NX Sylabus R1 by Mike W2018 Handout
NX Sylabus R1 by Mike W2018 Handout
NX Sylabus R1 by Mike W2018 Handout
Mike Appio
[email protected]
Note: This is a CAM class with demonstration. General knowledge of
machine practices are expected. This class will not focus on, part material,
cutter geometry, or speeds/feeds and cutter motion requirements of specific
materials being cut. In other words, this is about how to use a hammer, not
how to build a house.
Required materials
• There is no book for this class (NX CAM), however a CAD book for NX11 is
available through Amazon “Siemens NX 11 Design Fundamentals” and on the
CADCIM page below. There are also a number of books for NX CAD on
Amazon you may consider.
• $53 @ the DeAnza online store on NX CAD:
• Siemens does have an online CAD&CAM course called “Learning Advantage”.
Once you have an account you can access this from anywhere. Put a request in
with Max Gilleland: [email protected], mention you are enrolled in this class
and ask for a Learning Advantage account. You will receive an email to activate
your session.
• The student's progress is evaluated objectively on the basis of scores from examinations
and class work, covering laboratory work.
• Two major examinations are given. These examinations constitute approximately 50% of
the final grade.
• Assignments turned in late will receive max 50% of the points (credit).
A = 90% to 100%
B = 80% to 89.9%
C = 70% to 79.9%
D = 60% to 69.9%
F = 59.9% or less
• Class work, 12-15 parts over the quarter which will be 50% of your grade.
• 100 points per part, points distributed amongst:
• Using Operations types requested
• Stock & Assembly creation
• Tool creation, Program groups, Geometry groups
• Cutting parameters, Stock, Tolerance, Feeds & Speeds, Engage & Retracts,
User Defined Events (like coolant on/off), Axial & Radial stepover, etc.
• Two Tests (mid term & final) 25%/each, for 50% of your grade.
• Tests are parts, like the class work. Do your best to understand the class work, you
will do well on the tests. 100 points to be earned for each test.
• Extra credit
Learning Advantage, a convenient easy-to-use e-learning portal, offers an Academic Membership to educators and students who need to
gain skills and knowledge of Siemens PLM Software solutions through a library of more than 1,000 NX, Teamcenter and Tecnomatix
self-paced courses and assessments for less than the price of a textbook.
The self-paced courses are designed to run side-by-side with Siemens PLM Software products (software products are sold and licensed
separately). The membership period is 2 years from date of activation.
Please consider signing up for “ANY” CDI 101-110 CAD Labs so you can access all the
You will need to email Max Gilleland and ask for an ADD CODE to be able to get in the
Labs up to the last add date of 1/20/2018. After this date you not be able to add a lab
email: [email protected]
When you sign up for any CAD Labs, you can get access whenever they are open.
*A CAD Lab normally means any CDI 101 through 110 section.
Winter CAD & Manufacturing/CNC classes begin Monday Jan. 8th, 2018
12 2/14 Midterm test review & Multi axis machining, thread milling
22 3/19 NX Turning
24 3/26 FINAL EXAM
Some NX History
1963 - United Computing created an APT programming language called UniAPT.
Released in 1969, it was one of the worlds first end-user CAM products.
1973 - United Computing bought CAD source called (ADAM) from MCS, to not only
add CAD, but a graphical interface to UniAPT.
1976 - McDonnell Douglas bought United Computing. MDC finished the CAD/CAM
merger, calling it UniGraphics. They made UniGraphics a commercial
product in 1975. Later the name was shortened to UGS (UniGraphics Solutions).
MDC purchased Shape Data, whose product, ROMULUS was later renamed to
1991 - EDS purchased UGS from MDC. They then purchased SDRC in 2001. The merged
product was renamed NX, though the company was still UGS.
(UG went from V1-19, NX is V20 and beyond)
2004 - EDS sold UGS to private equity company. They still operated under the
name UGS.
2007 - Siemens bought UGS. They changed the name to Siemens PLM from UGS.
The product retained it’s NX name.
Operation Types
Operation Types
Counter Sinking Hole Milling
Operation Types Drilling Tapping Radial Groove
Spot Drill
Planar Mill Variable Contour
Floor & Wall Planar Profile Fixed Contour
Thread Milling OD
Thread Milling ID
Mill Rotary
Operation Types
Operation Types
Operation Types
Operation Types
Operation Types
Zlevel Profile
Corner Rough
Operation Types
Operation Types
Operation Types, we might not cover this operation type in our class
Mill Rotary
Counter Sinking Hole Milling
1. After the computer is turned on, tap the space bar on the keyboard.
2. Do not insert your USB drive until your account is set and you have a work
folder with a Z letter next to it
3. Make sure you have your student ID# ready, and write down the username and
password you will create.
4. Enter the word caduser, in “Username” field.
5. Enter hellodmt in "Password" field.
6. Click the arrow to continue or press Enter on the keyboard.
7. Enter all information in proceeding required fields.
8. You will be able to log into your new account in about 5 min.
9. NX11 MUST be launched from the desktop