Hazardous Area Russia

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Legislation, Standards and Technology

Explosion Protected
Electrical Apparatus in the
Russian Federation
Adaptations of National Standards to International Standards,
deviations and peculiarities by Vitaly Lipavskiy

1. Status of application of explosion 2. Harmonisation of Russian Standards

protected electrical apparatus in the with International Standards
Russian Federation
A new series of Standards regulating
The industrial branches that are tradition- construction of explosion protected electri-
ally highly developed in Russia, such as cal apparatus, classification of the hazardous
those dealing with production, transport and areas and application of explosion protected
processing of oil and gas, the petrochemical apparatus of different protection levels in
industry, and a number of other industries in hazardous areas has been in force in Russia
which explosive atmospheres may occur, since January 1, 2001. One of the chief tasks
demand the use of explosion protected elec- when elaborating on these Standards was
trical equipment in certain areas. to harmonise them with the International
Since these industrial branches are cur- Standards of Series IEC 60079. Table 1 provides
rently undergoing greater development and an overview of the Standards currently in
modernisation, there is a high demand for force in Russia together with the correspond-
more modern, state-of-the-art designs owing ing Standards of Series IEC 60079. Remarks
to the fact that it is necessary to replace the further to Table 1:
technically outdated explosion protected > In the case of most Russian Standards,
apparatus in use. In order for explosion pro- there are national deviations from Inter-
tected electrical apparatus to be used in national Standards. These deviations are
Russian plants, such apparatus must have discussed in Sections 3 and 4.
been approved by a recognised testing and > Table 1, as from listing the new GOST R
certification authority of the Russian Federa- 51330 Standards, also lists the old Stand-
tion confirming compliance with the require- ard relating to installation ›Rules for elec-
ments of Russian Standards. trical installations in hazardous areas‹,
This article outlines the fundamentals of abbreviated to ›PUE‹ (ПУЭ -Правила
Russian Standards in the sector of explosion устойства электроустановок).
protection of electrical apparatus and This document was the only applicable
compares the Russian Standards with the regulation until the Standards of Series
corresponding IEC Standards. In addition, it GOST R 51330..-99 were introduced and
explains essential national deviations from stipulated classification of the hazardous
the International Standards in respect to the areas into Zones and selection of the ex-
requirements applicable to explosion pro- plosion protected equipment that may be
tected electrical apparatus, in particular with used in the various Zones. This previous
regard to marking and classification of the Standard has not yet been withdrawn and
hazardous areas. applies parallel to the new requirements
pursuant to
Ex-Magazine 2005 14 | 15

GOST R 51330.9-99: ›Electrical apparatus letters РП for Group I are added in the РВ
for explosive gas atmospheres, Part 10: explosion protection marking). The means рудничное взрывобезопасное
Classification of the hazardous areas‹. of protection related to this equipment (Mining Explosion Safety)
Section 5 explains where the requirements ensures the requisite level of protection,
differ, when apparatus must be selected even in the event of frequently occurring РП
in accordance with the zone classification disturbances or equipment faults which рудничное повышенной
pursuant to GOST R 51330.9-99 and when normally have to be taken into account. надежности против взрыва
devices must be selected on the basis of This explosion protection level may be (Increased Mining Explosion Safety)
the zone classification pursuant to the old guaranteed by the following types of
Installation Regulations. protection: ia, ib, px, d, s РО
> Protection Level 0 рудничное собовзрывобезопасное
3. The most significant deviations in Special explosion protected electrical (Special Mining Explosion Safety)
Russian Standards from existing equipment with a very high level of
International Standards protection (the number 0 for electrical
apparatus of Group II and the combination
GOST R 51330.0-99: of Cyrillic letters РО for Group I are stated
General Requirements in the explosion protection marking).
The term ›explosion protection level of This relates to explosion protected
electrical apparatus‹ has been introduced – a electrical apparatus on which additional
grading of the explosion protection measures protection measures are taken using a
of the electrical apparatus under the condi- standardised type of protection. This
tions stipulated in the Standard. All explosion explosion protection level may be guaran-
protected electrical equipment is split into teed in the case of the following types of
three groups depending on the extent of the protection: ia, s.
explosion protection level. Alternatively, it is possible to use two
> Protection Level 2 independent explosion protection
Electrical equipment ensuring a normal measures, e.g. confinement of the parts
level of protection (the number 2 for appa- generating sparks in the event of a fault
ratus of Group II and the combination of by encapsulation with a moulding com-
Cyrillic letters РВ for Group I are added in pound, or by immersion in a liquid or bulk
the explosion protection marking). This insulation material or by mounting in a
relates to explosion protected electrical flameproof enclosure or by a combination
apparatus for which explosion protection of a flameproof enclosure with the type of
is guaranteed under normal operating protection Pressurization ›p‹. Ë
This explosion protection level can be
guaranteed by the following types of
protection: ia, ib, ic, px, pz, q, e, m, d, o, s
> Protection Level 1
Explosion protected electrical equipment
ensuring a high level of protection (The
number 1 for electrical apparatus of
Group II and the combination of Cyrillic
Explosion Protected Electrical Apparatus in the Russian Federation

Cons. IEC-Standard
State Standard of the Russian Federation

1 GOST R 51330.0-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-0-98
Part 0: General requirements
2 GOST R 51330.1-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-1-98
Part 1: Flameproof enclosures ›d‹ – Ex d
3 GOST R 51330.3-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-2-98
Part 2: Pressurized enclosures ›p‹ - Ex px, Ex py, Ex pz
4 GOST R 51330.5-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-4-75
Part 4: Method of test for ignition temperature
5 GOST R 51330.6-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-5-97
Part 5: Powder filling ›q‹ – Ex q
6 GOST R 51330.7-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-6-95
Part 6: Oil-immersion ›o‹ – Ex o
7 GOST R 51330.8-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-7-90
Part 7: Increased safety ›e‹ – Ex e
8 GOST R 51330.9-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-10-95
Teil 10: Classification of the hazardous areas
9 GOST R 51330.10-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-11-99
Teil 11: Intrinsic safety ›i‹ – Ex ia, Ex ib, Ex ic
10 GOST R 51330.11-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-12-78
Part 12: Classification of mixtures of gas and vapurs with air according to their
maximum experimental safe gaps (MESG) and minimum ignition currents (MIC)

11 GOST R 51330.12-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-13-82
Part 13: Construction and use of rooms or buildings protected by pressurization
12 GOST R 51330.13-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-14-96
Part 14: Electrical installations in hazardous areas (other then mines)
13 GOST R 51330.14-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-15
Part 15: Type of protection ›n‹ – Ex n
Table 1: Explosion Protection Standards of the Russian Federation by comparision with the IEC Standards
Ex-Magazine 2005 16 | 17

Cons. State Standard of the Russian Federation IEC-Standard


14 GOST R 51330.15-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-16-90
Part 16: Artificial ventilation for the protection of analyser(s) houses
15 GOST R 51330.16-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-17-96
Part 17: Inspection and maintenance of electrical installations in hazardous areas
(other than mines)

16 GOST R 51330.17-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive atmospheres IEC 60079-18-92

Part 18: Encapsulation ›m‹ – Ex m
17 GOST R 51330.18-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-19-93
Part 19: Repair and overhaul for apparatus used in explosive atmospheres
(other than mines or explosives)

18 GOST R 51330.19-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres IEC 60079-20-96
Part 20: Data for flammable gases and vapours, relating to the use of electrical apparatus
19 GOST R 51330.20-99: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres, Insulating properties IEC 60079-7-90
(comparative tracking indices). Clearances and creepage distances, requirements and test methods IEC 60112-79
20 GOST R IEC 61241-1-1-99: Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust IEC 61241-1-1-99
Part 1: Electrical apparatus protected by enclosures and limitation of surface temperature.
Construction and testing.

21 GOST R IEC 61241-1-2-99: Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust IEC 61241-1-2-99
Part 1: Electrical apparatus protected by enclosures and limitation of surface temperature.
Selection, installation and maintenance

22 GOST R IEC 61241-1-3-99: Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust IEC 61241-3-97
Part 3: Classification of areas where combustible dusts are or may be present
23 GOST R IEC 62086-1-2003: Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. Electrical resistance trace IEC 62086-1-2001
Part 1: General and testing requirements

24 ›Rules for electrical installations in hazardous areas‹, 6th revised and supplemented edition,
bibliography (Правила устройства электроустановок)
Explosion Protected Electrical Apparatus in the Russian Federation

Editor‘s Note: Electrical apparatus of Group IIC which when subject to the influence of heat in
The term ›explosion protection level‹ basically have only been tested for hydrogen-air accordance with the stipulated test conditions
corresponds to the stipulation regarding the mixture but not for the other substances of and with a probability of less than 10-3 in
Equipment Category in European Directive Group IIC may be marked with: 1ExdIIBT4/H2 normal operation, and with the application of
94/9/EC but with different numbering, a differ- or 1ExdIICT1/IIBT4. The temperature class of those non-countable faults that give the
ent assignment of the types of protection, Group IIB is determined in this case by the most onerous conditions.
and a different grading in the underground maximum surface temperature of the electrical The terminals for connection of the outer
sector. Neither is there a direct assignment apparatus during operation. A general ex- intrinsically safe circuits must be covered
of level of protection 0, 1 and 2 to Zone 0, 1 planation of the marking scheme is provided with a lead-sealed cap or a cap which can be
and 2. The GOST R 51330.13-99 Installation in Section 4. removed with special tools only. One
Regulations define the types of protection to exception to this rule relates to electrical
be used in the particular Zone. This corre- GOST R 51330.5-99 apparatus installed in housings, enclosures
sponds to the stipulation in IEC 60079-14. Ignition Temperature or cabinets with interlocks.
The letters ›X‹ and ›U‹ are stated not after (Winter)Diesel fuel is classified to
the certificate number but in the explosion Explosion Group II B und Temperature Class T3. Requirements applicable to Ex i circuits
protection marking. Materials containing light > Intrinsically safe circuits and non-intrinsi-
metal alloys are not to be used to produce GOST R 51330.6-99 cally safe circuits connected electrically
housings or enclosures unless measures have Powder Filling to them must be electrically isolated from
been taken to prevent possible formation of The housings or enclosures must be the circuits with a higher energy level
friction or impact sparks . This can be designed to prevent escape of the powder in than the general mains (e.g. for motors
achieved by a suitable protection coating. operating position if the covers are removed. and lighting installations).
Electrical interlocking of plugs and Only dry silica glass or hard glass particles > When earthing intrinsically safe circuits,
sockets must be designed to allow interrup- with no metallic admixtures are approved as the connection to earth is to be made only
tion of the power contacts only after the filling. at one point.
power supply is disconnected. For portable > The capacitance, the inductance and
lamps and cap lamps of Group II, the cable GOST R 51330.7-99 the resistance of the line must be taken
must be protected against short-circuiting by Oil Immersion into consideration in an intrinsically safe
means of a fusible link if the voltage source The openings for the level indicator (rod circuit routed via an external line
and light source are in separate housings indicator type) must be arranged so that, at > The mains voltage must be considered
or enclosures and they are connected by maximum possible angle of inclination with allowing for the permitted mains voltage
means of cables. respect to the non-insulated electrical com- tolerance.
ponents, the rod complies with three times > Soldering points and welds inside an
GOST R 51330.1-99 the value of the required phase-to-phase or item of apparatus must be protected with
Flameproof Enclosures phase-to-ground clearance. insulating enamel.
Direct cable entries may be realised with > Fuses must be provided in mains systems
the aid of flexible seal rings or seal materials, GOST R 51330.10-99 with non-earthed neutral conductors:
which do not influence the explosion protec- Intrinsic Safety in two phases in three-phase systems,
tion properties of the enclosure. The using of The intrinsically safe circuit of Protection and in one phase in the case of single-
flexible seal rings for direct entries is ap- Level (Category) ic has been introduced. phase systems with non-earthed neutral
proved for electrical apparatus that does not With voltages Um and Ui applied, the intrinsi- conductor: in two phases in three-phase
spark or have hot components during normal cally safe circuits in electrical apparatus systems an din one phase in the case of
operation, which could ignite any explosive of protection level ic shall not be capable of single-phase.
mixture present. causing ignition of the explosive mixture > Fuses must be provided in each conduc-
Ex-Magazine 2005 18 | 19

Figure 1: Assessment of
hazardous areas in the
Assessment of Russian Federation
the hazardous areas

Probability of the occurrence Properties

of hazardous, explosive of explosive gases
atmospheres in hazard-zones and vapours

Zone 0 (Z0) Zone V-I Apparatus Group Temperature class

Zone 1 (Z1) Zone V-Ia of the hazardous, of the hazardous, Explosion limits
Zone 2 (Z2) Zone V-Ib explosive explosive (ignition range)
in accordance with Zone V-Ig atmosphere atmosphere
GOST R 51330.9-99 to
“ IIA T1 T2
explosion limit

tors in mains systems with earthed neutral GOST R 51330.13-99 4. Marking the explosion protected
conductor. However, if measures to safely Electrical Installations electrical apparatus
prevent an interturn fault of the transformer The Operating Instructions for the electri-
are taken in single-phase systems, one cal equipment must precisely specify the ex- The explosion protected electrical appa-
fuse in the non-earthed line will suffice. plosion protection measures and the meas- ratus is marked in accordance with Standard
ures taken to maintain this level of explosion GOST R 51330.0-99 and the Standards for the
GOST R 51330.11- 99 protection during installation, operation and individual types of protection.
Classification of the Flammable Substances repair. The explosion protection marking contains
into Explosion Groups Rotary electrical machines with type of > the explosion protection level
Substances which may form an explosive protection Increased Safety ›e‹ may only be > the Ex symbol
atmosphere and which are used frequently in used if no heavy starting, frequent starts or > the symbols of the types of protection
industrial production in the Russian Federa- changes of direction occur. that are in use
tion, including (winter) diesel fuel, Group IIB, > the groups (I, II oder IIA, IIB, IIC)
have been adopted in the listing (Annex A). GOST R 51330.17-99 > the temperature class
Encapsulation > the letter X if special conditions in
GOST R 51330.12-99 The documentation of the electrical appa- relation to safe use must be complied
Pressurised Enclosures ratus must state the maximum permissible with or U if the product is an Ex-compo-
Electrical apparatus which remains elec- continuous operating temperature of the en- nent
trically live if the protective gas supply fails capsulation compound. Examples of explosion protection markings:
must be designed as explosion protected and The maximum temperature occurring if a fu- 1 Ex d II B T4, 0 Ex ia II C T6, PB Exd[ib] I,
must comply with the requirements of the sible link blows may exceed the permissible 1 Ex d II B T4 /H2 , for ›associated Ë
area‘s hazard-zone. continuous operating temperature of the electrical apparatus‹: [Exib]II C.
Before commissioning the electrical ap- compound providing the type of protection
paratus, a check of the safety-related param- Encapsulation ›m‹ is not impaired.
eters and systems must be conducted, in-
cluding: inert gas parameters, minimum over
pressure, purging, function of the switch-off
devices and signalling devices.
Explosion Protected Electrical Apparatus in the Russian Federation

Figure 2: Classification
of hazardous areas into
V-Ig Zones on the basis of the
old and new Russian
(It must be pointed out
V-I Russia / “ that the illustration in
V-Ia Figure 2 is not a norma-
V-Ib tive document but was
simply elaborated on by
the author on the basis
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1
10 10 10 10 10 10 1.0 (10 ) P of existing documents
and a significant number
of publications).
Z1 Russia/
Z0 Gost R 51330.9-99


P = Probability of occurrence of a hazardous explosive atmosphere

5. Hazardous areas Two classification options currently apply Russia, temperatures down to -50 °C may
parallel to one another in Russia: the new occur in the northern territories with temper-
All hazardous areas in which explosive classification pursuant to GOST R 51330-9-99 atures as low as even -55 °C possibly occur-
mixtures of gases, vapours and air or com- and the old classification in accordance to ring in these northern areas. Consequently,
bustible dusts or fibres may occur in air are the old rules for electrical installation in the test certificate for apparatus scheduled
assessed in respect to their risk potential on hazardous areas . The reason for this relates for use outdoors or use in unheated rooms
the basis of two aspects: to the many years of use of the classification must specify the ambient temperature range
> The likelihood of occurrence (frequency of the Ex zones on the basis of the previously in which operation is possible.
and duration) of an explosive atmosphere valid Standard. Thus, this classification The following Russian documents are
in the relevant area. applies not only in many currently existing required for use of electrical apparatus in
> Safety characteristics of the substances, plants but also to installations currently hazardous areas:
gases, vapours or dusts used, in addition undergoing conversion. Figure 2 shows the > Certificate of Conformity, which confirms
to the ignition soureces occurring. relationships of the conditions in the Zones the compliance of the apparatus with
Figure 1 shows the safety assessment on the basis of both methods and, by way of Russian Explosion Protection Standards,
parameters of hazardous areas currently comparison, with respect to the USA‘s NEC and
conventional in Russia. System. > Approval of the Federal Technology
The safety parameters of the explosion Supervisory Authority for use of the ex-
protected apparatus must be matched to the plosion protected electrical apparatus
characteristics of the possible, explosive at- 6. Concluding remarks in hazardous areas.
mosphere in this installation area when as-
sessing the options for using explosion pro- A range of -20 °C ... +40 °C is specified
tected apparatus in an installation. as the normal ambient temperature range
In this connection, it is necessary to classify both in the Russian Standards and in the
the hazardous area into Zones on the basis International Standards. On the other hand,
of the likelihood of the existence of hazard- temperatures down to -40 °C may occur in
ous, explosive atmospheres. the wintertime in moderate latitudes in

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