Identidades Virtuales

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Convergence: The International

Journal of Research into
The digital transformation New Media Technologies
2014, Vol. 20(3) 276–292
of human identity: ª The Author(s) 2014
Reprints and permission:

Towards a conceptual

DOI: 10.1177/1354856514531532
model of virtual identity
in virtual worlds

Peter Nagy
Central European University, Hungary

Bernadett Koles
Central European University, Hungary

The current article explores patterns of identity development in virtual worlds, with the aim of
introducing a conceptual model of virtual identity. Despite the rapid spread of virtual environ-
ments, no model has been developed to date that fully captures this complex entity. Rather than
taking a purely social approach, as has been the dominant trend in most prior work, the structural
elements used in this current framework incorporate several dimensions and approaches identity
as a conglomerate of personal, social, relational and material aspects. Building on an extensive body
of the available literature, with the current conceptual model, we intend to provide a compre-
hensive base on which to further expand theoretically as well as empirically in future work-related
concerning identity in virtual worlds.

Aspects of identity model, human–computer interaction, online behavior, virtual identity, virtual

The rapid diffusion of information technologies characterizing the past decades altered several
aspects of our communication, social interactions and the ways in which we relate to one another
(Tubella, 2005). In fact, our current digital era permeates our lives to the extent that today

Corresponding author:
Bernadett Koles, Central European University, Frankel Leó út 30-34, Budapest H-1023, Hungary.
Email: [email protected]

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technology does not only determine society but in many ways it becomes society (Castells, 2007).
From a global perspective, technology is interpreted by society according to the needs, values
and interests of people using the technology (Thompson, 2005) and is based on the social uses
that constantly redefine its particular meaning (Nass and Moon, 2000; Nass et al., 1994, 1995;
Oppenheim, 2007). From an individual perspective, recent technological advancements have
enabled various forms of virtual social engagements; interactions that in turn have been shown
to influence individual and personality characteristics and the overall development of the self
(Turkle, 1984; Zhao et al., 2008; Zizek, 1997).
In this current article, we explore aspects and patterns of identity development in virtual
settings, with the underlying aim of constructing a comprehensive conceptual model of virtual
identity. This notion is of particular importance, as it has the potential to assist psychologists,
sociologists, and other scholars and practitioners in their quest for a more complete under-
standing of identity development within our current digital era. After a brief overview of virtual
environments, we present a review of the traditional theories of identity, as these two constructs
provide the basic building blocks necessary to explore virtual identities. Following, we turn to
discussing virtual identity, along with our proposed model, taking into account the boundary
between real and virtual existence.

Virtual worlds
The concept of virtual worlds represents a frontier in social computing and provides interesting
areas for exploration in a variety of disciplines. In his visionary science fiction novel Snow Crash,
Stephenson (1992) introduced a virtual world that he called metaverse, an environment in which
individuals were able to construct their virtual selves, whilst completely abandoning their real
lives. Whilst the setting for this fictional story was originally envisioned in an alternative and
hypothetical future, since its inception, several virtual worlds emerged that in many ways replicate
and expand upon Stephenson’s earlier ideas.
In contemporary literature, the term virtual world has many definitions, due at least in part to its
relative novelty and complexity (Bell, 2008). From a broad perspective, virtual worlds encompass
imaginary spaces that may be described by words or projected through images and which are so
realistic that individuals may feel as if they were immersed in them (Damer, 2008). Computers
mediate these worlds and channel their imaginary and real dimensions into persistent three-
dimensional (3D) spaces. Through connecting these computers to one another via the World Wide
Web, several users may simultaneously participate in the same environment and experience the same
virtual reality. Via their immersion, individuals gain the ability to project their fantasies onto cyber-
space and form realistic connections to the environment as well as to other inhabitants (Wark, 2002).
Users enter virtual worlds through their avatars, which are specific digital representations of
their virtual selves (Coleman, 2011). Furthermore, they have the ability to supplement the physical
characteristics of their avatars by creating their own profiles, incorporating textual as well as visual
information. From a participant perspective, the potential for immersion is a particularly revolu-
tionary aspect, enabling individuals to engage in various complex activities and social interactions
that resemble the real world (Wennberg, 2000). For instance, users can attend concerts, start
businesses, take courses at virtual universities, shop, build, form romantic relationships and can
even start families, to name just a few options available.
Papagiannidis et al. (2008) differentiate between two types of virtual worlds, game-oriented
ones (e.g. World of Warcraft and other Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games


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(MMORPGs) and socially oriented ones (Second Life), with the primary differentiating feature
derived from the extent of freedom versus the number of rules imposed. On the one hand,
MMORPGs have precise rules and regulations, limiting the availability of certain activities exclu-
sively for specific characters. As an example, only wizards are allowed and able to exercise magic.
In these settings, users have flexibility but only within certain boundaries. On the other hand,
socially oriented virtual worlds grant their users practically unlimited freedom and options to cre-
ate their characters and to engage in virtual activities. In other words, whilst user input is clearly a
key determinant in both types of virtual environments, socially oriented virtual worlds provide
more autonomy and flexibility to their users. A relatively comprehensive definition for socially
oriented virtual environments comes from Spence (2008), suggesting that virtual worlds are per-
sistent, synthetic, 3D, non-game centric and primarily social spaces, which motivate their users to
engage in a diverse set of social interactions as well as to create different types of virtual content.
Although slight deviations across different definitions of a given construct are quite com-
monplace, these discrepancies are particularly understandable in the case of relatively novel,
dynamic and interdisciplinary concepts, such as those associated with virtual worlds. In line with
the variety of available working definitions, it is important to note that scholars tend to vary in
their views and specific considerations in reference to virtual settings (Bell, 2008). For some
scholars, the notion of virtual worlds comprises exclusively of socially oriented environments,
whilst for others, the expression is treated more in the sense of an umbrella term, incorporating
various types of settings as if they were relatively equal to one another (e.g. Axelsson and Regan,
2006; Schroeder, 2008). Regardless of the approach chosen or favoured, it is important to identify the
particular definition guiding each scholarly work, in order to align the conclusions and potential
generalizations accordingly. For the purposes of the current article, the definition generated by
Spence (2008) will be used as the primary guide; especially given the above-mentioned extent of
flexibility inherent in socially oriented virtual environments and their correspondingly enhanced
relevance for identity formation. Nevertheless, when appropriate, references will be made to
game-oriented virtual settings as well.

Aspects of identity
The notion of identity holds an extensively explored and colourful history in the social sciences.
Since the pioneering and foundational work of Erik Erikson regarding identity development in
the 1950s (see also Erikson, 1959), the traditional meaning of identity has been expanded,
recognizing the influence of various societal and cultural changes, intertwined with the impact
of globalization and recent technological innovations (e.g. Stryker and Burke, 2000). In the most
general sense, identity captures the implicit and explicit responses to the question Who am I,
encompassing a wide range of content and processes (Leary et al., 1986). Identity development is
believed to proceed through certain predictable stages, continuously incorporating input and
feedback from the environment (Marcia, 1966). Based on the available theoretical frameworks,
four distinct levels of identity can be distinguished, including the individual, relational, social
and material identities (Vignoles et al., 2011). Each of these levels represent different content
and contextual elements and can be characterized by distinctive processes underlying the con-
struction, maintenance as well as modification associated with the given identity.
Individual identity – also referred to as personal identity – comprises a set of relatively stable
characteristics that individuals ascribe to themselves (Hagger and Chatzisarantis, 2006). Individual
identity can be thought of as a vehicle through which one can build his or her global life story


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(McAdams, 2006), incorporating goals, beliefs and values (Marcia, 1966; Waterman, 1999). The
next level, relational identity refers to those roles that manifest themselves through various social
interactions (Bamberg, 2004), placing particular emphasis on the importance of social feedback
(Swann, 2005). Within the framework of social identity, the self-concept of individuals tends to
be largely determined by their perceived membership in various social groups, including those
associated with ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender and family (Segal, 2010; Tajfel, 1981;
Taylor, 1997). In order to maintain their sense of self, individuals are motivated to conform
to certain group norms and expectations (see also Goffman, 1969). Finally, material identity
reflects the material extension of the self (Mittal, 2006), referencing the extent to which humans
view certain material artefacts, such as clothes, cars and even places, as natural elements asso-
ciated with their identities (Belk, 1988).
Prior to the current digital era, identity development used to be confined by the physical realities
and constraints of the here and now, as well as by the need to build on the relatively limited collection
of one’s earlier experiences (Webb, 2001). According to Mann (1991), reflexivity plays a crucial role
in achieving a general sense of self and identity, which under offline conditions is related to the
physical world in which humans exist. The emergence of virtual environments, however, opened
the door for users to experience various virtual encounters, many of which would not be feasible
or possible in the purely physical real world (Yee et al., 2011). Whilst the notion of identity
represents a core building block for a variety of theories in the field of psychology, and has also
been widely referenced in other disciplines, potential theoretical models that reflect upon virtual
world presence and incorporate the formation and stability of identity in online settings have not
yet emerged. In the next section, we highlight some of the particularities of identity development
that are specific to virtual settings and begin to elaborate on the notion of virtual identity.

Virtual identity
We live in an era in which technology has the potential to blur the boundaries between reality and
fantasy, or the real and the virtual (Marsh, 2010). Through their avatars and associated profiles,
virtual world residents can establish their virtual identities, which can be moulded according
to their desires and expectations. No longer confined by the physical realities and existential
limitations, virtual environments provide individuals with a clean slate onto which to construct
their desired virtual identities (Kennedy, 2006; Turkle, 1994), offering radically new possibi-
lities for identity redefinition and self-recreation (Matviyenko, 2010; Riberio, 2009; Turkle,
1995). Amongst other aspects, taking advantage of their freedom and relying on their own
resources, users can establish and enhance a unique identity for themselves, utilizing a variety of
symbolic materials available (Clothier, 2005; Tubella, 2005). Within this framework, it is no
longer sufficient to think about identity construction or identity development solely in the tra-
ditional sense, in reference to the real physical world. Instead, in the case of virtual world res-
idents, the central question of Who am I? needs to be divided into two segments; one addressing
the real self and the other addressing the virtual self. Furthermore, these two selves should not
be considered distinct entities but rather ones that encapsulate different aspect of an individual’s
personality (Jerry and Tavares-James, 2012).
Beyond the concept of immersion associated with virtual environments, there are further par-
ticularities that are worth mentioning, in order to understand the participation and corresponding
existence of individuals in virtual settings more fully. First, virtual worlds are immersive 3D
environments (Baños et al., 2004) and as such are able to induce a stronger sensation of presence


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when compared with those virtual communities that are based on two-dimensional technology
(Pan et al., 2006). Second, users in virtual worlds can engage in real-time and synchronous inter-
actions. Similar to our concept of time in offline settings, time in a virtual world cannot be paused,
yielding the notion of persistence. Third, it has been suggested that one of the functions of a virtual
world is to provide a specific third place – a notion originally coined by Oldenburg (2000), where
individuals can interact with each other in a supportive and relaxing fashion (Ducheneaut et al.,
2007; Steinkuehler and Williams, 2006).
These so-called third places are not equivalent to online games or social networking sites.
Instead, they are specific virtual environments that differ from one’s home or work and serve
as neutral grounds for socializing and experiencing realities that tend to diverge from those in
real-life settings (Halvorson, 2010). Finally, virtual worlds serve as platforms where users can
embody their virtual selves (Biocca, 1997) and feel that they are really present in the given envi-
ronment (Biocca et al., 2003). This latter point is particularly important from a psychological
standpoint, as by immersing themselves in virtual worlds, users gain the opportunity to experi-
ment with their virtual self-representations and self-extensions (Mennecke et al., 2011). In this
sense, users do not consider their avatars as artificial entities, but instead view them as living
units (Bélisle and Bodur, 2010).
Interestingly, despite the vast presence of individuals around the world in online virtual envir-
onments (Messinger et al., 2009), there is no existing model of virtual identity in the contemporary
literature; one that addresses theoretical considerations and provides a base for future empirical
exploration. In the next section, we turn to introduce our proposed conceptual framework, utilizing
the above-mentioned four aspects identity model as a starting point for laying down the structural
elements. This model provides a particularly good base for virtual extension for the following
reasons: on the one hand, it is a comprehensive multidisciplinary framework, encompassing indi-
vidual as well as global elements. On the other hand, it recognizes the internal as well as external
factors that are likely to play a role in identity development in any setting.

The conceptual model of virtual identity

Building on the four aspects identity model established in offline environments, our conceptual
framework presented in Figure 1 encompasses three layers, comprising the individual, the micro-
level and the macro-level. These levels are portrayed as different structural elements that jointly
contribute to the establishment of virtual identity.
When an individual user decides to establish a virtual presence and with it inadvertently
assumes a virtual identity, he or she has to make a variety of decisions throughout the process of
avatar and profile creation. This endeavour, as mentioned above, is characterized by a great deal
of flexibility and choice. Similarly to real-life identity development, virtual identity construction
can be described as a cyclical and continuously iterative process, simultaneously influenced by a
variety of individual and global or community-based factors within certain environment-specific
realities. In this sense, virtual identity is best considered as a continually evolving incremental
system within a synthetic virtual environment. In light of this complexity, and building on the
four aspects identity model outlined above, our conceptual framework incorporates the personal,
relational, social and material orientations. Additionally, our model distinguishes between three
additional levels, differentiated by their position along a theoretical continuum that captures
aspects from the individual to the global, with each layer contributing to the puzzle of virtual
identity with different structural and functional elements.


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Figure 1. The conceptual structural model of virtual identity.

As a general overview, depending on the level under investigation, we emphasize slightly

different aspects of identity development. As we intend to analyse this process starting with
the individual, our review will progress from the personal towards the global level. Within the
individual level, we highlight those elements that distinguish one individual from another in
terms of virtual identity creation. Within the micro-level, we review ways in which the different
identity orientations are manifested, enabling individuals to further immerse themselves into
the virtual environment. Finally, within the macro-level, we explore the community-wide ele-
ments that are moulded by the collective user pool and in turn shape and modify each individ-
ual’s virtual identity. In the following sections, we review and discuss relevant particularities
associated with each of the three levels separately, incorporating previous empirical studies and
relevant findings from the available literature.

The individual level – The avatars

Avatars play a central role in achieving a sense of identity for those wishing to enter a virtual
environment and will remain meaningful, particularly as individuals become increasingly
immersed (Gorini et al., 2011). Those virtual environments that integrate contextualized nar-
rative elements to a greater extent tend to generate more intense emotional responses, which in
turn tend to evoke a stronger sense of inner presence. In their early study focusing on a colla-
borative virtual environment, Talamo and Ligorio (2001) argued that virtual identity construction,
for which they used the term cyber identity, relies on multiple processes of identity conceptualiza-
tion, with the evolving identity manifested through the avatars. Avatars can be thought of as the
vehicles used to communicate with other residents and in a sense can be considered as embodied
conceptions of the users’ self. The resulting intimacy has been reflected in several prior studies. For


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example, according to Taylor (2002: 52) ‘[ . . . ] the act of creating an avatar is to a large extent
focused on getting to the ‘‘that is me’’ stage’. Furthermore, the strong emotional and cognitive bond
between the identity and the avatar can be captured by certain linguistic markers (e.g. ‘I was attacked
by a monster’ or ‘I had a great time in Second Life’) as well as by various behavioural correlates
(Yee et al., 2011). Powers (2003) refers to this unique relationship between individuals and their
avatars by the term avatar attachment, a notion that tends to be mediated by the sense of
presence, identity and communication.
Similarly to real life, virtual identities are created and positioned through communication and
tend to be context dependent. Virtual worlds, especially Second Life, possess unique charac-
teristics that encourage their users to form relationships with each other (Becerra and Stutts,
2008) and provide various opportunities for cooperating with other users within the community
(Fetscherin and Lattemann, 2007). Via the creation of their avatars, participants simultaneously
define their own personal space and boundaries as well (Wolfendale, 2007). In this respect,
physical proximity between avatars may have a symbolic meaning associated with intimacy,
friendship and social bonds, similarly to individuals’ offline existence (Taylor, 2002). The extent
of congruence between virtual identity and real-life personality continues to be an open question,
with no definite answer to date. Previous reports document an apparent variation across individ-
uals in terms of their virtual self-representations, with some presenting their actual selves,
whereas others presenting their ideal selves (Koles and Nagy, 2012; Sung and Moon, 2011). This
variation has also been associated with different subsequent experiences in virtual environments.
More specifically, those users who reflect more upon their ideal selves throughout their avatar
formation process also report greater perceived interactivity, when compared with those users
who are more likely to reflect upon their actual selves (Jin, 2010).
A variety of motivational aspects require further consideration in order to understand virtual
experience more fully, with certain drivers given more importance over others (Hsu and Lu, 2004;
Kallio et al., 2011; Jeng and Teng, 2008; Teng, 2008). The main drivers characterizing virtual
worlds tend to include arousal, pleasure and individuation, whilst certain others, including gender,
affinity for technology and channel intensity, appear to be rated with less importance (Barnes and
Pressey, 2011). In addition, further motivations have been identified as important in online game
playing, including escapism (Mathwick & Rigdon, 2004), power and control (Hinsch and Bloch,
2009) and social needs (Castranova, 2004; Messinger et al., 2008; Nowak and Biocca, 2003; Yee,
2006). Finally, Messinger and his colleagues (2009) suggest that virtual consumption should also
be considered as an important driver, influencing personal and virtual social behaviour, as well as
the general process of avatar construction.
With respect to our conceptual model, the above-mentioned findings have a variety of impli-
cations for virtual identity construction. First, the personal dimensions of one’s virtual identity can
be characterized by a sense of presence (‘It is me participating in the given virtual world’) and by
the notion of avatar attachment (‘It is me experiencing certain things in the given virtual world’)
(Trepte and Reinecke, 2010). In other words, participating in virtual worlds means having to construct
one’s virtual body and avatar and also to define one’s own personal space. Second, relationships
formed with other users – whether romantic or friendly in nature – may have an additional impact
on establishing virtual identities, in line with the relevance of the relational identity orientation. Third,
decisions associated with becoming members of certain virtual communities, such as belonging to
a certain gender or race, or to those groups defined by special interests, tend to enrich the social
dimensions of virtual identity. Finally, through the consumption of virtual goods and associated
preferences, the material dimensions of virtual identities are likely to be enhanced and fine-tuned.


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Regardless of the extent of immersion and avatar attachment, the process of avatar creation will
inherently reflect upon the value system, goals and beliefs of a given user, either by consistently
mirroring his or her real self or by expanding beyond it in order to achieve his or her ideal self. The
primary drivers associated with virtual existence point to the relevance of more individual-centred
and hedonistic aspects, emphasizing the degree of flexibility and choice characterizing virtual
identity, particularly in comparison with real-life identity. These elements will be revisited and
further elaborated upon when discussing the other levels of the conceptual framework.

The micro-level – the connection

The next stage in our conceptual model of identity development, the micro-level, represents
those elements that serve as the link between the individual user and the global community. The
particular components, namely narrative scripts, virtual intimacy, virtual community and virtual
material culture, have emerged and been identified as the primary factors and will be discussed
separately. In our descriptions, the terminology used to reference the four component blocks
coincide with those used for the macro-level, reflecting upon the notion of continuum, ranging
from the more personal to the more global and community-wide aspects.
Narrative scripts encompass virtual life stories and are manifested through those individual
or collective goals, values and beliefs that in some way are embedded in an individual’s virtual
existence (Albrechtslund, 2010; Dickey, 2011). Narrative elements tend to be based on specific
experiences that relate to a certain person, take place in a specific virtual world and become
crystallized through various virtual activities, such as socializing in the case of Second Life
(Bardzell and Odom, 2008) or gaining a certain reputation in the case of World of Warcraft
(Bainbridge, 2010). These experiences can be viewed as sequences that when joined together
form a narrative structure (Albrechtslund, 2010).
Virtual intimacy captures the particular roles assumed by individuals, along with the extent
to which they identify with these roles. In general, roles can be viewed as ‘sets of behavioural
expectations associated with given positions in the social structure’ (Ebaugh, 1988: 18). In this
respect, roles serve as the fundamental building blocks associated with a particular community or
special interest group, with the specific meaning assumed by a role embedded in the bigger social
environment (Stryker and Statham, 1985). For instance, in World of Warcraft, the role of a
guild master would be meaningless without the complementary role of being a guild member.
Some of these roles tend to be predetermined, either by being inherently associated with a
specific character, like in the above example, or by relating to a particular group membership.
Other roles, however, are not predetermined, such as a friendship between two avatars, and thus
entail more flexibility.
Importantly, individuals may render different meanings to their roles and relationships, which
in turn may affect their level of associated intimacy. In general, relational identification refers to
the extent of one’s self-definition with a specific role (Sluss and Ashforth, 2007), usually involving
self-expansion (Aron et al., 2000) and often self-enhancement (Aron and McLaughlin-Volpe,
2001). For example, Second Life residents can engage in different role-based activities, such as
being a good friend or a romantic partner, in turn building on the individuals’ (virtual) relational
identity orientation. From this perspective, game-oriented and socially oriented virtual worlds dif-
fer from one another. Whilst both settings tend to include a combination of predetermined and
voluntarily assumed roles, with their strict rules imposed, game-oriented virtual environments tend
to have more of the former, whereas with their increased flexibility, socially oriented virtual


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environments tend to have more of the latter types, with corresponding implications for virtual
identity (Spence, 2008).
Virtual community refers to group memberships and overall group identification. Group
membership in virtual worlds is considered to serve as the primary gateway to belonging to a
larger community (Riberio, 2009). As Steinkuehler (2006) points out, virtual communities
function as an important mechanism of enculturation for those who participate in them by
providing social feedback and a sense of belonging (Taylor, 2006), in turn helping to shape and
maintain the social aspects of a virtual identity. Correspondingly, users need to learn and adapt to
specific cultural norms in order to develop social bonds with other individuals (Blodgett and
Tapia, 2011; Dickey, 2011). For instance, World of Warcraft users can join guilds or form
troupes where they can gain titles or ranks, whilst users in Second Life can join multiple groups
based on their interests or hobbies.
In order to become a functional member of a given virtual community, an individual has to
achieve social identification, and in turn should begin to perceive him or herself as one with the
group. Through this process of identification (Whitty et al., 2011), and through subsequent
communication and interactions, members learn a variety of social rules and important norms
and gain further knowledge about various virtual endeavours (Williams et al., 2006), such as
cooperating with other characters in World of Warcraft (Bainbridge, 2010) or creating certain
virtual contents in Second Life (Lowood, 2011).
Finally, virtual material culture incorporates those objects and artefacts that are significant
enough to be viewed as identity extensions. The consumption of virtual goods, such as clothing
or weaponry, enables users to further immerse themselves in a virtual world (Nojima, 2007).
According to Lehdonvirta (2009), purchasing virtual goods is based on various motivations,
including self-expression, as well as hedonic and social needs, emphasizing the subjectivity
associated with virtual objects. In fact, virtual objects may be used to achieve a certain status
or gain popularity among other avatars. Furthermore, depending on individual preferences and
interests, certain users may value particular virtual objects that may not be as important for
others (Drennan and Keeffe, 2007).
Along these lines, Hamari and Lehdonvirta (2010) argue that the symbolic and real value of a
virtual item is created jointly by the users and the virtual environment, supporting the element of
continuum in our conceptual framework. In other words, virtual objects may have different
meanings for different users; nonetheless, the value of a virtual item is largely determined by the
virtual community and by certain predefined attributes associated with a given virtual world.
Therefore, whilst the significance of a virtual object relies on both the environment and user
perception, only those artefacts that are consistent with an individual’s virtual identity have the
potential to yield identity extension.

The macro-level – the virtual community

Building on the previous two levels, we arrive at the macro-level of our conceptual framework,
encompassing elements that pertain to the more global community of a virtual society. In a sense,
this level would have served as a realistic alternative starting point to our present analysis, going
from the global outer scale to the individual inner scale. We chose the opposite direction in order
to emphasize that the duality between flexibility and complexity, characterizing the process of
avatar creation, prevails throughout the entire analysis. However, it is important to emphasize
that virtual identity could not have been built without certain guidelines and expectations that


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are consistent with the more global and holistic structure, the elements we are going to review
In a community sense, narrative scripts refer to those narrative elements of virtual identity
that are determined by the characteristics of virtual worlds and are supplemented by the user’s
choice. With respect to identity development in real-life settings, narrative identity can be
defined as the internalized, evolving story of the self that each individual creates in order to fill
his or her life with certain purpose and sense of unity (e.g. Laszlo, 2008; McAdams, 2001;
McAdams & Olson, 2010). Narrative identity represents the global part of personality that can
be distinguished from one’s broader dispositional traits as well as contextualized characteristic
adaptations (McAdams, 1995). Whilst this definition may provide a useful starting point to
understanding virtual identity, we should note that in contrast to real life, virtual worlds apply
different rules and fantasy-based elements that impact the user experience and associated virtual
identity. On the one hand, game-oriented virtual worlds have strict rules and provide predeter-
mined, but nonetheless complex fantasy-based storylines, which together influence identity for-
mation. On the other hand, socially oriented virtual worlds have minimal rules and thus provide
nearly unlimited freedom to form unique virtual identities. In other words, the innate character-
istics of virtual worlds play an important part in determining the narratives that are available for
their users.
Virtual intimacy refers to the extent of willingness or desire to initiate and maintain intimate
relationships amongst the residents of a particular virtual world. In addition to the mere notion of
availability as set forth by the creators of virtual environments and those active in building and
enhancing the community, virtual intimacy also reflects upon the users’ own preferences, choices
and desires regarding the formation of close and deep connections. To date, only a few empirical
investigations have been conducted to explore intimate relationships in virtual worlds. In a recent
study comparing intimate relationships taking place in real life as opposed to in virtual settings,
the researchers found that individuals tended to report more delightful communication patterns as
well as higher levels of satisfaction in their virtual intimate relationships (Gilbert et al., 2011a).
According to Scott and his colleagues (2006), individuals often turn to virtual relationships after
having experienced certain obstacles in their real-life associations. Furthermore, Gilbert and
colleagues (2011b) argue that individuals view their virtual relationships as real relationships,
as opposed to some form of game playing in Second Life. The authors also highlight that the users
of this virtual environment find the personality of their virtual partners more positive and entertain-
ing than that of their real-life partners.
Virtual community refers to the collection of virtual groups that represent themselves in a
particular virtual world. As mentioned before, virtual groups are important, given their impact on
virtual identity formation through social feedback. In the real world, social influences on identity
formation are essential factors to maintain an integrated sense of self (see also Gergen, 1991;
Goffman, 1969). However, whilst social influences are also considered to be the cornerstones of
virtual identity formation (Solomon and Wood, 2008), we need to recognize that virtual com-
munities are different from real ones in certain fundamental ways. In the case of game-oriented
virtual worlds, the community provides fantasy settings along with special groups or tribes, such
as guilds in World of Warcraft. In the case of socially oriented virtual worlds, virtual groups may
include a whole spectrum of social communities ranging from fantasy-based (e.g. furries or vam-
pires) to realistic groups (e.g. students or club goers). Besides being members of specific virtual
groups, the social aspects of virtual identity can be further fine-tuned by the choices users make
with respect to gender, nationality or virtual family (Bainbridge, 2010).


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Finally, virtual material culture refers to the relationship between virtual artefacts and virtual
social relations. In the real world, individuals can establish a certain social standing via obtaining
various material possessions (Slater, 1997) and have been shown to render specific meaning to
material objects (Wallendorf and Arnould, 1988; Wattanasuvan, 2005). According to Lehdonvirta
(2010), virtual worlds have developed fairly sophisticated material cultures, with their users
appropriating virtual goods for functional as well as symbolic uses. In addition, research has
revealed that individuals consume virtual goods for reasons that are similar to their consumption
of material goods in real life. For instance, they may seek certain material items in order to
become members of certain groups, to establish and express particular identities or to find
resolutions to relevant problems (Landay, 2008; Lehdonvirta et al., 2009; Martin, 2008). As a
specific example, in order to enhance their avatars, Second Life residents may buy clothing and
other virtual objects using Linden Dollars, whilst users of World of Warcraft may purchase
virtual weapons or armours in exchange for gold.

The purpose of this article was to present a theoretical framework for virtual identity deve-
lopment within the context of game-oriented and socially oriented virtual environments. Our
proposed model presents virtual identity as a multidimensional concept encompassing three lev-
els, all of which simultaneously and continuously impact one another, and are responsible for
the evolution of this dynamic entity. The model implies that virtual identity construction is based
on various macro-level or community-based factors, including narrative scripts, virtual intimacy,
virtual community and virtual material culture. These elements are mediated by those identity-
related manifestations that occur on the micro-level, responsible for the acculturation of partic-
ular individuals to a given virtual society. The personal-level attributes that are shaped by certain
predetermined or voluntary rules inherent in the given community, and in turn also continuously
shape the environment, further highlight the dynamic and multidimensional nature of virtual
By presenting virtual identity as a complex entity, our article may assist professionals as well
as practitioners desiring to gain a more complete understanding of this particular concept. The
comprehensive nature of the current model expands previous research that focused exclusively
on certain aspects of virtual identity, such as the social or material ones (e.g. Drennan and
Keeffe, 2007; Lehdonvirta, 2010), without taking into consideration other elements, like the
individual dimensions of the virtual self. Users do not only create specific virtual identities for
themselves but also project their fantasies and aspirations on their ideal selves to these digital
entities. Therefore, in order to understand the complex meanings of virtual identity, one needs to
disentangle the multifaceted layers inherent in this concept.
Our model highlights several important elements of virtual identity that may inspire future
research in a variety of ways. On the one hand, in an era of sophisticated self-tracking systems,
virtual environments may offer profound opportunities to measure and even quantify identity
and the human self (Veerapen, 2013). More specifically, Swan argues that
Since most humans are not good at thinking statistically (i.e., quantitatively), but are good at thinking
in stories (i.e., qualitatively), some of the most effective QS [Quantified Self] devices could be
those that include dimensions of both, for example, that have quantitative accuracy and qualitative
meaning-making functionality (2013: 94).


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By monitoring one’s virtual identity construction tendencies and associated online behaviours,
researchers may be able to analyse and more fully understand the online human self, with particular
attention to the individual, micro and macro dimensions.
On the other hand, by studying virtual identity, scholars may also gain a better understanding
of users’ offline selves and corresponding characteristics (Suh, 2013). Previous research found
that certain personality traits, such as introversion, self-esteem and gender play a substantial role
in the virtual self-construction practices (Dunn and Guadagno, 2012) and preferred online beha-
viours of individuals (Guadagno et al., 2011). Therefore, by building on our conceptual model,
researchers can analyse offline and online personality variations amongst virtual world users,
with particular attention to their individual as well as social manifestations. Nonetheless, further
research is necessary to explore the ways in which individuals’ offline attributes influence their
virtual identity construction tendencies on different levels of the conceptual analysis.
In summary, the main contribution of the current work comes from its multidimensional and
holistic approach, expanding beyond prior work that observed virtual environments from a
predominantly social perspective. It is clear from the current analysis that the various structural
elements that derive from concepts other than those associated with social encounters are
important and thus should be taken into consideration. Our increased understanding of virtual
identity is relevant, given the rapid spread of virtual environments, and their multifaceted
implications for a variety of disciplines and theory formations, from the perspective of aca-
demics and practitioners alike. The current framework may serve as a base for researchers
interested in conducting empirical analyses in virtual settings and contribute to the literature with
its attempts to further disentangle the complex concept of virtual identity.

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Author biographies
Peter Nagy is a doctoral student at the Department of Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior in Corvinus
University, Budapest, Hungary. His PhD research concerns the impact of online virtual three-dimensional
worlds on consumer behaviour.
Bernadett Koles is an Associate Professor of Management in Central European University (CEU) Business
School, Budapest, Hungary. Her primary areas of research interests include cross-cultural analyses in Central
and Eastern Europe (CEE) and beyond, along with a strong focus concerning the impact of social media and
virtual environments on education, business and the social sciences. Professor Koles has been a faculty mem-
ber at CEU Business School since 2003.


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