AIX 7.2 Installation, Quick Start Guide PDF

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AIX Installation Quick Start Guide

Version 7.2

Quick Start Guide

This guide gets you started with a typical installation for the AIX Version 7.2 operating system.
Product overview
Use these steps to install the Base Operating System (BOS) for AIX® from physical DVD media. The steps guide you through a
new installation, also called an overwrite installation.

1 Step 1: Completing the prerequisites

Prepare for a new and complete overwrite:
v Ensure that you have at least 4 GB of memory and a minimum of 20 GB of physical disk space. For additional release
information, see the AIX Release Notes® that correspond to the level of your AIX operating system.
v Ensure that your hardware installation is complete, including all external devices. See the documentation that is
provided with your system unit for installation instructions.
v Verify that your system is set to boot from the device in which the installation media is loaded. See the hardware
documentation that accompanied your system for instructions about setting the boot device.
v If your system must communicate with other systems and access their resources, make sure that you have the
following information before you proceed with the installation:
– Network interface
– Host name
– IP address
– Network mask
– Name server
– Domain name
– Gateway

2 Step 2: Preparing your system for installation

Follow these steps to prepare your system for installation:
1. Insert the AIX Volume 1 media into the media device.
2. Shut down your system. If your system is running, turn it off by following these steps:
v Log in as the root user.
v Type the following command:
shutdown -F
v If your system does not automatically turn off, place the power switch in the Off (0) position.
Do not turn on the system unit until instructed to do so in Step 4: Booting from your installation media.
3. Ensure that all external devices attached to the system (such as CD-ROM drives, tape drives, DVD drives, and
terminals) are turned on. You must turn on the external devices first so that the system unit can identify each
peripheral device during the startup (boot) process.
3 Step 3: Setting up an ASCII terminal
If you have not set up ASCII terminal, set the communications, keyboard, and display options. Use the following criteria
and your terminal reference documentation to set the communications, keyboard, and display options. The following
settings are typical, but your terminal might have different option names and settings than those listed here:
Communication Options:
Options Settings
Line speed (baud rate) 9600
Word Length (bits per character) 8
Parity no (none)
Number of stop bits 1
Interface RS-232C (or RS-422A)
Line control IPRTS
Keyboard and display options:
Options Settings
Screen normal
Row and Column 24x80
Scroll jump
Auto LF (line feed) off
Line Wrap on
Forcing Insert line (or both)
Tab field
Operating Mode echo
Turnaround Character CR
Enter return
Return new line
New Line CR
Send page
Insert Character space

4 Step 4: Booting from your installation media

Follow this procedure for booting from your installation media:
1. Turn on the system unit power switch.
2. When the system beeps twice, press 5 on your ASCII terminal. The word keyboard is shown when the beeps occur.
3. If you have more than one console, each one might display a panel that directs you to press a key to identify your
system console. A different key is specified for each console that is displayed on this panel. If this panel opens, press
the specified key only on the console that you want to use for the installation. (The system console is the keyboard
and display device that is used for installation and system administration.)
4. Select the language that you prefer to use during installation, and press Enter.

5 Step 5: Verifying the installation settings

Follow this procedure to verify your installation settings:
1. Display the installation settings before you install the BOS, by typing 2 in the Choice field to select 2 Change/Show
Installation Settings and Install and press Enter.
Welcome to Base Operating System
Installation and Maintenance
Type the number of your choice and press Enter. Choice is indicated by >>>.
>>> 1 Start Install Now with Default Settings
2 Change/Show Installation Settings and Install
3 Start Maintenance Mode for System Recovery
4 Make Additional Disks Available
5 Select Storage Adapters
88 Help ?
99 Previous Menu
>>> Choice [1]:

2. Verify the default installation settings from the Overwrite Installation and Settings panel.
3. If the installation and system settings are correct, type 0 in the Choice field and press Enter. Confirm that the
selections on the installation summary panel are correct, and press Enter to begin the BOS installation. The system
automatically reboots after the system installation is complete. Go to Step 9: Finishing the BOS installation.
If your installation settings are not correct, or if you want to change the installation settings, go to Step 6. Changing
the installation settings.
6 Step 6: Optional: Changing the installation settings
To change the installation settings, complete the following steps:
1. In the Installation and Settings panel, type 1 in the Choice field to select the System Settings option.
Installation and Settings
Either type 0 and press Enter to install with current settings, or type the
number of the setting you want to change and press Enter.
1 System Settings:
Method of Installation.............New and Complete Overwrite
Disk Where You Want to Install.....hdisk0
Choice [0]: 1

2. When the Change Method of Installation panel is displayed, type 1 for New and Complete Overwrite Installation and
press Enter.
When the Change Disk(s) Where You Want to Install panel is displayed, you can change the destination disk for the
Change Disk(s) Where You Want to Install
Type one or more numbers for the disk(s) to be used for installation and press
Enter. To cancel a choice, type the corresponding number and Press Enter.
At least one bootable disk must be selected. The current choice is indicated
by >>>.
Name Location Code Size(MB) VG Status Bootable
>>> 1 hdisk0 04-B0-00-2,0 30720 none Yes
2 hdisk1 04-B0-00-5,0 30720 none Yes
3 hdisk2 04-B0-00-6,0 30720 none Yes
0 Continue with choices indicated above
55 More Disk Options
66 Disks not known to Base Operating System Installation
77 Display More Disk Information
88 Help ?
99 Previous Menu
>>> Choice [0]:

3. If the default settings shown are correct, type 0 in the Choice field and press Enter.
To change the destination disk, complete the following steps:
a. Type the number for each disk where you want to install the BOS in the Choice field and press Enter. Do not press
Enter a final time until you finish selecting all disks. If you must deselect a disk, type its number a second time and
press Enter.
b. To finish selecting disks, type 0 in the Choice field and press Enter. The Installation and Settings panel is displayed
with the selected disks listed under System Settings.

7 Step 7: Changing Primary Language Environment

To change the primary language that is used by this installation:
1. Type 2 Primary Language Environment® Settings in the Choice field on the Installation and Settings panel.
2. Select the appropriate set of cultural convention, language, and keyboard options. Most of the options are a
predefined combination; however, you can define your own combination of options.
3. To select a predefined Primary Language Environment, type the corresponding number in the Choice field and press
To configure your own Primary Language Environment, complete the following steps:
a. Select More Choices.
b. Page through the choices and select the Create Your Own Combination option.
c. On the Set Primary Cultural Convention panel, type the corresponding number in the Choice field and press Enter.
d. On the Set Primary Language panel, type the number in the Choice field that corresponds to your choice for the
primary language and press Enter.
e. On the Set Keyboard panel, type the number in the Choice field that corresponds to the keyboard that is attached
to the system and press Enter.
8 Step 8: Verifying BOS installation settings
To verify your BOS installation settings:
1. Verify that the selections are correct on the Overwrite Installation Summary panel.
Overwrite Installation Summary
Disks: hdisk0
Cultural Convention: en_US
Language: en_US
Keyboard: en_US
Graphics Software: Yes
System Management Client Software: Yes
OpenSSH Client Software: No
OpenSSH Server Software: No
Enable System Backups to install any system: Yes
Selected Edition: express
Optional Software being installed:
>>> 1 Continue with Install
88 Help ?
99 Previous Menu
>>> Choice [1]:

2. Press Enter to begin the BOS installation.

9 Step 9: Finishing the BOS installation

After the base runtime environment is installed, status information is displayed about other software that is being
installed. The system automatically reboots.
The Installation Assistant guides you through the configuration tasks.

Related information
For more information about installing AIX, see the following resources:
? v For additional release information, see the AIX Release Notes that corresponds to your level of the AIX operating
system in the IBM® Knowledge Center (
v For more detailed installation documentation, see the AIX Version 7.2 installation and migration topic collection in the
IBM Knowledge Center (

AIX Version 7.2 Licensed Materials - Property of IBM. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2015. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

IBM, the IBM logo, and® are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other
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Document Number: SA23-2267-03

Printed in USA

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