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Last Updated : 05 Aug, 2022

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Introduction to Java

Setting up the environment in Read Discuss


Java Basic Syntax

Java Hello World Program

Command Line Arguments in


How JVM Works – JVM


Differences between JDK, JRE

and JVM

Java Identifiers
Java is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages.

Data types in Java

Java has been one of the most popular programming languages for many years.

Java is Object Oriented. However, it is not considered as pure object-oriented as it provides

Variables in Java
suppor t for primitive data types (like int, char, etc)

Comments in Java The Java codes are first compiled into byte code (machine-independent code). Then the

byte code runs on Java Vir tual Machine (JVM) regardless of the underlying architecture.

Operators in Java Java syntax is similar to C/C++. But Java does not provide low-level programming

functionalities like pointers. Also, Java codes are always written in the form of classes and

Ways to read input from console object s.

in Java Java is used in all kinds of applications like Mobile Applications (Android is Java-based),

desk top applications, web applications, client-ser ver applications, enterprise applications,

Flow Control
and many more.

When compared with C++, Java codes are generally more maintainable because Java does

not allow many things which may lead to bad/inefficient programming if used incorrectly. For

example, non-primitives are always references in Java. So we cannot pass large object s

(like we can do in C++) to functions, we always pass references in Java. One more example,

since there are no pointers, bad memor y access is also not possible.

Methods When compared with P ython, Java kind of fit s between C++ and P ython. The programs are

written in Java typically run faster than corresponding P ython programs and slower than

Constructors C++. Like C++, Java does static type checking, but P ython does not.
OOP Concepts Data Structures &
Algorithms- Self Paced
Exception Handling
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Interfaces & Abstract Classes
Complete Interview
Preparation- Self Paced
Collections Course

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Simple Hello World Program :

File Handling // A Java program to print "Hello World"

public class GFG {
    public static void main(String args[])
        System.out.println("Hello World");
Run on IDE

Output :

Hello World

Recent Articles on Java

Java Programs – Basic s to Advanced

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Start Your Coding Journey Now!
Overview, Basic s, Input/Output, Flow Control, Operators, Strings, Arrays, OOPs Concepts,

Inheritance, A bstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Constructors, Methods, Interfaces,
Wrapper Classes, Keywords, Access Modifiers, Memory Allocation, Classes, Packages,

Collection Framework, List, Queue, Map, Set, Exception Handling, Multithreading,

Synchronization, File Handling, Regex, Java IO, Networking, Java 8 Features, Date & Time,

JDBC, Miscellaneous, Interview Questions

Overview of Java
Introduction to Java
Packages in Java
Histor y of Java

Java vs C++ P ython

Java Packages

How to Download and Install Java?

How to create a package in Java

Setting Up the Environment in Java

java.util package

How to Download and Install Eclipse on

java.lang package

java.io package

Java Development Kit (JDK) in Java

JVM and it s architecture

Collection Framework
Differences between JDK, JRE, and JVM

Just In Time Compiler

Java Collection Framework

Difference Between JIT and JVM

Collections class in Java

Difference Between Byte Code and

Collection Inter face in Java

Machine Code
How to learn Java collections

How is the Java platform independent?

List Inter face in Java

Queue Inter face in Java

Basics of Java
Map Inter face in Java

Set in Java

Java Basic Syntax

Iterator in Java

First Java Program (Hello World)

Comparator in Java

Datatypes in Java
Difference between Comparator and

Difference between Primitive and Non-

Comparable in Java

Primitive Datatypes

Java Identifiers
Operators in Java

Java Variables
ArrayList in Java

Scope of Variables
Vector class in Java

Wrapper Classes in Java

Stack class in Java

LinkedList in Java

Input/Output in Java
A bstractList

A bstractSequentialList

How to take Input from users in Java


Scanner class in Java

Custom ArrayList in Java

BufferedReader class in Java

Scanner vs BufferedReader in Java

Ways to Read Input from Console in Java

Print Output in Java

A bstractQueue

Difference between print() and println() in



Formatted Output s in Java


Fast Input-Output for Competitive


Programming in Java

Deque in Java

Flow Control in Java


Concurrent LinkedDeque

Decision making in Java

LinkedBlocking Deque

If Statement in Java
Priority Queue in Java

If-Else Statement in java

If-Else-If ladder in Java

Loops in Java

For loop

While Loop

Do while loop
Working of HashMap

For each loop

Traverse through a HashMap in Java

Continue Statement in java


Break Statement In Java


Usage of Break in Java


Return Statement in Java


Dictionar y

Operators in Java

Sor tedMap

Arithmetic Operator

Unar y Operator

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A ssignment Operator Vector

Relational Operator
Login Register
Logical Operator Set
Ternar y Operator

Bitwise Operator A bstractSet


Strings in Java HashSet


Introduction of Strings in Java Sor tedSet

String class in Java Set-1 | Set-2 LinkedHashSet

Why strings are immutable in Java? NavigableSet

StringBuffer class in Java ConcurrentSkipListSet

StringBuilder class in Java CopyOnWriteArraySet

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Java Exception Handling in Java

StringTokenizer class in Java Set-1 | Set-2

StringJoiner in Java Exceptions in java

Java String Programs Types of Exceptions

Difference between Checked and

Arrays in Java Unchecked Exceptions

Tr y, Catch, Finally, throw, and throws

Introduction to Arrays in Java Flow control in Tr y catch block

Arrays class in Java Throw vs Throws

Multi-Dimensional Array in Java Final vs Finally vs Finalize

How to declare and initialize 2D arrays in User-defined custom exception

Java Chained Exceptions

Jagged array in Java Null pointer Exceptions

Final Arrays in Java Exception handling with method Overriding

Reflect Arrays in Java

Difference between util.Arrays and Multithreading in Java


Java Array Programs Introduction to Multithreading in Java

Lifecycle and Stages of a Thread

OOPS in Java Thread Priority in Java

Main Thread in Java

OOPS Concept in Java Thread class

Why Java is not a purely Object-Oriented Runnable inter face

L anguage? How to name a thread

Classes and Object s star t() method in thread

Naming Convention in Java Difference between run() and star t()

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Access Modifiers in Java sleep() method

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Multiple Inheritance in Java Local framework s vs thread

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Difference between Inheritance in C++ and Difference between Atomic, Volatile, and

Java Synchronized in Java

Deadlock in Multithreading

Abstraction in Java Deadlock Prevention and Avoidance

Difference between Lock and Monitor in

Introduction to A bstraction in Java Concurrency

A bstract Keyword in Java Reentrant Lock

A bstract classes in Java

A bstract class vs Inter face in Java File Handling in Java

Control A bstraction in Java

Difference between Data Hiding and File Class in java

A bstraction How to create files in java

How to read files in java

Encapsulation in Java Skip to content

How to write on files in java
Start Your Coding Journey Now!
Introduction to Encapsulation in Java How to delete a file in java

Difference between Encapsulation and

File Permissions
A bstraction FileReader

File Writer

Polymorphism in Java FileDescriptor class

RandomAccessFile class

Introduction to Polymorphism in Java

Difference between Inheritance and Java Regex


Runtime Polymorphism in Java Introduction to Java Regex

Compile-Time vs Runtime Polymorphism How to write Regex expressions

Matcher class

Constructors in Java Pattern class


Introduction to Constructors in Java Character class

Copy Constructor in Java

Constructor Overloading Java IO

Constructor Chaining

Private Constructors and Singleton Class Introduction to Java IO

Reader Class

Methods in Java Writer Class

FileInput stream

Introduction to methods in Java File Output stream

Different method calls in Java BufferedReader Input Stream

Difference between Static methods and BufferedReader Output stream

Instance methods in Java BufferedReader vs Scanner

A bstract methods in Java Fast I/O in Java

Method Overriding in Java

Method Overloading in Java Java Networking

Method Overloading Vs Method Overriding

Introduction to Java Networking

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UDP architecture

Java Inter faces IP V4 vs IP V6

Inter faces and Inheritance in Java Connection-oriented vs connectionless

Difference between Inter face and Class in protocols

Java Socket programming in Java

Functional Inter face Ser ver Socket class

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Need of Wrapper classes in Java New Date/ Time API

How to create instances of Wrapper classes Default Methods

Character class in Java Functional Inter faces

Byte class in Java Method references

Shor t class in Java Optional class

Integer class in Java Stream Filter

Long class in Java Type Annotations

Float class in Java String Joiner

Double class in Java

Boolean class in Java Java Date & Time

Autoboxing and Unboxing

Type Conversion in Java Date Class in Java

Methods of the Date class

Keywords in Java Java Current Date and time

Compare dates in Java

List of all Java Keywords

Impor tant Keywords in Java Java JDBC

Super Keyword

Final Keyword Introduction to Java JDBC

A bstract keyword JDBC Driver

Static Keyword JDBC Connection

This Keyword Types of Statement s in JDBC

Enum Keyword in Java JDBC Tutorial

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Volatile keyword in java Java Miscellaneous

Final, Finally, and Finalize in Java

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Introduction to Reflection API
Access Modifiers in Java
Start Your Coding Journey Now!
Java IO Tutorial

JavaFX Tutorial
Introduction to Access Modifiers in Java Java RMI

Public vs Protected vs Package vs Private How to Run Java RMI application?

Access Modifier in Java Java 17 New Features

Access Modifiers Vs Non-Access Modifiers

in Java
Interview Questions on Java

Memory Allocation in Java Commonly A sked Java Inter view Questions

Set – 1 | Set – 2

Java Memor y Management Inter view Questions For Java Professionals

How are Java object s stored in memor y 10 Most A sked Questions on Java

Stack vs Heap memor y allocation Java Multiple Choice Questions

Types of memor y areas allocated by JVM

Garbage Collection in Java

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Memor y leak s in Java

Java Vir tual Machine(JVM) Stack Area

Classes of Java

Classes and Object s

Understanding classes and object s in Java

Class vs inter face

Singleton class in java

Object class in java

Inner class in java

A bstract classes in java

Throwable class in java

GeeksforGeeks Courses:

Java Programming Foundation – Self Paced Course

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