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1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


1. INTERPRETATION .............................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Defined Terms ........................................................................................................................... 1

2. GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................ 2

2.1 Standards .................................................................................................................................. 2

2.2 Output Specification .................................................................................................................. 3
3. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN PRINCIPLES AND REQUIREMENTS .................................................. 3

3.1 Site Conditions .......................................................................................................................... 3

3.2 Interior Design ........................................................................................................................... 3
3.3 Staff Requirements .................................................................................................................... 4
3.4 Technology ................................................................................................................................ 5
3.5 Flexibility of Planning and Systems ........................................................................................... 5
3.6 LEED Certification and Pacific Green ....................................................................................... 5
3.7 Bariatric Enabled ....................................................................................................................... 5
3.8 Elder Friendly............................................................................................................................. 6
4. PLANNING AND DESIGN ................................................................................................................... 6

4.1 Program Requirements ............................................................................................................. 6

4.2 Indicative Design and Summary of Accommodations ............................................................... 6

5. TECHNICAL DESIGN REQUIREMENTS............................................................................................ 7

5.1 Infection Control ........................................................................................................................ 7

5.2 Building Envelope - Exterior Walls, Wall Systems and Roofs................................................... 7
5.3 Safety and Security ................................................................................................................... 7
5.4 Disaster Preparedness .............................................................................................................. 8
5.5 Way finding/Signage.................................................................................................................. 8
5.6 Accessibility ............................................................................................................................. 12
6. PUBLIC SPACES .............................................................................................................................. 12

7. RETAIL SPACE ................................................................................................................................. 12

7.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 12

7.2 Conversion to Program Space ................................................................................................ 12

8. EXTERNAL SPACES ........................................................................................................................ 13

8.1 Quality of Space ...................................................................................................................... 13

8.2 Environmental Considerations................................................................................................. 13
8.3 Circulation................................................................................................................................ 13
8.4 Outdoor Access ....................................................................................................................... 14
8.5 Outdoor Courtyards ................................................................................................................. 14
9. ACUTE MEDICAL / SURGICAL / SPECIALIZED INPATIENT CARE UNITS.................................. 14

9.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 14

9.2 Scope of Services to be provided by the Authority.................................................................. 15

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


9.3 Current Trends......................................................................................................................... 17

9.4 Operational Description ........................................................................................................... 18
9.5 Functional Content .................................................................................................................. 20
9.6 Design Requirements .............................................................................................................. 20
10. MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTIONS – INPATIENT UNITS.......................................................... 20

10.1 General .................................................................................................................................... 20

10.2 Scope of Services to be provided by the Authority.................................................................. 20
10.3 Current Trends in Care Delivery.............................................................................................. 20
10.4 Operational Description ........................................................................................................... 20
10.5 Design Requirements .............................................................................................................. 20
10.6 Functional Relationships and Key Adjacencies....................................................................... 20
11. MATERIAL RESOURCES ................................................................................................................. 20

11.1 Scope of Services to be provided by the Authority.................................................................. 20

11.2 Scope of Services Provided by Project Co.............................................................................. 20
11.3 Functional Relationships ......................................................................................................... 20

12.1 Site Development .................................................................................................................... 20

12.2 Structural Systems .................................................................................................................. 20
12.3 Building Envelope .................................................................................................................... 20
12.4 Interior Building Components .................................................................................................. 20

13.1 General Requirements (Division 1) ......................................................................................... 20

13.2 Site Construction (Division 2) .................................................................................................. 20
13.3 Concrete (Division 3) ............................................................................................................... 20
13.4 Masonry (Division 4) ................................................................................................................ 20
13.5 Metals (Division 5) ................................................................................................................... 20
13.6 Wood And Plastics (Division 6) ............................................................................................... 20
13.7 Thermal And Moisture Protection (Division 7)......................................................................... 20
13.8 Doors And Windows (Division 8) ............................................................................................. 20
13.9 Finishes (Division 9) ................................................................................................................ 20
13.10 Manufactured Specialties (Division 10) ................................................................................... 20
13.11 Equipment (Division 11) .......................................................................................................... 20
13.12 Furnishings (Division 12) ......................................................................................................... 20
13.13 Special Construction (Division 13)........................................................................................... 20
13.14 Conveying Systems (Division 14)............................................................................................ 20
13.15 Mechanical (Division 15) ......................................................................................................... 20
13.16 Electrical (Division 16) ............................................................................................................. 20
14. COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS (DIVISION 17) ............................................................................... 20

14.1 Basic Requirements ................................................................................................................ 20

14.2 Clock System........................................................................................................................... 20
14.3 Fire Alarm ................................................................................................................................ 20
14.4 Wireless Communications ....................................................................................................... 20

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


14.5 Network interface (VoIP & Data) ............................................................................................. 20

14.6 Nurse Call System ................................................................................................................... 20
14.7 Public Address......................................................................................................................... 20
14.8 Mechanical control systems interface (BAS)........................................................................... 20
14.9 Structured Cabling ................................................................................................................... 20
14.10 Video Conferencing (see post-disaster specifications) ........................................................... 20
14.11 Patient Entertainment System ................................................................................................. 20
14.12 Patient Monitoring.................................................................................................................... 20
14.13 Central Dictation ...................................................................................................................... 20
14.14 Security (CCTV, Access Control, Intrusion Detection, Panic, Staff Duress, Patient Wandering,
Hold-up, Incident Reporting System)...................................................................................................... 20
14.15 Patient and Equipment Tracking ............................................................................................. 20
15. IT/TEL SERVICES ............................................................................................................................. 20

15.1 Basic Requirements ................................................................................................................ 20

15.2 Network Equipment ................................................................................................................. 20
15.3 Wireless infrastructure............................................................................................................. 20
15.4 Telephone Equipment ............................................................................................................. 20
15.5 Project Co End-Use Devices and telecommunications equipment ......................................... 20





1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)




1.1 Defined Terms

In this Schedule, in addition to the definitions set out in Schedule 1 of this Agreement:

“Building” means the building to be constructed on the Site under this Agreement, and includes all
additions and improvements thereto from time to time;

“Campus” means all of the lands on which the RJH is located;

“Central Services” means steam, electricity and medical gases supplied by the Authority;

“Communication Systems” has the meaning set out in Section 14.1(a) of this Schedule;

"Coronation Annex" means the coronation annex identified on the Site Plan;

“CPTED” means Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design;

“Data Room” means the website established by the Authority and containing documents related to the

"Diagnostic and Treatment Building" means the diagnostic and treatment building identified on the Site

“End-Use Equipment” has the meaning set out in Section 15.1(a)(3) of this Schedule;

“Heritage Chapel” means the heritage chapel identified on the Site Plan;

“Indicative Design” has the meaning set out in Section 4.2;

“Information Technology and Telecommunications Infrastructure” has the meaning set out in Section
15.1(a)(2) of this Schedule;

“Japanese Garden” means the Japanese garden identified on the Site Plan;

“Medical/Surgical Inpatient Units” or “Medical/Surgical IPUs” has the meaning set out in Section 9.1 of
this Schedule;

“Mental Health Inpatient Units” or “Mental Health IPUs” has the meaning set out in Section 10.1 of this

"Parking Garage" means the parking garage identified on the Site Plan;

“Pemberton Heritage Pavilion” means the Pemberton heritage pavilion identified on the Site Plan;

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


“PICU” has the meaning set out in Section 10.2(b) of this Schedule;

“Program Requirements” has the meaning set out in Section 4.1 of this Schedule;

“Summary of Accommodations” has the meaning set out in Section 4.2 of this Schedule;

“TAB” means testing, adjusting and balancing; and

"West Block" means the west block identified on the Site Plan.


2.1 Standards

General Standard of Design and Construction

(a) Project Co will undertake all Design and Construction:

(1) in accordance with the standards set out in this Schedule;

(2) in compliance with all applicable Laws;

(3) having regard for the concerns, need and interests of:

(A) all persons who will be Facility Users; and

(B) all Governmental Authorities;

(4) in accordance with Good Industry Practice; and

(5) to the same standards that an experienced, prudent, and knowledgeable long
term owner of a first class health care facility in North America, whether to be
operated publicly or privately, would employ.

(b) If more than one of the above standards is applicable then the highest of such standard
will apply.

(c) Without limiting any of the above and notwithstanding any other provision of this
Schedule Project Co will undertake all Design and Construction:

(1) to at a minimum meet the requirements of the BC Building Code; and

(2) in compliance with codes that are not specifically referred to in this Schedule if
required to meet Good Industry Practice or other standards set out above.

(d) If Project Co wishes to make reference to a code or standard from a jurisdiction outside
of Canada then Project Co will demonstrate to the Authority’s satisfaction that such code
or standard meets the requirements of this Schedule.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


2.2 Output Specification

(a) This Schedule is written as an output specification for the purpose of defining what
Project Co must achieve in the Design and Construction.


3.1 Site Conditions

Project Co will, in undertaking the Design of the Facility:

(a) integrate the following existing elements:

(1) the Pemberton Heritage Pavilion;

(2) the Heritage Chapel; and

(3) the Japanese Garden;

(b) provide smooth transitions between the Site and adjacent buildings, open space and
public sidewalks;

(c) provide appropriate access to the Site to meet the needs of ambulances to the Site for
emergencies, staff and visitor traffic, and service and delivery vehicles including:

(1) minimize general and service vehicle traffic interference with ambulance and
other emergency vehicle access to the Site; provide for the functional separation
of traffic for emergency vehicles, visitors and staff, and service vehicles; and

(2) maximize access to the Facility and provide a drop-off area with no less than five
temporary-parking vehicle spaces outside of the traffic flow;

(d) consider the impact of the Facility on adjacent neighbours and land uses including, where
practical, preserving visual privacy and sunlight for adjacent properties;

(e) consider the micro-climatic effects of parking, walkway, building location and Facility
entrance orientation on patient, staff and visitor comfort and safety; and

(f) provide well-lit bicycle locking/parking facilities for a minimum of twenty-four bicycles.

3.2 Interior Design

Project Co will undertake the Design of the interior of the Facility as follows:

(a) incorporate the principles of evidence-based design;

(b) maximize opportunities for access to natural light and views;

(c) employ materials and detail surfaces to absorb and minimize sound;

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(d) conceal the clinical infrastructure wherever possible;

(e) maximize opportunities for patient empowerment through control of lighting, sound, décor
(personalization) and daylight;

(f) create points of interest within a patient care unit by varying colours, textures and lighting;

(g) avoid ‘blank’ hallways with solids at the end: provide views and/or direct or borrowed
natural light;

(h) impart a residential feel;

(i) balance the openness required for patient monitoring with privacy considerations
regarding confidentiality of patient information and with the security needs of staff at all
hours of the day;

(j) design workplaces so that they are flexible and adaptable to change and promote patient
and staff safety;

(k) respect processes, workflow and ergonomics in the design of workspaces;

(l) provide ‘rest stops’ and intuitive meeting points for patients and visitors to pause, rest,
consult; and

(m) include suitable spaces throughout the Facility for the display of two- and three-
dimensional art, donor recognition systems that provide appropriate lighting, power and
data connectivity.

3.3 Staff Requirements

Project Co will undertake the Design of the Facility to consider the requirements of staff as follows:

(a) permit and facilitate economical and flexible staffing to meet the healthcare needs of the
patients including:

(1) patient-lifting equipment;

(2) proximity between staff workstations and patient rooms; and

(3) support rooms such as clean and soiled utility rooms.

(b) consider that the staffing complement will consist of multi-disciplinary care teams
including but not limited to nurses, physicians, rehabilitation therapists, clinical dieticians,
pharmacists, social workers, pastoral care workers, students/interns/residents from a
wide variety of healthcare education programs;

(c) permit the arrangement of functions on the units, while supporting the team in their
relationship with their patients, to facilitate the creation of a ‘team’ environment for the

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


staff, even though they will spend much of their time in dispersed locations on the units;

(d) accommodate the Equipment to create a positive and efficient work environment that is
free of obstacles for staff and patients.

3.4 Technology

Project Co will undertake the Design of the Facility to utilize leading edge technology for the benefit of
patients and staff.

3.5 Flexibility of Planning and Systems

Project Co will undertake the Design of the Facility to be able to accommodate future changes as follows:

(a) so that it is adaptable to change, including connections to the West Block or the
Coronation Annex and eventual changes in use;

(b) so that all aspects of the Facility, including services distribution, building systems,
footprint and mix of rooms, allow efficient, economical and minimally-disruptive physical
and operational changes throughout the life of the Facility; and

(c) to allow for additions, deletions and relocations of services to clinical and non-clinical
areas over the life of the Facility, including by consolidating risers and hubs in
strategically accessible and expandable locations and planning appropriate closets,
cabinets, chases and shafts for access and growth.

3.6 LEED Certification and Pacific Green

At a minimum, subject to Section 4.6 of Schedule 2 [Design and Construction Protocols], Project Co will
undertake the Design of the Facility so that the Facility is constructed and certified to the Canada Green
Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design LEED Canada-NC 1.0 (including
Addenda dated March 2007) Gold standard. It is the responsibility of Project Co to compile and submit
the required documentation for certification.

In undertaking the Design of the Facility, Project Co will take into account a “Pacific Green” approach that
emphasizes sustainability and environmental awareness. Pacific Green, as a core guiding principle for
the Facility requires safer building products, safe working practices, energy, water, and equipment
efficiency, low VOC emissions, education, and a commitment to public health through reduced waste
volumes and toxicity levels. Project Co will under take the Design and Construction and services to
consider the Green Guide for Health Care – Version 2.2, LEED EB (Existing Building) and current version
of LEED for Health Care.

3.7 Bariatric Enabled

Project Co will undertake the Design of the Facility so that the Facility can effectively care for bariatric
patients and will consider the design recommendations for a bariatric friendly hospital that are set out in
“Planning and design guidelines for bariatric healthcare facilities” published by the American Architectural

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


3.8 Elder Friendly

Project Co will design the Facility as an elder friendly hospital. In undertaking the Design, Project Co will
consider the design recommendations for an elderly friendly hospital that are set out in “Code Plus:
Physical Design for an Elderly Friendly Hospital” published by the Fraser Health Authority.


4.1 Program Requirements

Project Co will design the Facility to accommodate the following (collectively the “Program

(a) public spaces (lobby/atrium/washrooms/waiting areas) – see Section 6;

(b) retail space – see Section 6(a);

(c) external space (circulation, access, courtyards) – see Section 8;

(d) medical/surgical/specialized – see Section 9;

(e) mental health and addictions – see Section 10; and

(f) material resources – see Section 11.

4.2 Indicative Design and Summary of Accommodations

The Authority’s architectural consultant, Zeidler Partnership Architects, undertook an indicative design of
the Facility (the “Indicative Design”) as part of the Authority’s application to the City to re-zone the Site to
permit the construction of the Facility. Drawings describing the Indicative Design are included in the Data

The Authority and its consultants prepared an indicative summary (the “Summary of Accommodations”)
based to some degree on the Indicative Design, and but also reflecting consultations with users. The
Summary of Accommodations lists types of rooms or space, number and size of rooms, and the contents
of some rooms, and other significant design features which the Authority has identified as being
necessary so that the Facility can accommodate the Program Requirements. A copy of the Summary of
Accommodations is attached as Appendix 3A [Summary of Accommodations].

Project Co may, but will not be required to, use the Indicative Design or the Summary of Accommodations
as a basis for its design of the Facility, but the Authority makes no representation as to the accuracy or
completeness of any aspect of the Indicative Design or the Summary of Accommodations.

The Summary of Accommodations includes a column entitled "Preferences” that contains design features
and building elements that the Authority would like to see included in the Facility but which are not
mandatory. The column entitled “Minimum Requirements” describe design features and building
elements that are mandatory and that Project Co is responsible to include in the Facility.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


Project Co will be completely responsible for all aspects of the Design and Construction whether or not it
uses all or any part of the Indicative Design Drawings and Project Co will be responsible to independently
verify the accuracy of any information contained in or inferred from the Indicative Design or the Summary
of Accommodations if Project Co uses any of such information in its Design.


5.1 Infection Control

In undertaking the Design, Project Co will:

(a) design the Facility to mitigate and prevent where possible, the spread of infection
including via contaminated surfaces and airborne pathogens;

(b) select appropriate materials and use simple detailing leading to quality workmanship and
ease of accessibility for routine cleaning and maintenance; and

(c) design the Facility to contain infections during an outbreak at the room level and at the
level of a group, e.g. 18 rooms.

5.2 Building Envelope - Exterior Walls, Wall Systems and Roofs

Project Co will:

(a) complete all Design and Construction so as to prevent the accumulation and stagnation
of rain, snow and dirt on the horizontal and vertical surfaces of the envelope;

(b) design exterior walls in accordance with the rain-screen principle; and

(c) ensure that materials and systems of the roof assemblies contribute to reducing heat
gains and losses with minimal decline in performance over their expected lifespan.

5.3 Safety and Security

(a) Project Co will:

(1) utilize CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) principles

along with workplace safety and security considerations:

“The proper design, effective use and maintenance of the built environment can
lead to a reduction in the incidence and fear of crime and an improvement in the
quality of life.”

(2) minimize the visibility of security devices in patient care areas to reinforce the
therapeutic nature and residential qualities of treatment spaces. In interior and
exterior public spaces such as lobbies, reception and waiting areas, rest areas,
access and egress points, security devices may be visible. Design the Facility
and all outdoor areas with Facility Users safety and security in mind.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


5.4 Disaster Preparedness

(a) Architectural

Project Co will design the Facility to include:

(1) features and flexibility for use in response to disasters and emergency situations
including but not limited to an epidemic, chemical spill, extended power
interruption, contamination of water supply and earthquake;

(2) a vestibule at the entry to each unit so that patients may be cohorted in a
pandemic situation. If a unit or floor is isolated, a quiet room at the entry can be
converted into a change area for staff to don Personal Protective Equipment
(PPE); and

(3) space and the necessary infrastructure to support and serve as post-disaster
communications and control centres for up to fifteen people on the top floor and
the second-from-the-top-floor (possibly, but not necessarily, in
conference/meeting rooms); each such room will require an appropriate locked
closet for storage of emergency disaster equipment such as communications

(b) Post Disaster Mechanical Design:

Project Co will:

(1) design the mechanical piping and equipment seismically to post disaster
methods as outlined in the BC Building Code;

(2) provide a domestic water inlet connection on the exterior of the Facility to allow
for supply of water from a tanker truck (this water would be drawn through the
domestic water booster station to feed the building systems);

(3) provide a sanitary sewer pump out connection on the exterior face of the Facility
for connection to a sewage pump truck; and

(4) provide inlet connections on the exterior face of the Facility for medical gas
connections (one inlet for each medical gas being supplied to the Facility).

5.5 Way finding/Signage

(a) Way finding

Project Co will:

(1) provide a simple configuration of the Facility’s circulation systems and functions
so that way finding is inherently easy;

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(2) locate major destinations such as department entrances, along primary

circulation paths for easy access, make waiting areas as open as possible to
build comfort in way finding and design waiting areas to be distinct from

(3) provide significant recognizable, easily named and identified elements in key and
easily found locations that can become ‘meeting points’ for patients and visitors;

(4) design elevator and stair lobbies and public circulation routes to be distinct
service routes from other non-public routes.

(b) Signage

(1) Overriding Principles

Project Co will:

(A) provide all signage required for building operations;

(B) provide highly visible and simple signage that is similar in size,
appearance and location to the signage used in the Diagnostic and
Treatment Building;

(C) design signage such that the materials, colours, letter fonts, sizes and
other aesthetic and functional considerations conform to the overall way
finding design system;

(D) provide signage that is resistant to graffiti and physical damage;

(E) use international symbols where and as applicable;

(F) orient building plan directories facing direction viewer is located;

(G) provide signage that directs visitors to departments, not just buildings;

(H) provide signage that is clearly visible day or night; and

(I) avoid multi-layered naming hierarchies.

(2) Authority Approval

(A) Project Co will:

(i) prior to installing any signage at the Facility, provide to the

Authority’s Design Representative samples of such signage for
approval by the Authority, such approval not to be unreasonably

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(ii) not install any signage at the Facility until it receives approval
from the Authority;

(3) Design Requirements

(A) Project Co will design the internal directional signs to include:

(i) a main directory, installed at the main public entrances to the

Facility, that indicates the Facility in relation to the overall
campus and the location of every area and department within the
Facility that is accessible to the public;

(ii) a continuous trail from entrances to each of the

reception/information points listed on the directories;

(iii) installation of signage at each point at which a directional

decision is required; and

(iv) consistent terminology.

(B) Project Co will design door signage to indicate restrictions on entry and
warn of hazard;

(C) Project Co will design door numbering:

(i) that is not obscured by the emergency systems and Code Blue
system call;

(ii) to identify every space (e.g. rooms, alcoves, corridors and

stairwells) in the Facility;

(iii) that is located in a consistent location for every room in the


(iv) that is consistent with the following room numbering protocol:

(iv).1 the Authority utilizes a consistent protocol for
numbering rooms across the Campus;
(iv).2 each room has a unique identifier number;
(iv).3 rooms are numbered in a manner that reflects
normal movement through a building;
(iv).4 labeling anticipates a person attempting to follow
numbering along corridors in sequence;
(iv).5 blocks of numbers are periodically skipped to
allow for future expansion of the numbering system if
rooms are added through renovations;
(iv).6 when room(s) are contained within a large room
off of a corridor (for example, the first door is numbered

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


PCC 012A and door(s) to rooms within the room are

numbered PCC 012B, PCC 012C, etc.)
(iv).7 corridors require unique numbers which are two
(iv).7.1 eg. PCC 01, PCC 02 (indicates basement) PCC
11, PCC 12 (indicates main floor)
(iv).8 stair wells utilize a single digit in each building:
(iv).8.1 eg. PCC 1, PCC 2, etc. (Note: labelled the same
on all levels);
(iv).9 each room requires a number for service reasons
and since many rooms will not have formal wall
numbering panels, each door frame must be equipped
with a lamacoid number plate approximately one inch
high by two inches long, attached to the head of the door
frame on the hinge side; and
(iv).10 as this numbering system is used for deliveries,
repairs, fire alarm notifications, etc., it is important that
room numbers be determined early in design and
maintained following occupancy. Project Co will follow
the same numbering system on design and construction
documentation for all disciplines (architectural,
mechanical, electrical, etc.).

(D) Project Co will ensure that external directional signage:

(i) clearly indicates Facility access for the public;

(ii) clearly indicates restrictions to ‘after-hours’ access and closest

accessible entrance;

(iii) is well illuminated, backlit, reflective or high contrast and easily

visible at night;

(E) Project Co will ensure that illuminated external Facility signage:

(i) clearly identifies the Facility;

(ii) minimizes light spillage;

(iii) indicates the accesses, parking and restrictions for various

vehicle types, as required; and

(iv) includes at least one large exterior illuminated sign at Richmond

and Bay streets to replace the existing illuminated sign at that

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


5.6 Accessibility

(1) Project Co will provide barrier-free accessibility throughout the Facility and
across the Site except as specified otherwise in writing.


Project Co will provide public lobby space that accommodates orientation and way-finding amenities,
public telephones, public washrooms, seating, waiting areas, fund-raising and information displays, all in
a pleasant and secure environment, including:

(a) natural light, a discrete area for breastfeeding mothers, an area for visual and performing
arts, a clear visual link to the exterior patient pick-up area and provides direct access to
retail areas;

(b) visible and well-lit secure areas for waiting, including a seating area for visitors/families
waiting for rides/taxis, to meet others, etc. and for discharged patients awaiting pick-up by
family members;

(c) centrally and conveniently located public washrooms that include at least one wheelchair
accessible stall capable of accommodating bariatric people;

(d) a holding area for wheelchairs for patients who have been discharged to keep the
wheelchairs out of circulation space; and

(e) a suitably located wall or other appropriate space for the Authority to recognize persons
that have made donations to the Authority.


7.1 General
Project Co will provide a minimum of 1,000 square meters of shelled retail space at ground level that can
accommodate complementary uses such as restaurant, coffee shop, pharmacy, fitness shop, fitness
centre, daycare, dry cleaning, seniors’ care, bookshop, gift shop, health facilities, and general commercial
uses. The Authority intends to lease this space and have third party tenants assume operational costs for
their respective retail spaces. Accordingly, Project Co will design and construct the retail space so that it
is suitable for leasing to third parties, on usual commercial terms and conditions, including separate
metering and mechanical/electrical connections.
Project Co will design the retail space to include exterior as well as interior (lobby, atrium or corridor)
access, with exterior and interior design that is suitable for retail tenancies (including for example, full
height glazing, door access and provision for signage).

7.2 Conversion to Program Space

Project Co will design the retail space so that it is capable of being cost effectively converted into program
space at the option of the Authority.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)



8.1 Quality of Space

Project Co will:

(a) make exterior environments of the Site conducive to use by visitors, patients, staff and
community, as appropriate;

(b) encourage year round use through the inclusion of shade devices and protection from
wind and rain;

(c) incorporate spaces for solitude, small groups and larger gatherings;

(d) design outdoor spaces so that they are conducive to healing and recovery;

(e) design outdoor spaces for visual appeal year round; and

(f) protect existing trees on and adjacent to Richmond Road and include them within the
design of outdoor spaces.

8.2 Environmental Considerations

Project Co will:

(a) design all hard and soft landscape elements for low maintenance and durability;

(b) use surface drainage techniques for landscape areas wherever possible; and

(c) use native or naturalized plant materials wherever practical.

8.3 Circulation

Project Co will:

(a) design the Facility to allow for pedestrian circulation between the following areas:

(1) from Bay Street to major entrances;

(2) from Facility lobby to retail space;

(3) from West Block to Heritage Garden; and

(4) from Facility lobby to Heritage Garden;

(b) make all pathways or roadways hard surface and barrier free;

(c) provide lighting of all pathways.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


8.4 Outdoor Access

Project Co will design the Facility:

(a) so that visual and physical access is provided from the neighbourhood wherever possible
and practical;

(b) to allow for access between the following areas:

(1) from the psychiatry units to secure outdoor space;

(2) from the ground floor to outdoor space; and

(3) from retail space to outdoors.

(c) so that it is possible for maintenance and emergency vehicles to access all at-grade
outdoor spaces such as courtyards, parks and patio areas.

8.5 Outdoor Courtyards

Project Co will provide outdoor spaces in the design of the Facility to accommodate programmed
activities, including:

(a) space to accommodate spill-out retail/commercial activities, including space for a

restaurant patio, retail vending and special events;

(b) space and hard landscape elements conducive to healing and recovery that may be used
as a component of physical and occupational therapy;

(c) space which acts as the “front garden” of the Facility which should be fully accessible to
the public with strong connections to the RJH site and the neighbourhood;

(d) space to accommodate semi-public/private activities; and

(e) spaces for activities including patient/family visiting, staff breaks/retreats.


9.1 General

Project Co will include in the Facility medical/surgical inpatient units (“Medical/Surgical Inpatient Units”
or “Medical/Surgical IPUs”) for the delivery of secondary and tertiary acute care to medical and surgical
adult inpatients as follows:

(a) include a minimum of 418 Medical/Surgical Inpatient Unit beds in the Facility with types
as indicated in the Summary of Accommodations;

(b) provide for an enhanced focus on design that is beneficial to patients, families and staff;

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(c) place emphasis on the presence and participation of family in the care and support of the

9.2 Scope of Services to be provided by the Authority

(a) Project Co will design the Medical/Surgical IPUs and the Facility to accommodate the
following healthcare services to be provided by the Authority:

(b) Scope of Clinical Team Services

(1) Nursing services in the Medical/Surgical IPUs will include:

(A) provision of routine and emergency nursing care (vital signs, wound
care, physical assessments, providing assistance with activities of daily
living, treatments, observing and documenting progress, medication
administration, consultation with other members of the clinical care team
including physicians, pharmacists, social workers, rehabilitation
therapists, pastoral care advisors and other interdisciplinary team

(B) conducting shift reports and participating in interdisciplinary patient


(C) preparing patients for diagnostic and treatment services;

(D) maintaining patient electronic charts/records;

(E) educating patients, family, staff and students;

(F) mentoring students and new/younger staff; and

(G) facilitating patient comfort and relaxation, recreation and activation; and

(H) providing family/visitor support, consultation and counselling.

(2) Physician services in the Medical/Surgical IPUs will include:

(A) admitting patients directly or via the emergency areas;

(B) documenting historical medical information;

(C) documenting patients’ medical progress on patient electronic charts;

(D) providing physical examinations and some medical procedures;

(E) prescribing medications, consulting with nursing staff and pharmacists;

(F) providing emergency medical examination and treatment;

(G) ordering medical diagnostic and treatment procedures;

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(H) participating in interdisciplinary patient conferences; and

(I) educating patients, family, staff, students, and residents.

(3) Clinical professional service team members (e.g., social work, physiotherapy,
occupational therapy, respiratory care, laboratory, pharmacy, education, spiritual
care, etc.) will provide support to the Medical/Surgical IPUs; the Authority intends
to provide team members shared work and counselling space on the units or in
the shared support areas between units as follows:

(A) members of the clinical teams requiring an office will only be allocated 1
office; when working on other units, they will use one of the multi-use
workstations or multi-use/shared offices;

(B) some clinical professional service team members (e.g., physiotherapy,

occupational therapy, respiratory care, medical laboratory, pharmacy,
education, spiritual care, etc.) will respond to the Medical/Surgical IPUs
from their operational base, as required; this operational base may be in
another building at RJH;

(C) physiotherapy/occupational therapy will have access to one satellite

treatment area on each unit or floor to support medical/surgical beds;

(D) social workers will have dedicated office space if they have dedicated
program assignments; counselling will occur in the office, in the patient’s
room or in a quiet/counselling room on the floor;

(E) pharmacists will have dedicated office space if they have dedicated
program assignments;

(F) dieticians will have dedicated office space if they have dedicated
program assignments; and

(G) these associated clinical professionals will be involved in interdisciplinary

patient conferences from time to time.

(c) Scope of Education Services

(1) Each Medical/Surgical IPU will provide clinical resources in support of teaching
programs; participation in on-unit care activities may occur for the following types
and numbers of students:

(A) medical/surgical residents, 2 - 4 at a time;

(B) medical undergraduates, up to 4 - 6 at a time;

(C) nursing (diploma, undergraduate and graduate) students, up to 8 at a

time per IPU (on one shift);

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(D) pharmacy undergraduates/residents, 2 at a time;

(E) physiotherapy students, up to 2 at a time;

(F) occupational therapy students, up to 2 at a time;

(G) respiratory therapy students, up to 2 at a time;

(H) dietetic intern, 1 at a time; and

(I) social work students, up to 1 at a time.

(2) Clinical teaching programs will be accommodated in patient care areas. Clinical
teaching will occur at the bedside, in other team spaces on the units and in the
teaching spaces on each floor. The teaching spaces will be a shared resource.

(3) Inservice education and patient teaching programs will be conducted on a regular
basis throughout the unit’s patient/ clinical care spaces as well as in staff
conference/meeting room(s) and patient/family teaching room(s) equipped with
videoconferencing facilities.

(d) Scope of Research Services

(1) The Authority may undertake research activities but will not require unique staff
or facility resources in the Facility. Office/work space will be made available to
clinical researchers on an as-needed basis in the IPU floor support areas.

9.3 Current Trends

Project Co will take into account the following trends in designing the Medical/Surgical Inpatient Units and
the Facility:

(a) increasing treatment of infectious disease, immune suppressed patients,

(b) increasingly elderly patients with conditions such as confusion, cognitive impairment,
dementia, memory loss, difficulty in ambulation and personal care self-management;

(c) increasing incidence of co-morbidities;

(d) increasing co-ordination with primary care for discharge arrangements;

(e) increasingly specialist-oriented and more complex surgery;

(f) increasing range of procedures, both invasive and non-invasive, including at the bedside;

(g) increasing numbers of tertiary referrals; and

(h) increase in the services delivered by multi-disciplinary teams, involving physicians,

surgeons, radiologists, specialist nurses, laboratory, rehabilitation and technical staff.

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9.4 Operational Description

(a) Project Co will design the Medical/Surgical IPUs and the Facility to accommodate the
following operations:

(b) Hours of Operation

(1) Services will be operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and every day of the

(c) Patient Management Processes

(1) Reception/Admission

(A) Patients will be admitted to an IPU through the emergency department,

as scheduled patients by pre-arrangement through the admitting office,
or through inter-hospital transfers. Each IPU will have its own
designated reception desk. On admission, ambulant patients will report
to the reception desk. The reception desk will act as the unit clerk’s

(2) Care

(A) Patients will be admitted to a specific bed based on their need for
observation, assistance, diagnosis or acuity.

(d) Family Visitation and Participation

(1) Patients’ families will be encouraged to participate in the care of the patients.

(2) Each patient room will provide space for family members to be in the room and
not be in the way of care staff; in consultation with the care team, a family
member will have the option of staying overnight in the patient room.

(e) Staff Work Processes

(1) Communications

(A) Each IPU will be administered from a reception desk, which will also act
as a reception/control point for access to the unit; and

(B) a multi-disciplinary team approach to care will be followed on the units

and this team will vary in composition and size over time and with the
needs of the patients.

(f) Care Delivery

(1) Care delivery will be based on a patient-centred, family-involved service

supported by an interdisciplinary team.

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(2) RN’s, LPN’s and other care providers will generally be assigned for all of the
nursing care provided

(3) Staff utilize visual and audible supervision of patient bedrooms in their delivery of
care; maximum visibility between staff work areas and the head of patients is

(4) Staff require spaces to rest (including the ability to lie down in a quiet
environment), view educational content, access the internet and prepare and
consume meals.

(5) Reduced travel distances increases the effective capacity of care providers.

(g) The Care Station

(1) Supports the administration and preparation of medications, including hand


(2) Accommodates communications including telephones, nurse call, patient’s

records and charts, storage, and computer terminals.

(3) Supports multidisciplinary clinical staff to enter information to clinical records by

electronic means, discuss clinical issues, make confidential telephone calls, and
review digital x-rays and other diagnostic results.

(h) General Medical/Surgical - Staff Services

(1) Staff Services will generally be provided on each floor, as close to staff as

(i) General Medical/Surgical - Pharmacy Services

(1) Pharmacy delivery is designed to be at point of care.

(j) General Medical/Surgical - Storage

(1) Provide adequate and appropriate storage areas and space for all furniture and
equipment within the units including, in particular, space for furniture and equipment that
is temporarily not being used;

(k) General Medical/Surgical – Clean supplies

(1) General medical/surgical supplies, including sterile supplies, are generally

transported by the Authority staff to the appropriate locations on the unit using a
scheduled top-up cart system;

(2) Negative pressure private rooms are supported through delivery to a location out
of the general corridor where isolation carts would be stored.

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9.5 Functional Content

(a) General Medical/Surgical - Staff Requirements

(1) The Authority estimates that the Medical/Surgical IPUs will have a total staff
complement of 400 - 450 full-time equivalents staff (excluding physicians,
residents, clerks, students, volunteers), estimated as follows:

(A) 10 - 12 patient care managers;

(B) 10 - 12 patient care coordinators;

(C) 12 - 14 nurse clinicians;

(D) 175 - 200 registered nurses;

(E) 70 - 80 licensed practical nurses;

(F) 10 - 14 social workers;

(G) 6 - 8 clinical dieticians;

(H) 70 - 80 aides; and

(I) 30 clerical/administrative personnel.

(b) General Medical/Surgical – Volume of People

(1) The following is an example of the volume of people that may occupy the noted
functional areas at a given time. The figures provided are an example only and
will vary over each unit, floor, time of day and day of week.

Functional Areas Patients Staff Visitors Others Total

9-18 Bed Care Cluster
Patient Care Area 10-12 4-5 20-25 3-5 37-47
32 – 36 Bed Support Area
Patient Care Support Area 2-4 15-20 8-10 1-2 26-36
64-72 Bed Support Area 8-10 30-40 4-5 10-15 52-70
Note: High numbers of people in the support areas reflect numbers during an ‘event’ such as change of
shift report, rounds in the conference room, or the use of some of the flex space on certain units for a
Rehabilitation therapy satellite, which would attract a number of patients during certain portions of the

9.6 Design Requirements

(a) Security of Wanderers

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(1) Project Co will include special provisions in the design of the Medical/Surgical
IPUs to prevent cognitively impaired patients from wandering away from the
Medical/Surgical IPU.

(b) Universal Room

(1) Project Co will design the inpatient rooms to include the minimum requirements
described in the Summary of Accommodations and within the space available to
provide features of a universal room, including:

(A) a washroom that is fully accessible in a location that minimizes travel

distances within the room and the potential for falls;

(B) maximum observation of the patient from the corridor;

(C) a headwall located immediately adjacent to the intended location of

every inpatient bed that, except as set out below, is designed with
duplicate, symmetrical services on both sides of the bed; in a two-bed
room layout where each bed shares a common wall the head wall
services between the two beds may be shared; design and install to
meet or exceed all relevant CSA & ULC codes and regulations for the full
range of requirements of an Acuity Adaptable Direct Patient Care Area,
environment and use, include the following:

(i) Oxygen: 2 connections (1 on each side of the bed);

(ii) Medical air: 2 connections (1 on each side of the bed);

(iii) Vacuum: 2 connections (1 on each side of the bed);

(iv) Nurse Call Stations: 1 which includes the following functions:

Nurse Call, Staff Assist, Code Blue, Aux Input, 2-way

(v) Electrical Duplex Receptacles: 10 duplex receptacles total (2 low

and 3 high on each side of the bed). Electrical service type per
code based on Acuity Adaptable room requirement;

(vi) Bed connection “Jack” for LV control of lighting, nursecall, bed

monitoring, and patient entertainment as per currently accepted
industry standard: 1 connection wire and connect to appropriate

(vii) Data/Tele outlet: 4 outlets (2 on each side of the bed);

(D) Include separate lighting control within the inpatient room for each of the
care givers zone, the patient zone and the family zone;

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(E) provide adequate designated storage areas and space for all furniture
and equipment that will be used in the impatient room and that does not
have designated storage space elsewhere in the Facility; and

(F) a family zone and a staff work zone with its own hand washing sink.

(c) Safety in the Workplace

Project Co will design staff workstations to be secure at all times, including at night, to
provide safety for staff, such as using glass walls for visibility and/or staff emergency call
system systems.


10.1 General

Project Co will include in the Facility mental health and additions inpatient units (“Mental Health Inpatient
Units” or “Mental Health IPUs”) for the delivery of care to adult and geriatric mental health and addictions
inpatients as follows:

(a) include a minimum of 82 Mental Health Inpatient Unit beds;

(b) provide for an enhanced focus on design that is beneficial to patients, families and staff;

(c) place emphasis on the presence and participation of family in the care and support of the

10.2 Scope of Services to be provided by the Authority

(a) Project Co will design the Mental Health Inpatient Units and the Facility to accommodate
the following services to be provided by the Authority:

(b) adult and geriatric inpatient services currently anticipated to be in the following

(1) Adult Program: a 55 bed program for adults less than 75 years old with:

(A) 10 of the beds organized as a psychiatric intensive care unit (“PICU”);

(B) locate the 15 beds associated with the mood disorder populations are
adjacent to the PICU;

(C) 30 beds serve the schizophrenia and general psychiatric populations and
may be operated as locked or unlocked units;

(2) Geriatric Program: a 27 bed unit designed for geriatric patients (older than 74
years old) divided into three groups of 9 beds; one of the 9 bed grouping
designed as a locked unit with its own dining, activity areas and seclusion rooms;

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(c) the services of both programs described above in Section 10.2(b) are intended to be fully
integrated with other related service components of the Authority’s mental health
program, including other programs in the community;

(d) patients will undergo assessments including physical, functional and psychiatric
evaluations; physicals will be performed by hospitalists, functional assessments by
occupation therapists, psychiatric assessments by psychiatrists, residents and medical
students; nurses and social workers will also do evaluations;

(e) care is intended to diagnose, stabilize, provide intensive treatment for acutely ill
individuals, most of whom suffer from major mental disorders, and prepare them for

(f) the objective of both programs is to sufficiently stabilize and treat individuals to allow
treatment and appropriate supports to enable discharge to a community setting;

(g) therapeutic modalities will include individual and group therapy, pharmacotherapy, ECT
(this therapy is not located in the Facility), occupational, physiotherapy and recreational

(h) all programs subscribe to the principles of broad-based care, being offered through a
multi-disciplinary care team. This team will include the following mental health workers:

(1) nurses/health care worker (RN, RPN, LPN);

(2) psychiatrists;

(3) social workers;

(4) rehabilitation therapists (recreational therapists, physiotherapists, occupational

therapists (including therapy assistants));

(5) hospitalists;

(6) psychologists;

(7) psychology associates (psychometrists);

(8) family physicians;

(9) pharmacists;

(10) clinical nutritionists;

(11) addiction workers;

(12) health promotion workers;

(13) residents, students of many disciplines; and

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(14) spiritual care staff.

(i) Education Services

(1) A wide range of educational and research functions will take place within the
Mental Health IPUs, including:

(A) the training and supervision of residents and medical students; sound
proofed consultation rooms, one way mirror rooms and group therapy
rooms are critical to support this function.; these rooms need to be
separate from the offices needed for nurse coordinator, occupational
therapist, social worker, and psychometric assessments;

(B) educational programs both in person and via video conferencing for a
wide variety of clinicians and staff including, but not limited to: medical
students and residents, rehabilitation therapy students, social work
students, pastoral care students, psychology students and interns and
nursing students (telemedicine and telehealth capacity is critical to
support and provide distance education, communication and research

(C) telehealth possibilities also involve ability to teach, do consultations, do

enhanced skills training up island; and

(D) opportunities for the ongoing education and skills training of community-
based providers of mental health services, family members and patients.

(j) Research Services

(1) Research services will include the following:

(A) development, implementation and evaluations of programs and

continuous quality improvement (CQI) initiatives;

(B) ongoing monitoring of client outcomes and consumer and family

satisfaction; and

(C) participation in rigorous research studies, such as clinical trials and

epidemiological studies including basic science research.

(k) Exclusions

(1) The Authority’s mental health/psychiatry program excludes emergency/crisis

intervention services and clinical decision unit services that are provided in the
emergency department.

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10.3 Current Trends in Care Delivery

Project Co will take into account the following trends in designing the Mental Health Inpatient Units and
the Facility:

(a) increasing development of mental health databases, outcome measures, and best

(b) increasing integration of hospital community services;

(c) increasing integration with island medical school and residency program;

(d) increasing number of self-help groups;

(e) increasing patient acuity and complexity;

(f) increasing numbers of patients with addictions and mental disorders (concurrent

(g) increasing numbers of elderly mental health and additions patients and therefore more
patients with co-morbid medical disease; and

(h) increasing electronic record and other technical innovations.

10.4 Operational Description

(a) Project Co will design the Mental Health IPUs and the Facility to accommodate the
following operations:

(b) Hours of Operation

(1) Services will be operated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and every day of the

(c) Patient Management Processes

(1) Patients are admitted voluntarily or involuntarily (under the Mental Health Act)
and may be switched from voluntary to involuntary or vice versa during their

(2) depending on the needs of the patient and the staff, there may be a need to
control or restrict inpatient activity;

(3) patients will be admitted through the admitting office, by pre-arrangement, to an

inpatient unit, or as unscheduled patients through the emergency department,
and/or through inter-hospital transfers;

(4) ambulant patients will need to report to appropriate care station and, when
admitted, are checked for drugs, weapons etc.

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(5) patients will be admitted to a bed based on their needs; and

(6) inpatients may be introduced to outpatient programs for a few days prior to

(d) Treatment

(1) Programs will combine assessment with treatment focusing on:

(A) thorough psychiatric assessment, nurse assessment and physical


(B) rapid stabilization;

(C) crisis resolution; and

(D) treatment of acute disorder, stabilization and implementation of relapse

prevention strategies and preparation for discharge.

(2) Treatment will strive to move a patient from the deteriorated or acutely disturbed
state to a condition where appropriate discharge can be arranged.

(3) Based on individual patient needs, the team will provide for:

(A) pharmacological intervention;

(B) behaviour control;

(C) individualized or group education/therapy, and social rehabilitation

programming focusing on self care, task performance, and social
competence, job finding skills;

(D) leisure/recreation, education and physical exercise;

(E) ECT treatment (procedure conducted outside of the Facility); and

(F) family and social network assessment and interventions.

(4) There will be a close liaison between inpatient and outpatient mental health
services so that patients transferred from one mode of care to the other will
receive coordinated treatment.

10.5 Design Requirements

(a) Project Co will:

(b) provide two entrances for every unit – one for staff and one for patients/visitors.

(1) The patient/visitor entrance has a door at each end of a vestibule – entry and
exist through these doors is controlled by the care team station – administrative

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


of that unit. The vestibule is equipped with CCTV and 2-way audio
communication that communicates to the care team station – administrative.

(c) as practical, design the Mental Health program with separate direct access from outside
of the Facility to a separate landscaped area that provides access to off-Site;

(d) in undertaking the design of secure rooms, consider the technical standards for
psychiatric secure room section of “Standards: Hospital Based Psychiatric Emergency
Services: Observation Units” published by the Ministry of Health and include:

(1) special treatment of fixtures;

(2) an absence of handles;

(3) tamper-proof fixtures;

(4) solid ceilings;

(5) water control shut-off from the nursing station;

(6) sound proofing;

(7) observation windows in each secure room door and in external windows, if any,
have internal blinds;

(8) doors that swing in both directions; and

(9) configuration such that the general population could readily use the rooms, when
they are not being utilized as secure rooms;

(e) provide blocking to allow for installation of ceiling lift tracks in every bedroom;

(1) provide ceiling lift tracks in three bedrooms in the Adult Mental Health program,
and in 7 of the bedrooms in the Geriatric Mental Health program;

(f) include lockable access to an operational medical/surgical headwall in 3 bedrooms in the

geriatric program and three bedrooms in the Adult Mental Health program (see Section

(1) provide bariatric sized rooms as per Appendix 3A

(2) design to enhance noise control and to avoid disturbance of other activities;

(3) provide for seamless flooring - do not use carpets in clinical areas;

(4) ensure that all room windows in areas accessible to patients, as well as any
internal glazing is secure and break proof;

(5) provide as much natural light as possible;

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(6) provide adjustable and indirect lighting as required in all patient areas and

(7) provide for the ability to control the amount of lighting in every bedroom with the
ability to adjust the lighting separately for the care givers’ zone, the patient zone
and the ‘family zone’;

(8) provide lighting to patient bedrooms that can be controlled from the hallway as
well as from the bedside (by the patient);

(9) provide opportunities for patients to express their independence and individuality;

(10) provide patients with direct access to group activity areas as well as to have the
opportunity for privacy;

(11) select materials that allow for severe wear and are as resistant to damage as

(12) provide adequate and appropriate storage areas and space for all furniture and
equipment within the units including, in particular, space for furniture and
equipment that is temporarily not being used;

(13) design to enhance the psychological effect of colour and décor;

(14) design to avoid items, colours and patterns that can be disturbing to patients, e.g.
patterns with spots, camera “on” lights;

(15) provide an appropriate amount of countertop (with a minimum of 12 linear feet),

lockable base cabinet and lockable wall cabinets in each activity/recreation room;

(16) minimize recesses, alcoves and places where patients can hide. Where this is
not feasible provide devices to assist with visual access to these areas;

(17) ensure that all supply/utility rooms are secure from patient access and include a
lockable cupboard for housekeeping/cleaning supplies;

(g) for bedrooms:

(1) provide patients with unobstructed exterior views from their beds while respecting
patient safety and privacy;

(2) provide patient bedrooms that are lockable by staff but not lockable by patients;

(3) cause all bedrooms and bathrooms to be wheelchair accessible;

(4) provide all patient bedrooms with an appropriate area for personal effects that, if
lockable, can be opened by staff; and

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(5) include in every bedroom a ensuite bathroom with a shower that can be locked
by staff but not by the patient.

(h) Care Team Stations - Administrative:

(1) for administration of Mental Health IPUs, to act as a reception/control point for
access, and which should include or have direct access to:

(A) he unit clerk’s workstation,

(B) volunteer station

(C) clean supplies;

(D) recycling;

(E) workstations (for PCs, a printers, fax machine, dictation, reference


(F) intercom to vestibule;

(G) pneumatic tube station,

(H) remote door operator of vestibule doors,

(I) a hard wired emergency call button,

(J) CCTV monitor c/w multiplexer, connected to Mental Health IPU cameras;

(K) medication distribution and storage;

(L) location for automated external defibrillator

(M) staff lounge;

(N) staff washroom;

(O) patient wandering and staff duress - monitoring and control; and

(P) closets for storage of outer clothing for staff, students and volunteers
located in a lockable area;

(Q) a conference/report room.

(2) that allow a space to where staff can retreat when their safety is at risk; Project
Co will ensure that each Mental Health care team station administrative is
internally monitored by CCTV sufficient to allow visual coverage of the entire care
station administrative. These cameras are to be monitored and controlled from
the Authority’s Parking Garage central security office;

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(3) that provide for direct visual supervision of patient activity areas with the highest
priority first to common patient areas (e.g. activity room, dining room, lounge).

(i) for the Island Medical School and Residency Program, provide

(1) five pairs of interview/consultation rooms sufficient to hold interviewer, patients,

supervisor, and case manager and possible family members with two of these
pairs partitioned by one way mirrors (all interview/consultation rooms should
have two entrances and CCTV);

(2) group therapy rooms should have two entrances and CCTV.

(j) for the Adult Program:

(1) Adult Units (45 beds)

(A) provide office spaces per Appendix 3A;

(B) provide access from the lounge area to its own secure outdoor area.

(C) provide two inpatient secure rooms spaced apart, one in each of the
schizophrenia and the general units and:

(i) within quick response of the care station; and

(ii) avoid adjacency of these two rooms with activity, quiet areas or

(2) Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (10 bedrooms and 4 secure rooms)

(A) design the PICU to consist of 4 intensive observation and treatment

secure rooms and 10 step-down bedrooms;

(B) as practical, design the PICU with separate direct access from outside of
the Facility to allow for the direct transfer of patients;

(C) provide access from the lounge area to a secure outdoor area.

(D) for the step-down unit (10 bedrooms):

(i) provide a common activity/lounge area visible from care station

(ensure that patients do not have visual access to workstation
monitors, charts and other information) that supports the
following activities:
(i).1 dining;
(i).2 lounge for quiet games, reading, TV; and
(i).3 activity area (exercise machines, etc.);

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(ii) provide glazed and direct access to its own secure outdoor

(E) the intensive observation and treatment unit (4 secure rooms) is a

separately secured area that is monitored by CCTV and has functions as
outlined in Appendix 3A.

(i) securely mount all furniture and equipment to the structure;

(ii) provide access from the lounge area to its own secure outdoor
area and/or views to a natural area via glazing;

(iii) provide water control shut-off from the nursing station;

(iv) provide sound proofing;

(v) provide observation windows in the doors;

(vi) internal blinds built in to any external facing windows;

(vii) select and locate CCTV cameras to provide a complete view of

each room at all light levels excluding washrooms;

(viii) offer clear visual observation from the nursing station but not
from patients to the nursing station and provide an inter-
communication system with the rest of the unit; and

(ix) ceiling height should be high, ideally around 3 meters.

(k) for the Geriatric Program:

(1) provide a central care team station;

(2) design all bedrooms in the geriatric program, and their associated washrooms, to
accommodate patients in wheelchairs;

(3) provide a non-institutional home-like environment with security measures being


(4) provide access from the lounge area to a secure outdoor area;

(5) provide 9 beds for each of:

(A) non-dementia (late onset psychiatric disorders);

(B) mild dementia complicated by psychiatric disorders; and

(C) complex dementia care (secured);

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(6) the non-dementia and mild dementia programs may share activity/dining
room/lounge type open spaces;

(7) Complex dementia

(A) provide 2 secure rooms in close proximity to the care station and avoid
adjacency with activity, quiet areas or entrances;

(B) provide a separate activity/lounge area visible from care station that
supports the following activities:

(i) dining;

(ii) lounge; and

(iii) activity area.

(l) Linen/Housekeeping Services

(1) Project Co will provide:

(A) on-unit, laundry facilities, consisting of washer(s) and dryer(s) for

inpatients and/or their families to use for laundering personal clothing;

(B) All other laundry services will be provided through the off-unit laundry

(m) Dietary

(1) provide dining rooms sized to accommodate all patients on each unit in a single
sitting at tables seating up to four patients;

(2) provide for the adult program an adjacent pantry sized to accommodate two food
carts, a server line and a beverage station;

(3) provide a separate area where patients with eating disorders can eat with staff.

(n) Patient Safety

(1) Project Co will:

(2) provide durable, secured covers for items accessible to patients in unsupervised
areas to reduce risk of tampering, removal, or unapproved operation;

(3) provide tamper resistant fasteners for all fasteners within the inpatient

(4) design all items, objects, systems and fixtures incorporated into the Facility and
accessible to patients in spaces where they are not under direct supervision so
as to minimize the risk of self-harm including, but not limited to:

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(A) design to be non-loopable or to release under a load of 20 kilograms and

meet either the load release or non-loopability ligature release tests
outlined in the Door and Hardware Federations Technical Specification
DHF-TS-001: Door mounted anti-ligature devices for safety & security
purposes: November 05;

(B) incorporate these features on all items, objects, systems and fixtures
incorporated into Mental Health areas of the Facility, including:

(i) door hardware;

(ii) sprinklers;

(iii) shower heads;

(iv) lavatories;

(v) faucets;

(vi) lavatory valves;

(vii) shower actuators;

(viii) toilet seats;

(ix) toilet operator valves;

(x) plumbing traps and piping covers;

(xi) fire extinguisher and hose cabinets;

(xii) medical gas enclosures;

(xiii) HVAC terminal devices and covers;

(xiv) access doors;

(xv) light fixtures;

(xvi) electrical outlets;

(xvii) thermostats;

(xviii) fire alarm system components;

(xix) grab bars – make sure not filled in;

(xx) handrails;

(xxi) crash rails, rub rails;

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(xxii) clothes hooks;

(xxiii) CCTV devices;

(xxiv) security and tracking devices and antennas;

(xxv) hanger rods;

(xxvi) toilet partitions;

(xxvii) mirrors;

(xxviii) bulletin boards;

(xxix) artwork hanging systems;

(xxx) window treatments;

(xxxi) shower curtains;

(xxxii) bed curtains;

(xxxiii) cabinetry; and

(xxxiv) cabinet hardware.

(o) Anti-barricade Strategies

(1) Project Co will provide patient bedroom and bathroom doors that are either out-
swinging or equipped with pivot hinges (see Rixon 3065 as a measure of quality)
and emergency hospital stops (e.g. McKinney DS6 as a measure of quality).

(p) Windows

(1) Project Co will provide windows that:

(A) are operable to the exterior to access fresh air, subject to design and life
safety requirements;

(B) prevent patients from throwing things out of the window.

(q) Ceilings

(1) Project Co will in patient areas:

(2) not use dropped ceilings;

10.6 Functional Relationships and Key Adjacencies

(a) Project Co will:

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(b) design the care station in the PICU so that it has direct visible observation of both the
step-down and secure areas and has the following other features:

(1) restricted access for all doors (controlled by proximity cards and/or remote
release from IPU reception/control desk);

(2) passageway between units that does not include passing through the care

(3) staff can directly enter both units from the care station; and

(4) the care station is secure from patient access, e.g. patients cannot climb into the
care station;


11.1 Scope of Services to be provided by the Authority

(a) Project Co will design and construct the Facility and provide all infrastructure required to
accommodate the following services to be provided by the Authority:

(b) Food Services:

(1) The Authority will provide patient meal services through the following processes:

(A) meal production of either standard diets or special diets in the formats
required for the various programs (e.g. medical, surgical, step-down
care, mental health);

(B) transportation of meals to the appropriate areas in the Facility;

(C) transportation through service elevators to and from the individual patient
care units;

(D) Marshalling of tray carts for return to be washed.

(2) The Authority will provide patient nourishments to the individual patient care
units, including stocking individual fridges on the IPUs.

(c) Equipment Services (Central Patient Care Equipment Depot):

(1) The Authority intends to establish a new service (Equipment Tracking) that will
track, dispense, collect, and ensure workability of a wide variety of patient care
equipment, thereby reducing the amount of storage needed in individual patient
care units, reducing congestion, reducing patient care staff time in finding and
retrieving such equipment.

(2) Patient care equipment may include but not be limited to:

(A) wheelchairs;

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(B) commode chairs;

(C) standard beds and mattresses;

(D) specialty beds and mattresses;

(E) patient care pumps (pain pumps, IV pumps, etc.) ;

(F) IV poles;

(G) general stretchers;

(H) specialty stretchers and stretcher beds;

(I) convenience tables (side tables, overbed tables, etc.); and

(J) bed attachments (orthopaedic frames, weights, etc.).

(3) Project Co will design the Facility so that it includes the rooms, spaces,
equipment tracking system components, network components, antennas, and
data cable infrastructure to support this program.

(d) Biomedical Engineering:

(1) The Authority will provide biomedical engineering services to support the
programs and specialized patient care equipment in the Facility.

(2) Project Co will provide a satellite biomedical engineering workshop in the Facility
for use by the biomedical team in their support to the patient care programs; only
equipment not able to be dealt with in this satellite location will be transported to
the RJH main biomedical engineering workshop.

(3) Project Co will provide small rooms on each floor to house racks for digital
signalling systems (e.g. cardiac monitoring systems) for biomedical engineering.

(e) Medical Imaging:

(1) The Authority will provide medical imaging to support the imaging needs of the
patient care programs.

(2) Patients needing X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, Ultrasound imaging, Nuclear
Medicine scans, etc will be transported by the Authority to the main Imaging
Department in the Diagnostic and Treatment Building.

(3) Mobile imaging units (mobile x-ray) will be held in the Facility and will be moved
to patient rooms as needed.

(f) Materials Management:

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(1) The Authority will provide materials management services and will be responsible
for the delivery of medical and surgical supplies to the destination locations in the
patient care units.

(2) Supplies will be delivered by carts using a product top-up system.

(3) Authority staff will be responsible for identifying the quantities of medical and
surgical supplies required at each location in order to meet its pre-determined
quota level.

(4) Carts of supplies will be delivered to the Facility via tunnel from the main
materials management stores.

(5) A secure holding/staging area will be needed at the base of the Facility service
elevators in order to hold product secure as it is moved to the patient care units.

(g) Security

(1) The Authority will provide security services for the Facility. Project Co will include
in the design of the Facility a space, consistent with Appendix 3A, to act as a
base of security operations within the lobby for the hours that the Facility’s
exterior doors are unlocked.

11.2 Scope of Services Provided by Project Co

Project Co will design and construct the Facility and provide all infrastructure necessary for the
performance of all Services to be performed by Project Co under this Agreement, including:

(a) separate rooms and spaces in the Facility, separate from rooms or spaces required by
the Authority for its use of the Facility, as required to facilitate performance of the
Services, including management offices, janitorial closets, service rooms, electrical and
mechanical rooms, the mechanical penthouse, space for Housekeeping and Waste
Management Services (including storage and sorting space near the elevators for waste
and recyclables, and space at basement level for retail tenants to store waste and
recyclables), landscaping equipment and materials storage and all other spaces needed
to provide the Services and a fully functioning Facility; and

(b) screens and other pest control features.

11.3 Functional Relationships

Project Co will design the Facility so that it meets the following functional requirements:

(a) Food Services - requires direct access to a Facility service elevator that can be dedicated
to meal cart delivery at meal times;

(b) Central Patient Care Equipment Depot - requires convenient access to Facility service
elevators such that staff can deliver and return patient care equipment to and from the
patient care units;

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(c) Maintenance - requires convenient access to Facility service elevators such that
maintenance staff move easily to the patient care units and other areas in the Facility;

(d) Biomedical Engineering – requires:

(1) convenient access to Facility service elevators such that these staff can move
easily to the patient care units and other areas;

(2) convenient access to the tunnel linking the Facility to other buildings at RJH for
ease of staff needing to move to the main Biomedical Engineering Department;

(e) Medical Imaging - Mobile X-ray alcoves will be dispersed through the floors of the Facility
so as to be easily accessible to the units where patient imaging has been requested;
such units are more likely to be those with step-down beds or with patients not able to
move to the main Imaging Department (e.g. high care or infectious conditions).

(f) Materials Management:

(1) direct access is required between a secure staging room and the Facility service

(2) supplies rooms will be located in a place that is immediately accessible to care
staff working on the IPUs.

(g) General: Food carts, supplies carts, linen carts, housekeeping bins will move between
the Facility and the Diagnostic and Treatment and other RJH Buildings via tunnel.


12.1 Site Development

(a) Municipal Off-Site Services

(1) General

Project Co will:

(A) design and construct the municipal off-Campus services to provide the
infrastructure necessary to support the Facility to the satisfaction of
Governmental Authorities;

(B) Project Co will obtain approval from the City for water and storm drain
connections to City systems and if the City of Victoria determines that
upgrades are required to the existing municipal system to service the
Facility, the Authority will either:

(i) at its cost, complete such upgrades; or

(ii) pay the City for the cost of such upgrades;

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(C) All works required for excavation, exposing and backfill of the proposed
water and storm service connections will be the responsibility of Project

(D) Project Co will provide water, storm sewer and sanitary sewer service
connections to City of Victoria systems as required by the City, which
requirements are as shown on Focus drawing No. 012166-20-01, sheet
1, rev. 2, a copy of which is located in the Data Room. This drawing has
been accepted by the City of Victoria.

(2) Roads

(A) The Authority has completed a traffic impact study as part of the
rezoning of the Site. A copy is available in the Data Room. If Project
Co’s design for the Facility changes the anticipated traffic impact, Project
Co will provide an amended traffic impact study to the satisfaction of the
City and Project Co will be responsible for the funding, design and
construction of any additional required improvements.

(b) On-Site Services

(A) All on-Site servicing will meet or exceed the quality requirements for the
corresponding off-site Municipal works.

(2) Sanitary Sewers

(A) The sanitary sewer system will be of a diameter, grade and depth to
safely convey all effluent to gridline Q. The sanitary sewer system
includes the pipes, manholes, if any, and all other required
appurtenances to comply with applicable municipal and provincial

(3) Storm Sewers and Drainage

(A) The storm sewer system will:

(i) be of a diameter, grade and depth to safely convey all storm


(ii) include storm water/oil separation devices as required by City


(B) Project Co will provide site storm water storage and attenuation as may
be required by with the City.

(4) Watermain and Appurtenances

(A) The watermain system (the main and appurtenances) will:

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(i) be capable of providing domestic and fire fighting capacity for the
Facility; and

(ii) include backflow preventers to protect the municipal system and

on site facilities from contaminants;

(B) For the purposes of redundancy the domestic water services to the
Facility will include a connection to the City system as well as a
emergency only cross-connection to the Campus existing system;

(5) Road Works

(A) The on-site roadways, including the pavement, curbs and gutters,
sidewalks, walkways, signage, pavement markings, and traffic calming
devices, will provide safe passage between parking areas, loading areas,
emergency vehicle areas, and drop off areas without requiring the driver
to enter the municipal roadway.

(6) Street Lighting

(A) On-site roadways, walkways and parking areas will be lit during darkness
to ensure safe vehicle and pedestrian traffic in respect to collisions,
personal safety, and building access and egress. Lighting will be
sympathetic to the proposed building and existing buildings on site.
Lighting will be designed to not spill over into neighbouring residential

(7) Electrical and Telecommunications Wiring, Gas Services

(A) The on-site work will include electrical and communications wiring and
gas services to support the Facility.

(B) The electrical and emergency power tie connection points for the Facility
will be located in the high voltage distribution vault that will be located in
the Energy Centre on Lee Avenue. For reference see Section

12.2 Structural Systems

Project Co will design and build the structural systems in the Facility in accordance with the following:

(a) obtain a concept review from a second Professional Engineer registered in British
Columbia as described in the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of
British Columbia Quality Management By-law prior to Building Permit application.

(b) Project Co will engage testing agencies to verify and document that the materials and
construction methods used are in accordance with the BC Building Code, its referenced
standards and the Quality Assurance Program.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(c) Design Loads

(1) Occupancy Loads:

Floors will be designed for dead and live loads according to their use and
occupancy. The live load for the ground floor and any other level accessible by
grade will not be less than 4.8 kPa. All other floors will be designed for a live
load not less than 3.6 kPa. The structure will be designed to accommodate
concentrated loads from floor, wall, or ceiling mounted fixtures, equipment and
machinery, including ceiling-mounted patient lifting devices. Design loads in
areas designated for storage items such as film, files, or supplies will be
designed for the live load due to their intended use.

(2) Snow Loads:

Ss = 2.1 kPa

Sr = 0.3 kPa

Is = 1.25 (ULS)

Is = 0.9 (SLS)

Snow accumulation will be calculated in accordance with BC Building Code and

the User’s Guide - NBC Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B).

(3) Wind Loads:

q 1/50 = 0.63 kPa

q 1/10 = 0.49 kPa

Iw = 1.25 (ULS)

Iw = 0.75 (SLS)

Wind pressures acting on the building will be calculated in accordance with the
BC Building Code and the User’s Guide - NBC Structural Commentaries (Part 4
of Division B).

(4) Seismic Loads:

Sa(0.2) = 1.2

Sa(0.5) = 0.82

Sa(1.0) = 0.38

Sa(2.0) = 0.18

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


PGA = 0.61

IE = 1.5 (ULS)

Site Class B (Bedrock)

Site Class C (Compacted Granular Fills)

Seismic loading will be calculated in accordance with the BC Building Code and
the User’s Guide - NBC Structural Commentaries (Part 4 of Division B). The site
classes provided are referenced from the geotechnical assessment dated April
15, 2007 by Thurber Engineering Ltd., a copy of which is contained in the Data

(d) Vibration Limitations

(1) Machinery and equipment that could be a source of vibration will be located away
from sensitive occupancies and be mounted on vibration isolators to eliminate
undesirable effects. Structural floor systems will be designed to have an
acceleration limit of .5% g with a damping ratio of .02 when an excitation force of
.29 kN is applied.

(2) In areas where vibration-sensitive equipment will be installed, the structural

system will be designed to provide vibration limitation in accordance with specific
manufacturer requirements.

12.3 Building Envelope

(a) Project Co will design and build the building envelope of the Facility in accordance with
the following:

(b) Exterior walls and wall systems

(1) Basic Requirements

(A) The exterior walls and exterior wall systems:

(i) may be part of the building structure or independent of the

building structure. and

(ii) will maximize the area of windows serving patient care spaces.

(2) Performance Criteria

(A) Project Co will design and construct exterior walls in accordance with the
following criteria and standards:

(i) Conform to the Environmental Separation requirements of the

BC Building Code to prevent the penetration of water or water

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


vapour through or into the exterior walls and prevent

condensation within the wall composition and in addition:

(ii) Resist the transmission of external airborne sounds detrimental

to the needs of the Facility and the delivery of the health care

(iii) Minimize thermal bridging.

(iv) Exterior walls to Psychiatric units will be constructed to resist

physical abuse and escape.

(c) Roofs and Roof Systems

(1) Basic Requirements

(A) The roofs and roof systems will:

(i) Comprise the external and complete horizontal barrier to weather

and climate.

(ii) Provide at all roof tops, as required, fall restraint systems and
accommodations for window washing equipment.

12.4 Interior Building Components

(a) Project Co will design and build the Facility’s interior building components in accordance
with the following:

(b) Internal Walls and Partitions

(1) Basic Requirements

(A) The interior walls and partition systems will:

(i) Provide acoustic separations as required for the specific

functions to be carried out in the spaces affected.

(ii) Provide separations required for fire safety and protection

(2) Performance Criteria

(A) The following criteria and standards will govern and be integral to the
composition of internal walls and partitions.

(i) Seismic resistance capabilities will conform to the requirements

of CSA S832-06 Guidelines For Seismic Risk Reduction of
Operational and Functional Components of Buildings.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(ii) Acoustic performance of internal walls and partitions will be to

the values in Table 12.4: Sound Transmission Limitations set out

(B) Design and select interior walls and partitions, partition systems and
interior finishes to comply with the following criteria as may be relevant
for the particular or specific functions enclosed:

(i) Acoustic requirements listed above.

(ii) Cleaning, maintenance and infection control.

(iii) Permanence and durability including impact resistance.

(iv) Flexibility and adaptability of services.

(v) Aesthetic and design qualities to provide a healing environment

for the benefit of patients, staff and public.

(vi) Low VOC emissions so as to minimize adverse impact on indoor

air quality and indoor environmental quality.

(vii) Flexibility to permit adaptability of the internal spaces, if required

to suit future process revisions.

(c) Ceilings

(1) Basic Requirements

(A) The ceiling systems will be part of the definition of interior spaces and
may be accessible or inaccessible in total or in part.

(B) Accessible ceiling systems may provide access to the ceiling spaces
throughout the system or at specific and particular locations.

(C) Ceiling systems will comprise a major component of the acoustic or

sound attenuation function as required in the spaces in which they are

(D) Ceiling systems will form a component of fire resistance rated

separations for areas requiring such separation.

(E) Ceiling height will not be less than 2.7 metres above the finished floor in
all areas except for the following:

(i) Ceiling heights in corridors, storage rooms and toilet rooms will
be not less than 2.4 metres except that ceiling heights in small,
normally unoccupied spaces such as storage closets may be

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(ii) Suspended tracks, rails and pipes located in the traffic path for
patients in beds and/or on stretchers, including those in inpatient
service areas, will not be less than 2.2 metres above the finished

(iii) For the sake of consistency with existing products and materials
on the RJH site all components including tiles and suspension
system will be of an imperial dimension standard.

(2) Performance Criteria

(A) The following criteria and standards will govern and be integral to the
composition of ceilings.

(i) Acoustic performance will be to the values of Table 12.4: Sound

Transmission Limitations set out below.

(B) Design and select ceiling systems and ceiling finishes to comply with the
following criteria as may be relevant to the particular or specific functions
of the space.

(i) Cleaning, maintenance and infection control.

(ii) Flexibility and access to the spaces above.

(iii) Compatibility with mechanical, plumbing, electrical,

communications services and fixtures.

(iv) Compatibility with ceiling attached equipment or systems such as

patient lifts, curtain track, IV tracks and TV monitors.

(v) Low VOC emissions so as to minimize adverse impact on indoor

air quality and indoor environmental quality.

(vi) Aesthetic and design qualities to provide a healing environment

for the patients, staff and public.

(d) Floor Finishes

(1) Basic Requirements

(A) The floor and floor systems will be a component of the definition of
interior space and will be finished to be complementary and integral to
the functional and aesthetic requirements of the interior space.

(B) Floor finishes will be selected to suit types and concentration of

pedestrian and / or vehicular/wheel traffic to be anticipated.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(C) Flooring designs and patterns may comprise a component of the “way
finding” system of the Facility.

(2) Performance Criteria

(A) The following criteria and standards will govern and be integral to the
selection of floor finishes.

(i) Cleaning, maintenance and infection control including the

frequency and quality of joints and also including ease of
replacement if and when required.

(ii) Imperviousness to concentrations of moisture anticipated to be

existing on the floors and duration of that moisture.

(iii) Permanence and durability and resistance to concentrated

service traffic both pedestrian and wheel vehicular.

(iv) Aesthetic and design qualities to provide a healing environment

for the benefit of patients, staff and public.

(v) Low VOC emissions so as to minimize adverse impact on indoor

air quality and indoor environmental quality;

(vi) Patterns and textures compatible with the requirements for

pedestrian safety and elder friendly design

Table 12.4: Sound Transmission Limitations

1 1
Adjacency between spaces STC Class - Walls STC Class - Floors

Between patient rooms 45 50

Between treatment rooms 45 50

Between patient rooms and public spaces i.e. lobby, 45 50

dining room, activity room (excludes corridor serving
patient room)
Between patient rooms and adjacent corridor 45 50

Between patient rooms and service areas i.e. elevator 50 50

and elevator machine room, mechanical rooms on the
same floor or above patient rooms, offices, care

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)



Between toilet rooms and public space 45 -

Between patient rooms and conference rooms 50 -

Between conference rooms and public space 45 -

Between patient rooms and staff lounges 45 -

Between public space and staff lounges 40 -


As this is a performance specification, named products or materials throughout this document represent
the level of performance required and can be replaced with a product or material of equivalent or better
performance characteristics.

13.1 General Requirements (Division 1)

This section not used.

13.2 Site Construction (Division 2)

(a) Basic Requirements

(1) The works must service the Facility and the expected land use with a reliable

(2) The infrastructure must be maintainable without disrupting the effective operation
of the hospital and the related land uses.

(3) All existing services must remain in operation during construction of the new

(b) Municipal Servicing Works

Refer to Section 12.1 of this Schedule.

(c) Site Works, Site Improvements and Amenities

(1) Quality Requirements

(A) Site Works

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(i) Streets, sidewalks and curbs that are required to be cut and
restored during construction, or damaged during construction will
be repaired to local municipal standards.

(B) Site Improvements and Amenities

(i) Planting materials and workmanship will conform to the following

(i).1 Canadian Nursery Trades Association (CNTA).
(i).2 British Columbia Nursery Trades Association
(i).3 British Columbia Landscape Standard (BCLA).

(2) Performance Requirements

(A) Site Improvements and Amenities.

(i) Planting and landscaping will conform to requirements of the

British Columbia Landscape Standard.

(ii) Protection of existing trees as described in Section 8.1(f).

13.3 Concrete (Division 3)

(a) Basic Requirements

(1) Reinforced concrete design and construction, both cast-in-place and precast, that
meets or exceeds current Canadian standards and practice as set out in this
section, may be considered for building elements and systems, where

(2) The list of technical references is not intended to be a complete list of applicable
standards. Design and construction will comply with applicable standards and
practices whether listed in this section or not.

(b) Technical References

(1) CSA A23.3-04 - Design of Concrete Structures.

(2) CAN/CSA-A23.1-04/A23.2-04 - Concrete materials and methods of concrete

construction/Methods of test and standard practices for concrete.

(3) CSA A23.4-05 - Precast Concrete - Materials and Construction.

(4) CAN/CSA G30.18-M92 (R2002) - Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement.

(5) ASTM A185-06 - Standard Specification for Steel Welded Wire Fabric.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(6) CAN/CSA W186-M1990 (R2002) - Welding of Reinforcing Bars in Reinforced

Concrete Construction.

(c) Concrete

(1) Overriding Principles

(A) Design and construct cast in place or precast concrete of appropriate

properties for the intended use in accordance with the requirements of all
applicable codes and specifications.

(2) Quality Requirements

(A) Inspection and testing of cast in place concrete and concrete materials
will be carried out by a testing laboratory in accordance with CAN/CSA
A23.1-04. Non-destructive Methods for Testing Concrete will comply
with CAN/CSA A23.2-04.

(B) Inspection and testing of precast concrete materials and workmanship

will be carried out by the precast concrete contractor as part of its quality
control program in accordance with CAN/CSA-A23.2-04. Maintain plant
records and a quality control program as required by CSA A251.

13.4 Masonry (Division 4)

(a) Basic Requirements

(1) Masonry design and construction that meets or exceeds current Canadian
standards and practices as set out in this section, may be considered for building
elements and systems, where appropriate.

(2) Masonry construction may be considered for exterior walls and walls systems
where permanence of finishes, both visually and functionally, and ease of
maintenance are primary considerations in the exterior fabric of the Facility.

(3) Masonry construction may be considered for interior walls and wall systems
when priorities include, permanence and maintenance, sound transmission
control, fire resistance and separation requirements and security.

(4) The following lists of technical references are not intended to be a complete list
of applicable standards. Design and construction will comply with applicable
standards and practices whether listed in this section or not.

(b) Concrete Masonry Units

(1) Technical References

(A) S304.1-04 - Design of masonry structures.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(B) CSA-A165 - Series-04 CSA Standards on concrete masonry units.

(C) CSA-A179-04 - Mortar and grout for unit masonry.

(D) CSA-A371-04 - Masonry construction for buildings.

(E) CSA-A370-04 - Connectors for masonry.

(F) CAN/CSA-A23.1-04/A23.2-04 - Concrete Materials and Methods of

Concrete Construction / Methods of test and standard practices for

(G) ASTM A82/A82M-05 - Standard Specification for Steel Wire, Plain, for
Concrete Reinforcement.

(H) CSA-G30.18-M92 (R2002) - Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete


(2) Overriding Principles

(A) Concrete unit masonry may be considered for both independent exterior
walls and in exterior wall systems as a structural backing to other finish
materials or systems.

(B) Concrete unit masonry for interior applications may be considered as an

integrally finished material, as a base for applied finish and as a
structural backing to other finish systems.

(i) Painted or unpainted concrete unit masonry will not be

considered an acceptable exposed finish in clinical areas.

(3) Quality Requirements

(A) Masonry design and construction will comply with all applicable codes
and standards including, but not limited to, CSA S304.1-04, the BC
Building Code, and the standards listed in the Technical References.

(B) Concrete unit masonry practices and work standards will comply with
Canadian Masonry Contractors Association (CMCA) Masonry Practices
Manual, CSA-S304.1-04, and CSA-A371-04.

(c) Brick Masonry

(1) Technical References

(A) S304.1-04 - Design of masonry structures.

(B) CSA-A82-06 - Fired brick made from clay or shale

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(C) ASTM C216-07 Standard Specification for Facing Brick (Solid Masonry
Units made from Clay or Shale).

(D) CSA-A179-04 - Mortar and grout for unit masonry.

(E) CSA-A371-04 - Masonry construction for buildings.

(F) CSA-A370-04 - Connectors for masonry.

(G) Canadian Masonry Contractors Association (CMCA) Masonry Practices

Manual (BC & Yukon Chapter).

(2) Overriding Principles

(A) Exterior wall systems comprising brick masonry as a finish veneer to

concrete, concrete masonry or metal framing will be a rain screen or
cavity wall system.

(B) Brick masonry in interior applications will have integral finish and
construction compatible to the maintenance and infection control
requirements of Authority.

(d) Stone Masonry

(1) Technical References

(A) S304.1-04 - Design of masonry structures.

(B) ASTM C568-03 - Standard Specification for Limestone Dimension Stone.

(C) ASTM C615-03 - Standard Specification for Granite Dimension Stone.

(D) ASTM C503-05 - Standard Specification for Marble Dimension Stone

(E) ASTM C616-03 - Standard Specification for Quartz-Based Dimension


(F) CSA-A179-04 - Mortar and grout for unit masonry.

(G) CAN/CSA-A5 - Portland Cement.

(H) CSA-A371-04 - Masonry construction for buildings.

(I) CSA-A370-04 - Connectors for Masonry.

(2) Overriding Principles.

(A) Stone masonry may be considered as a finish veneer to concrete walls

or concrete masonry walls. Exterior wall systems in such applications
will be a rain screen or cavity wall system.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(3) Quality Requirements.

(A) Stone will be sound, hard, durable, well seasoned and of uniform
strength, colour and texture, free of quarry sap, flaws, seams, sand
holes, iron pyrites or other mineral or organize defects.

13.5 Metals (Division 5)

(a) Basic Requirements

(1) Structural steel, steel deck, and cold-formed steel stud design and construction
that meets or exceeds current Canadian standards and practices as set out in
this section, may be considered for building elements and systems, where

(2) The following lists of technical references are not intended to be a complete list
of applicable standards. Design and construction will comply with applicable
standards and practices whether listed in this section or not.

(b) Structural Steel and Steel Joists

(1) Technical References

(A) CSA S16-01 - Limit States Design of Steel Structures

(B) G40.20-04 - General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural

Quality Steel.

(C) G40.21-04 - Structural Quality Steel.

(D) ASTM A325-06 Standard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat

(E) ASTM A307-04e1 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and

(F) CAN/CSA-G164-M92 (R2003) Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped


(G) W59-03 - Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding).

(H) W55.3-1965 (R2003) - Resistance Welding Qualification Code for

Fabricators of Structural Members Used in Buildings.

(I) W47.1-03 - Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel.

(2) Quality Requirements

(A) Inspection and testing of materials and workmanship will be carried out
by an approved testing laboratory. Testing procedures as specified in

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


CSA S16-01 to verify soundness of representative shop and field welds

will be used.

(c) Steel Deck

(1) Technical References

(A) CSA S16-01 - Limit States Design of Steel Structures.

(B) CSA-S136-01 - North American Specification for the Design of Cold-

Formed Steel Structural Members.

(C) CSSBI 10M-06 - Standard for Steel Roof Deck.

(D) CSSBI 12M-06 - Standard for Composite Steel Deck

(E) CSSBI B13-06 - Design of Steel Deck Diaphragms - 3rd Edition

(F) ASTM A653/A653M-06a - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, Zinc-

Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the
Hot-Dip Process.

(G) ASTM A792/A792M-06a - Standard Specification for Steel Sheet, 55 %

Aluminum-Zinc Alloy-Coated by the Hot-Dip Process

(H) CSA W59-03 - Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding).

(I) CSA W55.3-1965 (R2003) - Resistance Welding Qualification Code for

Fabricators of Structural Members Used in Buildings.

(J) CSA W47.1-03 - Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel.

(d) Load Bearing Steel Studs

(1) Technical References

(A) CSA-S136-01 - North American Specification for the Design of Cold-

Formed Steel Structural Members.

(B) ANSI/AWS D1.3-98 - Structural Welding Code - Sheet Steel

(C) CSA W59-03 - Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding).

(D) CSA W47.1-03 - Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel.

(E) CSA W55.3-1965 (R2003) - Resistance Welding Qualification Code for

Fabricators of Structural Members Used in Buildings.

(2) Overriding Principles.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(A) Load bearing steel studs may be considered as a component of the

exterior wall systems to support exterior wall finishes and form an
integral part of the building envelope.

(B) Load bearing steel studs may be part of the building structure or may be
independent of the principle building structural system.

(3) Quality Requirements.

(A) Load bearing steel stud design and construction will comply with CSA-

(B) Manufacturer will be certified in accordance with CSSBI Standard 30M-

06 and CSA-A660-04.

(C) Fabricator and erector will be experienced in the type of work


(D) Conform to the Association of Wall and Ceiling Contractor’s Specification

Standards Manual (AWCC).

(4) Performance Requirements.

(A) Limit maximum deflection under specified wind loads to L/360, unless a
smaller maximum deflection is specifically required due to wall finishes.

(B) Design components to accommodate erection tolerances of the


(C) Design wind bearing stud end connections to accommodate floor/roof

deflections and to ensure that studs are not loaded axially.

(D) Design steel studs to take into account the anchorage of other materials
being supported including but not limited to: sub-girts supporting metal
cladding and composite panels, soffit finishes and the provision of lateral
support at window heads.

(e) Miscellaneous Metals

(A) (1) Technical References

(B) CSA S16-01 - Limit States Design of Steel Structures.

(C) CSA-S136-01 - North American Specification for the Design of Cold-

Formed Steel Structural Members.

(D) G40.20-04 - General Requirements for Rolled or Welded Structural

Quality Steel.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(E) G40.21-04 - Structural Quality Steel.

(F) A53/A53M-06a Standard Specification for Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot-
Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless.

(G) ASTM A307-04e1 Standard Specification for Carbon Steel Bolts and

(H) CAN/CSA-G164-M92 (R2003) Hot Dip Galvanizing of Irregularly Shaped


(I) W59-03 - Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding).

(J) CSA W47.1-03 - Certification of Companies for Fusion Welding of Steel.

(K) CSA W55.3-1965 (R2003) - Resistance Welding Qualification Code for

Fabricators of Structural Members Used in Buildings.

(2) Quality Requirements.

(A) Primers and paints of miscellaneous metals will conform to Master

Painters Institute (MPI) Architectural Specification Standards Manual.

13.6 Wood And Plastics (Division 6)

(a) Basic requirements

(1) Wood products and procedures required in the construction process and as
integral components of the fabric of the building will conform to the requirements
set out in this division.

(2) Urea formaldehyde may not be used.

(b) Rough Carpentry

(1) Technical references

(A) NLGA Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber.

(B) CSA-B111 – Wire Nails, Spikes and Staples.

(C) CAN/CSA-0141 – Softwood Lumber.

(D) CSA-0151 – Canadian Softwood Plywood.

(E) CSA-0121 – Douglas Fir Plywood.

(F) CSA-080.1 – Preservative Treatment of All Timber Products by Pressure


1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(G) CSA-080.9 – Preservative Treatment of Plywood by Pressure


(2) Overriding Principles

(A) Rough carpentry work including but not limited to, wood blocking,
backing and fasteners, wood preservatives, wood fire retardency
treatment, forming, bracing, scaffolding will be provided as required to
facilitate the construction of the Facility.

(c) Finish Carpentry and Architectural Woodwork

(1) Technical references

(A) ANSI/NEMA LD3 – High Pressure Decorative Laminates

(B) ANSI A208.1 – Particleboard, Mat-Formed Wood

(C) ANSI/HPVA-HP-1 – Hardwood and Decorative Plywood

(D) ANSI A208.2 – Medium Density Fibreboard

(E) CAN3-A172 – High Pressure, Paper Base, Decorative Laminates

(F) CAN3-0188.1 – Interior Mat-formed Wood Particleboard

(G) CSA-0121 – Douglas Fir Plywood

(H) CSA-0151 – Canadian Softwood Plywood

(I) CSA-0153 – Poplar Plywood

(2) Overriding Principles

(A) Provide finish carpentry and architectural woodwork as required for wood
products exposed to view in finished interior and exterior installations,
including cabinets, casework (excluding laboratory casework, which will
be included in Division 12), frames, panelling, trim, installation of doors
and hardware, and other wood related products and applications.

(B) Provide plastic laminate surfacing and/or solid polymer fabricated

surfacing as may be required to create surfaces which require antiseptic
or clean characteristics, special or regular maintenance and cleaning or
as required to resist the caustic action of particular chemicals or agents.

(C) Low VOC emissions so as to minimize adverse impact on indoor air

quality and indoor environmental quality.

(D) Provide acrylic plastic products as may be required for wall cladding, wall
protection, casework finishing, trims, ornamental elements, or other

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


applications to complete the quality of interior finish suitable for the use
of patients and staff.

(3) Quality Requirements

(A) Design, fabrication, materials and workmanship will conform to

Architectural Woodwork Manufacturer’s Association of Canada
(AWMAC) Quality Standards Manual (2003 edition) for minimum
“Custom Grade”.

(B) Installation methods and locations for finish hardware will conform to
Door and Hardware Institute (DHI) standards.

(C) Adhesives will be non-toxic, non-solvent glue to comply with AWMAC

Quality Standards Manual. Adhesive will meet requirements of
Canadian ‘Eco-Logo’ program or equivalent, and will have a Total
Volatile Organic Carbon (TVOC) emissive content of 20gr/litre.

(D) Use plywood substrate to counterparts.

13.7 Thermal And Moisture Protection (Division 7)

(a) Basic requirements

(1) Provide construction assemblies to prevent the ingress of moisture or water

vapour into the Facility and building fabric from the exterior and the passage of
air through the building envelope from the interior spaces to the exterior or from
the exterior to the interior spaces.

(2) Create comfortable, liveable interior environments by providing insulation and

protection to resist the transfer of heat through the exterior walls and roofs.

(3) Provide resistance to the propagation and spread of fire through the exterior
walls and through those interior walls designated as fire resistance rated

(4) Prevent moisture ingress through foundation walls below grade.

(b) Damp proofing

(1) Technical references

Materials and workmanship for damp proofing applied to exterior face of

foundation walls below grade will conform to the following standards, as

(A) Static Type Mineral Colloid Asphalt Emulsion: Conforming to CGSB-37-


1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(B) Solvent Base Waterproofing Compound: Conforming to CGSB-37-GP-

16. For use at temperatures below 40C.

(C) CGSB-37-GP-3 Application of Emulsified Asphalts for Damp proofing

and Waterproofing.

(D) CGSB-37-GP-36 Application of Filled Cutback Asphalts for Damp

proofing and Waterproofing.

(2) Performance Requirements

(A) Ensure sufficient coverage of foundation wall surfaces to repel moisture

and prevent transmission through or ingress into the foundation walls.

(B) Damp proofing will prevent the penetration of moisture through

foundation walls not subject to hydrostatic pressure.

(c) Waterproofing

(1) Technical references

(A) CAN/CGSB-37.50 – Hot Applied Rubberized Asphalt for Roofing and


(B) CAN/CGSB-37.51 – Application of Hot Applied Rubberized Asphalt for

Roofing and Waterproofing.

(C) CGSB-37-GP-52 – Roofing and Waterproofing Membrane, Sheet

Applied Elastomeric.

(D) CGSB-37-GP-56 – Membrane, Modified, Bituminous, Prefabricated and

Reinforced for Roofing.

(E) CAN/CGSB-37.58 – Liquid Applied Moisture Cured Polyurethane

Waterproofing membrane.

(d) Vapour Barriers

(1) Technical references

(A) CAN/CGSB-51.34 – Vapour Barrier, Polyethylene Sheet for Use in

Building Construction.

(2) Overriding Principles

(A) Provide a continuous membrane vapour barrier to prevent water vapour

transmission into the exterior wall assembly and the resultant
condensation of the moisture in the wall assembly.

(B) Provide a continuous membrane vapour barrier in the roofing assembly.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(C) Provide continuous membrane vapour barrier under concrete slabs on

grade within the building perimeter to prevent water and water vapour
transmission through the slab.

(e) Air barriers

(1) Technical references

(A) ASTM E283 – Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior
Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure
Differences Across the Specimen.

(B) CGSB-37-GP-56 – Membrane, Modified, Bituminous, Prefabricated and

Reinforced for Roofing.

(2) Overriding Principles

(A) In order to maintain a consistent and comfortable interior environment

and to allow for efficient and viable environmental systems, provide a
continuous membrane air barrier to prevent the ingress and egress of air
through the building envelope.

(3) Quality Requirements

(A) Air barrier assemblies will be designed to limit air ex-filtration and
infiltration through materials of the assembly, joints in the assembly,
joints in components of the wall assembly, and junctions with other
building elements including the roof.

(B) The air barrier system will be based on rain-screen principles.

(4) Performance Requirements

(A) The air barrier will prevent air leakage caused by air pressure across the
wall and roof assembly including interruptions to the integrity of wall and
roof systems such as junctions with dissimilar constructions to the
standards as listed above.

(f) Thermal protection

(1) Technical references

(A) CAN/ULC-S705.1 – Spray Applied Rigid Polyurethane Cellular Plastic

Thermal Insulation.

(B) CAN/ULC-S102 – Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building


1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(C) CAN/CGSB-51.39 – Spray Application of Rigid Polyurethane Cellular

Plastic Thermal Insulation for Building Construction.
CCMC 12932-R – Air Barrier System.

(D) CAN/ULC-701 – Standard for Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene.

(E) CAN/ULC-702 – Standard for Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre for


(F) CAN/ULC-703 – Standard for Thermal Insulation Polyurethane and

Polyisocyanurate Boards, Faced.

(2) Overriding Principles

(A) Provide thermal insulation as part of the building envelope to prevent the
transfer of heat both from the interior to the exterior and from the exterior
to the interior dependent on seasonal conditions.

(B) Thermal protection materials will be of a type and quality which will
provide consistent environmental quality to the spaces enclosed.

(3) Quality Requirements

(A) Foamed plastic insulation will be CFC and HCFC FREE and in
compliance with Province of British Columbia Ozone Depleting
Substances Regulations.

(g) Roofing

(1) Technical references

(A) CAN/ULC-S102 – Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building

Materials and Assemblies.

(B) CAN/ULC-701 – Standard for Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene.

(C) CAN/ULC-702 – Standard for Thermal Insulation, Mineral Fibre for


(D) CAN/ULC-704 – Standard for Thermal Insulation Polyurethane and

Polyisocyanurate Boards, Faced.

(2) Quality Requirements

(A) Foamed plastic insulation will be CFC and HCFC free and in compliance
with Province of British Columbia Ozone Depleting Substances

(h) Fire and Smoke Protection

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(1) Technical references

(A) ULC-S115 and UL-1470 for:

(i) Fire (F), hose (H) and temperature (T) ratings.

(ii) Provision and maintenance of fire resistance rating of the

adjacent floor, wall or other fire separation assembly.

(iii) Certification by ULC of cUL. Also as listed in ULC List of

Equipment and Materials – Firestop Systems and Components
or UL Products Certified for Canada (cUL) Directory.

(B) CAN/ULC-S101 – Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and


(C) CAN/ULC-S102 – Testing for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building

Materials and Assemblies.

(D) UL-2079 – Tests for Fire Resistance of Building Joint Systems.

(E) ASTM E84 – Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics
of Building Materials.

(F) ASTM E814 – Standard Test Method for Through-Penetration


(G) ULC List of Equipment and Materials – Firestop Systems and

Components Directory.

(2) Overriding Principles

(A) Provide protection from the spread of fire and smoke by integrating
barriers into the vertical and horizontal space separations and by
application to exposed structural and non structural building elements
susceptible to fire and subsequent damage.

(B) Provide protection to penetrations of vertical and horizontal fire

resistance rated separations.

(3) Performance Requirements

(A) Fire-stopping and smoke seal systems will be asbestos-free materials

and systems capable of maintaining an effective barrier against flame,
smoke and gases.

(B) Spray-applied cementitious fire proofing will conform to the following

standards and technical references .

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(i) Cementitious fireproofing will be a completely asbestos-free

material, mill mixed plaster cementitious setting type, which after
setting will not be affected by water, moisture or condensation.

(ii) CAN/ULC-S101 – Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Tests of

Building Construction and Materials.

(iii) ULC – List of Equipment and Materials – Fire Resistance

Ratings (latest edition).

(iv) WH Certification Listings.

(v) CAN/ULC-S101 – Standard Methods of Fire Tests of Building

Construction and Materials.

(vi) CAN4-S114 – Standard Test Method for Determination of

Noncombustibility in Building Materials

(4) Systems and materials

(A) Firestopping materials, in addition to complying with the requirements of

(A) above will:

(i) be compatible with substrates

(ii) allow for movement caused by thermal cycles

(iii) prevent the transmission of vibrations from pipe, conduit or duct

to structure and structure to pipe, conduit or duct.

(B) When more than one product is required for an assembly all products will
be compatible and from the same manufacturer.

(C) Firestopping sealants and coatings will be silicone based, guaranteed

not to re-emulsify if subject to wetting or standing water; acrylic based
coatings and sealants are not acceptable.

(i) Sealants

(1) Technical references

(A) Sealant joints will conform to ASTM C1193 – Standard Guide for Use of
Joint Sealants.

(B) Structural glazing sealant will conform to ASTM C920, Type S, NS, Class
25, or CAN/CGSB-19.13.

(C) CAN2-19.13 – Sealing Compound, One Component Elastomeric,

Chemical Curing.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(D) CAN/CGSB-19.18 – Sealing Compound, One Component, Silicone

Based, Solvent Curing.

(E) CAN2-19.24 – Sealing Compound, Multi-Component, Chemical Curing.

(F) CAN/CGSB-19.2 – Glazing Compound, Non-hardening, Modified Oil

Type 19-GP-5M Sealing Compound, One Component, Acrylic Base,
Solvent Curing.

(G) CAN/CGSB-19.17 – One Component, Acrylic Emulsion Base Sealing


(H) CAN/CGSB-19.21 – Sealing and Bedding Compound Acoustical.

(I) CAN/CGSB-19.22 – Mildew-Resistance Sealing Compound for Tub and


(J) ASTM C920 – Standard Specification for Elastomeric Joint Sealants.

(2) Overriding Principles

(A) Apply sealant materials

(i) To create effective seals to the building envelope systems or

around openings in the building envelope systems as required to
prevent water ingress.

(ii) To seal around and over cavities in or behind surface elements

to allow effective infection control.

(iii) To seal joints between dissimilar or similar materials to allow a

smooth or even transitions.

(iv) To seal expansion or controls joints in the building envelope

systems or structural systems to allow movement due to:
(iv).1.1 Dimensional changes caused by thermal
(iv).1.2 Forces generated by differential settlements or
other foundation related movement.
(iv).1.3 Horizontal or vertical forces generated by wind
or other environmental or climatic conditions.
(iv).1.4 Seismic loads due to earthquake motion.
(iv).1.5 Normally superimposed building loads.

(3) Performance Requirements

(A) Exterior sealants will completely and continuously fill joints between
dissimilar and/or between similar materials.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(B) Interior sealant (at frames) will completely fill joints between dissimilar
materials and will be one component, acrylic emulsion type.

(C) Silicone caulking to washroom plumbing fixtures will be impervious to

water and mildew-resistant

(D) Sealants for the application at expansion and control joints in concrete
floors requiring self-levelling properties will be two-component epoxy
urethane sealants for horizontal surfaces.

(E) Sealants for exterior vertical expansion and control joints in masonry or
wall cladding will be non-sag sealant.

(F) Sealants will allow for minimum 25% movement in joint width.

13.8 Doors And Windows (Division 8)

(a) Basic requirements

(1) Spaces or rooms requiring acoustic or visual privacy, security, special HVAC
requirements, fire resistance rated separations or other accessible closures will
receive appropriately sized, fabricated and installed doors suited for the intended

(2) Rooms requiring daylight, views and/or natural ventilation will receive
appropriately sized and configured and adequately constructed windows.

(3) Consideration will be given to providing “borrowed light” through interior windows
for occupied rooms which do not have exterior windows. The intent is to borrow
light from areas that have windows and consequently to create a more
comfortable and less a closed-in atmosphere.

(4) Size Requirements for Doors.

(A) Doors will be sized in accordance with the requirements of the BC

Building Code and the following Schedule of minimum door sizes.

(i) Doors through which stretchers, carts, or large mobile equipment

pass on a regular basis will have a minimum width of 1200 mm.
to allow ease and speed of movement. The maximum width of
single doors with out leafs will be 1200 mm.

(ii) Provide double doors into rooms where large pieces of

equipment will be moved in or out during the lifetime of the
Building and where such equipment will not pass through 1200
mm. single doors.

(iii) Door openings must accommodate movement of Equipment.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(iv) Provide double doors in corridors and into major rooms to ease
access where patients in beds or stretchers will be attended to or
accompanied by a large number of medical staff.

(v) Generally doors to patient areas other than those referred to in

(i) above and including doors to water closets and change room
cubicles will have a minimum width of 950 mm.

(vi) No single door will be less than 750 mm wide and will be of a
width to facilitate movement without obstruction.

(vii) No door or door leaf will be less than 2150 mm high unless
specifically required for access to services or other purposes
where height is restricted.

(5) Acoustic Requirements for doors: Doors will have an STC rating appropriate for
the STC rating of the wall or partition in which the door is located. A standard
solid slab door provides a nominal STC rating of 20, and would be appropriate for
wall ratings as per Table 12.4.

(6) Except for rooms requiring a positive or negative pressurization, in-patient room
doors will have hardware that allows the doors to stay in an open position and
further allows casual observance of the patients by the nursing staff.

(7) Doors into major departments or between major departments or activity areas
through which cart, stretcher, or bed traffic is anticipated on a routine basis, will
be automatically activated by electronic device or by manual push button, located
to allow emergency access without the necessity to stop movement. All other
doors through which cart, stretcher, or bed traffic is anticipated on a routine basis
or through which frequent patient or staff traffic is routine, will be capable of being
held in an open position by the use of appropriate hardware or will be
automatically activated.

(8) Door sizes and designs will be applied consistently to rooms of similar use,
location and configuration.

(9) Doors will not swing into corridors in a manner that may obstruct traffic flow or
reduce the corridor width, except doors to spaces such as small closets which
are used infrequently and are not subject to occupancy.

(10) Doors may swing into patient bathrooms provided they allow for ease of patient
use, both on their own and assisted by staff. Such doors will be equipped with
appropriate hardware to allow the door to be opened out of the room during an
emergency situation.

(11) Doors will have appropriate hinges, edge protection and face protection to
minimize damage and resultant disruptive maintenance

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(12) Doors and frames will have a suitable finish which prevents dirt and finger print
accumulation, and is easily cleanable with the ability to be disinfected.

(13) The extent of glazing in a door, or the size and quantity of sidelights, will be
consistent and balanced between the nature of observation required and the
privacy requirements of the occupants of the room. Where possible and
appropriate the preference is to provide glazing in an adjacent sidelight as
opposed to within the door itself.

(14) Glazing in doors and sidelights will allow patient observation and safety of
operation of the spaces they serve. Blinds or window coverings suitable and
appropriate for the level of privacy intended and required will be provided.

(15) Doors and door frames will have the capability to withstand the varying and high
levels of humidity and impact that occur typically within a hospital and in specific
rooms within the hospital and maintain the inherent aesthetic and functional
capacities. Frames and anchors for doors and sidelights and interior and exterior
windows for special areas such as Mental Health/Psychiatry will be designed to
withstand the heavy degree of impact anticipated and will maintain their aesthetic
and functional capacities. Glazing within such components will be non-breakable.
Use hospital-type cut-away jambs.

(16) Exterior door frames will be fully welded, pressed steel and insulated.

(17) In areas such as Mental Health/Psychiatry and security, entrances where

security is considered paramount, appropriate location, configuration, materials,
construction and detailing is required to ensure safety and security.

(18) Interior windows and sidelights will be constructed of tempered glass except
where wire glass is required by the BC Building Code.

(19) Co-ordinate heights of glazing with adjacent wall protection, handrails, and other
required accessories to achieve functional and aesthetic coordination.

(b) Hollow Metal Doors and Frames

(1) Quality Requirements

(A) Materials and manufacture of metal doors and frames will conform to the
requirements of the Canadian Steel Door and Frame Manufacturer’s
Association (CSDFMA) .

(B) Fire resistance rated doors and frames will conform to CAN4-S104M and
CAN4-S105M and will be fabricated and tested in accordance with ULC
or Warnock Hersey requirements and have the appropriate ULC or
Warnock Hersey fire resistance labels attached.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(C) The installed door and frame assembly including the finish hardware and
finish hardware installation will conform to NFPA No. 80 Standard for fire
protection ratings as applicable.

(D) Recommended locations for Architectural Hardware as published by the

Door and Hardware Institute.

(E) Installation of Commercial Steel Doors and Frames as published by the

Door and Hardware Institute.

(F) ASTM A653/A653M – Standard Specification for Steel Sheet Zinc-

Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc-Iron Alloy-Coated (Galvannealed) by the
Hot Dip Process.

(2) Performance Requirements

(A) Interior metal doors will be:

(i) Flush faced construction.

(B) Exterior Metal Doors will be:

(i) Flush faced construction.

(ii) Surfaces prepared to resist corrosion from exposure to weather

and to receive appropriate finishes.

(C) Pressed Metal Frames will be:

(i) Fully welded construction.

(ii) Complete with anchors to each jamb to suit wall type to receive
the frame.

(D) Door Glazing

(i) Exterior glazing to be sealed units in thermally broken frames to

prevent heat loss.

(c) Wood Doors

(1) Quality Requirements

(A) Wood doors will conform to the Custom Grade Standards as set out in
the Quality Standards for Architectural Woodwork (current edition)
published by the Architectural Woodwork Manufacturer’s Association of
Canada (AWMAC) and as specifically noted in 1.3 (c) (3) Performance

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(B) Doors requiring fire resistance ratings will be fabricated and tested in
accordance with ULC or Warnock Hersey requirements and have the
appropriate ULC or Warnock Hersey fire resistance labels attached.

(C) Finish hardware and finish hardware installation will meet requirements
of NFPA No.80 Standard for Fire Doors and Windows, where applicable.

(2) Performance Requirements

(A) Wood doors will be flush Custom Grade quality, solid particleboard core
or a similar quality.

(B) Fire resistance rated doors will conform to the AWMAC Quality
Standards as referred to in 1.3 (c) (2) (A) and to fabrication, testing and
labelling requirements as referred to in 1.3 (c) (2) (B)

(C) Fire resistance rated doors to be constructed with a homogeneous

incombustible mineral core and AWMAC Quality Standards Option 5

(D) Doors used in locations requiring radiation protection:

(i) Will be lead lined doors in conformance with the AWMAC Quality
Standards and labelled with lead thickness.

(ii) Doors requiring acoustic STC ratings will conform to the AWMAC
Quality Standards and labelled with the STC rating of the door.

(d) Aluminum Entrances and Storefront

(1) Technical references

(A) Design of exterior aluminum entrance and storefront framing will conform
to CAN3-S157.

(2) Performance Requirements.

(A) Aluminum entrance and storefront framing will be thermally broken, flush
glazed, aluminum sections, to accept insulating glass units.

(B) Thermally broken aluminum entrance and storefront framing will

incorporate drained and vented system (rain screen) with a complete air
and vapour seal, allowing any moisture entering the framing to drain to
the exterior and also allow air into the pressuring chamber.

(C) Aluminum swing entrance doors will be heavy duty commercial or

institutional grade and may be automatically operated, motion detector

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(D) Aluminum finish for exposed aluminum surfaces will be applied in the
manufacturing process and will be permanent and resistant to corrosion
caused by exposure to weather and climate.

(e) Specialty Doors

(1) Technical references

(A) Smoke control doors will have been tested with UL 1784 - Air Leakage
Test for Door Assemblies and will meet criteria for NFPA 105 –
Installation of Smoke Control Door Assemblies.

(B) The installed fire door and frame assembly installation will conform to
NFPA No. 80 Standard for fire protection ratings as applicable.

(C) CAN4-S104M – Standard Method for Fire Tests of Door Assemblies.

(D) ANSI American National Standards Institute Standards.

(E) ANSI/BHMA 156.10 – Power Operated Pedestrian Doors.

(F) ANSI/UL 325 – Door, Drapery, Gate, Louver, and Window Operators and

(2) Quality Requirements.

(A) Fire rated overhead rolling doors and counters will have the appropriate
ULC or Warnock Hersey fire resistance labels attached.

(3) Overhead Rolling Service Doors

(A) Performance Requirements

(i) Restrain lateral movement of the door curtain slats. Windlocks

will be provided as required by door size or special wind load

(ii) Curtain slats will be interlocking flat slats complete with bottom
bar and contact type bottom astragal.

(iii) Manual operation will be provided with inside lift handle and
locking bar or chain hoist. Motor operation may be provided on
doors requiring constant usage. Chain operation will be by
means of reduction gears and galvanized hand chain.

(iv) Fire doors will conform to testing and labelling requirements as

referred to in Section 13.8(e)(2)(A).

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(v) For fire doors, automatic closing device will be operated by fire
door release device connected to fire alarm system.

(4) Overhead Rolling Grilles

(A) Performance Requirements

(i) Overhead rolling grille curtains will be fabricated with metal

components assembled to allow visual access to areas being

(ii) Grille guides will be complete with aluminum or steel guides

fabricated to withstand vertical and lateral loads,
counterbalanced by helical torsion springs and sound deadened.

(iii) Grilles will be manually operated by means of lift handles or by

chain and gear, or may require motor operation, to be
determined by Project Co in consultation with the Authority.

(5) Overhead Rolling Counter Shutters

(A) Performance Requirements

(i) Shutter curtains will be fabricated with extruded aluminum,

galvanized steel or stainless steel interlocking flat slats, complete
with guides of similar materials. Fire rated shutters will conform
to testing and labelling requirements as referred to in Section

(ii) Shutters will have manual operation and locking capability.

(6) Interior Aluminum Sliding Doors and Sidelights

(A) Performance Requirements

(i) Interior sliding doors and sidelights will have recessed mounted
track with sliding and fixed panel(s), and suitable for single
glazing with 6 mm clear fully tempered float glass. Break-away
feature as required by BC Building Code.

(7) Automatic Doors

(A) Performance Requirements

(i) Automatic door systems will be ULC listed.

(ii) Automatic sliding doors will be installed at main entrance and will
conform to the following performance requirements:

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(ii).1 Accommodate medium to heavy pedestrian traffic

and up to the following weights for active leaf doors: 100
kg for locations as designated bi-part, 200 kg for single
(ii).2 Sliding door operator, including the motion and
presence detection system, will be capable of operating
within the temperature ranges existing at the Facility site.
The motion and presence detection system will be
unaffected by ambient light or ultrasonic principles.
(ii).3 Energy saving device will be provided to reduce
conditioned air loss.

(iii) Automatic swing doors will be used for interior and exterior
locations as designated and will conform to following
performance requirements:
(iii).1 Automatic door equipment will accommodate
medium to heavy pedestrian traffic and up to 98 kg
weight of doors.
(iii).2 Door operator for exterior locations will be capable
of operating within temperature ranges existing at the
Facility site.
(iii).3 Directional motion sensor control device, if used,
will be unaffected by ambient light or ultrasonic
(iii).4 All IN-swing doors, which are required exits, will
be equipped with an emergency breakaway switch which
internally cuts power to the operator. No external power
switch will be allowed.

(f) Aluminum Curtain Walls

(1) Technical references

(A) Design of aluminum framing members will conform to CAN3-S157-M83 –

Strength Design in Aluminum.

(B) Ventilator window units within curtain wall will conform to the
performance levels of CAN/CSA-A440 Windows .

(C) AAS (Aluminum Association Standards).

(D) AAMA 503 Specifications for Field Testing of Metal Storefront, Curtain
Wall and Sloped Glazing Systems.

(E) ASTM E283 – Standard Test Method for Air Infiltration of Exterior
Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors Under Specified Pressure
Differences Across the Specimen.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(F) ASTM E330 – Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of

Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Uniform Static Air
Pressure Difference.

(G) ASTM E331 – Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior
Windows, Skylights, Doors and Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air
Pressure Difference.

(2) Performance Requirements.

(A) Aluminum finish for exposed aluminum surfaces will be permanent and
resistant to corrosion resulting from exposure to weather and climate.

(B) Resist 1 in 100 year climatic events.

(g) Aluminum Windows

(1) Technical references

(A) Design of aluminum windows will conform to CAN3-S157 – Strength

Design in Aluminum.

(B) CSA A440 – Windows.

Other reference standards will be as listed under (f) Aluminum Curtain Wall.

(2) Overriding Principles

(A) Exterior glazing by windows will be provided as part of the exterior

envelope where vision from and natural light into interior spaces is
required and where not provided by aluminum curtain wall or aluminum

(3) Performance Requirements.

(A) Aluminum finish for exposed aluminum surfaces will be permanent and
resistant to corrosion resulting from exposure to weather and climate

(B) Resist seismic (post disaster building)

(C) Resist 1 in 100 year climatic events (with safety factor)

(h) Skylights

(1) Overriding Principles

(A) Roof or skylight glazing may be provided where natural light is required
in interior spaces to augment or complement interior ambient lighting.

(2) Performance Requirements.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(A) Aluminum finish for exposed aluminum surfaces will be permanent and
resistant to corrosion resulting from exposure to weather and climate

(i) Glass and Glazing

(1) Technical references

(A) Glass will be designed according to CAN/CGSB-12.20 with glass

deflection limited to L/175, to a maximum of 20 mm for any single light of
insulating glass.

(B) CAN/CGSB-12.1 – Tempered or Laminated Safety Glass.

(C) CAN/CGSB-12.3 – Flat, Clear Float Glass.

(D) CAN/CGSB-12.4 – Heat Absorbing Glass.

(E) CAN/CGSB-12.5 – Mirrors, Silvered.

(F) CAN/CGSB-12.8 – Insulating Glass Units.

(G) CAN/CGSB-12.9 – Spandrel Glass.

(H) CAN/CGSB-12.10 – Glass, Heat and Light Reflecting.

(I) CAN/CGSB-12.11 – Wired Safety Glass.

(J) CAN/CGSB-12.13 – Glass, Patterned.

(K) IGMAC “Glazing Recommendations for Sealed Insulating Glass Units”.

(L) IGMAC “Sloped Glazing Guidelines”.

(M) GCA Glazing Contractors Association of B.C. Glazing Systems

Specifications Manual.

(2) Overriding Principles

(A) Exterior and/or interior glass and glazing may be provided as integral
components of the exterior building envelope, interior partitions and
screens, exterior and interior doors, handrail balustrades, skylights and
decorative and ornamental glazing.

(3) Quality Requirements.

(A) Materials and workmanship will conform to Glazing Contractors

Association of B.C. (GCA) Glazing Systems Specifications Manual and
Insulating Glass Manufacturers Association of Canada (IGMAC)

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(B) Glass and glazing work also to conform to good glazing practice as
described in the IGMAC “Glazing Recommendations for Sealed
Insulating glass Units”, IGMAC “Sloped Glazing Guidelines”, and the
GANA “Glazing Manual”.

(4) Performance Requirements.

(A) Conform to the requirements of the tests and standards listed in Section

(B) Resist seismic (post disaster building).

(C) Resist 1 in 100 year climatic events (with safety factor).

(D) Laminated safety glass will be used in single glazed skylights, or as the
inboard light of a double glazed skylight.

(E) Mirrors

(i) Full wall mirror:

Mirrors will be Type 1A in accordance with CAN/CGSB-12.5.

Full wall unframed mirrors will be 6 mm thick minimum float glass
backed with electrolytically applied copper plating. All exposed
edges will be ground smooth and polished.

(ii) Wall mounted posture mirror:

Mirrors will be framed type; one piece, stainless steel channel

frame with a No. 1 quality, 6 mm thick float glass mirror backed
with electrolytically applied copper plating. Back to be
galvanized steel.

(j) Finish Hardware

(1) Technical references

(A) ANSI - American National Standards Institute Standards.

(B) CAN4-S104M- Standard Method for Fire Tests of Door Assemblies.

(C) Recommended locations for Architectural Hardware as published by the

Door and Hardware Institute (DHI).

(D) Installation of Commercial Steel Doors and Frames as published by the

Door and Hardware Institute (DHI).

(2) Quality Requirements.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(A) (A) Hardware finish will be selected to provide maximum longevity

and preservation of the finish.

(B) (B) Finish hardware, where applicable, will be ULC listed for fire
rating for all functions up to 2-hour doors.

(C) (C) The installed door and frame assembly including the finish
hardware and finish hardware installation will conform to NFPA No. 80
Standard for fire protection ratings as applicable.

(3) Performance Requirements.

(A) Finish hardware will be heavy duty commercial quality hardware.

(4) Keying

(A) Project Co will supply Primus EF Level 2 Cylinders

(B) Cylinder type to suit hardware function i.e. mortise, knob, lever, panic

(C) Keying to be 4-level system, i.e.:

(i) GGMK – same bittings as existing Primus GGMK

(ii) GM__ Building Master

(iii) MK__ Sub Master

(iv) ___ Change Key

(D) Keying groups to be assigned by the Authority

(E) New key bittings to be given to and controlled by the Authority

(F) Keys from factory to be given to the Authority

(G) Four (4) keys to be supplied for each lock cylinder

13.9 Finishes (Division 9)

(a) Basic requirements

(1) Interior wall, floor and ceiling finishes and assemblies to support finishes will be
suitable for the requirements of the Facility as established by the Project Co in
consultation with the Authority.

(A) Finishes and systems of installation in areas where water is anticipated

to be present due to cleaning or as a product of procedures and process
will be such as to allow water to collect and exist without causing
damage to the finish or substrate.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(B) Areas where wear due to pedestrian or wheeled traffic is anticipated and
is a concern will have finish materials which can withstand damage and
can be replaced in sections with relative ease if damage occurs.

(C) Acoustic characteristics of finish materials will be a priority consideration.

(D) Appearance characteristics creating and promoting a natural healing

environment, including non-glare producing finishes and colours that will
reduce artificial lighting requirements will be a priority.

(E) Sustainability: select finish materials of low-emissivity and made from

renewable resources

(b) Interior Wall Framing

(1) Technical references

(A) Lightweight steel studs and tracks for interior partitions are classified
under CAN/CGSB-7.1-98 Lightweight Steel Wall Framing Components
as non-load bearing steel studs and will be manufactured from steel
sheet, coil or cut length to conform to ASTM standards listed under
CAN/CGSB-7.1-98. For interior application, the steel will be protected
from corrosion by a zinc coating at least meeting the requirements of
ASTM A653/A653M.

(B) CSSB1 – Canadian Sheet Steel Building Institute Standards.

(C) CSA-S136 – Cold Formed Steel Structural Members.

(2) Quality Requirements

(A) Materials and workmanship for steel studs and furring and gypsum board
ceiling suspension systems will conform to Association of Wall and
Ceiling Contractors of B.C. (AWCC) Wall & Ceiling Specification
Standards Manual (latest edition), Section 9.7 - Interior Steel Studs and

(B) Ceiling suspension systems for gypsum board ceiling will conform to
AWCC Specification Standards Manual, Section 9.7, Item 5. Maximum
spans for steel studs used as ceiling joists will conform to Table 9.7/7 in
the Standards Manual. System design and components will meet
seismic restraint requirements for a post-disaster building.

(3) Performance Requirements

(A) Steel stud framing construction will accommodate electrical, plumbing

and other services in the partition cavity. Reinforce steel stud framing
and provide backing as required to support fixtures, wall cabinets and
other such items requiring wall fixing.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(B) In the design of steel studs for interior walls and partitions, due
consideration will be given to differences in air pressure on opposite
sides of the wall or partition which may result.

(c) Gypsum Board

(1) Technical references

(A) Gypsum board will conform to CAN/CSA-A82.27.

(B) Gypsum board application will conform to CSA-A82-31, or Gypsum

Association GA216 specification.

(C) Fire rated Type ‘X’ and ‘C’ gypsum board assemblies will be tested
assemblies in accordance with CAN/ULC S101 or ASTM E119, in
conjunction with non load bearing steel studs.

(D) ASTM C36/C36M – Standard Specification for Gypsum Board.

(E) ASTM C360/C360M – Standard Specification for Water-Resistant

Gypsum Backing Board.

(F) ASTM C1278 – Standard Specification for Fiber Reinforced Gypsum


(G) ASTM C1177 – Standard Specification for Glass Mat Water-Resistant

Gypsum Backing Panel.

(H) ASTM C1178 – Standard Specification for Glass Mat Water-Resistant

Gypsum Backing Panel.

(I) ANSI A118.9 – Cementitious Back Units (CBU).

(J) Use nothing less than 5/8” (16 mm) thickness gypsum board.

(2) Quality Requirements

(A) Materials and workmanship for gypsum board and accessories will
conform to the Association of Wall and Ceiling Contractors of B.C.
(AWCC) Wall & Ceiling Specification Standards Manual (latest edition),
Section 9.6.

(3) Performance Requirements

(A) Glass mat water-resistant gypsum backing panels (tile backer board) will
be used behind ceramic wall tile in showers or other wet areas.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(B) Reinforced cementitious board or cementitious backer unit (CBU) may

be used as an alternative to glass mat water-resistant gypsum backing

(C) Abuse-resistant gypsum board will be provided where required for

increased resistance to abrasion, indentation and penetration for interior
walls and ceilings.

(D) Glass mat surfaced gypsum sheathing board will be used wherever
exterior gypsum sheathing is required at exterior walls.

(E) Gypsum board wall and ceiling assemblies to provide fire resistance
ratings will be designed in accordance with the BC Building Code and
will be ULC or Warnock Hersey listed.

(F) Where fire resistance rated gypsum wallboard assemblies are required,
they will be constructed to applicable ULC or WHI listings.

(G) Control joints will be constructed as per recommendations of AWCC.

(d) Ceramic Tilework

(1) Technical references

(A) CAN/CGSB-25.20-95 – Surface Sealer for Floors.

(B) CAN/CSGB-75.1 – Moisture Resistance (MR) of glazed and unglazed

ceramic tiles, Table 1 Water Absorption, Percentage by Mass.

(2) Quality Requirements.

(A) Materials and workmanship for ceramic tilework will conform to Terrazzo
Tile and Marble Association of Canada (TTMAC) Specification Guide
09300 Tile Installation Manual (latest edition).

(3) Performance Requirement

(A) In order to reduce opportunities for the spread of infection, minimize use
of ceramic tile in interior applications at patient and other clinical areas.

(B) Ceramic tile will meet the following performance standards as applicable:

(i) Static Coefficient of Friction: Floor tile installed on wet and

exterior surfaces will have the following values as determined by
testing identical products per ASTM C1028.
(i).1 Level Surfaces: Not less than 0.50 for wet and dry
(i).2 Step Treads: Not less than 0.60 for wet and dry

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(i).3 Ramp Surfaces: Not less than 0.60 for wet and dry

(ii) Exterior tiles will be frost resistant and will have a moisture
absorption rating of 3.0% or less.

(iii) Control joints and expansion joints will be provided in

conformance with the recommendations of the TTMAC Tile
Installation Manual.

(iv) Crack isolation membranes will be provided where necessary to

resists crack transmission from the substrate due to lateral

(e) Acoustical Ceilings

(1) Technical references

(A) Acoustic tile will be rated Class 25 (Incombustible) under Flame Spread
Index Section of Federal Specifications 55-5-118a and have a Class 1
Flame Spread rating according to CAN/ULC-S102 or ASTM E84. Tile
will also be listed and labelled by Underwriters Laboratories Inc or ULC,
under Hazard Classification for a flame spread of 0-25.

(B) Acoustical ceilings will be installed in accordance with ASTM C636.

(C) Floor rate ceiling assemblies (including ceiling panels, suspension

system, light fixtures, diffusers and structural components will be tested
assemblies in accordance with CAN/ULC-S101 or ASTM E119.

(D) ASTM C423 – Standard Test Method for Sound Absorption and Sound
Absorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Room Method.

(E) ASTM E90 – Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne Sound

Transmission Loss of Building Partitions.

(F) ASTM E1414 – Standard Test Method for Airborne Sound Attenuation
Between Rooms Sharing a Common Ceiling Plenum (previously known
as ASTM E413).

(G) CAN/CGSB-92.1 – Sound Absorptive Acoustical Units, Prefabricated.

(2) Overriding Principles

(A) General interior sound levels will be controlled to facilitate a comfortable

and healing environment for patients and a safe working environment for
Facility staff.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(B) Acoustic ceiling tiles in a suspension system will be installed where

applicable to provide the levels of sound attenuation for particular
applications as may be required.

(C) Ceiling tiles in a suspension system will provide accessibility to the

ceiling spaces where regular or particular access is required to
mechanical, electrical or other service systems.

(3) Performance Requirements

(A) Suspension systems for acoustic tile will conform to seismic restraint
requirements of ASTM E580 Standard Practice for Application of Ceiling
Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-In Panels in Areas
Requiring Moderate Seismic Restraint.

(B) Components for ceiling suspension system will be “intermediate” system

manufactured to meet ASTM C635 Suspension Systems for Acoustical
Tile and Lay-In Ceilings, and will be formed from commercial quality zinc
coated cold rolled steel, and to meet specifications for seismic restraint.

(C) Temperature and humidity affect acoustical panel and tile dimensional
and planar stability. Standard acoustical panels and tiles designed for
installation within the normal occupancy condition range of 150 C to 290
C and maximum 70% RH. When the service use temperature and RH
are expected to exceed these ranges, consider the use of acoustical
units specifically designed for these applications.

(D) In any area where lay-in ceiling panels frequently need to be removed for
plenum access, tiles will be provided with surface scratch resistance.

(E) Ceilings installed in food preparation areas will be capable of being

cleaned without undue wear on the tile.

(f) Flooring

(1) Technical references

(A) Carpeting will meet or exceed all requirements of the CGSB-4-GP-129

Standard for Carpets, Commercial and the Hazardous Products Act.

(B) Resilient stair treads and risers will conform to US Federal Specification

(C) ASTM F2034 – Standard Specification for Linoleum Sheet Flooring.

(D) ASTM F1344 – Standard Specification for Rubber Floor Tile.

(2) Overriding Requirements.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(A) Flooring finishes will be provided as required to comply with the

functional and aesthetic parameters of the Authority as follows:

(i) The selection process for flooring materials will include

considerations of cleaning and maintenance, pedestrian and
rolling traffic, acoustics, infection control and aesthetics.

(ii) Epoxy flooring in all wet areas will be water resistant and slip
resistant and will prevent water or moisture transmission to the
substrate. Termination of the flooring at the walls in the form of
150mm high “flash coves” is required in these areas.

(iii) Flooring over which wheeled or service vehicle traffic is

anticipated and where wear and damage may result will be
heavy duty materials suitable for that purpose.

(iv) Flooring in areas subject to moisture and heat over extended

periods of time will be permanent heavy duty integral materials
such as seamless epoxy quartz flooring.

(v) Flooring in patient areas and staff areas where cart or stretcher
traffic is expected or where cleaning on a regular or emergency
basis is necessary will be of a quality suitable for that purpose.

(vi) Flooring in public washrooms, staff washrooms, patient

washrooms will be impervious to water and have a slip resistant

(vii) Resilient tile products will be considered as flooring in service

corridors and service areas.

(3) Quality Requirements.

(A) Materials and workmanship for resilient flooring will conform to the
National Floor Covering Association (NFCA) Specification Standards

(4) Performance Requirements

(A) Resilient Flooring

(i) Exposed surface will provide anti-bacterial activity against gram-

positive and gram-negative micro-organisms. All seams will be
welded. Areas surfaced in sheet flooring will have integral cove

(ii) Linoleum sheet flooring will be a homogenous sheet linoleum of

primarily natural materials, consisting of linseed oil, wood flour
and resin binders mixed and calendared onto a natural jute

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


backing. All seams will be welded. Areas surfaced in sheet

flooring will have integral cove bases.

(iii) Rubber flooring tile will be formulated with 100% virgin

elastomers, reinforcing agents, soil-resisting agents and
migrating waxes compounded to afford the end user benefits of
long durability, excellent cleaning characteristics and exceptional
slip resistance. Stud designs will have chamfered edges with a
sharply defined edge at the top, for higher slip resistance, easier
cleaning and superior maintenance and low vibration design to
minimize vibration and noise. Areas surfaced with resilient tile
flooring will have rubber bases.

(iv) Tactile warning strips and stair nosing will be provided to assist
the visually impaired.

(v) Adhesive for resilient flooring will meet or exceed EPA Standards
for acceptable VOC concentration and emission rates.

(B) Seamless Quartz Epoxy Flooring

(i) Seamless epoxy flooring will be 100% solids, zero VOC, solvent
free system comprised of a two-component epoxy primer, a two-
component epoxy resin and curing agent, coloured quartz
aggregate broadcast into both primer and undercoat and a high
performance UV resistant two-component, clear epoxy sealer.
Bases will be integral cove bases.

(g) Acoustic Treatment

(1) Technical references

(A) ASTM C423 – Standard Method for Sound Absorption and Sound
Absorption Coefficients by the Reverberation Method.

(B) ASTM E84 – Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building

(C) ASTM E90 – Test Method for Laboratory Measurement of Airborne

Sound Transmission Loss of Building Partitions

(D) ASTM E336 – Test Method for Measurement of Airborne Sound

Insulation in Buildings.

(E) CAN/ULC-S101 – Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and


(F) CAN/ULC-S102 – Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building

Materials and Assemblies.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(2) Overriding Principles.

(A) Acoustic treatment will be provided where sound attenuation,

soundproofing or other sound control measures are necessary to create
a healing environment for patients and a safe and comfortable
environment for staff.

(B) Sound control will include:

(i) Attenuation of sound within public, patient and staff


(ii) Sound isolation between the exterior and interior spaces.

(iii) Sound isolation between interior spaces within the Facility at

both horizontal and vertical separations.

(iv) Sound and vibration isolation of building services noises and

sound isolation of building services rooms.

(3) Quality Requirements

(A) Refer to Table 12.4: Sound Transmission Limitations in Section 12.4 of

this Schedule.

(4) Performance Requirements

(A) Partition and ceiling construction will provide approximately the same
degree of sound control through each assembly. When partition is used
for sound isolation, the sound control construction will extend from slab
to slab.

(B) As a general principle, optimum sound isolation requires that the integrity
of gypsum board partitions and ceilings (mass) never be violated by
cutting out for vents or grilles or by recessing cabinets, light fixtures, etc.

(C) Where penetrations are necessary, placing them back to back and next
to each other will be minimized. Electrical boxes will be staggered,
preferably at least one stud space. Mineral fibre insulation should be
used to seal joints around all cutouts, such as electrical, TV and
telephone outlets, plumbing escutcheons, recessed cabinets and

(D) Constructions such as ducts, rigid conduits or corridors, which act as

speaking tubes to transmit sound from one area to another will be
minimized. Common supply and return ducts will have sound
attenuation liners at the diffuser and/or grill to maintain assemblies STC.
Conduit will be sealed.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(E) To isolate structure-borne vibrations and sound, vibrating equipment will

have resilient mountings to minimize sound transfer to structural
materials. Ducts, pipes and conduits will have resilient, non-rigid boots
or flexible couplings where they leave vibrating equipment; and they
should be isolated from structure with resilient gasketing and sealant
where they pass through walls, floors or other building surfaces.

(F) Use acoustic screens, vibration isolators and carefully selected exterior
equipment to prevent exterior noise that the Royal Jubilee neighbours
may find offensive

(h) Painting and Protective Coatings

(1) Overriding Principles

(A) All exterior and interior finish materials will have surface finishes either
as manufactured and integral to the finish material or as applied to the
surface of the finish material by paint or special coating.

(B) Exterior paints and painting will be of a quality to protect the substrate
materials from the conditions of weather and climate existing at the site
and environs of the Authority.

(C) Exterior masonry materials such as brick and concrete block will be
treated with water repellent coatings to prevent water ingress into or
through the material.

(D) In patient, staff and public interior areas, indoor air quality will be a
priority and paints and paint materials will have a minimum volatile
organic compound level.

(E) All painted patient areas must be painted with a semi-gloss finish

(F) Exterior and interior materials subject to corrosion from exposure to

moisture or other corrosive agent and where painting is deemed to be
insufficient protection will receive a special protective coating. Such
materials include exterior and interior structural and miscellaneous steel
and galvanized steel.

(G) Achieve a harmonious and coordinated appearance across all areas of

the Facility.

(H) Handrails, doors and frames must be painted a contrasting colour from
walls in consideration of the visually impaired.

(2) Quality Requirements

(A) Materials and workmanship will conform to the Master Painters Institute
(MPI) Architectural Painting Specification Manual (latest edition).

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(3) Performance Requirements

(A) All paint materials will also have been rated under Environmental
Notation System (ENS) with acceptable VOC ranges as listed in the MPI
Approved Product List under “E” ranges.

(B) All materials used will be lead and mercury free.

(C) Use only materials having a minimum MPI “Environmentally Friendly” E2

rating based on VOC (EPA Method 24) content levels.

(D) Use only MPI listed materials having a minimum E2 rating.

(E) Seamless epoxy wall coatings will be a two component, high solids, Zero
or low VOC, solvent free, epoxy glaze wall coating which will be
seamless, abrasion and chemical resistant, and UV resistant. Coating
will have been tested in accordance with ASTM D1308 - Standard Test
Method for Effect of Household Chemicals on Clear and Pigmented
Organic Finishes.

(i) Special Wall Coverings

(1) Overriding Principles

(A) Interior walls may require wall coverings to satisfy aesthetic or

appearance considerations beyond the application of paint. These
considerations may add to the creation of healing environment in patient
areas, in the creation of comfortable working environment in staff work
areas and safe and inviting environment in public areas.

(B) Wall coverings are not recommended in areas which may have
excessive moisture present or those areas requiring high and frequent

(2) Quality Requirements

(A) Materials and workmanship will conform to the Master Painters Institute
(MPI) Architectural Painting Specification Manual (latest edition).

(B) Sealers and adhesives will be non-toxic, water based type and will meet
requirements of Canadian “Eco Logo” program or equivalent. TVOC
emissive content will not be more than 20 grams per litre.

13.10 Manufactured Specialties (Division 10)

(a) Tackboards and Whiteboards

(1) Overriding Principles.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(A) Tackboard surfaces will be of a type and quality to allow pin penetration
of the surface materials while allowing reasonable resistance to

(B) Whiteboard surfaces will be of a type to allow use of felt type writing
instruments and allow erasing and cleaning with minimum effort.

(2) Performance Requirements

(A) Tackboards and whiteboards will be complete with manufactured frames

and accessory trays as and where required.

(B) Whiteboard writing surface will be porcelain ceramic on steel surface,

magnetic, and with maximum contrast, glare control and reflectivity, and
will be scratch and abrasion resistant.

(C) Lamination adhesive used for tackboards and whiteboards will be non-
toxic water based adhesive.

(b) Compartments and Cubicles

(1) Overriding Principles.

(A) Compartments and cubicles will include toilet partitions, change cubicle
and shower partitions and other compartments and cubicles requiring
privacy and security.

(B) Exposed surfaces will be permanent, water resistant, corrosion proof and
readily cleaned and maintained.

(C) Partitions and standards will be secured to the floor or secured to the
ceiling structure and resistant to lateral loading and impact.

(D) Compartment/cubicle doors, where used, will be of material matching the

partitions and will be complete with permanent, purpose made hardware.
Doors and hardware will provide privacy and security and will be
handicap accessible where required.

(E) Curtain track and curtain may be used in lieu of door where and as

(F) Change compartments will be complete with a mirror.

(2) Quality Requirements

(A) Toilet Partitions

(i) Sheet metal where used for toilet partitions will be galvannealed
steel conforming to ASTM A653 with minimum ZF001 (A01) zinc

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


coating. Finish for steel surfaces will be polyester baked


(ii) Stainless steel used for partitions will be Type 304 conforming to
ASTM A240 with No. 4 finish.

(iii) Plastic laminate used for partitions will be Grade 10/HGS GP50
scuff resistant high pressure laminate, conforming to NEMA LD-

(iv) Fiber reinforced plastic (fibreglass) will be moisture resistant.

(v) Particleboard core for partitions will conform to CAN3-0188.1

Industrial Grade “R”.

(B) Shower Partitions

(i) Partitions for showers will conform to CAN3-A172 or NEMA LD3.

(c) Wall Guards and Corner Guards, Handrails, Wall Protection, Door Edge and Door Frame

(1) Overriding Principles

(A) Wall and corner guards:

(i) Select wall guards and corner guards of materials appropriate to

the amount and degree of impact anticipated in the areas noted

(ii) Wall guards and corner guards used for the above purposes will
be secured to reinforcing and backing in the walls sufficient to
withstand expected impact loads.

(B) Handrails:

(i) Provide handrails in corridors and other patient areas for patients
requiring support.

(C) Wall Protection:

(i) Apply sheet wall protection to wall areas where impact damage
is anticipated over a larger area of wall than will be protected by
bumper guards.

(ii) Apply sheet wall protection to faces of doors where impact

damage is anticipated. Sheet wall protection on doors may
complement the installation of door edge and frame protection.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(D) Door Edge and Door Frame Protection:

(i) Protect door edges and door frames in inpatient areas from
damage caused by impact by stretcher movement and regular
movement of other wheeled vehicles.

(ii) Protect door edges and door frames in service areas from
damage caused by impact by regular and non regular
miscellaneous service vehicles.

(2) Quality Requirements

(A) Bumper guards, crash rails, handrails and corner guards will be high
impact resistant extrusion conforming to ASTM D4226 and with anti-
microbial additive.

(B) Wall protection will be high impact stain resistant conforming to ASTM
D4226 with anti-microbial additives.

(3) Performance Requirements.

(A) Wall protection handrails and corner guard products will be stain
resistant to pen marks, paint and graffiti, and will withstand commercial
cleaners without fading or staining. These products will also contain anti-
microbial additives to retard mildew and bacterial growth.

(d) Metal Lockers

(1) Overriding Principles.

(A) Individual and shared storage facilities will be provided for securing the
personal effects of Facility staff in designated staff areas and patients in
appropriate secure areas accessible to patients.

(B) Such storage facilities may be metal lockers and metal locker systems of
sizes, numbers and groupings as appropriate for the numbers and
functions as determined by Project Co in consultation with the Authority.

(2) Quality Requirements

(A) Sheet metal where used for metal lockers will be galvannealed steel
conforming to ASTM A653 with ZF001 (A01) zinc coating.

(B) Finish for steel surfaces will be polyester baked enamel.

(3) Performance Requirements.

(A) Single, double or multiple tier metal lockers for staff use complete with
provision for locking with padlock, number plates, hanging hooks.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(B) Single, double or multiple tier metal lockers for patients with coin and key
operated locks.

(e) Storage Shelving Systems

(1) Overriding Principles

(A) Facilities for materials storage will be provided in designated storage


(B) These storage systems or facilities may be provided by adjustable

shelving systems specifically manufactured for such storage purposes.

(f) Quality Requirements

(1) Performance Requirements.

(A) Mobile storage systems for files will be high density system designed to
make maximum use of available space by eliminating need for access
aisle for each run of shelving. System must be installed and braced to
resist seismic loads.

(g) Washroom Accessories

(1) Overriding Principles.

(A) Accessories as required for washroom functions will be provided to

public, patient, and staff washrooms. Type, size, number of accessories
will be determined from the numbers and categories of users.

(B) Washroom accessories will include but are not limited to the following:

(i) Staff and Public Washrooms

(i).1 Soap dispensers
(i).2 Toilet paper dispensers.
(i).3 Sanitary napkin dispenser
(i).4 Sanitary napkin disposals
(i).5 Paper towel dispensers
(i).6 Paper towel disposals
(i).7 Mirrors
(i).8 Handicap grab bars
(i).9 Coat hooks

(ii) Patient Washrooms

(ii).1 Soap dispensers
(ii).2 Toilet paper dispensers
(ii).3 Handicap grab bars
(ii).4 Paper towel dispensers and receptacles
(ii).5 Mirror

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(ii).6 Coat hook

(iii) Shower rooms or showers in washrooms will be provided with:

(iii).1 Shower curtain track or rod as appropriate.
(iii).2 Handicap grab bars.

(C) Washroom accessories with appropriate safety features will be selected

for Mental Health/Psychiatry and other areas where there is increased
risk of patient injury.

(D) Do not use recessed dispensers (example: paper towels, waste

receptacles, soap).

(2) Performance Requirements.

(A) Accessories will be best grade, entirely free from imperfections in

manufacture and finish.

(B) The washroom accessory and installation will allow cleaning and
maintenance of the accessory and the surrounding wall area.

(C) Fittings will be concealed type for security and to discourage tampering.

(h) Privacy Curtain Tracks

(1) Overriding Principles

(A) All single patient bedrooms will have a privacy curtain just inside the
doorway. Double patient rooms will have privacy curtains around each

(2) Performance Requirements

(A) Project Co will provide:

(i) cubicle tracks that are extruded, anodized aluminum, entirely

enclosed, except for slot in bottom and

(ii) cubicle carriers composed of a non-binding, abrasion-resistant,

nylon block supported from self-lubricating bearings by two nylon
wheels and contain a free-moving plated swivel-hook assembly.
One end of each track will be fitted with a removable end stop to
permit simple carrier replacement. Splicing clamps will be of
anodized aluminum. Curves will be factory-curved.

(i) Projection Screens

(1) Overriding Principles

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(A) Screens to be fully recessed heavy duty type for electrical operation

(2) Quality Requirements

(A) Screen to be listed by Underwriter’s Laboratories and CSA

(3) Performance Requirements

(A) Motor to be quick reversal type especially designed for the purpose, to
be ball bearing and oiled for life, with automatic thermal overload cutout
and integral interlocking gears with preset but adjustable limit switches to
automatically stop screen fabric in the up and down positions. Stop
action to be positive to prevent coasting. Roller to be mounted on two
heavy-duty brackets equipped with self-aligning bearings.

(B) Screen surfaces to be flame retardant and mildew resistant.

(C) Motor compartment to be metal lined.

13.11 Equipment (Division 11)

(a) Patient Lifts

(1) Quality Requirements

(A) All work to be done in accordance with the requirements of the Canadian
Electrical Code (CEC), Canadian Standards Association (CSA) and all
governing local and Provincial regulations.

(2) Performance Requirements

(A) Ceiling mounted lift design and specification will be determined by

Project Co in consultation with the Authority.

(B) Ceiling mounted patient lift systems will provide mechanical assistance
to staff in the movement of patients in prone or sedentary positions.

(C) The pick-up and drop-off location for each patient track installed will be
reviewed and approved by the Authority Wellness & Safety (OHS)
department prior to installation.

(D) The patient lift systems will be at locations as required by the specific
and particular requirements of the Facility and Appendix 3A.

(E) Coordinate the ‘parked/charging’ location of the lift with all clinical and
housekeeping activities in the patient bedroom. Charging station is not
to be located above the patient bed.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(F) Inpatient room tracks must have a capacity of 800lbs unless otherwise
indicated for the room type, e.g. bariatric rooms.

(G) Inpatient room tracks will not obstruct (partially or completely) over-bed,
ceiling mounted light fixtures.

(H) The patient lift system will be electrically operated.

(I) See Section 13.16 regarding electrical requirements for charging station
location; ensure receptacle is ceiling or wall flush mounted.

(b) Fall Protection and Anchors

(1) Overriding Principles

(A) System to be provided to be a safety tie-back and life line anchors and
horizontal life line system and associated equipment for safe building
maintenance operations including window-washing.

(2) Performance Requirements

(A) Fall protection system will be designed and engineered to protect

workers from free falling a vertical distance greater than 1200 mm.

(B) Fall protection system will include all hardware and lanyards attached to
the horizontal lifeline system complete with body harness.

(c) Window Washing Systems

(1) Provide equipment or appropriate anchors to facilitate window washing.

13.12 Furnishings (Division 12)

(a) Project Co will provide window coverings and miscellaneous accessories as required for
the Facility.

(b) Window Coverings

(1) Overriding Principles

(A) Window coverings will allow control of exterior light entering the room
during daylight hours and provide privacy during daylight and non-
daylight hours.

(B) Window coverings may be required to provide black out functions and if
so required, materials, tracks, seals and operation will be appropriate to
this purpose.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(C) Window coverings will be designed and manufactured using materials

and mechanisms which would minimise cleaning and maintenance
operations and maximize infection control.

(D) Window coverings will be designed to minimize light spillage onto

residential areas.

(c) Quality Requirements

(1) Performance Requirements

(A) Window Shade Systems

(i) Shading fabric will be waterproof, washable, rot proof, flame

resistant, fungal and bacteria resistant, colourfast to light and will
control heat gain and provide external visibility and reduction of

(ii) Shading fabric for window shade systems will pass Small Scale
Vertical Burn requirements in accordance with CAN/ULC-S109
or NFPA-701.

(iii) Shading fabric for window shade systems will have been tested
in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 74073 for shading
coefficient, for fungal resistance in accordance with ASTM G21,
and for bacterial resistance.

(B) Venetian Blinds

(i) Venetian blinds will be hand operated, horizontal louver blinds

with spring tempered aluminum alloy slats with baked enamel

(ii) Blinds will have high tenacity woven polyester fibre lift cords,
electro-galvanized coated head channel and bottom rail, and
cord lock.

(C) Vertical Blinds

(i) Vertical blinds will be mono-control single cord vertical blind

system to provide rotating and traversing action. Vanes to be
aluminum alloy with baked enamel finish, or fabric. Fabric will be
waterproof, washable, Vertical blinds will be mono-control single
cord vertical blind system rot proof, flame resistant, colour fast to
light, and fungal and bacteria resistant.

(D) Venetian Type Between Glass Blinds

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(i) These blinds will consist of slats uniformly spaced and 100%
interlaced between cross-ladders on at least one tape. The
attachment directly to the of the suspension members from the
window opening to the blind will be tapes with no special end
rails required.

(ii) There will be no openings in the glazing plane.

(iii) The slats will be tempered aluminum alloy.

(iv) The operator will be a specially constructed permanent magnet

capable of moving the blind assembly from a closed position in
one direction to a closed position in the opposite direction.

(E) Miscellaneous Accessories

(i) Provide the following accessory items as applicable:

(i).1 Countertops and splashbacks
(i).2 Service fittings.
(i).3 Drying racks.
(i).4 Pegboards.
(i).5 Framed sliding glass doors.
(i).6 Sliding glass doors.
(i).7 Open storage units.
(i).8 Emergency eye wash.
(i).9 Emergency shower head.
(i).10 Safety shower station.
(i).11 Bin cabinets.
(i).12 File drawer cabinets.
(i).13 Mobile cabinets.

13.13 Special Construction (Division 13)

Not used.

13.14 Conveying Systems (Division 14)

(a) Elevators

(1) Performance Requirements

(A) Elevator work will be designed, fabricated and installed in accordance

with the following standards and regulations:

(i) Stainless steel finishes will be ASTM type 304, brushed or satin
finish, X-L Blend S, or X-L Buff finish, to manufacturer’s

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(ii) The Interior dimensions and weight capacities of each car will
accommodate all equipment and materials including Bariatric,
O/R, and Critical Care beds and stretchers (including portering
attendees and associated equipment) that are to be expected to
be found in a first class acute care hospital.

(iii) Canadian Standards Association, B44-07 Safety code for

elevators and escalators.

(2) Appendix E Compliance

(A) All elevators will be designed in full compliance with B44 Appendix
Section E, including the provision of audio voice annunciation.

(3) Central Monitoring Equipment

(A) Provide elevator monitoring system, complete with two (2) desk top PC
complete with LCD monitor, colour printer, and intranet network
connectivity. One unit will be installed in the hospital security office, the
second will be provided for the facility management office. Provide in
each machine room PC laptop unit, with 380 mm LCD screen, capable of
displaying information of all elevating devices within the Facility.

(B) Monitoring system will be network based and expandable permitting

monitoring and remote control of all vertical transportation equipment
within the Facility.

(4) Card Reader Security Provisions

(A) Each Service and Passenger elevator will be provided with card reader
security access. Proximity type reader will be used. Provide each
elevator with necessary shield wiring, security interface interconnections,
plus over ride key switch. Over ride key switch will allow persons to cut
out security operation on a Bank by Bank basis, as well as car by car.
Key switches will be provided in CACF room. Card reader interface will
allow for a programmable delay, minimum 1 to 5 seconds, following
registration of access card, to allow passengers to register their landing

(5) CCTV Provisions

(A) Each Service and Passenger elevator will be designed to accommodate

CCTV surveillance equipment. Provide two cables sufficient to meet
CCTV Camera transmission requirements running, without splices or
breaks, between a junction box mounted on the side of each car
controller to a junction box mounted on the car top. At the car end, leave
at least 2 metres spare cable length to facilitate camera hook up. On
Car top, provide a junction box, complete with a 120 volt power circuit

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


designed to interconnect camera power supply transformer. Power

supply circuit for camera will not be connected to car cab light and fan
power supply. Provide separate 120 VAC feed for this service. Mark car
top box as CCTV camera.

(6) Proprietary Equipment / Prototype Equipment

(A) Provision of proprietary equipment, limited or restricted access software

and diagnostic tools, or equipment designed with automatic “time out” or
“shut down” features will not be accepted. Provide the Authority with all
diagnostic tools, equipment, software and manuals to allow others to
undertake equipment maintenance other than the original installer.

(B) Under no circumstances will prototype components or equipment be

provided. Use only equipment that has shown a proven track record for
the application intended.

(7) Description of Equipment

(A) Passenger Elevator Group

(i) Number – Four elevators

(ii) Designations – P1 to P4

(iii) Number of Entrances – Nine (9) in line for four cars (elevators
serving Basement, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5,
Level 6, Level 7, and Level 8) assuming an eight-storey building

(iv) Equipment type – overhead gearless traction passenger

(v) Type –Traction Passenger

(vi) Capacity – 1,815 kg / 25 persons, Class A loading on all four


(vii) Rated Speed – 2.54 metre per second

(viii) Control – AC VVVF

(ix) Operation – Group Supervisory, full collective

(x) Operating Features

(x).1 Independent Service
(x).2 Card Reader Security Provisions
(x).3 Firefighters’ Emergency Operation, Phase 1 and 2
(x).4 Emergency Power, automatic sequencing (one car
to operate at a time)

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(x).5 Code Blue, cardiac emergency service, Phase 1

and Phase 2
(x).6 Remote Monitoring and Remote Control
(x).7 Load weighing dispatch and bypass
(x).8 Anti Nuisance operation
(x).9 Provision for CCTV cameras in elevator
(x).10 Provision to accommodate “Wandering Patient”
alarm and interface to lock down elevator when alarm is

(xi) Entrance Type – Horizontal Slide, Centre Opening

(xii) Entrance Size – a minimum of 1,220 wide x 2,135 high

(dimensions in mm) on four cars

(xiii) Entrance Frames – 3 piece bolted with stainless steel clad

landing door panels and entrance frames at all levels. Provide
aluminium sills at all landings.

(xiv) Door Operator – GAL MOVFR or equivalent closed loop, heavy

duty design

(xv) Minimum 250 mm diameter roller guides for cab and 75 mm

roller guides for counterweight. Provide counterweight with
equalizing springs to facilitate rope tension adjustments.

(xvi) Door Protection – Multi beam infra red detector – use of 3D

sensor feature will not be accepted. Automatic shut down of
elevator following three successive nudging applications will not
be accepted.

(xvii) Signals and Fixtures

(xvii).1 Two risers of hall buttons at each landing –
risers to be installed on opposite sides of the core,
between adjacent pairs of elevators
(xvii).2 Hall lantern fixtures, designed to allow for 180
degree viewing of car direction indicator
(xvii).3 Battery power cab lighting, with one fixture set
within each car station panel. Provide test facility within
car service cabinet.
(xvii).4 Two speed cab ventilation fan, with fan.
(xvii).5 Two car operating panels per car
(xvii).5.1 One position indicator per panel
(xvii).5.2 Hands free two way voice communication
(xvii).5.3 Flush mounted service cabinet within one car
operating panel.
(xvii).5.4 Card reader device mounted in one panel.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(xvii).6 Car call buttons to be US 91 BB Series or

equivalent, complete with dual light illumination. Hall call
buttons to illuminate green to indicate UP calls and red
for DOWN. All car and hall call button illuminations to be
LED type.

(xviii) Elevator Cab Interior Finishes

(xviii).1 Durable, cleanable and attractive interior
finishes incorporating wayfinding directions.
(xviii).2 Sound isolated car platform.
(xviii).3 Platform and car frame suitably reinforced and
designed to accommodate cab finish weight allowance
of 1,500 kg per cab, including stone flooring tile.
(xviii).4 Minimum 2,440 clear inside cabin height.

(B) Service Elevator Group

(i) Number – Four elevators

(ii) Designations – S1 to S4

(iii) Number of Entrances – Nine (9) in line for three cars (elevators
serving Basement, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5,
Level 6, Level 7, and Level 8) assuming an eight-storey building.
Ten (10) entrance openings for one car, serving same entrances
as the other three cars plus one additional stop at the
mechanical level penthouse

(iv) Equipment type – overhead gearless traction passenger

(v) Type –Traction Passenger

(vi) Capacity – 2,720 kg / 37 persons, Class A loading on three cars,

and Class C3 loading on elevator that serves the Mechanical
Penthouse. C3 loading to be designed to accommodate single
piece load equal to full car carrying capacity.

(vii) Rated Speed – 2.54 metre per second

(viii) Control – AC VVVF

(ix) Operation – Group Supervisory, full collective

(x) Operating Features

(x).1 Independent Service
(x).2 Card Reader Security Provisions
(x).3 Firefighters’ Emergency Operation, Phase 1 and 2

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(x).4 Emergency Power, automatic sequencing (one car

to operate at a time)
(x).5 Remote Monitoring and Remote Control
(x).6 Load weighing dispatch and bypass
(x).7 Anti Nuisance operation
(x).8 Provision for CCTV cameras in elevator
(x).9 Code Blue, cardiac emergency service, Phase 1
and Phase 2. Provision to be installed on all four service
(x).10 Provision to accommodate “Wandering Patient”
alarm and interface to lock down elevator when alarm is
activated. Provision of “Wandering Patient” equipment is
not the responsibility of the elevator installer.

(xi) Entrance Type – Horizontal Slide, Centre Opening, two speed

(xii) Entrance Size – a minimum of 1,830 wide x 2,135 high

(dimensions in mm) on for cars

(xiii) Entrance Frames – 3 piece bolted with stainless steel clad

landing door panels and entrance frames at all levels. Provide
aluminium sills at all landings

(xiv) Door Operator – GAL MOVFR or equivalent closed loop, heavy

duty design

(xv) Minimum 250 mm diameter roller guides for cab and 75 mm

roller guides for counterweight. Provide counterweight with
equalizing springs to facilitate rope tension adjustments.

(xvi) Door Protection – Multi beam infra red detector – use of 3D

sensor feature will not be accepted. Automatic shut down of
elevator following three successive nudging applications will not
be accepted.

(xvii) Signals and Fixtures

(xvii).1 Two risers of hall buttons at each landing –
risers to be installed on opposite sides of the core,
between adjacent pairs of elevators. Code Blue Phase 1
recall control key switch to be mounted within one
separate fixture at each landing level.
(xvii).2 Hall lantern fixtures, designed to allow for 180
degree viewing of car direction indicator
(xvii).3 Battery power cab lighting, with one fixture set
within each car station panel. Provide test facility within
car service cabinet.
(xvii).4 Two speed cab ventilation fan, with fan.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(xvii).5 Two car operating panels per car mounted in

cab side walls adjacent to car entrance opening. Panels
will be recessed mounted in side walls.
(xvii).5.1 One position indicator per panel
(xvii).5.2 Hands free two way voice communication
(xvii).5.3 Flush mounted service cabinet within one car
operating panel.
(xvii).5.4 Card reader device mounted in one panel.
(xvii).6 Car call buttons to be US 91 BB Series or
equivalent, complete with dual light illumination. Hall call
buttons to illuminate green to indicate UP calls and red
for DOWN. All car and hall call button illuminations to be
LED type.

(xviii) Elevator Cab Interior Finishes

(xviii).1 Raised stainless steel side and rear wall panels,
clad in Rigitex 5WL textured stainless steel. Provide
raised panels with stainless steel binder strips and
reveals. Provide stainless steel kickplate. Provide cove
ceiling with indirect cab lighting consisting of energy
efficient fluorescent or LED lighting. Provide single
sheet lino flooring with radiused base around cab side
and front return walls.
(xviii).2 Sound isolated car platform.
(xviii).3 Provide aluminium cab door sill.
(xviii).4 Minimum 2,440 clear inside cabin height.

(8) Installation

(A) Arrange equipment within machine room spaces provided. Position

components so as to allow for future replacement or repair work to be
undertaken, without having to dismantle or relocate other machine room

(B) Ensure all controllers, disconnects and other electrical devices are
positioned so that their access panels can be fully opened without
making contact with adjacent machine room devices or equipment
whether installed under this Section or by others.

(C) Make available to appropriate trade signal fixture back boxes, sleeves,
anchors or templates in advance of required construction.

(D) Electrical will provide wiring and conduit from electrical disconnects to
car controller. Co-ordinate with Electrical section regarding the location
of controller and electrical connection routing.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(E) Provide suitable rail bracket fasteners and make secure attachments to
hoistway construction.

(F) Set entrance frames in proper alignment with car platform. Fasten
frames to available wall and floor supports.

(G) Install entrances so frames are plumb within maximum variation of 1.5
mm measured between entrance landing sill and header, top to bottom.

(H) Install hoistway fascia panels in vertical alignment with entrances.

Provide stiffeners and additional brackets to prevent fascia panels,
where provided, and hanger covers from warping.

(I) Exposed Work within car enclosure and hall landing entrances will be
fabricated in true planes. Metal and wood sections will be installed flat,
be securely fastened and aligned to be straight and true. They will be
free of visible imperfections. Joints will be accurately fitted, aligned and
installed in same plane.

(9) Wiring

(A) Tie wrap all conductors.

(B) Spare conductors will be wrapped together and labelled with their ends

(C) Wiring connections will be soldered or fastened to terminal strips or studs

using approved mechanical fasteners.

(D) Provide wiring harness where multiplicity of conductors are terminated at

remote panel terminal strips.

(E) Controller components will be clearly marked with designations

corresponding to those used on electrical circuit drawings.

(F) Provide insulated bushings around openings where travelling cable and
other conductor cables are run through rigid structure or panels.

(G) Provide for each elevator, six pair shielded wires for future use. Wiring
will run between terminal strip in car controller to a car top junction box
mounted either on the top of the elevator cab or behind one car
operating station panel back box terminal strip.

(H) Wiring connections to door detectors will be protected from chaffing and
splitting. Flexible power cord may be used between fixed car wiring and
car door detectors as long as its cover is suitably protected.

(I) Run hoistway wiring within conduit or troughing.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(J) All car top and hoistway wiring will be properly secured and neatly
arranged using a minimum amount of flexible armoured conduit.

(K) Where armoured flexible conduit is used, provide conduit supports and
fastenings at intervals of not more than 1500 mm.

(L) Use proper anti shorts in all conduit connections.

(M) Terminate all spare wires and terminal strip mounted within controller, or
neatly secure and bundle up loose conductors into one neat coil.

(N) Install all raceway covers and secure in place all duct covers, fittings and

(O) Retorque all wiring terminals to ensure a positive connection between

conductor and terminal fastener is attained.

(10) Touch Up and Cleaning

(A) Remove from all polished metal surfaces, protective wrapping. When
the failure to remove properly protective all wrapping from moving parts
causes scratches or other blemishes in polished metal work visible to the
public, the elevator installer will be responsible to remove damaged
cladding and provide new replacement cladding.

(11) Painting

(A) All exposed ferrous metalwork will be painted with rust inhibiting paint.

(B) Paint exposed edges of platform and non-polished metal portions of the

(C) Prime coat painted surfaces will be finished in manufacturer’s standard

enamel finish.

(D) Factory applied finish paint will be touched up where damaged. Do not
paint over equipment data tags or nameplates.

(E) Apply mechanically reproduced car number designation to controller,

drive motor and brake housing after finish coat painting.

(F) After installation of equipment, paint fascia, toe guard and car apron
panels flat black.

(12) Equipment Performances and Adjustment Settings

(A) Elevator will start within 0.5 seconds after door interlock is made up.

(B) Passenger & Service Elevator door open times will be set at:

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(i) 1,220 mm wide centre opening doors: 2.0 to 3 seconds.

(ii) 1,830 mm wide two speed centre opening doors: 3.0 to 4


(C) Passenger & Service Elevator door close times will be set at:

(i) 1,220 mm wide centre opening doors: 2.5 to 3 seconds.

(ii) 1,830 mm wide two speed centre opening doors: 4.0 to 5


(D) Passenger & Service Elevator door close times under nudging operation
will be no less than 1.75 times normal door close times as noted above

(E) Dwell time for car calls will be adjustable from 0 to 20 seconds, initially set

(i) Passenger Elevators: 1.5 to 2.0 seconds.

(ii) Service Elevators: 3.0 to 5.0 seconds.

(F) Dwell time for hall calls will be adjustable from 0 to 20 seconds, initially
set at:

(i) Passenger Elevators: 3.0 to 5.0 seconds.

(ii) Service Elevators: 6.0 to 10.0 seconds.

(G) Flight times for each passenger and service elevator, measured under
varying car load conditions and direction of travel will be set between the
following limits. Flight time performances will be measured from the start
of door closure at one landing and will stop at the point where the car
doors are three quarters open and the car has levelled into an adjacent
typical floor. Flight times are based upon 4.2 metres floor to floor height.

(i) Passenger Elevators: .5 to 9.5 seconds.

(ii) Service Elevators: .0 to 11.0 seconds.

(H) Door recycle time will be adjustable from 0 to 20 seconds.

(I) Load weighing will be adjustable from 40 to 85 percent and will initially
be set at 60% of rated capacity.

(J) Anti nuisance feature, where controlled by load, will be adjustable from 0
to 50 percent and will initially be set at 5% of rated capacity.

(K) Car levelling accuracy will be maintained at +/- 3 mm under all load

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(L) Car rated speed performance will be initially adjusted to attain a

maximum speed variation of +/- 1.5% under full load conditions where
full speed operation is achievable.

(b) Pneumatic Tube System

(1) Project Co will provide a pneumatic tube system that is fully compatible with the
Authority’s pneumatic tube system and that connects to the Authority’s
pneumatic tube system at the end of the Diagnostic and Treatment Building
service tunnel adjacent to the Facility.

(2) Overriding Principles

(A) The system will be a computer controlled pneumatic tube materials

distribution system consisting of tubing, stations, transfer units, blower
packages, carriers and a control system, all fully compatible and
connected to the existing Trans-Logic/Swiss-Log system in Diagnostic
and Treatment building.

(3) Performance Requirements.

(A) The system will be configured in groups of stations (zones) connected

together by interzone tubes. Each station will be connected to the
system by a single tube to a transfer unit. Each nursing unit (patient care
unit) will have at least one station.

(B) Each zone will contain its own blower and function independently.

(C) The dispatching, routing and storage of carriers will be directed by a

system control centre to provide automatic unattended transmission of
carriers between two stations.

(D) The system will provide shortest route vacuum pressure travel.

(E) Refer to "Pneumatic Tube System – Existing RJH Diagnostic and

Treatment Building Riser Diagram" attached to June 2007 letter from
Zeidler Partnership for locations and numbers of stations and zones.

(F) The modular design of the system components will permit changes in the
number of stations and/or zones as Authority requirements change.

13.15 Mechanical (Division 15)

(a) Basic Requirements:

(1) Refer to Appendix 2K [Energy] for more information on calculation and

measurement of the energy use target.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(2) The Facility’s steam and medical gases will be supplied from the Energy Centre
on Lee Avenue. Steam will be provided at a maximum capacity of 13,000 lbs /
hour. The Authority will provide capped-off and/or flanged connections for
medical gas, steam and condensate lines at the end of the Diagnostic and
Treatment Building service tunnel adjacent to the Facility. Project Co will
connect to these services while allowing for seismic restraints and system
expansion at the building separation. Project Co will also provide isolation valves
(where required) at this point of connection. (Project Co will be responsible to
construct openings through the existing wall as required to facilitate permanent
access, including sealing the construction between new and existing building

(3) Provide utilities-commission approved meters for domestic water, steam,

condensate. Refer to Section 13.15(o) of this Schedule for further information on
meter monitoring. Meters will be used to measure energy.

(4) The HVAC, plumbing, fire protection, and medical gases systems will be
designed to avoid disruption to the operation of the facility during maintenance or
repairs. The systems must be designed so patient rooms do not need to be
entered when performing these functions, except:

(A) valves for hot & cold water shutoff and valves for radiant panel
supply/return will be located above the ceiling and accessible from the
patient washroom;

(B) valves for terminal box reheat coils will be located in the ceiling space
above the entryway to the room; and

(C) locations for service access will be located outside of the patient or
family zone, and on the opposite side of the privacy curtain from the
patient bed.

(5) All isolation, maintenance, balancing, and other service valves located in the
corridor ceiling spaces will be accessible from standing or when using a
maximum 8-foot tall ladder.

(6) The design should incorporate flexibility for future alterations.

(7) All components of mechanical systems including ductwork, piping, and

equipment will be seismically restrained to Post Disaster standards in
accordance with BC Building Code and the requirements of Section 5.4(b) of this

(8) The HVAC system will be designed to prevent the airborne transmission of
viruses, bacteria, fungal spores, and other bio-aerosols.

(9) All systems will be clearly labelled according to the Authority standards.
Labelling will include, but not be limited to, painting and labelling of all pipes,

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


ceiling identification dots, valve tagging, and emergency valve identification


(10) All fixtures and equipment will be designed and installed to manufacturer’s
specifications and standards.

(11) All fixtures and equipment will be provided by manufacturers with supply and/or
service forces located in British Columbia. Replacement and maintenance parts
must be stocked locally or readily available.

(12) All work will be performed by qualified tradesmen with valid British Columbia
trade qualification certificates.

(b) Technical References:

The following Technical Standards is not intended to be a complete list of all applicable
standards. Project Co is responsible for identifying and complying with all Applicable
Standards regardless of whether they appear in this document or not.

(1) British Columbia Insulation Contractors Association (BCICA) Quality Standards

Manual for Mechanical Insulation, Latest Edition.

(2) ANSI / ASHRAE (American National Standards Institute / American Society of

Heating, Refrigeration, and Air-conditioning Engineers)

(A) 52.2-1999 : Method of Testing General Ventilation Air-Cleaning Devices

for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size.

(B) 55-2004 : Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy

(C) 62.1-2004 : Ventilation for Acceptable Air Quality

(D) 90.1-1999 : Energy Efficient Design for New Buildings.

(E) 111-1988 : Practices for Measurement, Testing, Adjusting, & Balancing

of Building HVAC Systems.

(F) 129-1997 : Measuring Air Change Effectiveness.

(G) 135-2004 : Data Communication Protocol for Building Automation &

Control Networks

(3) ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning


(A) Handbooks: 2003 HVAC Applications, 2004 HVAC Systems and

Equipment, 2005 Fundamentals, 2006 Refrigeration

(B) Design of Smoke Control Systems

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(C) ASHRAE Guideline 12-2000 - Minimizing the Risk of Legionellosis

Associated with Building Water Systems

(4) ANSI / ASME (American National Standards Institute / American Society of

Mechanical Engineers)

(A) B31.1 Power Piping Code, for steam systems

(B) Section IX : Welding Qualifications

(C) Unfired Pressure Vessels

(5) ASPE (American Society of Plumbing Engineers)

(A) Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook, Volumes 1-4

(6) ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)

(A) B88 : Copper Piping

(7) CGA (Canadian Gas Association)

(A) P-2.1 : Standard for Medical / Surgical Vacuum Systems in Hospitals

(8) CSA (Canadian Standards Association)

(A) B45 Series-94 : Plumbing Fixtures

(B) B64 Series 94 : Backflow Preventers & Vacuum Breakers

(C) B52HB-05 : Mechanical Refrigeration Code.

(D) B125-93 : Plumbing Fittings

(E) B149.1-00 : Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code

(F) B651-95 : Barrier Free Design

(G) Z305.1-92 : Nonflammable Medical Gas Piping Systems

(H) Z317.2-01 : Special Requirements for Heating, Ventilation, and Air

Conditioning (HVAC) Systems in Health Care Facilities.

(I) Z317.1-99 : Special Requirements for Plumbing Installations in Health

Care Facilities.

(J) Z318.0-93 : Commissioning of Health Care Facilities.

(K) Z318.1-95 : Commissioning of HVAC systems in Health Care Facilities.

(9) NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(A) 10-2002 : Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers

(B) 13-2002 : Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems

(C) 14-2003 : Standard for Installation of Standpipe & Hose Systems

(D) 20-2002 : Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire

(E) 50 : Bulk Oxygen Systems

(F) 56F : Non-flammable Medical gas System.

(G) 90A - current edition : Standard for Installation of Air Conditioning and
Ventilation Systems

(H) 92A - current edition : Standard for Smoke-Control Systems Utilizing

Barriers and Pressure Differences

(I) 96 - current edition : Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection
of Commercial Cooking Operations

(J) 101 - current edition : Life Safety Code

(c) Site Services:

(1) All materials will be in accordance with CSA standards.

(2) Provide individual water, fire protection, gas, sanitary, and storm services as
required and sized to suit the usage needs of the facility.

(3) Provide two domestic water service connections. The primary service will be
supplied from a new service off Richmond Street. The backup service will be
supplied from the Diagnostic & Treatment (Diagnostic and Treatment) Building.
Connect to the capped-off service from the Diagnostic and Treatment Building as
described in Section 13.15(a) of this Schedule.

(d) Building Plumbing Services:

(1) Design Principles:

(A) Domestic water systems will be designed in accordance with CSA

Standards. The water systems will ensure delivery of water supplies at
the required pressures to all water outlets.

(B) Provide water inlet connections on the exterior of the building for supply
water through tanker truck connections. The system will be designed in
such a way that it may be used as a backup should the primary services
fail during a disaster such as an earthquake.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(C) Natural gas systems will be in designed in accordance with CSA


(D) Provide durable materials to allow for 24 hour a day operation with
minimal downtime.

(E) Consideration should be given to easy access and serviceability and

avoiding interference with other services.

(F) Provide floor drains on all mechanical and interstitial floors

(2) Products:

(A) Provide backflow preventers on the incoming water service as well as at

equipment source connections where required by code.

(B) Provide interceptors as required by Governmental Authority guidelines to

intercept oil, grease, dirt, and solids.

(C) Provide domestic water strainer at the incoming service into the building.

(D) If a water booster pump is required, ensure it is designed with

demonstrated redundancy and emergency power capability to provide
uninterrupted water service and pressure in the event of malfunction,
maintenance, or power loss. It must also be able to work in conjunction
with a water tanker truck under post-disaster conditions. Refer to
Section 5.4(b) of this Schedule.

(3) Execution:

(A) All drainage systems will be designed such that the system connects to
the site services. Designs will utilize gravity drainage where possible.

(B) If a pumping system is required for subsurface, storm, or sanitary

drainage, then the design will include 100% redundancy with equipment
on emergency power such that the system does not flood the mechanical
space it is housed in. The sump will have twin compartments: a settling
and a pumping compartment, and will be sized to prevent short cycling of
the pump. Provide alarm points for high water and pump failure.

(C) Insulate storm drainage, domestic water piping, and exposed p-traps
throughout as per BCICA quality standards.

(D) All plumbing drainage in the renal designated IPU, and individually
designated renal capable rooms will be ‘acid-waste’ or equivalent to a
point such that dilution renders discharge ineffective.

(E) In each renal designated room provide capacity for renal discharge and
tempered water in a location adjacent to the patient bed and provide for

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


automatical and regular flushing of the system. See Sections 13.15 and
13.16 for locations and requirements.

(F) All plumbing drainage in oncology room(s) that may have radiotherapy or
chemotherapy materials discharged (sink or toilet) are to have protective
containment (i.e. lead lining) to a point of sufficient dilution.

(G) All plumbing drainage in the psychiatric or mental health units will be
designed such a way to limit or remove blockage such as clothing from
the piping system.

(H) Consideration should be given to reclaiming waste heat from sources

such as showers or condensers.

(I) Provide flushing and disinfection of domestic water systems. Provide

independent testing of piping systems once flushing and cleaning has
been completed.

(J) Provide automatic trap primers in drains that would not necessarily have
regular washdowns so as to prevent drains drying out.

(e) Plumbing Fixtures:

(1) Design Principles:

(A) All plumbing fixtures to comply with CSA : B45, B125 and Z317.1_99 or
latest, and will be suitable for a hospital inpatient care facility. Fixtures
selected must have proven acceptable hospital performance from
previous installations.

(B) Barrier-free plumbing fixtures and fittings will comply with CSA B651 will
be suitable for a hospital inpatient care facility.

(C) Provide anti-splash fittings that do not retain air in all inpatient care

(D) Fixtures will not have an overflow unless a cleaning program will be in

(2) Products:

(A) Public toilets will be elongated and low-consumption. They will have an
open front seat with electronic hands-free flush valve operation.

(B) Patient toilets will be elongated and low-consumption. They will have an
open front seat with manual flush valve operation.

(C) Urinals will be wall-hung and low-consumption. They will have electronic
hands-free flush valve operation.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(D) Public washroom lavatory fixtures will be made of an impervious, durable

material. They will have electronic hands-free type faucets with single
temperature supply.

(E) Patient washroom lavatory fixtures will be made of an impervious,

durable material. They will have electronic hands-free type faucets with
single temperature supply.

(F) Staff handwash sinks for nursing stations, patient rooms, examination
rooms, and other similar function rooms will be made of stainless steel or
suitable material. All such sinks will have electronic hands-free type
faucets with single temperature supply and gooseneck spouts, except
that sinks in mental health areas of the Facility will have vandal resistant
metering faucets instead of gooseneck spouts.

(G) Bathtubs & showers will have slip resistant flooring and pressure
compensated thermostatically controlled valves.

(H) Plumbing fixtures in the psychiatric or mental health units will be

products that will prevent undue harm or damage to the building and/or

(I) Toilets should be of a type that can be used with portable bariatric
commode chairs if required.

(J) Provide trap primers with automatic solenoid valves at p-traps in

negatively-pressurized rooms.

(K) Provide suitable quantities of janitors’ sinks, hose bibs, eye wash
stations, and drinking fountains to provide sufficient service to the facility.

(3) Execution:

(A) Provide isolation valves for all floors and individual rooms for all
plumbing services. Clearly identify all valves according to the Authority
standard labelling system

(B) Provide roughed-in plumbing services for future conversion of Mental

Health patient rooms to standard Medical-Surgical patient rooms. Make
provisions in both systems sizing and installation to minimize demolition
required during future conversion.

(C) Provide accessible clean-outs for all sinks and lavatories (and future
sinks and lavatories) above the flood-level rim of the sink.

(D) Project Co will construct working mock-ups of all sinks with gooseneck
faucets for the Authority'
s review.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(E) Toilets will be selected with special attention to reducing spread of

infection. Flush valves will be suitably sized for the water consumption of
the bowl. Toilet bowls will not splash or spray water onto the toilet rim or
anywhere outside of the toilet bowl and will be designed to minimize the
aerosolization of the toilet contents.

(F) All electronic sensor-activated fixtures are not permitted to be of the

disposable battery-operated kind.

(f) Domestic Hot Water Systems:

(1) Design Principles:

(A) Domestic hot water demand will be calculated in accordance with ASPE
Plumbing Engineering Design Handbook.

(B) Domestic hot water system will be designed with sufficient capacity and
recovery rate for the facility’s hot water requirements.

(C) Domestic hot water system will be designed with a circulation system to
ensure timely delivery of hot water to all fixtures.

(D) Domestic hot water system will be designed in accordance with ASHRAE
Guideline 12-2000, or equivalent design standards, to prevent growth
and spread of Legionella bacteria within the tanks, piping, fixtures, or any
other component. Design methods to use include, but are not limited to,
eliminating dead-leg piping, and minimizing uncirculated piping by
connecting the circulation system as close as possible to fixtures.

(2) Execution:

(A) Provide pressure reducing valves with 100% redundancy in accessible

locations if system pressure exceeds acceptable delivery pressure.

(B) Provide steam pressure relief safety valves to atmosphere per relevant

(g) Medical Gas Systems:

(1) Design Principles:

(A) The medical gases for the Facility will be supplied from the Authority
central supply.

(B) All medical gas systems will be to CSA Z305.1-92 : Nonflammable

Medical Gas Piping Systems code, NFPA and CGA.

(C) Medical gases will include Oxygen, Medical Air, and Medical Vacuum.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(2) Products:

(A) All pipe and pipe fittings will be in accordance to ASTM 88.

(B) Service Outlets:

(i) Provide recessed service outlets boxes designed for concealed

piping and fabricated for straight insertion of secondary
equipment. Outlets will be designed and manufactured in
accordance to NFPA, CGA, and CSA standards.

(ii) Each recessed wall outlet will have a permanently marked,

colour-coded non-interchangeable index system so to prevent
the connection of the wrong gases. Provide a secondary check
valve to hold the line pressure if the primary valve is removed for

(iii) Provide 2-part DISS type outlet connections for each medical

(C) Ball type shut off valves will be U.L. listed label showing the appropriate
gas service & pressure rating. Valves will swing out during installation
and have a quarter turn from full open to close.

(D) Area Zone shut off valves will be housed in a single box with multiple
shut off valves with tube extensions, lexan glass door with hinges and
pull out opening ring. Provide pressure / vacuum gauges for each

(3) Execution:

(A) Project Co will install all medical gas piping in the Facility.

(B) Project Co will submit the projected loads of the various medical gases
such that the Authority can validate capacity of their existing equipment.

(C) Design the system such that there is one zone shut off system per
nursing unit complete with central alarm panel at each zone.

(D) Provide construction shut off valves such that groups of no more than 6
inpatient rooms can be isolated to accommodate renovations without
disrupting service to other areas. These valves will be located in an
identified accessible location.

(E) All medical gas piping in normally inaccessible areas (eg: behind walls
and boarded ceilings) will be marked such that the nature of the gas may
be readily determined at any point, e.g. painted along the entire length
during installation. Paint colour will be as per the Authority’s standards

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(F) Locate medical gas terminal panels within each bed’s head wall.

(G) Design the system in conformance with CSA Z305.1, such that groups of
18 beds will have its own valve box and alarm panels. Alarm panel will
be connected to both building and emergency power.

(H) Provide BMS alarm interface signal to the Authority’s central DDC
system for critical alarms such as low or high pressure.

(I) The above and any other alarms will also notify Project Co’s BMS
system and the Authority’s Central Services monitoring system.

(J) Provide roughed-in medical gas services, routed and capped in the
ceiling space above each mental health patient room, sufficient to
accommodate headwall requirements detailed in Section 9.6(b)(1) which
allow future conversion of Mental Health patient rooms to Medical-
Surgical patient rooms.

(h) Specialty Systems

(1) Design Principles:

(A) Supply and install a water filtration system for the facility’s potable
drinking water. The system will be cross connected to the existing
Diagnostic and Treatment wing potable water system.

(B) Supply and install all specialty systems as required to provide a complete
installation. These systems include, but are not limited to:

(i) Acid waste and venting,

(ii) Radioactive waste,

(iii) Oil, grease, dirt, and solids interceptors,

(iv) Food services retherm area ventilation, exhaust, and cooling,

(v) Retail area restaurant kitchen exhaust (note: do not provide

ventilation that requires fire suppression, e.g. one designed for
deep frying).

(C) Interceptors will be designed to manufacturer’s specifications and Capital

Regional District standards.

(D) Kitchen exhaust hoods and ductwork, where required, will be designed to
NFPA-96 standards.

(2) Products:

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(A) Filtration system will be capable of removing bacteria and particulates

larger than 25 microns.

(B) Acid waste, vent piping, and fittings will be suitable for the pH levels of
the waste system.

(C) Provide trap primers with automatic solenoid valves at all acid waste p-

(3) Execution:

(A) Filtration system must be sized to handle 100% design flow rate with
redundant filters piped in parallel to allow for cleaning and repair.

(B) Provide and install cross-connection capability including valves and

piping on domestic water service that will allow connection to the
Authorities’ water supply connection to be located at Grid line Q.

(C) Provide capacity for acid waste drainage suitable for renal services as
identified in Appendix 3A

(i) Fire Protection

(1) Design Principles:

(A) Design the building smoke control system in accordance with NFPA
standards including (but not limited to) 92A and 101, and as accepted by
Governmental Authorities. Coordinate smoke compartment
pressurization strategies with other design fields and systems.

(2) Products:

(A) All fire protection equipment will be ULC approved.

(B) Each fire extinguisher will be located per relevant codes and to the
satisfaction of the City of Victoria inspection department and approved
for the hazard and classification of the space it serves.

(C) The sprinkler system and equipment will be designed to the occupancy
classification that it protects.

(D) Quick response sprinklers will be provided throughout.

(E) Provide on the sprinkler system take-off from water supply an approved
detector type double check valve assembly with approved listed OS&Y
gate valves on both sides complete with tamper switches.

(F) As sprinkler heads in areas subject to damage, such as Mental Health

areas, will be of a type that will protect the patients and staff from harm.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(G) The fire pump, if required, will require emergency power supply and will
have a transfer switch which is part of the fire pump controller, package
mounted in separate mechanically attached enclosure to form one
assembly, specifically approved for the purpose as a complete unit.
Alternatively, the fire pump can be diesel fired in accordance with NFPA-

(3) Execution:

(A) Install fire extinguishers in a semi or fully recessed cabinet to the

satisfaction of the City of Victoria Inspection Department.

(B) Fire Department Connection will be installed at a location approved by

the local Governmental Authorities.

(C) Locate zone shut-off valves so they are visible and accessible from the
floor. Do not conceal from view: do not locate in janitor rooms, storage
rooms, or stairwells except as accepted by the Consultant.

(j) Heating

(1) Design Principles:

(A) Space heating capacity must be sufficient to meet the required indoor
design temperatures outlined in Appendix 3B [Space Design Comfort
and Pressurization Criteria] while using the January 1% outside design
temperature outlined in the BC Building Code.

(B) The heating equipment will be sized sufficiently to meet the maximum
simultaneous facility demand for all systems served by the heating plant.
It also must be capable of controlling and responding to periods of low

(C) Apply energy recovery systems to offset plant heating requirements.

Provide analysis of energy savings, life-cycle costing, and maintenance

(2) Products:

(A) Finned tube radiators within the patient rooms are prohibited.

(3) Execution:

(A) Provide radiant heat panels over burn unit beds with in-room
temperature control.

(B) Locate steam traps so condensate is drained by gravity as much as

possible. Provide condensate pumps where required.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(C) Any ventilation and/or radiant heating sources () serving the patient
rooms will be connected to the building’s emergency power supply.

(k) Air Conditioning

(1) Design Principles:

(A) Space cooling capacity must be sufficient to meet the required indoor
design temperatures outlined in Appendix 3B [Space Design Comfort
and Pressurization Criteria] while using the July 2.5% outside design wet
and dry bulb temperatures outlined in the BC Building Code.

(B) Project Co will clarify building cooling load requirements such that the
Authority can validate capacity of their existing plant.

(C) Utilize 100% outdoor air for free cooling as the first means of space

(2) Execution:

(A) Ensure no air within the air conditioning system, outside of the central air
handling equipment, drops below its dewpoint temperature.

(l) Ventilation

(1) Design Principles:

(A) Design the ventilation system and all components in accordance with
ASHRAE Standard 62.1, CSA Z317.2, and the Authority standards.

(B) Project Co will submit an Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) plans to meet the
project’s IAQ requirements.

(C) Ventilation rates for all spaces will meet the design requirements
described in Appendix 3C [Space Class Ratings, Ventilation and
Background Noise Requirements]. If a space is not listed, ventilation
rates will comply with the applicable standards and codes.

(D) Provide the minimum filtration levels as described in Appendix 3C

[Space Class Ratings, Ventilation and Background Noise Requirements].

(E) Spaces will maintain pressurization requirements described in Appendix

3B [Space Design Comfort and Pressurization Criteria].

(F) Isolation rooms may meet the reduced air change and pressurization
requirements of typical patient rooms when being used as such.
Controls for changing air controls will be clearly marked and lockable.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(G) The ventilation system will be designed in such a manner to isolate a

cluster of bedrooms (for example, 18 bedrooms) and/or IPU and/or
floors, and convert it to an isolation ward should an internal or external
pandemic and/or disaster occur. Refer to Section 5.1 of this Schedule.
Project Co will demonstrate how infectious control has been achieved.

(H) All spaces designated as infectious control or isolation will be connected

to emergency power for ventilation and pressurization control.

(2) Products:

(A) Regarding Class I, Class II and Class III spaces:

(i) all Class I, Class II and Class III spaces in the Facility will be
supplied air from the same air handling system, which system
will be designed to Class I standards;

(ii) the exhaust system for Class I spaces (Isolation Rooms) will be
separate from the exhaust system for Class II and III spaces;

(iii) protective isolation rooms will have a HEPA filter at the diffuser.

(B) Air-handling systems will be provided with sufficient redundancy to

ensure no disruptions in facility operation. Class I spaces will maintain
100% redundancy. Class II and Class III spaces may maintain
approximately 75% redundancy.

(C) Air handling equipment will be factory fabricated to ensure the highest
construction standard.

(D) Fans will be designed with Variable Frequency Drives (VFD’s) for energy
savings under part-load conditions.

(E) Provide an indirect heat recovery system on the exhaust air.

(F) Provide HEPA filters at supply air inlets to protective isolation rooms
(positively pressurized). .

(G) Provide HEPA and/or UV filters on building exhaust air systems from all
Class I spaces, as required by local authorities, to prevent risk of
recirculation of the exhausted air to this or any nearby building.

(H) For isolation of clusters of bedrooms (for example, 18 bedrooms), IPUs

and/or floors for infection control, provide dampers of sufficient quality to
ensure minimal leakage of airflow. Provide airflow sensor at damper to
ensure isolation has been achieved.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(I) Provide differential pressure sensors at isolation rooms, clusters of

bedrooms (for example, 18 bedrooms), IPUs and/or floors to monitor and
to ensure proper pressurization has been achieved as required.

(3) Execution:

(A) The Facility design will incorporate a strategy to install and remove major
building equipment such as fans, etc.

(B) Locate fans, common filters (eg: HEPA), and other equipment in the
central mechanical rooms where possible. Allow for adequate clearance
for service access.

(C) Make allowances in duct sizing and equipment selections to

accommodate some flexibility for future changes in spaces. Allow for a
future increase in capacity of 25% on branch lines and 10% on Air
Handling Unit sizing.

(D) Design the fresh air intakes, cooling coil drain pans, air handling units,
duct mounted humidifiers, ductwork, and all other interconnected
components to prevent moisture or contaminants from collecting within
the system. Provide sufficient access panels to allow for inspection and

(E) Fresh air intakes will be located to not entrain contaminants from outdoor
sources. All intakes will be located in areas not accessible by the public.
Special consideration should be given to avoid the intake of obnoxious
odours from the heliport located northeast to the facility. Project Co will
demonstrate how this has been achieved.

(F) All supply, return, and exhaust air will be fully ducted to the space being

(G) For all spaces, design supply air diffusers to ensure thorough air mixing
and complete supply air coverage at acceptable air speeds.

(H) For infection isolation rooms (negatively pressurized), locate supply air
diffusers and exhaust air grilles to reduce the exposure of uninfected
occupants in the space. Utilize directional and dilution airflow principles:
supply air from high-level non-aspirating diffusers located away from the
patient bed, and exhaust air from low-level grilles located next to the
patient's head.

(I) For protective isolation rooms (positively pressurized), locate supply air
diffusers and exhaust air grilles to reduce the exposure of the patient
from other occupants in the space. Utilize directional airflow principles:
supply air from high-level non-aspirating diffusers located near the

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


patient bed, and exhaust air from low-level grilles located away from the
patient’s head.

(m) Sound Attenuation and Vibration Isolation

(1) Design Principles:

(A) Design all mechanical systems to prevent sound and vibration

transmission between spaces, and transmission from mechanical
equipment to the spaces and maintain sound to levels shown in
Appendix 3C [Space Class Ratings, Ventilation and Background Noise
Requirements]. Design mechanical systems located at or near the
Building exterior to minimize sound transmission to the neighbouring
residential community.

(2) Products:

(A) Provide vibration isolation devices on all equipment with rotating


(B) All hung equipment will utilize spring isolators designed for the weight
and vibration characteristics of the equipment.

(C) Provide flexible connectors on all pump, duct, and wiring connections to
isolated equipment.

(3) Execution:

(A) Ensure duct silencers meet or exceed the requirements of the ductwork
for cleanliness and inspection.

(n) Controls:

(1) Design Principles:

(A) The controls system will be designed as a Building Management System

(BMS), to allow monitoring and operation of the entire building from a
single location or remote Internet connection.

(B) The BMS will be a completely integrated (front-end and back-end) Native
BacNET DDC system.

(C) The BMS will be capable of expanding in scope and size with future
facility renovations.

(D) The BMS will minimize the building’s energy usage by optimizing system
performance under all operating conditions.

(2) Products:

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(A) The BMS will be provided as a complete package from one

manufacturer, not a composite system from several manufacturers.

(B) Components of the complete BMS system include, but are not limited to:

(i) Building controllers, field control devices, and sensors,

(ii) Data communication equipment for transmitting building data

and alarms to outside devices,

(iii) All conduit, wiring, and coordination of equipment.

(iv) Complete operation and training manuals, including full

documentation of all software and hardware

(v) Acceptance tests and technical support during commissioning,

(vi) Training of personnel.

(C) Project Co will provide access to the Authority for immediate alarm
notification, and for monitoring of the building’s BMS: provide one
operator workstation for the Authority Central Services, and remote
internet access for minimum three concurrent users. Project Co will be
responsible for all hardware and for all software licenses and updates.

(D) Provide airflow sensors at infectious control isolation dampers in

ductwork to ensure isolation has been achieved. Provide local audio and
visual alarms for these sensors in addition to the BMS alarms.

(E) Provide differential pressure sensors between isolation rooms and

anterooms, and between anterooms and corridors, or between patient
rooms and corridors to monitor space pressurization. Provide local audio
and visual alarms for these systems in addition to the BMS alarms.
Local audio and visual alarm to be located at room entrance and at IPU
reception desk.

(3) Execution:

(A) Zoning for HVAC systems will be based on occupancy, room location
within the building, room orientation, and thermostatic room loads.

(B) Failsafe components will be hard-wired to provide reliable operation in all


(C) The BMS will meter and trend all data related to the flow of services into
and out of the building including, but not limited to, domestic water,
chilled supply and return, steam, condensate, various medical gas lines,
natural gas, and electricity.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(D) The BMS will monitor, control, indicate alarms, and provide trending
where applicable for all connected sensors and control points.

(E) The BMS will be connected to emergency power.

(F) All control signals sent to the Authority for operation of services provided
by Central Services will be compatible with the existing controls system
of Central Services.

(G) The BMS will indicate critical alarms for essential building and life safety
systems. These alarms will notify the Authority as well as the building’s
master control centre. These critical alarms include, but are not limited

(i) Hardwired system safety failures,

(ii) All temperature alarms resulting from setpoint deviations

described in Appendix 3B [Space Design Comfort and
Pressurization Criteria] and Appendix 3C [Space Class Ratings,
Ventilation and Background Noise Requirements] for Class I and
Class II spaces,

(iii) Medical gas system high and low pressure alarms,

(iv) All alarms relating to the fire protection system.

(H) The BMS documentation will include a detailed narrative description of

the sequence of operation of each system including, but not limited to,
the following items:

(i) Ramping periods and reset schedules,

(ii) Control Description Logic for each system,

(iii) Input/Output summary tables for each system,

(iv) System diagrams.

(o) Testing, Adjusting, Balancing and Commissioning:

(1) Project Co will:

(A) demonstrate to the Authority that the mechanical and electrical systems
are substantially operational by testing, adjusting, balancing, and
commissioning the systems in accordance with Good Industry Practice;

(B) retain complete records of all TAB and commissioning data; and

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(C) perform follow-up TAB services during each season over the first year of
the building’s operation.

13.16 Electrical (Division 16)

(a) Basic Requirements

(1) All electrical systems, materials, and equipment in the Facility will be of a type
and quality intended for use in a permanent health care facility. The electrical
systems will provide redundancy, proper protection, continuity of service and a
safe working environment for patients, visitors, and staff.

(2) All systems and equipment required for the work of each identified program will
be provided and will be configured with due regard for the details of delivery of
the programs.

(3) Understand and incorporate into the design and construction the principal that
change will be a constant and inevitable fact within the Facility. All systems will
be constructed so as to facilitate this change while minimizing the cost of change
and the amount of interruption to the regular activities of the Facility.

(4) Systems and equipment will be designed and installed in a coordinated fashion.
Systems will work together where advantageous, take advantage of current best
available technology and through synergy provide the Facility with reliable
electrical systems performance directed to facilitating the various functions of the
Facility, now and into the future.

(b) Quality Requirements

(1) All electrical systems, including but not limited to life safety systems, lighting,
control systems, power service and distribution, and grounding will comply in all
respects with the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC) latest version and with all
other standards governing electrical work in general, and work in hospitals,
cancer facilities and health care facilities specifically.

(2) Provision and installation of electrical systems and equipment will also comply
with Standard CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.0-M91 (R1997) and CAN/CSA C22.2
Standards specifically identified in Appendix A of Standard C22.1-02 for Health
Care Products.

(3) Configuration and installation will comply in all respects to CSA Standards,
including but not limited to CSA Z32.04 Electrical Safety and Essential Electrical
Systems in Health Care Facilities.

(c) Performance Requirements

(1) Every electrical system will be installed in a fixed and permanent manner,
adequately seismically restrained to meet the Facility needs including the areas

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


identified as post-disaster. The installation will economically occupy available

space, leaving space for future additions, and will be planned to facilitate easy
access to other systems and equipment, including but not limited to mechanical
equipment, building systems access ways, and architectural building components
which may require periodic inspection or activities.

(2) Redundancy will be incorporated into systems and equipment such that the
failure of a single piece of major equipment or major conductor will not impair the
operation of the Facility nor the clinical or administrative activities.

(3) The protection, grounding and/or isolation, insulation and control of all circuits
and systems will be designed and constructed specifically to address the clinical
and functional requirements of the locations where they are installed.

(4) The Facility'

s electrical systems will be designed to maximise worker safety and
to minimise the impact to on-going maintenance according to an ARC-Flash
Hazard Analysis, specifically Shock Hazard Analysis and Flash Hazard Analysis.
The complete system to be labelled for ARC Flash Safety Awareness per NFPA-
70E and CSA-Z462 (latest revision).

(5) All electrical Equipment to be color-coded consistent with other buildings on the
Campus such as the Diagnostic and Treatment Centre.

(6) The connection of the Facilities high voltage electrical services from the
Authorities Energy Centre is to be based on an indicative design that details
three service types: Vital, Delayed-Vital, and Normal. The fourth electrical service
type, Conditional power, as required per CSA-Z32-04 will be created in the
Facility via automatic transfer switch interconnection of Delayed-Vital and Normal
distributions connecting to the Conditional distribution. Refer to indicative single-
line document titled – Indicative SLD HV Electrical_ES to Facility_Ver1.2 –
located in the Data Room.

(7) Ensure that design criteria such as CSA Z32 compliance, transformer
redundancy, future capacity, and interlocks with the Energy Centre closed
transition ("bumpless") Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) are detailed and

(8) The ‘Normal’ electrical service will connect all electrical loads that are not to be
connected to the essential electrical service types per Z32-04.

(9) Finish all cabinets, panelboards, switchboards, equipment cabinets, cable trays,
etc. in ANSI 61 grey enamel unless otherwise specified.

(d) Quality Requirements

(1) Comply with all requirements of a “Post-Disaster” Building as per CSA-Z32, latest

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(e) Products

(1) All products provided will be CSA approved and new.

(2) Apply primer on all items which are to be finished on site.

(f) Wiring Methods and Materials

(1) Products

(A) Raceways

(i) Galvanized rigid metal conduit: Standard weight, will be used in

wet locations, outdoor runs or in concrete slabs in contact with
the earth.

(ii) Galvanized metallic tubing (EMT): Will be used in masonry,

partitions, ceiling spaces and exposed indoor runs.

(iii) PVC conduit: Will be rigid PVC scepter for underground electrical
distribution and panel feeders and branch circuits below slab.

(iv) All conduits leaving cable tray or other are to be bonded to cable

(B) Wire and Cables

(i) Wire and cables will be new and marked in accordance with
code requirements for type, voltage, manufacture, etc. All wiring
will be copper unless otherwise noted.

(ii) Wiring will be min. #12 AWG copper unless otherwise noted.

(iii) Conductors larger than #6 AWG may be aluminum.

(iv) Conductors sized #10 AWG and smaller will be of soft copper.
Cables will be rated 600 Volt, 90 deg. C. unless otherwise noted.
Conductors will be 90 deg. rated type RW 90 XLPE.

(v) Wiring smaller than #14 AWG, solid or stranded: Will not be used
except for extra low voltage wiring specified to be executed
under this Division. Conductors of #8 AWG and larger will be
stranded soft copper.

(vi) Non-metallic Type Cables: Will be multiconductor with PVC outer

jacket and rated 300 volt. Conductors will be as specified above.

(vii) Electrical conductors to meet the "VIHA – South Island Electrical

Specifications for Acute Care Facilities".

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(viii) Vibration Isolation: Will be Flexible “Sealtite” metallic conduits,

with “Kellems” grips between the conduit and terminal box. (For
motor connections).

(C) Wiring Devices

(i) Lighting Switches: Will be of the AC quiet type, hospital grade

with totally enclosed framed toggle.

(ii) Receptacles: Will be hospital grade, duplex, 3 wire U ground,

“finder face” type, with screw type terminals, double wiping
spring bronze contacts, colour as per the Authority Electrical

(iii) Cover plates: Will be nylon as per the Authority Electrical


(iv) Wiring Devices and Cover Plates: Will be by one manufacturer,

Bryant, G.E., Hubbell, Leviton or P & S.

(D) Junction and Pull Boxes

(i) Junction and Pull Boxes: Will be of code gauge galvanized or

painted steel with screw on metal cover. They will be sized to
accommodate conduit of sizes specified and to facilitate pulling
in the size and type of cable required.

(ii) Junction, pull and outlet boxes to be identified as per the

Authority’s standards.

(E) Hangers and Supports

(i) Support outlet boxes, junction boxes, conduit and all electrical
equipment independently with hangers and fastenings to building
structural members. Perforated strapping or perforated pipe
hangers will not be used.

(ii) Concrete inserts will be cast during pouring, otherwise drilled

metal inserts will be installed.

(iii) Hangers in general will be supported from inserts in concrete

construction or from building structure using beam clamps for
steel structures. Provide all additional angle or channel steel
members required between beams for support of conduits,
cables, luminaires, etc.

(iv) Use coach screws, lag screws or wood screws as appropriate in

any wood construction.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(v) Feeders, conduits and power ducts running vertically in a

building will be supported at each floor and between each floor if

(2) Finishes and Painting

(A) All factory supplied equipment will have finish coating factory applied
whether finish be painted, galvanized or other, as required and as
specified. “Touch Up” scratched or damaged factory finishes to
Authority’s approval. Leave bare metal surfaces ready for painting by
removing dirt, rust, grease or millscale to Authority’s approval.

(3) Execution

Install wiring for 347/600 volt and 120/208 volt distribution systems as
follows: Wire in conduit for feeders.

(A) Wire in conduit for branch circuit wiring from panels.

(B) All wiring will be concealed in finished areas, and identified as per VIHA
– South Island Electrical Specifications for Acute Care Facilities Where
wire size is not indicated, capacity must match or exceed rating of
protective device.

(C) Provide a separate neutral conductor per circuit.

(D) Voltage drop to comply with Z32-04 and CEC Sec 8.

(E) Panels are specified as sequence bussed. All circuits will be balanced.

(F) Feeders, sub-feeders, circuit wiring and ancillary items will be colour
coded for phase identification. Neutral conductors will be full capacity
with white covering and be continuous throughout the system without
fuses, switches or breakers of any kind.

(G) Install wiring continuously within raceways, splices will be permitted only
at outlets and junction boxes.

(H) Any exposed conduits or cables will be run parallel to or at right angles to
building lines and in a neat manner. Conduits will be thoroughly reamed
and each threaded termination will be provided with two lock nuts.
Running threads for rigid conduit will not be accepted.

(I) Install underground PVC conduit in accordance with manufacturer’s

recommendations. Care will be taken to ensure that there are no sharp
bends or kinks in the conduit and that conduit is adequately supported.

(J) Internal raceways in the building:

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(i) Securely cap or plug all openings in conduit and ducts during the
execution of the Work to prevent obstruction entering the

(ii) At completion of the installation, the service entry ducts and the
conduit system in the building will be fished to clear all blocks.

(iii) Outlet and pull boxes will be cleaned out and the system left free
from water and moisture.

(iv) Provide all conduit, wire, fittings, disconnect switches, line

voltage, controls and auxiliary materials as previously defined to
wire into service all 3 phase motors, single phase motors and
equipment included in other Sections unless specified otherwise.

(v) Branch circuits to have dedicated neutrals per, to meet

equipotential grounding and testing requirements. Refer to
CSAZ32-04 and "VIHA – South Island Electrical Specifications
for Acute Care Facilities" for guidance.

(vi) Install local lighting switches on the strike side of the door unless
shown otherwise.

(vii) Install weatherproof receptacles flush with wall face.

(viii) Outlet boxes in walls and partitions will not be mounted back-to-
back; separate them by 6” minimum.

(ix) Mount single gang receptacles and switch boxes with their
greatest dimension in the vertical direction.

(x) Install pull boxes in the locations as required by the Canadian

Electrical Code. Boxes will be located in inconspicuous spaces.

(xi) Install pull boxes in conduit runs where required to facilitate the
pulling in of cable, and locate in inconspicuous accessible

(xii) Mount disconnect switches adjacent to or attached to motor or

equipment it serves.

(xiii) Motor starters will be located in accessible areas; mechanical

rooms or maintenance areas. Provide necessary control wiring
and interlocks between units as detailed on the plans. Check that
overload devices are rated or set at a maximum value in
accordance with table D12 of the Canadian Electrical Code.
Replace or adjust devices where necessary. Coordinate with
Division 15 for exact locations and requirements.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(xiv) Provide flexible connections to mechanical equipment for

vibration isolation. Connections to equipment roof mounted or in
other damp or wet locations will be liquid tight.

(xv) Conduit will not be run through beams.

(xvi) In those instances where conduits must pass through concrete

beams, they will be cast in place. Coordinate with structural
engineer prior to rough-in.

(xvii) Joints of conduits underground will be watertight.

(xviii) Conduit installed in a slab on grade will not penetrate the

waterproofing membrane and/or vapour barrier.

(xix) Unless absolutely necessary conduits will not be installed

through expansion joints. Where it is necessary to install
conduits through expansion joints, a pre-manufactured
expansion type conduit fitting will be used.

(xx) Provide spare and future conduits. Provide in each of these

conduits a nylon fish wire. In addition on the end of each conduit
for spare or future provide a stamped metal tag indicating
intended purpose, or mark conduit per "VIHA – South Island
Electrical Specifications for Acute Care Facilities".

(xxi) Cap conduits left underground for future extension and mark the
location of the capped ends clearly on as-installed drawings.

(xxii) To help maintain fire rating, conduits to floor mounted

receptacles or other floor mounted outlets will be run in floor
slabs where possible i.e. conduit penetrations from ceiling
spaces below up through floor slabs will be minimized.

(xxiii) Where wiring is required to penetrate floor slabs, e.g. to free

standing millwork items, the floor penetration will be made using
a 4-hour rated poke-through device.

(xxiv) When conduit runs from refrigerated spaces to non- refrigerated

spaces, or between refrigerated spaces of different
temperatures, provide type EYS or EZS conduit seals as
manufactured by Crouse-Hinds or approved equal, unless
detailed otherwise.

(xxv) All conduits and wiring penetrating floor slabs or fire walls will be
sealed with CSA approved flame retardant compounds, to
maintain adequate fire ratings.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(xxvi) Labelling to meet the directives of the BC Safety Authority

detailing “Approved Certification Marks for Electrical Products”.

(g) Service & Distribution

(1) General

(A) Building Electrical Distribution ‘Buss’ requirements

(i) Delayed Vital (Supplied AT 12.5Kv by the Authority)

(ii) Vital (Supplied AT 12.5Kv by the Authority)

(iii) Normal (Supplied AT 25Kv by the Authority)

Note: Conditional to be created via automatic transfer switch

within Facility – see indicative document titled - Indicative SLD
HV Electrical_ES to Facility_Ver1.2 – located in the Data Room.

(B) Work Included

(i) Supply and install appropriately sized tray to grid line Q and
connect to Authority installed tray. Design, supply, install, and
commission electrical service conductors for each High Voltage
service (Norm, DV, V) to the Authority Energy Centre located at
Lee Avenue. Routing within existing Facility will be dictated by
location of Authority provided conduits and cable trays. Project
Co will be responsible for load calculations and protective fuse
coordination study. Project Co will supply report to Authority for
correct equipment ordering and installation. Authority will supply
High Voltage Switchgear, associated protection, and transfer
switches. Project Co will be responsible for commissioning of the
Facility HV system including Authority supplied HV switchgear in
the Energy Centre.

(ii) Project Co will design, supply, and install remote, matching ATS
coordination, protection, and signalling devices in Facility HV
Switchgear. Project Co will be responsible to ensure signal to
Authority ATS is designed, supplied and installed to the Energy
Centre ATS. Project Co will coordinate with Authority for
commissioning of this system.

(iii) Provide drip shields for sprinkler-proofing on all surface mounted

distribution equipment. For high-voltage unit-sub, provide proper
angled ventilation provisions.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(iv) Provide coordination study to confirm primary breaker relay

settings to coordinate with Authority Energy Centre upstream
protection and with downstream distribution equipment.

(C) Products

(i) Unit Substation

(ii) High Voltage Switchgear

(iii) The high voltage (12.5KV or 25 KV) (dependant on service type)

switchgear will contain gang operated visible blades, external
handle operated switch.

(iv) Primary voltage is 12,500 volt & 25,000 volt (dependant on

service type) - Secondary to be determined by Project Co.

(v) The transformer will be rated as Class H ventilated dry-type

ANN, with a delta primary and a wye-connected secondary
complete with 4-2.5% taps, 2-FCAN and 2-FCBN.

(vi) Provide winding temperature sensor and indicating thermometer.

(vii) Lightning Arrestors

(vii).1 Provide lightning surge arrestors designed to
protect the distribution transformer.

(viii) Enclosure
(viii).1 The enclosure will be designed for indoor
(viii).2 Provide ground bus.

(ix) Provide required signage on the appropriate cubicles of the unit

substation and on the doors to the main electrical room.
(ix).1 Provide all ARC – Flash risk calculations signage
and Personal Protective Equipment per NFPA 70E and
CSA Z462 or latest.
(ix).2 Key Interlocks
(ix).2.1 *Provide key interlocking.
(ix).2.2 *Provide lamicoid nameplate outlining the
procedure involved for both key interlocks.
(ix).3 Acceptable Manufacturers
(ix).3.1 *Equipment will be as manufactured by Cutler-
Hammer, Schneider, Siemens or Weismer Rawlings.

(x) Main Distribution Centre

(x).1 Main distribution centre will be rated as required.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(x).2 Provide ground fault relay and shunt trip for main
(x).3 Provide tie breakers between each service type
(Normal-DV (through automatic transfer switch), Normal-
V, and DV-V) for circuit isolation and maintenance. See
document titled – Indicative SLD HV Electrical_ES to
Facility_Ver1.2 – for indicative design and intent.

(xi) Distribution Centres

(xi).1 Distribution centres will be, rated as required.
(xi).2 Fusible distribution centres will be, rated as

(xii) Panelboards
(xii).1 Power and lighting panelboards will be of the
circuit breaker type. Electrical characteristics, main
sizes, quantities of breakers and quantity of branch
circuits will be as indicated on the drawings. Ensure that
double-tub panels are factory approved for the
(xii).2 All panels are to be sized with 10% spare load
and breaker capacity.
(xii).3 Doors will be supplied with concealed hinges,
chromed locks and hardware. All locks will be keyed
alike. Doors will be fitted with plastic covered panel
directory, with circuits and areas served typed in.
(xii).4 Branch Breakers: Will be of the bolt-on type.
They will be thermal magnetic type with toggle
mechanism, and be designed for use as switches. Two
and three pole breakers will be common trip type with
single handle. Handle ties will not be permitted.
(xii).5 Ground fault circuit interrupters where required
will be C.S.A. Class A with 5mA tripping level and will
have push-to-test button on front.

(xiii) Distribution Transformers

(xiii).1 Distribution transformers will be dry, open
ventilated type, 150C maximum temperature rise.
(xiii).2 Transformers will have 4 - 2.5% taps, 2 - FCAN
and 2 - FCBN.
(xiii).3 Transformers will be as manufactured by Federal
Pioneer, Polygon, Hammond, Acme, Delta, Rex or
approved equal.
(xiii).4 T-connected transformers may not be substituted
where delta-Y connected transformers are specified.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(xiv) Capacitors
(xiv).1 Capacitors will be dry self-healing type complete
with monitoring indicating.
(xiv).2 Provide sufficient capacitors to maintain
minimum 95% power factor correction.

(xv) Motor Control Centres

(xv).1 Motor control centre will be arranged and rated
as required.

(xvi) Power Conditioning Filters

(xvi).1 Service entrance and Distribution centre power
conditioning filters will be, surface mounted,
incorporating transient voltage surge suppression and
UL1283 listed active tracking filter. Filter will have
minimum repeated surge current withstand capacity of
175,000 A per phase and maximum UL1449
suppression ratings of 400 L-N, 400 L-G and 400 N-G.
(xvi).2 Branch panel power conditioning filter(s) will be,
incorporating transient voltage surge suppression and
UL1283 listed active tracking filter. Filter will have
minimum repeated surge withstand capacity of 100,000
A per phase and maximum UL1449 suppression ratings
of 400 L-N, 400 L-G.

(xvii) Cable Tray

(xvii).1 Cable tray will be aluminum, wire mesh, or steal
ladder type.

(xviii) Revenue Meters

Provide revenue quality meters to be installed on electrical services

being provided to the Inpatient Facility. Information to be shared
electronically with the Building Automation System (BAS).

(xix) Execution
(xix).1 Major electrical equipment, which includes but is
not limited to transformers, main distribution centres,
transfer switches, motor control centres, and power
factor correction equipment will be grouped together in a
configuration that allows for addition or expansion of
each type of equipment, logical arrangement in terms of
the interconnection, operation and maintenance of the
(xix).2 Major electrical equipment will be located with
the intention of minimising run length of feeders and
branch circuits, and will be located so as to provide a

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


clean, dry, safe, accessible installation protected from

unauthorised access.
(xix).3 All components of transmission and distribution
systems will be selected configured, located, and
installed so as to avoid the transmission of noise,
vibration or unwanted heat into other parts of the Facility.
(xix).4 Protection, and coordination of protection
equipment will be designed and installed so that the
initial electrical installation, and future additions and
modifications to the installation will be properly protected
and fully coordinated, meaning that in the event of a fault
or overload, protective devices will act to isolate only the
faulty portion of the system, leaving all other portions of
the system fully operational. Protection equipment will
adequately protect against injury to persons and damage
to property. The secondary main switchgear will consist
of breakers not fuses. Provide proper interrupting rating
on breakers as needed per the design.
(xix).5 Where required by system characteristics or
operational requirements, special shielding, isolation,
grounding, bonding, harmonic filtration or other
treatment will be provided to prevent interference
between systems or degradation of performance of an
individual system.
(xix).6 Single phase 120VAC grounding receptacles
conforming to CEC and Specifically to CSA
Configuration 5-15R are to be provided at each location
where electrical equipment requiring a supply of normal
or emergency power will be plug connected, including
provision for portable maintenance and cleaning
equipment. In general receptacles will be provided to
meet or exceed the following minimums.

(xx) Receptacles are to be installed to meet the requirements of

CSAZ32-04 or latest, the current CEC, the number of devices to
be installed per equipment requirements and the following table:

Receptacles Requirements
In one-person offices See Section 13.16(g)(1)(C)(xx) above.

In multiple person offices See Section 13.16(g)(1)(C)(xx) above.

In meeting rooms - NOTE: ensure One (1) duplex receptacle for each 3 meters of linear wall and a
accommodation of Post Disaster minimum of one (1) duplex receptacle over each counter
Equipment Requirements (Delayed
– Vital)

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


In Patient Care Areas As per CSA Z32 – 04 and see Section 13.16(g)(1)(C)(xx) above.

In Service rooms, housekeeping See Section 13.16(g)(1)(C)(xx) above (minimum one duplex
closets, small store rooms receptacle)

In all other areas, hallways, See Section 13.16(g)(1)(C)(xx) above.

common areas.

In all other areas See Section 13.16(g)(1)(C)(xx) above.

Nurse Stations, special areas, Devices to be installed as per Section 13.16(g)(1)(C)(xx) above
maintenance areas etc. plus 25 percent.

Receptacles in patient care areas will be hospital grade. Receptacles in all other areas will be
specification grade. Residential grade receptacles will not be permitted. All receptacles will have cover
plates. Receptacles will be labelled as per "VIHA – South Island Electrical Specifications for Acute Care

(h) Power Quality

(1) Overriding Principles

(A) An overall power quality which assures suitable conditions for operation
of all electrical and electronic equipment throughout Facility will be
established and maintained.

(B) Equipment and systems which assure that electrical equipment and
systems will not be harmed or impaired either by external events or
conditions, such as lighting and disturbances on the utility service, or by
internal events or conditions generated within the Facility by
characteristics of systems and equipment are to be provided.

(2) Quality Requirements

(A) Power quality will meet or exceed the IEEE established standards for
power quality, including but not limited to Harmonic Mitigated
transformers provided where deemed necessary by Project Co and the

(i) IEEE Standard 519 - Harmonics

(ii) IEEE Standard 1250 - Voltage Quality

(iii) IEEE Standard 1346 - Recommended Practice for Evaluation

electric Power System Compatibility with Electronic Process

(B) Methods and equipment consistent with IEEE Standard 1159. All other
system testing will be done by a technician using portable test

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


equipment. Filters, TVSS, etc will be provided as required. Power quality

meters will be provided at all secondary distribution centres. Project Co
to provide transient suppression to panels as required, used to prove that
power quality meets or exceeds published standards.

(3) Performance Requirements

(A) The facilities are to include equipment specifically designed to control

and remove all adverse power quality conditions that could damage or
impair function of any of the electrical or electronic equipment, which will
be in use in the Facility.

(i) Lighting and Controls

(1) General

(A) Applicable Standards

(i) Comply with CSAZ 317.5 illumination systems in Health Care


(B) Work Included

(i) Provide luminaires, supports and wiring to make operational the

lighting system.

(C) Products

(i) Lamps
(i).1 Incandescent lamps are not to be used in this
(i).2 High intensity discharge lamps will have shock and
vibration resistant tube supports.

(ii) Ballasts
(ii).1 Fluorescent ballasts will be electronic.
(ii).2 High intensity discharge ballasts will have
minimum power factor of 90%.

(iii) Acrylic Lighting Diffusers

(iii).1 Acrylic lighting diffusers will be ULC listed and as
such manufactured by Holophane, KSH or equal.
(iii).2 Diffusers to be suitable for cleaning and comply
with Infection control measures.

(j) Electric Heat and Controls

(1) General

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(A) Related Documents

(i) Work Included

(i).1 The use of electric heat is to be avoided and used
only in minimal quantities.
(i).2 Supply and install control of electric heaters as
(i).3 Coordinate requirements of control (BAS)
integration with Div 15.
(i).4 Provide a minimum of a CAT 5e cable to every
mechanical control point, including thermostats, VSD’s,

(k) Mechanical Equipment Connections

(1) General

(A) Provide a complete system of wiring to motors and 120 volt controls.

(B) Products

(i) Motor Disconnect Switches and Starters

(i).1 208 and 600 volt 3 phase disconnect switches will
have quick-make, quick-break visible blade mechanism,
cover interlocks and padlocking switch in the closed or
open position.
(i).2 Provide EEMAC 1 enclosures indoors and EEMAC
3R enclosures outdoors.

(l) Miscellaneous Equipment Connections

(1) General

(A) Provide a complete system of wiring and connections to all equipment.

(B) Execution

(i) Service to Elevators

Take service from the delayed-vital emergency power supply.

In the elevator pits, supply and install lighting, receptacle and

switch, in accordance with the requirements of the supplier.

The installation is to be in accordance with the requirements of

the Department of Labour, Elevator Inspection Branch and
Section 38 of the Canadian Electrical Code.

Feeders to elevators are to be fire rated.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(m) Seismic Requirements for Electrical Systems

(1) Overriding Principles

(A) Seismic restraint for all electrical equipment and components of electrical
systems which is part of the building electrical systems in all parts of the
facility will be seismically restrained to post disaster standards to prevent
injury or hazard to persons and equipment and to retain equipment in a
safe position in the event of a seismic disaster.

(B) Seismic restraint systems and methods will be selected to facilitate ease
of maintenance and ease of replacement and reconfiguration of electrical
equipment and systems and other equipment and building components.

(C) Seismic restraint systems and methods will be selected to coordinate

with the building Architecture and finishes. Components of seismic
restraints will, wherever practicable, be concealed from public view.
Where concealment is not practicable the systems will be designed to
complement building Architecture and finishes.

(2) Quality Requirements

(A) Seismic restraints will meet or exceed the requirements of the current
edition of the BC Building Code. Where the Code identifies specific
requirements for Health Care facilities and/or Post Disaster areas within
this building, those requirements will be met or exceeded.

(B) Seismic restraint design will follow the recommended practices published
in the Seismic Restrain Standards Manual (AIBC) as adopted by the
Electrical Contractors Association of BC.

(C) Seismic restraint design will follow CSA 5832-01 Guidelines for Seismic
Risk Reduction of Operational and Functional Components.

(3) Performance Requirements

(A) All electrical equipment and components of electrical systems that have
the potential to cause injury or damage during or following a seismic
event will be seismically restrained.


14.1 Basic Requirements

(a) Communication Systems

“Communications Systems” means, collectively the clock, fire alarm, wireless

communications, nurse call, public address, video conferencing, patient monitoring,

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


central dictation , equipment tracking, patient tracking, staff duress, card access and
security systems required by this Agreement to be included in the Facility.

(b) Responsibility Matrix

Attached as Appendix 3D is the "Communication Systems Responsibility Matrix" setting

out and describing the allocation of responsibilities between the Authority and Project Co
for the various Communication Systems, and the related components and infrastructure,
during the Construction Period and the Operating Period.

(c) Quality Requirements

The Communications Systems technology will be when installed the latest proven
technology supplied by leading manufacturers in the industry.

Project will comply with all applicable CSA Standards including but not limited to CSA
C22.2, CSA Z32-04.

All equipment and materials will be certified by CSA or ULC or other testing agency
approved and accepted by the BC Safety Authority and local authorities having
jurisdiction, and will bear the seal of the agency in clearly visible locations.

All applicable IEEE, CSA, ULC, TIA / EIA, and BICSI standards will be complied with.

(d) Performance Requirements

The Communications Systems will integrate with the Authority’s existing systems at the
RJH site and, as practical, future new systems in the Facility and with the technology at
the Authority’s other healthcare locations so as to allow seamless communications
between the Facility and the other facilities. The systems to be integrated include but are
not necessary limited to video conferencing, telephones, all networks, patient
entertainment, patient education, access control, CCTV, clock, staff duress, intrusion
detection, and specialized clinical equipment such as picture archiving and
communication systems (PACS), clinical systems, electronic registration, and dictation

The Facility’s electronic systems are to allow for the transmission, storage, and retrieval
of the electronic health record within the Facility and from/to the Authority’s other

(See Section 6.19 of Schedule 2 [Design and Construction Protocols] regarding training
for use and maintenance of equipment including Communications Systems.)

Communications Systems are not to be dependent on the LAN for on-going operation.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


14.2 Clock System

(a) Performance Requirements

(1) Project Co will provide a clock system throughout the Facility;

(2) The clock system will provide quick time identification throughout all areas of the

(3) A Primex GPS wireless clock system c/w 5w antennae is newly installed on site
and will be capable of providing a sufficient signal throughout the Facility.

(4) Products will be equivalent to Primex 5w transmitter; digital face clocks.

(5) The Clock System is classified as equipment Category 3a

(6) Clocks will be 120 Voltage.

14.3 Fire Alarm

(a) Quality Requirements

The fire alarm system will be designed and installed to meet the following standards:

(1) Can / ULC S524 Standard for Installation of Fire Alarm Systems

(2) Can / ULC S537 Standard for Verification of Fire Alarm Systems

(3) Elevator Code CAN3-B44.

(b) Performance Requirements

(1) System

(A) The fire alarm system will provide an early warning system in the event
of a fire that will communicate the location of the fire.

(B) The fire alarm system will be one part of Project Co’s overall fire plan. A
sprinkler system, policy and procedures, staff education, and the city and
fire department liaison will complement the system in protecting staff and
public in case of fire.

(C) The fire alarm system will annunciate on the wireless telephone system
and on the building management system notifying staff selected by the
Authority of the alarm event.

(D) The fire alarm system will integrate with the nurse call system for
annunciation of alarms.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(E) The fire alarm system must fully integrate with the existing Edwards
EST-3 Fire Alarm Panel in the Diagnostic and Treatment System to
integrate the two systems, including any upgrades on programming.

(F) Provide a fully addressable, two stage, computer based fire alarm
system throughout the new Facility.

(G) The fire command centre will include the main panel, a personal
computer with the latest monitoring software and control of all required
elevators, mechanical systems and fire fighter phones.

(H) Smoke and heat detectors will be individually field programmable and
include multiple elements for earliest detection, individually adjustable for
ambient environmental conditions.

(I) The sprinkler systems will connect to the fire alarm system and provide
full annunciation of all alarms and trouble conditions.

(J) Audible annunciation will be via a zoned overhead paging system that
may also act as the public address system in emergency, will be
accessible via microphone at the command centre and from any facility
phone via a telephone interface. Audible alert levels will be 10dBA above
ambient with minimum of 75dBA.

(K) See Section 6.19 of Schedule 2 [Design and Construction Protocols]

regarding training.

(L) Visual annunciation will be via building graphic annunciators, a computer

workstation, room annunciators provided at all Care (nursing) station
(excluding care substations) and main control reception areas.

(M) All alarms, trouble signals and other information will be annunciated at
the Facility management call centre location to allow Project Co the
ability to manage the system from their main alarm monitoring centre.

(N) Annunciation will occur at the Authority’s central monitoring centre

located in the Parking Garage.

(O) The system will include pre-programmed voice messaging to

automatically audibly annunciate the location of the alarm. All devices to
be programmed into the message system.

(2) Equipment

(A) The control panel will be complete with power supply, system
supervisory circuit, alarm initiating circuit(s) and alarm indicating circuit(s)
as indicated, trouble circuit and auxiliary alarm and trouble relays.

(B) The control panel will be provided with facilities for:

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(i) Panel mounted "power on" light.

(ii) A panel mounted, key operated alarm reset switch to silence

bells immediately on operation.

(iii) A remote trouble signal.

(iv) An audible trouble signal at the panel, a remote trouble signal

with a trouble silencing switch, and a trouble signal silenced light
at the panel.

(v) An amber trouble light and supervised red alarm light for each

(vi) Lamp test switches.

(vii) Gelled electrolyte battery pack.

(viii) A low battery voltage detector.

(ix) A key operated alarm bell disconnect switch for test purposes.

(x) Note: Audible trouble signal will sound when alarm bell
disconnect switch is in operation.

(xi) Audible and visual indication in event of standby power failure.

(xii) Two N.O. contacts for connection to the supervisory agency.

(xiii) Switches to operate the required smoke control fans.

(xiv) Switches to operate the required smoke dampers.

(xv) Zone switches to allow voice paging over selected zone or all
zones. Note the bell sound is to be silenced in the zones which
are being paged.

(xvi) Indicating lights and switches for use with fireman'

s phone

(xvii) Sending simulated bell sounds over the speakers.

(xviii) Flush mounted wall speakers located in finished public areas.

(xix) A module that will transmit alarm signals including device level
address information to remote alarm monitoring provider, signal
to be sent via LAN, backup of alarm signal and trouble to be via
connected dialer and telephone line.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(xx) Surface mounted wall speakers located in service areas and


(xxi) Pull stations will be two stages and c/w general alarm key-
switch, commons key.

(xxii) Strobes at all exits, entrances, corridors, stairs to applicable


(xxiii) Fire fighters telephones will be installed in a wall box with

breakglass door and red ULC supervised handset complying
with applicable code.

(xxiv) Amplifiers for paging and simulating the bell sound will be ULC
listed for use in fire alarm systems.

(C) Wiring

(i) Wiring will be run in conduit and will be colour coded and
identified at each connection point.

(ii) Wiring identification consistent with practices on other parts of

the Campus.

(iii) Wiring sizes will be in accordance with manufacturers


(3) Testing

(A) On completion of the system and when all of the conditions have been
complied with, Project Co will require the manufacturer to undertake a
complete inspection and issue:

(i) a copy of the inspecting technician's report showing location of

each device and certifying the test results of each device; and

(ii) a Certificate of Verification confirming that the inspection has

been completed and showing the conditions upon which such
inspection and Certification have been rendered. The Certificate
of Verification will include statements to certify:
(ii).1 That the wiring connections to all equipment
components show that the installer undertook to have
observed ULC and CSA requirements.
(ii).2 That the manufacturers'equipment has been
installed in accordance with their recommendations, and
that all signalling devices of whatever manufacture have
been operated or tested to verify their operation.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(ii).3 That the supervisory wiring of those items of

equipment connected to a supervised circuit is operating
and that the governmental regulations, if any, concerning
such supervisory wiring, have been met to the
satisfaction of inspecting officials.

14.4 Wireless Communications

(a) Overriding Principles

Both the Authority staff and Project Co staff will need wireless portable communication
devices (wireless telephone and /or wireless personal digital assistants) for fast effective
two-way voice communication. It is preferred that a common system be utilized
throughout the Facility to allow the Authority staff easy access to Project Co staff and vice

Not all Authority staff will need the wireless staff communication devices. The Authority
staff who require portable communication devices are those who will require it for nurse
call annunciation, need them for access to portable clinical software applications, those
staff who are often on the move and need access to other staff, have no fixed office
location such as OR staff and all doctors and nurse managers.

Project Co will design and install a WLAN infrastructure that is consistent with the rest of
the Campus. VIHA Network Services will also manage the Voice over WLAN service
leveraging the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) serving the rest of the Campus.

Responsibilities between the Authority and Project Co for Wireless Communications will
be as set out in Appendix 3D [Communication Systems Responsibilities Matrix]. Wireless
infrastructure will be classified as equipment Category 3a, with Wireless System Active
Components including Access Points (AP’s) classified as Category 2* with the Authority
responsible for specifying requirements on System Components and Network
Components. After Authority acceptance the Authority will manage and maintain the
Active Network Components including AP’s.

(b) Design Requirements

Project Co will design the wireless communication to be compatible with the Authority’s
Information Management / Information Technology (IM/IT) departments requirements for
the Wireless Communications System with respect to system components and network

Project Co will design, survey, specify, procure, install, and maintain the physical
infrastructure for the Wireless Communications including cabling, wire management,
demarcation, racks for POE equipment, and built-environment fit for use including
environmental considerations, power, and backup (UPS) capacity. The Wireless
Infrastructure will meet all requirements for the Authority specified System and Network

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(c) Quality Requirements

The wireless staff communication system will meet the IEEE 802.11x standard and allow
sufficient bandwidth to display clinical data.

(d) Performance Requirements

Project Co will provide a Wireless Communications infrastructure consisting of a cabled

infrastructure required to support the wireless access points, and all physical support
components including electrical, environmental and sufficient space in the
communications rooms. The Wireless Infrastructure will meet all requirements for the
Authority specified system and network components.

The Wireless Communications System will consist of active network and system
components, an application server, antennae base stations, line cards and software.
Antennae base stations are to be located in concealed areas throughout the Facility to
provide full coverage with no dead spots.

The wireless system will provide fit for use function throughout the entire Facility at a
minimum density of one nodule per 50 m2. Project Co will complete a signal strength
survey prior to deployment to identify ideal AP locations so that 100% Facility coverage is
achieved. If the commissioning of the Wireless Communications System does not
establish that the system has 100% coverage at the minimum density Project Co then will
install at no cost to the Authority additional antennas and/or infrastructure as required to
meet that standard.

At Service Commencement Project Co will conduct and provide to the Authority a post
construction signal strength survey to confirm full compliance.

The wireless system will integrate with the nurse call system, the VoIP telephone
system, voice mail system, dictation system, and the other data network system. It will be
able to access Cerner and other Clinical Systems.

The wireless signalling is to be at a frequency or amplitude to not interfere with any

medical equipment.

Wireless data security encryption techniques are to be employed by the system.

The Wireless Communications System server will provide integration with the nurse call
system and other alarm systems to annunciate all necessary local alarms on the wireless

All wireless access points are to be mounted in concealed locations throughout the
Facility. Power over Ethernet (POE) for access points is required from an uninterruptible
power supply.

Project Co will provide UPS’s as required. UPS to be fed from emergency power

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


Wiring for system to be part of category 6a structured cabling plant.

14.5 Network interface (VoIP & Data)

(a) Overriding Principles

Project Co will provide the necessary physical infrastructure for the wired LAN
infrastructure including cabling, wire management, demarcation, racks for network and
system components, and built-environment fit for use including environmental
considerations, power, and backup (UPS) capacity consistent with the rest of the

The Authority will after completion and commissioning of the Network interface
infrastructure after Service Commencement, manage the LAN (VoIP & Data) networking

The Communications Systems provided by Project Co that are in digital format may run
on the Facility network and integrate with the Authority’s applications where they provide
an advantage to staff and/or patients.

It is the intent of the Authority that electronic patient information is available at the
bedside to assist clinical staff in performing their duties. This information is to be available
on portable devices and run over the wired or wireless network. It is the intent that the
device display information such as nurses call, code blue, video conferencing, patient /
staff education, and patient monitoring where this creates efficiencies for clinical staff.
These systems are to integrate with the IT applications and run over the common
network platform.

(b) Performance Requirements

The Communications Systems are to be IP compatible and run over a standard Ethernet

Database for these systems will be HL7 compatible with an SQL open system
architecture to allow key fields to be read form and written to the Authority’s information
technology software applications.

14.6 Nurse Call System

(a) Design Requirements

Prior to programming the nurse call system, Project Co will meet with the Authority staff
to obtain functional programming requirements. Call assignments, staff communication
device assignments, priority levels, day night shift mode, call annunciation locations,
code blue response, other alarm systems response, Meditech interface capabilities, call
display requirement, bulletin board requirements are just some of the programming
issues. It is intended that the programming be simple but comprehensive.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


Advanced nurse call system features will be included, such as information display
systems, room tracking systems (i.e. Medical/Surgical, Mental Health IPUs), electronic
bulletin boards, nurse tracking, patient tracking, and call buttons located on bedside
computers, wireless computers, or integral to patient bed consoles.

(b) Quality Requirements

Installation will comply with CSA C22.2. and CSA Z32.04.

All systems will be from a single manufacturer.

(c) Performance Requirements

Project Co will supply and install nurse call systems in each patient care area in the new

Project Co will design, survey, specify, procure, install, and maintain the physical
infrastructure for the nurse call system including cabling, wire management, demarcation,
equipment, and built-environment fit for use including environmental considerations,
power, and backup (UPS) capacity.

Since it is a life safety system, the nurse call system must have a reliability factor of
greater than 99%.

Modern nurse call systems can take any alarm input and annunciate it for staff. Project
Co will integrate the nurse call system with other alarm systems to annunciate alarms
that clinical staff need such as patient wandering, code red (fire), code white (panic
duress), code blue (cardiac arrest), patient monitoring systems and monitoring

The nurse call system will have the ability to integrate with an annunciator and on the
Authority’s wireless staff communication devices (PDA’s or phones such as Vocera or
Spectralink) for near instant alarm response. The wireless staff communication device will
operate seamlessly with the nurse call system allowing two-way voice communication.

The nurse call system will be capable of integration with systems such as Cerner to allow
automatic call up of the patient record on their wireless devices to give the clinical staff
easy access to patient information.

The nurse call system will be connected to the network to allow a Project Co supplied
server to track calls via nurse call management software. The call management software
will record all calls from all departments, response time and allow trending and report
generation. The programming server and staff communication device allocation server
will also reside on the network and allow any nursing station computer access to monitor
status of the system and with the appropriate password implement programming

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


The nurse call system should be capable of seamless integration with the existing
Dukane Pro Care 6000 System in the D & T Building. Provide necessary updates
(software and hardware) to the existing system to facilitate this requirement.

Project Co will keep the technology current and refresh the nurse call system as required
so that the nurse call system is never more than 15 years old.

All nurse call systems will have two-way voice capabilities as well as visual call or alarm

All patient care rooms, treatment rooms, patient dressing cubicles, patient treatment
areas, and bathrooms where patients may need to call for assistance will have a patient
call cord. The call cord will be located for ease of access by the patient. A button only
system will be utilized in mental health units. Cords to be cleanable and acceptable to the
Authority Infection Control.

All patient care rooms, treatment rooms and other rooms where staff may need to call for
assistance will have a staff emergency button. The button will be located for ease of
access by the staff.

All rooms where a nurse call device is installed will have a multi-call classification dome
light (minimum 4-lamps) to annunciate the calls. The dome light will be located to provide
staff the best possible view on the outside of the room where the nurse call stations are
located and lead responder to room call light.

All patient care rooms and patient bed or chair locations will have separate jack inputs for
medical equipment monitoring or patient monitoring (such as bed exit).

Provide duty and tone stations.

All calls will be annunciated at nurse call master stations located at the main nursing desk
and / or reception desk. Master stations will link together to allow shift programming
(day/night) annunciation of calls at different nursing stations when and if nursing stations
are unmanned. If there is no nursing station in department the nurse calls should
annunciate at the reception of the IPU.

Each nurse call station will be individually programmable to allow multiple call
classification and priority levels. At minimum, nurse call alarms will be normal patient call,
staff emergency call, code blue, bed exit, priority patient call, bathroom call, shower call,
anaesthetic call, clean room call, porter call and will be located in the appropriate room
types, The call system will allow for cascading of call to higher priorities if they are not
answered, will have time out call cascading if the calls are not cancelled and will be able
to be displayed on the nurse call master, the wireless phone, and any other type of call

Locate all nurse call field panels in communication rooms as near as possible to the
department they serve.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


Utilize structured category 6a cabling in conduit for all nurse call system devices.

Fault monitoring to be a standard feature of the nurse call system. Alarms such as
communication fault, power fail, and CPU fault will be standard features.

Project Co will be able to have the systems serviced, install additional components or
program system within 2 hours of call origin. Parts need to be available within two (2)
hours to keep this life safety system operational in the event of an extended component

Make provision for electronic patient beds with built in nurse call buttons and automatic
TV muting by providing appropriate jack and connecting to the nurse call system.

All nurse call systems will be supplied power from the emergency power system and
have UPS backup that will provide for a minimum 1 hour of battery supply.

14.7 Public Address

(a) Overriding Principles

In general, the Facility’s communication requirements are to be met without using the public address
system. The public address system will be for use only for emergency calls, when other communications
systems have not worked, or when general announcements are needed to communicate with staff and
the public.

(b) Quality Requirements

The system will meet ULC 537 and NFPA standards.

All installation procedures will meet requirements of CEC Section 60.

(c) Performance Requirements

(1) System

(A) Provide a complete IED public address sound system consisting of

microprocessor based control system, ambient noise analysis & control,
power amplifiers, equalizers, paging stations, loudspeakers, software,
programming, wiring, accessories, and UPS supplied backup power as
specified herein.

(B) Project Co will design, survey, specify, procure, install, and maintain the
physical infrastructure for the public address system including cabling,
wire management, demarcation, equipment, and built-environment fit for
use including environmental considerations, power, and backup (UPS)

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(C) The system will be separate from the fire alarm system and will operate
in all situations, with the fire alarm paging system paging as an
emergency back-up

(D) During fire alarm signalling, the system will provide 10dB above ambient
or at minimum 75 dB in all areas of the Facility.

(E) Components will be wired together to form an integrated system, in

accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

(F) The system will integrate with the existing IED System in the Diagnostic
and Treatment Building. Provide any required upgrade.

(G) The microprocessor will manage and control all system functions and
hardware including microphone page stations and associated queuing,
distribution of emergency announcements, local announcements and
terminal announcements.

(H) The public address system will be fully integrated with the fire alarm

(I) The system will be a rack mounted, modular assembly using slide-in
circuit boards in plug in card files to allow easy expandability and
servicing. External connections will be made to removable compression
terminals. All external connections will be made on back plane circuit
boards to allow circuit cards to be removed for replacement without
disconnecting cables.

(J) The public address system will be comprised of several subsystems, that
when integrated together, form a complete system. These systems will

(i) Networked Industrial Computer for user configuration and control

(ii) Networked Computer based Announcement Control System

(ACS) and associated software.

(iii) Ambient Noise Analysis system.

(iv) Equalization System

(v) Microprocessor based Microphone Paging Stations.

(vi) Power Amplifier systems

(vii) Courtesy Announcement System (CAS) software (bilingual


1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(2) Equipment

(A) Main system will be Innovative Electronic Designs (IED) with

digital/record playback system.

(B) Provide microcomputer and announcement control system software for

programming system.

(C) System to integrate with existing campus IED paging system.

(D) Loud Speakers

(i) Type 1 ceiling speaker will be Enforcer E810CW c/w 70V

transformer tapped form 0.5 to 10W, round white flush baffle,
backbox and H-Bar mounts for T-Bar ceiling

(ii) Type 2 ceiling speaker will be TOA F121CM c/w 70V transformer
tapped from 1 to 20W, round flush baffle, surface backbox and
H-Bar ceiling. Backbox and baffle will be natural modized
aluminum colour.

(iii) Type 3 wall speaker will be TOA F240WM c/w 70V transformer
tapped from 2.5 to 30W and WCB-24W mounting bracket.

(E) Microphone Stations

(i) Microphone stations will be IED 508 VFM-H (or HFM-H), 500
VFMH (orHFM-H) and 500 FME (expansion unit).

(ii) Equipment room microphone station will be IED 508SRM-H.

(iii) All microphone stations will be complete with 500 HH hardheld


(iv) Provide 508T-1 telephone interface station for interconnection

with existing paging system telephone switch.

(F) Remote ambient noise sensors will be IED 540S-4 c/w backbox and 4”
flush baffle.

(G) Amplifiers

(i) Amplifiers will integrate with existing campus IED paging system
and will be rated as per the zoning schedule and complete with
NC-DSP-A digital signal processor module.

(H) Provide rack mounted uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for the sound
system central processing unit.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(3) Wiring

(A) Wiring will be run in conduit, cable tray, and underfloor duct system.
Flexible armoured cable may be used for drops to devices on suspended
ceilings or in frame walls.

(B) Wiring sizes and types will be in accordance with manufacturers


(4) Testing

(A) The installation of the public address system will be complete only after
programming and balancing of all speakers/components.

14.8 Mechanical control systems interface (BAS)

Project Co will provide a fully functional building management system whose primary function will be to
control the mechanical systems within the Facility in accordance with Section 13.15(n) of this Schedule.
This system will also display building related alarms at the Help Desk. The building management system
will interface with the building electrical and Communications Systems. This system is to be utilized to
annunciate security alarms, freezer alarms, lab alarms, medical equipment alarms, UPS, generator, and
switchgear alarm, and control the building and site lighting (for energy management reasons) via its
software program.

Project Co will be responsible for designing, procuring, installing, connecting, maintaining, and monitoring
the infrastructure associated to both analogue temperature and digital alarm monitoring that is required
for each freezer and medical fridge installed throughout the Facility. The analogue temperature for each
refrigeration device will be trended/tracked on a continuous basis at 30min increments (avg) with monthly
graphical reports provided by Project Co to the Authority. The system is to be used for energy
management functions as well as energy related data acquisition and trending. The digital meters
monitoring the electrical power systems are to be connected to this system.

Project Co will design, survey, specify, procure, install, and maintain the physical infrastructure for the
mechanical control systems interface (BAS) including cabling, wire management, demarcation,
equipment, and built-environment fit for use including environmental considerations, power, and backup
(UPS) capacity.

14.9 Structured Cabling

(a) Design Requirements

(1) The cabling infrastructure is to be designed by a Registered Certified Data

Designer (RCDD) or professional engineer.

(b) Quality Requirements

(1) The conduits, pathways, room layout, and design are to comply with the TIA /
EIA – 569 Commercial building Standard for Telecommunications Pathway and

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(2) The cabling design and installation will comply with the TIA / EIA – 568b.1, B.2
and B.3 Commercial Building Cabling Standards and Optical Fibre Cabling

(3) Testing of the fibre optic cable will meet the TIA / EIA 526-7, 14 standards for
Optical Power Loss measurement of single mode and multimode fibre cable

(4) The management and administration of the cabling plant will be done in
accordance with the TIA / EIA 606 standard – the Administration Standard for the
Telecommunications infrastructure of Commercial Buildings.

(5) The grounding of the conduit pathways and components is to meet the TIA / EIA
607 Standard – Commercial Building Grounding and Bonding Requirements for

(6) The structured cabling component will be of the same manufacturer. The system
will be installed by a data contractor who is certified by one of the industry
leaders consistent with the manufacturer’s best warranty. A BIX cross-connect
patch field system matching existing in the Authorities adjoining the Diagnostic
and Treatment Building (D&T) is preferred.

(c) Performance Requirements

(1) Project Co is to provide and install a complete category 6a structured cabling

solution throughout the Facility. If a category better than category 6a is the latest
standard at the time of ordering, it will be priced and presented to the Authority to
determine if they want to utilize the latest standard.

(2) The cabling infrastructure does not differentiate on the type of end-use device
that connects to it. The cabling infrastructure is to be universal and allow all
forms of end-use devices access to the different system types.

(3) All cables are to terminate in communication rooms sized in accordance with the
TIA / EIA standard. Maximum cable distance from room outlet to communication
room will be 70 meters.

(4) Communication rooms are to serve the floor they are on and are to be placed to
maximize the area they serve.

(5) Cable types to be unshielded twisted pair and fibre optic multimode and single
mode. The bandwidth requirements and distance limitations will determine the
type of cable installed.

(6) A star wired cabling approach will be utilized to wire all outlet locations back to
communication rooms on each floor. Wire all communication rooms to a main
communication room within the Facility and wire the main communication room
back to Room DT-0111or the main telephone room at DT-0117, as appropriate.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(7) All fibre and copper cables, terminations, and outlets will be labelled as per the
VIHA-South Island Electrical guidelines for Acute Care and the VIHA Network
labelling standard, as applicable.

(8) All rooms that have or are anticipated to have data, phone, video, or other end-
use devices will have cable system drops run back to the communication rooms.
It is anticipated that only storage, clean/dirty supply rooms, and some corridors
will not have cable system drops.

(9) Each workstation locations to have a minimum of (3) network cables per. All blue
cables with white jacks. Generic configuration.

(10) All rooms that have cable system drops will have at minimum 10% additional
drops, all conduit pathways will have minimum 100% spare capacity, all cable
trays will have at minimum 100% space capacity and all communication rooms
will have 200% spare capacity (indicating that each communication room must
have enough room for 100% more cable drops including supporting networking
devices and equipment). All cabling will be run in conduit and cable tray.

(11) All ceiling spaces will have cable system drops for wireless network access
devices, information display systems, patient entertainment, equipment and
patient tracking, patient monitoring and other ceiling mounted digital devices or

(12) Fibre optic cabling will be utilized to connect each communication room to the
main communications room and from the main communications room to the
computer room at DT-0111. Both multimode and single mode fibre will be
provided. Provide a minimum 48-multimode fibre, and 24 single-mode fibre to
each communication/data room. Provide at minimum 200% spare fibre strand
capacity in the demarcation/termination panel in each communication room.
Fibre optic and Cat 6a cabling will also be provided for rooms requiring video
streaming, such as teaching/training, and video conferencing rooms.

(13) All cable drops will be terminated at both ends. The proper flame spread rating
will be provided for the cabling system.

(14) Supply and install Multi-conductor twisted pair telephone style riser cables as
required for Public Telephones, medical equipment, and other such analogue
equipment requirements. Cables will be run from the main telephone room (DT-
0117) to each communication/data room. Provide a minimum 100-pair cable
terminated on a demarcation panel that has a minimum100% spare capacity in
each communication room.

(15) Patch cables for all end-use devices will be provided in sufficient quantity to
make each device operational plus 10% spare. Patch cable will allow complete
connection from end to end.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(16) A cable management labelling software and electronic drawing system will be
implemented by Project Co to track and manage the cable plant.

(17) Self-registration systems, electronic directional systems and patient education

kiosks will be required in reception areas. Provide floor data outlets and floor
power to connect these floor mounted systems as requested.

(18) Specialized systems requiring multiple drops will have sufficient drops at each
location to ensure system operation.

(19) Project Co will design, survey, specify, procure, install, and maintain the physical
infrastructure for the Structured Cabling System including cabling, wire
management, demarcation, equipment, and built-environment fit for use including
environmental considerations, power, and backup (UPS) capacity.

(20) Provide cable for all public phones, minimum 1 per lobby area throughout the
Facility and at least 6 for the retail space at grade.

14.10 Video Conferencing (see post-disaster specifications)

(a) Design Requirements

(1) The audio / video conferencing systems will be designed and configured by
qualified and experienced audio visual professionals knowledgeable in the
application and use of audio/video conferencing systems.

(b) Post Disaster

(1) Project Co will design, provide, and install support structures including grounding
and lightning protection as required by code for all post-disaster radio equipment
antennas to be installed on the roof.

(2) Project Co will provide conduit pathways between the roof-top antenna locations
to the rooms designated as Post-disaster

(c) Performance Requirements

(1) Project Co will design the Facility to permit the Authority to install a simple fixed
video conferencing system, including monitors, cameras, microphones,
automatic microphone controllers, amplifiers, speakers, video controllers, remote
controls, codes and network connections.

(2) Project Co will design the Facility to include infrastructure for a video
conferencing system in areas designated as requiring AV capacity, including
teaching rooms and the lobby meeting space, that is compatible with the
Authority’s standard at the time of installation.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(3) Project Co will provide the physical infrastructure for the video conferencing
system including conduits, demarcation, and UPS in the communications rooms
where the cabling must terminate.

14.11 Patient Entertainment System

(a) Quality Requirements

(1) The Authority requires the capacity to provide patient entertainment, educational
materials at service commencement and, as equipment and technology allow,
telehealth and two way video conferencing within the patient bedrooms.

(2) This content will be accessed through a display (and, eventually a camera)
located such that it is easy for a bed bound patient to view the display.

(b) Performance Requirements

(1) The Authority intends to provide in-room patient entertainment (includes TV, film,
Internet, network integration for patient education, etc.).

(2) Responsibilities between the Authority and Project Co will be as set out in
Appendix 3D [Communication Systems Responsibilities Matrix].

(3) Project Co will provide capacity for this system in all patient bedrooms, all
lounges, the lobby, multi-purpose rooms and other rooms with audio visual

(4) The type of service is at the discretion of the Authority and either digital systems
or standard analog television may be utilized.

(5) The locations of the data outlets for the Patient entertainment system are to be
conveniently located directly adjacent to the bed and behind the location of the
TV or video projector, as applicable.

(6) All cabling will be cat 6a and will be via the structured cabling system.

14.12 Patient Monitoring

(a) Quality Requirements

Wiring for these systems will meet TIA / EIA standards.

(b) Performance Requirements

(1) Project Co will provide the cabled infrastructure throughout the medical surgical
floors of the Facility for a patient monitoring system and will install the Authority’s
access points/antennae throughout two of the medical surgical floors one of
which is the floor that connects directly with the Diagnostic and Treatment Centre
(level 3).

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(2) Responsibilities between the Authority and Project Co for the Patient Monitoring
System will be as set out in Appendix 3D [Communication Systems
Responsibilities Matrix].

(3) Project Co will connect the system to the structured cabling system through to
the local area network.

14.13 Central Dictation

The central dictation system for this Facility is part of the overall centralized system of the Authority.

Responsibilities between the Authority and Project Co for the Central Dictation System will be as set out
in Appendix 3D [Communication Systems Responsibilities Matrix].

14.14 Security (CCTV, Access Control, Intrusion Detection, Panic, Staff Duress, Patient
Wandering, Hold-up, Incident Reporting System)

(a) Design Requirements

(1) Responsibilities between the Authority and Project Co for the these systems will
be as set out in Appendix 3D [Communication Systems Responsibilities Matrix].

(2) Project Co will determine security needs through a comprehensive threat and risk
assessment analysis that Project Co will prepare in consultation with the
Authority. Programming of ID cards, location of all security devices and
monitoring requirements to be identified. All alarm annunciation requirements to
be identified. The Authority’s security personnel will monitor the security system
from their present security office location in the Parking Garage. Project Co will
be responsible for modifying the existing security desk to accommodate new
monitors and connecting those monitors to the Facility by cable through the
existing conduit running from the Diagnostic and Treatment Building to the
Parking Garage.

(3) CCTV System:

(A) All CCTV cameras:

(i) Will be equipped with color;

(ii) all security cameras, will be monitored, switched, and recorded

at the Protection Services Central Monitoring Facility located in
the Parking Garage (central security station);

(iii) all clinical activity cameras are monitored and switched by the
care team station – administrative for that IPU;

(iv) that are intended for low lighting levels under normal
circumstances will be equipped with combination color and black
and white capabilities;

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(v) that are located at a secured or alarmed point within the intended
area of view will have the camera control or video signal capable
of being interfaced with the alarm signal and switched at the
central security station;

(vi) will be provided within tamperproof enclosures with tamperproof

center-pin reject hex nut screws;

(vii) that are pan-tilt-zoom cameras will be programmed to address

privacy requirements; and

(viii) only cameras that are fixed, security cameras need to be located
to be capable of facial identification;

(B) Location of CCTV cameras:

(i) all exterior doors to the Facility will have a fixed security camera
coverage on the interior side;

(ii) in the main Facility lobby;

(iii) security camera coverage inside each elevator cab as

referenced in Section 13.14 of this Schedule;

(iv) all exterior areas immediately adjacent to the Facility, including

secured outdoor areas, will have a pan-tilt-zoom security camera
coverage to monitor activity at all light levels;

(v) in Mental Health Care team Station – Administrative provide

security camera coverage;

(vi) In Mental Health in any patient accessible common areas and

rooms not directly observable form the Care team Station, and in
Interview/Consultation rooms, and Secure Rooms provide
clinical activity camera coverage;

(vii) In all of the bedrooms in the secure complex dementia and PICU
units provide clinical activity camera coverage;

(4) Staff Duress and Panic

(A) provide a hard wired panic button at the discharge/lobby security, in all
care team stations – administrative that;

(i) upon the initiation system will identify the location of the event;

(ii) will display at the Parking Garage central security monitoring


1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(B) provide a silent staff duress alarm system throughout the Mental Health
patient areas including secure outdoor spaces that;

(i) upon the initiation of a duress signal the system will identify the
location of the event and the name of the staff person or device
who initiated the alarm; and

(ii) will display at the Parking Garage central security monitoring


(5) Access Control

(A) Any door that is equipped with electric locks operated by proximity cards
will have locking systems that will fail secure subject to Building Code

(B) All access controlled doors will be equipped with door position sensors
and request-to-exit sensors or releases;

(C) All exterior entry doors will be equipped with proximity card access
control on the exterior side;

(D) All doors from the stairwells into the Facility will be equipped with
proximity card access control on the stairwell side;

(E) Each elevator cab as referenced in Schedule 3 Section 13.14 Conveying

Systems will be equipped with proximity card access control that
provides the ability to control access to any or all floors;

(F) Support and Lobby Spaces:

(i) All Support Spaces identified in Appendix 3A will be equipped

with proximity card access control on the public side of the door;

(G) support services for Mental Health IPU will be via doors from the service
elevator lobby. These doors will be alarmed when outside of normal
business hours;

(H) Mental Health IPU’s require:

(i) 2 locked doors between interior patient accessible areas and

exterior unsecured space;

(ii) all doors intended for emergency use only will be alarmed locally
at the Mental Health IPU reception desk, and also back to central
security station monitoring;

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(iii) alarms must be reset locally at the door where the alarm is
sounding by a safety officer or authorized personnel using a
special key;

(iv) all doors in and out of the IPU will be equipped with proximity
card access control on the exterior side;

(v) all doors to spaces other than patient bedrooms and bathrooms;
activity rooms; group therapy room and quiet room will be
equipped with proximity card access control on the exterior side;

(I) Medical Surgical IPU’s require:

(i) doors to the main IPU entry point; the service elevator foyer, if
applicable, multi-use clinical standard, On Floor Room for
Holding and Pickup and teaching spaces (as per Appendix 3A)
will be equipped with proximity card access control on the public
side; and

(ii) doors to teaching room standard, staff washroom, staff lounges,

clean rooms/storage; OT splinting room (as per Appendix 3A)
will be equipped with code lock access control on the public side;

(J) every other door in the Facility, other than those noted in 14.14(a)(5)(I)(i)
and 14.14(a)(5)(I)(ii) above and those in medical surgical patient
bathrooms, require keyed locks;

(b) Quality Requirements

All installation procedures will meet requirements of SEC Section 60.

(c) Performance Requirements

(1) The bi-directional signal/control between CCTV cameras and the monitoring
station in the Parking Garage will be transmitted separately from the Authorities

(2) All security systems, except CCTV, are to connect to the Authorities intranet
(Ethernet) network via the structured cabling system and network devices to
allow the Authority the opportunity to review events and monitor the status of
these systems from off site locations.

(3) All systems to be interconnected to the fire alarm system where required.

(4) The CCTV network server is to allow web-based access to all live and recorded

(5) An access control system is required that is PC based, contains an integral photo
identification card system, can lock and unlock doors via time schedule, utilizes

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


proximity field effect technology, has sufficient capacity to handle at minimum

15,000 regional employees down to the field panel level, can grant or restrict
access to employees via a programmable classification system, and run over a
standard TCP / IP Ethernet network. The system will utilize a field server and
allow multiple workstations to access this file server for control and annunciation
purposes. All alarms will be annunciated at the facility management call centre /
alarm management centre location and at the Authorities monitoring station at
the Parking Garage at minimum.

(6) Doors that require access control will be equipped with door position
monitors/contacts, request to exit sensors, and electric locks operated by
proximity cards. Locking systems will be fail secure as a preference, or as
required by code. The Door Control & Monitoring System will be integrated with
the alarm interface unit and event recorder providing graphic display of door
position status and operating interface for central locking/unlocking of doors. All
entrance doors to the Facility that do not have card access control will include a
door position contact that is connected to the card access system so that a door
status signal may be sent from the door to the Authority' s central monitoring
centre located in the Parking Garage on an after-hours schedule.

(7) The access control system will be compatible with the Authority’s existing system
and allow new access cards for the Facility. If the access control system is not
identical to the Authorities currently existing system then it will fully integrate and
utilize the currently existing database of users, groups, and schedules.
Integration will be such that any change to one system will effect and cause the
same change on the other system with no additional input or action. Similar
integration is required between the CCTV (event response, recording and
review), Photo Badging, and Network Video Recording (NVR).

(8) The system will be digital CCTV system consisting of digital colour CCTV
cameras located as needed, digital PC based network video recorder (NVR)
complete with software that controls all parameters of each individual camera,
pan tilt zoom functionality, frame by frame recording, pre and post alarm
recording, motion detection, sequence switching, multiplexing, adjustable frame
speeds, and will record all security cameras 24-hours per day, 7 days a week in
real time. Fixed cameras will be equipped with vari-focal auto-iris lens to allow
for scene coverage adjustment and lighting compensation in the field without lens
changes. All CCTV cameras will be provided within tamperproof enclosures with
tamperproof screws.

(9) The system will have capacity to store recordings for 30 days at four frames per
second minimum. Provide file servers, workstations, and optical storage devices
and connect to network. System will have network and web access for remote
monitoring. System will be of sufficient quality to be used as court evidence in
Canada. Camera control equipment and remote view station equipment will be
equipped with password protection to limit access to the system.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(10) CCTV clinical activity monitors will be located out of public view as required to
protect privacy.

(11) Alarm Interface Unit: interior and exterior CCTV security systems are equipped
with dedicated video monitors, a 20" call-up video monitor and two recorders.
One recorder operates in sequential mode. The second recorder operates in real
time in alarm mode. The camera system will be equipped with an alarm interface
unit providing automatic video switching, recorder operation and scene selection
whenever an alarm event occurs in any sensor system. .

(12) A wired and wireless panic duress system will be provided by Project Co and
Project Co will supply two hundred alarm initiating staff devices (FOB’s) for
deployment by the Authority.

(13) Security and communication systems, including badging and supplemental

biometric identification systems, will be integrated across individual platforms
allowing for systems display and operation from a computerized central control

(14) An electronic incident reporting system will be provided by Project Co that will
record all security incidents at the Facility. The software will be a standard
database system that allows any number of reports to be generated at the
request of Project Co or the Authority.

(d) Intrusion System

(1) The Authority will provide security, including the intrusion alarm system via be
based on the CCTV cameras.

14.15 Patient and Equipment Tracking

(a) General

(1) Project Co will provide a Facility wide tracking system that:

(A) has the capacity to send an alarm signal if a particular piece of

equipment or a patient pass through a door that leads to the exterior of
the Facility;

(i) upon the initiation of a signal the system will identify the location
of the event and the particular piece of equipment or patient;

(ii) can annunciate at the security station in the lobby; and

(iii) will display at the Parking Garage central security monitoring


(B) Can locate a particular piece of equipment or a patient.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(b) Equipment Tracking

(1) Design Requirements

(A) Equipment will be tagged/bar-coded . Project co will provide cabled

infrastructure for the Radio –Frequency Identification (RFID) and/or
Wireless technology throughout the Facility. The infrastructure must
enable and support this technology. The System may utilize the same
infrastructure and antenna system as the Patient Tracking system

(B) Responsibilities between the Authority and Project Co will be as set out
in Appendix 3D [Communication Systems Responsibilities Matrix].

(C) A PC based application will provide a presentation of assets by

superimposing positional data on a facility floor plan and providing asset
tag based information.

(2) Quality Requirements

(A) Wiring for this system must meet TIA / EIA standards.

(3) Performance Requirements

(A) The system will locate equipment location to within 10m anywhere in the

(B) The system can annunciate or alarm at or in the central security station
and the security room in the lobby if equipment leaves the Facility;

(C) The system must be capable of being extended into the existing building
on the campus.

(c) Patient Tracking and Wandering

(1) Design Requirements

(A) Patients may be provided with RFID, ID bands, badges, or bracelets.

The tracking system will be capable of continuous monitoring throughout
all locations of the Facility. The System may utilize the same
infrastructure and antenna system as the Equipment Tracking system

(B) Responsibilities between the Authority and Project Co will be as set out
in Appendix 3D [Communication Systems Responsibilities Matrix].

(C) A PC based web application will provide a presentation of all patient

locations by superimposing positional data on a facility floor plan and
providing patient based information.

(2) Quality Requirements

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(A) Wiring for this system will meet TIA / EIA standards.

(B) System will locate patient location to within 10m anywhere in the Facility.
Project Co may wish to utilize the Equipment Tracking antennae system
in conjunction with wireless to complete this requirement.

(C) The system can annunciate or alarm at or in the central security station
and the security room in the lobby if a patient leaves the Facility;

(D) System will be capable of being extended into the existing building on
the site.

(3) System

(A) System will incorporate latest encryption techniques to secure patient ID

and location.

(4) Wiring

(A) Wiring for this system will meet TIA / EIA standards and all relevant
codes and regulations.


15.1 Basic Requirements

(a) Performance Requirements

(1) Responsibilities between the Authority and Project Co will be as set out in
Appendix 3D [Communication Systems Responsibilities Matrix].

(2) Project Co will provide all information technology and telecommunications

infrastructure including data/tel outlets, patch panels, cross connect panels,
patch cables, and wire management related to:

(A) wired network;

(B) wireless network;

(C) telephone system

(D) all communication systems under Section 14

(E) radio frequency identification infrastructure;

(collectively, the “Information Technology and Telecommunications


(3) The Authority will supply its own end-use equipment, including personal
computers, laptop computers, tablet PCs, printers, photocopiers, facsimile

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


machines, medication barcode scanners/CRT and PDAs, (collectively, the “End-

Use Equipment”), which the Authority may connect to the network and
telecommunications infrastructure as part of the Authority’s use of the Facility.
The Information Technology and Telecommunications Infrastructure must
support the Authority’s End-Use Equipment.

(4) The Information Technology and Telecommunications Infrastructure will integrate

with the Authority’s existing systems in the Facility and with technology provided
in the Authority’s other facilities to allow seamless communication between the
Facility and the other facilities.

(5) The Information Technology and Telecommunications Infrastructure must, to the

greatest extent practical, be accessible for and amenable to future modifications
and to future new systems.

(6) IP Protocol will be used for both telephone and data equipment.

(7) The Information Technology and Telecommunications Infrastructure and the

Communication System Equipment provided by Project Co for the Authority must
support all applications generally run by the Authority including but not limited to
Cerner, Meditech and CAIS.

(A) The current applications on workstations are as follows:

(i) Standard Configuration:

(i).1 Microsoft Office Professional
(i).2 Microsoft Outlook
(i).3 CAIS (may be a subset depending on location)
(i).4 Patient scheduling
(i).5 Admitting
(i).6 Cancer registry
(i).7 Transcription
(i).8 Document management
(i).9 Clinical workflow
(i).10 Coding and abstraction
(i).11 Chart management
(i).12 Patient registration
(i).13 Clinical trials
(i).14 Results reporting
(i).15 Diagnostic image management
(i).16 Clinical data marts
(i).17 LOKI (timekeeping)
(i).18 PeopleSoft Portal (business applications for end-
(i).19 Microsoft Sharepoint Portal

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(ii) Specialised Applications:

(ii).1 Microsoft Project
(ii).2 Visio
(ii).3 Pharmacy:
(ii).3.1 Mediware WORX (Pharmacy information

(B) Pharmacy: Mediware WORX (Pharmacy information system)The current

applications on VIHA workstations are as follows:

(i) Clinical and Financial MediTech Applications

(i).1 E-Business & Related Applications
(i).2 Standard PC configuration:
(i).3 Microsoft Office Professional
(i).4 Microsoft Outlook
(i).5 Microsoft Sharepoint Portal
(i).6 Adobe Acrobat Reader
(i).7 IE
(i).8 Specialised Applications:
(i).9 Microsoft Project
(i).10 Visio
(i).11 MS Project Server
(i).12 MS InforPath
(i).13 MicroStrategy BI Tool
(i).14 Pagemeker
(i).15 Other:
(i).15.1 Picis Food 7 Nutrition System
(i).15.2 Human Resources Portal Software
(i).15.3 Medical Equipment Management System
(i).15.4 Home Support - Procura
(i).15.5 Home Care - InterRAI system (Meditech)

15.2 Network Equipment

(a) Quality Requirements

(1) Provision and installation of network equipment will be in accordance with all
applicable IEEE and EIA/TIA standards including the 802.1 and 802.11a,b, g & n,
802.3 standards.

(b) Performance Requirements

(1) Responsibilities between the Authority and Project Co will be as set out in
Appendix 3D [Communication Systems Responsibilities Matrix].

(2) The convergence of the three media types (voice/video/data) will be supported
by the network equipment and all equipment (including but not limited to the main

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


telephone system, video conferencing, dictation, fax, transcriptions, and all

information systems) will be supported and run over this network.

(3) The Facility will have a complete structured cabling and complete wireless
network infrastructure that will allow the use of all forms of wired or wireless
communication devices that are commonly used in facilities similar to the Facility.
The configuration of these structured solutions will consist of a main incoming
telephone/video/data service room (in either DT-0117 or DT-0111).

(4) Project Co will provide a network capable of handling all of the Authority’s
applications, Project Co is responsible for integrating FM applications.

(5) Firewalls, security, intrusion detection systems, etc. will be provided by the

(6) Communication rooms in the Facility require fully redundant stackable or modular
high density layer 2/3 switches to service the local area networks.

15.3 Wireless infrastructure

(a) Quality Requirements

(1) The wireless network components will meet IEEE 802.11x standards.

(2) Responsibilities between the Authority and Project Co will be as set out in
Appendix 3D [Communication Systems Responsibilities Matrix].

(b) Performance Requirements

(1) The entire Facility is to be provided with a digital wireless network infrastructure
that will allow wireless end-use devices access to the Authority’s network and all
its associated applications.

(2) Project Co will provide a complete wireless network throughout the Facility with
no dead spots allowing any standard network applications or telephone
application to be utilized on the wireless end-use devices.

(3) The wireless infrastructure and system will provide full functionality throughout
the entire Facility at a minimum density of one nodule per 50 m2.

(4) The wireless transmitters will not adversely affect other biomedical equipment.

(5) Structured cabling will connect wireless access points to the communication

(6) The wireless infrastructure will support for VOIP inter-staff communication.

(7) All access points and wireless components will be seismically supported.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(8) Sufficient bandwidth will be provided for the wireless system for all current
applications in the Facility plus 100% additional capacity.

15.4 Telephone Equipment

(a) Overriding Principles

(1) The Authority has established common technology platforms for their
telecommunications services including abbreviated dial plans, centrally managed
systems, provision of call centre and networked voicemail systems. RJH is part
of this technology plan and the Facility will also form part of this technology plan.

(2) Responsibilities between the Authority and Project Co will be as set out in
Appendix 3D [Communication Systems Responsibilities Matrix].

(b) Quality Requirements

(1) The telephone equipment is to comply with all BICS/IEEE and EIA/TIA

(c) Performance Requirements

(1) VoIP telephone technology will be utilised.

(2) The telephone equipment will fully integrate with the Authority’s existing
telephone network and operate seamlessly.

(3) The telephone equipment is to be CSA and ULC approved.

(4) All standard voice mail features will be provided as well as networking and
integrating this telephone switch and voice mail system into the Authority’s
telephone network.

(5) The VoIP Network will offer the following features, IP technology, computer
telephone integration, speech recognition, unified messaging, integrated wireless
telephone, connect to the existing coordinated dialling plan, interactive voice
response, automatic call distribution, system administration software, music on
hold, centralised networked voice mail, call centre functionality and centralised

(6) The VoIP will be integrated to the public address (overhead paging) system.
Provide and install the telephone interface modules and paging zone modules.

(7) The VoIP Network will integrate into the Health Authorities’ numbering plan.

(8) If Project Co intends to use this switch for their telecommunication needs, they
are to include additional capacity and functionality as required. The Authority’s
requirements are as listed below.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


(A) All locals to support all telephones identified in the Equipment List both
wired and wireless plus 10% spare.

(B) All single line sets identified in the Equipment List, plus 5% spare.

15.5 Project Co End-Use Devices and telecommunications equipment

(a) Project Co will provide all of its own End-Use Equipment and telecommunications
equipment to suit Project Co’s requirements.

(b) Project Co cannot connect any of its own End-Use Equipment or telecommunications
equipment on the Authority’s network and telephone VoIP Network, unless they obtain
prior written permission from the Authority.

(c) Project Co is responsible to pay for any additional software licences required to operate
Project Co’s End-Use Equipment and telecommunications equipment on the Authority’s
network and telephone VoIP Network.

(d) Project Co’s own End-Use Equipment and telecommunications equipment that have
been approved by the Authority for connection must be fully compatible with the
Authority’s network and telephone VoIP Network.


1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)




1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)



Tolerance from Design Air

Setpoint Winter – Summer

Setpoint & Tolerance [Pa]

Volumes: Tolerance from

Design Air Flow Quantity
Temp. Control Tolerance

Tolerance From Setpoint

Relative Pressurization:

Return or Exhaust Air

Range Min / Max [°C]
Setpoint Adjustment

Differential Pressure
Type of Room / Area

Return Air Humidity

Supply Air Volume:

From Set point [°C]
Permissible Temp.

Humidity Control:
Design Temp [°C]

Flow Quantity

(Note 1)
[% RH]

[% RH]
Protective Isolation 24-30 21 / 32 +1.0 70 + 5.0% P 7.5 Pa +2.5 Pa + 5% + 5%
& Burn Bed Room Relative to
(Positive) Corridor
Infectious Isolation 24 21 / 26 +1.0 33 - 55 + 5.0% N 7.5 Pa +1.25 + 5% + 5%
Bed Room Pa Relative to
(Negative) Corridor
Isolation Ante- 24 21 / 26 +1.0 33 - 55 + 5.0% P or N: Depends + 5% + 5%
Room on Room (see
Note 2);
3.75 Pa +1.25 Pa
Typical Patient Bed 22-24 21 / 26 +1.0 33 - 55 + 5.0% E +10% + 10%
Room (Note 3)
Medication Rooms 24 21 / 26 +1.0 33 - 55 + 5.0% P + 10% + 10%
Clean Utility 24 21 / 26 +1.0 33 - 55 + 5.0% P + 10% + 10%
Soiled Utility 22-24 21 / 26 +1.0 33 - 55 + 5.0% N + 10% + 10%
Nursing Stations 24 21 / 26 +1.0 33 - 55 + 5.0% E + 10% + 10%
Patient Care 24 21 / 26 +1.0 33 - 55 + 5.0% E + 10% + 10%
Corridors & Public
Non Patient 24 21 / 26 +1.0 33 - 55 +5.0% E +10% +10%
Waiting, Reception, 24 21 / 26 +1.0 33 - 55 +5.0% N +10% +10%

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


Washrooms, 24 21 +/ 26 +1.0 33 - 55 + 5.0% N N/A + 10%
Bathing Facilities
Offices & 24 21 / 26 +1.0 33 - 55 + 5.0% E + 10% + 10%
Conference 24 21 / 26 +1.0 33 - 55 + 5.0% N + 10% + 10%
Staff Locker Rooms 24 21 / 26 +1.0 33 - 55 + 5.0% N + 10% + 10%
Storage Rooms 24 21 / 26 + 1.0 33 - 55 + 5.0% N + 10% + 10%
Note 1: Pressurization: P = Positive; N = Negative; E = Even (pressurization not required)
Note 2: Ante-rooms for Protective Isolation Rooms will be positively pressurized. Ante-rooms for Infectious Isolation Rooms will be negatively pressurized.
Note 3: Typical Patient Bed Rooms include Mental Health, Medical-Surgical, and Renal Dialysis.
Note 4: The Authority may adjust the design temperature and/or humidity of specific rooms or areas in the Facility to accommodate medical needs and the
“Permissible Temp. Setpoint Adjustment Range Min / Max” and/or the “Return Air Humidity Setpoint Winter – Summer [% RH]” will be adjusted accordingly for that
specific room or area
Note 5: Design will include separate control and monitoring for all the Type of Room / Area Designation listed above, except where the room or space is only
provided with exhaust such as Isolation Ante Rooms, Washrooms, Soiled Utility or small Storage Room.
Note 6: Requirements to maintain temperature, pressure and humidity control setpoints and tolerances in a specific room are not applicable when the window in
that room can be shown to be in an open position.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)



All Air Directly Exhausted

Changes per Hour [ACH]

Changes per Hour [ACH]

Circulated Within Room

Maximum Background
Minimum Outdoor Air

(pre-filter / main filter)

Type of Room / Area

Air Permitted to be
Minimum Total Air

Noise Level [NC]

[MERV] (Note 6)
Filter Efficiency

to Outdoors

Protective Isolation & Burn I 5 15 -- No 8 / 17 25-35
Bed Room (Positive)
Infectious Isolation Bed Room I 2 12 Yes No 8 / 17 25-35
(Negative) (Note 4)
Isolation Ante-Room I 2 10 Yes No 8 / 17 25-35
Typical Patient Bed Room II 2 6 -- -- 8 / 15 25-35
(Note 5) (Note 2)
Medication Rooms II 2 4 -- -- 8 / 15 25-30
Clean Utility II 2 4 -- -- 8 / 15 30-40
Soiled Utility II 2 10 Yes No (Note 1) 30-40
Nursing Stations III 2 6 -- -- 8 / 15 30-40
Patient Care Corridors & III 2 4 -- -- 8 / 15 30-40
Public Corridors
Non Patient Corridors III 2 2 -- -- 8 / -- 30-40
Waiting, Reception, Lounges III 2 6 Yes -- 8 / -- 30-40
Washrooms, Bathing Facilities III Optional 10 Yes No (Note 1) 30-40
Offices & Administrative Areas III 2 6 -- -- 8 / -- 30-40
Conference III (Note 3) -- -- -- 8 / -- 30-40
Staff Locker Rooms III 2 6 Yes No 8 / -- 30-40
Storage Rooms III -- 2 -- No 8 / -- 30-40

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


Note 1: These rooms are generally exhausted only, with supply air transferred from an adjoining space. If air is supplied directly to this room, filter efficiency to be
the same as the adjoining space.
Note 2: Minimum total air changes may be reduced to 4 ACH if supplemental heating and/or cooling systems area used (eg: radiant or hydronic systems).
Note 3: Minimum ventilation to be determined in accordance with ASHRAE 62.1-2004
Note 4: Infectious Isolation Rooms to be served by dedicated non-recirculating exhaust and filtered as required by local authorities. Washrooms for these rooms
will be exhausted using the same exhaust system as the room itself. Refer to Section 15.12.
Note 5: Typical Patient Bed Rooms include Mental Health, Medical-Surgical, and Renal Dialysis.
Note 6: Dashes (--) indicate only one filter bed is required. MERV 17 is equivalent to HEPA filtration.

1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)



1537387.23 Schedule 3 – Design and Construction Specifications (RJH)


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