Homework Problems

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6/26/2008 CROSS PRODUCT/LINES O.Knill,Maths21a 4) (4 points) a) Verify the identity ~b × (~u × ~v) = (~b · ~v )~u − (~b · ~u)~v.

b) (2 points) Verify that in general, if ~u · (~v × w)

~ = 1 and
This is part 3 (of 3) of the homework which is due Tuesday July 1 at the beginning of class.
~a = ~v × w ~
~b = w~ × ~u
~c = ~u × ~v ,
~i ~j ~k
 

~ = hv2 w3 − v3 w2 , v3 w1 − v1 w3 , v1 w2 − v2 w1 i =  v1 v2 v3 . cross product.

• ~v × w then ~a · (~b × ~c) = 1.
w1 w2 w3
• |~v × w|
~ = |~v||w|
~ sin(α), where α is the angle between vectors. Area of parallelogram a) This is a direct computation.
spanned by ~v and w.
~ b) Focus first on (~b × ~c) = ~b × (~u × ~v ) and use a) to get (~b · ~v)~u − (~b · ~u)~v . The problem
asks for the dot product of this with ~a. Now, since ~a is orthogonal to the second term,
• ~v × w
~ is orthogonal to ~v and to w
~ with length |~v||w|
~ sin(φ)
we obtain ~a(~b · ~v ) · ~u. When plugging in the definitions of ~a and ~b, we are left with 1.
• ~u · (~v × w)
~ triple scalar product, signed volume of parallelepiped spanned by ~u, ~v, w.
5) (4 points)
• ~r(t) = P + t~v parametric equation for a line, P a point, ~v is a vector. a) (2) Find the parametric and symmetric equation for the line which passes through the points
(x−x0 ) (y−y0 ) (z−z0 ) P = (1, 2, 3) and Q = (3, 4, 5).
• a
= b
= c
symmetric equation for a line. b) (2) Find the equation for the plane which contains the three points P = (1, 2, 3), Q = (3, 4, 4)
• Distance Point-Line d(P, L) = |(P~Q) × ~u|/|~u|. and R = (1, 1, 2). This problem is a preparation for next week. You can use without proof that
a plane has the form ax + by + cz = d where ~n = ha, b, ci is thew normal vector to the plane.
a) The vector ~v = (2, 2, 2) connects the two points. The parametric equation is
P + t~v = (1, 2, 3) + t(2, 2, 2) = (1 + 2t, 2 + 2t, 3 + 2t). The symmetric equation is
Homework Problems (x − 1)/2 = (y − 2)/2 = (z − 3)/2.
b) A normal vector ~n = (1, −2, 2) = (a, b, c) of the plane ax+by +cz = d is obtained as the
1) (4 points) cross product of P −Q and R−Q With d = ~n ·P = 3, we have the equation x−2y+2z = 3.
a) (2) Find a the cross product w~ of ~u = (−3, −1, 2) and ~v = (−2, −2, 5).
b) (1) Find a unit vector ~n orthogonal to ~u and ~v .
c) (1) Find the volume of the parallelepiped spanned by ~u, ~v and w.
Solution: Remarks
a) ~u × ~v =√w ~ = (−1, 11, 4) √ √ √
b) |w|
~ = 138, ~n = w/| ~ w|~ = (−1/ 138, 11/ 138, 4/ 138). (You don’t need to read these remarks to do the problems.)
c) w~ · (~u × ~v) = w
~ ·w ~ 2 = 138.
~ = |w|
To 4): three vectors with nonzero triple scalar product are called non-coplanar . Adding
integer multiples of such vectors form a lattice n~u + m~v + k w, ~ where n, m, k are integers.
2) (4 points)
The vectors ~a, ~b and ~c in the problem define a new lattice which is called the reciprocal lattice.
a) (2) Find the distance between the point P = (2, −1, 2) and the line x = y = z.
Crystallographers also denote them by ~u∗ , ~v ∗ and w ~ ∗ . The reciprocal lattice is essential for the
b) (2) Find a parametrization r(t) of the line given in a) and find the minimum of the function
study of crystal lattices and their diffraction properties obtained by shooting X-rays onto them.
f (t) = d(P, r(t)). Check whether the minimal value is the distance you got in a).
3) (4 points)
a) Assume ~u + ~v + w ~ = ~0. Verify that ~u × ~v = ~v × w
~ =w
~ × ~u. Challenge Problems
b) Find (~u + ~v ) · (~v × w)
~ if ~u, ~v , w
~ are unit vectors which are orthogonal to each other and
~u × ~v = w.
~ (Solutions to these problems are not turned in with the homework.)
c) Assume you have a triangle in the plane which has edge points with integer coordinates.
Show that the area of the triangle is an integer, or half of an integer. 1) Prove the following identity for vectors ~a, ~b, ~c in space:
~a × (~b × ~c) = (~a · ~c)~b − (~a · ~b)~c .
a) Build a triangle with the three vectors u, v, w. Each of the terms in the identity is
twice the area of the triangle. Or the Binet-Cauchy identity
b) We have (~u + ~v ) · (~v × w)
~ = (~u · (~v × w)
~ =w
~ · (~u × (~v) = w
~ ·w
~ = 1.
c) The formula for the area is |(A − C) × (B − C)|/2. (a × b) · (c × d) = (a · c)(b · d) − (a · d)(b · c) .
2) Find a general formula for the volume of a tetrahedron with corners P, Q, R, S.
Hint. Find first a formula for the area of one of its triangular faces, and then a formula for the
distance from the fourth point to that face.
The change of the angular momentum satisfes the formula
d~ ~ ~
L=L×Ω ,
~ is the angular velocity vector. Verify that the length
3) where Ω
~ does not change in time. To do so, compute the time
of L
~ ·L
derivative L ~ and show that it is 0. You can use
[~v (t) × w(t)]
~ = ~v ′ (t) × w(t) ~ ′ (t) .
~ + ~v (t) × w

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