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New non-volatile memory technologies:

an engineer’s comparison of nvSRAM,
The technologies most commonly used for storing user data and
configuration information when a system loses power – Flash and
EEPROM – are now very old, and very well understood. Although ■ The latest non-volatile memory solutions.
■ A technical examination of each technology.
these non-volatile memories have their flaws, they will remain in
■ The key differentiators depending on application and
widespread use because they are very cheap, and are effective
enough for many applications.
However, the market has recently welcomed new technologies
that get much closer to being the perfect non-volatile memory, in It looks to the user like an SRAM with a non-volatile mirror for each bit.
that they are completely reliable, instantly programmable, In normal operation, data is saved to and retrieved from the SRAM. When
comparable in price to a standard memory, powered by a single power fails, the data is automatically dumped into the non-volatile part of
supply voltage, and support an infinite number of erase/write the array. Power for this process is derived from a small capacitor
cycles. It is a tall order, but the raw performance data for nvSRAM, connected to the device, which holds it active while bits are programmed
Magneto-resistive RAM (MRAM) and Ferroelectric Random Access to the EEPROM. Data can be retrieved from the non-volatile array at any
time and will overwrite the contents of the RAM.
Memory (F-RAM or FeRAM) shows that the latest entrants to the
nvSRAM does not use standard floating-gate EEPROM technology. Instead,
market come remarkably close. Colin Weaving, Technical Director, it is based on Cypress’s Silicon Oxide Nitride Oxide Semiconductor (SONOS)
Future Electronics (EMEA) explains. process. This uses Fowler-Nordheim, field-emission tunnelling techniques to
store charge, and hence data, on a nitride layer. More on Fowler-Nordheim
Write Industrial effects can be found at
Technology Programming speed Cost/bit Data retention erase cycles grade
SONOS devices can be manufactured on standard silicon processing
MRAM 35ns 1 20 years infinite Y
equipment, which helps keep costs low. SONOS technology is also
Non-volatile RAM 15ms 1.7 20 years 200,000 Y
scalable to large array sizes: devices up to 4Mbits were available as of
F-RAM 110ns 1.2 >10 years 10 exp 14 Y June 2008, but future process improvements will enable higher densities
Table 1: Comparison chart. to be made available.
While nvSRAM is an innovative way of manufacturing and packaging
As always, the raw data, (see Table 1) does not tell the whole story. The old memory types, its two rivals are based on far more esoteric
manufacturers of each of these new technologies have taken very technology.
different approaches to solving the same problem. The question is, are Standard non-volatile technologies use quantum mechanical
there any clear ways for the circuit designer to distinguish between them? tunnelling to store data on insulating layers; in F-RAM, of which the
A look under the hood leading manufacturer is Ramtron, data is stored in the state of a ferro-
In order to understand the different properties of each of these three electric crystal. The atom in the centre of the crystal has two equal and
memory types, it is helpful to understand the ways in which they operate. stable low-energy states (see Figure 2). These states determine the
nvSRAM, a product marketed by Cypress Semiconductor, is a hybrid position of the atom. An alternating electric field applied across the
device containing both a standard Static RAM (SRAM) and a non-volatile crystal will cause the atom to move from the top of the crystal to the
(EEPROM) memory (see Figure 1). bottom and back again. Each transition will produce charge, (Qs). The
position of the atom can be read, thus providing a non-volatile data
storage mechanism.
Data is handled as words rather than a single bit at a time, which
means that the device looks like a normal CMOS RAM to the user. As
each cell may require only a single transistor and capacitor, F-RAM can
achieve high densities, reducing manufacturing cost.
There are two important consequences of the physical structure of an
F-RAM device. Firstly, the voltages used are extremely low. The absence of
the high programming voltages required in many non-volatile memories
helps F-RAM offer extended life. F-RAM devices can be rated for 1014
erase operations – 108 times more than a typical Flash device can offer
although, since current architectures use a ‘destructive read’, an endurance
cycle is used on reads as well as writes. Secondly, the physical structure of
an F-RAM means that programming operations can be accomplished in
nanoseconds – far faster than the milliseconds that are required by Flash.
MRAM adopts yet another approach to achieving non-volatile memory
storage. Here, magnetic data elements store the information in memory
cells. The structure is made up of two insulated ferro-magnetic poles
Fig. 1: nvSRAM contains Static RAM and EEPROM memory. separated by an insulating layer.

20 T H E L AT E S T T E C H N O L O G I E S F R O M F U T U R E E L E C T R O N I C S

Freescale Semiconductor, which has

pioneered the commercial implementation of
MRAM, uses a Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ)
as the storage element. The fixed layer of the
MTJ is permanently polarised in one direction.
The other layer is free and can be polarised in
either direction (see Figure 3). The resistance
across the MTJ depends on whether the
alignment of the layers is in the opposite or the
same direction.
The MRAM reads and writes in just 35ns. As
the polarity of the magnetic storage element
does not leak away when power is removed, it
operates as a non-volatile cell.
Again, as with F-RAM, some of the physical
properties of an MRAM device produce real
benefits for the circuit designer. For instance,
the magnetisation of the cell does not decay Fig. 3: MRAM utilises a Magnetic Tunnel Junction as a storage element.
with time or temperature, so an MRAM device
can offer long storage intervals at relatively high immune to magnetic fields no higher than 25 Gauss. To put this in
temperatures. context, a loudspeaker will typically have a field of 90 Gauss directly on its
Further, the structure is implemented with cells containing just one surface. This drops, however, to less than 10 Gauss at 5mm distance. At
transistor and one MTJ. This will enable the production of devices 1cm from its surface, the loudspeaker’s magnetic field is negligible.
offering higher density and lower cost in the future. Practically, therefore, interference from magnetic fields should be easy to
Lastly, as no electrons or atoms move during programming, there avoid in the majority of applications.
are no mechanisms that can wear out, which means that MRAM This kind of misconception is likely to bedevil MRAM more than F-RAM
devices are rated for a very high number of write/erase cycles. and nvSRAM, simply because it is the newest of the three technologies,
How to compare these new technologies and therefore the least widely used. Few designers have learned the
A glance at Table 1 appears to show little that would let the circuit reality of using MRAM. However, a large number of both licensees and
designer distinguish one of these new technologies from another. It is, product introductions have been announced in recent months, so it
of course, clear that in terms of read and write speed and write/erase would appear that a considerable commercial momentum is now
cycles, these new technologies offer far better performance than Flash building behind the technology.
and EEPROM. All three claim long data retention periods, they all Indeed, all three technologies are commercially viable; they should
support industrial temperatures, and they all have a similar price per bit definitely not be regarded as experimental. Each system designer will
(based on a comparison of 4Mbit parts). have their own particular requirements in terms of endurance, speed,
The table appears to show that nvSRAM offers a lower read/write board space and cost, and it is the combination of these factors that will
cycle capability. It is important to understand, however, that in the case point them towards one or other of the three technologies.
of nvSRAM, it is the non-volatile part of the array that has lower Conclusion
read/write endurance. This part of the memory is not used in most The three technologies discussed above are relatively new and advanced;
write operations – it is only written to when power goes down. The their widespread adoption is far from assured. Flash, EEPROM and even
endurance of the little-used non-volatile part of the array will therefore traditional battery-backed SRAM have a far greater share of the non-
be sufficient in nearly all applications. volatile memory market, and they will hold that share for as long as they
The same argument applies with the apparently longer continue to do an adequate job. The traditional route can often be the
programming time of nvSRAM. The figure quoted here is for the non- safest, and many designers avoid taking risks with new designs.
volatile array. In fact, in normal operation the system writes to the Looking at the detail in the table, it could be concluded that MRAM
SRAM, and achieves read/write times of 25ns, faster than F-RAM or wins hands down: it is reasonably fast, has good endurance, and offers the
MRAM. This means that the nvSRAM devices might actually better lowest price per bit (based on a 4Mbit part). However, as a newer entrant
support very high-speed processors in applications in which wait states to the market than F-RAM or SRAM, it is not multi-sourced like the others,
are unacceptable. The trade-off, however, is that the designer will need and this can be a crucial criterion for an industrial OEM. It is also worth
to add an extra capacitor on to the board to provide power for the remembering that pricing is dynamic, and new entrants to the market
non-volatile array when system power goes down. often use pricing policies to try to gain market share. These can
One common misconception should also be addressed in any study sometimes prove to be unsustainable in the long term if volumes do not
involving MRAM: MRAM technology is not, in practice, highly affected by ramp up.
magnetic fields. In the datasheet, Freescale specifies that its devices are In the final analysis, these new technologies will find a place if sufficient
applications require the very high speed and long endurance that they
offer and can accept the extra cost.

 [email protected] 31
Fig. 2: F-RAM utilises two equal and stable low-energy states.

T H E L AT E S T T E C H N O L O G I E S F R O M F U T U R E E L E C T R O N I C S 21

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