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N Ranasinghe
Unit/Modules Marketing / Management / HRM / Communication

Assessment Final Assignment

Lecturer/ Tutor

Student Name B.A. Pasini Ranasinghe ID DBA BATCH 01

Due Date for Assignment

Date Handed Over Submission 06/10/2018

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B.A.P.N Ranasinghe

04 LO.4.1

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B.A.P.N Ranasinghe

I would like to thank all who acted as a guidance for me to make this assignment a success.
Especially I would like to thank my dear lecturer Mr. Anuruddika rathnamalala who was always
prepared to help me when I needed.

Also my family who was always behind me and enlighten me to work hard and reach the path of
success. Also my fellow colleagues who always interact with me and helped me throughout the

And also special thanks for the other lecturers at ICBT Kurunegala ,the academic and non-
academic as well as everyone who helped me directly and indirectly for the success of this report


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe

Executive summery
The first task is to test the manager's knowledge. Note the variation and explanation of the variable.
Henry Mintzburg management functions and capabilities are expected to manage his contributions
and summarize his findings. It is expected to look at what happens in the most profitable company
using such terms

The second job is to get an idea of marketing. . Marketing concept, 7Ps, PESTEL, and market
planning process are of the utmost care to get a glimpse of marketing. It is also expected to explain
further in this context.

The third task is to search for facts about human resources management. Recruitment and selection
and elaborate the recruitment process, as well as the relationship between pay and motivation.

By completing these three tasks, we will look at the basics of management, marketing and human
resources management in real life as well as how to build a business in real life.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe

Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 8

1.1. Function of management .................................................................................................. 9

1.1.1. Planning .................................................................................................................... 9

1.1.3. Controlling .............................................................................................................. 10

1.1.4. Directing ................................................................................................................. 10

1.2.1. 10 mintzburg managerial roles .................................................................................... 11

1.2.2. Skills ............................................................................................................................ 14

1.2.3. Tools for managers ...................................................................................................... 14

1.3. Nestle company introduction ............................................................................................. 15

1.3.1. Mission statement of nestle company.......................................................................... 16

1.3.2. Vision statement of nestle company ............................................................................ 16

1.3.3. Goals and objectives .................................................................................................... 16

1.3.4. Nestle values ................................................................................................................ 17

1.3.5. Organizational structure of nestle company ................................................................ 18

01. Task 02 ............................................................................................................................... 19

2.1. What is marketing?............................................................................................................. 19

2.2. Marketing concept .............................................................................................................. 19

2.2.1. Production concept ...................................................................................................... 19

2.2.2. Product concept ........................................................................................................... 20

2.2.3. Selling concept ............................................................................................................ 20


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
2.2.4. Marketing concept ....................................................................................................... 20

2.2.5. Societal marketing concept .......................................................................................... 21

2.3. 7ps of marketing ............................................................................................................. 22

2.3.1. Product ......................................................................................................................... 22

2.3.2. Price ............................................................................................................................. 22

2.3.3. Place............................................................................................................................. 22

2.3.4. Promotion .................................................................................................................... 23

2.3.5. People .......................................................................................................................... 23

2.3.6. Process ......................................................................................................................... 23

2.3.7. Physical evidence ........................................................................................................ 23

2.4. PESTAL analysis of nestle company ................................................................................. 23

2.4.1. Political factors ............................................................................................................ 24

2.4.2. Economic factors ......................................................................................................... 24

2.4.3. Social factors ............................................................................................................... 25

2.4.4. Technological factors .................................................................................................. 25

2.4.5. Legal factors ................................................................................................................ 25

2.4.6 Environmental factors................................................................................................... 25

2.5. Marketing planning process ............................................................................................... 26

2.5.1. It encourages you to revisit old habits and assumptions ............................................. 26

2.5.2. It reduces risk by adding new facts. ............................................................................ 26

2.5.3. It provides accountability. ........................................................................................... 27

2.5.4. It is proactive rather than reactive. .............................................................................. 27

2.5.5. The 7-Step Marketing Planning Process ..................................................................... 27


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
03. Task 03 ................................................................................................................................ 32

3.1. Human resource management ............................................................................................ 32

3.1.1. Human resource management functions...................................................................... 32

3.2. What are the recruitment and selection? ............................................................................ 33

3.2.1. Recruitment ................................................................................................................. 33

3.2.2. Selection ...................................................................................................................... 33

3.2.3. Recruitment process .................................................................................................... 33

3.2.4. Recruitment strategy .................................................................................................... 34

3.3. Relationship between pay and motivation ......................................................................... 35


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
This assignment is divided into four functions. They manage, market, manage human resources
and communicate. Requirements of Henri Mintzberg roles and managers' management task
definition requirements definition. After discussing this, we talk about philosophy, mission,
purpose, and purposes. Next is marketing. In this work, marketing definition, marketing valuation,
marketing 7P marketing, PESTEL, and a marketing planning process are included. . The HRM
recruitment, recruitment and selection process in HRM also includes explaining the relationship
between the process of recruitment and wages and motivation. The final job is communication.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
Task 01

1.1. Function of management

The management of entrepreneurs for any activity is described in management as a social process
that is responsible for economic and efficient planning and regulation. It is a dynamic process
consisting of various elements and activities. These activities are different from operations such as
marketing, financials, purchases, etc. Most of the time, this program is common in every step
regardless of his level or position

1.1.1. Planning
Planning is determination of courses of action to achieve desired goals. Thus, planning is a
systematic thinking about ways & means for accomplishment of pre-determined goals. Design
measures to achieve desired objectives. Therefore, it is planning a formal view of methods and
methods to achieve pre-defined objectives. It is necessary to plan for the proper utilization of
human and non-human resources. It spreads. It is an intellectual process and helps to avoid
confusion, uncertainty, risk and wastage.

1.1.2. Organizing

Organizing a business is to integrate physical, financial and human resources and develop an
effective relationship between them to achieve organizational goals. According to Henry Fayol,
"organizing a business is whether it is useful or it’s functional i.e. raw materials, tools, capital, and
staff." Linking human rights and human resources with the organization structure to organize a
business. Organizing as a process

 Identification of activities.
 Classification of grouping of activities.
 Assignment of duties.
 Delegation of authority and creation of responsibility.
 Coordinating authority and responsibility relationships


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
1.1.3. Controlling
It implies measurement of accomplishment against the standards and correction of deviation if any
to ensure achievement of organizational goals. The purpose of controlling is to ensure that
everything occurs in conformities with the standards. An efficient system of control helps to
predict deviations before they actually occur. According to Theo Haimann, “Controlling is the
process of checking whether or not proper progress is being made towards the objectives and goals
and acting if necessary, to correct any deviation”. According to Koontz & O’Donell “Controlling
is the measurement & correction of performance activities of subordinates in order to make sure
that the enterprise objectives and plans desired to obtain them as being accomplished”.

1.1.4. Directing
The management role that organizational arrangements play in order to efficiently handle
organizational tasks. Planning, organizing and staffing is simply preparing to work, which is
considered a life-threatening business venture. Guidance is an inert-sector of people's personality
that is responsible for directing, supervising, advising, and directly involved in the management of
organizational objectives.

 Supervision- implies overseeing the work of subordinates by their superiors. It is the act of
watching & directing work & workers.
 Motivation- means inspiring, stimulating or encouraging the sub-ordinates with zeal to
work. Positive, negative, monetary, non-monetary incentives may be used for this purpose.
 Leadership- may be defined as a process by which manager guides and influences the work
of subordinates in desired direction.
 Communications- is the process of passing information, experience, opinion etc. from one
person to another. It is a bridge of understanding.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe

1.2. Mintzberg managerial roles

In 1973, eminent studies of the conduct of CEO Henry Mintzburg and five semi-government
executives were carried out. In those first studies, he was able to identify six key
characteristics of the manager's work. Later criticisms of these studies were made. Because
Henry Mintzberg had limited himself to five organizations only. It would only involve a small
sample size as a result of which the results could not be representative for organizations in
other industries or hierarchical management positions. The six characteristics are described
2. Managers process open-ended workloads; they are capable of doing a lot of work under
demanding time constraints.
3. Managers start up their own activities and subsequent actions. These activities are varied and
fragmented and they are relatively short in duration.
4. Managers prefer to avoid information from reference materials such as notes and documents.
5. Managers prefer verbal communication, such as one-on-one talks, telephone conversations
and meetings.
6. Managers maintain relationships primarily with subordinates and external parties and
secondary with their superiors.
7. Managers like being involved in preparatory decisions

1.2.1. 10 mintzburg managerial roles

In addition, the manager's performance is described by the management's manager Henry
Mintzberg. Activities carried out by those managers are a key component. The way Mintzburg
management roles are influenced by the individual and the circumstances. Henry Mintzberg
divided the management roles into three roles:

 Interpersonal contact
 Information processing
 Decision making


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
Interpersonal contact

Interpersonal contact concerns the contact between the manager and the people in his environment.
For example, other managers, board of directors, labor council, customers and suppliers.

The following Mintzberg Managerial Roles are primarily concerned with interpersonal contact:

a. Figurehead
A manager's head or organization is expected to perform either ceremonial and / or symbolic
duties. The manager is formally represented internally and externally in all matters. He is a
networking company, but he also serves as an example. He participates in his celebrations, he
holds business banquets and receptions.

b. Leader
His main function is to motivate and develop the staff and create a positive work environment. He
trains and encourages employees, visits them, evaluates them, and provides educational and
training courses.

c. Liason
A manager acts as a mediator. In addition, he develops an external network. He has external links
as a network and collects the right parties. Ultimately this will make a positive contribution to the

Information processing

According to Henry Mintzberg, the role of management includes information, and analysis. Link
pins managers; it is expected to manage their counterparts and information and exchange
information with their co-directors and the board of directors. Furthermore, managers have a
responsibility to filter and transmit information that is important to the two groups. The following
Mintzberg Managerial Roles fall under process information:


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
d. Monitor
As a monitor, the manager collects internal and external information relevant to the organization.
This information is prepared, analyzed and assessed so that issues and opportunities can be easily
identified and recognized.

e. Disseminator
As a disseminator, the manager will send his verification information and his followers and others
in the organization. This may be information internally or externally.

f. Spokesman
As the company's spokesman, the company represents the company and communicates to the
outside world business policies, performance and other relevant information for outsiders

Decision making
Managers for making decisions are responsible and can be changed at different levels. Leadership
style is important when making a decision. A monopoly leader is soon tentatively determined to
make independent decisions than a democratic leader.

The following Mintzberg Managerial Roles fall under decision-making:

g. Entrepreneur
As an entrepreneur, the manager designs and initiates changes and strategies.

h. Disturbance handler
In a managerial role as a disruptive behavior, the manager always responds to unexpected events
and operational breakdowns. He aims to helpful solutions. Problems may be internal or external
conflicts. For example conflict conditions or the lack of raw materials.

i. Resource allocator
In the role of his resource distributor, the manager controls and organizes the use of organizational
resources. He gives money, employees, authorizations, machines, materials and other resources. It
organizes all the activities and organizes,


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
j. Negotiator
As a negotiator, the manager participates to meet with other organizations and individuals and
represents the interests of the organization. This can be both for his staff and for third parties.
Discussion of wages or procurement conditions, for example.

1.2.2. Skills
According to Henri Mintzberg, the success of a single manager's skills organization is not always
successful. It is based on protocols for efficient managers. In addition, they used the leadership
functions independently and knew how to use the right role in the right situation. Mintzberg
management roles are easier to understand than the nature of their work. The aim of Mintzberg
was to observe and analyze the behavior of the management. By studying the Mintzberg
Management Role, field managers can develop their skills and find out how to develop the correct

1.2.3. Tools for managers

All 10 roles of the management are provided with a tool for managers and other individuals in key
positions. By understanding their own role, they can find out how much time they devote to the
activities below:

 Directing subordinates
 Attending meetings as a Liason
 Representing the organization
 Transmitting information
 Analyzing information
 Allocation of resources
 Negotiating resources
 Problem solving
 Developing new ideas
 Promoting the interests of the organization


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
Furthermore, the manager answers the following questions. This will give a better insight into his

1. Have the time distribution synchronized according to the manager's views?

2. Is there a balance between time and workout?
3. What is the most satisfying job of a manager?
4. Which tasks boost the manager’s energy?
5. What is the most displeasing task of the manager?

In practice, the role of some management is greater than others. In addition to the custom, this
involves the involvement of an organization's manager, the content of the group, the size of the
organization and the size of the organization.

1.3. Nestle company introduction

Nestle company is a leading nutritious health and wellness company in Sri Lanka .The company
has added a wide range of products to Sri Lankans for over 100 years .The founder of Sri Lanka
is Henry Nestle. He was a chemist and lived in Switzerland. By providing the world's first dairy
food, infant child was rescued. Henry Nestlé’s Association is spreading widely throughout the

The local company has made a special brand by exporting the best products for the entire country
and exporting them. The company is engaged in humanitarian work. It provides good health
around the world and helps Nestle to improve the quality of life by providing the best nutritional

Sri Lanka's Nestle Company started trading in milk and baby food in 1906. Nestle Sri Lanka has
won the hearts of the Sri Lankan people by providing products such as Nestomalt, Milo, Nespray
and other products such as Biscuits such, Kithakada and Chocolates.

Nestle offers more than 1200 direct jobs. More than 23,000 people who work in fields such as
farmers, distributors and sellers have a positive impact on the industry.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe

1.3.1. Mission statement of nestle company

“Nestlé is.....the world's leading nutrition, health and Wellness Company. Our mission of "Good
Food, Good Life" is to provide consumers with the best tasting, most nutritious choices in a wide
range of food and beverage categories and eating occasions, from morning to night.

1.3.2. Vision statement of nestle company

“To be a leading, competitive, Nutrition, Health and Wellness Company delivering improved
shareholder value by being a preferred corporate citizen, preferred employer, preferred supplier
selling preferred products.”

People are a source of nutrition and satisfaction, but the people understand the happiness, health,
happiness and peace of mind. Their choice of food and drink can affect the quality of their lives
and other people's lives. Since its inception, the heart of their company has been modernized. Since
Henry Nestle discovered Fynn Lactease to reduce infant mortality, they are committed to
improving customer’s life styles.

1.3.3. Goals and objectives

Nestlé's goal is to become the market leader in wellness, health, nutrition, and trust its stakeholders.
The company's goal is also to focus on the performance of the food industry. The company seeks
to promote the leadership and win the trust by meeting the expectations of the company. The
company believes in creating long-term sustainable values. The company's value is given to the
community in order to create the company's operations and strategies. Another aim of Nestle is to
form a strategically important staff to accelerate the growth of the company. The above stated
objectives require a long-term assumption to create a short-term and future entrepreneurship
program for the staff.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
1.3.4. Nestle values
 Nestle is not like other companies. We have principles and guiding principles that have
been developed over time. Nestlé describes the corporate governance and leadership
policies of Nestle working with one another every day throughout the Nestle Group.
 They believe in people rather than systems
 They are committed to creating value for their shareholders but they do not want to be
quick to win long term business growth
 They are committed to continuous improvement
 Above all, they are practical
 The Nestle Watershed Mindset is based on these principles, and they constantly dedicate
themselves to their business dealings and the growth of their employees.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
1.3.5. Organizational structure of nestle company


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
02. Task 02
2.1. What is marketing?
Marketing is the activity of a company in purchasing and selling a product or service. People
include advertising, selling, and distribution. Working people in corporate marketing departments
focus on targeted slogans, packaging plans, popular approvals, and general press releases.
Marketing is everything that the company does to get customers to and to get in touch with them.
Even the small tasks like writing thank-you letters, playing golf with a prospective client, returning
calls promptly and meeting with a past client for coffee are marketing. The aim of marketing is to
ensure that buy the necessary products and services of companies are needed to ensure the
profitability and profitability of companies.

2.2. Marketing concept

The marketing concept is to meet customers' needs, increase sales, maximize profit, and beat the
competition. There are five marketing concepts that follow and implement. Marketing is a
management department that seeks to create a cost-effective way to create profitable relationships
with targeted customers. What is the best philosophy behind the marketing strategies? There are
five alternative concepts for designing and implementing marketing strategies for organizations,

1. Production Concept,
2. Product Concept,
3. Selling Concept,
4. Marketing Concept,
5. Societal Marketing Concept.

2.2.1. Production concept

The concept of product concept - "Consumer affordable and highly affordable products". This
concept is one of the oldest marketing management tools guiding the sellers. Companies
adopting this orientation run a major risk of focusing too narrowly on their own operations and
losing sight of the real objective. Many times; the concept of production can lead to a marketing
career. Management focuses on improving production and distribution efficiency.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
2.2.2. Product concept
Manufacturing concept will support consumers with high quality, performance and innovation.
In here; under this concept, Marketing strategies are directed to enhance product development.
Product quality and improvement are important components of marketing strategies. Only
targeting the company's products

For example, suppose a company makes the best quality Floppy disk. But a customer does
really need a floppy disk? She or he needs something that can be used to store the data. It can
be achieved by a USB Flash drive, SD memory cards, portable hard disks, and etc. So that
company should not look to make the best floppy disk. They should focus to meet the
customer’s data storage needs.

2.2.3. Selling concept

That's the idea of the sales concept. "If it does not take a bulk sales and promotion effect, then
the company's products are insufficient." In this regard, management focuses on creating sales
transactions rather than building long-term, cheaper customer relationships. in other words;
The goal is to sell what the company does instead of doing what is necessary for the market.
Such an aggressive marketing program is at high risk. When selling a concept, the seller
assumes that consumers will be willing to buy goods. If they do not like it, they can get rid of
their hopes and then buy it back. This is usually a very weak and more expensive assumption.
Typically the selling concept is practiced with unsought goods. Unsought goods are that buyers
do not normally think of buying, such as insurance or blood donations. These industries must
be good at tracking down prospects and selling them on a product’s benefits

2.2.4. Marketing concept

Following the concept of marketing- "To achieve organizational goals is to meet the needs and
needs of targeted markets and satisfy something better than the competitors." Marketing
Management takes the first "customers first" approach. Under the concept of marketing,
customers focus on and value the way for sales and profits. The marketing concept is a
customer-centered "sense and response" philosophy. This job is not to find the right customers


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
for your product, but find the right products for your customers. Marketing concepts and
sales concepts are two extremist concepts and are different.

2.2.5. Societal marketing concept

Societal marketing concept questions whether the pure marketing concept overlooks possible
conflicts between consumer short-run wants and consumer long-run welfare. Social Marketing
Concepts "Customer value should be enriched in the way consumers and the well-being and
sustainability of the customer are developed. Consistent in marketing, societal and eco-
friendly marketing to meet today's needs of customers and businesses, they conserve or
improve their capabilities to fulfill the needs of future generations. Social Marketing Concepts
Human well-being satisfies preoccupations and desires. Global warming panic buttons are
pushed, and we need to reveal our resources from how we use it. Therefore, companies are
fully or partially trying to implement the concept of marketing in society.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
2.3. 7ps of marketing
Selling is a continuing and changing process and such companies remain long-standing, and much
tolerated competition. An example of this evolution is the fundamental changes to the core trade.
Once this mixture of the mixture was 4 PS. Today, an advanced state of the art requires more
advanced 7 theoretical counterparts to the marketing mix.

2.3.1. Product
A product is something which satisfies the needs and wants of the customer. It is the actual item
which is held for sale in the market. Product mix constitutes the combination of all the services for
sale in the market. For example, the product mix of a saloon will be the combination haircut
service, manicure and pedicure service, facial, shaving etc. The life cycle of services is same as
that of a product as it starts from the day it was first thought until the time it is finally removed
from the market

2.3.2. Price
The amount to be paid by the customer for the product. But unlike commodity prices, the cost of
the product is a bit different and a bit difficult. The actual cost of the goods used for a service, the
cost of labor and profit. Just like goods, businesses can decide from one of these practices for

 Penetration Pricing (low price kept to capture market share)

 Skimming Pricing (high price initially then lowering of price)
 Competition Pricing (pricing at par of competition)

2.3.3. Place
Place mix is deciding where and how the services will be available to the customers at the right
time and at the right place to result in maximum advantage to the business. Unlike goods, services
cannot be separated from its provider and are provided where its provider is. But the same services
can be performed by different providers. (E.g. different franchise of the same saloon provide same


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
2.3.4. Promotion
Promotion plays the same role in any context of advertising and marketing. It can provide more
services than physical products. In order to stop interchange of interchange with your competitors,
the market requires a firm corporate picture and claim. Changing to each new and re-enticed clients
becomes the main goal.

2.3.5. People
This is an extremely important part of the supplier's marketing mix. When the provider is
provided, it is not specific to the supplier or the woman providing it. When dining at a restaurant,
if you meet a rough waiter, it is considered a dangerous service for the whole trip. In order to fill
in their workload, many businesses are investing in the correct way to identify the person so it is
an attempt to find or advise people accordingly to this definition.

2.3.6. Process
Delivering your service is usually done with the customer, and the way in which the service is
provided is part of the payment that is once again paid by the customer. Due to the need for stability
in service delivery and standardization, the technical concerns about the exercise should be taken
into consideration. An airline service provider needs a simple definition. This basic principle is to
provide a similar respite service to any customer any day. In this process, the locations should be
able to allocate space for customers to select a specific experience.

2.3.7. Physical evidence

Although a large number of customers are required to pay, all services have physical elements. For
example, a hairdresser will provide a complete masculinity designed by his client, while the insurer
will provide some kind of printed material to their customers. Even though the material is not
physically printed (PDF), it still defines it as "a material product".

2.4. PESTAL analysis of nestle company

Nestle is a Swiss based food and beverage industry. Its headquarters is located in Switzerland, the
Vale. Nestle is one of the largest companies in the world by income and other measures. Fat line


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
Global 500 Nestle was ranked # 11 in 2014. Forbes Global 2000 Lists Nestle Lanka's public
companies rank 33rd. Nestlé manufactures medicinal herbs, baby foods, chocolates, breakfasts,
tea, coffee, bakery products, dairy products, ice cream, fodders, pet food products. Nestle operates
447 units, operates 194 countries and employs 339,000 employees. In 1905, the merger of the
Anglo-Swiss Milk Company resulted in the formation of the Anglo-Swiss Milk Company. The
food industry is making a great effort to successfully penetrate into the targeted population.
Nestlé’s entire business environment will provide a comprehensive analysis of the correct
operation in the right direction at the proper location. Through prudent analysis, Nestlé provides
more opportunities for future business growth.

2.4.1. Political factors

Nestlé serves several countries. The laws and regulations imposed by the government vary in
different areas. Nestlé's tax levy, import export taxes, the targeted segment for public sector
permits and the introduction of hygiene products provided by regulated entities should also be
considered. Moreover, all risks to Nestlé should be considered in the latest trends in government's
stability. Nestle should also consider the changing global regulations which are yet to adopt by the
company. Albeit nestle is such an organization which in real sense promote the government health
policies by maintain the quality standards and rules and regulations

2.4.2. Economic factors

There are various levels of development in different countries. The economies of countries are
different. Nestle has to make various economic policies for different targeted groups. The price of
a product is an important decision in strategizing economic policy according to the purchasing
power of inflation. Nestle should provide a consistent baseline analysis report to obtain knowledge
about the rate of inflation and various income levels. Nestle is contributing a lot in promoting the
economic worth of farmers by producing the products at a local level for the satisfaction of the


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
2.4.3. Social factors
Customer's general ideas and beliefs affect business operations. Nestlé pressures to correctly
distribute culture, lifestyle, standards and values to specific products. Nestle will now well
consider the social outlook. The company understands the concept of consumer changing attitudes
very important. People are now well-known for a healthy lifestyle. Nestlé has gained a reputation
for understanding and evaluating consumer behavior and related dynamics. Nestle is a global
brand, but the products are manufactured locally to maintain its quality. The company's leadership
capability to build confidence on customers is always consistent with strong values and principals.

2.4.4. Technological factors

Developing new inventions or enhancing existing ones gives many opportunities for technology.
It is important to pay attention to marketing techniques such as the Internet and e-Commerce in
this modern era. Therefore, Nestle uses technology in business applications such as maintaining
data base software. The massive use of the social media has cut the gap between the consumer and
the company. Nestle should follow such a maxim that accelerate innovation with the help of
technological advancements. Nestle is already using the state of the art technology for the
production of various products, they are meeting the global standards by installing the
contemporary plants.

2.4.5. Legal factors

A legal factor is to influence the operation to meet the legitimate environment and demand of a
company and reduce costs. For example, Nestlé's employees should follow the health and safety
regulations, and customers also have to manufacture sanitary products. When operating in different
parts of the world, Nestlé should also consider these.

2.4.6 Environmental factors.

Today, the world places more emphasis on creating a clean environment. Nestlé needs to look at
these rules in order to produce healthy food that is environmentally friendly. Several countries
have devised a number of rules to increase the acceptability of goods under several targets. Nestle
has also taken note of the social contribution. Other related issues are recycling related issues.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
2.5. Marketing planning process
The marketing planning process is a systematic approach to the marketing goals, strategies and
implementation strategies. A new company or a practical area can be adapted to a variety of
conditions by altering a new business development activity even if it is a regular business.
Depending on your specific situation, some phases of the process may be more or less important.
For example, it is important to pay attention to its strategic components in the launch of a new
practical field. This is sometimes called developing a market strategy. When focusing on
repositioning your firm in the marketplace, often called rebranding, you will most likely need to
emphasize both strategic and tactical elements to increase the visibility of your new brand. Once
a year, their companies update their marketing plan or marketing budget, and spend more time on
their current performance and strategies. Although they can look great in a large picture, every
business follows its strategy every year. It is important to take a step-by-step approach to your
marketing plan carefully. A good mistake can provide valuable benefits that can be achieved

2.5.1. It encourages you to revisit old habits and assumptions

In a changing world, you must learn to shape yourself - not always a winning strategy, you are
always doing what they have done. A good marketing plan you have, in some measure, taken out
of your comfort zone, you have questioned everything you have done to this day, and you should
consider why you thought it was working. Not just a productive or good idea, because you have
"done something at all".

2.5.2. It reduces risk by adding new facts.

The process of marketing planning is compelled to return your values to your market, your
competitiveness, your target audience and your prospects. Targeted research of this kind reduces
the risk. Because it forces you to evaluate your business model and marketing program before
making your time and money. According to studies in Career Services, companies that conduct
systematic research on target audiences are growing fast and more profitable.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
2.5.3. It provides accountability.
Your marketing plan your marketing and business development team both tailor specific goals and
measure their progress. The management is responsible for providing sufficient resources to
provide a reasonable opportunity to make a marketing plan a success.

2.5.4. It is proactive rather than reactive.

Pre-Designing you have the control of your marketing, and you can maximize your impact.
However, there is a sufficient need to respond to changing situations. Having good document
layouts makes it easy to change them.

2.5.5. The 7-Step Marketing Planning Process

a. Understand the business situation your firm is facing.
The goals of marketing are to enable the company to achieve the goals of the business. You will
not be able to succeed if you do not start any obstacles that have limited their objectives and the
ability to access them. Look closely at the factors that affect your standing in the marketplace:

 Has an influx of new competitors slowed your growth?

 Is price sensitivity squeezing the margins on your existing services?
 Are you competing in a commoditized market?
 Are you poised to lose key players to retirement?

Often, you can analyze SWOT for organizing and evaluating your business drivers. Within this
framework, the company or categories of practical activities are categorized as observations,
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities or threats. In reality, you need to do everything you can to
root your planning process. It is obvious but many companies spend little time on their SWOT
analysis on private beliefs and insecure experiences. There is a better way. Start conducting
regular, systematic research into your marketplace. Firms that do this kind of research at least once
a year grow faster and are more profitable.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
Various types of research applies to the different stages of the planning process. For instance,
online surveys can compare the potential of different markets or target audiences. Customer or
Persona Research helps you to better understand your target customers and how to choose servers.

b. Research and understand your target clients.

It's rare to see professionals who fully understand their customers, their needs and their priorities.
Sadly, they are always wrong about some of their customers' thinking and decision making on
some of their key decisions. They are rarely seen as choosing new service providers for their real
priorities and service providers.

For example, you may realize that your clients value you as a trusted advisor. What you may miss,
however, is that almost no potential client goes looking for a trusted advisor. Instead, they are
almost always looking for someone to solve a specific business problem

If you understand the main difference and build your marketing plan - you will win more new
customers, and then become their trusted tutor. Always remember to position your competitor as
your trusted adviser. Things have turned back

c. Position your brand in the marketplace.

Successful positioning refuses compliance. It does not allow people to communicate because of
its maximum location, increasing the brand name over the brand. The human brain looks really
different and unexpected things. Therefore, a brand that is quite different from its competitiveness
will attract the attention of the people and make a significant advantage in the market.

This starts with identifying what makes you different. These are called your differentiators, and
they must pass three tests. Each must be:

 True— you can’t just make it up. You must be able to deliver upon your promise every
 Provable— Even if it is true, you must be able to prove it to a skeptical prospect.
 Relevant— if it is not important to a prospect during the firm selection process it will not
help you win the new client.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
It's best to try three or five different varieties. If you're less than you, take it easy. Sometimes one
can make a difference. Next, you need to use your clip (s) to write a targeted, easily understandable
placement statement. Briefly describe what your company is doing, for whom it is done, and why
your clients choose more competitors. It transforms the DNA into your brand in a competitive

d. Define and refine your service offerings.

Because clients need a change, you may want to completely create new services to meet those
requirements. Your research can be traced back to a server that is not yet known, and potential
regulatory changes that may occur are likely to suggest a proposed range of services. Or you can
modify or modify part of your process to get a lower cost with a higher margin. Whatever these
service changes turn out to be, they should be driven by your business analysis and your research
into clients and competitors

e. Identify the marketing techniques you will be using.

This starts with understanding your target audience and how information is consumed. Once your
prospect is searching for information, where and when, you can identify and use your favorite
channels. Your expertise is more intuitive and intuitive to your target audience. We call this visual
proficiency. Achieving high-level visibility requires a balance of marketing efforts — our research
has shown that a 50/50 blend of offline (traditional) and online (digital) techniques works best.
Except for balancing your marketing, be sure to create content for all levels of marketing - to attract
potential customers and make them customers. Plan to use content in various ways to keep as
efficient as possible. For example, the site can be reset as a blog post, guest posting, and seminar

f. Identify the new tools, skills and infrastructure you will need.
New craftsmanship equipment and infrastructure require new technologies. You need to modify
those who do not add or update updates. Here are some of the most common tools.

Website - Modern marketing begins with your website. If you want a new website, it will be
sufficient to create your current message or function.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
Marketing Collateral - You may want to revise your marketing bail to reflect your new
positioning and competitive advantage. Common examples of the synergetic packages include
leaflets, Permanent Review Panels, one-sheet service description and transmitted materials

Marketing Automation - Software makes it easy and easy to automate your marketing
infrastructure. Of course, marketing automation tools and competing gestures are essential to
building marketing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Online marketing has taken place. Today, all content
marketing companies need a deep understanding of SEO fundamentals - basic word research and
optimization of the site

Social media - You need to add or improve social media models in your company. Do not forget
to update your subjects' profiles

Video - Common methods for using videos include hard-guided reviews, practical reviews, case
reports, blog posts, and educational presentations. If there is a limited time for developing content
in your subject field, a video will be an effective way to use the time.

E-mail - You will need a strong email service to help identify your reader's interactions and
manage your listings - it can even be set up in your CRM or in the marketing automated software.
Also decide if you want your email templates and want to stop them again.

g. Document your operational schedule and budget.

Your strategy will translate into specific procedures that will take you some time. Your written
plan should include specific timetables and deadlines. It can measure your progress. Did a job
occur? Expected Results? These results will be the applications for the next round of marketing
plans. You need two major documents, a marketing calendar and a marketing budget. Each strategy
used to run your plan must be a marketing calendar. It can be covered over the coming quarter or
year. Start by entering any event you know, such as annual conferences and events. Enter any
regularly posted blog post, email, traditions, and webbayera, to your plan.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
Identify that you want to change your calendar on a weekly basis. The goal is to be consistent and
predictable. Allow for the last minute changes - but do not stay away from your budget and budget


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe

03. Task 03
3.1. Human resource management
Human Resources Management (HRM) is the recruitment, hiring, deployment and management
of employees. HRM is often referred to as human resources. The Human Resources Department
of a company or company is generally responsible for formulating, implementing and managing
employee and employee relations. HRM is the management of employees emphasizing those
employees as the business assets. In this context, employees are sometimes called human capital.
In other business assets, the goal is to effectively use employees, reduce risk, and maximize return
on investment. Human Resources Capital Management (HCM) The use of modern human
technology is more widely used in HRM. It has been expanded by large and medium sized
companies and other agencies to manage many human resources functions

3.1.1. Human resource management functions

Areas of HRM oversight include the following:

 employee recruitment, onboarding and retention

 talent management and workforce management
 job role assignment
 compensation
 labor law compliance
 performance management
 learning and training
 succession planning
 employee engagement and recognition


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
3.2. What are the recruitment and selection?
3.2.1. Recruitment
Recruitment is the discovery and attraction of potential resources to fill vacancies of an
organization. The source of information from candidates with the essential abilities and attitudes
to achieve the goals of an organization.

3.2.2. Selection
Candidates will be accepted through a recruitment system through a selection process, without
having to confine themselves to interviewing, investigating investigations and examining the
candidate or applicants. Determining and reasonably surely, a satisfactory man or woman or person
is assigned to work or the use of an efficient, fair and justified assessment activity.

3.2.3. Recruitment process

The process of recruitment is an important part of human resource management. Without a proper
strategic plan. Recruitment is a process that provides the choice of a qualified job candidate. Before
enlisting companies, determine how much they will need if they need to properly plan and plan
the staff. The forecast is based on the annual budget of the organization and the organization's
short-term plans. For example, the possibility of expansion. In addition to this, the organizational
life cycle will be a factor. Organization life cycle is discussed in Chapter 2 “Developing and
Implementing Strategic HRM Plans”. Forecasting is based on both internal and external factors.
Internal factors include the following:

1. Budget constraints
2. Expected or trend of employee separations
3. Production levels
4. Sales increases or decreases
5. Global expansion plans


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
External factors might include the following:
1. Changes in technology
2. Changes in laws
3. Unemployment rates
4. Shifts in population
5. Shifts in urban, suburban, and rural areas
6. Competition

When the project data is collected and analyzed, human resource professionals can be found on
the shortcomings and begin to enroll people with accurate skills, education and backgrounds. This
section will discuss these steps in human resource planning.

3.2.4. Recruitment strategy

It may be an easy thing, but recruiting right skills and training at the right place and at the right
time. But more importantly, strategic planning. "Preparation and implementation of" Strategic
Human Resources Development Plans "in the second chapter, preparation of staff plans. A
strategic significance is to understand the labor market and the process of recruiting factors to
identify relevant sectors of the labor market. Based on this information, when a job opening occurs,
the HRM professional should be ready to fill that position. Here are the aspects of developing a
recruitment strategy:

Refer to a staffing plan. This is discussed in Chapter 2 “Developing and Implementing Strategic
HRM Plans”.

1. Confirm the job analysis is correct through questionnaires.

2. Write the job description and job specifications.
3. Have a bidding system to recruit and review internal candidate qualifications for possible
4. Determine the best recruitment strategies for the position.
5. Implement a recruiting strategy


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
The first step in the recruitment process is to open a job. In this case, see the job description for
opening the Manager and / or HRM Jobs. When the job analysis and the job description is prepared,
the organization can decide to examine the suitability of the first candidate. Internal candidates are
those who are already working on the company. If an internal candidate meets the requirements,
this person will be encouraged to apply for employment and joblessness will not be published. For
most organizations, there are bidding for formal vacancies and bidders for bidders. For example,
job postings may be sent to a listserv or other avenue so all employees have access to them.
However, the advantage of publishing open positions to everyone in and outside the company is
to ensure the organization is diverse.

Then the best recruitment strategy for the type of situation is determined. For example, it is possible
to hire a head-hunt for a high-level executive post. Affordable advertising on social networking
sites can be the best strategy for entry level status. Many institutions will use different methods to
get the best institutions. Another concern is how the recruitment process can be managed under
restrictive conditions, such as short-term or short-term applications. In addition, applications will
be saved after establishing the protocol and how to process documents. For example, some HRM
professionals can use software like Microsoft Excel. After completing these tasks, you can expect
to interview (interview with a selection process). Before doing this, it's important to get the
information needed to hire correct people. It includes job analysis and job descriptions.

3.3. Relationship between pay and motivation

Business leaders are still trying to determine what they are paying for and how they work. Many
of the results have confidence in getting results, but they are not paralleled. People work to earn
money that satisfies their needs. Financial incentives are important rewards that motivate
employees to exhibit high level of performance. Employees want their good work to be appreciated
and appropriately compensated by employers.

They want to be paid commensurate with the quality of their job performance. It requires a
carefully constructed pay programmer, commitment from supervisors, and well-designed
communication to employees about their pay.


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
1. Most employees believe that their performance is above average.

2. They feel they are not adequately paid compared to those performing similar work in other
organizations. They also believe their pay is below the level of their job performance.

3. Employees often perceive there are poor performers in the organization who are earning as much
as they earn.

4. Supervisors do not differentiate between poor, average and above average performers. They
take the simple way out and give everyone the same pay increase each year.

5. Employees feel that tying pay to performance is important to them particularly in unionized
organizations where the union has negotiated contracts that require their employer to relate pay
increases to years of service rather than performance. Pay-for-performance are compensation plans
where employees are paid on the basis of their performance


B.A.P.N Ranasinghe
ToolsHero. (2018). Mintzberg Managerial Roles, a great executive & manager tool
-managerial-roles/ [Accessed 9 Oct. 2018].

Anon, (2018). [online] Available at:

statement.htm [Accessed 9 Oct. 2018].

Bizfluent. (2018). Internal & External Factors That Influence Employee Behavior.
[online] Available at: https://bizfluent.com/list-6741291-internal-factors-influence-
employee-behavior.html [Accessed 30 Jun. 2018].

Scribd. (2018). Organizational Conflicts in Nestlé | Hierarchy | Employment.

[online] Available at: https://www.scribd.com/doc/212585813/Organizational-
Conflicts-in-Nestle [Accessed 30 Jun. 2018].

Anon, (2018). [online] Available at:

business-essay.phps [Accessed 30 Jun. 2018].

Learnmanagement2.com. (2018). Types Of Groups. [online] Available at:

http://www.learnmanagement2.com/typesofgroups.htm [Accessed 30 Jun. 2018].


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