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Certificate in

Validated by the Industry Advisory Council. Including members from


Certificate in Digital


Program Overview

Program Learning Outcomes

Program Delivery


Certification Roadmap

Subject Matter Experts

Industry Advisory Council



Digital technologies have changed

the way we work, live and
We know this shift can pose challenges for your role. We understand that advancing and
progressing your career is important to you.

That’s why we have designed a professional certification that can make a real difference.
Industry aligned, it will equip you with a fundamental understanding of digital.

This means that you gain an understanding of digital, its meaning, uses, tools and
technologies. You will also understand how digital is applied within a business, which
channels to use and how to plan for future changes.

Having this understanding will equip you with new capabilities and help you stand out
from the crowd. It will boost your credibility and advance your knowledge and role.

With over 20,000 certified professionals across 130 countries, the Digital Marketing
Institute sets the global standard in digital marketing and selling. We provide a
certification designed by experts, to create experts.

Become a key part of the team by becoming a Certified Digital Marketing Associate.

Your digital future awaits.

82% of middle-skill jobs

require digital skills to improve
the customer and operational
sides of all businesses
- Burning Glass Technologies
The Digital Marketing Institute sets the global standard
in digital marketing and selling certification. We have
certified more professionals to a single digital education
standard than any other certification body.

We work with digital industry experts to design and develop standards that define
the digital skills and capabilities required of today’s professionals. Our certifications
deliver best current practice, theory and applied skills in digital, and are recognized and
respected across all industry sectors.

Gaining a certification from the Digital Marketing Institute will ensure you have the
essential skills and knowledge needed to excel as a digital professional. Through a series
of comprehensive, structured modules you will know how to integrate key digital tactics
and practices into your marketing techniques and measure and iterate the success of
your digital marketing strategy.
Our Certified Professionals
are thriving
Digital Marketing Institute certified professionals work with some of the world’s leading
Program Overview
Who is this professional certification for?

• Sales Professionals, Executives and Administrators

• Customer Service Representatives and Agents
• Finance Managers, Executives or Assistants
• HR and L&D Leaders, Executives and Assistants
• Administration (HR, IT, Legal, Finance and Accounting)
• Anyone working in a customer facing role responsible for dealing with queries or
• Anyone using digital channels in their daily role
• Anyone working with data in need of fundamental digital skills (e.g. operations,
purchasing, production)

This program is designed to help you understand the key concepts of digital, how it has
changed customer behavior and the implications for your role and the wider business.
What will you learn?

By earning this certification, you will:

• Understand the key concepts of digital, how it has changed customer behavior and
the implications for your role and the wider business.
• Recognize the importance of having an online presence to business strategy
• Understand the benefits of social media in supporting marketing, sales and
• Recognize the benefits of social media as a customer service channel
• Understand the challenges, risks and reputation issues that affect organizations and
the need for management
• Recognize the opportunity to achieve business goals by adopting a digital mindset

How do you earn your certification?

We offer a variety of ways to earn your certification:

This ensures you can learn in a classroom-based setting through group
workshops or lectures from experts with both theoretical and real life
experience of digital marketing.

You can take advantage of 24/7 access to video lectures, slide
presentations, practical exercises and interactive quizzes at your own
pace. A supportive student network is also available to tap into as and
when required.

A mixture of instructor-led and online, this enables you to combine the
way you learn through web-based learning with traditional classroom

Whatever way you decide to learn, this certification will help you become skilled and
certified in the fundamentals of digital marketing.
Program Learning Outcomes

Becoming a Certified Digital Marketing Associate

will ensure you are equipped with a fundamental
understanding of digital.

A six hour program, it will provide you with a knowledge of digital techniques and tactics
and also how to use them effectively in a business setting to build the digital capability of
your role, team and organization.

There are 6 modules within the program:

1. Foundations of Digital

2. Web and Email

3. Social Media

4. Social Customer Service

5. Challenges and Risks

6. Digital Mindset
“Having gained an introduction to
the digital field at Epsilon, I realized
there were many more areas to
explore and gain knowledge in.
Digital marketing is a key part of
every successful business.”

Davin Kelly
Marketing Operations Specialist

Read Davin’s story at

Foundations of Digital
The Foundations of Digital module is designed to help you understand the key concepts of digital,
how it has changed customer behavior and the implications for your role and wider business.

It will enable you to recognize how customer behavior and expectations have changed with the
advance of digital technology. Through the module, you will examine different stages of the
customer journey affected by digital and know how to identify opportunities for your role and

The module will introduce the foundational aspects of digital and covers areas such as digital vs.
traditional methods, customer journey, digital touchpoints, digital disruption and transformation
along with the benefits of digital to all departments across a business.

Topics covered include:

• Customer behavior and expectations • Digital assets for businesses

• Growth of online • Digital disruption

• Customer journey • Professional development

• Fundamentals of digital • Benefits of digital to all departments

• Digital touchpoints

• Digital marketing vs. traditional

Web and Email

The Web and Email module will help you understand the importance of an online presence for
business. It will also cover key terms to enable you to understand the terminology commonly
used in a digital world.

The module will also explore online advertising in terms of approach and principles and teach
you about the process of conversion. This will include the fundamentals of web design and User
Experience (UX) so you understand how to attract visitors to a website or relevant campaign
landing page.

It will look at the various elements of the customer journey and help you understand the basics
of e-commerce. The module will help you grasp the fundamentals of email marketing and how it
aligns with customer journey.

The Web and Email module will also look at how using email marketing effectively can support an
organization to meet business objectives.

Topics covered include:

• Online presence: Websites (web pages • Branding

and best practice) and key terms • E-commerce fundamentals

• Online Advertising: Approaches and • User Experience (UX)

Principles • Email marketing

• Content & Content Marketing

• Customer journey

Social Media
The Social Media module will help you understand the benefits of social media in supporting
various departments such as marketing, sales and branding.

You will explore key features of social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Snapchat etc. and understand the value of each channel. It will help you recognize
the benefits of social media to business and its role at various stages of the customer journey by
establishing and nurturing a community.

The module will also help you to understand the benefits of personal branding. You will
understand how to use social media for promoting your brand and its impact on the business.

It will also help you to understand social advertising and targeting across various social media
platforms. At the end of the module, you will know how to provide customer service using social

Topics covered include:

• Social media platforms (LinkedIn, • Customer engagement

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat • Social media and personal branding

etc.) • Social advertising and targeting

• The value of social media • Social customer service (basics)


• Community (management)

Social Customer Service

The Social Customer Service module will enable you to recognize the benefits of social media and
other digital tools as a customer service channel.

During the module, you will learn how to use social media to meet the expectations of today’s
social, mobile consumers. It will teach the importance of other digital tools (i.e. live chat, AI,
listening reputation/brand management etc.) to support and respond to customers.

The Social Customer Service module will explore the challenges and tactical approaches
associated with social customer service. It will address online complaints handling, reporting
mechanisms, negative feedback and reviews. The module will also explore the role of customer
service in the sales funnel and how to leverage marketing channels and take a strategic approach
to provide better support.

On completion, you will understand brand management in an online capacity and know how to
use listening tools to monitor customer reviews and feedback.

Topics covered include:

• Online complaints handling • Negative feedback

• Customer service and reporting • Reputation and reviews

mechanisms • Brand management

• Leverage marketing channels • Listening tools

Challenges and Risks

The Challenges and Risks module will help you to understand the challenges, risks and reputation
issues associated with digital that can affect organizations.

Through this module, you will learn about the different types of risks associated with digital
and why they are important. Along with looking at relevant terms, it covers areas such as data
protection, cyber-security, identity theft, malware, hacking etc.

It will help you to recognize that businesses manage the risks associated with digital through
preparation and reputation management. This requires risk mitigation (internal and external),
data protection, contingency planning and immediacy of responses.

You will also be able to identify the relevant laws and guidelines associated with digital for a
business such as data security and collection regulations and GDPR.

Topics covered include:

• Risk mitigation (internal and external) • Data security and collection regulations

• Data protection • Cybersecurity

• Trust and threats • Ethics and cultural etiquette

• Contingency planning (immediacy of • Identity theft, malware, hacking etc.

response, 24/7, negative feedback) • Legislation (including GDPR)

• Key terms

• Reputation management

Digital Mindset
This module will enable you to achieve or exceed business goals by adopting a digital mindset.

It will ensure you recognize the importance and value of a digital-first approach and learn how it
brings agility to the business. You will understand how businesses can use digital to achieve goals
and learn how integrating digital into your role adds value to the entire organization.

You will understand S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely) business goals
and the importance of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The Digital Mindset module will also
cover data analytics and explore analytics tools that can be used for analysis and measurement.

Finally, the module will explore the role of various stakeholders in the business and their impact
on your role.

Topics covered include:

• What is a digital mindset? • SMART business goals and KPIs

• Business agility • Digital analytics and analytics tools

• Evolution • Stakeholders
Supporting your online learning
Our Certified Digital Marketing programs are available
to study online via the Digital Marketing Institute’s dynamic
online learning environment, known as the Class Network.

How we can guide you through your online learning journey:

Access to HD video lectures Access to discussion forums to

with accompanying interact with and learn from
downloadable program fellow students to progress
material. through program material
towards certification.

Access resources to help you The Class Network also contains

with your studies including information on the exam, which
self-directed practical you must complete successfully
exercises and recommended to achieve certification.

Your Program Manager is The Class Network can be

available to support you accessed 24/7 through your
during your study and assist desktop or mobile device.
with any administrative
related queries.
“When I decided to rejoin the
workforce, I recognized the digital
skills gap in my CV, and knew it
needed to be addressed before
approaching potential employers.”

Sinead Brophy-Holmes
SaaS Sales Program Manager, Western Europe
Certification Assessment
The program - studied over 12 weeks - is assessed through a formal computer-based
examination that will measure your knowledge and digital marketing proficiency
following completion of the course.

The duration of the exam is 60 minutes.

The exam includes a range of different question formats are used including Text-based
Multiple Choice; Image-based Multiple Choice, Matching and Hot Spot questions.

Our computer-based examinations are delivered through the Pearson VUE test center
network which comprises over 5,200 centers in 180 countries.
Certification Roadmap for
Industry Professionals

As the leading global certification body in digital marketing, the Digital Marketing
Institute provides professionals with a roadmap that can transform and drive their
careers. Our suite of certifications enable marketers and sales professionals - at all
stages of their career - to learn relevant and industry aligned skills that can be applied to
any role to drive career success.

From understanding the essential fundamentals of digital marketing, professionals can

progress to learning more specialized skills in areas such as search and social media.
For marketers looking to move into a leadership role or become an expert in digital
marketing, our Postgraduate and Masters are the ideal certifications.

Certified Certified Certified Certified Certified

Digital Digital Digital Digital Digital
Marketing Marketing/ Marketing Marketing Marketing
Associate Sales Specialist Leader Master

Foundation Diploma in Digital Specialist Diploma in Postgraduate Masters in Digital

Certificate in Digital Marketing Search Marketing Diploma in Digital Marketing
Diploma in Digital & Specialist Diploma in
Social Selling Social Media

Specialist Diploma in
Digital Strategy &
92% of graduates say our
qualification has had a
positive impact on their career

Alumni Survey 2016

Subject Matter Experts

Delivered by industry leading experts, this certification will introduce you to the most
relevant and transformative aspects of digital marketing.

Our specialist product team work closely with leading industry experts to create, review
and update the certification learning outcomes on a regular basis. This ensures that
what you learn is instantly applicable to any role and aligned to the needs of industry.

Subject Matter Experts collaborate with the Digital Marketing Institute on the design
and development of program materials, so your learning is shaped by their practical
experience, expert insight and case studies.
Industry Advisory Council (IAC)

The Industry Advisory Council, representing the world’s

largest and most influential digital brands, validates all
Digital Marketing Institute program content.

By providing expert review and recommendations on a regular basis, the Council

ensures that graduates of the Digital Marketing Institute have learned the most up-to-
date digital skills, core competencies and knowledge needed to thrive in their digital

The Industry Advisory Council works with the Digital Marketing Institute to define the
skills agenda and address the global digital skills shortage. The Council ensures that our
certifications are developed in alignment with the digital economy’s most in-demand
digital needs and skillsets.

Validated by the Industry Advisory Council. Including members from:
Global Partners
Digital Marketing Institute certifications are also
available through our global network of partners.

Approved and trained by us, our partners are licensed to deliver our certification
programs across the U.S., Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America. With
Subject Matter Experts trained by the Digital Marketing Institute, our global network of
partners bring local knowledge to local markets to make earning your certification as
rewarding as possible.
Stay Connected. Stay Relevant.

Our programs, developed in conjunction with industry giants and world-class

practitioners, have helped a generation of digital professionals advance their careers.

Completing a program is a point-in-time exercise that delivers huge value, but there is a
next step to maintaining the currency of skills in the ever-evolving world of digital.

Membership is that next step.

An exclusive network - and part of your certification - it delivers just-in-time training and
continuous professional development, and an exclusive and evolving content library that
can be used in your daily work.

Membership is about staying connected. Connected to trends in industry. Connected to

experts who can bring unique insights to your work. Connected to thousands of digital
alumni around the globe. Connected to opportunities.
It can provide you - as a Digital Marketing Institute certified professional - with invaluable
and exclusive connections to:

• Expert, practical and thought leading content to guide your career

• High-quality templates to boost your employability
• A career zone to support professional development
• Access to the latest industry news and updates
• A Continuous Professional Development (CPD) area for certified graduates
• Just-in-Time (J-I-T) learning activities through webinars and online programs

Your digital career is evolving every day. So will your membership of the Digital
Marketing Institute.

You define your career path. We’ll support the journey.

“Membership will help me maintain a stronger affiliation

with the Digital Marketing Institute after completing the

Digital Marketing Institute Alumni
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