Unit 2-1 Solutions

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Solutions: Self-study material 2

Departament of Economic, Financial, and Actuarial Mathematics Mathematics I

Unit II: The Euclidean Space. Solutions

Exercise 1.

u · ~v = 17
a) ~ c) Impossible
u · ~v = 32
b) ~ u · ~v = 0
d) ~

Exercise 2.

u + ~v ) · (~u − ~v ) = −20
a) (~ u) · (µ~v ) = −72
c) (λ~
u · ~v ) · ~v = (−45, 0, −27)
b) (~ u + ~v )] · (µ~v ) = 200
d) [λ(~

Exercise 3.

a) Not orthogonal e) Orthogonal

b) Not orthogonal f ) Not orthogonal
c) Orthogonal g) Not orthogonal
d) Not orthogonal h) Not orthogonal

Exercise 4. k = 1 or k = 2.

Exercise 5. k = 1.

Exercise 6. k = −1 or k = 5.

Exercise 7. k = 3 or k = −2

Exercise 8. We show by contradiction that {(a, b), (c, d)} is linearly independent. Suppose
that {(a, b), (c, d)} is linearly dependent. Then one of the vectors is a linear combination of
the other, that is, there is a λ ∈ R such that (c, d) = λ(a, b). Moreover, λ 6= 0 because
(c, d) 6= (0, 0). From the orthogonality of (a, b) and (c, d) we have that (a, b) · (c, d) = 0.
(a, b) · (c, d) = (a, b) · λ(a, b) = λk(a, b)k2 6= 0,

because λ 6= 0 and (a, b) 6= (0, 0). So, we have obtained a contradiction which proves that the
hypothesis in the beginning ({(a, b), (c, d)} is linearly dependent) is false.

Exercise 9.
√ √ √
a) k~
uk = 14 and k~v k = 17 c) k~
u − ~v k = 17
√ √ √
b) k2~
uk = 56 = 2 14 d) k2~
u + ~v k = 101

M. Álvarez Mozos 1 ADE - 2014/2015

Solutions: Self-study material 2
Departament of Economic, Financial, and Actuarial Mathematics Mathematics I

Exercise 10.
√ √ √
a) k~
uk = 29 and k~v k = 22 c) k−3~
uk = 3 29
√ √ √
b) k3~
uk = 261 = 3 29 d) k~
u + ~v k = 97

Exercise 11.

a) Schwartz inequality: |~
u · ~v | ≤ k~uk · k~v k
For the particular vectors given by the exercise we compute: |~
u · ~v | = 7 and
√ √
k~uk · k~v k = 238. Then, since 7 < 238 the Schwartz inequality is satisfied.
b) Triangle inequality: k~
u + ~v k ≤ k~uk + k~v k

For the particular vectors given by the exercise we compute: k~
u + ~v k = 3 5 and
√ √ √
k~uk + k~v k = 14 + 17. Then, the Triangle inequality holds because 3 5 ' 6, 71 <
√ √
7,86 ' 14 + 17.

Exercise 12.

a) The Schwartz inequality holds since 24 < 5 26.
√ √
b) The triangle inequality is a consequence of 3< 26 + 5.

Exercise 13.    
1 2 5 1 1 2 2
· ~u = √ ,√ and · ~v = , , .
k~uk 29 29 k~v k 3 3 3

Exercise 14.
1 2 1 −2 1 1 −1 −1 1
· ~u = , , and · ~v = , , , .
k~uk 3 3 3 k~v k 2 2 2 2

Exercise 15. It is an orthogonal basis of R3 .

Exercise 16. The vectors form an orthogonal basis but not an orthonormal basis because ~
and ~
u3 are not unit vectors.

Exercise 17. It is an orthonormal basis of R3 .

Exercise 18. k = 3 or k = −3.

Exercise 19. 55◦ 330 .

√ √
Exercise 20. k = 3 43 or k = −3 43.

Exercise 21. α ' 59◦ 310 4800 .

Exercise 22. α = 60◦ .

Exercise 23. 0◦ .

M. Álvarez Mozos 2 ADE - 2014/2015

Solutions: Self-study material 2
Departament of Economic, Financial, and Actuarial Mathematics Mathematics I

Exercise 24. d(~

u, ~v ) = 5.

Exercise 25. k = 1.

Exercise 26. d(~

u, ~v ) = 6.

Exercise 27. k = −3 and k = 5.

q q
7 7
Exercise 28. k = 2 and k = − 2.

Exercise 29. k = 6 or k = −56/10.

M. Álvarez Mozos 3 ADE - 2014/2015

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