Fao On Licensing & Registration 198-1

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Republicof the Phitip'p'ines

Deprfnent of Agriculture
Ellipical Road,Diliman,
Quaon Cny 1100Philippines

ORDERNO. 398"1 :
Seri€sof 2{}18)



In accordancewith RepublicAct No. 8550,as amendedby RepublicAct No. 10654,

enlitled "An Aet Io Prevent, Deter and Eliminate fftegal, Unrepor'ted and
UnregulatedFishing, AmendingReryblic Aet Na. 8550, OtherwiseKnown as the
Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998 arrd for other Purposes", fie following
implementingrules and regulationson commercial fishing in the Philippines are
herebypromulgatedandadoptd for complianceof all concerned.

Chapter I
General Provisions

Section1. Obiecti-vp+ This Orderhasthe following objectives:"'

a. To establisha licensing syste,mfor commercialfishing vesselsbmed on

harvestnrles and referencepoints as determinedby scientific studiesor
' bestavailableevidence.Preferenceshall be given to resourceusersin the
localscommunitiesa{iacentor nearestto tho municipalwaters
h,- Ta grantpriority rights ia the allocatinnaf lieensesto exi.*i.ngC"omrnercial
Fishing Vessel License (CFVL) holders for renewal of their license;
Pxrvided, tfrattheyhaveno recsrdof violstiffi sf Se termsandeonditions
oftheir license;
c- To develop the databaseon cornrnercial fishing vessels, gears and
d. To establisha systemof permanentmarking and identificationof fishing
vesselsfor {isherieamanagement;
e. To regulate the captuie fisheries sector towards achieving long terrn
f. To etrhanc€monitoring of fishing operationsfor fisheries management
throughthe establisluhentof a vesselmonitoringmeasures;and
g. T* irnplerllent 1x>tricies embodied in the Republie Ac'g Ns- 8550, cs
amendedby Republic Act No. 10654 and its implementingrules and
regulations, which directly refers to registration and licensing of
commercialfi shingvessels"

Se*ti,oc2- $cap'e-Tlds nrder shall apply to all Philippiae*flaggedfiski*g vessals

with 3-l grosstons snd abovewhich conductfishing operationin Philippine watea,
high seas or waters of ofier Coastal States allowing strch fishing operatitiirr.
SeetiouS. Pefipitisn of .Tetme As ud in &is Ords, tfie follewl*g tem*sand
acronymsshall mmn:

L Automatic Locdiou Communicatoror Mobile Tracking TransceiverUnit

(ALC or MT[I] * is an qpproved-typeone-wayor two-way automatictracking
device utilizing a sstellite navigatio* and c+rasruaicaticasyster*,as nr*y bi
requiredfor thepu{poseof transmittinginformationconcsmingthe Philip$ine-
flagged fishing vessels'position, fishing activities, and any sther acfivity as
b- Bureau- Bureauof FisheriesandAquatic Resources.
c- cash Bond * a specific amourt cf money depositd by the applicant as
guarante€of good faith and for satisfactorycompliancewith the terms and
csndilionscf the litense.
d. Catchervessel- a type of fishing vesselwith fishing gearor board and does
the actualcatchingof fish.
e. Certificateof Clearance- documentissuedby the Bureauto licensedfishing
vesselsbeforedeparnnefrom any port to the fishing groundfor the purpcseof
ensuringcornpliaacewith documebryrleguktory rqr:irernens.
f. CommercialFishing-the taking of fishery qpeciesby passiveor activegearfor
trade, businessor profrt beyond subsisrenceor sports fishing to be further
1. Small scale commercial fishing - fishing with passiw or active gear
utilizing fishiag vesselsof 3-l grus tons (GT) up to rw€sry {20} gr+ss
2. Medium s*ale commetcial fishing * fishing utilizing active gears and
, vesselsof20.l GT up ro onehundredfifty (150)GT, and
3. Large scalecommercialfishing - fishing utilizing active ge.arsandvessels
of morethanonehundredfifty {lJ0} GT,
g. CommercialFishing VesselLicense(CFVL) - refers to a permit to operate
specifictypes*f fishing vesselfm sp*cifie durationia areasheyo*d mrmicipal
watersfor deme$aler pelagicfisheryresources.
h- CommercialFistring Gear License {CFGL} * refers to a permit to operate
specifictlpes of fishing gearfor specificduration in areasbeyondmunicipal
watersf,ordemersalor pelagicfishery resources-
i. Dcpar*n*nt-tllc Dcparkrcnt af,*.griculhra
j. Director-the Directorof the Bureauof FisheriesandAquatic Resources
k. Distant*waterfishing - meansfishing in dre high seasor in watersof other
l. Fisherfolk - people directly or personallyad physically engagedin taking
and/orculturingandproces*ing*f fisherys*d1oraquatisr*sslJrees-
m" Fisherman's License * license issued to fishworkers working/deployed
onboad eammercialfishing vesrels.
n. Fishing -*ie taking of fishery speciesfrorn their wild stateor habitat,with or
wifhoutthe useof lishing vessel.
o- Fishing Gear- any instrumentor device*nd its accessories utilized in takins

?:tffif;ffi:-HI:fln*i*s &vicecl:eracrerie*d
target species by towing, pushing the gears, surrounding, covering
dredgingard scaringthe targetspwies to impoundments:suchas, but not
limited to fawlo purseseine,Danislrseines,
paaling anddrift gill net.

PagEZ aflS
2. Passivefishiag gear - is characterized.by the absenceof pursnit of the
target specieesuchas,but not timitsd to, hook and linq fishpots,traps md
gi$ netssd aerossthe paih oftke {ish-
p. Fishing Logsheef- official daily rccord ef fish catch and spoilage, landing
points and estimatedquantity and value of fish mught, and otl:-loadedfor
transshipmenf,saleand/orother dirynsal.
q. Fishing vesssl- any boat, ship or ather watercraft equippedto be used for
*king sf *stlery *pet'ics ur aiding c'r assistingone {1} i}r racneyesscisin the
petformanceof any activity relating to fishing including, but not limited to,
preservation,supply,storage,refrigeratior, transportationand/orprocessing.
r. Fishery managementarea* a buy, gulf, lake or any other fishery areawhich
may be delinealedfor fishery resourcemailagementpurposes-
5. Fi*eriffi Obeerver- refem to a pasan duly autlrorized b'y the Phiiippine
governmentor tmder a Regional ObserverProgram of the RFMO, to collect
scientific, t€chni@l or fishing-relateddata, and other information that may be
required by the government or the RFMO andlor in eompliance {o a
t Fishworker - a person regututy or not regulaty einployed in commercial
fishing and relded indushies, whose income is either in wage, profit-sharing
or stratified sharingbasis,including lic@sed patrons,maine e,lrgineers,radio
operatcrsand cooks- Excluded &om this categoryare admicistrator, s*rrrity
guards,and overs€ers.
ti, Harrest Conml Rules - refers to aetions or set of actisns to be taken to
achievea medfumor long term taget referencepoint while avoiding reaching
or breachinga limit referencepoinq
v- High Seas-tfu*.part ofthe seeu&i*h a#ecd$ beyoadtk ExclusiveEco$osaic
Tnae {EEZ} ofa State.
w. SpeeialFishing Fermit *a qpecialfishing permit issuedto commercialfrshing
vesselswhich opsralesin Higb SeasPocket No. I after complying with the
x- MARINA* lvtaritise ludusry Auth+rity.
y. Master Net Mender - A person who supervises or does fhe actual net
designingand consfirction-
z. NTC - National TelecommunicationsCommission
aL "Palcurd"or "sirisatt" - meansa small motorized boa! three (3) gross trms
{GT} or !ess, r:si*g hffldlire Sshing ge*r *d *peretes i:n conjunction with a
comnercial t*na handlinevessel.
bb" SkiffBoa * a boat attashedto one extremity of the purseseineand having one
extemity of the pirss line cable,which is kept on the top of the net on bonrd
the slopedpart of the stem of the vessel
cc. Perssa * na*lral +r jr*idical mh&ee $rch ss i*dividaals" associ*tions,
parmerships,cooperativesor corporations.
dd. Secretary*The Secretaryofthe Deparment of Agricutture.
ee. Vecsel Monitoring Measure* meansa method or a $y$tsmused to track and
monitor the positiorg csurseaod speedof the vesselsat any given time for the
pwpss€ *f rnanagantentof lishing effo* a*d fiskxiss rcscilrces and for

P*ge 3 of 15
Chepter II
Regi*tration of Fishing Vesseband Gears

Section4. B*gistra$qn of Commeqgial Fishine _Yes,elq. The registrationn

documentation,inspectionandmanningof ths operationof all typesof fishing vessels
plying Philippine w.atersshall be ia accr*rdffmewith exi*ing law*, rules and

S*tion 5. Fishine Gear Resistration. Fishinggearsusedfor comrnercialfishing

pur?osesshall be registeredwith the Bureaupursuantto Section29 of RepublicAct
3550, as amended,on the registnationand licensing of fishing gears used in
commercialfishing. AII fishing gean that will be usedby the fishing vesselshall be
registeredwith BF,{R-

Section6. Resuirementsfor Fishine Gear Resistra.tion:

a. Paymentof applicationfee;
b. Duly accompli*tedand notarizedBFAR FishingCearRegistrationFornn;
c. Fishing geartechnicaldesignand ryecificationsduly certified by the master

Chapter III
Licen-singaf Commercial Fishiug Ycs*b, Gers and Fishwsrkers

$wtian 7. Cgmmereial Fishire$,ffiflf,itrqs€ and Sther Licffisss. No pereon

shall operatea coilImerciatfishing vessel,pearl fishing vesselor fishing vesselfor
scientific,researchor educationalpuq]os€s,or gng4gein anryfishery activity, or seek
employmentas a fishworter or pearl diver without first securinga license*om the
Depatfrnent,the periodof which shallbe prescribedby the Departmen(Provided,that
n+ suchliccftssshall be rery:iredof e f;shing vesselengegedin scie*ti{ic researchar
educationalpurpos.e$within Philippine waters and pursuant to an international
agleementof rvhich the Philippinesis a signatoryand which agreementdefinesthe
satus, privileges and obligations of said vesseland its crew and the non-Filipino
ofricials of the internationalagencyunder which vesseloperates;Providedfurther,
tbat rn*r*b*rs *f the *rerryaf a fishing vessslr*ed fos csxlEnc.rcial
fishing cxceptthe
duly licensedand/orauthorizedpatrons,marineengineers,radio operatorsand cooks
shall be eonsideredas flsherfolk: Provided finthermore, that atl skipperslmaster
fishers shall be required to undertakean orientation taining on detection of fish
caughtby illegal mean$beforethey can be issuedtheir fishworkerlicense:Provided
fin*lly, that ttrc large cammereialfishing vessel license herein authorieedtc h*
grantedshall allaw the licenseeto operateonly in Fhilippine watersseven(7) or more
fathadn$ *eep, the dryth to be eemifiedby the I'IAMRLA, and subjectts the eondition*
that may be stated*ierein and the rules and regulationsthat may be promulgatedby
the Deparbnent-

Section8. VessellGearLicensineand Exemption.The DA-BFAR strallissueto

ry:elified epplica*ts con'ln:ercialFishiag Vessel License {CFVI,) +r Carnrnercial
Fishing Gear License {CFGL) to engagein commercial fishing in fishing areas
beyondmunicipalwaisrs;providedthal skifiboatsshail be exemptedfrom ihe license

Prye 4 af 15
*Po*fira"or lsitirsstt", The olvners
Section 9. Req$ire,Elmfi for Skiflborts and
and operators ot m fishing vessels shall, include in their CFVL application,
the complete infsrmation on their skifrboafs. Such skiff boats shall be ad-mea*sured,
identified and indicated in tls CFVL of the catcher ves-qel.The erwnerand operator of
cenrrnercial hasdli*e t"essc!$shall, indicat* fu thir CFVL, the nunber *f, "qt#k*r#"or


iigfgg RegionalFisherie.sOffic* whictr eiths has

jurisdiction ovsr the homeportof the fishing vesselor lhe principat addressof the
t*r*r andEndsrs€dta BFAR Centi"alOffiee. An apptieationis earrsidered l'{sw if the
fishing vesselapplied for has never ben issuedwith a CFVLICFCL befarp or has
changfo its vesselnirne, owner, fishing vssel classification,type of fishing gear

Se{iea trl- I}ocuse*t*rv Requirsgle*ts fon Nffi CFIIL:

a. DuIy accomplishedBFAR CFVL applicationform;

b. 1'wo 1Z;copiesof I'k10" vesselunalteredpicturesshowingthe porl starboard
anOrequireOidexrtificationandmarkingasspcified in Annet'l of this Order;
*. Grid naapindicatingthe propasedfishing gr+un#s;
d, Original or authenticated photocopyofthe following:
d.1. Certificateof Ftrilippine Regisry {CFRD;
d,2. Certificateof Ownership{CO}; and
' d'.2.ValidlUnexpired FishingVesselSafptyCefiificate(FVSC)'
e- ApprovedArticles of Incoqpcrrati+n *nd By-I-aw* ftrr *arporaticmo the Fnmary
of secon6arypurposeof which is to engagein fishing, or business narne
registratim, catificaie for single prcprietwship or ltffiler$hip ttr accsmpany
the first vesselof the applicantto be licensed;
fl Fishing logsheetfor catchervesssl for registrationand approval by BFAR
uponpaymentof negistrationfee of fifty Pesos{P50'tl0};
g. efr6unit specifiing that the vessel has no pending criminal, civil or
h. Importationor constructionclearance(in casethe fishing vesselis importedor
newly constructed);and
i" Copyof official receiptscoveringpaymentof appticaticnandlicensefees
j. Tax Identificdion Numberof the owner

$eetion 12. Fishins V€$sel ldentification and lttlarkine. Prior to issuanceof

CFyL, fishing vesse* snat Ue painte* and marlcd on the hutl with its regisrered
nameandregistrationnumberas ippearsin the Certificateof PlrilippinSRgSiqrf and'
whereapplicablq InternationalRadioCall Sign s$app€srsin the Ship StationLicense
with the technicalspecifications$et$ut in Annsq I of this Order.
in accarbance

Sec*iron13. Y*sr€l Moffitsrins l+feasarssendJr]r Obs€ffer Cfiveffigc. Prior to

issuanceof CpVL, ttre ni$ng vesselmust comply with VesselMonitoring Measures
andlorobservercoveragesubjectto existingrules and regulationsof existingrelevant

Page5 af I5
Section14. Rcqgriremenrsfor Commercial Fishius Gaar ticense {CFGLI,

a" Completedapplicationform;
h" Fishinggearinspectienreport;
c. Fishing gearrnarkings;
u- Faymentuf licensefee,

Section15. Requirementsfqr Fisherman's l*icense.

a. Cornpletedapplicationform:
U. Twe p) capiessf l" X I' ID pi*me;
c. Valid government-issued ID or BarangayClearurce;and
d. Paymentof licensefee in the amountof OneHundredPesos{PhP100.00).

Section16. Validitv and Renewal of Fisherman's Licens€. The validity of

Fighermarc's Lic"srseshall be three{3} yearsfr+*: elredateef pa3xnant+f ths licens€
fee. It may be renewedthree(3) monthsbeforeits expiration.The non-appearance of
tfuelicenseemay be ailowedduring applicationstbr renewal;providedthat the person
appearingon his behalf mustpresenta certificationfrom the owner of the vesselthat
the licenseeis/was deployedas a fishermanor crew memberon board the fishing

Swtiar 1?. Gffr{nd* for.ryissisn sruou-fusuanceof CFll.Non*ompliance to

the provisionsof this Orderand other esfablishedfishery laws, rules and regulaiions,
shallbe a groundfor rejectionor non-issuanceof CFVL-

Section1$. Yaliditv of CFYI"I and QSQI,r. The Commercial Fishing Vessel

Licenseand Co:nmeraialFishingGsar Lics$e sliell be valid fsr a pericd af three{3i
yearsstartingfr<rmthe dateof paymentofthe licensefeesunlesssuspendedrevokd
tsrminatedor cancelledfor cause.

Section19. Rsnewsl of liceuses.The CommerciatFishing Vessel LicensEand

Cs*meEcial Fishing Gser tic€nse shall b re.rlewedeveq. three {3} ye*rs. The
owner/operatorof a fishing vessel has a period of sixty (60) days prior to the
expimtionof the iicensewithin which to renewtfuemme.Non-renewalof CFVL and
CFGL shall not be penalizedunlessthe owner or operatoroperatesa commercial
fishingvesselandgearwithout a license-

&. At leastsixty {60) calendardaysprior to the expry of its CFVL and CFGL,
the licsfisee slmlt eh?r€ss to the DA-BFAR Regional Offise having
jurisdiction of the fishing vessel'shomeport,their intent to renewthe license
and requestfor an inspectionof the fishing vessel.The licenseemay also
receive in their email a notification fr,om the Fishing Vmsel Electranic
Licensing System {FeLiS} that the CFVL/CFGL will expire in sixty (60}
calerrdmdays-?hr DA-BFAR Rqfunral Sffice shall s$n&ict tlre inspwtioit
within thirty {30) calendardaysfrom receiptof suchrequest"

Page6 of t5
b. At leastthirqy calendar(30) dayspnor to tk expiry of tbeir CFVL and CFGL
and upon reipt of the fuspection Report showing compliance with the
requirernents;the licenseeshall file the complete documentaryrequirements
for renewaland pay the licensefeesand charges.
*. T6e DA*BFAR Regi*r:at Sffice r*all evatruatethe applicati*n for rsaewatr
within thirfy {30} calendardays &om receip of its completesubmissionand
compliance wi& the requirements- Otherwise, it shall bs deemed
arfromatically aPProved'
d" Licenseesniho havenot renewedtheir CtrVL and CFGL within sixty (60) days
p6or to its expiration msy still ryply for reftswal subject to tbe llarlrest
Control Rulesin placeat the time of application-

section 2{}" Docggrentarv ReqEirementsfor Renewal of cTvL:

a Duly aeeomplisffi BFARapplicatic'n for fishing vmsel liemse;

b. fwo qZl .optes of 8"x10" vesselunalteredpicturesshowingthe port, starboard
and requiredidentification and marking as specifiedin Annex I of this Order;
e- Grid map indicating the pmposedfishing grotmd/s;
d. Orig*al or authenticatedphotocopyof valid/urexpired Fishing Vessel Safety
Cerfificate (Fl'SC);
e. New fishing logsheetsfor catcher vessel for registraion and approval by
BFARupon paymentof registrationfee of ffi pesos(P5g'00);
f. Affidavit speciffing that the ves*sl has oo pending criminal, civrl or
g. Cupy of offisial recviptrsuoveringpaymentof applicationantl lice,lrse;
h. Duly accomplishedfishing logsheetscr an affidavit attestingto the submission
. of fishing logsheets;and
i. Ori#nat capy aftheprevicus expiredCFVL-

Section Zl. Sglre1lder pf CFIT,. The CFIT- sfualib€ surrenderedto BFAR upon
its expiratioo ot *h*o thi fishing vesselis intendedto be usedfor;nqloses other than

section ?2, Diqnlav of the GFYL. The authenticatedcopy of CFVL shall be

liamed anC exiriUited in a conspicuouspiace onboard the lishing vessel and shali
alwaysbe madereadyfor inspectionby authorizedfishery law enforcers-

S.*+tie*?3. Treusfer of Ow*gwhi*. The +rvner/opera!+ref, * registeredfi*hi*g

vesssl sball notiff the Deparment in writing of any intentioa to transfer the
ovmershipof the vessei within ten {10} days ircfore its intendedtransfer to another
entity/person.Failure of the owner to do so shall not extinguish any existing or
penOi"gsanctionor liability with respectto said fishing vessel,

$ection 24. Re*nonsibilities of the License llolder. The license holder has the
fottowing responsibilities:

&. recording of fish catch and spoilage,landing points, estimatedquantity and

indicatite/estifixat€dvalue of fish ee*gbt, alrd *S-l*ad*d fur trenslriptrent,sale
andl or other disposaland other information in the prescribedfishing logsheet
for entire tlration af the tishing license;

PageTof I5
recordiag of details of vessel operaaiomand maintenancein their roll and
decllengine logbooks;
c. displaythe original or authenticdedcopy ofthe fishing licensein conspicuous
placeson boardthe fishing vessel;
: keopi*g of fishing logskts oa board ssd be ar*de re*dily evailable fer
inspeetionby authorizedfishery law enforcers at all ti&es, exc€pt when the
boat is dry dockedor undergoingrepairs;
submission of an affidavit to prove that the vessel.is not involved in any
adrninistrativeor judicial cilseupon rsrewal of CFVL;
sebmissiontlf an nffida*'it statitg tlre aqa:sr hasc*mplied Sel. 25 sf RA
8550,asarnendedby RA 10654; "vith
g- subject the fishing vessel and gea for inspection prior to the issuanceof a
Certificate of Clearaaceto departto the fishing ground;
h" notifu the BFAR of atransfer of owmship of the vesseland/or gear;
t. allsw deprtized fishtrt'law eaforwt officss to take fish samplesfor on-
j. submit original iishing logshee!
k comply with the vessel rrea.sure.as ryplicable;
l" comply with the observerrequirenrcn! as ryplicable; ad
ffi. comply with the hrvest contnolnrlesand referwce points.

ChaPterfY r'
Feesetrdca$h heads

Ss{ion25. Arntieatisn ,and Spe.istratrn FW. The idtiat application for

Cornmercial Fishing Vessel Licerse {CFVL}, Commercial Fishing Gear (CFGL),
shafi be Forn Hundred {P400.00},and Two Hrmdred (P2CI0.00}Pesos,respectively,
payable to fhe Bureau w.hieh is nqn-trsnsfersble and norr-refi:udable"Als+, tle
applicationfor registrationof the fishing gear shall be Two Hundred{P200.00}Pesos,
pnyableto the Bru'eauwhichis non-trmsfenble and non-refimdable-

Section 26, Liecnse Fe€s,The annuallicensefeesshall be payableto the Bureauin

acc+rdaucstvith the foltcwing rate"s:

iL ?'or CammercisthTshingVesselLicense.

1) For fishingvessel3.1to P200.00+P2.00ICT

20.0 gr+sstons era fcaetionthermf
2) For fishing vessel20.l to P250.00+ Ir2,00lGT
50.0 grosstons ora ftacticnthereof
3) For fishingvessel50.l to P300.00+ P2.00/GT
100.0grosstons ora fractionthereof
4) F*r fishi:re vessellSS.1to P5SS.S$ + P3"S+/GT
125.0grosstons or a fractionthereof
f) For fishing vessel125.0to PI,ot)O.tts+ P3.00/GT
150"0grosstons or a fraction thereof
6) For fisbing vessel150.1to P1,500.00+ P3.0$/GT
250.0grosstons me *acti<r* fhere*f
7) For fishing vessel250.1 P2,500.00+ P4.00/GT
and above or a fractionthereof

PageI of 15
Fbr Comrnerci*l FishixgGearLiaense.

1) For fishingvessel3.t to 20.0grosstons - P400"fiCI

?) For fishingvessel20.lto 150-0grosstons - P800.00
3) Fcr fishingvessel150,1to 300_0grosstons - P1,200.00
4) For flshiqg ve+*el30S.t ta 50$-0gc$sst&r$ - Pass0.00
5) For fishingvessel500.1grosstonsandabove - P5,000.00
Section27. CasFBoqt lle?Eitfor Fishine Yesscl.Beforea licenseis issued,the
applicant,as guaranfyof good faith and for satisfactorycompliancewith the terms
and conditionsaf &e-license,shall post a cashbond depcsit,€auivalentto re5aurse
rent estimates,to the Bureauwhich shall be non-transferablein accordancewith the
fallowing rates:

8- For vesselsof 3-0to 20 GT P250.00

b. Forvessels2A.l n 50 GT P350.00
c. For vesselsof 50,1to 75 GT P450.00
d. Forvessels ef 75.1to lS GT P55S.S
e. Forvesselsof 100-lto 150GT P6s0.00
f Forvesselsof 150.1to 250 GT P750.00
g" Forvesselsof 250.1to 500GT P850.00
h. For vesselsof 500.1GT andabove P950.00 |'

Section28' Forfeilure. of Sas-hBond,Ilenosit The Director may forfeit the cash

bond deposit in favor of the governrncntupon tlrc cancellationoi *t* license for

Section29. Refun4 oJC&* Bond Denoait.A cashbond depositmaybe reftnd*d

upon the retirementof the fishing vesselor cessationof operationand iubmissionof
the orighat *#cial Recsri*therefuie,ts ffte Direetor.

$eqtion30. Clearauce Fee. "{he issuanceof the Certfficate of Lllearancein

accordancewith Section 43 hereof shall be chargedwith a clearancefee of One
HundredPesos(P100.00)regardlessof tonnage

*nd fnspection of Fishing Logshets

sef,'fion3I- _ S**r*oryI, *d c*t*h l!****ktio-- Each

commercialfishing vesselshallkeepa daily recordof nstr cxch ana spoifage,landing
psints, artd quantiryand ralue of fish caughqand offloaded for tmnshidmerrt,sate
other disposal.Defailed information shatl be duly certified by tie vessel,s
captainand transmittedto BFAR within the period prescribedin the implementing
rulesandregulationspromulgatedby the Department.Failureto comply shall resultta

The fishing logsheetsor daily record of fish catch shall be submited to the BFAR
RegionalOffice upon tAe completionof the fishing trip and the datatherein shall be
andusedfor fisheriesmanagement

FageI aJ'13
$ection 3?. &eeisft:rtlon of Fishine LoFhea The fishing logsheetmentionedin
the precedingsectionshaitbe registeredwith their pagesnrmrbercdccnsecutivelyand
kept intact with no missingpages/numbers and shall be presentedto the Director or
his duly authorizedrepresentatives for registrationupon paymentof the registration
fse of F:fty {P50,00}pos f'or ecch bo$k" $uc&eppr+valshall be.idisat'-d ia the
inner sideofthe coveroppositethe first pagethereofas follows:

Approved in aeeordnnte with the Fishertes Administrative Order No

consistingof -Wges.

*iredor af Fkheries ard Aquaie Resou,rrs

Registration Fee:
O.k No.

Section33- Insoeetion of trtshine Losheet$ Thrcfishing logSheeshall be kept

on boald the fishing vesel at all tirnesand shall alwaysbe madereadily availabletbr
inspectionby fuly authorizedfishery law enforcersexcept urhenthe boat is dry-
dockedor undergoingrepairsandthereforenot operating-

Section34. Obstruction in the Performance of Official Dutv. The Director or

any dfrty audlorizedfis{rerylaw enforceinentofrficerin fire perfomanceof his offrcial
duties in acsardancewith the FLEIVIOP,shall not be obsftrcted or hinderedfrom
lawfrrlly boardingfishing vesselqwhetherlicensedor not.

Chaptrr YI
Instihtional Liuhnges

Scction35. Ljqkpge Mcchryism. The Departrne,rrtmd the Bureau shall

ecrordinateand enbr intcr agreements,where necessary*with other govemment
agencies,induseial sector and other ccncernodsectors in the furtheranceof the
cbjectivescf this Or&r andfulrctiensspecif*ecl

The Burea4 in coordination with the local governmentunits tLGUs)'

MARINA, Philippine National Police {PNP) and Philippine Coast Guard
{PCG) through a Memorandumof Agreement(MOA}, shall oondust an
integloivecanrpaigpto sffi&r+ lice$sesby c.*lliag owrcr#cprat*rs of all
unlicensedvesselsto participatein the regisffationand licensingactivities of

The Bureau,in coordinationwith LGUs, MARINA, PNP and PCG througha

MOA, shall completethe invmtcrryof fr"shingvesselqgeas mrdfidrerf,otkthat

c. The Bureart.in coordinationwith MARINA, shall developand managetlre


FageI0 oJt5
d" The Bureau, in caerdinatienwith *f'ARINA" shall dgamine the marintunr
numberoflicenswto be iszued:

The Bureau,in roordinationwith MARINA" PCG. and PNP-MaritimeCroup

through a MOA, shall inspec! mcnitor and enforcecompliancewith license
raquirementoiEra*ra,darl*cwith this Mer, a*rdappeke*d #sl*lngviclat*ffs;

The 6ureau, in coordinationwith MARI}{A and LGUs, shall conduct an

intensiveinformation and ducation campaignon tbe limited entry rule from
the firstto thethird monthfrom the efuivity of this Order;

The Burezu,togetherwith MARINA, shall implernentthe limited entry rule,

pariiculmly crrrfton-regisrationof fishing vesselsand non-issuance of licenses
during the five-year moratorium p€riod following the effectivity of this Order;

h. TheBureau,in coordindionwithMARINA, PCG,PNP-MG,PN, DOJ andthe

Judiciary', shll &velqp appropn*e aaining Progiams for srforcement
agencies and the judiciary to improve monitoring and enforcemeni
capabilities,andefficiency in prosecutionof fishingviolations

Chapter VII
Li*bilities spd $anefbns

Section36. Grgunds for C$ncellatj,on or Kevocstion ,of the CtrIIL andlor

CF$I,. The licensesissuedpursuantto this Ordershallbe subjectedto cancellationor
revocationon anyofthe followinggrounds:

(a) Willful violation of existing fishery lawE decrees,letterscf instructionor its

implemmtirrgrules rytdregulatiuns;

(b) Non-compliancewith the term$ and conditions of the license which shatl
include,but not to be limited to" the follawing:

i. Use*f ge*n*thcr thantha{specifisdi* tFtelicense.

ii. Tarnperingor alterationof CFYL and/orCF'GL.

iii- Unauthorizd modification that substantially changes vessel

Srrrcf,$r**n size.

iv. Fisfuingouisidethe areaspecifiedin the iicense"

v. Non*recordingof fish catchin prescribedfishing logsheets.

vi. Failureto displaythe authenticatedcopy of the CFVL and/orCFGL

in r*rrpiruous placesinr {he brrat

vii.Refusalto be su$ectedto inspectionof fishinglogsheets"

Pagell of 15
yiii. P.ef*satts let d$rtized fishay lar- erif,srsementoffftcerstu
takefish samplesfor on-the-spote,lraminations.

{c) Falseor fraudulentstatementsin the applicationthereof by the apolicantor

his duly authorizedrepresentative;

(d) Whenpublic intelst so requires.

Provided,however,that fsr items{b) (i9 to (viii} aboveautomaticrevocationshall be

imposedonly on thsthird violation.

Providedfinally that the penaltyandsanctionsprovidedin this Sectionshallnot apply

in eas* ihe offurKlsravails oiihe offer ro seffieas p'rovidut iur fu Ruie 13i.2 of fne
Implementing RulesandRegulations of RA10654.

Sstion 3?, Liuitatioq on thc Tra&tfer,. L*- or As'tlsnqrcntof lute-re$- The

licenseeof any fistring vesselandgearinvolved in anyjudicial ordministrative cBse
shall not karsfer, kse or assigr his intmsf tkeroil &ning the exisltmceof die eass.

Distant Water I'ishing
Sectis* 3& kaat Et'ster FigbiaE Fi*hirg lesscls +f PFnhpptr,eregi*ry n?ay
engagein disfantwater fishing as defined in this Order: Provided,that they comply
with the saiery, manning and other requirementsof tlre Fhilippine Coast Guard,
Maritime Industry Authorig and other agenciesconcerned:Provided,howeverothat
they securea fishing permit, gear licenseand other clearancesfiom the Departrnent:
Prervided, fi:rther, tba*the fuh Ga*gtsby suehvc*selsskll be eo*sideed ** e**gl* ia
Philippinewatersand thereforenot subjectto all import dutiesand taxesonly when
ihs stfir{sir lartrlerlin dulydesignatedfish iandingsmd frsh poris in tfre Pfuilippines:
Provided,furthermore,that landingports establishedby canneries,seafoodprocessors
and all fish landingssitesestablishedprior to the effectivity of the IRR of R.A. No.
1M54 shall be con*idered arxharirsd landing. sitaq Previde{ final$, that
fishworkers on board Philippine registered fishing vessels conducting fishing
aetit'ities beymrdtle Philipinr Exctush"e'Eccn-omicEcne are nct consideredas
oversea$Filipino workers.

Disfant water fishing vessels shall comply with the monitoring; control and
surveillancerequirements,conservationandmanagement measuresand fishing access
ssxrditiomof the bertffieat, the RF'MO,er eti"erowtal dat€s;

Section39. Requireuena fbr Siistant Watpr Ffuhins Fermif {I}qnFIli:

a. AccreditationasDishnt WaterFishingVesselby the BFAR Director;

h A val-idCFIIL a*#*r CFCI;
c. Duly accomplishedand notarizedDistant Wats Fishing Permit applisation
g _ -

d. Copy of the fishing permit/licensefrom the coastalState(for tishing vessels
operatingin watsrsof otJrercoastalStates);
e- Ship StatirmLiceilseissuedby NTe;

Page l2 of lJ
{. F+*+f Pl'!P.09;
Pain**t ef sppti+eti*n
o FaymentofPermit Feeof F1,500'ffi; onthehigh
n" ;;#ffi; ;;;d;;;;.t* i"" r"' sp*"i1l5lTp-IT1,::.op"*"
WCppC HSP-I only);
*.* (fotcatchervessels operatingin
u"i*rr.irg thatthe ves*l sharlnot, exceptwhenotherwise
;frJ;;il;f r t:-- ^ n-,^l--^:-,,,
uy graE';F-#
ar.rth*ci'ucd' i* Ptritippins*-wa*ess'inelexliag Exel'+sive
EconomioZoneduringthe durationof the DWFP'
The validity of Distant
section 40. vsli{ity of Distpt water Fishing Perpil l i c e n sies s u ebdy t h e
r i s h i n rg* i n g
W a t eF
time as the fishing lic'enseof the
coastalstateand shall expirelterrninateat the same

Section4I. Vessel
marking and ,p""ln*,iJ*" Tqit"d .U,v:h" .,*":1::, :.fti*,^:::y:: is
ilffif**l;d;;il Gr#ot andiir by the cmstalsrate,whichever

Miscellaneous Provisbns
up+a tb reearlatlle{t(jatjoaof tJre
Seetiou 42- Moraforium. The Dagrarlrner+tstrall'
on the issuance of licenses for
Burea$, have the p"*-t t" declare a morEtorium
areaor areasin Phiiippirie rtaiters iR
c*rqmrrvial frshing vffissts tii ilpeiats in spoe*iftad
of overfishing brought about by a
a limited period or time if there are indications
ca.ught therein or for canservation or
decrease in the volume and sizes of fish
ecological Bnrpose$"
gNpteit$!*T:f FFeeifit f;slteriT areaFin
Ns **+.* lie€$s* and ei*,gli.larpi"+ileges ** accordancewith
philippine wafsrs uJ uq**ufi.rry ftiauction areasshall be issued in
frve i5, years from tire effecti*rty of
this Code. Such moraforia shafl not *x*e*e
Republic ActNo- 10654and its IRR'

Seeliea 43" ef Fl€strr*ss. N+ fishieg b*at sball' d€.'rjg:t.&s!r'* its

grJundwithout first securingthe
homeportor any pfi-*f **puttt " iofi-* fishing
ei1irerfttrrn-the Regionai Office or Frovincial
prescribedCertifrr;ateai Cl'earAru:e
be issued upon verifi**1T of the
Offrce. A Certificate of clearance shall only
of clearanceshall be valid for thirty
documen8of the artting vesssl.A certi{icate
{3CI}from the dateof i-s$;noe- until retum to any port in the
thirtry,(30) days, *t utt U* issued clearancevalid

Section 44.
srr"*.osnts. 3:-Y*"-::T"1t#X
i; i"* a fishing vessel,t: upp*l'oa|or clearanceof
the Deprt*ter:t c&dstfffst +b*l:nedi'**r*q.t*m **gc f,ishittgcspmi$''

tuge ti af I3
$mtiron 45. Recairclgcq$ far Imaorhtiou. Con#action sr C*nversion

a- Letter of Intent to the Director with the ffrme of the fishing vessel to be
importedlconstructed/converted, type of vessel, gross tonnage and country of
b. Certificate of Deletion from Philippine Registry of the scrapped/sunken
c. Certificateof Deletionfrom VesselRegisty of the vesselto be importedfrom
thecountryof origin (for secondhandfishingvessels);

$ection 46. Crection of IUUF List of Fbhiae Ves$els.Thereis here$ycreatedan

FUtiF list of vesseisand Phiiippirreiiationais, which is a list of fishing vesselsarrtJ
Philippine nationalsfound to have engagedin illegal, unreportedand unregulated
fishingactivities.A PhilippineNationalor Philippine-flagged fishingvesselfoundto
havecommittedthree(3) prohibitedactsand convictedaccordinglyshallbe listedin
the IUUF list- The saidIULIF list shall be publishedin the BFAR website.

Section47. Separabilitv Clause. If any sectionor provision of this Order or part

thereofis <ieciaredunconstitutionafor invaiid, the o&er sestionsor pmvisionsthereof
which arenot affectedtherebyshall continueto be in full force andeffect-

S€tso*4& Sesp!'-t€ry C!*BS€.All existiry !aw*, rulesand rgula{o*s-shall aply

zuppletorilyto this Order.

Sectibn49. Repe*ling Clause FisheriesAdminishative Order No. 198 is hereby

repealed- All existing administrative orders, nrles and regulations which are
inconsistentwith the provisions of this order are hereby rryeald or nradified

Section50- Elfectivitv- This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days after
publication in one (l) newspaperof generalcirculation and upon filing with the
Offi ce of the NationalAdministrativeResister
.{g#tp,r,he",2018in Q*ezonCity,Me*o }.4enile,

Ileprtment of A

BspF Atffi nF lBali!i.Iet

lfilffiIiltt$!lll &i$Si
h frFlylng plt c*c thll tedo :
Fof g,gnatur€:S-St-i8{'llE
Rrcrlvrd : 0Fr!9/?018O4l{EPlrt

NFARMC Chairprson

Page14 aJ'i5
alv*hr,cx I
Fisbing Vessel tdenti:Iieatiog and Markilg Tecbnicd Rcqcfoemetr& *nd Specifieticns

or Intermtionatr Radi call sien (IRCS)

A. The fisring vessel regis*ered name" RegistrationNumber
and numbJr codt shall be placed on the follcwing loaation:
inclined at an angle to the
1. on the vsssel's side or sr$erstruchre. port and sttrboard; fixtures
considered as suitable provided tbatthe angle of
vessel,sside or srpers*ucn[e would be
prevent sighting of tlre sigrr fr;om anotlrer vessel or from the air' and
inclination would not

placed so as to obscure the mark on a

2- on deck. should an awning or other temporary cover be
marks should be placed athwarahip
declq the awning or cove;hall also bc mdceA- These
with'the top of the numbers or letters tourards the bow'

on both sides' Such parts of ttre

B. Markings shall be placed as high as possible ab-ovethe $ratsrline
huti as ihe bow ana the stern shall be avoided' The marks
gear whether it is stowed or in use;
I- be so piaced that they are not obsc,rred by the fishrng

deck or overboard riischarges inciuding

2. be ciear oifiow from scupper pipes freeing water on
ptD* to'a"IrlagB or d--iscolorationfrom the catch of certain types of
areas rvhich rniglrt be
spgsies; ard

3- noi€ffend beiow the ioad;vaicriiiie'

'*iftoiit deck, o-{reoi'ittor:e patiat si-aii i]6t k r'eqrriierj fo dispiay
C" In case-thef.shing l-esel is fals
the markings on a horizsrsal surfsce- However, o**rt should be encouragd wkre practical, to
#t a boa* ar whieh dre rr*t'rings ma'" oel.- cl€dy seen-fum the air' Vesels fiffii wi$ sails r'iay
disptay the mar*irrgs on the sail in addition 6 the kll

numbering*Eouglrout'The wi&h of the lett€rs

D. The vessd markingsshalt useblack l€itefirtg urdgbu
a,,4sursb*,s $hstlbg;frepcrtian t+ &e XTg!'*- b*tgl=t(h>af &e le€ffs asd n+mbers*s!l be
acssrddlc€with the following:
in proportionto tK $ize;f ile exposedpart olthe vesselin
inclined surhees;
l - for marksto be placedon the bull, superseuctuf€and/or
lleigttt of letters and
Length overall (LOA) ofthe nrstrb€rs in rnete*l (rn) ta be
vessei iin metersi not less thaa
?5 m and over l.{lm
?0 m butlessthan25 ru 0.8m
l5 m but lessthan ?0 m 0-6 m
l! n
12mbutlessthan 0.4 m
5 m b$lessfhan i2 m 0.3 m
Under5m 0-l m

than 0.3 m for all ve*selsof 5 m

2 for rnarksto be placedon deck:the height shall n0{ b€ less
andmrnrbers'The width of the
t. Tlrc lengthof the hyplrenshall behalf the heiglrt ofthe lefiers
andthe hSphen*u"tt uu h/6- Ths spacebetwen l'efiersand/or
soke for all letters,no*l*
ttranVA and ths space betweenadiaoertletters
nwnbersshall not exceeJw+ nar Uetess
tr"G tf"pi"g sidesshall not exceed U8 nor be less than h/10'

while backgroundusinga ^
+. The marksshall be white on a black background;or black on a
provide a borderaroundthe mark ofnot
durablemarinepaine Thebackgroundshall extendto
at all tinres'
{ The marksandthe backgroundshall be maintainedin goodcondition

Page15 af I5

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