Classroom Management Plan: Ia. Teacher
Classroom Management Plan: Ia. Teacher
Classroom Management Plan: Ia. Teacher
Provide support for various ability levels to enhance the achievement of all students.
o 2) learn your students and earn their trust
o 4) know your content and epistemic practices
o 2) learn your students and earn their trust
Will adhere to the same social expectations I have set for my students.
o 1) teacher know thyself
o 3) avoid microaggressions, judgements and grudges;
o 7) avoid hypocrisy
ib. Students:
Treat peers and teacher with respect at all times (i.e. not talking during instruction, good
sportsmanship, no name-calling, negative comments, bullying, or fighting of any kind).
o 6) create classroom and academic routines that make sense to the students; and
Dress out in proper uniform (including shoes with laces; no jewelry) in a timely manner.
o 4) know your content and epistemic practices
Demonstrate effort during all class activities (I value effort over performance).
iii. Discuss the circumstances that lead to a one-on-one conference with a student. Why
would this be needed? What will happen if the student continues with the behavior?
After a students’ second offense of class expectations, I will have a conversation with the student to try
and find common ground and establish report with the student. This is in an attempt to make the student
understand that I am only interested in their success and want them to succeed in my class. I will ask the
student if there is anything I can do to help them in my class. Lastly, I will make sure the student
understands that I will not tolerate disrespect, as well as subsequent actions if their negative behavior
iv. Discuss the social expectations between students and student to teacher social
The social expectations for students and teacher are the same. Treat others with respect at all times. For
the students, this means not talking while the teacher is talking and maintaining positive interactions and
communication with their peers. Students who demonstrate disrespectful behavior will be subject to the
discipline policy. At no time is it acceptable for the teacher to model disrespectful behavior towards
anyone. The teacher has more responsibility in that they are ultimately responsible for ensuring a
respectful, healthy, and safe social environment.
v. Procedures for Group Work, Transitions, and Moving About the Classroom:
The teacher will form small groups and teams when necessary.
Students should not wander around aimlessly or leave the activity area at any time –
students should remain engaged in the activity during class. Students may move from
location to location during transitions as guided by the teacher.
vii. Academic Routines for Notebooks, Weekly Assignments, Journals, Vocabulary, Concept
Maps, and/or Warm-ups:
Homework logs will be checked each Monday.
Vocabulary will be taught and quizzed during Wednesday tackles.
A dynamic warm-up will be completed each day to prepare the body for skilled
movement and improve fitness.
2. Parent/Guardian Letter
a. Self-Introduction:
Hello parents,
My name is Mr. Pinney and I am your student’s Physical Education teacher. I earned my degree in
Kinesiology and teaching credential from California State University, Fullerton. Prior to teaching, I served
four years in the United States Marine Corps then gained experience as a personal trainer for five years as
I worked my way through college.
b. Teaching philosophy:
I believe Physical Education has the power to improve your student’s lifelong health, wellness, and
overall quality of living. To achieve this, I think it is imperative to facilitate FUN experiences with physical
activity. I also believe that it is critical to maintain a safe and positive classroom environment to enhance
students’ ability to learn.
c. Course overview:
This school year, in my class, your student will participate in various physical activities to improve
performance and knowledge of skilled movement, be exposed to principles and concepts of fitness, and
become aware of healthy methods of communicating with peers during physical activity.
d. Contact information:
If you should have any questions or concerns, please refer to the course syllabus and/or website. If these
resources do not answer your question or concern, I can be reached at school email here. I will respond
within 1-2 school days.
e. An invitation:
I would like to invite you to attend Back TO School Night (date) and Open House (date) to meet with me
and learn more about the Physical Education program. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to share
with me any special considerations regarding your child.
3. Communication Plan:
The information in this classroom management plan will be the bulk of the syllabus, which parents will
be asked to sign during the first weeks of school. Pertinent information will be reviewed during Back TO
School Night as well.