims had drunk alcohol within 4 hours of the injury
40% of all the assaults occurred in the 15-25 age group and more than 40% of
these caused serious facial injury
more women than men were assaulted in the home, nearly half of all assaults on
women occurred in the home. Overall, however, 4 men were assaulted for every
assault on a woman.
road traffic accidents caused 5% of facial injuries, but more than 40% of these
resulted in serious facial injury
1 in 6 patients involved in road traffic accidents had drunk alcohol within four
hours of the injury
10% of patients with facial injuries caused by falls had drunk alcohol within
four hours of the injury

These findings confirm that facial injury has a major impact on the provision of Accident
& Emergency Services and the essential role the oral and maxillofacial surgeon has in
managing these patients.


Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) to accident victims is delivered by a multi-

disciplinary team and trainees in oral & maxillofacial surgery are expected to have
successfully completed the ATLS Course. The skeletal and soft tissue anatomy of the
craniofacial region is complex and a specialist’s knowledge of the oral cavity and
surrounding structures, both anatomically and functionally, is essential for successful
management of patients with facial injury.

Injuries to the maxillofacial area are routinely treated by the technique of open reduction
and internal fixation, using a variety of micro, mini and reconstruction plating systems.
This has lead to early restoration of function and rapid rehabilitation, but there is no
doubt that many serious facial injuries can cause permanent facial disfigurement and
psychological distress with extensive soft tissue scarring presenting a particular
challenge to the oral & maxillofacial surgeon.

In collaboration with neurosurgical colleagues, it has now become possible for

simultaneous management of severe craniomaxillofacial trauma to be dealt with in a
single stage, often using a shared surgical access. The use of advanced imaging
techniques such as CT scan, MRI and Stereolithography are used to demonstrate the
pattern of cranial and facial bony injuries and to plan better primary treatment. Modern
oral & maxillofacial surgical techniques have resulted in early restoration of function and
return to work and have reduced the need for secondary reconstruction and scar
revisions. It is essential that all facial injuries are referred to the oral & maxillofacial

Dentoalveolar Surgery

The alveolus is that part of the bone of the jaw which supports the teeth and may be
involved in any disease process affecting the teeth, jaws and surrounding structures.
Dentoalveolar surgery, therefore, is the surgical management of diseases of the teeth
and their supporting hard and soft tissues. It does not include dental surgery, (i.e. the
restoration of teeth and provision of crowns, bridges and other prostheses).
Impacted and ectopic (misplaced) teeth may result in a number of irreversible hard and
soft tissue pathological conditions which can reach an advanced stage with minor or no
symptoms, demanding a carefully balanced decision as to the timing of surgery.

Difficult impactions can be one of the most demanding procedures in maxillofacial

surgery, carrying a significant risk of nerve injury and, without question, removal is most
safely carried out by an experienced surgeon.

There is a very large range of benign and cystic lesions of the mouth and jaws, including
benign tumours, metabolic disorders of bone, and many cystic lesions which are all
progressive and can cause pain, infection, weakness and deformity of bone.
With increased specialisation, more and more patients will be referred to oral &
maxillofacial surgeons and their colleagues in oral surgery and surgical dentistry working
in Maxillofacial Units.
Oro-facial Cancer and Reconstructive Surgery

The specialty has a leading role in the management of oro-facial cancer and head &
neck cancers in general, with close relationships with other specialties, in particular
oncology and radiotherapy.

Oro-facial cancer is a serious malignant disease, which is fatal if not treated, and in the
oral cavity usually begins as a rough patch, ulcer or lump affecting the lip, tongue and
floor of mouth with a significant tendency to metastasise to the cervical lymph nodes.

Over 2,000 new cases are reported each year in the United Kingdom, with a 5 year
death rate of approximately 50%. This is similar to the death rate for other cancers, such
as breast cancer, but shows a worsening trend in the last decade against, for example,
carcinoma of the cervix where early diagnosis, due to a national screening programme,
has improved the prognosis for many patients.

Targeted screening of high risk groups within the population, ie. heavy smokers and
drinkers, could improve the situation but at present this does not exist in the United
Kingdom. Screening of low risk groups and regular dental patients will probably not have
any impact on referral patterns. It remains a fact that over 50% of cancers affecting the
oral cavity and head and neck region present as advanced stage disease, with relatively
poor outcome of treatment compared with Stage I presentations.

A significant number of oral cancers go through a pre-malignant state before becoming

invasive cancers. These potentially malignant lesions are clinically white or red /
speckled oral mucosal lesions (leukoplakia / erythroplakia). These lesions are curable if
excised (either by surgery or laser surgery) and the risk factors controlled. Some pre-
malignant lesions can be managed by regular review, with or without medical treatment.
There is now a requirement of all medical & dental practitioners who suspect a patient of
having malignant disease to refer that patient to be seen by an appropriate specialist
within 14 days. There is, therefore, no role in general practice to investigate suspicious
lesions in the oral cavity either by vital staining, biopsy or other investigations. All these
patients should be referred to an oral and maxillofacial surgeon specialising in malignant
disease of the head and neck.

Patients with orofacial cancer should be referred to the multi-disciplinary team (MDT)
dealing with head and neck cancer. Such teams are centralised in Cancer Centres, with
satellite clinics in Cancer Units. The broad spectrum of specialties involved in the
management of head and neck cancer, and their support services, requires a large and
complex team approach.

In consultation with radiotherapists and oncologists some patients will present with
lesions treatable by primary radiotherapy. Most of these lesions will be small and
accessible, but others are those extensive presentations where surgical resection is
considered impossible and where the outcome is likely to be very poor.

A majority of patients require tumour resection, defect reconstruction and subsequent

rehabilitation to enable the patient's return to society. Depending on the findings at the
time of the surgical resection, a proportion of these patients will also require post-
operative radiotherapy treatment.
The role of free tissue transfer has revolutionised the surgical options in reconstruction
of ablative cancer resections (and also traumatic defects and some congenital deformity
syndromes). The surgical challenge in the reconstruction of the face and jaws uniquely
involves the restoration of the facial skeleton as well as the soft tissues of the face and
mouth. Stereolithography has recently added a new dimension in the planning of
complex facial and orbital defects.

Maxillofacial reconstructive techniques are not as yet able to restore the function of
tissues that are replaced with the exception of the mandible. For example, tissue to
replace the tongue can never fulfil the functions of speech, taste and swallowing so
important to a patient's quality of life. Although it is technically possible to transplant a
tongue with its nerve and blood supply, further research will have to be carried out to
assess the function and reliability of such techniques. On the other hand, we can replace
the structure and function of the mandible by transferring bone and soft tissue and then
placing osseo-integrated implants to which a prosthetic appliance can be attached to
restore the function of chewing as well as restore a patient's appearance and smile.

The soft tissue component of the radial forearm flap is a favoured method of
reconstructing the soft tissues of the mouth and pharynx. This flap can be made sensate
by incorporating the antebrachial nerve of the forearm and anastamosing this nerve to a
donor nerve in the oral region. The improved sensation can help initiate the swallow
reflex and improve overall oral function.

Reconstruction of the mandible is necessary in about 30% of oral cancer resections.

Techniques include the use of the vascularised fibula, iliac crest and scapula flaps and,
in selected cases, the immediate placement of implants in the grafted bone enables
rapid rehabilitation of oral function.

Maxillectomy defects, which may be so extensive as to include removal of the eye, may
be treated by obturation with a prosthesis to fill the large defect which communicates
between the eye socket and the oral cavity. A combination of intraoral and extraoral
implants (for example in the supraorbital rim) offer considerable advantages in these

However, the restoration of the excised bone and soft tissues with a vascularised graft
from the iliac crest, incorporating one of the muscles that lie in the abdominal wall, may
be a better option for many patients. This allows the patient to wear a denture which can
be supported by implants in the reconstructed maxilla and the eye can be restored with a
separate implant-retained orbital prosthesis.

The psychological suffering associated with facial disfigurement and oral dysfunction is a
considerable burden to many patients, from facial scarring and port wine stains to a
severe maxillofacial injury or extensive resection for head and neck cancer. These
patients require practical and psychological help in their struggle to restore their lives
and the multi-disciplinary team approach, to include speech therapists, dieticians, nurse
liaison support and palliative care, and care in the community, all play a vital role. Any
surgical intervention in the treatment of oro-facial disease involves a multi-disciplinary
team approach.

Orthognathic Surgery
"Surgery to create straight jaws" is the literal meaning of orthognathic surgery. Such
corrections are largely achieved by osteotomies, surgical techniques by which parts of
the jaw are cut to create separate fragments which can then be moved into new
positions with preservation of their blood supply.

The most common indications for such procedures are the correction of facial deformity,
dental appearance, eating and biting problems caused by malocclusion and speech
abnormalities. The most commonly seen conditions, which can be corrected by
orthognathic surgery, are prominence or lack of development of the upper or lower jaw.
Vertical discrepancies, for example when there is too much or too little exposure of the
upper front teeth and open bite deformities where the teeth do not meet, are also
managed in this way.

When there is facial asymmetry, perhaps because one side of the face has failed to
develop properly or alternatively has grown too much, orthognathic surgery may be used
to correct the problem. Orthognathic surgery also has an important role to play in the
management of congenital craniofacial syndromes, for example clefts of the lip and
palate and other deformities of development of the face and skull.

In most cases, this is elective surgery and the informed wishes of the patient are
paramount in deciding whether to carry out treatment. Except in the most severe
deformities, or when there are major psychological or social problems, surgery is usually
delayed until around 16 years of age when most jaw growth is complete.

In the management of these cases, the oral & maxillofacial surgeon works very closely
with an orthodontist experienced in such conditions. The vast majority of orthognathic
cases require a period of orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances in preparation for
surgery. This enables optimum correction of the dental occlusion as well as the
appearance of the face and teeth. Following surgery, the orthodontist needs to complete
the tooth positioning and this may take from as little as 3 months up to 18 months in
difficult cases.

Whilst this is major surgery, which carries with it the risk of significant complications, a
number of factors have made orthognathic surgery very safe and thus in great demand.
Prominent among these are good orthodontics, accurate pre-operative planning on
models and computers, modern anaesthetic techniques and techniques of airway control,
and the use of hypotensive anaesthesia to reduce blood loss. In addition, modern
instrumentation provides accurate methods of cutting bone and precise and reliable
methods of fixing bones, therefore avoiding intermaxillary fixation and external fixation.
Good surgical technique, combined with the use of antibiotics and steroids reduces post-
operative swelling to a minimum and as a result operating times and length of stay in
hospital have reduced considerably.

Cleft Lip and Palate

Cleft lip and palate is a common congenital anomaly occurring in 1 in 600 births and
presenting in a wide variety of forms and combinations. Cleft lip ranges from notching of
the lip to a complete cleft, involving the floor of the nose and may be associated with a
cleft of the primary palate (alveolus / pre-maxilla) and with clefts of the secondary
palates (hard and soft palate).
Clefts may be unilateral or bilateral, complete, incomplete, or microform. Cleft palate
may occur in isolation, may be unilateral or bilateral, and ranges from a bifid uvula to a
complete cleft of hard and soft palates. It may also present in a sub-mucous form. Clefts
may be part of very many syndromes affecting the first and second branchial arches,
including the Pierre Robin anomaly.

The deformity has a potential effect on facial appearance, hearing, speech, feeding and
social integration. Indicators of poor outcome, dysfunction and deformity include
recurrent otitis media (glue ear), hearing loss, speech anomalies, patent oro-nasal fistula,
problems with eating and swallowing and psycho-social difficulties.

It is, therefore, essential that care is multi-disciplinary involving at least a cleft surgeon,
otologist, speech and language therapist, orthodontist, paediatrician, paediatric
anaesthetist, specialist paediatric nurses, restorative dentist, clinical psychologist and
clinical geneticist.

Primary surgery, however, is central and the choice of technique based on a full
understanding of the structures involved, and understanding gained from a training in
dentistry, is of paramount importance. The aim of cleft surgery is the restoration of
normal anatomy and the promotion of normal growth and development of all structures
affected by the cleft. Emphasis must be placed on the restoration of muscle continuity
whether of the lip and/or nose, or the soft palate. Techniques in which these concepts
are promoted have been shown to produce the most acceptable results in the long-term.
In reality, given even the most favourable circumstances, secondary surgery may be
required and a return to the basic principles employed in primary surgery rather than
modifying the existing state is necessary.

However, there are other surgical procedures that are required as the child grows older.
Where problems with speech exist, that cannot be resolved by therapy alone,
velopharyngeal surgery may be necessary. Following assessment, this includes revision
palatoplasty, palatal lengthening or pharyngoplasty. Later, in clefts involving the alveolus,
bone grafting is carried out usually between the ages of 7 and 11 years. When growth is
complete orthognathic surgery to correct abnormal facial bone development, in particular
an under-developed maxilla, may be needed. Finally, there may be residual deformities
of the nose and rhinoplasty will be required. Ultimately, the adherence to an agreed
protocol working in a fully equipped and co-ordinated setting with a full complement of
concerned professionals and the facility for collection of data such that problems can be
identified and corrected at the earliest possible opportunity, will enable the surgeon to
ensure the best outcome.

Designated Cleft Lip and Palate Centres have been identified in the UK, where a
multidisciplinary team looks after patients from birth.

Craniofacial Surgery

Craniofacial surgery is concerned with the management of patients presenting with

congenital or acquired conditions, affecting the hard and soft tissues of the head and
face. The Department of Health approves and funds designated centres for the
management of craniofacial conditions including:

Craniofacial dysostoses
Orbital dysostosis
Craniofacial clefts

These conditions are evident early in life and most patients are children under the age of
2. Patients referred to designated units are assessed and investigated by a multi-
disciplinary team and treatment combines the principles of maxillofacial reconstruction
with neurosurgery. The surgical techniques employed in congenital conditions can also
be applied to good effect in the treatment of skull base tumours and craniofacial trauma.
Premature fusion of one or more skull sutures (craniosynostosis) occurs in 1 in 2,000 of
the population. Syndromic craniosynostoses, such as Crouzon and Apert syndromes
occur in 1 in 10,000 and 1 in 150,000 live births respectively. Facial clefts are even rarer.

Historically, patients underwent numerous procedures performed by various clinicians

from different surgical specialties. Results were generally poor and associated with high
morbidity and even mortality. Many patients with severe deformity were denied surgery,
because of the risks involved. In the 1960's, Paul Tessier showed that facial surgery
could be safely combined with neurosurgery. Craniofacial surgery was born and has
continued to evolve.

The surgery is major, often protracted and associated with significant blood loss in the
small child. Intensive care is needed for the more complex cases, or where the airway is
compromised. Some children require more than one procedure as growth and dental
development influence facial form and function. However, with an active, established
team and utilising contemporary techniques, such as distraction osteogenesis, it is
possible to perform fewer, more extensive procedures. The results are better and there
are fewer complications.

The craniofacial principles of wide surgical exposure, primary bone grafting and internal
fixation should be applied to the management of complex craniofacial trauma. Severely
injured patients of all ages can be stabilised and offered early definitive treatment using
these techniques. Morbidity is reduced and hospital stay shortened and there is an
overall improvement in outcome. These surgical approaches can also be used to access
intracranial and skull base lesions.

The management of craniofacial patients requires a collaborative and multi-disciplinary

approach if optimal results are to be achieved and the core disciplines are usually
maxillofacial, plastic and neurosurgery, supported by anaesthetic, ENT, ophthalmic and
specialist nursing colleagues. By drawing on expertise gained in the management of
trauma, tumour and congenital disease of the soft and hard tissues of the face, the
maxillofacial surgeon plays a key role in craniofacial surgery.

Skull Base Surgery

The base of the skull is a complex and relatively inaccessible region. Pathology in this
area may arise from either within the skull itself or from adjacent areas such as the
paranasal sinuses, the orbit and the face.

Conventional approaches to skull base lesions frequently require prolonged retraction of

the brain and/or the resection of uninvolved structures to improve exposure. The
resultant morbidity of such techniques, in terms of both cerebral function and facial
appearance were often considerable with the result that many deep-seated skull based
tumours were considered inoperable. The limited access also made adequate
reconstruction of defects difficult and, in some cases, impossible.

Recent developments in surgical approaches to the skull base are based on the
temporary disarticulation or dismantling of the skeleton of the face and the skull to
varying degrees. These bone segments are mobilised either as free bone segments,
completely detached from the soft tissues, or pedicled to the soft tissues to retain their
blood supply. In most cases the so-called "access osteotomy" is combined with a
conventional craniotomy. Facial incisions are avoided wherever possible - the coronal
scalp flap and intraoral incisions providing adequate exposure in many cases. If facial
incisions are necessary, these are carefully sited and will usually heal with an
imperceptible scar.

Maxillofacial Surgeons, by virtue of their training in surgery of the facial bones and soft
tissues, have contributed significantly to the development of the surgical access
techniques now in common practice. The field of skull base surgery is developing rapidly.
Sophisticated imaging techniques accurately identify both the position and dimensions of
lesions and, in some cases, correctly diagnosing their nature. Interventional radiologists
can reduce the blood supply of tumours and vascular abnormalities further decreasing
the potential morbidity of surgery, which at times allows surgeons to treat previously
inoperable lesions.

The recent development of "navigation" systems enables surgeons to pinpoint their

position in three dimensions at the time of surgery, which is of particular value where the
pathology has destroyed the usual anatomical landmarks. The selective use of minimally
invasive techniques and focused radiosurgery will also become more common as the
limits of such techniques are appreciated. Notwithstanding these developments,
adequate access to skull base pathology will remain an essential requirement for
successful surgical treatment.

Stereolithography in Maxillofacial Surgery

Stereolithography is an industrial process which uses data generated from computer-

assisted design (CAD) to generate three-dimensional models. The data drives a laser
over a bath of photosensitive resin which produces a series of stacked slices, and an
accurate three-dimensional industrial prototype or model. This technique can be used by
the maxillofacial surgeon to produce three-dimensional representations of facial bony
structures using data from CT or MRI scans.

These so-called bio-models can be extremely useful in a number of particular clinical

situations involving bony facial deformities, as this process allows the accurate
visualisation of the facial skeleton. It is an invaluable aid to both the diagnosis and
treatment planning of congenital, developmental and post-traumatic conditions affecting
the facial region. In particular, it allows the maxillofacial surgeon to appreciate spatial
displacements in all three dimensions and to make accurate measurement of the

The correction of post-traumatic or development facial asymmetry has always been

difficult. Great accuracy is required to achieve a successful surgical result, due to the
fact that facial deformity and asymmetry is often the result of relatively small magnitudes
of bony displacement or deformity. The surgeon is then able to practice the surgery on
the model, thereby allowing full appreciation of the osteotomy bone cuts required to
achieve the desired results, together with any areas which may require augmentation
with bone grafts. Finally, the means of fixation of the realigned bony segments can be
predicted. Valuable theatre time can be saved, by allowing the pre-operative of bone
plates to be used for fixation on the "post-operative" bio-model that demonstrates the
planned realignment of the facial bones. This technique also ensures there is surgical
accuracy in achieving the planned outcome for the patient.

Stereolithographic bio-models can also allow the measurement of volume estimation of

both bony structures for possible implantation and of bony cavities for reconstructive
purposes. Stereolithography has been used in maxillofacial surgery in the following

The diagnosis of and planning of corrective surgery for congenital

facial deformities
Late reconstruction of complex bony facial trauma
Orbital volume estimation, for the correction of post-traumatic
Orbital reconstruction, following ablative surgery for malignancy
Evaluation of bone availability for the placement of osteo-integrated
implants, both extra and intra oral
The pre-operative adaptation of temporomandibular joint prostheses
for the treatment of advanced, degenerative joint disease, or post-
traumatic bony ankylosis
Facial Aesthetic Surgery

Facial appearance is of the utmost social and psychological importance. There tend to
be fairly standard ideals of what constitutes a "normal" or beautiful/handsome face and
many attempts have been made to quantify the proportions of the face and the produce
the "ideal" face as a guide to artists and surgeons. Variations from the "norm" are often
perceived as imperfections, or even outright ugliness by individuals who seek surgical
correction. They are often self-conscious, lack confidence and may even be
psychologically disturbed by their appearance. Other people may suffer an exaggerated
ageing appearance which can be accelerated and accentuated by excess ultra-violet
irradiation (photo-ageing), smoking, excess alcohol, diet or a combination of all four.
Finally, and probably most importantly, faces can be disfigured as a result of facial injury
or as a result of surgery for malignancy.

Facial aesthetic surgery is part of the training programme for higher surgical trainees in
oral & maxillofacial surgery and as a specialty we have extensive knowledge of the
growth, development, anatomy, function and inter-relationships of all components of the
face and jaws. The commonest procedures undertaken are:

Rhinoplasty, to alter the shape/size of the nose and to improve nasal function
Pinnaplasty, to correct the fairly common deformity of "bat ears"
Genioplasty, to correct deformity of the chin
The ageing face, where the muscles start to sag, causing the over-lying skin to
sag also. This causes lines, grooves and wrinkles to appear.

The problems can be improved by many procedures, including forehead lift,

blepharoplasty ("eye bag" removal), rhytidectomy (face lift), cheiloplasty, where lips can
be re-shaped with or without fillers such as collagen, Gortex strips or fat transfers. Skin
texture and appearance can be improved by topical application of vitamin A related
components, chemical peels or laser skin resurfacing. The latest chemicals include fruit
acids. Acne scars can also be improved by these techniques and collagen can be
injected as a filler for wrinkles, depressed scars and thin lips. The results can be quite
good, although may be temporary and require frequent repeat treatment sessions.

In addition, the techniques of orthognathic surgery can vastly improve facial appearance
and function and overall well being and can be done in combination with facial aesthetic

Minimally Invasive Surgery

Both lasers and cryosurgery avoid the use of the scalpel and obviate the need for
suturing . Certain laser wavelengths in the near and mid infra-red can be taken down
fibres into body cavities such as the temporomandibular joint, allowing a link with
endoscopy. Excision of tissue by lasers is characterised by minimal scarring, for
example of the oral mucosa, thought to be due to inhibition of myofibroblasts. Heat
coagulation of tissue by penetrating laser wavelengths (eg.Nd:YAG) and cold protein
coagulation as by cryosurgery, leaves the body repair mechanisms to separate the
devitalised tissue. In this process there tends to be a release of cytokimes encouraging
regeneration and an enhancement of local immune mechanisms.

Both lasers and cryosurgery have effects on nerve fibres, particularly the finer non-
myeleinated pain fibres, reducing pain by comparison with conventional surgery in

Lasers may be classified under the following headings:

High intensity laser therapy (HILT) - is used to cut or ablate tissue. For cutting a
tissue a temperature of 100deg.C needs to be attained to boil the interstitial
water, while for coagulation 60deg.C is necessary for full coagulation of proteins.

Cutting abilities of lasers are most useful in mucosal sub-surfaces for the removal
of pre-malignant and early malignant lesions with minimal scarring, pain and
tethering. The coagulating capabilities are best employed for vascular lesions
such as cavernous haemangiomata. Care must be taken in the vicinity of nerves
which will be damaged and cryosurgery can be combined with lasers to allow
nerve regeneration.

Selective Laser Therapy (SELT) - in this situation, one cellular population is

selectively destroyed, leaving adjacent cells intact. There are two main methods:

a.) selective photothermolysis - an example of which is the treatment of port wine stains
of the face where a tunable dye laser may be used to produce yellow light in the 585
nanometer range. This will penetrate through the epidermis without significant
absorption, to be taken up by the chromophore of oxyhaemoglobin in the capillary
haemangioma, allowing selective damage to the intima.

b.) photodynamic therapy - which involves the administration of a light-sensitising drug

which is then activated by light, usually monochromatic (eg. 630nm helium neon laser).
The interaction in the presence of oxygen precipitates cell killing. This photo-chemical
reaction can be used to treat malignancy and pre-malignancy at a number of sites within
the body. In terms of head and neck oncology a variety of photo-sensitisers have been
used, each of which has different characteristics.

For example, dysplasia can be managed using aminolaevulitic acid which produces a
relatively superficial zone of tissue necrosis and leaves the patient photosensitive for a
short period of only 24 hours. Healing is uneventful and takes place without any scarring.
Invasive tumours can be treated with a more powerful sensitiser, such as foscan which
produces a depth of necrosis up to 1cm with surface illumination. This allows early
invasive squamous carcinoma to be treated and the method is of particular use with field
change disease and multifocal squamous cancer.

In addition to surface illumination, photodynamic therapy can be carried out by

intralesional implantation of laser fibres with up to four point sources being treated at one
time, producing necrosis with a radius of about 1cm. The disadvantage of this treatment
is that the patient may remain sensitive to light for about three weeks and, because of
the more powerful nature of the effect, there does appear to be some post-operative

The only drug that is currently licensed for treatment on a world wide basis is photofrin
which is a dihamatoporphyrin ether / ester mixture. This produces an intermediate range
of necrosis down to about ½ cm with quite a prolonged period of photo-sensitivity, up to
six-eight weeks. Healing takes place with virtually no scarring. It should be emphasised
that at present, though this treatment offers great potential, the only routine services are
being offered on study protocols. There are currently about 14 units in the United
Kingdom carrying out PDT on a regular basis with some units having extensive
experience with numbers in excess of 200 patients treated.

Low Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT) - low power lasers in milliwatt

ranges rather than the range of watts for HILT are used in the augmentation of healing,
such as intractable orofacial ulcers, using a visible red light at 630 or 660nm or near
infrared irradiation around 830nm singly or in combination, and in pain control. Using the
near infrared irradiation of a gallium aluminium arsenide laser at 820-830nm which
penetrates at high energy densities, pain alleviation appears to be due to direct effects
on fine nerve fibres, augmentation of cellular enzyme systems important in repair, and in
some instances endorphin release.


For destruction of normal tissue, the attainment of a temperature of at least -15°C is

necessary to produce intra-cellular ice formation, although for the destruction of
malignant neoplasms -50°C is advocated. The normal ice ball shows the -2°C isotherm.
The most potent method of freezing is by the use of phase change apparatus employing
liquid nitrogen, where probes reach a temperature of approximately -180°C and a spray -
198°C. Lesser potency may be obtained by the throttled gas method, classically
employing nitrous oxide under pressure. In general, liquid nitrogen apparatus is
indicated for the management of malignant disease and for lesions of bone, in view of its
greater potency of effect. The main uses for cryosurgery in the orofacial region are :

Soft tissue ablation : cold necrosis may be produced in such lesions as haemangiomas
or exophytic T1 carcinomas. Care should be taken in treating large areas of leukoplakia
as a stimulant effect can be produced in peripheral zones.

Pain Control : temporary anaesthesia may be produced for about 6 months by freezing
peripheral branches of the trigeminal nerve, which may be useful in certain cases of
trigeminal neuralgia.

Bone may be frozen to remove residual abberant tissue. At least -15°C needs to be
obtained and liquid nitrogen spray is most applicable to uneven bone cavities. A
pressure of between 8-10 lbs per square inch is indicated and cell ethal penetration
occurs at a rate of approximately 3mms per minute, ie. about 3 minutes to freeze 1cm in
depth. The method is particularly useful for keratocysts and benign neoplasms of bone,
such as ameloblastoma. The lesion should be curetted and then freezing carried out for
a suitable time, depending on the lesion. If the mandible is already significantly
weakened by tumour, there is a risk of pathological fracture in the third month after
freezing, when re-modelling takes place. This can be offset by inserting a cancellous
bone graft at the time of the original operation.

Both lasers and cryosurgery present a spectrum of exciting methods which result in a
new concept of conservative surgery, augmentation and biomodulation. It is anticipated
that they will find a special role in combination with gene therapy in the future, in
relationship to orofacial malignant disease. Lasers lend themselves to gentle ablation of
tissue with lack of bleeding and pain, while cryosurgery has special merits in relationship
to nerve and bone which may regenerate after therapy. Both modalities of treatment are
extremely important in the practice of oral & maxillofacial surgery.
Pre-Prosthetic Surgery and Dental Implants

This is an important sub-specialty within dentoalveolar surgery and involves the

restoration of oral and facial form and function that has been rendered deficient through
loss or absence of teeth and progressive loss of related bony structures. A similar need
may arise as a result of natural disease processes, trauma and surgery for tumours and
related conditions.

The aim of pre-prosthetic surgery is to provide an environment for a prosthesis that will
restore oral function, allowing normal mastication, speech and swallowing. By providing
a stable and retentive prosthesis, gagging can be prevented along with reduction of pain
and discomfort. This will also satisfy aesthetics and improve a sense of personal
wellbeing. Nowadays the scope and effectiveness of pre-prosthetic surgery has been
extended by the application of endosteal dental implants alone or in combination with
other surgical treatment, such as soft and hard tissue augmentation with grafts.
The endosteal implant is a device made of a biocompatible material, usually titanium,
which is placed within bone and in time becomes directly attached to vital bone tissue, a
process termed osseointegration. When placed within the jaw bone, implants can carry a
fixture to provide anchorage for a dental prosthesis and they may also be placed into the
skeleton of the face or skull to retain prosthesis such as artificial eyes, ears, noses or
other missing parts of the face.

Dental implants are used in the rehabilitation of patients following cancer surgery and
can be inserted into bone grafts used to reconstruct the jaw, to allow artificial teeth to be
worn to restore function. They can also help to retain obturators used to seal defects in
the palate and have a role in the management of congenital abnormalities such as cleft
lip and palate.

Patients who have lost teeth have sometimes been described as "oral cripples", unable
to bite and chew effectively or speak clearly and in some cases totally unable to wear
dentures. Such patients not only suffer physically, but they also suffer psychologically,
becoming embarrassed in company and increasingly anxious, and in some instances
become reclusive. The placement of dental implants has now been well proven to be
highly predictable and developments in relation to immediate replacement of lost teeth
and immediate or early loading of dental implants is transforming this field of practice.
Once again, the oral & maxillofacial surgeon has an important role, particularly in the
more complex cases requiring bone grafts and multiple fixture placement, and it is
important that these treatments are provided within the context of a multi-disciplinary
team including restorative dental surgeons and dental hygienists.

Because of the relative expense of treatment, there is a limited availability within the
National Health Service, but it is becoming increasingly apparent that the treatment of
choice when teeth are lost is to replace the missing teeth with a prosthesis based on an
osseo-integrated implant. In the long term it is possible that such treatment will be very
cost effective.

Facial Pain

Because of the broad and extensive training of oral & maxillofacial surgeons in the field
of dentistry and medicine, the specialty is highly knowledgeable and skilled in the
diagnosis of facial pain which can be the presentation of a vast range of pathological and
psychological conditions.
The differential diagnoses of facial pain include common toothache and other dental
causes, sinus disease, neuralgias such as trigeminal neuralgia and rare conditions
including malignancy in the oral cavity, orpharynx, nasopharynx and skull base.

Pain due to temporomandibular joint disorders affect a significant proportion of the

population at one time or other with various symptom patterns such as facial
arthromyalgia, atypical facial pain, atypical odontalgia, oral dysaesthesia and 'phantom

The diagnosis can often be made by taking a careful history of the pain and a range of
investigations are useful, including radiographs, CT and MR scans and ultrasound in
addition to thorough clinical examination.

Management is sometimes carried out with other specialties including neurologists,

neurosurgeons, clinical psychologists, psychiatrists and consultants working in pain

The Temporo-mandibular Joint

The temporomandibular joint is unique. It is a ginglymo-diarthrodial joint, which is also

linked to its contra-lateral counterpart. Such daunting philology suggests complexity and
this indeed is the case.

In general, there are two groups of patients with temporomandibular joint disorders;
those with normal anatomy, but abnormal function, and those with abnormal anatomy
whose function may be abnormal.

Temporomandibular joint dysfunction is ill-understood, but may affect as many as 40%

of the population at some time and is more common in females. It may begin in
adolescence with pain and clicking in the joints which often recovers, never to recur. A
small group have further problems, some continuing into early adult life before
symptoms subside. A very small percentage of these develop increasing symptoms in
their 40's and 50's and may end with chronic facial pain. A second group does not
recover after the first episode and eventually develops continuous discomfort which may
profoundly upset their lives. It is this group for whom various hypotheses have been

Some regard the dental occlusion as the "third joint surface" and postulate that
abnormalities in the way teeth fit together generate disharmony in movement of the
joints with symptoms caused by muscle spasm, made worse by emotional upset which
can produce an increase in muscle tone.

Psychological causes and stress can increase temporomandibular joint symptoms and
TMJ dysfunction patients have higher catecholamine levels than controls and indeed
treatment with anti-depressants or sedation improves many of these patients.
Many feel this may be the basis of dysfunction symptoms with pain thought to be
produced by masticatory muscle spasm. Abnormal habits, playing wind instruments,
occlusal disharmony, over-contraction and fatigue of muscles influence it. Conservative
management of the condition includes exercises, advice about diet, altering the dental
bite with splints and sedation or anti-depressants.

Whichever the theory followed, treatment involves conservative measures first and about
40-50% of patients will be improved by these alone.

The second main group of patients are those with abnormal anatomy. The simplest is
meniscus displacement and in such patients plain radiography is often of little use if
there is no hard tissue abnormality. CT scanning is similar, if more accurate. MRI
scanning will demonstrate the position of the meniscus and shows the bony tissues of
the joint.
Surgical treatment on these patients is only be undertaken after very careful evaluation
and trial of conservative treatment. Surgery can be divided into two types: reparative and
reconstructive. Repair involves restoring the meniscus to its correct position, repairing it
if necessary. In the past, surgery for TMJ disease was less scientific and the results
were appropriately variable, but now there is deeper understanding, better investigation
and sub-specialisation of surgeons which appears to improve outcome.

This group also includes those with formal joint disease, eg arthritis, ankylosis and
iatrogenic disorders. Treatment is aimed at controlling inflammation and decreasing
discomfort with anti-inflammatory drugs, including steroid injections, together with
manipulation and physiotherapy etc.

Ankylosis is where fusion of the joint occurs and the aim is to restore movement and, in
general, there are two groups divided by age. In children, before facial growth is
complete, the aim is to restore movement and provide a centre at which further bony
growth may take place. This reconstruction surgery is usually with a costo-chondral graft.
If mandibular growth is limited distortion of the lower and the upper jaw, causing facial
asymmetry, occurs. The treatment of this in later life can be complex involving
orthodontics and orthognathic surgery and complex temporomandibular joint surgery.
In adults, movement can be restored by removing the ankylotic mass with reconstruction
using either a costo-chondral graft or alloplastic joint prostheses. The latter are
expensive and the relatively few patients needing them are best treated in centres
regularly performing such procedures.

Patients with temporomandibular joint disease place demands on time and clinical
facilities and some are regrettably sufferers from chronic facial pain which is never really
relieved to their satisfaction. These patients are best managed by oral & maxillofacial
surgeons with a special interest in these conditions.

Oral Medicine and Oral Mucosal Disorders

Oral mucosal disorders are common, occurring either in isolation or in association with
systemic conditions. In broad terms, these disorders can be divided into four main
groups : sore mouth, ulcers, blistering (vesiculo-bullous) disorders, and red and white
patches. Many rarer conditions exist which are not discussed in this section.

Sore / Dry Mouth - Patients are usually middle aged or elderly and complain of burning
pain with or without dryness. These symptoms may be linked to haematological
conditions or, occasionally, conditions such as Sjögren's syndrome where investigations
are normal. Reassurance is required and may be sufficient to allow the patient to cope.
Recurrent Oral Ulceration (ROU) - Is the commonest oral mucosal disorder, affecting 10-
15% of people, usually when young. Most cases are of minor aphthous ulceration with
small, shallow ulcers which heal in 10-14 days without scarring. Major aphthous ulcers
are larger, deeper and heal in 4-6 weeks with scarring. It can be difficult to differentiate
these from cancer and a specialist opinion should be sought if ulcers show no sign of
healing in 2-3 weeks, by referral to an oral & maxillofacial surgeon.

Important clinical associations include other gastrointestinal pathology and unusual but
important conditions such as Behcet's disease. Treatment aimed to control symptoms
and steroids, usually topical, but occasional systemic are used to reduce the frequency
and severity of ulceration. Analgesic and antibiotic mouthwashes reduce the pain of
secondary infection.

Vesiculo-bullous Disorders - The main ones are pemphigoid and the potentially fatal
auto-immune disease pemphigus. Differentiation is by clinical signs and the level at
which the bulla lies, being subepithelial in pemphigoid and intraepithelial in pemphigus.
Blood filled bullae can occur, usually on the palate, in the curious but harmless condition
of angina bullosa haemorrhagica.

White and Red Patches - The important distinction is between those which are benign
and those which are, or are potentially, malignant. There are therefore three main
groups. First, infective lesions for example candidiasis which can occur in an acute form
(oral thrush) or a chronic form usually associated with the wearing of dentures.
Debilitating illness, immuno-suppression and radiotherapy are predisposing factors.
Treatment is with anti-fungal therapy or occasionally laser surgery for cases of
hypertrophic candidiasis.
HIV infection has numerous oral manifestations, including ulcers, infections, "hairy"
leukoplakia and Kaposi's Sarcoma. Immunological conditions include oral lichen planus
which is a condition which may affect skin, mucous membranes or both and is found in
approximately 1% of the population. In its non-erosive form it may be asymptomatic or
cause soreness. Lichenoid drug reactions are common so it is important to check the
patient's medication. Steroids, usually topical, are the mainstay of treatment and good
oral hygiene helps reduce symptoms. Erosive lichen planus and lichen planus affecting
the tongue are considered by many clinicians to be pre-malignant and require very
careful follow-up.

Dysplastic and malignant lesions can present as red and white patches. White patches
in the oral cavity carry a 6% chance of malignant transformation, higher at some sites
such as the floor of the mouth. Management includes the elimination of risk factors, in
particular smoking especially when combined with consumption of alcohol, and biopsy
and eradication often by surgical laser of patches with dysplastic change. Red patches
should always be considered malignant until proven otherwise and it is essential that all
these suspicious lesions are referred to the appropriate oral & maxillofacial clinic without
investigation or biopsy in primary care.

In summary, many varied and important conditions affect the oral mucosa and a
specialist understanding of this area and the associated medical conditions is important
for the proper management of patients. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are referred the
vast majority of patients with such conditions sometimes working in collaboration with
specialists in oral medicine.
Salivary Gland Disease

Saliva is essential for speech and swallowing and plays an important role in maintaining
oral health by maintaining the integrity of the oral mucosa. It contains a variety of
proteins with anti-bacterial activity and salts and minerals including fluoride and acts as a
buffer and is, therefore, important in the control of dental caries and periodontal disease.
Saliva is produced by the three pairs of major salivary glands which are the parotid
glands in the preauricular region, the submandibular glands and the sublingual glands in
the floor of the mouth. In addition, there are about 200 minor salivary glands distributed
widely just below the mucosal lining of the mouth and on the hard and soft palate,
cheeks, lips and floor of mouth.

Salivary glands can be involved in many pathological processes, including congenital

abnormalities, infections and other inflammatory disorders, obstruction, neoplasia and
degenerative disorders. The most frequent problems seen in clinical practice are due to
infections, obstruction from stones, benign and malignant tumours and destructive auto-
immune disease.

Infections - The mumps virus is the most frequent cause of salivary gland infection.
Bacterial infection of the major glands usually arises from the mouth and is often a
recurrent problem especially in a gland previously damaged by stones or irradiation or in
debilitated patients. With the extended survival of HIV positive patients receiving triple
chemotherapy an increasing variety of salivary gland disorders are being seen. A
specialist knowledge of dental and oral diseases is necessary for the proper
management of these patients.

Obstruction - Calculi or stones can form in the major salivary glands and their ducts, in a
manner directly analogous to the gal bladder and bile ducts and the kidney and ureters.
They cause obstruction of salivary outflow typically with pain and swelling at meal times.
If the obstruction is not relieved the gland becomes damaged and often requires an
operation to remove the gland. Obstruction of minor salivary glands also occurs resulting
in cyst like swellings in the lips and cheeks.

Tumours - A very large variety of both benign and malignant tumours can involve any of
the major or minor salivary glands. Although the majority are benign they grow
relentlessly to reach grotesque proportions. Malignant tumours of the salivary glands
account for 2% of all cancers in the United Kingdom. The management of salivary gland
tumours requires specialised surgical skills due to the proximity of important cranial
nerves and the often aggressive nature of the disease. Often patients will require a
combination of surgery and radiotherapy to control their disease and should be managed
on multi-disciplinary clinics.

Degenerative Disease - The salivary and lacrimal glands are subject to an auto-immune
destructive condition (Sjögren's syndrome) which results in dry eyes and a dry mouth.
Sjögren's syndrome is often accompanied by other systemic diseases such as
rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosis or primary biliary sclerosis. Patients
develop severe oral symptoms relating to failure of salivary production and
approximately 10% of patients with Sjögren's syndrome will develop a non-Hodgkin's
lymphoma. These patients require meticulous follow-up in order to detect the onset of
lymphoma at an early stage when treatment is still effective.
Distraction Osteogenesis

By performing an ostectomy on long bones Ilizarow a Russian orthopaedic surgeon was

able to demonstrate that osteogenesis (new bone growth) could be stimulated by
distracting in a controlled manner the ostectomised (divided) bone.
This technique has had a major impact in orthopaedic surgery and is a developing
technique in oral & maxillofacial surgery. The principal application of the technique is in
the following situations :

vertical bone distraction of the alveolar ridge in the preparation for the placement of
intraoral dental implant fixtures
distraction of the mandible by intraoral or extraoral distracters to produce lengthening,
either in a jaw that has failed to develop (eg Treacher Collins) or in deformity produced
by major trauma or as a result of tumour resection

mid-face distraction in selected cases may produce significant advancement without the
need for full surgical movement and the placement of bone grafts, by distracting the mid-
face from the cranium to correct craniofacial deformity.


Oral and maxillofacial surgery is a technically demanding and intellectually stimulating

surgical specialty. It can accommodate the generalist who provides a comprehensive
service to a local community and the specialist working in designated centres with their
practice restricted to the management of more complex conditions.

With the introduction of the European Working Time Directive, structured competency
based training and an enthusiasm for rapid progression through the training grades
consultant appointment is achieved at about the same age as most of the other surgical
specialties. Workforce planning has been in place for many years in OMFS and very few
trainees have problems in securing a consultant post on completion of their CCT.

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