Trust in Cyberspace - ISC
Trust in Cyberspace - ISC
Trust in Cyberspace - ISC
Organization Definition
National Institute of Standards The planned and systematic set of activities that ensures that software processes
and Technology (NIST) and products conform to requirements, standards, and procedures to help
achieve trustworthiness (no exploitable vulnerabilities exist, either of malicious or
unintentional origin) and predictable execution (justifiable confidence that software,
when executed, functions as intended).c
National Aeronautics and The application of planned and systematic set of activities such as quality assurance,
Space Administration (NASA) quality engineering, verification and validation, nonconformance reporting and
corrective action, safety assurance, and security assurance during a software life cycle,
to ensure that software processes and products conform to requirements, standards,
and procedures.d
National Information The level of confidence that software is free from vulnerabilities, either intentionally
Assurance Glossary designed into the software or accidentally inserted at anytime during its lifecycle, and
that the software functions in the intended manner.e
SAFECode Confidence that software, hardware and services are free from intentional and
unintentional vulnerabilities and that the software functions as intended.f
Organization Definition
Object Management Group This justifiable trustworthiness in meeting established business and security
(OMG) objectives.g
Software Security Assurance The property of software which will consistently demonstrate that the software is
State-of-the-Art (SOAR) of quality, reliable, correct, dependable, usable, interoperable, safe, fault-tolerant and
secure and the basis for gaining justifiable confidence or trust.h
Irrespective of the various ways in which software assurance The reliability quality of trusted software means that the software
can be defined, one common thread that is evident in all of will perform as it is expected to, each time, every time. The
the tabulated definitions is that software assurance/security is resiliency quality of trusted software means that the software will
about confidence and trust. When software cannot consistently perform without breaking any component of the security profile
guarantee this confidence, attacks on the network and hosts that and when broken, the recoverability quality of software will ensure
spur from vulnerabilities in the software are inevitable. And shifting that the software is robust enough to restore itself promptly, thus
the blame to the network layer for software-related weaknesses limiting any exposure or damage caused by the security breach.
is akin to blaming the postal service for delivering a letter bomb. The security profile for trusted software in the context of
Since there is no way to prevent someone from sending the letter software assurance includes the following:
bomb, what’s really needed is protection against the threats posed
by it. The software within our organizations and homes must • Protection against confidentiality, integrity, and availability
be reliable and resilient to attack. What’s really needed, in other threats
words, is trusted software. • Assurance that authentication cannot be circumvented
• Validation of authorization credentials before access to
Trusted Software – What is it? resources are granted
While there are several aspects to trusted software within the • Effective implementation of auditing functionality for
context of software security, in this whitepaper we will primarily business-critical and administrative transactions
focus on the three qualities that distinguish trusted software from • Management of Sessions, Exceptions, and Configuration
that which is not trusted: reliability, resiliency, and recoverability. parameters.
Technical discussion on the level of trust that is set for the code to Components of the software security profile are illustrated in
execute, such as partial trust or full trust, is beyond the scope of Figure 1.
this whitepaper.
Threats that Impact Trust by exploiting injection vulnerabilities and using packet sniffing
There are several threats to software that can impact one’s level malware that allowed the hackers to create backdoors and steal
of confidence or trust in it. These threat agents take advantage sensitive data. j
of vulnerabilities in software and may be human or non-human. For purposes of logical organization, the most prevalent malware
Human threat agents can be broadly classified based on their threats can be categorized into proliferative (malware that
underlying motivation to exploit a weakness and materialize a spreads) and stealthware (malware that remains hidden) as
threat. They range from unintentional and non-malicious user illustrated in Figure 3. An exhaustive and all-inclusive description
errors to intentional malicious threats, which include those from of the various types of malware in existence today is beyond
hackers and crackers. Hackers and crackers also vary in their skill, the scope of this whitepaper, but the most common ones are
ranging from minimal, limited skills where they don’t necessarily introduced in this section.
understand the consequences of their actions (script kiddies), to
highly-skilled organized criminal hackers. Non-human software Figure 3. Types of Malware
threat agents generally include software itself that is malicious in
nature. In fact the term malware has its roots in two other words:
malicious and software. The maliciousness of software is only
limited by the creativity and greed of the malware creator. These
threats may be developed externally, including malware such as
viruses and worms, spyware and adware, and Trojans; or they may
be embedded in code by an insider.
Figure 2 is a depiction of some of the most common categories of
Proliferative Stealthware
software threat agents.
Non-Human Human
Proliferative Malware
Proliferative malware includes malicious software programs that,
upon exploiting weaknesses in networks, hosts, and software
Malware User Error Hacker applications, aim at propagating their malicious operations to other
(Accidental) (Intentional) networks, hosts, and software applications connected to the victim.
Viruses and worms are the most common form of proliferative
With the prevalence of malware and embedded code issues in Viruses and Worms
this day and age (and statistics indicate that the rate of release of
malicious software supersedes even legitimate software releasesi ) it This is probably the most well known type of malware. Although
is important to be aware of the different forms of malware putting computer viruses and worms are often frequently clubbed
a dent in confidence and trust. The boom in broadband access together, they are distinct in their traits based on their ability to
and interconnectivity, combined with a movement from hacking propagate. A computer virus is a piece of malicious software that
for fun to hacking for profit, helps explain the rise in malware infects a computer program or executable. Just as a biological
creation and distribution. What began primarily for fun as pranks virus requires the host to survive, a computer virus depends on
(defacement, hard drive corruption, etc.) is now a colossal and the victimized program or executable, and its spread is contained
profitable business undertaking, as evidenced by the recent case within the victimized program. A computer worm, on the other
of the largest credit card theft and fraud recorded in history to hand, is a type of malware that can actively propagate itself over
date. This theft was masterminded by Albert Gonzalez who, with the network, infecting other computers on the network. For
his accomplices, stole more than 130 million credit card numbers propagation, worms require a network but they are not limited
to exploiting vulnerabilities of hosts on the network alone. The Spyware and adware doesn’t just enter into one’s computer when
Samy worm is an example of a worm that went beyond just one visits malicious Websites that exploit weaknesses in browser
infecting networks and hosts as most worms do. This Web worm security (commonly known as drive-by-download). They can
exploited scripting vulnerabilities in the MySpace Web application also come disguised as legitimate software. Peer-to-peer sharing
and propagated itself to other unsuspecting users. Although the networks are notorious when it comes to sharing software that
Samy worm itself did little damage (merely adding “Samy is my seems legitimate but is instead rife with spyware and adware.
hero” to other MySpace user profiles without their permission) it Spyware can also be installed by worms that propagate in the
could have been designed to do much more nefarious activities network.
such as deface Websites, cause denial of service to all affected Hardening the operating system with the use of anti-spyware
users (which would have reached the millions), or steal private software, and increased browser security in conjunction with hack-
and sensitive information. The Samy worm is a prime example of a resilient software development, are safeguards that can help in
worm that exploits weaknesses in software (Web application) and mitigation efforts against the potential surreptitious infestation and
propagates itself. The Samy worm took advantage of an insecure exploitation attempts of spyware and adware.
coding vulnerability known as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS).
The use of proper anti-virus software with updated virus
signatures, network segmentation, and patched and hardened Known simply as a Trojan, Trojan horses are a type of stealthware
hosts, are all mitigating control measures against viruses and that gets it etymology from the historic account of how the
worms, but it must also be recognized that proper coding that Greeks infiltrated the impenetrable defenses of Troy by presenting
addresses software security vulnerabilities is equally important Troy with a wooden gift horse that was accepted and taken within
and needs to be layered on top of network and host protection its fortified walls. The Trojan horse harbored Greek soldiers who
measures. crept out of the horse at night and opened the gates of Troy from
within, allowing the Greek army to penetrate and eventually take
over the city. In the software security world, Trojans are primarily
Stealthware a threat against access control checks. Much like the wooden gift
Stealthware includes malicious software programs such as spyware horse, Trojan horses appear as innocuous programs with desirable
and adware, Trojans, and rootkits that remain hidden and operate functionality, while they truly aim at circumventing access controls.
often without the consent or knowledge of the victimized system Trojans are usually designed to have functionality that will allow
or user. the hacker to be able to connect to the victim’s computer on a
continual basis. Hackers can then use this covert channel to install
Spyware and Adware additional software such as keyloggers, spyware, and adware. Or
Spyware and adware are examples of stealthware that operate by they can steal data and/or information, modify computer and user
invading the privacy of an individual. Spyware is used clandestinely settings, or misuse computer resources.
to harvest information about a system or user. Adware includes A Trojan can be installed on the user’s system by bypassing
malware that redirects users to marketing devices, displaying browser security protection mechanisms or by exploiting software
annoying and unsolicited information and advertisements. Unlike on the victim’s system. The most prevalent means, however, is by
proliferative viruses and worms, spyware and adware don’t aim tricking a user into installing the Trojan. Trojans are usually spread
at self-replication and propagating themselves, but instead try to as e-mail attachments or as seemingly benign software in peer-to-
gain control of the system that they infect by exploiting software peer file-sharing networks that allow downloading of software.
and operating system vulnerabilities. Spyware and adware are
extremely potent malware because they can compromise While anti-virus programs can mitigate Trojan-based access
all of the core tenets of information security which include control breaches by detecting and quarantining (or deleting) the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability. They can pose threat to Trojan, trusted computing safeguards, awareness training, and
confidentiality by installing keyloggers that record key strokes education of end-users are effective safeguards against Trojan-
and by stealing personal information, browser activity history, and based threats.
cookies. They can impact the integrity of the computing system Rootkits
by installing software without user authentication and change Rootkits have earned a malicious reputation as highly dangerous
computer systems and modify registry keys and values. And programs that can cause complete compromise. In the renowned
they can deface Websites by redirecting Web browser location book Rootkits, authors Hoglund and Butler define a rootkit as “a
references and spin off memory intensive computer processes, set (kit) of programs and code that allows an attacker to maintain
thereby impacting availability by causing resource exhaustion, a permanent or consistent undetectable access to “root”,
slowness, and denial of service.
the most powerful user on a computer.k” However, it must be to the system and are usually non-maliciously embedded in
recognized that rootkits can be used for legitimate non-malicious code for troubleshooting or maintenance purposes. When
purposes such as remote control and software eavesdropping backdoors are implanted in code for troubleshooting purposes,
when required for espionage, monitoring user behavior, and they are also referred to as maintenance hooks. Sometimes
consented law enforcement reconnaissance situations. Malicious programming errors or business logic flaws in design can also
rootkits attempt to compromise system integrity by modifying result in intentional or accidental creation of backdoors. Although
the operating system, masquerading as legitimate programs (as maintenance hooks are usually designed without any malicious
loadable program modules or device drivers) and taking the OS intent, they are a threat to trusted computing and can potentially
under siege. When rootkits are used for malicious purposes they compromise authentication controls. Attackers and malware can
act as the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing. take advantage of backdoors to gain remote access to systems.
Rootkits operate at high (root) privileges and because they usually The infamous Nimda worm is purported to have taken advantage
modify the operating system, they often go undetected. This of a backdoor created by the Code Red II worm which took
means that malicious usage of rootkits can potentially have dire advantage of unpatched Microsoft Internet Information Server.
consequences and serious effects on trusted computing. Some of Hardening operating systems, and developer education in
the more prevalent uses of rootkits for malicious purposes include conjunction with proper configuration management processes,
the installation of keyloggers, the alteration of log files, and the alleviate the threats posed by backdoors. Static code reviews are
establishment of covert channels, all the while evading detection effective in identifying backdoors planted by insiders. Maintenance
and removal. Spyware and hackers that exploit unhardened hooks may be allowed in non-production environments, but prior
operating systems and vulnerabilities in software are primary to deployment into production these need to be removed entirely
sources for the installation of rootkits. This warrants not only to avoid any potential threat.
the need to ensure that host systems are patched appropriately, Logic bombs
but also that the software that is built or bought is reviewed for
weaknesses that are discoverable and exploitable. Like backdoors, logic bombs are also embedded code constructs
that remain dormant in code and are executed when specific
events and/or time conditions are met. Although the expiration
“Embedded code issues such as insider notice of a demo or trial piece of software can be deemed to
backdoors and logic bombs also pose a be a logic bomb, it is really not since the intent is not malicious.
However, in situations when the embedded code is triggered
threat to trusted computing. ” by specific events or time to undertake a malicious activity, such
as deletion of media contents, denial of service, etc., then such
code constructs are referred to as logic bombs. Logic bombs are
In addition to externally-developed malware, embedded code
also referred to as “slag code” because what remains after the
issues such as insider backdoors and logic bombs, as depicted in
detonation (execution) of the implanted code is usually computer slag.
Figure 4, also pose a threat to trusted computing.
Logic bombs are usually associated with disgruntled or angry
employees who have access to the organization’s code. The
Figure 4. Types of Embedded Code famous case of the disgruntled UBS PaineWebber employee,
Roger Duronio, who caused the company more than three million
dollars in recovery costs and almost half a decade to recover, is a
testament to the potency of attack that can be caused by a logic
bomb. Duronio was charged for having implanted a logic bomb
in code that was triggered on a specific date to delete important
and sensitive files from hard drives, which, when the effects of
the bomb were disclosed, also caused a drop in the price of the
Maintenance company stock.l
Hook/ Logic Bomb
Backdoor Such computer sabotage and disruptions of operations can be
avoided when code is reviewed for the presence of logic bombs.
It must be recognized, however, that mere automated static code
reviews may not necessarily detect logic bombs as the bombs
Backdoors are code constructs embedded in code to allow are perfectly correct code that will compile. Human inspection
programmers to bypass security mechanisms. They are often of code becomes critical since the reasoning behind how a logic
designed to bypass authentication to gain remote access bomb code construct will execute cannot, for the most part, be
detected by automated code review scanners. This is particularly Conclusion
important in situations when the code is being developed in an Ensuring trust in cyberspace is imperative and this means that
environment in which the organization has little or no control, as the software that we build or buy must be trustworthy. Tabulated
is the case with outsourcing. below are some characteristics of trusted software and computing.
Table 1. Trusted Software Characteristics
Security in the SDLC is Trust Assured
Irrespective of whether the source of threat is human or non- Trusted Software Characteristics
human, the motivation of the threat agent is intentional or
unintentional, and the orchestration of a threat to materialize is Functions as expected (reliable)
organized or not, it is absolutely necessary for a confluence of
people, processes, and technology to assure confidence in the Ensures security policy (resilient)
software that is built or bought. Derek Slater, Editor in Chief of
Chief Security Officer magazine, has rightfully expressed that it is Is fault-tolerant and robust (recoverable)
high time to get organized in addressing security threats that are
prevalent today.m Maintains confidentiality, integrity, and availability
of software and the data it handles
It is critical to ensure that the software can be trusted, whether
you build it in-house or acquire it from a third-party software Prevents circumvention of authentication
publisher. Throughout the software development life cycle and access control checks
(SDLC), activities that verify and validate that the software is
reliable and resilient are necessary. A breakdown in any one phase Handles sessions, configurations,
of the SDLC is all that is necessary to completely nullify any and exceptions securely
efforts that the software development team or organization has
undertaken to assure justifiable confidence to its end-users. Is deployed on host systems that
are adequately hardened
As in a game of chess, the defender has to always outthink the About the Author
attacker’s next move and strategize on how he can bring the Mano Paul, CSSLP, CISSP, AMBCI, MCAD, MCSD, Network+,
opponent to checkmate. However it must be recognized that ECSA is CEO and President of Express Certifications and
unlike the finality of checkmate in the game of chess, security SecuRisk Solutions, companies specializing in professional training,
is not a one-time thing. It has been rightfully expressed by certification, security products and security consulting. His
individuals in high management echelons, such as the CEO of security experience includes designing and developing software
Microsoft, Steve Ballmer, and Sir Tim Berners-Lee, credited with security programs from Compliance-to-Coding, application
the invention of the World Wide Web, that security is a never- security risk management, security strategy and management,
ending battle. One primary reason that validates this position and conducting security awareness sessions, training, and other
is the need, in this day and age, to conduct commerce and our educational activities. He is currently authoring the Official (ISC)2
dependence on software to make those business transactions Guide to the CSSLP, is a contributing author for the Information
possible. The network and host systems are essentially innocuous Security Management Handbook, writes periodically for
until software (network and host operating systems) that manages Certification, Software Development and Security magazines and has
those systems is installed, on top of which is layered software for contributed to several security topics for the Microsoft Solutions
conducting business transactions. The breakdown starts at the Developer Network. He has been featured in various domestic
software layer, and to win this perpetual battle, software security is and international security conferences and is an invited speaker
imperative. By the fulfilling of the tabulated characteristics, trusted and panelist in the CSI (Computer Security Institute), Catalyst
software, in short, ensures justifiable customer confidence and (Burton Group), TRISC (Texas Regional Infrastructure Security
trust, which is what software security is all about. Conference), SC World Congress, and the OWASP (Open Web
Application Security Project) application security conferences. He
About (ISC)²® can be reached at [email protected]
or [email protected].
(ISC)² is the largest not-for-profit membership body of certified
information security professionals worldwide, with over 66,000
members in more than 135 countries. Globally recognized as the
Gold Standard, (ISC)² issues the Certified Information Systems a Cybersecurity, the Invisible Man
Security Professional (CISSP®) and related concentrations, as well
as the Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP®), b New Wave of SQL Injection Attacks Alarm Researchers,289142,sid14_
Certification and Accreditation Professional (CAP®), and Systems gci1314697,00.html#
Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP®) credentials to qualifying c National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Software Assurance
candidates. (ISC)²’s certifications are among the first information Metrics And Tool Evaluation (SAMATE)
technology credentials to meet the stringent requirements of
d National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA) Software Assurance
ANSI/ISO/IEC Standard 17024, a global benchmark for assessing Guidebook and Standard
and certifying personnel. (ISC)² also offers education programs
and services based on its CBK®, a compendium of information e National Information Assurance Glossary (NIAG)
security topics. More information is available at
f SAFECode Publication – Software Assurance: An Overview of Current
Industry Best Practices
g Object Management Group
h State-of-the-Art Report (SOAR) Software Security Assurance
i Symantec Internet Security Threat Report Volume XII, April 2008
j Computer Hacker Gonzalez to Admit Guilt, Forfeit $1.65 million
k Hoglund,G and Butler, J. Subverting the Windows Kernel Rootkit. 1st Ed.
l United States of America v. Roger Duronio
m CSO Magazine, September 2009.