Neurophysiological Factors Associated With Cognitive Deficits in Children With ADHD Symptoms

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Psychology & Neuroscience

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Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de

Machinskaya, Regina I.; Semenova, Olga A.; Absatova, Ksenya A.; Sugrobova, Galina A.
Neurophysiological factors associated with cognitive deficits in children with ADHD symptoms: EEG
and neuropsychological analysis
Psychology & Neuroscience, vol. 7, núm. 4, 2014, pp. 461-473
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

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Psychology & Neuroscience, 2014, 7, 4, 461-473
DOI: 10.3922/j.psns.2014.4.05

Neurophysiological factors associated with cognitive

deficits in children with ADHD symptoms: EEG and
neuropsychological analysis
Regina I. Machinskaya1, Olga A. Semenova1, Ksenya A. Absatova1, and Galina A. Sugrobova2
1- Russian Academy of Education, Moscow, Russia
2- Penza State University, Penza, Russia

We neuropsychologically assessed cognitive deficits in 109 children with symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity
disorder (ADHD) and 51 children with typical development aged 7-8 years and 9-10 years and visually analyzed resting-state
electroencephalography (EEG). The EEG recordings of children with ADHD more frequently contained EEG patterns of fronto-
thalamic non-optimal functioning compared with controls, reflected by groups of bilaterally synchronous frontal theta waves
(FTWs) and right hemisphere local deviations of brain electrical activity. We found cognitive impairments associated with
ADHD in children with different deviations of resting-state EEG. Children with FTWs in both age groups exhibited pronounced
difficulties in programming, regulation and control (executive functions), and verbal performance. Children with right hemisphere
local EEG abnormalities had executive dysfunction combined with difficulties in nonverbal performance. Executive performance
in typically developing children significantly improved from 7-8 to 9-10 years of age. An analysis of neuropsychological
scores in children with ADHD symptoms from age 7-8 to 9-10 with the same EEG abnormalities indicated specific age-related
improvement of cognitive abilities. In children whose EEG showed patterns of fronto-thalamic involvement presented significant
improvement in executive and verbal performance from 7-8 to 9-10 years of age. Overcoming the same age gap in children with
right hemisphere local EEG deviations significantly improved only nonverbal performance, whereas improvements in executive
function were not statistically significant. Keywords: attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, cognitive deficits, fronto-thalamic
system, right hemisphere, neuropsychology, EEG, primary schoolchildren.

Received 19 June 2014; received in revised form 11 November 2014; accepted 12 November. Available online 16 December 2014.

Introduction & Quintanar, 2007) have reported that executive

Most children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity dysfunction (i.e., poor inhibitory control, poor planning,
disorder (ADHD) and impulsiveness face learning and difficulty following instructions) is the main
difficulties (Zavadenko & Petroukhin, 2007; Loe & cognitive deficit in ADHD children. Moreover, ADHD
Feldman, 2007). Approximately 70-80% of ADHD symptoms can be caused by inappropriate motivation,
children have poor academic performance (Barkley, manifested by delay aversion (Sonuga-Barke, Sergeant,
2006; Daley & Birchwood, 2010; Corkum, McGonnell, Nigg, & Willcutt, 2008) and low energy levels (Sergeant,
& Schachar, 2010). Daley and Birchwood (2010) showed 2005). Together with executive dysfunction, ADHD
that learning difficulties in ADHD children were more subjects exhibit modality-dependent cognitive deficits
likely to arise from cognitive deficits than classroom such as language and visuospatial impairments. ADHD
misbehavior. Many neurocognitive studies (Barkley, children exhibit low verbal (Pineda, Restrepo, Henao,
2006; Willcutt, Doyle, Nigg, Faraone, & Pennington, Gutierrez-Clellen, & Sanchez, 1999) and nonverbal
2005; for review, see Solovieva, Machinskaya, Bonilla, (Nijokiktjien & Verschoor, 1998) Intelligence Quotient
scores, low verbal memory performance, poor inner
Regina I. Machinskaya, Olga A. Semenova, and Ksenya A. speech, difficulty in concept formation (Zavadenko &
Absatova, Laboratory of Neurophysiology of Cognitive Petroukhin, 2007), poor visuospatial skills (Quintanar,
Processes, Institute of Developmental Physiology, Russian Solovieva, & Bonilla, 2006), and poor categorical
Academy of Education. Galina A. Sugrobova, Biology reasoning in both visual and verbal tasks (Machinskaya
Department, Penza State University. Correspondence regarding & Semenova, 2004). Such a wide range of cognitive
this article should be directed to: Regina Machinskaya,
Laboratory of Neurophysiology of Cognitive Processes,
deficits is thought to be caused by the heterogeneity
Institute of Developmental Physiology, Russian Academy of of ADHD, which was observed and verified by many
Education, Pogodinskaya str. 8-2, Moscow, 119869, Russia. studies. ADHD symptoms (DuPaul, 1998) have different
E-mail: [email protected] etiologies and are associated with dysfunctions in
462 Machinskaya et al.

different brain systems (Dickstein, Bannon, Castellanos, 1995; Machinskaya & Krupskaya, 2001; Barry, Clarke,
& Milham, 2006; Castellanos & Proal, 2012). & Johnstone, 2003). The predominantly hyperactive-
The most popular model of the brain mechanisms impulsive type of ADHD was associated with slow
of ADHD is the prefronto-striatal model (Krain & waves not in frontal regions but rather in caudal
Castellanos, 2006). This model explains ADHD (occipital and parietal) regions (Matousek, Rasmussen,
symptoms through inhibitory control deficits associated & Gilberg, 1984; Barry et al., 2003), which was
with morpho-functional changes in the prefrontal explained as a pattern of low brain cortical activation
cortex and striatopallidal system composed of the and/or central nervous system immaturity. In addition
dorsal striatum, dorsal pallidum, ventral striatum, and to these deviations, the combined type of ADHD could
ventral pallidum. However, striatopallidal dysfunction also involve another abnormality such as an increase
alone cannot explain all of the varieties of cognitive in frontal beta oscillations (Chabot & Serfontein 1996;
deficits mentioned above. In fact, many functional Clark, Barry, McCarthy, & Selikowitz 2001; Arns,
neuroimaging studies have shown lower activation of Gunkelman, Breteler, & Spronk, 2008).
neural networks across different brain regions in ADHD Thus, cognitive and behavioral deficits associated
children and adolescents compared with controls both with ADHD involve different brain impairments and,
during cognitive tasks and in a resting state (Dickstein et hence, should be studied in an interdisciplinary manner
al., 2006; Castellanos & Proal, 2012). A meta-analysis to perform adequate differentiation analyses and support
(Dickstein et al., 2006) reported lower activation in children with learning difficulties. Special attention
the left prefrontal cortex (Brodmann areas [BA] 6, 8, should be paid to neurophysiological studies of primary
13, and 44), anterior cingulate cortex (BA 24 and 32), schoolchildren because most of their cognitive and
temporal regions (bilaterally BA 7 and 40 in the right behavioral difficulties are manifested at the beginning
hemisphere), right-hemisphere thalamus and striatum, of school learning.
and left occipital area (BA 19) during selective attention In the current study, we applied Luria’s approach
tasks in ADHD patients. Various morpho-functional of the dynamic localization of higher mental functions
brain changes were also found in studies of resting state (Luria, 1973) to study brain mechanisms associated
networks in ADHD subjects (Yeo et al., 2011). A decrease with learning difficulties with regard to functional brain
in the functional connectivity between prefrontal, systems. In addition to the notion of the multiplicity of
temporal, and occipital cortices and other regions was neural networks involved in cognitive performance,
observed in ADHD adults and children (Wang et al., A.R. Luria was the first to treat the components of
2009). Based on functional magnetic resonance imaging higher mental functions and their corresponding brain
(fMRI) results (Castellanos & Proal, 2012), ADHD activity as different levels of the same phenomenon (i.e.,
symptoms may be explained by a decrease in functional human cognitive activity). Classifying brain structures
integration across brain structures, including different according to the main components of cognitive activity
resting-state networks (e.g., fronto-parietal control was realized in the theory of three functional units.
network, dorsal network involved in selective attention, By analyzing cognitive performance in patients with
movement control network, visual network, and default different local brain injuries, Luria described three
network). functional brain units: I (arousal unit), II (information
Electroencephalographic (EEG) studies have processing and storage unit), III (programming,
shown that abnormal electrical activity in the brain regulation, and control unit). The first and third units
in ADHD subjects may be associated with the non- provide cognitive regulation and can be defined as
optimal functioning of different brain systems that are regulatory components, whereas the second unit can be
responsible for information processing and executive defined as the information-related component. Luria also
control (Banaschewski & Brandeis, 2007; Loo & Makeig, studied cognitive activity in brain-damaged patients to
2012). The first EEG data on behavioral problems in differentiate separate structures within each functional
children were collected at the dawn of electrophysiology unit. Today, modern neuroscience has many noninvasive
in which slow 5-6 Hz waves were recorded from frontal methods for studying brain mechanisms associated with
leads (Jasper, Solomon, & Bradley, 1938). Later, cognitive performance in both patients and healthy
qualitative EEG studies corroborated the presence of subjects, and much experimental confirmation has been
slow theta waves in the frontal and central cortices in provided for Luria’s theory. Despite the fact that Luria’s
ADHD subjects (Chabot & Serfontein, 1996; Lazzaro concept derived from the study of brain injury, it is also
et al., 1998; Bresnahan & Barry, 2002; Hermens, Soei, applied for the assessment and remediation of children
Clarke, Kohn, Gordon, & Williams, 2005; Williams et with learning difficulties, including ADHD (Quintanar,
al., 2010) and provided another argument in favor of Hernández, Bonilla, Sánchez, & Solovieva, 2001;
the frontal lobe origin of ADHD. However, the analysis Akhutina & Pilayeva, 2012).
of EEG data that were collected from ADHD children In terms of Luria’s theory, learning difficulties are
with different sets of behavioral symptoms (inattentive/ caused by weakened components of mental functions
hyperactive-impulsive/combined types) suggested that associated with the poor activation or immaturity of
frontal theta waves were specific only to the inattentive a certain functional brain system. These changes in
type (Lubar Swartwood, Swartwood, & Timmermann, the brain are considered neurophysiological factors
Neurophysiological factors of cognitive deficits 463

associated with cognitive deficits. Particular cognitive EEG analysis provides sufficiently detailed information
deficits (e.g., executive control deficits) can have the about the state of function of different brain structures,
same neurophysiological factors, regardless of the thus making it easier to relate the EEG data to the data
nosological form of learning difficulties. Therefore, obtained from other sources (e.g., neuropsychological
we can define the search for the brain mechanisms scores). In particular, this approach allows one to uncover
that underlie learning difficulties as the search of the correlations between neuropsychological scores that
neurophysiological factors associated with cognitive reflect deficits in regulatory and information components
deficits. This goal can be achieved through the following of cognitive processing and EEG patterns that reflect
steps: (1) neuropsychological assessment of cognitive non-optimal states of function of deep brain structures,
abilities associated with regulatory and information- specific cortical areas, and the cortex as a whole.
related components in children with learning difficulties Structural EEG analysis helped identify three
to detect weak links, (2) neurophysiological assessment abnormal EEG patterns that are typical in ADHD
of brain activity associated with regulatory and preschool and primary school children compared with
information-related components, and (3) determining controls (Machinskaya & Krupskaya, 2001; Solovieva
correlations between weakened cognitive operations et al., 2007; Sugrobova, Semenova, & Machinskaya,
and the dysfunction of specific brain systems. 2010). The first and most frequently observed abnormal
Within the framework of neurophysiological EEG pattern consists of bilaterally synchronous frontal
studies of the mechanisms that underlie cognitive theta waves (FTWs; Figure 1, I). Clinical EEG studies
deficits in children, a variant of qualitative EEG (Mayorchik, 1973; Lukashevich & Sazonova, 1996;
analysis (Machinskaya, Lukashevich, & Fishman, Hughes, 1994) and neurophysiological experiments
1997; Lukashevich, Machinskaya, & Fishman, 1999) (Kim et al., 2011) showed that FTWs reflect the abnormal
was developed based on Luria’s concept of brain activity of neuronal networks in the thalamic mediodorsal
functional units. This analysis, referred to as structural nucleus (MD) and/or prefrontal cortex, together
EEG analysis, aims to help an expert describe abnormal comprising the fronto-thalamic system (Goldman-
patterns of a resting-state EEG and associate them with Rakic & Porrino 1985; Zhang, Snyder, Shimony, Fox,
neuropsychological measures of cognitive deficits. & Raichle, 2010). The albeit rather indirect reasons for
Despite the absence of a definitive connection the thalamo-cortical origin of bilaterally synchronous
between EEGs and a particular disease (i.e., EEG FTWs are discussed in our previous paper (Kurgansky
nosological nonspecificity), many clinical studies & Machinskaya, 2012). The quantitative analysis of
have reported robust correlations between the specific FTW patterns performed in that study showed that
shape and topography of abnormal EEG patterns and the appearance of bilaterally synchronous waves were
pathological or functional changes in brain structures accompanied by a strengthening of the statistical
(Hughes, 1994; Niedermeyer & Lopes da Silva, 2005). association among the group of sensors that showed the
In clinical case studies, a common practice is to extract most theta waves and a simultaneous reduction of the
such unusual patterns from the resting-state EEG and strength of functional connectivity between these and
test whether they are predictive of abnormal brain other sensors. A comparison of morphological, clinical,
conditions. The detection of such patterns is usually and neurophysiological data led to the suggestion that
performed via visual inspection of the EEG by a clinical such partial “autonomization” of the group of frontal and
expert. Far less frequently, the expert assessment of an central sensors is due to thalamo-cortical interactions.
EEG is used in group studies. This is partly due to the The fronto-thalamic regulatory system plays an
absence of objective methods for pattern detection and important role in the selective modulation of cortical
partly due to disbelief in qualitative expert assessment. activity during voluntary attention (Machinskaya,
However, despite the obvious lack of objectivity, a 2006) and working memory performance (Watanabe &
visual analysis nonetheless has an important advantage: Funahashi, 2012). Hereinafter, we use fronto-thalamic
the expert can detect and identify fast-changing EEG non-optimal functioning to describe brain activity
patterns. Because of the transient nature of these changes involved in FTWs because the EEG method
patterns and complexity of their waveforms, devising a lacks precise information about deviations in neuronal
strict computational detection method is difficult. activity in networks between the prefrontal cortex and
In the structural EEG analysis, the various MD. The comparison of EEG parameters in groups
abnormal patterns are classified according to their of children aged 5-6 years, 6-7 years, and 7-8 years
associations with the state of function of different brain (Machinskaia, 1997) led to the assumption that FTWs
structures. Certain classes relate a group of patterns that are found in 6- to 8-year-old children could result
to the state of function of the cortex as a whole (main from fronto-thalamic immaturity. The presence of FTWs
alpha rhythm characteristic and diffused nonlocalized in ADHD adults (Loo & Barkley, 2005) and patients
EEG abnormalities), different cortical areas (focal with thalamic lesions (Lukashevich & Sazonova, 1996;
intrahemispheric EEG abnormalities), or deep regulatory Hughes, 1994) favors the notion that FTWs result from
structures (bilaterally synchronous EEG abnormalities). dysfunction or injury of the fronto-thalamic system.
The classification of abnormal EEG patterns is based on Groups of slow bilaterally synchronous waves
expert judgments and clinical EEG data. The structural recorded from caudal (occipital and parietal) brain areas
464 Machinskaya et al.

and/or hypersynchronous high-amplitude alpha rhythms A total of 362 children, 7-10 years of age, underwent
(> 120 μV) is the second EEG pattern (Figure 1, II) a behavioral assessment of ADHD symptoms, resting-
that distinguishes ADHD children from their typically state EEG analysis of brain function, and a detailed
developing peers. This pattern is associated with low cognitive assessment.
cortical excitability (Steriade, 2000) and related to a For the behavioral assessment, we applied the
decrease in activity of the brainstem reticular formation ADHD Rating Scale-IV (DuPaul, 1998), which
(Omata, Hanakawa, Morimoto, & Honda, 2013). Thus, includes a list of 18 behavioral symptoms of ADHD
hypersynchronous high-amplitude alpha and theta (nine symptoms describe inattentiveness and nine
oscillations can be considered EEG signs of deficits in describe hyperactivity/impulsiveness) based on the
nonspecific cortical activation. These EEG changes can Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders,
be related to the first unit in Luria’s scheme and thus 4th edition. We chose this questionnaire because it is
reflect regulatory process deficits. The third EEG pattern simple to complete and score, and it is one of the most
that is typical in ADHD children is local deviations in frequently applied screening tools. A questionnaire
electrical activity of the right hemisphere. This pattern was completed by teachers and/or parents. Following
consists of sharp theta waves (Figure 1, III). The third the criteria suggested in DuPaul (1998), we considered
pattern cannot be attributed exclusively to deficits a child as having ADHD when (i) the child was rated
in either regulatory or information-related processes with six or more inattentive symptoms and more than
because clinical (Myers, 1999) and neurocognitive one but less than six hyperactivity/impulsiveness
(Posner & Petersen, 1990; Tanaka, 1996) data show that symptoms (i.e., inattentive subtype), (ii) the child was
large-scale networks in the right hemisphere subserve rated with six or more hyperactivity/impulsiveness
regulatory processes (e.g., fronto-parietal attention symptoms and more than one but less than six
system) and are also involved in information processing inattentive symptoms (i.e., hyperactive/impulsive
(e.g., a known role for the right inferior temporal cortex subtype), and (iii) the ratings were equal to or greater
in object recognition). Importantly, ADHD children than six for both scales (i.e., combined subtype). For
can have one of the aforementioned EEG patterns or further analysis, all of the ADHD children were pooled
different combinations. into a single ADHD sample because searching for
Despite the large number of ADHD studies, still subtype-specific EEG correlates was outside the scope
unresolved is the possible trajectory of cognitive of the present work.
development that is specific to ADHD children. When According to these scores, we formed main groups
attempting to clarify this issue, one may encounter much with ADHD symptoms and control groups aged 7-8
contradictory data. According to Brodeur and Pond years and 9-10 years (Table 1). Moreover, the control
(2001), voluntary attention in ADHD children has the groups had another selection criterion, namely, good
same developmental trajectory from ages 6-8 years to 9-11 academic performance (i.e., no learning difficulties).
years, as in typically developing children, despite lower
attention scores in ADHD children of both ages. Another
study (Gupta & Kar, 2009) found no progressive changes Materials and procedure
in most of the cognitive parameters in children from 6 to The cognitive assessment was performed using
9 years of age. These contradictions and the variety of Luria’s neuropsychological battery that was adapted
cognitive deficits could be caused by the heterogeneity of for primary school children (Akhutina, Ignatieva, &
brain mechanisms associated with ADHD. Maksimenko, 1996) and included 23 tests. For each
To uncover the neurophysiological factors associated child, after completing each test, we scored several
with learning difficulties in ADHD children, we tested parameters associated with different components of
whether different profiles of cognitive deficits and/ cognitive performance. The total score was computed
or different trajectories of cognitive development over different tests for each cognitive component and
are related to the following abnormal EEG patterns: reflected the absence/presence of deficits (Table 2). We
FTWs, local deviations in electrical activity of the then computed integral neuropsychological indices,
right hemisphere, and hypersynchronous alpha/theta which showed the degree of executive dysfunction,
oscillations in caudal regions. impairment of verbal and non-verbal functions, and
energy deficits. The integral neuropsychological
index is the ratio of the number of poor cognitive
components included in a particular block (Npoor) to
Participants the total number of components in the same block
The study was conducted at the Diagnostic Center (Ntotal). For example, if a child was rated with three poor
of the Institute of Developmental Physiology, Russian cognitive components included in the executive block
Academy of Education. All of the children who that consisted of seven components, then the child’s
volunteered to assist us in the study attended regular integral neuropsychological index was .43 (3/7). The
classes in mainstream schools in Moscow and had no statistical analysis of neuropsychological parameters
history of neurological or psychiatric illness. Their was performed using the Mann-Whitney U test for
parents provided written informed consent. independent samples.
Neurophysiological factors of cognitive deficits 465

Figure 1. (I) Groups of bilaterally synchronous frontal theta waves (FTWs) in the frontal leads (F4, F3). The EEG pattern of non-optimal fronto-
thalamic system functioning is shown for an 8-year-old boy. (II) Single sharp theta waves and groups of sharp theta waves show phase reversal
at the right frontal lead (F4) and posterior temporal lead (T6), identified as local EEG changes in the right hemisphere (RH). The EEG fragment
is shown for a 7-year-old girl with bipolar recording. (III) Hypersynchronous (> 120 mV) alpha rhythm in the occipital leads (O1, O2). EEG
patterns associated with a deficit of nonspecific cortical activation (DA) are shown for a 7-year-old boy. The distance between the vertical lines
is 200 ms in all EEG fragments. Figures in the bottom right corners show the 100 μV amplitude (vertical line) and 1 s duration (horizontal line)
of the EEG signals.
466 Machinskaya et al.

Table 1. Distribution of children according to the presence of ADHD symptoms, age, and sex.

Group 7-8 years old 9-10 years old

Boys Girls Number of subjects Boys Girls Number of subjects

(mean age ± SD) (mean age ± SD)

Control 11 16 n = 27 6 18 n = 24
8.16 ± .47 years 9.96 ± .71 years

ADHD 42 8 n = 50 48 11 n = 59
7.82 ± .56 years 9.78 ± .67 years

Total 53 24 n = 61 54 29 n = 39

Table 2. Cognitive parameters analyzed during the was performed using Fisher’s Exact Probability Test for
neuropsychological assessment. 2 × 2 contingency tables.
Integral Deviations of different cognitive
neuropsychological components Results
(I = Npoor / Ntotal) Influence of ADHD symptoms and age on
Executive Difficulty following instructions
cognitive activity in 7-8- and 9-10-year-old
dysfunctions Poor planning children
Difficulty switching between program The ADHD and control groups differed in sex ratios
units within a task (see Table 1), and we needed to determine the possible
Difficulty in task switching influence of sex on the children’s cognitive development.
Difficulty staying focused on a task
Poor error monitoring
The total number of boys (n = 17) in the control group was
compared with the total number of girls (n = 34) in the
Verbal impairments Poor articulation control group using the Mann-Whitney U test. We found
Deficit in processing speech sounds
Poor phonemic awareness
a high possibility of similarity in the neuropsychological
Verbal paraphasia parameters in boys and girls (executive function: U =
Poor vocabulary skills 189.5, p = .263; verbal performance: U = 217.5, p =
Agrammatical speech
.709; non-verbal performance: U = 215.0, p = .636;
Non-verbal Poor kinesthetic sensitivity energy level: U = 232.5, p = 1.000). The absence of an
impairments Poor tactile sensitivity influence of sex allowed us to ignore this factor when
Inability to integrate visual elements into
a whole
comparing the neuropsychological parameters in the
Poor spatial arrangement main and control groups.
Difficulty coordinating picture details in The between-group comparison of
two-dimensional space neuropsychological scores revealed significantly more
Poor visuospatial memory
pronounced deficits in all of the analyzed cognitive
Low energy level Fatigue components in children with ADHD symptoms
Poor arousal compared with controls in both the 7-8- and 9-10-year-
old age groups (Table 3). The mean values of the
neuropsychological indices are shown in Figure 2.
We analyzed age-related differences in
The EEG was recorded under resting conditions with neuropsychological indices in children with ADHD
the eyes closed using 12 symmetrical leads: frontal (F3, symptoms and controls (Figure 3, Table 4). Both groups
F4), central (C3, C4), temporal (T3, T4), parietal (P3, showed progressive age-related changes. The control
P4), inferior temporal (T5, T6), and occipital (O1, O2), group exhibited significant age-related changes only
placed according to the international 10-20 system in in executive function. ADHD children presented an
monopolar (with ipsilateral ears electrodes) and bipolar improvement in all cognitive components except energy
montages. EEG was recorded using a Neurotravel 24 D level. Notably, despite the progressive changes in all
COM computer electroencephalograph (ATESMEDICA, of the neuropsychological parameters, ADHD children
Russia) in the 1-70 Hz frequency band. aged 9-10 years continued struggling with pronounced
Each recording was visually analyzed by an regulatory deficits and partial verbal and non-verbal
expert and checked for three EEG patterns: bilaterally impairments (Table 3).
synchronous FTWs (Figure 1, I), right hemisphere local The fact that ADHD children in both age groups
deviations (Figure 1, III), and hypersynchronous alpha had multiple cognitive deficits raises the issue of
rhythm and/or groups of theta oscillations in caudal whether these deficits result from a whole-brain
divisions (Figure 1, II). The statistical analysis of group mechanism or reflect heterogeneous impairment
differences in the frequency of deviating EEG patterns caused by different neurophysiological factors. Our
Neurophysiological factors of cognitive deficits 467

Table 3. Statistical differences in neuropsychological scores between ADHD groups and age-matched controls.

indices (entire vs. Controls vs. Controls vs. Controls vs. RH vs. DA vs. DA
group) vs.

Executive U = 164.5 U = 41.0 U = 42.5 U = 48.0 U = 63.0 U = 43.5 U = 23.5,

dysfunctions p < .0001 p < .0001 p = .047 p = .240 p = .022 p = .007 p = .613

Verbal impairments U = 184.5 U = 53.5 U = 59.0 U = 43.0 U = 66.0 U = 47.0 U = 26.0

7-8 p < .0001 p < .0001 p = .304 p = .104 p = .024 p = .011 p = .867
years Non-verbal U = 148.5 U = 94.0 U=0 U = 28.0 U = 59.5 U = 111.5 U = 12.5
impairments p < .0001 p < .0001 p < .0001 p = .019 p = .012 p = .799 p = .012

Low energy level U = 261.0 U = 140.0 U = 52.0 U = 30.0 U = 104.0 U = 109.0 U = 23.0
p < .0001 p < .0001 p = .165 p = .026 p = .320 p = .747 p = .613

Executive U = 163.5 U = 32.0 U=0 U = 61.0

dysfunctions p < .0001 p = .027 p = .001 p = .533

Verbal impairments U = 317.0 U = 35.5 U = 17.5 U = 49.0

9-10 p < .0001 p = .042 p = .383 p = .208
years Non-verbal U = 294.0 U = 39.0 U = 5.5 U = 68.5
impairments p < .0001 p = .071 p = .011 p = .796

Low energy level U = 243.5 U = 28.0 U = 14.0 U = 55.5

p < .0001 p = .014 p = .209 p = .348

Figure 2: (Upper line) Mean group values of integral neuropsychological indices, showing deficits in different cognitive processes: (1) executive
function, (2) verbal performance, (3) non-verbal performance, and (4) energy level in children in the control group (gray columns) and children
with ADHD symptoms. (I) Children aged 7-8. (II) Children aged 9-10. (Lower line) Frequency of cases with EEG patterns that reflect non-
optimal functioning of the fronto-thalamic system (FTS), local abnormal electrical activity in the right hemisphere (RH), and deficit of cortical
activation (DA). Gray columns indicate controls, and black columns indicate children with ADHD symptoms. (III) Children aged 7-8. (IV)
Children aged 9-10 years.
468 Machinskaya et al.

previous studies (see Introduction) suggested that the Specificity of cognitive deficits in ADHD
possible neurophysiological factors associated with children with different deviating EEG patterns
cognitive deficits in ADHD include fronto-thalamic To study the influence of the potential
non-optimal functioning (FTS), a decreased level neurophysiological factors mentioned above on cognitive
of cortical excitability (DA), and right hemisphere development in ADHD children, we conducted an
local deviations (RH; representative EEG patterns interdisciplinary assessment that included two steps. We
are presented in Figure 1). All of these factors can first recorded a resting-state EEG and checked it for three
selectively influence different cognitive components deviating patterns (illustrated in Figure 1). The deviating
alone or in combination. patterns should be detected not less than three times during
a 3-min recording. ADHD children aged 7-8 differed from
their typically developing peers in all three deviating EEG
patterns (Figure 2, III). They significantly more often
demonstrated fronto-thalamic non-optimal functioning
(Pearson χ21 = 35.799, p < .0001) and right hemisphere local
deviations (Pearson χ21 = 4.554, p = .03) and approached
significance in deficits in nonspecific activation (Pearson
χ21 = 2.758, p = .09). ADHD children aged 9-10 years
(Figure 2, IV), like 7-8-year-old children with the same
symptoms, significantly more often demonstrated fronto-
thalamic non-optimal functioning (Pearson χ21 = 13.082, p
< .0001) and right hemisphere local deviations (Pearson χ21
= 5.244, p = .03) but did not significantly differ from the
control group in deficits in nonspecific activation. The latter
results possibly reflect the fact that there is an increase in
nonspecific activation in children at 9-10 years of age, even
in children with ADHD symptoms who earlier exhibited a
decrease in cortical activation. The results shown in Figure
2 are consistent with our previous research and provide
further confirmation that these brain activity deviations
are neurophysiological factors associated with cognitive
deficits in ADHD.
According to the individual analysis of resting-state
EEG, ADHD children aged 7-8 years and 9-10 years were
grouped according to deviating EEG patterns. We formed
two sets of three groups: children aged 7-8 years (n =
34) and 9-10 years (n = 21) with EEG patterns of fronto-
thalamic non-optimal functioning (FTWs), children aged
7-8 years (n = 8) and 9-10 years (n = 7) with EEG patterns
of right hemisphere local deviations (RH), and children
aged 7-8 years (n = 7) and 9-10 years (n = 4) with EEG
Figure 3. Mean group values of integral neuropsychological patterns of deficits in nonspecific activation (DA) provided
indices that show deficits in different cognitive processes. (I) by the brainstem reticular formation. Each subgroup
Children aged 7-8. (II) Children aged 9-10. included children with only one type of deviating pattern.

Table 4. Statistical age-dependent differences in neuropsychological scores in the ADHD and control groups.

Neuropsychological Controls ADHD ADHD FTW ADHD RH

Indices (whole group)

Executive dysfunctions U = 149.5 U = 1230.0 U = 223.0 U = 18.5

p = .005 p = 0.047 p = .019 p = .281

Verbal impairments U = 206.5 U = 1218.5 U = 227.0 U = 27.0

p = .180 p = .041 p = .023 p = .955

Non-verbal impairments U = 236.5 U = 1128.5 U = 268.0 U = 5.0

p = .485 p = .009 p = .116 p = .006

Low energy level U = 217.5 U = 1487.0 U = 319.0 U = 25.0

p = .080 p = .619 p = .484 p = .779
Neurophysiological factors of cognitive deficits 469

Children with multiple deviating patterns (n = 32) were Considering the age-dependent improvement in
excluded from further analysis. cognitive abilities in ADHD children, we sought to
In the next step of the study, we compared determine whether their cognitive development is
neuropsychological cognitive activity scores in subgroups influenced by the specificity of brain activity deviations.
of children with different deviating EEG patterns and The results of the statistical analysis of age-dependent
control groups of the same age. None of the controls aged changes in the FTW and RH groups are presented in
7-8 years and 9-10 years had EEG patterns of fronto- Table 4. The comparison of integral neuropsychological
thalamic non-optimal functioning or right hemisphere indices in children with FTWs aged 7-8 years and
local deviations (Figure 2, III, IV). In the control group, children with FTWs aged 9-10 years revealed a
EEG patterns of decreased cortical activation were found significant improvement in executive function and
only in one case, which was not included in this part of verbal task performance. The analysis of age-related
the statistical analysis. We did not perform the statistical differences in the groups with RH deviations showed
analysis of neuropsychological parameters in children progressive changes in nonverbal function and no
with DA aged 9-10 years and their control group because significant changes in other neuropsychological indices.
there were only a few cases (n = 4) of this deviating Generally, children with ADHD and different types
EEG pattern. The comparison of neuropsychological of brain deviating activity exhibited an improvement
parameters in children with different EEG deviations is in cognitive function as they got older. However, the
shown in Figure 3 and Table 3. RH children presented age-related improvement only
Non-optimal functioning of the fronto-thalamic in nonverbal performance and continued to struggle
system was found in the group of younger children with executive dysfunction during the next stage of
(Figure 3, I), which had a statistically significant and development.
pronounced negative effect on all cognitive components Thus, the neuropsychological analysis of cognitive
that were analyzed, reflected by decreases in function in ADHD children with different types of
neuropsychological indices compared with the control deviating brain activity allowed us to determine
group. Right hemisphere local deviations also negatively two neurophysiological factors that significantly
affected the children’s cognitive performance. The impede executive function at both 7-8 years and 9-10
experimental group exhibited significantly more years of age: fronto-thalamic dysfunction and right
pronounced executive dysfunctions and nonverbal hemisphere local brain activity deviations. Both
impairments. Children with RH abnormalities exhibited patterns were associated with information processing
more pronounced nonverbal difficulties than children impairment, but both had a specific influence. Fronto-
with FTWs, whereas children with FTWs exhibited thalamic dysfunction appeared to mainly affect verbal
significantly more pronounced executive dysfunctions performance, whereas right hemisphere abnormalities
and verbal impairments. Children aged 7-8 years appeared to involve deficits in nonverbal functions. A
with DA patterns, unlike children with the other two third pattern, a decreased level of cortical activation, was
types of abnormalities, did not present any executive mainly associated with slow processing speed and poor
dysfunctions. The DA patterns negatively affected the arousal. Children with DA aged 7-8 years also exhibited
children’s energy level (e.g., cognitive processing speed poor nonverbal information processing. ADHD children
and arousal) and nonverbal performance, although their aged 9-10 years are very seldom diagnosed with the DA
nonverbal deficits were less pronounced compared pattern; hence, decreased cortical activation could not
with RH children. Thus, 7-8-year-old children with be associated with ADHD in this age group.
ADHD symptoms presented executive dysfunctions
that could be associated with both fronto-thalamic non-
optimal functioning and right hemisphere activity local Discussion
deviations. Verbal impairments were observed only in The analysis of neuropsychological parameters
children with FTWs, whereas nonverbal impairments revealed less effective executive function in all of the
were observed in all of the groups of ADHD children, ADHD children compared with typically developing
with the most pronounced difficulties in the RH group. children. These results are consistent with other
Executive function, verbal performance, and notions of cognitive deficits in ADHD (Barkley, 2006;
cognitive processing speed in children aged 9-10 years, Wahlstedt, 2009; Willcutt et al., 2005, Zavadenko
similar to 7-8-year-olds, were negatively influenced & Petroukhin, 2007). The comparison of the results
by FTWs (Table 3). However, FTWs, which were of the neuropsychological and electrophysiological
found in the older group of children, had a more assessments in the present study demonstrated the
selective influence. Their nonverbal performance was degree of involvement of neurophysiological factors in
not significantly affected compared with controls. executive deficits in ADHD.
Nonverbal impairments were found only in children ADHD children aged 7-8 years and 9-10 years
with RH deviations. These children also had poor presented executive dysfunction mainly in cases
planning abilities. Thus, we found an approximately of FTW patterns in their EEG recordings. The
similar specific influence of deviating brain function on possible immaturity or dysfunction of the fronto-
cognitive development in children in both age groups. thalamic system in ADHD children was confirmed by
470 Machinskaya et al.

neuromorphological data. Longitudinal studies reported children with EEG patterns of fronto-thalamic non-
more prolonged maturation of the frontal cortex (Shaw, optimal functioning exhibited poor verbal performance
2007; Batty, 2010) and cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical and pronounced executive function deficits. Our
network (Stanley et al., 2008) in ADHD compared with previous studies showed that children aged 7-8 years
typical development. with FTW patterns mainly suffered from poor semantic
The possible mechanism that underlies the influence processing, reflected by the substitution of semantically
of FTWs on executive function may be related to a related but incorrect words when retelling a text, writing
deficit of the selective modulation of cortical activity dictation, and performing visuospatial tasks (i.e.,
when the brain prepares to perceive and retain relevant recognizing and describing objects; Machinskaya &
information. The involvement of prefrontal cortical Semenova, 2004). According to Luria’s clinical studies
and thalamic neurons in the process of the selective (Luria, 1973), the nominative function of speech is
modulation of sensory and association cortices was provided by left hemisphere structures and disturbed in
shown in animal neurophysiological studies (for review, cases of left hemisphere frontal and temporal lesions. It
see Machinskaya, 2003, Introduction) and confirmed in was precisely these areas that showed decreased cortico-
modern fMRI studies of cognitive brain mechanisms in cortical connectivity in children with fronto-thalamic
humans (Watanabe & Funahashi, 2012). dysfunction in an EEG coherence study (Machinskaya
The non-optimal functioning of anterior & Kurgansky, 2013). By comparing the results of
right hemisphere areas may be another possible electrophysiological and neuropsychological studies of
neurophysiological factor associated with executive syndromes associated with local brain lesions, we can
function deficits in ADHD. This possibility is supported assume that poor semantic performance in FTW children
by the neuropsychological assessment of cognitive may result from a decrease in the functional interaction
functions in children with right hemisphere local EEG between frontal and temporal left hemisphere cortices.
deviations who exhibited a significant increase in Groups of children with RH patterns aged 7-8 years
executive function deficits compared with the control and 9-10 years presented the most pronounced nonverbal
group. Our previous neuropsychological study of difficulties compared with typically developing controls
7-10-year-old children with right hemisphere local EEG and FTW peers. A more detailed neuropsychological
deviations (Semenova & Machinskaya, 2011) showed assessment of 7-10-year-old children with RH patterns
that subjects mostly suffered from poor planning and (Semenova & Machinskaya, 2011) showed pronounced
had difficulty staying focused on a task. In the present deficits of visual perception and visual memory and
study, we found no local deviations of right hemisphere poor praxis of left hand tactile perception. These
activity among the controls, whereas the group with observations agree with neuropsychological data on
behavioral symptoms of ADHD was diagnosed with patients with right hemisphere lesions who have poor
this EEG pattern in a large number of cases. The visuoconstructive abilities, difficulties in visuospatial
presence of RH patterns in ADHD children is consistent processing, poor somatognosis, and poor visual memory
with the RH structural specificity in this syndrome (Lezak, 1995; Kolk & Talvik, 2002).
(i.e., a reduction of gray matter volume in the frontal Thus, two of three deviating EEG patterns that were
and parietal cortices and paleostriatum compared with detected in children with ADHD symptoms aged 7-8
controls; McAlonan et al., 2007). Most of the children years and 9-10 years were associated with pronounced
who were included in the group with RH patterns (12 of partial cognitive deficits, which depended on the type of
15) had this deviating brain electrical activity located brain activity deviations.
in the frontal and/or inferior temporal cortices. Right The low level of cortical excitability found mainly
hemisphere anterior areas are associated with sustained in the younger ADHD group was reflected by a low
attention and executive control that are involved in energy level and slowness but did not impede executive
relevant information processing during conflict tasks function or verbal performance. In addition to a low
(Posner & Petersen, 1990) and maintaining sensory- energy level, children aged 7-8 years exhibited non-
specific cortex activity when retaining information in verbal impairments, although these impairments were
working memory (Machinskaya & Kurgansky, 2012). less pronounced compared with children with RH
Deviating EEG patterns that were recorded from the patterns. Poor non-verbal (visual and somatosensory)
right hemisphere in children with ADHD symptoms processing in children with DA patterns may be caused
reflect the non-optimal functioning of right hemisphere by the non-optimal function of the occipital and parietal
anterior areas in the resting state; hence, these structures cortices, reflected by hypersynchronous alpha or slow-
cannot appropriately maintain executive function and wave activity in caudal areas.
selective attention. The comparison of neuropsychological parameters
When designing this study, we assumed that a in EEG-homogeneous groups of 7-8- and 9-10-year-
variety of partial cognitive deficits in ADHD are caused old children revealed the age-related specificity of
by different neurophysiological factors. The comparison cognitive processes. Typically developing 9-10-year-
of neuropsychological scores in children with different olds presented progressive changes mainly in executive
functional deviations in the brain confirmed this function. Such improvements are caused by frontal
assumption. We found that 7-8- and 9-10-year-old cortex development in children from 7-8 to 9-10 years
Neurophysiological factors of cognitive deficits 471

of age and the increasing involvement of the frontal brain specificity in which fronto-thalamic dysfunction
cortex in cortical top-down modulation during cognitive mainly affects verbal performance, and right hemisphere
performance (Farber & Njiokiktjien, 1993). abnormalities mainly involve nonverbal impairments.
Children aged 9-10 years with FTW patterns, The comparison of neuropsychological parameters in
similar to controls, exhibited significant improvement EEG-homogeneous groups of children aged 7-8 years and
in executive function. These positive changes in FTW 9-10 years showed the following age-related specificity:
children aged 9-10 years could be caused by cortex
maturation, reflected by an increase in the relative - Typically developing 9-10-year-old children exhibited
power of the resting-state alpha rhythm (Sokolova & progressive cognitive changes mainly in executive
Machinskaya, 2006). Morpho-functional maturation function.
of the cortex may allow its differential involvement - Children aged 9-10 years with EEG patterns of
in cognitive processing and more effective selective fronto-thalamic dysfunction exhibited significant
activation of the cortices (Machinskaya, 2006). improvement in executive function and verbal
Together with improvements in executive function, performance, but there was still a gap between them
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showed progressive improvements in only non-verbal
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