Educational Research and Curriculum Development: The Case For Synergy

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Educational Research and Curriculum Development:

The Case for Synergy

Abstract the influence of a variety of research findings

Educational research has been criticised for on the approach to teaching and learning
being inaccessible to practicing teachers and adopted by the Projects and the materials they
both removed from and irrelevant to their have produced. This paper then illustrates how
needs. Seldom does the research inform the results of research informed by curriculum
curriculum development, the production of development can then inform subsequent
learning materials, or their effective use in the research such that a synergy is established
classroom. This paper describes how materials which is beneficial to both endeavours.
developed by the Nuffield Curriculum
projects for design and technology have made Introducing a new curriculum: top down
use of research findings from both large-scale or bottom up?
and small-scale research studies. The paper The introduction of the National Curriculum
continues with a description of how the results into England and Wales in 1990 is a working
of this research informed by curriculum example of what Bennis, Benne and Chin
development can in turn inform subsequent (1969) called the 'power-coercive strategy'.
research such that a synergy is established that The new curriculum became a statutory
is beneficial to both endeavours. obligation, requiring all state schools to teach
design and technology, a new subject,
The paper concludes with the results of a trial irrespective of teachers' preparedness,
in which 20 teacher candidates from Queen's relevant skills and experience, or professional
University in Ontario were: opinions. The new National Curriculum can
a) introduced to the Nuffield approach to also be described in terms of Schon's (l 971)
'centre-periphery' model of change, the
teaching design and technology
success of which requires that an innovation Brunei University,
b) participated in the development of a be fully developed and detailed prior to Twickenham, UK
capability task and supporting resource diffusion. This was clearly not entirely true
tasks for the design and technology component of
the National Curriculum. The lack of
c) were engaged in using research findings
published materials may be seen as a serious
to inform curriculum materials
impediment to curriculum development, as the Queen's University,
development and implementation.
perceived wisdom is that such materials Kingston, Canada
should be available to support teachers who
are sympathetic to the changes required by the
Introduction new curriculum. MacDonald and Walker
Educational research has been criticised for
(1976) describe this approach as typical of the
being both removed from and irrelevant to the
Schools Council and Nuffield curriculum
needs of practicing teachers (Hargreaves,
1996). Hargreaves (1996) has identified the
gap between educational researchers and 'Thc attempt to change the curriculum by
practitioners as a 'fatal flaw' (quoted in publication of matcrials which havc bcen
Tooley and Darby, 1998: 7). It is frequently written to embody particular ideas and
the case that educational research does not valucs is a common one. 'Materials
investigate the concerns of teachers, and when production' forms a basic activity for most
it does is often published in a form that is Schools Council and Nuffield curriculum
unlikely to be easily accessible to them. Even projects.' (p. 102)
less frequently does the research inform
The development of food technology in
curriculum development, the production of
primary schools as part of design and
learning materials, or their effective use in
technology provides an interesting example of
classrooms. This was certainly true in the
the growth of classroom activity in response
field of design and technology education,
to a centre to periphery initiative in which
where only recently has a significant body of
there was a dearth of printed resource
empirical research become available to
materials and development. Although slow to
curriculum developers.
begin with, development did take place
Much of the work in any curriculum through the work of dedicated individuals
development project is, of necessity, guided responding to statutory requirements (Eaton,
by the project director's intuition, a 'seat of 1993; Jewiss and Hopper, 1992). It is clear
the pants' response to limited piloting and that such work needs to be disseminated if it
anecdotal evidence from enthusiastic teachers. is to inform practice on a wide scale. lt is here
This paper does not deny the importance of that the work of curriculum development
such influences, but argues that other factors projects such as Focus on Food (Cormac,
can, and do, inform curriculum development. 1998) and Primary Nuffield Design and
Taking the Nuffield Design and Technology Technology (Barlex, 1998) can provide the
Projects as its main example, this paper traces means for circulation of grass roots thinking
in forms that are accessible to busy teachers. was occurring at a time when design and
The view of the Nuffield Primary Design and technology did not exist as a subject in the
Technology Project is that this 'follow up' to school curriculum. Kimbell's team argued the
statutory requirements based on emerging case for design and technology capability as
good practice in response to those an educational reality that was recognisable
requirements is both a sensible and an and could be assessed. The data they collected
effective approach. The approach is sensible through assessing over 15,000 students aged
because such practice is developed by those 15 years enabled the team to make a wide
with energy, vision, competence, and range of findings, including:
considerable classroom experience. Hence it
balanced capability in design and
is likely to be good practice and transferable
technology requires students to be
to other teachers. Equally, the approach is
reflective and take action in equal
effective because research, conducted by
measure. Some students exhibit
independent evaluators on the way teachers
unbalanced reflective-active profiles.
use the trial printed resources developed by
the Nuffield Primary Design and Technology integrated capability in design and
Project, indicated that the materials would be technology requires a high level of
of considerable benefit to experienced appraisal within the reflection and taking
teachers as well as those new to teaching action
design and technology (Murphy and
Davidson, 1998). Those new to teaching students from different subjects exhibited
design and technology taught with the different strengths within their design and
materials very much 'as instructed', saving technology capability. For example,
any adaptations until 'next time round'. The students from home economics showed
Nuffield Project has anecdotal evidence that particular ability in identifying issues that
changes were made in subsequent use of the underpin the test task, while students from
materials (Messenger, 1999). Experienced, craft, design and technology (CDT)
confident teachers were able to adapt the showed particular ability at being active in
teaching suggestions according to their response to the test task.
perceptions of the needs of the children being students of lower ability performed better
taught. In both cases the teaching and learning in the more structured tests.
were deemed effective by the evaluators. This
is very much in keeping with the view of The Nuffield Design and Technology Project
Bloomer (1997): was aware of these findings and used them in
a number of ways. It acknowledged the active-
'Teachcrs arc not merely points in some reflective balance required for students to
conduit linking centralised prcscriptions to become capable. The Project had collected
learners' desks. They are not technicians, considerable anecdotal evidence from teachers
faithfully acting out the detail of about the effect of this in the classroom.
prcscribcd blucprints. Rather, they 'act Typical was the comment about some boys: 'If
upon' prescriptions in ordcr to crcate only he'd just stop and think before he rushed
learning opportunities.' (p. 137) in and did it.' A typical comment about some
girls: 'If only she'd do something rather than
The influence of the assessment of
just sit there thinking about it.' The Project
performance in design and technology
developed materials to encourage students to
on secondary Nuffield design and
consider their active-reflective balance. The
technology student can use these at the end of a
From its inception in 1990 the Nuffield Capability Task to review performance and to
Design and Technology Project committed set targets for improvement in the next
itself to listening to a wide range of influences Capability Task. For example, 'Understanding
that were operating on the embryonic design what keeps you back" (Figure I) is the
and technology curriculum: existing practice, simplest and can be used with a wide range of
the aspirations of the subject, the statutory ability. It is important that this worksheet is
requirements, emerging practice, inspection completed quickly; I0 minutes maximum. 1t
reports and research findings. provides a useful opportunity for students to
At this time (1985-1991) the Assessment of discuss any difficulties under three headings:
Performance Unit (APU) for design and Stop/Go What held me up? and How did 1
technology, under the directorship of overcome it?
Professor Richard Kimbell at Goldsmiths'
College in London, was developing Help When did I need it? and How did I
sophisticated pencil and paper tests to probe get it?
students' capability in many facets of design
and technology (Kimbell el ai, 1991). This
Far left: Figure 1:
Understanding what
keeps you back!
Figure 2: Looking in
detail at how you did.

Boring/Enjoy When do I lose interest? It should be used in conjunction with the

and How do I get it back? student's flatwork and finished product. The
page includes a 'Comments column', which
It is likely that the answers to the second
students can use to set targets for
question in each pair will provide a target for
improvement. Capable students will be able to
complete this worksheet in 20 minutes.
Figure 2 shows a second task, entitled
The Project had considerable sympathy with
'Looking in detail at how you did.' It is more
the need to engage students with the continual
demanding than 'Understanding what keeps
appraisal of their developing design ideas. It
you back', and assesses three broad areas in
discussed this at length in the teacher
considerable detail:
guidance materials it produced (Barlex,
a) being clear about what the student had to 1995a) and introduced students to the idea of
do formally reviewing their progress at key
points in making design decisions.
b) the student's use of time
Underpinning this idea of formally reviewing
c) the student's drive and motivation. their work at key points was the idea that
students should be continually reviewing their

Figure 3a and 3b:

Reviewing your work.
Figure 4: When do work as it progresses. The formal review
you review? provides the student with a chance to take
stock in consultation with the teacher. Two
examples from the Nuffield Study Guide for
students are shown below (Figures 3 and 4).

The APU finding that different subjects led to

students showing different strengths in turn
led the Nuffield Project to realise that it was
important to use these strengths in a way that
would make them available to all teachers and
all students working in this newly established
subject. This led the Project to hold a series of
seminars with teachers from different
disciplines to identify the contributions they
could make from their particular subject
background. The results were extremely
useful in establishing a collection of strategies
useful for generating, developing and
communicating design ideas; strategies that
could be used to make design decisions
(Figure 5).

Figure 5: Strategies Strategy From home economics teachers the Project

useful in design and collected the idea of identifying peoples'
Identifying needs and likes needs through the PIES approach. PIES is an
Observing people acronym for Physical, Intellectual, Emotional
and Social needs. Situations can be explored
to identify the needs in these categories and
products to meet these needs can be suggested
- a good start to generating design ideas.
Products can be examined with a view to
Looking at aesthetics; style, colour, feel, space identifying which needs they meet and how
and harmony they meet them - a useful alternative to the
'what does it do and how does it work?'
Image boards
approach to product evaluation. Extending the
Using briefs and specifications range of needs that a product meets is an
Writing design briefs intriguing way of generating design ideas.
From craft, design and technology teachers
Writing specifications came the idea of attribute analysis - a
Generating design ideas powerful and active technique for using the
features of an existing product to design many
others. From art and design teachers came the
Observational drawing idea of transforming one object into another, a
technique which gives stimulating visuals,
Making connections
reveals whether students are adept at
Attribute analysis sketching, and gives practice to those who
need it. Interestingly, attribute analysis is
extremely useful for developing new food
Modelling appearance product ideas that sound unattractive initially
but have considerable potential. Who would
Modelling performance
want a food product that was spherical, sweet
Modelling with computers to the point of being sickly, gooey in the
Using a systems approach extreme, inexpensive, unhealthy if eaten in
quantity, and with a sleazy image? Nobody,
Planning tools that is, until you consider a Cadbury's Cream
Evaluating Egg!

Evaluating by user trip In terms of curriculum politics for

establishing a new subject to be taught by
Evaluating by winners and losers
teachers from existing subjects, some of
Evaluating by performance specification which were to be discontinued, this was a
useful exercise as it gave concrete expression
Evaluating by appropriateness
to their contribution to the new subject.
The Nuffield Project had tried to make the Analysis of the data made evident five
student materials appeal to a wide range of significant differences between modelling as
abilities, but teachers of students with special described in the literature and as used by
educational needs reported to the Project that subjects. First, three-dimensional modelling
their students liked the highly visual approach largely replaced two-dimensional modelling.
but became confused by the amount of Second, subjects developed solutions serially
information on each page. They needed it to rather than producing several solutions at the
be structured for them, just as Kimbell's outset. Third, three-dimensional modelling
research had indicated. The Project worked was used to manifest not only existing ideas
with a group of special educational needs but to fuel new ideas. Fourth, modelling was
teachers to produce simplified, structured used to develop and also to refine ideas. Fifth,
materials based on the original publications to models were evaluated not only upon
meet the needs of this particular audience completion but also from the moment that
(Barlex, 1997). designing and making began.

Looking at what students actually do! Kimbell has identified the 'three ideas
The emerging mismatch between theory paradigm' that pervades much of technology
and practice teaching and formalises the development of
In a series of small-scale studies Welch (1996, several solutions from the onset (Kimbell
1998, 1999; Welch, Barlex and Lim, 2000) 1997: 21). The Nuffield Project has produced
investigated assumptions in the literature materials that provided a suite of strategies
about the strategies used by novice designers students could use as and when they are
to solve a technological problem, and how needed for generating and developing design
students model ideas while designing and ideas (Figure 5). These strategies place no
making. A review of literature describing undue emphasis on sketching or the need to
models of the design process used in produce several solutions initially. Clearly
technology education suggested a there was emerging a resonance between the
discontinuity between the theoretical models, approach to making design decisions being
that is, models derived by thinking about what developed by the Nuffield Project and the
designers ought to do, and empirical models, findings of Welch's research. The authors of
that is, models which describe what designers this paper met at the International Conference
actually do. This discontinuity was further on Design and Technology Educational
supported by the classroom observations of Research (held annually at the University of
the researcher; that students, left to their own Loughborough, England) in 1996 and heard
devices, do not design in the way prescribed each other's presentations. The resonance was
by textbooks (Welch, 1999). Hence the confirmed through later discussions, with the
research questions which drove a first study result that David Barlex was invited to
were designed to lead to an understanding of Queen's University for two months in October
how untutored designers go about the business and November 1996 as a visiting scholar
of designing and making a solution to a funded by a Royal Bank Fellowship. During
technological problem. this time the authors explored with teacher
candidates a new model for technology
In the first study, 10 Grade (Year) 7 students education, and used this to write a policy
(six boys and four girls) were paired into five document for math, science and technology
single-sex dyads. Each dyad was provided education at the faculty. Both the model and
with a copy of a design brief that described the policy document were informed by the
the technological problem to be solved. The Nuffield Project's approach to pedagogy. This
problem, entitled 'Paper Tower', read as pedagogy is predicated on the use of tasks for
follows: particular learning purposes. It is based on the
Using ONE sheet of 220mm x 280mm use of Big Tasks and Small Tasks. The Big
white paper and 100mm of clear tape, Tasks are designing and making assignments
construct the tallest possible tower. You in which children have to design and make
will also be given pink paper. This you things that are useful, both to them and for
may use in any way as you develop your other people. Clearly children cannot be
solution. However, NONE of the pink successful in this endeavour unless they have
paper may be used in the tower you submit been taught relevant knowledge, skill, and
as a final product. Limitations: There is a understanding. The Small Tasks in each unit
time limit of one hour. The tower must be of work have been designed to help children
free standing. It cannot be taped to the learn this so that they can be successful in the
floor nor to anything else. When you have Big Task (Barlex, 1998).
finished, the tower must stand for 30 During the time ofthe Royal Bank Fellowship
seconds before having its height measured. the presenters discussed ways of developing
Welch's original research. An obvious
extension was to use a different task put into a three-dimensional modelling when this is
more realistic situation, as indicated by the possible. In addition to the type of modelling
Nuffield Design and Technology project and techniques used by the students this study
the APU research. Funded by a Queen's suggested their ability to generate, develop
Advisory Research Committee (ARC) grant, and communicate design ideas is enhanced by
new research investigated whether the both the dynamic relationship between
strategies used by novice designers are students' talk and three-dimensional
dependent on the nature of the task? The data modelling and the way the task is
from this follow-up study confirmed the contextualised (Welch, Barlex and Lim,
findings of the first study. Both studies show 2000).
that significant differences exist between the
The results of the APU research and that
strategies used by novice designers and
occurring in Ontario, combined with the
theoretical models contained in many
approach developed by the Nuffield Projects,
textbooks and curriculum documents. These
prompted the authors to investigate the
results suggested that teachers must think
relationship between curriculum development
carefully about the way in which students are
and educational research (Barlex and Welch,
expected to generate, develop and
2000). In addition, evidence from a four-year
communicate their design proposals.
study in England, showing that 'pupils'
The success of this research led to a second attainment in designing lags behind that in
ARC grant in 1998/1999 that built the making ... because pupils are either not
Nuffield Big Task/Small Task approach into introduced to a sufficiently wide range of
the research design. The purpose of this study designing strategies ... or are not taught to
was to investigate the effect of instruction in use them effectively' (Office for Standards in
two-dimensional modelling skills on the Education, 1998: 17) further encouraged the
ability of novice designers to produce a authors to investigate ways in which
solution to a technological problem (Welch, educational research could support the
Barlex and Lim, 2000). The study addressed development of curriculum materials to teach
the questions: Does teaching two-dimensional students to generate, develop, and
modelling enable Grade 7 students to better communicate design ideas.
express their ideas and organise their
The influence of the writings of David
thoughts? What role does discussion play in
students' attempts to generate a design Layton on secondary Nuffield design and
proposal? Does the use of contextualising technology
items make a difference to students' success David Layton, Emeritus Professor of
with designing? Education at Leeds University, was a member
of the working party, chaired by Lady Parkes,
Eight Grade 7 students were drawn from each responsible for writing the report that
of two classes. One class received instruction informed the first set of National Curriculum
in sketching; the other served as a control Orders for design and technology in England
group. Each group of eight students was and Wales (Department of Education and
divided into single-sex dyads. The eight dyads Science, 1988). Since then David has written
were videotaped while producing a solution to widely on design and technology education,
a common design brief: Design and make a particularly with reference to the relationship
toy or game that will amuse and intrigue a between science and technology. He explains
bed-ridden hospital patient aged that the scientific tradition constructed an
approximately 12 years and that can be played ideal world
with on a bed tray.
'a mathematical 'shadO\\ world' of points
As in the earlier studies, students did not view which occupied no space, of material
sketching as a mediating instrument between bodics unblemishcd by departures from
mind and hand, between thinking and doing. perfect rigidity and glabrcity and for which
This is perhaps not surprising, because linear inertial motion (or rest) was the
although design professionals use sketching as norm, of fluid media untroubled by
a means of thinking they are already highly turbulence or eddies, and of a space which
ski lled and fluent in its use. Students, on the was homogencous and isotropic. In this
other hand, are of necessity likely to have abstracted world therc was no intrusion of
limited skills and insufficient experience of those scale effects which disconcerted
sketching to be fluent. It is important that this enginccrs and with which Galileo had once
lack of skill is not permitted to inhibit wrestled ... The same laws of mechanics
students' ability to generate, develop and described events on both a terrestrial and
communicate design ideas. The data also celestial scale.' (Layton, 1991: 45)
showed that students take action themselves to
resolve this dilemma by moving straight to
Layton compares this to the world of the Figure 6: Fastening
technologist, using the ideas of John chooser chart.
Staudenmaier (1985) on the relationship
between scientific and technological
knowledge. According to Layton (1993),
Staudenmaier holds that:

'Tcchnological knowledge is to be
understood as knowledgc 'structurcd by
the tension between the demands of
functional dcsign and the specific
constraints of its amhience.' Design
concepts cannot remain on the abstract
level, but 'must be continually restructured
hy the demands of thc available matcrials,
Figure 7a and b:
which are themselves governed hy further
constraints of cost and time pressures and Mechanism chooser
the abilities of availahle personnel' chart.
(p.104). The integration of 'the abstract
universality of a dcsign conccpt and the
necessarily specific constraints of cach
amhicncc in which it opcrates' would seem
to be the primary cognitivc prohlcm of
tcchnological kno\\ledge.' (p. 51)

Layton agrees, writing: 'solving technological

problems necessitates building back into the
situation all the complications of 'real life,'
reversing the process of reductionism by
recontextualising knowledge' (Layton, 1993:
59). This theme recurs throughout the
literature. Scientific knowledge needs to be
transformed before it can be useful to
designers and engineers.

The Nuffield Design and Technology Project

took note of these warnings, and produced
summaries of technical information designed
specifically to help students make design
decisions (Barlex, 1995b). Thcse 'Chooser
Charts' can be used by teachers to support
making design decisions by students from a
wide range of ability (Figures 6 and 7).

All teachers have been in the situation where

a student has presented a design idea that is
seriously flawed. What does the teacher do?
There are two extreme responses: Explain
what is wrong and provide an alternative
design that is not flawed, or sanction the idea
in the belief that the student will learn a lot
when the flaws reveal themselves. Neither
response is satisfactory. In the first, the
student has a design that will work at the
expense of losing ownership. In the second
the student retains ownership at the expense
of considerable disappointment and possible
demotivation. A middle way is clearly
desirable. This is where Chooser Charts play
an important role. They contain, literally,
dozens of solutions to design problems. Using
a chart as the basis for careful questioning,
the teacher can lead a student to identify the
flaws in an existing design idea AND propose
alternative improved ideas. The charts also
provide a powerful mechanism for Patricia Murphy has been commissioned to
differentiation. The sorts of questions teachers evaluate the initial trials. Her findings are
use to get a student to make best use of a encouraging:
Chooser Chart can be adapted for students of
'The Young Foresight approach challenges
different ability. With students of limited
the definition of the design and technology
ability it might be a case of using the chart to
curriculum and its traditional approach to
identify just one viable design idea. With a
teaching. This approach has design always
much more able student a teacher can use the
linked to, and restricted by, the
same chart, but different questions, to elicit
requirement to make which in turn is
several plausible design ideas AND some
restricted by the resources available and
criteria that the student can use to choose the
the creativity of the teacher. /\ feature of
one most likely to be successful.
design and technology is the motivation
Curriculum development projects pupils experience when engaged with it.
commission research to explore Pupil motivation is attributed to the
pedagogy practical nature of the making activity and
Concurrent with the small-scale studies in the outcome of an individual pupi I
Ontario described earlier, the Nuffield Design product. Consequently individual. practical
and Technology Project had commissioned work is seen as an es ential feature of
independent research by Patricia Murphy of practice in design and technology. Young
the Open University into the use of the Big Foresight's focus on design without
Task/Small Tasks approach to teaching making and group rather than individual
technology in elementary schools. Murphy's outcomes can therefore be seen to be in
research found that the approach provided a conflict with good practice and very
robust and effective pedagogy that was of use daunting for teachers and pupils alike.
to both experienced and novice teachers This, however, is not the case. Teachers
because it provided a structure that the student comment on their pleasure and surprise in
could understand and the teacher could use the success of their implementation of the
flexibly. She also noted that it might provide a Programme: (Murphy, 2000: I)
pedagogy suitable for use in elementary Murphy also reports that 'the considerable
science lessons (Murphy and Davidson, challenges that Young Foresight brings were
1998). One of the key insights into the well met by the students. They were not less
effectiveness of the Big Task/Small Tasks motivated, but more motivated than in
approach made by evaluators was to make previous lessons. Group work was seen as a
explicit the necessity to see the learning from positive benefit. One student reported:
the Small Tasks as providing students with the
knowledge, skill, and understanding to make 'You get a hetter product as a group. You
the design decisions required in the Big Task. don't get 'Ah, you're doing this wrong';
This enabled the authors of the tasks to have a they help you out and say you could have
much clearer view of the purpose of the tasks; done this .. , help you evaluate your
their content were no longer driven by product sort of.' And a second student
syllabus requirements but by a consideration said, 'You're not just like 'do this. do that';
of the decisions the students were likely to you've got more ideas to do it. More
have to make. opportunity: (Murphy, 2000: 3).

Young Foresight is a curriculum development The research is demonstrating very clearly the
initiative in which students in Grade 9 are success of a curriculum development initiative
given the opportunity to work co-operatively and putting it in the context of its challenge to
to conceive products and services for the the prevailing orthodoxy.
future in consultation with mentors from It is clearly important that new entrants to the
industry using Foresight principles. These profession are made aware of the contribution
principles include identifying possible future educational research can make to informing
scenarios, appreciating existing and potential curriculum development and good classroom
markets, utilising new and emerging practice. The uffield approach to teaching
technologies, responding flexibly to changes design and technology informed by research
in global and local economies. Young and itself informing research activity provides
Foresight tasks require students to anticipate a powerful means of engaging new teachers
future trends and consumer behaviour and with educational research, as described in the
create ideas for products and services that will following section.
perform well in a world that hasn't yet
Closing the gap: Teachers' use of be successful in the Capability Task. This led
research in classroom materials to the identification and development of a
development series of Resources Tasks to teach simple
Twenty teacher candidates from Queen's designing skills, construction skills and
University in Ontario, meeting for three hours technical understanding. Finally, teacher
on three consecutive days, were introduced to candidates were asked to identify
the uffield approach to teaching design and opportunities for using information and
technology, in which capability is communications technology and to consider
demonstrated through the completion of a assessment issues.
Capability Task (a Design and Make Activity) Working in groups of four, teacher candidates
and enabled through supporting Resource then completed the workbook. At the end of
Tasks. The teacher candidates then
the first day the authors collected the written
participated in the development of a responses from the teacher candidates. These
Capability Task and supporting Resource
were collated and written into a second
Tasks using the same design brief as the version of the workbook.
pupils in the research described earlier in this
paper. On Day 2, teacher candidates used the second
version of the workbook as a basis for
On Day 1 the teacher candidates were given a
discussion as they worked in dyads on a
workbook designed to
selection of the Resource Tasks and the
a) introduce them to the Nuffield approach Capability Task. Prior to this activity the two
and the research findings authors had resourced the room with tools and
materials required. Teacher candidates each
b) involve them in the development of a completed two Resource Tasks as individuals
Capability Task and supporting Resource before working with a partner to complete the
Tasks Capability Task. The authors provided
c) prepare them to complete some Resource technical assistance with practical work and
Tasks and the Capability Task. engaged in individual discussion. As a result,
a variety of toys and games was produced by
The workbook opened with a copy of the the teacher candidates, including a tabletop
context and design brief (design and make a pool table, a marble maze, tabletop basketball,
toy or game that will amuse and intrigue a and several board games (Figure 8).
bed-ridden patient approximately 12 years old
and that can be played with on a bed tray) At the end of Day 2 the authors were able to
from the research studies referenced earlier. develop a set of questions to help teacher
This was followed by a series of questions. candidates reflect on their work. The
questions focussed on:
What learning about designing will be
important for the pupils to be successful? the Resource Tasks (e.g. Which resource
tasks did you complete? Did they help
What learning about making will be with the Capability Task? What
important for the pupils to be successful? difficulties did you have when tackling the
What learning about technical matters will Resources Tasks? What difficulties might
be important for the pupils to be your pupils have?)
successful? the Capability Task (e.g. How did you
What learning about other matters will be generate ideas for the toy or game? How
important for the pupils to be successful? did you record these ideas? How did you
develop these ideas?)
What design decisions (about the product,
the user, the performance, the appearance the product (e.g. Does it meet the
of the product, how the product will work, performance specification? Are you proud
how it will fit together, and the materials, of it? Given more time what
adhesives, fixings and components improvements would you want to make?)
required) will the pupils make? Assessment (e.g. What do you think you
Teacher candidates were also required to learned? What is the evidence for this
consider whether or not the task statement and learning?)
design brief needed to be developed in more On the third and final day the teacher
detail, and what performance specifications candidates, working first individually and then
should be provided to pupils. in pairs, developed answers to these questions.
The next step required teacher candidates to A closing tutor-led discussion resulted in a
identify the knowledge, skills and series of conclusions about:
understanding pupils would need in order to

around the organisation and resourcing of the

three days highlighted for teacher candidates
the critical importance of the effective
deployment of resources. The interaction
between the instructors and the teacher
candidates while they were tackling both the
Capability Task and the Resource Tasks led
one teacher candidate to identify the
relationship between the teacher and the
pupils in the design and technology classroom
as crucial. Teacher candidates were able to
articulate that if pupils are to experience
success as they engage in the risky business of
developing a design proposal, there must exist
a significant level of confidence in and trust
of the teacher. Finally, participants identified
the discontinuity between descriptions of the
linear design process in many textbooks and
curriculum documents and the iterative
process identified by empirical research.

Technology education is increasingly an
established part of the school curriculum
throughout the world and in many countries,
including England and Canada, designing and
making is a central feature of the technology
curriculum. It is both intellectual and
practical. It introduces children to the
powerful process of designing; a process in
which new ideas are conceived and taken
from the mind's eye into the made world. It
requires creativity and problem-solving
abilities. It develops hand-eye co-ordination in
the precise use of tools and materials. It
a) using the Nuffield model in the design fosters the ability to make decisions, plan a
Figure 8: Toys and
and technology classroom course of action and carry it out working as
games for a bed-
b) curriculum materials development an individual and as a member of a team. But
ridden child.
it has an even bigger role to play in children's
c) using research findings to inform education. It develops their cognitive skills.
classroom practice. Through designing and making children learn
to think.
For example, teacher candidates reported a
significant level of confidence as they tackled The curriculum development that has
the Capability Task. When questioned they informed technology education has often been
were able to identitY their success with the intuitive and derived from emerging best
Resource Tasks as contributing significantly practice rather than a consideration of
to this confidence. They also reported 'getting research findings. However where curriculum
better at design decision making' and development in technology education has
'learning new making skills' as a result of been informed by research then the resulting
completing the Resource Tasks. Conversation pedagogy and associated classroom materials
have stimulated effective practice on a large Performance in Design and Technology: Final
scale. And some research is beginning to Report, London: Schools Examination and
Assessment Council
challenge prevailing orthodoxy.
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education evidenced from practice that is only Action', Studies in Science Education, 19: 34-79
just beginning to be informed by research Layton, D. (1993) Technology's Challenge to
leads to the conclusion that with more Science Education - Cathedral, Quarry or
Company Store? Buckingham, UK: Open
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Macdonald, B., and Walker, R. (1976) Changing
construct a technology education experience
the Curriculum, London: Open Books
that empowers students to make design
Messenger, J. (1999) 'Nuffield Helps to Bridge that
decisions then we will be in a position to help
Gap', Update, 3 (4): 14-15
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Murphy, P. (2000) Young Foresight: Preliminary
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Evaluation, Available from Young Foresight, 57
particularly interested in the nature of tasks South Lambeth Road, London, SW8 1RH,
that can be used to teach students particular England
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