Types of Speech Summary

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MANUSCRIPT SPEECH- When speaking from a manuscript, you write and deliver a speech word for word.

question is, for whom is the manuscript method most advantageous?

1. Public figures. Since public figures are always constrained by a hectic schedule, they need
ghost writers. Consequently, they would have to read the text of the speech as it is. The
President’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) is a concrete example of this situation.

2. Media personalities. Speakers on radio and television always battle with time limits. For
example, a televised panel discussion about a social issue may require radio and TV anchors
to critically choose and refine the words of their speech in advance.

3. Spokespersons for government and private organizations. This public speaking role requires
a great deal of contemplation and preparation. For example, we have speeches of different country’s
spokespersons in an international seminar on climate change.

Potential Problems with the Manuscript Method

1. Since this type of speech follows a word-

for-word method, you might be tempted to skip practicing the speech.

2. In relation to the previous point, if you fail to practice your speech and decide to read it during the time of
delivery itself, you might be glued to the speech all throughout. You may overlook making eye contact with
your audience. Note that glancing at the audience only at the end of a sentence is not sufficient to
establish and maintain rapport during the speech.

3. Lastly, because everything is planned based on the time allotted, you will surely want to cover
everything in your speech before you run out of time. This might affect your connection with the
audience, as there is a tendency to ignore the audience and neglect responding to their feedback when
busy with the speech. Pay attention and make sure to check and adjust if the audience displays anxiety,
impatience, or boredom

MEMORIZED SPEECH- requires you to commit the speech to memory so that you do not bring your notes when
delivering it. As with the manuscript speech, you also run the risk of sounding mechanical during a memorized
delivery. For this reason, keep your memorized speech short and work harder on your facial expressions and the
tone of your voice.

When should you memorize?

 memorizing a speech can help you achieve a smooth and effortless delivery.
 You do not need to focus on notes or a manuscript.
 You can concentrate on maintaining eye contact with your audience, establishing rapport, and
interacting with your audience.
 Since memorizing can be very tough and mechanical, it is best that you memorize short speeches
for special occasions.
 A memorized speech works best for the introduction of a guest, acceptance of award or
recognition, toast, eulogy, tribute, and the like.

Disadvantages of the Memorized Speech

1. You might forget what you are supposed to say. Long pauses can create a very awkward moment
between you and your audience.

2. You might memorize the speech mechanically. This can result in a very unnatural delivery.

3. You might focus on content. Consequently, groping for the right words might make you look
uptight and stiff.
4. You might be too tied to remembering your script. This will give you no chance to pay attention and
respond to audience feedback.

Advantages of Delivering a Memorized Speech

1. You do not need notes anymore. Since the speech is memorized, you do not have to worry about when
to read and when to glance at your audience.

2. You can plan gestures, facial expressions, and movement. When you know the speech by heart, it will
be easier for you to work on nonverbal communication.

3. You can concentrate on visual aids and props. A memorized speech will help you focus more on your
props if you have any.

4. You will feel more confident. If you know that you have committed the speech to memory, you
will not be anxious about running out of words or not knowing what to say.

Tips in Memorizing a Speech

1. Break it down!- one paragraph at a time.

2. Build it up! Recite the first paragraph and move on to the second. After this, recite the first and second
paragraphs and move on to the third.
3. Speak out! Do not memorize the speech silently.

4. Identify keys! Identify a key point in every paragraph. If you miss one, remember key word and expound.

5. Have a break! Rest and practice again.

6. Record and listen! Record and save. Listen to yourself yourself. Play it like a music.

7. Use note cards! Write one key point on one note card.

 Impromptu speeches are delivered with little or no time for preparation.
 your teacher assigned you to read an article before the class starts. Then, during
the class you were asked to deliver an impromptu speech about what you have learned from the article.
 Another instance to illustrate an impromptu situation is when you are asked by a friend or a relative about
your current or planned vacation trip or when you are campaigning for a position bin school and you are
asked by your fellow students to respond to their questions.

Strategies in Organizing and Delivering an Impromptu Speech

1. Past, Present, Future

Example: In the past, I was not comfortable in making impromptu speeches because I could
not think right away of what to say; maybe it was because of nervousness and lack of time
to prepare. At present, however, I am enjoying it because I constantly practice and keep on
exposing myself to any speaking situation. In the future, I look forward to teaching others
how to survive impromptu speech situations.

2. Point-Reason-Example/Explanation-Point
3. Opening, Rule of Three, Clincher


Distinguished Toastmaster Craig Harrison (2010) shares the

following strategies that can help you address the problem. (If you dont know the topic.)

a.  Bridging. This entails building a connection between what you do know and what you do not

b. Reframing. This means rephrasing or redefining the topic into something that you want to talk
about. This usually occurs if you think the topic is inappropriate or it is not meant for you.
Extemporaneous Speech
 is a planned and prepared speech.
 an extemporaneous speech is delivered with the help of short notes and a clear outline.
 Most people who speak in public often prefer the extemporaneous method of delivery, because it is more
spontaneous and personal.

Three Steps in Studying your Extemporaneous Topic

1. Identify the type of extemporaneous question that you have to answer.

a. Is it a question of fact?- T answerable by “Yes” or “No. true or not, existent or not.
Example: Is Syria’s crisis a problem of the whole world?
b. Is it a question of value?- a topic is good or bad, moral or immoral, just or unjust.
Example: Is it better for the European nations to step in and aid Syria or ignore the country’scivil
c. Is it a question of policy? policy or rule should be followed.
Example: Should European countries enforce laws to accommodate Syrian refugees?
Steps in Preparing for a Successful Extemporaneous Speech

1. Reinforce! You may explore other main points, but always refer back to your thesis.

2. Capture! State the central idea of your extemporaneous speech in one declarative sentence.

3. Develop! Now that you have a clear central idea, you are ready to map out the supporting points in an outline.

4. Introduce! In the introduction, make sure you:

grab the attention of the audience with a striking one-liner.
give a short background by explaining why they have to listen.
state your thesis.
5. Check! Develop at least three main points and check each of them with these questions:
Does each point have one single idea?
Does each point reiterate the thesis statement?
Does each point prepare the discussion of the next main point?
6. Supply! examples, testimonies, statistics, or cases.
7. Conclude! Reinforce your introduction by coming up with a closing attention-getter that is related to your opening.
Connect the needs and interest of your audience with the theme of your speech. Restate your thesis or review your
main points.

Entertainment Speech
 aims: share goodwill, joy, and pleasure to the audience.
 The purpose: make the audience relax, enjoy, and even laugh. This means that you, the speaker, are
expected to be friendly and relaxed, but still courteous during the speech delivery. Moreover, you should
know your audience well in order to entertain them effectively

How to Make your Speech Entertaining: tell jokes; share funny stories; dramatize experiences; and recall a scary

Steps in Writing an Entertaining Speech

1. Choose! Choose a light topic.
2. Enjoy!
3. Simplify! Simplify the flow of your speech.
4. Visualize! Your words should be highly descriptive. Use vivid words and keep them flowing
5. Surprise! Astonish your audience with unexpected twists in your presentation.
Types of Informative Speeches
Organizational Patterns

a. Chronological Pattern. This can be used if you want to present the history, evolution, or development of
your topic in a sequential order, from past to present or beginning to end.

b. Spatial Pattern – this pattern is used when you want to talk about the physical structure of an object or the
way things fit together in a certain space (Glendale Community College; University of Washington
Tacoma). Topics that deal with geography fit this pattern best.
c. Topical/Categorical Pattern. This can be used if you want to inform your audience about the main features,
descriptions, or categories of your topic.

d. Cause-Effect Pattern. This can be used if you want to show the causal relationship of events
or phenomena.

1. Single cause-multiple effects 2.Single effects- multiple cause

3. Multiple cases- multiple effects 4. Domino effects

e. Comparison-Contrast. This can be used if you want to compare objects, events, or concepts
underscoring their similarities and differences.
1. Block
2. Point by point.

Persuasive Speech
 is the form of communication that people of diverse backgrounds mostly engage in.
 primary goal is to influence the thoughts, feelings, actions, and behaviors or attitudes of your listeners
(Gamble & Gamble, 2012).
 also aim to change their perception and convince them that your argument is more important, practical,
attainable, or feasible. In essence, you—as a persuasive speaker—advocate for whatever your message


Types of Claims in Persuasive Speech

1. Speech that Questions Fact

- This type questions the existence of a particular event or happening. In this case, the
persuasive speaker poses questions of fact, derives conclusions from different sources of
information, and attempts to convince the audience to believe in his/her ideas.

2. Speech that Questions Value

-This type focuses on questions of value regarding topics on the self, family, friendship,
religion, government, freedom, love, and money, among others. In this case, the persuasive
speaker (1) makes a statement or claim which reflects his/her judgment, (2) attempts to convince his/her audience
of his/her judgment, and (3) justifies it based on standards.

3. Speech that Questions Policy

-This type questions the current state of things which can impact the future. In this case, the
persuasive speaker asks relevant questions that can help in making a decision on whether or
not something should be implemented, observed, or done.

Organizational Patterns

1. . A. F.O.R.E.S.T.
(1) Anecdotes. Begin your speech with a personal story, observation, or experience.
(2) Facts and figures. Provide striking statistics that can support your ideas
(3) Opinion. Add in your opinion. You can begin your statement with, “I believe that…”.
(4) Rhetorical questions. Think of and add engaging rhetorical questions (i.e., questions which do not
intend to elicit answers, but to make a point).
(5) Emotive language. Appeal to your audience’s emotion.
(6) Superlatives. Use superlatives to exaggerate an idea.
(7) Tripling. The rule of three in the English writing principle simply entails using three words together to
reinforce your point. This may add to the effectiveness of your persuasion. A classic example is Julius
Caesar’s statement: “Veni, vidi, vici” (I came, I saw, I conquered).
2. Problem-Solution
Here’s how:
(1) Identify the problem. (2) Provide a solution, which will show the practicality of your proposal.

3. Problem-Cause-Solution
Below are the rules in applying this pattern.
(1) Identify the problem. (2) Analyze the root causes of the problem.
(3) Provide a solution to the problem.
4. Comparative Advantages
Below are the rules in applying this pattern.
(1) Identify the problem. (2) Present at least two solutions to the problem.
(3) Compare the two in terms of practicality and feasibility.

For example:
A. Purpose: Persuade listeners on the need for political reform.
B. Main Point: Politics in the Philippines is very dirty.
C. Supporting Idea: There have been a lot of anomalies and illegal transactions going on in
the political system.

5. Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

Alan Monroe, a professor from Purdue University, created an outline for making speeches based
on the psychology of persuasion (Ehninger, Monroe, & Granbeck,1978).

This outline is known as Monroe’s Motivated Sequence. Here’s how to apply this technique.
1. Grab the attention of the audience by identifying the challenge you plan to confront,
or the problem you plan to address.
2. Establish the need or urgency to address the identified challenge or problem.
3. Present possible solutions to your audience to satisfy the need.
4. Help your audience visualize. Use vivid words to convince your audience about the
benefits they can gain from the solutions you presented.
5. Engage the audience to participate in promoting change through a call for action.

For example:
A. Purpose: Persuade the audience to abstain from consuming alcohol.
B. Main Point: Abstaining from alcohol will help students live a healthy and safe life for
themselves and those around them while avoiding any criminal actions.

Methods of Persuasion
Consider what Lucas (2011) writes about how the audience can be persuaded by a speaker. The
audience can be persuaded by the following reasons.

• They perceive that the speaker has credibility.

• They are convinced by the evidence presented by the speaker.
• They are convinced by the speaker’s reasoning.
• Their emotions are touched by the speaker’s ideas or use of language.
The above ideas highlight some of the methods you can use in your persuasive speech. These methods are
commonly used and proven to be effective by any prominent and excellent speaker across the globe. The following
are some tips on how to enhance your credibility, how to use evidence, how to use reasoning, and how to observe
ethics and emotional appeal in a persuasive speech.

1. How to enhance your credibility

(a.) Explain how you became an expert on the topic.
You can do this by sharing how well you read, investigated, or researched the topic.
For example: You could share that in the beginning you did not know much about your topic until you
researched about it. By saying you researched on your topic, your audience will feel that you made an
effort in building your credibility by collecting information.

b. Connect your experiences, beliefs, values or attitudes with your audience’s.

You can do this by telling your audience that you have the same experiences, beliefs,
values or attitudes.
For example: In the beginning of your speech, you can emphasize to your audience that regardless
of background, status, age, gender, beliefs, and values, among others, you all have one thing in
common and then add that which you have in common. By saying this, your audience will feel
respected and comfortable because you can identify with their
experiences, beliefs, or values.
C. Practice more often so you can deliver your speech with conviction.

You can do this by exposing yourself more often to speaking situations such as reciting and
reading announcements in class, introducing people in a program, hosting events, participating in
debates, or acting as a spokesperson of a group. Also, simply practicing more often before your
actual speech performance will increase your confidence and help you deliver your speech with
2. How to use evidence
a. Specify evidence.

You can do this by citing statistics, research studies, and other valid and credible
For example: When stating a fact, do not simply say a general detail. Instead of saying,
“There is a law that protects women and their children against violence,” state the exact details, as
in, “RA 9262 is an act that protects women and their children against violence.”
By specifying your evidence, you give the impression that you know what you are saying.
b. Avoid outdated evidence.
You can do this by reading and digging new evidence to keep yourself updated on the
significant facts and figures.
For example: If you are arguing about social networking site addiction and you are using data
taken from 2000 or earlier, your speech might not hold enough credibility and it might not retain the interest
of your audience as well. Since we are now in the Information Age, data quickly get old and replaced by
more current ones, so they quickly become irrelevant. Therefore, always make sure to use current
available data. This way,
your speech will be more accurate and your audiences will be more interested to listen.

c. Choose reputable or credible sources for your evidence.

You can do this by carefully identifying and evaluating your sources.

For example: You are persuading your audience that your solution in improving the interest of readers in
Philippine literature is the most efficient method, but you cite sources such as fan sites, Wiki answers,
Yahoo answers, or blogs. This creates a bad impression, as it might come off that your arguments and
points are based on unreliable facts. As a guide, Google, Yahoo, or any search engine can provide you a
wealth of reputable or credible sources for your evidence.

3. How to use reasoning

Avoid logical fallacies or errors in reasoning.
You can do this by studying the types of logical fallacies. The following are some of the
most common errors in reasoning.
 Ad Hominem: This happens when you attack the character of a person instead of his argument.
Example: Professor X does not deserve to be the head of this organization because he is
separated from his wife.
How to avoid: When you give your rebuttal, focus on the arguments of the person, not on his/her
character or values.
 Circular Argument: This happens when the idea of a stated argument is repeated.
Example: My mother is a good teacher because she teaches me well.
How to avoid: Do not repeat the argument; instead, prove it.

 false Analogy: This happens when two things, which might be alike in some respects, are
compared and assumed to be similar in other ways.
Example: President Aquino is the Socrates of the 21st century.
How to avoid: Look at the characteristics, features, or components of two people or objects closely
to see whether they can really be compared or not.

 False Authority: This happens when a statement of someone who is not an expert in the field in
question is being used in an argument.
Example: I avoid drinking coffee at night because of the advice of my English teacher.
How to avoid: Check properly the qualifications of the person being cited.

 False Cause and Effect: This happens when the connection between two consecutive events are
not clear.
Example: Because I attended a party, I got a high grade in my persuasive speech.
How to avoid: Clarify the connections between the events by explaining both
backgrounds clearly.

 Hasty Generalization: This happens when a conclusion is drawn from insufficient evidence.
Example: The senator stuttered while giving his speech, therefore government officials are not
good in public speaking.
How to avoid: Provide enough pieces of evidence before making any conclusions.

 Red Herring: This happens when the answer does not address the question.
Example: Question: Should the President sign Cyberbullying bill into law? Answer:
The President has other priorities.

4. How to use emotional appeal

a. Internalize what you are saying.

The audience will be more convinced of your message if you also show conviction in what you are saying.
For example: If you use emotionally charged words, but you deliver it in a monotonous voice, the audience will not
see the sincerity of your message. Instead, make sure to observe your non-verbal cues and to ensure that you
believe in what you are saying.

b. Use emotion appropriately.

Although a well-executed emotional appeal can be used as a strong weapon in persuasive speech, take note to
use it only when appropriate to the message. Use it as an accessory only; make sure not to replace evidence and
reasoning with pure emotion.
For example: If you are making a speech on a question of fact, there is little need to use emotional appeal to your
audience since you are dealing with facts and information. However, if you are making a persuasive speech to
change a certain policy, you can add emotional appeal to your speech to capture not only the minds but also the
hearts of
your audience.

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