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(flllSFrPF AWlONIO R()Ii(>I'S| lormerh I ni\( r^tv ol Hdiik and Uni\t*rsiiv ot

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IFWIS ( OKL^ ( nlltgt

(•F()K(>L M
DIMIIHOV ^tirt tar\ (>i m laf ol itir Jtiit rnational Pt Lnion
former editor oi Plaeine a daiK puldislif d m SoBa, fi>rmpr deput> of thp
Bulgarian Parhamtni

NK HOT AS DOMAN formpij>, (oHegp ol WilJiain and Mary and Aist Prompt uteir
l)( [on till inti rnational ^ldIta^> Irihiinal at Nuiembirg

FBIH^KK H ^ lOEBSlUi foniuilv lniv»r*»i!v ol Vienna mil IriivtiHitv ol

Munieli, former 1‘dilor of Do Mi nsi lipil

ID BIN (,OTI SKV lulini Univ.rsiiv

i* EJ IKS V, \ork I iiiver-^iu RiooLImi ( oUt »*-

SiDNhV HOOK \i ^oik Lnivif'^itx

llORA( f M KAlIhN New Si loeol l<»i '^ikuI lie*'! an h

TMOKSliN \ KAIII\H\I fonn* rl\ Inmc'itv ol New Ilainp''liitt at present

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VJ VDIMIK /LN/INO\ loniu r Mcinlict ol thi Russian (oustiiiunt \s-.e lubb and
Me mix Russian PioMsumtl (re»vi iiuiu
r ed id it pit sent Lditeer of /i SvoIhmIh
R ussian weekly jniblislu d in Niw \ork

Great European conflicts are not purely economic, but are con-
of ideas, as well. They have brought that continent to a point

wherein statesmen and political scientists cogitate whether a sharp

<lecline is inevitable or —
as I deeply hope — Europe has sufficient
strength to rise again.
Europe is the fatherland of great political ideas, just as Asia
and the eastern Mediterranean are the fatherlands of religion.
Ideologies born in Europe soon spread throughout the world.
The scope of this book is the presentation, in a synthetic-sur-
vey manner, of these European political ideologies; it is not in-
tended to serve as an introductory textbook, but rather as a syn-
thesis for those who are interested in, and familiar with, the rudi-
mentary principles. This explains, therefore, why some of the well-
known elements of these ideologies are sometimes either merely
mentioned or completely omitted.
There are a great many books dealing with important Europ-
ean ideologies, mostly in an introductory manner. What is the
specific difference between these books and ours? Firstly, as
previously mentioned, this book is intended for the reader who
already has some knowledge of the principles of the various
ideologies; secondly, in most of the books, only outstanding ideol-
ogies are treated. Therefore, they generalK discuss the same
ideologies, and those which are regarded as being inadequately
developed are omitted. We
feel that such ideologies, although
limited to certain groups or to certain countries, are still signi-
ficant enough for attention. Thus, this book devotes a consider-
able amount of space to those ideologies which have not been given
much consideration in other symposiums or anthologies. For in-
stance, Communism and Fascism can be found in every textbook
on European ideologies, but it is difficult to .uncover condensed
information upon European Pacifism, Agrarianism, Peasant
Movements, Russian Libertarian Movements, Falangism His-
panidad. Panslavism, Pangermanism, and Peneuropeanism. Our

hope is that this volume will fill this need. Obviously, there is
a mountain of literature upon all these topics, all of which is well-
known to specialints, but the need for a survey -approach to these
ideologies was apparent from the start.
However, limitations of space forced us to select certain rep-

resentative movements only. For example. Fascism and Nazism

gave birth —
or, at least, invigorated —
numerous native ultra-na-
tionalist and fascist movements. From the Baltic to the Mediter-
ranean, from the Black Sea to Gibraltar, there were scores of
Fascist fellow-travelers and barbarians. But we lacked sufficient
space to deal with all of them, and therefore we chose only the
Falangist movement as representative of the less significant move-
ments of this type. This was the case, too, with other problems;
i.e., relations between political ideology and religion forms an

important chapter in political sociology. Unable to treat all of

them, we chose Catholicism as an example.
It is apparent that a book of this type must, of necessity, have

a good many shortcomings and, most certainly, those which are in-
herent in all anthologies.
Some more space for their contributions than
authors utilized
was originally intended. Mere editorial cutting was insufficient t»)
atljust the technical problem of lineage to the importance of the
topic. Since further shearing would have utterly destroyed the
entire structure of the article, in some cases, we were forced to
let it remain.
Every autht>r, it should be noted, represents his own personal
point of view which is not necessarily shared by either his co-
author or the editor. Moreover, the reader will discover conflict-
ing views emanating from two or more contributors. It should
be rernernbered that it was not the intention of the editor to stan-

dardize the authors’ viewpoints, especially as he shares, with

Lindeman,' the ronviction that .social research cannot be entirely
divorced from a subjective system of values. The editor has
merely attempted to give fair representation to various and vary-
’ Edwan) C. Lindeman. Jolm J. Hader, Dynamic Social Research. Harenurt Brat-e
N. Y.. 1932. pp. 93 el seq.

ing views of social scientists, all of whom have a democratic
background. This explains, e.g., the different viewpoints ex-

pressed by Professor Borgese and Mr. Naft, on the one hand, and
by Professor Mendizabal, on the other, in their treatments of
Catholicism and politics; the differences between Mr. Rocker’s
and Mr. Nomad’s articles on the problems of Anarchism between ;

Professor Foersler’s and Mr. Stampfer’s on German problems.

Despite the democratic and libertarian views of all the authors,
still differences exist between them, and, through Editorial Notes,
we have tried to make the reader aware of these discrepancies.
The editor wishes to thank National Cooperatives, Inc., for its
assistance in securing the excellent chapter by Dean Horace Kal-
len; also.Harper and Bros, for its permission to reprint Profes-
sor G. A. Borgese’s essay “The Origins of Fascism,’’ from Democ-
racy is Different; “Commentary” for its permission t«> reprint
Lewis Corey’s “Economic Planning Without Statisni”; Professor
Hook’s chapter “Humanism and the Labor Movement” was pub-
lished in “New Europe!”
The editor wishes, too, to expres.s his gratitude to Mr. Max
Nomad for his editorial advice; his thorough, penetrating know-
ledge of European politics and his unfailing kindness was an in-

valuable aid in the preparation of this volume. Mr. Earl Miltle-

man and Mr. Haig Bahian also provided very helpful editorial
assistance, as did Mrs. Virginia Fane who had to cope with both
tlie editorial and technical problems inherent
volume of this
in a
type. We
were almost drowning in galley proofs, page-proofs,
index-cards and letters from our contributors when Miss Roslyn
Ashman, and Mrs. Jerome L. Stein, Robert Grossman, Stanley
Berger and Stanley Graher, enthusiastic students of Social Science
from Brooklyn College came to our rescue. Their kind and
friendly editorial cooperation permitted to complete our work
on time. I wish to express my whole-hearted appreciation to all
of them for their cooperation.
Feliks Gross
New York, February, 1948.



Preface vii

Introduction Robert M. Maciver xi


I. The Mechanics of European Politics Feliks Gross 1

11 . Communism Max Nomad 47

III. Socialism Algernon Lee 101

IN. European Trade Unionism Philip Taft 197

N. Consumer Coojierati<in and the

Freedom of Man Horace M. Kallen 209

M. Liberalism in Oisis Rubin Cotesky 229

Ml. The Liberal Tradition in Russia:

k. Herzen and \. Soloseff Flias Tartak 307

VIII. The Etolulion of Aiiar<-hism and Syndicalism:

A Critical View Mar Nomad 32.5

IX. Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism .... Wudo// Rocker .313

X. Agrarianism George M. Dimitrov .391

XI. The Destinies of the Russian Peasantry The {

Peasant Movement)
Ru.s.sian Vladimir Zenzinov •153

XII. Catholicism and Politics Alfredo Mendizabal 483

xni. Nationalism Thorsten V. Kalijarvi 539

XJV. Regionalism and Separatism Joseph S. Roucek 585


CONTENTS —Continued

x\ Zioni&m Jacob Lestchinski 611

X\I Anti Semitisni Jacob I^estchinski 617

XVII Thp Ongiii'i of Fdsiisni Giuseppe Antonio Borgese 675

XVIII Fa<!( I'sm Gunther Reiman 695

XIX Hispanidad and Falangism Stephen ^laft 711

XX Pangermanisni Fnedru h U t oeriter 7^7

XXI Nazi‘«m Ik 'spiritual Rook ftiedrirh Stampfer 761

XMI Pdnsla\ ism ITaclau Lednicki 805

XXIII I uropean Pac ifism and

Inlerriationalism V ir holas Doman 5

X\I\ luiopeaii Iidpralism Reginald D Lang 951

The Fpilogue

The Balamo Sheet — An Fdiloiial Xole 101

XXV ParalUlism and Pnigre''>< lelllis (rIOSS 1019

\XM Fconoinu Planiuna Without 'statism — L< onomu

Planning in the Iramework of I ibeitv Lems Coiey 10?

XWII Muniani'iin and tin Lihoi VI>\e'ii<nl Stdnei Hook 1057


When Emerson wrote,

Things are in the saddle

And ride mankind
he had no projdielic intimations of the twentieth century. In our
day it has surely become clear to every thinking person that man-
kind is now, whatever it was before, governed by ideas, activated
by ideologies, and ridden by myths. And there is no such world-
shaking ideology as that conceived by those who scornfully ap-
plied the term to all other doctrines except their own, and who
themselves claim that ideas are nothing but the reflections of the
“material,” the “real,” the economic forces. In our day, ideas
have become the great instruments of power. Our proliferating
idea-systems work on two levels. They are the springs of collec-
tive behavior, giving purpose and direction to groups and peoples

and dividing them one from another. On the other level they are
used by the men of power, who to win their ends must possess
one art above all others, the manipulative ait of the propagandist.
Thus myths are converted into the techniques of control, as the
editor amply reveals in the introductory chapter.
.Accordingly, no area of knowledge has greater significance to-
da> than that which explores the idea-sv '•terns of our age. What
we shall do with whole apparatus vie call civilization, what
goals it shall serve, whether if shall be a means of liberation or

of tyranny, even whether this civilization shall survive at all,

depends on our changing responses to the appeals these idea-
systems have for u**. Yet there is no area of available knowledge
so little explored, so little subjected to scientific analysis. We
know relatively little of the development of these idea-systems,
of their relation to changing conditions, of the validity of their
compelling claims, of their consequences on our lives when they
are put into operation. Idea-systems have been treated as a mere
frinffe of human history, whereas they are, or have become, its


This book is a contribution to that knowledge. It deals with

European ideologies, but Americans have to realize, as again the
editor points out, that Europe is the breeding ground of the eco-
nomic and political ideologies of the whole world and not least
of those that have most hold in this country. Moreover, the United
States in its world orientation can no longer fulfil its responsibil-

ities without a clear perception of the idea-forces that are moving

or controlling other peoples. We arc introduced in this volume
to aspects of modern movements that are little understood by
Western readers, such as the evolution of anarchism or the liberal
tradition in Russia. The author in each instance is a seriou.s
student of his subject, who has lived as well as thought within the
orbit of the idea-system he assesses for us.

There are differences of viewpoint i)i the volume; there are

inevitably, since the editor is happily no censor of opinions, con-
flicts of Interpretation. Many readers, like the present writer,
will have some reservations on the treatment of one or another
topic. Honest differences of opinion are salutary, so long as it is

the truth we For then we shall respect opinions that

are seeking.
differ from ours, and weigh whatever evidences are presented on
their behalf. The sharp intolerance »>! conflicting ideologies is the
curse of our modern world, ideologies that divide men into angels
and devils, those who share our political gospel and those who
reject it. It is the return of primitiveness, the primitiveness of
persecution, in an age where we must live together and where
this primitive mentality works deadly ruin. These ruthless ideol-
ogies deny in the name of the group all that humanity has in
common, all the universal
values apart from the recognition of
which our differences become wrathful prejudices.
Back of all these movements lie surging human needs, human
values, human a.spirations. Some are more concerned with the
liberation of the body, from privation, from penury, from ex-
pioitation. Some are more concerned, but usually where primary
wants are already in degree provided for, with the liberation of

the spirit, from the gross tyrannies of power or from the limits
of cramping conditions. Back of all the Machiavellian manipula-
tion of these movements by selfish interests and opportimist
leaders there lies the eternal quest, however ill directed, for a
better life in a better world. It would be the worst of ironies if
that quest, because of the conflicts of ideologies through which
it seeks expression, should be self-destroying.
No one can read this book without a widened understanding of
the forces that are stirring and changing this distracted age. Not
only will he gain a new perspective of the movements that impinge
on us from without, he will also be in a better position to face the
issues that confront us at home — in short, if he reads attentively
he will be a better citizen.
Kobkkt M. MacIvkr

The Mechanics of

European Politics



Feliks Gross

Promise and Reality

The great tragedy of European idealism lies in the discord

between promise and reality. For one hundred years European
idealists, radicals, democrats, socialists, anarchists, and com-

munists, as well as writers, visionaries, and statesmen have re-

iterated the promise of a millcnium of social justice, interna-
tional brotherhood, and jieace. The great dream of mass happi-
ness was followed by a rude awakening: first, in a totalitarian,
barbarian, cruel world and then in a world of poverty, destruc-
tion, and misery.
The Spring of Nations of 1848 has not >et l)een succeeded by
a Summer of Peoples. Revolutions bred counter-revolutions; more
and more blood was demanded by partisans and adversaries.
What emerged from the struggle was. often, as different from the
great promise as was the Inquisition from the teachings of the
Apostles. Such was the case in the Soviet Union.
In 1918, seventy years after the Spring of Nations, European
democrats and socialists gained control over most sections of
Europe, and it appeared that at last the millenium was at hand.
Then, an unexpected factor arose: a mass movement of unique
savagery and cruelty barred the evolutionary road. A portion
and, in some cases, a large number of people joined this move-
ment. It Nazism in Germany and Fascism in Italy,
resulted in
both of which were disquietingly successful in advocating evil and

closely connected with the underlying philosophy. Such well-
developed methods as Marxism aid in analyzing a current, con-
crete historical situation, and build a logical political program as
a consequence of this broad analysis. A political program, then,
is merely the outgrowth of a wide, detailed ideology, such as
socialism or communism, or a less elaborate one, such as nation-
alist or peasant movements. The program is a formulation of im-

mediate and practical political propositions for the attainment

of concrete olqectives: social, economic, or political which, in
turn, are derived from the entire ideology.
We shall call ideology with a program, an ideological system.
The reader may find it advisable to follow the analysis of the
structure of European ideology by comparing this text with the
chart of the structure shown on page 7.
An ideology contains many objectives which could be placed
in a particular order to assume a hierarchy of importance. The
final economic or political objectives may envisage a complete
change in society: a change in economy from capitalist into col-

lectivist, as in socialism, or a change from a slate into a feder-

ation of communes, as in the anarchistic ideal. Practical objec-
tives, or reform objectives (termed simply “reforms” in contin-

ental Europe), deal with immediate changes and improvements,

such as social security, eight-hour working days, protection of
minorities, etc. Some movements lack any great final objectives
or solutions, but their essence forms the practical goal or objec-
tive— the reform. Final objectives are a kind of social myth; re-

forms are closer to life.

Reforms often pave the way to the final objectives. The at-

tainment of a higher standard of living, the limitation of working-

hours — all these restrain economic exploitation more and more,
and they form a portion of the final solution. The complete aboli-
tion of exploitation is the goal of social progress; it is the final ob-
jective of a democratic ideology.
The leading European ideologies have unfolded great visions
— social myths—and attainable, final solutions in the form of in-

tegrated plans of social and political change.
Great political ideologies, political visions, and social myths,
which effectivelymove masses of people are a European, urban
phenomenon. None of the predominant political ideologies and
social myths have been formulated outside of Europe. Great
political ideologies are as much a European characteristic as sym-
phonic music; no high-ranking composers of either have been
born elsewhere.
Democracy, socialism, anarchism, communism, nationalism,
French Jacobinism, radical agrarian ideologies and Zionism
all these originated in Europe. Just as Buddhism, Christianity,
Judaism, Islam, and all great world religions were born in Asia
and the eastern Mediterranean, so were all great political ideol-

ogies born in Europe out of that continent’s misery, oppression,

distress, wars, and revolutions.
From the viewpoint of a democratic and libertarian policy, the
Utopian and visionary character of an ideology plays both a
positive and a negative role, simultaneously.
The positive function of a social myth lies in its potentiality

as an ideological stimulus. Utopianism contributed to the dyna-

mic qualities of democracy and labor movements; visionary
schemes and social myths have fostered political and social
thought as well as practical social and economic planning. Co-
operative, Socialist and similar visions contained moral values;
they were capable of inspiring the masses to a higher objective,
to the ideal of social justice and equality. Visionary schemes of
an ideal, socialistic state and a society ofjustice and equality have
found many ardent supporters willing to make high sacrifices
for an ethical ideal.
But Utopianism and visionary schemes were equally important
instruments in the development of totalitarian movements. A
Utopian picture was painted for the masses, and they were asked
to make sacrifices for it: sacrifices of freedom and of civil rights.

They were brought to a peak of exaltation where they were pre-

pared temporarily to renounce their rights for the sake of a re-

mote idea which could be attained, their persuaders assured them,

within a short time if they were willing to pay the price —a tem-
porary sacrifice of liberty. Hitler asked for greater power for
himself and his gang. He dangled the prize of a Utopia, a per-
fect German state. Each German resident would be a member of a
privileged race (Herrenrasse) riding in a Volksauto! Hitler de-
manded that Germany’s entire energy should be concentrated upon
the attainment of this goal. In the Soviet Union, a temporary dic-
tatorship of the proletariat — in fact, of an individual — ^was con-
sidered merely a transitory step towards a Soviet Utopia. “Wait
five years —we shall accomplish that!”
Utopias, visions, and social myths formed an important stim-
ulus for democratic movements, but they were equally successful
in enlisting the support of the masses for totalitarian leaders.
However, the distant vision, the final solution or social myth
must not necessarily always be a Utopia; a number of solutions
which appeared to be Utopias were operated with varying de-
grees of success as practical propositions. A free association of
nations was an age-old Utopia, and an unattainable dream, but
theLeague of Nations and the United Nations organization be-
came a reality. Today, world government is still a perfection-
ist dream, but its reality some time in the future can be safely pre-
dicted. A state without private industry was once regarded as a
social myth, but this Utopia has been put into operation, as have
states with combined socialized and private industries.
The social myth envisions the perfect society, a plan which
may be removed from immediate reality and appears unattain-
able to the present generation; often, it is an attractive picture of
a distant future.
There is little difference between Utopia and social myth: a
difference rather in quantity than quality. Utopia contains more
phantasy; it seems to be still more unreal and visionary than so-
cial myth.
Let us call a practical, final solution an attainable plan such as
the transformation of a landowner’s feudal state into a cooperative
peasant state through radical land reform: this was a practical
plan for Hungary. Or, let us use this term for the conversion of
a Kingdom into a democratic Republic: this was an attainable
plan for Greece. Thus, we can divide all political visions into
Utopias, social myths, and practical, final solutions. However,
it is extremely difficult to draw a sharp line between Utopias and
practical, final solutions. A Utopia, put into operation, may prove
to be thoroughly practical and attainable, while a final solution,

on the other hand, may prove impractical and Utopian!

An architect before drawing up definite plans for, let us say,

a Rockefeller Center, envisions this beautiful monument of twen-

tieth century architecture. Then, after having conceived a gen-
eral picture in his mind, he makes blueprints which are later trans-

lated into the reality of stone and concrete and organized inU)
a harmonious entity.

Similarly, an economic or political planner first conceives a

visionary plan such as, for instance, the first Five Year Plan. From
it he prepares a practical blueprint with figures, statistics, and
concrete proposals. Such a blueprint is later placed into opera-
tion. Even the cautious planner cannot definitely ascertain the

outcome. Just as the paper-beautiful plans of an architect may

produce, against his volition, an ugly edifice which will he out-
moded within a few years, so a social and economic plan which

appears logical, consistent, and harmonious may di.splay glaring

defects when translated into reality. Thus, a visionary, perfect

plan —a practical, final solution may show serious deficiencies
and emerge a failure instead of a success. More practical, less
impressive, and less inspired plans sometimes prove more work-
able when attempted. In brief, practicability is the only true
test of a beautiful vision.
Partisans of such well-developed ideologies as socialism or
communism have developed essential and subtle distinctions be-
tween broad ideologies and programs. In European politics par-
ticularly, since they have been deeply influenced by great,


developed ideologies for more than a century, this distinction is

of real significance.
A political is often a minimum, actual proposition
a practical outline of demands for change, for immediate action,
or for the maintenance of a status quo. A political program de-
termines political tactics; the sum total of an ideology determines
the great political strategy.
Klausevitz^ defines tactics as the use of armed forces in en-

gagement, and strategy as the use of engagements to attain the

object of the war. Hence, political tactics denote the use of politi-

cal forces in a current, actual, historical, concrete situation for

cooperation with, or struggle against, other political forces; poli-

tical strategy is the use of tactical moves to approach the great
ideological objectives, determined by the whole ideology.
Political strategy and tactics correspond to “policy-making” and
practical politics. Programs and tactics change more frequently
than ideology and great political strategy. The former are con-
stantly being adjusted to the ever-changing social and political
situation; tactics, especially, must be speedily revised and ar-
ranged to fit the current change and distribution of political power.
Political ideology, on the other hand, evolves more slowly; it con-
stitutes the constant element, unlike the program, which consti-
tutes the changing and adjustable portion of the policy. Political
strategy, similarly, is relatively constant because of its long-range
aims, while tactics are altered continuously. Strategical moves,
even in an aggressive poli(;y, may employ tactical retreats which
do not necessarily denote a change in ideology or strategy. In
political, as in military strategy, a tactical retreat is sometimes
an essential part of the strategy of attack. Hitler and his Nazi
party accepted these tactics on the Polish issue; when Germany
signed a non-aggression treaty with Poland in 1934, it was ob-

viously only a tactical move. The agreement did not in the least
signify that the great strategy of. conquest of eastern Europe had
1 Karl von Klausevilz, On War, Chapter I, “Branoliea of the Art of War,” p. 62,
Modern Library Ed.
been abandoned, nor that Nazi ideology concerning eastern Euro-
pean problems had been altered. The political objective remained
unchanged: first, the conquest of eastern Europe, and then of the
world. Detailed strategy was outlined. The road to domination
of Eastern Europe led through the conquest of Austria and Czecho-
slovakia. Then, there would be time to capture Poland.
Therefore, the agreement with Poland was merely a tactical move
devised to secure peace at the eastern border while conquests in
the south continued. Many Poles who considered this an ideol-
ogical change were proved wrong; Hitler merely enhanced his
position for an attack upon Poland and Russia; political strategy
and tactics, thus, were closely interwoven with military strategy.
Modem history reveals that political strategy and conquest tac-
tics are often combined with military strategy.
Inexperienced people often regard tactical moves as ideolo-
gical changes.. However, it is often very difficult to distinguish a
tactical or strategical change from an ideological one.
When the United States and Canadian Communist Parties pro-
claimed their support of the free enterprise system, during World
War was actually only a tactical change. After the Allies
II, it

took the lead and the enemy was finally defeated, Earl Browder
was expelled from the Communist Party and its tactics changed
again. But its ideology remained wholly unchanged, despite the
dozens of books written by naive observers who happily asserted
thatit had been transformed.

The Communist Party in the United States expelled Mr. Brow-

der with a barrage of publicity; the actual signal for this step
was given in Paris by Duclos, the French Communist leader. This
fact alone constitutes evidence that the Comintern’s discipline
and huge network remained intact, even though, for tactical rea-
sons, the Comintern itself was declared dissolved. It is too diffi-
cult to discover — especially in Communist movements —whether
a change in program has resulted in a basic change in ideology,
or whether this programmatic change is solely a tactical move in
the great strategy of attack. A politician, like a chess player.

must abandon an important piece, sometimes, to eventually win

the game.
In all totalitarian movements, the distinction between strategy
and tactics plays a vital role. The correct analysis of any policy
change (ideological and essential, or merely a tactical move), is

of primary importance to the victims of the attack. Totalitarian

movements usually employ Machiavellian political methods of
treachery, false propaganda, and deceit. Their leaders often dis-
play exceptional ability in utilizing the four essential elements:
ideology and program — strategy and tactics. When they revise
their programs and tactics, publicizing this as a change in ide-
ology, they usually find a highly receptive audience, since their
victims, desiring peace, fall into wishful thinking. Machiavelli
wrote, over four centuries ago: “Alexander VI did nothing else

but deceive men, he thought of nothing else, and found occasion

for it; no man was ever more able to give assurances, or affirmed

things with stronger oaths, and no man observed them less; how-
ever, he always succeeded in deceptions, as he well knew this as-

pect of things.”®
Modern totalitarian tacticians utilize this identical Machiavel-

lian device and are often successful for a long period of time,
before final defeat overtakes them. They deceive with oaths and
promise that, due to a complete change of heart and mind, they
have abandoned their obje<‘tives and revised their ideology.
Shortly after, what the iia’ive hailed and the pro])agaiidists pub-
licized as a permanent, ide<jlugical change, proves to be merely
a transient tactical retreat in preparation for a .stronger attack.
It should be noted that programs and tactics may change, too,
as a consequence of ideological development; such changes are of
a more durable character and may represent a decisive change in
the entire policy. In democratic parties the true nature of such
changes is not a matter for secrecy and deceit.
When either a political party or a nation is forced to adjust her

- The Prince, Chapter XVIII, ‘‘In What W'ay I’rinces Must Keep Faith,” p. 65,
Modem Library Ed.
policy to an attack by a totalitarian movement, the analysis of tac-
tics and program, of ideology or strategy is of foremost impor-

tance. Only a change in ideology indicates a lasting change in

policy; programmatic and tactical changes mainly denote a strug-
gle for a more strategic position for the final attack.
As previously mentioned, ideology is the most constant ele-
ment; after it comes strategy which influences program and tac-
tics. Tactics is the most variable element.

Table 2

In ideology, again, the, system of values forms the most con-

stant element. Often, movements which have a certain degree of
similarity in tactics, and even in deeds, vary completely in their
systems of values. This fact may he of vital importance from the
historical point of view.
Both Fascist and Communist movements are totalitarian and
anti-democratic; both employ extreme terrorism as governmental
instruments. Yet, an essential difference exists between the sys-
tems of values. In the Communist movement, the system of values
is ethical, in a judeo-christian sense, while in Nazism the system
of values is anti-ethical. The Communists base their system of
values on the equality of man and universalism; good means help


the weaker and bad means exploit the weaker. Perversely, Nazism,
beside being anti -ethical, is anti-uiiiversalist and anti-equalitarian.
The Nazi system of values extols the virtues of exploiting and
eliminating the weaker.
The Communist system of values differs from the democratic in

that it lacks the essential elements of freedom and recognition

of this freedom for any political minority. As the Catholic church
retained its system of values during the inquisitions of Torque-
mada, so has the modern Communist retained his. Communism
follows the principle that the ends justify the means. Accord-
ingly, in order to attain the objer'lives it has derived from this

system, it has chosen strategy and tactics entirely contrary to its

set of values: its means are often unethical. The conflicts between
the ends and the means, and between the system of values and the
practical policy which repudiates it, defeats the entire ideology.
Instead of becoming increasingly libertarian. Communism is

steadily growing more and more despotic. Ferdinand Lasallc

wrote in “Franz von Sickingen”:

Da*- Zi<*l nirlit 7,(*ige. zi-ipe aurh don Wog

Denn so verwarlis<-n vind hienioden Wog iind Ziel
Dais oinos sich slots iindeil mil dom amlein,
ITnd andorer Weg andoios Ziid CT«'ugl.

Do not iliow end stion me also the road.


Tlie road and the end are so imbedded

That one alwa>s changes with the other,
And a differenl road pinduees a dilTerenl end.

The Psycho-Political Mechanism of Mass Movements

Peasants and Workers

Some European political movements had well-developed ide-

ologies, while the systems of others were less elaborate. Social-
ist, Communist, Catholic, and nationalist movements had their
theories, histories, and detailed analyses presented in hooks,
dailies, weeklies, monthlies, and quarterlies. Political theorizing
flourished in Europe for a century, and often assumed a dogma-
tic, semi-religious character. This is particularly true of Ger-


many, as well as of those countries which die influenced.
Eastern European peasant movements —
excepting Russia’s
had a simple, concrete ideology. In fact, they had more program
than they did ideology and philosophy. City ideologies, those of
the urban masses, always had certain elements of Utopianism in
Europe. To win over these people it was always necessary to de-

pict a Utopian picture — a kind of practical vision — of a happy,

perfect society in the future. Utopian Socialists painted a roseate
picture, and Marx gave it a scientific, analytic background.
The Fluropean labor movement attracted hundreds of writers,
economists, sociologists, and philosophers of an extremely high
academic and scholarly caliber. Thus, the labor movement has
brought forth notablescientific and artistic literature.

The peasant movements lacked a general Weltanschaung, a

background philosophy of their own, as the Socialist and Catho-
lic movements possessed. There were efforts to formulate a gen-

eral philosophy of the peasant movement, particularly in Bul-

garia and Czechoslovakia, which emphasized agrarianism; hut
these never attained international significance.
Russia was the sole country in which, due to the Narodnaya
V olya and, later, the Social Revolutionaries, philosophical and
theoretical backgrounds of the peasant movement reached their
heights. The Russian radical peasant movement had a rich, well-
developed humanistic ideology which influenced eastern Europe,
especially the Balkans, but never attained the international sig-
nificance among the peasants that socialism did among the work-
ers. Eastern European peasant movements were not Utopian, and
they never developed any social myth of a perfect state as did the
urban movements.
The program of eastern European peasant movements was very
simple and pragmatic. The partitioning of large estates and land
reform, combined with a cooperative system, formed the nucle-
us of their economic program. Cooperatives in dairies, in own-
ership of machinery, consumer cooperatives, and then electrifica-
tion, tariff problems, and road construction were all clear, utili-

tarian objectives. Their political problem, too, was concrete and

completely devoid of phantasy and imagination. It was a prac-
tical proposal of a democratic self-government and a democratic,
parliamentary rule —
a government controlled by elected repre-
sentatives of the people.
The peasant population is and was the natural sphere of agrar-
ianism. Although urban communities are an equally essential
element of the state, the peasant movements did not concern
themselves with this portion of the population, and limited their
interests to rural districts. The radical peasant movement devel-
oped its own theory of class society presenting the peasants —and
justifiably — as a distinct social class. The conflict between city
and country was often over-emphasized and overshadowed the
real issues.
It is true that such conflicts sometimes existed, but there were
methods of solution. Most important, perhaps, was the problem
of “economic scissors,” the low price of food and the high price
(»f industrial products. The ideology of urban and rural conflict
was not limited to Bulgaria or to Stambuliski and his party; in
eastern European peasant movements this concept also had its
followers. Most of the leaders, however, recognized the neces-
sity of cooperation and harmony between the peasants and the

townspeople. In fact, during the thirties the peasant and labor

movements in eastern Europe collaborated closely in their strug-
gle for political democracy, as well as in their resistance against
domestic dictators and foreign invaders.
After 1930, the town-versus-country theory assumed less im-
portance than ever among the peasants; the concept of a lasting
political alliance between peasants and workers became more and
more an axiom of the democratic policy of both movements. On
occasions, this- idea has been converted into a reality. Being the
sole chance for a lasting democratic system, it is the contemporary
trend in labor and peasant politics in eastern Europe.
At times, some of the peasants turned to such fascist or reac-
tionary movements as Lappo’s in Finland, Dolfuss’ in Austria, and
others in Slovakia. However, these were exceptional cases; most
of the peasants clung to their peasant parties which supported
democracy in eastern Europe. This was equally true in Poland,
Roumania, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Lithuania, and Bulgaria.
No philosophical background, masterly technique, refined so-
cialand economic analysis, or glowing picture of a perfect future
in a Utopian slate was contained in the eastern European, non-

Russian agrarian movements. Peasant programs were clear, simple,

concrete, and practical. They touched, above all, upon the most
vital part ol peasant life: the land.The land and freedom were
shaping the destiny of the peasants, and agrarian programs were
down-to-earth political and economic plans, perfectly attuned to
the peasants’ minds.
Peasant leaders were realistic and practical, not dreamers; often
shrewd, they possessed strong personal ambitions. Nor did they
have the time and desire to read and write long theoretical
treatiseson various ideological problems. The peasant weekly
paper lacked political and philosophical theories; it was a paper
for the peasants, not for analytical intellectuals or visionary work-
ers. It was a practical feel-on-the-ground movement which dis-
dained ivory towers.
Unlike the peasant parties, the workers, urban, Socialist, and
Communist movements all combined a fully-developed political

philosophy of their own, a philosophy which determined their

entire attitude toward the world, toward social, economic, politi-
cal,and moral problems and toward cultural problems as well.
Both movements developed sociological and economic methods of
analyses. Elaborate plans for a new and better social and eco-
nomic order were drafted.
The Socialist movement
in Europe is rather an old phenom-
enon; its French Revolution and Babeuf. Before
roots touch the
1B48 a labor-Socialist theory and a strong and militant working
class were already in existence. Even then, a Socialist plan for
a perfect society was well-developed, presenting an idealistic pic-
ture of a rosy world of social justice and happiness; this was their


important idee force, as Fouille would have termed it. Such great
scholars and philosophers, economists and social scientists as
Marx, Engels, Owen, Fourier, Saint-Simon, Proudhon, Blanc,
Blanqui, Robertus, Bakunin, and Kropotkin, whose writings
changed whole ways of thinking, devoted their entire lives to the

cause of the oppressed and exploited working classes. The work-

ers by then were a young and dynamic force, while the peasants
in eastern Europe were, in the main, awaiting their liberation.
Powerful as they were and still are, at present, no peasant move-
ment has produced a Marx, an Engels, or a Saint-Simon.
Eastern European peasantry was emancipated in the middle

of the nineteenth century; in Russia, this event took place in the

second half of that century, at the same time as the abolition of
slavery in the United States. The European version of slavery,
century-long servitude, had reduced the peasants to a passive
mass. At the latter half of the nineteenth century the Socialist
labor movement was full-grown and making forcible strides. In
Russia, Poland, and Hungary, at this period, the peasant was still

bowing low, cap in hand, when the landlord’s carriage passed him
on the highway. He still addressed him as “Excellent Lord,” and
the latter condescendingly used “Thou” to him.
But the peasants were not liberated by their own efforts.
Industrial development — the rise of capitalism, in particular
and the need for more factory workers all favored emancipation.
The real pressure came from radical circles in the cities. True,
peasant uprisings occurred, but they did not breed and foster per-
manent, political peasant movements for liberation. The insur-
gents were cruelly punished, and the movements died abortively.
Only misty traditions and beautiful peasant songs remained to
perpetuate the memory of these hero-martyrs.
Eastern European
serfs did not gain freedom from their own struggles for liberty.
Even after their emancipation, a socially feudal relationship be-
tween the peasantry and the gentry existed for decades. However,
when the younger generation came of age in the twentieth cen-

tury, peasantry became more aggressively dynamic in its battle
i'or political rights.
The young class, were in-
industrial workers, although a new,
fluenced by the older patterns and traditions of the artisans,
guilds, and crafts. European craftsmen were free men, and they
knew how to fight and defend their cherished freedom in the
streets of the medieval cities. Some industries, such as masonry
and salt mining, remained almost unchanged after the industrial
revolution; new inventions did not make as substantial a change
in production conditions in these industries as they did in textiles
or steel. In the former, the workers preserved their old organiza-
tion and old traditions, and their memories of freedom and in-
dependence, thus influencing other industrial workers.
These are some of the differences between the peasants and the
workers in Europe; another essential variation was in their social
psychology. Although renouncing their former passive role, after
World War I, eastern European peasants were still slower to act
than the workers, who frequently struck for political, as well us
economic, reasons. The peasants, never “trigger-happy,” were
slow, difficult to move and, through the experience of long cent-
uries, politically suspicious of chicanery and exploitation. But,
once roused, it was difficult to was dem-
stop the avalanche. (This
onstrated by the peasant strikes and resistance in eastern Europe.
The deeply religious peasants hoped for paradise in Heaven, but
never dreamed of attaining it on earth. Disinterested in social
Utopias and perfectionist plans, they searched for an es-
sential political freedom. community that signi-
In the village
fied, above all, freedom from annoyance by the village policeman

and his superiors, as well as by the tax office; it also signified

freedom to elect their own representatives who would control the
state and pass legislature to benefit the common man and improve
the peasant’s lot. The importance of control to the peasant can-
not be over-emphasized. As previously mentioned, they were justifi-
ably suspicious. When their suspicions turned to those “officials
in the capitals who were probably stealing money,” they were

often not correct in their assumptions. But the peasant was com-
pletely correct in his judgment that the lot of the common man,
imfortunately, was seldom the primary interest of the “higher
ups,” particularly in times of dictatorial rule. Still, he remained
patient, and this very patience of the peasant became as pro-
verbial as his stubbornness.
European workers, on the other hand, had imagination and
alertness. Although concrete and practical in their struggle for
an eight-hour working day, higher wages, and social security, they
still dreamed of an entirely new world free from economic ex-

ploitation and inequality —a world of political freedom and hap-

piness. Purely economic demands were, and still are, necessary,
since workers in Europe have always suffered economic hardship;
but they sought more than this. The workers longed for a great
phantasy of a better world, a plan for a perfect society, for a new
order, for — —
paradoxical as it appears a practical Utopia, some
of whose elements would be attainable. Great Utopias have al-
ways inspired the workers and the urban population in Europe,
unlike the peasants who moved slowly and patiently until the
stifling hunger for land and bread gave them the indomitable will

to fight oppression and terrorism.

Some mention of the comparative lives of the worker and the
peasant should be made : a peasant is independent, self-employed,
not threatened byunemployment; no manager or employer wields
power over him, and he belongs to no elaborate hierarchy in per-
sonal economy similar to the industrial hierarchy in every Euro-
pean factory which starts with the foreman and finishes with the
“general-director.” Necessarily, the factory system limits the free-
dom of a worker since for most of his working-day he is depen-
dent upon his superiors and, constantly, he is threatened by unem-
ployment. The life of a worker has all the gloom of a factory dis-
trict, over-crowded city, or slum. The pressure of his environ-
ment is so unbearable that the European worker seeks liberation
from all its drab unhappiness in a perfect, shining world. As
much as he desires immediate improvement, he would also ap-
predate a complete change in living conditions; this was and,
for the main, still is the European worker’s hope.

The Intelligentsia and the Middle Class

Nationalism developed a “social myth” and a philosophy of
its own.
The struggle against national oppression and foreign yokes is

a struggle for liberation. It is closely connected with a democratic

political and social program. But exaggerated nationalism in

Europe always was, and still is, an anti-ethical, anti-democratic

phenomenon. European nationalism is a kind of exaggerated na-
tional egotism and narcissism linked with brutal intolerance to-
ward other nations, particularly toward national minorities.
The Nazi or Fascist state was a nationalist Utopia which pro-
mised paradise for the favored nationals and hell for their neigh-
bors and other nationals. Nazism developed an intricate, unscien-
tific, and anti-ethical ideology expressed in pseudo-scientific ter-

minology. However, all the elements of this ideology were thor-

oughly developed: a system of values, a philosophical back-
ground, an economic, social and political system and, finally, a
concrete program. The distinction between tactics and ideology,
and tactics and .strategy was an important element in the aggres-
sive Nazi and Fascist policies, both domestic and foreign^
The political system of hierarchy and of dictatorial, despotic
rule was particularly well-developed in the Fascist and Nazi sys-
tems. Fascism evolved a brutal concept of power which became
an integral part of both parties’ ideology.
Socialist and Communist movements in Europe were labor
movements, basically; they were movements of industrial work-
ers. Peasant movements, obviously, were movements of the

peasant population. But Fascism and Nazism were more com-

plicated phenomena. Orthodox Marxists treat them as huge capi-
talistic plots, but this is disproved by the fact that although cap-
italists and big business gave strong support to these movements
throughout Europe, both movements were essentially of the

masses. Capitalistic support alone is not to blame. Both move-

ments had considerable historical background and were actually
political movements of the middle classes. They were supported

by thousands of petty public officials, army officers, professional

men, teachers, the bureaucracy, a great many members of the
liberal professions, and the European social stratum called the
embraces a goodly num-
“intelligentsia,” which, on that continent,
ber of white-collar workers. would be unjust to accuse all the

“intelligentsia” of having supported Nazism and Fascism; many

outstanding examples exist of their struggle for democracy against
barbarian totalitarianism. On the other hand, large groups of
professional people — teachers in Germany; students in Germany,
Italy, Poland, and Roumania; the bureaucracy, officers, often
even the clergy in Spain —extended mass support to Fascist move-
Many ideologists prefer party division to coincide neatly and
simply with social and economic division. Social reality, how-
ever, differs somewhat. In labor movements we often find many
members of the “intelligentsia.” But we can discuss majorities in
political movements. Assuredly, Socialist and Communist move-
ments always contained large groups of the “intelligentsia,” but
the masses — the great majority were workers. Those who watched
Hitler’s troops marching through the streets of German cities are

aware that part of the workers joined the Nazi movement, too.
This fact is often discarded in favor of pure theory and simplifica-
tion. However, although Fascism and Nazism had a limited fol-
lowing among the working classes, the middle class and the “in-
telligentsia” formed a majority or, at the least, a significant, lead-
ing, large group of its membership.
In a certain sense,Nazism and Fascism were counter-revolu-
middle class and the “intelligentsia,” still employing
tions of the
the European meaning of this word. Fascist movements, too, at-
tracted large numbers of dissatisfied war veterans. All over Eu-
rope the frontsoldaten flocked to Fascist and Nazi movements, as
former officers and non-commissioned officers have always played
an important role in all totalitarian movements. Soldiers who
spent their youth fighting were often unable to complete their
studies; those who remained civilians often were in a more ad-
vantageous position in commercial and business competition, since
they had had the benefits of longer education and training. De-
mobilized officers and petty officers, particularly, were embittered
and disappointed with civilian life and their relatively unimpor-
tant roles as civilians. They lacked any G. I. Bill of Rights to

secure a fair chance for them and, simultaneously, to alleviate the

dangerous social tension. These men had grown accustomed to
power during the war; they had command of troops and made
daily life and death decisions; they were hailed as heroes.
Mussolini promised to replace them in their former glorious
positions. Clamorous imiforms — military discipline — these were
familiar and dear to their hearts. Mussolini and Hitler cleverly
knew how to play upon their imaginations. And, beside this, it

must be recalled that historical background was ample and played

a significant role in both cases.
In eastern Europe, university students were an important fac-
tor. Universities there, formerly centers of democracy and liber-
alism, became hotbeds of reaction, nationalism, and Fascism, after
World War I. Reactionary tendencies were strong among uni-
versity professors and, with only afew exceptions, equally preva-
lent among was the situation in Germany, Rou-
the students. This
mania, Poland, and Lithuania. After World War I, liberal stu-
dent organizations were in the minority, and at student meetings,
liberal and leftist students were frequently brutally beaten by
reactionary students.
Most social scientists seem to have overlooked the fact that at
the end of the nineteenth and, especially, during the twentieth
century, a new social class was rising in Europe: the “intelligent-
sia,” comprising public officials, professional men and women,
teachers, trained technicians, journalists, etc.
In 1889, in Bernstein und das SozieUdemokreUisdie, Karl
Kautsky noted the sudden growth of the intellectual classes. Be-

tween 1882 and 1885 the number of workers grew 62% in Ger-

many, while the number of intellectuals increased by 118.9%.

Lewis Corey discovered a similar trend in his penetrating studies
of the United States. Between 1870 and 1940, the working class
was augmented almost eight times its former size in the United
States, while the middle class multiplied itself sixteen times, L.

Corey states in his article, “Middle Class,” [published in the

Spring, 1945, issue of Antioch RevietoJ^. These “new functional
groups,” as he terms them, comprised technicians, managerial
employees, salaried professionals, and a great portion of white-
collar workers. This new middle class, the “intelligentsia” of
Europe, was not only influential but numerically important, as
well. In Poland, for example —
a country where only about 30%
of the population was employed outside the field of agriculture be-
fore the

war “the intelligentsia,” without including the officers
corps and the clergy, embraced over 700,000 people in the thir-
ties, while the industrial workers numbered about 800,000 out of

a total of 4,217,000 workers.® The “intelligentsia,” it is ap-

parent, is not only a numerically great group in Europe, but it

controls the most crucial elements in her social life: the govern-
ment, the courts, schools, economic life, industry, and public
At the end of the nineteenth century, the political and social
new class were pointed out by the Polish revo-
potentialities of this
lutionist, Waclaw Machajski, who wrote mainly in Russian. In

Umstevyenni Rabochi (The Intellectual Worker), illegally pub-

lished in Siberia in 1899, he attributed the conciliatory, “reform-
ist” policies of the Socialist movement to the middle-class charac-
ter of its leadership. That leadership consisted of either the col-

lege-bred offspring of the middle and lower middle classes, or of

self-educated ex-workers; it constituted part of a new middle class

with higher education as its specific “capital” — ^the source of its

income that was actually or potentially higher than that of the

manual workers. According to Machajski, that leadership util-
* Feliks Gross, The Polish Worker, Roy Publishers. N. Y., 1945, pp. 250-256.
ized the labor movement in the interests of its own class, for which
it was attempting to find a place in the capitalist sun through the
extension of democratic institutions. Democratic socialism, at-

tainable by the gradual introduction of a system of government

ownership was, in his opinion, merely the final step in the eman-
cipation of this new social group which was slated to become the
new ruling class, after the elimination of the private capitalist
owner. Thus, he prophetically anticipated the new class rule which
was to be established in Russia nearly two decades later, although
he did not foresee its subsequent totalitarian character. (It is be-

side tbe point a little to note that Machajski was either unable or
unwilling to draw the final consequence from his own theory; he
assumed that only a gradual transition from capitalism to collec-

tivism would lead to this new class rule, while the violent anti-
capitalist rebellion, which he advocated, would, by its own mo-
mentum, lead to the equalization of incomes and, thus, to the es-

tablishment of a classless society with equal higher educational

opportunities available to all. Once he enlisted in Machajski’s
elite of conspirators, the professional revolutionist was thus en-
dowed with a virtue of self-abnegation that was denied the pro-
fessional labor politician).
The experieiice of the Bolshevik revolution and the conversion
of erstwhile “proletarian” revolutionists into a new, privileged
stratum of bureaucrats led Max Nomad, formerly a follower of
Machajski, to draw his own conclusions from his friend’s con-
cept about the class character of the intellectual workers. These
conclusions were largely inspired by Robert Michels’ thesis on
the inherently oligarchic character of all social systems. How-
ever, while admitting the inevitably aristocratic nature of any
form of collectivism, whether “democratic” or totalitarian. No-
mad receives an inherent revolutionary, disrupting element in
the very tendency towards an oligarchic concentration of power
in the hands of a restricted circle of super office-holders and man-
agers.For various reasons, he feels, some groups of individual
members of the educated strata are doomed to minor roles in the

new collectivist-bureaucratic arrangement. Driven by ambition,

lust for power, or resentment, these “stepchildren” are likely,
sooner or later, to become rebels against their brethren, the con-
trolling “white-haired boys.” They will attempt to gain mass sup-
port by assisting the majiual workers and lower salaried white-col-
lar workers in their struggle for a fuller share of the benefits of
life. Thus, Nomad applies Pareto’s theory of the “circulation of
elites” to the collectivist, “managerial” system, ruled by the pos-
sessors of a higher education; this system is characterized, on
one hand, by class antagonism between the well-paid “knows”
and the under-privileged “know-nots,” and, on the other, by the
permanent struggle for power between the “ins” and the “outs”
within the ruling educated upper crust. Jn the course of this
struggle each successive group of rebellious “outs” promises the
masses, in one form or another, the realization of their dreams
of equality of incomes and true democracy.
Ideas similar to some of those advanced by Machajski and
Nomad were presented considerably later in the writings of James
Burnham, author of the Managerial Revolution.
Some of those writers, however, overlook an important prob-
lem: the role of “individuals” from this class. Many political
leaders from the intelligentsia could easily become “ins” at the
price of sacrificing their ideals and convictions. But many of
them choose to remain “outs,” because they prefer adherence to
their convictions — they would rather keep their ideals rather than
surrender to the dominant ideology. Tens of thousands of those
executed in Germany, and in tlie totalitarian countries — thou-
sands executed in the Soviet Union — are mute testimony to the
fact that moral values, ideals, and principles have played a tre-
mendous role among those representatives of the “new middle
class” of the intelligentsia.They prove that struggle for social
and economic position and lust for power was not always the
sole—^and often not even the main —
stimulus. Max Nomad, him-
self, belongs to that group who would not surrender to any form
of totalitarianism for the reward of power and privileges, simply
because he is against tutalitarianism and considers it irreconcil-
ably opposed to his democratic and ethical principles. Some of
the authors who contributed to this volume preferred to remain
—“outs” rather than “ins,” using Mr. Nomad’s terminol-
ogy. They preferred not belonging to the “elite,” despite the fact
that they might have easily climbed to the top during the process
of “circulation of the elite,” and there enjoy all the heady wine
of power. That intelligentsia, the new middle class, was —and
is —a new class in Europe today, it is true; but that this class
struggled for power alone is only partially true. It is equally true
that, right or wrong, members of this social stratum have always
provided large number of those who, above all, were guided by

their ideals and principles; and very often these were intensely
high ethical principles and values which inspired them in their
political struggles, encouraged them to sacrifice their personal
happiness, liberty, and sometimes even their lives for what they
believed was social or political justice or truth.
Machajski has obviously forgotten that thousands from this
class devoted their entire lives to the cause of justice; they were
guided by great ideals, rather than by personal greed and inter-

We are unable to avoid social stratification; division into social

strata is determined simply by a divison of labor. Peasants, work-
ers, and intelligentsia form definite social strata. The problem
of democracy is not to permit any one class to establish a priv-
ileged, despotic position over the other classes;, to the contrary,
it must make certain that a peaceful cooperation between them is
obvious that neither Machajski’s nor Pareto’s analysis of-
It is

fers any constructive solution. Even Nomad’s brilliant and pene-

trating studies and observations were not intended to set forth
any practical remedy for the problem. Lewis Corey, however, in
his daring book.The Unfinished Task* sets forth his solution: a
staunch opponent of statism, the author proposes a democratic
^ Published by Viking Press, N. Y.. 1942, pp. 202 and 205.

organization of our modern economy which could challenge the

workers and llu! “new middle class” with a project ol coopera-
tion by useful, functional social groups “in a constitutional set-
up in which each of them gets definite but limited rights and pow-
ers over production in a democratic balance that prevents an ab-
solute centralization of power in the state.” In other words, he
proposes “a constitutional economic order in large-scale industry
in which managements, labor unions, and state are assigned de-

finite but limited rights and powers that check and balance one
another in democratic functional cooperation.”
Successful cooperation between industrial labor, peasantry and
and “intelligentsia” forms the
the “managerial class,” technicians
crucial problem of our future economic and political democratic
order. It is one of the essential conditions of democratic progress.

Economic Background of Political Ideas

There is an interdependence among the division into social

classes in Europe, their economic interests, and their political
ideologies. The Marxian materialistic school attempts to prove
that ideology derives from the economic system as a sort of super-
structure of it, and that ideological development is a consequence
of economic changes. Changes in systems of production neces-
sarily affect the social and ideological superstructure and, thus,
political ideologies.
One of the most penetrating Marxian materialistic analysis of
ideological development was
by George Plechanov, the
leading Russian Marxist in his essay. The Materialist Coneept of
History,^ based largely on Antonio Labriola’s, Socialism and
Plechanov agrees that economic materialism does not neces-
sarily preclude historical idealism, and even admits that the for-

George Plechanov, Essays in Historical Materialism, Eng. Ed., International Pub-
lishers, New York, N. Y., 1940.
Antonio Labriola, Socialism and Philosophy, Eng. Ed.. Chicago, Charles H. Kerr
& Co.. 1934.

mer is merely a variety of idealism. He grants the influence of
economic changes over ideological trends, but states, in turn, that

the economics of society are the fruit of human knowledge. In

this sense only, the materialistic view appears idealistic. The
economic system, however, that great robot fashioned by human
ingenuity, decisively influences the history, ideology, and political
ideas of society.
Plechanov rejects a pluralistic concept of “factors,” a concept
of many elements — ideological, psychological, and economic.
Only the economic, the materialistic, is the great primary factor
which shapes our history and ideology. He discredits any in-

dependent ideological factor which might affect the course of our

social development, and with bitterness and uncompromisingness,
he argues with the Russian “Populists” {Narodniks) who would
recognize ideological elements as factors influencing our social
Briefly, changes in economics, production, and techniques are
responsible for social changes, and division into social classes is

a direct consequence of economic development, meaning division

of different economic interests into different classes — often, this
represents contradictory and sometimes irreconciliable economic
interests. This variety of interests leads us to various social and
political ideologies which correspond to various classes and vari-
ous, differing economic interests. In short, this is the essence of
the materialistic interpretation of our political ideologies.
Logical though it is, this interpretation is not wholly accurate.
Despite Plechanov’s bitter criticism of Narodniki, the economic
factor is not the only one; Max Weber, too, brilliantly proves his
point — the importance of ideology in our social and economic
development — just as Plechanov has proven his materialistic
It is most assuredly true that the industrial revolution has cre-
ated many of our industrial problems and originated, as well, a
great many political ideas. Factories were erected, engines re-
placed much manual labor, new production methods replaced old

and the modern working class was bom out of the

new economic change. Modem, radical ideas have been evolved
which coincide with their interests, and great visionary plans have
been outlined to solve their problems.Socialist, anarchist, and
communist ideology, as well as syndicalist systems and trade
unions are closely related to the birth of the modem working

After the abolition of serfdom, eastern Europe’s modem peas-

antry also developed a political movement and a general ideolo-
gical background which corresponded to their economic realities
and interests. A definite correlation between economic changes
and political ideologies existed.

own which are

Ideas, however, possess powerful forces of their
capable of stirring masses and inspiring individuals to highest
sacrifices; thus, ideas captured human imagination and crossed
the classical Marxian class division. Workers transferred to Fas-
cist movements; students ajid intellectuals joined various labor
movements. By the end of the 19lh and start of the twentieth
cjentury, the numerous revolutionary labor groups were largely
staffed by and members of the “intelli-
students, intellectuals,
gentsia,” all earnestly struggling for the ideals of the working
class as professional revolutionaries.
Great ideological systems have' strongly penetrated and in-
fluenced our economic life. Fustel de Coulanges, author of Cite
Antique,^ saw the entire economic and social life of an ancient
city permeated by religious elements; de Coulanges strove to dem-
onstrate that laws, social, family,
and other institutions of Greek
and Roman society emanated from religious beliefs.
Max Weber became the great master of the “ideological”
school. In his brilliant writings* he has proved how strong an
T Fuhtel de Coulanges, The Ancient City, Eng. transl., Boston. 1900.
* Max Welter, Die fTirtshaftsectschichte, Miinchcn, Leipzig, 1924; Eng. tranel..
General Economic History, N. Y., 1927.
Gesammeltc Aufsalze zur Religionsoziologie. Tubingen. 1922-2.S. A reeapitulation
of Weber’s ideas, see — K. IJ. Tawney, Religion and Rise of Capitalism. N. Y., 1926.
Also Penguin Ed.
Pitrim Sorokin, Contemporary Soeiologictri Theories, Harjier Bros., 1928, pp.
influence religion has wielded over economic life (especially
modem capitalism), and how legal institutions and other new
ideas have contributed to a change of economic systems in more
primitive groups. Weber did not sustain an anti-economic at-
titude, however. He was fully cognizant of the powerful role of
and the mutual interdependence of religions
the economic factor
and economic phenomena. In his study of religion he tried to
prove that western capitalism was moulded by Protestant religion
and its ethics.

Economic change influences our social structure and ideology,

but ideas do exert influences upon our social and economic
changes; they are a potent political weapon. Man is stirred hy
strong emotion, and these very emotional and irrational elements
are among the qualities of great, strong ideologies. Logic de-
rived only from economics and purely rationalistic elements was
never the sole creator of our history. In ancient Greek tragedies
man was moved by uncontrollable forces beyond him; so, great
historical changes caused by new technical discoveries and forms
of production actuate modem man. Nor do our lives lack Shakes-
pearian qualities: our historical dramas are motivated by such
basic human emotions as love, hate, lust for power. Human ambi-
tions and desires shape our history, just as they do Shakespeare’s
dramas. Macbeths and Henrys are always among us with their
human ambitions, desires, hates, and loves, with their private lives
a part of history; they change the courses of states and societies
against the laws of human logic and reason.
Ideas as instruments of politics in the hands of men —above
all, ideas as an integrative factor aiding in the welding of social
classes, social groups into parties, defending their and
contributing to the great emotional phenomena of contemporary
life — who can deny that ideas are tremendously forceful ele-
ments? We who lived through the whole tragic experiment of
Nazism and Fascism, who saw the imagination of the people cap-
tivated by posturing scoundrels, experts in treachery, jugglers of
distorted concept — if we should forget the importance of ideol-


ogies as social factors we would be abandoning common sense

and sanity.
However, as much as we recognize the influence of ideas upon
our life, we must not underestimate the significance of economic

change upon social structures and ideologies.

Religious Influences Upon European Political Ideologies

Great systems of ideas and visions have always penetrated

deeply among European masses. During medieval times, religion
was an all-embracing system of ideas which influenced spiritual
life, art, politics, and all spheres of human interests and relations.

Religious loyalty was a principal social loyalty. In the eighteenth

century, national loyalty reached new heights; nationalism be-
came the general creed, and a nationalistic ideology was devel-
oped which robbed the religious sphere of certain loyalties, as
well as certain ideological functions. Various social ideologies
arose and gained support. A new loyalty to the social class, to the
proletariat, to a social creed, and to the socialist ideology be-
came apparent. Ideologies based on religious and national loy-
alties clashed with those based on social loyalties; various
spheres of human activity, although not always in direct contact
with this new influence, were touched by it. Eventually, religion
entered politics. Powerful Catholic parties were organized, social
and political programs were formulated, and even Nationalist
parties concerned themselves with “social problems” and devised
Fascist ideologies.
The influences all crossed each other: religion influenced poli-
tics; nationalism and social ideologies influenced religion.
Religion had always played some part in European politics.
Even one-time atheistic political movements such as communism,
or religiously-indifferent ones such as socialism adopted, at their
inception, many technical features which originated in the church.
Techniques to influence masses —even the actual terminology
were borrowed from the church.
“Socialist Missions,” patterned after “Catholic Missions,” were
special booklets designed to propagate the basic principles of
socialism. Another example of religion’s influence in politics may
he noted in the phrase, “converted to Socialism,” a term obviously
Ijorrowed from the church.
Religion infiltrated deeply into other ideologies. Nationalist
ideologies tried to identify themselves with certain religious
groups, and even used the power of the church for their own pur-
poses. This was true of Russian nationalism (which identified
itself with the Orthodox Church), and of Polish nationalism
(which recognized Catholicism as an essential “quality” of a true
Like Judaism, European political ideologies often had a mes-
sianic character; this messiahship formed an element of all great

European ideologies. Communism and Socialism promised to de-

liver the sulTering ma»s<>.s from the evils of capitalism and eco-
nomic exploitation, while national movements swore to preserve
them from any foreign yoke.
Even European imperialism, to he truly effective in capturing
public opinion, was forced to produce a messianic background.
Rudolf Kjellcn, European imperialist jdiilosopher and ideologist
of German rencl'nm, wrote, prior to World War I: “Not merely
a struggle for material profit nor tlie will to power, but a feeling
of responsibility for a mission in the of Mankind forms

the inner secret of modern imperialism.”” Americans, however,

unlike Europeans, are neither messianistic nor Utopian-minded;
they are firm, feet-on-the-ground people. This is doubtless the
reason wliy Kjellcn wa.*- more prophetic in his European political
chiromancy than in his American.
We mentioned certain religious practices and terminology which
were appropriated by modern political movements. This influence
of religious forms upon modern European political symbolism
and ritualistic lormulae has sometimes been overlooked.
®Ku(lolf Kjellcn, JJie Grossmachtc der Gcgeriwart, Berlin,

Rituals and SymboliHin

The beautiful Cliurch of the Virgin of Guadeloupe (where a

festival to her glory is celebrated each December 12th) is not
far from Mexico City, at the end of the boulevard, Calzada de
Guadeloupe; it is also near a great modern highway, a tribute

to our motorized age. Only a few years ago Indians in full regalia
danced their traditional dances for the Holy Virgin on this very

day, offering her homage in this manner.

Before Archbishop Zumaraga ordered the destruction of the
old Aztec shrines and temples,Mexican Indians danced here, too.
(This, of course, was before tlie arrival of the conquerors). At
that time, on the peak of Tepeyae Hill, just behind the present
shrine of the Holy Virgin of Guadeloupe the temple of the be-
loved Aztec goddess, Tonantzin, stood. She was the Mexican
Demeter, goddess of the earth and fertility, and the Indians danced
homage to her. After the Conquista and the overthrowing of the
shrine of Tonantzin, the hearts of the faithful were heavy with

And then a dark-skinned Holy Virgin appeared to an Indian

3n Tepeyae Hill where Tonaiitzin’s shrine had once stood. A beau-
tiful cathedral was built on the identical site of the former temple
of the good Mexican goddess; the ancient, cruel Mexican religion
was supplanted by a new Christian faith. Tonantzin retired to
the dim past, and Santa Maria de Guadeloupe now became the
patroness of the Aztec's descendants. The old Aztec religion dis-

appeared, but some of its rituals remained and filtered into the
new religion. The Indians now danced for the Holy Virgin; their
descendants have forgotten the old goddess, but the dance re-
About 1531, when Juan Diego, the simple Indian first saw
the Holy Virgin on Tepeyae. Hill and listened to the celestial
music, Mexico undoubtedly had some wise and intelligent Catholic
clergy. They understood the attachment of the Indians to Tenant-
zin, and realized the social functions of the rituals were deeply-
rooted in the Mexicans* souls. Rituals are an essential part of
every culture; it is difficult somewhat
to perpetuate religion in a
primitive group without the aid of rituals They and
serve cults.

to remind the faithful of the significant elements of beliefs and

morals. A nation composed of philosophers and intellectuals

alone, could perpetuate a religion solely as an abstract system of

beliefs, without any rituals or ceremonies. Durkheim“ pointed
out, in his analysis of religion, that one of the social functions of
any religion is to unite and strengthen into cohesion to the religious
system, the group belonging to the church. The rites and prac-
tices associated with this system are actually the “common rep-
resentations” which aid in molding the religious group into a uni-
fied social group.
Primitive religion is strongly ritualistic. Sumner’^ wrote that
the process by which folk-ways and mores are developed is ritual-

istic. Complete ritualistic submission to tradition, and extreme

religious cooperation is strictly enforced.
Some of the intelligent, educated men who held important posi-
tions in the Catholic hierarchy doubtless appreciated the impor-
tance of rituals and the strength of primitive religions, long be-
fore their real significance had been recognized by modern so-

cial science. They hoped probably, that once Christianity was ac-

cepted, the old pagan beliefs could no longer harm the great
teachings of the Old and New Testament, that the ritual was only
a matter of form which helped to express religious feelings, while
the content had already changed.
Former sites of heathen worship were chosen for Catholic
shrines; pagan holidays were replaced by Catholic holidays; na-
tive gods gave way to Catholic Saints; and pagan rituals, if they
survived despite the interdictions and repressions of the church
—or if they survived because they were tolerated — perpetuated
10 E. Durkheiiti, Les Formes ElementaUes de la Vie Religieuse, Paris, Alcan, 1912,
pp. 60-65.
11 William C. Sumner, Folkways, Ginn Co., Boston, 1940, p. 60 and seq.

the new Catholic faith. Intelligent religious tactics utilized the

vehicle of pagan rituals to foster Christian faith. There is sub-
stantial evidence that the early strategists of Christian conversion

were aware of ritualism’s important properties. The Midsummer

Eve (23rd of June), or Midsummer Day (24th of June) were
celebrated in Europe, long before the Christian era, by fire festivals.
“A faint tinge of Christianity,” says Sir James Frazer,^® was
granted it by naming the midsummer day after St. John the
Baptist, although the celebration existed long before. The at-

tempt of the early Christian synod in the eighth century to halt

these pagan fire rites were fruitless; they remained, but were now
connected with Christian Saints.
This phenomenon is common and can be observed in many Eu-
ropean countries such as Lithuania, in eastern Europe, which was
not evangelized until the end of the fourteenth century.
This interesting technique, which we may term “ritualistic sub-
stitution,” was, and still is the integration of an old ritual into
a new, different system of ideas which has completely replaced
the former one, to which the ritual originally belonged. New
systems of ideas were exchanged for old ones, and the rituals of
strongest vitality were integrated into the new religion or ideology.
Means which were used for the advancement of mankind and ac-
complishment of good have been used also in history for the per-
petration of evil.
The technique of “ritualistic substitution” is not limited solely
to the history of religion; it has played a similar role in European

politics, where certain rituals have been developed which con-

tribute to organizational cohesion and strength of European mass
movements. For example. May first is the Labor movement’s
great holiday, and throughout continental Europe minor labor
holidays exist in individual countries. They celebrate the anni-
versaries of revolutions, uprisings, deaths of labor heroes, etc.
Labor holidays have usually been celebrated after an established
i^Sir James G. Frazer, The Golden Bough, A
Study in Magic and Religion, 1-voI.
Ed., N. Y., MacMillian Co., 1941. p. 609 and seq; p. 622 and seq.
pattern: mass manifestations and parades linked with mass meet-
ings, the carrying of flags and party symbols, and singing. Many
of these celebrations are detailed and rather elaborate.
May first was particularly popular among European workers.
Established as an industrial workingman’s holiday at the Inter-
national Socialist Congress in Paris (1889), Mayday became a
truly international European labor holiday. Originated as a gen-
eral, revolutionary strike which would alert civil officers through-
out Europe, it finally evolved into a festive holiday celebrated
by workers Sunday clothes. This gala Spring day
in their best
celebration was, at same lime, an important reminder of the

influence of labor in Europe; it was a method of refreshing and

revitalizing the spirit of general proletarian solidarity. For the
European worker, Mayday assumed the same importance on his
calendar as Christmas.
When Mussolini and Hitler came to power they shrewdly real-
ized Mayday’s significance as a ritualistic holiday which had be-
come part of the culture and common heritage of the European
workingman. As such, it appeared the probable day for anli-Fas-
cist and anti-Nazi manifestations, and declarations from demo-
cratic, socialist, or communist opposition.
Mayday, therefore, was a potentially dangerous day for the
totalitarian dictators. Even if it were prohibited by them, its tra-

dition would serve to recall the solidarity of the workers, their

common interests and, undoubtedly, the need for a united strug-

gle against Fascist oppression.

Therefore, both dictators prohibited Socialist and Communist

parties and suppressed labor movements but —what is most sig-

nificant —they kidnapped Mayday and made it an official, na-

tional holiday for Fascism and Nazism in Italy and Germany.
They rushed the labor leaders into concentration camps and util-

ized Mayday, rituals and glamorous trappings included, as a man-

ifestation of the new ideologies. Fascism and Nazism. In this way
they hoped the old, glorious labor holiday and its accompanying

rituals would become a useful vehicle for their new, barbarious

system of ideas.
Mayday had its definite func-
Like other labor celebrations.
tion. Labor holidays have always contributed to the unification
of the labor movement and, as a common representation, they con-
tributed an integrating force which welded the various categories
of workers and organizations into a strong, harmonious, dynamic
political bloc. Attempts by the Fascist and Nazi leaders to steal
the working-man’s institutions are typical examples of “ritualistic
An interesting phenomenon of direct ritualistic infiltration is

that of the Orthodox churches into the Communist movement. This

is indeed striking to the observer of Communist manifestations
and Party holidays in the Soviet Union.
I witnessed the celebration of the October Revolution under
the Soviet regime. A lengthy procession of people brought to
mind a Catholic or Orthodox religious procession rather than a
revolutionary march or a labor manifestation. Women marchers
sang their revolutionary songs in the same dedicatory manner in
which, formerly, they had sung religious songs; they carried the
likenesses of members of the Soviet government and the revolu-
tionary leaders. There was a precise, established order in which
these pictures had to be carried: first, Stalin and Lenin, then
Marx and Engels, and then the commisars of various depart-
ments, Molotov, Kaganovich, Berija, Zdanow, and others. Large
pictures of Stalin, Lenin, Marx and Engels were adorned with
ribbons, garlands, and wreaths; smaller ones were garnished
with a few flowers or leaves. It was strikingly reminiscent of
the manner in which the holy icons in the Orthodox church had
formerly been adorned.
The October Revolution is celebrated in the Soviet Union just
as Christmas or Easter is celebrated in eastern European coun-
tries. In 1940, several large Moscow department stores adver-
tised chocolate and candies for the Revolutionary Holidays, just
as this merchandise is offered at Christmas and Easter in Europe
and in this country.
Liturgic rules, somewhat similar to those of the holy icons,

even invaded the realm of art. A system of rules was outlined

for painting portraits of Stalin, and were discussed in such arti-
cles as J. W. Kravchenko’s “Stalin,”^® J. Rabinowicz’s “Pictures
of Stalin,”'^ and many others. Kravchenko, for instance, discusses
the proper method of painting the leader of the Communist Party
in a composition wherein Stalin is one of the members of the
group: Stalin must be placed in the direct center of such a pic-
Most of the inexpensive, popular pictures sold in the Soviet
Union are portraits of Stalin and Lenin; seldom does one find
the usual cheap prints of landscapes or typical scenes represent-
ing common events in the country’s rural and urban life as, for
instance, reproductions in this country of Currier and Ives prints.

The themes of Russian paintings are reduced to the great leaders

and to revolutionary history, just as in medieval times when the
Catholic church was all-powerful, all painting was reduced, al-

most exclusively, to presentations of the Saints and other evan-

gelical themes. Then, as in the Soviet Union today, there was a
hierarchy in subject-matter; and, similarly — as Kravchenko rec-
ommends that Stalin be centered in any group picture, so, in me-
dieval art, religious pictures observed the same “sanctissimum.”
Symbolism was strongly developed in European mass move-
ments. Extreme rightists and leftists parties both used it; prob-
ably the moderates were the only exception. The Fascists bad
their axes and bundle of rods, the Nazis the “hackenkreuz,” the
Spanish Falange a yoke and a bundle of arrows, the Hungarian
Fascists a fiery cross, the Polish Fascists “Chrobry’s sword,” etc.
The Fascists evolved an entire hierarchy of symbols, using various

distinctions and signs to denote Party ranks. (Under Nazi rule,

13 Siiviet Painting and 5ioulpture. Architecture, USSR (in Russian), Moscow,

Jan., 1938.
iMbid, 1939.

some German calendars printed several pages of different Party

symbols as a practical guide to enable the populace to pay ade-
quate respect to each rank). Labor and peasant movements de-
veloped types of symbolism related to their social character and
work. The Peasant Party used a four -leaf clover, a peaceful sym-
bol of good luck for the peasantry — the Communists, a hammer
and sickle, symbols of the workers in the factories and fields —the
Socialists, in many countries, the hammer —The Cooperativists,
a rainbow, symbol of cooperation, peace and conciliation. When
the Fascist offensive against the labor movement became increas-
ingly violent in the late twenties and early thirties, the latter
tended toward a united democratic front and a militant defense
of democratic institutions. This democratic iron front, “Die
Eiserne Front,” was bom in Germany; its symbols were three
parallel arrows representing discipline, solidarity, and unity in

the struggle for democracy.

This symbol grew quite popular and began to be accepted gen-
erally as representing militant labor organizations and democra-
tic fronts. Peaceful symbols of man’s labor, such as the hammer,
have often been used parallelly with the militant symbols of dem-
ocratic struggle, but they never achieved the popularity of the
three arrows. When Nazism gave rise to the underground, new
symbols were born for these heroic organizations. The Polish
labor organization, Polish Socialist Party, devised an arrange-
ment of a factory wheel, two com
and a hammer, and the
letters WRN. This symbolized Freedom, Equality, Independence

(Wolnosc Rownosc Niepodleglosc).

Colors, too, were symbolic. The Communists and Socialists
used red, the Peasant Parties green, the Cooperatives a multi-
colored rainbow, the anarchists and the Fascists black, and the
Nazis brown.
Hitler fully realized the emotional values and significance of a
flag and party insignia as a unifying factor. Playing with the
most bestial emotions of the masses, the Nazis often used skillful
techniques of mass psychology. Hitler devotes pages in his Mein
Kampf to the flag and insignia, describing why and how the sym-
bols were chosen.
Space prevents further enumeration and discussion of Euro-
pean political symbols, of which a multitude exist. Both in Europe

and Asia, however, they played a vital role as common represen-

tations of religion, especially in times of religious conflict.
Their social functions are similar to those of rituals. A unify-

ing factor, they help to strengthen the cohesion of a social group,

of a church, or of a political party based on a mass movement.
The man wearing a symbol is continually conscious of his con-
nection with the movement or institution it represents; he is con-
stantly reminded of his affiliation with a larger group. Symbols
have an emotional aspect, since they revive feelings of unity by
means of psychological association. By corresponding to certain

ideological stereotypes, they are expressions of emotions and, as

such, play upon the sentimentality of the human soul.

Sometimes even books of a serious, scholarly nature may even-

tually play symbolic roles, although their primary purpose was
an appeal to reason. The Romans “Habent sua fata libelli”
(Writings have their fate). Karl Marx’s Das Kapital was in-
tended to be a scientific book but, after a long and dramatic his-

tory it became a symbol of ideas. Marx is often quoted, but rela-

tivelyfew people read his book. Millions who voted for the Marx-
ian solution have never read Marx. Many were unable to com-
prehend his rather technical, ponderous writing; intellectuals and
more able labor leaders and clarified it.
interpreted, simplified,
Many of Marx’s ideas, even after interpretation
by the labor lead-
ers, were still not clear and could not be fully understood by all.

But they wielded a strong emotional influence; they were a uni-

fying factor as the symbols of a happier, better future devoid of
human exploitation or oppression and replete with social justice
and happiness. The common man, then, believed even more than
he actually understood.
Uncomprehended words are still influential if they possess sym-
bolic or emotional qualities.They tend to unify, just as symbols

and rituals strengthen cohesion. The very utterance of such words

which are not understood and yet can wield influence impart a
ritualistic character to them.

Irrationalism in Politics: Terror and Power

Irrationalistic elements play a tremendous role in politics, since

political phenomena are not only economic and social, hut strongly
emotional, as well. However, political movements may be con-
trolled by reason and moral principles, to a greater or lesser de-
gree. For example, the striking, pretentious emotionalism of
symbolism and ritualism did not appeal to the Englishman’s im-
agination. English political movements were sober and far more
rationalistic than continental. Though an efficient democratic
system requires that politics be controlled by moral principles
and reason rather than be subject to sudden rushes of human
emotion, it would be unfair to entirely exclude emotions as a use-
ful political factor. Imagination is an element of moral feeling;
strong imagination is often justified and causes, in turn, great

emotional tension. Therefore, although emotions must never be

permitted to dominate politics, they constitute a valuable factor
when soundly based on moral feelings.
This is simple and logical to express, but it must be remembered
that continental European politics represented an emotional laby-
rinth of irrationalism, almost hysterical emotionalism, inveterate
prejudices, and seething hatreds. In this psychological maze, over-
ambitious men ruthlessly plotted for power, toyed with ideas, and
employed chicanery and treachery to gain their ends.
In our century, terrorism and intimidation have become im-
portant elements in control and government; tyrants and dictators
have replaced the old despots, but like the latter, the modem ty-
rant in a totalitarian state which combines political control with
economic, is empowered to deprive his subjects of work, punish
them without a fair trial, starve them (by such contemporary
methods as confiscating their ration cards).
The dreadful threat of hunger and misery produces the same
effect as the menace of terror. In a contemporary dictatorial state,
the dictator possesses the ultimate power to decide a man’s ri^t
to work and to eat.
There are means of forcing the populace into a passive herd.

Misery and terror can transform an active, vigorous nation into a

submissive mass; vicious techniques are available for the destruc-
tion of their basicmoral and ethical values. Nazi terrorism has
produced thousands of collaborationists and traitors who, to save
their miserable lives and earn a little money, were willing to
abandon all the fundamental human loyalties. Most of the coun-
tries in Europe suffered a deep, catastrophic moral decline under

this terrorism.

The average man is capable of enduring only a certain amount

of terror. When terror becomes enormously ruthless, general, and
seemingly permanent — when quantity changes into quality —
few can resist. This fact is realized only too well by those who
advocate terrorism in government. M. Piade, the Yugoslav Com-
munist leader, said: “The altar-lamp of terror must never be ex-
tinguished. The people must have fear.’”® In this respect, at
least, Mr. Piade is closer to Hitler than he probably realizes.
Adolf Hitler said in Mein Kampf: “Weak natures have to be told
that it simply means ‘to be or not to be.’
Tlie importance of physical terror against the individual and
the masses also became clear to me.
terror in the workshops, in the factory, in the assembly
hall,on the occasion of mass demonstrations, will always be ac-
companied by success as long as it is not met by an equally great
force of terror.” . .

An amazing similarity in their viewpoints is obvious, although

Hitler’s ideas were further elaborated upon than Mr. Piade’s!
Terror as an instrument of government deserves careful study.
However, at least one conclusion may be drawn from our twen-
tieth century experience: Montesquieu regarded the separation of
1’' Report on Yugoslavia by C. I-. Sulzberger, ‘The New York Times,’ Nov. 11, 1946.
Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, New York, 1939, p. 58.

powers as an essential condition of democracy. The analysis of

the mechanism of a terroristic system of government will bring
us to a similar conclusion; an essential condition of modern
democracy, as the more and more economic power, is
state gains

the separation of economic power and economic control from poli-

tical control. The wielding of economic and political power by

the same hands is the road to totalitarianism and oppression.

The Fate of Ideas

Great idealists, proponents of perfect, visionary plans, seldom
took into consideration the perversities of human nature which,
paradoxically, the poets seemed to have realized. Those noble
authors of lofty views were unable to foresee the effect of their
ideas; ideas, at times, meet an unexpected fate. They produce
effects which are often completely contrary to the intentions of

their originators.
It is as difficult to prophecy the precise form in which our ideas
will materialize as it is for parents to sketch a likeness of their
future progeny. Even the loftiest and most ethical idea is capable
of producing a nightmare against its producer’s will. Would either

Jesus Christ or St. Paul accept Torquemada the Great Inquisitor

as his spiritual son? But just as it would be unfair to judge the
whole of Christianity by some vicious disciples, so would it be
to judge the inspiring plans and ideas of social justice by its

failures, alone, or by those individuals who abused them.

Only an intolerant judgment of history would arrive at ex-
clusively pessimistic conclusions from the difficulties and defeats
experienced. These very experiences have taught us that a strong
will and indomitable desire to continue is required. And we have
learned, too, that in order to advance further we shall have to con-
quer and re-conquer our liberties; our goal is no Utopian para-
dise which, once attained, remains passively ours throughout long,
hedonistic years. The constant struggles and unceasing efforts to

better our world are the essential qualities of a progressive man-


Editorial Note

In his chapter on Communism, Mr. Nomad follows the prag-

matic method and attempts to analyze the relationship between
ideas and reality. Social stratification into such functional groups
as workers, peasants, intelligentsia, and bureaucracy is the na-
turaloutcome of any division of labor in our industrial society.
imagine a society without such a division. The
It is difficult to

problem of democratic social adjustment consists of whether so-

called useful functional classes will establish their relations on
the basis of cooperation and — above all — whether all useful

classes will have equal chances for political control and demo-
cratic rule in a state-controlled economy, or whether one class will
establish a despotic rule over all the others.

Mr. Nomad shows, in the second portion of his article, that a

new elite has developed in the Soviet Union (the bureaucracy),
and it is dominating the other useful classes {workers, peasants,
and a part of intellectuals) after having deprived them of all
democratic control.
Other social scientists have argued that the Soviet rule has given
wide recognition to the popular masses, and has given them social
security at the price of temporary surrender of their civil rights.
Mr. Nomad disagrees with this point of view.
The reader is also referred to Chapter I, “Mechanics of Euro- •

peon Politics”; Chapter VII, “Liberal Tradition in Russia”;

Chapter XI, “The Destinies of Russian Peasantry,” and Chapter
XXII, on “Pan-Slavism.”




Max Nomad

Communism, in the sense of economic equality, and communism

as a term designating the social philosophy professed by those in

power in the Soviet Union, are two altogether different things.

Even before it became identified with the policies symbolized

by the names of Lenin and Stalin, the term Communism had be^

gun to assume a variety of meanings. In the early part of the past

century it was associated with revolutionary equalitarian groups,
such as the “Babouvisls” in France and the followers of Wilhelm
Weitling in Germany, who believed in the immediate violent over-
throw of the existing capita list system. It also covered the ideas
represented by Karl Marx, with his frankly sceptical attitude to-

ward economic equalitarianism. And it was likewise applied to

radical-democratic tendencies within the malcontent sections of
the Gierman middle classes during the 1840’s. According to
Marx’s closest associate Friedrich Engels, the concepts of “de-
mocracy” and “communism” were in those years practically in-
terchangeable. Curiously enough the manual workers were the
only group that did not take part in the “communist” movement.
(See Marx-Engels correspondence).


During the second half of the nineteenth century, with the So-
cialist (or “Social-Democratic”) parties in control of the labor
movement on the European continent, the word “communism” was
relegated to the museum of historico-linguistic antiquities, if we
disregard the revival of its use by the followers of Peter Kropot-
kin, who applied the adjective “communist” to their brand of
anarchism. Marx and Engels alone insisted upon calling them-
selves “Communists” —apparently as a gesture of radical anti-
capitalist defiance.

In modern times the term “Communist” has been connected

almost exclusively with the party that has been ruling Russia ever
since the Revolution of 1917, and with the movements in other
countries which either sprung up spontaneously under the inspira-
tion of that historical event, or were organized with the active
support of the Soviet regime.
The breakdown of the Tsarist system in March 1917 was the
culmination of a century-old struggle of Russia’s educated mid-
dle classes for the westernization of their country. After a short
interlude of democracy, the specific conditions of a vast empire
in complete disintegration as a result of a disastrous war, enabled
a revolutionary group professing a heretical brand of Marxism to

seize power and to establish its own dictatorship.

The party created by Lenin, which has been in power in Russia
since November 7, 1917, had originally been a branch of the Rus-
sian Social-Democratic Workers Party which was founded in
The R.S.D.W.P. had been a “workers party” only in a Pick-
wickian sense, for most of its members were college-bred intel-

lectual workers in search of a working-class following. Taking

its inspiration from Marx, that party was distinguished from the

other revolutionary groups in that it saw in the industrial work-

ers the force which eventually would break the backbone of the
hated Tsarist system. Other opponents of Russian absolutism ex-
pected the accomplishment of that task from the dissatisfied peas-
ant masses.

At first all sections of the Russian Social-Democratic Workers
Party were in full agreement as to the character the hoped-for
Revolution was to assume. It was to give power to the middle
class parties, including the representatives of the peasantry; the
Social-Democratic leaders of the working class were to constitute
the law-abiding opposition, following the example of the Social-
Democratic, Socialist or Labor parties of the democratic Western
European countries.
Soon after the turn of the century, however, the harmony among
the Russian Marxists was disturbed by the ideas put forward by
the dynamic personality of Lenin. These ideas concerned primar-
ily the organizational nature of the party and only later came to
be applied to the very character of the Revolution itself.

In his book What Is To Be Done? (1902) Lenin laid down his

specific conception of the methods of revolutionary activity. The

crucial point of hi.s argument was insistence upon the paramount

importance of a body of professional revolutionists for conduct-
ing the whole movement in an efficient manner. With this insis-

tence was coupled a belief in the necessity of recognizing as party

members only those who were also active members of secret or-
ganizations in Russia. This would leave out all those middle-of-

the-road sympathizers from among the educated middle class

professional men, students and high-school boys and girls alike
—who had not the courage to bum the bridges behind them. In
Lenin’s opinion this course would avert the danger of swamping
the party with weak-kneed adherents who might dampen its com-
bative spirit.

With this object in view Lenin insisted upon the greatest pos-
sible extension of the powers given to the Central Committee of
the party, which was to direct all the revolutionary activities.
These powers were to include that of confirming the personnel of
the local committees and even of nominating their members. These
proposals met with the strongest opposition on the part of most
of the old-time militants of Russian Marxism. Instead of a move-
ment based on mass support, they asserted, Lenin wanted an or-


ganization of conspirators — his attitude implying a belief, that

revolutions could be planned in advance — as opposed to the genu-
ine Marxist viewpoint that revolutions occurred but were not made.
Some of Lenin’s opponents, indeed, went so far as to call his pos-
tulates Bonapartist, because, if carried out, his scheme would
have concentrated all the power in his hands. Among his op-

ponents at that time was also Leon Trotsky, who admitted no ne-

cessity for such a centralization of power. Behind it Trotsky was

inclined to suspect Lenin’s ambition for personal dictatorship. De-
nouncing this ambition, he wrote in 1904 that for the dictatorship
of the proletariat Lenin wanted to substitute the dictatorship of
the party over the proletariat; for the dictatorship of the party
the dictatorship of the Central Committee over the party; and for
the dictatorship of the Central Committee
— ^the dictatorship of

Lenin over the Central Committee.

Lenin’s What is To Be Done?

Lenin’s position was based upon two fundamental concepts:

his very realistic understanding of the mentality of the working
masses who, in his opinion, could think only in terms of wages
and hours, but not in terms of social systems; and his quite un-
realistic faith in the infallibility, good intentions and messianic
role of revolutionary leadership, as personified by himself and
those intellectuals who accepted his views. (To be sure, among
these intellectuals were also to be included those exceptional, self-

taught ex-workers who had succeeded in absorbing certain ele-

ments of education enabling them to assume leadership).

This skepticism with regard to the ability of the masses to
evolve socialist concepts out of their own midst, foimd its expres-

sion in a famous passage contained in the afore-mentioned What

is to be done?: “The history of all countries shows that, by its

own efforts, the working class can develop only a trade-union con-
sciousness — that is, the realization of tiie need of getting together
i» unions in order to fight employers and to demand from the gov-
ernment the passing of laws necessary for the workers.”
As against this inability of the masses to overcome, by their
own efforts, their subordination to “bourgeois ideology” (i.e., the
acceptance of the legitimily of the existing system), Lenin em-
phasizes the fact that “the theory of socialism grew out of the
philosophic, historical and economic theories that were elaborated
by the educated representatives of the propertied classes, the in-

tellectuals. The founders of modern scientific socialism, Marx

and Engels, belonged to the bourgeois intelligentsia . . .” (ibid.).

To a large extent this view of Lenin’s was derived from an

opinion expressed in 1901 —
a year before the appearance of Le-
nin’s book —
by Karl Kautsky, chief exponent of Marxian ortho-
doxy in Germany. In an article published in the theoretical organ
of the German Social-Democratic party {Neue Zeit, 1901-1902,
XX, No. 3, p. 79) Kautsky wrote: “Socialism and the class

struggle [Kautsky has in mind the wage struggles of the manual

workers] side by side and not one out of the other; each
arises out of different premises. Modern socialist consciousness

can arise only on the basis of profound scientific knowledge. . . .

The vehicles of science are not the proletariat but the bourgeois
was out of the heads of
intelligentsia [italics in the original]: It
the members of this stratum that modern socialism originated,
and it was they who communicated it to the more intellectually
developed proletarians who, in their turn, introduced it into the
proletarian class struggle where conditions allow that to be done.
Thus socialist consciousness is something introduced into the pro-
letarian class struggle from without and not something that arose
within it spontaneously.”
It is beside the point here whether this view of the non-work-
ing-class origin of socialism was in keeping with the original con-
cepts of Marxism; or whether Kautsky advanced this view merely
in order to put in their place those trade union leaders within the
social-democratic movement who, in their rivalry with the college-
bred leaders, occasionally tried to prejudice the masses against

the lawyers, journalists and professors holding top positions within

the socialist movement. The fact remains that Kautsky and Lenin,
two of the most outstanding thinkers of modern Socialism (includ-
ing Communism), took it for granted that a set of ideas introduced
into the labor movement from a non-working-class stratum, was
nevertheless the true expression of the interests of the manual
workers. To be sure, there were individual heretics within the
radical intelligentsia, who, turning against their own group, sus-
pected that the gift of socialism was a Trojan horse of the under-
privileged, declassed lower middle class intelligentsia; and that
at bottom, the idea of socialization was nothing but the substitu-
tion of a new privileged class of managerial and political office-

holders for the individual entrepreneurs and stock-holders of pri-

vate capitalism. But naturally enough, their logical arguments
were powerless to overcome the interested rationalizations of tho§e
who were out to “emancipate” the working class by taking their
historical turn as a ruling elite.
Lenin's insistence upon a strictly centralized, near-military
form of organization led in 1903 to the historical split within the
ranks of the Russian Marxists. The followers of Lenin, known
as “Bolsheviks,” were hencefortli arrayed against the “Menshe-
viks” whose views were more or less identical with those of the
traditional European Socialist parties. Eventually the rift be-
tween the two groups was to go beyond the mere organizational
concept of the movement. It became a conflict between democratic
“gradualism” aiming at peaceful transition from capitalism to
collectivism,and dictatorial revolutionism employing the methods
of conspiracies and armed uprisings. At the time the Bolsheviks
ceased to call themselves Social-Democrats and assumed the name
of “Communists” (1918), the difference between the Communists
and had become a real class conflict between the more
impecunious and hence more adventurous section of the intel-
lectual and white collar workers (with a sprinkling of well-to-do

neurotics in search of a new religion) on the one hand, and the

more sedate labor politicians with a “proletarian” vocabulary.

whose ambitions did not go beyond the laurels of a parliamentary
career or of a cabinet post within the capitalist system, on the
The unsuccessful Russian Revolution of 1905 deepened the
original split by extending it from the field of mere organiza-
tion to that of tactical methods. As the upheaval approached
the disastrous war with Japan had brought the downfall of the
hated regime within the sphere of imminent probabilities — ^the

Mensheviks began to get ready, so to speak, for the modest role

they had expected to play in the future parliament of a demo-
cratic Russia. They saw themselves as a party of parliamentary
opposition to a regime headed by middle-class Liberals. A gov-
ernment of this kind was in their opinion the only solution under
the prevailing economic conditions.
Lenin’s solution was different. He believed that the Liberal
bourgeoisie was too pusillanimous, too cowardly, to take the en-
ergetic measures needed to hold what had been won. The forces
of reaction in his opinion, were bound to come back — as they had
done in Western Europe in 1848 — if the government were to be
left in the hands of the Liberals. His way out was a “democratic
dictatorship of the proletariat and the peasantry.” These two
classes would have to assume power and by ruthless measures
destroy all vestiges of Tsarism and render its return impossible.
This, however, was not to be a social revolution. The “prole-
tariat and the peasantry” were to exert their dictatorship only for
the purpose of establishing an honest-to-goodness bourgeois-dem-
ocratic system on the Westem-European model. The big land-
owners, the mainstay of absolutism, were to be dispossessed and
their land was to be distributed among the peasants. Some con-
cessions with respect to wages, hours and other conditions of labor
would be made to the workers. Stripped of its specific terminol-
ogy (“dictatorship of the proletariat and of the peasantry”), what
the Bolshevik program of that period called for was the establish-
ment of a coalition government composed of representatives of the
Bolshevik professional revolutionists active among the industrial

workers, on the one hand, and of those non-Marxian socialist in-

tellectuals, lawyers, journalists, politicians and ex-conspirators,

known under the name of “Social-Revolutionaries,” who were in-

fluential among the peasant masses, on the other.

Trotsky’s “Permanent Revolution”

At about the same time that Lenin advanced his theory of a

“democratic dictatorship,” Leon Trotsky, then a sort of lone Marx-

ist not connected with either of the two sections of the Russian So-
cial-Democrats, came forward with his theory of the “permanent
This theory held that the Russian revolution could not remain
merely democratic in scope. The revolutionary government, Trot-
sky believed, would be obliged to make substantial conce«!sions ^to
the workers, such as providing for the unemployed and taking over
those industries whose owners refused to satisfy the demands of
the workers. He assumed that the capitalistically minded peasants
would not agree to these reforms and thus come into conflict with
the workers. Should the workers win in that conflict, the economic
backwardness of the country would make it impossible to carry out
all the necessary socialist measures. The only way out of the im-
passe would be a revolution in Western Europe which would join
hands with the Russian proletariat in establishing socialism.
Thus, several years before the Revolution of 1917, Leon Trotsky
envisaged the idea of a sort of international socialist revolution
starting in Russia in the wake of a democratic anti-Tsarist up-

heaval, and from there spreading over Western Europe. This was
something new in the European socialism of that time —when “so-
cial revolution” had become a mere liturgical phrase and the real-
ization of the “final aim” was visualized as a gradual transition to
a democratic system of government ownership.
Lenin’s views on the character of the Russian Revolution to
come, as recorded in his writings since 1905, underwent many
changes and eventually became practically identical with those of
Trotsky. In his Permanent Revolution, a pamphlet written after his
fall from power in the late twenties, Trotsky boils down the dif-

ference between his opinion and Lenin’s to the question whether

“the participation of the representatives of the proletariat as a
minority (my italics. M. N.) in the democratic government” (ex-
pected to be established as a result of the Revolution of 1905) was
“theoretically permissible.” This question was answered in the
affirmative by Lenin, who was ready for a peasant (i.e. “Social-
Revolutionary”) predominance in 'the government, while Trotsky
insisted —
upon a “proletarian” majority that is, a majority com-
posed of Marxian intellectuals, politicians and ex-conspirators. The
historical test of the Revolution of 1917 actually settled the con-
troversy. “In November 1917,” Trotsky wrote in his Permanent
Revolution, “a struggle raged in the summits of the party around
the question of the coalition government with the Social-Revolu-
tionaries and the Mensheviks. Lenin was not opposed in prin-
ciple to a coalition on the basis of the Soviets, but he categorically
demanded a firm safeguarding of the Bolshevik majority. I went
along with him hand in hand.” It was therefore Trotsky’s point of
view which actually became the basis of Bolshevik policy in the
crucial months of the Revolution of 1917.

The Bolsheviks Take Over

By the end of February 1917 the Tsarist system broke doAvn un-
der the blows of the German military machine. The war-weary sol-
diers stationed in Petrograd made common cause with the hungry
protesting masses. No revolutionary party could claim exclusive
credit for bringing about the liquidation of the hated regime. Dur-
ing eight months —
between March and November 1917 the coun- —
try was ruled by a provisional government. It was a coalition of
progressive middle class and moderate socialist parties among
which the Social-Revolutionarie.s, the representatives of the Rus-
sian peasantry, were the most influential element.
In November of the same year, the followers of Lenin, who
had been joined by Trotsky, taking advantage of the war- wear ine-s
of the soldiers and of the land-hunger of the peasants, staged a suc-
cessful coup against the Provisional Government. The Communists
have been in power ever since.

It was not the intention of the victorious Bolsheviks — they be-

gan Communists only about a year later
to call themselves to —
carry out an immediate socialization of Russia’s economic fabric.
The land was “nationalized,” to be sure. But this meant only that
the peasants, having seized the land of the big owners, had no right
to sell their individual holdings. Beyond that the Bolsheviks pro-
posed merely to nationalize the banking system and to establish
government control — not ownership — of the industries.

Under normal cotiditions the process of transition from that sys-

tem to full government ownership might have taken decades. Con-

ditions in 1917 were, however, not normal, and it took only ten
months to bring about a complete nationalization of all industries.

A multiplicity of causes led to this development. In many cases the

workers were infuriated by the refusal of the manufacturers to

comply with their demands. As a result, they simply drove out the
owners and occupied the factories. The Soviet Government, depen-
dent as it was upon the support of the laboring masses, could not
afford to lose face as a “proletarian regime” by restoring these
plants to their legal owners. It therefore had no choice but to take
them over. (Particularly as the workers themselves were not in a
position to run those enterprises by their own efforts). In other
cases factories were taken over to protect them against sabotage
by their owners while the country was in the throes of civil war.
There were also numerous instances where the plants were seized
by the Government in order to prevent their being sold to German
capital after the German-Soviet peace treaty of 1918. Thus the
Bolsheviks did not seize power in order to establish a system of
government ownership. Rather they consented to the dispossession
of the capitalists and to the establishment of government owner-
ship in order to keep power.

The nationalization of industries was accompanied by a system
of forcible seizures of foodstuffs from the peasantry. The cities

produced exclusively for the needs of the army engaged in civil

war and so had nothing to offer the peasants in exchange. This

resulted in what is usually termed “war-time communism” —a con-
dition which lasted from the middle of 1919 to the end of the civil

war, or more exactly, to the spring of 1921.

In reality it was not communism at all, if under communism

one is to understand a system guaranteeing an equal share of the
good things of life to every member of the community. It was a
system of military bureaucratic plundering of the peasantry for the
purpose of feeding the army and providing starvation rations for
the workers engaged in the war industries, while securing a fairly

decent livelihood for the privileged members of the administrative

machine — ^party leaders, bureaucrats, army officers and the higher
technical and managerial personnel.
The general dissatisfaction of the population, which manifested
itself in numerous strikes, peasant uprisings and the sailors’ re-
volt at Kronstadt (March, 1921), eventually led to the adoption of
the so-called New Economic Policy (NEP). It was a sort of com-
promise between private capitalism and government ownership
with the State owning all key industries, while private enterprise
was permitted in agriculture, trade and the manufacture of con-

sumers goods. That system was maintained for about seven years
— until 1928. At that time Stalin and his faction, having won in
the struggle for power against the party elements opposing his per-
sonal ascendancy, adopted the program of his defeated opponents.
The result was a policy of large-scale industrialization and agri-
cultural collectivization. It was a policy which eventually did away
with all vestiges of private enterprise. The entire country was con-
verted into one great economic imit managed hierarchically by
a bureaucratic apparatus that covers all aspects of industrial and
agricultural production and distribution.

The New Freedom

The seizure of power by the Bolshevik party was followed by

the gradual disappearance of all political liberties, not only of those
established during the short interval between the downfall of Tsar-
ism and the Bolshevik coup d’etat, but also of those, restricted
though they were, which had existed under the old regime since
1905, when both liberal-democratic and socialist publications, in-

cluding those of the Leninist brand, were tolerated. Shortly after

the inauguration of the new regime the Communist Party estab-
lished a monopoly over all public activities —
political and other-
wise. There was to be only one political party, one editorial policy
in all newspapers, one trade union organization which thus became

a company union of the Employer State, one association in every

field of human endeavor —
with all of these bodies becoming mere
subsidiaries of the ruling party.
To be sure, there were representative assemblies, called Soviets,
composed of delegates of workers and peasants; but it did not take
long before these bodies were reduced to mere decorative institu-
tions, bossed completely by the Communists. Elections to these
bodies were effected by a show of hands, and the list of candidates
was always submitted by the Communist caucus. No attempts at
submitting other lists were made, for they meant a conflict with
the “unsheathed sword of the Revolution,” the dreaded secret
police, known at different times as “Cheka,” “G.P.U.” (or
O.G.P.U.), “N.K.V.D.” and M.V.D.
In the early thirties this totalitarian conception of politics found
cynical expression in the notorious words of Michael Tomsky, then
head of the Soviet trade unions: “Any number of political parties
may exist in Russia, provided one of them is in power and the

others in prison.” (It is a grim commentary upon that system that

Tomsky was one of the first to pay with his life when Stalin decided
to extend that lofty principle to all those who within the party dis-
agreed with him on one point or another).
62 European ideologies
Russia’s new “democracy” took its final shape in the Soviet Con-
stitution of 1936. (For the benefit of those potential sympathizers
who had as yet been unable to overcome their sentimental attach-
ment to the concept of democracy, Lenin evolved the famous form-
ula that “proletarian democracy is a million times more demo-
cratic than any bourgeois democracy and the Soviet regime is a
million times more democratic than the most democratic regime in
a bourgeois republic”) The new Constitution, which is officially

known as the “Stalin Constitution,” gives the franchise to all per-

sons of both sexes, eighteen years or over. Nothing could be more
democratic than that. Now “franchise” is granted for the purpose
of elections. But there are no elections. The very word “election”
presupposes a choice among various candidates. But there is no
such choice because the Constitution maintains the totalitarian one-
party system. There is only one candidate or one set of candidates
in each district. The selection of the candidates is effected by the

Communist party machine, and confirmed by an open vote of party

members, which renders impossible the putting up of a slate of can-
didates who are not agreeable to the party machine. For any one
who would openly vote against the officially proposed set of candi-
dates, would automatically set himself down as an “enemy of the
Despite the one hundred and forty-six articles of the Constitu-
tion there is no personal liberty in the Soviet Union in the sense
in which it exists in all civilized countries. A Russian physicist.
Professor Peter Kapitza, had made home
England where he
his in
had become director of the Royal Society’s Mond Laboratory at
Cambridge. When in 1935 he came to Russia on a visit he suddenly
saw himself deprived of his passport and forced to remain in a
country from which he had expatriated himself many years ago.
He had never engaged in politics. But the Soviet authorities simply
declared that they preferred him to do his scientific work in Russia
rather than in England. It was
as if Henry James, on a visit to
his native country,had been told by the American authorities that
he could not go back to England and that henceforth he would have


to write his novels in the United States.'

Passports, though nominally in existence in Russia, are actually
beyond the reach of the ordinary inhabitant. Applications for a
passport are always rejected. That coveted document is given only
to trusted members of the bureaucracy sent abroad on an official
mission. The actual reason for that refusal, though never admit-
ted, is the same as that which had prompted the governments of
Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany to take the same attitude. Neither
of these regimes, in the opinion of a Paris correspondent of the
N. Y. Times, wanted its nationals to see for themselves the political
and social conditions abroad.
On hand there is a compulsory document in Russia
die other
which has the unassuming name of “work-book.” That book lists
every job its holder ever had, and the exact reason why he left it
in every case. This is to make it impossible for industrial workers

to leave an establishment to seek better accommodations elsewhere.

Such a “selfish” attitude considered highly dishonorable and dis-

book from obtaining another job. In its

qualifies the holder of the
editorial on the “work-book” the Moscow Pravda of December 22,
1938, stated with commendable frankness that “the work-book will
he one of the effective weapons in the struggle against the labor
turn-over.” The italics were in the Russian original.
Such is the status of Russia’s “free” workers. Yet it is enviable
as compared with the situation of millions of recalcitrant “indi-
vidualist” peasants and political dissenters enrolled in those
branches of Soviet economy which employ forced labor, such as
timber cutting and the building of canals, roads and fortifications.
These branches of plain slave economy are under the direct man-
agement of the secret police. For obvious reasons there are no sta-

tistical figures about these slave workers whose number has been
vaguely estimated at between fourteen and twenty million. For
disloyalty during World War II entire tribes of non-Slavic races,

* It is in line with this attitude towards personal freedom that Russian women who

married foreigners are forbidden to leave the country with their husbands, and that
in 1947 a law was passed — unheard of in the annals of any civilized country
forbidding; marriage between Russians and foreign citizens.

such as the Kalmucks, the Crimean Tartars, the Volga-Germans
and various nationalities on hoth slopes of the Caucasus range,
where they had lived since time immemorial, have been trans-
planted to regions where forced labor and an unaccustomed cli-
mate doom them to extinction. The same fate is now being meted
out to the bulk of the Latvian and Estonian population for the pur-
pose of settling the formerly independent Baltic republics with
Russians proper.
Restrictions upon travel in the regions affected and absolute in-
ability of getting in touch with any of the persons undergoing
penalties on account of their political non-conformity, as well as
the definite refusal of the Soviet regime to accept the inspection
feature of the Baruch atom plan — all tend to confirm the most
horrifying reports on that subject. Wendell Willkie, a man by no
means unfriendly to the Soviet regime— his One World has been
widely circulated by the Communist book stores in the U. S, A.
had given the readers of his articles about his Russian trip a
glimpse of this aspect of Soviet Russia’s economy {Readers Di-
gest, Vol. 42, No. 251). But the passage in question was omit-
ted from the book edition of his One World. Fear lest this feature
of our Eastern ally’s social system dampen the war enthusiasm of
the readers induced the publishers and particularly the pro-Soviet
book to suppress the suggestive sentence.
editor of the
The “purges” and the “trials” of the late thirties are still gen-
erally remembered. They were devices by which Stalin aside —

from getting rid of some of his opponents was trying to placate
the masses and thus to consolidate his own power. For to the man
in the street the liquidated Old Guard of the Communist Party,
including practically all the top figures in the various central and
autonomous administrations, was the symbol of all his suffer-
ings and privations during the first two decades of the Soviet Re-
public. The “confessions,” extorted under threat of torture or of
extermination of the victims’ families — those who refused to “con-
fess” —
were shot without trial ^have been justly compared with
medieval witch trials at which the unfortunate women gave min-

ute accounts of their traffic with the Devil.

A state wielding such power over its subjects has also the auth-
ority of prescribing to them what they are to read or rather what
they are not to read. The younger generation of office-holders can-
not even conceive the idea that a newspaper should criticize the
government. In 1930 the writer made a visit to the Soviet Union.
In one of the museums the secretary of the institution, a young
university graduate, asked him about the chances for Russia’s rec-
ognition by the United States, particularly in view of the violent
attacks by Hamilton Fish, then prominently reported in the Rus-
sian press. The reply that such attacks meant very little, and that
the President, if he intended to extend recognition, would com-
pletely ignore them, puzzled the young man to the extreme. “Do
you mean to say that the Government permits the printing of
opinions which are opposed to its own? In that case it could not
possibly be a stable, strong government.”
At about the same time Oswald Garrison Villard had a similar
experience which he reported in The Nation. He quoted the re-
marks of the head of the Ukrainian Communist Literary Society to
the effect that the regime “could not allow a handful of dis-
senters, who are not five per cent of the Ukrainian population, to
disturb the progress of the country.” Villard also gathered from
the remarks of that representative of Soviet literature that “the
idea of the liberty of the press included only those editors who
favored the communist doctrine, precisely as Mussolini permitted
editorial freedom in Italy only to those who wholeheartedly sup-
port fascism.”
The same restrictions that hold for the press are applied to all
other aspects of the country’s cultural life. The theater, the
cinema, the radio, book publishing—
^they are all coordinated ac-
cording to the most rigid totalitarian principles. Authors who for
years had enjoyed the greatest reputations, such as Pilniak, Pan-
teleymon Romanov, Zoschenko, Akhmatova, are suddenly
silenced, or altogether liquidated, if in their novels, short stories,
satires or poems they give expression to moods ^t variance \vith
the official optimism and compulsory sycophancy required by the
regime from its “artists in uniform” — to use an apt phrase coined
by Max Eastman.
Science, no less than literature has been feeling the heavy hand
of official inquisition. Certain branches of learning are lavishly
subventioned if they promise to further the process of industrial-
izationand thus aid the country’s military preparedness. But
whenever a scientific theory may lend itself to interpretations how-
ever remotely conflicting with the political theology of the regime,
official intolerance is even more outspoken than with the Tennessee
fundamentalists who prohibited the teaching of evolution.
Thus the ideas of Russia’s foremost geneticists, particularly
those of Vavilov, have been declared taboo because of their ad-
herence to the Mendel ian laws. For in the opinion of the cham-
pions of orthodox Leninist Marxism these principles may give en-
couragement to certain reactionary political philosophies. New
discoveries in anthropology were rejected on the ground that En-
gels, the friend of Karl Marx, had once, in the eighties, expressed
a different opinion on that subject. For quite a while even the
theory gf Einstein was frowned upon because there was a sus-
picion in the minds of Russia’s official Marxists that there was an
element of mysticism in that theory which could be prejudicial to
the official dogma of materialism.
Occasionally entire branches of study are suppressed, if the
results threaten to be distasteful to the beneficiaries of the present
socio-economic setup. This was the case of “pedology,” a new
science which examined the extent to which success in study de-
pended either upon inherited physical constitution or upon the
social environment of individual school children. The reason
for the suppression of that science is obvious. It might have es-
tablished — or most likely did already establish — that the children
of the new ruling class, i.e., of the office-holders and technical ex-
perts, had better chances for scholastic advancement, because of
better housing
accommodations; that is, because of the higher in-
comes commanded, by their parents. This would be tantamount to

the scientific establishment of the fact that a hereditary intel-

lectual aristocracy was being formed in Russia, not on the basis
of biological heredity which is rejected by the Communists, but
as a result of environment, i.e. economic causes. Which of course
would be a complete refutation of the Communists’ claim that
they aimed at the emancipation of the working class, that is, at the
establishment of economic equality. The scholars engaged in
these investigations were duly arrested and forced to ‘"confess”
their “hostility to the working class.”

The “Classless Society”

From the outset it was the official policy of the Soviet Govern-
ment to treat all opponents —even those of the various democratic
socialist schools — as a sort of fifth column. Witness Lenin’s note
dated May 15, 1922, addressed to the then Commissar of Jus-
tice, D. 1. Kursky, which stated that “a formula must be found
that would place these activities [of tlie Mensheviks and Social-
Revolutionaries] in connection with the international bourgeoisie
and its struggle against us (bribery of the press and agents, war
preparations and the like).”
More than a decade later, when the civil war and its after-

effects could no longer serve as an excuse for the banning of all

political activity outside the Communist party, another argument

was advanced. In an interview given in 1936 to Roy Howard, the
co-publisher of the Scripps-Howard chain of papers in the United
States, Stalin ventured a theoretical explanation as to why not
more than one party was permitted to exist despite the pretended
democracy of the new Constitution. “As soon as there are no more
classes,” he said, “as soon as boundaries between classes are

effaced . . . there can no longer be any nourishing ground for

the formation of parties struggling among themselves. Where
there are not in existence several classes there cannot be several
parties because a party is a part of a class’’^ In the report about
tlie new Constitution which he made later in the same year to the
Eighth Special All-Union Congress of Soviets,® Stalin returned
to thesame question: “In the U.S-S.R. there are only two classes,
workers and peasants, whose interests not only are not antagonistic
hut, on the contrary, amicable. Consequently, there are no grounds
for the existence of several parties, and therefore for the exist-
ence of freedom of such parties in the U.S.S.R. There are grounds
for only one party, the Communist Party, in the U.S.S.R.” Earlier
in the same paragraph, he stated that: “I must admit, the draft
of the new constitution really does leave in force the regime of
the dictatorship of the working class, and also leaves unchanged
the present leading position of the Communist Party of the
Thus, in addressing an American newspaperman he rejected
the idea of a multiplicity of parties because “there are no more
classes”; in speaking to a Soviet Congress a few months later, he
discovered that there were in Russia “two classes” whose inter-
ests were “amicable,” and that for this reason there could be
only one ])arty representing their interests. The obvious incon-
si.stency and in.sincerity of Stalin’s arguments was nailed immedi-
ately by many critics outside of Russia. The idea that a class
could be represented by only one party was rank nonsense. Every
class has its subdivisions which are often represented by different
political groups. Such is the case in practically all capitalist
countries with a multi-party system.^ In the second place, one
- The italicized pai>sage was omitted in the “full text” printed by the Communist
Daily Worker of blew York, of March 6, 19.H6. Apparently it -seemed to the editor
ton incongruous to be swallowed by the more intelligent readers. But the missing
words were contained in the full text printed in the Moscow Izvestia of March 5,
1936, and in the Basel Rundschau (organ ol the Communist International) of the
same date, p. 412.
^ Daily Worker, New York, November 27, 1936.
* The Communists have always designated the Republicans and the Democrats in
the U.S.A. or the Conservatives and Liberals in Great Britain, as parties of the
capitalist class. And they have repeatedly offered a united front to the' Socialists,
Laborites, or other organizations which they recognized on those occasions as parties
of the working class like themselves. On other occasions they simply lumpM the
Socialists with the “capitalist parties.”

Could not say that there was only one “class” or two “amicable
classes” in Russia, if one insisted, as Stalin and his assistants do,
that the Soviet Republic had already reached the phase of a
“classless society.”
Still more priceless was Stalin’s “admission” that the Consti-
tution left in force “the regime of the dictatorship” and the “lead-
ing position of the Communist Party.” In a “classless” society,
which Russia purports to be, the population no longer has any
“class enemies” to fight ;
for the capitalists, the landlords, as well
as their successors, the “nepnien” and the “kulaks,” had been- li-
quidated with a thoroughness worthy of a Genghis Khan. As a
result, there would seem to be no need for a political party which
in the Bolshevik terminology, was the “vanguard” of the class
whose interests it defended. A political “vanguard” in a popula-
tion “without classes” was a logical incongruity. Apparently
something was wrong with the idea that Russia was a “classless”

The idea that with the elimitialion of the propertied classes

Russia has become a “classless” society is not only part of the
official “folklore” of Stalinist “communism”: it is a logical se-

(juence of the Marxist doctrine which determines a person’s class

status not according to his income, but according to his “relation

to the process of production”; a deceptive half-truth which by

stressing merely the (juestion of “owner or employee” places the
high-class executive in the category of “workers” alongside the
laborer who may earn less than one-fiftieth or even one-hundredth
of his income. It is this Marxist fallacy which has furnished the
ideological cloak for the unmitigated rule of Russia’s new
aristocracy —or new bourgeoisie, if you will —over the enormous
mass of workers and peasaiits. It is as the most militant “part”
of this new nobility that the Communist Party maintains its poli-

tical domination. A domination which Stalin, in that speech,

cautiously enough, called “the regime of the dictatorship of the
working class” instead of using the liturgical Marxist term “pro-
letariat.” For, according to the folklore of present-day Russia,
there are Jio longer any proletarians in that country. Stalin par-
ticularly emphasized that idea in his aforementioned speech on
the Constitution. The workers, he insisted, “possessed the indus-

tries in conjunction with the whole people.”'’ Just as the American

sailors and letter-carriers own the Navy and the Post Office De-
partment, respectively. . . .

Curious situations sometimes arose out of this article of faith

of present-day Russia. Here are the workers, “ownir)g” their
industries, yet as a rule dissatisfied with the collective agreements
which they conclude with . . . themselves concerning wages and
hours. Sometimes they even run away from “their own” factories,
and all kinds of methods of persuasion and compulsion have to he
applied to keep them at their jobs, or more correctly, at “their”
property. The confusion is even greater than that. Thc^ workers
as the “owners” of the factories, are thus logically the real “em-
ployers.” The technicians, the engineers, the managers, are their
“employees.” No wonder that the Bolsheviks, as the defenders of
the oppressed, take all the possible care of the “hired men,” that
is, the technicians, and pay them much more than they do the
But there is a hitch somewhere. The ballyhoo is loo crude- -it
could be believed only by the college graduate American lil)erals
who are four thousand miles away, hut not by the uneducated
workers who are on the spot. As a result it sometimes happens
that the unsophisticated editor of a provincial paper complains
that “labor discipline is deteriorating in the Irkutsk district, and
the workers do not consider the industries as their own.”" Even
Lazar Kaganovich, a man of steel second only to Stalin, ocesa-

sionallymakes a slip in the presence of that mystery. In a speech

reported by the Moscow Izvestia of June 8, 1930, he mentioned
that the “proletariat begins to realize the fact that it is the owner
of the production, the owner of industry.” So it took the pro-

Daily Worker, New York, November 27, 1936.

Vlast Truda (The Power of Labor), Irkutsk, January 26, 1930.

Jelariat thirteen years to “begin to realize” that it is the master

of the country. . » .

The Theory of Dictatorship

In State and Revolution, a pamphlet written a few months be-

fore the seizure of power by his party, Lenin laid down the theo-
relic-al.justifii-ation for his policy. His argument is largely based
upon a famous passage from Karl Marx’s Critique of the Gotha
That passage reads as follows: “Between the capitalist and the
commiinist society lies the period of revolutionary transforma-
tion of the former into the latter. To this also corresponds a poli-
tical transition period in which the stale can be no other than the
revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat.”
Lenin in his State arul Ret'olution, and after him, Stalin, in

his Foundations of Leninism interpreted this “revolutionary dic-

tatorship of the ])ro]etarial” as a “slate that
is democratic for . . .

the proletariat and the poor in general” (Lenin), or as a “pro-

letarian democracy— the democracy of the exploited majority
based upon the limitation of Uie rights of an exploiting minority
and directed against this minority” (Stalin).
It wt)uld seem that with the complete elimination of all vestiges
of capitalism in Russia there w’as no longer in existence any “ex-
jdoiting minority” in the Marxisl-Letiinisl-Slalinist sense, against
which that “limitation of rights” would have to be exercised. Yet
as lime went on those “limitations” grew to fantastic proportions
both qualitatively and quantitatively. Witness the mass execu-
tions with and without trial. Witness also the complete elimina-
tion of all vestiges of democratic procedure within the new set-

up, as testified by the well-known “evolution” of the dictatorship

from the initial rule of the Soviets (a period of a few months
only) to the rule of the Communist parly; and finally from the
rule of the Communist parly to that of its Secretary General and
the police apparatus controlled by him. (During the mid-twenties
when telling of political jokes was not yet a form of suicide, they

spoke of the substitution of the “dictatorship of the secretariat

for the dictatorship of the proletariat.”) Witness finally the fact
that the victims of those “limitations” ever since the late twenties
were no longer capitalists but workers, peasants or intellectuals
holding non-conformist socialist or communist views, whose only
“anti-proletarian” crime was opposition to the autocratic methods
of the regime.
In extolling the democratic character of the coming “dictator-
ship of the proletariat” Lenin insisted that after the seizure of
power would be a “state of armed workers" (emphasis
the regime
and not a “state of bureaucrats.” (State and Rev-
in the original)
olution). The main attributes of that state would be the election
of all officials without exception, their recall at any time, and their
remuneration at salaries that have been reduced to the level of
“workingmen’s wages.” Under modern capitalism, according to
this classic of Lenin’s (chapter 3, subdivision 2), “the great ma-
jority of functions of the old ‘state power’ have become so simpli-
fied and can be reduced to such simple operations of registration,
filing and checking that they wiU be quite within the reach of every
literate person and it will be possible to perform them for ‘work-
ingmen’s wages,’ which circumstance can and must strip those
functions of every shadow of privilege.” In other words, there
would be no bureaucracy, as everybody who can read and write
can become a bureaucrat.
That regime, however, according to Lenin was not meant to be
the definitive form of a socialist society. With the development
of the technical resources, society would gradually be enabled to
dispense with compulsory measures necessary for maintaining
certain inequalities inherent in the “first phase of communism.”
That process of gradual dispensing with governmental compul-
sion is calledby Lenin “the withering away of the state,” an ex-
pression coined by the founders of Marxism. Thus the “dictator-
ship of the proletariat” would eventually evolve into that ideal
system which the theorists of anarchism choose to call “anarchy”

—an expression by which they understand a system of libertarian

communism functioning on the basis of voluntary agreements.
It is beside the point whether Lenin had his tongue in his cheek
when he argued- main functions of government could be
that the
reduced to checking, filing and registering. The fact is that as
time went on, with all the power in the hands of the “proletariat,”
all the main attributes of “proletarian dictatorship,” as specified

by Lenin, went the way of all promises made by political parties.

Soviet government officials are not elected, but appointed from
above; they are not subject to recall by their constituents, but are
simply demoted, with or without lethal sequels; and their renum-
eration is as much above “workingmen’s wages,” as are the emolu-
ments of a judge or factory manager above those of a mechanic
or filing clerk in any capitalist country. And last, but not least,
the development of the technical resources of the Soviet Union has
brought in its wake not a relaxation, but on the contrary a sharp-
ening of the compulsory measures necessary for maintaining the
ever growing inequalities in the standard of living of the various
groups of Russia’s “classless” society. The “withering away of
the state” was fated to become a mere liturgical phrase devoid
of any practical significance.
For the interim period preceding the complete “withering away
of the state” Lenin had launched the slogan that soon “every
cook” would be able to attend to the affairs of the state. A new
generation of those humble little ladies has grown up since that
time, but they keep on cooking for the commissars.
There are unorthodox partisans of the Bolshevik revolution who
believe that the dictatorship of the Communist Party, culminating
in the personal dictatorship of its top leader, are deviations from
the original concept of the proletarian dictatorship, as advocated
by Lenin. Unfortunately for them, there are “slips” by the
founder of Bolshevism himself indicating that they are sadly mis-
taken. When during the months preceding the November upris-
ing of 1917 the Soviets, at that time still controlled by the Men-

sheviks and Social-Revolutionists, showed no inclination to join

the Bolsheviks, Lenin dropped the pretense of “all power to the

Soviets” declaring openly that from then on the slogan was to be

the dictatorship of the Bolshevik parly. On another occasion he
stated that “Soviet socialist democracy is not inconsistent with
personal rule and dictatorship, for the will of a class is at times
best carried out by a dictator who alone will accomplish mure
and who is often more needed.” (Vol. 17, page 89, Russian edi-
tion of 1925.)

Communism and Equality ^

In State and Revolution the founder of Bolshevism remarks

that “the question of control and accounting must not be confused
with the question of the scientifically educated staff of engineers,

agronomists and so on. These gentlemen work today obeying the

capitalists; they will work even belter tomorrow, obeying the
armed workers.” Needless to emphasize that now, thirty years
after the appearance of Lenin’s cla.%sic, “these gentlemen” “obey
thearmed workers” only in so far, as under “armed workers” we
are to understand the new elite of political administrators and
their uniformed and non-uniformed prelorian guard going by the
name of G.P.U. or N.K.V.D.
Lenin’s reference to the “scientifically educated staff of en-
gineers etc.” and to the “armed workers” whom they are sup-
posed to obey, brings up the question of distribution under the
system of “proletarian dictatorship,” the political aspect of the
“first phase of communism.” The father of Bolshevism knew very
well that he found himself on very dangerous ground. He had to
appear as an equalitarian in order not to step on the toes of the
party’s working class element which at that time was exposed to
a barrage of anarchist propaganda. And he had to take care not

to be too explicit about his equalitarianism, lest his utopianism

or plain demagogy became too apparent as soon as the realization
of that “first phase” was to be attempted. So he followed in the
footsteps of his teacher, Karl Marx who dealt with that subject

in a way that lent itself to the most contradictory interpretations.

In a document called Critique of the Gotha Program Marx had
written that “the first phase of communism” represented a system
that was still “in every respect tainted economically, morally and
intellectually with the birthmarks of the old society from whose
womb it is emerging.” Hence the “equal right” of the new sys-
tem was “still handicapped by bourgeois limitations. The right

of the producers is proportional to the amount of labor they con-

tribute; the equality consists in the fact that everything is meas-
ured by an equal measure, labor. But one man excels another
physically or intellectually, and so contributes, in the same time,
more labor, or can labor for a longer time; and the labor, to serve

as a measure, must be defined by its duration or intensity, other-

wise it ceases to he a standard of measure. This equal right is

an unequal right for unequal work. It recognizes no class dif-

ferences because every worker ranks as a worker like his fel-
lows: but it tacitly recognizes unequal individual endowment, and
thus capacities for production, as natural privileges.”^ In other
words, there is “equality” —even though an engineer or manager,
because of his intellectual superiority, paid is times
ten or fifty
as much as an unskilled worker. Lenin—
For, as commentingin
upon Marx’s views expressed —
in the Critique Chapter
says in
5, subdivision 3, “every worker receives from society as much as
he has given it.”

In expanding upon these ideas of Marx Lenin glosses over

the unequalitarian aspects of this passage which, as a matter
of fact, he does not quote. Instead, he uses such expressions as
“equality of labor and equality in the distribution of products,”
“for an equal quantity of labor an equal quantity of products,”
“equality of labor and equality of wages,” “the whole of society
will have become one office and one factory, with equal work and
equal pay.”

Marx deliberately use obscure and unintelligible verbiage in presenting his

\ii-ws on the subject? The well-known Marxist historian, Franz Meliring, in his
biography of Marx, frankly admits that the Critique went over the heads of the
delegates to the Socialist convention to whom it was addressed.
In the minds of practically every reader these phrases create
the impression that in the “first phase of communism” equality
of incomes was going to be established. The only drawback in
this equality, as Lenin puts it, would seem to be merely the fact
that “different people are not alike: one is strong, another is
weak; one is married, the other is not; one has more children, an-
other has less, and so on.” “With equal labor” Lenin quotes Marx to
this effect “and therefore an equal share in the social consumption
fund, one man in fact receives more than the other, one is richer
than the other, and so forth. In order to avoid all these defects,
right, instead of equal, must be unequal.” And he further para-

phrases Marx’s argument in the Critique by saying: ‘For an
equal quantity of labor, an equal quantity of products’ — this So-

cialist principle is also already [italicized by Lenin] realized.

However, this is not yet communism, and this dues not abolish
‘bourgeois right’ which gives to unequal individuals, in return for
an unequal (in reality unequal) amount of work, an equal quan-
tity of products.” Which, for all its obscurity, or because of its

obscurity, again creates the impression that there is to be equality

of incomes, affected only by the size of the family, etc., and
marred by the necessity of “distributing the articles of consump-
tion ‘according to work performed’ (and not according to need).”
Thus it would seem that the only difference between the “first

phase of communism” and the “higher phase” was the circum-

stance that under the former there was equality of incomes en-
forced by the authority of the state, while under the “hi^er
phase,” to use Marx’s words, quoted by Lenin, “it will be pos-
sible to pass completely beyond the narrow horizon of bourgeois
rights, and for society to inscribe on its banners: from each ac-
cording to his ability; to each according to his needs!”
It is hard to say whether Lenin misunderstood Marx’s obvious
plea for inequality of rewards for intellectual and skilled, as
a^inst manual and unskilled labor (which is hard to assume in

a man of Lenin’s genius) ; or whether he thought it more expedi-


ent to disregard this fundamental aspect of Marx’s views. At any

rate, both in his “April theses” of 1917, and in Staie and Rev-
olution published a few months later, Lenin demanded that gov-

ernment office holders be paid not more than manual workers.

This was an open advocacy of equalitarianism, for it is hard to
conceive that in speaking of government officials he should have
meant only letter-carriers and garbage removers.
The actual practice of the Soviet regime has made hash of all
the equalitarian or near-equalitarian ideas — regardless of the
question of whether Lenin’s phrases were or were not deliberately
concealing the very opposite they seemed to convey. To be sure,

Lenin himself —who was hungry only for power but not for
material comforts —personally never claimed himself for a share
that could have placed him in any privileged category. But, to
paraphrase the remark of a disgruntled ex-official of the Soviet
regime, the important thing was not how Lenin lived, but how
the good things of life were distributed among the various sections
of the Russian people.
Russia’s top stratum, after the victorious Bolshevik revolution,
consisted of the former revolutionists and conspirators who had
been the driving force of the great upheaval. Though calling them-
selves Communists, they took it for granted that they were to take
the cream of all the good things that were still left after all the
turmoil of war and revolution. The idea that it behooved men
claiming to be the saviors of the downtrodden to live on the same
rations as their charges did not occur to them. As in the pro-
verbial case of the Spanish monks and the American Indians, the
Communists worked for the future salvation of the masses and
the masses were compelled to work for the present comforts of
the Communist office-holders. (True, for many years the salary of
a Communist was supposed not to exceed the maximum of 300
rubles monthly; but in practice this salary constituted mere “pin
money”; for all the real expenditures, such as automobiles, coun-
try houses, etc. were supplied by the state over and above the
nominal salary.** This restriction, by the way, has been rescinded
many years ago).
The necessities of an efficient production made the Soviet lead-
ers realize that it would be very practical to raise the managerial
technical personnel to the status of the best paid stratum of the
population. Politically they had nothing to say, of course, but
neither did anybody else.

In the early thirties the principle of preferential treatment was

established in favor of another stratum as well. Skilled labor
had always been at a premium in Russia ; so in order to keep that
element loyal and satisfied the Stalin regime engaged upon a
policy of such a differentiation between the wages of skilled and
unskilled workers as is altogether unthinkable in the capitalist
countries. In a speech delivered on June 23, 1931, Stalin sol-
emnly proclaimed inequality as the guiding principle of a better
world in the making. “It is imbearable,” he said, “to see the
locomotive driver receiving the same wages as a copyist.” That
sentence meant that from now on not only the unskilled manual
workers, mostly raw peasants from the countryside, but also the
lower clerical employees whose education did not go beyond spell-
ing and figuring, would stay in the lowest income brackets. And
that everything would be done to give satisfaction not only to
the technical experts but also to the highly skilled workers. The
same principle of extreme inequality was applied to the army as
well. It was widely reported during World War II that the dis-
crepancy between the pay of a private soldier and that of an army
lieutenant was in the proportion of one to one hundred (ten rubles
as against1000 per month.) In the United States army the dis-
crepancy was at the ratio of one to three.
At the Seventeenth Convention of the Communist Party held
in 1934 Stalin expanded theoretically on the subject of inequality.
In a momentof impish non-restraint Walter Duranty, a journalist
generally con-
friendly to the Soviet regime, expressed his wonderment
V 1 Tunes, in the IVew
rork to how the Kremlin crowd could allord keeping French
and F npn.i,
governesses for their children-all on a salary of 300 rubles
[for the commissars, not
lor the governesses who, as foreigners, certainly got more.]

In his speech —published pamphlet form most foreign

in in lan-
guages as well —he paraphrased passage from Marx’s
that Cri-
tique of the Gotha Program which was quoted above. The head
of the Soviet regime chose to apply the designation “socialism”
to that period following the overthrow of capitalism which Marx
communism”; and he called “commun-
called the “first phase of
ism” that phase which in the Critique was referred to as “the
higher phase of communism.” Under the former, everybody was
to be paid according to his services, while under the latter the
principle of “to everybody according to his needs” was to reign
supreme. Marx had not been very specific about that “higher
phase of communism.” In fact, that “higher phase” was a mere
pipe dream penned with his tongue in the cheek for the benefit
of those emotionally in need of an Utopia. And Lenin frankly
stated {State and Revolution, chapter V, subdivision 4) that “it
has never entered the head of any socialist to ‘promise’ that the
highest phase of Communism will arrive.”" Stalin, however,
whose realm is now apparently approaching that “higher phase,”
had to be more explicit; for officially Russia has already become a
“classless society,” all capitalists — only the real exploiters and
parasites, according to Marx —having been thoroughly eliminated.
He was therefore eager to emphasize the fact that “Marxism
proceeds from the point of view that the tastes and the needs of
human beings with regard to quality and quantity are not equal
and cannot be equal, either in the period of socialism or in the
period of communism.” If words have any meaning at all, then
the remark about “quality” and “quantity” meant that the weaker
or less educated worker apparently “needs” no more than let us
say, twenty-five dollars a week, while the select ones need twice,
or ten or a hundred times as much. For just as everything is de-
cided by the government, the “needs” will no doubt likewise be
established by the same agency.
In his Critique of the Gotha Program- Marx did not use the expression “highest
phase of Communism”; he spoke of the higher phase. Such “alterations” of the text
(there is also another word for it) are not accidental. They serve the purpose of
obscuring the issue.
Apparently conscious of the ugly implications of his words,
Stalin immediately proceeded to mitigate them — at least for the

great majority of the unsophisticated underdogs who might not

be cheered by this prospect of being always on the bottom rung
in matters of “quality” and “quantity.” So he added that it was
tantamount to “slandering Marxism” if one were to assume “that

according to Marxism all humans had to wear the same clothes

and to eat the same foodstuffs in the same quantities.”
That expression about “wearing the same clothes and eating
the same foodstuffs in the same become one of
quantities” has
Stalin’s stock phrases on that subject; he had used it almost word
for word in 1932 during his interview with Emil Ludwig. It was
of course a conscious distortion of the idea of the equality of in-

comes which he was attacking. For that idea meant merely that
a laborer, if he put in a whole day’s work, was entitled to the same
amount of money as the office-holder or technician for the same
time, and that for this money he could buy any quantity or qual-
ity of goods or services he chose. Leaving aside the question of
practicability, the very fact that Stalin had to attack so often the
“equalitarian idiocy” indicates that to the workers at large, and
particularly to the lowest paid, that “idiocy” must have a great
appeal, and that they see in it the essence of communism.
Even before Stalin’s speech, Michael Kalinin, Russia’s late
“worker-peasant” President, from time to time tried to allay the
workers’ dissatisfaction over the prevailing inequalities. “We
are still very from real equality” he said in one of his
speeches; “until we have attained complete communism there can
be no real equality.” But as communism, in its true economic
connotation means nothing else than equality of incomes, Kalinin’s
consolation amounts to the promise that there would be no equal-
ity, as long as there was — ^no equality. Which was certainly as un-
assailable as the remark made — ^not in jest — ^by Napoleon III, that

“a nation’s welfare depends upon its general prosperity”; or as

the celebratedbon mot of the German writer Fritz Reuter, that
“poverty came from destitution.”

In proportion as these inequalities increased, simultaneously

with the greater consolidation of the army and the secret police,
the Communist rulers began gradually to dispense with the “pro-
letarian” masquerades in which they had been indulging. For-
merly the champions of the working had been flirting
with an outward show of poverty, wearing caps and shabby cloth-
ing so as not to arouse the envy of the workers. (It was in accor-
dance with the same principle that during the first years after
power by Hitler the active Nazis were instructed
the seizure of to

shun sumptuous banquets and similar affairs.)

Stalin’s proclamation of inequality as the basic tenet of so-

cialism was the signal for a speedy abandonment of all the afore-
mentioned masquerades of the initial phase of the Revolution.
The Russian cities eventually returned to the normal aspect of
the Western capitalist world with their external manifestations
of wealth and poverty. In the December 22, 1935 issue of the
New York Times, Walter Duranty, who has been consistently
friendly to the Soviet regime, remarked that the “differentiation
of wages .... must lead to a new class differentiation in what
claims to be a classless society, a new class of bureaucrats and
directors of state enterprises, a new class of high paid upper
workers all of whom together mU form, or are forming a new
bourgeoisie.” Since Duranty wrote these lines the introduction
of comparatively high tuition fees for secondary schools and uni-
versities has rendered the acquisition of higher education a mo-
nopoly of the new bureaucratic and managerial aristocracy. In-
equalities of social and economic status have ihus become heredi-
tary institutions.
The Soviet regime is of course very careful not to give any ex-
act income statistics. Critics of the regime — particularly Trotsky
and Burnham —who studied what figures were available, came to
the conclusion that “the upper 11 of 12 per cent of the Soviet
population now receives approximately 50 per cent of the na-
tional income”, while a similar fraction of the population of the
United States — to be more upper 10 per cent
exact, the
— “receives
approximately 35 per cent of the national income.”

The New Elite Drops Its Radical Mask

The frank admission that an increasing inequality of incomes

was henceforth to be the chief feature of a system that claimed
to represent socialism way towards “full communism” was
on its

the unheralded landmark of a new departure in the history of

“new Russia.” That new departure implied the now conscious
realization by the Communist party of the accomplished consoli-
dation of a new privileged class of political and administrative
office-holders, technical experts, managers, and army officers. A
new privileged class which had risen from the ranks of the lower
middle class professionals, declassed intellectuals, and self-taught
white collar and ex-manual workers. At last it no longer had to
pay its obeisance to the workers and peasants whose struggles and
privations had raised power and affluence. For the masses
it to
were now thoroughly cowed and disoriented. They had been grad-
ually deprived of their most intelligent and militant elements who
had either been absorbed by the new bureaucratic apparatus, or
liquidated by a most efficient secret police that was not hampered
by any legal squeamishness.
Slowly, but steadily the Communist top layer of the new rul-
ing class began to shed all those modem ideas which in the course
of the nineteenth century had become a sort of common property
of all liberals and radicals. Traditional bourgeois concepts on all
aspects of life began to come back with a vengeance. True, there
was no reversion to the racial and religious intolerance of the
Tsarist system. In a country consisting of nearly two hundred
different races and tribes, and in which the Russians proper con-
stituted hardly more than half of the population, this would not
be practical, particularly as Stalin himself and his Chief of Police,
Beria, were both of non-Slavic origin, and since such a policy
would have hurt the regime’s expansionist designs in Asia.

But aside from racialism, the official propaganda agencies

shelved once and for all the original cosmopolitanism of the bo-
hemian days of the Bolshevik conspirators, which was coupled
with a deep contempt for Russia’s despotic past. The new ruling
class began to wallow in an orgy of nationalist vanity. Russia’s
history was no longer a horrid nightmare of barbarism, feudalism
and serfdom. Its glorious aspects, as represented by the country’s
victorious struggles against all her neighbors, whether invaders or
invaded, were again presented as an inspiration to old and young.
Peter the Great was no longer the sadistic brute he had been in the
descriptions of the early Soviet historians, when it was still neces-
sary to combat all the vestiges of Tsarist ideology. Now that the
Tsarist peril was laid to rest, he became a symbol of Russia’s gran-
deur, glorified in novels and heroic cinema serials. In the eyes
of Russia’s new nobility Peter’s military conquests, as well as
those of Ivan the Terrible and Catherine the Great, outweigh all

the crimes they committed against Russia’s peasant masses whose

burden became even heavier under their glorious rule. No won-
der then that those early historical works were condemned and
withdrawn from circulation, particularly those written by Pro-
fessor M. Pokrovsky. Yet had been considered
for decades he
the foremost Marxist-Leiiinist historian, and when he died in 1932
Stalin personally attended his funeral. It was in line with this re-
version to bourgeois type that during Russia’s war with the Nazis
the highest reward for military prowess was named after Suvorov,
a great warrior, to be sure, but one who had won his laurels in the
struggle of reactionary Europe against the French Revolution and
who had earned the bitter hatred of all liberals and progressives
by the suppression of Pugachev’s peasant uprising, and by the
Warsaw massacre perpetrated in the campaign in which he was
instrumental in destroying Poland’s independence.
Hand in hand with this reversion to fierce nationalism, went
a retreat in all other fields as well. Easy divorce and voluntary
parenthood — birth control and abortion — extolled during the first

decade as great achievements towards individual freedom in per-

Bonal relations, are now a matter of the past. At present divorce is

connected with such expenses as to put it within the reach only of

those in the highest income brackets; abortion has been prohibited,
Contraceptives have become practically luiavailable; and child*
bearing has been declared the chief duty of woman. The daily
paper of the Communist Youth began to expound Victorian notions
with regard to chastity and woman^s honor.
Having come to appreciate the conservative value of the once
derided shibboleths of patriotism, family, marriage, chastity and
so on, Russia's new ruling class of office-holders, technical experts,
and army officers <}uite naturally reconsidered its previous icon*
oclastic attitude with regard to religion. Old Russia’s conversion
to Christianity was extolled as a great civilieing feat, and a musi-
cal comedy by the hitherto popular official poet, Demian Byedny,
was taken off the stage because it had burlesqued that event. Anti-
religious propaganda was suspended and the Russian Orthodox
hierarchy was accepted as part of the Soviet system —provided it

says its prayers on behalf of the regime. And after the annexation
of Eastern Poland, as a result of World War II, the Ukrainian
peasants inhabiting that region, who had hitherto professed an
Oriental version of Roman Catholicism, were compelled to give up
their allegiance to the Vatican and to join the Orthodox Church to
which the Ukrainians of the Soviet Union belong. (It was in line

with the same opportunist policy dictated by the desire to win

the Catholic electorate, that in April 1947, the Italian Communists
voted with the Rightist parties for the recognition of Catholicism
as the country’s state religion, a decision which implied the obli-
gation of all non-Catholics to pay taxes for the support of the
Church. That the Italian Communist vote was no “deviation”
is evidenced by the fact that at about the same time Roman Cath-
olic services preceded the Warsaw funeral of General Karol
Swierczewski, a Polish Communist, who, under the name of “Wal-
ter” was one of the leaders of the “International Brigade” during
the civil war in Spain. A decade ago such services for a prominent
Communist would have been unthinkable. These two facts were

admitted in the New York Communist Daily Worker of April 5,

and April 12, 1947, respectively).
The same retrogression has marked the attitude of Russia’s
present rulers towards art as well. During the first years of the
Revolution the Soviet authorities encouraged all sorts of modern-
istic trends in art, thus rallying to their cause all the younger
elements which struggled against academism. But the years of
“storm and stress” were over in the middle of the thirties and
since that time the Government began to cater to the simple tastes
of the country’s none too cultured new nobility of office-holders.
Artists blazing new paths fell into disfavor. Modern currents in
art were condemned as “decadent modernistic influence”

— to borrow a phrase used by the Moscow Izvestia, official organ

of the Soviet Government, in its issue of September 2, 1938. The

condemnation likewise included “French impressionism”, “post-
impressionism” and “bourgeois romanticism”. As the Austrian
Marxist Otto Bauer put it, in matters of art and literature “Bol-
shevist Russia of today combats exactly 'the same thing that Fas-
cism in the West is fighting as ‘Kultur-Bolschewismus’ ”. It goes
without saying that only artists following the official government
art “line” can expect to have their works presented to the public.

The Ethics of Power

Soviet Russia’s backsliding to bourgeois respectability was ac-

companied by the abandonment of all ethical values which through-
out the nineteenth century were cherished by liberals and radicals
of all denominations.
True, their moral standard was not always very high when an
intra-party and inter-party struggle for power would arouse all the
evil passions such conflicts have been known to call forth since the
begiiming of time. Slander, for instance, was as natural in those
controversies as it had been in the previous centuries, when Crom-
well could accuse his democratic opponents of being in the pay of
the Stuarts, or when Robespierre was able to send his Jacobin
rivals to their doom as British, Austrian and Prussian spies.
Hence it is not astonishing that Karl Marx could accuse Michael
Bakunin, the foimder of modem revolutionary anarchism, of be-
ing a crook and a Tsarist agent, or that Marx’s followers bandied
similar accusations against their Leftist opponents and that the
latter often resorted to similar arguments among themselves.
With the Communists in power, the gentle art of character assas-
sination became one of the main weapons of propaganda and
politics in general. It assumed proportions comparable only to
those attained by the Nazis whose Fuehrer acted on the principle
proclaimed by himself that the bigger the lie the greater the
probability thatit would be believed. With the maintenance of
power over one-sixth of the globe at slake the Communists let go
of all moral restraint, even as —
according to a famous saying by
Marx —a would not refrain from any crime if a profit
of 200 per cent would beckon to him. Leon Trotsky, in his hey-
day, had no compunctions in slandering the Leftist opponents of
his dictatorship as agents of the monarchists, the capitalists and
the “kulaks.” When he lost to another faction of his own party,
he and his followers were eventually branded as “Nazi agents”;
and after by a G.P.U. agent, the Pravda ( August
his assassination

24, 1940), the largest newspaper of the Soviet Union, announced

the news in a story headlined: “Death of an international spy.”
This was in line with the persistent application of the term “so-
cial-fascist” to all Socialist leaders — at the time when Soviet
diplomacy was exerting itself to come to a friendly understanding
with Hitler and Mussolini.
The assassination of Trotsky on foreign soil in the Com-—
munist press the murderer was presented as a disgruntled follower
of the victim —
was only one link in a series of similar assassina-
tions committed with impunity in Switzerland, France, Spain,
Mexico and the United States and, after the termination of World
War II, in the various countries and “zones” occupied by the
Russian army. These murders were not acts of protest by self-
sacrificing fanatics against their respective governments or rul-

ing classes, acts which, in the opinion of radicals and liberals,

were often surrounded with a halo of heroism and martyrdom.
They were perpetrated in cold blood by professional killers en-
trusted by the Soviet Government with the extermination of ex-
Communists or members of Leftist groups for whose sake the gov-
ernments of the -foreign territories concerned did not care to raise
a diplomatic issue.
In still anotlier respect did the Communists recede behind
the standards commonly observed by all progressive organiza-
tions. Nineteenth century radicalism was republican and demo-
cratic at heart and as such vigorously opposed to excessive leader

worship. Cheering of leaders on all occasions or, what the Ger-

mans called “Personen-Kultus” (cult of leading personalities),
was condemned as one of the vestiges of reactionary, monarchist
mentality. The Communists resuscitated this ultra-reactionary,
authoritarian vice to an extent almost unthinkable in the bourgeois
world. Lenin’s body was embalmed and preserved as a sort of
deity for the veneration of the masses. Stalin has been celebrated
in songs and stories in several scores of languages of the Soviet
Union. Postal stamps, during World War II bore the legend Za
Rodinu —za Stalina (For Fatherland — for Stalin). For nearly
two decades every speech, every article, every treatise published
in Russia had to be studded with quotations from the Vozhd, the
Russian equivalent of the Fuehrer, a title which was invariably

applied to him. The top leaders of the Communist parties outside

of Russia, Thaelmann in Germany, Thorez in France, Browder
in the U.S.A., Tito in Yugoslavia, Dimitrov in Bulgaria, became

the object of a similar servile veneration cleverly organized by the

party and willingly submitted to by the membership.

However, more telling still than the retrogression behind the gen-
erally accepted standards of radical and liberal conduct, more
telling than the “framing” and the extermination of political dis-

senters, are certain stipulations of the criminal code referring

to non-political offences. Soviet Russia has the distinction of be-
ing the only country in which the capital penalty was applied for
theft — thus harking back to the most barbaric periods of Euro-
pean history. The Communist New Masses of New York (May 11,
1937), in discussing this fact which had been widely publicized
in the daily press, tried to minimize its monstrosity by asserting
that not every theft carries this penalty, and that a worker would
certainly not be condemned to death if he stole ‘‘a pair of trousers

from another” worker. This was correct — only government prop-

erty, that is, property of the ruling bureaucratic and managerial
class, is protected by such extreme measures. Thus, according to

an Associated Press dispatch from Leningrad, which had passed

the Soviet censor and was printed in the New York Times of Sep-
tember 24, 1935, “a woman worker in the Leningrad chocolate
factory was sentenced to death today for stealing chocolate to
sell in the open market.” According to the Act of April 7, 1935
(printed in Pravda of April 8, 1935) “Minors, twelve years of
age and older, apprehended stealing, committing violence” etc.

are to be “brought before the criminal court where all measures

of criminal punishment may be applied to them.” This obviously
included the capital penalty — ^for twelve-year olds! —even though
the Communist weekly mentioned above, which gave the text of
that law, argued that the text of the law did not mention the death
penalty. (But neither did it mention imprisonment; it merely
spoke of “all measures of criminal punishment.”)
Russia is likewise the only country in which a peace-time de-
serter, if apprehended, is condemned death
of June 8,
to (Law
1934), and where in case of his escape or failure to return from a
journey abroad, all close relatives of the offender are subject to

The Communist Internationa]

At its outset the movement centering around the person of Lenin

was specifically Russian in character, concerned, as it were, ex-
clusively with the Russian Revolution. To be sure, during World
War I Lenin had launched the slogan that the carnage could be

stopped only by converting the imperialist conflict into a civil

war throughout the world. But considering the absence of any
really revolutionary eleihents outside of Russia, this slogan was
more in the nature of a propaganda phrase rather than a serious
attempt at any action for achieving a definite social change in the
direction of a communist society.
It was only after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 that the
task of survival in a hostile capitalist world brought to the fore
the idea, originally launched by Trotsky in 1905, of carrying the
revolution to the countries of the West. What only a few years
before had been considered a fantastic pipe-dream of a lone Marx-
ist free-lance journalist, now became a concrete task. The Com-
munist International, an organization destined to further the cause
of the “proletarian revolution” in the West, was launched in 1919
and Leon Trotsky, between 1917 and 1923 second only to Lenin
in the councils of the Communist Party and of the Soviet Govern-

ment, wrote during that period all the official appeals of that or-
At first the parlies of the Communist International outside the
U.S.S.R. were comparatively small sects of enthusiasts or fanatics.
In this respect the affiliated organizations were not different from
other revolutionary bodies that had sprung up in the course of the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Soon enough, however, a very
important difference became quite apparent. The Communist or-
ganizations abroad were organized along the same lines as the
parent body: as a strictly disciplined army of professional revolu-
tionists following instructions given from above. That “above”
was the Soviet Government which supplied all the funds neces-
sary for the functioning of those organizations. Thus, for all prac-
tical purposes the German, the Hungarian, the French, the Chinese
and Communist party leaders became paid functionaries
all other

of a foreign government. This was something new in the history

of revolutionary movements and it was bound to have disastrous
effects upon the moral integrity of the Communist leadership the

world over. From bodies of revolutionary enthusiasts interested

in the seizure of power in their respective countries, the Com-
munist parties gradually became what was at first called “frontier
guards” and later colunms” of the Moscow regime in ut-
“fifth —
ter disregard of the interests of the working masses of their own

countries. The preservation of the Soviet Government, and later

the strengthening of its position on the chessboard of international
diplomacy, became the only criterion for the activities of all Com-
munist parties. As a leader of one of the factions opposing Stalin
during the intra-party struggles of 1926 put it, the Communist In-

ternational had become a “band of lower middle class flunkeys

living at the expense of Russia’s gold.” Flunkeys, that is, of the

faction in charge of the Soviet Union’s bureaucratic apparatus.
The political and theoretical acrobatics performed by the Com-
munist parties between 1919 and 1943 would be utterly incom-
prehensible if one were to disregard the fact that behind all those

kaleidoscopic changes were hidden the momentary interests of

the domestic and particularly of the foreign policies of Soviet

Between 1919 and 1923, during the period of civil war and
post-civil war dangers, the Communist International was encourag-
ing uprisings all over Europe, even if they were altogether hope-
less either because of the weakness of the Communists, or because
of the passivity of the bulk of the working masses. Characteris-
tic were the 1921 uprisings in Germany which
in this respect

amounted mere wanton bloodshed. These adventures were un-

dertaken, upon orders from Moscow, for the only reason that the
wavering and exhausted Russian masses needed bolstering up by
some practical sign that the European revolution against capital-
ism was stirring, and that the wealth of the West would soon come
to their rescue.

By 1923 the situation in Germany was approaching the break-

ing point, with the masses ready to follow the lead of the Com-
lo Tn the May 28, 1945 if>8ue of PM (New York), a daily extremely friendly to the
Stalin regime and staunchly opposed to what it calls “Red-baiting,” its chief editorial
writer Max Lerner admitted that "the fact is that American Communist policy has
all along been shaped by the interests of Russian foreign policy,”
communism 91

inunists, but to the Communist International this was not a pro-

pitious moment, because by that time the economic situation in
Russia had improved and the regime hoped to come to an under-
standing with the Western powers.
As Hitlerism was rising in Germany the Communists went
through the motions of fighting the Nazis, Yet their hostility was
directed mainly against the still powerful Socialist (Social-Dem-
ocratic) Party with which they refused to cooperate against the
National-Socialist peril. On many occasions they went so far as
to form a united front with the Nazis, as when in 1931 tliey voted
with the Nazis in a referendum directed against the Prussian Gov-
ernment then controlled by the Socialists, and again, when a year
later the Nazis joined the Commimists in supporting a strike of
the transport workers directed against the Socialist municipal ad-

ministration of Berlin. Throughout these years they never ceased

hurling insults at the Socialists, such as calling them “Social-Fas-
cists” and “main supporters of capitalist dictatorship.” It was not
sheer suicidal insanity, prompted by factional hostility towards
their moderate-leftist “step-brothers.” It was a deliberate policy
of the Moscow Foreign Office which at that time was afraid of
a possible Western bloc directed against Russia. For this reason it

preferred a Nazi regime in Germany from which it expected a mil-

itant opposition to the Westeni powers.’^ These, however, were
reasons which could not be publicly admitted; hence the argu-
mentation that the Socialists were the main enemies of the work-
ing class, that their destruction as a party by the Nazis was not
to be regretted, that the rule of the Nazis would be a short-lived
one, and that the Communists were bound to take over as soon as
the Nazis had their brief fling.

“In the New York Times of March 2, 1933, Walter Duranty, a correspondent
friendly to the Soviet regime, inadvertently (or cynically) spilled the beans by stating
at the time of Hitler’s assumption of power: “It is beyond question that Moscow
would welcome even a one hundred percent Hitler regime on the grounds that it would
conjure away the nightmare that has harrassed the sleep of Soviet statesmen for the
past five years: namely, an anti-Bolshevik European coalition or a ‘holv war against
the Red Peril’.”
When a few years later it began to look as if the Nazis might
turn against Russia rather than against the Western powers, the
Communist International dropped its previous hostility to the So*
cialists and began to advocate a united front with the former
“Social-Fascists” (that insulting epithet was dropped, of course)
and even a popular front with all middle class parties of the
Western countries, provided they were opposed to the Nazis. The
French Communists, who until that time had been staunch anti-
patriots, suddenly became most vociferous in professing their de-
votion to their country, going even so far as to top their posters
with the legend “France for the French!” — a slogan by the way
which, a few decades previous, had been coined by Edouard Dru-
moiit, leader of the French anti-Semites.
And when shortly before the outbreak of the second World
War Soviet Russia concluded that fateful alliance with Hitler, the
Communists the world over repeated Molotov’s famous phrase
about fascism being “a matter of taste,” and kept echoing the as-
sertions of the Moscow press that it was the Allies who were the
aggressors, since after the partition of Poland between Nazi Ger-
many and Soviet Russia in 1939, France and England insisted
upon continuing their war against Germany. And they maintained
their opposition to the Allied war efforts against the Berlin-Rome
Axis until the moment when Russia was attacked by the Nazis.
Not all Communists outside of Russia were ready to accept
without questioning all those changes of policy dictated by the
interests of Russia’s ruling bureaucracy. Many of them bolted,
either to withdraw completely from all political activity, or to
join various groups of the moderate or ultra-radical Left.

The Great Fascination

The fascination which the Stalin regime has had for a great
number of the foremost intellectuals of our day is one of the
greatest spiritual tragi-comedies of history. No doubt it has its

deep-seated reasons. Early in the past century dissatisfaction


with feudal reaction induced most European liberals outside of

France to hail the new tyranny of the Corsican usurper. Similarly
the growing insecurity under a system of recurrent depressions in
our days has reconciled many progressive intellectuals outside of
Russia to the new despotism of the Georgian upstart. They be-
hold the abolition of unemployment and are willing to suspend
judgment on the undemocratic features of a regime which, in
their opinion, has done away with exploitation. They forget that
unemployment had been abolished in Nazi Germany as well, and
they apparently assume that the Russian workers are no longer
despoiled since the high incomes formerly pocketed by the now
dispossessed capitalists, are distributed amcfng the new bour-
geoisie of office-holders, technical experts, writers and scholars
defending the new regime.
The inability to see in their true shape things that are a few
thousand miles away, particularly if cherished hopes and illu-

sions attach to them, may serve as an excuse to some of those

to whom the Russian version of totalitarianism still seems to hold
out the promise of a better world. Honest and self -deluded mal-
contents, or tormented souls in quest of a noble “cause,” they are
unable to understand that the concept of a “higher” form of pro-
duction is devoid of any progressive meaning, if it is coupled
with the sacrifice of personal and cultural freedom which has been
the great achievement of the modem age. They are on a level
with those who turn their indignation only against the Roman
emperors who persecuted the Christians, but close both eyes to the
autodafes of Torquemada or Calvin. And they naively believe in
the necessity of a dictatorial super-tyranny as a precondition for
the realization of the Kingdom of Freedom, just as the pious
Omar ben Abdalaziz, we are told, believed that it was necessary
to make a hell of this world in order to enjoy paradise in the next.

There are also admirers of the Stalin regime whose attitude has
nothing to do with honest delusion or sincere passion. These are
the professional Communists and some of their not quite disinter-
ested hangers-on. During the last few years they have won a con-
siderable following by coupling a spurious enthusiasm for Amer-
ican institutions with an unconditional apology for Russian ab-
solutism which they contrive to present as genuine democracy.
Thus Earl Browder, until 1945 the uncontested leader of the
party, came out “unequivocally in defense of the full mainten-
ance of the Constitution and Bill of Rights for Communists as well
as all others” {Daily Worker, Oct. 15, 1939). Yet only three
years earlier, when asked whether “the one per cent [of the popu-
lation that holds dissenting views] is entitled to the freedom of
the press in Soviet Russia,”? he answered: “It is not. We be-
lieve in majority rule.” {Daily Worker, September 1, 1936).

Communism and Fascism

The defenders of the Russian regime violently object to the in-

clusion of the so-called Soviet system among those forms of gov-
ernment which are labelled totalitarian. Their objection is mainly
on the ground that totalitarianism is a form of capitalist oppres-
sion and exploitation, while the dictatorial methods of the Com-
munists have helped to destroy capitalism and to abolish exploita-
tion. It has been shown in the preceding pages that the Commun-
ist “abolition of exploitation” consisted merely in the substitu-
tion of a new bureaucratic aristocracy for a capitalist aristocracy,
had in its day replaced the old feudal aristocracy.
just as the latter

The Communists and their friends are equally wrong in their con-
form of op-
tention that the fascist regimes represent a capitalist
pression. Wherever the Fascists were or have been in power long
enough, they left no doubt that they were, or are, bent upon the
elimination of private enterprise, first through government con-
trol and later by means of government ownership. In contradis-
tinction to the Russian experiment, theirs has been a gradual proc-
ess, carried out in the form of restrictions, levies, assessments and
heavy taxation. That process now going on in Argentina; for,

having learned his lesson from the Russian Revolution, the gifted
disciple of Mussolini and Hitler wants to avoid the chaotic con-

fusion that would follow a sudden and simultaneous expropria-

tion of all property owners. Peron and his following of army
officers and office-holders, prefer to get their “roast —
pig” ^that is,

all the wealth of the capitalists and big land-owners — ^without

burning the barn.

Historically the real difference between the two totalitarian
camps was in the strategic approach.The Communists used as
stepping stones to power the war weariness of a defeated country,
anxious for peace at any price, and the land-hunger of an ex-
hausted peasant soldiery; while the Fascists were in a position to
exploit the post-war depression and the Bolshevik bogey in order
to get the support of large sections of the impoverished middle
classes and of the frightened capitalists at home and abroad. As
a result of the different circumstances under which they were op-
erating, the Communists suddenly dispossessed the rich and grad-
ually enslaved the poor, while the Fascists reversed the proc-
ess, by first destroying all independent labor organizations and
only gradually proceeding with the dispossession of the capital-

Thus the first large-scale experiment in authoritarian collec-

tivism, as conducted in Russia, which is erroneously called “com-
munism,” has revealed itself as the original form of modern total-

itarianism carried to its final conclusion both in the political and

economic field. The democratic, libertarian and internationalist
coloring of its ideological superstructure need not deceive any-
body — for it has no counterpart in reality.
The thinking man of today has been placed before a cruel
choice: either the preservation of the status quo guaranteeing a
certain amount of personal and cultural freedom at the exorbi-
tant price of insecurity and unemployment, or a plunge into the
dark ages of a “security” which has, once and for all, substituted
unquestioning obedience and martial law for the right of criticism
and for civilized democratic procedure.

To find a way out of this double impasse, to combine the ad-

vantages of a planned economy with the blessings of libecrty.
will be a challenge to the best minds and a task which will require
the collective effort of all those who are not willing to accept either
of those alternatives.

The Fourth International

Factional strife within the Soviet Union’s ruling body was

hound, sooner or a party of
later, to result in the creation of

dissident Communists. was primarily a struggle for power, di-


rected against the predominance of Stalin, the “boss” of the party

machine. The character of that struggle is illustrated by the fact

that during the 1926 campaign against the Stalin-controlled ma-

jority, the Opposition was unwilling to publish its platform prior

to the Party convention, lest Stalin steal their thunder. The leader-

ship of the Opposition, though headed by Leon Trotsky, consisted

of many elements who prior to 1926 had vigorously attacked
all the views the great tribune had held before and after the Rev-

olution of 1917. And Trotsky himself, to placate many of his

new allies, publicly renounced those views of his which in the
past had been in contradiction to those of Lenin.
The “Opposition” was expelled from the party in 1927, and
its leaders were arrested, forced to recant, and eventually exter-
minated as “traitors” and “Nazi agents.” Destroyed in Russia,
opposition to the official party policy remained alive abroad. The
monolithic character of the parties affiliated with the Co mmuni st
International outside of Russia resulted in frequent schisms, due
either to differences of opinion or to personal rivalries. Those
dissenting “outs” who were more radically inclined usually ral-
lied around the glamorous name of Trotsky and eventually formed
their own international organization, called “The Fourth Inter-
International Trotskyism views itself as representing the gos-
pel of undiluted Marxist-Leninist intransigency towards the capi-
talist system the world over. (It was one of Trotsky’s personal
fragi-coinedies that for reasons of propaganda he had to bow to

Lenin’s prestige, even though in reality was the founder of Bol-


shevism who had accepted Trotsky’s idea of an anti-capitalist rev-

olution “in our time,” as it were, which the latter had advanced
as far back as 1905). It is equally intransigent with regard to
the Socialist and Communist parties, attacking the former as the
flunkeys of capitalism, and the latter as the mercenaries of the
treacherous, parasitic Soviet bureaucracy. It hopes some day to
displace official Communism in the leadership of the labor move-
However, the hostility of the Trotskyists towards the Communist
parties and the ruling bureaucracy of the U.S.S.R. does not ex-
tend to the social system established in Russia by the November
Revolution of 1917. In their opinion, the Soviet Union is still

a “workers’ state,” a system which has abolished capitalist ex-

ploitation and therefore in case of war should be defended as the
“workers’ fatherland.”
The Trotskyists do not ignore the glaring economic inequali-
the Soviet Union. They admit that the ruling stra-
ties existing in

tum of office-holders, experts and managers enjoys a privileged

status and consumes an enormous and disproportionate share of
the national income. However, in their opinion, Russia’s new
masters do not constitute a new class of exploiters; for, accord-
ing to the Marxian concept, only land-owners and capitalists could
be included in that category. Once these two groups had been
eliminated, the Russian masses —according to all Communists, in-

cluding the Trotskyists — ^have actually become the owners of their

country’s national wealth. If, in spite of it, the enormous major-
ity remains as miserable as prior to the Revolution, it is in their
view due to the low productive level of the Soviet Union and to
the consequent backwardness of the masses which is taken cruel
advantage of by the Soviet bureaucracy. However, the latter is
merely swindling the masses, but not exploiting them. A revolu-
tion and civil war will eventually dethrone those cheats and para-
sitesand put in their stead a new administration of honest men
yrho would have the interests of the masses at heart.
“Un-Marxian,” as this “good-man” theory may seem, Trotsky
was on good Marxian ground when he took this naive position.
For Marx could never visualize the simple fact pointed out to
him by his confused, yet sometimes inspired, heretical disciple
and rival, Michael Bakunin, that an upper stratum of educated
men, whether they be college-bred professionals or upstart ex-
workers, could constitute themselves as a new ruling class. The
admission of that fact would have broken the edge of Marx’s con-
tention that the elimination of the capitalists was equivalent to

the emancipation of the working class.

Shortly before his death Trotsky made a statement which

amounted to a reversal of his dearly cherished position. In an
article published in The New(November, 1939)
two months after the hegiiming of World War II, he expressed
his “firm belief” that this war would “provoke a proletarian rev-
olution” which would “inevitably lead to the overthrow of the
bureaucracy in the U.S.S.R. and to the regeneration of Soviet de*
mocracy.” “If, however,” he added, “it is conceded that the pres-
ent war will provoke not revolution, but a decline of the prole-
tariat . .
.” and “in the event that the proletariat of advanced
capitalist coujilries, having conquered power, should prove in-

capable of holding it and .surrender it, as in the U.S.S.R., to a

privileged bureaucracy,” and again, “if the world proletariat
should actually prove incapable of fulfilling the mission placed
upon it by the course of development, notliing else would remain
except openly to recognize that the socialist program based on the
internal contradictions of capitalist society, ended as a Utopia.”
In that case it would have to be admitted, in Trotsky’s opinion,
that “the Stalin regime is the first stage of a new exploiting so-
ciety” and “then, of course, the bureaucracy will become a new
exploiting class.” And he concludes that paragraph with the
words that if this should happen “it is self-evident that a new
‘minimum’ program would be required for the defense of the —
interests of the slaves of the totalitarian bureaucratic society.”
Trotsky thus hypothetically accepted the views of those who
see in totalitarian collectivism nothing but another link in the end-

Jess chain of human exploitation systems, the office-holders and

managers merely stepping into the shoes of the capitalists, just
as these, in their time, had supplanted the feudal lords. Had he
lived long enough, the great tribune might have possibly ap-
proached the point of view of those progressives who, though hav-
ing no illusions about any sort of a classless millennium, believe
that a mixed economy under a system of political democracy
offers the greatest guaranties for the protection of the underdog
and for human progress in general.
By having his old rival assassinated, Stalin relieved Trotsky
of the melancholy necessity of revising his Marxian principles,
considering that World War II did not bring about the “prole-
tarian revolution” in whose coming Trotsky so “firmly believed.”
Most of Trotsky’s followers, however, who still cherish the hope
of succeeding the Communist Parly in the leadership of the work-
ing class, have chosen to ignore Trotsky’s admission by the in-

genious device of declaring that the World War is not over yet.
For the myth of the working class character of the Soviet system
(for all its temporary counter-revolutionary deviations, as the
Trotskyists would pul it), and the fascination it exerts upon all

malcontents who never had any direct contact with it, is too valu-
able a propaganda asset to be given up wantonly for the sole
reason that it is ... a myth.
There are groups of heretical Trotskyists —they had fallen out
with their teacher when he defended the invasion of Finland by
the Red Army —who have accepted as definitely valid Trotsky’s
hypothetical admission that the Soviet bureaucracy may be a new
exploiting class and that the Soviet system may not be a workers’
state. By maintaining their revolutionary Bolshevist position,
they apparently take the view that once they would be in charge
of a “proletarian dictatorship” things would develop in a perfectly
satisfactory way. To them one might apply Israel Zangwill’s
famous quip directed against Bernard Shaw, that “the way he
believes in himself is very refreshing in these atheistic days, when
so many men believe in no God at all.”


P.S. This chapter was already set up when a confirmation of
the reports about Russia’s slave labor was supplied in a volume by
David J. Dallin and Boris I. Nicolaevsky, entitled Forced Labor
in Soviet Russia. It has been pointed out in this .connection that by
inviting foreign correspondents to inspect the localities mentioned
in that book the Soviet Government could easily refute those
charges if they were not true.


Adler, Friedrich: Das Stalinsche Experiment and der Sozkdismus,

Vienna, 1932.
Chamberlin, Wm. H, Soviet Russia, Boston, 1931. Russia’s Iron Age,

Boston, 1934.
Chernov, Victor: The Great Russian Revolution, New Haven, 1936.
Dallin, David J. The Reed Soviet Russia, New Haven, 1944.

Eastman, Max: The End of Socialism in Russia, Boston, 1937.

Gordon, Manva: Workers Before and After Lenin, New York, 1941.
Hook, Sidney: Reason, Social Myths and Democracy, New York, 1940.
Bienstock, G., Schwartz, S. M., and Yucov, A.: Management in Rus-
sian Industry and Agriculture, New York, 1944.
Kautsky, Karl: Bolshevism at a Deadlock, London, 1931.
Kautsky, Karl: Terrorism and Communism, London, 1920.
Koestler, Arthur: The Yogi and the Commissar, New York, 1945.
Laurat, Lucien: L’Economie Sovietique, Paris, 1931.
Lenin, V.: Collected Works.
Lenin, V.: State and Revolution, New York, 1932.
Luxemburg, Rosa; The Russian Revolution, New York, 1940.
Masaryk, Th. G.: The Spirit of Russia, 2 Vols., London, 1919.
Nomad, Max: Rebels and Renegades, New York, 1932.
Nomad, Max: Apostles of Revolution, Boston, 1939.
Rosenberg, Arthur: A History of Bolshevism, London, 1934.
Serge, Victor: Russia Twenty Years After, New York, 1937.
Souvarine, Boris: Stalin, New York. 1939.
Stalin, Joseph: Leninism, 2 Vols., New York. 1933.
Timashev. N, S.: The Great Retreat, New York, 1946.
Trotsky. Leon: The Real Situation in Russia, New York. 1928.
Trotsky. Leon: The Revolution Betraved. Garden City, 1937.
TIti-ey. FREn»; The Dream We Lost, New York. 1940.
Yvon, M. What Has Become of the Russian Revolution, New York.



Algernon Lee

The beginnings of centuries by which we measure past time bear

no definite relation to the dates of historically memorable events.
It happens, however, that for the purpose of this paper the start-

ing point which for practical reasons has been chosen for the sym-
posium to which it belongs is appropriate. Within a few years be-
fore and after 1901 the Socialist movement did actually undergo
a notable change in its ways of thinking and acting..

At the advent of the twentieth century this movement could look ^

back witfi pride upon a continuous, though checkered, existence of
a little more than fifty years. Its path had not been an easy one.
Many thousands of its adherents had lost their lives on the scaf-
fold, in the violent dispersal of public meetings and demonstra-
tions, on the barricades, or in the summary shooting of unarmed
prisoners after the fighting was over, or by private assassination;
and perhaps still larger numbers had died in prison or in the

penal colonies of Siberia and New Caledonia. The terms of im-

prisonment and transportation had aggregated tens of thousands
of years; and hardly less dreadful had been the “cold guillotine”
of blacklisting by employers and hounding from pillar to post by
the police. The organized movement had repeatedly suffered
crushing defeats, each followed by a more or less prolonged period
of weakness; and from time to time it had been torn by sharp in-
ternal conflicts. Its funeral obsequies had been celebrated over and
again, but had always been disturbed by the too lively behavior of

the supposed corpse. It is no mere paradox to say that it had drawn
fresh vigor from each reverse and had become solidified through
its schisms.
Such had been the half-century of Socialist history, conforming
to the pattern which Karl Marx had foreseen in the dismal winter

of 1851-’52, when he wrote The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis

Bonaparte. If he erred in that forecast it was in underestimating
the duration of the period of alternating advance and repulse
which must precede the consummation of *Hhe proletarian revolu-
tion of the nineteenth century’* As that century neared its end,
^however, many Socialists believed that he had not been very much
too .sang ui ne in his timing and that ‘‘demain I’intemationale sera
le genre humain.”

The Duel with Bismarck

In 1891 the German Socialist movement emerged victorious

from its thirteen-year duel with Prince Bismarck. In 1874 the
two Socialist parties (Lassallean and Marxian) had polled alto-
gether 340,000 votes, in 1875 they united, and in 1877 the vote
rose to almost 500,000. The next year the government procured
the enactment of the drastic “exceptional laws,” under which, al-
though the Socialists retained the use of the ballot and eligibility
to office, their organizations were outlawed, all their propaganda
activities were penalized, and what their author called “the pig-
sticking” began. Party funds, equipment, and printed matter were
confiscated, records and name lists were seized, some prominent
Socialists were formally banished, editors, writers, speakers, or-
ganizers, and distributors of party literature were fined and im-
prisoned. Prison sentences totaled 2,000 years, not including
short terms in jail for such an offense as wearing a. red flower in
one’s lapel. At the first election under these laws, in 1881, the
Socialist vote fell to 312,000, but in 1884 it reached a new high
mark of 550,000. The next year, thinking the velvet glove as
needful as the iron hand, the Chancellor proposed a system of

cial insurance and got his parliamentary majority to support it by

cynically explaining that its purpose was “to take the wind out
of the sails of the Social Democrats.” It failed of this purpose,
for the Socialist vote grew to 763,000 in 1887 and to 1,427,000
(19.3% of the total) in 1890. A few months later Bismarck was
dismissed, the exceptional laws expired, and the initiative in mat-
ters of social and labor legislation passed to the Social Demo-

cratic parliamentary group, which before the end of the century

comprised one-seventh of the Reichstag members and was backed

by more than one-fourth of the voters.
For a full generation after Bismarck’s fall no responsible pub-
lic man in Germany dreamed of repeating his attempt at sup-

pression. If Frederick Engels, collaborator with Karl Marx in

the authorship of the Communist Manifesto, who had never be-
lieved that Socialism would succeed anywhere on the Continent
without a violent revolution, could at the age of seventy openly
express his pleasure as well as his astonishment at seeing “how
well we go forward by legal methods,” it is no wonder that the
vision of an ultimate Armageddon tended to give way to a grow-
ing hope among Socialists, not only in Germany, but in other
lands as well, that the lion might sooner or later lie down with
the lamb. As we now look back to those days, with the successive

triumphs of Bolshevism in Russia, of Fascism in Italy, and of

Nazism in Central Europe, the overthrow of the Spanish Republic

by military traitors in 1936-’37, and the Berlin-Moscow Pact of
1939, occupying the foreground of the picture, that hope may seem
to have been almost incredibly naive. It was, however, at the time,
an understandable The German experience which we have

been summarizing was perhaps its chief objective cause, but it was
not the only one. We must turn our eyes also to France and to
Great Britain.

France’s Long Fight for Democracy

The French have never shown as much capacity for disciplined
organization as have the Germans and the British, and accordin^y
their struggles for liberty and progress have been more spasmodic
and more violent. As to violence, it must be noted that the mon-

archist, aristocratic, clerical, and capitalistic elements, when in

power, have far outdone the revolutionaries in bloodshed and

other cruelties —
and this not only in moments of passion or of
panic, but with cold deliberation, as in the White Terror of 1795,
the gigantic massacres of June, 1848, of December, 1851, and of
May, 1871, and in the ensuing orgies of imprisonment and de-
portation. As to the spasmodic character of the political devel-
opment, its chronology through the 98 years from the abolition of
the old Bourbon monarchy to the date of Bismarck’s fall tells the
'^tory. The First Republic lasted (nominally) for 12 years; the

First Empire, the Bourbon Restoration, and the July Monarchy

filled the next 44 years; the Second Republic endured (again nom-

inally) for 4 years; the Second Empire lived for 18 years; and
through an equal span of time the Third Republic was obviously
neither secure nor very genuinely republican.
Socialism is too commonly thought of as having been born in

France and "as being a child of the Great Revolution. This is true

enough as concerns the Socialism of the first half of the nine-

teenth century — or rather the two separate and parallel Social-
isms of that period, the Babeuvist and the Utopian, the Social-
ism of “les miserables” and that of the panacea mongers. Only
in small measure is it true of what we distinguish as modern, pro-
and international Socialism, which succeeded these two

and almost completely displaced them, which survived and grew

and is an integral part of contemporary world history. Its ances-
try is indeed partly French and partly German, but most of all it

stems from the Industrial Revolution of the Eighteenth Century. It

is essentially the coimter-product of industrial capitalism, of the

economy which centers in the large-scale production of commodi-

ties by the use of huge, costly, complex, privately owned aggre-
gates of power-driven machinery and the employment of vast num-
bers of wage workers. Because this mode of production played


but a minor part in the French economy of a century or half a

century ago (even now it is hardly dominant), because the French
bourgeoisie was more largely financial, commercial, and agrar-
ian, because the industrial wage workers were not yet numerous
or self-conscious enough to lead and direct the anti-capitalist
forces —because of all this the earlier development of modem
Socialism in France was not quite normal in either its ideological
or its organizational aspects.

Through nearly the first half of its life— say, from February,
1848, through the tragi-comic fiasco of Boulangism in 1888-’89
the French Socialist movement had again and yet again to permit
its own specific aims to fall into the back-ground, in order to func-
tion as the heroic advance guard in the fight for political liberty;
and in so doing it had but gradging support, alternating with
cynical betrayal, by more or less sincerely republican elements
among the peasantry and among the petty bourgeois, the shop-
keepers, the self-employing handicraftsmen, and the intellectual
declasses of the cities. Having to defend the achievements of the
Great Revolution against Bonapartist, Legitimist, and Orleanist
champions of a pretended future which was in fact an unburied
past, against a motley crew of greedy and ambitious adventurers,
and above all against the unholy alliance of High Finance, Cath-
olic Hierarchy, and General Staff, it had little opportunity to cri-

ticize its ideas or to unify its fighting forces.

There were always two, three, or more Socialist parties, which

seldom waged war upon one another so fiercely as did the German
Lassallean and Marxian parties in the 1860s and early ’70s,
which usually co-operated fairly well in critical moments, but
which were never able to build one strong and stable organiza-
tion. Not one of these parties ever had a dues-paying member-
ship at all commensurate with the support which it could enlist
at the polls, in street demonstrations, or occasionally on the barri-
cades. As late as 1907 Jean Longuet, the grandson of Karl Marx,
said to the present writer: “At the next election we shall, have a
million votes, and we may not have one more party member or
one more franc in our treasury than we have today.” He was not
far wrong.

Socialist Unity in France

For about a decade after 1888, French republican institutions

did not appear to be in grave danger, and the Socialists were there-
fore free to give more attention to propagating and incidentally
clarifying their specially socialistic theories and ideals. There
resulted an encouraging increase of their voting strength and a
perhaps proportionate growth of their party membership. It did
not, however, bring about solidification of the organized move-
ment; this did not come until 1905 — ^that is, not until there had
been in France and elsewhere an exhaustive discussion of ide-

ological as well as tactical problems, in which some old atti-

tudes were abandoned, some new ones were developed, and a con-
siderable degree of agreement was attained, not by diplomatic
bargaining but as a genuine synthesis of opinion, which made it

practicable to act unitedly on essential points, and yet permit

freedom of public discussion and a wide range of tolerance for
divergent views in the field of theory.
A step toward this kind of unity was taken in France not long
after the election of 1893, which had seated about 50 Socialists
in the chamber (nearly one-twelfth of the whole number of depu-
ties), including representatives of all the five Socialist parties

then existing, and also a number who were as yet independents.

(At this point, to forestall misunderstanding, let us note that these
figures do not include the “Radicaux socialistes” or Socialistic
Radicals, whom American and English writers almost always con-
vert into “Radical Socialists.”) On the initiative of Alexandre
Millerand, 33 members subscribed the following declaration:

“The Socialist group of the Chamber affirms its determination

to coptinue its daily struggle against reactionary governments.

“It will introduce and support immediate reforms which, even

within the capitalist system, will ameliorate the condition of
the working people.
“It does not mean members and
to restrict the liberty of its
the development of Socialism itself by any narrow formula.
“But, in order to eliminate troublesome misconceptions, it

clearly declares that, in conformity with the fundamental think-

ing of the Socialists in
all countries and with the tradition of

French Socialism ever since the Revolution, it aims to abolish

the capitalist system itself and to put an end to the exploitation
of man by man, through the conquest of political power by the
proletariat, through the substitution of social property for capi-
talist property, and through international agreement (Fentente
Internationale) of the workers.”

This became in effect the common platform of all the French

Socialist parties and groups. It did not, however, and in the na-
ture of things it could not, prevent a renewal of conflicts and even
very sharp conflicts within the movement, arising out of new events
which posed new problems.
For the present it is sufficient to say that in France, as in Ger-
many, though for a shorter time, there prevailed a cheerful and
optimistic mood, a relaxation of the long continued storm and
stress, which favored the calm thinking-over of principles and

policies. Events on the other side of the Channel, in themselves

quite different, harmonized with this new mood.

British Labor Seemed Inert

From the middle of the nineteenth century almost to its close

the inertness of British labor was a source of grave disappoint-
ment and misgivings to the Continental Socialists.^ Among the
British intellectuals there were a good many who sympathized
with and partly understood some of the stirrings of popular un-
^ Marx and EngeU shared the regret, but they never doubted that in its own
blow way, the British working class would create a native Socialist movement conir
parable with any other in the world; and Engels lived to see the beginning of what
became in 1945 the governing party of the United Kingdom,
rest on the Continent and who at least pitied and wished well to

the poorer classes in their own country, but their utterances hardly
woke an echo among the masses. Had there been in Britain a labor
movement, however weak, which resembled the German or the
French in revolutionary aim and spirit, it could have given them
invaluable aid in critical moments; and if it had been compar-
able with them in strength it might, by influencing British public
opinion and Britain’s foreign policy, have brought about the
formation of a western democratic entente capable of holding
its own against the reactionism of St. Petersburg, Potsdam, Vien-
^na, and the Vatican. Nothing of the sort happened. The British
working people seemed to be hopelessly immune to the ideas by
which the European Socialists were guided and inspired.
The political backwardness of the British workers was not only
displeasing to their European brothers; it seemed to them almost
incomprehensible. From the Peasants’ War and the Anabaptist
risings (1524- ’36) at least until the sudden awakening of national
patriotism in 1812, the political history of the German people
had been a blank; and in France for a yet longer time, from the
days of Etienne Marcel and the Jacquerie (1.355-’58) down to
1789, the nearest approaches to popular revolt had been the brief
episode of Jeanne d’Arc in 1429 and the sectarian resistance of
the Vaudois and of the Huguenots. The English and Scottish peo-
ples, on the contrary, had revolutionary and largely democratic
traditions which ran back to the fourteenth century, and these had
been kept alive by poets and ballad makers, by playwrights and
novelists, as well as by historians and parliamentary orators.
Moreover, within comparatively recent times the lower strata, and
specifically the urban and rural wage workers, had set examples
that encouraged similar elements abroad.

There are faint traces of trade unionism in England as early

as 1709. For a long while the unions were few, small, narrowly
local, and in most cases short-lived; but by the later 1780s, when
the Industrial Revolution was clearly showing its effects in mass

unemployment, depression of wages, and rise of food prices, trade

unionism began to take on proportions and a character which gave
alarm to the propertied classes, and especially to the newly rich
factory owners, who were not troubled by any sense of social re-
sponsibility or any traditional scruples about grinding the faces
of the poor. Side by side with this, there appeared a type of so-
cial-political radicalism far superior to any that had been known
since the days of Algernon Sidney and of John Locke. In a man-
ner somewhat different from that of the contemporary French
philosophes, though partly influenced by them, a number of writ-
ers began to subject all institutions, creeds, customs, and moral
judgments to a critical examination which was humane in its

purpose, usually moderate in its tone, but extremely bold." Un-

schooled and even illiterate as were the mass of the wage work-
ers, many of them were deeply affected (infected, the children of
good fortune would have said) by the radical ideas which some-
how filtered down to those who could not afford to buy books or
even could not read them.

Echoes of French Revolution

For a few years before and after 1789 these developments

had a considerable influence upon the thinking and the conduct
of the pioneers of the Revolution. Conversely, the news from
France, at least down to 1793, cheered and strengthened the
British progressives, both intellectual and proletarian. Most of
them regretted and even disapproved the more violent features of
the revolution, but it was possible to palliate and even to excuse
them. As Englishmen they were not really shocked By the execu-
tion of Louis XVI, for they remembered without shame that their
own ancestors had beheaded a king; but the increasingly frequent

^ Perhaps the most notable among these were William Godwin, author of Political
Justice, published in 1793, and Mary Wollstonecraft, author of A Vindication of the
Rights of Women, published in 1792, who afterwards became Godwin’s wife. H. Noel
Brailsford’s Shelley, Godwin, and Their Circle (Henry Holt & Co., New York, un-
dated, but probably 1914) is almost indispensable for the understanding of this period.
execution of earlier heroes of the Revolution, from Bailly to Dan-
ton and the Desmoulins, by their more ruthless successors, the
avowed policy of “putting,Terror on the order of the day,” and
the growth of sordid corruption step by step with systematic blood-
shed — ^these things did cause among the British protagonists of
liberty a moral revulsion far more sincere than the upper-class
thrills of horror so theatrically expressed by Edmund Burke.
The Reign of Terror, the fall of Robespierre, and the ignoble
ending of the First Republic did not, however, so much weaken
the British radical and labor movement as it aroused and united
the oligarchic elements. The suspension of the right of habeas
corpus in 1793 marked the turning point. Most historians pic-
ture the next three decades or thereabout as an age of self-sac-
rificing patriotism and military glory, and grow dithyrambic when
they speak the names of Pitt and Nelson and Wellington, and of
course writers of text-books and romances follow their lead. In
truth was one of the blackest periods
it in English history — ^a time
of economic and governmental tyranny at once cruel and calculat-
ing: for the masses was a time of squalor, degeneration, and in-

creasing misery. We use the word “cowardly” not as a mere angry

epithet, but with a definite meaning. Besides the cold ruthless-
ness of greed, there was the senseless and often self-defeating ex-
cess of cruelty which is associated with panic fear. There is abun-
dant evidence that the propertied classes —and most of all the in-
dustrial capitalists, whose rise to wealth and power had been so
recent and so rapid that they had not acquired that self assured
poise which long continued eminence confers —were struck with
terror, first by the onrushing vigor of the French Revolution, and
then by the success of its raw and often ill equipped troops in

combat with the veteran forces of the old monarchies. They were
haunted by the nightmare of a vast conspiracy of workingmen and
peasants, planning to re-enact on British soil all the subversive
acts of the French canaille. The existence of the nightmare was
a fact, and potent for evil; but the ni^tmare itself was an illusion,
unconnected with objective truth. ITiere was no conspiracy, no

inclination toward mass revolt. Adventurers of the type of Lord

George Gordon could indeed have promoted serious riots, as had
often occurred in the past; no outbreaks did occur, however, in the
earlier years of the period in question. The organized workers
showed no disposition to resort to violence and the radical ideol-
ogists, so far from trying to incite revolt, positively discounten-
anced it.

The first overt sign of desperate unrest was the naval mutiny of
1797, which involved several thousand seamen, composing the
crews of twenty-five or more warships then lying in home waters.
For two months they had possession of the vessels, with the can-

non, small arms, and ammunition, and they were defeated only
by the cutting off of their food supplies. Their conduct was amaz-
ingly self-disciplined, moderate, and humane. There was no trace
of revolutionary aims. The whole affair resembled what we now
call a sit-down strike, to support demands for a very slight in-

crease of wages and payment of arrears; for full-weight rations

of wholesome food instead of mouldy bread and half-putrid meat
and cheese; and for discontinuance of arbitrary flogging in excess
of the limit set by the regulations. After the surrender, and in
violation of a general pardon signed by King George III, twenty-

nine men were hanged, nine savagely flogged, and 29 sent to prison
for terms ranging from one to ei^t yeare. This done, a few of
the grievances were partially redressed, but the officers who had
flogged men literally to death and the civil officials who had en-
riched themselves hy grafting on food supplies went scot-free.®

War Upon the Unions

Two years later the government launched a vigorous assault

upon the trade unionism which had been gaining strength espe-

^ The best account of this memoTahle affair, ignored by many historians, is The
Floating Republic, by C. E. Mainworing and ^namy Dobree (London, 1935; Amei-
lean reprint, 1937, Pelican Books). Mutiny on the Bounty, by Charles Nordhoff and
James Norman Hall (New York, 1932, Little, Brown & Co.) may wdl be read in this
connection. It is one of the few “novelized histories” that can be heartily recom-


daily in the rapidly expanding textile industry. In 1799 the first

of the two Combination Laws was introduced, passed by both

houses, and signed by the king, all within twenty -four hours; the
second, enacted in 1800, rendered it more effectively severe. These
acts made it a criminal offense for three or more wage workers in
any trade to meet and consult with a view to obtaining hi^er

wages or other improvement in their conditions of employment.

Ostensibly they likewise prohibited combinations of employers,
but no attempt was ever made to enforce this provision, though
it was brazenly violated. Some of the older unions in small-shop
trades were not seriously disturbed, but the full force of the law
was exerted and more aggressive organiza-
against the younger
tions of factory operatives. It was easy to get convictions, for
nearly all the magistrates were “substantial citizens,” not a few
of them owners of factories, and in courts of record the judges
were seldom oblivious of the biblical injunction “Servants, be
obedient to your masters,” while the juries were largely composed
of local shopkeepers who could not safely offend wealthy cus-
tomers. Year by year large numbers of workingmen were sent
to prison for terms varying between- three months and two years;
still more were had to lie in jail for
fined and, if unable to pay,
weeks or months; and after punishment under the law came the
factory owners’ refusal to employ “jailbirds,” the tramping in
search of jobs, and the danger of being jailed again as vagrlints.
The Combination Acts soon yielded the result at which their
framers had aimed, but after some delay they produced another
effect which had not been foreseen. Open and peaceably inclined

unions being suppressed, secret and oath-bound organizations took

their place, probably not so strong numerically, but with the new
strength of desperation; and with secrecy came the resort to vio-
lence. The working people knew quite well — ^what professional
economists of the Pollyanna school denied and still deny tha t
the cause of increasing unemployment was the introduction of
power-driven machinery, which enabled fewer workers to produce
more goods. Being forbidden to deal collectively with the owners.

they directed their attack upon the machines. Sometimes this

took the form of setting fire to factory buildings. Oftener, bands
of desperate men, carrying heavy hammers or crowbars, broke
into the factories at night, systematically smashed the machines,
and dispersed as quickly as they could. Of course there were oc-
casional clashes, with casualties on both sides but mostly among
the rioters.
These outbreaks began early in 1811 and became more fre-
quent as time went on. Before long the owners appealed to the
government and squads of soldiers were detailed to guard their
works. This method was not very successful, as everyone could
know where the redcoats were, and attacks were made elsewhere.
More effective was the use of spies; and as always occurs in such
a situation, many of the spies became provocators, magnifying
their own importance by inciting men to criminal acts and then
betraying them. In March, 1812, parliament branded wilful
breaking of machines and taking of unlawful oaths as capital of-
fenses, and for the next two or three years men charged with such
crimes were being hanged, singly or in batches; fourteen were
hanged on one day in one city in January, 1813. Much greater
numbers were imprisoned or transported to Australia. The at-
tacks on factories gradually became less frequent, and by 1817
they had practically ceased.
Considered as a purposeful movement. Luddism was essentially
reactionary — that is, it aimed at restoring -a dead past, not at
creating a practicable future. It was revolutionary only in an
emotional sense, as expressing a passionate will to revolt. The
same is to be said as to the burning of hayricks by impoverished
peasants and agricultural laborers, of which there were repeated
outbursts in this period and even later.

Class Struggle et the Top

The ending in 1815 of the twenty-two years of almost con-

tinuous war with revolutionary and Napoleonic France brought
to Britain some measure of economic relief and a considerable
abatement of the fear-psychosis which had prevailed so long. It

also permitted the normal antagonism of material interests and of

social attitudes between the agrarian oligarchy and the industrial
bourgeoisie to reassert The dignified and leisurely recip-

ients of land rent had still an almost complete monopoly of the

powers of legislation and government, but this monopoly (or the
was now being menaced by the grow-
effective utilization of it)

ing and mobile wealth and the superior energy of the less re-
spectable scramblers for profit. This class struggle in the higher
strata of society did not break out at once, but within a few years
itbecame acute, and in the long run it deeply affected the develop-
ment of the working classes.
It was too late in English history for such a conflict to be settled

by an appeal to arms; it had to be fought out on the political field.

Even more than a civil war, a political revolution always includes
an effort to convince or to persuade the public, and the conse-
quences of such an appeal to reason and to emotion may extend
far beyond the immediate issues and beyond the intentions of
those by whom it is made. The writers and speakers are not al-
ways conscious of being advocates of the material interests of

this or that class, and some of them even consciously oppose the
groups to which they respectively belong.^ It is nevertheless true
that the opinions and sympathies of most intellectuals are in the
main shaped and colored by their economic background, even if

not by their personal interests.

The radicalism which flowered in the 1790s had pretty well
died out long before Waterloo. Its waning was due less to repres-
sion than to disillusionment. The repression, indeed, was not very
severe. Juries were not so ready to convict men for spoken or

^This was notably true of Byron and Shelley. Both of ^heae came of “good
family” and were themselves at least well-to-do. Yet Byron’s speech in the House
of Lords, opposing the “hangman’s bill” in 1812, and several of his later poems, as
well as most of Shelley's, culminating in Men of England and The Masque of Anarchy,
breathed ardent sympathy with the oppressed. This must be qualified, however, by
the remark that they saw the sins of the bourgeoisie more vividly than those of the

written words as for overt acts. Moreover, at least some leading

statesmen underestimated the danger. When Godwin’s Political
Justice was published (at an exorbitant price) in 1793 the prime
minister, William Pitt, was urged by his colleagues to prosecute
the author and the printer. He refused on the ground that “a three
guinea book could never do much harm among those who had not
three shillings to spare.” He was right in thinking it unwise to
prosecute, but he was wrong in thinking the book innocuous. Even
before a second and cheaper edition came out in 1796, Godwin’s
ideas were seeping down into circles whose thinking he had prob-
ably never expected to influence.

The Early Radicals

Godwin’s own basic doctrine — that which we now call phil-

osophical or non-violent Anarchism, which carries with it the be-
lief in human perfectibility —had no great vogue at the time and
certainly had little effect on the conduct of the discontented
masses, nor has it ever found wide acceptance. Within little more
than a dozen years it was losing such vogue as it had enjoyed;
then Percy Bysshe Shelley, a student at Eton, perhaps fifteen years
of age, read Political Justice, which had been published when he
was a year old.It became his gospel, and it runs through the suc-

cession of great poems which he poured forth from 1813 till his
death in 1822. Shelley’s poems are still a revolutionary force;
they are such, however, not because of the philosophical theory,
but because of the passion for human freedom and equality, the
burning hatred of cruelty and falsehood, which they express.
Writers more prosaic than Shelley and less didactic than God-
win had awakened popular thought in the earlier period such —
men, for example, as the Reverend Doctor Priestley, the Reverend
Doctor Price, and the very irreverent Thomas Paine. The dark
period from the passage of the Combination Acts till their re-
peal was bridged by the plain common sense of William Cob-
bett, whose Weekly Register struck right and left at every species
of outrage and sham, with the weight of a cudgel and the incisive-
ness of a rapier. Cohbett combined the aggressive spirit of early

radicalism with the practicability of the bourgeois liberalism

that was to mark the nineteenth century. Above all, he never failed
to point out the necessity of reforming the utterly misrepresenta-

tive parliament.

If we note that Thomas Robert Malthus’ Observations on the

Corn Laws and the definitive edition of his Principles of Popula-

tion, David Ricardo’s Principles of Political Economy and Taxa-

tion, and James Mill’s Political Economy all appeared between
1815 and 1826, and also that this period included the early man-
hood of George Grote and Thomas Babington Macaulay and the
youth of John Bright, Richard Cobden, and John Stuart Mill, we
realize that a new era was beginning — the era of optimistic liber-

alism. The books of Malthus, Ricardo, and the elder Mill are
not easy reading, but they were widely read and discussed, and
more popular contemporary writings show that many members of
the lower middle and working classes were eager to understand
the relations among land rent, profits, wages, and the cost of liv-

ing, and the bearing of taxation upon these and other economic
phenomena. Not the least interested were the mechanics and fac-
tory operatives, in view of the fact that, while industry and com-
merce were expanding and becoming ever more profitable, and
while the price of land (which reflects the rental that land yields
to its owners) was increasing — ^that is, while both of the wealthy
classes were growing richer —^money wages were falling, their
purchasing power was declining still faster, and long hours of
labor coincided with widespread unemployment. Illiterate though
most of the wage workers were, workingmen’s clubs and even
Saturday night talks in the alehouse brought the new teachings
of economics within their ken and linked them with those of bit-

ter experience.

The complete failure of the workers’ attempt to bring back the

relativelygood old times of hand labor and small-scale production
by physically destroying power-driven machinery compelled them
to turn their attention to non-violent trade unionism and to politi-
cal action. Some might power of their numbers
think of using the
to change the whole property system; more numerous were those

who deemed it more practical to concentrate upon the repeal of the

Combination Acts and of the Com Laws, hoping thus to get more
shillings for their labor and more bread and beer® for each
shilling. The first of these objectives coincided with the views of
the factory owners, who counted that reduction of the cost of liv-
ing would enable them to push wages still further down, and was
fiercely opposed by the landowners, who held that the “pegged”

price of grain was the palladium of national greatness; and con-

versely, the landlords rather favored a rise of wages for workers
in industry, since it would increase the effective demand for grain,
while the capitalists regarded organization as little short of sedi-
tion and declared that increase of wages would ruin British indus-
try. Seldom has a three-way antagonism of class interests ap-
peared with such diagrammatic clearness.

Workers Turn to Politics

The cessation of the Luddite disorders did not appease the gov-
ernment’s hostility to working-class activities. Combination for the
purpose of raising wages was still a criminal practice, and prose-
cutions continued. For voteless workingmen, finding violence fu-
tile, to turn to open political activity was, the rulers felt, the height
of impudence and, if not promptly and sternly checked, would be
a prelude to the forcible overthrow of state, church, and property
institutions. Provisions of common andstatute law were invoked,
spies and stool pigeons were employed, and military force was held
in readiness, to break up the clubs and committees of correspond-
In those days, and for decades thereafter, the British masses considered beer a
form of nutriment as necessary os bread. See Frederick L. Olmstead’s An American
Fanner in England (1859), especially a passage in the fortieth chapter.
ence, and to deal with public meetings as riotous assemblages, np
matter how orderly they might be. Under suspension of habeas
corpus great numbers of persons were held in prison for as mud)
as ten months without being charged with any crime or misde-
meanor. Yet the agitation went on, gained strength, and spread
into Scotland. To the demand for repeal of the Com Laws and
the Combination Acts was now added the cry for electoral and
parliamentary reform. This gave the landed oligarchy two reasons
instead of one for fearing and hating the working-class movement.
The same reasons would have prompted an intelligent bourgeoisie
to regardit with some favor, for it would be to the advantage of

that class to obtain such changes as would give adequate repre-

sentation to the industrial cities, which had grown enormously
with the growth of the factory system. Some even began to see

that, although the material interests of employers and wage work-

ers were by no means identical, neither were they in all respects

antagonistic, since expansion of industry would mean increase of

aggregate profits for the former and fuller employment for the
latter. This consideration might suggest the practicability of an
armistice if not an alliance between them. As yet, however, these
liberal views® were not widely accepted by the factory owners;

in any case, the government was stiU in the bands of the land-
owners, who were willing to “do the dirty work” of the employei^
whenever it did not conflict with their own class interests.
The war of the rich against the poor reached a crisis at Man-
chester on August 16, 1819. A midday mass meeting to urge
parliamentary reform had been called, to be held in St. Peter’s

Field, a large unbuilt space within the city, and to be addressed

by Henry Hunt, commonly called “Orator Hunt”. It is alleged
that 60,000 persons attended. Among them were women, espe-
cially wives with their husbands, in some cases bringing theft

^We use the word “liberal,” not in the vague and almost meanintdcM way it it
now commonly used bnn
in the United States, but in the definite sense it in moden*
British and European history, as designating the normal ideology and politioid
tendencies of a fairly mature industrial bourgeoisie, in distinction from those of tiH
landed aristocracy on the one hand and of the proletariat on the other.

children along, a sufficient proof that they had been gfVen no rea-
Sbn to expect forcible interference. Hunt had hardly begun to

speak when three bodies of cavalry, with sabres drawn, debouch-

ed from three directions out of back streets in which they had been
held in readiness, and charged at a gallop upon the rear of the
dense crowd. Within a few minutes ninemen and two women
were killed and about 440 men and 120 women injured, some of
them crippled for life.

Such in bare outline is the story of what in bitter irony was

called the battle of Peterloo. Many well attested details, dating
from August 5 to August 19, which we have not space to relate,
leave no room for reasonable doubt that the affair was an ambush
with intent to kill, planned and perpetrated for the purpose of
terrorizing the half starved, outraged, and disfranchised masses
all over England who were asserting their right to a share in mak-

ing and administering the laws. The conduct of the magistrates

concerned, whatever their individual characters, vividly typifies
the reactions of a propertied ruling class when it feels that its

wealth, power, and privileges are in danger.

Most of the owners of lands and factories openly exulted in
the defeat which had been inflicted upon those seditious and ir-

religious rascals who were not content with the station in life to
which God had assigned them. Here were, indeed, some persons
who openly condemned the massacre ^notable
of rank and wealth —
among them being Sir Francis Burdett, who paid for his boldness
with three months in prison and a fine of $10,000—but these
were rare exceptions.
A defeat it was, for the time and through most of England,
Orator Hunt was imprisoned for two and a half years and three
of his associates for a year, and prosecutions followed at other
places. Public meetings almost ceased. In a short autumn session
parliament passed what are called the Six Acts, putting yet sharper
teeth into the various repressive laws, and especially prohibiting
correspondence between the political clubs and imposing a tax
of fourpence (eight cents) on every copy of a political pamphlet


or periodicar selling for less than sixpence. As sixpence meant
from a quarter to a half a day’s wages for most of the workers,
this practically suppressed the literature of the labor and reform

A Second Era of Violence

Such stifling of open and peaceable activities of course turned

many men’s minds and violent methods. This soon
to conspirative

showed itself in Scotland, where the agitation had hitherto been

less vigorous. became known that secret work-
Early in 1820 it

ing people’s clubs were being formed in the textile and mining
districts. On
April 2 placards appeared, calling for cessation of
work until universal suflFrage was granted, in the name of the
“Committee for Organization of a Provisional Government” —
piece of folly which suggests the activity of stool-pigeons. The
proposed strike was fairly extensive, and small bands of badly
armed men made their appearance. One such group came into
conflict with a body of soldiers and was quickly put to flight. Nine-

teen of the men were captured, arrests were made elsewhere, and
the strike collapsed. A mass trial on charges of high treason en-

sued, many were imprisoned or transported, and three were

hanged. In London, meanwhile, a still more spectacular event
took place. The government had for several weeks been receiving
from one of its hired provocators almost day-to-day information
about the doings and the personnel of a group of hotheaded dupes
whose plan was to assassinate all the ministers at one stroke, open
the prisons, raise the London mob, and so initiate a nation-wide
revolution. On February 23, a few hours before the blow was
to be struck, police and soldiers raided a house in Cato Street and
seized a number of the leaders, and others were soon traced and
arrested. After a sensational trial, a feature of which was the
exposure of the sinister part played by the secret agent, five were
hanged and many others transported or sent to prison.
socialism 1^3

For the next few years the working-class movement, 'in both
its peaceable and its violent forms, seemed to be dead and was
actually quiescent. One might say that the workers were taking
do next. William Thomp-
stock of their past and thinking what to
son,John Gray, Thomas Hodgskin, and other writers, whose works
have long been forgotten, stimulated this process. They were
largely influenced by the ideas of
Bentham and the elder Mill, of
Ricardo, and of Robert Owen, whose voluminous contributions on
economic subjects had begun with his pamphlet on The Effect of
the Manufacturing System, published in 1815. For the time, while
the minds of the masses were stimulated, the stimulation had a
divisive rather than a unifying effect, attention being distracted
from the main objectives of their previous efforts — trade-union
organization, repeal of the Corn Laws, and winning of the right to

vote —by sectarian interest in a variety of other projects, some

of them wrong-headed and others premature, such as either so-
cialization or distribution of the land, substitution of organized

barter for the use of money, co-operative production, and so


Combination Laws Repealed

The repeal of the Combination Acts in 1824-’25 may be taken

as an ending and a new beginning in the political history of Great
Britain and in the history of the British working class.

The Webbs tell us— ^and their statements of fact are seldom
open to question — that the repeal of the Combination Laws “was
rapidly passed through both houses, without either debate or divi-
sion.”^ There had, however, been patient and skilful work by
Joseph Hume and a few others in privately convincing or per-
suading hesitant members and in managing a committee of in-

quiry to the point of getting a unanimous favorable report. Back

The best account of this remarkable legislative act is to be found in the second
chapter of The History of Trade Unionism, by Sidney and Beatrice Webb, first pub-
lished in 1894 and most accessible in the second edition! of 1902.
of this lay the tireless labor of Francis Place, not a member of
parliament, in collecting documentary material, promoting peti-
tions, and enlisting witnesses, ‘^ere was,” say the Webbs, “no
popular movement whatever for the repeal,” mainly because ex-
perience had convinced the workers that no help was to he ex-
pected from parliament as then constituted. For the moment this
was fortunate, for mass demonstrations would have stirred up
opposition to the repeal. In fact, the bill went through so easily
just because all concerned were completely mistaken as to the
effect it would produce. Place held that, once combinations ceased
to be unlawful, they would soon cease to exist; Hume and others
either already held this view or accepted it from Place; and so far
as the record shows, nobody questioned it at this time.^

They had a rude awakening. Within a few weeks new imions

began to spring up, while those which had existed in secret or had
been tolerated came into the open and gained new members; in a
few cases, local unions merged or federated on a nation-wide
scale; and strikes become more numerous than ever before. The
upper classes were of course angry and frightened — ^the employ-
era and other business men because they saw their profits directly
threatened, the landed gentlemen because they feared that the
farm laborers might follow the example set by the urban workers.
For a moment in 1825 it looked as if parliament would “repeal
the repeal.” Well informed men, however, warned the political

leaders that an attempt to do this would provoke a revolutionary

uprising which the armed forces at the government’s disposal
could not suppress. They had to be content with an amending
act which whittled down the concessions made the preceding year.
That intelligent men could entertain this notion may be partly explained by the

vogue which the bourgeois doctrine of ltdssez /otre enjoyed at tbia time, creating a
general tendency to disapprove prohibitory and restrictive legislation. The fact Uut
within the four preceding years parliament had begun to soften the penal code and
had repealed some of the Navigation Acts and all statutes restricting workingmen’s
rights to travel or change their places of residence would) seem to 'favor this hypo-
thesis, which is strengthened also by Burdett’s speech in 1799 against the first Com-
bination Law, in which he declared that “the wise policy is toi leave trade of every
kind to find its own level.” (See Sir Frtmcis Burdett and His Times, by M. W. Pat-
terson, London, 1931, page 545).

The net result was that trade-union action was not in itself un-
lawful, though it was subject to legal attack at many points.

Even this was a substantial gain. From 1824 on, though the
labor organizations have had to fight many a hard battle to de-
fend the rights they had won, and bit by bit to win new rights,
trade unionism in both great and small industry has had a con-
tinuous existence and a gradually broadened basis of legality;
more slowly it has extended into the fields of agricultural and
“white collar” employment.
More disastrous to the labor movement than the amending act
of 1825 was the business depression which began toward the end
of that year and continued till 1829. Unemployment on a large
scale so weakened the unions that, instead of improving their con-
ditions, they struggled in vain against wage reductions. After a
momentary revival of machine-breaking, which was easily put
down, the workers again turned to political radicalism. Parliamen-

tary reform was their immediate objective, but they now looked be-
yond this to economic and social changes which, once manhood
suffrage was established, they might obtain by the power of their

An Oligarchic Parliament

The struggle for reform, carried on by the bourgeoisie and

the proletariat simul^neously, though not for identical purposes
nor by identical means, calls for a historical background.
from 1690 to 1760 the population of Eng-
In the seventy years
land and Wales grew from less than 5,000,000 to 7,000,000.
Had the same rate continued, the number would by 1830 have
increased to 10,000,000; in fact it reached 14,000,000, and this
solely by an amazing increase of the birth rate. The doubling
of the population was accompanied by momentous changes in its
geographical distribution and in its class structure.
From the earliest times the southern and eastern parts of the,

country, having soil and climate more favorable to agriculture,

had been by far the most densely peopled; but with the rise of
machine production the more abundant water power offered by the
hilly North and West attracted industrial enterprise, and when
steam power came into use the proximity of coal and iron de-
posits strengthened this attraction and so determined a flow of
population into these hitherto backward regions. London, with
its environs, as being the commercial, political, and cultural capi-
tal, continued to grow, and so did a few other seaports; but nearly
all the inland cities, towns, and large villages in the South and
East, which had formerly thriven as centers of handicraft and
local trade, became stationary or declined.
The number of persons engaged in agriculture and grazing
still increased, but at a much slower rate than did the population
as a whole. Its increase, indeed, was positively retarded by im-
provements in methods of tillage and in the breeding of cattle

and sheep which had got under way earlier in the century. From
the 17608 on, the urban population gained on the rural at an ac-
celerating rate; and, injurious as the process was to the comfort,

health, and domestic morality of the masses, it did make for a

livelier intellectual tempo, for the formulation of opinions and
aspirations, and for their expression in united effort.

It was of course the wage-working class, and especially the

factory proletariat, that grew most rapidly.® Next to it in speed
of numerical increase came the rural proletariat, comprising
agricultural laborers and petty tenant farmers, whose numbers
were swelled by the ruin of small proprietors. These were almost
as cruelly exploited as the workers in mine, mill, and factory, but
they lagged behind in development of class consciousness and
capacity for organized effort. In that miscellaneous aggregate
known as the middle class, some elements become less and others
more numerous; on the whole there was an increase, but less rapid
than that of the working classes.

Here and in some other

places, for the sake of brevity, we use the term “factory
workers" or “factory proletariat” to include also persons working for wages in mines,
smelters, forges, potteries, shipyards, and other large enterprises.

By the end of the seventeenth century it was a settled fact that

the powers of the Crown were subordinate to those of Parliament;
and by the middle of the eighteenth it was clear that, if any crucial
test of power should occur (which was as yet unlikely) the hered-

itary House of Lords would have to bow to the will of the nomin-
Commons. All this did not mean that the govern-
ally elective
ment had become more democratic, for the lower house was a
grossly misrepresentative body.
Out of 6,000,000 adult males in the United Kingdom only 435,-
000 had the vole. This included practically no laborers, mechan-
ics, factory operatives, or tenant farmers and but few small busi-
ness men. As votes had to be given by voice and in public, there
was ample opportunity for bribery and for intimidation of voters
who could not l)e bribed. Furthermore, the allotment of seats bore
no proportion to the number of voters or of inhabitants in the
various counties and boroughs. The six northernmost counties
of England had 10 per cent more inhabitants than the ten south-
ernmost, but the latter had 235 seats and the former only 68.
Young industrial cities with populations ranging from 50,000 to
100,000 were entirely unrepresented, while many decadent bor-
oughs with only a few hundred or even a few dozen inhabitants
wene entitled to one or two members.^®
The 186 members representing counties were more or less hon-
estly elected by a very limited number of landed gentlemen. Of
the 472 borough members Professor Ogg says that “not more than
137 may be regarded as having been in any proper sense elected.”
Each of the remaining 335 was virtually appointed by some local
magnate. This gentleman or nobleman might appoint himself or
1** At least eight members (if parliament sat for eonstitueneics Mhich had abso-
lutely no inhabitants, anil one of which could have none, because its site had long
since been complelelv eiodcd by the sea. For more detailed accounts of suffrage
and representation at this period, of the fight for reform, and of the Act of 1932, see
The Governments of Europe, by Frederic Austin Ogg, New York, 1914, pages 77-96;
Modern and Contemporaiy European History, by J. Salwyn Schaptro, New York,
1918, chapters IV and V; A History of British Socialism, by Max Beer, London,
1919, first volume, pages 280-321; and Patterson’s Sir Francis Burdett, second vol-
ume, pages .S42-613. Beer’s two volume work, and also the later chapters of H.
B. Gibbins’ Industrial History of England (first published by Methuen in 1890, but
revised and continued in 1912) may be riHiommended as dealing much more fully
with all the British movements and events discused in this paper.
a member of his family, but he might and often did sell the seat
for the term of a single parliament, at the best price he could
get, which often ran up to $25,000 or more. Not a few of the
purchasers considered this as an investment, counting that they
could get it back with a good profit by selling their votes in par-
liament or by making their support of the ministry at a critical
moment conditional on getting a peerage, a lucrative public office,

or a pension. Some, however, who could afford the luxury, were

actuated by desire for fame, social recognition, or popularity, and
possibly a few by more idealistic motives.
Reform had been urged by distinguished public men as far
back as the 1760s, ’70s, and ’80s, but no action had resulted.
Rooted in the most parasitic and corrupting species of exploitative
property, misrepresentation had grown in the manner of a dry-rot
until, hy the 1820s, the power of filling a large majority of seats

in the Commons was held, not by the landlord class as a whole,

but by a monopolistic minority within that class, by six or eight

thousand of the large proprietors, and among them a few hundred
of the very richest. The parliament reproduced in the political
sphere the attitudes and practices that might be expected from
its provenance — bribery, peculation, nepotism, wasteful and ineffi-

cient administration, stubborn resistance to new ideas, cynical, in-

humanity to the poor and servility to the rich, and —worst of all

from the bourgeois point of view maintenance of outworn insti-
tutions and policies which obstructed the development of modern
industry. Logic and common sense seem^ to exclude any hope
that a parliamentmost of whose members individually profited by
these abuses, would or could reform itself. The alternatives ap-
peared to be stagnation and violent revolution. The masses had
so little to lose that they were not averse to revolution; they only
doubted whether parliamentary reform was worth the price. The
knowing how deeply and with what good reason they

were hated by the masses, feared that revolution might ruin them
as well as the agrarian oligarchy, and so they “let I dare not wait
upon I would.”

The Struggle for Reform

With the ending of the war 1815 the bourgeois demand for
reform became more insistent,and with the collapse of the Lud-
dite activities soon afterward the working people raised the same
demand and with more far-reaching views. The
in a sterner tone
fundamental antagonism between capitalists and wage workers
could not easily be ignored, and for a few years the two ruling
classes continued to act together in trying to stamp out the work-
ing class movement. In the early 1820s, however, an “era of good
feeling” set in and after the repeal of the Combination Laws this

truce developed into an informal alliance for separate but parallel

assault on the stronghold of the oligarchy. Of course it fell to the
bourgeois reformers to carry on the campaign in parliament,
while the workers were to do the rougher fighting outdoors. Were
the latter explicitly assured that if they proceeded to violent ac-
tion they would find defenders in high place, and were they de-
finitely promised that the reform would include manhood suf-
frage and secret voting? Possibly so, probably not; but it is cer-
tain that the bourgeois reformers wished their opponents to he
frightened and were willing to let their allies hope for a share in
the fruits of victory.
The election of1826 somewhat strengthened the reform group
in parliament and some rifts began to appear in the oligarchic
front. During the four-year life of this parliament three pro-
posals affecting only a few seats were introduced in order to give
opportunity for debate. Of these one was passed in the Commons
and defeated in the Upper House. The death of George IV in June,
1830, necessitated a new election, in which the reformers won a
narrow and insecure majority. After a long deadlock parliament
dissolved, and the reformers came back with a decisive majority.
In September, 1831, a bill which the bourgeoisie considered very
satisfactory was carried by a vote of 345 to 236. A month later
the Lords rejected it, but by a margin of only 40 votes out of 357,
This seemed to indicate that the oligarchy had begun to see the
handwriting on the wall, which the masses promptly underlined
by widespread demonstrations, many of them marked by rioting
and violence. Once more the bill was introduced in the lower
house, with but slight alterations, and was passed in March, 1832.
Under pressure King William let it be known that if necessary

he would create enough peerages to overwhelm the opposition and

in Jime, a majority of the members absenting themselves, the
House of Lords passed the bill.

The victory was won —a victory of the capitalists over the land-
lords, won mainly by the courage of the proletariat.*^ By trans-

ferring 143 of the 658 parliamentary seats from small rural

boroughs to populous regions and centers the act gave the bour-
geoisie a dominant position, which was strengthened by further
acts in 1867 and 1885. As to the franchise, the act of 1832, by
slightly lowering the qualification for voting, increased the elec-

torate from 435,000 to 656,000 — from 2 per cent to 3 per

^that is,

cent of the population. It left the working classes and a large

part of the lower middle class without votes. Certain economic
changes, however, brought about a perceptible extension of the
franchise in practice. The right to vote depended on ownership or
tenancy of premises having at least a specified rental value. Rents
were of course higher in the cities than in the country, and con-
tinued migration to the cities increased the number of those who
had to pay these higher rents. Thus many low-income city dwel-

lers were pushed up into the electorate, which within thirty-five

years was doubled in absolute number and grew from 3 to 4.5 per
Of course there were contributing causes. The extreme concentration of poli-
tical power and privilege in the uppermost section of the landowning oligarchy had
alienated many in its middle and lower strata. Moreover, the exclusiveness of that

class had been sapped by several processes ^matrimonial alliances between rank and
riches; purchase of landed estates by wealthy bourgeois; granting of many baronet-
cies and occasional peerages to commoners; and investment by nobles and gentlemen
in business enterprises. There is no room for doubt, however, that the decisive factor
was the menace of revolution which, once launched by the industrial wage woikers,
would probably be joined by the agricultural laborers and peasants. This danger
was accentuated by revolutionary events of 1830 and ’31 in France, Belgium, Poland,
Italy, and Spain, and agrarian disturbances in Ireland,


cent of the population. This economically forced increase of

voting strength went mostly to the lower middle class.
The legislation of 1867*’68 lowered the franchise requirement
in citiesenough to increase the whole number of persons entitled
to vote from 1,370,000 to 2,256,000, bringing it up to 8.2 per
cent of the population, and enfranchising a large fraction, per-
haps a majority, of the urban wage workers. In the next seven-
teen years the upward movement of rents (and now also of wages)
again doubled the electorate, and an act passed in 1884 brought
it up to 7,000,000, or about 20 per cent of the people, chiefly by
giving miners, agricultural laborers, and small tenant farmers
the same franchise as had been given the city workers.
Even this third and last of the patchwork reforms did not touch
the abuse of plural voting. Tens of thousands of wealthy men,
mostly of the landowning class, could vote in each of the two or
— —
more in some cases ten or a dozen constituencies in which they
maintained residences. A time came when the plural votes num-
bered almost half a million. This abuse survived into the present
A forward step, and a very important one, was taken in 1872
when, over long and violent opposition, the secret ballot was in-
troduced, and in 1883 the opportunities for bribery were further
reduced by a law regulating campaign expenditures and limitin
No further liberalization of the electoral system took place until
the second decade of the twentieth century, when plural voting was
abolished and women received the suffrage. Their net effect is
measured by the fact that in the three most recent elections
193 1> 1935, and 1945 —
the number of votes cast has run from
46 50
to per cent of the total population, whereas in the United
States it has never yet exceeded 37 per cent.^®

**The diurepancy is accounted for by our larger proportion of persons below

voting age, by our larger number of unnaturalized aliens, by the virtual
ment of many Negroes and poor whites in the South, by the wider dispersal of our
rural population, which increases the difficulty of getting to the
polls, and by the
greater fluidity of our woricing class, which causes many to lose their
quahncatione. The second and third of these five factors are the most important.
Defeat for the Workers

When in 1932 the working people realized how they had been
betrayed their reaction was one of bitter but impotent wrath. The
moment for revolt was past. Whigs and Tories, manufacturers and
landowners, had reached an armistice. They could now unite to
crush any possible uprising, and would have the support of those
middle-class elements whom they had at least partially appeased.
The utter failure of this genuinely revolutionary effort of the work-
ing class was not due to lack of courage and devotion, but to their
error in trusting as political allies a class whose material interests
were antagonistic to their own. Many lost faith in the working-
class movement and sought comfort in religion or forgetfulness in
drink. Others, with more strength of character, took what was then
the bold step of emigrating to the United States.^ The rest dis-
agreed as to what they should do next. Various utopian schemes
had their day —mutual barter, co-operative workshops, com m un al
settlements on the land — ^but their day was not very long nor
very bright.More practical men turned to trade unionism, and
that movement was considerably strengthened. The members,
however, and especially the new recruits, had as yet no clear
notion of the difference between the aims and methods appropriate
to unionism and those of political organization. This lesson had
to be learned through experience.
13 No doubt most of these (whose whole number
was not very large) were aware
that within recent years manhood suffrage and free public schools had been
lished in several states and that along the Atlantic seaboard, from New
down to Maryland, a hopeful and vigorous labor movement was functioning on both
political and trade-union lines. This movement took shape in the
later 1820s and
was practically extinct by 1840. Its decline was probably due to several
the competition of Owenite and Fourierite utopianism, growing interest
in the slavery
question and the land question, and the effect of the new railways in drawing
off the
most energetic of the workingmen from the seaboard to what we now call the
West.—-This period in American history has not yet, we think, been adequately
treated, even by such outstanding scholars as Charles A. Beard
and Arthur Schles-
inger. Credit is due to Frank Tracy Carlton, who pioneered in the
field some forty
yews ago. Reference may be made to James Oneal, The Workers in American History
.,and A. M. Simons, Social Forces in American History, both published in
The present writer’s old friend, the late Hermann Schliiter, told him that in the coum
of research preliminary to writing Die Chartisten-Bewegung (New York,
1916) he
foufl^ evidence that some of the British immigranu became active in the
labor movement.

TIi 6 relatively small number of well established unions in cer-

tain skilled trades, such as those of the carpenters, masons, en-
gineers (machinists, in American parlance), shipwrights, cabinet
makers, and printers, tended to limit their functions to dealing
with employers in their respective fields over wages, hours, and
shop conditions, and administering mutual aid among their mem-
bers. The smaller and weaker unions, in worse paid trades and in
factory industries, naturally thought of gaining strength by amal-
gamation or federation into larger bodies; this led to the bolder
but not so easily realizable plan of bringing all trade unions to-
gether in one huge “trades” union ; and then, by logical extension,
to that of uniting in one body the whole population except the
minority who live by other men’s labor. In this development the
trade-union idea of step-hy-slep improvement by direct struggle
with the employers gave place for a time to that of sudden and
complete, but non-violent, social revolution.

A Grand Fiasco

Vigorous agitation by the Owenites for a “General Union of

the Productive Classes and Others” got under way late in 1833,
and Owen himself offered “a short outline of the great changes
. which shall come suddenly upon society like a thief in the
. .

night.” In January, 1834, came the launching of the Grand Na-

tional Consolidated Trades Union. Those who joined it may well
have supposed that the methods to he used at the critical moment
and the forms of the new social order had heeji worked out, but
this was not the case. The only answer to such questions was that

all producers are to join the Grand Consolidated, and then

the em-
ployers, the landlords, and the government, seeing themselves
vastly outnumbered, will not think of resisting. Such vagueness
as to details, combined with rosy pictures of the society andnew
with confident assurances that would he realized within a year,

were well adapted to attract the enthusiastic and the reckless, who
were also, of course, the most impatient and least reliable. In the
134 European ideologies
first six months the organization enrolled half a million membetS,
constituting with their dependents about one-tenth of the popula-
tion, hut still far short of the necessary overwhelming majority.
Then membership ceased and a yet more rapid de-
the growth of
cline set in. Unfortunately, such a movement cannot operate so
quietly as does a thief in the night. The propertied classes and
their government were wide awake, and they took prompt and
drastic action. Under those parts of the combination laws which
had been re-enacted in 182.5, under various other statutes, and
under rules of the common law, many arrests were made, middle-
class jurors were ready to convict, and upper-class judges imposed
sentences out of all keeping with the generally trivial overt acts
committed. The general strike, too tardily proposed, and yet pro-
posed without any preparation, never even began. What did come
and saved the Grand Consolidated from being a complete fiasco,
was the energetic protest against governmental cruelty the mass —
demonstrations, the monster petitions, the raising of funds for
and their families, in which the conservative unions
the victims
and many unorganized sympathizers took part, and which con-
tinued after the Grand Consolidated itself had ceased to exist.
The fact that, while the Grand Consolidated was still in its grow-
ing phase, and when the repressive measures had already begun,
parliament passed factory laws in advance of any that had previ-
ously been enacted illustrates our statement already made, that
formidable activities of the working
even though failing of
theirimmediate aims, did wring concessions which were never
made when the workers were quiet.
The fantastic episode of the Grand Consolidated had a sober-
ing and clarifying rather than a depressing effect. From this point
on the activities of the British working class ran in three parallel
channels, not unfriendly one to another and all in their different
ways contributing or seeking to contribute to the welfare of the
working people, but with little direct collaboration or mutual sup-
port — that of conservative or at least nonrevolutionary and for a
time almost completely nonpolitical trade unionism; that of in-

dependent political organization and agitation, aiming at demo-

cratization of government and through that at social and labor
legislation and ultimately at socialization of the economic order;
and that of consumer cooperation, aiming to improve the liveli-

hood of the low-income elements by saving for the ultimate pur-

chaser the “middlemen’s profit,” or margin between wholesale and
retail price.

Consumers* Co-operation Begins

In the 1820s and ’30s some hundreds of societies had been

launched in Great Britain for co-operative buying as well as for
co-operative production. They were formed under the influence
of Fourierite, Owenite, and Saint-Simonian utopian propaganda
and were motivated, not by a desire to serve the immediate ma-
terial interests of the masses, but rather by the notion that they
could put the capitalists out of business by underselling them.
Their spans of life ranged from a few months to a very few years.
In 1844, however, a handful of weavers at Rochdale in Lanca-
shire, impoverished by low wages and irregular employment,
clubbed together to purchase food and other necessaries, getting
the benefit of quantity buying. Undisturbed by grandiose visions,
and combining mutual good faith with plain good sense, they
made a success of their modest venture, gradually expanded it,

and set an example which other groups followed. One hundred

and three years later, the general office of the British co-operative
societies was able to report a membership of 7,976,000 and gross
sales within the year to the amount of nearly a billion dollars.
Besides the material benefit effected, these societies have rendered
a great service by accustoming their members to organized action
for the common good, training them in the art of administration,
and developing social idealism through practice.
Starting about a quarter of a century laterand profiting by the
consumer co-operation had a similarly vast and
British experience,
beneficent development on the Continent, first in the Low Coun-
tries, Centra] Europe, and Scandinavia, then spreading to France,
Italy, Poland, and Russia. Within the last three decades, however,
in all the areas that came under totalitarian rule, whether red or

black or brown, the co-operatives (as also the trade unions) were
deprived of their autonomy, plundered, and degraded into subor-
dinate agencies of the all-powerful, raj)acious, and antidemocratic
state. In those regions that have at length been liberated by the
Allied arms, they are being rebuilt, but this process is hampered
by the frightful ruin of the whole European economy.

Conservative Tra<le Unions

The conservative character — some might say the excessive cau-

tion and “stodginess” — of Rritish trade mnonism from the 1830s
till the 1890s is to be attributed, not to certain alleged racial
characteristics of the British people nor to the accident that cer-
tain individuals having- these qualilie.s somehow became union
leaders, but to the conditions under which the unions had to op-
erate and the experiences which influenced their decisions. Those
experiences, from the grim tragedy of Luddism to the romantic
adventure of tlie Grand Consolidated, showed that while spas-
modic and tumultuous outbursts of popular discontent may some-
times achieve worth-while gains, usually of a legislative nature,
they seldom or never effect an increase of wage rates or take-
home pay. To comfortable folk this is a sordid concern, but work-
ing people know that. “the destruction of the poor is their poverty”
and that a hungry and ragged proletariat is hardly capable of con-
structive and sustained effort toward any more distant or less
prosaic goal.
In 1834 the trade unions
«lootl alone; there was for the time no

politicalmovement, and the idea of social revolution, to be won

by general strike or any other method, was thoroughly discredited.
The employers were any attempt of the work-
firmly united against
ers to interefere with the bo.sses’ right to “hire and fire” and to
fix wages, hours, and shop conditions. They were bent on crush-

ing all labor organizations, no matter how moderate their aims

or how scrupulously law-abiding their methods. Against such an
attack small or loose groupings of workings could do little or
nothing; their only hope was in enlisting and retaining more and
more members, limiting their aims in order to avoid dangerous
crises, and giving material assistance to actual or prospective mem-
bers who might be individually victimized. The immediate issue
was “the document” —something very like the “yellow dog con-
tract” which the older generation of union men in the United
States still vividly remember. True, by this time the law recog-
nized the right of workingmen to belong to unions and to deal col-
lectively with their employers; but it also upheld the employer’s
unrestricted right to discharge any employee and refuse employ-
ment to any person seeking a job, without even stating a reason
unless he saw fit. Many employers did see fit at this time to re-

quire every applicant to sign a paper stating that he did not be-
long to and promising that he would not join any labor union.
His refusal to sign was of course communicated to other employ-
ers; by exercising his lawful right he lost his opportunity to earn
a livelihood in any place where he was known. If the union was

to gain members and hold them it must give not only the right
hand of fellowship but also the helping hand of financial relief to
men who took this risk. Only a little less imperative was the ne-
cessity of relieving members who fell sick or were injured at their
work^^ or who lost their jobs in time of business depression. Not
until a union had a considerable number of members who by pay-
ment of dues had come had a stake in its con-
to feel that they

tinued existence, and only when it had acquired a favorable repu-

tation by aid given to members and friends in need, could it think
of more aggressive activity. The rank and file as well as the offi-

cers knew that a lost strike or lockout, or a too long struggle, even
though ending in victory, might deplete its funds, lower its morale
In Great Britain for many years after tlie lime of which we speak, and in the
United States until about forty years ago, the law as to employers’ liability for
accident to employees gave every advantage to the defense and made it in most cases
not worth while for an injured workman to sue for damages.


and its prestige, and perhaps decimate its membership. Only the
manifestation of a resolute fighting spirit among the members
could justify responsible leaders in proposing any bold venture,
and only a grave emergency could arouse such a spirit.
While these unions for a considerable time functioned primar-
ily as “friendly” or mutual benefit societies and avoided open

conflict with their employers, they were able also to win small

but cumulative improvements in the conditions of employment,

especially in prosperous periods, and not altogether to lose them
in hard times. This was practicable only in those relatively
well paid trades in which men worked principally with hand tools

or small and simple machines, individual skill was an important

factor, and the number working for any one employer was not
very large. Under such circumstances men personally acquainted
each with each could talk things over and plan their action with-
out formal and recorded rules and decisions, and could by various
unavowed methods check the competition for jobs and tacitly im-

press upon the employer the wisdom of keeping on good terms

with his workmen. Although they were unwillingto become in-

volved in demonstrative political action or to commit themselves

to social theories extending beyond their immediate problems,
they realized the bearing of the laws, for good or for ill, upon
their conditions and interests, and they showed considerable skill

in quietly lobbying for favorable legislation and against such

proposed acts as would make their situation worse. That their
practical conservatism was not due to ignorance or stupidity is
evidenced by the fact that members of what was called the Junta
an unofficial composed of several of their
steering committee
ablest officials —were 1860s in close touch with Karl
in the early

Marx and Frederick Engels and some of them were for a time
members of the International Working Men’s Association.
After the unions of this type had got well started, unionism
gained a foothold also in the coal fields and and
in the textile

other factory industries. Here the larger scale of the employment

units and the greater standardization of processes called for some-

what different methods. Less reliance was placed on benefit fea-

tures, while strikes, even on a large scale, were much more fre-
quent. Although they had no votes till 1868 — the miners not till

1885 — they became politically conscious and active much earlier,

than tlie small-shop hand workers, and it was among them that the
Chartist movement, to which we must now turn our attention, had
its largest following.^'
Although the unions, especially those in the skilled trades, held
aloof from politics for more than a generation after the rise and
fall of theGrand National Consolidated Trades Union in 1834,
they did not impose neutrality upon their members nor actively
antagonize political action when it was revived, so long as it did
not interfere with their own more cautious policy. Such a re-
vival soon took place.

The Rise of Chartism

In June, 1836, a number of skilled workmen in London, most

or all of whom had participated in the activities of 1831-’32 and
of 1834, formed a society for the purpose of making parliament
a democratically representative body by the adoption of six points,
namely, —Manhood suffrage; Electoral districts equal in popula-
tion; Election by secret ballot; All qualified voters to be eligible
to parliament;Payment of members; Annual elections. These
demands, none of which was new, but only the first of which had
in the past been sufficiently emphasized, constituted what came to
be known as the People’s Charter. It was essential to the plan
to concentrate attention on these six points, and, pending their
adoption, not to commit the organization to any particular pro-
jects of social legislation, which it would be the function of a
democratized parliament itself to enact. Equal emphasis was laid
on the advice to the working people to rely on themselves instead
Better than from any learned treatise the reader may “get the feel”
of the
factory workers’ movement from the novel Mary Barton, written by RUmWI.
the biographer of Charlotte Bronte, and published in 1848.
It is, in our judgment,
decidedly superior to Diekens’ Hard Times, which came out six years
of trusting to such professed friends as had betrayed them in 1832.
Furthermore, it was resolved not to invite the affiliation of trade

unions or other already existing bodies, but to build an associa-

tion on the basis of individual membership, with branches through-
out the country, for the sole purpose of carrying the Six Points
and thus, it was hoped, to avoid both a frittering away of energy
and a danger of schism. As we shall see, these hopes were not and
probably could not have been completely fulfilled, but a sincere
effort was made. The Charti.sts were by no means hostile to nor

jealous of the trade unions, and many of the njembers and ad-
herents of the movement were loyal and active union men. There
was simply a recognition of the fact that the forms and methods
suitable to the one movement were unsuitable to the other.
The story of Chartism, from its «)rigin in 1836, through its
tliree peaks in 1839, 1842, and 1848, and its lingering death-in-
life from then fill 1858, with its intervening schisms and aber-
rations, has been so fully told in books which are easily avail-
able’" that it need not detain us long. Could the movement have
been held to the original plan of concentrating all its efforts on
the one object of democratizing parliament, its following might
never have been so large as it was at the peaks, but it might have
Iteen more effective. Inevitably, however, as soon as it showed
some strength, it was joined by groups that were especially in-

terested in land reform, money reform, repeal of the Com Laws,

or repeal of the new Poor Law, each grouj) striving to put its par-
ticular objective on at least an equal footing with the reform of
parliament. Moreover, sharp antagonism developed between
thosewho more or less openly favored the use of physical force
and those who hoped by peaceable propaganda to build up such a
strong public opinion as the antidemocratic elements could not
resist. Finally, in the later 1840s the influence of Continental
'•1 See Beer, History oj Hriiish Socialiim. vol. 1. cli. x, and \ol. II, nh. i to ix;
T/ir Chartist Mowment. Mark Ho\eII. Lnnpman* Crren. 1918; The Chartist
Movement in Its Social and hronomic Aspects. li> Frank F. Ro<!enI(Iatt. and The
Oeclinr of the Chaitist Morement. Pre'-ton William Slosson. same pub., 1916; and.
in our opinion the best of all, but not^lalod into Knglihli. t)ie Chartisten^
Hetvepung, by Ilerniaiin Srliliitcr, New Yoik. Socialist Co., 1916.

Socialism became clearly evident, and interest in international-

ism perhaps somewhat distracted attention from the immediate
purpose. News of the third French Revolution, which late in
February, 1848, overthrew the Orleans Monarchy, heightened the
already rising wave of Chartist enthusiasm. A monster petition to
parliament, calling for the enactment of five of the Six Points
(the demand for the ballotwas omitted) was almost ready. By
the first of April itwas declared that this had been signed by six
million persons. Monday, April 10, was fixed as the date for its
presentation, and a monster mass meeting and procession was

Its Pathetic Collapse

The government had been as deeply impressed by the- events

in France as had the Chartists, but with quite opposite emotions,

all the more as within the two months many Chartist demonstra-
tions throughout the country had taken on a riotous aspect and
there had been a great deal of loose talk about a violent revolu-
tion. Several regiments of trained soldiers were concentrated in
London, more than 150,000 special constables were sworn in
and armed to reinforce the police, and the Duke of Wellington was
in command. Twenty thousand persons are said to have gathered
for the mass meeting, which was a tame affair; there was no
procession; in only a few cases did the police see occasion for
using their clubs; and when the petitions, in several large bales,
were carried into the House they were greeted with “Homeric
laughter.” The government did not however, let the drama end
on the note of ridicule. Numerous prosecutions were set on foot,
and two of the leaders were sentenced to two years in prison and
several were transported to Australia.
These reprisals were not sufficient to have terrorized any for-
midable popular movement. Like ^‘hitting a man when he’s
down,” they inspired contempt rather than terror. Chartism died
out, not because of the defeat on April 10, but because of a recog-
nition that by its own faults and follies it had earned that defeat.

By 1858 its last vestiges had disappeared, and not until the 18806
was there even the barest beginning, nor until the ’90s a really
visible beginning, of independent political action. For all that,

the efforts of the Chartists had not been altogether wasted. By

1885 four of the Six Points had been enacted into law ^man- —
hood suffrage; secret voting; approximately equal electoral dis;
tricts; and abolition of the property qualifications for election to

parliament —and while other causes had contributed to these re>

suits, much of the credit belongs to the movement whose humili-
ating end had been forgotten, but whose somewhat romanticized
traditions were cherished in tens of thousands of working-class
The trade unions continued through the Chartist period and
for a full generation thereafter on the conservative lines already
described, gaining considerably in numerical strength and solidi-
fying their organizations, but failing —perhaps we may justly say
neglecting — to extend their activities into the very numerous
lower-paid strata of the British working class.

The Trade Union Congress

Taking advantage of the industrial depression of the late 1850s

and later of the mass unemployment in the ’60s indirectly caused
by the American Civil War, the employers launched an all-out
attack upon trade unionism. For several years the workers fared
badly. Especially were they threatened with drastic anti-union
legislation. The necessity of carrying on a defensive fight led to
the formation in many industrial centers, between 1858 and 1867,
l*»e preface which Frederick Engela
prefixed in 1892 to the second edition of Florence Kelley
Wischnewetzky’s English
tmslation of his Condition of the Working Class in England.—The
translator was
then a young woman, of American parentage and Irish descent,
who is
Iw^, under her mmden name, for more than a quarter of a century ofnow remem-
brave and
tirdess work for the improvement of factory legislation
and especially for its
enforwmTOt, ud
for her success in enlisting the sympathy of
women of the more
comfortable clasw in behalf of the shamefully exploited female
workers in fac
tories, stores, and offices.

of what were called trades councils — that is, delegate bodies which
linked together, without much authority, but with great effective-
ness, the local unions of various trades and industries within each
area. In 1864 the danger of hostile legislation became acute and
the Glasgow Trades Council called for a national conference to
combat it, and three years later the Sheffield Trades Council took
the lead in convoking such a conference to plan defense against
extensive lockouts which were then taking place. These confer-
ences were not looked on with favor by the Junta and the unions
under its leadership, but eventually they had to accept the inno-
vation. In' 1868 a conference met in Birmingham, in response

to a call issued by the Manchester Trades Council, which proposed

a very broad agenda. The delegates present claimed to repre-
sent 118,000 union members. They took the name of Trade Union
Congress, and decided that such a gathering should be held every
year to discuss whatever questions should be of interest to unions
at the time. number of members represented was put
In 1869 the
at 250,000 and the next yearat 375,000, which was probably
about half of the whole number of organized workers at the time.
Except for the year 1870, when by a maneuver the call was not
issued, the Trade Union Congress has met annually ever since.
While it does not claim for itself and its interim ofBcers and
committees any actual authority over the affiliated unions, the reso-
lutions which the Congress adopts by substantial majorities are
generally complied with. Representing more than 7,000,000 or-
ganized wage workers, it shares with the Annual Conference of
the Labor Party the responsibility of formulating and uttering
the thoughts and aspirations of the now dominant force in the
British nation.^*

i^The BritUh Trade Union Congress is the oldest body of its kind iir the world.
The American Federation of Labor (under a different name for its first five yean)
dates from 1881. In Germany a corresponding body was formed in 1891, France
followed in 1895, and the example was imitated in most European and Latin Amer-
ican countries. There came into existence also international federations of great
industries, and at length an International Federation of Trade Unions. Two world
wars and the (Communist schism have crippled but not killed thuase international

‘^The Epoch of Reform”

It has long been the fashion to represent English history through

the nineteenth century as a halcyon age, when rights and liberties

were dropping as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place be-
neath or, to putmore prosaically, when wise Liberals and oc-

casionally magnanimous Tories were handing out sugar plums

to the people as fast as they could be digested. Perhaps belief in
tliat bedtime story is in some measure excusable in this country,

where most of us know even less about the facts of English social
history than about our own. It is rather comforting (to those of
us who prize comfort above truth) to be assured in these unsettled
times that we “Anglo-Saxons” are essentially unlike Kelts and
Teutons, Latins and Slavs, in that it is our nature to go ahead at
a quiet and even pace, without jumping or jostling or otherwise
disturbing the peace. Strangely enough, most Englishmen seem
tobe equally credulous. English workingmen at least should re-
member the pit whence they have been digged and the rock whence
they have been hewn, and how dark was the pit and how painful
the task of hewing away the rock that weighed them down. When
British labor leaders shake their
heads disapprovingly at the very
thought of revolution and solemnly repudiate the notion of class
struggle, we may suspect that this is a matter of “good form”
rather than a confession of faith.“
It is true that in the course of that century, and even during
its first and second third, when the power of making laws was still

rigorously monopolized by a wealthy minority, a great many meas-

ures were enacted which, from one point of view or another, may
rightly be called progressive; and it is true that a considerable
number of these were either directly or incidentally, either im-

Some forty years ago Dr. Anna Ingerman, a well known New York socialist, had
an interview with Keir Hardie in London. At a certain point Hardie interrupted to
say, “We British socialists don’t believe in class struggle.” “Yes, I know that ” was
the reply, “but we American socialists think of you. Comrade Hardie, as the
fi n-^ t
embodiment of the idea of class struggle”— and, she afterward told us, Hardie seemed
to be very well pleased.

mediately or after a time, beneficial to the working classes. But

it is equally true that some of those which are called progres-
sivemeasures and many outside that list which were enacted by
thesame parliaments were definitely injurious to the workers and
were meant to be so. There is a familiar adage warning us not
to look a gift horse in the mouth; but if we are called upon to
give three generations of British statesmen a credential for pro-
gressive legislation it is our right and duty to examine into its

motives and itseffects. The motives call for our attention, not

in order that we may award praise or blame to the legislators as

individuals, hut in order that we may learn by what means and
methods an exploited and oppressed class can best advance its


The outstanding measures in the honor roll of British states-

manship as usually presented are the partial humanizing of the
penal laws; the repeal of the Combination Acts; the repeal of
old laws making it difficult for workingmen to travel in quest of
employment; the Poor Law of 1834; the repeal of the Com Laws;
the Ten Hour Law; a long list of minor factory laws; ^besides, —
of course, the parliamentary reform measures and those abolish-
ing discrimination against Jews and against Catholics. These last
two are laudable, but have little to do with the question before
us, as they do not involve class interests. The same may be said
of the penal law amendments, the most telling argument in their
favor having been that diminution of the penalties would result
in more convictions.
The Combination Acts, as we have seen, would not have been
repealed if the upper-class legislators had not stupidly supposed
that the result would be to diminish the working people’s ten-
dency to form trade unions and political clubs. When they saw
how they had blundered they made haste to reenact as much of the
old laws as they dared. In 1824 as in 1825 the interest of the em-
ployers was obviously the ruling motive.
As to the laws of settlement, which dated back to the sixteenth
century, there had been no false pretense as to their original pur-
pose. The landowners, then in full control of the legislative func-
tion, wished to have always at their beck and call so large a num-
ber of laborers that there should be no need for giving them extra
pay in plowing and harvest time, even at the cost of doling out

niggardly relief through the less busy seasons — ^virtually, to keep

them in a state of serfage. But as factory industry grew in mag-
nitude it was the urban capitalists who demanded an oversupply
of workers, so that their competition for jobs should hold wages
down to a bare subsistence level. For the immediate welfare, or
illfare, of the workers it was a matter of indifference where they
should be half-starved. In the long run, the shift from country
to city strengthened the forces of social revolution, but the repeal

of the old laws was purely a victory of bourgeois over agrarian

class interest.
The new poor law was an act of cold and calculated cruelty,
which served two purposes. It saved a great deal of money for
the taxpayers; but at the same time it drove the aging or half in-

valid workers to sell their services to the employers for less than
the barest living, thus dragging down the general level of wages,
in order to escape the physical and moral misery of going to the
workhouse, which the advocates of the law declared ought to be
made “a house of terror.” As Scrooge said, “If they would rather
die they had better do so, and reduce the surplus population.”
Betty Higden did.
In the matter of the Corn Laws there would appear to be a
clearly defined antagonism between the landlords, who were as-
sured an excessively high price for their grain, and the working
people, whose numbers made them the principal customers. The
workers, however, showed comparatively little interest in the ques-
tion because they believed, as did the employing class, that a
cheapening of bread would make possible a counterbalancing re-
duction of wages. Such would have been the case, had not growth
of England’s exports of manufactured goods brought about a per-
ceptible increase of demand for labor power by the
the laws tiTnt>

were repealed. The benefit was consequently divided between em-


ployers and wage workers and ultimately went in the main to the
latter. was the employers who fought the battle, but for their

own class interest, as they believed, not from altruistic motives.

The Ten Hour Law was unquestionably beneficial to the wage
workers —more so, indeed, than either they or its capitalist op-
ponents expected. If it did not in the long run diminish the em-
ployers* profits it did so for the time and they had then no reason
to doubt that the injury would be permanent. Since the act did not
apply to farm laborers nor to domestic and personal servants, the
landowners welcomed the opportunity to strikeback at the fac-
tory owners by giving it their support. Tardy and inadequate as
this measure was, applying only to women and persons under the
age of eighteen, and only to such of these as worked in factories,
Karl Marx hailed its passage as “the victory of a principle.” It

was the first law in the world giving even limited protection to
any adult workers, and in practice, unexpectedly to all concerned,
it brought the shorter workday also to large numbers of men work-

ing side by side with women.

To Whom Should Credit Go?

We have yet to speak of earlier factory legislation, beginnin g

in 1802. The act of that year fixed twelve hours, exclusive of
mealtimes, as themaximum workday for boys and girls under ten
who, being orphans or pauper children, were lodged with the em-
ployer. Not until 1819 was the employment of children less than
nine years old prohibited and the twelve-hour rule extended to
youth under sixteen, and only in 1831 was 69 hours made the
maximum workweek. Comment would be superfluous.
To explain the economic and social legislation of this period
by the growth of humane sentiment or of mental alertness is to
ignore tangible elements. However individuals may vary in sen-
sitiveness to human misery or in receptiveness to new ideas, the
lines of action in which they exhibit these qualities are deter-
mined by quite other factors. Conservatives were surely no more
likely than Liberals to be humane and open minded; yet it was
usually the former who promoted labor legislation, while the lat-

ter stubbornly opposed it; the very paladin of Liberalism, the pious
and philanthropic John Bright, denounced the Ten Hour Law as
“one of the worst measures ever passed.” The Liberals were strong
for redistribution of seats, but very hesitant as to extension of the
right to vote. In 1842 the Liberal historian Macaulay declared
in parliament that manhood suffrage “would be fatal to all the
purposes for which government exists . . . and utterly incompati-
ble with the very existence of civilization”; and the ensuing divi-
sion indicated that most of the Liberal members agreed with him.
In 1867 it was a Conservative ministry that carried through an
more than twice
act extending the suffrage to as many men as
would have been enfranchised by a bill which the Liberals had
proposed a few months earlier; had the Liberals had their way,
comparatively few workingmen would have got the vote. These
and many other farts justify us in saying that neither party did

anything for the workers at its own cost politically or at any

economic cost to the propertied class which it represented. But
we may safely go farther and say that no important law especially
beneficial to the working people was enacted except under pressure
exerted in one form or another by the working people. Toward
the end of this period and thereafter, as the workers were able to
exercise influence by the disposal of their votes, there was less oc-

casion for the use or threat of violence.

The later 1860s marked an ending and cleared the way for a
new beginning. The trade-union movement assumed an organiza-
tional form which enormously increased its stability and its capa-
city for united action. The projected anti-union legislation was
thrust aside, and soon thereafter a number of repressive laws that
had survived from darker times were repealed and a broad and in-
telligently framed Employers and Workmen Act set an example

for countries on both sides of the Atlantic to follow. The passage

of the Second Reform Bill enfranchised the urban wage work-

ers and made it a eertainty that before long those of the agricul-
turaland mining districts would be added to the electorate.
The speed and comparative ease with which these great for-
ward steps were taken made it easy to believe that a durable so-
cial peace bad taken the place of the strife and turmoil of the
last seventy years. It is no wonder that a mood of easy going op-
timism and we may almost say of intellectual indolence ensued.

British Role in World Socialism

By a striking coincidence, the first volume of Marx’s Capitcd,

written in England and mainly from English materials, was first

published in Germany in the year 1867. In its preface we read:

In this work I have to examine the capitalist mode of production,

and the conditions of production and exchange corresponding
to that mode. Up to the present time, their classic ground is

England. That is why England is used as the chief illustration

in the development of my theoretical ideas. If, however, the
German reader shrugs his shoulders at the condition of the
English industrial and agricultural laborers, or in optimistic
fashion comforts himself with the thought that in Germany
things are not nearly so had, I must plainly tell him, De te

jabula narralur . . . The country that is more developed indus-

trially shows to the under eloped the image of its own future.

It is a mistake to suppose that Socialism is a French or a Ger-

man product, brought over to England late in the nineteenth cen-
tury. In fact, both as a movement and as an ideology rooted in
that movement, its English ancestry ran back to the Puritan Rev-
olution of 1640 to 1660^” and it passed through its childhood as a
movement in Great Britain from the 1790s till the ISSOs. A
period of adolescent uncertainty and irresolution ensued, but by
the 1890s it came to the front as a warrior armed for the fight,

20 Much light lia.o been thrown on this by Eduarrl Bernstein in liis Soziafismus und
Demokratie in der Grossen Englischfn Revolution, 1908, an English translation of
wliich is to be desired.
but somewhat contemptuous of its childish adventures. True,
there had been no working-class revolution in the ordinary sense

of the phrase and indeed there still has been none and probably
will be none, in that sense —
but to deny that there had been a
revolutionary movement of the British working class, with a his-
tory full of heroic efforts and tragic reverses, for decades before
any comparable movement had begun on the Continent, or that
its and experiences have contributed to make the British
labor movement what it is today, is altogether unjustified. There
is something vividly symbolic in the fact that Andrew Hardie was
hanged in 1819, and that in 1892 his great-nephew, James Keir
Hardie, was the
first avowed Socialist independently elected to the

House of Commons, where his party now holds a secure majority.

It may be thought that in this monograph we have given far too
large a portion of our space to the early history of the working
class movement in Great Britain. Our defense is, in the first place,
that we regard ideologies as growing out of movements, much more
than the reverse ; and in the second place that, as summarily stated
in the foregoing paragraph. Great Britain was in fact the cradle
and elementary school of modern Socialism and that today (we
must change our figure of speech) British Socialism is the van-
guard and massive center of what has become a world-wide move-
ment. Passing over with bare mention even the high lights of its
later development —
such as the foundation of the Fabian Society
and the Social Democratic Federation in 188.1 and 1885, the rise
of the New Unionism in ]889-’90, and the organization of the
Labor Representation Committee in 1900, which became the Bri.
tish Labor Parly in —we must now
1906 turn our attention to the
European Continent.

The Background of Marxism

In the field of social history all beginnings are relative.

of whatever we may call the date of origin of any institution or
movement lie the conditions and tendencies out of which it grew.

With this qualification, 1848 may be cjunted as the birth-year of

international Socialism, and the issuance of the Communist Mani-
festo as the first step in the development of a new social force
which, challenging all the accepted ideas, assailing all the estab-
lished institutions, threatening all the vested interests of aris-
tocratic and capitalist society, boldly set itself the task of putting

an end to the exploitation of man by man and of building from

the bottom up a free and classless world.*^

Karl Marx (alone or in conjunction with Frederick Engels) is

often and not without reason spoken of as the founder or creator

of modern Socialism. Yet the phrase needs some reservation. To
use a rough parallel, Marx was the creator of Socialism in much
the same sense as Martin Luther was the creator of Protestantism.
Neither of them made something out of nothing. In each case the
creative worker utilized materials (especially intellectual mate-
rials) derived from the past and dealt with them under conditions
not of his own making. No doubt the inner nature of the thinker
and leader — his mental and emotional habits and attitudes, as in-

herited or as formed by childhood experiences — is an important

factor. Unfortunately we can know very little about this, and can
reconstruct it only by conjecture and inference.^ Concerning
materials with which and conditions under which he worked
we can have objective knowledge, and we may do well to con-

fine our attention to these —bearing in mind also that Marx was
not the sole demiurge of midcentury Socialism, though clearly
foremost among those who made it what it was, which is equally
true of Luther and the origin of Protestantism.
Here and a lew other points in the following pages the writer takes the
liberty (kindly granted by tbe Rand School Press) of borrowing some passages from
his general introduction to Essentials of Marx, published in 1926. It will not be
necessary to identify these by quotation marks or otherwise.
22 The best biographies are Karl Marx-. Geschichte Seines Lebens, by Franz
Mehring, and Karl Marx: Man and Fighter, by Boris 1. Nicolaevsky and Otto Manchen-
Helfen. Otto Riihle’s Karl Marx: His Life and Work supplements these at some
points, but his attempt to psychoanalyze Marx is amateurish and inaccurate as to
facts. Wilhdm Liebknecht’s Karl Marx: Biographical Memoirs, Karl Kautsky’s Aus
der Fruhteit des Marxismus, and Gustav Mayer’s Friedrich Engels: A Biography are
When we speak of the origin of Socialism, its growth and its

changing forms, we may have in mind a certain body of histori-

caland economic theory or a certain social and political move-
ment of the masses. We may think of these separately, may de-
scribe or criticize either one by itself; but really to understand
either, we must They are indeed two
take the other into account.
interacting aspects of thesame developing phenomenon. If we ask
which of them is primary, which more influences the other, it
seems well to give precedence to the movement to say with Faust: —
Im Anfang war die That, “In the beginning was the Deed.” For-
convenience’s sake, however, we shall here speak first of the intel-
lectual heritage received by the Forty-Eighters.
With even better right than Ferdinand Lassalle, who actually
made the boast, Marx and Engels might have claimed that they
wrote every line armed with the entire culture of their century.
We need specify, however, only three of the currents of thought
which were assimilated itito the Marxian theoretical system.

The French Materialists

First comes the influence of the French materialists of the later

eighteenth century, notably Diderot, Condillac, Helvetius, d’Alem-
bert, Holbach, Condor5et, and Cabanis, whose overlapping periods
of intellectual activity stretched from 1746 to 1798. The primary
interest of these men was not in social, economic, and political
problems, though they did not ignore them and though the results
of their work did deeply affect later thinking in these fields. What
concerned them first of all was to understand the nature of the
world and of man as a feeling and thinking part thereof
a range —
of interest that reaches from physics to psychology and may ex-
tend thence into the social sciences. Like Berkeley and other
idealists,they obtained clearness and consistency by denying the
duality of things and ideas, matter and spirit. Nature and —
the one school by denying the reality of material things, the other
by accepting it as the whole and sole reality. If they came to the

limit of their present knowledge on any line of inquiry, they did

not fly to what Spinoza had called “that last refuge of ignorance,
the will of God”; instead, they set themselves to gain more knowl-
edge. They are but little thought of today because they did so
effectively their work of laying the materialistic basis of modern
science; by our time the magnitude and firmness of the super-
structure have become so impressive that we forget about its foun-
dations."® The weakness of the philosophes was that their thought-
method was largely static, tending to set up a codified system of
supposedly eternal truths or laws of nature, which easily became
an obstacle to the further advancement of knowledge. This was
particularly disastrous when they came to the study of human be-
havior, individual and social, in which, because of the greater dif-
ficulty of using the methods of observation and experiment, there

was a greater temptation to deal in abstractions, building up lists

of man’s faculties and his passions, and so making a stereotype of
human nature, upon which might be modeled the laws of a “per-
fect state.”

Hegelien Philosophy

The second of the intellectual influences which went to the for-

mation of Marxism, and the one which corrected the shortcoming
of French materialism, was that of theGerman philosopher Hegel.
Born in 1770, Hegel was already nineteen when the French Rev-
olution began, anil it was in the same memorable year that Hol-
bach died, leaving only two of the seven protagonists of material-
ism whose work we have discussed still alive; Condorget died in
1794 and Cabanis’ activity ended in 1798. Hegel’s teaching life

began in 1797, synchronizing with Napoleon’s accession to dic-

^ It is true that, especially in the English speaking countries, there are a good
many reputable scientists wlio repudiate materialism. But it is equally true and
important that the methods which they use in their respectivd branches of research
are entirely consistent with the philosophy of materialistic monism and wholly
inconsistent with philosophical dualism. In their pursuit of knowledge, as Laplace
told Napoleon, they have no need for hypotheses about God, spirit, or other imma-
terial bein^, and would be hampered and misled by their intrusion.
tatorial power. The next eighteen years saw the growth of the
Hegelian philosophy to its maturity, and coincided with the Na-
poleonic period, the almost complete subjugation of Europe, and
then the huge disaster of the Russian campaign, the German War
of Liberation, the battles of Leipzig and of Waterloo, the Holy
Alliance, and the restoration of the Bourbon dynasty. Hegel died
in 1831, in the midst of a new turning of the political tide, marked
by the second French revolution of 1830, which drove out the
Bourbons and substituted the bourgeois and moderately liberal
Orleans Monarchy, the independence of Belgium in the same year,
the unsuccessful but inspiring Polish insurrection in 1830-’31,
and the firstreform of the British parliament in 1832. We think
this collocation of dates worth pondering. If Heine was right in
callingImmanuel Kant the Robespierre of German and European
philosophy, we may regard Hegel as its Napoleon but with the —
difference that in this case the empire survived its ruler.
In 1836 Karl Marx, then eighteen years old and with credit for
a year’s study at Bonn, transferred to Berlin, where Hegel had
taught for the last thirteen years of his life. One of the younger
universities (founded in1809) Berlin was still a sanctuary of
academic freedom, even under the shadow of Potsdam. The He-
gelian philosophy was still dominant there, but not unchallenged.
Although Hegel had been in intent and effect a German nationalist
and a champion of Prussian monarchy, and had long been ac-
cepted as such, some intelligent reactionaries had by this time
come to realize that in one of its aspects his philosophy
had rev-
olutionary implications, and there was an active opposition within
the faculty. Simultaneously there was developing within the stu-
dent body a revolt from the other direction, bringing into the light
just those dangerous implications.
Hegel, in sharpest antagonism to the French materialists of the
preceding era —an antagonism made
yet keener by the two de-
cades of political struggle between France, first revolutionary,
then imperial, and half-subjugated —
Germany ^had been a thor-
ough-going and aggressive idealist. To illustrate the meaning

t}{ these philosophical terms: — ^For the materialists, individual

men were substantially and objectively real, while man expressed
only our way of recognizing that all men are sufficiently alike to
be thought of collectively, leaving out of account individual dif-
ferences among them; for the idealists, from Plato to Hegel, with
many other thinkers in the twenty-two intervening centuries, the
idea Man was the eternal reality, and the individual men only
its more or less accurate copies, reflections, or manifestations; and
the same, of course, for the idea tree or stream or table.^*'
This age-long conflict as to the reality of ideas and of things
is not a sterile dispute over words. It has involved the difference
between believing and knowing, between orthodoxy and freedom
of thought; it has usually, if not always, had a social-political sig-
nificance. Plato, the outstanding antidemocratic theorist of ancient
Greece, was the first advocate of what we should now call a total-

itarian state. Throughout the Middle Ages the realists (in modem
phrase idealists) stood for the supreme authority of the universal
Holy Church, except in some instances when they favored the
supremacy of the would-be universal Holy Empire, while the
growth of nominalism (an approach to modern materialism) was
associated with the rising of national states and with schism within
the church. Not to multiply instances, it was in the regular course
of things that, the universal church having been dismembered and
the notion of universal empire having, as it then seemed, lost all
validity, the latestform of idealism should be accepted as the
philosophic bulwark of each national state and of each state church
against subversive movements for regional or local independence.

We are aware that this is a very inadequate statement of the two ways of
thinking, but we hope it may be comprehensible, so far as it goes. —
The medieval
thinkers whom we call idealists were in their own time called realists; there is no

difference in meaning to bold that ideas are real is the same as to hold that ideas
are retd. Their opponents, the nominalists and the conceptualists, approximated the
position of our materialists. In modern times “spiritualism” is often used as a
synonym for “idealism,” but this is unfortunate; the two viewq overlap, but are not
identical. —We must of course guard against attaching to these philosophical party
names the meanings they convey in common parlance. A
spiritualist in the philoso-
phical sense does not necessarUy believe in ghosts end patronize “mediums”; an
idealist may not be more altruistic or less practical than his neighbors; the medieval*
realists were not particularly “hard boiled”; nor are materialistic thinkers noted as
money grabbers or as gourmands.
for religious liberty, for the civil rights of individuals, for rd'
sponsibility of governments to peoples — in a word, for democracy.
The democratic aspirations which had blossomed in revolution-
ary France did not die with the fall of the Jacobins. Though
thwarted in practice under Napoleonic and Bourbon rule, they
lived on as aspirations, not only in their homeland, but in all the
countries where French influence was felt. Of their embodiment
in obscure conspiracies and occasionally in abortive revolts we
shall presently have something to say. They lived also, however,
in the minds of many young intellectuals who as yet neither con-
spired nor rebelled, and nowhere more than in Germany, where
a high and fairly widespread culture co-existed with a very effec-
tive system of repression. Cut off from action and even from open
discussion of social and political subjects, they took to philosophy,
not as an avenue of escape, but as possibly a way to the solu-

tion of their problems.

The Dialectic Method

Far from everyday reality as the Hegelian philosophy super-

ficially appears, it was capable of meeting this need. In the first

place, Hegel did not, like Leibnitz, hold that ‘‘Everything is for
the best in the best of all possible worlds.” He saw an intelligible
development in the physical univeise and in human society. Even
though he treated an evolution of “the Idea” reflected in
this as

the world of things and of persons, this was in itself a potentially

dangerous notion, for it made even the Prussian monarchy not a
perfect state, but only “the best yet.” Moreover, there were pas-
sages in his latest work, The Philosophy of History, which show
that he did not unreservedly reject popular revolution as an ele-
ment in social progress.
More significant, however, from our point of view, than Hegel’s
conclusions -was his highly original logic, his manner of thinking
and communicating his thought. Again in contrast to that of the

French materialists, Hegel’s thought-method was dynamic or evolu-


tionary — or, to use terms less familiar now than they were a cen-
tury ago, his method was dialectic and theirs metaphysical. He
thought of everything in terms of process rather than of static
existence. Instead of saying “This isand that is not,” he said
“This is ceasing to be what it was and becoming what it was not.”
Something very like this method had been independently con-
ceived about five hundred years before Christ by the Greek Hera-
kleitos and by the Indian Gautama, but to nineteenth century Eu-
rope it came as a startling and invigorating novelty. Its specific

form and technique have since been almost forgotten, but only
because in substance it has become merged into the stream of
scientific thought.

Until the young Marx came to Berlin his liveliest intellectual

interest had been in pure literature. Having without much en-

thusiasm chosen the law as a future means of livelihood, he had

at Bonn and had found the subject more
begun his legal studies
had expected; actuall> it served him only as a
attractive than he
bridge of philosophy, to history, and later to economics. He
shared his father’s rationalistic and liberal views but, as befitted
his age, held them in a more aggressive way. He had at this time
but little knowledge of or interest in philosophy, and was some-
what prejudiced against Hegelianism. In the stimulating atmos-
phere of the great university, however, his interest in the sub-
ject awoke, he studied it eagerly for a year, emerged as an ardent
but not uncritical follower of Hegel, and found himself among
those who called themselves the Young Hegelians. The Contin-
ental universities at that time retained some traces of their me-
dieval origin as voluntary associations of students, who engaged
famous scholars to lecture to them, but whose method of learn-
ing consisted more in free discussion or formal “disputation”
within more or less fluid student groups than in listening to lec-
tures. The line of distinction between faculty and student body

was therefore much less sharp than it has ever been in our Amer-
ican universities. If not with the more distinguished professors,
it was at any rate possible and not unusual for the youthful under-
graduates to associate intimately with considerably older men
who held doctoral degrees and were in at least the lower ranks
of the teaching body. Such was the case with Marx, and he very
soon won a high standing among the Young Hegelians. The mem-
bers of this group — if it can rightly be called a group —were held
together by reverence for Hegel, by use of the dialectic thought
method, and by open and sometimes demonstrative opposition to
one or more aspects of the existing order of society. For the rest,

there was wide divergence of opinion among them.

Marx as Publicist

By 1841, the twenty-third year of his life, well as Marx had

earned his doctorate by intellectual attainments, it became known
that, solely because of his equally well earned reputation as a
“dangerous radical,” government pressure would prevent the uni-
versity from granting him the degree. He had no difficulty in deal-
ing with the situation by transferring to Jena and there submitting
his dissertation, whereupon that university readily made him a
doctor of philosophy. This did not solve the problem of liveli-

hood. He had long since given up the idea of entering the legal
profession, but had hopefully qualified himself to become a pro-
fessor of philosophy. The fact of strong Prussian government hos-
tility, however, made it unlikely that he could obtain a profes-
sorship anywhere in Germany and extremely doubtful whether, if
appointed, he could hold the place very long. The alternative was
to live by his pen. In May, 1842, he became a regular contributor
to the Rheinische Zeitung, a politically liberal paper which had
recently .begun publication in Cologne, and five months later he
was made its chief editor. Another five months and he resigned
his position in the hope that this might save the paper from threat-
ened suppression, but within a fortnight the edict was carried into
effect. It is known that in this, as in many other instances before
and later, the authorities in Berlin acted under pressure from Saint


The importance of this “brief interlude” is that, having to deal

editorially with certain current events unfavorably affecting the
life of the peasants, Marx had to throw himself into the study of
economics, a subject which he had hitherto neglected.
We come now to the third of the intellectual legacies that en-
tered into the nascent ideology of Socialism —namely, the then
relatively young science of economics or, as itwas usually called
until late in the nineteenth century, political economy.
In this field, as in that of dialectic reasoning, an ancient Greek
had made a About the middle of the fourth
brilliant beginning.
century before Christ both Xenophon and Aristotle had written

books about oikonomia literally, management of a household or,

by extension, of an estate or enterprise but these were hardly
more than practical handbooks for landowners. Besides his Eco-
nomics, however, Aristotle wrote a theoretical treatise, which has
somehow come down to us as the introduction to his Politics. In
thishe defines such broad concepts as production, barter, money,
commerce, acquisition and accumulation of riches; distinguishes
value from utility; briefly discusses usury; and hesitantly works
out a defense of slavery. He barely mentions the existence of self-
employing mechanics and of wage workers, and stops short of
analyzing price, value, rent, interest, wages, and profit. The trea-
incomplete in scope and sketchy in form, but as a rough-
tise is

hewn torso it is full of promise.

The promise, however, went unfulfilled for two thousand years.
Throughout the Greco-Roman period, the Middle Ages, and the
Renaissance no further contribution to economic theory was at-

tempted.*® Only in the sixteenth century did problems arising

from the increased financial needs of the national *monarchies and
from the expansion of commerce and the price revolution which
Da Gama and Columbus and the con-
followed the discoveries of
quest of Mexico and Peru call forth empirical works comparable

“An exception may be made for the North African Arab historian Ibn Khaldun,
died in 1406. He does not seem to hare had any foreruiyter or successor in the
Moalem world, and his work was unknown in Europe until it was translated into
French four hundred years after his death.
with those by Xenophon and Aristotle. In the next two centuries
came efforts toward analysis of the economic process as a whole,
which led up to the theoretical systems of the Mercantilist and
Physiocratic schools, and these at length gave place to the masterly
work of Adam Smith, whose Wealth of Nations was published in
Let US' note that the inventions of Hargreaves, Arkwright,
Smeaton, and Walt were made l)elween 1760 and 1770; that
Crompton’s improvement on the earlier spinning machines came
only in 1779; that the first use of steam to run a factory was in
1785; that Cartwright’s power loom, patented in 1785, was but
little used until 1813; and that Eli Whitney’s cotton gin came into
use after 1 795. These dates show why, when Adam Smith gave his
book to the press, he had no idea that an unprecedented revolu-
tion was getting under way. His Wealth of Nations closed an era
in the history of economic thought and cleared the road for a new
Within a generation the revolution in the world of fact was
visible to all who were not unwilling to see. The factory system
was spreading like a green bay tree (see Psalms, 37.35) — or like
the upas tree of travelers’ tales. Low-born mill owners were tak-
ing precedence of the landed gentry. The old class of self-employ-
ing hand workers homes and small shops was being extermin-

ated by the competition of machine-made goods. In its place the

relatively new class of wage workers was rapidly growing, the
employment of whose women and children dragged men’s wages
down and swelled the profits of the factory lords. As the workers’
earnings fell, the price of bread and the rentals of overcrowded
lodgings rose. IJiideniably, as the rich grew richer, the poor were
growing poorer.
The revolution in the world of thought, as usual, lagged be-
hind. True, there was bitter resentment at the bottom of the so-
cial pyramid, but it was an unenlightened and futile resentment.
True, there were individuals in the higher strata who pitied the
poor; but their pity brought no healing, for they knew not what

to do. The parson told the sufferers to be content in that station

of life whereto God had called them, and for his own part thanked
God that his own lines were fallen to him in pleasant places. The
honest business man honestly declared that he’d never stolen six-
pence in his life, and least of all from a penniless starveling. And
all this was not wanton cruelty nor conscious hypocrisy. They
did not understand the world in which they lived and throve. They
did not think in terms of an economic system. To their way of
thinking the misery of the masses was in the same category as
earthquakes and tornados — causeless and humanly cureless evils

—and so, laissez faire, laissez passer —which being interpreted

meant “Every man for himself and the Devil take the hindmost.”

Ricardian Economics

Let us pass on to David Ricardo’s Principles of Political Econ-

omy, which came out in 1817, and of which Thomas De Quincey

I wondered at the book. Had this profound work really been

written in England during the nineteenth century? Was it

possible? I suj)i)osed lanalytir] thinking had been extinct in

England. Could it be that an Englishman . . . oppressed by

mercantile and senatorial cares, had accomplished what all the

universities* of Europe! . . . had failed to advance by one hair’s

breadth? All other wri'ers had been crushed and overlaid by the
enormous weight of facts and documents. Mr. Ricardo had
deduced . . . laws which first gave a ray of light into the un-
wieldy chaos of materials, and had constructed what had been
but a collection of tentative discussions into a science.”

This tribute is not extravagant. Ricardo was the Isaac New-

ton of economics.

Ricardo was neither a reactionary nor a reformer, neither a

praiser of past times nor the herald of a good time coming by-and-
by, and surely not an advocate of drastic social change. He did

not appeal to popular enthusiasm nor to the upper-class fear of

innovation. Far from being in private life indifferent to ethical

ideals, in his book he strictly limited himself to the scientific task

he had undertaken; he passed no moral judgments, neither en-
dorsed nor condemned what he saw about him, stirred no hopes
and raised no warnings.
His book gives us the impression that he was singularly lack-
ing in historical sense, was not interested in how the present came
to be what it is nor in what it was going to become. Certainly not
a cold hearted man, he was an extraordinarily cool headed and
objective observer and analyst. To all appearances he accepted
production for sale, private ownership of the means of produc-
tion, freedom of enterprise and of competition, individualistic
quest of material gain, and the relations of landlord and tenant,
employer and wage worker, seller and purchaser, creditor and
debtor, as things eternal for the future, though not in the past.

ITiere could and would be improvement, but it would consist of

changes of detail within the existing order. Taking all this as

granted, he stated and explained with marvelous acuteness the
normal inner workings of the system of production and exchange
as it had taken form within the forty-five years that he had lived.
In the light of his demonstration, the economic laws of value, of
rent, of wages, and so forth might seem to have the same kind of
validity as have the laws of gravitation and of chemical affinity.

Not only because the subject is abstruse, but also because of

a deficiency in literary style and artistic arrangement, the Prin-

ciples of Political Economy is rather hard reading. Yet it was and

long continued to be very widely read and diligently studied.
All the conservative and reactionary elements welcomed it as an
inexhaustible armory of destructive weapons to be used against
“radicals” of every shade. So it was, but what the standpatters

overlooked was that the doors of the armory were open to all and
that the weapons could be pointed either way.**
Marx did not simply accept Ricardo’s conclusions. He studied

him critically, as he had studied Hegel, though he found less oc-

casion for dissent. At certain points he modified the Ricardian

laws or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that he devel-
oped them to a finer precision. Above all, he recognized, as ap-
parently Ricardo had not, that these laws were the statement of
economic relations prevailing within a certain social order, that
this order was not eternal, that it was undergoing change, and that

economic laws must not only state relations as prevailing at a

given moment, but must indicate the directions and, so far as prac-
ticable, the momenta of change. In brief, economics became dy-
namic in the hands of Marx, and it thereby became a revolution-
ary force.

Marx Vitalizes Ricardo

In the first place, Marx the economist, completing the Ricardian

static analysis, exhibited the capitalist pure-and-simple as a para-
site pure-and-simple — or, to put it less rudely, showed that as the
growth of capital divorces the primitive capitalist’s aspect as di-

rector of the productive process from his continuing aspect as

owner of means of production, it renders the capitalist socially
unnecessary and injurious. In the second place, treating capital-
ism as but the latest in a series of property systems, each of which
by its own full development exhausts itself and at the same time

This is no doubt the reason why bourgeois economists began, after the third
quarter of the nineteenth century, to moderate their devotion to Ricardo, and why
they have now got to the point of treating his work as a historical, curiosity. It re-
quires some very difficult contortions to accept Ricardo and reject Marx. The present
writer can well remember the lime when our high school textbooks of political
economy were still based on Ricardo, but showed some effort to avoid logical infer-
ences from his theories. A few years later, at any rate on the college level, Marshall
was being exalted in his place, and then Bohm-Bawerk took front rank, with his

“marginal’' theories which, by the way, are not fundamentally inconsistent with
Ricardian principles. More recently still the tendency is to pay as little attention
as possible to theories of value, price, rent, and wages and to substitute an empirical
treatment of commercial and financial phenomena.
prepares the conditions of existence for its successor, Marx tlie!

historian l)rings to light the normal process by which capitalism

“produces its own grave-diggers.’*

Such are the main intellectual roots of the theoretical system of

Marx and Engels, which had taken form by 1848, though it had
not yet been developed in its various details, and which, subject
of course to modifications, was and is the theoretical system of

modern Socialism.^' Let us turn now to social-political tendencies

which entered into the composition of the Socialist movement
when it took shape in 1848.
Marx and Engels would perhaps not have worked out their
theories, and even if they had done so the theories might have re-

mained barren, had there not already existed the vague and un-
linked elements of a movement of social discontent, to which they
devoted themselves and which their clear thinking greatly helped
to unify, to guide, and to inspire.

Neither the speculative radicalism of Rousseau and the phil-

osophes of Priestley and Godwin nor the Utopian plans of
Saint-Simon, Fourier, and Owen, need detain us. Each of these
had rendered service by illuminating exposure of some aspects of
the existing social order. Some of them had formed what may
be called sects rather than movements. In so far as attempts had
been made to realize their dreams of society “as it ought to be”
by founding colonies or communities, not only did these fail, but
they retarded the working class movement in the same way that a

mirage retards the desert traveler by diverting him from his right
course. Except for that, only the Saint-Simonian sect presented
an obstacle in 1848.

- Let us here eniphaticully declare llial the Marxian tlieoretiral system is nut a
body of rigid dogmas. In its very nature it is self-critical. Those who, as followers or

as antagonists, cite utterances of Marx, Engels, and their cullahoraturs and con-
tiuators as religious sectaries or controversialists cite scriptural texts, do not know
the very elements of their way of thinking. The Marx of 1860 or 1870 sometimes
disagrees with the Marx of 1848. To the honest student this presents no difficulty,
hut he is interested to find out how Marx came to change his mind.

Strivings for Democracy

Of the more vital tendencies that merged to form modem So-

cialism the most general was the striving for political democracy.
Nowhere in Europe did manhood suffrage prevail at that time, but
in the most advanced nations on the Continent, as well as in Great

Britain it was being vigorously demanded.

When the rising bourgeoisie of France undertook to wrest power
from the monarchy, the aristocracy, and the state church, it needed
the help of the lower classes and made “Liberty, Equality, and
Fraternity” its Democracy triumphed in 1793-’94, and
then the bourgeoisie promptly kicked away the ladder by which
it had climbed. Under the Directory, the Napoleonic Consulate
and Empire, and the Bourbon Restoration of 1814-’30, now
broader and now narrower sections of the propertied classes mon-
opolized the powers of government. In the revolution of 1830 it
was the workers and students of Paris who bore the brunt of the
fighting, but once the old government had been overthrown, the

propertied classes united to seize upon the fruits of victory, and as

a result a large part of the lower middle class as well as the ar-
tisans and wage-workers were excluded from political power
through the eighteen years of the Orleans Monarchy, while the
financial bourgeois took precedence of the large landholders, the

industrial bourgeoisie being as yet not highly developed, and the

numerous class of peasant proprietors were inert so long as they
felt secure in possession of the lands which they had obtained
through the confiscations carried out under the First Republic.
Germany was still far behind France on the road toward popu-
lar self-government. Only in a few of its thirty or forty loosely

connected stales did any but the rich bourgeois share power with
the aristocrats. It was therefore possible for the middle classes to
hold democratic opinions, except —and it was an important excep-
tion — in so far as they were deterred by fear of what the lower
classes might do if a revolution was to get under way. In some
parts of Germany the factory system was developing, though it
was still small in comparison with the British, and the not very

numerous wage-working class, while bitterly discontented, was

handicapped by the lack of a revolutionary tradition.

In Great Britain, the native land of industrial capitalism, the

wage-working class had for half a century, as we have seen, fought
bravely for democracy as well as for betterment of their economic
conditions, but it was without any clear idealogy and its revolu-
tionary fervor was almost worn out by unsuccessful struggle. The
advent of Socialism in its modem form on the Continent came
just too late to establish effective contact with the British pro-


Second among the roots of the modern Socialist movement we

must name trade unionism. Only in Great Britain had this at-
tained any great strength and maturity. In Western and Central
Europe the factory system was from thirty to sixty years younger
than the British. The working men felt the competition of Bri-
tish machine-made goods, which caused great misery among them,
but only in a few localities had any considerable proletariat of
the modern type come into existence. In general, too, having even
less of civil rights and political liberty than had their British

comrades, the lower classes and particularly the wage workers

were less able to organize on the economic held. Organization of
workingmen to obtain better wages had been made criminal in

France by a law enacted in 1791 ^that is, while the Great Rev-
olution was still in its ascending phase, and eight years before
the British Combination —
Laws ^and legislation of this type pre-
vailed in most parts of Europe down to the 1860s or later. Na-
turally there were many attempts at building secret unions, but
they had little success.

Underground Communism

Finally we must take note of the underground societies whose

existence was a normal response to repressive governments. Many

of these had in view only political purposes of a more or less

democratic character, but some aimed at profoimd economic and
social change. The most famous had been the Society of the
Equals, led by Frangois Noel Babeuf, who called himself Grac-
chus Baheuf, which in 1795-’96 planned to overthrow the French
government, nationalize the land, and reorganize the nation on
communistic lines. The plot was discovered, Babeuf and one as-

sociate were guillotined, and the society disappeared, but for more
than half a century, especially in France, Germany, and 'Italy,
such groups were being formed, dissolved, unearthed, broken up,
and formed again.
This underground communism was generally of a utopian sort
— that is, from an abstract
to use Plekhanoff’s words, “starting
principle, sought to devise a perfect society.” Each group had

its ready-made scheme, based on its own conception of harmony,

justice, or some other moral abstraction. But whereas the follow-

ers of Saint-Simon, Owen, or Fourier expected all wise or good

persons, regardless of class, to accept their ideas, these conspira-

tive communists were free from the illusion that the propertied
classes could be persuaded They relied, if not pre-
to abdicate.

cisely on the working any rate on that more inchoate mass,

class, at

“the poor and oppressed,” and they counted on these to rally to

them whenever they gave the signal of revolt and to impose their
system upon society by force. It must be added that their schemes
were sometimes reactionary, in that they aimed to revive local
small-scale production by hand labor, rather than to socialize the
now strongly developing system of great machine industry. As the
midcentury approached, however, some clarification of ideas took
This was the case with the League of the Just, a society com-
posed mostly of German exiles, organized in 1836, with head-
quarters at first in Paris, but afterward in London. Primarily
a conspirative group, watchfully awaiting the moment for revolt,
it had formed around it an open society for education and pro?
In 1844- ’45 Marx and his friend Frederick Engels®* became
was now acquiring Eng-
closely associated with this group, which
lish, Dutch, French, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, and Scandin-

avian members and correspondents. Their influence counted for

much in dispelling Utopian fantasies. By 1847 it was becoming
evident that another revolutionary crisis was approaching on the
Continent anrl, they might hope, in England as well. At two dele-
gate meetings the society was reorganized on a broader basis, its

international character was emphasized, propaganda of commun-

istic ideas and organization of the workers for self-directed action
was definitely accepted as its function, and the passing of its

former Utopian and conspirative as2)ects was symbolized by chang-

ing its name to Communist League and by substituting for its

former sentimental motto, “All men are brothers,” the aggres-

sive slogan, “Proletarians, of all countries. Unite!” Ten days
were spent in considering a statement of principles to be given
to the public, and by unanimous vole Marx and Engels were com-
missioned to give it final form. In the month of January, within a
few weeks before the armed uprisings in Paris, which overthrew the
Orleans Monarchy and proclaimed the Second Republic, they gave
the German text of the Communist Manifesto to the printers and
immediately afterward it was translated and published also in

-•* Engols’ barkgniuncl and early cxperienrea rontrasted sharply with tho^e of
Marx, who wab two years liih seniiii. He rame of a narrowly pious Protestant family,
which had built up a prosperous textile manufacturing business in tbe Wupperthal
(a hundred miles north of Marx’ native Trier) with an imporlant branch in England.
A year before he had completed gymna'-ium he was placed in tiis father’s business
and in 1842. at the age of twenty four, he was sent to Manchester, which, with
slight interruption, was his home until he retired from business in 1870; thereafter
he lived in Lomlon, where he Hied in 1895. having outlivi>d Marx by twelve years.
Engels knew the life of the wage workers. German and English, by direct observa-
tion, and he knew capitalist industry and commeicr by twenty-eight years of active
participation, from the status of clerk to that of managing partner. His intellectual
development, up to the time when he met Marx as an equal in 1842-’43, had been
achieved without academic aid. yet it had run in a closely parallel course. For the
next forty years they shared their thinking and, although he always minimized his
part, he undouhtedlv made a very large contribution to the joint product. —Gustav
Mayer's Friedrich Engels: A Biography (published in German, at the Hague. 1934;
English translation by J. H. Crossman. Knopf. New York, 1936) ranks with Mehr
ing’s and Nicolaevsky’s biographies of Marx. Kari Kautskv’s Aus der Friihzeit des
Marxismus (Prague, 1935) richly supplements both.

Thus modern Socialism was born, not solely out of the minds
of two great theoreticians (who were also, as their whole lives
thereafter showed, also great propagandists, organizers, and tac-

ticians) but out of a combination of a number of intellectual cur-

rents and popular strivings which they, among all the participants,

were best able to understand, co-ordinate, and explain.

It is neither practicable nor necessary for us even to sketch the
whole history of Socialism through the last himdred years. What
we have yet to do is to note the outstanding features of the Social-

ist or Communist"" ideology of 1848 and then to indicate when,

how, and why they have been substantially changed. In some in-

stances the changes have come gradually or at any rate by amic-

able discussion and decision upon differences of opinion that have
grown up within the movement. In other cases they have involved
violent controversy culminating in secession or schism. In order
to indicatewhat we regard as the continuous body or stream of
the movement which has from time to time thrown off dissident
elements, some of which have survived, and at other times has
received affluents, we may name a dozen or more prominent men,
-*'W« bliall henvefortU i^peak oi vlie Socialisl movemenl, except when there ia
particular iiccahiuii to do otheiwiac. When the League of tlie Jual resolved to change
it‘< name it had to decide whetlier to call itself the Communist or the Socialist
League. Both adjectives were already in use. Both were applied to the followers of
^aint-Simun and of Fourier. The Marxians wished to distinguish themselves from
tiiese and also iroiii certain German "would-be pnilosoplieis, ’
as Marx dubbed them,
who predessed to represent "'true bocialisni,” and they felt closer to the underground
societies which from the time of Babeuf had been known as Communists, indicating
their relation to the eMrenie revolutionary parly of 17^1 to ’94 —
the parly of Danton,
Chaumetle, Hebert, Billaud-Varennes, and Collot d’Herbois, which had its stronghold
in the "commune” or municipality of Bans. Within a few years after 1850 the True
Socialists had disappeared, the Utopian sects had lust their vogue, the secret societies
died out, and the name of Communist gradually gave way to that of Socialist. In the
latter part of the nini'teentli century the followers of Bakunin called themselves
Communist Anarchists. Finally, after the Russian counterrevolution in the autumn
of 1917, when the triumphant Bolshevist faction found that it could split and weaken
the Socialist parties in other countries, but could neither conquer nor destroy them,
it picked up the long unused Communist name and claimed to be the only true

successor of the parly which bore that title in 1848. Socialist parlies in various
countries have for one reason or another used di.fercnt names —Socialist Labor,
Social Democratic, Social Democratic Labor, or simply Labor Party, as in Great
Britain. These do not, as a rule, imply difference of principles or aims. — It is worth
while to note that in at least two cases the name Socialist has been brazenly stolen
and used for infamous purposes— by the Antisem'lic Clericals in Austria, who called
themselves Christian .Socialists, and later by Hitler’s totalitarian organization in Ger-
many, which took the name National Socialist.


whose overlapping lives within the movement have bridged the
whole century The , list might be made much fuller without includ-
ing any unimportant men, but these may suffice: —Karl Marx,
Frederick Engels, August Bebel, Eduard Bernstein, Jules Guesde,
Karl Kautsky, George Plekhanoff, Victor Adler, Filippo Turati,
Emile Vandervelde, Ignacy Daszynsky, Pieter Jelles Troelstra,
Keir Hardie, Rudolph Hilferding, Sidney \^ebb, Jean Jaures,
and Leon Blum.
There are five adjectives which Socialists have commonly used
when they had occasion briefly to define the movement or dis-

tinguish it from any of the other movements which are frequently

confused with it. They are scientific, proletarian, revolutionary,

international and democratic. We put them in this order because

the first of the five is basic and because there has been more fre-
quent occasion to use the fifth since the rise of Bolshevist totali-
tarianism than in earlier times.

Marxian Economics

The phrase “scientific Socialism” has not been used as a mere

boast, but as a descriptive epithet. Marxian theory may be di-
vided into two parts — the analysis of capitalism as a developing
system of economic relations and what we may moment
for the
call the philosophy of history. As we have already noted, Marx
turned seriously to the study of economics in 1843 and before
1848 he had evolved a body of theory consistent with that of Ri-
cardo but carrying it to novel conclusions.
His studies in this
fieldwere repeatedly interrupted, while the need for study broad-
ened before him. Not until 1859 did he feel justified in giving to
the public a substantial volume entitled A Contribution to the
Critique of Political Economy, which he intended as the first vol-
ume of a larger and more comprehensive work. By this time, how-
ever, he had altered and resolved on a new start. The
his plan
first volume of Capital came out in 1867. Because of demands
upon his time by various exigencies of the movement, and because


and third volumes were

also of gradually failing health, the second
not yet inform for publication when he died in 1883. The labor-
ious task of editing was undertaken by Engels and the volumes
were piiblished in 1893 and ’94 respectively.®® Many persons

by no means all find even the first volume difficult reading. To
them it may suffice to say what Joseph Schumpeter says to those
who make the same complaint about his own work on Business

Cycles “Did they expect to find it easy?” As for those who think
that Capital is dry or dull, it is their misfortune to have no sense
of wit or humor. It is of course quite outside our scope to attempt
a summary of Marx’ economic theories. What we have to say is
that after eighty years Capital is still very much alive. Enormous
numbers of books on economics have been written since 1867,
many of them .of real importance. Marx has come in for a great
deal of hostile criticism, but no writer competent to judge has de-
nied the scientific character of his work or its rank as one of the
few epoch-making contributions to general economic theory from
Smith’s Wealth of Nations on.
It would be childish to claim that Marx the economist was in-

fallible or that he said the last word in economic science. But it

is not less childish to find fault with him, as some do, for not hav-
ing written about phenomena which did not exist while he was
living or to distort his meaning by quoting single sentences out of
their context.®^ Worst of all is to forget that in Capital he was
analyzing the capitalist made of production as it existed in his
lifetime, not writing cook books for the future.
Of at least equal importance is Marx’ work in the field of so-
cial history. At about the same time when he set himself to an
first volume of Capital, by Samuel
^**The authoritative English translation of the
Moure and Edward Aveling, appeared and those of the second and third
in 1886.
volumes, by Ernest Untcrman, in 1907 and 1W9. The Critique was translated by
N. I. Stone and published in 1904. As to the various popularizations, the two which
we deem valuable are Karl Marx’s Oekonomische Lehren, by Karl Kautsky, 1887,
English translation bv H. J. Stenning, 1925, and Karl Marx’s Capital: An Introduc-
tory Essay, by A. D. Lindsay, 1925.
Marxian eennomics did not become a closed canon with the publication of the
third volume of Capital. Rudolf Hilferding’s Das Finanxkapital (1910) and Rosa
Luxemburg’s Die Akkumtdation des Kapitals (1921) are but two of the important
works of his disciples.
exhaustive study of economics he felt the necessity of mastering
what was then called the “philosophy of law,” and this soon led
him “to the conclusion that legal relations as well as forms of
the state could neither be understood by themselves nor explained
by the so-called general progress of the human mind, but that
they are rooted in the material conditions of life.” He soon found,
to his great satisfaction, that Engels “had come by another road to
the same conclusion.”

Historical Materialism

The first formal statement of this materialistic conception of

history, and that a very brief one, but admirably precise, appeared
about fifteen years later in the preface to his Critique of Political
Economy, but it is clearly visible to the thoughtful reader in his
and Engels’ intervening works, such as the Communist Manifesto,
the Class Struggles in France, the Eighteenth Btumaire, the Rev-
olution and Counter-Revolution, and the Peasants’ War. Since
then, and increasingly through the last six decades, it has been
used in a very large number of theoretical and historical works by
outstanding Socialists, has been ardently attacked and defended,
and has deeply influenced, directly or at second or third hand,
much of the best historical writing of our times.®"
British and American writers have not facilitated the right
understanding of the materialistic conception of history by' re-
christening it the economic interpretation of history. They tend to
ignore the influence directly exercised upon habits, customs, at-
and ideals by material conditions which are not
titudes, beliefs,

themselves economic; to underestimate the effect of tradition in

causing ethical, religious, and political development to lag be-

®-The fullest and best expiisitiiin and development of Marxian historical theory
is to be found in the two large volumes of Die Materialistuichc Geschirhtsauffassung,
by Karl Kautsky, published in 1929 ahd unfortunately not yet translated into Eng-
lish. Edwin R. A. Seligman’s Economic Interpretation of History (1902) is erudite,
conscientious, and very well written, and comes as near to an understanding of the
Marxian theory as seems to he attainable by any academic scholar who has had
no personal contact with the Socialist movement.

hind the development of productive technique and of economic

relations; and to overemphasize the role played by the motive of
gain — or, if they do not themselves commit these errors, to accuse

Marx of having committed them, which he did not.

The respect which has been paid to the historical as well as the
economic portions of the Marxian theoretical system by many
qualified persons who do not accept his conclusions or accept them
only in part justifies us in calling it a scientific system, and in so
doing we sharply distinguish it from a body of theological doc-
trine.''*’ Usually through sheer ignorance, but sometimes not with-
out malice, opponents of Socialism speak of “the Gospel Accord-
ing to Saint Marx” —and then they too often misquote or garble
the so-called gospel. In fact, it is of the essence of Marxism that
it should be subject to discussion, to criticism, to correction, to
development. No one has been disciplined or denounced for ques-
tioning or frankly rejecting Marxian “doctrines.” An outstand-
ing example is Jean Jaures, who was very far from being an or-
thodox Marxian and made no secret of his dissent, but who re-

mained one of the most trusted and honored leaders, in the French
Socialist party and in the Socialist International, till the day of
his untimely death. Eduard Bernstein is another striking example.
Becausewas not a creed, but a body of scientific thought,

Marxian theory has contributed immensely to the vitality and en-

durance of the Socialist movement. It has led the rank and file

as well as the leaders to think, to gain knowledge, to weigh argu-

ments, to pass sound judgment. It has made the movement a
school as well as a party, a body of intelligent collaborators, not
of docile followers, a democratic fellowship, not a moh. It has
given its members good reason to respect themselves as active par-
** It is irui' tliat the Kiiglihli
word doctrine, like the Latin dortrina, from which it
is meant a thing that is taught, a teaching; but in English usage
derived, originally
it almost always means something taught on authority, to he believed without proof

or question. The use is almost limited to the fields of religion and of law; we do
not speak of the Newtonian doctrine of gravitation, the Darwinian doctrine of the
origin of species, or the economic doctrine of diminishing returns. The present
writer therefore regrets that the English translation of Kautsky’s excellent Karl
Marx's Oekonomische Lehren has been entitled The Economic Doctrines of Karl
Marx. In this case Lehren might better have been translated Teachings.


ticipants in a great historic effort which they hold to be sure of
success, even though they may not live to see its triumph. Their
persistence through periods of defeat and often under bitter per-
secution may appear fanatical to those who look at it from outside;
those who have a more it brave and
intimate acquaintance call
thoughtful patience, all the more admirable and more formidable
because it is not sustained by any hope of personal reward either
here or in a life to come. This alone would be enough to make
Marx’ arduous intellectual labors worth while, but they had also
another and more tangible effect. While the Marxian theoretical

system did not create the Socialist movement and while it did not
give that movement a ready-made program of action nor a blue-
print of the future society, it did provide certain broad concepts
for its practical guidance. Foremost among these we note the
concepts of class, of class consciousness, of class interest, and of
class struggle.'*'*

Class Struggles

When Socialists speak of classes they have in mind very de-

finite economic categories, and the distinctions they draw are based
not so much on differences in the amount of income as in its form
— that is, the manner in which it is obtained. To illustrate:

The average American farmer may not have a larger real income
than the average American wage worker; but the fact that the
farmer possesses his material means of production and gets his
income by selling the commodities he has produced, while the
wage worker holds no productive wealth and lives by the sale of
marked difference between the im-
his labor power, results in a
mediate interests of the two classes and between their respective
**The term used by responsible Socialists has been in English “class struggle,”
in German die Klassenkampf, in French la luHe des classes, and so forth. Within
the last thirty or forty years certain socalled “intellectuals” have found it more
thrilling to talk of class war, and this has had a dangerously misleading elTect, es-
pecially upon juvenile and otherwise susreptible elements. Of course every war is
a struggle, but not every struggle is a war, and Socialists worthy of the name are
most unwilling to have the struggle for a classless society takts the specific form of


ways of thinking and feeling; furthermore, although most Amer-

ican farmers are owners of productive wealth and to some extent
employers of wage-labor, their interests and their social attitudes
distinguish them from even the small capitalists as sharply
as from the wage workers. We thus have three important
classes —
one the richest and least numerous, the other two not
very unequal in economic status, but one of them much the largest
and still growing while the other is diminishing in numbers
with three antagonisms of interest®® and three widely different
ideologies. In other economically advanced countries the class
system may be somewhat different, but is similar in its main lines.

In countries of backward or deflected economic evolution very

dissimilar class relations prevail, and in these there has been no
normal development of Socialism.
The class struggles of the past had been of two types — those
in which a new and growing middle class had risen against an
old and often decadent ruling class, as the plebeians against the
patricians in ancient Rome young bourgeoisie against aris-
or the
tocracy in modern Europe, and had in many cases won equality
or even supremacy; and risings of slaves against their masters or
of serfs against their lords, which had rarely been successful.
Until the sixteenth century there had nowhere been a body of wage
workers sufficiently large and cohesive to carry on a serious class
struggle, and until the end of the eighteenth, if they acted as a
class they had made common cause with the bourgeoisie, helped it
to win its battles, and then found that they had won less than noth-
ing for themselves.
Proletarian Consciousness
But now the coming of power-driven machinery, of the factory,
of large-scale production for an ever expanding market, had
brought a new class upon the stage of history — ^as Marx described
it, “a class always increasing in numbers, and disciplined, united,
organized by the very mechanism of the process of capitalist pro-

Thu U not to deny the existence of community of interest between any two or
among all three.
duction itself.” It is, we think, not unreasonable to say that this
proletariat — as Marx called it, giving a precise new meaning to
an almost forgotten word —
would in time merely out of its own
experience, have become conscious, not only of its own common
interests and of the antagonism between these and the interests of

both the propertied classes, nor only of the power of its numbers,
but also of its own indispensability and of its latent capacity to
take over the functions of direction and management which the
owners of capital were already delegating to salaried employees;
they would have seen, moreover, that their right course was not to
destroy the capitalist mode of production nor even to hamper its

development, but to socialize the ownership and control of the

means of production and transform them from instruments of
exploitation into instruments for lightening the burdens and en-
riching the lives of all the people; and finally, they would have
recognized this as involving a political revolution — that is, a trans-
fer of power from the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy to the pro-
letariat and through it to the people as a whole. It is no accident,

however, that there were exceptionally keen thinkers who were

able to see all this and explain it, thus saving the time that might
otherwise have been lost in groping.
To call Socialism a proletarian movement is not to say that it

confines its appeal to the working class, and certainly not that it

wishes to repel adherents who personally belong to other classes.

In the Communist Manifesto itself, indeed, Marx points out that
members of the bourgeoisie may be expected to rise intellectually
and morally above their class interests and in all good faith array
themselves with the proletariat, and such recruits have actually
come movement in much larger numbers than he probably
to the

expected. The Socialist program does include support of the wage

workers’ immediate interests in conflicts with their employers, but
it includes much more than this, taking account of broad social

interests which transcend those of the wage workers as employees.

The word “revolution” calls for more comment. Perhaps there
is no other word which bears so many and such diverse meanings.

To many persons it means overthrow of a government by armed

force. Did Marx and other Socialists of his time approve of rev-
olution in this sense? They did not incite such revolutions nor ap-
prove of reckless attempts, but when revolutionary risings took
place, as in France and Central Europe in 1848, and later in
Poland, Italy, Spain, and Ireland, they heartily approved them
and many Socialists participated in them even though the risings
had no Socialist objective, but only the overthrow of despotic gov-
ernments or independence for subject nationalities. In this demo-
cratic and same stand. No one
liberal elements generally took the
who knows the history of that period can condemn the revolts
against the Romanoff, Hohenzollern, and Habsburg governments
at that time, or the Austrian, Papal, and Bourbon rule in Italy, or
that of Louis Bonaparte in France. If in any case Socialism had
been an issue Marx and his comrades would have supported the
effort yet more strongly, for there seemed no possibility that So-

cialism could ever prevail in those countries by peaceful means.

In countries where some fair measure of civil rights and self gov-
ernment prevailed their views as to violence were different. In
1871 an American newspaper correspondent asked Marx whether
the British Socialists contemplated civil war. “We do not want
civil war and we shall not start one,” Marx replied; “but if the
capitalists -start a civil war when the people declare for Socialism,
we shall know how to fight.” And the next year, speaking at the
Hague, he said that in the United States and Great Britain, and
perhaps in Holland, Socialism might come by peaceful means.
In brief, Socialism has never been a pacifist movement. In cer-
tain cases —notably with regard to the Crimean War against Rus-
sia and to the American Civil War, which he regarded as a war
against slavery, Marx and Engels frankly supported the “capi-
talist” governments. They thought freedom was worth fighting

When we say that Socialism was and is a revolutionary move-

ment, what we mean above all is to distinguish it from mere re-
form movements, which seek to remedy certain evils in the cap-
italist system, but not to change its basic character.

Socialist Internationalism

Socialist internationalism has often been misunderstood as

meaning a negation of love of country, appreciation of national
culture, and attention to national interests. Such misunderstand-
ing has sometimes occurred within the movement, reaching its ex-

treme form some thirty years ago in the aggressive antipatriotism

of Gustave Herve, who proposed to “plant the tricolor in a dung-
hill.” Marxian internationalism was a protest against jingism,
national vanity, and xenophobia, and a warning to the workers
against the danger which these involved.
The value which Socialism puts upon national independence
is illustrated by two little known phases of Marx’ intense and many

sided activity. For many years he, a German and a Jew, was a
frequent speaker at the public meetings and patriotic demonstra-
tions of the Polish “colony” in London, largely composed of
refugees. It may be said that his passionate desire for Polish
liberation was motivated by the fact that an independent Poland
would be a bulwark against Russian aggression. This is in large
part true, but it is not the whole truth. He was deeply moved by
admiration for the steady courage of a people who had resisted
the partitions of 1772, 1792, and 1795 and who, under the most
drastic repression, had preserved their national consciousness and
their will to be free. In an address delivered in 1862, the manu-
script of which was not published till twenty years after his death,
he called Poland I’immortel chevalier de I’Europe and bitterly re-

proached the Western Powers for their folly as well as their in-

gratitude in failing at each repeated opportunity to come to Po-

land’s aidand so place a frontier guard of “fifteen million heroes”
between the Tsarism and themselves , To the end of Marx’ life
there was no strong Socialist movement in Poland. In Ireland
there was none, but this did not prevent him from being an ar-
dent champion of Irish freedom and sharply condemning the
working class of Great Britain for its failure to support that cause.

“The people thirt helps to oppress another people,” he told them,

“is forging chains for itself.”

It is hardly necessary to repudiate the accusation that Social-

ism aims to destroy the home and the family. The Socialist atti-

tude toward religion and the state, however, cannot be overlooked.

There is, indeed, no room for the supernatural in the Marxian
philosophy, but atheism has never been a Socialist article of faith.
If many and perhaps most Continental Socialists are unreligious,
it is because they have had to combat clericalism, whether Cath-
olic, Orthodox, or Protestant, for its servility to the rich, its oppo-
sition to science and secular education, and its efforts to make the
workers endure all hardships and humbly trust for happiness in
heaven. The German Social Democratic Party long ago disposed
of the religious question as such in three words: Religion ist Pri-

vatsache, and consistently with this called for complete separation

of church from state and exclusion of clerical influence from the

Space does not permit us to do more than mention some dis-

puted points of Marxian economic theory —among them the theory
of crises, which was barely sketched in the lifetime of the two
“patriarchs” and to which both Socialist and bourgeois econ-
omists (notably Rudolf Hilferding among the former) have de-
voted much study, but without reaching unanimity and, we think,
without seriously discrediting the basic Marxian formula; the
theory of concentration, which Bernstein, depending largely on
American data, thought he had almost demolished, but which
such economists as Berle and Means®* have rehabilitated; and the
theory of increasing misery, now so often apologized for by So-
cialists, but which seems to us completely defensible if we think
of it in terms of the world market and take into account the
countervailing force of trade unionism and of social and labor
legislation which have grown so enormously in recent times.
*“See The Modern Corporation and Private Property, by Adolf A. Berif, Ji., ainl
Gardiner C. Means, New York, 1933.

Socialist Ideolofi^ Today

Socialist ideology is not the same now aswas in 1848

it — if

it were it would lack the essential quality of Marxian thought. It

has grown by the elaboration of its original elements through the

critical labors of many Socialist scholars. It has grown by adap-
tation to the changes in economic and other conditions, which were
so largely foreseen by the great Socialist thinkers a century ago
and to which three generations of Socialist combatants have con-
tributed so much. And it has grown also through intelligent cri-

ticism (mingled with much misconstruction and unintelligent

abuse) from outside the Socialist ranks.
The process of ideological development has been marked by
a series of internal struggles. First came the intellectual conflict

between the newborn Marxian thought method and the Utopian

wishful thinking of Saint-Simon, Fourier, and Owen. Next, in the
1850s, came the settling of accounts with another form of Utopian-
ism, the curious petty bourgeois Anarchism of Pierre J. Proud-
hon. This was followed by three distinct but overlapping con-
flicts, begining in the 1860s, all of which concerned the concep-
tion of the state and the Socialist attitude toward it.

In so far as the Socialist attitude toward the state has changed,

this is partly due to the necessity which the Marxians faced in the
1860s and ’70s of defining their views on this subject and dis-
tinguishing them from those of die followers of Ferdinand Las-
salle, of Auguste Blanqui, and of Michael Bakunin respectively.
In a deeper sense, however, at least from the- 1870s on, it re-
sulted from the change which has taken place in the nature of the
slate itself —
a change which was largely, though not wholly,
brought about by the growing pressure of the Socialist and Trade
Union movements upon public opinion and, at first indirectly and
then more and more
directly, upon the legislative, the executive,
and even the judicial agencies of the state.
At the middle of the nineteenth century Marx and Engels were
only slightly exaggerating for the sake of emphasis when they

said (in the Communist Manifesto) that political power is merely

the organized power of one class for oppressing another. And
they continued: “When, in the course of development, class dis-
tinctions have disappeared and all production has been concen-
trated in a vast association of the whole nation, the public power
will lose its political character.” The oft quoted passage in Engels’

Socialism, Utopian and Scientific (written in 1880) differs from

this in somewhat fuller and more precise verbal expression. Par-

ticularly it indicates the state as the agency by means of which the

ownership of productive property is to be socialized, whereby the
state terminates its own existence as state —
that is, as an instru-

ment of class rule and “the government of persons is replaced
by the administration of things; the state is not abolished, it dies
out.” It is not worth while, we believe, to speculate as to whether
Engels thought -that with the ending of class rule and exploita-
tion all kinds of crime would cease and penal law become un-
necessary. If so — well, Engels was no doubt wrong on that point;
but the error, or the failure to note that qualification of his epi-
grammatic statement, is not very important. More serious is the
fact that he did not foresee that within forty years a state set up
by a dissident faction of the Socialist movement would “take
means of production in
possession of the the name of society” but
would combine with this an extraordinarily tyrannical “govern-

ment of persons” and develop a new ruling and exploiting class.

But if he did not foresee the rise of totalitarianism, first in its Bol-
shevist or Communist form, and then in the form of Fascism or
Nazism, neither did anyone else in 1880 or even two decades

Even in England and yet more on the Continent at the time

when the Communist Manifesto was written the state in its contacts
with the working classes and even with the lower middle class, was
represented chiefly by the tax collector, the drill sergeant, and the
policeman. Universal education, promotion of scientific research,
care for the public health, legal limitation of the workday, social
security laws, provision of improved housing for the low-income
elements — ^these are among the additions to the functions of the
state which have been made almost wholly within the last hun-
dred years and mainly within the last sixty. In all European coun-
tries west of the Soviet Empire, and with the exception of Spain
and Portugal, the state combines its old character as an instru-
ment of class rule with its newer character as an agency for pro-
moting the welfare of the whole population; and if we think of it

in terms of process, we must say that its old character is waning

and its new character is gaining ground.
Already before Engels’ death Socialists were becoming con-
scious of this tendency, and the increasing representation of So-
cialist parties in most of the parliaments and in vast numbers of
municipalities made the attitude of intransigeant opposition un-
tenable and called for a modus vivendi. The theoretical and prac-
tical problems which this raised formed the subject matter of the
Revisionist and Ministerialist controversies which occupied sev-
eral years at the turn of the century. By the eve of World War I

this conflict was practically settled on a basis nearer to the Re-

visionist position than to that of the “Orthodox” elements. There
were, however, extremist minorities on both sides, and the strains
of the war itself and its sequels revived the controversy in new
forms and with increased bitterness, culminating in the Commun-
ist schism. At this point we must turn back to the 1860s and 70s
in order to make a new approach.

Conflict with Lassalleans

In the early 1860s, at a moment of extreme weakness of the

Socialist movement in France under the Second Empire and in
Great Britain after the last trace of Chartism had disappeared,

there came a great new wave of Socialism in Germany. Under

the audacious leadership of Ferdinand Lassalle the Allgemeine
Deutsche Arbeiter Verein (General German Labor Union) far
outstripped the older Marxian organization. Lassalle was a phen-
omenally briUiant propagandist and organizer, but not a patient
and accurate theorist. For the sake of present success he tended


to oversimplify those principles and general rules of policy

which in the long run are of determining weight. Wishing for
quick results, he perhaps laid too little stress on political democ-
racy and was certainly too ready to establish an entente with the
Prussian state which dominated German political life; and Prince
Bismarck, a much less brilliant man, but more farsighted and
surer of his long-range objectives, was not unwilling to “play
ball” with him. The question of attitude toward the state was the
central point of the conflict between Marxians and Lassalleans,
which was diplomatically adjusted in the Gotha Program of 1875,
when the two German were merged, but was not clearly
settled in the Marxian sense until the Erfurt Program of 1891

Conflict with Bakunists

Next came the far sharper struggle with the Anarchists. Of all

Revolutionists Michael Bakunin®’' best deserves the title which

Mephistopheles gives

himself “the spirit that denies.” Not until
the later ’sixties, however, when he was past his fiftieth year and
had become a legendary figure, did he fully define his own brand
of revolutionary theory and practice. On its theoretical side it was
•thoroughly Utopian and unhistorical. According to him religion
and government are the twin causes of all economic and social
evils, and they have their own origin in usurpation by the few and

the docility of the many. In its practical aspect, accordingly.

Bakunism is completely negative. The task of the revolution is
not to build, but to destroy. Extirpate belief in the supernatural
and respect for human authority, excite and incite the masses to
violent revolt, wipe out state and church and all property insti-

tutions, and then there will remain a classless society. Bakunin

Born in Russia in 1814, Bakunin went abroad in 1841 and never voluntarily rr
turned. After a few years in Germany and Switzerland, spent in studying philubupliy
and dreaming of rather than planning the liberation of Poland and the overthrow of
the Tsarism, he became an active revolutionist in 1847, first in France, then in Ger-
many. Arrested in 1849, he passed eleven years in German, Austrian, and Russian
prisons and in Siberian exile, from which he escaped in 1860. He then agitated and
conspired for several years in England, France, and Italy. At this point the story is

taken up in our text. ^He died at Bern in 1876.
gave little thought to the form and nature of the resultant society;
freed from fear and the ha hit of obedience, men will arrange theiy

social relations by mutual consent. It was his disciples, notably

Peter Kropotkin and Eli see Reclus, who thought it worth while tp
picture a Communist-Anarchist world, and thereby to incur the

task of answering all the questions that the unconverted may ask.

But to discuss would be to go quite beyond our limits.


In 1868 Bakunin organized his followers into a body which

(with what purpose it is hard to say) took the very misleading
name of Social Democratic Alliance, and a year later this was
merged into the International Working Men’s Association. Osten-

sibly the Alliance gave up its separate existence, but in fact it con-

tinued as a secret society inside the International and devoted it-

self to intrigue against the Marxian leadership, which it branded

as authoritarian and also as German. The International Congress

held at the Hague in 1872 brought this internal dissension into
the open. Bakunism in theory and practice was hotly debated, as
well as certain specific acts committed within the International. The
outcome was the expulsion of Bakunin and his lieutenant, James
Guillaume, and the adoption of a resolution which repudiated the
Anarchists’ theory and declared that the workers must be organ-
ized on the political as well as the industrial field and must aiip*
not at destroying the state, but of taking it ou^ of the hands of the
propertied classes and using it as an instrument for socializing the
means of production and thus putting an end to exploitation and
class rule.
In spite of this decisive action (which left no excuse for pub-
licists to confuse Socialism with Anarchism) and in spite of Ba-
kunin’s announced withdrawal from revolutionary activity, the
Anarchist movement showed considerable vitality, manifested
chiefly in political assassinations. It got no foothold in Central or

Northern Europe or in Britain. How far, if at all, it contributed

to the systematic terrorism of the People’s Will party and later the
Revolutionary Socialist party in Russia is doubtful; it seems more
likely that this was a product of special conditions in that country.

including the activity of provocators in the service of the secret

police. In France it found adherents chiefly in two minor social
elements — ^the intellectual declasses and the decadent class of
skilled hand workers. Its greatest popular strength was in Italy
and Spain.
The First International practically died with the Hague Con-
gress. The black reaction which prevailed in France until the
forced resignation of MacMahon
1879, together with the

revanche psychology which naturally prevailed for a much longer

time, and the antagonism between Marxians and Blanquists, and
in Germany the schism between Eisenachers (the Marxian group)
and Lassalleans which began to be healed in 1875 and the Bis-
marckian repression which started three years later —these facts

made renewal of international organization impossible until 1889,

when the Second International was launched at a congress in Paris,
which endured until the First World War. Under these circum-
stances there was more or less infiltration of Anarchistic or at any
some of the Socialist parties, but
rate antipolitical elements into
full discussion and an unambiguous resolution adopted by the

London Congress in 1896 ended this danger.

Conflict with Blanquism

At the Hague Congress the partisans of Auguste Blanqui®** stood
with the Marxians as against the Bakunists, but as soon as that
struggle was over a new struggle began between Marxists and
Blanquists, again over the question of the state and of political ac-
tion. The Blanquists stood for an all-powerful state, which of
course must be a democratic and socialistic state; the state could
be taken out of the hands of the propertied classes only by armed
3!* Louie Auguste Blanqui was bom in 1805. His father had been a member of the
Convention, but risked liis life opposing 1' e Terror. The son joined the Carbonari
while still a youth and was influenced by Buonarroti, the close associate of Baheuf.
In 1827 he took part in demonstrations against the Bourbon Restoration, receiving
two saber cuts and a bullet wound, and he fought on the barricades in 1830. With
equal courage he opposed the Orleans Monarchy, tlie Second Empire, and the gov-
ernments of Thiers and MacMahon in the 18708. Dying in 1881, he had passed
almost exactly half of his, seventy six years in prison under some twenty convictions
for revolutionary activity.


was won on the the barricades, political action
revolt; until victory

in the usual sense of those words had in their opinion no value

except as a method of propaganda; and as trade unions began to
develop in France they too were looked on with favor only so
long as they were fighting for existence; as soon as they became
strong enough to strive for higher wages and a shorter workday
they were deemed to have lost their value for the social revolu-
tion. On all these points Marxism and Blanquism were clearly

The struggle was not so fierce as that which had culminated
at the Hague —probably because both factions paid regard to what
the Bakunists and forty years later the Bolshevists called the
“bourgeois virtues” of truth, honor, and humanity —nor was it

carried to a definite issue. Blanquism did not gain ground in

Central and Northern Europe nor in Great Britain. In France the

Blanquists gradually modified their position, especially after the
fall of MacMahon, the collapse of Boulangism, and the recon-
stitution of the International, but organizational unity was not
achieved until 1905. Blanquism, like Bakunism —which agreed
in their reliance on violent methods, though in nothing else
found its most favorable soil in the economically undeveloped
countries of the South and East, and especially in Spain and in
We have remarked in the early pages of this paper that the
period from the middle 1890s until the beginning of World War I
in 1914 was for the Socialist movement a time of numerical and
organizational growth and optimistic outlook. The year 1900
brought the formation of the Labor Representation Committee in
Great Britain, which six years later became the Labor Party. The
year 1905 brought the unification of the various Socialist parties
in France. The German Social Democratic Labor Party had con-
tinued the steady growth which had begun even in the last years
of Bismarckian repression and could reasonably expect to gain an
absolute majority at the polls and in the Reichstag and to proceed
with a peaceful socialization of the German economy. In Austria,

Italy,and several of the smaller countries, though victory was not

so near, it seemed assured. The hopes aroused hy the great rev-

olutionary wave of 1905-’06 in Russia were disappointed in 1907,

but by 1912 a new forward movement seemed to be impending,
which might be less violent but more successful. It is significant

that the Stuttgart Congress of the Second International in 1907

adopted a resolution clearly defining the fields of action of the
Socialist parties and the trade unions and the manner in which
they should collaborate as parallel and autonomous movements
with a common aim; and that the Copenhagen Congress in 1910
recognized the co-operatives as a third force, with a field of its

own, working in harmony with the other two.

It was in this period that a brilliant young American, registering
at a Swiss hotel, had signed “Yours for the Revolution, Jack Lon-

don,” and the next registrant had written “There ain’t going to be
no revolution, H. G. Wells.” The Englishman lived to see his pre-
diction contradicted hy current history all over the Continent; but
had London lived as long he would hardly have rejoiced over the
verification of hisown forecast. On the very eve of what we were
soon calling “the war to end war” there was a very general belief
that there would never again be an armed conflict among the great
powers of Europe nor a violent revolution anywhere west of Rus-
sia and the Balkan states. Most of us who were then adults feel

that the first of August, 1914, cut our lives in two.

Yet the period in question was not without conflicts, within the
Socialist movement —
conflicts, however, less fierce than those of

the preceding fifty years.


We must first briefly note that, just as Bakunist Anarchism was

ceasing to be formidable even in Italy and Spain, and as the
French Blanquists were ceasing to foment insurrections and begin-
ning to take political and parliamentary action seriously, a new
antipolitical movement came into the picture — the movement
known as Revolutionary Syndicalism or, more accurately, as An-
archo-Syndicalism.'*" Trade unionism had hardly existed on the
Continent before the 1860s and it was then practically begotten and

nurtured by the Socialists. By the 1890s it had passed its infancy

and developed aims and methods of its own. It was acquiring a
membership which, while including most Socialist workingmen,
had no place for any who were not actual wage workers, and
its membership included large and growing numbers of wage

workers who were not Socialists; and it concerned itself increas-

ingly with the direct relations between employers as such and

their respective employees, rather than with the broader and more
far-reaching antagonism between bourgeoisie and proletariat. Un-
der these circumstances the parent-and-child relation between the
political and the industrial movement became embarrassing to the
unions if not to the party. This was especially true in France,
where there were two or three and at times four or five Socialist

parlies, whose diverse tendencies, however legitimate on the poli-

tical field, were often irrelevant to the employer-employee con-
flicts and tended to weaken the solidarity of the unions.
Chiefly for this reason the then young French General Confedera-
tion of Labor1895 adopted the rule of political neutrality,
which was not meant to restrain members from political activity,
but only to exclude political questions from the agenda of the Con-
federation and affiliated unions. This example was followed in
several Continental countries."*" Under normal conditions such
neutrality is a sound policy, since it is essential to the success of
a union that it should, so far as possible, enlist all the wage work-
ers qualified for employment in its particular craft or industry.
It may be well t» explain to American readers lliat tlie French words syndicat
and syndicalisme (and similar words in Italian and Spanish) mean ‘'trade union”
and ‘‘trad<‘ unioniMii" respectively, neither more nor less.
It was not followed in Belgium, where the working class party —
known there as
the Labor Party. /< 1‘arti Ouviier had been built as a federation of trade unions,
co-operative societies, and political groups. Nor was it followed in Germany, where
side by side with the Social Democratic Party and the federation of “free” (that is,
non-sectarian) unions, tlicre existed a Catholic clerical party, having its strength
chiefly among the wage workers, and a federation of Catholic unions, and these
organizations were working out a modus vivendi.

I'egardless of their religious beliefs or political opinions. In face

of existing weakness or schism on both the political and the in-
dustrial field, however, the practical result may be to produce, not

a politically neutral unionism, but one that is aggressively anti-

political. Such was the case in France and still more in Italy and
Spain, and to a lesser extent in some other countries.
Unionism of this sort does not distinguish between the strug-
gle ofwage workers and employers over wages, working hours, and
other terms of employment and the broader class struggle for a
basic change in the whole economic system — indeed, it rather
gives precedence to the latter, but totally rejects the use of the
ballot and of parliamentary action as means to this end, as in-
volving continual compromise and paralyzing the revolutionary
spirit of the proletariat. Thus far, it agrees with both the Blan-

quist and the Bakunist concept of social revolution. It differs from

Blanquism, however, in that it aims at the complete destruction of
the state; and it differs from Bakunist Anarchism in that it would
substitute for the state, not independent local communities, with
freedom for individuals to shift from one community to another,
and with such ad hoc federations as any communities may see fit

to set up or to dissolve, but instead of these, it would substitute

regional or worldwide organizations of the workers in various
industries —mining, metal working, production of textiles, trans-
portation, and —each
so forth owning
organization its means of
production and each exchanging products with other organizations
on such terms as may be agreed upon.^^ For the struggle within
the shop its characteristic methods were striking without notice,
“striking —
on the job” that is, systematic loafing and sabotage, —
and it rather welcomed than avoided conflicts with the authorities;
In 1905 an Anarcho-SyiidicalJtit organization was launched in the United States
under the name of Industrial 'Workers of the World, or l.W.W. for short. It was hos-
tile both to the existing unions and to the Socialist Party. It was strongest among
the migratory workers then numerous in the Far West—not the “Arkies and Okies”
of the 1930s, hut men who were continually moving from place and shifting from
one industry to another, now following the harvest from Texas and Southern Cali-
fornia up to Western Canada, now working in the lumber woods, the mines, or
the fisheries, or employed in railway building, as opportunity offered -tt different
seasons. It has had but little strength in any part of the country for the last twenty-
five years. See Paul F. Brissenden, The I. W. IT., New 'York, 1919.
in the larger social struggle it reliedon riotous disturbances, bar-
ricade fighting, and more or less extensive general strikes, which
might be the prelude to armed insurrection. All these were valued,

not mainly for immediate gains that might be made, but as cul-
and preparing the workers for the time
tivating the spirit of revolt
when they would forcibly “seize and hold” the means of produc-
tion, In fairness it ought to be noted that the Anarcho-Syndicalists
did not follow the Anarchists in practicing assassination, and that
they have firmly opposed Bolshevisih.

The Bolshevist Schism

At the turn of the century there were two Russian Socialist par-
ties, both with headquarters abroad and operating underground in

Russian territory. The Revolutionary Socialist Party appealed

especially to the peasants and at this time was concentrating its

on a war of assassination against the Tsarism which, as

efforts —
was proved a few years later, was being directed by one Eugene
Azeff, a paid agent of the secret police. We are concerned rather
with the Social Democratic Labor Party, which was strictly Marx-
ian, was ready to co-operate with liberal bourgeois elements in
democratizing the government, and felt that socialization must
await a further development of capitalist industry and of the wage-
working class. At this time there appeared within it a dissident
element, headedby Nikolai Lenin, a recent recruit, who held that
European Socialism had lost its revolutionary character and cried
out for aggressive action in Russia. By 1905 there was a clear
schism in the party, so deep that no reconciliation was possible. On
the basis of a vote taken in a party congress held abroad, Lenin’s
group called themselves Bolsheviki, a word derived from
bolshestvo, meaning majority.
The heroic revolutionary effort of 1905-’06, in which the two
Socialist parties and the democratic liberal groups joined hands,
ended in an almost complete defeat, to which the schismatic activ-
ity of the Bolshevists contributed. A black reaction followed, un-

der which the one thing gained, the Duma (parliament) conceded
hy the Tsar, was almost a nullity. In 1913 and ’14 the democratic
and socialist forces were regaining strength, but then came World
War and a wave of national patriotism.

By the spring of 1917 autocratic ineflBciency and corruption had

brought complete military collapse, profound disorganization of
the national economy, and desperate discontent, strongest in the
armed forces, but extending to almost all classes of the popula-
tion. The Tsarism fell like a house of cards, a group composed

of leaders of the two Socialist and two Liberal parties proclaimed

the democratic republic and called for election of a Constituent
The elections gave the Socialists a majority, with a Constitu-
tional Democratic fraction ready to co-operate, and a negligibly
small antidemocratic opposition, hut the new provisional govern-
ment, headed by Alexander Kerensky, faced an almost impossible
situation. Yet it might have succeeded, if the Western Allies had
given prompt assistance. Their failure to do so —no doubt largely
motivated by hostility to any Socialist government —gave the Bol-
shevists their opportunity. In November, having at their disposal
a force of mutinous soldiery, they dispersed the Constitutional As-
sembly, arrested opponents right and left, proclaimed peace with
Germany, land for the peasants, and bread for everybody, and
set up a so-called “dictatorship of the proletariat” which meant in

fact dictatorship by a single minority party which was in turn

dictated to by a ruthless minority in its own ranks.
Such was the origin of the Bolshevist or Commun ist regime in
Russia, whose whole subsequent history has followed logically
from the nature of its initial triumph and which in that first step
corresponds perfectly with Lenin’s theory. It set the pattern of the
totalitarian state — a type of state altogether new in history, differ-
ing widely from the old autocratic and aristocratic states and the
mere military dictatorships; a type which was imperfectly im-
itated in Italy, but very successfully (with minor adaptations)
in Germany, and which apparently, once it has held power for a
few years, cannot be overthrown from within; a type, however,
which by its very nature must pursue aggressive policies and
thereby risks overthrow from without.
Leninist theory is Blanquism carried to its extreme, with an
infusion of Bakunism, all camouflaged with early Marxian phrase-
ology. Its principal Bakunist element is the negation of all the
moral standards which modem civilization had for centuries been
developing and with which Marxian and also Blanquist Socialism
has complied. For the rest it is Blanquist in that it aims at con-
quering the state and then exalting it at the expense of all indi-

vidual and group rights; that as means to this it rejects political

action and prefers insurrection — in other words, it does not count

on convincing a majority, but on organizing a “resolute minority”
strong enough to subjugate the masses; and that it regards trade
unions, co-operative societies, and other voluntary groupings as
instmments to be manipulated for its own purposes during the
period of struggle and then to be destroyed or absorbed into the
centralized and omnipotent state.
Blanqui would have been horrified could he have foreseen the
concrete working-out of his theory. It is probable, too, that Lenin
was sincere in declaring that the dictatorship which he and his as-

sociates had set up would within a few years transform itself into

a democracy. A dozen years after his death the surviving “Old

Bolsheviks” were being branded as traitors and put to death.
Frankenstein’s monster destroyed Frankenstein and then created
other monsters as atrocious as itself.

Socialism Since 1917

World War I did not in itself seriously injure the Socialist

movement in Europe. In some countries it emerged stronger than
ever before. Within a year after the armistice, however, it began
to feel the effects of the Bolshevist counterrevolution in Russia

— schism, confusion, and for many of its adherents paralyzing

disappointment. Then came the rise of Fascism in Italy, of mili-

tary dictatorship in Poland and later in Spain, of Clerical Fas-

cism in Austria, and of Nazism in Germany, the first and the last

of these five being definitely totalitarian. Many, though not all,

of the great capitalists and landowners backed these abnormal

revolutions, at first because they expected them to destroy the
Socialist and Labor movements, afterward because they did not
dare to withdraw their support. The Great Depression, which be-
gan in Europe somewhat earlier than in the United States, caused
many peasants and petty business men, many unorganized work-
ingmen, and especially great numbers of the youth, who had never
known a normal existence, to flock to whatever leadership would

make the wildest promises in which vicious practice the Com-
munists and the Fascists and Nazis tried to outbid each other. The
fairly large Communist Party in Germany, taking its orders from
Moscow, devoted its Dem-
energies mostly to attacking the Social
ocratic Party and the Free Trade Unions and at a critical moment
brazenly joined forces with the Nazis against the Social Dem-

The injury was not only in the field of ideas. In Russia — to

state it very moderately — tens of thousands of the active Social

Democrats and Revolutionary Socialists were killed outright and
hundreds of thousands were worked to death as slaves of the
state in the mines, forests, and fisheries of the Far North. In Ger-
many, Poland, Austria, Italy, Spain, and more recently in the
Baltic and the Balkan countries, though no one of these coun-
tries has matched the death toll in “the workers’ fatherland,” the

aggregate has probably far exceeded it.

Despite all this, since the ending of World War II, the Socialist
parties are stronger at this moment (January, 1948) are stronger
than they were in 1918 or at any time since. In regional and
local elections held in the American, British, and French zones
of Germany in the postwar period the Social Democratic vote
has been about equal to that of the Christian Democrats and much
The organ of the Russian Communist Party, tlie daily Pravda, justified
this conduct on the theory that by some made-to-order law of history, the triumph
of Nazism was a necessary preliminary In the (.omn'.uni^t revolution.
larger than that of any other party. In all other countries west of
the Russian sphere of domniation they are strongly represented
in the parliaments and ministries. Most important of all, the Brit-
ish general election in the summer of 1945 gave the Labor Party
(which frankly avows its Social Democratic character) a clear
majority at the polls and a decisive majority in parliament. With
the same dogged resolution that they showed in the war, the Brit-

ish are proceeding, under extremely hard conditions, with the

socialization of their economic system.
It remains to be seen, however, and it may be seen within months
rather than years, whether Western Europe is to be Socialist or
Communist, democratic or totalitarian. The answer must come
from this side of the Atlantic. It may take the form of rehabilita-
tion of the European economy — including the British — in which
case World War III may be averted. If it does not take that form,
the choice will soon be submission to Moscow or a war whose is-
sue it would be rash to predict and whose cost in human life and
in all less precious things can hardly be imagined.

On Socialism since 1917 see also “Rpilopue” {The Balance


For extensive bibliography see: Laidler, Harrt W.: Social-Economic
Movements, Thomas Y. Crowell, New York, 1944.
• • •
Beer, Max A.: History of British Socialism, London, 1921.
Beer, Max A.: Fifty Years of International Socialism, New York, 1935.
Braatoy, Bjarne: Labor and War, London, 1934.
Blum, Leon: A UEckelle Humaine, Paris, 1945.
Cole, G. D. H.: British Working Class Politics, 1832-1914, London,
Engels, Frederick: Socialism Utopian and Scientific.
Gross, Feliks: The Polish Worker, New York, 19^.
Hillquit, Morris: Socialism in Theory and Practice, New York,
Hyndman, H. M.: Historical Basis of Socialism in England, 1883.
Jaures, Jean Leon: Oeuvres, Paris, 1931-39.
Kautsky, Karl: Parlamentarismus und Demokratie, Stuttgart, 1911.
Laidler, Harry W.: Social-Economic Movements, New York, 1944.
Macdonald, James Ramsay: The Socialist Movement, New York, 1911.
Marx, Karl: Capital.
Marx, Karl and Engels, Frederick; The Communist Manifesto.
Nomad, Max: Rebels and Renegades, Macmillan, 1932.
Nomad, Max: Apostles of Revolution, Boston, 1939.
Owen, Robert: A New View of Society, New York, 1825.
Russell, Bertrand: Proposed Roads to Freedom; Socialism, Anar-
chism and Syndicalism, New York, 1919.
Saposs, David J. The Labor Movement in Postwar France, New York,

Sturmthal, Adolf: The Tragedy of European Labor, New York, 1943.
Thomas, Norman: America’s Way Out; A Program for Democracy,
New York, 1931.
Vandervelde, E.: Jaures, Paris, 1929.
Webb, Sidney: Socialism in England, 1889.
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice: The History of Trade Unionism, New
York, 1920.

European Trade



Philip Taft

The activities and objectives of European trade unionism have

militated against the elaboration of an involved doctrinal edifice.
Essentially organs for the defense and improvement of the condi-
tions of labor, they have been more successful in formulating
their immediate demands than in elaborating involved theories.

Sometimes European trade unions have actively espoused politi-

cal Socialism, but as they became more secure in their position,

their Socialist ideology has been pushed into the background,
and in their daily operations they became largely bargainers
over wages and other conditions of employment. Yet their
ideologies have frequently exercised an open or subtle influence
upon their long-run policies.
The ideologies accepted by European trade unionism have re-
sponded to outside influences and internal pressure and con-
sequently, the unions of some countries have changed their atti-
tudes on politics, government and other social issues. Ideologies
influence conduct subtly and indirectly, and while there may be no
visible change in the relations between the union and the employer,
a shift from one ideological position to another may in time show
itself in the willingness or unwillingness of the unions to support
Socialism, increased political activity or other reforms. The ideol-
ogies of the trade unions in some countries —Giermany and Bel-
gium —showed a high level of stability, while in other coxmtries
ideologies changed, as in France; as a result of the more competent
leadership of a militant minority, which converted trade unionism
into revolutionary Syndicalism. Later the exhaustion of revolu-
tionary elan led to a return to trade unionism more conservative
and politically minded than the one supported prior to World
War I. In contrast, the change in ideology in Sweden was due to
the growing influence of political Socialism among the workers;
and in England a change in ideology came as a result of the en-
trance of large masses of workers holding neither the philosoph-
ical prejudices nor the favorable economic positions of the earlier

In contrast to the political movement of labor, the trade unions

have never strongly emphasized ideas or ultimate objectives.^
Thus, for a student of German labor, trade unionism was an at-

tempt to equalize bargaining power between labor and capital.®

Professor Selig Perlman has held bargaining power and the con-
sciousness of scarcity of opportunity to be the basic drives of all
trade unions even when they professed revolutionary doctrines.® It
would be difficult to find a mature trade union in which the drives
described by Professor Perlman did not play a major role. Not
only defense against the employer and the sharing of jobs, but
a system of mutual benefits for members was the frequent goal
of unionism. Yet ideology, in contrast to practical policy, is not
without significance in influencing the attitudes of trade unions,
for while a trade union must establish a rapport between itself and
the employer, as open and continual warfare is neither to the in-
terests of its members nor practically feasible, its ideology will
determine its attitude towards politics and economics and will
influence its support or rejection of subsidiary and peripheral ac-
tivities which in the long run may exercise a decisive influence over
government and society.

* Zwing, Sociologie dor Gewerkschafthewegung, Verlagsbuchhandlung, Jena,

Erater Teil, p. 17.

pp. 124-134.
Perlman, A Theory of the Labor Movement, Macmillan, New York, 1928,
p. 308.


European trade unionism did not follow a common pattern of

development; nor were the unions of the several countries in-
spired a common fund of ideas. The earliest unionism the —
English — passed through a period of vigorous militancy accom-
panied hy severe repression ending with the collapse of Chartism.
The ideology and activity of the unions showed strong traces of
protest against the ruthless industrialism then moving like a dark
doud over England. The end of the Chartist agitation closed this
phase, and the quasi-Socialistic unions were replaced in the 1850’s
by the “New Model” trade union based upon a combination of
trade —
protective —
friendly benefits. The typical “New Model”
union, the Amalgamated Society of Engineers, provided both
strike benefits and insured its members against unemployment,

sickness and old age. In contrast to the earlier unions, the En-
gineers, as did the unions in other trades, relied on their own
economic power which was based on a monopoly of the labor sup-
ply. The skilled English trade unions, which dominated the trade
union movement for several decades, were unconcerned with wel-
fare or labor legislation which the leaders opposed on philosophic
grounds. Highly centralized, the skilled union of the 1850’s de-
pended on monopoly and restriction of labor supply and con-
centrated upon a combination of protective and friendly activities.
Nor were they hospitable to any type of Socialist ideal. In com-
mon with the employer and the prevailing Victorian temper, the
skilled unions accepted the dogmas of classical economics and
their restrictionist and exclusive policies were based upon the prin-

ciple that limiting supply would tend to raise the price of labor.

The leaders of the “New Model” located at London came

into frequent contact with each other. Robert Applegarth, William
Allan, Daniel Guile, and George Odger, the chiefs of the more im-
portant “New Model” organizations, have been called the “Junta”
by the Webbs. It was the policy of the Junta to steer a course that
would not arouse unduly the British community, nor involve the
unions in risky political or social experiments. Their conduct was
in part opportunistic and was influenced by their desire to placate
a public opinion suspicious of workers’ combinations. Neverthe-
less it was in harmony with the economic doctrines the leaders
The ideology of the “New Model” was undermined by the in-
flux of semi-skilled and unskilled workers in the 1880’s. These
workers could not assemble the large resources nor were they able
to exert monopoly power in the labor market. Not as well placed
economically as their skilled fellow workers, they could not look
with disdain upon improvements through legislation. The infu-
sion of “new blood” into English trade unionism gradually led
to the breaking down of the older “laissez-faire” ideology, and its
replacement by an ethical Socialist outlook which increasingly
became the creed of British trade unionism. It has, however, not
led to a rejection of the older organizational forms and institu-
tions —such as collective agreements and concentration upon im-
provements of job conditions — for these activities are inherent
in the very definition of trade unionism. It has, however, led to

the change in ideology which has in turn exercised a significant

influence upon the long-run objectives of British unionism. The
shift from a “laissez-faire” to a Socialist ideology brought with
it a greater emphasis upon political action and led to the eventual
formation of the Labor Party. Despite the recognition by the trade
unions that collaboration with the employer in every day affairs
was necessary the trade unions never surrendered the long-run
ideals of Socialism. The Socialism of the English trade unions
had none of the harsh rigidity of the Marxist system, but the
unions nevertheless looked forward to the day when a new co-
operative society would be established. It was
hope in the
eventual achievement of a better and juster social system that in-
duced the trade unions to support morally and financially the La-
* Sidney and Beatrice
Webb, The History of Trade Unionism, Workers’ Educational
Association, London, 1919, pp. 233-242.

bor Party. Other English political parties have been ready to

make broad concessions to labor and have, in fact, initiated many
social reforms, but the sponsoring of an independent political
party was increasingly, although not initially, due to the belief
in the desirability of a Socialist society. Nor can one argue that
the acceptance of a specific view with regard to political action or
the future form of society has made no essential difference in the
history of British labor, for the unions not only gave financial
support but also became the propagandists for the Socialist
ideal. Without the huge reserves drawn from the British trade
unions, the Labor Party could not have achieved political power.
The English trade unions have not, because of their espousal of
Socialism, avoided the day-to-day compromises and they have
been ready to retreat whenever conditions made such a step ne-
cessary. Yet these compromises forced upon the unions by con-
ditions, has not affected their hope of attaining by slow and gradual
steps a Socialist Commonwealth.


German trade unionism at its beginning in the 1860’s was

closely tied to the emerging Socialism. Despite the low value the
followers of Ferdinand Lassalle placed upon trade unions, it was
members of their group, Friedrich Wilhelm Fritsche, the founder
of the tobacco workers’ union, and Johann Baptiste von Schweit-
zer who organized and directed the first modem trade union con-
gress in 1868. However, was the followers of Marx and not of

Lassalle who were most favorable to trade unionism. The unions

that arose in this period were under Socialist influence, although
the liberals were unsuccessfully aspiring for leadership. The
anti-Socialist laws first introduced in 1878 struck a sharp blow at
the trade unions and they recovered more slowly than the Social
Democratic Party after these laws had been repealed. Trade
unionism revived slowly and the relations of trade union? to the
Party required definition. After the setting-up of the General
Commission union Congress in 1890, the unions
at the Berlin trade

became virtually independent of direct political domination. In

their practical activities they pursued a limited policy of concen-
tratingupon economic improvements, and their relations to the
Social-Democratic Party became a source of debate.

To succeed in its major objective the improvement in the con-
ditions of work— ^the trade unions had to evolve a permanent ap-
paratus and, as the unions grew in strength and numbers, their man-
agement became more complicated and difficult. Moreover, the
trade unions always had to prepare for the next step forward or
brace themselves for a possible attack upon them by tbe employer.
There thus developed a cautious attitude in the German trade
union movement, and a desire to avoid legal and employer attack.’’

At the outset, a close tie-up between political Socialism and

unionism was natural, for both movements drew their inspiration
from the same intellectual and spiritual reservoir. However, the
expansion in the power and number of trade unions gave them an
independent appeal, one based on immediate advantages that
could be gained from an effective organization of labor.
Organizing workers in a plant or industry as effectively as pos-
sible, irrespective of the individual’s political or social philoso-
phy, forced upon the free German labor unions the need for
adopting a neutral position toward political parties. But while
the ideal was pushed into the background due to the need for col-
laborating with the employer, the German trade unions never
surrendered their Socialist views. The Socialism of the trade
unions was the moderate, evolutionary type and when a faction of
more revolutionary Socialists led by Rosa Luxembourg attempted,
in 1905, to gain approval of the mass strike, the trade unions
objected. They regarded the strike as an economic weapon whose
exercise should be directed by the trade unions and not by a
political party. What the trade unions sought and accomplished

was exclusive control over the economic movement of labor, and,

6 Richard Seidel, Die Gewerkschaften JVach dem Kriege, Dietz, Berlin, 1925, pp

despite the criticism of some Party leaders, the German trade

unions insisted upon their political neutrality. However, neutral-

ity did not mean opposition on practical or theoretical grounds

to political action, but only to domination by a political party.
The free trade unions cooperated closely with the Social Demo-
cratic Party to advance their social and legal position, but they
recognized that in their pursuit of immediate aims their indepen-
dence must be assured even though the ultimate ideal of the politi-

cal and economic wings of labor were the same.

Actually the free trade unions not only accepted a Socialist
philosophy, but cooperated closely with the Social Democratic
Party and during World War I the unions supported the majority
pro-war views. After World War German trade unions raised

the banner of industrial democracy. The desirability of Social-

ism was still and central planning, an increasing voice
of labor in industry was held to be the means of approaching So-
cialism. As one examines the ideology of trade unionism, it is
clear that the acceptance of the ideal of Socialism colored the
trade union attitude toward government intervention, welfare leg-
islationand the position of labor in industry. A Socialist-indoc-
trinated membership could accept with equanimity resolutions
that non-Socialists would reject.


Italian trade unionism goes back to the 1840’s and the organ-
ized resistance of the Torino printers against a wage reduction in

1848 is one of the first manifestations of organized economic ac-

tion. Attempts — successful and unsuccessful — to establish unions
were made in the 1860’s and 1870’s. Under French influence,

“Camere del Lavro” (Chambers of Labor) were organized begin-

ning in the late 1880’ s. The spread of unionism met the opposi-
tion of the government, and a wave of repression was instituted
by Prime Minister Crispi. With a change of the government, a
different and a more lenient attitude toward trade unionism was
introduced. With the spread of organization, the “Centrale della
Resistenza” (Central Committee of Resistance) was set up in 1902
which was transferred four years later into the “Confederazione
Cenerale del Lavoro” (Central Federation of Labor). The Federa-
tion emphasized immediate gains, but in ideology it urged a mod-
erate Socialist philosophy. Italian unionism was, however, not
as completely dominated by political Socialism as was German
labor, for a signihcant Syndicalist current also existed. This was,
in part, due to the influence of the followers of Bakunin. Despite
the existence of the more militant minorities, the trade union move-
ment of Italy looked for inspiration to, and cooperated with the
reformist wing of Italian Socialism. Thus, when in 1918 the Italian
Socialist Party endorsed the dictatorship of the proletariat, the
endorsement was rejected and a more conservative position taken.
Italian trade unionism feared that the leftist Socialists would
arouse the hopes of the masses, and thereby push the labor move-
ment into dangerous ventures. Instead of a radical program, the
Italian unions demanded a greater voice for labor in industry,
disarmament, self-determination of nations, and equal suffrage.
During the occupation of the factories in 1922 the trade union
leaders took a moderate view and they sought to avert a crisis.
Italian trade unions unsuccessfully attempted to evolve a practical
policy of collaborating with the employer, but in ideology they
were Socialistic with emphasis upon its gradual character.


As in Germany, the link between the moderate Socialistic Bel-

gian Labor Party and the trade unions was very close. In fact,
the Party aided in tlie formation of many trade unions, and ac-
tually set up the Trade Union Commission
in 1898. The latter,
while essentially a and information agency, helped to

cement close relations between trade unions. At the outset it was

completely dominated by the Belgian Labor Party, but in time
the Trade Union Commission became autonomous. It has, how-

ever, recognized the Belgian Labor Party as the representative of

labor’s political interests.
Those trade luiions not under religious influence, recognize the
existence of a class struggle and hope for the eventual socializa-
tion of the means of production. The relations between the Labor
Party and the trade unions have continued close, and each group
is represented on the other’s national executive. In sum, the ide-
ology of Belgian trade unionism has been based upon reform and
moderate Socialism, and with the recognition of the class strug-

gle as a sociological law. Such recognition has not prevented the

unions from day-to-day cooperation with the employer.


In many respects the ideology of the Swedish trade unions went

through an evolution similar to that of English labor. The earliest
labor imions —founded in the 1840’s —were dominated by liberal
philanthropists who emphasized piety and uplift. The beginning
and the increase in the political Socialist movement had an effect
upon the outlook of the trade unions. Yet one of the early trade
documents, published in 1882, does not show a direct Socialist
influence. Improvement in working conditions, establishment of
old age benefit funds, and more rigid regulation of working con-
ditions are requested.
With the growth of Socialist influence, the position of liberal-
ism upon Swedish labor was undermined. The growth in the im-
portance of Swedish Socialism manifested itself in a requirement
that local unions affiliated with the General Federation of Swedish
Trade Unions must affiliate with the Social-Democratic Party. This
rule was rescinded in 1900, but the close ties between the trade
unions and Swedish political Socialism have never been severed.
In 1909 the congress of the Federation declared the Social-Demo-
cratic Party to be “the natural and self-evident bearer of the poli-
tical aims of the Swedish working class.” Local unions can awfl

often do affiliate with the Social-Democratic Party, although it is

no longer required. A majority vote of the members is required,
and members can “reserve” themselves against such a decision
and thereby be exempt from payment of Party dues.


European trade unionism, regardless of differences in initial

origin and inspiration, has tended, in time, to develop a coopera-

tive attitude in its relations with the employer and a basically So-
cialistic ideology. As practical organizations, the trade unions
have nut giveti as much attention to theoretical and philosophical
problems as political parties. Moreover their character has im-
posed upon them the need for more drastic compromises. Yet
their acceptance of gradualistic and essentially ethical Socialism
has made them ready to support governmental reforms in eco-
nomic relations, and has given them the hope of an eventual So-
cialist society.


Bkrtrand, Louis, Histoire de la Democratic et du Socialisme, Dechene,

Paris, 1906.
Gualtiere, Humbert, The Labor Movement in Italy, S. E. Vaniii, New
York, 1946.
Hansson, Sicfkid, The Trade Union Movement of Sweden, International
Federation of Trade Unions, Amsterdam, 1927.
Heberle, Rudlof, Zur Geschichte der Arbeiter Bewegung in Schweden,
Fisher, Jena, 1925.
Michels, Roberto, Storia Critica de Movimento Socialista ItaUano,
“La Voce” Firenza, 1921.
Perlman, Selig, A Theory of the Labor Movement, Macmillan, 1928.
Seidel, Richard, Die Gewerkschaften Nach dem Kriege, Dietz, Berlin,
Vandervelde. Emii.e, Le Patri Ouvrier Beige, L'Eglantine„ Brussels,
Webb, Sidney and Beatrice, History of Trade Unionism, Workers
Educational Association, London, 1920.
ZwiNC, Karl, Soziologie der Gewerkschat Bewegung, Verlagabuchhand-
lung, Jena, 1927.

Consumer Cooperation
and the
Freedom of Man

Editorial Note

The Cooperative Movement is above all, a social and eco-

nomic movement. A political party based solely on cooperative
ideology could scarcely be found in Europe. Nevertheless, co-
operative ideals exerted a strong influence upon such movements as
the Peccant Movement and the Trade Union and Socialist move-
ment, as well as other political labor movements. Further dis-
cussion of Cooperativism may be found also in George Dimit-
rov's chapter on '‘Agrarianism."
Prof. Horace M. Kallen treats some of the philosophical as-
pects of cooperativism, rather than general background or trend.
Since this book is intended to deal mainly with political ideol-
ogies, this aspect of Cooperativism appeared more important than
a general presentation of the subject.
F. G.





Horace M. Kallen

As THE FIRST century of the Consumer Cooperative Movement

comes to its close, we may speculate a little about what was in
the minds of Charles Howarth and his twenty-seven mates when
they chose to call themselves The Society of Equitable Pioneers.
During wars, pioneers are the advance guard of an army, the
soldiers who build the roads and clear the way, making it as
smooth and safe as possible for those who follow after. In times
of peace, the pioneer is the explorer and experimenter, the fore-
runner who spies out the wilderness and prepares the ground
be it in religion or politics or science or art or in the economy of
life — for the generations that come after. The men who called
themselves Equitable Pioneers — that is pioneers who undertook
to share their labor and its fruits according to their several abili-
ties and needs — could not have given themselves such a name un-
less they had a feeling of mission and a sense of destiny.
What, if they were alive this day, would the twenty-eight weav-
ers of Rochdale think had come of their mission and destiny as
they looked upon the world-wide company of the more than
hundred million men and women who had formed consumer so-
cieties according to the Rochdale pattern and conduct their af-
fairs upon the Rochdale rules? They would, I fancy, be as sur-
prised as Columbus, who trying out only an untried road to the
Indies, found he had broken a new way to a new continent. For


fundamentally, the members of the Toad Lane Society had not

liberated themselves from the ways of thinking and feeling of the
producer economy that they had grown up in and were the victims
of. Ithad not occurred to them that by nature they were consum-
ers, consumers first, last and all the time, and that they were pro-
ducers by nurture only, and intermittently. The need they felt

was for what we today call “security,” and they identified secur-
ity with “employment” just as their descendants do. Of course

they knew that there were more fortunately placed people who
could eat and love and live without working, but it never occurred
to them that they themselves could be thus fortunate; that it is

those who do not eat that must die, not those who do not work.
Only if those who do not work are prevented from eating, leisure is
a road to disaster and death, instead of what it has always been
considered, the way to freedom, the way to the good life. The
Rochdale Pioneers had no thought of leisure or freedom. They
organized their Society in order to provide themselves with em-
ployment and food and clothing and shelter; in order to set up
“self-supporting colonies of united interests” whose inhabitants
might, by working them, earn and share “profits ... in proportion
to purchases.” “Profits,” “employment,” were focal in the aspira-
tions of the men of Rochdale.
Nor could it have been otherwise. The English world in which
they lived and moved and had their being was a producer-minded
world where they figured not as men but as workmen, not as mas-
ters of themselves but as employees and servants of their employ-
ers. And so they also considered themselves. It was in the hope
that they might relieve this condition that they organized their
Society of Equitable Pioneers.
But as this Society of theirs grew and budded and bourgeoned
in Branches and a Wholesale Department, and as it was joined by
new societies, inspired by their example, the Pioneers, remain-
ing all the while employees of the businesses for which they
worked, became in their turn employers in the businesses that
they owned. Early in their history they had been befriended by


a number of gentlemen who were also Christian Socialists
gentlemen moved by a deep pity for the stale of the workingmen of
Britain. These humanitarians, gentlemen though they were, were
as producer-minded as the workingmen they sought to aid. The
latter, these gentlemen believed, could help themselves best by
organizing cooperative societies of producers and sharing the pro-
fits of their labors on equal terms. They and their companions
had set up several such producers’ cooperatives; and they insisted
that in equity the rule of the primacy of the producer should gov-
ern also the association of the Rochdale consumers.
Had they prevailed, the employees of the consumer societies
would have been up as a privileged caste of workers and the so-

cieties which employed them would have been put at a serious dis-
advantage in the competitive field. One of the many contributions
of J. T. W. Mitchell to the theory and practice of consumer or-
ganizations was to drive that point home, and in driving it home to
uncover the new meaning which consumer enterprise was giving
the term “profit.” By training and experience as producer-minded
as his opponents, Mitchell for a long time thought of “profit” in
the usual way. He long regarded consumer organization as but
a combination of “purchasing power,” and cooperation as but
a means of securing the “profits of trade to all the people.” In
the course of his defense of the interest of the consumer mem-
bers of the cooperative societies against inequitable demands by
their employees and against the justification of those demands by
the Christian Socialists, he came, however, to realize the primacy
of the consumer. Profit, he declared, is made by the consumption
of the people, and the consumers ought to have the profit. “The
Pioneers,” he advised the Cooperative Congress of 1892 “did not

start with capital or labor but with consumption.” All economic

values —
costs, profits, taxes, interest, wages, rent, — are rooted in
consumption and the burden of those values falls heaviest on the
poorest who have least to consume. If, consequently, there really
is a class-war, it consists not in the so-called struggle of labor with
capital over “surplus value” but in the struggle of the people as

consumers with joint organizations of capital and labor into in-

dustries as producers. The meaning of the principle of the prim-
acy of the consumer for the social economy of a free people is,

then, inevitably —consumer organization and consumer control;

and Mitchell brought the meaning out. Let the worker receive
a generous wage for his work, he told the Royal G>mmission on
labor that year of 1892. But whatever accrues to him beyond
his wage should accrue to him as consumer through his member-
ship in a consumer society. In the nation’s economy it is the citi-
zen as consumer and not as producer who should own the capital
and get limited interest on capital.
In the United States, about the same time, Ira Steward, three
years younger than Mitchell, arrived at this principle of the pri-
macy of the consumer by a very different route. Steward was the
inspirer and founder of the Eight Hour League that agitated all
over the United States for a shorter working day. By vocation a
machinist, like Mitchell unschooled and self-taught, a devoted
trades-unionist. Steward found that the one sure justification for
short hours and high wages lies in the fact that consumption and
not production comes first. When men worked with their hands
only they often could not produce enough to consume. But now
that they use machinery, the case is altered. Machinery enables
mass production and mass production is a blessing “provided the
wealth more rapidly produced is consumed as fast as days’ work
is destroyed. But if this blessing is to continue to bless, wages
must continue to rise. If wage stops rising, machinery stops bless-
ing.” The wages must rise to absorb the abundance of goods and
services whose production they pay for. We produce. Steward
urged, in order to consume. First come our habits and wants that
make up our standards of living, then our labors to satisfy and
sustain them. The money-wages we receive must be realized in
the real wages of goods and services which our habits and wants
require and which our money-wages should pay for.
First and last, then, man is a consumer. Upon this only can
a free people build itself a strong and healthy economy. This is
the lesson Jolin Mitchell learned as he defended the the organized
consumers of England. This is the conclusion Ira Steward’s reason-
ing led to as he championed the unorganized producers of the
United States.

Then what does it mean, in a world such as ours - where a

minority are privileged to live without working while the great
multitudes seem destined to work without living - to regard each
and every human being as first and last a consumer?
Essentially it means the universal freedom of man. It means
that the laboring man is equal in dignity and worth with the man
of leisure. means such an organization of a nation’s economy

that every one of the people will insome sort be enabled to work
for himself and not for another, and will know that he is his own
employee and not another’s. Thus he will have power over his
own support. A man whose power over his own support is in his
own will is a free man. A man whose support is in the power of
another’s will is not a free man. As The Federalist pointed out
long ago, “power over a man’s support is power over his will.”
Experience has shown that an economy based on the primacy of
the consumer, in the form of consumer cooperation, brings power
over a man’s support to the man’s own will.
In the long history of the human struggle for freedom, the
plain people rarely had this power. They were not free men.
In the classical civilization from which both the literary and the
theological “humanists” of our own time draw their tradition,
labor was not held to be worthy of free men. “The dignity of
labor” would have been a contradictory phrase to Plato and Aris-
totle, the thinkers who are taken as the spokesmen for what is

best and noblest in that tradition, and whose views and judgments
are so powerfully a part of our own living past. In the society
for which they spoke, as in every society until our own, the en-
tirely free men were the gentlemen, the men of birth and station,
and they were free because they could live their lives without

earning their livings. They were free because they were at leisure,
and were very busy in their leisure. But their business was not
the business of the farmer, the artisan, and the mechanic, earning
his living. was the business of the man who does not need to

earn his living and who is therefore free to perform all func-
tions public and private whereby he could diversify and ennoble
his life; free to live more abundantly. Their business was the
business of the soldier and the ruler, of the sportsman, the con-
noiseur, the athlete, the orator and the philosopher. It consisted

— Aristotle said —
it in the enjoyment of leisure which is better
than occupation and is the end, being the practice of the “liberal
arts,” the achievement of “pleasure, happiness and the delight
of living.” By contrast, labor, useful or not, is painful, ignoble,
inimical to the virtue proper to free men. By contrast, labor is
the activity appropriate to slaves; it is a means only, never an end,
and its nature is, ever to serve leisure. The laborer is a slave by
nature, by nature incapable of freedom. The laborer is a tool with
life in it, even as a tool is a lifeless slave. The laborer is to be
trained in his useful function as an animal is trained or a tool is

modelled, and no more. Contrariwise, the education of the free

man should not equip him with the servile skills of the artisan,
the farmer or the mechanic; it should equip him with the liberal
and noble arts. These are arts of consumption, not of production,
and the free man is consumer, not producer.
Religion confirmed philosophy in this judgment of the relative
values of labor and leisure, of production and consumption. The
pagan gods, being free, were at leisure, and their existence was
an immortality of free activity with its “pleasure, happiness, and
delight in living.” Aristotle gave this general appreciation of
divine existence as consumer existence, a philosophical formu-
lation. “God’s life in eternity,” he wrote, “is that which we en-
joy in our best moments, but are unable to possess permanently:
its very being is delight.” The men who imparted its characteristic
shape to the Christian view of human nature and human destiny
combined the judgments of classical thought with the implications
of certain narratives of the Hebrew Scriptures regarding labor and
leisure, consumption and production. It was not, they noted, the

six work-days of the creation that the Creator blessed ; it was the
seventh, the Sabbath, that God blessed and sanctified, “because
in it he rested from all his work which God created and made.”
And Heaven, consequently, is one eternal Sabbath. In the life of

man, again, it was not in the Garden of Eden that Adam ate his

bread in sorrow and earned it in the sweat of his face. God had
created Eden to be the happy habitation of the first man and the
first woman. The economy of Eden was an economy of abundance,

and life in Eden was life without labor, a consumer life, all free
activity bringing pleasure, happiness and delight in living. But
God had forbidden Adam and Eve to eat of the fruit of the tree

of knowledge. Eve, persuaded by the serpent, had eaten, and

Adam had followed suit. This disobedience was the original sin.

It altered the inward nature of Adam and Eve, And this corrupted

nature of theirs is transmitted to their descendants. And all the

generations of man are tainted with it. Because of it, God ex-

pelled Adam from the abundance and leisure of Eden “to till the
ground whence he was taken.” Because of it, God laid a curse upon
Eve to bring forth her children in sorrow. Because of it, God laid
a curse upon Adam, to eat his bread in the sweat of his face, to
win his bread from a now condemned earth that would bring forth
for him “thorns also and thistles.” In sum, labor is a curse,
leisure is a blessing. Labor is a sentence for sin which we work
out on an earth whose abundance has by that sin been corrupted
to scarcity. Labor is a consequence of evil, itself an evil, made
necessary by sin ; labor is the price which most of us pay for sur-
vival in a world where we must work or perish. By contrast, lei-
sure is a state of innocence, of the free and joyous functions of
all our powers whereof consists the life more abundant. The good
life is not the laborious life, but the contemplative life, wherein
we may see God and enjoy him forever. The state of labor, thus

again, is a state of bondage; the state of leisure is a state of

freedom. Production is servility, consumption liberty. Society
condemns its criminals to hard labor.
The modern mind tries hard not to think of labor and leisure
in this way. When we we are disposed to deprecate,
even to condemn, leisure, and to commend, even to exalt, labor. We
speak boldly and often about “the dignity of labor;” we have
even invented a “right to work.” We have come to use the word
“worker” with much the same feeling of appreciation and ap-
proval that still attaches to the word “gentleman.” This change
has grown out of the democratic revolution, whose fighting faith
is contained in the seven propositions of the Declaration of In-
dependence, which proclaim that individual human beings, each
different from the others, are by nature equal in their inalienable
right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, and that govern-
ments are merely changeable means devised to secure these rights.

The principles that the workingman must be a free man, that labor
has dignity —even a nobler dignity than leisure — follow from
the articles of faith in this American-born charter of equal liberty
for all the billions of different men and women who people die

These principles, however, do not contradict the traditional

religious and humanist conception of the relation of leisure to

labor, of consumer They confirm the conception, but

to producer.

they reject its traditional application. They refuse to confine it

to the small numbers of men and women who from the beginning

of civilization were, because of birth or station or other forms of

privilege, free to live their lives without needing to earn their
They purposefully extend it to the great multitudes of

human beings who are cut off from living any life because noth-
ing of their lifetime is spared from earning a living. They affirm
that the workingman, no less than the gentleman, is a consumer
by nature; that his natural goal is leisure, not labor, freedom, not
bondage; that he becomes a producer by necessity and that he
strives all his life to unshackle himself from this necessity. Else,
why the struggle to devise “labor-saving” devices? Why the honor
and gratitude to inventors of such devices? Why the efforts of
labor-unions ever to raise wages and reduce hours, that is, to
increase leisure and the possibility of consumption? Indeed, what-
ever may be a modern man’s professions regarding “the dignity
of labor,” his practices confirm the judgment passed upon it by
both the humanities and the religion of our civilization. John
Mitchell and Ira Steward, speaking for the liberation of the un-
free multitudes from want and from fear regarding things and
thoughts, simply harmonized, each in his own way, profession
with practice. They reaffirmed the primacy of the consumer.
The principle of the primacy of the consumer expresses the
innermost nature of the human creature. It embodies the truth
about all the freedoms he gropes after and labors for to the end
of his days. We are born consumers and consumers we remain
all our lives. But in most of us, the society we live in overlays
the consumer we are bom as by the producer it compels us to be-
come. By original nature consumers, and producers only by nur-
ture, nevertheless we must, most of us, produce or perish. Not
many may all their lives consume without producing, while too
many must all their lives produce without consuming, produce
consuming only enough to keep them producing. And every soul
of those unfree multitudes dreams of the day when he may be
purely a consumer again; every sold struggles to be freed of the
chain gang of production in which survival shackles him.
Imagine the years of any such man who must earn his living,
as he spends it from the cradle to the grave. As a babe in arms he
produces nothing. He is absolutely a consumer. He is fed, clothed,
sheltered, amused and defended. His needs are served, his wishes
gratified, his activities encouraged and praised. He is protected
from the consequences of his mistakes. His life is the life of
Riley. He grows into childhood living his life without needing to
earn his living. As his powers develop, his environment is en-

larged, his opjiortunities are multiplied. He goes to school, to the

ball game, the church, the dance, and so on. Then, perhaps at the
age of fourteen or fifteen this carefree consummatory daily life

of his stops. The fourteen year old must now earn his living. He
gets a job on a farm, in a factory, in a shop. He spends his day
repeating a few single, simple actions in which his work consists.

If he wishes to continue doing the things he had been doing be-

fore he was required to earn his living, he must do them at night.
His existence, which had been one and whole is now split in two.

He has a daylife in which he earns his living; he has a nightlife

in which he lives his life.
This boy is, almost. Everybody. There are a more fortunately
placed few who do not need to become workingmen at fourteen.
They are not called upon to earn their livings. In high school,
in college, they continue to live their lives. Tradition allows them
certain privileges, certain liberties, which constitute “college life."
They are liberties and privileges analogous to those enjoyed by
gentlemen of leisure everywhere in the world. They are the liber-

ties and privileges of infancy, not to be held accountable for viola-

tions of the adult social code; to consume without producing,
food, clothing, shelter, to engage in sports and play and every
sort of free activity, without any splitting into daylife and night-
life. But if, when they are graduated, they also must devote their
days to earning a living, then they, too, can have only a few hours
of night for the free activities to which, in school and college,
they give their days. For them, too, night becomes the time for
living,day for only earning a living. During the day they are
but producers, working for money. At night they are consumers,
converting the price of their labor into goods and services which
nourish and please the body, which exercise and delight the mind.
Daylife is the means, nightlife is the end.
The farmer, for example, is often envied on the ground that
he lives a more natural life than the factory hand. A man’s life

is natural when what he does to earn his living and what he does

to live his life are not separate, but How together in such a way
that the freedom and the pleasure of nightlife are felt in the

labors of daylife, and the satisfactions of consumption are en-

joyed in the activities of production. A life is natural when its

means and its ends flow together in such a way that even though
they are distinct, they are not different. A life is natural when work
yields the same feeling as play, and play is as productive as work.
A life is natural when production and consumption flow together
and are not to he separated.
Thus, it is not natural, for example, either to eat to live or to
live to eat. It is natural to enjoy living as eating, and to take de-
light in eating as living. Rightly or wrongly, the farmer’s ex-
istence is supposed to possess this naturalness. Yet his life, too,

divides into daylife and nightlife. By work on the farm he

is engaged in earning his living. Most of what he produces let —
it be grain, or cotton, or milk, or fruit, or vegetables — ^he produces,
not to consume for himself, but to sell to others for money. With
this money he buys, of course, the tools and materials which he
has used up as producer and which he must replace if he is to

continue producing. But if those were all his money could buy, he
would indeed be no more than a tool with life in it. To be a free
man, he must be able to exchange his money, not for producer
goods only, but for consumer goods, material and spiritual: not
only for work-clothes, but leisure clothes — clothes for church,
for parties, for political meetings; not only for a farm truck but
a passenger car; not only for manuals on farming, but for news-
papers, magazines, books, radio, an occasional motion picture,
a play or concert; for something to risk on the races, at checkers
or at bridge; or a baseballgame; for hunting and fishing in the
season; not only for good bams, but for a good school and good
teachers for his children; for a well-built, well-appointed house
with adequate plumbing and heating and good furniture to be his
home. Obviously, a consumer are many and varied
his interests as
in kind and quality, his interests as a producer are of one kind
and few. Yet, as a rule, his mind and heart are concentrated
on the narrow arts of production. From sunrise to sunset, and

beyond, he performs his back-breaking labors for money to spend;

and he joins with other farmers in order to buy his producers’
goods as cheaply and to sell his product as dearly as possible.

Then, when he has his money, he, for the most part, continues
to leave the art of spending and using, which is the art of con-
sumption, to shift for itself. Through his working day, from
morning till noon, from noon to night, our farmer burns his ener-
gies in his hard labor. When he stops for lunch, the food he eats
is merely so many calories of fuel which his working oxidized
into fatigue products and which his meal replaces. He bolts his
bread and meat and pie; he gulps his coffee; he snatches his
smoke. He is scarcely aware how his food has tasted. He has
no effective interest in how it was served. The food only stokes
the labor-expending animal engine, restoring its “horsepower.”
It does not feed the human being.
For the human being cares about exactly those qualities which
the animal engine, the labor-expending organism, the wage-earn-
ing or profit-seeking producer must needs disregard. But the
laborer, the producer, is not freed to be a man again until the
day is done and the day’s work is over. In this respect, the fac-
tory worker is far worse off than the farmer. His life is far more
unnatural. On the job he is not a man with a proper name, but a
“hand” with a number. His work is not varied like the farmer’s,
nor does he have Ae mobility of the farmer. His tools are not
moveable like the awl of the shoemaker or the needle of the
tailor,which those craftsmen take up or put down at will. It is
the “hand” which is moveable, and attached to a stationary ma-
chine like any other attachable and detachable gadget. If that
man is a tailor who makes a whole suit of clothes, and that man
is a shoemaker who makes a whole pair of shoes, the factory

worker is neither a tailor nor a shoemaker. The act of making

suits or shoes is divided into twenty or thirty separate operations,
with one worker to repeat each operation endlessly throughout the
working day. In terms of a whole suit or a whole pair of shoes,
it is the factory that is the tailor, the shop that is the shoemaker.
In terms of the whole product, the operative is only 1/20 or 1/30
of a shoemaker or tailor. The operative’s lunch, even more than
the farmer’s, is a replacemnt of burnt up calories, not the grati-

fication of a human being’s hunger. It stokes the animal engine,

it does not feed a man with a heart and a mind.
But finally, like the farmer’s, the factory hand’s workday ends.
Here they are now, farmer and factory worker, released from
being producers earning their livings, free to be the consumers
they were born as, living their lives. They clean up. They wash
away, so far as they can, the marks of their producer day. They
put off their labor clothes and put on their leisure clothes. By
contrast, they now move without haste and speak without strain.

The supper they sit down to may consist of exactly the same dishes
they ate at noon. But their food is not just so many hundreds of
calories to be swallowed but not savored. It is now an exciting and
delightful combination of sights and flavors and scents and tex-

tures. The cloth it is laid on, garnished perhaps, with flowers,

the dishes it is served on, the knives and forks and spoons it is

taken with, feed the eye and the hand with si^t and touch as
much as the fragrance, tJie taste, the chewing and digesting please
the palate and comfort the body. Communion with others, table
talk, music or news on the radio, may accompany the meal. Com-
pared with the noonday event, this meal is eaten without haste,
lingeringly, and the qualities of each dish may be discussed like
the contents of a good book, or the events of an exciting game or
movie or play.
This how we take our meals as human beings, that is, as con-

sumers. And significantly, both the physiologist and the psychol-

ogist advise us that in taking our meals thus, we not only do not
diminish, we heighten the caloric or producer value of our nour-
ishment. But we are free to eat thus only at night and perhaps
on Sundays, when we are at leisure. The waking hours that re-
main are taken up similarly by actions which farmer and worker
perform for the fun of it, freely because they want to, not ne-
cessarily because they have to. They may read, or sing or play

cards or play billiards, or go bowling or attend a movie or a con-

cert or a lodge meeting or a church social or a political rally,
or they may go shopping for clothes or baseballs or shotguns or
boxing gloves. Whatever they do, they will be spending the money
they earned as producers, and in spending they will be doing those
many different things for the sake of which they labor monoton-
ously to produce one thing; they will be living ffieir lives.


Obviously, if it is good for people to come together in joint

stock companies, in trades-unions, in buying and sales coopera-
tives, it is a far, far better thing for them to come together in con-

sumer cooperatives. It is as much better, as the multiplicity, the

variety, the range and the meaning of each man’s interests as con-

sumer inevitably outnumber and outweigh his interests as a pro-

ducer. That which human beings can offer to exchange for money,
in order to earn their livings, is valuable to them only in terms
of things that they can exchange their money for in order to live
their lives. All that the farmer wins throu^ his cooperative, in
reducing the costs and increasing the profits of the products he
sells, is often entirely lost in the prices he pays for the things he
buys with those profits. It is not earning that measures income,
it is spending. It is not production that governs the standard of
a standard of living — President Roosevelt called the standard of
living “that primary weapon of our defense” — it is consumption.
It is not power over production that gives a power over man the
his own support, it is power over consumption, and power over
production through power over consumption. It is not by pro-
ducer-organization that a man achieves his freedom, it is by con-
This is the truth that wise men of Greece and Rome saw and
taught, that the Christian Church transmitted and interpreted, that
John Mitchell and Ira Steward rediscovered and restated with
fresh meanings. This is the principle that the consumer coopera-
tives of the world have tested and verified. Their rules of associa-
tion, which the twenty-eight weavers of Rochdale put together and
first applied, define the economic organization of liberty. Ad-
dressing themselves to freedom from want, the rules cannot, how-
ever, work effectively unless the other three freedoms of Mr.
Roosevelt’s four freedoms are also in force — especially freedom
of thought and freedom of conscience. On the record, it is where
these have been in force, alike in England, on the continent, and
elsewhere in the world, that Rochdale cooperatives worked their
way through the business cycles of peace-time, the distortions and
scarcities of wartimes, more stably, more evenly, than any other
form of economic organization. During the First World War they
served as a check on inflation and at some points as a preventive.
Governments, parties, churches everywhere are aware of the co-
operatives’ potential. In some instances they solicit their volun-
tary collaboration, in others they divert the cooperatives from
their true functions and degrade them into tools of policy. When
this happened — it did happen in Austria, in Poland, and other
Slavic countries, in Italy and in Germany — the faith in the
primacy of the consumer, which is the soul of cooperation, is dis-

sipated, its morale destroyed. With its organization based on open

membership, democratic government, limited interest on capital,
and a return to the purchaser of the difference between cost and
price, the cooperative is allergic to alien uses. It cannot be har-
monized with authoritarian government of any sort. It is irre-

concilable with totalitarianism.

When allowed to survive or perish on its merits, consumer co-
operation is the one form of collective liberty which can serve as
the “grass-roots” implementation of the free man’s peace. It is

alone capable of turning a “good neighbor policy” from a policy

into a way of life. When the United Nations have won the vic-
tory there will be millions of uprooted, homeless human beings
to care for, to settle, to rehabilitate in health, in hope, in self- de-
pendence, and self-respect. On its record, the consumer coopera-
tive technique is the simplest, the surest way to attempt this. What-
ever survives of cooperative skill and cooperative power can be

mobilized and set to work; where none survives, men and women
trained elsewhere can be sent in. Rehabilitation can be thus initi'

ated and carried through at a minimum of economic cost and a

maximum of profit in terms of human life and liberty. The same
would hold for demobilized soldiers, for farmers, for craftsmen,

for wage-earners employed on the inevitable public works of re-

storation. For all of them, the conversion of money-wages into

real wages in terms of food, clothing, shelter, education, protec-
tion against disease and crime, and all the other goods of life, by
means of the credit union, of the cooperative store, of the coopera-
tive wholesale and marketing-society would serve as a counter
alike to the profiteering monopolistic private trader and to de-
bilitating government management.
But far more important is the fact that consumer cooperation
alone can provide a discipline in the democratic way of life, labor,
and thought for both war and peace. The neighborhood units
could be confederated into regional wholesales and unions, the
regional into national, and the national into world-wide alliances,
through which they could pool their financial resources and keep
up a continuous free trade of skills, knowledges, goods, and serv-

The cadres of such a world-wide economic collaboration of free

men existed and were growing in the free countries before the
war. One of the tasks of the cooperative movement entering upon
its second hundred years is to think out in detail how they may be
filled and employed to win the war, and adapted to assure the
peace. Its other task is to communicate this knowledge as a fight-

ing faith to the peoples and the governments of the United Na-
tions — ^the faith that the economy of consumer cooperation, based
upon management by, of, and for the forgotten men of the world,
can channel all the liberties of man into the structure of lasting
Should this be fulfilled, even in part, future historians might
well regard the rules of Rochdale a more momentous forwarding
of freedom than Magna Charta.

Liberalism in Crisis



Rubin Gotesky

When the twentieth century arrived, the material and ideolog-

ical conditions already existed for making the inevitable diagnosis
that classical liberalism is dead and liberalism, in general, dying.
Yet the vast majority of intelligent, cultured adults nurtured on
these principles, did not believe this. To them until the first

world war, liberalism seemed only to have begun its triumphant

conquest of the world. was only be-
Capitalism, free enterprise,
ginning to dominate the globe and to bring the glories of machine
civilization to the barbarians outside of western Europe and Amer-

ica. Kings were being overthrown or abdicating with great dig-

nity. Republics were springing up everywhere. Churches were
apparently beginning to accept their separation from the state and
interesting them.selvps more and more with, the spiritual life of

the people. Reason and science, properly seasoned with Christian

morality, were everywhere becoming more and more influential
in school, in politics and diplomacy. Even the most primitive peo-
ple of Africa and the Pacific were sending their noble sons to

western schools and colleges. Everyone, except a small minority

of socialists and radicals, believed that the millenium was at hand.
Nearly everyone and particularly the poor believed he was ulti-

mately to become rich. Nearly everyone believed he would re-

ceive his just due and reward, given time. Special privilege was
coming to an end. No one was to be denied the opportunity of
reaching for the highest honors possible. Terror, brutality, ex-

ploitation, cruelty,unreason and war were no longer to be the
prime instruments of government. Morley, at the pinnacle of
this optimism, wrote eloquently of compromise as the golden rule

of liberalism and reason. Others wrote of the new golden age

and the final reign of peace, international justice and democracy.
The Christian ideal of the brotherhood of man, after 1900 years
of struggle, had been achieved not by the Man on the Cross but by
John Locke, Adam Smith, Newton and Darwin.
However firmly convinced the generations at the turn of the 19th

century may have been of the final triumph of liberalism or of

liberal capitalism, it is now as evident as such matters can ever
be that classical liberalism is dead and its liberal inheritors are
falling before the onslaught of totalitarian communism. More
than one-fifth of the world is already in the hands of Stalin. Eu-
rope seems to be next; then the world. The trend toward some
form of totalitarian statism, even among the most anti-statist
capitalist countries is obvious to all who want to see. For example,
the number of democracies which increased considerably after
the Versailles Treaty of 1919, has drastically fallen since the end
of World War II. Important democracies like France teeter at
the edge of Totalitarianism. Western Germany and Italy are be-
ing artificially preserved as Democracies by the Western Allies.
This trend is not offset by the fact that there is evidence occa-
sionally of amovement in the opposite direction. These offset
changes are mere oscillations in the general graph of movement
towards totalitarianism.
The hope that certain fundamental liberal rights political free- —
dom; freedom of press, of thought, of speech and of writing;
freedom of organization — will be preserved in the new social
orders appearing in the world is evaporating in the face of what
is actually taking place. The inability of the vast majority —
partly due to social conditions, partly to lag in education and
partly through natural incapacity — to understand the complexi-
ties of modem life is a decisive fact in the trend towards estab-
lishing totalitarian social orders.

Nothing in history is inexorable; and conditions inay exist or

arise, unknown to an objective observer, which can upset the most
perfect of calculations. Thus, it is not excluded that man may ac-

quire sufficient sagacity to exercise proper control over his social

life before a long, black period of totalitarianism sets in. But it

is important to remember that “not excluded,” does not mean the

same thing as “probable.”
Even if it seems improbable that totalitarianism will suffer any
serious setbacks in the foreseeable future, it is intellectually cath-
artic to understand how liberalism, which once upon a time seemed
the white hope of mankind, should have fallen into so desperate

a decline. Even though it seems as if it may vanish, for an in-

definite period, from the face of the earth, it will be good to real-

ize that it is still, after analysis, the most hopeful and the most
rational interpretation of the life of man which was ever devel-
oped by man. And even if its demise is certain, it may give hope
to those who think not in terms of the narrow limits of a single
lifetime, but from the broader horizons of social epochs, that it

may yet arise again in a form suitable to new conditions a few

centuries from now.


The ideas which together go by the name of Liberalism, c'ass-
ical and modern, were not produced in a day. Unl'ke Aiiatcliism
or Marxism, they are not largely the work of single ind'viduals,
nor do they possess the same systematic logic or ain’’igujly. It
is easier and perhaps more accurate to talk of L beialinns. each

kind of liberalism being associated with the life and dieorics of

a particular man, than to talk of the liberal movement. As a re-
sult, the theory of liberalism is often in violent contradiction widi
the practice of those who profess it; and what is liberalism to one
man is anathema to another.
These ideas, in their earlier forms, are not always like their
latest. It is difficult to determine exactly how the idea of a Mar*
silio or an Ockham who said, “the voice of the people is the voice

of — meaning
God” by “people” only the well-bom, the well-
placed — should finally have evolved into the modem idea of the
people as all the members of a society or state. By what manner
of means did the doctrine of natural rights on which feudal society
so solidly rested become the foundation-stone on which was built
the superiority of capitalism over feudalism?
Most writers usually go back to the seventeenth century for
the origins of liberalism, but they are found in primitive flower*
form in the ancient maritime commercial cities of Greece and
its colonies. As Gilbert Murray points out, the Greeks were the
first to establish the first two great principles of classical liberal-
ism: — ^freedom of thought and political freedom. Admittedly
these great liberal principles were available in practice only to
Greek citizens and the leisure classes; and they were never ex-
tended even in principle — there *6 no question of social practice
— vertically to include all men or horizontally to include all na-
tions and stales. Yet the establishment of these principles as rec-
ognized rights of the ruling classes produced during a period of
six centuries a radical transformation in the understanding of the
world and of man whose effects continue to be felt even to the
present day.
Judo-Christianity, even though it began as an otherworldly,
anti-rationalistic, anti-naturalistic movement of the oppressed
classes, contributed its share directly and indirectly to the tenets
of. liberalism. Indirectly as a lower class movement antagonistic
to pagan civilization, it helped to undermine slavery. Directly,
through the dogmas of the spiritual brotherhood and equality of
man before God and of the Universal Church, it provided the
ideological seeds for the extension of politicj^l and religious free-
doms horizontally and vertically. Yet the universalization of poli-
tical and religious liberty were not so much the product of the
feudal Church as of the simple against it.

The geniuses of many countries contributed to the clarification

and final statements of these liberal ideas. It was Spinoza who
most thoroughly expounded the idea of the complete separation of
Church and State in a form so extreme that his books have re-

mained, ever since their publication, on the Catholic Index. It

was he, too, who defended in its most extreme form freedom of
thought and expression. The struggle of the Protestants in France,
Germany, and particularly in England against Romanism and a
state-dominated religion led to the formulation of a concrete doc-
trine of religious freedom classically expressed in the Tracts of
John Lilbume, Leibniz, Locke, Spinoza, Hobbes, Newton, Har-
vey, Gassendi, Gallileo — to name a few — ^influenced by and in-

fluencing the new mathematics and science —developed a new

rationalism and empiricism which ultimately undermined the
long-established doctrines of feudal economics, politics, science,
philosophy and religion. Another line of thinkers from Legnano
to Grotius prepared the way for liberal conceptions of war, eco-
nomic and diplomatic relations between states and, in particular,
for the modem notion of the equal sovereignty of states. Recog-
nition of the terrible consequences of the religious wars of the 16th
and 17th centuries led many like Henri II to work actively, if
fruitlessly, for a world federation of states to guarantee universal
peace. •

Liberal ideas however, did not germinate merely from ideas.

They were equally as often the products of social experience and
class conflict. Beginning with the ninth century, cities began to
dot in ever increasing numbers the continent and coasts of Europe.
These cities were commercial, industrial and maritime; and their
existence involved the existence, growth and increasing importance
of social classes which previously had played only a minor role
in feudal society. These new classes were not static. Some be-
came prominent for a short time, only to disappear forever.
Others like the commercial, financial and artisan classes rose and
fell in importance, as the economic and technological typography
of the cities altered. New kinds of problems arose for which
Greek and Roman culture had already found some sort of solu-

tion as, for example, in disease, sanitation, economic exchange,

military protection, etc. Newly awakened acquisitive drives led

men to seek to understand the nature of metals, to invent new in-

struments of production and new kinds of commodities, and to in-

vestigate the heavens, the earth and the sea.

But besides these problems for which some sort of answer was
discoverable among the ancient writers, all sorts of new problems
arose which were unknown to the ancients. Thus, in the course
of ten centuries, beginning from the ninth, a bewildering variety
of political institutions from military autocracies through eccles-
iastical oligarchies to direct democracies made their appearance,
each contributing in one way or another to a clearer understand-
ing of the nature of political institutions, their origin and devel-
opment. Between cities, too, an equally astonishing number and
variety of leagues, alliances, federations were created in order to
solve problems of monetary standards, commercial exchange, cre-
dit, inter-city disputes, piracy, war, pillage and robbery.
Ultimately as capitalist, economic relations dominated and
came more and more in conflict with feudal or transitional eco-

nomic forms, as the transitional classes vanished or were re-

duced to impotence by the capitalist third estate, more and* more

clearly visible became the first primitive set of ideas which com-
pose classical liberalism and furnished the ideological fuel for re-

ducing feudalism to ashes.


Perhaps nowhere have the essential ideas of classical liberal-

ism been better stated than in Hobhouse’s little book on “Liber-
alism.” Hobhouse is profoundly aware that these ideas were born
of the struggle of the middle classes against feudalism. Thus he
feels they are not so much a positive contribution towards a so-

cial philosophy appropriate to our times (we must rememher he

published his little book in 1911), as a negation of the evils of
feudal and proto-capitalist society. Hiese principles, in other
words, are statements of what ought not to be rather than princi-
ples of a constructive social philosophy. Yet he thinks that ade-
quate criticism, in the perspective of contemporary experience,
can show them to be the basis of sure progress in resolving the
total evils of a world consisting of huge urban populations, na-
tional states and mass-machine production. But Hobhouse wrote
before two world wars and totalitarianism made clear the kind of
social order such a world portended.
Hobhouse orders liberal principles under nine headings, each
of which represents to his mind, the quintessential fruit of the ex-
perience of the middle classes in their effort to free themselves
from feudal rule. The first he calls “civil liberty.” This is the
principle that people should not be governed by men, but by laws.
Feudal and proto-capitalist societies had operated under another
principle: that laws were made by kings, princes, feudal lords
and churchmen who did not need to apply them equally and im-
partially to all. It was admitted in principle that those who made
the laws had the right to use, abuse, change or administer them as
they pleased. Thus no one ever knew exactly how they would be
administered in any given instance, since the application depended
upon the caprice or whim of the law-maker or his executor. Prop-
erty and profits, therefore, could be taken away without justifica-
tion; people could be imprisoned or sentenced to death without
charge; houses searched and belongings seized without warrant or
warning; for the king, the church and their henchmen could do
no wrong.
Closely allied with this principle is the one Hobhouse calls
“fiscal liberty.” In rebellious colonial America as in England,
. “fiscal liberty” meant “no taxation without representation.” Hob-
house does not indicate that fiscal liberty, as a tenet of early liber-
alism, did not apply to all, but only to the propertied, middle
classes who felt themselves the producers of all wealth. Those
who had no property, even though they paid direct and indirect
taxes, were considered not to need representation or legislative
Since the middle classes considered themselves the producers
of all the new, enormous wealth of the community, they felt it was
only reasonable that they decide on what and on whom their

wealth was to be spent. And certainly they could find little reason
for supporting the king, his army and clergy who were so often
used against them.
Hobhouse remarks that fiscal liberty is obviously inseparable
from political liberty and its corollary, the sovereignty of the
people. But we shall find that all the liberties which become the
substance of liberalism are indissolubly related to political liberty
and popular sovereignty.
Both fiscal and civil liberty, as first developed in the anti-feudal
struggle, were specifically related to property and the rights of
their owners. The middle classes wanted no discrimination against
their property and persons; they wanted laws concerning prop-
erty and persons of property which would apply equally and im-
partially to all; and they wanted above all to determine how much,
how, where and on whom their money were to be spent. In es-
was the struggle for their actual
sence, the struggle for these rights
existence.They realized that without them, their .years and days
were numbered and at the disposal of those who wanted to exploit
and despoil them. It was inevitable, therefore, that the rights of
property should be exalted above all other rights and that their
legal establishment as inalienable should be the hub around which
all society had to revolve.

The third principle, Hobhouse calls “personal liberty.” Under

this heading, he includes a number of rights or liberties which are
nowadays distinguished from others and considered for them-
selves. One is liberty of thought without governmental or eccle-
siastical inquisition. No government or church has a right to in-

vade the privacy of a man’s thought as of his home and demand

^that he make his thoughts known. Concretely, this principle meant

opposition to such procedures and institutions as third degree,

torture, spying, star chamber proceedings, inquisitions and public
retractions of ideas considered inacceptable by the authorities.
Another is liberty to exchange thoughts — ^the well-known liberties
of speech, writing, printing and discussion. It avails a man and
society nothing, if he is and
not permitted, except at personal peril
risk, to make his thoughts public to those who want or may want

to know them. Lastly, there is liberty of religious belief and

worship. Hobhouse does not state that this tenet meant and still
means to many, not the right to believe in any religion or to wor-
ship in any way, but the right to believe in only those religions
which are approved by the majority of the populace.
The fourth he calls social liberty. This means that hereditary
advantages or disadvantages like birth, wealth, color, race or sex,
should not bar men or women from the enjoyment of social rights,
privileges and opportunities. In principle, this is not social lib-

erty but rather social ecjualUy. Hobhouse is concerned with say-

ing that liberty for some is impossible without equality; that the
right to an education, for example is without meaning if one is

debarred from enjoying that right only because one is a Negro, a

woman or a Jew.
It is unfortunate dial Hobhouse seems to confuse so unequi-
vocally the concept of liberty with one of the possible conditions
of liberty — equality. Not all liberty means equality nor all equal-
ity liberty. All men may be equal in that they all have the right
to vote; but none of them may be free in that they have the right
to vote for whom they please. All men may be equal in that they all
must work eight hours a day, but no man may be free in the sense
that he has the right not to work or to choose the kind of work .he
finds most congenial to him.

When he wrote his book, the difference between freedom and

equality was not of moment, for it seemed to most thinking men
that the two were indissoluble. Freedom meant equality and
equality freedom. The falsity of this identity has been made mani-
fest in the totalitarian countries, yet many who profess liberal-
ism are still under the nineteenth century illusion that the two are
identical. The increasing emphasis upon equality today has re*
suited and is resulting in greater and greater losses of libertarian
rights only because so many who seek equality are under the
irremovahle illusion that equality necessarily involves freedom.
These totalitarian liberals do not see that to make all men equal,
for example, with respect to work, does not mean to make all men
free with respect to work; that the one does not necessarily imply
the other. These people have been so impressed with the fact that
inequality with respect to work has prevented men from enjoy-
ing or exercising their liberties that they think the bare removal
of inequality is sufficient to guarantee men the enjoyment and ex-
ercise of their liberties.
Economic Liberty is the fifth tenet. Hobhouse makes specific

reference here to the rights of property as incorporated in the idea

of freedom to make contracts and in the doctrine of Laissez-faire
(non-interference in the economic process by the state). He in-

cludes here, too, the idea of freedom of association which he limits

exclusively to the right to form economic associations like corpor-
ations or partnerships. He does not seem to have in mind
its larger meaning of the right to form associations of any kind:
political, religious, cultural, social like social clubs, as well as

As indicated before, the selection of these subordinate prin-
ciples under the heading of economic liberty is not done in the
interests of logic but of history. The middle classes specifically
struggled for these principles as part of their struggle against
feudalism. It was not a question for them of logical classification,
but of existence. The feudal state placed all kinds of restraint

upon buying and selling of land, commodities and real property;

hiring and firing of labor; money-lending and borrowing. These
restraints had to be removed; the state had to be reduced to a
minor economic role so that it would interfere as little as possible
in the business of capitalist accumulation. Thus for the early
bourgeois this kind of liberty had to be distinguished from civil

and fiscal liberty, even though these latter were just as intimately
related to the economic process as buying and selling or money-
lending and borrowing. The right of association, too, was inti-

mately connected with economic liberty in the sense of Laissez-

faire. Under feudal and proto-capitalist societies, the kings,
princes, or economic guilds and associations controlling cities,

would limit the rights of individuals to engage in particular oc-

cupations. They would grant monopolies to particular individuals
or groups, thus excluding all other individuals and groups from
engaging in those fields of commerce, finance and industry. They
would limit the number of economic associations possible within
a given industry or for all economic enterprises. Such associa-

tions would be completely closed, limited in membership and en-

joying a monopoly in their particular field. These restraints and
monopolies had to be broken and ultimately were. But in the
early development of capitalism, the right of free association was
strictly limited to capitalist associations. The attempt of labor to

associate was at first punishable by death. The capitalists wanted

to remain free not only to associate for profit but also to exploit
labor without restraint by labor associations.
The doctrine of Laissez-faire which is largely the product of
the thinking of Adam Smith, has had like all such similar doc-
trines a strange history. It is based on the paradoxical moral
principle that the ravagings of wolves will produce a variety of
good things for the ravaged sheep. Since the wolves were the ones
who benefited, they did not mind the cloud of moral benevolence
which hid their handiwork from the sheep. Nevertheless, the doc-
trine was never coiisisienlly aj)plied. It depended upon circum-
stances, the specific economic iieedi- of the middle classes or of
some of its more poweiful sectors. If an industry felt itself los-

ing out in free compelilioii, it invariably demanded state protec-

tion; if an infant industry fell it had not sufficient capital, it would

demand state loans or even gifts; hut if labor or agriculture de-
manded same rights under Laissez-faire, capital would scream
for military and legal protection. Laissez-faire was fine as long
as it yielded them big profits, but as soon as other classes or groups
began encroaching on their territory, the middle classes would be-
gin crying for the most rigid forms of state protectionism or di-
vide among themselves as to what was to be done.
The sixth area of freedom is the domestic. Hobhouse points
out that liberalism began early to demand the same rights for
women as for men, particularly with reference to property and
marriage. Demands began soon to be made that marriage be
looked upon as a contractual relation like any business relation
between individuals. Logically, of course, this involved that
women should have the same rights as men with regard to prop-
erty. Children, too, were gradually assumed to have rights against
their parents rights to be protected against mistreatment,
cruelty, exploitation. They were also assumed to have rights for
tiiemselves and in the interests of society. Children had a right
to an education; to proper care and protection against parental
as well as non-parental exploiters.
But the attitude of liberalism to children came in direct con-
flict with the attitude towards Laissez-faire, for the protection of
children against parents and economic exploitation involved a con-
siderable degree of state protectionism, thus a denial of the free-
dom of parents and adults to do as they pleased with children.
Properly speaking, Hobhouse ought not to speak here of do-
mestic freedom, but of domestic rights, some of which were free-
doms and some of which were restraints upon freedom. It is
obvious that the insistence on marriage as a contract conferred
freedom upon both men and women in a variety of respects. Their
consent, without coercion, would now be required; in theory, they
could enter a marriage contract upon the basis of consideration
or break it on the failure of one or the other to abide by the terms
of the agreement. The right of a child to protection against ex-
ploitation by the parent is not a freedom; it is a restraint upon
the parent. The child does not have a choice nor is it assumed that
the child should be put in the position of having to make a choice
between being protected and not protected. The right to an educa-

tion again is not a case of freedom but a coercion upon the child,
imposed upon it for its own good, on the assumption that it will
ultimately increase its area of total freedom. The fact that chil-
dren may not want to go to school has as much to do with this
right as the fact that they may dislike taking disagreeably tast-
ing medicines when they are sick.
The seventh area of liberty is both administrative, geographical
and racial. As the middle classes grew in power, they found them-

selves in conflict with different social orders in areas where they

wanted to establish themselves. Thus they early became one of the
most intrepid, if inconsistent defenders of the rights of nations to
self-determination, as long as the self-determination was in a direc-
tion which they approved. They also became defenders of relative
local, administrative autonomy. They used this as a means of
combating the tendency of states whose economic and social in-

terests protected other classes than their own, to interfere with

the growth and expansion of capitalist economic relations. They
also became the defenders of racial equality where the exploita-
tion of an alien race like the Negro involved the destruction of
their own economic order. If the middle classes, at times, raised
racial equality to a high principle, in practice, they acted accord-
ing to circumstance and their particular interests, defending an
inferior status for the blacks of Africa or the Hindus of India or
the blacks and Indians in America, because they were easier to
exploit in this way.
But again it must be observed that racial equality is not the

same thing as racial freedom, not that the one has not been inter-
fused with the other. Still it ought to be clear that the equality of
all races to be slaves is not identical with the freedom of all
races. The freedom of races involves such questions as the right
to intermarry, to choice careers, to determine their political fate,
to develop different cultures, ete.
International liberty is the eighth tenet of liberalism. In es-
sence, Hobhouse insists that liberalism is opposed to the use of
force as an instrument of national policy or to militarism (arma-
ments). Undoubtedly, the expansion of capitalism over wider
and wider areas of the globe has intensified the medieval realiza-
tion of the futility and destructiveness of war. In one sense, capi-
talist expansion —
the development of a world market and an in-
ternational division of labor —has Ifed many leading members of
the middle classes to a realization of the need for international
organization, a world federation of states. To keep goods flow-
ing uninterruptedly from one part of the world to another; to re-
move the political and other barriers in the way of an efficient de-
velopment of world resources, capitalism needs peace and inter-

national co-operation. On the other hand, its drive after profits,

its indifference to the welfare of the peoples it exploits; the rivalry
of capitalists for control of the world; and lastly, its inability to

control the productive process nationally and internationally, are

conditions which produce war in spite of every effort to prevent it.

Since capitalism itself contains and produces the conditions

which make war inevitable, it is compelled, in spite of the cost and
its horror of the military, to support militarism on a larger and
larger scale. movement for international peace and
Thus the fed-
eration, which developed early among the middle classes, has con-
tinually been wrecked upon the economic rocks of world eco-
nomic rivalries and the non-rational organization of production.
The last group of tenets, political liberty and popular sov-
ereignty, are to Hobhouse as well as to others, the crown and
glory of liberalism. These two, according to Hobhouse, involve
and support each Other. The first involves a wide system of sub-
ordinate liberties which we have already discussed. Only in terms
of it can this system of liberties be maintained, enforced and con-
trolled. But it would be meaningless or rather it would be neces-
sarily limited in its range to a small section of the total human
population, if it did not rest on the notion of popular sovereignty
— the theory that the people are the end and be —^all of govern-
ment; that government and society exist solely for their benefit. The
theory of popular sovereignty rests on the assumption of the es-
sential equality of all men, socially speaking; that the rights of

one man can not be different from that of another, in so far as

they are considered human units of the community.
The middle do so
classes, in supporting both notions, did not

consistently, but with an eye primarily on their own interests. At

the time Hobhouse wrote, both tenets were far from realization
among the most advanced capitalist countries — ^the United States,
France and Great Britain. As for Asia, Africa, Latin and South
America, and the greater part of Europe, they did not exist at all,

except as ideals among a tiny minority. In England, France and

the United States, women did not vote; many races were denied
the right to exercise political freedom. Many colonies were held
in complete tyrannical subjection and the attempt of colonies to
demand such was met with imprisonment for long terms

and sometimes even with death. In some states of the United

States, direct and indirect property qualifications were required
in order to exercise the franchise. In certain sections of the popu-
lations of all these countries, there even existed a movement, both
theoretical practical, against what was considered the farce
of Democracy. Extreme conservatives, like Mallock, with con-
siderable insight into the follies of Democracy, wrote devastating
criticisms of the manner in which Democracy worked.
Moreover the pressure for the realization of these two tenets
did not come from the middle classes among whom they origin-
ated. It came from the lower classes, in particular, the proletariat,
who had begun to be active and independent social forces after


Even the above cursory statement of basic liberal ideas shows

clearly certain facts. First, these ideas are not systematic or con-
sistent. They are loosely conjoined, being rather the effect of so-
cial pressures and social changes upon the middle classes. Sec-
ondly, for the majority of the middle classes, economic interests
soon stopped their struggle to realize many of these ideas; and
by 1860 or thereabouts, most were satisfied with only two; (a)
non-interference by the state with the economic process, except
when such interference was in their interest and (b) political lib-
erty limited to and controlled by themselves.
There were, of course, exceptions. Andrew Carnegie and Ivan
Bliokh, for example, continued each in their own way to develop
particular strands of liberal thought. Andrew Carnegie, for ex-
ample, emphasized the role of the capitalist as a trustee of the
wealth of society and attacked the principle of the inheritance of
wealth. Wealth, he maintained, should be entrusted only to those
who are capable of using it in the interests of society. Scions and
heirs have no legitimate rights to the fruits of their parents’ labor.
He believed in universal education and dedicated a vast part of
his huge fortune to building libraries for the education of the
poor. He became tremendously interested in the problem of
universal peace; and again he used a large part of his huge for-
tune to aiding and abetting the struggle against war.
Ivan Bliokh, a poor boy like Carnegie, who ultimately became
one of the most powerful bankers and railroaders in the Russian
Empire, devoted a large part of his life, intellect and fortune to
the establishment of a federation of nations for peace. In the
interests of peace, he devoted a large part of his time to the study

of war. As the final fruit of this labor, he wrote a six-volume work

on ancient and modem warfare in which he showed the social of war for all concerned. He anticipated in essential out-
lines the character of the first
world war. He was far in advance
of the military experts of his time. Long before the bitter
perience of the first world war taught them, he outlined the mili-
tary strategy and tactics involved. He also proved that
the war
would necessarily be world-wide in the number of its participants
and in its effects and that the total cost in property and lives would
be prohibitive. His fear of its effects upon the middle classes was
so great that he used all his power and wide influence
among the

governments of the world to build an international movement for

peace. He failed, but was not for lack of effort.


If after the 1860’s, the middle classes as a whole lost interest

in the realization of ideals developed during the period of their
struggle for power, they were certainly even less interested in the
further clarification and systematization of their original ideas.
The further development of —
these ideas, ridding them of incon-
sistencies, organizing them into systematic form, revising them so

that they would he better applicable to existing conditions and

evils in society —became the task of isolated thinkers without a
mass following and of thinkers who had lost all faith in capital-
ism and wanted, by one means or another, a radical transforma-
tion of society as a whole.
The latter thinkers thought in organizational terms, in terms
of building international movements for the destruction and over-
throw of capitalism. They did not think like many liberal think-
ers merely in terms of general principles. Among the former
were men like Bentham, James Mill, John Stuart Mill, T. H.
Green, L. T. Hobhouse, and John Dewey; among the latter, men
like Fourier, Proudhon, Bakunin, Lassalle, Marx, Engels, Kaut-
sky, Lenin and Trotsky. But whether they felt themselves con-
tinuators and inheritors of the liberal tradition or repudiated it,

they each, in their own way, helped to clarify, systematize or

modify some facet of that tradition. Out of the emphases —over

and under — , the errors and blunders they all made, has been
bom a doctrine which today composes a liberal social philosophy
as adequate as can be formulated, yet paradoxically enough the
masses and their dominant leaders the world over are more in-

different and hostile to it than ever.

Before capitalism in the 19th century came to dominate Europe
and the world, had seemed to many the answer to all men’s

dreams. They thought it would bring a world into existence in

which men would be free to think their own thoughts and live their
own lives. Poverty would disappear along with tyrants. Men
would learn how to control nature and their own evil dispositions
in accordance with God’s original intention. These dreams were
dreamed by men who knew the worst of the feudal system; who
had suffered from its disease, ignorance, brutality, lechery and
exploitation; wbo, impressed with the enlightenment of the Greeks
and the progress of the new natural sciences, thought that this new
knowledge could be used to destroy these institutionalized, tra-
dition-sanctified evils.
The long struggle for victory from the 15th to the 18th cent-
ury brought new evils into existence —almost continual warfare;
universal impoverishment; epidemic starvation; social chaos. For
some like Hobbes, these new evils brought disillusionment with
'the new world and so they sought to find some satisfactory com-
promise between the old and the new, although unknowingly, their
efforts led them to undermine the intellectual and moral founda-
tions of the old. Others lived only in the fond hope that the evils
of their day would disappear in the blessings of the future.
The final victory of capitalism in the latter part of the 18th
century, however, revealed that many of these new evils in a new
form, had come to stay. Poverty was not to come to an end; it

was made more glaring by the greater wealth which capitalism

was able to produce and by the removal of even the few social
protections which feudalism, in the long course of its history,
had established for the poor. Under feudalism, at least, the chasm
between noble and serf was not anywhere near as great as that
between capitalist and worker. Poverty was after all, the obvious
work of drought, exhaustion of soil and fire. When the crops
were good, all had something to eat. When the crops failed, the

failure could not be blamed on king or priest or noble. But pov-

erty, under capitalism Mas obviously man-made. In a world of

plenty, the poor died of starvation. The rapacity and greed of the
middle classes, therefore, stood revealed in all their gouty naked-
ness. Neither drought nor frost nor fire could be used as excuses
for hunger nor ignorance of medical science and the will of God
for disease. The law and the state, stripped by 18th century mid-
dle-class criticism of their religious sanctity, could be clearly seen

as instruments of class domination and social injustice. Religious

institutions — their priest and ministers unmasked as instruments
of the divine among men —could be also seen as psychological
and ideological instruments for keeping the vast majority — ^the

poor in obedient subjection to their exploiting rulers.
The reaction to these disillusioning discoveries followed various
directions, depending upon class interest, knowledge, character
and experience. Among those who continued to live in the tradi-
tions of radical capitalism, these evils were looked upon as tem-
porary; leftovers, in part, of a previous world; consequences, in
the main, of a failure to clarify the essential ideas upon which
capitalism stood. They therefore, concerned themselves with
clarifying principles, writing and agitating for reforms in the

existing order of society.

The work done by men like James Mill, Bentham and John
Stuart Mill was enormous. Their attacks upon established re-
ligions and upon religion, in general, their attempts to establish
an ethics, a law, a politics, a psychology, and an economics de-
void of divine sanctions and based on social utility, their analyses
of specific problems like political liberty, liberty of thought and
expression, the relation of economics to politics ’and political aims,
in short, their attempt to find a coherent philosophy of the social
life,had revolutionary consequences. It definitely turned the up-
per middle classes, the big bourgeoisie, against liberalism, ex-
cept in those tenets which were practically useful to them. They
were even led to repudiate those like Cobden and Bright, who
were considered their ideological leaders. The Manchester school,
of which Cobden was the most luminous star, expressed in prac-
tical terms the objectives of the upper middle classes. It wanted
complete freedom of contract which meant the doing away with all

forms of state protectionism, particularly for the landlord class;

the removal of restraints like entail upon the buying and selling

of land; the doing away with all state interference in the hiring
and distribution of labor, and of tariffs which interfered with
the free exchange of goods in foreign trade.


The most consistent exponent of this point of view was Wil-
liam G)bden. A man of high morality with a well-developed logi-
cal sense and a profound respect for facts which he studied
earnestly, hetried strenuously for more than thirty years to con-

vince the middle classes that their best advantage was served by
following a policy of Laissez-faire in every department of eco-
nomic and political life.
Cobden was not an opportunist. He did not seek his own im-

mediate gain. He was concerned only with the welfare of society,
and he sought to bring peace and prosperity to the farthest cor-

ners of the world. Blinded by his own uncritical faith in the mid-

dle classes he saw them as the means by which his world vision
would be achieved. The middle class and particularly the up-
per bourgeoisie ultimately repudiated him, or rather pushed him
aside as an impractical idealist who wanted, unattainable things.

The big industrialists, merchants, financiers of England felt they

knew better what was in the interest of the middle class.
If Cobden toward the end of his life was pushed aside as a
visionary, (his was certainly true of a liberal like John Stuart
Mill, who had unremittingly continued to develop and systema-
tize his ideas in terms of the actual conditions of his time. The
big bourgeoisie wanted to have nothing to do with the sort of lib-

eralism which was so consistent that it hit at their prohts and so

visionary that it seemed to involve the radical transformation of
society and their overthrow as its natural rules.
Moreover, the gulf between liberal ideals, now relatively clearly
developed both in theory and apparent in effect, helped to ad-
vance those European movements— ^the anarchist and marxist
which looked upon liberalism as a fraud and folly. Because lib-

eralism, in its classical vein, seemed to associate itself with capi-

talism, even when it was most critical of it, it was possible for
anarchists and socialists of all varieties to identify the philos-
ophy of liberalism with capitalism. This false identification
which was true in the case of many individuals who professed
faith in liberalism —played an important part in disillusioning the

masses with Democracy and provided the psychological basis for

the lower middle and working classes to accept totalitarianism
in the twentieth century as the only way out.
Back of all the thinking of classical liberalism was an inde-
structible faith in science and its methods. Thinkers like Stewart,
Reid, Bentham, Mill were raised on the doctrine that reason, when
applied experimentally to the sensible world, was the only way
human problems could be solved. If the universe presented prob-
lems too deep for man, then the answer could not be found in
religious superstition. The history of human error and stupidity
stood always before their eyes; and they shuddered at the bloody
consequences which the dogmatic acceptance of ideas as eternally
true had provoked. Had men been intelligent enough to look upon
theory as testable hypotheses, then persecution, the dark ages, the
religious wars, would never have
poverty, disease, intolerance
plagued the conscience of man. They would have certainly known
what, they did know and experimentally tried to find out what
they did not. They would have had a proper respect for dif-
ferences of opinion and known how to get about determining which
opinions were right. They would have known how to withhold
judgment until adequate evidence was forthcoming and how to
change their judgment when accumulated evidence showed the
wisdom of doing so.
Thus the belief in science meant that knowledge was not some-
thing attained once and for all by thought or by intuition or by
revelation, but a process in which ideas were rectified by testing
them in terms of experience. It also meant that knowledge was
only attained in the process of testing conflicting opinions or ideas.
Thus the custom of previous centuries of censuring or prohibiting
opinion was intolerable. It could only mean that men would be
prevented from learning the truth as soon as they might.
The liberal belief in science also meant that truth was not some-
thing open only to a chosen few, an elite. It was open to all who
A true idea might be thought up by the
took the trouble to think.
most ignorant peasant in the Balkans. Thus no one could be, in
principle, denied the right to have ideas, since anyone, in the na-
ture of things, might hit upon an important truth or truths.
These liberals recognized, of course, that those who were spe-
cially trained were more likely to discover truths. In any case,
they were more capable, because of their training, of testing the
truths of ideas. But here again, in principle, it was not excluded
that any human being, except the completely idiotic, might be able
to learn how to test the truth of the ideas he hit upon. Moreover,
since truth has no special preference for any individual — ^what-

ever his status in society, color or religion — it seemed important

to permit all who wanted to learn to acquire the necessary train-

If the widest freedom was necessary in the natural sciences,

how much more so was it necessary in the practical sphere of the
social life? The theoretical problems of natural science might be
considered remote from those of the average man; and it might be
argued that the average man did not need to know enough to dis-
pute the conclusions of natural science. But no one could reason-
ably deny the right of the average man to decide whether or not
he wanted to suffer or enjoy the practical effects of scientific dis-
covery. Here then, was a sphere where the greatest freedom of
discussion would aid the average man to determine for himself the
rightness or wrongness of opinions, since he could discover this in
their effects upon himself.
This consideration was even more important in the spheres of
economics and politics, in the determination of policies to be fol-

lowed by any government. How could man rectify his errors and
see the truth, unless he were made aware of the arguments, pro
and con, by means of which he could interpret the effects of
policies upon himself?
Thus the belief in liberty for all man capable of reason and
learning from experience, inevitably had to be one of the cardinal
tenets of liberalism. But what this really meant in social practice
and how it is to be practically effectuated was the most crucial
problem of the nineteenth century and is of the twentieth.

In John Stuart Mill, we have the first complete formulation and

practical working out of this problem from the liberal standpoint.
Mill did not immediately see the necessity of developing a com-
pletely formulated theory of liberty. He did exactly the thing
which most people do. He fought for the application of prin-
ciples which he had been taught as a child by his father, James
Mill, and his father’s friend, Jeremy Bentham. As these men had
carefully systematized their ideas and, in principle, seemed to be
.far ahead of their time, the possible inadequacies of their ideas
which experience later revealed, were not immediately percepti-
ble. As experience and circumstances dictated. Mill fought for
the extension of civil rights to all social classes including women.
In the sphere of economics, he at first fought for the most ex-
treme forms of Laissez-faire in order to destroy all forms of feudal-
protectionism. Yet later when he saw that Laissez-faire did not
lead in the direction of freeing the individual, he became an ex-
ponent of economic socialism. No matter what may have been his
attitude on any question, he always was attentive to the fruits of
his theories in practice. Did experience agree with his anticipa-
tions? If they did not, why not? Thus experience constantly led
him to new and more general formulations of his principles. Mere
consistency, however important, as a logical ideal, was subordin-
ate to the principle of conformity or agreement with experience.
Mill, like those before him, began with the assumption that the
way of attaining truth was through science; that science involved
the widest freedom of thought and expression; and without this
unfettered freedom, truth would be suborned. When this prin-

ciple was first grasped, enemy seemed to be the state and

its the
feudal classes which supported it. Thus it was believed that un-
limited freedom could only be obtained by limiting the activities
of the state as much The less there was of state in-
as possible.
terference, the more free the individual man. But as democracy
was extended to new classes; as the principle that government of
and by the people became a dominating ideal and actuality, the
defects of this point of view became more and more obvious.
The people through the state could bind the actions and think-
ing of minorities, but not only through the state. They could bind
their actions and prohibit the free expression of their ideas
through social pressure. The majority, through ignorance and
prejudice, could be as tyrannous as a church and its clergy or
as a king and his counselors. Thus the problem of freedom be-
came not merely one of extending certain civil rights to all mem-
bers of society who had previously been deprived of such rights,
but the more difficult one of freeing dissident individuals and
minorities from the tyranny of the majority. If it was true that
the majority had the right to decide what was good or bad for
all in those matters which concerned the community good, it was
also true that dissident minorities and individuals ought to have
the right to express their disagreement with the majority in such
forms and through such channels as would make possible a recon-
sideration by the majority of their opinions or the change of minor-
ities into majorities. Mill, as much as anyone, insisted that the
majority conception of the community good was not necessarily
identical with the community good; and it often happened that a
dissident individual or minority was proven right by experience.
Practically speaking, the liberties which Mill thought were
most important from the point of view of the community good,
are (1) freedom of thought; (2) freedom of speech, writing and
publishing; and (3) freedom of organization. These rights in-
• terpenetrated and supported each other. They were as essential to
the life of a community as bread and air and water. Where they
were not recognized and implemented, there the community suf-
fered from the trinity of error, ignorance and superstition, — ^the

trinitarian destroyers of civilization.

Freedom of thought was a right that must be guaranteed every
man. Every man must feel easy in his mind about his right to
think and disagree. He must not fear that his neighbors or the
authorities created by would interfere with his right.
his neighbors
Practically speaking, this meant the doing away with the legal
prescriptions and agencies which medieval society had established

in order to control men’s thoughts. No man could be questioned

by state authorities or by his neighbors. His private papers could
not be seized and examined. In Mill’s time, many of these rights
of the privacy of a man’s thoughts had been established in the
law, but it had not yet been accepted as a mores of the populace.
Thus in his effort to defend this privacy. Mill began to move
away from the Manchesterian doctrine of no state interference.
He began to see the necessity of using the state authority to pro-
tect the individual against the multitude. He also began to see the
necessity of educating the populace to accept differences in the
behavior and thought of other men, as long as they involved no
harm to themselves.
Freedom of speech, and publishing inevitably followed
from the freedom to think for oneself. Thinking, however original
and true, was obviously of no particular utility either to a man
or his neighbors unless it were expressed; and no man could pos-
sibly feel free in his thoughts who did not dare express them to
his neighbors or publish them without jeopardy to himself. Yet
such was the tyranny of custom and majority intolerance of dif-
ference of opinion that any one who exercised his theoretical right
to express his differences from the majority placed himself in a

position of considerable jeopardy. Loss of job; unjustified and

illegal imprisonment; social ostracization; even brutal treatment
and lynching; were often the consequences
like tar-and-feathering

to honest men who spoke their minds or published their views.

This tyranny was further bolstered by the doctrine that the
majority belief was the voice of the people as a whole and the
voice of the people must be the voice of God. The justice which
resides in this idea was distorted by two serious errors. As first

stated by English and American thinkers, it meant essentially that

the majority of the people were better judgers of the acts and
effects of their governors than the governors themselves; that gov-
ernment, in other words, should be in the interest of the people.
But later, it was taken to mean that the majority of the people are
identical with the people as a whole. Thus the majority opinion
of vrhat is good is identical with the community good. This was
the first error. The second was that anyone who disagreed with
majority opinion disagreed with the people as a whole. Since
this notion was enmailed in the sanctity of religious dogma, it
was interpreted to mean that anyone who disagreed with the ma-
jority disagreed with God. The dissenter was doubly guilty. He
violated not only the commandments of his natural sovereign, the
people, but his divine sovereign, God.
There was no mechanical solution to this problem. The estab-
lishment of a legal right to publish and express was not sufiicient
protection in itself. However necessary, it offered little protection
againsf an intolerant, viciously aggressive majority. The majority
had to be educated; their illusions as to the sanctity of their
opinions and the foolishness of holding such opinions sacrosanct
made clear to them. was a slow, laborious process and
But this
involved a thoroughgoing change in the educational system and
the attitudes and pedagogic techniques of educators.
Freedom of organization was inevitably involved in the rights
to think and express one’s thought. Mill himself, in Liberty, spent
little time discussing this problem, but in Representative Govern-
ment, he concerned himself with the kind of social or rather poli-
tical organization necessary in order for it to be possible. Mill
felt that Representative Democracy was the natural political ve-
hicle for the expression of the will of the people. But he wanted
to be sure that the will and the interest of the people were actually
expressed. He was, as always, deeply troubled with the way in
which majorities tyrannized over minorities and individuals. He
saw that representation no more expressed the will of the people or
gave it the chance to express itself adequately than political ty-
ranny. A people only expressed themselves adequately where the
representatives of minorities and majorities had equal chances to
discuss the pros and cons of political action; and where it was

possible for a political minority to obtain easily the status of a

majority. There was also the question of the people controlling
those representatives who failed to comply with the mandate given

them. Often repreientativea once elected, were untouchable by

their electors. There was also the related problem of the inde-
pendence of the representatives themselves. Often enough, fur-
ther consideration of a policy could justifiably involve a change
of opinion. To what extent, could representatives act independ-
ently of their mandate, if they felt it was in the interest of the

people to do so? Mill, too, was afraid of the disciple of poli-

tical parties. He saw them overriding the interests of the people
for their own partisan interests and for the interests of their sup-
porters. The power of political parties was such that they could pre-
vent independents from speaking and being elected by the .people:
and because they had the organization and experience, they could
easily rid themselves of political figures who refused to obey
them. Mill made many concrete proposals for reforming the ex-
isting systems of representatives governments so that they could
more easily express the will of the people and give heed to their
At first. Mill did not concern himself with the broad social
conditions in which these liberties were embedded, but in his
autobiography, the last edition of his Political Economy, and the
posthumous work Socialism, he admitted that there was consider-
able justification for socialist criticism. Mill, who from 1832
until almost the sixties had supported the basic economic and legal
reforms demanded by the Manchester school of Cobden, Bright,
and of his father James Mill, and Jeremy Bentham, had finally

come to see that these reforms did not basically alter the condi-
tions of life for the vast majority. Already in Utilitarianism he
had recognized was technically capable of providing
that society
the essential elements of a happy life which he considered were
found in a proper combination of variety and security. In his
early years when associated with English radicalism, he was large-
ly concerned with the clarification of the principles of political
democracy; he did not feel the need to analyze in detail the con-
ditions which made democracy an actuality in the lives of
men. Later on he became aware of socialist criticisms, particularly
those of Fourier, Considerant and Louis-Blanc (the writings of
Marx apparently were unknown to him.) They made him realize

that the question of property and its control was the pivot around
which the political liberty of the masses revolved.
Thus, he set himself shortly before his death the important
task of writing a critique of socialism in order to determine the
extent to which the arguments of socialism were justified. He
never completed this work but even in its incomplete form, there
can be no doubt about his essential conclusions. He considered
the basic arguments of socialist critics of capitalism to be essen-
tially true. Capitalism, he agreed, had no moral and intellectual
justification for its widespread poverty; its system of rewarding
individuals; the incredible waste of human beings, adulteration
of goods and general inefficiency of operation. Secondly, he ad-
mitted that economic enterprises in which competition had ceased
to be an important factor for improving efficiency of production

and the quality of goods and for lowering prices are to be managed
and controlled by the state. Thirdly, he admitted that it was high
time that something was done to establish adequate wages and
universal education, and to remove by law the inequities of birth
and wealth and to provide adequate means for the proper utili-

zation of society’s productive machinery and human material.

He did not think, however, that the absolute faith of socialists
in the efficacy of a planned socialist economy was justified by the
available facts. (He was referring specifically to the blueprints
of a socialist economy of a revolutionary socialist like Louis
Blanc.) He pointed out that human beings, as now constituted,
need more than the incentives of conscience, public spirit and
reputation to do what is needed or expected of them. He did not
deny that such motives were influential, but he pointed out that
they usually operated in a negative sense only. People in general
would do nothing against their conscience, reputation or the gen-
eral welfare, but it was rare that they would do anything more
without additional and more selfish incentives. He pointed out
that most individuals would have to be motivated through advan-

tages to be gained for themselves as a result of the work they did.

That Mill’s judgment was prophetic is proved by the fact
the Soviet Union today not only uses such incentives as differ-
entials in wages and payment on the basis of piecework but also
coercion in order to attain the planned indices of production;
and even with such added incentives as gain and fear Soviet pro-
duction is still after thirty years of existence among the lowest,
per unit person, among those countries which base themselves on
mass and machine production.
Mill also pointed out that a planned economy on a national
scale requires a very high level of industrial development which
means therefore that the planners must have at their disposal a
huge accumulation of both fixed and circulating capital. He
thought it doubtful that such a huge accumulation of capital could
be obtained without demanding extraordinary sacrifices of the pop-
ulace: and he wondered whether the nationalization of economies
which had not yet developed a sufficient accumulation of capital
would be worth the public cost. Not only would it mean unneces-
sary and extraordinary sacrifices on the part of the populace but
it was likely that the level of socialist efficiency might be much
lower than in an economy in which production was not entirely
controlled by the Here he advanced two arguments in sub-

stantiation: the first was that the managers of state enterprises

would be deprived of the necessary independence of judgment
and initiative needed to operate such large enterprises. The second
was would place unnecessary handicaps and
that total planning
restrictions in the way of the advancement of any particular sec-

tor of production. Mill here spoke as a prophet. Although his

arguments of 1869 were impatiently swept aside by socialist dog-

matists, they have been verified to the hilt in the twentieth century.

must be understood that Mill did not argue against the estab-

lishment of national socialist economies. He thought whatever

might be the difficulties in the way of making them work effective-
ly, future developments might require that they be attempted, but
he wanted men to enter upon such endeavors with clear heads and
the utmost caution in order to prevent the populace paying heavi-
ly in lives and in wealth. He even recommended that governments
and groups of individuals should attempt to build small com-
munities as facsimilies of the larger experiment in order to evalu-
ate properly the difficulties to be met with if the same thing were
attempted on a national scale.
For many years after his death. Mill lost an enormous part of
his prestige and influence among the new generations of political

thinkers and radicals. The twin influences of imperialism and

revolutionary socialism took hold of various classes in whose
interests these doctrines were formulated. But Mill ought no
longer to be looked upon with contempt or indifference by most
individuals who have been taking to heart the lessons of the twen-

tieth century.

Mill did not provide answers to all the problems which man-
kind has had to face since his death; but his mode of analysis,
his anxiety to study the facts and the perserverance with which
he studied them, and his search after principles and concrete tech-

niques by which to implement his principles — ^the many recom-

mendations he made — should serve as examples to liberals of the
way they should proceed in investigating the wei^ty problems
which burden men today.



If one phase of modem liberalism :-the broad political prin-
ciples of social freedom, was developed by the radical thinkers
of the middle classes, the economic basis for making these princi-
ples effective was developed by those who often spoke in the name

of the lower middle classes ^the small farmer, merchant and
artisan — ^and the proletariat. Those who, like the Utopians and
the Marxists, concerned themselves with developing the theory of
an economic order based on e^itarian principles were at first
Liberalism in crisis
opposed to liberalism and justifiably considered it the ideological
defense of capitalism. But as time went on, and far-reaching
changes occurred in economics, politics and technology and parti-
cularly in the status and character of classes —some classes dis-
appearing or losing importance; other classes coming into ex-
istence and classes which continued to exist being affected ad-
versely —
by economic changes a rapproachement began between
political liberalism and socialism, a rapproachement which was

completed in the twentieth century. We observed this rapproache-

ment in John Stuart Mill who found in the early socialist think-
ers — Fourier, Saint Simon, Considerant —some of the necessary
economic foundation-stones for his political beliefs. John Stuart
Mill was one of the first in whom this rapproachement occurred.
We turn therefore to an examination of these movements and cer-
tain of their economic doctrines from which are derived the eco-
nomic principles of modern liberalism.
As capitalism began to spread after the middle of the eigh-
teenth century over all the seven continents and to reveal more
and more its characteristic structure and defects, there arose a
small group of thinkers who vividly brought these defects to the
attention of the world. These thinkers did not believe that the
capitalist class was interested in equality and freedom. They
therefore tried to build among the lower classes a powerful anti-
capitalist movement. From these small, intelligent groups which
met in cafes or conspiratorally in houses in Paris, Berlin or Lon-
don there grew slowly but with gathering momentum after 1800
powerful nationalistic and international lower class movements
drawing to them large numbers of the disinherited and exploited
peoples of the feudal and capitalist countries.
When these movements were first organized they were often
negative or filled with high but illusory hopes of what could be
done immediately to reform society. The negative movements
were simply opposed to change and wanted back the good old
days. Peasants wanted to be relieved of their excessive taxes and
heavy debts; the artisans wanted their old markets; and the work-
ers wanted the times when work was plentiful and wages were
good. The workers and artisans in the cities were particularly
aroused over the use of machinery and the factory system. And
often enough they hated this new overwhelming phenomenon, capi-
talism, with a hatred that only men who had once been free could
hate those who had deprived them of their freedom.
The more positive movements like Fourierism, Owenism, Saint-

Simunism, were not only and anti-monarchist but

offered wonderful blueprints of a new social order. Some hoped
that by building little communist islands in the vast ocean of ex-
ploiting capitalism, they would ultimately convince sceptics and
non-believers in the preferability and practicability of their blue-
prints. Others did not think such communities were effective of
themselves and expended all their efforts in trying to arouse the
lower classes to overthrow capitalism and establish socialism. Both
movements — those who believed in communist islands and those
who wanted the immediate overthrow of capitalism — were later

dubbed by Marx “utopian.”

In the earlier half of the nineteenth century, these Utopian
movements existed in all countries where capitalism had estab-
lished itself or exercised considerable influence; and their mem-
l)ers came from every social class. But these movements were
merely temporary social eruptions which appeared as a conse-
quence of the discovery that capitalism was not all men had once
imagined it to be. By the 60’s and 70’s these groups had already
lost their not inconsiderable influence and were beginning to dis-
appear permanently. One cause was the unanticipated success
of capitalism in raising the standard of living of the lowest classes
above that of anything ever known before. Another was their
failure to achieve their goal. Still another was the increasing
humanity of government as expressed in protective social legis-
lation and the extension of political rights to other classes than
the propertied. Judging from the persistent direction in which
capitalism was going, it seemed as if it were seeking to erase
all distinctions between classes and all privileges in favor of the

upper classes. This conclusion was strengthened by the fact that

many of these changes were brought about by the Liberal Party
of Gladstone, the Republican Party of Jefferson and the new Re-
publican Party of Lincoln.
The failure of Utopianism and the broader freedom and the
greater prosperity which capitalism introduced gave a new lease

of life to a decadent liberalism. Many of those who at first had

been anti-capitalist became reconciled with capitalism, and many
of those who in the SO’s and 40’s might have been anti-capitalist

or utopian believed with Cobden and Bright that the middle classes
could create a just and free social order. In other words, liberal-
ism after the 1870’s gained a popularity with the masses in the

most advanced capitalist countries which it had never known be-

fore. The average man no longer believed it to be the social
ideology only of the middle classes. He accepted it as the basic
principles of a progressive society. In those countries of Europe
which had not yet successfully overthrown feudalism, the masses
accepted it as their philosophy even more enthusiastically than did
the masses in the capitalist countries.
Yet, ironically enough, liberalism after the 1870’s was not any
longer what had been. There was no certainty any longer that

a party calling itself liberal was actually, liberal, in the sense in

which the philosophical radicals Cobden, Bright and Mill were
liberal. Liberalism had become a catch-all word with which to
attract the masses; andmeaning depended upon the country

in which it was used and by whom it was used. For example,

within the Liberal Party of England after the 70’s there came into
existence outspoken tendencies defending Britain’s far-flung im-
perialism. The national Liberal Party of Germany after the 80’s
was not even democratic. It supported the Hohenzollems and op-
posed any progressive constitutional reforms.
Ironically enough, political parties which ardently supported
basic liberal ideas often denied their liberalism. The socialist

parties, for example, insisted they had nothing in common with

liberal ideology; they were the parties of the exploited masses


of the world dedicated to one task only: the revolutionary estab*
lishment of socialism. So strong was this opposition to liberal

ideas that the question of defending Dreyfus against the trumped-

up charges of treason was hotly debated by leaders of different
currents in the socialist parties. It was argued by revolutionary
socialists that socialist parties could have no interest in defending
members of the upper classes against their own class injustice.
IvCt the upper classes take care of their own, they cried, and we,
the working class, take care of ours. Abstract justice does not
exist: there is only class justice — the justice of the working man
and the justice of the capitalist; between them there is no identity
except in name. Yet in spite of themselves they felt compelled
to deny their Marxian logic and to defend a justice above class
the justice of humanity.
In any case, liberalism was no longer to be found where it

was customary to find it. Those parties which might profess it

did not act upon it; and those which might act upon it often denied
If liberalism was no longer clearly identifiable with any one
political movement; if it was beginning to stand for
was even more true of the grow-
a thousand, different things, this
ing numbers of non-party individuals who after 1870 began call-
ing themselves “liberal.” Their liberalism was highly individ-
ualized, so highly individualized in fact that no one could know
what any man jirofessed from the mere fact that he called himself
a liberal. He might mean that he preferred reason to sentiment
or the very opposite. He might mean he was a thorough-going
follower of Cobden and Bright or a partisan of Marx. In short,
a “liberal” could mean anything from an arch conservative to
an arch radical.
The failure of Utopianism, however, did not mean the death
of the socialist ideal or the rad of the socialist movement. It

meant only that socialism had to find a new theory and a more
practical direction. Despite the considerable improvement in the
living conditions of the vast majority in the capitalist countries,

utopian criticism was still as applicable after 1870 as before. In

some respects it was even more to the point. There had been a
number of sharp crises which had produced starvation, unemploy-
ment, bankruptcy and war. Productive resources both human and
material were still being wasted as shamefully as ever. The upper
classes were as insatiably greedy as ever. The working classes
were being exploited and believed themselves to he as much ex-
ploited as ever. Thus the vision of human equality, the brother-
hood of man and of liberty, still lived in the hearts of men. But
it demanded theoretical expression and -support, without the fan-
tasy, unrealism and purely imaginative projections of wishes which
characterized the thinking of the Utopians. What was now needed
was a socialism apparently realistic, practical, a logical develop-
ment from the conditions of living society.
This demand was theoretically satisfied by Marx, aided by his
friend and life-partner, Friedrich Engels. Realizing that the Uto-
pians had not studied capitalism scientifically, he set himself
the great task of discovering what he called the fundamental laws
of motion of capitalism. Every society for him was a constantly
changing, organismic-like thing, and like all organisms its life
depended upon its ability to feed and reproduce itself. He did not
mean by reproduction the purely biological process of the repro-
duction of the species, but the reproduction of the species to per-
form the wide and various tasks required to keep capitalist society
going. Thus if capitalism was to be understood, it must be ex-
amined from the point of view of the capitalist mode of produc-
tion and reproduction. Without doing this, nothing could he un-
derstood — neither the formation of its great cities, nor its great
social classes nor its wars nor its emphasis upon technology nor
its social and political ideas.
And this was particularly true of ideas. Ideas could not be
understood in and of themselves without understanding their con-
nection with the material basis of the social life. Just as most
people imagine themselves to be one thing and are in reality
something else, so Marx pointed out that a society’s ideas of itself
were one thing and what that society is in actuality, was another.
Only when the laws of its behavior and development are revealed
can its ideas be understood in all their truth, falsity, motivation,
imaginative scope and fantasy. If in one sense Marx insisted that

ideas were purely a reflection of the conditions of society and the

interests of men, in another, he recognized that they were not
true reflections or even reflections at all, for they often expressed
what men wished or imagined or believed to be true rather than
the actual conditions of things. Were ideas merely reflections of
the world in which men lived, then an examination of them alone
would have been sufiicient to reveal the nature of the society in
'which men lived. Nor would it have been necessary for Marx to

study capitalist society so earnestly for more than forty years.

The avowed aim of Marx, as he declared repeatedly, was to

determine whether socialism was possible or not. He denounced

the Utopians for imagining all kinds of grandiose plans for the
emancipation of mankind without ever trying to discover whether
they were realizable. Utopians, he scolded, were people who took
dreams for realities, and continued to dream forever in a real
world full of dangers; and they were all the more dangerous in
that their visions contained all the things which the exploited
masses wanted and would, if properly aroused, risk their lives
for. What was the sense, he asked, in believing in unrealizable
dreams? Everyone would be better off, if they knew there was
nothing to them. Therefore he searched to find a realizable so-
cialism, a socialism rooted in the conditions of modern society
and which the masses, if properly organized and educated, could
bring into existence.
It is not our purpose here to discuss whether Marx ever in-

tended more than this; whether he wanted to show that socialism

was inevitable or merely a scientifically realizable hope for man-
kind. There is certainly plenty of evidence proving that Marx
believed in the inevitability of socialism, that he thought it would
come about as a natural consequence of capitalist development
whether men wanted it or not. But that is not the essential issue

here. One fact, however, remains indisputable: —Marx wanted

a socialism that was scientifically realizable and provable as such.
With Marx, therefore, it can be said that a new period in the

history of man began. Unlike most thinkers before him, he studied

society from the point of view of trying to discover those techni-

ques, means or instruments by which it could be altered to suit

the heart’s desires. He established in all probability for the first

time the principles that the instrument of social revolution is not

the individual but the class or mass; that the techniques for the
realization of the ideal of socialism are to be found in knowledge
of the laws of social change and not in high ideals or fervent
convictions. Thus Marx united the two elements so widely sepa-
rated in the doctrines of the Utopians: a devastating critique of
capitalism with an ideal of a new social order apparently based
not in wish fulfillment but in science. Since no other doctrine
could be compared to it in practicality and in the fusion of science

with social idealism, it very soon became the outstanding influ-

ence among the working class and the lower middle classes of the
world. Its nearest competitor was anarchism which had a large
following among the proletariat and peasantry of the least eco-

nomically developed countries —Russia, Spain and Italy. In the

highly advanced countries like England, Germany, France, Aus-
tria and the United States, wherever there was any kind of labor
movement it almost invariably based itself upon the ideas of Marx.
Since Marx’s prime problem was to prove that socialism was
realizable and justified in terms of the material conditions of capi-
talist society, he examined all ideas from the point of view of
their relation to material social conditions and class interests.
Thus he often felt it was sufficient to show that certain ideas were
beneficial to classes whose interests were alien to those of the
working class in order to reject them. He did not pursue the
same method towards ideas which appealed directly to the work-
ing class. These he attacked directly by their authors, as, for
example, in the cases of Proudhon, Lassalle, Bakunin, Diihring.


Until 1870 liberalism was generally recognized as the social
philosophy of the industrial and commercial classes. Many of the
lower class movements, particularly in England, often opposed
liberalism and even united with the landed aristocracy to oppose
specific measures which the liberals proposed, like free trade.
Thus Marx never felt it necessary to criticize liberalism as a doc-
trine distinctfrom that of capitalist ideology as a whole. Such
criticism became necessary at a much later time and after his
death. For him, therefore, to expose capitalism was sufficient to
expose liberalism.
However much Marx might prefer capitalism to feudalism,
it was still a class society, exclusively concerned with promoting
the rights of capital. It had no concern, except for the purpose
of deluding the vast majority, with humanity. It had no desire

to allow tlie mankind to participate in the advantages and

rest of

rights which it had won foir itself and enjoyed. It was dominated

by one motive and one ideal only ^the making of profit. For the
sake of profit, it would sell Heaven to Hell or Hell to Heaven;
it recognized no morality, no justice other than the morality and
justice of profit.
Thus Marx considered liberalism primarily a theory of the
justification of the absolute rights of capital over labor, of capi-

talist exploitation over social justice.

Even the best representa-
tive of liberalism, John Stuart Mill, for example, he described as

a superficial thinker who looked like a mountain among his coun-

trymen because the best among them were of the size of mole-
hills. He could not see liberalism as a doctrine which contained
within itself the seeds of a development beyond its class origins,
which might incorporate the best ideas of socialism. It was ne-
cessarily limited by its class origins and class interests.
Nevertheless Marx did not reject outright all liberal ideas
for example, those concerned with political liberty.
In fact he
development had gone about as far in principle
felt that their

as they could go, for they were being extended to include all
classes. Under socialism, they might need only a reworking or

modification in technique effectively to express the ends of socialist

society. This conclusion, however, he did not reach until nearly
the end of his life when he recognized that socialism mi^t he
possible in England and the United States by political action alone
without the forceful overthrow of the capitalist class. More fre-

quently, he considered such political liberties merely abstrac-

tions without any other purpose than to keep masses submissive
to their rulers. He seemed often to forget that the political liber-

ty of modern times was profoundly different from that of ancient

Rome or Greece or the cities of the French, Italian and German
Renaissances. Whatever its imperfections, modem liberty, as
Bryce pointed out in his Modem Democracies, transcends classes.
Marx, often enough, forgot this in his insistence, reiterated in new
forms by his followers, that the masses were often thwarted in the
proper use of their political liberties by ignorance, backwardness
or the machinations of the political machines controlled by the
capitalists. Nevertheless he was often enough right in saying
that the liberal emphasis upon was often too ab-
political liberty

stract and unrelated to actual conditions. The liberal seemed to

be satisfied merely with the legal existence of political liberty and

not at all with determining and creating the social conditions
which would make it a living reality. Not to understand this was
not to know whether political liberty was possible or whether the
means existed by which it could be realized. Thus his first criti-
cism of liberalism was its abstractness.
His second criticism was its unhistoricity. The liberal, in Marx’s
time, seemed to develop his ideas without any sense of the histori-

cally determining conditions which made him believe in them.

He seemed to think his ideas were original with God or inherent
in the natural conditions of men. He did not and could not con-
wrong even though for
ceive of them as ever having been false or
thousands of years they had not even been known or were con-
sidered as treasonable or heretical.
In making these criticisms Marx did not concern himself with
the isolated thinker exercising little or no influence upon the capi-
talist class. His criticisms were directed at popular attitudes to
be found among the supporters of capitalism. These certainly
believed that their ideas rested in natural rights or were of divine
ordination. Marx never seemed to have heard of Bentham’s cri-

ticism of the natural rights’ theory or Mill’s insistence upon the

historicity of all economic and political institutions.

His third criticism was that liberalism excluded all considera-

tions of the role of class and class interests in the making of funda-
mental changes in society. Even though the liberal often urged im-
portant reforms he nevertheless failed to ask who would be inter-
ested in bringing about these reforms. He acted as if all men were

iiational and actuated only by rational consideration. But man is

not completely rational nor is he decisively influenced by rational

conclusions. Marx agreed with Hobbes who two centuries before
had pointed out that economic or personal advantage would over-
ride in most instances a man’s reason.
If this was true for the individual, it was even more so for a
class. A class is almost entirely motivated by its class interests.
If it enjoys decided material advantages over other classes, or if

it is content with its status, it will do nothing to alter its situation

or the situation of society no matter how cogent may be the argu-

ments offered. The fact is that a well-situated class will often
fight to the death to retain its advantages. It will often prefer
civil war, anarchy or even death to give up even one of its vested
interests. A class not well-situated or even horribly exploited will
often senselessly attack an impregnable ruling class even though
it may have been warned in advance that such an attack is futile
or that there may be better, more effective ways of achieving its
ends. The slowness with which a class can be educated to social
reality, the ease with which it accepts false theories pandering
to its desires and the necessity for it to act through leaders and
organized groups are irreducible obstructions to intelligent ad-
justment to difficult social situations. In addition, prejudice, ig-

norance and tradition play their part in perpetuating a distorted

picture of social reality.


Yet despite these difficulties, Marx believed that some classes

could act more intelligently than others. This depended, of course,
upon the character of the society and the available knowledge.
These were the classes whose objective situation cried for all

sorts of radical changes; and these were the only classes which
could be appealed to to support any change, since they were the
only ones who were ready to make the necessary sacrifices. To
Marx, history had assigned this role in capitalist society to the

proletariat; and if any ideologue was sincere in his desire fur

social improvement, it was to them that he had to appeal.

Marx’s criticism of liberalism, therefore — insofar as he did
on occasion distinguish it from capitalist ideology —was that it

did not appeal to any particular class. It spoke in the name of

humanity or in*the interests of the majority. It disregarded the
patent fact that the upper classes — ^ihe landlords and capitalists
were not interested in the welfare of the majority. In so far as
the liberal was honest, he was merely a victim of his own blind-
ness, but in so far as he knowingly refused to consider class inter-
est, he was covertly supporting capitalism.
A fourth criticism was that the liberal looked upon the state
not as an instrument of a class but as means by which the tlie

interests of all men were expressed. But state and ruling class

were inseparable; the state was the instrument by which one class
ruled over others. Thus no state could act in such a way as to
•serve the interests of all; and no class would grant other classes
the legal means by which it could be destroyed.
Before 1870, this criticism was, in the main, justified since
the political rights by which given classes ruled had not yet been
extended to all classes. Even though in America, all political
rights, in principle, were granted to all the citizenry, — thus to
all individuals whatever their social class — yet property require-
ments often restricted their use to a relatively small section of
the populace. Marx, therefore, could legitimately speak of the
state as being entirely the instrument of the propertied classes.
They were the only ones who had the legal right to form political


parties and elect political representatives. The parties of the
peasantry and the proletariat — ^and in the semi-feudal coimtries

even the parties of the bourgeoisie were usually illegal and acted
illegally. Actually until events proved otherwise, Marx and En-
gels believed that if ever parties of the working class were granted
the same political rights as the bourgeois parties, this would mean
the end of capitalism and the establishment of socialism.
These criticisms — it must be repeated —
were not directed so
much against liberalism as against capitalism with which he iden-
tified it. And
it is true that liberalism, for a long time, was in-

^separable from the struggle of capitalism against feudalism and

the feudal classes. It was also difficult to imagine that political
power would take a form so diffuse that the proletariat would ob-
tain the same political rights as the propertied classes. Thus the
struggle for general suffrage, for protective social legislation, like
the eight-hour day, for the right of non-bourgeois parties to exist
legally — all of these struggles were tied in Marx’s mind to the

victory for socialism. If such rights became universal, it meant

the bourgeoisie had signed their own death warrant.


After 1870, Marx’s criticisms of capitalism as a corollary

of liberalism did not appear so convincing to many radical in-
tellectuals and working men. First, the capitalist state no longer
appeared to be the exclusive possession of the upper classes. Suff-
rage was being extended to all classes. After 1900, general suffrage
existed in most of the advanced states. After 1890, Proletarian par-
ties existed legally in England, Austria, France, Germany, Italy
and the United States; and as they grew in size and influence
among the masses, they created a vast network of trade unions,
co-operatives, and cultural institutions. Their influence was felt
everywhere— in the type of laws being passed; in the legidature

where their representatives sat; in the general acceptance among

all classes of more and more of their ideas of social reform. Sec-
ondly, liberalism as a doctrine had changed significantly. Not
only had its original meaning been forgotten, but itwas no longer
identified exclusively with the capitalist class. As capitalism
spread to the hinterland of the world, the capitalist class became
more and more imperialist and less and less liberal. Liberalism
was more and more identified even by its enemies with the en-
lightened lower middle classes or with intellectuals in or outside
the labor movements. But this shift in the allegiance of classes
was also due to radical modifications in the ideas of liberalism.
Without having given up its basic faith in reason and democracy,
it had adopted many of the basic economic doctrines of Marxian
socialism; even in its less radical forms, it admitted the necessity of
equalizing economic disparities by various types of protective legis-
lation like ownership or control of monopolies and social security
legislation for the poorer classes. Lastly within the labor move-
ment itself, there arose an important current which ultimately led
to a world-wide schism of the labor movement and came to rep-
resent, in essentials, the doctrine of twentieth century liberalism.

The current which now is called reformist socialism or reformr

ism and after the formation of the Third International has been
politically associated with the now nearly defunct Second Inter-
national, did not represent itself as anti-Marxist. In its early
stages, through its leaders, Bernstein, the German theoretician, and
Jaures, the French Socialist philosopher and historian, it con-
sidered itself simply revisionist; it sought to correct the theoreti-
cal errorsand doctrinaire excesses of Marxism.
The were intent upon proving that a revolutionary
struggle was not necessary in order to achieve socialism. That
the socialist society would be a political democracy along liberal
lines was not disputed by anybody. In was expected that
fact, it

all the restrictions which capitalist society imposed upon politi-

cal democracy would be removed. Age limits would be lowered;

women would be given the vote; recall and referendum would be
established for all offices; some system of proportional represen-
tation wrould be used; dual legislatures would be abolished; all

political offices would be elective and not appointive; no restric-

tions of any kind would be imposed upon free speech or free press
or the right of organization other than those required to protect
reputations or maintain a high level of social decency. But was
it necessary to prepare the proletariat for the forceful conquest
of power? Was the modern state still purely an instrument of the
ruling class? Was the attainment of political power by the pro-
letariat by peaceful means out of the question? This was the issue
which divided the labor movement into factions until the First
World War, and after resulted in a world-wide, mortal schism.
The debate on this question was not limited simply to the re-
lation of political power to the modern state but involved, for
reasons not purely logical, the question of the soundness of Marx’s
law of the accumulation of capital.
That Marx’s law of accumulation of capital was not logically
involved can be seen from the various consequences which were
derived from it by different thinkers. Daniel De Leon, for ex-
ample, concluded that capitalism must inevitably turn into so-
cialism. The working class therefore must not fight for a better-
ment of their economic conditions, for if they won concessions,
they would lose interest in socialism. They would be content to
live in the swamp of capitalism rather than in the paradise of so-
cialism. But betterment of the workers’ conditions under capi-
talism, of course, is impossible. The law of accumulation of capi-
tal denies this. Therefore the task of the workers is to create their
own mass organizations and to prepare themselves for the time
when capitalist economy is ripe for socialism. Then the workers
will seize power by force. Why force is necessary, De Leon did
not explain. If the law was true, then, at this stage, the capitalists
would be so few and the working class so enormous and powerful,
there would be no need of force at all.
Others like Lenin argued that the law was a tendency alter-
able in its effect by the action of various economic forces. Thus

the proletaiiat must struggle for reforms in order to improve its

living conditions. The struggle for reforms is one of the means

by which the proletariat organizes and educates itself for the con-
quest of power. At first, of course, the concessions it wins deludes
it into believing that the law of accumulation of capital can be
overcome, but as the struggle continues, it becomes clearer and
clearer that the law can only be modified; it can not be overcome.
When the proletariat realizes there is no escape from the iron law
of accumulation, it will turn revolutionary and establish the dic-

tatorship of the proletariat. Like DeLeon, Lenin considered the

law as ultimately unalterable in its effect, but, unlike DeLeon,
he considered the struggle for reforms an essential element in the

realization of the inevitability of the law. Kautsky considered

the law of accumulation of capital inevitable in its workings,

but considered that the socialist society would come about peace-
fully where democracy exists. Still others believed that the law
was only a tendency and therefore modifiable or even transform-
able and concluded that the establishment of socialism was possi-
ble only through the political action of the proletariat. They be-
lieved socialism was not the inevitable result of the workings of
the law of accumulation, but the united action of an educated pro-
letariat could make it inevitable.
These various interpretations of the possible consequences of
the law of accumulation of capital —each maintained with a con-
siderable show of logic —show that the law had no logical con-
nection with the question whether socialism could be achieved
by revolution or by evolution. Yet so high was the authority of
Marx that no arguments for or against either point of view could
be made without relating it to the question of the truth or falsity of
the law of accumulation of capital. Influenced by this high author-
ity, Bernstein tried to show that the predictions which Marx had
derived from the law were not verified in experience. The number
of capitalists were not becoming smaller; the misery of the work-
ing class was not decreasing; the capitalists were willing to make
concessions both economic and political to the working class; and
the working class, through its political parties and other organi-
zations, was gradually approaching the point where it could take
political power by means of the ballot. As for the capitalist class,

it was not a unified, single-minded group of individuals. They

differed in their social vision and understanding and in their will-
ingness to compromise; it was the task of the socialist leadership
to recognize and to utilize these differences between the different
sections of the capitalist class to the advantage of the working

If the question of the peaceful transformation into society had

only involved the queston of the truth or falsity of the law of ac-
cumulation of capital, it might very well have happened that Bern-
stein would have been victorious. But after the begi nnin g of the
twentieth century, other questions arose which took precedence
over it. Blackening the horizon of successful socialist struggle was
the issue of the coming imperialist war. Those who believed in
the peaceful transformation of society were inclined to de-empha-
size the possibility of a future world war, since they thought rec-
ognition of its possibility might also involve recognition of the
necessity of armed insurrection, a dismal prospect for those who
expected the millenium to come by means of slogans, ballot boxes,
parliamentary speeches and caucuses.
Also without cognizance of its power, a new force was insidi-
ously working in the ranks of socialism
— patriotism or national
sentiment. Socialists, before World War I, did not believe that
any among them could believe in anything less than a world so-
ciety. Patriotism was for the capitalists and middle classes. They
did not realize that the lower classes, particularly the proletariat,
had become so profoundly attached to their national homeland.
Thus when World War I began, the various socialist parties which
boasted at that time a world membership of some seven TniHinna
and a controlling voice in organizations whose numbers totalled
above twenty million, found themselves unable to act to stop the
war. With few exceptions, the socialist parties were as patriotic
as everyone else. However, they found their own excuses for

their patriotism. It is tragically true that the First World War

would never have occurred had the socialist parties stood firm in

their opposition to it.

The revolutionists in the Second International fiercely criticised

the reformists. In the period before the First World War, they
followed Kautsky, who was the main defense for the law of ac-
cumulation of capital. He was the most orthodox and learned
disciple of Karl Marx and his heir. Kautsky’s answer to the fact
that the predictions of the law of accumulation of capital had not
been verified was that Marx had not meant his law to be understood
in terms of absolute numbers but of percentages. He had not
meant that the absolute number of capitalists was decreasing, but
that the percentage of capitalists in relation to the percentage
of proletariat is decreasing. This was obviously so. While it is

true that the standard of living of the working class as a whole

had been raised, this did not mean that the misery of the working
class had not increased, for misery is not an economic but a psy-
cho-sociological concept. The misery of the proletariat was in-

creasing simply because they were receiving less relatively to

what society could give them and were conscious of this fact.

Thus even though they received absolutely more, their conscious-

ness of the fact that they received less, relatively speaking, than
they ought to receive meant that their misery was increasing.
Interesting enough, no one attempted a popular poll of working
class sentiment on this question and so far as the orthodox Marxists
were concerned, they would not have accepted its results. They
would have said contradictorally enough, that the masses did not
know their own feelings or interests. To use Freudian terms, they
would have insisted that the masses were not aware consciously
of what they felt unconsciously. Thus, the law of accumulation of
capital must have the results which Marx predicted; the conflict

between capital and labor must reach a critical point when the
proletariat will try by force to seize political power and capital
will act to prevent it. In preparation for this inevitability, the
capitalists must maintain permanent control of the armed forces
and the state apparatus. Thus the revolutionists maintained that
the facade of popular elections, parliamentary government and
civil liberties camouflages and is intended to camouflage the fact
that political power is at all times in the hands of the capitalist

Revolutionists defended this conclusion all the more violently

because the proletariat, in 1870, had not been able power to seize

and the capitalist class was found to be much stronger than had
formerly been realized. The proletariat had disappointed them
and their disappointment was deepened by the fact that the prole-
tariat was so slow in taking advantage of its power. It had

been hopefully and rightly anticipated that the working class

would compel the new ruling class to establish genuine suffrage
and other civil rights. But it was thought that the struggle for
these rights would lead the working class to make the socialist
revolution. They had felt, (in agreement with the attitude of the
middle classes) that if the working class was granted these rights,
it would act to end capitalism. But when these rights were
granted, nothing of the sort happened. The working class parties
and other working class organizations concerned themselves with
wresting this or that concession from capitalism. Even though they
might preach revolution, they acted reform.
The Marxist revolutionists before 1870, had concluded, on the
basis of previous political history, that the extension of political
rights to other classes inevitably involved the political triumph of
these previously disenfranchised classes. This had been again
and again illustrated in the struggle of the various classes of

Greece and Rome and even of modern times. Political power

is always exercised by the rulers and the right to exercise it is

limited exclusively to them. If it is extended to other classes, it

means the social triumph and rule of these classes.

But matters seemed to work differently under capitalism. The
extension of democratic rights to all classes did not seem to in-
volve the immediate political victory of the exploited or a new
social order. The revolutionists, therefore, tried to find another

explanation, one which involved a radical alteration in their ori-

ginal conception of the state as an instrument of a class. There was
no longer any necessity to confine all political rights to the ruling
class or classes. was now only essential that the ruling class

should control the armed forces and the state apparatus. Thus
it made no difference in the essentials of class rule whether poli-
tical rights were widespread or limited solely to a class so long
as control of the armed forces and the state apparatus, i.e., the
bureaucracy, remained in the hands of the ruling class.
This new theory prepared the ground for the complete disillu-

sionment of the masses with democracy which characterizes the

twentieth century. What difference does it make whether the
masses have political rights or not, since having them means noth-
ing from the point of view of political power! The masses can
not use these rights to place themselves in power, and if they
should establish themselves in power, they can not use it, since
the armed forces and the state apparatus would still remain en-
tirely in the hands of the ruling class. Moreover, if they tried to
use their power legally to replace individuals in the state appara-
tus or the armed forces, they would find themselves blocked at
every turn.
Actually modern political democracy is not different in these
respectsfrom the ancient. In the ancient democracies, the armed
forces and the state apparatus were always controlled by and
dominated by the ruling class. Nevertheless when a particular
ruling class, such as the landed aristocracy of ancient Greece,
was compelled by revolt or alien class pressure to extend political
rights to other classes — the commercial and the artisan — that
action invariably resulted in the state administration and armed
forces falling predominantly into the hands of these new and more
numerous classes. There is no doubt that the struggle for control
of these agencies was at times violent but ultimately their control
fell into the hands of that class or classes which gained the poli-
tical right to govern. This fact was recognized by all ancient
students of politics.
The conception, originally accepted by Marx and revolutionists
before 1870, is The extension of democratic rights to all
classes means in the end all power to the masses. But the anxiety
of revolutionists for the socialist Utopia in their time and their
fear that the proletariat would never learn to use their power
politically led them to develop the false theory that modem de-
mocracy is class democracy. Thus they failed to utilize to the full,
the significant fact that the exploited classes today had rights
which were never before granted to any exploited class in the
history of man — rights which if properly used, might have created
a really free society of men all over the world. Instead they taught
the masses to be cynical of democracy, to become indifferent to
the great power which democracy for the first time has really
placed in their hands; and they provided the basis for developing
the theory that democracy and totalitarianism are not opposing
political principles but identical forms of class exploitation, a
theory which found its terrible realization in National Socialism
and Soviet Communism; that is, in extreme exploitation of the

masses by the Nazi and the Communist Parties. And today,

after fighting a world war against Nazism, it means a new world
struggle in which the deluded masses will probably follow totali-
tarianism either to world enslavement or destruction.
Co-incidental with these disagreements over revolutionary ac-
tion and the nature of the state occurred another in 1900 in the
Russian Social Democracy, over the organization of the political
party which has had repercussions all over the world. In What*s
To Be Done, Lenin developed the theory of a party completely
subordinate to its leadership, militaristically organized and con-
sisting of a professional “class” of revolutionists wholly devoted
to the goal of revolutionary socialism. These revolutionists were
not to be namby-pamby moralists. Revolution required men with-
out squeamish stomachs and with iron wills who wanted power
desperately and were not afraid to use it to the utmost. Revolu-
tionists like Trotsky, who afterwards changed his mind, and Rosa
Luxembourg, criticized Lenin’s conception of the party as involving


ultimately a totalitarian or autocratic state, dominated by an au-

thoritarian leader; and they denounced it as contrary in principle
to the spirit and letter of socialism. The discussion at that time
seemed like a tempest in a teapot but it was brewed in a teapot of
world dimensions.
The first World War brought each of these theoretical issues,
at different times, to the boiling point. It was no longer a ques-
tion of theory but a matter of life and death for the working
class. Unfortunately what was to be done had little or nothing to
do with the disagreements which had agitated the labor move-
ment since 1870. In the first pldce, these different issues had
been so emotionally fused with one another that to take sides
on any one of these complex questions involved being identified
with the camp of revolutionists or reformists, even though revolu-
tionists and reformists took different sides on every issue which
agitated the international labor movement of that time. This ten-
dency to lump all individuals into a particular camp, whatever
may have been their actual opinions, became a settled policy of

the revolutionists after the Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917

and after 1921, it hardened into a principle for abusing and ex-
communicating all who disagreed with any policy of the majority
in the Third International. After 1928, it became a fixed prin-

ciple that no disagreements of any kind are permissible among

members of the Communist Party or the Third International
and anyone who differs in the slightest from the program,
strategic or tactical, of the Third International is an agent of capi-
talist reaction.

As the war continued, the practical issue of for or against the

war more and more sharply divided labor into camps — ^those who
agreed with Lenin that capitalism had entered into a period of
final decay, the “last stage of capitalism,” from which the only
way out is revolution, and those who, whether or not they agreed
with Lenin, still continued to believe that socialism might be
brought about by peaceful means.
Those who supported Lenin or were more or less close to his

point of view insisted that the law of accumulation of capital had

now been verified to the hilt, that the revisionists had been proven
completely in the wrong. Where previously revolutionists had
followed Kautsky in his reinterpretation of the law of accumula-
tion, they now defended its literal interpretation. They were now
certain that the capitalist class is becoming not merely relatively

but absolutely smaller and the misery of the proletariat is not

relatively but absolutely worse. The less firm among the literal
interpreters of the law of accumulation tried to explain the
period after 1870 as a temporary drift away from the main di-
rection of the law but were now certain the drift was ended per-
manently. Hereafter events would occur in strict agreement with
the predictions of Marx. But certain final consequences were now
evident which meant that capitalism is ripe for socialism. The
cyclical crisis of capitalism will no longer be national but inter-

national in geographic breadth and eifect. Such international crisis

can be overcome only in one of two ways —world war or world
revolution. This proved also that capitalism had reached the high-
est stage of the centralization and concentration of world economy
under international finance capital. The world stage, therefore,
was now set for socialism. The essential historical task for revo-
lutionists is the creation of a new international of revolutionary
parties to make the world revolution and introduce world so-

If the war seemed to the revolutionists a vindication of Marx’s
law of accumulation of capjtal, the victory of the Bolsheviks in
October 1917 seemed a further vindication of the same law but in
terms of politics. Socialism in Russia had not come about peace-
fully. It had required two revolutions: First, a revolution of the
Russian bourgeoisie against czarism and secondly, a revolution of
the proletariat against the bourgeoisie. Only by seizing the gov-
ernment by force were the Bolsheviks successful in establishing
for the second time in history “a dictatorship of the proletariat.”
The revolutionists not many months afterwards pointed out that

their view of the necessity of revolution hy force had been vindi-

cated a second time in the case of the German Revolution of 1918.
This revolution, they pointed out, could have been successful
if democracy of Germany had had courage enough to
the social
seize power. But the social democracy failed to do exactly that
and as a result the capitalist class retained possession of Germany.
The revolutionists also felt vindicated in their contention that
modern democracy is a sham and purely the class instrument of
capitalism. They thought the October Revolution had conclusively
shown that socialist society cannot live or pretend to live in a
democracy organized along bourgeois lines. The rights of free
speech, free press, of peaceful meeting and the right of political
parties to exist and to seek election to political power for a given
number of years are bourgeois rights, which are inimical to the
socialist society. Democratic capitalism can allow all kinds of
political parlies to exist including anti-capitalist parties, because
their democracy is a sham. Power always remains firmly in the
hands of the capitalist. But socialism cannot afford this kind of
democracy and no socialist society would want to afford The

people and socialism must be protected against their enemies. The

true form, therefore, of democracy under socialism is the democra-
tic dictatorship of a single party. Any socialist who would argue
for the right to exist of any other party but the revolutionary
party is an enemy and a traitor to socialism. He is secretly con-
niving to provide a wedge by which capitalism can return and re-
conquer what it has lost. It is a false argument to say that con-
flict can arise between the party of the proletariat and the prole-
tariat: — ^The party and the proletariat are one and the same and
no division between them in interest or in aim can possibly arise.

Why a socialist society which presumptively expresses the in-

terests and has the support of the vast majority should be afraid
of losing this support to parties not expressing the interests of the
vast majority is and has remained an unsolved political mystery.
This is all the more perplexing when one considers that capitalism,
which expresses the interests of a minority of the populace and
has wide differences of policy, allows anti*capitalist parties td

Lastly the revolutionists felt that the October Revolution had

vindicated their contention that the party of socialism must be a
military machine trained and prepared for every kind of illegal
and legal work from that of running a political campaign to the

organization of a revolutionary uprising. They now contend that

this conception of the political party must he realized on a world
scale, fur without a world political organization the proletariat
could not accomplish the task which history had set for it

and for which capitalism was now ripe: the revolutionary estab-
lishment of socialism.




As one studies the disagreements which arose between the re-

formists and revolutionists from 1870 to the Bolshevik Revolu-
tion of 1917, one cannot help observing how easily the revolution-
ary strands were woven together into an ideology of socialist totali-

tarianism. Had the October Revolution been defeated shortly

after the Bolsheviks took power, this totalitarian ideology might
never have become a decisive force in the twentieth century or had
the liberal socialist elements been successful in defeating the to-
talitarians the same result might have been accomplished. Un-
fortunately, the Bolsheviks defeated all oppositions and main-
tained themselves in power; and their success has helped con-
siderably in strengthening totalitarian philosophies at the expense
of the liberal everywhere. In saying this it is necessary to re-
member that the success of the dictatorship in Russia is not the
only factor responsible for the spread of totalitarian ideas. There
are others of even greater importance of whose long-term effects
we shall have occasion to speak further along.
liberalism in crisis 285

World War I is full of epoch-

ilie period following the end of
making events that enormously weakened the liberal trend in all
areas of human activity and unbelievably strengthened the totali-
tarian principles defended by the leaders of the Bolshevik Revo-
lution. One immediate consequence of the end of World War I

was the widespread disillusionment with capitalist liberalism. The

masses including most liberals had believed that the war was
fought to make the world safe for democracy. Instead they found
it had been maneuvered by militarists, diplomats and economic
imperialists for their own Even though the signing
selfish benefit.

of the Versailles peace treaty brought into existence a large num-

ber of democracies, these democracies were looked upon by in-
creasing numbers as snares and delusions intended to defraud
the vast majority of their rights. Thus any liberal party which
hoped to influence the masses had to include elements of socialism
previously unconsidered or even rejected. But as old-style liber-

alism included more and more of socialist doctrine, so more and

more did it become identified with labor. During this period

the reformist current in labor which had formerly repudiated any

connection with liberalism now joined forces with all the rem-
nants of old-style liberalism. Reformists began to call themselves
liberals and liberals began to call themselves reformists. This
joining -of left-ward moving liberalism, which had previously
kept apart, with reformist socialism was accelerated by Bolshevik
criticism. The Bolsheviks denounced the reformists as the suppor-
ters of capitalism in the ranks of labor, as pseudo-socialists and
later as Fascists in socialist disguise; and the liberals as disguised
The union of liberalism and reformism indicated that striking
changes had occurred in the attitudes of the middle classes. Dur-
ing Marx’s time liberalism had been identified exclusively with
the rising middle classes and its support came almost exclusively
from them. In the period after Marx’s death it came to be identi-
fied with the more progressive elements of industrial and com-

mercial capital and with the lower middle classes who wanted to
be protected from the rapacity of the upper middle classes. At this

point liberalism was not yet joined to the reformist socialists and
the reformist socialists still repudiated any connection with liberal-
ism. This was true even though leading liberal thinkers like T. H.
Greene, L. T. Hobhouse and Emil Faguet had begun to preach
a type of liberalism which was reformist socialism. After the
first world war disillusion with capitalism followed; and large
numbers of the urban lower middle began voting for the
reformist socialist parties and increasing numbers continued to
flock to their banners.

Unfortunately the reformists were either unable or incapable of

doing anything to solve their economic plight. Thus almost as
rapidly as the middle classes gained faith in reformist socialism,
they lost it. In the meantime, the intense barrage of criticism by
the Bolsheviks against reformism and political democracy plus
the failure of reformism to solve their economic difficulties dis-

illusioned them with democracy. And so the middle classes very

({uickly concluded that capitalism was no good, reformist socialism
was no good, and political democracy was no good. They might
have turned to Bolshevism, if Bolshevism had not followed the
policy of rule or ruin in the 20’s and 30’s until the triumph of
Hitlerism in 1933.
A similar process took place among the workers. Long before
World War I large numbers of workers became disillusioned with
capitalism, but the war accelerated this disillusionment and they
turned in enormous numbers to socialism, both reformist and
Bolshevik, as the way out. The failure of reformist socialism to
solve the postwar problems of World War I and the inability of
Bolshevism to make the wonderful revolution it promised turned
them away in increasing numbers from both reformism and Bol-
shevism. This recoil from Bolshevism in particular was strongest
among the unemployed and unskilled workers who formed the
mass base of the Bolshevik following in countries outside the

Soviet Union.

The upper classes too were seriously affected by World War I.

Large numbers of them lost faith in old-style capitalism and in

the pre-war ways of doing things. They saw nothing useful to

them in reformism and they feared Bolshevism:
Of course, these changes did not occur at the same rate among
these classes. The rate of change was most rapid among the Euro-
pean countries particularly among those which were most seri-

ously affected by the war. It was slower in those countries which

were least affected. In some countries like the United States,
there was little or no perceptibly important change in the so-
cial attitudes of classes, or there occurred a remarkable mixing
or blending of all kinds of political ideologies as in the case of
the New Deal. In the main Italy and Germany became the cru-
cial centers of these rapid changes in ideologies among the various

In a situation as precarious as this in which capitalism, re-

formist socialism and Bolshevism were found sadly lacking, a
vacuum was created which needed to be filled in. The filler-inwas
Fascism. It spawned an ideology that was all things to all men.
It was anti-democratic, anti-reformist and anti-
Bolshevik. promised security against capitalist crisis and mass

unemployment. It promised an end to unending discussion, in-

decision, corruption and graft with which democracy was uniquely
identified by all classes; and it promised a leadership which knew
how to plan as well To the middle and upper classes
as to act.
it promised inviolability of property which meant protection
against reformist socialism and Bolshevism; to the workers, jobs;
and to the peasants, markets and good prices.
Fascism and Bolshevism look upon political power in much
the same way. Mussolini and Hitler both declared that they
learned much from the Bolsheviks. But Fascism differed, by and
large, from Bolshevism in one important respect. It knew how to
unite classes instead of dividing them. It knew where and when
to use violence. The Bolsheviks knew how to use violence; but
they did not learn the technique of uniting classes until after Hit-
ler.came into power. Then with wonderful success, Bolshevism

became like Fascism all things to all people. During the period
between 1934 and 1939 when World War II began, the Bolshe-
viks gathered about themselves through the Democratic Front more
people from Western world than they had been
all classes in the

able to gather in the years between 1917 and 1934. But they
ruined their chances of conquering the Western world by entering
suddenly into a pact with Hitler that started World War II.

Despite Bolshevism’s rule or ruin policy it continued to become

more and more important in world affairs as a result of the con-
tinued existence of the U.S.S.R. From the very beginning the
•U.S.S.R. was the criterion, the touchstone of progress. Bolshevik
propaganda was consciously directed in such a way that people
would consciously or unconsciously judge each other in terms of the
crude criterion for or against the Soviet Union. The great historic

struggle between the democratic and totalitarian elements in Rus-

sia were given the kind of interpretation most suitable for em-
ploying this criterion. Few ever learned or tried to understand
the true meaning of the anti-Lenin and later anti-Stalin opposi-
tions which appeared at different times between the years 1918
and 1939. Everywhere Bolshevik propaganda lumped together
these opposition elements with reactionary, semi-Fascist or Fascist
attempts to overthrow by violence the most “progressive,” most
“democratic” society in the world. Tirelessly the Bolshevik leaders
propagated the myth of Russian democracy and equality througli
their international network of organizations. Not knowing any
better, people who considered themselves enlightened universally
accepted this myth as true, even though facts were piling sky-high
showing the rapid growth of stratified inequality between classes
and the complete absence of any democracy in the Soviet Union,
even the kind of class democracy which existed in England in the
early eighteenth century or under Czarism in 1900.
The distinction of “for or against the Soviet Union” has be-
come one of the prize weapons by which Bolshevism blackjacks
and intimidates liberals everywhere. Because the liberal was more

and more accepting the ideology of reformist socialism, anyone,

therefore, who was called a liberal was called so because he fav-
ored in particular the cause of labor and in general democracy,
equality, progress and peace. Many liberals joined reformist
organizations, but a large number of them preferred to remain in-

dependent of any particular political party.These liberals on

one hand prided themselves upon their independence and on the
other upon their readiness to do whatever they could for the cause
of labor. The most important segment among them is, of course,
the intellectuals whose articulateness makes them particularly
influential. It was upon these liberals that the Bolsheviks used

most effectively their distinction between pro- and anti-Sovietism.

By 1930 so effective was the propagandistic work of Bolshevism
that liberalism was now interpreted in terms of being either for
or against the Soviet dictatorship. If any liberal was critical of
the Soviets then he was immediately accused everywhere of being
a crypto-Fascist — a Fascist who wore the disguise of liber-
^that is

alism. But if he approved of the SovietUnion then he was praised

everywhere as a true Thus beginning with the late twen-.
ties, Bolshevism created a new type of “liberal” utterly unknown

before World War I; one who is a contradiction in terms; who

speaks in the name of liberty only in order to deny it; who calls
the Soviet Union a democracy and a democracy a capitalist dic-
tatorship. This “liberal” denies the very things for which his an-
cestral namesakes fought —free speech, multiple political parties,
free press, free religion, etc. Under present circumstances, the
best name by which to describe and clearly understand him is
“totalitarian liberal.” A totalitarian liberal is a supporter of Soviet
communism, although he is not a member of any of the parties
affiliated to the Soviet Union. Wearing the mask of liberalism, he
defends the new totalitarianism of the twentieth century: totali-
tarian communism.
The usefulness of the totalitarian liberal to Bolshevism is not
merely in terms of his articulateness, however useful that may
be. His importance lies in that he helps to organize and administer


all kinds of communist-front organizations which the communist
party wants to employ for varying purposes and with which it

tries to reach different strata of the population. The totalitarian

liberal is the front behind which totalitarian communism works.
Without him the totalitarian communist would never be able to
reach so effectively large numbers of people who want nothing
to do with totalitarian communism.



The twentieth century shows the transformation of liberalism

from the status of an ideology of the rising middle class to that

of an ideology speaking not for a particular class but for the broad
masses of mankind. Two currents merged more or less completely
into one during the 20’s and 30’s to form modern liberalism:
the current of political democracy which had been the battle cry
of the philosophical radicals, the utilitarians and those who spe-
cifically called themselves liberals and the reformist socialist cur-
rent in the labor movement which had its origins in Utopianism
and Marxism and stood for a radical transformation of the capi-
talist order. Thus modern liberalism is the final logical culmina-
tion of the drive of our liberal and socialist ancestors for a world
free of tyranny and exploitation. It is therefore a far cry from the
liberalism and socialism of the nineteenth century.
Yet at its peak of abstract perfection, modern liberalism is be-
ing defeated by a new kind of totalitarianism, Soviet totalitarian-

ism, which also has its origin in Marxism and also speaks in the
name of equality, liberty and the exploited majority. Paradox-
ically even though it speaks in the name of the highest ideals,
Soviet totalitarianism is introducing on a world scale a new kind
of inequality between men and a new kind of absolute tyranny
over man. Why, then, is modern liberalism being defeated?

The minor reasons ought to be menlioned first before turning

to the major. One reason modern liberalism even though
is that

largely identified as a political movement with labor parties of

various kinds and the labor movement in general, is rather amor-
phous both as movement and as doctrine. It is not only not com-
pletely consistent but its concrete program is not accepted by all

In principle, liberalism, as interpreted by contemporary ex-

positors like John Dewey or Morris Raphael Cohen, involves both
an attitude and a program. The attitude is one in which reason
and scientific method are made the guides to social action. Thus
it is an attitude undogmatic with reference to any solution which
may be offered. It commends itself upon its open-mindedness.
It allows for the possibility not only of error but of a variety of
different solutions.
As a program it insists upon three basic principles: First, the
social channels of communication should be kept always open
and as wide and deep as possible so that people can be adequately
informed on all issues. As an integral part of the same idea, it
insists that the people should have the right to form political
parties and elect those representatives who support programs of
action with which they are in agreement. Moreover, it denies the
right ofany group, no matter how large, to suppress any other
group which may be in disagreement. Secondly, it accepts the
Marxian contention that the economic problems of society will
be solved only when the major industries, which are today either
monopolies or oligopolies, are owned and run by the state. It
also agrees that all the economic resources of the world should be
integrated and operated on a scale of world planning. Thirdly,
it believes that this can be achieved by education and the orderly
action of the enfranchised majority in those countries where poli-
tical freedom exists in sufficient proportion to permit the process
of popular education in economic realities to be completed. But
apart from this rather abstract program, there isno agreement
among liberals on how to achieve their ends. Thus, opposed by
organized minorities witli a concrete program, a military organi-
zation and an iron discipline, liberalism is helpless to act.
It is essential to observe that political parties today are divisible
into two kinds: the old-style, which are relatively loose, allow
for considerable difference of opinion, and accept the traditional
conception of political democracy; the other, the totalitarian,
which are tightly knit, organized on military lines,and completely
opposed democracy
to political in the traditional meaning of these
words. Each of these types are again divisible into subordinate
types: Among those who accept traditional political democracy
are the capitalist parties and the reformist parties. The capitalist
parties have no clearly formulated program concerning society;
since they accept capitalism, they are primarily concerned with
offering such policies as will win enough votes to get control of
the gravy trains. The socialist or reformist parties have a pro-
gram for the social transformation of society, but they want the
right to make such changes through the reeducation and winning
of the majority to their point of view. The totalitarian parties
are either affiliates of the Soviet party or home-grown Fascist
parties. The non-totalitarian liberal whether affiliated or not with
the traditionally democratic parties, still does not as a whole
sharply differentiate between the type of party to which he may
belong and the totalitarian party. Many non-totalitarian liberals
both in Europe and America, and particularly the American,
think they can oppose totalitarian parties with the same methods
they use against traditional democratic parties. They still do not
seem to realize that totalitarian parties act on principles com-
pletely opposed to their own and against which their conceptions
of below-the-belt opposition are helpless.
A second minor reason for the inability of liberalism to influ-

ence decisively the political life of modern times is that large

numbers of liberals are afraid to join any political party. Lib-
erals deeply prize their right to think and act without restrictions,
that is, in essence, their right to disagree, but they are afraid with
justification of having this liberty restricted by the demands of

organizational loyalty. Since so many liberals are without any

organizational affiliations they are easily put to flight or utilized
for non-liberal purposes by any determined minority militaristic-
ally organized and disciplined. Their anxiety to help some worthy
cause often results in making them allies of totalitarian front or-
A third minor reason is the open-mindedness of the liberal to
ideas. His ability to act with firmness and decision is thereby re-
tarded. He is much too ready to give the other fellow the benefit
of his own uncertainty. The other fellow may be right after all.
A last minor reason is the tendency of the liberal to remain on the
level of general principles when what is needed are concrete plans
or techniques of action.
These minor reasons, important though they are, are insignifi-

cant in comparison with certain larger factors affecting the world

today. A major factor is the character of contemporary economic
development. In analyzing capitalism, Marx made a profound
observation which he never developed to its logical conclusion.
He made the ironical observation that the individual capitalist
who has established controlled planning in his own factory is op-
posed to its establishment for society as a whole. Derisive in mak-
ing this observation, Marx did not reflect upon the character of
the planning which existed in the factory of the individual capi-
talist. He did not observe that diis planning is totalitarian, that
the individual capitalist completely controls all living and mater-
ial resources within his factory as completely as Stalin controls
the material and living resources of the national Soviet factory.
Marx himself did not envision that his planned society would as-
sume a totalitarian character. Despite his recognition that capi-
talist development went in the direction of greater and greater
concentration and centralization of capital, he did not recognize
these as indicators of the possible nature of the kind of society
which he was anxious for the proletariat to introduce.
Now Marx meant by concentration of capital: that capital is
operated more and more on a mechanized basis, that more and
more industriesbecome interdependent and incapable of produc-
tion without each other. The highest stage of concentration is
reached at that point where all the economic resources of the
world are as interdependent as the different units of a gasoline
engine. The other side of this picture is described by the term
“centralization,” which means that the reins of control, largly
due to the process of concentration and in part to other factors,
come into the hands of a smaller and smaller number of individ-
uals. The final culmination of this process is the control of the
total economic machine by a tiny oligarchy of men topped by an
infallible leader. To Marx this oligarchy was entirely the result
of the capitalist process. If the proletariat should have their way
they will remove this oligarchy and operate the economic system
on a completely democratic basis in the manner of the phalans-
teries of Fourier. His hatred of utopian blueprints seems to have
held him back from envisioning what a highly mechanized society,
in which the process of concentration and centralization has reach-
ed its peak point, would really look like. Had he followed through,

he would have foreseen the nature and structure of present day

Soviet economy.
Elsewhere Marx remarks that in a mechanized and planned
society there will necessarily have to exist for a long time to come
a functional differentiation between brain and hand. This differen-
tiation will also in\olve an important difference in the social status
of each. The brain worker will necessarily dominate the hand
worker. Now this functional differentiation is a consequence of
mechanized mass production which requires a majority of workers
reduced to robot-like attendants of machines, a minority of tech-
nicians who have mechanical skill and an even smaller minority
of specialists who stand at the apex of this cone because they have
the theoretical knowledgeand specialized skill needed to run the
economic system. Marx apparently did not see the connection be-
tween the increasing concentration and centralization of capital
which leads to an oligarchy of leaders and this process of func-
tional differentiation between brain worker and hand worker. He

apparently did not see that the hrain workers — the experts or
specialists — ^would become the leaders of the new totalitarian
socialist order.

This, then is a primary factor which seems to lead to the defeat

of liberalism on a world scale:
— ^The concentration and centrali-

zation of industries and the specialization of knowledge, both

seem to involve totalitarian planning. There are good reasons
why this type of planning connot permit the vast majority to ex-
press their will. First they are too ignorant to understand the
complex problems of modern planning. Secondly, modern plan-
ning, since it involves complete interdependence of the parts of
the economic order, precludes any action by a majority or minor-
ity opposed to the carrying out of the plan. Thirdly, equality
between brain workers and hand workers is impossible since the
hand worker is incapable of understanding what the brain worker
is trying to do. Lastly, as long as the economy is incapable of
producing all commodities in sufficient numbers to make them as
free as air, there must be a differentiation of rewards according to
skill and social function which means of course that the brain
workers in control will distribute to themselves the maximum
If the picture drawn above of the general broad tendencies of
economic development is correct, then modern liberalism finds
itself in an intellectual impasse. The new economic order which
seems to be evolving out of present economic conditions is in-

compatible with political liberty. This new order requires, or

seems to require, a totalitarian political system in order to achieve
its objectives. It is not necessarily true that those who are at the
apex of the planned society desire a totalitarian system: it is

simply that the economic needs of society cannot be .satisfied with-

out a highly centralized autocratic system. But political .liberty
is one of the central tenets of liberalism. How can it then favor
political liberty on the one hand and some sort of economic sys-
tem in which large-scale planning is an essential element?
The liberal has given little attention to this problem even from
the point of view of how concretely it can be solved in an already
operating planned economy like the U.S.S.R. Nor has the liberal
taken seriously the problem of showing that the form of political
organization which exists in the Soviet Union is not inevitable.
He has usually attacked those who assert that a socialist economy
involves totalitarianism or where he has been ashamed to use
terms of moral condemnation he has glibly pointed out that to-

talitarianism is after all not logically necessary in a socialist so-

ciety. However, he has failed to see that the issue is not one of
pure logic, that is, whether socialism in the abstract logically im-
plies totalitarianism in the abstract — but whether socialism as it

manifests itself concretely in the working of its institutions in-

volves totalitarianism for all practical purposes. To argue that

socialism in the abstract does not involve totalitarianism in the
abstract is like arguing that capitalism in the abstract dues not
involve exploitation or poverty or monopoly in the abstract. While
liberals are generally inclined to repudiate the latter as a valid
argument on the ground that it does not concern itself with the
actual institutions of capitalism, they are not willing to apply the
same logic to their own arguments for the existence of a free or
democratic socialist society.
A second major factor responsible for the persistent defeats
of modern liberalism is the extreme state of tension in which con-
temporary man lives. Everywhere about him he faces economic
and social insecurity. This economic insecurity is of various kinds.
One kind is that of not having enough income or of frequent loss
of job, or the fear of unemployment or of sudden loss of economic
status, as for example, in loss of fortune due to economic crisis,

war or revolution. As part of this, often enough is the insecurity

which derives from a status of social inferiority because of race
or religion. The hatred of those who are in an inferior position
is intensifiedby the absence of any economic security or hope
of security. Where they do not face, in the ordinary sense, eco-
nomic insecurity, they suffer either from social inferiority or from

the general insecurity of a world subject to monstrous social crisis

like war and revolution. This general insecurity reaches beyond
the economic and social into the psychological and cultural. Men
no longer have faith in them-
feel inwardly insecure because they
selvesand in society. They no longer accept the values which
they were taught to value. Often enough they feel themselves
without values of any kind.
When such are the conditions for enormous numbers of indi-
viduals in all classes, society lives in a state of panic. There is

a hysterical search for some way of ending this unendurable state

of psychological and social tension. People want violent action.

They want to ally themselves with anything which will give them,
even for the moment, the high feeling of psychological security.
They do not want to reason. Reason is insecurity; it bares diffi-
culties and perplexities. They want a faith in which they can
believe fanatically. Thus they tend to join those political groups
which offer them a faith with an immediate out from all their
tensions. Against mass hysteria of this type, any rationalistic
social philosophy is helpless; and modem liberalism, being highly
rationalistic, is not equipped to meet the psychological problem

of peoples in a state of extreme tension.

Another major factor is the stage of economic development to
which the world has come. It was already obvious at the begin-
ning of World War I that the world could work on a high level
of economic efficiency only on a world scale. Nations as isolated
economic units had outlived their economic usefulness. The high
development of the world division of labor was symptomatic of
the necessity for an economic order based on international princi-
ples of economic organization.
The period after World War I made this fact even more ap-
parent by the appearance of opposing economic tendencies: one —
which involved regression to a simpler and costlier economic stage:
national economies; the other which involved the establishment
of a world empire or a world federation of nations. 'Indications
of the regressive were the breakdown of international trade; the
tendency of more and more nations to become self-sufficient eco-

nomically even though this cost their people dearly; the tendency
of more and more nations to break away from the doctrines of
free trade and to make unilateral economic agreements; and fi-

nally in the tendency, which reached a high stage of development

in Germany and was a technique also employed by the Soviet
Union, to involve other economies unilaterally in a creditor rela-
tionship to themselves. In the interim period between World Wars
1 and 11, it was obvious to most economists that the world economy
implicit in the expansion of capitalist forms of production to the
rest of the world was breaking down. Countries were trying to
attain economic security for themselves at the cost of other nations
and to separate themselves economically from the rest of the
On the other hand, the very needs of modern machine pro-
duction led those nations which were leaders in production and
ilependenl upon other nations for essential raw materials and agri-
cultural goods to tie these nations to themselves by whatever means
—economic, political or military — ^were available. Since the end
of World War II, or rather the cessation of hostilities between the
Allies and the Axis powers, it has become even more obvious
than before that economic isolationism or autarchy is impossible.
The world can live today only under some form of international
The necessity for establishing an order in which the national states

are made subordinate to international economic needs is the cause

for increasing tensions or antagonisms between the Soviet Power
and the Western Powers. Whether the political leaders of the
United States, England or France are aware of this or not, they
are being forced to move in the direction of some form of inter-
national economic cooperation. This is illustrated in the move,
largely unplanned, to organize as much of Europe as can be in-
cluded into a single economic unit; in the tendency of the United
States to seek some form of international implementation of free
trade relations between itself and the rest of the world. It is also

liberalism in crisis 299

indicated by the compulsion of the Soviet Union, forced by the

requirements of its planned economy, to extend its economic bor-
ders as far as it can without coming into open conflict with the
Western Powers.
The world today, economically speaking, exists in a vacuum.
If the Western powers are unable to fill it by establishing some
form of world economic order, then it is extremely likely that
the Soviet Union will do so. The European Western powers, how-
ever, are compelled to follow the United States whose leaders are
dominated by Big Busines; and Big Business is hog-tied to an
obsolete economic and political philosophy. It still feels it can act
upon economic principles which are, in the main, no longer applic-
able to the present world. Thus it thinks in terms of ideas from
which a successful plan for a world order can never be evolved
— even if it could enlarge its vision sufficiently to think in terms
of a world order. But it does not think in terms of a world order
it still thinks mainly in terms of continental United States. Mod-
ern Liberalism, therefore, evenif it had a thoroughly worked out

and practical plan for a democratic world order, would find Big
Business a powerful opponent of any such plan. And not only
Big Business; it would find provincial minded, isolationist lower-
class America an even more powerful foe. The typical American
— particularly he who has been overseas —wants to think Ameri-
can and nothing else.

On the other hand, even if liberalism were able to convince

the American people of the value and practicability of its plan,
it would still have to face an intransigeant enemy in Soviet totali-
tarianism. Soviet totalitarianism does not want a world order
which is not completely controlled by itself. A world democralic
order would mean only one thing: the end of Soviet totalitarian-
Thus no matter where liberalism turns, it finds itself opi>oseil by
overpowering enemies. Its ideas are not acceptable to Big Busi-
ness or the American People; and its ideas are equally unaccept-
able to the Soviet leaders. The prejudices perhaps of Big Busi-
ness and the American people might be overcome by an intense
educational campaign, but such a campaign could not overcome
the opposition of Soviet leaders. Objective arguments can not
convince them; they have different aims and objectives; and they
know what they want. Perhaps then one might try an intense cam-
paign of educating the Soviet people? Unfortunately, they can
not be reached; they are permitted no other educators than their

The worst element in the situation is the insufiiciency of time.
There is not sufficient time to educate the people in those countries
where freedom of speech still exists to the necessity of a world
order. The urgent necessity of creating a world order of some
kind and the irreconcilable differences between the Soviet Empire
and the West are bringing closer and closer the time of the begin-
ning of World War III. war did not destroy the world,
If such a
there might emerge at its conclusion some sort of world order.
Unfortunately, this war will not be fought with ordinary weapons
such as were mainly used in World Wars I and II. Such weapons,
however destructive, do not involve the annihilation of modem
civilization. Assuming the war were fought with ordinary wea-
pons, such as were used prior to the invention of the atomic bomb,
it might be reluctantly welcomed only because it might finish both
Soviet totalitarianism and nineteenth century capitalism. One
might look forward to a new age in which economic and political
liberty might actually be achieved to an extent never known be-
fore. Unfortunately, the weapon which is now at the disposal or
will be at the disposal of the warring parties is not an ordinary
weapon. It is the basic energy of the universe and it is annihila-
tory; its employment means the end of civilized life on earth
and the return of man in all probability to the kind of primitive
life he lived thirty or forty thousand years ago.
Obviously modem liberalism sits on the horns of a dilemma
invented in inferno. To oppose the coming conflict means to
strengthen the grip of Soviet totalitarianism on the world and it

means in all probability the ultimate trimnph of Soviet totali-


tarianism as a world system — ^thus the enslavement of the major-

ity of men to an hierarchy of despotic administrators. On the other
hand, the struggle against the Soviet tyranny involves a world
war in which the atomic homb will be used to destroy modem
civilization. The dilemma of liberalism is made all the more
tragic by the fact that as the war comes nearer, atomic defense
or offense will require the establishment in all countries of some
kind of despotism. To prevent sabotage and the possible explo-
sion of hundreds of atomic bombs by enemy agents, a system of
internal espionage and restrictions upon traditional liberties of
movement and expression will be necessary. All persons and private
homes will be subject to search and seizure at any time. People
will have to carry passports at all times and will be required to
explain their presence in one place or another or their reasons for

A last major factor working to defeat modem liberalism is the

international totalitarian communist movement with its base in
the Soviet Union. In what respects does this totalitarian move-
ment differ from all other totalitarianism previously known?
The first thing to note is the base itself of this movement: the So-
viet Union is a huge empire sprawling over the greater part of
Europe and Asia. At its disposal are an enormous military or-
ganization and enormous economic resources which are rapidly
being transformed from potentiality into actuality. The second
thing to notice is that the Soviet* Union stands upon a philosophy
which makes no distinction between men as to race, religious
creed or color although it does distinguish sharply between men ac-
cording to their political creed and sometimes class origin. (The
latter nowadays is relatively imimportant as long as those of alien

class are willing to serve as tools of the Soviet leadership.) Again

it promises economic security for all or to paraphrase a slogan of
the Hoover era, “a chicken in every pot and a Moscovich in every

it promises all the exploited masses of the world
In other words,
the two things which they want most: equality and economic se-
curity. Nearly three-quarters of the world’s population is colored
and nearly all of the colored peoples are exploited by the white
man. The vast majority of them are also considered inferior to
the white man in intelligence, general ability and culture. Even
though the colored peoples are, in turn, subject to exploitation by
members of their own races who consider them inferior to them-
selves, nevertheless there is a bond between colored exploiter and
exploited in that both want to he free of the white man’s burden.
Sovietism promises them not only this freedom from the yoke of
the white man but equality with him. Secondly, most members of
the human race, whatever their color, live a life of wretched
poverty subject to epidemics of starvation or disease, driven hither
and yon by their war lords, conquerors or exploiters, knowing
little of any outward security or peace. To them, the Soviet Union
promises the kind of economic security which they hunger for but
have never known. The promise of these two things, security and
racial equality, alone makes Soviet totalitarianism a mighty power
to he reckoned with in the affairs of the world.
Modern liberals who have lived their entire lives in an intellec-
tual atmosphere and in countries with a long-established tradition
of political freedom fail to realize how unimportant to the people
of this world is political freedom. These people have never known
freedom, they have lived all of their lives under some form of
absolute dictatorship and they consider no state different from
any other state except with respect to what it offers them economi-
cally. To the peasants of China, the pariahs of India or the fel-
lahin of Arabia and Mesopotamia, it is more important not to

be under the heels of the white man and to be sure of their rice
or bread than to be offered the finest democratic constitution in
the world. They have not culturally reached the point where
the relation of political democracy to economic security and ra-
cial equality can be appreciated. It might be observed that even
in the so-called civilized countries of England, France, Germany,
Italy and the United States, great numbers, including the intelli-'

gentsia, are not yet awakened to the import and significance of


political liberty for maintaining and establishing wider and wider

equality among men. what can
If this is true of civilized nations,
one expect of peasants and primitive peoples living millenia under
the yoke of absolute monarchs and human gods?
A third thing to notice is that Soviet totalitarianism is not a
national phenomenon. It is the base of a world society and the
instrument for creating it. To achieve this objective, the Soviet
Union has helped and helps in the establishment and maintenance
of political parties, trade unions, cultural institutions and a vast
variety of front organizations in every foreign country to spread
and popularize the idea of a Soviet world society. These foreign
political parties whose membership numbers in the tens of mil-
lions are closely knit together and firmly controlled from Moscow.
They operate with military precision, doing exactly as they are
told without question. Their leaders are supported directly or
indirectly by Moscow. Moreover their allegience is not entirely
bought with money; many believe fanatically io the Soviet cause
and are ready to die as martyrs. These Soviet organizations have
not only a toehold but often a stranglehold on the important
political, economic and cultural institutions of a country; they can
and do exert enormous pressure direct and indirect in favor of
Soviet interests. ’
By shouting the battle cry “racial equality and
economic security,” in a million different forms, they can and
often do win the allegiance of millions to whom existing society
can offer nothing better.
A fifth thing to notice is that the communist leadership are
highly trained and highly specialized in the arts of propaganda,
agitation, trade union work, insurrection, conspiracy and sabotage.
Before they are placed in any position of importance they are
tried and tested over a considerable period of time. They are
secretly schooled in the propaganda and agitation schools in
Moscow. Thus they represent a trained personnel on a world scale
for the establishment of world Soviet totalitarianism with only one
parallel in history: the Roman Catholic Church.
The last thing to notice is that these men and the organizations
they control have at their disposal the enormous resources of the
Soviet Union as and when needed.
It is with this world*wide army of organizations, skilled, disci-

plined and united by a monolithic ideology that liberalism has

to contend. Is it any wonder that liberalism, divided into so many
factions, is invariably helpless before it?

The final picture which emerges from our analysis of the pres-
ent situation of liberalism is hopelessly tragic. It is the struggle of
Prometheus against the Totalitarian Gods. Liberalism offers the
basic principles of a philosophy by which man can become con-
'scious of himself and his needs and learn how to make maximum
use of his capacity to think, to feel and to do. Yet it can not be
made available to him; he has not time enough to become ac-
quainted with it, let alone to live by it. The confluence of forces is
overwhelming. There are the United States, most powerful of
nations, dominated by Big Business with nineteenth century ideas
and a people, unpolitical and provincial; a world of human
beings who care nothing about liberty and everything about equal-
ity and economic security which are unobtainable without liberty;
an economic technology which seems to involve a centralized hier-
archy of administrators pedestailed upon a vast horde of state
serfs; a totalitarian order, with its base in the Soviet Union, or-
ganized internationally for the conquest of the world; and finally
an atomic war in the oiling between totalitarian Soviet Union and
the rest of the world. Were there sufficient time, these forces might
not seem so overwhelming; each could be conquered in turn, and
even the worst enemy of liberalism, Soviet totalitarianism, might
suffer from an internal collapse, aided by liberal forces from the
outside. But time is exactly the one thing lacking.
Nonetheless, liberalism must continue its struggle against stu-
pidity, prejudice, ignorance and tyranny. And it must concen-
trate on finding the techniques by which a world can be made per-
manently free. These techniques may not be used for a long per-
iod of time; they may remain hidden in the ruins of libraries or

covered with earth, and man may need to suffer through the new
Dark Ages before he will again seek the lost light. But if he sur-
vives and seeks again like Renaissance men before him, to regain
the arts and sciences of the Neo-atomic Age, then the ideals of li-
beralism and the techniques of social freedom should be ready
for him, buried in the crypts of an ancient civilization. If there
is nothing else that can be done, then this should be the final
Promethean gift. Amen!

Buokh, Ivan: The War of the Future, Eng., New York, 1899.
Bonab, James: Philosophy and Political Thought, 3rd ed., London,
Carnegie, Andrew: The Gospel of Weafth, New York, 1900.
Halevy, Eli: Growth of Philosophical Radicalism, Eng., London, 1928.
lloBHOUSE, L. T. Liberalism, London, 1911.

Mill, John Stuart; Principle of Political Economy, 1909.

Mill, John Stuart: On Liberty, 3rd ed., 1864.
Mill, John Stuart: Considerations on Representative Government,
RuctiERO, Guluo de: History of Liberalism, Eng., London, 1927.
The Liberal Tradition
in Russia:

A. Herzen and
V. Soloviev

Editorial Note

The liberal Russian tradition is not very widely known among

the general public nor among a good many political scientists.
Despite the fact that Herzen was a nineteenth century writer, his
influence extended deep into the twentieth century. With rare
perceptive intelligence, Herzen predicted the dangers of totalitari-
anism in social change and. in socialistic plans. Mr. Tartak devotes
his chapter mainly to Herzen and Soloviev, and merely mentions
other liberal thinkers.
The reader is also referred to Vladimir Zenzinov* s chapter,
“The Destinies of the Russian Peasantry.**





Elias L. Tartar
The essentials of the libertarian doctrine are so well known
that a definition of the term is hardly required. It is a doctrine
which, since the time of Herodotus and even before him, has been
advancing, both in political practice and rational argument, the
proposition that a polis of isonomoi, i.e., a stale, with its citizens

equal before the law, is both possible and desirable; and, hence,
that tlie law itself could and should be the deliberate expression
of the sense and will of the persuaded citizenry of the polis.
The term isonomoi implies much that, since the Greeks, has
become familiar to us as the contents of the general liberal doc-
trine. It implies free discussion of political problems by the citi-

zenry — hence, freedom of speech and opinion. It also implies

“unlramelled”, uncoerced decisions by the citizenry on policies
and laws — hence, the hostility of the libertarian to aU entrenched
and excessive power, both political and economic, and his op-
position to special privileges, whether to monarchy by divine right,
or to aristocracy and dictatorship. The pathos of the liberal’s
ideas seems to have originated in his historical experience with
"‘oppressive” and “arbitrary” government, resulting in an intense
fear of anything approaching slavery or tyranny.
On the positive and apologetical side of his doctrine, the liberal
seems to be guided by his knowledge and interpretation of history.
He notes the small self-governing Greek republics which have pro-
duced, under conditions of isonomia and political freedom, a
pattern of life and a culture of singular splendor, variety and


richness; he sees similar conditions and results, with modifica-

tions, in the Medieval and Renaissance city-republics (Florence);
later, in Holland and England. The citizens of these small states
were capable of successfully resisting the vast armies of Persian
and Spanish despotic empires. From these, the liberal concludes

that the very atmosphere of political freedom or isonomia, breeds

a more self-reliant and versatile citizen, a richer culture, a “better”


The ideas and doctrines of liberalism came to Russia, for the

greater part, from the West. They were, however, given a hospit-
able reception by the Russian minds; for, as will be shown
later, there already existed a native tradition and a soil prepared

to assimilate these visitors from the West.

The first important expressions of libertarian thought in Russia

appeared in the second half of the eighteenth century. A national
literature, in the modem sense of the term, began to emerge soon
after Peter the Great. By the second half of the eighteenth century,
this new literature had turned to portrayal and discussion of the
national scene. Denis Fonvizin (1782) wrote The Minor a
famous comedy satirizing the brutalizing effects of serfdom on
the serf-owners.
More and consequences was A Voyage from
startling in context
Petersburg to Moscow, written and published by Radishtchev in
1790, a political work of primary importance. Under the thin
disguise of travelling notes, observations and impressions, Rad-
ishtchev boldly exposed such contemporary evils as serfdom,
savage Army discipline, and the corruption and venality of
officialdom and the courts. He threatened the authorities and
the nobility with a justified people’s rebellion. He dared to por-
tray the hatred of the peasantry for their oppressors, and wrote:
“The peasant today is dead in law, but some day he will be very
much alive.”
Catherine II read Radishtchev’s book and was horrified. She
wrote about the author that “he is more dangerous than Mr. Frank-


lin.” Radishtcbev was imprisoned and sentenced to death; the sen-
tence was later changed to banishment to Siberia. Radishtchev’s
book was burned by the hangman, but it has since become one of
the classics of Russian liberal thought, and its author one of its

It is interesting to note at this point that in his youth Radishtcbev
studied in German was thoroughly
universities and, therefore,
familiar with contemporary German and French literature and
philo.sophy. His teachers were Spinoza and Rousseau rather than
Voltaire and other “encyclopedists.” Thus, there is, on the one
hand, the unmistakable influence of older Western thought on
\new Russian liberalism. However, early in Radishtchev’s writ-
ings, there is also an indication of the native historical strain

the recollection of freer and more democratic institutions of an-

cient, pre-Muscovite Russia (tenth to fifteenth centuries). Dur-
ing that era, ancient Russia had powerful self-governing city-
republics (Novgorod, Pskov), broad local self-government by
town-meetings and elected magistrates, and princes whose power
was limited by oath and by the pressure of local self-government.
With the rise and expansion of the centralized Muscovite monarchy,
these liberties and autonomies were gradually destroyed by the
Czars and emperors, although not without a lengthy and stubborn
struggle. This struggle was renewed in the seventeenth and eigh-
teenth centuries by the semi-independent frontier republics; where,
the Cossacks fought the encroachment of central despotism
upon their autonomies. The last great rebellion, part-Cossack
and part-peasant, under the leadership of Pugachev, took place in
1773-75 when Radishlchev was already a young scholar with a
liberal philosophy.

Thus, not only the memory, but the actual reality of battles for
“ancient freedoms” survived well into the eighteenth century and
found expression in a body of moving songs, historical, peasant,

and Cossack. In taking up the cause of the defeated people, such

writers as Radishtcbev and his successors imported Western liberal
ideas to the aid of a genuine native aspiration. Like Peter the Great

who modernized the ancient Russian state, these writers were

“westernizing” the people’s struggle for their ancient liberties.
The fusion of these two trends, native and Western, proved to be
an arduous and complicated task. It was taken up by such nine-
teenth century successors of Radishtchev as the “Decembrists” and,
later, by Bielinsky, Herzen, and Bakunin — the first Socialist wri-
ters; later still, Mikhailovsky, Plekhanov, and Soloviev took up
the struggle.

Russian participation in the Napoleonic Wars gave a powerful

impulsion to literature and political ideology. Many of the young-
er members of the intelligentsia fought in the campaigns, observed
Western Europe, and were familiar with Western political thought.

The result of those stirring events was not only the beginning of
the Golden Age of Russian literature (Pushkin, etc.), but also the
rise of the first Russian revolutionary movement, that of the “De-
cembrists.” Their revolt came to a bloody end in December, 1825;
some of its leaders were executed, the remainder were im-
prisoned or sentenced to exile. The revolt, however, left a deep im-
print on theminds of the Russian people; neither did they forget
and social problems of contemporary
the discussions of political
and future Russia expounded by such talented writers and De-
cembrist leaders as Pestel, Rylieyev, A. Bestuzhev, and others.
Two trends in their writings are of interest; first, a cleavage began
to form between the more liberal, decentralizing and federalist
wing, represented by Rylieyev, and the more Jacobinist, cen-
tralizing group, represented by Pestel. Some of the Decembrists
actually feared Pestel as a “future Robespierre.” Secondly, the
majority of the leaders agreed that the liberation of the peasants
from serfdom should he accompanied by granting them land. The
prospect of a vast, landless proletariat in Russia was abhorrent to
Thus, the problem of economic justice, together with the prob-
lem of political freedom, was firmly grasped by the Decembrists
and incorporated in their ideology. The defeat of their move-
ment, the execution, imprisonment, or exile of its members, pre-
vented them from further elaboration upon their ideas. This tvas
accomplished later by their spiritual heirs in the next generation:

Herzen, Bakunin, and, to a lesser extent, Bielinsky, the critic;

but, above by Herzen (1812-1870) of whom Tolstoy
all, said,
*‘ile is both brilliant and profound.”
If Herzen’s predecessors applied Western ideas to the inter-
pretation of Russian problems, Herzen may be considered to have
presented the problem of Russia to the West. In a sense, he
himself was the living incarnation of the problem: Russia versus
the West, or Russia with the West. Herzen’s father was a Russian
nobleman, and his mother a poor German girl: Herzen was the
illegitimate son of the wealthy I. Yakovlev who adopted the boy
and gave him an excellent education. Having completed his studies
at Moscow University, Herzen was about to become an astronomy
instructor, when the young scholar’s troubles with the police began.
Herzen was suspected of being a radical and —even worse— a So-
cialist. He was several times arrested, banished to, and recalled
from, various remote Russian towns.
At the age of 35, Herzen was a Hegelian and an established
wiiter; he decided to leave his native country and spent the re-
maining twenty-five years of his life in France, Switzerland, and
England, continuing his Socialist writings in political exile. He
wrote in Russian, German, and French, and was equally at home in
the fields of philosophy and politics, as well as being an accom-
plished novelist; as a publicist, he was justly called the “Voltaire
of Russian literature.” The Past and Thoughts, a book of his
memoirs, is generally recognized as a masterpiece.
The central problem to which Herzen devoted much mature
thought and writing was a twofold one: 1) Russia and Europe;
and 2) the destiny of Socialism in Russia and in Europe. If we
consider that Herzen applied himself to this problem almost a
century ago (1848), he demonstrated unusual penetration in the
very positing of it.


Herzen’s versatility and range of intellectual pursuits were

only part of the “larger man.” His intellectual courage and deep
feeling for the individual human being are highly significant tu
the reader and analyst. He frequently speaks of the individual
in society and, at times uses the Russian word, leetzo, meaning
both face and personality.
It has been said that Nicholas I brought the young astronomer
down to earth. Herzen had displayed an early interest in history
and in the writings of the early French Socialists. His experiences
with censorship and banishments only served to strengthen those
interests. Searching for a larger synthesis, in the late 1830’s he
turned to the study of philosophy and, by 1840, was a Hegelian.
(His friends, Bakunin and Bielinsky, had been converted to He-
gelianism a few years before). But this triumvirate of young
writers did not remain “orthodox” Hegelians for long. Whatever
may be the interpretation of Hegel’s famous dictum, “Everything
real is rational,” it required special exegesis in the Russia of
1840. Herzen and his friends soon became “left Hegelians” and
confirmed Socialists, thus paralleling the almost contemporary
evolution of Marx and Engels. As Herzen tells us, they soon
perceived that Hegel’s dialectical philosophy of history (strife and
evolution) could become “the algebra of the revolution,” instead
of merely a textbook of conservatism. Above all, it was necessary

to remove the contradiction between “reality” and “the rational.”

“It is necessary to make reality rational.” To Herzen and his col-

leagues, the “rational” meant the “rights of the personality,”

awakened and clamoring for such rights. “Thought” was to be-
come “action,” for “man is not only a thinking but” above all —
“an acting being.”
Applied specifically to Russia, this meant the abolition of serf-
dom, the removal or overthrow of autocracy, the granting of land
to the peasants, the freedom of women and the family from medie-
val laws, freedom of the press, freedom of thought, political free-
dom, and economic justice. No wonder, then, that both Bakunin
and Herzen had to leave Russia; once abroad, Bakunin was des-
lined to become one of the fathers of Anarchist theory, and

Herzen the founder of the Russian Socialist school. Author of
From The Other Shore, and Russia and the Old World, Herzen
also founded and edited “The Bell,” the first Russian political
periodical published abroad, and, hence, entirely free of cen-
But how was Socialism and “the liberation of the person” to
come to backward Russia? And how could the Western “rational”
idea become a “reality” in Russia? To answer these questions,
Herzen had to take up the problem of Russia and the West,
well as the general destiny of Socialism. In the subsequent devel-
•ppment of his theories, his experience in and observations of poli-
tical life in western Europe were of no less importance than his
philosophical studies. He participated in the victories and the
defeats of the revolution of 1848,was expelled from France, and,
finally, went to England to live. There, together with Marx, he

watched the triumphant monarchies stamp out both liberalism and

Socialism on the European continent. Although deeply saddened,
Herzen did not despair of the future of Socialism; to him, eco-
nomic justice for “the person” was the problem of the nineteenth
by “thought” and “reality.”
century, posited both
Herzen wrote: “The French Revolution and German science
have opened a series of revolutions.” Here, by this brief for-
mula, Herzen meant (as he, himself, explained) both the effects
of the advance of science in technology and production — as well as
the stirring of minds under the impact of French and German
thought of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. He meant,
also, the series of revolutions from the Reformation to the nine-

teenth century: Dutch, English, American, and French. Capital-

ism and parliamentary institutions were no longer sufficient. Under
capitalism, “human beings are discontented with the economic
conditions of labor, with the slavish drudgery of work, but they
do not want: (a) tobe removed to labor-barracks; (b) to be driven
to servitude-tasks by a government; (c) to relinquish their right
to possess property.” (Letters to a Traveler).

Here vre note how early Herzen became critical of both capi-
talism and “phalansterian” and “statist” Socialism. The prob-
lem of “the rights of the person” was always a preeminent con-
cern to him.
But, if the above is accepted, Western Europe, industrialized
and literate, should be the country of “future” Socialism. After
the defeats of 1848, Herzen began having doubts, and turned his
attention more and more to the young and rising countries, Russia
and America (U. S.) He may have been influenced here by de
Tocqueville, but in his Russian theories he was certainly influenced
by the tradition of “ancient liberties” of Russia, referred to pre-
Thus, Herzen had a larger political and cultural vision of
“Western” civilization —a vision which included the rising role
of Russia and America and the originality of their potential
contribution. He speaks of America with caution due, no doubt,
to his lack of data concerning that country; he spoke with assur-
ance, however, of the advent of the Russian revolution. He fore-
saw that would not be a mere political, bourgeois parliamentary

revolution, but would be a Socialist revolution, “Russia,” he

wrote, “will not be satisfied with a mere parliamentary-political
revolution.” A note of apprehension may be detected in Herzen’s
forecast that “perhaps we demand too much and shall achieve
nothing.” But, he continued, “Russia will not be protestant;
Russia will not be a country of juste-mileu (the golden mean).”
Startling as these “prophecies” were when Herzen first wrote
them (around 1850), he did not consider them to be “insights”
or political crystal gazing, but prognostications based upon thought
and study; they were drawn from his interpretation of Russian
history and from the potentialities of certain surviving institu-
tions, such as the mir and the artel, themselves remnants {although
frequently distorted) of “ancient freedoms.” The mir was the
peasant self-governing commune with a joint communal owner-
ship of land which realloted among its members.
was periodically
The artel was a type of workers’ cooperative organization.
popular with the peasants. Given such factors as the generally
violent character of Russian history, the severity of the state, and
the mir, Herzen fell justified in his forecast.
Herzen summarized the problem of Russia's future in one con-
cise formula: “To preserve the commune and to give freedom to
the person is the future problem of Russia;” i.e., the coordina-
tion of Socialism with individual rights and political freedom.
And, even today, is this not still the unsolved problem not only
of Russia, but of the entire modern world?

It should he understood that Herzen never entertained the idea

of a “Russian mission” or of a “chosen people.” He utterly re-
jected such ideas and, scoffed at the Slavophiles for their accept-
ance of the “chosen people” concept. Herzen possessed a mind
of singular range, intuition, and ironic sobriety; he maintained
few illusions, if any at all. Weighing each probability, he ac-
cepted the most likely one for the proper generation either to
use or abuse. Nor did he underestimate the residual importance
of Western Europe. Like de Tocqueville, however, he considered
the thinkers and publicists of Western Europe somewhat too self-

centered and provincial; hence, they should be reminded of Rus-

sian and American potentialities. Although Herzen dealt, pri-

marily, with Russia, he still firmly held to the vision of a larger,

unified and varied Western civilization. He may be considered a
libertarian universalist.
It was in the 1850’s that Herzen began to formulate his views
concerning the probable nature of tbe Russian revolution. As
he saw it. Western Socialist ideas, entering Russia and merging
there with an old tradition of primitive Socialism in the villages,
would further serve to give this revolution of the future a defin-

ite Socialistic character. Thus, he linked the Russian revolution-

ary movement with Western Socialism to form a synthesis of
Russia and Europe. Here, however, he was confronted — ^both in
theory and in propagandist practice — with the next problem:
what type of Socialism would it be, and by what methods could

it best be achieved? (Here he was dealing with another modern

problem, that of ends and means of Socialism). His advice and
warnings upon this point are singularly far-sighted, since they
anticipated the arguments of C. Plekhanov, Rosa Luxemburg,
and Jaures — as well as contemporary conflicts —by almost fifty

Herzen’s views upon the relationship between political free-
dom and Socialism are no doubt clear to the reader, at this point.
If parliamentary-political democracy without economic justice for

the individual was insufficient. Socialism without “liberty of the

person” was even less satisfactory; it might bring, in its wake,
“labor-barracks” and “tasks of servitude” imposed by the state.

To Herzen, the libertarian and personalist, there could be no com-

promise with the despotism of the State.
Freedom and Socialism were not for the state, “class,” or party,
hut for the “person.” “The freedom of the person is the greatest
thing. Only out of this freedom can there grow the true liberty
of the people.” He also speaks of “tlie person with his incurably
human dignity.” Hence all forms of Jacobinism, “statism,” and
dictatorship found a resolute opponent in Herzen. He would not
just change masters. His dislike of Robespierre was almost

After 1860, both the Russian radical movement and the Western
Socialist movement expanded, although on different scales. The
more impatient and aggressive elements in Russia pressed for
an immediate social revolution, “abolition of the state,” and,
generally, for Bakunin’s “irresistible conflagration.” They called
for a permanent peasant revolution. Some of these groups, like
that of Nechayev, were dictatorial and terroristic even within their
own organizations. Eventually, a definite Jacobinist wing (part
Bakunist, part Blanquist) developed, inspired by the capable
Tkachev. It was to be expected that such groups would view Her-
zen and his followers in Russia (Lavrov) as timid liberals and
mere “gradualists” in Socialism; Imt even the followers of the
more influential and erudite Chemyshevsky found Herzen too
moderate for their tastes.

Herzen was temperamentally and philosophically opposed to

all “root and branch” upheavals or a “permanent revolution.”

Above all, he rejected dictatorial and Jacobinistic theories and
practices. He did not overestimate the immediate importance and
strength of the “extremists” and “nihilists” in either Russia or the
West; but, with amazing prescience and penetration, he foresaw
and even traced the future lines of battle between the libertar-
ian and dictatorialist camps. Herzen took a Arm stand against
/‘permanent revolution” and conspiratorial Jacobinism (one-party
dictatorship) in Letters To a Traveler, published in 1865, and in
his literary testament. Letters To an Old Comrade, written in 1869,
but published posthumously (1872).
It is sufficient here to outline Herzen’s essential theses. For
him, as before: “There are only two important problems: the so-

cial and the Russian problem.” But the apostle of “the free per-
son” is opposed to professional revolutionarism, revolution for rev-

olution’s sake. He declared that revolution may be a painful

necessity, but it is “the least desirable form of progress.” In this
light, a one-group revolutionary dictatorship appears even less
desirable — in fact, an unmitigated evil. The aim of Socialism
is to achieve “a world of freedom in reason” (rational freedom).
Our society cannot be converted into “a Sparta or a Benedic-
tine monastery” or “Araktcheyev’s* military-economic Utopias.”
“Where,” he continues, “shall we find so many executioners and
informers?” Here, for once, Herzen appears to have been overly-
optimistic. But his thought is summarized in a formula, remark-
able for both its precision and depth: “By the methods of Peter
the Great, a social revolution will go not further than galley slave

equality and communist servitude in the style of Babeuf and Ca-


^ Araktcheyev, Teactionary Rusaian general, famous for his cruel

“military settle

Herzen might be considered the Pushkin of Russian political

and libertarian thought. He founded the “Russian Socialist
School,” the Populists. All later Russian liberals and Socialists
with democratic leanings were indebted to him ; the Populists were
directly obligated to Herzen, while the Social-Democrats, whose
main inspiration, of course, was derived from Marx, were indebted
only in part —and, at times, through their very effort to “over-
come” him! Piekhanov, the father of Russian Marxism, wrote
several scholarly and highly appreciative articles on Herzen’s
Such Populists as Chernyshevsky (1828 - 1889), Lavrov (1823-
1900), and Mikhailovsky (1842-1904), may be considered direct
disciples of Herzen. Each, however, made further original con-
tributions: Lavrov, to the study of general problems of Socialism;
Chernyshevsky, to economic and aesthetic theory; and Mikhailov-
sky, to sociological theory and literary criticism. Today, Victor
Chernov is an outstanding, vigorous representative of the Herzen
school of thought.
This article would be incomplete without brief mention, at
least, of the other school of Ru.ssian libertarian thought repre-
sented by the gifted philosopher and poet, Vladimir Soloviev
(185.3-1900). Herzen was one of the foremost Russian posi-
tivists and realists; Soloviev was a Christian mystic and, at the
start of his career, a political Slavophile. As a Christian philos-
opher, however, he aspired towards a free reunion of the Catholic,
Protestant,and Eastern-Orthodox (Russian) churches. This soon
alienated him from the Slavophiles, to whom church orthodoxy
included hostility to Catholicism.
The rift grew wider. To Soloviev, religious tolerance and free-
dom were the very foundations of enlightened Christianity. The
last quarter of the nineteenth century, however, witnessed the as-
cendancy of Pobedonostsev (“Procurator of the Holy Synod”),
who developed a veritable theory and pratice of reaction. His
policies included persecution of the Russian “sectarians,” repress-
ive measures against the Catholics (Poles), —and anti- Jewish dis-
crimination, — all this, of course, in the name of religion and na-
tionalism (“Russia for the Russians”). Soloviev was aroused to
frank and bold denunciation which, since he expressed himself
in a courteous tone and conducted his argument on the highest
level of Christian ethics, was particularly irksome to the govern-
ment and to the nationalist Slavophiles. It was unpleasant for

them to be called “Christians in speech and heathens in behavior

and deed,” since their critic was a fellow-Christian and a faith-

ful son of the Russian church.

Soloviev finally concluded that nationalism, whether German,
Russian, or any other, exemplified self-glorification, smugness,
-and imperialism; and was, therefore, “heathen.” His book. The
National Problem, appeared in 1888; its thorough analysis and
condemnation of nationalism and Slavophile theories' caused a
Soloviev was not a Utopian internationalist. He fully recog-
nized the importance and value of the nation and the state, but
he foresaw the dangers of militant nationalism, as well: “1 am a
patriot, but not a nationalist,” he declared. He considered pa-
triotism as devotion to one's nation and country, and respect for
it; hence, respect was due other nations as participators in the
universal, “ecumenical truth.” In the evolution of nationalism,
Soloviev discerned a sort of idolatry in its ultimate stage: “the
worship of one's nation combined with a negation of the univer-
sal truth” — hence, oppression of national minorities and imper-
ialistic wars which inevitably lead to a catastrophe for the nation-

alist's “chosen” nation. He pleaded for the utmost national and

religious tolerance in multi-national and multi-religious Rus.sia.
“The task of our fathers was the liberation of the peasants from
serfdom; our task is to prepare for the spiritual liberation of
Soloviev regarded the humiliating laws against the Jews as even
more humiliating to men like himself, Christian human beings.
He studied Hebrew and the Talmud, and wrote a series of pro-
found and sympathetic essays upon Jewish religious thought.

Soloviev’y writings made him the intellectual leader uf what

might be termed the “Lihertarian-Christian Schaol” of Russia.
Here we have a libertarian philosophy arising from the Christian
and - by protest and negation - from the Slavophile tradition of
Russia. Different as Soloviev’s point of departure had been from
Herzen’s positivist and realist philosophy, their political theories
.soon converged. Ultimately, they arrived at the same libertarian
conclusion. Speaking different philosophical languages, the two
schools arrive at an affirmation of the same truth-: the right of
man to he a member of “isonomoi,” a free man in a free society.

Herzen, A., Past and Thoughts (Kng. traiisl.); Polnoye Sobraniye
Sochineniy (Complete Works, in Russian; 21 vols.).
Labry, Raoul, A, I. Herzen (in French), Paris, 1928. '

Carr, Romantic Exiles (factual hiography of Herzen).

Plekiianov, G. V., N, Tschernyschewsky (in German), Stuttgart, 1894.
Soloviev, Vi.adimir, The Meaning of Love, New York, 1948,
Soloviev, Vladimir, Lectures on God-Manhood, with an Introduction
hv Peter P. Zouhoff, New York, 1947.
Soi oviFV. Vladimir. Wai and Chiislianilv, New York. 1915.
The Evolution of
Anarchism and
A Critical View

Editorial Note

The following chapters dealing with Anarchism and Anarcho-

Syndicalism dis(uss the problem from two different angles. Mr.
Max Nomad, author of **Rebels and Renegades” and “Apostles of
the Revolution,” critically analyzes the impact of anarchist ideol-
ogy upon reality; Mr. Rudolf Rocker, in his chapter, presents the
elements of anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist philosophy. Max No-
mad, to use the terminology of William James, attempts to find
the “cash value” of anarchist ideas, and how they functioned in
practical politics. Rudolf Rocker unfolds the vision of anarchist
Mr. Rocker, prominent in Europe as a libertarian socialist phil-
osopher, belongs to the few survivors who exchanged views with
Kropotkin. Bertrand Russell described Rocker’s hook, “National-
ism and Culture,” as a “penetrating analysis . and a brilliant
. .

criticism of state worship, the prevailing and most noxious super-

stition of our time.”
F. G.



Max Nomad
It is a truism that in all political movements a must
he made helween what their participants profess and believe, on
the one hand, and what suhconsciously they are actually striving
for, on the other.
This distinction is rendered somewhat complicated with re-

gard to anarchism. For there are various schools of anarchism

differing from each other on many essential points. Some of them
accept the j)rineiple of private property, (the “mutualist” and the
“individualist” anarchists), while others reject it. Among the
latter there are those who believe in renumeration according to
performance (the “collectivist” anarchists), and those who ad-
vocate the right of unrestricted enjoyment of all good things with-
out compulsion to work (the “communist” anarchists). The lat-

ter believe in the essential goodness of man, while their “col-

lectivist” predecessors took a more realistic view. And there are
also differences of opinion as to the methods to be used for the
attainment of the goal: the believers in peaceful persuasion were
opposed by the advocates of violent revolution; and even among
the latter there were those who, like the followers of Bakunin,
believed in methods of conspiracy, and those who saw, or see, in
the revolution a spontaneous process. And last but not least, there
were and are those who believe in the class struggle, and those
who reject it.
They all agree on one point only: the negation of the state, i.e.,

the rejection of all forms of government. But even on this point


there is no uniformity in the concepts of the various anarchist

thinkers.Proudhon’s “anarchist” rejection of the state was at
bottom merely an advocacy of a “federalist”, or decentralized
form of state administration; his concept of an “anarchist” France
did not go beyond the idea of breaking up his country into twelve
small administrative entities. Bakunin’s “collectivist anarchism”
was compatible with the idea of a revolutionary dictatorship by
his own group, which apparently was to constitute the first phase

of his classless and stateless ideal. On the other hand, there is no

such dictatorial or governmental transition period in the “com-
munist-anarchist” concept of Kropotkin. The realization of
his ideal consequently recedes into the mists of a distant future.
In a still later variant of anarchism, known as anarcho-syndi-
calism, the various local and regional federations of trade
unions are to assume the tasks entrusted to the state under the
systems of democratic collectivism.
At the time of their vogue each of these variants of anarchism
represented the current interests or aspirations of certain social
groups. Proudhon’s “mutualist anarchism”, with its panacea of
a “People’s Bank” granting free credit to all in need of it, cham-
pioned the cause of the small producers and skilled workers anx-
ious to attain economic independence at a period when modern
large scale industrialism was still in its infant stage. His “an-
archism” or “anti-statism” was at bottom only an Utopian or
paradoxical formulation of the small producer’s hostility to a
voracious, ubiquitous and aJI-powerful bureaucracy swallowing
up a substantial part of the national income. It was also in line
with Proudhon’s championship of this social group that he was
opposed to labor unions and to the class struggle. For these had
no meaning to a group of aspiring independent producers. With
the growth of large-scale industrialism which demonstrated the
futility of the skilled workers’ hopes for economic independence,
the followers of Proudhon gradually turned either to Bakuninism,
or to Marxism or to plain trade-unionism. (The individualist an-
archism of Max Slirner, the fame of his Ego and His Own, not-
withstanding, never gave rise to a movement properly speaking.
His complete rejection of all ethical obligations, coupled with a
few sympathetic remarks about the underdogs’ violent resistance
to their masters, occasionally served as a theoretical justification
to stray groups of marauders who had chosen a life of outlaw
parasitism and Jjanditism.)

Bakunin —A Precursor of Lenin

It was different with the anarchism of Bakunin. His collectiv-

ism— at that time the panacea of nearly all radical schools —coupled
with the conspiratorial and insurrectionist tactics of Blanqui
and invigorated and embellished by the class struggle concept of
Marx and the “anti-statist” verbiage of Proudhon, expressed tlie

aspirations of a stratum then very numerous in all economically

and politically backward countries. These were the declassed pro-
fessionals, intellectuals and semi-intellectuals, the then proverbial
lawyers w’ithout clients, physicians without patients, newspaper-
men without jobs and college students without a future. At that
lime these elements were anxious for an immediate revolution
leading to the seizure of all power by their own respective group.
Unconsciously, their profession of anarchism served both as a blind
for concealing their ambitions and for outdoing in revolutionary
radicalism their competitors on the Left: the Blanquists whose
open championship of a revolutionary dictatorship had discredited
them, as mere office-seekers, in the eyes of many radical workers,
and the Marxists whose “proletarian” radicalism was drifting
towards parliamentary and trade-unionist gradualism, particu-
larly in the economically more advanced countries.
Bakuninism which, for almost a decade, from the late sixties
to the late seventies of the past century, was attracting the same
elements which Leninist communism attracts at present, event-
ually receded. Its decline was due to the economic upswing which
during the last two decades of the past century gradually began

tu bring industrialism even to the backward countries. It is as a

result of this upswing that those educated malcontents, who usu-

ally assume the leadership of the labor movement, eventually
deserted Bakunin’s insurrectionary anarchism for the gradualist
socialism of Marx whose revolutionary professions had in lime
become a mere lip-service. It is only in Spain that anarchism
(though not in its undiluted original Bakuninist version) has re-

tained its hold upon a large section of the labor movement. This
is due largely to the fact that in that country the followers of
Bakunin had laid the foundations of the labor movement, thus
securing for the anarchists a lasting reputation as champions of
the workers’ cause. It may be added that the anarchists of that
country, whether they were conscious ol it or not, to a certain
extent represented the extreme left wing of the democratic- 1 il)eral
opposition to clerical semi-absolutism.
Bakuninism, for all its anarchist verbiage, had been at bottom
merely a sort of ultra-leftist variant of Marxism. (It must not he
forgotten that Marx, too, accepted the idea of a stateless society,

i.e. of anarchism, in a higher of socialism). A well-known

Holshevik historian, Y. Sleklov, in a monumental four-volume
biography of Bakunin, written during the early period of the
Soviet regime, established beyond any doubt, on the basis of
Bakunin’s less known writings, particularly his correspondence,
that the founder of revolutionary anarchism was in reality a fore-
runner of Lenin, and that his concept of revolutionary activity
and lionary reconstruction really did not differ much
from those of the (lommunist International and of the Soviet sys-

tem, as established immediately after the November Revolution

of 1917.

Communist Anarchism

The failure of Bakuninism to give rise to a successful levolu-

tionary mass movement resulted in the conversion of many of its

followers into a sect of millennial, if sometimes violent, dreamers.

The outstanding theorist of this school, Peter Kropotkin, postu-

lated the pure ideal of “communist anarchism” based on the prin-

ciple of “to each according to his needs”, as against Bakunin’s
collectivist anarchism based on the idea of “to each according to
his works.” For a certain period the outstanding feature of the
Kropotkin school was its advocacy of terrorist acts of protest

(“propaganda by the deed”) which were intended to arouse the

masses against existing injustices. Some outstanding represen-

tatives of this movement, such as the Italian Errico Malatesta,
visualized the role of the anarchists in the revolutionary process
as that of a sort of extreme-left wing of the anti-capitalist army,
helping the Socialists in the task of overthrowing the capitalist
system and, once democratic socialism was established, engag-
ing in the task ’of winning over the majority by means of propa-
ganda and experimentation. This was a recognition of the impos-
sibility of establishing the anarchist ideal by the methods of revo-
lution. The anarchists of that period can therefore be character-
ized as a group of intransigeant “nay-sayers” among the intellec-
tual and self-educated manual workers who were dissatisfied with
the slow progress of the anti-capitalist struggle and wanted to
hasten the coining clash between democratic socialism and capi-
talism. They did not foresee that the violent clash they hoped
for would lead to the victory of a totalitarian form of collectivism
which would give the anarchists no chance to win over the majority
through “propaganda and experimentation”.

Anareho-Svndioalism and Revolutionary Syndicalism,

Pure and Simple

The futility of their propaganda, by “deed” and otherwise,

caused many followers of the Kropotkin school of anarchism to
some of the concepts of Bakuninism and to seek a closer
revert to
contact with the labor movement. The result was the emergence
of what is known as “anarcho-syndicalism” with its emphasis
upon such methods of the class struggle as direct action, sabotage

and the general strike, and its substitution of the trade union to
the “free group” as the basis of a free, state-less society. The
class basis of this new departure was the antagonism of many
French trade union militants to the influence exerted by socialist
politicians over the labor movement. During a certain period
the undeveloped rudimentary stale of the French trade unions,
coupled with the discredit into which socialist political leadership
had fallen among many workers, enabled the anarcho-syndicalists
and the syndicalists without the anarchist prefix, to achieve as-
cendancy over the French trade unions and to inspire the emer-
gence of similar movements in other countries as well. However,
the very growth of the French trade union movement in which
(he anarcho-syndicalists held the upper hand, spelled the eventual
decline of anarcho-syndicalism. For that growth brought in its

wake the formation of a self-satisfied trade union bureaucracy

which eventually went the way of all trade-unionist flesh. The
anarcho-syndicalist revolutionists Wcame gradually trade-union
bureaucrats, dabbling at thesame time in politics, either of the
gradualist socialist or of the radical“communist” brand. The
French General Confederation of Labor (CGT), once the strong-
hold of anarcho-syndicalism, was until 1947 entirely under the
control of the Communist Party. In those countries in which
syndicalism was a minority group within the trade union move-
ment, the revolutionary slogans and promises of Bolshevism easily
won over many of the more temperamental anarchist and anarcho-
syndicalist elements, both among the leaders and the following.
In this connection it may be also mentioned that the theory
of revolutionary syndicalism, pure and simple, of those syndical-
ists who prefer not to attach the label of anarchism to their syn-
dicalism, though otherwise they differed very little from the an-
archo-syndicalists, has undergone a certain modification since the
Bolshevik revolution. Previously they completely ignored the
question of power, assigning in their concept, to the local and re-
gional trade union federations, the function of production and
distribution. After 1917 they coined the slogan of “(Political)
Power to the Trade Union” (Au syndicat le powvoir.)^ Which im-
plies the acceptance of state —
power rejected by the original syn-
dicalist theory —provided that power is wielded by syndicalist
trade-union leaders, and nut by Communist politicians.

The Sorel Interlude

The vogue enjoyed for a long time by Georges Sorel’s Reflections

on Violence has had the effect that, to the uninitiated, the idea of
syndicalism has become inextricably connected with his name.
As a result many of his personal inconsistencies and theoretical
vagaries have often been erroneously attributed to the movement of
which he had ])ecomo the .self-appointed philosophical champion.
Now, in justice to Sorel it must be said that he himself never
claimed to be the originator of revolutionary syndicalism. He
frankly admitted his indebtedness to Fernand Pelloutier, an erst-
while Marxist who later became an anarchist, and who, still later,

formulated the basic concept of revolutionary syndicalism. A con-

cept which can be condensed in two simple propositions: 1. The
general strike is the method of the working class uprising that
will overthrow the capitalist system. 2. The labor union (in
French, syndicat) with its local and national federations, is the
basis for building up a cooperative, non-exploitative common-
Sorel himself made no essential contributions to syndicalist
theory. The “violence” which he glorified, was at bottom merely
a sensational synonym for the “direct action” advocated and prac-
ticed during a certain period by the French syndicalist militants
who ignored Sorel and his writings. And as for the general strike
to which Sorel devoted so many pages, that idea had been in vogue
in the French labor movement since the early nineties of the

^ Tlir anairho-iiyndirdlUlx luo changed their attitude towards government power.

During the period following World War I, the French anarcho-syndicalists in their
organ, Lr Combat Srndiraliste. carried on the from page the motto Toute FEconomie
aux SyndicttUi! Toute Administration Soriale aux Communes! (All economic activity
to the trade unions! All social administration to the municipalities) which actually
implies the acceptaiiee of a decentralized form of state administration.

past century. And it is one of those curious twists of history that

one of its first and most glamorous propagandists at that time was
a man who in time was to become the embodiment of that democra-
tic opportunism which Sorel so hated : it was a rising young social-

ist politician hy the name of Aristide Briand who had borrowed

the idea from Pelloutier, used it as a stepping stone in his career,
and eventually, as Prime Minister, crushed the first general strike
attempted by the French labor unions.
However, both concepts — that of violence and that of the general
strike — assume under Sorel’s pen a significance which they did not
have in the minds of the militants and of the rank and file of the
syndicalist movement. Sorel was at bottom a moralist. He saw
in working class violence a means of disturbing the ‘‘social peace”
which in his opinion was a corrupting influence both upon the
workers and their capitalist masters; an influence which was bound
to lead the world to decadence and barbarism. Application of
violence would, in his view, reduce and discredit the influence of
the parliamentary socialists who were trying to reconcile the work-
ing masses with the existing social order. It would also arouse
the enthusiasm of the masses and thus lift the individual worker
above the level of a purely animal existence. It would bring the
element of beauty and heroism into his life. And, last but not
least, it would serve as a healthy stimulus for the bourgeoisie.
Under the impact of proletarian violence the employers them-
selveswould become “class-conscious”, they would abandon phi-
lanthropy and resort to an aggressive attitude both in repelling
the attacks <»f the workerf. and in attempting to do their utmost
in developing their own productive and organizational potentiali-
ties. The purely economic, or bread-and-butter, aspect of direct-
action violence, aiming at immediate results in terms of wages and
hours, was in the eyes of Sorel not particularly important. Moral
uplift of both workers and employers thus becomes the chief pur-
pose of revolutionary violence as Sorel sees it.

The general strikebecame the victim of a similar distortion un-

der the pen of the revolutionary moralist. To him the greve gen-


erale is not the hoped-for reality of the future, envisioned by the
dissatisfied workers eager for security, a fuller dinner-pail, short-
er hours and more liberty. It is merely a social “myth” whose
function it is to inspire the workers in their struggles. This con-
cept was in keeping with Sorel’s pessimistic disbelief in what is

called the final emancipation of the working class, and with his
approval of violence for the sake of moral uplift, so to speak.
Critics were not slow in pointing out that nothing short of reli-
gious fanaticism c-ould induce the masses to risk life or limb if no
prospects of immediate benefits were beckoning to them.® Sorel
was, no doubt, cognizant of this fact; and it was out of this reali-
zation that he advocated the “myth” of the general strike as a
which no longer ani-
substitute for traditional religious fervor

mated the modern industrial worker of France. Sorel’s critics

have very pertinently pointed out the fact that once the general
strike was openly declared to be a “myth”, the myth itself would
lose all its religious, stimulating force; for mass enthusiasm could
be aroused only by actual faith in the possibility of achieving
their salvation by a practical method.
Sorel’s later pro-medievalist and finally pro-Bolshevist enthu-
siasms can be explained by the basic psychological altitude on
which his original pro-syndicalist position was based. It was his
disgust with the c.orruption of bourgeois political democracy
or democratic politics of France — as manifested in the orgy of
profiteering indulged in by the victorious
liberal “Dreyfusards”
which had turned his sympathies from democratic socialism to
the revolutionary “a-political” labor movement, as expressed
by syndicalism. In that movement Sorel saw a force openly at
war with bourgeois democracy. In due time, however, he dis-
covered that this movement was not measuring up to his expec-
tations. The labor union militants were not exactly like the ro-

mantic heroes who, he felt, should be worthy of the name of a

* Race riots one of the forms of “proletarian violence”—have always an un-
avowed, subconscious economic motive, directed as they are against those who, ri gh tly
or wrongly, are hated as exploiters or job competitors.

“proletarian elite”. They were thinking in terms of material re-

sults; and they also believed in birth control and sex freedom.
All these things were abominations to Sorel who, to quote a friend-
ly Catholic critic, the Jesuit Father Victor Sartre, was “a tor-
mented moralist, a non-believer in search of God”. Yes, a moralist
in the most vulgar sense of the word; for he could actually write
that “there will be no justice until the world becomes more chaste”
(in Sorel’s volume entitled Materiaux d’lme Theorie du Proleta-

riat, p. 199).
As a result, Sorel turned to another group of men who, he felt,

were fighting with real fervor against the corruption and the de-
cadence of the bourgeois democratic republic. These men hap-
pened to be the pro-monarchist nationalists of the Action Frangaise
movement, who were the closest approach to what a decade later

was to appear as Fascism.®

But they too failed to come up to his expectations, for they

proved quite ineffectual in eliminating the corrupt politicians of

the bourgeois republic. So in the end, a few years before his death,
he turned to Lenin, though in the past he had nothing but scorn for
those French —
revolutionists lliey were called Blanquists dur-
ing the Second Empire —who, in the name of socialism, advo-
cated dictatorial rule by their party. For in Bolshevism he saw,
at last, a force heroically and successfully opposing bourgeois
democracy, and he gave vent to his new enthusiasm in his since
famous “Plea for Lenin,” a chapter added to a later edition of
his Reflections on Violence.
Paradoxical as it may seem, Sorel’s adherence to Bolshevism
was not a mere whim of a wayward philosopher of violence. For
at about the same time that he hailed Lenin as the embodiment of
the proletarian revolution, most of the prominent old-time rev-
olutionary syndicalist militants, such as Pierre Monatte, Robert
Louzon and others, joined the French Communist Party whose ap-
^ It was thb short phase of his spiritual wanderings, coupled with his "myth”

theory and his glorification of violence, which gave the Italian Fascists ^many of

whom had come from the syndicalist camp the pretext for claiming Sorel as one of
the teachers of Mussolini.

peal to ihe radical section of the French working class was prov-
ing irresistible in the early twenties — just as in the later forties,

for that matter. Apparently both Sore! and the syndicalist mili-
tants who ignored him, saw in Communism the potentialities for
a triumph of what they called the “proletarian elite”, composed
largely, if not exclusively, of ex-horny handed trade union leaders.
They were all headed for a bitter disappointment; for, after a short
honey moot* — Sorel had died in the meantime — ^the syndicalists

realized that they were slated to play second fiddle to political

adventurers in tow or iji the pay of the Moscow oligarchy. Those
who were not satisfied to play that role struck out for themselves

by elaborating a sort of combination of syndicalism and com-

munism, claiming, as mentioned before, all power for the syn-

dicalist trade union leadership.

A curion' feature of both “Sorelisin” and plain revolutionary
syndicalism (without the anarchist prefix or adjective) was a mild
—and not always very mild — .sort of anti-Semitism pervading the
utterances of some of their outstanding representatives, .such as

Sorel and his friends and followers Berth and Delesalle, as well
as the top leader of the electrical w'orkers’ union, Pataud, and

the editor and “angel” of the theoretical magazine, Revolution

Proletarienne, Robert Louzon. It was a sort of throwback to the

middle of the past century, when men like Marx, Proudhon and
Bakunin —and the .syndicalists as a rule were inspired by all

three of them —found it possible to identify Jewry with capitalism

and to indulge in generalizing, sweeping statements which made

their followers of a few decades later blush with shame. That
attitude of Sorel and of other syndicalists — not all of them to be
sure — could be attributed to the fact that French Jewry was largely
an upper middle class group with many financiers among them,
and that French radicals, like many other Frenchmen, were, as
a rule, altogether ignorant of political and social conditions out-
side their own country.


For a while, during the early twenties, those among the “Lol-
shevizing” anarchists in Russia who were either unable or unwill-
ing to throw overboard all their anarchist past at one stroke, found
a sort of ideological refuge in a theory called “aiiarcho-holshe-
vism” which openly advocated a revolutionary dictatorship by
anarchists during the transitional period from capitalism to an-
archist communism. It was a frank reversion to that aspect of
Bakuninism which as a rule was ignored or denied by the later
anarchists. In most cases, however, “anarcho-bolshevism” proved
merely a short “transitional period” between anarchism and com-
plete acceptance of official Russian “Comnmnism.”
In Spain both the Russian Bolshevik revolution of 1917 and
the Spanish revolution and civil war of 1931-1939, had a niarketl

effect upon the anarchist movement. The bloodless revolution of

1931 which ushered in an era of political democracy, resulted in
the breaking away of a powerful wing of anarcho-syndicali-<l
trade-unionists who decided to abandon the old revolutionary tra-

dition and to pursue gradualist tactics of typical trade-unionism

while retaining the old slogans of syndicalism, very much as the
gradualist socialists retained the old slogans of revolutionary
Marxism. On the other hand, the same event, and the example of
the Bolsheviks of 1917 led to the formation of a strung organi-
zation of FAI {Federacion An-
insurrectionist anarchists called
arquista Iberica) which was frankly out for an immediate anti-
capitalist revolution headed by anarchists, with a thinly veiled
program of anarchist dictatorship, Bakunin style. These were
the younger, more impulsive elements among the self-educated
manual and “white collar” workers who were just as hungry for
power as the corresponding elements which in other countries em-
brace the Communist “line”. The subsequent events in Sjiain
(1936-1938) led to the further abandonment by the Spanish an-
archists of some of the traditional concepts of anarchist tactics:
they voted for the democratic parties during the elections of 1936
(hitherto, voting was taboo with all anarchists) ;
and, after the
Falangist military uprising, they actively participated as cabinet
members in the Loyalist Government. Anarchists in theory, the
Spanish followers of the “anti-state” gospel became hardly dis-

tinguishable from democratic socialists.

Waclaw Machajski or the RebePs Dilemma

In conclusion, it may not be amiss to mention the curious story

of a Russian revolutionary group which was usually classified as
“anarchisl” even though it did not use that label. That group
made its appearance about the turn of the century, at a time when
Leninism as a distinctive the«»ry was as yet non-existent. It cen-
tered around the person of the Polish-Russian revolutionist Wac-
law Machajski (Makhaysky) who became known by his criticism
of nineteenth century socialism as the ideology of the impecun-
ious, malcontent, lower middle class intellectual workers. These,
according to Machajski, were out to remove the capitalists, not
for the purpose of emancipating the working class, but with a
view to establishing a new system of exploitation: a system of gov-
ernment ownership under which well-paid office-holders, managers
and technicians would take the place of the private owners. In
short, he predicted what is now called the “managerial revolution”
more than forty years before the appearance of the book of that

Writing in the peaceful days of capitalism’s upward trend, Ma-

chajski saw this change coming as a result of the gradualist policy
of the Social-Democratic (Socialist) parties whose leadership in
the We.stern democratic countries had become quite a re.spectable
group of Leftist politicians averse to any revolutionary adventures.
At that time the rebellious, declassed professional (or “intellec-
tual” ) of the decades preceding and following 1848 was no longer
a mass phenomenon outside of such politically backward countries
as Russia (including Russian-Poland ) and Spain. That phenom-

enon was to recur in the wake of the first world war when the
hordes of unemployed or underpaid professional or white col-
larworkers began to embrace, en masse, the Bolshevist gospel of
immediate anti-capitalist revolution. Long before Lenin, Machaj-
ski, a conspirator by temperament, hoped to initiate an interna-
tional, anti-capitalist revolution with the help of those then not

very numerous, declasses who, in Russia, were not satisfied with

a mere democratic, bourgeois revolution, and who, in the demo-
cratic West, wasted their anti-capitalist intransigency in the Uto-
pian protest of various post-Bakuninist anarchist sects. His cri-
ticism of the intellectual workers, as a growing middle class stra-
tum whose more active members were heading the gradualist so-
cialist movements, was the theoretical drawing card with which he
was trying to attract those radical elements who were dissatisfied
with the tempo of the anti-capitalist struggle.
Machajski’s criticism of socialist leadership as the champions
of a new rising middle class of would-be organizers and managers
of a collectivist form of economic inetiuality, might have been
inspired by a remark made by Bakunin in his Statism and Anarchy
(in Russian) in which he accused the Marxists of aiming at
such a new form The similarity of Machajski’s
of exploitation.
views to those of Bakunin shows up in another respect as well.
Bakunin operated with two contradictory theories, as it were; one,
for the general public, which advocated the complete destruction
of the state immediately after the victorious revolution, and an-
other which was expressed in letters to members of his inner circle
(and in other documents as well), in which he favored a revolu-
tionary dictatorship by his own leading elite. Machajski, who
may or may not have been aware of this dualism of Bakunin’s, like-
wise had two theories: one was somewhat related to syndicalism,
in which he advocated an exclusively non-political mass struggle
for higher wages and for jobs for the unemployed a sort of di- —
rect action movement against private employers and against the
state; a struggle which in its further development would lead to
the expropriation of the capitalists and to the complete equaliza<
tion of incomes of manual and intellectual workers — thus bringing
about the liquidation of the state by the process of the disappear*
ance of economic inequalities. The other theory postulated the
seizure of power in the form of a “revolutionary dictatorship.” It

was hidden away some passages of his earlier writings; in the


opinion of most of his followers it was considered abandoned by

the teacher him.self. But Machajski never explicitly repudiated that
“outdated” view of his. And, thus, his non-political, direct-action,
equalitarian semi-syndicalism, as it were,* was allowed to exist
side by side with a pre-Leninist form of Bolshevism, i.e. advocat-
ing a “world conspiracy and dictatorship of the proletariat,” and
seizure of power by his own group. This view was in cojitradic-

tion to his basic sociological thesis about the exploitative, unequal-

ilarian tendencies animating the owners of higher education with
regard to the manual workers. For it implied that those members
of the new middle class of intellectual workers who were to con-
stitute the bureaucratic setup of a Machajski-controlled revolution-
ary government would be exempt from those tendencies. Thus the
thinker’s logic and consistency —because of their pessimistic, non-
revolutionary implications —were sacrificed on the altar of the
revolutionist’s will to power.

The post-war period has seen the revival of traditional anarch-

ism of the Kropotkin school, and of anarcho-syndicalism in some
of the countries' in which they had been in vogue before, such
as France and Italy. But they seem doomed to remain small
groups of “irreconcilables” unable, so far, to break the spell which
the revolutionary anti-capitalist halo of official Russian Commu-
nism is still exerting upon most malcontent elements among white-
collar and manual workers.
Machajski himself <ii«l not appl) any label to his views. His group which
a-pirerf tobecome an international secret organisation of professional revoluli mi-ls.
was called the “Workers Conspiracy.” The idea of seizure of power in the wake of a
revolutionary mass struggle for the workers” bread and-butter demands was a carefully
guarded “top secret" le-t the group lose its appeal as a genuinely working class
Anarchism and
Anarcho - Syndicalism



Rudolf Rocker

Ideolo^ of Anarchism

Anarchism is a definite intellectual current of social thought,

whose adherents advocate the abolition of economic monopolies
and of all political and social coercive institutions within society.
In place of the cajiitalist economic order, Anarchists would have
a free association of all productive forces based upon co-operative
labor, which would have for its sole purpose the satisfying of the
necessary requirements of every member of society. In place of
the present national states with their lifeless machinery of politi-
cal and bureaucratic institutions. Anarchists desire a federation

of free communities which shall be bound to one another by their

common economic and social interests and arrange their affairs

by mutual agreement and free contract.

Anyone who studies profoundly the economic and political de-

velopment of the pre.sent .social system will recognize that these

objectives do not spring from the utopian ideas of a few imagina-
tive innovators, but that they are the logical outcome of a thor-
ough examination of existing social maladjustments, which,
with every new phase of the present social conditions, manifest
themselves more plainly and more unwhole-somely. Modern mon-
opoly-capitalism and the totalitarian state are merely the last
stages in a development which could culminate in no other end.
The portentous development of our present economic system,
leading to a mighty accumulation of social wealth in the hands of
privileged minorities and to a continuous repression of the great

masses oi' the people, prepared the way for the present political
and social reaction and befriended it in every way. It sacrificed

the general interests of human society to the private interests of

individuals, and thus systematically undermined a true relation-
ship between men. People forgot that industry is not an end
in itself, but should be only a means to insure to man his ma-
terial subsistence make accessible to him the blessings of
and to

a higher intellectual culture. Where industry is everything, where

labor loses its ethical importance and man is nothing, there begins
the realm of ruthless economic despotism, whose workings are no
less disastrous than those of any political despotism. The two mu-
tually augment one another; they are fed from the same source.
Our modern social system has internally split the social organ-
ism of every country into hostile classes, and externally it has bro-
ken up the common cultural circle into hostile nations; both clas-
ses and nations confront one another with open antagonism, and
by their ceaseless warfare keep the communal social life in con-

tinual convulsions. Two world wars within half a century and

their terrible after-effects, and the constant danger of new wars,
which today dominates all peoples, are only the logical consequen-
ces of this unendurable condition which can only lead to further
universal catastrophies. The mere fact that most states are obliged
today to spend the better part of their annual income for so-called
national defense and the liquidation of old war debts is proof of the
untenahility of the present status; it should make clear to every-
body that the alleged protection which the state affords the indi-
vidual is certainly purchased too dearly.
The ever-growing power of a soulless political bureaucracy
which supervises and safeguards the life of man from the cradle
to the grave is putting ever-greater obstacles in the way of co-
operation among human beings. A system which in every act of
its life sacrifices the welfare of large sections of the people, of
whole nations, to the selfish lust for power and the economic inter-
ests of small minorities must necessarily dissolve the social ties
and lead to a constant war of each against 9II. This system has

merely been the pacemaker for the great intellectual and social
reaction which finds its expression today in modern Fascism and
the idea of the totalitarian state, far surpassing the obsession for
power of the absolute monarchy of past centuries and seeking to
bring every sphere of human activity under the control of the state.

“All for the state; all through the state; nothing without the state!”
became the leitmotive of a new political theology which has its

open or concealed adherents in every country. Just as for the

various systems of ecclesiastical theology Cod is everything and
man nothing, so for this modern political creed the state is every-
thing and the citizen nothing. And just as the words the “will of
Cofi” were used to justify the will of privileged castes, so today
there bides behind the will of the state only the selfish interests
of those who feel called to interpret this will in their own sense
and to force it upon the people.

In modern Anarchism we have the confluence of the two great

currents which before and since the French Revolution have found
such characteristic expression in the intellectual life of Europe:
.Socialism and Liberalism. Modem Socialism developed when pro-
found observers of social life came to see more and more clearly
that political constitutions and changes in the form of government
could never get to the root of the great problem that we call the

social question. Its supporters recognized that an equalizing of

social and economic conditions for the benefit of all, despite the
loveliest of theoretical assumptions, is not possible as long as
people are separated mto classes on the basis of their owning or
not owning property, classes whose mere existence excludes in ad-
vance any thought of a genuine community. And so there de-
veloped the conviction that only by the elimination of economic
monopolies and by common ownership of the means of production
does a condition of social justice become feasible, a condition in
which society shall become a real community, and human labor shall
no longer serve the ends of exploitation but assure the well-being
of everyone. But as .soon as Socialism began to as.semble its forces
and became a movement, there at once came to light certain differ-
ences of opinion due to the influence of the social environment in
different countries. It is a fact that every political concept from
theocracy to Caesarism and ditlatorship have affected certain fac-
tions of the socialist movement.
Meanwhile, two other great currents in political thought had a
decisive significance on the development of socialist ideas: Liberal-
ism, which had powerfully stimulated advanced minds in the An-
glo-Saxon countries, Holland and Spain in particular, and Democ-
racy in the sense, to which Rousseau gave expression in his Social
Contract, and which found its most influential representatives in the

leaders of French Jacobinism. While Liberalism in its social theo-

ries started off from the individual and wished to limit the
state’s activities to a minimum. Democracy took its stand on an
abstract collective concept, Rousseau’s tvill, which it sought
to fix in the national state. Liberalism and Democracy were pre-
eminently political concepts, and, since most of the original ad-
herents of both did scarcely consider the economic conditions of
society, the further development of these conditions could not be
practically reconciled with the original principles of Democracy,
and still less with those of Liberalism. Democracy with its motto
of equality of all citizens before the law, and Liberalism with its

right of man over his own person, both were wrecked on the real-
ities of capitalist economy. As long as millions of human be-
ings in every country have to sell their labor to a small minority
of owners, and sink into the most wretched misery if they can
find no buyers, the so-called equality before the law remains mere-
ly a pious fraud, since the laws are made by those who find them-
selves in possession of the social wealth. But in the same way
there can also be no talk of a right over one’s own person, for
that right ends when one is compelled to submit to the economie
dictation of another if one does not want to starve.
In common with Liberalism, Anarchism represents the idea that
the happiness and prosperity of the individual must be the stand-
ard in all social matters. And, in common with the great repre-
sentatives of liberal thought, it has also the idea of limiting the
functions of government to a minimum. Its adherents have fol-

lowed this thought to its ultimate consequences, and wish to elim-

inate every institution of political power from the life of society.
When Jefferson clothes the basic concept of Liberalism in the
words: “That government is best which governs least,” then An-
archists say with Thoreau: “That government is best which governs
not at all.”
In common with the founders of Socialism, Anarchists demand
the abolition of economic monopoly in every form and shape and
uphold common ownership of the soil and all other means of
production, the use of which must be available to all without dis-
tinction; for personal and social freedom is conceivable only on
the basis of equal economic conditions for everybody. Within the
socialist movement itself the Anarchists represent the viewpoint
that the struggle against capitalism must be at the same time a
struggle against all coercive institutions of political power, for in
history economic exploitation has always gone hand in hand with
political and social oppression. The exploitation of man by man
and the dominion of man over man are inseparable, and each is

the condition of the other.

As long as a possessing and a non-possessing group of human
beings face one another in enemity within society, the state will
be indispensable to the possessing minority for the protection of
its privileges. When this condition of social injustice vanishes
to give place to a higher order of things, which shall recognize
no special rights and shall have as its basic assumption the com-
munity of social interests, government overmen must yield the field

to the administration of economic and social affairs, or, to speak

with Saint Simon : “The time will come when the art of governing
men will disappear. A new art will take its place, the art of ad-

ministering things.” In this respect Anarchism has to be regarded

as a kind of voluntary Socialism.
This disposes also of the theory maintained by Marx and his
followers that the state, in the form of a prol^arian dictatorship,
is a necessary transitional stage to a classless society, in which
the state, after the elimination of all class conflicts and then the

classeh them?«elvt*s, will dissolve itself and vanish from the canvas.
For this concept, which completely mistakes the real nature of
the state and the significance in history of the factor of political
power, is only the logical outcome of so-called economic material-
ism, which sees in all the phenomena of history merely the inevi-
table effects of the methods of production of the time. Under the
influence of this theory people came to regard the different forms
of the state and all other soidal institutions as a “juridical and
political superstructure on the economic edifice” of society, and
thought that they had found in it the key to every historic process.
Ill reality every section of history affords us thousands of examples
ol the way in which the economic development of countries was
set hack for centuries by the state and its power policy.
Helore. the rise of the ecclesiastical monarchy, Spain, indus-
trially was the most advanced country in Europe and held the
first place in economic production in almost every field. But a
century alter the triumph of the Christian monarchy most of its

industries had disappeared; what was

left of them survived only
in the most wretched Most industries they had re-
verted to the most primitive methods of production. Agriculture
collapsed, canals and waterways fell into ruin, and vast stretches
of the country were transformed into deserts. — ^Princely absolut-
ism in Europe, with “economic ordinances” and “Indus-
its silly

trial Legislation,” which severely punished any deviation from

the prescribetl methods of production and permitted no new in-

ventions, blocked industrial progress in European countries for
centuries, and prevented its natural development. —
^And even now,
alter the horrible experiences of two world wars, the power policy
ol the larger national states proves to be the greatest obstacle to
the reconstruct ion of European economy.
In Russia, however, where the so-called dictatorship of the pro-
letariat has ripened into reality, the aspirations of a parlicular
party for political power have prevented any truly .socialistic re-
organization of economic life and have forced the country into
the slavery of a grinding state-capitalism. The proletarian dicta-

torship, which naive souls believe is an inevitable transition stage

to real Socialism, has today grown into a frightful despotism and
a new imperialism, which lags behind the tyranny of Fascist states
in nothing. The assertion that the state must continue to exist

until society no longer divided into hostile classes almost sounds,

in the light of all historical experience, like a bad joke.

Every type of political power presupposes some particular i'orni

of human slavery, for the maintainance of which it is called into

being. Just as outwardly, that is, in relation to other states, the
state has to create certain artificial antagonisms in order to justify
its existence, so also internally the cleavage of society into i:astes,
ranks and classes is an essentual condition of its continuance. The
development of the Bolshevist bureaucracy in Russia under the al-

leged dictatorship of the proletariat —which has never been any-

thing but the dictatorship of a small clique over the proletariat
and the whole Russian people — is merely a new instance of an
old historical experience which has repeated itself countless times.
This new ruling class, which today is rapidly growing into a new
aristocracy, is set apart from the great masses of the Russian peas-
ants and workers just as clearly as are the privileged castes and
classes in other countries from the mass of the people. And this
situation becomes still more unbearable when a despotic state
denies to the lower classes the right to complain of existing con-
ditions, so that any protest is made at the risk of their lives.
But even a far greater degree of economic ecjuality than that
which exists in Russia would be no guarantee against political
and social oppression. Economic equality alone is not social lib-
eration. It is precisely this which all the schools of authoritarian
Socialism have never understood. In the prison, in the cloister,
or in the barracks one finds a fairly high degree of economic
equality, as all the inmates are provided with thesame dwelling,
the same food, the same uniform, and the same tasks. The ancient
Inca state in Peru and the Jesuit state in Paraguay had brought
equal economic provision for every inhabitant to a fixed system,
but in spite of this the vilest despotism prevailed there, and the
human being was merely the automaton of a higher will on whose
descisions he had not the was not without
slightest influence. It

reason that Proudhon saw in a “Socialism” without freedom the

worst form of slavery. The urge for social justice can only de-
velop properly and be effective when it grows out of man’s sense
of freedom and responsibility, and is based on it. In other
words, Socialism will be free or it will not be at all. In its recog-
nition of this fact lies the genuine and profound justification of

Institutions serve the same purpose in the life of society as
physical organs do in plants and animals; they are the organs of
the social body. Organs do not develop arbitrarily, but owe their
origin to deflnite necessities of the physical and social environment.
Changed conditi<ins of life produce changed organs. But an organ
always performs the function it was evolved to perform, or a re-
lated one. And it gradually disappears or becomes rudimentary
as soon as its function is no longer necessary to the organism.
The same is true of social institutions. They, too, do not arise
arbitrarily, but are called into being by special social needs to
serve definite purposes. In this way the modern state was evolved,
after economic privileges and class divisions associated with them
had begun to make themselves more and more conspicuous in the
framework of the old social order. The newly-arisen possessing
classes had need of a political instrument of power to maintain
their economic and social privileges over the masses of their own
pe.jple, and to impose them from without on other groups of hu-

man beings. Thus arose the appropriate social conditions for the
evolution of the modem state as the organ of political power loi
the forcible subjugation and oppression of the non-possessing
classes. This task is the essential reason for its existence. Its ex-
ternal forms have altered in the course of its historical develop-
ment, but its functions have always remained the same. They hav«
even constantly broadened in just the measure in which its sup-
porters have succeeded in making further fields of social activities
subservient to their ends. And, just as the functions of a physical

organ cannot be arbitrarily altered so that, for example, one

cannot, at will, hear with one’s eyes or see with one’s ears, so
also one cannot, at pleasure, transform an organ of social op-
pression into an instrument for the liberation of the oppressed.
Anarchism is no patent solution for all human problems, no
Utopia of a perfect social order (as it has so often been called),
since, on principle, it rejects all absolute schemes and concepts.
It does not believe in any absolute truth, or in any definite final

goals for human development, but in an unlimited perfectibility

of social patterns and human living conditions, which are al-
ways straining after higher forms of expression, and to which,
for this reason, one cannot assign any definite terminus nor set

any fixed goal. The greatest evil of any form of power is just that

it always tries to force the rich diversity of social life into definite

forms and adjust it to particular norms. The stronger its supporters

feel themselves, the more completely they succeed in bringing
every field of social life into their service, themore crippling is
their influence on the operation of all creative cultural forces,

the more unwholesomely does it affect the intellectual and social

development of any particular epoch. The so-called totalitarian
state is only the last expression of this development of power and
a dire omen for our times, for it shows with frightful clarity to

what a monstrosity Hobbes’ Leviaihan can he developed. It is the

perfe«it triumph of the political machine over mind and body,
the rationalization of human thought, feeling and behavior accord-
ing to the established rules of the officials and, consequently, the
end of all true intellectual culture.

Anarchism recognizes only the relative significance of ideas,

institutions, and social conditions. It is, therefore not a fixed,

self-enclosed social system, but rather a definite trend in the his-
torical development of mankind, which, in contrast with the in-

tellectual guardianship of all clerical and governmental institu-

tions, strives for the free unhindered unfolding of all the individ-

ual and social forces in life. Even freedom is only a relative,

not an absolute concept, since it tends constantly to broaden its
scope and to ullecl wider circles in manifold ways. For the Anar-
chist, freedom is not an abstract philosophical concept, but the vital
concrete possibility for every human being to bring to full develop-
ment all capacities and talents with which nature has endowed him,
and turn them to social account. The less this natural development
of man is interfered with by ecclesiastical or political guardian-
ship, the more cAicient and harmonious will human personality
hecoiTie, tin* move will it become the measure of the intellectual

culture of the so(!iely in which it has growti. This is the reason

why all great culture periods in history have been periods of ]»o-

litical weakness, for political systems are always set upon the
mechanizing and not the organic development of social forces.
Slate and Culture arc irreconcilable opposites. Nietzsche, who was
not an anarchist, recognized this very clearly when he wrote:
“No one can finally spend more than he has. That holds good
lor individuals; it holds good for peoples. If one spends oneself
for flower, for higher politics, for husbandry, for commerce, par-
liamentarism, military interests — if one gives away that amount
of reason, earnestness, will, self-mastery which constitutes one’s
real sell for one thing, he will not have it for the other. Culture
and the slate — let no one be deceived about this — are antagonists:
the Culture Stale is merely a modern idea. The one lives on the
other, the one prospers at the expense of the other. All great per-
iods of culture are periods of political decline. Whatever is great
in a cultured sense is non-jMilitical, is even antipolitical.”
Where the iiiAuenee of political power on the creative forces
in society is reduced to a minimum, there culture thrives the best,
for political ruler.ship alway.s strives for uniformity and tends
to subject every aspect of social life to its guardianship. And, in
this, *it finds itself in unescapable contradiction to the creative
aspirations of cultural development, which is always on the quest
for new forms and fields of social activity, and for which free-
dom of expression, the many-sidedness and the continual changing
of things, are just as vitally necessary as rigid forms, dead rules.

and die forcible sui)|)resbiuii of ideas, are for the conservation of

political power. Every successful piece of work stirs the desire
for greater perfection and deeper inspiration; each new form
becomes the herald of new possibilities of development. But power
always keep things as they are, safely anchored to stereo-
tries to

types. That has been the reason for all revolutions in history.
Power operates only destructively, bent always on forcing every
manifestation of social life into the straitjacket of its rules. Its

intellectual expression is dead dogma, its physical form brute

force. And this unintelligence of its objectives sets its stamp on
its representatives also, and renders them often stupid and brutal,
even when they were originally endowed with the best talents.
One who is constantly striving to force everything into a mechan-
i<‘al order at last becomes a machine himself and loses all human

It was from ihi.s understanding that modern Anarchism was born

and draws its moral force. Only freedom can inspire men to great

things and bring about intellectual and soi ial transformations.

The art of ruling men has never been the art of educating and in-
spiring them to a new shaping of their lives. Dreary compulsion
has at its command only lifeless drill, which smothers any vital

initiative at its birth and brings forth only sid)jects, not free men.
Freedom is the very essence of life, the impelling force in all in-
tellectual and social development, the creator of every new outlook
for the future of mankind. The liberation of man from economic
exploitation and from intellectual, social and political oppression,

which finds its highest expression in the philosophy of Anarchism,

is the first prerequisite for the evolution of a higher social culture
and a new humanity.

History of Anarchist Philosophy

From Lao-Tse to Kropotkin

Anarchist ideas are to be found in almost every period of known

history. We encounter them in the Chinese sage, Lao-tse, (The
Course and The Right Way) and the later Greek philosophers, the
Hedonists and Cynics and other advocates of so-called natural
right, and, particularly, in Zeno, the founder of the Stoic school
and opposer of Plato. They found expression in the teachings of
the Gnostic Carpocrates in Alexandria, and had an unmistakable
influence on certain Christian sects of the Middle Ages in France,
Germany, Italy, Holland and England, most of which fell victims

to the most savage persecutions. In the history of the Bohemian

Reformation they found a powerful champion in Peter Cbelcicky,
who in his work. The Net of Faith, passed the same judgment on
the Church and the State as Tolstoi did centuries later . Among the
great Humanists there was Rabelais, who in his description of the
happy Abbey of Theleme (Gargantua) presented a picture of
life freed from all authoritative restraints. Of other pioneers of

libertarian thinking we will mention here only La Boetie, Sylvain

Mareuhal, and, above all, Diderot, in whose voluminous writings
one finds thickly strewn the utterances of a really great mind which
had rid itself of every authoritarian prejudice.
Meanwhile, it was reserved for more recent history to give a
clear form to the Anarchist conception of life and to connect it

with the immediate process of social evolution. This was done for
the first time by William Godwin (1756-1836) in his splendidly
conceived work. Concerning Political Justice and its Influence up-
on General Virtue and Happiness, London 1793. Godwin’s work
was, we might say, the ripened fruit of that long evolution of the
concepts of political and social radicalism in England which pro-
ceeds from George Buchanan through Richard Hooker, Gerard
Winstanley, Algeron Sidney, John Locke, Robert Wallace and
John Bellers to Jeremy Bentham, Joseph Priestley, Richard Price
and Thomas Paine.
Godwin recognized very clearly that the cause of social evils
is tobe sought, not in the form of the state, but in its very exis-
tence. But he also recognized that human beings can only live to-
gether naturally and freely when the proper economic conditions
for this are given, and the individual is no longer subject to ex-


ploitation by others, a consideration which most of the represen-

tatives of mere political radicalism almost wholely overlooked.
Hence they were later compelled to make constantly greater con-
cessions to the state which theyhad wished to restrict to a mini-
mum. Godwin’s idea of a stateless society assumed the social own-
ership of the land and the instruments of labor and the carrying
on of economic life by free cooperatives of producers. Godwin’s
work had a strong influence on advanced circles of the English
workers and the more enlightened sections of the liberal intelli-
gentsia. Most important of all, he contributed to the young
socialistmovement in England, which found its maturest expon-
ents in Robert Owen, John Gray and William Thompson, that im-
mistakably libertarian character which it had for a long time, and
which it never assumed in Germany and many other countries.
Also the French Socialist Charles Fourier (1772-1832) with his
theory of attractive labor must be mentioned here as one of the
pioneers of libertarian ideas.
But a far greater influence on the development of Anarchist
theory was that of Pierre Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865), one of
the most gifted and certainly the 'most many-sided writer of mo-
dern Socialism. Proudhon was completely rooted in the intellec-
tualand social life of his period, and these influenced his attitude
upon every question with which he dealt. Therefore he is not to be
judged, as he has been even by many of his later followers, by his
special practical proposals, which were born of the needs of the
hour. Among the numerous socialist thinkers of his time he was the
one who understood most profoundly the cause of social maladjust-
ment, and possessed, besides, the greatest breath of vision. He was
the outspoken opponent of all artificial social systems, and saw in
social evolution the eternal urge to new and higher forms of in-

tellectual and social life; it was his conviction that this evolution
could not be bound by any definite abstract formulas.
Proudhon opposed the influence of the Jacobin tradition, which
dominated the thinking of the French democrats and most of the
Socialists of that period, with the same determination as the inter-
fereiu*e of llic central state and economic, monopoly in the natural

progress of social advance. To him ridding society of those two can-

cerous growths was the great task of the nineteenth century revo-
lution.Proudhon was not a G>mmunist. He condemned property
as merely the privilege of exploitation, but he recognized the own-
ership of the instruments of labor for all, made effective through

industrial groups bound to one another by free contract, so long

as this right was not made to serve tlie exploitation of others and
as long as the full product of his individual labor was assured to
every member of society. This association based on reciprocity
(mutuality) guarantees the enjoyment of equal rights hy each in
exchange for social services. The average working time required
for the completion of any product betionies the measure of its

value and is the l>asis of mutual exchange by labor notes. In this

way capital is deprived of its usurial power and is completely
bound up with the performance of work. Being made available
to all it ceases to be an instrument for exploitation. Such a form
of economy makes any political coercive apparatus superfluous.
Society l»ecomes a league of free comminiities which arrange tlieir

affairs according to need, by themselves or in association with

others, and in which man’s freedom is the equal freedom of others

not its limitation, but its security and confirmation. —“The freer,
the more independent and enterprising the indiviifual is the better
for society.”
This organization of Federalism in which Proudhon saw the
immediate future of mankind sets no definite limitations on fu-
ture possibilities <tf development and offers the widest scope to
every individual and social activity. Starting out from the point of
Federation, Proudhon combated likewise the aspiration for poli-
tical and national unity of the awakening nationalism of the time

which found such strong advocates in Mazzini, Garibaldi, Lelewel

and others. In this respect he recognized more clearly the real na-
ture of nationalism than most of his contemporaries. Proudhon
exerted a strong influence on the development of Socialism, which
made itself felt especially in the I^atin countries.

Ideas similar to the economic and political conceptions of

Proudhon were propagated by the followers of so-called Individ-
ualist Anarchism in America which found able exponents in such

men as Josiah Warren, Stephen Pearl Andrews, William B. Greene,

Lysander Spooner, Benjamin R. Tucker, Ezra Heywood, D. Tandy
and many others, .though none of them could approach Proud-
hon’s breath of view. Characteristic of this school of libertarian
thought is the fact that most of its representatives took their poli-
tical ideas not from Proudhon hut from the traditions of American
Liberalism, so that Tucker could assert that “Anarchists are merely
consistent Jeffersonian democrats.”
A unique expression of libertarian ideas is to be found in Max
Stirner’s (Johann Kasper Schmidt 1806-1856) book, Der Einzige
und sein Eigentum, which, it is true, passed quickly into oblivion
and had no influence on the development of the Anarchist move-
ment as such. Stitner’s book is predominantly a philosophic work
which traces man’s dependence on so-called higher powers through
allits devious ways, and is not timid about drawing inferences

from the knowledge gained by the survey. It is the book of a

conscious and deliberate insurgent, which reveals no reverence
for any authority, however exalted, and, therefore, appeals power-
fully to independent thinking.
Anarchism found a virile champion of vigorous revolutionary
eniergy in Michael A. Bakunin (1814-1876), who based his ideas
upon the teachings of Proudhon, but extended them on the eco-
nomic side when he, along with the federalist wing of the First
International, ' advocated collective ownership of the land and
all other means of production, and wished to restrict the right of
private property only to the product of individual labor. Bakunin
also was an opponent of Communism, which in his time had a
thoroughly authoritarian character, like that which has again
assumed today in Bolshevism. — “I am

not a Communist, because

Communism unites all the forces of society in the state and be-
comes absorbed in it; because it inevitably leads to the concen-
tration of all property in the hands of the state, while I seek the
complete elimination of the principles of authority and govern-
mental guardianship, which under the pretence of making men
moral and civilizing them, has up to now always enslaved, op-
pressed, exploited and ruined them.”
Bakunin was a determined revolutionary and did not believe
in an amicable adjustment of the existing conflicts within society.

He recognized that the ruling classes blindly and stubbornly op-

posed every possibility for larger social reforms, and accordingly
saw the only salvation in an international social revolution, which
would abolish all institutions of political power and economic
exploitation and introduce in their stead a Federation of free
'Associations of producers and consumers to provide for the re-
quirements of their daily life. Since he, like so many of his con-
temporaries, believed in the close proximity of the revolution, he
directed all his vast energy to combining all the genuinely revo-
lutionary and libertarian elements within and outside the Inter-
national to safeguard the coming revolution against any dictator-
ship or any retrogression to the old conditions. Thus he became
in a very special sense the creator of the modern Anarchist move-
ment. found a valuable exponent in Peter Kropotkin
(1842-1921), who set himself the task of making the achieve-
ments of modern natural science available for the development of
the sociological concept of Anarchism. In his ingenious book,
Mutual Aid — a Factor of Evolution, he entered the lists against
so-called Social Darwinism, whose exponents tried to prove the
inevitability of the existing social conditions from the Darwinian
theory of the Struggle for Existence by raising the struggle of the
strong the weak to the .status of an iron law of nature, to
which man is also subject. In reality this conception was strongly
influenced by the Malthusian doctrine that life’s table is not spread
for all, and that the unneeded will just have to reconcile them-
selves to this fact. Kropotkin showed that this conception of
nature as a field of unrestricted warfare is only a caricature of
real life, and that along with the brutal struggle for existence.

which is fought out with tooth and claw, there exists in nature
also another tendency which is expressed in the social combination
of the weaker species and the maintenance of races by the evolu-
tion of social instincts and mutual aid. In this sense man is not
the creator of society, but society the creator of man, for he in-

herited from the species that preceded him the social instinct
which alone enabled him to maintain himself in his first environ-
ment against the physical superiority ot other species, and to
make sure of an undreamed-of height of development. This second
as is shown by the .steady retrogression of those species whose
tendency in the struggle for existence is far superior to the first,

have no social life and are dependent merely upon their physi-
cal strength. This view, which today is meeting with constantly
wider acceptance in the natural sriences and in social research,

opened wholly new vistas to the prospects concerning human evo-

According to Kropotkin the fact remains that even under the
worst despotism most of man’s personal relations with his fel-

lows are arranged by social habits, free agreement and mutual

co-operation, without which social life would not be possible at
all. If this were not the case, even the strongest coercive machin-
ery of the state would not be able to maintain the social order
forany length of time. However, these natural forms of behaviour,
which arise from man’s innermost nature, are today constantly in-
terfered with and crippled by the effects of economic exploitation
and governmental tutelage, representing the brutal form of the
struggle for existence in human society which has to be over-
come by the other form of mutual aid and free co-operation.
The consciousness of personal rc-^ponsibility and the capacity for
sympathy with others, which make all social ethics and all ideas
of social justice, develop best in freedom.
Like Bakunin, Kropotkin too was a revolutionary. But he, like
Elisee Reclue and saw in revolution only a special phase

of the evolutionary process, which appears when new social as-

pirations are so restricted in their natural development by author-
ity that they have to shatter the old shell by violence before they
cun function as new factors in human life.

In contrast to Proudhon’s Mutualism and Bakunin’s Collec-

tivism, Kropotkin advocated common ownership not only of the
means of production but of the products of labor as well, as it

was his opinion tliat in the present state of technology no exact

measure of the value of individual labor is possible, but that, on

the other hand, by rational direction of our modern methods of
labor it will be possible to assure comparative abundance to every
human being. Communist Anarchism, which before Kropotkin had
already been urged by Joseph Dejacque, Elisee Reclus, Carlo
Cafiero and others, and which is recognized by the great majority
<if Anarchists today, found in him its most brilliant exponent.
Mention must also be made here of Leo Tolstoi (1828-1910),
who, from primitive Christianity and on the basis of the ethical
principles laid down in the gospels, arrived at the idea of a
society without rulership.
Common to all Anar<'hists is the desire to free society of all

political and social coercive institutions which stand in the way

of the development of a free humanity. In this sense Mutualism,
Collectivism and Communism are not to be regarded as closed
economic s>'lems, permitting no further development, but merely
as ccoiioinic assumptions as to the means of safeguarding a free
community. There will even proliably be in every form of a free
society of the future different forms of economic co-operation
existing side by side, since any social progress must be associated
with free experimentation and practical testing-out of new methods
for which in .society of free communities there will be every op-
The same holds true for the various methods of Anarchism.
The work of its adherents is pre-eminently a work of education to
prepare the people intellectually and psychologically for the tasks
of their social liberation. Every attempt to limit the influence of
economic monopolism and the power of the state is a step nearer
t(» the realization of this goal. Every development of voluntary

organization in the various fields of social activity towards the

direction of personal freedom and social justice deepens the aware-
ness of the people and strengthens their social responsibility,
without which no changes in social life can he accomplished. Most
Anarchists of our time are convinced that such a transformation of
society will take years of constructive work and education and can-
not be brought about without revolutionary convulsions which till

now have always accomplished every progress in social life. The

character of these convulsions, of course, depends entirely on the
strength of resistance with which the ruling classes will be able
to oppose the realization of the new ideas. The wider the circles
which are inspired with the idea of a reorganization of society in

the spirit of freedom and Socialism, the easier will be the birth
pains of new social changes in the future. For even revolutions
can only develop and mature the ideas which already exist and
have made their way into the consciousness of men: but they can-
not themselves create ideas or generate new worlds out of nothing.
Before the appearance of totalitarian states in Russia, Italy,
(rcrniany and later in Portugal and Spain, and the outbreak of
the second world war. Anarchist organizations and movements
existed almost in every country. But like all other socialist move-
ments of that period, they became the victims of Fascist tyranny
and the invasions of the German armies, and could only lead an
underground existence. Since the end of the war a resurrection of
Anarchist movements in all Western European countries is to be

noticed.The Federations of the French and Italian Anarchists

already held their first conventions, and so did the Spanish An-
archists of whom many thousands are still living in exile, mostly
in France, Belgium and North Africa. Anarchist papers and mag-
azines are published again in many European countries and in
North and South America.

Anarcho-Syndicalism — ^llie Origins

Many Anarchists spent a great part of their activities in

the labor movement, especially in the Latin countries, where in
later years the movement of Anarcho-Syndicalism was bom. Its
theoretical assumptions were based on the teachings of libertarian
or anarchist Socialism, while its form of organization was taken
from the movement of revolutionary Syndicalism which in the
years from 1895 to 1910 experienced a marked upswing, partic-
ularly in France, Italy and Spain. Its ideas and methods, however,
were not new. They had already found a deep resonance in the
ranks of the First International when the great association had
reached the zenith of its intellectual development. This was plainly
revealed in the debates at its fourth congress in Basel (1869) con-
cerning the importance of the economic organizations of the wor-
kers. In his report upon this question which Eugene Hins laid
before the congress in the name of the Belgian Federation, there
was presented for the first time a wholly new point of view which
had an unmistakable resemblance to certain ideas of Robert Owen
and the English labor movement of the thirties.

In order to make a correct estimate of this, one must remember

that at that time the various schools of state-socialism attributed
no, or at best only little importance to the trade unions. The
French Blanquists saw in these organizations merely a reform
movement, with a socialist dictatorship as their immediate aim.
Ferdinand Lassalle and his followers directed all their activities

towards welding the workers into a political party and were out-
spoken opponents of all trade union endeavors in which they
saw only a hindrance to the political evolution of the working
class. Marx and his adherents of that period recognized, it is

true, the necessity of trade unions for the achievement of cer-

tain betterments within the capitalist system, hut they believed
that their role would be exhausted with this, and that they would
disappear along with capitalism, since the transition to Socialism
could be guided only by a proletarian dictatorship.
In Basel this idea underwent for the first time a thorough cri-
tical examination. The views expressed in the Belgian report pre-
sented by Hins which were shared by the delegates from Spain,
the Swiss Jura and the larger part of the French sections, were

based on the premise that the present economic associations of the

workers are not only a necessity within the present society, but
were even more to be regarded as the social nucleus of a coming
socialist economy, and it was, therefore, the duty of the Inter-
national to educate the workers for this task. In accordance
with this the congress adopted the following resolution:
“The congress declares that all workers should strive to estab-
lish associations for resistance in their various trades. As soon
as a trade union is formed the unions in the same trade are
to be notified so that the formation of national alliances in the
industries may begin. These alliances shall be charged with the
duty of collecting all material relating to their industry, of ad-
vising about measures to be executed in common, and of seeing
that they are carried out, to the end that the present wage system
may be replaced by the federation of free producers. The congress
directs the General Council to provide for the alliance of the trade
unions of all countries.”

In his argument for the resolution proposed by the committee,

Hins explained that “by this dual form of organization of local
workers’ associations and general alliances for each industry on
the one hand and the political administration of labor councils
on the other, the general representation of labor, regional, national
and international, will be provided for. The councils of the trades
and industrial organizations will take the place of the present gov-
ernment, and this representation of labor will do away, once and
forever, with the governments of the past.'*
This new idea grew out of the recognition that every new eco-

nomic form of society must be accompanied by a new political

form of the social organism and could only attain practical ex-
pression in this. Its followers saw in the present national state ‘only
the political agent and defender of the possessing classes, and did,
therefore, not strive for the conquest of power, but for the elimina-
tion of every system of power within society, in which they saw
the requisite preliminary condition for all tyranny and exploita-
tion. They understood that along with the monopoly of property.
the inunu])oly ol power must also disappear. Proceeding from
their recognition that the lordship of man over man had had its
day. they sought to farniliariztt themselves with the administration
of things. Or, as Bakunin, one of the great forerunners of modern
Anareho-syndiralism, put it:

“Since the organization of the International has as its goal,

not the setting up of now states or despots, but the radical elim-

ination of every separate sovereignly, it must have an essentially

different character from the organization c)f the state. To just the

tlegree that the latter is authoritarian, artificial and violent, alien

and hostile to the natural development (»f the interests and the in-

sliiicts of the people, to the same degree must the organization

of the International he free, natural and in every respect in ac-
cord with those interests and insfin<;ts. But what is the natural
organization of the masses? It is one based on the different oc-

cupations of their actual daily life, on their various kinds of

w<trk, organization according t*) their 0);cupatiuns, trade organi-
zations. When all industries, including the various branches of
agriculture, are repr«'sented in the International, its organization;
the organization of the toiling masses of the people, will be fin-

And at another occasion: “All this practical and vital study of
social scietu’c by the workers themselves in their trades sections
and their chambers of labor will —
and already has engender in —
them the unaiiinums, well-considered, theoretically and practically
demonstrable conviction that the serious, final, complete liberation
of the workers is possible only on one condition: that of the
appropriation of capital, that is, of raw materials and all the tools

of labor, including land, by the whole body of the workers

The organization of the trade sections, their federation in the In-
t('riiational. and their representation by the Labor Chambers, not
only create a great academy in which the workers of the Inter-
national. combining theory and practice, can and must study eco-
nomic science, they also l)ear in themselves the living germs of
the new social order, which is to replace the bourgeois world. They

arc dealing nol only ihe idejis bill also llic I'acis ol' tlic future
itself ...”
After the decline of the International and the Franco-German
War, by which the focal point of the socialist labor movement was
transferred to Germany, whose workers had neither revolutionary
traditions nor that rich experience possessed by the Socialists in
the western countries, those ideas were gradually forgotten. After
the defeat of the ParisCommune and the revolutionary upheavals
in Spain and Italy the sections of the International in those coun-
tries were compelled for many years to carry on only an under-

ground existence. Only with the awakening of revolutionary Syn-

dicalism in France were the ideas of the First International
rescued from oblivion and inspired once more larger sections of
the labor movement.

Socialism an<l AiiarcIio-SyiidicaliHiii in France

Modern Anarcho-Syndicalism is a direct continuation of those

social aspirations which look shape in the bosom of the First In-
ternational and which were best understood and most strongly
held by the libertarian wing of the great worker’s alliance. Its

development was a direct reaction against the concepts and meth-

ods of political Socialism, a reaction which in the decade
i)efore the first world war had already manifested itself in the
strong upsurge of the syndicalist lalior movement in P'rance, Italy
and especially Spain, where the great majority of the organized
workers had always remained faithful to the doctrines of the liber-
tarian wing of the International.
It was in PVance that the opposition against the iileas and meth-
ods of the modern labor parties found a clear expression in the
theories and tactics of revolutionary Syndicalism. The immediate
cause for the development of these new tendencies in the French
labor movement was the continual split of the various socialist
parties in France. All these parties, with the exception of the
Allemanists, which later gave up iiarliamentary activities com-
pletely, saw in the trade unions merely recruiting schools for their
political objectives and had no understanding for their real func-

tions. The constant dissensions among the various socialist fac-

tions was naturally carried over into the labor unions, and it hap-
pened quite frequently that when the unions of one faction went
on strike the unions of the other factions walked in on them as
strike breakers. This untenable situation gradually opened the eyes
of the workers. So the trade union congress in Nantes (1894)
charged a special committee with the task of devising means for
bringing about an understanding among all the trade union alli-

ances. The result was the founding in the following year of the
Confederation Generate du Travail at the congress in Limoges,
which declared itself independent of all political parties. From
then on there existed in France only two large trade union groups,
the C.G.T. and the FMiration des Bourses du Travail, and in 1902,
at the congress of the Montpellier the latter joined the C.G.T.

One often encounters the widely disseminated opinion, which

was fostered by Werner Sombart in particular, that revolutionary
Syndicalism in France owes its origin to intellectuals like G. Sorel,
E. Berth and H. Lagardelle, who in the periodical Le Mouvement
socialiste, founded in 1899, elaborated in their way the intellectual
results of the new movement. This is utterly false. None of these
men belonged to the movement, nor had they any appreciable
influence on its internal development. Moreover, the C.G.T. was
not composed exclusively of revolutionary syndicates; certainly
half of its members were of reformist tendency and had joined
the C.G.T. because even they recognized that the dependence of
the trade unions on political parties was a misfortune for the
movement. But the revolutionary wing, which had had the most
energetic and active elements of organized labor on its side
as well as the most brilliant intellectual forces in the organiza-
tion, gave the C.G.T. its characteristic stamp, and it was they
who determined the development of the ideas of revolutionary
Syndicalism. Many of them came from the Allemanists, but
even more from the ranks of the Anarchists, like Fernand

Pelloulier, the highly intelligent secretary of the Federation of

the Labor Exchanges, Emile Pouget, the editor of the official organ
of the C.G.T. La Voix du Peuple, P- Delesalle, G. Yvetot and many
others. It was mainly under the influence of the radical wing of
the C.G.T. that the new movement developed and found its ex-
pression in the Charter of Amiens (1906), in which the principles
and methods of the movement were laid down.
This new movement in France found a strong echo among the
Latin workers and penetrated also into other countries. The in-
fluence of French Syndicalism at that time on larger and smaller
sections of the international labor movement was strengthened in
great degree by the internal crisis which at that period infected
nearly all the socialist labor parties in Europe. The battle between
the so-called Revisionists and the rigid Marxists, and particularly
the fact that their very parliamentary activities forced the most
violent opponents of the Revisionists of natural necessity to travel
along the path of Revisionism, caused many of the more thought-
ful elements to reflect seriously. They realized that participation
in the politics of the nationalist states had not brought the labor
movement an hair-breath nearer to socialism, but had helped
greatly to destroy the belief in the necessity of constructive social-
ist activity, and, worst of all, had robbed the people of their initia-

tive by giving them the ruinous delusion that salvation always

comes from above.
Under these circumstances Socialism steadily lost its character
of a cultural ideal, which was to prepare the workers for the dis-
solution of the present capitalist system and, therefore could not
let itself be halted by the artificial frontiers of the national states.
In the mind of the leaders of the modern labor parties the alleged
aims of their movement were more and more blended with the in-

terests of the national state, until at last they became unable to

distinguish any definite boundary whatever between them. It would

be a mistake to find in this strange about-face an intentional be-
trayal by the leaders, as has so often been asserted. The truth
is that we have to do here with a gradual assimilation to the modes
and lliouglith oJ die |ir<*seiil soidely wliirh necesbarily had to af-

fect the intellectual attitude of the leaders of the various labor

parties in every country. Those very parties which had once set

out to conquer political power under the flag of Socialism saw

themselves compelled by the iron logic of conditions to sacrifice
by bit to the national policies of the
their socialist convictions bit
state. The power which they had wanted to conquer had

gradually conquered their Socialism until there was scarely any-

thing left but the name.
The Role of the Trade Unions—Anarrho-Syndiralist View were the considerations which led to the development of
revolutionary Syndicalism or, as it was later called, Anarcho-
Syndicalism in France and other countries. The term worker’s
syndicate meant at first merely an organization of producers for
the immediate betterment of their economic and social status. But
the rise of revolutionary Syndicalism gave this original meaning
a much wider and deeper import. Just as the party is, so to speak,
a unified organization with definite political effort within the
modern constitutional state which seeks to maintain the present or-
der of society in one form or another, so, according to the Syndi-
calist’s view, the trade unions are the unified organization of labor
and have for their purpose the defense (»f the producers within
the existing so<'iely and the preparing for and practical carrying
out of the reconstruction of social life in the direction of Socialism.
They have, therefore, a double purpose: 1. To enforce the de-
mands of the producers for the safeguarding and raising of their
standard of living; 2. To acquaint the workers with the technical
management of production and economic life in general and
prepare them to lake the socio-economic organism into their own
hands and shape it according to socialist principles.
Anarcho-Syndicalists are of the opinion that political parties
are not fitted to perform either of these two tasks. According to
their conceptions the trade union has to be the spearhead of the
labor movement, toughened by daily combats and permeated by
a socialist spirit. Only in the realm of economy are the workers

able to display their full strength, for

it is their activity as pro-

ducers which holds together the whole social structure and guar-
antees the existence of society. Only as a producer and creator of
social wealth does the worker become aware of his strength. In
solidary union with his followers he creates the great ])halanx of
militant labor, aflame with the spirit of freedom and animated
by the ideal of social justice. For the Anarcho-Syndicalists the
laljor syndicates are the most fruitful germs of a future society,
the elementary school of Socialism in general. Every new social
structure creates organs for itself in the body of the old organism;
without this prerequisite every social evolution is unthinkable.
To lliein Socialist education does not mean participation in the
power policy of the national state, but the eflfort to make clear to
the workers the intrinsic connections among social problems by
technical instruction and the development of their administrative
capacities, to prepare them for their role of re-shapers of eco-
nomic life and give them the mural assurance required for the
performan<’e of their task. No social body is belter fitted for this
purpose than the economic fighting organization of the workers;
it gives a definite direction to their social activities and toughens
their resistance in the immediate struggle for the necessities of life

and the defense of their human rights. At the same time it de-
velops their ethical concepts without which any social transfor-
mation is impossible: vital solidarity with their fellows in des-
liny and moral responsibility for their actions.
Just because the educational work of Anarcho-Syndicalists is
directed toward the development of independent thought and ac-
tion, they are outspoken opponents of all centralizing tendencies
which are so characteristic of most of the present labor parties.
Centralism, that artificial scheme which operates from the top
towards the bottom and turns over the affairs of administration to a
small minority, is always attended by barren official routine; it

crushes individual conviction, kills all personal initiative by life-

less discipline and bureaucratic ossification. For the state, central-

ism is the appropriate form of organization, since it aims at the
greatest possible uniformity of social life for the maintenance of
political and social equilibrium. But for a movement whose very
existence depends on prompt action at any favorable moment and
on the independent thought of its supporters, centralism is a curse
which weakens its power of decision and systematically represses
every spontaneous initiative.

The organization of Anarcho-Syndicalism is based on the prin-

ciples of Federalism, on free combination from below upward,
putting the right of self-determination of every union above every-
thing else and recognizing only the organic agreement of all on
the basis of like interests and common conviction. Their organi-
zation is accordingly constructed on the following basis: The
workers in each locality join the unions of their respective trades.
The trade unions of a city or a rural district combine in Labor
Chambers which constitute the centers for local propaganda and
education and weld the workers together as producers to prevent
the rise of any narrow minded factional spirit. In times of local
labor troubles they arrange for the united co-operation of the
whole body of locally organized labor. All the Labor Chambers
are grouped according to districts and regions to form the Na-
tional Federation ofLabor Chambers, which maintains the per-
manent connection among the local bodies, arranges free adjust-
ment of the productive labor of the members of the various or-
ganizations on co-operative lines, provides for the necessary co-
ordination in the work of education and supports the local groups
with council and guidance.
Every trade union is, moreover, federatively allied with all
the organizations of the same industry, and these in turn with all
related trades, so that all are combined in general industrial and
agricultural alliances. It is their task to meet the demands of
the daily struggles between capital and labor and to combine all
the forces of the movement for common action where the necessity
arises. Thus the Federation of the Labor Chambers and the Fed-
eration of the Industrial Alliances constitute the two poles about
which the whole life of the labor syndicates revolves.

Such a fonn of organization not only gives the workers every

opportunity for direct action in the struggle for their daily bread,
but it also provides them with the necessary preliminaries for the
reorganization of society, their own strength, and without alien
intervention in case of a revolutionary crisis. Anarcho-Syndical-
ists are convinced that a socialist economic order cannot be
created by the decrees and statutes of any government, but only
by the unqualified collaboration of the workers, technicians and
peasants to carry on production and distribution by their own ad-
ministration in the interest of the community and on the basis of
mutual agreements. In such a situation the Labor Chambers would
take over the administration of existing social capital in each
community, determine the needs of the inhabitants of their districts
and organize local consumption. Through the agency of the Fed-
eration of Labor Chambers it would be possible to calculate the

total requirements of the whole country and adjust the work of

production accordingly. On the other hand it would be the task
of the Industrial and Agricultural Alliances to take control of all
the instruments of production, transportation, etc. and provide
the separate producing groups with what they need. In a word:
1. Organization of the total production of the country by the Fed-
eration of the Industrial Alliances and direction of work by labor
councils elected by the workers themselves; 2. Organization of
social contribution by the Federation of the Labor Chambers.
In this respect, also, practical experience has given the best
instruction. It has shown that the many problems of a socialist
reconstruction of society cannot be solved by any government,
even when the famous dictatorship of the proletariat is meant. In
Russia the Bolshevist dictatorship stood helpless for almost two
years before the economic problems and tried to hide its inca-
pacity behind a flood of decrees and ordinances most of which
were buried at once in the various bureaus. If the world could
be set free by decrees, there would long ago have been no prob-
lems left in Russia. In its fanatical zeal for power, Bolshevism
has violently destroyed the most valuable organs of a socialist
order, by suppressing tbe Co-operative Societies, bringing the

trade unions under state control, and depriving the Soviets of

llieir indepenclenre almost from the beginning. So the dictator-
ship of the proletariat paved the way not for a socialist society
l)Ut for the most primitive type of bureaucratic state capitalism
and a reversion to political absolutism which was long ago abol-
ished in most countries by bourgeois revolutions. In his Message
to the Workers of the West European Countries Kropotkin said,
rightfully: “Russia has shown us the way in which Socialism
cannot be realized', although the people, nauseated with the old
regime, expressed no active resistance to the experiments of the
new government. The idea of workers* councils for the control of
tlie |)o1itica1 and economic life of the country is, in itself, of extra-
«)rdinary importance. ..but so long as the country is dominated
by the dictatorship of a parly, the workers' and peasants’ councils
naturally lose their significance. They are hereby degraded to
the .same passive role which the representatives of the Estates
used to play in the time of the absolute Mtmarchy.”

The Struggle in Germany and Spain

InGermany, however, where the moderate wing of political so-

cialism had attained power, Siwialism, in its long years of ab-
sorption with routine parliamentary tasks, had become so bogged
dttwn that it was no longer capable of any creative action what-
ever. Even a bourgeois paper like the Frankfurter Zeitung felt
obliged to confirm that “the history of European peoples had not
previously produced a revolution that has been so poor in crea-
tive ideas and so weak energy.” The mere fact
in revolutionary

that a party with a largermembership than any other of the vari-

ous labor parties in the world, which was for many years the
stnmgest political body in Germany, had to leave to Hitler and
his gang the field without any rp.sistance speaks for itself and
presents an example of and weakness which can hard-
ly be misunderstood.

One has only to compare tlie German situation of those days

with the attitude of tlic anarciio-syndicalist labor unions in Spain
and especially in Catalonia, where their influence was strongest,
to realize the whole difference between the labor movement of
these two countries. When in July 1936 the conspiracy of the
Fascist Army leaders ripened into open revolt, it was by the heroic
resistance of the C.N.T. (National Federation of Labor) and the
F.A.I. (Anarchist Federation of Iberia) that the Fascist uprising
in Catalonia was put down with in a few days, ridding this most
important part of Spain of the enemy and frustrating the origi-
nal plan of the conspirators to take Barcelona by surprise. The
workers could then not stop half way; so there followed the col-
lectivization of the land and the taking over of the plants by the
workers’ and peasants’ syndicates. This movement which was
released by the initiative of the C.N.T. and F.A.I. with irresistable
power overran Aragon, the Levante and other sections of the coun-
try and even swept along with it a large part of the unions of

the Socialist Party in the U.G.T. (General Labor Union). This

event revealed that the anarcho-syndicalist workers of Spain not
only knew how to fight, but that they also were filled with the con-
.structive ideas which are so necessary in the time of a real crisis.

It is to the great merit of libertarian Socialism in Spain that since

the time of the First International it has trained the workers in
that spirit which treasures freedom aliove all else and regards
the intellectual independence of its adherents as the basis of its

existence).* It was the passive and lifeless altitude of the organ-

’ Here are just few npiniiins of foreign Mirialisln of (liatinetion who had no
peri^onal eoniiertioiiwith ihe Anarehisl niovetnenl. Thus Aiiiiret, Oltniares, Professoi
at the University of C.eneva. said in an a< ahout lii.s experiences in Spain:
“In the midst of the fjvil War the Anarchists tiave proven tlieniselvea to he
political organizers of the first rank. They kindled in everyone the required sense
of responsibility, and knew how, by eloquent appeals, to keep alive the spirit of
sacrifice for the general welfare of the people. As a .Social Democrat 1 speak here
with inner joy and sincere admiration of my experiences in Catalonia. The anti-
capitalist transformation took place here without their having to resort to a dictator-
ship. The members of the syndicates are their own masters and carry on production
and the distribution of the products of labor under their own management, with
the advice of technical experts in whom they have eonfidenre. The enthusiasm of the
workers is so great that they scorn any personal advantage and are eoneerned only
for the welfare of all."
ized workers in other countries, who put up with the policy of'
non-intervention of their governments that led to the defeat of
the Spanish workers and peasants after a heroic struggle of more
than two and one half years against the combined forces of Fran-
co, Hitler and Mussolini, a struggle which has been justly called

the prologue to the second world war.

The Political Struggle — Anarcho-Syndicalist View

It has often been charged against Anarcho-Syndicalism that its

adherents had no interest in the political structure of the different

countries and consequently no interest in the political struggles

of the time. This idea is altogether erroneous and springs either

from outright ignorance or wilful distortion of the facts. It is not
the political struggle as such which distinguishes the Anarcho-
Syndicalists from the modem labor parties, both in principles
and tactics, hut the form of this struggle and the aims which it

The weJl known Itaiioii professor Cario Kosselli, who was later assassinated in
France by agents of Mussolini, expressed his judgment in the following words;
“In three months Catalonia has been able to set up a new social order on the
ruins of an ancient system. This is chiefly due to the Anarcliisls, who have revealed
a quite remarkable sense of proportion, realistic understanding, and organizing
ability. . . All the revolutionary forces of Catalonia have united in a program of

Syndicalist-Socialist character. , . Anarcho-Syndicalism, hitherto so despised, has


revealed itself as a great constructive force. I am not an Anarchist, but 1 regard it as

my duty to express here my opinion of the Anarchists of Catalonia, who have all too
often been represented as a destructive if not as a criminal element. I was with them
at the front, in the trenches, and I have learned to admire them. ... A new world
was bom with them, and it is a joy to serve this world.”
And Fenner Brnckway, the secretary of the Independent Labor Party in England,
gave the following opinion about his experiences in Spain at that time:
*T was impressed by the strength of the C.N.T. It was unnecessary to tell me that
it is the largest and most vital of the working class organizations in Spain. That was
evident on all sides. The large industries were clearly in the main in the hands of
the r.N.T. —
railways, road transport, shipping, engineering, textiles, electricity,
building, agriculture. ... I was immensely impressed bv the constructive revolution-
ary work wnich is being done by the CN.T. Their achievements of workers’ control
in industry is an inspiration. . . There are still some Britishers and Americans who

regard the Anarchists of Spain as impossible, undisciplined uneontrollahles. This is

poles away from truth. The Anarchists of Spain through the C.N.T. are doing one
of the biggest constrtietive 'ohs ever done by the working class. At the front they
are fighting Fascism. Blehind the front they are actuallv constructing the new workers’
Bocietv. They see that the war against Fascism and the carrying through the social
revolution are insenarabir. Those who have seen them and understood what thev are
doing must honor them and be grateful to them. . . That is surelv the biggest thing

which has hitherto been done by the workers in any part of the world.”

has in view. Anarcho-Syndicalists pursue the same tactics in their

fight against political suppression as against economic exploitation.
But while they are convinced that along with the system of exploi-
tation its political protective device, the state will also disappear
to give place to the administration of public affairs on the basis of
free agreement, they do not at all overlook the fact that the efforts
of organized labor within the existing political and social order
must always be directed toward defending all achieved political
and social rights against any attack of reaction, and constantly
widening the scope of these rights wherever the opportunity for
this presents itself. The heroic struggle of the C.N.T. in Spain
against Fascism was, perhaps, the best proof that the alleged non-
political attitude of the Anarcho-Syndicalists is but idle talk.

But according to their opinion the point of attack in the poli-

tical struggle lies not in the legislative bodies but in the people.
Political rights do not originate in parliaments; they are rather
forced upon them from without. And even their enactment into
law has for a long time been no guarantee of their security. They
do not exist because they have been legally set down on a piece
of paper, but only when they have become the ingrown habit of
a people, and when any attempt to impair them will meet with
the violent resistance of the populace. Where this is not the case,
there is no help in any parliamentary opposition or any Platonic
appeals to the constitution. One compels respect from others when
one knows how to defend one’s dignity as a human being. This
is not only true in private life; it has always been the same in

political life as well. All political rights and liberties which peo-
ple enjoy today, they do not owe to the good will of their gov-
ernments, but to their own strength. Governments have always
employed every means in their power to prevent the attainments
of these rights or render them illusory. Great mass movements
and whole revolutions have been necessary to wrest them from
the ruling classes, who would never have consented to them volun-
tarily. The whole history of the last three hundred years is proof
of that. What is important is not that governments have decided
to concede certain rights to the people, but the reason why they
had to do this. Of course, if one accepts Lenin’s cynical phrase
and thinks of freedom merely as a “bourgeois prejudice,” then,
to be sure, political rights have no value at all for the workers.
But then the countless struggles of the past, all the revolts and
revolutions to which we owe these rights, are also without value.
To proclaim this hit of wisdom it hardly was necessary to over-
throw Tzarisra, for even the censorship of Nicholas II would cer-
tainly have had no objection to the designation of freedom as a
bourgeois prejudice.
If Anarcho-Syndicalism nevertheless rejects the participation in

the present national parliaments, it is not because they have no

sympathy with political struggles in general, but because its ad-
herents are of opinion that this form of activity is the very weak-
est and most helpless form of the political struggle for the workers.

For the possessing classes, parliamentary action is certainly an

appropriate instrument for the settlement of such conflicts as arise,
because they are all etjually interested in maintaining the present
economic and social order. Where there is a common interest

mutual agreement is possible and serviceable tt) all parties. But

for the workers the situation is very different. For them the exist-

ing ect)nomic; order is the source of their exploitation and their

social and political subjugation. Even the freest ballot cannot do
away with the glaring contrast between the possessing and non-
possessing <'la.sscs in society. It can only give the servitude of
tlie toiling masses the stamp of legality.
It is a fact that when socialist labor parties have wanted to
achieve some decisive political reforms they could not do it by
parliamentary action, hut were obliged to rely wholly on the eco-
nomic power of the workers. The political general strikes
in Belgium and Sweden for the attainment of universal suffrage
are proof of this. And in Russia it was the great general strike
in 1905 that forced the Tsar to sign the new constitution. It was
the recognition of this which impelled the Anarcho-Syndicalists to
center their activity on the socialist education of the masses and

the utilization of their economic and social power. Their method

is that of direct action in both the economic and political struggle

of the time. By direct action they mean every method of the im-
mediate struggle by the workers against economic and political
oppression. Among these the outstanding are the strike in all its

graduations, from the simple wage struggle to the general strike,

organized boycott and all the other countless means which workers
as producers have in their hands.

The General Strike

One of the most effective forms of direct action is the social

strike, which was hitherto mostly used in Spain and partly in

France, and which shows a remarkable and growing responsibility

of the workers to society as a whole. It is less concerned with the
immediate interests of the producers than witli the protection of
the community against the most |jemirious outgrowths of the pres-
ent system. The social strike seeks to force upon the employers
a responsibility to the public. Primarily it has in view the pro-
tection of the consumers, of which the workers themselves consti-

tute the great majority. Under the present circumstances the

workers are frequently debased by doing a thousand things which
constantly serve only to injure the whole community for the ad-
vantage of the employers. They are compelled to make use of
inferior and often actually injurious materials in the fabrication
of their products, to erect wretched dwellings, to put up spoiled
foodstuffs and to perpetrate innumerable acts that are planned
to cheat the consumer. To interfere vigorously is, in the opinion

of the Anarcho-Syndicalists, the great task of the labor syndicates.

An advance in this direction would at the same time enhance the
position of the workers in society, and ij) larger measure cmifirm
that position.
Direct action by organized labor finds its strongest expression
in the general strike, in the stoppage of work in every branch of
production in cases where every other means is failing. It is the
most powerful weapon which the workers have at their command
and gives the most comprehensive expression to their strength as

a social factor. The general strike, of course is not an agency that

can be invoked arbitrarily on every occasion. It needs certain,
social assumptions to give it a proper moral strength and make it

a proclamation of the will of the broad masses of the people. The

ridiculous claim, which is so often attributed to the Anarcho-
Syndicalists, that it is only necessary to proclaim a general strike
in order to achieve a socialist society in a few days, is, of course,
just a ludicrous invention of ignorant opponents. The general
strike is the last resort of the workers in a given situation when
dire necessity leaves no other way.
The general strike can serve various purposes. It can be the last

stage of a sympathetic strike, as, for example, in Barcelona in 1902

or in Bilbao in 1903, which enabled the miners to get rid of the
hated truck system and compelled the employers to establish sani-
tary conditions in the mines. It can also be a means of organ-
ized labor to enforce some general demand, as, for example, in
the attempted general strike in the U.S.A. in 1886, to compel the
granting of the eight hour day in all industries. The great gen-
eral strike of the English workers in 1926 was the result of a
planned attempt by the employers to lower the general standard
of living of the workers by a cut in wages.
But the general strike* can also have political objectives in view,
as, for example, the fight of the Spanish workers in 1904 for the
liberation of the political prisoners, or the general strike in Cata-
lonia in July 1909, to force the government to terminate its

criminal war in Morocco. Also the general strike of the German

workers in 1920, which was instituted after the so-called Kapp
putsch and put an end to a government that had attained power
by a military uprising, belongs to this category. In such criti-

cal situations the general strike takes the place of the barri-
cades of the political uprisings of the past. For the workers, the
general strike is the logical outcome of the modern industrial sys-
tem, whose victims they are today, and at the same time it offers

them their strongest weapon in.the struggle for their social libera-
tion, provided they recognize their own strength and leam how
to use this weapon properly.

Anarcho-Syndicalism Since the First World War

After the First World War Europe faced a new

the peoples in
situation. In Central Europe the old regime had collapsed. Russia

found herself in the midst of a social revolution of which no one

could see the end. The Russian revolution had impressed the
workers of every country very deeply. They felt that Europe
was in the midst of a revolutionary crisis and that if nothing de-
cisive came out of it now their hopes would be dispelled for

many years. For this reason they based the highest hopes on
the Russian revolution and saw in it the inauguration of a new
era in European history. In 1919 the Bolshevist party, which had
attained power in Russia, issued an appeal to all the revolutionary
workers’ organizations of the world and invited them to a con-
gress in the following year in Moscow to set up a new International.
Communist parties at this time existed only in a few countries;
on the other hand there were in Spain, Portugal, France, Italy,
Holland, Sweden, Germany, England and the countries of North
and South America syndicalist organizations, some of which ex-
ercised a very strong influence. It was, therefore, the deep con-
cern of Lenin and his followers to win these particular organiza-
tions for their purpose. So it came about that at the congress for
the founding of the Third International in the summer of 1920 al-

most all the syndicalist organizations of Europe were represented.

But the impression which the syndicalist delegates received
in Russia was not calculated to make them regard collaboration
with the Communists as either possible or desirable. The dicta-
torship of the proletariat was already revealing itself in its true

light. The prisons were filled with Socialists of every school,

among them many Anarchists and Syndicalists. But above all it
was plain that the new dominant caste was in no way fitted for the
The foundation of
task uf a {'eimiiie socialist const ruction of life.
the Third International with its dictatorial apparatus and its effort
to make the whole labor movement in Europe into an instrument

for the foreign policy of the Bolshevist state quickly made plain
to the Syndicalists that there was no place for them in the Third
International. For this reason the congress in Moscow decided to

set up alongside the Third International a separate international

alliance of revolutionary trade unions, in which the syndicalist
organizations of all shades could also find a place. The Syndi-
calist delegates agreed to this proposal, but when the Communists
demanded that this new organization should be subordinate to
the Third International, this demand was unanimously rejected
by the Syndicalists.
Iji D«-embcr 1920 an international Syndicalist conference con-
vened in Berlin to decide upon an attitude toward the approaching
congress of the Red Trade Union International, which was pre-
|)ared in Moscow for the following year. The conference agreed
upon seven points on whose acceptance the entrance of the Syndi-
body was made dependent. The importance of those
calists in that

seven points was the complete independence of the movement from

all political parties, and insistence on the viewpoint that the social-
ist reconstruction of society could only be carried out by the eco-
nomic organizations of the producing classes themselves. At the
congress in Moscow in the following year the syndicalist organi-
zations were in the minority. The Central Alliance of Russian
Trade Unions dominated the entire situation and put through all

the resolutions.
In October 1921 an international conference of Syndicalists
was held in Diisseldorf, Germany, and it decided to call an inter-
national convention in Berlin during the following year. This con-
vention met from Decemlter 25, 1922 until January 2, 1923. The
following organizations were represented: Argentina by the Fed-
eracion Obrera Regional Argentina, with 200,000members; Chile
by the Industrial Workers of die World with 20,000 members;
Denmark by the Union for Syndicalist Propaganda with 600 mem-

U‘jvs; Geimany by
the Freie 4.^beiter Union with 120,000 mem-
bers; Holland by the National Arbeids Sekretariat with 22,500
members; Italy by the Unions Sindicale Italiana with 500,000
members; Mexico by the Confederacion General de Trabajadores;
Norway by the Norsk Syndikedistik Fsderasjon with 20,000 mem-
bers; Portugal by the Confederacao Genral do Trabalho with 150,-
000 members; Sweden by the Sveriges Arbetares Centarlorgani-
siilion with 32,000 members. The Spanish C.N.T. at that time was

(‘iigaged in a terrific struggle against the dirtatorship of Primo

(le Rivera and had sent no delegates, but they reaffirmed their ad-

herence -at the secret congress in Saragossa in October 1923. In

France, where after the war a split in the C.G.T. bad led to the
founding of the C.G.T.U., the latter had already joined Moscow.
But there was a minority in the organization which had combined
to form the Comite de Defence Syndicaliste Revolutionaire, rep-
r(‘scnting about 100,000 workers, which took jiart in the proceed-

ings of the Berlin congress. From Paris the FMeraiion du Bali-

meat with 32,000 members and the Federation des Jeimesses de
In Seine were likewise represented. Two delegates represented the
Syndicalist Minority of the Russian workers.
The congress resolved unanimously on the founding of an in-

ternational alliance of all syndicalist organizations under the name

International Workmen’s Association. It adopted a declaration
of principles which presented an outspoken profession of Anarcho-
Syndicalism. The second item in this declaration runs as follows:
“Revolutionary Syndicalism is the confirmed opponent of every
form of economic and social monopoly, and aims at the establish-
ment of free communities and administrative organs of the field
and factory workers on the basis of a free system of labor councils,
entirely liberated from subordination to any government and
parties. Against the politics of the state and political parties it

proposes the economic organization of labor; against the govern-

ment of men it sets the management of things. Consequently, it

has for its object, not the conquest of power, but the abolition of
every state function in social life. It believes that, along with
the monopoly of property, should also disappear the monopoly of
domination, and that any form of the state, including the dicta-
torship of the proletariat, will always be the creator of new mon-
opolies and new privileges; and never an instrument of liberation.”
With this the breach with Bolshevism and its adherents in the
various countries was completed. The I.W.M.A. from then on
travelled its own road, held its own international congresses, issued
its bulletins and adjusted the relations among the syndicalist or-

ganizations of the different countries.

The most powerful and influential organization in the I.W.M.A.
was the Spanish C.N.T., the soul of all the hard labor struggles
in Spain and later the backbone of the resistance against Fascism
and the social reorganization of the country. Before the triumph
of Ftanco, the C.N.T. embraced a membership of about two mil-
lions of industrial workers, peasants and intellectual workers. It

controlled thirty-six daily papers, among them Solidaridad Obrera

in Barcelona, with a circulation of 240,000 the largest of any
paper in Spain, and Castilla Libre, which was the most widely read
paper in Madrid. The C.N.T. has published millions of books and
pamphlets and contributed more to the education of the masses
than any other movement in Spain.
In Portugal the Confederacao Geral do Trabalho, founded in
1911, was the strongest labor organization in the country, and
based on the same principles as the C.N.T. in Spain. After the
victory of dictatorship, the C.G.T. was forced out of public ac-
tivity .and could only lead an underground existence.
In Italy, under the influence of the ideas of French Syndicalism,
the syndicalist wing of the Confederazione del Lavoro left that or-

ganization on account of its subservience to the Socialist Party

and formed the Unione Sindicale Italiana. This group was the
soul of a long list of severe labor struggles and played a promi-
nent part in the occurrences of the so-called Red Week in June 1913
and later in the occupation of the factories in Milan and other
cities in Northern Italy. With the reign of Fascism the whole
Italian labor movement disappeared along with the U.S.I.

In France the Anarcho-Syndicalists left the C.G.T.U. in 1922,

after that organization yielded entirely to the influence of the
Bolshevists, and formed the Confederation Generale dit Travail
Syndicaliste Revolutionaire, which joined the I.W.M.A.
In Germany there existed for a long time before the first world
war the so-called Localists whose stronghold was the Freie Vereini-
gung d^scher Gewerkschaften, founded in 1897. This organi-
zation was originally inspired by Social Democratic ideas, but it
combated the centralizing tendencies of the German Trade move-
ment. The revival of French Syndicalism had a great influence up-
on the F.V.D.G. and led to its adoption of pure syndicalist prin-
ciples. At its congress in Diisseldorf, 1920, the organization
changed its name to Freie Arbeiter-Union Deutschlands. This
movement rendered a great service through the tireless labors of
its active publishing house in Berlin which printed a large number
of valuable works. After Hitler’s accession to power the move-
ment of the F.A.U.D. vanished from the scene. A great many of
its supporters languished in the concentration camps or had to
take refuge abroad.
In Sweden there still exists a very active syndicalist movement,
the Sveriges Arbetares Centalorganisation, the only syndicalist
organization in Europe which escaped the reaction of Fascism and
German invasion during the war. The Swedish Syndicalists par-
ticipated in all the great labor struggles in their country and car-
ried on for many years the work of socialist and libertarian edu-
cation. The movement has at its disposal a large daily paper,
Arbetaren, in Stockholm, and its internal organization is very

In Holland the syndicalist movement concentrated in the Na-

tionale Arbeids Secretarial; when this organization came
steadily under increasing Communist influence, nearly half of its
members and formed the Nederlandisch Syndikalistisch
split off

Vakverbond which joined the I.W.M.A.

In addition to these organizations there were Anarcho-Syn-
dicalist propaganda groups in Norway, Poland and Bulgaria,
which were afiiliated with the I.W.M.A. The Japanese Jiyu Rengo
Dantal Zenkoku Kaigi also joined the ranks of the LW.M.A.
In Argentina the Federacion Obrera Regional Argentina, found-
ed in 1891, was for many years the center of most of the big labor
struggles in that country. Its history is one of the most tempestuous
chapters in the annals of the labor movement. The movement ran
a daily organ. La Protesta, for over twenty-five years and quite a
number of weekly papers all over the country. After the coup-
d’etat of General Uribura, the F.O.R.A. was suppressed, but it

carried on underground activity, as it does now under Peron.

In May 1929 the F.O.R.A. summoned a congress of all the South

American countries to meet in Buenos Aires. At this congress, be-
sides the F.O.R.A. of Argentina, there
were represented Paraguay :

by the Centro Obrero del Paraguay; Bolivia by the Federacion

Local de la Paz, La Antorcha and Luz y Libertad; Mexico by the
Confederacion general de Trabajo; Guatemala by the Comite pro
Accion Sindical; Uruguay by the Federacion Regional Uruguaya.
Brazil was represented by trade unions from seven of tbe constitu-
ent states. Costa Rica was represented by the organization
Haeia la Libertad. At this congress the Continental American
Workingmen's Association was brought into existence, constituting
the American division of the I.W.M.A. The seat of this organiza-
tion was at first at Buenos Aires, but later, because of the dicta-
torship, it had to be transferred to Uruguay.
These were tlie forces which Anarcho-Syndicalism had at its

disposal in the various countries before the Reign of Fascism and

the outbreak of the second world war. The International Bureau
of the I.W.M.A., which was transferred during those years of re-
action and war to Sweden, is at present occupied with the prepara-
tions for an International congress of the reorganizing syndicalist
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Editorial Note
The following two chapters on the peasant movement were
written by Mr. Victor Zenzinov, theoretician of the Russian radi-
cal peasant movement, also known as the Social Revolutionary
Movement, (SR), and by Dr. George M. Dimitrov, leader of the
Bulgarian Peasant Party and Secretary General of the Intemor
tional Peasant Union.
The Social Revolutionary Party was a broad, democratic
peasant and intellectual movement directed against Tsarist ty-
ranny, and toward a free and democratic commonwealth of Russia.
The Social Revolutionaries commanded the majority of the Russian
peasantry during the first stages of the Revolution, before the
Bolshevik minority succeeded in gaining control of the old Rus-
sian empire.
The Social Revolutionary Party was the historical Russian peas-
ant party; the Bulgarian Peasant Party, the party of the late Stam-
boliiski, is the historical democratic party of Bulgarian peasantry.
Both Mr. Zenzinov and Dr. Dimitrov are prominent in their move-
ments. It should be noted herein that, with the exception of Rus-
sian Social Revolutionary ideology, peasant ideologies in eastern
Europe were not particularly well-developed, and the peasant
movements had more of a concrete, practical program than any
real philosophy.
In his chapter. Dr. Dimitrov analyzes the ideologies of eastern
European peasant movements, known, in some countries, as “Agra-
rianism." Dr. Dimitrov employs the term “Agrarianism” for all
progressive peasant ideologies of the eastern European region.
There was not, however, any one accepted and recognized ide-
ology of the eastern European peasantry similar, for instance, to
Marxism. Nevertheless all democratic peasant movements had
political attitudes and programs which were remarkably alike:

radical land reforms, small land ownership, peasant coopera-
tives, social justice, economic and social democracy achieved
through democratic and cooperative peasant organizations, and
devotion to true democratic institutions. These principles formed
the core of almost all peasant programs and ideologies.

Dr. Dimitrov is one of the foremost ideologists of contemporary

eastern European peasant movements. His bio-materialistic inter-
pretation forms an important contribution to Bulgarian peasant
ideology. Although not all eastern European peasant movements
had an equally well-developed philosophy, and had (and still

.have) foundations other than bio-materialism, probably all of

them were strongly empiricist and pragmatic.
The second portion of Dr. Dimitrov's discussion treats the his-

tory of eastern European peasant movements.

Mr. Victor Zenzinov gives an outline of Russian peasant ide-
ology in the final chapter on this topic. Russian peasant ideology
originated much earlier than the non-Russian, eastern European
system, and had a more extensive philosophy and deeper histori-

cal background. Russian peasant ideologists — the “Narodrtiki”

and the Social Revohaionories —had an idealistic philosophic back-

ground, unlike that of the materialistic MarxUt-Socialists. Fifty

years ago, violent ideological battles were waged in books and
periodicals between the Narodniki, or Social Revolutionaries, and
the Orthodox Marxists.
In short, Mr. Zenzinov represents the idealistic philosophy;
Dr. Dimitrov represents the bio-materialistic which, however, con-
tains idealistic elements.

Since the chapter of Dr. Dimitrov has been written, representa-

tives of eastern European peasant movements in exile have resur-
rected in Washington, in die summer of 1947 the “Green Inter-

national," a democratic and progressive “International Peasant


Union.’* As was mentioned before. Dr. Dimitrov has been elected

Us Secretary General.

The reader is also referred to Chapter I. “Mechanics of Euro-

pean PolUics,” which contains a psychological and sociological
analysis and comparison of peasant and labor movements in
Europe; to Chapter “Communism” ; Chapter V. “Consumer Co-

operation and the Freedom of Man”; Chapter VII. “Liberal Tra-

dUion in Russia.”
F. G.



George M. Dimitrov

In its fundamental principles. Agrarianism tends to be an ide-

ology of political and economic democracy based on the idea of
cooperative syndicalism. It is an ideology of social justice which
repudiates the communist idea of the dictatorship of the prole-
tariat and upholds that of the private and cooperative ownership
of the means of production and of its results for the laboring

classes. Thus Agrarianism may be defined as cooperative syndi-

In its present tendencies, Agrarianism is undoubtedly one of the
most recent and progressive ideologies, in spite of the fact that
its origins are to he found in the past — in the struggles of the

masses for freedom and social justice — in struggles of the tillers

of the soil for land and of the industrial workers for participation
in the ownership of the factories and in the shaping of the con-
ditions of labor, of produciion and of the distribution of material
wealth. Naturally, being recent. Agrarianism does not yet possess
a systematic doctrine of fundamental principles or a coherent phi-
losophical structure of values. Nevertheless, as may be seen even
from this brief account, its ideological and theoretical argumen-
tation tends to rely on the dynamic scientific attainments of the
age taken as a whole. Slarting from the treatment of the human
problem in classical ancient philosophy Agrarianism moves toward
the sociological efforts of modern thought and the attainments of
eooperativism and economics. However, the most vigorous and re-

liable dicta of the Agrarian ideology have been derived from prac-


tical life and from the uniformities of nature. Thus Agrarianism

is a practical rather than a theoretical ideology; its doctrine is be-
ing developed gradually on the basis of practical experience. Agrar-
ian ideologians have aimed to observe and penetrate as deeply as
possible the conditions of practical existence in order to ascertain
the uniformities of phenomena rather than indulge in the compo-
sition of abstract philosophical treatises and utopias.
In principle, the Agrarian ideology upholds the idea of the
materialistic explanation of natural phenomena to the extent to

which the natural and experimental disciplines have established

their material character. However, fundamentally, the Agrarian
outlook relies primarily on the biological principle for the ex-
planation of the historical, social and economic complexes of life
in general and of the individual in particular. Agrarianism main-
tains that neither history nor economics is capable of explaining the
phenomena of nature and their dynamics without the assistance
of biology. Thus the Agrarian ideology tends to become a bio-
logical materialism which conceives the uniformities of natural
phenomena in terms of a biologico-maferialistic parallelism.

Biology is a comparatively new discipline but its attainments

are fundamental because they deal with the most profound mani-
festations of life reflected in the phenomena of nature. Biology
is the discipline of organic life: it unfolds the dynamic process
of this life — of the organic matter which determines the develop-
ment of human faculties. To what extent the organic principle
dominates nature shown in the fact that for the characterization

of the earthly world men employ the term life rather than that of
matter. Thus it would appear that Morley Roberts is quite cor-
rect to argue ibat “instead of history elucidating sociology, soci-

ology based on biology will elucidate bistory.*”

The Biological Factor in Social Phenomena

Cultural man, whose positive and negative characteristics have
their source in his organic nature and his animal origin and who
* Morley Roberts, Bio^Politics, London, 1938, p. 20.
rises above nature primarily because of the development of his
nervous system and his intellectual capacities, is destined to dom-
inate the earth. Man tends to occupy the position of control which
belongs to him and to exercise over other creatures as well as over
nature itself (insofar as he has come to know them) a domina-
tion which is conditioned only by the negative traits of his own
What is the potency that has guided and assisted man during
the long period of his primitive struggle with the brutal forces of
nature? —
Reason? No, his rational faculty was undeveloped
then. Even after the slow and gradual differentiation of the ra-
tional function its share in the struggle for existence remained
insignificant to the point of impotence. In other words, if it is true
that there is no significant rational function without the existence
of language, the primitive human could not have availed himself
of the rational potentialities of his brain especially during the
centuries when adjustment to the natural milieu has been one of
his most difficult problems. During all these years of ignorance
and animal helplessness man managed to move forward pushed
and guided by the living force of the instinct inherent in the ori-
ginal organic aggregate of which he is a descendant and which
is responsible for his survival. The dynamic of the same biologi-
cal factor is illustrated by the behavior of infants at a stage when
there is noroom for manifestation of the rational faculty. When
the infant reaches for the bosom of its mother for the first time,
it makes a move dictated by the inherent requirements of its

organic existence which is dominated by instinct rather than rea-

The instinct has been the subject of reflection from the time of
ancient philosophy to that of modern scientific thought.* For con-
temporary philosophy, liiology and psychology it appears as a
fundamental primordial organic impulse — ^as the living dynamic
^A. Buechner, Energy and Matter, Sofia, 1931 (Bulgarian trans.).
* Henri Bergson, L’evMution creatrice, Paris, 1909.
* Thomas Hancock, An Essay on Instmrt and its Physical and Mored Relations,
London, 1823, pp. 130 ff.

stream inherent in the germinating cell itself. The instinct is con-

ceived as the creative organic kinetism which, from the condensed
potential of the cell protoplasm and the chromosomes, in collabora-
tion with the surrounding milieu, shapes and generates the pro-
gressive development of the animal and human organisms. It is

the fundamental moving force in the differentiation of all func-

tions inherent in organic existence and development and necessary
for self-preservation and perpetuation of the species. Therefore
the instinct may he said to be one of the fundamental elements
of the uniformities of nature involved in the genesis of living
matter. Dealing with inert matter, reason may effect the move-
ment to a certain extent but interference beyond that leads to the
destruction of the living creature.
Without the primitive impulse of life inherent in primordial
organic matter— ^without the instinct — this matter would have re-
mained inert and neither animal nor human life could have come
into being.
Without overestimating the importance of the instinct and un-
derestimating that of the rational faculty or of the surrounding
milieu as factors in the progressive development of man and of
human society, biological materialism holds that the instinct is a
fundamental faculty. Regardless of the degree of development of
and of degree of perfection of the nervous
the rational faculty
system which take place under the influence of the surrounding
milieu, the dynamic potentialities of the instinct remain. They are
the original creative potencies which have manifested themselves
in the first living cells and which will be extinguished only with

the death of the last ones. The instinct is active consistently" and
therefore it is the eternally alert and true agent of human life.

To extinguish the instinct for self-preservation and perpetuation

of the species means nothing short of extinguishing life. There-
fore no matter what the ascent of the rational faculty, it can not
ever displace completely the functions of the instinct. On the
contrary, one may say that even in the spiritual life of man the

K. Nemrd, La vie et la mart den instincts, Paris, 1923, p. 53.

instinct for self-preservation and perpetuation of the species plays
a fundamental part. “Without being in the sphere of the rational
faculty,” says Bergson, “the instinct is within the limits of the
spiritual function.”*’ Under the conditions of primitive existence,
without the active assistance of an adequate rational faculty, the
instinct alone has been successful in overcoming the negative po-
tencies of the surrounding milieu. If it is capable of being extin-
guished or made inactive, it could not have survived the centuries
of the past. Therefore biological materialism holds that even
during the era of the omnipotence of the rational faculty, the in-

and perpetuation of the species is one

stinct for >elf-preseivalion

of the factors of human existence. Knowledge can not create syn-

thetically either humans or animals —
such a presumption means
nothing less than the destruction of humanity. Humans are indi-
viduals — they are not inert matter capable of being molded in
standarized forms.
The living instinct is the fundamental factor in the function of

the human organism. It is the mysterious phenomenon of nature

and the source of life in it. In coordinated interaction with the
rational faculty and the surrounding milieu, the fundamental bio-
logical factor, the instinct, continues to supply the impulse of the
movement which is life. And this movement follows the residuary
tendencies of the complex interaction of the instinct, the rational
faculty and the surrounding milieu. The uniformities to which
this movement is subject are not merely those on which the dy-
namics of inert matter depend. It is consideration of all factors
that leads toward the equilibriumand harmony of human exis-
tence. The study of human phenomena should therefore be ap-
proached not from a purely materialistic viewpoint but from a
bio-materialistic one capable of establishing their interrelations
and their functionally dynamic character. It is only thus that the
knowledge would be useful for the purpose of subserving the re-

quirements and interests of man and equalizing the conditions of

social existence. Only thus will it be possible to effect the condi-

^ Henri Bergson, op. cit., p. 190.


lions for the social cooperation of individuals and their harmoni'

ous co-existence. To treat living 'men as inert matter is to subject
them to physical and moral degradation — to deprive them of their
human individualities and to push them backwards into social
chaos and a struggle of self-extermination. Considerations as
these have imposed on the Agrarian ideology to reject the tradi-
tionalistic materialist viewpoint and to adopt the bio-materialistic


Human generations have succeeded one another in a continuity,

transmitting the results of their experience and progressive attain-
ments. Thus primitive man has been transformed into the contem-
porary rational human. The inactive and clumsy primitive man
has thus come to acquire the art and skill of creating modem
means of defense and of producing material wealth. The biologi-
cally crude characteristics of his organism have disappeared and
have been replaced by ones better adapted to the conditions and
requirements of modern existence. The biological cooperation of
the instinct for self-preservation of the species with the rational
faculty and the potentialities of the .surrounding milieu tends to
direct the human individuals toward a conscious and free social
cooperation, toward a preference for social equilibrium and har-
monious The older forms of social organization
yield to the pressing need for new ones. Social mobility gives
rise to the complex of political parlies, social classes, professional

aggregations — the forms of privilege yield to the popular ones.

The heterogeneous formations of the old political parties which
have been identified with domination aiming to accomodate the
exploitation of certain strata by others are yielding in turn to
the progressive cooperative aggregations which are being created
for the protection of similar political and economic interests. Thus
humanity is moving toward the form of a cooperative, equalized


republic consecrating freedom, social solidarity and cultural prog-

Life does not always flow gently. It often fluctuates violently and
passes through great crises — revolts, wars, catastrophies, strikes,

etc. However, for bio-materialism these are not unavoidable; they

do not take place as a matter of fatalistic necessity in the transi-

tion from one state into another,^ but are simple deviations due
to factors obstructing a normal social cooperativism. In the social
process certain groups or strata, when conditions permit, tend to
manifest tendencies of unreasonable egoism which upset the har-
monious co-existence and social cooperation. But such a state of

affairs is capable of being remedied by measures calculated to re-

establish the equilibrium. Phenomena as these if construed fatal-

istically would amount to a repudiation of the usefulness of any
social knowledge. Quite the opposite is the case. Advanced know-
ledge of the conditions of social existence facilitates social co-
operation by shaping the rights and obligations of individuals so
that unhealthy pressures are eliminated and the social equilibrium

maintained. In this manner, without repudiating unconditionally

the possibility of violent upsets, bio-materialism does not consider
them as involving fatalistically the element of necessity. In fact,
it is for the purpose of avoiding them that it adopts the idea of
equalization through cooperativism.
Man has not leaped from the primitive state into the modem
cultural one by a single stroke but has attained it by means of a
long biologico-evolutive process in which social cooperation has
played an important part. “The liberation of the laboring class
from the oppression of capitalism” does not necessarily imply that
it “is attainable only by means of revolution,”® but is perfectly

possible without it. Moreover not every revolution is progressive

in its aims or attainments. One may easily maintain that in prin-
ciple violence is regressive in its results and reactionary in its

^ Joseph Stalin. The Questions of Leninism, Mowow, 1939 (11th ed., in Ruasian)
p. 537.

tendencies. It is an entirely different matter to speak of a **revo-

lution” in the social order attained bymeans of politico>economic
cooperation and legal expedients. Such “revolutions” have taken
place in the past and are taking place today. There are scores of
democratic and socialistic regimes which have been introduced by
the free choice of the masses. There is a great deal of evidence
which demonstrates abundantly that social existence is not neces-
sarily a violent “struggle of opposites.”* There are antagonisms
but there is also cooperation. Marxism is extremely onesided in
this respect. Cooperation and social equalization are the expe-
dients of Agrarianism, the aims of which are social justice in a
labor society of free individuals and not of slaves pushed around
in the name of their own imaginary welfare.


Humans and their social aggregations could not and should

not be shaped arbitrarily and schematically because the results
of such a procedure are nothing short of physical and spiritual
degradation which would be destructive to human and social prog-
ress. The doctrines which deal with the problems of the substance
and the forms of social existence must be based on knowledge
derived from the cognition of the factors involved including the
biological foundation of humanity. “In the act by means of which
it constitutes itself, every species tends toward what is most con-
venient for it.”^®

An ideology which does not take into account the potencies of

the surrounding milieu as well as those of the inner living prin-
ciple of men is bound to be one-sided, fantastic and socially dan-
gerous. “Ideologies are perfectly legitimate in their place and
their objectivity depends on the degree of knowledge they trans-
late ... the sociological approach must account for both subjec-
tive and objective factors.”*^ The strength of the Agrarian ideol-
" Vladimir Lenin, Works, XIII, Moscow, 1938 (in Russian), p. 301.
Henri Bergson, op cit., p. 1342.
** C. D. Kojouharotr, General Theory of Law and State. A review in the “Tulane
Law Review,” December, 1945, pp. 298, 301.


ogy is in the fact that it aims to rely on positive knowledge and
that it overcomes the one-sidedness of traditional materialism.
The fact of the matter is that the importance of biology is recog-
nized at present even by the most extreme Bolshevist materialists:
“The science of the history of society, regardless of the whole
complexity of the phenomena of social existence, is capable of be-
coming an equally exact science as, for instance, biology is capa-
ble of utilizing the laws of development of society for practical ap-

The ideology of Agrarianism has in view a cooperative society

based on the principles of social justice and social equilibrium co-

ordinated with the requirements of freedom, capable of securing
to the individual and humanity a harmonious existence and pro-
gressive development. Relying on its bio-materialistic outlook and
employing the expedients of cooperativism. Agrarianism is fight-
ing for the establishment of a new social structure involving a num-
ber of fundamental propositions.
In the first place. Agrarianism considers that man is the su-
preme value of the social order, that his requirements are the aim
while the latter is the means. Man is the central figure in economic
development, in cultural advancement and in the transformation of
social institutions. Thus all modifications in the forms of social
organization and all progress in the economic and technical fields
have to be considered in the light of the attainments of knowledge
with the aim of subserving man rather than making man sub-
servient to them. The pressures which tend harmonious
to upset

social 'existence are due primarily to -tendencies to ignore this

truth. Man is capable of understanding and evaluating properly

the forms of political and social organization and their adaptabil-
ity to the conditions of existence, to his interests and to his spirit-
ual requirements. He resists the efforts to impose on him forms
which go counter to his needs and eventually overwhelms them.
One of his fundamental requirements is that of freedom insofar
as this is compatible with the social aspect of his existence
1-Jti>e|iii Stalin, op. cit.. p. .‘>44.

freedom of belief, freedom of thought and freedom of action.

Freedom is the first condition for the proper orientation of man
in relation tohimself as well as in relation to the phenomena of
the surrounding milieu. It is freedom that distinguishes man from
animals. Freedom supplies man with wings and permits him to
ascend to the heights of spiritual and material attainment. There
isno existence without material means but without freedom there
ISno humanity. “When freedom dies, man lives on his knees.
When freedom lives, man walks erect.”*®
For his freedom man has fought and spilled more blood than
for his subsistence. Freedom is one of the fundamental require-
ments of equalized social existence, which in turn is reflected in

the struggles for popular rights. A state of equilibrium and so-

cial harmony is inconceivable under a regime of slavery even
if this is instituted in the name of a perfect equalization. One
might say that freedom is a biological requirement and a presup-
position of self-preservation and the perpetuation of the species.
Therefore Agrarianism upholds the idea that freedom is a natural
requirement of man which is qualified only by the social aspect
of his existence. Man should first of all be allowed to depend on
himself and only to the extent this is incompatible with harmon-
iousand equalized existence should his activities be canalized.
To go beyond this and curtail freedom in general as well as sus-
pend the rights of the individual means to take a regressive step
capable of generating violence and of excluding the possibility
of harmonious social existence. Thus Agrarianism is opposed
to every kind of dictatorship; it considers such political struc-
tures to be not only utopian but disgraceful —criminal acts de-
grading human individuality and human dignity. Agrarianism
upholds the idea of the popular foundation of authority. It ad-
vocates a political structure under which free men are afforded
the opportunity to mold a just social order and attain a true cul-
tural progress.So conceived, popular authority is incompatible
with forms which concentrate the power in the hands of individu-

H. B. Swope, Foreword to James W. Wise, Our BUI of Rights, New York, 1941.
als or oligarchies; therefore Agrarianism favors a republic that
coordinates freedom with social justice.
Agrarianism agrees that the economic is one of the fundamen-
tal factors in the individual and social existence of man. How-
ever, it holds that man and his initiative are equally fundammital.
Moreover, differing from historical materialism, the Agrarian
bio-materialistic view ascribes the social conflicts to the political
and production relationships rather than to the control of the
tools of production. It is not the primitive means of production
but the relationships between onmipotent slave-owners or feudal
lords and slaves tied to the land and deprived of rights that are
characteristic of the exploitation structures. The source of social
conflicts is not in the progress made in relation to the tools of pro-
duction but in the structure which accommodates privilege, ar-
bitrariness and the use of force. Not the control of the means of
production but the efforts of men to struggle for means of sub-
sistence and for freedom against stubborn irrational egoisms are
the source of social and economic crises, revolutions and wars.
Such crises are peculiar not only to capitalist structures but also
to those which claim a complete levelling in the interest of the
proletariat; the Soviet Union has supplied abundant proof in
this respect.

Technical advancement derives from the inner creative impulse

of man strengthened by the genesis of his rational faculty and
the accumulation of experience which together shape the de-
gree of adjustment in relation to the surrounding milieu. The
initiative and efforts of man are responsible for the discoveries
which make this progressive movement possible. Man is on a con-
improved means of production, for greater econ-
stant search for
omy, for quantity and superior quality. Communistic material-
ism maintains that “the new production forces demand . more . .

cultured and more proficient workers.”” The point is, however,

that if such workers had not already existed, then there would not
have been any “new productive forces.” The fact of the matter is

1* Jooeph Slalin, op. cit., p. 557.


that in the discovery, improvement and perfection of the tools of

production, there always is an element of human initiative and

purpose. Even in the instinctive efforts of most primitive men these

elements are always present. Thus the view of Stalinism that the
new productive forces and the new relationships of production
are generated “not as a result of intentional conscious activity
on the part of men, hut takes place fatalistically, unintentionally

and independently of the will of men” is untenable.** Equally

untenable is Stalin’s assertion that “when men improve one or
another tool of production —one or another element of the pro-
ductive forces, they are not conscious of, do not understand and
do not reflect over the social results that should be produced by
these improvements —they think merely of their interests, how to

facilitate their work and obtain some immediate tangible advan-

tages for themselves.”**
Views as these appear to be quite out of date. One may say
that during the period of primitive consciousness and at the very
beginning of mental effort on the part of men, the instinct has
moved man unconsciously toward the production of tools for self-
preservation and for subsistence. It goes without saying that at
this stage the insufficiencies of consciousness and knowledge did
not permit him to conceive or foresee the distant consequences of
these activities for him and his kind. However, so far as con-
temporary technical discoveries and attainments are concerned,
it would be nothing short of absurd to maintain that all new

means of production or of defense and attack are attained un-

consciously or independently of the intentions and purposes of
men. Such fantastic schematism finds its conclusive refutation in
the work on atomic energy and its applications. Stalin himself
appears not to be “unconscious” of their far-reaching results and
consequences for human civilization as well as for the social ex-

istence of man. Under the circumstances is it possible to argue

that the scientists who have contributed to the present knowledge

«/6W., p. 559.
p. 560.
of atomic energy and its applications were not aware of the con-
sequences of their work or that they were preortcupied with inter-
own and expectations
ests of their to derive tangible benefits for

themselves? The answer to such superficial arguments is ob-

vious. In fact, one may go further and remind Stalin that the
United States, in spite of its most efficient means of production,
has not experienced either a change of economic relationships or
a shake-up of its social structure. Is it not clear then that an
economic unit may have new productive forces without a ne-
cessary change of economic relationships — or that there may
be new economic relationships while the productive forces have
remained the same?
In the Soviet Union there are new economic relationships: state-
party ownership of the means of production under a Communist
dictatorship. However, the forces of production have remained
the same as those available to capitalist economies. One observes
the opposite in the capitalistic United States: while economic re-
lations have undergone no appreciable change, the production
forces are incomparably superior. It is true that man can not
foresee all of the consequences of new discovery or of a reform
in the conditions of existence, because the complexities of the
future reach far beyond those of the present and are therefore in-
capable of being represented adequately in the ideas of the lat-
ter, and because the portals of evolution are open widely for in-

finite creativeness. Nevertheless, if the social and economic im-

plications of the ever-increasing store of knowledge are followed
closely and the new undesirable tendencies of the social process
eliminated as soon as delected, there are no difficulties to be antici-
pated. In this respect the forecasts of the doctrinaires of Stalinism
are nothing but efforts to argue under any circumstances the dog-
matic assertions of materialism because of the fanatic require-
ments for orthodoxy. It is in this manner that writers like Prenant

could identify themselves with the following naive statement: “At

the moment when in capitalist countries there is talk for the ar-

’’ Henri Bergson, op. cit., pp. 112, IH


resting of technical and scientific progress because it creates

misery there, in the Soviet Union this progress is rewarded gener-
ously because there it makes useful contributions.”^® This was
written in the year 1935, and in the years of the war the Soviet
Union had to depend for its salvation on the technical progress
and efficiency of production of such orthodox capitalist countries
as the United States. Moreover, it was in the United States that in

the year 1946 the most important contemporary discovery of

atomic energy was made. And all these things were accomplished
without any radical changes in the traditional structure or in the
existing economic relationships.
In the historical development of the social and economic re-
lationships of men, revolutions neither possess the element of ne-
cessity nor are they the desirable rational means for the solution
of sooial problems and economic conflicts. Therefore Agrarian-
ism considers untenable the Marxian assertion that after the forces
of production have reached a high point, the existing economic
relationships and the ruling classes become a barrier which could
he removed only through the conscious effort of the new classes

expressing itself in acts of violence; that at that stage only re-

volution is capable of clearing the way.'® We hope to have made
clear by this time that the forces of production and the economic
relationships are capable of development independently of one
another, and that the “new classes” quite frequently overcome
ihe Marxian “barrier” without resort to violence —a popular poli-

tical structure makes this perfectly possible. In this connection

it is hardly necessary to remind the dogmatists that during the war
ill the country of classical capitalism, England, the House of
Lords voted volimtarily to place at the disposal of the state all

possessions of English citizens; that at the present time a great

deal of the capitalistic structure in England is being liquidated
by legal means.
M. Prenant,Biologie rt Marxisme, Paris, 1935, p. 69.
II Karl Marx, Works, Moscow, 1935 (in Russian), p. 269.
man that moves the wheels of both
It is technical and cultural

progress. One may say, therefore, that he, rather than the means
of production, is the “most revolutionary element” of the social
complex. He does not reconcile himself with degradation and a
treatment which repudiates his human characteristics and require-
ments. He has reacted in the past and will react in the future with
all his energy against dominations and dictatorships, be they ex-
ercised in the name of capitalism or in that “of the proletariat.”
Once capital and the means of production have been taken from
the bourgeoisie and placed under the control of the state — that
is, “of the proletariat organized as dominant class,”’^** then this
“dictatorship of the proletariat” comes to dominate all other
classes in the same (if not more brutal) manner as the bourgeoisie
has done in the past. Dominations and dictatorships generate re-

sistance which precludes the possibility of harmonious social ex-

istence and tends to overcome all unjustified curtailments of free-

dom. The ideology of Agrarianism rejects oppression and dic-

tatorship as methods for the solution of political, economic and

social controversies, or for the establishment of new political and
social structures. Agrarianism maintains that through educa-
tion of the masses in the processes and principles of social and
political democracy it is possible to eliminate the irrational per-
sonal and class egoisms; that through cooperation all social an-
tagonisms and economic problems are capable of being resolved
into an equilibrium which secures social advancement, cultural
development and technical progress. Agrarianism prefers cre-
ative, economic and cultural radicalism rather than destructive
and bloody revolutions.

Ownership of the Means of Production

Agrarianism maintains that the means of production should be

in the hands of those who utili^ them and who through them in-
vest their labor in the process of production and become the
^Manifesto of the (^ommoniot Parly, 1938, p. 50 (in RuMian).

builders of human culture. It upholds the idea of private and

cooperative ownership and opposes every type of speculative ac-
cumulation of wealth, be it private-capitalistic or state socialistic,
when no immediate labor is involved and the labor of others is

exploited. The private right over the fruits of one’s labor is deep
in human nature — it is a biological characteristic.’’^ In his study
on Herbert Spencer, A. W. Bateson writes that “the only instinct
in our race which is sufficiently universal ... is the desire to ac-
cumulate property. . . This remark accords with the views of
the Bulgarian leader of Agrarianism, Stambolisky, that “the
preoccupation of man with the needs of the future is responsible
for the accumulation of wealth which is hut the primitive form
of private property.”^ If the principle of private property is
a fundamental manifestation of the human instinct, then no force
is capable of eradicating or suppresing it. “Against the instinct
the moat powerful intellect or combination of intellects will move
in vain.”“^ Private property is thus the condition of securing the
life of individuals and of perpetuating the species. It is one of
the requisites of human integrity and freedom. Possessing the
means of production, man is in a position first of all to rely on
himself and only then to depend on others. It affords him the ex-
perience of a sense of security in relation to the present as well
as to the future.
If the individual does not possess property of his own — if he
has to depend on others for his subsistence — regardless of whether
the structure is capitalistic or communist, bureaucratic — ^he is not
a free individual. He is keenly aware of the fact that the con-
ditions of livelihood are insecure and that he is being placed in
the position of a puppet in the hands of others. On the other hand
private ownership of the fruits of labor generates personal stim-
ulus and is primarily responsible for the productivity of labor.

Morley Roberts, Bio-politics, London, 1938, p. 138.

^Wm. Bateson, The Biologicid Fact and the Structure of Society, Oxford, 1911,
pp. 31.32.
^Alexander Stambolisky, The Principle of the Bulgarian Agrarian Union, Sofia,
1944 (in Bulgarian), p. 29.
Motley Roberts, op cit., p. 132.
The possibilities to secure the means of subsistence are conditions
which determine the degrees of exertion and efficiency on the
part of the worker. Thus at the present time there is no doubt that

the industrial worker should share in the ownership of the fac-

tory, that the farmer should own his land which he tills and that
every one should own the home in which he lives. The fact of the
matter is that Lenin made use of the urge for private ownership
to win the revolution by promising the land to the farmers and the
factories to the industrial workers. It is the repudiation of this
promise that is the main source of the instability of Stalin’s re-
gime, that has been instrumental for the identification of the “dic-
tatorship of the proletariat” with brutal repression. Stalin him-
self is aware of the fact that the pressures for private ownership
in 1936 imposed a modification of the Constitution of the Soviet
Union. Thus, in spite of the decrees for socialization and for col-
lectivization of the lands, an attempt was made to meet these pres-
sures by means of the “private land-households” and the “suc-
cession in personal property.”*’’ The pressure of the kolhosnics
in favor of the supplementary private property expedient and
against the collective ownership of the kolhoses as originally in-
tended demonstrated unmistakably the potency of the tendencies
for private labor ownership of the land. As a matter of fact
Stalin himself has admitted that much publicly; “It would be a
mistake to think that since the kolhoses have been established so-

cialism has already been instituted. And even a graver error it

is to think that the members of the kolhoses have been transformed

into socialists.”*®
Experience has shown that without the element of personal in-

terest the processes of production and the organizations of eco-

nomic enterprises are inefficient because the personal efforts for
the productivity of the labor and the quality of the product are
lacking. Such a state of affairs affects the national economy to an
appreciable degree. Extraneous and bureaucratic managements
Constitution of the USSR, 1936. arts. 9-10. On collective farms, Kolhoses, see
also chapter XL
^0 Joseph Stalin, np. cit., pp. 289-290.

are incomparably inferior to the cooperative one. This applies

with special force to the agricultural industry in particular. Even
under the Drakonian regime of the bolshevist collectivism in the
agricultural industry, collective labor demonstrated itself to be
impossible to the extent that the Soviet Government was forced
to fallback and rely on the labors of small groups and individuals.
“The more the labor in the kolhoses is individualized in the form
of small groups and individual kolhosnics, the more their industry
is materially compensated, the more productive it is in the pro-

duction of crops as well as in cattle raising.”"’ Neither legalized

violence nor Communist social utopias have proved or could prove
capable of suppressing the impulses of the instinct for security of
the means of form of private owner-
subsistence expressed in the
ship. In this respect the behavior of Russian Communists when
they have had the opportunity to acquire things is a matter of re-

velation. Both Soviet soldiers in the occupied territories and the

leaders in the countries subjected to Communist dictatorships have
shown unusual avidity in the acquisition of moveable wealth by
legal means as well as by brutal violence.

The Azarian Cooperative Structure

As a rule the excessive accumulation of wealth is the result of

exploitation effected by means of political domination — it mat-
ters little whether the set-up is capitalistic or not. In principle
Agrarianism is not against the expedient of collectivization. On
the contrary, it is aware of its advantages especially in the mech-
anization of production, in the unification and modernization
of the economic effort and the conditions of labor. However,
Agrarianism accepts a cooperative collectivism which is compat-
ible with freedom; which retains the institution of private prop-

erty but equalizes its distribution. Thus the expedient of the

cooperatives is fundamental in the social and economic orders en-

A, Andreev, Speech before the IBth Congress of the Bolshevist Party. Moscow,
1940 (in Russian), pp. 29-31.
visioned by Agrarianism — it is the most adaptable expedient for
the attainment of social harmony and the comparative equaliza-
tion of wealth. The cooperatives coordinate the economic initia-
tive of the individual with the social interest. By means of co-
operatives the small private economic units coordinate voluntarily
their efforts and means of production, retaining their own proper-
tiesand sharing in the control over the production, distribution
and exchange of the produced wealth. In this manner the ex-
ploitation of labor and of its fruits are eliminated, while the de-

sirable characteristics of individual economic activity are re-

Agrarianism upholds the views which condemn the speculative
acquisitions of land and the exploitation of agricultural labor:
“The land should belong to those who till it.”“® The land should
not he subject to speculative transfer but should be privately own-
ed only as a means of investing one’s own labor. The value of the
land should not be determined by its market price — for the farm-
ing owner it has the additional value of stability as to his means
of subsistence, of security for the future, of freedom. In other
words, if one uses the Marxian terminology, the “absolute rent”
belongs to the farmer on the basis of the fundamental require-
ments of agricultural production.
In the Agrarian structure labor is the standard of value — labor
is not only an individual right but also a social duty. It is a
physiological necessity for the proper development of the human
organism and its normal function. He who is capable to work
and does not wish to do so forfeits his title on existence. Agrar-
ianism is thus against social parasitism but at the same time it re-

pudiates any ideas which tend to transform man into a laboring

slave. Overwork leads to the degeneration and degradation of
humanity; the Soviet Stakhanovism is incompatible with labor
hygiene and with the human interests of the laborer. Such schemes
of economic activity transform men into slaves and revive out-

Raiko 1v. Daakalov, The Strufsifle for Land^ Sofia, 1945 (in Bulgarian), p. 9,
iii edition.

grown systems as to the compensation of labor. In order to exist

men have to work but they do not exist merely for that purpose;
they have also spiritual and cultural needs; they have the right
to rest and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Laboring men ought
to be masters over their own labor and its fruits.

Agrarianism proposes to realize all these fundamental ideas

by means of a comprehensive cooperative structure. Under this
regime the farmer is laborer as well as owner of the land and its
products, while the industrial worker is made a participant in
the ownership of the enterprise for which he works — ^the labor
in the cooperative enterprises is compensated in such a manner
that gradually the workers become the owners. Under the co-
operative structure neither the land nor industrial enterprises are
exposed to speculation; they are merely transferred from one gen-
eration of workers to another. This structure eliminates both the
money-lender and the brokers of the old order just as much as
it from the oppressors and parasites of the “new”
steers clear
communist Through the cooperatives of production, dis-
tribution, consumption and credit, directed and controlled by the
members themselves, the system eliminates all unnecessary eco-
nomic waste.
In this manner the cooperative structure of Agrarianism aims
to coordinate the maximum of freedom with the necessary de-
gree of equalization in the conditions of economic activity. The
Soviet order has destroyed freedom and in practice has aban-
doned the idea of equalization. “To every Leninist — of course, if

he is a true Leninist — it is clear that equalization as to needs and

modes of individual life is a reactionary and petty-bourgeois ab-
surdity.”®* Thus the original bolshevist slogan “from every one
according to his capacity — every one according
^to needs” to his

was restated into the following proposition: “from every one ac-

cording to his capacity— every one according

^to the quantity to

and quality of the labor invested and the results from it.”

^ Joseph Stalin, op. cit., p. 470.

Agrarianism conceives the cooperative structure as an organ of
political and economic democracy. The traditional political par-

ties as artificial political aggregates of heterogeneous elements

for the exploitation of authority are thus condemned to gradual
extinction. They are transitory in the manner in which the old
order which gave rise to them is transitory. Only the professional
organizations are honnigeneous and permanent because they rep-
resent and uphold similar social interests; they are going to exist
as long as the professions endure. Thus it is through unification
of the professional organizations and the economic syndicates into
a comprehensive social cooperative structure that Agrarianism
proposes to solve the social and economic problems of the con-
temporary complex, to realize the necessary degree of equilibrium
and to secure the progressive cultural welfare of a new free and
unstratified society. It is obvious these days that the domination
of a single class, be it a dictatorship of the proletariat, is incapa-
ble of ever realizing such an unstralified society. This is possible
only through the willing and active participation of all produc-
tive sectors of the masses by means of their free professional
and cooperative organizations, that is to say, by means of poli-
tical and economic democracy. In this manner pro-
poses to realize in fact Charles Gide’s ideal of the cooperative
republic. By so organized free cooperative republics mankind
will be moving gradually toward a world-wide cooperative feder-
ation. Agrarianism agrees that the capitalistic structure is “preg-
nant,” but it is with coopera, not with communist social-


The embryonic stage of the movement emerging in defense of

the Bulgarian peasant-farmer can be traced back to the closing
years of the 19th century. At that time a number of modest, “pro-

vincial” newspapers, such as “Agrarian Defense,” published by

the agronomist Yanko ZabounofT in Pleven, and “Agrarian Jus-
tice,” published by Dimiter Draghieif in Stara-Zagora, almost
simultaneously printed editorials designed to disclose the devas-
tation and plunder to which the seed peasant-farmers had long

Ijeen subjected on the part of ruthless bankers, contractors and

greedy middle-men. These valiant but rather segregated and dis-
organized efforts found enthusiastic support in individuals like
Tsanko Bakaloff, country teacher and poet, who subsequently
played a major part in the rising Agrarian Union.
The rapid establishment of ideological and political directives
was largely due to the development of certain events which fol-
lowed very closely. Agrarian ideology in Bulgaria was born
during the barren years 1B97-98; politically, however, the move-
ment received its baptism in the historic battles between peasants
and police organs of the reactionary government of Dr. V. Rados-
lavoff — T. Ivancheff (1899), which had refused the farmers
the right to hold public meetings in protest against the recently
imposed Such a heavy and unjust toll had, in the past,

been levied only by certain cruel and irresponsible officials of the

Sultans —during the .500 years of Turkish domination. Rising
in indignation, mass meeting.s in protest
the farmers planned
against it. The had been instructed to use fire-
police, however,
arms, and hundreds of peaceful farmers were killed and wounded.
The clashes were particularly sanguinary in Southern Dobroudja
and the districts of Varna and Tirnovo. The material devasta-
tion caused by two consecutive lean years, as well as the ineffec-
tiveness or unorganized action to produce a desired result, played
a decisive part in convincing the peasant masses of the necessity
of establishing an organization in defense of their political rights
and liberties and their economic interests. The struggle, conse-
quently, for the creation of an agrarian union in Bulgaria started
at the bottom —among the masses, by the people themselves.
Fearful of possible political consequences, the Government and
th^ existing conservative political parlies tried to divert the ris-
ing nmbis-nioveineiit into purely economic channels. The peasants,
however, soon found out that their resolutions and petitions failed
to impress distant cabinet members and deputies and were heed-
lessly tossed intt) waste-paper baskets. Their problems and re-

quirements remaijied unsolved and ignored. The establishment

of a political and economic Agrarian Union was the next logical

This new political element was not composed of heterogene-

ous ideological elements interested exclusively in the seizures
of power. Its i)riniary objective was the unification of the profes-
sional agrarian syndicates for the purpose of defending the poli-
tical and economic rights and interests of agrarian labor. In
view of the fact that at this time agriculture was the work of 9.5%
of the population in Bulgaria, the organization was properly
named Bulgarian Agraruui Peoples Union.
The Union gradually acquired its own sound economic, soc ial
and political doctrine. Ideologically it is based on the concep-
tion of political and economic democracy; its economic basis is

cooperative. Nature’s common biological laws compose its philo-

sophical doctrine. Thus, it acknowledges only the theory and prac-
tice of life — reality. Consequently, the purely material-
istic interpretation of history and historical events is rejected in
favor of interpretations based on the biological and material-
istic parallelism. Internally, the Union is organized along the
lines of an Agrarian Cooperative Syndicate.
The history of the agrarian movement in Bulgaria is insepar-
ably linked with the life and activities of its most illustrious son,
greatest exponent and ideologist, Alexander Stambolisky. This
former dism’ple of the agronomist Yanko Zabounoff and fellow-
worker of Draghieff, this outstanding leader of the agrarian
masses throughout South-Eastern Europe was the first to harness
the revolutionary flame of the peasant-farmers into a dynamic
struggle for liberty and democracy. Subsequently, he headed the
first Popular Agrarian Government and attempted to provide a
philosophical explanation for the development of agrarian ideol-

ogy, wliinh, l<> hitii was soniatbiii^ laii^ibltt and mil —admirably
applicable in life.

Stambolisky emerged early in public and by 1911 was a life

member of the Grand National Assembly. The arrogant German

prince, better known as King Ferdinand of Bulgaria, was then at
the height of his power. And yet, we find Stambolisky in the
Grand National Assembly raising a lonely voice in favor of a
Republic. His profound love for peace and his incessant strug-
gle against war found concrete expression in endless written and
verbal attacks, directed against tlie proud Monarch during the
fatal years 1913-15. His efforts, subsequently, led to mutinies
in the armed forces, which were ruthlessly suppressed by firing-

squads, and to his own imprisonment for the duration of World

War I.

Released from prison for the ostensible purpose of pacifying

the troops that had mutinied and left the battle-fields, and aided
by his associate Dr. Rayko Daskaloff, Stambolisky placed him-
self at the head of those troops, led them against the Monarchy
and in 1918, within 25 miles of Sofia, declared the First Bul-
garian Republic. Short-lived as it was, owing to the intervention of
(German army units, it nevertheless marked a corner-stone in the
fiolitical history of the country.
In spite of being constantly embroiled in political struggles,
Stambolisky managed to write several books, the most significant
of which is Political Parties or Professional Organizations. In
a simple and unpretentious manner, Stambolisky expounds in
it the essence of agrarian ideology. Although at the time (1909)
political scientists and philosophers generally were not very fa-
miliar with the importance of biology, he laid particular em-
phasis on the part played by human instinct, and he underlined its

i^olossal significance as basic generator of the social and econtimic

activity of the human being. “The instinct of self-preservation
takes precedence in human nature and motivates its entire ac-

A. Siaml>nltsky« Mitiral Parlirs ot Vmirsshmtil Otfoifiizalions. p. Sofia.

I nlitlon Til pHiiinn T^4S
In the same buuk StamI)olisky explains the advantages of pro-
fessional organizations as compared to political party organiza-
tions and thus prognosticates the future of the Syndicates. “By
the establishment of separate professional, political and economic
social organizations, the laboring masses will accomplish success-
fully what the political parties failed to do, i.e. they will stabilize
in effect the disputed social and political equality, as their nor-
mal existence is impossible without it; and also, by numerous
legislative and other actions, they will abolish the economic in-
equality, which has been so brutally established.”^'
Even in this early epoch Stambolisky appeared as a great so-
ciologist and agrarian ideologist, and his new, constructive and
progressive ideas, under one form or another, became later the
subject of scientific analysis by eminent professors and scientists
such as Adolph Damashke, l.eon Duguy, Dragolub Ivanovitch, M.
Roberts, H. Bergson, etc.
The dynamics and power of agrarian ideology and of its first

exponent, A. Stambolisky, become evident to any unprejudiced

person who is desirous of appreciating in full the accomplish-
ments and acts of the government which, to a large extent, ap-
pliedthem in practice.
The Agrarian Union was called upon to take over the govern-
ment and save the country and the people from the after-effects
of three consecutive, catastrophic wars. Unprepared as it was
to shoulder the gigantic responsibilities, especially in such cri-
ticaland fateful times, and conscious of their historic significance,
the Union, with Stambolisky at the head, came to the rescue.
From new Government was subjected to
the very beginning, the
relentless attacksfrom both right and left-wing parties, which
not only enjoyed full freedom of expression, but also took advan-
tage of it in a cruel and spiteful manner. Stambolisky, how-
ever, instead of resorting to the traditional bloodshed and op-
pression, retaliated by exposing his legislature to the whole world
and placed it in the hands of the people. Each and every new

Ibid., p. 14.

law, before reaching Parliament, was presented to the people,

studied, discussed and amended by them at their local agrarian
organizations and village meetings. In this manner, what mi^t
have been a bloody be a purely
political revolution turned out to
economic transformation. Liberty took the place of oppression;
deeds, the place of vain promises.
Fundamentally opposed to trade and speculation w'ith land and
labor, the Agrarian Government of Bulgaria introduced, by means
of new laws, land ownership based on labor qualification. Land
was taken away from large landowners who were not interested
in cultivating it but had it for purposes of trading and specula-
tion,and it was distributed among those who were prepared to
work on it alone or with their families. Maximum ownership
of land was limited to 30 hectares per farm. In this manner, the
land question was solved permanently, positively, and in a just
way, because this solution was attained by the people themselves
and expressed their desires and wishes. That is why, after the

“coup d’etat” of June 9, 1923, by means of which the Agrarian

Government was forcefully replaced with a royal and reactionary
dictatorship, the former landowners attempted to reclaim the
lands taken away from them, but the peasants reacted sharply
and kept the land which had lieen acquired by virtue of law and
the right of labor. The statistics of 1934 show 99% of the estab-
lishments possess 30 hectares or less, comprising 94% of the
arable land, and only 1% of the farms are over 30 hectares, com-
prising 6% At that, the greatest part of the
of the arable land.
properties over 30 owned
hectares by Municipalities, Schools,

Cooperatives, etc. Bulgaria, consequently, became the state with

the most even distribution of land throughout the whole of East-
ern Europe.
The Agrarian Government introduced social laws for the protec-
tion of labor and provided the industrial city workers with such

guarantees of work and conditions of existence for which today,

under the Communist dictatorship “of the proletariat,” the Bul-
garian workers can only dream.
During the Agrarian regime labor became the yard-stick with
which the value of economic goods was estimated. The work of
the industrial and handicraft laborer was better paid than that

of the farm laborer. Workers’ syndicates prospered freely. Hav-

ing created such favorable conditions for the craftsmen, the Ag-
rarian regime helped and encouraged them to form cooperatives
and to establish their own political and economic professional

Being fundamentally opposed to war and ardently in favor of

peaceful economic construction, the Agrarian Government intro-
duced in Bulgaria (for the first time in the history of the modem
state), the institution known as Labor Service. A large part
of the existing regular army was transformed into a creative labor

army. The cannons and machine-guns were made into plows

and scythes, into sickles and shovels and were applied to build-

ing schools, hospitals, reading-rooms, roads and bridges. In-

stead of the old military insignia, the hats of the new labor heroes
carried the sign “Labor for Bulgaria.” Labor, freely and volun-
tarily given by every Bulgarian, became not only a right and an
obligation, but also an honor and a pride. Great, cultured and
ancient states sent special missions to small, youthful hut labori-
ous Bulgaria to study the brilliant organization of this unique
reformation. An exhaustive and detailed description of this epoch-
making reform and the results achieved by it is given by a for-
mer Russian minister, the socialist revolutionary Vladimir Iv.
Lebedev, in his two books The New Roadway and In the Land of
Roses and Blood,
Opposed to the speculative exploitation of property, the Ag-
rarian regime confiscated buildings which were used for specu-
lation and placed in them the families of workers of government
institutions. Simultaneously, however, substantial credits were
allowed for the construction of new homes. In one building sea-
son alone, entire new blocks sprang up in Sofia and thousands

of families found refuse and new homes. The housing prob-

lem found a satisfactory solution.
In the same attempt to stamp out speculation, the Government
passed a special law dealing with wartime profiteers. Illicitly

acquired profits and properties were confiscated and a number of

people were sent to prison for unlawful practices.
The Agrarian Union, as s 3mibolized by A. Stambolisky’s re-

gime, introduced for the first time in Bulgarian history Progres-

sive Income Taxation. In this manner, the economically weak
strata of society was relieved from excessive taxation and the
burden fell on the well-to-do classes.
A new Education Law was created, changing from 4 to 7 years
the gratuitous primary schooling. Mass education of the popula-
tion was stimulated by the establishment of free Sunday and
Night schools and courses. Within a period of three years illiter-

acy among the people was reduced to 3% (not including chil-

dren) and Bulgaria became one of the most literate countries in
South-Eastern Europe with a population whose political and so-
cial consciousness was enviable.
In an attempt to extirpate completely the speculative exchange
of economic goods, a new law was voted favoring the cooperative
movement. By placing the production, exchange and distribu-
tion of goods under the supervision of the people, a gradual social
reconversion was anticipated based upon the political, economic
and cooperative syndicate conception.
The rights and liberties accorded to the people were indicated
and specified by modern and extremely liberal Timovo Con-
stitution. Everyone in Bulgaria was allowed to work freely and
without interference, to speak or to write, to criticize the Gofvem-
ment, to pray to his own God, to own his private or cooperative
property and to feel certain of his life and subsistence. The feel-
ing of security and stability prevailed.
The King reigned but did not govern the State, as was provided
by the Constitution. For some time Stambolisky had been work-
ing on his pet project of converting the state to a Republic in a
constitutional and democratic manner. Unfortunately, after

World War I the Allies had objected to the abolition of the dy-
nasty in Bulgaria.
For the first time in Bulgarian history, the people were their
own masters and held their destiny in their own hands.
All this, however, should not create the impression that there
were no mistakes or deficiencies in the administration of the state
by the Agrarian Government. On the contrary, there were many.
Particularly in the application of the newly created laws, diver-
gencies often assumed the form of provocation or sabotage on the
part of certain Government employees who were in sympathy
with the opposition. The Agrarian Union, as stated before, had
been called upon to assume the responsibilities of governing the
country while it was still insufficiently prepared for the job, espe-
cially at a particularly unfortunate time, after a national and
military catastrophe, and it had been compelled to make use of
the existing and largely corrupt corps of civil servants. That is

one reason why the divergencies mentioned above were mainly di-

rected against the Government itself and the new laws labelled
by the opposition as “Bolshevik.” The Communist Coryphees in
their turn, frightened by the fast evaporation of their influence
among the masses, declared the Government of the Peasants as
“counter-revolutionary” and launched a mad attack against the
Agrarian Union and Stambolisky himself. Partisan passions
boiled high. Government was merciless from
Criticism of the
right and left-wing parties alike, and to say the least, it was often
However, to every unprejudiced and conscientious person it was

evident that Bulgaria had started —

on a new road ^a-road leading
toward cultural, political and economic prosperity, internal peace
and order. “The Agrarians fomented among the people the worthy
sentiments of idolizing labor, peace and education.”**
Being an ardent and sincere champion of peace and good-will
among all nations, the Agrarian Government abandoned the old
*2 V. I I ebedev, In the Land of Roses and Blood, p. 97, Paris, 1935,

militant and adv^turous foreign policy of King Ferdinand and

turned decisively toward an understanding, not only with the South-
ern Slavs and other Balkan countries, but also with all states,

great or small. Stambolisky was the first to activate officially the

idea of a Balkan Federation. He preached of the United States
of Europe long before Aristides Briand. He persistently told the
world that a motal disarmament should precede any military dis-
Stambolisky, however, was the product of a “small” nation,
and his voice did not carry very far. He was not appreciated in
time even by the immediate neighbors of Bulgaria, in whose in-
terest it was to understand and support him. This did not dis-
courage the Peasant Leader, for was in
it his nature to fight and
even die in defense of his ideas and their realization, because he
was convinced that they were beneficial not only to his own people
but to all humanity.
None-the-less, the new foreign policy of Bulgaria had attained
certain results. After a tour by Stambolisky in Europe, which
lasted 100 da^s, the atmosphere around Bulgaria became partially
cleared. The question of reparations was solved in a relatively
satisfactory manner. Relations with the neighboring states be-
gan toimprove and Bulgaria was admitted to the League of Na-
tions. The policy of peace and collaboration with the entire cul-
tural world was beginning to pay dividends; a small but healthy
and laborious nation was really coming to life after five long cen-
turies of Turkish domination, boldly freeing itself from spiritual
and political oppression in an effort to attain peace and liberty.
However, a group of Bulgarian reactionaries, incited by the
Dynasty and inspired by the new fascist doctrine of Mussolini,

succeeded in over-throwing the Agrarian regime by means of a

military “coup d’etat” in June of 1923. Stambolisky was bru-
tally murdered. The resistance which the peasants offered in de-
fense of their democratic government was overcome. Thousands
of people died in the impact with the on-coming fascist dictator-
ship; other tens of thousands were put in prison. But the work and
ideology of Alexander Stambolisky remained alive and imcon-
For more than two decades this same ideology inspired the over-
whelming majority of the Bulgarian people in their resistance to
the mad attacks of Fascism and Hitlerism and made possible the
act of September 9, 1944, when the Bulgarian peasants and
workers, intelligentsia and army once more took over the Gov-
Faithful to its democratic ideology and principles, the Agrar-
ian Union was ready to participate in the formation of a coali-
tion government comprising all democratic elements and fully
representative of the people. Normally, representation in such
a government should have been based on the numerical follow-
ing of each group, in which case the Agrarian Union, being by
far the largest single party in the country, should have been given
the majority of cabinet posts. However, in the presence of a small
hut Soviet-sponsored Communist party, this principle was deliber-
ately disregarded and the key positions of the government were
seized by the Communists. »
Conscious of its own numerical superiority and overwhelming
popularity, the Agrarian Union conceded to this arrangement and
made a deliberate effort to cooperate with the Communist party.
Anxious to reestablish normal conditions of Union in-
life, the

troduced an amendment to the Land Law adjusting definitely the

question of land ownership and legalizing the cooperative farms,
which embraced the smallest landowners.
The Communist party, however, had other plans. Installed in
all key positions and backed by the Soviet army of occupation,
they embarked on a reign of terror and oppression with the ob-
ject of eliminating all democratic elements from public life, and
the ultimate establishment of a one-party. Communist dictator-
ship. Cognizant of the support and popularity of the Agrarian
Union among the masses, one of their first drives was directed
against the unity of the Agrarian Union. The drive failed to pro-
duce the desired split, but it disclosed the ulterior motives of the

instigators, and the Agrarian Union had to leave the Government

and went into opposition.
Numerous attempts on the part of Communist functionaries to

create the Soviet-type “collectivefarm” (kolhozi) in Bulgaria

met with stubborn opposition from the peasants. Ignoring the

existing law for private and cooperative land ownership, which,
incidentally, had been signed by the Communist members of the
Cabinet, they often resorted to violence in their attempt to im-
pose the collective farm. By so doing, they disclosed complete ig-
norance of the elementary characteristics of the Bulgarian peasant-

farmer ^his inherent and profound attachment to the land he
rails his own. Peaceful farmers were killed, but they fought back
with such tenacity and ferocity that the Government was compelled
to abandon this attempt temporarily. However, it is generally
assumed that in the near future the drive for expropriation will
be resumed with new vigor, especially with the ex-Secretary of
the Comintern, Georgi Dimitroff, at the head of the new Cabinet.


The Agrarian movement of Yugoslavia emerged at different

periods in the various constituent parts of the country.

In CROATIA the ground-work for the establishment of an Agrar-
ian Organization —
was started in 1899 ^the year in which the Bul-
garian organization was founded. There, the development of the
Agrarian Union was directly connected with the names of the two
brothers. Ante and Stephen Radio

^worthy successors of the great
peasant leader Matija Gubec, who had led the Croatian land-
workers in an insurrection in the 16th century. After a news-
paper campaign in defense of agrarian rights carried out by the
paper Dom and the monthly publication Croatian Thought,
the brothers Radio took up the initiative of founding an agrarian
organization in 1905, while the country was still under Austro-
Hungarian domination. Of the two. Ante was more of a fighter
and ideologist. He died early. Stephen was the apostle-organizer.
Being the first to turn his attention to the farmer and attempt or-
ganized action, he won the love and fanatic devotion of the Croa-
tian peasants. To him the peasant was the basic and most stable
element in the creation of a healthy, social, economic and cul-
tural unity. Liberty, independence and cultural advancement were
impossible in any country without raising and organizing the
broad peasant masses. Everything else, in his opinion, was only
accessory.Radic hated the cities in the beginning, because there
was centralized oppressive power, corruption and speculation. He
ended up by becoming the undisputed master of both village and
city in Croatia. His peasant fanaticism is evident to thisday in
the literary works of his successors. Dr. Yuraj Kmevic, secretary
of the Croatian Peasant Party, well-known for his western ten-
dencies, wrote in the preface of his recent publication: “Con-
stitution of the Independent Croatian Peasant Republic”: “The
Statute is based upon justice to every individual, in the manner
in which the peasant himself is just.”®*

This Constitution, according to Dr. Krnevic, was written in

1921 mostly by Stephen Radic and incorporated the fundamen-
tal ideology of the Agrarian Movement of Croatia. Liberty and
Rights to every individual on Croatian territory; abolishment
of large land ownership in favor of private family and coopera-
tive ownership. Even the State is not supposed to own more
farming land than is allowed the average agrarian labor family.
Labor to become an obligation and a right. The fruits of labor

are to belong to the laborers. The administrative organization of

the “police” state is to be replaced by an economic and cultural
organization. “Instead of a political ‘police’ government, an
economic, cultural and wholesome one is to be introduced.”** Self-
governing, economic village administrations, economic peasant
“jupas” and autonomous town administrations are to be estab-
lished, and thus an Independent Croatian Peasant Republic.

®* “Constitution of the Independent Crostion

Peasant Republic,” p. 7, Hamilton,
Canada, 1946.
p. 21.

Characteristic of the Croatian Agrarian movement was the es-

tablishment of a special economic organization, called “Gk>spo-
darska Sloga,” purporting the promotion of assistance among the
peasants and capable of fighting their enemies and oppressors by
means of peasant strikes and blockades. It resembled closely the
professional syndicates, but wielded much greater political power
than the ordinary cooperative, economic organizations. These
latterhad acquired a very impressive status in Croatia and had
united in a special Union which was directed almost exclusively
by the Croatian peasant political organization.
Radio’s motto was: “Faith in God and the Peasant’s furrow.”
This, however, did not prevent him from being anti-clerical and
from criticizing bitterly the misuse of the peoples’ faith.
Being outspoken enemies of dictatorship. Radio and the Croa-
tian Agrarian movement have for a long time been subjected to its
bloody onslought. Reactionaries killed Radio in the hope that
they would kill the peasant movement. The death-blow reached
not only this great Yugoslavian, but also Southern Slav Unity.
The murderers themselves were terrified by the magnitude of their
crime, but it was too late. . . .

The successor of Radio, Dr. Vladko Macek, carried on the fight

against oppression and in collaboration with other agrarian groups
and democratic elements was largely responsible for the elimina-
tion of dictatorial regimes in Yugoslavia and the establishment
of a democratic government. However, “understanding” and
“unity” among the Serbs and Croats came as an imposition from
the top ranks and not through the medium of the people’s will.
Consequently, it proved to be unsound. In this internal contro-
versy the nationalistic element unfortunately out-weighed the so-
cial element and the problems remained imsolved.
The Croatian Agrarian Organization participated in short-term
coalition cabinets and was unable to introduce and realize a total
agrarian program.
Dr. Macek, miraculously saved from Hitler’s hangmen and
the Communist executioners, as well as all his collaborators, have
undoubtedly profited by the mistakes of the past, and the experi-
ence gained will in the future direct the Croatian peasants to-

ward brotherly cooperation with the Serbian, Slovenian, Bulgarian

and other Balkan peasants in a noble effort purporting the es-
tablishment of Balkan and European democratic solidarity.
In the Agrarian Organization came into existence after
World War I, largely as the by-product of the cooperative move-
ment. The prominent Serbian cooperative leader, Michael Abram-
ovich, was one of the founders. His ideas for a Serbian Union of
Agriculturalists were based on the conception of professional syn-
dicalism. Following the pattern set by the Bulgarian Agrariaji
Organization and under the guidance of prominent political per-
sonalities, he embarked upon lively political activity, retaining the
cooperative unit as his economic base. He was, therefore, particu-
larly anxious to assume the greatest possible share in the man-
agement of the Union of Serbian Agrarian Cooperatives.
At the death of the old statesman Yotza Yovanovic-Pijon,
leadership of the Serbian Union of Agrarians went to Dr. Milan
Gavrilovic —one of the most intelligent and honest Serbian jour-
nalistsand statesmen. In old Serbia, however, the Union en-
countered obstacles and grave difficulties in combating the estab-
lished authority of statesmen like Pasic and Davidovic, whose
political parties had also started among the peasants. At about
this time, an enterprising and energetic agrarian promoter. Dr.
Milosh Toupanyanin, had succeeded in transforming Bosnia into
a peasant stronghold, where, even during the Austro-Hungarian
domination, the intelligent defender of the peasants, the poet
Peter Kocic, had worked with the same objective. Beyond the
river Sava,among the so-called Serbs of Preko, Milan Pribicevic
was responsible for the spreading of a doctrine closer to Agrarian
Socialism than anything else. Much later, in 1940, Prof. Drago-
liib Yovanovic established his own Agrarian Socialist group.
In character the Serbian Agrarian Movement was closely re-
and Stambolisky inspired them both.
lated to that of Bulgaria
Comparatively young, the Agrarian Union of Serbia only re-

t-enlly participated in short-lived cabinets and was unable to intro-

duce effectively systematic reconstruction of the State. In common
with other Agrarian and democratic organizations it took an ac-
tive part in the struggle which eliminated dictatorial regimes in
Yugoslavia and reinstated a democratic government desirous of
reaching an understanding with the Croatians and the Bulgarians.
The Serbian peasants carried on a titanic struggle against the
German troops of occupation and with their own flesh and blood
inscribed one of the most glorious pages of history. Not any less
glorious is the present struggle which these same peasants are
waging against the reactionary Communist dictatorship. Relying
upon his leftist ideology and an endless source of energy, the
ambitious and highly cultured Dragolub Yovanovic made a brave
effort to cooperate with Tito’s Communist regime and went as far
as becoming a member of his “Parliament.” However, he was soon
thrown out of the so-called “Parliament,” out of the University,
and was even “expelled” from his own party group, because he
had permitted himself to state in jest that the Communist Party
should be separated from the State. . . .

Dr. Milan Gavrilovic was sentenced by Tito’s Communist courts

and sent into exile for “the terrible” crime of being friendly with
his colleague in the former cabinet and Serbian patriot Draja
In SLOVENIA the Agrarian movement began as an off-spring
of the Cooperative movement— ^which, incidentally, is the oldest

movement in Yugoslavia. It took part in coalition governments

but its leaders failed to register any particular political activity.

It sustained a great shock with the death of its young, intelligent

but rather idealistic leader, Yan J. Novak. But the sober and in-

dustrious Slovenian peasants continue to defend with ferocity

their own conceptions of liberty, rights and private ownership.
The Yugoslav Agrarian movement in general has had little op-
portunity to realize its social and economic program, or to even
establish its own unity. In spite of that, under pressure by this
movement, the distribution of land on the merits of labor took


place shortly after the same measure was put into effect in BuL
garia. According to the statistics of 1931, 67.8% of the farms
are under 5 hectares. On the other hand, the development of the
cooperative movement continues to grow throughout the whole
country. Characteristic of Yugoslavia are the sanitary coopera-
tives. Although limited in numbers, they are doing useful work
for the health and welfare of the peasants.


Formally released from bondage during 1864, the Roumanian

peasants, more-or-less, continue to live in a state of feudal
slavery until the beginning of the 20th century. In 1907, the rev-
olution of the poor, landless proletariat, staged against the “boy-
ars” — large landowners —was brutally suppressed and drowned
in blood. But the struggle for land and liberty had started and
was constantly gaining momentum. The ruling classes were com-
pelled to promise land reforms, which they had no intention of
fulfilling, but which served to divert the desires of the Rumanian
peasants for active participation in the political life of the coun-
try. Generally speaking, the attitude of the ruling classes was
reflected in the policies of the two political parties, the Liberals
of Bratianu, and the Conservatives of Take lonescu, which rep-
resented the capitalist interests of industrial protectionism and
land feudalism. Typical of contemporary Rumanian reality was
the attitude of the capitalist ruling class, which, for the lack of
words of the Rumanian sociologist M. Zeltin, ap-
colonies, in the
plied colonial measures “to their own natives the peasants.” —
Rights and privileges were being administered like medicine
a teaspoonful at a time. Out of a total 183 members of Parlia-
ment, the peasants were allowed to elect only 40 —by indirect
vote, through special representatives.
Until the end of World War I, the Rumanian peasants were
barred from education and culture and more than 60% of them
were illiterate. Only in 1917, during the most critical period

of the war, the King issued a special declaration promising them

land and equal electoral rights. Simultaneously, the leaders o£
the two political parties had. “generously” consented to “expropri-
ate” for the benefit of the peasants 2 million hectares of land from
the large owners. As usual, these promises were largely theore-
tical, and not worth the paper they were written on. However, all
these machinations were no longer successful in lulling the Ru-
manian peasants into subordination. Right after the war, under
'the leadership of Jon Mihalache, Konstantin Stere, Jimian, Mad-
gearu and others, the peasants of Rumania proper, considerably
influenced by the agrarian movement of Bulgaria and the events
in Russia, founded their own political organization on the basis
of a very progressive, social and economic program. After the in-

corporation of Bessarabia, Bukovina and Transylvania in Ru-

mania (1918-19), the organization of the Moldavian peasants,
well seasoned by the Russian revolution, joined that of the Ru-
manians. In 1926, the Transylvanian organization, under Dr.
Juliu Maniu, was also incorporated. In character this last was
rather nationalistic, owing to the struggle against Hungarian dom-
ination, but the vigorous Transylvanian peasants readily accep-
ted the policy of the Rumanian Agrarian Organization. In this
manner, the United National Agrarian Organization soon became
the most powerful democratic political force of the country and
was able to demand the right of participation in the government.
The laws for expropriation and distribution of large land own-
erships, originally introduced in 1921 and subsequently amended
by various cabinets, actually gave the peasants about 6 million
hectares of land. This, by itself, did not improve their economic
position. Rather, agricultural production reached a very low
level, because the peasants found no assistance in their attempts

to procure more up-to-date implements and machinery. Soon the

small farmer was heavily in debt and a severe political and eco-
nomic crisis gripped Rumania in 1927. 50,000 Rumanian farm-
ers held a public demonstration at the historic Congress of Alba
Julia and were ready for a “march on Bucharest.”
1928 brought Maniu and Mihaiache to the head of an Agra-
rian Government in Rumania. The elections had given them over
75% of the votes. Owing to a constitutional dispute with King
Carol, this Agrarian Government lasted only until 1931. But a
brave attempt to improve the position of the people and the coun-
try was made. It was responsible for the establishment of demo-
cratic order inRumania. Education of the people became wide-
spread and popularized. The establishment of cooperatives was
encouraged and modern agricultural tools were introduced. In-
vestment of considerable British, French and American capital
was procured, and the general welfare and standard of living were
raised. The agricultural reform was widened but not completely
accomplished. In 1930, according to official statistics, 74.9% of
the farms had under 5 hectares of land, comprising only 35.8% of
the total arable land; 24.3% had between 5 and 50 hectares, or
45.4% of the arable land; and 0.8% of the farms had over 50
hectares, or 18.8% of the arable land.
In 1932, Maniu and Mihaiache were again in power for a brief
period and were again ousted for refusing to accept the uncon-
stitutional acts of the King. This marked the beginning of a long
and bitter struggle between Agrarian democratic conceptions and
extreme rightist dictatorship. It was terminated Ijy the victorious
democratic blow of 1944, which the Agrarian organization insti-

gated and carried out against Hitler’s troops of occupation and

their subservient Rumanian puppets. During World War II,

Maniu and Mihaiache had maintained secret contact with the Al-
lies with the object of overthrowing the pro-German regime.
After the Germans had been disposed of, the Rumanian peas-
ants, headed by Maniu and Mihaiache, formed the back-bone of
the coalition Government in which the Communists participated,
in spite of the fact that they represented a very small min ority.
Relying on the support of the Soviet troops of occupation, in a
manner quite identical with the developments in all other So-
viet-dominated lands, the Communists lost no time in setting up
puppets, such as Peter Groza, in an attempt to suppress and an-

nihilate the Agrarian organization of Maniu and Mihalache and

to impose l)y brute force its own reactionary red dictatorship.


Under the revolutionary leadership of Dosza (XVI Century),

(XIX Century), as well as
Kossuth and Petofi that of Tildy and
Nagy (XX Century), the Hungarian peasants struggled for one

and the same thing Land, Liberty and Rights. It was a bitter
and sanguine fight between the landless agricultural workers and
smell-holders on one side, and the large land-owners, the favorites
of the Hapsburg dynasty, some of whom possessed as much as
500,000 acres, on the other. In consequence, the agrarian move-
ment in Hungary started out as one of the most extreme leftist

social moevments, assuming the form of Agrarian Socialism. It

acquired the shape of an organization after the peasant strikes

of 1897, 1905 and 1906. However, its actual beginning can be
traced much further back. In 1896, Sanodia Csizma, a young
agricultural worker and early promoter of Agrarian Socialism in
Hungary, was tried for publishing an article presumably instigat-

ing the peasants against the ruling class. “Hunger and misery
made me an Agrarian Socialist,” he told the court. And this is
what Socialism meant to him:

When I speak of the Fatherland ... I do not mean a piece of

land, because in that case I should have no Fatherland. No
matter where I went, if I set foot on any piece of earth saying
“this is mine,” I should be chased away with the words “get off
there, that is not yours.” Therefore, when I speak of the Father-
land I mean the existing system and I think I may hate this
system — ^may I not?®'^

In 1897, the agricultural laborers went on strike for greater

pay. In 1898, the “Parliament” pronounced agrarian strikes out-
side the law and voted a reduction of the daily wages. In 1905,

S'>C. I’ulouczi-llorwat, In Darkest Hungaiy, London, 1944, p. 87.

over IDO,000 estate servants stopped work. More than 1000 of
diem were arrested and 60 were killed. 10,000 foreign workers
were called in. In spite of that, a raise in the wages was achieved.
In 1906, over 100,000 land workers were again on strike. This
time.5000 of them were arrested. Foreign laborers and soldiers
were called upon to gather in the crops. At about this time,
however, ‘‘The Agricultural Labor Association” came into exis-
tence and took up the fight against the association of the power-
ful landowners, known as “The Estate Owners Association”
The land-workers were mobilized and forced to work without
pay. It was even suggested by the large landowners that 100,000
Giinese colonists be imported, but the cost of transportation was
found to be too great.

This is the pre-1914 “liberal” period in the country . . , Bankers,

manufacturers, big landowners were permitted to unite and to
form organizations, even the industrial workers could build up
thbir Unions, but all attempts by the land-workers to do the
same thing were met by prison and the gendarme’s bayonet.®*

The leader movement, Varkonyi, was put in

of the Agrarian

prison. Andras Achim, a learned and intelligent peasant and

member of Parliament (^1906), was tried for an article in defense
of the peasants. In court he stated;

The future order for which I am fighting and for which I stand
accused of stirring up the people will be one in which only the
work done by the individual, the importance of that work and
its real value will assign to the citizen his importance in the

In the program which he published the same year in his paper,

he called for universal and secret suffrage, expropriation of es-
p. 90.
«W6id.. p. 1.


tales over10,000 acres and their breaking up into small farms,

freedom of speech and the press, progressive income taxation and
reformation in the administration. However, in 1911 he was
killed. The mass of peasants assembled at his funeral resembled
a stormy ocean. During this restless period, 1890-1914, over
1.5 million Hungarians were literally compelled to emigrate,
mainly to North and South America.
The attempts for agrarian reforms of Karolyi’s Government
after World War I, as well as the “socialization” policy of Bela
Kun remained scraps of paper. The fatal experiment of the
Agrarian leader Stephen Szabo Nagyatadi, aiming to introduce
agrarian reforms while he was minister of agriculture in the cab-
inet of the perfidious Count Bethlen, ended in a catastrophe for
himself and a death-blow to his agrarian organization. The peas-
ants were cruelly cheated and until 1930 only 2242 persons pos-
sessed more land than 4 million small-owners together.

The inspired peasant-poet Peter Veres preached “freedom of

cooperation” and “the way of the free spirit” but the bayonets of
the State Police were pointed against him and against the whole
agrarian movement. Unperturbed, the Hungarian nobles con-
tinued to dispose of the lives and fates of their peasant slaves as
they pleased. Tn 1926, Count Pallavicini levelled the whole vil-

lage of Doc In order to compel the peasants to leave his estate

consisting of some 60,000 acres. Barbarous acts of this sort con-

tinued even as late as 1937.

And yet, in spite of the fact that the struggle was unequal, in

the period between 1921 and 1938, over 271,000 hectares of

land were distributed among the peasants. However, the statis-
tics of 1935showed that 0.7% of the estates possessed 48.3%

of the land surface in Hungary, while the remaining 99.3% of

the owners had the balance of 51.7%. Even in 1942 Count So-
sich stated in Parliament that the theory according to which every
Hungarian had the right to possess land was false.
By 1945, the Hungarian peasants, with Tildy and Nagy at
the head, had seized power and preceded to
allot the lands of the
Counts and the Hapsburgs to landless farmers. The fact that even
under Soviet occupation 55% of the votes in the first election

went to the peasant organization of Smallholders, points clearly

the type of agrarian socialism practiced in Hungary and its de-
termination to withstand any form of dictatorship.


The Agrarian movement in Czechoslovakia was founded while

the country was still under foreign domination.
In SLOVAKIA —under the leadership of Dr. Milan Hodza,
Stepanek, etc. was aimed at
the struggle of the peasant masses
(a) the abolition of the Austro-Hungarian domination, and (b)
the restoration and distribution of the lands forcefully seized hy
the foreign favorites and supporters of the Hapsburg dynasty.
In BOHEMIA MORAVIA the same type of struggle was
carried on by the peasants under the leadership of Antonin Svehla,
aimed against the despotism of the Kaiser and the “tools,” whom
he had rewarded with bountiful donations of Czeck lands.
To appreciate properly the accomplishments and merits of the
Czechoslovak Agrarian Organization, one should take into con-
sideration the situation of the peasant populations of these coun-
tries before they had attained their independence.
In Bohemia 81% of the smallholders owned only one-eighth
of the entire land surface. Seven-eights of the population, ac-
cording to the statistics of 1896, had no land ownership what-so-
ever. At that, 1548 persons possessed two-fifths of the land, and
150 families held one-third of the land.
In Moravia, six-sevenths of the total number of proprietors
possessed only one-sixth of the land surface with farms up to 5
hectares. One-third of the entire land belonged to 0.1% of the
In Silesia, out of 505,980 hectares of land 203,066 hectares
belonged to a handfull of proprietors.
In Slovakia, 1000 individuals possessed 2,100,000 hectares out
of a total of 5,512,000 hectares.

In Sub-Carpethian Ruthenia, only 750 individuals possessed

one-third of the entire land.”^
To make matters worse “in Czechoslovakia the landowning
class was almost entirely German or Hungarian.”^ To name some
of the better-known ones, the estates of the Lichtensteins, the
Waldesteins, the Dietrichsteins, the Morales and Huerta, had
been created and maintained in the name of foreign oppression.
At the same time, 2,300,000 persons, or 23% of the population
of these parts, were compelled to emigrate to North and South
America, Canada, Asiatic Russia, Vienna, Germany, etc.
All these “favored” foreign and local proprietors were na-
turally supporters of the Hapsburg dynasty and of German in-
fluence in Czechoslovakia, and fou^t on Germany’s side in World
War I, while the Czech peasants and their leaders fought and
died for the liberty of Czechoslovakia on the side of the Allied
armies of liberation.
After the liberation and establishment of the Czechoslovak Re-
public, the Agrarian Organization participated in almost all of the'
Governments there. Under the wise leadership of Svehla, Step-
anek and Dr. Milan Hodza, the Czech and Slovakian Agrar-
ian Organizations were united and were able to carry out the
greater part of their program, in spite of the fact that there
no homogeneous agrarian government. From 1932 until his death
Svehla was Prime-Minister of Ae country with few brief excep-
tions. During the stormy years preceding World War II, the
Slovak leader Dr. Milan Hodza was at the head of the Govern-
ment in Czechoslovakia.
Under pressure from the Agrarian Organization, the agrarian
reforms, which distributed gradually the huge estates of the Aus-
trian and Hungarian aristocracy among peasant-farmers, were
first introduced in 1919. By 1931, 98% of the farms in Czecho-

slovakia had up to 30 hectares of land and only 2% had more than

30 hectares.

“pgiitica,” The Agraiian Reform in Czechoslovakia, Prague, 1923.

’** Hugh Setnn-Watonn, Eastern Europe. Cambridge, IT edition, 1946, p. 78.
Financial support of the farms was procured mainly through
the Agrarian Cooperatives, which, under the management of F.
Klindera, had united in a powerful cooperative union and had
become the economic base of modern Czechoslovak agriculture
and industry. Along with the development of agriculture, Czecho-
slovak industry had assumed enviable dimensions and in many
respects was in a position to compete favorably with the German
industrial output. Modern social legislature accounted for visible
improvement of labor conditions and provided the workers with
a tolerable existence.
The Czechoslovak peasants, in collaboration with the other
democratic organizations of the country, had succeeded in a short
time to create an exemplary, free and democratic young Republic
which enjoyed undeniable cultural progress.
People who have had the privilege of visiting Czechoslovakia
prior to the German invasion are fully conscious of the extent to
which the Czech peasants and workers, and for that matter, the
. entire population, were ready to die in defense of their freedom,
their land and all their economic and cultural acquisitions. The
Munich Agreement, however, dealt the Czechoslovak people a
staggering blow and disillusioned them completely.
In spite of that, the village of Lidice will remain as an ever-
lasting memorial to the struggle for resistance of the Czecho-
slovak peasants.
At present, with a Government completely under the control
of the Communists, the Czechoslovak peasants are forbidden to
have their own agrarian organization. In Slovakia they were com-
pelled to enter the new Slovak party and under the leadership
of their youthful chief Yanko Ursiny, they managed to poll 65%
of the votes in the recent election.


In the eighteenth century, Poland was partitioned between Rus-

sia, Germany and Austria. The revolution of 1848 was a decisive

moment in the emancipation of the Polish peasants under Prus-

sian and Austrian rule. In the Russian occupied part of Poland,
serfdom was abolished in 1864.^°
Confirmation of the right of the peasants to own the land they
cultivate is to he found already in the revolutionary Manifesto of -

Tadeush Kosciuszko, issued in May of 1794. These rights were

reiterated again in the Manifesto of the Polish National Council

(1861) which paved the way of the insurrection of 1863. The

Russian Tzar suppressed this insurrection brutally, but found he
was obliged to accede the rights and privileges of the peasants
as demanded by the Polish national Council. In this manner the
feudalism of the middle ages came to an end in Poland.
The Political movement of the Polish peasantry started in the
last years of the Nineteenth and the beginning of the Twentieth

century. In 1931, the left wing “Wyzwolenie” (Liberation), un-

der the leadership of K. Baginski and Stanislas Thugutt, merged
with the moderate “Piast,” headed by W. Witos, into one unified
peasant party, the PSL (Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe ^Polish Peas- —
ant Party). Thus, competition and struggle between the left wing
and moderate peasants has been replaced by cooperation in a com-
mon struggle for democracy and social justice.
When Poland became an independent Republic toward the end
of 1918 and the beginning of 1919, two-thirds of the land was
in the hands of small farmers, with an average of 6 hectares per
farm.^^ Only one-third of the land still remained in possession
of large landowners and social institutions. However, under pres-
sure of the Agrarian movement, in the same year the Constitu-
ent Assembly passed a resolution with which large land posses-
sions were to be broken up and distributed among small farmers.
Under the direction of its leader Wincenty Vitos, in 1920 the
Polish Peasant Party headed the Polish Government and de-
fended the country with all its might against the onslaught of
Russian bolshevism. Participating in various coalition govem-

New York, 1945,

Feliks Gross, The Polish Worker, p. 21.

Tadeusz Mincer, The Agrarian Problem in Poland, Loniloii, p. 19.

ments, the Polish agrarians remained in power imtil the first part
of 1926, when Witos was again Prime-Minister. In 1925 his Gov-
ernment passed a new, radical land reform reducing the maximum
ownership of land to 300 hectares, making obligatory the allot-

ment of a total of 200,000 hectares to landless farmers aimually,

conferring the right of cooperatives to own land, providing cheap
and easily accessible credit to the peasants from the Agricultural
Bank, etc. The creation of an industry was started on the basis of
new social legislation. Poland was confronted with numerous dif-
ficulties, but the country was definitely headed toward internal
and external stability.

In May of 1926, however, Witos and his Government were over-

tlirown by a military “coup d’etat” organized by Marshal Pil-
sudsky. The Polish Peasant Party began a stubborn fight against
dictatorship. In 1930 the dictatorial Government held elections
under conditions of bitter terrorism. The leaders of the opposi-
tion were arrested and Witos was faced with false charges and con-
victed. But the Agrarian youth of Poland succeeded in hiding
him and getting him over the border into Czechoslovakia, where
he spent 8 long years in exile. From there he continued to direct
the struggle of the peasants for liberty, land and democracy. In
1935, the authoritarian government of Poland held another “elec-
tion.” The Polish peasants, together with all other democratic
parties, decided to abstain from voting. By means of the coopera-
tive organizations, their own publication “Wici,” pamphlets, etc.,

the Agrarian Youth Organization of Poland maintained a most

valiant struggle, regardless of the cost in human life and suffer-
ing. They warned and attacked the new “S?lachta” of the colonels,
which, like the old one, was leading the country toward a new
catastrophe. The Government, however, continued its oppression.
In 1937, the Polish peasants went on strike and refused to de-
liver their produce to the cities. Once again ihe Government police
suppressed the strike by terroristic measures. Scores of people
lost their lives, but the Government officially admitted only 42
casualties. The struggle went on and under popular pressure the

Government had to make certain concessions. In the period be*

tween 1920-1937, according to official statistics, 2,469,000 hec-
tares of land were distributed among 700,000 peasants, and in
1938 Poland had 4,200,000 individual farmers.*^
Hitler’s invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1939 compelled Witos
to return to Poland. The impending catastrophe prevented the
Government from taking active measures against him. Shortly
afterwards the Polish nation became the victim of Hitler’s inva-
sion and tyranny. In spite of the attitude and criminal follies of
their government, the Polish peasants demonstrated to the whole
world how they could fight in defense of their land and freedom.
They were not conquered and subjugated either by Hitler’s van-
dalism or by the Soviet stab in the back. Poland was overrun and
partitioned once again, but the Polish love of freedom and proud
spirit remained intact and, rising from the ashes of destruction,

soon made itself evident in the battle-fields of the Middle East

and Europe.
Witos was wounded. The Germans placed him under arrest and
subsequently kept him in confinement. His faithful colloborators,
Stanislav Mikolajczyk, Prof. Kot, and others, continued the fight
until victorywas achieved over Hitlerism and Fascism.
At the end of the war they returned to their Fatherland and ac-
cepted collaboration with the Communists, Socialists and another
democratic group in the attempt to rebuild Poland. In accordance
with the decisions and declarations of the “Big Three” at Yalta,
Potsdam and Moscow, and in the spirit of the Atlantic Charter,
they were compelled to make sacrifices and compromises.
But these remained one-sided, as the Communists had only one
desire; to strangle the Polish peasant movement and to establish
a dictatorship of their own. Thousands of members of the Peas-
ant Party were imprisoned. Baginski, who had been imprisoned in
Poland for his struggle for democracy, and who led the peasant
underground during the German occupation, was again thrown
into jail, together with many peasant leaders.

«««.. pp. 74-7.S.



The Agrarian Organization of Finland was founded while the

country was still under Russian domination, in 1906. It received
its baptism in a general strike, bordering on revolution, after the
Russian-Japanese war, directed against the tyrannical conduct of
Nicholas II, who also held the title Duke of Finland.
The founder Finnic Agrarian Organization was the
of the
popular peasant writer Santeri Alkio, and his first assistant, Ky-
osti Kallio, who was an average peasant-farmer from the province

of Pohjanmaa. The organization was made up of small farmers

in the provinces of Eastern Karelia and Western Pohjanmaa who
struggled against a handful of large landowmers in possession of
the greatest part of the land. At this time 59% of the peasants
were share-croppers.
The program and ideology of the Finnish Agrarian movement
was based on liberty, national independence and private owner-
ship on the merits of labor; struggle against the domination of the
Russian Tsar and the establishment of a democratic Republic;
struggle against large landowners and industrialists, who at this
time were mostly Swedes and as such became conductors of Swed-
ish chauvinist and cultural expansion. The Finnish Agrarian
movement was stimulated by a desire for political, economic and
cultural equality based on the cooperative conception. Their pro-
gram also included the introduction of temperance laws. The
most decisive struggle was directed against the existing political
parties who were prepared to tolerate the Russian Tzarist regime
even at the expense of certain privileges that had already been
granted to the people of Finland. The Finnish Agrarians collabo-
rated secretly with the organization engaged in training the youth
in preparation of the insurrection contemplated against the domi-
nation of Russian imperialism.
The Agrarian Organization of Finland played a major part in
the life and fate of the Finnish people and was able to introduce

a large part of its program. By 1907 had acquired the

the Finns
right of having their own free Parliament, elected by universal
secret ballotting and Finland was one of the first states to intro-
duce equal rights for women. For a short time in 1927-28 the
Agrarian Party had a homogeneous cabinet. By 1929 it bad be-
come the most powerful political organization of the country. It
participated in almost all of the coalition cabinets. Its prominent
representative, L. Kr. Relander, was President of the Republic from
1921 to 1925. Its leader, Kyosti KaUio, had a ministerial post in
almost all of the cabinets. In 1937 he became President of the
Republic and held this position until his death in 1940. Its pro-
minent members, I. Naukkanen, K. Lohi, Ellila, Dr. P. T. Yutila
(present minister in Washington), Dr. I. Kekkonen, E. Tarkkanen,
as well as the young and promising V. Suhselainen —now Presi-
dent of the Organization —were for the most part farmers and
economists and have proved able leaders and statesmen.
With the agrarian reforms of 1917-18, the large estates were
allotted to the peasants, and 90% of the farms became smaU.
From a total of 315,000 farms, only 3300 possess more than 50
hectares of arable land, and 225,000 farms had under 10 hec-
tares. Considering the unfavorable climatic and soil conditions,

Finland had acquired a most even distribution of land. Here, too,

we have the cooperative principle as a basic economic factor.
In Finland we find a well organized modem industry. The
people of Finland are fanatically devoted to their liberty and posi-

tively reject any form of dictatorial or totalitarian regimes. All

these admirable characteristics have been rapturously described
by the Russian author Gregory Petrov, who named Finland “the
Land of the White Lilies.” These same traits accounted for the
astounding heroism with which the proud and laborious Finns de-
fended their country and their political, economic and cultural
acquisitions in 1940 against the attack of the Soviet Union.
At present the Finnish Agrarian Organization participates in
a coalition government along with Social Democrats, Communists
and other political groups. In spite of the fact that Finland took
an active pari in the war against the Soviet Union, the country was
not subjected to military occupation. The leader of the Finnish
Communist party, Otto Wille Kuusinen, still remains in Moscow.


Agrarian Movements are to be found in many other countries.

In Denmark we have an Agrarian organization of long standing
and high repute, with very considerable achievements to its credit.
Agrarian Movements exist in Greece, Switzerland, Holland,
France, Austria, the Baltic-States. Agrarian Movements will exist
wherever there is an agricultural population governed by a demo-
cratic regime.
A most powerful democratic Agrarian organization will some
day rise in Russia out of the oppressed “kolhoz” workers, who
are at present engaged in a heroic struggle for the recognition of
their rights, their freedom and their democratic principles. Ad-
mittedly, they are severely handicapped by the authoritarian So-
viet sysfem, but those who are of the opinion that the peoples of
the USSR are psychologically adapted to dictatorial regimes are
laboring under a misconception. Such nations do not exist. Even
elementary knowledge of history should disclose that the Russian
peoples have in the past been responsible for the greatest num-
ber of revolts and insurrections and have shed rivers of blood
for their freedom, for their land and for their rights.
The peasantry of the world is engaged in a struggle against
oppression and injustice and is attempting to establishits own

Agrarian and cooperative organizations. The grain producing

populations ever3rwhere are united by a common policy and an
ideology which deeply rooted in their biological, psychological

and material reality Free Land, Free Labor, and Free Private
Distant and often superficial observers are inclined to see more
profound differences between Agrarian organizations of more pro-
gressive social policies and ideologies —
such as the Bulgarian

one, for example —

and those of more conservative spirit such —
as the Polish and Czechoslovakian organizations. A simple analy-
sis of the conditions and circumstances in which these organiza-

tions have appeared and grown will indubitably point out that
this is merely a question of a stage in evolution. The Bulgarian

people were delivered from the status of feudalism while they

were still under Turkish domination and for 66 years have existed
as a free and independent nation. The Polish, Czechoslovakian
and Croation peoples received their sovereignty on\y after World
War I. Of primary consideration and importance to the Polish,
Czechoslovakian and Croatian peasants was the problem evolved
by the desire of the Prussian and Hapsburg imperialists to stamp
out the Slav elements in their lands. It was, therefore, impera-
tive that stales who had yet to solve the problem of national self-

preservation and independence should give secondary considera-

tion to their internal, partisan differences. Fortunately, the whole-
some instinct of the people is always able to distinguish between
greater and lesser dangers. Consequently, the accomplishment of
uniformity in Agrarian principles and policies is only a question
of time and any existing differences are not due to an organic dis-
It is made evident by the foregoing survey that Agrarian move-
ments throu^out the world have a common historical and evo-
lutionary background. Also, that fundamentally they were in-
spired, strengthenedand sustained by the same ideological prin-
ciples leading to a common ultimate objective Land, Liberty, —
Democracy. Whether in France or in Russia, Holland or Ru-
mania, Finland or Bulgaria, the nuclear —
cell ^the peasant-farmer
— is subjected to the same unifying factor — ^land toil. Regardless
of origin, creed or geographic location, custom, manner or lan-
guage, the hands that hold the plow, toss the seed and reap the
harvest have more than callouses and sinews in common they —
are engaged in the same beneficientf noble, life-creating work of
producing the basic requirements of mankind.
The Agrarian class is a homogeneous professional unity and a
basic factor in the historic development of organized human so-
ciety. In spite of the tremendous industrial development, Agri*
culture will always remain as one of the solid bases of life, of
material and spiritual human culture. Some of the most highly
industrialized countries have lately shown distinct tendencies of
returning to the land. Prominent French statesmen have made
public declarations to the effect that the salvation of France is
in agriculture, and British Laborites of today are laying plans
for a more rational British agriculture. Perhaps the most strik-

ing example is to be found in the younger generations of Pales-

tine. They look upon Agriculture as the salvation of the entire
Jewish nation and have in effect established some of the most
modem farming enterprises, such as Moshav Ovdim, Kvutza,
Moshava, etc., of whose success I am an eye-witness. “What Pale-
stine needs is more farms — not Tel-Avivs” is the accepted slogan
of Palestine youths.
Industry and Agriculture will have to develop simultaneously
with the object of complementing and assisting one another. In
a normal society the Agrarian class should be accepted on an
equal footing with all other social and labor classes and no at-

tempt should be made to subordinate it to either the bourgeoisie

or the proletariat. It should, be remembered that it is by fusion
with the virility of the Agrarian class that the poisoned atmos-
phere of factory and city is refreshed and literally saved from de-
The farmers constitute a struggling, revolutionary class. The
efforts of Stalin to refute this particular quality of the peasants are
in vain. In bis preface to the book What to Do, by N. G» Cher-
nishevski, published by the Leningrad section of the Young Guard
in 1936, the Soviet writer A. Starchakov says: “The Russian Lib-
erals have never constituted a revolutionary party with the object
of fighting against dictatorship. The revolutionary class at this
time was the peasantry— had only just been es-
^the proletariat
tablished as a separate clas* Qiemishevski is a consistent Demo-
crat and Socialist, in whose activity and literary works the in-
terests of the revolutionary peasantry find expression.”

Agrarian democracy is this very same peasant democracy of

Chemishevski. The peasant revolutionary class was in existence
before the establishment of the industrial workers’ proletariat.
The peasants, however, do not consider revolution as fatal, nor as
the only means of solving social conflicts. They stoop to armed
revolt only when all other legal means have been exhausted. To
quote the American Declaration of Independence of 1776, “When-
ever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends
it is the right of the people to abolish it and to institute a new

There exists no revolution in history which has been success-
fully carried out without the active participation of the peasants.
The Russian Revolution is a very outstanding example. Stalin

himself, in speaking of the participation and activity of the peas-

ants in it, clearly concedes that “these preparatory circumstances

decided the fate of the October Revolution.”^ And the official

Soviet history also concedes that “the outcome of the civil war
depended mainly on which side the peasants would add their

Even more erroneous is Stalin’s assertion that the peasant

class is in a process of deterioration. Such a homogeneous unity

as the peasant class cannot deteriorate. On the contrary, power-

fully supported by its cooperative and private ownership found-

ation, it remains the main pillar of liberty and democracy in their
struggle against any type of dictatorship. This fact is well ap-

preciated by the Communists, and it explains why they always

talk of collaboration with the peasants while it has been notori-
ously proved that in every instance they have not failed to attack
with ferocity their democratic organizations.
In their epic struggles through the centuries the peasants caused
the downfall of slavery and feudalism and thus gained liberty
and land. They will not tolerate the chains of the modern Com-
munist party feudalism. Struggle against the peasants is a very

Stalin, op. cit., p. 173.

** History of the Bolshevist Party, short edition, Moscow, p. 223.


dangerous adventure. It might mean hunger, misery and a catas>

trophe for the protagonists and maybe for the world. The Soviet
Union is responsible for starting it and will probably soon he c-on-

vinced of this truth. Maybe it will try to correct tlie mistake

if it is not too late, because the victims of the war were millions,
but the victims of the “peace” may amount to billions.

After World War I, in 1920, representatives of the Agrarian

organization —Stambolisky, Svehla and Witos, — laid the foun-
dations of International Agrarian Solidarity and founded in

Prague the Agrarian, also called the Green, International, which

was peasant democracy against dictator-
to serve as a fortress of

ships. Today the Agrarian organizations are much more numer-

ous and far more powerful, especially in Eastern and South-East-
ern Europe. They are united by their common ideology and in
the name of a powerful democratic Agrarian Union. In July
1942, a great part of these Agrarian organizations held a special
conference in London and were represented there by prominent
Agrarian leaders such as Mikolajczyk, Dr, Milan Gavrilovic, Mat-
sankielf, L. Feierabend, F. Lichner, etc., who established and
demonstrated once again their ideological solidarity and laid the
basis of a common post-war Agrarian program.
The Agrarian organizations are always eager for collabora-
tion with all other democratic organizations and welcome the sup-
port of world democracy for the establishment of democratic,
international solidarity and a federation of the peoples. It is to

be understood that this federation is to be attained freely, volun-

tarily and by their own initiative and not imposed by force. To
quote Feliks Gross: “It is from our recent experience that
social justice cannot be imposed from above by decree. Nor can
equalization of a democratic pattern throughout this region be so
instituted. The peoples them.selves must create the democratic pat-
tern, however much sympathey from the outside may aid them to
clear away the obstacles to iwogress.”“

*'' Feliks ('.robS, Crossroads of Tuo t.antmenls. Nevf York, p. 53.


In this manner the Agrarian Deniorralic Union and a Balkan

and Eastern European Federation may provide a solid basis for
the United States of Europe and, subsequently, a federated
peaceful and cultured world. This is one of the grandest objec-
tives of Agrarianism.

Agrahian (The) Problem from the Baltic to the Aegean, London, 1943.
Agrarian (The) Reform in Czechoslovakia, Prague, 1923 (Reprint
from the Politika).
Andreev, A.: Speech before the 18th Congress of the Bolshevist Party,
Moscow, 1940 (in Russian).
Batkson, Wm.: The Biological Fact and the Structure of Society, Ox-
ford, 1911.
Bergson, Henri: U
evolution creatrice, Paris, 1909.
Bergson, Henri: Le pensee et le mouvant, Paris, 1941.
Buechner, a.: Energy and Matter, Sofia, 1931 (Bulgarian tr.).
Chernishevsky, N. G.: What to Do? Leningrad, 1936 (in Russian).
Constitution of the USSR, 1936. *
Croatian Peasant Party Council, Canada-. Constitution of the Inde-
pendent Croatian Peasant Republic, Hamilton, 1946.
Daskalov. Raiko Iv.: The Struggle for iMnd, Sofia. 1922 (in Bul-
garian) .
Dimitrov. George M.: The Fight foi Fieedom and Independence.
Sofia, 1944 (in Bulgarian).
Dimitrov, George M.: The Ideology and Fights of the Agrarian
Movement, Sofia, 1945 (in Bulgarian).
Engels, Friedrich: Anti-During, Paris, 1926 (French tr.).
Engels, Friedrich: Ludwig Feuetbach, Paris, 1932 (French tr.).
Engels, Friedrich: Origins of Family and Property, Sofia. 1927 (Bul-
garian tr.).
Evans, I. I.: The Agrarian Revolution in Roumania, Cambridge, 1924.
Fabre. Jean H. : Les mervilles de Finslmct, Par's, 1913.
Garnett, A. C.: Instinct and Personality, London, 1928.
Cide, Charles: Political Economy, Sofia, 1918 (Bulgarian tr. ).
Gross, Feliks: Ciossroads of Two Continents, New York. 191.5.
Gross, Feliks: The Polish Worker, New York, 1945.
Haeckel, Ernest; Les weiveilles de la Vie, Paris, 1907.
Hancock, Thomas: An Essay on Instinct and Its Physital and Moral
Relations, London, 1824.
History of the Bolshevist Party, abridged ed., Moscow.
Hodza, Milan: Federation in Central Europe, New York, 1942.
Hodza. Milan; Speeches and Articles, Prague. 1930 (in Czech).
lovANOVir. nRA(.OT..iliB; Teachers of Energy, Belgrad. 1910 (in Serb-
loVANOVic, Dracoljub: The New Antaeus, Belgrad, 1934 (in Serb-
Kojouharofp, C. D.: General Theory of Law and State. A review in
die “Tulane Law Review,” Dec., 1945.
Lebedev, Vladimir Iv.: The New Roadway, Sofia, 1923 (in Bulgar-
Lebedev, Vladimir In the Country of Roses and Blood, Paris, 1935
1923 in Serbian).
(in Russian), (first ed.
Lenin, Vladimir: Works, XIII, Moscow, 1938 (in Russian).
Lodge, Olive: Peasant Life in Yugoslavia, London, 1941.
Manifesto of the Communist Party, 1938 (in Russian).
Marx, Karl: Works, Moscow, 1935 (in Russian).
McDoucall, William: Introduction to Social Psychology, London,
Mincer, Tadeusz: The Agrarian Problem in Poland, London, 1944.
Mitrany, David: The Land and the Peasant in Roumania, London,
Nesnard, k.: La vie et la mart des instincts, Paris, 1926.
Paine, M.; Physiology of the Soul and the Instinct, New York, 1872.
Palouczi, Horvat G,: In Darkest Hungary, London, 1944.
Petkov, N. D.: Alexander Stambolisky, Sofia, 1930 (in Bulgarian).
Prenant, M.: Biologie et Marxisme, Paris, 1935.
Rek, Tadeusz: Peasant Movement in Poland, Lodz, 1946 (in Polsh).
Roberts, Morley: Bio-Politics, London, 1938.
Russell, Bertrand; Principles of Social Reconstruction, London, 1916.
Seton-Watson, H.: Eastern Europe, Cambridge, 1936 (2nd ed.).
Sorokin, P., Zimmerman, C. C., Galpin, J. Ch.: A Systematic Source
Book in Rural Sociology, Minneapolis, The University of Minnesota Press.
Stalin, Joseph: The Questions of Leninism, Moscow, 1939, 11 th ed.
(in Russian).
Stambolisky, Alexander: Political Parlies or Professional Organiza-
tions, Sofia, 1934 (3rd ed.; 1st ed. 1909), (in Bulgarian).
Stambolisky, Alexander; The Principle of the Bulgarian Agrarian
Union, Sofia, 1944 (in Bulgarian).
Swope, H. R. Foreword to James W. Wise, Our Bill of Rights, New

York, 1941,
Thucutt. Stanisias: Selected Essays and Autobiography, Glasgow.
1943 (in Polish).
Todorov, Kosta; Balkan Firebrand, New York, 1943.
Todorovic, L. V.: Sveslovenstvo, St. Radica, Belgrad, 1938 (in Serbian),
Todorov, Kosta: Alexander Stambolisky, Belgrad, 1930 fin Serbian).

The Destinies of the

Russian Peasantry

(The Russian Peasant Movement)



(The Russian Peasant Movement)


Vladimir Zenzinov

Among the various ‘'Bylini” (epic songs) created by the Rus-

sian people in ancient times, there is one that cannot fail to leave
a most striking and lasting impression on the mind of every stu-

dent of Russian folklore. This legend reflects the relationship

between the peasants’ toil and the soil they are tilling, and it is

permeated with the fathomless profundity of popular wisdom.

During all the centuries of their historical life, the overwhelming
majority of the Russian people were peasants engaged in raising
products of the soil. This is the prevailing condition of life in
Russia also at present. Consequently, the relationship between
ihe toiling peasant and the soil he is tilling represents the

important problem of the Russian people’s social and economic


The “bylina" referred to above concerns the Valiant Svyatogor,

one of the senior, i.e., the most powerful, Russian legendary

heroes. Once upon a time he went horseback riding for exercise

or to challenge somebody to a test of strength. On the way he met
a stranger, a peasant, carrying a small bag on his back. Svyatogor

set his horse to trotting but the peasant remained ahead of him.
Then he rode as fast as he could, but the wanderer remained just
beyond his reach. Finally Svyatogor shouted at the lop of his
voice: “Ho, wanderer! Stop a. moment! I cannot catch up with

45 .';
you though 1 am on horseback!” The stranger stopped, lifted the
small bag from his shoulder and set it on the ground. Svyatogor
approached the bag and tried to push it aside with his whip. It
did not budge but remained as though rooted in the earth. Svya-
togor seized it firmly with his hand but the bag did not move. He
dismounted, grasped the small bag with both hands and strained
until his white face became suffused with blood. In spite of all

this effort he succeeded in lifting the small bag only a hair’s

breadth from the ground while he himself sank knee-deep into the
“Tell me the truth,” demanded Svyatogor, “What did you put
in this bag?” The wanderer replied:
“The load in this bag is the spell of our Mother Earth.”
“And who are you? What is your name?”
“Me? My name is Mikula (Nicholas). I am a peasant and our
Mother Earth, our native soil, is fond of me.”
That, in a nutshell, is the content of the “bylina/’ It is easy
to grasp its meaning. After he seized the peasant’s small sack with
both hands and strained mightily, the legendary hero was able
to liftit only a hair’s breadth, a barely perceptible distance. At
the same time, the peasant carries this very load on his back with
such ease that the valiant hero on horseback is unable to overtake
him. Pondering this ancient tale, one must recognize that the pro-
found popular wisdom has thoroughly weighed and appreciated
all the details which are immensely important in grasping the

very essentials of the people’s life. The spell of, and the bondage
to, the soil are of overwhelming magnitude. When the valiant hero
tried to shake them even imperceptibly, red blood covered his
face. Yet the people carry the load of these forces produced by
the soil with the greatest of ease as if they were carrying an empty
sack. It is hardly possible to give a more striking and graphic
picture of the relationship between the earth, the nursing-mother,
the primary source of human life, and the peasants who are till-

ing it. One could imagine no better description of the close ties
between the soil and the toil put into it ever since the beginning of

Russia’s history than this myth created by the people. th,emselves

in times of yore.

Russia, both as country and as state, was created by her peas-

ants, the leading characters on her historical stage. Russia’s poli-
tical unificationwas not an outcome of planned actions from the
top, it rather developed from below, through the toil and efforts
of the masses at the bottom layer of her population. It was the
movement of these masses towards new frontiers in order to settle
in new regions that spearheaded and directed this process of uni-
fication. All strata of Russia’s population took part in this move-
ment, yet the lion’s share of the pioneering work was borne by the
peasants. Equipped with axes and primitive wooden ploughs, the
peasants persistently and unfiaggingly penetrated into the im-
passible virgin forests and jungles (taiga) of Northern Russia and
Siberia. They cleared the forests, tilled the wide areas of de-
forestated lands and steadily, step by step, worked their way to

the North, East and South. In their wake followed warriors with
their swords, traders with their money bags and agents of the gov-
ernment. All of them in the main did no more than consolidate
the results of the peasants’ spade work.
It was the peasants who at first cemented vast spaces of the
boundless plain into Muscovite Russia and then became the bed-
rock of an expanded, united and powerful Russian state.

The famous Russian historian Vassilii Klyutchevski demon-

strated that 16th and 17th century developments directed from
outside the country had a great bearing and a decisive influence
upon the whole organization of the Muscovite state and its social

structure. During those two centuries, Muscovite Russia was con-

tinuously threatened, harassed and invaded by external foes from
the East, South and West (by nomadic peoples, the Tartars, Lith-
uanians and Poles). The state, therefore, had to be organized on
the pattern of a besieged military camp.
The guiding principles of this state structure were the compul-
sory assignment of definite duties and obligatory services among
the variouii groups of the population and llie attachment of each
group of the people to the specific service assigned to them. In

that way all the strata of the country’s population were deprived
of their freedom. The traders and craftsmen were bound to their
commerce and crafts which became their compulsory obligations
toward the Czar; the landowners became tied to the Czar and the
state as military and civil servants while the peasants, the over-
whelming majority of the country’s population, were bound to
the, landowners, on whose estates they lived, and were compelled

to toil for them and to get from their soil the means they needed

for the discharge of their service to the Czar.

In that way the peasants’ serfdom gradually developed during
the 16th and 17th The peasant became the serf of the
landlord because the latter also was inseparably hound to the
compulsory service he had t<» render to the Czar and the state.
I'he peasant’s depetidence upon the service-bound landlord actu-
ally was a peculiar indirect kind of compulsory service the peas-

ant himself had to render to the same state. That is why, by the
way, the laws of the 17th century did not grant to the landowner
the right to deal with his peasants at his own discretion. Above
all, the landowner was deprived of the right to set his peasant
free. Though he belonged to his landlord, the Russian peasant
actually was the serf of the stale.
The Russian peasants suffered heavily under the burden of
this twofold serfdom (to the landlord and to the slate), and it in-
<-ited their wrath and thirst for revenge. This is borne out by the

mass revolts in the 17th and 18th centuries under the leadershij)
of Razine and Pugatchev respectively.
After the reforms of Peter the Great (in the 18th century) the
nobility was relieved of compulsory state service. The peas-
ants’ bondage, however, remained in full force and even was
tightened during the reign of Empress Catherine.
The first half of the 19th century was marked in Russia by a
succession of historic vicissitudes. Napoleon’s onslaught led to
the epic Patriotic War from which Russia emerged victorious and

triumphant. In December 1825, the first attempt at an armed

uprising against the autocratic regime was made in the centre of
the country’s capital, St. Petersburg. Then followed the reign of
Nicholas 1, a long and uninterrupted period of severe and im-
placable reaction. Nevertheless, all these manifold turns in Rus-
sia’s 19th century history notwithstanding, it can be asserted with-
out peradventure that throughout the whole period in question the
basic fact that determined Russia’s domestic developments and
their trends consisted in paving the way for the abolition of the
peasants' serfdom. Not only the peasants could not bear it any
longer, but it gradually became a heavy burden even mi the gov-
ernment itself. It had come to be generally recognized as the
main barrier to the country’s economic development. This ex-
plains the memorable statement made by Czar Alexander II on
the eve of the emancipation of the peasants, while their serfdom
was still in force: “It is better to set the peasants free by an act of
government than to wait until they free themselves by taking mat-
ters into their own hands.”
Economic and became more and more en-
political conditions

tangled until, finally, the knot had to be cut. In 1861 the aboli-
tion of the peasants’ serfdom was finally accomplished by the gov-
ernment of Alexander II. However, this government was sub-
jected to the unrelenting pressure of the land-owning nobility
which was clinging to the privileges it derived from the peasants’
seldom and which put forth every effort to preserve most of these
privileges. That is why the “Great Reform,” the emancipation
of the peasants accomplishedby Alexander II in 1861, did not
do away with the peasant problem in Russia. At that time the
problem at hand was whether plots of land should or should not
be allotted to the peasants at their emancipation. In other words,
should the peasants continue to carry on their husbandry on the
same plots of land on which they had toiled up to then or should

they be “set free” also from the soil, i. e., be deprived of the lands
they had tilled for generations? The solution adopted by the gov-
ernment in 1861 was a compromise. And the result was that the
majority of the peasants were allotted plots of land which were
too small for the development of a husbandry sufficient to live
upon. Considerable stretches of land that the peasants had tilled

before were taken from them and given to the landowners. In ad-
dition, the peasants had to compensate the landowners for the
plots of land allotted to them. The government issued “Redemp-
tion Certificates” which were given to the landowners, and the
peasants had to make “Redemption payments” which for a period
of decades were levied by the government as a special tax. These
installment payments proved too heavy a burden for the majority
of the peasants.
Most of Russia’s peasants were unable to satisfy their insati-

able longing for larger plots of land. That is why during the sec-
ond half of the 19th century also, Russia’s political thinking in all

its ramifications continued to be focused on peasant and agra-

rian problems. Just as before, the peasants continued to be the
ferment of social developments. Even the labor problem that
soon made its first appearance on the social and political scene
proved to be closely related to the peasant problem. The majority
of the workers in plants and factories at that time were closely
connected to the rustic people. These workers were also peasants
who left their villages only temporarily. To most of them the
work in the shops and plants in the cities was only a fill-in sea-
.sonal work during the winter months when agriculture is im-
The political attitude of Russia’s progressive circles was marked
by strong partiality for the peasants and by an eager desire to
work for the benefit of the people who were regarded as synony-
mous with the peasants. In the ISGO’s and 1870’s the peasant and
his way of life was the favorite theme of Russian literature. The
peasants’ cause also provided the clue to the whole political ideol-
ogy of Russia’s various social groups and served as the guiding
Movement’” (Narodnitchestvo:
star of the revolutionary “Populist
“Narod” means “the people”) of the 1870’s and of all the social
movements and political groups of that time, viz. the so called

“Going People” (Khozdienie v Narod), 1873-1874; the

to the

“Land and Freedom,” (Ziemlia i Wolia), in 1877-1879; and

the “Party of the Will of the People,” (Narodnaja Wolia) in
Only after the “Parly of the Will of the People” was crushed
by the government (in 1881-1883) and after the first Marxists
and Social-Democrats made their debut in Russia, new trends
appeared among Russia’s socialist and revolutionary circles. They
rejected the traditional pro-peasant attitude and stressed the sig-
nificance of the labor problem, as co-equal with the peasant prob-
lem and, sometimes, as overshadowing it. As the basis of their
program the Marxists and Social-Democrats emphasized the in-
terests of the proletariat instead of those of the peasants. During

the years that followed, beginning in the late 1890’8 and the early
1900’s until the very eve of the revolution in 1917, the adherents
of two ideologies, of -Populism and Marxism, fought relentlessly
for domination of the political stage.
The was the basic issue which split
attitude toward the peasants
these two currents of Russian social and political thought. The
Populists who, since the turn of the century, were represented by
the Socialist-Revolutionary Party (founded in 1901) remained
true to the traditions of the progressive school of thought. They
maintained that the peasant problem continued to be Russia’s fun-
damental social and political problem and that it could only be
solved by placing all the available land at the disposition of those
who would till it. Prohibiting the sale and purchase of land as
a marketable commodity, its socialization on a nation-wide scale
and making it available to all the people who would work it; that
was the program of the Socialist-Revolutionaries, cut down to es-
sentials. The Marxists did not share this view. They held that,

in the political program, the labor problem not the peasant prob-
lem, the interests of the proletariat not of the peasants were to be
emphasized. In their opinion, Russia like all the other European
countries had embarked upon developing a capitalist economy.
Consequently, the social and political program in Russia should
be similar to those of the European Social-Democratic parties. In
accordance with the Marxian doctrine, as they conceived and in-
terpreted it, they regarded the peasants as a class of small prop-
erty owners, of petit bourgeois. They, therefore, rejected the idea
that the transfer of land for useby the peasants or the toiling
masses generally would be a step on tbe road to social progress.
On the contrary, in their opinion the socialization of land would,
rather, impede the movement toward Socialism. The Social
Democrats were disposed to regard the peasants politically as
conservatives (“The idiotism of the peasant’s way of life”) and
in the field of social development as a backward group (“The
peasant’s anti-collectivist skull”). This was the viewpoint of both
factions, the Bolsheviki (i. e. the adherents of the majority of the
party convention) and the Mensheviki (i. e. those who sided with
the minority of the party convention), into which the until then
united Russian Social Democratic Labor Party split in 1902 (at

the party’s convention in London).

In 1905 it was the peasants who more than the other classes
of the population contributed to turning the events of that year
into Russia’s first revolution. This fact in a measure undermined
the Social-Democrats’ negative attitude toward the peasantry.
Guided by considerations oT political expediency, they adopted a
more favorable attitude toward the peasant movement. Yet, ideo-
logically their conception of the peasant problem remained un-
changed. As before, they refused to agree that making the land
available for the use of those who would till it would be a proper
solution of the agrarian problem and they declined to adopt such
a plank into their political program.
Until 1917 the attitude towards the peasant adopted by the Bol-
shevik faction of the Social-Democratic Party was definite, and
one befitting orthodox Marxists. The Bolshevik program embodied
the conceptions of a commonplace variety of Marxism, according
to which the peasantry were, first and last, a class of petty bour-
geoisie, alien and antagonistic not only to socialist ideals but to all
social progress. The proletariat were the sole organ of the so-

cialist ideal, that is to say of the future. Accordingly the party

was built up on exclusively proletarian lines. Its program, so
far ae the peasant was concerned, was restricted to political de-
mands; for any economic improvement of his condition was in
their eyes not only without object but even objectionable. Theo-
retically the peasants, being established on the land and possessing
some means for its exploitation, would have to go through a pro-
cess of differentiation in the course of which the petty holders
among them would be absorbed by larger ones. In conformity
with this theory of common Marxism, something analogous to the
evolution of industry was due to take place in the villages.
Strengthening the petty peasant would mean hampering the inevit-
able social progress. The only thing the socialist party could do
for the peasant — —
was to help organize the
said the B<d8heviks
paid agricultural laborers. Such was the Marxist doctrine pro-
fessed by the Bolsheviks in the purest form.
For long years the Bolsheviks had been waging a tireless theo-

retical battle against another Russian socialist party, the Social-

ist-Revolutionaries, whose chief distinction from the Bolsheviks

and from the Marxists in general was this: the Socialist-Revolu-

tionaries in their theoretical conception made no distinction be-

tween the proletariat and the peasantry; they considered both
united in one laboring class, and argued tliat the socialist program
and the socialist movement must be the common cause of these two
armies of labor. This theoretical discussion between the Socialist-
Revolutionaries and the Bolsheviks went on incessantly.
In 1905 the Bolsheviks were forced to make large concessions
in this question. The peasantry, of whom, up to this time, they

had thought of as a purely reactionary class, socially as well as

politically, showed that they were a powerful revolutionary force.

Indeed, the movement of 1905-06 which compelled the early con-

cession of the government of Tzar Nicholas II
— “the first rev-

olution,” the manifesto of October 17, the Duma—was largely a

peasant movement. The Bolsheviks grasped this and made a
change in their tactics in regard to the peasants. But only in their
tactics, 'tiot in their program. To be sure, they officially proclaimed
the slogan “nationalization of land,” but they did not conceal that
to them this slogan was only a tactical move, by which they wanted
to lead the peasant to political revolution. As before, they deemed
the paid laborers, the proletariat, to be the only class able to
carry out a socialist revolution. The peasant in revolt, demand-
ing land, was to them at this historic moment only a traveling
companion on the road to revolution.
A great gulf separated the Bolsheviks from the Socialist-
Revolutionaries who proclaimed, as their watch-word, “the social-
ization of the land.” To the Socialist-Revolutionaries, “the so-
cialization of the land” was a specific variety of nationalization;
the difference consisted in this: while in “nationalization” the
state becomes the legal owner of the land, in socialization the peo-
ple acquire the supreme right to dispose of all the nationalized
land, in accordance with a special legislative provision. Besides,
the Socialist-Revolutionaries conceived of “the socialization of
the land” as a far-reaching social reform creating favorable con-
ditions for socialization and the introduction of the cooperative
principle in all the other branches of industry, agriculture and
city affairs. In a socialized agriculture, the land is temporarily
distributed among the peasants, by themselves, in their own com-
munity. “Temporarily” means here, that the land is returned to
the localcommunity periodically for free redistribution.
Then came the year 1917. Contrary to the ordinary conception,
the real revolution at that time was not created in the cities, but
in the villages. The essential content of the Russian Revolution
was the tremendous, elemental process which took place among the
peasants and resulted in the disruption of the landed estates, the
expulsion of the landed proprietors, most of whom belonged to
the nobility, from their estates, and the forcible appropriation of
all private and by the peasants. The thing that many
state land

had foreseen as inevitable, namely the satisfaction of the peas-

ants, age-long thirst for the land, took place inan demental way.
The ideas of the Socialist-Revolutionaries on this point were iden-

tical with those of the peasants

— “the land must be emptied from
the exchange of goods,” as they put it; and, “the land is the Lord’s
own, or nobody’s; it’s a sin to buy it and a sin to sell it,’! as the
peasant said. Consequently, they hoped to have this wholesale
seizure legalized in the Constituent Assembly by a fundamental
law on the socialization of the land. This was to be worked out
in the highest legislative and administrative organ of the coun-
try, by deputies from all the people, and the rules thus established

would regulate the use of land throughout the country, converting

the peasant’s primitive conviction of his right into a law obligatory
for all citizens.
The Provisional Government of 1917 did not solve the “Agra-
rian Problem.” It was guided by the principle that it was not
authorized to carry out a reform of such tremendous importance.
It held that this reform should be entrusted to the Constituent As-
sembly which was to convene in the near future. This Assembly
was to be elected by universal suffrage. It would, therefore, be
truly representative of the country’s whole population and vested
with supreme authority. The Provisional Government, neverthe-
less, formulated some principles on which, in its opinion, the future
agrarian reform should be based and which were in full conson-
ance to the traditional ideas of Russia’s peasantry. These prin-
ciples were: 1) All the land should be placed at the disposal of
and made available to the entire laboring population; 2) The un-
productive owners should cede their estates without any compen-
As has been mentioned above, a truly elemental agrarian rev-
olution took place in the rural districts of the countryand was
brought about by the peasants themselves. The way had been
paved by the whole course of Russia’s history and its imminence
became manifest in the raids on and looting of the landowners’
estates in1903 and 1905, which turned into a large scale mass
movement on the part of the peasants, and in the numerous riots
in the summer of 1917. The revolution finally materialized in
1917 and 1918. The first looting of manor-houses occurred in


November 1917, the second one in March 1918; and in April
1918 all the available arable land was re-distributed and seeded
with summer crops. Essentially, this was the very core of the rev-
The problem of the dis-
olution, the clue to all its (levelopments.
position and use of the land and of its re-allotment produced the
revolution, the lofty aims and the enthusiasm which it inspired
and, above all, its unprecedented range.
It is generally believed that the Russian peasants’ revolution of
1917 was a cruel and bloody uprising. This is absolutely false.
The revolution was neither cruel nor bloody, and it cannot even
he classified as an uprising. On the contrary, it can be asserted
with full justification that no other revolution in all world his-
tory took a more peaceful course and was accompanied by less
bloodshed. Russia’s revolution, of which the agrarian revolu-
tion was the paramount driving force, was directed not against
people but almost exclusively against property. Similar devel-
opments (Peasant Risings and Peasant Wars) in France, Ger-
many and England were much more turbulent and resulted in
more numerous casualties (just like the peasant and Cossack
movements in Russia under Pugalchev’s leadership in the 18th
century )
In April of every year the inhabitants of the villages in mid-
dle-belt Russia witness miraculous natural and meteorological
metamorphoses. After several days of sunshine, rainfall, and
mild winds, the snow that covered the earth and the ice that bound
the rivers for months melt away. The frosty weather that still
prevailed during the nights disappears and the frozen earth thaws.
In a matter of days, in the course of a week or so, the .soil be-
comes dry, torrents of water rush forward in the streams and rivu-
lets, flowers burgeon in the forests and, in the fields, ploughshares
sparkle in the sun while they turn over heavy layers of fat black
In April 1918 a no less miraculous metamorphosis accompanied
the natural developments with which the people were familiar.
During five consecutive days, probably all over the country, men

and women crowded the fields, incessantly shouting at the top of

their voices and excitedly gesticulating. Yet, they were not quarrel-
ling with one another, hut carrying out a transaction which is

completely familiar to Russia’s rustic population: i. e., the re-

distribution of land. This time, however, the situation was dif-
ferent in that the re-allotment had to be carried out on an un-
precedented scale, all over the country. The land was distributed
among whole villages.Owners of homesteads and wealthy peas-
ants offered no resistance and meekly ceded their surplus lands
to peasants with big families. In only one week the new distribu-
tion of the land was accomplished and everybody went to the
fields to till the new plots. There was a generally shared feeling

that a miracle had occurred. The smoothness and speed with

which this tremendous land re-distribution was carried out and
the degree of leveling of the economic opportunities of those who
took part in it were amazing. The peasants’ attitude toward the
basic problem of the allotment and use of the soil was highlighted
by the fact that almost everywhere the landowners whose estates
were expropriated by the peasants were also allotted plots of land
of the same size as those allotted to the peasants. This was an
illustration of the peasants’ general belief that every toiler was
entitled to a plot of land he himself can till without using hired
laborers. There actually were landlords who became peasants as
a result of this spectacular land re-distribution.
The land re-allotment was accomplished without arousing any
marked opposition because it was generally acknowledged to be
just and fair. All the peasants, those who benefited as well as

those who lost by this re-allotment, accepted it without qualifica-

tion as inevitable. The gloomy forebodings that a re-allotment of
the land would unavoidably lead to a civil war among the peasants
proved to be groundless. It was the Bolshevists who later deliber-
ately fanned the civil war among the peasants by the organization
of the “Committees of the Village Poor,” and then by the im-
placable struggle against the “kulaks.” And it must be home in

mind that the Bolshevists regarded as kulaks not only actually

well-to-do and wealthy peasants but every proficient and thrifty
peasant even though he owned no more than one horse or one cow.
However, all this happened much later.
The most striking feature of this large scale land distribution
was that it was accomplished by the peasants themselves. Dur-
ing the winter of 1917-1918 and even in the spring of 1918 the
agents of the new Soviet regime (the Bolshevists seized the state
power in November 1917) had not yet succeeded in taking hold
of the country’s rural regions. The Bolshevist revolution had tri-
umphed only in the towns and cities. During the period in ques-
tion the peasants were in complete control of their affairs.

That was how this unprecedented re-allotment of immense areas

of land was carried out. It was done by the people themselves,
without any guidance by agencies of the State Administration and
without the assistance of surveyors. The peasants were guided
hy the “experience in land re-allotment” which was the very es-
sence of Russian rural community (Mir) life.
The All-Russian Constituent Assembly convened on January
18, 1918. It is well known that its session lasted only one night.
During this session frenzied Bolshevist soldiers and sailors kept
their guns trained on the non-Bolshevist deputies and heaped un-
heard of abuse upon them. Yet, nevertheless, these deputies suc-
ceeded in making history in this single session. At dawn on Jan-
uary 19, at 5 a. m., the Constituent Assembly adopted the “Fun-
damental Agrarian Law” which was drafted and brought in by
the deputies of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party Group. This
law provided that all the land should be placed at the disposal of
the people, that land should no longer be a marketable commodity
and that it should be made available to anyone who would till it

without the aid of hired laborers. The Socialist Revolutionary

Party Group of deputies had the absolute majority of seats in the
Constituent Assembly, viz. 370 of a total of 707. The Bolshevists
dissolved the Constituent Assembly by the use of force. Earlier,
inNovember 1917, they had overthrown the Provisional Govern-
ment and seized the state power. Thus the Agrarian Law adopted

by the Constituent Assembly actually was not a law in the usual

sense of the term but rather a declaration of the intentions of the
Assembly’s majority in the field of land reform and of the prin-
ciples which guided them.
The Provisional Government did not solve the agrarian prob-
lem. It lacked the power to prevent the solution of this problem

by the people themselves who, acting on their own authority and

with the impetus of an elementary force, seized the estates owned
by the landlords and the state. The one thing the Provisional
Government accomplished in this field was the formulation of
some general principles which should serve as the basis of the Con-
situent Assembly’s deliberations on the land reform. During its

single night session, the Constituent Assembly only managed to de-

fine the basic principles of this reform in more exact terms. After
the Soviet government dissolved the Constituent Assembly by the
use of force it ignored the Assembly’s work. Yet, the Soviet gov-
ernment completely adopted the basic principles which were ad-
vanced by the Provisional Government, viz. that all the land should
be placed at the disposal of the working population and that the
unproductive landowners should be dispossessed without getting
any compensation. The Soviet government contributed absolutely
nothing of its own to the legislative work concerning the land re-
form. On
February 19, 1918, on the anniversary of the peasants’
emancipation in 1861, the Soviet government promulgated the
“Basic Law on the Socialization of the Land.” This legislative
act gave the de jure sanction to the de facto status which developed
among the lower strata of the population during the period when
the supreme power over the state shifted from the autocratic Czar-
ist government to the democratic Provisional Government and then
to the Soviets.

The basic provisions of this new Soviet law were as follows:

Article One: The private ownership of land is abolished.
Article Two: The land is transferred to the disposal of the
working people without any compensation to the former owners.
Only people who will till their plots themselves
Article Three:
without the aid of hired hands are entitled to land allotment.
Article Forty-five: Transfer of allotted land from one person to
another is forbidden.
In order to grasp the actual significance of this law it must be
borne in mind that generations of Russian peasants had been long-
ing for a re-allotment of the land and that as a matter of fact it

was accomplished a long time before this law was promulgated.

The Bolsheviks themselves never attempted to conceal the true
character of the peasant policy they adopted in the first days after
their coup d’etat. No less a person than Lenin himself several
times publicly acknowledged in speaking and writing that the
Bolsheviks had taken their decree on the socialization of land
from the Socialist-Revolutionaries. “Nine-tenths of the peasants.”
—he wrote,

“have gone over to our side within a few weeks be-
cause we adopted an agrarian program that was not our own but
that of the Socialist-Revolutionaries, and put it into execution.
Our victory consisted precisely in the carrying out of the social-
ist-revolutionary program. That is why it was so easy.” (Lenin’s
words on the Congress of Comintern 22. VI. 1921). “Indeed,
why shouldn’t we borrow from the Socialist-Revolutionaries what-
ever was really good?” —
he used to say with a cunning smile. In
doing so he never denied that to the Bolsheviks was but a means

of attracting the peasants or at least neutralizing them politically.

Expressing the same thought Trotsky wrote:’
“At the decisive moment, when the struggle for the state power
began, the decade long fight against the petit bourgeois Populists
provided the Bolshevists with the opportunity to deal a knock-out
blow to the Socialist Revolutionists. The Bolshevists appropriated
the agrarian program of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party and
the peasant masses flocked to the Bolshevist banners. This poli-
ticalexpropriation of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party was a ne-
cessary prerequisite to the economic expropriation of the land-
lords and the bourgeoisie.”
> Leon Trotsky, Pyat’ Let Kominterna (Five Years of the Comintern), Moscow
1924, p. 16.


What did the peasants gain from this large scale agrarian rev-
olution? Strange as may seem at first glance, as far as the en-

largement of the plots of land at their disposal was concerned, the

peasants did not gain very much in 1917 and 1918 from the trans-
fer of the estates owned by the landlords and the state. It should
not be overlooked that before the revolution a great many peas-
ants had no land of own and that, on the other hand, even
greater areas of the land owned by the landlords had come under
peasant tenure. As far as the entire rural population was con-
cerned the total land area which became available to the peas-
ants after the revolution was 19.5 p. c. larger than before the rev-
olution. For the most part the size of the newly alloted additional
plots of land varied between 0.09 and 0.39 desiatines (2.5 — 5.5
acres). As a result of developments which nobody could direct
or master and quite independently of any “land reform,” post-
revolutionary Kus.sia became still more a country of small peasant
holdings than it had been before the revolution.
Large peasant holdings usually were in the hands of big fam-
ilies. In order to save their land, livestock and household belong-
ings from being taken from them and allotted to peasants who were
in need of them, wealthy peasants hastened to divide their hold-
ings into smaller units. In addition, at the allotment of the lands
from the landowners’ estates, first priority was given to peasants
who had no land at all or only inadequate plots of land. The
result of all these developments was a considerable reduction of
the medium sized peasant holdings which, up to that time, pro-
vided the bedrock of the country’s agriculture. The number of
holdings which produced huge surpluses of grain and other food
products for sale on the market decreased considerably. The mar-
kets were supplied not only by the landowners’ estates which pro-
duced exclusively for sale but also by the large commercial type
peasant holdings which were operated with the aid of hired hands.
Now both the landowners’ estates and the large peasant holdings
disappeared. In the north and middle belts of European Rus-
sia such large holdings constituted only 2 —3 p. c. of the sum


total of the peasant holdings. Yet, together with the landowners’
one half of all the grain which was
estates they provided almost
exported abroad and consumed within the country by the popula-
tion of the towns and cities.

As a result of the reduction of the average size peasant hold-

ing the purely subsistence level of Russia’s agriculture was still

more accentuated. Larine, one of the prominent Soviet economists,

wrote: “Just as before, the peasant sows only enough rye for his
own family and, in addition, as much of other crops as he needs
for the operation of his holding. same time the sowing of
At the
those crops which were used mainly as raw materials in industry
and in the export trade (flax, hemp, sugar beets, linseed, etc.),
or for the needs of the city population is reduced.” The peasants
were interested in the cultivation of these crops only in so far as

they were the source of money they needed for the payment of
taxes and the purchase of consumers’ goods. They soon realized
that the payment of taxes could be discontinued or that taxes
could be paid with the devaluated bills they had hoarded in huge
amounts and that the consumers’ goods they needed could no
longer be purchased on the city markets. It was only natural that
they lost every incentive to produce more agricultural products
than they needed for themselves. “It goes without saying,”
wrote Larine,
— “that such a shift in the crops planted in peasant
holdings cannot help resulting in a general lowering of the level
of Russia’s agriculture.”^
According to Bolshevist authorities,® in 1917 no less than
1,400,000 hired laborers were employed in European Russia’s
agriculture.During the revolution these hired workers became in-
dependent small holders who produced only the products they
needed for themselves.
As. a result of the agrarian revolution the non-e(Bcient and
effete small holding gained predominance in Russia’s agricul-

^ Larine, Oicherki Khozyaistvennoi Zhizni (5ttu(liea nf Economic Life).

^Strumilin, Sostav ProleUtrUUa v RosU (Structure of the Proletariat in Runsia),

ture. More and more the peasants reverted to the conditions of

natural economy and reduced their planting.
This steady weakening and decline of the country’s agriculture
could not but become a matter of grave concern to the Soviet gov-
ernment. These developments menaced the further existence not
only of the country hut also of the Soviet regime. Gradually, a
new idea dawned upon the men at the helm of the Soviet state;
namely, the idea of a new land reform on an immense scale. This
reform had, on one hand, to compel the peasants to work not only
for their own subsistence but also for the needs of the state. On
the other hand, the state itself was to take part in agricultural
production. The organization of the “Kolkhozy” (collective peas-
ant holdings) and “Sovkhozy” (Soviet estates) was the outgrowth
of this new idea.
According to the plan of the Soviet government, the collective
holdings, the “Kolkhozy,” were to replace all individual and com-
munal peasant holdings. The Soviet estates, the “Sovkhozy,” were
to be grain producing state enterprises, “grain plants” supply-
ing the state. The collective holdings were to bear evidence of the
superiority of communal husbandry over the individual holdings
and the Soviet estates should demonstrate the advantages of the
large enterprise compared with the small enterprise. Essentially,
however, the “Kolkhozy” as well as the “Sovkhozy” had to ac-
complish the same task, viz. to supply grain to the state. It was

this task which peremptorily determined the trend of the Soviet

government’s agrarian reform as well as the agrarian policy it

henceforth pursued.
According to the Soviet government’s plans the “Kolkhozy”
(the collective holdings of farms, collective farms) had to replace
the former independent peasant holdings (the communal as well as
the individual- ones) whereas the “Sovkhozy” (Soviet estates)
had to take the place of the former landlords’ estates. These two
types of agriculture holdings, first of all, are of different size.
A Collective Farm is placed at the disposal of and tilled by a
certain peasant community (or by the inhabitants of several


setlleinerils or viJIages). A Soviet Estate can in principle be

of a»iy size, yet preference is given to large estates. Soviet

Estates are owned, botli legally and actually, by the state. In

the Collective Holdings the peasants (in the Soviet Union the
term “peasant” has been superceded by “kolkhoznik,” i. e.
“partner of a collective holding”) enjoy equal rights in making
use of the holding’s common land and till it for the sake of the
stale and of their own. All those who work in Soviet Estates

are hired laborers. They are paid wages by the state which is the

owner of the estate, as a worker of a factory.

According to the records of the Soviet government, in 1920 the

entire land area under cultivation was distributed as follows:^

Individual peasant holdings 93.7 p.c.

Soviet estates (Sovkhozyl I-G p.c.

(iolleetive peasant holdings (Kulkhozy) 1.7 J>.c.

Now, the government itself wanted to take over the manage-

ment of the country’s entire agricultural production for the sake
of the state and the newly established regime. It is obvious that
under such circumstances the above mentioned distribution of the
lands under cultivation ran counter to the government’s aims.
This distribution could no longer be tolerated and had to be erad-
icated. The Soviet government did not waver and started a ruth-
less campaign for the achievement of its new aim, completely
ignoring the vital interests of the population. First of all, it was
necessary to crush the prosperous peasants because they could
oifer resistance to the contemplated plans. Then the poor and
destitute peasants had to be won over by promising them better
living conditions. was necessary to pave the way
To this end it

for a “civil war The government’s program

in the villages.”
frankly proclaimed this aim, and during the 1920’s and
1930’s this program was being carried out implacably and
stubbornly. First of all the “kulaks,” i. e. the wealthy peasants,

'<) Xcmle (On Land Problomb). of arlidut*, pi. t. pp. 819, Mohcow,
The destinies of the Russian peasantry 475

were lo l>e eliminated. Later the so-called “medium holding”

peasants were to be added to the list and they too were to be vic-
timized, although they often owned only one horse or one cow. In
that way huge numbers of peasants were labeled “kulaks” who
were to be eliminated. The Soviet government organized the so-

called “Committees of Village Poor” which undertook the special

task of carrying on “the struggle against the kulaks as a class.”
During the period in question, various complex laws were promul-
gated which were aimed at the kulaks, the wealthy as well as the
medium holding peasants. The local organizations of the Com-
munist party also took part in the struggle against these groups
of Russia’s peasantry. The plots of land, houses, livestock and all
the household goods were taken from the well-to-do peasants.
Thereafter they and the members of their families were jailed and
later sent in special trains into exile. In that way huge masses
of peasants were evicted from their homes and driven into North-
ern Russia, to regions to the east of the Ural Mountains to work
in the woods or to build new factories and plants. Others were
sent to Northern Siberia or to the distant north-eastern regions of
the country, into the horrible concentration camps of the Kolyma
province where gold is mined. People perished there by the mil-
lions. The plots of land which became available after their former
holders were driven away were given to those peasants who re-

mained, and they had to use them collectively. In this way the col-

lective holdings, the “kolkhozy,” originated.

The government itself also took a hand in the production of
grain. To this end the Soviet estates, the “Sovkhozy,”’ were or-
ganized. Several of them extended over immense areas (measur-
ing tens of thousands of acres). According lo plan, these estates

were to become actual “grain plants.” Yet, they did not directly

affect the peasants’ situation.

The government wanted to achieve the collectivization of the

peasant holdings in the shortest possible time. That is why it

did not shrink from applying any measure it deemed appropriate



for this end. The following official figures give a graphic picture
of the rapid course of the agricultural collectivization.”

Up to July 1, 1928 1.7 p.c. of the peasant holdings were collectivized.

Up to Oct. 1929 3.9 p.c. of the peasant biddings were collectivized.
Up to July 1, 1929 4.1 p.c. of the peasant holdings were collectivized.
Up to Jan. 20, 1930 21.0 p.c. of the peasant holdings were collectivized.
Up to Mar. 10, 1930 S8.0 p.c. of the peasant holdings were collectivized.

A glance at these figures is enou^ for the realization of how ter-

rible a catastrophehas stricken Russia’s peasantry. In eight months
of 1929-1930 more than half of all the peasant holdings of the
country were collectivized! Even in the Soviet press of that period
can be found many descriptions of the horrible price in liveli-
hood and blood which the peasants had to pay for this experiment.
Even the man who according to the assertions of his admirers has
nerves of steel, Stalin the Infallible, was for a while shaken by
fear and dismay! On March 2, 1930, all the Soviet newspapers
published an article by Stalin under the characteristic heading:
“Dizziness from Success.” In this article Stalin stressed that the
local Communist authorities had been carried too far. Now he
called for moderation! However, the local Communist organiza-
tions were only following the directives of the party’s top men.
Irrevocable harm has been done. The collectivization of the
peasants’ holdings was enforced by high-handed measures. One
of the developments which originated in this collectivization was
the catastrophic slaughter of livestock and the elimination of peas-
ant animal husbandry. When the Bolshevist authorities began to
take away the peasants’ plots of land the peasants began slaugh-
tering their own cattle. This was their natural reaction to govern-
mental measures.
According to official figures which were made public by Stalin
himself in the official governmental mouthpiece “Izvestiya” of
January 28, 1934, the numbers of livestock heads were reduced
as follows (in millions of heads)

’•Materyaly Pervogo Vseioyuznogo S’yetda Kolkhotnikov Peredomkov (Minutn

of the 1st All union Convention of Vanguard Colleetive Holders), Moscow. 19.33.
pp. 38-39.

Horned •

Horses cattle Sheep Hogs

1929 340 69.1 147.2 20.9
1933 16.6 38.6 50.6 12.2

By 1938 93.6 p. c. of all the peasant holdings had been trans-

formed into collective holdings. By 1940 the individual peas-
ant holdings had almost disappeared. 25,000,000 individual
holdings were turned into 236,000 collective holdings.
Since the Bolshevists’ rise to power, famines occurred in Rus-
sia which had no precedents in all her recorded history as far
as the numbers of people affected and the areas stricken were con-
cerned. In 1921 starvation’s strangling grip took a heavy toll of
the population of the Volga region. In 1932 the Ukraine, the
Northern Caucasus and the lower Volga regions were stricken by
a severe famine. According to Walter Duranty,® from 4 to 5 mil-
lion peasants died from starvation at that time. The most hor-
rible famine apparently occurred after the end of the recent war.
Only now the first reports about this catastrophe are reaching us
In order to understand the system of collective holdings and
the conditions of life among the collectivized peasants better, it

is necessary to ponder some particular details.

What kind of life now living who become
are those peasants
partners in a collective holding?They have neither land nor agri-
cultural implements of their own. They are working for and
paid wages by the state. These wages are calculated by “work-
days” on the basis of definite work performance standards. These
standards are established by the authorities directing the coun-
try’s entire agricultural economy, i. e. by the Communist party.
The level of the standard work to be performed is very high so
that this kind of pay-off actually is nothing but a revival of the
infamous sweating system. All the work in the collective hold-
ings is performed as task-work. Every peasant is assigned a de-

Walter Duranty, USSR, New York, 1944, rhopler 17, “Man-made Famine.”
finite daily task. If he does not accomplish the standard daily
work, only a fraction etc.) of a “work-day” is entered

into his work-book. The same procedure is applied when a peas-

ant has accomplished the task-work assigned to him but, in the

supervisor’s opinion, has done it badly (e. g. has mowed at too

high a level or weeded out unsatisfactorily). In such a case also,
no full “work-day” is entered into the work-book. Moreover,
the peasant in question can be fined eitherby the deduction of a
certainnumber of work-days registered in his work-book or by the
assignment of some work without registering it. The kind as well
as the measure of punishment rests at the supervisor’s discretion
exclusively. Apart from punishing by his own discretion, the
chairman of the collective holding managing board can hand over
a peasant charged with some dereliction of duty to the state pros-
ecutor, and the Communist court can at will send the “defendant”
into exile or to a concentration camp for one, two or more years.
A strict discipline is maintained in the collective holdings, almost
as strict a one as in the army. For instance, partners of a collec-
tive holding who have repeatedly been late in coming to work are
liable to prosecution by the courts. All the partners of a col-
lective holding are under complete subordination to its Communist
administration board. There is no possibility of escape from the
collective holding into the towns and cities and to get work there.
The government does not grant passports to peasants who are
partners of collective holdings and people without passports are
not admitted to any work in towns and cities.
Only once yearly, on January 1st of every year, when the har-
vest is distributed, the final accounts for the work done by each

partner of the collective holding are settled. During the whole

year each partner’s earnings are only entered into his work-book.
The managing board of collective holding makes only pre-
payments which never exceed 25 p. c. of the registered work-days.
By January Ist the full amount of the harvested grain is summed
up. Thereafter follows a series of deductions. First priority is
given to the quantity of grain which has to be delivered to the

state. Then follow the numerous taxes (the general tax, the tax
for cultural purposes, the contributions to the Social Security
Fund, to the Air Defense Organization, the International Prole-
tarian Relief Fund and other “voluntary” contributions), the sal-
aries of the many Communist members of the collective hold-
ing managing board and the quantity of grain to be stored for
future sowing. The ])a]ance remaining after all these deductions
represents the real earnings of the collective holding. This quan-
tity of grain is divided by the sum total of the “work-days” regis-

tered for the past year. As a general rule, the products which
the collective holding partners earn during a year are sufficient
for their upkeep for 6 or 7 months only. The balance they must
obtain from the vegetable gardens near their cottages (the size of
such a garden does not exceed 1/4 ha)^ or else they are doomed to
a semi -starvation existence.
The picture would, however, not be complete if we failed to
point to the great difference between the prices which the state
pays to the peasants for the products they deliver and those which
the peasants have to pay for the same products when they pur-
chase them in the slate stores. A former Soviet agronomist who
was taken prisoner while he was lighting in the ranks of the Red
Army in the recent war reported the following prices for 1939:

When puirtiBsini; the eaiiiu

Stale puirUa'-c piuilucts finin the state the
price peasant', paiil

Wlwdl ( 1 kilouiain) (l.0» Rouble 1.92 Roubles

“ “
Meal 0.17 19.00
“ “
Rice 0.13 4.00
ss “ “
Butler 1.80 38.00
“ “
Cheese 0.80 24.00

In present-day Russia the peasants who are partners of a

collective holding have no rights and almost no property. They
are working under sweating system and slave labor conditions.

^ I ha = 2.471 acicb.
Truly, they are outlaws and slaves of the Soviet state. Can it,

therefore, cause any surprise that their attitude toward the pres-
ent collective holdings is one of fierce hatred? To them the con-
ditions of life in these holdings, certainly, are worse than those in
the times of serfdom, prior to the peasants’ emancipation in 1861 .

The above mentioned Soviet agronomist had the opportunity to

observe the conditions of the peasants’ life before the recent war
in the Kursk, Orel and Smolensk provinces. He attests to the

fact that at the German armies’ advance the Communist managers

of the collective holdings fled. The peasants felt that they had
been freed and immediately divided the land and the agricultural
implements of the collective holdings and allocated them to in-

dividual holders. This was done with utmost speed and without
any arguments. In the course of one day everything was distrib-
uted and settled. According to the testimony of the above men-
tioned agronomist, it was amazing how quickly the system of
collective holdings disappeared without leaving any trace. When
the Germans arrived they found that all the land and all the im-
plements of agriculture were privately owned. ... It is highly
significant that the Germans restored the system of collective hold-
ings in the parts of Russia under their occupation. By means of
this system it was much easier to squeeze the grain from the peas-

ants. From the fiscal point of view the system of collective hold-
ings is much preferable and, in this regard, there was no differ-

ence between the Soviet state and the Hitlerite occupants. Re-
ports of the restoration of the collective holdings by theGermans
can be found in the Soviet publications as well as in the German
The system of collective holdings inaugurated by the Soviet
- regime a longing among Russia’s peasants which they

never knew before, viz., an eager longing for private ownership

of land. This longing for private owner^ip supplanted the ideas
and aspirations which had taken hold of Russia’s peasants as a
result of her centuries-old history. This is a new development
which will play its part in the future.
The Soviet regime failed lo solve the peasant problem. On
the contrary, as a result of the Soviet “reforms” this problem has
become still more complex. Future generations will still have to
deal with it and search for its solution.


ScHWiTTAU, G. G. Revolutzija
; i narodnoye khozjaistvo v RossU ( 1917-
1921), Berlin, 1922.
Kliuchevsky, V.: Kura ruaskoi istorU, 5 lomov. Moskva, 1921-1923.
Kizewetter. a.: Kresluinatvo v istorii Roasii. “Krestianskaya Rossija,”
IMII, Praga, 1923 Z. Kpoznaniiu proisshedshego. “Russkaya Mysl,”
1923, V. III-V.

Kpoznaniiu proisshedshego, Z.’ Rmakaya Mysl, 1933. v. III-V.

Prokopovicz, S. N.: Ruaslanda Volkswirtschaft unler den Sowjels,
Europa Verlag, Zurich-New York, 1944.
Catholicism and

Editorial Note

The relationship between politics and religion forms an im-

portant problem in continental European political ideologies. A
great many references to it may be found in this volume; however,
limitations of space have not permitted us to include more detailed
studies of various religions in relation to political movements.
Only one had to be chosen as a representative example. Perhaps,
in this respect, Catholism
is the most interesting, since it has wield-

ed a vast amount of influence upon various political ideologies.

Powerful political Catholic parties have been organized, such as
the Christian Social Party (Christlich-Soziale) in Austria, and
the centrist Catholic Party in Germany.
In his chapter. Professor Mendizdbal presents a study of the
relations between Catholicism and politics. The reader, however,
will find some disagreement between his views and those of other
authors {especially Professor Borgese’s). Also, in some respects
Professor MendizdbaVs article will complement, and in others it

will oppose, Mr. Napht’s article on Falangism.




Alfredo Mendizabal

If we try to determine and analyze the influence of Catholicism

on the world of and more concretely on the Politics of
our own century, the major mistake to be avoided is that of con-
fusing such different fields
by superimposing upon the first the
framework characterizing the second. This could be the fatal
result of an approach which follows too close an analogy.

Catholicism is not, and cannot be a political ideology; even

less a political movement. Specifically, it is a religion, the Chris-
tian religion - almost without contest until the 16th century, since
then with the Protestant contest of the Reformation. Former
schisms and “heresies” had detached individuals and peoples from
the Christian Church. Luther’s revolt, being not only a religious
but a political revolution, did more than that. Throughout the
bitter fight between Reformation and Counter-reformation (the
latter cannot be labelled as a mere conservative reaction, since
its many of their criticisms of the
leaders shared with reformers
Church, but looked for disciplinary reform from within), the
fundamental principles of the Roman Church remained un-
changed, Christianity was divided, and extremely subdivided in
reformed areas. Catholicism, however, won strength in unity,
while losing in extension. New problems arose in the field of re-
lationship between State and Church. Being of its own essence
supernational, and having spiritual aims, quite different from

those of the State, the Church had to assert itself in the State,
alongside of the State, or against the State, which in turn placed
itself with the Church, outside the Church, or against the Church.
The most conflicting position indeed was that of one aiming to be
over the other, embodying and holding both spiritual and political
Every conflict of conscience is, nevertheless, at its root, an indi-
vidual conflict, which demands solution human souls.
in Religious
and civic societies both exist through their members only, and
every man faithful to the Church in religious matters is, at the
same time, a member of the civil society, ruled by the State. Defi-
nition of the respective jurisdiction of both spiritual and temporal
powers is necessary in order to keep each of them within its na-
tural bounds, but the fact remains that believers give simultaneous
allegiance to the Church and to the State, two institutions very
different in nature and aims, which can and often do enter into
conflict through rivalry or hostility, as well as through interming-
ling connection. The Qiurch’s mission is not to provide a political
solution for political problems, but to proclaim spiritual princi-
ples capable of inspiring men’s thought and action in every moral
issue, therefore also in the field of political justice and political

morals. But the jurisdiction over society, as such, belongs essen-

tially to the State. Parliaments, not religious bodies, give laws to
the State, which is not a divine but a human institution. Christians,

nevertheless, did receive the injunction of obeying God rather than

men, when men were ruling in opposition to moral or natural law.
They are indeed interested in politics, not only as citizens, but as
Christians, too. There is a Christian politics, even though a polit-
ical Christianism would hardly be conceivable, other than as a re-
ligious reformation. The Christian as a citizen is and must be
interested in the welfare of the community in which he lives. Even
if he considers himself as not belonging to the world, he exists in
the world, closely linked to his brothers, and he must see all men
as brothers, regardless of their color, creed or nationality. He
participates in public affairs with the same rights as anyone else,
but with more specific duties, if he is conscious of the implications
ol’Ins faith and of primacy of charity in Christian religion. Now,
8U(4l^an awareness is not widespread enough among Christians to
deb^mine the logical pattern of their political attitude. Further-
more, orthodoxy in religious matters does not include a definite
line to be followed in civic life. A plurality of divergent solutions
appears before each Christian when considering forms of govern-
ment. God’s realm is not of this world. The Church therefore can-
not impose any orthodoxy in political matters, in which each Chris-
tian is free to choose his way according to the dictates of his con-

science; but this conscience, if it really exists, will act according

to religious and moral convictions. But we do not see most so-

called Christians accepting their responsibilities as such. On the

contrary, we often see them acting and reacting according to their
interests, determined by class, or prejudice, more than by spiritual

values. So we are aware of a sharp division among Christians

regarding their political and social behavior, depending upon
whether or not they are inspired by their faithfulness to the princi-
ples; and also of many occasional divisions which are the logical
result of their basic liberty to decide themselves among several
ways of interpreting those principles hie et nunc. This can explain
their respective different, and often opposite attitudes with regard
to the fundamental political issues of our times, as well as of past
times throughout human history.

Catholics and Democracy

Each time the words Catholics and Democracy are coupled to-

gether, their association provokes reactions which vary according

to the favorable or adverse stand of those who consider such k
delicate subject. They deduce either natural harmony or incom-
patibility between those terms, as suggested by their respective
dialectic opinions. The aim of this study is indeed not con-
cerned with the envisaging of religious institutions in their global
attitude for or against the political structure known as Democracy.

It merely endeavors to examine the concrete and often divergent

positions which Catholics are wont to assume with regard to theore-
tical as well as practical Democracy.
This is a real problem most frequently approached by combin-
ing, not always adequately, psychological complexes and tradi-
tional doctrines; and often through strongly impassioned convic-
tions. Perhaps the clue to such a difficult question lies in its deal-
ing with absolutes. Believers in Catholicism, and also believers
in Democracy, generally adopt a stand dogmatically implied in
their respective faiths, even (hough this query remains for Chris-
tians, along with a great deal of others, outside of dogmatic defi-

nition. Nevertheless, some regimes based on civic intolerance in-

tended to correct the orignal liberty of Christians by introducing

a strong conformism to the predominant doctrine in force. A typ-

ical example of that totalitarian intolerance was furnished by the

statement of a Minister of Franco’s cabinet, Senor Serrano Suner,
who proclaimed (in his speech at Seville, on April 2, 1938) : “We
know there is a sector of national policy which belongs to us as

fully settled within our own boundaries; it is constituted by mat-

ters that God left to the free disputes of men. But as we do not
want any more disputes problems have been solved
in Spain, these

in a definitive manner by the National Movement embodied in

the Falange. .” Here is a tragi-comic result of divinization of
. .

the State in every dictatorial regime of our time: so-called Catho-

lics aim to prove themselves more papist than the Pope, by im-

posing upon Catholic subjects a strict orthodoxy in matters in

which the Church had declared them free. And this with all the

compulsory machinery of the State, which will punish political

non-conformism as heresy. That which belongs to God is claimed
by Caesar.
Since the State which has its specific goals, pretends to spiritual

mastery, and endeavors to subdue consciences, Christians find

themselves automatically in conflict with it. As a matter of fact,
not only Christians. When the State dares to impose itself as a
divinized being worthy of worship and forces its subjects to abso-
lute submission of body and soul, all citizens have to resist this

tyrannical assumption of abusive powers. Believers of any faith,

especially, because the State intends to replace the mere juridical

relation existing between ruler and ruled by a religious one not

in compliance with their own faith. Non-believers also, because
they reject every religious tie, one moreover whose acceptance
(;uuld not be'an act of free will, but rather a consequence of direct
pressure from the almighty State compulsory organization.
Totalitarian mythology transfers to the State all duties which
the Christian has toward his Church. No one independent Church
is tolerated, for the character attributed to the State is basically
determined by the mark of ecclesiasticity, according to the fascist
teaching of Sergio Panunzio, professor of the theory of the State
at the University of Rome. In other words, as noted by professor
Charles Jouriiet, of the Seminary of Friburg in Switzerland,’ the
State replacing the Church claims to he the supreme spiritual

society, embracing all men totally in the same faith, the same
political creed; and the party in power plays a role which corre-
sponds to that of religious orders in the Church.
World War II, as a universal catastrophe diabolically contrived
by the most anti-democratic powers, became a supreme lest for
western civilization based upon spiritual values proceeding from
the Jewish-Chrislian moral tradition, from the Greek philosophy
and Roman law, from the renascent humanism of the Middle and
Modern Ages as well as (since 1776) from the proclaimed aspi-
rations for freedom of every person as a bearer of those funda-
mental human values. Contemporary man acknowledges the strong
intimate relationship among such historical ingredients of his con-
sciousness of his own dignity, ingredients which were formerly too
often presented as separate and even opposing factors. An un-
interrupted line binds those successive stages of the sweeping tidal
wave for human liberation, and it is highly signihcant to observe
' Cli. Jiiiinipt, t'lirs Chrftirnnrs sur la Politique (Beauchemin, Canada). 1942
p. 17.

the modem convergence of anti-Semitism and anti-Christianism,^

anti-Humanism and anti-Democracy. Germanentum attacked spiri-
tual values on all fronts at the same time. Its aims intended to
totally destroy those values. According to a Nazi writer, Jiinger:
“One of the most cruel and marvelous pleasures of our time is

to share in the work of the spade which has to shatter western

civilization;”® or even clearer, as Hitler shamelessly avowed, in-

cluding his followers: “We are barbarians and want to be barba-

rians; it is a title of honor. We have come to rejuvenate the world.
The present world is at its last stage of life. Our task consists in
plundering it.”*

One of the most influential thinkers of the contemporary epoch,

the Catholic philosopher, Jacques Maritain, points out the rela-
tions between Christianity and Democracy: Christianity or Chris-
tian faith may not be fettered to any political form, therefore
neither to Democracy as a form of government nor to Democracy
as a philosophy of human and political life. This is a result of the
fundamental distinction introduced by Christ between things be-
longing to Caesar and things belonging to God . . . One may be a
Christian supporting another political philosophy . . . Christianity
is not bound to Democracy, and Christian faith does not compel
every believer to become a Democrat; but Democracy is bound to
-As Jacques Maritain logically concludes: “Nazi anti-Semitism is at llic bottom u
furious aversion to the revelation of Sinai and the law of the Decalogue. It is above
all, as Maurice Samuel, the American Jewish writer has so well pointed nut, a
supernatural fear and hate (which dare not say their name) of Christianity and
the evangelical law. and of that King of the Jews who is the Word Incarnate, the

Word Who was in the beginning the Word and not the Action— and Who took flesh
in the womb of a Virgin of Israel, and Who came to bear witness unto Truth, and
proclaimed the beatitudes to the poor and the merciful, and will put down the power-
ful from their thrones, and Whose kingdom is not of this world and Who will judge
all of us on love and charity.” Racist Law and the True Meaning of Racism, in
“The Commonweal,” New York, June 4, 1943, p. 186.
Volkstam wird uns Gottestum, said a Nazi professor of philosophy, counsellor
Schwarz, claiming an heroic notion of divinity. And he added: “Our vital existence
gravitates around the axis of honor; All this: sense of eternity, of fatherland, of
folk, is superpersonal. There is no connection between it and the personal God of
Love of Christians. To him who lives on the eternal values of folk, of honor and
freedom, there is no problem in the understanding of God.” Die glaubige Freiheit
deutscher Menschen, in Blatter fur deutsche Philosophie, Berlin, 1939, p. .386.
* Quoted by Alfred Stern, La Filosofia en el Tercer Reich, mstrumento de guerra,
in Cuadernos Americanos, Mexico, No. .3.
* Hermann Rauschning, Hitler m’a dit, Paris, 1939, p. 100,
Christianity, as issued from evangelical inspiration. Here the
question is not concerned with Christianity as a religious creed,
as a way toward eternal life, but with Christianity as a leavening
in social and political life of peoples, as bearer of the temporal
hope of men. ... It is not in the heights of theology — ^Maritain ex-
plains — but in the depth of profane conscience and profane exis-
tence where Christianity acts thus, sometimes taking heretical forms
or even forms of revolt in which it seems to deny itself.®

Too many Catholics are handicapped in the acceptance of De-

mocracy because they remain deeply attached to an old conception
of Order, desirous of preserving all their ancient privileged po-
sitions even though these perpetuate social injustice and unnatural
iniquities. They are prone to consider every advance of the com-
mon people in political and social life as an attempt against the
“established order” which they are inclined to lake for the natural
one, since they are themselves comfortably settled in it. They
believe that they are traditionalist in acting this way. Instead,
they are reactionaries, for tradition implies continuity and there-
fore evolution, not stopping or regressing. And these stagnant
mentalities would like not only to preserve their profitable posi-
tions but also to increase their privileges by barring any improve-
ments claimed by the people.
In opposition to the reactionary outlook, other more liberal
Catholics have always remembered the Christian principles of
equality in human nature coming from the Gospel, explained and
spread through the Middle Ages by theologians, moralists and jur-
ists, recalled under Absolutism by many ecclesiastical writers and
/• Drmocratie, EdiHons de la Maison FrancaUe, New
York. 1943, pp. 4244. (A former miniature edition of this
work had been widely
distributed by RAF planes over occupied France.) The French professor insists
on the fact that the sources of the democratic ideal must he sought
several cen-
turies before Kant and Rousseau (op cit, p. 67). and recalls
President Roosevelt’s
and Vice-President Wallaces assertions that Democracy. Freedom
and interna-
tional good faith find their more ^lid basis in religion and give to religion its best
' Episcopacy, Catholic News, January
17, 1942). Vr"
The idea of fr^domS" is deriveil from the Bible
with its extraordinary
emphasis on the dignity of the individual ” as proclaimed by Mr.
Wallace who even
wes in Democracy “the only true political expression of Christianity.” ’(Henry
Wallaces speech, May 8, 1942). ^ A

teachers, and recently by several Popes, principally Leo XIII and

Pius XLBut reactionary Catholics did not follow these Christian
principles, even though they were emphasized by the heads of the
Roman Church. They avoided putting them into force and sus-

pected the aforementioned Popes of being socialists because their

respective Encyclicals {Rerum Novarum and Quadragesima Anno)
were inspired by interest in the working classes and preached as
strict duties of justice what the privileged had previously believed
to be merely voluntary behavior. The Popes condemned the ex-
ploitation of man by man, economic and social inferiority of the

workers, and abuses of modem capitalism, in terms somewhat

similar to those of moderate socialist criticism, but naturally they
did not extol violent upheaval or total abolition of the present
social regime as a remedy. They were against the class struggle
on both sides, and finally Pius XI issued another Encyclical against
Bolshevism. Nevertheless, it is important to make clear that

through moral criticism of the Soviet regime, the opposition be-

tween and Catholicism is there highly emphasized because of

the “atheist” aspect of communism. Proposing the establishing of

a Christian social order as a true solution, Pius XI takes care to
prevent a fascist reaction among Catholics, at the same time con-
demning every kind of totalitarianism, above all German Nazism
(Encyclical Mu brennender Sorge issued directly in German) as
incompatible with the fundamental teachings of the Church and
with the basis of the Christian concept of life.

Unlike the Church’s concrete social doctrine for justice and har-
mony between classes, no such constructive official doctrine in the
political field has been formulated and assembled as a whole in
recent years. As a matter of fact Catholics do possess this through
the tradition of the classic thinkers in Christendom, continued,
explained and perfected by authoritative Catholic writers and
leaders inmodern times. Even by taking note of successive condem-
nations by Pope Pius XI of exaggerated Nationalism, and Fascist,
Nazi and Soviet totalitarianisms, they can easily realize what forms
of the State are excluded from that black list. But a brief an-
alysis of certain summits of Catholic thought in the historical de-

velopment of political ideas will give us an impressive result in

favor of democratic principles as being in accord with Christian
doctrines of human liberty.

Medieval Democratic Principles

The roots of the democratic doctrine of the ‘general will’ may

be found —even in the seventh century — in the text of the Fifth
Book of St. Isidore’s Etymologies which considers law as the fruit
of popular decision {constitutio populi), made l>y both the sena-
tors {inajores nalu) and the common people (plebs). According
to Isidore, kings are so called {reges) because they must act right-
ly; such an essential prerequisite that they even lose the name of
kings if they fail to comply “there are those who convert the gov-
ernment into a cruel tyranny, and once they have arrived at the

height of their power, they forget their duty, fire their hearts with
selfish pride and finally disdain their subjects as if they were
nothing in comparison with a king. Such kings should remem-
. .

ber the words of the Ecclesiastes: Have they made you a ruler?
Do not raise yourself above them, but he one of them.”^ The bases
and limitations of royal authority are clearly apparent in the Isi-
dorian doctrine and in the decisions and acts of the former Coun-
cils of Toledo. The fourth of them, presided by St. Isidore, in
633, set down rules for the election of the king, and protected as
far as possible the rights of the nation through the rising popular
liberties. An important law of the Sixth Council of Toledo (which
became the law XI of the Heading of the Liber judicum)
dealt with “breaking of oaths,” and amoitg other things declared:
“If any king should not want to fulfil the articles set forth in this
constitution, may his generation be scorned forever and lose its

wealth and distinction in this world, and may he be condemned

and punished with his companions in hell.” The supreme religious
Sententiarum, book III, chapter 48.
Ubid., 32, 1.

sanctions were thus added to mere by the authority

political ones,

of the Church. The political importance of those Councils in Spain

was manifested in their power to submit royal rule to principles
of Law, according to the concept: “You will be a king if you
act according to justice, and if you do not, you will not be a king.”
The Middle Ages considers God as the supreme fount of sover-
eignty, and the people as its common channel. The struggle be-

tween the elective principle sanctioned by legislation and the here-

ditary principle which the kings tried to impose, was prolonged
through the Merovingian and Carolingian dynasties, in France,
and far beyond the visigothic epoch in Spain. A Charter of Char-
lemagne, in the year 806, proves that “the sons of a king did not
succeed the father by right, nor by order of primogeniture, but it

depended upon the people to elect a successor.” When Swintila,

master of the whole Iberian peninsula, tried tonnake the crown

hereditary in his family, giving his son joint rule with himself,
and also giving power to his wife and brother, the people regarded
this attempt as an attack on the national prerogative of election
and as a violation of fundamental laws. The king, forced to flee

by the people who revolted, was declared, with his family, ban-
ished from the throne by the Fourth Council of Toledo, before
which the proclaimed successor Sisenand was called, and humbly
received the authority of king from the supreme assembly. And
the Council established: “When the king dies, no man may take
over the reign or make himself king;” and provided for election
by “the accord of the bishops, the noble Goths and the people.”
The first Christian reigns which were formed in the Iberian pen-
insula after the Arabic invasion in the eighth century, the kingdoms
of Asturias and Leon, were modeled on visigothic laws and their
kings could not alter in their favor the visigothic tradition. It was
only in the eleventh century that heredity through association of
the son with the father was established, but the elective system
was in force for many years. The great political innovation ori-

ginated in the twelfth century, the Cortes introduced in Leon, Cas-

tile and Aragon, as the first parliamentary institution known in
Europe, continued the work of the Councils. It was considerably
extended, since the three social classes of the epoch, nobles, clergy
the Third Estate were represented in those assemblies,
latter through the municipalities. Alongside of their fundamental
function to discuss, approve or reject the royal petition on taxes,
the Cories exercised a certain legislative power by virtue of their
right to formulate petitions introducing laws and revising old ones;
and upon receiving the crown, the king had to swear before the
Cories that he would respect the laws and the rights of the coun-
try. If the king should die without direct heirs, the Cortes called

an assembly which was already called the Parliament, to elect

a new monarch.*
The Christian Middle Ages carefully developed the political
doctrine issued from the famous text of the City of God in which
St. Augustine daduced human freedom from the natural order pre-

scribed by God accordingly to the Scripture: “Let them rule,”

said He, “over the fishes of the sea, and the fowl of the air, and
over every thing that creepeth upon the earth.” He made man rea-

sonable — Augustine explains —and lord only over the unreason-

able, not over man, but over the beasts. The great theologians al-

ways .sought to set up it within, and

limits to royal power, to

to denounce as tyrannical any transgression of the legal statute.

Since St. Thomas Aquinas (whom Lord Acton called “the first
Whig” because of his constitutional theories),® the thesis of the

mixed regime become generally accepted, including the advan-

tages of the three legitimate forms of government: monarchy, aris-
tocracy and democracy, as defined by Aristotle,^® constantly seek-

s For example,
at the Parliament of 1134, in Borja, the Aragonese elected Ramiro
as King. When the Cortes were not in session, there was a permanent body called a
general deputation which carried on, and which saw to the management of public
affairs. When the king was a minor, the Cortes appointed a body of prelates, knights
and “good men” to counsel him, “without whom nothing was to be done,” as pro-
vided by the Cories of Palencia in 1313, and to receive complaints wlien anything was
done wrong and see to it that the guardians of the king put it right. Cf. Ckeccion
de Cortes, 37, 4; 38, 14; and R. A. & A. J. Carlyle, A History of Medieval Political
Theory in the West, vol. V, pp. 1251M.
» Cf. J. Qayton, Democracy in the Middle Ages and Modern Times, in the volume
For Democracy published by The People and Freedom Croup, London, 1939, p. 41.
Politics, book III. chapters IV-V.

ing to avoid diose in opposition: tyranny, oligarchy and demagogy.

But it was already stated by John of Salisbury in the twelfth cen-
tury, that “authority in princes has its measure in Law” and “so-
ciety imperously requires submission of the Princedom to the laws,

for Princes must be persuaded that nothing removed from Equity

and Justice may be permitted them.”'^

Democratic Tradition and Natural Rights

of Men and People

As forerunner of Grotiiis, the theologians belonging to the Cath-

olic school of Natural Law in the sixteenth century were decidedly
defenders of Democracy. Dominican Francisco de Vitoria asserts
that “the source and origin of cities and republics comes from
nature” but “no man has the right by natural law to force laws
on others, since man is naturally free and is dependent only on
God.”*^ This idea of the natural liberty of men is strongly em-
phasized by jurists of that period. Let us quote, for instance,
Fernando Vazquez Menchaca “All men are equal by natural
law; all are born free. That is, not only is the whole world not
subject to the jurisdiction of a man, but no man is or was subject
de jure to rule by another, unless it is through his own will.” Two
centuries later the world will believe it is discovering such cur-
rent topics.'^
Equality and liberty were recognized as belonging to all men.
Vitoria and his followers, practically all Churchmen, insisted upon
the fact that infidelity was not a just cause of war. In the same

" John of Salisbury, Polycraticus, hook IV, chapter I.

RrlecUo de potestate civili. No. 7.
u* ContToversiarum Ulustrium, book I, chapter XX, No. 24.

t+The proverb per me re^’nanf reges implies causality aceonling to Vazquez

Menchaca in the same way that it is said “that, through divine ordinance, rivers
flow, fountains spring forth, plants grow, trees germinate, the sun sheds light, the
moon and the stars shine, and some men read, some write, some plough, others sow.
the leaves of the trees are stirred by the wind, the cat chases the rat, the eagle chases
doves, or the dog chases rabbits, and many other manifestations of this nature. Then,
in order for the ruler to perform iurisdiction through God’s will, it would be neces-
sary that God in'the examples outlined above, were maintaining jurisdiction through
all those beings.” Controventiarum, bonk I, cliapter XXIX, No. 4.
way Pope Innocent IV established: No one has the right to force
infidels to accept the faith, for each man has the right to follow
his own will, and nothing but the grace of God has any importance
in this instance. Bartolome de Las Casas in his famous polemics
with the imperialist Gines de Sepulveda (1550), declared: “All
nations and peoples whether they have faith or not, who have ter-

ritories and separate kingdoms which they have inhabited from the
beginning are free peoples and are under no obligation to recog-
nize any superior outside themselves.” Freedom becomes there-

fore extended to the international community as a logical conse-

quence of the principle of equality among peoples as well as
among individuals. The Papacy likewise supported the rights of
the “infidels” against too zealous conquerors invoking so-called
religious interests in order to enforce non-believers to embrace
the faith, or wanting to enslave them. A Bull issued by Paul III in
the year 1557, defined and proclaimed tliat “Indians or any other
people, who may lie hereafter discovered by Catholics, although
they be not Christians, must in no way be deprived of their liberty
and possessions, and that on the contrary they may and must be
allowed to enjoy freely and lawfully the said liberty and posses-
sions; that they must not be in any manner enslaved; and that,

if they be so enslaved, their slavery must be considered as null

and void.” Analogically, one hundred years later, another Pope,
Urban VIII, in his Bull of April 22, 1639, forbade “any person
to dare or presume to reduce to slavery the said Indians, to sell

them, exchange them, give them, separate them from their wives
and children, despoil them of their properties and possessions,
take them into oilier places or deprive them iii any manner what-
soever of their liberty, retain them in slavery, as well as to lend
aid, favour, or give counsel or succor, under no matter what pre-
text or excuse, to those who should do the said things, to speak
of it and teach it as something permitted, or to collaborate in it

in any way whatever.” All this “under pain of excommunication.”

The Church joined, as we see, the party of freedom against
that of oppre.ssion, and thiswas done not only by the head of the

Roman hierarchy, but also by the clergy sent to the new world
by the conquerors. It is known that the bishops were entitled the

“defenders of the Indian people,” and protested energetically be-

fore the king each time abuses were committed. Franciscans
living in Mexico recalled to Charles V that “God forbids man to
do wrong, even if this wrong is to produce the best consequences,”
and dared to add: “It is even preferable that no native of the New
World be converted to our Holy Religion and that the King lose
bis lordliness rather than to condemn those peoples to slavery in
order to obtain their conversion and submission.’”®
Three Jesuits were in the vanguard in supporting democratic
ideas at the end of the sixteenth and the beginning of the seven-
teenth century. Cardinal Bellarmine, Suarez, and Mariana. And
they did so opposing every tyrannical attempt of the kings reigning
in their epoch. As James I of England asserted that he “owed
his crown only to God, and had not received his power from the
people,” he contradicted the doctrine of Catholic theology upheld
by Bellarmine, according to which political power, even though
it be by divine right in view of its existence and necessity in so-
ciety (which would perish without someone to govern), “resides

immediately in the collectivity of people, has not been given to

anyone in particular, but to the multitude.”** James turned fur-

iously against Cardinal Bellarmine for having dared to think

otherwise. By will of the Pope, Suarez was brought into the con-
troversy and dedicated his book “to the most noble kings and prin-

ces of the whole Christian Orb” in order to defend this thesis:

“No king or monarch derives, nor has derived (according to com-

mon law) political sovereignty from God immediately, or by
divine instijution, but through human will and establishment,”
and egregium theologorum axioma as supported by a great
this is

many theologians, jurists and Fathers of the Church enumerated

by Suarez, who quoted Augustine’s sentence: Generate pac-

Cf. G. Mendt-z Plancarle, Humanhtas del xiglo XVIII. Mexico, I'JII.

Disputationes Roherti Bellarmini, book III. Be laicis. cliapter VI.



turn est societatis obedire Regibus suis^' explaining it in the sense

that royal rule as well as obedience to it is based upon human

will through human contract conferring power.“
The potestas of princes, said Suarez, is conferred upon them
by the community, power of mastering or ruling the
for “such a
men politically has been given to no man immediately by God”;
and “all men are born free by nature; therefore no man has poli-
tical jurisdiction or power over another one.” At last,
tliere is a decisive assertion to be quoted from this theol-

ogian: “Only Democracy can exist without a positive institiuion,

as a consequence of tlie natural order {ex sola naturali institutione

seu dimanatione) for political power being naturally, according
to reason, proper for any perfect community, it naturally follows
that the community owns that power, unless it has been transferred
by a new institution to another subject.”®"

To the questif)n. Is the authority of the King greater than that

of the whole Republic? Mariana’s reply is frankly democratic

in nature: “Since royal power, in order to be legitimate, must be
born of the people, and only through their consent and will were
the first kings put into power in all States, this royal power must
be limited from the beginning by laws and sanctions, so that it

will not cause harm to the subjects and finally degenerate into

tyranny.”®* Mariana does not admit that the citizens have ab-
solutely stripped themselves of their rights when they set up a
sovereign and bind themselves to obedience. They have not con-
ferred upon him the right to do whatever he wishes, without excep-

i' St. AugustineV Confexsions, 1 cok 111, cliapicr VIII.

li'.Suarpz. —
Defensio fidci. bonk III. chapter II. The King of England avenged him-
f.elf i>n .Suarez l)y liaving the beok burned publicly in London, and he complained to

I’hilip III of .‘'pain, who an£.wered. after having had Suarez' book examined by the
most learned scholars of .Spanish liniveraities, that the book was ^und to contain
‘•ane and Catholie iloetrine. and that he would defend it and its author “with arms, if it

were neeessary.” St. Thomas Aquinas (Summa theo/ogica, I Ilae, q. XC, a. Ill)
conceiving law as an “ordinance of reason for the common good,’’ acknowledged that
“the right to ordain anything for the common good belongs either to the whole multi-
tude, or to someone who acts in place of the whole multitude.”
t# /)g legibus, book III, chapter II,

‘‘^Defensio fidei, loc. cit.

De rege et regis institutione ad Philippum HI, book I, chapter VIII.


tion and without guarantee. And *‘the king is not superior to the
people, just as the son is not superior to the father, nor the brook
to the fountain from which it takes its origin.” For this reason,

Mariana considers it necessary that people defend their rights

against tyranny, and that royal authority be limited.
We do not argue with Mariana’s doctrine on tyrannicide, be-
cause the Church refused to admit it. It is also useless to con-
tinue resorting to many other texts from ecclesiastical authorita-
tive writers openly supporting a democratic constitution of civil

society, our aim being only to recall how Democracy, human free-

dom with regard to kings and rulers, and opposition to tyranny

are in the genuine tradition of Christian teaching. If particular

areas of Catholicism in modern times are obstinate in rejecting

such a tradition, it comes from other sources than those; but the
phenomenon is indeed worthy of some accurate analysis.
The clash between Catholicism and Democracy, the antagonism
between values that seemed to be predisposed to interpenetrate

each other, began actually through the progressive secularization

of civic life. Since a large part of society refused to be led by the
teaching of the Church, and the formulations of natural law be-
came no longer concerned with God as the author of nature, and
Reformers as well as philosophers insisted upon “free thought”
outside of the Catholic dogma, many Catholics found themselves
in opposition to civic society as a whole. Instead of accepting
to fight for their attacked principles and reasserting them in their
permanent essence compatible with the new conditions of the
world, they often preferred to forsake the political field. So
the Christian moral basis of human politics was more and more
removed, according to Machiavellianism. Catholic thought be-
came weak, unable to continue the strong tradition of the six-

teenth and seventeenth centuries, and it happened that a motto

so deeply Christian as that of “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity”

could be turned against Catholicism because of the apathetic at-

titude of too many Catholics in defending it as their own. Con-

servative Catholics are generally behind the times, and they ne-
glect to assert the lasting vitality of Christian values.

Church and Modern State

Since the State had become embodied in representative forms

by adoption of the principles of Democracy, it was obvious that
itsmanagement needed organization of the liberties of men who
had to co-operate actively with the regime. On the other hand,
citizens realized the importance of safeguarding and protecting
their freedom, without which the increasing power of the State
ma(‘hiiiery could crush them. That freedom was invoked by citi-
zens ill a two-fold way, from the Church and from the State. They
often saw in the union of both supreme institutions, spiritual and
temporal, the threat of the two old “swords.” Actually the Church
used as itsmain weapons spiritual ones on account of its dis-
ciplinarian power over the whole community of believers. Origin-
ally the Church disposed of only spiritual punishments, and even
the most terrible sanctions were left to the judgement of God, as
being ultra-temporal by nature. So the most serious one that
could be imposed on this world was excommunication. But the
Church had no power over non-Christians. The sole right of the
Church over non-haptized men was that of announcing the Gospel
to them, but this peacefully, without forcing them to convert. We
see how such a doctrine is recalled by the Council of Trent: “The
Church does never exercise any judgement over those who did
not enter it by the door of baptism.”^ Despite the efforts of many
theologians, in medieval Christendom spiritual and temporal so-
cial orders appeared not only united but often confused. What
the Church regarded as an ideal to be obtained by persuasive
ways, the unity of men in the same faith. Kings frequently used
to accomplish by force, compelling non-believers to accept an
imposed faith and then persecuting them because of their logi-

cs Cf. Charles Journet, £e pouvoir caercitij de r£glise, in /Vova et Vetera,

in Switzerland, July-September 1937. pp. 303-346.

cal insincerity in practicing their new religion. The Inquisition

was a fruit of that confusion of attributions, understandable
enough in its epoch, even though not justifiable, and unimaginable
in the primitive Church or in our time. It was exploited in fact
more by the State than by the Church, and more as an instrument
of policy than as a religious one. But it contributed enormously to
discredit Christian Churches (both Catholic and Protestant, which
used such a cruel proceeding), and also the State as indirect judge
and direct punisher in matters of faith.

There were many reasons to hope that a distinction of com-

petence and jurisdiction between State and Church could put an
end to that medieval confusion which could no longer be pro-
longed since European society had ceased to be united by ties of
the same faith. The separation however began with a constant
rivalry in the absolutist period, to be converted into rupture and
reciprocal hostility in the revolutionary and constitutional epoch.
The deeper the influence of the clergy in absolute monarchies, the
more anticlerical was the revolution. Constitutionalism, like the
consecration of revolutionary conquests, was frowned upon by the
Church insofar as the social role of the Church became threatened
with nullification by the revolutionaries.
One cannot be astonished that Papacy was opp»)spd to the

French Revolution. At that time such a feeling was shared in

every European court — the “Terror” had naturally terrified them.
And then, the Church was hostile to the liberties claimed as a
whole, as they implied equality for all cults before the State, as
well as the free spreading of doctrines against the faith and ethics
of Christianity. “The most active and most intolerant current of
the. Catholic clergy and hierarchy declared itself against every

Constitution (at the time of Pius VII) and connected closely with
reactionary parties and absolutist courts, especially Vienna.”^
The more and more inflexible attitude of the Holy See, throu^-
out the nineteenth Century —
^as recalled by Don Sturzo"'* the —
Luigi Sturzn, L’JRgUse rt I'Htat, Paris, 1M7, pp. 478-479.
2-* Ibid., pp. 483.
monarchism of many bishops penetrated with old absolutist and
royalist theories, as well as the anti-liberal campaign of the
Jesuits and other congregations, all led to confuse morally ac-
ceptable Constitutionalism and political liberties, with naturalist
and revolutionary philosophies. It contributed to the creation of
an even deeper gap between the Church and the people wanting
liberty.Each “liberal” was regarded as anti-religious, while reac-
tionaries leaned upon the Church in order to use it as a tool of
})ower and a means of struggle.
If was a fact, a characteristic fact of theModern Ages, that a
Catholic State, that is, a political community which is composed
exclusively of Catholic subjects and which recognizes Catholicism
as the only true religion"*' no longer existed.®* A divided society
caused a divided State. Tolerance was often claimed by dissidents
in each Nation; was hardly practiced by rulers. The Protestant

principle: Cuius regio eius religio, was generally adopted by

both Protestant and Catholic States. Freedom of conscience, of
worship, of opinion, were anxiously asked for. In the minds of
many people became absolute and boundless. Here
these notions
is where the strife with the State and with the Church took place.

The State opposed unrestricted liberties by accepting the prin-

ciple but limiting as much as it could the concrete liberties ack-
nowledged in the constitutional epoch. The Church whose theol-

ogians had supported popular liberties such as rights against

rulers, emphasized the doctrine of liberty, and rejected the new
secularized bases attributed to the claimed freedoms, as well as
their conceited boundlessness.The natural rights of man had al-
ways been defended by Catholic doctrine, founded on Natural
Law, and deriving from the Eternal Law and the Divine Rule of
the World. Since Nature appeared to men as if it were independent
of or unconcerned with its Creator, the Church looked upon it as
deprived of any basis. Fundamentally, discussion came less from

defined by J. Pohle, article on Toleration in The Catholic Encyclopedia.
“The intimate connection of both powers during the Middle Ages was only a
passing and temporary phenomenon, arising neither from the essential nature of the
State nor from that of the Church.” J. Pohle, Inc. cit.

the pattern of the concrete liberties than of their philosophical

implications. This made it inevitably more bitter.

In 1884, Leo XIII’s Encyclical Humanum genus condemns that

doctrine of secularized “Naturalism,” as a form of Liberalism:
“The Naturalists hold that all men have the same rights and are
in every respect of equal and like condition; that each one is
naturally free; that no one has the right to command another; that
whenever the popular will changes, rulers may be lawfully de-
posed ; and the source of all rights and civil duties is either in the

multitude or in the governing authority, when the latter is con-

stituted according to the latest doctrines.” The average reader
will find therein an accusation of the principles of both the Bills
of Rights and of authoritative Catholic writers who supported “na-
tural rights,” especially throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth
centuries, in behalf of the Church. He who wants to conciliate
texts like that quoted above with a “reasonable liberalism,” will
argue that when Popes condemn such propositions, for purpose of
rejection, they are wont to choose the most absolute form, the
most exaggerated thesis; and then, it is sufficient to withdraw any
extremist incidental sentence (for instance, the words “in every
respect” from the beginning of the text) and the proposition be-
comes no longer condemned. Unfortunately the average reader
does not become convinced in every case by such a keen argu-
ment. Let us examine the most significant debate in this matter.

The Quarrel on the “Syllahus”

There is a document issued by the Vatican in the last century,

that has always been thrown in the face of the Catholics as ob-
vious evidence of intolerance: it is the Syllabus of 1864. Wielded
at the same time by conservative Catholics against their more pfo-
gressive fellows, and by every foe of the Church against this in-
stitution itself, it marked the high tide in the struggle between

Rome and Liberalism. Endless polemics were opened since its

publication and they are not yet closed. Let us briefly see why.

‘-On the death of Gregory XVI, in 1846, Pius IX was elected

Po^ and such a choice produced general enthusiasm not only
among among people outside of the discipline
believers, but also
of the Church. They thought him a liberal and placed a lot of
romantic hope in him. Guizot dared to believe that the new Pope,
in opposition to the policy of his predecessor, would accomplish
the reconciliation of the Church and “modem society.” The strong
popularity of Pius IX as well as his first decisions might encour-
age such a confidence. The famous Theatine Father Ventura, a
constant friend of Lamennais, was called to Rome, and his ser-
mons, believed to be inspired by the Pope himself, provoked a

tremendous sensation because of their frankly liberal tendencies.

But the “idyl between Church and Liberty,” as remarked by an
ecclesiastical writer'^ ended very soon. The so-called “modem
society” was fiercely anti-clerical and even anti-religious, and
Pius IX wanted no compromise with it. A catalogue of its “er-
rors” was ordered by the Pope, to be prepared in 1852. Two
successive commissions shared in this work until 1864, when the
Encyclical Quanta cura was published and, at the same time, in
charge of the Pope, the Secretary of State Cardinal Antonelli
sent to all bishops a Syllabus “containing (as its title reads)
the most important errors of our times, which have been con-
demned by our Holy Father Pius IX in Allocutions at Consis-
tories, in Encyclicals, and other Apostolic Letters.”
Two princi[)a1 aspects should be commented upon the Syl-
labus — the way of its promulgation, and its contents. About the
latter, no doubt that it is extremely severe for each and every
current thesis among non-orthodox thinkers, and even for some
tJiatwere supported by certain Catholic liberals whose condemna-
tion appeared suddenly and formally. Indeed the Encyclical of

1864 proscribed Gallicanism, according to which the acts of the

popes concerning religion were required to be sanctioned by civil

- Don
Luigi Sturm. L'£glise et Vf.tat, Paris, 1937, p. 507. Cf. aUo V. M. Craw-
The Rile and Decline oj Christian Democracy, chapter IV of the volume for
Demociacy, by “The People and Freedom Group,” London, 1939, p. 60.

power**, and also absolute Liberalism which claimed for every

citizen total liberty to express publicly his opinions, no matter
what they might be, by way of speech, the press or any other
means, without any possibility of curtailment or limitation by
ecclesiastic or civil authorities. But the Syllabus seemed to con*

demn all liberties as proclaimed by philosophers and established

in Ginslitutions and Bill of Rights, especially freedom of con-
science and everything that was proudly considered the appanage
of“modern society.” It seemed the bitterest answer to those who
had harbored a hope, of bourse exaggerated, based on the so-
called Pius IX’s liberalism.
Its eighty condemned propositions dealt with various theologi-

cal, moral and political subjects. Some of them caused great as-
tonishment among liberals, both believers and non-believer. For
instance, the 15th, declaring erroneous that “every man is free
to embrace and profess the religion he is led by the only light of
his reason to find as being the true one.” And the 80th, declar-
ing it to be false that “the Roman Pope can and must agree with
progress, liberalism and modem civilization.” Catholics them-
selves were afraid, for the literal interpretation of such principles
created an embarrassing situation in which the Church could
lose all connection with the society upon which it was neverthe-
less called to act. And such a situation became more burdensome
since reactionary Catholics took the Syllabus as a weapon against
less narrow-minded co-religionists.

A French bishop, Msgr. Dupanloup undertook the job, no easy

one, of eradicating the misunderstanding. He hurriedly wrote and
published, in January 1865, a clever comment on the Vatican
documents.** Based on the current distinction accepted by
theologians between thesis and hypothesis, Msgr. Dupanloup de-
monstrated that the Pope envisaged the ideal of an entirely Chris-
Gallicanifini. Josephism and “regalism” were always restrirtions to the liberty
of the Churrh. It is to be noted that, in 1868, the Conseil tfEtat at Geneva refused
Msgr. Merniillod liis title of bishop under the pretext that it had been granted by
the Pope without participation of the State.
La Convention du IS septembre et FEncyclujue du 8 deremhre 18b4. Gf. I,a-
grange. Vie de Monseigneur Dupanloup, vol. 11, Paris, 1894, pp. 291 298.
tian society, but he left believers free to act according to the con-
ditions of the political society actually existent. Replacing each
proposition of the Syllabus into he presented them in
its context,
the sense in which one must understand them, always a just and
reasonable one.^” Many papers opposed to the Church cried out
that the Bishop of Orleans “transfigured” the Vatican texts. But
the Pope himself wrote to Msgr. Dupanloup: “You have rejected
errors in the same meaning that We have done so.”®^ Dupanloup’s
statements were immediately accepted by no less than six hundred
and thirty bishops of many countries offering him the most en-
thusiastic congratulations for his work. The very authoritative
Jesuit review La Civiltd Cattolica, which had just been placed
under the direct inspiration of the Vatican, supported the same
attitude. Its writers had already asserted that in the field of the
“hypothesis,” modern liberties might be legitimate, and Catholics
were allowed to love and defend them.®®
Reactions in other countries were similar. Theologians ap-
plied themselves to give a little more liberal interpretation than
that too literal one embraced by either conservative or anti- Cath-
olic minds. In a very subtle manner. Archbishop J. B. Purcell,
Msgr. Dupanloup explained that the Syllabus did not condemn progress as such,
hut a certain so-called progress, a certain so-called civilization; “These sublime words
(progress, liberalism, civilization) that you denaturalize, we have taught them to
you in their true meaning. ... In spite of you, each of these words has had, and
still conserves, and will conserve forever a perfectly Christian sense.” Lagrange, loc.
cit. ; Mourret, HistoUe generals de I’Sglise, vol. VIII, Paris, 1921, pp. 496-498.

*' Pius IX's Letter to Msgr. Dupanloup, February 4, 1865.

La CivUla Cattolica, October 1 7, 1863. In the same way, a very learned Spanish
priest and philosopher, Jaime, and the great French tribune Montalembert
had tried to show no incompatibility hut rather conciliation existing between Catholi-
<-ism and Democracy. They devoted themselves to distinguishing between dogmatical
intolerance in matters of faith, and civil tolerance proclaimed os necessary to society,
as a way to preserve peace among men.
With the very useful doctrine envisaging not thesis but hypothesis as applicable
to the actual conditions of life in our times, the position of Catholics, living in this
“hypothetic” but real world becomes indeed simplified. As Msgr. Dupanloup said:
"When as a matter of fact the unity of doctrine has been broken in any country, a
political law may be established on that fact. For this reason the Pope does not
necessarily condemn any Oonsliliition in which freedom of cults is granted.” What
the Syllabus means is that such a situation is not "the ideal one” for the Church
(whose ideal was all men professing the true religion). “The same for political

liberties—Dupanloup continues : the question is not to know if Catholics must em-
brace as a thesis, as an absolute truth, but simply if they may accept as laws or, on
the contrary, reject modem political liberties as such;” and his solution is that
“considering laws and institutions needed by a country or at a certain time, no one
word of the SYllabiis nr of the Encyclical condemns them,” (Lagrange, loc. cit.l.

of Cincinnati, in his polemics with Th. Vickers, Minister of the

First Congregational Church of the same city®* said, concerning
the Eightieth condemned thesis: “I believe that the Pope has no
need to reconcile himself to progress or true Christian evangelical

liberalism, for he was never, and is not now, opposed to either.”®^

On the Fiftieth proposition of the Syllabus showing it as an error
to say that “the Church ought to be separated from the State, and
the State from the Church,” Archbishop Purcell’s comment was
categorically: “I do not want a union of Church and State. I de-
precate such a union. I prefer the condition of the Church in the
United States to its conditions in Italy, France, Spain, Austria,
With keen prudence the Dutch Jesuit Father A. Haag
recommends an analysis of each of the propositions included in
the Syllabus “according to the laws of scientific interpretation.”®®
Its form is a negative, not an affirmative one. Telling in each case
what proposition is rejected, it does not provide its contrary as
admitted by the Church. And even each proposition is given gen-
erally, in an absolute sense, and is to be referred to its source.

Thus the often quoted Eightieth proposition must be explained

with the help of the Allocution on March 18, 1861, in which the
Pope expressly distinguishes between “true and false civiliza-
tion” and affirms “that, if a system designed to de-Christianize
the world be called a system of progress and civilization, he can
never hold out the hand of peace to such a system.” According
to the words of this Allocution, then, “it is evident that the thesis

of the Syllabus applies to false progress and false liberalism.”

Edited in pamplilet under the title The Roman Catholic Church and F ree
Thought, Cincinnati, 1868.
Loc. cit., p. 33: It could alao be said that tlin Eightieth proposition was only
concerned with the Pope and presented as if he could and might (both terms to-
gether) reconcile and harmonize (both too) with progress, liberalism, and with modern
civilization (with all the three) ;
and that lacking only one of these terms, the thesis
would be changed and therefore no more condemnnd. Casuistry possesses inexhausti-
ble resorts.

So Archbishop Purcell, loc. cit., p. 32 If it is an “error” that the Church and
State ought to be separated (as an ideal for every country and every time) it does
not imply that they ought to be united, either in abstract or hie et nunc.
The Calholir Encyclopedia, vol. XIV, p. 369.


J. EUiol Jloss'*’ invokes Cardinal Newman’s Letter to the Duke
of Norfolk published in 1879, as the best treatment of the rela-
tions between Church and State, demonstrating that no incom-
patibility exists between the teaching of the Catholic Church and
a Democracy: In the Syllabus, the condemned proposition num-
ber 80 is universal and positive; the proposition implicitly af-
firmed by the condemnation of that will then be particular and
negative: “sometime, somewhere (for instance, in Vatican City

or the tlieocratic State of Solomon) Church and State should not

be separated.” Both chosen examples are deeply significant of the
wideness of such an interpretation.
Cardinal Newman had from the question
openly settled, aside

of the contents of the Syllabus, another one upon which discus-

sion had been introduced among theologians and canonists the —
question of what were doctrinal authority and binding power of
tlie Syllabus over the Catholic world.'’" Cardinal Antonelli, the
Secretary of State had sent the document to all the bishops, jointly
with the Encyclical which was of course a direct act of pontifical
teaching. Nevertheless, the Syllabus was not signed by the Pope
himself. It had been prepared and issued by order of the Pope.
Was il an a«'t ex-cathedra? Many theologians denied it. Among
them, was Father Newman, who wrote in the open Letter to the
Duke of Norfolk: “The Syllabus has no dogmatic power”; after
which Leo XI II appointed him as Cardinal. Pius IX, as well as
Leo XIII considered it an act of the Holy See; but not precisely
an act ex-cathedra. “So long as Rome has not decided the ques-
ti«m, everyone is free to follow the opinion he chooses. There . . .

is no agreement on the question whether each rejected thesis is

for the Catholics — infallibly false, merely because it is con-

demned in the Syllabus.”^ An Austrian Bishop, Msgr. Fessler,
the learned canonist De Angelis, and many other authoritative
ecclesiastical writers refused to acknowledge a dogmatic character
The Religions of Democracy (Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism in creed and
life). New York, 1<>41, p. 166.
O'* Cf. Mourret, op. cit., vol. VIII, p. 501.
Cf. article Syllalins, in The Catholic Encyclopedia.

to that (lorumenl, issued by Cardinal Ajitoiielli in charge of the


The Church and tlie Totalitarian State

Tn practice the difficult question of the relations between the

State and Church is easier than in theory. The church, inflexible
in its principles (the “thesis”), is more conciliatorywhen dealing
with established regimes (the realized “hypothesis”). Strict ap-

plication of the alliance between both institutions being only avail-

able in the case of a completely Catholic State, and there being
“good reason to doubt if there still exists a purely Catholic State
in the world” according to modern theologians,^" “when several

religions have firmly established themselves and taken root in the

same territory, nothing else rp?nains for the State either to exercise

tolerance towards them all, or, as conditions exist today, to make

complete religious liberty for individuals and religious bodies a
principle of government.” •

We are far enough from the times of rupture which created

strojig hostility between the temporal and spiritual powers. De-
mocracy has been put into practice in many countries, in almost all
civilized ones, through historical vicissitudes. And it is worth not-
ing that the more and belter such a regime is loyally applied, the
more effectively religious liberty is granted and protected. No
Church may be persecuted where Democracy enacts its own liberal

principles. On the contrary, the further a State separates itself

from the liberal and democratic concept of power, the more pre-
carious becomes the status of believers and Churches. Religion
and Churches in our times have been persecuted only by dicta-
torial States. Either they frankly opposed every religion because
they try to supplant religious dogma by their own, covering the
full field of consciences (like Sovietism and Nazism), or they
intended to exploit, to their benefit, the acknowledged values of

*•’ J. "Polilf, on “Toloration,” in The Calhotir Entytlopidia.

religion and the Church (like Fascism and Falangisin).*^ At any
rate, persecution or deformation is all the Church can expect from
any anti-democratic dictatorial regime.
.Since the Church has no political form of civil society as its

own, because of its supera-temporal mission which deals with

leading souls towards “God’s City” —no matter what the pattern
of the “Earthly City” may be — Catholics remain free to prefer
one or another among the legitimate regimes. There is no political

dogma: the “realm of Christ” is not of “this World.” It does not

mean that Christians should lie absolutely unconcerned with poli-
tical life and action. Even though, as Christians, they are not

of the World, they exist indeed in the World, and must be conscious
of their responsibilities as citizens of their respective States. Nei-
ther their religious faith however, nor their allegiance to the
Church, may imply any supplementary political attitude as need-

ed. They may beMonarchy or for Republic, for Aristocracy

or for Democracy. No orthodoxy binds them, no declaration of
heterodoxy threatens them in their free choice, provided that the
ruler does not attack religion, nor oppose Christian moral princi-
ples. And even in this case the Church is wont to distinguish be-

tween regime and legislation, by recommending subjects to fight

lawfully against laws or acts of persecution, but meanwhile re-

specting legitimately established regimes.'*® Only when a regime

Julian Fascism combined both systems destructive and corruptive in- its fight,
now open and then palliated against the Church. Mussolini could not neglect the
importance of the ('atholic factor in Italian life. So he looked opportunistically for
rompn)mising. Spanish Falangism declared in its official Program, paragraph 25;

“Our movement incorporates the Catholic sense of glorious and predominant tradi-
tion in Spain -for national reconstruction.” And prevented all “intrusion” of the
Chuch “olTending the dignity of the State,” without granting any reciprocal attitude
on the side of the State which actually endeavored to obtain annexation, submission
and utiliratinn of Catholicism under color of protection.
Resistance to oppression is very carefully regulated by Catholic doctrine, in
both passive and active ways, according to the Evangelical principle; “It is better
to obey God than men.” Nevertheless, sedition is generally forbidden to Catholics,
through the teaching of Popes. Pius XI recalled the common doctrine in his Letter
to the Mexican Bishops on March 28, 1937; “The Church condemns all unjust insur-
rection and violence against established governments. ... It is quite natural that
when even the most elementary religious and civil liberties are attacked. Catholic
citizens do not resign themselves passively to giving them up. However, the vindica-
tion of these rights and liberties ... by legal and appropriate methods . only. .

iustifies actions that are lawful and not actions that are intrinsically ba^. • .

If means ought to be proportionated to the end, we must only use them in the measure

identifieij itself with anti-religious struggle, does the Church con-

demn it as incompatible with the natural rights of consciences.
Priority and superiority of the natural rights of man with regard
to -the State are recognized by Catholic doctrine. No legitimate
State may be founded on systematic violation of such essential
rights. The State is viewed as a simple means for human social
life, never as an end in itself. If it intends to upset that order be-
tween means and ends, it contradicts natural law. When the State,
by its own divinization, claims to occupy in the souls of its sub-
jects the place that believers reserve to God, conflict with the
Church becomes unavoidable. All the strife between the spiritual
and temporal powers in contemporary times is settled there. Poli-
tics becomes religion, the State changes itself into a Church, civic
allegiance turns to faith, discipline is implied in political dogma,
non-conformism is punished like heresy. It is the typical phenom-
enon of the totalitarian State.
A whole system of myths is set up by modern Totalitarianism.
Worship is imposed upon men in behalf of the Nation, the Party,
the Class, the State or Race. Infallibility is attributed to the su-
preme Ijeader, who like the absolute Kings “can do no wrong.’*
He appears as a superman, and even as a god in the eyes of the
simple people.^® Against all these aberrations the rebuke of Pius

in wliich they serve to obtain the end, or to render it possible in whole or in part,
and in sueh a wav that lliev do not eause the eommunity greater damage than that
which one wislies to repair.”
A peculiarly puzzling case, resulting in deep trouble in eonscienees, is that of the
position of the Church in Spain during the last fourteen years. When leftist Repub-
licans succeeded in imposing upon legislation certain principles denying Catholics
the rights of equal liberty proclaimed as fundamentals for all citizens, the protest of
the Church against such tinjust measures was as firm as it was lawful. Formally and
unanimously the Spanish bishops kept believers away from the paths of sedition. But
when sedition was started nut by the Army, in 1936, most of the seme bishops arcepted
and even blessed tlie military uprising from the beginning, so contradicting the
instructions given five years before to the Catholics.
Blasphemous tenets are current ways of stating an idolatric submission in totali-
tarian regimes. So Becker. Director of the Nazi Workers’ Front, dared to assert:
“Christ was great, but Adolph Hitler is greater,” {Frankfurter Zeitung, October 10,
19.3.'i). Dr. Engelke went even further: “God has manifested himself not in Jesus
Clirist but in Adolnh Hitler.” (Reported in the Manchester Guardian, July 15, 1938.
Cf. Nmisrn and Christianity, by the Rev. John A. O’Brien, Huntington, Indiana,
1941, p. 21.)
Two forms of parody of the Christian Creed were recently launched in Cermany
and Spain. The former was published in the Reichswart, as follows: “I believe in

XI remains in all the strength of its expression: “Anyone who
takes race, or people, or State. . . and divinizes them through an
idolatrous worship, overturns and falsifies the order of things. .

He who dares to lift a mortal man to the same level as Christ, and
even over and against Him, deserves to be told he is a prophet
of nothingness, to whom the words of the Scripture are applicable:
“He who lives in Heaven jeers at him.”^*

Man, sovereign lord of all things and all powers on the earth. 1 believe in tlie Ger-
man, lord of himself, eonrcived under the nordii sky, who has suffered under
Papists and Mammon’s disciples, has gone down into hell, under rods and calumnies
of all kinds of devils, is rosurrecterl from the darkness of national death after tens
of miserable and hopeless years, who ascended to the heaven of Eckhaidt, of Bach
and Goethe, where he is sitting down beside his brother of Nazareth, at the right
side of the Eternal, wherefrom he will eome to judge alive buried and dead people.
I believe in the Holy Ghost of Humanity, in the Holy Church of the future, in the
communion of all serving not themselves but the weal of the country, in the foregive-
— —
ness of all faults, in resurrection under more perfect appearance to an eternal life
in future as in the past.” The second Creed, more personal Spanish “raudillo,"
in the
was published in the Falangist press by Isidore Rodrigalvarez. Here is its absurd
text: “I believe in Franco, the almighty man. the creator of a great Spain and of
Discipinc in a well organized Army; crowned with the most glorious laurels, liberator
of dying Spain and modeller of the Spain rising in' the shade of the most rigorous
social justice. Son of the people and bom from the people, he lived with the people
he endured wants and diffculties peculiar to workers’ families; he was born from the
entrails of the Motherland Spain, he suffered under Azaha’s tyrannical power, he
was tortured by the members of a despotic and partisan government, he was badlv
regarded and exiled. I believe in Property and in the greatness of Spain, which will
preside the walk along the Iradilional road thanks In which all the Spaniards will
have something to eat. I believe in forgiveness for those whose repentance is sincere,
in resurrection for ancient guilds oiganized into corporations, and in lasting tran-
luillity. Amen.” No commentaries are needed on these demonstrations of mental
disturbance, too frer|uent1y found under any totalitarian climate. Its examination is,
of course, useful to the diagnosis of psychiatrists.
** Encyclical Mir btennendei Sorge, March 14, 1937. In 1931. the same Pope iiad
already condemned and called the ideology of the Italian Fascism a “Statolatry”
(“which clearly resolves itself into a true, real pagan worship of the State”) ; and
severely blamed the tendency In subject all rights and all education to the service
of that conception of the State which “cannot be reconciled by a Catholic either
with Catholic doctrine or with the natural rights of the family." (Pius XI’s Ency-
clical Non ahbiamo hi^ogno.) Despite these clear words from the Head of the
Church, one of the “prophets” of Spanish Fa-scism, Ernesto Gimenez Caballero, for
whom Fascism is the true Catholicity, impudently wrote that: “Catholicism should
henceforward support itself on this new Catholicity” since the Church “in. the last
three centuries has gradually lost its Catholicity ... by dint of compromise with
heretics, revolutionaries and philosophers, by dint of Concordats and modem culture”
(Lii Nueva Catolicidad, Madrid, 1933, pp. 107-108, 118) ; he exalted idolatrous wor-
ship of the Hero, “the human gate of action opening on the divine, the ideal goal
leading to God;” and even added: “the worship of the Hero is similar to that
offered to Almighty God. . . . The hour has arrived for setting up this image of the
Hero before the youth of the whole World, and for commanding all to kneel before
it” (pp. 143-144). We ran easily see how also in Catholic countries Fascism is
always deeply anti-Christian because of its genuine pagan roots.

The Rise of Catholic Parties

Catholics in several countries have found themselves, in the

last Century, faced with the vital problem of their participation
as such in political life and rule. If they wanted their principles
on political and social ethics not to be neglected, they had to share

and direct the responsibilities of government, through an adhesion

without mental reservations to the fair play of Democracy. On
the other hand, they had to be careful not to compromise either
supreme principles of religion or the authority and prestige of
the Church, in hard strife of parties. A solution came only
from liberty. This liberty had to be conquered against the rest,

hut at first against themselves. One knows the difficult beginning

of the policy of the Catholics in several European Stales whose
Constitution inspired by democratic radicalism was viewed as
in opposition to the Church, or whose ruler.s openly persecuted the
The Centrum Partei Germany from the struggle be-
started in

tween Catholic universalism and German Weltanschauung of Bis-

niarkian KuLturkampf supported by the Hohenzollern. Through-
out many vicissitudes, this Party as well as the Bavarian Catholic
Party played a very influencial role in the Weimar Republic, in
co-operation (and often in dissidence) with Social -Democracy,
but always witnessing the presence of Catholics in public life,

co-working with the rest at watching over the commonwealth of

the temporal community. One also knows the extreme difficulties

created for Catholics in Italy by the special situation of the Vati-

can which refused to recognize the Italian Stale and Savoy dy-
nasty issued by “usurpation” of the Pontifical States, The Papal
prohibition to Catholics from participating in politics, signified
by sustained non expedit, challenged for a long time any political
activity of believers. And this non expedit that was the answer
given in 1874 hy the Vatican to the question raised by Italian
bishops asking if Catholics might lake a part in the election of
deputies to the Chami)er, after the abolition of the temporal power
of the Pope, was only revoked in 1919, thanks to the admirable
tenacity and clearsightedness of men like Don Sturzo, the founder
of the PartUo Popolare. The enormous vitality of this organization
permitted the popolari, in that same year, to obtain 99 Deputies
from a total of five hundred which constituted the Chamber. At
the same time, the activity of Catholics in the social field suc-
ceeded in creating the powerful Confederation of Christian Work-
ers, gathering one million two thousand members, while the So-
cialist Confederation figured one and half million.*®
It is a known fact how French Catholics in France struggled
to integrate themselves within the Republic, despite persecution
and misunderstanding. The Alger toast of Cardinal Lavigerie con-
tributed to the necessary appeasement, asking Catholics to rally
“sans arriere-pensee” to the regime. And what was for many of
them a kind of resignation, became for many others an enthusi-
asm for the possibilities of infusing a Christian policy and essen-
tial principles into public life tind institutions, without falling into
clericalism. The spread of the French Christian Democracy in
its twofold ways (social, by the Christian Workers organization,

and political, through Parties, even though non-confessional, in-

spired by Christianity) has been magnificent in recent years.*®
And we must remark that the condemnation of a Catholic move-
ment like Le Sillon was not based on its democratic doctrines but
on its theological interpretations, from an. analogical point of view
to that which led to the former condemnation of Lamennais.

Luigi Stunu, chapter entitled “Ma vocation politique” in Les Guerres modernes
et la Pensee catholique, Montreal, Canada, 1942. Cf. hia works Italy and Fascism,
Politics and Ethics, where valu^le personal views teach us the fidelity of this
exemplary priest to both Church and Democracy.
Progressive Catholics have reached, in the social field, a degree of unity still
lacking in political matters. As an example, we can mention tlie Social Code issued
in 1927 by the “Union Internationale d’ftudes Sociales” founded in Malines Bel-
gium) under the direction of Cardinal Merrier. This organization was, to a certain
extent, the continuation of that of Fribourg (Switzerland) which worked from 1884
to 1891, under the direction of Cardinal Mermillod, for the preparation of principles
then embodied in the Encyclical Return Novarum by Leo XIII. Those participating
in the'drafting of the Socitd Code included an elite of social-minded Catholics of
several countries: Belgium, England, France, Italy, Netherland, Poland, Spain and

As a matter of fact, something was cJianged with the interven-

tion of Catholics in Democracy, l^o XIII himself had urged
French Catholics to the policy of ralliement. In his Encyclical
Au milieu des sollicitudes (1892) he established that “Catholics,
like all other citizens, are free to prefer one form of government
to another,” that was acknowledgment of political liberty for be-
lievers. And the Pope added: “the Church in her relations with
political powers makes abstraction of the forms which differen-
tiate them and treats with them concerning the great religious
interests of nations . . . When new governments are constituted,
their acceptance is not only permissible, but even obligatory, being
imposed by the need of social good which has made and which up-
holds them. This is all the more imperative because an insur-
rection stirs up hatred among citizens, provokes civil war, and
may throw a nation into chaos and anarchy.” Then, the Pope
attacked frankly the crucial question by saying: “But a difficulty

presents itself. This Republic — it is said — is animated by such

anti-Christian sentiments that honest men. Catholics particularly,
could not conscientiously accept it. This, more than anything else,

has given rise to dissensions, and in fact aggravated them.” He

gave as a solution the distinction between “constituted power” and
“legislation”; accepting the former as legitimate, and concentrat-
ing the political action in the quality of laws, which “will he good
or bad according as the minds of the legislators arc. . .
guided by
political prudence or by passion.” For this result participation in

Democracy was obviously the only way. And obstacles had to be

removed, little by little. Already in 1885, Leo XlII’s Encyclical
Immortals Dei, accepting diversity of forms of government, con-
sidered Democracy as not only permitted but advantageous and
sometimes due to citizens.*’ Later Popes successively authorized
Catholics to integrate into political parties. Either constituted
exclusively by Catholics (and then, as confessional parties as well

“Neque illu4 per se reprehenditur, panicipem plus minus esse populum rei
publicae; quod ipsum oertis in tempuribus certisque legibus potest non solum ad
utilitatem sed etiam ad nffiriiim pertinerr rivinm.” Enryi-lii-nl Immortulf Thi,, Novem-
ber 1, laai.
as non-€oiifessionaJljut inspired by Christian principJes), or in

flieform of other open democratic parties counting on the co-oper-

ation of many or few believers, it was a fact for many years that
Catholics as such participated in the representative system and
rule, and even priests and prelates entered or headed governments,
as in Austria, Czechoslovakia, etc.
The and the Vatican, through
conciliation of the Italian State
the Lateran Treaty, signed on February 11, 1929, was an event
which the Church had hoped for during many years. It had been
prepared before Fascism came to power and was, nevertheless,
accomplished only under Mussolini’s rule over Italy. This coin-
cidence was bitterly deplored by many Catholics throughout the
world since it would afford pretext to the enemies of the Church
to accuse it of complicity with the fascist regime. Benedict XV
had been about to accept a settlement of the “Roman question,”
but the conversations in this respect between the Nitti Cabinet
and Cardinal Gasparri ceased in 1920 upon the fall of that govern-

ment. Fascism considered and exploited the signing of the Treaty

and concordat as a success of its own. The spirit which inspired it

came to the surface a few days later when Augusto Turati, Sec-

retary Genera 1 of the Fascist Party, publicly reiterated the divini-

zing doctrine of the State, brutally proclaiming: “Let it be well
known that the Slate, which all of us must adore on our knees,
shall never suffer limitations nor diminishings, and shall remain
absolute master of all and everywhere.” Some months later on
May 13, 1929, Mussolini himself reaffirmed the fascist nature,
“solely and essentially fascist” of the State and menaced the Cath-
olic organizations with annihilation if they dared combat fascism.
Count Carlo Sforza, who remembers these events and who had
intervened in the pre-fascist period in several conversations headed
toward a reconciliation of the Vatican with the Italian State, also
evokes that Pius XI said during tlie last days of his pontificate:
“Late, too late in my life, have I discovered that the dangers for
religion lie not only on one side, but also on the opposite side.”

Coiidemiiatioii of Nazism

Totalitarianism came to ruin all the democratic progress. Cath-

olic Parties and all others were banished, as well as Catholic
Workers’ organizations in any country where the dictatorship of
a single party was imposed. After a long period of lack of con-
fidence, Catholicism had been considered compatible with Democ-
racy. But the totalitarian State does not tolerate it.^" So it is well
demonstrated that incompatibility exists in doctrine and fact only
with Totalitarianism, which allows no place to any independent
social activity. An extensive battle has for some years been waged
between destructive anti-democratic forces and supporters of the
essential values whose hearer is the human person. Alongside
of democrats, the Churches, Catholic, Protestant and Jewish, led
the spiritual resistance of men threatened with a definitive loss of
the supreme goods of life.

As it is impossible to report here the great number of pontifical

and episcopal condemnations of totalitarian doctrines and regimes,

let us recall that not only atheistic Communism, but also Italian

Fascism and German Nazism were formally opposed on several

noteworthy occasions by Catholic authorities. Pius XI, in his al-

locution to the Cardinals, in December 1926, denounced that which

separates Fascism from the Catholic concept of the Stale: “it

makes mere means to

the State an end unto itself and citizens
that end, absorbing and monopolizing everything.” And this came

after the famous definition of Fascism delivered by Rocco, Musso-

lini’s Minister of Justice, who asserted, in his address at Perugia,

August 20, 1925: “For Fascism, society is an end, individuals

the means, and its whole life consists in using individuals as in-
struments for its social ends. . . Individual rights are recognized
only in so far as they are implied in the rights of the State. Ap-

(,o-calIe<l Catholic Fascism can tolerate any autonomous

<8 Neither Catholic oritan-
i/ation. Franco Dictatorship forced Catholic Unions to rlis‘'oIve as well as the
IIh' Fulanf!-
Students Confederation, wlioae ineinhcrs were conipulhorily transforretl to
isl organizations.
pruvitig tlie thesis of his Minister, Mussolini had said that Rocco
way the doctrine
“presented in a masterly of Fascism.” Pius XI
answered by defending human freedom as well as Catholic prin-
National-Socialism had been condemned by the German epis-

copacy, since 19.30, at a time when many people failed to see the
enormous dangers of such a doctrine. The Bishop of Mainz for-

bade at that time the reception of sacraments to any Catholic pro-

fessing the principles of the Party,some of which “no one Catholic
may embrace without lietraying his faith. Hate of other races
. .

is anti-Christian,” said the Bishop, and refused “to adapt Chris-

tian ethics to German moral sense,” for “the cultural politics of

National-Socialism are in opposition to Christianity.” The Arch-
bishop of Breslau, Cardinal Bertram, confirmed the attitude of his
(udleague of Mainz: “We do not acknowledge any religion of race,
nor any national Church. Catholic means universal.” All the
bishops of Bavaria, as well as Cardinal Schulten with all the bish-
ops of his archdiocese condemned Hitler and his followers, in
1931. A certain appeasement was created by the first attitude of
the Fiihrer after taking the rule in his hands, as he announced
his intention to negotiate with the Church, considering “both Chris-
tian religions (Protestant and Catholic) as the two most important
factors for moral conservation.” But even after the sinister von
Papen was sent to Rome and after the Concordat itself, condem-
nations <»f religious and moral errors of Nazism were made by the
The Encyclical Mit brennender Sorge, issued by Pius XI on
March 14, 1937, is however the most significant condemnation of
Nazism by the Catholic Church. And it was not indeed an isolated
declaration.®® Under the most serious conditions, most of the bish-

A. Mendizabal, Una mitologia politico: los principios anticristianos dd,

racismo, in the review Cruz y- Raya, Madrid, August, 1933.
<><’ After various and repeated cundeninations of racist thesis in several documents
and speeches, a concrete measure was issued at Rome in August 1938, by the Con-
gregation of Studies and Universities. On that occasion, the supreme organ of
control of higher ecclesiastical education commanded that teachers in Catholic insti-
tutes and schools, “to the utmost of their powers, should arm themselves with biology,
history, philosophy, apologetics, and the juridical and moral disciplines to reject

ops of Germany, Austria, and then of the other countries later

submitted to the tyranny of Racism, did nut fail to resist its moral
evils. Throughout the last war, despite the harsh censorship of
the Nazi authorities, some independent voices have arisen from
the German Catholic hierarchy itself, condemning Hitler’s meth-
ods. For instance, the 1941 Lenten Address of the Archbishop of
Freiburg-in-Brisgau, Msgr. Conrad Grbber which denounced “the
reign of the Anti-Christ in the Great Reich as unlike Christ’s reign
as water and fire.” On July 6, 1941, the Collective Pastoral Letter
from the German episcopacy convening at Fulda, was read in

every church of the Reich.

Catholicism and Anti-Semitism

The most brutal manifestation of the destructive doctrines and

criminal practices of modern totalitarianism — all to the shame of
our century —has been the openly declared anti-semitism started
by Hitler Germany, and transplanted to many countries as a
seed and as the touchstone of the Fascist orthodoxy patterned by
Nazism and then accepted by Italian Fascism itself, after being

denied any basis by Mussolini in one of his typical speeches.

This is perhaps one of the issues of Fascism which managed
the least to attain the treacherous goal of Fascist attitudes among
the Catholics. At the very beginning of the anti-semitic campaign,
before Hitler’s rule. Pope Pius XI approved a decree of the Con-
gregation of the Holy Office, is.sued on March 25, 1928, recalling
that “ the Catholic Church has been in the habit of always praying
for the Jewish people,” that “the Apostolic See has protected this
people against unjust oppressions,” and clearly stating that “she
condemns most especially the haired against that ])eople, once

validly and learnedly the absurd dogmas” of Karism, lisled in a kinri of “Syllabus.”
Among those “errors" to fight against: “(2) The vigor and blood purity of the race
are to be preserved and cherished by every means possible. ... (6) The first source
and highest rule of the entire juridical order is the instinct of race. ... (8) fndividual
men exist only for the State and on account of the State; whatever rights may per-
tain to them are derived solely from the concessions of the Stale.”


chosen by God, that hatred which nowadays is commonly called


No sooner had Nazism risen to power in Germany than the ec-

clesiastical hierarchy unequivocally condemned persecution against

the Jews. One needs only to recall the decisive attitude of Cardinal
Faulhahe/’” which the fearless prelate fenced against the ha-
tred of official Germany.
The doctrinal merit and personal courage of his sermons con-
sisted in his not only upholding Christianism as against Racist
Neo-Paganism, but also confronting Judaism and Germanism at
the same time, defending the superiority of the religion of Israel
over the ancient Nordic Paganism which was attempting to restore
itself. Cardinal Manning had said to an Israelite: “I could not
understand my religion if I did not revere yours.” This was the
very attitude of the Archbishop of Munich, who, under Nazi rule,
proclaimed the incompatibility of the Hitlerian doctrines with
(iliristianism; the German bishops insisted upon this thesis in
their collective Letter of June 7, 1934, declaring the racist doc-
trine to be a “radical negation of Christianism.” In defending

the principles of its ethics, the Church was upholding the rights of
the human being. The human being keeps his own worth with
regard to the State, Cardinal Faulhaber asserted; and the indivi-
dual cannot be devaluated, nor expropriated, nor deprived of his
rights to benefit the State; he cannot become blotted out or turned
into a slave of the State, without any rights,'*®

Later, in the face of the increasing persecution of the Jews,

Pius XI proclaimed in September 1938, that “Anti-Semitism. .

is a repugnant movement, a movement in which Christians can

have no part.” And he concluded, emphasizing the fact that, for

ytc/n Aposlolicae Sedis: Decretum De Cnnsociatione Vulgo “Amici iBrael"

aknlcnda. vnl. 20. p. 104.

“Cardinal Faulhaber: Judentum. Christentum. Germatientim. Adventspredigten

gehatten inSt. Michael zu Mnmclten. 1933. (Graphiiscbe Kunstan-italt. A. Huber
Mnenchen. 1934.)
“ Judentum. Christentum, Germanentum, pp. 62^63.

Christians, “Anti-Semitism is not admissible,” since “Spiritually

we are Semites.”®^
The general attitude of the bishops, the priests and the European
Catholics with regard to the persecution of the Jews has been one
of open opposition courageously expressed, not only by verbal
protests, but by an efficacious and model program of aid to the
persecuted; the religious monasteries and the Christian homes
served as refuge for the multitude of Jewish families who had
to hide from the executioners who were lying in wait for them/’’
In France, when the imposter’s government, headed by Petain,
unreservedly accepted the Anti-Semitism ordered by Nazism, and
practiced the horrors of the Hitlerian methods in the non-occupied
zone, without heeding the protests of the Vatican, formulatejj by
the Papal nuncio in Vichy, the voices of the bishops such as
Msgr. Saliege, in Toulouse, Msgr. Theas, in Montauban, and Msgr.
Gerlier in Lyons, expressed the utmost condemnation, and in-

structed the Catholics with regard to their fraternal duties toward

the persecuted people. On August 30, 1942, the Bishop of Mon-
tauban said: “I am making known the indignant protests of the
Christian conscience, and I proclaim that all men, no matter
what their race or religion, are entitled to the respect of indivi-
duals and States. The present Anti-Semitic measures are being
taken in violation of the most sacred rights of the person and of
the family.” “’They are our brothers,” the Archbishop of Toulouse
proclaimed, on August 26, of the same year, “a fact which a
Christian cannot forget.” And the Archbishop of Lyons, primate
of France, asked all Catholics not to abandon the children of the
Jews to the authorities, while other Episcopal instructions begged
the Catholics to give all possible aid to the Jews.” Catholic writers,
like Jacques Maritain, Francois Mauriac. Wladimir d’Ormesson

Cf. Catholici and Jews, A Study in Human Relatiuns, by K«-v. Gregoiy Fi*igf.
(The Catholic Association for International Peace, Washington. 1945), pp. 89-90.
See John M. Oe&terieicher, Racisme Antisemitisme Antirhristianisme (New
York, Editions de la Huison Fran^-aise. 1943) pp. 199 and fnllowing; Ecole Lihrr
des Hautes Etude-.. Le Droit lausle a Fassaut de la Civilisation, especially the rliaptet
“L’application du Droit larisle en Fiance'’ by Paul Jacob (New York, Editions de
la Maison Frangaise. 1943).
showed themselves to be champions of the liberty of the Jews, in
face of the unleashed hatred brandished against tliem by the racist
Among so many mistakes which the Catholic masses have com-
mitted in our century in political matters, that of Anti-Semitism
has in general nut been committed, thanks, in this instance, to the
purely Christian attitude of the hierarchy. Anti-Semitism was the
most brutal of the natural consequences of Fascist totalitarianism.
The horrible sight of the gas chambers and of the sadism of the
torturers was instrumental in opening the eyes of a number of
Catholics who certainly had not shown themselves to be clairvoy-
ant with regard to the totalitarian tyranny which was the cause.

Catliolies and Autlioritarianisni

Politically and socially, the Catholics of our time are pro-

foundly divided between two currents of thought and action, which
we may name respectively the progressive tendency, which is dis-

posed not exactly to accept with resignation, but to propel and

drive the lifting of the working classes to the full exertion of
their rights and social responsibilities; and to recognize and prac-
tice democracy as a regime of liberty and justice, with equality
of rights for all and with the maximum respect for the dignity
of the human person; and the narrowly conservative tendency, or
rather reactionary, opposed to all social advancement and to the
full participation of the people in the affairs of State. Since the
pontifical condemnations of totalitarianism in its various branches
made the conciliation difficult between a profession of Catholic
faith and the upholding of totalitarian regimes, the Catholics of
reactionary tendencies tried to find a ground for compromise in
those regimes which, while not proclaiming themselves openly
totalitarian, defined themselves
as being authoritarian; and up-
held especially the systems called “corporative,” whose main
faultwas the non-existence of really independent corporations.
Such a position was, actually, rather difficult to justify. Italian
Fascism, which created the myth of the Corporate State, defined
itself as being totalitarian at the same time; and was even the
founder of the totalitarian formula of State absolutism: “Every^
thing in the State; nothing outside the State, nor against the
State.” The non-totalitarian regimes, nonetheless strongly authori-
tarian, of Austria under Chancellor Dolfuss, and of Portugal
under Oliveira Salazar, were founded on the suppression of civil
liberties. The Spanish dictatorship of General Primo de Rivera
followed similar principles. What the partisans of authoritarian
regimes who did not accept the frankly totalitarian regimes in
their entire crudeness, did not see or did not like to see, is that
from one to the other type of regime there is no more than a step’s
difference, and that a government which is on the slope of authori-
tarianism soon, by virtue of historical conditions and the internal
dialectics of the system, arrives at the practice of totalitarianism,
since the man or group who exerts a power without limits, natur-
ally tends to abuse it and to increase it to the utmost; and as soon
as there are no obstacles to political power, like those checks
which democracy imposes by means of the vigilant intervention
of its citizens, the power becomes total, and the regime is converted
into a totalitarian one. Thus, authoritarianism is a temporary dis-
guise for totalitarian tendencies; and the Catholic reactionaries
who accept it are willingly or unwillingly servants of Fascism,
which, by its very nature, is totalitarian.

Those groups of Catholics who are enthusiastic over the dic-

tatorial totalitarian policies and who have to recognize the funda-
mental incompatibility between totalitarianism and Christianism,
are looking for the escape of their difficult doctrinal position in a
formula which, considered objectively, is a lamentable aberration:
since the totalitarian anti-Christian regimes are unacceptable for
believers, they believe that if the dictator is Christian and ostensi-
bly protects the Church, the objection which the Church raises to
totalitarianism will be automatically erased. Those who think in

this manner are perhaps defending the material “interests” of

the Church, but it cannot be said of them that they are serving
the “spiritual” cause of religion. “A Christian dictator” is a
contradictio in ter minis, for, if he is really Christian, he cannot
be a di<;tator, that is, the bearer of an absolute and total power,
which disregards and affronts the dignity of the person by sup-
pressing essential rights. In a broadcast beamed to Spain (which
was very significant indeed) on July 27, 1944, the Vatican Radio
bitterly condemned existing dictatorship by totalitarian govern-
ments in various countries. The speaker quoted the Pope as con-
demning “those who dare to place the fortunes of whole nations in
the hands of one man alone, a man who as such is the prey of pas-
sions, errors and dreams.” Pius XII opposed tyranny which “at-

tributes to the man who holds the necessary physical strength the
power to make use of it without any consideration for the rights of
human beings.” Such a statement was clear enough for Catholics
supporting so-called “Christian dictators,” but the natural .address-
ees of this message did not consider that it alluded to them, and on
the contrary, continued to think that the pontiff was referring to
others, and continued willingly to close their eyes to truths as

Christian as these: that Liberty is a necessary condition for our

human and transcendent destiny, and its recognition in the poli-
tical order is parallel to that of free will in the ethical order;
that Equality means the acceptance of the essential worth of men,
of each man, without any possible lessening on account of the
color of his skin or the color attributed to his convictions; and
that the most genuine Brotherhood is expressed in religious terms
by embracing all men as God’s sons.
The exploitation of the most respectable religious sentiments
to serve the interests of a dictatorship oppressing consciences, is

a profanation and an overturning of spiritual values; and it cannot

legitimately base itself upon a reaction against the anti-Christian-
ism of other forms of dictatorship. As a Review of English Do-
minicans fearlessly recorded: “Christ on His Cross has a dignity
and a moral power which no Marxian hatred can dispel. But
Christ the servant of a totalitarian State, granted grud ging liberty
of cult which will take the minds of the poor off their misery.

yet forbidden to open His mouth against violence, injustice and

the denial of His social teaching. . . must tear the heart of every
true Christian.”''®
The conflicting ideologies of our time led too many people
toward the stupid dilemma: Fascism or Communism, two issues
which are not exactly two solutions, but rather two evasions of the
primordial problem. Fascism and Communism are not antipodes,
hut neighbors, bad neighbors and therefore in conflict. . . until

they reach an understanding; right and left of the same tyranny,

of the same dictatorship against man; two arms of the same
Moloch demanding inhuman human sacrifices. Such a stupid di-

lemma created the brutal tension which split the world by leading
the peoples toward that universal civil war whose forerunner and
sinister rehearsal was the Spanish War.

The Spanish Test

From 1936 onward, not only tlie Spanish Catholics but those of
the whole world, were deeply divided in view of the phenomenon
of the Spanish military insurrection which, with the efficient aid of

Hitler and Mussolini, resulted in the setting of the Franco regime

in Spain, after a war of nearly three years’ duration. It would be
simplifying matters too much to consider this schism between 'the
lines of the battle fronts, as an opposition between the supporters
of Franco, helped by Germany and and the supporters of the

Spanish Republican Government, helped by Soviet Russia. The

division between the Catholics of Spain and the world took place,
basically, between those who accepted Franco as if he were the
savior of his country and the leader of Catholicism, and those
who considered him as the destroyer of his country and of all
ethical precepts, and especially of the religious ones, which he
invokes at every instance. Nevertheless, it is not a matter of a

schism between Catholics who support Fascist and Catholics who

would support Communism, but between Fascist Catholics and

Blackfriais. Octnber 1936. from the Cmadian CallinJir paper Social Forum,
August, 1936.


Democratic Catholics. The latter, in confronting Franco, were not
defending a form of totalitarianism opposed to his, but on the
contrary, for they rejected the absurd dilemna of Fascism-Com-
munism, and were fighting on two fronts, against any form of to-

talitarianism, that of the left or of the right. If, in the case of

Italian Fascism, the Democratic Catholics, inside and outside of
Italy, had taken a stand in frank opposition to Mussolini’s regime,
why phenomenon have
could not a similar arisen in the case of
Spanish Fascism? The question was more difficult in the latter

case, because Franco, unlike Mussolini, offered himself as cham-

pion of Catholicism and was supported by the ecclesiastical hier-
archy and by a large majority of militant Catholics. But, despite
this, many Catholics and numerous ecclesiastics and some prelates
in Spain, refused to admit the validity of the military insurrection,

the justice of the war,and the horrible crimes which were com-
mitted against the dissidents, as well as the ends pursued and
put into practice by those who called themselves “crusaders of a
Holy War.” Most of the Basques, whose Catholicism cannot be
doubted, fought openly against Franco’s troops and against the
Italian divisions which took part in the war. Franco had indeed
gone to great lengths in showing considerations and apparent re-

spect to the Church, as a means of making use of it. When, as in

the Basque country, the Church did not appear disposed to sub-
mit to the dictator’s violence, he persecuted it, expelled the Bishop
from the Diocese of Vitoria, together with hundreds of priests
and religious men, who are now scattered throughout the world
19 Basque priests were executed by Franco’s authorities and 53
others were still in the prison of Carmona at the time that the
socialist leader. Besteiro died there, in 1940. Not all the Spanish
bishops signed the “collective letter” which Franco expected of
them propaganda, and Cardinal Vidal y Barraquer,
to support his
Archbishop of Tarragona, who had refused his signature, died in
exile in Switerland.
Nevertheless, the instructions which the Spanish Catholics had
received from their Bishops, as early as 1931, were positively

clear. The instructions formally and unanimously given by the

Bishops during the early years of the Republic aimed to keep
die Catholics away from the paths of sedition. Just after the vote
of the Constitution, whose anti-Catholic bias had created deep
unrest among believers, the Collective Declaration of the Episco-
pate on December 20, 1931 recalled that: “The Church has never
failed to inculcate the respect and obedience due to constituted
power, even in those cases where its holders and representatives
have abused it ... To cooperate by participation of abstention, in
the ruin of the social order, in the hope that from such a catastro-
phe a better condition may emerge is a reprehensible attitude
which, by its fatal effects would amount to treason against religion

and country ... It is not by a seditious and violent attitude that

Christians will remedy those ills which weigh them down.” Why
should those sound principles expounded in 1931, condemning
sedition — to be feared as a catastrophe and to be qualified as
treason — ^not be valid in 1936, just when the opportunity to apply
them presented itself? Why should the person who directed the
“treason against religion and country” have received the title of
savior of religion and country? The supporters of that “seditious
and violent attitude” will claim that they tried to remedy the
evils of society. Before the war, in the first half of 1936, rightist
leaders denounced in Parliament political crimes under the Popu-
lar Front Government, amounting to 182 killings. The “remedy"
to this, coldly chosen and prepared, and brutally administered by

the “saviors of the nation” was infinitely worse than the evil. It
is enough to consider the atrocious course of the Civil War and of
the regime which succeeded and which is still in power. The tri-

umph of violence could not assure peace, but only the perpetuation
of violence, in the service of a dictatorship, defined by its leader,

from the beginning, as being a totalitarian one,®^ Only too late

the Episcopate and many Catholics began to realize the meaning

•7 On October
1, 1936, Franco, assuming the functions wiiicli his
co-insurgents had
so librraliy conferred upon him < enthroned by (’.eneral (nitanellas by the words;
“I confer upon you the absolute powers of the Stale”)' fiirmallv derlared “Spain is
organised according tri a va?»f totaJitarwn conccpl.”
of the Falange’s totalitarianism as well as the fact that solidarity
with such a regime compromised the Church to a great extent in
Spain. When Pope Pius XI issued his encyclical against Nazism,
the Spanish newspapers were unable to publish it, because the Ger-
man censorship, which was set up in the Peninsula, prevented its
printing. Only in the final months of the Civil War did Cardinal
Goma, Archbishop of Toledo, dare to protest publicly against “the
divinization of the State.” But scarcely had this disagreement
arisen when Cardinal Goma found himself forbidden to publish
his instructions to the faithful, as the Franco regime did not allow
the slightest criticism, even from an ardent collaborator.
In its reaction against martydom in one zone, the liierarchy had
accepted submission in the other, and submission to a totalitarian
system which, in its own program, declared its intention of making
use of the social force which the Church represented in order to
annex it and incorporate it into its nationalistic frame. Franco
dissolved the Catholic organizations of workers and of students,
in favor of the sindicatos of the Falange.- The Catholic leader,
Gil Robles, despite having himself ordered the dissolution of his
party at the beginning of the military insurrection, and being dis-
posed to favor it, soon found that he was expelled from Spain and
is still living in exile in Portugal. Many Spanish Catholics (Re-
publicans, Monarchists, Traditionalists), are living in exile or in
Franco’s prisons, or have been deprived of the right to practise
their professions. But we must make a basic, distinction between
those Catholics who supported the counter-revolution and who
were then persecuted for not showing an absolute conformism
with the regime, or for incidents of a personal nature, and those
other Catholics who, from the outset, opposed totalitarianism and
whose attitude is based on deeprooted democratic convictions.
Some day, when the Franco regime has fallen into defeat, if a
genuine democratic movement of Christian inspiration is able to
arise in Spain, this will be
on account of those Catholics who have
always upheld a decisive attitude of opposition against the dicta-
torship, in defense of liberty.

The Rebirth of Christian Deniof;ratic Parties

After World War

which so many worthy as well as un-
IF, in

wt)rthy things have been demolished, millions of Catholics have

finally understood their task and assumed it in political and mural
reconstruction. Prejudices which had formerly separated them
from democracy have been perhaps forever banished, since Catho-
lics now realize that Democracy, while being only a way, can lead

better than any other way to the accomplishment in political life

of moral values which Christians rightfully deem themselves
obliged t*) preserve. Religion is outside and above every policy,
blit it is not wrung to think that Democracy today is the instrument
to govern men without neglecting their most human aims and even
guaranteeing by equal liberty the advent of a real brotherhood in
which Christians will be able to fill their temporal mission.
Too many people, when faced with the phenomenon of the
springing up of strong democratic parlies of Christian inspiration,
believe that this is something absolutely new. However, what is

new are not the parties, but their present strength.

Since 1924, the Popular Democratic Party, existed in France
with only about fifteen representatives; one of its leaders, M.
Champetier de Ribes was a cabinet member for several terms;
there also existed a paper called V Aube, published by a team
headed by Franoisque Gay and Georges Bidault. The heroic con-
duct of this group in the Resistance is what gave to these men and
to their ideas the national and international resonance which they
had not had before. Their firm detdsion in the fight against the
invader and in favor of the principles of Christianity and of De-
mocracy, is what has brought them to power in the postwar pe-
which obtained the
riod. In the general elections of 1945, the party
greatest number of votes was the “Popular Republican Move-
ment,’”'*' the successor of the Popular Democratic Party, directed
by the same leaders, of which the best known nowadays is Georges
•'’*4.887,000 votes (a few more than the Communist Party, and considerably mote
than the Socialist Party).
Bidault due to his being entrusted with the Office of Foreign Af-
fairs almost without interruption since the liberation of France
and his being Prime Minister under especially difficult circum-
The democratic seed of VAube, of the former Popular Demo-
cratic Party and of its younger brother, the party of the “Yoimg
Republic” had fructified, throu^ an intellectual elite which,
between the wars, had published papers which were highly inter-

esting, from the doctrinal point of view, like Esprit, Temps Present,
Politique, Res Publica, La Vie Intellectuelle, etc. Without being
the organs of any party, these publications spread the democratic
doctrine among the Catholic French and prepared a democratic
movement and a conscience whose ripeness is now clearly appre-
ciated. In 1940, at the time of the French Armistice, only 80 mem-

bers of the Parliament refused to vote against the Republic. They

Iielonged to the Socialist Party and to the Popular Democratic
Party. In the past, the Catholic-political groups were considered as
belonging to the right. Nowadays, they find themselves politically
in the center and socially to the left. In France, nationalization of
certain industries and the banks has been backed by the Popular
Republicans, in conjunction with the Communists and Socialists;
and even though the philosophy of that party is different from,
and even opposed to the Marxist philosophy of the other two, the
consideration of the “commonweal” has made the Catholics co-
operate loyally with the other groups in the government and in
the material and moral reconstruction of the nation.
The Italian Popular Party has been reborn in Italy under the
new name of “Christian Democratic Party” with leaders like
Prime Mitiisler Alcide de Gasperi, Guido Gonella, Salvatore Al-
disiu and others, disciples and followers of Don Luigi Sturzo,
whose return to Italy in 1946, after twenty-two years of exile, was
of triumphal significance and character. Don Sturzo, during this
time, has been the guide not only of the Catholic Democrats of
his country, but also of those of other European and American

countries; and his pure religious orthodoxy, linked with his sound
democratic standing, has given him his unique prestige.
The participation of the Christian Democrats in the government
of Italy, alongside with Communists and liberals, was not an easy
task. One of the first problems, which were to test the democratic
loyalty of that party, was the question of the form of govern-
ment. Many Catholics were inclined towards the conservation of
the monarchy, but the Congress of the Christian Democratic Party
decided in favor of the republic in 1946, by a majority of 69%
of its delegates. In Italy, like in France, Belgium, Holland and
other countries, the Catholic Democrats had gained the respect of
the other groups, due to their opposition to Fascism when it was
in power and because of its resistance to Nazism under the Ger-
man occupation.
It would he a mistake to assume that the democratic attitude,
nowadays so widespread among the Catholics, was common to all
of them. In France, during the Vichy regime, there were many, -in
fact too many, of the Catholics who hacked Marshal Petain, him-
self a Catholic, admirer and follower of Fascist methods. The dif-

ference between Catholic conservatives, or rather reactionaries,

and Catholic progressives, defenders of freedom, is now more
obvious than ever. -

In Portugal, the dictatorial regime, military in its origin, and

established after a period of political disturbances, was headed
since 1928 by a notorious Catholic economist, Oliveira Salazar,
former professor at the University of Coimbra. The events in
Spain without doubt impelled Salazar to assume positions paral-
lel to those taken by the Italian and Spanish Fascism. During
the Spanish civil war he considered that his own regime was linked
to Franco’s fate; even though the Imperialism of the Falange could
have made him fearful of the risk which its expansion would mean
for the Portugese freedom. Salazar is perhaps the least aggressive
of all dictators — a dictator “malgre lui” — but in any case a dictator
of fascist type, which he would nevertheless characterize as semi-
fascist, with a corporative facade. “We are anti-parliamentarian.
anti-demooratic and anti-liberal,’* wrote Salazar in die introduction
»of his book Doctrine and Action (London, 1936). The discontent
of numerous Portuguese Catholics has manifested itself on repeated
occasions, and Cardinal Cerejeira, patriarch of Lisbon, erstwhile
a personal friend of Salazar, has withdrawn himself from the
regime and has favored the separation of the Church from the
State, preferring poverty for her upon renouncing the support of
the State for the cult and clergy, in order to avoid the “utilization”
of religion as a government weapon.
In Spain, shortly before the establishment of the Dictatorship
of Primo de Rivera in 1923, the “Popular Social Party” was
founded by a group of Catholic democrats, which the Dictatorship
did prevent to develop. Under the Republic two parties of demo-
cratic type developed: the “Basque Nationalist Party” and the
“Democratic Union of Catalonia.” Because of its exclusively re-
gionalistic character, their influence was limited to only the Basque
country and Catalonia, respectively. But their firm democratic
standing outlived the severe trial of the civil war and Franco’s dic-
tatorship.The “Christian Democracy Group,” which existed in
Madrid before the civil war, aimed only at social studies without
connection to the field of political democracy.
would be now loo early to judge upon the political standing

of the Germans after the war. The military occupation of their

country and the resulting political infltience of the big powers
lead the Germans, who were for so many years isolated from the
currenls of thought in the world, to vote when they have the occa-
sion of doing so, without knowning what is going on, or guided by
opportunistic views, lacking any sincerity.
In Cermany and Austria, as well as in the most of Europe, three
main forces appeal to the public opinion: Communism, Social-
ism and Christian Democracy. But none of these in occupied
countries can claim its The majority for one or
voters as adepts.
another party mainly depends on the occupation power of each
zone. However, the elections held until now outline the trends of
the future, which nevertheless might entirely change when fascist
currents now forced to hide themselves would arise anew. In

the meantime, millions of former supporters of Hitler are voting

for their opponents.™
Franco, Petain, Salazar, have had the backing of many Catholics
(and not only in their own countries), but in opposition to them
and in favor of democracy, many other Catholics have given
testimony of their political independence, without involving the
Church, like the others had done frequently. The Church, must
necessarily remain out of the parties, but the Catholics as citizens
can and even must, through parties, as instruments of govern-
ment, intervene in politics. From its inception, the Italian Popu-
lar Party insisted upon its autonomy and independence from ec-
clesiastic control, calling itself not a Catholic party but a party

of Catholics, a distinction not sufficiently appreciated by many

who often did refer to the party as if it were the very arm of
the Vatican, even at times when the Vatican was not very sym-
pathetic to that movement.
In order to provide for a common ground the various democra-
tic groups inspired by Christian civilization, a Secretariat of Demo-
cratic Parties of Christian Inspiration was founded in Paris in
1925, and later, in 1940, an International Christian Democratic
Union was established in London, through the initiative of the
People and Freedom Group, one of the most active and useful
instruments of Christian Democratic thought and action.
In the middle of the last war. Pope Pius XII issued, through
his Christmas Message of 1942, a body of sound principles of
Christian ethics aiming to “reconstruction of what is to arise and
must arise for the good of society.” Among such fundamentals
propoeed to the post-war world, the head of the Catholic Church
stated the necessity of ^*giving hack to the human person the dig-
nity given to it hy God from the very heginnlng,” claiming as hasii*
the personal rights. Requesting for the rights of man not only

The final tabulation of 30 million post-war votes in the four zones of Germany
gave these results: Christian Democrats. 10,598,241; Social Democrats, 7,778,313;
Socialist Unity Party (Communist dominated), 5,093,144; Communist, 1,247,340;
Basae-Saxe Party,' 1,002,718; Center, 459,425. When in November, 1945, Austrians
elected their Federal Parliament and prorincial bodies, the Popular Party (former
Social-Christian) won 1,574,587 votes and 85 seats; the Social-Democrats, 1.420.862
votes and 77 seats; the Communists only 176.671 votes and .3 seats.
declaration i)ul also implementation “by the authority of the
courts,” the Pope stated the principle that “the State and the
functionaries and organi 2 ations dependent on it are obliged to re-
pair and to withdraw measures which are harmful to the liberty,
property, honor, progress or health of the individuals,” in order
to restore the State and its power to the service of human society”
with full recognition of the “respect due to the human person”
against “the errors which aim at deviating the State and its au-
thority from the path of morality.” The above mentioned prin-

ciples were in opposition to those on which totalitarian dictators

of every brand founded their regimes. Reactionary Catholics

therefore decided to skip the statement or to understand it as
directed only against leftist dictatorships. Catholic democrats
welcome the Pope’s declaration and its full significance.
The Christmas 1944 message of Pope Pius XII was even more
significant in favor of democratic principles. “Taught by bitter
experience,” the Pope said, the peoples are opposing “the concen-
tration of dictatorial power that cannot be censured or touched.”
They are calling “for a system of government more in keeping

with the dignity and liberty of the citizens,” and such a demand
“cannot have any other meaning than to place the citizen ever

more in the position to hold his own personal opinion, to ex-

press it and to make it prevail in a fashion conducive to the
common good.” Pope Pius XII evokes the democratic govern-
ment as it appears to many “as a postulate of nature imposed
by reason itself.” And a great Catholic and democrat, Professor
Francis E. McMahon comments: “Both democracy and Chris-
tianity a^-e being assailed by the same enemy. Totalitarianism
. . .

would wipe both off the face of the earth. There would have
been no Totalitarianism if both had remained joined together.
Now, by the force of a common threat, they have been united in a

fashion. But the task of cementing the union has yet to be achieved
. . .Christianity and democracy must cease going their separate
paths or contemplate the destruction of their common world.”"**

Francis E. McMahon, A Catholic Looks at the StorU (New York, Vanguard

Press, 194R), p. 185.
Eppstein, John: The Catholic TTodition of the Law of Nations, Lon
don, Burns Oates, 1935.
Faulhaber, Cardinal: Judentum, Christenlum, Germanentum, Muen
c'hen, Huber, 1934.
Feige, Gregory: Catholics and Jeivs, A Study in Human Relations
Washington, The Catholic Association for International Peace, 1945.
JouRNET, Charles: Vues Chretiennes sur la Politique, Montreal, Beau
chemin, 1942.
Leo XIII: Encyclicals.
Maritain, Jacques: The Things That Are Not Caesar’s, New York
Scribner’s, 1930.
Maritain, Jacques: True Humanism, New York, Scribner’s, 1938.
Maritain, Jacques: Christianity and Democracy, New York, Scrib
ner’s, 1944.
Maritain, Jacques: The Rights of Man and Natural Law, New York
Scribner’s, 1943.
McMahon, Francis E. A Catholic Looks at the World, New York

Vanguard Press, 1945.

Mendizabal, Alfredo: Una Mitologia Politiva, Los principios anti
cristianos del racismo, Madrid. Cruz y Raya. 19.H3.
Mendizabal, Alfredo: The Martyrdom of Spain, New York, Scrib
iier’s, 1938.
Neill, Thomas P.: Weapons for Peace, Milwaukee. Bruce, 1945.

Oesterreicher, John M.: Rarisme Aniisemitisme, Antichristianisme
New York, Editions de la Maison, 1943.
People and Freedom Group; For Democracy, London, Burns Oates
Pius XI: Encyclicals.
Purcell. J. B. ; The Roman Catholic Church and Free Thought, Cin
cinnati. 1868.
Ryan, John A. and Boland. Francis J.: Catholic Principles of Politics
New York. Macmillan. 1940.
Ross, J. Elliot: The Religions of Democracy (Judaism. Catholicism
Protestantism in Creed and Life), New York, 1941.
Scott, James Brown: The Catholic Conception of International Law
Washington. Georgetown University Press. 1934.
Sturzo, Luigi: Politics and Morality. London. Burns Oates, 1938.
Sturzo, Luigi: Church and State, New York. Longmans. Green & Co.
Sturzo. Luigi: Less Guerres modernes el la Pensee catholique, Mont-
real,Editions de I’Arbre. 1942.
Sturzo, Luigi: The Catholic Church and Christian Democracy, New
York. Social Action, 1944.
The Catholic Encyclonedia.
Vermeil, Edmond: Hitler et le Christianisme, Paris, Gallimard, 1939.




Thorsten V. Kalijahvi

Our Age

Since we live in a time when political ideas and doctrines

are the subject of general discussion, it is important to recognize
that many of the current doctrines and theories so freely discussed
today are so explosive that they could have been held only in
secret or cherished only in the face of inimical philosophies or
doctrines a generation or two ago. Many of the ideas and ideals,
which we hear over our radios today, if uttered forty years ago,
would have incurred immediate punishment.
One of the most explosive political phiosophies is nationalism.
It is also one of the greatest forces of our civilization. Although
it in reality looks far back into the dim regions of history, nation-
alism has become a mighty current only since the end of the eigh-
teenth century. Today in its many variations it is perhaps the
most potent political force in all Europe; and, as we watch the
shifts in population and the efforts of one European country to
free itself of the racial minorities of another, the appeals of a
common race and all the concomitant paraphernalia overshadow
everything. Nationalism is both a constructive and destructive
force, which fact will become clear as our discussion proceeds.
At the outset, it should be noted that the sentiment of nation-
alism is not simple. In the process of evolution it has developed
more and more complex and intricate forms. Thus the Trreden-
tism of CariLaldi in Italy looks very simple in comparison with
current Communism, Fascism, National Socialism, Hispanidacl,
and other nationalistic ideologies. Furthermore the old and new
nationalisms are inextricably intertwined. Look at any of the
national songs, folkways and poems, and note how they survive
changes in government and even migrations of people front one
territory to another.^

Nationalism Defined

There are so many views on nationalism, and there are so

many terms, which are so closely related to it, that a definition

is required here. We must not confuse it with national, nation-

alitat, nationalismus, nationality, state, or government. In gen-
eral nationalism means the sentiment or sympathy which binds
a group of people together through common institutions and com-
mon culture, and thus gives unity to the group.® It is a spiritual
manifestation of the people of a state whereby their loyalty to
country and their patriotism — ^the love of local institutions — are
translated into bases of social and political action. In its dy-
namic sense, nationalism is composed of all the cultural activi-
ties and ambitions of a state; while in its static sense it repre-
sents the existing state system in the world.®
Nationalism should be distinguished from the word nation. Na-
tion refers to a group of people inhabiting a definite territory and
believing that their members constitute a distinct cultural society.

The bond, which ties this group together —nationalism—becomes

especially marked when the group is threatened by other men or
groups of men who do not share its particular beliefs and senti-

' See* intrndiii’iiiin Id Alfml Ziinmern, Modem Political Ilnrtrines, New Ynrk,
Oxford University Press, 1939, pages I-XXXII.
2 Royal Institute of Intematumal Affairs, Nationalism, London, Oxford IJniverhity
Press, 1939, pages XVI-XX.
s Harry Elmer Barnes, History and Social Intelligenre, New York, Knopf, 1926,
page 145; also see C. J. H. Hayes, Essays on Nationalism, New York, Macmillan,
1926, and Bernard Joseph, Nationality: Its Nature and Problems, New Haven, Yale,

mentu.' In this sense the nation, its customs and traditions are
often combined with demands for racial amalgamation, racial
purity, which in turn are based upon racial awareness of common
destiny and common blood.
Nationalism should also be distinguished from a state, which
is an established organization consisting of a group of people
inhabiting a particular territory with a particular form of govern-
ment, which group is held together by the consciousness that in
its entirety it constitutes a state..
Nationalism also differs from patriotism and loyalty, which
mean love of the fatherland. Nor is nationalism government,
which means the political organization that controls and directs

the political community.

Nationalism is not synonymous with society, for society is the
term which is applied to all group actions of communities no

matter what the organization may be.

Parker T. Moon points out that nationalism is loyalty to the
slate of which one is a subject accompanied by a desire for se-

curity, prosperity and the greatness of the country in which one

is born. This sentiment tends to insist upon uniformity of lan-
guage, religion and institutions. It feeds upon an intense pride

in nationa"! institutions, manifested in the desire that all people

who speak the national language shall be included within the
national state. It alst) strives to encompass within the national
slate those areas to which claim can be made historically, geo-

graphically or economically.®
Summarizing these thoughts, nationalism is a form of group
feeling related to other kinds of group feeling, be they community,
family or religious. It is concerned with political power which
places the individual at an advantage when he belongs to the

community and places him under disadvantages when expelled

from the community. Nationalism is based upon the differing
^ Thorsten V. Kalijarvi, Modern World Politics, New York, T. Y. Crowell, 1945,
2iiil ed., page 59.
*' Parker T. Muuii, S\llabui on International Relations, New York, Mavinillau Co.,
1926, page 9.
M4 IlDROPEAN ideologies
of groups. It is a sentimental political concept directly related
to the struggle for power, which respects the individuality of
states, recognizes the variations in law and government, and seg-

regates group from group on the basis of a common core of ideals

and beliefs.^

Nature of Nationalism^

Burns points out that national differences are due to heredity

and environment. When nationalism as a group feeling is ana-

lyzed as to its component parts, it is found that it is not a primary
instinct, nor can it be classified as such. It is tbe outgrowth of
several characteristics of man. The first is man’s gregariousness.
His pugnacity also must be taken into account. Likewise group
preservation and group aggrandizement, through which national-
ism is often expressed, are the results of human egoism and
desire for self preservation and self aggrandizement. Nationalism
incorporates man’s submissive characteristics or man’s tendency
to follow leaders. In short, while nationalism is not instinctive
with man, it does grow out of the emotional and instinctive char-
acteristics of modern .society, and as such, in many instances it

is not a product of reason, but of feeling aroused by the effect

of current affairs upon several of man’s primary instincts or char-

Forms of Nationalism

There are many forms or concepts of nationalism. France and

the Latin countries identify it with a spiritual bond growing out
of culture and religion and similar influences. However, countries
like Finland, Switzerland and Belgium tend to identify national-

** C. Dclisle Bums, Political Idetds, London, Oxford University Press, 1932, pages

p. 175.
* W. McDougall, Social Psychology, Boston, Luce & Co., 1916; also Sydney Heiltert,
Nationality and Its Problems, London, Me*huen, 1920; Gustave LeBon, Psychology
of People, London, Unwin, 1899.

ism as the spirit which characterizes people who live together.

The Nazi philosophy identified it with the race and the state citizen-
ship with which one had been endowed. In the United States and
Great Britain, nationalization is characterized by definite social
aims, loyalty to the state and the constitution under which it oper-

It is not difficult therefore, to observe that as groups of men

differ from each other and as each group has its own individual
characteristics, nationalism will differ with each group, and even-
tually it will acquire the idea of political independence, especially
among subject minorities. Nationalism is distinguished as it rep-
resents different people, institutions, laws, governments and senti-

ments. Nationalism is also given particular characteristics as it

it by the contact of group with group and the attendant

friendships and conflicts between groups. Thus one group imi-
tates its foe for the purpose of overcoming him.


Nationalism is also in part a habit, for it grows out of habits.

It is a product of the past living in the present. We are what we
are because of what has happened to our forebears. Nationalism
rests on several foundations.
(1) One of them is a strong group feeling, which develops
among those who inhabit the same territory, especially if they are

isolated from other people.

(2) Another is the solidarity which arises out of the belief
that people belong to the same race.

(3) Closely akin to this feeling is that which grows out of a

common language.
(4) A fourth bond or foundation is comprised of the traditions
and the great events of the past history of a group in which every
member takes part and shares with others.

* Joseph Roucek, “Nationalism and Minority,” T. V. Kalijarvi, Modem World

PolUics, New York, T. Y. Crowell, 1945, 2nd ed., pages 61-62.
(5) Religion also may be a binding force as may be observed
in Eastern Europe.

(6) The temperament and character of the people may be a

. (7) It has also been seen diat great works of art, especially

literature — music, stories and songs of the greatness of a people,

plays about national heroes and dances —induce national solidar-
ity.^" Let us examine some of these in greater detail.

Strong Group Feeling

J. S. Mill in his RepreserUative Government has an interesting

observation to make on the first point. He says,

A portion mankind mav be said to ronstilute a nationality if

they are united among themselves by common sympathies which
do not exist between them and any others which make them co- —
operate more willingly than with other people, desire to be under
the same government and desire that it should be government
by themselves or a portion of themselves inclusively.”

Since this definition may also be true of cities, trade unions and
other groups, it is necessary to add that the sentiment must be such
that the group concerned considers itself a nation with national


In considering the second point, namely race as an important

factor in the formation of nationalism, it should be emphasized
that race cannot by itself create a new nation. Something more is

needed. This is amply illustrated in Europe, where not a single

pure race can be found, but where nationalism nevertheless
V. Kalijarvi, Modem World Politm, New Yoik, T. Y. Ciowell. 15)42, Is) eil.,
V-tge 45.
” J. S. Mill, Repicsentalivc Government, (liapter XVI.

There are many racial mixtures in England and the Balkans,

Switzerland and elsewhere in Europe. While one may attribute,

for example, tallness and blond features to the Scandinavian peo-

ple, one also finds many brunettes among them. Racially the
French, German, and English peoples are mixtures. In spite of
this, European nationalism in a very substantial measure de-
pends upon a widespread popular belief that a nation is, or ought
to be, a racial unit. This old concept goes back to primitive tribes

where blood relationship was basic to tribal membership. When

this racial idea is carried to its logical nationalistic conclusion

it develops into the idea of master races and inferior races. Here
in our own country we have not been immune to its influences be-
cause, for example, we believe that aliens are inferior to native
Americans. Sometimes the concept of race goes so far as to state

that war eliminates unfit races and only the fit races survive.^
. So strong has the feeling of race become during the last decade
that violent conflicts have occurred over it. We know that all
Frenchmen are not temperamental, all villains are not dark for-
eigners, all Irishmen are not witty, nor are all Americans lovers
of the almighty dollar, yet most of us act as if this were true, and
out of these racial ideas emanates much modem nationalism.^^


Point three was that the possession of a common language is

al^o basic to modem nationalism. It is closely related to the idea

of racial kinship. How strong a hold the sentiment of a common
language has on a nationalistic group may be seen in the claims
to border lands put forth by Poland and Czechoslovakia at the end
of the First World War. »

See Y. A. Novicow, ITar and Its Alleged Benefits, London, Heinemann, 1912,
chapter 4.

See H. F. K. Gtinther. Rassenhunde Europas, Munich, 1926, 2nd ed., translated

by G. C. Wheeler as The Racitd Element of European History, Newj York, Dutton,
1928; also T. Lothrop Stoddard, The Risutg Tide of Color, New York, Scribner’s,
1920; and Ruth Benedict, Race: Science and Politics, New York, Modern Age, 1940.


Men may err in the belief that a common language gives tide to
same language.
the area inhabited })y people of the true that It is

the assumption is often erroneous, but that makes small differ-

ence in world politics where belief is basic to the policies and
the strategies of states. Moreover the identification of language
with race and thus with nationalism is a potent emotional force,
whether, it is correct or wrong.
As a rule uniformity of language tends to make for group soli-
darity while diversity of language makes for misunderstanding.
Yet some states develop strong nationalism in spite of many lan-
guages. That is true of Switzerland with four languages French, —
Italian, German and Romansch. Some nationalistic states like
Italy have only one language while other equally nationalistic
states like Finland have two or more languages. Finland has both
Swedish and Finnish.
Sometimes the political program of a state within whose boun-
daries several languages are spoken may advocate the imposition
of language uniformity on all minority groups. Examples of this
were the Russification and Germanizing of subject peoples by
Russia and Germany before 1914, and the present Russification
of the people of Turkestan.
But while uniformity of language is often a component part of
nationalism, as has been seen, it is not always essential to a strong
nationalism. Most European languages are not “pure” but have
been derived from vernaculars or popular spoken tongues which
have been spread through the activities of the printing press. In
some strongly nationalistic countries such as Norway many dia-
lects are spoken.
There are also instances of conquered people
upon whom the conquering people have forced the victor tongue,
yet the conquered have maintained a strong nationalism in spite
of the loss of 4heir native tongue. The Irish in spite of speaking
English, have never been tied to the English by any mutual na-
tional feeling.^^

See L. Dominian, The Nationality Map of Europe, Boston, World Peace Founda-
tioil, 1917; aim K. L. Gueirani, Short HUtory of the International J^anguage Movom
tneiU, London, Unwin, 1922.

Customs, Traditions, Institutions, Ideals

Perhaps the strongest single force making for a powerful na-

tionalism is the fourth mentioned at the outset, or community of
customs, traditions, institutions and ideals. These enter a coim-
and aspirations. Such institutions are
try’s policies, aims, hopes,

national anthems, holidays, games like baseball and cricket, cos-

tumes, and national dances. Their promotion and preservation
are considered vital because they create fondness and loyalty for
the State. We inay not be able to determine exactly what a United
States citizen means^® when he speaks of the American way of
life, but the term connotes to us American traditions, customs,
ideals and institutions. Therefore it is a real force. It is not so
important that th** precise character of a nation’s institutions shall
be known, as it is that the people shall believe that there are sudi


Family, religion, business, law and free economic opportunity

are institutions for which persumably we stand. We are aroused
to indignation when alien dogmas propose to abolish them. We
are strongly opposed to the institutions in other countries which
are inimical to our own. This attitude is reflected in our relations
with the states in which the objectional institutions are to be

Closely connected with a state’s institutions is the memory of its

people as they take pride in past wars, in heroic exploits of great

leaders, in patriotic sacrifices and in national obstacles sur-

mounted. People love to look back to bygone times and recall

great events in their history. Memories are a vital part of the
consciousness of a people that they belong to the State. This con-
sciousness makes them capable of great sacrifices and holds the
State together in times of crises. Institutions, memories, tradi-
tions and ideals,be translated into policies such as Amer-
ican neutrality, German struggle for a place in the sun, Italian
15 For more view8 on this subject see D. I* CrawfortI, Ctzn Nations Be Neighbors,
Boston, Stratford, 1932.
longmg for “unredeemed” territory, British preponderance of sed
power, and French determination to recover Alsace-Iiorraine after
1871. These are component parts of nationalism.
Since no two groups have the same traditions and since a wide-
spread difference in beliefs prevails in this world, national ideals
are often more important to nationalism than language or race.
True it is that we may encounter difficulty in determining what
they may be; but in spite of this they place their individual stamps
upon groups, which derive happiness because they exist.’®


Our fifth base was religion. In some cases the racial, linguis-
tic, traditional and institutional bases of a state’s nationalism al-
so include a religious component.’^ The racial boundary between
the Poles and the Germans is also the religious boundary. One of
the complaints of the Germans prior to the second World War was
that Catholic Poland controlled Protestant Danzig. However, it

would be possible to emphasize this matter too much as may read-

ily he seen by noting the loyal Catholic element in the otherwise
Protestant Switzerland, or by reflecting on the religious hetero-
geneity of the United States.
Religion may furnish a base for nationalism, but it may also
transcend national frontiers as a great international force. We
need only recall some of the great religions of the world and where
they are to be found in order to realize their international and
counter-nationalistic aspects. Many Christian creeds are spread
over the world. Hinduism is found everywhere in the Far East,
especially in India; so are Buddhism and Brahmanism. Confu-
t-ianism is encountered in Ceylon, China, Tibet and Japan. Greek
Catholicism is scattered over the Balkans. Mohammedanism is in-

Here for example see D. J. Hill, Americanism, What Is It? New York, Appleton,
1916; G. Ohlinger, Their True Faith and Allegiance, New York, Macmillan, 1916;
and Edward M. Hulme. Renaissance and Reformation, New York, Century, 1915,
pages 52-53.
IT R. A Goslin, Chuich and State, New York, Foreign Policy Association Head-
line, 1937.

fluential in Africa, Asia and the Near East. These religions are
not national; they are world forces. Some of the world’s great-
est' nationalistic movements, however, have been closely inter-

twined with religion, for example Pan Islamism, the Pan-Arabic

movement, and Christianity.
One reason why the Europeans obtained political supremacy
over the world may be found in the dynamic character acquired
by the Christian religion as it struggled for survival in ancient
Rome, as it established its supremacy throughout Europe, as it

fought for the recovery of the Holy Land during the crusades,
and as it spread its missionaries everywhere. Christian mission-
aries in the new world, Africa, Oceania and the Far East have at
once been agents of the church they represented and also power-
from which they came.
ful advance representatives of the states
History abounds with examples. There by way of illustration

the colonization of the New Hebrides Islands and the resulting

quarrel between the missionaries of France and of England for
control of the islands.
Religion then plays an important part both in nationalism and
in world politics, as it did in medieval times. British, Russian,
French, German and American leaders call upon God to help them
in their fight upon each other. The role of the Roman Catholic
church in the Spanish Civil War of 1936-19.39 is still a fresh
memory. Mussolini used the church to forward his program, and
he could not succeed without its friendship. The struggle of the
Roman Catholic Cliurch in Mexico — the Papal Encyclical Acerba
Animi of Setember 29, 1931; the expulsion of the papal legate
Ruiz y Flores by the Mexican Chamber of Deputies as “a pernicious
foreigner,” these indicate that religion as a force in world poli-
tics is far from dead. And, if we look back to the 16th and 17th
centuries we shall find the Anglican church of England, the Presby-
terian church of Scotland, the Dutch Reform church of the Nether-
lands, the Lutheran church of Germany were all strong forces in
the creation of the nationalisms of those states. At the same time
they stimulated increased nationalism in Catholic countries.
How the religious factor has been injected into nationalistic
ideals may be seen in the Irish Catholic opposition to English
Protestantism. But the close tie between religion and nationalism
today may also be seen in Japanese Shintoism, Jewish Zionism,
and the Islamic Holy War.
But even in countries where religion seems so closely allied with

iwtionalism there may be lack of religious uniformity. Irish Pro-

testants in many instances have found no trouble in joining Irish

Catholics in the fight upon England. Anti-Semitism is generally

condemned and the Ku Klux Klan
is in bad standing in the public

opinion of the United States. Thus while religion does form an

influential part of nationalism, a common religion is by no means
an indispensable condition of nationalism.^^


Geography may play a strong part in nationalistic sentiment.

Even though different races at different times have developed
different cultures in the same localities, there is little doubt that
humans are moulded by geographical and climatic conditions.
In this sense geography may be fundamental to nationalism. This
is especially true if a group is subject to geographic isolation, in
which case their nationalism may become strong by feeding upon
itself. It may be true that the world is not divided into geographic
units identical in nature, and that geographical boundaries are
often purely artificial, yet, as Bums correctly says.

One family differs in blood from another, and as the group we

call a nation is a more or less permanent association of families,

we may suppose that one nation differs from another. National

surroundings, climate, and the resources of the country soon
make considerable differences in any settled state of society,
although their influences are somewhat exaggerated by such
writers as Bluntschli.^’

F. Matthews, Patriotism and Religion, New York, Macmillan, 1918.

1* Supra at,, page 176.


Influence of Man on Man

When an individual belongs to a group possessing a particular

type of nationalism be usually adopts tbe belief of bis group.
Tbe crowd mind, overemphasized by Le Bon in France, or the
soul of a people, overemphasized by Bauemler in Germany, places
its stamp on the ideals and the nationalism of a group. It does

not take long for the individual to absorb the ideas growing out
of the tradition and the backgroimd which go into the making of
nationalistic ideals.^


Most nationalisms have historical objectives! For instance the

historians, particularly of the nineteenth century, Treitschke, von
Sybel, Macaulay, Seely, Michelet, Palacky and Bancroft, con-
tributed to the love of fatherland. They sang the praises of their
countries and reveled in past glories. Battles, wars, heroes, great
statesmen, enter into the making of greater pride in national unity
and feeling. Historically, too, the hatred of another country may
constitute a bond among the hating people. The Irish are held
more closely together because of their feelings against the English
the French are closer to each other because of their antipathy
for the Germans and the Baltic people aremore united because
of fear of the Russians. The soul of many national aspirations is


While nationalism, as a rule, is emotional, it may have an

economic aspect. The desire to expand territory, to acquire eco-
nomic self-sufficiency, to promote the business interests of its citi-
2® Gustave LeBon, The Psychology of People, London, Unwin, 1899) , also W. Mc-
Dnugall, Social Psychology, Boston, Luce & Co., 1916, Section 2, chapter 10, “The
Operation of the Primary Tendencies of the Human Mind in the Life of Society.”
21 A. Guilland, Modem Germany and Her Historians, London, Jerrold & Son, 1915.
zens will often lead a state to bolster its economy through sub-
sidies, protection of investments abroad, use of its consular service
as an advance economic agency, and support of private business
enterprises abroad. These economic appeals to patriotic citizens

are so closely related to nationalism as to be inseparable from it.

One of the components of modem nationalism consists of dynamic

search for raw materials. This struggle is supported by the group.

Cecil Rhodes was the advance agent of British imperialism which

was the nationalistic expression of England at the time of Disraeli

through the latter nineteenth century.^

Political Doctrines and Ideologies

During the last generation conflicting ideologies and warring

political doctrines have entered more potently than ever into Eu-
ropean nationalisms. They challenge the early revolutionary dem-
ocratic nationalism which went on the assumption that the wishes
of the people were being served by government even though the
people themselves might not always have the opportunity to voice
their views. Democratic allegiance had gradually come to de-
pend upon choice; but the newer ideologies now determine alle-
giatice by birth, not choice, thus giving voice to a patriotism much

older than modern democracy. Today, democratic nationalism

has to share its hold on the people of the world with Communistic
and Fascistic ideologies, which contradict democracy.
Obviously these conflicting ideologies raise conflicting senti-

ments and ideals, and since they constitute basic parts of Euro-
pean nationalisms these latter will inevitably conflict in so far

as they reflect political ideologies.


While an instrument for spreading sentiment and beliefs,


propaganda must be considered a component part of nationalism.

22 See R. G. Hawtre, The Economic Aspects of Souereignty, Boston, Longmans,
Green, 1930; also. Strategic and Criticcd Raw Material, Army Services Manual M104.
Washington, D. C., Government Printing Ollice, January IS, 1944).

In many instances it not only articulates beliefs but it spreads

them and is in its own right a means of popular education and a
device for the teaching of patriotism. A moment’s reflection will

show that the press, the moving pictures, the radio, and other in-

struments of public opinion are potent factors in arousing and

spreading national sentiments. Patriotic societies, military groups,
political leaders, spokesmen on nationalism arouse the emotions
which make nationalism.®*


Nationalism finds its most powerful expression during wars, since

nationalistic forces are easily stimulated in times of danger. In-

deed the world seems to be caught in an endless cycle in which

nationalism leads to war and war to nationalism. Look at some
of the causes of war, if there is any doubt on the point. There
are wars for independence, self-determination, irredentism, im-
perialism, economic growth, protection of citizens abroad, in de-
fense of national honor, and as a basis of militarism and naval- While most nations theoretically are opposed to aggressive

wars, they are willing to fight a war in self-defense, and self-de-

fense comes pretty close to being nationalism. As a rule states in

their own eyes only fight wars of self-defense. Seldom do we see
any state admitting that it is an aggressor. Thus current wars are
nationalistic strueeles.



The sentiment of nationalism, which now dominates states, is

essentially a modern development. It has no exact counterpart

^Modern World Politics, Supta clt., 2nd cd., chapters I and XVI.
in the past except perhaps the loyalty of the Greeks to their city
state. However the roots go back even farther than Greece to prim-
itive times when group was separated from group and each ac-

quired its own characteristics, moulded by environment and ex-

perience, an^ reflected in racial, linguistic, and religious group

Ancient Greece

In Ancient Greece this group unity took on distinct political

form as loyalty to the city state. Geography was responsible. The
mountainous area of the small Greek peninsula made it pos-
sible for the many small city states to develop their own individ-
ual institutions and sentiments. The Athenians loved Athens; the
Spartans were loyal to Sparta; and every city state had its own

particular allegiance and loyalty which was rendered by its sub-

jects. It was an international world of small Greek states with

its own international law, nationalisms, imperialisms, and diver-

sity of culture, language, and institutions.®*


When Rome succeeded Greece as mistress of the Western World

theRoman institutions were well advanced. Originally they had
had much in common with the Greek and the Italian peninsula
was dotted with small city states, each with its own institutions
like those of its Greek prototype. But Rome early in its history

achieved a single state unified by common experience. With uni-

fication, city-state and loyalty disappeared. In
their place came a world empire based on the idea of a single
universal empire. Rome became
Thus, as a world state, the
earlier narrow Roman nationalism gave way to ideals of univer-

Bums, Political Heals, chapter 8.

Political Theories, Ancient and Medieval, New York, Macmillan.
1902, being vol. 1, chapters I-IV.

sality and the concept of nationalism slumbered for several hun-

dred years.®®

Middle Ages

The Middle Ages continued to he unpropitious for a revival

of nationalism. The Roman concept of a universal empire was
joined with the idea of a universal religion; and consequently
nationalism had no place in the scheme of things. There were
occasions such as that of the appearance of the Franks, when com-
mon traditions and diversity of languages encouraged group di-

versification; but these were not sufficiently strong to revive na-

tionalism. Even Charlemagne received his title of Emperor from
the church. The idea of a universal state did not yield room for
the national state and its outgrowth —
nationalism —
until the Ren-

aissance. Not until the One Hundred Years War did national
feelingbecome evident. The great instance of loyalty during the
Medieval Ages sung by the bards of that time was the Song of
Roland, in which it is told that Roland laid down bis life at Ron-
cevaux in 778 to cover Charlemagne's withdrawal from Spain.
But Roland did not lay down his life for a Frankist state but for
Charlemagne himself to whom he owed personal loyalty.®®


The end of medieval universalisms came gradually as the re-

sult of many forces which tended to break Europe into states rather

than nations. The control over the world which had hitherto been
vested in the Papacy and the Empire began to dissolve. Heresies and
Protestantism, mingled with racial confusion, separated group
from group. The people of Wessex and Northumbria became
** R. H. Murray, The History of PoliUctd Science from Plato to the Present, New
York, Appleton, 1926), chapter II.
^ W. A. Dunning, Political Theories, voL 1, chaptera V-X.
E. M. Hulme, Renaissance and Rcfoimation, New York, Century, 1915, chap-
ter 3.

E^lishmen. The Normans became Frenchmen. The Catalonians

became Spaniards. Everywhere the rising royal power, which
grew strong at the time of the Renaissance, challenged the idea

of a universal empire. Vernacular languages replaced the uni-

versal Latin. The new despotism challenged the old social order.

It was in France that modem nationalism first made its appear-

ance with the advent of the national state. The historic instance

occurred when the French people arose to support their King

Phillip the Fair, in his struggle against Pope Boniface the VIII.
Here, for the first time in hundreds of years, a people rallied to

their king as against the universalism represented in the Papacy.

The French people defied Papal excommunication and won. Then
came the One Hundred Years War and the leadership of Jeanne
d’Arc which produced a stronger French state and the first national
France in history. Similar trends occurred in England, where
King Edward I, whose reign began in 1272, gave unmistakable

proof of a preference of English people for English customs. Scot-

land, in the struggles of Wallace and Bruce for independence,
Bohemia, in the struggles of the Hussite Movement, Spain, in her
fight against the Arabs, and in the union of Castile and Aragon
wrote finis to the Medieval idea of a universal lordship, to the
Holy Roman Empire. Simultaneously they bespoke a welcome to

the new national state and to the new national monarch. The Re-
formation following the Renaissance succeeded in centralizing
the administration of law and enhanced royal prestige which grew
stronger as it emphasized the peculiarity of national institutions
and languages and thus of the new nation states. Herein lay the
broad beginnings of modern nationalism.
The old Roman world had marked Europe between the fourth
and fourteenth centuries with the idea of unity. When it went to

pieces the New Europe was made up of several nation states tied
together into a family of nations and regulated by a philosophical
international law. As nations responded to the call of nationality

and as slumbering national consciousness awoke, many states

could achieve national statehood through national revolutions.

Benevolent Despots’"’

As the new nationalism took its expression in popular support

of the king usually as against efforts to enforce religious uni-
formity, the new nationalism was closely tied into religious con-

flict. After the Peace of Augsburg of 1555 and the acknowledge-

ment of Cujus regio ejus religio, it was the ruler who determined
the religion of a state. But that did not mean that the ruler might
choose the religion of his people capriciously. He could do so
only in conformity with their wishes. Henry VIII would never
have succeeded in breaking away from the Catholic Church if the

English people had not been ready for him to do so. Henry’s
move bore clear testimony to the new-born English nationalism
which rejected any universal bold upon England of either the
Church or the Empire. And so it was with Queen Elizabeth of
England, Catherine de Medici, and the other rulers of the time.
When they spoke as the so-called benevolent despots, they did so
because they voiced the wishes of their people. The nationalism
of the time expressed itself through the rulers.

The Age of Revolution

This was true until the latter half of the eighteenth century when
the despot had outlived his usefulness. By that time the ruler had
grown away from his people until he no longer embodied their
national aims, ambitions, and longings. The efforts of the people

to express themselves took the form of throwing off the yoke of

benevolent despotism. National longings were identified with dem-

ocratic institutions attainable only by revolution, such as the
American Revolution and the French Revolutions. Through these
A. Dunning, Political Theoties, from Luther to Montesquieu,
vol. 2.
the people gave voice to their wif^es, beliefs and sentiments; and
the people justified the revolutions as means of achieving national
ambitions and satisfying the sentiment of the group. Popular par*
ticipation in government and the acknowledged responsibility of
government to the people became the heart of all democratic na-


These sentiments did not end with the establishment of dem-

ocratic government. A direct outgrowth of French revolutionary
nationalism was the imperialism of Napoleon. Its evolution was
clear. When France was menaced from the outside the French
people rallied to throw out the invaders, and on the surge of this
emotion came the first instance of the nation in arms. The enemies
of France were defeated. But the sentiment was so strong that
Napoleon easily won leadership of the French armies which he
led from one conquest to another. These conquests only aroused
counter nationalisms in England, Germany, Italy, Spain and Rus-
sia. Democracy, constitutionalism and internationalism were in-
creased in intensity by the newborn democratic nationalism which
began its great sweep, that sweep in the midst of which we still
find ourselves today.

Nineteenth Century

Even the reaction of Mettemich’s times only served to intensify

the new nationalism in central Europe. The need for national
self-expression aroused Belgium to revolt in 1830, the German
states to struggle for national unity between 1813 and 1871, Italy
to seek liberation and unification between 1869 and 1871. Under-
neath the surface smoldered Polish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Czech,
Roumanian, Bulgarian, and Greek desires for freedom and inde-
pendence as well as those of many other nationalities .They only
awaited the proper moment to burst the bonds which held them.

Twentieth Century

Most of the Balkan states secured their independence early in

the twentieth century as a result of burning nationalisms. At the
end of the First World War a number of smoldering nationalisms
flared up in new states; Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Fin-
land, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Yugoslavia, and Ireland. Mean-
while Irredentism flourished in Alsace-Lorraine, Moresnet, Mal-
medy, Eupen, Schleswig, the Saar Basin, Danzig, Upper Silesia,

Teschen, Memel, Transylvania, Macedonia, Thrace, Dobnidja,

Epirus, the Dodecanese Islands and in other spots in Europe. Thus
while the Peace Conference at Paris was an effort to rationalize
and settle the nationalistic conflict, it was to no avail.

From the First World to the Second World War and After

By 1917 Communism had taken hold of Russia and had begun

its campaign of anti-liberal nationalism. To this Germany re-

plied with National Socialism and Italy with Fascism. Suddenly

all along the line democratic nationalism was challenged by anti-
liberal and totalitarian nationalism of different varieties and in-


During the Second World War nationalistic ideologies were

used by all parties. Under the guise of a struggle for peace and
the solution of the nationalistic conflict all parties advocated a new
world order in which uniformity of national ideologies was the
key. The world was thrown into an even more intense conflict of
nationalism than had ever experienced before. The war de-

stroyed the League of Nations and substituted for it a United

Nations Organization dominated by nationalistic thinking. The
war did not end nationalism nor did it bring universal peace. All
it did was to eliminate Germany, Italy and France from the roles
of powerful world states. Russia was as nationalistic as ever. So
were Britain, and the United States. New irredentas were created
by Russia as she absorbed the Baltic states. Millions of people
were shifted from one state to another in hopes of eliminating
future irredentas, but this only created new ones. As Europe had
once risen to destroy Napoleon, she had risen with the aid of the
United States to destroy Hitler. But there it ended, for national-
ism was more than ever a willing dynamic force whose propaga-
tion continued to be one of the most potent sources of international
dispute. It unified the states and caused them to nationalize for-

eigners within their borders. If the foreigners could not be na-

tionalized the practice was established of driving the foreigners
over the border. The newest nationalism disrupted existing states
and created new ones. It shattered colonial empires and created
others in their stead. It was an inducement to the revolt of people
held in colonial and political subjugation and underlay the prin-
ciple of self-determination and the struggles of minorities with
irredentist yearnings.

Not a Simple Form

Thus it will be seen in its historical aspects and from a study

of its component parts that nationalism is a sentiment which dif-
fers from state to state. It is one of the most complex social and
political forces of our times.




Majority-Minority Relationships

One of the main problems of nationalism is the majority-minor-

ity relationships. These take two forms principally: (1) the strug-
gle of national minorities for self-expression and self determina-

tion, (2) the efforts of the majority to control the national minor-
ities within the group. Sometimes as in the case of the Magyar in

the 1914 Hungarian Empire, a powerful minority may be able to

control a large majority in a national state. Professor Roucek has
said; “A lack of national unity is always productive of tension."
This generally leads, as in the cases of Poland, Yugoslavia and
Greece and other countries of Central-Eastern Europe between
1920 and 1935, to efforts of one group of nationalists to impose
their exclusive views upon other groups within the state. Thus a
controlling or ruling group may impose its will and sentiments
upon other groups, with the result that anyone who stands in op-
position to the views presented is usually branded as a traitor or
While the majority can impose its views by a resort to power,
the national minorities may live within the state intermingled with
other minorities as do the border people in present Russia; or
minorities, when they form compact blocks or islands of popula-
tion, may rule a part of the state, as do the Jews in Palestine; or
they may remain unabsorbed by a surrounding people as in the
case of the Welsh in England ; they may be intermingled with the
general population as are the immigrants in the United Stales; or
they may be lost in a larger state because they lack sufficient num-
bers in which case they may create fifth columnists or belong to
groups of refugees. The views of such groups always constitute
a potential force if not an actual one in the state.®®


Irredeiitism is a broad term for the desires of one country to

include within its borders the so-called “unredeemed” minorities
of its own nationalism located in another country. A host of illus-
trations immediately rise to mind, such as the Poles in Russia,
S» Robert E. Park, “Views on llie Power of tlie Press." American lournal
Sociology, \i)l. 47. no. J (July. 1941). pages 1-11 : (J. Bnr.-ky and otliers. Enemy
Within, New York. Hutchinson. 1943; and Francis J. Brown and Joseph S. Roucek,
One America; Out Racial anrl National ilinorilies. New York: Prentice-Hall, 19415.
the Lithuanians in Poland, theHungarians in Transylvania, the
Yugoslavs in Austria-Hungary, the Greeks in Turkey, and the
Italians in Dalmatia. The arguments used by states to support
their claims for the reincorporation of irredentas run the entire
gamut of nationalistic arguments, including language, race, his-
tory, economics, religion, historical boundaries, geography, stra-

tegic frontiers, and popular desires. Obviously it is and will

always be impossible to draw European frontiers so as to elimin-
ate all irredentas. Moreover the irredentist claims are woefully
inconsistent one with the other. Some European irredentas can
be settled only by creating new ones.

Problem of Minorities

National minorities always constitute a problem. A discon-

tented minority always has its own nationalism which conflicts with
the nationalism of the majority group, and therefore that minority
is always a danger to the security of the major powers. Such
minorities are by no means helpless. They may seek help from
their co-nationals in other states, as the Sudeten Germans did be-
fore the Second World War, when they appealed to Germany for
help. They may secure privileges from the majority group as did
the Catalans in Spain before Franco, or they may succeed in
bringing about a complete separation of their territory from the
major group as the Memellanders succeeded in breaking away
from Lithuania before the Second World War. The demands of
these minorities are ceaseless and ultimately lead to majority-
minority conflicts.*^

Examples of such conflicts are numerous. A few selected at

random arose over Poland, Northern Schleswig, Alsace-Lorraine,
the Polish Corridor, and over die Russian subject peoples, espe-
cially the Poles, Lithuanians, Estonians, Ukrainians, and Armen-
ians. Violent conflicts arose over the Magyarization policies of
the Hungarian government before 1914 as they were applied to

Hojral Institute of International Affairs, Nationalism, pages 283-295.


the Rumanians, Slovaks, and Yugoslavs. Contemporary instances

are the efforts of the Jewish minority to take over control of
Palestine and the emancipation of the Poles, Czechoslovaks, and
Yugoslavs. The list is far too long to exhaust here. In our own
country we have the unassimilated Japanese and Negro.

Practices of the Majority and their Relations

With the Minority

There are three principal ways in which the majority ordinarily

deals with minority problems; (1) coercion whereby the majority
will isimposed on the minority; (2) discrimination whereby the
minorities are permitted to carry on their function but under dis-
advantages as compared with the majority, thus having inferior
schools, special institutions and labor rights; and (3) toleration
and equality, whereby the dominant nationality accords equality
to the minority as is characteristic of the United States.
When substantial minorities exist within a state and when they
achieve a unity of their own, it is almost impossible for the major-
ity group to assimilate them. When assimilation does take place,
it can do so only over a long period of time.
Recent international efforts to solve the problems of the minor-
ities, especially through the League minority agreements, have not
been very successful. Today expulsion, massacre and economic
attrition are resorted to by some states to eliminate their minority

problems. Over half the people of Europe have been subjected

to these procedures at one time or another during the last ten

years. All in all there has been a reversion to the more primitive
and drastic methods of enforcing group will upon recalcitrant


If are to understand this century’s political ideals we cannot
escape a backward look to Fichte’s Addresses to the
German No-
tion which reflect a clear understanding of national character as
a force in history, and to Gorres’ Germany and the Revolution,
which sets forth nationalism in its democratic form. Mills’ Repre-
sentative Government and Renan’s QiCest-ce qiJune Nation con-
tained a popular appeal combined with tradition, and Mazzini’s
Duties of Man made clear that a united Italy could only grow out
of the Italian people themselves. Mazzini gave the best expres-
sion possible to modern nationalism. And he concludes that a
nation is great not with reference to its size and territory but ac-
cording to the ideals for which it stands. A country is not terri-
tory; it is an idea from which the country takes its birth. Thus
ideological struggles are not philosophical quarrels but wars to
the death. The sentiment of nationalism is the state itself.

The State as a Sovereign'^

One of the basic theories of the present time, which runs back
into the 19th century, is that a state is a sovereign person. This
is a German idea which hies back to Hegel, and it is still the basis

upon which most of Europe operates. Princes and governments

are the instruments of the people and the state grows through the
self-consciousness of the people. Schleiermacher advanced the
idea a step further than Hegel; so did Bluntschli. To their views
must be added those of the Historical School of German political
scientists including Dahlmann, Georg Waitz, and F. J. Stahl. To
them the slate was the people in all their physical and spiritual
personality. The views, wishes, and sentiments of the group deter-
mined the type of government and the program of a country.

Nations as a Unit of Race and Language’’

Another school of political scientists believes that the nation

constitutes a unit of race and language. The last state of this

®- W. A. Dunning, Political Theories, from Rouuseau to Spencer, pp, 299-311.

H. F. Gunther, The Racial Klemcnls ol Ruronean Histnty, New York, Diillon

doctrine or uhima ratio may be seen in the National Socialist


program of Germany with its Rassenseele and Blut und Boden.

This doctrine, however, is not new. Its beginnings are to be found
in the systematic and powerful writings of Fichte, again in the

Addresses to th6 German Nation. One of Fichte’s successors,

Savigny, asserted that the nation is a manifestation of a social ag-
gregate or of a group of people which takes its character from the
role it plays in the scheme of universal existence. Both believed
that it was character which made one nation superior to another.

Purity of race and language were important determiners of na-

tional greatness. However, it was the inner urgings of people

which marked the basic differences among them and consequently

the differences in their nationalism.

Nation as a Geographic Unit

Still another theory, which goes farther back in history than the
previous one, is that the nation constitutes a geographic unit. This

is excellently put forth in Edmund Burke’s Appeal from the New

to the Old Whigs when he said his country was not only the phys-
ical locality in which he lived, but all the institutions with which

he had been born. The same idea was held by Schleiermacher;

likewiseby Hegel in his Philosophy of History. As the science of
geography grew Humboldt and Ritter combined ethnology, phil-
ology, and anthropology with geography. Sociology was brought
to bear upon geography as the basis of national individuality and
national characteristics. A more scientific basis for nationalism
had been found. And today the last step in this evolution is the ap-

pearance of geopolitics.

Nation and Nationality

As nationalisms grew and theories of national greatness

abounded, Jeremy Bentham, G)mwall, Lewis, Austin and others
attempted to diatinguish between nation, people and state. Some
of their distinctions are still in use. The Swiss Bluntschli defined

a nation as

masses of men of different occupations and social strata in a

hereditary society of common spirit, feeling and race, bound

together by language and customs in a common
civilization which gives them a sense of unity and distinction

from all foreigners, quite apart from the bond of the state.

Like Hegel and Fichte he adopted the state of mind as the ul-

timate factor in nationalism. He also distinguished a people in

this sense from the people in the political sense, and thus he gave
a clear background for the distinction between, for example, the
German state and the German people.

The National State®^

But in spite of these efforts the distinction between state and

nation was not clear. As far back as Thomas Hobbes the Util-

itarian theorists had held that nationality and political indepen-

dence were inseparable. Nationalism was the striving for freedom

and self-expression by a people. Much of the same idea might
be found in the thinking of the American John C. Calhoun and in
his Disquisition on Government.
In the second half of the nineteenth century nationalism in Ger-
many, Italy and the United States took the form of struggles for
freedom and independence. These struggles determined the na-
tionalistic philosophies of the countries in question. In Italy the
objectives were freedom and independence. In Germany the striv-

ing was for unification expressed in common race, language, and

geography. Elsewhere nationalisms evolved about struggles for
freedom from Napoleonic control, about efforts to unify Germany
Sffl MaJBini’g Essays as translated by Okey.

under Prussia, about the search for independence from Austrian

rule and about the war waged incessantly by the Balkan states

against the Turks.

Renan observed all this, and found the soul of a people first in

its common heritage of memories, of sacrifices and suffering, and

secondly, in the desires of individuals to live together and to re-
ceive the transmitted heritage.
The nationalism of the twentieth century is only the nationalism
of the nineteenth century. With the latter as background, D’An-
nunzio sang the Italian people into World War I and into the
seizure of Fiume. He revelled in the past glory of Rome, preached
the Italian occupation of the Irredentist areas in 1910 while
Italians formed national associations and while in 1915 Italian
nationalists formed a political party which won six seats in Par-

liament. The Irredentist movement as applied to Trentino and

Trieste became a code of Italian nationalism. In 1915 the Italian
people demanded these areas in the London Treaty and succeeded
in securing a promise that they would be granted to Italy. This
nationalistic code was all ready for Mussolini to put into action,
a code supported by four million people. It was both intensely
nationalistic and openly imperialistic and it reached its height
when on November 30, 1938 Farinacci in the Chamber of Deputies
demanded the return to Italy from France of Corsica, Tunis, and


Humanitarian Nationalism

The nationalism of our day in its theoretical aspects can be di-

vided into schools, which run back one hundred fifty years or
more. According to the eighteenth century “enlightment,” na-

C. J. H. Hayes, The Historical Evolution of Modern Nationalism, New York,

Richard Smith, 1931. This is the standard treatise of the whole subject.
tural law was substituted for supernatural forces, and science for
theology in the belief that the whole universe of matter and mind
is guided and controlled by natural law. Into this enlightened
humanitarianism were injected new ideas. The role of govern-
ment, was to do good and to correspond with the spirit of a peo-
ple, giving voice to their special genius. The principal exponent
of this doctrine, Bolingbroke, who in his On the Spirit of Patri-
otism and in The Idea of a Patriotic King, did not use the word
nationalism, but spoke and discussed “the spirit of particular na-
tionalities.” He found in the British a special genius for consti-

tutional government with guarantees for British liberties. His

nationalism was both political and aristocratic.
J. J. Rosseau Le Control Social pointed out that people
in his

might be distinguished into cultural nationalities, and that only

people, who share a community of language, customs, and historic
tradition, can be distinguished from other people. In his Con-

sideration sur le Gouvernement de Pologne he stated that it is the

national institution which forms the genius, the character, the
tastes and the customs of a people, which make one people and
fail to make another, which inspire the ardent love of country
founded on habits and customs impossible to trace back to their

sources. It was Herder who .said of the national soul that.

As a mineral ^\aler derives its components parts, its operative

powers, and its flavor from the soil from which it flows, so the

ancient character of peoples arose from the family features, the

climate, the way of life and education, the early actions and
employments that were peculiar to them.

“The most natural state is one people with one national charactefr.”
At the end of the eighteenth century it might be pointed out that
theories of nationalism had reached the point where they could
be divided into (1) aristocratic, (2) democratic and (3) neither.
Democratic nationalism became Jacobin. Aristocratic nationalism
became traditional; while the nationalism which was neither dem-
ocratic nor aristocratic became “liberal.”

Thus out of the enlightened eighteenth century came the decapi-

tation of the French king, and there arose the French cries of lib-
erty, equality and fraternity, the composition and singing of the
Marseillaise, and there emerged a new French national ferver,

which infected all Europe. The evolution of nationalism from that

day to this has been constant and uninterrupted.

Jacobin Nationalism

Jacobin nationalism took its beginnings in the theory of human-

itarian democratic nationalism of Rousseau. It took its impetus
from the Girondist and other apostles of Republicanism during
the French Revolution. And as the French people in 1792, went
to war against the invaders of their country they were fighting a

new kind of war to make the world safe for democracy and for
French nationalism. It was not a war between dynasts, but between

the French and other peoples, and between French despots and
the French people. The French

national assembly proclaims that the French nation is faithful

to the principle consecrated by its constitution, not to undertake
any war with a view to conquest nor ever to employ its forces
against the liberty of any people. It only takes the vows for the
maintenance of its own liberty and independence that the war
which it is forced to prosecute is not a war of nation against

nation, but the just defense of a free people against the unjust
aggression of a king: that the French nation never confuses its

brethren with its real enemy and it will favor all foreigners who
adjure the cause of the enemy. It will try to reduce the curse
of war.

The Mountainist group were forceful nationalists, who under

the guidance of Barere stirred the French people to hate their
enemies and distrust leaders. Tlie Dantonists spoke of patriotic
“audacity” in the face of foreign and domestic enemies. The
Hebaxtists were fanatically anti-Christian, devoted to the religion
of reason, and imbued with ideas of nationalistic terrorism.
Jacobin theory was clear where Rousseau was vague. The theory
of the French revolution and its attendant terror set the pattern
for the twentieth century nationalisms of Russian Commimism,
Fascism, and National Socialism. Jacobin nationalism was sus-
picious and intolerant of internal dissent. It favored rooting out
and destroying factions suspected of liking a free world. It be-

came fanatically religious and adopted symbols and ceremonies

which played up the national flag, the national anthem, national
holidays, national shrines, liberty caps, altars to the state, tablets
of national laws, public baptisms and funerals, and solemn pa-
rades and eulogies.
Barere said, “In France the soldier is a citizen and the citizen
a soldier.” Thus Jacobinism was the prototype for the later na-
tional conscript armies, public schools, public instruction, con-
trolled journalism, and lip service to freedom. “La Patrie” was
God in the Jacobin hearts. When Napoleon used the ideas of a
nation in arms, the nation in school, and censored newspapers, he
was following Jacobin nationalistic theory. French newspapers
never mentioned his defeat at Trafalgar so long as Bonaparte was
in power. Barere was his minister of propaganda against the
English. Napoleon capped the Jacobin patriotic societies with the
famous Legion of Honor.

Traditional Nationalism

Traditional nationalism, whose theory was evolved by Edmund

Burke was occasioned by the latter’s revolt at the exces^s
in part
of .the French Revolution. The Traditionalists believed that na-
tionality and the state had just evolved, and it was idle to discuss

how they began perhaps by contract. The state was no mere
partnership to be made or suddenly dissolved at pleasure. It was

a partnership not only between those who are living but between
thosewho are living and those who are dead and thosie who are to
be bom. The people, the nationality, were not distinct from their
government and they had no right to break the social tie which
linked them to their forefathers. Burke’s nationalism glorified the
aristocrats, flaunted the genius of the English lords, feared the

despotism of the multitudes, and believed in loyalty to family,

locality, and region.
In France, the Vicomte de Bonald held with Burke. In Ger-
many, Friedrich von Schlegel was of the same theory.
If traditional nationalism opposed Jacobinism was no less

warlike. It was the motive force of the growing resistance on the

Continent as exemplified in the nationalistic awakenings in Ger-
many, Holland, Portugal, Spain and Russia. If Napoleon Bona-
parte and his marshals were the product of Jacobin nationalism,
then the Traditional nationalism flowered in Castlereagh, Nelson,
Wellington, Archduke Charles and Alexander —and the battle of
Waterloo was a battle between Jacobinism and Traditionalism, and
of course it ended in a victory for Traditional nationalism.

Liberal Nationalism

After 1815, particularly under the reaction of Prince Metter-

nich and originally spurred by Czar Alexander of Russia, Liberal
nationalism came into being. It stood midway between Jacob-
inism and Traditionalism, and was originated in England by
Jeremy Bentham in his Fragment of Government. The theory was
that states should respect economic liberty, freedom of the in-
dividual to engage in any profession or industry, to enter any con-
tract at will with the employer or employee, and to trade with
whomsoever he would. The worst thing in international rela-
tions was war and every effort ought to be made to eliminate it.
It was logical for him to advocate a program of universal peace.
This included a world organization, disarmament, and an inter-

national court.
His internatioiialisin .sprea<l lo Germany where Humboldt and
Baron Stein became strong proponents. In France, Frangois
Guizot upheld it. Perhaps nowhere was Liberal nationalism more
forcefully enunciated than by Theodore Welcker in Germany.
But it was Guiseppe Mazzini in Italy who gave the final word-
ing to this type of nationalism. “God and the People,” was the
motto of his young Italy. In his Autobiography, in the Essays on
Duties of Man, in Nationality and in Faith and the Future, he de-
clared that French Jacobinism failed because it stressed the rights
and not the duties of man. The French Revolution was selfish;
itsrights having begun in the declaration of man it could only end
in man. The man was Napoleon. In contrast with this he empha-
sized that the nation was a God-appointed instrument charged
with the welfare of the human race. Fatherlands were the work-
shops of humanity. The state must educate and train its members
in the light of moral law, and it must arrange and direct its ac-
tivities in behalf of humanity at large. Nationalism is what God
has prescribed to each people in the work of humanity.
A number of liberal nationalists were Garibaldi, Cavour, Ga-
gern, Schmerling, Lasker, Michelet, Victor Hugo, Casimir-Perier,
Ledru-Rollin, Austin, Grote, Francis Place, John Mill, Korais,
Bluntschli, Kossuth, Palacky, and Daniel O’Connell.
In general, Liberal nationalism stood for an independent con-
stitutional government to end despotism, aristocracy, and eccle-
siastical influence, and thus assure every citizen that through its

exercise personal liberty would be achieved. Each state will serve

its true interest by following national policies of free trade, anti-
militarism, anti-imperialism and international cooperation. Some
even went so far as to justify intervention in the affairs of foreign

countries in order to free people from the despotism of alien op-

pression. Liberal nationalism survived the World War of 1914-
1918, and it was against this Liberal nationalism that Commun-
ism, Fascism, and National Socialism were fighting regardless of
the sides the belligerents happened to be on. But before our own

day Liberal nationalism had already given birth to a new type

of nationalism: namely, integral nationalism.

Integral Nationalism

. Integral nationalism was a term applied by Charles Maurras to

designate the nationalistic doctrine of his small and hysterical
political body in France.'*"
It also indicates certain significant elements in Italian Fascism,
in Russian Bolshevism, and in German National Socialism as well
as doctrines held by many other national groups not addicted to
the theory. Maurras defined nationalism as

the exclusive pursuit of national policies, the absolute mainten-

ance of national integrity and the steady increase of national
power, for a nation declines when it loses military might-

Maurras is not so much interested in the oppressed or the sub-

ject nationalities, but rather in the nationalities who have already
gained their political unity and independence. This type of na-
tionalism was hostile to theby the
internationalism preached
humanitarians and the liberals. It made the nation not a means to
humanity and not a stepping stone to a new world order but an
end in itself. It put national interests above those of the individual
and above humanity. It refused cooperation with other nations
except as such cooperation might serve a nation’s own interests.

Obviously it became the instrument of jingoists, of militarists and

of imperialists. In domestic affairs it was highly illiberal and ty-

rannical because all citizens must conform to a common standard

of manners and morals and share the same unreasoning enthus-
iasm for it. They must subordinate all personal liberties to its own
purpose, and if the common people should murmur it would
abridge democracy and gag it in the name of national interests.
That is the course much nationalism has taken during the twen-
See liis Action FrangaUe.
tieth century. Integral nationalism as seen in Russia today began
as an economic and social reform with loud protestation against
militarism, imperialism and nationalism. As it discovered that
the nations of the world were not ready for its “Messianic mis-
sion,” it ended by converting its own peculiar brand of integrated
nationalism into a nationalism of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics. This was used as the basis for an unreasoning en-
thusiasm of the masses to see the world plotting their overthrow.
Integral nationalism is similarly to be observed in the pre-Second
World War Hungary, Poland, Turkey, and Yugo-
dictatorships in
slavia. And of course the arch example of the time was the Na-
tional Socialist party in Germany and its doctrines supporting
Adolph Hitler, the Fuehrer.
Theorists of the Integral nationalism look back to August Comte,
the founder of positivism and the founder of sociology. Comte,
while not a nationalist, repudiated Rousseau and Jacobin doc-
trinaires. He based his political organization not on metaphysical
concepts like the general will, but on the positive fact of force,
material force, as a permanently dominating thing. Government
is power, essentially material, arising from rank and wealth.
Force is essential to every human society. Similarly H. Adolphe
Taine, a misanthrope, defended aristocracy, monarchy and re-
ligionalism. He believed with Schlegel that race is fundamental to
a nation, but like Schlegel confused races and linguistic groups.
Also, Barres, a precocious youth, spoke of the honor of “la Patrie”

as embodied in the marching ranks ol a regiment; all the mili-

tary fanfares carry us hack to the conquered soil; the waving of
the flag seems to us a distant signal to the exiled; our fists

clench, and we have only to make ourselves provocative agents.

He had nothing but veneration for Taine and Renan.

Thus had the ideas and theories of the last two centuries changed
from a praise of man to the enhancement of national egotism. In
the place of Bentham’s Utilitarianism the world had developed the

flaming oratory of D’Annunzio, and the impassioned pleas of Hit-

ler. As Bolingbroke had once spoken of the genius of British
aristocracy so Mussolini spoke of the grandeur of Rome.



The natural outgrowth of modem nationalism and one which

seems to be a contradiction of nationalism is imperialism. The

logical conclusion of nationalism is that there shall be territory

for each national group with an independent existence for the
group therein. However, as we have seen, the tendency as a state

grows is to seek to include within the state the greatest possible

number of people. To make a state strong it requires territory,
security, people, raw materials, economic resources and other ob-
jects of imperialism. The belief soon develops that a great state

is of necessity a large state which possesses a large territory and

has a large population. Inevitably minority groups will be ab-
sorbed in its people. Thus modem imperialism is the logical re-
sult of nationalism.


So too it is with current internationalism. The conflict of group

with group and the division of the world into national states has
given rise to the idea of the family of nations and a law govern-
ing the relations of the members of that family one with the other.
It is obvious that current nationalism is both the cause and the
result of wars. If it is to be curbed, it is logical to think of doing
so by a superior force or power above the national state. Thus by
a super-national or international force a more peaceful world
will be created. Thus internationalism is the logical outgrowth of
an effort to control the unbridled nationalistic states in their strug-

gle for power.



In many ways pacifism is likewise the outgrowth of national

strivings and yearnings. It is observed that nationalism leads to
war. Peace can be achieved only through the elimination of war
and thus the struggle for peace inevitably is a struggle either to
control and subordinate nationalism or to eliminate it as an active


A Surging Movement

The sentiment of nationalism is one of the greatest single poli-

tical forces of modern times. It permeates every political phil-

osophy be it national, pan-national, imperialistic or international.
The sentiment of national consciousness has entered a crusading
phase so powerful that every dogma of the state and of peoples in
general is linked with it. It has taken as complete a hold on mod-
em thinking and attitudes as did religion and theology on the
thinking of the Middle Ages. Its manifestations and ramifications
are bewilderingly manifold. The political scene is dominated by
nationalistic leaders and the quest for peace during our time is

a search for the solution of the perplexing problems of conflict-

ing nationalism often expressed in terms of bellicose ideologies.
National consciousness has been moulded into dogmatic philos-
ophies identified with ideological strivings. Nationalism today be-
longs to the people of the world. It finds full expression in the
efforts of politically divided nations such as to achieve Germany
union into a single state; in the strivings of national minorities
•^Tliere is a vast field to explore. Only some of the major phases of twentieth
century Nationalism in Europe have been selected for discussion. Excellent biblio-
graphicai background may be found in O. Douglass Weeks, “Recent Nationalism”
in J. S. Roucek, Twentieth Century Political Thought, New York, Philosophical
Lihrary, 1946, chapter IV.

and irredenlas to win autonomy, self-determination, and indepen-

dence; and in the struggles of independent states to achieve greater
wealth, territory, people, and power. In short, nationalism is a
form of mass psychology, of relatively recent origin and for the
purposes of this chapter it has taken possession of all the peoples
of Europe.


Up to the end of the World War democratic nationalism,

particularly of the liberalistic type dominated the world. It- had
first appeared during the revolutionary period in France and in

the United States, After that it spread its influence so extensively

that prior to the First World War the conviction was generally
voiced that all countries in the world would eventually become
democratic. During the Second World War, except in the case
of Communist Russia, democratic nationalism won its fight against
totalitarian nationalism.

Nationalism and Education

Modern nationalism is developed through the educative proc-

esses, Democracies, through free public universal education, have
spread the belief in democratic nationalisms. How effective this

work has been may be seen in the way in which the United States
and Great Britain were able to stand up under totalitarian assaults
during the Second World War. But education as a vehicle for the
spread of nationalistic ideals is not confined to democracies. From
the start, the Russian, German, Italian and other totalitarianisms
have operated on the basis that education and propaganda are
means of spreading doctrines. Most totalitarian leaders have
asked for one generation in which to convert the fundamental
outlook of the state to their way of thinking. Thus was Russia
converted to Communism, Italy to Fascism, and Germany to Na-
tional Socialism, during the generation 'between the two World
Wars. National systems of education, whatever their objectives,
have been the means of spreading and inculcating people with
nationalistic doctrines.®"


Fundamental to the spread of nationalism and to its develop-

ment during the twentieth century have been the newly developed
techniques of public opinion and of propaganda control. There
are many publics with which the state must deal, all depending
upon the subject which is involved. Propaganda in times of war
as well as in limes of peace .is one of the great instruments of
modem nationalism.®®

Nationalism and Geopolitics

One of the more recent subjects to receive the attention of the

twentieth century has been political geography. As geopolitics it

has tied together geographical and political concepts and used

them and powers of the state. Geo-
to further the physical interests

politics used geography as a means of enhancing national ideals

and longings. It embraces nationalistic strivings for autarchy and
Lebensraum and thus plays an important role in current nation-
alism. Kjellen, Haushofer, and many students of the subject have
had a marked influence on the nationalisms of the last decade in


Its Value

The tremendous power which is modem nationalism is neither

pure blessing nor pure curse. It possesses a number of funda-
Edward H. Reisner, Natiorudism and Education since 1789, New York, the Mac-
millan Company, 1922, dso Joseph S. Rouc^ Sociological Foundations of Education,
New York, Thomas Y. Crowell, 1942.
T. V. Kalijarvi, Modem World Politirs, 2nd ed., chapter 16.

mental values. It permits a nation within its own borders to de-

velop its own character. It is doubtful that in the long run any
national group or state can impose its will upon another group
without serious damage. When people retain their own character-
istics they are bound to create a more productive and progressive
world. Nationalism, therefore is consistent with humanity and
with nature. It is only found that when any nation seeks to im-
pose uniformity of belief or doctrine on the world, no matter how
good its doctrines may be, that effort is not only egotistical, im-
practical, and boresome, but it is also in the interests of mankind
that it should fail. The failure of Nazi Germany and imperialist
Japan was therefore in the interests of the world. Similarly, it
was in the interest of the world at large that the efforts of Russia
to impose her institutions upon Poland, Lithuania and the border
states failed during the nineteenth century. It is in the interest,
not only of individual states but of the world as a whole and of
human society, that each nation should be permitted to develop its
own characteristics. As Burns says: “For the human race is not
at its best when every man and every group is a copy of each


Its Drawbacks

The difficulty with modern nationalism is that there are no

limitations placed on it until it becomes destructive. If means
were found for correcting it at the point where it becomes destruc-
tive, then indeed the world would be in a position to proceed at
a faster pace, ever expanding to the comfort and convenience of
man. Nations need not be expanded at the expense of others. The
difficulty lies in the present belief that national self-sufficiency is

the only solution for national problems. Peace and world order
are achievable, but only when man realizes that national groups
can be so regulated in their relations with each other that points
of difference can be settled by other means than by conflict. If

C. DeLisIp Burn!), Politicid lde<di, page 194.
modern nationalism can be stripped of its bellicose a<!tions, peace
can lie achieve<l. It is demand free-
fantastic that states which
dom for their nationalism should simultaneously demand the right
to impose their own nationalisms upon others and to govern other
peoples. Some of these inconsistencies must be ironed out. The
chief difficulty of the present moment is lack of political imagina-

Indeed, the chief difficulty about modem nationalism is that it

has a moral outlook which insists upon nationalistic preponder-

ance and superiority. Fascism is one of the most unfortunate de-
velopments of modern nationalism, but chauvinism, imperialism,
and the hatreds characteristic of the more intense nationalism are
retarding influences also.

Shall It Be Eliminated?

It has been suggested that if nationalism were eliminated wars

would be ended. Such reasoning is unrealistic. Long before mod-
ern nationalism came into existence wars raged among men. Men
have not fought exclusively over nationalistic ideals. The religious
conflicts of the late Middle Ages were not nationalistic. Nor were

the Crusades. Examples could be multiplied. Nationalism is a

part of our world. We cannot eliminate it if we would wish to.
What we need is to learn how to control and eradicate its harm-
ful manifestations.

One Nationalistic Idealogy for the World?

Likewise no uniform political doctrines or nationalistic doc-

trines would be suitable for the world. The big problem is to cre-
ate an international environment in which many nationalisms can
live without eternal bickering and conflict. And that, in general,

means the finding of some peaceful curb and developing tolera-

tion for other nationalisms than our own. This in its turn can
only rest on the guaranteed security of our own.
Barker, Ernest: National Character and the Factors in Its Formation,
London, Harper and Brothers, 1927.

Demishkevich, Michael: The National Mind English, French, Ger-
man, New York, American Book Company, 1938.
Burns, C. De Lisle: Political Ideals, London, Oxford University Press,
Brady, Robert A.: The Spirit and Structure of German Fascism, New
York, The Viking Press, 1937.
Hayes, Carlton J. H. : Essays on Nationalism, New York, Macmillan
Company, 1926).
Hayes, Carlton J. H.: Historical Evolution of Modern Nationalism,
New York, Richard R. Smith, 1931.
Dominion, Leon: Nationality Map of Europe, Boston, World Peace
Foundation, 1919.
Kohn, Hans: Nationalism in the Soviet Union, New York, Columbia
University Press, 1933.
Kohn, Hans: The Idea of Nationalism, New York, Macmillan, 1944.
Lenin, Nikolai: Vber die nalionale Frage, 2 volumes, Berlin, Rewohlt
Vcrlag, 1930-1931.
Marx. Kari. and Engels, Friedrich: Correspondence; 1846-1895;
A Selection with Commentary and Notes, New York, International Pub-
lishers, 1936.
Meinecke, Friedrich: Wehbiirgertum und Nationalstaat, Studien zur
Genesis des deutschen Nationstaates, 7th, Munich, R. Oldenbourg Vetlag,
Roucek, Joseph S. The Politics of the Balkans, New York, McGraw

Hill, 1939.
Roucek, Joslpii S. Twentieth Century Political Thought, New

York, Philosophical Library, 1946.

Salvemini, Gaetano, The Fascist Dictatoiship in Italy, New York.
Holt, 1927).
Stalin, Josef: Leninism, 2 volumes. New York, International Pub-
lishers, 1928, 1933.
Stalin, Josef; Marxism and the National Question, New York, Inter-
national Publishers, 1942.
Nationalism, Royal Institute of National Affairs, London, Oxford Uni-
versity Press, 1939.
Brown, Francis J. and Roucek, Joseph S.: One America: Our Racial
and National Minorities, New York, Prentice Hall, 1945.
Ascoli, Maxham Feiler: Fascism for Whom, New York, W. W. Nor-
ton, 1939.
Florinsky, Michael: Fascism and National Socialism, New York,
Macmillan, 19.36.
Williams, Francis: Democracies Battle, New York, The Viking Press,
Zimmern, Ai.fred; Modern Political Doctrines, London, Oxford Uni-
versity Press, 1939.

Regionalism and



Joseph S. Roucek

According to Hedwig Hintze, regionalism is difficult to char-

acterize. In a very general way, it may be defined “as a counter
movement to any exaggerated or oppressive form of centraliza-
lioii.’” But regionalism, according to Hintze, must not be consid-
ered “solely from the viewpoint of political control or govern-
mental administration,” for regionalist problems arise in a com-
bination of two or more such factors as geographical isolation, in-
dependent historical traditions, racial, ethnic or religious pecu-
liarities and local economic or class interests. “Regionalism must

be distinguished from nationalism in that it recognizes a higher

national unity and superior national interests transcending the
attachment to the local region. It must be distinguished also from
mere sectionalism in that it is not based exclusively on regional
economic or class interests but involves certain ethnic factors,
such as cultural, traditional or linguistic peculiarities, which pro-
vide a basis for what is often termed a subnationality.”
It is obvious that these involved definitions of Hintze are none
too helpful and up-to-date. In the first place, we have learned in

recent years that regionalism is not necessarily a counter move-

ment to “exaggerated or oppressive form of centralization.” From
this point of view, can be seriously debated whether the regional-

ism and separatism of the Slovaks was really caused by the “exag-
gerated or oppressive form of centralization” of Prague; the same

1 Hedwig Hintze, ‘'Kegionulihin*” Encyclupedio of Soci<d ScicncoSt XIII, 208*18.

applies to the problem of the Sudeten Germans, In fact, the agita-
tion and maneuvres of Hitler were more important factors than
the policies of Prague. Secondly, regionalism can hardly be dis-
tinguished from nationalism, for the most troublesome difficulties
of regionalism and separatism have been caused during the last
two or three decades not so much by economic or class interests
as by the nationalistic agitation.
In fact, the basic factor of regionalism of contemporary Eu-
rope has been the problem of nationalistic self-determination; al-

though the economic, religious and other factors have played their
part, the arguments provided for regionalistic and separatist
claims have been underlined primarily by the nationalistic ideol-

France —The Classic Land of Regionalism

Hintze’s concept of regionalism is, however, of some value, if

we recall that the study was written in the thirties, when the inten-

sification of the nationalistic tendencies on Europe’s horizon was

not yet clearly discernable. In this respect, France served Hintze
as the “classic land of political unity and administrative central-
ization,” as well as “the classic land of regionalism,” and, as a
consequence, “the French regionalist movement may be used as a
paradigm for regionalist movements of other lands.”’
Since 1789, including the years of the French Revolution, the
process of unification of the French State steadily gained impetus
and, finally, centralization was accomplished by Napoleon Bona-
The new centralistic system met with opposition, and a decen-
tralized, federalist principle found such strong French supporters
as Proudhon, Comte, and Le Play. At the beginning of the sec-

ond half of the nineteenth century, a group of poets organized

a regionalist movement to revive the Provengal language; this was
the starting point of a regionalist revival in France which even-
tually found organized expression in the Federation Regionaliste

Frangaise, a movement directed against the centralist system.

French regionalism gradually grew sufficiently strong to cause
certain changes and reforms in favor of decentralization.
Separatism of various brands was evident, in the same period,
in Corsica, Bearn and particularly in Brittany; the language ques-
tion played an important role especially in French Flanders; in
the three departments of Moselle, Haut-Rhin and Bas-Rhin, “sen-
timental” and “administrative” regionalism was related to the
language question. The Alsatian autonomism was based on strong
local feeling and directed chiefly against the rigorous manner in
which the French language was taught in the schools and used in
the administrative offices. Alsace, in fact, represented a type of
cultural autonomism and a desire for self-government.
The Problem of Alsace-Lorraine. The incorporation of Alsace
and Lorraine in the seventeenth and 18th centuries, respectively,
involved France’s expansion beyond the naturally-defined limits
of France, for, while the Lorraine Plateau is intermediate to the
Paris Basin and the Rhineland, Alsace turns away from France
and is an essential part of the Rhine Basin. By their inclusion
within political France the two provinces were prevented from
working out an independent life, as at one time seemed possible,
on the basis of the longheld traditions of the Duchy of Lorraine.
While the French Kings respected the local rights, and notwith-
standing a measure of gradual assimilation to France, the German
character of the region was preserved in general. The French
Revolution marked a change; the local rights were abolished and
the administration fully equalized with the rest of France, the
country being divided into three departements. Nevertheless, the
Alsatians heartily welcomed the revolution, as it freed them from
feudal bondage.
Restored Kingdom, Second Republic and Second Empire con-
tinued the policy of unificationand assimilation in the region.
The Alsatians were loyal French citizens, and many of them rose
to high posts in the French state administration. After the Ger-
man-French war of 1870-71, the reestablished German Empire an-


nexed the three departments, uniting them into the province of Al-
sace-Lorraine (German name: Elsass-Lothringen) Municipal and
local councils passed resolutions protesting against the annexa-
tion (the “protest movement”) ; they protested even against the
introduction of the German language in the schools. Germany re-

torted by withholding self-government for Alsace-Lorraine and

keeping the provinces as “Reichslande” (Imperial Territories),
under a dictatorship of a strong military flavor. In the ’nineties,
the protest movement ebbed, and the Alsatians joined the various
German parties, mainly the Catholic Clericals (Zentrum). An
Alsatian Constitution was granted in 1911, providing for a Diet
with limited autonomy. While a large section of the population
seemed ready to acquiesce in cooperation with Germany, there was
also a renewed pro-French current under Wetterle. Incidents like
that of Zabren 1913 (outrages of the military against the Alsa-

tian population) perturbed the bid for reconciliation, and the Diet
was in permanent conflict with Berlin. During World War I, pro-
French sympathies flared up again, and more than 20,000 in-
habitants were deported by the German authorities on political
When the French armies, in accordance with the terms of the
Armistice, marched into Alsace-Lorraine in November, 1918, they
were enthusiastically welcomed. By the Treaty of Versailles, the
provinces were reunited with France, and a German demand for
a plebiscite was turned down.
The French restored the three departements, Haut-Rhin, Bas-
Rhin and Moselle, and embarked on a policy of assimilation;
French was introduced as language of instruction in schools. As
during the period of German rule the population had learned to
feel as a territorial unit and had become conscious of their ethni-
cal character as German-speakers, an autonomist movement arose
and gathered momentum by the government’s action in 1925
which was intended
to introduce French lay legislation instead of

the still valid German legislation favoring the Roman Catholic

Church. The plan had to. be dropped on account of the strength


of Catholicism. An autonomist movement known as Elsass-Loth-

ringer Heimatbund (Home League of Alsace-Lorraine) was
launched in 1926 on a program of “home rights,” including rec-
ognition as a national minority, political autonomy within the
framework of France, an Alsace-Lorraine Diet with a separate
administration, German schools, equal rights of the German lan-

guage alongside with French, and protection of local economic in-

terests. A group of autonomists, including the leaders Rosse and

Ricklin, were tried at Colmar in 1928, and sentenced to prison

but soon pardoned. Reinforcedby Catholic elements under Father

Haegy and democratic ones under Dahlet, they won a success in
the 1929 elections. More important became their indirect influ-
ence, as the autonomist program, or parts of it, penetrated all the
local parties. By the start of World War II, the autonomist party
proper, styling itself Elsass-Lothringische Partei, had no repre-
sentative in the French parliament, but a number of autonomists
(describing themselves as heimattreu, hometrue) were found
within a variety of parties. The strongest Alsatian party, the
clerical Union populaire republicaine, formed, with 2 smaller
groups, the Action populaire independente in the Chamber, num-
bering 15 members and comprising pro-French members (such as
the leader, Michel Walter) as well as such autonomists as Rosse.
The Nazi propaganda was at the same time quite active, and
produced various crypto-Nazi organizations, suppressed by the
government in 1939; one autonomist leader, Charles Philippe
Roose, was executed for espionage.
Last of the lost provinces to greet the troops of liberation,
Alsace stood first in the heart of France in November, 1944. Paris
had plans at that time to eliminate, progressively, the special status

that prevailed in this German-speaking province before die war,

that the time had come to prevent the future recrudescence of

The whole problem of Alsace-Lorraine indicates the point which
we emphasized at the beginning of this chapter, that the outstand-
ing aspects of the questions arising from the existence of region-
alism are those of nationalism.
This characteristic more and more apparent as we pro-

gress, geographically, from western to Central and Eastern Eu-

rope. But the growing nationalistic aspects of this problem dur-
ing the twentieth century have been a burden to the westernmost
England, where regionalism of cultural kind has been sub-

merged to a remarkable degree to the interests of the United King-

dom — ^with the exception of Ireland.®


Ireland was divided into a number of Celtic kingdoms with a

high king (whose authority was doubtful) up to 1152, when one
of the sub-kings invoked the aid of the Anglo-Normans in a strug-
gle with the high king. This led to the first landing of the English
in Ireland, and henceforth English rule was extended until Henry
VIIT assumed the title of King of Ireland. The Irish were in con-
stant opposition to English rule and the racial cleavage was deep-
ened by the religious rift after the reformation of the English
Church when Ireland remained Roman Catholic. Very serious
fighting occurred under Cromwell who subsequently ordered the
evacuation of the northern- counties, now known as Ulster, by the
Irish population, and settled Protestant Englishmen and Scots
there. An Irish Parliament, subordinate to that of England, sub-
sisted till 1800, when union was proclaimed and the United King-
dom of Great Britain and Ireland was created. By that time Ire-
land had become largely anglicised, the Gaelic Irish language had
almost vanished, but the national consciousness of the Irish sur-
In the 19th century, the Anglo-Irish dissension was aggravated
by social and economic oppression of the Irish. Most of the land
^ No attempt is made here to deal with the background of England’s regionalism

and separatism only Ireland. For such related problems as that of Scotland, see
any standard text on England, or brief summary in Frederick E. Graham, “Great
Britain, Ireland, and the Empire,” Chapter VI, in Joseph S. Roucek, Ed., Contem-
porary Europe (New York, D. Van Nostrand 1947).

had become the property of English noblemen in the course of the

centuries and the Irish peasant was holding it only as a tenant.
The Irish question was eventually tackled by the Liberal Glad-
stone government, 1866 and 1893 the first Irish Home
and in

Rule Bills were introduced. Though they were rejected, Glad-

stone was more successful in settling the Irish land question, and
the work initiated by him in securing the peasants’ tenure of
land was substantially completed in 1903. In 1912, a New Home
Rule Bill was introduced by the Liberal Asquith Government,
which met with passionate opposition in Ulster. Sir Edward Car-
son raised the Ulster volunteers, while Irish volunteers for Home
Rule were organized in Southern Ireland, and civil war in Ireland
was imminent. The Home Rule Bill was twice rejected by the
Lords, and in the meanwhile the Great War of 1914 broke out.
The Home Rule Bill was then passed but its operation delayed
until after the war.
A group of radical nationalists, who became known as the Sinn
Fein Party (Gaelic, meaning “We ourselves”) cooperated with
Gerniany in preparing an insurrection. They claimed to be a con-
tinuation of the Irish Republican Volunteers who seceded in the
number of 12,000 from the Southern Irish Volunteers (total num-
ber 160,000) in 1914 over the question of participation in World
War I, carried out the Easter Week Rising in Dublin in 1916, pro-
claimed the Irish Republic, and fougbt the Free State Government
in the Irish Civil War of 1922. They clung to the fiction that this
Irish Republic continued to exist, and they regarded themselves

as its army. They rejected the Eire Government, aimed at the

reunion of North Ireland and Eire, and complete secession of
Ireland from the British Commonwealth. Condemned by the Gov-
ernment of Eire, they carried on continuous bombings in London
and other English towns until World War 11.

World War I over, another Home Rule was passed, pro-

viding for a Northern Irish Parliament at Belfast and a Southern
Irish one at Dublin; the Radical Irish Nationalists, however,
started civil war. They started a campaign of shooting the Irish
Constabulary man by man, and organized terror throughout Ire-
land. Plitain retorted by sending in a special police force known
as the Black-and'Tans, and a period of guerilla warfare followed.
The 73 Sinn Feia members of the British Parliament (out of a
total of 105 Irish M.P.S.) withdrew from Westminster and gath-

ered at Dublin as Dail Eireann or Irish National Assembly. This

dark period came an end in 1921 when the Anglo-Irish Treaty

was concluded between London and the Dail Eireann. The Home
Rule Bill was repealed, and the Irish Free State Act of 1922 cre-
ated a Dominion known as the Irish Free State in Southern Ire-
land (Eire). Northern Ireland remained a part of the United
Kingdom but was given a degree of self-government —and rep-
resents a definite problem in regionalism.


Spain has always been troubled with the regionalistic and separ-
atistic problems. Catalonia is a region in the northeastern corner
of Spain, inhabited by the Catalans or Catalonians who speak a
language akin to, but substantially differing from, Spanish.
Catalan regionalism has its roots as far back as the twelfth

century. For centuries, regionalism, and often separatism, was a

dynamic issue in Catalonia. During the twelfth century, when
Spain became a nationalistic state, Catalan regionalism experi-
enced a revival; with it appeared a strong tendency towards a
renaissance of Catalan culture. As in France, these regionalist
tendencies coincided with federalist tendencies.
Piy Margal, Prime Minister of the Spanish Republic (1873-
4), who was influenced by Proudhon, was in favor of a cantonal
autonomy and a federative principle for Spain.
In the new Spanish Republic, the autonomous and regionalistic
demands of the Catalans, Galicians and Basques played a signi-
ficant role. Under the Republican Government, with whom they

sided in the Civil War of 1936-39, the Catalans won autonomy;

but Catalonian nationalists and anarchists, the latter being tra-

ditionaliy strong in the region, displayed sectional tendencies in

the course of the war; finally the Republican government took con-
trol of Catalonia. In January, 1939, General Franco started his
offensive on Catalonia, resulting in the conquest of Barcelona and
the collapse of the Republic. The Catalonian were sup-
pressed by the victory and centralist Spanish rule was reestab-

The Basques. A similar course of development took place in

the region of the Basques, a people of about 2,000,000 on the
northern coast of Spain, with a branch in southwestern France,
speaking a language quite different from Spanish and not related
to any other European tongue. The Basques (living in the prov-
inces of Alava, Bizcaya, and Guipuzcoa) maintained a separate
existence in the Spanish monarchy for a long time. These priv-
ileges were known as the Basque fueros. The movement reached
its apex at the beginning of the 20th century. A student, Sabino

Arana-Goiri wrote Bizcaya par su independencia (Bilbao, 1892),

and in 1895 the nationalist Basque party was founded, declaring
itself for “the tradition, the church, the ancient laws and insti-

tutions of the land, language and art of the people.” After World
War I, the Basques obtained autonomy. But defeated by General
Franco, their country was occupied in 1937 by the Spanish na-
tionalists; all their privileges and linguistic ri^ts were sup-
With a view to reviving Galician as a cultural tongue, the move-
ment centering itself around the old University of Santiago de


In Italy, the problem of regionalism has usually tended to be-

come that of federalism or separatism.
Italian regionalism reverts to the times of Risorgimenlo. Among
its most important writers, Marini deserves particular mention;
he advocated a regional-federal system for Italy. Despite region-


alistic projects, however, a centralistic system was established in
the Italian Kingdom. After World War I, the tendency toward
regionalism became increasingly popular, but the establishment
of Fascist rule has practically destroyed all hopes for a decen-
tralized, regional system.
Sicily may be noted as a good example of Italian separatism
and regionalism.
“Independence of Sicily” has always been Italy’s gravest na-
tional problem.®
The movement resembled, at the end of World War I, that for
Moslem state of Pakistan in India. Furthermore,
the separate
Sicily was the first place the United States forces liberated in
Europe, and it is a good example of what disturbing forces lib-
eration was setting free in the Old World from which America’s
people came. There are more Sicilians and Americans of Sicilian
descent in the United States than there are Sicilians in Italy.
Like everything else connected with Sicily, separatism is an ex-
traordinarily complicated phenomenon. It cuts across all party
lines like republicanism and monarchism and there are separatists
even in the communistic movement, which is fundamentally the
greatest enemy of the independentists. The motives behind it are
mixed with genuine idealism, selfish personal interests, political
designs, trouble-making, sincere convictions and innocent hopes.
The Maffia, that peculiarly Sicilian institution, which is almost
a government to itself, is also deeply involved.
As its name implies, the movement seeks to separate the island
from what every Sicilian calls “the Continent,”
meaning the main-
land governed by Rome. The chief leaders of the movement
lawyer and former Deputy Andrea Finocchiaro-Aprile, who is
President; Lucio Tasca, whom Colonel Charles Poletti
Mayor of Palermo and who was removed by Rome after eleven
months, and his brother Alessandro, who is probably the largest
landowner on the island —want first, the creation of an indepen-
*Herb<Tt L. Matthews, “Separatist Crisis in Sicily Is Acute,” New York Times
(February 4, 1945).

dent sovereign state, and second, the formation of a federation

between Sicily and Italy. However, there are extremist elements,
particularly students and intelligentsia, who oppose the federa-
tion, while there is also a moderate wing willing to accept a large

degree of autonomy under the Rome government. According to

the dominant ideology of the movement, Sicilians are a race apart
from the Italians of the mainland. They claim a long historic
background of separation or aspirations for independence and in-
terpret all their great revolts from 1282 to the uprising against
the Bourbons in 1848 in terms of separatism. They charge ne-
glectand exploitation by Rome and northern Italy since the Risor-
gimento and unification, and provide convincing statistics to sup-
port their case right through the Fascist regime which prevented
the development of industry and did little or nothing to relieve
agricultural distress. Even before the collapse of the monarchist
regime in Italy in 1946, they had been, potentially and essentially
Republicans, since the Monarchy stood for unity.


Regionalism an«l separatism have been connected with the whole

history of Germany. In modem times, these problems appeared

in various forms such as the Junker or Bavarian problems, not

to speak of numerous others. We shall have to limit ourselves to

the consideration of the “Free Rhineland,” and Schleswig-Hol-

stein movements.
Free Rhineland. The dispatches of 1946 from Germany told
of tlie establishment of a “Free Rhineland” movement presaging
more trouble for the inliabitants of the battered German lands in

the west. The new group, called the Rhenish People’s Party, is

the spiritual descendant of a number of organizations which, in

their efforts to set up a Rhineland Republic kept that region in a

state of turmoil in the years following the end of World War I.

In fact. Dr. Fritz Opitz, a journalist, who headed the new party
in 1946, admitted his movement was begun by former followers
« —


of Dr. Hans A. Dortea, president of the short-lived Rhenish Re-
public of 1919. One element, however, in this sequel to the 1919-
24 events appeared to be lacking: the presence of foreign support
for the separatists. While the French were certainly riot unsym-
pathetic to the Rhenish People’s Party, they took no part in 1946
in sponsoring the organization. But the French quite firmly pro-
claimed their desire for an independent Rhineland. This, with
internationalization of the Ruhr, they felt, would end the long-
standing German threat to their security. After World War I, the
French played a considerable role in the numerous attempts to
sever the Rhineland from the Reich, their eiforts culminating in
the formation in the winter of 1923-24 of a Rhenish state, dubbed
the “Revolver Republic,” by the German populace.
The moves of France in the ’20’s were supported by Mar-
shal Foch, and those two other leaders of a resurgent France
Georges Clemenceau and Raymond Poincare; the British and
Americans opposed such a proposal in drafting the Treaty of Ver-
sailles, by which the French were forced to settle for temporary
occupation of the Rhineland.
Not to be balked at the peace table, however, France turned
to propaganda and more forceful means of accomplishing her
goal. Even Jbefore the Treaty bad been signed on June 28, 1919,
a campaign had begun in the Rhineland, whose people were told
that they not really Germans, but “Celts, comme nous” — “Celts,
like us.” And General Charles Mangin, French Army occupation
commander and a foremost exponent of Rhine policy,
his nation’s
secretly met with Dr, Dorten, an obscure Wiesbaden lawyer, to
discuss the financing and arming of a band of men to establish
a Rhineland republic.
The attempt to convince Rhinelanders of their Gallic affinity was
doomed to failure, but intrigue with separatists was to be a con-
tributing factor to the continued unsettlement of Germany for
Schleswig-Holstein, a province in North Germany, was taken
from Denmark by Prussia' in 1864. The Danish population in the

northern part claimed return to Denmark over half a century, and

in 1920 a plebiscite was held under the Peace Treaty of Versailles,
resulting in the return to Denmark of North Schleswig. The dis-
trict was thereafter called South Jutland; it included aGerman
minority of 35,000 enjoying broad rights and having German
schools. But German aspirations to the reacquisition of the prov-
ince continued, and were realized under Hitler. In 1946, the
British MilitaryGovernment announced the province was desig-
nated a Land (State) on a par with the Land of Hanover and the
Land of North Rhine-Westphalia. With this step, the British ac-
complished the federalistic reorganization of their zone into three
Laender (States) in addition to Hamburg along the lines of the
American zone, which was divided into three Laender. At a ses-
sion of the Schleswig-Holstein advisory council (September 16,
1946), which was told about the decision, the members voted 53
to 2 to decline further discussion of a motion to permit South

Schleswig, north of the Eider River, to secede and form a separate

province directly under the military government.
Hitler^s Pan-Germanism. A chapter in this volume covers the
Pan-Germanic ideologies and tendencies of the modem age, and
it is not necessary to deal here with the relation of the German mi-
norities to the problems of regionalism and separatism. Sufficient to

point out that everywhere, rmder the influence of Nazi propagan-

dists, the German settlements started claiming special privileges
as branches of the Germanic race, and in such cases, as the Sude-
ten Germans, culminated their movement in separatistic demands
from their states. According to the theories of Hitlerism, the Ger-
man was defined as all Germans of German parentage or near-
descent, whether speaking German or not. By this definition Ger-
many, imder Hitler, had roughly between 90,000,000 and 100,-
000,000 “abroad.” The Reich also claimed blood kinship with
additional so-called German minorities of France, Romania, Hun-
gary, Yugoslavia, Italy, Latvia, Denmark, Lithuania, Estonia,
Belgium, the Crimean Soviet Republic, and the Ukrainian Soviet
Republic. German-speaking inhabitants of these lands were esti-
mated anywhere from a million and a half in France to about
16,000 in Estonia. Certain European nations were either 100 per •

cent German-speaking (such as Liechtenstein and Luxembourg) or

held large Germanic minorities, like Switzerland, where some
three-fourths of the people speak German. Some of these Ger-

mans evolved a culture and tradition of their own, different from

that of their racial cousins. Such, for example, was the German
group settled along the middle Volga River of Soviet Russia, and
comprising more than half the population of the autonomous
Volga-German Republic. Another, nearer to the Reich, is the in-
dependent little principality of Liechtenstein, which is well satis-
fied with its ruler and the country’s economic lies with Switzer-

Central’Eastern Europe

The regional and separatist movements of the European states

between Germany and Russia have all been characterized by the

nationalistic aspects of such demands. The national movements
of these states and nationalities all have certain main character-
istics in common; they can be summarized as follows:^ ( 1 ) These
national movements have been ultimately, if indirectly, derived
from independent political existences at some day past, more or
less remote (although these earlier organizations could not be
described as “national states.”) (2) The superstructures over
these various nationalities built up by colonization or conquest
did not succeed in obliterating the loyalties and the sense of dis-
tinctness which the earlier independent political structures had
created. (3) These nationalistic memories failed to be obliterated
because the political superstructures (or empires) were headed by
aliens and invaders who, both socially and politically, kept the
upper positions strictly to themselves, and who failed or neglected
to form a strong and permeating central authority. (4) Many of
* Royal Institute of International Allairi,, Natiorudism (New York; Oxford Uni-
versity Press, 1939), Chapter VI, “Other European National Movements,” pp. 81-113.

the leaders ol the national movements could not show any heredi-
tary connection with those who had lived under the earlier states;
a large number of the leaders came of the stock of the alien in-
vaders. (5) These national movements were often related with a
revival of the native languages, which had survived as peasant
dialects since the days of independence. Eventually these dialects
were unified, grammars and dictionaries created, and the vocabu-
lary enlarged to make the language suitable for purpose of litera-
ture and government. (6) The literary revivals were the prod-
ucts of small bodies of intellectuals, many of whom belonged to
the dominant race, and most of whom had taken advantage of
its educational system and culture. (7) The inspiration for these
revivals came from abroad, from Germany (Her-
der”), and the political ideas of Western Europe from England
(Ireland, Italy), France (Poland, Rumania, the Czechs), or Ger-
many (Latvia, Estonia, Croatia). (8) The literary revivals be-
came politically important because they emphasized the sense
of distinction already felt on a social basis; the Western concept
of self-determination was accepted because it offered the pos-
from rule that was socially oppressive. (9)
sibility of liberation

These national movements were also related to the growth of the

capitalist system and the Industrial Revolution. (10) Neverthe-
less, the middle classes here remained comparatively small and
played a limited part in the growth of the national movements. On
the whole, the professional classes (clergy, teachers, lawyers, doc-
tors) were much more important than those engaged in commerce
or industry. (11) Due to the weak middle classes, the national
movements here had to look for support to a number of different
groups — professional men, industrialists, small gentry, peasantry
—which were bound together by the desire to be rid of alien rule.
(12) Political independence brought these nations face to face
with a number of serious questions, both political, social, and eco-
nomic, on which the differences of opinion went deep. These dif-

R. R. Ergang, Herder and the Foundations of German Nationalism (New York,

Columbia Univeiuily Press, 1931),
{erences handicapped the establishment of a democratic form of
government, especially as most of these nations had had no back-
ground in self-government and lacked the relatively high material
and cultural standards of the western states. The difficulty was
strengthened by the fact that few of these nations gained indepen-
dence by their own exertion, but owed it in nearly all cases to for-
eign aid.
To treat all the main and minor problems of regionalism and
separatism in this part of the world would obviously mean the
discussion of all the nationalistic aspirations of all the nationali-
ties living here. We shall have to limit ourselves to the currently
outstanding problems in this region: Austrian South Tyrol, Czechs
and Slovaks, Ruthenes, Yugoslavia, and Macedonia.

Austrian South-Tyrol

Although Tyrol is only one of Austria’s provinces, it has left a

deeper impression on the imagination of the world than almost
any other European region. It has always stood for untouched
nature, pine woods, pastures, and a bewitchingly beautiful and
majestic mountain landscapes. It is a country of mighty mountain
ranges which, as in Switzerland, have produced a hard-working,
pious, stubborn, —
and freedom-loving people the Tyrolese.
The territory was annexed by Italy from Austria after World
War I. The southern half was inhabited by Italians while the
northern half, including the towns of Bozen (Bolzano) and Meran,
was inhabited by 267,000 German Austrians. This area came
to be known in Italy as AltoAdige. Italy insisted on its possession
for strategic reasons, particularly on account of the Brenner Pass.
While the South Tyrolese enjoyed liberal minority rights until
1924, they were subject to forcible Italianization by the Fascist
regime; some looked to Germany for help, but Hitler renounced
South Tyrol as the price of Italy’s friendship. In August 1939
the German South Tyrolese were offered an opportunity to as-
sume German nationality and to emigrate to Germany; 185,000
Germans (;}iose to go to Germany, while 82,000 decided to stay.
Unlike all other dis])ute<] territories of Europe, Tyrol has never
known different masters, with the exception of a short period un-
der Napoleon. Never in its long history was the south separated

from the north; it has been an individual state unit since the 7th
century, when it was settled by the forefathers of the present-day
Tyrolese. The long traditions of independence produced the
fighters who in 1809, guided by their peasant leader Andreas
Hofer, inflicted the first crushing defeat on Napoleon at a time
when even the most powerful nations of Europe were still willing
to submit to him.
Although the capital of Tyrol, Innsbruck, has developed in the
north, the ecclesiastical capital was at Brixen (in the south), and
the Archbishop of Brixen remained the head of the church in the
entire Tyrol even after the partition of 1919. From a cultural
viewpoint, the south was even more productive than the north,
and the great names of Tyrolese civilization, the great painters

and poets like Walter von der Vogelweide came from South Tyrol.
(The very name of Tyrol originated at Meran).
During all these centuries the Tyrolese inhabited their land
in a solid block which reached as far as Salum, where we find the
oldest and sharpest nationality line in Europe. Today, ethnically
the country belongs to Austria. But throughout 1946, Rome and
Vienna were arguing over the possession of the region.

Czechs and Slovaks

Czechs and Slovaks, united in a struggle for national liberation,

War I the feudal Empire of Austria-
overthrew at the end of World
Hungary and created modern Czecho-slovakia. But the problem
of the regional and eventually separatistic tendencies of Slovakia
provided one of the greatest problems of the new state, especially

when the issue was seized upon by Hitler for his purposes of driv-
ing through Czechoslovakia on the way to the Balkans and the
Near East, along the “transversal Eurasian Axis.”


For the purpose of our topic, it is sufficient to notice that both
the Czechs and the Slovaks have the same origin, that they are
the same people. But history separated the Slovaks from the
Czechs when the Magyars seized Slovakia in the tenth century.®
Their history thereafter was, for a thousand ^years, a record of
living as an unwilling province of the Kingdom of Hungary
while the Czechs formed their independent state, and lived he-
Iweeii 1620 and 1918 in Austria. In 1918, the Slovaks were far
behind the Czechs in cultural and political development and there
were few among them who recognized the significance of the
1914-1918 struggle until it was over. On the brink of national
extermination in 1914, the Slovaks had scarcely more than 500
Slovak families who were nationally conscious, and it was not until
1918 that the Slovaks began to take an active part in the leader-
ship provided for them by such people as General Stefanik who
worked with Masaryk and Benes for liberation of Czechoslovakia.
Slovakia’s separatism had a slow start. The religious issue was
in part responsible. Slovakia had a serious shortage of men and
women who could take the place of the Hungarian officials^ teach-
ers and priests after 1918. Czechs came in large numbers; many
of them were Protestants and free thinkers and offended the re-
ligious feelings of the Slovak peasantry. (This was fomented by
the Hungarian priests who remained, and to this day they are
partly responsible for misunderstandings between Czechs and
Slovaks). At first the Slovak Clerical (Autonomist) Party, under
Father Hlinka, and the Czech Clericals cooperated; but after a
while this link was severed, and Hlinka started a serious opposi-
tion to Prague, partly for personal and partly for political reasons.
He was a Roman Catholic priest and exercised great influence
over the quick and sensitive Slovaks; in pre-war Hungary, a brave
and devoted Slovak patriot, he carried his early fighting spirit into
the Czechoslovak Republic and preferred “Slovak” “Czecho-
slovak” patriotism. When he died in 1938, his place as leader was
® For more information on this problem, as well as all other problems
of Central-
Eastern Europe, see: Joseph S. Roticek, Ed., Central-Easlfrn Europe (New York
Prentice-Hall, 1946).


taken by Tiso, also a Priest, and later by his right-hand man under
Hitler’s regime, Tuka.
The party demanded Slovak autonomy in 1938, and with Hit-
ler’s help created an autonomous, “free” Slovak state in 1939,
which collapsed with the Russian invasion of Slovakia at the end
of World War 11. While Tuka was hanged as a traitor, the separ-

atism of Slovakia received a definite recognition from Prague,

which inaugurated the new regime by allowing Slovakia a de-
finite set of powers for self-government.


If there was a state in the post-war Europe eursed with the most
burning regional problems, then it was Yugoslavia. To speak of
Yugoslavia as a whole would helie facts. The country presents
the most baffling mixture of race, language, custom, and belief
imaginable. Here are Serbs, Croats, Macedonians, Magyars, Slo-
venes, Albanians, Moslems, Romanians, Germans, and Jews; here
are Mohammedans, Protestants, Roman Catholics, and members
of the Greek Orthodox Church. All these aspects had their region-
alistic and separatistic tendencies, focused particularly around
the problem of the Serb versus the Croat. The crux of Yugoslav
politics, from the very formation of the new state in 1918 to this
day, has been the alternative of centralization and federalism
the Serbs fostering the notion of “Greater Serbia,” and the Croats
advocating regionalism. The conflict between the Serbs on the one
hand and the Croats and Slovenes on the other hand reached a
climax in 1928 when several Croat leaders were shot by a Serb
deputy in the National Assembly. It was this incident that led to
King Alexander’s dictatorship —a system of government which
tried to supplant regionalism by a strict centralism.

What was in the background? The reply is simple. Yugo-

slavia was enmeshed in a tangle of regional nationalisms, nursed
by different historical experiences of each region, antagonistic
creeds, and contrasting cultures, while being faced at the same
time with exasperating economic ami international problems de-
manding a strong central government. The new stale was unable
to create spiritual unity among its constituent parts because its

Slavic population had lived too long under different sovereignties

— ^Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Montenegro, and Turkey ; during the
era of division, the Yugoslavs had been unable to participate in
the same political, economic, cultural, and religious development.
The geopolitical conditions of the Balkans intensified centrifugal
tendencies; they emphasized differentiation and diffusion rather
than integration. When the old dream of national unity had come
true, tribal and regional interests were already too deeply rooted
to give way to broader allegiances.

The movement was headed by the Croats who resented the dom-
ination of Serbia’s Belgrade. Zagreb, ancient and obstinately self-

assertive Croat center, strongly Catholic, objected to the rulership

of Belgrade’s centralistic administration. Although Serbs and

Croats have the same literary language, both consider themselves
separate cultural groups. The Croats and Slovenes use the Roman
alphabet, while the Serbs write in Cyrillic. Memories of the early
Croat Kingdom and the wide autonomy enjoyed by the Croats in
prewar Hungary, taught the Croat his own conception of regional
justice. “States rights” in the American sense became his gospel;
he was jealously defending the status of his province, suspicious

of Serb interference. After the relentless fight against Magyaria-

zation,what could be worse for him than to become “Balkanized?”
Too long had autonomy been the cherished weapon of national
self-defense to make the Croat yield to Belgrade even in minor
matters. Religious differences made the contest deeper. As Cath'-
olics, Croats and Slovenes had their objections to the domination
of Serbia’s Orthodox Church. Then there were cultural differ-
ences. Belonging to the “Western” cultural zone, both Croat and
Slovene were convinced that theirs is an “older” and “higher”
civilization than that of the Serb, who, in their eyes, is little more
than a modern “barbarian,” a ridiculous and brazen upstart.

The demands for regional autonomy were voiced by Radich,

murdered in 1928, and since then by Dr. Matchek, who found him-
self, in 1946, in exile. On the opposite side of the fence stood
Pashitch, Serbia’s great statesman, and after his death, other pan-
Serbs, symbolized inKing Alexander and then King Peter.
The matter continued to disrupt the state up to the very begin-
ning of World War 11. The invasion of Yugoslavia by Hitler's
hordes gave a chance to the Croats to form their own “indepen-
dent” Croat state, on the lines of “independent” Slovakia, under
the leadership of a Quisling, Ante Pavelich. With the end of
World War II, the Croat question was submerged in federal plan
of Marshal Tito, which, theoretically, gave Croatia autonomy al- —
though, in practice, the pro-Communist Tito’s regime was just as
centralistic, if not more, than that of the late King Alexander.


The fateful importance of Macedonia has been due not only to

the persistent regionalistic and separatist agitation of the Macedon-
ians, but also to the geographical aspects of the problem, since
Macedonia lies in the very heart of the Balkans —and the posses-
sion of Macedonia has been the common objective of the national-
ist and strategic ambitions of three Balkan powers—
Serbia (Yugoslavia), and Greece. Each has tried to impose her
own culture on the Macedonian portions belonging to it, while jur-
isdiction over the territory has been shifting back and and forth
as one or the other claimant won a round in the intricate contest
for balance of power in the B^tlkans.
The location of Macedonia can be indicated by drawing on
the Balkan map a semi-circle with a radius of about 150 miles
around the port of Salonica as a center. Racially, Macedonia is
a medley of peoples; but the majority are Southern Slavs, who
belong Orthodox Church. This makes the matters worse, for
to the

the Macedonian dialect is neither Bulgarian nor Serbian. Hence

the Serbs are prone to classify the Macedonians as “Old Serbs” or
“South Serbs,.” while the Bulgars consider them pure Bulgars, and
the Greeks “Slavophones” (Slav-speaking Greeks).
.The ideological beginning of the Macedonian struggle fpr in-

dependence goes back to 1893, when Damo GruelF, Sofia Univer-

sity student, and Pera Tosheff, founded, in the fall of 1893, in
Ressen (Resna), the first central Committee of the Macedonian
Revolutionary Organization according to the example of the Car-
bonari Societies of Italy. This Imro has been active, in varying
degrees, ever since in the Balkans, usually murdering its oppon-
ents or its While the Imro proclaimed “Macedonia for

Macedonians,” the Vrhoven Committee, founded in 1894 by Sto-

jan Mihailoff, supported the acquisition of Macedonia by Bul-
garia. After the second World War, another organization arose,
aiming to support the Communist federation of the Balkans, with
Macedonia at its head.

The movement was lost in bloodshed, forgetting its original

aims to liberate Macedonia, or to secure for it at least some form
of autonomy from the three states holding various parts of Ma-
cedonia. In 1934 the movement was suppressed by the Bulgarians,
a step cheered by the Yugoslavs troubled for years with the
Macedonian terror. The problem reappeared again when Mar-

shal Tito made Macedonia one of the parts of the autonomous

Yugoslavia. But the fate of the Macedonian portions of Greece
remained one of the biggest questions facing international states-

manship in 1948.


Some observers believe that Russia has found a formula of

solving the problem present by the existence of regionalism, sep-
aratism in a strongly centralized state.’ .

The problem was the subject of theoretical discussions among the

Bolshevist leaders before the party came to power in November,
r Bernhard J. Stern, “Soviet Policy on National Minorities," American Sociologiad
Review, IX (June, 1944), pp. 229-35.

1917.“ The disintegration of a multinational empire under the

force of rampant nationalism, which was already in full swing in
Austria-Hungary, seemed to be in the shaping also in Czarist Rus-
sia, with her some 140 ethnic groups. To be sure, only a few among
the many ethnic groups that composed the Russian population dis-

played, around the turn of the twentieth century, nationalistic sen-

timents of an intensity comparable to the heat of nationalistic
feelings in Central-Eastern Europe. Apart from the Great Rus-
sians, the Poles, ihe Finns and a few other nationalities, the na-
tional consciousness of the Russian people was not yet definitely
crystallized. Needless to say that the leaders of the Bolsheviks were
not interested in maintaining the Czarist Empire, but were in-
terested in preserving the existing political framework of Russia,
and scented in the disruptive force of nationalism, or rather eth-

nucentrism of regionalism and separatism, a serious threat to the

socialist cause for which the party stood. This caused Lenin and
lesser Bolshevist theoreticians to give special considerations to the
problems of nationalism. Among the contributions of the minor
Bolsheviks, Joseph Stalin’s essay on “The National Question and
Social Democracy,” written and published in 1913, holds an emi-
nent place.” Stalin wrote ibis ess^y in Vienna which, at that time,
was torn by national strife. Stalin’s arguments can be gathered
from Stalin’s conclusion that the Jews do not constitute a nation,
since tlieir fate has been dispersion rather than communal life, be
it in linguistic, territorial, or economic terms. Stalin stressed that
the nation is a historical phenomenon, and that this process lies

outside the province of government, and should be left undisturbed

by governmental interference. The nationalities policy of the
government of a multinational state should be guided by the lais-

sez-faire principle. The task of the socialist is not to stimulate

nationalism, not to strengthen national distinctions, but rather to

® Ericli Huh, “The Nationalities Policy of the Soviet Union,” Social Research,
XI (May, 1944), pp. 168-201.
** Republished several times; see Joseph Stalin, Marxism and the National and
CotorUM Questions (New York, n.d., Marxist Library, Works on Marxism-Leninism,
Vol. 38, ed. by A. Fineberg), pp. 1-61.
break them down and unite the population “in such a manner as
to open the way for division of a different kind, division accord-
ing to class.” In Stalin’s view, the form that best serves this pur-
pose is regional autonomy, the autonomy of territorial. units with
an ethnically diversified population. Common, not separate, in-
stitutions promote the spirit through which common purposes are
achieved. Thus Stalin defined the equality of nationalities in terms
of the equal rights of their several members. The endeavor to

make use of common institutions in order to check separatist ten-

dencies of the nationalities is even more conspicuous in Stalin’s
insistence on a single proletarian party.
When we look at the present conditions in Soviet Russia, let us
notice that the Union is not a national state in the sense in which
the word has come to be understood in Central-Eastern Europe.
It is nationally neutral, and none of the national groups is legally
recognized as a dominant nationality. Nevertheless, the Union is

still an “inter-national community” as regards the relationship

among its component ethnic groups. Article 1 of the Constitution

(1936) defines the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as “a

socialist state of workers and peasants,” without circumscribing
their nationality, and the very name of the Union still includes no
reference to its ethiyc elements. Its legitimacy rests not on any
title of nationality, but on its claim to be the instrument of a class.
The Soviet Union regards itself as a class state, not a national state.
Actually it is not so much a class state as a party state. The
legally and actually privileged group which rules the country is
the All-Union Communist Party. And in view of this political
reality, particular importance attaches to the fact that the purposes
of the Communist Party itself are related to all nationalities alike.
The party wields power over the Union not with a view to further-
ing the special interests of any of the many
nationalities but with
a view to achieving social ends and to maintaining the unity of the
political system. Accordingly it tries to steer a nationally neutral

course and to insure, as the party program promises, “the fullest

equality of all nationalities” (Point 9 of the progr am ).

The Soviet regime has gone much farther than the imperial
government ever did in trying to approximate the administrative
political set-up in the national structure of the population, at least

in the southeastern and eastern parts of the country. But the fact
also remains that neither the Union republics nor their territorial

subdivisions are ethnically homogeneous. Even more striking is

the ethnic mixture in the autonomous republics; some of them

derive their name not from the majority, but from a minority
All in all, then, regionalism and separatism play a minor role
in Russia today, although they are not hindered — as long as the
nationalities concerned do not in any way hinder the plans of
the Soviet economy. Conversely, if the regionalistic or separatistic
tendencies in any way threaten the welfare of the Soviet Union,
radical steps are taken. Thus the Germans were deported from
their settlements on the Volga at the beginning of World War II,
and in 1946, Moscow revealed that two of the autonomous Soviet
Republics (of the Crimea and the Chechen-Ingust in the Northern
Caucasus), had been heavily disciplined for treachery in the face
of the enemy. They had been liquidated as autonomous republics,
reduced to the status of provinces, and many, apparently a large
proportion, of their inhabitants resettled in other parts of the
Union. Evidently, in Soviet Russia, nationality and politics are
inextricably lied up with one another, and the solution demands
the price of Communist centralization.
Anderson, E. A.; Nationalism and the Cultural Crisis in Prussia,
1806-1815, New York, Farrar & Rinehart, 1940.
Carr, E. H. : Conditions of Peace, New Y^ork, The Macmillan Co., 19'i2.
Chadwick, Henry M.: The Nationalities of Europe and the Growth of
National Ideologies, New York, The Macmillan Co., 1947.
Hayks, Caui.TON J.; A Generation of Materialism. 1871-1900, New
York, Harper & Brothers, 1941.
Pinson, K. S. Bibliographical Introduction to Nationalism, New York,

Columbia University Press, 1934.

Royai. Institute of National Affairs: Nationalism, New York, Ox-
ford llriiversity Press, 1939.


Editorial Note

Space limitations deny the separate treatment of various na-

tional and nationalist movements, country by country. However,
Zionism differs strongly from so many other national movements
that it deserves a special chapter. A nationalistic struggle for in-
dependence is generally waged by an oppressed nation in a deter-
mined territorial area against a determined national oppressor
which has- invaded their country.
Zionism started as a movement of the Jewish people who were
scattered throughout the world and not in Palestine fighting an
oppressor. Their original Roman oppressors (in Palestine) died
centuries ago, and the Jews survived them, as they did so many
other oppressors. This, then, was not a struggle such as the Serbs*
against the Turks for five hundred years, or that of the Poles
against Czarist Russia for one hundred and fifty years. These
examples are of nations with definite enemies on a particular

Beside these specific differences, Zionism became a significant

movement after World War II and, because of the tragic plight
of European Jewry, has assumed sufficient importance to be dealt
with separately. Aware of the importance of other Jewish poli-
tical movements, we were unable to treat them in a detailed man-
ner, due to space limitations. However, mention should be made

of such important movements, before World War II, as the Jewish

Socialist Party {“Bund") which, was highly in-
at that time,

fluential in Poland. This Socialist movement shared many com-

mon ideas with those discussed by Mr. Algernon Lee in his chap-
ter on Socialism. The “Agudas IsraeV* is an important religious
political movement of orthodox Jewry which should be mentioned,
too, as are the “Assimilationists,** who tried to merge both cul-

turally and nationally with the nation in which the Jews had lived

for centuries; they y)ere particularly influential in the nineteenth
century, especially among and professional classes.
the intellectual
Finally, the Territorialist Movement should be noted. Headed by

Dr. I. Steinberg, its aim is to build a Jewish home in any fertile,

peaceful strip of land {not necessarily in Palestine). Logical and
dynamic though it is, it lacks the emotional values of a social myth
which Zionism possesses in such great measure.



Jacob Lestchinsky

Institute of Jnvish Affairs

Historical Background

It is scarcely possible to find another socio-political movement

in the world that is as deeply rooted in the soul of the people as
Zionism. Attachment to Palestine, the dream of redemption and
the faith in a Messiah as the redeemer of Israel primarily, have
been cherished by Jews since the destruction of their Temple.
These emotions have been guarded with such piety and devotion
that until the emancipation they constituted almost the sole content
of the psyche of the Jewish people. Three times a day during their
prayers and three times a day while saying grace at table, the
Jews prayed for the redemption of Israel, an event which in their
mind connoted the return to the Homeland and the restoration of
independence. The highest expression of this unique yearning of
a people for redemption was to be found in Tikun Chatzoth (a
special midnight prayer) , Jewish folklore was almost exclusively
woven about Palestine, Jerusalem and the Messiah. Studies in
the religious schools concentrated the attention of the Jewish child
on the milieu of ancient Palestine or about events in Palestine.
No was taught in these religious
history of Jews in the dispersion
schools; only the Bible and the Talmud. These dealt only with
the history of the Jews from the Exodus from Egypt to the destruc-
tion of the second Temple. The entire Jewish literature beginning

with the Talmud up to the period of the emancipation and including
the Chassidic works of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries are
filled with references to the merit of living in Palestine and praise
of the country. It is true that during the past two thousand years
Jews also produced secular philosophic and poetic works, but they
were quantitatively few and could not compete in the conscious-

ness of the people with the religious works. Yehuda Halevi viewed
Palestine as the land whose climate produces prophets. To die in
Palestine was the most devout hope not only of pietists but also of
such educated persons as Maimonides and Yehuda Halevi. This
national desire for redemption through a return to Palestine was
so deeply rooted that even a man like Lord Beaconsfield (Dis-
raeli), who had broken with the Jewish people, reflected it in his
novels, {David Alroi and Tancred).
Thus one can account for the fact that throughout almost nine-
teen centuries since the destruction of the Temple, Palestine was
at no time devoid of Jews. During the first seven or eight centuries
of this period large numbers of Jews continued to live in the
country and a number of rebellions occurred in an effort to re-
gain Jewish independence. .When Palestine was occupied by
Khalif Omar (637 A. D.) between three and four hundred thou-
sand Jews lived in Palestine. The country passed from one ruler
to another, from Rome to Byzantium, then to the Arabs. For a
short time it was ruled by Christians after the first Crusade, then
it passed to the Turks. Persecution of Jews in Palestine con-
tinued in various degrees but never ceased entirely. Neverthe-
less, Jews were continually drawn to the country. The Jewish
traveler, Benjamin of Tudelo, found only about a thousand Jews
in Palestine. Following upon the expulsion of the Jews from
Elngland, France and many cities of Southern Germany at the
time of the Crusades, migration to Palestine increased. After the
expulsion of the Jews from Spain (1492) this migration assumed
a mass character. During the sixteenth century Safad became the
center of the Cabbalists and more than fifteen thousand Jews lived
in that city. At that time some were made to
practical attempts
colonize the country. Don Joseph Hanassi, who had fled Portugal

and had become an intimate of Sultan Selim II, obtained permis-

sion to colonize Jews in Tiberias and the neighboring villages. This
effort proceeded at a slow pace and later was abandoned
altogether because of changes in the political situation. After the
Chmelnitsky pogroms (1648) the migration to Palestine again as-
sumed large proportions. These immigrants were active in the
Sabbatai Zvi movement. In the eighteenth century the Chassidic
movement brought about a resurgence of the migration which in-
volved thousands of families. Under the leadership of the Gaon
of Wilno, many others, though opposed to Chassidism, followed
their example.

The large number of false Messiahs —as they are referred to

in Jewish historiography —could not have enjoyed their successes
had they not found a highly receptive mood among the masses. It
was only natural that such Messiahs should appear in the wake of
catastrophes: David Alroi in the twelfth century and Abraham
Abulafia in the thirteenth marked a reaction to the Crusades and
the expulsion from Western Europe; Reubeni and Shlomo Mol-
cho in the sixteenth century followed upon the expulsion from
Spain ; Sabbatai Zvi appeared after the Chmelnitsky pogroms. All
of these found a deep faith in redemption and a readiness to start
out for Palestine alongside the moods of despair which the catas-
trophes had engendered.
It should be noted that within the Christian world, especially in
the Anglo-Saxon countries, there flourished in recent centuries a
belief in- Jewish redemption and an interest in the restoration of
a Jewish state in Palestine. In 1621 a book appeared in London
which weighed the necessity of a Jewish state in Palestine on a
practical basis (Sir IJenry Finch, The Worlds s Great Restoration,
London, 1621.) During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
scores of authors and statesmen advocated projects for the es-
tablishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. The most interesting
of these plans was the establishment in 1844 in London of a so-
ciety named “British and Foreign Society for Promoting the res-
toration of the Jewish Nation in Palestine.”
In 1799 Napoleon issued an appeal to the Jewish people, “to
the Rightful Heirs to Palestine,” to hasten and establish a Jewish
state there. He wrote: “Hasten! This is a moment which may not

recur in a thousand years.”

Emancipation, which engendered a measure of disintegration
wkhin the Jewish communities in many countries and led to apos-
tasy and mixed marriages, let alone to cultural and linguistic as-
similation, also fostered a greater degree of national initiative
and a more dignified attitude toward the uniqueness of the Jew-
and against humiliations practiced against Jews, From
ish position

the ranks of assimilated Jews many projects for a Jewish state

were advanced. As assimilated persons they naturally stressed the
state aspect of their plans, rather than Palestine. The first of

these projects was that of the famous American Consul in North

Africa who was recalled from his position because of his Jewish-
ness.At any rate, this is the way he interpreted his recall. He
was Mordecai Emmanuel Noah, journalist, playwright and poli-
tical figure. He evolved the plan to create a Jewish state within
the United States (Grand Island). In 1840 there appeared a
pamphlet in Berlin entitled “New Judea” written by one S. L. K.
The author of this pamphlet was apparently an educated man,
trained in politics. He outlined a detailed plan for the estab-
lishment of a Jewish stale in a sparsely inhabited country. The
nineteenth century, he maintained, the century of the reconstruc-
tion of peoples and countries, must also provide a home for the
Jtws. But if “Palestine was th" cradle of the Jewish people, the
home must therefore stand elsewhere,” in a larger and better
country. Finally, there were I.eon Pinsker, the author of Auto-
Emancipation (1881), and Theodore Herzl, the creator of modern
Zionism. Both of these men had been assimilated Jews and both
began as territorialists.

Orthodox and nationally self-conscious Jews spoke of the res-

Holy Land, which was sacred

toration of the Jewish state in the
to them not only because of the Temple but also because of the
Prophets. The most prominent among them were Moses Monte-


I’iore, Rabbi Kalisher, Moses Hess and Eliezer Ben Yehuda.. All
of them preached redemption in the traditional sense, yet tried to
do something concrete about it. In 1878 a group of Rumanian
Jews founded the modern Jewish settlement, Petach Tikvah

Gate of Hope. This was a promising beginning.

Chibbat Zion

Immediately following the Russian pogroms of the 80’ s, while

tlie sound of broken window panes in Jewish homes still vibrated,
two movements came into being which, while partially agreeing in

principle, differed in methods and purposes: Bilu (“House of

Jacob, let us arise and go”) and Am Olam (“Eternal People”).
The principle common to both these movements was the reconstruc-
tion of Jewish life on a sound economic basis, eliminating the use

of outside labor and achieving economic independence. But,

whereas Bilu primarily thought of the redemption of the Jewish
people which should rebuild its life on labor foundations within
its homeland. Am Olam dreamed of a pure socialist society in
the form of model socialist settlements. The first, therefore,
streamed toward Palestine, the latter, toward America where they
hoped to found a new socialist society in the free and uninhabited
areas far away from cities.

In scores of cities in Russia, and later in other countries, groups

bearing the name of Bilu were formed. These soon changed their
name to Hovevei Zion —“Lovers of Zion.” The further develop-
ment of these groups regrettably justified this change of name,
for this movement rapidly assumed a philanthropic nature.
The chief ideologist of Hovevei Zion was Leon Pinsker, author
of the book which remained tlie Gospel of the movement until the

appearance of political Zionism, and some extent even after

that. Pinsker's diagnosis of the Jewish problem later became the
foundation of all Zionist theories — both left and right wing.
Homelessness was declared be the chief weakness, hence the

main problem, of the Jewish people. Deprived of a home, the

Jewish people wandered like a shadow among the nations of the
earth which were all organisms wedded and would
to the land
therefore not tolerate this disturbing exception. Hence Jews must
cease to be an exception. They must become the people of a
land. A country, a home —
this was the fundamental and sole

solution to the Jewish question. Later Pinsker joined the Hovevei

Zion because he realized that an abstract theory without an ap-
peal to existing folk sentiment and without a bond with historic
traditions could find no echo within the people, while the call to
colonize Palestine soon united hundreds of young Jewish intellec-
tuals, many students and scholars, and led to immediate practical

In fact a number of Jewish settlements soon were founded in

Palestine (Rishon Lezion, Rehovoth, Hedera and others). But
colonization in a terribly neglected country by persons both in-

experienced and unused to manual labor could not bring about

the desired results. The work encountered political difficulties on
the part of the Turkish Government and physical hardships from
the Arabs who at that time were not opposed on any political
grounds but simply engaged in looting.
The movement soon declined to the level of philanthropy and
lost the great influence it had exerted bn wide circles as the begin-
ning of a significant trend.
But Hovevei Zion could boast of a small, fanatically devoted,
group of followers who dedicated their lives to the idea of the
redemption of their people and by their stubbornness prepared
the ground for the great movement which eventually became a
people’s movement in the full sense of the term.
This small group of idealists consisted of three segments whibh
performed different functions in laying the foundations for the
large mass movement that later emerged. One segment stubbornly
and with great material and spiritual sacrifice continued the colon-
ization work in Palestine. They suffered defeats, malaria and
other diseases ravaged their ranks, some were killed by Arabs,
yet their courage remained undaunted and they did not lose faith


in their ultimate success. A second group concentrated about

Eliezer Ben Yehudah who undertook to transform Hebrew into
a living tongue, basing his effort on the correct assumption that,
without a common language and culture, Jews reaching Palestine
would prove to he a Babel of tongues and dialects that would only
demonstrate to the world the breakdown of the Jewish people. The
third group remained in the Diaspora and concentrated about
Ahad Ha’am and his so-called Spiritual Zionism. The historic

role of this trend did not maintain that Zionism could not or
should not strive to solve the Jewish political and economic prob-
lems, but rather that it should concentrate on the solution of the
Jewish national-cultural problem through the establishment of a
spiritual center in Palestine. It set itself the task of preserving
the basic principles of Zionism, of preparing cadres of devoted
idealists to present the idea to the people and preserve its purity,

sanctity and essence. Indeed, in later years disciples of Ahad

Ha’am were to be found in all Zionist parties. They had aban-
doned the main idea of their leader — that of a spiritual center
but otherwise observed the moral commandments of his teachings
to serve the people and to devote their lives to them.


During the last quarter of tlie 19th century certain manifesta-

tions ripened which forced the more sensitive and thoughtful eman-
cipated Jews to pause and consider. Emancipation was almost a
hundred years old and it was time to examine its results.

It became apparent that emancipation did not result in that ab-

solute merging of Jew and non- Jew so desired and dreamed of by
some Jewish and non-Jewish elements alike. It became evident
that It was very difficult to absorb a group with so well-defined and
firm a traditional psyche as the Jews possessed. Neither did the
object of the assimilatory process display* as great an eagerness
to vanish as Jews as had been promised by the early advocates of
assimilation through emancipation. Opposed to the extreme as-
similationists who practiced conversion and mixed marriages,
there came into being an extremely orthodox element which
strongly hindered the assimilatory process. An additional fac-
tor evoked an echo within a certain sector of outwardly assim-
ilated Jews of Western and Central Europe — the resurgence of
Eastern European Jewry which was outspokenly national in char-
acter. This echo roused dormant sensibilities and wakened long-
ings hibernating under heavy layers of assimilation.
But far more effective and influential was the fact that the non-
Jewish side refused to abandon its age-old attitude of considering
the Jew an alien, a neighbor who was perhaps gifted and accorded
political and economic rights but nevertheless not a complete equal
and theref(»re not of the same worth. Intensive Jewish participa-
tion in the political and cultural life of the assimilating nations
was met with less sympathy than their participation in the eco-
nomic fields of action. The more assimilated among the Jews felt
this especially keenly since they were so eager to serve their
fatherlands in every sphere of endeavor without any reservations.
And their accomplishments were far from negligible indeed. The
more sensitive assimilated Jews felt humiliated by the repeated
venomous reminders of their duty to be thankful for the eman-
cipation which had been granted to them as a gift. These also
sensed the falseness of their statutes of “slavery within freedom,”
as Ahad Ha’am so brilliantly defined it. From beneath the ac-
cumulated tiers of assimilation new manifestations of national
pride began to appear. Moses Hess expressed this feeling in Rome
anti Jerusalem. Some decadesNathan Birnbaum voiced it
in bis Zionist writings which advocated HerzTs ideas a decade be-

fore Herzl appeared on the scene. Max Nordau desctibed the

position of the assimilated Jew, who feared to admit his Jewish-
ness even while his neighbors considered his as such, as one of
“moral need.” This need began to torment the conscience of the
new type of Marrano.*
Anti-Semitism, which suddenly gained a new aggressive lease
on life, exerted an even greater influence on the revision of the

attitude toward assimilation. In the very midst of the process of

assimilation, even as Jews participated intensively in the capital-
ist development of their countries, the new violent anti-Semitism
emerged which stemmed precisely from the Jews’ participation
in the capitalist development, and their share in destroying the out-
lived feudal and semi-feudal forms of life. Jewish liberalism in
politics, science and the arts fed it. The new social class — the
middle class —took the lead in this anti-Semitism. The intellec-

tuals of themiddle class spearheaded it. Treitschke in Germany,

Drumont in France and Lueger in Austria became its prophets.
They sounded a warning to the Jews that their romance with as-
similation had come to an end and a new era of modern anti-
Semitism in the tempo of the new times was commencing, ba.sed
on economic interests and fought primarily with political means.
These developments in the aforementioned countries were in
harmony with the moods of Eastern European Jews and created a
common ground for common strivings. In the countries of East-
ern Europe, too, there operated not only negative factors such as
pogroms and lack of rights but also organic processes of the auto-
emancipation of Jewish spiritual energy. The field for new na-
tional stirrings was therefore of considerable scope. In the coun-
tries of Central and Western Europe the negative factor was the
more potent. Individuals ble.ssed with the sense of anticipating
it. Eastern European Jewry provided the
historical events reacted to
mass sentiment, “the hewers of wood and carriers of water” who
were true to tradition and zealously guarded historic values. West-
ern Europe provided the planners, the political architects and
leaders, the diplomats.
Among these chosen ones Dr. Theodore Herzl was the elect. A
prominent European journalist, dramatist and essayist, a typical
Viennese Jewish intellectual, a doubter and melancholy modernist,
he gained vision when he became absorbed in the Jewish ques-
tion. His being burned with the problem. In the course of a few
weeks he wrote a small book which was to mark a new ‘beginning
in the destiny of the oldest among nations. The name of the book
was The Jewish State. It left an indelible impression, especially
in Eastern Europe where the soil had been prepared by the Ho-
vevei Zion, and the organic development of the new liberation
movement was awaiting the appearance of a leader and guide, of
an inspired visionary possessing the talents of an organizer.
Herzl was remote from Judaism and from Jewish life. He there-
fore had no traditional bonds with Palestine. He did not know of
the Hovevei Zion or of the beginnings of colonization in Palestine.
Only when he saw by these tradi-
his ideas accepted primarily
tional bearers of the movement for rejuvenation did he agree to
unite these with his great political plans.
The Jewish State was remarkable not l>ecause of the aim it ad-
vocated. This aim had been popular among Hovevei Zion even
earlier. It was distinguished by the practical methods it outlined

for the realization of this aim. Herzl’s political scope and the
statesmanship of his approach were new. The masses- gravitated
toward him as the potential “Jewish King,” a personality fit to
occupy the throne of leadership, a redeemer on a modern scale
who approached the Jewish question from a political standpoint
that was in keeping with the political trends and methods of the
time. The charm of Herzl’s personality exerted its influence in
Central and Western Europe on those elements who had become
disappointed in the redeeming quality of emancipation. In East-
ern Europe his influence was enhanced especially by his European
aureole and the fact that he came from a strange and distant
However it would be erroneous to assume that only the charm
of his personality roused to drastic and far-reaching action. There
was something fateful in his appearance on the scene. The Jewish
masses sensed that he had voiced that which they, being politically
inarticulate, had not dared to enunciate, but bore deep within their
hearts as an unuttered dream. Manner is no less important in
politics than in art.Old truths assume an explosive character
when uttered by a person who knows the secret of resurrection,
who possesses the key to the era. Herzl was such a person.

Herzl formulated the Jewish question in the following man-

(a) The Jewish question is national in character. It concerns
all parts of the people and touches upon every aspect of their
life, political as well as economic, material as well as spiritual.
Return to Judaism must therefore precede return to Jews.
(b) The Jewish question is international and must be solved
on an international basis.

(c) The Jewish question is political. Political rights guaran-

teeing the basis and scope of the Jewish State must precede the
practical work of colonization.
(d) Only an organized Jewish people, equipped with the ne-
cessary political and financial apparatus, can carry out the great
historic objective of establishing a Jewish State. A world Jewish
Congress must be formed to undertake the establishment of the
institutions necessary for the realization of this task.

These were the main ideas of the small book which laid the
foundations fur the Zionist organization and created the political
atmosphere leading to the Balfour Declaration, the Mandate and
the international recognition of the Jewish Agency as the organ of
the Zionist movement.
Nor was Herzl satisfied merely to indicate the ways and means
of politically organizing the scattered Jewish people and of es-
tablishing a political apparatus for landless Jewry. He also gave a
concrete description of how to organize the work which would lead
to a Jewish State and to train the Jewish people so that the State
should be founded on progressive trends of European social think-
ing. This concretization of aim as well as of ways and means had
a great effect, since it was expressed in simple and sober terms
yet with such conviction and faith that great masses were enchanted

by it and were ready to follow Herzl wherever he led. Jewish

intellectuals, and the orthodox as well, were moved by the solidity

of his plan, the depth of his faith and the ripeness of the moment
for the establishment of a Jewish State. The immediate result
was the first world Zionist Congress, which was without doubt a
turning point in the history of the Jewish people.

The Zionist Congress

In 1897 in Basle the first Zionist Congress look place which

laid the foundation for the present day movement and became a
stabilized international political organization of the Jewish people.
204 delegates as well as several hundred guests were present.
The delegates came from many different countries and represented
Jewish communities scattered throughout the world. The gather-
ing was a conglomeration, not only of languages and cultures, but
also of physical types, clothes, manners and customs; Jews from
many lands, from different economic walks of life and cultural

levels; Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Arab, assimilated, half assimilated,

nationalistic and orthodox. In a word, a true Tower of Babel.
The first Zionist Congress keenly demonstrated two things: It

showed how the homeless Jews, torn asunder and scattered the
world over, had become estranged from each other. Yet at the
same time it how deep rooted were the common
also demonstrated
national feelings and mutual bonds, how strong was their belief
in their common creed and redemption; and how alike was the
destiny of Jewish minorities in different countries despite all their
economic, political and cultural differences.
Listening to the reports of the representatives, one became in-

creasingly aware of the sameness of the Jewish problem in all

countries — the world accepts the Jew as an alien and treats him
accordingly; and not in a single land do the Jews feel at home
or have they any sense of security. Only in the degree of home-
lessness did the situation vary; in essence it remained the same
for the Jews the world over. The picture was clear — ^the prob-
lem was to find a home for a homeless people. And history
has long since chosen this home. The land where this people

awakened to national consciousness; where the most inspired page

of history was written — ^the page of the Prophets and monotheism.
This is the land that people carried in their hearts through exile

and inquisition, through pogroms and persecutions, and only on

this historic soil is its continued vital existence as a people pos-

Herzl believed that the Zionist Congress was the Jewish Gov-
ernment en route —and there is much truth in this. During the
course of the 50 years of the existence of this Organization, only
once did a group break the discipline and withdraw. This was in

19.33, when the Revisionists, a right-wing political group headed

by Vladimir Jabotinsky, split the ranks and attempted to create a
new parallel Zionist organization. Despite the frequent sharp dif-
ferences of opinion and principle, despite the bitter fights between
the various groups — ideological and social — ^the internal national
and moral discipline was nevertheless so strong that the minority
was always willing to accept majority opinion. The movement
kept growing; it developed subsidiary institutions and enterprises
with budgets and large important economic investments. But it
never came to a serious internal rift. This manifestation of free
national discipline demonstrated the great moral strength of the
national ideal.
The program accepted at the First Zionist Congress was decisive.
“The aim of Zionism is to create for the Jewish people a home
in Palestine secured by public law. In order to attain this object,

the Congress adopted the following means;

1 . Tlie systematic promotion of the settlement of Palestine with

Jewish agricuhurists, artisans and craftsmen.
2. The organization and federation of all Jewry by means of
local and genet al institutions in conformity with the local
,3. The slreiiglliening of Jewish sentiment and natiuiiaJ con-
4. Preparatory steps for the procuring of such government as-

sents as are necessary for achieving the object of Zionism.”

Any Jew who accepts this program and buys a Shekel (fifty
cents) is entitled to membership in the Zionist Organization.

Stages of Development of the Zionist Movement

The development of the Zionist movement was molded and in-

fluenced by three basic factors:

(a) The situation of the Jews in the Diaspora.

(b) The drive of the Jewish masses to emigrate from European
countries and the immigration possibilities in new lands.
(c) The absorptive capacity of Palestine and the prospects for
the achievement of national political independence.

The by these three factors was not always uni-

influence exerted
form and harmonious. As a result, the development of Zionism
did not always forge ahead, but zigzagged, falling, in general, into
three major petiucls:

(a) From the First Zionist Congress (1897) to the Balfour

Declaration (1917) — political failures, and meager col-

onization achievements.
(b) From the Balfour Declaration to the Hitler debacle (1933)
— intensive immigration into Palestine, tremendous in-

crease of Palestine’s absorptive capacity but an inadequate

influx of capital which retarded the economic progress of
the country.
(c) From the beginning of Nazism until the present day
(1947) —tremendous drive of Jewish masses to Palestine,
influx of capital, intensification of industry, and intensive
growth of the absorptive capacity of the country.

The Zionist Congresses called forth a great national awaken-

ing in the Jewish world. This reinvigorating spirit was felt on all

levels of Jewish life — a stream of new blood bringing to all Jewry

renewed strengtli. Ideological contacts and mutual interactions
between Jewish communities became more intensified and fruit-

ful. Frequent meetings of Zionist leaders from all over erected

new bridges from Jewish center to center —bridges which had been
destroyed by emancipation. National consciousness grew, winning
large portions of assimilated Jews back to the national fold even
in those lands were assimilated Jews were the majority.
But politically, the efforts of Herzl brought no results. By 1903
it became quite evident that there was no hope at all for a Pales-
tinian Charter from the Turkish Sultan. This gave rise to a serious
crisis in the movement, sharpened all the more by the death of

Herzl (1904), on whom the masses had bestowed their blind alle-
This critical period in Zionism coincided with the tremendous
growth of revolutionary trends in Russia. The Jews were strongly
attracted by the Russian Revolution; hopes for political emancipa-
tion and even for broader national rights became so wide-spread
that even extreme Zionist circles embraced this blinding illusion.
The Socialist-Zionist parties actively participated in the Russian
Revolution. The Russian General Zionist Organization, then the
strongest and most influential of the parties within the World Zion-
ist Organization, initiated a broad national program of activity in
the Diaspora (Helsinki, 1906). Even the few hundred pogroms in

the days of the 1905 October Revolution did not deter the Rus-
sian Zionists from their energetic program in the Diaspora. The
prospects for immigration to Palestine were at that time very weak.
And such was the political mood not only in Russia. In Galicia,
too, which boasted the second strongest Zionist movement in the

world, the local national program was accepted enthusiastically by

the Jewish masses. The Zionists had to reckon with the prevailing
mood of the ma.sses and go along with them. The Socialist-Zion-

ists were particularly active in this work. There were extreme

elements within the Zionist movement that fought against the Dia-
spora illusions. Thus, Jabotinsky wrote: “There is no middle road
— either exodus or assimilation! Either our own home or national

disappearance.” (Raswiet, No. 13, 1907).


At the same time, the gates of the immigration countries in the
world were wide open. To the extent that the Jewish masses sought
ways of escaping poverty and persecution in most of the Eastern
European countries, they had many refuge opportunities other
From 1897 to 1914,
than Palestine, and under better conditions.
more than one and a half million Jews emigrated from Europe
almost a fifth of the total Jewish population. Of this tremendous
number of emigrants from Europe, scarcely 30,000-35,000, or
2 percent, came to Palestine.
But a pioneering immigration to a barren wasteland must not be
measured by numbers alone, for qualitatively, just in the years
after the unsuccessful Russian Revolution, a great upheaval took
place in the composition of the immigration to Palestine. This
was the small but famous Second Aliyah (ascension) which played
so great an historic role in the development of Palestine.
The first generation of immigrants to Palestine from 1882 to —

1907 although making great physical and material sacrifices,
nonetheless did not succeed in completing the pioneer period of
colonization. This generation did not manage to create such col-
onization forms as were appropriate to the extremely difficult con-
ditions in the barren and stony land of little rains and a primi-
tive local population; nor did they establish the colonization forms
required for the rebirth of a people that for centuries had been far
removed from agriculture. The early colonists, whose fields and
gardens were watered with Jewish sweat and blood, were event-
ually forced to hire Arabs for the work requiring agricultural
skills and physical strength. A most complex and unfortunate sit-

uation resulted —
Arabs constituted the majority in those Jew-

ish colonies which were destined to establish a Jewish National

Home. To overcome this crisis and create the conditions neces-
sary for a mass influx, anew element was needed with fresh ideal-
ism and modern methods. They appeared in the few years prior
to World War 1.

The complete failure of the Russian Revolution, the re-awaken-

ed reaction and tendency to confine Jews to the ghettos, the 700

pogroms and more in the few days of the October Revolution, the
more violent pograms of 1906 in Bialostok and Sedliez all this —
shook the Jewish population of Russia to its roots and produced
two results: larger masses fled overseas, especially to America;
the disappointed Jewish intellegentsia increasingly sought means
of organizing and directing the energies of the wandering masses
toward a radical solution of the Jewish problem. In the first four
years of the twentieth century, 160,206 Jews from Russia and
Poland emigrated to the United States; in the next four years
(1904-1907), their number more than doubled —410,098.
During these same years various territorial projects and organi-
zations came into being which approached the Jewish problem as
if it were solely one of immigration. They believed that favorable
colonization conditions in a free land were sufficient to attract the
Jewish masses to any giveti place which would then become a home
for the homeless Jewish people. Those Zionist circles, however,
whose approach to thejewish problem embraced all its historical

complexities and took cognizance of the inherent desire for the

vital continuity of a people, aware that such a folk instinct could
be put to good advantage in mobilizing the accumulated spiritual
well-springs of world Jewry — ^these circles remained loyal to Pal-

estine. But they had to seek new ways and means to conquer the
difficult colonization obstacles in Palestine. It was at this point

that the idea of ChaliUziut (pioneering) emerged; in its deepest

sense, it embodied two basic ideas: self-employrnenl and collective

work. Hachsharah (physical and spiritual training for Palestine

in the Diaspora); the work cult as an ideology; Hebrew as the
only language of the new settlements; socialist education of the
younger generation in the Diaspora and a socialist society as the

objective — these were all by-products of the central theme of Chal-


All these idealistic moods and collectivistic ideas were forged

in Russia in the left-wing Zionist circles who had been reared in
Achad Ha’am’s ethic Zionism and in Russian Socialism, which was
more nationalistic than the purely proletarian Socialism of Western

Although the trickle of Chalutzim into Palestine was not too
sln>ngv\nevertheless the contribution they made to that which was
latm* crciated there is beyond evaluation. In a few short years
these numbered folk-idealists laid the foundation of the coloni-
zation forms which later became the model for the entire agricul-
tural program. Life changed and corrected much in the early
collective settlements, and today Palestine offers the entire scale
of Socialist colonies from extreme commun istic, which include
cooperative kitchens and a cooperative child education system, to
colonies based on a minimum of cooperative principles, such as
cooperative buying and selling, and cooperation in agriculture.
But the great influence that the first collectives had on the develop-
ment of the entire economy of the country, including that of the
cities, was most important. This cooperative principle, to the ex-
tent that it has been realized in Palestine, is not to be found any-

where else in the world. About two-thirds of the agricultural pro-

duce of the country, other than citrus fruits, are produced in
collective settlements of one socialistic form or another. Approxi-
mately half the Jewish population of Palestine is organized in
consumer cooperatives. Almost all building and construction is
done through cooperatives. Transportation is practically entirely
in the hands of cooperatives. These last two economic branches
include many thousands of workers. The credit corporations are
well represented throughout the country. And even about ten per-
cent of the country’s industry is cooperatively run. The effect of
the cooperative principle goes far beyond its actual economic par-
ticipation in the business of the country, for during the war,
the cooperatives regulated and controlled prices and prevented
the development of wide-spread speculation. The numerically
small immigration of the first period played a most decisive
role in the development of the entire community; it prepared the
blueprint not only of the economic structure of the country, but
of the entire social structure of the national organism. It was from

this small group that the nucleus of teachers and leaders arose who
later became the guides and founders of all hnancial and political

institutions which were constantly growing and increasing in num-

ber and scope. It was this group, too, who created that inspired

communal atmosphere in which the movement grew.

The first world war and the European revolutions changed the
economic and political structure of Europe to its very founda-
tions, and even more radically affected the situation of the Jews in
Europe. The most significant positive achievements were: the Bal-
four Declaration, the Palestine Mandate, and the system of na-
tional minorities rights in the countries of Eastern Europe guar-
anteed hy the League of Nations.
The Balfour Declaration begins with the following passage:

His Majesty’s Govemtnent view with favour the estahlishment

in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish People and will
use their heat endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this

This was presented by the British Government through Lord Roths-

child with instructions to submit it to the Zionist Organization of
England (November 2, 1917). Further developments brought
about an even more important political document — the Mandate,
the second paragraph of which reads:

The Mandatory shall he responsible for the country under such

political administrative and economic conditions as will secure

the establishmeiil of the Jewish National Home.

While Paragraph 4 reads;

An appropriate Jewish agency shall be recognized as a public

body for the purpose of advising and cooperating with the
administration of Palestine in such economic, social and other
matters as may affect the establishment of the Jewish
The Zionist Organization, so long as its organization and
coiutitution are in the opinion of the Mandatory appropriate,
shall he recognized as such agency.

The Declaration, which basically recognized the historical right

of the Jews to Palestine and actually promised a Jewish State as
was greeted with enthusiasm by all classes of world
the final goal,
Jewry. Even greater was their joy because the atmosphere sur-
rounding the granting of the Declaration demonstrated that it was
not being donated as the gift of a benevolent government; on the
contrary, it was quite clear that the British Government was anx-
ious to win over to the Allies the sympathies of the large Jewish
masses in Russia and the United States. The Mandate was further
proof that Jews were being recognized as a national entity, that the
throes of deliverance were over and the Jewish people was now
entering the stage of factual self-determination.
Immediately following World War I, therefore, Zionist activity
followed two directions: on the one hand, feverish preparations
for ambitfous constructive plans in Palestine, especially for the
reception of large waves of immigration; on the other hand, or-
ganization of the Jewries of the European countries and creation
of that new community set-up that is a prerequisite of a fruitful
national autonomy Wherever there were demo-
in the Diaspora.
cratically elected Jewishcommunity organizations or central land
organizations, the Zionists were in the majority. Such was the
case in the Ukraine, which for a time was independent; in Lithu-
ania where the Jews were autonomous for a while; in Latvia where
there was an autonomous Jewish school system.
At this time, however, there were also other factors which dim-
inished the enthusiasm of the Jewish people. The war ended with
the dissolution of the Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires.
This, in turn, led to the disintegration of that historic Jewish
center which numbered about 8 million Jews, and which for hun-
dreds of years had been the main-spring of Jewish national ener-
gies. Instead of living in two large empires, the Jews were now
divided up and scattered in tens of larger or smaller states.

In the Ukraine, where a hitter conflict raged between the Ukrain-

ians and Russians, more than 2,000 bloody pogroms against the
Jews took place. This was a painful and costly demonstration of
the abnormal position of the Jewish minority within the fishting
nations among whom they lived. The Ukranians blamed the Jews
for Bolshevism and Russification, and the monarchist armies
blamed the Jews for Bolshevism and Ukranian sympathies. And
both groups inflicted pogroms on their “enemy,” the Jew.
Those peoples who became politically independent, whom the
Jews had greatly aided in their struggle for freedom, and who had
during the period of combat promised the Jews civil and national
equality, actually forgot all their promises on the day after victory,
did an about-face and immediately began waging tbeir own fights

against the Jews: an economic struggle so as to usurp their eco-

nomic positions; a political struggle so as to isolate Jews from those
progressive non-Jewish elements who had remained loyal to their
liberal ideas; a national struggle so as to dilute the Jewish concen-
trations in the cities and make of them a minority where they had
previously been a majority. The conflict took various forms in
different countries, the methods being more or less severe; but the

end goal was everywhere the same: to poison the life of the Jews
to such an extent would be forced to flee. Physical in-
that they
security mounted . Economic displacement assumed dangerous pro-
portions. Social isolation increased the stifled atmosphere. The
goal had been reached — the Jewish drive to emigrate was ever
The Bolshevik Revolution, with its nationalizations and con-
fiscations, ruined more than half of the Jewish population of

Russia. This was concrete proof that socialism must, in its early
stages, adversely affect Jews more strongly than non- Jews; be-
longing as they do to the urban social classes, Jews must neces-
sarily be the first victims of the change from capitalism to so-

In countries neighboring on Russia, a few hundred thousand
refugees gathered, fleeing from the pogroms and the Bolshevistic
There were more then enough of real and potential im-
migrants in Europe, and the numbers were constantly mounting.
Jews set out to all comers of the world, seeking a place of refuge.
But as early as 1920, the United States, the main country of ab-
sorption, began imposing immigration restrictions and in 1924 —
quotas were imposed which practically closed the doors to the
Jews of those countries from which they wanted most to flee.

In the four years from 1921-1924, 180,000 Jews came to the

shores of the United States, while in the following four years
(1925-1928), just 43,000 entered, even though the need for emi-
gration from Europe had increased tremendously during this shf)rl

This was just one side of the picture; but real life is many-
sided, often complicated and conflicting. During these very years
of unrest and disappointment in the Diaspora, there were also
anumber of incidents of cultural re-awakening.
The new life being evolved in Palestine had a profound effect
upon the Diaspora community: Jewish youth went to Palestine in
droves, but large masses stayed behind and began to prepare them-
selves, physically, occupationally and cultural-linguistically, for
(diyah (immigration to Palestine). The word aliyah was magic
to the ears of the youth. The countries of Eastern Europe became
dotted with tens of hachsharah (agricultural) places, hundreds of
chalutz kibbutzim (urban collectives), with Zionist sport organi-
zations, with Hebrew schools—folk schools, high schools, evening
classes.The Zionist movement sprouted new wings. Its activity
grew from day to day. It not only did not negate the Diaspora,
but, on the contrary, threw itself into a prodigious folk-work: re-
organizing the Kehilloth (Community organizations) on democra-
tic foundations; creating institutions for economic self-help; con-
ducting schools and courses for handicraft workers, etc.

The upsurge of Zionist activity carried forward the activity

of all other Jewish social organizations. But not this alone. There
were other positive factors which intensified Jewish social po-
tentialities in the ten years following World War I— those very


years when the heavy tread of the pending disaster was already
to be heard.
The unused and pent-up revolutionary energies of those Russian
Jews who had been cut from Russia sought their expression in
the newly formed states in whichthey now lived. Although the po-
litical and economic conditions in these new countries were not

perfect for the development of revolutionary ideals, they were

nevertheless better than those existing under the Tsarist regime.
And indeed, a feverish activity began on all levels of social and
cultural life — in Poland, in Luthuania, in Latvia, partly in Ru-
mania, and in Hungary.
In these countries, schools in Yiddish and Hebrew were estab-

lished; literature in both languages made great strides; the Yid-

dish press became richer in content and increased in its influence

on the masses; the unions of various occupational organizations

grew stronger; the Jewish communities became more highly or-
ganized, more deeply nationally aware, Zionists and non-Zionists
alike. The age-old rule of Jewish history was in force here, too

the more the Jews are persecuted, the more nationally conscious
they become, the more productive does the work in their own
backyard become.
For the first time in the long history of the^ Jewish Diaspora
immigration to Palestine assumed large proportions. Of the

680,000 Jews who left Europe between 1919 and 193.1, 135,000

(20%) went to Palestine, a percentage ten limes that of the pre-

World War I period. Immigration into Palestine grew from year
to year. Two factors worked to effect this steady multiplication:
the immigration restrictions in the American countries, and the
rising absorptive capacity of Palestine.

Economic development in Palestine now proceeded much more

intensively than before the Balfour Declaration, but with frequent
interrupting crisis. The influx of capital was meager since over

90 percent of the newcomers were from the poorer classes of

Eastern Europe, primarily youth and laborers.
During these years, however, the Palestine community became
more and more crystallized in its economic and cultural structure.
The collectives were gradually becoming self-supporting. Espe-
cially in the held of agricultural techniques were tremendous
strides made. The Hebrew language became so rooted in the life

of the country, that the newcomers were forced to leant what had
now become the language of the country. The Zionist institutions,

the Bank, the Funds, succeeded in strengthening the operation of

their machinery and improving the organization of their national
campaigns. The Hebrew University was established and the Na-
tional Library grew steadily. A rich daily press sprang up which
played its role in cementing the heterogeneous Jewish elements
from the many countries and language areas of Europe. The
Jewish Agency was created (1929), including non-Zionist mem-
bers, which gave it greater authority in the eyes of the outside
world. The National Council (Vaad Leumi) was established, the
autonomous organ of the Jewish community in Palestine.
The workers’ organizations and institutions displayed an ex-
tremely progressive, intensive development both in numbers and
in (juality. The Federation of Jewish Workers in Palestine, His-
tadruth, established in 1920, acquired tens of thousands of mem-
bers and setup many new workers’ institutions, such as Kupath
Cholim (Sick Fund), a large daily newspaper, a press, schools,
and many others. The Histadruth became the most important fac-
tor in the progress of all facets of the Community, particularly
in aliyali.

The Zionist Organization ceased to be a “Jewish Government en

route” and assumed its role as the Jewish Government in the
The picture of Jewish life- in Europe in the third period (1933-
1939) in its negative aspects was very similar to the situation de-
scribed, only ten and twenty times worse. Hitler came to power.
The liquidation ofGerman Jewry began. The Zionist Organization
was the only body to realize what the further development and
significance of this fact would be, and purposefully began to or-

ganize ihe methodical emigration of Jews from Germany. Due to

this activity, which was strongly opposed by the assimilationist

groups on the one hand, and on the other, by the anti-Zionist so-

cialist elements, tens of thousands of German Jews were saved,

among them many of the youth. Hundreds of millions of German
marks were also salvaged which were utilized for construction

work in Palestine. Many hachsharah camps were established in

the countries of Europe where thousands upon thousands of "Ger-
man Jewish youth were trained for eventual emigration to Pales-

The poison of Nazi anti-Semitism began spreading throughout

the countries of Eastern Europe. Although it did not assume the

same murderous forms and degrees as in Germany, it nevertheless

evidenced the same tendencies —expulsion of Jews in one form
or another. It was an untenable, suffocating situation. Physical
pogroms increased. Small excesses and radical attacks on Jews
became daily occurences.
Under such circumstances, it is how quickly
easy to understand
and intensively the trend to emigrate from Europe grew among
tlie Jews. But it was just in these awful, fateful years in the his-

tory of European Jewry that the gales of the immigration countries

were more tightly barred to them. Jews fled to all corners of the
world —Jews could be found wandering in the most remote and
foresaken lands, across all the seas and oceans, often without des-

tination, but with the hope that somewhere they would find a place

in which to settle. The flight to Palestine began to assume the pro-

portions of a mass movement. And so it continues to this very
day. Of the 440,000 Jews who left Europe in the years between
1934 to 1946, 210,000, or 47.7 percent, entered Palestine. In
1939 the British White Paper appeared which severely restricted
immigration to Palestine. But “illegal” immigration, which be-
gan in 1933, accounted for increasingly larger numbers and, by
the end of 1947, included over 50,000 —30,000 of whom are now
interned in camps on the island of Cyprus.
The heavy influx of private capital during these years, as well as
number of Jewish industrial engineers and mer-
the increase in the
chandising experts, made Palestine an industrial country.


It was quite natural that the Zionist organization, as a national

movement, ^should become divided into various groupings — first,

according to social classification of the people, secondly, according

to differences in ideological precepts. From the very beginning it

was obvious that, in regard to the political problems of the Jews

in the Diaspora, there must necessarily be great differences of
opinion between the leaders of the Labor Zionists and of the
bourgeois sectors within the movement. An attempt was made to

exclude the concrete political, economic and cultural problems of

the Diaspora from the framework of Zionism and consider it

merely an organization concerned with the exodus of Jews from the

Diaspora. The idea was that the Zionist movement must not inter-
fere in any of the local political or class conflicts. But it soon be-
came apparent that because of the slowness of pace and multi-
plicity of problems raised by the “return to Zion,” this would
mean suicide to the movement. It would remain suspended in mid-
air, and would have no membership when the time for liberation
finally arrived. It was exactly through the fight for political free-

dom in the Diaspora, and due to the national awakening in the

Diaspora, that the movement created the social atmosphere neces-
sary for the stupendous work of re-building their homeland.
These cardinal questions were especially vital to the labor Zion-
ist circles, who were enthused by the general European socialist

movement and particularly by the Russian revolutionary struggle.

A synthesis had to be found between Diaspora work and Palestine
colonization; between the struggle of the working class for their
immediate economic needs and the goal of Zionism which was so
distant both in time and space. His internal conflict in the move-
ment — the tragedy of the struggle for rights and freedoms, and the

simultaneous preparation and up-building of a national home in

another land, on another continent — this abnormal situation of

the Zionist movement did but demonstrate in striking relief the ab-
normal situation of the Jewish people itself which, despite having
no soil of its own, nevertheless remained alive as a people, and
was forced to use its creative powers in two directions.
In the further development of Zionism, the problems of class
struggle penetrated to the colonization work. While the bourgeois
elements based their theories on private initiative, labor Zionism
emphasized collective economy. But here, too, a tragic conflict en-

sued: on the one hand, the concrete immediate needs and interests
of the working class and its socialist ideals, on the other hand, the
national interests of the Jewish people which demand sacrifices

from all classes and do not always coincide with the special inter-

ests of the working class. Here, too, it was necessary to find a syn-
thesis, a compromise between class interests and national interests.

Concretely, this meant maximum encouragement of the collective

economy and, at the same time, non-interference in the develop-
ment of private economic ventures to the extent that they con-
tributed to the progress of national reconstruction, to the up-
building of a national territorial home.
We cannot go into the details of all the forms of differentiation
developing in the movement here. Briefly, a left-wing group
emerged, closer to communism, which underlined the class strug-
gle and believed that the positive national work could be relegated
to the bourgeoisie. There also grew up an extreme right wing which
stressed the national aspect and demanded that Jewish workers
forget the class struggle and devote themselves exclusively to the
great national task of building a home for the Jewish people. The
largest workers’ party, the Right Poale Zion, here displayed a his-
torical intuition — without theorizing, they found the necessary
synthesis; practically, they always solved the problem with such
a compromise that produced the maximum results in the interests

of the people as a whole, and with a minimum of sacrifice of the

interests of the working class.

It is thus that this party became the outstanding group in Pales-
tine as well as in the entire movement. In the process of setting
up forms within the Palestine economy, they not only did

not hinder the advance of private enterprise, but even welcomed

and supported it. They advocated competition between the two
factions rather than conflict; and it was this that helped produce
the fine results.
In the ranks of bourgeois Zionism, too, a differentiation took
place. An orthodox element — ^Mizrachi —has grown up which
aims at imposing religious forms on the community. In the first
years of Zionism there was a group which preached Achad Ha’-
amism —the idea that Palestine must become a spiritual center for
the Jewish people, that Zionism is incapable of solving the eco-
nomic and political problems of world Jewry. An extreme right
wing also developed which at one time imitated certain fascist
ideologies such as opposition to the class struggle, the “Fuehrer”
principle, negation of the claim of Diaspora Jews to attain rights
as Jews. But even within the bourgeois elements there was always
a center which tried to live more or less in peace with the prole-
tariat elements. Here, too, the healthy compromise which sup-
ported the positive elements of Labor Zionism was victorious.


Dubnow, Simon: W eltgeschichte d€s Juedischen Volkes, Berlin, Vol.

Cohen, Israel: The Zionist Movement, New York, 1946.
Locker, Berl: Stiff-Necked People, London, 1946.
American Palestine Committee: Christian Point of View Presented
to the Anglo-American Committee on Inquiry, New York, 1946.
ZiMAN, J. : Revival of Palestine, New York, 1946.
Hess, Moses: Rome und Jerusalem, Leipzig, 1899.
PiNKSER, Leon: Autoemancipation, Berlin, 1920.
SOKOLOW, Naiuim: History of Zionism, London, 1908.
Haam, Achad: Ten Essays on Zionism and Judaism, London, 1922.
Boem, Adolf: Die Zioaistische Bewegung, Vienna, lOS.*!.
Herzl, Theodor: Zioaistische Schriften, Berlin, 1923.

Herzl, Theodor: The Jewish State, London, 1936.

Nordau, Max: Zionistische Schriften, Cologne, 1909.
Palestine, A Study of Jewish, Arab and British Policies. Published by
Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn., 1947.
Loro Balfour: Speeches on Zionism, London, 1928.
Jabotinsky, Vladimir: The Jewish War Front, London, 1940.
Lowdermilk, Walter: Palestine, Land of Promise, New York, 1944.
Nathan, Robert: Palestine: Problem and Promise, Washington, D. C.,



Jacob Lestchinsky

Introiluotion: Before XVIII Century

Before the emancipation period the Jewish question was for —

Jews and Gentiles alike — a religious and economic one. For the
Jews it was a question of how to be tolerated in the Christian or
Mohammedan world despite their different religious creed, and
how, being strangers and temporary guests, to secure their subsis-
tence. Mentally, the Jews were not willing yet to regard themselves
as citizens of the Diaspora countries; they looked upon the Dias-
pora as a temporary condition and firmly believed that the Messiah
would come and guide them back to the land of promise; and
they would become a united and independent nation again.
The same problems existed for the Gentile world, only as it
were, with inverse signs, namely; Should aliens belonging to a
different creed be tolerated? And will their economic activities be
profitable enough for the whole nation to justify the “sacrifice”

of tolerating “godless” people in their midst?

All this makes it understandable why the Jews felt little in-
clination to become an organic part of the economic life, and,
even more, a part of the cultural life of the countries where they
found only unstable and insecure residence. Besides, Jews were
forbidden to own land or to be active in agriculture in all Euro-
pean countries; only trade and finance were open to them; yet both
these activities were only slightly developed in the pre-capitalistic

era. In the majority of the European countries, Jews were also
excluded from the handicrafts (with the exception of only a few
which they needed from the ritual point of view, like baking,
tailoring, or even butchering). The Jews felt that their property,
as well as their very lives, were always at the mercy of a sudden
whim of a ruler or violent outburst of a religious fanatic, and
since they always had to be ready for a sudden, quick escape,
they kept their possessions in “liquid” form, easily transportable.
The emancipation of the Jews (18th -19th century) brought
about a radical change in the relationship between the Gentile
world and Jewry. For the first time in history the Jews in Europe
were looked upon as citizens of equal rights in the countries of
their birth and residence; and, for the first time, also the Jews
became conscious of their rights: not only their right to exist,
but their right to play some part in the cultural and political life
of the Diaspora countries.
In the words of the Declaration of Independence, “All men are
born equal,” there was given the simplest and, at the same time,
the highest formula, politically and morally, of all European
revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries; yet the materialization
of this formula, the virtual admission of Jews to all fields of
social and economic activity, was a result of a relentless struggle,
and the process of the virtual emancipation of Jews was largely
different in scope and tempo in different countries.
Since the Jews belonged, both socially and politically, to the
underprivileged groups, they had everything to gain and nothing
to lose from the establishment of democratic institutions in the
Diaspora countries. The Jews belonged neither to the politically
dominating groups nor to the feudal class; nor, as a matter of
course, did they share any privileges of the clergy. Therefore,
the overwhelming majority of Jews was progressive minded as
and economic que^ions were concerned. Through-
far as political
out Europe they were intensely involved in political and cultural
struggles; everywhere they felt the impact of the traditionally
anti-Semitic minded domineering groups and classes; several

internationally famous fighters for freedom and equality for all

men, such as Marx and Lasalle, Heine and Boerne, came from
their midst.The Jews also played an important part in the de-
velopment of modern capitalism, especially in the countries of
Central and Eastern Europe: But, since the development of in-

dustry and trade jolted some groups of artisans and small shop-
keepers from their economic positions, the Jews were blamed for
all their mishaps, and new fuel was added to the anti-Semitic

Gentile society, like all societies, is certainly not uniform, at»d its

attitude toward the Jews runs the whole gamut, from grim haired,
to sincere sympathy, to equal association. In normal times the
Jewish question represents just one of many problems around
which the political, economic and ideological struggle is concen-
trated. In times of severe crisis and sharp social encounters,
however, the deeply rooted hatred for Jews sweeps over society;
and that movement which sees in radical anti-Semitism the only
solution of the Jewish problem usually carries the day.

Derivation and Definition of the Concept ‘^Anti-Semitism^’

The word, “anti-Semitism,” means hatred and hostility against

the Jewish people. Although the literal meaning of the word is
hostility towards Semites in general, it is now commonly accepted

that it means hostility toward Jews exclusively.

The German Journalist, Wilhelm Mahr in his pamphlet, Der
Sieg des Judentums ueber das Germanentum vom nicht konfes-
sionalen Standpunkte (1873), was the first to coin the word “anti-
Semitism,” and the first to preach hatred against Jews from the
racial point of view.

Concurrence of Several Factors

The history of anti-Semitism shows that several different fac-

tors concurred in the creation of hostile feelings against Jews:
repulsion and enmity to aliens, religious fanaticism, and economic
competition. Later, in the era of emancipation, when the Jews
became incorporated into the Gentile society surrounding them, to
a greater or lesser degree, and commenced participating in the
political and cultural life of this society, new factors of a political
and cultural nature were added to the group of motives which in-

spired anti-Semitic feelings. And every time in history that the

anti-Semitic feelings were condensed to such a degree that acts of
mass violence against Jews have occurred, these events resulted
from specific conditions; they depended, first, on the nature of
tlie dynamic factor which was, in every case, the driving force

leading to mass violence and, second, on the active social group

which made use of accumulated hostile feelings against Jews,
turning the passive hatred of the masses into acts of violence. Thus,
for instance, in the Middle Ages, the driving force of the massa-
cres and persecution of Jews during the Crusades and bubonic
plague was religion, and the clergymen were the active leaders
of the instigated masses. On the other hand, if we take the anti-
Semitism of the emancipation era in the countries of Central and
Eastern Europe, we will find that the main factors leading to it

were of a political and economic nature, and that its leaders main-
ly came from the lay “intelligentsia.”
In harmony with the positivistic and naturalistic spirit pre-
vailing today, the anti-Semitic movement has replaced the reli-
gious element with the racial one —and this is even more useful
for the purpose of eliminating Jewish competition. In addition,
the new orientation on the principle of race prevents certain cir-
cles of assimilated Jews from deserting the creed of their fathers.

Latent and Dynamic Anti-Semitism

Wemust define the difference between the following two forms

of anti-Semitism: latent and passive, and dynamic and active anti-
Semitism. Latent anti-Semitism, which is rooted in the feelings
of repulsion against aliens and hostility to the “godless,” is many


hundreds of years old; it is instilled in the souls of Christian

children when they are still of tender age and their minds are very
susceptible to all sorts of influence. Thus, hostile feelings against
Jews became wide-spread in the largest majority of nations where
the Jews lived. This latent stratum of hatred, although it may
appear passive and innocent, still offers the best basis for dyna-
mic anti-Semitism; the latter repre.sents deliberate action on the
part of certain social or political groups, guided in their struggle
against Jews by specific political or economic interests.
The latent anti-Semitism did not represent a sufficiently strong

obstacle to keep the Jews from enjoying the closest economic and
cultural relations with the Gentile world, as well as from occu-
pying high economic and social positions among the Gentiles. But
as soon as conditions grow difficult and restlessness prevails; when
economic crisis, intense political struggle, disastrous epidemics
and hunger jeopardize a nation, dynamic anti-Semitism immedi-
ately tries to utilize the disturbed situation, the excited mood and
nervous strain of the masses. It swerve's the inclination of masses
towards murder and looting, which is natural in such times, against
the Jews. No matter how innocent Jews may be of the misfortunes
of a nation, the instigators of pogroms easily discover a spark to
kindle that powder-barrel of hatreil which lies uncovered in the
soul of the ignorant and eagerly awaits such a spark to explode
in jubilant violence.
Dynamic anti-Semitism shows, despite all its variance through
various times in various countries, the following two general and
permanent traits

(a) While conditions remain more or lAss quiet it fights for

all kinds of restrictions of Jewish rights; it tries to limit

their freedom of residence, their economic activities, even

their rights of education. Throughout Europe, until the
end of the 18th century, Jews were excluded from all uni-

versities but two: Padua in Italy and Leyden in Holland;

and even in these two universities Jews were only permit-
led to study medicine. Even at the beginning of World
War I, educational restrictions still existed for Jews in


(b) In troubled times anywhere, dynamic anti-Semitism al-

ways assumes catastrophic forms and dimensions: perse-
cution accompanied by looting and confiscation of prop-
erty, pogroms, mass expulsion, outright massacre.

Factors and Motives

Political parties and groups dislike admitting that their strug-

gle is mostly inspired by plain egotistic interests; they prefer to

hide these interests behind grandiloquent ideologies, and they re-
sort to slogans which appeal to the higher, moral inclinations
of men. This becomes particularly clear in the history of anti-
Semitism: the lower and more egotistic were real motives of the
Jew-baiters, the higher and* more inspiring were the slogans they
threw to the masses. Thus, when the pious Catholic king of Aus-
tria, Leopold, yielded to the request of the Viennese citizenry
and ordered the expulsion of 3,000 Jews in 1670, those “arch-

enemies of Christendom,” the egotistic interests of the **civitatis

Viennensis et mercatorum” were also expressly and fully satis-


The Jews as a Unique Social Phenomenon

The history of the Jews reveals traits which mark them as a

unique, historical phenomenon; the Jews are the oldest minority;
they are spread all over the world; and there is no country in

the world where they would represent anything more than a mi-
nority; they belong to the weakest and most helpless social groups,
all over; and, at the same time, they are comparatively the richest.

Even while the Jewish state existed, only slightly more than

1 Hans Tietze. “Die Juden Wiens,” Vienna, 1933, pp. €8-69.


twenty per cent of all Jews lived in Palestine and for almost
nineteen centuries now the Jews have been living in complete
Diaspora. They survived persecutions and attempts at their anni-
hilation; they withstood the process of assimilation, despite their
stormy history.
The Jews live as a minority in more than ninety different
countries. In the past, the Jews have lived in every civilized
country at every epoch. And
15 years during which the
in the
situation in Europe gradually became more and more difficult and,
finally, quite intolerable for them, they penetrated into every
colony, every habitable island, every “hole” which was not herme-
tically sealed against them.

Many nations have lost their political independence, but they

either regained it or were slowly absorbed by the conquering
nations. During the nineteen centuries of their scattered exis-
tence, the Jews were never capable of rebuilding their own state,

and at the same time they were never completely assimilated by

any nation. They lived as a minority everywhere in the world.

Being a minority without political strength anywhere, Jews
were often chosen as scapegoats, Robert Rediield, professor of
anthropology at the University of Chicago, said: “He (the Jew)
has been an international scapegoat so long that in any situation
that requires a scapegoat he is likely to be the unfortunate candi-
In the past, the Jews have represented a strong religious unity;
they were very slow in assimilating other tribes, just as the groups
of Jews who lived amidst other peoples withstood any attempts
to become assimilated themselves. The Jews were the only mono-
theists in a world where the religious creed was mingled with
magic. They preached a religion based upon reason and righteous-
ness; the Ten Commandments of Moses outlined the very founda-
tions of all human society and were accepted as such by almost all
civilized nations. And, in the preachings of the prophets, the high-
est moral values were revealed to mankind. All this provoked
2 “Scientific Monthly,” September, 1943, pp. 193 201.
other nations, and at an early date accusations were levelled
against Jews that “their religion differed from others.” Cicero
accused Jews of “atheism and exclusiveness.”® The sharpest ac-
cusations were brought against Jews because, while living in the
midst of other nations, they refused to change their religion and
accept other gods. The firstpogrom was carried out
in Alexandria in .38 A. D., and the reason given was the refusal

of the Jews to put a statue of Caligula into the synagogue. To the

Jews a king could not be God ; a king was only a servant of his peo-
ple, not their Lord.

Modern Anti-Semitism

Germany is the classic country of modern anti-Semitism. Jews

played a very important part in the development of capitalism
and general economy in Germany; furthermore, they penetrated
deeply in all spheres of cultural life, in science, literature, journ-

alism, politics, and social movements. The active bearers of mod-

ern German anti-Semitism were the professional “intelligentsia”
and the middle class. The church relinquished her role as leader
of anti-Semitism, and even the priest, Stoecker, the founder of
the Deutsche Christ! ich-Sociale Partei in 1879, based his anti-
Semitic ideology not only upon religious but social economic mo-
tives. He addressed his propaganda to the petty bourgeoisie and
craftsmen, two social groups which suffered the most from the
stormy development of industry and big business.
At tbe same time, the “foreignness” of the Jews was now ex-
plained: not by their “godlessness” but by a false theory of ra-
cial inferiority and harmfulness. This theory claimed that the

Jews were a non-creative group, not particularly gifted, and in-

capable of conceiving original ideas. Progressively, the stage
was reached when the anti-Semites asserted that the Jews were
originators and bearers of all that was evil in mankind or the
* “The Idea of Nationaliam” by Hans Cohn, New York, 1944, p. 592.

Modern anti-Semitism is well-organized socially and clearly

demarcated politically. Several anti-Semitic parties were foanded
in Germany, Austria, Poland and other countries during the 20th
century. The Jewish question became an important issue in the
political struggle of Europe, and anti-Semitism was used as a

weapon by almost all conservative parties, including those which

did not openly admit their anti-Semitic character.
However, Hitler’s Third Reich was the first to make the Jewish
question an affair of State ; it assumed great importance and created
an anti-Semitism unparalleled in history. This anti-Semitism re-

veals the following eight fundamental features:

1. It is thoroughly ideological “The conception of a purely
national state, born out of the idea of race, is the final criterion
of our judgment on all that we are doing on earth.”*
2. It is racial. It is guided by the principle that a person of
Jewish “blood” cannot possibly avoid the consequences of being
a Jew, no matter to what acts of volition, abjuration or renunci-
ation he resorts.
3. It is integral. Contrary to other forms of state anti-Semitism,

it does not intend to “cream” the Jews of its country in order to

absorb those Jewish elements which it judges are the best. Fritz
Haber, the Nobel prize winner, whose research rendered immense
Germany during World War I, was exiled from Ger-
service to
many and died in misery. The list of a few honorary “Aryans”
is not large enough to constitute an exception from the general

4. It is publicly proclaimed. It is an official doctrine of the

government. It is by no means camouflaged or confined to admin-
istrative practice or “spontaneous outbursts” secretly encouraged.
It sharply cuts off the tradition of the Czars, Petlioura, or Polish
reactionary governments which consisted in denying any responsi-
bility for anti-Semitic violences.

5. It is juridicial, inscribed into law. It is not merely a policy

carried out by the government in disregard of codes ruling the

* Alfred Rosenberg. Quoted by MacGovem, p. 637.

country. Anti-Semitic ordinances become laws in the same manner
as all. other ordinances, and the courts administer justice by ap-
plying them.
6. It pertains to the state and is a monopoly of the government
or the Nazi party. The masses have no right to indulge in pog-
roms, a state of affairs which was encouraged, at certain times,
by the Czarist regime. In the Third Reich the anti-Jewish out-
bursts were organized and carried out by the official or semi-offi-
cial agencies of the government or party.
7. It is total. It embraces all realms of the political, civil,

military, economic, social, and intellectual life. A Jew is refused

admittance everywhere.
8. It is expansionistic. It does not limit its authority to the
subjects of the Reich. Anti-Jewish laws are equally applied to
those aliens of Jewish blood who sojourn or reside in Germany.
The allies, friends and vassals of the Third Reich have to accept
its anti-Semitic doctrine and put it into effect. As far as this
article of faith is concerned, no compromise is admitted. It be-
came an anti-Semitism of extermination. The Nuremberg Trial
clearly showed that approximately six million Jews fell victims of
the Nazi anti-Jewish campaign.

Anti-Semitic Movements in Various European Countries

Europe politically, economically and culturally represents an

agglomeration of countries which differ considerably from one
another. And no less different are the forms of anti-Semitism we
find in these various countries.The whole picture is so variegated
that some degree of generalization is unavoidable in its descrip-
tion; the simplest method is to divide Europe into three spheres:

Western, Central and Eastern Europe.

(a) Western Europe, comprising all countries west of Ger-
many: These countries are characterized by highly developed cap-
italism and some by large colonial possessions; there is an influx
of raw materials, and foreign markets are available to them; the

masses here have a comparatively higher standard of living and

a higher level of political and cultural education; liberal-demo-
cratic traditions are strongly developed —and all these factors
together created a stable political life there and kept the class
struggle within constitutional limits.
The Jewish population of these countries is small, almost less
than one per cent everywhere —
Norway and Sweden, .1%; in
Denmark, .2%; in England and France, .6%; in Belgium, .7%;
and, in Holland, 1%. The anti-Semitic traditions of these coun-
tries are very weak, since their Jewish immigration coincided with
the rapid rise of liberal-democratic ideas in Europe; whereas no
Jews lived there in the dark times of the Middle Ages. Fur-
thermore, when the Jews began their immigration to these coun-
tries, economic development was already in high gear there, so
that in no branch of industry and trade did they reach a domi-
nant position. Only comparatively few of them (such as those
whose ancestors lived there for many generations), played an out-
standing part in the economic and cultural life of those countries;
the great mass of them, only newly immigrated, remained at the
bottom of the social scale.

(b) Cenlral-European countries, especially Germany: The re-

tarded consolidation of the German people as a united national
state; the retarded capitalistic development; the backward policy of
gaining colonial possessions-all this created in the German people
the desire of overtaking and outstripping countries which are far
ahead of them in economic development.
The flagrant contradiction between Germany’s intense economic
development, the meager achievenlents of her policy of acquiring
colonies, and the difficulty encountered in securing raw materials
and markets for her industry created in the German people a
feeling of insecurity and a desire to achieve an international
position more adequate for its potential power.
The very low political development of the German masses; the
complete absence of any* kind of democratic traditions; the com-
promising revolution which left political power in the hands
of the feudal classes, junkers and large land owners, all this made
the German policy inflexibly stiff and reactionary.
The extremely high development of German science and liter-
ature aroused in the German people exaggerated ambitions and
pretensions that they had to enjoy the pre-eminent position in the
Germany’s Jewish population was much larger than that of the
Western European countries: one per cent of the total popula-
tion. Yet, still more important than this number, was the role the

Jews played in all fields of German life. During several cen-

turies in the Middle Ages, the Jews were prohibited from staying
in Germany, but since Germany was divided in so many inde-
pendent kingdoms, duchies, palatinates and cities, the anti-Jewish
policy was not uniform and not equally severe in all parts of
Germany. Therefore, Germany never became quite free of Jews
(“Judenrein”). And when Germany’s .stormy economic develop-

ment commenced, the Jews played a dominant part in all the

vital branches of its economic life: in hanking, railway construc-

tion, export and import, etc. At the same time, the ruling, feudal
class in Germany carried the old strong anti-Semitic traditions
into the 19th century, and they still regarded Jews as slaves and
inferior people.
(c) Eastern European countries: They were economically
very backward rural countries with weakly developed capitalism.
They were politically uneducated and without any democratic
traditions. There was a very high percentage of illiteracy and a
thinly spread layer of intelligentsia; hard working conditions in
the factories without protection of labor existed all over. The rural
(juestion stood in the center of the social struggle, and this ques-
tion attracted the intelligentsia of the higher-classes or impov-

erished groups of these classes.

The majority of the Easlern-European countries were nationally
enslaved by Russia, Austria-Hungary and Turkey, and all three
of them, despite other great differences, followed the same policy of

rejecting any capitalistic development in their peripheral terri-


At the end of the 19th century, this huge part of Europe be-
came involved an intense rural and political struggle for liber-
ation. Large masses of the population were pulled into this strug-
gle; they became more active politically, and this made them
more active, ambitious and experienced in economics.
Eighty-six percent of all European Jews and over 60 percent of
the world Jewry lived in this part of Europe (in 1900). The Jews
there were the main bearers of trade, industry and craftsmanship.
In some regions, the Jews comprised 80 to 90 percent of all shop-
keepers in many places even more than 90 percent.

The development of anti-Semitism assumed very different as-

pects in Western, Central and Eastern Europe.
In Western Europe, scarcely any anti-Semitism existed before
World War I. At least, no organized anti-Semitic parties with their
own press organs, conferences, and so on, were in evidence. In
France, the anti-Semites tried to utilize the Suez-Canal scandal
and the Dreyfus Affair in order to overthrow the young French
Republic. This was the first important attempt to utilize the Jew-
ish question in general political struggle, but the French liberal
and radical circles were perfectly aware of the impending danger
for their republican regime and decisively defeated the anti-Sem-
ites. All remained quiet for several years, and only in the thirties
of the twentieth century, when an acute economic crisis and un-
employment threatened France with social conflicts, did anti-Semit-
ism rear its head again, and the Cagoulard demonstrations in 1936
and 1937 were aimed at the Jews, as well as at the overthrow of
the Republic. But this time again the sound instinct of the French
people, strongly supported by organized labor, beat back all at-

tacks. Only the Nazi occupation gave the French anti-Semites all
the freedom of action and all the opportunities for aggressiveness
they desired.
The situation in Germany was quite different. The central

government of Germany, as well as the governments of the separate

states comprising it, kept a tight rein on the several anti-Semitic
parties and dozens of anti-Semitic organizations which were founded
in Germany since the last part of the 19th century. No sanguin-
ary pogroms were allowed, although these governments tolerated
the wildest and most dishonest propaganda against Jews and all

that was Jewish. All attempts made by individual Jews and or-

ganizations to arraign the libellers met with no success whatsoever.

At the end of the 19th century, the German authorities even care-
fully planned anti-Jewish riots, providing that these riots con-
sisted only of destroying and looting Jewish property, without in-

dulging in any bloodshed. They themselves practiced an anti-

Semitic policy hy not admitting Jews as officers to the army and
navy, by sharply restricting the number of Jewish teachers at the
universities, colleges and high .schools, and by strictly forbidding
the employment of Jews as stale officials.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the economic situa-

tion in Germany was so prosperous that soap-box anti-Semitism

visibly abated, but the anti-Semitism of the German intelligentsia

greatly increased. The high achievements of German Jews in

science and literature- Jacob Wasserman, Feuchtwanger, and Zweig
in literature. Cantor, Klein and Curant in matbematics. Hertz
and Einstein in physics, Ehrlich and Wassermann in medicine
and many many others-kindled the envy of the German intellec-

tuals, and they began to question the “fairness” of “aliens” occu-

pying prominent positions in the cultural life of Germany. The
prestige of the Jewish-owned liberal press in Germany, Frank-
furter Zeitung, Berliner Tageblatt, Vossiscke Zeitung, and the in-

fluence it gained in the world, the large number of Npbel prizes

awarded to Jews — all this irritated not only the German anti-Sem-
ites but even such liberals and intellectuals as Sombart or Avenar-
ius, who suggested in 1912 that the Jews should voluntarily aban-
don the leading roles they were playing in the cultural life of

Germany and retreat to the background, or it might produce dis-

astrous consequences for them.


The defeat of Germany in World War 1 came as a quite un-

expected and violent shock to the German people, and, without
exaggeration, one might say that Germany as a whole became
hysterical. The Germans looked for a scapegoat and for a victim

upon whom to vent oif their wrath; they found both in the Jewish
people. When, a few years later, a severe economic crisis gripped
Germany, (with six million unemployed workers, many thousands
of jobless lawyers, physicians, journalists, and writers, and her
entire economic life thoroughly disorganized), the stage was com-
pletely set for Hitler’s appearance.
The plight of Jews in the Eastern-European countries was of
a different nature. In Russia and Rumania, in the last portion of
the 19th century the governments kept the Jewish population
in a permanent .state of fear of pogroms. In 1871 there occurred
the first pogrom in Odessa, and between 1881 and 1882 there
were about two hundred pogroms in as many different places. The
dreadful pogrom in Kishinew (1903) shocked public opinion
throughout the world and evoked energetic protests on the part of
the American and British governments. How effective these pro-

tests were may be revealed by the fact that in 1905, 700

pogroms took place in Russia. The situation of the Jews in Ru-
mania was very similar. The anti-Jewish program of the Russian
government there was clearly formulated in the following words
of a leading statesman:
“One third of the Jews will have to emigrate; another
third will die out; and the rest will become Gentiles.”
In Russia and Rumania, anti-Semitism was primarily of a gov-
ernmental and social nature; in the “Congress-Poland” (that part
of Poland that belonged to Russia before World War I), anti-
Semitism was primarily of an economic nature. The National
party, which was founded in 1897 and openly proclaimed anti-
Semitism as one of its main goals, demanded in its program that

all Jewish-owned industry and trade should be transferred into

Polish hands. A national motive also played an important part

in stirring anti-Jewish feelings: The Jews, especially those who
were expulsed by the Czarist government from Russia and found
refuge in Poland, were accused by the Poles of supporting the
policy of Russianization of Poland.
This national motive played an even larger part in Ukrainian
anti-Semitism. The Russian language was the only one permitted
in the Ukraine, and the Jews could receive general education and
instruction only in schools conducted in the Russian language.
Since the Jews had a richer background and were more vitally
interested in obtaining a thorough education than the Ukrainians,
they outstripped the latter in all fields of cultural activities; this
resulted in unfounded accusations that the Jews were trying to

Russianize the Ukraine.

Thus, in all these countries new hostility and accusations against
Jews arose to augment the already latent anti-Semitism especially
religious anti-Semitism which was very strong in Russia with her

75 per cent illiterates.

The plight of the Jews in all other countries of Eastern Europe,

such as Hungary and Galicia, was similar. Jews everywhere were

squeezed between domineering and oppressed nations; they evoked
the hatred of the domineering nations by their economic competi-
tion, and the hatred of the oppressed nations by their alleged
support of the assimilatory tendencies on the part of the ruling
World War I brought liberation to some of those oppressed
nations, but the plight of the Jews grew even more desperate.
Poland, Hungary, and Rumania took up the old tradition of
keeping the Jews in a permanent state of fear of pogroms, thus
forcing them to emigrate. In Poland, for instance, some pogroms
took place as early as 1919 and 1920, and the pogrom atmosphere
remained there continuously, with only a few short interruptions,
until the outbreak of World War II. The 1930’s brought about a
marked aggravation in the situation: numerous bloody attacks on
Jews, looting and picketing of Jewish-owned shops, beating up of
Jewish students, introduction of “ghetto-benches” at the universi-
ties and exclusion of Jews from all the liberal professions. All

this had the full blessing of the Polish reactionary government

which did not tolerate an abundance of bloody anti-Jewish ex-
cesses but still permitted pogroms so numerous and severe that
Jews were forced to emigrate or at least to abandon their eco-
nomic position.

Anti-Semitism as a Political Weapon

At the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, anti-Semitism

became an instrument of great national and international impor-
tance. The acute national and social struggle of that period, the
political differentiation and strong ideological controversies in

the social life of that time, the participation of the masses in the
political struggle — all this created a favorable atmosphere for
the utilization of anti-Jewish feelings as a weapon which politi-

cal parties applied against each other. Thus, anti-Semitism was

used as a means against democratic revolutions in all European
countries. In Germany, Austria, Russia, and Poland, the feudal
classes waged their struggle against the liberal movements of the
19th century and originated the idea that the Jews are solely
responsible for liberalism and democracy, and that they would
use these liberal movements exclusively to their own advantage.
Later, the remainder of the feudal classes united with the bour-
geois classes in their common struggle against the socialist move-
ment, and popularized the notion that Socialism was a purely
Jewish invention by which they, the Jews tried to rule the world.
The rapidly growing international, economic, political and cul-
tural complications,and the manifold influences of modern meth-
ods of agitation and propaganda campaigns even trespassed the
borders of government activities, crossed seas and oceans, and
opened new and broad vistas for anti-Semitism. The tendency to
use the weapon of anti-Jewish hatred in international politics
became ever stronger.
The Russian Czarist government employed anti-Jewish
hatred in its struggle against the revolutionary movement. As
is well known, Russia experienced a strong wave of pogroms in

the years 1881-1882, immediately after the assassination of Alex-

ander II. Jewish participation in this assassination, as well as in
the whole revolutionary movement at that time, was almost in-
hiiitesimal. And, as Leo Tolstoy wrote in a letter which was

widely circulated abroad and even distributed in Russia in mimeo-

graphed form, the pogroms came to pass in the following manner:
“So ging’s in Balta, in Kiev, in anderen Staedten zu, und gerade
dieses Sachverstaendnis, diese Planmaessigkeit, gerade diese kalt-
bluetige und verstockte Verbrecherart der Organisatoren ist d^r
beste Beweis, dass die Herren der Ordnung selber die Nieder-
traechtigkeit veranstaltet haben. Entweder verkleidete Poli-

zisten in eigener Person oder mit ihrem Segen versehene Mens-

One cannot deny that in 1905, during the first Russian Revo-
lution, the Czarist regime began directing the wrath of the masses
toward anti-Jewish pogroms which took place in more than 700
cities and towns.
The following interesting fact illustrates the tragic plight of the
Jewish minority. The Russian revolutionists of the group Narod-
naya Volya, the same group which carried out the assassination
of Alexander II and which it would be ludicrous to accuse of ai'iti-

Semitism, published a proclamation addressed to the peasantry

(1880) calling for anti-Jewish pogroms. The motivating idea
was that Jewish pogroms would be the quickest and easiest way to

shake the Russian peasantry out of its apathy; as soon as the peas-
antry discarded its customary inertia, it would be possible to direct
its wrath against the landlords and the government, and thus carry
out revolutionary upheaval. Jewish blood as a lubricant for the
wheels of the Russian revolution! — ^This later became a popular
“It happened like this in Baltic conniries, in Kiev, and in other cities. It is
just this expertliness, this planned program, just this sort of cold-hlooded and bull-
necked crookedness of the organisers, that is the best proof that the gentlemen of
order have themselves created this bastardliness, either as disguised policemen in
person or as persons that have received the former’s blessings.” Tolstoy published
this article in Germany since, because of Tsarist censorship, he was prevented from
publishing it in Russia.

slogan; was quite clear that every unsuccessful riot against the

Czarist regime would be quelled with Jewish blood. And this

was virtually so all pogroms in Russia from 1881-1921 at-
tempted to divert large masses from the Czarist regime and, at
the same time, served as a magnet to gather the masses in their
common struggle for national independence. Petlura, a Ukrainian
Socialist revolutionary, used anti-Jewish pogroms to bring the
Ukrainian masses into the cadres of the Ukrainian army, lighting
for the separation of the Ukraine from Russia. Denikin permitted
anti-Jewish pogroms because it was the best method of organizing
his fight against the Bolsheviks.
In all Eastern European countries in which agrarian reform
had not been carried out during World War I or were carried
out only on a very limited scale, the land-owning class very skill-

fully played upon anti-Jewish feelings.

The appalling poverty of Eastern European peasantry was
caused by the scarcity of the three basic pillars of its economic
structure-: arable land, live stock and machinery,' The resulting
conditions led to the spilling of Jewish blood. The peasantry, in

its ignorance, believed that taking over the small and dirty stands
in the suburbs where Jews toiled for 18 hours a day and hardly
earned a crust of dry bread would solve the problems of its

However, anti-Semitism had already expanded beyond the bor-
ders of national governments. Hitler brilliantly showed the world
how easily betrayal, espionage, quislings, and fifth coloumnists
can be propagandized and won over to the cause of Nazism with
the help of Jew-hatred. He used anti-Semitism to establish spe-
cial agencies throughout the entire world; these agencies were
to serve Germany in peace, as well as in war. Anti-Semitism was
the iron bridge by means of which Hitler was trying to achieve
his goal of dividing the population even in such traditionally
democratic countries as England, France, Holland, Belgium, and
Denmark. With the help of anti-Semitism, Hitler set up centers
of Nazi propaganda in South America, North Africa, and vir-
tually the whole world.
During the first period of its development in countries with
a small percentage of Jews and with strong democratic tradition.
Fascism was not As is well known, Mussolini
at all anti-Semitic.
scoffed at Hitler’s race theory and not only admitted the Jews
to the Fascist Party but even appointed them to high Party and

Government positions. Oswald Mosley, the father of En^ish

Fascism, declared in 1933:
. . “the British Union of Fascists is not anti-Semitic. Attacks

on Jews in any shape or form were strictly forbidden within a

month after the movement was launched. Fascism stands for re-
ligious and racial tolerance.. We have no quarrel with the Jews as
Jews, as we have no quarrel with Catholics as Catholics”
In Holland, too. Fascism was not based upon anti-Semitism
at the outset, and the Germans were displeased with Mussert,
whom they rebuked in their magazine. {Information on the Jewish
question, September, 1939).
The situation in Belgium was quite different. There, the Flem-
ish felt a national animosity toward the Jews, an animosity which
was strongly reminiscent of conditions in Eastern European coun-
tries. The Flemish in Belgium are a small and weak minority
group, and since the Jews showed more inclination toward French
culture than Flemish, they were accused of attempting to assimi-
late the Flemish part of Belgium.
Hitlerism intended to exploit anti-Semitism to the fullest de-
gree for political ends. And, as in all its undertakings, in this
case, too, it displayed extraordinary energy and achieved out-
standing results. It employed three methods:
(a) Large subsidies were granted all Fascist organizations
throughout the world, provided that anti-Semitism was accepted
as obligatory.
(b) Stupendous propaganda among the German was
disseminated throughout the world; it was always conducted in
" The Jewish Economic Forum, July 28, 1933— Quoted from Prof. James Parkes’s
liiuik, An Enemy of the People: Antisemitism, New York, 1946, p. 55,

the language of the country and directed from the central office

in Germany.
(c) Leaders of the local Fascist and generally reactionary
organizations were won over was
to the belief that anti-Semitism
the best and most appealing means of arousing the masses and
achieving their goal of attainment of political power.
As early as 1924, the Nazi Party founded a large magazine,
Der Weltkampf, which outwardly gave the impression of being
a scientific publication; it attempted to prove the anti-Semitic
theory scientifically. This magazine was distributed throughout
the world, and especially within German colonies, even before the
Nazi Party established a special nucleus in many German colonies
in Europe, America and Africa. But only when they came to

power in 1933 did they develop a strong international machinery

to spread anti-Semitism, allocating hundreds of millions of dol-
lars for this purpose. They recognized the spread of anti-Semi-
tism as one of their most important tasks and an effective means
of preparation for all the other goals which Hitlerism attempted
to achieve. These goals were indeed very far-reaching, since they
not only aimed at making Germany strong and powerful, but at
ruling the world. The Germans they felt, are allegedly the most
courageous and gifted nation in the world, and therefore the throne
of the world ruler must belong to them. Since these goals were
of an international nature, the Germans selected the Jews as the
most appropriate scapegoat.
No sooner had llie Nazis become the rulers of Germany than
they established a special Ministry of Propaganda under the
leadership of Goebbels, and a special office under the leadership
of Alfred Rosenberg.
At that time approximately 40,000 German unions existed
abroad, dispersed over all continents. More than 300 German
newspapers and magazines appeared abroad. All these unions
and press organs immediately felt the impact of Nazi pressure.
Many of them had been connected with the Nazi Party before
19,3.3. Some were connected with the Stuttgart Institute for
Germans Abroad. Hitler personally authorized Streicher to
become the head of German Propaganda abroad. In 1934, the
International Congress of Antisemitic Organizations was con-
vened in Munich. To this Congress, delegates came from several
countries which had fought with Germany for centuries; there
were delegates from Hungary, Rumania, Austria, and many other
countries. In 1935, the International Anti-Semitic Congress con-
vened Belgium, a country which had suffered so heavily from
the German invasion of 1914-1918. The Germans did not appear
openly at these Congresses, but took a highly active part behind
the scenes and assumed the leadership. Soon the Germans began
to disseminate anti-Semitic literature throughout the world. The
two books which were most widely distributed were Hitler’s Mein
Kampf, which had a printing (in 1943) of 9,840,000 copies,^ and
the notorious Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Germany super-
vised the translation of the Protocols in scores of foreign lan-
In 1934, in Erfurt, the WeUdienst was launched; its main func-
tion was close cooperation with all anti-Semitic parties and groups
abroad. This publication first appeared in eight languages (Ger-
man, French, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Danish and Spanish),
and in 1940 the number was increased to twenty, including Ara-
bic, Bulgarian, Croatian, Dutch, Greek, Italian, Lettish, Norwe-
gian, Rumanian, Serbian and Ukrainian.
Information on anti-Semitism was distributed throughout the
world. Furthermore, all available anti-Jewish material was used
for the purpose of international politics. A very strong link with
all anti-Semitic organizations was established. All correspondents
and collaborators of the publication throughout the world received
excellent salaries and, in this way, a network of agencies was cre-
ated which were all dependent on the German center.
This network later became very helpful in espionage activities
which the Nazi Government so skillfully organized throughout
the world. In Germany alone, three institutes with scores of pro-
’ New
Max Weinreich, Hitifr's Professors, York, 1946, p. 24.
ANTl-StMlTlSM 671

fessors were established for the sole purpose of studying the Jew-
ish question. Two tasks were undertaken hy these institutes:
(1) To prove that the Jews dominated the world financially,
economically, culturally and spiritually.
(2) To prove that the Jewish race exercised a bad influence
upon all nations wherever they lived.
The Nazi “professors” performed their task with great zeal and
perfidy. They published hundreds of books in which they tried
to prove the thesis that the Jews provide the greatest misfortunes
to the world; and that the recovery of the world from all catastro-

phies would come only after the extermination of the Jewish

That the Nazi Government clearly paved the way for the coming
war and felt the necessity of winning converts in all countries was
clearly shown in the Wekdienst of September 1, 1939. The head-
line of this issue read: “Everyone should respect the country of
other people, but should love his own country.” This was written
after the occupation of Austria and Czechoslovakia. By then all

plans for the invasion of Poland had been completed by the Ger-
mans. That issue of the Weltdienst appeared shortly after the
International Antisemitic Congress of 1939. It brought greetings
from France, Italy, Rumania, England, Russian refugees, Hun-
gary, Yugoslavia, Belgium, Poland, Holland, Denmark, Spain, Ar-
gentina, United States, North Africa, Canada, and Portugal six-
teen nations, in all.

-Among these countries were those which Germany attacked and

enslaved less than twelve months later. The main issue at this
Congress was that since the Jews were allegedly preparing the
way for war, all other nations should unite and organize them-
selves in order to prevent the impending catastrophe. This subject
was thoroughly discussed at public conferences.
In September, 1939, after the outbreak of the war, an issue of
the Weltdienst appeared with the following sensational headline:
“To all friends of the Weltdienst. To all Patriots of their coun-
tries.” All these patriots were invited to explain to their people
that Germany had not attacked Poland, thus starting the war, hut
that the Jews were waging this war against the “Aryan race.” All
the governments of the world : the English, the French, the Ameri-
can, etc. were either in the hands of the Jews or bought by the
Jews; therefore, the Jews declared war on Germany and on the
entire Aryan world.
Today, we realize that all these patriots and friends of the
Weltdienst often betrayed their countries and helped Hitler to
enslave the very nations to which they belonged. In all the twenty
countries which Hitler occupied or conquered, he found friends,
collaborators, quislings and fifth coloumnists. Professor James
Parkes writes: “Quisling in Norway, Mussart in Holland, De-
grelle in Belgium, Cagoulards and similar groups in France — all

had been the spearheads of anti-Semitic movements in their coun-

tries; all of them were distinguished from other extreme nation-

alist movements —such as the Flemish movement in Belgium, by

the fact that when the crisis came they willingly acted as traitors
in the German interest.”®

In all the American countries, loo, the Black Shirt and Yellow
organizations of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, etc., were
at Hitler’s disposal. And, in the United States, a network of spies
existed which was intensely
and widespread, as had been
proved by scores of documents found in the archives of the Ger-
man Embassy. At the trial of the traitors in Washington, it was
established that as early as 1938 Bund members distributed leaf-
lets asserting that the Jews are responsible for all trouble and that
the United States would also be forced into war against Germany
and Japan.”
The same leaflets said that “The press, radio and movies, all
controlled by the Jews, filled the whole country with propaganda
aiming at a war against Germany. The Americans do not want
any war with Germany or Japan. The Americans do not want
any war with anybody. And the Germans as well as the Japanese
» L. C., p. 59.

® New York Timet., June 28. 1944.


do not want any war with the Americans. The only people who
drive towards war are the Jews.”'”
This was written in 1938, when Germany w^as the only country
feverishly preparing for war and when Goering boasted that Ger-
many possessed the strongest airforce.


Essays on Anti-Semitism, New York, 1946.
Parkes, James: The Jewish Problem in the Modern If'orld, New York,
Sartre, Jean-Paui.; Portrait of the Anti-Semite, New York, 1940,
Vishniak, Mark; An International Convention Against Anti-Semitism,
New York, 1946.
CpuDENHOVE, Graf Heinrich: Antisemitismus, Vienna, 1932.

Anti-Semitism A Social Disease, New York, 1946.
Valentin, Hugo: Anti-Semitism, New York, 1936.
Feniciiel, 0.: “Psychoanalysis of Anli-Semilism,” American Imago,
Hitler's Ten-Year War on the Jews, Institute of Jewish Affairs, New
York, 1943.
Weinrkicii, Max: Hitler’s Professors, New York, 1940.
laviNGSTON, Sigmund: Must Men Hate? New York, 1944.
The Origins of Fascism



Giuseppe Antonio Borgese

The eighteenth birthday of Fascism was celebrated on October

28, 1940. The ritual of celebration adopted in 1941 was the at-

tack on Greece. Thus the celebration was no doubt interesting

for both the countries directly concerned, Italy and Greece. It had
scarce repercussions, if any, in the world at large. The date Oc-
tober 28, 1922, the birthday of fascism, has not yet reached the
universal fame it deserves.
A general tendency is noticeable in the average man and even
in intellectual circles considerably above the average to push
the Italian factor of the present world situation into a rather re-
stricted corner of the perspective. As a whole, the conventional
observer and the automatic thinker would feel happy if they
could think that fascism is a German invention exported to Italy
and accepted by Italy in a spirit of submission, more or less spon-

taneous, to the dictate of her powerful neighbor. A substantial

amount of this happiness is achieved by a subconscious mental
operation which modifies the proportions and almost overlooks the
chronological sequence.
There cannot be any inclination in the general mind to recog-
nize the leading and decisive part which the Italians have played
and still are playing to some extent. This distortion of the ob-
servers’ attention is largely due to the fact that the genera] mind,
even during these eighteen or twenty years, has been under the
influence of the two following assumptions. The first is that the

world role of Italian culture and action had come to an end with
the end of the High Renaissance, say with the sack of Rome, 1527,
and with the fall of the Florentine Republic, 1530. It follows,
then, that nothing really important such as the creation of fascism
could haih originated in a second-class nation. The second as-
sumption is that the Italian people are well-known and always
were well-known for their keen individualism, which positively
accounted for much of Italian culture and art while negatively
it accounted for the Italian lack of discipline and efficiency. It

follows, then, that a totalitarian ideology and movement welding

all the forces of a national group into one purpose and endeavor
could not possibly originate in sucb a highly differentiated and
at the same time unorganical country.

Yet facts must be taken for what they are, even when they run
counter to habits and expectations. The fact is that fascism in its
formative period is an Italian phenomenon. A second fact, cor-
related with the first, is that practically nothing in the
Nazi men-
tality and action can be explained without the Italian antecedent.
Hitler, of course, is the most authoritative witness. His funda-
mental acknowledgment in Mein Kampf reads as follows:
In those days —
I admit it openly —
I conceived the most pro-

found admiration for that great man south of the Alps who,
full of ardent love for his people, would not deal with the

internal enemies of Italy, .hut pashed their annihilation in every

way and by all means. What will rank Mussolini among the
great of this earth is the same determination not to share Italy
with Marxism, but to save the fatherland from it by dooming
internationalism to annihilation.

How wretchedly dwarfish our German Slate yes-men appeared

in contrast and how nauseating it is when these nonentities
undertake, with boorish conceit, to criticize a man a thousand
times as great; and how painful it is to think that all this goes
on in a country which, barely half a century ago, might still

call a Bismarck its leader.

This acknowledgment by Hitler of fascism and Mussolini as his

fundamental inspiration goes at least as far back as 1926, when

Mussolini had not yet to his credit any final accomplishment ex-
cept the totally autocratic seizure of his native Italy: a man rather
of words than of deeds, and the neologist forger of winged and
felicitous slogans such as Fascist, Totalitarian, Corporative. But
he seemed already very great to Hitler, the obscure rioter in a
Munich Bierhalle, the untiring scribbler in a Bavarian fortress.
It was on March 23, 1919, that a small group of malcontents

under the guidance of a second-class editor gathered somewhere

in Milan and formulated a sweeping program, offering happiness
and glory to everybody. It was on that evening that the word fas-
cism definitely entered history — at first a national, nay, a local
section of history. It was three and one-half years later, on Octo-
ber 28, 1922, that the central powers in Rome yielded to a threat
of armed revolt and called fascism to share in the government. It
was three more years later, on January 3, 1925, that absolute
dictatorship was officially proclaimed. It was between 1925 and
the end of 1926 that a system of restrictive laws and a wholesale
authority conferred on the secret police made of the proclaimed
dictatorship an unshakable condition of Italian life. Ideologies
and forms of fascism were thus mature at least seven years before
the accession of Hitler to power.
What were the components of fascism in its formative stage?
What inherited inclinations and contemporary circumstances made
its rise and victory possible in its native country? We shall divide
our short survey into three main items: (1) the centuries-old
complexes of the Italian mind; (2) the religious background;
(3) the circumstances generated by the World War and its imme-
diate aftermath.
The terms inferiority complex and superiority complex so often
used and misused in the common psychological talk of our time
cannot be avoided when we try to determine the essential tenden-
cies of the Italian mind, especially in as far as the ruling classes
are concerned. Italy arose as a nation as did almost all the other
nations ofEurope at the close of the Middle Ages. Her birth,
however, was different. She was not the creation of kings and
warriors. She was the creation of poets and dreamers, and of
one above the others —Dante. His political life had been a failure
and the particular situation in which Italy found herself between
the universal drive of the Roman Church and the universal drive
of the Holy Roman Empire of the German nation hampered to
the point of disaster her attempts to build a factual national unity
of the kind that was meanwhile developing in France, in Eng-
land, and in other European regions. This frustration is at the
foundation of the Italian intellectual tradition. The concept that
dominates Dante’s political speculation is that Rome is divinely
predestined to be the center of the world and to contain both kinds
of world-ruling authority, the religious and the political. At the
time of Dante, however, and in the all-human vastness of his
conception, the nationalistic or parochial components of this as-
sumption were still counter-poised by a feeling of universality. This
also happened because at the time of Dante the world unity of
the Church and the Empire had still elements of reality or possi-
bility. They both went to pieces in the fourteenth century. The
followers and continuators of Dante in the expression of the na-
tional mind, did not have any support in historical reality or poli-
tical possibility. Thus frustration expressed itself in day dreams; and ambition became decisive components in Italian po-
litical speculation.
Of course, literature cannot be considered as a field of politics
and history; it is, however, a most striking experience of collec-
tive feeling. The expert in Italian literature insists especially
on the Canzoni of Petrarch extolling the primacy of Rome and of
the Italian people bidding for world supremacy, inciting the Ital-
ian princelings to revive the ancient glory or even staking prepos-
terous hopes on such attempts as Cola di Rienzo’s to rebuild the
Roman Republic and Roman Empire. The next epoch-making
document is Machiavelli’s The Prince, written about 1513 at the
eve of the collapse of Renaissance Italy. Whatever political scien-
tists may think, the inspiration of The Prince is mainly
and emotional. Its closest source is in Petrarch’s Canzone Italia

Mia. The basic motives are distress and anger at the inferiority
of Italy as compared with the rising nations of Europe, and the
medicine that is proposed to make up for such a decadence con-
sists of the restoration of Roman pride and virtue.
This complex was never deleted or considerably weakened.
Exceptions can be listed, but they remain exceptions. Even the
greatest among the Italian poets of the nineteenth century, Leo-
pardi, starts from same antimony of superiority and inferiority
national complexes that had ruled the Italian mind in the pre-
ceding centuries. The conclusions of his poetry and of his thought
seem to be conditioned by supranational and supratemporal situ-
ations of the human heart and mind. They seem to appeal to the
permanent qualities of sorrow, hope, and despair. But the origins
of his attitude are clearly stated in his early poems. It is again
the restlessness and dissatisfaction of the heir to Rome whose
life and energy are wasted in mediocre and humiliating circum-
stances. The Risorgimento — that is, the movement that led Italy to
the establishment of her political independence in the United King-
dom proclaimed in 1861 —was work of prophets and heroes,
some of whom tried new paths. Yet even the one who was the
most revolutionary-minded among them could not wean them from
the suggestions of Roman superiority. Even in Mazzini’s scheme
of a federated mankind, Rome and the Italians were assigned a
central place, and the mission which was assigned to his own nation
was, after all, of a sacerdotal and hegemonic nature. The name
itself, Risorgimento — resurrection — points again to the ineradic-
able Italian idea that the past is good and beautiful and that no
hope for the future can be substantiated with anything that is
not the reinstatement and the revindication of the past.
There is no necessity to beautify with lenient words the moral
and intellectual error of such an attitude. The claim to the match- nobility of Roman heritage and to the endless mission of

world command entrusted to the direct offspring of Rome includes

an unmistakable amount of intellectual and moral guilt. Of
course, he who is without sin should cast the first stone. This drive
toward group superiority has been and is the curse of all group
actions. Nationalism and parochial pride are not the particular
invenHuns of the Italian people. What is particular to the Italian
people is the definite historical conditions in which its complexes
of inferiority and superiority matured and festered. During the
centuries from the decline of the Middle Ages to the modem era
its complexes of pride were more unsound than those of any
other great nation of Europe, due to the political helplessness
and impotence of the Italian nation. The forbidding disproportion
between desired and objective power was to become operative also
during the rise and progress of fascism. It is operative even today
in the mutual relations between Italian ideology and German ac-
tion. The origin of the intellectual error lies in the unwarranted
identification of Italy with ancient Rome plus the assumption that
the ancient Roman Empire can be resurrected.
The moral error, on the other hand, whatever the matchless a-
chievements of the Italian mind in practically all fields of human
endeavor, belongs to the category of selfishness and vanity. In
Italy as anywhere else the real root of the complex of national
superiority is in the personal lust for personal greatness. It is

here, after all, that lies the seed of any kind of nationalism and
The habitual or automatic thinking insists on the undisciplined
or even loose individualism of the Italian character. It has in-
sisted formany generations on the lack of religious conviction,
and on the noncommittal or even pagan attitude of the Italians
toward Christianity and Catholicism, in spite of the fact that the
historical seat of universal Christianity has been in their coun-
try. Obviously there is a point in this contention if we consider
separate individual experiences and the surface of things as
they appear to the momentary observer. There are, however, other
points if we look sum-up of Italian behavior and
at the historical
if we consider in the Catholic Church the elements of its political
structure rather than the theological and ethical elements that
the Roman Church owes to primitive Christianity. The definition
according to which the Roman Church is the ghost of the deceased

Roman Empire is all too sweeping. But there are well-known

elements in its structure that work and have worked for centuries
as the continuation of the administrative build-up and of the
bureaucratic legal structure of the Roman Empire. World unity is

essential to it; Roman, and by implicit or explicit inference Ital-

ian, primacy also is essential. The quality of Italians as a chosen
and superior people in the administration of Christianity was
frankly stated by Innocent III and implicitly or explicitly admit-
ted by other popes. A hierocracy of Catholic Christian content
and discipline making of all the world a Christian unity was
more or less by definition and almost constantly by fact an Italian
and Roman hierocracy. The prevalence of Italians on the Papal
See and in electoral College of Cardinals has been overwhelming
through the centuries. It is overwhelming even now. From the
strictly national and nationalistic point df view the Christian
Catholic Apostolical Roman Church is a Roman Italian Church
with world-wide expansion. In its kernel it is an Italian spiritual
bureaucratic empire. •

The third element that must be kept in mind besides the two
elements of world unity and Italian primacy is authority. Through
a long and consistent process of centuries the authority of the
Roman Church on the minds, and when possible on the bodies,
of members became sacrosanct and irresistible. The right to

dissent was gradually limited until it was completely obliterated.

As a reaction to the dangers involved in the Protestant movements
of the sixteenth century the theory was formulated according to
which the individual believer in the Catholic Church must be like

a “corpse,” passively subject to whatever the superior authority

decides concerning matters of faith and rules of behavior. It

seems apparent that the unity of the Roman Church could not
be preserved after the Protestant upheaval if not at the price of
the strictest intellectual and ethical discipline. After the storms
of the early sixteenth century the organization of the Church was
stabilized as a foursquare authoritarian and totalitarian system

with the main authority acting as an imperil power and with the
main orders, prominent among them the Jesuit order, acting al-
together as an army and a police, although the army was not ne-
cessarily armed with physical weapons and although the police
could not always count on secular help.
It is true that the attempts of the city-states in the late Middle
Ages gave glorious inspirations to the modern theories of democ-
racy and political freedom. There may still be a point in the ro-
mantic theory of Sismondi, according to whom modern freedom
was first invented in those brilliant communities of central and
northern Italy between the eleventh and the thirteenth century.
It is true that some of the leading trends of the Risorgimento in
the nineteenth century had kept clear of the Roman complexes
of world authority and Romano — Italian primacy, and that spirits
like Manzoni and Cavour and Garibaldi did not care for anything
but a dignified and free life of the Italian nation in the brother-
hood of the other nations.
It also is true that the confused but powerfully creative move-
ments of the Italian Renaissance had contributed decisively to
the formation of modern individualism. The Renaissance, how-
ever, collapsed and its continuative outcome was the establish-
ment of the political tyranny in the country, whether of inner or
of foreign origin, and the final establishment of the universal
authoritarianism in the Roman Church. In other terms, the prob-
lem should be formulated as follows: are there elements of free-
dom and individual initiative prevalent in the p.sychological build-
up of the Italian mind from the collapse of the old Roman Em-
pire to the rise of fascism? Or is the contrary true? The most
enduring experiences came from the authority of the Roman Em-
pire and from the authority of the Roman Pope, from Caesars and
high priests. These two sets of experiences were practically un-
broken through about fifteen centuries. The others' were com-
paratively fragmentary and temporary. On the whole, the Italian
mind was prepared by the longest experience in centralized au-
thority which Western history records — to submission both in
things of the faith and in things of action.

On the whole, the trends toward liberal attitudes have re-

mained on the surface. They have expressed themselves in whims
or riots or personal and momentary rebellions rather than in one
enduring and consistent effort as in English history from the
Magna Charta to yesterday, or even in French history from the
eighteenth century, at least, to the collapse in 1940.
As for his specific attitude toward the Roman Church, the aver-
age Italian of the ruling classes has mixed feelings. There cer-
tainly were reformatory endeavors, from the mystics of the Middle
Ages to Dante and further. There were half-atheistic and half-joc-

ular inclinations of middle-bourgeois freethinkers, anticipated,

for example, in the open world of the Decameron. But even such
people —and Boccaccio himself— ^wanted, as a rule, reconciliation
with the Church on the most important occasions of their personal
lives and especially in the hour of death. All centrifugal attitudes
remained as a rule on the margin. The Italian as a nationally
minded man could not forget, indeed, that it was the Church and
the Pontifical State, stretching like a forbidding barrier across
the Peninsula, that made political independence and unity impos-
sible. He knew or felt that the Church neither succeeded in es-
tablishing a large political empire of its own nor could it be
brought in line with Italian national aspirations. Hence the anti-

clerical mood of so many Italians through the centuries. Hence

the many attempts of short-lived Roman revolutions to get rid
of the papacy. Hence the final achievement of the Italian Ris-
orgimento in occupying Rome and in expelling the papacy from
all Italian territory except the Apostolic palaces —which were not
even acknowledged to be under the unrestricted sovereignty of
the Popes.
But, on the other hand, the power and glory of the Roman See
were a constituent part of Italian and Roman glory and power.
A complete disintegration and humiliation of the Catholic Church
would have been felt as a heavy loss in the share of Roman power
and glory that still was assigned to the Italian nation.
The reactions of the Roman Church against the Risorgimentu
and the deadly danger that according to the Holy See was implied
in the laicization of Rome and in the final triumph of the free-
thinking spirit originated in Renaissance, Reformation, and En-
lightenment and the defensive-offensive strategies when the Church
adopted to offset the danger have not been considered enough -in
their fargoing and world-wide import. The final triumph of lib-

eralism and the seizure of Rome by the Italian liberal state

marked at the same time the start of a second Counter Reform-

atioti. As the danger of dispossession came closer, the defensive

attitude of the Church stiffened; and from hesitancy and help-

lessness — nay, from a short-lived attempt, 1846-1848, to col-

laborate with the Italian Risorgimento and to assume leadership

in it — it changed into an attitude of aggressive challenge. The re-

action to the Protestant reform in the sixteenth century had been

a definite crystallization of discipline and authority within the
Catholic Church. The reaction to the final triumph of enlighten-
ment and liberal thought, implicitly Protestant, in the Italian his-
tory of the nineteenth century was a further and stricter procla-

mation of the authoritarian system of the Church.

The most important document and the one which should be con-
sidered as the official inauguration of the second Counter Re-
formation is Hannibal was ante
the Syllabus of Errors of 1864.
portas. The Italian liberals and anticlericals were at the gates of
Rome. The Church powerless as far as its military defense was
concerned, exercised whatever power it had in an uncompromising
condemnation of the philosophical and political principles in
which the triumphant liberal civilization was grounded. It is suf-
ficient to quote Articles 77, 78, 79, and 80 of the Syllabus of
Errors. According to Article 77 it is expedient “that the Catholic
religion shall be held as the only religion of the State, to the
exclusion of all other modes of worship.” According to Article
78 it is unwise and subject to anathema “that it has been provided
by law in some countries called Catholic, that persons coming
to reside therein shall enjoy the public exercise of their own wor-

ship.” According to Article 79 “civil liberty of every mode of

worship, and the full power given to all of overtly and publicly
manifesting their opinions and their ideas, of all kinds whatso-
ever, conduce to corrupt the morals and minds of the people and
to the propagation of the pest of indifferentism.” According to
Article 80 “the Roman Pontiff” cannot and ought not “to reconcile
himself to, and agree with, progress, liberalism, and civilization

as lately introduced.”
A few years later and exactly on the eve of the occupation of
Rome by freethinking Italy the Dogma of Papal Infallibility was
promulgated. This formulation established on an unshakable ba-
sis the authoritarian and totalitarian quality of the Roman Church.
At that time this seemed to liberals to be nothing but wet light-

ning. It was not so, however. No challenge of this import and

power had ever been Rung against the civilization of rationalism

and liberalism. Modem civilization seemed to be beyond and
above any danger. And indefinite automatic progress was the
common belief of the Western man. The effects of the challenge
were to be seen in the forthcoming epoch of crisis, although no-
body at that time, and perhaps not even Pius IX, the Pope of the
Syllabus, could foresee how close at hand such an epoch was.
This epoch is characterized by the disturbances of the first
World War, 1914-1918, and of its immediate aftermath. Pas-
sions were inflamed and interests were subverted. The passive
discipline of months and years spent by millions of people in
the trenches offset to a considerable extent the former experiences
of freedom and initiative. On the other hand, the economic se-
curity which was offered for the duration of the war to the com-
batants and their families developed a tendency toward the pres-
ervation of this advantage, which was obscurely considered as ,1
minimum reward for the past dangers and efforts. Adjustment to
renovated conditions of competition and initiative was made ex-
tremely difficult by the disorganization of peacetime enterprises
and by social and economic perturbations of all kinds, among
them even the ravages of epidemics at the end of the war and by
the pathetic return of the combatants to their homes. The help-

lessness of the outcome of the war, compared with the promise of

victorious democracies in building a new and durable order on
foundations of ethical fairness and intellectual consistency was
perhaps not yet clear to observing minds, but it was in some way
present to the stirred and dissatisfied emotions of the masses.
All this is very well known, yet the problem remains why and
how it happened that a world phenomenon like fascism started
in Italy, why, in other terms, the morbid conditions created by
the war proved more promptly and more effectively operative in
that country than anywhere else.
Specifically the situation in Italy, especially during the last
period of the war, from, say, the spring of 1917 to the autumn
of 1918, had been from the alimentary and social point of view
considerably worse than it had been in France or in England. On
the other hand, it had been considerably better than in Austria-
Hungary, in Germany, or in Russia. It remains to^be explained
why fascism did not rise in any of the latter countries. Russia re-
acted to its disastrous conditions with the Bolshevik revolution,
which, at least for many years, was directed toward intentions
and aims seemed and largely were diametrically opposite
to the intentions and aims of fascism. Austria-Hungary and Ger-
many went through an experiment in republicanism and liberalism
of the left.

It seems clear, then, that the particular economic situation of

Italy does not account for the rise of fascism, not even if one takes
into account the comparative weakness of the middle classes.
The middle classes were much weaker in Russia than they were
in Italy. The merely political military explanation, founded on

the alleged failure of the Italian military effort and on the al-
leged frustration of Italian diplomacy in the negotiations for
peace, looks more impressive at first, but it does not stand the
test of factual examination.
Of all battles that were fought on the Italian sector of the
World War by far the most famous is Caporetto, October, 1917.

A sudden and brillia'nt maneuver of envelopment performed

by the Austro-Hungarian German help broke the
army with some
Italian front along the Isonzo and forced the entire Italian army
to a precipitous withdrawal, which at certain moments assumed

the aspect of a desperate flight. Yet this flight and the advance
of the enemy invasion were stopped in a very few days at a com-
paratively short distance from the earlier alignment. Not even
Venice was lost.

Resistance proved eflfective and unbreakable on the river Piave.

Help from the allies, France and England, was all but nominal.
The effort and pride of successful resistance were virtually en-
tirely Italian. Successful resistance was followed by the splendid

defensive-offensive victory of the Piave in June, 1918. This hap-

pened to be the first decisive victory on the side of the Allies. The
following contributions of the Italian forces to the common victory
may have been more or less well timed. At any rate, from June to
early in November it was a scries of successful operations and the
end of the war was smashingly victorious. The French at Char-
lerr)i, and later the English in March, 1918, and the Russians
at the Dunajec had undergone defeats no less severe than Capo-
retto. No victory had been better earned on any section of the
Allied front than the victories on the Italian front in 1918. Yet
no other country was chosen by de.stiny as the birthplace of fas-

The losses of Italy during the war were appalling. The dead
alone numbered between six and seven hundred thousand. It cer-

tainly was an enormous loss; but if we should consider it as the

determining cause of fascism, the problem arises why the French,
the Russian, and German losses, which were even greater than
the Italian, did not work as a determining factor for fa.scism in
the respective countries.
The diplomatic territorial outcome of the war was unsatisfactory
for each and all of the parties concerned. Russia was severely
mutilated and virtually deprived of any European role by the
treaty of Brest-Litovsk. The nationalistic plan of the French pa-
triots, aimed at the secure Rhine frontier and at the splitting of
the German unity, was England annexed some additional

colonial territories but saw the ties within the Empire dangerously
loosened. America started immediately after the armistice her
complaints about having been exploited and plundered by the
Allies without any gain for herself. Yet none of these countries
was elected by destiny as the birthplace of fascism.
Of all the combatant nations, Italy was the one who saw her
so-called hereditary enemy, Austria-Hungary, go to pieces. She
acquired a continental frontier of mountain ridges than which
only the ditch around the British Isles could be considered more
comfortable. Around her frontier only minor states, Jugoslavia
and Switzerland — not at all dangerous —remained alive, and
France at the west. No aggressive intention whatsoever could be
attributed to France. Italian colonial acquisitions were small or
altogether irrelevant, but no real national passion stood behind the
colonial demands. They had been slighted by Italy herself in her

treaties with the allies concerning the rewards of victory. They

were never insisted upon by the Italian delegates at the conference
of Paris after the armistice. When possibilities of this kind, like

a partial occupation of Asia Minor or even of Georgia, appeared

during the negotiations, it was Italy herself that refused the
honor and the burden.
Thus a diplomatic interpretation of the rise of fascism, if

tested on the edge of factuality, works as badly as the social or

the economic interpretation, the motives were much deeper. The
most important among them belong to the two trends of thought
which have been outlined summary.
in the earlier sections of this
It is true however, that such motives would not have become oper-

ative if they had not been energized by passionate references to

the immediate results of the war. This happened, and it was one of
the most magnificent manipulations in history. We shall not go
into details, which would sound comparatively outdated today.
An immense wave of propaganda was started about a few cliffs

and villages on the eastern shore of the Adriatic. These were


central Dalmatia —with more than five hundred thousand


inhabitants, overwhelmingly Slavic and with about ten thousand

Italian-speaking persons among them. The most importan urban
conglomerations were two townships with a few charming me-
memtoes of Venetian architecture; their names were, in Italian
spelling, Sebenico and Spalato (Slavic, Sihenik and Split). The
immense majority of the Italians did not even know how to pro-
nounce the two Italians names; almost all of them insisted on say-
ing Sebenico and Spalato, with wrong accents.
This wave of nationalistic and irredentistic propaganda pro-
vided the spark for the outburst of the emotional complex which
stood behind the whole disorder. Military victory, however, in-
terspersed with defeats and diplomatic victory, however, qualified
by disappointment, was transmuted into military and diplomatic
disaster and the Italians were provided with the make-up of a
defeated nation. Caporetto was emphasized by the Italians them-
selvesand the previous and following victories pushed into the
background of the emotional perspective. Such reactions to the
artificially provided complex of defeat might have gone the Rus-
sian or the German way, toward Bolshevism or toward social-
democratic Republicanism. They went the other way, toward the
earth-shaking invention of fascism, because the emotional and
intellectual background of the ruling classes in Italy was pre-
pared for something of that kind. Their inferiority and superiority

complexes pivoted around the myth of Roman primacy ^found —
a propitious terrain in the disturbances of the war and postwar
years. Their historical experiences in authoritarian discipline,
through both allegiance to Caesarism and submission to the papacy,
weighed heavier in the moment of crisis than their interrupted en-
deavors in liberty and individualism.
Thus the hour struck. Resistance against fascism in its early
stages proved stronger in Italy than it was to prove a few years
later in Germany. It was, however, ineffective. The governmen-
taland capitalistic centers were virtually ready to surrender as
soon as the moA’ement started. There was no revolution, only a
sequence ol coups d’etat. The first and most decisive, October 28,
1922, was a compact between monarchy and fascism. The seizure
of Rome by fascism was no military operation, no revolutionary
deed. Itwas a coarse parade or celebration, a black 'carnival.
I shall quote from an earlier essay of mine. Six Kings, written
before the outbreak of this war:

Hiller now o\erlowers both the inspirers of his vigil, Bismarck

and Mussolini. Much more, however, than the Prussian chan-
cellor, the Latin Duce had been and remained pai amount in the
Kuehrer’s formative years. A Southerner and a Catholic by
l)irlh. Hitler’s mind was steeped in schemes of Latin and Roman
rather than of Northern Protestant make. One annotation among
others is suggestive in the Alvin Johnson edition of Mein Kampf.
Wc from it that the “.Senate chamber and study in the
Brown House. Munich, are proudly displayed as examples of
the ruehrer’s (artistic) work. In the first, which is primarily
a study in red leather, the Swastika serves as an allusion to the,

SPQR of ancient Rome (Senaliis Populusque Romanus).”

This is indeed the repetitious story of Roman-German political

intercourse from the deepest Middle Ages, at least as early as

Charlemagne, and earlier, to our daily news. Whatever the Latin

imagination brewed on behalf of the resurrection and perpetuity
of Roman Empire and Roman unity, the Germans stole home,
elaborating the politico-literary plagiarism into a thing of flesh
and blood, and whipping a feeble daydream into a galloping night-
No sooner had the outmost provinces of Italy been liberated
than a remarkable little editorial was printed in a Catania tab-
loid, the Corriere di Sicilia, August 25, 1943. The wrong of fas-
c’isni, it stated, was to look backward, to ancient Rome; hence the
wreck we contemplate in Rome and the world. “The only possible
Roman Empire of today is world cooperation, with all the other

Romes partaking equally in the common task.” He who worded

such plain truths so plainly was presumably an American soldier-
writer of Latin descent and background.
— —



Hit) words anyhow had a familiar ring for Italian ears. Eliza-
beth Barrett had voiced them in her Mazzinian English, from the
Florence that is no more, nearly a century ago. “Civilization per-
fected,” she said, “is fully developed Christianity.” She said to

the Italians of her day:

Rise: prefigure the grand solution

Of earth’s municipal, insular schisms. . .

Bring us the higher example; rcleasi' us

Into the larger coming time...

In slightly different terms: as the curtain, or tombstone, falls

on Fascism, we gain a more comprehensive insight into its charac-
ter and career.was perversion and dementia. It was the fact,

or imagination, of power substituted for the idea of justice. It

also was a diagnosis of real diseases that lamed and lame the
half -civilization we call democracy, with total brutality offered as
the remedy. It also was the wrong answer to a right problem. The
problem was: How shall we make order and establish authority in

the anarchy of the nations? The answer was: Roman Empire, Ger-
man Empire. That answer is dust. The problem is bequeathed by
the dying to the living; as all epilogues are prologues.^

For Bibliography see next chapter.

' The above esbay on ihe Oiigins of Fascism had bei-n first written as a lecture
for Oberlin College on the invitation of President E. tf. Wilkins, four years after
the publication of Borgcse’s (ioliath, the March of Fascism (19.37). It had been
included, immediately after the nineteenth birthday of Fascism (Ocloher 28, 1941)
in a .Sympn.'ium, Democracy Is Different ((iarl Frederick Wittke and otitcis. Harper
& Brothers, New York).
Another essay, by the same author, (Commemoration of Fascism, was published in
The Atlantic Monthly, February, 1945.
The opening paragraph, a reference to the twenty-second —and last birthday of — _

Fascism, echoed the opening lines of the previous essay: “There was no celebration
in Rome last October of the March on Rome —
birth date, back in 1922, of Italian
and World Fascism.”

The closing paragraphs framed in the new events and new fears.^ and hopes
the statements and analyses of the Origins of Fascism as well as of Goliath and of
other books and essays by the same author.


What Is a Fascist Economy?


Guenthek Reiman

On the Nature of the Corporate State

The economic system of fascism has lieeii a controversial sub-

ject since the early days of Mussolini’s totalitarian regime. The
controversy has never ended, though the first fascist State, born
during the critical years which followed the first world war, is a
thing of the past. It was easy to agree on the political nature of
Fascism: (1) the one-party State (though the ruling party in a
totalitarian State has lost the character of a political party or
movement) ; the ruthless suppression of ail other parties and
movements, and any actual or potential groups and organizations
which were not directly regulated and controlled by the State;
(2) the monopolization of all political power by one ruling
“party”; (3) the centralized hierarchic structure of the State
As a political system, Italian Fascism very closely resembled
Hitler’s National Socialism and the Russian totalitarian State.
To what extent do the similarities in the political system alst)
reflect basic similarities in the social and economic system? This
depends on the character of the economy that exists under totali-

tarian rule. It is easy to point out various phases in the economic

development of Fascism. In Italy, for instance, the system started
with an economy that did not differ greatly from the private
capitalism of the Western world. The corporations were founded

only at a later stage, in 1929, during the last year of the prosperity
era ,of world capitalism, during the inter-war period, 1918-1939,
and at the beginning of the great pre-war depression. But the
Corporate State remained a mere myth for several years. Only
when it became clear that the great depression was not a mere
cyclical crisis of capitalism, and that permanent mass unemploy-
ment and lack of profitable investments for “idle capital” im-
periled the economic foundation of the State, the Corporations be-
came active organizations. They were to control and regiment all

producers and distributors, all the members of social classes, ex-

cept the State bureaucracy itself ; the working class as well as the
industrialists and agrarians.
Thus, the Corporate State was officially created in 1929. But,
in October 1932, Mussolini still declared that the Corporate in-

stitutions were not going to change the economic system. On Oc-

tober 16, 1932, Mussolini said about the Corporations:

Those who are seeking miraculous remedies for the depression

. are mistaken. Either the present depression is a periodic depres-
sion with the economic system, in which'case it will be overcome,
or it represents a transition from one stage of civilization to

A year later, he had written off capitalism as the system of

Fascism. On October 7, 1933, he announced:

I want to establish the corporate regime. . . . The corporation

will be called upon to regulate all problems of production. A
policy of unregulated production is folly and generally catas-
trophic. ... I have accomplished these essential political reforms^
and my hands are now modify the economic system.
free to I

intend to experiment as Roosevelt and Stalin are doing.'

Must we therefore conclude that the political regime started a

social revolution and replaced capitalism with a system of national

> Quoted by G. Salvemini, The Fascist Dictatorship in ludy, 1927, p. 141.


We pointed out before that the political system of Fascism in

Italy, of National Socialism and of totalitarianism in Russia were
very similar, indeed, during the early years of Fascism. At that
time, the economic system of various totalitarian States differed
greatly. We may now point out that the economic system of Fas-
cism — state economic regimentation of all social classes and
groups, national planning and government channelling of new in-

vestments — often resembled State policies in countries where the

government still was subject to Parliament. The American New
Deal had many similarities to the State economic intervention in

Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. But “everything is fluid,” and

we have to consider the possibility that the structure of an eco-
nomic system may be in conflict with the political methods of
rule. Then, either the economy must be changed or the political
system must be modified in accordance with the structure of the
Therefore, it is not easy to answer our question: Must fascism
have a special economic system, and if we give a positive answer,
what are its main characteristics?

Corporate State—as a Myth

The first school of thought with which we are dealing here

believes that Fascism is only a system of political reaction, the
tool of big capitalists who seek to smash labor unions and to

“atomize” the working class. Fascism is represented as a tool

of the big capitalists. This was a popular theory among Com-
munists. It was the official thesis of the Communist International
during the early stages of Fascism, and also later. Many non-
Communist Leftists adopted the same theory.
A former leading figure of the Communist International wrote
in the middle twenties:

In reality. Fascism has added nothing new to the traditional

program of the bourgeois politicians (A. Bordiga, p. 177).

At that time. Fascism had, indeed, no program and did not
pretend to make any change in the social system. The inaugura-
tion of the Corporate State appeared as a mere response to the
longing of the masses for social reforms which once were promised
by Fascist propaganda.
Then, at the end of the American prosperity period, the time
had arrived when Mussolini officially proclaimed the program of
anti-capitalist revolution through State economic planning. The
Corporations were of no practical importance except in the sphere
of relations between the workers and management, or labor and
private capitalists, during the first few years of the Corporate
constitution. The syndicates were absorbed by the Corporations.
The workers lost the right to strike or to bargain for higher wages.
John Strachey wrote, in 1935 when he was still close to the
official theories of the Communist Party:

The trutli is that Fascism is always and everywhere the instru-

ment ... of the great capitalists using the petit i>ourgeni.sie
as its dupes.*

In the early stages of the corporations, the State used the Cor-
porations in the sphere of labor, and to a great extent, ahso against
the middle class organizations, while the big industrialists and
bankers .still retained much independent influence and were per-
mitted to elect the leaders of their own organizations.
Two years after the inauguration of the Corporate Slate, the lat-

ter appeared as a mere myth and the claim for basic social and
economic changes a mere fake.

The term “corporation” has been used, if not invented, to

arouse a sense of wonder in the people, to keep them guessing,
to provoke inquiry, and to contrive, out of sheer mystification
of an unusual w'ord, at once to hide the compulsion on which
the Dictatorship finally depends and to suggest that a miraculous

2 .lohn Slractiey, The Nature of the Capitalist Crisis, New York, 19.15, p. ,5.57.

work of universal benevolence is in the course of jierformance

. . . “Corporate” state is a tool of propaganda.^

But the privileges of the big industrialists were largely lost at

a later stage. had become impossible for private capitalists to


convert money into political influence by financing election cam-

paigns, buying or controlling newspapers, or by buying special
favors from the bureaucrats.
The contributions to the Party or to the totalitarian State bu-
reaucracy were greater than whatever was given before to pro-
fessional politicians or for political purposes. Yet, the big pri-
vate industrialists and bankers had to be subservient to the Party
leaders or Stale bureaucracy, too. Otherwise, even they risked
the loss of their fortunes and worse punishment.
Therefore, Salvemini wrote:

The Fa.scist Parly is no longer an organization of mercenaries in

the service of capitalism, but has been an independent force. . .

If the capitalists stopped pla)ing with the policy of the Party,

the Parly could easily steer to the Left. Thus, although the
employees are privileged (?). they are intimidated at the same
lime. It is not the first lime in history that mercenaries have
heen the masters' masters,*

In 1930-31, it seemed that Mussolini’s social promises had been

overshadowed by the promises of the New Deal in America and by
Russia’s Five Year Plan. Therefore, Mussolini suddenly de-
clared in 1933 that the Corp«»ralions were not to be mere organs of
control or mere ornamental institutions of the State, but tools of

a social-economic revolution which would pave the way to a new


Within the Corporate institutions a turn towards the “Left”

was made by the Party bureaucrats. Private capitalists lost their
last independent positions. The Party leaders fortified their au-

thoritarian power by tightening the slate controls over all individ-

Quolpci by Gai-tano G. Salvemini, ibut., p.

< !lt!d., p. .379.
uals and economic establishments. Mussolini said in a speech
to the Senate on January 13, 1934:

Corporative economy introduces order even into economy. If

there is a phenomenon which ought to be well ordered, which

ought to be directed to certain definite aims, it is precisely the
economic phenomenon, which interests the whole of the citizens.
Not only industrial economy ought to be disciplined, but also
agricultural economy, commercial economy, banking «;onomy,
and even the work of artisans.

How must this discipline be carried into practice? By means

of the self-discipline of the interested classes. Only at a later
moment, when the classes have not found the way to reach
agreement and equilibrium, can the State’ intervene, since the
State represents the other term of the equation . . .

This meant in practice that the power of the Party hierarchy was
increased to such an extent that it could overrule the Army and
the old conservative Civil Service bureaucracy.

The terms “Left” and “Right” only refer to the relative strength

of the bureaucracies; the Army and Civil Service professionals,

on the one hand (“Right”) and the “plebian” party bureaucrats
on the other hand. The latter has at first 'deprived the working
class of all means of self-protection. Thereafter, the party olig-
archy became the self-appointed “guardian” of the “rights” of
labor.” But the authoritarian party bureaucracy must reconcile
its own selfish interests with the requirements of the Army. Com-
pared with the power of the State bureaucracies, the old private
capitalists — insofar as they manage to survive — are only of sec-
ond-rate importance. The political power structure is overruling
the formerly leading economic powers. The economic foundation
becomes subservient to the superstructure. The latter must satisfy
the economic needs of the political powers.

Guiseppe de Michelis, World Reorganization on Corporative Lines, London, IQB.";.


The Corporate State——A Planned Economy?

Another interpretation of the economic system of Fascism (and

of any totalitarian regime) has* become popular in recent years:
Fascism as the fulblment of socialism, or of a planned economy.
Accordingly, the corporations are mere planning agencies with
the General Council of Corporations as a national central plan-
ning board, similar to the Central Five Year Planning Board in
Russia, Goering’s Five Year Plan Agency in the Third Reich.
Then, the Corporate State would effect an anti-capitalist social

revolution: the fulfillment of national socialism, the managerial

society, the replacement of capitalist anarchy with state planning.
Private ownership of the means of production ends, and the State
becomes sole owner of all productive forces. Surviving private
enterprises are of no importance; for they must act in accordance
with State regulation to such an extent that they are only part
of one gigantic State economy. Industrialists, bankers or other
business men become mere agents of the State. Their private ex-
istence has only a formal or transitory character.
It is easy to point to certain facts which apparently confirm
this theory. Originally, the Corporate State put only labor under
stringent state control. During this stage, the Corporations did
not change the economic system. The Corporate State appeared
as a mere fake. Thereafter, however, the industrialists and ban-
kers and all other private individuals were put under the con-
trol (or “national discipline”) of Corporate organizations. Fi-
nally, a program of regulation of all productive activities, es-
pecially of new investments, and of the exploitation of national
economic resources and their development “in the interest of the
State” and in accordance with a Plan was formally accepted.
But a real national plan of production and distribution of the
social products was still missing. Such a plan was finally pre-
pared during the last stage of Fascism as a conversion to a war
The defenders of Fascism themselves were eager to point out the
“socialist” character of the Corporate organizations. In the old
capitalist world, Socialists fought for State intervention, for State
ownership and State economic planning, and often vulgarized the
meaning of socialism by identifying it with “planning” or a system
of State intervention.
Bernard Shaw, for instance, welcomed Mussolini’s Corpora-
tions as the beginning of socialism in 1934, as follows:

Sonip of the things Mussolini has done, and some that he is

threatening to do go further in the direction of Socialism than

the English Labor Party could yet venture if they were in power.
They will bring him, presently, into serious conflict with capi-
talism: and it is certainly not my business nor that of any
socialist to weaken him in view of such a confli<‘l.”

This was not ati isolated view.

The chiel' editor of The Daily Herald, organ of the Labor Parly,
wrote on June 6, 1934, after a visit to Italy:

The corjioralion is to he the means whereby the workers’ organ-

izations secure not only the right to bargain on hours and
wages, hut also the right to share in a control and management
of industries ultimately to divide control with the technicians,
management altogether. On the other hand,
eliminating capitalist
the. . hope to find in the corporations an instru-
ment by which they can keep the workers more effectively under
control, and by which they can free themselves from such of
the goverimicnl and party interference of which they complain
bitterly today."

The idea of centralized planning has stirred the imagination of

many Socialists and has been popularized by “socialist” State in-


Then the suppresive measures of the Corporate State appear as

mere by-products of centralized planning. For the latter requires
(Juulfd by Salvemini. ibid., p. 370.

the suburdiiialioii of all personal activities and interests to the

“social interests,” and the latter are expressed by the “plan.”

A similar view is expressed by those who acknowledge the hier-
archic structure of fascist society, and the destruction of all values
of Western civilization. But this retrogre.ssion of civilization ap-

pears to them as a mere result of centralized economic planning.

Fascism or totalitarianism is to be the beginning of social revo-

lution which supersedes capitalism.

It was in the third period — after 1929 —that the true signifieatire
of fascism became apparent. The deadlock of the market system
was evident. Until then fascism had been hardly more than a
trait in Italy’s authoritarian government, which otherwise dif-

fered but little from those of a more traditional type. It now

emerges as an alternative solution of llic problem of an indus-
trial society.^

We may summarize this line of thought as follows:

The political “revolution” of fascism also becomes an eco-

nomic revolution. The supremacy of the political powers over the
economy would be a mere fiction. In reality, the economic char-
acter of the fascist society also determines the political system.
The fact that Italian fa.srism started without a program of eco-

nomic changes would only prove that Italian fascism was not yet
fully developed. Even when the Corporate State was formally in-
troduced, fascism had not yet shown its real nature. This only hap-
pened when the Corporate organizations became tools of national
Thus fascism is represented as the beginning of a new Civiliza-

tion which supersedes the old Western world.

The Imperialist Nature of the “Corporate State”

It is easy to quote the practice of Italian fascism in order to

prove their theory — the Corporate State as a myth, with the poli-

^Karl Piilanyi, The Great Transformation, New York. 1941, p. 245.

ical leaders in authoritarian supremacy, or the Corporate system as
an anti-capitalist national socialism, with the political agents only

as organizers and protectors of the “new society.”

In Italy, in particular, but also in other fascist countries, the new

system passed through various phases —from relatively little State

intervention in the economy to complete regimentation and blue-

print planning of all individual activities.
But these changes in economic policies were always dictated by
the economic needs of the State: to get enough financial resources
in order to keep the gigantic inflated State bureaucracy (or bu-
reaucracies) intact, and to finance its huge unproductive expendi-

Guerin and others have pointed out that the political methods
of fascism are designed to increase the rate of profits for the pri-
vate capitalists, or at least for “big business.” But actually. Fas-
cism increases the unproductive parasitic expenditures of the
State enormously. It orders new investments in spheres which
sustain the power of the State without too much concern for the
rate of profit. Shortly, Fascism must requisition a huge portion
of the profits, with the result that most capitalist enterprises are
threatened by bankruptcy.
The rate of profit continues its decline, and many private capi-
talists must think in terms of their rate of losses. They may be
forced by the State to continue work and production though they
cannot realize a profit.

The following passage of the Cartd del Lavoro was originally

not taken seriously when it was written, but it became of practi-
cal importance at a later stage:

The right of the state to intervene in economic production i{

the private initiative is lacking or unsatisfactory

There is some justification in the claim that the Fascist State

has solved the market problem of private capitalism. But another
problem arises of even greater acuteness; the problem of deficit

spending, and over-consumption or underproduction. Therefore,

the fascist State must nationalize private monopolies, or organize
a new system of national monopolies, not for the purpose of so-
cial planning, but in order to increase the taxation of the private
individuals and also of private enterprises. Price policies are
planned from the same point of view. Thus all totalitarian powers
have established a system of control of agricultural prices. State
monopolies require the crops of the agricultural producers at
low prices while other State organizations sell them to the con-

sumers at exorbitant prices. The margin of profit is higher than

the commercial profits of private capitalism. But these profits no
longer are private capitalist profits. They belong to the State,

they grow to such an extent that the incentive for the producers
to produce, and for the workers to work shrink, and finally may
decline to such an extent that personal initiative can no longer
be encouraged by the State. Many individuals seek to circum-
vent the controls of the State in spite of terrific risks. They are
unwilling to produce. Therefore, the State must organize special
organs of control and coercion.
This was one of the original tasks of the corporate organization
in Italy, and one of the reasons for their foundation.
But these organizations contribute to the growth of the bu-
reaucracy and of unproductive expenditures. The system works
with a dwindling margin of success. Then new national monopo-
lies must be organized, and the latter fuse with the organizations

of control and coercion.

We may therefore define the Corporate State as a system where
an authoritarian State bureaucracy must rely on national monopo-
lies as a means of exploitation of the national economy, and on
coercive measures in order to force unwilling producers to pro-
duce for the State with little or no return.
The predatory character of the fascist State also creates a new
drive for imperialist expansion: the totalitarian spheres in the
struggle for ‘^fields of investment.” The aim is not to create bet-
tor opportunities for capitalist investments. The need for im-
perialist expansion arises from the urge to gain new or greater
national monopolies so that more individuals and more national
economies can be exploited by the authoritarian state bureaucra-
cies. The national economy is too narrow a basis for the authori-
tarian state bureaucratic parasite.
But whenever fascist imperialists seek new foreign expansion,
the spheres of foreign powers are threatened.
The centralized monopoly rule of the fascist bureaucracy fa-
cilitates the organization of a war economy. It encourages the rise
of militarism. It is experienced with the incorporation of all en-

terprises into a centralized economic system. But militarism and

war also increase unproductive expenditures and reduce the pri-
vate incentives for the producer. A Stale that can rely on the vol-
untary support of the majority of the people can create such a war
economy without drastic curtailment of personal rights and free-
doms. When the voluntary support ceases, the coercive measures
must be extended and tightened. Then national plans become
necessary. Therefore national planning under fascism is apt to
increase economic deficiences and the insatiable hunger of the
State for national products and services. Then partial controls
or a mere system of national monopolies is no longer sufficient.
Then the Corporate Slate must replace the system of national
monopolies with a system of national planning. The Corporate
State reaches therefore its ripest stage at the time of its greatest
crisis. If it could survive this crisis, it would have to rely on a
system of national monopolies rather than of national planning.

The universal nature of Fascism with revival of nationalist
traits and extreme nationalist propaganda also as a universal

feature —
will be more clearly recognized after the second world
war than before. During the first years of fascist rule in Italy or
National Socialism in Germany, the character of Fascism was
obscured by mysticism and mere political methods of suppression.
It seemed Fascism was only a change of political methods
of rule without attempting to change the economic foundation.
The Fascist leaders themselves did not conceive any social or eco-

nomic revolution. They were out to conquer political power, and

to hold it forever. The monopoly of political power not only had to
be defended against political opponents, but also against the dan*
ger of an economic breakdown.
As long as the economic foundation — private capitalism — ^was

able to provide the means for the maintenance of the huge in-

flated political machine of Fascism, intervention of the State in

the sphere of economics did not go further than in many non-Fas-

cist states. But when private capitalism was unable to guar-
antee the economic existence of the Fascist State, State interven-
tion in the sphere of economics became necessary. The Fascist
government was better prepared to intervene and to change the
economic foundation than capitalist countries where parliamen-
tarian rule made it difficult. Here it is possible for social classes
and group interests to exert independent influence and to act as
pressure groups. Their complete suppression under Totalitarian-
ism has been a common feature of Fascism in Italy, National
Socialism in Germany and also of “Communism” in Russia.

This “universal” phenomenon has been accompanied by the

establishment or introduction of institutions and “plans” which
were to change the economic system from top to bottom; replace-
ment of the private capitalist economy by a system of national
planning. Thus, the monopoly holders of political power, the reg-
ulators of production, fuse with the industrial or agricultural
managerial class. The State would thus become some kind of State
trust with the dictator as supreme Chairman of a giant corporation.
This conception of “managerial revolution” is in our view only
a trend which reaches its highest form in times of war — as the
fulfillment of the war economy. But this State trust does not solve
the conflict between the need for political rilonopoly rule and an
economic foundation which provides the means for the political

power. In a war economy, this conflict reaches its highest inten-

sity, with the political power greatly extended and the economic
foundation greatly weakened.
The bureaucratic fascist, national socialist or nationally planned
state Is like a gigantic parasite who must eat up more than the ex-

ploited economic body can deliver, yet, the parasite cannot be-

come the provider himself. Therefore, Fascist corporations are

tools of the State that must control, suppress and regiment the
private producers, but they do not necessarily change the economic
The Corporate institutions — as we know them — are of a transi-
tional character. At first they are a myth, then they are used in
order to establish strict “discipline” over hostile social classes
and also over social groups which are no longer permitted to
remain in an independent position, finally they become part of a
war economy, or tools of “national planning.”

In theory, it is possible that they could change their character

again, and become some kind of caste-like organizations, organ-
ized as a new form of “guild,” which must pay a heavy tribute
to the State though they may have functions of their own. Such
a transformation is, however, possible only if national fascism
could form a world-monopoly state. Then the fascist hierarchy

could form an international foundation for itself.

This form of “world fascism” can only be realized by wars

not only between fascist and non-fascist powers, but also among
the totalitarian States themselves. The entire structure of world
economy may disintegrate during such wars to such an extent that

the basis for any kind of world organization would disappear.

Bonomi, I.: From SocaUsm to Fascism, 1924.
Borcese, G. a.: Goliath: The March of Fascism, 1937.
Ferrero, G.: Four Years of Fascism, 1924.
Matteotti, G.: The Fascisti Exposed, 1924.
Mussolini, Benito: The Political and Social Doctrine of Fascism, 1935.
Nenni, P.: Ten Years of Tyranny in Italy, 1932.
Nitti, F. F.: Escape, 1930.
Nitti, F. S.: Bolshevism, Fascism and Democracy, 1927.
Salvemini, G.: The Fascist Dictatorship in Italy, 1937.
Sforza, C.: The Real Italians, 1942.
Sturzo, L.: Italy and Fascism, 1926.
Hispanidad and



Editorial Note

Fascism has scattered its seeds throughout Europe. Fascist and

Nazi ideologies existed in almost every nation, although there
were discrepancies and variations between them. However, Ital-

ian Fascism with some Nazi tinge was the popular pattern. Spain
had its “Falange” ; England, Sir Oswald Mosley's “Black Shirts"
France, the “Cagoulards" and the “Croix de Feu"; Norway, the
Nazi “National Samling" headed by Quisling; Roumania, the
Iron Guard, led by Codreanu; Hungary, Szdlas^s Arrow Cross;
Croatia, the “Ustachi” commanded by Pavelitch; Poland, the
National Radical Organization (ONR) and the “Falanga"; and
Slovakia, the autonomous movement commanded by Tiso with
the. Hlinka Guard. beyond the scope of this volume even to
It is

enumerate the barbaric sympathizers and followers of Hitler and

and Mussolini who have now disappeared from the scene; but they
are still capable of disseminating hate and violence. Their ideas
are not yet dead, and democratic forces must remain on constant
guard against the resurgence of their deadly ideologies, unless
total collapse of our morals and our culture occur.

Since separate treatments of each movement were technically

impractical and since, as a whole, they are generally similar, only
a single representative “minor" Fascist movement tvas chosen, the

“Falange." Due to its connection with Hispanidad it appeared

to he a particularly interesting example.
F. G.





Stephen Naft

Like Italian and German prototypes, the philosophy of

Spanish totalitarianism has two facets: one concerned with do-
mestic reconstruction —
Falangism, and the other aiming to justify
the expansionist ambitions t)f nationalist megalomania Hispani-
Hispanidad is as closely related to and as much one of the prin-
cipal tenets of Falangism as the theory of the superiority of the
German “Nordic Aiyan race” is part and parcel of Nazism and
its past activities and aspirations.
Expansionist Pan-Germanism existed as a theory long before
Hitler became its most active and, for a while, its most successful
promoter. Before the advent of Mussolini, Enrico Corradini prea-
ched the necessity of reestablishing for Italy the power of ancient
Rome, beginning with proclaiming the Mediterranean as the Mare
Nostrum. And Hispanidad, the revival of the dream of reestab-
lishing Pan-Hispanic rule over the Western hemisphere and all

territories once discovered or possessed by Spain, was also con-

ceived before the active organization of Falangism.
Nazism, Fascism and Falangism improved on the theories and,
particularly, on the practice of their super-nationalist forerunners.
While the latter wanted or dreamed only of enslaving or subjugat-
ing other nations, the Fascists of the various countries and shirt
colors varied or amplified that program by beginning with the
enslavement of their own compatriots.


The Falangists seriously believed that they would get their share
of the world — the Western hemisphere at least — ^after the victory
of the Axis powers, of which they were fully convinced.
A few years before the organization of the first groups sworn
to the destruction of the Spanish Republican regime and before the
creation of the word “Falangism,” a series of articles entitled

Defensa de Hispanidad appeared in the monthly magazine Accion

Espaiiola, beginning with its first issue in 1931. The author of
these articles and the editor of the magazine, legally published
under the tolerant Republic, was Ramiro de Maeztu, the son of a
Cuban father and an English mother. In his youth he sympa-
thized with and was even literarily active in the anarchist move-
ment, but in later years he became an ardent Catholic and mon-
archist, and the Spanish monarchy rewarded him with the post
of ambassador to Argentina.
His articles in the Accion Espanola, later collected in a volume,
became the evangel of Spanish Falangism and Hispanidad, almost
as much as Hitler’s Mein Kampf became the evangel of Nazism,
and Lenin’s What is to be done, that of the budding Russian brand
of totalitarianism.
Maeztii’s book contains a map showing the Spanish empire at

the time of Philip II, and there was no doubt in Maeztu’s mind
that the manifest destiny of Spain was to regain the lost empire.
There is, however, a slight difference between Maeztu’s rationali-
zation of the aspirations of Hispanidad and Hitler’s justification
of German world rule. Maeztu rejects the racial principles of the
Nazis. He bases the right of Spain to rule again over half the
world, including all peoples which once were under Spanish rule,
on the combination of tradition, history, religion, and “spiritual
heritage,” regardless of race, color and language. Thus we read
in his book (third edition) :

Hispanidad, of course, is not a race . . . the 12th of October

(Columbus Day in the United States and “Dia de la Raza” in
all Spanish speaking countries) is wrongly called Dia de la Raza^

It should 1% accepted in the sense that we Spaniards do nut
attach any importance to the blood or the color of the skin,
because what we call Raza does not consist of these character-
isticswhich can be transiniltcd by vague protoplasmic mysteries,
hut by those which are the light of the spirit, such as language
and faith. Hispanidad is composed of men of all races, white,
black, Indian and Malay and its mixtures, and it would be
absurd to seek characteristics by the methods of ethnography.
. . . Neither by those of geography. Hispanidad is not restricted
to one territory; it has many and wery different ones. , . .Tlic

climes of Hispanidad are in the whole world. And this lack of

geographical and ethnographical characteristics is one of the

must derisive features of Hispanidad. .. its spirit is nut the

attribute of one single country or any definite race.

Is it scope? All peoples of Hispanidad

history which defines its

were ruled by the same monarchs from 1580, the year of the
annexation of Portugal until 1640 the year of its separation,
and before and afterwards by two peninsular monarchies, since
the year of the discovery until the separation of the nations of
America. All these owe their civilization to Spain and Portugal.
. .The community of Spanish peoples cannot be that of voy-

agers traveling in the same boat, who, after having lived together
for a few days, say good-bye to each other never to meet again.
. . . All of their sentiment of unity, which docs not
them conserve
consist in merely speaking the same language, or in the coni-
iiiunity of historic origin. Neither can it be expressed ade-
quately by saying that it is solidarity; the Dictionary «>f the

Academy understands “solidarity” as a conditional adhesion to

the cause of others, and here is not a conditional adhesion but
a permanent community. . .

A once called the Spanish-American republics the

“disunited of the south” in counterdistinction to die
s’ ales
United Stales of the North. But much worse than the lack of an
organ of unity is the constant criticism and the denial of his-
toric sources of the community of the Hispanic peoples, namely
the Catholic religion and the rule of the Spanish Catholic
monarchy (pp. 36, 38, 39).

Maeztu is, however, not satisfied with the return of the former
Spanish possessions. He looks beyond that:

Hispanidad is the Empire based on the hope that the inhabitants

of unknown countries can he saved as we have been.

Maezlu’s hope lies in the emulation of Mussolini:

The Rome of Mussolini is again becoming one of the hub

renters of the world. Will not the old building stones of Hispani-
dad do something similar for us? (p. 289).

The book has a fifty page appendix entitled “Apologia de la

Hispanidad” by Dr. Isidor Goma y Tomas, Cardinal Archbishop
of Toledo, Primate of Spain. This appendix is held in the same
high esteem as a theoretical guide for the adherents of Hispani*
dad as Maeztu’s text itself. The words of the Archbishop were
intended to give weight to those of the author. The Archbishop
denies that the end of the Spanish empire in America was due to
“desire of liberty by some peoples enslaved by the mother coun-
try” and attributes it to the fact that the eighteenth century was des-
tructive to the spiritual principles which guided the colonies as
well as the metropolis — religion, authority and monarchy:

Atheism of the Encyclopedisls and the ideas of the demagogic

French Revolution were smuggled into America in Spanish
ships, the old sympathy for Spain turned gradually to France;
Madrid was supplanted by Versailles, and the Evangel by the
Encyclopedia, the old respect for the authority of the King by
an itching to try new democratic forms of government (pp.

A few pages further on the Archbishop continues:

. . .having defined Hispanidad, I say that it is a great induce-

ment and a duty for Spaniards and (South) Americans to

aceomplish the Hispanization of America. A temptation in the
good sense because every being strives for its aggrandisement, and
America and Spain invite each other more than other countries
of the world toward wide horizons of expansion. We have
. . .

conquered and colonized and lived together in the Spanish

spirit, and we shall have to reconquer our own spirit which

begins to disappear in America (p. 336).

Falangism, the most recent form of European totalitarianism,

was created about ten years after Mussolini’s ascent to power, or
about the time of Hitler’s first subjugation of a nation — that of
Germany. Onesimo Redondo, a doctor of law of the University
of Salamanca and for some time instructor at the University of
Mannheim, Germany, published for the first time in Spanish
chapters of Hitler’s Mein Kampf. In 1931 Redondo started in
Valladolid a pro-fascist weekly Libertad, in which he hailed Hit-
ler as the new Charlemagne. He announced that the swastika was

the eternal forerunner of the Latin cross of Christ. In August of

the same year he formed a Junta Castellana de Actuacion His-
pdnica, and three months later his group and a group created by
Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, who had launched a Manifiesto Politico
de la Conquista del Estado, founded the Junta Ofensiva Nacional
Sindicalista, henceforth known as the JONS. Ledesma Ramos
became its chief.

National Syndicalism

The name Nacional Sindicalista was chosen in imitation and

was an adaptation of Hitler’s calling his anti-democratic, anti-
labor and anti-socialist party “National Socialist Labor Party.”
The reason was obvious. In Germany before Hitler, the Socialists
had the greatest influence among the workers, while in Spain most
of the workers adhered to the syndicalist ideas and organiza-
tions. Thus the choice of the name was one of the impostures of
these fascist parties to win, by a party name, the confidence of
the large masses of the workers who had traditional and ideolo-
gical attachments to these denominations.

In May 1933 JONS appeared, and at the

the magazine Revista
end of October of the same year, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera,
the son of General Miguel Primo de Rivera, Spain’s dictator
under Alfonse XIII between 1923 and 1930, founded the Falange
Espanola. In 1934 the Falange Espanola and the JONS amalga-
mated into the Falange Espanola y de /cu JONS, and Jose Antonio
Primo de Rivera was proclaimed Supreme National Chief of the
Spanish Falangists.
In an interview given in 1933 to the editor of the Madrid Daily
Ahora, Antonio de Rivera said;

The world must again be ruled by three of four racial units.

Spain must be one of these three or four. It is situated in a
most important geographical keypoint and has a spiritual con-
tent which entitles it to aspire to one of these places in the
world. And that is what we should fight for. Not . . . to be a
country of medium importance because a country is either a
large powerful nation which fulfills a universal mission, or it

is a degraded people without inner values. To Spain must be

returned the ambition to be a country to rule the world.

That the principles of Falangism, in spite of its various changes

of name, alterations and addition of words for the purpose of
satisfying the various component groups, were simply and frankly
fascist from the very beginning appears indisputably from the
declaration of its first leader Antonio de Rivera. The only differ-
ence is its emphasis on its loyalty to the Catholic Church. In
the only issue of El Fascio, published in March 1933, Rivera’s
first fascist publication, he wrote:

We are Fascists because we find our origin in Mussolinian prin-

ciples; we are Nazis because in National socialist doctrines
vibrate our faith and doctrine. But above all we are Spaniards.
The National Sydicalist State, corporative and totalitarian, is

of Spanish type.

In an article, later hailed as the “Announcement of a New Age”

by the devotees of Hispanidad, Redondo wrote in 1935:
...A united Germany is the beginning of a strong alliance
between all German countries . . . and a united Spain will be
the bastion of revivified Hispanidad Thus, as the Germany of
Hitler has recovered the Saar and sooner or later will conquer
the will of Austria, so National-Sydicalist Spain will restore the
United Empire of all nations that speak Spanish. . . . Spain will
resume her historic task of redeeming the barbarous peoples and
the Spanish-German alliance will be placed at the head of the

The official program of Spain’s ruling Falangist party is not less

outspoken. Points one to six of the fundamental “Twenty six
points of the Program of the Falange Espanola” reads:

1. We believe in the supreme reality of Spain. To strengthen

it. to enlarge it, is the urgent collective task of all Spaniards.
Toward the realization of this task the interests of individuals,
groups and classes must be subordinated relentlessly.

2. Spain is a unity of destiny in the Universe. Any eonspiracy this unity is criminal. Any kind of separatist movement
is a crime which we shall not forgive. .. .For this reason we
demand its immediate and thorough extinction.

8. Our aim is the Empire. We affirm that the historical destiny

of Spain is the Empire. We demand for Spain a predominant
place in Europe. We submit neither to international isolation
nor to foreign mediation. Concerning the countries of Spanish
America we aim at the unification of culture, of economic inter-
ests and of power. Spain affirms its status as spiritual axis of
the Hispanic world, to claim its right to predominance in univer-
sal enterprise.s.

4. Our armed forces on land, on the seas and in the air shall
be as powerful and as numerous as will be necessary to guaran-
tee to Spain at any time its complete independence and its place
in the world hierarchy to which it is entitled.

5. Spain will again seek its glory and its riches across the seas.
Spain must aspire to be a great maritime power for dangiw

and for trade. We demand for our country the same predomin*
ancy (hierarchy) in the navies as in the air.

6. Our stale will be a totalitarian instrument and will relent-

lessly abolish the system of political parties with all its in-

organic suffrage, representation by opposing groups and parlia-


Among the twenty six points of the Falangist Program, which

by decree of General Franco became the basic law of the State,
point twelve shows a slight diversion from the traditional policy
of unreservedly supporting the interests of the large feudal land-
owners, by making, at least theoretically, a concession to popular
demands of land distribution. It says:

12. We shall enrich agricultural production by the following

means: We shall demand that a large part of the population
concentrated in the cities be returned to the fields to supply
them with sufficient labor, in return for the intellectual and
commercial services . . . and the units of tillage be apportioned,
in order to eliminate wasteful oversized landed properties, as
well as very small farms, whicdi, due to their poor yield, are

In other words the falangist program provided for the return

of many city dwellers to the country to reestablish a rural econ-
omy, for the profit of the “intellectual and commercial services”
of the metropolis. This may be partly a compliance with Hit-
ler’s announced program to transform the conquered or vassal
countries into agricultural colonies to supply foodstuffs and raw
material to Germany, which alone should have the right to manu-
facture industrial products. This was the economy which imperial
Spain enforced in its colonies in America and one of the principal
economic reasons why they revolted and seceded.
On page 161 of the ABC
Politico de la Nueva Espana by Fran-
cisco Moret Messerli, published in 1940 under official falangist

auspices, we read the following definition of the falangist con-

ception of their “cultural” Empire:
728 '
. . . Our historical past and vigorous spirit of the race impels
us and places on us the obligation to conceive the word Empire
in its genuine and original sense. Empire for us is rank, hier-
archy and power. The rank which corresponds to Spain in
world politics, the hierarchy established by frontiers abroad
and the power which is due to a great nation in the world. Our
Elmpire will be the expansion of our culture, the realization of
our irrevocable national destiny.. . .Our Empire is the legitimate
^all forpower, the inexorable resolution for command and pre-
dominance. The Empire requires, in addition to its moral and
cultural justification, a territorial basis. Without the territorial
basis there can be no Empire, because we cannot give this
name to a melancholy pilgrimage of harmless cultural missions.
Thus is defined our Empire, our wilL for Empire. We affirm
that the historical will of Spain is the Empire, that is, that
we shall only attain our pinnacle and our proper place when
we are in the central position, when we have the directing role,
when we place our country at the head of the world.

Jose Pemarlin, National Chief of University and Secondary

Education in the Franco government wrote in his book: fFhat is

new in New Spain, Consideration on the present Spanish situa-

tion,” published in 1938:

We insist that Spain’s final aims are absolutely peaceful. . .but,

to continue, its imperatives are the following:
. . .To extend, to expand our great Hispanic, Latin Christian
culture and our political jurisdiction and leadership, particu-
larly over the South American countries of Spanish Iberian
soul and language (p. 137).

And, on page 139, we find the following footnote:

Spain, in fact, has no material, colonial or imperialist aspira-

tions. It is. only through the most nobly disinterested cultural
imperialism of propaganda of its magnificent culture, the most
Christian and the most civilizing, and through its political
leadership (maestrazgo) that it will attain its imperialism and
its destiny.

On July 17, 1936 the Falangist and militarists insurrection was

started against the Republican government. Antonio de Rivera was
captured and executed in November of the same year. After the
outbreak of the insurrection the Carlists also joined the revolt. The
Carlist movement began in 1833 following the conflict over the
succession of the throne of Ferdinand Vll. Since that time there
were several revolts and civil wars initiated by the Carlists against
the more or less constitutional monarchy for the purpose of re-

establishing absolutism and the inquisition, as they openly pro-

claimed in their newspapers.

Carlist Traditionalists and Falangists

The Carlists, who call themselves Tradicionalistas, organ-

ized in 1936 armed forces known as Requetes and joined the in-
surrection against the Republican regime. At first there was a cer-
tain friction between them and the Falangists, but soon General
Franco, explaining that no divergent parties could be tolerated
in a totalitarian state, ordered the unification of all forces op-
posing the Republic. The Carlist party, whose official name was

Comunidn Tradicionalista, was incorporated into the Falange and

the full and official name of the united party became, and re-
mained thereafter, Falange Espahola Tradicionalista y de las
Juntas Ofensivas Nacional Sindicalistas or FET y de las JONS.
The name of the official organ of the Falange is FE, and the
paper explained that these two letters, the initials of Falange Es-
panola, express its principles at the same lime by the word Fe,
meaning faith.
The program of the traditionalist Carlists is the reestablish-
ment of the absolute autocracy of the monarchy and the Church,
including inquisition. That this program is being put into prac-
tice appears clearly from the constitution of the “New Spain,”
which stipulates that General Franco is head of state. Generalis-
simo of the armed forces. Premier of the Cabinet, National Chief
of the ruling Falangist party, and “since he is the author of the
new historic era, in which Spain acquired the ppssibility of reaJ-

izing its destiny, the Chief assumes in its entire plenitude the
most absolute authority. The Caudillo is responsible only to God
and history.”
The establishment of the falangist regime in Spain had been
proclaimed as the creation of the “New Spain.” How new this

Spain was to he, and actually did become, appears in a sentence

of remarkable precision in another official publication of the
Falange published in 1937, and entitled Falange y Requete-Or-
ganicamente Solidarios by W. Gonzales Oliveros, Professor at the
University of Salamanca. The purpose of the hook was to recon-
cile the clerico-absolutist Carlists with the Nazi-fascist Falangists,
who occasionally had bloody clashes with the former. It con-
tains the following sentence on page 30:

The Kequetes were the Falangist of the past and the Falaugisls
arc the Traditionalists of the present.

No statement of the Falangist intention of turning back the

cluck of history towards absolutism of the past centuries can be
stronger than this frank admission.
The same book also contains the following passage:

. . . ’Fhe imperial aims of Spain are not the imperialism in the

bad sense of the word, that is insatiable, immoral or amoral,
coveting what belongs to others, such as money, lands or rule.
It is not, it cannot be anything but an action of recovery, an

imperious (rather than imperial) demand of restitution, an

imperative of justice (p. 179).

Everybody knows that that which can be reclaimed is that which

is “ours,” and is unjustly in the hands of others. We shall from
now on place ourselves in a position, should the opportunity
arise, to regain what is inalienably ours (p. 180).

The true authentic Spanish American League of Nations or the

Spanish version of the British Commonwealth under the unified
king or Emperor. . .because in an Imperial union,
roiitrul of a

Spain cannot be just one of the republiis or another little

republic (p. 182).

In February issue of 1937 the Falangist

its uttiuial magazine
Fe said in an article signed by Miguel Gran:

For the America of our culture, our faith and our blood, we
wish more than just living together, more than friendshij). We
desire unity, unity) of mind, unity of economy, unity of power.
We desire to put an end to “Monroeism” in order to replace it

by our affirmation “Lo Hispano para los Hispauos” (What is

Spanish to the Spaniards).

The falangist constitution of Spain includes also a “Fuero de

Trabajo” or Charter of Labor.
Article XI, alinea 2 says: “Individual and collective acts which
iti any way may disturb the normalcy of production or any at-

tempt against it shall be considered as crimes of treason against

the country.”
Article XIII, alinea 4 says: “The leadership of the trade unions
well be reserved to militants of tlie Falange Espahola and the
In other words any attempt at striking for better working con-
ditions would be considered and punished as treason to the State

— that is by death. And the officials of the so-called trade unions

will not be elected by the members of the unions but will be ap-
pointed by the falangist party leaders.
That the Falangists and their most authoritative spokesmen,
even those of the High Clergy who in Spain supported them, were
not averse to advising the use of illegal means and of force, to
destroy democracy and basic means of expression, universal

suffrage, appears clearly from the passage of a benediction by

Cardinal Isidor Goma y Tomas, published in a special anthology

issue of Maeztu’s Accion Espanola of March 1937.
. —


And was evident to us by reasoning and knowledge that
since it

democracy and universal suffrage were embryonic forms of

communism and anarchy, we clamored that they must be fought
by all licit —
means even legal means we quoted in order to —
make it understood as best we could through the censorship;
that if wc consented to pul into practice the methods of legality

formal, but illegitimate — ^granted to us (participation in elec-

tions, was only to prepare the path for those who

etc.)— it

would one day march toward honor and glory, leaving behind
them legalistic scruples. We had therefore to fight against the
erroneous idea piopagated at limes in certain Catholic circles,

regarding the illegality of insurrection and the use of force.

In a proclamation issued in Salamanca on April 18, 1937, an-

nouncing the unification of the Falangist and the Carlist Requetes,
General Franco declared:

. . .We refer to all secular efforts of the Spanish reconquest

which found its expression in United Spain under Charles V
and Philip II. That Spain which united to defend and expand
over the world the Universal and Catholic idea, a Christian
Empire, was the Spain which gave the ideal pattern for the
later steps which have been made toward recovering the sublime
and perfect goal of our history . .

In an interview to the correspondent of La Prensa of Buenos

Aires, published in November 1939 Franco said our de- . .

sire of fusion with all Spanish peoples is at this time the essen-
tial part of our program, of our longing for the future” . . .

In a June 1940 edition of the “Informaciones”’ of Madrid

there was the following paragraph:

Inevitably this empire will have territorial meaning. We demand

the lands and conquered by our conquistadores,
which our missionaries have baptized with good Spanish names,
names which the pirates cannot even pronounce, and which soon
will enjoy the honor of being reincorpnrated in our empire. Is

it necessary to say that we have fought for this empire? Is it


necessary to recall that we ha\e shed enough Spanish blood for

this enterprise?

The monthly magazine SPAIN published in English during the

War under the auspices of the Spanish consulate in New York,
carried in March 1939 an article hy Julian Martin Rubio, Presi-
dent of the University of Valladolid, in which he said:

Nationalist Spain is hound to Latin America by a triple bond

the past, the present, the future. ... It is immortal Hispanicism.
It is the Spain of the past once again placed on the road to its

mission in Latin America. Nationalist Spain dors not take a

single step without considering the motherland and Latin Amer-
ica simultaneously, because we want to triumph and conquer
in our war in order to share the victory with our brothers
across the Atlantic, and if ne'essaiy to give it to them so that
they may be saved.

All totalitarian states created new emblems. The Nazis have

their swastikas, Mussolini’s Fascists have Uieir executioners
surrounded by the bundle of rods (for minor punishments), and
the Falangist government of Spain accepted the emblem of the
double yoke with anows across. The yoke as a party emblem is

characteristic enough, but the arrows in the emblem are the same
used in the sixteenth century by Spain to symbolize the conquest
of the Americas.

Consejos de Hispanidad

The Falangist idea of Hispanidad did not remain a pure theory

to be enunciated as a dream or an aspiration in fascist and fal-
angist newspapers and magazines. The Franco government pro-
ceded to .organize its practical activities by creating on November
2, 1940 the Consejo de Hispanidad, and placing it under the per-
sonal direction of the then Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ramon
Serrano Suher, the most outspoken admirer of Hitler in the Span-
ish government and the Falangist Party of Spain.
Among the 73 members appointed to the directing body of the
Consejo were the Subsecretary of the Ministry of the Navy, the
Subsecretary of Press and Propaganda, the Director of Maritime
Communications, the Delegate of the Foreign Service of the Fal-
ange, the Prior of the Dominicans of the Convent of San Sebas-
tian of Salamanca (it was the Dominican Order which was in
charge of the Inquisition), the Prior of the Convent of Rabida,
the Spanish ambassadors to Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Mexico and
Peru, and a few aristocratic grandees owning immense landed
properties, and among the falangist luminaries Jose Pemartin,
Franco’s Minister of Education and author of the book quoted in
previous pages.
In his decree creating the Council, Generalissimo Franco said
itwould be a continuation of the Council of Indies which governed
Spain’s one time American empire. The Council received juris-
diction over relations with the Latin American countries and the
Philippines, and the external division of the Falange would have
to coordinate its activities with that of the Council.
The magazine Civilizacion of Baranquilla, Colombia, published
in October 31, 1941 an article entitled Diatriaba de Hispanidad

by Jorge Padilla, revealing the five points of the program of ac-

tivity of the Consejo de Hispanidad:

1. Vindication of the conquest and the Spanish colonization of

the Indies (what is called to day Latin- America).

2. . Reconsideration of the historic process of independence of

the Spanish colonies.

.S. Struggle on all fronts against the philosophical and political

principles of the French revolution.

4. Fight against Pan-Americanism and particularly against the

policy of economic cooperation among the countries of
Central and South America with the United States.

5. Re-establishment of the Empire and of the unity and destiny

of Hispanidad.


The Cornejo de Hispanidad was created in 1940, shortly after

the return of Serrano Suner from Berlin, where he held prolonged
conferences with General Wilhelm Faupel, who had been Hitler’s
ambassador to Franco Spain from 1937 to 1939. In the same year
1940, Vigo, the westernmost Spanish seaport on the Atlantic was
greatly enlarged and modernized. In connection with the im-
provement of this Spanish naval base, nearest to Latin America,
the most important falangist daily Arriba of Madrid wrote in its

issue of December 26, 1940, that by this fact

clearly appears the reality of an authentic, powerful Spain . .

The enlargement of such ports as Vigo is done for such purpose.

Spain is looking once more at America, remembering her tradi-

tion and her eternal road, and demonstrating to Hisj)anic Amer-

ica her unfailing love.

When, 1940 plans were discussed in the United Stales to es-


tablish air and naval bases in South America, the open and se-
cret falangists organizations campaigned violently against any
kind of defense plans in the Latin American countries and against
hemisphere solidarity in general. (In this they were supported
at the other end of the political rainbow by th(5 Communists be-

fore the Nazi invasion of Russia in June 1941). In their news-

papers and their meetings the falangists painted in dreadful colors
the fate awaiting the Latin American nations if they allowed the
establishment of such bases. These projected plans were described
as the first step of the United States and Great Britain to deprive
the Latin Americans of their independence and freedom, which
only Franco and Hitler are willing and able to protect.
There was falangist Hispanidad propaganda before the cre-
ation of the Consejo de Hispanidad. But these groups operated
without official connection and status with the Spanish govern-
ment. After the creation of the Consejo de Hispanidad and its

branches in this hemisphere, the falangist groups surrendered all

their files and documents to the Consejo branches, and falangist

Hispanidad propaganda became an official Spanish government

Enrique Cantos, the chief of the Falange of Cuba, explained in

a public speech made in Havana in November 1940, the maximum
and minimum postulates of Falangism and Hispanidad:
“It is only natural” he declared “that the Latin American coiui-
tries should eventually come again under Spanish rule.”
Cantos was thereupon expelled from Cuba, and his successor,
and the more cautious apologists of Hispanidad, explained that
this was only the private opinion of Cantos.

The German Origins of the Consejos de Hispanidad

The Consejo de Hispanidad, as was mentioned before, had its

origin in Berlin. Its prototype and forerunner was also in Berlin.
In 1924, at the time of the Weimar Republic, the Latin Amer-
ican department of the University of Bonn, known as the Ibero-
Amerikanisches Forschungs-Institut der Universitdt Bonn; began
to publish a quarterly under the name Ibero-Amerikanisches At-
chiv, devoted mainly to historical studies on Spain, Portugal and
Latin America. In 1930 the organization changed its name to
Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut.
After the accession of Hitler that Institute was detached from
the Bonn University, transferred to Berlin and became a separate
government organization. Its director, a former Minister under
the Republic, Dr. Boelilz, was dismissed, and General Faupel was
put at the head of the Institute and of the magazine, for which a
Nazi editorial staff was appointed. Faupel was Germany’s lead-
ing specialist on Argentina, where he was Professor at the Mili-
tary Academy from 1911 to 1913. During World War I he was
in charge of German espionage and sabotage in Spain. After the
defeat of Germany, Faupel held the post of chief adviser to the
Argentine General Staff and Inspector General of the army from
1921 to 1927. In 1927 he became instructor of the Peruvian
army. When Hitler’s star rose he returned to Germany.


When, in November 1937, General Faupel was appointed Hit-

ler’s ambassador to Franco’s Junta in Burgos, another general be-

came the head of the Institute. Thus, significantly, two generals

were directing in succession Germany’s “cultural relations” with
the Spanish speaking countries. At the end of 1939 General Fau-
pel returned from Spain where he helped to direct the Nazi and
Fascist forces lighting for Franco’s insurrection against the Re-
publican government. In 1939 he resumed his post as director of
the Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut. One of the principal “cultural”
activities of the Institute was the printing of pamphlets on Hispan-
idad and the necessity of its realization in Latin America. It was
disclosed that shortly after the outbreak of the war between Japan
and the United States, the Japanese steamer Ishiu Maru arrived
in a Brazilian port to unload cases of falangist Hispanidad propa-
ganda printed in Spanish in Germany and consigned to Argentina.

The Nazis called, or still call, any country in which there are
Germans a Gau (canton). The falangists, copying this system,
call every one of their groups in Latin America “provincial fal-
ange.” But due to the identity of language, religion, family re-

lations, tradition and certain customs, the falangists have much

greater facility of exerting influence, particularly among the up-
per classes and among some intellectuals or intelligentsia groups
than the Nazis.
Falangism and fascism repeatedly proclaimed the principle of
“hierarchy,” hierarchy within the nation and hierarchy of their
nation over the other nations. Thus Hispanidad, as understood
by the falangists, cannot mean a free association of Spanish speak-
ing nations, but a subordination of the former Spanish colonies to
the ruling nation Spain, on the basis of the principle of hierarchy
as in the past centuries.
What the Latin American countries could expect after again be-
coming Spanish dependencies if, tired of Spanish rule, they would
once more try to regain their independence, appears in the words
of one of the theoretical leaders of falangism and Hispanidad
Onesimo Redondo. In an article published in 1939 he wrote:
Merciless struggle against the proponents and followers of any
kind of territorial separatism until their total extermination.

Falangism in Latin America

During the height of the Nazi victories many falangist organ-

izations were formed all over Latin America. Other organizations

not outspoken falangist, but of similar ideologies, mainly em-
phasizing or demanding greater power of the Catholic Church,
closely cooperated with falangist or pro-falangist organizations.
For some time they were quite strong in Cuba, until their or-
ganization was dissolved by the government. They were also in
considerable strength in Puerto Rico, where they functioned un-
der the protection of the democratic laws of the United States.
The Spanish colony in Mexico numbers about 150,000, and in
Cuba there are still about .300,000 persons who, after the libera-
tion from Spain in 1898, chose to retain Spanish citizenship. In
Puerto Rico there are still about 6000 persons, mostly of the
well-to-do upper classes, who preferred to retain their Spanish
citizenship. Their sentiment can be judged from the fact that dur-
ing the Franco insurrection they sent more than $1,000,000 to
Franco to help to overthrow the Spanish Republic. In Cuba the
Falange was able to influence the masses of the poor by establish-
ing soup kitchens and charity organizations called Accion Social.
When theCuban government dissolved these organizations, they
were resuscitated under the name of Fundacion Espanola.
In other countries, when falangist organizations either lost pres-
tige or found it more appropriate not to operate under their true

flag, they adopted more innocuous names, such as Fundacion Es-

panola in Montevideo, Hogar Espanol in Sao Paulo, Circulo de

Accion Espanola in Santiago de Chile, and Casa de Espaha in
Buenos Aires. They still seem to have considerable influence
among the aristocratic Catholic youth, who in Buenos Aires formed
an institution called Cursos de Cultura Catolica. Their enthusiasm
for Hispanidad is accompanied by all the other tenets of European

fascism, such as strong opposition to all forms of liberalism, de-

mocracy, masonry, British and North American “imperialism,”
and their professed conviction that all the evils of this world are
due to the Jews. They also glorify the memory of the ruthless
Argentine dictator Juan Manuel Rosas, who one hundred years
ago organized the “mazorca,” the Argentine equivalent to the Nazi
Gestapo, for the purpose of assassinating all those suspected of
liberalism or opposition to the dictator Rosas. Their ideas include
the restoration of the old Viceroyalty of the Rio de la Plata, by
which they mean the annexation to Argentina, of Uruguay, Para-
guay, Bolivia and Chile.
In Colombia, the falangists and their Hispanidad ideal have
sympathizers among the extreme conservatives .led by deputy
Laureano Gomez, the publisher of the large conservative daily
El Siglo of Bogota. Gomez once said in Congress: “I believe in
Hitler and hope for his victory.” Though the liberals were in
power in Colombia from 1930 to 1946, in that year’s presidential
vote a conservative president was elected. He, however, does not
share the extremist views of Laureano Gomez.
In Mexico the falangist movement and its Hispanidad propa-
ganda increased considerably in 1939 after Franco’s assumption of
power in Madrid. Falangist groups held meetings in many Mex-
ican cities to celebrate Franco’s victory, and the German, Italian
and Japanese diplomatic representatives attended the celebration
in Mexico’s capital.
When Mexico’s President Cardenas ordered the deportation of
the three Spanish subjects who directed the activities of the Fal-
ange in Mexico, a Mexican citizen of Spanish origin, one Augusto
Ibanez Serrano, became the director of the movement. On his
visiting cards he called himself “Franco’s official representative
in Mexico.”
Most Mexican falangists were recruited from the Catholic As-
sociation of Mexican Youth. {Asociacion Catolica de Juventud
Nacional) and the Accion Nacional, which claimed 50,000 mem-
bers among the upper classes and the “old families” of Mexico.
Another falangist inspired group is the Partido Autonomista Mex-
icano. The strong arm of the movement is the Escuadra Tradi-
But the mainstay and force of the pro-falangist movement in
Mexico resides in the Sinarquista Party, which claims more than
500,000 members recruited mostly among the native Indian peas-
ants. The leaders of the party maintain that they are cpmpletely
independent of the Spanish falangist movement, but except for
avoiding the Hispanidad issue, their ideas, aspirations and slo-
gans are identical with those of the falangists.
Each foreign Falangist group is required to keep a card index
of all Spaniards in its district, showing their residence, their poli-
tical affiliation* or political opinion, details of their private life,
their business and their financial standing. All this information
is sent to San Sebastian
in Spain, the headquarters of the foreign
department of the Falange. The information is passed on to the
SIM {Servicio de Inteligencia Militar) established in every Latin
American country. The latter sent its information in diplomatic
pouches back to Spain and from there to Germany.
Anyone joining voluntarily or under compulsion an organiza-
tion controlled by the falangist or the Madrid government, such
as their falangist labor unions, boy scouts, etc., had to take the

following oatli:

I swear by God, Spain and Franco and our National Syndicalist

Revolution to serve my country above anything else. I also
swear to fight unhesitatingly for the spiritual and material re-
conquest of our lost empire in Asia and America, for the creation
of a Spain, United, Great and Free, which has been given to us
by the victorious sword of Caudillo.

A. Books
Anonymous: Doclrina e Historia de la Revolucion Espanola, Barce-
lona, 1939, A. Nunez, 74 p. (This book contains the “26 Points”
of the
Falangist Program and the complete text of the “Fuero de Trabaio”
the Fdangist Chart of Labor.)
Benkyto, Perez Juan: El Nuevo Estado Espanol. El Regimen, nacional-
sindicalista ante la tradicion de los
demos ststemas totaUtarios, Madrid-


Cadiz, 1939, Biblioteca Nueva, 267 p. (Bibliography)
Bravo, Martinez Francisco: Historia de la Falange Espanola y de las
J.O.N.S., Madrid, 1940, Ediciones FE, Editors Nacional, 214 p.
Canalda, Elias Olmos: Sin Caretas. Democracia? TotaUtarismo?
Demofilia? Valencia, 1940, Tipograha Moderns, 283 p.
Erbler, Dr. jur. Hans: Spaniens nationaUyndikalistischer Verfas-
Sungs—4ind Sozialbau. F.l Fuero de Trabajo und das Program der
natioruilsyndikalistischen Bewegung. (Spain’s national-syndicalist consti-
tutional uid social structure. The Chart of Labor and the national-
syndicalist Program.) Weimar, 1936, Schriften des Instituts fiir Arbeits-
recht a.d. Universitat Leipzig, Heft 42, 220 p.
Franco, Francisco: Palabras del Cauditlo, Barcelona, 1939, Ediciones
FE. Editado por la Delegacion Nacional de la Falange Espanola Tradi-
cionalista y de las JONS, 319 p. (Speeches of Franco between April 19,
1937 and December 31, 1938.)
Gonzalez Oliveros, W. : Falange y Requete —organicamente soli-
darios, Valladolid, 1937, Imprenta Catolica F. G. Vicente, 228 p.
Maeztu, Ramiro de: Defensa de la Hispanidad, Valladolid, 1938 (3rd
edition), Libreria International. 22 and .368 p. (Contains map entitled:
Lands and peoples of Hispanidad under Philip II. Also includes Appen-
dix of Cardinal Goma y Tomas: Apologia dc la Hispanidad.)
Moret Messfri.I, Francisco: ABC politico de la Nueva Espaiia,
Barcelona, 1940, Editorial Salvat, 254 p.

Pemartin, Jose; Que es “lo tmevo” Considcraciones sobre el mo-
mento espanol presenle, Saiilaiider. 1938, Ciiltiira Espanola. 385 p.
Pettinato, Cocetto: La Spagna di Franco, Milano, 1939, Istituto per
gli studi di pnliti-’a inlernazionnle. 208 p.
Redondo, Onesimo; El Estado Nacional, Barcelona, 1939, Ediciones
FE, 169 p.
B. Periodicals, Newspapers
“Accion Espanola” (Semi-Monthlv). Madrid, 1931 to 1937 (Editor:
Ramiro de Maeztu).
“Ibero-Amerikanisches Archiv” (Quarterly), Bonn and Berlin, 1934-
1939, Volumes 8 to 13 (Director: General Faupel).
“Spain” (Monthly), mihlisbed bv Soanish Library of Information
(Spanish Goyernment Office). New York. 1939 to 1942.
“Cara al Sol” (Weekly) , published by Spanish Library of Information,
New York, 1939 to 1942.

Casariega. J. E.: Significado de la Hispanidad in: “El Siglo” (con-
servative daily), Boeota, Colombia, January 6, 1942.
Ledesma Ramos, Ramiro: La Conquista del Estado. Articles of Octo-
ber 3 and 10, 1931. Numbers 20 and 21 in his weekly “La Conquista
del Estado,” reprinted in Doctrina e Historia de la Revolucion Espanola,
Barcelona, 1939.
PizzARO Moi.tna. Ricardo: A Prondsito de la Hispanidad, in: “El
Pampero” (pro-Nazi daily), Buenos Aires, October 28, 1941.
Saenz, Dr. Mario: Hisoanoamericanismo. in: “Revista Juridica de
Ciencias Sociales.” Btlenos Aires, October. 1925, fp. 39 to 45).
Suarez. Jos^ Leon: Kl fbero-ameriranismo. in: “Revista Juridica de
Ciencias Sociales.” Buenos Aires, October. 1925 (p. 31 to 38).

Editorial Note:

The chapter on Pangermonism was written by Professor Fried-

rich W. Foerster, and that on Nazism by Mr. Friedrich Stampfer.
Professor Foerster was the leading German humanistic philos-
opher, and former professor at the Universities of Munich and
Vienna. A prominent German pacifist, he was proposed for the
presidency of the Reich, during the early years of the German
Republic, by the pacifist left-wing republicans. Professor Foerster
was the group of German paci-
spiritual father of that courageous
fists which included Helmut von Gerlach, Osietsky (winner of the

Nobel Prize, who later died in a concentration camp), Hainz von

Kraschutski {editor of “Das Andere Dfhitschland) , Genercd von
Schonaich, and others. These men staunchly opposed German
militarism and never yielded to nationalism;, often, they paid for
and some with their lives. Pro-
their convictions with their liberty
fessor Foerster resigned as Bavarian envoy to Switzerland, so that
he might be wholly free to warn Europe against the rising tide
of German militarism. A close friend of the late president of
Czechoslovakia, Thomas Masaryk, the latter frequently invited
him to discuss international problems, as well as problems con-
cerning Germany, with him. Upon the occasion of Professor
Foerster’ s seventy-fifth birthday, the Czechoslovak Foreign Min-
ister, Jan Masaryk, said:
. . “For fifty years Professor Foerster has been warning

the world against the Bismarckian way of life, against Pan-

germanism and vulgar Prussianism. The world, with cer-
tain notable exceptions, was either deaf or hard of hearing. .

If my father were alive today, he would be among the first

to think of Foerster with genuine friendship and great ad-
miration. It is not generally known, perhaps, that the first
president of Czechoslovakia and Frederick W. Foerster co-

operated closely and intimately for a generation. / remem-
ber many years ago my father telling me: “If ydu want to
understand Germany you must read Foerster, and I repeat
it to you who are listening to us today : You must read’
Mr. Friedrich Stampfer was one of the most prominent leaders
of the Social Democratic Party. Editor-in-chief of the largest So-
cialist daily in Europe (and the world) “Vorwarts,” (Berlin),

he was one of the leading personalities in democratic Germany.

Mr. Stampfer was also a member of the Reichstag, the German
Parliament. He was a strong opponent of the Nazis, and tried to
consolidate all the democratic forces in a giant struggle against
Professor Foerster and Mr. Stampfer represent entirely dif-
ferent schools of thought concerning the German problem. In de-
bates, as well as in writings, their ideas often clashed.
In his article. Professor Foerster discusses the German origin
of Panger monism, which was the godfather of Nazism, and he,
like Lord Vansitaart, asserts that the forces of German democ-
racy are very weak-, Nazism and Pangermanism are still highly
dangerous, he believes, and cannot be overcome solely by the
strength of German democracy. Since Mr. Stampfer deals only
with Nazism in his chapter, and, also, since Pangermanism is
treated by Professor Foerster, the former limits his analysis to the
origin of Nazism, and devotes himself mainly to its foreign, non-
German background.
It is true that various forms of exaggerated nationalism can be
traced to various European countries; but never in history had na-
tionalism exhibited so monstrous a form as in Hitler’s Germany.
The specific and terrible differerwe between German and other
nationalism can be found in the cold statistics of twelve to fifteen
million persons who were executed in the gas chambers, on the
gallows, firing squads, and guillotines. In the concentration camp
of Oswiecim alone, four million people were exterminated —men,
women, and children, old and young, without mercy.
Very few people realized such uncivilized behavior could be in-
stigated in a nation as civilized as Germany. However, there were

a few who predicted it: Heinrich Heine, in his “Letters on Ger-
many'' wrote: “Do not fear, however, you German radicals, the
German revolution will not be any the milder and gentler because
it was preceded by Kant's ‘Critique,' the transcendentalism of
Fichte, or even by natural philosophy. Through these doctrines
revolutionary forces have been developed which only await the
day when they can break forth and fill the world with horror and
admiration. Armed disciples of Fichte will appear on the scene
whose fanaticism of will can be tamed neither by self-interest nor
“Kantians will come to light who any reverence what-
will reject
soever, even in the material world, and who will pitilessly plow
up the soil of our European life with sword and axe in order to
grub out even the last roots of the past." And further," . Chris- . .

tianity has, to a certain extent, moderated the brutal German de-

light in war. But it could not eradicate it, and when once the magic
power that tames it, the Cross, is broken, the savagery of those
old warriors will burst forth anew. Then Thor will spring up
with his gigantic hammer and smash the Gothic cathedrals . .

We cannot help but bow our heads in humility that we belong

to the human
race which has produced Nazism. If such forces of
brutality and cruelty are still in existence, then tremendous efforts
are needed to develop forces to counteract Nazism and Fascism —
and not solely inGermany. Unfortunately, these two evils are
far from being dead. W
e must remain constantly alerted against
bigotry and prejudice in any form; for these may provide the
stiniuli of political magic which, at critical moments, may again

steer disoriented and ignorant masses along a terrible path of

destruction. Sir James Frazer wrote in “The Golden Bough," “We
seem to move on a thin crust which may, at any moment, be rent
by the subterranean forces slumbering below. From time to time
a hollow murmur underground, or a sudden spit of flame into the
air tells of what is going on beneath our feet."
F. G.



Friedrich W. Foerster

Clemenceau once allegedly stated that there are twenty mil-

lion Germans too many in the world. This was not intended as a
suggestion to free the world of these twenty millions; it was merely
a statement of fact that a disquieting disproportion existed between
the ethnic elements in Europe. The overwhelming quantity and
vitality of the Germans an impetus toward the
will always act as
enslavement of other nations. Clemenceau hoped that the prob-
able effect of that disproportion might be prevented by the en-
trance of the United States into the system of European balance;
but this was a vain hope which perished in rivers of blood.
In what light did the Middle Ages consid«*r the danger? The
great Pope who crowned Charlemagne foresaw that Europe would
be enslaved or torn asunder unless a center of federation were
created, and Germany firmly linked with both the Western and
Eastern worlds. Thus, he entrusted the Germans with the re-
sponsibility for preserving the unity of Europe. The German Em-
peror at that time was not a Pangerman overlord imposing Ger-
man law upon the remainder of Europe, but a President of a
League of Nations and the holder of an international office, who
had to coordinate the equal rights of autonomous nations. The
very fact that two of the emperors of that League of Nations,
called the Holy Roman Empire, were Czech Princes proves this
supernational character of the function. It was, therefore, a com-
plete contradiction of historical facts for the intellectual and


Pangerman idea to reclaim for the

political representatives of the
national German European zones which, although
State all those
formerly contained in the supranational Empire, had never ac-
tually belonged to the German nation. But it is apparent that this
great European function of the German Emperor has contributed
largely to Pangerman dreams, justifications, and plans for world
conquest, due mainly to profound and general ignorance con-
cerning the exact supranational nature of the first Reich. Modern
German nationalists fell into a kind of German “Provincialism,”
imagining they were entitled to continue to play a dominant Eu-
ropean role, without realizing that this role was conditioned by
the fact that it included a tremendous moral elevation which, in
itself, repudiated any type of world-Germanization. German his-
tory’s first important act had been Europeanization of the Germans
which, for centuries, provided the Germans with a universalistic
and cosmopolitan trend; but the modern German attempt at Ger-

manization of the Europeans was inevitably doomed to failure,

because every ethnic group in Europe revolted against a pattern

which aimed at the annihilation of the numerous, deeply-rooted
varieties of national types living on the European continent.

The Rise of Pangermanism

After the final destruction of the Holy Roman Empire in 1806,

two tendencies of German political evolution were felt: first a dis-
position towards reconstruction of a European federation. Such
great German Catholic writers as Goerres, von Radowitz and Con-
stantin Frantz, the Federalist, all agitated in that direction. Sec-
ondly, a nationalist tendency inflamed the Germans to demand a
Greater Germany which would incorporate all the Germans in
Europe in one vast National State. became apparent that
But it

the German world was a particular creation of European history,

and could not be dealt with solely from the national viewpoint.
As a result of the inheritance of the supranational- Reich, there
was so great a mixture of ethnic elements that no tracing of na-
tional boundaries was possible. Only a supranational federation
was equal to the tremendous task. No one, however, understood
the true nature of Germany nor the fact that national unification
Europe would prepare the way for
of a nation dispersed all over
a European catastrophe. The Pangermans were the only ones who
foresaw the actual consequences. Ernst Moritz Arndt, the founder
of Pangermanism, in his hook, Germanien und Europa, written
over one hundred years ago, declared: “Germany needs a great
military tyrant capable of exterminating entire nations.”
Here, in a nutshell, is the entire program of Adolf Hitler. The
necessity for destroying “entire nations” is considered justifiable
because the nationalist principle, if applied to the Germans, can-
not unify the innumerable number of Germans dispersed all over
Europe unless the States to which they belong are utterly de-

stroyed. This destruction was the logical consequence of a prin-

ciple which was totally unfit to solve the extremely complicated
German problem. Even Bismarck did not realize the full con-
sequences of the principle he had adopted ; but by embracing the
nationalist idea, and by exalting “might over right,” he created a
situation which gradually prepared the nation for its ultimate
conflict with the rest of the world.
According to own logicians, Pangermanism developed in

three stages: (1 ) The unification of the various German “tribes”;

(2) The expansion of the German frontiers in order to include
in a greater Germany all German minorities in Europe; (3)

Those Germans dispersed throughout the entire world were sum-

moned to enter a world-wide German solidarity. Thus, Hitler
demanded that every German, regardless of where he lived, should
consider himself an active citizen of the Reich, allegiance to
which took precedence over any loyalty allegedly due to the State
whose citizenship he had acquired.
As noted in Ernst Moritz Arndt’s declaration, it is interesting
to observe that the Pangerman passion had already possessed the
German people long before Hitler. In 1832, Edgar Quinet, the
French Protestant whom the Revue des Deux Mondes had sent

to Germany as its correspondent, commented upon the extent to

which this passionhad overwhelmed and overruled all the great
spiritual traditions and interests of Germany’s cosmopolitan era.
In one of his reports to the publication, in 1831, he stated: “Unity
is the deep-seated ideal, inevitable and constant, which moves the
country and pervades every department of the national life. Re-
ligion, law, commerce, freedom, despotic rule, everything alive
across the Rhine tends in the same direction. This unity is no tem-
porary harmony of conflicting passions which may dissolve the
next day. It is the inevitable development of northern civiliza-
tion.” Unfortunately, it was not only northern civilization but,

as Ferdinand de Bac said in his memoirs of an “exile,” a com-

munity of appetites which opened the south to northern aims and
proposals. Quinet continues: “In Prussia, the old universalism
and political cosmopolitanism have given place to an irascible na-
tionalism. This Prussian despotism is intelligent, active and en-
terprising. It needs nothing but a man who will clearly see his star.

Between the people and the rulers of Prussia there exists a secret

conspiracy to postpone political emancipation, to combine in ad-

ding to Frederick’s inheritance, and to avenge upon France the
disgrace, so long endured, of the Treaty of Westphalia.” This
statement concerning the hidden solidarity of the “democratic”
people with the military leaders is highly revealing, because it

shows how deeply-rooted new (German

in history was the conniv-
ance of the so-called Weimar Republic in regard to the secret
rearmament of reactionary Germany.
Both quotations shed a penetrating light on the well-founded
power of the Prusso-Teuton anti-European conspiracy. Panger-
manism has been considered as representative j)f only a small
circle of political extremists; this is correct if one views only the
small group founded in 1890, the Alldeutsche Verband. But tlie

passages quoted reveal that Pangermanism was the natural and

logical expression of the modem nationalist when it was trans-

lated into German, and contradicted all previous German history

which had been devoted to the organization of Europe on feder-
alive lines. Between 1850 and 1870 continued resistance was
forthcoming from the defenders of Germany’s supranational and
federatist traditions, but the entire trend of the times opposed
them; Germany was doomed to de-Germanization by western na-
tionalism and Prussian militarism. 1884 Constantin Frantz
sent his book on Germany and Federalism to Richard Wagner,
the great composer, who replied: “Too late, too late; all is run-
ning toward the abyss- I foresee for the midst of the next century
the return of mankind to barbarism.”
Almost forty years before Hitler’s advent to power, an anony-
mous book appeared in Germany in 1895, entitled, “Great Ger-
many and Central Europe About 1950. Its author wrote; “After
a certain lapse of time, eighty-six million Germans will dominate
one hundred and thirty million Europeans who will be condemned
to baser kinds of work. The Germans will have exclusive right

to acquire land, to enjoy political rights, and to be entrusted with

administrative and military functions.”
This is but one typical example of thousands of similar pro-
fessions of faith. from many of these may be found in
such books as The German Chauvinism by Professor 0. Nippold,
published at the end of the 19th century, and Know Your Enemy
by T. H. Tetens, published by the Society for the Prevention of
World War III, 515 Madison Ave., N. Y. C. The reader will be
impressed by the growing intensity of Pangermanism which is
revealed in these books.

The Rise of German Nationalism

Toward the cfose of the 19th century, Germany’s political in-

sanitymounted with dizzying rapidity. A typical symptom of the
new Germany was Treitschke’s course at the University of Berlin.
In 1893, Hermann Bahr, the Austrian author, described the in-
flammatory atmosphere in Treitschke’s auditorium; it bears a
striking resemblance to the atmosphere at Hitler’s meetings four

decades later, and proves conclusively that “Hitlerism” existed

long before Hitler. Bahr writes:
“As soon as I left the quiet of the philosopher Zeller’s lecture-
room and entered the steaming atmosphere of the vast auditorium
which could scarcely bold the huge crowd of Treitschke’s students,
another Germany smoulderingly descended on me: Treitschke, al-

ready almost completely deaf, was unable to master the cataract

of speech which poured harshly though hesitantly from his bark-
ing lips. What savagery there was in his eyes which, as it were,
gazed inward and boiled over with the visions of his ferocious
passions —
what paroxysms of a will which seemed almost de-
based! Old Testament, but beyond that, Teutonic fury! But the
fact that we were able to derive from his fuming enthusiasm some-
thing almost tainted or corroded, perhaps the agonized sigh of
some mysterious longing for a withered period in which the Ger-

mans were still a suffering people this very fact gave him even
more power over a youth which divined that it was destined to
surge forward over gravestones into the darkness of a mist-cov-
ered, uncertain future!”
This is a starkly significant picture of that terrible union be-
tween teutonic fury and Prussian militarism which was incarnated
in a man such as Treitschke, the former liberal idealist, who hailed
Bismarck as the man who best realized the German dream, and
who infused the new generation of university students with a con-
tempt for Germany’s spiritual past. Treitschke exalted violence
as the only creative political power, and his wildly stimulated
audience became the fathers of the Hitler Jugend; in fact they
were- Hitler Jugend long before Hitler.
Prussian militarism has always been considered an essential
cause of the two world catastrophes. Certainly, the Prussian war
policy was a vital factor, but Pangermanism was no less guilty.
Both Pangermanism and Prussianism were two giant trees deeply
rooted in German history which grew into one gigantic tree under
the sign of the swastika. Hitler was the South German who felt
that the Pangerman vision could not be realized without Prussia!}
militarism. In Hiller, Maria Theresa espoused Frederick the
Great or, as Werner Sombart succinctly said: “German militarism
is the complete union between Weimar and Potsdam it is Beetho- —
ven in the trenches.”
Even before World War I the German diplomat, Baron von
Eckardstein, declared in the preface to his memoirs that never
in history had a great nation been so deceived by official lies than
the German people. If we contemplate the innumerable number
of “official” German lies which were spread during the first war

and after it, particularly in the Hitler era, we realize how great
a contribution towards the rearmament of the German nation
was made by this gigantic effort to distort the truth; not only did
it rearm Germany morally and physically, but it tended to disarm
the neighbors Germany was threatening. Mussolini called this
type of propaganda the “white war” which preceded the red,
bloody war. Germany constantly lied about her true intentions-
and appealed to her neighbors’ ideas of democracy in order to
influence them towards her own schemes for so-called equality and
liberation; such propaganda paved the route to Germany’s big

Psychological Conquest Preceded Military Occupation

The necessity for such grand-scale German propaganda re-

sulted from the great difficulty a belligerent group encountered in
attempting to justify their ruthless policy to a peaceful people
devoted to economy, science, and art. Prussia’s neatest trick was
to falsify every act of aggression which its leaders committed by
terming it a necessary defensive measure. Thus, Prussia succeeded
ill arousing the emotional Germans to a pitch of wild hatred. As
early as 1866, the German historian, Otto Klopp, writing to Prin-
cess Eleanor of Schwarzenburgh, gave .an impressive account of
this propaganda:
“Prussia has set herself systematically to win intellectual Ger-
many to her service. Unfortunately, she has been only too sue-

cessful, particularly in regard to the historians whose works in-

fluence political sympathies and antipathies so strongly. Nine-

lenths of German historical writing is steeped in the Prussian
spirit. And that spirit is the same here as in the domain of prac-
tical politics, a spirit of inveracity and falsification; but also in-

deed, for that very reason, a spirit of aggression in every shape

and form —and, above all, against Austria. Long before Austria
was defeated on the hattlefleld of Koeniggraetz, Prussia’s silent

emissaries, books and pamphlets pregnant with her spirit of false-

hood, had made their way into Austrian palaces and cottages,

had confused and deceived men and had fettered their con-
sciences. Falsehood is labeled truth, and truth falsehood. A power
that has arisen and grown only by Injustice and violence at the ex-

pense of Germany and the genuine spirit of her people, is de-

picted in these writings as the' protector of Germany.”
This picture of the achievements of German propaganda in

Austria, long liefore the Nazis undermined the Danubian country

by open Pangerman agitation, presents a clear version of the in-
sidious manner by which Austria was mentally prepared to accept
ideas and plans which were contrary to her whole tradition. But
Austria’s fate was not unjust; it was due recompense for a blind
heedlessness which revealed a deplorable weakness of charac-
ter and dullness of soul.
By the end of the nineteenth century, Pangerman propaganda
in pamphlets, magazines, and books had become so abundant that
an entire library could have been formed from this literature

alone. It was a literature which poisoned the nation not only by

distorting all the issues in the field of foreign policy, but by in-

cessantly repeating German vindications for “a place in the sun.”

Unfortunately, there was not sufiicient sunshine on earth to satisfy
their limitless vindications.

Pangermanism Destroyed Chechoslovakia

The was as logical as the annex-

destruction of Czechoslovakia
ation of Austria, from the Pangerman point of view. German el-
ements in Bohemia had enjoyed friendly relations with the Czech
population before 1866; after that year, resentment grew and
soon a very real hatred found explosive expression in the Austrian
parliament. Hitler is the direct result of this “pathology of the
frontier.” By 1899 the German-Bohemian delegate, Tiirck, was
declaring in the Vienna Parliament that “the eternal German in-

heritance outside Germany’s frontiers must be reunited with Ger-

many, as was the case before 1866.” A custom-union with Ger-
many will be the first step. Then it is necessary that civil war
break out between the German and the Czech citizens of Bohemia,
and the Prussian army will march in and teach its lesson.”
But, what Tiirck neglected to mention was that Bohemia never
actually belonged to Germany; like the latter, she was merely an
independent member of the supranational Holy Roman Empire.
It all came true forty years later*. It is interesting to observe
that in1896 Masaryk foresaw the probability of such a counter-
blow from the Germans, should independency be re-established.
“We are not so simple,” he declared,” that we do not know that we
would not be able to defend an independent Bohemia against Ger-
many if German minority should oppose us.” After Ger-
many’s defeat in World War I, the first President of the Czecho-
slovakian State supposed that he hoped the crushing collapse of
Pangermanism would prevent its reappearance. He died too soon
to have seen the extensive deceptions inflicted upon his country
by the Munich peace and the events following it. A great deal of
agony might have been spared the peoples of the world if the
threatened nations had not accepted these deceptions and lulled
themselves with pathetically false illusions about Hitler’s ulti-

mate aims and about the so-called German people; the latter had
lost any real political substance, and were putty in the hands of

their political and military leaders.

Pangermanism in the United States

The background of American Pangermanism is highly inter-

esting. Like all backgrounds, it provides perception for essen-

tial and permanent trends, and presents valuable aid in our pres-
ent practical dealings with the results of a long evolution.
The United States, of course, is not an Anglo-Saxon country.
Its population is comprised of all races from all parts of the
world, hut the political community and cooperation of these vari-
ous elements is cemented and protected by the great tradition of
English law and liberty. Thus, at a period of nationalist madness,
America demonstrates the possibility of human community above
the bonds of blood and history. This fact is difficult for the Pan-
german and imperialist mind to comprehend. In 1847 a German
author, Franz Loeher, published a book entitled, History and
Situation of the Germans in America, wherein he concludes with
the following program:
“Indeed, it would form a beautiful historical picture, full of
life, probably even the greatest ever offered: Old Germany in
Europe and Young Germany in America, powerful exchanges of
influence. Old Germany holds the center of Europe and, for a
long time, has dominated that continent spiritually and politically.
She lacerated herself and became exhausted; now she is driving to
new unity. She concentrates her forces and rises to regain her
dominant role — will Young Germany, too, hold the center of
North America, and will it dominate this continent some day?”

It is interesting to note that in a book written in 1847, a peace-

ful, non-agitating scholar naively expresses the blunt conviction
that Germany is entitled to dominate Europe and America, and
that this conviction is based on the assumption that by the Middle
Ages Germany had already exerted this legitimate domination!
This mingling of Pangerman domination with the Holy Roman
Empire is the grievous error of the Pangermanists. Loeher in-
quires about the fate of the Germans in America, and then an-
swers his own question with the declaration that “they will become
Americans, efficient republicans and efficient business men; they
will mingle with and marry non-Germans and they will adopt some
of their characteristics. But their essence and expression will re-
main German . . . they can establish a German state, in which
their language will be the language of the people as well as the
official language, just as the English language is now, and there
the German nature will live and work, judge and govern, just as
the English do now everywhere. The next question is: where will
this German state come into existence? The usual answer is: the

North-West will become German; that means the states of Ohio,

Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan and up-
per Canada, —Pennsylvania with its foreland and part of New
York and Virginia on one side, Texas and ‘Arkansas on the other
side, those will be the German states which connect with the ocean,
— the Yankee states in the North and the Slave states in the South

will be cut off and border with the German states, whereas the
dominating part of North America will be the center, between the
Ohio and Missouri rivers.”
The book. Our America, published some years ago by the Nazi
agent, Colin Ross, who was forced to leave America because of
his agitation here, is even more incredible and startling. The fol-

lowing is a typical quotation:

“Expressed in the briefest form, our idea is simply this: Amer-
ica is ours. America is ours not only because German blood flows
in the veins of at least twenty or thirty million Americans . . .

but because in its origins America is a creature of the German

spirit. The question is whether these millions of Germans recog-
nize their hour of destiny, whether they are unaware that a de-
cisive moment has struck. Without fear of criticism, we may jus-

tifiably say of the New World across the Atlantic created by us:
Unser Amerika (Our America”).
The same author published another book, America’s Fateful
Hour, in which he asserted that the time had come for America to
make up her mind whether she would continue to impose the in-
herited English form on all elements of non-English origin, or
whether she would draw the consequences from her rapidly chang-
ing ethnic composition, and renounce the English pattern. Then
the thirty million Germans, aided by other anti-British minor-
ities, would soon conquer the leading position in the country. Ac-

means the complete dissolution of the United States

tually, this

and war between the various ethnic groups.

civil As a result,
America, the refuge of humanity, would disappear, and racial
separatism would hold sway. The real depth of this separatism
among Pangermanists and extreme nationalists may be noted
throughout Franz Loeher’s book, published one hundred years
ago. He writes:
“The Germans could create a civil order which would liberate
America from the chains and confusion of the near-dying English
law which is a mockery of the young Republic, and striking tes-
timony to American inefficiency.”
These hopes, expressed in 1847, were buried for decades. But
the growing power and expansion of the Pangerman center in
Europe revived them, and eventually fresh and unexpected hopes
rose with Hitler; there seemed a strong possibility of a victori-
ous German war which would elevate the German element in
America to its long-awaited position of dominance.
Concerning this possibility, Rauschnigg’s report, “The Voice of
Destruction,” relates that Hitler told him with great assurance:
“We shall soon have an S. A. (storm trooper organization) in

America.” Hitler remarked to Rauschnigg, in outlining his cam-

paign for the conquest of America, years ago:
“We shall train our youth and we shall have men whom de-
generate yankeedom will not be able to challenge. Into the hands
of our youth will be given the statesmanlike mission of the great
Washington, which this corrupt democracy has trodden under
When Rauschnigg asked, “Do you think that the German-Amer-
icans rejuvenated by National Socialism will be called upon to

lead a new America?” Hitler replied:

“That is exactly what I America represents the last
mean. _ . .

di.sgusting manifestation of a corrupt and outworn system.” He

continued: “National Socialism alone is destined to liberate the
American people from their ruling clique and give them back the
means of becomin^a grea» nation. ... I shall undertake this task
simultaneously with the restoration of Germany to her leading

position in America.”

The Achievement of German Propaganda

The intelligent vision and artistic temperament of Germany

gave the Prussian enterprise an incomparable weapon. German
propaganda, which is a unique product of German intellectual

force in the service of the German General Staff, may be likened

to the two types of human intelligence in Goethe’s Faust: one, in
the service of truth and inspired by the passionate longing for
truth; the other, in tliC service of the devil. Similarly, one also
finds in the new Germany great achievements of high-minded
scientific research, guided by an insatiable love for truth, as the
eminent chemist, Liebig defined it; but one finds, as well, Ger-
man intelligence and etudition devoted to the systematic distor-

tion of historic truth, in order to whitewash the true and ultimate

aims of Germany’s policy, to deceive the world about Germany’s
economic situation, her war-potentials, her secret rearmament.
The gullible German people, as well as the outside world, had
to be fed lies and more lies to conceal the realistic facts.
Hitler’s success was due, in a large measure, to the unceasing

efforts of Mr. Hugenberg who had purchased the popular news-

paper chains and succeeded in poisoning German mentality in a
manner which simplified the great demagogue’s drawing up prac-
tical political conclusions —and, ultimately, whipping the entire
nation ino a frenzy.
Therefore, one cannot understand the extraordinary dynamics
of modem Pangermanism unless one has previously ;grasped
Prussia’s gift to the union; nor, on the reverse, can the dynamics
of the modern Prussian system be fully comprehended unless the
tremendous impetus provided by the pangerman passion is taken
into account. With the advent of Hitler, the sentimental, romantic,

emotional German people, who had been anti-Prussian for a long

time, now entered into the Prussian system and made of its war-

tradition a new religion, a new Islam without Allah — a strange

cooperation of intelligence with insanity, of virtue with vice, and
of order with anarchy.

The Unknown German Soldier and the

German General Staff Find Each Other

A photograph of Hitler, taken two months before the German

defeat of 1918, shows him seated on a tree-stump surrounded by
his comrades-in-arms. He appears thoughtful, as if he were con-
templating the mistakes which caused Germany’s collapse when
sweet victory seemed imminent. Hitler once called himself Ger-
many’s “unknown soldier,” and he was determined to prove that,
unlike his French counterpart, the unknown Reich soldier was not
buried under the Arch of Triumph, but was alive and eager for
revenge. Hitler, the representative of the “common man,” be-
lieved that he personified a nation whose leaders had failed to live

up to the heroic devotion and perseverance of its people. During

four years of desperate fighting in the North, South, East, and
West, he had convinced himself of his own inexhaustible strength
and the superiority of the Prussian military machine. The causes
of defeat, he believed, lay in the leaders’ failure to provide inspir-
ation and vision for their unexcelled human material. The ma-
chine had not been fully utilized, the military command had
missed its opportunities, the political leadership had lacked co-

ordination. The people were not aware of the prizes at stake, nor
the golden chance being offered to Germany.
It is interesting that this man, “one of the nameless mass of

the German people,” as he liked to call himself, who was obsessed

with a burning desire to weld a permanent bond between the Ger-
man people and their military leaders, met General Haushofer in
Munich. Haushofer, the founder of Pangerman geopolitics had,
by his own experience, arrived at a similar conclusion: the Ger-

man people did not realize the full significance and potentiali-
ties of the conflict and, therefore, had failed to take their destiny
in their own hands. The brain-truster of the German General
Staff had returned from Japan, where he had been deeply im-
pressed by the extraordinary unity which, under a mystical auth-
ority enthroned above all common dissension, had welded together
the entire nation. Haushofer believed that the creation of such a
mystical, p’opular authority in Germany was indispensable; it

would bring the whole nation on the side of the military leaders,
and it would arouse their enthusiasm for the re-establishment of
Prussian power — Pangerman program, Haus-
in the service of the
hofer converted Hitler to this program; he even visited him in the
fortress of Landsberg every Wednesday, in an effort to explain
to him the possibilities and means for conquering the world.

Thus, the master-mind of the defeated General Staff and the

Unkown Soldier, representative of the German people, found each
other. This fact is particularly important because it throws a
searching light upon the great problem of Prussian militarism and
the German people, Goering was correct when, after the “day
of Potsdam” where this new union was sealed and feted, he de-
clared: “From this very moment the step of the Potsdam grena-
diers has become the step of the German people.”

The Racial Element in Pangermanism

The American sociologist, Hyslop, states in his book, Democ~

racy, that no metaphysical idea has had such tremendous political
consequences as that of the doctrine of the immortality of the in-

dividual soul. According to the author, this doctrine is behind the

whole evolution of individuality, individual right, and responsi-
bility in the life of modern nations — ^not as a conscious reference,
but as a political consequence of man’s spiritual evolution. While
in the last centuries of the Roman Empire and during the medie-
val period an immense mixture of ethnic elements occurred
and the longing for universality dominated the world, the
Italian Renaissance opened the era of individualism, but at the
cost of unity, community, and universality. Mankind entered the

phase of separation which invaded even the Universal Church.

The legitimate evolution of individuality also encouraged the lower
kinds of emancipation, and favored anarchic .liberty and self-

deification. What Pascal termed “Le Moi haissable,” the disgust-

ing self, was translated into politics. When the modem nation
consolidated itself, its tendency toward unity aroused the desire
for racial homogenity and led to hatred and persecution of di-
vergent racial elements. Pangermanism, a movement in favor of
a racial purge, was a natural and unavoidable consequence of an
irresistible aberration. But a permanent, shameful blot will remain
on the record of the German Christians because so many of them
not only participated in this kind of purge, but, as was the case
in Austria, even their leaders accepted an un-Christian persecution.
As Hitler himself declared, the demagogic anti-Semitism which
brought the Austrian Christian Socialists to power, was largely
responsible for his own racial propaganda.
In Indian philosophy, an idea cannot be overcome unless its

Karma, its deepest germ and content, is brought to full display

and evolution. The Germans were the logicians of modern dis-
integration; and Pangermanism was, and is, the chief bearer of
that process which still continues.

Pangermaii Propaganda Abuses the Word ‘Tro-German’*

During any discussion on Germany, much confusion is caused

by the lack of an actual definition of the terms “Pro-German” and
“Anti-German.” The so-called Pro-Germans should be asked to

express themselves with complete clarity. I would put it to them

thus: Towards what kind of Germany are you working? What
kind of Germany do you wish to restore? Do you favor the old,
constructive Germany, or the new, destructive Germany? That old,
great, spiritual Germany, which for a thousand years was the
center of European federation, or that recent Prussianized Ger-
many which became the center of European disintegregation,
transformed Europe into a military camp, and was doomed to
fall into utter depravity? If you honestly want to revive the for-
mer, you must oppose the latter with all your strength. You must
be ruthlessly radical in depriving the new Germany of all means
for organizing a third aggression. Such a merciless shearing of
her war-potential is being loudly denounced as anti-German;
but, in fact, it is not only the sole effective protection for the world
against Germany, but also the most efficacious manner by which
Germany may be rid of the cancerous evil which gnawed her mind
and body.

The Pangerman Menace Still Exists

Through its secret assistants and open propagandists through-

out the world, Pangermanism is once again on the political of-

fensive. Let us not deceive ourselves; it ismore menacing than

ever today, because its plotters have the advantage of knowing
and avoiding their past errors.
The Pangerman and Nazi conspiracy is no longer confined to
the German Reich. Today, it has at its disposal well-prepared
bases in many parts of the world. The centers of the conspiracy
are in Spain and Argentina. These two countries are the breed-
ing-grounds of World War III which is being hatched by German
officers, industrialists, and scientists working in close collabora-
tion with pro-German dictators and the world-encircling Falange.

The Pangerman Scheme to Split the Allies

While the victorious powers remain united and maintain a

strict and forthright policy toward Germany and her satellites, it
is doubtful whether any new German conspiracy could survive.
The Pangermans and the extreme German nationalists throughout
the world realize this fact and therefore use every opportunity to
create dissension among the Big Three. They hope to kindle an
atmosphere of enmity which' could easily be fanned into war
hysteria. If they succeed in their aims, Pangermanism will have

won half its battles. The Madrid-Buenos Aires Axis will then be
in a position either to conclude an alliance with the Russians
against the United States, after the pattern of the 1939 pact, or to
form a world front with the Anglo-Saxon powers against Russia.
Any such move would be the signal for a German comeback.
According to the German geopoliticians, every war shatters the
status quo. Formerly powerful states are destroyed orcondemned
to play the role of second-rate or third-rate powers, while dynamic
states have an opportunity of winning new positions of power.
The German militarists and geopoliticians hope that the third world
war will result in the destruction of tlie United States and the
Europe from America's tutelage”
“liberation of as well as the
“menace” from Asia.

Pangermanism in South America

Pangermanism in the United States is now a potential danger;

it will explode into overt action when American pangerman forces
join with corresponding South American groups. When the pos-
sibility of World War III is discussed, most people immediately
think of the tension between Russia and the West. But the South
American threat is menacing because it is so dis-
tantfrom modern world history where every
the great centers of
move can be controlled and registered. The control of prepara-
tions being made in German laboratories in some remote corner
of South America is almost impossible. Germany’s master-minds
are thoroughly experienced at secret preparations for war. After
the German defeat at Stalingrad and the Allied occupation of
North Africa, the German High Command realized they had lost
the war. They continued fighting because they desperately needed
time to complete their gigantic financial transfers to neutral and
friendly countries. Production plans for German secret weapons,
chemical formulae, laboratory equipment, even the experts them-
selves — in short, all the material and physical assets of German
war industry were transported safely to Spain a^d Argentina.
When all prospects of German victory had disappeared, the
pro-German officers in Argentina established an open dictator-
ship in the summer of 1943. The Argentine accomplices of the
Gierman High Command had to seize power hastily in order to be
prepared for the transfer of the disintegrating Berlin-Rome Axis
to Madrid and Buenos Aires. Peron’s “Colonels’ Lodge” in Ar-
gentina has been working for years as an agency for tbe German
General Staff. Today, Argentina is the militaristic, turbulent
Prussia of the Western Hemisphere who is determined to bring
all Latin America under her leadership, either by persuasion or
by Within a few years, Argentina will be one of the leading

industrial nations in the world, and she will have been developed
and led by the foremost German technical and military experts.
Since we shall have to cope with a powerful, German-dominated,
Latin-American bloc in the future, how can the United States or
even the UNO possibly control the production of rockets, atomic
bombs, and other secret weapons produced in the Andes Moun-

tains, and in the jungles of the Chaco or the Amazon?

German Financial Support of Organizations and

Newspapers in Argentina

During the last war, a prominent Nazi leader asserted that

should Germany lose the war in Europe she would continue it in
America. The Nazis considered the European front as only one
facet of their great enterprise of world conquest; the second and
future front is in South America where, for several years, they
have maintained high industrial positions and are able to continue
theirwork without any restrictions. General Haushofer wrote that
South America would be the great stepping.-stone towards the de-
cisive world conflict over German supremacy. Germany has as-
sociated herself with the great political and military revival of
the Latin world (Hispanidad), and is lending it her military skill,

intelligence and experience. Obviously, they hope to ultimately

become the true leaders of the United States of South America,


just as they hope to Germanize North America. It would he disas-

trous for the rest of the world to allow them to prepare their
destructive monster unmolested, and then awaken to its full horror
when it is too late.
Auguste Comte, the French positivist philosopher, said that tlie
living are governed by the dead. Actually, Spanish-German col-
laboration may be considered a revival of Emperor Charles V era;
even the Nazis referred to this first phase of Spanish-German Em-
pire politics.But the period of Empire politics has vanished
our present-day problems are far too complicated to be thus solved.
Human problems cannot be disposed of by tyranny, separatism,
sectarianism, or a vast bloc-policy. Only the genuine spirit of uni-
versality and democratic cooperation is equal to this great task.

The Hidden Enemy

The best book on Pangerman agitation was written by a Ger-

man refugee, H. Pol, and is entitled. The Hidden Enemy. De-
spite the clamor the Pangerman movement has produced, the ex-
tension and the greatness of the real danger has not yet been fully
realized, either in Germany or abroad. In his book, Pol related
that he attended the great demonstrative meeting in which the
“Alldeutsche Verband,” a highly organized Pangermanistic
group, celebrated the fortieth anniversary of its foundation
(1930). He was by the fact that leading bankers, indus-
trialists, and prominent delegates from all over the world were
present, representing the elite of far-flung German power. Mr.
Hugenberg, member of the Krupp Board of Directors, greeted
Hitler’s storm-troopers as “the incarnation of future Germany.”
The cry went up: “Long live Pangermany!” The author, impressed
by demonstration which he considered an alarming threat to

the world, sent a report to the leading liberal newspaper, the

“Vossische Zeitung,” on it. The report was thrown into the waste-
basket, and Pol was told, “We won’t publish propaganda for these
people. You must not take the shouting of this Pangerman clique
too seriously. remember them.”
In a few months, no one will
Such was the typical blindness of liberal Germany.
The Republicans considered the Pangermans impotent shadows,
and completely underestimated this “Great Germany” who awaited
her hour behind the scenes. Two years later these shadows dis-
persed the Republicans, and a year later the storm-troopers had
their day. But Minister Severing of the Interior had declared:
“If ever these people risk a revolt, I do not need my police. I

shall disperse them by fire-engines.”

The menaced nations were even more blind. Toward the very
end of the war the “American Mercury,” which obviously reflected
the views of certain official circles in Washington, published the
“We will refuse to deal with any member of the Hitler gang,
hut we any time with any responsible element ready
will deal at
to overthrow the Nazis and to disarm the German army. We will
sign a treaty with the Prussian Junkers if and when they are
Fortunately, the Nuremberg trial furnished all the necessary
documents to prove that the army and the Junkers had produced
Hitler. He was merely the popularizer and executor of their
plans; and General Keitel, later hanged, was the symbol of that
A German general, when asked his opinion of Hitler, is al-
leged to have replied: “Hitler is a
the fulfillment of the prayer of
soldier,” In truth. Hitler was the logical expression of the entire
historic trend of the Prussian robber-state; he unmasked the ban-
dits disguised as military knights. For this reason. Justice Jack-

son justifiably told tbe General: “Hitler’s crimes are your crimes.”
Nationalist Germany is like the legendary serpent whose poison-
swollen mouth produced a new head for every one destroyed;
Pangermanism is the mouth, and Hitler was the latest head. Un-
less we open our eyes in time, they will produce a rich harvest of
new heads.
For Bibliography see next chapter
Nazism: Its Spiritual




Friedrich Stampfer

Revolution and Counter-revolution

This writer still clings to the opinion that man is somewhere

on the way from the animal to a “Supreme Being.” History proves
that he is able to increase his knowledge of the forces of nature
and power over them. Although he will never become “al-
mighty” and “omniscient” he can become mightier and wiser.
Whether he is able to improve the relations between man and
man in the direction of divine kindness (which so far he has not
been able to do) is still an open question. However, the course of
human history is full of heroic attempts toward that goal, fol-

lowed often by distressing failures and miserable disillusion-

ments. An optimistic view, in this respect, is common to Chris-
tianity, Liberalism, and Socialism. Although disagreeing in many
other points, they are united in their conviction of human ability
to improve human ethics.

In the terminology of the nineteenth century, we call man’s

every step in the direction of increased power and knowledge
“progress.” The swiftand turbulent stages in this progress arc
“revolutions,” and movements of the same speed and lumultu-
ousness in the opposite direction are “counter-revolutions.” In
consequence, the so-called “national socialist revolution” appears
to us as the most brutal and disastrous counter-revolution of all

times, and as a product, not so much of a particular “national

character,” as of extremely vehement tensions within the struc-
ture of the German nation in the first decades of our century.
It is a well-known fact that every political revolution on the
European continent was accompanied, interrupted, or followed by
counter-revolutionary movements. Counter-revolutions are the wars
of revenge among the civil wars, and this is one of two facts which
cause their extreme cruelty. The other one is the intellectual and
moral inferiority of the masses, brought into action by them.
These masses consist, generally speaking, of bold adventurers and
illiterate, backward people, led by lust for booty and by super-
stition. The great French Revolution deserves its name not for
the cruelties committed in its course, but in spite of them. It was
a heroic attempt to improve the relations between man and man
with Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity as the ultimate goal. Robes-
pierre was a greater when he pleaded for the abol-

ition of the death penalty than some years later, when he became

the leader of “la Terreur.” Out of the Great Revolution came the
great adventurer Napoleon, the regime of the sabre and the na-
tionalist “gloire.”

The movements of 1848 were crushed everywhere in Europe,

even in the most revolutionary-minded country, France. France,
at this time, experienced the first attempt of a revolution which
was not bourgeois but proletarian, not only democratic, but also
socialistic. The frightened upper classes reacted with utmost
cruelty and mass slaughter. France put the clock back, and (after

an interregnum of two dynasties and one short-lived Republic)

the Empire re-appeared. Napoleon le Grand was followed by
Napoleon le petit, a figure whose similarities with Hitler have
been stressed by many historians. Both of them shrewd dema-
gogues, they founded their power on plebiscites and ruthless sup-
pression of the opposition. Both were favored by periods of eco-
nomic welfare and military and diplomatic triumphs. Both suc-
ceeded in thwarting all attempts to overthrow them from within.
Both were crushed by a final military defeat.

It may be dubious whether the Commune, the insurrection of the

workers of Paris in 1871, was not rather an act of sheer desper-
ation than a revolutionary uprising. Nevertheless, it was sup-
pressed by outrageous acts of vengeance which, according to Marx,
have had no parallel in history since the days of Sulla.
It is quite true that the revolutions in Germany never eventu-
ated in much bloodshed and triumphant victories. However, the
spiritual and even the political revolutions of the last two hun-
dred years had no less far reaching consequences in Giermany
than in any other country of Europe or America. Heine, com-
paring Kant with Robespierre, found that the former was the
greater revolutionist of the two, because it was he who dethroned
God himself, and not only a king. The great philosopher of Koen-
igsberg, remained faithful to the French Revolution, even in the

time of the terror, when most of his disciples, like Schiller, turned
away with horror. On the other hand, it was the same Friedrich
Schiller who popularized Kantian liberalism and humanism. The
French Revolution came to the Germans with the sword of the
conqueror. The impact of the Napoleonic era was not strong
enough to kill the humanitarian and cosmopolitan spirit of the

eighteenth century, but strong enough to split it up. J. G. Fichte,

although preaching equal rights for all human beings, became the
most ardent apostle of the “war of liberation.” George F. W. He-
gel’s philosophy gave the strongest support not only to those who
believed in the irresistibility of human progress but also to those
who admired the reactionary Prussian State as the embodiment
of Reason. In the course of history it became apparent that liber-
alism and nationalism were brothers —brothers like Abel and
The bourgeoisie in the time of its ascent, and later on the pro-
letariat, followed the “left” trends in the spiritual development
of Germany, whilst the ruling classes adhered strongly to the
*‘right.” Both had their own interpreters and interpretations of the
difficult language of the German philosophers. However, Marx
and Engels were right in asserting that their “scientific socialism”
was heir nut unly to the French and English Utopians, hut also to

the German classical philosophy.

At the turn of the century, Germany was held to be the focus

of social revolution. The theory of Marx and Engels, not yet
adopted as the state religion of a despotic imperialism, gained ad-
herents throughout the world. The Social Democratic Labor Move-
ment of Germany gave the pattern for all similar movements,
striving for democratic socialism by legal or revolutionary means.
The German party itself preferred peaceful progress to violent
revolution, without excluding the possibility of the latter. In the
last years before World War I, even representatives of the mod-
erate wing advocated a general strike with its possibly bloody con-
setiuences, in order to win universal suffrage to the Prussian Did
and to smash the' power of the Junkers.
Defeat was followed by revolution. Imperial and royal crowns
fell into the dust like dead leaves. The Social Democrats suc-
ceeded in the creation of a German Republic which had, as they
said proudly, “the most democratic constitution of the world.”
For the first time in German history, men from the working classes
were called to the highest official duties, reserved until then to

a small aristocratic minority. Trade unionism made heavy gains

by obtaining a new charter for Labor. Organized workers re-
mained as members of the varying governments until the ac-
cession to office of the von Papen government in 1932.
The fourteen years of the first German Republic were char-
acterized by the efforts of the progressive elements to foster peace-
ful progress inside Germany as well as outside it. It was of sym-
bolic significance when the Social Democratic “Vorwaerts” cele-
brated the entry of Germany into the League of Nations with the
same words with which the pan-German “Taegliche Rundschau”
had greeted the entry into the first World War: “This hour we
longed for. Now it has come, this sacred hour.” It was no less
significant when the Social Democrats struggled for the aboli-
tion of the death penalty. When the Social Democrat Hermann
Mueller was Chancellor of the Reich in. 1929, just four years be-

fore the beginning of the Nazi reign of terror, not a single execa
tion took place. It is obvious that in Germany, at that time, there
was no “Jewish question” at all. Assimilation, in progress for
many decades, seemed to *be almost total. In government as well
as in business, in the press, and in art, Jews won prominence,
partly because of their ability, partly because they were the most
progressive elements among the intelligentsia. There was no doubt
about their faithfulness to the republic, whereas many University
graduates of another creed or origin still clung to the old ideals
of monarchy and reaction. The revolution of 1918 completed the
transformation of Germany to a democracy of the Western type.
It was no less a revolution because it did not destroy all the rem-
nants of the old constitution and the old society. No revolution in
history was a definite total success.

There are many reasons why this revolution did not go deeper
to the roots of imperial Germany. One of them was, without any
doubt, the outspoken aversion of the Social Democrats to blood-
shed. You may call it, if you wish, “weakness.” Another reason
was their respect for the rules of democracy. There was no ma-
jority in the parliament for the confiscation of the big industrial
plants or for tbe expropriation of the big estates. Moreover, there
were, in fact, good reasons for the postponement of such measures.
Private property was respected by the law of Nations, and the law
of Nations was still in effect, to some extent at least, at that time.
Nationalized property, on the other hand, could be transferred
easily into the possession of the victorious allies, as reparations.
It was also obvious that the expropriation of the big estates and
their partition into small farms could not be accomplished with-
out diminishing the crops and increasing the danger of starva-
tion. But in spite of these good reasons, the shortcomings of the
revolution of 1918 were fatal in their effect. The big industrial-
ists and landowners, most of them hostile to the republic, retained
a tremendous economic power. There were, on the other hand,
the dismissed young officers who knew no other business than war,
^nd the middle class people, ruined by the inflation, all of them
770 '
dissatisfied with the state of the nation and “novarum renim cu-
pidi.” These were the elements out of which emerged the army of
the counter-revolution.
The alliance of the deposed ruling classes with the “lumpen-
proletariat” or mob, for the purpose of regaining power, is by
no means a new experience in human history. Neither is the dic-
tator, called “tyrannos” by the Greeks. Aristotle in his “politics”

remarked that in the early days of Ancient Greece the famous

generals often became “tyrannoi,” but later they were replaced
by popular rhetoricians. Although the danger of historic com-
parisons is obvious, who canupon reading the sentences

of this old Greek philosopher, from thinking of Hindenburg and

Hitler? It is easy to understand why the German counter-revolu-

tion assumed the form of an overexcited nationalist movement.

Nationalism is, as will be shown later on, an international phen-

omenon of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Lust for re

venge is always one of the consequences of defeat. Arbitrary an-
nexations always have been answered by ardent irredentas. Mil-
from foreign
itary occupation instigated the desire for liberation
domination. It was the German Republic which had to bear,
after the downfall of the monarchy, the heavy burdens of a lost
war, and which could easily be made responsible for the misery
of that time. Moreover, the victors of World War I were the
great democracies of the West, and their standard bearer Wood-
iX)w Wilson had promised a just peace, founded on the principles
of democracy and national self determination. Thus the enemies
of the German Republic found themselves in an enviable posi-
tion. They could accuse the Western democracies of having be-
trayed their principles, and they could accuse the German de-
mocracy of being the dupe of shrewd enemies who spoke of liberty
and meant exploitation and suppression. What could the unfor-
tunate rulers of the German Republic do? Theoretically, they
could defend the peace of Versailles as democratic, just and as
a consequence of the German war guilt. However, they could
not do so without being confronted with many outstanding person-
alities of the allied countries who emphatically denied the uni-
lateral war guilt of the German people and decried the peace of
Versailles as undemocratic, unjust, and as a source of future wars.
And they could not do it —which is even more important — ^with-
out being disproved by open facts which weighed heavily on the
Gierman people.
Opportunity not only makes the thief, but also the demagogue.
What an opportunity for the demagogue, in those times!
It is quite true that the immediate cause of the Nazi suc-
cess in 1932 was not the Treaty of Versailles, but the economic
crisis. However, it would be misleading to suppose that the masses
which went over to Hitler in 1932 had been, until then, pacifists
and internationally minded. There had been on the contrary,
a strong nationalist opposition since the signing of the treaty. The
nationalist opposition had already succeeded in 1925 in elect-
ing Hindenburg president of the Republic by 14,700,000 votes,
one million more than Hitler gained in 1932 at the height of his
legal victories. The only effect of the impact of the economic
crisis was to aggravate the situation, to make the masses of the
nationalist opposition more radical and to give the extremists the
opportunity of taking over the leadership. In the meanwhile, there
was no other way open to the rulers of the Republic than to fight
against what they felt was unjust in the treaty, and to insist on al-

leviation. If these efforts had succeeded and had been -followed

by economic recovery, the Republic could have ])een saved. It was

one of the most unfortunate events of History, that the partial re-

form of the treaty coincided with the most formidable economic

crisis of all times. Now again the former ruling classes faced
bankruptcy and the danger of revolution. Again the middle class
people trembled for their bare existence. Now the industrial work-
ers seemed to them a privileged class, favored by the laws of so-

cial The workers themselves stood before closed fac-

tories and emptied war chests. Defenders of democracy by tra-
dition and education, the working class was weakened econom-
ically and divided politically by the communist demagogy. There
was despair, collusion, disorder, tumult. But above everything
sounded the trumpets announcing the coming of the savior. Time
was ripe for counter-revolution and dictatorship.

The Theory; French Influences

Revolutionary movements of the past, liberal as well as so-

cialist, were by revolutions of political philosophy. The

liberal revolution of the end of the eighteenth century is unthink-
able without the spiritual preparation by Rousseau, Voltaire, and
Montesquieu. The socialist Labor movement could not start and
win power without the hrainwork of a great thinker like Karl
Marx. Searching for the intellectual preliminaries of the Ger-
man counter-revolution, you will find neither a theoretical sys-
tem complete in itself, nor an imposing personality. In spirit, the

from hand to mouth.

so-called “national socialist revolution” lived
Nothing more significant for this theoretical opportunism

than a casual remark of Hitler in his standard work Mein Kampf.

There he told us how he, as a young man, attended a lecture of
Gottfried Feder, a once popular dilettante in economics who later
sank into complete oblivion. The core of Feder’s theory was that
it was not the industrial capital, owned mostly by Gentiles, but
only the financial capital, owned by Jews, which was the real foe
of the German people, and that the power of this Jewish capital
could be destroyed by abolition of capital interests. Hitler, as he
told us himself, was fascinated by this scientific elucidation. “I
grasped it at once,” he remarked triumphantly. What the dem-
agogue “grasped at once” was not the truth — for he was, by no
means, in search of —but
it it was the excellent opportunity for
mass propaganda. Thundering against the “raffende Kapital,” the
“robbing capital,” of the haute finance, he could spare the “schaf-
fende Kapital,” the “working capital,” of his industrial spon-
sors. He could please the middle class people, the big landown-
ers and the peasants who longed for liberation from the burdens
of their debts. And he could confuse the workers by pretending

to be a socialist, too. In discovering the propaganda value of

Feder’s scientifically worthless theory, he revealed his gift of in-

tuition as a shrewd demagogue, unscrupulous in the choice of his

means. Obsessed by the idea of power. Hitler and his henchmen
had nothing but contempt for the power of ideas. Small wonder
that the theory of the “national socialist revolution” never grew
up to scientific heights hyt stuck fast in a kind of opportunistic
eclecticism. Hitler’s contempt for any kind of political theory
was characterized also hy a story told hy Konrad Heiden in his ex-
cellent book Der' Fuehrer. When Alfred Rosenberg had finished
his book The Myth of the Twentieth Century, he gave the fat man-
uscript to Hitler, for it contained some rather daring passages
which Rosenberg, thinking of the party’s reputation, did not want
to publish without Hitler’s approval. Hitler took the pages home
and put them on his night table where Rosenberg, when he called,
saw them lying untouched. This went on for a year. Then the
author grew impatient and asked to have the manuscript back.
Hitler gave it to him and said: “1 feel sure that it’s all right.”
It is a paradoxical fact that nothing is more international than

nationalism. The two great figures adorning the foundation of the

theory of true teutonism are a Frenchman and an Englishman:
Count Arthur de Gobineau (1816-1882) and Houston Stewart
Chamberlain (1855-1927). The fundamental importance of these
writers was acknowledged by no lesser an authority than Pro-
fessor Ernst Hasse, a well-known protagonist of pangermanism.
In his book “Deutsche Politik” (1905) he accused liberalism of
disrespect of the idea of racism which, however, was rediscovered
by Gobineau and Chamberlain “who felt themselves Teutons and
assigned to the Germans the highest rank among the Teutons.”
Gobineau found his German prophet in Ludwig Schemann. He
translated Gobineau’s standard work “Essai sur I’lnegalite des
Races Humaines” into German, and wrote a voluminous biography
of his hero.. It goes without saying that Schemann, with German
thoroughness, started by examining the ancestry of Gobineau who
was, of course, not only a gifted writer but also a member of the
old French nobility. Schemann was sincere enough to confess
Gobineau himself had written about his an-
that everjrthing that
cestors was based on mere phantasy: “For after all he deemed
himself to be a son of Odin.” Gobineau, proud of his alleged
Nordic ancestry, proclaimed in his work the superiority of the
white race over the colored races, the supremacy of the Aryans
among white men, and the Nordic race among the Aryans. “All
his life,” writes Schemann, “was a matchless protest against hu-
manitarianism which has no comprehension of or appreciation for
nationality, against a spirit of enlightenment which has no respect
for the most sacred forces of history, against a democratic mania
of levelling which is unwilling to recognize in the spiritual as
well as in the social world, the difference between heights and
depths, between individuals and masses.”
was developed to pure race anti-
In France, Gobineau’s theory
Semitism by Maurice Barres. It was Barres who greeted the con-
demnation of the Captain Alfred Dreyfus “with immeas-
urable joy.” “That he is capable of treason,” he wrote, “I con-
clude from his race.” For the courageous action of Emile Zola
in favor of the innocent he had only one explanation: that Zola
was not a Frenchman. “Zola thinks quite naturally as an uprooted
Venetian,” he proclaimed.
Maurice Barres, called by his disciple Charles Maurras “the
first organizer. of the nationalist doctrine,” was an antiparliamen-
tarian and avowed militarist. “We are clearly and resolutely in
revolt against, and in despise of, the parliamentary system,” he
said. “We are here, I hope, in agreement on admitting the moral-
ity and legitimacy of the iron method.” Like the Nazis he tried
to win the workers for his ideas of a Caesarist plebiscitary repub-
lic —and tried in vain.
Charles Maurras separated private ethics from the ethics of
the state. Words, spoken in Germany many years later, “Recht
ist, was dem deutschen Volke nuetzt,” “right is what is useful
for the German people,” had their predecessors in his writings:
“Politics is not morality. The science and art of conducting the

State is not the science and art of guiding men. Where men in
general may perhaps he satisfied, the particular State may be
ruined . . . The order of politics and the order of conscience are
distinct.” (Mes Idees Politiques) I. P. Mayer in his book “Politi-
cal Thoughts in France” remarks correctly: “The idea of the
nation, once torn from its individual root, easily becomes a cloak
to cover any abuse.” According to his political ideas, Charles
Maurras found nothing wrong in Colonel Henry’s forging of “new
proofs” to condemn Dreyfus. “Among his improvised judges,” he
wrote, “some sincere nitwits thought, as good bailiffs, that the
legality and morals of private life regulate all things — not know-
ing that there exist particular and unwritten laws, a sphere of
morality, higher, more rigorous, and more extensive for human
consciences which are charged with certain general obligations.”
The only fault of Henry, in Maurras’ opinion, was letting himself

be found out. “The irregularity, I will not say the crime, has one
excuse: in success. It must succeed. It ought to succeed.” Maur-
ras criticised Marxism as incompatible with nationalism. “But,”
he added, “socialism freed from the cosmopolitan and democratic
element can fit nationalism like a well-made glove on a beautiful
The ideological affinity of tlie French Rightist with the German
National Socialist, their common contempt of morals in politics,
their common hatred of the principles of the Great French Revo-
lution make the weakness of French resistance to the aggression of
1940 more understandable. Charles A. Micaud, in his book “The
French Right and Nazi Germany, 1933-1939,” has this explana-
tion for the phenomenon: “For the extreme Right, democracy was
the enemy as much as communism; the coming war appeared to
them as a struggle between the democratic ideal of the republic
that they had always condemned, and their own conception of au-
thoritarian government, which was defended by the enemies of
Arthur de Gobineau’s influence on the Nazi mentality was deep
and decisive. The same cannot be said of Barres oy Maurras.
Their examples may he used only to show that this mentality is

not a product of a particular German “national character,” hut

a phenomenon which can be observed at the same time in different
countries. However, there is another French writer whose im-
mediate influence on the Fascist and Nazi ideology is evident. His
name is Georges Sorel (1847-1922). From him the Nazis inher-
ited the ideas of the “myth” and of the “elite.” They overbade
him in contempt of ethics, hate of liberalism, and adoration of
For Sorel, the French Socialist thinker, the “myth,” of course,
had another meaning than the Nazis. His “myth of the Twen-
tieth Century” was the general strike. Now the general strike is

known to us not as a “myth,” but as a reality. It was tried in

Europe several times either with success, as in Germany in 1920
when it smashed the Kapp-Putsch against the democratic Republic
or, as in many other cases, with failure. Many years before, it

was widely discussed at Trade Union and Party conventions as

a weapon in class struggle, and passionately advocated or coldly
opposed. In Germany, for instance, in the time before the First
World War, a rather realistic appreciation prevailed, which was
expressed in the slogan: “Generalstreik ist Generalunsinn,” “gen-
eral strike is general nonsense.” For, so argued the “realists,” if
we are numerous and well trained enough to organize a general
strike, we shall no longer need it. Then we shall have other means
as, for instance, victory in general elections through which to im-
pose our will on the ruling classes. On the other hand, if we
should start a general strike without thorough preparation, we
would not only be beaten but annihilated by the victorious ruling
In order to cut off such too “rationalistic” discussions, Sorel
created the “myth” of the general strike. For him the general
strike was not so much a reality as a fascinating idea, a luring
phantasy which could inspire the workers with an unbending will
to fight.Sorel despised the masses and mass democracy. Only a
thoroughly elected and educated minority could gain, in his opin-

ion,enough insight and willpower to gather the masses around

them and to win victory. This creed of a conscious minority, an
elite, leading the unconscious masses, became common to the Fas-
cists and Nazis as well as to the Bolsheviks. Mussolini, whose
great future as a national leader he had prophesied as early as
1912, confessed to be a disciple of Sorel. Mussolini was the first

one who replaced the myth of the general strike with the m}rth of
the nation. In his famous speech of October 1922, before his
march on Rome, he said: “We have created a myth. It must not
be a reality; it is an impulse, a creed, a courage. Our myth is the
Nation, the Great Nation which we intend to make a reality.”
Less harmonious were the relations between Sorel and Lenin.
Sorel celebrated Lenin as a true leader, as a “Great Czar,” in the
same manner as he had celebrated Mussolini as a “condottiere.”
Lenin, however, disdainfully, called Sorel a muddle head.
There was irreconcilable antagonism between Georges Sorel
and Jean Jaures. The latter was a studied philosopher and his-

torian, true to the humanitarian ideas of the eighteenth century.

He founded his socialism on ethics and humanitarian principles.
Sorel,on the other hand, despised the era of enlightenment, the
American War of Independence, and the Great Revolution. In
his book Les Illusions du Progres, “The Illusions of Progress,”
he quotes Condorcet on the Declaration of Independence. “There
can we see,” said Condorcet, *‘the first time in human history, a
Great Nation, freed horn her chains, giving herself peacefuUy the
constitution and the laws which are, in her opinion, the best for
her well-being.” This is, in Sorel’s opinion, nothing but “a lot

of nonsense.” Saying so, he cannot refrain from remarking: “For

Jaures, of course, this is admirable. His admiration of the ver-
biage of Cordorcet is quite natural.” Finally he comes to this
conclusion: “All our efforts mu^ have the only aim of seeing to

it that the ideas of the bourgeoisie do not poison the rising class,

(i.e. the proletariat). For that reason we never can do enough

to break connections between the people and the literature of the
eighteenth century.”
From there it is only one step to the burning of the works of
Condorcet, Voltaire, Rousseau, and —who can tell? —perhaps also
of Karl Marx.
We cannot consider the influence of French political thinking on
German nazism without mentioning Gustave LeBon (1841-1931)
and his work “Psychology of the Masses.” This book, widely read
in its German translation and frequently quoted in the German
press, could hardly escape the attention of the Nazi leaders. Al-
though it was by no means written for this purpose, it can be
used as a primer for demagogues. Democracy is founded on the
opinion that it is possible to argue in public meetings with logi-
cal reason, and that the results of elections and plebiscites are,
or at least can be, the product of individual reasoning. Gustave
LeBon vehemently opposes those democratic creeds. In his opin-
ion, the masses can never be moved by logical and scientific ar-
guments but always only by symbols and catchwords. Now we can
observe from all systems of dictatorship, particularly of the Nazi
regime, a deep contempt of the masses, combined with the strong
conviction that it is impossible to govern without being backed
by a broad “Mass-basis,” Consequently, the Nazis were eager to
learn from the church, the army and the theatre how to win the
masses without making an appeal to their ability of thinking.
However, it would be unjust to conceal the fact that the Nazis
were not the only ones to go the way which turned out to be fate-
ful for democracy. In the years of the Republic, Germany was
overflowing with political uniforms, brass bands, party flags, and
badges of all kinds. There was a race to win the masses not by
arguments, but by a skillful combination of music, noise, crowds,
heat, color, and inciting speeches. The Nazis became the winner of
this race because they were the most consistent and the most un-
scrupulous. Their meetings had no similarity with the solid so-
briety, not to say dullness, of political rallies of former
They were thoroughly prepared performances, splendid shows
with speeches which were dramatic scenes rather than
like utterances. Hitler’s real greatness lies in his
consistent turn-

ing away from reason and in his genius of leading the masses
hy irrational means. He was neither a statesman nor even a poli-
tician of average intelligence but the greatest political stage mana-
ger and popular actor of all times. There is no evidence that he
or his skilled co-manager, Joseph Coebbels, had read Le Bon’s
“Psychology of the Masses” themselves. However, many passages
of “Mein Kampf” appear to be nothing but coarsened paraphrases
of Le Bon’s ingenious remarks.

English Influences

Among the authors of British stock who influenced the political

thoughts of nazism, Houston Stewart Chamberlain is the most im-
portant. This Englishman is the real counterpart of the Frenchman
Arthur de Gobineau. Both of them were extreme nationalists, not
for their own nation, but for the Germans or Teutons. As foreign-
ers they were invaluable witnesses of the superiority of the German
or Teuton race. How could that superiority be doubted when even
French and English writers confirmed it? National selfcompla-
cency, combined with the traditional respect of the Germans for
Western civilization, created the new religion of German national-
However, before dealing with the ideas of Houston S. Cham-
berlain, it is necessary to mention another British writer whose
influence on the Nazi theory Thomas Carlyle. When
is undeniable:
at the time of the beginning of the German Social Democratic
Movement, sixty or more years ago, the apostles of the new creed
argued with German professors about the philosophy of history,
it was impossible not to focus on Carlyle in those discussions.
The point in question was the importance of great personalities
in history, vehemently denied by the Social Democrats and ardently
afhrmed by the professors. The Social Democrats were strong
opponents of the so-called “Personenkult,” worship of personali-
ties. According to their philosophy of history those great person-
alities were more the creatures of the great social developments
than the creators, more the occasional toils of history than its

studied artisans. Thiswas not only a consequence of the Marxist

philosophy, but even more a ready-made theory in order to com-
bat the worship of Bismarck, the “iron chancellor,” which was,
in that time, the political religion of the Carman bourgeoisie.
However, the priests of this religion, the professors, never failed
to quote the sentence of Treitschke “Maenner machen die Geschi-
— “it is men who make history” —and to refer to Thomas
Carlyle, the admirer of Frederick the Great, and author of the
famous book “Heroes and Hero Worship.” was Carlyle indeed

who foresaw the authoritarian state when he wrote “Find in any


country the ablest man that exists there; raise him to the supreme
place and loyally reverence him; you have a perfect government
for that country. No ballot box, parliamentary eloquence, voting,
constitution building or other machinery can improve it a whit.
It is the perfect state, the ideal country.” William M. McGovern
in his book “From Luther to Hitler” is right when he remarks:
“When we read Carlyle and then look to the later developments
in European politics, no one can fail to be struck by the fact
that Carlyle’s works appear to be little more than a prelude to
nazism and Hitler. Carlyle preached to the English, but his ser-
mons were taken seriously not by the English but by the Germans.”
Generally speaking, the German nationalists had been more in-
spired by British history than by English literature. “The cousin
beyond the Sea” was always their most admired and the most
envied model as a conqueror of the world. The Boer War, the
belated flower of British imperialism, was condemned by the Ger-
man Liberals as a misuse of strength against a small nation. Not
so by the Pangermanists. Their only thought was: “Why not
Cecil Rhodes and Dr. Jameson stood high in their esteem. The
virility of the poems of Rudyard Kipling had been echoed not only
by the German nationalists but almost by all of German youth.
There was the prototype of the “Herrenmensch,” the Master
and again the question arose: “Why not we, the superior race?
Why not we, the Germans?”

Now we can better understand the enthusiasm which greeted

H. S. Chamberlain, the son of a British admiral, who became
a German by his own will and the son-in-law of Richard Wagner,
the great composer. was true that the struggle of races,
If it

the rise and fall of empires is the real meaning of history and
if it was also true that the Germans were the superior race as had —
been contended by the Frenchman Gobineau and confirmed by the
Englishman Chamberlain — ^the Third Reich, the world wide Ger-
man empire, could not be far away. No wonder that Chamber-
lain’s standard work ‘‘Die Grundlagen des 19. Jahrhunderts,”
“The Foundations of the 19th Century,” became the Bible of the
Pangermanists who were, of course, a small sect at that time
(about 1900) but are now recognized as the spiritual ancestors of
the Nazis.
The great success of the “Grundlagen” was caused not by its
scientific value but by the political opportunity it offered. Cham-
berlain hy no means original in his hostility against the French

Revolution: “It is one of the most astonishing errors of human

judgment,” he wrote,” to regard this catastrophe as the morning
of a new day, a turning point in history. The Revolution was in-

evitable simply because the Reformation had not been able to

succeed in France. France was still too rich in pure Teutonic
blood silently to fall into decay like Spain . .
.” There is nothing
original in his condemnation of the Declaration of Rights of Man.
“It was not the rights but the duties of men that the French had
forgotten or despised, and so brought about the national catastro-
phe . . . This solemn proclamation is based, therefore, from the
very outset, on an untruth . . . Let us hope that the day may come
when every sensible person will know the proper place for such

things as the Declaration, namely, the waste paper basket.”

Chamberlain’s history is treated accordingly to the dogma that

everything that is good comes from the Teuton and everything

that ishad comes from the Jew. The Teuton, in Chamberlain’s
opinion, is “the soul of our culture.” It was the German element
in Italy which brought about the Renaissance. On the other hand,
the Jews are the representatives of cold rationalism, calculated
egotism and crass materialism. Foreseeing the objection that
Christianism emerged out of Judaism, he contends that Christ
was not of Jewish origin. H. S. Chamberlain, the Englishman
who became a German writer, was a heavy gain for the Panger-
manists. He was hardly as great a loss for English literature and

Machiavelli and tlie Wise Men of Zion

In comparison to the French or the British, the Italian contri-

bution to the Nazi ideology was a small one. Although Mussolini
was a forerunner of Hitler, the Italian people, poor in military
glory and heroic deeds oi world conquest for almost 2000 years,
could not be accepted as a pattern for the master race. Even
the greatest geni of Italian civilization could not escape that gen-
eralizing disdain. Otherwise it would be unthinkable that a man
like Niccolo Machiavelli should not be recognized as a great
teacher in the art of governing in Nazi style. However, even this
brilliant spirit could not find favour in the eyes of so
severe a
Alfred Rosenberg. It is strange to see that his implacable
critic as

condemnation of the great Italian thinker is founded more on

moral than on scientific reasons. “Such system,” he wrote, “based
on human vileness and the systematic confession of it did
not rise
in a Nordic mind.” Rosenberg has for the baseness of Machia-
velli s mind only one explanation: He was
of Etrurian origin,
which means that he was almost as bad as a Jew.
It is hardly necessary to defend Machiavelli
against the imputa-
tion of having Etrurian blood in his veins.
This degrading sus-
picion was founded on the only fact that the
region where he
was born was populated by Etrurians 2000 years before
his birth.
Moreover, it was obvious that Rosenberg’s knowledge
of Machia-
velli’s work was very slight. Otherwise
he would have recognized
that this great master of political psychology
deserved to be a
member of the Teutonic race, as were, according to H.
S. Cham-

berlain, the other great figures of the Renaissance. In reality,

Machiavelli was an Italian patriot and republican who was willing
to renounce all moral principles in order to attain a moral goal:
the liberation of Italy from foreign yoke. His understanding of
the fact that self-conscious nations prefer to be governed even
by tyrants of their own stock than by foreign rulers is a proof of
his intimate knowledge of human history and the human mind.
Suppression from without paves the way for despotism within.
This experience, not alien to Machiavelli, has been proved by
many events of the centuries which followed.
It was, however, in a more complicated way that Rosenberg
and his followers absorbed and surpassed the systematic immoral-
ity of Machiavelli’s book, The Prince. This is a curious story that
was Alexander Stein’s book Adolf Hitler.
told in full length in
Schueler der Weisen von Zion (Adolf Hitler, disciple of the Wise
Men of Zion).
In 1846 a French opponent of Napoleon III named Maurice
Joly wrote an illegal pamphlet which appeared in Brussels and
bore the title: “Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montes-
quieu, ou la politique de Machiavel au XIX siecle. Par un Con-
temporain.” (Dialogue in hell between Machiavelli and Montes-
quieu, or the politics of Machiavelli in the 19th century. By a
contemporary). Aiming Napoleon III, this underground fighter

drew the portrait of a modern tyrant who by the most refined sys-
tem of cruelty, combined with ruse and hypocrisy, gains the dom-
ination of the world. Four years later a German writer Hermann
Goedsche, with the nom de plume “Sir John Ratcliffe, the Yoim-
ger,” wrote a crude novel, entitled Biarritz. It was a mysterious
story about twelve Rabbis meeting in secret session in the famous
old Jewish cemetery in Prague. From both these writings an
agent of the “Ochrana,” the Czarist secret police, named Ratch-
kovsky, made a concoction which, under the title The Protocols of
the Wise Men of Zion, won fame as the most fateful falsification
of all times. Joly in his witty phamphlet attributed to Napoleon-
Machiavelli outrageous remarks against morality and humanity.
Ratchkoivsky, in his falsification, put the same remarks into the
mouths of Jewish conspirators of his own or Goedsche’s invention.
Thus the counterrevolutionary propaganda of the “Ochrana” tried
to turn aside the wrath of the Russian people from the Czarist
government to the Jews.

Alfred Rosenberg, then a young student in Moscow, made the

acquaintance of Protocols in a strange manner. As he told himself,
a mysterious man came to him, silently laid the book on his table
and disappeared without a word. Young Rosenberg, impressed
by the mysterious appearance, was convinced quickly. At the
end of 1918 he came to Germany as-a refugee from the Bolshevik
Revolution with the Protocols in his bag. From then on the cir-

culation of the pamphlet spread like wildfire, not only in Germany

but also in England and France. The “Protocols” were published
in America, in Italy, in Hungary, in Turkey and Arabia. The
effects radiated in two different directions. Old superstitions and
hatreds rose anew. On the other hand, some adventurous young-
sters in Germany decided to match “the Jewish conspiracy” with
its own means and to use the arcanum of world domination, so
cleverly explained in the “Protocols,” for their own purpose. In
any case, this stuff was easier to digest than the works of the
Italian philosopher, and they swallowed it eagerly. Machiavel-
by Rosenberg in his original appearance,
lism, so ardently rejected
had a splendid reception when he came back disguised in a stolen
Jewish caftan.

From Hegel to Rosenberg

During the war some attempts were made to teach history of

philosophy according to raciallines. If Rosenberg and his school
concluded from the race of Spinoza that he was wrong, there were
some others who discovered that the German philosophers were
Nazis because they were Germans. To prove this for propaganda
purposes was easy enough, since the language of the German phil-
osopher is hard to understand. It must be a bad German philoso-

pher in whose writings a clever commentator could not find every-

thing. Earnestly, there is hardly a link between German philoso-
phy and Nazi mentality, Nietzsche to some extent excluded.
The State, worshipped by Hegel, had not the slightest similarity
with the Third Reich of Hitler, for it was a State of Right, not a

State ofPower or to use Hegel’s own words “an organized ethical

whole.” Like Kant he taught: “Each subject, or man as man, has
on his own account an infinite value.” Fichte who was accused to
have premeditated the Third Reich in his Der geschlossene Han-
delsstaat. “The Closed Commercial State,” preached the equality
of all human beings and urged the Germans to build “a true king-
dom of righteousness of which the like has never before descended
upon the earth.”
There is a gap in the course of German philosophy in the mid-
dle of the 19th century. Its glory was overshadowed by the rapid
progress of natural sciences. Youth became to speal( disdainfully
about all metaphysical systems. Du Bois Reymond, a famous phy-
siologist and a German in spite of his name, cut off every discus-
sion on supranatural values with the single word : “Ignorabimus.”
“We never shall know.” Why should mankind speculate on such
mysterious things when science, step by step, unveiled all the
secrets of nature? The philosophical systems were laid aside and
the theories of Charles Darwin were passionately discussed.
What was the meaning of Darwinism? In the first line it seemed
to be a splendid affirmation of the theory of progress. Develop-
ment, as understood by Darwin, was a process which was not yet
closed. In consequence, men were able to attain heights never
dreamed of before. On tlie was
other end, however, this theory
also an affirmation of the merciless wisdom of Heraclitus: “War
is the father of everything.” Progress was achieved by the sur-
vival not of the best in a moral sense, but of the fittest in a physi-
cal sense. was true not only for the plants and animals
If this
but also for human beings a new aspect of social life was given and
not a pleasant one. Thomas H. Huxley tried to solve this problem
by contending that nature, “red in tooth and claw” cannot give
an example for humanity. “Morality involves not so much fol-
lowing the methods of nature as opposing them.” Nietzsche drew
his consequence to the opposite side. For him everything which
promotes the survival of the weak at the expense of the strong
was wrong, for the weak is not worthy of such a sacrifice. He
preached the master-morality in opposition to the Christian “slave-

It may be doubtful whether the immediate demoralizing effect
of that devaluation of all moral values was as great as was pro-
phesied by many of Nietzsche’s adversaries. His own life was
unimpeachable if we can trust his biographers. It is not a new
experience that many teachers of high moral principles do not
live up to their own teaching. Why should the opposite not also
be true?
The answer to the question whether Nietzsche was a forerunner
of Nazism cannot be simply Yes or No. What he did in order to
destroy the belief in absolute moral values undoubtedly was pre-
paratory work. On the other hand, his passionate contempt of
race theories, antisemitism, militarism and any kind of mob in-

stinct make it sure that, if he had lived to see the Third Reich,
he would rather have been an inmate of Dachau than a man on
the top.
The same cannot be said of some inferior spirits like Otto
Ammon (1842-1916) and Alexander Tille (1866-1912). The
first one made a rather amateurish attempt to apply Darwin’s the-
ory to the human society. In his book, Die Gesellschaftsordung
und ihre natuerlichen Grundlagen. “Social order and its natural
foundations” he argued that the “higher-ups,” by being what
they were, had proved their superior abilities and therefore were
entitled to govern. They are the “social aristocrats” and it is

their task to bridle the unconscious masses. Alexander Tille, in

his Der Geisteskampf gegen die gewerbliche Ertragswirtschaft,*’
(The spiritual struggle against the economy of profit), is still mor^
outspoken. He is a sworn enemy of the principle of equal rights,
called and spurned by him as “equalism,” and of any application

of moral rules on .the economic he complained,

life. “There is,”

“hardly still a single German whose ideas on economic, social and

political matters are not corroded by moral acids.” An indus-

trial worker, in his meaning, is a man who \vas not able to ascend
higher grades of social life, and he has to behave and to be
treated accordingly. Tille, who had studied in England, was the
first to translate the works of Nietzsche into English. On the other
hand he painted in his writings the English imperialism in bright
colors, as a brilliant example for the Germans. In his private life

he was the secretary of Freiherr Carl Ferdinand von Stumm, a

big industrialist in the Saar and one of the most ardent apostles
of social reaction in the German Reichstag. Tille edited the poli-
tical speeches of Baron von Stumm which were undoubtedly, in
their most effective parts, his own works.
The theory of Alexander Tille can be described as the ideolo-
logical link between Nazism and the mentality of the big indus-
trialists in the Ruhr and the Saar area. Those of them who paid
Hitler, expected of him with certainty that he would help them to
restore the “Fuehrerprinzip” in tlieir factories, breaking the re-
sistance of the unions and the works councils.
Speaking of the impact of Darwinism on social thinking, it is

impossible to overlook its influence on the world of socialism.

It was and collaborator of Marx, Fried-
the most intimate friend
rich Engels, who likened the work of Marx with the work of Dar-
win, saying that Marx’ achievement in sociology had been just
the same as Darwin’s in natural sciences. There is truth in these
words, for Darwinism and Marxism are likewise founded on the
principles of evolution through the struggle of existence which
appears, in Marx’s theory, as a struggle of the classes.
Much was said and written about the role of morality in the
theory of Karl Marx. There were ardent discussions between his
disciples and commentators on this matter. The orthodox faction
insisted that morality is nothing else than a function of human so-

ciety, changing with his structure, varying in connection with dif-

ferent classes. For them moral codes were hardly more than con-
ventional fashions. On the other hand, there was another faction
which tried to reconcile Marx with Kant. “Act so, that you, as
well in your own person as in the person of every other, look on
man as end and never simply, as a means.” In this fundamental
sentence of Kantian ethics they recognized also the ethical base
of socialism. Against the supposed amoralism of Karl Marx they
referred to his own life, which was the life of a Saint in the service
of the humble and the distressed, and to his flamboyant accusa-
tion of all kinds of oppression and exploitation.
Karl Kautsky (1854-1938), entangled in a hard struggle with
the Neo-Kantians, wrote in his book Ethik und materialistische
Geschichtsauffassung (Ethics and the materialistic conception of
history). “It was the materialistic conception of history which
has first completely deposed the moral ideal as the directing fac-
tor of social evolution.” Nevertheless, he was forced to confess:
“The ‘moral ideal’ has itsEven the Social Democracy
as an organization of the proletariat cannot do without the moral
ideal, the moral indignation against exploitation and class rule.”

“But,” he added cautiously, “this ideal has nothing to find in

scientific socialism.”

The ambiguity is obvious, and it could not last forever. Latet,

there was a schism between Social Democracy, which stands for
the moral ideal, and Bolshevism, which developed the seeds of

amoralism, contained in Marx’s theory, to full blossoms. Kautsky

took sidewise Social Democracy and was cursed by Lenin and
Trotsky as a traitor to the proletariat and a vile bourgeois politi-
cian. In their opinion, there is no moral link among all human
beings countering the differences of classes; every class has its
own morality, and class struggle cannot be mitigated or limited
by moral scruples.
Thus the problem of the relation between ethics and politics
became the decisive problem of our time. Two camps were
formed: on the one side the believers of absolute values, the Chris-
tians, Liberals and Social Democrats, and on the other the ad-

herents of the manifold theories of “relativity of morality,” Fas-


cists, Nazis and Bolsheviks. There also is the point of contact

between orthodox Marxism and fanatic Antimarxism, between
Rosenberg and Trotsky. “Les extremes se touchent.”
It must be said again and again that there was always in matters

of ethics a difference between theory and practice. You cannot

conclude from the moral philosophy of a man whether he is good
or bad. Moral nihilism has its roots too often in disappointing
experiences. On the other hand, absolute lack of morals is a
phenomenon, seldom to be observed. Obedience to a leader and
good comradeship among equals are to be considered as virtues
even among the most depraved members of human society. Indi-
viduals lacking every kind of morals are mostly too narrow-
minded to be a danger to humanity as a whole. This danger emer-
ges rather from a theory of group morality from which there is

only one step to the practice of gang-morality. Every philosophy

denying the duties of morals in dealing with human beings of
different kinds contains in itself the roots of evil and may lead
to such monstrosities as we could observe in our time. There is,
in this respect, an affinity between the Sermon of the Mount, the
“Critique of practical reason” by Kant, and the programs of the
democratic socialist parties which recognize, although in a differ-
ent manner, the moral duties of all members of human society
toward each other.
There was no lack of educated people in Germany who fore-

saw the dangers of lawlessness and anarchy emerging out of the

“relativation of the moral values.” (Relativierung der morali-
schen Werte”) Unfortunately, their will to prevent the coming
evilswas not as strong as their ability to foresee them. The fight-
ing will of many of them was paralyzed by a new theory which
maintained that the decline and fall of our civilization had to be
expected as an unevitable event. Oswald Spengler in his Der Un-
tergemg des Abendlandes (The Downfall of Western Civilization),
fought the same fight against “the superstition of human progress”
which Georges Sorel had fought before him. Spengler, however,
did not satisfy himself with glittering generalities like Sorel, but
he thoroughly worked out a scientific theory, based on a multi-
tude of historical facts. By comparing the different epochs of
human civilization in their rise and fall, he found the symptoms
of rapid depline in the epoch in which we are living. The pro-
phets of human progress, culminating in Karl Marx, preached the
creed of “der Geschichte ehernes Muss,” “the iron Must of His-
tory.” They gave us the creed of victory and the strength to fight

for it. Now this optimistic determinism was replaced hy a pessi-

mistic one. Spengler did not fight for nazism, hut by disarm-
ing many of its opponents he bet:ame one of its pace-makers
against his own will.

However, the most conspicuous answer to the challenge of

Oswald Spengler did not come from the old believers in human
progress whose creed had been shaken by many disheartening
facts. In a defeated and hungry nation there is no climate for a
sound optimism but only for the alternative of black despair and
blinding illusion. Arthur Moeller van den Bruck (1876-1925)
was a nationalist and a conservative, a polyhistor and student of
the history of civilization like Spengler; but unable to face the
facts, he escaped from reality into mysticism. When he was in
Paris, shortly after the war, he met the Russian writer, Merez-
kovski, and discovered Dostoievski. He was deeply impressed by
Dostoievski’s belief in Russia’s messianic mission. Dostoievski
dreamed of the Thirdthe Russian Rome which would bring
about the millenium of Jesus Christ. In conscious or unconscious
connexion with this mystical panslavism, Moeller invented the
myth of the “Third Reich.” His
book Das Dritte Reich was pub-
lished in 1922 when Spengler’s fame was at its zenith. It was
just the time when the French made preparations to invade the
Ruhr valley. The young German Republic suffered its hardest
defeat and its deepest humiliation. Gone was the short-lived glory
of the Second Reich of the Hohenzollern, and its successor,
the poor Republic, could hardly be more than a temporary ex-
pediency, a “Zwischenreich,” i.e. the shadow of a Reich, filling

the gap between the Second and the Third Reich, the great Ger-
man Reich of the future.
Hans Schwarz, a close friend of Moeller who wrote the intro-
duction to the 3rd edition of Das Dritte Reich, after the author’s
death, said : “He found men when they were searching for a new
creed.” This is exactly what he did.
Like all the other apostles of nationalism or racism, Moeller
was an ardent opponent of liberalism. “The conservatives and the
revolutionaries,” he wrote, “have both the same enemies, the
liberals. . . . Liberalism has undermined civilization, has de-
stroyed religions, has ruined nations. Primitive peoples know
no liberalism.”
Moeller van den Bruck did not join the national socialist move-
ment which was at the end of his life just beginning. The Juni-
Klub, founded by him and his friends in 1919 was a rather
aristocratic society which had its continuation in the “Herren-
klub,” the “Gentlemen’s Club” whose president, Heinrich von
Gleichen, was an intimate friend of Moeller. Later on some mem-
bers of the Herrenklub, like von Papen, helped the Nazis to
power whilst others were murdered in the blood purge of 1934
or died on the gallows of Himmler in 1944.
Long before this happened, Moeller committed suicide in 1925.
The Nazis inherited one of Uieir most powerful slogans from him,
the mystical fascinating slogan of the “Third Reich.” It came
just in time to be incorporated into the compilation of Alfred
Speaking of Alfred Rosenberg, the high Priest of the Nazi
creed, after his ignominous end this writer cannot conceal his per-
sonal feelings. They are, sincerely spoken; feelings of pity rather

than of hateful satisfaction. As a member of the German Reich-

stag and its Foreign Relations Committee, I was for some years
a colleague of this unfortunate and had the opportunity of observ-
ing him closely. In contrast to the open depravity of a Goering
or the refined cynicism of Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg seemed to
be rather a diJl fellow. This impression was so strong that I
doubted whether the works of Alfred Rosenberg were really his
own. However, a thorough study of them brought me to the con-
clusion that his authorship cannot be doubted. Although a cer-
tain ability to collect sentences of other writers to his own purpose
and to express his opinion in an understandable language is un-
deniable, the lack of originality as well as of logical thinking is
quite surprising. There is nothing else but a stubborn fanaticism
exploding in fallacies and banalities. The personal story of
Alfred Rosenberg is the story of a man of less than mediocre
abilities who rose through the might of circumstances to a posi-
tion undreamed of before and, corrupted by the possession of
power, fell even deeper into the abyss of calamities.
Therefore the presentation of Rosenberg’s ideas cannot be any-
thing but a monotonous repetition of the ideas of others pre-
sented on the preceding pages. Houston Stewart Chamberlain
wrote The Foundations of the 19th Century, The standard work of
Rosenberg has the title
his disciple, The Myth of the 20th Century,
The difference is significant. The Foundations are somewhat real,
material, according to the confidence on science, so characteristic
for the 19th century. Rosenberg abolishes the Foundations of
Chamberlain and replaces them by a word borrowed from Georges
Sorel: “Myth.” Of course, Rosenberg’s “myth” is no more the
myth of Sorel, the general strike, nor the myth of Mussolini, the
greatness of the rejuvenated Populus Romanus; it is the myth of
the superiority of the Teutonic race, the myth of Arthur de Go-
There you can find the same superstitious glorification of the
Teutonic or German race as in the writings of Gobineau, Cham-
berlain and many others. For Rosenberg the source of all evils
is the United States because it was there where “the idiotic, prin-
ciple of equal rights was realized the first time in history.”
“Brother Washington,” the Free Mason, is in his eyes the fore-
ruiuier of the French Revolution which he considers as the de-
struction of the German part of the French people: “The black
mob of Jacobins carried to the guillotine every one who was

slim and blond.” Arguing against the famous dictum of Schiller

“Alle Menschen werden Brueder,” “all men may become broth-,
ers,” set to music in the Ninth Symphony by Beethoven — ^but with-

out mentioning it he remarks: “A people of brothers is an utopia
and not even a nice one. Limitless brotherhood means the ignor-
ing of all differences of values.”
There is no difficulty in proving the superiority of the Nordic
race: “The two million dead of the (first) World War prove that
in the hearts of the most simple peasants and the most modest
workers the ancient myth creating power of the Nordic race is

still alive.” There one could object that other nations also had
casualties, that the Nordic people of Denmark, Norway and
Sweden did not fight at all, while thousands upon thousands of
German Jews died in action. One could object that, on the other
hand, Rosenberg himself was then a Russian student who never
tried to die for Germany — but objections of this kind would evoke
nothing else but anger and contempt of the self-conscious author.
Rosenberg is weary with arguing, disgusted with reason and
facts. “The new myth and the force,” he exclaims, “creating new
types which now are striving for expression, are not to be re-
futed at all. They will pave their way. They will create facts.”

They created facts. Nobody can deny it. Rosenberg’s favorite

quotation of “Faust” is a rather casual remark of the hero: “Al-
lein ich will!” “For all that, I want it.” Not far from there he
could find some other lines fitting better himself. It is Mephisto

Verachte nur Vernunft and issenschaft, W

Des Menschen allerhoechste Kraft,

Lass nur in Blend und Zauherwerken
Dick von dem Luegengeist bestaerken,
Dann hab ich dich schon unbedingt,

(Despise reason and science, the strongest force® of mankind,

letyourself be entangled in works of illusion and by the sorcery
the sorcery of lies, —and I am sure to get you.)
Nevertheless, you can discern in the educational system of naz-
ism a certain method of indoctrination. It is always an obvious
fact which is made the nucleus of a confused heap of lies and
sheer nonsense.
For instance, it is an obvious fact that there is a difference
between Ludwig van Beethoven and a native drumming on the
banks of the Congo river. But this observation does not lead,
logically, to the conclusion that Mendelsohn Bartholdy must be a
bad composer because he was “Non-Aryan” or that Marian Ander-

sen must be a bad singer because she is a Negro. For Rosenberg

and his followers, however, the simple fact of existing differences
of race is sufficient not only to attribute to a single nation an in-
nate superiority over all others but also to condemn millions of
another race, judged inferior, to an agonizing death.
Or take the case of the “myth.” It is a historical fact that myth,
i. e. creed; not founded on reality, can become the incentive to
useful works and heroic deeds. However, “myth” must lose its

spell at the very moment when it is recognized as such and called

by its real name. It can be likened, in this respect, to the som-
nambulist who safely walks in his sleep near the edge of a roof,
but falls down if he is called by his name. Moreover, myth, rec-

ognized as such and sold to the masses as pure truth, ceases to be

myth and becomes swindle and betrayal. Thus the artificially

manufactured myth, be it of the efficiency of the general strike,

be it of race superiority, is in any case doomed to collapse.
Or think on misusing the word “elite.” There is a general
agreement that masses cannot rule themselves nor move to a rea-
sonable goal without the lead of a minority. The only question is

how to create this leading minority. Such a minority can emerge

out of the masses, it may be elected by the masses and controlled
by them; it can be bound to the masses by the ties of voluntari-
ness and confidence. On the other hand, it can be an elite of self-

styled leaders, or a nominated elite, imposed upon the masses by

an allmighty dictator. It is obvious that to Sorel, Mussolini and

Hitler only the last two kinds of elite exist, for the first one is an
expression of the detested democracy.
Democracy was the offspring of the revolutions of 1776, 1789,
1848 and 1918. To destroy it was the logical aim of the counter-
revolution of 1933. “Destruction of the dishonest democracy”
was also the slogan of the dull Rosenberg, but the clever Goebbels
added shrewdly: “by the means of democracy.” Rightly the Nazis
could also say: “We want to destroy the fruits of Revolution hy
revolutionary means.” And they did it. This brings us to the in-

sight that revolution and counter-revolution, although ideological

opponents, are practically two components of history intermingled
and interwoven with each other in such a manner that sometimes
it is difficult to discern where the first ends and the second be-

gins. Moreover, the revolutionary or counterrevolutionary char-

acter of a movement cannot be recognized but in relation of its

occurence to place and time.

Even the most self-conscious despotism cannot avoid explain-
ing its “raison d’etre” to the world. Unable to found its power
on the will of God it has no other way than to found it on the al-

leged will of the people.As for Napoleon I and Napoleon III,

became for Hitler the bridge leading from the land of
democracy to the shores of dictatorship. Never did he abrogate
the Constitution of Weimar with its fundamental declaration:
“The power of State comes from the people.” Now he was the
“power of State” and it was the people from whom his power had
“Dishonest democracy has been destroyed,” Rosenberg could
exclaim jubilantly, “with the means of democracy” Goebbels
could add.
Now let us look at the frequently mentioned “25 Points,” pro-
claimed by the Party in its begiiming; as early as 1920, it was
called the unalterable program for which the leaders of the move-
ment solemnly pledged their lives. There we can easily see that
in that early period of its development Nazism by no means re-

nounced the formulas of democracy. ' On the contrary, after hav-


ing denied the rights of citizenship to the Jews, in preceding
points, point 6 declares: “The ri^t to choose the government and
determine the laws of the State shall be the privilege only of the
citizens.” Point 25 demand “the unconditional control by the
central parliament of the whole State and its organizations.”
Until then the “Fuehrerprinzip,” the principle of unconditional
leadership of a single man, had not yet been proclaimed. Law-
making was not entrusted to the Fuehrer but to the people as a
whole. The supreme power was embodied not in a single person
but in the parliament, elected by the citizens “with equal right and
duties,” as was provided by Point 9.
This was, of course, still a variety of democracy. Later on,
when this variety had been degenerated into naked dictatorship,
Coebbels, in his insuperable insolence, called it “a kind of re-

fined democracy.” Although the magicians of the Nazi theory had

condemned democracy again and again, the shrewd demagogue
hesitated to renounce a word whose propaganda value had been
proved by experience.
It is just the same with the word “socialism.” Like “democracy”

its value varied from place to place and from time to time. About

1848 it was so abundantly misused that Marx and Engels pre-

ferred to call themselves “Communists.” In the time of Bis-
marck the Socialists were outlaws; to call a person a “Socialist”
was equivalent to denouncing him to the police. With the elec-
toral victories of the German Social Democrats culmin a t i n g in
1919 when the Social Democrats were in the zenith of popular
favor —^the propaganda value of the word “Socialist” rose into

the clouds. It was an act of mere competition when the Nazi

Party adopted the name “Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeit-
erpartei.” It was neither a “Socialist” nor an “Arbeiterpartei” or
“workers’ party,” for it was always the bulk of the working people

who resisted the Nazi indoctrination so eagerly accepted by the

middle clashes and a good part of the higher-ups.
In saying that, it shall not be denied that a certain feeling of
the iniquities of the existent social order began also to intrude into

the middle classes. Gregor Strasser, once the most powerful leader
of the Party next to Adolf Hitler, but murdered in the purge of
1934, called it in a famous Reichstag speech “die antikapitalis-
tische Sehnsucht,” “the anti-capitalistic longing.” This feeling
got its expression in some of the 25 Points, concerning economic
problems. Point 11 asks for the abolition of “unearned incomes,”
Point 16 for the creation of “a sound middle class,” Point 13 for
the “nationalization of the trusts.” Point 18 demands the death
penalty for “profiteers.” None of these demands were realized
when the Nazis had the power to do it except perhaps the last one.
For during the war many poor devils who had slaughtered cattle

clandestinely in order to sell the meat, were really beheaded. This

was done in accordance with the old saying: “Petty thieves are
hanged, the great ones go free.” The promise, given in Point
17, “to expropriate without compensation the owners of any land
that may be needed for national purpose,” was not only not ftil-

filled but also formally dropped. Expropriation never became a

means of economic purposes but remained always a weapon
against alleged enemies of the Nation, i. e. the enemies of the
Party and particularly the Jews.
It is quite true that there cannot be a legal protection of poli-
tical trade marks and that to no party can be denied the right to
adorn itself with pleasant adjectives. However, it can be said
rightly that the idea of socialism, in its historical development, is
so closely connected with the ideas of humanism and internation-
alism that it cannot be separated from them without losing its

face and meaning.

The parts of the 25 Points which were not only realized, but
also enlarged by practice and aggravated into frenzy, are those
which serve the preparation for war and express extreme hostil-

ity to foreigners — that is, above all, the Jews.

It has been said already that Germany was, before the new era
of Nazism, one of the countries where the assimilation of the Jews
was the nearest to the saturation point. It may he added that the
Jews outside’ of Germany were in former times one of the most


valuable assets ofGerman foreign policy. Most of them under-
stood German and held German culture in high esteem. They
were active everywhere in the life of the German minorities
abroad, supporting German schools, theatres and newspapers.
Nevertheless, you cannot explain the Nazi distrust of the Jews
merely in term of mediaeval superstition. The Nazis knew that
the Jews with their highly developed spirit of scepticism were not
the right stuff for the preparation of the masses for the total

The Total War

It was hardly a mere accident that one of the first adherents of

the Nazi movement emerged as the herald and philosopher of
total war. General Erich Ludendorff, having lost the first World
War, clutched eagerly at the legend of the “stab in the back,” in
order to save his self-esteem and his glory as a great war leader.
The “slabber in the back” may say that the cessation of the war
before ultimate defeat proved to be an act of wise statesmanship
which saved the Reich, that time, from utter destruction. Luden-
dorff, however, although he had a'-ked for an armistice himself,
clung to the theory that the war was lost not by insufficiency of
military means but by lack of morale caused by subversive ele-
ments, particularly Jews. From there he came to the conclusion
that victory cannot be won but by ruthless suppression of all mod-
erating elements.
Carl von Clausewitz, the worldwide famous philosopher of war,
seems to have foreseen his unfortunate successor when he wrote
in his bible of scientific military leadership Ueber den Krieg (“On
“The war of a community —of whole Nations and particularly
of civilized Nations —always starts from political conditions and
is called forth by a political motive. It is therefore a political act.
Now if it was a perfect unrestrained and absolute expression of
force, as we had to deduce it from its mere conception, then the

moment it is called forth by policy it would step into the place of

policy, and as something quite independent of it would set it aside,

and only follow its own laws, just as a mine at the moment of ex-
plosion cannot he guided into any other direction than that which
has been given to it by preparing arrangements. . . . Policy there-
fore is interwoven with the whole act of war and must exercise a
continuous influence upon it, as far as the nature of the forces,
liberated by it, will permit.”
Clausewitz’ war is not a “total” one. It is a war directed and
limited by political considerations; it can be stopped by poli-
tical decisions. Not so Ludendorff’s “total war.” For him war

was a game of pitch and loss with no other alternative than com-
plete victory or loss of everything; a mine, as Clausewitz stated
rightly, which explodes into the direction, given to it by prepar-
atory arrangements. It was according to the teachings of Luden-
dorff that World War II was waged and lost.

“Close spiritual unity of the people,” the general wrote, “is the
foundation of the total war. . . . International powers like Jews
and Rome are destructive elements.” He found the ideal of na-
tional unity in Japan and the Shinto creed. “The Christian peo-
ples,” he complained, “are no more so fortunate to have a creed
fitting to their race.” Rightly he found out that true Christians
are as unfit for total war as the Jews. However, his attempt to

create a new Teutonic warrior creed failed miserably. If he were

still would certainly write another book maintaining that
alive he
the Germans had to lose World War II because they were not yet
pagan enough.
Ludendorff’s theory of “total war” is the logical consequence
and culmination of the Nazi philosophy. War is no more, as
Clausewitz said, “a mere continuation of policy by other means.”
It is an end in itself with the only aim to destroy in order not to

be destroyed. It cannot be stopped just as a mine cannot be stopped

after the explosion.
As the consequence and culmination of a nonsensical philos-
ophy, the philosophy of Nazism, “total war” is total nonsense in
itself. War cannot be total because there is neither total victory
nor total defeat. “Ausrotten,” that means exterminate, wipe out,
was the favorite expression of Hitler. However, this greatest ex-
terminator of all times succeeded not even — in spite of systema-
tic mass murder — ^to exterminate the small, helpless Jewish people.
The consequence of the folly of total war was a vast extent of
human misery and the collapse of the Law of Nations, which
wiser and more human statesmanship could have avoided. The
rules of war, dating back to men like Hugo Grotius and embodied
in many conventions, faded away.
Hugo Grotius (1583-1645) told us that his reason for writing
his treatise “De jure belli et pacis” was that he “saw prevailing
throughout the Christian world a license in making war of which
even barbarous nations would have been ashamed, recourse being
made to arms for slight reasons or no reason; and when arms were
once taken up, all reverence for human and divine law was thrown
away, just if men were thenceforth authorized to commit all crimes
without restraint.”
It was the time when the struggle of denominations, fomented
by a fanatical confessionalism, culminated in the 30 years war.
Grotius was a believer in a “natural law” which regulates or ought
to regulate the relations between man and man
war in the time of
as well as of peace. same “natural law” which we face
It is the
in the writings of Locke and the French encyclopedists. Kant con-

fessed to have learned from J. J. Rousseau respect for the com-

mon man. It was an offspring of the same spirit which led the
hand of Thomas Jefferson when he wrote: “All men are created
equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
rights, among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happi-
The gruesome devastations of the 30 years war were followed
by an uprising of mankind against cruelty and oppression. The
spirit of humanity and tolerance grew stronger than at any time
before. The more the churches were imbued with this new spirit
the closer they came back to the very sources of Christianity.


Catholic or Protestant of our time can imagine that their differ-

ences in worshipping God could be reason enough to kill each
Such considerations lead to the conclusion that certain reasons
of war and barbarism lose their virulence in the course of time,
in order to be replaced by others. In our time, confessionalism
has been replaced by racism. The superstitious belief that there
were races so superior to all others that they are destined to rule
the world, and other races so wicked that they must be destroyed
to the last man, woman and child, had the same devastating effect

on the morals of our time as the fanatical confessionalism on the

morals of the 17th century. We cannot destroy German racism
without destroying racism of every kind. We cannot abolish war
without abolishing oppression everywhere in the world. Other-
wise would always be impossible
it to draw a correct line be-
tween wars of aggression and wars of liberation.
The world was shaken by the spectacle the German people of-
fered during the time of Hitler. A nation, held in high esteem as
one of the most civilized of the world, seemed to be changed into
hordes of savages drunk with lust of murder and sadistic cruelty.
The German people, as a whole, have sinned much and suffered
much and, as usual, the suffering of those who sinned the least
or did not sin at was the greatest. “Quidquid delirant reges,

plectuntur Achivi.” “However the kings” —

or the demagogues
“are raging, it is the common people who get the beating.” The
same can be European people entangled in
said almost of every
the never ending struggles of that unhappy continent. There seems
to be no other -choice than to kill in order not to be killed, or to
oppress in order not to be oppressed.
A revival of the national socialist ideology in its old form is

very improbable. But the evil spirit of nationalism will continue

ravaging Europe as long as a just formula for the living together
of so many nations in a relatively small space is not yet found,
and the principal reason of any kind of fanaticism, economic
misery and starvation, is not yet abolished. Both these prob-
lems are interdependent and can have only one solution: the union
of all peoples in a common effort to alleviate the evil conse-

quences of war and common

to foster welfare. This however, can-
not be achieved but in a spirit of “liberty, equality and frater-
nity,” so hated and despised by the Nazis and by all the other

counter-revolutionaries of other countries. This cannot be

achieved without recognizing some absolute moral values bind-
ing together all men of every race, nation, creed or class.
It was hardly mere accident that the clandestine resistance

movement within the Third Reich was called by its adherents

“die Gesellschaft der anstaendigen Leute,’* “the society of honest
people.” It was indeed the abhorrence of the moral insanity of
Nazism which brought Catholics, Protestants and atheists. Con-
servatives and Radicals, capitalists and socialists into a common
front. They all were united in their belief in absolute moral
values and the dignity of man. They did not forget their differ-
ences of ideas and interests but they were determined, although
fighting against each other, to obey certain rules of honesty, com-
mon to all of them.

“Love your enemies,” is the most revolutionary sentence spoken

at any time. It is a challenge for our human nature. It points
to the remotest goal. Men who could follow that rule would hardly
be still human beings; they would reach the limits of divinity.
We recognize this obvious truth. We may know, however, that
we are. not born to lie and to betray, to hate and to kill, but to be-
have as honest people. Man is somewhere on the way from animal
to a Supreme Being, sometimes progressing, sometimes regressing.
But it is not written in the stars that he has to go back to the
Ammon, Otto; Die GeseUschaftsordnung und ihre ncUuerlichen Grand-
lagen, Jena, 1900.
Carlyle, Thomas: Heroes and Hero Worship,
Chamberlain, H. St.: Foundations oj the 19th Century (translated by
John Lees), New York, J. Lane Co., 1912.
Clausewitz, Carl v.: On War (translated by Co. J. J. Graham), New
York, E. P. Dutton, 1918.
Gobineau, Arthur de: The Inequality of Human Races (translated by
Adrian Collins, New York, G. P. Putnam & Sons, 1915.
Goebbels, Joseph: Wesen und Gestalt des Nationalsozialismus, Berlin,
Grotius, Hugo: De lure Belli el Pads.
Hasse, Ernst: Deutsche Politik, Muenchen, 1905.
Hasse, Ernst: Die Zukunft des deutschen Volkes, Muenchen, 1907.
Heiden, Konrad: Der Fuehrer, Hillers Rise to Power (translated by
Ralph Manheim), Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1944.
Heiden, Konrad: A History of National Socialism, London, Methuen
& Co., 1934.
Hitler, Adolf: Mein Kampf, Muenchen, Franz Eher, 1933.
Kautsky, Karl; Ethics and Materialist Conception of History (trans-
lated by John B. Askew, Chicago, C. H. Kerr & Co., 1906.
Le Bon, Gustave: La psychologic des foules, Paris, 1895.
Ludendorff, Erich: Der totale Krieg, Berlin, 1935.
Marx, Karl; Der 18. Brumaire def Louis Bonaparte.
Marx, Karl: Die Klassenkaempfe in Frankreich.
Mayer, I. P. Political Thought in France from Sieyes to Sorel, London,

Faber & Faber, 1942.

McGovern, William: From Luther to Hitler. The History of Fascist-
Nazi Political Philosophy, Boston, New York, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1941.
Micaud, Charles A.: The french Right and Nazi Germany, 1933-1939,
Durham, N. C., Duke University Press, 1943.
Moeller v.d, Bruck, Arthur; Germany’s Third Empire (translated
by E. O. Lorimer), Introduction by Mary A. Hamilton, London, Allen &
Unrin, 1934.
National Socialism. Basic Principles, etc. Prepared in the Special Unit
of the Division of European Affairs by R. E. Murphy, F. B. Stevens,
H. Travers and J. M. Roland, Washington, D. C., United States Govern-
ment Printing Office.
Rosenberg, Alfred: Der Mythus des 20, Jahrhunderts, Muenchen,
Rosenberg, Alfred: Wesen, Grundsaetze und Ziele der NSDAP,
Muenchen, 1933.
ScHEMANN, Ludwig: Gobineau. Eine Biographie, Strassburg, 1916.
SiDGWiCK, Henry: Outlines of History of Ethics, London, Macmillan &
Co., 1931.
SoREL, Georges; Les illusions du progres, Paris, 1908.
Sfengler, Oswald: Der Vntergang des Abendlandes, Muenchen, 1922.
Thibaudet, a. Les ides politiques de la France, Paris, 1932.

'Dlle. Alexander: Der Geisteskampf gegen die gewerbliche Ertrags-

wirtschuft, Berlin, 1910.

Editorial Note

Russian progressive and liberal ideologies are discussed by

Mr. Elias Tartak in his chapter, “The Liberal Tradition in Rus-
sia,” and by Mr. Vladimir Zenzinov in his chapter, “The Destinies
of Russian Peasantry,”
The reader is referred to these two articles, as well as to to Mr.
Max Nomad’s on “Communism.”
F. G.





Waclaw Lednicki

1. The Slavophils

In connection with the Panslavistic trends which appear within

the frames of modern Soviet foreign policy it seems justifiable to

begin this study with the definition of Panslavism found in the

works of Engels and Marx. This is the indeed striking formula-
tion of the Panslavic doctrine, if this word may be applied, which
Engels gives: “In the works of several Slavic dilettantes in the
field of history there arose an absurd anti-historical current the
aim of which was to subordinate the civilized West to the bar-
barian East, the city to the village, trade, industry and education
to the primitive agriculture of Slavic serfs. But behind this comi-
cal theory there stood the terrible reality of the Russian ,

of that Empire which by every movement manifested a pretension

to consider the whole of Europe the property of the Slavic tribe
and, in particular, of its only energetic part — Russia. That Em-
pire which, with two such capitals as Petersburg and Moscow, is

unable to find its center of gravity until the City of the Tsar (Con-
stantinople is called in Russian Tsargrad), in which every Rus-
sian peasant sees the true focus of his religion and nation, be-
comes the residence of the Russian emperor. The intrigues by
. . .

which Russian diplomacy supported the recently invented Pan-



slavism are well-known in central Europe —a doctrine which could

not better have corresponded to its aims.”^
Engels and Marx, to whom 1 shall have occasion to refer later,

fought against this doctrine, led by a clear knowledge of prob-

lems connected with international policy. And indeed the time of
the Crimean War — ^the period when Marx wrote his brilliant arti-
cles devoted to the Eastern Question— ^was a time when the Pan-
slavic conceptions became particularly timely. In the definition
quoted above one finds the most important characteristics of the
Panslavic doctrine. However, this definition does not exhaust the
whole of it, and simply in order to be faithful to what we call an
objective approach I should like, before showing the actuality of
Engels’ and Marx’s opinions in the light of the Panslavistic trends
of our days, to present the genealogy of this movement and some
of its most important aspects.
Without going as far as Thucydides who, when speaking about
the Slavs, whom he designated generally under the name of
Scythians, said that “if these peoples ever unite under one chief
and one idea, no power neither of Europe nor of Asia will be
able to resist them,” one may say that, in general, the historians

of Panslavism consider the Croatian Jury Krizanic (1617-1683)

the creator of this doctrine. Whether or not this genealogy is cor-
rect is a question in itself, but what remains doubtless is the fact

that the Krizanic episode has its special picturesqueness and

flavor. Indeed that zealous Catholic, carried away by his Slavic
sympathies, by the idea of the re-establishment of religious unity,
and by admiration for the power of the Muscovite tsar, made his
way from Italy via Poland to Moscow. There he tried in vain to
organize the Muscovite tsardom against two foreign influences
Greek and German —and to incite Moscow to a struggle for the
liberation of the Slavs from under a foreign yoke —a struggle
which would unite the Slavic nations under the Muscovite scep-
ter. The enthusiastic propaganda of the learned Croatian did not
^ Quoted by Vasily Cippius: cf. F. E. Tyutcbev, Polnoe Sobrtaue Siikhotvorenii,
Leningrad, 1939, pp. 10-11.
succeed in convincing the suspicious Muscovites — they felt a
Latin and a Catholic in him, and in accordance with an already
welhestablished tradition they deported him to Siberia. How-
ever, thatpoor Panslavic enthusiast somehow escaped from Si-
beria and reached the more comfortable Wilno, traveled farther
in order to volunteer in the army of Jan Sobieski and to die for
the defense of Austria in the Battle of Vienna under the Polish
banners which he had vehemently insulted during his Muscovite
Indeed, in the Krizanic Politica, a work written in Siberia, it

is possible to find several elements which some 200 years later

were crystallized in the Slavophil and Panslavistic systems. As

I suggested above, it would be possible to find some even earlier
manifestations of Panslavic trends. But first of all we should in-

deed try to define at least in a general form the essence of this

doctrine. I think that by and large Panslavism is a conception

which embraces two main, divergent currents: one was connected
with the movements of and hopes for regeneration and liberation
among the oppressed Slavs; and as $uch this movement was di-

rected against the two main oppressors of these nations — the

Turks and the Germans. Since the Germanization of Bohemia and
the disappearance of Poland from the map of Europe there has re-

mained only one independent and powerful Slavic nation —Rus-

sia. Therefore one could see quite strong tendencies among Bul-
garians, Serbs, some Croatians and Czechs, and a few Poles to-
ward Russia as a possible liberator of the Slavs. On the other
hand, among the same nations there developed at certain periods,
especially in the nineteenth century, conceptions of a Federation
of Slavs around Austria and without Russia.
The other expression of the Panslavic movement is the Rus-
sian one. The oppressed Slavic nations were looking for libera-
tion, and their Panslavistic conceptions represented their hopes
for freedom. Russia had, of course, a different approach to the

2 Cf. P. N. Mityukov, Ocher/d po IstorU Russkoi Kultury, Paris, 1930, vol. 3, pn

135 155.


same problem —^e iras to become eventually the liberator, the

protector, the unifier. For this reason these two expressions of the
Panslavistic idea differ not only in their aims but also in their
historical origins.
From the modem point of view —from the point of view of the
political implications which the Panslavistic doctrine contains
the Russian aspect is, of course, much more important. Let us,
therefore, devote our attention first of all to Russian Panslavism.
The direct ancestor of the Russian Panslavistic conceptions be-
longing to the second part of the nineteenth century is to be found
in the famous school of the Muscovite Slavophils and Messianists.
The formation of this school resulted from different sources, and
here again one finds interweaving ramifications of Slavic and
Western European thought.
If one were to enumerate the different germs of ideas, pro-
grams, currents of thought, sometimes divergent and contradic-
tory, which brought about the actual birth of the Slavophil idea
in different Slavic countries, one would be obliged first of all to
stress the fact that it took place in the nineteenth century and that
it was in harmony with the political atmosphere of the rest of Eu-
rope. We find its ultimate sources in a variety of places. There
was, for instance, the tenet of universal brotherhood which the
Masonic Societies in particular had spread at the close of the
eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth centuries. To the
same period belong the works of the Cerman-Russian scholar
August L. von Schloezer, the philosophies of Herder, Rousseau,
and the Romantics. From the Christian standpoint a kind of Mes-
sianism came to the fore with the sentimental attachment of the
Romantics to the Bible and with Bossuet’s reliance upon the
Hebrew prophets. Mention must also be made of the German phil-
osophers Schelling, Fichte, and Hegel. Along with the conception
of the unity of the Slav world which arose out of the studies of the
European ethnographers and philologists, went the demand for
the freedom of the oppressed nations —
a demand proclaimed and
strengthened by the French Revolution. The movement towfir4
a Slavophil philosophy was fostered by the propaganda of Czechs
like Dobrovsky, Kollar, and others who championed the claims of

freedom for people of good will propaganda based on aflFection
for the national past and on Catholic conservatism which saw in the
Slav world, and particularly in Orthodox Russia, a bulwark
against Western Jacobinism. Finally there were many political

factors to be taken into account:- on one hand, the role of Russia

in the Napoleonic Wars and the growing political power of Rus-
sia, which was held to be the only power able to win freedom for
the Slavic nations; and on the other, the anti-Russian tendencies
voiced in the Polish risings, the leaders of which considered the
enemy a nest of political reactionaries and a stronghold of vio-
lence. All these elements, various and even contradictory though
they were, contributed to the establishment of the Slavophil doc-
rine and at the same time indicated the goal which it might ul-
timately attain.’* As far as the purely Russian Slavophil and
hence Panslavistic doctrine is concerned, some other factors must
also be taken into consideration.
I must start ab ovo. For several very important historical rea-
sons the Byzantine political influence in Moscow, in the Muscoi
vite ideology, became particularly potent. I have in mind the fall
of Byzantium and some other events bound up with this great
catastrophe. In coimection with the more and more imminent
Turkish menace, in order to save Byzantium, in order to organize

a coalition against the Turks, men in the Roman Church began

to consider with even more urgency the already existing concept
of a possible union of the two churches; and at the Council of
Florence in 1439 the union of the churches was accomplished.
The whole Greek world accepted this union. The representative
of the Muscovite Church at the Council, the Metropolitan Isidor,
also adhered to the union; but unfortunately his adherence did not
conform to sentiments at home. And when he reached Moscow,
after celebrating masses in Cracow, he was confronted by com-
•This follows my “Poland and the Slavophil Idea” published
in the
vhtponif; g/fd Eqxt European Review. London. 192d 29,

plete disaster. He was imprisoned, and Moscow declined the

Ever since that time Moscow considered herself as the new and
unique center of pure orthodoxy, of pure Giristianity. Wheti in
1453 Byzantium was invaded, Moscow's prestige became even
greater in her own mind. The Muscovite monks, working out a
sort of Muscovite historiosophy and formulating the Muscovite

political program, gave a very significant interpretation of that

catastrophe: Byzantium had been punished by God for the sin
of the Union of Florence. And then came the establishment of
the theory of the “Third Rome”; “Two Romes have fallen, but the
third still remains.” This third Rome was Moscow.
Thus was established a Muscovite eastern Messianism. This
Messianism became more and more universalistic in its scope.
The Muscovite tsars began to consider themselves the representa-
tives not only of their own Orthodox world but of the whole Or-

thodox community in the world and, even more, of pure, unsoiled

Christianity in general. . Very soon after the fall of Byzantium
and the spread of the Turkish invasion in the Balkans, many
Serbian and Bulgarian emigres, intellectuals of those times, ar-
rived in Moscow with all sorts of Bulgarian and Serbian Messianic
and imperialistic conceptions and theories, modeled on Byzan-
tium and on Greek and Hebrew texts. Messianistic honey was
collected from these Bulgarian-Serbian-Hebraic-Byzantine hives
by various monks and old men like Philotheus. There were fan-
tastic genealogies, orthographical mistakes — consciously or un-
jonsciously committed — daring eschatological solutions of such
problems as why the world did not come to an end on March 25,
1492, which escape it was supposed to owe to Moscow for not hav-
ing acceded to the Florentine union. Greek prophetic legends,
exploited by Bulgars as well as by Serbs, legends promising vic-
tory for the rusy (reddish) race, xanthos genos, became russky
(Russian) race; and so, as Professor Milyukov stressed, “an or-
thographical mistake became a source of the Russian imperialistic
dreams about Constantinople and the Straits.” In a word, ortho-
graphical errors and boundless imagination, fed on Byzantine and
autocratic Imperial doctrines, decided for a long time the style
of Russian political thought. Hence, practically, the Moscow
Tsar and later the St. Petersburg Emperor became the head of the
church of a Byzantine Caesaro-Papist type and assumed the posi-
tion of a Byzantine theocrat. The conception of absolute power
coming from God, absolute in the universalistic sense, meaning
that the monarch was the ruler of all material goods as well as

of human souls, became established in Russia particularly in the

fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, after the period of the Mon-
golian yoke had excellently prepared the ground for such a con-
ception of monarchical power. As the ultimate result of these
events Moscow represented the type of an Oriental despotism
with a tendency toward state control characteristic of these or-
ganizations (especially at the time of the oprichnina of Ivan the
Terrible and later) and the equally characteristic tendency to-

wards imperialism based on Byzantine religious and historical

These bonds with Byzantium became particularly strong after,

and in connection with, the marriage of Ivan III to Sophia Paleo-

logus, the Byzantine princess in exile whom Ivan III received
from Italy. This marriage is also an interesting story. Both Rome
and Venice were still meditating a war against the Turks in order
to liberate Byzantium. For the realization of this new, grandiose
enterprise the help of the already developed might of Moscow ap-
peared very desirable. Moscow had succeeded at that time through
all sorts of belligerent activities and political manoeuvres in es-

tablishing predominance among Russian princes and was on


the eve of liberating Muscovy from the Tartar yoke. Led by

western political conceptions, Rome and Venice thought that the
good will of Ivan III could be bought by the offer of the title of
king, and on the other hand by a marriage with a Byzantine prin-
cess who after the death of the legitimate heir to the Byzantine
Empire would become vested with the right to the Byzantine

Ivan III was not very much interested in the European title of
king, which did not mean very much to him. Moscow was so far
away from the habits, manners, and international hierarchy of
Europe that European distinctions and collaboration with Europe
could not awake real interest in the exotic Muscovite state. On the
other hand, Sophia Paleologus was considered by the Pope as a
zealous Catholic; Ivan III needed a pure Orthodox fiancee. This
last thing, however, was settled, and in 1472 Sophia Paleologus,

the princess of Byzantium, the presumably zealous Catholic girl,

became the Tsarina of Moscow and the most zealous of Orthodox
ladies. The offers of the title of king interested Ivan, however,

from one special point of view, from the very one which caused
great discomfort in Cracow. Ivan III was supposed to become
king or even emperor of the whole Russian nation ( in tota Ruthen-
ica natione). As I have said, Ivan 111 was not interested in the
title, as he was not even very anxious to buy from the direct -heir

of the Byzantine throne the rights to the throne, and Andrew Paleo-
logus had" to sell them elsewhere. But the formula in tota Ruthen-

ica natione awakened some interest, curiosity, and appetite in

Ivan III had two reasons for being interested in this suggestion.

The first one was connected with the fact that some of the lands
which belonged King and Grand Duke of Lithuania
to the Polish

(in one person, as the King of Poland was at the same time the
Grand Duke of Lithuania from the time of the union between
Poland and Lithuania) represented ancient votchinas, appanages,
of the Rurikoviches, that is, of the ancestors of Ivan III.

Moscow viewed this circumstance as making possible the expan-

sion of the Muscovite Tsardom, and it opened the door to Russian,
Muscovite territorial pretensions and demands.
On the other hand the Ruthenians who populated these lands
were descendants of people who had been Christianized from the
eastern source; therefore, they were Orthodox. The Union of
Florence included them, but not to Moscow’s thinking. Therefore
Moscow saw in them the object of a religious mission, and that


was the beginning of the Muscovite tendency to e^blish a pro*
tection extending to a great part of the citizens of the Polish'
Lithuanian-Ruthenian commonwealth, which meant an interfer*
ence in the domestic affairs of the Polish state. This state of
affairs led in Poland to the Union of Brzesc (Brest) in the year
1596, the purpose of which was to assure the Ruthenian church
of Poland an independence of Moscow, which had become espe-
cially menacing since 1589 when a patriarchate dependent on the
tsar was established in Moscow. However the Act of Brest did
not settle this problem, because of disagreements among the
Ruthenians and mistakes of the Polish policy. (The marriage
of Alexander of Poland and Lithuania with Helen, daughter of
Ivan III — she was Orthodox — reinforced the Orthodox feelings
among the Ruthenians)
Poland was powerful enough in the era of Ivan III to stop the
inappropriate Roman schemes connected with the problem of uni-
fying all the lands that could be called Ruthenian. And the court
of Cracow received satisfactory excuses from Rome in the mat-
ter. But Moscow did not give up, and in spite of the fact that
the daughter of Ivan III, Helen, was married to the Polish King
and Lithuanian Grand Duke Alexander, of the Jagiellonian
dynasty, Ivan III seized e\ery occasion to insist on his views and
his territorial ambitions. And we see that ever since then Moscow
has constantly spoken of and towns situated inside of the
Polish commonwealth, constantly augmenting the number of cities
mentioned, adding to these formulations the sacramental phrase
“and many other and towns.” ... It is justly said by Mi-
lyukov that “on even the most cold-blooded reader of these dry
ambassadorial reports, these heavy rhythmic strides of the Mus-
covite ‘Stone Guest’ may produce the impression of some crush-
ing nightmare.”*

But what were these lands Kiev, Smolensk, Polook, Witebsk,
“and many others,” constantly demanded from the time of Ivan
* Ocherki po Istorii Russkoi Kultury, Paris, 1930, v.
3, p. 48. Cf. for the story of the
Union of Florence, of Ivan III and Rome, the brilliant work of P. Pierlins. La Rume
et U Saint^iege (1896-1912).

ill until Russia could be led to the final partitions of Poland? It

would be appropriate to stress here that the project of these par-

titions started even in the time of Ivan III. To the Emperor Ma-
ximilian, he made suggestions which later on, after the similar
plans of Peter I, were finally realized by Catherine II, Frederick
of Prussia, and Maria Theresa of Austria —and were later re-
peated by Stalin and Hitler. What are these lands?
At the time when the Tartars invaded Rus, when they were
stopped in the west by the Poles at the Battle of Lignica, 1241,
when later on the Muscovite principality was established and be-
fore the Polish-Lithuanian union, there arose, spread, and devel-
oped between Poland and Moscow, the Baltic Sea and the Black
Sea, an enormous empire organized by the d3mamic, energetic and
mighty Grand Dukes of Lithuania. Their ambitions and political
horizons were equal to their military prowess. Very often they
reached the gates of Moscow, menacing the city itself, and at any

rate they had succeeded earlier from the Tartars all the
in seizing
Kievan Rus, with Kiev and all lands which now are known as
White Ruthenia; so that Smolensk, Polock, Witebsk, Minsk, Mohi-
lev, and the whole modern Ukraine found themselves within the

borders of the Lithuanian-Ruthenian state.

In 1386 this whole enormous state was, after the Congress of

Krewo in 1385, united to the Polish kingdom, and the Grand Duke
Wladyslaw Jagiello, following Polish suggestions, married the
Polish queen Jadwiga of Anjou. These lands obtained, after the
Pact of Horodlo, 1413, and later after the Union of Lublin, 1569
(a sort of confirmation and development of the Pact of Horodlo),
a complete equality of rights and privileges with those which
were established in the Polish Republic. After the Union of Lub-
lin, Poland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (including White
Ruthenia and Ruthenia) had a common parliament. And each
successiveKing of Poland had to be elected by the Grand Duchy
of Lithuania as Grand Duke of Lithuania.
While Ivan III and later Basil, and finally Ivan IV (the Ter-
rible) were trying to justify their territorial attempts on Poland,
centuries passed during which these lands were living in com-
pletely different political and social conditions. The regime of
freedom, religious tolerance, and local autonomy became so
strongly and solidly established in the Polish-Ruthenian-Lithu-
anian commonwealth that even Pskov and Novgorod, those
peculiar republics accustomed to their freedom, menaced by the
Muscovite despotism, made efforts to join the commonwealth.
They paid very dearly for these desires; Ivan III and later Ivan
IV uprooted these political dreams by the most terrific terroristic

Returning now to the Muscovite Slavophils, one thing must be

stressed — that the first period of their activity was connected
with more or less Russian historical problems. According to Her-
zen the moment of the precise formulation of the Muscovite Slavo-
phil doctrinewas the year 1836, when the famous Philosophical
Letter of Chaadaev appeared. Of course it would be possible to
find ties between the Muscovite Slavophils and the Shishkovists of
the beginning of the nineteenth century, but Chaadaev’s Western
doctrine, Catholic in its conception, became a kind of catalyzer
which crystallized the Slavophil program.
However, it would be difficult to give a precise analysis of the
Russian Slavophil doctrine without taking into consideration the
so-called ojitsiaVnaya narodnosf (official nationality). This term
was originated, I believe, by the famous historian of Russian
literature Pypin and applied by him to the official Russian ideol-
ogy elaborated at the beginning of the reign of Nicholas I by cer-
tain high dignitaries, among whom the most prominent was S. S.
Uvarov, minister of education. His system was based on three
principles: autocracy, orthodoxy, and nationality. Although it

is possible that the first two elements of this system may raise no
doubts, the third appears less clear. But for Uvarov and his fol-
lowers it was not The concrete significance of the word “na-

tionality” for Uvarov was “reduced,” as justly stated by Pro-

*Cf. W. Lednicki, Life and Culture of Poland, New York, 1944, p. 41.

feasor P. N. Sakulin* “to the conservation of serfdom and of

forms of life tied with Uvarov realized very well this
it. Besides,
spiritual relationship between serfdom and absolutism, and he de-
finitely expressed the view that autocracy and serfdom, having

the same historical source, must have the same historical fate.”
When the Chaadaev scandal exploded. Count Benckendorff, head
of the Russian police and the closest collaborator of Nicholas I,

expressed the following opinion: “Le passe de la Russia a ete ad-

mirable; son present est plus que magnifigue; quant d son avenir
il est au deld de tout ce que V imagination la plus hardie se peut

The establishment of this ideology was not confined merely to
official interviews, proclamations, and manifestos. The govern-
ment had in its hands powerful means with which to imprison the
thought of the country within its official ideology. The most effi-

cient weapon was censorship and interdiction of foreign travel.

The aim was not only to impose respect for the “three whales”
of that ideology but also to eliminate any disaggregating Western
influence. I need not mehtion the fact that in the eyes of the rep-
resentatives of the ofitsiaVnaya narodnost’ the West w^s con-
sidered a source of all kinds of mischievous and dangerous ideas.
Strong echos of slogans launched by the official ideology often
resounded in the writings of people who from a certain point of
view might be considered independent. The most striking exam-
ple is to be found in the works of a man who, by the way, was one
of the closest friends of the Russian Slavophils — I have in mind
Nicholas Gogol.
One remembers certainly Chichikov’s troika “flying like a whirl-
wind” on the last pages of the volume of Dead Souls, and

one recalls perhaps that the writer compares that troika to a Rus-
sia “flying onwards like a spirited troika that nothing can over-
take.” “The road is smoking under thee,” writes Gogol. “The
bridges rumble, everything falls back and is left behind. . . .

^htoriya Rossii v xix Veke, Izd. A. 1. Granata, vol. II, p. 445.

> Ibid.,
p. 445.
What mysterious force is hidden in this troika, never seen be-
fore? . . . Russia, whither She gives no
fliest thou? Answer!
answer. The ringing of the bells melts into music. The air, tom
to shreds, whirs and rushes like the wind, everything there is on
earth is flying by, and the other states and nations, with looks
askance, make way for her and draw aside.” Is it possible to
read this astonishing “lyrical digression” without being indeed
profoundly amazed, especially when one remembers whom Go-
gol’s troika is carrying —Chichikov, Selifan, and Petrushka?
This is the Russia for which “other states and nations” must “make
way” and “draw aside!” From this point of view Gogol’s
passage is very characteristic and representative not only as far
as the ofHcial ideology is concerned, but also the Slavophil. One
cannot without amazement see cultivated Muscovite Slavophils
like the brothers Aksakov, Khomyakov, Samarin, and many others
absorbed in their idealization of the primitive Muscovite institu-

tions and in their disdain for Western civilization.

The Russian philosopher, Vladimir Solov’ev, when criticizing
this unjustified Russian messianism and pretension to obtain a

privileged situation in the world, asked what benefits Russia

might be able to secure to the world. Gogol, of course, had no
doubts about this. His Selected Passages from Correspondence
with Friends gives a very eloquent answer: only the Russian
Church “like a chaste virgin has been preserved since the times
of the Apostles” in her original immaculate purity, and this
Church, “changing nothing in the state,” might give power to
Russia and become a leader of other nations because of the
inefficiency of the Western Church. The tsar is the image of God
on the earth; the organization of the Russian State awaits the same
state of grace; “The more one scrutinizes the organization of the
administration of the provinces, the more one is amazed by the
wisdom of the founders: one feels that God himself was invis-
ibly building with the hands of the monarchs.”
It is true that some of Gogol’s assertions were too strong even
for Slavophils, and his book awoke consternation not only among

people like Belinsky but even among some of the Slavophils.

However, some of their own texts, which I shall quote later, and
texts of writers close to them are not less eloquent. This, for in-
stance, is the case with Nadezhdin.
We may find very similar items in a treatise written immedi-
ately after the scandal provoked by Chaadaev’s famous Phil-
osophical Letter, True enough, Nadezhdin wrote his treatise
in order to rehabilitate himself after the unfortunate Chaadaev

adventure; nevertheless the text remains striking. Here the author

stresses particularly the power of Russian unity under the tsar’s
leadership, Russian health compared to Western disease, and the
patience of the Russian pec^le, which brought to their historical
development a special character. “Who was the only one who
thought and worked exclusively for us? The tsar! When did we
write even one line in our history without the order of the tsar?
. . . Our history must not be divided into periods of the life of
the nation as Europeans divide their history, but into reigns which
represent an unbroken stairway of beneficent activity of the tsars
and religious humility of the nation. . . . Our spiritual life is not
our achievement but the achievement of our wise and protective
monarchs. ... We have populated a space on which there would
be room enough for ten and more Europes. Not in vain have we
long been separated from the small corner called Europe. Our
destiny is not to be the echo of the decrepit dying civilization
whose death convulsions we witness, but to develop among our-
selves a new, young, powerful, truly Russian civilization which
will renew the old Europe.” “The tsar is a father and Russians
his children.” “We are children, and childhood comprises our
happiness. Our history has until now been a great poem in which
there is only one hero, only one acting character. . . Remember

with religious humility and with noble pride that your existence
is concentrated in your holy master. Without him you are only
a line of zeros — with that monarchical ‘one’ these zeros make a
s Lemke, Nikolaevskie Zhandamy, quoted by Jan Kuchatzewaki, Old Budego Citratu
do Czerwonego, vol. I, Warsaw, 1923, pp. 301-302.
What is particularly striking is the arrogance of this constant
comparison of Muscovite Russia with not only Europeanized
Russia, but the whole of Europe. The later Panslavists such as
Tyutchev and Dostoevsky wiU continue to drive in a Gogolian
troika. Gogol himself knew Europe and was, I think, very fond
of it — especially of Italy. In his Dead Souls he showed even a
kind of Ukrainian hatred for Muscovite life; yet in his lyrical

digressions he sang his peans to the greatness of Russia. There

is an element of duplicity and insincerity in this attitude. The
same, as I have said, will appear in the case of Tyutchev, for in-
stance, a highly cultivated and profoundly Westernized man. Sim-
ilar will be the case of Dostoevsky. Both knew the Russian real-
ity, and in spile of that both constantly sought to announce, pro-
claim, and greet the “coming” of Russia into Europe.
Equally characteristic is another fact — that all these Russian
nationalists fought with foreign weapons in their hands. This is a
trait which appears continually in Russian nationalistic and im-
perialistic doctrines. Such was the case of the famous doctrine
of “Moscow the Third Rome” and also of the Slavophils and their
successors the Panslavists. It isknown
well that all of them were
students and pupils of German philosophy — of Schelling, Fichte,
and Hegel. They readily accepted and applied to Russia the Ger-
man teaching that in different periods of history the universal life
reaches its culmination now in one nation, now in another. In
their opinion the historical moment for Russia’s mission was
about to arrive. The teachings of Schiller’s German Greatness^
which may be considered a kind of preamble of Fichte’s speech
to the German nation, could not but impress the Muscovite dream-
ers. Schiller explained that the greatness of the German nation
is based only on its cultural and moral character. The German
only one for which “holy things exist.” This spirit
spirit is the

alone communicates with the spirit of the universe, which has

elected the German spirit to work at the imperishable task of cul-
ture. “The English look only for riches,” says Schiller, “the

French are imbued only with their vain glory, the Germans were
called to realize an integral humanity.”®
The dizzying speech of Fichte in which he launched the meta-
physics ofGermanism and the identity of Germanism and uni-
versalist messianism became, of course, a source of particularly
appealing inspiration for the Slavophils. But here again some
reservations should be made. Fichte’s speech, absurd as it was,

was a reaction against Jena the defeated nation was looking for
an ideological compensation. The Slavophils did not need any
compensation, but they very quickly used the whole German arma-
ment of arguments in their fight against Western Europe and for
holy Russia. German philosophical imperialism was directed pri-

marily against the Roman nations. The Muscovite Slavophils ex-

panded that aggression and mobilized themselves against the

whole of Europe. Very soon their slogans began to appear. Kireev-

sky in 1829 compared Europe to a dammed up river which trans-

formed a fertile land into mud. Prince V. F. Odoevsky came to
the conclusion characteristic for a Slavophil — that the West needed
a Peter the Great who should “innoculate it with the powerful
juices of the Slavic East.”
The main arguments of the Slavophil program were as follows:
the world is divided into two contrasting civilizations: the East-
ern — Greek-Slavic, and the Western —Latin-Roman. The West-
ern civilization is a product of the Catholic Church, of the tra-
ditions of ancient Rome, and of conquest— Western
^the states were
based on the law of conquest. In the opinion of the Muscovite
Slavophils these three factors represent the three original sins
of Western civilization. The Roman Catholic Church fell away
from the Eastern Ecumenic Church, and since that time it lost its
true faith. Rationalism which found its expression in Western
Protestantism and atheism developed, the Church lost its univer-
sal freedom because of the papal supremacy, and conquest brought
the struggle of the classes, political parties, and revolutions.

B J. E. Spenle, La pensee Memande de Luther d Nietzsche, Paris, 1934, p. 85.

Quite different was the development of the Eastern civilization.
Orthodoxy preserved the purity of Christian faith and teaching,
which is established and confirmed by ecumenic councils. The
Orthodox theology is the true Christian theology because it is

based not on reason but on the revelation of the superior truth.

The Russian state originated not by violence and conquest but by
a voluntary invitation of the rulers by the people. Russia did not
know feudalism, the Russian land never belonged to a feudal aris-
tocracy but to the community, and the Russian people never knew
inequality. The tsar was bound to the people by a union of love,
and the Veche (Popular Assembly) expressed the will of the
people. Providentialism and national exclusiveness were at the
base of this doctrine.
It would be impossible within the frames of this article to enter
into all details of this system, hutwhat was particularly charac-
teristic in the teachings of Khomyakov and the Aksakovs was their

conception of freedom which needed no guarantees. They con-

sidered treaties, contracts, agreements — in other words any le-
gally established guarantee — evil. In their opinion the Russian
people were repelled by juridical norms, and the Russian laws
represented an inner truth. They did not care for any external
usefulness or formalism. “All classes and groups of the popula-
tion are penetrated by one by one faith, by the same opin-

ions, by similar ideas, and by the same need or desire for com-
mon happiness.” (Constantine Aksakov). Another trait was the
complete reduction of the role of the individual which appears
in their conception of the Russian land community. The agricul-
tural character of the Russian civilization brought the Russian
people to an humble subordination, which, by the way, the Slavo-
phils praised enormously. That choral, primitive, and purely
Christian character of the old Russian civilizationwas what they
wanted to preserve. Connected with was the argument of

Russian simplicity. The same Constantine Aksakov stresses the

fact that neither did Russian history have any theatrical episode
nor did the Russian people like beautiful poses. “Nothing dis-

tinguishing in that history,” says Aksakov, no “heautiful effects,”

“hri^t array,” no role for the individual; and because of that,
no pride and no memory for individual deeds. Every calamity is
considered a punishment of God —every triumph an act of the
grace of God. Thus “they do not erect monuments to their heroes,
as there are none; but they build churches. . . “The history
of the Russian people is the unique history in the whole world of
a Christian nation which is Christian not only by religion but by
its life— at least by the tendencies of its life.”*®

This was the idyllic picture of the Russian past as depicted by

the Muscovite Slavophils. They considered that Peter the Great
had ruined that beautiful past and brought Russia onto false
roads of historical development. They were false first because
they betrayed Russian national tradition, and secondly because
they brought Russia to the West, which was in a state of decadence.
I need not enter into too many details connected with the famous
legend about the “rotten West” —a few examples will suffice. One
of the leading Slavophils, Shevyrev, compared the West to a man
spreading by his breath a terrible contagious disease.
For Con-
stantineAksakov “West” meant violence, hatred, and enslave-

ment; Russia union, freedom, and peace. In his opinion even
Russian paganism had been superior. This was why Russia, de-
serving it, had obtained a better Christianity; the Russian pagans
had a chayanie (hope, expectation) of Christianity. The Rus-
sians accepted Christianization easily, without any struggle, like
a child.
Now and then the Slavophils failed to confine themselves to
Russia. They were looking for regeneration, for the restora-
tion of that shining, luminous past, but they were generous enough
to spread the benefits of this regeneration outside of Russia too.
These benefits should be shared first of all by the blood relatives
of Russia, the Slavic nations —and after them by the whole West-
'••S. A. Vengerov, Ocherki po Istorii Russkoi Liteiatury, St. Petersburg, 1907:
chapter on “Peredovoi Boets Slavyanofitatva Konstantin Aksakov,” especially pn.
465469, 470, etc.
em world. The Slavs, organized around the holy Orthodox faith
and under the leadership of Russian autocracy, based on the strong
foundations of the Russian land community, would become a
powerful political organization strong enough to bring the Western
world to the Russian pale.
Here we are already in the center of the Russian Panslavistic
doctrine. And this is, by the way, the picture of the whole He-
gelian road of the Slavophil philosophy of history: thesis, anti-
thesis, and synthesis. Chicherin in his profoundly interesting
memoirs, mocking the Slavophils and especially Constantine Ak-
sakov, says: “He (Aksakov) conceived Russian history according
to all the rules of Hegel’s logic; the old Russia represented the
statement, the new — the negation, and the future announced by
the Slavophils was to be the restoration in a superior form of the
original statement. This formula could be successfully applied
perhaps only to the beard: the beard existed in old Russia, in the
new it was shaved, in the future it would be restored.””
As long as the Slavophils were busy with their national cos-
tumes, traditions, orthodox theology, and glorification of the Rus-
sian past, they miglit be considered more or less independent, dis-
tinguished, and inoffensive satellites or offshoots of the official
national ideology — but satellites and offshoots who confined them-
selves to the worship of what they considered Russian national
traditions. But when they extended their love to other people and
their hatred embraced not only Peter the Great but the West, they
became involved in political problems. And at this point some
of them degenerated into Panslavism; besides, some new adher-
ents, acting in the purely political field, joined the Slavophil
group. Here again we must take into consideration certain other
sources of influence and tradition — this time purely political.
Some of the political conceptions adopted by the Slavophils
appeared earlier —even at the time of Peter the Great and Eli-
zabeth. From time to time conceptions of the liberation of the
“Slavic brothers“ emerged, but they developed especially strongly,

Vospominaniya B. N. Chicherina, Moscow, 1926, p. 236,


of course, at the time of Catherine II when Russia began the “lib-

eration” of White Huthenians and Ruthenians from the Poles
through the partitions of Poland and finally “liberated” the Poles
front themselves. At the time of Alexander I the same concep-
tions reappeared. V. N. Karazin, a well known liberal of the times
of Alexander I, wrote in a memorandum: “Is it possible that the
sovereign ruler of free Slavs, the unique protector of the Ortho-
dox Church, can look indifferently upon the sorrow of nations
close to them by blood and by religion?” “It is true,” says Pypin
through whom I quote Karazin, “that Karazin suggested cautious
action in order not to offend Austria. But his dreams went very
far: he dreamed of the establishment of a ‘Slavic Empire’ with
one of the brothers of Alexander at its head : this empire was, with
time, to be extended to the Adriatic Sea in Albania and Mace-
donia, and on the other side to embrace the southern ‘Serbo-Croa-
tian’ lands of Austria. . . . This Empire, which would very soon
develop and organize, would be bound to the Russian Empire by
ties of religion, blood, and thankfulness, and would become Rus-
sia’s ‘storehouse’ and natural base for all her activities and re-

lations with Europe and Africa.”

The same were the conceptions of other political writers of
that time —Bronevsky and General Chichagov.^(cf. Pypin, op. cit.,

pp. 77-79). These conceptions were also discussed in Masonic

lodges and even in several lodges of Slavic Unity which had been
established in Kiev and in Petersburg. The Russo-Turkish War
of 1828 again galvanized these feelings of Slavic solidarity, but
this was the time when there began in Russia the great discus-
sions between the Slavophils and the Westerners in other words, —
the time when the Slavophil doctrine started its period of crys-

I should like to stress the fact that we must have in mind several
important historical dates around which the Panslavistic discus-
sion became especially animated. These historical events and
dates are: first of all, the Polish Insurrection of 1830-31, the
Cracow Insurrection of 1846, the Slavic Congress in Prague in
828 European ideologies
1848, the Crimean War of 1854-56, the Polish Insurrection of
1863, the Slavic Congress in Moscow in 1867, the time of the
Russo-Turkish War of 1877-78, the period preceding the World
War of 1914-18 with the so-called Neoslavism and finally the re-
cent movements organized by Russia in Moscow and in this coun-
try among the American Slavic population and the Congress or-
ganized recently, also by Russia, in Belgrade.

2. The Polish Problem

The first “set” of the Muscovite Slavophils was composed of

well-to-do people, people belonging to the Russian landed nobil-
ity; they had estates with serfs, they had fine and rich apartments
in Moscow. In the beginning they devoted their time either to dis-
cussions on historical, theological, and literary problems in Mos-
cow salons or to writings in which they expressed their views.
And they also manifested these views in a special national type
of domestic life; they wore peculiar hats and kaftans, which very
often provoked sensations in the streets of Moscow; they ate Rus-
sian meals and drank Russian vodka. All these details concern-
ing their private lives and their na'ive manifestations of Russian-
ism are very pleasantly related in the memoirs of Herzen and Chi-
cherin. At this stage of their development they were rather in-
nocent and pacific, but they later became strongly intolerant and
aggressive. Chicherin gives some episodes characteristic of this
intolerance and aggressiveness. This appears particularly in con-
nection with the great Slavic and European problem which the
Muscovite Slavophils, by the very fate of their doctrine, were the
first to be called upon to solve. This problem was the Polish one.

Slavic reciprocity, Slavic sympathy, harmony, regeneration, wars

for the liberation of the oppressed Slavic nations — all these slo-
gans, ideas, and initiatives could mean but very little in the face
of the bloody Polish nation under the Russian regime. How

could other Slavs who were outside of Russia trust all the great
promises given to them by the Russian Slavophils and later Pan-
PAflsLAVlsM 8^4

eiavists if these same Slavophils and Panslavists had no solution

for the fate of a Slavic nation which was within Russia? As in
our days, Poland was a test case, and without a just solution of
the Polish problem there was no possibility of offering any more
or less satisfactory solution for the Slavic problem in its entirety.

And just here the justice, and

whole system broke; and sympathy,
harmony were replaced by pure The usurping character
of the whole doctrine and its demagogical essence became obvious
in the light of precisely this problem. As a matter of fact, the
Slavophils had a precursor in this field —
^and a great one. This
man was Pushkin. And unfortunately he may be considered ide-
ologically responsible for the direction taken by Russian poli-
tical thought toward Russian-Polish relations. The intransigent
and even ferocious attitude which Pushkin took at the time of the
Polish Insurrection of 1830-31 predetermined the attitude of
many generations of Russians toward Poland.^* His anti-Polish
and anti-European odes published immediately after the defeat
of the Polish Insurrection could not but create an abyss between
Russia and Europe. This historical event was especially tragic
because of the fact that its creator was the most outstanding and
captivating symbol of Russian Europeanism —a Russian who in-

deed might be considered the Peter the Great of Russia in the

field of her spiritual culture. Pushkin refused to see that
Russia’s annexations in Poland brought her geographically closer
to Europe only at the cost of moral separation. In his odes he
expressed not only a violent anti-Europeanism and an aggressive
imperialism but also traced (he lines for broad Panslavistic, Pan-
russian conceptions. These vociferous odes, belligerent as they
were, became a kind of poetical citadel, an arch of triumph under
which passed one generation after another of Russian Russificators
and persecutors of Poland as well as all Russian Slavophils and
Panslavists. These odes became a canon, a national catechism,
a kind of lasso thrown by the powerful hand of the great Russian

I cannot enter into details of Pushkin’s role in this case. I have devoted a
special book to it.— C(. Pouchkine et [a Pologne, Paris, 1928.
830 European ideologies
poet over the heads of Russian politicians, writers, and poets.
From this point of view it would be difilcult to evaluate the enor-
mity of the moral disaster achieved by Pushkin. And, as I men-

tioned before, the fact that it was just the great European Rus-
sian who assumed the responsibility for this makes it particularly
painful. One has the right to say that had Pushkin taken a differ-
ent attitude, the fate of Russian-Polish relations and therefore
partly of Russian-European relations could have been different.
It is possible, however, that my point of view is too idealistic and
that I evaluate too highly the importance of poetical texts in the
life of nations; nevertheless I am not at all certain that I am wrong.
When examining the works of the Russian Slavophils and Pan-
slavists — the Aksakovs, Khomyakov, Samarin, Pogodin, Leont’ev,
Katkov, Danilevsky, Dostoevsky, and even Vladimir Solov’ev
(whose opinions were in many respects opposite to those of the
Slavophils and especially the Panslavists), whose views are so
actual for our own day, one sees how completely Pushkin’s poems
were in accord with the basic tendencies of Russian nationalistic
historical and political thought, and particularly with its anti-

Polish aspects. As a matter of fact, the sources of the historic,

philosophic, and religious inspirations of the Slavophils were quite
different; Pushkin had nothing to tell the Slavophils in this sphere.
Yet it is sometimes difficult to resist the impression that they had
him in mind and that his “anti-Polish trilogy” was a sort of poet-
ical noose cast over Russian political thought, the coils of which
bound even the most courageous and the most spirited.^® It ap-
peared that the Muscovite Slavophil system was unable to find
any solution for the Russian-Polish problem which would harmon-
ize with the general conception of Slavic unity. The Slavophil
systems, both Russian and Polish (to which I shall come later),
failed to produce anything positive and creative: the Russo-Polish
antagonism in these systems could be dissipated only at the ex-
pense of either Russia or Poland; there was no other alternative.
This applies especially to the Russian side — to Aksakov, who in
Cf. my article “Poland and the Slavophil Idea,” as mentioned above.

the presence of foreigners preferred not to speak of this “family

quarrel,” and to Pogodin, who, forgetting the ethnographic fron-
tiers of Great Russia, attempted to enclose Poland within eth-
nographic and “democratic” lines. In Pogodin’s opinion the lat-

ter boundaries were soon destined to disappear, since the only

obstacle toan alliance with Russia lay in the Polish gentry, of
“mixed Celtic and Latin origin,” which should be destroyed by
the Russian government with all possible speed. Aksakov used
similar arguments in regard to the old Polish frontiers, while both
Strakhov and Katkov attacked these frontiers even more vehe-
mently.^* Samarin saw in “Latin and Catholic Poland” “not only
a historical contradiction of Russia but of all the Slav world.”
According to him Poland, “having become a poisoned sword and
an instrument of destruction in alien hands, has received the same
poison into her own flesh and blood.” Her only salvation lay in
union with Russia, which should become “the historical represen-
tative of the Orthodox and Slavic element.” This would, in Sa-
marin’s view, be the triumph of the one cultural view over the other,
although he admitted the possibility of Poland’s separation from
Russia. Aksakov admitted this separation in the same way, pro-
phesying that in such case Poland would be eaten by Germany.
But even here we see the break of the Slavophil conception: the
Slavophils indeed did not know what to do with Poland. How-
ever, the most characteristic speculations were connected with the
analysis of possibilities as to how a real union between Russia
and Poland might be realized. The Slavophils were sure that the
only obstacle between Poland and Russia was the Polish Latinism

and Catholicism in other words the Polish Western civilization.
They thought that this civilization did not penetrate to the masses
and that only the Polish inelligentsia — the gentry — represented
that civilization. Consistently enough, they advocated the liqui-
dation of this class —a liquidation which would bring into the Rus-
sian pale the amorphous masses of the Polish peasantry. This was

The case of Strakhov, however, was less simplv in this circumstance. Cf. my
article “Russian Polish Cultural Relations,” New Europe, New York, 1944.
th9 liberation and regeneration which the Muscovite Slavophils
were trying to secure to the enslaved Polish nation. The whole
armament of arguments and weapons may be found in the
writings of Aksakov, Pogodin, Samarin, Leskov, Danilevsky, and
Dostoevsky. In the light of the present Slav movements organ-
ized by Soviet Russia and in the light of the present extermina-
tion of the Polish intelligentsia imder Russia’s “liberating pro-
tection” one may see that the most audacious dreams of the Slav-
ophils and Panslavists of the nineteenth century are now being
realized. The Russian autocracy was not able to use all means of
extermination against the Polish spiritual culture because some
of the elements of it were attached to a social regime which the

Russian autocracy was bound to protect and preserve in Russia it-

self, From this point of view Stalin’s hands are more free, and
his policy of Russification might become more efficient in its de-
structiveness. However, even at the time of Alexander II and
Alexander III, in accordance with the plans of the Muscovite
Slavophils and Panslavists the Russian government began certain
reforms aiming at the gradual liquidation of the Polish .landed
gentry through the emancipation of the peasants and through
measures favoring the latter at the expense of the former. These
reforms would have been entirely justifiable if they had not fol-
lowed the principle divide et impera. Russia was usurping the
role of a liberator of the peasants, because the Polish revolu-
tionary national government of 1863 proclaimed the emancipa-
tion of the peasants and promised them land without any compen-
sation for the landlords. At this time the Slavophil school became
indeed a political one.
And here something very important should be stressed: the
Russian democratic and radical groupings were sympathetic to the
Poles just because of the democratic character of this insurrec-
tion. Such was the attitude of the society Zemlya i Volya and of
Herzen in his Kolokol. They were even trying to prevent the Rus-
sian soldiers and officers from fighting against Poles. Herzen at
that time published eloquent articles in which he attacked the

“patriotic syphilis” which was raging in Russia. The whole of

reactionary and nationalistic Russia launched its offensive pre-
cisely at this point —
the slogan was that the Polish Insurrection
was not a national one and that presumably the Polish masses
had nothing in common with it. This point of view became the
leitmotif of all Katkov’s writings, but very soon Aksakov’s Den’
(the organ of the Slavophils) joined Katkov’s Moskovskiya Ve-
domosti. The Slavophil phraseology followed that of the govern-
ment, and Aksakov as well as Samarin explained the Russian-
Polish War of 1863 as a war of Slavs against Latinism, as a war
of Russia against the Polish landlords. We may see that history
indeed repeats itself. The same slogans were used during this
war when it was necessary to abolish the legitimate Polish govern-
ment in London. Herzen understood this situation very well. On
January 1, 1864 he wrote in his Kolokol as follows; “Having
grasped here and there some vague ideas about the social mis-
sion of Russia and about her lack of any solid aristocratic prin-
ciple, our sweet dreamers preach that Russia represents some
sort of democratic empire, some sort of kingdom of equality and
masses, that she fights with Poland in the name of the freedom of
the peasants against the landlords, etc. Do not be mistaken. . .

Sumner book Russia and the Balkans (Oxford,

in his excellent

1937) brings very correct«comments to this development: “The

Polish revolt of 1863 unleashed century-old hatred and fears. In
the years which followed, the old ‘Congress Poland’ was merci-
lessly dragooned within the framework of the administration com-
mon to Russia proper while the ‘Western Lands’ Lithuania, White
Russia, and the Western Ukraine were subjected to every measure
of Russianism. Meanwhile a campaign was initiated of the
same nature and Bessarabia; and, to show
in the Baltic provinces

without mistaking that Ru.ssian meant Great Russian alone, the

Little Russian or Ukrainian cultural revival of that time was suc-

cessfully attacked by Moscow, above all by the prohibition in

1876 of the use of the Ukrainian ‘dialect’ for any academic or
Isloriya Rossii v xix ydce, vol. 3, Z. Lensky, “Polskoe Vozslanie," p. 322.
literary purposes. Symptomatically two of the men most actively
associated with this denationalizing. Russianizing policy, were
among the most prominent Slavophil or Panslav Muscovites of the
day: Prince Cherkassky and Yuri Samarin, a close friend of Ak-
Cherkassky, Samarin, and N. A. Milyutin worked at the agrarian
reform in Poland, and Cherkassky “distinguished” himself in the
campaign for reuniting the Uniates with the Orthodox Church.
“Samarin and Cherkassky are significant in the Panslav movement
in that, unlike Aksakov or the earlier Slavophils, and imlike the
professorial type, represented by Lamansky, Miller, or Grot, they
were active in administration and were well-known public figures.
. . . Both men are also, above all, significant as representing the
transformation of the idea of Panslavism into that of Panrus-
sianism.” (op. cit., p. 67) Characteristically enough, Samarin
was, besides all the traits mentioned by Sumner, a “considerable

theologian,” the collaborator of Khomyakov in this field.

It is not mere chance that I mention this trait of Samarin’s per-
sonality. The Slavophil doctrine was from its very beginning
deeply rooted in religious thou^t. The father of the Muscovite
school, Ivan Kireevsky, was first of all absorbed by problems of
religious and moral categories. Parallel to the pre-Romantics,
the Romantics, and the German idealigfic philosophers, he was
primarily interested in the spiritual structure of the human per-
sonality and in the problem of perfecting it. He was fightin g for
the unity and entirety of the human personality and believed that
the superior truth cannot be conceived by rationalism but by the
entire spiritual personality in which the factors of feeling and
belief were more efficient than reason. M. Gershenzon, in his book,
htoricheskie Zapiski (Berlin, 1932), sensationally enou^ stresses
that Kireevsky committed a mistake which became the atarttTig

point for the whole Slavophil Doctrine. Milyukov pretends that

the century-old Russian trends toward Constantinople and world
domination also originated from a mistake — ^from an orthographic

B. H. Sumner, op. at., p. 66.


mistake. I shall not try to discover whether or not Gershenzon

was right. The point is that Kireevsky’s example did not rep-
resent any exception. But what was the mistake? The mistake con-
sisted in the fact that conceptions of the law of universal improve-
ments based on a metaphysical truth led Kireevsky and all his

followers to the belief that the Russian past, the Russian nation,
and Russian Orthodoxy represented the incarnation of that
law of universal improvement and of that metaphysical truth.
These beliefs led them to their violent hatred for Peter the Great
(the brother of Ivan Kireevsky, Peter Kireevsky, hated Peter the
Great to such a degree that he was deeply ashamed of the fact that
he himself bore the same name) and for Western Europe, and
led them to the most simplified and crude philosophical inter-
pretation of the historical development of Europe, which they
based, by the way, again on European conceptions —on Guizot’s
triad: Roman heritage, Catholicism, and conquest. A one-sided ra-

tionalism characterized, in their opinion, modern Europe — to

which they opposed Russia.
Exactly the same might be said about Samarin, who was, as I

mentioned before, plunged in religious and theological specula-

tions and whose philosophy was based on religious personalism
and Providentialism. But what is striking is precisely this that —
men, personally honest and dignified, busy with problems
all these

of individual self-perfection, demanding Christianization of in-

ternational relations, immediately lost and forgot all these specu-
lations as soon as they touched problems connected with concrete
political facts. And the respect which they had for the nation, as
such, was practically confined to the Russian nation alone, as with-
out Orthodoxy the nation did not mean anything to them. On the
other hand, no less characteristic of these self -perfectionists is the
dissolution of the individual in their conceptions of the village
cbmmtmity and of the choral principle — in the thesis of the Or-

thodox sobornost’. There is hidden their Achillean heel. We shall

see later to what ultimate aberrations these doctrines led, for in-
stance in the case of Leont’ev, who praised the “ignorance of the
63d European ideologies
Russian people” as a guarantee against the dangers of European

3. Goldmann, Pogodin, Stur

The above mentioned remarks of Sumner about the role of

men like Samarin and Cherkassky illustrate the fact that although
in the beginning the Slavophils were not always in odore scaicti-

tatis in the official quarters in Petersburg, that situation changed;

the government appeared ready to use some of their conceptions.
However, similar arguments and weapons for the fight against

Poland sometimes even sharpened ones were offered to the —
government from other sides also. We may find a fascinating
example of this in the Goldmann episode.
Charles Edward Goldmann, a German and
a paid agent of the
Russian government, wrote two books: Die Europdische Pen-
tarchie, published in 1839 and Europa’s Cabinette and Allianzen,
published in 1862, and several memoirs which he presented to the
Russian government. In his writings he tried to prove that the
original religion of the Poles was the eastern Greek religion, that
this religion had been uprooted by the Latin priests, that the oldest
Polish Christian cathedral in Gniezno had been transformed from
a Greek into a Catholic one. He attacked and derided the Polish
emigration: “Polish emigration? —Does not England hang it en
masse in Canada, while it dies s'.arvation in the hospitable
England and the French throw it as a prey to the Bedouins, to
the roulette, or to the rouge el noir? Russia knows very well that
England and France in their nobleness and magnanimity would
put the emigration next to the lackeys in their state carriage.”
Goldmann also gives very valuable advice to the Russian gov-
ernment on how to eradicate the Polish spirit. First of all, Poland
must be cut from the West, and Polish scholarship must be sub-
merged in the Russian, the Latin traditions
must be uprooted, and
above Napoleonic Codex which rules Poland must be liqui-
all the

dated; the other Latin institution which must be destroyed is the


Catholic church. Goldmann elaborated a very systematic plan for

a consistent and gradual weakening of the Catholic church and
its prestige in Poland. I have no space to enter into the striking

details of that program which Kucharzewski revealed in his book;

enough to say thatwas indeed a diabolic program of system-

atic spoliation of faith through, first of all, confusion of the minds

of the faithful. His aim was not only the Catholic Church but
also the Uniate Church. Poles, White Ruthenians, and Ukrain-
ians were to become, as Russian subjects, members of the domin-,
ant church of the Russian state. In his cautiously elaborated stra-
tegy not a single weapon has been forgotten: the building of Or-
thodox churches, the substitution of Orthodox crosses in the coun-
tryside for the Cahotlic ones, the institution of the Greek calendar,
the organization of a press of Orthodox propaganda for the peo-
ple, the appointment of only Orthodox directors and inspectors
in the schools, etc. The Catholic priesthood must be weakened by
the favoring of sectarianism and material spoliation. “It is difii-
cult,” he say.s, “to secularize one monastery; but the annihilation
of 194 monasteries and the refusal of any noviciates in order to
create from the unused wealth larger funds for the clergy will
find many advocates among the clergy themselves. In general,
the state should not hinder but help the clergy to surely and freely
ruin and prostitute itself.””
This was, in broad lines, the program for eradication of all

Polish ties with the West. One is justified in asking if this sys-
tem which was adopted by the Russian government in Poland
was not very close to the main ideas of the Slavophils and Pan-
slavists as far as the problem of Russian-Polish relations is con-
cerned. As was mentioned before, at the time when Cherkassky and
Samarin were active in Poland Slavophilism degenerated into Pan-
russianism. Parallel to this there developed, especially during
the time of the Slavic Congress in Moscow in 3867, Panslavic
conceptions of the Slavs united under Russian leadership. The
most complete and consistently developed program for the sub-
Kuchaizewski, op cit., vol. 11, pp. 281-297.
jugation of Slavs to Russia was formulated in 1867 by the Slovak,

Ludevit Stur, in his hook Slavdom and the World of the Future.
His hook, which was republished in 1909 by such modem Rus-
sian scholars in Slavic as Lamansky, Grot and Florinsky, who,
primarily because of their Slavophil and Panslavist tendencies,
considered Stur a “genius of his nation,” represents indeed a
quite exceptional tribute to the cultural, moral, and political forces
of the Russian empire. Stur had, however, predecessors not only
in theabove mentioned Slavophils but chiefly in the person of the
famous Russian historian, politician, and journalist M. Pogodin,
who himself represents a bridge between Slavophilism, Panrus-
sianism, and Panslavism. I shall not enter into an analysis of all
the voluminous works of Pogodin; sufiicient will be his memoran-
dum written in 1838, in which we And items already known to us
from Nadezhdin and Gogol and which will reappear in almost
similar phrasing in Stur’s apology of Russia.
Pogodin writes: “Russia! What a wonderful phenomenon on
the world- arena. . . . Russia is a population of sixty million peo-
ple whom it was possible to count in addition to those of whom
there is yet no account, a population which increases by a mil-
lion every year and will soon reach a hundred million. . . . And
let us add thirty millions of our brothers and first cousins, the
Slavs scattered throughout all Europe from Constantinople to
Venice and from Morea to the Baltic and the North Sea, the Slavs
in whom same blood as our own, who speak the same
flows the
language and therefore, by the laws of nature are sympathetic
with us, who in spite of geographic and political separation, form
one moral unity with us, by origin and by language! Let us
subtract this amount from neighboring Austria and Turkey, and
later from the whole of Europe, and let us add it to ourselves.
What will remain with them, and how much shall we represent?
One’s thought and breath are stopped! A ninth part of the en-
tire inhabited earth, and almost a ninth part of mankind! Half

of the equator, a quarter of a meridian! Russia is a state which

includes all soils, all climates and is rich in all indispensable

products. . . Further he enumerates gold and silver, which Eu-

rope no longer has, mountains, bread with which they will feed
Europe, and forests with which they will rebuild Europe should
it be destroyed they will clothe Europe. He
; stresses the fact that

because of the cheapness of labor and the moderate needs of the

workers there is no other place where trade might develop so
successfully as in Russia. But all these physical powers of Rus-
sia are nothing in comparison with her moral powers. These are

common sense, daring, intelligence, patience, military virtues. All

these powers form “one enormous machine, organized in the most

simple and successful manner, ruled by the hand of one man, by
the hand of the Russian tsar, who at any moment, by one gesture
may put it in movement and give to it any direction and produce
any speed.” “I ask, is there anyone who would be able to com-
pete with us and whom we would not be able to bring to obedi-
ence? Is not the political fate of Europe and therefore the fate

of the world in our hands if only we desire to decide

The first part of Slur’s books is a ferocious attack against
Western Europe. He throws himself against Catholicism with
Lutheran violence, against Protestantism with perhaps less ardor;

he vehemently criticizes European political life, European aris-

tocracy, European bourgeoisie, the spoliations of morals, luxury,

demoralization, and economic structure and comes quickly to the
Slavic village community, which in his eyes appears to be the
magic secret of historical success, prosperity, and happiness. An-
other factor guaranteeing success and prosperity is a strong gov-
ernment, the lack of which seems to him to be the essential vice
of Slavic states other than Russia. Russia represents a glorious ex-
ception: “Having taken away from the nobility all political rights,

the Russian government by its autocracy rendered an immeasur-

able service in its time not only to Russia but to all Slavdom”^ I

A. N. Pypin, I'andavism v Proshlom i Nastoyashchem, 1878, “Knigoizdatelstvo

Kolos,” 1913, pp. 87-88.
Slavyanstvo i Mir Budushchago, L. Slur, St. Petersburg, 1909, p. 192,
can not quote all his declamations spread over many pages about
the tsar batyushka and the love of the Russian people for him.
After these statements he turns his attacks against Austria and
destroys the conceptions of Austroslavism. He also demonstrates
that Slavs, because of their geographical situation, their religious
differentiation, cultural differences, and so on are unable to or-

ganize any federation. They are weak, they are simply frag-
ments of one nation, and because of that “the concept of federa-
tive states has no sense.”*®
The conclusion is obvious: “There remains a third road, the only
one which is sure and has a future — the union of all Slavs with
Russia.”*’ Then come all kinds of apologetic epithets, compari-
sons, in which Russia appears as a lighthouse in the dark night,
assertions that the Slavs must not start their new life with the de-
clining West but with rising Russia. “Russia ... is the mother
and the leader of all our national family.” He is aware, how-
ever, of some difficulties as far as the attitude of other Slavs to-
ward Russia is concerned. But he solves them easily according to

his assertion that the only Slavs who hate Russia are Poles. By
their whole civilization they are opposed to Russia. Poles did not
want, as did the Russians, to subordinate themselves to one mon-
archical will. They did not know how to organize their life, and
they had been defeated by Russia, to the great and lasting benefit
of all of the Slavs. Had Poland resisted, Russia would have been
far away from Europe and would not be able to help the Slavs;
and of course the Poles never had any qualifications for leadership
among the Slavs.
With the Czechs the situation is less complicated: “In their
present prosaic conditions they only weakly attract other Slavs.
Although literature is diligently developed, in higher learning,
in philosophy and history, nothing outstanding appears, with the
exception of Palacky’s History of Bohemia. And in arts and poetry
the Czechs do not possess, with the exception of Macha, a single
2" Ibid., p. 129.

Ibid., p. 141.

creative talent . . . material prosperity is the idol toward which

the whole nation tends.”®® The Czechs cannot remain in their se-
clusion or create anything great — ^therefore they must join a greater
entity.The so-called Illyrians and Catholic Croatians “flabby,” —
“seduced by Austria,” “coaxed by Czechs,” will be “inspired by
the Slavic idea as soon as they rightly understand it.” Of course
Serbia and Bulgaria will agree. The end of the book is a kind
of glorious finale. He brings an enumeration of all the great
battles in Russian history. He stresses the fact that the main power
of Russia is in the union of the people with the tsar, that the
learned people are work-loving and conscious of the greatness of
Russia; that tlie army is deeply devoted to the tsar and to the
fatherland; the clergy, “pious and zealous”; the people, “kind,
strong and obedient.”
Then comes the “Russian Geography”
—“Russia represents nine
Turkish empires, twenty-eight Scandinavias, twenty-nine Austrias,
thirty Germanics, and thirty-six Frances. The power of Russia
is spread from the north-eastern corner of Asia, from Kamchatka,
to the distant north of America, from the distant European North
almost to the Carpathians, Danube, Black Sea, and farther to
Ararat itself.” Then follow figures concernings export and im-
port, enumerations of Great Russian names, and so on. He con-
cludes that everything works to the advantage of Russia
— “Friend
and enemy, war and peace, revolts and quietness; —Russia cast
off the whole of Europe. She had the decisive voice at the Vienna
Congress. . With one arm she embraces Asia, the second ex-
. .

tends to America; inaccessible to Europe, she is a neighbor of

the rotten Austria and the dead Turkish corps.” Russia is the
agglomeration of great and small things, of things divided and
united; she is full of contradictions — Christianity, paganism, Is-
lam, Byzantine churches, mosques. Catholic cathedrals. “She com-
bines Europe with Asia, East with West, the dawn with the sun-
set, in other words, in the Russian kingdom the sun never sets.”®®

pp. 146-150.
28 Ibid., pp. 150-152.
The final conclusion is that the “immense Russian power pushes
ahead, it cannot be quieted, it constantly must look to new arenas
for its activity. The Slavic conscience strongly awakens in Rus-

sia .. . and it can not longer allow its relative tribes to remain in

serfdom and shame. ... To make of the whole of Slavdom a base

is the only natural goal of Russian policy.”®^

4. Danilevsky (1822-1885)

The most radical Russian formulation of the Panslavistic pro-

gram in its two directions Constantinople and the Western Slavs
— unified by a violent anti-Europeanism, was given by N. Ya. Da-
nilevsky whose book Russia and Europe appeared in its first edition
in 1871 and in its second in 1888 with a preface by another Pan-
slavist, N. Strakhov. I cannot quote here the five hundred pages
of this book in which the most fantastic idealization of the Russian
past is married to the most vehement disdain and hatred for West-
ern Europe and finally organized into a cynical political theory
whose aim is to elaborate a system which would secure to Russia
a permanent political supremacy in the world. Danilesvky’s starting
point is the denial of the conception of humanity and civilization
as a whole, to which he opposes a conception of struggle between
different cultural historical types based mainly on language group-

This conception of cultural historical types deserves special

attention. Danilevsky combined the theme of Hegel, according to
which various nations appear in succession on the historical stage
as consecutive and ever more complete incarnations of the univer-
sal spirit, with the idea of the German historian Riickert about the
existence of separate cultural historical types. “For Danilevsky
such a cultural historical type is realized by every tribe or every
family of peoples characterized by a separate language or group
of languages sufficiently near to each other ... if that tribe or,
family of peoples is in general, by its spiritual disposition, capa-

«/6W., p. 158.

ble of historical development and has already risen from infancy.

However, not all nations are equally capable of historical de-
velopment. There are some whose destiny is to serve as ethno-
graphical material to other stronger and more stabilized nations.
Those others are God’s whips whose mission is to smash from
the face of the earth the outlived cultures and nations. Danilev-
sky gives a series of historical cultural types: Egyptian, Chinese,
Assyrian-Babylonian-Phoenician, Indian, Iranian, Hebrew,
Greek, Roman, New Semitic, German-Roman or European, and
finally Slavic with Russia at its head. Each of these types works
out its own culture, and the principles of the civilization of one
type are not transferred to another. Various types differ by the
degree of versatility of their culture. Danilevsky sees four spheres
of cultural-historical activity: the religious, the strictly cultural,
the political, and the social -economic. No one of the listed cultural-
historical types developed all of these four spheres of activity at
once, with the exception of the Slavs and Russians, whose mis-
sion will be to accomplish a complete ‘four-principled’ culture.”*”
The road to that Russian predominance is a purely nationalistic
one; and, neglecting any declamation on Russian religiosity and
other well known features of the Russian character as presented
in the writings of the Slavophils and abandoning all ideas about
brotherhood and universal love, he brutally opens the door into
the great future of Russia. Russia is destined for that future, but
the road to it leads first of all to Constantinople and secondly to
the emancipation of the Slavic nations. I shall not bring to the
fore all his violent criticism applied to “rotten Europe.” The
Russian anti-Westernism here reached its climax. The book is
supported by quasi-scientific arguments taken from anthropology,
zoology, geology, geography, and the social sciences. It might be
considered one of the most important scientific manifestos or ra-
tionalistic Panslavic theories. However,, the most important im-
plications of the book are, of course, tbe political ones. “Being

Danilevsky, op cit., and article by V. Myakotin on Danilevsky in the Entsik-

lopedicheskn 5/owir’, T-A Granat, vol. 17, pp. 552-557.
foreign to the European world because of its internal structure,
and in addition being too strong and powerful to occupy the place
of one of the members of the European family, to be one of the
great European powers, Russia cannot occupy a place worthy of
herself and of Slavdom in history other than by becoming the
chief figure of an independent political system of states and by
being a counter balance to Europe in its entirety. These are the
advantages: the utility and the significance of the Panslavic alli-

ance in its relationship to Russia.”®** And this is another progra-

matic assertion: “Sooner or later, whether we want it or not, the
fight with Europe (or at least with the greater part of it) is in-

evitable, and it will be a fight because of the eastern question, that

is, for the freedom and independence of the Slavs, for the pos-
session of Tsargrad — for everything which in the opinion of Eu-
rope represents an object of illegitimate Russian ambition and
which in the opinion of every Russian worthy of that name rep-
resents the inevitable demand of Russia’s historical mission.”®^
Of course, on his road, Danilevsky fatally met Poland. His
fight in this case was very simple. He liquidated Poland with the
help of all kinds of historical accusations and political insinua-
tions. In the same way he destroyed every spiritual cultural tie
between Russia and Europe. His formula was not at all com-
plicated, and one cannot really deny that this formula is the key
to Stalin’s present policy. When referring to the theory of poli-
tical balance he says: “It is not at all difficult to be convinced that
between Europe and Russia in this as well as in other respects there

exists a direct and complete contradiction. It is precisely the

balance of political forces in Europe that is harmful and even
fatal for Russia; and the disturbance of this balance, from what
ever side it may come, is advantageous and beneficent.”®®
After several historical examples, Danilevsky gives the follow-
ing formula: “At every disturbance of balance Europe is naturally

cit., p. 437.
Op. cit., p. 474.
28 Op. cit., p. 486.

divided into two parties — one, the disturbant with those who
volens nolens are on his side, and the victims of the disturbants
who seek to restore the balance. Both parties naturally try to
bring to their side the only one strong neighbor who is, by the
nature of things (whatever, by the way, might be the forms, words,
and appellations applied), outside of their family, outside their
system. Therefore both parties flatter Russia. One seeks help
from her for the conservation of the obtained predominance; the
other one for liberation from the power, influence, and danger
coming from the side of the disturbant. Russia may choose of
her own will. On the contrary, during the existence of balance
the political activity of Europe is directed outside, and its hos-
tility against Russia is given free march: here, instead of two
parties one after the other flattering Russia, Europe flows into
one entity openly or secretly hostile to Russia. We must there-
fore abandon the thought of any solidarity with European in-
terests,of any ties with one or the other political combination of
European powers, and first of all acquire a complete freedom of
action, complete possibility to unite with every European state,

on only one condition that such an alliance should be advan-
tageous for us without any consideration as to what kind of poli-
tical principle is represented at a given time by this or that
It would not be arbitrary to assert that if for the contemporaries
of Danilevsky his book was a “catechism” or codex of “Slavo-
philism” (words of N. N. Strakhov), for us it might be considered
the bible of Stalin’s present foreign policy. In the light of Rus-
sia’s present play with England, America, and France, not to
mention Germany and China, the guiding ideas of Danilevsky be-
come particularly significant.
From the historical and moral point of view this book cannot
resist any critique. Danilevsky followed the Slavophils in their
fanatic admiration for the Russia of the Muscovite period. Even
from the point of view of Russian imperialism that Slavophil pre-
Op. cU., pp. 488-89.
dilection for the Ivans of Moscow and hatred for Peter the Great
were not justifiable. As far as the territorial expansion of Rtissia
is concerned, the Russia of the Petershurgian period did not ac«
quire or “liberate” fewer nations and lands than the tsars of
Besides, for every unprejudiced historian one thing is quite
clear —^that the universal achievements of Russia in the field of
spiritual culture were genuinely connected with her collaboration
with Western Europe. The Russian national genius was silent or
inarticulate fur centuries, and only when the magic wand of the
West touched the Russian soul did the voice of Awakum become
the melody of Pushkin’s poetry. How can we imagine all the
great accomplishments of Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Tschai-
kowsky, and Rimsky-Korsakov — words
in other Russian
the cul-
ture of the nineteenth century —without Europe and her inspira-
tion? This point of view has been strongly stressed on many oc-
casions by Russians themselves, first of aU by Vladimir Solov’ev.
From the moral point of view the ideology of Danilevsky is es-

sentially immoral. Where messianistic Arguments are adduced in

support love changes quickly and easily into hatred. Danilevsky
pays some official tribute to the slogans of “brotherhood” and
“Slavic reciprocity” brought to the fore by the first Russian and
non-Russian Slavophils. But the essence of his doctrine is pure
national selfishness. “Life and theory,” says Solov’ev, “somehow
very easily and unnoticeably replace the just and human formula
of the national idea by the formula of violence and national mur-
der. Not by any means do all the advocates of this idea directly
preach subdual and destruction of foreign nations; but there exist
roundabout means, softer in appearance although just as mur-
derous in spirit. ‘Our nation, by its historical march and by the
natural succession of national culture, replaces all other nations
who have passed away and are passing away.’ This ‘replacement’
also is not without a cruel, bloody struggle and various national
murders, but the final, result is attained as if by itself. Sudi a
so This point, by the way, was stressed by Pypin and by Sumner.


softened formula of national selfishness was taken from the Ger-

mans by our Slavophils, who applied to Russia that which their
teachers applied to Germanism; this view was systematically
worked out among us by the author of Russia and Rurope. Be-
tween him and the former Slavophils there is, however, a differ-
ence which he himself points out although he does not always ob-
serve it. The latter affirm that the Russian nation has a univer-
sal historical calling, as the bearer of the final international en-
lightenment; Danilevsky, rejecting every international task, con-
siders Russia and Slavdom only a special cultural-historic

type, — ^however, the most perfect and complete (four-principled

in his terminology), containing within itself the advantages of for-
mer types. Difference of opinion, therefore, appears only in ab-
stract terms which do not change the essence of the matter. It

must be noted, however, that the orthodox Slavophils (Khomya-

kov, Kireevsky, the Aksakovs, Samarin), not rejecting universal
history and admitting, although only in abstract principle, the soli-
darity of all mankind, were nearer than Danilevsky to the Chris-
tian idea and could affirm it without falling into obvious external
I think that there is nothing to be added to this essentially cor-
rect critique of Danilevsky’s system. One must indeed recognize
that from a certain point of view Danilevsky finds himself very

far from the first generation of the Muscovite Slavophils who were
trying to marry their Russian nationalism and Slavophilism with
uni versal humanitarianism. They had a mystic idea of the na-
tion and a respect for it as for a person, a religious entity. (True
enough only for the Russian nation.) Danilevsky lost all these

things. no spiritualism, no idealism in his approach

There is

just as in the case of another man, Constantine Leont’ev, who was

very close to Danilevsky’s conceptions and who might be con-
sidered the ultramontane of the whole school. Without any great
enthii aiasm or admiration for the Slavs, but simply guided by a
fanatical fear of revolution, liberalism, and Europeanism, stress-

Solov’ev, Workt, vol. v, pp. 85-86.

ing the fact that Byzantinism was the most definite historical type

(“for the state it means autocracy, for religion —Orthodoxy, for

the moral world —contempt for earthly things, repugnance for the
dreams about the earthly happiness of people, humility”) and
that the “Byzantine spirit with its principles and influences, like
the complicated tissues of the nervous system, penetrated he whole
Russian social organism,” he proclaimed that: “Russia should be
frozen so that she may not decay,” as every living process ends
in death and decomposition — the state in which Western Europe
now finds itself. Although there are no universalistic elements in

the Russian past, the Russian civilization must be preserved as

it is.

For Leont’ev all means are good as “politics are not ethics.” He
calls for courage, for people who will not fear the words “reac-
tion” and “reactionary,” who will understand “that nothing can
be achieved without violence” and that in order to stop the “de-

frosting” of Russia “retrogressive reforms” are indispensable,

first of all “the fight against public education because if Russia
has succeeded in her resistance against the spirit of the times, she
owes it to the ignorance of the Russian people.”®"

5. Tyutchev (1803-1873)

Perhaps from the purely chronological point of view Tyutchev

should have been discussed before Danilevsky. Indeed some of
Danilevsky’s most essential views were first brought to public opin-
ion in 1869 in the review Zarya, in which he said that: “Europe
not accidentally but in her very essence is hostile to us. There-
for only when she is in conflict with herself might she be safe for
us.”®® In a letter to Aksakov on the second of October, 1867, Tyut-
chev said: “Civil war in the West is our best political ally.”
’^K. Leont’pv, Vostok, Rosslya i Slavyanstvo, vol. I, vol. 11, Mosrow, 1885-1886;
vdl. I, p. vol. II pp. 86, 109-120, 78-152, 180, 24-27; quoted by P. N. Milyukov
(Milioukov), Le mouvement inteUectuel russr, Paris, 1918, pp. 400-410.
*3 K. Pigarev, F. 1. “Tyutcliev i probleray vne&hnei politiki Rosii” in Literaturnoe
Noiledstvo, vol. 19-21, Moscow, 1935, p. 206.

(cf. ibid.) However, as early as June 26, 1864, Tyutchev wrote

to his sister: “I of course am not one of those who in their gloomy

patriotism would like to doom Russia to permanent solitude, iso-

late and seclude her forever. I admit agreements, but on the con-
dition that they be only accidental and that, accepting them, they
never forget the truth-dogma, that between Russia and the West
there can be no alliance, neither for the sake of interest, nor for
the sake of principles, that in the West there exists not a single in-

terest, not a single tendency which would not conspire against

Russia, especially against her future, and which would not try to
harm us. And this is why the only natural policy of Russia to-
ward the Western powers must be not an alliance with one or the

other of these powers, but disunion, division of them, because,

only when they are divided among themselves do they cease to be
hostile to us — because of impotence and, of course, never because
of conviction. This severe truth will perhaps shock the tender
souls, but in the endlaw of our existence as a tribe and
this is the

as an empire, and the only way of ignoring this is to cease to be

The case of Tyutchev is perhaps the most fascinating. Belonging
to a distinguished Russian family, a man with intimate ties with
the court, a diplomat, one of the most brilliant Russian poets, the
poet of the Last Love, the poet of the metaphysic fear of “the
cosmos” and the universal “chaos,” the poet of nature, the poet
who created new rhythms and melodies in Russian poetry, the
Russian poet who translated Goethe, Byron, Schiller, Heine, La-
martine, and who himself wrote poems in French, a man who was
plunged in religious indifference and scepticism, a pantheist, an
“ashamed atheist” who was “entirely foreign in his domestic life
not only to orthodox customs of the church, but alien to the tra-
ditions of the Russian church,”®® (words of Aksakov), a man
who had an arrogant disdain for the “gloomy grey Russian life,”
in which he saw only “offices and barracks, chin and knot,” a man
»*Ibid., pp. 205-206.
*•* A. Lezhnev, Dva Poeta, Gos. Izd., 1934, p. 22.
who spent most of his time abroad courting Germans, Frendi,
Italians, establishing very friendly relations with Heine, Schel-
ling, and other distinguished poets, writers, and intellectuals in

Europe, married to two foreign women who did not know Russian,
a cosmopolitan in his private life, ‘^entertaining German barons,
poets, and diplomats,” always speaking French*® —Tyutchev be-
came not only in his political treaties, articles, and diplomatic
reports but also in his poetry the most violent advocate of Slavo-
philand Panslavistic ideas and of Russian anti-Europeanism.
There were, of course, slight distinctions between him and the
Muscovite Slavophils. The kind of patriarchial democratism
which characterized th^m, their adulation of the Russian peas-
ant, their theory about the Russian village community —for all

these things Tyutchev cared very little. His primary interests were
connected with foreign affairs. He was the “minister of foreign
problem was al-
affairs” of the Slavophils. Therefore the Slavic
ways important to him. He wrote and published many political
poems addressed to the Slavs and to the Czechs and poems con-
nected with the Polish problem, — ^but again in a very peculiar
way. When
Murav’ev the “hangman” plunged the Polish Insur-
rection of1863 into massacres and blood, Tyutchev addressed to
him a homage of greatest thankfulness and admiration. And when
the grandson of Suvorov, the famous hero of the Prague massacre
in Warsaw in 1794, appeared decent enough to refuse participa-
tion in a collective address to Murav’ev, Tyutchev launched a mis-
chievous and sarcastic epigram in which he made fun of Suvorov’s
misplaced humanitarianism. Besides, he, in 1866 wrote a poem
glorifying Murav’ev’s memory. True enough that in 1831 his
attitudehad been a little different. He wrote at that time a poem
by which Poles have very often been lulled and which was usually
quoted as a Russian pro-Polish text. First of all there is, I think,
a kind of moral insanity in Ip-inging the name of Tyutchev as a
symbol of Russian-Polish fraternity; the name of the poet who in
the most cynical way sang the glory of Murav’ev! Besides, even
so Lezhnev, ibid., p. 20.

the poem of 1831 gives a rather peculiar consolation to the Poles

— this iswhat Tyutchev says to them: “Believe the word of the
Russian tuition: we shall sacredly preserve your ashes, and our
coimaon freedom as a Phoenix will find its birth in them.”
In the recent works devoted to T3rutchev such as those of Piga-
rev, Gippius, Stremoukhov, Lezhnev, one important detail has been
revealed. Both the Slavophils and Tyutchev representing the
landed Russian nobility, were deeply impressed by tbe revolu*
tionary movements in Europe. Tyutchev in his anti-revolution*
ism, b^ame a kind of Russian Joseph de Maistre and he very soon
came to the conception that in Europe there existed two powers:
Revolution and Russia. He developed this conception in his ar-
ticles and poems and for many years he was busy with the or-

ganization of Russian propaganda in Europe for the spreading

of his political ideas.
One of his most significant poems in this respect was the poem
The Sea and the Rock, in which he gives a picture of how the
gigantic foot of the rock will appease the stormy waves of the
sea. The idea which was symbolically presented in this poem
was developed in a political language in his article Russia and
Revolution written in 1848.^^ His conception of the greatness
of Russia developed as a function of the mission which he attrib-
uted to Russia; and here his imagination becomes boundless. In
his famous poem Russian Geography he mentions Moscow, Peters-
burg, and Constantinople as the capitals of the Russian empire,
in which he sees “seven interior seas and seven great rivers from
the Nile to the Neva, from the Elbe to China, from the Volga to the

Euphrates, from the Canges to the Danube this is the Russian
This was written by a poet who, although he revealed in his
lyrical poetry his tenderness for the “original charm” of the
“poor villages,” “humble nakedness,” “boring nature,” of the
“land of everlasting patience,” did not himself care at all for the
Russian landscape.. This is what he wrote in a letter to his wife:

^ Piganw, op. at., LUeratumoe Naslodstm, pp. 195-196.

a Russian of the time of Nicholas! Certainly the most deceiving
trait in the whole Tyutchev episode is his hypocrisy — ^that play
of his with love and hatred. Repulsive indeed is this Tartuffe who
so much resembles Saltykov’s Yudushka Golovlev, constantly
spreading around him his ointment of sacred hatred. The starting
point of all his conceptions, as I showed before, was his fear of
European revolution. This also explains in part his attitude to-
ward the Polish insurrections and toward the Hungarian Insurrec-
tion of 1848. Russia had to be strong in order to be able to save

the world from the catastrophe. We see here the presence of his
former altruistic conceptions — ^Europe is in a state of ideological
disaster, the world is in danger — the “Russian rock” of legitim-
ism will save it! However, this was not quite so. Russia’s tragic
days during the Crimean campaign brought our political Tartuffe
to some different views. He consoled himself by the following
significant consideration: “In this ultimate fight we should perish
if the West were one, but it is two: the red one and the one which
must be absorbed by it. We have been opposing it for forty years,
and now here we are on the border of the precipice. And now
the red one in its turn will save us.”^^ This is the best revelation
of Tyutchev’s universal historiosophic conceptions.
Merezhkovsky once justly observed that “one” of the traits of
Russian Slavophilism was its “softbodiness,” bonelessness and
inability, lack of desire to carry its thought to the end. And Tyut-

chev “puts bones into the body and dots the i’s; his logic is merci-
less.” . . . “Tyutchev is clever, and his politics are not stupid; but
as far as his conscience is concerned it enters least of all with his
politics.”^ -Not only hypocrisy but really a complete lack of
human loyalty characterized him. During the whole of the life
of Nicholas I this “bishop of Russian imperialism” did nothing
but spread incense around Nicholas. But as soon as the latter
died, after the Crimean War, Tyutchev shouted: “Thou wert not
** Pigarev, op. cit., p. 177.
Lezhnev, op. cit., p. 13.

a tsar but an actor” and expressed his indignation about “the

monstrous stupidity of this ill-fated man.”
This was one missionary of holy Russia, a prophet who ap-
peared before the world with “a crucifix and a dagger” in his
hands. Let us now meet one who for the triumph of his Russian
truth was ready to change his crucifix into a dagger.

6. Dostoevsky (1821-1881)

Without entering into a detailed description of Dostoevsky’s

well-known messianic conceptions about the “God-bearing nation”
and all his speculations about Russia and Europe, which he de-
velops in his novels and short stories as well as in his Diary of a
Writer, I shall confine myself to his general philosophy of his-
tory. The first thing I should like to stress is that the book of
Dostoevsky is much about Europe as about Rus-
a book almost as
sia — if more about Europe. His “Russian boys” are
not even
constantly busy with the Russian God —
but even more with the
Catholic God —
with the Inquisition, with socialism, European ra-
tionalism, atheism, revolutionism, and so on. And this is so in
spite of the fact that in his novels we remain in Russia, constantly
in Russian monasteries, taverns, St. Petersburg apartments or
streets, or in some provincial Russian towns. Another thing which
should be remembered is that Dostoevsky from his very childhood
and youth was a pupil first of all of European literature. If one
should try to discover in the texts of Dostoevsky any proof of gen-
uine and real sympathy for that European civilization which formed
his art and thought, one would undoubtedly be unsuccessful. He
very often declaims his enthusiastic love for Europe, but that love
is addressed only to the “holy stones” of the “European cem-
etery.” On the other hand the types of Europeans who appear in
his novels — French, Italians, Poles — as well as the pictures of
Europe taken either from the gambling casinos, London streets,

French railways, or Parisian department stores, are deeply repul-

sive —
^with some few exceptions: Mr. Astlee in The Gambler and


Dostoevsky’s feeling for Germany, especially for Bismarck.
This obvious antipathy, if not hatred, appeared in Dostoevsky
after his Siberian exile. One would be willing to explain this by
the negative impression which Europe made upon Dostoevsky
when he visited it. However, I think that the motives of his feel-
ings were of a different nature. Dostoevsky was sent to Siberia

because of his European infatuations. We know how deeply he

suffered during his exile and indeed how unpleasantly he denied
his former opinions and appeared ready to embrace less dan-
gerous and less politically compromising roads of thought, al-
though in his situation it was difficult to be heroic to the end. Dos-
toevsky suffered because of Europe, and I think that this personal
motive has to be taken into consideration. It would be useless here
to quote all Dostoevsky’s astonishing and fantastic conceptions of
what he thought to be the real historical relationship beween Rus-
sia and Europe. We know that Dostoevsky was always ready to
say that “to be a real Russian means to be a real European,” and
thatsome of his heroes felt when abroad that they were the unique
Europeans among Europeans, that French were French, English
English, Germans German, but only Russians besides being Rus-
sians were also Europeans, and have I to recall his really incredible
and almost absurd speculations about the “Russian seekers”

Onegin and Aleko in his Pushkin speech? Only an aberration
of mind could bring one to assert that Onegin killed his friend
and Aleko his wife perhaps because of their longing for univer-
salistic ideals. Dostoevsky’s deep belief was that only the Russian
thought was able to embrace universalistic goals. By these trends
of his beliefs he certainly closely approached the Slavophils and
later the Russian narodniki as well as the Panslavists; and in his
he very often waved the banners of Slavic broth-
political articles
erhood, of a Panslav union under Russian leadership. And one
easily remembers his piercing and hysterical shouts: “Constantin-
ople must be ours!” But not all these slogans which, after all,
in Dostoevsky’s time had become trivial cliches, should inter-
est us here. More significant, as I mentioned before, is Dostoev-

sky’s general philosophy of history, and this has been brilliantly

studied and presented by L. Grossman in his study Dostoevsky
and Europe. Dostoevsky likes to hide the horrible truth about
man and mankind with the help of a Russian ikon which miracu-
lously allows him to escape from responsibility. His heroes very
often act in the same way, and Dostoevsky usually insinuates
that their monstrous moral degradations are due to Western Europ-
ean influences. He constantly uses the method of substitution, at-
taching European labels to the most ferocious manifestations of
his own thought. He very freely uses the author’s privilege of dis-
claiming responsibility for the opinions of his heroes. Shestov,
however, seized Dostoevsky in his elusive jumps of thought and
brought him to trial. As far as the purely political historiosophic
conceptions of Dostoevsky are concerned. Crossman did the same.
These are the general conclusions which the “complex philosophy
of Dostoevsky” implies: “The mission of the Slavs is to decide
and finish the thousand-year old internal conflict of the Roman-
German world to the advantage of the Germans and to the mutual
domination of the Slavs and the Germans in Europe.”^" Ancient
Rome was the source of European civilization; gradually losing
itspagan character the Roman idea of universal monarchy was
transformed into the European ideal of universal union in Christ.
With centuries this great historical conception split — in the East
appeared the Slavic idea of union based on the gospel, in the

West — the Roman Catholic idea of a universal monarchy with the

Pope at its head. The Papacy yielded to the third temptation of
the devil and “sold Christ for earthly domination.” The next
phase of the development of the Catholic idea, and this means the
next deformation of Christian ideals, is to be found in France
which created Socialism. In this period the definite triumph of
materialism over spiritualism was achieved.
To this extreme historical formulation of Western conceptions
was opposed the German idea which, from the time of Arminius

40 L, Grossman, Tvorrhcstvo Dostovvskogo. Moscow, 1028, p. 108. All of Dostoev-

sky’s political system is to be found in the Diary of a Writer and in novels like The
Pesfessed and in his letters. I follow Grossman for lack of space.
to Bismardc, represented only a negative idea of protest against
Rome. This negative “idealism” was the main source of national
German inspiration. But at the moment of the final German vic-
tory Germany, lacking its object, will be also lacking inspiration,
and this will bring her to spiritual death. The final course of this
worldly struggle will take on an apocalyptical character. The
Pope, having lost his allies in the persons of emperors and kings,
will throw himself into the arms of the proletariat, trying to be-
come a socialistic vicar of St. Peter. Against this will rise Ger-
many for the ultimate battle. But the last word will be said by

the united East. In alliance with Germany, Russia will destroy

the “two-headed monster” of Catholicism and Socialism, and then
will be established the domination of the Germans, now inspired
by Russia, in the West, and the domination of Russia in the
East.^^ As I mentioned before (and Grossman brings many proofs
of this), Dostoevsky bad a great admiration for Bismarck, the
“iron chancellor.” He hoped that the creator of the formula of
“union in blood and iron” would split Europe with his powerful
sword, and that “after rivers of blood and hundreds of millions
of heads” the world would accept the new word of the Slavic
gospel. And this was to be what Dostoevsky called “The free
Panslavic union of Europe.’”® The Franco-Prussian war became
a source of inspiration for his conception. “Just like the most ag-
gressive German professors he calls for a march against France”
and “wants to enlighten Europe by the light of the gospel, by
Bismarck’s formula, and by the direct help of the German armies.”
France will be broken by “blood and iron,” “Tsargrad” will be
in the hands of Russia, England and France will be defeated by
the Russian-German armies, and so the triumph of Russian Chris-
tianity will be achieved.” In other words he follows the reason-
ings of his Raskolnikov: “wVe la guerre etemelle — till the new

Grossman, op. cit., pp. 199-203.

Grossman, op. cit., pp. 207-208.
Grossman, op. cit.

It is true enough that in the very last period of his life as if

having lost his hopes for Russia to achieve that universal mission
he suddenly called: “To Asia! To Asia!” “To that great mother
of all religions, to the original ‘neighborhood of God,* to the sacred
nearness of the thousand-year-old contemplators of heavenly rev-
elations — to India- and Palestine. . .

7. Bakunin (1814-1876)

There is a literary theory that Dostoevsky’s “possessed” Stav-

rogin is a fictionized portrait of Bakunin. The author of this
hypothesis, L. Grossman, accumulated extremely interesting proofs
for his discovery. I shall not enter into an analysis of this the-
ory, but it is quite true that the moral labyrinths of Bakunin’s
life and political revolutionary career lend themselves very well
to this comparison. Bakunin’s biographers made great efforts to
explain and justify by political Machiavellianism Bakunin’s ram-
pant attitude towards Nicholas I and Alexander II, and his be-
havior in Siberia, which was morally paradoxical to say the least.
Therefore, there is no doubt that the ideological prestige of Baku-
nin’s political activities as well as of his writings is strongly con-
taminated by his very doubtful personality. His Confession and
his letter to Alexander II surpassed the repentence of the Decem-
brists, the agony of Chaadaev, and the yielding of Dostoevsky.
His infatuation for Murav’ev-Amursky and the role he played in
the Irkutsk society are not less astonishing. However, he has his
place and an important one in the development of Slavophil and
Panslavistic ideas, Bakunin represents a kind of revolutionary
Panslavism, but in this field of his political conceptions one may
find the same inconsistency that characterized his moral attitude.

National and Slav feelings as well as feelings of sympathy for

Poland had been awakened in him by Lelewel, famous Polish his-

torian and geographer, radical democrat and member of the Rev-

olutionary Government of 1830-31, during their meeting in Brus-

Grossman, p. 213.
sels. Lelewel “told him about the primitive democratic Polish
municipality, about the agrarian Slavic collectivity, about broth-
by the class structure
erly institutions and customs distorted later
and the enslavement of people which came from the West. At
that time he conceived a new goal for himself which was “a Rus-
sian revolution and a republican federation of all Slavic lands,
and the establishment of one indivisible Slavic republic, federa-
tive only as regards administration, and politically centralized.”®'
At that time, under the influence of western European populism
and socialism on one side and; on the other, of his intimate con-
tacts with the Polish emigration in Paris, Bakunin started to crys-

tallize his own Russian populist and revolutionary ideas. The first

manifestation of these crystallized ideas took place in Paris in

1847 when he delivered his famous Polish speech at the com-
memoration of the Polish Insurrection of 1830-31. In this speech
he attacked Nicholas I, he asserted that the Russian and Polish
nations must be reconciled, that both were paying for the discord
introduced by Russian autocracy, and that the Russian revolution
would bring freedom to both nations. He said that this task could
be realized only through the Russian-Polish alliance: without the
liberation of Poland, Russian freedom could not be born. And
finally he called for the liberation of all Slavic nations in order
to bring about the final collapse of despotism in Europe.
A little more complicated was the atmosphere of the Slavic
Congress in Prague, in which he took part and delivered several
speeches. At that Congress, as we know, Palacky advocated the
idea of a Slavic federation with Austria in which the Czechs would
play the dominant role. This idea was not popular among other
Slavs, and the atmosphere of the Congress was not at all encour-
Bakunin first of all stressed the fact that Russia, by enslaving
Poland and especially by giving a part of her to the Germans — ^the

main enemies of the Slavic race — tore herself away from Slav-

“‘J. Kucharasewski, op. cit., vol. 11. pp. 161-162; rf. also V. Holonsky, M. A
Bakunin, vol. 1, Gos. Izd., 1925, pp. 155 156.
panslavism 861

dom. She could return to Slavdom only by the liberation of

Poland. In this point Bakunin was certainly much more consis-
tent than the Muscovite Slavophils ever were. On the other hand,
he tried to warn the Congress against narrow nationalism, against
hopes attached to the Austrian dynasty as well as against hopes
attached to the Russia of Nicholas 1: “Entering the Russia of
Nicholas I you would enter a coffin without any national life or
any freedom.” In several articles such as The Foundations of
a New Slavic Policy, The Foundations of a Slavic Federation,
The Interior Organization of Slavic Nations, and finally in his
Manifesto to the Slavs, he formulated his view on that future
federation. He dreamt about the abolition of tsardom through
Russian revolution, which was to be preceded by a Slavic revolu-
tion. He thought that the Slavs under the leadership of a free
Russia would fight against Austria, Turkey, Germany, Hungary,
and even against the whole world if that were demanded by the
interests of the Slavic Union. This Slavic Union was to contain
not only Slavic peoples but also the Magyars and Greeks. It would
be an Eastern world with Constantinople as its capital and it

would be opposed to the Western world. The political regime of

the Union would be republican but without a parliament, a dic-
tatorship would be established especially because of Russia, which
would be unable to reach a higher level of civilization without

These articles and his manifesto passed without any great effect.
His striking idea of dictatorship representing a kind of anarchical
despotism was an idea which obsessed him and which reappeared
in different forms on many occasions during his life. He even
admitted that a Russian tsar, Nicholas I or Alexander II, or a gen-
eral, such as Murav’ev-Armursky or Nicholas Ignat’ev, might be
a beneficent dictator over the Slavs. The next most important mani-
festation of Bakunin’s Panslavism took place after his Siberian
exile, when in 1862 he published his revolutionary Manifesto to
Russian, Polish, and all Slavic friends. As a matter of fact,
Polonsky, op. cU., pp. 221-227.
he returned in this manifesto to his former ideas —of an agrarian
revolution, of the abolishment of bureaucracy and the privileged
classes and a federation of Slavic peoples. Characteristically

enough, and this is what Kucharzewski stresses in his studies on

Bakunin, Bakunin’s relationship to Poland was a very peculiar
phenomenon. He was attracted by Poles (in Siberia he nuirried
a young girl of Polish origin), he always spoke very warmly
in his writings and manifestos to Poles, but on the other hand
these contacts with Poles each time, just as during his rencontre
with Lelewel, aroused in him Russian national feelings. 1 may
add that in his youth he greatly admired Pushkin’s anti-Polish
odes. When discussing the social structure of the future Slavic
federation, he strongly stressed the fact that that structure “will
in no way be different from ours.” It is clear enough that his
manifesto expressing such views oh the future of the “Slavs
liberated by a revolutionary Russia” could not awake great en-
thusiasm among them. Hence Bronislaw Zaleski, a distinguished
Polish emigre, wrote a long answer to Bakunin’s manifesto in
which he said that: “Bakunin wants not only the abolishment
of despotism but he also wants the destruction of everything
which existed before, in other words he wants a deluge —and into

the ark, which would save from this deluge a creative idea for
mankind, he puts only the Russian village community with its

common landownership as it had been formed in serfdom. Hence

any individual property must be abolished forever. . . . How many
ruins it will be necessary to make in order to prepare that vast
pasturage — is what the new reformer does not take into con-


Besides this, Bakunin pushed the Russian frontiers of his federa-

tion so far into the West that indeed only a very small part of

Poland would remain as a Polish entity in the Union. The Polish

periodical Review of Polish Affairs ended its analysis of Baku-

Kuchaizewski, op cit., vol. II, p. 443.


nin’s manifesto by saying that “Russian revolutionism is, in its con-

sequences for Poland, similar to Russian despotism.*"^^
I shall not enter the further complication of his relations with
the Poles, the details of his self-imposed activities in the Polish
Insurrection of 1863, nor the mutual deceptions between himself
and Poland.
After the Polish Insurrection the Panslavic conceptions played
a less important role in the second part of his life with the excep-
tion of his program for the Slavic section of the International in
Zurich in 1872.“

8. Herzen (1812-1870)

Herzen also has some ties with Dostoevsky and these ties are to
he found in his critique of the West and in his enthusiasm for the
Russian village community which, as we know, was. one of the
chief objects of admiration of the Muscovite Slavophils though
they first heard of it from the German Haxthausen who in 1845
published his work on his travels in Russia. Herzen’s cult of the
Russian peasant, his populism, made of him a precursor of narod-
That evolution was not quite simple —Herzen, before his trip
to Europe and stay there, was one of the most enthusiastic Rus-
sian Westerners, and he very often opposed the Muscovite Slavo-
phils. His stay in Europe changed his opinions, and there he be-
came one of the most violent fighters against I’esprit bourgeois of
the Western civilization. The conception of the dying Western
civilizationbecame a kind of obsession with him and against these
constantly drawn pictures of the chaos, agony, and disease of
Europe suddenly arose in the mind of this former Westerner his
Russian and even Slavophil messianism. To Chaadaev’s formula
that the past of Russia is empty, the present unbearable, and that
she has no future, Herzen replied that the “past of the Russian

I)* Kucharzewski, op. cit., vol. II, p. 412.

Cf. Kucharzewski, op, cit., and E. H. Carr, M. Bakunin, London, 1937.
people is dark; its present is terrible, but it has rights to the
future.” And he filled that future first of all with the hope that
Russia would avoid the poison of Western Philistinism. “Philis-
tinism — this is the last word of civilization, based on the absolute
autocracy of property.” Russia, by the fact that she knew only
communal property, had indeed every possibility of avoiding
the poisonous influences of the West.
Certainly Herzen’s disgust for European Philistinism was in
some degree justified, but the esprit bourgeois does not exhaust
the content of the Western civilization. It is amazing to see how
quickly that former Russian Westerner lost his psychological in-

clination toward Europe —toward the lights of European thought

—toward the intellectual energy of Europe, its philosophy, arts,
science, traditions of freedom.

In addition, Herzen had a deep belief in the essentially revolu-

tionary mind of the Russians. “The thinking Russian is the most
independent man in the world. What can stop him? Respect for
the past? But what is the starting point of the history of modern
Russia, if not the negation of nationality and tradition? On the
other hand, the past of the Western nations has only a didactic
value for us. We in no way consider ourselves the executors of
their will. We share your doubts, but your faith does not warm
us. We share your hatreds, but we do not understand your attach-
ment to the heritage of your ancestors; we are too oppressed, too
unhappy to be satisfied with half-freedom. You are bound by
scruples, you are stopped by reservations of mind, we have no
scruples, no reservations, we are lacking only in power.”®*
We have here a kind of combination of Chaadaev’s pessimism
and the Muscovite Slavophils’ optimism. The essential idea of
Herzen, a very Slavophil and very Russian idea, was that “the
western fruit will ripen in the Slavic world.” Kucharzewski,
whom I quote, very justly states: “The West produces thoughts,
Russia utilizes them ; to the West is alloted the task of creating, to

Kucharzewski, op. cit., vol. I, pp. 395-3%.


Russia-^ —the role of leadership among future mankind, with the

help of the ripe fruits of the work of other nations.”®^
When dealing with Herzen as well as with Tyutchev and Dos-
toevsky —but I think with Herzen even more than with the lat-
ter, one is really amazed to see how well and deeply he knew
Europe. The more astonishing is, then, that lack of attachment and
love for European tradition. They understand everything, but
they love nothing.
All these thoughts were developed in Herzen’s work From the
Other Shore (1849), in his letter to Michelet, and a little later,
in 1854, in his letter to Riberol, editor of the review UHomme,
and in his letter to Linton, editor of the English Republic. In this
last publication he develops his Panslavic system in connection
with the Crimean War. He states that Poland was the one Slavic
country who preserved her independence. “Only Poland remained
independent and strong, but this because she was less Slavic than
the other nations, she was Catholic, and Catholicism is a flagrant
contradiction of the Slavic genius. Hence Poland preserved inde-
pendence by weakening her racial ties and by coming nearer to
the Western states.”
One must not, forget however, that in 1863 and in 1864, as I

mentioned before, Herzen in his Kolokol published the most pene-

trating articles filled with great sympathy and admiration for
Poland and the Poles."* He greets the Crimean War as “the begin-
ning of a Slavic era, the Slavs will raise the banner of Socialism,
and Constantinople will be the capital of the united Slavs. . . .

Constantinople is one real capital of the united Slavs, it is the

Rome of the Eastern Church, the center of all Slavo-Greeks
Byzantium, surrounded by a Slavic-Hellenic population ... In
any case this war is the introduzione maestosa e marziale of the
Slavic world into universal history and at the same time una
marcia funebre of the old world.”®®
’T Op. cit., p. 397.
®**Lednicki, W.: “Russian-Polish Cullurel Relations,” l>lew Europe, 1944.
Kucharzewski, op. cit., pp. 399-400.


Yes, Herzen was certainly one of the most brilliant and pene-
trating singers of the Russian requiem for Europe, but even m
this he was a pupil of the Europeans — of the Saint-Simonists,
Fourier, Cabet, and Proudhon, who violently criticized contem-
porary European civilization. They did for Herzen what later
Renan did for Strakhov. Strakhov filled his book
in the seventies
The Struggle with the West in Our Literature with Renan’s criti-
cism. But Renan did even more —
he suggested some ideas to the
Russians which tliey didn’t forget. Strakhov quotes one of them:
“There still exists in the world a reserve of barbarian forces, which
are almost all in the hands of Russia. As long as the civilized na-
tions conserve their solid organization, the role of these barbarians
will be almost null; but without doubt, if (from which God pre-
serve us!) an epidemic of selfishness and anarchy brings our west-
ern states to destruction, the barbarians will accomplish their duty,
which consists in raising the many forces in spoiled civilizations,

in producing the vivifying current of instinct which was lost when

reflection destroyed subordination, to show that readiness to sac-
rifice one’s life for faitlifulness to one’s sovereign (a deed which
a democrat considers low and absurd) is a source of power and
leads to the possession of the world.”®®
The case of Herzen is particularly eloquent: it shows how de-
moralizing were the Slavophil and Panslavistic conceptions if a
man of Herzen’s caliber, Europeanism, and superior generosity
could find himself in such a moral and spiritual impass.
The ultimate expression of tliis eastern Messianism suggested
by the Russian Westerners is to be found in the Scythians, a poet-
ical message which Alexander Blok addressed to the West: “Now

rejoicing, now sorrowing, now flowing with black blood, she

(Russia) looks at you with hatred and with love. . . . We love
everything — the heat of cold numbers and the gift of divine vi-
sions, everything appeals to us — ^the perspicacious Gallic thought
and the gloomy German genius. We remember ever)rthing
. . .

the hell of Parisian streets and the refreshing coolness of Venice,

Strakhov, Bofba s zapadom v nashey literature, St. Petersburg, 1882, vol. 1,
p. 324.

the distant aroma of the lemon groves, and the smoky buildings
in G>logne. . . . We love the body, the taste and the color of it, and
its oppressive deadly odor. ... Is it our fault if your skeleton
cracks in our heavy, soft paws?”

9. Reactions Among the Slavs Toward

Panslavic Conceptions

In the beginning of the nineteenth century the Southern Slavs

attracted no great attention from the world. However, after the
Russian-Turkish wars of the time of Catherine II they began to
move more distinctly on the political stage of Europe, as
Pypin justly says.®^ The fight of Serbia for her independence, the
fight of the Montenegrians against the Turks and their resistance
against the French (I am still following Pypin), Illyria established

by Napoleon — all this revealed the existence of energetic Slavic

elements in the Near East. To this should be added facts as Vuk
Karadzic’s collection of popular songs in which the deeds of Ser-
bian national heroes were glorified. The fights of the Croatians
against the Hungarians, the Russian intervention in the Hunga-
rian Revolution of 1848, the part which Russia took in the libera-
tion of Serbia, all created an atmosphere in which the Panslavistic
conceptions could, of course, count on a sympathetic reaction.
However, as far as the final results are concerned, Russian Pan-
slavism was not at all successful even among the Southern Slavs.
The Croatians, who in the forties when fighting against the Hun-
garians were dreaming of Slavic unity, very soon abandoned
these dreams and looked more and more toward the West for
help against Turkey. The Serbs in spite of their religious ties
with Russia were Returning closer and closer to the traditions of
Obradovic and of Vuk Karadzic and his reform which brought
the Serbian cultural development away from Russian influences,
and to conceptions of a national state, and of the building of a
national culture. Russia’s tactless approaches to Serbia, the Rus-

** Op. cit., p. 11.

868 European ideologies
sian tendency to consider Serbs as merely a new sort of Rus-

sians and the Serbian intelligentsia a class which did not rep-
resent the real feelings of the people, and facts such as the Rus-
sian correspondents calling Serbs “Russians of Belgrade gubernia*’
famous letter of Khomyakov to
clarified the situation so that the

the Serbs from Moscow published in 1861 created a very unfavor-

able impression in Serbia; and this found its expression in the
answer of the Serbian scholar Danicic.®^
In Bulgaria the situation has for centuries been even more com-
plicated and dramatic because of the fact that when fighting for

their national independence and national culture, the Bulgars had

Turks but also Greeks. In spite of the
to fight against not only
and the role which Russia played in the restor-
activity of Venelin
ation of Bulgarian independence and the ties between Bulgarian
intellectuals and Russian scholarship, the Panslavistic concep-
tions could not destroy the existence of strongly nationalistic
Among the Czechs and Slovaks, where in spite of their deep
and pathetic Germanization there appeared the first great scholars
in the field of Slavic philology and history —Dobrovsky, §afafik,
Palacky, Havlicek, and Jungmann (who, by the way, very often
wrote in Latin and in German), the Panslavistic tendencies re-

ceived a rather cold reception. As I mentioned above, it was only

at the time of Jungmann, Rautenkranz, and Puchmajer that the
pro-Russian feelings of the Czechs were strong — with Kollar giv-
in the most eloquent expression of these feelings. Palacky, as
we know, was an advocate of a Slavic federation but under Aus-
trian leadership. He was too close to the Western traditions to
feel any enthusiasm for a conception which would bring all West-
ern Slavs under Russian domination. Such was, by the way, the
attitude of the Congress in Prague in 1848. This point of view

*2 Pypin, op. cit., p. 160.

**3 Here must
also be stressed the religious pressure in Bulgaria coming from
Constantinople and the fact that elements of national consciousness were preserved
only among the people and the emigres. Important, too, was the role of the monk,
Paissy, his activity on Mt. Athos, and his collection of Bulgarian legends, songs,
historical documents, and his History of Bidgaria, of 1762.

Wras formulated in The Scientific Dictionary, a Czech Encyclo-

pedia.** The article referring to Panslavism is very reserved.
The speculations of the Muscovite Slavophils on the item of Hus-
sism as a purely Slavic movement which presumably had its ties

with Slavic Orthodoxy did not appear very convincing to the

In general, the Prague Congress of 1848 reduced the Panslavic
tendencies to a formula of political organization of Austria which
would satisfy the national political demands of the Slavs. In this
way was developed a special Austrian Panslavism directed against
Russia and later called Austroslavism. The same trends might be
discovered in the so-called “Slavic Union” in the Vienna Par-
liament of 1908. However, under the leadership of the Czech
Kramaf there developed at the same time the so-called neo-Slav-
ism, which stressed the political solidarity of all Slavic nations on
the condition of complete cultural equality, but which certainly
contained pro-Russian tendencies. The mo tement was created in
1908 at the Slav Congress in Prague, followed by a Congress in
Petersburg in 1909 and one in Sofia in 1910. There took place
only vague and very general formulations of Slavic mutual re-

spect, sympathy, and efforts to calm the inter-Slavic antagonisms

— Russian-Polish, Serbo-Croatian, Ser])o-Bulgarian, and so on.
In spite of the participation in this movement of several impor-
tant political leaders among the Slavs, it did not reach any con-
crete results.. Most Poles and Russians very soon abandoned it.
The War of 1914 brought again to the fore ideas of Slavic union,
proclaimed this time by representatives of Russian public opinion
and by the Russian government. I should also mention the out-
standing activity aiming at spiritual and intellectual collabora-
tion among the Slavs of the brilliant Polish scholar, thinker, and
writerMarian Zdziechowski, who established his Slavic Club in
Cracow with its review The Slavic World before the War of 1914
and who entertained close relations with the Russian sympathizers
of these trends, about whom I shall speak below.

Quoted by Pypin, op. cit., pp. 152-153.

European ideologies
Almost at the same time there reappeared in Russia a spiritual,
idealistic, mystic approach to ihe Slavophil conceptions. ' It was a
kind of continuation of neo-Slavic trends. One may find in the
writings of distinguished and honest politicians, poets and writers
such as V. I. Ivanov, S. N. Bulgakov, and Prince E. N. Trubetskoy
items connected with this idealism and mysticism. These trends
reappeared during the War of 1914. They were preceded by the
old Muscovite “Society of Slavic Reciprocity” which was a quite
honorable institution and by the subsequent “Society of Slavic
Culture” in which the progressive elements among Russian and
Polish politicians and scholars met, such as Professor Korsh,
Prince E. N. Trubetskoy, Alexander Lednicki, and some others.
The aim of this society was to pacify inter-Slavic relations primar-
ily by the help of cultural activities.*®

Some of the Czechs belonging to tbe period preceding neo-

Slavism, however, remained faithful to their pro-Russian feel-
ings in face of the opposition of Palacky and Havli&ek. So Kol-'
lar, who even in his Sldvy Dcera excluded Emilia Plater, the Polish
heroine of 1830-31, from paradise “because this sister fou^t
against brothers, a Slav giH against Slavs,” ’and yet, as Kucha-
rzewski observes, granted a place in that paradise to Suvorov and
Nicholas I, behaved quite disgustingly at the Slavic Congress in
Moscow in 1867, where in the absence of the Poles he did his best
to please their Russian persecutors.*®
Thus the Bohemian Panslavism found practically no expression
in the nineteenth century other than a purely scientific one — in
the fields of Slavic archaeology, Slavic ethnography, Slavic phil-
ology, and Slavic history. I can devote no space to Slavic phil-
ology here, but should like to stress the enormous achievements

in this field of, besides the Czechs, Polish, Russian, and Serbian

scholars, to whom should be added German, French, Italian, Eng-

Details connected with neo-Slavi»m, with events preceding the First World War
the policy of Izvolsky, the activities of Count Bobrinskoy on one hand—
and on the
other, activities of people such as Dmowski among the Poles the attitude
of the
Ukrainians, and the situation in the Balkans preceding the War of 1914 may be
found in Dr. Alfred Fischel’s Der Panslavitmus bis sum Weltkrieg, Berlin, 1919.
Kuchatzewski, op. cU., vol. II, Warsaw, 1925, p. 303.

lish, and recently American scholars.” From this point of view

the Czechs mi^t be considered those who prepared weapons for
Panslavism. And even in our days the Czech scholars remain
faithful to their conceptions of Slavic cultural unity. It should be
stressed, however, that the most prominent advocate among the

Western Slavs (with the exception of some Poles) was, as men-

tioned before, the Slovak Stur, who represents an integral Pan-
slavism practically degenerating into Panrussianism.

10. Polish Reactions

The fate of the Slavophil and Panslavistic conceptions among

the Poles has not been simple. Without going too far into the
past or refering to Boleslaw the Great in whose policy one may
find some elements connected with our subject, I shall abandon the
effort to find some manifestations of interest for the Slavs in early

polish historians, such as Jan Dlugosz (fifteenth century), and

leave aside some Polish plans for political union with Russia in
the beginning of the seventeenth century.
A forecast of the full growth of Polish Slavophilism was con-
tained in the interesting “Manifesto” of the Sandomierz con-
federation or “An Address to the Russian Nation,” which was
published about 1733, at the time when Poland’s political power
during the Northern War had begun to decline and Russia’s to in-

crease. In this manifesto the Poles, expressing in warm words their

sympathy for the Russian nation’s “yearning for liberty and free-
dom, and waiting for a favorable moment to abolish serfdom”
“frankly encouraged” Russians “to rouse their knightly spirit.”
The manifesto stressed that the Polish country “wishes for nothing
more than your progress and the freedom of the Russian nation.”
^ This information may be found in the studies on Slavic Philology of Jagic,
Alexander Bruckner, Frantsev, Mazon, Machal, Lehr-Splaw inski, W. Lednicki, A. P.
Coleman, in different reviews such as Archiv fur slawische Pkilologie, Revue des
Etudes Slaves, Le Monde Slave, Suiiat SlowUmski, Przeglad Slowianski, Slavia,
Slawische Rundschau, The Slavonic and East European Review, and The American
Slavic and East European Review.
However, the really first classical manifestation of Slavophil-
ism in Poland, a manifestation which, by the way, preceded the
Muscovite Slavophil school, is to be found in Stanislaw Staszic’s
Thoughts on the Politiccd Equilibrium of Europe, written in 1815.
It is a work in which Staszic dealt with the problem of the future

of Europe, Russia and Poland. He was aware of the catastrophe

threatening contemporary civilization, he saw a possibility for the
regeneration of mankind through the Slavs. His views of the
three main European races, the Romanic, Teutonic and Slavic,
led him to the conclusion that only the last of them was destined
to bring about such a regeneration; the Romanic nations had, he
held, become exhausted by the controversies which originated in
the separation of the state from the church. The Germans, on the
other hand, had lost their moral unity owing to their sectarianism,
which was based on their “excessive inclination for metaphysics.”
He further emphasized “their indomitable spirit of conquest and
their lust for cruelty, which would always have made lasting peace
impossible in the world.” The Slavic races were developing
intensely; owing to their primitive culture they had suffered less
from calamities, their inner union was always durable and they
were supported by their “religious unity, which for the most part
was blended with the secular power.” Among the Slavic nations he
gave the first place to Russians whose geographical position ren-
dered them more secure and impregnable than the Poles, and whose
Orthodox Church enjoyed a higher type of religion, harmoniously
blending, as it did, the secular and ecclesiastical forces. At the
same time he attributed great importance to the War of 1812
which Russia “made into a Slavic war,” thus showing to the world
her inexhaustible power. Poland, in her turn, was destined to
reveal that idea of unity which
would have been realized by Rus-
sia had she overcome the which had beset the
political temptation
German emperors, for such ambitions would only result “in wars
between brethren and in bloodshed.” Staszic might be indeed
considered the precursor of the Muscovite Slavophils; a still

nearer approach to them may be found in the article published by


J. Jaroszewicz in 1826: On the Influence of the Christian Re-

ligion upon the Civilization of the Slavs. Comparing the influ-
ence of Byzantium and Rome, Jaroszewicz found Eastern Chris-
tianity attractive, whereas he regarded Rome as a power that
had destroyed all native power of the Slavs by forcing upon
them the Latin language and foreign clergy. “Thus, although the
chains of the new bound us (the Poles) to the rest of the
European its introduction Poland was educated
nations, yet after
on foreign models, and the result was that the Poles have become
foreign to themselves.” Some decades later, “Latin Poland,”
“the unfaithful daughter of the Slavic race,” was to suffer the
same reproach from Moscow. On the other hand Jaroszewicz
openly acknowledged the beneficent influence on Slavic life of

the Greek church. Under that influence the Eastern Slavs pre-
served the habits and rites that had originated in the pagan period.
The conclusion was immediate and plain: it was Russia alone
that had kept the ancient tribal traditions.
After the events of 1830 and 1846 Polish political thought re-
verted to principles which approached the systems of Staszic
and Jaroszewicz, but of course very often for quite different mo-
tives. Limitation of space does not allow me to go into detail nor
to quote the opinions of numerous writers who tried to elaborate
Slavophil or Panslavic systems. I shall confine myself to only
certain ones. Among them. Count Adam Gurowski deserves at-

tention. For the sake of gain he became an apostate from his na-
tion, and disclaiming his early activity (he took part in the Insur-
rection of 1831 and was one of the founders of the Polish Demo-
cratic Society in Paris), he accepted the amnesty, annoyed Pas-
kevich, the Viceroy of Nicholas I in Poland at that time, by apply-
ing for remunerative posts, and wangled money from his acquaint-
ances. Finally, during his stay abroad, in 1841-1848, he pub-
lished a number of dissertations. Inspired by hatred of the Ger-
mans, he defended Panslavism and Panrussianism and tried to
prove that the former was a historical necessity and that the Rus-
sian conquests aimed only at establishing the total independence
of the Slavs from foreign influence. The imperialistic Russian

tendenciea^ere only an expression of the principle of defense

and of reaction against invasion. He thought that “the archangel
of independence seemed to have left old Poland forever; there
was, however, some future for the ancient Polish nation if it could
be dissolved with no matter how great pain and suffering into
Russo-Slavism.” He looked with particular sympathy on the Or-
thodox Church, he thought it much superior to Protestantism,
which was split into fragments, and to Catholicism. He considered
that the Orthodox tenets depended on a sincere faith in Christ and
on tradition. Gurowski considered even that the Polish language
when compared to the Russian revealed its decadence and se-

nility. He suggested substituting in Poland the Russian language

for the Polish — this to be preceded by the introduction of the
Slavic language in order to make the change less drastic.
The views of the second Polish Panslavist of the same period,
Waclaw Jablonowski, were very similar. A disappointed mon-
archist, a pessimist in his views on Poland’s future, a man who
sufferedfrom a nervous disease, he came to the same conclusion
— ^that was that of the East, the
the only genuinely Slavic current
Russian and Asiatic, which incorporated the deepest tribal char-
acteristics of the Slavs, who had come from Asia, and belonged to
the Asiatic system by their character, their political tendencies
and their commercial connections. The views show some like-
ness to the so-called Eurasian doctrine which appeared among
the Russian emigrants between the last two World Wars. Jab-
lonowski was very aggressive. In a French book propagating the
idea of a Slavic-Russian empire under the leadership of the Tsar
with a capital in Kiev, he suggests the organization of Slavic move-
ments in the Balkans and an invasion of the West: “This move-
ment might very easily coincide with some decisive step in the
eastern question. A small army corps may cross the Danube and
support movements arising on the other side. Europe, Germany
and France, will utter a great cry; the latter will perhaps be
obliged to break her alliance. That will be the culmination of

the crisis. Then the Tsar will come to Poland, take the title of
the Tsar of the Slavs and proclaim the union of these nations.
The enthusiasm of the Polish army and of the Polish nation will
have no limits. . . . You may believe me that on the day when
Tsar Nicholas launches his Cossacks from Cracow at a gallop with
the knut in one hand and a bag of rubles in the other, the Cos-
sacks will stop only on the other border of the Austrian empire:
nothing will resist him on the road. This revolution will fall
. . .

on Europe like a thunderbolt. ...” (Cf. J. Kucharzewski, op. cit.

w. II and III).

The most original and outstanding Polish Panslavist was Joseph

Maria Hoene-Wrohski, one of the creators of Polish messianistic
philosophy. His philosophy originated in Hegel’s dialectic meth-
ods and was based on the principles of the threefold development
— thesis, antithesis and synthesis — ^as applied to history by Schel-
ling; and it was Influenced by
in its essence rather teleological.
the creative philosophy of Fichte and Schelling, Hoene-Wronski
replaced the idea of infinite progress by the conception of a pur-
poseful development of humanity which aimed at bringing about
Cod’s kingdom' on earth and the achievement of immortality. He
distinguished three periods. There was first the tendency to realize
relative aims. Material welfare, for example was the goal of the
Oriental states. Then comes the necessity of securing the welfare
attained. This led to the conception of justice, which formed the
moral aim of the classical period of Greece and Rome, and to
the development of the Christian ideals of the Middle Ages;
finally there was knowledge —
^the spiritual goal of the period

which heralded the Reformation. The second period was marked

by absolute aims, but this tendency was still immature and split
into two ineffective currents of thoughts: one, which regarded
feeling and good as the absolute aim, was based on revelation;
while the other aimed at reason and truth and rested on experi-
ence. The first current became in practical life “illiberal,” the
second, “liberal,” and the conflict between them furnished the
basis for the “social antinomy.” The third period would represent
the union of absolute good and absolute truth. Such is the law
of development, and it must be understood if the goal is to be
reached. Messianism is but an exponent of this law, that is, a
condition of the further development, a factor which can help to
create reality. In this way philosophy leaves the field of know-
ledge and enters the field of action. It is the mission of the Slav
world, with Russia at its head, to embark on this philosophy and
to realize it. Russia aided by the Slav world is to blend the two
contemporary associations of men, state and church, into an “ab-
solute union” which, in its turn, will solve the “social antinomy.”**
The ideas of Hoene-Wronski were also drawn from his views
on the contemporary state of Europe; he thought that Europe was
in a critical condition and threatened to collapse. The western
nations had produced two destructive ideas which were bound to
bring catastrophe, — the French idea of the autocracy of the peo-
ple, the German philosophic dogma of the infallibility of reason.
The Slavs had twice appeared as the defenders of mankind. They
had slopped the advance of both Islam and of Jacobinism, prov-
ing that they were chosen by God to perform the unification of
the different tendencies of mankind: “The absolute destiny of
France consists in the realization of the state. The absolute des-
tiny of Germany consists in the realization of the church: the ab-
solute destiny of Russia consists in the realization of their absolute
By the way, these ideas about the kingdom of God on earth are
an exact anticipation of the analogous views of Vladimir Solov’ev,
and an eloquent forecast of the latter’s theocratic philosophy of
history with its tendency toward Caesaropapism. It would be
possible to cite here several other names of writers involved in the
same ideas. 1 think, however, that the three men whom I have men-
tioned are the most representative. These Panslavist systems, even
though not all of them were of the same merit and importance,
flowed from a common spring, an excessive concern for national

3. Zygmunt Krasinski^ 'Lwim, 1909, \o\. 11, pp. 85-87.

Mrssianisme ou Reforme ab$olue, Vol. I, pp. 2223.

and European crises. But they had something more in them than
that, particularly the system of Hoene-Wrohski. At the bottom
there was an exaggerated desire for self-sacrifice, a profound love
for the misty and chimerical ideas of a universal happiness to
which the Slavs were destined to lead mankind, and in particular,
the western communities. In the cause of those ideals Poland was
to be the victim of a fantastic self-immolation. There we see a sig-

nificant difference between Polish and Russian Panslavists. The

Russian thinkers looked with contempt upon the “rotten West”
(while the Poles obviously constructed their systems on behalf of
the West). Staszic, and especially Hoene-Wronski had in
mind universal aims, but detached from Polish imperialism or
Panpolonism, A further difference is traceable to the fact that
the Polish Slavophils sacrificed national egoism for higher pur-
poses in their desire to be consistent with their philosophic sys-
tems. And thus, whether it was acceptable to the Polish nation
or not, they found some consistent solution to the Russo-Polish
problem. Finally another difference should be stressed — that the
Russian Slavophils and Panslavists were all, in their private lives,
honest men and quite independent of the Russian government.
The same cannot be said of some of the Poles whom I have men-
tioned above. It must Le added, nevertheless, that the Poles, al-
most without exception, were different from the healthy, fat, and
comfortable Russian Slavophils; they were confused, nervous, ex-
cessively sensitive emigrants, sad and despairing exiles who had
been compelled to taste of every kind of humiliation and to suf-
fer every kind of trial. There is no need to add that the Polish
Panslavists were in disaccord with the majority of the nation,
wliich could not accept the sacrifice of the national self. The best
reaction to these Polish political thoughts may he found in the
writings of Lelewel, Mickiewicz, Krasinski and Slowacki, in which
there will appear different formulations of conceptions of Slavic
solidarity and unity; but in all of them the belief in the. creative,
dynamic powers of the Polish nation will be preserved.
For Lelewel, the Russian-Polish conflict represents the conflict
between the ancient Slavic liberty as preserved by the Poles, and
the Mongol despotism that has enslaved Russia. He pointed out,
however, that Poland, influenced by the magnates and the Jesuits,
had run counter to her own republican principles, that this had
caused her collapse, and that in her recent fight with tsardom the
sympathies of Russian public opinion were with Poland. This, by
the way, had been violently denied by Pushkin (Lelewel mentioned
his name) who confessed that “Vaccolade de Lelewel me parait
plus dure qidun exil en Siberie.**
Mickiewicz went through diCFerent phases as far as his atti-

tude towards Russia was concerned. During his exile in Russia

he favored some conceptions of “fraternity” of nations and be-

lieved in the possibility and, of course, the necessity of the pacific-
ation of Russian-Polish relations. However, he was always strongly
opposed to Russian autocracy. The Insurrection of 1830-1831,
the complications of his personal life, the religious crisis through
which he passed during his stay in Rome gave rise to his gloomy
opinion of Russia’s history in his Forefather's Eve, Part III, par-
ticularly in the Digression, Subsequently he limited his aversion
to Russia’s political system and tried to overcome his hatred of
In his lectures at the College de France from 1840-1844, he ex-
pounded his views on Russia which he now enlarged with his-

torical and political arguments of a precise and penetrating na-

ture. These lectures dealt especially with Poland and the role
which she was destined to play in the future of Slavic world. His
conception of his native country grew more and more exalted. He
regarded her as a martyred nation destined for the sake of human-
ity to rescue it by her suffering, a nation fated to lead the human
race from the “Kingdom of the Old Testament” into that of the
Gospel. This view led Mickiewicz to consider Poland as a repre-
sentative of all that was most creative and fertile in the Slav world,
and Russia as the natural “antithesis” of Poland ^and hence, the —
antagonist of the Slav world and of all mankind. He saw the ori-
gins of the Russo-Polish antagonism even in the pre-Christian

period, expressed in the shape of the two Cods, the “black” and
the “white” ; their dualism was reflected in the splitting up of the
Slavic language into Russian and Polish “dialects.*’ This dualism
was strengthened by the alien influences which formed the Slavic
states. With regard to the different structural characteristics of the

states of the Lechs (Poles) and the Norsemen from their early ex-
istence, Mickiewicz sketched the history of the struggle between
these two nations for the possession of the northern lands. Catholi-
cism and Orthodoxy only deepened the already existing cleavage.
The Poland from Moscow had been in dispute
territory separating
between them ever since Ivan III. Religion was an instrument, an
obstacle, a pretext, but it never was the real basis of the dispute.
However, the schism which separated the Greek and ihe Roman
churches had intensified the earlier diversions in the spiritual

culture of Russia and of Poland, a cleavage caused by tbe struc-

tures of the two states. The complete dependence of the Ortho-
dox clergy on the secular power nullified any influence which
they might have exerted on the spiritual growth of the Russian
commimity. “The Catholic clergy, full of inexhaustible zeal, won
in Poland the political liberties which subsequently spread to
the other social classes. Whereas the old Bulgarian language seg-
regated Russia from the influences of European civilization, the
introduction of Latin among the Western Slavs established a vital
contact between Poland and Bohemia and Western civilization,

and stimulated the development of the languages and national

literatures of these countries.”'®

On the other hand he also stressed the Mongol influence upon

Russian mentality. Mickiewicz conclusively proved that it caused
that Russian despotism which was fundamentally opposed to the

Polish idea of patriotism and Polish traditions of civil liberty.

This patriotism and love of liberty, and finally, the conviction

that the individual conscience must be the highest form in the na-
tional life, were based upon the Christian principle of belief in

I am following here, in general, “Poland and the Slavophil Idea.” Cf. Z. Klarner,
SlowUaiofiUtwo u Literaturze Polskiej lot, 1800-1848, Warsaw, 1926, pp. 175-177.
the close communion of man with Cod. Hence, whereas Polish
political thought is entirely spiritualized, the Mongol principle
of autocracy has triumphed in Russia; it has created the immense
material power which, if this principle were to prevail, would
threaten the world with universal serfdom. In other words Mickie-
wicz was a pessimist as far as Slavophilism is concerned ; the Russo-
Polish antagonism broke the unity of the Slavic world. He fore-
saw, nevertheless, a possible solution. Only by a change from
without in her religious mentality could Russia be transformed.
Mickiewicz believed in the coming of a new epoch of universal re-
ligious rebirth, which was to effect the reconciliation of the divided
Slavs. This hope seemed to him quite reasonable. The “hero-
ism of serfdom,” Russia’s heroic obedience, the intensity of her
religious life, allowed him to prophesy that the looked-for re-
ligious regeneration would include Russia.
Violently aggressi\e to Russia were some other Polish Slavo-
phile theorists, eliminating Russia from their systems either
because Russia embraced in the early days of her history the
pr'inciples of the Scandinavians and worshipped the

power of the monarch and the descendants of Odin, and as such

was the Anti-Christ of the Slav world; or because of her ethnic
consistence: the theory of Duchihski considered Great Russians
non-Slavs by reason of the supremacy of their Finnish and Mon-
golian elements.
vehemently anti-Russian attitude was taken by Count Zyg-
munt Krasinski, an aristocrat and conservative, a westerner, a
profoundly ardent Catholic and at the same time a messianist,
and one of the greatest Polish poets and thinkers. His main idea
was that the Polish nation was destined to introduce the gospel
into the public law of Europe showing . . . that the incarnate word
of God law for empires as well as for individuals. This idea

was later developed by Solov’ev in Russia. Krasinski thought that

Polish martyrdom prepared Poland for the practical and concrete
foundation of this principle in political life. In his dramas
and in his political memoranda he fought against material-

ism, showing the tragic picture of the European proletariat, “the

modern slaves,” torn from the cross by a materialism which pro-
mised them an earthly paradise, actually unattainable lacking —
the light of knowledge and faith, and concentrating all their hopes
upon the force of numbers, upon the division of estates, on the
abolition of property, upon the destruction of the family, and
relying upon violence alone. Only religion could secure individual
equality and the brotherhood of nations. He also became in a
way a philosopher of the Russian-Polish antagonism. Moscow,
which in its childhood dreamed of heroic deeds, “of the western
glory of Knights,” of “conquering the conquerors,” was in later
years, “when adolescent,” subjugated by the Mongols and could
not shake off their yoke. He depicts further the progressive tri-

umph of autocracy, which gradually embraced the whole nation

and became settled in space and in time. According to Krasin-
ski there were two main sources of Russian mentality and culture.
The first was Byzantium, which seemed to the poet a symbol of
the moral decay of the Roman empire in all its aspects, its “val-

idity,” its “sense of art,” its “acute sensitiveness”; the human soul
in Byzantium became so mean that even Christianity became un-
able to breathe new life into it. The second parent of Russian
culture, the Mongol world of Genghis Khan and Tamerlane,
“found a sovereign power only in destruction”; had no idea of

God, but it knew terrifying rulers “who changed by slaughter the

most fertile and most populated countries into deserts.” “In
Russian history the passive mother was Byzantine conservatism;
the father who made her was the Tartar invasion; their
product, which grew to gigantic proportions, was the Russian
government.” This government instinctively employed “whatever
is evil in good things” whenever liberty declined to the level of

violence. It loved not liberty but casual license. It admired and

championed any oppression, revolutionary or monarchial, so long
as it was oppression. It organized its troops in a Prussian manner,
and like the French revolutionaries terrorized its citizens. “Wher-
ever it traced Satan’s footsteps in Europe, it stopped to examine
them and took its measure from them.” “Having made a supreme
priest of itself,” in the person of Peter the Great, “it displayed
itself abroad,” that is, it attempted “to destroy the only work of
God in Europe.” It began to abolish nationalism, which by body its

separated Russia from Europe, by its soul kept her from de-
ceiving all the Slavs, by its spirit nullified the probability of a
victory over the human race.
Contemplating with horror a future in which Russia might win
the victory, Krasinski cast his speech into the form of a prophecy.
Thus in the memorandum to Napoleon III during the Crimean War
he said: “. . . In case of a pacific solution Russia will find for-
midable auxiliaries in the fire of anarchy which she will then
continue to animate everywhere, and in the very nature of things
created by nearsightedness, by wealth, by agitations of misery and
by that complete moral prostration about which I just spoke.
Therefore all possibility for the future will henceforth be granted
to this power. Gifted with an incomparable sagacity, as far as
destruction is concerned it will not let escape a single occasion to
turn to its profit all the hatreds and envies of our time. It will

know admirably well how to exploit on one side the hopes of the
legitimists and on the other the fury of demagogy. . . . Then will

come the day of the explosion then there will come another day
when Europe, covered with blood and ruins, will collapse under
the weight of a thousand crimes and a thousand disasters; then
the mistaken conservatives imagining that the Russian government
represents order, will indicate it as a liberator and at the same
moment the Socialists, recognizing in it their true master, will
greet it by the name of the supreme initiator. It will fool every-
one and everyone will fall at its feet.” In another passage speak-
ing about Russia Krasinski says: “Humiliated and unmasked, but
not weakened, she will henceforth try to make use of other weap-
ons and before renewing her unsuccessful attack against Constan-
tinople she will prepare more obscure and more efficient roads.
She will stretch out her hand to all secret societies, to all con-
spiracies, to all shadowy plots from one end of Europe to the

other. She pay them with her gold and support them by her
critiques — in a word, she will put her
whole power at the serv-
ice of the social revolution with the aim of precipitating from the
throne the dynasties which recently disdained her alliance.””
There are indeed some striking passages in this prophetic mem-
orandum. “The whole role which is played by the demagogical
party in the breast of every European nation was accepted by
Russia long ago and in measure much more gigantic toward all
these nations taken together. She also announces an unknown
era; she also proclaims another God, another church, the coming
of a new society, religion as the slave of the temporal power, the
soul subordinate to the body, the destruction of every aristocracy,
the obliteration of the individual from the book of life, the realiza-
tion of absolute equality, it is true at the cost of the most ex-
ecrable of tyrannies, but unobtainable in a different manner here
below; finally, the idea of property erased from the organization
of labor —and as a crown for this system, the enjoyments of the
brute accorded as a unique consolation to mankind . . . Russia
... it is the arisen revolution, organized, disciplined, armed with
a million bayonets knocking at the doors of the world ! If one is

not on guard, if she is not stopped in time, sooner or later she

will reach her aims. . .

Krasinski was aware of the fact that the affinities he stressed be-
tween revolution and the Russia of Nicholas I, could appear para-
doxical to the people to whom he addressed his memoranda.
Therefore in his memorandum to Napoleon III he says that the
fact the Russian government had too solemnly proclaimed its prin-
ciples does not prevent it from following such a course of action.
He stressed that “the only principle of that government is to have
no principles at all, and that ever since a secret and profound affin-

ity has existed between the Russian Genius and the revolutionary
Pisma Zygmunta Krasinsidego, Vol. VII, Krakow, 1912, pp. 316-317.
w/6a., pp. 317-318.
™Op. «>., p. 317.
In his opinion Russia had only one dream that of a univer- —
sal monarchy and nothing would ever oblige the government which
rules Russia to abandon “the monstrous idea of introducing it-
self in Europe through interior destruction, wrought hy parties
which would tear apart the civilized states, and of planting its vic-
torious eagles on the fragments of ruins or on heaps of mud ac-

cumulated by the baseness of some, by the unskilfulness of others,

and the discord of all. Its very ideal is the triumphal march of
Fortinbras at the end of the fifth act of /fomZei, arriving almost
unknown, where there were none but the dead, and succeeding to

them by an unheard concurrence of strange fatalities.” (Cf. the

article Deux Puissances. Y*
In another article he stresses the same idea that Russia waits
for the decomposition of Western civilization; Russia waits for the
moment when Europe, “exhausted by cruel wars, social conflicts,
injustice, bribery, and spoiliation will call her and surrender to

her.” “Then with its Asiatic foot she will stamp upon Europe and
will give to the Europeans, tubercular, miserable, exhausted, lying
in smoking ruins and amidst puddles of blood, the Kriut to kiss.

Then Moscow, convinced that nothing more will resist her, that all
the prophesies of Peter the Great are realized, will start to rage but
so loathesomely and so inhumanely again that she will awake the
last despair in Europe.”^'
It is unfortunately impossible to follow Krasinski further be-
cause of lack of space. These examples are striking enough, but
actually one may read almost the same things in the articles of
Karl Marx published in New York at the time of the Crimean
War. Krasinski was an aristocrat, a conservative and a Catholic
— and I need not explain who Marx was. Krasinski was led by a
fear of revolution organized by Russia. Marx counted on rev-
olution to destroy all despotisms in Europe and first of all, Rus-
sian despotism. Who was right, in the long run, that is the ques-

tion. Before coming to Marx, I should like to add that Krasinski

Op. cit., pp. 175-176.

Poland in the Fare of Storm. Op cil., pp. 277-78.

might be considered a Slavophil whose views might be compared

to the views of the Muscovite Slavophils — with, however, the sig-
nificant reservation that he attributed to Poland the role which the
Slavophils gave to Russia. He eliminated Russia entirely from
his system and saw Poland’s historical mission in the liberation
and preservation of different Slavic nations from Russia’s im-
perialism. To the moral decline of Russia Krasinski opposed
Poland which, he maintained, had foreshadowed the future
ideal, the unification of republic with kingdom, of democracy
with aristocracy, of pagan classicism with the Christian spirit.

This unification was manifested in a series of heroes, Zamoyski,

Zolkiewski and Sohieski. Poland, in fact, had blended the Roman
type with the Christian. These ideas Krasinski expressed in a
letter to Montalemhert and they represent from a certain point of
view the Polish classical formulations of Polish culture. When
compared to the conceptions of the Muscovite Slavophils and
Panslavists, especially to the conceptions of writers like Aksakov,
Nadezhdin, Danilevsky, Tyutchev, and Dostoevsky, they represent
a flagrant contradiction.
Of course this was, to say the least, a very abstract idea. In
other words, whereas Mickiewicz eliminated Russia from his
Slavic system only temporarily, because he believed in her re-
ligious and moral rebirth, Krasinski did so irrevocably. The
Polish Slavophil systems eliminating Russia as a Slavic state
from the other Slavic, nations may now be said to have begun.
The same standpoint was adopted by Slowacki in his Letter to
Prince Adam Czartoryski and in the second “rhapsody” of King
Spirit. Upon the same premises Trentowski, the Polish philoso-
pher, founded his philosophy of history, and the opinions of
Tyszynski and Heltman were similar. So, loo, the above-men-
tioned Duchinski argued that Russia was not a Slavic country
because of her relationship with the Asiatic nations. Turning for
his article to the map of Karamzin, he considered the line of the
Dnieper to be the eastern frontier of the Slav world, the center of
which was historically Poland. The Polish Walter Scott, I. J.
Kraszewski, and the brilliant essayist Julian Klaczko followed
similar lines, in so far as they endeavored to belittle Russia and
to represent her as surrounded by other Slav states whose destiny
was to ctbadk the imperialistic expansion of tsardom. It was this

anti-Russian current of Polish political thought which animated

the group jknown as the Democratic Society; and its tradition has
survived in certain analogous political tendencies up to the modem
But on the other hand one must not forget that the Polish Pan-
slavic conceptions as well as the Russian ones were deeply con-
nected with the weakness of the policy of Western Europe, espe-
cially France and England, toward Russia. This weakness dis-
couraged the Poles and encouraged the Russians. Especially crit-

ical were, of course, the years of the Polish Insurrections and be-
tween them, the years of the Crimean War.

11. Marx (1818.1883)

The policies of the Russian government and of the Western

powers affected not only Poles and Russians, but European public
opinion as well. I need not recall the fanatic enthusiasm of Paris
at the time of the Russians’ presence in France after the Napol-
eonic Wars, the French aristocratic ladies riding horseback with
the Cossacks to show their admiration for Russia (the Cosakee
French girl, to use the expression of Alfred de Vigny), the yield-
ing attitude of the same public opinion in 1831, which provoked
indignation among the best Europeans in France, Germany, Italy,
Spain and England (cf. my books; Pouckkine et la Pologne, and
Life and Culture of Poland), and later when Tyutchev published
his article in theRevue des Deux Mondes. A little before tVmt
time C. Robert, the successor to Mickiewicz’s chair at the College
de France, started the publication in the same Revue des Deux
Mondes of a series of articles devoted to Panslavism. He went
through a peculiar evolution in these
articles. The first part of his
study contains elements of acceptance of the Russian interpreta-
tion of Panslavi&m. He stresses the fact of existing mutual un-
derstanding between the most distant Slavs, the unity of geog-
raphy; he constantly mentions the “Greek-Slavic world”; he calls
the Russians “the Greeks who emigrated to the North”; he com-
pares the Russian izvozchiks to the Hellenes, etc. On the other
hand, in the second part of his article he suddenly declares that
“there is an abyss between the Spartan Slav of Montenegro and
the mouzhik of Muscovia.’”^ He calls Poland the France of the
Graeco-Slavic world, protests against
the Russian policy in
Poland, Russian “cruelties” in Poland, expresses the opinion that
it was only the “apathy and unexplainable indifference of west-

ern Europe” which let Russia have such an absolute ascendancy in

the affairs of the Slavs, and he comes to the point that Poland
should be the representative for Europe of the Slavic world and
that Poland has a “sacred right to become the head of the coali-
tion of all oppressed people.” Hence his ultimate formula of
Panslavism is a union of oppressed Slavs against the tsarist Pan-

slavism. There are here and there in his vacillating study some
very just remarks about, for instance, the paradoxical play of
geography and culture in the case of Poland: the anti-Slavic en-
thusiastic Polish Latinism flowering in a completely uncovered
and defenceless plain surrounded by the Germans and the Rus-
sians. This vision leads him sometimes to pessimism and he is

ready to believe that the only condition for Poland’s rebirth is

Poland’s reconciliation with oriental ideas. On the other hand, he
perspicaciously loathes the significance of some social and eco-
nomic reforms and manoeuvers applied by Russia to the con-
quered provinces, aiming at Russification.
Some few years later appeared, as I mentioned before, Tyut-
chev’s article:Rome and the Roman Question. The Polish Lib-
rary in Paris launched an anonymous answer under the title, La
Russie consideree au point de vue europeen. Unfortunately I do
not know who the author was, but he did not confine his polemic
to Tyutchev alone — ^he also had something to say about one of the
Revue des deux Mondes, 1846, p. 478.
French collaborators of the Revue, M. Desprez, who was in charge
of Slavic problems in the Revue. M. Desprez represented exactly
the same attitude that has reappeared in our times in the form
of so-called political realism. He not only accepted the accom-
plished facts but even justified them. “The Hungarians were
broken against impossibility.” Russia and Austria represented
justice. With Poland
— “infernal freedom” was the source of
disaster. “To raise Poland again would be the most hazardous
enterprise.” The enslavement of Poland does not represent any
menace for Europe. France could not help either the Hungarians
or the Poles, because she would thus compromise her relations
with the immense and generous race of the Slavs. In answer to other
similar assertions the anonymous author of the pamphlet says:
“They insult Poland who has loved France so much, and they adore
Russia who asserts that France does not know what she wants. If
you lack courage to be just toward Poland, be at least indifferent.
Prostrate yourself, if you like, before tsarism, but at least do not
spit in the face of the victim; this does not give you any advan-

tage and does not bring you any honor. They fear Socialism
. . .

and Communism in the West, but Russia is a power which has

to a great degree applied Communism; and by the most strange
aberration, there are in Europe parties which place themselves
under Muscovite protection. ... In the West it is possible only
to dream of or discuss socialism. Russia has it: this is the law of

the state. The tsar is the only universal and real proprietor. . . .

We do not know whether or not Communism will be established

in the West, we doubt it; but if it one day establishes itself, Rus-
sia has laid broad and solid foundations for that deadly or bene-
ficent transformation.’”’^

One cannot but be surprised to read such texts, realizing that

they were written in 1850.
The “disastrous weakness” of the Western powers was also at-

tacked from another side. One may find in the voluminous book
of Karl Marx —The Eastern Question (London, 1897), containing

Op. cU., Paris, 1851, pp. 21, 41.


his articles written inLondon and published in the New York

Tribune in the years of the Crimean War the most fascinating —
texts, especially when read in the light of the present day. Let
us take this for instance: “Russia has all along been glorified for
the forebearance and generosity of her ‘august master,’ who has
not only condescended to cover the naked and shameful subserv-
iency of Western Cabinets, but has displayed the magnanimity of
devouring Turkey piece by piece, instead of swallowing her at
one mouthful. Russian diplomacy has thus rested on the tim-
idity of Western statement, and her diplomatic art has gradually
sunk into so complete a mannerism, that you may trace the his-
tory of the present transactions almost literally in the annals of the
He continues, saying: “Russia now claims occupation of the
Danubian Principalities, without giving to the Porte the right of
considering this step as d casus belli. Russia claimed, in 1827,
to occupy Moldavia and Wallachia in the name of the three pow-
ers. . . . Russia announced in her manifesto, October 10th, 1829:
‘Russia has remained constantly a stranger to every desire of
conquest — to every view of aggrandizement*

In another letter he quotes a letter of Count Pozzo di Borgo writ-

ten on November 28lh, 1828, to Count Nesselrode: ‘It is our
policy to see that nothing new happens during the next four
months, and I hope we shall accomplish it, because men in gen-

eral prefer waiting; but the fifth must be fruitful in events.’
And then Marx “Having kept them (the courts of Europe)
in this manner for weeks, nay for months, in suspense, Nicholas
suddenly makes a declaration that neither England nor France
nor Austria nor Prussia has any concern with his quarrel with Tur-
key, and that with Turkey he alone can negotiate but while . . .

he declares that the powers are not to meddle in Russia’s concerns,

we are informed, on the other hand, that the representatives of
France, England, Austria, and Russia killed their time by meet-
ing in conference at Vienna, and in hatching projects for the ar-
ts cit; p, 46,
rangement of the Eastern question, neither the Turkish nor Rus-
sian embassador participating in these conferences.”™ In this
most interesting book one may find striking details showing how
the Russian government was organi^ng its subversive propa-
ganda in the Balkans. The Russian historian, M. N. Pokrovsky,
also brings many details connected with the preparation for the
Crimean War by Nicholas I, and illustrating that subversive ac-

tivity of Russian diplomacy in Serbia and Athens. He justly

says: “The head of European legitimism quickly stepped into

the new role of a revolutionary agitator on the Balkan penin-

Not less convincing and even fascinating are the details con-
nected with the same Crimean War brought by the contemporary
Russian historian Tarle.*^
Marx saw the whole situation from a very lucid point of view.
He was trying to convince his American readers just as writers
in The New LeadcT are now trying to do. Marx asserted that those
of his readers who followed his correspondence from London
“will have learned before that the idea of Russian diplomatic
supremacy owes its efficiency to the imbecility and the timidity of
the Western nations, and that the belief in Russia’s superior mili-
tary power is hardly less a delusion.” We know how fully Marx’s
views were confirmed by the events of the Crimean War. How
just indeed was Marx when with the genuine emotion of a great
political mind he said: “Both (England and France) together have
been frightened out of the only policy which would at once have
guaranteed the preservation of peace, while maintaining their
own respectability. To the arrogance of the autocrat they have
replied with the symptoms of cowardice. They have encouraged
the very assumptions they have depreciated, just as poltroons al-
ways encourage bullies to be overbearing. If at the outset they
had used a manly style of language, adequate to the positions
cit., pp. 76-77.
^ Istoriya Rossii v XIX Veke, Vol. Ill, p. 33.
81 E. Tarle, “Nakanune Krymskoi Voiny,” Kramaya Nov\ nos. 11 12, 1940, pp.

they hold, and the pretensions they set up before the world, if
they had proved that cluster and swagger could not impose on them,
the autocrat would not only have refrained from attempting it,

hut would have entertained for them a very different feeling from
that contempt which must now animate his bosom. . . . There is

only one way to deal with a power like Russia, and that is the fear-
less way.”*®
Marx’s optimism had sources very similar to those which in-

spired the Polish radical and democratic Slavophils and Pan-

slavists and, of course, men like Herzen and Bakunin — ^this was
the hope for revolution. “Russian policy, with its traditional craft,
cheats, and subterfuges, may impose upon the European courts,
which are themselves but traditional things, but it will prove ut-
terly powerless with the revolutionized peoples.” “Western Eu-
rope is feeble and timid because her governments feel that they
are outgrown and no longer believed in by their people. The na-
tions are beyond their rulers and trust in them no more. It is not
that they are really imbecile, but that there is new wine working

in the old bottles. With a worthier and more equal social state,
with the abolition of caste and privileges, with free political con-
stitutions, unfettered industry, and emancipated thought, the peo-

ple of the West will rise again to power and unity of purpose,
while the Russian colossus itself will be shattered by the progress
of the masses and the explosive force of ideas. There is no good
reason to fear the conquest of Europe by the Cossacks. . .

From the Marxian texts quoted above there appears distinctly

first of all the salient Westernism of Marx, and, of course, his

anti-Panslavism. He stressed the Western “unity of purpose,” and

he expresses the conviction that one need not fear the “conquest
of Europe by the Cossacks.” This becomes extremely significant
in the light of modem historical developments. What kind of
Marx has been applied by Russia? It is clear that the Panslavic
trends favored now in Soviet Russia are in conflict with Russia’s

82 Op. cit., pp. 187-188.

88 Op. cit., p. 80 and 189.
political gospel. One may wonder what would be the attitude of

Marx in the face of present events, and one has some right to

wonder if Marx would not now write about the “Soviet Autocrat”

and the “weakness of pusillanimity” of the Western powers in

exactly the same terms.
The above mentioned Russian historian Tarle quotes, in his

study On the Eve of the Crimean War, a very interesting let-

ter which Nicholas I wrote to his wife on June 7th, 1844, from
Windsor at the time when he paid his visit to England: “Very
comical things are taking place here in connection with the Poles.
At the present moment there is being collected a subscription for
a ball given by swindlers: at the head of the subscription list is

the name of the Duchess of Somerset who even offered her house

for the ball, and the name oflhe Duchess of Sutherland. All these

events had taken place before my arrival; since I have been here
the wind has changed; all these ladies have become afraid that they
may defame themselves in the face of the majority of the pub-
lic which receives me so nicely. And what did they think: the
Duchess of Somerset writes to Brunnov (the Russian ambassador)
that she is desolate that .she permitted herself to be so misled that
her name appears on the list and that she has asked to have it

crossed off. Many have acted in the same way. I ordered that she be
asked not to do anything like that and that even if the subscrip-

tion does not cover the expenses of this enterprise, I shall be ready
to complete the sum. Judge for yourself what was the effect and
what was their confusion.”

At the same time Herzen wrote in his diary: “Ostrowski (a

famous Polish emigre, and translator of Mickiewicz) has been
arrested during the sojourn of the Emperor. Such is the habeas
As a matter of fact, although the views of the Polish author of
the above mentioned answer to Tyutchev preceded Marx, they are

no less significant than the texLs of Marx. The unknown Polish

author says: “You thought that you had satisfied Russia, having

Tarle, op. cU., p. 238.


given her Poland, and the divine justice has already put you at
her feet. Poland and succumbs as a martyr. And what
is Europe doing? She is pleased to proclaim her own bankruptcy.
. . The greatness of Russia is not her own achievement; it is

the result of the anarchy and inconceivable lack of foresight of

the other great powers. ... In 1815 did they not proclaim that
it was the Muscovite Slavs who liberated Europe from French
domination? Did they not accord to Russia magnificent aggran-
dizements? The ambition of Russia does not astonish us at all.”
And, fascinatingly enough, the unknown Polish author of 1851,
overwhelmed by his distress, asks; “Was it not the Revue des
Deux Mondes itself which made the confession that the Russian
power could be broken only by the American people of the United
States? And even it doubts it. France, Europe, exist no more.”*®
Comparaison n’est pas raison, one may say however, the temp- ;

tation to quote these texts was too strong.

12. Validity of the Doctrine

It would be difficult to enter into all the historical and political

details connected with the Panslavistic doctrine and its radiation. I
mentioned above the political reactions against Panslavic concep-
tions among different Slavic nations. The distinguished Russian
scholar Pypin, whom I have quoted several times, accumulated
many arguments which even from his own Russian point of view are
against the Panslavistic doctrine. Even more critical were Solov’ev
and Chicherin. Pypin also stressed the fact that the Russian gov-

ernment has not always been willing to adopt this doctrine as a

policy of its program. He mentioned that during different phases
of her foreign policy Russia had acted against those conceptions
and against the interests of the Slavic nations which were under
her special protection, such as Serbia and Bulgaria. Russia, for
instance, on several occasions guaranteed the integrity of Turkey,

La Russia consideree au point de vuc European, Librarie Polonaise, Paris, 1851,

which wa^ against the interests of Southern Slavs whom she con-
sidered under her protection. Correct are also the following re-
marks of Sumner: “Although Russia was undisputably the only
effective political and military Slav power, her claims to cultural
predominance seemed sin and arrogance in the eyes of many West-
ern Slavs. . . . Despite the reforms of the early sixties, Russian
tsardom ran counter to the traditions and aspirations of every other
Slav people. Emancipation at the hands of the Russian tsar might
mean but an exchange of dominations. Gorchakov, always an op-
ponent of Panslav schemes, was justified in writing: ‘Je ne vous
dissiniule pas qu'il m’est difficile de croire a une sympathie sin-
cere des races slaves pour la Russia aMocratique* However much
some of the Czech leaders might blind themselves to the nature of
Russian tsardom, the trees of liberty were likely to have very
queer blossoms if transported from the ranks of the Neva or the
Moskva. Certainly they were not recognizable along the Vistula.’*®®
1 have just quoted a distinguished modern English historian. Let
us see what is said on the same subject by an earlier historian — C.
Robert. “It is principally the South Slavic nationalities that the
Russian cabinet works to subjugate. For half a century
it has sur-

rounded the schismatic Slavs of Turkey and Austria with quite a

special protection. Promises, magnificent gifts, nothing is spared in
order to seduce them. Sacred ornaments sent by Russia fill their
churches; their most beautiful liturgical books are presents of the
Holy Synod of Petersgurg. The principal personalities of Illyria
and Bohemia are, so to say, harassed by homages by the Russian
agents. The scholars of Prague receive all kinds of gratifications
from the tsar, rings with diamonds, even 'decorations arrive from
the Neva as recompense for services rendered for the cause of
Slavic literatures. The Muscovite agents know how to hide under
this purely literary propaganda one of the most active political
propaganda. In the name of the independence of the whole race
they call the subjugated Southern Slavs for a coalition with the
tsar against their oppressors. Thus they pretend to find a Pan-
so B. H. Sumner, Russia and the Balkans, Oxford, 1937, p. 269.

slavism of a special order, which would consist of grouping the

different Slavic nations under the sceptre of the Romanovs as pro-
tected powers. This thought appears from the beginning to the end
in the long Panslavist epos of the Slovak poet Kollar under the
title The poet visualizes the peoples as united to
Sldvy Dcera.
form a sort of Colossus modeled on the Babylonian Colossus of
the Bible. Russia forms its head, Poland its heart, Bohemia and
Illyria are its hands and would be imprudent to contest
feet. It

what the ideas have of the seductive and the dangerous, one must
indeed recognize the exxistence of a Russian Panslavism, only
one may deny its Slavic character and that it ever could possess
the eympathy of any independent Slav.”
C. Robert stresses another important point when speaking about
the activities of the “great protector” among the Danubian and
Adriatic Slavs. He would them on the condition that they
would never Jfollow the example of Serbia and show any preten-
sion for a distinct national existence. “Let one look through the
history of these Russian protectorates since the protectorate has
been exercised over the last kings of Poland and Georgia to those
which the tsar exercises at the present time over the Serbian and
Moldavian-Wallachian principalities and over the crumbling Per-
sian empire. One will see that these various protectorates have
always had and still have as a tmique aim to prevent the protected
nations from rising from their humiliation and being reborn to

independence.”®^ More than that, the same C. Robert observed

that during the upheavals in Cracow and Galicia Russia constantly
played the role of an ally of Germany.®®
On the other hand from time to time, as we may see not only in

the brilliant articles of Marx but also in the extremely interesting

recent publications of the Soviet scholar Tarle connected with the
Crimean War, the tsardom was ready to utilize the Panslavic con-

ceptions when they appeared advantageous for it. It is quite true,

for instance, that for Nicholas I it was not easy to combine his
Revue des Deux Mondes, 1846, pp. 472-473.
p. 479.


imperialistic views on Constantinople with a policy which would
necessarily favor revolutionary movements among the Slavs and
compromise the gospel of his legitimism. Nevertheless, Marx, Po-
krovsky and Tarle gave, as we saw, striking examples of this Mach-
iavellism of Russian policy. Let us, however, analyze the doctrine
itself and try to see what were the concrete historical and cultural
realities which it had to face. We saw that one of the chief prob-
lems, that of Russo-Polish relations, has not been and could not
have been solved within the frame of Slavophil or Panslavistic
schemes. But what was the general picture?
The main argument of unity among the Slavs was of course
that of language. The Slavic languages belong to the same family
and it is not difficult to prove that certain similar phenomena
which appear in different Slavic languages represent not a result
of inter-Slavic influences but an independent parallelism of de-
velopment. For the tenets of the Slavophil doctrine the fact of
a common linguistic origin meant very much theoretically. Lan-
guage is an expression of the relationship between man and the
universe, and therefore this expression reveals a — let us say
philosophical outlook. In other words language possesses an
ideological value. On the other hand history differentiated the
Slavic peoples. During long centuries they went sometimes not
only through different but very often even opposite and contrast-
ing cultural influences; and because of that the languages in their
turn also differentiated to such a degree that Slavs are no longer
able to understand one another. The amusing point here was the
fact that the Slavophils of the various Slavic nations used Ger-
man in order to communicate with each other. This was indeed
a paradoxical situation for those who were trying to unite them-
selves first of all against Germanism. Of course Russia was and
still is suggesting that the Russian language be accepted as the
common language for the Slavs. But this generous offer has not
so far been adopted. The linguistic divergencies become even
more salient when we leave the field of language proper and try
to apply the methods of unification to the field of belles lettres,

especially poetry, even if it be the popular poetry. A synthesis

appears absolutely impossible. It would be enough to compare
the Czech versification and all the changes it went through with
the Russian and Polish to see how great are the differences. Let
us take the Russian byliny with their assonances, which have no
correspondents in other Slavic productions. On the other hand
the Shchedrivky and the Koladki are ritual poems often inspired
by historical subjects of a purely Ukrainian character. A quite
distinct group is represented by the Serbo-Croatian and Bulgaro-
Macedonian popular poetry — ^heroic rhapsodies which sing of
the legendary Serbian hero Kralevic Marko, the mother of the
Jugovic and her sons and many others. This poetry which served
the fantasies and mystifications of Merimee, which enchanted
Goethe, Pushkin, Mickiewicz and Nodier, represents a quite spe-
cial formation and a unique genre in the Slavic world. How dif-

ferent is the medieval Polish poetry, only semi-popular in its most

distant origins, with its origin in the Church. Its lyrical start-

ing point is to be found in the Kyrie Eleison and Alleluiah, re-

frains of liturgical songs.

Let us abandon for a .moment this purely philological state-
ment and turn to a more essential factor which determined the
historical development of the Slavic nations: I have in mind re-

ligion. Religion divided the whole Slavic world into two parts.
Bulgarians, Serbians, Great Russians, Ukrainians, and White
Ruthenians embraced Eastern Orthodoxy from a Byzantine source.
Czechs, Croatians, Slovenes, Slovaks, and Poles embraced the
Catholic religion from its Roman Source. And in addition the

Czechs went through Hussism; a part of the Ukrainians and White

Ruthenians adopted the Union. The Muscovite Slavophils and
Panslavists were fighting against Catholicism. By that very fact

they were in opposition to the whole Western Slavic world. Re-

ligion determined the cultural differentiation, and if we add to

that some other historical factors we shall see that at the time

when Russia was under the influence of Byzantium, of the Bul-

garian and Serbian messianistic literature which formed her
theory of “Moscow the Third Rome,” based on all kinds of im-
ported legends and apocryphas, Poland was shining in the sun of
the Renaissance. She had her Rabelais —Nicholas Rey, her Ron-
sard —^Kochanowski, and a wonderfully rich and brilliant poli-

tical literature connected with Latin republican writers, some of

which was soon translated into foreign languages, even English.
The Southwestern Slavs, the Croatians, Slovenes, and Dalma-
tians also took part in the achievements of the Renaissance. They
lived that period in contact with Italy while on the other hand
Dalmatia was under the influence of several Byzantines. Let me
recall the brilliant Italianism of Dubrovnik (Ragusa) of the six-

teenth and seventeenth centuries and the flowering of the Dal-

matian literature which followed the songs of the provencals
troubatfours, and of the Dolce stil nuovo. The Dalmatian muses
found their inspiration in Petrarch, Boccaccio, Guarini, Tasso,
Metastasio; this literature knew all genres from canzone to the
pastoral drama and la commedia deW arte. The Czechs went
through this epoch carrying their religious reform —a heavy bur-
den but rich immense moral consequences. It is probably this

reform that gave the definitive form to .the moral and intellectual
character of this Slavophil and Slavologist nation, least Slavic
in its spiritual physiognomy.
The marvellous flowering of the Russian and Polish literatures
in the nineteenth century represents again a kind of exception
among the Slavic nations. And in spite of a close parallel de-
velopment, these two literatures very often, following the same
roads of literary evolution, in many ways contrast with each

So even if one should try to eliminate the purely political bar-

riers separating the Slavic nations, such as the political antagon-

isms existing between Bulgars and Serbs, Serbs and Croatians,

Russians and Poles, Czechs and Slovaks, Ukrainians and Great
Russians, Ukrainians and Poles, etc., the problem of spiritual
^I have discussed these problems in a more detailed form in my article, “Existe-
t-il un patrimoine commun d’etudes slaves?” Cf. Le Monde Slave, Paris, 1926.

unity among the Slavs would still appear very difficult. The cul-
tural differentiation in the march of historical development be-
came so deep that the parental affinities in the Slavic family have
been completely lost. And today the cultural type of a Russian
differs greatly from the cultural Polish type, and this would be
true for all other Slavic examples.
How significant, although in part paradoxical in the light of the

events of this war, are the following remarks of Vladimir Solov’ev:

“Poland is in Eastern Europe the representative of the spiritual
principle which became the basis of Western history. In its spir-

itual essence the Polish nation, and with it all Catholic Slavs, be-

long to the Western world. The spirit is stronger than blood; in

spite of a blood antipathy toward Germans and blood nearness to
Russia, the representatives of Polonism would accept Germaniza-
tion rather than a union with Russia. A Western European, even a
Protestant, is nearer by spirit to a Catliolic Pole than an Orthodox
Russian. Being the foremost fighters for Western principles, Poles
see in Russia the East, hostile to their spiritual essence, an alien
and dark force. . . “The East,” says Solqv’ev, “worked out
an order of ideas in which man was subordinated to supernatural
power. The West created the ideal of the independence of man.
In the East the state enslaved the peoples, while Greece elaborated
the ideal of the freedom of the peoples. The supernatural element
and the predominance of the .stale have given rise to the idea of

resignation. Greece and Rome with their republics developed

the principle of spiritual energy and popular activity.” (Cf.

Cultural differentiation represents progress, and the idea

of racial unification might be considered as essentially reac-
tionary. And indeed the Panslavistic doctrine is an anti-historical,
anti-cidtural, and anti-European idea, not only because of its anti-

European political implications but because Panslavism refers first

of all to theories of racial superiority, supporting them by dubious

®®V. S. Solov’ev, Velikii Spor i Khristianskaya Politika. Cf. Sobr. Sock, v, IV,
p. 15.
Anthropologic speculations. And from this point of view the ideas
ol^0inilevsky, for example, paved the way not only for Stalin’s
anti-European imperialism but for Hitler’s racial conceptions.
Besides, Danilevsky’s theory of historical-cultural types destroyed
the idea of the stability of European culture. From this point

of view it was a highly disaggregating, anti-cultural, and belliger-

ent conception of history. The conflict between the Eastern and the
Western world was constantly emphasized, and instead of a search
for a pacific harmonization of these two worlds, Danilevsky
called for a war. This is why he was against the conception of
the balance of powers, this is why he was against a Europe in a
state of equilibrium and peace. He saw that only a divided Eu-
rope, a Europe in a state of conflagration was desirable from the
Russian point of view.
Coming back to those conflicting racial and cultural concep-
tions, we may find many excellent examples which show that a

cultural tradition means more than a racial one. If we take the

names of some German generals in the last war such as Blasko-
witz, Brauchitsh, .and Jeschonnek, we may see that their Slavic
or even Polish names did not prevent them from making war
against Poland. On the other hand, Fabrycy, Januszajtis, Dre-
szer, Mond, Prugar, Danger, Abraham, and Anders were generals
in the Polish army.®^ It would be really impossible to mention all
the Poles who played a decisive role in the development of Polish
culture and who had names like Copernicus, Chopin, Reymont,
Grottger, Andriolli, and so on. What would Polish Slavic phil-
ology be without Lelewel, Linde, Kolberg, Baudouin de Courte-
nay, Kallenbach, Finkel, and Bruckner? It would be as difficult

to exclude Andrzej Morsztyn, Weyssenhoff, Reymont, and Berent

from Polish literature as to exclude Askenazy, Handelsman,
Kleiner, Winawer, Wittlin, Tuwim, Slonimski, and so many
other Poles of Jewish origin. Is not the Russian picture similar
with Pushkin and his Abyssinian ancestry, with Lermontov and

Articles by Jan Wolny “Choroba Slowianska” in the review Tygodnik Polski,

New York, nos. 47 and 48, 1946,
panslavism 901

his Scotch origin, with Dostoevsky and his Polish origin, and
Gogol with his Ukranian descent, not to mention Kantemir, Fon-
vizin, Delvig, Boratynski, Korolenko, Blok, and so many others?
And is it not really stupefying that the ultimate aggressiveness of
an Asiatic Scythian Panslavism found its expression in the ter-

rible poem The Scythians, written by one of the most European

of Russian poets, the above mentioned Alexander Blok?
Let us return again to the Russian Polish problem, which is

edifying enough. The Russian Slavophils and Panslavists, who,

because they were indebted for their inspiration to European
humanitarianism and idealism, seemed to have been destined in
theory at least to sanction Poland’s right to independence and
thereby to redeem the political crime committed by Russia, never
proved capable of being true to the dictates of political con-
science. They remained blind even to the dictates of necessity, be-

cause any attempt to achieve the unity of the Slavic world as

long as the Polish question was unsettled was chimerical, just as
indifference to Polish national injuries was dishonesty of thought
and conscience. No wonder, then, that the Russo-Polish mariage
force was not dissolved by the Slavophils and Panslavists; divorce
by was achieved between those Poles and Russians who
lacked connections with the Slavophil traditions and represented
the spirit of positive Western thought. It is indeed striking to
note the absence among the Russian Westerners of any irrecon-
cilable hostility toward Poland. From the brothers Turgenev, who
are contemporaries of Pushkin down to Granovsky, Stankevich,
Chicherin, and the later liberals, the Westerners, although they
realized the difficulties of solving the antagonism, did not suc-
cumb either to Slavophil fancies or to an elemental Slavophil
hatred for Poland. The Polish problem, as I mentioned above,
was from the very beginning the most important obstacle to the
advancement of Slavophil ideas, for either the system collapsed
or the “unity” of “indivisible Russia” was endangered; conse-
quently the Russian Slavophils and Panslavists were frozen into
immobility by the dangers of both alternatives and were unable
pursue their proper course. An exit from this dilemma did,
however, exist and was discovered by the Westerners. Characteris-
tically enough, the author of the manifesto by which the Pro-
visional Government of Prince Lvov proclaimed Poland’s inde-
pendence, Professor Milyukov, was one of the most brilliant cri-

tics of the Slavophil and Panslavistic doctrines. His collabor-

ator in this heldwas a Pole, Alexander Lednicki, who also never
had any tendencies toward the Slavophil fancies but from tbe be-
ginning to the end of his life remained faithful to his European
But perhaps the most edifying Russian example of the over-
coming of nationalism and chauvinism by Christianism and
humanitarianism is to be found in the “Polish story’’’ of Tolstoy
— in the touching tribute paid to the Polish martyrdom which
truly inspired this great Russian writer.*®

13. “Facies hippocratica*’

After this rapid course through the thoughts of so many Rus-

sian, Polish, Czech, Slovak and other writers and politicians, one
unavoidable conclusion is that practically all of them, in spite of
their political conflicts, ideological contradictions, and national
antagonisms, agreed on one point — the recognition of the moral
weakness and lack of moral dignity of Europe. Of course their
approaches, motives, points of view, and goals were different. The
Russians stated the moral decrepitude of Europe in a more or
less speculative way. The Muscovite Slavophils could, after all,

take an attitude of indifference and disinterestedness towards Eu-

rope. Russia could separate herself from the West and build a
life independent from Europe. The Russian Panslavists could try
to take advantage of the weakness of Europe for the realization
of their Russian imperialistic views. The other Slavs, and espe-
cially the Poles, were in a different situation — for them the di-
Lednicki, Quelque aspects du nationalisme et du christianisme chez ToU
stoi, Cracow-Paiis, 1935.

lemma, Europe Russia, was not a question of speculation it —
was a question of life or death. What did Europe give to the
Poles? Every day of their life was a day of betrayal by Europe
of those ideals which Poles considered Polish ideals because of
the very fact they were European. This is the main item of the
Polish political texts of that period; and perhaps the most elo-
quent and at the same time tragic expression of these feelings is

to be found famous message of the Polish National Govern-

in the

ment of August 15, 1831 addressed to its Western agents: “Truth,

seen whole, has appeared before our eyes. We no longer count
on the support of the great powers, who could and who would not,
who still can and who will not, save us. We can no longer place
any faith in the promises which they have made to us and which
they belie by their conduct. England and France, then, would
. . .

not have employed us for the occasion except as an instrument fit

to serve the course of their interests. England would not have

lulled us with a few illusions except in order to have one more

method of establishing the independence of Belgium. And France
would not have made promises to us except to win a majority in
the Chambers. Will faith, then be wholly banished from cab-
inets, and the words of a French and English minister be nothing

but worthless farthings? ... If France and England abandon us

today and fail to justify the hopes that they have aroused, our ruin
will have been brought about, not by the fury of Russia, or the
hostility of Prussia, or the indifference of Austria, but by the
self-styled sympathy shown us by France and England. ... If
the cabinets lack the courage to help us, letthem at least possess
enough dignity to acknowledge their barbaric indifference to-

ward our cause. And if they have ignored the duty imposed on
them by prudence, morality, and humanity, the Poles will know
how to follow him who prescribes to them the sanctity of their
rights and the love of their country. . .

For Poland was facing not only the loss of her independence
but a complete change of her historical mission. For centuries
®® W. Lednicki, Life and Culture of Poland, pp. 212 213.
she was considered the antemurale christianitatis, the rampart of
Western civilization. An hy Russia within the frames
of a Panslavistic conception would mean that Poland would be-
come an anti-Western rampart. This is what Count Valerian Kra-
sinski stressed already in 1848, foreseeing the present Polish
catastrophe; Krasinski wrote: “If however the Poles will see that
they have no chance of receiving from other nations and particu-
larly from the Germans, the necessary assistance for the recovery
of their country’s independence, and that those nations in granting
them some advantages, have no other object in view, than to make
use of them as a bugbear to frighten Russia, in order to prevent
the consolidation of the internal strength of that country by an in-
timate union of its Slavonic elements, being themselves ready to
sacrifice the Poles as soon as their interests may demand it. If such

a conviction becomes prevalent amongst the Poles, and there can

be no doubt that it is rapidly spreading, what will then remain to
them except cordially to unite with the Russians and to become,
from a barrier between Russia and the rest of Europe, the van-
guard of the Slavonic race against western Europe and Germany
in particular.”®*
There was perhaps some consolation in the fact that the Poles,
Russians, and the Slavs in general were not alone in their pessi-
mistic critique of Europe. The Polish catastrophe, which absorbed
the Poles and became a test case for all conceptions of Slavic
union, was not the single factor that shook all European
life in 1830-31 and in 1863. The French Revolution inaugurated

a long period of upheavals and perturbations —

revolutions, wars
were following one after the other and the thunder of social tur-
moils was constantly menacing Europe during the whole 19th
century. Have I to mention here the piercing voices expressing
despair and “Weltschmerz,” the voices of Chateaubriand, Byron,
Alfred de Musset, Alfred de Vigny, and so many others as far
as the “period of transition,” to use Krasinski’s formula, is con-
cerned? Have I to recall the pessimism of H. Taine, the indig-
Valerian Kraunski, Panslavhm and Germanism, London, 1848, pp. 218-219.

nant admonitions of Ruskin, the anxiety of Renan, not to mention

the period of the jin de siecle and the modern European pessimism
of Spengler’s jeremiads?
This does not change the fact, however, that in the light of the
events of the 19th century and especially in the light of the pres-
ent tragedy of Poland, the Polish “message to Europe” becomes
particularly poignant. History has repeated itself almost textually
with, however, one exception — that the present betrayal of Poland
by the Western democracies has followed an even more cynical
and indecent road. And has not the same fate overtaken Yugo-
Of course in all Slavophil and Panslavistic texts one may find
political hyperbole, exasperation, dreams, vain hopes, idealistic

universalistic conceptions of fraternity of nations, beliefs in in-

ternational justice, aspirations for national independence, im-
perialistic pretensions, the ideological play with various histor-

ical traditions. But as I stressed above, all that Slavic polyphony

starts and ends with a dirge for Europe. Indeed we see all of
them — those brilliant prophetic writers like Tyutchev, Dostoevsky,
Mickiewicz, Krasinski, and so many others, involved in a
great ideological battle, in which clashed their most essential
thoughts about humanity and civilization, as if petrified by the
same vision of Europe which we find in Herzen’s terrible
suggestions about “facies hippocratica, by which the doctors recog-
nize that death has raised its scythe.”

14. Post Scriptum

I mentioned on several occasions the fact that we are witness-

ing a kind of revival of the Panslavistic conceptions under the
Soviet sponsorship. Indeed there was created in Moscow in
1941 a new Panslavic committee under the chairmanship of a
general, A. Gundorov, and with representatives of different Sla-
vic nations as its members. This committee started to organize first
of all Panslavic meetings in Moscow. Then later Panslavic meet-
ings, manifestations, and commemorations in America; in June
1942 such meetings and congresses took place in New York, in
Pittsburgh, in Detroit, in Kansas, in Cleveland, inSan Francisco,
in Oakland, and by
also in Canada, Argentina, etc.j organized
local Slavic committees. These organizations in America and in
other countries represent ramifications of the Moscow center; and
at each meeting they manifested this relationship by sending ad-
dresses and telegrams not only to the Panslavic committee in
Moscow but to Stalin, Kalinin, Molotov, and so on. Around the
Muscovite center were organized during the war all kinds of
Slavic national committees and unions of patriots at the head of
which one could find the members of the Panslavic committee in
Moscow. These committees and unions were nuclei from which
originated the “democratic governments” imposed by Russia to
the Slavicand non-Slavic countries (similar committees were or-
ganized for Hungary, Roumania, Bulgaria) which found them-
selves in the sphere of Russia’s influence.
For the task of propaganda of these Panslavic ideas of union
and fraternity of the Slavs under the protection of Soviet Russia
and under her cultural leadership there has been established a
monthly review under the title The Slavs, published in Moscow
in Russian.
It is paradoxical enough that if one takes different Soviet encyc-
lopedias one may find a radical refutation of Panslavic con-
ceptions; the Panslavism of the 19th century has been always
qualified there as a bourgeois imperialistic doctrine. It would
be very difficult, however, to find any salient difference between
the Panslavistic imperialistic conceptions of Tsarist Russia, as
far as their essence is concerned, and the Panslavistic policy of
the Soviets, even though their motives and ultimate goals are not
identical. In order to save appearances the official Soviet press
still stresses that difference; so N. Leonidov in his articles The
New Phase in Slav History published in New Times in Moscow
in September, 1946, said: “The Russian people never identified
themselves with the imperialistic chauvinistic Panslavism of the

monarchists.” “The slanderous talk about new Panslavism is
part of an anti-Soviet campaign.”*®
Of course there are differences.
The Russian tsarist govern-
ment used change from time to time its attitude toward the
doctrines of the Muscovite Slavophils and those of the Panslavists.
All depended on the international situation. Besides, in spite of
itsMachiavellian policy the tsarist government was still bound
by precepts of international and public law as well as by inter-
national public opinion, and because of that its Russianizing
methods and proceedings were still in a certain degree moderated.
Therefore in some cases there appeared a divergence of views be-
tween the representatives of the government and the most chauv-
inistic, aggressive representatives of Russian Panslavism as, for
famous apologist of the Russification of Poland
instances, the
Katkov. Anyhow the Slavophils and Panslavists at that time rep-
resented a free, independent initiative. From time to time they
even found themselves under a governmental observation that was
not very benevolent to them, especially when their Panslavic en-
thusiasm was bringing harm to the Russian government in its re-

lation with neighboring countries.

It is obvious that the present situation from this point of view
is completely different. Everyone knows that there is no room
and no possibility for any individual free political initiative un-
der the rule of the Politburo. The whole present Panslavic move-
ment has been organized by the Soviet government, and people
who are taking part in it are agents of that government. In the
beginning the aim was to organize Slavic elements for the fight
against Fascism and Hitlerism, against Germany; the unspeak-
able German atrocities greatly encouraged these activities. Such
is the aspect of the first years of the publication The Slavs. We
find there articles dealing mostly with war events, with German
crimes, or with the military history of Russia, articles glorifying
great Russian generals like Kutuzov, Suvorov, great Russian tsars
or princes like Alexander Nevsky, Peter the Great, some articles
OB Quoted from “Degeneration of Panslavism” by George C. Guins. The article has
not yet appeared, but the author has kindly permitted me to use it


glorifying the outstanding Soviet generals and, of course, men like

Molotov, Lenin, “the great son of Slavdom”; and Stalin, “son of

the nations of Russia” — it would be rather difficult to make of
him a Slav. There are also articles about different manifesta-
tions of old and modem Slavic culture, biographies of gireat
Slavs, predominantly Russian. Copernicus, one of them, had
a rather amusing fate under the pen of Soviet clerks writing un-
der the Politburo' dictates. The Small Soviet Encyclopedia
(1926) calls Copernicus the “greatest Polish scholar”; and later,
its Great brother leaves the reader with the impression that he
was a German Scholar. Finally, the review The Slavs emphasizes
his Polish patriotism and the prestige of the University of Cracow!
The activities concerning the further organization of Panslavic
meetings abroad have not been abandoned. On the contrary, re-
cently at the end of 1946 there again took place such meetings in

America and in Belgrade with the predominant role played by

official and unofficial agents and delegates of Soviet Russia, end-
ing with telegrams and addresses expressing loyalty to Soviet Rus-
sia, sent to Stalin, Kalinin, and Molotov. All these facts must lead
one to the conclusion that we are witnessing here the organization
of a new International, of a Slavic International, parallel to the
Comintern, and that the numerous ramifications of this organiza-

tion outside of Russia represent nuclei of a Slavic fifth column in

the countries which are outside of the immediate zone of Soviet
influence. Within this zone Russia is much less interested in the

development of the Panslavic movement through any special or-

ganizations, as she has there at her complete disposal the govern-
ments of the countries which are under Russian political domina-
tion. I do not have to stress what I mentioned before — that Stalin
has in his hands means of Russification about which Coldmann
and Katkov could only dream.
Not without interest is the fact that the Inter-Slav Bureau of
Foreign Contacts had during the war six sections — for the United
States,Canada, Central and South America, Australia and New
Zealand, the Near and Middle East, and Great Britain. A seventh
section dealt with the “occupied countries” and came partly un-
der the jurisdiction of the Bureau and partly under that of the
Committee for Active Struggle Against Fascism. In 1942 the All-
Slav Committee’s budget amounted to 320,000,000 roubles, in
1943 to 400 million, and in 1944, when the financial division had
ceased to come under the control of the Secretariate, the Com-
mittee’s budget had risen to 550 million roubles. The All-Slav
Congress which took place recently in Belgrade has afforded some
indications of the place which the All-Slav Committee holds in
Russia’s post-war political propaganda apparatus. The main
speech of the Soviet delegate. General Gundorov, was an invita-
tion to the Slav peoples to ignore “the sinister forces of world re-
action” and submit to Communist guidance. Two resolutions
passed by the Belgrade Congress deserve attention. The first,

which makes Belgrade the center of the All-Slav Committee and

Maslavitch its chairman, is an indication of the importance at-

tached in Soviet policy to Slav sentiment in the Balkans, where

to some extent it is a substitute for nationalist sentiment. The
second resolution provides for the participation in the work of the
All-Slav Committee of representatives of “the largest progressive
Slav organization from non-Slav countries, with the right to an
advisory vote.”
In order not to be misunderstood I feel it necessary to stress
that in spite of some striking parallelisms in the use of Panslavic
conceptions by Soviet foreign policy and by the Russian tsarist
governement, the differences remain enormous — but not at all in
the sense of Mr. Leonidov’s views. As I mentioned before, the
Russian tsarist government of the nineteenth and twentieth cen-
turies was bound by and public law; and because of
this the fate of the Russian subject of those times cannot be com-

pared to the fate of the modern Russian citizen. Russia was not
hidden behind an iron curtain from the world, and foreign travel-

lers could visit Russia and freely observe her life. Poles, Ukrain-
ians, Lithuanians, and Russians were sent to Siberia, but tsarist

Russia did not know concentration camps; and the conditions of

the exiles in Siberia during the time of the tsars could not be com>
pared to the atrocious conditions reigning in Soviet concentra-
tion camps. Besides, the number of people sent to Siberia by the
tsars during a whole century never reached even the smallest por-

tion of the number deported by Stalin in one year. The tsars sent

individuals there; Stalin transfers whole nations. Finally, one

has to remember that free speech was not completely non-existent
in tsarist Russia; the Panslavistic doctrines could be and were
discussed —and even criticised. Nothing like that, of course, is

possible under the Soviet regime. It happened that during the

tsarist period Russia realized her greatest achievements in every
field of her life. From Pushkin to Tolstoy, from Glinka to Rimsky-
Korsakov, from Levitsky to Repin, from Lomonosov to Mechni-
kov one has pleiads of Russian men who created the great Rus-
sian culture and its prestige. Therefore, at that time Russia might
indeed represent a spiritual attraction. People realized that Pan-
slavism did not mean exactly Tolstoy and Rimsky -Korsakov but
rather a Russian gendarme. This is why Engels wrote that behind
the Panslavic conceptions “stands the terrible reality of the Rus-
sian Empire.” But still the power of suggestion and attraction, to
say the least, of the great Russian writers was a concrete fact, and
even Russian Emperors like Alexander I, Nicholas I, and Alex-
ander II were not deprived of traits which might captivate Euro-
How different is the present situation! Where are the great
spiritual achievements of Soviet culture? Even if one admits that
there is a Soviet literature, that there is a Soviet science, that there
is a Soviet music, what would these achievements mean without
thebackground of the great Russian nineteenth century, and what
do they mean in comparison with it? What are the promises and
gifts which modern Russia would be able to offer to the Slavs, to
mankind? What kind of reality “stands” behind Soviet Pan-
When one reads the horrifying, really monstrous reports on the
abysmal sufferings and tortures which entire nations are en-

during cloistered in that terrifying castrum doloris which is the

present Russia, when one reads the unspeakable stories of the
thousands of concentration camps that have heen established in
Russia one must indeed be terrified by Soviet Panslavic concep-
tions; Timeo Donaos et dona ferentes. St. Augustine once said
thathe did not like those who speak about mankind because such
people do not like man. Neither Slavophil nor the Panslavist sys-
tems have any inspiration for the future.
Such inspiration have found in a courageous Russian review.

Independent Thought, appearing in Paris under the editorship of

S. P. Melgunov. Not a Slavophil but simply an honest Russian,
telling the horrible story of the cruel and fantastic co-operation
of the UNRRA with the Soviets in their common fight against
hundreds of thousands of displaced persons in Europe who did
not want to return to the frightening sphere of Soviet domination,
writes as follows:
“The We have
fate of the Poles cannot he indifferent to us.
no right numerous cases when Polish exiles showed a
to forget
touching solidarity toward their Russian companions in misfor-
tune. So it was, for instance, last year in Bad-Kempten (South
Bavaria), when one ill-omened, terrible morning a detachment
of American policemen forced their way into the camp of Russian
expatriates in order to make extraditions by force. Looking for
the last defense, the Russians gathered in the camp church. When
the victims were torn out of the church and put on trucks to be
taken to the station, the Polish emigres ran out of their neighbor-
ing camp and lay down on the highways blocking the road of the
death transport. Taking advantage of the confusion which arose,
numerous Russians succeeded in jumping from the trucks and
escaped from the American policemen and the disguised Chekists
who accompanied them. Then on the day following this memor-
able application of justice, over all foreign camps in Bad-Kemp-
ten, and among them the Polish camp, funeral flags were raised in
memory of eighty-six Russians who did not escape repatriation
by force and fell into the hands of the NKVD.”*®

La Pensee Libre Svobodnaya MysV, No. 6, 1946, p. 37.
The facts and, let us believe, the accidental excesses, reported

in Independent Thought show the moral impasse in which the

ruling political powers of the world found themselves at the end
of the war. However, these facts also show something else: that

these unfortunate, displaced people, although divided hy the poli-

tical conflicts that separate their countries, were able to forget
their dissensions in the name of human solidarity and common
European ideals of freedom and justice.

Who knows, indeed, if the sole source of hope for the future
does not lie in the misery of these very people, who fought on all
the battlefields of the war for their ideals, vainly looking, at the
end of their fight, for some recognition of their human rights.

Carr, E. H.: Dostoevsky, London, 1941.
Dostoievsky, F.; La Russie face a VOccident, edited by Andre Chedel
Lausanne, Editions La Concorde, 1945.
Fei.dman, W.: Dzieje Polskiej Mysli Politycznej, 3 vols., Warsaw, 1920.
Fischel, Alfred: Der Panslawismus bis zum Weltkrieg, StuttgSrt and
Berlin, 1919.
Gersiienzon, M. : htoricheskie Zapiski, Berlin, 1923.
Klarner, Z.: Slowianofilstwo w LUeraturze Pohkej lot 1800-1848,
Warsaw, 1926.
Krasinski, Count Valerian: Panslavism and Germanism, London,
Kucharzewski. J. The Origins of Modern Russia, New York, 1948.

Lednicki, W.: Pouchkine et la Pologne, Paris, 1928.

Lecer, Louis: Le Panslavisme et I’interet fraiu^ais, Paris, 1917.
Masaryk, T. G. The Spirit of Russia, 2 vols., London and New York,

Mickiewicz, a.: Les Slaves, Paris, 1914.
Milyukov, P. (Milioukov) : Le mouvement inteUectuel russe, Paris,
Pypin, a. N.: Panslavizm v ego Proshlom i Nastoyashchem (1878),
Zdziechowski, M. Mesfanisci i Slowianofile, Cracow, 1888.

Zdziechowski, M. Die Grundprobleme Riisslands, Vienna, 1907.


Zdziechowski, M.: Europa, Rosfa, Azfa, Warsaw, 1923.

Zdziechowski, M. Le dualisme dans la pensee religieuse russe, Paris,

Zernov, N.: Three Russian Prophets, London, 1944.
Also, the works of Vladimir Solov’ev, B. Chirherin, A. L. Pogodin.
V. A. Frantzev, etc.
European Pacifism and




Nicholas Doman

I. Introduction

Pacifism as a philosophical and ethical doctrine has its origins

outside of Europe. Its most spectacular manifestations in modem
times are likewise outside of Europe. Yet, pacifism as a political
doctrine has left indelible traces on the history of European poli-
tics — it has influenced the development of national as well as in-

ternational life.
Pacifism as a political doctrine, developed slowly from an eth-
ical conception destined to form the basis of a philosophy of life.

The Christian roots of pacifism are non-European, however they

represent the first significant effort in our civilization to ostracize
force as a social element. The opposition of universalist Chris-
tianity to force and violence was not limited to the field of re-
ligion. But in spite of the powerful influence of Christianity in
the Middle Ages, pacifism both as a practical force and a doc-
trine, was well-nigh nonexistant in Europe.
Hindu and Buddhist thought and political philosophy were
without influence in the western world since the atmosphere of
European life was not receptive to Asiatic doctrines. Geographic
obstacles have also worked against them.
Gandhi’s doctrine of non-violence has proved to be a power-
ful influence in the life on India. It may have provided limited
impetus to European thinking and certain political movements.

but it itill rein&itis to be {troveu wbetber this bus been an element
of importance in Eutopean pacifistni
In evaluating the spectrum of European pacifism, we must op*
etate with approaches which would be wholly inappropriate and
defective if the discussion centered around pacifism in America
or Asia. Notwithstanding the presence of Christian adjectives in
several of the pacifist movements, European pacifism is not a doc-
trine inherited from early Christianity, and certainly is not an
outgrowth of the official position of the various official Chris-
tian churches of Europe. Wherever truly Christian influences
appear in pacifist doctrines and movements, appropriate attention
will be devoted to them. Likewise, we shall not attempt to con-

structand elaborate a dubious relationship between Gandhiism

and European pacifism. It will appear that European pacifism is
essentially the product of leftwing political ideology: liberalism,
socialism, and internationalism.
Modem European pacifism is not a doctrine or movement based
primarily on conscientious objection to war and unqualified en-
dorsement of the doctrine of non-violence. Pacifism in the
broader sense includes efforts aimed at the establishment of
a peace machinery for the constructive organization of peace.
The seasonal pacifists belong to this group. They are paci-
fists in time of peace, honestly laboring for the safe-guard-
ing of peace and for an international machinery of guaran-
teeing it, but they join the Armageddon upon the outbreak of wars.
They are the practical thinkers and politicians who have only
distaste for war but are not morally handicapped from support-
ing wars already broken out. Their pacifism has moral grounds,
but is based not so much on individual morals and conscience as
upon their desire to work for the benefit of the community.
Pacifists in the stricter sense reject war as a matter of con-
science. They proclaim their opposition to wars in times of peace,
and maintain their position in times of war. The pacifists of the

conscientious objector type, together with the pacifists of the an-

archist type remain logically unassailable when they draw prac-

tical conclusions even in times of armed conflagrations from their

unqualified opposition to wars.
Pacifists in the strict sense seldom venture into positions of pub-
lic responsibility. They attempt to accomplish their aims through
the media of private organizations or individual action. On the
other hand, pacifists in the broad sense, realizing the futility of
individual action, seek to further their objectives through organi-
zations of an official character. They are often able to utilize the
sounding board of high public position for their purposes.

n. Theories of Pacifism

Depending upon motives involved, several variations of paci-

fism can be distinguished. Christian Lange, the Norwegian inter-
national lawyer (“Histoire de la doctrine pacifique et de son in-
fluence sur le development du droit international, Recueil des
Cours” 1926, vol. XIII) claims that there is just one pacifism,
but with four bases of justification: utilitarian, ethical, practical
juridical, and one having the earmarks of natural science, as ex-

plained by the German pacifist physician, G. F. Nicolai. The anti-

pacifist G. Del Vecchio (“Die Tatsache das Krieges und der Fried-
engedanke” Leipzig, 1913) differentiates between four peace
theories: the ascetic theory of pure Christianity, the imperialistic
theory of the Pax Romana type, the empirico-political theory based

on co-operation among states, and the juridical theory based on

the establishment of a world federation or state on the pattern of
the social contract of Rousseau. Max Scheler, the eminent Ger-
man sociologist differentiates between eight classes of pacifism.
Scheler expounded his theory in 1927 after having the oppor-
tunity to analyze the behavior of pacifists during the First World
War and the defeatist period following. He interpreted the Hague
Peace Conference of 1907 as a prelude to the war of 1914-18, and
the Washington Conference of 1921 as the prelude to the next
world war.


The experiences of the past twenty years, together with the his-
torical appearance of pacifism, suggest the following differentia-
tion among pacifist theories and movements:
1. Heroic-individualistic pacifism. This pacifism denies the
justification of war in all circumstances; it preaches non-resistance
in the case of military aggression, and refusal to render military
service. Tolstoy is the outstanding European representative of
this school which has few historical roots in Europe, and little
affinity to European The intolerance of the
political doctrines.

European regimes in the past compelled members of pacifist

groups to migrate to other continents. Numerous Mennonites
followers of the school of Menno Simons (1941-1561) fled to —
America. Rare •indeed was the tolerance manifested by William
of Orange who, in 1577, ordered the authorities of Middleburg
to exempt the Mennonites from military service. The outstanding

representatives of this branch of pacifism are found in Asia and

In Europe some of the smaller, less representative Christian
sects can he grouped in this category, as well as some of the an-
archists and modern organizations, such as the War Resisters Inter-
national. Many representatives of this school have become paci-
fists on purely secular ethical grounds — often after the repudia-
tion of Christianity.
The anarchists and those who do not believe in social control
and the collective power of organized society reject any non-in-
dividualist method of solution. Often they are in strategic alli-

ance with religious and conscientious pacifists. These indivi-

dualists have become sceptical of the capacity of organized so-
ciety to perform the desired transformation from a system breed-
ing war to a society built on pillars compatible with lasting peace.
The individualist pacifist by his refusal to render military service
engages in self-disarmament. So far as he is concerned he solved
the paramount ethicalproblem with this gesture, and he disas-
sociates himself from the strife-ridden world. From an individual
point of view this may be a self-satisfying attitude, however, so-

ciety, and particularly those hopeful of organizing a peaceful in-

ternational society lose the cooperation of those who place in-

dividually interpreted ethical comfort above the collective in-
terests of humanity. Advocates of non-violence or non-resistance,
with the exception of the followers of Mahatma Gandhi, had no
opportunity to test their doctrine in the national orbit. Being un-
able to influence domestic affairs, they try to use humanity for
their political experiments. This attitude has helped to create a
Chinese wall between themselves and other sincere exponents of
world peace.
None would contend that the organization of world society is

a less complicated problem than the organization of a national

society. Nevertheless, many European and other pacifists oppose
a central governmental machinery without which a modern so-

ciety of national states cannot exist in relative peace at the present

time, while they are much less opposed to national order.
2. Christian Pacifism or Church Pacifism. Max Scheler calls
Christian Pacifism “half-pacifism.” Historically as well as symp-
tomatically there is a clear distinction between the Catholic and
the Protestant schools. The pacifism of the Roman Catholic

Church based on the traditional theory of the spiritual su-


premacy of the Pope. Henri Massis, a popular French political

writer, achieved great success with his antithesis of Rome-Geneva.
He contrasted the atheistic humanitarian internationalism of the
League of Nations with the Christian cosmopolitanism and uni-
versalism of the Catholic Church. Although the Catholic Church
refrained from opposing the League of Nations, it was felt by
some Catholics that the super-national conciliatory role of the
Pope was superceded and deliberately ignored by the League.
The structure of international politics has changed momen-
tously since 1503, when Pope Alexander VI arbitrated the terri-
torial dispute in America between Portugal and Spain. Today
world politics is less Catholic and less European than it was in

the sixteenth century. The world powers of our times are the
Protestant Ang lo-Saxon countries and communistic Russia which
are not likely to select the head of the Catholic Church as the world
arbiter. Furthermore, the Islamic nations and the Asiatic powers
can be counted upon to reject schemes aimed at the restoration of
the temporal power of the church of Rome. It should not be for-
gotten that the desire of the Catholic Church to establish a just

peace and maintain it does not exclude resort to arms for the pur-
pose of defense. The doctrine of St. Thomas Aquinus clearly

adopts the concept of “just war.”

Non-Catholic Christian pacifism has neither the background
nor the organization to render pacifism a practical force. With
the exception of comparatively small sects wielding little or no
political influence, European Protestantism has neglected to build

itself up as an ideological bastion against war. The gulf between

the various Protestant churches is too wide, and their alignment
with national institutions too overwhelming to permit the emer-
gence of a European Protestant pacifist movement.
To Tolstoy, the ablest representative of Christian anarchist pa-
cifism, the term “Christian State” resembled the words “hot ice.”
Most Christian pacifists have been unwilling to accept Tolstoy’s

extreme anarchism. Aldous Huxley and his followers, however,

want to sit “on the fringe of the political arena, lest its ends be
corrupted by the violences inherent in .the politics of the world.”
3. Utilitarian-Liberal Pacifism has exercised greater practical
political influence than have the two other categories mentioned
above. Its mainspring is mainly economic. War is rejected not
for high sounding ethical or ideological reasons but because it

interferes with the material interest of the great majority of the

people. Followers of this trend usually believe in the teachings

of the positivist school and accept the utilitarian conception of
values. This school fully endorses the dictum of Jeremiah Ben-
tham about the “greatest happiness of the greatest number.” It

draws heavily on other British sources such as laissez-faire man-

chesterism and the utilitarianism of Herbert Spencer. Because
commerce in Great Britain was more advanced than in most of

the continental countries .and played a more important role in the

economic welfare, it also became a more potent political force.

The utilitarian liberal doctrine was not primarily a motivating

force in the feudal structure of pre'1939 Poland and countries
of similar background.
This school gained prominence in the middle classes, particu-
larly in the mercantile bourgeoise of Europe. It rejected war as
a retarding factor of communal and individual life and refused
to recognize the economic usefulness even of victorious wars.
Economic interest is the foundation of this doctrine which exer-
cises little influence of the historical classes nursed on tradition
and non-economic ideological values. It also failed to move the
destitute proletariat which could not see the economic blessings of
peace based on privilege.
The utilitarian-liberal pacifism was particularly unpopular in

Germany. German authors like Hegel, Treitschke, Othmar Spann,

and Werner Sombart took great pleasure in contrasting the ego-

tistical individualistic aspects of commerce with the values of na-

tionalism and militarism. Sombart’s famous antithesis of “Hand-
ler and Held” (trader and hero) revealed a popular German
trend of thought.
In the 1920’s and early 1930’s economic pacifism led to the
various Central and Eastern European federal schemes.' It was
believed that the community of economic interests could overcome
political diversity and conflicts, and intelligently interpreted self-

interest would eliminate political and territorial friction. The

abolition of trade and custom barriers was advocated as a meas-
ure of economic internationalism. Unfortunately the breakdown
of world economy and the emergence of Hitlerism in Germany
cast a fatal shadow over these schemes, which soon lost their
economic and political importance.

^ For a review of the Central European projects and their literature,

see Feliks
Gross, Crossroads of Two Continents, New York, IQtt, and Korek-Stark, MitteU
euTopa Bibliographie, Berlin-Vienna, 1935.
4. Marxian Pacifism. Orthodox Marxists are long-range pa-
cifists; they envisage class war against the capitalist state, the
temporary dictatorship of the proletariat, and finally eternal peace
in a socialist world. Non-communist Marxists, members of the
European socialist or social democratic parties, adherents to the
Second International, abandoned this conception. Instead they
became supporters of international organizations aimed at the
maintenance of peace in a world of status-quo. Before the First
World War, the great French Socialist, Jean Jaures, still spoke
for the socialist parties of Europe when he charged that capi-
talism breeds wars, like the clouds breed storms. In Basel in
1912, the Socialists of the world solemnly declared that they con-
sidered the coming European war a “criminal and reactionary
undertaking of all the governments.” But the German Socialist
Party and many other socialist parties voted for the war budget
in the First World War. “Marxian pacifism” practically disap-
peared when loyalties and positions had to be decided at the time
of the Second World War. The pacifism of the various Com-
munist parties lost its intellectual honesty and became an appen-
dix of the ever-varying Soviet foreign policy. Werner Sombart
tried to show that the Soviet Union was developing into a cor-
porative military organization. This accusation had attributes of
unfairness when it is conside^'ed that the Soviet Union had to em-
brace military measures in order to survive in a hostile world.
Since the abandonment of the utopistic socialist doctrines and
the emergence of the Soviet Union as a world power, the intransi-
geant sui generis pacifism of the Marxists has lost its practical
value. According to Marx, Engels, Bebel, and the early Marx-
ists, every war or manifestation of violence against Czarist Russia
was justifiable. However, following the establishment of the So-

viet Union, every resort to war and violence was rejected unless
itworked in the favor of the Soviet Union. Lenin, in his “Social-
ism and War,” excommunicated pacifism and reiterated that wars
will persist as long as the systems of capitalism and imperialism
continue. He referred to capitalist states when he said: “Who-

ever 'wishes a durable and democratic peace must favor civil war
against the governments and the bourgeoisie.”^
The emergence of the Soviet Union as a world power, as well '

as the need for a war of resistance against the Germany of Hit-

ler, deprived European Socialists of their pacifist tenets and ul-

timately eliminated them from the roll of pacifists.”

5. Pacifism of International Law and Organization. After a
modest but persistent start in the second half of the nineteenth cen-
tury, the twentieth century gave birth to a series of international
organizations aimed at the maintenance of peace, and culminating
first in the League of Nations and later in the United Nations.
More and more people have taken the position that the “individual
war” of the pacifist individual, the love of peace of the Christian,
or the economic self-interest of the bourgeois, are not able to
guarantee peace. It was argued that without international law
and some world organization, war could not be prevented.
The international organizations of the twentieth century are
global — not merely European organizations — though they are
based on European doctrines and tradition, and up to the Second
World War had their headquarters on the European continent.
But the European influence and initiative are on the wane. The
Hague conferences were called together by the half European Czar
of Russia. The emergence of the League of Nations was due more
to the support of Woodrow Wilson than of any other individual.

The supporters of juridical pacifism are sincerely motivated by

peace, but by no means do tliey subscribe to the theory of non-
violence and non-resistance. In spite of the great disillusionment
caused by the First World War, war-resisting pacifism made in-
significant progress. While little confidence was advanced to the
League of Nations and its auxiliary institutions, Europeans found
no better device for the safeguarding of peace.
^ There were many reasons why the Soviet leaders decided to break with pacifism.
As far back as 1920, Bukharin began to glorify the new Soviet Militarism as “Pro-
letarian Militarism.”
^ For a historical analysis indicating that pacifism and miUtaiism are not the
monopoly of any social or economic class, see Nicholas Doman, “The Coming Age of
World Control,” New York, 1942, pp. 51-54.


Juridical pacifism is not opposed to wars fought in self-defense.
Nor is natural law as advanced by Hugo Grotius opposed to “just

wars.” This type of pacifism appealed to the beati possedentes

who have been anxious to observe the fruits of past wars in the

status quo of peace. It is not mere coincidence that individuals

and groups favorably situated in world politics and economics
labored so diligently to provide legal foundations for a world
which offered them many advantages. Shortly before the First
World War the unincorporated socialist-pacifist-anarchist coali-
tion was aided in the struggle to preserve peace by inveterate con-
servative circles in Great Britain, Austria, and elsewhere. The
latter were dubious of war gains and fearful of social and eco-

nomic repercussions. In the 1930’s the conservative circles of

Western and Central Europe were among the most persistent pro-
ponents of an appeasement policy of peace at any price. This type
of pacifism is often an ideology of interest ( Interessenideologie)
Unconditional pacifists had no use for the League of Nations and
for its concept of legalized war in the form of sanctions as ex-
pressed in Article 16 of the Covenant of the League of Nations.
6. Intellectual pacifism. The glorification of war certainly
does not represent the views of the majority of European intel-

lectuals. Moltke, in his assertion that “Eternal peace is a dream

and not even a beautiful dream,” may have spoken for the for-
mally educated Germans who were thoroughly schooled in the vio-
lently nationalist spirit, but not for the great majority of 20th
century intellectuals for whom war and progress of civilization
are antinomes. Dilapidated reactionaries with a Fascist complex
have been popular at certain times and in certain circles, but their
worshipping of warrior heroism strikes a discordant tone in the
general mental climate of the European intelligentsia. Leon Dau-
det, Charles Maurras, Jacques Bainville, Othmar Spann, the doc-
trinaries of Italian Fascism have provoked a resilient echo. At
the same time, would be erroneous to overlook the persistent

advance recorded by the exponents of cosmopolitanism, various

sorts of internationalism, and federalism. Through their organi-

zations, they have recruited a steadier and more permanent follow-

ing than have the hit-and-run theorists of the doctrine of violence.
Pan-European groups. League of Nations associations. Central
European and other federal organizations, developed a great de-
gree of cultural and political “Europeism.” Adherents to these
groups are not ethical or religious pacifists, but rational and posi-
tivist proponents of peace.

111. The Morphology of Peace

Peace has too often been called the absence of war. Even
strong advocates of an international order have succumbed to this
negative conception of peace. Peace certainly deserves a mor-
phological approach. It would not be out of place to use clinical
methods to analyze the problems of peace, to search for its founda-
tions, the causes of organic disturbances, local malaises, and its

slow or abrupt dissolution.

The science of peace is the science of international or world
government. It has received more attention on the European con-
tinent than it has in Great Britain and America. In the 1930’s
there was a movement at the University of Lyon to establish a
chair for the science of peace and to formulate the basic elements
for this new science. Although it is never overlooked that Ger-
mans pioneered with the science of war, it is rarely recognized that
the first significant suggestions for a science of peace also origin-

ated in Germany.
Kant’s approach to the problem of lasting peace is the source
of many of the recent peace doctrines. The status of the world
has changed since 1795, when Kant published his work “Toward
Eternal Peace,” but his philosophical and logical premises re-

tained their significance.

Eugen Schliefs “The Peace in Europe,” published in 1892,
has given momentum to the modern science of peace. Fried, Nip-
pold, Novicov, Nicolai, and others have kindled the flames of this
new science of peace, and tried to formulate a structural outlook
for pacifists.
The Viennese journalist, Alfred H. Fried, who received the No-
bel Peace Prize in 1911, claimed that his science of pacifism
was really a science of internationalism. Max Scheler, follow-
ing the antique dichotomy, sets militarism against pacfism. To
Scheler the love of peace is the motivating force of the pacifists,
the love of war, that of the militarists. A more appropriate anti-
thesis is suggested by Leo Gross, an Austrian scholar,, in his
“Pacifismus und Imperialismus.” Acco)*ding to this view, pa-
cifism — the ideal of peace — is opposed by imperialism, the ex-
pansive force of nationalism. A brilliant German political scien-
tist, Adolf Grabowsky,^ claims to find a synthesis of pacifism and
militarism in imperialism. To Grabowsky, imperialism is the
strongest political force of our time. Pacifism and militarism
are merely means to accomplish the end.
Heinrich Rogge, a German political scientist mildly contam-
inated with National Socialism, puts forward concrete proposals
for the organization of a new science of peace. His Nationale
Friedens-Politik is the most thorough analysis of the theoretical
aspects of peace. It is unfortunate that this literary monument
has been revised to suit the taste of the Hitler-Papen regime.
Few Europeans would say today that peace is being obstructed
by the love of war of the militarists. Pacifism and the organiza-
tion of peace have failed so far because the spirit of nationalism
and the desire for economic domination as organized in our sys-
tem of national states have been stronger political forces than the
desire for peace. The conflict is essentially between these types
of particularism and cosmopolitanism. Imperialism is group in-
dividualism. This imperialism is not always expansive national-
ism — it often parades in the form of economic and social domin-
ation, geographical and economic expansion. When conflicting
^Poluik, Berlin, 1932, p. 211. It should be noted that this treatise, published
before the advent of Hitler’s regime, contains many basic features of
the Nazi
imperialist forces on the great power level clash with each other,
peace terminates.
Modern European political thinking at last produced a fairly
feasible diagnosis for the peace-war controversy. But so far the
results of theoretical contemplation have not influenced the con-
trolling forces of national and international politics.
Not only political theorists, but also practical statesmen have

come European or world-wide political

to realize that without a
authority, great power cannot be kept from degenerating
into wars. According to Kjellen there are no saturated great pow-
ers. Grabowsky is subservient to Marxist theories when he claims

that the cause of “real” wars is always a “deplacement’ ’of power

which is not in harmony with the possessions and influence of the

Under French leadership, between the two world wars, a great

many Europeans paid homage to the classic formula “quieta non
muovere,” upon and worked toward a static pacifism (or-
ganization of international peace under existing power align-
ments). The majority of German and Austrian thinkers advocated
a “dynamic pacifism” in place of the “status quo pacifism” identi-
fied with the League of Nations. This divergence in the approach
to the problem of peace has sometimes been characterized as the
conflict between pacifism through established law and pacifism
through power politics. These artificial classifications do not hold
water, and it is not possible to maintain the distinction between
international law on one hand and so-called “metajuridical
spheres” on the other hand.
According to the orthodox Marxist slogan, peace depends on
domestic socialization." Many European pacifists have become
socialists because they believe in pacifism. Similarly, many so-

cialists espoused, pacifism as a doctrine related to socialism. This

becomes clear when we think of such names as Ramsay MacDon-
® Grabowsky, op. cU., p. 207.
® See Rudolf Goldscheid : “Friedensbeweguiig und Menschensdkonomie,” 1912,
for a rational interpretation of the relationship between peace and socialism. Gold-
scheid develops the theory that domestic socialization is domestic pacification and
this reacts on external pacification.
aid, George Lansbury, and Lord Ponsonby in England; Jean
Jaures, Leon Jouhaux, and Henri Barbusse in France; Karl Lieb-
knecht and Rosa Luxemburg in Germany. Kurt Hiller, a leading
figure in the German pacifist movement, portrays the thinking of
many Euhopean socialists in the following statement: “We be-
lieve that the idea of pacifism cannot be realized within a world
organized in capitalism. . . . We are socialists because of pacifism.
We regard the realization of world socialism as the condition of
the realization of world pacifism. . . . The peace movement will

not be the mother, but only the midwife of a social revolution and
the social revolution the mother of eternal peace.’”^

IV. Organized Pacifism

The First World War did not toll the death-knell for all paci-
fist movements operating prior to the war. In the belligerent
countries the organization work of pacifism was necessarily stifled,
but in some of the neutral countries pacifists were permitted to
continue their activities, particularly in Switzerland and Holland.
This organizational freedom had been used not only by the schol-
arly half-pacifist international associations but also by the ab-
solute pacifists who rejected war under all circumstances. An ex-
ample of this freedom can be seen in the Amsterdam Conference
of 1914 where the anarchist-pacifists accepted a resolution offered
by G. Rijnders and agreed to oppose every war because of social
and personal convictions. In cooperation with the Swiss war re-
sisters, the partisans of the “New Road” movement, and some

neomarxist communists, they displayed active propaganda against

allwars. Much of this pacifist propaganda is connected with the
names of Jules Humbert Droz, Henrietta Roland Holst, and R.
de Jong.
In the period of 1918-1921 most of the politically memorable
peace manifestations had little or nothing in common with phil-
osophical pacifism or pacifist movements aimed at the organiza-
' Kurt Hiller in Die Friedenswarte, 1923, 14 and 1926, p. 246.

tion of international peace. Incidents like these were motivated

by peculiar political conditions:
1918: the sailors of the German Ocean Fleet refused to man
the ships when, notwithstanding the armistice, the Ad-
mirals wanted to continue to fight in desperation.
1919: the crews of five cruisers of the French Black Sea Fleet
revolted against attacking Soviet Russia.
1920: the creation of action committees among British labor-
ers for the purpose of refusing to load munition ships
in the war against the Soviet and threatening general
strike in case of an official war.
1920: the general strike in Germany which contributed to the
fiasco of the Kapp Putsch.
It is historically incorrect and misleading that pacifism should
claim credit for, or proximate casual relationship with, these
incidents. In most instances, they were connected with domestic
political issues or the policy toward the new regime of Russia
installed by Lenin.
The atmosphere of postwar Europe in the 1920’s provided paci-
fist movements with an unusually favorable psychological founda-

tidn. Pacifist movements of the war resisting type cropped up in

large numbers and began to operate beside the already function-

ing organizations. Among the more representative groups are:
I. War Resisters International, which has enjoyed the bene-
fit of the support of such outstanding men in British politics as

Lord Ponsonby, George Lansbury, Laurence Housman, and Mc-

Govern, the M. P. of the Independent Labor Party. In Germany,
Dr. Helene Stoecker was among its leaders. In Czechoslovakia,
Premysl Pitten headed its roster.

Organizations affiliated with the War Resisters International:

No More War Movement — later the Peace Pledge Union — organ-

ized in 1936 by George Lansbury and his friends in Great Britain;
Ligue Pour le Reconnaissance I.egale de I’Objection de Con-
science, founded in 1924; Ligue Internationale des Refractaires
a Toute Guerre, in Paris; Bund der Kriegsdienstgegner, in Berlin;
Bund der Kriegsdienstgegner, in Vienna; Movement for Christian
Communism, in Prague; Swiss Central Office for Peace Work, in
Zurich. Similar affiliated organizations have been active in the
Scandinavian countries, Holland, Belgium, and for a limited time,
in some of the eastern European countries.*
II. International Fellowship of Reconciliation, with head-
quarters in London, and branches and affiliated organizations all
over the world, was an essentially Christian pacifist movement
founded in 1914.
III. International Antimilitaristic Bureau Against War and
Reaction, with headquarters in Hie Hague.
Affiliated with this organization was the International Anti-
militaristic Commission, also headquartered in The Hague.
IV. International Antimilitaristic Society, with headquarters
in The Hague.
V. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom,
with headquarters in Geneva.
VI. Tolstoy Federation, with headquarters in Vienna.
VII. International Committee of Democratic Action for Peace,
with headquarters in Paris.
At the first meeting of the War Resisters International in 1921,
the following declaration was adopted which has since been con-
firmed at each successive conference: “War is a crime against
humanity. We therefore are determined not to support any kind
of war and to strive for the removal of all causes of war.” The
Statement of Principles adopted at the 1925 conference of the In-
ternational, according to the interpretation of Aldous Huxley’s
“Encyclopedia of Pacifism,”® leaves no doubt that the resort to
armed violence, or any form of warfare, is damaging most of all
to the “good cause.” The War Resisters refused to malfft special

*The War ReBUtera International wa« founded in Holland in 1921 and haa ita
head^artera now in Enfidd, Middlesex, England. Lord Ponaonby, the
Labor peer
was ita chairman from 1941 until hia death in 1946.
BAn Encyclopedia of Pacifism, edited by Aldous Huxley, Harper
& Brothers,
York and tendon, 1937.

provisions in favor of wars for the defense of democracy or war

on bdialf of the oppressed proletariat.^^
In addition to the above strictly pacifist organizations, numerous
organizations had been in existence between the two world wars
which, while aiming at the maintenance of peace and disavowii^
war as a political technique, have refrained from identifying
themselves with extreme pacifists. Most of these organizations
are world-wide in scope and membership, but tbe emphasis of their
interest and the center of their activities are essentially European.
Peace conferences of some type or another had been held since
1843 in London, Paris, Brussels, Frankfort. Most of them were
occasions for sentimental manifestation rather than organized re-
unions of trained political experts and scholars. The peace con-
ference of Paris in 1849, presided over by Victor Hugo, was rather
an exception. It had decided political features.

The heyday of the International Peace Conferences was between

1889 and 1914, and again from the early 1920’s until 1939.
Since 1891 they were called together by the International Office
of Peace (Bureau International de la Paix) which was founded in
1891 by the International Peace Conference of Rome. Its funds
are provided partly by contributions from Switzerland, Sweden,
Denmark, Norway, and Portugal. An International Peace Con-
ference was convoked nearly every year whenever political con-
ditions permitted. Not even the officers of this organization could

contend that their meetings and activities have influenced the

course of European or world politics. In fact the various army
and navy leagues and militaristic societies exercised greater in-

fluence on world politics than the more dignified peace societies.

This is a significant factor, when it is remembered that we are

discussing one of the oldest and most distinguished of the peace
organizations. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1910 to

10 The tyranny and aggressive warfare of Hitler and Mussolini greatly influenced
many of the pre-1933 pacifists. The signers of the Oxford Peace Pledge in 1933
vow^ to refuse fighting in any future war, even in case of attack. The issues of
the Second World War made many of them discard the pledge.
the Bureau International de la Paix, and since 1901, many of
their functionaries have been its recipients:

Frederick Passy, France, 1901.

Elie Ducommun, Switzerland, 1902.
William Randal Cremer, Great Britain, 1903.

Berta von Suttner, Austria, 1905.

E. T. Moneta, Italy, 1907.
Frederick Bajer, Denmark, 1908.
Alfred H. Fried, Austria, 1911.
Henri La Fontaine, Belgium, 1913.
Ludwig Quidde, Germany, 1927.

For many years the latter two had been the pillars of the Inter-

national Peace Conferences.

The Interparliamentary Union is another of the distinguished
organizations which is sparsely sprinkled with last-ditch paci-
fists. It is concerned more with the problems in connection with
the oigdiiization of peace, and not with providing a forum lor
individual emotions. It has never served as a platform for ex-
treme pacifists of an anarchistic character; itsmembers are par-
liamentary representatives of the respective member states, and
hence it can be assumed that its conference discussions are not
divorced from political realities.
The first Interparliamentary Conference was held in Paris in
1889, under the sponsorship of William Randal Cremer and
Frederic Passy. After the First World War the first official act
of its Council at the Geneva meeting was a resolution hailing the
establishment of the League of Nations with the most profound
satisfaction,and expressing the hope “that from now on the In-
terparliamentary Union will devote all its efforts toward the
strengthening and democratic development of the League of Na-

Before the First World War the Union was a vigorous advocate
of international arbitration; it played an important role in the
creation of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at the first Hague
Conference and the convocation of the second Hague Peace Con-
ference. After the war its efforts were devoted to the further or-
ganization of international society and the maintenance of peace.
As a forum for the parliamentarians of nearly all civilized coun-
tries, the conferences of the unions were instrumental in creating
in the minds of the delegates, a practical appreciation of many
problems of an international nature.
The European Center of the Carnegie Endowment was another
dignifiedand scholarly body whose advisory council was studded
with names also identified with the activities of the two organiza-
tions previously described. -This fact might be indicative of the
limited number of statesmen and scholars devoted to active work
for the cause of peace.
La Conciliation Internationale was established 1905 by
d'EstourneUes de Constant, the French Deputy. Itsavowed pro-
gram is “the development of national prosperity in favor of good
international relations and the organization of these relations on a
permanent and durable basis.” Its activities run the gamut of
functions familiar in international organizations. Among its

French members were Leon Bourgeois, Henri Bergson, E. Lavisse,

Charles Richet. While the character of the organization was basic-
ally French, many non-French European and other members were
identified with it, including Henry Lammasch (Austria), Fr. Nan-

sen (Norway), C. Lombroso (Italy), and F. W. Foerster (Ger-

Among the other international organizations working for peace
through better international relations are the World Alliance for
Friendship through the Churches (Alliance Universelle pour I’ami-
tie intemationale par les Eglises), the International Council of
Women, (Counseil International des Femmes), and the Interna-
tional Union of the League of Nations Associations. Members of
the League of Nations Associations in Europe and elsewhere
studied and diffused the principles of the charter of the League of
Nations. For many a devout worker of these associations, main-
tenance of peace was equivalent to the success of the League. Few
of them were pacifists of the conscientious objector type. Since
the establishment of the United Nations, many of these asBocia*
dmis continue their activities as Associations for the United Na-

The activities of most of the associations centered around uni-

versity life. In some countries, like France and Great Britain,
they also branched out among the citizenry, establishing ties with
women’s organizations, churches, free mason lodges, etc. It can
be said, however, that members of the associations represented
heterogenous views on world politics and their only point of unity

was the desire to study and understand international relations and

peace in connection with the League of Nations and its network
of international organizations. The officers of the League co-

operated with the associations and regarded them as effective pub-

licity agents for intelligent public opinion. This is evidenced by
the fact that resolutions or recommendations of the International
Union of the League of Nations Associations were published and
given wide diffusion in the official League publication, the Jour-
nal Official,
The previously mentioned International Committee of Demo-
cratic Action for Peace was founded in 1921 at Paris, largely on
the initiative of the French Christian-Democratic Deputy Marc
Sangnier.^^ This organization is often referred to as the Demo-
cratic International. Its members believe that intelligent demo-
cratic pacifist education can best guarantee the maintenance of
peace. In spite of its French godparents (including Ferdinand
Buisson, a president of the Chamber of Deputies), several influ-
ential Germans and Austrians joined this group. The strong Cath-

olic flavor of the organization was already apparent when its first

conference at Paris extended greetings to Pope Benedict XV.

Primarily interested in international law and the organization
of world peace through the instrumentalities of law are:

Sangilier was also the leader of the Catholic Peace sroup called *Jeune

L’lnstitut de droit International — a scholarly group founded in

Belgium in 1873, specializing in technical problems of interna*

tional law such as codification of international law and arbitra-


The International Law Association which, having a more popu-

lar character, conducted a successful propaganda campaign for

the extension of the principle of arbitration.

y. Practical Pacifism in Time of War

Peace organizations were permitted to operate in countries

which had been otherwise unfriendly toward pacifism. This seem-
ing liberalism however, was not carried so far as to exempt con-
scientious objectors from military service. Few European- coun-
tries have provisions on their statutes regulating the service of the

objectors. Traditionally neutral countries are inclined to be more

liberal. Countries which are perennially imbroiled in conflicts
are disinclined to distinguish conscientious objection from treason.
The Danish law of 13 December 1917 permitted refusal of
military service on grounds of conscience. Instead of military
service, the objectors were subject to a so-called civilian service
obligation. While the duration of the military service at the time

of the passing of this law was six months, the period of civilian
service was set at 20 months, with the obvious intention of dis-
couraging refusal to perform military service.
In Sweden the right to refuse military service was granted by
law on 21 May 1920. The objector is subject to alternative serv-

ice. Up to 1925 only religious objections were recognized, but

after 1926 the same privileges were extended to non-religious con-
scientious objectors. Swedish defense law gives the objectors a
choice between rendering military service without arms and ren-
dering purely civilian service. The period of service in the first
case is extended by one fourth of the duration of the regular mili-
tary service, and in the second case, by one half.
In Norway, the question of objection to military service is gov-
erned by regulations similar to those of Sweden. The number of
objectors in both countries ran into several hundred each year
before the outbreak of the Second World War,
Since August 1923, Holland has also offered the privilege of
alternative service to conscientious objectors. Anarchists, Meimon-
ites, and Quakers have been refusing to serve in the army. Some
of the so-called absolutist pacifists have refused even the alter-
native service, preferring prison terms instead.
In the 1920’s Soviet Russia aligned herself with other coun-
tries which had manifested a liberal attitude toward objectors.
But in the Soviet Union the privilege of objection was reserved
only to those who by birth or education belonged to sects which
have opposed military service as a matter of basic doctrine. Peas-
ant members of such religious sects could, in many instances,

evade military service, whereas intellectuals were not granted the

same consideration on the theory that the educated man is not
subject to religious prejudices and that only counter-revolution-
aries would attempt to evade service in the Red Army,
In other European countries Baptists, Adventists, and Jeho-
vah’s Witnesses who have objected to military obligations have, as
a rule, been sentenced to prison terms to perform humiliating la-
bor. Catholic countries on the whole have shown less inclination
to recognize the principle of conscientious objection than havte
Protestant countries where, in many cases, free-thinker influences
have been responsible for legislation exempting the objectors.
During the Second World War, very few nations actually re-
spected provisions exempting conscientious objectors from mil-
itary service.'" When most of continental Europe was under the
Great Britain an impressive number of persons tried to gain exemption from
military service with the pica of conscientious objection. The number of conscien-
tious tibicctors was around 16,000 in the First World War, while during the l^ond
World War, .59336 sought exemption up to January 1, 1945. Of the latter, 2,865
were granted unconditional exemption; 22368— conditional exemption with assign-
ment to certain prescribed occupations, 16,753 - noncombatanl military duties, and
the pleas of 17,650 were re'erled and they were given regular military assignments.
(See “The Reporter,.” National Service Board for Religious Objectors, III, April 1,
1943.) Thre is no conclusive evidence, however, of the increase in the number of
conscientious objectors in Europe, as a whole, since the First World War.
control of Nazi Germany, refusal to render the required military
service was settled in a summary way in line with the National
Socialist and Fascist approach to pacifism. Members of pacifist
groups were sent to concentration caps and subjected to special
tortures. The Niirnberg Trial produced authentic evidence in the
form of original documents emanating from high German gov-
ernment sources, ordering systematized torture and death for
members of sects advocating pacifism. In Buchenwald and many
other concentration camps, conscientious objector-pacifists were
made recognizable by the violet triangles they wore on their
It is difficult to generalize the attitude of the European na-
tions toward individual pacifism in the form of conscientious ob-
jection. There is little approach of
to indicate that the liberal

the 1920’s will be revived. any change should occur, it will

point rather toward the weakening of the position of the indi-
vidual pacifists.*®

VI. Pacifism and a United Europe

It is interesting to note that one of the motivating forces behind

Coudenhove-Kalergi’s Pan-Europe movement was the fear of
Soviet power. The founder of this movement makes it clear that
he regards Russia — white or red — as a threat to European free-
dom. He contends that the geopolitical position of Russia makes
her inimical to the interests of the rest of Europe. His book “Pan-
Europe” first published in 1923, sounds the prophetic warning:
“History gives Europe the following alternatives, to overcome all

national hostilities and consolidate in a federal union, or sooner

or later to succumb to a Russian conquest. There is no third pos-

sibility. Russia is Europe’s Macedonia.”**

By the summer of 1946 the War Resister, a publication of the War Resisters
International, reported the reorganization of several of its continental affiliates. It
also reports that the Friedengescllschaft (German Peace Society) has been revived,
with ex-general Freiherr Von Schonaich, the absolutist pacifist, reelected president.
English translation : Richard N. Coudenfaove Kalergi, “Pan-Europe,” New York,
1926, p. 55.
There is another reason why Coudenhove-Kalergi urges the es-
tablishment of a European federal union. He warns that if such
a union is not realized “then a Russo-German alliance becomes

a mere question of time.”^“ Many supporters of the Pan-Europe

idea look upon it is a counterbalance to the socialist expansion.
Many moderate leftists approved it because it dovetailed with their
liberal internationalism.'^ The ambition of the Pan-Europe move-
ment is a peaceful world power extending from Poland to Portu-
gal, excluding the British Dominions and the United Kingdom.
For Coudenhove-Kalergi, pacifism is nut only a postulate of ethics
but also of reason, from the point of view of both “Europeism”
and national egoism.
While the program of Pan-Europe is not pacifism, it may fall in
our classification of utilitarian-liberal pacifism as opposed to
ethical individualistic pacifism. The aim of the movement is to
secure peace among the nations of Europe and to arrive at eco-

nomic prosperity through the unification of Europe. Its motivat-

ing forces are economic unity and peace internally, and the emer-
gence of a united Europe as a world power in the game of global

Pacifism should not be confused with the various schemes to

establish a United States of Europe. While it is admitted that
the strongest and the most predominant single force behind these
schemes is the desire to guarantee the maintenance of peace, it

would be an error to conclude that a United States of Europe is

urged only for the sake of world peace. The drive for a United
Europe indicates first of all that political thinkers being aware of
the anachronistic nature of the national state system are search-
ing for a realistic substitute. The various projects for a united
Europe cleverly indicate that the Haushoferian concept of great
area amalgamations has seized the imagination of so many prac-
tical thinkers. The advocacy of a United States of Europe by
Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi, op. at., p. 45.
laRriond, Painleve, de Jouvenel, Loucheur, Nitti, Chancellor Marx, Paul Lodie,
Sfono, Sfona, Thomae G. Moaoryk, Benes, Vondetvelde, Karl Renner. Conspicueae
were the endonemoiu of Joaeph Coillouz and Msgr. Seipel of Austria, no leftists
by any stretch of the imagination.
Herriot and Briand is a case in point. Her riot in his book “TTie
United States of Europe” draws encouragement for his project
from the experience of Louis Loucheur who examined the prob*
lem of European* economic unity under the patronage of the
Vienna Chamber of Commerce, and Joseph Cailloux who ad-
vocated the establishment of a vast European market within a
Pan-Europe organization.
Aristide Briand another brilliant exponent of utilitarian pa-

cifism, of pacifism through international law and internationalism

in general. He, more than anyone, is responsible for the historic

memorandum of the French government on the “Organization of
a Regime of European Federal Union.” On the 9th of September,
1929, the French government invited the European members of
the League of Nations to discuss the Briand project for a Euro-
pean union. The memorandum of Briand published in May 1930
represents a radical program compared with the then prevailing
national structure of Europe. At the same time it was a modest
proposal suggesting “union” and not “unity.”
The rhetorical appeals carried little weight. On the 8th of
September, 1930, Briand’s European Conference met in Geneva
simultaneously with the XI Assembly of the League of Nations.
Europe’s desire for peace was overshadowed by too many other
considerations. Words of peace were not enough. Peace fell on
the altar of the national state system of Europe.^'^
Disillusionment with the idea of economic union as a gateway
to a united Europe and peace, comes among from Sir Ar-

thur Salter, who maintains that a United States of Europe must

become a political reality before it can become an economic
reality.^® Salter has lost confidence in the utilitarian-economic
peace technique parading under the banner of “Zollverein.”
II Briand liked to emphasize the psychological impact of the word “Peace.” He
told a group of newspapermen: “Ce mot de paix, il ne faut pas que les hommes
d‘Etat se lassant de la repeter, et vons, Messieurs le journalists, it convient aussi que
TDUB ne cessiez jamais de parler de I’idw de paix, quand mime ce seroit pour la
conbattre. Foriez, parlez de la paix, et cela sulba.”
UThe United States of Europe, London, 1933.
The governments of Europe, like the governments of the non-
European countries are anxious to enter into agreements and con-
clude treaties and conventions which represent nothing but mean-
ingless rituals designed to please the conscience of the framers
of international policy. There is much truth in the cruel phrase of
Salvador de Madariaga : “The powers are intent on seeing that the
path to international hell is paved with good conventions.”
The popular campaign for international arbitration agreements,
international organizations, international conferences, the quest
for collective security, and high-sounding programs for disarma-
ment failed to touch the essential problems of peace. Behind the
curtain of this so-called pacifist phraseology remained the insis-
tence of every national state on the supreme criterion of sover-
The urge for peace did not abate the inten-
eignty, the jus belli.
tion of any government to insist on the obligation of the citizen to
offer himself in “Todesbereitschaft und Totungsbereitschaft” —
readiness to kill or be killed.’®

VIl. Pacifism and Disarmament

Prior to the First World War the quest for peace was, to a
large extent, the quest for international arbitration. Such con-
cepts as collective security and disarmament figured much less
in the discussions of those who wanted to find the formula for
peace. But after the War, peace was sought through disarma-
ment, or at least through the discussion of the -subject of dis-
armament.®" At first glance the importance attached to disarma-
ment seems subordinate. Individual pacifists, like Berta von
Suttner, in her book “Down with Arms” did not fail to see a
proximate casual relationship between armaments and war. The
diplomatic agencies of the European states and the more digni-

See the clever dissertation of Carl Schmitt on this question in his “Beeriff des
Politischen,” Berlin, 1927.
JO Xhe subject of this study necessarily relegates to a mere cursory reference such
^ortive episodes as the Locarno Pact of 1925 and the Briand-Kellogg Pact out-
lawing war. Such treatment of these pacts may be justified by the footnote
role they exercised on the preservation of peace.
concerned with international peace gave the question
fied societies

of armaments only cursory attention. This attitude is reflected in

the Covenant of the League of Nations. Only two articles of the
Covenant, (8 and 9) touch on the problem. Article 8 contained
the modest statement that *‘the maintenance of peace requires the
reduction of national armaments to the lowest point consistent with
national safety and the enforcement by common action of interna-
tional obligations.”
From 1919 until the failure of the Disarmament Conference
in the early 1930’s^’ pacifists of every hue and cry demanded dis-
armament. A legal and moral obligation to disarm was contained
in the official Allied and Associated Powers’ communique to Ger-
many on the 16th of June, 1919,
handed by Georges Clemenceau
to Count von Brockdorff-Rantzau: “The Allied and Associated

Powers wish to make it clear that their requirements in regard

to German armaments were not made solely with the object of ren-
dering it impossible for Germany to resume her policy of mili-

tary aggression. They are also the first steps toward that general
reduction and limitation of armaments which they seek to bring
about as one of the most fruitful preventives of war and which
it will be one of the first duties of the League of Nations to pro-

After the compulsory disarmament of the Central Powers,
France pursued a persistent policy of tieing in disarmament with
collective security. The Cabinets of Poincare and Tardieu par-
ticularly pursued this policy, and it was also the principal pos-
tulate of the foreign policies of the other French Cabinets be-
tween the two world wars. When Leon Blum, as the head of the
French Socialist Party became the French Prime Minister in
1936, he hastened to reiterate this tenet of French diplomacy.
This may have surprised those who looked upon Blum as the suc-
cessor of Jean Jaures, and the leader of a party with consider-
able pacifist tinge. “Undoubtedly, collective security is the con-

The final session of the Conference was on May 29, 19-34, but the Conference
had been moribund since October, 1933.
dition of disarmament, since no State would agree to disarm un-
less mutual assistance offered it a degree of certainty; but the

converse is equally true. Disarmament is the condition of full

collective security, for States must be substantially disarmed if

arbitral awards are to be imposed and pacific Unctions are to

exert their constraining power.”*®
Other nations only remotely concerned with the German menace
did not insist on connecting collective security with disarmament.
The effort expanded to guarantee peace through disarmament is

impressive indeed, considering the voluminous studies, the estab-

lishment of commissions with high sounding names and the hold-
ing of innumerable conferences. Genuine pacifists, like Pro-
fessor Hans Wehberg, and the Norwegian professor Christian
Lange, reached to the crux of the problem when they proposed a
budgetary limitation for armaments.** This suggestion greatly
disconcerted the various national governments but of course, re-
mained without practical effect. The much advertised desire for
disarmament could not be reduced to practical measures. The
supreme political power still resting in the national states, vol-
untary disarmament had to fail. There is no indication that na-
tional disarmament will ever be accomplished until political power
is shifted to a supranational authority.
The most significant proposal of the Disarmament Conference
came from the Soviet delegate, Maxim Litvinov, who wanted pro-
gressive and proportional disarmament with an ultimate view to
complete disarmament. Litvinov previously reproached the re-
fusal of the other powers to deal with the question of trained re-
serves and military materials.*^ Such proposals were received
with a grain of salt. Even less innocuous recommendations could
not pass the first hurdle. Paul-Boncour vainly insisted on the es-
tablishment of an international permanent disarmament commis-

League of Nations Records of the Sixteenth Assembly, Part II, Plenary

Meetings, p. 29.
3® The Interparliamentary Union discussed this question before the First World
S* Documents of the Preparatory Commission, Series X, p. 19,


sion to inspect and control national armaments.^ Count Bemstorff
demanded a general levelling down of all national armaments to
that imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles. Such pro-
posals were futile, particularly in view of persistent rumors about
clandestine German mament,
Arthur Henderson, the President of the Disarmament Confer-
ence, in his attitude to pacifism, stood close to George Lansbury.
His statesmanship was no match to the insurmountable difficul-
ties which arose.
Intellectual pacifists and absolutist pacifists had been disdain-
ful of the labors of the official representatives of the national
governments. They held their own conference against war in
1932 at Amsterdam, through the initiatives of Henri Barbusse
and Romain Holland

VIII. Pacifism in Great Britain, France and Germany

Pacifism as a political movement, a subject of literature, and

as a manifestation of individual conscience, had some appeal in
every European country. No attempt is made here to deal with
Russian pacifism. The peculiar political position of the Soviet
Union, the control of the State over literature, political activi-

ties,and manifestations of individual conscience, leave no room

for unlicensed pacifism. Pacifist thinking was most fertile in

Great Britain, France, Germany, Holland, and pre-Dollfuss Aus-

tria. its voice was less articulate than in these countries.
The Labor Party counted many pacifists and former
pacifists among its leaders. At one time pacifism was more in line
with the tradition of the party than socialism. Keir Hardie, at
the Internationalist Socialist Congress of Copenhagen in 1910
spoke for the most extremist when he said: “The na-

tion that has the courage to be the first to throw away its arms will
win for itself one of the greatest names in history.” It took Ram-
sey MacDonald some time to outlive his reputation as an opponent

^The United Sutee and Italy were the moat conapicuout opponenta of thia pro-
of the British war effort in 1914-18. Herbert Morrison, who
played such an impressive role in the Second World War was a
conscientious objector in the First War. Phillip Snowden, later

Viscount Snowden, a close associate and Cabinet colleague of

MacDonald in his Labor and National Cabinets was an active
pacifist. He demanding
often joined pacifists of other nations in
the abolishment of all types of military service. Lord Ponsonby,
a member of the Liberal Party during the first world war, left his

party because of pacifism, and later joined the Labor Party. In

1930 he became his new Party’s leader in the House of Lords.
Soon afterwards he joined the War Resisters International and in

1943 deserted the Labor Party altogether, primarily because of

his pacifist convictions.
The great old man of British pacifism, George Lansbury, a
former leader of the Labor Party in the House of Commons, was
a pillar in several peace movements, such as the War Resisters
International Peace Pledge Union, Peace Pledge Movement, etc.

In his later years he lost contact with practical politics as ad-

vocated by the Labor Party, and resigned his positions. Lans-
bury was a Christian pacifist, with a slight Tolstoyian touch. He
represented that branch of pacifism which believed that Hitler and
Mussolini could be persuaded to become champions of inter-
national peace.
Not only British politics, but also British cultural life was

deeply permeated with pacifist tones. The luminaries of twentieth

century British literature at one time or another embraced paci-
fism. H. G. Wells, G. B. Shaw, Bertrand Russel, Norman Angell,
Aldous Huxley, Laurence Housman, Vera Brittain, and others
provided the intellectual touch for British pacifism. Pacifism has
never had a more illutsrious galaxy of literary lights in any
country, at any time. But we can ask; Where was their influence
in British and world politics?
French socialists represented the vanguard of pacifism in their
country. With the help of the leftist intellectuals they tried to stem
the waves fomented by the revanche mentality of pre-1914 France.

Like most leftists all over the world, after the First World War
they supported the League of Nations and the international ma-
chinery built around it. There was a certain mental affinity be-

tween them and the disillusioned, defeatist spirit that character-

ized a segment of French cultural life in the 1920’8 and the early
1930*8 until the advent of Hitler. In France and elsewhere so-
cialists consistently combatted war propaganda and nationalist out-
bursts. They fought for disarmament by voting against appropria-
tions for the army and the navy. In the late 1930’s a sizable part
of the French Socialist Party (S.F.I.O.) desired to remain faith-
ful to the pacifist traditions of the party and favored appeasement
and peace at any price with Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s
Italy. The so-called neo-socialists under the leadership of Deat
were less pacifists than fascists. Their policy culminated in full-

fledged collaboration in the Vichy era in both the occupied and

the unoccupied zones.
The moderate leftists in French politics were motivated in their
pacifism largely by their Europeism. Men like Briand, Herriot,
Painleve, Leon Bourgeois, were Europeans in the best Victor
Hugo tradition. At the same time they were the most effective

leaders in the peace movements of Europe between the two world

The powerful French trade unions under Leon Jouhaux fol-

lowed the attitude of the leftist parties, so far as the question of

peace was concerned. Jouhaux held the orthodox view that only
workers could be depended upon to oppose war. At a public as-
sembly in 1934 he claimed that under the present cir-
Geneva in
cumstances a general strike was the best method of preventing
war. The Second World War gave a resounding answer to this
conception. In the United Nations the most dependable and per-
sistent combattants against the former Axis powers were the or-
ganized workers.
Unlike Britain, twentieth century France had a powerful anti-
internationalist, promilitarist literary clique with devout audience
in the middle and upper classes. At the same time the antiwar
or pacifist voices in French cultural were more emotional and

vehement. Older Communists of the pre-1917 vintage were pro-

minent among the pacifists. Younger communists like Aragon and
Malraux have become promote their principles.
active warriors to
It is what position Henri Barbusse might
tempting to contemplate
have taken toward the Second World War had he not died in 1935.
The literary pacifists of France were definitely not Christian
minded. Men like Anatole France, Barbusse, Romain Holland
were convinced atheists and cosmopolitans. Others like George
Duhamel and Victor Marguerite had been and

therefore joined the authors of other nations in demanding the

means of combatting war. The
abolition of military training as a
antiwar novels of Paul Reboux {Les Drapeaux, 1921, 1925) and
such works as Le Sort le Plus Beau of Claire Geniaux, merely
portray the disillusioned “esprit” of France in the 1920’s without
revealing much concern with peace organization or practical in-

The political climate and the underlying nationalist spirit of
public opinion has not permitted pacifism, whether allied to so-
cialism or not, to play as prominent a role in public affairs in
Germany as it did in Great Britain or France. Pacifism as a pro-
gram for international policy remained on the fringes of the Ger-
man political arena. Unlike Bebel and his followers, Karl Lieb-
knecht, Rosa Luxemburg, and their associates among leftwing
socialists, were courageous pacifists until the fall of the Hohen-
zollern Empire. But their pacifism was the half-pacifism or rela-
tive pacifism of those Marxists who embraced violence both in na-
tional and international politics as soon as the old order began to
stagger. Later in the Weimar era German political life failed to
produce outstanding statesmen closely identified with pacifism as
a technique and categorical program for foreign policy. It would
be historically inaccurate to call Walter von Rathenau or Strese-
mann pacifists, merely because they sponsored international agree-
ments destined to reintroduce Germany into the international com-
More important, however, were the writings of German scholars
on international law and politics, the activities of the various Ger-
man peace organizations, and the pacifist onslaught of an impres-
sive array of German and Austrian authors. With his book. The
Peace in Europe,^ Eugene Schlief, a German lawyer inaugurated
a new school of thought among German internationalists and
pacifists. He demanded an objective-juridical approach to the
problem of peace and pacifism within the realm of “Realpolitik.”
His realistic pacifism is reflected in the writings and activities of
Professor Walter Schucking, one of the greatest German interna-
tional lawyers, and Alfred Fried, the Nobel Prize winning Vien-
nese journalist. In the organization “Neues Vaterland,” Schuck-
ing was able, during the First World War, to conduct propaganda
for his pacifistic views and for an international society organized
on principles of law. After the First World War, with his younger
colleague Hans Wehberg, he belonged to the small group of Ger-
man scholars who worked
so diligently toward peace within the
League of Nations. At the International Peace Congresses to-
gether with Senator La Fontaine, Fried, Quidde, and Professor
C. van Vollenhoven he argued for the minority point of view, sanc-
tioning defensive wars and the use of an international force in
case of disobedience of international arbitration verdicts.”
Another outstanding German scholar, Professor F. W. Foerster,
a former professor at the University of Munich, in his books, arti-
cles and teachings, represented a school of pacifism that was not
identified with refusal of military service. For several years dur-
ing and after the First World War, he successfully defied the mili-
and nationalistic authorities in (Germany but ultimately

was forced into exile. Foerster gained a large number of follow-

ers with his theory that a world organized for peace needs new
moral foundations as well as new legal foundations. But per-
haps the most effective combination of practical statesman and
pacifist is the Austrian Heinrich Lammasch. He was another of

**Ber Friede in Europa, 1892.

*^See Hans Wehberg’s “Die Aecfatung des Kriefces,” Berlin, 1930; and the Bulle-
tin Officiel du XX Congres Universel de la Paix, The Hague, 1913, p. 110.
the so-called juridical pacifists, advocating the establishment of
a permanent international court of justice and the extension of the
principle of arbitration.
Reference to German peace movements is not possible without
tribute to Alfred H. Fried and Professor Ludwig Quidde. Fried,
a newspaperman without academic background, became one of
the pioneers in modern thinking concerning the role of peace in
modem society. He founded the German Peace Society in 1892
and for 22 years edited its monthly “Die Friedenswarte.” He was
definitely one of the outstanding champions of European peace
before the outbreak of the First World War.
In spite of a hostile atmosphere, Quidde was able to build up
the (German Peace Society (Deutsche Friedensgesgesellschaft) to
impressive strength, and reconcile basic differences that existed
among German Pacifists, particularly between the practical school
of Gerlach and the war resisters of Helene Stoecker and Kurt
Hiller. He was the organizational talent not only of German, but
also international peace societies.
Hellmut von Gerlach became a peace movement leader in 1908
only after leaving the Reichstag. He never failed to emphasize
the practical aspects of peace propaganda and the uselessness of
individual action. His school is noted for the concepts which are
anathema for the absolutist-individualist pacifist. Like Schucking,
he approves defensive wars and wants to secure peace through
the rule of law. He justified general strikes in order to avoid wars,
but regarded them impractical after the outbreak of war.
Berta von Suttner, author of the popular book “Down With
Arms,” and Helene Stoecker, were the outstanding feminine cham-
pions of German pacifism. The latter represented the small branch
of Christian pacifists in the German peace movement, advocating
refusal of military service. Kurt Hiller, another of the war resis-
tors, although an extreme leftist, reached the same conclusion on
this issue as the deeply Christian Helene Stoecker.
During the Weimar era literature with pacifist leanings enjoyed
great popularity. The writings of some authors, like Ernst Toller
and Ludwig Renn were filled with communist pacifism. Others

propagated a type of cosmopolitan pacifism exemplified by the

classics of Stefan Zweig, Fritz von Unruh, and Erich Maria Re-
Students and propagandists of pacifism on the whole have been
less conspicuous in the other European countries. But everywhere
there have been men and women who openly or secretly carried
on their campaign for peace. In this connection it is impossible to
forget the devotion to the cause of peace of such men as Miguel de
Unamuno and Salvador de Madariaga of Spain, Henri La Fon-
Van Vollenhoven, and
taine of Belgium, C. B. de Ligt of the Neth-
erlands, and Christian Lange of Norway.

It is a curious historic fact that the movements of uncondi-

tional war resister pacifists have gained no momentum since the
termination of hostilities of the Second World War. The inev-
itable experience of Hitlerism in Europe weakened the founda-
tions of pacifist movements. The resistance and partisan move-
ments were based on the justification of violence against the op-
pressors and quislings. In turn the collaborationists and quislings
preached the doctrine of peaceful cooperation with the German
occupational authorities. movements traditionally drew
their adherents mostly from and socialist elements, for
whom cooperation with German fascism was the apex of anathema.
It may not be amiss to say that European pacifism has been badly

shaken by the confusion of modern world politics.

It is compare the period following the Second

instructive to
World War with the years that followed the Crimean War. The
Crimean War was a distinct disappointment to the internation-
alists and pacifists of that era. A period of inactivity charac-
terized the peace movements after 1856, and it was not until 1867
that the peace conferences again manifested noticeable activity.
After the First World War extremist antiwar feeling and pacifism
were disassociated from the League of Nations and international
agencies bearing an official character.
The experience of the League of Nations, however disappoint-
ing, helped to channel pacifist activities toward organized inter-

nationalism. Furthermore, the emergence of additional techno-

logical devices accentuated the control of organized government
over the citizenry.
In the face of increased power in the hands of governments,
peace efforts are not promising where they are out of line with
the established international machinery. Such an observation is
bound to be painful to those whose pacifism is predicated upon
the power of the moral conviction of the individual, yet it can
explain the failure of resurgence of popular pacifist activities in
thewake of the Second World War.
Internationalism and world organization have gained apparent
emphasis at the expense of pacifism, or in other words, peace has
become inseparable from world organization. Political thinking
and literary spirit are little stimulated by the idea of peace as
existing in isolation from the problems of government. It is un-
likely that post-1945 Europe will develop personalities like Tol-
stoy, Barbusse, or Lansbury.
The United Nations has become the dominant instrument for
peace and internationalism. “Private” pacifism, in opposition to,

or in ignorance of, official internationalism has taken a back seat.

So long as the United Nations remains the primary instrument of

peace, it will draw the support and represent the aspirations of
most of those who believe in world peace.

Del Vecchio, Giorgio: II fenomeno idla guerra e Fidea della pace,
Torino, 1911.
FiUEO, Alfred H. : Handbuch der Friedensbewegung, Berlin-Leipzig,
1911-13; A brief outline of the nature and aims of Pacifism, New York,
1915; Prohieme der Friedenstechnik, Leipzig, 1918.
Goldscheid, Rudolf: Friedensbewegung und Menschensokonomie”
^OSS, Leo; Pazifismus und ImperioHsnuu, Ldpzig-Wien, 1931.
Heimot, Emuato: The United States of Europe, translate by Rq;in*
aid J. Dmgle, New York, 1930.
Huxlet, Aldous: An Encyclopedia of Pacifism, New York and Lon-
don, 1937.
CoudenhOVE-Kalerci, Richabd N.: Pan-Europe, New York, 1926.
Kobleh, Franz: Gewalt und GewaUlosigheU, Zurich, 1928.
Lange, Christian: Histcire de la doctrine paeifique et de son influ-
ence sur le developpement du droit international, Recueil des Cours do
I’Academie de Droit International, Vol. XIII, 1926.
Leonard, Rathond: Vers une organisation politique et iuridique de
VEurope, Paris, 1935.
Lict, Bahthelemy de: The Conquest of Violence, London, 1937.
Litvinov, Maxim: UU.R.S.S. et la Paix, Paris, 1939.
Madariaga, Salvador de: Disarmament, New York, 1929.
Nicolai, G. F.: The Biology of War, New York, 1918; Aufruf an die
Europaer, Wien, 1923.
Novicov, I. A.: War and Its Alleged Benefits, translated from French,
London, 1912.
Rappard, William E.: The Common Menace of Economic and Military
Armaments, London, 1936; The Quest for Peace, New York, 1931.
Rogge, Heinrich: Nationale Friedenspolitik, Berlin, 1934.
ScHELER, Max: Die Idee des Friedens und der Padfismus, Berlin,
ScHUEF, Eugen: Der Friede in Europa, Leipzig, 1892.
SCHUECKING, Walter: Der Bund der Votker, Leipzig, 1918; Die
Revision der V olkerbundssazzung in Hinblick auf den Kelloggpakt, Ber-
lin, 1931.
Sibley, Mulford, Q.: The Political Theories of Modern Pacifism, The
Pacifist Research Bureau, Philadelphia, 1944.
Van Vollenhoven, C. The Law of Peace, London, 1936.

Wehberg, Hans: Die Aechtung des Krieges, Berlin, 1930; Die Fuehrer

der Deutschen Friedensbewegung, Leipzig, 1923.

European Federalism

Editorial Note

A United States of Europe is an old and great social myth.

Older even than the idea of a United States of America, it still be-
longs to that group of social visions which has a good chance of
becoming a reality.

The original idea may be traced to the beginning of the four-

teenth century,when Pierre Dubois urged a Union of Christian
States in his “De Recuperatione Terrae Sancta^' (about 1305-
07); this idea was a forerunner of a European Union. Since then,

cdmost every century has brought forth pirns for vari&us types
of European Unions, such as the *‘Grand Design’* (revised edition,
1638), by Mammilien de Bethune, due de Sully, and friend of
Henri IV, who proposed a plan for a European cooperative sys-
tem; in 1693, William Penn wrote “Essay Toward the Present and
Future Peace of Europe’* in which the founder of Pennsylvania
proposed an “Imperial Dyet, Parliament or State of Europe.” In
1712, Charles Irenee Castel de Saint Pierre advocated a Euro-
pean Confederation, a plan which Jean Jacques Rousseau later

supported in his “Project for Perpetual Peace.” This chain of

great philosophers and talented statesmen who, centuries back,
realized the vital significance of a European Union was never
broken. Brilliant minds and gifted intellects were constantly at-
tracted to the idea. The celebrated German philosopher, Imman-
uel Kant, wrote “Zum Ewigen Frieden” expounding his views on
a European Confederation based on a republican form of gov-
Onthe eve of the Congress of Vienna (1814), another great
Frenchman, Claude Henri Saint Simon, together with Augustin
Thierry, the historian, suggested a European Union governed by
a Parliament which would be patterned after the English Par-
It is not within the scope of this book to present the entire his-
tory of European Federalism} The long history of this ideology
proves that it possesses a good deal of among European
and is not
intellectuals^ merely another postwar idea. When R. N.
Coudenhove Kalergi started his PanOuropean movement (after
1918), it had a voluminous historical background for its sup-
In his stimulating chapter on European Federalism, Professor
Reginald Lang unfolds various visions and plans for a European
federal system, with some emphasis on the constitutional aspect

of various projects.
During World War II the idea gained further support: demo-
cratic European underground literature featured the idea of a

European Federation, and the great vision was revived. Such pro-
minent statesmen as the Polish Prime Minister, Wladyslaw Si-
korski, and the Czechoslovak President, Benes, realized that a
Regional, Eastern European Federation would furnish a founda-
tion, at least, for a European settlement.
Sikorski’s and Benes’s plea for a federated Eastern Europe
was probably the only concrete and specific plan advocated by
heads of governments during the Second World War the former —
a responsible Prime Minister, the latter a President of the Re-
General Sikorski had two ambitious desires: one, to establish
a lasting settlement insuring permanent peace between the Soviet

Union and Poland to change the history of Russo-Polish re-
lations, not solely the temporary politics; two, to establish a
democratic Eastern European Federation between the Baltic and
the Aegean, a plan which Thomas Masaryk, President- philosopher
of Czechoslovakia, had favored during World War I.

• A
student of the history of European Federali«ni may be referred to a slhnu-
lating Volume by S. J. llemleben, Plam jor World Peace Through Six Centuries,
Univ. of Chicago Press, 1943.
Sikorski approached both problems with courage and sincerity;
rather than cautiously discussing his ideas in a diplomatic man-
ner, he propagated them openly with audacity and vision, chal-
lenging history for the price of peace. Although history has chosen
an road than that outlined by Sikorski, future
entirely different
historians will undoubtedly recognize him cls one of the great and
most hottest statesmen produced in that tragic era of European
Sikorski’ s plan was to organizea regional federation of east-
ern European states as a bridge between the West and the East.
This federation would form a friendly link between the western
democracies and the Soviet Union, without serving as a spear-
head against either.Because of the problem of Germany, he was
reluctant to propagate a straight European Federation: millions of
eastern Europeans were slaughtered by the German Army and the
German-Nazis; twice within twenty-five years Germany has in-

fringed upon Belgian neutrality; twice in seventy years German

armed forces have marched into Paris. Therefore, reasoned Si-
korski, ufouldn’t a European Federation with Germany in its cen-
ter mean a German-dominated Europe? W
ould it be feasible to
advocate a direct federation with Germany for those who sur-
vived the onslaught of teutonic fury?
Sikorski feared that after Germany’s defeat, nationalism would
be revived, and a new generation might resume the barbaric march
against the eastern European nations. For this reason, as well
as those mentioned above, Sikorski supported an Eastern Euro-
pean Federation, above all, and left the problems of a total Euro-
pean Union to the western European countries. The eastern Eu-
ropean region in the East, and the western region, with France
and England on the western borders of Germany, could thus co-
operate in a European Union; Germany would be dealt with in
a peace settlemera, as a territory under long-term Allied control.
Unfortunately, the “Great Design,” a European Union, has been
abandoned, and Europe has returned to its prewar system; she
is partitioned into separate territories.


Former Prime Minister Churchill renewed Jus pleas for a Euro-
pean Federation (1947) and launched a European movement.
However, the Soviet Union has been in constant opposition to any
European federalist schemes, and it has accused ChurchilFs move-
ment of being anti-Soviet, although it has furnished insufficient
evidence for this accusation.
In February, 1947, an international conference was held in
London to support a campaign for the United Socialist States of
Europe. This conference was called by the British Independent
Labor Party to gather support for the United Socialist States of
Europe (USSE); delegates from France, Germany, Holland,
Spain, and Greece attended the conference. “Europe today,” the
official record of the conference states, “has come to the cross-
roads of history. Twice in our lifetime she has been devastated
by war. A third World War, waged with the ‘totoF destructive-
ness of the atomic age, will finally obliterate her civilization. . .

Iffreedom is not to perish, the unity of Europe must be based

upon libertarian socialism, which is incompatible with any totali-

tarum regime. . .

This movement can hardly be accused of being too conserva-

tive, as was Mr. ChurchilVs. The Congress of the Independent
Labor Party was not the only one.
Again in June 1947 a more representative Congress for a
United States of Europe of the European Socialist Parties had
been called to Paris. Stressing the significance of civil liberties

as an inseparable factor for a federal solution in Europe, the

Congress spoke in favor of a decentralized European Federation
in which political democracy would have its social and economic
counterparts. was also stressed that in order to build a federa-

tion, the federal movement should be based on a “sociological

force, numerically important and politically conscious” mean- —

ing European labor and free peasantry.
Again in August 1947 at Montreux a Congress of European
Federalist met. This was a Congress, which was not limited to
one political creed, thftugh not as inYuential with the European

masses as the former. The “Congress of European Federalists**

discussed also a broader —
problem World GovemmerU. The
Europeans spoke in favor of a European Federation within a
World Federal Union.
A few weeks later the protagonist of the European federal idea,

Prof. R. N. Coudenhove-Kalergi, called his international confer-

ence in Gstad in Switzerland. His ideas though, follow more the
line of Mr. Churchill. This furnishes concrete evidence that a
strong desire for a Eurbpean Union exists and that it may be an
invaluable factor in strengthening our chances for a lasting peace.


Reginald D. Lang

There have been periods of time in which communities, appar-

ently in peace with each other, Imve been more perfectly
separated than, in latter times, many nations in Europe have
been in the course of lonf; and bloody wars. The cause must be
sought in the similitude throupfiout Europe of religion, laws,
and nianneis. 4l bottom, these are all the same. The writers on
public law have often called this acgrecate of nations a com-
monwealth. They had reason. It is virtually one e,reat state
having the same basis of general law, with some diversity of
provincial customs and local establishments.
— Edmund Burke. Letters on a Regicide Peace (1796).

The Background of European Federalism

The ideal of particularism and the ideal of universalism to-

gether created the design of European history.

Roman imperialism had articulated the tribal units of Europe
into a system of order, but as the Roman system weakened the
tribes, now expanded into “nations,” established their several
dominions throughout Romanized Europe. Charlemagne again
gathered them into an empire, but after his death, lacking a uni-
versal ideal to cement them togetlier, they broke apart. The ideal
of universalism, however, could not be destroyed, and in another
century Otto founded a subtle, and not too stable, amalgam that
was universalist in symbol, but most particularist in practice. The
Holy Roman Empire of the German nations was the heir, but
scarcely the successor, of the Roman Empire. Though the dis-
junctive elements in Otto’s creation could only be arrested at in-


tervals by a regenerate imperialism, the Holy Roman Empire,

always in symbol, and sometimes in fact, revealed the vitality

of the ideal of universalism. Despite the exuberant localism of

the middle ages, the ideal of universalism never lost the luster
of grandeur, and was never without representation, however in-
adequate, in medieval Europe.
Modern Europe has gloried in its divisions. Yet the essential
unity of Europe it was denied, could
that underlay them, while
not be ignored. The very imperialism of the modern nations has
been an effort of the particular to become the universal. Charles
V and Philip II had European ambitions, but the Europe they
tried to conquer would have been the lengthened shadow of Spain.
Louis XIV would have made Europe politically, as it had become
culturally, French. Napoleon, even though a child of the En-
lightenment, a European idea, attached his conquests to France,
and would have centralized Europe, as he did France, at Paris.

The awful abyss to which a national imperialism can sink is the

chronicle of Europe’s latest years. A part cannot swell into the
whole without destroying both. And it is well to recall the terrible
forecast of Grill parzer that the way of humanity led through na-
tionalism to bestiality.
During four centuries, Europe has been a system of States
which must exist together, ifnot in harmony, then, it was recog-
nized, at least in balance. And therein lies a recognition of the
unity of Europe which does not imply the destruction of its plur-
ality. For the coalitions that always conquered the imperialism
of the parts did so in the name of Europe, even though they as-
sembled around the banners of the nations. It was instinctively

understood that the nations could nurture and enjoy their diver-
sities only in a Europe that had not been conquered by any one of
them. The successive imperialisms of the parts not only menaced
the several States; they also threatened Europe. The coalitions
could be formed only because there was a common agreement
among the nations to preserve a Europe that permitted particular-

ism. This was the negative pole to the positive pole of dynastic and
nationalistic imperialisms; bothwere necessary to the current of
European life.
In contemporary Europe, however, the inter-play of the ideals
of universalism and particularism are self-destroying. The bal-
ance of power no longer protects the corpus of Europe from the
swollen imperialism of its parts, and twice the several parts have
had to defend their integrity by relying upon non-European pow-
ers. An artificial stability can be imposed externally with the
apparatus of imperialism, but a natural stability among the States
must correspond to their vital needs, and hence it must be an
order among them in which they concur. This is the only alter-
native to wars and preparations for wars against imperialism an-
ticipated or imperialism triumphant. The rivalries of the Euro-
pean nations generated both by attempts at universalism, and
efforts to defeat them have made a desert that cannot be called

peace. No European nation can become Europe, and Europe will

be destroyed in a chaos of nations not related through a prin-
ciple of order. Europeans, conscious of Europe’s unity, now
grope for such a principle.
Europe was described by Montesquieu as a nation made up of
several. Of Europe west of Russia this remark is especially true.

Europe is a society; there are European manners, European cus-

toms, European public opinion, European law. The Christian re-
ligion gives to European culture a common ethical basis and
philosophy of values. Europeans share a common history in the
rise and decline of the west Roman empire, in the migrations that
followed and in the medieval experience of contests between the
Imperium and the Sacerdotium, and the feudalization of both
empire and church. Renaissance, Reformation, Counter-Reforma-
tion,Enlightenment, Absolutism, Revolution, Romanticism, Real-
ism, Liberalism, Impressionism, Socialism, are all European
ideas and mark the course of European thought. Even National-
ism, sometimes supposed to be the antithesis of European unity,
is a European phenomenon. It arose out of European conditions.

It is not an alternative to Europe, but a phase of European civil-


The threat to European unity and civilization does not lie in

cultural nationalism but in political nationalism. The alliance

of sovereignty and nationalism distorts, and may destroy the lat-

ter. Nationalism is of the realm of the spirit; it is a way of think-

ing, feeling, and acting. Tolerance is of the essence of true na-
tionalism, because respect for my national sentiments presup-
poses respect for y6urs. But political nationalism is intolerant,

and thus is self -contradictory; it makes exclusive what should be

complementary. Every nation-State in Europe is a denial either
present or past of the right of nationalism; every national State
grew around a dynasty which absorbed particular groups whose
distinctiveness possessed the elements of nationalism. In place of
the hundreds of cultural groups once scattered over Europe, there
are today only a few national States. Political nationalism is the
centralization and absorption of diverse groups around fixed poli-
tical centers. The nazi attack upon Europe was hut the extremist

form, and we hope the last, of what has been occurring in Europe
since the 15th century. Political nationalism has been, in reality,
an imperial weapon exerted upon the European continent by dy-
nasties and organized nations. European history during four cen-
turies has presented a panorama of particularism being puffed to
the pattern of universalism; and therein lies its irony. And the
troubles *of Europe have arisen because there has been no uni-
versal power that could check the imperial ambitions of the seg-
ments, and yet not absorb the cultural particularism of the parts.
The situation is, and has been, essentially cancerous.
The struggle for existence and power among the nations now
leads to their destruction in wars of annihilation. Nor is this an ac-
cident of science, for ancient history is a catalogue of wars of an-
nihilation. The reason lies in the circumstances. It is a character-
istic feature of all religious and civil wars, because they are con-
testsbetween irreconcileable ways of living that cannot occupy
the same space at the same “time. European wars are civil wars be-
cause they are fought between members of one society, and they
partake of the character of religious wars because hostile national-
isms are implacably intolerant. Between 1648 and 1914 wars in
Europe, with the exception of the Napoleonic interval, were
limited because there was, even among contending dynasts, a feel-

ing of European consensus. This conviction led to the formula-

tion of the principles of the classical International Law, which,
by con fini ng wars to a relationship between States, and not men,
and by providing for peaceful commercial intercourse between na-
tionals of different States embodied the principle of the European
community, namely, that in time of peace, States should do each
other the most possible good, and in time of war the least possible
harm. But political nationalism has brought unlimited warfare,
because between rival sovereign nationalities, as between believer
and infidel, and as between established authority and rebels, there

is no principle of accomodation.
Therefore, if Europe is to escape an unnatural fate, and not
“like the monster of the deep gnaw itself to death,” a principle
of order, governing the political organization of Europe, that re-
spects alike the ideal of particularism and the ideal of univer-
sality must be found.
Whenever the wise and farsighted among Europeans have at-

tempted to reconcile particularism with universalism they have

inevitably adopted the federal principle. It is a means for estab-
lishing order without sacrificing freedom among States that refuse
to be amalgamated but realize that they must be united. Feder-
alism, however, more than political mechanics; it is also a sym-

bol of union. Where there is federalism, political bodies have de-

cided to accomplish some purpose in common, and, in order that
they may do so, have placed their relations with each other, to
some degree, under a rule of law. Since the federal structure
must rest upon consent as well as a collective purpose, it cannot
be imperially imposed. Federalism is simultaneously a political
technique and a social synthesis; it is a method and an ideal; a
mechanism and a symbol.

Federalism is a principle of order that is both immanent and

transcendent. Its transcendent or universal character penetrates,
but does not absorb, the constitutent and particular components,
while particularism is guaranteed and protected by a universal
principle of order. And the interaction of each creates an organic
unity that avoids a chaos of dynamic parts unordered by rela-

tion to a general principle, or the imposed uniformity of imperial

brobdingnagianism. The implicitness of the unifying principle
within the parts, a characteristic of a federation, subsumes the
parts within the whole. In a proper federation there is no essen-

tian antagonism between the particular and the universal because

each depends upon the other; the universal permeates the
constitutent parts, and they, in turn, preserve their identities
through their common relations to the organs of universality. A
federal polity is not the aggregate of its component members; it is

not the sum of its local and general governments; it is a synthesis

which is greater than and different from the congregation of its
parts. Such a political synthesis in Europe would be authentically
European. For Europe has accepted universalism only when it in-

sured particularism, and today it is dying from a particularism

that cannot be structured into a universalism.
Federalism, the preservation of unity amidst diversity, and the
protection of diversity in a union, is the overruling need today
for both the nations of Europe and for Europe. An organized
polity of Europe is the necessary habitation for the idea of Eu-
rope. Although the idea of Europe may not be earth-bound, never-
theless it must have a sanctuary, and only through the preserva-
tion of that sanctuary can the idea continue to live. Otherwise

Europe may become as Hellas a memory as of a dream. Those
who believe that Europe still can create ideas whose loss would
be irreparable to modern civilization must also believe that Europe
should be reconstructed, for the idea of Europe cannot endure in
a ruined and crumbling habitation. Until federalism becomes the
basis of a European G)mmonwealth, all settlements, where they
can be made, of national conflicts are fugitive, and all efforts to
overcome the European chaos can be nothing more than ephem*
eral expediencies.
The reconstruction of Europe as a political program relates
to the land west of the Russian frontier. The colonial territories
of the European nations would necessarily acquire a special sta-
tus within aEuropean federation.
The division of Europe today into Russian and non-Russian
parts is not the result solely of current and contrasting ideologies.
This division is not merely modern; it is Roman. The eastern
Roman Empire, centered upon Byzantium, created a civilization
distinct from, but not alien to, the west Roman. And Russia was
incorporated into the classic tradition from Byzantium.
Between Russia and the west there lies a cultural, as well as
political “zwischenland.” There eastern and western European
cultures mingle, and paralleling this commingling of cultures there
has been an uneasy shifting of political policies between Germany
and Russia. Nothing shows more vividly the cleavage between
eastern and western Europe tlian the cultural and political con-
fusions in the border-lands between them. It is not only a fron-
tier, is a double frontier, for it points in two direc-
but in a sense,
tions.Those border-lands are the marches of the east and the
marches of the west. It might be said that the gravest problem
of Ehiropean statesmanship is tlie transformation of that frontier
region into a link buckling Russia and the west together. It must
be neither east nor west, nor a confusion of east and west, but a
hinge between them.
In addition, the power of Soviet Russia in relation to the power
of any European State would raise the Theban question in a Euro-
pean federation inclusive of Russia in a most aggravated form. A
large single State among many small States inevitably creates a
hegemonic situation. And hegemony and federalism are utterly
irreconcileable. A fear of the unsettling influence of dispropor-
tionate power ratios has persuaded the “European Action” or-
ganization in Holland to propose that “the federal structure of
Europe” should consist of regional federations of small nations,

and die reconstruction of Germany “on a federative basis.”^ Eu-

rope has suffered nigh unto death from imperialisms and hege-
monies, and federalism is proposed as a curative for these afflic-

tions. To incorporate Europe’s distress into a federation would

be to re-enact the melancholy tale of the Boeotian League, and
make the future history of Europe the analogue of the history of
Thebes and her client confederates.

The relation of Great Britain to Europe is not readily com-

pressed within a formula. Culturally Great Britain -is west Euro-
pean, but she is also insular. The British use of the word “con-
tinental” demonstrates that the channel is more than a geographic
demarcation. Great Britain is also the center of a Commonwealth,
and an Empire, composed of portions of two of the great non-
European cultures, Indian and Arabian. Great Britain is related
to Europe culturally as well as politically, but only politically
to her Empire. For centuries Great Britain feared a Europe im-
perial ized by a dynasty or a nation, but the wars now caused by
a divided Europe place her in grave peril. Probably the loss of
Calais in 1558 contributed to the security of England during the
furious century that followed, but in 1935 a British Prime Min-
ister placed her frontier at the Rhine, and the English retreat from
Dunkirk brought an uncomfortable threat of another 1066.
British security lies in a Europe which is neither imperial nor
disunited, but united and at peace. The British Empire and
Commonwealth do not belong to the corpus of Europe. Should
Great Britain, therefore, be a part of a European Commonwealth?
This question divides British public opinion. Winston Churchill
and Sir Walter Layton reply in the negative, saying that Britain

should be linked to, but not comprised within a European polity.

Others reply in the affirmative. Could Great Britain be separated
from her Empire and interlocked with Europe for the protection
of her European interests, and simultaneously separated from
Europe and interlocked with her Empire for the maintenance of
1 PropoBitions of the “European Action” —a mimeographed copy in *'poases8ion
of the writer.
imperial interests? The British constitution is flexible, and the
British are masters of complex procedural techniques. Another
question cannot be avoided at this point: Would Soviet Russia
willingly be excluded from a European polity that included Great
Britain? However the British position in a European common-
wealth would of necessity be a special one, and precisely how
that uniqueness can be constitutionalized in a European federa-
tion is not an imminent problem. The situation needs only to be
recognized at this time.
Federalism “in the stream of the world” creates multiform
varieties of political forms. So we should not unguardedly iden-
tify the general principle with a particular federation, nor over-
look gradations between rudimentary and finished forms. The
strength of the principle, and its peculiar usefulness for state-
craft today in Europe lies in its possibilities for variation. So the
federalist should sweep a wide horizon in his search for evi-
dence of federalism.
In ancient Greece, the prototype of modern Europe, the leagues
that bore witness to the ideal of Hellas, ought not to be ignored,
for there was federalism in them. The Roman reaches for feder-
alism, which unfortunately exceeded their grasp, are instructive
because of their incompleteness. The persistence of the Thirty-
five tribes, and their division into rural and urban, together with

the refinements of Roman control over the Latins as distinguished

from their control over other provincials, show that the Repub-
lic missed a federal form by a minute margin. And the Augustan
arrangements for Gaul and the province of Asia possessed the
promise that a portion of the empire, at least, might be federal-
istic. If, from such a beginning, a European Commonwealth west
of the Rhine had developed, how different might the history of
Europe have been! Nor should such elementary federal structures
as the Lombard I.eague, the Hansa Cities, or the Suabian League
be scorned, for they were seeking to achieve common purposes
federalistically. The much maligned Holy Roman Empire, even
when weakened by the impact of the Renaissance and the Refor-

mation, although not a model of federal government, did reveal

the ideal, and occasionallymade real, the rule of law among its
members. Swiss and Dutch confederations stood firm in the crises,
and deflected what appeared to be the irresistible course of Euro-
pean history.
The federal principle is not a mere fashion of an hour; it is a
persistent element in the political tradition of Europe. It has been
adapted to capricious circumstances; it contrives a multiplicity of
The conspicuous success of federalism in the United States has
raised theAmerican form of government to the dignity of a model.
Yet the beginnings, more than the fulfillment of American feder-
alism, are most significant forEurope today. When a Crown no
longer stood above Parliament and the Colonies, disputes between
them were bound to arise, for no longer able to order their rela-
tions by submission to a higher authority, the colonies had either
to accept the imperial supremacy of Parliament over them, or
both colonies and Parliament had to devise and accept a federal
division of powers between them. In those early years, however,
not only the problem of adjusting powers between political auth-
orities, but also the prior, and more grave and complex problem
of finding a central principle to which the federated governments
could be made coordinate, and then translating it into institu-
tions of government had to be solved.

American Federalism and Europe

The British imperial system in North America had, by the

1760’s, become federalized in practice, but in London there was
no federal theory. English authorities, when they theorized,

claimed unlimited and imperial power for Parliament. And they

could cite the Act of 1649 establishing “A Commonwealth” com-
posed of “the people of England, and of all the Dominions and
Territories thereunto belonging,” as governed “by the Supreme
Authority of this Nation.” But to this assertion of imperial power
John Adams retorted that the colonists in America had “got out
of the English realm,” and were held to England only through a
personal union centered upon the person of the King.
But Parliament, for seventy-five years before the Stamp Act
had acted “federally,” for its legislation affecting the colonies had
been confined to commercial regulations, and it had left to them
complete power over internal police and taxation. Hence the sud-
den and unexpected exertions at Westminster to raise a revenue
in America, however justified as a policy, provoked the colonists
to meet an imperial practice with a federal theory.
In America the federal, as distinguished from the imperial,
character of the empire was better understood than in England.
John Dickinson, for example, writing in the “Letters from a
Farmer,” distinguished in the British imperial system of his time
between those governmental powers that were exercised by the
central, and those that were permitted to the local authorities.

This division, he asserted, was not made to detach, but to unite

the coloniesand England, for “we are but parts of a whole.” On
the other hand, Governor Hutchinson, expressing the imperial
point of view prevailing in parliamentary circles, told the Massa-
chusetts legislature that since Parliament possessed supreme
power, all other authorities necessarily were subordinate, and so
could exercise only permissive power. To this theory of imperial-
ism, the Massachusetts Council rejoined with a theory of feder-
alism. It declared that subordinate powers could be as supreme
in their sphere as the general power in its, because “the two powers
are not incompatible, but subsist together.”
Edmund Burke, almost alone among British Parliamentarians,
comprehended the subtleties of what had become a federal empire,
and discerned the contrast between imperial theory and federal
practice. Because Burke could think ''imperially,” he recognized
the federalist attributes of the empire, while those who thought
only of Britain and the “plantations attached thereto,” could not
understand the federal character of the empire as a going con-
cern. In a very real sense Burke’s admonition that
“great em-

pires and little minds go ill together” bore a sharp pertinence

to the situation in Parliament. The empire in the capacious mind
of Burke was “the aggregate of many states imder one head,” and
in that empire England was only the “head,” not the “head and
members too.” The legalistic monism of the parliamentarians,
comparable to the sovereignty argument today, evoked his scorn,
and he retorted to their reasoning that “the very idea of subordina-

tion of parts” excludes the “notion of single and undivided

unity.” Burke advised that the “legal competency” of the colonial
assemblies to make grants freely to the imperial government
should be ascertained. He appealed to English precedents of a
day when England was less unitary than in the 18th century. But
those precedents, and this is fundamental, rested upon the Crown
then legally encompassed with limitations upon its power, whereas
during the controversy with the American colonies an omnicom-
petent and legislating Parliament was claiming supreme power
in the State.

The failure of Parliament and the colonists to make consti-

tutional provision for the federalism which had become customary

in practice led to the Revolution.
After independence the critical problem of discovering and
accepting a principle of order was transferred from Westminster
to America. For among the American States there was now neither
a Crown nor the urgencies of a war to unite them. Because this
problem was evaded, the Articles of Confederation pointed to a
negative objective, the maintenance of peace among the States.
Consequently the central authority was not endowed with crucial
powers of government, but with authority to act as a collective
agent in foreign affairs and to preserve peace between the States.
While it had some power of legislation. Congress, under the Arti-
cles, was not given power to regulate commerce or levy taxes.
These were feared as “imperial” powers, for had not the con-
troversies of the pre-Revolution age turned upon them? An eco-
nomic and social crisis at home disclosed the results of weakness in
internal affairs, while menacing actions on the frontiers on the
part of Great Britain and Spain, by revealing the necessity for a
closer union, created a demand for a consolidated government.
So was taken. The framers of the
at Philadelphia the hold step
Constitution reconstructed the American polity upon the pattern,
with one exception, of the old imperial system as they had under-
stood it. They established a government adequate for all purposes,
and made it definitely, unquestionably federal. But, having once
divided all governmental powers between two governments, they
needed to find a principle which would keep them coordinated.
That was the final bulwark against both imperialism and dis-
union. There was no Crown through which several governing units
could be kept in an ordered array. But to create a strong execu-
tive, analogous to the royal authority, uninhibited by centuries
of a struggle to subject it to legal controls, would be dangerous
for a federal government. Yet the whole structure could be para-
lyzed through an impotent executive. How was a federal govern-
ment, when constructed, to be held together? What principle
would insure order and give unity to a bisected political organi-
zation? Within this dilemma the delegates tossed through the sum-
mer weeks. More debates took place on the problem of the execu-
tive than upon any other, for here they were touching the very core
of their federal system.
The solution of thedilemma was accomplished by a daring and
creative act of statecraft; the Constitution itself, and not the fed-
eral organs of government, was made the cement of the federal
union. It embodied the common purpose of the American States
and people, and because it was the symbol as well as the instru-
ment of government, around it grew the ideals of American so-
ciety. Thus the Constitution is more than the supreme law of the

land; it also sets a legal pattern for political, economic, and so-
cial controversies.Not only are the relations between the States
and the Nation, and between the departments of the federal gov-
ernment defined in the Constitution, but the general and norma-
tive clauses, such as “interstate commerce,” the “due process”
and “necessary and proper” clauses are also legalized. In this

manner Constitutional provisions involving political and social

standards, although generally non-juridical, were made subject to
legal interpretation. Consequently, American social transforma-
tions have been incorporated within the constitutional system
through the process of judicial interpretation. This is the most
distinctive feature of American federalism.
The Continental doctrine, on the contrary, since the time of
Vattel, who advocated written constitutions as fundamental law,
places the interpretation of political clauses in the political de-
partment of government. The law-making, rather than the law-
interpreting judiciary, is the final authority. Behind this distinc-
tion there are centuries of legal and constitutional history, and
the contrast between European and English history, notably in the
17th and 18th centuries, can be seen, as in a lightning flash, in
that antithesis.
Judicial interpretation is an art as well as a science. It de-

mands imagination and a quickened vision of the purpose of law

in a dynamic society. The Roman jurisprudents recognized them-

selves as intermediaries between the letter of the law and the cir-

cumstances of life. They were the custodians of a living law, not

merely mechanical practitioner« of texts. Judges who are a prey
to print fail to understand that law must be elastic if it is not to
be broken, and that Constitutional law, especially, since it touches
the impulses of social action, must reflect and not constrict the as-
cendant social influences of the time. In Justice Holmes’ striking
phrases, a word is “not a crystal, transparent and unchanged, it

is the skin of a living thought and may vary in color and con-
tent according to the circumstances and the time in which it is

used.”^ The amplitude of “interpretation” may seem delusive

to narrow and rigid academicians, but what can be more wildly
impractical than a legal scholasticism that would see tomorrow in
the habiliments of yesterday?
American society was molded within the juridical principles of
a supreme law. Hence the principle of federalism that lies a^
- Towne v. Eisner. 245 U. S, 425,
the heart of our constitutional system has undergone a “legal”
interpretation as the means hy which it has been adapted to a
changeful -society. Each political, economic, or social issue, as it
arose, perforce became a juridical question. The only dispute
which was not settled judicially was finally decided in an armed
conflict. In the decade of the fifties the tendons of government
were loosened and the slavery issue was breaking up the federal
union into an international congeries of sovereign States and em-
battled sections, because the principle and symbol of union had
lost its potency. The exception proves the rule, that controversies
which were not settled within the supreme law of a federal union
had to be settled by force without benefit of law or federal prin-

So the political law of the Constitution, changing in content

from age to age, gave resilience to the charter of government. The
great generalities of the Constitution, by making it supple, keep it

permanent. The Constitution as the supreme law is the structural

framework of the American government; as a symbol of union
and a principle of order it infuses American society with a quality
of lawfulness.
American federalism has meaning for European federalism
precisely where it is least American and most federal. We should
distinguish at this point between principles and their effects.
American federalism represents a judicially centered federal sys-
tem. The juridical quality of American federalism accentuates the
essentially lawful character of the federal principle. And this
has relevance to the situation in Europe today, for the principle
of order which alone can preserve European civilization must be
one of law. Europeans must elect either to submit to the law of
by the force of law. The legalization of political
force, or live
relations, economic
activities, and social problems which has
companied and governed American history under the Constitution
reveals to Europe the promise of federalism as the means for
taining European relationships within institutions of

and legal interpretation. This is the distilled essence of American

federalism that is beyond the accidents of circumstances.
The American federal system is not a definite pattern of poli-
tical statics; it is, on the contrary, a series of dissolving views. It

has passed through “great varieties of untried being,” and is the

very reverse of some rigid petrifaction. Moreover, the real char-
acter of the federalism of 1787 could not be precisely described
even by its creators. Madison, who surely should have known,
wrote that the United States was neither a federal nor a national
government but a “nondescript to be tested and explained by it-

self alone.”* Marbury v. Madison and the Virginia and Kentucky

Resolutions do not seem to refer to the same government, and
Constitutional texts were used by supportejs of both the doctrine
of nullification and the doctrine of federal supremacy. The acute
French observer, de Tocqueville, in the 1830’s described the Amer-
ican system as an “incomplete national government.”
Federalism is not a destination but a method of travelling. So
we would be unwise to consider what America has become under
a federal structure either as a point of origin for a European fed-
eral organization, or as an example of the inevitable result of
federalism in Europe, or elsewhere. American federalism origin-
ated in the colonial practices of an empire; before 1787 it devel-
oped as a process of decentralization. After 1787 corporate op-
position by the States singly and collectively to the central govern-
ment was persistent, and at length militant. Moreover events, com-
parable to the influences that shaped national unification in Europe
pushed the American system, especially after 1865, toward a na-
tional form. The Constitutional texts could have been used with
equal facility to have brought about a more federal and less na-
tional polity.
The European federalism, in general, reveal a dif-
traditions of
ferent technique than the American. European federations have
ordinarily been of a limited purpose type, and so tbe problem
was not how to make one central and many local governments co-
8 Works, Hunt, ed. IV, 420-21.
ordinate, but how to make several central governments associa-
tive in an autonomous body. Hence the confederation technique, that
is, a continuous correlation of law to carry out federal decisions
between the members acting together within the federal institutions,

and acting separately within their several constitutional institu-

tions. This differs from the American technique of dividing juris-

dictions for all purposes. But confederations, no less than federal

unions, must be built around a universal principle of union and
order. Otherwise the results of the association are only disguised
adjustments of power relationships; the organs of the union be-
come mere procedural devices for the permutations and combina-
tions of power politics. A procedure, however intricate, is not
government; it provides for collective agreement to a policy in
common, but not for a* corporate formulation and enforcement of
a common policy. Here the line falls between a League and a
Confederation, between procedure and government. In a con-
federation there is a central authority representative of the whole,
in which the component members participate, and through this
participation exercise a power greater than any one of them, or
the sum of their powers. Participation in power, not participation
through power is the distinction between Confederation and
League. In a federal union there is a complete division of all
powers between the central and local governments, each acting
immediately and with single authority upon individuals.
The difference usually alleged as distinguishing federations
from confederations, namely, the individual incidence of the law
of the central authority in the former, and its corporate incidence
in the latter, is secondary to the primary tehnique. The distinguish-
ing quality is whether there are coordinate governments, central
and local, each supreme in its sphere; or whether the central gov-
ernment is one in which the component members participate cor-
porately. The salient difference lies in the process of law-making;
not in the method of law-enforcing. Moreover, even in federal
unions there may
be corporate law enforcement, and even civil
war. In a federal union there is direct law-making, and conse-

quently, in general, direct law-enforcement; in a confederation

there are levels of law-making, and, therefore, an indirect method
of law-enforcement. Moreover the two techniques are not mutu-
ally exclusive, and frequently exist together in the same federa-

tion. The Achaean League, a federal union type, was confederate

in military and taxation matters; those who searched for sover-

eignty in the German Empire of 1871, an amalgam of confederate

and federal union techniques, found it in the Bundesrat, the organ
of the States; the president of the United States is elected con-
Since a European federation must begin with division and move
toward unity, whereas in America federalism was a movement
from imperial unity to federal union, indirect law-making and
limited purpose federations are more suitable. Nor should this
discourage us. If the people, now separated by political bounda-
ries, feel some purposes, but not all, in common, they can act to-

gether for special purposes either through direct or indirect law-

making, and to that degree become a federal unit. The federal
principle, whether applied in the confederate or federal union
manner, whether restricted to limited purposes or extended to all
purposes is the sole instrument for translating a general desire
among several political entities into common and consensual ac-
tion. In all federations there must be a propulsive and impelling

purpose symbolized by the central institutions of government.

Those institutions are worth only the sincerity of the constituent
governments. The heart of the matter is not legal technique but
conviction. There is an amazing parallel between the text of Arti-

cle 2 of the Articles of Confederation, supposedly the citadel of

State sovereignty that obstructed union, and the Tenth Amend-
ment, supposedly the bulwark of States’ Rights, which has been

almost refined away. Surely in Europe today there is such a yearn-

ing for unity that, despite deep attachments to localities, an in-
stitution embodying that desire, in which the localities can par-
would be hailed as the instrument of the solidarity of

European politics and economics, and the symbol of the unity of

European culture. Where there is solidarity of interests, there
ought to be responsibleness and trust; where there is an implicit
unity among several political bodies there should be federation.
It is significant that wars of annihilation in Europe evoke, like
some contrapuntal theme, the idea of a European Commonwealth.
The plans and programs of Sully, Cruce, St. Pierre, Kant, Rous-
seau, Hugo, Proudhon, Mazzini, Paneuropa, Briand, while not
always disinterested, and seldom complete, testify, by their re-
currence, to the strength of an idea whose time has been in the
future, but which has now come.
Often, it can be observed that ideas recur in similar but altered
circumstances, like a theme in a symphony
oft repeated with other
themes, but always distinct, yet each time more insistent until at
length, absorbing all the secondary themes, it sweeps the whole
orchestra into its ambit. So with the idea of a federal Europe; it

rises again and again, and each time it is more urgent. Will it
swell into some triumphant chorale? Or will it vanish irrevocably
into the silence of lost aspirations?

Austro-Hungary : Dualism versus Federalism

Deferred hopes, missed opportunities, but unwearied purpose

is the substance of our tale. And this is true not only of Europe,

but also of its parts. In the microcosm of Austria-Hungary we

find the macrocosmic problem of Europe. In the multi-national,
multi-state empire of the Habsburgs there was a mosaic of Europe
in miniature. In the divisions in that empire and the efforts made
to unite the nationalities into a spontaneous union, we can observe
the crucial problem of Europe today, and the means for over-
coming it. If the Habsburgs had possessed the wisdom and the

ability to have symbolized a supranational principle, the empire

could have been federalized and so gained unity through the un-
grudging support of autonomous and free nationalities. But the
Habsburgs, instead, relied upon an administrative centralism, and
maintained the power of their House by dividing the nationalities

of their empire. Habsburg imperialism was a husk; the Austrian

empire, in its latter days, was a skeleton in armor.
The failure to federalize the Austrian empire brought one devas-
tating war to Europe, and the subsequent failure to solve it among
the succession States contributed toward bringing on another. As
in the attempts to unite the nationalities of the Austrian empire
federally we can descry the cure for Europe’s present distempers,
so in the results of the subsequent failure to federalize its liber-

ated members we can anticipate the ruins that will accompany

the protraction of Europe’s malady.
The egregious blindness of Austrian policy becomes the more
unthinkable when it is understood that the Slavic nationalities, al-
most until the outbreak of World War I, were not seeking the
destruction of the empire, but were seeking desperately, but alas
vainly, for a* dignified place within it. This was the real mean-
ing of Palacky’s famous, and oft-quoted statement, that if the
Austrian empire had not existed, it ought, in the interest of Eu-
rope, to have been created. The Slav program was not national
independence, but a confederation of equal nations. But while
the diverse parts of the Austrian empire were clamoring for a
concordant unity, the monarchy, that ought to have represented
that unity, fatuously believed that its centralized power could
only rest upon the disunited parts. The Czech nationalist, Kramar,
asked in 1926; “Was not a prudent and honest Austrian policy
possible, such a one as our men since Palacky and Havlicek have
advocated, because they also wished sincerely the continuation of
Austria, a policy which would also have made the Serbs friends
of Austria by becoming so just toward them that they would not
aspire for a state beyond the frontiers and would estimate as super-
fluous the arousing of a catastrophe which might have ultimately
also a sinister outcome for the Serbs and Slavs . . .

But in the years of crisis there was not total and utter blind-

ness in Austria. A representative Austrian Parliament, meeting

at Kremsier during the revolutionary period of 1848, displayed
* Oscar Jaszi, The Dissolution of the Habsburg Monarchy, University of Chicago
Press, 1929, p. 389.
uie wisdom that was denied to the Habsburgs. It proposed a feder-
alist plan. This plan preserved the historical kingdoms, but di-
vided the larger territories into districts (kreise) arranged upon
an ethnological basis. To guarantee self-government against ex-
cessive centralism, local governors were made responsible to local
representative bodies. By recognizing the principle of national
equality, the representatives at Kremsier planned to transform an
imperial monarchy and a centralized bureaucracy into a mon-
archical confederation united through a supra-national idea. But
Francis Joseph refused to accept the labors of the Kremsier par-
liament; he did not understand that imperial centralization in-
creased centrifugalism among the nationalities, while the decen-
tralization implicit in a federation would have impelled a centri-

petalism among them.

At the time of the expulsion of Austria from TJermany, the
Magyars wrung the privileges of dualism from a necessitous mon-
archy. The slight federalism to be detected in the Ausgleich is

spurious, for that agreement divided imperial privileges between

two nationalities in the empire. The real character of the agree-
ment is revealed by the privileged position it accorded to the
landed nobility Hungary. The Ausgleich was a pact, something

in the nature of a treaty, between the Habsburgs and the Hungarian

magnates to govern and exploit in partnership the landless of
Hungary and all the other nationalities in the empire. Thus privi-
lege and exploitation and not national freedom and popular gov-
ernment attended the Habsburg monarchy as it moved toward
its inevitable doom. Like the House of Alreus it could not escape,

either by action or inaction, a design of catastrophe.

The methods of the Habsburgs were essentially those of power
politics, not government. And in Europe today, as in the Austria
of yesterday, such practices can only postpone, but cannot avert,
political disintegration. The establishment of the German Empire
in 1871 prompted Francis Joseph to consider placating the Czechs.
A German economist, Albert Schaifle, with the support of the Aus-
trian premier. Count Hohenwart, prepared a plan that would have

federalized Austrian-Czech relations. One of the articles in the

proposed agreement stated that; “All the affairs pertaining to the
Kingdom of Bohemia which will not he declared as common
among all the kingdoms and countries of the empire belong in
principle to the legislation of the Bohemian Diet and will be ad-
ministered by the Bohemian authorities.”® Another article made
the German and Czech nationalities equal in Bohemia.
This time the Hungarian magnates performed the office of nem-
esis to the Austrian Habsburgs. Fearful of losing the privileges
gained in the Ausgleich, and distrustful of the influence upon Hun-
gary of democratic influences emanating from Bohemia, the Mag-
yars opposed the reform so vehemently that Francis Joseph re-
fused to accept it. Henceforth the struggle of the nationalities
within the empire resembled the power politics of the continent;
each fought the Habsburgs and each other; the Habsburgs fought
all; a war of all against all.

Karl Renner, the present Austrian Chancellor, prepared about

1905 a plan of union which, although it never reached official dis-
cussions, has historical interest.
Based upon the principle of per-
sonality, reminiscent of the middle ages when every man car-
ried his own law, rather than the modem principle of territor-
iality, Renner plan guaranteed national autonomy without
breaking up administrative unity. Renner did not wish to estab-
lish nations within the empire, but, rather, to protect national
rights transnationally, so to speak, throughout the empire. All
the members of each nationality were to be permitted, under the
plan, to organize local, intermediate, and central national as-
sociations, to be called “National Universities” exercising juris-
diction in cultural and educational matters. Thus each nation-
alitywould be united within the empire, and a division of the
empire along lines of national cleavage could be avoided. Com-
plementary but not parallel with, the national organization

of the empire, the plan provided for an administrative structure

corresponding to economic divisions within the empire. In some
® Quoted in Jaszi, op. cit., p. 113.
local areas the administrative units would coincide with homo*
geneous national areas, hut this was a secondary consideration.
This plan, which identified the supranational principle with
supranational economics, with cultural concessions to the nation-
alities, would have supported the dominant political and
in effect
economic influence of Austria, and particularly Vienna. Renner’s
scheme was not genuinely federal; he called his central govern-
ment a Staatenstaat, not a Bimdestaat, or a Staatenbund. But by
the early twentieth century the nationalities in the Austro-Hun-
garian empire were demanding more than cultural autonomy;
they were more than “universities”; they were Lander struggling
to become Staates, in a Bund if possible, but einzelnes if necessary.
Renner’s plan, like Alexander’s a century before, could not
avoid the taint of hegemony, and as the one seemed to set up a
privileged, political position for the Great Powers, so the other
appeared to confirm the Austrian economic supremacy within the
Austrian empire. The universal principle in a federation must
not be confounded with a dominant interest, for that would only
insure imperialism. The principle that could have preserved the
nationalities as political units within the Austro-Hungarian em-
pire must have been one which protected them, and, at the same
time, have been the sole means by which they could be free and
associated together. It had to be a constitutional principle of order
of a federal character. A federal order in Europe will not come
solely through European economic conformations, but only by
federalizing certain relations between the European States, and
among European nationalities. There must be a federal consti-

tutional structure if there is to be federalism.

The struggles for federalism in Austria-Hungary are not only
of interest in their bearing upon the problems of Europe today,
but they also impinged upon European affairs at a critical point
in a critical hour. A confederate Austrian empire could have been
a magnetic point of attraction for Slavs and Rumanians beyond
the frontiers. And would have been an instrument of recon-
so she
ciliation between the Slavs and the Germans in the middle lands

lying between aggressive Pan-Germanism and aggressive Pan-

Slavism. Thus a frontier could have been transformed into a
hinge, and a confederate Austria, composed of Germans and
Slavs would have “put friendship between the peoples, and stilled
the envy, the secret hatred, hid in their hearts.”
As the abyss“yawned sheer,” one among the purblind Hun-
garian magnates. Count Michael Karolyi, had the prescience to
apprehend disaster, and the sagacity to know how to arrest it.
He advocated the abandonment of Dualism, the inauguration of
land reform, the democratization of the empire, including Hun-
gary, and a foreign policy of rapprochement toward France and
the Slavs. In 1913 he discussed these matters in Paris with Poin-
care and Clemenceau.” While approving the ideas, Clemenceau
pronounced that it was too late. Circumstances which the reason
of man had not controlled had at length passed beyond human
controls, and events, arising in Austria-Hungary, swelled like a
tidal wave overwhelming Europe as “with pomp of waters unwith-
As “Succession States” the emancipated parts of the Austro-
Hungarian empire attempted to do what the history of Europe
during four centuries unmistakeably demonstrated could not be
done. As sovereign independent States they were not viable. Con-
ditions of the time “mediatized” those States, to use a term from
the constitution of theHoly Roman Empire. Mediatization might
be voluntary in a regional federation, or it would be compulsory
in a Great Power imperialism. Their choice was limited, either
to accomplishing what Austria had failed to accomplish, the fed-

eration of central and eastern Europe, or to surrender ultimately,

however desperately they might struggle to avert such a fate, to
a revived Germany or a reconstructed Russia.

Little Entente

The Little Entente of Czechoslovakia, Jugoslavia and Roumania

was formed for three objectives; to prevent any alteration in the
® Michod Karolyi, Fighting the W arid. New York, 1925, pp, 78-80.
Hungarian frontiers of Trianon, to prevent Anschluss, to pre-

vent a Habsburg restoration. These were all negative; they could

be summarized as a policy to keep Austria and Hungary weak. The
Succession States moved into the future with their eyes fixed upon
the past. Moreover, weakness is a relative relationship, and so the
immediate problem facing them was how to make themselves
strong when they rejected union. They relied upon French alli-
ances, and national armaments. The European policy, as well as
the central European policy, of the Little Entente was also nega-
tive, that is, the exemption of central Europe and the Balkans from
Great Power rivalries and control.
The Little Entente, because it was an inadequate. and unsatis-
factory substitute for federation, disintegrated in a time of crisis,
as its Empire had dissolved in
predecessor, the Autro-Hungarian
the storms of war. This region of Europe cannot be divided; if
men will not unite it in peace, war will unite them in its com-
mon sufferings.
Because it lacked a positive focus, even though common or-
gans were eventually set up, the Little Entente lacked a common
will, and was crumbling before it was crushed. Czechoslovakia,
Jugoslavia, and Rumania had common relations toward Hungary,
but different relations toward Germany, Italy, and Russia. Hence
the revival of those powers exerted a deteriorating effect upon
the Little Entente which formal schemes of cooperation could
not reverse. While Benes announced in 1921 that the Little En-
tente would found a new order, serving as the “vertebral column”
of the Danubian area, the principles, or lack of them, upon which
it rested falsified such hopes.
Nevertheless the trend toward closer union which set in as the
European situation worsened is of interest to us as another ne-
glected opportunity for federalism in this replica of Europe, and
as another ruin marking another turning on Europe’s detouring
way to federation. In June 1930 at the conference of the Little En-
tente held at Strbske Pleso, there was added to the collective pact
of May 1929 a provision that the Foreign Minister of any one

of the States could be authorized to act as the representative of

all when exceptional circumstances made it advisable. The trend
toward union continued as the European situation approached the
crisis phase, and in 1933 in a Pact of Organization the Little En-
tente States agreed to “the complete unification of their general
policy,” and, to create “a directing organ of this policy,” they
formed a “higher international unit.” They agreed to set up a
Permanent Council of Foreign Ministers, each Minister to be
chairman in rotation ; a Secretariat, and an Economic Council. The
nucleus of the agreement was contained in Article 6 which pro-
vided that every political treaty of any one State of the Little En-
tente, and every unilateral act changing it’s relations with an-
other State not a party to the agreement, as well as any economic
arrangement involving political consequences, required, hence-
forth, the unanimous consent of the Permanent Council. Here in

Article 6 is the irreducible rudiment of a federal organization;

the gristle, if not the bone of a federal structure: namely, that the
foreign relations of each member must receive the assent of all.

Surveying the wreck of the storm from exile in the United

States, the architect of the Little Entente advocated federalism in
central and eastern Europe. “In Central Europe,” Benes wrote,^
“those territories which have associated together most naturally,
must be fused into firm blocks. ... I should expect that with the
passage of time, a natural bridge will be established between the
northern and southern confederations in Central Europe — that is,

between the Polish-Czechoslovak group and the Balkan group. . .


Since the war numerous proposals for federation in the Dan-

ubian and Balkan areas have been made by statesmen and scholars,
and by groups such as the Central and East European Planning
Board set up by the Government, Labor and Employers’ Delega-
tions to the International Labor Conference, and by the repre-
sentatives of the Peasant Communities.®

'“The OrRaiii^ation of Post-War Europe,” Foreign AJJairs, \ol. XX, January,

1942, pp. 226-242.
Feliks Gross, Crossroads of Two Continents, Columbia University, 1945, pp. 18-27.
There haS also been official recognition of the need for feder-
ations in centraland eastern Europe. In the Polish-Czechoslovak
Declaration signed in London on January 25, 1942, the two gov-
ernments express their desire “that the Polish-Czechoslovak Con-
federation should embrace other states of the European area with
which” their “vital interests are linked.” The purpose of the
Confederation was to assure a “common policy” in foreign af-
fairs, defense, economic and financial matters, social questions,
transport, posts and telegraphs. In this document the two States
accepted a “common general staff” to “coordinate” the foreign
trade and customs tariffs of the members of the confederation, an
“agreed monetary policy,” coordination of financial and social
policies, a “common plan” for the “development and administra-
tion” of all transport, “cooperation” in educational and cultural
matters, a “full faith and credit” clause, and a guarantee of basic
human and political rights by the constitution of each member

The Danubian Club of London in 1943 published a plan of

federation for east central Europe and the Balkans. This Club,
originally the South East Europe Committee of the Fabian Society,
expanded its membership and eventually included nationals of
the ten States in that region.
The report adopts the federal principle without quibbles. The
scheme of government includes a two house legislature, oae popu-
larly elected, the other representing member governments; a
Council responsible to both Houses; and a Union Judiciary.
The Danubian Club report has unquestionably contributed some
fruitful ideas to the cause of federalism in the fields of foreign
affairs, international peace, and economics. But the problem of
minorities has been a vexing one in central Europe, and any
it can be successful there, must face and
federal system, before
overcome that source of antagonism. A learned scholar and
® Text in L. S. Stavrianos, Balkan Federation. Smith College Studies in History,
VoL XXVir, Nos. 1-4, October 1941July 1942. Appendix J, p. 307.

earnest federalist has addressed himself to this problem, and sug-

gests, in addition to a democratic, an “integral” federalism.^
Such a federalism would not only federate the economic and
foreign relations of States, but also would carry the federal prin-
ciple to the internal problem of minorities. Integral federalism
implies cultural decentralization as it also implies a similarity of
economic and social structures. Through providing for an internal
cultural federalism, with generous autonomy to cultural groups, it
breaks the identity between “citizenship” and “nationality” that
has been so productive of dissension. And by “federalizing” the
concept of “nationality” within the wider framework of “citizen-
ship” it divides the unitary idea of citizenship into a general
political and a particular cultural loyalty, no longer mutually
exclusive, but able to exist side by side. This is a logical re-
quirement in Central Europe, for there each State is multinational.
And as the relation between the dominant nationality and the mi-
nority is one of war sublimated into exploitation, federation is

obviously impossible. The corporaleness of national feelings

among nationals distributed among multi-national States make
the external federation of those States depend upon an internal
federalism of nationalities.

Balkan Fedepalism

The pathology of empires that did not impregnate their parts

with a sense of participation in the collectivity is the antithesis to
a wholesome federalism that incorporates the general and the
particular into a comprehensive unity. Perhaps this accounts for

the consistent advocacy of federalism as a therapy for ailing em-

pires. Thus, those who wished to preserve a system of political
order in Central Europe strove to federalize the Austro-Hungarian
empire as a safeguard. And, conversely, the Balkan nations, be-
cause they wished to dismember the Ottoman empire, did not pro-
pose any federalist devices to prolong it. But, like the Succession

’** Cross, op. cit., pp. 35-67.

States, after their liberation, although they felt the need for unity,
they made only tepid attempts to place their relations with each
other upon a federal basis. In those attempts, however, they were
expressing their own need and that of Europe; and in their failures
they revealed the malaise of Europe as well as their own vexa-
tion of spirit.
And nowhere is federalism more needed. The term “Balkan”
has come to signify perpetual disorder and fratricidal strife. Im-
perialism and nationalism, alike, conspired there to accentuate
The Ottoman empire
geographic, racial and religious divisions.
imposed an haphazard and unintegrated system of order upon
its diverse parts; it held them together but did not unite them.
The gradual disintegration of that empire served only to inflame
rivalries among its liberated segments. Moreover, divisions within
the Balkans have not only been indigenous to the area, they have
also been created by the dynamism of the Great Powers. Power
Politics have made the Balkan States either appendages to the
Great Powers, or the critical points of intersection between them.
And whether dragged in the wake of the Powers, or serving as the
foci of their rivalries, the Balkan States cannot be self-deter-
mined either in union or apart. Nevertheless the efforts of some
Balkan statesmen, and many non-officials, to create a Balkan union
upon federal principles in the decade before the. war disclosed
that this erstwhile “Ottoman territory” was becoming European.
And their failure, likewise, discloses that they too suffered
Europe during the truce when the
the fretful fever that afflicted
nations of Europe were too weak to make war upon one another,
but were too strong to make a European peace. So, in this region
of the Balkans, as in all Europe, the federal cycle in this terrible
age is one of aspiring hopes, ineffectiveness, catastrophe, and re-
newed hope with a heightened tension of urgency.
In addition to the customary obstacles to federalism, national
vanity, vested interests, political immaturity,and intellectual arid-
ity, the Balkan Stales also encountered the rivalries of the Great
Powers which deflected them from their primary Balkan inter-

ests, and bitter minorities problems •which prevented them from

finding and accepting a common Balkan ideal upon which they
could all unite.

Following the disappearance of the Austrian, German, and Rus-

sian empires in World War I, the time seemed auspicious for
Balkan union. The Great Power incubus had at length been lifted.
For the first time in Balkan history there was popular support for
the idea of federation. Agrarians, socialists, and communists, all

traditionally opposed to nationalist wars, adopted the ideal of fed-

eration as a part of their programs. But the spirit of division,
which seems like a sinister and brooding presence to hover over
the Balkans, made these groups in all other things mutually an-
tagonistic. Minorities problems poisoned Balkan nationalism, and
irredenta embittered nationalities. Moreover, shortly after the
war Great Power rivalries were resumed in the Balkans. France
became the defender of the status quo, and Italy spear-headed the
revolt against it.

Nevertheless the economic crisis, which fell with such an im-

pact upon the producers of raw materials, persuaded diplomats in
east central Europe that national self-sufficiency needed to be sup-
plemented, as a program, with international action. The crisis led
Hodza to organize an agricultural bureau composed of the cereal
producing countries in eastern Europe. It prompted Papanastas-
sios of Greece, a man with statesmanlike conceptions, to request
several international organizations, without success, to sponsor a
Balkan Conference. At length the Universal Peace Conference
meeting in Athens received his proposal, and its International
Bureau at Geneva in May 1930 invited the six Balkan foreign min-
isters to attend a conference at Athens. The circular invitation
declared that “the Balkans will cease to be the neuralgic point of
Europe only when they look only to themselves for remedies
. . .

to the maladies from which they have suffered in the past.”

At the Athens Conference the Commission on Organization se-
cured the adoption of a plan for permanent organization. The
function of the Conference was defined as the promotion of Balkan
cooperation in economic, social, intellectual and political relations
as a preliminary to a real Balkan union. Rapprochement, the pre-
lude to and condition of union, would describe in a slogan the ob-
jectives of the Conference.
The Conference planned to meet annually in each of the Bal-
kan countries in turn, with the leader of the delegation of the
host country acting as president. A General Assembly, Council,
Secretariat, and National Groups made up the organs of the Con-
ference.Each country was entitled to thirty voting members in the
Assembly, and the diplomatic representatives of the Balkan gov-
ernments could attend as observers with the right to speak. The
Council, composed of the chiefs and two members of each dele-
gation, acted as the executive body. It met between sessions, fixed
the agenda for the Assembly, approved the budget, and could
take other action considered necessary. The Council of the Bal-
kan Conference conformed to the ancient Greek conception of a
second chamber as an executive body, and not to the European
idea of second chambers in a federalism as a House of State rep-
resentatives. The Secretarial was assigned the customary duties.
The National Groups, including all members of the Conference,
past and present, were obliged to win the support of peace groups
and the general public, to aid in the selection of delegates, and
to work in their several countries for the application of the Con-
ference resolutions. Tn this manner a continuity of personnel was
assured, and an institutional nucleus from which the influence of
the Conference could spread to political circles and among the
general public was provided for. The National Groups were an
interesting and instructive attempt to cope with the inescapable
vulnerability of private associations; a periodic concentration of
energies coupled with a continual dissipation of activities.
The First Conference held its closing plenary meeting, sig-
nificantly, at Delphi, where in the dawn of the brilliant Hellenic
day, Greek tribes had learned to unite, and had agreed to refrain
from destroying one another, pledging themselves to destroy only
the breaker of the bond. At that closing meeting, the minds of

the delegates must perforce have gone slipping back to the

ancient Amphictyony. Through its principle of union the Greeks
had saved themselves from the dark fate of the Thracians, who
once inhabited the Balkans, and who, although a large nation,
“next to the Indians,” according to Herodotus, decimated them-
selves with internal struggles, and vanished before they could
make history because they could not get formed. Were the Bal-
kans to repeat the bloody Thracian episode, or would they move
together in a new Amphictyony, a security to themselves and an
example to Europe?
The peculiar politico-private half-light in which the Balkan
Conference acted was explained by its creator. “Though based
on the national groups, composed of politicians, representatives of

peace organizations, universities, and professional organizations,”

wrote Papanastassios, “and though its decisions do not obligate
the governments, this organization has nevertheless an official char-
acter, not only because the governments of the six countries sup-
port the activities of the national groups, but also because the
delegations of each country to the Conference are cliosen after
consultation with the government, and these governments are rep-
resented at each Conference by their diplomatic officials ... in
the country in which the Conference meets.”^'
In the Balkan Conference there was no federalism. It was not
an order of governments; it was not federal in structure. Num-
erous draft agreements for cooperation in specific activities were
prepared by the four Conferences. They remained unratified;
grain and goods, communications and culture internationalism is

seriously impeded in the absence of a political framework. How-

ever it might have reached governmental proportions, and out of
it did come a proposal of genuine federation. So here, as in all

European federalism in our epoch, there is a dreary might have

been caused by political failures; but even in the ruins, there are
to be found cornerstones, hewed by those who see beyond the
u Quoted in Stavrianos, op. cit., p. 231.


fluctuations of events, upon which a glorious temple of peace can
be erected.
To a questionnaire sent to the Balkan States by the Council of
the Conference in 1931, the Greek National Group alone replied.
The Greeks were reviving the federal tradition of their ancient

civilization with energy and purposefulness.

Here was a federal program, a standard to which the “wise and
the good could repair.” But there was little wisdom in the Balkans,

while evil purposes were generating in Europe. Yet, although

now faced with an apparent impasse, when our past deeds tower
in front of us, we should not be blindly fatalistic, expecting some
doom, when we know how to escape it. An acute observer in an-
cient Greece, who described to a society at strife, with tragic in-

tensity, the horrors of war, and who when contemplating “man’s

days” found them as a “grey shadow,” yet, understanding the

elasticity of man’s ways, he still had the faith to believe that “the

end men looked for coraeth not, and a way is there where no man
In the absence of a genuine federalism, political relations fol-
lowed the conventional modes in the Balkans during the truce era
regular meetings of foreign ministers; a draft treaty of Concilia-
tion, Arbitration, and Judicial Settlement, including the usual
stipulations, non-aggression, pacific settlement of disputes, and
mutual assistance. But the unprofitableness of these devices was
demonstrated when Bulgaria and Albania refused to become par-
ties to a Balkan Pact until the problem of the non-fulfillment of
the minorities treaties had been solved. The Greek National
Group then proposed that a permanent Minorities Office be es-

tablished in each State, and, in addition, a Minorities Commission

should be set up, composed of representatives of each of the six
Balkan States to meet once a year to examine complaints, and re-
fer appeals to the League of Nations in the event of disagree-
ment. This was a constructive proposal for coping with the in-
tractable minorities problem. But it remained unimplemented.
The Balkan States turned from the Conference to a Balkan En-
tente; from federalism to power politics. The Bulgarian absen-
tion from the Conference, because of the minorities problem, re-
vived the diplomatic criss-cross of Balkan foreign relations. A
growing rapprochement between Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, out-
side the Conference, created fear in Rumania, who, to counter-
balance it, made a treaty with Soviet Russia. Greece and Turkey,
equally alarmed by the Bulgaro-Yugoslav rapprochement, made a
pact of mutual guarantee. And out of these several pacts the En-
tente was formed on February 9, 1934.
It provided that “Greece, Yugoslavia, Rumania, and Turkey
guarantee mutually the security of all their Balkan frontiers.”
Nothing more clearly discloses the hypocrisy of such pacts than
the reservations attached during the ratifications — reservations that
limited the obligations of the signatories to Balkan aggressions
clearly pointed to Bulgaria as the object of the treaty. The
Bulgarians characterized the Entente as a “striking contradic-
tion” to the “aspirations of the Conference” by its “tendqpcy . . .

to affirm forever the right of the stronger in opposing readjust-

ments by pacific means . . and “in attaching no importance to
the interests of the two other Balkan countries” which have not
adhered to it.^^

But beyond Bulgaria, as beyond Hungary, there arose the omi-

nous and growing aggressiveness of the revisionist powers, Italy
and Germany. Hence the Balkan Entente and the Little Entente, as

they approximated their policies to the European dichotomy of a

rigid status quo evoking an equally intransigent revisionism,
were pulled from their local vortices into the gathering storm that
was about to engulf all Europe. Once again the annals of Eu-
rope declare the truth, from which Europeans have so persistently
turned, that Europe is one in the plenteousness of peace, in the
tensions of the truce, in the desolation of war.
Axis domination of the Balkans revived desires and plans for
federation in both official and unofficial circles. In the Polish-
12 Quoted in Kerner and Howard, The Balkan Conjerrnre and the Balkan Entente,
1930-1935, University of California Press, 1936, p. 136.
Czechoslovak agreement of November 11, 1940 the two “(Jov-
emments consider it imperative to declare solemnly” their deter-
mination after the war “to enter, as independent and sovereign
States, into closer political and ea>nomic association, which would
become the new order in Central Europe.”^ This was
basis of a
supplemented on January 24, 1942 by a plan for a Confedera-
tion in which the guarantee of personal and political rights was a
conspicuous feature. The Greek-Yugoslav agreement of January
15, 1942 is the most detailed of official statements. It provides
for a Balkan Union with a Political Organ, an Economic and
Financial Organ, a Permanent Military Organ, and a Permanent
Bureau. The Political Organ would coordinate the foreign poli-
cies of the member-States, and undertake a “rapprochement of
public opinion.” In the Economic and Financial Organ economic
activities would be coordinated, and the Military Organ would
prepare a common plan for the defense of the “European fron-
tiers” of the member-States.^^

These* official plans, however, possess

little federalism. The
emphasis upon “coordination,” “common” policies, not upon

the “autonomy” of the collective organs, or their “governmental”

character. They tremble on the verge between a league and a fed-
eration. Resembling what the ancient Greeks called isopoliteia in
which the city-states, remaining independent and separate entities,

conducted their common affairs in a congress composed of

city-state delegates. These plans hold the promise for, rather
than the substance of federalism. Common affairs are still
managed in membro, so to speak, at a common conclave, not
through the corporate organ of a commonwealth. Authentic fed-
erations, like the Aetolian and Achaean Leagues, on the contrary,
were called sympoliteia, inwhich a new community was created
without prejudice to the autonomy of the members in non-federal
matters. In these Leagues the federal authority exerted complete
power over foreign affairs and defense. Insofar as its authority
.See note 9 above.
l^Text in Stavrianos, op. cit.. Appendix L, p. 311.

extended, it regulated “the” affairs of the commonwealth into

which the “common” affairs of the members had been transmuted.
Thus, we can again observe the law of European life: the na-
tions are indissolubly interlocked with the development of Europe
as a whole. In a divided Europe no region can be united; par-
ticularism, in the absence of a universal principle, may he pal-
liated but cannot be controlled. Europe’s law of being, the inter-
action of universalism and particularism, is violated either by a
uniform imperialism that crushes particularism, or a particular-
to any universalism. Only a European program,
ism antagonistic
European institutions, European law, a European federal govern-
ment can halt the disintegration of European civilization.


From Vienna in 1923 the European idea was proclaimed with

learning and cogency. Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, an Austrian
and a European, in that year published his book, “Pan-Europe.”
With clarion eloquence he called the people in Europe to come
forth and be Europeans. “This book intends to bring to life,” he
wrote, “a great political idea which has been dormant in the na-
tions of Europe. Many dream of a united Europe but few are
resolved to create it. As an object of nostalgia it remains barren;
as an object of will it becomes effective. The only force that can
achieve Pan-Europe is the will of Europeans,” Within a short
time the most distinguished intellectual and moral leaders in
Europe were enrolled. Diplomats, statesmen, and businessmen all
supported the movement. In October 1926 the first Congress was
held -in Vienna, and an organization, acting through national
groups, was founded.
The Pan-Europe movement recognized that Europe was neither
an imperial entity above the nations, nor the sum of the nations’
agreements upon common was a universal idea pene-
affairs. It

trating the nations without which they could not exist, and in which
they must participate or perish. Hence Pan-Europe is not merely
a scheme for uniting Europe, it is the idea of Europe.


The transfer of the central headquarters of Pan-Europe to the
United States when Europe was no longer habitable, while bleak
proof of the truth of its principles, may also be symbolic of the
future. For may it not be the happy opportunity for the United
States to support, in Europe, the idea which has been the law of
and which is of our European heritage?
its life,

The Pan-European Conference, in conjunction with the Re-

search Seminar for European Federation of New York University,
issued a Draft Constitution of the United States of Europe in
April, 1944. It is called “Articles of Association and Union,”
and describes the Union as “an association of sovereign states

which have decided to establish and maintain common institutions

in the interest of their security, prosperity, and liberty” (Art. 2)

This looks to a federal order, for the institutions, not the affairs
of the members, are “common.” Democratic standards of con-
stitutionalism, (Sec. 2) individual rights, (Sec. 4) and social
rights (Sec. 5) which are to be maintained by the several States
are particularized. Presumably only the rights granted to indi-
viduals are to be enforceable in the Union Supreme Court (Art.
37), for a similar clause is not included for Sections 2 and 5.
All disputes between member States must be settled, if of a “juri-
dical nature” by the Supreme Court of the Union, if of a “non-
juridical nature”by the Council. (Art. 18) This distinction can
provoke controversy; and who is to decide? The organization of
defense and the materials of warfare are completely federalized.
(Sec. 6) While the Union “shall have power to conduct foreign
relations,” member States, with the approval of the Union, may
exchange diplomatic and consular representatives among them-
selvesand with foreign States. (Art. 54) In economic affairs the
Union “shall aim at the unification of the European economy”
and within five years following its organization, the Union “Con-
gress is authorized to e.slablish a European customs union with
inter-European free trade.” (Art. 60) The Union will “assume
the unification of the European transport system within a period
to be determined by the Congress.” (Art. 63) Model legislation
in priceand wage policies (Art. 62) will be enacted by the Union.
Moreover the Union has general power to enact model legislation
on any subject “outside of its immediate competence” (Art. 16),
and it is to he inferred that it has the same power on any subject
within its competence. The Union controls permanent migra-
tion. (Art. 17) In the colonial territories of the member States,
the nationals of every member of the Union enjoy equal rights
and privileges, (Art. 57) and the “governing member state is
bound to act in its colonial territory as a trustee for the people of
such territory” (Art. 58).
An Assembly elected by popular vote and organized on a plan
of weighted representation, and a House of States consisting of
delegatesfrom each member State, also according to a weighted
plan, “shall havepower to deal with all matters falling within the
competence of the Union.” (Art. 76) In ordinary matters the two
Houses are “co-ordinate in authority and their agreement shall be
necessary to a decision,” (Art. 7.3) but in constitutional matters
they sit together as an Assembly. The executive organ
(Art. 77)
of the Union is members elected for terms of
a Council of seven
four years by the two Houses. (Sec. 12) A Supreme Court of fif-
teen judges elected by the two Houses is the “chief judicial organ”
of the Union. (Sec. 13) The Union shall be financed by contribu-
tions of members in proportion to their ascertained national in-
come, by proceeds from the “domain of the Union,” and “all of
the net proceeds of import duties levied by the member states upon
their mutual trade, and fifty per cent of the net proceeds of im-
port duties levied upon goods coming from outside the Union.”
(Sec. 10)
The Draft Constitution is unquestionably federal, yet not over-
federal for the conditions now existing in Europe. It is not the
law of a utopian Europe with all problems solved, but a consti-
tutional structure in which Europe can solve its problems peac-
ably by European means and for European purposes. Federalism
is not a procrustean instrument of force acting compulsively upon
nations, it is, on the contrary, an instrument for their liberation
^ fiUROPfiAN ideologies

from internecine strife, and a guarantee against their absorption

into an overruling imperialism. And the Draft Constitution wisely
sets up a structure through which Europe can become federal; it

does not undertake to federalize Europe forcibly. Europe is a

unit from the point of view of war and peace, and so defense and
foreign relations are Europeanized. Hence the armed services
and materials are placed completely under the authority of the
Union institutions in a system of pooled security. International
relations are either vested in the Union, or, when conducted by
a member State, are subjected to Union control.
The emphasis upon constitutional, individual, and social rights
is a recognition of the organic relation between the constitutional
ethos and the spirit animating foreign affairs. When, during the
19th century, under the impetus of Liberalism, the trend was to-

ward minimizing governmental action, this intimate connection

was overlooked. When political negativity was the desiderata in
both internal and external affairs, the singleness of positive poli-
cies at home and abroad could not be appreciated. However, in
a United States of Europe, constitutional and social rights, as well
as individual, should be guaranteed by the Union judiciary, and
enforced, when by Union organs.
The use of a personal, rather than a corporate basis for the
election of members to the Council and the Supreme Court, in-
sures an executive and a judiciary which would not become bul-
warks of State particularism likely to thwart the general objec-
tives of the legislature. Nevertheless a protection is afforded to
the States in the provision that not more than one member of the
Council shall “come from the same member state,” (Art. 79) and
in providing that the “present members of the highest courts of the
member states” as well as “a maximum of 100 jurisconsults of
recognized standing ” (Art. 86) shall compose the lists of nom-

Here a project which might well serve as a basic draft for


discussion in a European constitutional convention. It might be


to theUnited States of Europe what the Virginia and New Jersey

plans were to the United States of America.
Under the impetus and inspiration of Pan-Europe, Briand pre-
sented his plan for the organization “d’un regime d’union fe-
derale, europeanne.”

Briand Plan

The Briand plan, and in this it bore the mark of the times, rep-
resented French pdlicy as well as a European aspiration. And in
general the replies of the governments pointed to this vulner-
ability. And this undoubtedly also explains why the plan ap-
proached but never reached a European character. The French
were seeking to establish a system in Europe which would
give them a feeling of security, for the legal security of pacts piled
upon pacts did not allay a nervousness about the future. As “Per-
tinax,” speaking to a British audience in November 1929 said;
“Instinctively most Frenchmen do not trust much to all these guar-

antees, and to me they are not unlike a jigsaw puzzle. When you
think you have finished your puzzle, you suddenly find that your
last space is empty, and something is missing somewhere. . .

He explained this uneasiness by asserting that the present system

of security was “all more or less based on the most favorable
hypotheses,” and that it did not “take into account that the worst
may happen.”^ The French, laboring like Sisyphus, were seek-
ing additional aid to roll the stone over the hill.

As French policy the Briand plan was a Locarno expanded to

Europe, with the light of the Geneva Protocol illuminating the
margins like some aurora borealis. One group of alliances in
1929, by focussing on the status quo provoked another focussing
on revision. And the French hoped to incorporate all in one grand
alliance of mutual guarante. ITiis was a praiseworthy object, but
it was not federalism, despite the use of the term. Federalism
Quoted in Survey of IntrrnationBi AITairs, 1930, Toynbee, A. J., Oxford Uni-
versity Press, 1931, p. 14.
is not a conjuring word, and its use as an incantation may deceive

the unwary but will not persuade the sagacious.

From the European angle of vision the Briand plan was an ef-

fort to restore Europe, not to its earlier primacy, but to equality

with the peripheral powers After World War I the rise of non-
European States to an overshadowing position toward Europe
heralded a diplomatic revolution. World War II has accentuated
this trend to the point where Europe has been reduced to a colonial
status. There ought to be a ratio between European centri-
petalism and external pressures. Ancient Greece, when encircled
and dwarfed by Macedon, Egypt, Syria, and Rome, had to a de-
gree, ceased from her internal strivings and realized for a space
the ideal of Hellenic unity which had been created in the period
of t he Persian wars, but had thereafter been without an abiding
place in Greek political institutions. And, in the early history
of Europe, the Italian cities of Venice, Florence, and Genoa were
overshadowed by the rising monarchies in France, Spain, and
England. Unable to unite, they were for a time pawns in a fierce
struggle among the monarchies, but they finally sank to the
status of Spanish provincial cities. The Greeks, through their
Leagues, postponed their colonial fate for 150 years; but the
Italian cities, heedless of the penalties of disunion, delayed their
freedom for three centuries. Why from the centers of civiliza-
and Italy did the cities “rage so furiously together,”
tion in Greece
and why did the peoples who had propelled such thrusts of civil-
ization out into die circumambient world “imagine a vain thing?”
The Briand memorandum signified an effort to enable the na-
tions of Europe “on the plane of absolute sovereignty and of en-
tire political independence” through a “bond of solidarity” to
realize the geographical unity of Europe, and to bring about,
within the framework of the League, one of the regional under-
standings which were formally recognized by it.^® A European
union, the memorandum pointed out, differed from customs unions
by greater comprehensiveness, for the latter tended “to abolish
niText in Documents on International Affairs, 1930, ed. J. W. Wheeler-Bennett.
Oxford University Press, 1931, pp. 61-73.

internal customs barriers in order to erect on the boundary of the

whole community a stiffer barrier ... in practice” against the
States situated outside.
The signatory governments, was proposed, would affirm the

“Principle of the Moral Union of Europe” and “place formally

on Record the Existence of the Solidarity established between the
States of Europe” by promising “to get into touch regularly, at
meetings held regularly or on special occasions, to examine in
common all questions likely to be of interest primarily to the
commonwealth of European peoples,” This, it was somewhat hope-
fully observed, would henceforth put the principle of European
union “beyond discussion and removed far above the routine of
everyday procedure.”
As an organ for accomplishing this task a “European Confer-
ence” consisting of “the representatives of European gov-
all the

ernments” that were members of the League of Nations would

be constituted. Its powers and procedure were to be settled “at the
next reunion of the European States.” In addition to the Con-
ference, the plan provided, vaguely, for “an executive body in the
form of a permanent political committee” composed “only of a
certain number of members of the European Conference, which
would act both as the committee of research and as the executive
body of the European Union.” Its organizations and powers were
to be determined “at the next meeting of the European States.”
The “General Conception” of the European Committee was de-
scribed as (1) “The general subordination of the economic prob-
lem to the political problem”; (2) “The principle that European
political co-operation should he directed toward ... a federation
based on the idea of union and not of unity”; (3) “The principle
that the economic organization of Europe should be directed to-
ward ... a rapprochement of the European economic systems ef-

fected under the political control of the Governments acting in

concert.” The memorandum proposed as “Questions of Practical
Application” to be studied : the definition of the field of European
co-operation; and the definition of the methods of co-operation
among European States in European matters, and of European
States with non-European States in extra-European matters.
Despite its nomenclature there is no federalism in the Briand
plan. The guarantee of absolute sovereignty is inconsistent with
a federation which deprives its members of complete discretion in
federal affairs. Union implies, as the Netherlands government
forthrightly stated in its reply to the memorandum, a limitation of
sovereignty. Moreover, not federalism but a Europeanization of
the Locarno system was the scheme outlined in the memorandum.
A sly parenthetical statement, inserted almost as a caveat after

the declaration that the principle of European political co-opera-

tion should be the advancement toward a federation, suggests “as

a corollary” the extension of the Locarno system. The Locarno
system, however, was an unqualified league; it had nothing of
government or federalism in it. It functioned at the foreign office
level; it depended upon the discretion of sovereign States, not upon
a legal order; and the system was enforced by diplomatic not ex-
ecutive techniques. Locarno and federalism are antithetical and
nothing more clearly indicates the confusion of the memorandum
that the oblique attempt to coalesce them. While it proclaimed
the principle of constant solidarity among European nations, the
memorandum did not announce any principle of universality that
penetrated the parts to unite them. The principle of solidarity
is descriptive; it is neither a principle of order nor a supreme law.
It is a reason for federation, but it is not the rationale of federa-
tion. Moreover principle of European union should certainly

not be “removed from the routine of everyday

procedure,” like
some astronomical phenomenon related tenuously, if at all, to
worldly affairs; should, on the contrary, be a conditioning
governing influence in “the routine of everyday
procedure.” The
Briand memorandum bowed to the principle of European union,
then turned away to be busy with the ways of disunion; it is
pointed to the sun, but is rooted in the shadows cast by four cen-
turies of perpetual strife.

The replies of the European governments, similarly, paid obeis*

sance to the moral union of Europe, then promptly criticized the
memorandum from the point of view of their special interests.
The Netherlands government alone encountered and met the issue
of sovereignty. The revisionist powers asked, that the plan give
equality of status, accompanied with disarmament, and provide
for a bold reform of conditions “recognized as untenable” (Ger-
man reply). In general the replies counselled against provoking
inter-continental rivalries and the danger of setting up a rival or-
ganization to the League. Many advocated the inclusion of Euro-
pean States not then members of the League; that is, Soviet Rus-
sia and Turkey. The British government alluded to the indefinite-

ness of the organization, while the Italian reply was sharply cri-

tical of the proposal for the European Committee.

In the preamble to the plan the “geographical unity of Europe”
was opposed to its “territorial divisions,” and this was acknowl-
edged as the antecedent, although not the general cause for the
proposal. But Europe is not a geographic unit. Geographically
it is a peninsula of Eurasia with an undeterminable frontier. The

Urals do not divide European from Asiatic Russia. The Elbe-

Danube be the central axis of Europe, or its eastern
line can

geographic and political frontier. The Alps, while they insulate

Switzerland, geographically, do not separate Italy from the north.
Michelet once declared that Africa began at the Pyrenees; it could
be argued that Europe extends to the Sahara. The Bosphorus can
either unite Europe to, or divide it from, Asia. The Mediterranean
and Black Sea unite the circumjaeent shores of continents. Sea-
ways to the East Indies are part of the geography of Holland. Sir
Eyre Crowe once pointed out that Great Britain is the neighbor of
every country with a seabord. The “geographical unity

of Europe
depends more upon political and cultural influences than upon
seas, mountains, lakes and rivers. The Rhine, gathering and ab-
sorbing the waters of two countries, might be as unifying as di-
visive; in the trenchant phrase of Romain Rolland, France and
Germany “were wedded” in it.
At the heart of the memorandum lay the principle of the subor-
dination of economic to political problems, and all replies referred
to this, many to disagree, some to qualify, and others to accept.

The economic unity of Europe is a delusive phantom. Approxi-

mately one half of its imports and exports, including Great Bri-
tain and Russia, are with the non-European world. Because of her
deficiency in many basic products, Europe imports nearly all her
cotton, about 70% of her wool, 80% of crude copper, and the
greater part of her supplies of nickel, chromium, vanadium, and
other metals. In a recent economic analysis of Europe the con-
clusion reached was “that in nearly every phase the industrial as
well as the agricultural production of the European countries was
to some extent dependent on the import of raw materials, semi-
manufactured products, and even some manufactures.”*^ The
economic health of Europe, therefore, depends upon the prosper-
ous functioning of the world economy.
But, while Europe is not an economic unity, its economy can be
so integrated that it will increase the welfare of the European
people and contribute to the improvement of the world economy.
An articulated, not a unified economy is the need of Europe. The
establishment of food processing and of a dairy industry in the
Danubian cereal growing countries will lessen the burden of over-
population on the land and the dependence upon one crop. Such
a program would also bridge the present cleavage between the “two
Europes” the manufacturing and
; efficiently agricultural west, and
the peasant, high cost producing east. A water power project on
the Rhine-Danube would unite eastand west Europe in a conver-
gent and expanding economy. Inasmuch as mass production of
commodities is not suitable to Europe, the organized develop-
ment of specialized and luxury products would increase her ex-
ports and thereby raise the level of her imports. The European
economy can only within the frame of a world economy; the

two will rise and fall together; they are mutually dependent. But

Antonin Basch, A Price for Peace, Columbia University Press, 1945, p. 10.

a Europe integrated with itself will the more readily participate

in and contribute to the world economy.

Hence the issue raised in the Briand memorandum is reduced to
the question: Can the European economy be integrated in the ab-
sence of political security? Since the disintegration of the Euro-
pean economy, aggravated by political economics, paralleled a
growing sense of insecurity, it would seem that although in logic

the political and economic elements in a situation are inseparable,

in the sequence of time the political is prior. Mercantilism, in the
16th as well as in the 20th century, as a philosophy of political
economics, was directed to power as its objective, and is insepar-
able from power politics. It is significant that the English liberal
free-traders of the last century were also pacifists. Economic in-

tegration implies diversification and inter-dependence, while

power economics aim toward self-sufficiency and economic, as well
as political, independence. And
the more illusory the possibility,
the more intense the efforts. The demonstrable fact that no State
can become economically independent, while it should lead to an
ordered and planned interdependence, leads, instead, because of
the fear aroused through pitiless power politics, to frenzied efforts
to capture an ignis fatuus.
Customs unions have been possible only where there was poli-
tical security. The United States constitution grew out of an
effort to remedy economic strife, and only within the political

structure it established could this country have become such a

free trade area. And even within that system complete free trade
is not always possible.
In an insensate nationalist world, economics, no less than all
other human relations, cannot escape the nationalist tincture. And
since political nationalism is now indigenous in the State-system,

it is only in the reform of tliat system that the tensions can be re-

laxed, for all social organization is centered upon and constricted

within the structure of the State. This is a State age, in democ-
racies as well as in autocracies, and it is through the State that
the reform of the State, and the better ordering of relations
between States must come. It is the supreme irony of our times,
and also a most provocative challenge, that the instruments of our
futiuMe social salvation are also the means of our present dam-
Briand was not a European Aratus, and there may have been a
dash of Machiavellianism in his project, but in declaring the ideal
of European union, and in turning the mind of Europe toward
that ideal, however inadequate and disappointing his instrumen-
tation, he was, nevertheless, looking to the light. A century earlier
Victor Hugo, a great European as well as a celebrated French-
man, had eloquently proclaimed the ideal of a United States of
Europe. He had also divided mankind into the “luminous and the
shady,” and surely he would have numbered Briand among the
children of light in 1929. As the Briand plan, dismissed with
courtesy or impeccable logic, was entombed in archives, a deep-
ening darkness fell upon Europe.
On themorrow of a period “devoted to universal wrack,” Euro-
peans, more conscious than ever of Europe, have resumed making
plans for it, so that like the city described by the psalmist it will
be “at unity with itself.” The plans of Pan-Europe, originating
after the first World War, and continued into the present, are wide
geographically and are wholly federal, (see above). Recently
more partial plans, have also been proposed.

The Western European Federation

General Smuts, in a notorious speech in December 1943,

demanded a western bloc for the most unfederal of reasons:
to balance the United States and Soviet Russia. This, of course,
is pivot diplomacy and has nothing of federalism in it. Since
the conclusion of the war the idea of a west European fed-
eration has been revived, principally because of the division
of Europe into east and west, but, more important, between
the occupied and the unoccupied. Some fear that an unoccupied
and unorganized western Europe will become a zwischenland. This

would make western Europe the eastern Europe of the interim be-
tween the second and third World Wars. Others, however, fear
that a union of western Europe would inevitably become an An^o-
American march against Russia. A frontier is more likely to
possess two cutting edges than one.
Among the nations of western Europe there exist many of the
ingredients of a federation. They do not feel insecure vis-a-vis
one another, but they do feel insecure as the center of rivalries
among the Big Three. They have similar social structures. Their
trade with one another is approximately 50% of their total. They
can readily construct a federation on a common law for common
defense, a common foreign policy, and to encourage common eco-
nomic interests.

The attitudes of Great Britain and France are crucial for its

formation. The British Prime Minister has declared that “Europe

must federate or perish” but he did not define “Europe,” The
British government has not disassociated itself from the speech

delivered by Winston Churchill to the Dutch parliament in May

1946 in which he hoped that “under the guardianship of a world
organization” there should “arise a United States of Europe, both
of the east, and of the west, which will unify the Continent in a
manner never known since the Roman empire.” The Economist,
in June 1945, published a series of articles arguing for a western

federation. Important sections of British opinion presumably

are not hostile to the idea.
Moreover, close, perhaps even federal, connections may yet be
introduced into Anglo-French relations. The Churchill proposal
of federal union in the crisis of June 1940 was not an abrupt and
unanticipated act; was preceded by extensive conversations car-

ried on in a pre-crisis but urgent mood. Paul Reynaud, in a maga-

zine article, and Albert Guerard, in another,^® have given us frag-
ments of history which may aid to explain much that is past, and
be suggestive for what might come. But this fact indisputably

18 Paul Reynaud, 165 Atlantic Monthly, 445, 1940. Albert Guerard, Antioch /?e-
view. Spring 1946, p. 136.
emerges: Anglo-French conversations at the highest levels upon the
subject of a federal compact between the two countries took place
after the outbreak of the war.
The danger of a western combination lies in the possibility that
it would be converted into an alliance against Soviet Russia. Yet,

on the other hand, if Europe is to federate, a beginning must be

made. Preferably that beginning should be continental in scope,
but a partial beginning is better than no beginning. And whether
or not a western federation develops into an alliance, pointing
outward, or into a federal government pointing inward, will de-
pend upon circumstances and not upon texts of pacts.

Russian hostility toward a western federation could create the

very thing she fears. But it is a Russian interest, no less than an
Anglo-American one, that Europe should be united. For in a
divided Europe, Anglo-American and Russian rivalries will breed
antagonisms, while a united and autonomous Europe, will be
closed against Great Power influences. Open, not closed frontiers,
infect relations between tlie adjacent powers, Tbe Low Countries,
until as independent States they were closed to rival influences,
agitated the European balance for a century. The German States,
until they were at length united and consolidated, raised and de-
pressed the European balance as the shifting pivot of the Euro-
pean equilibrium for two centures. In most recent times the Euro-
pean powers gyrated on the vertigo axes of Balkan politics. As
long as a divided Europe lies between the Big Three, they will
move distrustfully and apart over the “quaking ground.”

European. Federalists of Today

The European federalists of today, by identifying the political

ideal of universalism —^Europe— ^with the philosophical idea of
universalism —the humanity of man — insure not only a demo-
cratic structure for their federation, but also, by giving it a pro-
found purpose, avoid dedicating it to political ephenieralities.
The conjunction of the two universal ideas for which European

civilization has long been the symbol should quicken the regenera-
tive elements now concealed or crushed in the ruins made by the
negativity of an erroneous idea. This new universalism will trans-

form Europe, and Europeans awakening to a new life should feel

the same sense of release that came upon those exiles who, when
their captivity was turned, “were like them that dream.”
Nor do these latest Europeans overlook, in their zeal for the
universal, the need for the particular. And while they recognize
the universal of Europe, and the universal in the individual as a
human being, they also recognize that these universals are con-
nected through the nations. But the nations, not as sovereign,
unassociative, rigid and euclidean corporate bodies, but as cul-
tural units, as wide as civilization yet anchored to a distinct and
meaningful localism. The exaltation of the national State that
originated either as a reaction against the French imperialism of
the Revolution and Napoleon, or as a search for unity where the
Revolution had destroyed the traditional and European institu-

tions of cohesion-monarchism, feudalism, and the church — is no

longer necessary. For there is no imperialism in Europe to be
defied, but there is a non-European imperialism that a divided
Europe should fear, and the political glorification of uniqueness,
it has been learned of late, leads to the destruction rather than
to the growth and deepening of diverse national cultures.
The unity of each part as well as of the whole can result only
from the acceptance of the true mission of European Civilization
— ^the protection of the spiritual integrity of man, both as a fugi-

tive individual, and as an historic experience with the longest of

memories. The incitement of European civilization is the inter-

action between Europe and its nationalities. And the only political
instrument by which Europe can accomplish its civilizing destiny
is a federation, because that alone is the political embodiment
of the dynamic interaction of the universal with the particular.
A federation of Europe is, therefore, most faithfully representa-
tive of the community of Europe, and the truest symbol of the
idea of Europe.


Basch, Antonin: A Price for Peace, Columbia University Press, 1945.

Brecht, Arnold: European Federation, Harvard Law Review, Vol.
LV, No. 4; February, 1942, pp. 561-594.
Bingham, Edward: The United States of Europe, Duell, Sloane &
Pearce, N. Y., 1940.
Coudenhove-Kalergi, Richard N.: Pan-Europe, Knopf, N. Y., 1926.
Coudenhove-KalercI, Richard N.: Crusade for Pan-Europe, G. P.
Putnam, N. Y., 1943.
Davies, Lord David: Federated Europe, Gollancz, 1940, London.
Geshkoff, Theodore I.: Balkan Union: A Road to Peace in South-
eastern Europe, Columbia University Press, New York, 1940.
Gross, Feliks: Crossroads of Two Continents, Columbia University
Press, 1945, New York.
Guerard, Albert: Europe Free and United, Stanford University Press,
Herriot, Eduard: The United States of Europe, Viking Press, 1930,
New York.
Hodza, Milan; Federation in Central Europe, Reflections and Remin-
iscenses, Jarrolds, 1942, London, New York,
Jaszi, Oscar: The Dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Uni-
versity of Chicago Press, 1929, Chicago.
Kerner, Robert J. and Harry N. Howard: The Balkan Conference
and the Balkan Entente 1930-1935, University of California Press, Berke-
ley, 1936.
Lorwin, Lewis L.: Postwar Plans of the United Nations, Twpnticth Cen-
tury Fund, 1943, New York.
Macartney, C. A.; Problems of the Danube Basin, Macmillan, 1942,
New York.
Machray, Robert: The Little Entente, R. R. Smith, 1929, New York.
Machray, Robert: The Struggle for the Danube and the Little Entente,
1929-1938, Allen and Unwin, 1938, London.
Muir, Ramsay; Nationality and Internationalism, London, 1917.
Newman, Bernard; The New Europe, Macmillan, 1943, New York.
Padelford, Norman J.: Peace in the Balkans: The Movement Towards
International Organization in the Balkans, Oxford University Press, 1935,
New York.
Padev, M.: Escape from the Balkans, New York, 1943.
Roucek, Joseph S.; The Politics of the Balkans, McGraw-Hill, 1939,
New York.
Seton-Watson, R. W.: The South Slav Question and the Habsburg
Monarchy, London, 1911.
Stavrunos, L. S.: Balkan Federation, Smith College Studies in His-
tory, Vol. XXVII, 1942, Northampton, Mass.
Thompson, S. H.: Czechoslovakia in European History, Princeton Uni-
versity Press, 1943, Princeton.
To participate in battles is praiseworthy
But who is not bold in our brave age?

Everyone fights impudently.

Everyone lies insolently . . .

My hero, may he be first of all —a human being

Alexander Pushkin
The Balance Sheet
. .Let us now draw up the balance sheet. We have reviewed a
score of various democratic, liberal, and radical ideologies. How
much did they contribute to human progress? How much to the
improvement of our social, economic and international systems,
and to the advancement of our morals?
The postwar upswing of radicalism after 1918 brought radical,
socialist, agrarian and democratic parties into power. This was

true especially in the defeated countries, and in those countries of

Eastern Europe which were liberated from many decades of
foreign domination. The “European Revolution** of 1918 was
above all a revolution of the defeated. (Victors do not revolt in
history; they hail their war leaders and look to a continuance of
the status quo). The social change produced positive achieve-
ments in many fields. Basic human and political liberties were
secured simultaneously with an advance in social and cultural
fields. At last, after a long, devastating war, democratic and par-
liamentary rule was to prevail for a short time all over continental
‘Social conditions of the working man were improved. The
eight hour day was generally accepted; social security laws and
legislation governing women and child labor were passed. Power-
ful trade unions were in a position to defend the working man*s
rights. Workers filled the concert halls and theatres, while adult

education developed to an unprecedented level. The peasant

parties of Eastern Europe, with the support of other democratic
movements, succeeded in enforcing land reforms. True, in some
countries, these reforms were slow in coming and inadequate, as,
for instance, in Poland; and in Hungary the land reforms were
entirely upset by the reactionary gentry. Despite these shortcom-

ings, however, the land reforms coming after 1918 constituted

a second agrarian revolution in Eastern Europe. (The first was the

abolition of serfdom, 1848-1861-1864). These reforms, such
as they were, considerably weakened what remained of the fdudal
system in Eastern Europe. It may be mentioned that the Russian
Revolution had an important influence on the general advance
and of land reforms; but it is often forgotten that the Tsarist
tyranny was overthrown by a democratic revolution, which in turn
was overthrown by the Bolshevik Revolution.
These are the achievements, but it would be a mistake to over-
look the failures and disappointments. Once the plans for a bet-
ter society were put into operation, new problems, unanticipated
by the social engineers, were created.
Nationalization or socialization of industry also created dan-

gers of UAxditarianism a development which was anticipated by
only a few liberals. Moreover, the new socialized forms of in-
dustrial management did not necessarily lead to a higher stan-
dard of living. Socialization was not a panacea for all social evils
as many Marxians believed. A change in the economic organi-
zation, without
adequate effects on the welfare of the wage earner,
provided only a limited interest for the common man. The state
economy of the Soviet Union has created a new, privileged elite,
a new, unexpected class stratification. A new class division has
replaced the old one, and the great problem of economic democ-
racy has emerged as a much more complicated phenomenon than
in the writings of philosophers.
Another failure of the socialist governments of Europe was
their inability to cope with unemployment. Economists were as
helpless as medieval physicians in their fight against the Black
Plague. Nor were the democrats of Europe able to make par-
liamentary government attractive to the masses in all countries.
A new problem arose: how to defend a democratic system against
violence without the use of violence; and how to defmd democ-
racy against enemies who use civil rights and democratic privi-
leges in order to destroy democratic institutions?

In mtemational affairs there were many evidences of good will

during the inter-war period. Still, a second world war was not
prevented; there was no basic change from the traditional and
unworkable mtemational organization of European nations. Na-
tionalism and chauvinism became rampant. Men like Noske had
their influence in Germany while Socialists under MacDonald
were unable to solve the problem of India and had to wait until
Attlee came to power honor of the Labor Party in this
to save the
partidular issue. Moreover, Continental European democrats were
unable to lower the tariff form a European Union. On
walls to
the contrary, Europe became more nationalistic than ever. A
foolish tendency toward self-sufficiency developed rapidly in a
peninsula which was in great need of economic unity. Left wing
socialists during the interwar period did not support the Euro-
pean federal movement; nor did they whole heartedly support the
League of Nations. The greatest support for a Federated Europe
was to come with the outbreak of the Second World War
Also during this period of the 1920's and 3(T s the democratic
and radical movements of Europe underwent many ideological
changes. The long controversy about “Ministerialism” •within
the Socialist camp finally came to an end. For a long time So-
cialists had debated whether they should join other parties in
coalition governments, thus sharing responsibility for the state,

or whether they should avoid any ministerial commitments unless

they won a majority and could govern without compromises, ac-
cording to Socialist theory. European Social-Democrats, however,
feb that they had and govern, for no prog-
to take responsibility

ress could be accomplished by sheer opposition. Austrian So-

cialists presented a radical program and were able to show con-
structive achievements in their municipalgovernment of Vienna.
In Germany there were groups of Democrats, Pacifists, democratic

Sociedists and independent Republicans strongly opposed to col-

laboration with nationalistic groups; they asked especially for

tight control of the army and warned the world repeatedly that
way to revitalize German nationalism was to strengthen
the German Army.
The great defeat came with Hitler’s rise to power. Despite the
triumphs of Nazism, thousands subsequeraly showed an inspiring
courage and devotion to democratic ideals. They preferred tor-
ture and death in concentration camps to a surrender of their
ideas. The heroism of the European democratic resistance move-
ment was more than a proof that Fascism and Nazism had not
destroyed the deep longing of peoples for a decent way of life.
In the final struggle against totalitarianism, politics again
switched to the field of morals. Whereas Fascism and Nazism
represented terror, persecution, violence and intolerance. Demo-
cratic forces represented human decency. Despite the catastrophic
influence of Hitler’s madmen, the flame of European djlture was
preserved by the ranks of the resistance movement.
After the Second World War the democratic European move-
ments emerged revitalized. It was now felt that the old, purely
materialistic Marxian theories lacked ‘‘^something.” More spe-
cifically, they lacked a humanitarian basis. The Democratic, Agrar-
ian and Socialist movements began to bend toward a new Human-
ism. France, with the great tradition of Jean Jaures was the place
where the humanitarian trends, especially found a
in Socialism,
strong expression in the brilliant writings of Leon Blum. In East-
ern Europe, Zygmunt Z'ulawski, the Jaures of Poland, rejects pure
materialism in his “Wealth, Freedom and Morals,” written under
Nazi occupation, and searches for a moral basis of Democracy
and Society. A general rapprochement between the Socialist
movements and the Christian Democratic movements, especially
in F ranee, is only a symptom of the general trend.
The ideological struggle in Europe today could be presented
in a nutshell as the problem of a choice between the primacy of
the individual and primacy of the state. It is, in other words, the
struggle between the principles of freedom and totalitarianism.
On the other hand, on another level, it is a struggle between na-
tionalism and some kind of federalism. It is generally felt that

a European Federation is a creative solution for many European

The contributors to this EPILOGUE do not discuss, as in the
previous chapters, any particular European ideology. This fol-
lowing section embodies a normative effort to outline general
premises for a democratic, liberal and humanitarian social sys-
tem. Though ideas presented in the EPILOGUE cannot be re-
garded as representative of any specific European movement, they
do still correspond to a general democratic and liberal trend.
In the chapter on “Parallelism'* the problem of a balanced ad-
vance in the political and in the economic sphere is analyzed, as
well as the progress in political freedom and economic security.
In his chapter, “Economic Planning Without Statism,” Professor
Lewis Corey discusses the problem of reconciling economic plan-
ning with the democratic institutions and our civil rights. The
humanist basis for a labor movement is outlined in Professor
Sidney Hook's chapter. The reader is also referred to R. Gotesky's
chapter on “Liberalism.”

F. G.
Parallelism And


Feliks Gross

European radicals and democrats of the 18th and 19th cen-

tury knew what they wanted. The objectives were clear. They
wanted a world without human misery, without suffering and
wars, a new society, harmonious, peaceful and happy. They
termed all this “progress.” To a worker, to a peasant, to a com-
mon man the meaning of progress was clear, too. The life of mil-

lions of workers of the 19th centuiy' was not happy at all. There
were long working hours, low salaries, periodic unemployment,
poor housing and hard work under unhealthy, adverse conditions.
In most of the European countries, moreover, there was a lack
of adequate political rights, and national and political oppression
in addition. For those who suffered, it was not difficult to form-
ulate what they needed; to satisfy their needs meant progress for
them. Some of the radical idealists may have thought about pro-
gress in utopian terms, but for a laborer this meant simply: bet-

ter living, better housing, a higher standard of living, shorter labor

hours, opportunity for education for his children, medical care
in case of sickness, political rights, and national freedom for those
who were oppressed because of their nationality. People knew
what they lacked. The great debates of philosophers and social
scientists, who spoke about the illusions of progress, or argued
what the word meant, were without any significance for the work-
ers and peasants.
There was a great deal of progress in many fields before the
First World War. We saw, in Western Europe, better standards

of living than fifty years before. Simultaneously, after 1870,
there were more political rights in nearly all European countries,
with the least advance in Russia, where except for abolition of
serfdom, the path of progress was slowed down. Especially in the
Scandinavian and English speaking countries, the road of so-

cialand political advance was amazingly parallel: a rising stan-

dard of living and economic security was accompanied by a paral-

lel progress in democratic, political institutions. Civil rights did
not suffer because of economic and social changes. In the Scan-
dinavian countries, in Australia and New Zealand wages were ris-

ing, the eight hour labor day was introduced, social security as
an elaborate and wide system of protection of a worker against
sickness, disability and unemplo)rment made long strides, and,
simultaneously, the working man and the farmer won more and
more influence in the government without curtailing the civil rights
and basic liberties of his fellow citizens. In all these cases the
economic and social welfare of the working masses was consider-
ably advanced, while simultaneously a parallel progress was made
in the political sphere.
Parallel advancement in the sphere of economic, social, and
political institutions on the one hand, and in the sphere of demo-
cratic liberties on the other, is not characteristic of all countries
for aU times. The initial parallel development in political and
social and partially in economic spheres was already upset be-
tween 1917 and the 1920’s by a growing trend toward totalitarian
systems. Communists advocated an unbalanced, anti-parallel sys-
tem in which advance in economic forms would be achieved at ihe
expense of human liberties accompanied by a definite setback in
the sphere of political institutions. Fascists promised glory for
the omnipotent national state and fulfillment of the dreams of
national megalomaniacs. This glory was to be combined with
some type of economic security for their own nationals at the
price of war and conquest over foreign nationals. Freedom and
civil liberties was the price a man had to pay for the promised


Some of the totalitarian states could boast of successes accom-

plished in certain activities such as road building, industrializa-
tion and the attainment of literacy. A good many examples could
be found in history when certain reforms and a limited advance

in certain segemente of human relations were achieved in a des-

potic, reactionary state ruled by ruthless men whom the Greeks
would not hesitate to call “tyrants.” The orthodox Marxian school,
on the other hand, contends that advancement in an economic
sense will automatically bring progress in all other spheres be-
cause, as the Marxians argue, the changes in production and in
economic forms the prime mover of social development. Un-

fortunately, the deterministic Marxian approach has not always

found confirmation in historical facts. Technology or economic
forms have often advanced with little or no progress being made
in other spheres for many years.

When National Liberties and National Glory

Coincided With Social Degradation

Times of glory and political independence of a country some-

times have meant a growing oppression for its toiling classes. Times
of progress in economic organization have sometimes coincided
with a limitation or even abolition of basic civil rights and basic
human Times of great technical advancement harbor

dangers of an inner collapse when accompanied by a simultan-

eous decadence in the sphere of morals as well as in political and
social institutions. These lags have become the main illness of

progress. The Turks, who subjugated south-eastern Europe in the

15th and 16th centuries, simultaneously partially abolished serf-

dom there. When Rumania was regaining her national indepen-
dence and the Turks were losing their foothold in the provinces,
Rumanian national progress was accompanied by a re-enslave-
ment of the peasants by their own national gentry. In this in-

stance, the development of a national state meant that the con-

ditions of the common man became incomparably worse than
when Turkish foreign rule prevailed. “Surveying with one glance
the whole of these changes, political and social . . • they show
that in the forties of the nineteenth century, when the Rumanian
provinces recovered their national autonomy, their population
lostmuch or most of their social and economic freedom.”^ Thus
when Rumania began to regain its national independence, first
by receiving national autonomy, peasants fled from their own
fatherland to Russia, Turkey and Austro-Hungary, leaving behind
them their houses and property. Liberation of Rumania meant
for them enslavement. First individual peasants, then whole vil-

lages fled across the rivers to Bessarabia, at that time in Russian

hands; and by 1834 peasants were fleeing across all frontiers out
of their own country into Transylvania, then Austro-Hungary, or
to the Turkish territory. Galesco wrote in 1856 that over 100,000
families since 1832 had crossed Rumanian borders illegally, flee-
ing into Bulgaria, Serbia, and Transylvania. “There is rejoic-
ing among the peasants,” he wrote, “when the Danube freezes,
for they can escape across its solid surface from their sufferings
at home.”* Liberation from foreign rule did not mean at all
social liberation of the peasant masses. To the contrary, libera-
tion in national spheres brought more suffering and less personal
liberties to the Rumanian peasants.
Polandanother case in point. Poland in the 15th century was

one of the leading European powers under the Jagiellos. It was

a country of famous and excellent universities, known at that
time for its humanism and religious tolerance in limes of religious
persecutions in Europe. But it was during this period, in 1496,
that the Statute ofPiotrkow was promulgated. This was the turn-
ing point in the history of Polish bondage and the hard slave
system was established.* The peasants were not permitted to own

iMitrany, David, The Land and Peasant in Rumania, Oxford University Press

London, 1930, p. 38.
^ Mitrany, David, Ihid.
** Swietocliowski, Aleksander, Histor/a Chlopow Polskich, History of the Polish
Peasants (in Polish) Warsaw, 1947 edition, p. 117 and following.

or possess land for aU times; peasants could have

only a tenure.
If a peasant had more than one son, only one was permitted to
leave his master’s village. If a peasant had only one son, he had
to stay. Many Polish peasants fled to the Ukraine, to join the
Cossacks and escape serfdom and exploitation.
Ivan the Terrible united Russia apd introduced Moscow as a
great power to world history. His reign, cruel as it was, marks
the period of the ascendancy of Moscow. In the time of Ivan the
Terrible, the free peasants slowly became enslaved. The rights
of freedom of movement were step by step limited, and finally
peasants were registered and fixed to the land; they belonged to
the owner of the land.*
Thus, times of national glory and of a political ascendancy of
a state sometimes resemble our Thanksgiving Day festivities. It

is a great day for human beings. But for the turkeys which are
eaten, it is a disastrous day, a dies irae. Glorious days of the
early Rumanian national autonomy were disastrous for the peas-
antry. The same is true of the days of the rise of the Muscovite
state. What one class regarded as advance ^what might have—
been regarded as progress even by the enlightened public opinion
of the day —was degradation for the peasantry.

When Abolition of Serfdom and Emancipation

of Peasantry Was Accomplished by Reactionaries
and Tyrants

Was the liberation of peasantry always connected with liberal

and democratic governments, with liberal and democratic poli-
tical reforms? History gives us some strange cases, when the

liberation of peasantry has been accomplished by conservative or

even reactionary rulers, and when the liberation of the peasantry
from serfdom was accompanied with limitations of human liberty

< Vernadsky, George, History of Russia, New York, 1944, p. 69, also Pokrovsky,
History of Russia, New York, 1931, chapters III and VII; Kluchevsky, V. 0., A
History of Russia, New York, Vols. II and III.
in other fields, especially in politics and in the decline of demo-
cratic institutions.
Liberation of the serfs in Austro-Hungaty vras accomplished
by Alexander Bach, the post-revolutionary (1848) Austrian
prime-minister, whom Oscar Jaszi calls “The incarnation of the
new reactionary system” and whose regime was described by his
former comrade, Adolph Fischhof, as “a standing army of sol-
diers, a sitting army of officials, a kneeling army of priests, and
a creeping army of denunciators.”® After the collapse of the
revolution in 1848, Bach organized a classic police state. His
system was a copy of Mettemich’s. Bach, with his absolutist sys-
tem, abolished serfdom in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. This
great reform did not transform the absolutist monarchy into a
democracy, a police state into a liberal and constitutional system.
A was Russia. Abolition of serfdom was
similar historical case
an act of an absolutist monarchy.
True, Alexander II, an en-
lightened despot, was of a gentler, more humane character than
his father. Emperor Nicholas I. With all his personal qualities,
Alexander II was not a liberal, and he ruled without a parliament,
even though twenty years later, Melikov, his Minister of Interior,
made some plans for a State Council. The fact remains, however,
that the liberation of peasantry was not followed by a democratic
reform. Alexander II said to the nobility: “Better that the re-
form should come from above than wait until serfdom is abolished
from belftw.”® The Manifesto regarding the abolition of serf-
dom, signed in 1861, was not followed up by a manifesto which
introduced a parliament, civil rights and democratic institutions.
Russia remained an absolute monarchy until the revolution. In
Congress Poland, in that part of Poland which was under Russian
domination, a democratic national uprising was cruelly and bru-
hundreds were executed and thousands were sent
tally suppressed,

mines and forests of Siberia. Still, in this same

in chains to the
Poland, the same Czar who refused to grant this subjugated na-
® Jftszi, Oscar, The Dissolution of the Habsburg Monarchy, Chicago University
Press, p. 102.
^Vernadsky, op. dt., p. 158.

tioii any liberties and democratic rights had abolished serfdom.

It is not within the scope of this essay to explain the reason for
this. The fact remains, however, that a progressive step in social
relations, the abolition of what was a European kind of slavery,
was not integrated with a democratic, progressive reform in other

Incidentally, neither were the peasants themselves always fight*

ing for their own rights. Napoleon, who brought with his flags of
conquest the liberation of serfs from age old bondage, was de*
feated in 1812 by an army of Russian serfs defending Czarist
Russia. They did not fight for their social liberation, but for en-
slavement. Defeat of Napoleon in Russia delayed the liberation
of Russian serfs for fifty years. Still Russian peasantry preferred
a national tyrant than a foreign liberator.
Is there much difference between Stalin’s policy in the Soviet
Union and the reforms of Bach, Stolypin, Alexander II, and Fred-
erick the Great? Industrialization of the Soviet Union and higher
literacy has been accomplished in a system which is politically
oppressive. Democratic civil liberties have been abolished in
Soviet Russia. A minority party rules over a majority. A dic-

tator governs in a ruthless way. Compulsory labor is rampant.

The True Meaning of Progress

True progress is a parallel one. This means that a general ad-

vancement can be achieved only if it is accomplished simulta-
neously in economic as well as in political and moral spheres,
when all essential functions and all basic institutions of a society
are affected by our progressive change. This was well under-
stood by the leaders of the great, democratic peasant
of Russiawho called their movement Ziemla i Wolja (Land of
Freedom). They understood that neither economic advancement
without political freedom nor political freedom without economic
advancement will accomplish the ideals of democracy. A peasant
r See Max Nomad’s Chapter II on "Communism.”
who freedom without receiving land cannot enjoy free-
gets his
dom in hunger, and if he gets land without freedom, he will suffer
slavery or political oppression, though he will have a loaf of
bread for his family. A peasant needs both land and freedom,—
bread and democracy.
There a school of economists and political scientists who are

trying to argue that we now have to choose between security and

freedom, that we cannot have both. Some will go as far as to
argue that misery is the price of freedom. But we cannot gamble
bread for freedom or freedom for our bread. We simply must
have both, we must solve both problems. Moreover, historical ex-
perience, the experience of serfdom, teaches us that we cannot
have, in the long run, security in economic sense without free-
dom. If we lose freedom, we shall finally find that our weekly
pay has been reduced to a slave’s allowance and finally, once we
fall into a prolonged period of misery, we may find that hunger
and squalor have made us completely dependent upon those who
have the power to sign the check.®
Those leaders of totalitarian movements who claim that per-
sonal freedom is of secondary importance, that it is “a bourgeois
prejudice” or does not exist at all, are always clever enough to
secure for themselves the right to abuse the freedom of others.
They reserve for themselves more than freedom; lawlessness.

Men today are seeking a general system of security: an eco-

nomic, political and international security. Eiconomic security
simply means security against unemployment, protection against
misery, a decent standard of living, decent housing and an ei^t
hour labor day. Political security means security against poli-

tical abuse, protection against the omnipotent power of the state

and the abuse of political power by dictators. Political security

consists of our Bill of Rights; political security is our sphere of

privacy which nobody is permitted to invade. Furthermore, inter-

national security is expressed in our desire for lasting peace.
8 The problem of reconciling freedom tdth economic planning ie discussed by
Lewis Corey in his chapter “Economic Planning Without Statism” (XXVI).
War threatening everyone today, civilians
as well as soldiers.
The paralyzing fear of bombings and genocide is a curse' of our
time. These three basic securities form a condition of human
welfare. Their parallel development represents true social pro-

Dichotomy and Balance in our Culture

The tragedy of modern culture is that while we progress in

the mechanical sense, we are faced with a disintegration of our
moral standards. The Europe of the early 1940’s under the
Totalitarian aegis retrogressed morally and has not yet recovered
from the moral blow of the Fascist and Nazi occupation. We are
sometimes misled by the fact that we have more students, more
universities, and less illiteracy than ever before in history. The
lack of illiteracy does not necessarily mean a more ethical so-
ciety, nor does the growth of the schools and universities mean
necessarily moral and social progress. It seems paradoxical that
education and general literacy are, under certain circumstances,
dangerous and that developments in formal education may be
sometimes contrary to the common interest. What was the advan-
tage for mankind that there was practically no illiteracy in Nazi
Germany? Is it not better to have an illiterate people, rather
than highly skilled Calibans who know how to use machine guns,
tanks, planes, and how to kill thousands? Education has helped
Nazis, Fascists, and Japanese militarists to develop a war
potential and to mobilize the entire society for a modem war
that threatened whole existence of our culture. Indeed, the

last three decades were marked by a rapid development of univer-

sity education in Europe and an increase in the number of stu-

dents. More and more laboratories, more and more elaborately

equipped, were built. Mussolini could show visitors beautiful
schools and universities and campuses filled with Fascist students
who admired Marinetti’s poetry. It was for. them that he wrote:
“War is beauty because it realizes the mechanical man. . .
.” And
when Mussolini screamed from the Palazzo Venezia, holding in
one hand a book and in the other a gun, he revealed the purpose
of his education to be murder — ^and proved this in the Ethiopian

The invention of atom bomb brings us closer to the prob-

lems of morals than ever before. Today, moral progress is as
necessary as total employment. Without moral reconstruction, this
world, sooner or later, is doomed. The only lasting safeguard
against the dangers of atomic energy is the rise of ethical stan-
dards in our society, the moral reconstruction of mankind after
this war. A moral humanity will use our great technical dis-

coveries for true progress. Technical discoveries and inventions

by themselves, without moral safeguards, can easily be transformed
into tools for destruction. Hence, the imperative need for ethical
advancement, ethical education and moral balance of science.”
Man felt instinctively that the discovery of atomic energy brought
him —
dilemma to fill the gap beljveen our tech-
close to the great
nical advancement and our moral progress.*® When the great news
about the discovery was broken on August 6, 1945, it was hard to
find signs of joy, in spite of the fact that was clear that this it

meant the end of the war. There was a general feeling of the
great insecurity which is now with us. The man in the street felt
immediately the coming dangers as an antelope in the prairies
feels the approaching danger. In The New York Daily News ap-
peared the shortest editorial probably ever written: “The Atom
Bomb is here to slay. But are we?” This was typical of what the
people in factories, offices and streets were feeling. In a single
issue oi The New York Times, the printed columns of the “Letters
to the Editor” page expressed more fear than on an average day of
the cruellest war in history. . “Let us dump the whole thing
. .

into the Atlantic or the Pacific” ... we read in the column . . .

^ This problem has been discussed in “Problems of International Education” by

Feliks Gross, The Journal of EducatUnud Sociology, September, 1946.
penetrating analysis of problems of social adjustment and cultural lag has
been written by William F. Ogburn in “The Hypothesis of Cultural Lag” in his
Socitd Change.

“man is too frail to be entrusted with such power.” The carr . . .

toonist, Low, editorialized the whole matter in his own way. A

large old man holds a little ball (atomic energy) in his hand. He
stands on the globe and shows the ball to a baby (humanity). The
caption reads: “Life or Death. Baby play with nice ball.” The
president of the United States said: “It is an awful responsibility
which has come to us. ... I realize the tragic significance of the
atomic bomb. . . . The atomic bomb is too dangerous to he loose
in a lawless world.” And a member of the British Government:
“We’ve opened a door. It is yet to be seen what’s on the other
side of that door —maybe a treasure house, maybe only the real-
ization of a maniac’s dream of destruction.”
Here is the problem before us: the great problem of our cen-
tury —adjustment of our international and social relations and
adjustment of our moral standards to the pace of modern tech-
nical advancement. We have to check the harmful use of the new
discoveries by moral and social advancement, and by new tech-
niques in peace-making. And we will make it. Human culture has
developed through the creative influence of human needs. The
satisfaction of needs gave impetus tohuman actions and imple-
mented them with new techniques, with new cultural approaches.
Our cultural development is a functional one.A need has now been
created for moral advancement. Such an advancement can deter
men from the harmful use of atomic energy and of other totally

destructive weapons. Advancement of our morals and in the tech-

niques of peace making has a definite function in our new society
— to prevent total destruction.
For two thousand years or more, man has been studying the
science of slaughter or the defense against slaughter. This science
is called strategy. Thus far, we do not have a name for a science
which would teach us how to make and maintain peace. Inasmuch
as “peace” in Greek is called “Irene,” the science of peace, if it

is developed, could be called irenology. Beginnings toward such

a science were made with the creation of the League of Nations
and furthered with the United Nations; and weak as these organ-


izations have been, nevertheless, the creation of such bodies for
the organization of peace form a great departure from our
“sovereignty centered” thinking. The problems of a World Fed-
eration and World Government already are being studied. True
achievement in this sphere is still a social myth today, but to-

morrow, it may emerge as a reality, or at least as a coming ideol-

ogy —again an advancement of our study of peace.
We have, then, before us two great goals, closely connected:
to achieve parallel advancement in the various spheres of social,
political and economic relationships; to create a parallel, a bal-
anced, culture by raising our moral standards and readjusting
our social and international institutions to keep pace with our
technical advancements. This concept of progress is an organic
one. It requires a simultaneous, balanced development in all es-
sential fields and phases, a symmetry of ideas which was so
familiar to Greek philosophers in their quest for perfection
Kalos K’agathos — both beautiful and good.
Economic Planning
Without Statism


Planning in the Framework of Liberty


Lewis Corey

The of the individual

crisis arises out of the crisis of liberal
democracy, a form of society built on the recognition of man’s
right to liberty, personal identity, and moral responsibility. This
crisis, in turn, is part of the crisis of a changing social order
whose drives may lead to greater liberty, or to an absolute state
whose power-needs destroy liberty.
True, liberal democracy has not fully promoted libertarian
values, and that is one cause of the crisis. But this is also true:
it provides the freedoms and mechanisms that can be used to rid
itself of injustices and correct maladjustments.
To and grow, however, liberal democracy must overcome
four dangers. It can overcome them, it is my conviction, only if
social change is directed into new libertarian channels.
One danger comes from the diehards of capitalist ^‘economic
individualism.” Undoubtedly, capitalism, for a moment in his-

torical time, promoted the procedures and values of liberal de-

mocracy. The promotion was incomplete, however. And most
of the economic individualism of an earlier laissez-faire capital-
ism is now replaced by a monopoly capitalism that limits or de-
stroys economic freedom as well as human liberty. The diehards’
fight to save any and all capitalist economic institutions stands
athwart progressive social change. Yet without such change totali-

tarian reaction and the destruction of all liberties are likely.

A second danger conies from fascism. Fascism is spawned by
a liberal democracy not wholly clean of feudal survivals, racial
discrimination, and hatreds, and by monopoly reaction against
liberty — in brief, by a liberal democracy that has not mastered
social change for progressive values. Fascism represents a frus-
tration of progressive social change. It is total negation of in-
dividual liberty, dignity, and self-development. Fascism is bar-
barism in scientific technological modem dress.
Communism, a third threat, also destroys liberty and degrades
the individual, but through a perversion of progressive social
change. It arose out of an earlier socialism that throbbed with
passion for greater social justice and liberty. But Communism
sets up a state that is a totalitarian master, with institutional ar-

rangements that, like those of fascism, suppress the liberal-demo-

cratic rights of individuals, including individual workers. It is

a society in which the people move and have their being exclu-
sively in the state.
A final, more subtle danger, is the drift of an increasing num-
ber of “liberals” toward totalitarian ideas. These liberals, in
their rejection of free enterprise, also reject, or at least belittle,

the libertarian values identified with free enterprise. They blind

themselves to the fact that these values are an enduring contribu-
tion to civilization that goes
beyond particular forms of economic
enterprise.The totalitarian liberals (some are undercover Com-
munists, many more are fellow travelers) think and act as if the
final answer to all problems of social change is a constant enlarge-
ment of strCte power. They increase the danger of submergence of
the individual in an all-inclusive statism.
Is survival of liberty and the individual — their further de-
velopment through greater economic, social-political, and cultural
freedom —a lost cause? It is not, providing we muster every re-
source of intelligence and social action to master the crisis of so-
cial change for libertarian values, to work out new institutional
arrangements within which all institutions, including the state, will

recognize and expand the rights of man in greater social-eco-

nomic and cultural fulfillment.

The double-talk from “Right” and “Left” has frightfully dis-

meaning of liberal democracy, especially its relation to
torted the
capitalism. It is noteworthy that both die-hard capitalist apol-
ogists and the Communists agree on limiting what capitalism
means to “economic individualism and private profit.” To be sure,

capitalism brought liberal democracy into being, but the rela-

tion is historical, conditional, and relative. We need to reject the

either-or absolutes of “Right” and “Left.” Liberals must break

down today's problem into these specific questions: What particu-

lar institutions within capitalism promote liberal democracy?

What old institutions must go? What new institutions must re-

place them to sustain liberal democracy against attacks and fur-

ther promote its values?
There are five chief factors which shaped the progress and
limitations of the concepts and practice of liberal-democratic in-

(I) Revolution against feudalism began with the revival of
trade and the emergence of a merchant class. One ideological mani-

festation was a demand for recognition of “the rights of prop-

erty.” Since feudal lords in their persons combined absolute
economic and political power, this was a revolutionary demand.
Once won, the rights of property became the rights of such in-

dividuals as owned property, and these limited arbitrary power.

A new unlimited state power arose, however, in the absolute mon-

archy (supported by the big bourgeois merchants) that began
state monopoly, and controls on economic activity.

Free enterprise and the laissez-faire state did not emerge fully
(and then only in the countries of Northwestern Europe and North
America) until after the democratic revolutions abolished the

absolute monarchy and set limits on the state power. Free enter-
prise did not mean profit-making only; was a concept of eco-

nomic self-reliance to liberate men from state tyranny. It meant

free men in the midst of economic and political freedom (includ-
ing free labor), broadening into cultural freedom.
(2) The merchant class early became identified with religious
heresy. The new economic interests and ideas clashed with a
feudalism whose binding ideological element was Roman eccles-
iasticism. The economic and political revolution moved into re-
ligion. Protestant stress on individual conscience and individual
worth was used by “Left” heretics, from the Hussites to the Puri-
tans and Diggers, to drive in a social-democratic direction. If
men are precious and equal in the sight of God, why, they asked,
should not men be precious and equal in the sight of man? To be
sure, in its extreme forms, one aspect of Protestantism — the em-
phasis on individual conscience and direct responsibility to Cod
—^became anti-social, providing the justification of an unbridled
economic individualism that denied the brotherhood of men. But
“Left” heretics repudiated this atomized individualism. They in-
sisted that in early Christian teachings the individual is not an
isolated exploiting or to-be-exploited thing, but a social individual
whose self-realization comes through service to his brethren and
through living that fulfills the independence, dignity, and worth
of every human being.
(3) Emerging science also strengthened the revolt against
authority and provided new technological weapons for economic
progress. The scientific revolution
of the 16th-17th centuries was a
product of capitalism’s liberation of the individual from medieval
restraints and taboos. In turn, science shattered the old world
of faith and dogma; it broke down absolutes, strengthened the ra-
tional approach through emphasis on knowledge for doing, manip-
ulation, and control. In their struggle with the church, scientists
developed a supreme individualism which learned to ignore all
arguments of authority as to the “dangerous” social effects of
their discoveries.^ In the intellectual revolution that followed,

1 This historical fact combined with later capitalist

disdain for “pure science” to
develop an indifference among scientists to the social consequences of their work.
But, I may add, the primary trouble is not with natural scientists
who are not
“social-minded,” but with social scientists, who fail to keep social thinking
and in-
Mitutional readjustment in balance with scientific, technological advance
science openedup new worlds of experience and knowledge. The
breakdown of old beliefs stimulated individual self-expression
and autonomy, which spread, unevenly, through the intellectuals
and artists, to all spheres of human activity.

(4) In its early stages, capitalist society virtually excluded the

workers from its values: the change from serfdom to “free labor”
was left-handed progress. Under an oligarchical liberal govern-
ment, woricers had no political rights. Under the factory system,
the worker had no economic rights except to quit work (an empty
right, in many respects, but one from which labor developed the
strike weapon). In time free workers answered with labor union-
ism, an invention of the workers themselves, not of middle-class
intellectuals. Liberalism had justified individual property owner-
ship as sustaining independence and liberty. The workers' alien-
ation from property thus excluded them from independence and
liberty. Workers now used liberal “freedom of association” to
associate themselves in unions. This was not only an assertion
of economic needs, it represented a demand for the right to self-
government and human dignity. Along with the economic strug-
gle, unions became active in the democratic struggle to give the
people equal political right.s. They brought constitutional de-
mocracy to industry through collective bargaining. Labor unions
must be credited with a basic contribution to expanding liberal
(5) The emergence of the liberal democratic state sums up and
intertwines all the other factors. Liberty in the modern world be-
gan with the limitation or destruction of medieval statism (lay
and clerical), which had centered all economic and political

power in the lord and subordinated all individuals to one indi-

vidual. The alliance of the merchant class with monarchical abso-
lutism was in turn overthrown by a revolt of the lower-middle
class of small enterprisers and professional people in alliance

with peasants and workers against economic and political mon-

opoly. The -limited-power state that arose after the democratic
revolutions, while it enlarged the areas of freedom, was a “liberal
oligarchical” state that denied to propertyless persons the right
to vote. But later, with the rise of labor, the liberal democratic
state came into being.
Individualism was thus the product of a series of interacting
institutional, intellectual, and moral changes. It was nourished

by economic, and cultural diversity and autonomy, by


a pluralism in social institutions and spheres of activity which en-

abled the individual to have a large degree of freedom of choice
and action within capitalism. It is this diversity and autonomy,
this pluralism, that must be retained in newer forms if we want
social change to promote libertarian values.
It it important, at this point, to note the differences between
liberalism and democracy, the two elements which were synthe-
sized in the liberal-democratic state.
The philosophy of liberalism emphasizes the individual’s lib-
erty and rights under a government that governs least. But liberal
practice, because of unequal distribution of economic and political

power, gave particular social groups, classes, and individuals the

liberty to promote their interests against that of the mass of the
people. Earlier liberals, as a matter of fact, were anti-demo-
cratic: the liberal Voltaire opposed a republic in favor of con-
stitutional monarchy on the oligarchical British model. Separa-
tion of economic from political power broke the political abso-

lutism of feudalism and brought liberty. But it also brought a

private economic absolutism through unrestricted liberty of capi-

talist property. The theory that “that state is best which governs
least” became, in practice, the right of an economic oligarchy to

govern most.
Against liberalism, the philosophy and practice of democracy
emphasized the majority, the people, equality.
Democracy wanted equal political rights through universal suf-
frage. It wanted, in addition, a measure of economic equality
as the basis of political equality and freedom. Liberalism con-
sidered ownership of property as necessary for liberty. So' lower
middle-class democrats (Jacobins, Jefferson, Jackson) started

to use the state to end, or at least to limit, the unequal distribu-

tion of property. The propertyless people could limit the eco-
nomic oligarchy’s power only through organization (e.g., labor
unions) and, above all, by use of a superior power, the state
power. Democracy pressed for a state)that governs more.
State power also grew with the consolidation of nationalism.
Liberal philosophers of the Enlightenment were cosmopolitan in
their world-view; the democrats were nationalist. Nationalism was
part of the popular democratic revolutions, and its first complete
expression appeared in the Jacobin phase of the French Revolu-
tion. Later movements for national independence identified na-
tionalism with democracy. Then revolutionary democratic na-
tionalism was transformed into capitalist economic nationalism.
Together with imperialism it strengthened state power and intol-
erance (including people’s racial intolerance for other people).
Wars further increased this trend. The final misuse of national-
ism was its distortion into totalitarian nationalist imperialism.
Democratic emphasis on the majority, the nation, and the state
develops a totalitarian potential. The danger of statism arises
as majorities, the nation, and state become impatient of the lib-
eral doctrine of inalienable rights, and as the stale’s powers are
enlarged because of its intervention in economic activity.
A totalitarian potential is apparent early in the philosophy of
democracy. The democratic state, Rousseau argued in his dem-
ocratic creed, is “composed of all citizens’’ and expresses their
“general will.” Hence this state “can have no interests contrary
to the interests of any citizen” and so "'it need give no guarantees

to its citizens.” The “general will” as expressed in the state thus

becomes an absolute imperative for everyone, alike for majority

and minority, “whoever goes against the general will can be con-
strained by the whole body-. There is no room or need for in-

alienable rights in Rousseau’s state, since that state necessarily

expresses what is good for the people.
In contrast to this, the liberaUdemocratic state — first form-
ulated by the Levellers (left-wing of the Puritan revolution) and
by Locke, and developed primarily in Northwestern Europe, tlie
British Commonwealth, and the United States —
^attempts the syn-

thesis of liberalism and democracy.

Liberal-democratic government is popular, constitutional, rep-
resentative government with limited powers, in which liberalism
and democracy check and balance one another. The doctrinaire
radical argument that the checks-and-balances of the American
constitution were intended to thwart the people’s will is only partly
true. Some of the Constitutional fathers distrusted the people, but
all of them distrusted state authority and wanted check-and-bal-
ances to prevent tyrannical centralization of political power. And
today, for all those who want freedom, not totalitarian dictator-
ship, a decisive problem of social change remains the problem of
how to use checks-and-balances under new conditions to limit
state power.
It is the central task of the liberal-democratic state to balance
and reconcile the rights and needs of the individual with those
of the group, of society. The majority governs, but
it must accept

definite individual and minority rights as inalienable. A ma-

jority may want anti-Semitism and Jim Crowism, for example,
but majority will cannot make them right or legal, since they in-
fringe inalienable rights. The majority governs, but
the minority
can criticize and oppose, organize to change majority decisions,
government policy, or government itself. So liberalism and de-
mocracy, the individual and the people, minority and majority
check and balance one another. The idea of inalienable rights
iscrucial. They arise not out of “natural law,” but out of the ex-
perience that there can be no individual liberty and dignity with-
out a recognition of rights that no majority or state can violate.
If liberal democracy never worked
fully, it is not because of in-
herent defects, but because of the najture and limitations of prop-
erty relations in its midst.
The saw in ownership of property the foundation of
liberty.Since the majority of the people was propertyless, early
democrats urged widespread ownership of small independent

property as the economic fecundation of democracy and freedom.

Itwas a functional conception of property: “What I work I own
and what I own I work.” The America of 1820’s was measurably
a liberal economic democracy: about 80 per cent of Americans
(excluding the slave South) owned small independent property
and so depended on no one for the right to work and live. All this
was swept away by the surging tide of industrialism, of large-
scale industry and monopoly. Today, upwards of 80 per cent of
the American people own no productive property —
^and depend

on a wage-or-salary job for the right to work and live. The lib-
erty-giving quality of property is negated by monopoly; and mo-
nopoly property becomes, over large areas of our economy, an
anti-liberal parasitism of oligarchical absentee ownership.
Much of recent American political history is the story of efforts
by small businessmen, the farmers, and propertyless people to use
political power to limit or destroy monopoly by government reg-

ulation and control. But monopoly has kept on growing. As it

grows it calls forth more government regulation and control, with
more regimentation. In turn, unbridled economic individualism
of .monopoly, operating as an oligarchical power complex, using
“free enterprise” ideology to mask its destruction or frustration
of truly free enterprise as economic and human freedom, mar-
shals every reactionary weapon of monopoly capitalism to resist
“government encroachment” —and we have, as a result, the dead-
lock which has become the imiversal crisis of our time.
This deadlock brings economic breakdown. In turns, the break-
down compels government to “plan,” spend, and tax in order to
make the economic system work (while die-hards of “liberal”
economics yell about “restoration of the free market’s automa-
tic working and controls”). As government increasingly inter-
venes in economic activity the state that governed least becomes a
state thatgoverns more and more. But more government, using
an endless succession of controls that do not work within monop-
oly capitalism, fails to end the economic crisis and drifts toward
It is at this point that the crisis of capitalism becomes acute. If
progressive social change is frustrated and helpless, the path is

open for totalitarians of the “Right” or “Left” to break the

deadlock —by seizing power to implement reactionary social
change. Property rights disappear, and so do the rights of man.
Under Communism all property is nationalized; under fascism it

may survive, temporarily, to become merely the right to levy

tribute on production and income.
Thus property, as it becomes monopoly, reacts against its

earlier liberating function. And this reactionary trend is also fed,

in varying degrees, by the other forces that originally promoted
liberal democracy and individualism.
Religion, once liberating, becomes increasingly institutional
and a conservative force. Lutheranism conditions believers to a
blind acceptance of state authority: man is sinful, hence any state,
since it ismade up of sinful men, is necessarily bad, but its au-
thority must be accepted or society breaks apart. You may pray that
the sinful men-of-state may behave better, but you cannot oppose
them; only if the state interferes with man’s personal relation
with God canbe opposed on that issue (e.g.. Pastor Niemoeller,

who fought the Nazi state only on the religious issue). In Amer-
ica, Protestant sects have multiplied and
become ingrown, while
American “fundamentalism” has become increasingly amenable
to exploitation by crackpot fascist groups. As the crisis grows

acute, the Catholic hierarchy undermines progressive social action

with its overemphasis on the exclusive importance of the indi-
vidual’s direct relation with God, and with its atavistic yearning
for political power. Recent returns to religion as a force
life strengthens the escapist effort to solve the problems
of society
in other than social terms. (On the other hand.
Catholics, and
other truly religious people, so long as they keep fresh
their faith
in the preciousness of the individual, may prove
valuable allies
in infusing social change with libertarian
moral values.) The
answer to religious escapism is not philosophical
but social: a

desirable social change that ends the immoral torture of helpless

human beings and realizes the moral unity of mankind.
Similarly, some of the social consequences of science, and
some scientists themselves, strengthen the trend away from liberal

individualism. The wonders and terrors of science are beyond

the understanding of ordinary people, who are made to feel in-
significant and helpless. Moreover, too many “social-minded”
scientists are totalitarian, looking upon human society as a lab-
oratory and upon human beings as guinea pigs. The scientist-

barbarians of fascism are a terrifying omen. On the “Left” too

there are omens. A British scientist, C. H. Waddington, one of a
small group, in the name
“Marxism” which he misunderstands
and distorts, calls for a new ^‘^centralized and totalitarian" eco-
nomic system that “perhaps” (only perhaps!) may “combine
totalitarianism with freedom of thought.” In France a group of
Communist scientists (among them Joliot-Curie) is merging
science with totalitarianism under the name of “scientism” to
“reinterpret” all values. Forgetting that not science, but man in

history (which includes science) is the source of all values, they

convert science into an absolute that merges with and sustains
the absolute Communist state. This danger is strengthened by
the belief in “scientific-technological determinism,” which argues
that science can solve all problems and that “values come from
technology; building machines to build more machines comprises
all that is worthwhile in human activity.” These ideas fit easily

into anti-liberal, anti-human totalitarianism.

Out of the limitations of individualism came forces and ideas
that react against liberty. Much of the criticism of liberal or
“bourgeois” individualism was reactionary, from the feudal-
aristocratic criticism of Carlyle to the totalitarian criticism of
today. Yet liberal individualism was beset with grave evils. Un-
restricted “economic individualism” gave rise to profit-individ-
ualists who trampled upon individual human rights. The limita-

tions and frustrations of liberal individualism produced many

rootless, disintegrated personalities whose individualism degen-
erated into atomism. Atomistic individualism became a revolt
against the individual human being himself. The work of sev-

eral generations of artists and writers debased the individual un-

til heno longer a recognizable human being. This was not only

an escape from the social relations of human living but an escape,

from the task of reshaping those relations for a freer, more noble
individualism. These perversions of individualism gave rise to
the “superman” of Nietzsche, -the “new Caesarism” of Rodbertus,
and the “revolutionary elites” of Sorel, who exult in violence:
they all made their contribution to the totalitarian challenge of
At the same time a “democratic individualism” was growing
up, which gave the masses of the people increasing self-expression
through increasing economic means, political liberty, and leisure.
This was largely the work of labor unions. But within democratic
individualism is latent the danger of a “mass mind” that may be-
come majority intolerance of individual and minority rights.
Moreover, while unions realize and invigorate the rights of work-
ers in relation to their employers, in too many cases workers have
few rights in relation to their bureaucratic union leaders. I am
not speaking of the tiny minority of racketeering unions; they are
sai generis. A
problem of freedom arises in all unions as they
grow bigger and more powerful, with proliferating functions and
bureaucratic centralization of power. It is this centralization that
small communist groups exploit to get control of free unions and
transform them into useful party-state unions that are a support
of totalitarian tyranny.
All these specific dangers and limitations are serious; added
together, they bulk very large. They give arguments and oppor-
tunity to sinister forces, individuals, and ideas — “Right” and
“Left” —
as old institutions and values crumble, and so long as
progressive social change is frustrated. Desperation in the wake
of pathological social conditions gives an opportunity for expres-
sion to “irrational and destructive potentials buried deep in the
human psyche.” But these irrational and destructive potentials
burst forth only if liberal democracy fails to realize that present
failures arise from its failure to transform gradual social changes
into a new liberal synthesis through specific social changes.
The error of too many “radicals” is to lump together everything
“bourgeois” as bad and reject it. On the contrary, there are lib-
ertarian moral values in liberal democratic or “bourgeois” so-
ciety that must be cherished and strengthened, values that mankind
has slowly, agonizingly developed since the Renaissance. The at-

tack on these values themselves as “bourgeois” encourages re-

action. From this angle we now see that fascism was more than a
reactionary frustration of progressive social change; it is a deep-
going revolt against all the liberal-democratic values whose real-
ization today is incomplete, but whose promise is great. Fascism
is the first revolution in history that appeals to all that is ignoble
and vile in man and erects this* into a state system. The pathology
of its power-individualism is fascism’s most horrible and reveal-
ing aspect.
Individualism is on the defensive, while the material means
and the ideas for a finer, more broadly available individual life,

beyond anything that men have imagined till now, continue to

grow. But if we are to use our productive potential for the bene-
fit of all men, we must first institute changes in economic policy
and relationship within liberal democracy. Its property relations
no longer sustain or promote (they never fully did) the values of
individual liberty; moreover, our economic system is subject to
severe and constant breakdown.
Even John Stuart Mill, the great 19th-century liberal, saw that
private property relations could not be made an absolute. “1 saw
private property as the last word of legislation in my earlier
years,” Mill wrote in his Autobiography. But later his “ideal of
improvement would classify us decidedly under the general desig-
nation of socialists.” Mill goes on: “While we repudiated with the
greatest energy that tyranny of society which most socialistic sys-

tems are supposed to involve. We looked forward to a time when

... the division of the produce of labor will be made in concert
on an acknowledged principle of justice. . . . The social problem
of the future we considered how to unite the greatest in-
to he,
dividual liberty of action with a common ownership in the raw
material of the globe, and an equal participation of all in the
benefits of combined labor.”
Mill’s acceptance of socialism was a thorn in the side of liberal

laissez-faire individualists; they ignored him. But Marxists ig-

nored him, too, for his socialism was libertarian and individual-
istic. (Marxists also ignored Mill’s prophetic warning that “o
yoke of uniformity in opinion and practice** might be imposed
on society as “some particular doctrine in time rallies the majority
around it, and organizes social institutions comparable to it-

Marx has been proved correct in his major criticism of capi-
talism: that the dynamics of capitalist production drive toward
an economic breakdown that makes new economic institutions in-

escapable. He advocated slate ownership of means of produc-


tion and distribution in order to realize a society where “free

development of the individual is the condition for the free devel-
opment of all individuals.” Lenin agreed; but the Marx-Lenin
revolution assumed institutional forms against liberty and indi-
vidual identity. Russian Communism has proved that unlimited
state ownership under a dictatorship results in the totalitarian
submergence of the individual.
Part of the reason for the failure of the greatest social move-
ment of the past seventy-five years is apparent in the insufficient
stress on liberal-democratic and moral values. Of this shortcom-
ing Ignazio Silone wrote in 1942: “Many Marxists have shown a
sort of contempt for the inner life. Their ideal, as stressed in the
novels of Malraux and Hemingway, is the man of steel, the man
of action who never
hesitates and has no scruples. This concep-
from Nietzsche, and it has lately been expressed much
tion derives
more compellingly by certain fascist writers. Many Com- . . .

munist bureaucrats, who have lost their faith in the always chang-
ing party line, as a result of their spiritual self-mutilation can

never return to normal humanity. . . . After being a doctrine

Marxism has become a sort of drug, a sedative, a sop to one’s
conscience. Perhaps some day we shall reach the formula: ‘Marx-
ism is the opium of ihe people.’ Socialism, however, will out-
live Marxism. Today the problem before us is. What sort of

Socialism? ... I stand for (1) an integral federalism and (2) for
an ethical conception of socialism which does not demand a
. . .

new morality or a new justification for socialism. Human . . .

liberty and human dignity are conceptions that will never perish.”
Silone is right. While the earlier Marxist movement did, in
large measure, emphasize liberal-democratic and ethical values,
it fell (in its Communist variant) into the trap of using means
that perverted or destroyed the very ends it sought.
The Marxist was caught in the pitfall of utopian belief. Man
was by nature good; the wrong institutions of private property
and class rule alone made him evil. Eliminate capitalist property
and rule, the last evil institutions, and man will be good. The con-
sequences of the belief were disastrous. Socialism tended to
slight moral values and concentrate on institutional change.

At least as important, however, as the conflict between moral

ends and means is the conflict between institutional ends and
means. Marxism proposed institutional means which, in the lan-
guage of dialectics, turn into their opposite. Marxism insisted on
the proletariat as the exclusive carrier of .socialism and on ab-
solute collectivism as the foundation of socialism. Exclusive em-
phasis on the proletariat necessarily alienated productive non-
proletarian groups or classes from socialism. This meant that
orthodox Marxist parties never could secure an overwhelming
electoral majority to introduce socialism by peaceful democratic
means. Hence the practical necessity of the Communist resort to
minority violence and dictatorship. The dictatorship becomes a
new unlimited power-state whose absolute economic collectivism
supports absolute state power and engulfs the individual as eco-
nomic, cultural, and moral being in an all-inclusive collective des-
While Marxists minimized Mill’s libertarian humanism, the
liberals overlooks his plea for a new economic foundation for
liberty. Fascism caught them, as it caught the Marxists, unaware.
And as liberals today face the pressure for economic reconstruc-
tion they may succumb —some already have— ^to “liberal” totali-
tarian means and ideas that emphasize the state.

Earlier liberals had a magnificent faith in the capacity of free

men to use liberty and intelligence to solve social problems. To-
day’s totalitarian “liberals,” apostates from freedom, mired in
power-and-elite realism, totally without faith in the “common
man” they orally exalt, and in befuddled fear of mankind’s ir-

rationality (they, of course, are always rational), have but one

answer to every problem: let the state do it! In discussion with
totalitarian liberals I find a frightening contemptuous ignorance
or disregard of liberalism’s achievements and potential. They
sneer at American democracy for its imperfections, while they
praise Russian Communism for the imaginary perfections it may
have learned that dictatorship of the proletariat, while it
claims to be “temporary,” becomes institutional and permanent
as it destroys liberal democracy. The state bureaucracy builds
and by force, becomes a new ruling class through absolute

political control of all economic power, and inevitably must de-

pend on force to keep the absolute state going. Indeed, absolute

collectivism (even without dictatorship, though with quicker final-
ity under dictatorship), recombining as it does
all economic and
political power in the state, must impair, if not destroy, freedom.
For by its regimental all-collective uniformity it destroys the
and pluralism necessary
diversity to nourish liberty of individual
and group action.
Alarge measure of nationalization (or socialization)
of indus-
try and of economic planning is inescapable. Recent history shows
all nations, regardless of ideology, moving in that direction. But
evidence grows that complete nationalization, over-all

and the totalitarian state inevitably feed one into the other, at the
cost of all individual values.
Hence the basic principles of economic reconstruction must in-

1. The limitation of nationalization, or socialization, to large-
scale industry. Socialization ofmonopoly enterprises, which dom-
inate 70 per cent of American industrial activity, is enough to
end the economic crisis and to build a new economic order with a
policy of production for human welfare and freedom.
2. In addition to this limitation, socialized industry should be
made to assume functional organizational forms that promote
diversity, self-government, and decentralization within a state that,
whatever new economic functions it may acquire, would still re-

main a limited-power state.

In a highly complex, organized world, organizational forms are

important, since —depending on their character —they can sup-
port either totalitarianism or freedom. Public enterprises must
be prevented from assuming forms that promote absolute central-
ization of economic power in the state. They can and should be
autonomous in organization, operation, and direction, independent
of government except for over-all policy. The model is the public
corporation of the TV A type, but with greater autonomy and with
functional directorates representing management, workers, and
consumers. These puhlic corporations or authorities are neither
direct state enterprises nor under civil service; they are operated
as economic, nut political, institutions. They provide the great-

est amount of decentralization, with authority distributed on suc-

cessive functional levels, encouraging employee and community
participation and regional self-government, as well as greater effi-

ciency. The pulilic corporations in a particular industry are thus

not formed into one “government trust,” easily controlled by the
state’s top bureaucracy; they are independent and compete with
one another within the relations of planning. A national govern-
ment agency with final control can be set up to crack down on
public corporations if and when they violate the mandates under
which they operate. '

Such organizational forms of public enterprise prevent an ab-

solute centralization of economic power. At the same time they
provide diversity and pluralism with their checks-and-balances.
Economic freedom is strengthened by retention of free private
enterprise in small independent business and in agriculture, and
by encouragement of cooperatives.
There is no economic need to socialize small independent busi-
ness, in which ownership is combined with management; its ex-
istence is no bar to planning for economic balance and welfare.
This is also true of farmers, all of whom should become free in-

dependent farmers under use-ownership, with cooperatives for

large-scale farming and for the purchase and sale of commodi-
ties and other purposes. Cooperatives, because of their voluntar-
istic nature and self-government, can be major supports of eco-

nomic freedom since they are forms of “social enterprise” in-

dependent of the state. Free private enterprise and cooperatives

alike serve economic freedom by serving as a cbeck-and-balance
to public enterprise and the state. They can serve freedom espe-
cially in the opinion industries — film, the press, book publish-
ing, radio —where a diversity of enterprise promotes group, min-
ority and individual liberty of ideas, while absolute stale con-
trol means their limitation or suppression.

National economic planning need not be absolute or totali-

tarian. It can be limited to strategic factors of policy, price-and-

profit, over-all investment (not all investment), with supplement-

ary resort to fiscal measures for desirable social-economic ob-
jectives. There can be decentralization in planning, too, down to
the grass-roots level. Planning can draw John Deyey’s important
distinction between a total planned society and a continuously
planning society.

The institutional basis of the totalitarian state, whatever its

ideology, is a combination of union management, industrial man-

agement, and government management or administration in one

centralized bureaucratic power that makes the state unopposed

and unopposable. Hence free labor unions, as much as pluralistic
economy, are an indispensable element in economic reconstruc-
tion for freedom. They act as a major check-and-balance on eco-
nomic and governmental bureaucracy. Moreover, workers will
stillneed free unions to protect and promote their interests, espe-
cially their drive for personal independence and dignity.
Conflicts of group and individual interests will continue to

exist; they are part of the diversity of freedom. Only those in-
terest-conflicts that impair or destroy liberal democracy should be
abolished. As Horace Fries has suggestively argued, a liberal
economic and social democracy will encourage the use of cre-
ative intelligence through scientific method of fashion mediation
techniques for peaceful, cooperative settlement of conflicts on all
levels. Proposals for eternal harmony and final perfection through
totalitarianpower end up in encouraging brutish imperfection,
depending as they do on the intervention of the absolute slate
dominated by an oligarchy of unlimited power-individualists.
The decisive aspect of the liberal economic democracy or lib-
eral democratic socialism (call it what you will) that I propose
is this; It consciously, deliberately proposes new economic ar-

rangements of a kind calculated to retain and strengthen liberal

democracy. The state must be used to set up the new economic
institutions; and these proposed arrangements give government

more economic functions than were envisaged in earlier liberal

theory. But the state remains a limited-power state with all the

self-corrective procedures of liberal democracy to promote lib-

erty and security.*

Liberty, in the final analysis, is a complex of freedoms that

depend on the nature of the state. Tlie politics of liberty are as

important as its economics: they are interdependent. One truth

must never be forgotten. Absolute state power is the enemy of
free moral man. Yet many liberals dismiss this danger as lightly
as the Communists do.

- Fur a more complete dit>cussion of thoM* ideas see Lewis (,orey. The Unfinish^
Task: Economic Reconstruction for Democracy (1942K opprialh chapterh 17 and 18.
develops a theory of bureau-
One '‘liberal” political scientist
elites. The
<u»cy that a justification of despotic bureaucratic
writes, is necessary
representative character of bureaucracy, he
for democracy; this “representative” character “must
be sought
in a common world view [and] in the officials’ commitments to the
purposes that the state is undertaking to serve. Bureaucracies, . . .

to be democratic, must be representative of the groups they serve

, .must mirror the dominant forces in society.’’® This is only

a conditional limited truth. For in this sense every bureaucracy,

except in revolutionary times, is representative. A fascist or Com-

munist bureaucracy is “representative,” since it has a “common
world view,” promotes “the purposes the state is undertaking to
serve,” and “mirrors the dominant forces in society.” Yet these
bureaucracies are despotic, for they serve an undemocratic state
that forcibly creates the “dominant forces,” decides and imposes
the “world view” and “purposes.”
Another political scientist,' an active “liberal” apologist of

Soviet imperialism, has openly avowed totalitarianism: ‘Cae-

sarism’ is the state form of the future. Caesarism means ‘social-

ism’ — that is, military totalitarianism resting on a dynamic faith

and will to action ... an economy ruled by a self-conscious, re-

spected and purposeful elite” (My italics.)

Whatever its class origin or ideology, the unlimited-power state

destroys freedom because state and society became identical.
Hobbes argued: “The power established to maintain order is sov-
ereign, omnipotent to impose its will . . . doctrines of division of
sovereignty, subjection of the sovereign to the laws or restriction
by the opinion or conscience of individuals are false.” Rous-
seau’s “democratic state” simply puts “the people” in place of
'“the sovereign,” and it, too, gives no guarantees to citizens. Locke,
on the contrary, drew a liberating distinction between the state

and society. His emphasis was on liberty in society alongside of

popular sovereignty. Government is one institution among many
s J. Donald Kingdey, Representative Bureaucracy (1944), pp. 274^ 282'^, 305.
^ Frederick L. Schumann in the discusaion, “Who Owna the Future," the Natbrn,
January 11, 1941, pp. 36-38; January 25, 1941, p. Ill,

social inslitttlions set up to secure ends dial

the people want. lAh-
oral democracy imposes restraints upon government to limit its
power, otherwise the state becomes identical with society and
so destroys the diversity of institutional, individual, and group
action without which there is no liberty.

Liberal democracy today needs new economic institutions that

go beyond the economics of the early liberals. But the state must
remain a limited*power state in a free plurali^ic society. In the

words of Hans Kohn: “The characteristics of the state are en-

forcement and uniformity; the characteristics of society are vol-

untary cooperation and variety.”
Statism submerges the individual and is the mortal enemy of
man. Beneath all institutions there is man, the individual. What
counts in man is independence, self-reliance, and initiative: his
human sympathy, moral responsibility, and decency — his integ-

rity. . . . These values can flourish only as the freedoms flourish.

Humanism And The
Labor Movement*

Reprinted from A'eif Europe.




Sidney Hook

Insofar as it is possible to speak of a philosophy of the labor

movement, it is the philosophy of humanism. Despite the poli-

tical and ideological differences that at different time have sep-

arated sections of the working class from each other, genuine

workers’ movements have always been united by certain large be-
liefs. These beliefs are not the less important for being vague and
implicit, for finding expression in action even before they reach
the level of articulate formulation. They are; that human values
are primary to all others; that social institutions must be judged
ultimately not by the intentions or rationalizations of those in the
seats of power, but by their effects on the workaday lives of in-

dividuals; that all social principles and doctrines must be justi-

fied by their fruits in enriching the quality of personal experience

here and now; and that human beings have the resources in them-
selves and in nature to fulfill all their reasonable needs.
These beliefs explain why It is that the labor movement has
been conscious of itself as representing not a narrow class or sec-
tional interest, but the interests of the broad masses of the popu-
lation. This remains true even if we recognize, as we must, that
sometimes, the prejudices and hatreds of the culture in which
labor develops infects its ranks, too; for the life of the labor
movement, particularly through the multiple activities of trade
union oi^anizations, cooperatives, strikes, relief campaigns, con-
stitutes a great school in which national and racial prejudices, im-



bibed from other sources, are usually blunted and sometimes shed
By and large the history of the free labor movement in all coun-

tries shows it to be a staunch advocate of all progressive measures

by which we mean measures designed to humanize man, to edu-

cate him, to enlarge his moral vision as well as his material power.
Labor movements have come to maturity slowly in a culture whose
classical and feudal traditions regarded the activity of labor as
a badge of a menial social The conceptions of work in-

herited by this culture and reinforced by the early conditions of

capitalist accumulation were such that the worker appeared as
someone not completely human. The struggles of labor have there-
fore been part of a still-continuing struggle for the humanization
of labor, not only in the obvious sense of making the conditions
of labor less onerous, but in the sense of imparting to labor a
human significance and social status accorded in the past to the
and the
soldier, the priest, the banker, the landowner, the lawyer,
captain of industry. The philosophy of the labor movement not
only glorifies abundant leisure but seeks to transform work from
being a means of human enslavement and alienation into an oppor-
tunity for creative expression.
The implicit humanism of the labor movement has attracted
many individuals from other classes who, although not workers
by origin or training, have found their calling or mission in its

ranks. They have seen, in the emancipation of labor from in-

equitable restrictions, the emancipation of society as a whole from
a world view that puts things in the saddle, that permits human
lives tobe moulded and blasted by the blind operations of tech-
nology and capital.
The humanism of the labor movement also explains why its
history is so intimately tied up with the history of democracy in
the 19th and 20th centuries. No labor movement can thrive with-
out democracy, and no democracy is safe without a militant, self-
conscious, labor movement. Everybody understands why the first
casualty of totalitarianism is the free labor movement. The labor

movement at its best does not act as a pressure group, one amoi^
others, snatching what it can for itself independently of what hap-
pens to the rest. Where a labor imion does act merely as a pres-
sure group, it has succumbed to capitalist ideology. In the long
run it fails to command public confidence and cannot resist the
weight of other pressure groups that combine against it.

The conception of the worker as a citizen and of the citizen as

a worker, which permeates the social philosophy of the labor

movement, comes to life in the actual participation of the citizmi-
worker in the activity of his shop, his trade union, his community.
This participation, which is still only at its early beginnings,
heightens the sense of effective democracy. It has two major ex-
pressions. The workers, through a developed and politically con-
scious labor movement, think, plan, and agitate for measures
bearing on health, housing, education, state of civil liberties, so-
cial insurance, for themselves as well as for the community as a
whole. And through their respective unions they protect their in-
terests in the trade. Insofar as they are members of healthy trade
unions, they participate actively in their affairs. They try to ward
off the ossification, and, where it exists, to root out the corruption,
of machine control. The labor movement forgets at its peril that
democracy begins at home. When it does not forget this, it cleans
house itself — ^without the help of Pegler or the police.
The labor movement naturally favors a society in which no
upon expanding production of needed goods
fetters are placed
and services. Expanding production is necessary as much for
public welfare as to create possibilities of full and continuous
employment. It is not the case, therefore, that the philosophy of
the labor movement is opposed to administrative measures of or-
ganization and control that increase efficiency. The considered
thought of labor has never been hostile to advances in science,
technology, and administration. But it does not make a fetish of
efficiency. It subordinates consistently the methods and values of
technology, industrial and administrative, to the more basic
human values — ^justice, freedom, personal dignity — ^which may
be called the strategic values of the democratic process. From its

point of view, the best methods are not necessarily those that are
mechanically the most efficient. There is always the human cost
to be considered and provided for. Society cannot shrug away its

moral responsibilities for the effects of technological and admin-

istrative inventions. And there are some areas of human experi-
ence, notably political activity, in which the argument for man-
agerial efficiency is irrelevant if U involves restrictions upon
essential freedoms.
Sometimes this is overlooked. Sometimes the administrative
mind which thinks in terms of organization, units, commodities,
rather than in terms of human values, makes its appearance even
among those who are close to the labor movement. A striking il-

lustration of the administrative attitude that sacrifices human ends

for organizational purposes is found in the position of the Webbs
during the British-Boer War. They supported the imperialistic
policy on the ground that large national, administrative units are
more efficient than small. The same attitude was reflected in their
support of the proposal that religious dissenters should be taxed
for the upkeep of the established church, on grounds of adminis-
trative convenience, and in their much more shocking indiffer-
ence to the fate of working-class freedom and democracy in the
USSR — the most ruthless police state in human history.
By virtue of the historic position of the workers in Western
culture and of their long and embittered struggles for emanci-
pation, the philosophy of labor tends not only toward political
democracy, but to economic and social equalitarianism. This
equalitarian faith is not the same thing as a desire for dead uni-
formity, mechanical equality, or regimented similarity. It is at

heart a belief in the moral equality of persons, an insistence that

all persons be treated with an equality of care or concern. The
treatments may differ, just as children in a happy family may re-

ceive different specific treatments, but, provided they are propor-

tionate to individual need, guided by knowledge of individual
history, and coupled with opportunities for further individual

growth, in essence, justice will be done. It is always a disquiet-

ing phenomenon when the standards of living of different groups
in any community diverge very perceptibly; and it is never toler-
able that some groups should enjoy superfluities when others lack

bare necessities.
In its humanism, its democracy, its secularism, the philosophy
of the labor movement is continuous with the best thought of the
Renaissance, the Reformation, the English, American, and French
Revolutions. It is also in harmony with the teachings of the sound-

est prophets and rebels in an illustrious calendar that extends

from Babeuf to Debs and Norman Thomas.


Absolutism, 360 Balfour Declaration, 630, 636, 639
Action Populaire Ind^pendente, 691 Balkans, 16
Africa, North, C20, 668, 671 Balkan Federalism, 987, 988, 989,
Agrarian 990, 991, 992, 993, 994, 996
Cooperative Syndicate, 418 Balmes, Jaime, 608
Law of Socialist-Revolutionary Barere, 671, 672
Party, 468 Barnes, Harry Elmer, 642
Organizations, 427, 444 Barres, Maurice, 676, 774, 776
Aksakov, C., 824, 826, 833, 847, 848, Baruch Atom Plan, 64
849 Basques, 694, 696
Alexandria, 666 National Party of, 634, and the
Aldisio, Salvatore, 632 Spanish Civil War, 628
Alexander II, 469, 666, 869, 861 Bateson, Wm., 441
Alldeutsche Verband, 746, 793 Bauer, Otto, 86
Alliance, Industrial & Agricultural Beaconsfield, Lord, 618
373 Beethoven, Ludwig, 793-794
Alsace-Lorraine, 660, 689 Belgium, 660, 669, 667, 668, 671, 672
America, South, 668 Belgian Labor Party, 206, 207
Ammon, Otto, 786 Bellarmine, Cardinal, 499
Amsterdam Conference, 928 Benedict XV, 618
Anarchism, 61, 72, 328, 329, 331 Benes, Edouard, 966, 986
Anarchist Federation of Iberia, Bentham, Jeremy, 249, 263, 673, 920
376 Bergson, Henri, 398, 400, 403, 408
Anarchists, 339, 918 Berle, Adolf A., 179 (n)
Anarcho-Bolshevism, 339 Berlin, 620
Andreev, A., 414 Berliner Tageblatt, 662
Antonelli, Cardinal, 606, 610-611 Bessarabia, 833
Arabs, 618, 622, 628, 632 Bidault, Georges, 631-632
Arana-Goiri, Sabino, 696 Birnbaum, Nathan, 624
Argentina, 671, 672 Bismark, 104, 106, 106, 183, 744, 866
Aristotle, 159, 496, 770 Black Shirts, 672, 713
Arndt, Ernst M., 744 Blanqui, Auguste, 186 IT, 330
Aryans, 667, 672 Blanquists, 364
Ashkenazi, 628 Blanquist Socialism, 192
Asquith, Lord, 693
Bliokh, Ivan, 246
Assimilation; 623, 624, 625, 631, 641
Blok, Alexander, 866
Assimilationists, 616
Blum, Leon, 941
Atomic bomb, 1030-1031
Boerne, Ludwig, 661
Austria, 486, 626, 636, 625, 636, 667,
Bohemian Reformation, 366
660, 666, 668, 671
Authoritarianism, 624-626 Bolingbroke, 670, 577
Avenarius, 662 Bolshevism, 369, 373, 381, 382
Avvakum, 846 Bolsheviks, 66, 66, 68, 69, 190
Bolshevist bureaucracy, 361
Babeuvist & Babeuf, 60, 106, 167 Bourgeoisie, 767
Bahr, Hermann, 746 Brahmism, 660
Bakunin, Michael A., 86, 98, 183 ff, Briand, Aristide, 426, 938, 946
316, 319, 328, 341, 330, 338, 369, Briand Plan, 999-1006
360-362, 366, 859-863, 891 British Government, 636, 636


1068 INDEX
British Labor Party, 194 Chateaubriand, 904
Broclcway Fenner, 876 Chechen-Ingust, 611
Browder, Earl, 12, 87, 94 Chicherin, 828, 898
Brown, Francis J., 563 Chmelintsky, 619
Buddhism, 660 Christians, 322
“Bund”, 616, 672 Christian democracy, 616-618, 681'
Bureaucracy, 98, 1064 636
Soviet 99 Democratic Party in Italy, 632-638
Bureaucrats, 72, 81 Dictators, 626-680
Burke, Edmund, 667, 672, 673 Socialists, 214
Burnham, James, 28, 81 Christianism against Racist Neo*
Burns, C. Delisle, 644, 662, 681 Paganism, 622
Byron, 116 (n), 904 Church and modem State, 466-69,
Byzantium, 881 463-66, 602-606, 609-612, and po-
litical powers, 617, and State in
Caesarism, 348, 691 Portugal, 487-8, 683-4, and totali-
Cagoulards, 661, 672 tarian State, 46^468, 490, 611-514,
Calhoun, J. C., 668 636, in Spain 618, 628-80
Caligula, 666 Churchill, Winston, 968, 969
“Camere del La^o” (Chambers City-Republics, Renaissance, 311
of Labor), 206 Class Struggles, 64, 174 ff
Canada, 671 Classless Society, 67, 69, 78, 81
Carlists, 724 Von Clausewitz, Carl, 798, 799
Carlyle, R. A. &
A. J., 496 Clemenceau, 742
Carlyle, Thomas, 733, 734, 779, 780 Cobden, William, 117, 249, 260
Carnegie, Andrew, 246 Collective Farm, 478
Carson, Sir Edward, 693 Collectivism, 66, 362
Cart Del Lavoro, 706 Authoritarian, 96
Catharine II, 311 Totalitarian, 99
Catholic Colonization, 633, 634, 642, 648
Church, 837, and anti-Semitisim, Combination Laws, (or Acts), 114,
621-624 117, 119, 123 ff, 129, 146, 166
Clericals, 590 Comintern, 12
Liberals, 606-610 Commune, 767
Parties, 616-619, 631-636, 686 Communist party, 12, 61, 68, 69, 71,
SUte, 604, 610-612 73, 89, 99, 387
Catholics and Authoritarianism, Communism, 60, 60, 74, 76, 76, 79,
624-626, and Democracy, 486-492, 80, 94, 338, 661, 1086, 1044, 1049,
601-602, 610-611, 616-618, 631-636 1060
Catholicism, 821, 868, 866, 874, and Communists, 66, 69, 84, 90, 92, 96,
anti-Semitism, 621-624, and Poli- 368, 369, 362, 381, 882, 1022
tics, 486 ff, 631-636 Communist-Anarchist, 829
Cavour, 684 International, 86, 89, 90, 92, 96,
Centralism, 371, 372 831, 699
Cerejeira, Cardinal, 634 Manifesto, 103, 106, 149, 161, 166,
168, 174, 176
Chaadaev, 818, 859, 868, 772, 813, 817
Corote, Auguste, 676, 688, 761
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 773
Condorcet, 162, 163, 777, 778
779, 781, 792
Confederation Gendrale du Travail,
Champetier de Ribes, Auguste, 631 368
Charlemagne, 496, 667, 692, 742, 862, Congress of European Federalists,
863 969
Charles V, 499 Congress of Krewo, 817
Chartism, 134 ff, 201 Congress of Poland, 888
INDEX 1069
Conscientious objection, 916, 986-937 Dictatorhip, 66, 71
Constituent Assembly, 419, 422, 466, Democratic, 67
468 Personal, 63
Constitution of the Independent Cro- Proletarian, 63, 72, 73, 74, 99, 860,
atian Feasant Republic, 428 861, 364, 873, 874, 381
Constitution of Neimar, 796 Diderot, Denis, 162, 366
Constitution of U.S.S.R., 62, 68, 412 Dimitrov, George M., 87, 893, 894,
Constitutionalism, 603-604 895
Dissenters, Political, 68
Continental American Workingmen’s
Association, 386 Dolfuss, Chancellor, 17, 625
Coin Laws, 119, 128, 146 Domestic Freedom, 242
Cooperative Movement, 211 Dostoevski, 790, 822, 846-69, 906
Consumer, 212 Dreyfus, Alfred, 661, 774, 776
Cooperatives, 16, 684, 1062 Dualism, 978, 980, 983
Cooperative Congress of 1892, 216 Dunning, W. A., 669, 666
Cooperative societies, 136, 374 Dupanloup, Msgr., 607-608
Corporate State, 697-710
Eastern Question, 809
Corporatism, 6^-626
Economic Liberty, 240
Cortes, 449-60, 496-696
Planning, 1061-1062
Coudenhove-Kalergi, R. N., 937-38,
Eight Hour League, 215
966, 969
Einstein, Albert, 66, 662
Council of Trent, 602
Eire, 693
Councils of Toledo, 494-496
Emancipation, Autoemancipation,
Counter Reformation, 486, 686
623, 624, 626, 626, 631, 649, 660,
Crawford, V. M., 606
Crawford, D. L., 649
Employer State, 61
Culture State, 664
Encyclicals, 493, 606-606, 608, 617,
Customs, 649
520, 630, 637
Cynics, 866
Encyclope^sts, 718
Czechoslovakia, 671
Engelke, 618
Czechs, 868
Engles, Friedrich, 60, 61, 64, 66, 105,
Czechoslovak Agrarian Organiza-
107 (n), 138, 161, 162, 164, 168,
tion, 438
171, 181, 808, 809
Entente, Little, 983, 984, 986, 986,
Danilevsky, 842-848, 900
D’Annunzio, 669, 677
Equality of all men, 461, 480, 497,
Dante, 680, 686
Dantonists, 671
Danzig, 660 Economic, 60
d’Arc, Jeanne, 110, 668 Equalitarian, 60
Darwin, Charles, 786, 787 Europe, Central, 624, 626, 626, 669,
Das Kapital, 42 661
Decembrists, 813, 669 Eastern, 624, 626, 632, 636, 639,
Delvecchlo, 917 641, 660, 661, 663, 664, 667, 669
Western, 619, 624, 626, 626, 668
Democracy, 62, 348, 679, 1060
660, 661
Liberal, 1041-1048, 1063, 1056
European post-war parties, 631-636
Proletarian, 62, 71
Exodus, 617, 631, 642
Despotism, 361, 861
Economic, 346 Factory system, 160
Dialectical Method, 156iF FAI (Federacion Anaquista Iberia),
Diaspora, 623, 630, 631, 639, 642, 339
644, 649, 660, 666 de las Juntas Ofensivas Nacional
Dickens, Charles, 139 Sindicalistas, 724
1070 INDEX
Farinacci, 669 Social-Democratic Labor Party,
Fascism, 65, 92, 94, 337, 347, 351 64, 186
376, 612-514, 618-621, 668, 669, Germanentum, 491, 613-614, 520-622
1086 Glasgow Trades Council, 143
Italian, 63, 677-693, 697 Gobineau, Count Arthur de, 773,
Communism dilemma, 627-628 776 779 781
Fascists, 96, 1022 Godwin, William, 111, 117, 366, 367
Federalism, 368, 360, 372 Goebbels, 670, 791, 796
F4d4ration Regionaliste Francaise, Goering, 671, 766
688 Goethe, 793
Feige, Gregory, 623, 637 Gogol, Nicholas, 819
Fessler, Msgr., 610 Grabovsky, Adolf, 926, 927
Feudalism, 1037-1038 Gross, Leo, 926
Fichte, J. G., 666, 667, 767, 786, 823 Grotius, Hugo, 497, 800, 924
Finocchiaro, Aprile, 596 Guerrard, K. L., 648
Foerster, F. W., 947
Forced Labor, 63 Haber, Fritz, 667
Fourier, Charles, 367, 866 Hague Peace Conference, 923, 927,
Fourth International, 96 932
France, 496, 616-617, 623, 631-633, Hancock, Thomas, 398
668, 618, 625, 669, 661, 670, 671, General Haushofer, 756, 760
672 Hayes, C. J., 642, 669 (n)
Franco, Francisco, 376, 489, 614, Hedonists, 356
619, 627-630, 533-634, 696, 722, Hegel, George S. W., 163ff, 666, 667,
724, 729 767, 784-5, 842
Franco-Prussian War, 868 Hegelians, 316
Frankfurter Zeitung, 662 Hegelians, young, 167, 158
Frantz, Constantin, 746 Heine, Heinrich, 661, 741, 767
Frazer, Sir James, 36, 741 Henderson, Arthur, 943
Frederick the Great, 746, 748 Henry VIII, 669
“Free Rhineland”, 697 Heraclitus, 786
Freiearbeiter Union, 383, 386 Hero worship, 614
Fried, Alfred E., 926-926, 932, 947, Herriot, Edouard, 939
948 Herzen, 314, 316, 316, 317, 318, 319,
French political parties, 631-632 320, 321, 818, 828, 832, 866, 866,
Ralliement 616-617 891, 892, 906
Revolution, 11 Iff, 347, 766 Herzl Theodore, 620, 624, 625, 626,
Socialist Movement, 107 627, 629, 631
Hess, Moses, 621, 624
Galicia, 631, 664 Hindenburg, 771
Gandhi, Mohandes, 916, 919, 926, 926, Hinduism, 650
929 Hitler, Adolph, 9, 11, 38, 41, 86, 91,
Garibaldi, 684 92. 374, 376, 491, 613-14, 620-621,
Gasperi, Alcide de, 632 630, 667, 662, 667, 668, 670, 672,
Gay, Francisque, 531 678, 713, 740, 744, 746, 760, 763,
General Strike, 380 766, 771, 772, 77811, 796
Germany, 513-616, 519-622, 627, 534- Hitler Jugend, 747
636, 666, 667, 668, 669, 6^0, 661, Hobbes, Thomas, 668
662, 663, 666, 666, 668, 669, 670, Hobhouse, 282, 283, 284, 286, 286,
671, 672, 673, 764 288, 289, 290, 291
German Republic, 768, 770 Hodza, Dr. Milan, 438, 439
Bishops & Racism, 620-622 Holbach, 162, 163
Post-war elections, 636 Holland, 669, 668, 671, 672
Socialist Movement, 104 Holy Roman Empire, 680, 743, 761
INDEX 1071
Hugenberg, Mr., 764, 761 Italy, 616, 616, 618 620, 627-628,
Huguenots, 110 632-633, 671
Hulme, £. M., 667 Italian Confederation of Christian
Humboldt, 667, 674 Workers, 616
Hume, Joseph, 123 Ivan III, 814, 816, 816
Hungary, 636, 639, 660, 664, 668, 670, Izvestiya, 476
Hungarians, 867 Jacob, Paul, 623
Hungarian Insurrection of 1848, Jacobins, 166, 319, 320, 348, 367
864 Jacobin Nationalism, 671
Hunt, Henry, 120, 121 Jacquerie, 110
Huxley Aldous, 920, 930 James I, 499
Huxley, Thomas H., 786, 786 Japan, 672, 766
War with, 66
Idealism, 16311 Jaures, Jean, 173, 922, 928, 941, 1016
Ideals, 649. Jefferson, Thomas, 349, 800
Ideology, 7, 14, 16, 16 Jerusalem, 617
Bourgeois, 64 Jews, 793
Political, 6 Jewish Agency, 627
Socialist, 180ff Congress, 627
Ideological system, 7 Government, 629
Id4e Force, 18 State, 626, 627, 636
Immigration, 633, 634, 636, 638, 639, Joly, Maurice, 783
641 Joseph, Bernard, 642
Independent Labor Party, 968 Journet, Charles, 490, 602, 637
Indians and the Church, 498-499 Junkers, 762
Individual rights and totalitarian “Junta”, 201
State, 619-620, 622-623
Kalijarvi, Thorsten V., 641, 643 (n)
Individualism, democratic, 1046
646, 646 (n), 680 (n>
Industrial Alliant;es, Federation of,
Kalinin, Michael, 80
Kant, Immanuel, 164, 492, 741, 767,
Industrial Workers, of the World,
789, 800, 926, 966, 978
Kapp-Putsch, 776
Inocent III, Pope, 683
Katkov, 833, 907, 908
IV, Pope, 498
Kautsky, Karl, 34, 64, 66, 161 (n),
Inquisition, 603
168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 888
Institutions, 649
Kerensky, Alexander, 191
Intellectuals, 63, 54
Kiev, 662
Intelligentsia, 21, 64, 66, 313
King Carol, 484
International, 366, 366, 367
Ferdinand, 419, 426
First, 186
Philip, the fair, 668
Second, 186, 187
Kolkhozy, 473, 476
Brigade, 84
Kolhoses, 412, 413
Bureau, 386
Krasinski, 904, 906
Christian Democratic Union, 624
Kravchenko, J. W., 39
Conferece of Syndicalism, 382
Kronstadt Mutiny, 60
Peace Conference, 931, 932
Kropotkin, Peter, 61, 184, 329, 332,
Workman’s Assn., 383, 384
342, 364, 360, 361, 378
Internationalism, 677
Kulaks, 69, 467, 474
lonescu. Take, 432
Kucharzewski, 864
Interparliametary Union, 932
Irkutsk Society, 869 Labor;
Irredentist movement, 669 Chamber, 372, 373,
Irredentism, 642, 662, 663 Movement, aims of, 1069
1072 INDEX
P«rty, Engr., 202 Manifesto of the Communist Phrty,
Syndicates, 372 410
Zionists, 642, 643, 644 Manning, Cardinal, 622
Lagrange, 607-608 Manzoni, 684
“Laissez-faire," 202, 240-242 Marcel, Etienne. 110
Lanunenais, 606, 616 Mariana, Juan de, 499-601
Land reforms, 1013, 1014 Maritain, Jacques, 491-492, 628, 687
Laiwe, Christian, 017, 927, 942, 949 Marx, Karl, 60, 61, 64, 71, 74, 76, 76,
Language, 647ff 79. 86. 98, 104, 106, 109 (n), 188,
Landry, George, 948, 944 147, 149, 161ff, 164, 168, 17Q, 176,
Lappo, 17 177, 179, 203, 380, 338, 349, 364,
Larine, 472 369, 409, 661, 721-722, 767-768,
Las Casas, Bartolomh de, 498 787, 790, 808, 809, 884, 889, 896,
Lassalle, Ferdinand, 162, 180, 182ff, 922, 927
203, 864, 661 Marxispi, 6, 61, 62, 64, 72, 80, 632,
Lateran Treaty, 618 756, 1048-1049, 1060

Latvia, 636, 680 Marxists, 62, 63, 66

Lavigerie, Cardinal, 616 Masaryk, Jan, 789
Leagnie of Nations, 636 Thomas, 789, 747
Lebedev, Vladimir Iv., 422, 424 Mass Movements;
Le Bon, Gustave, 663, 778, 779 Communist, 18
Le Bonald, Vieomte, 573 Fascist, 23
Le PUy, 688 Peasant, 16
Lee, Al^ron, 108 Socialist, 18
Lelewel, 869, 862 Materialism, 29, 162, 156
Lenin. Nikolai, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 55, Economic, 350
66, 67, 68, 69, 67, 71, 72, 78, 74, 76, Historical, 172-flf
77, 97, 190, 192, 380, 831, 337, 378, Mayday, 37
881, 403, 470, 777, 922, 929 Mayer, I. P., 776
Leo XIII, Pope, 493, 606, 610, 617, Mazzini, Giuseppe, 666, 668, 674, 696,
687 681
Liberalism, 231, 233, 311, 347, 348, Medieval democratic principles, 494-
369, 606-609 497
Liberals, 66, 1086 Afetn Kampf, 41, 670, 678, 716, 719
Libertarian-Christian Thought, Mendizdbal, Alfredo, 486, 620, 637
311,823 Mennonites, 918
Lithuania, 87, 686, 689, 816, 883 Mensheviks, 66, 66, 68, 67, 73
Litvinov, Maxim, 941, 942 Meaawh, 617, 619
Locke, John, 111, 600 Mettemich, 660, 578
Loeher, Franz, 761, 763 Mexico, 84, 499, 612
London, 619 Mill, James, 118, 249, 268
Luther, Martin, 486 John Stewart, 246, 249, 260, 26317,
Luxembourg, Rosa, 204 646, 1047-1048
Mohammedanism, 660
Macdonald, Ramsay, 928, 944 Mosley, Oswald, 668
Machajski, Waclaw, 26, 840, 341, 842 Montesquieu, 772
Machiavelli, 13, 680, 782ir Montifiore, Moses, 620-621
Machiavellianism, 601 Mourret, M8, 610
Madrid-Buenos Aires Axis, 769 Mueller, Hermann, 768
De Maistre, Joseph, 861 Munich Agreement, 440, 668, 760
Malthns, Thomas Robert, 118 Muraviev, 860. 869, 861
Malthusian doctrine, 3W Mussolini, Benito, 66, 86, 876, 612i
Managerial Aristocracy, 81 618-621, 627-628, 661. 668. 897,
Revolution, 840 698, 700, 701, 704, 718, 716, 728,
Mandate, 627, '636, 686 748, 777, 782, 792, 1029
INDEX 1073
Mutualiam, 862 and League of Nations, 928-926,
Myths, So<^, 6, 9 983, 984
McMshon, Francis E., 686-687 Marxism, 922, 946
' - Pacifists, 926-927
N. K. V. D., 61 Palestine, 617-623, 626, 629-683, 638-
Nscional Sindicalista, 719
640, 642, 644
Napoleon (Bonaparte), 468, 660, Pan-Europe, 937, 938, 996, 999, 1006
672, 678, 674, 620, 796 Pan-Germanism, 699, 789-762
Napoleon 111, 788, 796, 882, 888 Pan-Russianism. 887
Napoleonic Period 164 Panslavism, 808
Wars, 815 Poetry, 897
Narodnaya Volya, 16, 666 Religion, 897
Narodniki, 80, 866 Papen, Frans von, 469, 791
Narodnitchestvo, 460, 868 Pareto, Wilfredo. 26
National Socialism, 91, 661, 697, 708, Paris Commune. 867
772 Parkes, James, 668, 672
The National State, 668, 668 Particularism, 960, 961, 962, 964, 965
Nationalism, 21, 641, 801 Partito Popolare, 616, 632, 636
Aristocratic, 616, and education, Pascal. 767
699, and geopolitics, 600, integral, Peace of Augsburg, 669
576, liberal, 673, traditional, 672 VersaiUes, 770-771
Natural rights, 497-601, 604-606, 613 Peasantry, 466
Natural liberty ol men, 497-600 Bolshevik!. 462
Nazi. 668, 667. 669. 671 Emancipation, 469
Germany, 68 Revolution of 1917, 466
Nazism, 23. 510, 611-612, 619-622, Serfdom, 468
630, 789 Social Democrats, 422
Neill, Thomas P., 687 Peasant parties, 18
New Deal, 699, 701 Peasants’ War, 110
New Economic Policy (NEP) ,
60 People and Freedom Group, 496, 606,
New Home Rule Bill, 693 636, 687
New Judea, 620 Permanent Revolution. 67, 68
Nicholas I, 469, 864, 869, 860. 861, Peron, 96, 760
890, 896 P4tain, Philip H., 623, 683. 636
Nicholas II, 378 Peter the Great, 812, 468
Nietzsche, 364, 766, 787, Peterloo, battle of, 121
Nihilism, Moral, 789 Petrarch, 680
Noidan, Max, 624 Pitt, William, 112, 117
Norway, 669, 670, 672 Pius IX, Pope, 606-610, 687
Nurenberg Trial, 666, 762 XI, Pope, 493, 612-14, 618-23, 630,
636, 637,
October Revolution, 89
XII, Pope, 626, 635
Odessa, 663
Place, Francis, 124
Oesterreicher, John M., 628, 687
Plato, 156, 866
Ohling^er, G., 650
Oldguard-Communist Party, 64
Flcchanov, George 29
One Hundred Years War, 667, 668
Plekhanov, 167, 319, 321
Orleans Monarchy, 107, 141, 166
Orthodox Church, 607, 874 Pogrom, 619, 621, 626, 629, 633, 687,

Owen, Robert, 123, 183, 864 641, 666, 668, 668, 667
Poland, 660, 633, 667, 664, 666, 670,
Pacifism, 578, 919 671, 672, 816
Christianli^, 929-930 Polish Insurrection, 833,
Dynamic, 927 Polish Insurrection of 1830-31, 860
Economic, 921 Polish Insurrection of 1863, 860,
Juridical, 928, 924 863
1074 INDEX
Polish Peasant Party, 441, 442 Roman Catholic Church, 661, 680,
Political liberty, 244 682, 684-686
Tactics, 11 Romanov, 66
Politics and religion, 610-12 Rome, 666
Pontifical States, 616 and Jerusalem, 618, 624
Popular Agrarian Government, 418 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 492
Democratic Party in France 631- Rosenberg, Alfred, 667, 671, 796
32 Rosenberg, Alfred, 873, 882
Republican Movement in France, Roucek, Joseph, 646n., 663, 678, 680,
631-632 692, 604
Social Party in Spain, 634 Rousseau, Jean- Jacques, 312, 348,
Popular sovereignty, 244 492, 670, 800, 872, 966
Portugal, 626, 630, 633-36, 618, 671 Russia, 311, 812, 316, 317, 322, 627,
Primo de Rivera, General, 625, 634 621, 631, 636, 639, 664, 660, 663,
Proletarian Consciousness, 176 664, 666, 666, 667, 670, 671
Democracy, 62 Russian Revolution, 381
Dictatorship, 90 Social Democratic Workers, 61,
Revolution, 89 62
Proudhon, 329, 330, 338, 362, 367,
368, 369, 362, 688, 866 Saint Simon, 349, 866, 966
Propaganda, 664, 680 Salazar, Oliveira, 626, 633-535
Protestant Movement, 683 Samarin, 881, 836, 837
The Protocols of the Wise Men of Scheler, Max, 917, 919, 926
Zion, 670, 737-738, 783-784 Schiller, 793, 822
Provisional Government of 1917, 69, Schlegel, 673, 676
466, 479 Separatism, 687
Pugatchev, 312, 476 Czechs and Slovaks, 603
Pushkin, 829, 846, 862, 900 Germany, 697-600
Ireland, 592-694
Rabelais, 866 Italy, 593-696
Race, 651, 662, 666, 667, 671, 672 Macedonia, 607, 608
Condemned by the Church, 619-621 Spain, 694
Radic, Stephen, 427, 428, 429 Yugoslavia, 606-607
Rauschning, Hermann, 491, 763 Serfdom, 19, 311, 316, 1023, 1026-
Reclus, Elise4, 184, 361 1027
Reformation, 486, 668ff Serrano Suner, Ramoq, 489
Regionalism, 587 Sforza, Carlo, 618
Austrian South-Tyrol, 602 Sikorski, Wladyslaw, 966
France, 688-692 Sinn Fein Party, 692
and Separatism, 600-602, 608-611 Slave Economy, 63
Religion, 660 Slavic Congress in Prague, 860
and Politics, 486ff Reciprocity, 846
Revisionists, 629 Union, 861
Revolutions, 63, 766fF Smith, Adam, 160, 171, 241
Revolution of 1917, 61 Social Democrats, 321, 376, 788
Revolution of 1918 in Germany,
Democratic Party, 91, 206, 207,
French, 316, 766
Social Insurance, 106
Russian, 631, 632, 633, 637, 642
Social Liberty, 239
Revolutionary Gov’t of 1880-31,
Social-Revolutionaries, 67, 68, 67, 73
Ricardo, David, 118, 161 Socialism, 16, 64, 79, 103, 200-208,
Risorgimento, 681, 684, 686 314-320, 336, 340, 347, 349, 361,
Robespierre, 766, 767 362, 366, 361, 363, 366, 367, 368,
Rocco, Alfredo, 619-620 369, 371, 372, 379, 797, 808
Rochdale Cooperatives, 226 Socialist, 61, 97
INDEX 1075
Socialist Party in France, 682 611-612, 619, 621, 626-626, 630, 636
Socialist Revolutionary Party. Totalitarian State, 346, 347, 349
190, 461, 464 Trade Unionism, 61, 136 ff, 786
Soloviev, Vladimir, 321, 322, 328, Congress, 142, 368
846, 893, 899 Treitachke, 626, 746, 780
Sombart, Werner, 368, 748 Trotsky, Leon, 63, 67, 68, 69, 81, 86,
Sorel, Georges, 334, 335, 336, 337, 89, 96, 97, 98, 99, 470, 788, 789
338, 776, 789, 1046 Trotskyists, 97, M
Soviet Government, 69, 469 Turkey, 660
Soviets, 68, 61, 71, 78, 74, 874, Government, 619, 622, 631
611, 619 Turks. 867, 1023
Spain, 331, 494-496, 612-614, 619,
626-630, 633-634, 618, 619, 671
USSR (United Socialist States of
Europe), 968
Spanish Civil War, 627-^
Ukraine, 636, 637, 667, 833
Spanish Revolution, 339
Union Internationale d’ Etudes So-
Spengler, Oswald, 789, 790, 906
eialee, 616
Spinou, 163, 236, 312 Union Populaire R4publicaine, 691
St. Augustine, 4M, 490-600
Uinited States of America, The, 12,
St. Isidore, 494
620, 621, 633, 636, 638, 671, 672
Stalin, Joseph, 39, 60, 61, 64, 67, 68,
Utopia, 9, 10, 79, 98,
78, 80, 81, 93, 96, 99, 402, 404, Utopianism, 8, 106, 322
406, 407, 412, 416, 449, 496, 609,
844, 846 Vatican, 505 610, 615, 618, 535
Constitution, 62 Ventura, Father, 606
Stambolisky, Alexander, 411, 418, Vidal y Barraquer, Cardinal, 628
419, 420, 423, 424, 426, 426, 430
Vie Intelleetuelle, La, 632
State Capitalism, 874 Villard, Oswald Garrison, 66
and Church, 486-487 Vitoria, Francisco de, 497
Stem, Alfred, 491 Volkstum, 491
Stem, B. J., 608 Voltaire, 772
Strachey, John, 700 Wallace, Henry A., 492
Strakhov, N., 842, 846, 866 Webb, Beatrice and Sidney, 123,
Sturzo, Luigi, 603 604, 606, 616, 124, 202, 1062
632, 637 Weimar Republic, 746
Stuttgart Institute, 668 Wheeler, G. C., 647
Suez Canal, 661 William IV, (of England), 130
Syndicalism, 200, 336, 338, 364, 367, Willkie, Wendell, 64
369 Wilson, Woodrow, 770
Syndicalists, 333, 338 World War I, 381
World War I and II, 632, 636,
Taine, H. Adolphe, 676, 904
636, 638
Tarle, E., 872, 890, 896
World War H, 63, 84, 87, 98, 99
Thierry, Augustin, 966
Third International, 381, 382 Xenophon, 169
Rome, 818 Yabotinsky, Vladimir, 629, 631
Thoreau, 349 Yehuda, Halevi, 618
Tille, Alexander, 786, 787 Young Republic Party in France, 632
Timovo Constitution, 424 Yugoslavia, 671
Tito, 87 Ziemlia, Wolia, 461
Tiutchev, 848-866 Zimmern, Alfred, n., 642
Tolstoy, Leo, 366, 362, 666, 846, 902, Zionist Congress, 628, 629, 630
918, 920, 930 Zionist Organization, 629, 631, 636,
de Toqueville, 318 640, 642
Totalitarianism, 94, 98, 489, 490, Zulawski, Zyg^munt, 1016

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