CHEMISTRY Holiday Homework - 12-1

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Class XII Holiday Homework

Sub: Chemistry
Solve questions from these two units in your notebook.

I. Solutions:
1. Give an example of solution containing a solid solute in a solid solvent.
2. Is smoke a homogeneous solution?
3. What are isotonic solutions?
4. Define the term azeotrope.
5. Explain why a solution of chloroform and acetone shows negative deviation from Raoult’s law?
6. 18 g glucose, C6H12O6 (molar mass =180 g mol-1) is dissolved in 1 kg of water in a sauce pan. At
what temperature, will this solution boil? (K b for water = 0.52 K kg mol-1, boiling point of pure
water = 373.15 K).
7. i. Define Raoult’s law.
Ii. Derive the relationship between relative lowering of vapour pressure and mole fraction of the
volatile liquid.
8. Define the following terms: (a) Abnormal molar mass (b) van’t Hoff factor
9. An aqueous solution containing 12.48 g of barium chloride in 1.0 kg of water boils at 373.0832 K.
Calculate the degree of dissociation of barium chloride. ( Given, K b for H2O = 0.52 Kmol-1, molar
mass of Barium chloride = 208.34 g mol-1).
10. An aqueous solution freezes at 272.4 K, while pure water at 273 K. Determine the (i) molality of
the solution (ii) boiling point of solution (iii) lowering of vapour pressure of water at 298 K.
(Given Kf = 1.86 K kg mol-1, Kb = 0.512 K kg mol-1 and vapour pressure of pure water is 23.757 mm
11. What type of deviations would a solution of chloroform and ethanol show? List (i) main
characteristics of such type of solutions, (ii) main causes of such deviations.
12. A 5% solution (by mass) of cane sugar in water has a freezing point of 271 K. Calculate the
freezing point of a 5% glucose in water if the freezing point of pure water is 273.15 K.
13. Calculate the boiling point elevation for a solution prepared by adding 10 g of CaCl 2 to 200 g of
water. (Kb for water = 0.512 K kg mol-1, Molar mass of CaCl2 = 111 g mol-1)

II. Electrochemistry:
1. All electrochemical reactions are essentially redox reactions. Why?
2. Name the essential components of an electrochemical cell.
3. At which electrode does (i) oxidation, and (ii) reduction occur in an electrochemical cell?
4. In what type of electrochemical cells
(i) A non-spontaneous redox reaction is made to occur?
(ii) A spontaneous redox reaction occurs?
5. In what type of cell is cathode the positive electrode?
6. Calculate the emf of the cell
Ag(s)I Ag+ (aq, 1M)II Cu2+ (aq, 1M) I Cu(s)
And predict the cell reaction. EoAg2+/Ag = +0.80V, EoCu2+/Cu = +0.34V.
Predict whether this cell is feasible or not, if not write the feasible cell using these electrodes.
7. In cell notation for galvanic cell which electrode (anode or cathode) is written on the (i) left hand
side, and (ii) right hand side?
8. The same quantity of electricity that deposited 4.316 g silver was passed through a solution of a
gold salt and 2.628 g of gold was deposited. The equivalent mass of silver is 107.9. Calculate the
equivalent mass of the gold and its oxidation state in this gold salt (Atomic mass of gold = 197.0).
9. Explain what happens when an opposite external voltage is applied on a galvanic cell when it is
(i) smaller than (ii) equal to and (iii) greater than cell potential.
10. What is the effect of dilution on conductivity of a solution of an electrolyte? Explain.
11. Give the anodic and cathodic reactions involved in the hydrogen oxygen fuel cell. Also give the
overall reaction.
12. A. Predict the products of electrolysis of the following:
i. An aqueous solution of AgNO3 with silver electrodes.
ii. An aqueous solution of copper sulphate using platinum electrode.
13. Calculate the emf of the cell in which the following reaction takes place:
Ni(s) + 2Ag+ (0.002 M) Ni 2+ (0.160 M) + 2 Ag (s)
Given that E cell = 1.05 V.
14. The molar conductivities at infinite dilution for NaI, CH3COONa and (CH3COO)2Mg are 12.69, 9.10
and 18.78 mSm2 mol-1 respectively at 25 ℃ . What is the molar conductivity of MgI2 at infinite
15. Represent the galvanic cell in which the reaction,
Zn(s) + Cu2+ (aq) Zn2+(aq) + Cu(s).
16. Silver is uniformly electrodeposited on a metallic vessel of surface area of 900 cm 2 by passing a
current of 0.5 A for 2 h. Calculate the thickness of silver deposited. Given the density of silver is
10.5 g cm-3 and atomic mass of Ag = 108 amu.
17. Calculate λm for acetic acid, Given that,

λm (HCl) = 426 Scm2 mol-1

λm (NaCl) = 126 Scm2 mol-1

λm (CH3COONa) = 91 Scm2 mol-1.

18. Write the Nernst equation and compute the emf of the following cell at 298 K.
Sn (s) I Sn2+ (0.05 M) II H+ (0.02 M) I H2, 1 atm I Pt
[EoSn2+/Sn = -0.144 V]
19. Define conductivity and molar conductivity for the solution of an electrolyte. Discuss their
variation with concentration.
20. Calculate the standard cell potential of the galvanic cell in which the following reaction takes
Fe2+ (aq) + Ag+(aq) Fe3+(aq) + Ag(s)
Calculate the ΔrG and equilibrium constant for the reaction also.
[EoAg1+/Ag = 0.80 V, EoFe3+/Fe2+ = 0.77 V ]
21. Why is alternating current used in place of direct current in measuring the electrolytic
22. Calculate the standard reduction potential of Ag+IAg electrode when the cell potential for the
cell, Cu(s) I Cu2+ (1M) II Ag+ (1M)I Ag is 0.46 V. Given that Cu2+ICu = 0.34 V.
23. Why does the blue colour of copper sulphate get discharged when zinc rod is dipped in it?
Given Eo (Cu2+ICu) = 0.34 V , Eo (Zn2+IZn) = -0.76 V.
24. The resistance of a conductivity cell containing 0.01 M KCl solution at 298 K is 1500 ohm. What is
the cell constant if the conductivity of 0.001 M KCl solution at 298 K is 0.146 x 10 -3 S cm-1.
25. The molar conductivities at infinite dilution for NaI, CH3COONa and (CH3COO)2Mg are 12.69, 9.10
and 18.78 mSm2 mol-1 respectively at 25 ℃ . What is the molar conductivity of MgI2 at infinite
26. Calculate the potential for half –cell containing 0.10 M K 2Cr2O7 (aq), 0.20 M Cr3+ (aq) and 1.0 x 10-
M H+ (aq) . The half cell reaction is:
Cr2O72-(aq) + 14 H+ (aq) + 16 e-- 2 Cr+3(aq) + 7 H2O (l)
And the standard electrode potential is given as E o = 1.33 V.
27. Two electrolytic cells containing silver nitrate solution and dilute sulphuric acid solution were
connected in series. A steady current of 2.5 amp was passed through them till 1.078 g of silver
was deposited. ( Ag = 107.8 g mol-1, 1 F = 96500 C)
i. How much electricity was consumed?
ii. What was the weight of oxygen gas liberated?

III. Project: As given in class room.

IV. Solve question paper of Monthly Test 1.

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