Development Planning 7FYP & SDG

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Development Planning in Bangladesh:

7th Five Year Plan and

SDG Implementation

Shamsul Alam MA Econs. (Thammasat) PhD (Newcastle)

Member (Senior Secretary)
June 2016

General Economics Division

Planning Commission
1 Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Development Philosophy of Bangladesh

Growth with equity and social justice remains the

overarching goal of our development strategy
 Pursue inclusive growth strategy: specifically, the aim is to
reduce poverty and income inequality by ensuring access
of the poor to economic resources and employment;
 Reducing regional imbalance in development;
 Raising economic participation of Women and Youth as
well as Disadvantaged.

GED, Planning Commission 2


 Bangladesh State Constitution (Part II, Articles 9-20)

 Development Planning/Strategy (Perspective Plan, Five Year
Plan, Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper, Annual Development
Program etc.)
 Millennium Developments Goals (MDGs)( 8 Goals, 22 Targets
and 60 Indicators)
 Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs)( 17 Goals, 169
Targets and 230 Indicators)

GED, Planning Commission 3

History of Development Planning in

 Indian Planning Commission 1950; Pakistan Planning Commission, 1953

 In 1956 a Provincial Planning Board was established under the United Front
Government of the then East Pakistan and was renamed as East Pakistan Planning
 It was an agency for formulating investment programmes and for negotiating with the
Central Government of Pakistan for an adequate share of the financial resources for
the development of East Pakistan;
 Planning Cell in 1971;
 After independence, Planning Commission of Bangladesh was established in January
 Project Implementation Bureau (PIB) in 1975 and now is IMED;
 External Resource Mobilization was entrusted to ERD in 1975;
 The Planning Division in 1975;
 Planning cells in different Ministries/ Divisions in 1975.
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History of Development Planning in
Bangladesh (contd.)

 First Five Year Plan was adopted in 1973 (1973-78);

 After independence, Bangladesh followed socialist type
economy and all industries were nationalized;
 Gradually private sector participation in industry was

GED, Planning Commission 5

Bangladesh Constitution: Article 15

 Article 15 of the Bangladesh Constitution requires that the country should

follow the path of a planned economy for realizing its development

 ‘It shall be a fundamental responsibility of the state to attain through

planned economic growth, a constant increase of productive forces and a
steady improvement in the material and cultural standard of living of the
people, with a view to securing to its citizens –
 (a) the provision of the basic necessities of life, including food, clothing,
shelter, education and medical care;

 According to the Article 15, the ‘planned economic growth’ is a

constitutional obligation for the Government of Bangladesh.

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Development Planning/Strategy

 Accordingly, between FY1973 and FY2002 Bangladesh

implemented 5 successive Five Year Plans and an interim Two
Year Plan (1979–80).

 From FY2003 to FY2010, there was a deviation from the five

year plan (period of plan holiday) to a process of shorter term
Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP).

 The present democratic Government led by Prime Minister

Sheikh Hasina decided to switch back to the five year plan
mechanism from 2010-11.

GED, Planning Commission 7

Development Plans/Strategies in Bangladesh

Achievements in Various 5-Year Plan Periods

Specific Plan Average GDP Per Capita Per Capita Life* Poverty
Plan Periods Growth Rate GDP GNI* Expecta Ratio***
(FY) growth ncy

Plan (%) Actual (%) (%) USD Years (%)

First Plan 1973-1978 5.5 4.0 1.3 111 53.07 82.1
Second Plan 1980-1985 5.4 3.8 1.5 145 55.10 69.9
Third Plan 1985-1990 5.4 3.8 1.6 204 56.10 56.6
Fourth Plan 1990-1995 5.0 4.2 2.4 253 58.70 50.1
Fifth Plan 1997-2002 7.1 5.1 3.5 431 64.90 48.9
Sixth Plan 2011-2015 7.3 6.3 4.9 1314 70.70 24.8

Source: GED, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS) and Sixth Plan;

*For the terminal year of Plan period **Corresponding HES, HIES year’s figure and GED estimate for 2015
GED, Planning Commission 8
Seventh Five Year Plan 2016-20:
Accelerating Growth and Empowering Citizens

 The Seventh Five Year Plan will be implemented during the

period 2016-20;
 The Plan divided into two parts
 Part 1: Macroeconomic Perspective:
Strategic Directions and Policy Framework
14 sectors except Defence

GED, Planning Commission 9

Seventh Five Year Plan 2016-20:
Accelerating Growth and Empowering Citizens

Economic growth embedded in the 7th Plan with four pivotal

underlying themes:
 Break out of the sphere of 6% growth and raise the average

annual growth rate to 7.4%

 Growth will be inclusive, pro-poor, and environmentally
 By the end of the 7th FYP, extreme poverty will be around

 All the additional labour force will be employed, including

much of the under-employed

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SFYP 2011-15: Broad Development Goals

 Building a secular tolerant liberal progressive democratic

 Promoting good governance and curbing corruption
 Promoting sustainable human development
 Reducing the growth of population
 Instituting a prudent macroeconomic policy mix
 Promoting a favourable industrialization and trade policy
 Addressing globalization and regional cooperation
GED, Planning Commission 11
SFYP 2011-15: Broad Development Goals (contd.)

 Ensuring adequate supply of electricity and fuel

 Achieving food security

 Making available adequate infrastructure

 Pursuing environmental friendly development, and

 Building a digital Bangladesh

GED, Planning Commission 12

Macroeconomic Scenario of the Seventh Five Year Plan

Macro Indicator FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20

Growth: Real GDP (%) 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.6 8.0

CPI Inflation (%) 6.2 6 5.8 5.7 5.5

Gross Domestic Investment (as % of
30.1 31.0 31.8 32.7 34.4
Private investment (as % of GDP) 23.7 23.9 24.4 25.1 26.6

Public Investment (as % of GDP) 6.4 7.1 7.4 7.6 7.8

National Savings (as % of GDP) 29.1 29.7 30.2 30.7 32.1

Consumption (as% of GDP) 77.5 76.7 75.9 75.1 73.5

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Sustainable Development Goal: Agenda 2030

Vowing to leave no one behind,

the global community has adopted the new 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development,
encompassing 17 universal and transformative goals
and 169 targets aimed at
ending poverty and hunger,
attaining gender equality,
fighting inequality and
tackling climate change
over the next 15 years.
GED, Planning Commission 14
The Historic Insignias for SDGs
(17 Lighthouses Charting Future Course of Action)

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SDGs and 7th Five Year Plan

 7th FYP coincides with the final year of MDGs and the launch of UN’s post-
2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
 The development approach underlying the 7th Plan is consistent with the
global agenda for higher growth in developing countries with appropriate
measures for protection of the environment.
 Eradication of extreme poverty will be a cardinal principle of the strategies
laid out in the 7th FYP document.
 Plan will strive for just, equitable and inclusive economic growth, gender
equality and social development while protecting the environment.
 7th FYP Targeted 7.4% GDP growth p.a. synchronizes with SDGs suggested
attaining above 7% growth by least developed countries
 Finally, 7th Plan will create the base of implementing SDGs by 2030 (icluding
two more Five Year Plans)

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SDGs As Integrated in 7th Five year Plan

SDG1. End poverty in all its 7FYP Target: Income and poverty
forms everywhere  Reduction in the head-count poverty ratio by
about 6.2 percentage points (from 24.8% to
 Reduction in extreme poverty by about 4.0
percentage points (8.9 % in 2020)
 Spending on Social Protection as a share of
GDP to be increased to 2.3% of GDP.
 Creation of a Lagging Region Fund

Goal 2. End hunger, achieve 7FYP Target: Poverty and Hunger

food security and improved  Consolidation of Food Transfer Programmes
as suggested by National Social Security
nutrition and promote Programme
sustainable agriculture  Reduce proportion of stunting among under-
five children from 36.1% to 25%
 Reduce proportion of underweight children
among under-five children from 32.6% to 20%

GED, Planning Commission
SDGs As Integrated in 7th Five year Plan (contd.)

7FYP Target: Human Resource Development

(Health and Population)
 Under 5 mortality rate to be reduced from 41 to
37 per 1000 live birth.
 Maternal Mortality Ratio to be reduced from
170 to 105 per 100,000 live births.
SDG 3. Ensure healthy
 Immunization, measles (percent of children
lives and promote well- under 12 months) to be increased to 100 percent.
being for all at all ages  Births attended by skilled health staff to be
increased to 65 percent.
 Reduction of Total Fertility Rate to 2.0
 Increasing Contraceptive Prevalence Rate to

GED, Planning Commission
SDGs As Integrated in 7th Five year Plan (contd.)

7FYP Target: Human Resource

Development (Education)
SDG 4. Ensure inclusive  Achieving 100% net enrollment rate
and equitable quality for primary and secondary education.
education and promote  Ensure quality education at primary,
lifelong learning secondary and tertiary education.
opportunities for all  Percentage of cohort reaching grade 5
to be increased to 100% from current

GED, Planning Commission
SDGs As Integrated in 7th Five year Plan (contd.)

7FYP Target: Gender equality

SDG 5. Achieve gender  Gender Parity Index in tertiary education to be raised from
equality and empower all current 0.70 to 1.0.
women and girls  The ratio of literate female to male for age group 20-24 to
be raised to 100% from the current 86%.
 Increase the share of female officers (Grade-9 and above) in
the public sector to 25% by 2020.

SDG 6. Ensure availability 7FYP Target: Water and Sanitation

and sustainable management  Safe drinking water to be made available for all rural and
of water and sanitation for urban population

all  Proportion of urban population with access to sanitary

latrines to be increased to 100 percent and 90 percent for
rural population.
SDG 7. Ensure access to 7FYP Target: Energy
affordable, reliable,  Generation of electricity to be increased to 23,000 MW.
sustainable and modern  Electricity coverage to be increased to 96%.
energy for all  Increase energy efficiency by 10%
GED, Planning Commission 20
SDGs As Integrated in 7th Five year Plan (contd.)

7FYP Target: Macroeconomic and Sector Development

 Attaining average real GDP growth rate of 7.4% per
year over the Plan period.
 Total revenue to be raised from 10.7% of GDP to
16.1% by FY20
SDG 8. Promote sustained,  Maintain the current fiscal deficit of 5% of GDP
inclusive and sustainable
 FDI to be increased substantially to $9.6 billion by
economic growth, full and
FY20 from present $1.57 billion
productive employment and
decent work for all  Substantial improvement of exports to $54.1b by FY20
from $30.3b of FY15
 Raising Trade-GDP ratio to 50% by FY20
 12.9 million additional jobs will be available during 7th
FYP, including some 2 million jobs abroad, for the 9.9
million labour that will join the workforce

GED, Planning Commission
SDGs As Integrated in 7th Five year Plan (contd.)
22 7FYP Target: Infrastructure & Industrialization
 Construction of 6.15 km. long Padma Multi- purpose Bridge at
 Construction of about 26 km. long Dhaka Elevated Expressway.
 Focus on fast tracking a number of transformational infrastructure

SDG 9. Build resilient  Substantially reduce urban traffic congestion with focus on Dhaka
and Chittagong Metropolitan areas
infrastructure, promote  Increase the contribution of the manufacturing sector to 21.5% of
inclusive and sustainable GDP by FY20 from 17.8% of FY15.
industrialization and
7FYP Target: ICT Development
foster innovation
 Increase spending on Research and Development from 0.6% to 1%
of GDP (it was same in 6FYP).
 Increase proportion of primary government schools with a computer
 Improve tele-density to 100%
 Expansion of Broad Band Coverage to 35% from present 30%
 Increase earnings from ICT, travel and tourism from $1.5 billion
to $2.6 billion.
GED, Planning Commission
SDGs As Integrated in 7th Five year Plan (contd.)

7FYP Target: Social protection

 Spending on Social Protection as a share of GDP to
SDG10. Reduce inequality be increased to 2.3% of GDP.
within and among countries  Reduce Income Inequality from 0.458 to

7FYP Target: Urban Development

SDG 11. Make cities and  Access to improved water source will be ensured for
human settlements all urban dwellers
inclusive, safe, resilient and  Coverage of drainage system to be expanded to 80%
sustainable  Ensure sustainable urban development that
supports increased productivity, investment and

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SDGs As Integrated in 7th Five year Plan (contd.)
24 SDG 12. Ensure sustainable 7FYP Target: Environmental Sustainability
consumption and production  Increase productive forest coverage to 20 percent
patterns with 70% tree density.
 Improve air quality in Dhaka including large cities
SDG 13. Take urgent action to and enact Clean Air Act
combat climate change and its  Promote Zero discharge of industrial effluents.
impacts  15% of wetland in peak dry season is protected as
aquatic sanctuary
SDG 14. Conserve and sustainably  500 meter wide green belt to be established and
use the oceans, seas and marine protect along the coast
resources for sustainable  Eco-tourism promoted at least in 20 protected
development areas and ECAs
 Land zoning for sustainable land/water use.
SDG 15. Protect, restore and  Environmental, Climate Change and disaster risk
promote sustainable use of reduction considerations are integrated into
terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably project design, budgetary allocations and
manage forests, combat implementation process.
desertification, and halt and  Canals and natural water flows of Dhaka and other
reverse land degradation and halt major cities restored.
biodiversity loss
GED, Planning Commission 24
SDGs As Integrated in 7th Five year Plan (contd.)

7FYP Target: Governance

 To ensure all persons are able to live securely
Goal 16. Promote peaceful and under the rule of law
inclusive societies for sustainable  Legal aid will be given to at least 37,000 victims
development, provide access to annually by 2020
justice for all and build effective,  Enhancing Integrity& Controlling Corruption
accountable and inclusive  Right to Information (RTI)/Access to Information
institutions at all levels  Making parliamentary process effective

7FYP Target: Development Partnership

 Effective Aid Information Management System
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of (AIMS)
implementation and revitalize the  Ensure development partners’ policy alignment and
Global Partnership for Sustainable system harmonization
Development  Effective national Policy on Development
Cooperation to guide development cooperation in

GED, Planning Commission 25

SDG Mapping of Ministries/Divisions

• GED has already done the Mapping of Ministries/Divisions by SDGs

targets (who to do what in terms of targets)
• GED has shared the Draft Mapping with all the ministries/divisions in
January 2016 for comments and observations.
• Drafted the SDG Mapping in the Action Plan Format by aligning with
the ministries/divisions observations prudently.
• The draft Mapping and Action Plan Format was presented in a
consultation meeting chaired by Hon’ble Planning Minister on March
• A workshop on SDG Mapping held on April 2016 to review the draft.
• In May 2016 final observations were incorporated, and we now come-
up with a final draft of Mapping of targets for final approval.

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Final Draft of SDG Mapping and Draft Format of Action
Plan (i.e. Target 5.5 of SDG is illustrated)
List of
Actions to Existing Proposed
Sustainable Associate Devise Actions to achieve the Policy Global
Development Ministries achieve the targets Instrument Indicators
Ministries/ Remarks
Goals followed / targets within 7th beyond 7th (Acts/ for
Divisions Policies/
by Targets Divisions FYP (2016-2020) FYP Period Performance
(2021-2030) Strategies Measurement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
5.5 Ensure MoWCA LJD;  Enhance access to Local Government 5.5.1 Proportion
and control over (City Corporation) of seats held by
women’s full and LGD;
Act 2009;
effective MoPA; productive women in
Local Government
participation and MoInd resources (Paurashava) Act
 Increase 2009; parliaments and
equal opportunities
participation and Local Government local
for leadership at all
decision making (Union Parishad) Act governments
levels of decision- 2009;
making in political,  Improve
Upazila Parishad Act
institutional 5.5.2 Proportion
economic and 1998, amended in
capacity, 2001, 2009, 2011 and
public life of women in
accountability and 2015;
oversight Zila Parishad Act
2000 positions

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Framing the Action Plan by targets of SDGs

• Preparation of the SDGs Implementation Action Plan in a phased manner

for coming one decade and a half by Ministries is under process in Planning
Commission of Bangladesh and planned to be finalized by August, 2016.
• As the 7th FYP is the means of implementation of SDG targets in
Bangladesh, Ministries/Divisions are identifying the
Actions/Activities/Interventions to achieve the SDG targets in accordance
with 7th FYP for the next five years.
• Further, Ministries/Divisions will comply with the Action Plans by
preparing possible actions/interventions during and beyond 7th FYP till

GED, Planning Commission 28

Finalization of Action Plan by targets of SDGs

• General Economics Division, Planning Commission in collaboration with

United Nations Resident Coordinator (UNRC) in Bangladesh has organized
dialogues with the NGOs, CSOs, Development Partners and Media to
ensure private sector involvement in SDGs implementation.
• Development Partners of Bangladesh also have been requested to align their
Country Strategies within the framework of the SDGs targets relevant for
• Thematic and goal wise consultation with stakeholders from private sector
along with Development Partners at a large scale will be carried out
regarding Action Plans and development of Monitoring Framework.
• Action Plan will be finalized by consulting with all the relevant

GED, Planning Commission 29

Monitoring of the SDGs Implementation in Bangladesh

 A preliminary data gap analysis for monitoring SDGs is already conducted by

GED, Planning Commission on May, 2016.
 GED has consulted with data generating relevant ministries/division and
agencies, including SID and BBS
 Data Gap Analysis found that data on 63 indicators only are available in
existing data generating system of Bangladesh and 67 can be generated by
modifying existing census (from aggregation to disaggregation), survey, MIS
 Additional 108 indicators will require new survey or census to generate
 Including BBS, the national statistics agency, several major agencies, i.e.
DoE, DOF etc. will require especial support for dealing with new types of
data collection/mining in segregated form with various dimensions say by
age, sex, regional locations etc.

GED, Planning Commission 30

Draft of Data Gap Analysis for SDG Monitoring
Sustainable Lead Proposed Global
Associate Status of Ministry/Division
Development Ministries/ Indicators for
Ministries/ Data /Agency to Remarks
Goals followed Performance
Divisions Divisions Availability Generate/ Provide
by Targets Measurement
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

5.5 Ensure 5.5.1 Proportion of

women’s full and seats held by
LJD; LGD; Readily a) LPAD
effective MoWCA MoPA; MoInd; women in national Available b) LGD
participation and parliaments and
equal local governments
opportunities for
leadership at all
levels of 5.5.2 For Private Sector data
decision-making MoWCA may
Proportion of a) MoPA
in political, Partially coordinate with
MoWCA MoPA women in
economic and
Available b) MoWCA Bangladesh Women
public life
managerial Chamber of Commerce
positions & Industry (BWCCI)
GED, Planning Commission 31
Need Assessment and Financing Requirement for
SDGs Implementation and Monitoring

 Implementation of SDG through national plans, i.e. 7th, 8th and 9th Five
Year Plan will call for primary Needs Assessment and consequent Financing
 Thematic and goal wise consultation with stakeholders from private sector
along with Ministry/Division and Agency level will be a pre-requisite for
Needs Assessment
 Regional and global partnership will be required for
- SDG Needs Assessment and Financing and
- preparing sector action plans
- future technical support for SDG monitoring and reporting
- stocktaking of best practices and innovations in

GED, Planning Commission 32

Thank You All


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