NFVQ2019D Manuel Rev A

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Revision: Description: Date:

0 Initial release. 1/25/08
A Revised Figure 3, page 8, to match Installation Plan 10/7/09
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS-------------------------------------------------------i
LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES --------------------------------------- iii

1 INTRODUCTION ---------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 SCOPE.............................................................................. 1
1.2 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS............................................... 1
1.3 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ........................................ 1
1.3.1 Factory Testing.......................................................... 1
1.3.2 Gearing ...................................................................... 2
1.3.3 Bearings..................................................................... 2
1.3.4 Instrumentation.......................................................... 2
1.3.5 Housing ..................................................................... 2
1.3.6 Lubrication ................................................................ 2

2 SAFETY SUMMARY------------------------------------------------ 4
2.1 GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS........................... 4
2.2 SAFETY EQUIPMENT................................................... 5
2.2.1 Wear Proper Safety Equipment................................. 5
2.2.2 Reduce Danger of Damage to Hearing...................... 5
2.3 REDUCE RISK OF ACCIDENTAL SHOCK ................. 5
2.4 RESUSCITATION........................................................... 5
2.5 POSSIBLE MISUSES OF EQUIPMENT........................ 5

3 INSTALLATION ----------------------------------------------------- 6
3.1 RECEIPT OF SHIPMENT............................................... 6
3.2 STORAGE........................................................................ 6
3.2.1 Corrosion Protection During Inoperative Periods ..... 6
3.3 LIFTING, HANDLING ................................................... 7
3.4 FOUNDATION................................................................ 7
3.5 TRANSPORT BUSHING ................................................ 7
3.6 ALIGNMENT .................................................................. 7
3.6.1 General ...................................................................... 7
3.6.2 Anticipation of Shaft Operating Positions................. 8
3.6.3 Alignment Sequence.................................................. 8
3.6.4 Alignment Checking.................................................. 9
3.7 TOOTH CONTACT CHECK .......................................... 9

4 OPERATION -------------------------------------------------------- 10
4.1 LUBRICATION ............................................................. 10
4.2 OIL TYPE AND GRADE .............................................. 10
4.3 CUSTOMER CHECK BEFORE START-UP................ 10
4.4 START-UP PROCEDURE ............................................ 11
4.5. CUSTOMER CHECK AFTER START-UP .................. 11
4.6 ALARM SWITCHES..................................................... 11

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page i

5 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE--------------------------------12
5.1 INTRODUCTION ..........................................................12
5.2 DAILY MAINTENANCE .............................................13
5.3 MONTHLY MAINTENANCE ......................................13
5.4 QUARTERLY MAINTENANCE..................................13
5.4.1 Oil Analysis Guidelines...........................................13
5.5 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE .........................................14
5.6 OIL CHANGE INTERVALS.........................................14

6 DISASSEMBLY------------------------------------------------------15
6.1 GENERAL......................................................................15
6.1.1 Lock out/Tag Out Procedure ...................................15
6.1.2 Visual Inspection .....................................................15
6.2 TOOLS REQUIRED ......................................................15
6.3 SPARE PARTS ..............................................................16
6.4 REMOVAL OF GEAR COVER ....................................16
6.5 REMOVAL OF HIGH SPEED PINION........................16
6.6 REMOVAL OF LOW SPEED GEAR ...........................17
6.7 REMOVAL OF TORQUE SHAFT................................17

7 GEAR INSPECTION -----------------------------------------------18

7.1 TOOTH CONTACT CHECKING .................................18
7.1.1 Introduction .............................................................18
7.1.2 Why Check Tooth Contact ......................................18
7.1.3 When to Check Tooth Contact ................................18
7.1.4 How to Check Tooth Contact ..................................18
7.1.5 Soft Blue Method ....................................................18
7.1.6 Hard Blue Method ...................................................19
7.3 GEAR CONDITION ASSESSMENT............................20
7.3.1 Types of Gear Wear or Failure ................................20
7.3.2 Definition of Gear Failure .......................................21

8 BEARING INSPECTION------------------------------------------22
8.1 BEARING TYPE ...........................................................22
8.2 BEARING CONDITION ASSESSMENT.....................22
8.2.1 Bearing Clearance ...................................................22
8.2.2 Bearing Contact and Correction ..............................23
8.2.3 Bearing High Spots..................................................23
8.2.4 Flaking of Babbitt....................................................23
8.2.5 Scoring.....................................................................23
8.2.6 Wiping .....................................................................24
8.3 REPLACEMENT BEARINGS ......................................24

9 REASSEMBLY ------------------------------------------------------25
9.1 PREPARATION.............................................................25
9.2 REASSEMBLY SEQUENCE ........................................25
9.2.1 Gear Assembly ........................................................25
9.2.2 Bottom Section ........................................................25
9.2.3 Middle Section.........................................................26
9.2.4 Top Section..............................................................27

page ii NFVQ2019D

10 TROUBLESHOOTING ------------------------------------------- 29
10.1 ABNORMALLY HIGH TEMPERATURE ................... 29
10.2 LOW OIL PRESSURE................................................... 29
10.3 UNUSUAL OR EXCESSIVE NOISE ........................... 29
10.4 EXCESSIVE VIBRATION........................................... 30
10.5 NO SENSOR READINGS............................................. 30

11 NAMEPLATE DATA ---------------------------------------------- 32

List of Figures
and Tables
Figure 1 Lifting provisions ...................................................... 7
Figure 2. Axial thermal growth................................................. 8
Figure 3. Mechanical and thermal movement........................... 8
Figure 4. Generator, gear unit, and turbine aligned .................. 9
Figure 5. Tooth contact patterns ............................................. 20
Figure 6. Pressure dam journal bearing .................................. 22
Figure 7. Orientation of pressure dam bearings...................... 26

Table 1. Equipment Description Chart ........................................... 3

Table 2. Standard Danger, Warning And Caution Symbols........... 4
Table 3. Preliminary Alarm Settings ............................................ 11
Table 4. Maintenance Schedule Overview ................................... 12
Table 5. Recommended Tightening Torques................................ 27
Table 6. Troubleshooting Tips...................................................... 31

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page iii

page iv NFVQ2019D
Introduction 1
The employees of LUFKIN Industries have made every effort to provide the customer with
high quality, long lasting equipment which will give trouble-free service for many years
provided it is operated within its designed capacity and is properly lubricated and maintained.
Reflecting its commitment to Quality, LUFKIN’s Quality Management system has been
certified to ISO-9001 Det Norske Veritas Quality System Certificate, No. CERT-8443-2006-
For further assistance from LUFKIN, please call or fax the following numbers:
Customer Service (Parts, etc.) (936) 637-5211 (936) 637-5883
Service Department (936) 637-5307 (936) 637-5104
Repair Division (936) 637-5413 (936) 637-5104
Engineering (936) 637-5266 (936) 637-5774

The objective of this manual is to give general information on installation, lubrication,
operation, maintenance, disassembly and reassembly of LUFKIN Industries NFVQ2019D
vertical gear units. In addition, there is supplementary information on unit storage, coupling
alignment, oil characteristics, bearing wear, and gear wear. Table 1 provides an overview of
equipment features.


Every effort has been made to place hazard warnings and explanatory or cautionary notes in
appropriate parts of this text. It is strongly recommended that this manual be reviewed
thoroughly before attempting to install, operate, service, or repair this equipment.


LUFKIN model NFVQ2019D is a single reduction parallel shaft speed reducer.
For a cross section view of the gearing see the Parts List; and for the general shaft
arrangement, shaft ends, and hold down locations see the Installation Plan. The Mass Elastic
drawing provides component weights and Wr2 values. A Wiring Diagram is provided for
1.3.1 Factory Testing
Factory testing of LUFKIN gear units includes a detailed test of the gear at rated speeds with
no load or partial load. This unit is built per AGMA 6011-H98 and API 613 5th Edition.
1.3.2 Gearing
This unit has vertically offset double helical gearing at a ratio of 1.204:1, with the pinion
above the gear/torque shaft assembly. The pinion assembly has an integral coupling hub to
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 1
couple to a turbine. The gear assembly has an integral coupling hub to couple to a generator.
Gears and pinions are made from carburizing grade alloy steel forgings.
LUFKIN gears are computer designed and rated according to the latest American Petroleum
Institute (API) and American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) standards.
Conservative service factors, based on API and AGMA recommendations and on LUFKIN's
experience, are applied to the ratings to ensure long gear life.
1.3.3 Bearings
Both the high speed and low speed bearings are hydrodynamic journal bearings with pressure
dams. Thrust bearings are not provided; low speed gear shaft has ½ inch endplay.
1.3.4 Instrumentation
Installed instrumentation includes:
• four embedded RTD’s, Minco duplex, platinum element, one in each radial bearing
• two accelerometers–Bentley Nevada
• vibration probe provisions
1.3.5 Housing
The housing is a three piece fabricated steel structure, with the split lines on the horizontal
centerlines of the rotating elements. Inspection covers are provided for inspection and
examination of all gear components, with a vent connection provided in the center section to
maintain atmospheric pressure inside the gear housing. The outside housing is painted with
an epoxy topcoat. The inside is not coated.
1.3.6 Lubrication
The unit uses AGMA standard Light Turbine Oil, 150 SSU at 100˚ F (ISO# VG-32, 32 cSt at
40˚ C). The lubricant is to be supplied to a single oil inlet flange (Customer has a choice of
two locations) and a single drain or outlet flange (customer again has a choice of two
locations). The lube system is to be supplied by others. Inlet oil is to be supplied at
minimum temperature of 70° F with nominal at 140° and maximum temperature of 160° F.
Inlet oil pressure should be a minimum of 15 PSIG with nominal pressure at 30 PSIG and
maximum pressure at 40 PSIG with oil filtered to 10 microns nominal.

1.3.7 Certification
This gearbox has been designed and manufactured so as to be in compliance with EU
Directive 94/9/EC and the ATEX Directives when installed in a potentially hazardous area
and operated as directed in this document. The specific certification is marked on the
nameplate as shown in Chapter 11.

page 2 NFVQ2019D
Specifications Service Factor Service HP
• AGMA 6011 AGMA 1.51 60,000 HP
• GE A-277696, Rev. B 44,742 kW

Gearing Bearings Design Clearance

High Speed Pinion double helical HS - hydrodynamic 0.016 – 0.0195 inch
49 teeth journal bearings with 0.4064 - 0.4953 mm
pressure dam
Low Speed Gear double helical LS - hydrodynamic 0.014 – 0.0175 inch
torque shaft journal bearings with 0.3556 - 0.4445 mm
pressure dam
59 teeth
Reductions single Lubrication Endplay
Parallel shaft reducer Light Turbine oil N/A
Offset vertical Lube system supplied
by others
Heat treatment carburized Speed Housing
Cutting method hobbed Input–3612 RPM Fabricated steel in
three pieces
Tooth finish CBN ground Output–3000 RPM with inspection covers
Unit–23,400 lbs (10,614 kg) Heaviest Maintenance Lift –4690 lbs.(2127 kg)
Minco embedded RTDs Bently-Nevada accelerometers Riverhawk Coupling

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 3

Safety Summary 2
Table 2. Standard Danger, Warning, and Caution Symbols


DANGER notices are used to WARNING notices are used CAUTION notices are used to
indicate an imminently to indicate a potentially indicate a potentially
hazardous situation. Failure hazardous situation. Failure hazardous situation. Failure
to comply will result in to comply could result in to comply may result in
death or serious injury to death or serious injury to minor or moderate injury to
personnel. personnel. personnel and/or damage to


The following are general precautions that are not related to any specific procedures and therefore
do not appear elsewhere in this publication. These are recommended precautions that personnel
must understand and apply during many phases of operation and maintenance.

DANGER: Lock out/tag out procedures

Never remove the inspection cover while are fully explained in
the machinery is in operation. Always DISASSEMBLY
lock out/tag out all power sources while
performing maintenance
WARNING: Never work on machinery that is
still in operation or is still moving.
Never block the gear mesh by
inserting material between the CAUTION:
gear elements.
WARNING: Only persons familiar with and proficient at
servicing, installation, maintenance,
Shaft and coupling guards must be operation, and assembly of gearing should
securely in place before operation. be involved in those phases of use.

When manuals are supplied by a vendor for auxiliary or accessory equipment installed by
LUFKIN, they are included in the appendix to this manual. IMPORTANT: Read and observe
all safety warnings and messages in vendor manuals.
LUFKIN does not assume responsibility for proper guarding of shafting and couplings. LUFKIN
may in some cases supply the guards; however, because of the position of the gear in the power
train, the guards must also be attached to other equipment. The user must insure adequate
guarding is provided and used in the power train.

page 4 NFVQ2019D
2.2.1 Wear Proper Safety Equipment
Personnel working with or near heavy equipment should wear safety equipment appropriate to the
area in which they work:
• Safety glasses with side shields
• Appropriate hard soled shoes
• Appropriate head gear (hard hats)
2.2.2 Reduce Danger Of Damage To Hearing
Gears and their connecting equipment may produce noise
CAUTION: levels that are capable of causing hearing loss with long-term,
Use of hearing protection should be unprotected exposure. The use of hearing protection
considered when working near any noisy equipment should be considered whenever working in areas
equipment. containing equipment emitting high noise levels or noise at
frequencies that are bothersome.


Personnel working with or near high voltage should remove
watches, rings, or any jewelry that could make physical
contact with circuits.
Do not replace components or make adjustments inside the
Keep away from live circuits. equipment with the high voltage supply energized. Under
certain conditions, dangerous potentials caused by charges
retained by the capacitors may exist when power is off. To
avoid casualties, always disconnect the power and discharge the circuit before touching it.
Under no circumstance should any person reach into an enclosure to service or adjust equipment
when not in the company of someone who is capable of rendering aid in the event of an accident.

Personnel working with or near high voltage should be familiar with modern methods of
resuscitation. Such information may be obtained from the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery or the
Red Cross.


Following are some possible misuses of gear units that might be encountered. To prevent
injury/death of personnel and/or damage to equipment, the operator should avoid:
• Overloading the gear (increasing torque above nameplate conditions.)
• Running the gear above rated speeds.
• Reversing rotation.
• Changing lubricant type or grade.
• Providing inadequate lubrication.
• Operating at temperatures above recommended levels.
• Operating with vibration above recommended levels.
• Misalignment of the unit.

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 5

Installation 3
Equipment should be checked against shipping papers on receipt. The gear unit should also
undergo a visual inspection to ensure that no damage has occurred during shipment. If you
suspect that the unit may be damaged, contact LUFKIN for assistance. Check:
• Gear casing and shafts for signs of damage.
• Any gauges provided for cracks in the glass.
• Piping for dents, crimps, cracks or other damage.
A black coating of Equipment-Kote™ by Esgard, Inc., has been applied to all non-painted
surfaces. Before installation, carefully remove the coating, using a safe solvent and a soft rag.
Take care not to damage any oil seals or shafting while cleaning. All piping furnished by
anyone other than LUFKIN should be carefully cleaned.
The Installation Plan drawing for the gear will show all customer piping connections as well
as any electrical connections.

The gear is tested at LUFKIN with a break-in oil that contains a rust preventative (Interfilm
Type 1™ by Esgard, Inc.) which will protect the internal parts for at least six months after
shipment. Do not store the gear unit outdoors unless covered. If the inoperative period is
greater than six months, see "Corrosion Protection During Inoperative Periods."

3.2.1 Corrosion Protection During Inoperative Periods

NOTE: Items 1 through 4 assume normal atmospheric conditions.
1. On new gear units shipped from LUFKIN, the rust inhibitor adhering to exposed
surfaces should prevent corrosion of interior parts for at least six months with covered
2. When the unit has been operated for a period of time with a recommended lubricating
oil, the oil will protect interior parts for inoperative periods up to 30 days.
3. If additional down time is needed, the customer should hand spray oil on the gear mesh
and manually rotate the gear unit shafts every 30 days to redistribute the oil and gain
protection for 30 days.
4. If extended down time is expected and it is impractical to turn the shafts, a rust
preventive type oil should be brushed or sprayed on the gear teeth. Any openings
should be sealed with masking tape. A quality rust preventive oil should give 12 months
protection against corrosion. This oil should be compatible with the operating oil, and it
should be unnecessary to remove the rust preventive oil when the reducer is started
5. For adverse conditions or long term storage, coat all parts with rust inhibitor compatible
with operating oil and seal all openings.
6. A second method of long term storage is to disassemble the unit and coat each part with
Cosmoline™ or equivalent. Before the unit can be placed in service, special cleaning
with solvents will be necessary to remove all preservative from unit and parts.

page 6 NFVQ2019D
The gear unit should
always be moved by
WARNING: rolling on bars or
Improper lifting techniques could cause
skates, or by lifting it
damage to the gears and/or harm to with properly rated
personnel. slings through the
lifting lugs on the top
of the unit. See the
Installation Plan or
CAUTION: Table 1, “Equipment
Do not lift unit by either input or output
Description Chart”
shafts. Do not bump the shafts. for lifting weights.
Never lift or sharply
strike the shaft
Always exercise extreme caution while lifting any
part of a gear unit. The Installation Plan drawing also
provides lifting weights. See Figure 1 for lifting
Figure 1
provision locations.
Figure 1
The unit must be seated on a substantial foundation. The unit is mounted in a base plate
enclosure with tapped holes already in place so that bolts can be used to clamp down the feet
of the gear unit (with the proper shims in place) at all positions. Shim space allows room for
proper positioning of the gear unit for slow speed and high speed coupling alignment. In
making up the shim pack use as few shims as possible so that the pack will not be "soft". The
housing must not be twisted or in a bind as this will adversely affect tooth contact and will
cause bearing edge loading.


During factory assembly and testing and for shipping security,
Torque shaft transport bushing the low speed gear is held in position by a two-piece blue
(blue ring) must be removed prior torque shaft transport bushing on the extension end of the gear
to start-up.
shaft. This ring must be removed prior to start-up. Store the
bushing for later use in alignment or transport.

3.6.1 General
Securing proper shaft alignment is one of the most important
phases of setting up a gear unit. Any appreciable misalignment
can cause a multitude of gear problems from excess bearing
CAUTION: and gear tooth wear to vibration problems. Uncorrected
Adequate foundation must be provided misalignment can lead to catastrophic failure. Therefore, it is
for proper alignment. essential that thermal growth and shaft operating position in
the bearings be anticipated during shaft alignment and that
good alignment be maintained.

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 7

3.6.2 Anticipation of Shaft
Operating Positions .018
The axial and radial running position of each
shaft must be determined and set correctly. The
running positions depend on operating load and
temperature and will differ from the positions
under no load and at ambient temperature
because of thermal expansion of the gear
housing and the direction of the bearing
loading. A temperature rise of 30–70 degrees
Fahrenheit (15–40 degrees Celsius) is within
normal range. For expected movement and
thermal growth values see Figures 2, 3, 4 and
see the Installation Plan drawing. Couplings Figure 2
should allow the shafts to float axially.
The driven and driving machines also have
thermal movement which must be either added
or subtracted from the gear movement, 0.003
depending upon the direction of the movements.
The gear can be initially centered in the housing
by measuring the extensions as indicated on the

Installation Plan drawing.

3.6.3 Alignment Sequence

The following sequence assumes that the
foundation is level, the generator is secured, and
any shipping locks and covers are removed from 0.015
the gear unit.
1. Level and secure the gear unit.
• Shim under the low machine to bring it to Figure 3
the proper height.
• Move one unit until all are in the same plane as the connecting shaft.
• Before tightening the foundation bolts, be sure that the base of the gear unit sets evenly
on all shims so that there will be no distortion after tightening the bolts.
• After tightening the bolts, check for distortion by placing a dial indicator on the gear
housing foot near the bolt to be checked. If the housing foot moves more than 0.002
inch (0.05 mm) when that bolt is loosened, then distortion is present and the housing
needs additional shims around that bolt.
2. Establish running position of driven and driving shafts, making sure journals are
centered axially and vertically (see Figures 2 and 3 above and Figure 4 below.)

page 8 NFVQ2019D

Figure 4
3. Check for free axial movement of the gear. Make sure there is at least 0.05 inch (1.25 mm)
free play. Do not force shaft movement to the point of damaging the bearing shell.
4. Connect gear and generator coupling flanges, keeping outer diameter runout within
0.001 T.I.R.
5. Align pinion and turbine, allowing for axial thermal growth (see Figures 2-4 above.)
Note: After the thermal growth of both the gear and the turbine, the axial position of
the gear and pinion should be located to operate with no axial force on the high speed

3.6.4 Alignment Checking

A hot alignment check should be made by running the gear train
CAUTION: until temperatures stabilize, shutting it down and taking
indicator readings while the package is hot (see GEAR
Proper radial and axial alignment is INSPECTION, “Hard Blue Method.”)
critical to satisfactory unit
If optical alignment equipment is available, the hot alignment
check should be made with the package bolted together and
running, using the optical alignment flats on the gear unit in conjunction with any optical
alignment flats provided on the driving and driven equipment.
After complete hot alignment is obtained, the gear unit should be redoweled to the foundation
or base while the unit is running and temperatures are stabilized.
After coupling alignment is established, place coupling guards in position and secure.


After completing the start-up procedure outlined in OPERATION, run the unit for two hours
under a light load, shut it down and remove the inspection cover to observe the areas on the
pinion where the blue has worn off.
If the contact is not satisfactory, the problem is possibly due
to gear housing distortion caused by drawing the housing
CAUTION: down to a base that is not square with the housing. Be sure the
gear housing rests evenly on any shims before tightening the
Proper tooth contact must be obtained foundation bolts.
before the unit is put into operation.

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 9

Operation 4
At the time of shipment, LUFKIN coats interior gear parts with a rust preventative oil. This
oil should be compatible with the operating oil, and it should not be necessary to flush the
unit prior to putting in lubricating oil.
In the gear drive, lubrication serves three basic functions:
1. To separate tooth surfaces and prevent metal-to-metal contact, thereby reducing friction
and wear.
2. To remove heat losses at the gear mesh.
3. To remove heat produced in the bearings.
It is very important to the successful and satisfactory operation of a gear unit that careful
attention be given to proper lubrication, and that the lubricant be kept clean. Every precaution
should be taken to prevent water and foreign particles from entering the gear case. If the oil
does become contaminated by water or foreign particles, it should be analyzed and changed,
if necessary, or cleaned and reconditioned.


The lubricating oil must be high grade, high quality, well
refined petroleum oil. Straight mineral type lubricant
CAUTION: should be used. Consult LUFKIN before using any
synthetic lubricants.
Do not change grades of oil without
approval by LUFKIN.
It is essential that the oil be clean and non-corrosive to
gears and bearings. It must be neutral in reaction, possess
good defoaming properties, and also have good resistance
to oxidation.
LUFKIN specifies light turbine oil on the Parts List and Installation Plan drawings, as well as
on the unit nameplate. Also see INTRODUCTION, “Lubrication”. It is useful to take a
baseline analysis of the oil being put into the unit for later comparison.


1. Check all instrumentation and lubrication connections.
2. Check the lubricating system for correct type and quantity of oil.
3. Check for correct shaft alignment. See INSTALLATION.
4. Check that all necessary piping and accessory wiring is complete.
5. Check for foundation bolt tightness. See INSTALLATION.
6. Check tooth contact. See GEAR INSPECTION.
7. Ensure plastic transport bushing is removed from torque and quill shaft.

page 10 NFVQ2019D
Start turbine and operate at idle speed until temperature is
Coupling guards and inspection covers stabilized. Bring up to operating speed and check for
must be secured BEFORE start-up. acceptable temperature and vibration.


Operation of the gear unit with no oil will START-UP
result in damage.
1. Watch the bearings for a sudden high temperature rise
which could indicate a bearing problem.
2. Run gear under full load and speed and check for unusual noise and vibration. Expected
maximum shaft vibration level for the NFVQ2019D is 2.0 mils (0.05 mm) peak-to-peak
displacement. The expected maximum housing velocity is 0.2 in/sec peak (5 mm/sec).
The preliminary settings for warning indicators offered below in “Alarm Switches”
exceed the expected operating levels.
3. Also check oil temperature and bearing temperature. See “Alarm Switches” below for
starting alarm settings. After temperature stabilization, the oil temperature into the gear
unit should generally not be hotter than 140°F (60°C).
4. After unit has run for two hours under load, shut it down, check coupling alignment,
check and tighten any bolts that may be loose, and check tooth contact.


The following settings are preliminary, and field conditions will dictate final alarm and
shutdown values. Actual values may be higher or lower than the following starting values:

Table 3. Preliminary Alarm Settings

Sensor Alarm Shutdown
Casing Acceleration 6 G’s peak **must be determined individually**
Casing Velocity 0.3 in/sec peak 0.5 in/sec peak
(7.6 mm/sec) (12.7 mm/sec)
Vibration Probes
Shaft Vibration
Shaft Speed, RPM
0<N<5000 2.5 mils (0.063 mm) 4.0 mils (0.102 mm)
Embedded RTD or thermocouple 225° F 240° F
in bearing shell load zone (107° C) (116° C)
Oil inlet 150°F (66°C) 160°F (71°C)
Unit sump or drain line 175°F (79°C) 190°F (88°C)

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 11

Maintenance 5
LUFKIN recommends following the detailed maintenance
schedule on the next few pages for most operating conditions.

The Scheduled Maintenance instructions in this manual are intended to provide a guide for
minimum operations required to insure years of trouble-free operation. Table 4 gives an
overview of scheduled maintenance.
If major repairs should be needed on this gear unit, it is best to return it to the factory. If time
is not available for factory repairs, LUFKIN has capable field servicemen available who can
go to the job site.
If the customer desires to repair the equipment, the parts list furnished with the gear unit and
the information in this manual should be studied carefully.
Good preventive maintenance habits will prolong the life of the gear unit and will help in
detecting trouble spots before they cause serious damage and long down time.

Table 4. Maintenance Schedule Overview

• check oil temperature • check operation of auxiliary
• check oil pressure • check operation of alarms
• check vibration • check tightness of foundation
• check noise • check for oil contamination
• check for oil leaks

• analyze oil sample • check bearing clearance
• check endplay

OIL CHANGE • check tooth contact pattern

• 2500 hours of operation OR • check coupling
• every six months • check alignment

page 12 NFVQ2019D
• Check the oil temperature and pressure against previously established norms.
• Check for unusual vibration and noise.
• Check for oil leaks.


• Check operation of auxiliary equipment and/or instrumentation and alarms.
• Check tightness of foundation bolts.
• Check oil for possible contamination. A sample should be obtained from the floor of the
gear case.


• The greatest advantage to oil analysis is that it can detect many failures before they are
catastrophic. The only way to do this is to take frequent samples and have them evaluated
immediately. Monitor the results. If a change is noted, respond accordingly.

Take an oil sample and submit for laboratory analysis. Compare the results to the initial
baseline analysis done when oil was first put into the unit. It is recommended that the oil
be changed in the following cases:

5.4.1 Oil Analysis Guidelines

• The total acid number increases by 2. For example: new oil might have a total acid
number of 0.4. When this number increases to 2.4 or above, the oil should be
changed. This acid number increase is associated with oxidation of the oil which
results in oil breakdown.
• The total solid content is more than 2%. This would indicate excessive dirt and/or
wear particles.
• A rapid change in viscosity is noted. Gear oil is "sheared" as it lubricates the
meshing gear teeth. This shearing eventually causes the oil to thin out and lose its
film thickness. A rapid decrease could mean oxidation. A decrease of 10% is
• The water content is more than 0.1%. Water in oil causes the oil to lose its film
strength and also will cause corrosion to gear elements and bearings.
• The silicon content is above 50 parts per million. This signifies the oil is dirty.
• The iron content is above 200 parts per million. This indicates contamination from
gear wear particles.
• A rapid increase is noted in any of the wear elements. As a guide, if rapid
increases of any of the following materials are detected, the probable origins of that
material are listed.
• Alloy Steel–Gear teeth, bearings
• Mild Steel–Oil pump, slinger, or baffle rubbing gear case
• Cast Iron–Oil pump
• Aluminum–Oil seal, seal guards or carriers
• Babbitt –Journal bearings

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 13

• Check bearing clearance and endplay.
• Check tooth contact pattern.
• Visually inspect couplings and check alignment.
• Inspect tags and labels showing replacement part numbers. Replace if necessary.
• Inspect warning signs and labels. Replace if necessary.


Under normal operating conditions, the lubricating oil should be changed every 2500 hours
of operation or every six months, whichever comes first.
The gear elements should be carefully visually inspected through the inspection cover
opening before adding new or reconditioned oil. If a filter
is used, it should be cleaned at each oil change. After
CAUTION: changing the oil filter element, refill the reservoir with
When working near rotating elements, be new oil. (See OPERATION, “Oil Type and Grade” and
certain that the driving and driven note the AGMA lubricant number on the nameplate.) Be
equipment are securely locked out. sure that the correct oil level has been reached before
starting again.
Complete oil changes for units with large capacity oil
systems are sometimes impractical. In this case, draining the oil system, cleaning the
reservoir and/or gear sump, and then recharging the system with the original oil that has been
cleaned and reconditioned may be sufficient. If this approach is taken, LUFKIN strongly
recommends routine oil analysis so that any breakdown of the oil being reused can be
detected before affecting gear operation.

page 14 NFVQ2019D
Disassembly 6
During disassembly, refer to the Installation Plan and
Parts List furnished for the gear unit.

NOTE: Any work done on equipment during the warranty period without the
written approval of an authorized LUFKIN representative could void the
6.1.1 Lock Out/Tag Out Procedure
1. Identify the energy sources used and all control devices.
DANGER: 2. Notify all affected personnel.
3. Turn OFF all operating controls.
When working near rotating elements, be
certain prime mover is turned off and 4. Lock out or tag out all switches and energy controls in
locked out/tagged out. “off” or “safe” positions.
5. Test all operating controls to make sure no power is
getting to equipment.
6. Perform required maintenance.

6.1.2 Visual Inspection

The following sequence is for complete disassembly. Visual inspection of the gearing
through the inspection cover may provide the information necessary to determine the cause of
a problem without complete disassembly.


For disassembly and reassembly, several commonly available tools may be required. No
special tools or fixtures are required for the housing and gears, and no tools for
assembly/disassembly are provided by LUFKIN. Following is a list of some tools that will be
• Crane or hoist, along with soft slings or chains
• 1/2" & 3/8” eyebolts
• Dial indicator
• Pry bar
• Crocus cloth or fine steel wool
• Wrenches, screwdrivers, torque-wrench
• 3/8” and 7/8” Allen wrenches
• Prussian blue or similar dye for tooth contact check
• LocTite™ No. 49-31 Plastic Gasket
• 0.03 – 0.05 ∅ wire

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 15

Parts such as gaskets should be replaced when disassembly is performed. Contact LUFKIN
Customer Service or a sales office for a list of recommended spare parts for the gear unit.
Refer to the Parts List for a complete list of unit part numbers and descriptions


Throughout the disassembly sequence, observe carefully what may have occurred inside
the unit and record the position and condition of any failed parts. Note any parts, bolts,
nuts, or holes that are numbered or match marked; they must be reassembled as matched for
correct assembly.
1. Disconnect the high speed coupling to the turbine
and the low speed coupling to the generator.
2. Disconnect any piping, conduit, or wiring that joins
During maintenance of the reduction the housing sections.
gear, cleanliness of parts during 3. Remove any bearing RTD service heads, vibration
installation is of utmost importance to
assure successful gear operation.
probe conduit and cables, or other auxiliary
instruments that could be damaged by removal of
the cover.
4. Remove the cap screws in the upper half of the seals, coupling guard adapters, and end
caps, cutting lockwiring where necessary. Also loosen the cap screws of these elements
in the middle and bottom sections.
5. Remove end caps, seals, and gaskets.
6. Remove all cap screws and nuts on the parting line. Leave studs in place to serve as
guides for cover removal.
7. Break the parting line seal by using jacking screws in the jacking screw holes located
on each end of the gear unit. Some sharp raps with a rawhide hammer at the corner
positions and prying with a large screwdriver may be needed to loosen the parting line
8. Attach a crane or hoist to the lifting lugs in the cover and carefully lift the cover about
1/4 inch (6 mm). Check that bearings remain seated
and no conduit or wiring that crosses the parting line
CAUTION: is still connected.
9. Carefully lift the cover straight up until it clears the
Do not bump pinion with the raised
gearing. The cover will need enough clearance (4
inches (100 mm) or more) above the gear and studs
for the cover to be removed.
10. Place the cover on wood blocks so that the machined split line will not be damaged.
Take care that internal lubrication lines are not damaged.


1. Mark the location of each bearing in the housing so that it can be reassembled correctly.
2. Attach the bearings to the pinion prior to removal of pinion as follows:
a. Note (and mark if the factory marking has worn off) the exact orientation of the
bearings and which faces are “out” so that they can be replaced correctly.
b. Insert 0.03 to 0.05 ∅ wire around oil feed groove of each bearing and twist ends
together. (This will keep bearing halves together during removal from gearbox.)

page 16 NFVQ2019D
Ensure that wire is twisted together tightly so that bearings will not shift when pinion
is removed.
c. Separate the bearings after pinion removal only if necessary to perform bearing
inspection. See BEARING INSPECTION for details on assessing bearing condition.
3. Remove the high speed pinion (with its bearings if attached) using a soft sling on each
side of the mesh. Place the pinion on a soft material such as wood or rubber or a padded
V rack, taking care not to damage the gear teeth or bearings. If bearing inspection is to
be performed, remove the wire and bearings prior to positioning pinion.


1. Remove the middle section of the cover in the same manner as the top cover was
2. Reinsert blue transport bushing (see INSTALLATION, “Transport Bushing”) so the
torque shaft will stay centered in the quill shaft.
3. Attach the bearings to the gear prior to removal of gear as follows:
a. Note (and mark if the factory marking has worn off) the exact orientation of the
bearings and which faces are “out” so that they can be replaced correctly.
c. Insert 0.03 to 0.05 ∅ wire around oil feed groove of each bearing and twist ends
together. (This will keep bearing halves together during removal from gearbox.)
Ensure that wire is twisted together tightly so that bearings will not shift when pinion
is removed.
c. Separate the bearings after pinion removal only if necessary to perform bearing
inspection. See BEARING INSPECTION for details on assessing bearing condition.
4. Remove the gear with attached bearings and coupling by attaching soft slings on either
side of the mesh and lifting carefully. Set the gear assembly on a soft material such as
wood or rubber or a padded V rack, taking care not to damage the gear teeth or
bearings. If bearing inspection is to be performed, remove the wire and bearings prior
to positioning gear.
5. See GEAR INSPECTION for an analysis of gear problems.


Generally the torque shaft may be left inside the quill shaft. However, if it must be removed,
use the procedure outlined in the Riverhawk section of this manual.
1. Place a sling on a crane or hoist around the extension end of the torque shaft and lift
carefully to support the torque shaft without lifting the gear.
2. Keeping the shaft level, carefully slide it out of the quill shaft about half way.
3. Move the sling support toward the center of the shaft and slide it 3/4 of the way out.
4. Supporting the shaft in two places at no more than 1/3 of the way from either end, slide
it all the way out of the quill shaft.
5. Carefully place on a on a soft material such as wood or rubber or a padded V rack.

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 17

Gear Inspection 7
7.1.1 Introduction
The purpose of this guide is to describe why you should check gear tooth contact, how the
actual check is made, and how to interpret the tooth contact check on power transmission
gearing with involute double helical teeth and parallel input and output shafts.

7.1.2 Why Check Tooth Contact

DANGER: Gear teeth must have an even load across the entire face
width to minimize stress on the teeth. The contact between
When working near rotating elements, gear teeth is line contact; therefore, the alignment between
be certain prime mover is turned off and the rotating elements (pinion and gear) is critical. Tooth
locked out/tagged out. alignment is controlled by the accuracy of the rotating
elements, the housing, and the bearing assembly.

7.1.3 When to Check Tooth Contact

Tooth contact should be checked on all new installations, after any disassembly of the gear
unit, and after any major housing-to-foundation change. It may also be checked as part of
routine annual maintenance or when a problem related to alignment is suspected. Contact
must be checked on the job foundation to be sure the unit will operate properly.

7.1.4 How to Check Tooth Contact

The contact can be checked two ways. Note: The second method, the “hard blue” method, is
the only contact check method that performs in an acceptable manner in vertical offset
gearboxes. The references to soft blue contact checks are retained in this publication only for
reference and possible use if dealing with other horizontal offset gearboxes.
• Soft blue: Apply soft machinist's bluing or transfer bluing to the teeth of one gear and roll
that gear by hand through mesh with its mating gear. (The terms “blue” or “bluing” are
used for convenience; the dye is available in other colors.) The transfer of the blue from
one gear to the other gear is read as the contact.
• Hard blue: Paint the gear teeth with hard or layout blue, run the gear unit, and observe
the pattern of 'wear-off' of the bluing.
Contact checking may usually be accomplished through the inspection cover port.
Occasionally, soft blue checking is done with the housing cover removed, such as during the
reassembly process.

7.1.5 Soft Blue Method

The soft blue method is usually done first. Since the unit is not running, this check does not
give true contact. It does give a good indication of what contact will be. If it indicates
inadequate contact, you may choose not to start the unit until contact is corrected. If the unit
has been disassembled, then a soft blue check before the housing cover is installed may save
a tear-down to correct contact. This is especially important if a new set of rotating elements
or bearings is installed.
page 18 NFVQ2019D
Soft blue is usually applied to three or four teeth on the pinion in two places 180° apart.
Clean the teeth thoroughly with solvent, and brush on the blue in a very thin and even layer.
With the gear set centered, hold a drag on the gear and roll the pinion through mesh with the
gear. Rotation direction is not important, but the contact must be checked on the loaded flank,
not the unloaded tooth flank. Observe the blue that transferred from the pinion to the gear.
This is the contact pattern.
Cellophane tape can be used to remove this blue pattern from the gear and save it for
maintenance records: after the check, firmly place a piece of tape on the gear tooth flank,
remove the tape, place it on a clean sheet of white paper, and label it with:
• the date
• name and number of the part the tape was lifted from
• the wing and apex
• which helix (left or right, noting whether wing or apex is leading)
The contact should be checked at three places around the gear (approximately 120˚ apart;)
however, the blue must be reapplied and smoothed on the pinion after each meshing.

7.1.6 Hard Blue Method

Thoroughly clean the area where hard blue is to be applied. The teeth must be absolutely free
of oil, or the blue will not adhere properly and large flakes will chip off, making the contact
check inaccurate.
Apply the blue to an area three or four teeth wide at four places on the gear and at two on the
pinion. Run the unit (usually at full speed.) Running conditions may vary from no load to full
load. The best way is to run the unit at very light load (up to 20%) for two hours or so, and
then shut it down and check the contact. With higher loads the unit should run a shorter time
before checking contact. The trick is to run the unit just long enough to wear the blue off the
areas of higher contact stress. High loads can mask poor contact and give a false reading.


The following is information to be used only for guidance in deciding if tooth contact is
adequate. Contact LUFKIN on how to correct poor contact. Assuming properly manufactured
parts, minor corrections can be made to the tooth contact by shimming the gear housing.
Exactly what contact should be acceptable has to be based on LUFKIN's recommendations
and experience.
Remember that tip or root relief modifications are designed to improve load distribution
when a unit is operating under load, but they can make the contact appear quite bad under no
load, as in a soft blue check. Generally, with a soft blue check you are looking for some blue
to transfer, usually in a line that covers at least 80% of the face width. Do not be alarmed by a
lack of blue covering the flank of the tooth; flank contact should normally not extend entirely
to the tip of the tooth. See Figure 5 for examples of tooth contact patterns. Keep in mind that
a soft blue contact will not produce such dark impressions–look for the same pattern in a
“sketchy” impression.
The hard blue check can be done from no load to full load, and the results will vary with the
load condition. If the unit is run at no load the test will usually appear similar to a soft blue
check. More blue will wear off the pinion than the gear due to the higher number of cycles
the pinion sees. As the load increases, blue will wear off more of the tooth flank. Look for
evidence of even load across as much of the gear tooth, both flank and face width, as

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 19

Figure 5


During the initial operating period of a set of gears, minor tooth imperfections will be
smoothed out, and the working surfaces will polish out under normal operating conditions;
however, the life of a gear set may be seriously shortened by the following problems:
• poor coupling alignment
• dirty lube oil
• insufficient lubrication
• poor tooth contact
• overloading the teeth.
In assessing gear wear, observe carefully and document the condition of the tooth surface
and the operating conditions. It is recommended that before a questionable gear set is
considered inoperative, periodic examinations be made with photographs or carbon
impressions to determine whether or not the observed condition is progressive.

7.3.1 Types of Gear Wear or Failure

Listed below are several common types of gear wear or failure, extracted from Appearance of
Gear Teeth–Terminology of Wear and Failure, ANSI/AGMA 1010-E95 (revision of
ANSI/AGMA 110.04), Dec. 1995 with the permission of the publisher, The American Gear
Manufacturers Association, 1550 King Street, Suite 201, Alexandria, Virginia 22314.
Additional information with photographs and illustrations may be found in this bulletin.

page 20 NFVQ2019D
Abrasion – Type of wear: Removal or displacement of material due to the presence of hard
particles suspended in the lubricant or embedded in the flanks of the mating teeth
(includes scoring).
Bending fatigue– Progressive failure through crack initiation, propagation, and fracture.
Contact fatigue– Cracks and the detachment of material fragments from the gear tooth
surface caused by contact stress (includes pitting, spalling and subcase fatigue.)
Corrosion– Type of wear: Chemical or electrochemical reaction between the surface of a
gear and its environment.
Cracks– Splits caused by bending fatigue, mechanical stress, thermal stress, material flaws, or
improper processing.
Erosion– Type of wear: Loss of material from surface because of relative motion of a high
velocity fluid.
Fracture– A fatigue failure caused by tooth overloading resulting in gear tooth or portion of
tooth breaking off (includes tooth shear.)
Plastic deformation– Deformation caused by stress exceeding the yield strength of the
material (including indentation, cold flow, hot flow, rolling, tooth hammer, rippling,
ridging, burring, root fillet yielding, or tip-to-root interference.)
Scuffing– Severe adhesion that causes transfer of metal from one tooth surface to another due
to welding and tearing.
Wear– Change to a gear tooth surface involving the removal or displacement of material,
caused by mechanical, chemical, or electrical action (includes adhesion, abrasion,
polishing, corrosion, fretting corrosion, scaling, cavitation, erosion, electrical
discharge, and rippling.)

7.3.2 Definition of Gear Failure

It should be understood that the above mentioned types of wear do not necessarily constitute
complete failure, for failure is a matter of degree or rate of progression.

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 21

Bearing Inspection 8
LUFKIN's standard
journal bearings for
units are split, steel-
Pressure dam bearings must be backed, babbitt-
positioned correctly to prevent lined, pressure dam
damage to equipment. journal bearings,
shown in Figure 6.
The pressure dam bearing is designed for a particular
direction of rotation; therefore, care should be taken
at assembly to assure correct rotation.
The grooves are positioned on the unloaded side of
the bearing journal as shown in the section on
Figure 6
When the unit is disassembled, the bearings and journal
CAUTION: should be carefully inspected for uneven wear or damage.
If required, manually polish journals using belt type
All bearing journal polishing must be crocus cloth to remove any high spots.
in a circumferential direction to
prevent axial scratches. Bearing surfaces should be thoroughly inspected for:
• correct clearance
• high spots
• flaking of babbitt
• scoring
• wiping
8.2.1 Bearing Clearance
The journal bearings used in LUFKIN gears must have clearance between the journal and the
bearing. The amount of clearance necessary depends on the oil viscosity, the journal speed
and the bearing loading. Each of these parameters is considered in calculating clearance that
will provide hydrodynamic lubrication, as well as sufficient oil flow for cooling.
Design clearance on the high speed pinion is 0.017–0.019 inch (0.43 mm–0.48 mm) and on
the low speed gear is 0.015–0.017 inch (0.38 mm – 0.43 mm).
Measurement of bearing clearances may be accomplished while the gear is stopped by lifting
the shaft and measuring the distance traveled with a dial indicator or by using feeler gauges,
carefully sliding a feeler gauge between the top of the bearing bore and the shaft.

page 22 NFVQ2019D
Some wear should be expected, especially on a gear that is stopped and started frequently.
The bearing may be considered operational as long as the measured clearance does not
exceed the design clearance by more than 0.002" (0.050 mm).
NOTE: If shaft vibration is excessive, this clearance increase may not be
acceptable–contact LUFKIN.

8.2.2 Bearing Contact and Correction

High speed and low speed bearings should be checked as they are seated for correct bearing
contact using Prussian blue dye. This may be done by rolling out one shell at a time for
inspection of transfer of blue dye between shaft and journal.
To check the bearing contact, install the loaded half of the bearing in the housing with the
journal clean and dry. (For the pinion bearing, the loaded half is the “top” half–put it in the
upper bore of the middle section of the housing just for the contact check.) Check the outside
diameter of the bearing with a 0.0015" (0.035 mm) feeler gauge to be sure the lower half is
seated in the housing. In the axial direction, apply a very light line of Prussian blue to the
journal and rotate 360˚. The journal should show blue transfer for a minimum of 80% of the
bearing length.
After bearing contact is satisfactory, it may be possible to improve gear tooth contact by
adjusting the shims under the unit (see INSTALLATION, “Alignment” and GEAR
INSPECTION, “What Good Tooth Contact Is”.) Sometimes gear tooth contact may be
corrected by scraping and polishing one of the bearings loaded section to spread the contact
along the face width. If this is necessary, contact LUFKIN.
After correcting bearing and tooth contact and before putting the cover on the gear unit, the
bearings should be liberally lubricated with clean oil to provide for initial start-up lubrication.

8.2.3 Bearing High Spots

Location of any high spots in the bearing are indicated by
CAUTION: bright spots which should be lightly scraped and polished with
fine steel wool or crocus cloth until they blend in with the rest
Do not use sandpaper to polish bearings; of the bearing.
damage to equipment may result.
8.2.4 Flaking of Babbitt
Flaking of babbitt in the load area of the bearing is caused by vibration or shock loading of
the bearing material, causing the babbitt to fatigue and break loose from the steel shell. The
flakes cause scoring as they pass through the bearing and contaminate the lubricating oil. In
the advanced stages of flaking, the load carrying area of the bearing is destroyed and the
bearing must be replaced. However, if flaking is caught in the early stages, the bearing may
be repaired by scraping and polishing. The cause of vibration or hammering should be
corrected before the unit is put back in service.

8.2.5 Scoring
Scoring, scratching, or marring of the bearing babbitt and/or the journal riding in the bearing
is caused by dirt or metal particles in the oil which passes through the bearing. A little scoring
is not serious, and the bearing may be polished with fine steel wool to remove any rough
edges caused by scoring. Any foreign particles embedded in the babbitt which could score the
journal should be carefully picked out, and that area should then be polished smooth. Scoring
becomes serious when it significantly reduces the bearing area. In this case, the bearing
should be replaced and the gear unit drained and flushed out with a solvent.

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 23

8.2.6 Wiping
The melting and wiping away of a spot or area of the babbitt is caused by bearing
temperatures rising above the pour point of the babbitt. Abnormal bearing temperatures may
be caused by:
• insufficient bearing clearances
• insufficient oil pressure
• excessively high oil temperature in the bearing
• a high spot in the bearing
• extreme bearing loading caused by poor bearing contact
• gear mesh failure
If wiping is localized in a small spot, the bearing may be repaired by scraping and polishing
the spot until it blends in with the remainder of the bearing; otherwise, the bearing must be
replaced. Before replacing a wiped bearing, determine and correct the cause of the wipe.


Refer to the Parts List drawing and contact LUFKIN if it is determined that bearings need to
be replaced. If new bearings are used, the following precautions should be taken:
1. Remove all nicks and burrs from the housing and bearing shell.
2. Be sure that journals are free of nicks and high spots. These can be removed using a
fine hone and polishing with crocus cloth.
3. Obtain the proper bearing contact as described under "Bearing Contact and Correction".
4. After bearings are fitted and lower halves are installed in housing, check the radial
clearance using feeler gauge or plastic gauge material. Check endplay in both horizontal
directions by barring the shaft axially.

page 24 NFVQ2019D
Reassembly 9
NOTE: Any work done on equipment during the warranty period without the written
approval of an authorized LUFKIN representative could void the warranty.
NOTE: This procedure assumes that the gear housing is not moved from its foundation/
support and that the original shaft alignment was correct.
1. Clean all the interior surfaces of the housing, the housing cover, and all components
that will be reused. Parting line surfaces must be clean and smooth; use a spray-on paint
and gasket remover fluid and/or carefully scrape the surfaces if necessary. Corroded
spots can be cleaned by using a fine emery cloth, rubbing shafts in a rotary or
circumferential direction. Do not rub shafts in a length-wise direction as it may cause
seal leaks.
2. Check the bearing shells, the parting line, and the housing bores for any burrs or nicks;
remove with a fine file.
3. Put a coat of light oil on all parts to help assembly and to prevent rust during
For the discussion that follows, it is assumed that the entire unit must be reassembled. If the
torque shaft, bearings, or turning gear are already assembled, omit those portions of the
reassembly instructions.
NOTE: Tighten connectors uniformly: when tightening bolts, studs, or screws on
an assembled portion with three or more holes, always partially tighten
connectors equally in a “cross” pattern to avoid torquing, binding, or warping the
section (for example: 1. top left corner, 2. bottom right corner, 3. top right corner,
4. bottom left corner. Repeat to fully tighten.)


9.2.1 Gear Assembly
Carefully insert the torque shaft into the quill shaft, reversing the steps used in disassembly
(see DISASSEMBLY, “Torque Shaft.”) Clean the gear teeth thoroughly and apply a coat of
hard blue to several sections extending across the entire face and including several teeth. It is
not necessary to pressurize the Safeset clutch at this time.

9.2.2 Bottom Section

1. Before installing bearings, note that they are match
CAUTION: marked and are not interchangeable.
• Install the lower half of the journal bearings (the half
Correct assembly of pressure dam
with the slot for the roll pin) in the housing in the
bearings is required to prevent damage
to equipment. position for which they were marked at disassembly,
keeping parting lines on bearing and housing even.
• Check with a 0.0015" (0.035 mm) feeler gauge to see
that lower halves are seated.

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 25

• See Figure 7 to seat pressure dam in correct
CAUTION: direction of rotation.
• Rethread bottom RTD wires from bearing through
Do not bump gear assembly into housing.
2. Lift the low speed gear and carefully place the
assembly in its correct location in the gear housing
and bearings. Check that RTD wires are not
3. Set the top of the bearings in place and secure bolts that hold bearing halves together.
4. Rotate the bearings into position so that the
roll pin slides into the matching slot on the
bottom half (refer to Figure 7 for angle of
5. Check bearing contact as described in 40°
Do not block oil passages with sealer. 6. Install
bolts on
blind end of low speed gear (for splined
7. Coat the split line with a small bead of
sealer, such as LocTite™ No. 49-31 Plastic
Gasket. Circle all studs to assure sealing of
oil; avoid feeder groove areas.
Figure 7
8. Clean and install the cylindrical dowels into the
housing lower section. (Note: These pins need to be
removed and installed horizontally)

9.2.3 Middle Section

1. Lower the middle section of the housing over the bottom section, lining up the studs
and holes.
2. Seat the middle section of the housing onto the bottom section and draw the cover down
uniformly by tightening studs to the torques shown (see Table 5.)
3. If it was removed, reinstall the torque blocker and torque shaft. See the Riverhawk
section of this manual for instructions on installation and settings.
4. Install the lower half of the high speed bearings as in
“Bottom Section.”
CAUTION: 5. Make sure the pinion is level and carefully line it up
Do not bump gear assembly with the
in mesh with the gear.
housing as it lowers. 6. Carefully set the pinion into its bearings and in mesh
with the gear.
CAUTION: 7. Check bearing contact as in BEARING
INSPECTION, “Bearing Contact and Correction.”
Do not place hands below suspended 8. Replace bearing tops.
housing without blocks for protection.
Note: Because the TOP half of the bearing is the loaded
half, first do steps 4-8 with the top half of the bearing
page 26 NFVQ2019D
flipped end for end and then positioned in the housing. When contact is satisfactory,
disassemble and reassemble with the bottom half in place.

CAUTION: 9. Coat the split line with a small bead of sealer, such as
LocTite™ No. 49-31 Plastic Gasket. Circle all studs to
assure sealing of oil; avoid feeder groove areas.
Do not bump gear assembly with the
housing as it lowers. 10. Clean and install the cylindrical dowel pins.

9.2.4 Top Section

1. Lower the cover over the studs carefully to prevent
CAUTION: damage to gearing. Leave suspended high enough to
reach RTD holes.
Do not force the coupling onto the gear
shaft as internal damage to the gear or 2. Thread the RTD wires from the top bearings through the
the coupling may occur. top housing (for safety place wooden blocks between the
middle section and the top while threading wires.)
3. Torque all cap screws and studs.

Table 5. Recommended Tightening Torques

(for Grade 5 Bolts & Studs)
Tightening Torque Tightening Torque
Nominal Size for BOLTS for STUDS
inches mm Ft. Lbs. N·m Ft. Lbs. N·m
1/2 12.7 75 102 87 117
5/8 15.9 150 203 173 234
3/4 19.0 266 360 307 416
1 25.4 644 873 742 1006
1-1/4 28.8 1120 1519 1484 2012
1-1/2 38.1 1949 2643 2582 3501
1 -3/4 44.5 2286 3100 4073 5522

5. Measure to ensure low speed shaft has specified axial movement. (Use a pry bar to
move gear from side to side if necessary). Also check that the high speed pinion can
float axially.
6. Install the coupling cover.
7. Install turning drive if provided (maintain axial position).
8. Mount the shaft seals, end plates, and other auxiliary equipment which may have been
disconnected during disassembly.

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 27

9. Reconnect the junction box plate and wiring as
necessary (see the Wiring Diagram.)
10. Reconnect any instrumentation and lubrication lines
Keep wires off moving parts to prevent
necessary (see the Wiring Diagram, Installation
wear-through and sensor failure. Plan, and “Resistance Temperature Detectors”
11. Couple unit to generator and turbine (see INSTALLATION.)
12. Install inspection covers with gaskets and sealer.
13. Align the unit per ALIGNMENT section.
14. Spin the unit slowly with no load, if possible, to verify correct reassembly. Be sure the
unit rotates freely and quietly.
15. Follow the START-UP procedures.
16. After approximately two hours loaded operation, stop the unit and perform a hard blue
contact check.


If visual evidence indicates that any resistance temperature
CAUTION: detector (RTD) braid covered wires are rubbing against moving
Any screws located inside the parts, add extra retaining clips where necessary to keep wires
gear unit must be lockwired to off moving parts. The screws that attach the clips should be
prevent loosening. lockwired to prevent them from vibrating loose and falling into
1. Thoroughly clean all parts prior to installation.
2. Firmly insert RTD sensor end into the bore (for spring-loaded RTDs allow 1/4 inch free
play–do not press hard enough against the spring to fully compress it.)
2. Run lead wires through the sealing fitting grommet with metal washers on each side.
3. Compress grommet to seal around lead wires by tightening fitting – do not permit lead
wires to twist.
5. After unit covers are replaced, attach service entrance head with conduit connections.

page 28 NFVQ2019D
Troubleshooting 10
This section provides troubleshooting tips for high speed gears. For detailed information,
refer to the text following. Table 6 at the end of this section provides an overview. If the
problem cannot be remedied through use of this information, contact LUFKIN.


• Oil level too high. If the oil level in a gear box is so high that the gear runs in the oil, then
the resulting churning action will heat the oil. Check the sight gauge while the unit is
running. A full gauge may indicate inadequate drainage.
• Coated housing. If the gear housing should get coated with a foreign material that will
not permit natural heat removal by convection, high temperature may result. To prevent
this, the unit should be cleaned periodically.
• Hot weather. Obviously, a high ambient temperature will cause abnormally high oil
temperature. To prevent this, provide adequate ventilation around the gear.
• Low oil pressure. If the oil flow to the bearings and gear mesh is below normal (indicated
by below normal oil pressure,) the heat created by friction at the mesh and bearings will
cause abnormally high temperatures. To correct this situation, check the lubrication
system for proper operation (see OPERATION, “Lubrication.”)


• Use of a lubricant which has a viscosity less than that for which the lube system was
designed. There are several orifices in the lube system which are sized for lubricants with
a particular viscosity. A lubricant with less than this normal viscosity will pass through the
orifices without building up pressure. This situation can be prevented by using the
lubricant designated on the name plate of the gear unit. Abnormally low viscosity may
also result from high lubricant temperatures. (See above, “Abnormally High
• Clogged oil filter. Replacing the filter will allow more oil to flow through it, thus
bringing the oil pressure back to normal.
• Pump cavitation. Should the oil level in the reservoir get so low that the pump suction
line sucks both air and oil, then the oil pressure will drop. This problem may be cured by
maintaining proper oil level in the reservoir.
• Air leak in the suction line to the pump. This situation is similar to pump cavitation in
that air gets in the oil and results in low oil pressure. To remedy this problem, check and
tighten all pipe fittings in the suction line.
• Incorrect relief valve setting. Adjusting the relief valve setting properly will avoid
venting the pump discharge line back to the sump.


• Worn parts. One common cause of unusual noise is worn parts. If a part wears enough to
cause slack in the system, the slack may be heard as a rattle or noise of some sort. A
mechanic's stethoscope may be used to pinpoint the worn part which should be replaced.

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 29

• Misalignment. A coupling that is out of alignment may also cause noisy operation. The
misaligned coupling causes misalignment in the gear train which then produces noise or
vibrations. The coupling should be immediately realigned before damaging wear occurs.
• Transmitted sound. Occasionally other machinery or equipment may be transmitting
excessive noise. Enclose one or the other or use a sound blanket.


• Soft foundation. A foundation that is not sufficiently rigid may cause vibration problems.
To correct this, reinforce the foundation.
• Critical speeds. At certain speeds a rotating shaft will become dynamically unstable and
the resulting vibrations and deflections that occur may cause damage to the gear unit. The
speeds at which the shaft becomes unstable are called critical speeds. They are a function
of the shaft geometry and the type and spacing of the supporting bearings. Contact
LUFKIN if such dynamic instability is suspected. See OPERATION, “Customer Check
After Start-up” for vibration limits.


Various sensing devices for temperature and vibration are installed to provide warnings that
can prevent catastrophic failure. If no readings are being received, before disassembling the
unit check for the following:
• No power. Check that the power supply to the devices is on.
• Failed equipment. Check that the monitoring or recording equipment is functioning.
• Worn wires. If the sensor has failed, partial disassembly may be effected to replace the
sensor. Visual inspection of lead wire overbraids are necessary to ensure that moving parts
are not rubbing through the lead wires and causing shorting out. Replace any worn wires
or wire-and-sensor assemblies. See REASSEMBLY, “Resistance Temperature Detectors.”

page 30 NFVQ2019D
Table 6. Troubleshooting Tips
Problem Possible Cause Remedy
Abnormally • Housing coated with foreign • Clean outside of housing
High material, preventing heat
Temperature dissipation
• High ambient temperature • Provide adequate ventilation
• Lack of oil to bearings and/or • Check lubrication system
mesh (indicated by low oil
Low Oil • Use of lubricant with lower • Use correct viscosity lubricant
Pressure viscosity than required
• Low lubricant viscosity from • See "Abnormally High
high lubricant temperatures Temperature" below
• Clogged oil filter • Replace filter element
• Pump cavitation • Maintain proper oil level in
• Air leak in suction line • Check and tighten all pipe
• Incorrect relief valve setting • Set relief valve correctly
Excessive • Insufficient foundation rigidity • Reinforce foundation
Vibrations • Dynamic instability (critical • Design to attenuate critical
speed) speeds in operating range
• Unbalanced parts • Determine which parts require
balancing and which have
been balanced
• Loose foundation bolting • Tighten bolting
Unusual Noise • Worn parts • Pinpoint noise with mechanic's
stethoscope, replace part
• Coupling misalignment • Realign couplings
Excessive • Worn gearing • Replace worn parts
Noise • Transmission from other • Add sound blanket or
equipment enclosure
No Sensor • No power • Check power supply & repair
Readings or restore
• Faulty gauge or recording • Test gauge or recording
device equipment
• Failed sensor • Replace sensor
• Lead wire braid rubbed • Replace sensor
through; wire contacting metal

Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 31

Nameplate Data 11

NO. NFVQ2019D RATIO 1.204:1


NO. 119654 INPUT 3612


NO. 106/203768 OUTPUT 3000
NO. RATED 60,000 HP
44,742 KW


K FACTOR 553.9 FACTOR 1.51

II 3 G c T3
API 613, 5th
TEETH 59 / 49


USE (136-165 SSU at 100 °F)
Light Turbine
USE (28.8-35.2 cST at 40 °C)


page 32 NFVQ2019D
Installation, Operation, and Maintenance page 33
Document No. IM-184

TB-2854 Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Created: 02/01/2005 - RJD

Rev: B, 6/26/2006 - RJD

1.0 General
Obtain the latest revision of this document and the drawing for the unit before performing work on the
Torque Blocker. Read and understand all cautions and warnings before attempting service or operation of
the Torque Blocker Units.

This document is maintained under document control at Riverhawk Company.

The Torque Blocker is a device that releases torque and allows the driver to coast down when the drive
train experiences a torque overload and trips. A thorough description of the operation of the Torque
Blocker can be found on the Web at

The instructions in this document refer specifically to tools listed within. Proper use of equivalent or other
tooling is the responsibility of the user.

1.1 Warnings and Cautions

Be sure to read and understand all instructions before proceeding to service or operate this unit. Contact
Riverhawk for assistance or spares at the address/phone numbers above.

Warning: Crush hazard due to potential loss of control while lifting. When the Torque Blocker is in the
released condition, the ends can rotate relative to each other which may lead to instability during lifting
and supporting. Use choker lift straps as indicated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Lifting

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Document No. IM-184

TB-2854 Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Created: 02/01/2005 - RJD

Rev: B, 6/26/2006 - RJD

Caution: Equipment must be immediately shut down after release. The Torque Blocker is designed to
allow for coast down only. Continued operation can cause the unit to overheat and can lead to seizure of
the unit.

Caution: Possible equipment damage. Do not adjust torque setting screws without express
instructions from the responsible engineer.

Caution: Use only the proper torque setting screws. Do not replace them with other screws. Replacing
the torque setting screws with improper screws can result in equipment damage and seizure of unit.

Warning: Burst Hazard, Do Not exceed 15,000 psi on the fittings that were provided for actuation of the
Torque Blocker.

Warning: Burst Hazard, Connect using only pressure rated fittings and components that are rated for
15,000 psi or above.

Warning: Burst hazard, Do Not over pressurize the unit. Personal injury and or equipment damage
may result from excessive pressure. 15,000 psi maximum.

Warning: Burst Hazard. The design of this unit includes a hydraulically fitted hub. Use only
equipment, fittings, and hoses capable of 20,000 psi or more for installation onto the shaft..

Caution: Lubrication for the Torque blocker is from an oil spray directed as shown on the
assembly drawing. Do not use extreme pressure lubricant for internal lubrication. Improper oil will cause
the unit to release prematurely.

1.2 Support Documentation

Documentation that supports this manual is as follows:
Origin Description Number
Riverhawk Assembly Drawing TB-2854
Riverhawk Pump Kit MP-3197 (or equivalent)
Riverhawk Installation/Reset Tool Kit GT-3213
Riverhawk Reset pump MP-3215
Lufkin *
GE *

*Refer to equipment manufacturer for documentation. Contact Riverhawk in the event of conflicting instructions.

2 of 13
Document No. IM-184

TB-2854 Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Created: 02/01/2005 - RJD

Rev: B, 6/26/2006 - RJD

1.3 Technical Support

Technical support can be found by contacting Riverhawk Company at 215 Clinton Road, New Hartford,
NY 13413, PH (315) 768-4855, fax (315) 768-4941, e-mail [email protected]

1.4 Receipt of New Unit

In the case where the Torque Blocker is shipped separately, the unit will be shipped to the customer in the
released condition. The unit will be calibrated per drawing requirements. The release torque adjustment
screws will be adjusted to provide a release torque per the contractual agreement. Do not turn or adjust
the torque setting screws (T-40) without the express instruction from the responsible engineer, The screws
should not be turned or removed.

When the Torque Blocker is shipped installed on the gearbox, it should be shipped in the locked condition.

1.5 Tool Requirements

The following tools will be required for installation and resetting of the Torque Blocker.

1.5.1 Tools for Installation/Removal

Set of inch combination wrenches
Dial indicator and stand
Riverhawk Installation/Reset Tool Kit GT-3213

1.5.2 Tools for Resetting Unit

Riverhawk Pump Kit MP-3215 or equivalent.
Set of inch combination wrenches.
Medium sized flat head screwdriver.
T-40 Torx Head Wrench or Socket (If removing Torque Screws)
Depth Micrometers (If removing Torque Screws)
Riverhawk Reset Spares Kit GT-3213 (recommended)

3 of 13
Document No. IM-184

TB-2854 Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Created: 02/01/2005 - RJD

Rev: B, 6/26/2006 - RJD

2.0 Installation / Removal

This section describes the installation and removal of the Torque Blocker from the tapered shaft end.

Caution: The torque blocker must be in the released condition when installing onto the quill shaft.
Verify by making sure the ends of the Torque Blocker will rotate relative to one another prior to installation.

Caution: Always follow your company’s procedure for lock out of the drive and driven end of the
equipment before installing, resetting or servicing the Torque Blocker.

2.1 Installation
The following steps summarize the process of installing the Torque Blocker onto the customers quill shaft.

1. Install the transport bushing (supplied by Lufkin with the gear unit) between the quill and torque
shafts of the gear unit to ensure proper alignment while installing the torque blocker
2. Clean the hub bore and shaft end surfaces thoroughly with mineral spirits. Both must be clean and
free from burrs, nicks, and scratches. Apply light hydraulic oil to the tapered end of the quill shaft
and to the bore of the hub.
3. Slide the Torque Blocker on to the shaft until stop. Slide slowly so as not to get the hub stuck.
Double check that unit is at actual stop position. This becomes the zero position for starting axial
pull up.

Figure 2.1.3 – Installation of Unit onto shaft

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Document No. IM-184

TB-2854 Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Created: 02/01/2005 - RJD

Rev: B, 6/26/2006 - RJD

4. Select a set of faces to measure axially from the Torque Blocker to the shaft end. Measure and
record this distance, D1, for future reference.

Figure 2.1.4 – Initial measurement of D1

5. Thread the pusher tool HP-2930 (or equivalent) on to the shaft until stop as shown in Figure 2.
6. Mount a dial indicator to measure axial pull up between the end of the pusher and a convenient
face on the Torque Blocker as shown in Figure 2.1.6




TO 20 Ksi PUMP

TO 10 Ksi PUMP



7. Connect 20,000 psi pressure source to the dilation port in the shaft end and a 10,000 psi minimum
pressure source to the pusher.
8. Apply 1,500 psi to the pusher. 5,000 psi max

5 of 13
Document No. IM-184

TB-2854 Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Created: 02/01/2005 - RJD

Rev: B, 6/26/2006 - RJD

9. Observe indicator dial movement.

10. Apply 5,000 psi to the dilation port. 20,000 psi max
11. Observe indicator dial movement.
12. Continue increasing pressure to the dilation port and pusher in 1,000 to 2,000 psi increments
alternating between the two until the axial pull up measures .390/.400”. Important – this
measurement is critical as it will affect the release torque calibration of the unit.
13. Release dilation pressure slowly and disconnect the hose from the hub.
14. Observe the dial indicator while slowly when releasing pressure in the pusher.
a. If the unit slides back then stop and repeat steps 7 through 13 but wait 15 min before step
15. Disconnect hose and fittings and remove pusher assembly from the shaft. Re-measure the
distance from the Torque Blocker and shaft end exactly as done in step 3. Important - Compare
this measurement to D1 to verify the actual pull-up. If actual pull up is less than .390/.400”, repeat
the procedure above. This measurement is critical as it will affect the release torque calibration of
the unit.
16. Install retention nut (16)
17. Check: At this point, the Flange on the Torque Blocker sleeve should be free to rotate relative to
the shaft.
18. Install (16) ¾” bolts and nuts into the flange/gear interface

2.2 Removal
The following steps summarize the process of removing the Torque Blocker from the customers quill shaft.

1. Install the transport bushing (supplied by Lufkin with the gear unit) between the quill and torque
shafts of the gear unit to ensure proper alignment while installing the torque blocker
2. Remove (16) ¾” bolts and nuts into the flange/gear interface
3. Remove the shaft retention nut (16)
4. Thread the pusher tool HP-2930 (or equivalent) on to the shaft until stop as shown in Figure 2.
5. Connect 20,000 psi pressure source to the dilation port in the shaft end and a 10,000 psi minimum
pressure source to the pusher.
6. Close the valve for the pressure source to the pusher but do not apply pressure.
7. Increase dilation pressure until the Torque Blocker begins to release from the shaft (20,000 psi
max). If pressure has built up in the pusher, release it.
8. Continue increasing pressure to the dilation port and resetting the pressure to the pusher to zero
alternating between the two until the Torque Blocker is free from the shaft.
9. Remove the hydraulic hoses and the pusher from the Torque Blocker. Caution – Drop Hazard.
When the pusher is removed the unit may tend to slide off the shaft. Be sure to restrain the unit or
hold it with a crane before removing the pusher tool.

6 of 13
Document No. IM-184

TB-2854 Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Created: 02/01/2005 - RJD

Rev: B, 6/26/2006 - RJD

3.0 Operation
The Torque Blocker is operated only in the locked condition. The Torque Blocker must be lubricated
during operation by an oil spray as indicated on the assembly drawing.

3.1 Release of Torque

In the event of a torque spike, the Torque Blocker will suddenly release, allowing the drive and load
equipment to rotate separately.

Caution: Shut down the equipment immediately after release. The Torque Blocker is designed to allow
for coast down only. Continued operation can cause the unit to overheat and can lead to seizure of the

4.0 Resetting of Torque Blocker

Below is an abbreviated list of steps required to reset a released unit. Be sure to read and understand the
full procedure before starting the reset procedure.

Caution: Always follow your company’s procedure for lock out of the drive and driven end of the
equipment before installing, resetting or servicing the Torque Blocker.

1. Install the transport bushing (supplied by Lufkin with the gear unit) between the quill and torque
shafts of the gear unit to ensure proper alignment while resetting the torque blocker
2. Evaluate the cause of the upset
3. Inspect and replace the torque setting screws if necessary, section 4.2
4. Rotate the halves so that the match marks line up.
5. Remove oil dam ring, section 4.3
6. Connect hydraulic hose and plug, section 4.4.1
7. Pressurize the unit to 8,000 to 10,000 psi., section 4.4.2
8. Rotate fuse reset ring to align fuse pins to torque setting screws, section 4.5
9. Release hydraulic pressure, section 4.6
10. Remove hydraulic connectors, section 4.7
11. Replace oil dam ring, section 4.8
12. Remove the transport bushing. Work with Torque Blocker is complete.

7 of 13
Document No. IM-184

TB-2854 Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Created: 02/01/2005 - RJD

Rev: B, 6/26/2006 - RJD

4.1 Evaluate the Cause of the Upset

Evaluation of the cause and trends of upsets is prudent. Evaluation involves intricate knowledge of the
associated equipment that cannot be covered in this manual. For future reference the date and time of
the upset should be recorded along with any pertinent details.

4.2 Inspecting and Replacing Torque Setting Screws

4.2.1 Identification of Torque Setting Screws

The torque setting screws are the (16) T-40 Torx drive screws that are distributed around the OD of the
Torque Blocker. The release torque of the unit is set by adjusting the torque screws so it is important they
only be removed for inspection and carefully replaced by screwing them in to the specified depth. Only
persons very familiar with the operation of the Torque Blocker should adjust the depth of the torque

Caution: Use only the proper torque setting screws. Do Not replace them with other screws. Replacing
the torque setting screws with improper screws can result in equipment damage and seizure of unit.

4.2.2 Inspection of Torque Setting Screws

The torque setting screws should be inspected after ten (10) releases for damage. To do so, (Only with
the unit is in the released condition) remove the screws. Inspect the tips for damage. You should
expect to see evidence of rolling of the edges of the tips. Replace the screws if there is evidence of any of
the following:
• Tearing of the steel
• Welding of debris on the tip. Some blue is acceptable.
• Length variation in excess of 1/64 “ (0.016).
• Excessive thread damage.

Upon replacement the torque screws must be set to the proper depth in order for the unit to release at the
desired torque. The proper depth is listed on the calibration chart that is supplied with the unit. Note that
each unit is serialized and may have a slightly different set depth. Be sure to refer to the calibration chart
that matches the serial number of the unit in question.

Caution: Torque Screws must be set to the proper depth. Setting the torque setting screws to the
wrong depth can result in equipment damage and seizure of unit.

8 of 13
Document No. IM-184

TB-2854 Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Created: 02/01/2005 - RJD

Rev: B, 6/26/2006 - RJD

4.2.3 Adjusting Release Torque

Release torque is determined by the depth of the torque setting screws as shown in Figure 3. The Torque
setting screws are located around the OD of the Torque Blocker. Refer to the calibration chart for
correlation between release torque and depth.

The release torque requirement must be determined by a person that is responsible for and
knowledgeable about the safe and proper operation of the process equipment. In general it must be
understood that setting the release torque either too low or too high can have negative consequences. An
excessively low release torque can cause the Torque Blocker to release under normal operating condition,
resulting in an unneeded stop of the process. An excessively high release torque can result in the process
equipment to be overloaded during upset conditions.



9 of 13
Document No. IM-184

TB-2854 Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Created: 02/01/2005 - RJD

Rev: B, 6/26/2006 - RJD

4.3 Removal of Oil Dam Ring

The oil dam ring must be removed in order to access the fuse pins. Also, the ring must be removed before
the unit is pressurized.
• Clean debris from around the outside of the unit.
• Use a screwdriver to pry the ring out of its slot.

4.4 Hydraulics

To actuate the Torque Blocker Riverhawk pump Kit MP-3215 or the equivalent is required. The kit
includes a hydraulic pump capable of 20,000 psi, a suitable hose, and fittings to adapt to the ¼” High
Pressure Port on the Torque Blocker. The pump must have the capability to hold a steady pressure. A
plug is also required for one of the hydraulic ports while pressurizing the unit.

Warning: Burst Hazard, Do Not exceed 15,000 psi.

Warning: Burst Hazard, Connect using only pressure rated fittings and components that are rated for
15,000 psi or above.

4.4.1 Connecting Hydraulics

• Attach Hydraulic hose to one of the two ¼” High Pressure ports located on the OD of the clamp
after the oil dam is removed.
• Thread a plug into the opposite port.
• Verify that the match marks are aligned.

10 of 13
Document No. IM-184

TB-2854 Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Created: 02/01/2005 - RJD

Rev: B, 6/26/2006 - RJD

4.4.2 Pressurizing Torque Blocker

Warning: Burst hazard, Do Not over pressurize the unit. Personal injury and or equipment damage
may result from excessive pressure. 15,000 psi maximum.

The unit requires between 8,000 and 10,000 psi oil for activation.
• In order to properly set the torque blocker be sure to install the transport bushing (supplied by
Lufkin with the gear unit) between the quill and torque shafts of the gear unit to ensure proper
alignment while resetting the torque blocker
• Be sure the match marks on the Torque Blocker are aligned.
• Activate the pump according to the manufacturer’s directions.
• Pump to 8,000 to 10,000 psi.
• Hold pressure at this point and set the pins (see next section).

4.5 Setting Fuse Pins

There are (16) fuse pins. One fuse pin for each torque setting screw. The fuse pins are held in place by a
retaining ring. Rotate the retaining ring until the lever pins that protrude from the retainer ring are directly
under the torque setting screws. To aid in proper alignment, there are lines scribed on the feedback ring.
Align the lever pins with the lines. The fuse pins are spring loaded and will move radially inward when the
unit is pressurized.

Note: The retaining ring can slide in and out. If the pins do not appear to have fallen into place, then move
it back and forth until the pins move radially inward. Pins are correctly placed if they are centered under
the torque setting screws.

4.6 Release Hydraulic Pressure & Drain

Once the fuse pins are in place, release the hydraulic pressure.

4.7 Disconnect Hydraulics Fittings

• Remove the hose and the plug, including all fittings.
• Oil will drain out.
• Store all hydraulic parts with the pump.

11 of 13
Document No. IM-184

TB-2854 Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Created: 02/01/2005 - RJD

Rev: B, 6/26/2006 - RJD

4.8 Replace Oil Dam Ring

The oil dam ring is spring loaded. Force the ring back into the slot in the feedback ring.

4.9 Final Check before Operation

• All hydraulic hoses and fittings have been removed from Torque Blocker.
• The match marks are properly aligned.
• The oil dam is securely in its slot.

Check all other equipment according to the OEM or your company’s standards.

5.0 Maintenance
Maintenance is required when ever there is evidence of overheating, massive denting or any cracking of
any parts. There are no user maintenance tasks that can be accomplished while the equipment is
operating. Service is required if the unit ever exceeds 300 deg F.

Service is required when ever there is evidence of any of the following:

• Any change in release or coast down performance.

• Overheating, discoloration or other observations that the unit got hot.
• Massive denting or any cracking of any parts.
• Evidence of oil leakage.
• Service is required if the unit ever exceeds 300 deg F for an extended period of time.
• The unit does not rotate freely in the released state.
• The unit leaks during resetting.

5.1 Periodic User Maintenance

Periodic user maintenance includes following tasks:
• Resetting the unit as described above after an upset.
• Inspecting the condition of the torque setting screws.
• Clean sludge trap periodically

All other service should be left to Riverhawk. See below for Factory Service.

12 of 13
Document No. IM-184

TB-2854 Installation and Maintenance Instructions

Created: 02/01/2005 - RJD

Rev: B, 6/26/2006 - RJD

5.1.1 Torque setting screws

The torque setting screws should be inspected every (10) fuse cycles. They should be replaced after (40)
fuse cycles even if screws do not appear damaged. Inspection requires that the unit be released, so
inspection is most convenient after a release event. Perform inspection per para. 4.2.2

5.1.2 Cleaning The Sludge Trap

A build-up of sludge may occur at the end of the Torque Blocker where the oil is sprayed (Refer to
Assembly Drawing). Periodically clean out the sludge to allow for smooth oil flow to the unit. There is no
way to check or clean the sludge trap while the equipment is in operation. The frequency that the sludge
trap will require cleaning is largely dependent the cleanliness of the oil and the environment in which it
operates. The sludge trap should be checked and cleaned…
• If the quarterly oil analysis as recommended by Lufkin yields high concentrations of solids
• During any time that the equipment is shut down for maintenance
• Annually at an absolute minimum

5.2 Periodic Factory Service

Contact Riverhawk at the above address if the units fail to perform predictably. Factory service may be
required. Riverhawk will work to meet your schedule including expedited turn around where required. For
best results Contact us as soon as you have an outage planned or trouble occurs.

In the case of frequent releases, (20-80 cycles per year), the units should be returned to the factory for
service after (80) cycles or once a year which ever comes first.

In the case of intermediate numbers of releases (5-20 cycles per year), the units should be returned for
service and recalibration after (80) cycles or after three years operation which ever comes first.

In the case of infrequent releases (0-5 cycles per year), The unit should returned for service and
recalibration every five years.

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