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TIME: 1.30 HOUR MM:40
NOTE: - Attempt all the question. Marks are indicated at the end of each question.

1. Analysis shows that a metal oxide has the empirical formula M0.96O1.00. Calculate the percentage of M2+
and M3+ions in this crystal. (2)
2. Give reasons: -a) At high altitude, people suffer from a disease called anoxia. In this disease, they become
weak and Can’t think clearly.
b) Why is glycol and water mixture used in car radiators in cold countries? (2)

3. Give one example each of miscible liquid pairs showing positive deviation and negative deviation from
Raoults law. Give one reason for each of such deviations. (2)

4. Describe the construction of a H2-O2 fuel cell and the reactions taking place in it. (2)

5. Predict the product of electrolysis of the following:-

a) An aqueous solution of cupric chloride with platinum electrode.
b) An aqueous solution of silver nitrate with silver electrode. (2)
6. Can nickel spatula be used to stir copper sulphate solution? Support your answer with
a reason:
( E0Ni2 + / Ni = -0.25 V, E0Cu2 + / Cu = +0.34 V ). (2)

7. What is the total number of atoms per unit cell in a face centered cubic structure? What type of substances
exhibit anti ferro magnetism? (2)

8. Calculate the mass of a non-volatile solute (molal mass 40 g mol-1 ) which should be dissolved
in 114 g octane to reduce its vapour to 80%. (3)

9. What are the Colligative properties? Explain any one of them. Show that elevation in
boiling point is a Colligative property. (3)

10. solution prepared from 1.25 g of oil of winter green (methyl salicylate) in 99.0g of benzene has a boiling
point of 80.310C .Determine the molar lass of this compound (Boiling point of pure benzene =80.100C and Kb
for benzene =2.530Kg/mol) (3)

11.Conductivity of 0.00241 M acetic acid is 7.896 x10 –5 Scm-1 Calculate its molar conductivity and if 0m for
acetic acid is 390.5Scm2mol-1, what is its dissociation constant? (3)

12.100 mg of a protein is dissolved in just enough water to make 10.0 ml of solution. If this solution has an
osmotic pressure of 13.3 mmHg at 250c , what is the molar mass of the protein? (3)
13. The edge length of unit cell of a metal having molecular mass 75g/mol is 5A0.which crystallizes in cubic
lattice. If the density is, 2g/mol then find the radius of metal atom. (3)

14. Explain the following terms with suitable examples.

a) Ferromagnetism b) Paramagntism c) Ferrimagnetism (3)

15. a)What type of battery is the lead storage battery? Write the anodic and cathodic reactions and the overall
reaction occurring in operation of a lead storage battery .
b) Calculate the potential of half cell containing
0.10MK2Cr2O7(aq), 0.20MCr+3 (aq) and1.0x10 –4M H+ (aq) .The half cell reaction is :-
Cr2O72-(aq),+ 14H+ (aq) + 6e- 2Cr3+ (aq) + 7 H2O (l)
And the standard electrode potential is given as Eo =1.33V (5)
TIME: 1:00hrs

1. How many coulomb of electricity is needed for the following reactions?

2 moles of MnO4- to Mn2+
2. What do you mean by pseudo first order reaction. Give one example
3.Describe the construction of a H2-O2 fuel cell and the reactions taking place in it.
4.Predict the product of electrolysis of the following:-
a)An aqueous solution of cupric chloride with platinum electrode.
b)An aqueous solution of silver nitrate with silver electrode.
5. Give differences between order and molecularity of a reaction.
6 Can nickel spatula be used to stir copper sulphate solution? Support your answer with
a reason:
( E0Ni2 + / Ni = -0.25 V, E0Cu2 + / Cu = +0.34 V ).
7. A first order reaction is 20% complete in 10 minutes.
Determine the time taken for 80% completion of the reaction
8. The rate constant for the first order decomposition of H 2O2 is given as logK = 14.34 – 1.25x 104
K/T. Calculate Ea for this reaction. At what temperature will its half life be 256 minutes?
( 3)

9. Find the emf of the cell Pb/Pb2+(0.001M)|| Pt, Cl 2 (1.5 atm) / 2Cl-(1M) E0Pb2+/ Pb = - 0.13V,
E0 Cl2/ 2 Cl- = 1.36V

10. For a certain chemical reaction variation in the concentration in [R ] versus time(s) plot is given
i) what is the order of the reactions?
ii) what are the units of rate constant k?
iii) give the relationship between k and t1/2
iv) what does the slope of the above line indicate?
v) draw the plot [R ] 0 / [R] versus time(s)
11. a) Define molar conductivity of a solution and explain how molarconductivity changes with
change in
concentration of solution for a weak and a strong electrolyte.
b).Conductivity of 0.00241 M acetic acid is 7.896 x10 –5 Scm-1 Calculate its molar conductivity and if
0m for
acetic acid is 390.5Scm2mol-1, what is its dissociation constant?


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