Sindh Revised PC-1 25th August 2023 (Clean PDF

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Revised PC-1

Name of the scheme

“Support Project for Sustainable Development

Goals Implementation.”
Planning and Development Department,
Government of Sindh, Karachi
Revised 2005
1 Name of the Project Support Project for Sustainable Development Goals
2 Location Sindh
3 Authority responsible for:
i. Sponsoring Planning & Development Department, Government
of Sindh and UNDP through third party
ii. Execution UNDP & Planning & Development Department,
Government of Sindh
iii. Operation and Maintenance Planning & Development Department, Govt. of
iv. Concerned Federal Ministry N/A
4 Plan Provision The scheme is on-going and reflected in GoS ADP
2023-24 at Sr. No. 3405. Revised project cost and
yearly allocations will be reflected under the same
scheme, along with corresponding yearly financial
allocations in the current and future ADP cycles,
according to revised timelines.
5 Project objectives and its relationship Pakistan has declared the Agenda 2030 as its
with Sect-oral objectives National Development Agenda. Pakistan was the
first country to adopt the Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) through a unanimous resolution by
the National Parliament of Pakistan.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,

includes a set of 17 Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) to end poverty, fight inequality and
injustice, and tackle climate change by 2030.

The 2030 Agenda is a plan of action for people,

planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen
universal peace in larger freedom. It recognizes that
eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions,
including extreme poverty, is the greatest global
challenge and an indispensable requirement for
sustainable development. The SDGs Unit will
provide an institutional and governance structure
for localization of SDGs in Sindh.
The Government of Sindh has achieved significant
progress and completed numerous activities under
the four project outputs during 2016 till 2023. The
key aspects are mentioned below:

• Strategic Oversight on • SDGs Framework for

SDGs Sindh

• Policy & Planning • SDGs Baseline

Support for SDGs: Establishment

• Development of • Innovation & Partnerships

Financial Tracking for SDGs
System for SDGs

• Filling Data Gaps • COVID-19 Response

Support Task

• Private Sector • Political Engagement


• Awareness raising on • Technical Consultations


In the next phase of the project period 2023-2030,

the project aims to build on the progress made so
far, and further strengthen operationalization and
localization of SDGs at the provincial and district
level along with provide technical assistance in
steering Flood Response (2022) action plans with
SDGs thematic priorities.

The Planning and Development Department, GoS

in partnership with United Nations Development
Program (UNDP) is implementing project titled
Support Project for Sustainable Development Goals
Implementation” and will also align activities and
results with the “National Initiative for Sustainable
Development Goals +” while focusing on the
following key outputs:

1. Plans, Policies and Resource Allocation

Aligned to 2030 Agenda

2. SDGs monitoring, and reporting

3. Financing flows are increasingly aligned
with 2030 agenda, and

4. Innovative approaches applied to

accelerate progress on priority SDGs

The project activities, workplan and results under

the aforementioned outputs will be reviewed and
advised by the following high-level National and
provincial institutional structures established during
2016 to 2023 period:
A. National Economic Council (NEC) Sub
Committee on SDGs under the
convenorship of Federal Minister for
B. National Project Board established at the
federal level, co-chaired by Secretary,
MoPD&SI and Country Director UNDP,
C. Provincial SDGs Coordination Committee,
headed by Chief Minister Sindh
D. Provincial Technical Committee on SDGs,
headed by Chairman Planning &
Development Board, with membership of
Secretaries from GoS Department,
Divisional Commissioners, federal Govt.
and UNDP, to review progress and approve
annual workplans of the project.
E. Provincial Parliamentary Task Force on
F. Seven Thematic Sub-Committees on
Priority SDGs

The next phase of the project (2023-2028) will

continue to be guided by the above high level
national and provincial institutional structures
established during 2016-2023.

Under the project, the SDG Support Unit Sindh

established in the Planning and Development
Department, Government of Sindh is responsible
for planning and undertaking the SDG related
initiatives at the provincial level under the
aforementioned outputs of the project. The project
compliments and aligns itself with the similar
initiative taken by the Planning Commission at the
federal level and Planning Departments in other

Moreover, in view of emerging priorities, program

evolution and to support innovations, project
activities under the above-mentioned outputs will
also include Financing for Development (F4D) and
specific work under:

• Technical support for Urban Resilience and

Development including key dimensions such as
Economic and Society, Access to Infrastructure
and Public Services, Health and Wellbeing,
Governance and Leadership.
• Digital Transformation and Social Innovation: in
line with UNDP Strategic Plan where Strategic
Innovation and Digitalization are the key
enablers to develop new thinking, programming,
and policy to address challenges of today. Refer
Annex 7 for the UNDP Pakistan Digital
Transformation Programming Framework and
the Digital Strategy 2022-2025 highlighting
power of digital technology to respond more
effectively to development challenges, including
those of Sindh.
• Gender Portfolio to be developed with specific
relevance to Climate Change Resilience.
• SDG Investments and Climate Financing
covering mobilizing Finance and Investments,
Scaling-up investment solutions, and creating
impact with focus on flood resilience.

This also involves creating partnership with civil

society, private sector, academia and international
development partners. Moreover, dedicated
resources are planned under the project to be
deployed at regional level (incrementally increased
to conduct outreach in every aspect, and technical
support on project activities) in all divisions of
Sindh, which will facilitate concerted efforts in
making progress towards the prioritized SDGs
targets across the province. These offices will use
existing available resources where possible to
promote SDGs at the grass root levels.
6 Description, justification and technical Justification:
parameters The justification for revision of project (from 2023-
2030) is to build upon the project progress, impact
and investments made so far in the context of
Agenda 2030 between 2016 to 2023, and to
continue the momentum towards achievement of
the Agenda 2030 in Sindh, which Pakistan has
pledged its commitment towards (under the
National Development Agenda).

In the backdrop of 2022 floods the “Support Project

for Sustainable Development Goals
Implementation’’/ ‘National Initiative for
Sustainable Development Goals +’project will
strategically pivot plans (particularly resource
planning) around disaster resilience and
environmental sustainability under broader ambit of
Climate Financing to tackle lack of innovative
solutions to leveraging fiscal resources, and sub-
optimal private sector partnerships as SDGs present
a massive business opportunity for investing in
sustainable future ranging from infrastructure,
housing, food and medicines to renewable energy,
providing finance to those in need.

The SDGs are in line with the provincial

development priorities/ sector plans. The SDGs aim
to eradicate hunger and extreme poverty, reduce
inequality within and between states, achieve
gender equality, improve water management &
energy, and take urgent action to combat climate


Pakistan, being UN member state has adopted the

new framework of Sustainable Development Goals.

The SDGs comprise of 17 goals and 169 targets

that have been adopted at the UN General
Assembly session held in September 2015.
The Government of Sindh has achieved significant
progress during the initial project phase (2016-
2023) under the four outputs. The key aspects of
the project progress are mentioned below:

▪ Strategic Oversight on SDGs: Multiple

institutional platforms have been established and
strengthened including National Project Board
and a Sub-Committee of NEC at Federal Level,
Provincial SDGs Coordination Committee, Sindh
Parliamentary Task Force on SDGs, and a
Provincial Technical Committee (PTC) to provide
strategic oversight on SDGs and review project
progress and plans. The PTC is headed by
Chairman P&D Board Sindh, and has
representation of Secretaries of GoS
Administrative Departments, Divisional
Commissioners of Sindh, Federal Government
and UNDP. The P&DD, GoS has also notified a
SDGs Section in the Department and seven SDGs
Thematic Sub-Committees on priority SDGs.
▪ SDGs Framework for Sindh: The SDGs
Support Unit-Sindh has developed the Provincial
SDGs Framework for Sindh, which is to serve as
a roadmap for mainstreaming and localization of
SDGs in the province.
▪ Policy & Planning Support for SDGs:
SDGs Support Unit Sindh commissioned a policy
paper on “Cost of Inaction on Climate Change in
Sindh”. For localization of SDG 6, the Unit has
produced a study on Localization of SDG-6:
Clean Water & Sanitation through multiple
consultations with stakeholders.
The Unit has worked in close engagement with
Reform Support Unit, School Education and
Literacy Department (SELD), GoS and UNICEF
for the alignment of Sindh Education Sectoral
Plan (2019-2024) with SDG-4.
UNDP is also providing technical assistance to
the Directorate for Urban Policy and Strategic
Planning (UP&SP), P&D-GoS on development of
ToRs for Karachi Master Plan.
▪ SDGs Baseline Establishment: In consultation
with National and Provincial Bureau of Statistics,
UN agencies and GoS Departments, SDGs
Baseline is developed, along with SDGs target
level prioritization.
▪ SDGs data reporting increased from 33% to 62%
in 2022, and the framework is continuously
updated; and Digital Mechanism / Portal for
Tracking Results on SDGs (SDGs - Dashboard) is
ready for launch.
▪ Development of Financial Tracking System for
SDGs: SDGs Unit has worked with Finance
Department on embedding SDGs targets &
indicators within GoS budgetary framework since
FY 2017-18. In addition to provincial ADP, more
than 11,000 cost centers of recurrent budget have
been mapped at SDGs target & indicator level to
develop a budget tracking system for GoS
budgetary allocations, releases and expenditures.
▪ Innovation & Partnerships for SDGs: Islamkot
SDGs Model Taluka Initiative is a SDGs focused
Public-Private Partnership since 2018 to
transform one of the lowest HDI ranking region
in Pakistan into a Model SDGs Taluka.
Awareness and technical consultations also done
with civil society and private / corporate sector
and business entities engaged for SDGs mapping,
reporting and investments of their social impact
investments, development interventions and
responsible business practices.
▪ Filling Data Gaps: SDGs Support Unit has
undertaken several activities to identify and fill
the data gaps to aid in reporting against SDG
▪ COVID-19 Response Support Task: The Unit
enhanced technical assistance, policy and
research support to Government of Sindh on
assessment and response planning for COVID-19
crisis, and ensured a high level of productivity
and project output through closer interactions
with GoS and its partner UN agencies on various
technical support assignments during the COVID-
19 crisis.
▪ Virtual Sessions / Webinars: The Unit also
organized virtual sessions / webinars with
Business/private sector listed companies of
Pakistan Stock Exchange (PSX), UNDP,
Universities, Sindh Mental Health Authority and
Pakistan Institute of Corporate Governance
▪ Political Engagement: Unit has actively engaged
parliamentarians in the efforts to localize SDGs in
Sindh. To enhance political engagement for
SDGs and assist the Parliamentary Task Force of
Sindh in its functions, a consultant firm was
contracted by the Unit to assist PTF accelerate
progress towards conducive legislation for SDGs
in Sindh.
▪ Awareness Raising Activities on SDGs and
Technical Consultations: Since 2017, SDGs
Support Unit has carried out several awareness
raising and sensitization workshops to
mainstream Agenda 2030 in various sections of
society. The participants of these consultations
include line departments at provincial and district
level as well as stakeholders from civil society,
UN agencies, academia, and private sector.

The project / Unit will perform functions under the

following pillars.

1) Plans, Policies and Resource Allocation

aligned to 2030 Agenda

2) SDG monitoring, and reporting


3) Financing – Financing flows are

increasingly aligned with 2030 agenda

4) Innovative approaches applied to

accelerate progress on priority SDGs

A particular focus will be kept on Gender

mainstreaming in development promoted to achieve
the objective of leaving no one behind.

Technical Parameters:
The project under Revised PC-1 (2023-2030) will
aim at Mainstreaming, Acceleration, and Policy
Support (MAPS) for SDGs to enable Government
departments to achieve the goals of the Sindh Flood
Response centered on technical support for
mitigation of devastation and consequent economic
hardship caused by unprecedented floods in the
province. The strategic areas include:

a) Rectifying systemic issues: by prioritizing

the longstanding problems that have
plagued the province. The core issue that
has come to the forefront is the persistent
problems with the drainage system that
significantly exacerbated the impact of the
recent floods

b) People-centered approach: is to prioritize

the human impact of floods that have
directly disrupted the lives of more than
14.5 million in Sindh. The focus on
quantifying and monetizing damages and
losses must not undermine that the floods
have affected every conceivable facet of
lives for the affected segments. The
adverse impact has disproportionately
affected the vulnerable groups, like
women and children. The significant
impact has permeated across sectors, like
health and education, where daunting
challenges of reducing out-of-school
children, poor learning outcomes, and
immunization; nutrition outcomes of
children is already a challenge.

The mental toll and trauma of losing

livelihood and loved ones require an
empathetic, inclusive, and holistic
approach to recovery and rehabilitation.
The meta-narrative must not shift from
regaining the massive loss of progress on
Agenda 2030 targets due to flood
devastation: and relief towards
rehabilitation to address humanitarian
c) The third pillar would enable departments
to leverage the existing models to address
Sindh’s recovery plan and not necessarily
reinvent the wheel. The plans for flood
management that were conceived in the
aftermath of 2010 floods may still be
relevant. Similarly, the ‘Village
Rehabilitation Program’ under the
‘People’s Poverty Reduction Program’ and
concepts of ‘cluster-based growth nodes’
and ‘secondary cities development’ may
offer useful lessons for viewing the
reconstruction and rehabilitation from a
‘meso-level’ perspective to make truly
resilient communities.

d) The fourth pillar entails Aligning Existing

Budgetary Framework with Resource
Commitments that despite the resource
constraints, there is significant space
available to review and refine the existing
development portfolio and realign
operational allocations to the sectors
which will contribute towards human
development and economic recovery.

The above priorities are aligned to SDG goals and

targets to stimulate action based on core principles
of critical importance for humanity and the planet:

We are determined to end poverty and hunger, in
all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that
all human beings can fulfil their potential in dignity
and equality and in a healthy environment.

We are determined to protect the planet from
degradation, including through sustainable
consumption and production, sustainably managing
its natural resources and taking urgent action on
climate change, so that it can support the needs of
the present and future generations.
We are determined to ensure that all human beings
can enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that
economic, social and technological progress occurs
in harmony with nature.

We are determined to foster peaceful, just and
inclusive societies which are free from fear and
violence. There can be no sustainable development
without peace and no peace without sustainable

We are determined to mobilize the means required
to implement this Agenda through a revitalized
Global Partnership for Sustainable Development,
based on a spirit of strengthened global solidarity,
focused in particular on the needs of the poorest
and most vulnerable and with the participation of
all countries, all stakeholders and all people.

7 Capital cost estimates million

Funding GoS UNDP Total
2016-2023 297m 297m 594m
2023-2030 1250m In-kind* 1250m
Total: 1,844m

*UNDP shall apply reasonable efforts to mobilize third party

resources and in-kind contribution, contributing to the overall
scope of the project in line with UNSDCF 2023-2027 and
UNDP Country Programme Document (2023-2027) enclosed
as Annexure 2, and the draft SDG Plus Programme document
(enclosed as Annexure 3), to be approved by Resident
representative under UNDP Programme Policies and
Procedures. The installment of contribution shall be paid to
UNDP in advance for implementation of the planned activities.
A UNDP financing agreement will be signed between UNDP
and the Government of Sindh (Planning & Development
Department) in accordance with the mutual understanding
between the two organizations which will also specify the
Schedule of payments from GoS to UNDP. GoS will deposit
its share/contribution in the UNDP’s Resident Representative
Rupee Bank Account.
8 Annual operating and maintenance cost The proposed project does not involve with
after completion of the Project infrastructure or enterprises development, therefore,
operation and maintenance or any other capital
investment is not required after the completion of
the project.
9 Demand and supply analysis There is a firm commitment from Federal
Government and the Governments of Sindh to
achieve targets set for SDG’s till 2030. The demand
for achievement of SDGs has been further
increased by recent climate related devastation and
the Sindh SDG Unit has aligned its objectives with
the provincial Flood Response Strategy.
10 Financial Plan and mode of financing The project will be funded jointly as per column
No. 7. The cost breakup for 7 years (FY 2023-24 to
FY 2029-30) is provided in Annex 1.
11 Project benefits and analysis Improving socio-economic indicators at the grass
root level for betterment of living standard of
common people including localization of SDGs
i. Financial The Project envisages to build partnership with
local private sector for resource mobilization by
creating value proposition for SDGs achievement.
ii. Social benefits with indicators Social benefits are envisaged as well-informed
evidence-based planning. A focus will be kept on
readily available SDGs data at provincial and
district level to facilitate localization of SDGs and
informed planning. Community engagement and
stakeholder engagement will also be a priority
social benefit.

Through this initiative, SDGs (Reduced Inequality

Gender, Sustainable Cities and Communities,
Partnership for the Goals) inclusive growth and
sound development will be promoted across the
sectors in view of flood (2022) damages.

This project will also provide technical support to

GoS in development and execution of plans that
ensure undisrupted service to citizens in context of
SDG 1(No Poverty), SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 3
(Good Health and Well-being).

Promoting Public Private Partnerships and

Financing for Development initiatives will also
contribute to improved social services.
iii. Employment generation (direct and The project, under UNDP regulations, rules,
indirect) policies and procedures, will continue to staff the
Unit with existing professionals at the SDG Unit.
The project, using UNDP applicable regulations,
rules, policies and procedures, will also be hiring
technical assistance / consultants in Karachi and all
district offices with professionals to implement
project objectives at the district level. This will
support inclusive growth and sound local socio-
economic development for show casing catalytic
intervention for the localization and achievement of
SDGs targets.
iv. Environmental impact The SDGs considers the three dimensions of
sustainable development i.e. social, economic and
environmental. The SDGs Project will be
instrumental in designing activities to ensure
environmental sustainability. The SDG Unit would
provide technical support in the rehabilitation of the
community infrastructure (SDG-1, SDG-3, SDG-4)
and housing (roads, buildings, water supply &
sanitation) in line with SDG 6 (Clean Water &
Sanitation) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and
Communities) which is Gender Inclusive (SDG -5
– Gender Equality) to holistically support GoS
Flood Response 2022.
v. Impact of delays on project cost Not applicable
and viability
12 Implementation schedule The project revision will be for 7 years (FY 2023-24
to FY 2029-2030) detailed in Annex 4.
13 Management structure and manpower The project will be implemented through United
requirements including specialized skills Nations Development Programme, being a lead UN
during execution and operational phases Agency on SDGs at country level.

UNDP applicable regulations, rules, policies and

procedures will apply to staff recruitment and
contracts, procurement and financial management.
Audit for the project funds will be done by UNDP
as per its rules following UN ‘One Audit Principle’
i.e. only UNDP will carry out audit of the project in
accordance with UNDP Office of Audit &
Investigations guidelines. The audit reports once
available, will be shared with GoS. The certified
financial reports will be submitted to P&DD,
Government of Sindh in accordance with the
reporting schedule provided in the financing
agreement which will be signed between UNDP
and P&DD GoS.

In recent Project Board meetings, the need for

achievement of SDGs at sub-provincial level has
been highlighted (in addition to Karachi office) by
the leadership. As such, the proposed office
structure will comprise of professional staff for all
Divisions (proposed to be housed at Commissioner
Offices). The staff proposed below cover both
Karachi and regional setup:
1. Project Coordinator (Government Liaison) x1
2. Project Manager x1
3. Social Policy Analyst x1
4. Economic Policy Analyst x1
5. Environmental Policy Analyst x1
6. Monitoring and Evaluation Officer x1
7. Communications Officer x1
8. Admin and Finance Officer x1
9. Admin and Finance Associate x1
10. Support Staff (Driver, Office Assistant,
Cleaner) x1

Regional Setup
1. Regional Coordinator / Consultant x6
2. Divisional Project Officers / Consultant x6

Job Description, Education and Experience

requirement for the above positions are
mentioned in ToRs (Annex 5) and divisional
organogram is available at Annex 6
14 Additional projects/decisions required SDGs Support Unit Sindh has been established in
to maximize socio-economic P&DD, GoS since 2017. Six provincial dedicated
benefits from the proposed project regional SDG Unit offices will be stationed at
Commissioner Offices of all Divisions to support
concerted efforts in making progress towards the
localization and achievement of prioritized SDGs
15 Certified that the project proposal has been prepared on the basis of instructions provided
by the Planning Commission for the preparation of PC-I for Social Sector projects.

Prepared by: (Raja Masroor Hassan)

(Chief, SDGs Section, Government of Sindh)

Checked by and (Muhammad Asghar Memon)

Departmental Approval:: (Project Coordinator-SDGs / Chief Economist, Chief, SDGs
Section, Government of Sindh)

Approved by: (Syed Hassan Naqvi)

(Chairman P&D Board, Chief, SDGs Section,
Government of Sindh)
15 Certified that the project proposal has been prepared on the basis of instructions provided
by the Planning Commission for the preparation of PC-I for Social Sector projects.
Annexure 1a – Detailed Budget in millions (PKR) 1

Head 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 Total

Output 1:
Plans, Policies and
Resource Allocation 30.6 48.7 49.4 45.7 42.4 42.0 38.7 297.5
Aligned to 2030
Output 2:
SDGs monitoring, and 22.5 24.5 25.0 26.0 24.0 19.5 19.5 161.0
reporting strengthened.
Output 3:
Financing flows are
11.0 22.0 22.5 23 20.5 16.0 16.0 131.0
inc1reasingly aligned
with 2030 Agenda.
Output 4:
Innovative approaches
applied to accelerate 25.0 35.0 41.0 37.0 29.0 27.0 26.0 220.0
progress on priority
89.1 130.2 137.9 131.7 115.9 104.5 100.2 809.5
Project Management
Subtotal Operational
11.2 11.8 12.3 13.0 13.5 14.4 14.9 91.1
Subtotal Operational
cost (Utilities,
Equipment, Fixtures & 36.3 40.2 41.2 44.0 47.0 50.6 54.1 313.4
Fitting and Direct
Project Cost etc)
General Management
4.1 5.4 5.7 5.6 5.2 5.0 5.0 36.0
Services (GMS)
51.6 57.4 59.2 62.6 65.7 70.0 74.0 440.5
Total 140.7 187.6 197.1 194.3 181.6 174.5 174.2 1250.0

The figures in the table have been rounded off.
Annexure 1b - Salary Structure*
S# Salary Detail of PC-1
1 Description Grade Unit Rate Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Total
2 Project Manager UN-
585,000 7,020,000 7,371,000 7,739,550 8,126,528 8,532,854 8,959,497 9,407,471 57,156,899
3 Project UN-
Coordinator NPSA-9 200,000 2,400,000 2,520,000 2,646,000 2,778,300 2,917,215 3,063,076 3,216,230 19,540,820
(Govt: Liaison)
4 Social Policy UN-
470,000 5,640,000 5,922,000 6,218,100 6,529,005 6,855,455 7,198,228 7,558,139 45,920,928
Analyst NPSA-9
5 Monitoring & UN-
Evaluation NPSA-9 426,000 5,112,000 5,367,600 5,635,980 5,917,779 6,213,668 6,524,351 6,850,569 41,621,947
6 Communication UN-
426,000 5,112,000 5,367,600 5,635,980 5,917,779 6,213,668 6,524,351 6,850,569 41,621,947
officer NPSA-9
7 Economic Policy UN-
426,000 5,112,000 5,367,600 5,635,980 5,917,779 6,213,668 6,524,351 6,850,569 41,621,947
Analyst NPSA-9
8 Environmental UN-
426,000 5,112,000 5,367,600 5,635,980 5,917,779 6,213,668 6,524,351 6,850,569 41,621,947
Policy Analyst NPSA-9
9 Regional UN-IC
Coordinator (6 250,000 - 18,000,000 18,900,000 19,845,000 20,837,250 21,879,113 22,973,068 122,434,431
10 Project Officer (6 UN-IC
200,000 - 14,400,000 15,120,000 15,876,000 16,669,800 17,503,290 18,378,455 97,947,545
11 Admin & Finance UN-
426,000 5,112,000 5,367,600 5,635,980 5,917,779 6,213,668 6,524,351 6,850,569 41,621,947
Officer NPSA-9
12 Admin & UN-
Financer NPSA-7 250,000 3,000,000 3,150,000 3,307,500 3,472,875 3,646,519 3,828,845 4,020,287 24,426,025
13 Driver UN-
97,000 1,164,000 1,222,200 1,283,310 1,347,476 1,414,849 1,485,592 1,559,871 9,477,298
14 Office Assistant UN-
85,000 1,020,000 1,071,000 1,124,550 1,180,778 1,239,816 1,301,807 1,366,898 8,304,849
15 Cleaner UN- 75,000
900,000 945,000 992,250 1,041,863 1,093,956 1,148,653 1,206,086 7,327,808
*The salaries are as per UNDP salary scales and in accordance with UNDP HR Policies and procedures
Annexure 2 – UNDP Country Programme Document (2023-2027)
Annexure 3 – Draft Project Document National Initiative for Sustainable Development Goals +
Plus Programme
Annexure 4a


And baseline, associated indicators and List activity results and associated actions
annual targets
And baseline, associated indicators and
List indicator results
annual targets
Indicator 1.1:
Extent to which SDGs integrated in existing and new institutional structures
Indicator 1.2:
Output 1:
Extent to which SDGs frameworks at national/subnational level are developed and planning
Plans, Policies and Resource
tools are SDG aligned
Allocation Aligned to 2030 Agenda.
Indicator 1.3:
Extent to which private sector is engaged in the implementation of SDGs
Indicator 1.4:
Extent to which private sector is engaged in the implementation of SDGs
Indicator 2.1:
Output 2: Extent to which framework for monitoring and reporting on SDGs is developed and
SDGs monitoring, and reporting implemented
strengthened. Indicator 2.2:
Extent to which technical skills of national and provincial statistical institutions enhanced to
effectively monitor progress on SDGs
Output 3: Indicator 3.1:
Financing flows are increasingly Extent to which performance-based criteria is used for resource allocation at national/ sub-
aligned with 2030 Agenda. national level
Output 4:
Indicator 4.1:
Innovative approaches applied to
Extent to which innovative approaches are applied and implemented to accelerate progress
accelerate progress on priority SDGs.
towards SDGs

See Details of activities under Outputs below:

Input/Activity Output Outcome Targeted Impact

1 Research and Policy support in aligning Output 1: Plans, Policies All new and existing policies and SDGs coherent policies and
GoS Plans and Policies with prioritized and Resource Allocation programmes made operational and programmes targeted to address
SDGs and gender inclusive programme. Aligned to 2030 Agenda. aligned with SDGs at provincial and poverty, gender sensitivities and
district tiers climate change challenges
Exercises on SDGs driven ADP Planning Output 1: Plans, Policies Enhanced knowledge in GoS SDGs linked outcome driven annual
with GoS Line Departments in context of and Resource Allocation Stakeholders to plan, design and development schemes focused on
Priority SDGs and Flood Rehabilitation Aligned to 2030 Agenda. implement SDGs aligned ADP schemes addressing poverty, literacy, gender
Programmes sensitivities and climate change
Capacity building, public awareness Output 1: Plans, Policies Enhanced knowledge in citizens, Empowered stakeholders with
campaigns and district outreach sessions and Resource Allocation development partners, NGOs/CBOS and requisite information and platforms
on SDGs mainstreaming with focus on Aligned to 2030 Agenda. Government stakeholders at provincial for action on SDGs
gender inclusivity. and district level on SDGs
Private sector, Academia and Civil Society Output 1: Plans, Policies Development of partnerships with Private sector organizations
engagement studies and collaboration and Resource Allocation private sector organizations for reporting conducting initiatives on various
initiatives Aligned to 2030 Agenda. around SDGs themes of SDGs including climate
resilience and quality education
2 Expansion of Digital Portal for SDGs Output 2: SDGs Operationalization of Digital Portal for Government officials and policy
with additional reporting and district level monitoring, and reporting SDGs for collection, reporting and makers making informed decisions
tiers strengthened. monitoring of SDGs data at provincial on planning, design and
and district tiers implementation around SDGs
through use of data reports
generated through SDGs portal.
Integration of digital portal for SDGs with Output 2: Monitoring and Development of integrated digital Government Officials utilize
other dashboards and portals of GoS Reporting Strengthened mechanism for GoS programme with digitalized platform for informed
programmes for SDGs linkages around SDGs decision making around planning,
design and implementation
Technical assistance to MEC, BoS and Output 2: Monitoring and Development of protocols and systems Outcome based M&E reporting
GoS Departments on integrating SDGs Reporting Strengthened for SDGs driven outcome within mainstreamed within Government
outcome driven principles with M&E for SDGs institutional structure of GoS departments
3 Upgradation of SDGs Expenditure Output 3: Operationalization SDGs Expenditure Upgradation of SDGs Expenditure
Tracking Interactive Dashboard for Financing flows are Tracking dashboard at provincial and Tracking Interactive Dashboard for
Planning & Development Department, increasingly aligned with district tiers Planning & Development
Government of Sindh (GoS) 2030 Agenda. Department, Government of Sindh
Technical support towards building Output 3: Harnessing of Public-Private Partnership Public private partnership projects
synergies between GoS Public Private Financing flows are projects through lens of SDGs through launched through lens of SDGs
Partnership initiatives and Climate finance increasingly aligned with collaboration with PPP node in Sindh under themes of urban resilience,
facility at Federal level 2030 Agenda. and Climate Financing facility at federal climate change and digital
level transformation
Development of costing models and Output 3: Formulation of resource gap studies Resource mobilization initiatives
resource gap analysis studies in specific Financing flows are around SDGs for policy action of GoS undertaken by Government through
SDGs increasingly aligned with help of private sector to address
2030 Agenda. gaps for SDGs achievement
4 Development of SDGs driven district Output 4: SDGs aligned district development District development ADP schemes
profiles for high MPI ranked districts with Innovative approaches profiles with implementation and developed and implemented through
planning and implementation mechanisms applied to accelerate planning mechanism. lens of SDGs with focus on poverty
progress on priority SDGs. alleviation, gender equality and
climate change
Develop collaborative initiatives and pilot Output 4: Pilot initiatives at district level around Pilot initiatives around gender
testing models at district level to accelerate Innovative approaches SDGs in collaboration with local equality, poverty reduction and
progress on SDGs applied to accelerate community, development partners and climate change initiated through
progress on priority SDGs. Government stakeholders citizen led action at district level
Technical assistance to GoS stakeholders Output 4: SDGs aligned town level master plans Strengthening of urban resilience at
on implementation of SDGs aligned town Innovative approaches implemented in Sindh town level in context of SDG 11:
level master plans applied to accelerate Sustainable Cities and communities
progress on priority SDGs.
Annexure 5 - ToRs

Project Coordinator - Government Liaison for SDGs (01 position):

Under the overall guidance of the Provincial Steering/Technical Committee and under direct
supervision of Planning & Development Department and UNDP Assistant Country Director, the
Project Coordinator, will be responsible for keeping an effective liaison with Planning and
development Department on the implementation of and monitoring project interventions in
conformity with the approved work plan. The Project Coordinator will be responsible for the
following activities:

Duties and responsibilities:

• Maintain and develop ongoing relationship with the Planning and Development
Department, Government of Sindh, other provincial departments including the districts
government for the project related activities
• Ensure full alignment of SDGs Unit’s work with provincial priorities
• Support in coordination of Provincial Steering/Technical Committees and other events
jointly organized with the Government at federal and provincial level
• Ensure timely release of government funds committed for the project following the
required procedure and documentation
• Help prepare the required documentation in advance of the meetings and ensuring the
that the Committee’s deliberation are properly documented and incorporated
• Provide inputs for research and capacity building related activities across different
departments of GoS
• Keep abreast of activities and needs across different departments
• Develop and execute an outreach plan for provincial department and districts government
in line with the activities of the approved annual work plan
• Help organize presentations and informational sessions when needed
• Identify opportunities for training delivery and capacity building
Ensure ongoing communication and outreach and facilitate coordination between
Government and as well as other stakeholders.
• Represent Planning & Development Department in various meetings.

Education and experience:

• Master’s degree preferably in public policy, public administration, development studies

economics or related field.
• Minimum 8 years of relevant experience, preferably in project management, managing
Government relations;
• Excellent understanding of the works and procedures of the Government.
• Demonstrated strong familiarity with development projects in Pakistan.
• Excellent inter-personal and team building skills.
Project Manager (01 Position):

Duties and Responsibilities:

1) Ensure the direction of project activities and the achievement of project targets and
• Ensure and coordinate provision of high-quality technical advice, building of partnerships
and mobilize resources for the project;
• Ensure provision of top quality and innovative strategic planning and policy advisory
services to the Planning & Development Department and facilitation of capacity
development and knowledge building and management in support of provincial priorities
and the plans.
• Ensure day-to-day management of the project;
• Gender mainstreaming;
• Ensures the direction of project activities and the achievement of project targets and
results, by focusing on the following results:
• In accordance with the Project Document and in close coordination with Government
counterpart, plan and develop project Annual Work Plans (AWPs) and establish annual
targets and approval by Project Technical Committee and Project Board (PB) according
to UNDP CO timelines.
• Design project budget. Ensure that AWP activities suggested are in line with the overall
direction set by the Project Document and lead to achievements of project targets and
• Implement project governance arrangements. Ensure organization of Project Technical
Committee (PTC) and Project Board (PB) meetings and ensure timely preparation of
agenda, background materials to agenda items and minutes as per UNDP CO and P&DD
• Oversee and coordinate development and formulation of detailed implementation plans,
procurement and human resources, communication and risk management plans for the
Project. Coordinate and ensure timely updates of all planning instruments in close
collaboration with relevant units of UNDP CO and senior management of the Planning
and Development Department (P&DD).
• Assess project impact and oversee the appropriateness and accuracy of methods used to
verify progress and results.
• Establish adequate monitoring procedures and systems throughout project activities in
close collaboration with the UNDP Strategic Management Unit (SMU). Ensure that
adequate systems are in place (UNDP corporate planning system, STAR and Atlas) to
gather data and information for project monitoring and that systematic monitoring of
project progress against targets is undertaken, including regular field trips for monitoring
purposes. Develop innovative improvements to enhance performance of the project.
• Ensure that Planning and Development Department, Government of Sindh and UNDP´s
results-management systems are kept updated for project results-information including
ATLAS project management module.
• Manage the accurate and timely high-quality results reporting on the progress of the
project and achievement of annual targets to the Project Board and donors. Ensure that
donor and UNDP reports are prepared according to UNDPs SOPs, quality standards and
in line with the contractual obligations to project donors. Ensure that all internal and
external reports are submitted by deadlines.
• Coordinate and prepare ad hoc thematic and substantive reports/analysis/briefs.
• Report progress of project to the Project Technical Committee (PTC) and Project Board
(PB), and ensure the fulfilment of PTC & PB directives.

2)Ensures and coordinates provision of high-quality technical advice, building of

partnerships and mobilizing resources for the project, focusing on achievement of the
following results:
• Coordinate, provide high quality technical inputs and oversight to SDG Core and cluster
groups (Social, Economic, Environmental and Governance &Inclusivity).
• Coordinate and support the meeting of all the cluster groups (members will include senior
officials from departments, UN Agencies, private and experts) that have been formed to
develop SDGs Framework and to subsequent progress monitoring of the plan.
• Provide high quality technical inputs to the technical experts/ cluster leads to highlight
cross-cutting issues among the cluster groups to facilitate “whole of government
• Design, undertake (with in-house expertise) and outsource (engaging experts and think
tanks) research for detailed background analysis. Collate and present information and
data on social and economic priorities of the province. Prepare short status notes for use
of the cluster groups;
• Support the creation of an action plan for roll out of the SDGs framework for Sindh
including linking it to the process of budgeting;
• Support the development of SDG indicator framework and aligning it to Sindh data and
M&E systems for monitoring the provincial vision document;
• Suggest and prepare detailed concept notes for possible actions that will be identified to
dovetail provincial development priorities with the SDG framework.
• Responsible for coordinating with the provincial and district department involved in the
process, including, UN Agencies, Planning Commission and other technical agencies
• Coordination with UN agencies for best practices and technical experts that may be
needed during the course of work by various cluster groups
• Establish, maintain and facilitate strategic and policy dialogue between project staff and
CSOs, academia/ think tanks, donors and
• other stakeholders in project´s area of work.
• Provide inputs to UN coordination platforms and participate in meetings
• Lead resource mobilization for the project in close collaboration with UNDP Country
Office. Develop funding proposals and concepts as requested.

3) Ensure provision of top quality and innovative strategic planning and policy advisory
services to the Planning & Development Department and facilitation of capacity
development and knowledge building and management in support of provincial priorities
and the plans, focusing on achievement of the following results:
• Ensure that the Project systematically builds capacities of Implementing Partners and
other national partners through introduction of innovation and best practices, access to
knowledge and expertise and promotion of their application to project implementation.
• Contribute to the design of sensitization programmes and capacity building initiatives
including for Government officials (provincial and district level) in the formulation of
SDG-consistent policies, plans and programmes, including appropriate reporting
frameworks at the sub-national level (Provincial SDG Progress Reports).
• Implement robust capacity development plan for Planning and Development department
and key department at provincial and district level
• Promote teamwork, information sharing and collaboration within the Project Team and
between the Project Team and the Project Partners.
• Ensure capturing and disseminations of lessons learnt during project implementation. -
Promote skills development of project staff through coaching and mentoring
• Facilitate the Projects representation and/or participation in knowledge networks to draw
on and share best practice and lessons learned.
• Undertake continuous scoping of the development landscape in the state for identifying
opportunities for future work
• Collect, analyze and synthesize macro-economic and SDG-related information and best
practices, with emphasis on gender, people with disabilities, the youth and other
vulnerable groups and propose
• Capacity development options to relevant actors in the implementation of the provincial
plans and other sector-specific plans and strategies.
• Provide substantive guidance to Sustainable Development Unit Team and ensure day-to-
day management of the project, by focusing on the following results:
• Provide technical advisory support to the Sustainable Development Unit Team and
especially with respect to SDGs localization through MAPS Approach.
• Develop ToRs/JDs for project staff positions. Oversee recruitment processes. Establish
performance objectives and standards and ensure timely and appropriate feedback,
guidance and support to ensure optimum performance. Undertake performance evaluation
according to P&DD and UNDP´s policies and deadlines.
• Supervise and manage project personnel and consultants/ technical experts and thematic
cluster leads.
• Manage and monitor the project risks. In collaboration with the technical project staff,
identify new risks and update risk frameworks for consideration of the Project Board for
decision on possible actions if required. Update the status of these risks by maintaining
the project risks log.
• Ensure compliance of all actions and activities with organizational rules, regulations,
policies, strategies and internal control mechanisms.
• Oversee the appropriate use of project funds as well as the consistent application of
UNDP rules and regulations.
• Ensure appropriate management of project assets, attendance records and filing system.
• Implement audit recommendations for the project. Provide inputs to audit management
responses. - Undertake project operational closure when needed.
• Gender Mainstreaming: Ensure gender is mainstreamed in all aspects of project activities
• Ensure gender aspects are integrated in all existing and new project proposals
• Ensure equal opportunities for female staff members of the project
• Contribute towards corporate efforts for gender parity by aligning project activities and
plans accordingly

Min. Academic Education:

• Master’s Degree preferably in Development, Public administration, Economics or and
other related disciplines
Min. years of relevant Work experience:
• Minimum of 05 years’ relevant experience at the national or international level.
• Substantial experience in project management including development sector
• Knowledge of SDGs and development context, in particular experience in policy
advisory services (preferred).
• Demonstrated experience in the usage of computers and office software packages,
experience in handling of web-based management systems and advanced programmes for
statistical analysis of data.
• Excellent writing and presentation skills, including writing reports
Policy/ Research Analyst (02 Position):

• Position-01: Social Policy Analyst (01 Position):

1) Provide advice and support to project staff, and senior officials of UNDP and
Government focusing on achievement of the following results:

• Support compilation, analysis and interpretation of social development trends using

secondary data and statistical analysis;
• Engage in thorough research of the social and development issues in the country and
production of relevant reports aimed at promoting inclusive growth and human development;
• Support provision of top quality analysis and substantive inputs to project, background
research and other strategic documents;
• Selection of strategic research topics, surveys and/or case studies;
• Identify latest research, policy issues, and on-going national and international level policy
dialogue that can add value to the project outputs and initiate corresponding activities of
valuable contributions.

2) Provide advice and support to Government counterparts and facilitate knowledge

building focusing on achievement of the following results;
• Facilitation of policy dialogue on social development issues with Government, donors, civil
society, and private sector;
• Contribution to development of policies, briefs, concept notes and presentations, as relevant;
• Sound contributions to knowledge management and communities of practice through
identification of best practices and lessons learned;
• Support training and capacity building support for Project and Government officials on social
and human development issues.

3) Assist in the building of strategic partnerships focusing on achievement of the following

• Assist production of periodic updates and briefs on country development situation to be used
by stakeholders
• Undertaking of selected studies/research on emerging development concerns that feed into
government/development partners processes.
• Policy advocacy for the Sustainable Development Goals, Human Development and pro-poor
and equitable sustainable development by participating in relevant forums, conferences and
• Support to monitoring progress and formulation of strategies towards the achievement of the
Sustainable Development Goals;
• Support to establishment of advocacy networks at national level and linked to international
networks. Relevant, high-impact advocacy campaigns implementation with key partners;
• Assist in development of partnerships with the UN Agencies, government institutions, bi-
lateral and multi-lateral donors, private sector, think tanks and civil society based on strategic
goals of UNDP and government strategies particularly in relation to the SDGs.

4)Provide technical support and guidance to project staff, and Sindh Government in
implementing activities for SDGs localization
• Coordinate with UNDP and Other SDG Support Units at federal and provincial/regional level
to share ideas, practices and implementation of similar ideas;
• Provide constructive inputs in context of social development in Sindh and the initiatives
required to implement SDGs;
• Undertake extensive research and coordinate with relevant government institutions to
identify means to increase funding for SDGs;
• Provide support in implementing initiatives to strengthen the monitoring & reporting
mechanism for SDGs.

Min. Academic Education:

• Master’s Degree in Public Policy, International Development, Sustainable Development,
Public Administration, Development Policy or in a related discipline.

Min. years of relevant Work experience:

• At least 03 years of relevant experience after Master Degree at the national or international
• Substantial experience in social development and poverty reduction strategies in developing
country contexts. Awareness of SDGs related policy matters and aid effectiveness issues;
• Extensive experience in research and policy-level analysis, including in formulation,
monitoring and evaluation of strategies and development programmes/projects;
• Demonstrated experience in the usage of computers and office software packages, experience
in handling of web-based management systems and advanced programmes for statistical
analysis of data.
Policy/ Research Analyst (02 Position):

• Position-02: Economic Policy Analyst (01 Position):

1) Support provision of high quality analysis and advice on issues related to economic
development and poverty reduction that could inform national and sub-national policies
with regard to the achievement of relevant SDG targets.

• Undertake high quality analysis and interpretation of economic and statistical data with a view
to provide policy and strategic advice;
• Prepare policy papers and briefs for senior government and UNDP officials on issues related
to economic development, and poverty and inequality;
• Identification of policy interventions and areas for UNDP support and interventions;
• Analysis of public policies aimed at economic development, and poverty and inequality
reduction with the objective to assess their effectiveness and impact and provide
recommendations accordingly;
• Analysis of trends and policy frameworks at the regional and global level with the objective to
identify lessons that could inform the policy discourse in Sindh;
• Provide policy advice to the provincial SDG Support Units and collaborate with provincial
planning departments on related issues;
• Substantively contribute to the Project Progress and other reports;
• Supervise the work of consultants and other organizations which the project may
• engage in relation to the work of this particular post;
• Organize national and sub-national workshops and where required, present project’s work;
• Review and disseminate best practices and lessons learnt from implementation of the Project.

2) Ensure provision of top quality and innovative policy advisory services to the
Government and facilitation of capacity development and knowledge building in support of
pro-poor growth and the attainment of the SDGs focusing on achievement of the following

• Collect, analyse and syntheses micro and macro-economic data and information related to
MDG and SDG, paying attention to the capacity development aspects, and propose policy
options to relevant government departments;
• Monitoring progress on economic development related SDG targets and advise government on
policy interventions to achieve targets;
• Assist in provision of high-quality development advice in policy dialogue with government,
UN System and other strategic partners on economic issues, most notably in relation to pro-
poor economic growth and achievement of the SDG with the Government, donors, civil
society, and the private sector;
• Assist in organizing capacity development opportunities for government officials in the
formulation of SDG-based policies, plans and programmes, including appropriate
macroeconomic, fiscal and medium term expenditure frameworks;
• Keep abreast of regional and global economic trends and issues and analyse their implications
for the realization of the SDGs in Pakistan

3) Facilitate creation of strategic partnerships and implementation of the resource

mobilization strategy focusing on achievement of the following results:

• Assist in identifying entry points to development of partnerships with the UN Agencies,

government institutions, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, private sector, civil society areas
based on strategic goals of UNDP, country needs, particularly in relation to the MDGs and
SDGs, and donors’ priorities;
• Analysis and research of information on donors, preparation of substantive briefs on possible
areas of cooperation;
• Keep track of the changes in the aid effectiveness/development cooperation environment and
external resource management matters and assists Government and UNDP in resource
mobilization to meet the SDGs through, among other things, preparation of documentation
for donor and consultative meetings;
• Facilitate development of partnerships with the UN Agencies, government institutions, bi-
lateral and multi-lateral donors, private sector, civil society areas based on strategic goals of
UNDP, Government Strategies (especially Vision 2025), country needs, particularly in
relation to the SDGs, and donors’ priorities

Min. Academic Education:

• Master’s Degree in Economics, with strong emphasis on macro-economic and other
quantitative skills, development economics, and economic planning.

Min. years of relevant Work experience:

• At least 02 years of relevant experience after Master Degree at the national or international
• Substantial experience with economic issues and strategies in developing countries and
awareness of SDGs related policy matters;
• Extensive experience in research and policy-level analysis in formulation of economic
development strategies;
• Demonstrated experience in the usage of computers and office software packages, experience
in handling of web-based management systems and advanced programmes for statistical
analysis of data
Institutional Development Analyst (01 Position) / Environmental Policy Analyst (01

1) Policy Research and Development:

• Compilation, analysis and interpretation of environmental data, thorough research of the

environmental issues linking it with social and economic dimensions and production of
relevant reports aimed at promoting sustainable development;
• Prepare synopses for development of SDGs framework for Sindh, focusing on results, as
requested by management (Government and UNDP), and for other stakeholders, ensuring
timely production of materials;
• Support the implementation of global policy standards, including the testing and roll out of
tools and methodologies for SDGs localization and prioritization process;
• Contribute towards the development of knowledge and innovation initiatives for different
contexts on key emerging policy agendas, bringing in perspectives and knowledge on SDGs
• Support the identification of gaps and opportunities for development of new policies and
guide overall team priorities and workplans in the areas of knowledge and innovation for
sustainable development in line with the project outputs/ activities;
• Coordinate and conduct analysis of data, case evidence and research findings to distill
relevant lessons from projects and programmes to inform policy formulation and guidance;

2) Policy Advice/ Programme and Project Delivery Support

• Apply integrated multi-disciplinary approaches, including through coordination and
engagement with line departments, to meet knowledge and innovation needs for policy and
programming, in line with corporate guidance and standards;
• Apply integrated multi-disciplinary approaches, including through coordination and
engagement with line departments, to meet knowledge and innovation needs for policy and
programming, in line with corporate guidance and standards;
• Review and assess policy success, and compile findings;
• Support working of the SDGs Cluster groups on Social, Economic, Environment and
Governance & Inclusivity to perform following functions:
• Review of data availability mapping, finalization of list of indicators to be monitored at
provincial and district level;
• Review (where available) baselines or suggest baselines for each indicator for consideration
by core group;
• Develop and review proposed targets and finalize targets for consideration by core group;
• Propose priorities and sequencing of SDGs/ targets (later at intervention/ investment level)
for consideration by core group;
• Design research and lead review of current government strategies and support alignment
with 2030 Agenda and its prioritization;
• Ensure engagement of other stakeholders (think-tanks/experts/academia, civil society
groups, private sector and relevant UN agencies and other development partners);
3) Partnerships:
• Provide substantive inputs related to external partnerships in Sustainable Development
areas; and
• Develop implementation plan to foster strategic partnerships for knowledge management
and sharing with think tanks, independent experts, UN and external partner institutions,
Governments, private sector, academia, NGOs, and CSOs;

4) Knowledge Management:
• Contribute to mining, distilling and codifying knowledge and best practices in sustainable
• Coordinate with federal and provincial SDG Units to share experiences, collaboratively
undertake research and support environment focused work;
• Extract, analyse, document, and codify results/lessons learned in Sustainable Development
areas, and verify that knowledge sharing and content management is in line with
guidelines and performed using corporate tools;

Min. Academic Education

• Master’s Degree or equivalent in environmental sciences and climate change related

Min. years of relevant Work experience

• At least 03 years of relevant experience after Master Degree at the national or international
• Substantial experience of working on environmental issues and strategies in developing
countries and awareness of SDGs related policy matters and aid effectiveness issues;
• Extensive experience in research and policy-level analysis in formulation, monitoring and
evaluation of strategies and development programmes/projects;
• Demonstrated experience in the usage of computers and office software packages,
experience in handling of web-based management systems and advanced programmes for
statistical analysis of data
Admin and Finance Associate (01 Position):

Duties and Responsibilities:

• Ensure the implementation of UNDP Financial and Admin related policies in the Project.
Prepare and maintain quarterly advances and financial reports and keep a track of funds
• Prepare necessary documentation for quarterly advances and their settlement in line with
the UNDP standard financial procedures.
• Maintain ledger of financial commitments and advances, ensure settlement of advances in
accordance with agreed contract.
• Prepare payments requests/travel claims with the supporting documentation and liaison
with UNDP for payment follow-ups; Handle all financial matters of the meetings,
workshops and seminars organized under the project;
• Maintain project petty expenses and ensure entries in petty cash register, maintain general
ledger to keep record of project accounts.
• Provide support to the PMU to prepare tender documents, disseminate, prepare bids
tabulation and ensure quality and quantity of goods before delivery; receive and check
invoices from the suppliers and initiate payment requests.
• Assist in inventory management of both expendable and non-expendable project items.
Also responsible for the project file management i.e. to maintain an accessible filing
system in the project.
• Prepare Cash Payment Vouchers, Bank Payment Vouchers, and Journal Vouchers
together with complete supporting documentation in support to every financial
• Act as focal person for yearly project audit.
• Perform any other related duty as and when required.

Qualification & skills:

The candidate should possess a Masters or equivalent degree preferable in Management Sciences
(MBA - Finance, M.Com, ACCA), with minimum 7 years of experience in financial
management of GoP/NGOs or development assistance work. Knowledge of computers including
basic hardware maintenance and use of recent accounting software. Expertise in project
formulation and implementation will be an added advantage. The candidate should have strong
interpersonal skills and excellent command of English language
Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Officer/Analyst (01 Position):

1) Coordinate implementation of project planning processes:

• Coordinate implementation of the project results and other monitoring systems
• Coordinate project reporting processes and ensure preparation of timely project reports
• Systematically work towards improvement of the quality of results reporting by soliciting
feedback from donors and CO

2) Coordinate implementation of project planning processes, by focusing on:

• Support preparation of projects Annual Work Plan (AWP) by defining data/information
requirements for Project planning, coordinating steps of the formulation process, receiving
and controlling quality of inputs from the project specialists and IPs. Coordinate process
between the project partners and UNDP CO according to the UNDP SOP;
• Formulate the AWP according to the UNDP format and in accordance with the CO
• Support the preparation of the projects detailed implementation plans by coordinating inputs
from project specialists, team leaders and IPs; ensure that inputs are appropriately reflected
in the UNDP STAR monitoring MIS and other implementation planning formats
• Support preparation of other project plans such as procurement, HR, risk management and
communications plans. Work closely with the Project Manager to sequence and plan project
procurement and recruitment to ensure achievement of AWP results;
• Contribute to the monitoring of achievement of AWP results and targets and to the analysis
of deviations between planned and actual results achieved. Provide inputs to problem-
• Ensure that projects information in UNDPs results-management systems including ATLAS
project management module is updated regularly and reflects changes and modifications;
• Coordinate the processes for updates of the project planning system ensuring that the
updates/revisions are done according to CO timelines

3) Coordinate implementation of the project results and other monitoring systems, by

focusing on:
• Implement the project results-monitoring system according to the Project Document and
the IRRF. Develop a results-monitoring plan based on the IRRF and review and revise it
periodically in close collaboration with the project team, government and UNDP CO Team;
• Coordinate collection and verification of data (qualitative and quantitative, data sources)
and other information under the project results-monitoring system and according to the
results-monitoring plan;
• Develop project level tools and formats for data collection and verification with IPs and
other project stakeholders. Ensure that data collection is conducted in a timely manner.
Undertake on-going quality assurance of the monitoring data and information;
• Undertake ongoing analysis of monitoring data. Communicate findings to Project Manager
and UNDP CO. Systematically identify and record lessons learnt, communicate to Project
Manager and through results-reporting systems;
• Plan and coordinate monitoring activities including field visits. Establish a plan for field
• Develop and maintain an updated database on results-data and information related to
project monitoring;
• Support conceptualization and implementation of results-monitoring systems of project-
partners. Provide technical advice and coordinate implementation activities;
• Organise and coordinate the implementation of Project Internal Reviews utilizing
qualitative data collection methodologies;
• Participate in preparation of Project Technical Committee meeting by compiling and
drafting inputs;
• Undertake baseline and impact surveys to measure the programme’s impact on the trainees;
• Support and monitoring to ensure project training activities achieve their desired results;
• Ensuring capture of issues and lessons; discern what issues have emerged during
• Collect monitoring evidence that the Outputs are being produced as intended and
• Ensure that monitoring evidence reliably informs whether the project Outputs

4) Coordinate project reporting processes and ensure preparation of timely project

reports, focusing on:
• Implement Project reporting system according to the UNDP POPP and CO SOPS. Prepare
all Project reports (UNDP corporate, donor-specific) according to timelines and other
specifics as per donor agreements;
• Coordinate inputs to reports (data, information) from project team, government and other
project partners ensuring that the inputs are prepared in compliance with the appropriate
formats, standards and that the inputs correspond to the requirements of Project Results-
monitoring system;
• Take notes at the Project Technical Committee meeting and compile and draft PB reports;
• Compile and draft ad hoc reports, analysis, presentations and summaries on various aspects
of project implementation, including for the Project Technical Committee meetings and
donor briefings
Min. Academic Education
• Master’s degree in public policy research, economics, political science, Development
Studies, public administration, social sciences, or any other relevant area.

Min. years of relevant Work experience:

• He/ She must have at least 02 years of relevant experience in monitoring, evaluation,
performance management/monitoring and reporting in development projects or
programmes. Proven practical skills and familiarity with monitoring and evaluation
approaches and tools. Proved previous experience in data and information.
Information Tech / Communications Officer/Analyst (01 Position):

Under the direct supervision of Project Manager, the Communications Officer will be
responsible for;
• Ensuring planning and design of internal and external strategies for communications and
outreach for SDGs focusing on achievement of the following results:
o Planning and elaboration of communications needs assessments
o Elaboration of the communications and outreach for the project.
o Constructive and timely advice on inclusion of communications components in
programme formulations to integrate advocacy and communication strategies

• Ensuring elaboration and implementation of the communication and advocacy strategy

and plan for SDGs focusing on the achievement of the following results:
o Elaboration and implementation of the strategy and plan
o Identification and development of storylines for publication and substantive articles
contributing to debates on key development issues.
o Coordination and management of all activities, including content management, norms for
publishing, design, liaison with printers and other suppliers to oversee production and
supervision of publications dissemination.
• Supervising the design and maintenance web-based knowledge management system
focusing on achievement of the following results:
o Design of the office web sites in incoordination with IT staff.
o Supervision and preparation of the content for the web sites ensuring consistency of the
• Supporting the business development focusing on achievement of the following results:
o Management, promotion and dissemination of advocacy materials for launching flagship
initiatives and publications regarding Sustainable Development Goals;
o Increased coverage and understanding of the project’s work through development and
maintenance of media contacts and providing newsworthy information to national public
and donors;
o Formatting, packaging and submission of programme initiatives for donor review in close
collaboration with project staff:
o Development and maintenance of close contacts with government officials, multilaterals
and bilateral donors, civil society and private sector for implementation of the
communications strategy, organization of roundtable discussions, press conferences,
briefing sessions, interviews, launches etc.;
o Regular newsletter to donors, donor report, civic education and community awareness
where appropriate;
• Ensuring facilitation of knowledge building and management focusing on achievement of
the following results:
o Identification and synthesis of best practices and lessons learned directly linked to project
goals and activities
o Monitor practices, and project-specific new and developments in order to ensure
guidance to the office that reflects the best and most current available information.
• Update project information materials such as Project Fact Sheet/project summary and
project website and social media sites.

Min. Academic Education

• The candidate should possess a Master’s degree in Mass Communication, Journalism,
Development Studies, or a related discipline.

Min. years of relevant Work experience:

• He/ She must have at least 02 years of relevant experience in the field of journalism,
communications, external relations, public affairs or corporate communications.
Admin and Finance Officer (01 Position):

Under the direct supervision of Project Manager, the Admin & Finance Officer will be
responsible for;

• Oversee the overall financial and administrative management of the programme;

• Maintain complete set of books of account according to the principle of accounting and
update it on daily basis. Ensure accuracy of supporting documents;
• Follow up on the activities and monitor advance balances of resource disbursed, verify
availability of funds for project activities and recommend for changes in budget line if
needed. Draft budget for budget revision;
• Supervise AFA prepare vouchers and process payments for all the financial transaction
• Provide support to prepare annual and quarterly work plans and budgets in consultation
with the PM
• Verify Combine Delivery Report (CDR) for Certification;
• Manage annual audit exercise, prepare audit follow-up action plans, and ensure that the
action plan is implemented;
• Prepare monthly shadow budget for tracking the delivery of the programme;
• Oversee the contracts with implementing partners including governmental, non-
governmental, and community-based organizations as well as with service providers for
the programme (individuals and companies);
• Ensure the compliance of all the provisions of guidelines regarding personnel
management, procurement, sub contract and financial management;
• Prepare annual human resources and procurement (requisition) plans and implementing
• Draw up specifications for the equipment required for procurement in close work with
project team as per guidelines; maintain and update an inventory and ensure proper
operation, maintenance
• Keep records on non-expendable equipment (NEE), conduct physical verification at least
once a year and prepare annual physical verification report of NEE to be submitted to
• Carry out any other related responsibility assigned by the PM and support other activities
as required by the programme management.

Min. Academic Education

• The candidate should possess a Master degree in business administration, procurement,

finance, accounting or any other relevant fields
Min. years of relevant Work experience
• He/ She must have at least Minimum 2 years of relevant experience. Hands-on
experience with UN or similar development programme or reputed private organization.
Excellent financial, accounting including auditing and reporting skills as well as exposure
in administration of project. Excellent skills in computers (Windows, Word, Excel, and
Power Point).
Support Staff:


Driver (01 Position):

• Ensures provision of reliable and secure driving services by a) driving office vehicles
for the transport of authorized personnel and delivery and collection of mail, documents
and other items and b) meeting official personnel and visitors at the airport, visa and
customs formalities arrangement when required.
• Ensures cost-savings through proper use of vehicle through accurate maintenance of
daily vehicle logs, provision of inputs to preparation of the vehicle maintenance plans and
• Ensures proper day-to-day maintenance of the assigned vehicle through timely minor
repairs, arrangements for major repairs, timely changes of oil, check of tires, brakes, car
washing, etc.
• Ensures availability of all the required documents/supplies including vehicle
insurance, vehicle logs, office directory, map of the city/country, first aid kit, and
necessary spare parts.
• Ensures that all immediate actions required by rules and regulations are taken in case of
involvement in accidents.

Min. Academic Education

• Secondary Education. Valid Driver’s license.

Min. years of relevant Work experience

• years’ work experience as a driver; safe driving record; knowledge of driving rules and
regulations and skills in minor vehicle repair.
• Experience of driving armored vehicle and with international or high level missions is
highly desirable.
Office Assistant (01 Position):

Under the direct supervision of Project Manager & Admin & Finance Officer, the Office
Assistant will be responsible for;

• Office Administration & Support Services.

• Manage all office correspondence and filing, the office library, equipment and storeroom.
• Ensure that all visitors are well received and attended to and that the office is kept clean.
• Sorting, delivery and pick up of mail from registry unit on the premises at regular
intervals. Maintenance of records as required.
• Packaging/packing of material received for dispatch; labeling, inserting material in
envelopes and franking outgoing mail.
• Assist program staff to plan and execute logistical operations, including planning and
coordinating meetings and special seminars;
• Assist in preparing meeting packages of brochures, periodic reports, and articles on grant
programs, and reports, speeches and presentations for special events, as and when
• Provide filing services, archiving and offer circulation of mail service within the office
• Provide photocopying and document binding services as requested.
• Provide tea/ coffee or refreshments for guests/ visitors to the Project & Unit’s meetings as
• Provide assistance to project admin team in inventory consolidation and management of
• Digitization of important project data into excel or word sheets.
• Provide assistance to project administration in physical verification and counter checking
of project vehicle log books and fuel cards.
• Other duties as required.

Min. Academic Education

• Primary education; secondary education desirable.

Min. years of relevant Work experience

• 1-2 years of relevant work experience.
• Ability to handle multiple and competing priorities
• Internet/email communication skills
• Strong organizational skills
• Professional, courteous & pleasant personality traits
• Neat & tidy outfit and presentable personality
Regional Coordinator (06 Positions):

Duties and responsibilities:

1. Report to the Programme Manager and represent the Planning & Development
Department in various meetings
2. Maintain and develop ongoing relationships with the Planning and Development
Department, Government of Sindh, and other provincial departments, including the
districts government, for project-related activities
3. Develop and execute an outreach plan for districts government in line with the activities
of the approved annual work plan
4. Ensure effective coordination of the data workshops, meetings, seminars, training, and
other relevant events for the implementation of the project activities
5. Contribute to the development of the project's annual work plans, progress reports, and
other project materials
6. Ensure ongoing data management, communication and outreach and facilitate
coordination between the Government and as well as other stakeholders
7. Ensure complete alignment of SDGs Unit's work with provincial priorities
8. Help prepare the required documentation in advance of the meetings and ensure that the
Committee's deliberation is appropriately documented and incorporated
9. Provide inputs for research and capacity-building-related activities across different
departments of GoS
10. Establish and maintain effective cooperation with local counterparts, local CSOs, and
other stakeholder
11. Identify opportunities for training delivery and capacity building in GoS
12. Collect the data on respective project activities according to the M&E system and submit
monthly monitoring reports to the Project Manager in a predefined template
13. Perform other duties assigned by the Project Manager

Education and experience:

1. Master’s degree, preferably in Public Policy, Public Administration, Development
Studies, Economics, or related field.
2. Minimum 8 years of relevant experience, preferably in project management, managing
Government relations;
3. Excellent understanding of the works and procedures of the Government.
4. Demonstrated strong familiarity with development projects in Pakistan.
5. Excellent interpersonal, leadership, and team-building skills.
Divisional Project Officer (06 Positions):
Duties and responsibilities:
1. Assist the Regional Coordinator and Divisional Commissioner Office in representing
SDG Support Unit, Sindh in various meetings at the divisional level
2. Ensuring effective project and data management of the assigned projects by maintaining
the delivery of appropriate technical, operational, financial and administrative outputs,
while tracking the project progress through monitoring, evaluation and data reporting
3. Ensure effective coordination of the data collection, data analysis and representation,
workshops, meetings, seminars, training, and other relevant events for the
implementation of the project activities at divisional level
4. Maintain and develop ongoing relationships with divisional commissioner officers and
administrative departments, including the districts administration, for project-related
activities, including data flows
5. Assist the Regional Coordinator in developing and executing outreach plan for districts
government in line with the activities of the approved annual work plan
6. Assist in the development of the project's annual work plans, progress reports, and other
project materials
7. Identifying opportunities for deepening the cooperation and recommending adequate
approaches to dealing with different stakeholders based on information on all relevant
stakeholders gathered during projects’ implementation
8. Ensure ongoing communication and outreach and facilitate coordination between the
district administration and as well as other stakeholders
9. Facilitate Regional Coordinator in ensuring complete alignment of SDGs Unit's work
with divisional and district priorities
10. Provide the Regional Coordinator with needed documentation in advance of meetings
and ensure that the Committee's deliberations are accurately documented.
11. Coordinate effectively with counterparts, civil society organizations, and other
stakeholders on a divisional level.
12. Monitoring the progress of implementation of project activities and key event schedules
observing the work-plans and set deadlines including monitoring of the financial
resources and accounting to ensure accuracy and reliability of financial reports
13. Ensure maintenance and usage of SDGs data portal(s) and ensure that data is collected on
each project activity according to the M&E system and that the monitoring reports are
submitted to the Project Coordinator on a monthly basis in the format specified
14. Perform other duties assigned by the Regional Coordinator and Project Manager

Education and experience:

1. Master’s Degree or equivalent in professional areas directly related to the project such as
Environmental Studies, Development, Programme Management, Public Administration,
Economics, or related field
2. Minimum 7 years of relevant experience in project management, including familiarity
with donor reporting, knowledge management, and results based management processes;
3. Demonstrated familiarity with issues relevant to local development projects in Pakistan
4. Experience working in partnership with Government
5. Excellent interpersonal, leadership, and team-building skills
Annexure 6 Divisional Organogram

Planning &
Board, GoS

Project Coordinator

SDGs Support Unit


Project Manager

Regional Coordinator 1 SDGs Unit Sindh
Divisional Project - M&E Officer
Officer 1
- Environment Analyst
- Social Policy Analyst
Regional Coordinator 1 - Economic Policy Analyst
Divisional Project
Officer 1
- Admin & Finance Officer
- Admin & Finance Associate
Larkana - Communication Analyst
Regional Coordinator 1
Divisional Project Officer
- Office Assistant
- Driver

Regional Coordinator 1
Divisional Project Officer

Regional Coordinator
Divisional Project Officer

Regional Coordinator 1
Divisional Project
Officer 1
Annexure 7 UNDP Pakistan Digital Transformation Programming Framework and the
Digital Strategy 2022-2025

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