Roland RP-101 OM

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04564778 07-04-2N

Cover1,4 3 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture.

The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol, within an

equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user to the
DO NOT OPEN presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the
product’s enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to
ATTENTION: RISQUE DE CHOC ELECTRIQUE NE PAS OUVRIR constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.

CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is
DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK). intended to alert the user to the presence of important
NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the
literature accompanying the product.



WARNING - When using electric products, basic precautions should always be followed, including the following:

1. Read these instructions. 10. Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched
2. Keep these instructions. particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the
3. Heed all warnings. point where they exit from the apparatus.
4. Follow all instructions. 11. Only use attachments/accessories specified by the
5. Do not use this apparatus near water. manufacturer.
6. Clean only with a dry cloth. 12. Use only with the cart, stand, tripod, bracket,
7. Do not block any of the ventilation openings. Install in or table specified by the manufacturer, or
accordance with the manufacturers instructions. sold with the apparatus. When a cart is used,
8. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, use caution when moving the cart/apparatus
heat registers, stoves, or other apparatus (including combination to avoid injury from tip-over.
amplifiers) that produce heat. 13. Unplug this apparatus during lightning storms or when
9. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the polarized or unused for long periods of time.
grounding-type plug. A polarized plug has two blades with 14. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel. Servicing
one wider than the other. A grounding type plug has two is required when the apparatus has been damaged in any
blades and a third grounding prong. The wide blade or the way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged, liquid
third prong are provided for your safety. If the provided plug has been spilled or objects have fallen into the apparatus,
does not fit into your outlet, consult an electrician for the apparatus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does
replacement of the obsolete outlet. not operate normally, or has been dropped.

For the U.K.



As the colours of the wires in the mains lead of this apparatus may not correspond with the coloured markings identifying
the terminals in your plug, proceed as follows:
The wire which is coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter N or coloured BLACK.
The wire which is coloured BROWN must be connected to the terminal which is marked with the letter L or coloured RED.
Under no circumstances must either of the above wires be connected to the earth terminal of a three pin plug.

Before using this unit, carefully read the sections entitled: “IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS,”
“USING THE UNIT SAFELY” (p. 4), and “Important Notes” (p. 7). These sections provide important
information concerning the proper operation of the unit. Additionally, in order to feel assured that you
have gained a good grasp of every feature provided by your new unit, owner’s manual should be read
in its entirety. The manual should be saved and kept on hand as a convenient reference.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form
without the written permission of ROLAND CORPORATION. 4 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分


Used for instructions intended to alert the The symbol alerts the user to important instructions or
user to the risk of death or severe injury warnings.The specific meaning of the symbol is
should the unit be used improperly. determined by the design contained within the triangle.
In the case of the symbol at left, it is used for general
cautions, warnings, or alerts to danger.
Used for instructions intended to alert the
user to the risk of injury or material The symbol alerts the user to items that must never
be carried out (are forbidden). The specific thing that
damage should the unit be used
must not be done is indicated by the design contained
improperly. within the circle. In the case of the symbol at left, it
* Material damage refers to damage or means that the unit must never be disassembled.
other adverse effects caused with The ● symbol alerts the user to things that must be
respect to the home and all its carried out. The specific thing that must be done is
furnishings, as well to domestic animals indicated by the design contained within the circle. In
or pets. the case of the symbol at left, it means that the power-
cord plug must be unplugged from the outlet.

Do not disassemble or modify Use only the included power cord

002a 008e
Do not disassemble or modify this device. You must use only the power cord included with the
device. Do not use the included power cord with
...................................................................................... any other device.
Do not repair or replace parts ......................................................................................
003 Do not bend the power cord or place heavy objects
Never attempt to repair this device or replace on it
parts. If repair or part replacement should become 009
Do not bend the power cord excessively, or place
necessary, you must contact your dealer or a
heavy objects on the power cord. Doing so will
Roland service center.
damage the power cord, and may cause short
circuits or faulty connections, possibly resulting in
Do not use or store in the following types of
fire or electrical shock.
004 ......................................................................................
• Locations of extremely high temperature (such as Do not share an outlet with an unreasonable
in direct sunlight, near heating equipment, or on number of other devices
a device that generates heat) Do not connect excessive numbers of electrical
• Near moisture (such as in a bathroom, near a devices to a single power outlet. In particular,
sink, or on a wet floor) or in locations of high when using a power strip, exceeding the rated
humidity capacity (watts/amps) of the power strip may
• Locations exposed to rain cause heat to be generated, possibly melting the
• Locations of excessive dust
• Locations subject to heavy vibration Avoid extended use at high volume
...................................................................................... 010
Do not place in an unstable location This device, either by itself or used in conjunction
007 with headphones, amps, and/or speakers, is
Do not place this device on an unstable stand or a capable of producing volume levels that can cause
tilted surface. You must place it in a stable and permanent hearing damage. If you experience
level location. impaired hearing or ringing in your ears,
...................................................................................... immediately stop using the device and consult a
Connect the power cord to an outlet of the correct medical specialist.
voltage ......................................................................................
You must connect the power cord to an AC outlet
of the correct voltage as marked on the device.


4 5 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分


Do not insert foreign objects Place in a well ventilated location

011 101a
Never allow foreign objects (flammable objects, When using this device, ensure that it is placed in
coins, wires, etc.) to enter this device. a well ventilated location.
This can cause short circuits or other malfunctions. ......................................................................................
Grasp the plug when connecting or disconnecting
...................................................................................... the power cord
Turn off the power if an abnormality or When connecting or disconnecting the power cord
malfunction occurs to/from an AC outlet or the device itself, you must
012a grasp the plug, not the cord.
If any of the following should occur, immediately
turn off the power, disconnect the power cord from
Periodically wipe the dust off the power cord plug
the AC outlet, and contact your dealer or a service 103a
center to have the device serviced. From time to time, you should unplug the power
• The power cord is damaged cord from the AC outlet and use a dry cloth to wipe
the dust off of it. You should also unplug the power
• The device produces smoke or an unusual smell
cord from the AC outlet if you will not be using the
• A foreign object enters the device, or liquid
device for an extended period of time. Dust or dirt
spills into the device that accumulates between the power cord plug and
• The device becomes wet (by rain, etc.) the AC outlet can cause a short circuit, possibly
• An abnormality or malfunction occurs in the device resulting in fire.
...................................................................................... ......................................................................................
Do not allow children to use without supervision Manage cables for safety
013 104
In households with children, take particular care Ensure that the connected cables are organized
against tampering. If children are to use this device, and managed in a safe manner. In particular,
they must be supervised or guided by an adult. place the cables out of reach of children.
Do not stand or place heavy objects on this device
Do not drop or subject to strong impact 106
014 Do not stand on this device, or place heavy objects
Do not drop this device or subject it to strong
on it.
Do not connect or disconnect the power cord with
Do not use overseas
016 wet hands
If you wish to use this device overseas, please 107b
Do not connect or disconnect the power cord to the
contact your dealer or a service center.
device or AC outlet while holding the power cord
...................................................................................... plug with wet hands.
Do not place containers of water on the device
026 Cautions when moving this device
Do not place containers of water (such as a flower 108d
When moving this device, please check the
vase) or drinks on the device. Nor should you
following cautions. Then, make sure that at least
place containers of insecticide, perfume, alcoholic
two persons work together in lifting and carrying
liquids, nail polish, or spray cans on the device. the device, all the while making sure to keep it
Liquids that spill into the device may cause it to level. When doing so, be careful not to pinch your
malfunction, and may cause short circuits or faulty hands or drop the device on your feet.
operation. 1 • Check whether the screws fastening the device
...................................................................................... to its stand have become loose. If they are loose,
tighten them firmly.
2 • Disconnect the power cord.
3 • Disconnect external devices.
4 • Raise the adjuster of the stand (p. 15).
5 • Close the lid.
6 • Remove the music rest.

5 6 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分


Unplug the power cord from the AC outlet before

Before you clean the device, turn off the power and
unplug the power cord from the AC outlet (p. 12).

If there is a possibility of lightning strike,
disconnect the power cord from the AC outlet
If there is a possibility of lightning strike,
immediately turn off the power and disconnect the
power cord from the AC outlet.
Cautions when opening/closing the lid
Be careful when opening/closing the lid so you do
not get your fingers pinched (p. 12). Adult
supervision is recommended whenever small
children use the unit.
Keep small items out of the reach of children
To prevent small items such as the following from
being swallowed accidentally, keep them out of the
reach of children.
• Included items
•Screws for assembling the stand
•Wing nut for headphone hook
• Removed parts
•Music rest attachment screws

6 7 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Important Notes
In addition to the items listed under “IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS” and “USING THE UNIT SAFELY” on pages 3 and 4–6,
please read and observe the following:

Power Supply 355b

• When moved from one location to another where the
• Do not connect this unit to same electrical outlet that is temperature and/or humidity is very different, water
being used by an electrical appliance that is controlled by droplets (condensation) may form inside the unit. Damage
an inverter (such as a refrigerator, washing machine, or malfunction may result if you attempt to use the unit in
microwave oven, or air conditioner), or that contains a this condition. Therefore, before using the unit, you must
motor. Depending on the way in which the electrical allow it to stand for several hours, until the condensation
appliance is used, power supply noise may cause this unit has completely evaporated.
to malfunction or may produce audible noise. If it is not • Do not allow rubber, vinyl, or similar materials to remain on
practical to use a separate electrical outlet, connect a the unit for long periods of time. Such objects can discolor
power supply noise filter between this unit and the electrical or otherwise harmfully affect the finish.
outlet. 358
307 • Do not allow objects to remain on top of the keyboard. This
• Before connecting this unit to other devices, turn off the can be the cause of malfunction, such as keys ceasing to
power to all units. This will help prevent malfunctions and/ produce sound.
or damage to speakers or other devices. 359
• Do not paste stickers, decals, or the like to this instrument.
• Although the LEDs are switched off when the POWER Peeling such matter off the instrument may damage the
switch is switched off, this does not mean that the unit has exterior finish.
been completely disconnected from the source of power. If
you need to turn off the power completely, first turn off the
POWER switch, then unplug the power cord from the 401b
power outlet. For this reason, the outlet into which you • To clean the unit, use a dry, soft cloth; or one that is slightly
choose to connect the power cord’s plug should be one that dampened. Try to wipe the entire surface using an equal
is within easy reach and readily accessible. amount of strength, moving the cloth along with the grain of
the wood. Rubbing too hard in the same area can damage
Placement the finish.
• If water droplets should adhere to this device, immediately
• Using the unit near power amplifiers (or other equipment
wipe them off using a soft dry cloth.
containing large power transformers) may induce hum. To
alleviate the problem, change the orientation of this unit; or • Never use benzine, thinners, alcohol or solvents of any
move it farther away from the source of interference. kind, to avoid the possibility of discoloration and/or
352a deformation.
• This device may interfere with radio and television
reception. Do not use this device in the vicinity of such • The pedals of this unit are made of brass.
receivers. Brass eventually darkens as the result of the natural
352b oxidization process. If the brass becomes tarnished, polish
• Noise may be produced if wireless communications
it using commercially available metal polisher.
devices, such as cell phones, are operated in the vicinity of
this unit. Such noise could occur when receiving or
initiating a call, or while conversing. Should you Repairs and Data
experience such problems, you should relocate such 452
• Please be aware that all data contained in the unit’s
wireless devices so they are at a greater distance from this
memory may be lost when the unit is sent for repairs.
unit, or switch them off.
Important data should always be backed up in another
• Do not expose the unit to direct sunlight, place it near MIDI device (e.g., a sequencer), or written down on paper
devices that radiate heat, leave it inside an enclosed (when possible). During repairs, due care is taken to avoid
vehicle, or otherwise subject it to temperature extremes. the loss of data. However, in certain cases (such as when
Also, do not allow lighting devices that normally are used circuitry related to memory itself is out of order), we regret
while their light source is very close to the unit (such as a that it may not be possible to restore the data, and Roland
piano light), or powerful spotlights to shine upon the same assumes no liability concerning such loss of data.
area of the unit for extended periods of time. Excessive
heat can deform or discolor the unit.

7 8 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Important Notes

Additional Precautions
• Please be aware that the contents of memory can be
irretrievably lost as a result of a malfunction, or the
improper operation of the unit. To protect yourself against
the risk of loosing important data, we recommend that you
periodically save a backup copy of important data you
have stored in the unit’s memory in another MIDI device
(e.g., a sequencer).
• Unfortunately, it may be impossible to restore the contents
of data that was stored in the unit’s memory once it has
been lost. Roland Corporation assumes no liability
concerning such loss of data.
• Use a reasonable amount of care when using the unit’s
buttons, knobs, or other controls; and when using its jacks
and connectors. Rough handling can lead to malfunctions.
• When connecting / disconnecting all cables, grasp the
connector itself—never pull on the cable. This way you will
avoid causing shorts, or damage to the cable’s internal
• A small amount of heat will radiate from the unit during
normal operation.
• To avoid disturbing your neighbors, try to keep the unit’s
volume at reasonable levels. You may prefer to use
headphones, so you do not need to be concerned about
those around you (especially when it is late at night).
• When you need to transport the unit, pack it in shock-
absorbent material. Transporting the unit without doing so
can cause it to become scratched or damaged, and could
lead to malfunction.
• Do not apply undue force to the music rest while it is in use.
• Some connection cables contain resistors. Do not use
cables that incorporate resistors for connecting to this unit.
The use of such cables can cause the sound level to be
extremely low, or impossible to hear. For information on
cable specifications, contact the manufacturer of the cable.
• Before opening or closing the keyboard lid, always make
sure that no pets or other small animals are located on top
of the instrument (in particular, they should be kept away
from the keyboard and its lid). Otherwise, due to the
structural design of this instrument, small pets or other
animals could end up getting trapped inside it. If such a
situation is encountered, you must immediately switch off
the power and disconnect the power cord from the outlet.
You should then consult with the retailer from whom the
instrument was purchased, or contact the nearest Roland
Service Center.

8 9 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

USING THE UNIT SAFELY ............................. 4 Changing Various Settings ......................... 32
Tuning to Other Instruments’ Pitches (Master Tuning) .... 32
Important Notes .......................................... 7 Lowering/Raising the Standard Pitch .................... 32
Setting the Standard Pitch to 440.0 Hz ................. 32
Main Features ........................................... 10 Setting the Standard Pitch to 442.0 Hz ................. 32
Changing the Temperament...................................... 33
Panel Descriptions ..................................... 11 Setting the Tonic................................................. 33
Control Panel ..........................................................11 Changing the Damper Pedal’s Resonance
Rear Panel ..............................................................11 (Damper Resonance)................................................ 34
Setting the Tuning Curve (Stretch Tuning) .................... 34
Before You Start Playing............................ 12 Disabling Everything Except Piano Play (Panel Lock) .... 35
Connecting the Pedal Cord .......................................12 Using the V-LINK function ......................................... 35
Connecting the Power Cord ......................................12 Remembering the Settings Even when the Power is
Opening/Closing the Lid ..........................................12 Turned Off (Memory Backup) .................................... 36
Setting Up the Music Rest .........................................12 Restoring the Original Default Settings (Factory Reset) .. 36
Connecting Headphones ..........................................13
Using the Headphone Hook.................................13 Connecting External Devices....................... 37
Turning the Power On and Off ..................................14 Connecting to Audio Equipment ................................ 37
Adjusting the Sound’s Volume ...................................14 Connecting MIDI Devices ......................................... 38
About the Pedals .....................................................14 What’s MIDI? .................................................... 38
About the Adjuster ...................................................15 MIDI Send Channel Settings ................................ 38
Switching Local Control On and Off ..................... 39
Enjoying the Internal Songs ....................... 16 Sending Recorded Performance Data to a MIDI
Device (Composer Out)....................................... 40
Performance ............................................. 17 Connecting to a Computer........................................ 40
Performing with a Variety of Sounds ..........................17
Playing Two Sounds Together (Dual Play) ...................18 Appendices ............................................... 41
Adjusting the Volume Balance in Dual Play Troubleshooting....................................................... 41
(Dual Balance) ...................................................19 Tone List ................................................................. 42
Changing the Brightness of the Sound (Brilliance) ........20 Internal Song List ..................................................... 43
Adding Reverberation to the Sound (Reverb) ...............21 Easy Operation List.................................................. 44
Changing the Depth of the Reverb Effect................21 MIDI Implementation Chart ....................................... 46
Adjusting the Keyboard Touch (Key Touch) .................22 Main Specifications ................................................. 47
Transposing the Key of the Keyboard (Transpose) ........23
Splitting the Keyboard Into Two Sections for Four-Hand Index ........................................................ 48
Performances (Twin Piano) ........................................24
Changing the Way in Which the Sound is Heard
(Twin Piano Mode) .............................................25
Using Metronome ....................................................26
Sounding the Metronome ....................................26
Changing the Beat of Metronome .........................26
Changing the Metronome Volume ........................27
Changing the Metronome Tempo .........................27

Recording Your Performance ..................... 30

Recording ...............................................................30
Playing Back the Recorded Performance .....................31
Erasing Recorded Performances ................................31

9 10 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Main Features
Thank you, and congratulations on your choice of the Roland Digital Piano RP101.
To ensure that you obtain the maximum enjoyment and take full advantage of the RP101’s functionality, please
read this owner’s manual carefully.

Piano Sounds with Rich Resonance and Wide Expressive Range

• This instrument features a piano sound generator that utilizes stereo sampling, so it is capable of faithfully
recreating the sound of a high-quality concert grand piano, realistically reproducing even the finest details,
including the sound of the hammers striking the strings. With a maximum polyphony of 64 notes, it has ample
capability even for performances that make full use of pedaling.

The Playing Feel of a Grand Piano

• The PHA alpha II keyboard gives you a weighty playing feel in the low register while becoming lighter in the
high register, replicating the authentic feel of a piano.
• The pedal position is detected smoothly, allowing you to vary the effect by the changing the depth to which
you press the pedal. You can take advantage of the way in which subtle differences in pedaling will affect the

A Compact Cabinet that Fits Anywhere

• The newly designed cabinet projects a sense of elegant craftsmanship. It can be placed nearly anywhere, and
does not occupy excessive space.
• In addition to a sliding keyboard lid that stores inside the instrument, there’s a headphone hook for conveniently
storing your headphones when not using them.

Functionality to Assist Your Practicing

• With metronome and recorder functions, as well as 65 built-in songs, you can experience the kind of piano
lessons that are possible only with digital pianos.

10 11 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Panel Descriptions

Control Panel
Rear Panel

Phones Jacks
Pedal Connector

AC Inlet

1 Phones Jacks 3 AC Inlet

You can connect headphones to these jacks (p. 13). Connect the supplied power cord here (p. 12).
2 Pedal Connector
Connect the pedal cord to this connector (p. 12).

Control Panel
4 [POWER] Switch
Turns the power on/off (p. 14).
4 5 [VOLUME] Knob
Adjusts the overall volume level (p. 14).
5 6 [TONE] Button
Used to choose the tone played by the keyboard (p. 17).

6 7 [SONG] Button
Plays the internal songs (p. 16) or the song you recorded
7 (p. 31). If you simultaneously press the [SONG] button
and [METRONOME] button, you’ll enter recording-
8 standby mode (p. 30).
9 8 [METRONOME] Button
Turns the metronome on/off (p. 26).
Adds reverberation to the sound (p. 21).
Modifies the playing feel of the keyboard (p. 22).

Rear Panel
10 MIDI Out/In Connectors
Connect to external MIDI devices to exchange
performance data (p. 38).
11 Input Jacks
These jacks can be connected to another sound
generating device or an audio device, so that the sound
10 11 12 of that device will be output from the RP101’s speakers (p.
12 Output Jacks
Allows you to output the piano’s sound to sound
reinforcement equipment to obtain a more powerful
sound. These can also be connected to a tape recorder or
other recording device to record a performance (p. 37).

11 12 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Before You Start Playing

Connecting the Pedal Cord Setting Up the Music Rest
1. Connect the pedal cord to the Pedal connector on the 1. Insert the included music rest attachment screws into
bottom panel of the RP101, at the rear. the screw holes on top of the RP101, and tighten the
screws slightly (in two places).

Connecting the Power Cord

1. Insert the included power cord into the AC inlet on 2. Put the music rest between the screws and the
the bottom panel of the RP101, at the rear. RP101’s body.

2. Plug the power cord into a power outlet.


Be sure to use the supplied power cord.


3. While supporting the music rest with one hand,

secure it in place by turning the screws.
When attaching the music rest, support it firmly with one
hand to make sure that you don’t drop it. Be careful, so
you don’t get your fingers pinched.
Opening/Closing the Lid
4. To remove the music rest, support it with one hand
To open the lid, use both hands to lift it lightly, and
while loosening the screws.
slide it away from yourself.
After removing the music rest, don’t forget to retighten the
To close the lid, pull it gently toward yourself, and screws.
lower it softly after it has been fully extended.
fig.00-05 NOTE

Do not apply excessive force to the installed music rest.


Be sure to use the supplied screws for attaching the music


When opening and closing the lid, be careful not to let NOTE
your fingers get caught. If small children will be using the
Before moving the RP101, be sure to remove the music
RP101, adult supervision should be provided.
rest to prevent accidents.

If you need to move the piano, make sure the lid is closed
first to prevent accidents.

12 13 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Before You Start Playing

Connecting Headphones ■ Using the Headphone Hook

Whenever you are not using the headphones, you can hang
The RP101 has two jacks for plugging in headphones. them on the headphone hook at the lower left of the RP101.
This allows two people to listen through headphones
Attaching the Headphone Hook
simultaneously, making it very useful for lessons and when
Press and twist the headphone hook included with the RP101
performing piano pieces for four hands. Additionally, this
into the hole in the bottom of the RP101 (refer to the figure
allows you to play without having to worry about bothering
below). Turn the wing nut of headphone hook to secure the
others around you, even at night.
headphone hook.
1. Plug the headphones into the Phones jack located at
the bottom left of the piano.
Connecting headphones will automatically mute the sound
Wing Nut
from the internal speakers. The headphone volume is Hole
adjusted by the [VOLUME] knob of the RP101 (p. 14).
Headphone Hook

Phones jack x 2


Use Stereo headphones.

Some notes on using headphones

• To prevent damage to the cord, handle the headphones
only by the headset or the plug.
• Connecting the headphones when the volume of
connected equipment is turned up may result in damage
to the headphones. Lower the volume on the RP101
before plugging in the headphones.
• Listening at excessively high volume levels will not only
damage the headphones, but may also cause hearing
loss. Use the headphones at a moderate volume level.

13 14 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Before You Start Playing

Turning the Power On and Off Adjusting the Sound’s Volume

1. Turn the [VOLUME] knob to adjust the overall
Once the connections have been completed, turn on
power to your various devices in the order specified.
By turning on devices in the wrong order, you risk causing The volume The volume
malfunction and/or damage to speakers and other decreases increases

1. To turn the power on, turn the [VOLUME] knob all

the way down, and then press the [POWER] switch.
The power will turn on, and the indicator of the [TONE] About the Pedals
button will light.
The pedals perform the following operations. You’ll use them
After a few seconds, you will be able to play the
keyboard to produce sound. mainly when playing piano.
Use the [VOLUME] knob to adjust the volume.


This unit is equipped with a protection circuit. A brief

interval (a few seconds) after power up is required before
the unit will operate normally. Soft Pedal Damper Pedal
fig.00-06.e Sostenuto Pedal

Damper Pedal (right pedal)

While this pedal is held down, notes will be sustained for an
extended time even if you release your fingers from the
On an acoustic piano, holding down the damper pedal will
cause the strings for notes other than the ones you actually
play to vibrate in sympathy with what you’ve played,
producing a rich resonance. The RP101 simulates this
Turning the Power Off sympathetic vibration (damper resonance).
1. To turn the power off, turn the [VOLUME] knob all
the way to the left, and press the [POWER] switch. NOTE

The indicators for all buttons will go out, and the power You can change the amount of resonance applied with
will turn off. the damper pedal. Refer to “Changing the Damper
Pedal’s Resonance (Damper Resonance)” (p. 34).


If you need to turn off the power completely, first turn off Sostenuto Pedal (center pedal)
the [POWER] switch, then unplug the power cord from the This pedal sustains only the sounds of the keys that were
power outlet. Refer to “Power Supply” (p. 7). already played when you pressed the pedal.

Soft Pedal (left pedal)

This pedal is used to make the sound softer.

14 15 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Before You Start Playing

About the Adjuster

If you feel that the pedal is unstable (for example if you’ve
moved the RP101 to a different location), you can adjust the
adjuster located on the bottom of the pedals as follows.
• Turn the adjuster to lower it until the adjuster is in firm
contact with the floor. The pedal may be damaged if there
is a gap between the adjuster and the floor. In particular,
when you’ve placed the RP101 on carpet, you must turn
the adjuster until it is pressing firmly against the floor.


If the adjuster is difficult to turn, have one person lift either

the left or right side of the stand to make it easier for
another person to turn the adjuster and make the


After adjusting the adjuster, press the pedals, and if the

front board moves, turn the adjuster further so that it
makes firm contact with the floor.


Always readjust the adjuster after moving the piano.

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Enjoying the Internal Songs

The RP101 comes with 65 piano songs onboard.
The songs are played back continuously in sequence. For more details, refer to
fig.panel1-2 “Internal Song List” (p. 43).

1 4 6 9 11 13 16 18 21 23 25 57 59 61 64

2 3 5 7 8 10 12 14 15 17 19 20 22 24 26 . . . . . . 58 60 62 63 65 When you play back an

internal song, the reverb effect
C1 C2 C3 C6 will automatically be turned on
The Song You Record
(the button’s indicator lights).

1. While holding down the [SONG] button, press the key that
corresponds to the song you wish to hear.
The built-in songs are assigned consecutively, starting with the B 0 key.
You can also play back a song
* The song you record (p. 30) is assigned to the leftmost key (A0) of the keyboard.
by simply pressing the [SONG]
button. In this case, playback
The song will begin playing when you press the key. When the selected song has will begin with the song you
finished playing, the next song will begin playing. selected most recently by
pressing a key.

When the last song has finished playing, playback will begin again from the first song.
However, if you’ve recorded a song, that song will play before the first built-in song
begins playing.
If there is a song you’ve
recorded, the [TONE] button’s
indicator will blink while you
hold down the [SONG] button.
Stopping the playback

2. Press the [SONG] button, getting the button to go dark.

Playback will stop.
The next time you press the [SONG] button, the song you selected most recently by
pressing a key will play.

If there’s no song that you’ve

recorded, the first of the built-in
songs will play when you press
• You can change the tempo of the song while it plays. The procedure is the the [SONG] button and then

same as in “Changing the Metronome Tempo” (p. 27). the A0 key.

• You can make the metronome (p. 26) sound while the song plays.
• If you turn on the metronome and then play back a song, a count will be
sounded before the song begins playing. A count will be sounded again
before playback continues to the next song.

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Performing with a Variety of Sounds
The RP101 contains 17 different internal tones.
You can also select a tone by pressing the [TONE] button and a key to which a tone For more details, refer to “Tone
is assigned. List” (p. 42).

The “Grand Piano” tone is selected when the instrument is turned on.

A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 C2

1. Press the [TONE] button.

You can also switch sounds by
The button’s indicator will blink.
holding down the [TONE]

2. Press a key to which a tone is assigned. button and pressing a key to

which a sound is assigned.
The [TONE] button’s indicator will change from blinking to lit.
Keys to which tones are assigned: A0–C 2 keys
The tone you’ve selected is heard when you finger the keyboard.

Tone Tone
Grand Piano A0
B 0 Slow Strings
Mellow Piano B0
Honky-tonk C1 NOTE

C 1 Strings While you’re selecting a sound,

Harpsichord D1 playing the keyboard won’t
produce sound.
E 1 Choir
Coupled Harpsichord E1
Electric Piano1 F1
F 1 Church Organ 1
Electric Piano2 G1
A 1 Church Organ 2
Vibraphone A1
B 1 Organ Flute
Piano + Strings B1
Piano + Choir C2
C 2 Rotary Organ

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Playing Two Sounds Together (Dual Play)

Simultaneously playing two tones when one key is pressed is called “Dual play.”

A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 C2
You can also switch sounds by
holding down the [TONE]
2 button and simultaneously
pressing two keys to which
sounds are assigned.
1. Press the [TONE] button.
The button’s indicator will blink.

2. Simultaneously press a white key and black key to which tones are
assigned. You can also use Dual Play by
combining tones that are
The [TONE] button’s indicator will change from blinking to lit.
assigned to two white keys or
The black keys are assigned to sounds that are suitable for layering with the sounds two black keys.
assigned to white keys.

Tone Tone
Grand Piano A0
B 0 Slow Strings NOTE

Mellow Piano B0 The sounds assigned to the B1

Honky-tonk C1 and C2 keys are actually

Strings combinations of two sounds.

C 1
The sounds assigned to these
Harpsichord D1
keys can’t be combined with
E 1 Choir the sounds of other keys.
Coupled Harpsichord E1
Electric Piano1 F1
F 1 Church Organ 1
Electric Piano2 G1
A 1 Church Organ 2
Vibraphone A1
B 1 Organ Flute
Piano + Strings B1
Piano + Choir C2
C 2 Rotary Organ

3. To cancel Dual play, press the [TONE] button and then press a key to
which a sound is assigned.

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■ Adjusting the Volume Balance in Dual Play

(Dual Balance)
You can change the volume balance between the two layered sounds in Dual play. You can adjust the dual
balance in 9 steps.

While holding down

the [TONE] button...

When using Dual play, the tones are handled as follows according to the
combination of keys you pressed.

White key and white key, or

White key and black key
black key and black key
White key: Tone 1 Left key: Tone 1
Black key: Tone 2 Right key: Tone 2

1. Hold down the [TONE] button and press the “C ” or “E ” keys of You can also adjust the dual

any octave above C 3. balance by using the “C ” and

“E ” keys of any octave above
The volume balance changes.
C 3.
• Hold down the [TONE] button and press the “C ” key of any octave above C 3
to lower the volume of the Tone 2.
• Holding down the [TONE] button and pressing the “E ” key of any octave above
C 3 raises the volume of the Tone 2.

2. To return to the original volume balance, hold down the [TONE]

button and press both the “C ” and “E ” keys of any octave above
C 3 simultaneously.

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Changing the Brightness of the Sound (Brilliance)

You can adjust the brightness of the sound.
You can use the Memory
Backup function to store this
setting in internal memory (p.

C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4


1. Hold down the [TONE] button and press one of the keys from “C4” to
“B4” to adjust the brightness of the sound. This is set to “0” when the
RP101 is shipped from the
Key Pressed Setting Explanation factory.
C4 -3
D4 -2 Mellow sound (three levels).
E4 -1
F4 0 Normal sound.
G4 +1
A4 +2 Bright sound (three levels).
B4 +3

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Adding Reverberation to the Sound (Reverb)

By applying the reverb effect you can produce a pleasant reverberation, making it
sound as though you were performing in a concert hall. You can use the Memory
Backup function to store this
setting in internal memory (p.

1. Press the [REVERB/KEY TOUCH] button. When you play back an

The button’s indicator will light, and a reverb effect will be applied to the sound. internal song, the reverb effect
will automatically be turned on
To cancel the reverb effect, press the [REVERB/KEY TOUCH] button, getting its
(the button’s indicator lights).
indicator to go dark.

■ Changing the Depth of the Reverb Effect

The amount (depth) of the reverb effect can be set to any of eight levels.

1. Hold down the [REVERB/KEY TOUCH] button and press the “C ” or

“E ” key.
Pressing the “C ” key as you hold down the [REVERB/KEY TOUCH] button reduces
You can change the Depth of
the amount of reverb effect applied. Holding down the [REVERB/KEY TOUCH] button
the Reverb Effect by pressing
and pressing the “E ” key increases the reverb effect.
any “C ” or “E ” key.

This is set to “4” when the

RP101 is shipped from the

While holding down Press

the [Reverb/Key Touch]

2. To restore the reverb depth to its factory-set state, hold down the
[REVERB/KEY TOUCH] button and press the “C ” and “E ” keys

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Adjusting the Keyboard Touch (Key Touch)

You can adjust the touch (playing feel) of the keyboard.
You can use the Memory
Backup function to store this
setting in internal memory (p.

A0 B0 C1 D1

1. Hold down the [REVERB/KEY TOUCH] button and press either the
“A0,” “B0,” “C1,” or “D1” key.
The feel of the keyboard will change.

Key Pressed Setting Explanation

Fortissimo (ff) can be produced by playing less
strongly than usual, making the keyboard feel
A0 Light
lighter. This setting makes it easy to play, even for
This allows you to play using the most natural touch.
B0 Medium This is set to “Medium” when
This is the closest to the touch of an acoustic piano.
the RP101 is shipped from the
Fortissimo (ff) cannot be produced unless you play
more strongly than usual, making the keyboard feel
C1 Heavy
heavier. Dynamic fingering adds even more feeling
to what you play.
Sounds at a fixed volume, regardless of your
D1 Fixed
keyboard playing strength.

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Transposing the Key of the Keyboard

By using the “Transpose function,” you can transpose your performance without
changing the notes you play. For example, even if the song is in a difficult key with
numerous sharps ( ) or flats ( ), you can transpose it to a key that is easier for you
to play.
When accompanying a vocalist, you can easily transpose the pitch to a range that is
comfortable for the singer, while still playing the notes as written (i.e., with the same
fingering positions).

1 3 -6 -4 -2

0 2 4 5 -5 -3 -1

A0 C5 B5

While holding down Press

two buttons...

1. Hold down the [METRONOME] and [REVERB/KEY TOUCH] buttons,

and press the key for the note you want to set as the tonic.
Keys for Setting the Transposition: C5–B5 This is set to “0” when the
instrument is turned on.
The keyboard will be transposed.
The available range is -6–0–5 (semitone steps).

For example, if you want the E pitch to sound when you play the C key, hold down the
[METRONOME] and [REVERB/KEY TOUCH] buttons and press the E5 key.

If you play C E G It will sound E G# B

This setting returns to the

To cancel the transposition, hold down the [METRONOME] and [REVERB/KEY original value (0) when you turn
off the power.
TOUCH] buttons and press the “C5” key (transposition 0).

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Splitting the Keyboard Into Two Sections for

Four-Hand Performances (Twin Piano)
You can divide the keyboard into two separate sections, allowing two people to
perform in the same registers.

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

C3 C4 C5 C6 C3 C4 C5 C6

1. While holding down the [TONE] button and press the “C8” key.

Off On


The damper resonance function

B7 C8 is not operational in Twin Piano


The keyboard is divided into two separate sections, and the pitch changes.
The right pedal now functions as the damper pedal for the right keyboard section, and
the left pedal functions as the damper pedal for the left keyboard section.

2. To exit the function, hold down the [TONE] button and press the “B7”

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■ Changing the Way in Which the Sound is Heard

(Twin Piano Mode)
You can choose one of two ways in which the sound will be produced.

You can use the Memory

Backup function to store this
setting in internal memory (p.


C7 This is set to “1” when the

RP101 is shipped from the

1. While holding down the [TONE] button, press the A7 or B 7 key to NOTE

specify how the sound is to be produced. If you set Twin Piano mode to
“2,” reverb will no longer be
Key Pressed Setting Explanation applied when you turn on Twin

Notes played in the keyboard’s right zone will be Piano mode.

heard more loudly from the right speaker than from
A7 1 the left speaker. Conversely, notes played in the
keyboard’s left zone will be heard more loudly from
the left speaker than from the right speaker.
Notes played in the keyboard’s right zone will be NOTE

heard only from the right speaker. Notes played in For some sounds, the sound
B 7 2
the keyboard’s left zone will be heard only from the may not be split even if you set
left speaker. Twin Piano mode to “2.”

When you change the Twin

Piano mode setting, Twin Piano
will automatically be turned on.

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Using Metronome
■ Sounding the Metronome
The RP101 features a built-in metronome.

Starting the metronome

1. Press the [METRONOME] button, getting its indicator to light.

The metronome will sound.
The button flashes in red and green in time with the beat selected at that time. The The beat is set to “weak beats
button lights in red on the downbeats, and in green on weak beats. only” when the power is turned
on. When the beat is set to
Stopping the metronome
“weak beats only,” the

2. Once again press the [METRONOME] button, getting the button to go

[METRONOME] button only
flashes in green.
The metronome will stop.

■ Changing the Beat of Metronome

A0 B0 C1 D1 E1

1. Hold down the [METRONOME] button and press either the “A0,”
“B0,” “C1,” “D1,” or “E1” key.

Key Pressed A0 B0 C1 D1 E1
Weak beats
Beat 2/4 3/4 4/4 6/4
only (0/4)

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■ Changing the Metronome Volume

The volume of the metronome can be adjusted, with eight volume levels available.

This is set to “3” when the

instrument is turned on.

C7 D7 E7 F7 G7 A7 B7 C8

1. Hold down the [METRONOME] button and press a white key in the
“C7” to “C8” range. When the metronome volume is
set to “0,” the metronome
Key Pressed C7 D7 E7 F7 G7 A7 B7 C8
sound does not play.
Volume 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

■ Changing the Metronome Tempo

Changing the Tempo in Single Beat Increments

1. Hold down the [METRONOME] button and press the “C ” or “E ” You can change the tempo by
pressing any “C ” or “E ”
The metronome tempo changes.
Hold down the [METRONOME] button and press the “C ” key to slow down the
tempo; continue pressing for consecutive decreases.
Hold down the [METRONOME] button and press the “E ” key to increase the tempo;
continue pressing for consecutive increases.
If you hold down the [METRONOME] button and simultaneously press the “C ” key
and “E ” key, the tempo will return to the standard tempo ( = 108) or the original The range available when
tempo of the selected song. adjusting the tempo of the
metronome is: = 20--250.
Slows down Speeds up
the tempo the tempo

Some of the built-in songs have

a tempo and time signature that
are based on eighth notes or
half notes, such as 3/8 or 2/2.
Immediately after you’ve
played back one of these
While holding down the songs, the tempo will be based
[METRONOME] button... on eighth notes or half notes.

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Selecting the Preset Tempo

C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C3


1. Hold down the [METRONOME] button and press the white keys in the
“C2” to “C3” range.
The metronome tempo changes.

Key Pressed C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C3
Tempo 60 72 84 96 108 120 138 160

Setting the Tempo Value

C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5


1. Hold down the [METRONOME] button and press the white keys in the
“C4” to “E5” range.
The tempo can be adjusted in a range of =20–250.

Key Pressed C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5
Tempo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 Enter

2. Press the “F5” key to set that tempo.

Example: Setting the Tempo to = 120

While holding down the [METRONOME] button, press the “C4 (1)” key, the “D4 (2)”
key, and the “E5 (0)” key, in that sequence, then press the “F5” key to set the tempo.

Example: Setting the Tempo to = 86

While holding down the [METRONOME] button, press the “C5 (8)” key and the “A4
(6)” key in that sequence, then press the “F5” key to set the tempo.

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Setting the Tempo According to the Interval a Key is Pressed as you

Hold Down the [METRONOME] Button (Tap Tempo)
You can set the tempo according to the interval a key is pressed as you hold down the
[METRONOME] button. This function is called “Tap Tempo.” This feature allows you
to set the tempo you have in mind quickly and easily, without indicating the tempo

Tap Tempo

1. Hold down the [METRONOME] button and press the “B 0” key at

least twice.
The tempo is set to the interval between presses of the key.

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Recording Your Performance

You can record your own performance.
Listening to the playback of your recorded performance can be a helpful way for you
The RP101 always saves the
to evaluate your own playing.
newly recorded song and
erases the previously recorded
song. If you want to keep a
You can also sound a count before recording starts. song you’ve recorded, you
This is called “count-in recording,” and allows you to match the timing of the count should send the recorded song
so that your performance will begin smoothly. data to a MIDI device or
computer (p. 40).


You can’t select tones or make

detailed settings, such as those
for key touch or master tuning,
while you’re recording or while
If using count-in you’re in recording-standby

Play the keyboard

Set the tempo and time signature of the metronome before you record (p. 26, p. 27). While recording or in
recording-standby mode, you
1. Hold down the [SONG] button and press the [METRONOME] button. can press the [REVERB/KEY
TOUCH] button to turn reverb
The [SONG] button’s indicator will light, and the [METRONOME] button’s indicator
on/off (p. 21).
will blink orange. This is called “recording-standby mode.”

If you want to use count-in recording

2. Press the [METRONOME] button.

The [METRONOME] button’s indicator will change from blinking to lit.
A two-measure count will sound. The [SONG] button will blink while the count-in is
If a recorded song has been
sounding. After the count-in, recording begins.
saved, the [TONE] button’s
When recording begins, the [SONG] button’s indicator will change from blinking to lit. indicator will blink while you
press the [SONG] button.

If not using count-in recording

2. Play the keyboard to start recording.

When recording begins, the [METRONOME] button’s indicator will change from
blinking to lit.
After you’ve finished recording,
don’t turn off the power until all
3. When you’ve finished recording, press the [SONG] button or the indicators have stopped
[METRONOME] button. blinking.

When you press the button, the indicators for all buttons will blink, and the recorded
performance (song) will be saved in internal memory.

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Recording Your Performance

Playing Back the Recorded Performance

Playing back the song immediately after you’ve stopped recording

1. Press the [SONG] button.

The song you recorded will play back.

Playing back the recorded song after you’ve played other internal

1. Hold down the [SONG] button and press the “A0” key.
The recorded performance will play back.

Some of the built-in songs have

a tempo and time signature that
are based on eighth notes or
half notes, such as 3/8 or 2/2.
If you record your own
performance immediately after
playing back one of these
songs, the tempo of the music
that’s recorded will be based
on eighth notes or half notes.

Erasing Recorded Performances

1. Hold down the [SONG] button and press the [TONE] button.
The recorded performance is erased.

If a recorded song has been

saved, the [TONE] button’s
indicator will blink while you
press the [SONG] button.

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Changing Various Settings

Tuning to Other Instruments’ ■ Setting the Standard Pitch to
Pitches (Master Tuning) 440.0 Hz
The standard pitch will be set to 440.0 Hz. This is the
In situations such as when playing ensemble with other most commonly used setting. The A4 (Middle A) key will
instruments, you can tune the RP101’s standard pitch to the sound at 440.0 Hz.
pitch of another instrument. The standard pitch generally refers 1. While holding down the [METRONOME] and
to the pitch of the note that’s played when you finger the
[REVERB/KEY TOUCH] buttons, press the “C1” key
middle A key. This tuning of all the instruments to a standard
on the keyboard.
pitch is called “tuning.”
You can set the standard pitch anywhere in a range of 415.3
Hz to 466.2 Hz.
This is set to “440.0 Hz” when the RP101 is shipped from the

You can use the Memory Backup function to store this
setting in internal memory (p. 36).

■ Lowering/Raising the Standard

Pitch ■ Setting the Standard Pitch to
442.0 Hz
1. While holding down the [METRONOME] and
The standard pitch will be set to 442.0 Hz. This setting is
[REVERB/KEY TOUCH] buttons, press the “C 1”
often used for concert pianos. The A4 (Middle A) key will
note to lower the standard pitch, or the “E 1” note sound at 442.0 Hz.
to raise it.
1. While holding down the [METRONOME] and
Lower Raise [REVERB/KEY TOUCH] buttons, press the “D1” key
the pitch the pitch on the keyboard.



Each time you press the “C 1” key, the pitch will fall by You can confirm the pitch of A4 by holding down the
0.1 Hz. If you continue holding the key, the pitch will [METRONOME] and [REVERB/KEY TOUCH] buttons and
continue falling. pressing either the A0, B 0, or B0 key.
Each time you press the “E 1” key, the pitch will rise by
0.1 Hz. If you continue holding the key, the pitch will
continue rising.

A0 B0

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Changing Various Settings

Changing the Temperament Key

You can play classical styles such as Baroque using historic Pythagorean
temperaments (tuning methods). This tuning, devised by the philosopher
Today, compositions are generally created with equal B 3 Pythagoras, eliminates dissonance in fourths
temperament in mind and are played using equal and fifths. Dissonance is produced by third-
temperament. However in past ages of classical music, a interval chords, but melodies are euphonious.
variety of temperaments were used. Playing a composition Werckmeister
with its original tuning lets you enjoy the sonorities of the This temperament combines the Mean Tone and
Pythagorean tunings. Performances are
chords that the composer originally intended.
possible in all keys (first method, number three).
This is set to “Equal” when the instrument is turned on.

1. While holding down the [METRONOME] and

[REVERB/KEY TOUCH] buttons, press the
■ Setting the Tonic
appropriate key (F3–B3) on the keyboard. When playing with tuning other than equal temperament, you
need to specify the tonic note for tuning the song to be
performed (that is, the note that corresponds to C for a major
key or to A for a minor key).
If you choose an equal temperament, there’s no need to select
a tonic note.

1. While holding down the [METRONOME] and

F3 G3 A3 B3
[REVERB/KEY TOUCH] buttons, press the tonic (root)
of the key (C4–B4).
A0 C3

You can choose from among the seven temperaments

described below.

Temperament/Qualities C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4
Equal A0
In this tuning, each octave is divided into twelve
equal steps. Every interval produces about the
same amount of slight dissonance.
Just Major
This tuning eliminates ambiguities in the fifths When performing in ensemble with other instruments, be
F 3 and thirds. It is unsuited to playing melodies aware that depending on the key, there may be some
and cannot be transposed, but is capable of shifting of the pitch. Tune the RP101 to the standard pitch
beautiful sonorities. of the other instruments.
Just Minor
The Just tunings differ from major and minor
keys. You can get the same effect with the minor
scale as with the major scale.
This is an improvement of the Mean Tone and
A 3 Just tunings that provides a high degree of
freedom of modulation. Performances are
possible in all keys (third method).
Mean Tone
A3 This scale makes some compromises in just
intonation, enabling transposition to other keys.

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Changing Various Settings

Changing the Damper Pedal’s Setting the Tuning Curve

Resonance (Damper Resonance) (Stretch Tuning)
On an acoustic piano, depressing the damper pedal makes A piano is generally tuned to a pitch with a lower bass range
the notes you play resonate with other strings, adding rich and a higher treble range than equal temperament. This
reverberations and fatness to the sound. The damper pedal on special tuning method for pianos is called “Stretch Tuning.”
the RP101 recreates this resonance (damper resonance) when
depressed. NOTE

You can select from eight levels of depth for the resonant This effect works only with the piano tones.
sound (resonance level).

Stretch Tuning is set to On when the instrument is turned

You can use the Memory Backup function to store this on.
setting in internal memory (p. 36).
1. While holding down the [METRONOME] and
[REVERB/KEY TOUCH] buttons, the “D2” note to turn
This is set to “4” when the RP101 is shipped from the the setting On, or press the “C2” note to turn the
setting Off.

This setting is enabled only with the piano tones. You

cannot set this for other tones.

1. While holding down the [REVERB/KEY TOUCH]

buttons and press the appropriate key (C2–C3) on
C2 D2
the keyboard.


Setting Explanation
C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C3 This is the standard tuning curve.
This is the right choice when using
A0 C2 Off
Dual play (p. 18), or when playing
in ensemble with other instruments.
This tuning curve expands the bass
Key and treble ends somewhat.
C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C3 D2 On
Pressed It is suitable for performances such
as piano solos.
Depth of
Off 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Larger values will produce a deeper effect.

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Changing Various Settings

Disabling Everything Except Piano Using the V-LINK function

Play (Panel Lock) Connecting the RP101 to a V-LINK compatible image device
allows you to control the images with the RP101.
The “Panel Lock” function locks the RP101 in a state where
only piano performance can be used, and all buttons will be
disabled. This prevents the settings from being inadvertently
V-LINK ( ) is a function that allows music and
modified even if children press the buttons accidentally.
images to be performed together. By using MIDI to connect
two or more V-LINK compatible devices, you can easily enjoy
a wide range of visual effects that are linked to the expressive
In the Panel Lock state, only the grand piano sound can
elements of a music performance.
be played.

How to Use the V-LINK

1. Turn the volume to the minimum, and press the
[POWER] switch to turn off the power.
V-LINK is set to Off when the instrument is turned on.
2. Hold down the [TONE] button and press the
[POWER] switch to turn on the power.
1. While holding down the [METRONOME] and
Continue holding down the [TONE] button until the panel
[REVERB/KEY TOUCH] buttons, the “A 7” note to
indicator lights.
turn the setting On, or press the “G7” note to turn
While holding down the [TONE] button, the setting Off.
press the [POWER] switch.


C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1


Setting Explanation
All buttons are disabled.
Adjust the volume by using the [VOLUME] knob. G7 Off The V-LINK function is switched off.
When you play the keyboard, the grand piano sound will The V-LINK function is switched on.
be heard. You can control images using the
A 7 On
twelve keys at the left end of the
To defeat the Panel Lock function, turn the volume down to
the minimum, and turn on the power once again.


While V-LINK is switched on, no sound is produced when

you press any of the twelve keys at the left end of the

All button indicators light up when the V-LINK function is


35 36 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Changing Various Settings

Remembering the Settings Even Restoring the Original Default

when the Power is Turned Off Settings (Factory Reset)
(Memory Backup) The memory backup settings can be restored to the original
default condition. This operation is referred to as “Factory
Normally, the settings of the various variations will revert to
their default values when the power is turned off. However,
you can specify that the various settings will be remembered 1. While holding down the [SONG] button and
even when the power is turned off. [METRONOME] button, hold down the C8 key for
This function is called “Memory Backup.” approximately five seconds.

Stored Settings
• Brilliance (p. 20)
• Reverb On/Off, Depth of the Reverb (p. 21)
• Damper Resonance (p. 34)
• Key Touch (p. 22)
• Twin Piano Mode (p. 25)
• Master Tuning (p. 32)

1. While holding down the [SONG] button and Hold down for five seconds
[METRONOME] button, hold down the A0 key for
approximately five seconds. 2. When the indicators of all buttons start blinking,
switch off the power, then turn it back on again.


Executing this operation will not erase the recorded

performance. When you want to erase the recorded
performance, refer to “Erasing Recorded Performances”
A0 (p. 31).

Hold down for five seconds

The indicators of all buttons will blink several times. When

memory backup has been completed, the RP101 will
return to its previous state.

36 37 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Connecting External Devices

Connecting to Audio Equipment Playing the sound of an audio device through the
speakers of the RP101
You can connect audio devices to play the sound of the RP101
Output R/L
through the speakers of your audio system, or to record your (Line Out, Aux Out)
performance on a tape recorder or other recording device.
When connecting, please use an audio cable with a standard
phone plug (sold separately).

Connection Examples


To prevent malfunction and/or damage to speakers or

other devices, always turn down the volume, and turn off ❍ Use the following procedure when turning on the power.
the power on all devices before making any connections.
1. Turn on the power of the connected device.
2. Turn on the power of the RP101.
Some connection cables contain resistors. Do not use
cables that incorporate resistors for connecting to this unit. 3. Adjust the volume of each device.
The use of such cables can cause the sound level to be
extremely low, or impossible to hear. For information on NOTE
cable specifications, contact the manufacturer of the You cannot use the RP101 to adjust the volume of the
cable. connected sound generating device.

Playing the sound of the RP101 through the speakers of Turning off the power
an audio system/Recording the performance of the
RP101 on a recording device
1. Set the volume of the RP101 and of the connected
fig.audio1.e devices to the minimum position.
Input R/L
(Line In, Aux In) 2. Turn off the power of the RP101.

3. Turn off the connected equipment.


❍ Use the following procedure when turning on the power.

1. Turn on the power of the RP101.

2. Turn on the power of the connected device.

3. Adjust the volume of each device.

When Recording RP101 Performances on a Recording


4. Start recording with the connected device.

5. Perform on the RP101.

6. When the performance ends, stop recording on the

connected equipment.

37 38 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Connecting External Devices

Connecting MIDI Devices Perform on the RP101 to play a MIDI sound module

By connecting an external MIDI device and exchanging MIDI Sound Module

performance data, you can control the performances on one MIDI
device from the other. For instance, you can output sound from
the other instrument or switch tones on the other instrument.

■ What’s MIDI?
MIDI stands for Musical Instrument Digital Interface, an
international standard which allows performance information
to be communicated among electronic musical instruments and
The RP101 provides MIDI connectors, which allow
performance data to be exchanged with external devices.
When these connectors are used to connect the RP101 to
external devices, an even wider range of possibilities becomes

Connection Examples ■ MIDI Send Channel Settings

MIDI features sixteen MIDI channels, numbered 1–16. Simply
connecting a cable is not enough for communication to take
To prevent malfunction and/or damage to speakers or
place. The connected devices must be set to use the same MIDI
other devices, always turn down the volume, and turn off
channels. Otherwise, no sound will be produced, and no
the power on all devices before making any connections.
sounds can be selected.
Playing the RP101 from a MIDI sequencer/Recording an
RP101 performance on a MIDI sequencer
The RP101 receives all channels 1–16.
MIDI Sequencer
OUT MIDI IN When the RP101 is turned on, Channel “1” is selected.

1. While holding down the [METRONOME] and

[REVERB/KEY TOUCH] buttons, press the
appropriate key (C6–E 7) on the keyboard.
RP101 The MIDI transmit channel will switch to the number that
corresponds to the note you pressed.

Set Local Off if you have connected the RP101 to a MIDI

sequencer. Refer to “Switching Local Control On and Off”
(p. 39). Also set your MIDI sequencer to MIDI Thru mode 2 4 7 9 11 14 16
(so that messages received at MIDI IN will be re-
transmitted without change from MIDI OUT). For details, 1 3 5 6 8 10 12 13 15

refer to the owner’s manual of your MIDI sequencer.

C6 C8

38 39 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Connecting External Devices

■ Switching Local Control On and

Off Local On is set when the power is switched on.
When connecting a MIDI sequencer, set Local Control to
“OFF.” 1. While holding down the [METRONOME] and
As illustrated, information describing what has been played on [REVERB/KEY TOUCH] buttons, the “C8” note to turn
the keyboard is passed to the internal sound generator over
the setting On, or press the “B7” note to turn the
two different routes, (1) and (2). As a result, you hear
setting Off.
overlapping or intermittent sounds. To prevent this from
happening, route (1) must be severed, by setting the unit to
what is known as “Local Off.”

(1) Local On
Sound IN OUT
Generator B7 C8


(2) Thru function On

Each note played
is sounded twice
Key Pressed Value
Local Control ON B7 Off
The keyboard and the internal sound generator are in a linked
C8 On

Sound is emitted

Sound Generator
Local On

Local Control OFF

The keyboard and the internal sound generator are in an
unlinked state. No sound will be produced by the keyboard
when it is played.

No sound produced

Sound Generator
Local Off

When a Roland MT series instrument is connected, it is not

necessary to make the Local Off setting. MT units transmit
Local Off messages when their power is switched on. If
you turn on the power in the order of the RP101 → MT
series, Local Off will be set automatically.

39 40 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Connecting External Devices

■ Sending Recorded Performance Connecting to a Computer

Data to a MIDI Device (Composer
Out) You can use a USB MIDI interface cable (sold separately) to
connect the RP101 to your computer.
When Composer Out is active, you can send performance
You can connect the RP101 to a computer that has other
data recorded with the RP101 to a connected MIDI device or
sequencer software installed, and then play performances
from the software through the RP101.
Connection Examples
When you turn on the power, this is set to “Off.” NOTE

1. While holding down the [METRONOME] button and To prevent malfunction and/or damage to speakers or
[REVERB/KEY TOUCH] button, press the F7 or F 7 other devices, always turn down the volume, and turn off
key to switch Composer Out on/off. the power on all devices before making any connections.


In order to make connections to your computer, you must

install “MIDI driver” software on your computer. For
details, refer to the owner’s manual for your MIDI

F7 Use a USB MIDI interface cable to connect the USB

connector of your computer to the MIDI connectors of the

USB Connector
of your Computer
Key Pressed Value
F7 Off USB MIDI Computer
interface cable
F 7 On
If Composer Out is turned on, the song data will be sent
to a connected MIDI device or computer when you play
back a recorded song.

40 41 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分


If you think there’s a problem, read this first.
Case Cause/Remedy
Case Cause/Remedy
On an acoustic piano, notes in the upper one
The power doesn’t Is the power cord connected and plugged in
and a half octaves of the keyboard continue
come on correctly? (p. 12)
to sound until they decay naturally, regardless
In the upper range,
The button doesn’t Is the panel locked? (p. 35) of the damper pedal. There is a difference in
the sound changes
work Turn the power off, then back on. the timbre as well. Roland pianos faithfully
abruptly beyond a
Is the volume level of the RP101 turned all the simulate such characteristics of the acoustic
certain key
way down? (p. 14) piano. On the RP101, the range that is
unaffected by the damper pedal will change
Are headphones plugged in? (p. 13)
depending on the Transpose setting.
Has a plug remained connected to the Phones
jack? When listening through headphones:
Plugging headphones or other plugs into the Some of the more flamboyant and
headphone jack stops sounds from playing effervescent piano tones feature an ample
through the speakers. high-end component, which may make
No sound is heard the sound appear to have metallic
Is Local Off selected?
When Local Control is set to Off, no sound is reverberation added. Since this
produced by playing the keyboard. Set Local reverberation becomes particularly
A High-pitched audible when supplemented by heavy
Control to “On” (p. 39).
whine is produced reverb, you may be able to diminish the
Is V-LINK switched on?
problem by reducing the amount of
While V-LINK is switched on, no sound is
reverb applied to the sound.
produced when you press any of the twelve
When listening through speakers:
keys at the left end of the keyboard (p. 35).
Here, a different cause (such as
No sound is heard Have all devices been switched on? resonance produced by the RP101)
(when a MIDI Are the MIDI cables connected correctly? would be suspect. Consult your Roland
instrument is Does the MIDI channel match the connected dealer or nearest Roland Service Center.
connected) instrument? (p. 38) When listening through speakers:
Playing at loud volumes may cause
Is the RP101 in Dual play? (p. 18)
instruments near the RP101 to resonate.
Sounds are heard When the RP101 is connected to an external
Resonation can also occur with
twice (doubled) sequencer, set it to the Local OFF mode
fluorescent light tubes, glass doors, and
when the keyboard (p. 39).
other objects. In particular, this problem
is played Alternatively, the sequencer could be set so its
occurs more easily when the bass
MIDI Thru feature is OFF.
component is increased, and when the
Is the panel locked? (p. 35) The bass range sound is played at higher volumes. Use
Tone doesn’t change
Turn the power off, then back on. sounds odd, or there the following measures to suppress such
The maximum number of notes that the RP101 is a vibrating resonance.
can play simultaneously is 64. resonance • Place speakers so they are 10–15 cm
Not all played notes Frequent use of the damper pedal when from walls and other surfaces.
are sounded playing along with a song may result in • Reduce the volume.
performance data with too many notes, • Move the speakers away from any
causing some notes to drop out. resonating objects.
When listening through headphones:
Have you set Transpose? (p. 23)
Here, a different cause would be suspect.
The tuning or pitch of Are the settings for the “Temperament” (p. 33)
Consult your Roland dealer or nearest
the keyboard or and “Stretch Tuning” (p. 34) correct?
Roland Service Center.
song is off Is the setting for the “Master Tuning” correct?
The volume level of Could you be using a connection cable that
(p. 32)
the instrument contains a resistor?
Depressing a pedal Is the pedal connected correctly? Use a connection cable that does not contain
connected to Input
has no effect, or the Make sure the pedal cord is securely a resistor.
jacks is too low
pedal effect doesn’t connected to the pedal jack on the bottom of
stop the unit, at the rear (p. 12).

Adjust the adjuster underneath the pedal so

The pedal rattles that the adjuster presses firmly against the
floor surface (p. 15).

41 42 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Tone List

[TONE] button’s Tone: While holding down the [TONE] button, press the corresponding key.

A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 C2

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

[TONE] button’s tone

(p. 16, 17)

Tone Tone
Grand Piano A0
B 0 Slow Strings
Mellow Piano B0
Honky-tonk C1
C 1 Strings
Harpsichord D1
E 1 Choir
Coupled Harpsichord E1
Electric Piano1 F1
F 1 Church Organ 1
Electric Piano2 G1
A 1 Church Organ 2
Vibraphone A1
B 1 Organ Flute
Piano + Strings B1
Piano + Choir C2
C 2 Rotary Organ

42 43 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Internal Song List

Song No. Key Song Name
Song No. Key Song Name
35 A 3 Präludium
1 B 0 La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin
36 A3 Jägerlied
2 B0 La Campanella
37 B 3 Menuet Antique
3 C1 Hungarian Rag
38 B3 Für Elise
4 C 1 Scherzo No.2
39 C4 Türkischer Marsch (Mozart)
5 D1 Sonate No.15
40 C 4 Ständchen
6 E 1 Liebesträume 3
41 D4 Humoreske
7 E1 Étude, op.10-3
42 E 4 Blumenlied
8 F1 Je te veux
43 E4 Alpenglöckchen
9 F 1 Valse, op.64-1
44 F4 Menuett G dur (Beethoven)
10 G1 Golliwog’s Cakewalk
45 F 4 Venezianisches Gondellied
11 A 1 Fantaisie-Impromptu
46 G4 Alpenabendröte
12 A1 Arabesque 1
47 A 4 Farewell to the Piano
An der schönen, blauen
13 B 1
Donau 48 A4 Brautchor
14 B1 Auf Flügeln des Gesanges 49 B 4 Battle of Waterloo
15 C2 Mazurka No.5 50 B4 Wiener Marsch
16 C 2 Gymnopédie 1 51 C5 Le Coucou
17 D2 Étude, op.25-1 52 C 5 Menuett G dur (Bach)
18 E 2 Clair de Lune 53 D5 Spinnerlied
19 E2 Étude, op.10-5 54 E 5 Gavotte
20 F2 Dr. Gradus ad Parnassum 55 E5 Heidenröslein
21 F 2 Grande Valse Brillante 56 F5 Zigeuner Tanz
22 G2 La prière d'une Vierge 57 F 5 La Cinquantaine
23 A 2 Course en Troïka 58 G5 Csikos Post
24 A2 To The Spring 59 A 5 Dolly's Dreaming Awakening
25 B 2 Valse, op.64-2 60 A5 La Violette
26 B2 Radetzky Marsch 61 B 5 Fröhlicher Landmann
27 C3 Träumerei 62 B5 Sonatine op.36-1 (Clementi)
28 C 3 Moments Musicaux 3 63 C6 Sonatine op.20-1 (Kuhlau)
29 D3 Prélude, op.28-15 64 C 6 Sonatine No.5 (Beethoven)
30 E 3 Harmonious Blacksmith 65 D6 Fly Flee
31 E3 Ungarische Tänze 5
* All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this material for
32 F3 Türkischer Marsch (Beethoven)
purposes other than private, personal enjoyment is a
33 F 3 Nocturne No.2 violation of applicable laws.
34 G3 Frühlingslied

43 44 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Easy Operation List

■ Tone Settings

While holding down the [TONE] button, press the corresponding key.

A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 A1 B1 C2 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 A7 B7 C8

C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

[TONE] button’s Brilliance

Twin Piano
tone (p. 16, 17) (p. 20) Twin Piano On/Off
Mode (p. 25) (p. 24)

■ Metronome Settings

While holding down the [METRONOME] button, press the corresponding key.

Tap Tempo
(p. 29)

A0 B0 C1 D1 E1 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5 C7 D7 E7 F7 G7 A7 B7 C8

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

Beat (p. 26) Metronome Tempo Metronome Tempo (Tempo Value) Metronome Volume
(Reference Tempo) (p. 28) (p. 28) (p. 27)

44 45 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Easy Operation List

■ Key Touch/Damper Resonance Settings

While holding down the [REVERB/KEY TOUCH] button, press the corresponding key.

A0 B0 C1 D1 C2 D2 E2 F2 G2 A2 B2 C3

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

Key Touch Damper Resonance

(p. 22) (p. 34)

■ Other Settings
While holding down the [METRONOME] and [REVERB/KEY TOUCH] button,
press the corresponding key.

A0 B0 C1 D1 C2 D2 F3 G3 A3 B3 C4 D4 E4 F4 G4 A4 B4 C5 D5 E5 F5 G5 A5 B5 C6 D6 E6 F6 G6 A6 B6 C7 D7 F7 G7 B7 C8

C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8

Setting the MIDI

Master Tuning Streach Tuning Temperament/ Transpose Local
Channel (p. 38)
(p. 32) (p. 34) Tonic Note (p. 33) (p. 23) On/Off
(p. 39)
Composer Out
(p. 40)

V-LINK (p. 35)

45 46 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

MIDI Implementation Chart

DIGITAL PIANO Date : Jan. 1, 2007

Model RP101 MIDI Implementation Chart Version : 1.00

Transmitted Recognized Remarks


Basic Default 1 1
Channel Changed 1–16 1–16

Default Mode 3 Mode 3

Mode Messages x x
Altered **************

Note 15–113 0–127

Number : True Voice ************** 15–113

Note ON O O
Velocity Note OFF x 8n v=64 x

After Key’s x x
Touch Ch’s x x

Pitch Bend x x
6, 38 O O Data entry
7 x O Volume
11 x O Expression
64 O O Hold 1
Control 66 O O Sostenuto
Change 67 O O Soft
91 O O Effect 1 (Reverb)
100, 101 O O RPN LSB, MSB

Prog 0–119 O
Change : True Number ************** 0–119

System Exclusive O O

: Song Pos x x
: Song Sel x x
: Tune x x

System : Clock x x
Real Time : Commands x x
: All sound off x x
: Reset all controllers x O
Aux : Local Control x O
Message : All Notes OFF x O (123–127)
: Active Sense O O
: Reset x x


Mode 1 : OMNI ON, POLY Mode 2 : OMNI ON, MONO O : Yes

Mode 3 : OMNI OFF, POLY Mode 4 : OMNI OFF, MONO X : No

46 47 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Main Specifications

Keyboard 88 keys, PHA alpha II keyboard
Touch Sensitivity Light, Medium, Heavy, Fixed
Keyboard Modes Whole, Dual (volume balance adjustable), Twin piano
Sound Generator
Max. Polyphony 64 voices
Tones 17 tones
Temperament 7 types, selectable tonic
Stretched Tuning On/Off
Master Tuning 415.3–466.2 Hz (adjustable in increments of 0.1 Hz)
Transpose -6–+5 (in semitones)
Effects Reverb (8 levels), Damper Resonance (only for piano tones, 7 levels, Off)
Track 1 track
Number of songs stored 1 song
Number of notes stored Approx. 5000 notes
Controls Song Select, All Song Play/Stop, Rec
Tempo Quarter note = 20 to 250
Resolution 120 ticks per quarter note
Beat 0/4, 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/4
Volume 8 levels
Preset Songs 65 songs
Rated Power Output 25 W x 2
Speakers 12 cm x 2
Control Volume
Pedals Damper (half-pedal recognition), Soft (half-pedal recognition), Sostenuto
Other Functions Panel Lock, V-LINK
AC inlet, Pedal connector, Input jacks (L/Mono, R), Output jacks (L/Mono, R),
MIDI connectors (In, Out), Phones jack (Stereo) x 2
Power Supply AC 115 V, AC 117 V, AC 220 V, AC 230 V, AC 240 V (50/60 Hz)
Power Consumption 47 W
1387 (W) x 400 (D) x 995 (H) mm (with Music Rest)
Dimensions 54-5/8 (W) x 15-3/4 (D) x 39-3/16 (H) inches
(including piano stand) 1387 (W) x 400 (D) x 808 (H) mm (without Music Rest)
54-5/8 (W) x 15-3/4 (D) x 31-13/16 (H) inches
(including the dedicated 46 kg / 102 lbs
Accessories Owner’s manual, Power Cord, Headphones Hook, Music Rest, Music Rest attachment screws

* In the interest of product improvement, the specifications and/or appearance of this unit are subject to change without prior

47 48 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

AC Inlet ............................................................... 11–12 Output Jack ......................................................... 11, 37
Adjuster ..................................................................... 15
Audio Equipment ........................................................ 37 P
Panel Lock ................................................................. 35
B Pedal ........................................................................ 14
Beat .......................................................................... 26 Pedal Connector ................................................... 11–12
Brilliance ................................................................... 20 Pedal Cord ................................................................ 12
Phones Jack ......................................................... 11, 13
C Playing Back
Composer Out ............................................................ 40 Internal Song ........................................................ 16
Computer .................................................................. 40 Recorded Performance ........................................... 31
Control Panel ............................................................. 11 Power ....................................................................... 14
Count-in Recording ..................................................... 30 Power Cord ............................................................... 12
[POWER] Switch ............................................ 11, 14, 35
Damper Pedal ............................................................ 14 R
Damper Resonance ............................................... 14, 34 Rear Panel ................................................................. 11
Dual Balance ............................................................. 19 Recording .................................................................. 30
Dual Play ............................................................. 18–19 Reverb ...................................................................... 21
Depth ................................................................... 21
E [REVERB/KEY TOUCH] Button ... 11, 21–23, 32–35, 38–40
Recorded Performance ........................................... 31 S
Soft Pedal .................................................................. 14
F [SONG] Button .................................. 11, 16, 30–31, 36
Factory Reset .............................................................. 36 Sostenuto Pedal .......................................................... 14
Standard Pitch ............................................................ 32
H Stretch Tuning ............................................................ 34
Headphone Hook ....................................................... 13
Headphones .............................................................. 13
Tap Tempo ................................................................ 29
I Temperament ............................................................. 33
Input Jack ............................................................ 11, 37
Tempo ....................................................................... 27
Internal Song .............................................................. 16
Tone ......................................................................... 17
Tone 1 ...................................................................... 19
Key Touch .................................................................. 22 Tone 2 ...................................................................... 19
[TONE] Button ......................... 11, 17–20, 24–25, 31, 35
L Tonic ......................................................................... 33
Lid ............................................................................ 12 Transpose .................................................................. 23
Local Control .............................................................. 39 Tuning ....................................................................... 32
Local Off ................................................................... 39 Tuning Curve ............................................................. 34
Local On ................................................................... 39 Twin Piano ................................................................. 24
Twin Piano Mode ................................................. 24–25
Master Tuning ............................................................ 32 V
Memory Backup ......................................................... 36 V-LINK ....................................................................... 35
Metronome ................................................................ 26 Volume ...................................................................... 14
Beat ..................................................................... 26 Metronome ........................................................... 27
Tempo ............................................................ 27–29 [VOLUME] Knob ................................................... 11, 14
Volume ................................................................. 27
[METRONOME] Button ....... 11, 23, 26–30, 32–36, 38–40
MIDI .......................................................................... 38
MIDI Channel ............................................................. 38
MIDI Connector .................................................... 11, 38
MIDI Devices .............................................................. 38
Music Rest ................................................................. 12

48 49 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

Information When you need repair service, call your nearest Roland Service Center or authorized Roland
distributor in your country as shown below.


G.A. Yupangco & Co. Inc. Zeelandia Music Center Inc. Todo Musica S.A. Roland Scandinavia Avd. MUSIC HOUSE CO. LTD.
EGYPT 339 Gil J. Puyat Avenue Orionweg 30 Francisco Acuna de Figueroa Kontor Norge FREDDY FOR MUSIC
Al Fanny Trading Office Makati, Metro Manila 1200, Curacao, Netherland Antilles 1771 Lilleakerveien 2 Postboks 95 P. O. Box 922846
9, EBN Hagar A1 Askalany PHILIPPINES TEL:(305)5926866 C.P.: 11.800 Lilleaker N-0216 Oslo Amman 11192 JORDAN
Street, TEL: (02) 899 9801 Montevideo, URUGUAY NORWAY TEL: (06) 5692696
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC TEL: (02) 924-2335 TEL: 2273 0074
ARD E1 Golf, Heliopolis, KUWAIT
SINGAPORE Instrumentos Fernando Giraldez
TEL: 20-2-417-1828
COMPANY PTE. LTD. Ens.La Esperilla Instrumentos Musicales ROLAND POLSKA SP. Z O.O. & SONS CO.
REUNION 150 Sims Drive, Santo Domingo, Allegro,C.A. UL. Gibraltarska 4. Abdullah Salem Street,
Maison FO - YAM Marcel SINGAPORE 387381 Dominican Republic Av.las industrias edf.Guitar PL-03 664 Warszawa Safat, KUWAIT
25 Rue Jules Hermann, TEL: 6846-3676 TEL:(809) 683 0305 import POLAND TEL: 243-6399
Chaudron - BP79 97 491 #7 zona Industrial de Turumo TEL: (022) 679 4419
Ste Clotilde Cedex, PORTUGAL
ROLAND TAIWAN Mas Musika TEL: (212) 244-1122 Chahine S.A.L.
ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Rumichaca 822 y Zaruma Roland Iberia, S.L. Gerge Zeidan St., Chahine
TEL: (0262) 218-429
Room 5, 9fl. No. 112 Chung Guayaquil - Ecuador Portugal Office Bldg., Achrafieh, P.O.Box: 16-
SOUTH AFRICA Shan N.Road Sec.2, Taipei, TEL:(593-4)2302364 EUROPE Cais das Pedras, 8/9-1 Dto 5857
T.O.M.S. Sound & Music TAIWAN, R.O.C. 4050-465, Porto, PORTUGAL Beirut, LEBANON
EL SALVADOR TEL: 22 608 00 60
(Pty)Ltd. TEL: (02) 2561 3339 AUSTRIA TEL: (01) 20-1441
THAILAND 75 Avenida Norte y Final
Alameda Juan Pablo II, Musikinstrumente HmbH. FBS LINES TALENTZ CENTRE L.L.C.
SOUTH AFRICA Theera Music Co. , Ltd.
330 Soi Verng NakornKasem, Edificio No.4010 San Salvador, Austrian Office Piata Libertatii 1, Malatan House No.1
TEL: (011)417 3400 Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 8,
New Road, Sumpantawongse, EL SALVADOR 535500 Gheorgheni, Al Noor Street, Ruwi
FAX: (011)417 3462 A-6020 Innsbruck, AUSTRIA
TEL: (02) 224-8821 TEL: (0512) 26 44 260 TEL: (266) 364 609 TEL: 2478 3443
Paul Bothner(PTY)Ltd. GUATEMALA
Royal Cape Park, Unit 24 Casa Instrumental BELGIUM/FRANCE/ RUSSIA QATAR
Londonderry Road, Ottery 7800 Calzada Roosevelt 34-01,zona 11 HOLLAND/ MuTek Al Emadi Co. (Badie Studio &
Cape Town, SOUTH AFRICA AUSTRALIA/ Ciudad de Guatemala LUXEMBOURG Dorozhnaya ul.3,korp.6 Stores)
TEL: (021) 799 4900 Guatemala 117 545 Moscow, RUSSIA P.O. Box 62, Doha, QATAR
NEW ZEALAND TEL:(502) 599-2888
Roland Central Europe N.V.
TEL: (095) 981-4967 TEL: 4423-554
Houtstraat 3, B-2260, Oevel
TEL: (014) 575811
NEW ZEALAND Almacen Pajaro Azul S.A. de C.V. DAN Acoustic s.r.o. aDawliah Universal
CHINA BO.Paz Barahona CROATIA Povazská 18.
Roland Corporation Electronics APL
3 Ave.11 Calle S.O SK - 940 01 Nové Zámky
Roland Shanghai Electronics Australia Pty.,Ltd. ART-CENTAR Corniche Road, Aldossary
San Pedro Sula, Honduras TEL: (035) 6424 330
Co.,Ltd. 38 Campbell Avenue Degenova 3. Bldg., 1st Floor, Alkhobar,
TEL: (504) 553-2029
5F. No.1500 Pingliang Road Dee Why West. NSW 2099 HR - 10000 Zagreb SPAIN SAUDI ARABIA
Shanghai 200090, CHINA AUSTRALIA MARTINIQUE TEL: (1) 466 8493 Roland Iberia, S.L.
TEL: (021) 5580-0800 Paseo García Faria, 33-35 P.O.Box 2154, Alkhobar 31952
For Australia Z.I.Les Mangle 08005 Barcelona SPAIN
Roland Shanghai Electronics Tel: (02) 9982 8266 CZECH REPUBLIC TEL: 93 493 91 00 TEL: (03) 898 2081
97232 Le Lamantin
Co.,Ltd. For New Zealand DISTRIBUTOR s.r.o
Martinique F.W.I.
Voctárova 247/16 SWEDEN SYRIA
(BEIJING OFFICE) Tel: (09) 3098 715 TEL: 596 596 426860
CZ - 180 00 PRAHA 8, Roland Scandinavia A/S Technical Light & Sound
10F. No.18 3 Section Anhuaxili
Chaoyang District Beijing Gigamusic SARL
TEL: (2) 830 20270 Danvik Center 28, 2 tr. Rawda, Abdul Qader Jazairi St.
100011 CHINA
TEL: (010) 6426-5050
CENTRAL/LATIN 10 Rte De La Folie
S-131 30 Nacka SWEDEN Bldg. No. 21, P.O.BOX 13520,
97200 Fort De France DENMARK Damascus, SYRIA
AMERICA Martinique F.W.I. TEL: (0)8 702 00 20
HONG KONG Roland Scandinavia A/S TEL: (011) 223-5384
TEL: 596 596 715222 Nordhavnsvej 7, Postbox 880, SWITZERLAND
Tom Lee Music Co., Ltd. ARGENTINA TURKEY
Service Division MEXICO DK-2100 Copenhagen Roland (Switzerland) AG
Instrumentos Musicales S.A. DENMARK Landstrasse 5, Postfach, ZUHAL DIS TICARET A.S.
22-32 Pun Shan Street, Tsuen Av.Santa Fe 2055 Casa Veerkamp, s.a. de c.v.
TEL: 3916 6200 CH-4452 Itingen, Galip Dede Cad. No.37
Wan, New Territories, Av. Toluca No. 323, Col. Olivar
(1123) Buenos Aires SWITZERLAND Beyoglu - Istanbul / TURKEY
HONG KONG de los Padres 01780 Mexico FINLAND
ARGENTINA TEL: (061) 927-8383 TEL: (0212) 249 85 10
TEL: 2415 0911 D.F. MEXICO
TEL: (011) 4508-2700 Roland Scandinavia As, Filial
TEL: (55) 5668-6699
Finland UKRAINE U.A.E.
Parsons Music Ltd. BARBADOS Elannontie 5 Zak Electronics & Musical
8th Floor, Railway Plaza, 39 A&B Music Supplies LTD
FIN-01510 Vantaa, FINLAND P.O.Box: 37-a. Instruments Co. L.L.C.
Chatham Road South, T.S.T, 12 Webster Industrial Park Bansbach Instrumentos
TEL: (0)9 68 24 020 Nedecey Str. 30 Zabeel Road, Al Sherooq Bldg.,
Kowloon, HONG KONG Wildey, St.Michael, Barbados Musicales Nicaragua No. 14, Grand Floor, Dubai,
TEL: 2333 1863 UA - 89600 Mukachevo,
TEL: (246)430-1100 Altamira D'Este Calle Principal GERMANY U.A.E.
de la Farmacia 5ta.Avenida Roland Elektronische TEL: (04) 3360715
INDIA BRAZIL 1 Cuadra al Lago.#503
TEL: (03131) 414-40
Rivera Digitec (India) Pvt. Ltd. Musikinstrumente HmbH.
Roland Brasil Ltda. Managua, Nicaragua UNITED KINGDOM
409, Nirman Kendra Oststrasse 96, 22844
Rua San Jose, 780 Sala B TEL: (505)277-2557 Roland (U.K.) Ltd.
Norderstedt, GERMANY
Mahalaxmi Flats Compound
Off. Dr. Edwin Moses Road,
Parque Industrial San Jose
PANAMA TEL: (040) 52 60090 Atlantic Close, Swansea NORTH AMERICA
Cotia - Sao Paulo - SP, BRAZIL Enterprise Park, SWANSEA
Mumbai-400011, INDIA SUPRO MUNDIAL, S.A.
TEL: (011) 4615 5666 GREECE/CYPRUS SA7 9FJ, CANADA
TEL: (022) 2493 9051 Boulevard Andrews, Albrook,
Panama City, REP. DE
INDONESIA Comercial Fancy II S.A. PANAMA Music Sound Light TEL: (01792) 702701 (Head Office)
PT Citra IntiRama Rut.: 96.919.420-1 TEL: 315-0101 155, New National Road 5480 Parkwood Way
J1. Cideng Timur No. 15J-150 Nataniel Cox #739, 4th Floor Patras 26442, GREECE Richmond B. C., V6V 2M4
Jakarta Pusat PARAGUAY TEL: 2610 435400 CANADA
Santiago - Centro, CHILE
Distribuidora De
MIDDLE EAST TEL: (604) 270 6626
TEL: (02) 688-9540 HUNGARY
TEL: (021) 6324170 Instrumentos Musicales
COLOMBIA J.E. Olear y ESQ. Manduvira
Roland East Europe Ltd. BAHRAIN Roland Canada Ltd.
KOREA Centro Musical Ltda. Warehouse Area ‘DEPO’ Pf.83 Moon Stores
Asuncion PARAGUAY (Toronto Office)
Cosmos Corporation Cra 43 B No 25 A 41 Bododega 9 H-2046 Torokbalint, No.16, Bab Al Bahrain Avenue,
TEL: (595) 21 492147 170 Admiral Boulevard
1461-9, Seocho-Dong, Medellin, Colombia HUNGARY P.O.Box 247, Manama 304, Mississauga On L5T 2N6
Seocho Ku, Seoul, KOREA TEL: (574)3812529 PERU TEL: (23) 511011 State of BAHRAIN CANADA
TEL: (02) 3486-8855 Audionet TEL: 17 211 005
COSTA RICA IRELAND TEL: (905) 362 9707
Distribuciones Musicales SAC
MALAYSIA JUAN Bansbach Instrumentos Roland Ireland IRAN U. S. A.
Juan Fanning 530
Roland Asia Pacific Sdn. Bhd. G2 Calmount Park, Calmount MOCO INC.
Musicales Miraflores Roland Corporation U.S.
45-1, Block C2, Jalan PJU 1/39, Avenue, Dublin 12 No.41 Nike St., Dr.Shariyati Ave.,
Ave.1. Calle 11, Apartado Lima - Peru 5100 S. Eastern Avenue
Dataran Prima, 47301 Petaling Republic of IRELAND Roberoye Cerahe Mirdamad
10237, TEL: (511) 4461388 Los Angeles, CA 90040-2938,
Jaya, Selangor, MALAYSIA TEL: (01) 4294444 Tehran, IRAN
San Jose, COSTA RICA U. S. A.
TEL: (03) 7805-3263 TRINIDAD TEL: (021) 285-4169
TEL: 258-0211 ITALY TEL: (323) 890 3700
Ground Floor
Roland Italy S. p. A. ISRAEL
Viale delle Industrie 8, Halilit P. Greenspoon & Sons
Maritime Plaza
20020 Arese, Milano, ITALY
Barataria Trinidad W.I. Ltd.
TEL: (02) 937-78300
TEL: (868) 638 6385 8 Retzif Ha'aliya Hashnya St.
Tel-Aviv-Yafo ISRAEL
TEL: (03) 6823666

As of November 1, 2006 (ROLAND) 50 ページ 2007年4月4日 水曜日 午前11時50分

For EU Countries

This product complies with the requirements of European Directives EMC 89/336/EEC and LVD 73/23/EEC.

For the USA


This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the
FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
– Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
– Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
– Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
– Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Unauthorized changes or modification to this system can void the users authority to operate this equipment.
This equipment requires shielded interface cables in order to meet FCC class B Limit.

For Canada

This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations.

Cet appareil numérique de la classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlement sur le matériel brouilleur du Canada.

For EU Countries









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